100 Days RLCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore – The Movie

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Foreign [Applause] Timothy and I had to travel to a very dangerous location and normally this is not the place you’d want to be so if you can leave a comment wishing me and Timothy luck it would be greatly appreciated but supposedly there’s a person that can help me formulate the

Potion with the components I need to survive but here’s the problem you don’t find them they find you and here’s the catch I can’t just chill here and relax because I have to prove myself before they even bother to show their face but let me tell you this land is absolutely

Terrifying their mobs I’ve fought in the past as well as mobs I have never encountered before so let me know if you’re familiar with RL craft what is your most hated mob also like my other previous videos this map will be available for download on my patreon so

You guessed it in order to prove my worth I have to survive 100 days in RL crap why do I feel like I’m gonna have a bad bad time what is are you nice Timothy is he nice okay I guess he’s nice That was scary I want fish get away from me oh oh oh I was Spawner in the water no what oh my gosh okay all right okay all right Timothy here we go buddy this way There’s a chest right there look at that look at that look at that we need the requirements no oh what happened to the poison okay why why am I in the ocean again because the entrance here oh whoa whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s a dragon too no

No no guys come on I just spawned in no no no get get oh my gosh oh my gosh why why he spawns are ridiculous no no no no no no come on I need food World dangerous here what in the world is what is that thing no

Come on come on give me a string nasty creatures What what is oh my gosh oh my God I just got string I’m I can’t I’m moving in all different directions here great okay cool yeah a Reaper because that makes sense right okay this is gonna take a while so if you guys like the video please like share and subscribe because

I’m going through some pain right now all right so Timothy and I we ended up Landing in the Badland areas right next to whatever this thing was it was big and uh it looked important but there was no way I was going in there just yet so I had a

Look around the area to kind of see what I could do because I had really no idea where to start all I knew was that I needed Flint so I could craft some Flint tools as you can’t punch trees here to get wood it just won’t work but then

Again I I really don’t see many trees here to punch so yeah there’s that not to mention I’m not really familiar with the Badlands and I don’t really see any gravel around uh so no gravel no Flint no tools awesome but I couldn’t give up hope Timothy and I we carefully made our

Way around the area inch by inch trying to see if we can find anything at all even one piece of gravel would be great but we had to be extremely careful as there were all types of mobs around the area like there are these guys and this

Guy and these fellas like what what I have no idea how I’m gonna survive I really don’t I figured my best option at the moment was to start to go underground to see if I could come across any gravel at all but unfortunately I couldn’t find any okay there’s got to be

It’s got to be some gravel around here somewhere like gravel’s not usually that hard to find right I don’t like going down here it’s so dark oh uh no no no no no no no no no no I’m hearing monsters I am not going down there come on Timothy let’s

Get out of there let’s go yeah I wasn’t doing that for gravel no way so I decided to head back up to try somewhere else you know not so dark and scary I don’t know Timothy I think we’re out of luck buddy oh wait why do I hear a really loud laughing sound That’s why we got a dragon right above us and whatever that thing is awesome cool okay yeah this just got worse okay so I’m definitely not sticking around here I never felt so unprepared in my life this isn’t going good I can’t even get the Bare Essentials to start hi what

Am I gonna do as I was looking around the place I noticed that there was a hot air balloon and this Castle floating in the sky maybe maybe I might want to go up there yeah what do I wanna risk swimming out there I don’t think that

Would be smart because like I don’t know what’s in that water so instead Timothy and I we moved our way around the bank hoping to run into some gravel like any gravel at all Oh there’s uh some sugarcane cool oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait buddy here here

Here there’s gravel oh is that is that hostile go away please I just want the gravel all right all right all right I’m just gonna sneak over okay all right Timothy here’s the plan we’re gonna just run over here get this gravel and then get out all right just a couple

More I just want a couple more stay over there all right all right all right I think that’s enough let’s go let’s go let’s get out of here I think it would be smart Timothy we just kind of made a little bit of a shelter because the sun’s going down man and uh

Yeah I don’t want to be out here at night and that’s what I did I built a shelter in the side of this rock and uh and spent the better part of the night just sperming for Flint because I wasn’t going out there no way what is

That oh my gosh what did I get myself into here yep just gonna stay here for the night day one awesome the next day it really wasn’t any better but I found a bunch of sticks so that was good I also didn’t realize I was getting hot either until I seen The

Inferno of death well I think that means I’m burning up so what do you do when you’re overheating well yeah take a dip in the pool or Pond or whatever you want to call this either way I was in water trying to cool off let’s just hope

Nothing comes at me so I figured out that I could craft a flint knife so I could get some plant fibers as the sun was going down I started to panic a little okay maybe a lot what what are those things come on and there’s another Dragon another dragon

They’re so close to each other so considering I wasn’t finding much grass around this area I decided to take the risk and swim over to the area that I seen in the distance it looked like there was grass as it it looked like a snowy biome I guess all right Timothy

I’m uh I’m gonna take the chance buddy let’s go over here there’s gonna be tons of grass over here just keep an eye out for that Dragon make sure that he doesn’t come after us if he does I’m going under swimming doesn’t seem too bad I yeah I think I’m okay all right

Here we go nice okay good good good that’s what I want that’s what I want okay uh Timothy we got a we gotta bunker up here buddy I made a flint Hatchet I can cut down trees now awesome oh my God I’m freezing why am I so cold and I was right I

Started to freeze to death so I did the only thing I could do I made a break for it back over to the Badlands oh my gosh I’m so dead I’m so dead why why do I gotta deal with temperature yep just swimming straight to the dragon

Yeah no problem at all Let’s uh oh my gosh okay okay it seemed to uh seem to calm down let’s take a look around here oh there’s a castle over there and uh whatever that thing is yeah nope Timothy uh let’s uh let’s go back into a hole

Buddy I’m not I’m not doing this tonight there’s there’s no way no way yep back into a hole I went because why not it seemed like there was a lot more creatures at night which you know makes sense so I was just trying to be safe I

Wasn’t scared or anything oh my gosh what is that thing why does that thing exist why uh oh look a bird a big oh my gosh a big bird that thing was gonna kill me wasn’t it that thing was so gonna kill me I don’t know what to do what do you mean

Something’s gonna eat me in the dark what really is that a thing torches are a definite must then because oh my gosh all right so things were becoming more apparent that everything and I mean everything wanted to kill me all right is the coast clear nope there’s a

Skeleton right there doing whatever he’s doing is that a that’s a stingray oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay okay okay stingrays bad I get it I couldn’t even get out of the hole I was in like I couldn’t leave it but I felt like I had

No option at this point because I couldn’t stay in here any longer I had to keep moving so I made a break for it I needed those trees over there and I needed shelter and torches I needed a material I don’t even know where I’m running okay that castle looks very

Inviting oh but he’s got so much stuff over there oh there’s a cave oh oh there’s a crap oh he looks harmless it’s just a crab it’s all good it’s okay it’s cool this is one of those passive mobs right no good okay I’m good keep an eye out for that skeleton make

Sure he doesn’t shoot at me I think I’m good all right ow ow no no no no no no no what is that what is it what is it Stingray oh my gosh it’s the crab go away go away is it gone did you stop it seemed like

The little bugger stopped chasing me so I figured it was all right to start chopping down some trees feel like I’m getting somewhere getting some trees getting some wood some sticks it’s going good it’s going good oh okay oh crap stay stay away from me

Now I hear you stay away oh my gosh it’s even coming at me sideways Timothy help me buddy okay he stopped he’s gone man giving me a heart attack here alright so I decided once my Flint ax broke I would try to look for some proper shelter there’s this castle-like

Structure that was just sitting in the middle of the water and I figured you know what that might be a good place to check out you know the only problem was that I would have to swim my way over and uh swimming is starting to become

Very risky I find but it’s better than being out at night with nothing over my head or in a hole so yeah all right um I think I’m gonna have to do it like there’s a dragon right there and I don’t want to be out here you ready Timothy we

Really gotta do this buddy all right whatever let’s go come on oh I hear seagull one of those big seagulls again so freaky okay okay okay I’m almost there I’m almost there the great thing about this is that it’s in a colder biome so I can heat myself up

I just gotta get a fire oh look at that there’s fire in here look at that look at that look at that sweet all right this is actually a cool spot I got lava I got water and I got loot I got an apple look at all this stuff

This is great oh look I got some tools oh there’s some wood there bandages oh bandages definitely need bandages the castle was a good choice it was a it was a good place to stay you know I I found quite a bit of Loot and it had

Crops and fire and I could keep myself warm it wouldn’t be a bad idea to turn it into my own base you know it kind of makes sense the only thing I’m really worried about is that that dragon is flying overhead so it could be a problem

But I think I can make this work all right so day four day four definitely opened my eyes to what I may be dealing with for the next 100 days well to start off I have one of those seagull things spawn into the top floor of this

Structure so that was great but I kept my distance and I spent half the day trying to figure out how to build a crafting table a crafting table I I don’t understand can I not just turn logs into planks okay I need a saw but

How do I get iron if I can’t craft the stone pickaxe I don’t I am so confused and trust me I was really confused but I I ended up figuring something else out you know what game you know what I’m gonna go do I’m gonna go get planks from

The roof is that cheating I feel like that’s cheating but I don’t care I need to build a table hello after the crafting table was crafted I spent a good portion of the day just trying to figure out what to do next or what I

Could do next I know I needed to get iron but at the same time I couldn’t really leave the castle all right let’s uh yep and that’s why I can’t leave okay uh yeah this is gonna be great I didn’t really think about being surrounded completely by water but okay we’re doing

It so instead I decided to block some areas up with some doors just so I could be safe you know I don’t need anything getting in I figured it might be a good idea to craft a bed but of course I didn’t have any of the materials to

Actually craft one so there was that and it was way too dangerous to go out at night right now so I thought maybe I could go down hopefully I could get some Cobblestone below me unfortunately I just end up digging in the water because well the castle is floating in water and

There was no way I was traveling down there in the dark with the sea creatures no way all right so the next morning I had a plan to head over to land I was hoping that the area would have warmer climate kind of like the Badlands area

But not so hot okay can’t go that way because well the dragon awesome there’s this way too but it’s it’s kind of cold over there oh hey hey what’s up are you nice uh I don’t even want to try what in the world was that I have a feeling I’m

Gonna be saying that a lot oh man what did I get myself into you know what it looks clear this way and I’m just gonna go I’m just gonna go I’ll be fine totally fine see nothing in the water anyway ow ow no no no no no oh my gosh is that

Blue guy I thought you were on the other side go away from me please I don’t think it comes out of water does he yes he does he does go get out of here you better run oh my gosh zombie go away I don’t need you to oh my gosh what is

