100 Days Skyblock with Block Buddies Family

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Wait a second where am I right now wait who are you yeah uh who are you hey get off our land ow what the heck why’ you push me off oh no wait a second are you guys from The Amazing digital circus but are you guys the babies of the amazing

Digital circus um yeah what does it look like don’t you see this diaper and good thing our parents aren’t here it’s just you now get out yeah this is this is for kids only no adults guys maybe we should follow the rules just a little bit Yeah

Guys come on we got to follow the rules because we got to get out of this one chunk um no thanks rules are for losers and I’m not a loser well we only have 1 hour on this one chunk BL have fun what do you mean we only have an hour on this

One chunk does that mean we die if we don’t get out of here in 1 hour okay anyway I’m going to start breaking this block right here so we can get some resources to actually get out of here um why would we even try and leave that

Sounds lame I’m just going to have fun before we all die uh ja that sounds like a very bad idea your father would be very angry at you yeah our parents are going to be really sad if we don’t make it out of this one chunk of life cares

About our parents my parents don’t care about me uh Jack I’m sure they do dude all right anyway let’s just keep breaking this right here and this tree should be gone soon let’s go and with that I could grab this oak wood and make it into Oak planks and make a crafting

Table then I can make some pickaxes so we can start digging down we’re not digging down how about we just build a house on top uh no we are not building a house guys all right I’m going to be babysitting you guys today so you all

Need to listen to me um I don’t listen to anybody especially somebody as ugly as you now I’m going to get start on that house baby Jackson no you cannot do this you have to follow the rules a little bit watch me he’s right you guys should probably follow the rules oh shut

Up you goody tushu why don’t you try breaking the rules for once maybe I’ll get some friends yeah we’re going to start building our base come on Jack no guys we don’t have time to build a base what are you doing they’re Meanies oh come on guys can you be a little nicer to baby pomy um yeah I could be but why would I she deserves it all right well I guess I’m just going to get out of here with baby pomy and none of you boys all right pomy I know you

Might be upset that your parents aren’t here but we got to get out of here and I guess it’s just going to be me and you because uh they don’t want to leave but uh everyone has to come along that way we can all get out that’s how it works

What do you mean wait so we can’t leave this place unless everyone wants to leave yeah that’s how it works oh my goodness are you serious right now oh boys come on we got to leave come on Wow our base is going to look so cool is

That right ja yeah I’ve seen better but it’s all right I guess no no Jax you need to listen to me come on we need to get out of here why are you ignoring me huh did you say something oh my goodness are you serious right now this is

Actually so annoying pomy do you have any idea what I could do uh this might sound a little mean but we could probably prank them and maybe they don’t want to stick here anymore wait baby py you’re actually right but wait how are we going to get enough troll items to do

That I have some of this you can have it wait a second oh baby PNE you should not have this you are just a kid this is very dangerous oh my goodness if your parents were here you would actually be in big trouble I know

Oh my gosh can you shut up already you always cry over everything W yeah so much crying yeah keep crying kid oh my gosh pomy you should be happier anyway our parents AR around we can do whatever we want no you cannot do whatever you want you guys are just

Children and it is very dangerous if you guys start messing around and doing random stuff like building a gaming setup like guys come on we got to get out of here we just adore this guy he’s being stupid yeah Andy looks ugly guys come on seriously this is not cool if

Your parents find out that you guys are talking like this I’m going to be in big trouble I miss my mommy oh my gosh pomy it’s fine your parents don’t care about you anyway yeah they do you’re so mean all right pomy I’ll tell you what if you help us build this

Gaming setup I’ll help you get back to your parents for sure definitely true uh you pinky promise yeah I pinky promise I would never lie do you even have pinkies py do not listen to this do not feed into this we need to get resources so we

Can actually get out of here again we only have like 40 minutes left until this place explodes okay I’m going to go with Mr TV maner cuz Jax has two brain cells hey JX come here I’m about to drop you something I stole from my dad okay

Are you going to do it hurry up yeah okay here’s some diamonds for you that I stole from them I’ll give you half of what I have I also took took one of his swords I took a shield I took a mace and I also took a giant hammer spear oh you

Took your dad stuff are you serious right now dude I am going to tell you that is very wrong and uh if your father was here I would tell him hey don’t be a snitch yeah this is why you adults are all so lame imagine trying to snitch

Okay you guys know I’m all just here for you I’m trying to get out of this one Chun cuz we only have 40 minutes left and guys it’s going to explode I don’t want to die all right well uh pomy if they’re not going to listen to me I

Think I need to activate the TNT troll okay all right uh pomy just back up go stand behind this crafting table or something I’m in a hole all right you guys just keep minding your own business hey uh go build your gaming set up or whatever you’re going to do okay okay

Don’t tell me what to do all right well what they don’t know is I’m going to be trowing them in I know this is a little messed up but this is the only way I’m going to get them to actually want to get out of here so let’s Place one TNT

There we’ll Place one there one there and one there and oh my goodness this is going to be so funny all righty and Bo there we go oh my goodness this is crazy okay and oh my goodness what the heck happened to our house oh holy some

Smokes what happened that was so funny Mr TV man oh so it was this TV loser over here fine I’ll kill you then let’s get him get over here you jerk take that and that and that uh you’re you’re not doing anything dude you’re actually trash

You’re too tall ugly it seems like I’m way stronger than you dude you’re just a kid ja I’ll show you how it’s really done take that and this hya take that uh uh dude dude you you can’t kill me I’m not going to lie you’re just a baby this

Is super annoying but you know what whatever I bet you feel really good right now huh picking on kids loser I’m not picking on you I’m literally just looking out for you pomy can you tell them I’m just looking out for these kids yeah guys he’s just looking out for us

Cuz our parents aren’t here why don’t you give him a little respect um why don’t you stop sucking up to him you goody tushu all he’s doing is ruining our fun yeah he’s not doing anything to help us he literally just blew up our house just because he’s an adult that

Doesn’t give him the right to treat us like this okay guys listen I only blew up your house cuz you weren’t listening to me and I’m telling you you guys are going to die if we don’t try to leave this place tv M uh Mr you maner could

You can you come over here really quick uh what’s up baby pomy do you have a good idea I I do but uh hopefully n one gets hurt so I just think maybe if you blow up the rest of their house they’ll get really mad and then they’ll chase

You but when they start chasing you we make our way down there so that way everyone gets down there and St wait a second you’re actually right but we need to start digging down so they can chase me all the way down here and then maybe

Pomy you could like stay at the top and then close it off okay I’m going to have some obsidian blocks so I can cut their way back oh my goodness that is actually such a good idea we’ll put some obsidian blocks right there but wait let’s start

Digging down py come on Wow even though that complete Bozo TV man blew up our house my setup is looking really good right now yeah it looks amazing man oh my goodness I I wish I could be the nice guy here and like you know let them play

On their setup but we’re literally going to die in like 30 minutes if we don’t do anything so we got to go now it’s okay all right pomy I am still digging down and look at this we are actually getting so down now I’m getting tired TV man

It’s almost my nap time no you cannot nap right now this is a very important time and if we do not get out of here we’re going to die okay but I’m a little sleepy pomy is all you do whine can you just shut up already I’m trying to focus

On fortnite yeah we’re trying to play this is my natural voice I can’t help it you guys are so mean we work on it all right py do not cry listen I just found an opening right here and uh they’re literally going to jump down so we’ll go back up to the

Surface and ruin their whole entire game and that up okay make sure it hurt they being mean and I’m getting really tired too I’m feeling very eepy all right pomy are you ready for this okay let’s see what they’re doing right now come on Jack you

Got him hit him with the trick scopy thingy can you leave me alone I’m trying to focus well I’m trying I’m trying to help you shut up all right here we go let’s explode more of their setup and wait maybe if we explode like right here

Uh oh wait I don’t want them to notice it I’ll put it right there I’m about to get Victory Royale let’s go oh my goodness I just exploded is what is that run run run run TV man I’m going to get you this time ow ow okay ow oh my

Goodness that was really powerful okay follow me guys come on come on come on they’re really powerful all right my mission’s going to work okay I really hope py Clos that off and hey guys dang it I can’t hit him that’s just cuz you suck Kane let me show you how it’s done

Wait why isn’t it working this sucks yeah see you suck too Jack whatever you can stay down here in this hole where you belong you rat let’s go back up oh my goodness Little J they know they’re not going to be able to go back up this

Is so funny and uh what in the oh it’s there okay wait who the heck put these big black blocks here let me get rid of them wait it’s not working wow those blocks are really strong you know what ja I bet they’re obsidian wow thanks for the Insight Captain Obvious yeah it’s

Obsidian whatever I guess we just have to make our gaming setup down here now oh my goodness fine py we actually did a good job you put the obsidian in pomy hello pom wake up hello hello what what I I didn’t do it I

Didn’t do it do what py you did it you did a good job I I did it yep you did it all right let’s go downstairs and now we literally have Kan and Jax here wait are they down here now what is this place how the heck should I know it’s my first

Time here dummy oh my goodness what in the what is this ow ow ow I’m in fire ow look at this guy he’s on fire literally you deserve that loser oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway there’s all this armor right here and wo there’s

There’s an iron sword with a bow and some arrows and golden apples maybe with these weapons I can finally kill TV man instead of what the garbage Kane gave me what in the what you cannot kill me dude are you serious right now we’ll see about that I guess that we’re now

Underground we might as well try to get out of here Jack oh Kane did you catch some of pom’s loser germs we’re supposed to have fun here I’m going to play fortnite all right I’m coming with you no oh my goodness are you serious or no

Guys we need to get out of here seriously how you you guys really just build a set up here are you serious right now I mean you still have TNT left TV maner uh no I don’t have any TNT are you serious right now all right guys

Seriously you need to get out of your setup right now and ah what in the what are those zombies are you serious right now oh they’re icky what the heck where do these guys come from W oh no I have no idea but these guys are really scary

Ow I got to fight them everyone come on I I’ll protect you guys they’re really scary though I’m going to go hide in the corner they’re all over the place all right U py I’ll protect you okay just stay in there okay for now okay whatever

I’ll show you how it’s done TV man these zombies are way stronger than I thought oh my gosh they’re all around me okay baby Jack I I’ll protect you guys I am the adult here I got these zombies you guys just stay back I already put pomy

In this like thing over here oh she’s shooting with a bow good job all right let’s fight off these Monsters come on sorry I missed there we go and guys I think we did it why did we have to do all the hard work and she got to be

Inside this cage uh because pomy is very tired she literally took a nap and I was trying to be nice okay pomy I’ll get you out of there now uh no thank you uh there’s more monsters behind you wait a second what are you talking about and oh

My goodness are you serious right now there’s more monsters oh no oh no come on ah these guys are so powerful no way why am I even doing this anyway this sucks and it’s scary I’ll let TV man handle it uh guys come on oh you guys

Can just hide in there I’ll do all the work okay Kade good job dude you’re actually fighting up these monsters pretty well my power level’s over 9,000 W power level over 9,000 are you serious right now dude I didn’t know you were this good this is all because of the

Fortnite games I play wait what are you serious right now anyway let’s keep fighting off these monsters and uh I hate to break it to pom and Jack but using your bow on these guys doesn’t do anything they have armor oh okay I was wondering why it wasn’t working move

Over Jack you smell you’re stinky shut up you shut up all right well anyway guys we just fought off all these monsters and what is next I think we have to go down again all right let’s see if there’s an exit way and py you should probably get out of there now

Okay um I want a snack uh a snack are you serious right now here take some golden apples you like apples they’re pretty healthy I like apples and wait a second it looks like there’s an exit right here guys come on kids follow me let’s go I’m still chewing I need to

Finish uh I’m good I’m going to stay over here I have really important things to do like literally anything else Jax no you need to stop playing video games seriously Jack I’m going to break this right now if you don’t why would I even listen to you you’re not my dad and

You’re not going to break it you’re not brave enough loser hey Jack honestly I think we should go we’re already at mid level we can get out of here and see our parents again well I definitely don’t remember asking but I guess you’re right

If you’re going to go I don’t want to be all alone and be a loser like pomy over there honestly Jack say is the best thing that we can do is just to go with them I mean to be honest you’re kind of like objectively wrong playing video

Games is definitely way better but since you’re going to be a nerd let’s just go already oh my goodness are you serious right now no way they’re actually like going with me this is awesome I’m not going with you TV bozo I’m going with

Kane so I can build my setup later oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s keep going down and wao we are in another room this is crazy why do you talk like that and guys it looks like it’s some sort of maze uh pomy come

Over here what is this I’m coming oh wait it’s a lever it might be useful or something I’mma grab it uh uh py no you probably shouldn’t have grabbed it here give it to me okay all right kids it looks like we can open up this door

Right now and wait it says there’s two levers that are needed are you serious right now anyway let’s put this lever right there and we’re going to need to find another lever scavenger hun I’m still eating my apples oh good job pomy I’m sure they’re tasty but we got to

Find this next lever where is it Mr lever why the lever a mister he let’s try to just open this with this lever let’s see it oh my goodness are you serious right now it’s not opening up okay let’s find the other lever did you

Say lever uh yes we need to find a lever Jax where are you have you found the lever hello I have a lever oh wait wait a second uh Jax is it right here oh my goodness wait let me grab that yeah it is it’s mine Jack no no give it to me

Right now seriously no not happening the only way I’ll give you this lever is if you build me a gaming setup a really good one I am not building you a gaming setup are you serious seriously right now I guess not getting this lever dude

Come on no no I am the adult here I am literally in charge you cannot do this if I’m going to tell your parents do it they won’t care your dad will definitely care he gets really mad when he’s angry Jack but Jack if you don’t get a lever

And he tells your dad your dad’s going to take away your ultimate gaming setup wait he would well he might actually but then again if it’s coming from this loser fine take the lever oh my goodness thank you so much Jack that is so goated now we could grab this lever over here

And put it in the second one and then there we go it should open up and booah there we go let’s all go down hey there’s a piece of gold here all right well hold on a second I’m not going to jump down yet because I think we need

Like a pickaxe or something okay I’m going to break this right here come on booah it’s breaking right now can get ready uh a jackon i loed out oh oh just click the lever oh yeah there you go oh okay all right kids I’m going to jump

Down and be careful we don’t die here guys don’t jump down or I’m not going to be able to break anything you say jump down oh yes you can jump down now I only have 15 minutes to get out of here I’m so glad we’re getting close to the end H

What happened to you Kane why are you being such a nerd right now what happened to wanting to build a gaming setup with me well Jack you know what I feel like right now we just need to focus on getting out of here with Mr

Skiy TV guy and and whiny over here I’m I’m not whiny like guys so mean oh my gosh maybe that is a reason to get out of here so we can get away from her you’re so mean yeah keep crying Jack you know like as as much as

I I love everything you do you know I feel you’re being just a little bit more mean to uh pomy than uh no believe me I can be a lot meaner and What’s your deal anyway what do you have like a crush on her or something you know what I don’t

Like you all right kids break it up okay we’re about to get out of here we have like 10 minutes left until this place explodes so let’s just get out of here and waa what the what is this all right guys I think this looks like an even

Crazier mob room this is really scary it’s your TV man I think I’m drowning oh wait where are you oh my K get out of there dude what are you doing W isn’t that reverse drowning and wait a second why is it night time now this is really

Scary guys uh this is going to be a really scary one I’m not going to lie we need to get all the resources we can feel like looking at the stars it reminds me of h no no no no no py we cannot do this right now you need to

Lock in and grab all this armor and stuff or uh it’s going to be really bad I’m not going to lie but I can’t fight as well as you can Mr TV man s what it’s fine it’s fine I I am the one in charge here okay I will do all the fighting

Anyway this looks like like a great place to build a gaming setup I mean look at this view don’t you think Kane are you going to keep being a loser like pomy I heard that you know what the only person who being a loser is you jack

Right now I just want to get back home oh well I guess you still want to be a loser then says the one with the ears you’re so lame gaming setups are way more important than parents not going to lie but I kind of do miss my family

Right now right now video games are not are not my concern right now I just want to get back to my family you would cuz you’re such a loser well gaming is more important than my family I don’t what to tell you well you know what sit here and

Play your play your Minecraft or your fortnite or your Roblox we’re going to get out of here yeah I was planning on it rabbit oops oops I broke it what the heck do you think you’re doing why do girls have to ruin everything all right

If you break it how about I break you no oh oh py no no no go back in oh my goodness Jack you almost just pushed her off I was trying to you’re meanie Jack seriously you need to learn how to be nicer okay this is really messed up T

Man behind you uh what in the what is that they mut zombie everyone back up get in the water or something oh my goodness guys everyone back up oh no ah oh this guy’s really powerful don’t worry I’ll save you guys I’ll help oh my goodness guys let’s just try to push him

Off the balcony and he should die come on push him off take that oh and guys we just pushed him off and wait I hope another one doesn’t spawn those are really scary and oh my goodness you were saying get another one TV man I don’t

Want those oh my goodness guys push him off come on scary I don’t want to be here anymore stop cry and py just help Mr TV man why are you talking to PNE right now Kane you’ve changed you know what there’s a lot more stuff than just video games ja

We have to get out of here so we can go see our families again yeah we only have like 10 minutes left okay ja come on please just help us get out of here but anyway I think the mobs are done here so let’s go down there Mr TV man sir uh yes

P uh my feet kind of hurt I’ve been walking can I have uppies uh what in the what does that even mean all right anyway uh let’s get out of here this one no no no no the diamond one well it is my dad’s but um I guess I’ll give it to

You thank you so much K let’s go now guys let’s get out of here come on go snow I like the snow I want to go see the snow this is so annoying why is this everybody trying to follow this TV loser it’s Following the Leader like it’s

Actually just so annoying I’m starting to get really mad you know what’s so annoying ja you are you’re a meanie and you smell shut up cry baby you want me to make you cry oh you’re going to make me cry huh how about I make you cry then

Yeah no no no no guys stop fighting oh I mean I uh didn’t mean to do that uh it what it wasn’t me you know what Jack like that was really mean of you what if something bad happened to the pom she got have broken her leg she got a broken

Broken her hand whatever happened to her it’s on you that would have been kind of funny actually but I don’t know I do feel kind of bad looking at her ugly sad face all right kids anyway uh I’m doing a really bad job babysitting you guys

But anyway we got to find the staircase to get down there because I got to make make sure pne’s okay PNE are you all right oh my goodness it wait it looks like this is the staircase down let’s go guys we could have just wait here but ja

You decided to push PNE I didn’t decide to it was an accident even though she kind of deserved it that really hurt ja that was really really mean why can’t you just be nice for once I can be nice whenever I want it’s just fun being mean

Oh my goodness are you serious right now dude I’m going to have a really deep talk with your father about how much how rude you were being on this one chunk well you say that but we got to get out of here first and to be honest I don’t

Even think my father would talk to you I mean you’re from like scoy toilet or whatever oh my goodness you serious shout out me and Jack are good friends you do you even know me like that you don’t know me like that little BR what

Are you guys talking about we got to get out of here let’s go all right kids we should probably find a way to get out of here and uh what in the what who is that oh no I got to back up scary I’ve been waiting for you guys to

Come down here to the last level wait wait a minute one two three three kids wait you guys ain’t supposed to be down here well well like why is there kids down here I was waiting for your parents but uh you know what real quick let me deactivate these explosives and uh and

Let me open up the uh the way out of here I’m sorry kids like this must have been a huge misunderstanding all right kids I’ll see you guys later bye thank you Mr clown all right guys let’s jump in come on let’s get out of here wait TV man get back here

Go oh my goodness oh is everyone okay guys come on swim up I’m trying to swim suck oh my goodness everyone is okay and oh what in the what uh guys we have some special guests here it looks like it’s your parents oh my goodness PNE okay

I’ll save you oh no where’s my daughter where is she she’s right here py come on move oh there you go thank you Mr TV maner mom there you are I missed you so much you had me worried sick uh son where were you I’ve been worried sick who’s

Going to do the chores if you’re not around um Dad we were uh like trapped on this one chunk I mean this TV guy over here kind of like kidnapped us/ saved us so it was kind of fun actually dad I missed you oh yeah uh thanks by the way

Uh TV man for like babysitting our kids I guess I mean you know he can be a handful he’s Jax Jr after all if TV man wasn’t there we would have died wow thank you so much TV man you really saved our kids you’re the best honestly

Oh no problem I’m happy to helping kids you guys better be on good behavior okay I’m going to go now bye bye bye later loser wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh it’s TV man hi TV man oh py and ratha what in the what are you guys

Doing here oh hey TV man it’s nice seeing you here oh hey ladies what’s going on out here oh what is TV boy doing here uh ja what in the what you know my name I’m TV mat I’m so happy to be on this one chunk with everyone today

Yeah I’m super excited you’re here TV man me too well any anyway let’s start playing this one CH and let’s break this tree right here hey what the heck do you think you’re doing this is our tree oh what in the what I thought we were sharing everything we’re literally on

One chunk right now uh yeah we’re sharing it is in the amazing digital circus not you hey J be a little nicer to TV man why should I uh because Jax he’s a really nice person unlik you okay I may not be a nice person but that

Doesn’t mean he is okay guys come on stop fighting why can’t we all just work together so we can get out of here yeah we should work together TV is really strong too H well when you put it like that maybe he can do all the work for me

H all right uh what in the what ja I’m not going to do all the work for you you need to help out a little bit Yeah I will I’ll help as much as I can anyways uh TV man where do you think we’re going

To build our house uh what house are you talking about we’re literally on a one Chunk we should be digging down right now uh have you ever done a one chunk before man you’re going to need more resources you think you’re just going to dig all the way down with your bare

Hands oh what are you talking about Jack oh wait maybe you’re right okay I need to make a crafting table I’m always right all right jack with this crafting table right here I’m going to be able to make a wooden pickaxe which will be able

To let me go all the way down you think you’re going to make it all the way down with a wooden pickaxe oh what do you guys see in this loser I I mean I like him he’s really kind and sweet oh you’re so gross get a room already hey uh where

Did TV man go uh ragi I’m all the way down here I’m building out of here so we can actually leave this place well that’s cool and all but maybe we should build a base for before we start digging down uh why do you think we should build

A base I’m so confused why hey just trust me we just need to build a base okay yeah you really should listen to her for once TV man we need a base you need to build me a place so I can sleep uh Jax I’m not building it just for you

It’s for all of us but whatever I guess we could start building this base right now all right well I think you’ll have about 30 minutes to build the perfect base for uh well me of course wait ja why only 30 minutes what are you talking

About dude why can’t we have a ton of time oh my god get a load of this guy he doesn’t know know this one chunk blowing up in 2 hours oh yeah you didn’t know about that TV man what in the what in 2 hours this whole one chunk is going to

Explode so what’s the point of building a house what do you mean what’s the point it’s for me uh yeah we need to build a house so we can have one and it’ll be fun come on let’s just build one uh what in the what no I’m not

Building a house this is insane we literally have 2 hours until this whole place explodes I’m just going to start digging down and exploring uh we don’t need to dig down TV man I actually dug a hole before you got here look uh wait in

This D why in this dice okay let me see what this is and wa wait this is actually a really cool hole let’s jump down it ah oh what what is this what is this isn’t it obvious this is the perfect plot of land for you to build me

My house uh no I’m not building you guys a house are you serious right now well here’s the thing TV man I wasn’t asking uh Put the gun down Jax what in the what Jack put the gun away okay this is weird this is really weird jack okay do you

