100 Players Simulate Civilization on Zombie Island in Minecraft…

Video Information

Imagine being stranded on a zombie island with a recently breached research facility releasing thousands of mutated zombies well today i’m sending 100 minecraft players to this island for a massive social experiment where every five days a deadly virus will be mutating and infecting players creating new dangerous zombies that are pretty

Terrifying will players work together and protect each other from being infected or will conflict emerge when the antidote is discovered just like in real life if players die they are dead forever and this led to a crazy story you do not want to miss welcome to the story of the zombie island experiment

So it was the morning of day one and the players had just arrived at a beach expecting to be on vacation okay everybody with us everybody with us this way players were then escorted into the dense jungle towards what they thought was a hotel okay we’re approaching your hotel everybody what is this

Like this hello everyone and welcome to my prison i’m putting this place on lockdown everybody report inside right now everyone you need to report to yourselves there is a cell for everyone you either get in one or you die without any equipment players only choice was to

Comply with the warden and enter their cells the ones who did him were making a big mistake get in now you’re gonna die horrible hotel be quiet be quiet he was talking back and i had enough hey where are you going there’s no way out of here you’re done you’re done get

Back in oh you’re done this one’s done come here boy come here i have a simple question for you what’s the question no you have to stop you you clown pizza you’re coming with me hey what are you smiling at get out here right now go stand with clown

Pizza right now we’ve got somewhere we need to go we’re gonna have to go through the jungle the warden then took these two prisoners across a nearby bridge to a second island where a mysterious laboratory was located they were taken into the entrance then down multiple floors all the way to the

Basement towards the experiment chambers welcome to scp lab if it makes you feel any better guys a hundred percent of the people that enter this place stay in this place now get in first no get in you two are part of human explosion therapy all i have to do is

Type in the commands that should do it goodbye And this is how it’s all begun the wardens experiments had malfunctioned causing a huge explosion which would soon put every player on this island in extreme danger the basement of this laboratory was designed as a secure location to experiment with a deadly virus that turns players and villagers

Into zombies and rapidly mutates over time creating new dangerous types of zombies the hundreds of them contained here had now escaped from their chambers and were currently heading towards the staircase eventually reaching the upper area of the basement and seemed to be heading towards the upper staircase as

If they were being drawn to something on the other floors the reason why is because 30 scientists were working at this laboratory these players had been tricking prisoners into coming to the island imprisoning them and using them as test subjects for zombie experiments and the explosion from below allotted

All of them that something was wrong everyone move your ass there’s zombies down here what the scientists then started heading towards the basement to investigate with a player named eyes leading the way all of them unaware that danger was locking i don’t even have a

Weapon what do you want me to do about it all right we’re going into the basement below the basement cool what is this place oh look at the zombies bro bro oh paul we’re done oh no paul we’re done dude there’s a test room right there watch out come back later come

Back later there’s way too many you guys gotta escape you guys gonna escape brother’s case watch i’m not hungry chaos broke out in the laboratory as more and more zombies were released and the scientists only choice was to escape to the surface the ones who didn’t were cornered by zombies and

Infected with the virus the scientists were then chased out of the lab with zombies following closely behind and although their laboratory contained a huge amount of diamond equipment which they looted from the chest and used to protect themselves the zombies were now on the surface and they started infecting the native villagers

Of this island meaning they were now rapidly multiplying and zombies were appearing all throughout the island back in the prison players were still locked in their cells with the warden nowhere to be seen but even more danger then started heading towards them as a horde of zombies were crossing the

Bridge slowly approaching the prisoners but one player named tarpaul managed to hide from the warden and was the only prisoner who wasn’t trapped i am not going into that lab he didn’t see me he actually didn’t see me noticing the warden was gone he quickly exited the

Prison and climbed to the roof to investigate his surroundings and spotted something terrifying in the distance oh no oh no there’s zombies guys there are zombies realizing that time was limited before the zombies broke through the gates he climbed back down and quickly started freeing the other prisoners from their cells i’m upstairs

And while these players help each other escape i want to tell you about today’s sponsor signal rgb we’re giving away a custom gaming pc that looks like an actual minecraft magma block guys stick together so there’s a hole in the fence somewhere maybe we should go back in the

Cells inside of this pc is a lava strider standing on lava and it even features lava colored coolants the winner of this pc can customize the rgb however they want using the hundreds of effects in the signal rgb application signal rgb also has a game integration for minecraft where taking damage like

These players are about to makes your entire setup flash red to find out more about signal rgb and how you can win this one of a kind pc click on the link in the description and now let’s continue after successfully escaping their cells the prisoners grouped up and traveled

Through a hole in the fence into the dense jungle and were immediately ambushed by zombies the prison is safer the prison is safer the prison is safer back to the cells that only choice was to escape into the other direction eventually noticing a giant tree in the distance oh it’s a villain

