100 Players Simulate The Maze Runner in Hardcore Minecraft…

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Today I invited 100 players to my Minecraft server and put them into a giant maze with deadly creatures secret traps and three teams that would all be trying their best to find the exit of this maze to get to the Escape helicopter which team will find the

Escape and will they Clash along the way only time will tell this is 100 players simulate The Maze Runner in Minecraft and as each civilization made their way up the elevators the preparation phase started giving them each 30 minutes to gather resources and organize their civilizations before the walls to the

Maze would open so I wasted no time as I grabbed a few resources from the barrels before running over towards some trees to make some basic tools then I got straight to exploring our Glade to see what I could find within these four walls and after making my way through

The forest I quickly found the entrance to a mine that was filled with oars and a chest there’s a mine right here all got some iron as well wait it was this chest oh oh okay nice I’m taking all of this inside the chest was a custom diamond pickaxe that gave increased

Drops when mining which would be very helpful during the preparation phase so I gathered up all of the oars around this cave as a few of my teammates had also found the entrance to the mine giving us time to talk about our plans for this event oh sword what’s up bro yo

Hello hello hello you got any uh what’s going on well you got any plans for this event what’s going on bro I’m feeling it today I’m feeling it today these walls got nothing on me the team morale is through the roof we’re getting out that’s what I’m gonna say yeah of course

We are and with high hopes of Escaping The Maze We continued mining in the caves as other players continue to show up and join us whilst back on the surface the rest of our teammates started to set up a farm as they knew food would be very

Valuable in this event so was time in the preparation phase started ticking down we continued mining trying our best to get enough iron for ourselves and our teammates but look didn’t seem to be on our side okay that’s an awfully long strip and I’ve got still no iron okay I got some

Coal though I keep getting cold I don’t need cold I want iron oh iron there we go perfect finally so with enough iron for the armor I needed I started smelting it and continued to mine whilst they cooked and was soon joined by a player called goonga that

Was on the search for a runner helmet I think if I’m gonna be a runner because I’ve got the helmet so I very much can be um I want to make sure that I am I’m geared and I’m also ready to go like whenever I can do you need a helmet no

I’ve got one I’ve got one on my head what speed does it give you two uh yeah that’s B3 tree yeah these Runner helmets were very valuable as when they were worn they gave a speed boost allowing players to run three times quicker than usual but since each civilization only had 10 to

Give out to their chosen Runners the rest of the team would either be assigned as Farmers that could only gather food or gliders that would roam around the Glade doing small tasks like building and Gathering resources for the rest of the team so I was lucky enough

To get one of these at the start but it quickly became clear to me that having one of these helmets put a Target on my back even within my own team I made an assassinate somebody for it so once my iron was finally cooked I quickly crafted a full set of armor to

Protect myself and started making my way to the surface to meet back up with the farmers and as I left the mine shaft I made my way back across the Glade and arrived at the farm oh wow okay this Farm is looking great hey guys it was

Good thank you how much food do we have To break two bread from this whole Farm like five minutes oh for God’s sake yeah can I offer you one bread in these trying times yeah yes I’ll take I’ll take what I can get man I’ll take what I can get despite having this huge Farm

Our food supply was very low and having enough food would be very important for exploring this maze once the door is finally opened so we started racing for the fully grown wheat all over the Farm Bill Cipher why are you just stealing everything I’m farming I have no food as

Well yeah this is rough out here I won’t lie no one has food this place looks good though you guys got a wall up already as well oh I also want to quickly just remind you guys please subscribe to the channel it is completely free it it really helps me

Out a lot so I would really appreciate it if you guys subscribed I’m trying to hit a million subscribers with the whole civilization starting to form up here soon we’d have to group up the team as there were only four minutes left in the preparation phase but this wouldn’t be

Easy as a lot of our teammates were scattered all over the Glade all right I’m gonna I’m gonna just do a quick scan of the Glade to see if I can find anyone um so I’ll be back in a minute let’s see if we can redirect everyone over towards

The farm because that would be uh quite nice well these doors are huge yeah I’m just mad they they haven’t been opened yet so is me and gunga stood at the doors talking about what could possibly be inside the maze one of our teammates appeared from the forest oh Gabriel yo

What is that it’s a bellax okay okay yeah all the team are over at the farm the Farm’s coming along quite well at the moment so yeah I didn’t know somebody with a miners helmet that may be a bit in the geared uh I’ve got a the

Runner helmet oh no I I’ll leave you do it I think is planning on killing someone by chance Google please don’t please don’t kill someone no I’m gonna ask okay but I feel like he’s gonna ask in a very intimidating way Gabriel so just keep keep an eye on your back

Around this man all right after warning Gabriel to watch his back I continued searching the Glade but after finding no one else nearby it seemed everyone was still underground mining I think there’s a lot of people down there hey guys yeah there’s a hole yeah we got a hole we got

A whole civilization so with the team spread out all over the Glade we’d soon have to regroup as the 30-minute preparation phase finally came to an end all right I’m just gonna oh right okay election time election time now each civilization had 20 minutes to vote for their first in command which

Wasn’t going to be easy for us as some players on our team didn’t want to come to the surface okay oh okay so I I can always go back and convince them but I did tell them like look at my boyfriend well it would be hey it’s not like I think it’d be

Beneficial if everybody was there just to give their opinion on them I don’t know if they don’t want to come up that’s on them so instead of wasting time trying to get the miners to come up we started building a Podium and grouped up the team to start our speeches hoping

That eventually they’d arrive testing I was just testing all right those who wish to run please do come up on here hopefully it’s not too many people I’m here okay what are the world okay well I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna back up let’s make a little staircase

Out of the back here that people can line up on right so there’s six people okay or seven seven people all right everybody who isn’t running let’s take a seat and let’s let them come up one by one and uh let’s get this done in an