That thing what is that thing oh oh my gosh Ron what was that what was that is it gone please be gone okay so after all that drama I think I’m finally safe I have to find Stone because I need Cobblestone I need to start you know building furnaces and all

That jazz you know all right there’s got to be Stone around here somewhere oh perfect right here look at that look at that now I’m getting somewhere wait what’s that a rock uh wait do I have uh okay yeah you guessed it can’t be easy can it

Nope after I felt like I collected enough rocks I started to make my way back over to the castle okay so I’m assuming you just put four of them like this okay okay that’s not too bad it’s kind of a pain but yeah okay I get it

Gee Shadow this probably isn’t the best place to do this there’s a dragon right there as the fire dragon was flying overhead I had this urge to go over to its nest and loot the area I mean I’ve dealt with Dragons before I should be all right right but

Then again I I was a lot more geared than I am now so maybe now is not the best time to mess with it and then I heard something that broke my attention from the Dragon what wait there it was again what is that is that a horn

I had no idea where this horn or trumpet sound was coming from or what was even doing it but I needed coal so I figured I might as well go down into the cave anyway you know start mining look at that finally getting some experience because I’m too scared to fight anything

That Horn’s ridiculous I don’t know why but I find it hilarious hello anybody Here I hope not what no no no no I’m not gonna get eaten I got torch it’s not Pitch Black okay I got a torch I’m just gonna mine my coal and mind my business plus I taste horrible okay

There’s that horn again but it’s getting further away okay I’m starting to hear noises okay what is that what is that I don’t know what was making that noise but it was creepy at this point I had no idea what I was doing because I had no

Idea what to expect down here you know I know I was just getting cold but maybe this wasn’t the best time but I kept hearing those sounds almost as if they’re getting closer I don’t know if I panicked or thought it was just a good idea but I ran

Okay I think that’s enough yeah I I am officially creeped out oh my gosh where am I going oh no no whoa no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no run get out of the water get out of the water

What is that thing okay okay okay I’m just gonna chill here for a second I’m just gonna block myself in I’m just gonna block myself in I don’t know what that was I was Frozen with fear I had no idea what I should do I know my time was

Limited because I have a feeling that my torch would go out and I would be left in the dark so I decided since I was down here for the night I might as well dig a little man this mod pack it’s horrifying I know something’s out there I got this little dagger

All right let’s uh let’s put a door down in case I gotta run back quickly stop growling at me where are you okay okay what was that what are you like a lizard go away please oh you look mean I don’t know what that was or what it is but it looks

Like some type of lizard and it’s not letting me out like I’m stuck and all I got is this little tiny dagger like what am I gonna do poke him with it jeez get go leave me alone yeah you better run scaredy cat all right uh no I gotta leave

I hear more than one thing and I still hear that horn all right please be gone please be gone oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no gosh I almost died I almost died and I have nothing to heal myself with

Nothing what am I doing ah at this point I had no idea what to do no idea I had no healing I was stuck it seemed like I couldn’t even get out but I had one idea and one idea only and trust me when I say this I didn’t like it I couldn’t

Take the chance of running through the cave anymore especially with creatures like that out there and you know what else I didn’t even want to know who was playing that trumpet anymore okay I was just done I wanted to get out of here so

My idea was to dig up I just hope I have enough durability in my pickaxe to make it out because I mean if I can’t punch wood I doubt I can punch Stone so yeah I got this I don’t think I’m that deep yep yep good good good good oh I don’t like

The water though I don’t like the water okay just go quick just go quick okay okay I’m good let’s go back to the base and be done with this okay so anything around I’m running low on water though oh what’s that oh come on you

Gotta be like right in my way okay I’m gonna I’m gonna have to go around I’m not going over there you know what I’m doing it I’m doing it I got no other choice the sun’s going down if I don’t get over there I’m done for it I can’t

Be out here I’d rather take my chances everything’s getting blurry on me I need water okay go go go go go go oh there’s this golden horse on the wall all right I need some water out out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

What I got parasites oh come on oh no no no no no no no this is it I’m done I’m done this is it it’s over day six it’s over yep there you go gonna die to parasites drinking dirty water come on no no please oh I think I’m good

I think I’m good well okay uh that day was fun not really all right so I need to figure out how to heal myself I did find some bandages so I’m assuming that’s how you do it yeah but how difficult are these things going to be

To make okay so it looks like there’s two important components at the moment is I need to get myself some sheep sugar cane or birch trees and grass fibers I also have another issue is it really safe being out here in the water I feel

Like I should at least make a bridge so I don’t have to swim back every time I want to leave you know that kind of makes sense right but then again do I really want to spend the time doing that I kind of have to progress I’m not I’m

Not progressing it at all but then again I’m still alive considering it was raining the next day and I had these fancy fellows all around me I figured instead of going out and risking you know my life I would get things in order before heading out for materials so I

Built myself some tools in finally a shield I don’t know why it takes me so long to build these things but whatever I got one now as I was out collecting pieces of my house for scraps I noticed an air balloon just over in the water

Now I need wool for bandages and I’m pretty sure these things are made of wool and breaking one of these down is definitely going to be a lot easier than finding sheep plus I have no idea if I share sheep some weird entity is gonna

Jump out and try to take me out because it seems like everything else that I break down something pops up it’s weird like do you remember this guy yeah yeah let’s try to avoid that okay okay but for now I just have to stick around the

Base because the rain it lets all these mobs out and I’m just gonna have to wait until it stops because these guys they won’t leave me alone now you all know me I don’t have much patience unfortunately and these guys weren’t letting me do very much so I thought it was a great

Idea to spend part of the day trying to bait these birds into a fight but try to do it safely to where I can him and he couldn’t hit me but as you can see this is what I was dealing with is this where the saying bird brain comes from because

Uh he’s not being very smart but then again either am I yeah once the rain let up I took my chances to harvest some crops you know I always forget to do that but I’m gonna tell you I’ve never been so nervous to harvest crops before okay okay

I gotta start being on top of these crops I for some reason never do them let’s just plant these real quick and then get back inside why am I so scared this is so freaky I feel like something’s gonna pop up and grab me ah that’s so nerve-wracking

I’m done okay I’m done now before you say it Shadow why it being such a scaredy cat well because those seagulls are scary okay and when you’re harvesting crops you’re not exactly looking up you’re you’re looking down but after a while I just got tired of

Being scared you know I gotta be brave I gotta face my fears I can’t do this the entire 100 days I just can’t all right Bird this is it you wanna fight let’s go I’m sick of you oh you’re not here now are you huh huh you scared me come on now

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no now put me down put me down oh my gosh jeez I was not expecting that don’t sneak up on me you’re supposed to face me face to face man vs bird you know you

Know what I I could have won that fight if we didn’t sneak up on me you know that wasn’t fair right yeah I thought so all right so I figured that I should probably craft myself a boat because that balloon it was it was quite a swim

Over and uh you know there’s things in the water now that I think of it I should have probably crafted a boat a while ago but you guys know me yeah I was in desperate need of that wool so I could craft some bandages cause I had

Like only a few Hearts left so I built my boat and I headed over nothing seemed to be chasing me but either way I got up into the balloon as quick as I could I worked most of the day breaking down the wool not sure why I was doing it with an

Ax but okay also I I made some mistakes but that’s okay and unfortunately I don’t know if I was getting greedy or I really just wanted to completely break down the entire fire thing or I really didn’t know what I was thinking because the sun was going down and I was still

Breaking in the wool like what do you do in Shadow get back to your base there’s a seagull right there what am I doing out at night does he see me I just gotta go go go go go go go go go go go

Go go run hey oh my gosh no let me go no no no get oh my gosh get off of me get my boat get to my boat go go go go go this is crazy oh oh now I’m freezing to death I’m freezing to death really oh why

Why okay why am I still freezing why am I still freezing Timothy um what’s up buddy I want to say it was worth it which it probably would have been if I left earlier but but either way I could make a ton of bandages which was great but man that could have ended

Horribly I gotta be more careful really the next day I was on the hunt for iron because I needed it bad I had torches but I had to light them up first and and I needed iron to do that so that’s what I did I headed out to go get some iron

Well I tried all right Timothy I gotta head out I got tons of bandages buddy I should be okay oh looks kind of clear oh no never mind never mind geez do these guys hurt that bad but I could just can I just take them out like right here

They don’t seem to grab me so ah look at that you guys can’t get me sucks for you come here oh oh my gosh what is going on help why are you on my boat get on my boat what am I getting grabbed by what is grabbing me what was that was

That you what in the world all right so that didn’t work so then I tried other ways to get over to a cave it’s just building or having a base in the water probably isn’t the best idea why am I getting so blurry I’m out of water oh whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa hey hey hey hey hey buddy no no sir no thank you you can go away now ah how do you like that what’d you drop what is that thing all right I have no idea what that is but okay if I remember correctly fire dragon nests usually hold

Gold and iron in their chests so it might be less risky of an option to make my way over there and try to sneak a few it’s a pretty good idea right I mean he’s flying up pretty high and there are chests fairly low okay maybe this isn’t

A great idea maybe I shouldn’t do it but I really need iron let’s just do it I need iron I really don’t want to go underground for it okay I think we’re good I don’t see any monsters underneath the water dragon doesn’t seem to care hopefully he

Doesn’t seem to care look at that look at that there’s one right there I should be able to get this I think this might work all right all right he doesn’t see me look at that look at that oh wait he does see me oh no oh no okay I think I

Think I made a really big mistake he’s not coming after me though okay so what I get okay I got the iron sword and the iron okay so that’s good okay this is good that was my main concern was to get lit torches and uh because you can’t go

Mining without them so I think this was worth it even though the dragon did shoot at me but look at that I made it flint and steel and all I got to do now is uh get back safe and sound yeah but here was my next issue the sun was

Starting to go down and I didn’t want to be caught in the water at night so I figured I would count my blessings and try to take off to the closest cave I could find so I grabbed whatever was floating in the water and I decided to

Run for the first cave I seen good thing I did because I really ticked off that dragon only problem was this really wasn’t a cave it had like five different entrances right for getting ambushed so I figured I might as well mine some of the Cobblestone maybe I’ll get lucky and

Find some iron but I did end up digging down into a cave I think maybe it’s kind of big a lot of a lot of ways to go I kind of don’t like that and there’s a skeleton down there are you coming no I guess he’s not okay I’m just not gonna

Go that way then of course I can’t mine the Gold just my luck all right so I got myself all set up to mining iron but I couldn’t mind the goal I’m assuming it’s because I didn’t have enough experience or something maybe anyway I kept on moving through the cave this is so