After grouping up and traveling through the jungle they found a staircase at the base of the tree leading to tree houses containing chests with a nice supply of food i got a bloke this village also contained some custom jungle themed items including a blowgun which shoots poisonous darts and wooden

Spike traps that deal damage to zombies and players that touched them after a rough start on day one they finally got some equipment and was safe in that treehouse until the sun went down and the first virus mutation begun creating two brand new extremely dangerous zombies the lobby zombie which has

Increased health and throws zombie skulls at players and the explosive zombie which chases players with tnt and every single night the virus has a 10 chance to mutate once again as night fell on the islands zombies started heading towards the treehouse look down there there’s hordes down there and a

Lava zombie climbed to the top it’s a jason’s army they can like throw heads at you hey whoever’s in that house this tnt zombie get out of there oh guys ty car got infected two players were infected and turned into zombies he’s infected now we have

To take him out and to stop more infections they had to kill their zombified teammates the prisoners crafted more wooden spike traps to secure the treehouse so they set them up on the staircase and finale was safe over on the scientist island they begun exploring their surroundings and

Discovered a huge jungle village oh what is this place be careful oh man these are like two here just killed them easily defeating the zombies the scientists looted the village chests and discovered the rest of the custom items on this island including machetes which are stronger than swords and barricades

Which are extremely tough to break scientists survived the night without a single casualty while the prisoners had lost 10 players and weren’t in a great position but this is where the second group of prisoners come in who had just crashed onto a beach right next to the players in the treehouse

A few players started swimming towards the beach but these waters were infested with sharks that quickly noticed the players and attacked go in the water do not under any circumstances go in the water bridge to shore sharks watch out everyone be careful everyone meet everyone move slowly do not push each

Other off and guys before we continue this video took a very long time to make since everything is custom so if you want to see more crazy content like this and you’re in that 90 of people who aren’t subscribed you should definitely press that button it’s completely free

And helps out a ton also if you want to play in these events then follow me on twitter where i post the applications so the beach that these players washed up on was actually right next to the treehouse village the players who were up there then spotted the shipwreck in

The distance and traveled down to help the new inhabitants of this island you guys need to get gear fast there are these zombies and evil scientists it’s nuts as these players had now escaped the prison and survived the shipwreck they joined together and formed a new survivors team with a strong 54 players

That would make surviving much easier but the zombies weren’t their only threats as the scientists were about to receive some instructions from a higher up member of their laboratory who had just arrived at the beach to deliver an important message scientists listen up i’ve been sent because i’ve heard your

Lab was breached as you know our work is highly confidential and your prisoners are roaming free on this island do not let them escape or leak any evidence to the outside world reinforcements will be arriving to contain them and the zombies soon so on d30 powerful scientist reinforcements with sharpness 10

Netherite swords will arrive at the beach of this island to capture or eliminate every last survivor but hidden in the basement of the laboratory are the materials for a rescue beacon that can save the survivors by contacting the outside world however the survivors weren’t given any information about this

Beacon and would need to somehow discover this before it was too late will the scientists continue to overpower them or will the survivors somehow find out about the beacon’s location before the armed scientists arrive in exactly 20 minecraft days the real story of the zombie island experiments had only just begun

So it was the morning of day 2 and as most of the survivors were still in leather armor their chances of survival weren’t looking too good until a player named starkiller helped organize everyone to begin gathering materials and exploring the island guys you need to get farming set up right away i’m

Gathering right now yeah i got the beetroot hey guys there’s some armor in this one the survivors then carefully started mining in groups of five to keep each other safe oh there actually is a spawn take the bones take string i’m grabbing the redstone because we can

Make traps we also have to worry about scientists the scientists were much less cautious with their exploration confidently scouting the jungle using their diamond machetes check these barricades out i think they they stop zombies is that a shark those are sharks oh those are sharks why they’re dancing landsharks hello however these players

Had no idea that the virus had mutated once again creating three new extremely dangerous zombies the minor and mutant minor zombies which can both break blocks and throw pickaxes at players and the tank zombie which has increased health and a ground pound ability after some more exploring they then discovered

A giant cave entrance leading down to a mine shot okay are we sure this is a good idea like no don’t go in everyone don’t go in don’t go okay nevermind oh run run the other way go back go back go back there’s zombies there’s zombies or something oh my god

It’s a giant one there’s a giant one he just threw pickaxes at me the minor zombies also invaded the caves on the prisoner island and a group of players were ambushed can we fight this can they break blocks they can using lava players skillfully took out all the

Minor zombies at once but even more survivors were about to be in danger as they were approaching a temple that led to a giant underground tomb killer starkiller follow me there’s a temple here i’m going again he’s gonna die this tomb contained extremely dangerous lava parkour which players started traversing