Orderly fashion and once we had the team organized the speech is started okay everyone’s ready it’s okay yep everybody silence silence silence first what did the teacher start Lieutenant take it away good morning everyone my name is some of you might remember me from the last game which definitely didn’t happen

I have no memory but for this game I would just like to announce my uh running for leadership guys shut up we’re trying to do the election away I’m not talking sir the whole time silence silence silence okay don’t Lieutenant take it away um I’ve been coordinating most stuff here as far as

The Farms as well as making sure everyone’s geared even if I’m not leader I’m still planning to do that so after this if you guys need supplies come to me I’ve got most the food and I’ve got a decent bit of iron I know most of you

Are carried it out already now but if you ever need basic supplies with food I’m running more of the farmer groups around here right that’s my pitch I hope you guys have a great rest of your day let’s go okay right I want us to get at

The maze that’s the main priority of course I can guarantee that we’ll get out of this maze that’s the that’s the main objective for everyone my boy Atlas over here he’d be taking care of everything running related so me and Atlas make a good deal and I feel like

This deal will lead you uh certainly out of the maze thank you very much okay I have one acronym that represents what you strive for s u v strength the unity and vision so what I believe this is that speech was all the sweaty garbage

All right I’m not gonna try to sell you guys an SUV like that got last guy was I might not like people with the runner hats but I know I can lead this team to grit yes I set up for the iron with a dark Lieutenant to get you guys geared

And I will continue doing so I will organize groups and we will lead this team to Greatness red tea red tea so after an interesting election we got to the voting as all of the candidates lined up and it was quickly clear that btec Clips would be promoted to the

Leader of our Glide as he wasted no time in trying to organize our team as at the moment we were by far the least organized Glade all right so what we got to do our main priority is to gather up Runners for The Maze yes

Um so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna build a runner’s Hut so we get all the runners uh nice and organized yeah so our second main priority is food it’s scarce and we do need a farm so anyone that’s good at building uh expand on the

Farm and yeah I think that’s pretty much it now with a plan in mind players got to work as we had very limited time before the doors to the maze would open which gave the runners the chance to group up as we tried to set up an area

To work from first of all anyone that wants to run uh come to me or that’s the whole team guys we need to get organized we’re running out of time okay anyone that has a runner helmet and wants to be Runner stand on these four blocks okay

You guys go off and start building a runner’s hot okay so you guys are in charge of building a nice hot a nice HQ for the runners Runners let’s do it in this corner here uh sword we should probably make it closer to the door yeah

Right okay yeah all right let’s go to this laptop if we have to be like the kind of lead Runners just to get this place set up at least and then we can get other people then that’s fine yeah uh yeah let’s do it where’s the path

Around here is there a path oh there is a path okay um let’s do it here but even though we agreed to split up from the rest of the team and make this area for the runners more players that didn’t have a helmet kept arriving as they wanted to enter

The maze when the doors finally opened which would be a horrible idea as they would only slow us down if we encountered any creatures inside there’s so many people at the runners area these aren’t all Runners yeah yeah most of them I think I know exactly what’s gonna

Happen people don’t have helmets are still going to run out and then they’re gonna die yeah they’re both going out without a helmet though instead of worrying about the gliders running off into the Maze We focused on building the run as hot as it seemed no

Matter what we said to them they weren’t going to listen and as we started building day one had officially begun it is guys what’s going on we’re just running straight out now as the sun had risen all doors into the maze had opened allowing each civilization to start exploring beyond the four walls

Surrounding them and the blue and green civilization wasted no time as they sent players out straight away to try to start mapping out the maze around them whilst back in the red Glade we had no organization at all as several players without Runner helmets wanted to enter

The maze so we had to try and come up with a plan to make sure that they didn’t go out and slow us down and with only 10 minutes before the doors would close once again for the night time we had to be quick I can build this Hut um

We don’t want to waste any times outside anytime outside of the maze so anyone that has a runner helmet you can make it you can form a little team and and go out and explore into the maze but be back before like 12 okay okay I’m not

Gonna lie I am not going out with somebody that doesn’t have a helmet because they’re just going to slow us down so if if somebody wants to go out without a helmet that’s fine but they’re not following me okay okay simple solution and all all the

Other people that have helmets go to the right and make it form a grip anyone that wants to go into the maze that doesn’t have a helmet you go to the left all right we will be back good luck guys let’s see what we can find now with all

The runners together we headed out into the maze for the first time as we tried our best to find the exit that was a long way away yeah I’m gonna ride down which way we went okay yeah sure go for it go for it yeah I’m I’m mapping this

Out too okay nice yeah I’m gonna try and remember we took a left and a right oh a big one the splits the straight one okay well that’s the start of the district one hey we’re running too fast to draw it yeah yeah we need to that is a good point

Yeah drawing this is gonna be a hard one I’ve actually already forgot which way we came so as we continued exploring we quickly found ourselves hitting several dead ends as players on our team started looking for new ways around the maze wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come

Back come back I say research what we can already get on foot by now and then if this is a dead end then we’ll just go up there and after continuing on the ground this route didn’t seem promising dead end what was this one and as we continued exploring dead ends

Would soon be the least of our issues as a few gliders had followed our route and had caught up with our group even after we agreed to go different ways earlier on then okay let’s keep up with those guys that they’re pulling away guys why are you here without a helmet

There’s more here for more support and it’d be like uh like an indicate before yourself okay okay yo we’ve got people without helmets following us guys so yeah okay but as we were busy dealing with the gliders that had followed us into the maze a few of our Runners had found an

Opening further ahead oh old is it what’s this oh it’s another opening what is this in the middle of this maze was another Glade that was the location of the only enchantment table on the entire server but that wasn’t all as this place was also the only spot on