Creepy there’s so many sounds freaking me out so once I felt like I mined all the iron ores or maybe I was just too scared to go any deeper I found a pretty good spot to set up a little Camp so I could start smelting it I didn’t get a

Whole lot but I could at least craft an iron pickaxe and maybe a piece of armor but you want to know something funny I couldn’t even use either of them I didn’t have enough experience in the you know skill tree so that was awesome hilarious looks like I gotta go grind

For more experience I guess here we go on day 10 I kept on making my way through the cave as I figured I’d probably be better off getting experience from Cole than trying to fight some monsters I I just wasn’t equipped for it like I couldn’t even use

My iron sword jet so yeah what was that it’s gonna block that off okay what was that thing okay yeah he’s trying to shoot at me no um cool I’m gonna see if I can get another way in here so I can poke them hey guys there’s more than one okay

I didn’t know what these things were and I didn’t know what they do but I tried to be safe and I continued to fight them for a little bit even took a few on the map the only thing is it seems like they kept spawning out of this green pool and

When I took one of them out the experienced well went into the green pool the thing was I didn’t want to go into the green pool to try to get the experience so at one point it was getting too risky to continue fighting them as things seemed to be spawning

Behind me and uh that just wasn’t good I wasn’t in a good spot I just want to see if they know they keep spawning stop spawning would you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh what no what is that thing get away from me get away get away

Oh no no no no no no what was that thing all right I had enough of this I’m done I’m gonna heal myself and I’m gonna get out of here I just yeah okay what else is out there I hear it where you at show yourself oh it’s one of you guys

Nope get oh did he break something on me oh no not another one of you guys I don’t like you guys go away okay that was easy are you guys done hello oh oh there’s one down there it’s gonna sneak my way around I think just keep going shadow worry about it

Okay I think I’m in the clear I was in a bad place and I believe it was still night so going above ground was not a huge thing for me but I also needed to find a water source and quick because I was gonna die a thirst but I

Do remember seeing one on the way down here at the beginning but even moving around was a risk but I had no choice I had to do it but after a little bit I did find that water source and I uh I drank from it I got parasites too so you

Know you can’t win everything I guess not just that I started to boil getting hot down here they said this wasn’t gonna be easy and believe me it’s not as I made my way out of the cave I noticed that it was daytime so I decided

To go back down and you know do a little bit more mining for iron blocks because those things that spawned at night well weren’t gonna spawn so I felt a little more safe after a bit I finally got enough levels to get my mining up so I

Could finally use my iron pickaxe so you bet I stayed down there to get all that gold but of course I was bothered by well this little guy I thought he was kind of cute at first but then he hurt me so yeah I didn’t like him after that

I figured it was time to go back to the surface as I’m sure night was on its way plus I had a full inventory so there was really no reason for me to be down here anymore so I started making my way back above ground and hopefully making it

Over to my base as the sun was coming down I raced my way over and fought any mobs in my way well the ones I had to you know I’m not gonna fight if I don’t have to right yeah and I spent the rest of the night trying to get my things in

Order I even tried to make an infinity purified water source which doesn’t work by the way and I was finally able to build that saw that thing I needed from the dark not sure how helpful it was going to be now but okay either way I

Built it I got it yes I’m sitting in my purified water okay I get it it’s not sanitary but I was really hot so yeah anyway while I was looking through my quests I noticed that you could claim hats well that’s cool so I decided to do

A little fashion show for Timothy you know with the hats and stuff you know just to lighten up the move I had this weird thing that goes on your eye it was kind of gross not really something you’d want to wear and then of course I could

Wear this because you all know I’m big brain sometimes okay maybe not a lot but but sometimes okay we can all agree with that right please say yes I need a confident booster and then this one made me look like a real mine crafter with

The mining hat you get it yeah no okay I’ll stop either way it had a really epic beard I like that one then I had a little Santa Claus hat a little late for the holidays but either way it was kind of cool and then whatever this thing was

That I don’t know I guess it’s like a meme or uh uh weird Emoji uh yeah that’s all I can say about that one and did your mother ever tell you not to eat watermelon seeds you want to know why because this happens stuff grows out of

Your head no I’m just I’m just joking yeah no that’s this isn’t real okay this is a joke guy okay don’t believe in it not trying to scare you you can eat watermelon seeds this won’t happen well you shouldn’t eat them probably not good to eat them anyway moving on this one

Was probably made for me not gonna lie it yeah I’ll take it I’ll admit to it I’m not the smartest guy in the room I get that oh and this one’s just the beer this one’s kind of cool I like it I like

It a lot I feel so manly ah I want to like go punch a tree down but I can’t because it’s RL crap after the fashion show was all over I figured I’d also take a break for the Nightmare and start to fortify my area a little better you

Know make the place more my own and safe as I was harvesting my crops and cleaning up the area I noticed that there was a chest outside when I opened it I found this garment it looked a little tattered but in a place like this

It makes sense you know to keep me warm when it’s cold so not a bad idea as I put it on I felt this tingle flow through my body as if it was meant for me there was also a note inside this is touch okay I guess it was for me kind of

Weird though I gotta say I’m looking pretty good with it on though not a bad color either I like it okay so the next morning it was becoming very apparent that I was getting to the point where I needed more experience like I mentioned before I’m crafting all these tools and

Armor but I can’t wear them just yet but I had to get experience safely so I decided to start building a bridge across the water to land so that I wouldn’t have to swim all the time it was becoming way too risky and it just seemed like every time I went out

Something was there okay what am I hearing nope nope nope nope nope I don’t think so okay sometimes I get a little scared all right no big deal moving on for the rest of the day I worked on the bridge but let me tell you it was nerve-wracking every little sound threw

Me off and I felt like I was taking forever to build it I mean look at this guy this is why I need to be more cautious I thought I was being safe until he tried to turn me into a shell or at least that’s what I think he was

Doing from this point on I just kept it safe you know trying not to poke anything in the water yeah but then again I don’t know how safe it is working out at night because uh things still come after you like they just don’t stop on day 14 I needed more

Building materials and I figured I’d start fixing up the base a little you know make it better by removing these walls as I didn’t like that mobs could potentially spawn in them you know open them up plus it would give me more room to add more crops and that wasn’t wrong

Because uh look at this guy just just wandering in here like it’s no big deal after a bit I’ve seen this floating glowing thing just hovering above my base I had no idea what it was I figured it wasn’t hostile because it was giving me this I don’t know extra eyesight of

Some sort like look at Timothy who’s glowing I could see mobs through walls so I had this crazy idea to try to trap it figured it would be a good buff to have around you know the base so that’s exactly what I tried to do I thought I

Tried to you know keep her in the top floor so I try to surround her with material reals to kind of lead her in that way but unfortunately it just wasn’t coming in so I I just left it where it was I figured whatever you know

It’s gonna give me The Buff anyway who cares the next day I kept on continuing getting blocks from my bridge and guess what that nymph or whatever it’s called it must have despawned because while I was trying to see if I could get it in again it was gone so all that worked

Yesterday was for nothing a complete waste of time awesome once I got the bridge built I went ashore to gather some dirt so I could fill in my base with crops and you bet when that sun started to set I hightailed it back to the base I spent most the day and night

Setting the layout for my crops and building a front door to the base I’m kind of surprised I didn’t do that yet but then again am I really on day 16 I was on a mission to get more experience I haven’t even put on armor yet so I

Made my way across the bank to see if I can get some easy experience I ended up coming across this little Shack there wasn’t too much in it but I won’t complain there’s materials but I did end up coming across these guys I was a little nervous I’m not gonna lie but I

Handled them pretty well you know getting better with that Shield the sun was starting to set and there was no way I was staying out here so I ran back to the base and started to get some things together because tomorrow I plan on going out and hunting for experience

Well that hunting thing yeah that stopped pretty quick oh there’s a stingray right there oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t think so well I’m off to a great start supposed to be hunting not running but that’s what I gotta do I wandered around the

Area to see if I could find any new structures or caves or whatever to explore I did end up coming across this really interesting cave it was filled with like trees and mushrooms and uh creepers but compared to some of the other mobs in this world the creepers

Were mild to say the least I explored throughout the cave until I came across the bigger opening I noticed a zombie and I blocked that off right away I don’t know why but the first zombie I took out really messed me up I don’t know if that creepy creature spawned

From that zombie when I took it out but I really didn’t want to take the chance again you know trying to be safe after exploring more and taking out some of these fellows I really only had one more way to go if I wanted to stay down here

That’s right the way the zombie was all right I got enough experience now let’s put this armor on let’s do this I’m excited I Can Take On The World well not really it’s only armor but that’s okay it’s something oh my gosh what is that thing no get get

Out of the heel what am I get out of the hill Oh my gosh what is that thing is that a bug oh well I was completely caught off guard on that one I’m okay I think maybe a little shaken up but but good I was in a really bad spot like I

Couldn’t really move forward or behind because the mobs just wouldn’t leave me alone oh come on come on come on no get out of here oh I hate those guys what am I gonna do I’m running low on bandages and I I really want to experience plus I can’t really

Get back to the surface right now all right and then I figured it was a good idea to poke a hole in the wall because a lot of mobs can’t go through a one by one right yeah I learned the hard way like I usually do oh what are you oh no

You can get in get oh oh shoot oh shoot yeah let’s uh just cover that up I was running out of options I had nowhere to go so you know what I thought I’d do I thought I’d be safe I seen a couple of ores of coil just to my right and I

Figured I’d just dig down over there and you know be safe you know get experience safely oh gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no what was that what was that okay nope I’m done I’m done down here I am so

Done so the next day I hightailed it out of there I had no healing left and I figured I’d take this as a win considering now I can wear my armor so I headed back to the base while I was there I had this idea to build another

Portal it seems like I need a few things from the nether for crafting plus I figured why not is that a witch all right witch where are you come here oh there you are take that would ya there are you like that oh whoa whoa whoa what in the world did

You just throw at me and there’s a seagull now and there’s a seagull now oh my gosh are you kidding me even the witches are on something okay okay ah this is frustrating of course the witches are harder in RL craft what was I thinking man that could have been bad

Good thing I had a tower right next to me jeez on day 19 I set out to get some lava you know to finish that nether portal there’s got to be some pools just laying around here somewhere right I ran around for most of the day seeing some pretty cool interesting passive

Creatures and getting distracted here and there you know how it is I got some lava but I I still needed more and of course it was almost night time oh oh what’s that pirate ship that’s cool okay I thought I seen some lava just over here oh there

Whoa you weren’t there before do you hurt me you probably hurt me he’s not doing anything though no no no no okay okay okay uh thanks for nothing and I will uh see you later all right so I thought that was enough messing around for the moment I had to find shelter