Bravely however a mutant miner zombie was waiting for them on the other side and it threw a barrage of pickaxes breaking the block below a player who met an unfortunate end i just fell in what the other players just about managed to escape with the loots obtaining 20

Diamonds to split between them and on the way back to their treehouse they also found a panda village which was a lot less dangerous to explore yo guys there’s a panda temple from the trailer let’s go baby i got more diamonds over in the mine shaft the scientists had

Just cleared out the zombies and they were finally safe so they explored the connecting caves finding chests and some diamonds but this is where everything changed for the scientists when a scientist named fbo discovered an extremely rare resource wait wait check this out check this out there’s a great

Drip storm right here wait look at it it’s dripping green all right guys whatever you do don’t break this this is probably important look it’s dripping green we probably need let’s let’s see if we can get a cauldron or something players set up a cauldron below this

Mystical drip stone to try and collect it into a bottle but they were ambushed by explosive zombies they’re gonna blow up our nitric acid collectors the cauldron then filled up so the scientists experimented by right-clicking with a bottle i got one i got an antenna bottle let’s go here

Creating a brand new item called an antidote potion which they tested on their infected teammates throw the potion on him i got by the way there’s a 50 chance he turns into a super zombie i’m kidding i’m kidding this antidote fluid could be used on any zombie

Turning them back into a human meaning they had not only discovered a way to cure infected scientists but they could even increase their numbers with brand new players and we’re now in by far the strongest position for surviving on this island you know what i think we should

Do we should build an army by reviving like 20 zombies onto our team right now good plan good plan half of the scientists continue producing antidote potions while the rest decided to set up a camp in a great strategic position next to the only bridge between these

Two islands do you think this goes to the survivors we will kill every last survivor all right that should let them know to stay away from our side the survivors who were still equipped with leather were fortunately quite far away from this bridge making an attack from the scientists unlikely welcome to the

Party man daytime unaware they were venturing into extremely dangerous territory his survivors started traveling towards the prison planning to turn it into a new base so they ran inside blocked off the doorways and started collecting stone bricks from the floor while scouting for more materials a player spotted the

Bridge and decided he was going to investigate not knowing the scientists were on the other side guys guys we don’t want to go alone who wants to come to uh that bridge with me i’ll go i’ll go okay look who’s not oh there’s people over there yeah there’s people who are

Building a camp here we will kill every last survivor run run run run run run run run run run run run we need to leave the prison we need to go if the scientists are that close we need to go the survivors were rightly terrified of the scientists as

They had a huge difference in equipment but currently both civilizations were pretty occupied with producing antidote collecting materials and the slight zombie problem that had just gotten worse as the virus had mutated once again releasing mutant zombies as well as mutant drowned zombies the virus also now travels through the air and now

Players who die of any cause will be infected and turned into zombies guys guys i just saw something crazy in the water okay there is okay lots of players now had a chance to combat these new zombies by gaining materials from a supply drop in the new world events camp building each

Civilization would now have to work together to construct a camp that would protect them from zombies earning a different tier of supply drop depending on how the staff members rank their build so both civilizations pick to location and begun building Yeah the survivors shortly realized the jungle wasn’t the best place to construct a camp so they migrated up to the treehouse village and decided to start building their new home While the scientists were building their camp rumors about the antidote started spreading around guys we have never seen somebody revived i’ve been removing if you find a zombie don’t kill it i can turn it into a player yeah no way all right i mean i’ll do it in front of you if

There’s a normal zombie spawns here i’ll turn it into a player but yeah but guys we really don’t know the long-term effects of the antidote by joke about side effects earlier was taken very seriously by a group of players named grox ethbo and sea watts who then constructed a huge sign symbolizing the

Beginning of a new movement called the anti-cure oh boy what have i started hey guys you gotta listen up i recently took the antidote and i’m feeling i’m feeling weird my vision’s hella blurry and like i’m feeling really sick right now this is that cure that they made don’t don’t

Trust it i’m telling you see what’s then spread even more propaganda by giving his friend a pufferfish and pretending the antidote had poisoned him everyone’s right oh no almost every scientist now believed the antidote had side effects and convinced they had to eliminate this threat a mob of players started storming towards the

Antidote cave we will destroy this evil once and for all i don’t know how bad it is we don’t know if it could kill someone oh yes perfect perfect yeah this all has to go will someone give me the pickaxe to destroy the source all this

Has to go yeah and this has to go we need to keep it locked it’s eradicated currently the two antidote drip stones were held by sea watts and ethbo but their true motives were very different to the other scientists now that all of the power was in their hands they

Started discussing their true plan in secrets we should start like selling them for for really high profits the problem is like the people who need it aren’t there to buy it we need to create some demand it looks like yeah yeah we oh we should kill everybody after a long