The server where all three civilizations mazes connected together meaning as we were the first ones to discover this place we’d have to be careful as the other civilizations that were also out exploring the maze could arrive at any moment alright the coast is clear there’s no one else here what’s in here

Oh an enchantment table enchantment uh I came this way I don’t have any room I’m trying to enchant this what can we get projectile protection is that it I got no levels but as we try to make the most of the enchantment table we realized we weren’t prepared to enchant

Them would have to come back at another point with some more XP yeah there’s a staircase over here yeah yeah but we don’t have time to explore when you head back yeah two minutes well it should be quite be quiet be quiet be quiet be quiet with limited time before the doors would

Close once again for the night we decided to take the risk and started making our way up the staircase which turned out to be a great idea it’s worth a try oh At the top of this staircase was a lockout point over the entire maze giving us a great opportunity to look over towards the other civilizations Glades and even try to map out a path to explore but with the sun starting to go down this meant we only had limited time

Before we needed to get back to the Glade so we decided to make our way back down this is this is a good first day though yeah making a lot of progress productive first day we just got to make sure we don’t lose anyone in the night so we need to make

Sure everyone gets back in time but as we went down we’d soon run into another issue as a few members from the blue civilization had also found the middle oh that’s a Glade that’s a Glade isn’t it yeah you want to go towards blue teams here where over there

No no guys don’t push do not push them do not push them Cabana what are you doing after realizing they had been spotted the two members of the blue team made a run for it but as the rest of us held back one of our teammates pushed forward all alone

Yeah guys come back come back come back he’s dead he’s dead if he’s not if he’s not out in time he’s gonna die but as we stayed back cavano continued to chase after them and engaged in a fight with the two blue players allowing him to

Take one of them down before he was also killed so was the rest of the team had already left and found their way back to the Glade we realized we had made an awful Mistake by staying a bit longer as time had almost ran out oh no

So actually we gotta be quick I’ll figure something out okay right I’m just gonna run ahead I need to get back since my teammate wasn’t a runner he was much slower than me when traveling so I had no choice but to run ahead hoping to

Find the exit as we had no idea where it was oh no a one one okay yeah yeah we were here before we were here before um I see people over here guys hello can you hear me guys where’s the exit okay right okay let’s go I had to leave

Sweaty behind sorry so with only a few seconds to spare luckily I made it back to the Glade before the doors closed let’s just get through let’s just get through get through get through get through oh after I arrived back safely hot sweaty garbage was still trying to make it back

As he was much slower than me without a runner helmet but with 10 seconds before the doors closed we saw his name through the walls wait he’s there I see him I see him on his way come on After running out of time hot sweaty garbage was crushed between the doors after running out of food only moments before he got back no oh my God he was so incredible why was wait he was literally garbage he was there and now as the doors had officially closed for day one almost the

Entire team gathered as we counted heads to make sure everyone else had made it back in time before grouping up the runners to share any information that we had gathered in the Maze other Runners that have been running follow me all the people with the runners helmets wow helmet I mean

No I’m sorry claws I’m sorry come here come here you know I was just with sweaty and if I hadn’t just left him behind I would have been stuck as well that’s the problem Alice give a rundown if I was with him I would have been in

The exact same position a poor soul he was left in the Maze he had no food didn’t know I gave him all the food I’ve got I’ve got no food maybe he went true foreign I’m gonna go build a grave for him so after already losing two players on day

One we had to make the most of this time inside the Glade and with barely any construction on the runner’s Hut the group of Runners had no choice but to meet up in the forest away from the rest of the civilization as we came up with a

Plan to head straight out first thing in the morning to try and map out some more of the maze all right I’m gonna go to the farm and grab some food yo Gabriel you ready to go back through tomorrow yeah I’m trying to get enough food to

Last out there but I keep getting name tags and triple our books oh okay uh yo Alex how much spare food do you have uh actually I say spare can I actually take all that you’ve got because you can get food back in here and when I’m in there oh yeah of course

Are you guys running yeah yeah we’re just about to go back out so with some food acquired the sun started to rise as day two had officially begun opening the doors to the maze once again right are we are we going straight back out what’s going on uh what they just found all

Right wait come back there’s four entrances I want to explore as much as possible so I wanted to get four teams to go in each entrance I’m happy to go through another one okay uh I’ll I’ll take it you want to take a team of like four yeah so

Anyway Relic and Atlas follow me all right the rest of you like oh well Flex Gabriel uh little Rector if you’re gonna run yeah go through that one and see what you can find through there we’re gonna go through yeah I’m not gonna run this time I’m gonna stay and get some

Food oh Gabriel I’ve got loads of food if you need it all right as it seemed not all of the runners were interested in heading out into the maze today we stuck with our plan all right uh Relic uh Atlas yeah let’s go let’s go let’s go quick and as

We left the camp behind we made our way through the Glade over towards one of the other doors this is interesting okay right how many we got headcount four okay four is fine it’s manageable okay uh do you wanna go left or right after agreeing to go left from the door we

Started running through the maze once again but we’re quickly distracted by the death of one of our teammates in the chat we just lost someone yeah we just lost somebody I think he was one that went to the uh main door that we did last time and we were right as the doors

To the maze had opened earlier a group of players decided to run out towards the middle hoping to enchant their armor and weapons after we had found the enchantment table yesterday and after traveling for a few minutes they found the entrance to the middle once again

Hey it doesn’t seem to be people here yet but their piece wouldn’t last for long as the blue civilization Nation had come back with the rest of their Runners after cavano had killed one of their Players yesterday and they wanted Revenge oh blue blue blue blue it’s blue blue

Are here as they ran from The Blue Team the gliders that had gone out weren’t quick enough to escape from their Runners allowing The Blue Team to kill murder basket and goonga as the rest of the team ran away back towards the Glade to take cover we’re getting chased by