Quickly so yeah I ran I ended up finding this cave and I I ran right down into it hoping to find a dead end so I could block it off which I did I just spent the better part of the night looking for ore and uh collecting materials nothing

Too exciting the next morning I got myself all healed back up and I went back to the surface to face that lava dude thing whatever but it had a friend this time oh you’re coming for me aren’t you oh you are get out of here fire lizard or whatever you are okay

You’re not too bad you know what I got an idea You’re Made Of Fire I bet you don’t like water there take that I’m sorry but you’re in my way buddy I need some lava okay take a sword it wasn’t the most epic battle but with a little

Patience and a lot of water that lava dude finally went down once I took down the Beast I hopped up grabbed the lava and I headed back to the base that night I tried to build onto my nether portal but these seagulls just don’t leave me alone ever foreign

Again the next day to get that remaining lava that I needed after after lava I noticed the pirate ship just sitting in the water and I decided to go over I figured this might be the last time I might be over here so why not overall it

Wasn’t too bad there are a few spawners in here which I thought I could take advantage of considering I’m in real need of experience bad so I bunkered myself in and started to farm zombies for the night farming was pretty good but I noticed that a lot of them were

Outside so I popped a few holes open and uh unfortunately let them flow in yeah you guys are definitely out there whoa hello there there’s a lot of you I don’t know if experience Floats or not I can’t remember but I hope so all right let’s try this one

Oh hey everybody wants to be my friend I don’t blame you I’m a pretty good guy okay I noticed I’m not getting experience so I might have to let the water flow in I don’t know if that’s a good idea all right come on in excuse whoa no no no whoa oh

My gosh I didn’t realize big climb oh my they’re still hitting me all right I think I’m good I think I’m good ouch no okay now the water is letting them get up no no no no no no no no get out of here I obviously have no idea what I’m doing

Well that thing again get out of here you what do you call the dice I don’t like you oh purple fire that’s pretty after a bit I noticed that there wasn’t much left spawning so I broke the rest of the spawners and before leaving I noticed that that sail was made of wool

So you betcha I had to collect that stuff because bandages are a definite must so I spent the rest of the day collecting what I could now this time I didn’t push my luck I got down and back into the boat for the night nothing special on day 23. I kept on breaking

Down the Woolen sail and in the process notice that there were some birch trees Just Over Yonder and I’m pretty sure I need those to make paper so I had to keep that in mind I noticed that the sun was going down but I was determined to

Finish the rest of the sale tonight well until a few of these guys showed up yep back in the boat I go I finally finished getting all the wool that I could carry wow that took a long time but hey it will be worth it trust me as the sun was

Setting I decided to build myself a boat so I could well both back to my base but uh not tonight it’s a little too dangerous to be boating out at night is boating even a word traveling floating either way it’s not a good idea to do it

At night moving on next morning before I left I wanted to go grab a couple of those birch trees in the hopes of grabbing a few saplings I know there’s a dragon over here so I got a yeah that’s exactly what I was worried about yep

Um okay no no no no no no I’m done with that okay uh I’ll get birch trees some other time see you later okay well I’m not sure what to say about that but uh yeah anyway but look at this look at all these healing supplies wow I finally got

My nether portal up and running not sure it was a good idea but I really wanted to you know make some potions and I know the nether has got some materials for that I mean even if I can get some nether quartz that that that that’d be

Worth it right and you’re using usually just like right around the portal or anywhere really so it should be easy okay nothing looks that different oh it’s kind of actually peaceful in here okay nether ports let’s get at least nether quartz that’s usually pretty close oh what was that what was that

What was that what is that no no no no no no oh gosh you’re ugly oh my gosh okay okay okay bad idea bad idea oh my gosh there’s everything I gotta get out of here just just yeah just get out of here what in the world wow well that was fun

As I was testing something out the next morning I had some unexpected visitors yeah I didn’t realize these guys come through the portal they gave me a little bit of an issue but it wasn’t too bad all right let’s block that off and uh go

Back to what I was doing so I wanted to build some type of turret tower for the mobs or at least the seagulls you know and after I was done I I noticed that the seagulls weren’t really around so I kind of just had it wait it out oh

There’s one oh whoa whoa whoa no no no no get off mate ah they always catch me off guard man my heart finally after a little bit I noticed that one of the seagulls was getting hit was my turret working it was well not really see the seagull hit him

Out of it it’ll probably worked better with ground mobs because then they wouldn’t be able to reach him but either way I tried you know the next morning I just went in my boat and headed off towards that Tower I seen a few days back near the pirate ship I know I said

I probably shouldn’t be traveling you know on the water as you know there’s a lot of sea creatures and stuff but my boat seems quicker than most the sea creatures so yeah as long as they’re not seagulls uh yeah seagulls can catch you as I got closer to the tower I I noticed

That there was a spawner and uh things were already spawned and I I didn’t want to you know try to get out of the boat and climb in because they’d end up killing me before I actually put my foot on the ground so I just docked over here

And uh tried to figure what else to do but it didn’t take me very long because I got distracted and seen this thing and I’m pretty paused positive it’s called the Waypoint but unfortunately you need two of them to use it so yeah but what’s

That maybe I’ll go over there and see if there’s any good loot in it you know when I was making my way over to that Tower thing I seen some cows and uh and I figured it was a good opportunity to start Gathering some leather I’m pretty

Sure I needed or will need it at some point because I wanted to build a canteen you know instead of drinking out of buckets as the sun was setting I needed to find a place for shelter and the only thing I seen was well the tower

Just off in the distance so I took off for it overall it was relatively safe I I thought it was gonna have to fight something but it was literally just the tower that’s a big building that’s a really big building oh what’s this thing what’s that oh I’ve dealt with that

Before I don’t like that thing oh what are you are you coming for me oh my gosh you are get out of here bird oh no why do they always whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh thank goodness for that vine oh come on skeleton give me a break yeah

So instead I uh played it safe for the night instead I just tried Gathering the iron bars and you know keeping my head on a swivel trying to stay out of trouble all right let’s uh let’s go over to that really big building I want to see what’s

In it oh gosh I hear a witch hello horsey how you doing or horsies come on witch I hear you where you at there you are come on out there you go oh I hit the horse I’m sorry I’m sorry whoa the horse just blow up what just

Happened oh look at that water bucket that horse just blew up I don’t know what’s going on Winters are so much stronger horses are blowing up and for some reason I think I’m strong enough to go in here and try to Loop the place well let me tell you I was very very

Wrong because there is witches creepers and spiders and not just normal spiders poisonous spiders yeah they got me out of there pretty quick okay so I don’t think I’m ready for that building I mean the place is littered with spawners and there’s holes in the floor so like I can

Get overwhelmed pretty quick so yeah let’s let’s just not let’s just not do that so I figured I head back the way I came maybe that other Tower was a little more for me you know so hot oh whoa whoa did something just shoot at me did something just shoot at me was

That the dragon all right that was enough of this area for now way too many things that could go wrong I mean there are two dragons and uh one of them knows I’m there so yeah I gotta head out on my way back I’m pretty sure I got lost uh I

Think it’s probably a good time to you know make a map so I can at least you know Mark things off and have an idea where I’m at but I kept running around trying to look for my boat I felt like I was going in the right area because that

Tower was there and I had a little bit of an idea of which direction I came from oh whoa whoa whoa what the did that guy just drop a creeper on me a creeper they can do that get out of here oh my gosh you can pick me up under a tree get

There jeez I can’t believe he dropped the creeper on me well I didn’t know that they could do that so that’s awesome just dropping Creepers out of the sky not a problem at all things just keep getting better what can I say oh my gosh creeper get out of the way

Oh my gosh come on can I get a break please these seagulls are the bane of my existence in this world I think I’m just gonna stay here I’m just gonna stay here so that’s what I did I I just stayed down there for the night I wasn’t dealing with seagulls anymore not

Dealing with creepers anymore I was just done for the night you know finally the sun was coming up and I could hopefully make it back to my base in one piece you know what let’s get this coal first get some experience make it worth it

What What In the what the no what oh my gosh oh my gosh I don’t I don’t understand this I don’t understand what is going on why did things keep popping out at me what are you some kind of rock monster this is ridiculous hello oh you’re right there

If you can get in why did you get in I am so Dead come on go down finally finally okay I got it under control what in the world was that what in the world was that why did things keep jumping out at me like uh anyway I finally found my

Boat and I hightailed it out of there as I was returning to the base I noticed the sea creatures just over where I normally dock my boat so I had to take a detour around as I was detouring around I noticed something just off in the distance but it didn’t matter what it

Was or how tempting it looked I’d have to check it out tomorrow as for now I just wanted to get my things in order and finally craft the canteen and uh take a little breather you know the next morning before I headed out I made myself one of those atlases you know so

I could start marking off places I’ve been where I wanted to go and you know where I actually was It was kind of useful not gonna lie then I made my way over to that doc looking thing I don’t know what this was for if there was

Anything good here I’ve seen some of those you know ender pearls box things or whatever you want to call them but I couldn’t use them and I didn’t really want to to be quite honest with you not right now anyway so instead I looted the area found some useful things and uh I

Found myself a crafting table which was really nice because now I don’t have to build one it’s literally right here right next to my base I can come over and use it when I want you know and then I just need another pirate ship so uh definitely going back over there for

Experience not right now tomorrow when it’s lighter as I was getting ready to leave this little Port area I figured out pretty quickly that I couldn’t because uh well of this guy yeah that guy I try to watch his motions in the water to see if I could you know just

Move around them so I waited and I watched I had a few heart attacks a few times as he did get close I even jumped in the water to see if it was clear really not a smart moment then I looked off to my side and I noticed a sea

Creature moved on so then I thought that was my opportunity to go I hopped in my boat and I made my way over trust me I was nervous the whole way but I made it and I got in that night I just took out the bottom floor and looted everything

That I could I’m getting quite a bit of stuff that I really don’t know what I’m gonna do with but I’m gonna take it anyway because why not right so some of these Pirates were archers and they were kind of annoying so I figured it would

Be a good idea to set up some traps for them you know you know the traps were working out pretty good I was getting them trapped in there and you know taking them out they got a good couple shots at me but overall like I pretty

Much took them all out until I heard this bird or parrot there was a skeleton with a parrot on his shoulder which was kind of cool but uh I had to take them out as I embraced the victory of the battle I climbed up to the highest part

Of the ship to look over the area boy gotta take this guy out first as I looked out I seen a house just off in the distance I wanted to check it out but I needed to unload first and build myself a backpack these Ventures out I