Journey through the jungle they arrived back at the laboratory planning to loot the chest room they spotted before the lab breach in the highly confidential and dangerous basements oh there’s zombies down here as they were venturing further into the lab the virus mutated once again creating an extremely

Dangerous zombie pillager as well as a zombie ravager both twice as strong as their vanilla alternatives and some of which we’re currently waiting for them in the basement there’s so many down there we gotta block it off let’s walk it off all right i’m just going through she’s climbing

I’m stuck no all right i’m distracting oh no i’ve made it to the chest room oh there’s diamond armor this loot room contained a huge amount of gear making both ethbo and sea watts extremely powerful they also spotted a mysterious chest that contained the rescue beacon materials that the survivors needed

Beacon materials contacts the outside world do not place yo we better not tell the survivors about this thing yeah good plane that plan to weaken the scientists and sell the antidote for items and power was slowly falling into place here just i’ll split up in case i die smell

Then you guys can revive me on the other island i think what we should do guys is try to learn people into a room one by one and just like to kill them before they can even like into a cave or something okay yeah yeah that’s a good

Plan one by one yeah yeah and so they started the long journey back to the beach right as the camp building events came to an end so it was now time for staff to vote on each civilization’s kingdom and decide who would get the most powerful supply drop we begin on

The survivor island who expanded that treehouse village into a well fortified camp welcome everyone as you can see here we have the town egg no one knows where it came from listen squeaky is our pride and joy all right why is there a shark up there what they

Also set up a ton of defenses after the many explosions in their previous camp i could promise you that nothing dead and or dying is going to get in selling one fish for 600 fish that’s a good deal everyone’s got to make business you know the village also contains some farms as

Well as a graveyard for their many fallen players these are the we’re hoping to one grapes to get our hands on on the vaccines and the vials to bring them all back their camp on 13 points in the competition next is the scientist camp who built an entire

Village along the beach this is jerry the beach boy he is our mascot and he is encased in a glass box permanently every scientist to build that own house what is this hey no see don’t don’t say it looks dumb because i built the second floor it looked dumb already you bit

Like a one meter tall that bro one mutant that comes through and he’s gonna blow the whole thing up including sea wats gruks and evil okay this is a cool house i believe that this is the anti-cures house it was abandoned and what are these barricades for pretty

Much it’s our sports you know sharks that camp on 16 points ranking them in first place kill a scientist so both civilizations receive their supply drops each scientist obtaining seven diamonds will never netherrace scrap and a ton of other helpful materials while each of the survivors only received three

Diamonds which they put together to increase their strongest player’s gear and a few of them were now in diamond armor there was also now a gravestone with my name on it i’m not going to question it meanwhile on the other island the anti-hero scientists ready to carry out their plan finally approaching

The beach i see some structures all right wait what is this whose space is this we could use that house we can use that house yeah yeah let’s use this house oh wait there’s tools in here i got a water bottle we’re just going to wait

For them or darts of levitation do you want to one by one start telling people to come over here the anti-kill scientists had picked their location while the other scientists still had no idea about their plan so they crept into the town attempting to lure a player

Into the castle and assassinate them all right hold on let’s let’s take a look there’s okay there’s someone someone pretty close tell kellen who killing kellen we need you to come with us we found like a 14 of the mythical drip stone cures yo nice yeah you’re trying to

Kellen have you ever taken like an economics course like supply and demand all right see you over here look look at all these drip sounds get them boys good work dizzy dizzy He was so free yo jack we need to talk to you it is just get him get him what’s going but the anti-kill scientists were about to meet someone who was very skilled at pvp and would be extremely difficult to trap wait there’s someone right here yo

We thought like 15 of the drift the mythical like drip stone thanks what do you mean in this house there’s like bro i built that do you think i’m dumb no look what bro i built this no someone oh and the drip stone drip stones were in

There well i didn’t put those in there put them in there no i just built that with zipper for the last like hour i think i’m done man i escaped safely and sprinted back to the camp to tell the others about seawott’s attempted assassination listen let’s listen me and

Paul built the castle and i just went over there and see what his two friends are there and they said that they found the drip stone in our castle they were trying to get me to go inside i think they were trying to kill me and i was

Like that’s my castle i built them let’s go let’s go check it out let’s go check it out eisen the others knew that to wipe out the survivors the scientists needed as many players as possible and had to stop the anti-kills assassinations immediately so they sprinted towards the castle ready to

Take them down what are you guys all doing what are you all doing yo we heard you guys what are you guys doing in my castle now was the perfect opportunity to take down the anti-cure so they attacked bro get out yeah this is not a good plan lads sea