Really want me to build you a house that bad dude fine let’s build in this house real quick and anyway we got to get out of here as quick as possible so let’s just speedrun this house okay uh we got to build him this house really quick or

Else Jax will blow a fews he has quite a short temper what is Jax’s problem he is actually so weird what’s my problem I just want a house it’s not that much to ask if you want a house so bad cheex why don’t you just build one you do nothing

All the time yeah you literally do nothing dude this is actually messed up you’re literally like forcing me to build you a house right now you literally threatened me I’m not threatening you you can always refuse I’ll just shoot you are you serious right now anyway can you guys hurry up

You have three people down there we’re going to run out of time this place is going to blow up and I won’t even get to enjoy my house dude what in the what you could build a house when we leave this place why do you have to do this right

Now we literally have like an hour and a half until this place explodes you said somebody clearly doesn’t have a watch because we have an hour and 20 minutes left because you’ve been wasting so much time oh what in the what we only have an hour and 20 minutes left are you serious

Right now uh TV man I’m really sorry about him he can be kind of a jerk sometime but it’s okay I like you uh okay PNE I mean I I I like you as a friend too a he likes me as a friend we’re making progress pomy are you

Delusional he likes me too in fact he probably likes me more what the what no I I don’t like any of you guys like that like I just like you guys as friends wait T man I thought we were more than friends waa hold on a second that’s

Really weird yeah who do you think you are ratha obviously he likes me the most JX no one likes you stop being delusional all right guys since Jax is being really mean guys we should pull a huge prank on him that’s a good idea we

Need to put JAX on his place he’s being a huge jerk yeah he’s literally the worst and I think I have a really good idea even though he has a gun pointed right at me I have a really good idea I’m actually going to go around and then

Sneak attack on him oh so you’re going to push him into the hole that’s going to be so funny to watch yes sir now all I got to do is dig around and then I’ll meet him at the other side all right and there we go we are now on the other side

And now I can push jack off wow this house is coming along nicely and it’s the best because I didn’t have to lift a finger to make it Well Jack hi Jack wait what the ow what the heck is this oh my gosh it actually works that was actually

So funny oh my gosh how does it feel ja knowing you’re helpless in a situation to be honest this place is kind of comfortable okay we’ll leave you here bye-bye bye see you later J wait wait wait you can’t just leave me here you guys are too nice for that come on oh

Okay ja will get you out but was that a good prank uh on a scale of 1 to 10 I’d say -2 was it not funny it it was pretty funny you’re in a cage we could just leave that’s not funny that’s just mean you wouldn’t be mean would you TV man

Okay maybe I wouldn’t be mean I’ll get you out Jack that was a pretty funny prank though you got completely trolled Jack okay well anyway let’s continue digging down for now what you guys didn’t finish my house jack we are done with the house I’m sorry let’s go down

Here now and let’s finish this I left that TV man’s leading us he’s like our leader he’s strong he’s Brave he has all the qualities a leader should have why are you talking about him like that he’s no cane or me for that matters oh who

The heck is Kane oh wait is Kane the guy with the weird teeth yeah he’s our leader and he’s kind of annoying and sends us on these weird quests but I’m glad you’re not like Kane or Jax cuz both of them are really annoying I’m not

Annoying I’m just quirky oh what in the what guys uh this is a little bit scary we just dropped into something scary where are you guys oh there you are uh what is this place why are you asking me how would I know huh I don’t remember

This being here this is kind of weird uh yeah this is really weird but wait there’s a chest right here and it has a sword and wo there’s all these golden apples as well uh I’m really scared TV man I feel like something bad’s going to

Happeny don’t worry all we have to do is fight off these monsters and we’ll be fine I think uh I think it’s monsters right monsters oh no I don’t want to fight I’m not good at fighting what if I die uh I’m scared scared TV man you’ll

Protect me right uh yeah sure I guess hello everyone uh what in the what is that Kane yes you guys have progressed way too far you’re not supposed to be here yet Jack you did tell them to build a house right who do you take me for of

Course I did but this TV manlet over here didn’t listen uh what no what Jack you better keep your mouth up before I kill you dude you’re actually getting on my nerves wow that’s not the way you want to speak to a friend now is it uh

I’m sorry Kate okay I’m sorry well it doesn’t matter I’m just going to reset you real quick I’ll be right back see TV man this is what happens when you don’t listen to me and build the house oh my gosh I’m sorry Jack okay oh no we’re up

At the surface again are you serious right now now let me see I’m going to make sure you guys stay up here until I’m satisfied with a house oh what what why is there Bedrock here what is going on yeah you are not leaving this area

Until you build me a cool house wait you might need creative to build me a decent house so here you go oh my goodness are you ser curious right now what is happening why is this going on uh also where is ragi that well I I’m keeping

Your as collateral if you don’t do what I say she may die wait what Kane you’re absolutely crazy but I mean if it gets me my house okay you guys have fun t uh guys I kind of need a bit of help uh if you could finish building up the house

Quick I’d really appreciate that cuz right now Kane has me trapped oh my goodness Kane has her trapped and we have like no time well right now I’m going to activate my creative switcher and blow you now I’m in creative mode all right perfect now Chop Chop to it TV

Boy get me my house already all right I’m building your house dude you’re actually so annoying P I think I’m going to need your help no problem TV man I’ll be glad to help oh my God what is this Amateur hour why are you guys using stone bricks you should be using some

Kind of purple block that’s my favorite color ja what in the what are you even talking about dude it doesn’t matter we just need to build a house that Kane like so wait what does Kane like and oh he likes to color red so let’s build a

Red structure I’m not sure that’s how it works but I guess it’s worth a try at least for like cameraman and like uh speaker man and stuff it works like speaker man when I buildt him like red stuff he loves it who’s speaker man uh what are you talking about oh what do

You mean what am I’m talking about uh I’m talking about speaker he’s like my best friend speaker man pomy don’t you understand he’s talking about his imaginary friends oh I get it uh TV man if you don’t have any real friends uh you know I’m always your friend oh what

Do you mean real friends speaker is literally one of my friends why don’t you guys believe me yeah of course he is Buddy he goes to the other school we get it we get it all right well anyway let’s just keep building up this structure and

There we go that will be the entrance but wait we can’t even change the floor cuz it’s literally Bedrock this house is starting to look really good but it doesn’t feel cozy enough it just feels kind of like a prison uh a prison are you serious right now well that means

We’re probably going to have to build out of something else maybe like wood that would be pretty good or maybe you should be building it out of purple blocks since that’s Kane’s favorite no it is not that is not Kane’s favorite block maybe we should use Cherrywood cuz

That’s like Redwood that’s a great idea TV man thank you py we make a great team TV man some might even say a couple what in the what are you talking about P yeah nobody would say that yeah I’m starting to agree with you on that one ja oh

Never mind just uh forget what I said uh guys I don’t mean to alarm you but I am getting really uncomfortable here so if you could just hurry up a bit I’d be very very appreciative Raga don’t worry we’re trying our best right now but this

Is really difficult cuz we got to build a house that Kane likes hello I’m here to check up your progress all right Kane and if you look we built out of red because red is your favorite color man you did build a lot of red well I am

Quite impressed you are quite a smart one aren’t you TV man what do you mean that’s usually normal like my friend speaker man I I always build out a red for him wait speaker man who is that he’s one of my friends oh my gosh how

Does no one know speaker man here I do not recall a speaker man ever existing but I don’t think it matters uh once you’re done with the second floor I’ll allow you to leave speaker man is this guy’s uh imaginary friend oh my bad his very very real friend just don’t talk

About it leave Al oh my goodness I wish peer was here right now he would actually show all of you guys red carpet you guys have no taste just red red red yuck what do you mean Jax I’m literally just doing what Kane would want dude

Just so we don’t die plus we have to save ragi who cares about ragi I mean sure Kane is holding her hostage but here I am without my house oh my gosh Jack you really care about that more than literally Raga who’s about to die J

You are actually so messed up this is why TV bands a thousand times better than you all right well anyway we got to start building the second floor I don’t really like how that looks so maybe we’re going to use a different type of stair let me see what we can use and

Wait brick would be perfect oh cherry wood would be perfect all right here we go we’ll place that right there and there and here we go wow this looks so good TV man Kane is going to love this yes sir now all we have have to do is

Place down this roof right here and also add the bedrooms and then we should be done I can’t believe it red red red where’s the purple show some design show some class what is this all right here we go let’s just break some of this and

Put some more glass right here and booah that’s going to be the design you know TV man uh I really like you like you’re everything someone would want or a girl would want at least you’re strong you’re thoughtful I’m just saying you’re a really nice person is that too weird to

Say uh no I I guess I guess not it’s just just a little weird I guess I I don’t know no it’s fine whatever I’m coming back in a couple of minutes if that house isn’t finished I won’t ever allow you to leave that plane uh what in

The what are you talking about wait Kan you’re saying we’re never going to be able to leave ever yep never be able to leave Kane what is your problem just let us go well I want to see things progress smoothly so I need you guys to finish

That house anyway the house is starting to look really good but what in the what is going on here why is it purple everywhere H pomy is are you doing this pomy where are you oh wait it’s not py it’s ja I’m working on the bedroom ja

What are you doing hey hey stop this right now Kane’s going to get really angry what why would Kane get angry this is the perfect look we just need a little bit more purple and it’s great uh ja this is so bad dude you realize purple is like his least favorite color

I think cuz purple and red are like very different you have never met Kane you don’t know his favorite color look fine whatever I’ll just get of it now before Kan comes out this is very awkward Jack Jack hey what are you doing after all my

Hard work I have graced this house with my presentence and design and you’re messing with it what’s wrong with you jack I will kill you oh I’m wear in Creative chill out buddy trust me he’ll love it oh my goodness I don’t know about that dude you’re really pushing my

Buttons well here’s the thing it doesn’t matter if he loves it I love it hello I’m here to review your house uh we are not ready Kate I’m not going to lie I still have some things I need to change that please please just go go back in

Like literally give me a minute dude just give me a minute hold on hold on a second I already gave you a couple of minutes stop right now or I will cease you okay let’s take a look nice red I don’t know why you have purple carpets I

Actually quite dislike that yes okay I give me one second Kade Jack stop placing purple stuff everywhere stop right now what’s going on with the second floor what’s with all this purple I don’t know Kane this TV man was saying he wanted to put purple everywhere and

It was your favorite color I was trying to tell him to use red but I don’t know what he was doing what in the what Jax are you serious right now you better not do this to me seriously you know what just go away stop this right now stop

You’re trying to trap your friend T man I can’t believe you let me just do this real quick oh wait what are you doing here you go okay no oh my goodness I’m in survival mode again are you serious right now Kane it was literally Jack purple is his favorite color he was

Nagging TV man all this time it’s not TV man’s fault it’s Jack he’s the reason everything is purple whatever whatever I guess it doesn’t matter you guys built a the house I may not have liked it so I won’t give you a reward but I will allow

You to leave this area and continue downward but I still have to invoke a punishment besides TV man what in the what oh Jack this is all your fault that’s rough buddy well pomy let’s get out of here wait I’m not going if TV man’s not going I’m going to stay with

TV man huh that’s actually quite comedic that is really funny now to think about it cuz TV man’s about to die wait what and whenever I say you’re about to die I told mean by me I mean by what’s in the one junk oh what the one just go

Everyone run good luck oh by the way you’ll find your friend Raga in the room that where you guys were teleported from oh my goodness Kate is actually such a maniac what is going on just jump down and go oh my gosh chill out TV man and

What the what ragi are you okay took you guys long enough but yeah I’m fine just I do not like listening to Kane and all his weird stories but I’m fine anyways uh TV man thanks for saving me that was really kind of you sorry to inform you

Ratha but we were just doing this so we can progress plus I’m sure TV man doesn’t like you anyway with your um your hair kind of is falling out you know ooh you going to take that ratha listen pomy I wouldn’t be talking with your little Jester outfit in fact

You’re not just a clown you’re the whole circus yeah I went there I went there oh no she didn’t all right anyway we’re going to have to start fighting these monsters because it’s the only way we’re going to move on to the next challenge of this one chunk I’m I’m going to hang

Out with you TV man cuz you’re strong and I know you’ll save me oh and what in the what is that thing this thing looks pretty cute ow ow okay no it’s not cute uh po I need help I’m coming hey TV man why are you killing our friend that’s

Gangle uh he’s literally trying to kill me all right I’ll bring him up here so you can say hi to your friend okay uh gle’s a girl and she gets a little upset when people call her a guy so rude TV man I’m sorry it was an accident I I

Can’t tell like what the heck it’s so tidy oh what what is that kinger ew hey and there’s kinger too oh no TV man are you okay I think you’re about to die no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I just got

To climb up here uh TV man I I kind of need a little help here once got me in a corner I got you py oh my gosh ah they’re so powerful fight them all and where’s Jackson ragi are you guys even helping what do you mean I’m helping

You’re the one just watching pomy get surrounded what are you doing TV man okay it turns out you guys need a hero to save you so I’ll step in although it’s kind of watching bney scream for Life ret that that’s so rude what in the

What Raga that is so messed up all right you know what Jack you need a little taste of your own medicine get in there what are you doing uh you’re literally not doing anything you need to start helping out come on ah what what are

Those things uh ja no Jax you need to help out come on go back to your spot go go go no you kill them no we’re breaking this ladder because we need help or we’re going to die why are you making me fight them I don’t even have any weapons

Well uh too bad bad you have to fight them Jackson your words that’s a you problem I never said that actually this hasn’t been too hard but I think there might be one last round oh no not another round this is so scary ah what the what are those things ew you know

This isn’t so bad actually just letting you guys do all the work for me and I get front row seats like this Jax you are so annoying dude I actually don’t like you at all guilty as charged oh my good ja you have to fight them too why

Aren’t you helping me put your sword and just hit them I don’t have a sword what do you want me to do and they’re my friend JX this may look like suil but uh she’s attacking us I know I just don’t want to do any work Jax you never want

To do any work the most work you want to do is take a nap and sometimes I wish you didn’t wake up from that nap what the way anyways I think we just finished the round that was pretty easy oh and now we can go down here and uh leave I

Can’t wait to go home uh guys what in the what is this uh what’s with all these stoves yeah this is kind of weird uh let’s just try to keep going I guess yeah that’s a good idea how about you take a closer look TV man oh yeah I’m

Looking right now and wait rath’s already down there ah Jax are you serious right now yeah how do you like it not so fun getting knocked down huh Jack why would you do that okay I’m jumping jack I get it bro but that was just a joke you almost just pushed me

Into the lava well I was just joking too and you didn’t fall in the lava so we’re fine okay you’re going first cuz I don’t want you to shove me into the lava Go Jack fine don’t be such a baby Jack jokes are supposed to be funny it was

Funny to me you know what’s funny your looks uh guys stop fighting uh anyways back on track I think we only have 40 minutes till the world self-destructs hey uh guys you might want to be careful this is a tight RPP and if you lose your balance you’re going to fall into the

Poison below us wow that’s so scary how about you just don’t fall then it’s that easy Jax not all of us are a skinny little stick like you oh that was a pretty good one TV man I’m I’m really scared okay I’ll save you come on

Probably all you have to do is just jump and then you let in the ladder and then you just have to do this little tip rope thingy it’s pretty easy okay okay come on pomy you got it P you got it it’s not that hard okay oh you did it good job pomy

Okay let’s keep going and wo all right let’s keep digging down and wo this looks like it’s a blocked wait I don’t even have a pickaxe hey uh T man I have a pickaxe if that might help oh of course that would help that would be

Such a great help poy thank you no problem G you’re so desperate I think she was just trying to be nice to me I’m not going to lie I don’t think that was like desperate what are you talking about Jack oh you’re so oblivious t man

Yeah ja what do you think I’m oblivious you should try being nice for once yeah Jax why don’t you try being nice for once you loser when TV man calls you a loser you know it’s true are you calling TV man a loser no I’m calling you a

Loser all right let’s keep digging down and whoa is that nether blocks that’s so cool nether blocks we might be able to use that for experience moving forward maybe we should take it T man could you get your fat butt out of the way I’m

Sorry dude oh my gosh don’t need to be so mean about it Jax yeah I do Jax stop inflicting your insecurities on others we know you wish you were nice and thick but you sadly just were born a stick okay if you’re one to talk ratha you can

Lose some weight you’re just jealous of my Adonis like physique uh guys we need to focus on getting out of here okay okay just tell Flat Stanley to shut his mouth for once guys I’m please stop fighting we only have like 20 minutes till this place explodes I’m sorry TV

Man sometimes they’re a bit immature it’s fine py don’t worry about it but wo this is crazy what is this all right and wait is this the portal oh oh my goodness we can actually get out of here but oh it’s not activated are you serious right now uh if I’m not mistaken

I’m pretty sure that’s Cane’s portal which only he can open hello you are correct PNE oh Kane what the what are you doing here we can actually get out of here now right like it would be that easy I have one more task for you oh

What is the task you want me to do K you’re supposed to find it on your way down but I guess you missed it there’s an item that you need to give me before I will allow you to leave oh my gosh not more tasks just let us leave Kane this

Is so annoying why would I let you leave you’re so entertaining I I just can’t stop watching I need you to find I won’t tell you what you need to find but there is a really specific item that I need you to discover so I’ll teleport you

Back to the top and you could just take a look around K oh no not all the way to the top again uh Kane we only have 10 minutes left what do you mean go back to the top it’s fine you’ll probably lose I’ll just recreate you in a different

Place Kane this is really messed up we only have 10 minutes to get out of here and find that item oh no we’re totally going to die don’t worry py if we just think we’re going to do it we’ll do it okay we can literally just do it what

Are you even saying TV man we can’t do it we’re dead I mean I hate to agree with the clown but she has a point the reason why you guys are so short on time is cuz it is kind of your fault for not finding it

On the way down oh no okay just teleport us up to the top come on the time’s taking we have like 9 minutes left now oh give me a second huh I need to fly back up there you are literally stoling our time G hey hey you can’t just do

That oh my goodness we have 9 minutes left see you in a second okay here’s the plan guys we’re going to go up to the surface he’s going to probably teleport us we need to go up to the surface and find that item like right now I love how

Smart you are TV man uh thanks I guess uh sorry what were you saying TV man I wasn’t really listening uh nothing I was not talking to you okay uh Kan teleport us oh hey guys uh what did I miss oh Raga that’s where you were why were you

Inside of here are you serious right now out did you hear anything Kane just said oh Kane was here um no do you mind filling me in well we have 8 minutes left until we literally die we need to find a special item at the top so we

Need to do this now why isn’t Kane teleporting us well it’s because I’m stalling you giving you guys less time it’ll be more entertaining for me if you guys are panicking H that’s a little bit funny but also kind of messed up but you know TV man we would have had plenty of

Time if you built the house right the first time just saying oh my goodness are you serious right now it’s not my fault yeah TV man it’s not your fault Jax was just being a jerk and he was the one who set us back because he decided

To have his ego get in the way and make everything purple all right guys well anyway we just need to get up to the surface and he’s still stalling us where are we supposed to go give me a second I’ll be teleporting you in 3 2

One and oh my goodness Are you seriously serious right now all right everybody find the item he said kid can we have an idea what the item even is dude it may be red that’s all I’m going to tell you is it inside of the house where is it oh

Who knows who knows who knows but I believe JX is the only one who could actually find it well now that things are getting to the climax let’s kick this up a notch what are you talking about kick this up a notch py do you know what he’s talking about and uh guys

It is night time uhoh well it might be night time but I mean it could be worse it could be like raining or something right oh Jack way to call that one dude where even are you dude where’s that item he said you’re the only one who

Could find it Well I have no idea what he meant maybe we’ll figure it out on our way down or die I guess oh my goodness no we need to look everywhere real quick and wait we only have 6 minutes left uh ragi do something too uh

Okay uh I’m I’m trying um uh I have no clue where it could be yeah TV man do something what are you doing just slacking off what are you talking about Jax I’m trying to find it okay Jax we’re going down so you need to follow us now

Let’s go this way instead all right guys let’s go we got to go down now we got to find this now we only have 5 minutes we’re running out of time wait a second it could be inside of the house we built for Jack let’s go check hey what the

Heck do you think you’re doing to my house uh what are you talking about J I’m trying to find that weird thing that Kane said he needed it ja do you even know what it is by any chance how would you know what whatever I’m just going to

Take a nap uh dude you can’t take a nap wait what the heck what did you guys do to my bed it feels like there’s a lump under it what are you talking about and oh what in the what is this Kane’s blood oh my gosh I think this is it you mean

We can escape now oh yeah I hate to be the bear of bad news but we only have 2 minutes before this place explodes come on we got to get out of here wow that’s great and all ratha but where’s my thank you for finding the item we need okay ja

Thank you ah and what the heck I hear explosions okay everyone come on we got to go down now we have like 2 minutes left oh no I hear the explosions come on Tom you’re okay just keep running down we got no time to waste come

On oh we have to do this parkour all over again are you serious right now ow ow this lava is so hot oh P are you okay ow the explosions okay I’m going to push you up the explosions literally just pushed me into the lava are you serious right now okay

Okay oh no now we’re going to have to do this literally covered in lava oh no can you hurry up TV man you’re the one with the special item ouch I am trying I’m literally in lava right now but I’m fine Jax you’re the one who wanted to take a

Nap in this crisis at least cut TV man some slack and I’m the one that found the item we needed so cut me some slack uh guys we have 50 seconds left we need to leave come on go we have no time to waste ah jump down got the item all

Right guys I’m going to place this item right here Kane we’re here on time I think like 20 seconds on time 20 seconds I guess that will do ah since you have gotten it you guys ready for a mob battle yeah I’ve done a little something

I paused time on the one chunk so it won’t be exploding anytime soon I will allow it to blow up once you guys all die to this mob battle all right guys you heard the man take care of the mobs and then we get to go uh what in the

What no not more monsters and wait my sword’s let about to run out but it’ll be okay I’ll be fine I’m scared TV man okay good luck I will see you guys in the afterlife tatana uh what in the what Jax what are you doing in there no you can’t just

Stand in there there’s monsters around us SP I’m going to defend this area man yeah Jackson the monsters can see you your big head floats above the door it doesn’t matter if they can see me they can’t get through the door I can open it

I’m breaking it and I can close it oh my gosh what in the what we have a bigger problem here ja do you see those spiders oh my gosh they’re so ugly they remind me of pomy I hate spiders oh oh that’s weird oh no they’re putting me in these

Spider webs ew oh my gosh oh this is so disgusting oh my gosh I hate this so much fight off these monsters oh no P you’re in those spider webs are you okay I’m I’m fine oh there there’s Babies there’s Babies oh my goodness ew and

What in the what are those are those mutant skeletons ew hey ja these skeletons have more meat on their bones than you do that’s big talk coming from a literal doll oh my goodness Guys these bows aren working on these skeletons so you guys are going to need to fight all

Them I literally can you got this TV man Jack help out dude I’m helping as much as I can from over here perfectly safe uh we have a bigger problem literally ah mutant zombies oh my go if you guys survived this last wave of a mutant

Zombie I will allow you guys to leave this place Alive come on guys we have to fight this mutant zombie together that includes you jack so stop hiding your scrawny bony body behind that door we can do this guys I’m helping I’m distracting him TV man ra that Jack’s

House okay hold on this mutant Zombie is literally fighting me right now let’s go save py oh my gosh P are you okay I’m trying to fight them off but there’s too many of them oh no I’m getting really low on health ow this m zombie ow oh no