Blue be written chased by Blue wait wait let’s get people let’s get people I need people at the gates I need people at the gates so was the team took positions at the gate waiting for the blue team to attack our Glade out through the other exit our group was

Still exploring trying our best to find District 2. but instead we found something else oh sorry sorry yeah tunnel hey uh be very careful I’m I don’t want to be the first one to go in there this tunnel was the entrance to a Graver Nest which was the home to the Grievers

That patrolled this maze at the night time killing anyone left inside but at the time we had no idea what this was Seoul continued to make our way inside all right everybody everybody back up everybody back up this isn’t oh here oh oh what was that noise what was that run run

I’m in the open we can take them I’ll hit with the bow who’s it on is it on me guys it’s not me I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running where do I go oh my God I’m on HP really died no guys run run run run run no

That part just keep your Shield up keep your Shield up okay keep your Shield oh my god oh oh my God all right all right we need to go okay wait did you get Relic stop there’s a helmet here run a helmet yeah oh yeah grab that Runner

Helmet drink that drink that oh yeah drink the milk wait what did you get what effects it’s uh slowness for Endless and then poison endless right well we’ve got a spare Runner helmet but we’re now down so many players we’re down a really good runner as well that was not what we

Needed despite losing one of our main Runners we were able to learn from this death as we now knew that these Grievers were even more deadly than we expected as they had not only killed Atlas with ease but they had also infected any player that they hit giving them

Infinite poison and slowness we need to tell them that the Grievers are extremely dangerous and maybe that’ll slow everybody down on just running out if you get hit you have slowness I don’t think you can outrun it if you don’t get hit I definitely can’t it’s slow and it’s like four

You can barely move okay oh uh I should probably get out of there yeah so was the sun once again started to settle with the maze we made our way back towards the Glade after our civilization had lost four more players throughout the day but just as we were about to

Board up the entrance we saw something unexpected in the maze What’s that name who’s there what are you doing in here I’ve been in here since yesterday what some deep dark cave with some Lush I got 48 diamonds in that place I don’t know what I found

Wait wait wait what I’ve been in there all night guys somehow after going out into the maze all alone on day one drifting Reaper got lost and when the doors closed he was locked out in the Maze all alone all night this is not good oh no

I’m telling you I’m gonna die already just because I was dumb that looks like a dead end I’m so stressed out my heart’s going mad I said you gotta run all night long if you want to survive oh here we are running all night long eventually he made his way back to the

Doors of the Glade and quickly realized he had no way of getting back in until they opened in the morning anyone over there yeah yo I was going in there is it safe yeah it was quite safe it was probably nice and cozy are you okay I haven’t seen

Nothing but how long can I just stay at this gate nope never mind I’m out of here bye as grieva started making their way through the maze at night this gave Reaper no choice but to stay on the move as he tried his best to find cover all right guys maze dangerous

Very dangerous and as he stayed as quiet as possible hoping to hide from the Grievers that were hunting him down eventually he was lucky and found the entrance to the mine I don’t know how I then just die what is this inside of this mine were countless diamonds but most importantly

It was a safe space that Reaper was able to take full advantage of whilst he had the chance so after grabbing a few diamonds and holding position for the night he made his way back up to the surface for day two to try his best to

Get back home to the Glade before the doors closed again I have to get out this time no matter what I cannot be trapped in here from two nights in a row and as he started running through the maze he was able to retrace his footsteps from the night

Before which led him all the way back to us yes yes yes what are you doing in here I’ve been in here since yesterday what about some deep dark cave with some Lush I got 48 diamonds in that place I don’t know what I found wait wait wait what

I’ve been in there all night guys okay right drifting Reaper uh wait let’s just get away from this door because if it’s going if it’s gonna close is there anything else down that mine did you leave for a specific reason or I think man I don’t want to be in there

Again okay if I know where the cave is though you know where it is okay I want to be a runner would you take me there tomorrow if I gave you a runner helmet oh man yeah I would attempt to I yeah I even have coordinates I will I will give

You a runner helmet if you agree to take me there tomorrow yeah I will okay right so with the runner helmet passed on to Reaper he agreed to lead us to the mine inside of the maze tomorrow when the doors opened as they had now once again closed for

The night giving us time to head back towards the runner’s Hut and figure out what had happened to the other players on our team whilst we were gone that that was so stressful bro we need to try and figure out how those guys died before we’ve lost so many players

Already hey guys b-tech what the happened all right you want a summary um yeah I’d love one blue pushed all the way up to a gate here they’re literally two turns away two of our members died from blue and then another five are stuck in the Maze right now so that’s

Our issue btec told us everything that had happened with the blue team at the middle earlier as we shared what happened to Relic and Raven and told them about our plans for the mine tomorrow we have a new honorary uh runner which is drifting Reaper tomorrow

He’s gonna take me to the mine shaft I found I need a load of diamonds in okay so oh we need that yeah yeah if we can get our hands on more diamonds that’d be great but one thing I forgot to mention was that when we went out

Earlier for day two a build competition was announced between the three civilizations meaning we had a few days to build up our Glade as much as we could to try our best to get the reward we need to finish up building now because it is a building phase right now

Yeah have we done anything food since hardly anything we’ve got jgq’s therapy place and we’ve got a tower since almost everyone in our Glade had been busy either running through the maze or fighting the other civilizations we had barely built anything during this time so we made sure the gliders knew what to

Do from now on as they got to work building this Glade up by adding houses expanding our farms and planning to eventually finish off the construction of the runners hop as currently we were still holding our meetings in the middle of the forest Reaper how long do you

Reckon it’s going to take to get there uh with speed three probably like a minute but maybe two minutes because I don’t exactly know where it is but I think I knew it doesn’t sound promising I won’t lie I was sitting there for a night bro okay