Watts was then split from grocks and ever and chased down by eyes eventually getting killed and turned into a zombie and then kill them again oh no see what’s gone see what’s gone the scientists then scattered into the jungle searching for groxin airport but after realizing they were too far away

To follow they returned to the beach to pick up the loots covering one of the antidote drip stones from seaworld’s body however something was missing his friends might come and try and revive him it was just right here his body was just here where would it go

Let’s like rendezvous at our camp and like figure things out yeah the anti-kill movement seemed to be on its last legs with see what now eliminated but in the heat of battle grox had stolen the seawater zombie and was slowly taking it through the jungle

Let’s go i got the zombie okay i just need to take this to evbo where even is he communicating through chat messages ethel and grox came up with the plan to produce an antidote and turn sea watts back into a human i need to revive a

Zombie i don’t have the cure i don’t have the cure oh no it’s up to me to get the cure oh my gosh where did he put it crocs wait is grog still alive i gotta find garage i think rox has the cure oh he’s far he’s so far gotta meet up with

Crocs i can’t get found the fate of the world depends on me finding grocks right now oh what is this if i got anyone on my tail grogs is here yo rocks yo ebbo we need to make this antidote so fast yeah i have to drip stone let’s go over

Here can i just put it right here see yeah yeah okay come on this is this is to save cui ethbo and grook’s reunited in the village trapped seawater zombie and begun producing an antidote potion however on average this takes an entire minecraft day and this village was very

Close to the scientist camp who were about to come up with a cunning plan i have paul got away bisbo and his other mate i don’t know their names but they’re definitely kill on site we need to heal more zombies we can’t go out and kill them we should

Just wait for them to come to us who how many antidotes do we have right now we need as many more people as possible do some investigating i’ll be back yo yeah are you gonna go scout yeah i’m going to scout i want to see because

There’s no way they went too far i’m sure that they they’re keeping tabs i can tell you i yeah they went they went this way that’s what i’m thinking too a player named zeiper started scouting the jungle and after some traveling the village in the distance caught his

Attention i have the drip stone that’s you all out here okay okay yeah let’s make it i just put it right here see yeah yeah and then just i gotta go tell everybody knowing that time was limited zyper ran back to the scientist camp as quickly as possible i’ve spotted grocks

And evo they’re planning to kill us they’re playing kills should we do a preemptive attack i know exactly where they are they’re straight north everyone go are we going okay i’ll lead the way all right guys there’s straight north from here about a hundred blocks they’re in that village remember the village we

Were at earlier army behind them the anti-kill players were chased into the jungle see what escaping with no armor whatsoever one hit with the machete would take him down instantly i have no armor i’m gonna get absolutely exposed fishing rod then you’ll level get up gotta get to the

Bridge we gotta get to the bridge a bow traitor get back here oh i see the beacon i see the beacon as well listen you tried to kill me i won’t forget it hey that was that was not on me guys i think i’m here i think i’m here i see it

I see it i see it the only choice they had left was to cross through into the shark infested waters and traveled to the survivor island oh he’s in a boat oh they’re coming out of the forest we’re no she watching about a boat i didn’t know you could make boats what wait

Where’s brock’s we need to meet up do we booze they’re right behind me ayo2 wait do we chase them do we chase them we can’t we caught the sharks the sharks we shot oh god they’re sharks crocs we did it we did it yo we escaped that was

Looking scary do you have the end of the revival equipment oh no i didn’t pick any of it up and they just about managed to escape safely with the other scientists refusing to cross over ice was now in control of the two antidote drip stones and now their civil war was

Over he started producing antidote potions to steadily repopulate their civilization meanwhile in the treehouse village starkiller was helping the players organize and steadily progress but one of his scouts spotted the anti-cure scientists on the nearby beach and quickly alerted the others a group of survivors then traveled down

To the beach cautiously to meet the scientists for the first time there they are there’s the survivors come in peace listen we know house to leave the decision up to the others oh no no we’re gonna help you guys yeah we’re survivors and so the anti-hill scientists were escorted to

The top of the tree where the other survivors were waiting and after their past experiences in the prison they were understandably afraid he’s a scientist they’re friends they’re friends we on our island discovered this antidote and we realized that the best decision is to spread it to both

Scientists and survivors but the other scientists didn’t agree with us they wanted to keep the antidote from you all and they exiled us and killed us in search of this antidote and we will help you revive all your friends the antidote drip stones are stored in a house at the

Center of their camp and we can help you retrieve them scientists if you’re if you’re really willing to help us like this then we’ll be happy to have you just saying Jesse the anti-cure scientists were accepted into the survivor civilization as they both had a common enemy and although they completely made up their reasons for defecting they wanted to help the survivors escape the island and decided to share that valuable information about the rescue beacon and the anti-roads there’s a way you can