Need more inventory you know so I figured I’d better do that first I spent the most a day 33 fiddling around with my inventory and missing with my backpack I don’t know why I have such issues with backpacks but sometimes I just can’t get them to work once I got

Myself all situated I figured you know what I might as well deal with the crops time to go to bed whoa what did you just come out of my bed you were so creepy oh oh oh come on now don’t be cheap oh gee that was creepy okay so I guess monsters

Come from underneath your bed too uh that’s cool the next morning I got my things together and I headed out to explore that building I seen over near the pirate ship I was actually on the lookout for a more suitable place to set up base as I really didn’t like being

Around the ocean with all the sea creatures and seagulls all the time you know I wanted to be able to mine when I wanted to and and stuff plus I needed a change of scenery as I made it to the shore I was greeted by another Dragon of

Course this area wasn’t too bad inside you know from the natural burning of the Sun but overall it was it wasn’t too bad there was a natural nether portal just off to the side so that was good if I ever was crazy enough to go back in the

House was overall empty nothing too exciting so I moved on well I tried as I was on fire the whole time and needed to sit in water till I cool down so that was fun and then I kind of got myself stuck in a corner with uh these guys I

Get up in here this is a cave okay good good good good good good oh it doesn’t go very far shoot that’s not good yeah I don’t know what to do sit in this water for now I guess until I cool down all right I just I gotta go

Let’s run run run run maybe they won’t notice me run oh no oh no oh no I think they’re coming oh no they’re coming they’re definitely coming no no no no no no no no no no no please leave me alone I don’t I don’t want to fight

Jump in the water slow them down oh they’re right there oh come on why did I do this come on Shadow you can do this they lose them oh I I think I seen one but I’m not taking my chances I am on fire I need to find a place you know

What here I’m going down here come on I’m gonna be cool me down cool me down water cool me down all right I gotta find something better I’m not staying down in the cave where was that house okay you know what just duck in here for Just For Now cool off

Oh there’s a church or something hula cool off this is ridiculous oh no I hear something what is that oh it’s right on me it’s right go run Shadow go just just go go go go go to that church thing or whatever who cares about everything else

This was such a bad idea this was such a bad idea come on come on come on come on Boom come on good good good good good get in this building come on come on come on oh my gosh what what am I doing why am I playing this this is ridiculous this

Temperature thing man it’s oh it’s annoying well I guess I’m just gonna sit in a puddle of water for the night I’m trying to figure out how to cool myself down this temperature thing this is probably the hardest thing in this mod pack it’s it’s ridiculous the next

Morning I ran out knowing I didn’t have much time if I was going to explore these places I was gonna need to find some Frost powder or something to make these cooling components but I have no idea what drops them I ended up running into this greenhouse looking thing but

It really wasn’t a greenhouse or I don’t think it was it was weird it was a nether portal covered in water encased in glass I checked the area out but there really wasn’t anything to find as I was making my way back to the surface something happened uh what’s that mean

Oh come on why is there a large chicken above me what is this oh my gosh look at the mom why is there so many of them yeah I’m not leaving I’m not leaving this is crazy I didn’t know what chicken is considered a dragon but that’s okay

Whatever I try to take on some dragons that were stuck in the water but I was also fighting against the Heat but I kept on swinging hoping for that final blow you know gotta take my chances come on come on I’m trying to cheese this oh okay

Oh my gosh Come On You just like spun out of nowhere I can’t deal with this heat at the same time this is this is ridiculous once the dragon roar event was over I went down to the bottom to see if there was anything that dropped unfortunately I couldn’t find anything

So that that was awesome once I was back at the top I figured it would be day soon and I wanted to get back to that church or maybe find another safe spot I was starting to think this exploration wasn’t worth it in the end problem was

The last place that I was at I wanted to get away from the water but here I have to keep jumping in the water just to stay cool as much as I wanted to get to the church I still needed iron ore I was running low so I figured I’d take my

Chances and uh try to find some keep in mind though I was still kind of hesitant of mining with you know what happened last time of all the things that could be down here it was kind of nice to see a zombie not gonna lie these guys are

Dangerous super dangerous they get like head shots every time oh see they get headshots every time every time I say like they’re the worst mob in this whole thing oh come on no great great stuck in a hole awesome perfect let’s heal up first and then we’ll go

Back out and give it another shot come on come on you’re not okay never mind I didn’t think he was gonna hit me he’s just gonna look like he stopped but what’s that whoa come on these ghouls man heart attack 100 every single time but I want

To know what’s over there get out of the way ouch ouch ouch no no okay okay all right I think I’m good oh too much too much at this point it was probably a safe option to Bunker up here for the night I needed to collect my

Bearings anyway so I figured it would be the best option plus I’m not fighting mobs without a shield no way I’m done with that I kept on trying to get that iron and then over to that structure thing but it didn’t matter what I did I just couldn’t

Get over okay guys I just want to go see what this Temple thing is nope those guys are too fast I can’t even get out it’s like everything keeps spawning right okay great we got a ghost up there that’s awesome I just want to get over

There I just want to see what’s in it skeleton please please get go get oh I mean I can run over there but hmm if I do that pretty sure I’m gonna die I don’t like him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where where is that oh my gosh it’s a fog get

Off of me get off of me get off of me no ah hate those things then I had an idea I don’t have to get over there I’ll just stick to it yeah that’s using your head Shadow come here you come here oh whoa whoa whoa how you

How how do you get in here I put the blocks up like his can he phase through walls he couldn’t phase through walls before like come on if you’re gonna keep changing your rules oh yeah okay if you get through here I’m gonna be mad come on get closer

You wanted me all along come on oh my gosh okay I gotta figure something else I’m gonna probably just gonna dig down farther I don’t like this I don’t like this I just want to get in there I want to know what’s in there hello yeah I hear one of those Chewbacca thingies

Whatever they’re called I don’t remember they’re those little dog looking things oh whoa whoa see I told you I told you you know what I’m just gonna dig down oh I’m in I’m in I mean I’m in I made it inside and it wasn’t the most Pleasant

Of places it was uh it was kind of creepy it was kind of nice I only had to deal with one skeleton before I was able to check the chests one chest wasn’t really worth it and the second chest I have no idea if this thing was worth it

Or not but I uh put it on and I continued on so I tried working on isolating each floor so I wouldn’t have any unexpected guests I am getting way too many close calls down here but I have to keep moving forward oh you guys again well oh ouch okay you didn’t do

That last time I got sounds everywhere okay this is gonna be tough get get there take that okay okay okay okay okay another one yeah I gotta I gotta block things off because they keep coming down from higher level and I can’t it’s hard for me to tell how many are in

Here because they just keep coming down from the top okay oh whoa whoa okay okay that’s a big crab or something I I don’t know I’m not fighting it I’m not fighting it not head on no way where are you come on oh my gosh what’s he

Shooting at me what are you shooting at me there this this is a pretty good spot if he gets closer break this get rid of this I’m not dealing with these guys there okay come on come on closer let’s go ow ow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

What he hit me with fear oh my oh my my controls are all messed up what did you hit me with what are you hitting oh my gosh what is that what is that what is that what is that no it’s oh my gosh it goes through the

Walls it goes through the walls you are so creepy no I hate these things I hate them I hate anything that goes through walls you are so creepy if he hits me he puts his spear on me and I I can’t control my thing no no no

No not a bat two come on okay he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone get get away get away get away get away no oh my gosh my heart I’m shaking right now shaking I can’t believe I just survived that I was so done I was a hundred

Percent sure it was over wow all right but you know what I’m gonna use one of those potions so I can just pork back to spawn because I’m just done with this hot burning spooky infested place I’m so done with it the next day once I got

Myself all situated I kind of wanted to build a grappling hook I feel like it would come in handy at times you know so I went out and I uh collected some sticks because that’s that’s what it requires yeah all right uh whoa whoa whoa what why did it fall that way supposed

To fall the other way Timothy the trees are trying to kill us now is going on all right I got the grappling hook crafted but I’m not gonna lie I had no idea how to use it like look at this okay um pull me up okay

Out I don’t know how to use this thing it’s cool but pull me up how do I do it this is ridiculous okay okay I think I think I got the button I think I got it oh this is really high uh pull me up up and away okay

I’m gonna have to look at the controls I have no idea what I’m doing right now this is great okay I’m just I’m just ruining my crops at this point a little later on I crafted myself an upgraded canteen and started throwing my experience points into my skill tree

Because uh why not I I kind of need it okay uh what is this stuff I don’t understand any of this Babble stuff what was that what is that is that like a dragon oh oh it is it’s a it’s like a bird Dragon thingy whatever it is Hello uh nope nope

Nope no no no no sir no thank you no thank you all right I think I could I think I can take it out it seems like it’s stuck take that oh okay sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry dude where are you going all right all right

All right let’s uh let’s let’s take it out because it could have something good what is that thing is that the Loch Ness monster I see it come on oh get down get down oh this is good this is good this is good he sits here I should be able to take

Him out no I said if you sit here I should be able to take you out get back up here come on just go down already hmm I wonder you know what I’m gonna poke a hole let’s do it like this look at this oh yeah look at that just stay stuck

Or get a little closer at least there we go oh oh he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead let’s see what you’re gonna give me it better be good okay a bone prison Marine he gave me a bone and prismarine what kind of loot is that

Okay that was a waste of time a complete waste of time I could hear mob is around the nether portal are they in behind huh all right you guys be oh there you are they are hello oh does that hurt I’m sorry how many are there sounds like there’s like four of

Them yeah good thing I didn’t go to the oh hello piglet or zombified piglet why can’t I hit them they just keep coming through can I farm them here that’ll be so cool if I can Farm them here wait I’m not getting experience is it going back

To the nether yeah they’re not dropping experience it must be going back to the nether oh no there’s experience right there what where’s my experience nothing well it’s not a very good Farm if it doesn’t drop experience it must be going back to the nether that’s the only thing

I can think of but I didn’t think experience goes back maybe an item or something but well that sucks waste of my time wasting my tools wasting my weapons so I had an idea and it was dangerous but it was an idea I didn’t say it was a good one but it was

An idea I’m gonna go through the nether portal and see if I can get the experience that was left behind considering I couldn’t sit in another too long without burning up I decided to tend to my crops instead yeah that’s that’s much safer I wanted to check out

That tower that I seen a while back it seems like a good place for you know looting experience so I took to the water and headed over I wanted to be safe though so that I could box myself in while trying to fight the mobs off

You know it just makes sense I fought all day with these guys they didn’t stop coming and I was running low on supplies I worked through the night hoping the spawners would finally break on day 44 it seemed like the coast was clear oh what’s this it’s a big sword