Yeah I trust you I trust you I trust you now with a plan in place we started getting ready for our journey by grouping up at the exit as the doors would soon open let’s Reaper I don’t know oh we we need the guy that’s gonna

Take us there Reaper’s on the path he’s coming around oh he’s coming now okay right let’s just get ready these doors are gonna open any second now do we have milk yeah all right Reaper lead the way either way oh it’s this turn the next turn oh no oh

This is this is not a good start holy this is gonna be awful even though it seemed Reaper had no idea where he was going we continued to follow his lead do we know is it this way I’m trusting Reaper oh yeah here it is okay actually I have

Faith in this guy I never doubted you despite the lack of confidence Reaper was able to lead us all the way to the mine as we all Dove inside and started making our way down yeah down here oh oh yeah load of skull yeah oh there’s so much skull this is great I

Hope the runners that were at the other door are actually doing something productive during this time I feel like Blue’s about to storm our blade to be honest with you oh that is worst case scenario but as we spoke about our teammates being attacked by the blue civilization they wouldn’t be an issue

For us as they were currently in the middle attacking the green civilization oh another green green has to be getting invaded or something yeah I think they’re fighting yeah I think they’re fighting each other yeah that’s great and as they continued fighting at the middle we continued

Making good progress down here in the mines as we grabbed up as much XP and as many diamonds as we could before we had to leave as time was running out and we were still a long way from Hull it took us three minutes to get here all right

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go it was this way right since we needed to make sure we had enough time to get back to our Glade before night we made our way out of the mine and grouped up the team to start making our way back is this everyone

Yeah yeah is this the right way yeah that’s the right way and after running for a bit luckily we made it home in time oh yes okay all right a few of our guys died yeah I need to know oh right let’s go back to the Hut so after a successful

Mission allowing us to get tons of diamonds and XP we made our way back across the Glade towards the rest of the team as the doors to the maze had officially closed for the night as the sun had set and as we made our way over

We ran into b-tech Clips who told us exactly what had happened to our teammates whilst we were gone you guys have returned yeah b-tech what happened to Thailand uh so they went in a group of three to Blue and the two of them died okay yeah

It was kind of a pointless death really after the blue team had attacked Green in the middle they also spotted a few of our members and started hunting them down allowing them to kill Tyler and hobo before they could Escape leaving us as the smallest civilization of all with

Only 28 players remaining whilst the green civilization had 30 and the blue civilization had 31 but despite us being the smallest civilization we were actually making some good progress especially with the builds throughout our Glade oh damn oh he has a belly yo only this looks sick thank you

Thank you whilst we had been out with the mine shaft a few of our gliders had been working hard back at the base to make sure that this place looked as good as possible for the build competition and they had built some really good structures giving us a great chance of

Winning but as the doors to the maze were now closed this gave us time to talk about our plans for tomorrow as we only had a few minutes before the doors would once again open so Atlas who had been appointed as the leader of the runners came up with a plan

And like go mid because I’m pretty sure the way out is Right whenever we were on the castle so I’m pretty sure we have to go through the internet table to get out so on our way by we need to enchant and then take a big group with us and explore that way

Right okay but we need a big group because blue and green are both occupying that like every day so we’re gonna need a big group right since we knew both other civilizations would be moving through the middle we had to prepare for a battle as we could run

Into that at any point inside of the maze but luckily for us a few members from the blue and the green civilization had actually been trapped inside of the maze once the doors had closed earlier and were forced to take refuge at the Lookout Point in the middle causing

Another fight to break out between the two teams lowering their numbers even further as the green civilization were now level with us on 28 players whilst blue had 30 so back in our Glade as the sun started to break over the walls of the maze the doors would soon open and

We needed to be prepared when we enchant we need someone watching our back yeah I’ll watch her back whenever you’re in jail okay I appreciate it it’s my first time running so it’s almost half of our team left the Glade and ran into the Maze We started making

Our way over towards the middle and as a few players ran ahead they quickly realized we wouldn’t be alone when we got there as expected the green civilization had also set out as soon as the doors opened and had made their way all the way to

The middle hoping to enchant as well but quickly realized they were in for a fight oh firey they’re falling back they’re falling back yes there’s people looking at you these people stop we have any levels left let’s go nice good stuff guys good stuff nice drop them drop them drop them nice great

Great work great yo yo Rector I’m on your team chill after wiping out a few of their members the rest of the Green Team retreated as they realized they weren’t strong enough to fight back boys oh thank you oh god oh no oh no as they ran away we

Were able to start enchanting our gear back at the middle but this wouldn’t last for long as the blue civilization that had just been spotted started making their way towards the Middle East There’s a lot of them whilst the rest of the team ran away to take cover two of their members stayed with a plan the whole team is there the whole team is there if we can buy some some of the people off that would be great that

Would be perfect I feel I feel I know what their plan is follow ing theirs exactly but even though their plan was super obvious some players on our team seemed eager to fight guys Atlas don’t go forward oh god oh bro bro Atlas don’t go forward don’t go forward

And as it was now clear to the blue civilization that we weren’t going to fall for their bait they changed their focus like no there’s green this way there’s green this way don’t worry about green bro these guys so now that they were focused on attacking the green team

We could actually start exploring this maze as we had wasted almost half of our daylight we’ve got five minutes so we can either try and explore some of this yeah if we move we move as a team well Gabriel we’ve done nothing today we’ve not even found we’re back exactly there’s no time

We’re all gonna die close I’m coming with you if you’re going yeah we can’t stay still we do have to push forward so was the team seem divided a few of us pushed forward alone as we spotted a structure and went over to explore oh there’s a structure

Waters we went over to check out this structure and continue exploring our leader and other plans to everyone come back we’re running back to our place we’re running back to our place we got a little time already BJ we’ve found nothing today right we have four minutes