He keeps respawning guys can you hurry up I got an appointment I got to get to oh my gosh we’re trying our best Jack ow oh my gosh these mut zombies are really powerful come on Jack come on and help for once fine I’ll help from the corner

Don’t worry this mute zombies about to die watch this ready we’re going to give him like two more attempts and he should die and uh he’s dead let’s go we did it oh my gosh I can’t believe it we can finally go home well you guys did a

Fantastic job but I believe there’s still one more mob hiding in that room of yours got to be kidding me oh by the way you have I believe uh 10 seconds to find that mob or you die oh wait what what mob are you talking about hey hey I

Don’t see any monsters what are you talking about uh it’s up here there’s a spider up there uh where oh there’s a spider kill the spider oh did we get it I got it well let’s check the time to see if you guys got in time H 2.5 seconds remaining good job you

That was really close uh so Kane can we leave now please H I guess you did survive the challenges so I may be willing to let you go come on Kane after I save the day yet again you’re not going to let me out come on I was just

Teasing turn around oh wait what turn around and oh my goodness it’s open everyone leave come on wo finally get me out of here wait a second where am I right now oh hi TV man I miss you wait TV man how you know my sister you bozo

Hey why’ you push me off oh no hey uh T man come over here help us fild this one chunk wait we are not working together with this guy I mean look at him you’re my sister get away oh come on guys please let me work together

With you guys so we can actually get out of this one chk yeah come on brother it’s TV man he’s like super cool and plus you never do any work anyways that doesn’t matter you can do all the work now that you’re here and besides stop

Trying to hit on my sister weirdo what in the what I am not hitting on your sister that is literally I I would never do that to you jack you know you’re like literally one of my best friends TVV man you’re sending me mixed signals like I

Thought you were totally hitting on me okay whatever I’m just going to go break some blocks over here and get some resources so I can actually get out of here all right let’s keep breaking this tree so we can get the most resources ever hello TV man oh Kane what in the

What are you doing here dude you should not be here right now Jax is very angry at me what for what did you do let me take a little guess were you hitting on his sister yeah he was and if he doesn’t knock it off I’m going to knock him off

Yeah I I see your point but TV man’s a good guy why would you let him just go out for a little bit see how it goes shut up Kane I’m never letting this guy get near my sister and why the heck are you here anyway well uh uh I I’m here to

Help TV man find his future girlfriend whoa what in the what no you’re not dude do not do this right now you’re going to make Jax even more angry at me TV man you’re seriously trying to tell me you aren’t trying to flp with my sister and

You even brought a wingman get out of here hey don’t push me off again oh my gosh are you serious right now TV man just ignore my brother he’s lazy he has a huge ego and he’s kind of ugly so you’re a cool guy we can just chill you

Know uh yeah I guess so but I can’t get anywhere near you or Jackson’s literally going to kill me on anyway TV man I know you’re probably not good at this whole one chunk thing so here’s some stuff to help you out you know oh thank you so

Much jackon sister this is so helpful pickaxe wood of course wo this is so awesome an iron pickaxe I’ve never had an iron pickaxe before oh will you look at that it’s going so smoothly hey Jack come on huh what is it TV man what did I

Say what are you talking about dude she’s just giving me resources she’s helping me out a lot I literally have a stack of wood now so I can start building my house um why are you even giving him that stuff and why you get near him in the first place is he

Blackmailing you blackmailing no are you okay did you like hit your head but he is actually doing work while you’re standing there doing nothing this is your last and only warning if you keep messing with this guy you’re going to regret it oh I’m so scared I’m quaking

In my boots yeah you better be well T man I got you a little something that might help you out here here we go wait a second what in the what is this a creative switcher why would I need that oh so you can build her the best house

Imaginable dude I don’t really like her like that I I mean I do like her a lot but like Jax is going to kill me if he finds out that I’m going to like try to date her just go for it man you got this all right let’s activate this creative

Switcher and boo there we go now I’m in creative mode and I can’t make it seem like I’m in creative mode or they’re going to get literally so angry at me and I didn’t make it seem like I built it in survival yeah it would be perfect

If you built an amazing house said you built it in survival and then she’s going to be super impressed it’s the best way to go yes sir and wait maybe I should make this stained glass not white stained glass but purple stained glass cuz I’m pretty sure that’s her favorite

Color oh that is genius using their favorite colors against them I love the ideas okay listen you might not know this but this TV man is a psycho uh ja why are you describing yourself okay I’m psycho but like in in a good way he’s psycho in a cuckoo way Jax you’re so

Pressed for nothing Tan’s a cool guy uh no he ain’t you don’t know him like I know him uh hey don’t talk to TV man that way he’s a cool guy I watch over him all the time and he’s always really funny as well see even Kane says he’s

Cool that means he’s definitely not Kane’s an idiot I mean I agree with you there hey that’s a little bit rude what what that was even that was really uncalled for man it was really uncalled for man you going to cry about it go cry about it all right let’s add some more

Glass and wo this is starting to look so awesome there’s no way Jack’s sister isn’t going to like this wait a minute TV man did you make this since survival uh of course I did look at me I’m literally in survival mode right now that’s actually not half bad I’m kind of

Impressed wait TV man you built this house it’s so purple how did you know that was my favorite color uh of course I know you jack you’re like one of my best friends dude what are you talking about and I know Jax’s sister which is

Uh the one that I’m uh friends with but yeah yeah I know her favorite color too wait did you build this in survival where’ you even get all this stuff well I guess there’s no way there’s a creative switcher here that would be crazy so I guess you had to have done in

Survival yes sir I totally did it in survival mode isn’t this so awesome and I’m going to add a ton of stories to this and make it like the best Jack’s house ever well I’m going to be honest TV man I kind of like the idea of

Somebody working for free for me but uh make me my own like private room gaming setup you know all everything you know well I was thinking about like building the stuff for your sister first a that’s sweet Jax you could learn a thing about chivalry from TV man wait TV man I

Thought you were building this for me if it’s for my sister that’s just weird well he’s building all of this just for you J don’t you know oh well if it’s just for me then that’s fine but if it’s for my sister TV man I’m going to burn

This place down well it’s for all all of you guys I I think I I don’t know okay I I can’t say it’s just for you jack well I mean we do only have a few hours left until this whole place blows up and goes

Skyh high so can you hurry up and make me a bedroom so I can take a Jack’s TV man is trying his hardest and he’s actually putting in some work which is something you never do so at least give him some respect why should I respect him I don’t respect anybody not even

Myself yo T man I got the perfect idea watch this what what are you doing k no no no don’t go over there and say something oh oh gosh I’m I’m just going to sit back hey J I have a little uh proposition just late TV man date your

Sisters just as easy that everything fix what are you doing Kane stop talking dude oh my gosh you’re actually making this way worse for myself wait did TV man put you up to this no uh I put myself up to this definitely not him it he didn’t do this I swear that doesn’t

Sound suspicious at all uh come on man just let update a sister I I know it’ll be fantastic stop talking Kane just stop talking and leave seriously uh okay um that was weird Kane you literally just ruined my chances dude are you serious right now all right anyway I’m just

Going to try to distract myself and finish his house maybe I could impress Jax’s sister but I don’t want to be weird anymore but Kane is literally ruining my chances right now all right TV man that’s the last straw I’m going to kill you hey what the heck wait you

Can’t kill me don’t don’t hit me oh wait wa what the you’re in creative mode uh no I’m not in creative mode I just switched to creative mode like just a minute ago but it wasn’t my fault I swear you dirty rat you lied to me you

Said you built this all in survival okay well I’m going to turn it off then see how you like that wait wait turn off what the wait the creative search there’s a turn off button uh yeah every one chunk has it I’m going to turn it

Off now no uh ja please do not go over there and turn it off please seriously no Jack stop no no ja don’t do it don’t click it too late Bozo oh my goodness are you serious right now now I’m in survival mode and oh this is going to be

So awkward oh gosh Jack ja just stop it okay this isn’t funny it never was funny just chill out okay is that so hard to do are you serious TV man lied to me he even said he was my best friend not that I ever considered him my best friend but

I’m going to kill no no no Jack stop it ow ow ow no no no ja ja ja stop stop you’ve lied to tons of times okay you are not one to talk okay but I’m a known liar that’s different okay but take a second and look at this really cool

House he built Us in survival okay in survival in survival this guy built it in hey hey how’s it going everyone why don’t we break this up we don’t have to fight anymore TV make come me uh okay Kane where are we going this is really

Awkward I’m in survival mode now and I can’t reactivate it I’ve tried it’s not working and I cannot reactivate it yeah I don’t know what to do to be honest uh maybe you can just try to impress her by like digging downward I’ve set some things up where you can impress her by

Defeating some mobs down there wait a second you’re actually right and wait maybe I could like save the day and get them out of this one chunk would that impress her probably that’s what I I would be impressed okay uh guys I have a new plan this is what we’re going to do

We are going to get out of this one chunk and uh we’re going to go now uh we’re not going anywhere TV man who do you think you are telling me what to do what do you mean we’re literally going to die on this one truck if we don’t

Leave come on sister let’s go okay I see nothing better to do and you’re not really doing much so wait what are you doing why are you going with TV man listen to me for once that’s something funny that’s really funny that’s a that’s a really funny joke well fine if

You’re going with him I guess I’ll go with you too as well I guess I’m coming along okay no oh my gosh why is everyone coming with me right now it was supposed to be me and Jax’s sister hey it’s okay TV man we can probably shake them off

Our tail Kane’s annoying Jax is annoying actually I don’t know which one is more annoying but you know you’re actually not an oh thank you so much I appreciate that but anyway it looks like there’s this area right here and what the what is this judging by the armor and the

Chest I’m pretty sure this is a mob room wait this is a mob room oh my goodness are you serious right now but let’s check what’s in these chests and wo there’s an iron sword a bow and an arrow and there’s all this armor as well guys

Let’s all grab this armor but let’s hope that those other guys don’t come back down here finally I caught up to you guys and why are you still with my sister check he’s literally not doing anything and he’s really nice and not going to lie I actually kind of like him

What first of all he better not be doing anything second of all what do you even like about him I mean just look at him he’s ugly and dumb and and by the way where even is Kane at he said he was here whatever okay let’s just fight

These monsters wherever they are who cares about monsters I’m going to be the one coming after you oh no stop it ah and what in the what there’s all these mobs oh no where did these things come from Sky I don’t know oh no they’re so

Powerful look at these Ms moners oh my gosh all these monsters are getting in my way after I’m done with them you’re next TV man oh my gosh are you serious right now I’m getting really low on health okay I might actually die here someone help me okay I’ll be your night

And shining armor oh thank you so much for saving me you actually just saved my life I literally would have died if it wasn’t for you no problem now you owe me a favor I don’t know maybe you could take me out to lunch or something um nobody is being taken anywhere except

For TV man being taken to the mor ah what no what stop it ow I’m going getting shot by all these zombie thingies they’re so weird and gross guys I’m on my way you guys okay down there Kane I’m not okay I need your help right

Now wait maybe I don’t need your help you actually almost got me killed a few times okay no just just stay in your own lane or do something else yeah I’m trying to get over of here too this whole chunk I believe gets deleted in like I believe an hour wait so what

Happens if we like don’t leave in the next hour uh I don’t think you ever see the light of day again what in the what are you talking about are you serious right now but more importantly TV man are you saving Jack’s sister oh no she’s

Saving me is that bad a little bit oh hello T man I got a little I got a little idea hello Jack’s sister oh no no K not one of these again no no no no no um don’t worry I got this hi Kane so uh

I want to tell you something that TV man has gotten you a really really really nice and expensive gift whoa what what are you talking about nice and expensive gifts i i u yeah exactly he’s trying to get you something really expensive and really nice something that you would

Love uh that’s cool TV man I didn’t know you like made a lot of cash yeah he has the amazing job he’s a TV surgeon one of the best in the world K why are you saying this I’m literally broke I don’t have a job okay whatever yes I I will

Get you the or I will bring you the gift I think okay what one second uh Miss Miss Jax I I have to uh talk to Kane real quick Kane come over here yeah yeah no problem no problem oh what’s up I thought I was doing a good job you know

I don’t have a good job you are ruining all my chances to date her I literally so angry at you don’t worry don’t worry I set up an item somewhere a little bit further down in chug it’s a ring it’s a diamond ring actually if you find it and

Give it to her she’s going to love it uh are you serious right now okay maybe that’s actually good I’ll just pretend like have a good job oh yeah wait what was I doing oh yeah TV man now that all the monsters are gone uh I’m going to

Kill you now no no no no Jack stop ow what in the what stop ja Jax if you try to send him to the morg I’m going to send you there first okay uh no you ain’t who do you think you are my sister that’s exactly right oh yeah can you

Guys just stop fighting seriously this is so annoying like I don’t want anything to do with maybe I do want something to do with but you know Jax don’t worry about it right now shut up TV man you’re the problem here TV man you shut up Jax there’s literally

Nothing wrong with TV man he’s like really nice and he’s going to get me a gift like what’s your problem jackon why do you have so much beef with him um why don’t you have beef with him you don’t know him I’ve known him forever and you

Know I was fine with him on his own but now that he’s going after my sister I got to take him out oh my goodness are you serious right now maybe I just need to give up this is really bad it’s all Kane’s fault literally ruined all my

Chances oh Jack Serena how’s it going that’s not my name but uh Hey Kane what’s going on Kane better not do anything weird I’m just here I’ll just leave you to alone for a bit no no no you st right here right here TV man’s

Got an amazing joke he wants to tell to you a joke what are you what are you talking about no no I don’t I don’t have anything to say what are you what are you talking about Kane oh yeah not not not a joke my bad my bad a compliment he

Wanted to tell you my bad my bad a compliment what are you talking about uh Jack Selina is that your name uh no but anyway what’s your compliment to you man I kind of want to hear it uh my compliment oh gosh um this is really

Awkward I like your uh your ears are cool uh thank you I was born with them I uh I like your uh HDMI cord oh TV man didn’t you tell me you wanted to give her two compliments dude stop Kane this is really weird you’re soone annoying uh

Okay uh uh what do I say uh I like your um uh your nose uh my nose yeah uh I hate to break it to you buddy but I don’t have a nose oh my gosh Kane I’m going to kill you whatever all right I’m

Just going to go down here wait it looks like there’s another challenge down here oh my gosh oh no and wait a second what in the what is this uh there’s a lot of pressure plates that does not seem good oh hey TV man I’ve been waiting for you

Down here buddy uh just FYI I’m not sure you’re going to make it out of here alive so good luck Jack you do realize if he dies I’m dying along with him are are you dumb I mean I guess she has a point all right TV man when you die do

It away from her please oh my goodness okay I just got to do this parkour it looks like there’s like TNT under here but let me just go around it come on uh follow me okay come on it better be this way I just have a good feeling it’s this

Way are you following me what if one of these are TNT were actually going to die this is so ah TNT everyone run run run oh no wow you guys got pretty close to dying there you didn’t even hit the bad one but uh let’s see if you can finish

The rest of this oh no come on we got to do this parkour if we fall we’re actually dunzo come on it what’s in this chest there’s literally ladders are you serious raining out what are we going to use ladders for oh TV man good job doing

All my work for me those ladders are for right here so we can get up into this chest oh my goodness let’s grab the chest and wait hey ja what’s in this chest oh wouldn’t you like to know TV boy I think that’s what he asked Jack

Yeah I know that’s why I said it oh what was in the chest TV man it was just a lever no big deal let me just uh put that down and later hey hey hey don’t leave oh and what you know what we are all stuck down here no do not jump down

Here please oh it’s a bit crowded don’t you think why’d you jump in after me you idiot God I hate being this close to TV man when’s the last time you shower oh my goodness hey get me out of here Hey ow ow what’s going on this you Jax you

Smell horrible oh my gosh what the what just happened I think there was like an explosion what what was that uh why are you asking me actually why are you talking to me get away where do you want me to go anywhere just not here okay

Break this break that oh hey guys what in the what are you doing here so how’s it going how is how have things progressed uh we almost exploded that was so much fun right TV man that was pretty fun with you I guess oh that’s

What the TNT over here is for so um how’s it going how you guys liking each other yet has he accepted your dating stop Kane uh Kane how many times do I have to say this they’re never going to be together get out of here you little freak hey uh

You can never say that and saying never is a very strong wood who knows what can happen whatever shut up Kan I don’t have time to talk to you this place is blown up in 20 minutes and me and my sister are getting out of here uh it’s my

Sister and I Jax but TV man’s coming along with us right he’s like one of my best friends now oh and me right and me uh we’re still deciding on that one buddy no offense Kane but I don’t like you how I like TV man well duh nobody

Likes Kane but any anyways TV man what did you do to my sister to even get her to like you it’s probably some kind of mind control or something oh I know exactly what TV man did he did the perfect thing is complimented her nose

Um I still don’t have a nose her nose the nose that she doesn’t have that nose yeah that’s what I was going to say hey I mean it’s the thought that counts I bet no one’s complimenting you before Jack yeah nobody’s complimented me on my nose that’s for sure all right anyway

I’m just going to keep digging down and whoa what what is this okay I got to jump it ah w that was crazy oh wait for me o okay this is crazy here guys I’ll place this right here so you guys can jump down safely and we don’t have a lot

More time left but how much more of this is there there’s only a few more blocks left that we can actually leave this place and wait a second it looks like there’s like a sign right here and it says find the key to leave what the what

Does that mean um pretty sure means find a key and then we can leave I don’t know just a hunch I love it when you play stupid TV man it’s kind of cute what I I’m not stupid are you serious right now yes it’s working yes they’re getting

Closer and closer and by before very eyes they’re going to start dating Kane shut up and TV man stop talking to her I’m not dude well kind of I am okay but I’m not trying to date her come on guys we have to find this key uh let’s see uh

Ja you can look for it with me and T man you can look for it with Jack sister okay let’s go look for it where is that kid okay on it it’s nice that we’re working together TV man it’s really nice not working with ja cuz he makes me do

All the work he’s so lazy why the heck are they working together I want to work with my sister I don’t want to work with you and by work I mean let her do everything exactly all right where in the where is that key and wait is it up

Here no it’s not up here are you serious right now T man T man come here come here okay don’t worry I built this part of the one chunk see that little Tower thing over there like that corner oh yeah I see that corner one you’re going

To the keys in there I I put it there you’re going to you’re going to act like oh look I found it and look how smartart you are and say that to Jack’s sister oh you are so smart Kane okay uh guys I found it oh look at this I found the key

Really quickly that was way too easy really hey wow TV man that was amazing how did you find it you’re like a god of finding objects that’s amazing I wish I could do that dang I didn’t know you were that smart you know I’m kind of impressed okay why are we gassing up

This loser for finding a stupid key he literally just walked around well I found the key for all of you guys it would have taken you guys way longer but anyway we only have like 10 minutes left so we should definitely just get out of

Here come on open that up and there we go oh yeah I ain’t hanging around this place anymore it’s kind of warm I do like all the lava all right let’s break this and let’s make it to the bottom let’s go uh Jackson sister can you back

Up for a second I need to have a word with TV man again yeah sure oh Kane I’m not going to lie I have to say something to you too uh dude you’re actually like doing you’re doing a good job you were being really cringy in the beginning but

Like that actually worked and she started to actually like me oh don’t worry The Best Is Yet To Come there’s a room down here that once you see it you’ll know what to is wait what the what are you talking about are you serious right now don’t worry just dig

Down I believe right where I am the entrance should be right here a second okay let’s dig down and let’s see it and uh it’s not right there let’s see if it’s right here come on where is it should be really close now I believe all

Righty and Bo am I there yet are you serious right now oh there it is there we go we got some beds for two people to sleep in each that is really weird I’m not going to lie I don’t know if I can do that maybe we should wait for the

Others I think they got lost oh wait that’s a perfect idea you can save them you can guide them here like hey I found the way oh my goodness that is actually so smart I’m actually going to do that don’t worry Jackson Jack his sister I’ll save you guys great look what you’ve

Done you idiot we’re lost um what do you mean we’re lost I know exactly where I am okay then lead the way go ahead guys guys we are right here everyone come down here don’t worry I’ll save the day oh thank goodness I did not want to spend another moment with that idiot

Thanks T man for always coming into clutch it’s it’s really nice to have someone to depend on uh you can’t rely on this guy at all what are you talking about can I rely on you you can rely on not relying on me yeah that’s what I

Thought okay Segway time okay TV man there seems to be a puzzle here whatever could that puzzle be uh I have no idea seems to be a sign over there why don’t you go over there and read it to us find the correct lever to escape oh we got to

Find the correct LA but anyway why are there like two beds here and two beds here Kade I don’t know uh it’s all part of the bit oh I don’t know maybe we could sleep if we get tired here wait did you say sleep now you’re talking my

Language I call this one oh I don’t really like B I’ll just sleep on the floor you know I I could I could always just make myself float if I want but let’s see I guess TV man and Jack sister you guys can share this bed wait wait

What no they’re not sharing anything if you even get near that bed TV man I’m going to kill you oh my gosh I’m sorry okay I won’t dude anyway we got to get out of here we have like 5 minutes left until this whole place explodes why are

We wasting time that’s what I was thinking like we don’t have time to sleep we got to find that lever and get out of here all right let’s find that lever we have no time to waste come on D man come here what’s up there’s a little

Bit of a trick to this one so you know how it says find all the levers yes I I know how you said find the levers only one thing like obviously there’s a bunch of levers but there’s actually a button that blends in over here kind of weird

Right there is a button wait how do you know how everything’s right did you build this map for me uh I I didn’t build it but I did change it a bit I kind of switch some things around so that I can help you out oh my gosh thank

You so much Kane you’re actually coming in clutch right now now what I need you to do I need you to act a little bit dumb here just like oh which lever then you’re going to notice the button and then be like whoa I figured it out got

It okay you’re right you’re right yeah I’m I’m going to act this out are you ready okay uh where is the button or not the button of the lever where’s the lever this is frustrating I can’t figure this out and I’m supposed to be the

Smart one uh we don’t have a lot of time TV man do you have any idea which lever it is it’s this one it’s this one oh it worked oh my gosh wait something’s exploding oh I think it actually worked ah oh oh there’s an opening oh look TV

Man found the exit how amazing of you I’m really impressed to you man you are just saving this entire day you know you’re um a little bit cringy and awkward but you’re not as bad as I thought you were not as bad as you thought yeah cuz he’s worse I mean just

Look at him oh my gosh are you serious right now anyway let’s just jump down here and wa what is this wa this seems like the last room uh I think we have to figure out which one’s the correct portal oh my gosh and wait what happens

If we click the wrong one H I don’t know that part actually I know I if I think if we get the wrong one I believe the chunk will just delete itself automatically um what in the wi are you talking about it will delete itself are you serious right now that’s right don’t

Worry I know exactly what to do let them struggle a little bit then you’re going to save the day once again oh which is the right one you actually know don’t worry there’s a little trick to your let’s see I’m going to grab this FL

Steel you just hold on to it for now okay thank you so much this is this is making me really angry there’s no clues no nothing how are we supposed to solve a puzzle if it just doesn’t give us any guides um do I have to do everything

Around here it’s so obvious we’ll just do eenie meanie miny oh my gosh you are literally okay you know what maybe TV man can figure this out since you obviously can’t and anyway even if like you did choose it for us if you pick the wrong one we’re all just