Escape the island we need to attack the lab at the bottom there’s a beacon that contacts the outside world and we can be rescued by the military with just five days remaining until the scientists reinforcements arrive the survivors finally had the information they needed on how to escape the island but the

Scientists who they would eventually have to fight were still extremely powerful in order to face them they would need strong leadership and battle tactics to stand a chance and conveniently both civilizations were then given a chance to elect a leader in the next world events the king election

Where one player from each civilization would be chosen as king meaning a protection five crown and double health the survivors then gathered around their speech podium and tarpaul gave a very powerful speech let me tell you a story it’s a story about an innocent group of people whose only offense was supposedly

Being like unsubscribed to silver it’s a story about a people who were hindered at every step of their progression yet remained victorious this is our story this is our people i know that if you guys elect me a leader that we will be able to work democratically and effectively topple was immediately

Chosen as king with all of the survivors gaining hope from his leadership over on the scientist island players gathered in their town hall to discuss their future and one player instantly met all of their criteria we need to elect somebody who’s willing to take us to leave decide

To like bring us to glory we can’t just elect somebody who’s gonna sit back and do it yeah realistically we’re uh a massive war is imminent and we need a strong leader who’s gonna lead us to victory we need to get people revived we need power in numbers after proving

Himself by outsmarting the anti-kill scientists and reviving over 15 zombies into their civilization eyes was elected as king and immediately both leaders were about to be tested with having to lead that people through the next world event the blood moon this means permanent night time for three minecraft

Days and hugely increased amounts of mutant zombies horde of zombie ravages and pillagers charged into the scientist camp throwing the players into panic i just got withered i just got withered but this blood moon was also beneficial for the scientists as now they had control over the drip stones they had

Prepared four antidote potions which they used on pillager zombies to increase their numbers from 32 to 36 they also came up with a strategy to counter the ravages there’s one over here in the water i killed it but one scientist who was hiding in the water was then attacked by sharks

The scientists then cleared up the zombies from their camp with one casualty but their four revivals put them in an even stronger position the survivors however were caught completely off guard when ravages begun descending from the canopy of that treehouse go to the edges and get up oh god they’re

Coming down they’re coming down we gotta get this here hey squeaky you good everyone just get up get up and get and with nowhere to run seven players fell to the extremely powerful zombie ravagers toppled their king however decided that the survivors had suffered enough losses

We have faced too many injustices as a people and these scientists have the gall and the audacity to say oh yeah hey we did a little oopsy-doopsy in our lab no dude they were taking people from ourselves and experimenting them and turning them to the zombies so we’re

Gonna lead out a group against the scientists and defeat them yo guys we can do this we just gotta steal the drip stone and then we can just keep reviving each other see what blocks an fbo you guys distract them on the bridge we’ll build a giant sky base with a soul from

Above and so the first stage of their plan to escape the island begun if they could steal the drip stones from the scientists they could hugely increase their numbers and stand a chance at raiding the laboratory later on two highly skilled survivors named time dio and inhumanly then started constructing

A bridge in the sky while the anti-hero scientists ran to the bridge on the beach to catch the other scientists attention war’s coming there they are those traitors they can hear us dude they are they are stacked listen up let’s get one thing straight when these walls go down

Ice is going to be killed back up back up back up the distractions were working and the survivors had just completed that bridge all of their players were now gathered directly above their targets and the final step was to steal the antidote source so what are we doing what is the

Plan we’re gonna try to take control of their revival thing what that was a problem lies had appointed four guards to the antidote gripstones and the scientists still heavily outgeared almost all of the survivors this battle would be riding on the few skilled players with enough gear to fight back

And humanly then came up with the idea of using boats to parachute down directly onto the building with the anti-roads if this worked they could take the scientists completely by surprise get a partner and go with them because we want votes to also escape with survive the army then move towards the

Edge of the platform in their boats ready to give their lives in hope of reviving their fallen teammates we’re gonna march through the gates of hell together brothers let’s do this this is our final statement people are skydiving it was now time for the battle to begin time dio and the

Other survivors led the assaults capturing a scientist tower while the scientists still didn’t know they were under attack time dio then dropped a tnt minecart onto the beach when multiple unaware scientists were standing and instantly took two of them down the fighting had begun after just a few seconds two survivors were instantly

Eliminated by the scientists overwhelming power however half of the scientists still didn’t know they were under attack bro what is going on yo shake this guy another right bro shake this guy bro you’re literally fighting the air you’re lagging there’s no one there bro and humanly go get the drift

Stone me and the others will cover you in an attempt to bite in humanly time to steal the drip stones time dio took down five scientists by himself got him oh i’m running while the anti-kill scientists swam to the beach by isis house and distracted the most geared scientists just about