Snuck up on me okay let’s just uh close this off so I don’t get any more surprise zombies sneaking up on me oh no no no no skeleton there is no need to get angry okay no need to shoot me okay see that’s what happens when you don’t

Listen okay oh no no no no no no don’t you don’t you dare break my door okay nope not necessary okay I don’t know okay all right all right all right party downstairs everybody come on down whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s my door you’re breaking I like this sword though very

Nice very nice all right you guys all done no okay let’s keep going keep giving me that sweet sweet experience I’ll take it I’ll take it gosh guys let me up okay this Tower is gonna take forever if this is what’s gonna happen every floor no no no no no no oh he’s

Got a sword what was that he had a bone in his hand that was a sword oh no no no no no no no oh those ghouls man those ghouls I can’t handle them ah the new sword was uh pretty cool the zombies not so much and this guy not at

All but hey the sword took him out pretty good I took my time carefully making my way up and blocked off any entrances for the spiders or any flying mobs that well could enter as I was moving up through the tower I noticed the loot wasn’t really all that great I

Guess the experience was good but not the loot not yet anyway well I hope oh my gosh okay these poison spiders yeah I’m done with them no no oh my gosh oh my gosh nope ah come on I hate those things oh hello zombie they’re all by yourself what’s too bad

Oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa okay where you guys all coming from oh I see them dropping down they must be coming from the top oh my gosh stop coming actually I shouldn’t complain I need the experience anyway but it’s gonna take me

Like five days to get to the top of this Tower choke vengeance what’s that mean all right I’m okay shooting them whoa whoa what did he do that that’s weird okay are you guys done is that enough all right I gotta I gotta patch these holes oh come on spider go away

Get let’s do this quick do it quick do it quick what nope what bear there come on come on there oh my gosh there’s so many of them up there no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay come on

All right uh okay this is a lock I guess I gotta find a key okay I guess I guess in order to get those locks open I gotta make a pick lock or a lock pick from what I understand I don’t know how to use it but uh

Uh okay is this just like uh okay um okay what am I trying to do here I’m like what is going on okay that took way too long for a loot like this it’s not even worth it why am I even bothering with this Tower like look at this stuff this is sad

Oh yeah I figured there’s gonna be more oh no no no get you you get out of here no hey where’d my sword go no no no no no oh my gosh get away from me did you take my sword a little bugger did I lose it oh come on

Sticky ghastly sapper Ninja what does that even mean it doesn’t matter you’re dead anyway oh look at that what’s that a javelin I’ll take that but where did my sword go did I lose it oh no oh hey hey get get gosh these guys don’t stop coming

All right one day I’ll get to the top one day not gonna be today though what what did I just do did I throw that I did I threw it we got like two out of four what’s what’s that even mean like I got two more shots all right Next

Level here we go and there’s spiders of course ow what are you doing just spin it around oh now we got a skeleton too they got Buffs as well that’s awesome Yeah I’m really not a fan of this level skeletons and spiders poisonous spiders at that all right quick quick quick Shadow quick quick er no no oh my gosh I’ve been doing this for like four days it doesn’t end and the loot is horrible right now oh I want that what is that

Was oh a lance okay isn’t that something like you would use when you’re on a horse or something can you do that riding damage bonus okay okay cool cool all right okay this time quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick no come on come on

Wow oh got you there oh no no no I need one more one more no ouch ouch ouch ouch oh I’ll get there someday oh it’s a zombie okay okay withered lifesteal again whoa whoa oh no no no no no no no no I don’t know

What this is It’s just is it just poison come on come on come on come on come on come on no no don’t take it my head I’ll die if you take out my head okay you know what I’m going to drink this recall potion because I’m gonna go back

To my base I gotta regroup it’s just taking me so long to get up here okay so I want to check something out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you can get a heart container I can’t believe that I can get a hard

Containers I mean this is good but I wish I would have known sooner jeez all right let’s go back try to finish the tower I guess please be good loot okay okay not horrible oh diamond sword I’ll take that okay okay this this chest wasn’t too horrible okay not too bad

All right let’s finish this I’m tired of being in this tower all right no no no geez I can’t even get off with nothing popping out at me all right skeleton I had enough of you guys like I am so done with skeletons so done wow oh man really

Came out of nowhere that one I am so bad at filling holes come on no no get get get get all right this chest better be good give me something worth coming here for and nothing oh wait what’s this Emerald amulet it’s like a it’s a babble I just

Don’t know what a babble is I mean I know they give you Buffs and stuff and I guess debuffs but I don’t fully understand them I can’t wear it see that’s what I mean I don’t know what to do with them I can’t put them on anyway

All right I finally made it to the top here okay after five days I’m here I think anyway I don’t remember I can’t go up yet I gotta take this thing out because if I go up I don’t want to be fighting him at the same time okay so I

Have this idea I want to go out and build myself like a little Bridge away because I know this Stone fell at the top he’s gonna like throw bombs at me and I feel like it might be smarter to build out like this and then I’m gonna try to

Okay I don’t like those guys up there hopefully they don’t bother me but anyway I wanna I wanna build out so that I can basically have distance from and maybe jump up and down when he shoots or even better yet you know what I might do

I might use my grappling hook yeah that might actually work no no hey get get oh oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh why okay okay all right so this is what I’m gonna do I’m going to swing back and forth on my on my grappling hook so when

He shoots he like misses me now the trick is trying to shoot him with a bow an arrow while I’m moving like this uh yeah see okay I’m not the greatest at shooting arrows in general but come on this is so hard oh got him got him whoa okay okay okay

This is working this is working come on now Okay maybe that was just bad luck okay okay this is this would be working if I was hitting them okay I’m gonna use my explosive arrows uh hopefully that helps jeez that was close okay oh my gosh whoa oh my gosh I’m so horrible at shooting ah okay I’m gonna get a little

Lower oh whoa whoa no no okay I’m just gonna drop it’s too dangerous okay okay so that wasn’t a bad idea okay if I had better a better shot I’d be fine oh wait wait is he coming down oh he’s getting real close I’m gonna try to go up this way no yep

Yep yep yep yep yep oh you got him no no ah I can’t use the grappling hook that well so bad at using it oh is he down here now oh shoot he’s down here go go go go go go go go go no no come on come on come

On come on oh my gosh it’s wrong with me okay I I am so dead if I don’t get up here come on just take her easy take her easy there you go there you go that is scary the fireball is just hurling by my head no no come on I’m almost there almost there no no no what am I doing no football

Come on [Applause] okay okay okay oh my gosh I’m dead I’m so dead oh wait wait wait here go on that hole no no no yes okay go go go go good all right let’s go okay okay okay we’re good nice nice nice nice nice nice oh oh blaze

Powder Diamond some potions okay that’s not too bad I I wouldn’t really consider it worth it though for one Diamond okay okay okay um I don’t know I don’t know how to I don’t know how to write this I don’t feel like it was worth it I really don’t

After I alluded to that chest I took one of those potions and warped back to my base no way I was sticking around here not with that guy down there nothing too exciting on day 52 I was trying to get a handle on what these Babble things were

As I had no idea what they’re for aside from I guess giving me Buffs or debuffs the next day I got myself all set up for adventure underground and I just realized not too long ago I could get more Hearts if I mined those red sharks

Arts like what plus I figured it would be a good idea to try and get some diamonds anyway so I could start enchanting some armor you know at least do that the next morning I headed out and started digging down not too far away from my Base today I was hunting

For red shards I only found one well technically two but uh yeah lava but at least I found a couple diamonds so uh that was good since I figured I’d be down here for a bit I thought it’d be a good idea to you know make myself little

Hidey holes just in case things got a little crazy you know because things do get a little crazy sometimes for some odd reason I was feeling pretty good you know I got enough shirts today to make at least one heart and surprisingly didn’t have any run-ins with any mops

Although I had a pretty lit up area so maybe that’s why but it doesn’t stop there for the next few days I grinded for experience diamonds and heart shards and these guys kept popping out at me all the other mobs I could deal with but these guys always gave me a heart attack

At the end of day 59 I figured that was enough Mining and I headed back to the surface on day 60 I was getting ready to make an enchanting table until I remembered that there was an enchanting table over at that dock thingy so I was

Gonna head over there and you know grab it but until I noticed the sun was going down so I just harvested my crops instead so yeah so exciting the next morning I took up to get that enchanting table finally all right let’s go get that what is that that’s that Loch Ness monster

Thing isn’t it okay see you later going this way I don’t want to mess with that I don’t even know if it’s hostile but I’m not taking the chance oh jeez you scared me I don’t find those guys that big of a deal I don’t know maybe I just haven’t dealt

With them enough but they’re kind of funny looking like what are you doing why are you circling me huh oh ow okay well just wait till I get out of this boat and then we’ll fight come here you’re the one acting all tough come here come on yeah come on yeah

How do you like that yeah that’s what I thought give me your fish and I’m freezing now make me dance out in the cold with you all right where was that in here right right right right what I gotta be level 12. okay uh do I got

Experience yeah I’m good I’m good I’m good I was gonna say this whole leveling thing kind of gets annoying after a while so I got the enchanting table all set up and ready to go only problem was I needed experience of course and at this point I really didn’t have a good

Way to farm experience without you know risking the chance of me dying unfortunately as I was running around desperately trying to get experience I noticed I was starting to freeze a lot quicker than before is the temperature decreasing if it is this isn’t good so I

Ran into trying to figure out this armor lining thing and I didn’t have enough resources to do all of my armor but I figured anything was better than nothing right yeah I thought so I spent the most of the next two days looking for a good way to collect experience it was tough

Because it was dangerous just to farm mobs and even farming horse as you know these things like the pop edit you once in a while man they’re scary but I had to do what I had to do oh my gosh it’s gonna take me like forever to get

Experience this way and I’m freezing again always freezing it’s annoying what in the world were those wait were those trolls man yep yep they’re trolls okay okay okay okay okay okay back up please okay yeah you guys just fight each other that’s fine um sure let me

Know there’s like three of them down here nope nope no there’s four okay okay okay I think I’m safe in here yeah there you go you like that didn’t think so oh no come on come on come on jeez what was that what was that oh my gosh good thing

I got extra Hearts now man oh my gosh I was half a heart in my head wow that could have ended very badly it’s too risky fighting mobs per experience look at them go oh whoa okay there’s another one okay okay where are they coming from out okay oh my gosh

I don’t like those guys I don’t even know what they’re hitting me with like explosives or something come on oh no get off my phone oh I hate these things get off my face get off my face get off my face I can’t even talk I hate those things

There’s two of them too what’s hurting you come on just one left what was that what was that what squealed oh it’s a rat you’re getting hurt by a rat that sucks for you come here come here come here oh come on ghost you stay out there these ghost things