Going to blow up into Smither uh speak for yourself I’d be fine okay this is the final puzzle so you’re going to have to make a show out of this one this is what you’re going to do you’re going to be like all right Kane let me see what

You’re going to do yeah you’re going to be all like hey J sister I think I figured it out and then you be like I found a flint and steel in here you’ll hold it out sure and then you’ll be like there’s some weird arrows right here

Then you’re going to right click right Beyond this Arrow like right click right there okay okay I’ll do that yes and then what else do I do then that’s it the portal will appear you’ll see It’ll be perfect all right and uh oh there’s a

Flint St in there and if I go over here Bo there we go it oh my goodness actually just figured it out oh my gosh TV man you you figured it out and we only had 1 minute left you’re literally the smartest person I know you know what

We should go on a date now and I’ll let you call me by my real name you know what I guess you did do all the work which is exactly the way I like it so maybe I’ll let you go on one date with my sister but if you try anything Buster

I’ll be there oh my goodness okay let’s just go back home everyone come on let’s go today we’re doing a build to survive with PNE and Ja and wait who and the who are you oh hi TV man nice seeing you again I’m pne’s sister hey what are

You doing here you’re not allowed here anymore remember last time no no Jack my sister’s here here she can stay she’s really cool I promise you uhhuh yeah okay all right guys well there’s going to be a ton of monsters that come out of this super scary place over there so we

Need to start building now come on and we need to build the best bace ever so we can actually defend ourselves yeah we have to build the best space ever so we don’t die Jack but I’m really happy I’m here with you TV man oh what in the what

Why are you happy you’re here with me uh yeah why are you excited that he’s here don’t you remember I like TV man oh really is that so I don’t know about that pun don’t get ahead of yourself I was just being friendly stupid all right

I’m just going to keep building this and here we go I’m going to add some of this luring right here and wait I really like this well this looks amazing but anyway I don’t know why pomy sister’s trying to talk to me that’s really weird I’m just

A friendly person okay T man is it so bad to just start up conversation uh it’s just a little weird like you know I have a thing with PNE why are you trying to talk to me oh what are you guys building out of we should do something

Way cooler let me try something wait what are you doing Jack no what what do you mean cooler dude and there we go what in the ew why you have got to be kidding me what is that I don’t know I thought it’d be funny my bad my bad yeah

I’m sorry about that TV man I was just playing around I’m not going to do anything like that ever again promise oh okay that’s great dude please don’t ever do that again are you kidding me right now Jack I’m going to make you eat this

Dirt if you do that one more time I used to eat dirt when I was younger do you realize we have to fight all these super scary monsters and you’re trolling dude why would you do this what do you mean TV man dirt is obviously the best

Material uh are you serious right now how are we going to break all this ja what is wrong with you this is so annoying and we don’t have all day good thing TV man’s here to save the day I mean he probably knows how to do world

Edit and stuff what wait what do you mean save the day poy sister okay you know what whatever I’m just I’m just not going to talk to you anymore why I thought we were just becoming friends is it weird to talk with your friends can

You uh not talk to him you know him and I are you know uh well I don’t know if we’re official yet but you can talk to jck he’s available yeah wait wait what do you mean about official okay I’m pretend like I didn’t hear anything all

Right uh py sister why don’t you go rise up Jax Jax RIS her up bro uh I’m good I don’t really like her like that bro well Jack we could go on a double dat if you could rise her up bro I guess that could

Be pretty funny all right let me try let me try you got this Jack oh hey py sister okay uh hey what do you want are you a library book CU I’m checking you out uh is this an attempt at humor yeah get it cuz it’s like checking you out

Like you check out B Library this is terrible Riz no TV man explaining it makes it funnier trust me man I think funny is your dumb face well that was definitely W RZ it definitely worked Jack no offense I’m not interested in a scanny rodent I like someone else okay

Uh you do who is it then it’s none of your business rodent now stay out of it all right anyway I’m just going to keep building this base and here we go I have some Cobblestone right here we have some andesite so I’m just going to copy the

Pattern they’re doing py this is a really good idea oh thank you I just wanted to make it practical but also very pleasing yeah this is actually awesome I love this but uh is this going to be able to defend us from the monsters that are coming well I I I hope

So but maybe we need more defenses uh yeah we’re definitely going to need way more defenses but this is actually looking really good though uh hey sis uh what are you doing you’re just standing around oh um I just have uh something on my mind right now it’s nothing big uh do

You want to tell me anything okay so I’m trying to figure out what’s the best way to ask someone out cuz I may or may not have a little crush on someone what in the what what is she talking about wait you have a crush who is it tell me tell

Me tell me tell me tell me uh I I can’t really tell you right now sorry what in the what why is she not telling her old sister who she has a crush on it better not be me or I’ll be really creeped out okay TV man let’s let’s be real nobody’s

Ever going to want to go out with you what are you talking about dude I got W Riz bro I’m literally building you know I’m doing all the the manly things and you’re just sitting there doing nothing come on why don’t you just tell me who

It is I’m your sister after all I can keep a secret yeah no I’m good what in the ew why is she not even telling her this is so weird but anyway I’m just going to keep working on this roof and here we go we’re placing these blocks

And here we go we’re starting to fill it in all righty here we go and we’re about to close it off and boah there we go we just finished with the roof uh TV man do you have any idea when the mobs are coming uh I have no idea but we need to

Prepare so we actually can fight off these monsters all right here we go we’re going to start working on the second floor so we’re going to make this really cool so we could like actually like use some bow and arrows and shoot them off so it’ll be pretty awesome all

Righty there we go we got the first layer now we have to keep building it up so uh TV man what’s your favorite color do you like purple by any chance purple uh no not wait I got give me kind how do you know like purple though um just a

Guess and maybe that’s what your core is well well yeah but uh why do you care like honestly it’s just conversation man L up no I don’t I don’t care like that but it’s just you know it’s weird like I’m supposed to talk to pomy pomy hello

Hi I think she’s busy right now she’s focusing on the house but it’s okay to just have a conversation to get to know each other yeah I know it’s okay but like I don’t really know you like that there’s no need to talk to you in anyway

You’re pomy sister I don’t like you that I never said you need to like me like that I’m just striking up a friendly conversation what you’ve never talked to a girl before are you scared no what what are you talking about I’ve uh no I’m not scared you’re just being weird

Oh you’re stuttering so you haven’t really held a conversation with a female before no female interaction oh no why why are you still talking to me are you serious right now this is really weird you know I have a thing with pomy stop so are you guys like official or do you

Just like like her well well you know I I like her guess a little bit are you going to ever tell her cuz you know maybe someone might steal pomy from you oh what n that’s crazy I don’t know what you’re talking about I mean I don’t know

Like say you’re available and like someone else steals you from pomy or vice versa that would be such a shame no I I don’t know what you’re talking about seriously just go away now uh excuse me I’m going to live here too man lighten up why are you so tense what oh my

Goodness so yeah you are going to live here but you’re going to live very far away from me I’m going to make sure my rooms as far away as possible from you cuz you’re being really weird yep you’ve never talked to a girl in your life that’s embarrassing uh uh Hey guys uh

What’s going on I heard um I heard some conversations up here uh uh she she’s trying to talk to me but I don’t I don’t know it just we’re just talking oh uh well I guess it’s good to talk that way you can know my sister oh are you sure

About that py cuz he’s kind of flirting with her right now don’t you know what in the Jax are you serious you serious you serious right now what are you talking about uh flirting oh um I I got to go I I I think no py no

No no that’s not what’s happening that is not window though do not believe him okay I’m just going to I’m just going to go uh uh take my fish for a walk fish for a what in the what does that even mean it means she doesn’t want to talk

To you stupid oh my goodness you you’re ruining my relationship with her or it might soon to be relationship I didn’t do anything and plus you guys were never in a relationship it’s just a little crush oh my goodness but why are you trying to ruin it for me like you’re

Being weird I’m not ruining it I’m fully supported of you and my sister it’s JX who’s ruining it he’s the one who said you were flirting with me yeah Jax you suck H excuse you no you’re a loser no no no I’m sick and tired of you playing

These jokes on me you’re just a hater man they’re funny lightting up a little you know what was funny your birth that was an apology from the factory it was pretty funny wasn’t it no no one likes you you need to like shut up and get a

Life or get some maidens also don’t talk back to TV man he’s way way cooler than you will ever be you’re just a purple rodent with big feet oh my it’s just banter chillax you wouldn’t get it anyway why are you defending TV man so much anyway it’s like you like him or

Something but there’s no way right your sister’s into him already right yeah um but why is this your concern why are you so interested in my relationship with people are you a stalker what in the what stop arguing why are you guys arguing this is so weird cuz it’s funny

And he’s annoying all right he’s annoying but you don’t need to talk to him and argue about me it seems weird you’re like really invested in this for some reason it’s arguing it’s what I do best that and besides sarcasm all right anyway I’m going to keep working on this

Moat right now and here we go we’re going to place some water and we’ll make it two stories high and this is actually starting to look so good and py sister why are you staring at me I just came down man you just happened to be here at

The same time I was why are you so obsessed with me it’s almost like you like me what in the N that’s crazy no no get me away from her right now Jax please get me away from this weirdo huh dude get out of my room you literally

Live in the same house oh fine I’ll get out of your room no can I please just stand in here just let me hide for a minute uh pomy sister he’s in here I know he’s a big TV man I don’t think I’d not be able to see him oh my goody

Goodness this is so move move oh my gosh what are you doing I accident I accidentally placed this oh my gosh just stop it are you trying to drown me no what my goodness a pomy tell them to stop being me to me uh yeah I gu um guys

Stop being mean to TV man sorry he was just flirting with me and Jack it’s kind of weird oh what in the no no that that is crazy to say all right anyway I guess I’m going to keep building this here we go we’ll do like a little bit of a

Spiral staircase like that and here we go that looks so awesome and wait I actually love this design so much no way guys come on check this out look what I built okay I’ll check it out so we have a little upstairs part where we can like

Shoot bows and stuff on the zombies and stuff that’s actually really smart that’s a really good idea yeah it is a really good idea it’s pretty cool oh uh TV man there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what I’m pretty sure you hurt pom’s feelings cuz

You know you like her she likes you and oh hi pomy uh what’s up pomy I I don’t know what she’s talking about I’m just going to go jump that and do oh uh I was just building it’s nothing do you need me to

Go uh I can go if I if I’m in the middle of something all right jack I have a really good idea so you know that Boby sister might like me right uh yeah I’m definitely getting those kinds of Vibes what about it so I think I’m going to

Transform into pomy sister’s best friend and maybe I’ll trick her into leaking some information about me uh I don’t know if that’s a good idea man that seems like it could go really wrong really fast well it’s going to be funny here we go and booah there we go now I

Need to start talking like Kane cuz I’m Kane from The Amazing digital circus yeah that sure you are buddy that’s a great Kane impression yeah go ahead and talk to her let’s see what happens okay I will go talk to her hey Hey pomy sister I am your best friend Kane uh

Yeah duh I know that but um are you okay do you have like something wrong with your throat you sound really weird any who what brings you here in the first place never mind let’s go gossip I have some juicy tea to spell oh uh oh oh

Wrong voice wrong voice um okay uh why did you say wrong voice are you working on like ventriloquism or something oh nothing there’s nothing wrong okay let me hear the gossip come over here you sound like you’re like being a robot are are you genuinely okay do I need to like

Call the police or something and get a restraining order no no you don’t need to call the police now tell me the information now oh oh okay um okay I guess Jax you want to join I guess you’re purple so you can join I guess on second thought Jack scram we don’t need

You uh go eat a carrot or something go play fortnite I don’t know whatever boys do yeah sure yeah just pretend I’m not here I said leave you stupid rodent whatever yeah let’s just go over here I really don’t want him to hear this so

Have you you heard the news um what what is the news he is right behind you jack get out I I’m not here I’m not here it’s just your imagination bye okay he is now gone tell me the gossip yeah I imagine Jack all the time is something wrong are

You sure do you need me to get you like tea or something something is definitely wrong with your voice no there is nothing wrong with my voice I I am Kane from The Amazing Jack I am Kane from The Amazing circus are you okay you don’t usually have a stutter you usually just

Sound really annoying but now you sound like annoying and like stupid whatever I’ll just I’ll just spill the tea cuz you know you are my Bestia after all so um you know like how pomy likes TV Man TV man likes pomy well there’s a problem

Cuz I like my sister and I respect her and like all her decisions and whatnot but I really like TV man cuz he’s like really hot and strong like you know like what yes yes that is very interesting are are you choking on something do do I need to do like the

Him like maneuver or something um no you do not need to perform CPR but I am okay I am you you you don’t perform I need to go somewhere else for a little bit I need to go take a bath or something okay I need to go back to normal I am

Freaking out right now oh my gosh oh my gosh that that was insane and oh I’m going to go back to my room up here I’m so creeped out what the ew she likes me that is literally so weird how your sister likes me I literally like py how

Can I do this to PNE anyway I guess I’m going to have to talk to PNE about this because I don’t know what else to do so pomy I need to talk to you oneon-one oh uh yeah what do you need so okay there’s something I need to tell you um I I

Overheard the sister she she said that you overheard what would you overhear no no nothing there’s there’s nothing okay I’m just going to keep buing the house cuz again we aren’t able to survive anyway are you spying on me maybe he likes me uh no that is not what is

Happening no I well I generally wonder what he was wanting to talk to me about but I guess I’ll figure it out later oh my goodness are you serious right now what’s going on this is so annoying Jack I’m bored can we go gossip oh you know

Me so well yeah let’s go let’s go I don’t know where Kane went so now you’re my only option I don’t want to talk to my sister about this she’s the last person I want hearing it all right what is it so like did you know that the

Longest living animal is the immortal jellyfish first it comes into its lar form so it’s just a larva and then it develops into a and then it develops into its jellyfish form when it gets abrased or it gets frightened or scared when you going to talk about how you

Like TV man this is so lame whatever I’m out what do you mean like TV man I definitely don’t like TV Man TV man do you have any idea what’s going on with my sister she acts weird and mysterious but she’s acting extra weird and mysterious today um I have no idea

But I I know how she’s acting really weird it’s really creepy anyway I’m just going to keep building the base there’s no need to like actually think about it to be honest so let’s figure out a way to make our defenses even better okay ja how about some actual

Juicy gossip okay all right if it’s actually juicy I’ll listen if not I’m out okay did you know pomy still sleeps with a stuffed animal at night oh J what in the what are you doing what are you doing dude stop what do you mean I’m

Going to make this moat better why are you just using water what’s wrong with water dude isn’t that the best water dude are you serious I mean you can drown in water all right anyway I’m just John water then you have to use CPR uh T

Man uh you were talking to me earlier about something about like my sister something uh do you want to finish it since we’re alone right now uh yeah so basically so basically this is what your sister’s doing she is being really really am being what oh my gosh why is

She always here oh I hear everything you’re so cute when you get mad you know you turn a little red excuse me um why are you talking to him like that you usually don’t act this weird what in the ew nah that’s crazy chill out okay I’m

Just having fun you need to lighten up you’re always such a crybaby and you’re always a party pooper you’re so stiff sometimes oh my gosh what are you guys even doing right now we got to build the base isn’t that what you were saying fine I guess I’ll put down the best

Fence possible then whatever oh yeah that’s right oh let’s go you’re actually doing something for once let’s go Jack W men just wait for it just wait for it wait for L uh You Don’t Know Jack do you what do you mean he’s doing it right and huh

What in the what is this is this poison are you serious right now and this fence is trash told you it’s trash dude this is this is actual baloney dude oh wait you’re right I used the wrong fence you’re right my bad man let me put this

One down dude no that’s not that’s not any better why don’t we use electric fences it actually be smart here dude are you serious serious serious serious right now oh my God are you serious TV man what’s more important staying alive or looking good Staying Alive idiot what

Are you talking about ridiculous so TV man always looks good wow no Ah that’s crazy hey I’m just saying you don’t look bad you’re not ugly like Jack sister can I pull you aside for just a just a little bit um why are you talking to TV

Man you know I’ve liked him for like ever and I really hope you don’t like him either cuz that would be a problem uh please tell me you don’t like him chill out girl I don’t like him she better not like me because I like pomy and she’s going to ruin everything for

Me and I really hope she doesn’t ruin everything for me because it’s going to be really annoying on me I’m just saying anyway I’m I’m sure she’s just trilling she’s just trilling if you don’t confess to TV man or vice versa someone might steal him or you

Might get your heart stolen by someone else just saying I would probably no that’s crazy anyway all right I’m just going to keep on this build to survive I’m just going to pretending I didn’t hear anything that’s really weird I would probably make a move before someone else does you know just saying

Oh uh I I think I get what you’re saying uh maybe I should confess to him uh do you have any idea how to do it okay I know I’m super attractive I get all the guys so trust me here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to avoid him at

All cost avoid him like a a virus or something and then do not talk to him at all don’t look his Direction don’t acknowledge his presence and then and then I got it from there I mean you got it from there fall head over heels for

You I promise I got it from there she said I got it from there oh no she’s trying to steal me away from P gosh this is so weird anyway uh let’s just keep working on this building Sur and wait there’s a sign right here the monsters

Are coming in 40 minutes what in the what wait we have no time and what it is night time oh no how is it night time already are you serious right now oh dang I guess those monsters are coming soon you guys better get this place up

To stuff otherwise we’re dead yeah we are dead meat if we don’t figure this out I hope you die what excuse me no not you TV man I would never tell you to die I’m telling Jax to die cuz he’s so lazy and he’s probably just going to sit in

His room all day playing fortnite or watching TV well Jax is not going to die you bet I am you are not going to die dude because I’m going to protect you Jack the C to make sure you don’t die even though you’re really annoying sometimes and you leak all my secrets TV

Man why don’t you protect me as well huh wait why why why why would I need it to protect you you uh you have your sister well you’re big and strong and you know the man should always protect the lady you know chivalry right no that’s really

Weird are you not admitting to be a man pomy sister can you please just stop you’re ruining this for me and pomy you know I’m supposed to RIS her up and I needed Jax’s advice but you’re being really annoying you’re asking Jax for advice are you serious ly asking ja for

Advice he’s the one who tried to rise me up yeah he he has good advice he has good advice now get out of the house get away what are you do I live here excuse you this is not a good way to treat a lady to get her to like you you’re lucky

I already like you um what excuse a friend as a friend as a friend as a friend as a friend I didn’t say anything you didn’t hear anything oh you bet I did you know that’s pretty crazy concerning your sister is in love with TV man that’s crazy okay Jack you didn’t

Hear anything you got it yeah definitely nothing nothing I didn’t hear anything what did I hear nothing this is so weird oh my goodness all right whatever wait it’s a rating that means the monsters are going to be coming soon oh no all right here we go

And wait what is there there’s another sign it says the monsters are coming in 20 minutes oh my goodness all right we have no time to waste seriously 20 minutes just went by so quick what else can we add to this house to make it even better we have the electric fences and

What else are we going to need for these monsters to come all right let’s add some of this polished and a and I think this is going to be really good because watch what we’re about to do so instead of just leaving another you know reinforcement we’re going to add a

Special reinforcement and it’s going to be some lasers so we’ll put the lasers right there and we’ll Place another one on this side and booah and we’re going to add another one right here and booya now we have two more lasers to add and we could also overlap the lasers too so

We can make like two on one side here we go let’s add another laser right there and here we go there we go Jack I have a proposal for you uh what is it I want you to rise up my sister so that way TV man doesn’t have any more options except

Me what I heard I heard that I’ll buy you all the v-bucks you want just try to make my sister fall for you okay that way I’m not stealing TV man away from her if she already has someone interested in her that is absolutely wild I’m in okay good anything else you

Want to sweeten the deal got any carrots uh yeah golden normal by the way if you spill this secret to a single soul I’ll kill you all right I would never do something like that who do you take me for chillax okay you have your carrots now be a good

Boy and shut up oh hey pomy I got something to tell you oh uh hi oh um what is it are you French because I fell for you why is he talking to my girl right now hey I don’t quite quite understand and no I’m not French I’m

Actually American but uh can I help you with something why is Jack talking to my girl hey TV man what are you doing are you spying on Jackson pomy no I’m not spying on them I’m just uh okay I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just I’m just building right now come on

Just pay attention to me here let’s let’s focus on building okay you don’t want to die do you uh no I don’t I don’t I’ll build on this side why is she trying to distract me right now what is going on on I have my eye on you all

Right I got to hide so I could ease drop on their situation right now this is really weird wait pomy come on don’t don’t feel like that I I really like you honest I swear uh Jax are are you okay you sound like you’re crying no I’m

Definitely okay please please say yes I need my carrots and my life is in danger no I I really like you is what I meant to say ja did you hit your head I I I’m sorry but I can’t accept this this you know I’m I like someone else but I’m

Pretty sure they might like someone else too please okay okay okay fine fine I guess so the vi is I’m sorry Jack I can’t go through with this I really like someone else but my carrots I mean my heart if you want I can buy you carrots they’re

They’re really not that expensive yeah normal carrots aren’t but golden carrots are whatever I’m out of here I what is bro yapping about that was the worst thing I’ve seen in my life the worst thing you’ve seen so far okay you have one more chance cuz I’m feeling nice

Make her fall in love with you do whatever Love Potion I don’t care blackmail I don’t care just do it and if you can successfully do it this time I’ll double the amount of golden carrots also I lost T man slippery little he’s so cute though um can you also find him

For me I don’t feel like getting my hand dirty right now but golden carrots are on the line look J it’s a golden carrots I do like golden carrots okay I’ll try please don’t hurt me why in the wise Jacks doing this right now this is so

Weird I can’t say anything though we’re she’ll kill Jack but anyway I’m just going to have to see him attempt it’s Riz but he’s not going to be able to do it and anyway why is he trying to Riz up my girl too it’s really weird oh hey PNE

Fancy seeing you here again uh can I tell you something uh oh we live here but yeah sure go ahead do you like Star Wars because Yoda only one for [Laughter] me uh sorry I don’t watch Star Wars I watch Block Buddies though maybe you’ve heard of that of course who hasn’t heard

Of Block Buddies anyway no no no that’s not the point that’s not the point the only reason I’m trying to do this is because your sister is forcing me to uh forcing you to why would she do that well your sister just wants to go on

Like a double date you know you know you know oh uh wait but who will she go out with don’t worry about that that’s not important just please say yes she’s she’s threatening me and my family you have a family oh okay all that aside uh

What exactly do I have to do just just go on one date with you yeah just one just one and it won’t be anything more I promise it’s just you know for this for your sister think about it like that Jack so where is oh hi pomy what what’s

Going on oh this is cool uh ja have you seen TV man anywhere hey guys what’s going on what’s going on here I totally wasn’t EAS dropping everything that was going on you seem very suspicious oh uh there you are TV man uh what I meant to

Say was what you meant to say was what did you meant to say what in the no that’s your own sister what are you doing it’s a fake gun chill out py you’ll be okay just just hide here oh that’s sweet the night and shining armor

Is trying trying to protect his lady but do you want to know something pomy TV man doesn’t actually like you he was just lying he in fact likes me isn’t that right what no that’s cap that’s cap Jax tell them that’s cap please please you know I like pomy yeah jck remember

What I told you oh yeah I remember that and I definitely don’t remember whatever uh TV man’s talking about definitely not Jack really are you serious you’re doing this all for Golden characters you don’t care about my relationship with you and me dude we have a good friendship why