With like 20 people we want to make sure that Noah that everyone makes it from us okay sure yeah instead of going against the word of our leader we followed b-tec Clips as he led the way back towards the Glade but I may have suggested we make a

Stop on the way back Atlas yeah do you want to quickly just go up these stairs and get another look over the top just to make oh yeah make the most of it we can get back in time we’ve all got helmets right so it’s fine yeah

I don’t have a helmet of course you’ll make it don’t worry about it right why did you claim was the exit all right so we came from that direction yeah whenever uh the walls get like very narrow like this that’s indicator for the next section so once we go down this

A little bit it’ll start heading into uh should head into uh sector two and on and then from there we just gotta keep going right okay uh wait look over here though you can see that over there right can you see that I see a lot of campfires well then that’s probably

Another really after Gathering some valuable information time started to run out so we decided to head back down and go back to the Glade we have time I don’t think we have time let’s try let’s try let’s try we can make it we can make sure um

As we made our way back I kept checking our surroundings for enemies but eventually saw a new path that we hadn’t been down yet have we been that way yet okay call us we’ll come back and check that tomorrow so as we kept note of that path

We made our way back to the Glade as the gliders took a little bit longer without the speed boost you got 10 seconds all right yeah that that is everyone I was the cause was lost through yeah now as the doors closed once again somehow everyone on our team made it back alive

After our biggest Expedition yet and as we all arrived now we were being visited by the admins who were here for a tour of the Glade after the build competition had come to an end you know this isn’t our real home but we try and make it as

Close to home as possible so was b-tech took them for a tour he showed off the farm our Towers the graveyard and a few of our smaller structures that gave us a great chance of winning this build competition as the blue and green civilizations hadn’t really built much

During this time but now that the tour is over our team could get back to work as we grouped up inside of the runners Hut that had finally finished Construction as we spoke about our plans for tomorrow did you climb over the wall to get back yeah yeah there is a riot

Hand turn there that we’ve not done yet if we climb over the vine to go to the right from what I have heard that’s where blue came from right now is the best time we outnumber everybody we just got in chance we have a lot of food now

Is the best time that now is when we need so I’ll what are we prioritizing right now exploring the maze or taking down the other Glades we should go a different way because all that’s going to do is lead us to them if you go over the vines and

To the right that’s what I think blue is we need to go over the vines to the enchant table and go straight no I disagree I think blue away on the other side of the the middle as we spoke about our plans moving forward we came to a

Disagreement as Atlas was convinced that we needed to go back through the middle to find the exit whilst I was convinced that we should try the other path that I had seen on my way back earlier Alice all I’m asking for is one day one day tomorrow I will try and Lead the

Way and see what we can find with everyone okay with the runners not with everyone so sword no are you saying that you’re gonna lead a team of the fully geared people and leaving everyone else by of the runners the people that are quick enough to keep

Up so five of you six of you because remember we lost two to three helmets someone and Justice Starlight reminded us that we had already lost quite a few of our Runners another one died out in the Maze to a grieva after being locked in overnight oh we lost another no Reaper oh

After playing a huge role in getting our team geared earlier on drifting Reaper had been locked out in the Maze once again and was sadly killed before he could Escape but our Spirits would soon be lifted as we saw players from the blue civilization starting to die in

Chat if we just do a group of all our helmets what I’m thinking is another five six seven the only way blue just died that many at once is if they all just tried to escape in a massive group and got caught out the maze but we were wrong as the blue

Civilization had almost halfed in population they hadn’t been trying to find the exit but rather had been locked into the maze after they had tried attacking the green civilization earlier after we didn’t fall for their bait at the middle earlier on they decided to put their focus on attacking the green

Civilization hoping to clean up a few of their players and after navigating through the maze for a few minutes they found the entrance to the green Glade and charged forward hoping to launch an attack well a cow look out look out they’re playing let’s go get back bro do

You want to arrest them Waters they pushed right up to the door they quickly realized that they were making a huge mistake as there was only limited time left of the daylight and they were so far from home guys don’t go in don’t go in guys don’t go in

Don’t go in it’s not worth it worth it with three minutes three minutes so as they decided to turn around and start making their way back through the maze to get home before Sunset a few players from the green civilization came up with a plan to run back out and chase

Them hoping to waste the blue team’s time and bait them into getting locked in the Maze and the bait worked perfectly if I turn around turn around let’s turn around everybody got one let’s get at them as well might as well Even though green lost a few more players their plan had worked as the blue team started heading home once again and realized they had thrown their chances of getting back to their Glade before the doors closed yeah we got a Sprint we go to Spring everyone get together now that the doors

To their Glade had closed only moments before they made it back they were stuck in the Maze so had no choice but to take cover hoping to avoid the Grievers as they started making their way out of their nests and hunting down the players within the maze wait guys just stay up

Here stay up here but they plan to stay hidden from the Grievers failed as a few of their members didn’t climb the vines in time and were attacked and killed down below which also baited out their teammates who were trying their best to stay safe up top bro why did they go

Down we shouldn’t have fought them and now as the Grievous started attacking the rest of their team they’ve stood no chance yeah guys it was nice fighting with you fellas it was nice fighting with you guys I know with their popular those on their team that were back at

The blue Glade were helpless as they saw the deaths of all of their teammates flooding through the chat Jesus no no no we just dropped like 10 players yeah we did it has to be Grievers man the Grievers the Grievers are killing them oh my God no oh we we gotta make Now as they realize their chances of winning this event and Escaping The Maze were much lower after losing every single one of their Runners The Blue Team were now the smallest civilization of all with only 14 players remaining whilst green were at 22 and we were at

27 players making us now the biggest civilization of all as we continue to plan our next move inside of the runners Hut I I think the play now is now that we know they’re escaping in a full group is just not gonna happen everybody will die Runners need to find the Escape come