Are weird sometimes they face through sometimes they don’t nice out now we got what skeleton there’s so many things down here and I don’t think I’m getting any experience from them unless they like come in here come on how do you like them apples huh okay where’s the experience it’s all behind

This block and I don’t want to break it oh my gosh you are strong for a small one go no no no oh my gosh I got stuck in the crafting table yeah this is not smart this is not smart I need another way to get experience and

This is not the way to do it okay I just I just want to get the experience and then I’ll go I don’t want to open this I really don’t want to open this oh this this is why I didn’t want to open it look this is exactly why I

Didn’t want to open it and what was like two is right there no get no no no no no no stop stop stop oh Mike okay okay I’m officially done with this place I think I’m done this it’s not worth it at all I got like one level from all that

The next day I finally had enough experience to enchant my pickaxe at least I ended up getting diamonds everywhere which I had no idea what it was but I like the sound of it while I was looking at the other enchants that I got on my stuff another event popped up

Known as BAM storm like what I don’t see dragons but I hear frogs is that right Mike okay there’s something flying out there but I don’t think that’s a dragon oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh what in the world what why am I what why am I still

Hurting stop stop stop please what was that that was a frog a very aggressive frog is that what BAM storm is I don’t understand okay let me get a better well okay never mind I’m not gonna get a better look I’ll just uh I’ll just stay here I don’t understand

What BAM storm is I hear a lot of frogs see like I got this guy and I feel like oh wait wait there’s another there’s two things out there oh wait look look look look look there’s more frogs maybe it’s a frog event Maybe are they gone hello I think the event’s over

Yeah it looks like they’re all gone I figured since I had the diamonds everywhere enchantment I should at least go and uh well look for the diamonds you know I mean why not so I spent some time looking it was pretty peaceful for the most part as I kept it just making my

Own tunnels rather than going through the case because well you know mobs but even though I kept my own tunnels I still had run-ins with these guys good thing that can’t get in the two by ones after that I finally had enough for a full set of diamond armor and a few

Extra for whatever else I wanted you know and you bet I Enchanted them and my bow not gonna lie RL crafts got some weird enchantments I had no idea if they were good or not so I just went with them yeah after I had everything Enchanted I was feeling pretty good so I

Made some arrows and I figured I was ready to fight that dragon that loomed over my castle I probably wasn’t ready for it but I gotta try right well I noticed the dragon wasn’t flying around which was weird as I never seen one land on the ground here so yeah after looting

All the chests I noticed that it was too quiet where is this Dragon looking around I finally found it under the water it must have done at some point either way I was fine with it so I went down and I harvest its body sweet the

Next day I wanted to see what I could make with the dragon parts that I harvested I was pretty excited so I figured I’d make a helmet because well they look cool but of course I couldn’t wear the thing because my level wasn’t High Enough of course so I had to put it

Away for now awesome I figured it was time to go check out that Temple place as I felt like I had decent armor now so I should be okay right well maybe not I probably should have waited until morning because for some reason it’s a

Lot colder at night now fun so I dug myself into the side of the cliff and waited until morning because well for this reason um excuse me sir I’m just trying to get into the building okay uh you can go away now thanks

Did he see me yeah I did okay Mr oh okay I didn’t know he could get in oh do you see me do you see me oh okay yeah yeah okay he sees me man I just want to go in that building okay what’s

With all the mobs it’s a fire guy or a poisonous guy yeah it’s a fire guy okay okay can I go now of course not of course not all right just just go please okay oh I got a heart chart cool okay all right all right all right all right all right

What are you doing Dragon what are you doing no um okay I think I’m gonna just have to run in there I think that’s what I gotta do okay you know what here can’t catch me doing this Kenya all right let’s see what’s in this place

Oh some mobs some pillars I thought it would be a good idea to make a temporary base as it seems like the temperature was continuing to drop which is weird as I’m in the desert-like area but I figured I’d take advantage of the spawners in this area so I could

Hopefully Farm them unfortunately the spawners weren’t spotting so that made me sad so I had another idea so the next day I had this idea to take down the dragon well I was gonna try anyway okay so what I’m gonna do this is the plane

I’m gonna get up here on the roof uh which is hopefully far enough away from the dragon where I don’t trigger his aggro and hopefully I can hit him with arrows uh in peace that’s the plan is it gonna go that way probably not but that’s okay I can try all right so

There’s a lot of room up here which is good the trick I feel like is getting the right height with the arrows so I gotta kind of keep track of that okay I’m not hitting them at all so that means I’m either too far away or I’m not

Going high enough okay let’s try to get a little little closer than maybe possibly hopefully this isn’t too close oh oh wait wait he sees me oh my gosh he does he ever see me nope oh whoa whoa whoa I fell all the way down all the way down okay

Um I’m gonna have to revamp that plane a little bit I think yeah all right attempt two attempt two here we come okay I think I think I’m gonna have to stay back here whoa no no no he’s shooting he’s shooting he’s shooting oh my gosh so I’m not even that far away

He can still see me over there okay you guys come on I don’t need extra mobs bugging me while I’m trying to do this yeah I gotta go a little higher with my shots once I hit him once oh there there there there there got it got it

Ow ow ow okay that’s enough thank you oh my God look at the inside of this place oh whoa whoa whoa okay um okay I gotta regroup here for a second uh let’s think about this why is he still hitting me dragon there you are there you are

Oh oh I got a lot of good hits on them nice okay uh run now oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay I gotta figure out what he can break if he can break he can pretty much break this whole base

Which is not what I want we are so close to me just messing everything up oh whoa whoa oh my gosh no get out of my face did you wreck it did you wreck it he came out of nowhere where did he come from okay okay I think I’m gonna have to wait

Until morning this is just not gonna work all right where did it go I don’t hear it flapping or flying I guess whoa that’s a dog or a weird looking dog but it’s kind of scary oh there you are look at you just chilling underneath there

There you go how do you like them take this in that and whoa no no no no no no no no oh gosh oh gosh don’t break my base please just got up like I said we gotta get the right height it makes it hard when

It’s foggy like this though oh nice I hit him I hit him I hit him good good good good good good good nice yes yes yes okay I’m hitting him consistently now which is good how many hits does this guy take oh no no no he sees me run run Shadow run run

Oh you gotta be careful careful careful careful oh okay so what I I’m whoa no whoa no okay no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no come on hate those guys I hate those guys yes I got him I got him I got him okay

Is there anything around me okay good I’m good I’m good oh yeah as soon as I say that this guy spawns right in front of me yeah no can’t I can’t do it can’t do it at night just doesn’t work nope nope nope nope okay that way is just not gonna work

I’m gonna just have to keep doing the roof it’s just so risky fighting the dragon on the roof but then again it’s risky fighting the dragon in general so I don’t really have anyone to blame but myself okay he’s got to be almost dead though like

I’ve hit this guy like 30 times at least 31. okay didn’t like that all right let’s move back down rinse and repeat oh no dragon no okay oh I think I’m making him angry oh no no he’s right here he’s right here oh I might be able to get some free hits

Okay where are you going sister guys no no no no no no no there’s two of those explosive ones nope nope get off get off the hook get off the hook run these guys are dangerous man dangerous I tell you block that go away thank you

Yeah I’m not fighting two of them at once just shooting some arrows and a dragon and I’m freezing Is he sitting down again where are you where’d he go did I did I kill him oh my God I killed him I killed him oh my gosh I gotta get the stuff I gotta get the stuff what I didn’t think I hit him oh this is

Great this is great this is great come on come on come on come on this is awesome all right I gotta get the the dragon uh juice I need that for the sword I got I got materials for like armor and stuff but I want the juice

Yes yes yes yes yes look at that I took down a dragon it was nothing got burnt a few times but that’s it I need to warm up anyway look at that look at these two they’re even plain fetch or catch or whatever oh okay the other one went away

Oh whatever okay all right I killed the dragon awesome once I got the dragon juice I was excited to run back to my base to craft that dragon fire sword these are so cool but wait of course I couldn’t use it my levels weren’t high

Enough just my luck I don’t know what it is but the cold temperature is getting ridiculous I’m barely warming up next to Lava so I checked my inventory and found the materials for another heating liner but I’m gonna tell you that it literally does nothing I’m still freezing it’s so

Annoying so I thought it was a good idea to head back to the nether to grab a few buckets of lava all right whoa okay oh hello hello geez jeez okay okay oh whoa is that fire that is fire well that was a nice

Um welcome okay so I gotta get I want to get lava and I don’t have a bucket okay I gotta go get my bucket all right go to the nether to get lava but didn’t bring a bucket awesome okay cool good plan okay now I got my buckets I need lava so

I can warm myself up it’s getting a little ridiculous that I can’t go anywhere or do anything right oh there’s lava right there it’s gonna be easy oh wait um shoot those are all sources and they’re high I can’t just take it from the flow okay that’s not good yeah no okay

Um maybe this isn’t gonna be as easy as I thought what I’ll do is I’ll just dig down and um there’s got to be Lava underneath me right I’ll hit a pool somewhere and I can grab as much as I want or I’ll not hit a pool at all

That’s okay we’ll uh just make a way down and grab that lava right there or wait is that a pool or is that oh my gosh okay or is that I think that’s just flowing oh what was that I just want lava and then I’ll leave okay and of

Course this is just blowing oh yeah um this is probably a bad idea this was probably a bad idea yeah I can’t I’m not gonna get lava and I’m burning up I’m burning up okay quickly let’s go quickly let’s find lava okay that’s way too far down oh my gosh

Why can’t anything be easy I just this temperature is ridiculous I’m either too cold or too hot don’t shoot me please all right well that was a complete waste of time complete waste of time the next day I figured it was best to go out and

Find a warmer area and try to maybe set up a base as this cold situation is just not working for me anymore I I can’t do anything I had to stand in one spot next to a heat source which barely Heats me so yeah I just need to find a warm place

Iron guy right there let’s just move past him okay I gotta at least warm up here right there’s no snow oh but there’s ice in the water oh my gosh why am I not heating up why is it cold everywhere it wasn’t cold here before like is there Seasons or something there

Must be Seasons this is ridiculous I can’t do anything I put heating liner in my armor and it doesn’t work I should be heating up right I look like I’m in a warm area oh my gosh this is not cool I’m gonna get a hypothermia here in a

Second come on why am I not heating up this is it I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die there’s no way I’m not heating up I mean I could run towards that Dragon he’ll Shoot Me Maybe I’ll heat up then but I’ll probably die to

His hits like come on I don’t understand I’m just waiting for that hypothermia to kick in and then it’s over and it’s done this is it this isn’t everybody this is as far as I get in our craft whoa wait wait wait wait wait there’s fire in