Don’t you do this dude of course I care about it it’s just golden carrots are more important man sorry H what no you’re crazy for that what in the way is going on uh I okay I’ll just say it out now I really like T man and I really

Hope he likes me back so please don’t try to take him from me you can have Jack I’m sure he likes you you have a great personality pomy pomy you’re cute you don’t understand though I don’t just like TV man this isn’t your little school girl crush from

Kindergarten no I am obsessed with him I need him to breathe live get back here you are not going anywhere oh what in the what you’re literally so weird you’re the sister I don’t like you oh you will like me TV man one way or

Another I have my ways I would just go the easy one this is getting interesting I got my popcorn out watch with me TV man why would you say that what’s wrong with you you know I like him why would you do this to me you’re my own sister how

Could you okay guys guys I don’t know what’s going on here listen um this is a very very interesting situation I I I don’t know what to say guys why don’t we why don’t we split up for a bit okay and we we’ll go different ways you obviously

Like her she probably put you under a spell or something no I can’t wow that was crazy I can’t believe you would do that TV man and also uh sister where’s my carrots Chop Chop ly and all that remember you rat you weren’t supposed to say it out

Loud that’s awward Jack you know you know what you’re going to get from first filling the beans you know what you’re going to get instead of golden carrots you little rat I’ll take regular carrots have a fun time in there rabbit what no that’s crazy do you want to go

In a cage next TV man I need your undying loyalty he you’re crazy I thought I knew you once but you’re not the sister I remember what’s going on and TV man I can’t believe you like her this I I can’t believe this I I need

To go what no py I like you more than her oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway the monster should be coming any minute so I guess I’m just going to do this build to survive all right let me check this sign over here and what

The monsters are coming in 1 minute oh no I got to rush this and actually make this base better but wait how can we make this better oh and wait why didn’t I even think of this we should probably use like obsidian or something way more

Powerful so I’m going to replace a lot of this with obsidian and wait maybe I could use like a wand and then use world edit all right I’m going to use world edit SL wand and there we go now I’m going to use this and add some obsidian

So let’s put some obsidian right here SL SL set obsidian and booya and wo it just worked that’s a smart idea TV man you know what else would be a very smart decision what if you would just date me okay oh no that is weird you know I have

My ways and you do not want to see my bad side why are you doing this like you know I like pomy this is just really weird and I like you so what bro nah that’s crazy what so crazy about love but I’m crazy in love with

You oh my goodness n that’s crazy anyway the monster should be coming any minute and I can finally leave this place and I need to tell pomy I actually really like her instead of her crazy sister who’s literally being so weird too bad she doesn’t think you like her anymore what

No you broke her little heart according to her no how does that make you feel she’ll never want to date you momy I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s your sister she’s being insane just leave me alone okay I don’t want to talk to you no I I’m telling you I literally like

You she’s probably blackmailing you or something just just leave me alone I don’t care no oh my goody goodness are you serious right now what is going on anyway we only like a minute left and the monsters are going to be coming but I’ll show pomy that I actually like her

By Saving her during these monsters but wait we forgot to add swords and gear and armor and stuff oh my gosh all right let me do that real quick before we do anything else oh no this is really bad we have no time to waste come on you’re

So cute when you’re dumb oh no here we go now let’s grab some of this let’s grab some of these weapons right here all right I’m going to grab some of my super super super Enchanted armor and put it in the chest and some of my super

Duper Enchanted Weaponry too there we go now let’s put it in the chest right there and Bo there we go so we’ll be able to put some more in there but I got to spawn it in I don’t know why it’s such a hard decision TV man you could

Literally just date me I’m way better than my sister what in the N what are you talking about you are not better than your sister you’re literally insane okay insane and Rich I can give you whatever you want I don’t care about money I can give you I

Don’t care about money oh you will care about money cuz money can buy you happiness no not from you I’d rather dat p you would not rather date pomy I’m much better she’s just kind and caring and like who wants to date a kind and caring

Person I can’t believe you why would you do this to me you know I like him I told you and you’re my sister you should support it and but you don’t because you’re a selfish jerk yeah that’s pretty messed up I’m going to be honest and you know you

Locked me in a cage and didn’t give me my carrots but who’s keeping track you don’t deserve carroty rodent you messed up so bad how dare you you know what that’s it you know TV man we’re best bros right I’m your best friend I’ll help you out with this chick if you let

Me out even though this place is pretty comfortable oh yeah here just get out dude I don’t care Traer you’re such a traitor J you’re going to regret that n doubt it by the way TV man yeah you definitely don’t want anything to do with this psycho trust me I know from

Experience you like pomy after all anyway uh uh yeah I do actually I said I do in the beginning that’s what I just said wait you weren’t lying you actually like me he’s lying uh he’s lying he’s been brainwashed he he doesn’t know what he’s saying I I don’t care I don’t care

I got to keep working on this armor but good thing I added all this super duper good stuff in here and I got some really good stuff in there as well and we have another chest over there all right and we should have a chest over here with a

Ton of golden apples and Bros and we’ll have a chest right here with some swords and stuff and this is super good now we’re ready to fight these monsters it’s a shame Jack you didn’t stay on my side you know what you could have gotten all

Right and wait a a second I’m been survival so the monsters are going to be coming out any minute guys everyone get in the base and go we got to go I think we’re already in the base oh yeah we are but late light in the light my friend

Cameraman dude okay this guy’s definitely not painful ow ow ow maybe is oh my goodness why in the why is there a cameraman right here though there’s literally three of them how is cameraman here hey I’m in the spawner where the zombies are oh no or not zombies but

Cameraman is that is that Kane what what is Kane doing here wait Kane’s here where is Kane oh Kan okay he’s definitely a nice one but wait wait there’s a lot of them maybe he’s not nice I don’t know hey Kane how you doing

Buddy ow ow ow what in the oh no these guys are really mean oh no close the door oh my go go go go goodness there’s so many of them Kane don’t hurt him you know what I told you about earlier you know the gossip um yes I know the oh hey

Hey hey I didn’t why were you trying to imitate Kane I have no idea um please get away get away oh no P me I’ll save you I’ll save you I save you oh oh my goodness you know I like you a lot pomy I’ll save your life oh my goodness I’m

Going to die I got it pomy don’t worry I’ll fight these guys off thank you T man you just saved my life how can I ever repay you don’t worry about it pomy I’m I’m going to keep fighting these guys because we got to beat this build stri so we can

Get out of here I just want to go home you’re the only one who’s going to go home Cry Baby the rest of them are going to stay here well actually you can take Jacks I don’t really need him he’s I’m not going home with you pomy sister I’m

Going to go home with pomy cuz I actually like her we’ll see oh wait do you actually like me I thought you were just joking at first but you saved my life so now I’m thinking maybe you actually do like me of course I like you

I said I did from the beginning but wait a what wait there’s rathas and zubes what in the what fight these guys come on they’re almost dead in bubble what what is he doing here oh no no no no no uhoh ow stop it get away bubble oh my

Goodness why does he always do this are you serious or now we got to go to the second Flor pom come on okay okay by the way where is Jack uh probably um relaxing somewhere oh yeah where is he oh is he in his gaming set wait oh my

Gosh he’s playing in here and what in the N what are you doing get out of my room what the heck you two get out of my room too what the heck oh my goodness oh no no they’re breaking in everyone come on fight I can’t I can’t I’m cornered

Okay okay I’m saving you py don’t worry don’t worry I’ll fight these guys for you help oh my goodness there’s too many of them I’m about to die okay I just saved you don’t worry that was really close it’s okay it’s okay I don’t think there’s that many monsters left but they literally

Just ate through our base and oh no stop bubble oh my goodness I can’t chase him he’s too fast ow ow it’s went to the lasers what are you doing TV man you’re supposed to keep me safe while game dude I’m try are are you serious right now

Anyway where’s the sister at uh can someone help me I’m like literally dying no I’m good all right fight these guys come on oh what in the what why is this guy so powerful I can’t even hit him ow oh no oh my gosh why is this guy so so powerful are

You serious rainho here I’ll help you now oh no no no come onon there we go we did it but oh there’s more there’s more there’s cameraman come on guys fight these guys yeah you guys got this go go are are you serious right now ja are you

Really not going to help us out you got to help your friend out dude I’m helping my friend out in fortnite we’re about to get Victory Royale all right guys it looks like they’re not here anymore but thank goodness I think we did it guys

Good job thank you TV man for saving my life I owe you so much oh wait wait wait wait wait don’t say that yet there’s too many of them oh no a camera man a projector man oh no fight these guys are you serious serious right now they’re

Fighting me don’t worry it’s okay I’ll help ja can you please get off your butt for once and actually help us huh what did you say something I’m kind of in the middle of a game right now you know what that’s it what what are you doing woman

Oh my God uh did you just break her setup are you serious R now yeah I deleted all right here we go and I I think we actually completed wait there’s one more left let me kill this guy already and booah uh has anyone seen my

Sister no but who cares but that’s true she’s kind of been a little cuckoo I’m right over here you nerds get me out I got trapped in one of those stupid Monsters oh my goodness ha you’re in a cage that’s so funny you know what the

Only way you’re going to get out is if you tell the honest truth on what happened you think i’ tell the whole truth you got all right see you then guys fine fine fine fine fine fine fine okay gosh so pushy okay so I may or may

Not like TV man but I didn’t want to really hurt your feelings but um so I Tred to convince Jax to flirt with you and when you’re harm but he sucks at that cuz he has lrz um and then I took matters into my own hands so yeah I

Guess that explains anything else I’m missing actually yeah uh let’s just leave her here bye-bye wait so pomy can we go on a date you you want to go on a date with me uh yeah of course I do well you just saved my life so uh I owe you

One let’s go let’s get out of here let’s go I got a date too man yipp all right let’s get out of here guys come on woohoo hey pomy I brought you here on this one heart so we could have a date together uh where am I uh ja uh this is

Kind of weird uh how is it weird it’s like I said it’s basically just a date you know just you and me MH oh hey guys uh somehow I’m on this one heart with you guys but what’s going on oh uh hi T man it’s really nice seeing you here

Yeah it’s really cool that you’re here but how about you like leave what the heck why did you push me off oh no T man how the heck did you even get here anyway it was just supposed to be for me and my girlfriend pomy uh um no ja it’s

Fine uh Tif man can stay here I’m pretty sure he won’t get in your way uh no it ain’t fine and him just being here bothers me like look at him ew you’ve totally ruined my perfect date TV man what’s your problem I’m sorry dude it

Wasn’t my fault I spawn on this one heart with you guys but anyway we’re probably going to have to get out of here because uh we’re all here together uh get out of here me and pomy were supposed to be having a date right now

How about you get out of here uh where in the where am I supposed to go dude oh there seems to be a one block behind you TV man oh and wait there actually is a one block right behind me good job pom so let’s break that and find a way to

Get out of here yeah maybe me and pommy will but not you since you’re currently ruining my dat ja it’s fine this wasn’t really a date in the first place well yeah because TV man ruined it what are you talking about dude anyway let’s just start breaking this one block again and

Wait there’s a Lucky Block let’s break it and there’s a villager get him out of here I can’t believe you TV man first you barge in on my date and then you kill my servant too In Cold Blood you monster what do you mean it was literally a villager are you serious

Right now are you saying villagers aren’t people too W TV man it’s so cool watching you just break blocks Jack can’t really do things like that what the heck do you mean I can’t break blocks I can break blocks better than this bozo can and you know what else I

Can do that he can’t I can give you flowers see here oh um oh sorry the pollen’s kind of making me a little hold on seriously TV man you’ve completely destroyed my date can you just like get out of here maybe like do me a favor and jump off real quick where

In the where do you want me to go there’s literally a face of you there’s a portal over there that I could probably get to eventually and there’s like this weird area over there too maybe you should just give up on getting out of here cuz I’m not going to let you

What in the what anyway I’m going to break this lucky block it I got a Nether Star what is that going to be used for oh wow T man you got a NE star that’s so crazy J could never be able to get that what the heck is your problem TV man try

Harding this one heart you’re making me look bad oh my gosh I’m sorry I don’t mean to I’m just trying to get out of here and what in the what is this is this like a well uh what does it look like do you idiot and make sure not to

Go in there uh why dude it looks good what are you doing oh and wait I just got all this food what do you mean not jump in there dude I got so much good stuff here guys take some food oh my gosh look at all this food I got a

Potato what are you doing pomy don’t eat anything that this guy gives you it could be like poisonous or something what in the what I would never do that dude what is your problem ja oh my gosh anyway I’m just going to keep breaking this one block and wait it’s literally

Stone and I need to make a pickaxe oh TV man you need a pickaxe like this pickaxe I have right here who is that a stone pickaxe it’s actually so cool but anyway there might be pickaxes around here let’s go check well uh Jack that pickaxe

Pretty cool but you know I bet TV man he has an even better one uh he just said he doesn’t have one yeah I don’t even have one but let me see if there’s any clues around here and wait is that a chest down there wait a second there’s

Literally a chest what if there’s a pickaxe in here and what in the what there’s a pickaxe and an axe that is so goed all right and now I can break this block right here let’s go oh hey TV man check this out over here what what’s up

Jax what are you doing dude go look what hey hey don’t push me off are you serious right now ow ja why would you do that I don’t know it was pretty funny no it wasn’t oh my gosh you’re actually so annoying ja why can’t you just like be

Friends with me dude I don’t want anything to do with her anyway hey that’s really mean TV man I thought we were good friends what are you talking about I barely even know you py I’m friends with Jack though uh we were friends before you ruined my date and

Why are you talking to my girlfriend like that in fact don’t even talk to her at all oh my goodness I’m sorry dude but wait I literally lost all my items because I fell Jack you literally made me lose all my items are you serious

Right now what you want me to play you a song on the world’s smallest violin Jack he had the best weapons ever that could have helped us and you just killed him you’re such a jerk wow that’s uh pretty cool pomy anyways uh I’m going to build

Us a house that sounds like a good idea right wait that actually sounds awesome we could all build a house together uh we is in me and pomy not for you TV man Bozo come on that’s not fair why can’t I do anything with you guys JX you should

Let him he doesn’t really have anyone else to team up with yeah Jax come on dude like you know I’m I’m your favorite scoy toilet character right like you you know you like me better than speaker man I don’t care about Scooby-Doo toilet at all and besides if I whatever besides if

I let you mess with my house you’re going to destroy it just like you’ve destroyed my day are you serious right now why would I ever do that dude what are you even talking about why should I even trust you you’re from skib whatever it’s called oh my goodness whatever I

Guess I’ll build my own house but let me see if there’s any other chests under here because there was one chest over there and if there’s more that would be pretty fire all right well let’s look for some chests there’s got to be some more chests with like weaponry and stuff

Let me see all right and oh my goody goodness there’s a chest right here and it has all this diamond stuff in it that is so goated what in the what hey pomy look what I got and Jack this is so cool oh what’ you get TV man look at all this

Diamond stuff I got here you can take a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword a that’s so sweet of you that’s really cool TV man uh what do you think you’re doing TV man I just told you not to talk to her uh sorry I just got all this

Super cool diamond stuff and here take some Jacks oh I don’t want anything from you no don’t throw that out that stuff is really valuable are you serious right now why would you do that was probably booby trapped or something you’re the one that gave it to me how do you expect

Me to trust you after you just ruin my date like this oh my goodness are you serious right now I didn’t mean to ruin her date I really didn’t do anything I just spawned here someone probably spawned here it was probably Kane uh yeah it was probably Kane I don’t know

Why he would spawn him here that’s that’s that’s kind of weird yeah that is really weird why I’m even here in the first place if you guys are on a date but anyway I just got this pyramid and now there’s some more Lucky Blocks but they might be unlucky so I

Don’t know if we should break no TV man you definitely should break these Lucky Blocks I bet there’s no way they’re unlucky really okay I’ll break one and Y and what in the what I got another pyramid are you serious right now now I have so many lucky blocks to mess with

Uh I can’t see a thing uh uh py I’ll save you don’t worry oh there you are that scared me really bad actually thank you for saving me TV man that was really Brave of you yeah of course but anyway let’s just bring some more lucky blocks and oh my goodness I

Just got an enchanted golden apple that’s so goated let’s see some more and and oh I got some gold ingots that’s pretty cool uh can you shut up over there I’m trying to work for once in my life oh my God that zombie is gigantic why are you breaking those Lucky Blocks

You idiot I don’t know I’m trying to get something lucky like what if we get emeralds and diamonds hold on I got to break all these now stop breaking them you’re going to blow up my house no I’m not going to blow it up dude trust me

But wa let me kill this zombie real quick hey die out oh I almost just died oh W TV man you’re really strong that’s a big zombie yes sir and I just killed it and now there’s some more lucky bcks let’s break some more and oh my gosh

Come on give me something good and oh my gosh I just got a really good hero sword that’s so goed all right pomy now that our house is basically finished we finally have a home and that means we can keep away from that freak TV man Jax

Chill out he’s really not that bad after all he saved me from getting trapped in those blocks Jax chill out he’s a really nice guy he helped me when I was trapped under all of his blocks uh he’s the one that got you trapped under those blocks

In the first place all right I didn’t do that but guys come on can we please just get along well me and pomy are friends I guess we’re fine but Jax come on dude let’s just be friends how about you get out of my house oh my gosh ow okay I’m

Sorry dude oh my goodness I need to figure out a way to get out of here okay pomy I have a great idea I have a bunch of cages I’m going to put them around everywhere if TV man steps in them then we can just kill him ja no we’re not

Going to kill him oh my goodness why are they trying to kill me this is so messed up and they’re putting cages everywhere I really need to figure out to get out of here but I don’t have any blocks uh pomy why do you keep defending this guy

He doesn’t deserve it Jack don’t kill him though like I mean I find it kind of nice that we also have another person to have company with yeah I mean I could be your like new friend Jack I could help you with all the builds I could do

Everything you know we could just Vibe and have a good time on this one heart even though it was like your day yeah exactly TV man we could have had so much fun together any other time until you ruined my date oh my goodness dude why

Do you think I spawned here it wasn’t my fault dude oh my gosh okay then whose was it h it was probably Grim’s fault what are you talking about I don’t know dude I I I don’t know who it was okay like you’re literally just framing me

For nothing I didn’t do anything H I guess it’s fine tv man I have plans for you anyway so look forward to them what are you talking about dude what do you mean plans you’re not trying to kill me or anything right no of course not but

Don’t worry it’ll be a surprise oh my goodness I need to get out of here but anyway what’s in this chest and wao there’s all these blocks in this chest that is actually so skiy okay TV man you want be friends right oh of course I do

Dude I’ve always wanted to be friends well we are technically friends ja but you know you’re you’re just mad at me right now yeah yeah yeah whatever anyway do you know what my favorite season is season what are you talking about season like like fall winter spring it’s probably it’s probably spring it’s

Probably Spring right yeah exactly no actually it’s fall why did you push oh fall yeah real funny Jack hey hey hey f it was pretty funny wasn’t it oh my goodness are you serious right now Jack you’re actually so annoying but anyway I’m actually going to get out of here

Jack so it’s nice talking to you wow it was n nice talking to you though all right let’s go and now I’m going to jump down into Jax’s head wait TV man are you seriously still trying to get out of here wait what are you talking about

Jack yeah I’m trying to leave this place what do you mean well I’m not going to let that happen oh my goodness what’s happening hey I’m in a cage Jax that’s not funny seriously get me out I mean it is pretty funny but Jax what is wrong

With you what is your problem today why did you trap TV man in a cage what it wasn’t me there just happened to be cages lying around and he happened to into it get me out right now now no no get me out this is not cool seriously

Don’t worry TV man I’ll get you out uh how in the how are you going to get me out of here thanks py but now I’m using the pickaxe you gave me oh uh oh awesome thank you I I don’t think my pickaxe works so my mine really doesn’t uh oh

You gave me the enchanted one silly uh what in the what that’s really cool but anyway I guess I’m just going to start exploring this place tomney why did you let him out all he’s done is ruin my life Jack he just appeared out of nowhere have you ever heard of

Hospitality try being nice for once ja why should I be nice to him when he’s trying to force himself into my date well maybe it’s not his fault have you ever thought about that maybe someone else spawned him here someone spawn him here what are you even talking about why

Are you only taking his side all right anyway you guys keep arguing I don’t really care what’s going on I just got to find a way out of here all right anyway what in the what is this stuff all right let’s flick one of these lever

And ow what now what and oh I have regeneration now that’s pretty goated all right and wao what is this place it looks like there’s like some armor up there that would be pretty goated to get but let me go up there and find it all

Right and my gosh this parkour is really difficult I’m not going to lie you know what I’m just going to cheat a little bit on this parkour there we go and what in the what this is really good armor I think is it better than my diamond though well protection four is like

Pretty good so I guess I’ll just put that on uh PNE what are you doing here oh what’d you find TV man uh well uh I was going to go back to the house but then um the entryway was sealed so now I’m kind of stuck here what are you

Talking about pomy the entry is sealed what are you what the what wait TV man you trapped my you kidnapped my girlfriend uh no no no I didn’t kidnap her here I’ll get out right now and oh my goodness is this reinforced glass are you serious right uh TV man uh there’s zombies

Behind you oh no not zombies but good thing I have a really good sword don’t worry pomy I’m just going to hide up here oh no this is really scary I’m not going to lie pomy don’t worry I’ll save you though you keep doing that TV man

Please don’t lead them towards me oh no ah they’re really scary but don’t worry these guys are literally trash I am a masterate fighting zombies wait there are zombies in there you aren’t trying to kidnap her you’re trying to kill her what in the what Jax are you serious

Right now why would I ever do that dude no I literally just got stuck in here with her I swear TV man you’re going to get what’s coming when you get out of there why dude I did not even mean to get in here with her and oh my goodness

There’s a mutant zombie what in the Grimace ah fight him I’m sorry T man I I would fight him if I could but I’m a little too scared I know I’m a bit of a baa oh no not another mutant zombie are you serious right now py where are you um uh hiding

Oh my goodness are you serious right now I got to fight this mun zombie but it looks like I might die so let me drink this Hero’s potion and wo now I’m really fast and Powerful look at me you better protect her TV man even though it’s your

Fault she’s stuck in there in the first place I am literally trying my best and oh my gosh I’m going to die for this mun zombie again he’s so powerful and know I just killed him but it’s he’s going to resp SP are you serious right now do I

Have like any food or anything and oh my goodness I have nothing oh and wait the mut zombi is literally dead let’s go pomy where are you still hiding oh my goodness pomy are you okay you don’t have to hide anymore there’s no more monsters are you sure yeah there’s no

Monsters anymore okay and wait the entrance just opened up as well but anyway pomy let’s get out of here now with uh sweet Freedom Jack oh no what in the what are you doing here what in the what am I doing here what in the what

Are you doing here what do you think you’re doing anyway TV man for after what you did I’m sorry but I’m going to have to kill you okay Jack I’m sorry dude oh okay I I might have to retaliate hey ja get away from me what are you

Doing you killed me you really think that would finish me TV man get back here you’re going to pay for that oh my goodness I need to put flint and steel everywhere so we can’t get on my path and wait a second I just put flint and

Steel all over his Jack’s head he’s going to kill me what are you doing to my beautiful face guys please stop fighting I’m sure we can work this out we can all just have a nice day and and chat about our favorite YouTubers or something are you