Back and then take everybody yeah after agreeing that the maze was far too dangerous for non-runners to go out into until we knew the location of the exit Atlas the head Runner gave me the one day I asked for to lead the group of Runners to the path that I had found

Hoping to find something new so as the sun started to rise for day five the doors to the maze opened once again but as we made our way to the door we had a gift waiting for us as we had actually won the build competition inside of this supply drop was bundles

Of food weapons maps and most importantly 10 more Runner helmets for our civilizations keep the map what did you what did you get what did you get 10 Runner helmets now we were able to double the size of our group of Runners as we shared out the helmets as quickly

As possible so we could make the most of the doors being open but as we were making sure the helmets were given out fairly we faced a new problem oh each Civilization now had to deal with a famine meaning their crops wouldn’t grow for the whole of day five and each

Player was affected with Hunger luckily for us we had trapped a cow earlier on giving us immediate access to milk meaning we could clear the effects of the hunger and continue with our plan to go back out into the maze as a group of Runners gathered at the door and I let

Them out yeah all I’m asking for is today day five that is it so was this group of Runners followed my lead we ran towards the spot that we had agreed to search today all right district one yeah we take a left here yeah okay there’s

The vines we need to go over these and then take a right all right is everyone here yep right yeah okay let’s keep it moving let’s go and with no time to waste we started exploring this new part of the maze which very quickly turned out to be a good choice

Finally after being stuck in district one for five days we had found District Two which we made the most of as we continued to explore and found a huge path you know you know that long hallway I was telling you about yeah this is it

You found it I mean that’s wrong yeah I mean eventually we need to risk stay out during the night yeah I think right hey wait wait stop everybody stop everyone stop everybody stop maybe what blue did wrong was they tried to take covering vines or something so if we do get stuck

In here at the night which is four minutes so I think it’s gonna happen let’s not stop running and just try and cover as much ground at night as we can and as we continued running we spotted an opening up ahead it’s an opening it’s a huge open area So as we had found District Four and had made some great progress today some players in our group started talking about heading home whilst a few others wanted to stay out and see what else we could find I think we need to get back with this information we might as well

Stay out there yeah I agree I don’t think it is if ever people want to go back they can form a group and go back whoever doesn’t know whatever we do we need together together we then continued searching past this opening as we agreed to stick together

But quickly found out that it was a dead end and as we agreed to keep exploring earlier on we had definitely now missed our chance to get back to the Glade in time before the doors closed as the sunset warning message was broadcasted across the server but there’s no way

We’re getting back within one there’s no way one minute yeah there’s no way so as we continued exploring the rest of our civilization that were back at the Glade were waiting for us to return but as the doors closed they realized that wasn’t going to happen Rhys is in the maze

All the runners are in the maze we’re in here for the night I mean we’re in here for the night all right now as the Grievers were entering the Maze We had no choice but to run all night but being out during the night wasn’t all

Bad as we were able to make more progress than the other civilizations as they were all locked up inside of their Glades whilst we were out exploring District three three okay District three as we enter District three we had finally reached the outer rings of the

Maze which no other team had found yet but even though there were no other players in this area of the maze we weren’t alone oh watch out watch out Atlas it’s on you it’s on you watch out I got you keep running or is it on me yep no it’s

On me it’s on me Atlas help me all that they they’re getting attacked as well hit it oh no yeah yeah that’s not good it’s not it’s not good I’m trying to get away come on please if it hits me again I’m dead oh is it done is it off me

Is it still on wait is it on Atlas I don’t know I’m just gonna keep shooting at it yo Alice get out of there no Alice died oh my God there’s so many of them the whole team are getting done I’m gonna have to run what are they doing down there it’s

Where’s his loot oh no there’s no way I can grab that no I gotta go I gotta run I gotta run after being infected by the Graver I had no choice but to take cover up a nearby tree as my teammates were slaughtered by the Grievers Down Below guys guys guys come back

Luckily as I shouted from the tree Qualls and ocran heard my call for help and turned around to come back for me sword still alive somewhere okay come on walls yo where are you I’m in the tree I’m in the tree I’m hiding there’s a staircase

Up come up the tree come to the tree there’s a staircase come back this is guys it’s a staircase we’re oh right at the bottom come up come on come on come on it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe walls please tell me you have another milk pocket yeah having the

Remote you do holy crap thank you so much I got poison and slowness no one else survived the griever other than you there they go there you go yeah you’re the only one that survived the hit it was on me and then change to atlas because I ran yeah you must have got

Super lucky I didn’t I didn’t let it get a second hit well that’s my last middle of bucket so no more getting picked guys I literally don’t have any left so how many people lose Atlas oh no I’ve realized myself now once you get

Hit by it that is pretty much a wrap I’m so it it does sound slightly uh this is gonna sound bad yeah yeah but I’m glad it went for Atlas after it hit me so as we stayed up this tree hoping to avoid the Grievers that were searching for us

Back at the red Glade our civilization saw the deaths of all of our teammates no no no no no no everyone pray everyone pray come here everyone here we have a prayer let’s pray for the Fallen let’s play the get let’s pray they survived the night and

As they prayed for our safety back at the Glade we stayed hidden inside the trees as we tried to figure out our plans for the morning we well we we need to go back tomorrow I’m not gonna lie we gotta go back tomorrow and listen it’s

Gonna sound bad but we got to start recruiting the farmers for runners like we need more we need more disposable players I want the I want the gear are you kidding me oh that’s a crazy thing to say about your Fallen comrades we continue to talk throughout the night and once the Sun

Finally started shining over the walls again the doors to the Glade opened back up which was our cue to start making our way home yeah the doors to the maze have reopened okay how long if we have to take a guess how long is it going to