Staying alive meanwhile at the antidote building inhumanly and the other survivors then took down the players guarding the roof and he then climbed down the ladder to face the two guards by himself Inhumanly he had recovered the drip stones and immediately gave the signal for all of the survivors to retreat back to that island and after losing only three players while eliminating 10 scientists their assault was hugely successful oh wait we just stole all of their revival stuff oh my god that was

Successful it’s all good i don’t know what happened when that drift stone’s gone i don’t even know what happened a survivor also decided to bring a friendly scientist back with him to the treehouse which didn’t end too well with the antidote drip stones now in their control the survivors return to

The treehouse place the drip stones and finally after their long and harsh journey they started using the antidote to bring back their teammates we need to revive these people i’m grabbing them up all right we got a lot of antidotes yeah we’ve got forty one Go gold you’re back my scout yes and also welcome back shield hey guys this is the first would i mind in five hours yeah it takes come on back brother splash him hey i just want to say thank you guys for being by my side like this it’s very

Heartwarming you guys are genuinely the best survivors increased their numbers all the way up to 45. the many friendships that were formed on this island reunited however the scientists having control of the antidote drip stone for multiple days allowed them to stockpile antidotes and were still increasing their numbers currently at 34.

The scientists armed reinforcements would now also be arriving in just two days time and now that the survivor’s many fallen teammates were brought back to life now was their only chance to raid the laboratory so the survivors helped their revived teammates collect materials and gain some armor while on

The scientist island eyes knew that seaworld had leaked the information about the rescue beacon and decided to prepare we literally just need to protect the entrance as long as they can’t get to the bottom we win although the survivors had won their previous battle the real battle was yet to begin

The information on how to escape then spread to all of the survivors but after witnessing the scientist’s strength first hand they weren’t sure if they could face the scientists once again look how many people we have it looks bad but we have numbers guys i’m going

To be honest i don’t know if we could win this or not i i generally didn’t we have to do sneaky tactics the survivors then remembered that they had another three scientists on their side which could hugely turn the tables in a war me and moongrocks were scientists

Okay we know exactly where this lab is that we gotta get to i’m thinking we just beeline to it with their hopes of escaping reignited the survivors decided they were going to attack the laboratory and started preparing for their final stand hey guys guys stock up on antidote

And we need to give anybody who doesn’t have any diamond armor to try and give them at least one piece we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go the scientists know this info too so we have to go okay let’s go now just go now there’s no more time

Guys just be ready whatever happens it’s been a hell of a ride over at the laboratory eyes had prepared every single scientist to guard the basements but they still weren’t expecting survivors to appear anytime soon while the army of survivors were crossing through the scientist camp rapidly approaching the laboratory

We must do this for our fallen brethren and we it’s going to have a staircase in the middle you got to go right down the spiral staircase me and theo have everything to build the beacon so we’re gonna go and get the nether storm you guys protect us while leaving

And we all go to the beach you can actually do this the survivor army then crossed the final mountain standing between them and the scientists and the two armies met once again oh they’re all guarding it they’re all guarding it oh look at that guys they all have like diamond armor

But they don’t have these hands over there they’re they’re there just don’t let them go inside everybody protect it there’s gonna be a lot of spikes at the bottom of the staircase watch out the battle had begun the scientists immediately started using their bows blow guns and tridents to keep the

Survivors at a distance you guys see that helicopter pad that’s where the staircase is and courageously toppled the king led the charge towards the lab and started digging towards the lower floors but he was spotted by eyes the extremely geared king of the scientists drop on him

He’s the king this is the king where’d he go smoke the king smoke the king kings are having a good time the king is not having his plans are ah they broke my pants somebody think i need your pants emergency killer king while tarpool was on the brink of death

The other survivors then came to the rescue and managed to save their king we nearly killed the king his pants were gone and then i got 10 v1 yo chasing you guys chasing you guys literally right behind you i don’t smoke behind you i hit him power four hit him

Again i hit him again power four hit him again i hit him again however time dio the survivor’s most stacked player was struggling to hold his own against the seven scientists he was fighting yo you’re good no i’m not i’m not i’m not 107 of them on you i can’t do anything

I’m gonna die no with three survivors eliminated and every scientist still alive topple knew that the scientists were too powerful to take on in a head-to-head battle so he decided he was going to take on as many scientists as possible giving the other survivors a chance to make a break for

The lab but there was one problem the scientists in the lab had just built a fake ending to the staircase and set up a huge amount of spike traps which would definitely confuse any survivor who hadn’t been here before what’s this yo there’s a goomba there’s a goomba

Getting in there there’s a goomba getting in i’m not going but yo there’s a minion getting inside there’s a minion getting in where’s the minion fella in a place you could never understand me tarpaul courageously ran directly towards eyes and some other scientists who were wearing full diamond armor