Serious after you burned down my face my beautiful face I’m never forgiving him oh my goodness it was an accident okay I I just had to oh wait there’s TNT oh no that is very bad I have to get out of there right now um that is very bad and

The TT is exploding oh Jack is actually going to kill me this is really bad oh no you couldn’t just burn it down you had to blow it up I’m going to blow you up oh my goodness okay Jack I’m sorry dude it was an accident kind of I just

Had to get you away but oh no sorry doesn’t cut it come on Jack Let It Go he’s trying to get away from you can’t you see you’re scaring him I’m trying to scare him first he ruined my date then he ruined the my beautiful face and now

He’s trying to ruin my life oh my goodness I’m not trying to ruin your life Jax are you serious right now you’re just mad that uh I I accidentally spawn in your dat yeah I am TV man cuz you spawned yourself into a place where you’re not welcome where you don’t

Belong what are you talking about why would I spawn myself here dude I want nothing to do with this at all dude you know I just I’m trying to get out of here okay then who spawned you here then you don’t have any friends it wasn’t me

It wasn’t pomy yeah it wasn’t me exactly pomy would never invite a loser like you yeah come on put some Spirit into it pomy you hate this guy’s guts right uh um for for sure for sure oh my goodness Jax is actually insane but anyway I’m at

The next building now and I’m going to go inside and see what’s going on and what in the what is this these armors look so good all right let’s grab some of this armor and wait it’s literally night armor are you serious right now this is actually so good where the heck

Is that ugly loser TV man he better not be touching my stuff and pomy where the heck did you go I uh I’m getting food for the cow oh uh there you are TV man um I kind of wanted to tell you something um uh what are you talking

About py you wanted to tell me something what does that mean uh yeah so here’s is the thing um so I I are you going to say PNE hello pomy hello and Jack hey dude ow okay no wait ow ow is that Jack uh that’s not Jax I mean sure both of them

Would attack you but now there’s multiple of them and I’m what in the what there’s literally a million jaxes oh no this is really bad I’m going to die here they’re really powerful too I’m going to hide again this is why I hate Jax he clones himself he is weird he

Forced me on this date and he has a massive ego oh no did I say that out loud oh py I I’m just going to pretend like I didn’t hear that but anyway I’m fighting these monsters oh no why did you even come in here in the first place

Py just leave me alone because I really had to tell you something it’s something really important tell me what just say it what is it so uh you know how um uh when you are when you have a dream where you where you what are you talking about

Oh my good whatever I got to fight monsters and wait there’s literally a skiy toilet uh pomy hello where did you go uh um Walmart uh ja uh what what are you doing dude you’re literally fighting me right now uh no I’m not wait a second

Are you fighting the NPCs I know where you are wait what oh you know where I am are you serious right now I got to fight off these monsters but they’re so powerful I literally can’t kill them come on let’s go and my gosh you’re literally so powerful wait why is the

Door closed I guess it’s fine as long as pomy is not stuck in there with that freak yeah I guess it’s fine as long as pne’s on in there do you know where she is TV man I have no idea I I have no idea uh py why’ you make nois sh you

Think I can control my sneeze uh what was that TV man I have no idea okay I’m sorry P’s in here okay you lied to me I knew it she literally forced herself inside of this place okay I did not tell her to come here you expect me to

Believe that come up with a more believable lie what are you talking dude are you serious right now but wait why is there literally a skibby toilet here I’m actually so confused it’s your fault TV man you’re the one from skibby toilet what’s wrong with SK toilet dude are you

Serious right now well enough about that you’re going to have to fight the rest of these mobs if you want to get out wait what the rest of these mobs there’s literally no monsters here oh all right perfect TV man then I can beat you up

Once you get out of this door oh my goodness well anyway I’m pretty sure there was a portal over there and I got like this flight and steel I forgot to tell you guys but I got a flight and steel over at the other Island and then

I just got the obsidian so all I have to do is just leave this place and I I can get away from pomy Ed Jack hey uh TV man you won’t leave me with uh this bozo right uh what are you talking about pomy I don’t even know you and uh Jax is

Literally your boyfriend all right pomy come on out get away from that freak I’m not in here I can hear you I can literally hear you uh no you can’t um you’re hallucina oh my goodness okay I I just got to get out of here I got to get

Out of here get away from me Jack I’m sorry dude please I I will never talk to you ever again I’ll never talk to your girlfriend ever again just please let me go well of course you’re never going to talk to us again cuz I’m going to kill

You oh okay I’m sorry dude oh my goodness please no Jax seriously uh I’m here I’m here uh Jax please don’t kill TV man he he’s like a really really really good friend okay he literally saved me from your really weird clones and this giby D toilet thingies he’s a

Really nice guy just give him a chance all right pommy you know what I’m feeling generous I’ll give him a chance oh really yeah if you marry me right now huh what marry you that’s a really big decision uh you should probably like get

A ring if you want to marry her too plus uh sorry I didn’t mean to say that you’re not helping um uh uh let me think about it give me like 5 to nine business years uh uh first let me uh consult TV man for a bit what in the what why would

You talk to me about this this is your decision I’m sorry I’m good I I don’t really care you’re the one who requested the ring I really like you more than I like Jack he’s been forcing me on this date ever since oh oh no did I I didn’t

Say that out loud did I I can’t believe it TV man this is all your fault you’re trying to take her away from me whoa whoa hold on a second that’s craziness dude no I would never do that dude what are you talking about you’re doing it

Right now it’s too late now TV man you’re dead what in the world are you talking about leave me alone oh wait I’m all out of bullets you just wait here TV man I’m going to be right back bney bney where are you I um over here give me

Those bullets I lent you earlier I I fed him to the cow why would you feed that to a cow I I don’t know I ran out of hay to give him all right anyway they’re distracted now I’m just going to leave this place this is literally insane

You’re not leaving TV man get back here okay T man you know the when I broke into the the jester hat and and I wanted to tell you something earlier well I um wait see the secret right that you you still haven’t told me what is it this

Yeah the secret so uh you know how um stop talking to her TV man I’m not talking to her she’s literally talking to me she wanted to tell me something but I don’t know what it is stop lying oh my goodness wait I don’t have any

Blocks are you serious right now I got to go all the way back or like wait oh thanks Bob one block is not going to cut it though oh my bad my bad sorry um uh so uh what I wanted to tell you basically was oh oh my gosh that scared

Me uh uh never mind Jax is behind me what is it pomy tell him tell him how much you hate him I I spawned him here okay this is why he’s here what did you do TV man now she’s trying to cover for you she obviously didn’t spawn you in

Here no no Jax I did I was the one who spawned TV man here in the first place you spawned me here py why would you do that because I don’t want to be left alone with Jack he wears me out what what what do you mean we are literally

Dating we’re like soulmates I I have to go oh yeah I got to go too sorry Jack bye sorry about your loss where do you think you’re going today we’re doing a house battle boys versus girls boys versus girls huh I guess that means I’m

Up against my wife pomy what’s up uh hi J it’s not like we just saw each other or anything but hi T man how are you doing oh hey pomy and hey Raga but anyway we got to start building our base Jacks because we got to build the best

House ever cuz we’re literally the boys okay TV man who cares about a stupid house what we need to work on is your Riz cuz you have none are you serious right now you want to talk about Riz dude that is so unimportant right now we literally need to be the best because

The boys are better who cares about stuff like that stop being so childish man what are you talking about who cares about stuff like that we literally need to build the best base ever dude because we’re up against the girls right now yeah you guys are against the girls so

This time you’ll actually have to try but it’s nice seeing you here TV man I guess it’s nice seeing you here too PNE and uh ja we are not building out a purple are you serious right now that is so ugly what’s wrong with purple you literally have a purple shirt on dude

Okay T man you know how about this I’ll build whatever you want if you can RIS up ratha which we’ll see about that what are you talking about dude RIS up ragath are you serious right now well I mean I’ve already rised up P you know since

She’s my wife and all why would I listen to some guy who can’t even rise up a girl all right you know what fine I’ll rise up ragi okay uh hey ragi how you doing uh hi uh do you need anything TV man well I really like video games and I

Was wondering if you play fortnite uh no sorry I’m not a big fan of fortnite in fact I think video games are kind of lame well I I wasn’t talking about my like like fortnite like the video game you know I was asking if you wanted to

Uh go go in my uh you know Fort tonight uh e that’s that’s kind of disgusting not going to lie but okay was that really the best you got man are you serious right now what was wrong with that dude that was w Is Right how are you not embarrassed okay dude I

Don’t know how to talk to girls okay and it’s it’s not even important right now oh my goodness we need to build the best base ever why does that even matter oh my of course it matters man you got to get yourself a girlfriend one of these

Days you don’t want to be alone forever do you no I don’t but that doesn’t matter right now we’re literally building the best base ever anyway here we go and wo this is actually starting to look so good but we need to pick up our pce cuz the girls are literally

Building like a mansion over there oh my goodness a your base is so cute uh Jax are you even doing anything I told TV man I would do whatever he said as long as he could rise up Raga and he clearly did not dude it’s so difficult oh my

Goodness you want to teach me or something I don’t know how to do it but anyway it doesn’t even matter dude well you know TV man you could practice on me what uh I thought you were married well uh yeah but I I mean you can like

Pretend I’m ratha and like try to use your pickup lines I mean we are married that is kind of weird but I guess this guy has to get better somehow otherwise it’s going to be embarrassing so what you’re saying is he needs to keep practicing with ragi right no I’m saying

He needs to practice with me first before he goes to ragi what no that’s not happening well I’m I’m the only girl here besides Raga and unless you want to dress in a skirt or dress I’m the only option okay I don’t need to dress up in

A skirt okay TV man just tell me a pickup line what’s the best one you got uh okay um you no uh you’re you’re really cute Jack oh you’re going to make me blush all righty here we go we’re going to keep adding detail and wait

That looks so good oh my goodness we are making this base so awesome and wait Jack should we have like a gaming setup to this place uh why are you even asking me that man obviously dude that’s such a good idea oh my goodness I didn’t even

Think about that but anyway uh we are way behind them dude look at their base it’s way better than ours wow your guys’s base is terrible good job I didn’t know someone could be that dumb uh uh is that is that supposed to be

Like a FL are you FL with me rag e no why would I flirt with you disgusting oh my goodness are you serious right now all right anyways we got to start working on this interior and I’m going to grab a ton of different things so we

Can build a kitchen and a bathroom and all the good things like that all righty let’s grab all of the bathroom thingies right here and we will grab the kitchen stuff now too hey uh TV man are you sure you don’t want to practice with me no

Pomy dude you literally have a boyfriend why would I do that like what well ja isn’t really helping you and and it might be nice to have practice with the real girl uh I don’t know about that to be honest Bob day I really don’t that’s kind of weird would you rather practice

With Jack uh no but oh my goodness fine fine I’ll practice with you okay uh PNE uh are you a library book uh no why because I’m checking you out oh so do you want to go like on a date then what are you serious right now

No you have a husband what no no no no not like that I was pretending to be raka uh that one is is pretty good though uh do you have any others cuz you have no get away from me this is really weird pomy hey what the heck are you two

Doing in here pomy go back to your side uh no I was helping TV man with his RZ you know okay come on nothing is going to help this guy at this point just go back to your side and help Raga or whatever it’s boys versus girls remember

Even if we are married R is doing fine come on just let me help him don’t you want him to get a girl well of course I do I don’t want my buddy to be a lonely loser for the rest of his life but I

Mean it takes time hey I’m not a loser dude are you serious right now who do you think you are saying that yeah TV man’s not a loser in fact he had a really great pickup line hey TV man you should tell him hit uh Jax are you a

Library cuz I’m trying to check you out it was what did what that even mean what was that what do you mean that was RZ right that was like the exact opposite of Riz well even though you messed it up I kind of liked it it’s thought that counts why would you like

That that was terrible oh well it was kind of funny and you know girls like funny okay okay hold up what are you even talking about that was terrible like are you tripping or something just go back to your spot and leave us alone

Come on I I just want to help a friend oh my goodness I don’t even know you like that why don’t you go help Jax with his rib yeah well that’s a good point hey Jax do you have any pickup lines for me why do I need to use pickup lines on

You we’re literally married well yeah but it’s nice to have that connection still oh my gosh you’re so needy no go back all righty anyway Ja Jack let’s just get her out of here hey poy go away oh is that a pickup line no what in the

White all right anyway I’m just going to keep building my base and anyway uh what in the what why is your face here are you serious right now what do you mean it’s boys versus girls what is manlier than a boy’s face dude it’s such a waste

Of time you should have been building this base up more and oh my goody goodness why is their base crazy good now dude huh it’s not that good they don’t have my face on it dude oh my goodness are you serious right now are you really that self-centered dude that

Is so annoying jackon we need to actually build our base and make it look good this is making it look ugly are you saying I’m ugly chillax TV boy and besides TV man you know what you need to do if you want me to listen to what you

Say go where up Agatha come on let’s see it and then we can go on double dates too but first you have to do it so go on Chop Chop dude oh my goodness I can’t rise her up she’s really scary man don’t you dare think about getting anywhere

Near me if you do I will call the police on you why oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway I’m just going to keep building up this base and you know what Jack I’m getting rid of your stupid head all righty here we go and SL

Set ear and you are done so what the heck is your problem man that was my room I don’t care this is stupid it’s a waste of time okay you know what fine man we’ll build your stupid house but I’m going to make sure it looks ugly

Just like you are you serious right now well thank you for getting rid of Jax’s ugly head he’s so self sandard uh but I also came to here to tell you something uh you know you know T man I actually really really no no come back come back

Wait what what what are you talking about you really really what I I really really really what what are you talking about yeah really what what are you guys talking about I really like that you put your head up there but TV man had to delete your beautiful face I know right

What’s this guy’s problem you jerk uh what in the what that was actually so weird like does py like me or something I’m actually so confused right now anyway we just got to build the best base ever they’re literally distracting me and their base is way better so we

Are literally losing right now and come on Jack did you help out more dude oh my goodness we’re actually going to lose I am helping I’m working on the basement all righty whatever just keep working on the basement and hopefully you can build something cool down there because the

Boys are literally awesome and so cool all righty here we go we’re going to keep filling this in right here and this is going to be the second floor and we’ll probably put the beds in here and stuff too when we have awesome sleepovers yeah man I’m working on this

Setup down here it’s going to be great wait a setup like a gaming setup oh my God there’s no way right now yeah sorry though TV man you can’t use it what why dude are you serious right now I mean I would have had time to build you your

Own if you didn’t destroy uh my head but you know you did so oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway our base is starting to look so good but it’s not good enough yet we got to keep adding it and building it up because the girls are

Literally destroying us right now you know what I’m going to go invisible and check out what the girls did just let me finish this up real quick and booah and here we go oh my goodness all right here we go we’re going to type in invisibility right here I’m going to use

A splash potion of invisibility and now I’m invisible no way right now let’s go inside and see what’s going on and wo their base is so big no way right now they’re actually just destroying us you know raag at that I got to admit I kind

Of like TV man like he’s really cute like if you don’t want him I’ll take him what in the heck is going on right now oh no this is weird I’m just going to spy on them and see what’s going on uh pomy what the heck is your problem

You’re literally married and besides you don’t want someone like that TV boo what in the heck is happening right now this is so weird I’m out of here no but he’s really cute ew what in the heck all right I’m going to go out of invisibility now just keep building my

House I’m just going to pret like I didn’t hear anything all right TV man you know what how about I give you an example of how to rise a girl watch this oh wait watch this all right I’ll watch you ja hey pomy I brought you something

Oh uh why didn’t you knock first uh cuz I don’t need to knock anyways check this out your favorite uh is this a flower seaweed yeah I know you love sushi I I like seaweed and Sushi this looks like it’s just freshly picked out from the sea that’s disgusting what do you mean

Uh what in the white L RZ Jack L RZ she’s just playing hard to get man you know you got to spice things up when you’ve been together for so long you wouldn’t get it uh no Jax that was literally the worst thing I’ve ever

Gotten in my life you have lrz maybe TV man could teach you something see TV man she is so into me man if only you could get ragath to like you like that are you serious right now she does not know you little bro she does not know you all

Right anyway let’s see what you’ve been working on Jax and wa is this going to be the whole basement to yourself I mean I guess I might make you a little spot but just let me work man let me cook all right did I’ll let you cook all right

Here we go anyway we got to keep building up our base and here we go let’s add some stairs right there and wait why don’t we just do ladders instead cuz there’s literally already ladders here so let’s do that and then here we go here is the second floor and

You know what instead of me and J having different rooms I’m going to make us bunk beds that’s going to be so lit we’re going to have the most fun sleepovers here ever here we go let’s add a bed right here let’s add a magenta

One for Jack and then we’ll add a gray one for me TV man here we go and oh my goodness that looks so awesome wait we should probably have one on the top and bottom not next to each other here we go we’re going to place the Spruce Wood

Right there and we’ll make this a little bit taller right here we’ll have Jack on the top and I’ll be on the bottom right there that looks so amazing wao you made us bunk beds man that’s pretty cool yes sir I just made us bunk beds and dude we

Could have the most awesome sleepovers ever dude but wait if we have bunk beds how’s it going to work when we have the girls over what are you talking about dude girls wait why would we have girls over uh I mean I’m literally married man I know you’re single and hopefully you

Won’t be single for the rest of your life although it’s looking that way but come on man you got to think about these things excuse me dude what are you talking about dude oh my goodness I’m not going to be single forever no he won’t jack I’m sure someone out there

Really really really likes yeah I’m sure someone likes me out there but anyway dude I’m just building the best house ever cuz boys are literally the best and girls drol wait what uh what did you just say about girls I know you didn’t just say we drill that is disgusting

That’s something boys would do are you serious would also do they would lose this challenge to the girls because girls are better we’re not going to lose to girls dude I’m not your dude yeah there’s no way we’re going to lose no offense RAB I wasn’t talking to you bunny boy also

Wait also doesn’t your wife not like you anymore how lame do you got to be for your wife to not actually want to be married to you anymore that’s kind of sad not going to lie what are you even talking about ratha did you hit your

Head a little too hard ratha can you can you shut up I I stop capping okay py what are you talking about you literally were venting to me how you hate him wreck at that can you just like shut up it it’s really not that hard but what in

The what is even going on over there I’m so confused why they’re talking like that but anyway I’m just going to keep building up my base and here we go let’s start working on the roof right here maybe we can cover that up right there and oh my goodness we literally have

Some glass in here too so we can like see that oh that looks awesome this place looks really futuristic too I love this theme going on but wait we should probably add like a carpet here so we’ll add the carpet right here and oh my goodness this is looking so amazing wow

That is such a good idea I love this carpet design TV man yeah I really like it too I’m not going to lie but anyway I got to keep building up my base so Pony please don’t distract me don’t worry I I’ll just sit and watch you why what are

You talking about watch me ew it’s not gross I’m just making sure it looks good at my house why don’t you work on your own house we’re literally against each other boys versus girls right now I mean our house is almost done so I was just

Kind of taking a little break oh my goodness that’s really weird I’m not going to lie po TV man you’re really strong what in the what are you talking about pomy ew is it gross to admire how strong you are yeah it’s really weird to watch me while I’m making this kitchen

Right now like why God that’s so manly uh what are you guys talking about up there what did you say manly you saying something about me bom me oh uh yeah I was just talking about how um you have this strongest muscles oh you know me so

Well oh my goodness what in the what is going on over here this is so weird does PNE like like me or something like what is happening anyway I’m just going to keep building the base I am way too confused right now and Raga what in the

What are you doing here I came over here to get pomy because she wandered off without telling me come on get back okay uh see you later TV man what in the ew what get out of here uh TV man why was pomy in here again anyway did

You like invite her or something no dude I have no clue why she’s your wife you should probably know dude how the heck should I know what she’s doing I don’t I don’t know dude it’s just weird she came over here when she was talking to me

Like what yeah whatever man that sounds like a you problem I don’t care it’s not like she likes you or anything uh isn’t it obvious pomy is totally head over heels for you and you’re just so dumb that you can’t see it not me what are you talking about

Me re get back here get back here sorry about that TV man uh R the just was uh having a little she decided it was a good idea to prank the boys but it was obviously a horrible prank get back in the house uh pomy what are you

Doing here again can you like go and work on your side we’re trying to focus over here I am on my side ja I’m just admiring this wonderful weather okay whatever just stop bothering TV man in me go back shoot anyway why are you even acting like this what is your problem uh

Acting like what I’m acting super totally normal people who are acting super totally normal don’t need need to say they are you’re acting so suspicious right now all right guys let’s just split this up anyway Jack we got to win this dude this is a house battle boys

Versus girls and anywhere we’re kind of catching up they’re they’re okay maybe their house is too big but you know what we’ll catch up to them ja you think you’re catching up to us you must be delusional ra shut know looks like something you know what you know what

You need to catch these hands okay hey hey get away from me Raga get away from me what you say about girls you want to fight you want to fight TV boy Wow TV man W Riz bro keep going wait wa dude what are you talking about oh my God

They literally hate me that’s not Riz reck that don’t hurt his beautiful face what I mean I I I said uh don’t knock over that beautiful face oh yeah I know right like that time TV man destroyed my beautiful face on the house yeah yeah totally super totally normal all right

Anyway I’m just going to keep working on this base I am really confused right now but anyway we should probably add like a backyard right here anyway I’m going to be using SL SL one and I’ll be able to get all the super cool tools here we go

SL wand and now I can fill in this whole area with grass so we can start working on this backyard SL set grass and there we go now we get out of pool here and stuff and pomy stop staring at me I I wasn’t staring at you I was uh staring

At the grass oh my goodness I’m so confused right now anyway here we I love grass get away from me py please I’m so confused all righty here we go we’re going to fill this in and booya there we go this is going to be the pool and wait

We should probably add a hot tub too you should add like quartz around it cuz the blue W make the pool look that good okay I I okay I don’t really need your advice I’m not going to lie ponnie but thank you yeah none of us need your advice

Pomy can you get out of here how many times do I have to say it what what’s wrong ja why are you so angry why are you hanging out with TV man go back over to your side chck Jack calm down okay okay I’m sorry pomy I’m just why do you

Keep talking with TV man it’s boys versus girls it’s supposed to be me and him and you and ratha right right but that doesn’t mean I can’t have friends and talk like that’s how conversation Works uh Pony pony just go back to your side okay we could talk later I guess

But I’m just going to build this backyard so go away uh uh TV TV Man TV man can you can you stay out of this this is a marital dispute okay what you know what fine let’s just forget about this just go over and build your base

Okay okay all righty here we go we’re going to add this trampoline right there so we can jump into the pool with the trampoline and we’re also going to add like a swing set right here that’s going to be so fun a swing set really that’s so childish what that it’s not childish

It’s fun are you serious right now yeah yeah I love swing on the swings at my rip old age of 25 TV man seriously what is up why do those girls keep talking to you I I don’t know dude I I’m asking the same questions dude anyway it doesn’t

Matter dude we just got to build a better base cuz like I’m pretty sure the boys are way better but our base is not bigger than theirs their base is literally like triple our size so we need to make our base bigger dude oh yeah the boys PNE uh yeah is something

Up I wanted to give you a present to apologize for how I was acting earlier uh oh okay um what is it here you go it’s a pumpkin because you’re my pumpkin excuse me you could have gotten me a diamond a flower but you give me this