There I can sit in there and get warmed up right maybe I finally came across an area where I wasn’t freezing to death I wandered around this area to see if I could find anything to explore you know anything to prove my worth so this person can come out and help me build

This potion that I needed I found a few dragons but yeah I’m not ready to fight them head on yet so I’ve moved my way around them the best way I could not so tough now with the explosive arrows eh you’re scared whoa hey whoa okay

You just calm down there little one jeez these explosive arrows are well I don’t have explosive arrows they’re like um the bow makes them explosive so it’s really nice oh what’s that rendering off in the distance so like a building in the sky there’s a castle I’m done with

That castle though in a tower and it’s turning night which is awesome not really what is what is that thing oh that’s a cool statue must be uh something in that statue that looks cool this statue looked pretty cool and I thought there was going to be something

Hidden inside it but unfortunately there really wasn’t unless I was just looking in the wrong places I have no idea alright so this place looks dangerous I mean look at all these bosses they’ve got to be in this one structure I mean they’re just all in one area I wonder if

I take out these bosses then I had to be worthy right right already took down a dragon not head on but when I took him down so I made my decision I went in it’s places kind of creepy I don’t like it I don’t like it oh no don’t start getting cold

Come on all right so far so good okay we got spawners and we got mummies not too bad I can I can handle this there you go come on I’ll take you all on do I wanna what I can’t use it come on geez okay what’s going on what

Is going on I’ll just beat you with the pickaxe then oh my gosh oh no no no no no no no no no no no get get get every single time they scared the living duh out of me okay it’s gonna block that off for now I need this to be

Level 24 I think what am I at level 24 there there now I should be able to use it okay plan B I don’t really have a plan B I don’t even have a plan a all I know is I gotta take out some of these

Bosses come here guys oh wait one of them’s bigger than the other that’s weird come on oh the sword’s nice though I like that I like it I like it a lot oh my gosh they keep coming I mean I guess it makes sense since there’s four spawners in here come on

I’m just gonna Farm them for a little bit I think that’s good what where’d my sword go did you he took it out of my hands okay okay okay green dude you gotta calm down yep yep on fire let’s go let’s cover that up no thank you little bugger knocked my sword

Out of my hand what a guy see you just did it again oh oh no no no no no no no oh my God I hate these bugs off my face thank you man of course these guys are back like I don’t know where these things Spawn from

Okay green dude just just calm down like I don’t know where they Spawn from they like to shoot explosives at me which is not okay look at all that experience I just want to go grab that real quick oh is there bug over there again there how do you like that I don’t

Like those bugs they’re rude all right let’s get these exp uh I’m gonna light this place up too I’m just done with the spawners I gotta I gotta take out the the ma oh the bosses I mean I’m trying to say just leave me alone okay

I don’t want any trouble leave me alone yeah take you guys out and that’ll be the end of it and I’ll go fight that big thing over there whatever it is I think it’s a worm all right I’m just gonna block this off so don’t get any surprises on this side thank you

Whoa whoa see see I told you look came out of nowhere and I bet you I bet you you came from over here yeah that looks like a worm yeah it’s the Gilded great worm okay okay this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought

Yeah look at me taking on the boss didn’t even get hit cool I feel like it’s cheating but oh well I outsmarted it look at that you can’t get through oh whoa whoa whoa dude oh my gosh nope nope nope nope is that a ghost thingy but like green oh

Whoops yeah it’s one of those things but it’s dead now where’d it come from though I don’t understand the spawning behavior in this mod pack but that’s fine okay the worm’s down I don’t see anything I don’t see anything on the ground and I don’t want to go in there it’s too dangerous

Let’s go to the next boss I don’t like that it’s dark up here oh is that another worm what’s with all the worms I don’t want to fight another worm I bet you can’t even get through here can you yeah these worms are they’re pretty easy that’s fine there easy

Oh this guy drops stuff the other one didn’t and of course I’m full when there’s creepers right next to me okay um what just shot at me careful careful be sneaky where are the lights I don’t like how it’s so dark oh geez get that assassin looking thing there you go

Oh wow one hit okay cool uh what’s this room this is different I don’t understand what is this it’s a fire there’s nothing in here though there’s spawner but that’s about it okay no um no not worth it all right I wanna I wanna take on either the guardian dragon

Or the Crypt executioner there’s so many bosses though like how many levels are in this why is it gonna be so dark all the time oh nope nope skeletons are not good ow no oh I hate skeletons man they’re like Sharp Shooters like the deadliest mob is

Is a skeleton in our hell craft because at least at least everybody else you can run away from but these guys if you’re in an open field good luck that’s all I’m saying okay no boss down here let’s keep going up hello don’t hurt me it seems clear good anybody nope nope nope

Nope and no okay where all these bosses at I really don’t like being in this thing this thing isn’t fun it’s kind of nerve-wracking not gonna lie oh my gosh I can’t find anybody okay where the bosses at this must go up really high there’s got to be one on this floor

Really I I don’t understand how are there so many boss titles and they’re not on the floor I went up multiple levels am I missing something are they really small oh well just keep on going I guess what’s this one water no thank you no thank you jeez I hate

Those guys because you can’t when they hit you you can’t use your Shield kind of sucks all right up we go finally finally found another boss okay I’m just gonna check these chests real quick oh Golden Apple okay I’ll take that take some bread I might as well bandages sure

Whatever these things are well hello there Mr zombie dude um just give me a second okay if you pop out of ghoul I am not going to be a happy person okay thank you I appreciate that I appreciate you more advantages I can take those apples sure sounds good all

Right time to fight the boss just in case I’m gonna do that because you never know um what is he oh wow what what are those wings okay what titles oh the guardian dragon oh man it’s gonna take forever this is gonna take a really long time okay all right sure

Pretty much doing this with my eyes closed now good thing I made all those arrows but I feel like I’m wasting them on them because I still gotta do that crap executioner so oh well I can make more not a big deal you can’t even fit through that hole why are you trying

Listen you can’t handle this finally wow that took forever okay do you drop anything decent or good or something oh diamonds look at all those diamonds it’s like a stack there nope gotta get rid of this okay give me a second where’s that air coming from oh oh okay that’s you

That’s doing that that’s what I thought but I didn’t see you wow that’s cool I got a lot of diamonds from that guy that’s awesome all right next boss I guess we’ll just keep going up I suppose we’ll find a boss here soon although it does feel like it’s taking

Forever felt like I went up at least 100 levels and I can’t find bosses like I don’t get it oh hello skeleton my skeleton oh how do you like that oh out okay spoke too soon on that one come on there you go that was funny oh this is a scary one hello

Oh look at that it’s a skeleton with a trumpet I I could actually kill one of these things ow I mean what he’s just he just blew me with this trumpet that’s funny oh there’s another one of those yeah I’m not fighting you I already took one of you out I already

Proved myself all right I’ve been running around all over the place and I guess some of the bosses are a little smaller you’re not able to see them entirely just from the the middle column place so yeah I really should light this up but I don’t really have any

Whoa no no no no no no no no no no get get no get no stop stop thank you really hate those guys did I did I already mention that probably a hundred times by now all right where you at Mr Boss dude oh um yeah I’m not doing that just cover

That up fall down through there oh there you are oh whoa ow ow ow ow see look look at this when he hits me those things like I can’t do anything with my uh right hand or whatever there how do you like that huh it’s a good thing his attack doesn’t

Go through the hole though that’s kind of nice now I’m out okay perfect um now I’m gonna have to get close so let’s just heal up real quick and then uh hopefully I don’t die marry you ow ow oh my gosh she’s gonna hit me every time I think come on you

You can’t take me I don’t care if there’s a little wall in between us you’re done for your bosses these guys aren’t really that bad but then again I’m kind of cheesing them so finally oh you guys I didn’t know you guys come out of people now too okay

Google or uh reefer I don’t got time for you I got things to do people to see all right did he drop anything good okay some more diamonds what’s that what are these things I don’t know what they are oh come on just leave me alone geez okay okay this isn’t good

This is not good come on get down here oh I Gotta Creep right now too okay uh change of plan okay let’s uh let’s just move into the hallway and we’ll figure this out is he coming okay never mind um I’m getting out of here I’m done I thought the all the

Bosses or all the variants of bosses and I think I proved myself okay I I am really high wow um yeah let’s keep going down then there I must be close to the ground now okay good look at that I’m gonna go up I need the service before

Groove finds me come on okay perfect all right all right not perfect it’s still night that’s not good but it’s better than being in there I don’t like being in there it’s kind of creepy you know what I’m just gonna sleep right here look at that okay let’s get back to my

Base regroup a little bit oh what’s oh that’s a little tiny worm I know there was a dragon around here somewhere but I don’t come on Golden we want to go let’s go ow okay you don’t hit that hard okay let’s go come on man he’s ugly oh you

Can’t hit Dan oh I guess you can’t hit that come on gosh he’s taking a lot of hits there there there how do you like that that’s what I thought okay okay so the dragon’s over there perfect it’s fine um well that was actually a pretty big place I think I’m good

I don’t got no arrows left whoa whoa whoa what’s going on oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s a dragon oh my dragon’s right there run run run run get out of here oh my gosh what are those things oh there’s those fire things okay Dragon I’m sorry are you kidding me Oh you’re finally awake where where am I well you’re in my home okay not sure how I feel about this but how did I get here well I got some help from Timothy to bring you here quite the little companion you got there very loyal

Indeed and uh who are you I believe on the one you’re looking for am I not I’ve been watching you for a while and even though you fell in battle your past actions proved worthy of being saved but wait you’re the one that can help me I

Can try I took the liberty of collecting the items out of your bag required for the potion to heal you I also used an empty bottle from the bag as well hopefully that’s okay although I don’t think that was the greatest idea on my part as the potion kind of looks a

Little different in color than I remember the bottle must have had some residue left over of the potion that had helped you for is that a bad thing no not really the potion will still work but you may have some side effects depending on what was in the bottle uh

It was uh it was just a teleportation potion huh okay um let’s see here potential side effects teleportation ah okay nothing too serious I was I was just under water okay maybe a little see what is going on so the side effects of the potion is temporary teleportation

What can I control it at least um probably not but no need to worry I’m sure that’ll wear off soon okay um thanks oh my gosh I was falling all right Timothy let’s go let’s get out of here before things get worse

This video, titled ‘100 Days RLCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore – The Movie’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2022-12-13 02:51:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe local.ro Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GPj4mtMmIgtIEVzreziFkfpZwmfqSfad?usp=drive_link To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. icunny.com Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

100 Days RLCRAFT in Minecraft Hardcore – The Movie