While being attacked he attempted to pick up some diamond armor pieces on the ground as he was still wearing half iron armor kill the king kill the king right here kill him he’s trying to get pants kill this guy guys i’m still just distracting them they’re all on me many

Of the survivors fell to the scientists netherright weapons one by one and didn’t manage to make it to the lab okay the anti-cure scientists however took this opportunity to tunnel down without being seen and started digging towards the lower floors luckily they were the first of the survivors to reach the

Bottom of the staircase and immediately broke through the fake floor guys they they trapped off the entrance they dropped off the entrance wait there’s someone right here i got him dig down dig down they made a fake fake face yeah everyone down the staircase while tall bowl was still

Holding his own against eyes keep digging what who are you talking to uh no one they’re digging in they’re digging in they’re inside they’re underground they’re underground get inside get inside the anti-kill scientists then descended into the basement with the other survivors who made it in following closely behind what

Even more scientists were guarding the basements guys guys let’s go here we go nice nice time and finally the anti-fuel scientists accompanied by tarpaul and some other strong players entered the basements ready to collect the netherstar but this is where the final virus mutation happened creating the super mutant zombie which shoots

Fireballs has 1 000 hearts and has the nether star embedded in its chest oh shoot yo yeah we gotta kill the zombie the big ones got the stars oh while the remaining survivors fought the scientists on the upper floors they continued fighting the super mutant zombie taking huge amounts of damage

From its attacks as well as from the other mutant zombies around them eyes then started heading towards the basement swat was intercepted by survivors protecting the staircase oh he’s right here he’s right here he’s through through your ears no he’s still here he’s still here yeah the survivors in the basement kept

Attacking with as much focus on the super mutant as possible and eventually took it down with all three of the anti-kill scientists still alive until yo we got it we got it nice yeah after taking most of the damage from the super mutants see what’s armor

Had broken and he was turned into a zombie oh she was dead but grooks still had one last antidote potion remaining and in the heat of battle sprinted towards sea watts all right there rocks that was insane was that you yeah the survivors had successfully obtained the netherstar

With an entire four minutes remaining until the armed scientists would arrive placing the beacon would deter them instantly yeah yeah i’m sorry we’re doing this baby we can actually do this but inhumanly the player with the materials for the rescue beacon had been chased away from the laboratory and was lost in

The jungle with time quickly running out inhumanly and the other survivors planned to meet on a boat located between them so the survivors started traveling through the jungle however the remaining scientists on the surface standing in that way slowing them down even more with only two minutes remaining they’re not living this

Taking down the sciences in their way they continued towards the boat while in humanly placed the iron blocks with just 30 seconds remaining he’s on the boat he’s on the boat guys guys watch out for sharks hello yes let’s go with just five seconds left the rescue beacon was placed meaning the

Scientists reinforcements would no longer arrive and instead the military started sailing towards the island equipped with sharpness 10 netherite swords to take down the final few scientists and make sure that everyone escaped the island safely Right the players in netherrites then handed out shockproof boats to the 16 survivors who made it to the end and although they had to leave this island without many of their fallen teammates their civilization would always be remembered with some of the best battle tactics in minecraft history

If you go into the distance you’ll um you’ll end up in america all right And that is where the story comes to an end if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe and check out my other civilization videos on screen right now for even more crazy stories like this links to the creators in this event are also in the description so definitely go

And follow all of the players who made this possible literally follow all of them we gotta spam them with support okay i’m also gonna be streaming civilization events on twitch so go follow me over there and i’ll see you all later subscribe to silver episode

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate Civilization on Zombie Island in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SpeedSilver on 2022-08-20 18:00:13. It has garnered 7570346 views and 204723 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:35 or 2855 seconds.

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100 Players Simulate Zombie Island Civilization in Minecraft…

Join Future Civilization Events: • twitter: https://twitter.com/speedsilverr • civilization discord: https://discord.gg/civilizations

Other Socials: • twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/speedsilver​ • discord: https://discord.gg/civilizations • tiktok: @SpeedSilver

This is a Minecraft Social Experiment where 100 Players Simulate Civilization on a Zombie Island and are divided into two groups, Survivors and Scientists. They will have to face different challenges like the zombies, a blood moon and eventually go to war.

This video was inspired by @MagicGum and Ish. Follow the creators in the event!: https://pastebin.com/cha5R84a

Huge thanks to everyone else who participated, this video wouldn’t be possible without them! Edited By: Silver, @TedsAttic and @semitedits7478

00:00 – 100 Players Simulate Zombie Island Civilization in Minecraft 05:04 – SignalRGB (Sponsor) 05:45 – 100 Players Simulate Zombie Island Civilization in Minecraft

#Minecraft #Civilization #100Players

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  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! https://discord.gg/KJNvsYgvpT #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More

  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

100 Players Simulate Civilization on Zombie Island in Minecraft…