Stupid pumpkin look its face even looks like yours stupid dumb and useless you know what I think I’m reconsidering this marriage cuz you’re a total loser you don’t do anything you sit on your butt all day you’re an egomaniac and you’re super rude to TV man and you don’t even

Think of others you know what we’re done I I’m sorry though what uh what just happened uh that was very weird but anyway I’m just going to keep building my base you know I’m just going to buy my own business TV man this is all your fault dude you jerk what are

You talking about dude no put that away seriously no we are not doing that right now seriously dude we got to win this dude this is this is off topic I don’t care you want to ruin my marriage I’ll ruin your house what hey what in the are

You serious right now ja why would you do that dude why would you break me and pomy apart shut up dude I mean even though we’re obviously still married I mean it’s not like she actually divorced me or anything like that she’s just upset because of you uh yeah about that

Jack uh I just signed some papers and soon you’re going to have to sign some too so yeah we’re not going to be together for long okay come on py chill out we can work this out no we can’t you’re a jerk you know what it’s whatever man we’ll just we’ll figure

This out I’m never signing those papers anyway as long as she doesn’t go for like one of my best friends or anything like that like one of the p of the people I trust the most in the world then it’s fine all righty here we go I’m

Going to keep placing these right here and wait this actually looks so good and what in the what there’s a door bell what was that uh pomy where what was that you what do you want uh no sorry I I I I I I I went to get some of my stuff

From Jax’s uh room all right anyway what wait there’s a mailbox now I think Jax built that mailbox let’s see what’s inside this mailbox all righty let me open this mailbox and there we go what wao what was this uh I love you TV man

What in the what e was this pom me oh no I need to throw this off the cliff so uh TV man did you like my note what in the ew no you’re literally married to Jack not anymore after what he did you know we’re a perfect match for each other and

You should accept my love wait what the pomy what are you doing in here again oh you’re trying to make up with me that’s it right yeah no um can you can you get out of here really quick I need to tell TV man something important yeah yeah I’ll

Leave I’ll leave yeah no no you got to stay TV man I want you to stay what no no no that’s weird what the heck is going on right now I have no idea Jack I’m I’m asking the same thing dude this is really weird pomy stop putting me in

This situation this is so weird but I love you I love you more than I love Jax and I don’t really like Jack anymore but I love you huh TV man how could you do this to me I trusted you you were my best friend you were my best man at the

Wedding that that is not my fault dude I’m not going to lie that was all her dude I I have not done anything to like even talk to her it’s all her dude and you’re going to blame my wife you know what whatever I’m done with this we’re

Not building a boy’s house I’m building my own house no Jackson you need to help me dude oh my goodness are you serious right now later loser have fun on your own oh looks like the boy is forfeited so I guess the girls win no no oh my

Goodness Jack they said we forfeited no we can’t do this right now a fine I don’t want to lose to that jerk Raga either but after this we’re done why dud it wasn’t my fault she’s the one who likes me dude and I don’t like her but

You will like me I promise one way or another I’ll get you to love me what in the what are you serious right now ew disgusting whether you like it or not all righty and I’m actually going to add more rooms to this place cuz I don’t

Think there’s anything else I can do that’s going to uh alert PNE over there oh she sees me are you serious right now hi oh are you building oh my goodness get away from me you know no py go away you can’t get rid of me we’re meant to

Be together we’re soulmates no no no no no no no away now now away a you’re treating me like a dog that’s so cute you know what we could have a dog that could be our first child okay pomy time to quit your delusions get back in the

Base or there will be consequences fine fine all right jeez buzz kill much oh my goodness what is happening right now this is so messed up the Jacks I feel so bad but anyway I’m just going to keep building my base here we go and oh my

Goodness I have such a good idea we’re going to have like this really cool balcony right here and it’s going to be able to show the sunset and the sunset should be happening any moment now too oh my goodness here we go we’re going to

Build this now and all righty here we go we’re going to build this and maybe we should add some glass right there so we could see the sunset from our house or our uh bedroom as well and then booah and oh my goodness this looks so nice

And here we’ll add some windows right there and wo you can see the sunset that looks amazing ja check this out wow that sunset is amazing oh yeah this pretty cool right you like this balcony I made yeah but you know what would be even better what is if you weren’t here you

Jerk you ruined my marriage I didn’t ruin it are you serious right now dude no that is the opposite of what happened dude she’s the one who’s ruining everything I didn’t even do anything no you’re the one who stole her from me I thought you had L RZ but it was all part

Of your plan huh just to steal my wife you monster what are you talking about dude why would I ever do that Jack where are you in wa this place is actually pretty cool is this your base now yeah it is and get out you’re not welcome oh

My goodness are you serious right now dude come on remember like back in the old days you know we did boys versus girls boys are better I I’m telling you I swear on everything Jack you’re one of my best friends dude I would never break my trust with you and like date your

Literal wife that’s so gross she is a crush on me you really expect me to believe that TV man who do you think I am you’re Jack good point okay you know what TV man I’ll ask pomy and see what she says huh PNE all right perfect yep

Ask her ask her she’ll tell you that she likes me and I don’t like her at all why are their hearts everywhere are you serious right now what do you want Jack I thought we were over okay we’re never over but whatever that’s besides the

Point tell me did you like TV man first or did he like like you first well it’s a really long story and I don’t think we have time for that okay whatever just give me the short version get on with it woman excuse me are you sure you want to

Hear it it’s a long story and it’s not a long story I literally just met you because I knew you were dating ja like I’ve seen you like a few times with Jack but that’s it oh my goodness what is happening right now okay I’ll start from

The beginning a long long time ago there was a single star and when that star exploded the fragments of Stardust sprinkled down therefore the magic of love was born I was just a lonely girl in a village doing all right H what are you talking about uh do you have a fast

Forward button can we like get to the point please boring and this is not true this is all cap she’s just yapping she’s actually CEO of yapping right now anyway I’m just going to build my base this is weird and you’re the CEO is stealing my

Heart what hey don’t break my Bas what are you doing you know what after having to listen to that and losing a few brain cells maybe pne’s the problem wait there’s no way I have to trust my wife it’s all your fault TV man are you

Serious right now Jack you know I would never do anything like that dude it’s her she’s the one who likes me I don’t like her it’s weird and gross e pomy too I’d rather take rag than PNE date you E I would rather die in fact i’ rather see

You die I never want to see your ugly face again is that RZ Jax what do you think man all right you know what whatever uh ragi is better than PNE anyway maybe I should just try to date ragi that would be better RZ right that

Is disgusting please stay away from me I will get a restraining order do not come near me I will call the police all right I won’t fine whatever I’ll date uh who let me think uh oh TV woman yeah you’re dating who uh if it’s not TV oh no you

Don’t you’re going to love me forever and ever and ever well we did kind of have a crush on TV woman to be fair you what uh py uh who’s this random woman in our house I did you invite her or something this is really weird oh I just

Made sure to take extra safety precautions just so TV man doesn’t love anyone else except me oh what what are you talking about extra safety protus what’s going on in uh TV woman what are you doing here wait TV man is that you how did I end up here what’s going on

Who the heck are these weird ugly creatures excuse me I am from The Amazing digital circus thank you very much the amazing digital circuit what no not you know what shut up shut up H you better stop liking TV man or else you’re going to see the end of it uh you who

Would like TV man he’s gross I was dating speaker man what uh uh what are you serious right now oh oh then I guess you’re for you to go sorry about that um have a good day um where am I supposed to go I was in my town and now I’m in

The middle of the Void what am I supposed to do and anyway how did I even get here in the first place oh sorry about that I’ll just teleport you back what the heck is this commotion over here what the heck is that e uh what

That’s TV Woman TV woman what is that like your sister or something no it’s my uh nothing it’s my friend not my girlfriend or anything yeah cuz I’m your girlfriend TV man right uh no no no no no okay I’m just going to keep building

My house this is very weird I don’t know why po so insane but whatever okay whatever I’ve had enough of this amazing digital circuit can you like take me home already uh hit some using digital circus oh my gosh guys shut up I don’t care uh whatever I’m sorry um TV woman

Uh my apologies once again I I’ll put you back where you were um anyway I just thought you should know um you know TV man likes speaker woman right what wait what oh okay um thanks for telling me by the way uh do you know where she is now

Uh and no reason I I just wanted to know her whereabouts um no thanks I’m good you freak I’m out of here all righty I don’t know what’s going on right now but anyway I’m just going to keep building up my base and here we go this looks so

Good and we’re actually starting to make a lot of progress but it doesn’t really look aesthetically pleasing now cuz we built it so much up and now we have like this roof and it looks trash where are you TV man uh what in the what py what

Do you want I want you e and I know you want me too just accept my love where are you TV man I have a little surprise for you what e py what do you want Oh no get away from me oh what is that is that

A potion no no no no no P stop ow ow what are you throwing at me oh shut up that didn’t hurt what is going on and py what are you doing here and speaker woman what in the what is going on oh you finally woke up

You look so cute when you sleep did you know that you snore what ew this is so weird get me out of here hey where is my wife give me my wife back speaker speaker man excuse me what’s going on speaker man get me out of here what how

Are you even here right now well I I just followed where my wife went My Wife disappeared so I followed her what are you doing here I I don’t no I my wife just disappeared so I followed her it was it was it you did you teleport my

Wife you weird clown creature huh uh what are you talking about I’m from The Amazing digital Circus the amazing digital what now whatever just show me where my wife is Speaker man dude right behind you but anyway dude I haven’t seen you in so long how you doing man I

Don’t care about you TV man I’m only here for my wife yeah yeah go ahead and take her she’s ugly anyway o okay let’s go back home that’s kind of weird I feel like I recognized that speaker guy somewhere it doesn’t matter can you just let me out of this weird

Place I’m in right now this is so gross and weird it’s not gross and weird it’s cute that way he can keep an eye on you the whole time oh my goodness are you serious right now get me out please I I’ll hang out with you and do whatever

You want if you just let me out what’s all the noise down there I’m literally trying to take a nap what why is so much Happ get me out of here please what okay this is probably by far the second weirdest thing I’ve walked in on um pomy

I again you need to stop putting people in cages that’s that’s like not normal behavior why don’t we go get you some help and I’ll release um TV Bozo from his cage don’t you dare please let me out rocket this is so gross and weird come

On this is a boys versus girls house battle what what has this gone to H I don’t know pomy has issues okay um just get out of there I don’t want to see your face and um yeah have a nice day or whatever oh my

Goodness thank you so much I got to get out of here what is going on I need to see Jack Jack ja ja where are you oh my goodness py just kidnapped me it’s not kidnapping py get away from me ja please hello are you up oh you were sleeping

Okay ja please what the heck is your problem man get out of here and what are you doing here pomy uh what are you doing here this is my house anyway you know what whatever I don’t care I don’t care TV man where have you been for the

Past 3 hours man I saw these weird red things like do you know them they kind of looked like you they’re really ugly yeah speaker man speaker man and speaker woman right you saw that but anyway it doesn’t matter dude I I was G for 3

Hours was I sleeping I I don’t know oh Jack he was just hanging out with me for 3 hours he was giving me flowers we were watching R what T man no I was in a prison she put me in a prison she put a love potion

On me I literally fell asleep and I was in a prison you expect me to believe that that’s ridiculous that’s like the plot of a YouTube video uh okay okay normally I would back my girl up this has gone way too far uh she trapped a

Bunch of people in her house she put a love potion on TV man he was in there for 3 hours and she’s trying so hard to get him to like her like I don’t know what’s going on she’s not acting normal wait seriously ratha you’re saying that

Too maybe it’s true then no no you guys are all crazy I’m not the one that’s crazy you’re crazy no I’m going to be honest pomy you’re acting a little bit crazy maybe maybe TV man wasn’t in the wrong yeah I was never in the wrong dude

She was the one who liked me Jax and I wish we could just go back to being friends again I hate not being friends with you Jax even though you’re really annoying sometimes wait so then was pomy the one that destroyed my head on the

Top of the house too oh no no that was actually him whatever I like TV man Jacks and no one can stop me TV man you will be mine eventually I will make sure of it are you talking about P stop what and are you serious right now you just

Broke both of us houses well now you can come live with me what ew okay yeah this has escalated quickly I really don’t think this is a build challenge anymore I think it’s mostly pomy losing her marbles so how about this is uh everyone versus pomy challenge now you know what

I’m not going to lie I I’m trying to leave this place I’m out of here to be honest bye-bye guys this is insane bye come back wait a second where am I right now oh uh hi Jack oh what are you doing here TV man yeah what are you doing here

TV man it’s just supposed to be me and pomy get out of here hey why’ you push me off oh no Jack why in the why did you push me off dude you’re actually so annoying for that oh whoops my hand slipped that was not funny anyway we are literally on one

Lucky block so let’s break this block right here and oh no I fell again are you serious right now and wao uh I literally just spawned on top of this are you serious right now did this really just Spawn from the lucky block uh I have no idea but I don’t really

Know how I got here either what’s going on uh I don’t know but the real question is what is TV man doing here what do you mean what am I doing here I’m literally on this one block with you guys well I’m just happy I’m here with you TV man

Anyways we should probably start on building a house what are you talking about why would we build a house with this bozo hello everyone Kane Kane what are you doing here yes it is me Kane I’m here to have some fun whenever I say fun

I mean you guys here you go wait what in the what is this is this a creative switcher that is true TV man I want all of you guys to build one fantastic house Kane are you serious you expect me to build a house with this guy what do you

Mean with this guy dude Jack I thought we were friends what are you talking about why would I be friends with somebody invading my date wait this was a date yeah it’s fine he’s not doing anything just lighten up Jack whatever but we’ll see what happens TV man you’re

Going to regret this wait what do you mean I’m going to regret this are you serious right now I don’t know didn’t say anything don’t know what you’re talking about uh I definitely heard something all right 3 2 1 and booyah there we go now I’m in creative mode no

Way right now so I can build the best house ever but guys we should probably use this platform to start building a house you guys better make this house fantastic cuz I’ll be back to check on you do we really have to build a house with TV man why him anybody else would

Be fine well you better learn to get along or bad things might happen oh what in the N that’s crazy wait what do you mean by bad things you don’t have to worry about that as long as you build a good house all right pomy well I guess

I’m going to start by building this floor right here and w this looks so good W I really like this texture yeah me too I think this looks amazing all right here we go this floor looks so good and wait ragi what in the N what

Are you doing here I’m not sure I just fell from the sky and now I’m here oh hey pomy hey Jack and that ragath of all people is here too whatever I’m just going to build my base down here away from you guys oh TV man it’s nice seeing

You here we haven’t seen each other in a while I kind of missed you you know oh what ragar are you serious right now you really missed me uh I’m Miss T man too Rath that why are you talking to him like that what is happening right now oh

No that’s crazy um I don’t know I just missed him cuz I didn’t see him for like a long time what’s the weird about that can you guys stop talking about whatever lame thing you’re going on about up there and pomy can you come helping me

With my base get down here already oh uh yeah uh of course coming I’m going to start building the girl side of the base wait Raga there’s a good good good good girl side no way right now yeah yeah of course there is TV man and I’m working

On the jack side no TV man’s allowed what no we need to work on the same team dude we’re literally the boys bro what are you talking about nah I’m good man you can stay on your own dude are you serious right now really J come on just

Work with TV man he’s a really nice guy n I’m good he can handle it on his own if he wants to ruin my date what I didn’t ruin your date dude I just got spawned here it’s not my fault are you serious right now didn’t say it was your

Fault but you’re here aren’t you and you ruined it didn’t you oh my goodness all right anyway I’m just going to keep building this base you know what ja you’re being really selfish I’m going to go help racket that instead fine do whatever you want I guess I don’t care

Whatever oh what in the what is happening you know what whatever I’m just going to keep building my base here we go we got some fences and we’re going to add some of these dark oak fences this will look so good so we’ll do something like that and wait I actually

Love this design all right there we go we’ll put two stones like that and oh my goody goodness this looks amazing and this will be like the little rooftop to our area but wait but no way the girl side is so much bigger already it’s because Jax isn’t helping me JX come on

Where are you can you help me out no I’m kind of busy working on the jack side remember you can go do whatever you want though are you Ser see serious right now hey uh rata I think we should make challenges for the boys since Jax is

Being a bit of a you know a loser uh excuse you who do you think you’re talking about over there yeah that’s a good idea they’re too stupid to make us challenges anywhere they’re boys of course oh what in the what not I’ll make them challenges but if only Jax would

Help me ja come on help me dude the girls are going to be better than us if you don’t help help you with what Jack do you want to be worse than the girls that like really well of course not whatever fine I’ll help you when I’m

Done with my place are you serious are you serious are you serious right now you know what I’m going to build a little staircase down to your part of the base whatever and this could be the basement the trash basement wait Jack I have an idea can we troll the Go Go

Girls oh now you’re speaking my language let’s go no way all right Jack come over here I have a really good idea so I’m going to turn into like another girl from The Amazing digital circus and I’m going to like try to get all the gossip

Out of them I’m going to like talk to them about boy crushes and all that stuff are you sure this will work I don’t know if you can play the part man no I definitely can watch this and booah all righty and look at me I am now

Gangle dangle what the heck are you doing here where’ TV man go no I’m literally TV man I just I I just I put up I put on the outfit okay I know I was being sarcastic idiot now go and talk to them wait so how do I do the voice why

Are you asking me just do it wait so should I talk like this yeah sure sure dude do that do that okay hello girls I’m on your one lucky block oh uh GLE where did you get here um I got um I got here um U my voice hold on

Give me one second H ja I can’t I can’t talk it hurts my voice wasn’t this your idea come on man commit okay okay you’re right you’re right okay here we go hey guys it’s me gangle hi uh I already said hi to you but um you can say hi to ratha

Hi ratha where are oh there you are um hi Gango is something wrong with your voice are you sick or something no no nothing’s wrong with my voice so girls um you know I have a new crush uh his name is TV man and I was wondering if

You guys know him no way you like TV man that’s insane you may or may not maybe have a little crush on him as well what uh that that is really weird you’re the one who brought it up oh uh yeah I I totally did bring it up you

Know you’re being really weird and as much as I like to talk about boy crushes and whatnot can you just help us build our base um yeah I will just give me a second wait Raga who do you have a crush on um no one why are you asking okay

Good night it’s morning but okay oh my goodness where is Jax I need to tell him what just happened that was crazy ja guess what dude I figured out who they like okay and and py you won’t believe this wait wait oh yeah you’re uh married to py correct yeah she likes me

Obviously you don’t need to tell me about that oh I completely forgot you guys were married anyway um you know you know uh what do I say what do I say okay ratha said she had a crush on you oh gosh ratha likes me well I mean to be

Fair that likes me a lot of sense I am quite the catch but I’m unfortunately already taken oh my goodness why did I just say that I just actually just fumbled the bag what the heck was that ratha do you have any clue what was up with gengle she usually doesn’t act like

That she’s usually more shy I don’t know either that was definitely really weird and something sounds wrong with her voice I don’t know maybe she’s sick or something but then she just like left I don’t know seems weird maybe I’m just overthinking it all right anyway I’m

Going to keep building this right here and here we go this wood looks so good so this is the boy side and this is the girl side but they are literally getting so far away and Jack why do you keep building your head like this this is so

Trash you’re just jealous that your head would look stupid are you serious right now can you help me out dude a little bit help you with what I’m building the basement remember oh my goodness are you serious right now all right well this will be the boys base but it doesn’t

Really look like a boy base let me think what we could add but oh purple’s so trash that’s not a boy color we need to do like blue and I think blue would look way better wait let’s use like blue stained glass here all right here we go

We’re going to change this to Blue and wait this looks so good TV man what the heck are you doing dude we have to change it to Blue it looks trash it’s not a Boy Color what do you mean purple isn’t a boy’s color it’s 2023 are you

Serious right now what are you talking about what do you mean what’s wrong with purple there’s nothing wrong with purple but you know Blue’s the best color ever so we’re going to make it blue oh my gosh you’re so annoying fine as long as you leave my face leave your face what

Does that even mean what the what are you talking about my face on the glass oh yeah yeah yeah I’ll leave your face there but uh we’re making it blue so can you help out and change it to Blue fine oh wow Jack you’re actually getting along with me pretty well dude that’s

Awesome like don’t you want to be better than the girls I do want to be better than the girls and I am that’s why I’m tolerating you TV man uh are you serious right now all right anyway we’re going to do something like this we’ll change this to Blue and wait this actually

Looks so much better already look at this jack isn’t blue your new favorite color don’t push your luck TV man just get it over with what in the what are you talking about all right there we go now we should probably change this over here but we could do this way quicker if

We use SL SL wand and using this wooden axe we’re going to be able to do this SL SL set blue wol there we go and oh my goody goodness that looks amazing now we should probably add some more blue wool all over the place hey ja I need you to

Start working on something okay you’re going to make a super scary mob room for a challenge for the girls do I have to do it uh yes you have to build it what I’m busy working on my setup man no that’s not important right now you need

To work on this dude so we’re better than the girls cuz the boys rule and the girls drule what is a boy’s base without a setup oh my goodness are you serious right now I’ll build the setup later dude fine whatever I’ll build a stupid mob room gosh darn it are you serious

Right now ja why you getting mad dude I said i’ do what you want Man TV man look at you you’re such a hard worker TV man all he’s done is ruin my work Jack you barely do any work as it is exactly and he ruined it are you serious right now

Jack you’re actually a loser dude you can build your face somewhere else okay all right here we go we’re going to add some of this instead of this weird Stone thingy cuz that looks trash and there we go and booah wo that looks so good but

This Bas definitely has a lot of work to do and you know what Jack’s face on the bottom doesn’t look terrible to be honest it looked a lot worse when it was like purple though for sure excuse you TV man I’m purple uh don’t care I didn’t

Ask Buddy ratio hey pomy I have a great idea let’s play a prank on the boys so I’ll tell Jax I like him but then I’ll just joke about it you know Ju Just some like Ed fun you know hopefully no one’s feelings get hurt okay uh I’ll work on

The base while you do that hey uh J are you here yeah what do you want ratha oh I was just kind of wondering like have you been working out you seem very muscular lately oh I know I do have an Adonis like physique do you smell like

Carrot juice that’s like my favorite scent actually really mine too you know if you weren’t married to pomy do you think maybe you and I could one day go out on a date per chance uh no sorry ugly people aren’t my typee just kidding your your scrawny little arms suck and

You smell like rats did you want something what’s your issue what’s your issue women this is why I hate them what what do you mean what I said girls are cool that’s what I said all right anyway that’s off topic Jack’s why and the why are you building out a purple dude no

We’re doing blue no I’m not doing this okay then you build it then are you serious right now are you really that lazy if you want me to do the mob room let me do it my way uh no then go do your own thing dude go go hang out with

The girls then honestly it’s better than hanging out with you at this point are you serious or I’m trying to be better than the girls dude you’re just trash hey girls how’s it hanging uh CH what are you doing here aren’t you supposed to be on the boy side well yeah but TV

Man was being kind of a you know himself so I had to get away hey pomy can I kick out ja he was rude to me earlier ja get out um you the one rude to me and you deserv it what are you talking about you

Know you deserve a slap in the face you dumb rabbit whatever fine I’ll leave have fun on your own l losers we will now that you’re gone it’s a party all right here we go so this is going to be the start of the mob room here we go so

Jack here I have a job for you dude change everything to reinforced here okay that’s your job that’s my job yeah all right I got it buddy sure you can trust me all right well I’ll let you do the rest of this mob room okay I’m just

Going to keep working on the base cuz it looks like their base is already better than ours to be honest all right here we go so on this side we’re going to add like a really really big area and it’s going to look so amazing so we’ll make

It a little bit out some more We’ll add something like that and there we go that’ll be the start of the new part of the base and it’s going to be really really tall look at this J yeah that’s so cool man definitely care yeah woohoo

Uh what are you talking about Jack this is literally the best base ever dude we’re going to make the best base cuz we’re literally the boys what are you talking about yeah that’s exactly what I was saying man weren’t you listening yeah go do that wow that’s really cool

Of you to you man I mean you’re doing this all on your own oh yeah am doing it all on my own that’s kind of cute not going to lie what n that’s crazy I mean I said that’s kind of cool cool not going to lie uh okay I hope you said

That anyway I’m just going to keep working on my base here we go now let’s add this really cool glass here and we’ll add it on this side as well we’ll do SL SL set glass and oh my goodness world it is so goed oh oh my word this

Looks beautiful yes sir doesn’t it look amazing you are just a genius with designs TV man oh what are you talking about I’m literally the best right yes you are but quick question what is Jax up to uh I have no idea he said he was

Working on the mob room but he’s being really annoying recently so I’m just kind of letting I’m just kind of letting him do his own thing I guess that’s a good way to put it but I don’t I don’t see Jack’s in the mob room uh what are

You talking about he’s not in the mob room what he probably skipped out to probably playing video games H that would be annoying but you know I don’t even care anymore as long as I’m building the base you know I’ll make it good because the boys are the best uh i

R to differ uh I think the girls are the best yeah that’s cap I’m not going to lie all right anyway let’s have like a little entrance into this area here we go we’re going to do something like that and we’ll have it go down like this all

Righty there we go and we’ll have something like that and we’ll go all the way down into the skyscraper and there’s no way the girls are going to be able to build something like that not going to lie that is a really impressive TV man I know isn’t this skyscraper like amazing

Mhm I can watch you build it um pomy don’t you think you have other more important things to be doing uh like what like staying on your side of the base and building it I I am on my side you know it’s just kind of weird considering we are married and all

Remember or did you forget uh yeah yeah uh yeah uh married yeah uh sorry yeah let’s just flip my mind what in the what what is going on right now all right here we go we’re going to do something like that and Booyah that looks so awesome look at that and this

Skyscrapper is going to be so big so we should probably work on making the roof now but wait we should actually do something like this first We’ll add some glass like that and we’ll put some glass right here we got to fill this area up

SL set glass and there we go wait I just got rid of some other part of the roof let me undo that got to undo that and actually get rid of this part we’ll do something like this so we don’t get rid of that part of the roof we’ll do that

With the wooden axe and we’ll put it right here SL set glass and Booyah there we go that looks amazing and we can also just fill in the rest of this also too uh TV man I mean this looks kind of cool I guess but like what the heck even is

It this is stupid what do you mean dude it’s literally a skyscraper dude and we could literally make like a hotel in here we could do something super cool we could lit make like the biggest building in the world are you going to do that cuz right now it just looks like an

Empty t that’s kind of lame dude you just got to let me cook let me cook yeah yeah sure whatever hey ja once this is complete dude you’re literally going to be like dude this is crazy all right prove me wrong then man go ahead this

Thing TV man’s too focused on his stupid skyscraper cuz then they won’t be able to build any challenges oh what in the what n I’m going to finish the skyscraper soon then I’ll work on the challenges what is she even talking about M yeah well you know it looks good

Too ragi so you’re just mad no I’m not mad I have a great idea TV man uh what’s up Kane why don’t you put this great fabulous skyscraper to work and you make it into a challenge you’re actually so right about that dude oh my goodness I

Didn’t even think about that dude wait I’m going to add like the coolest parkour here you can even add mobs if you wanted to and traps there’s so many possibilities you’re right dude oh my goodness all right well for this parkour I think I’m going to make it super duper

Difficult and literally I can make this so tall too this is going to be so difficult for the girls so for the parkour I think I’m going to use these diamond blocks to indicate the little parkour things you got to on and oh my gosh this is going to be so amazing I’m

Actually so excited to do this parkour too here we go we’ll do something like that and then we’ll add some ladders right here because we’ll also make it into like a ladder parkour which is so fun all right we’ll do that and then on this side we’ll have you be able to jump

Oh my goodness that’s amazing let’s also get rid of some of this and we got to cover this up as well all right there we go we’ll do something like that and wait that’s a really hard jump oh my goodness and then we’ll add some ladders right

Here we’ll have another jump right there and then we’ll have another jump like that and what what pomy what are you doing here looking at me uh I’m I’m not looking at anything I I’m I’m admiring the the sky uh what in the N that’s crazy I don’t even know what you’re

Doing but whatever oh okay well I’ll be honest I actually brought you a little gift you brought me a good good good good gift what are you talking about how do I get in this how do you get in here what are you talking about you’re not

Allowed in here it’s for boys only I’m making parkour too for you girls oh uh well how am I supposed to give you the gift uh what gift are you talking about that’s really creepy being weird no no it’s just like a friendly gesture uh you

Know I heard you like the color blue so uh I may or may not have gotten some blue things for you uh thanks I guess thank you I mean you didn’t have to do that for me but I appreciate it it it’s nothing it it’s it was just a little

Gift all right well thanks I guess but I got to keep working on my parkour uh P me what exactly do you think you’re doing here go back over to your side uh oh yeah I I was just heading that with way then go ahead and do that then now

Sho you know this isn’t looking too bad TV man and I finished up the mob room too wait you worked on the mob room in oh my gosh it’s purple you know I give up dude you know it’s better than nothing whatever all right there we go

And that’s going to be the end of the parkour all right well we’re going to add some fences right here as well underneath these blocks so we can add some support beams there we go we’ll do something like that and oh my goodness we got to test this parkour out as well

To make sure it’s possible for the girls because you know the girls are really trash at parkour excuse me I heard that oh what wait wait you heard that ragi I’m sorry it was a joke not really though jokes are supposed to be funny you know what else is funny how you

Can’t get a girlfriend what no that’s messed up you have L RZ okay as soon as you can get a girlfriend I’ll take back what I said Jack do I have W RZ bro come on come on uh you have the opposite of w RZ if that

Counts or something oh my goodness I wish someone else was here with me like Why can’t kofo be here he’s way funnier than you jackon you’re just like a hater dude wow maybe you do know me well TV man I am a hater I hate you H are you

Serious right now Jacks you’re actually so annoying anyway let’s just win this boys versus girls challenge there we go I finished up with this parkour and oh my gosh it looks so good if it means anything to you TV man I don’t hate you thanks pomy I guess but you know it’s

Yeah pomy you don’t hate him you love him R shut up what n that’s crazy to say she was just joking yeah i’ hope so because aren’t you in love with ja uh yeah totally what the heck is even going on I have no idea but let’s just keep working on this base

Jacks there’s no need to talk all right here we go let’s keep working on it like that and we’ll make this a lot more aesthetic cuz to be honest it looks really ugly right now like the girl’s base looks way better than ours so let

Me think what we could add to this base to make it look better all right I have an idea let’s add some Spruce Plank and we’ll like cover the base up a little bit to make it look just a little bit more pleasing to the eye cuz it looks

Kind of trash right now all right we’ll do something like that and then we’ll add some Spruce pranks like that we’ll put another set over here and we’ll put the last set right there there see I told you TV man if we made it purple it

Would look so much better no it wouldn’t dude it it actually doesn’t even look that bad I mean your face kind of looks cool at the top wait do I need to add a TV head at the top that would be so cool you should are you serious TV man

Putting your face on a building that’s so tacky man what that’s literally what you did dude you’re actually a Capper I put on my face you’re putting on your face that’s the difference uh are you serious raino anyway wait I know of a good idea to make this challenge way

More difficult we’re going to add a ton of lava at the bottom oh my gosh come on TV man why are you using lava are you trying to kill him we should use something better like what dude what’s better than lava like poison uh poison wait you’re right actually okay help me

Remove this lava and we’ll add poison that’s actually funnier all right here we go we’re getting rid of all this lava right here and we’ll add some poison poison better not be purple though it better not it are you serious right now is that why you want it cuz it’s purple

No I just don’t want to burn the girls alive obviously sh Have a Heart TV man uh isn’t poison like just as bad though no it’s slightly better are you serious right now you know what whatever this doesn’t look that bad it kind of matches it’s like blue almost wait TV man is

This all you’ve worked on uh yeah obviously uh what about a maze we need a maze wait you want to make a maze dude that’s so scary all right you know let’s do it okay I’m going to add the maze over here and Jax you got to help me out

With this dude this will be the last challenge we build fine I’ll help as long as you make it purple uh are you serious right now do we really have to make it purple if you want me to help all right then don’t help me all right

All right well instead of a normal maze this is going to be a Laser Maze let’s go it’s going to look amazing so we’ll put the maze right over here we got to do this here we go we do SL SL set blue wool and it’ll be a giant area right

Here and this is going to be one of the most difficult mazes in the world because for this maze we’re going to make it super duper scary just like that I’m going to place it super high up so there’s going to be multiple levels to

It this is going to be like the most complex maze ever in the whole world and the girls are never going to be able to complete this yeah I will I’m really good at mazes that’s C you don’t know you’ve never seen me solve a Maze Before

I think what pomy means to say is that we’re really good at mazes yeah I doubt that I doubt pomy still loves you I mean ra can you please just not talk for a bit my bad all right here we go we’re going to add the black wool right there

And oh my goodness this is actually going to be so scary there’s no way they’re going to be able to complete this so we’re going to add some lasers here as well and oh no this is going to be so scary all right here we go we’re

Going to add one part of the laser right there so obviously you can’t go that way actually no we’ll have you give to jump over it that’s actually so scary so you have to jump over it right there and of course this is going to be a multi-level

Maze so it’s going to be a lot more difficult than you think so let’s add this part of the maze right here we’ll do that with the wooden ax and then we’ll do this over here we’ll do SL SL set blue wool and there we go that’s

Going to be the first level so we’ll do something like that and this will be the way that they actually cannot complete it so it’s going to be the wrong way W this is really cool I know right wait are you in here what are you doing in

Here pomy uh no I I’m not in here uh are you py hello are you in you better not be in here what what’s going on m- I’m just hey pomy no you don’t see me pomy get out of my Laser Maze what are you

Doing in here I I I’m not in here you’re you’re you’re just hallucinating oh my goody goodness what are you doing in here you’re ruining it you’re literally ruining it you cannot cheat this is cheating pomy it it’s not cheating I’m not memorizing anything uh what why did

You say it like that though don’t worry about me I just wanted to see you that’s all uh why what do you want from me I’m I’m confused I I I really don’t want anything from you I is it wrong to want to visit a friend no I guess not but

It’s just weird like what I don’t understand what what what I what I what I do I I don’t know it’s just weird like why don’t you go hang out with Jax he’s literally your husband like what uh yeah here’s the thing uh I didn’t really like

Jack in the first place but but don’t tell him but don’t tell him please please don’t tell him I’ll do anything what okay I won’t tell him but like what does I what do you even mean like what are you serious well I oh I may or may not like someone else

Excuse me who is that well I can’t tell you it’s a secret okay I guess I mean I don’t really care who you like but just just kind of get out of my way I mean I don’t really I don’t really know you that well either

Well uh well who do you like uh no one I don’t think I I I mean TV woman she’s my girlfriend but I don’t know oh he you have a girlfriend uh yeah oh well that that’s great I guess py can you just get

Out of here I don’t want to talk to you anymore to be honest like I don’t mean that in a mean way but what am I doing I’m just being nice it’s just like weird like I’m just confused what you want I I just want to hang out with you is that

So bad ex excuse me why why me I don’t know what I what what what you want from me like oh my goodness just get out of here hang out with Jack I’m sure Jax would love your company yeah not really he just ignores me most of the time I’m

Sorry it’s okay it’s not your fault I bet you treat women nicely though I don’t know I I don’t know I I mean I talk to TV women but please get out of my company I’m not I’m okay I I’m okay to be honest okay I’ll see you later

Then all right bye that was so weird what in the N that’s crazy all right anyway I got to figure out a way to make this maze super duper scary and on this second level they’re not going to know what’s happening because on this second

Level there’s just going to be a ton of lasers and they got to get around all the lasers so I’m pretty sure they’re not going to be able to do this is going to be way too difficult so we’ll do something like this and then we’re going

To add something like this right here oh no this is going to be too difficult so they have to do this oh my gosh and they got to go like around it like that that is actually way too difficult but for sure it’s going to be possible though

All right so you jump like that then we’re going to add some really scary lasers right here and oh no that’s actually crazy this is going to be crazy so there we go we’ll do something like that and then they have to go around this all right TV man I’m almost

Finished on my end what have you been doing in the Maze uh I’ve been making a Laser Maze and another Laser Maze and more laser mazes and it’s going to be so much fun and awesome and the girls are never going to be able to complete this

Cuz they’re trash wao man you know what this maze is amazing really yeah but it’d be better if it was purple uh are you serious right now I I can’t make it purple dude that’s literally illegal and also get it amazing maze amaz oh I’m not funny all right there we go

And then this will be the end of the Maze and then we’ll have like little area where they have to go walk around and they’ll walk on top of the maze right here and that’ll be the end of the challenges but there’s no way they’re actually going to be able to complete

Any of this cuz they’re trash why don’t you check out what I’ve done TV man wait what have you done ja I made the ultimate man cave check this place out wa this is crazy bro oh my goodness this is actually so awesome yeah isn’t this

Place amazing and it’s all for me wait I can’t play on it dude we can play fornite together there’s two beds wait why why are they right next to each other though why why did you make bunk beds that’s really weird this is a man

Cave man for me you’re a boy not a man get out of here uh are you serious right now anyway we’re going to win versus boys versus girls challenge Jack okay don’t worry oh PNE what are you doing here uh excuse me uh pomy what do you

Think you’re doing here uh I came to visit you of course what are you doing here oh you’re visiting Jack awesome okay I don’t really care yeah uh well I’m here to visit you too TV man it’s just uh Chex is here as well is there something wrong with that we’re married

After all remember she just said she’s here to visit me excuse me did you did you read that hear that did you hear anything T man what are you talking about you must be imagining things because of how down bad you are chill yeah I said for Jack I I never said your

Name TV man yeah sure I guess but you know what whatever it doesn’t even matter I’m just going to keep bu these bases cuz I just want to get out of here and just say that the boys are better because they are literally all right there we go and Booyah that looks

Amazing but wait we should probably add some blue here just so it matches this little pattern right here but I don’t think the girls are going to be able to complete this finally finished with your stuff TV man don’t you think it’s about time we went and checked out their base

Uh yeah I guess so I guess we could go check it out hey girls we’re here our tour your base cuz boys are better but we’re going to go see your base what uh what are you guys just doing in here you can’t just like walk in without an

Invitation don’t you why why what’s wrong with that boys are better anyway so who cares okay you guys don’t have manners so like I guess like you’re here do you want a tour of the house or something yeah of course hey Jack stop doing challenges dude it’s too early to

Do that oh my God Jack get back here I couldn’t help it man it was too easy what can I say Jax are you serious right now did you really just fall oh my goodness all right let’s see the house too easy uh okay so we have a couch here

We were mostly focused on the challenges so uh I mean there’s like pom’s room or something I mean if you want to show him that no no let’s go check out the room let’s see it I don’t think we should wait why I want to go see your room it

Looks pretty cool it must be cool right oh no okay not enter what’s up here what in the what uh excuse Jack’s here get out just get out get out get out what is this Jax Jack get out don’t worry about it dude just go oh no this is bad uh you weren’t

Supposed to see any of this who was supposed to see it then what is this uh it was a prank you this is your fault TV man isn’t it somehow what n this is not my fault dude what do you who do you think I am dude that’s crazy bro I don’t

Know but judging from what I’m looking at who else fault could it be besides you it’s not my fault dude all right let’s just do these challenges bro come on let’s go down here and do the challenges dude we don’t have time for this okay fine whatever this is so

Embarrassing I mean why didn’t you not just tell Jax you had a crush on TV man in the first place it’s not that hard a crush on who uh oh my goodness okay let’s just do this parkour here we go oh my goodness of course the girls parkour

Is trash excuse me uh yeah it’s trash you heard me girls we’re going to win this boys are better than girls oh what if I just shoot some arrows at you wouldn’t it be easy then oh no I fell that was just bluffing I wasn’t going to shoot any arrows oh my goodness

This is so scary come on we’re getting to the end of this now and here we go and yeah let’s go I did it well uh that was really impressive TV man and yeah Jack I mean I guess you did it too whatever I don’t even care can we just

Do the rest of these challenges so we can prove we’re better than the girls by crushing that’s what I was trying to do dude and by the way I don’t like pomy she’s been trying to stalk me this whole time I swear dude sure dude yeah I

Wasn’t stalking him at all he just often would talk to me you know what pomy I’m going to be honest I think it was probably you you’re the one who was doing this you are the one trying to cheat on me you don’t even talk to me all right ladies ladies stop fighting

You’re all pretty okay come on let’s go do the next challenge let’s just get this over with I want to go home the next challenge if we just go down here we have a maze isn’t that fun maze wait They’re copying us Jack are you serious

Right now but theirs is so much more boring than ours excuse me I built this maze with my own two hands that was it well we just did it that was it are you serious right now it was that easy oh wait there’s more okay uh Jax go down

Here there’s more I I didn’t think it was that easy though this is actually so easy jack good thing our challenges are actually impossible dude they’re never going to be able to complete them and ah whoa this is weird don’t be such a baby

It’s just a maze man uh yeah it’s just a maze but this place is pretty spooky but it’s too easy though there’s no way it was that easy are you serious right now it was that easy Okay I lied I’m not really good at mazes I I lied on my

Resume okay I’m a fake I get it are you sure you’re from The Amazing digital circus no you’re from the trash digital circus that’s where you’re from okay at least I’m not from Scooby-Doo toilet whatever that is okay so uh last challenge mob room wait there’s a mob

Room oh my goodness are you serious right now mob rooms are easy though so this is going to be easy claps all right let’s grab some of this armor right here and oh this can’t be that bad oh it’s way worse than you imagine think of the

Worst thing possible and then mult it by 10 ja do you believe that do you just get it on one yeah do you do you believe that no of course not just start it already all righty here we uh go get ready uh what are you serious right now

Is this a prank M this has to be a prank right let’s just put some poison here and they’re all going to die just stand up here uh woohoo yeah girls yeah let’s go are you serious right now wow my arm is starting to get tired this is really

Tough uh okay I tried my best what is this you tried your best why couldn’t you use real monsters this is so trash because real monsters are kind kind of gross I don’t know is this really the best you can do I mean I don’t know this

Seems way too easy to be honest well I just thought you wouldn’t have the heart to kill little animals but I guess you guys really are heartless uh yeah so let’s get out of here we complet the challenges now you guys could do ours okay fine fine whatever I just want to

Go home all right girls here we go this is our house and P’s already in here are you serious right now so we’re going to do a little tour of this place and down here is the man cave for me and Jack just me and why are you showing it to

Them it’s a man cave not a woman man cave oh relax Jack we wouldn’t be caught dead in this thing it’s kind of ugly anyway but I’ll I’ll take a cookie for the road you just took one of my cookies TV man you did such a good job building

This it’s so pretty and so nice I know I’m the one that built it what do you mean uh are you sure about that yeah no one cares about you jack did you you didn’t put any of these things down here TV man I am sure about that all right

Well if we come up here guys we can see that there is more to look at so if we go over here there is this super scary parkour that you girls are going to have to complete right now oh no scary parkour can I finish my cookie first uh

Yeah good luck doing this parkour though we’re going to go all the way up to the top and sit here okay okay what is this um you’re kidding right this is so easy like bro ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow owow I don’t know if I can do this this

Is really scary raka oh don’t worry it used to be worse it was lava before oh yeah it was it was lava before but now they’re not going to be able to do this this is so funny all right girls oh my gosh they keep failing you know should

We just give it up and you girls just want to give it up and just say the boys are better yeah whatever gets me home faster uh come on Rocket the girls never give up oh let’s just try it one more time okay I guess we’re too far to quit

Now so I’m almost at the top anyway oh my goodness you guys are doing great are you serious TV man if it was us doing it we would have been done 20 minutes ago oh yeah I guess so but they’re not doing too bad oh ragi is killing it right now

And oh my goodness she’s going to complete it I’m getting so close all right here we go come on P you’re getting so close you have one more jump I did oh wait never mind I did not do it yet there you go you did it all right

You guys are going to move on to the second challenge now okay um awesome I just want to go home you know what we’ve already gotten this far so like why not just keep it up I mean the girls can definitely be the the boys at this point

Yeah I’m sure we can do it all right girls well this is a super scary Laser Maze and I’m sure you guys won’t be able to do this cuz it’s really scary and terrifying okay yeah watch us yeah I’m sure you won’t be able to do it cuz it’s

Too confusing haha you’re trash Oh my goody goodness I didn’t know you could step on that that’s actually cheating what no it’s not cheating it’s using our brains which you males don’t have oh my goody goodness no way right now TV man you made this way too easy you weren’t

Going easy on them weren’t you no I was not going easy on them that’s so cute you’re going easy on us you really care about us TV man what no that’s not what I meant are you really going to deny it TV man when you make it like this oh my

Goodness are you serious right now anyway they just completed it so we’re moving on to the last and final challenge jackon when you just spawn a ton of monsters yeah let me handle it TV man since you can’t be trusted clearly all right jack I’m going to get a ton of

Zombies and I’m going to get mutant zombies so they’re actually just going to die right in the and they’re literally not going to be able to survive all right girls are you ready grab your armor and here we go what the heck was something supposed

To happen uh Ja Jack it’s in it’s in C it’s hey Jack it’s it’s in peaceful mode what are we supposed to do then I don’t know we can’t switch it we have to ask Kane but Kane’s not around oh no this is so bad okay let me figure out hostile

Mob that’s actually allowed to use in peaceful mode all right what can I use can I use creepers I’m pretty sure I could use normal creepers oh my goodness all right uh I’m oh we can use dogs we can use dogs let’s use wolves all righty

And here we go make them mad oh my gosh they have to hit them oh my goodness come on fight them hey you guys got to kill these wolves oh they’re so cute a did you get me a pet TV man you’re so thoughtful no no no no no it’s in

Peaceful mode and you guys have to fight the Monsters come on kill them kill them I wouldn’t hurt a dog that’s that’s evil oh they’re so cute a look pomy you made a friend TV man what are you doing you just gave them a bunch of pets you know

What I’ve had it oh hey hey J what are you doing hey stop they’re not going to kill him so why not just get rid of them bye jaia buddy you’re you’re not doing this anymore I’m in Creative dummy whatever fine let’s just do the next

Challenge then ja there’s no more ch ch challenges left dude what were you even doing then uh building the other challenges you know what this is so stupid I’m just leaving you know what J we’re done who whoa whoa what get off of me thank you guys so much for watching

This video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow subscribe yeah subscribe boys are the best subscribe everyone for boys please subscribe Please Subscribe for the boys let’s go subscribe for the dogs

This video, titled ‘100 DAYS Skyblock as POMNI FAMILY! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-01-01 18:00:01. It has garnered 36268 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:56 or 12596 seconds.

100 DAYS Skyblock as POMNI FAMILY! (Minecraft)

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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