Take to get back oh probably seven minutes plus I don’t think we know a way seven minutes plus I don’t think we know the way back but despite our lack of confidence we started making our way back as we went all the way back through District three two and then finally back

Into district one where we met up with our teammates guys oh my God oh my God you have no idea what we’ve been through let’s get back so how so sorry how was it we lost four of our party I saw I saw we need to

Gather in the runner’s hot and then I’ll explain barely so once we finally got back to our Glade we grouped up almost the entire team inside of the runner’s Hall as we told them exactly what had happened on our adventure time to tell the fabled story of the tree okay our

Journey was successful however we did lose a few people in the in the process we got to section four however section three is what we have to go through to get to the next area so tomorrow when the doors once again open because they’re closing soon we’re gonna

Go back out we’re gonna head back to where we came from and we’re gonna check it out see what else we can find we do not need the whole team yet we do we should not take the whole team at all until we know for a fact that we know

Where the exit is or at least near the exit so as soon as we know where that is then we go back so all of the other ways everybody else that’s exploring the other ways at the moment stop because those are pointless I’m pretty sure I’m

Pretty certain the way that we have been going is the way out so yeah once we can go that way and go further figure out see what else we find then then we’ll come back and then we’ll take everyone with us when needed but if not if you’re not a runner we’ve got

Plenty of helmets right now we did just lose like four people unfortunately can I have a runner uh we did yes we don’t have a spare one oh yeah inquired the qualities for helmets but Atlas atlas’s death was not in vain uh he died for the

Cause and he died as a sacrificial lamb for me so I appreciate atlas’s death and I think we should have a minute not not a minute uh three second applause for Atlas okay so after paying your respects to Atlas we moved on and spoke about our plans for tomorrow so how certain are

You that the exit’s that way uh well it’s the only way that’s got somewhere up to now it’s the only hope so like all right I’m gonna grab some bread obviously I we with the people the three of us that were out me calls into Akron are the only ones that actually

Know the way so we are valuable in that way but we have plenty of helmets right now okay so you’re saying those you three are the only people that kind of know how to get to District Four so yeah is it is it important to get the most

People possible that have run helmets to follow you along so just in case you die we just to know you know what I mean yeah yeah for sure that is a good idea yeah yeah so yeah yeah so the information doesn’t get lost with four minutes left until the doors once again

Opened this gave us time to prepare for the journey tomorrow and as we farmed for a few extra pieces of bread we saw the green civilization dying in chat as when the doors had opened for day six they had officially abandoned their Glade as they took every single one of

Their 22 player civilization and went out into the maze hoping to get lucky and find the exit with their whole team somehow they actually made great progress despite having the entire team to keep track of as they managed to run through the Maze and locate the outer

Rings as well and they even managed to get all the way to district 6 before the sun had even gone down but as expected once the sun started to set they were going to struggle as the Grievers came out and started hunting them down killing 12 of their players with ease as

The rest of their team hid silently inside of the trees hoping to escape in the morning now the green and blue teams both had dropped to 11 players each whilst our team stood strong with 21 who were now all grouped up at the South door of our Glade as btec clip stood

Before us ready to give a speech listen up Runners no introduction is needed my name is above my head without us freedom is no more which is why I must forth come any challenge that awaits you within the Maze and know that if you refuse to move forward and lose all hope

You’re nothing more than those creatures inside the walls run you must dedicate your lives to this very purpose this would a runner truly is not Runners the gates open let’s go let’s go After an extremely motivating speech from b-tech Clips all of the runners followed my lead as we headed towards District 3 straight away and after a few minutes of running we arrived it is three hey hey here it is right we need to like go we need a go go

Once we made it to the outer Rings we wasted no time and started running almost instantly as we followed the walls hoping to eventually find the exit not realizing that we were still a long long way away and as we continued running these Rings didn’t seem to come

To an end as we ran for five straight minutes and found nothing I think we should have gone the other way so yeah there’s no this is just continuing it’s just continuing there’s no entrance this way and as we continued running for a few more minutes it turns out that we

Had actually looped all the way to the other side of the Maze and found the entrance back to District three all right well we’re gonna be stuck in the Maze so let’s just run out and see him again find the exit but as some players on our team suggested that we go deeper

Into the maze the sun was starting to go down which meant soon the Grievers would be coming for us giving us no choice but to find the closest trees to try our best to take cover but that wasn’t going to be as easy as we hoped but we can get on the trees

People are still following it’s fine we gotta hurry oh green was someone oh on the trees on the trees on the trees get in the tree get in the tree get in the tree get up get up there’s one on you I’m in the tree they can’t get me in here

River creeper go go go go Cypher stay here I’ll die if we do oh oh there’s one I’m staying up here guys just stay here we can’t help you we can’t we can’t run just run we want to run oh there’s one below us there’s one directly below us

Wait don’t go don’t move yeah they can’t get in here so once again we had no option but to hold position in the tree as we waited for the night time to pass but for those on our team back at the Glade things weren’t going to be easy

For them either as when the sun went down today the doors to the Glade didn’t close wait they’re staying open wait they’re staying open they’re staying open didn’t close there was no announcement they’re not they’re not gonna close as they realized the doors to the maze weren’t closing they prepared for the

Worst as they knew Grievers could be coming for them at any moment do you guys hear that I honestly I’m so scared Cleaver run run griever s bunker bunker bunker so with Grievous starting to make their way into the Glade the team dove into a bunker that

They had made for this exact reason earlier on as b-tech Clips had actually predicted that this would happen guys I’m I have a bad feeling about this right so this is I feel like right the doors aren’t going to close one day we need an Escape Route oh the blue

Civilization weren’t as lucky as they hadn’t predicted that this would happen and they only had a tree house to take cover on which didn’t work very well as several members of their team were caught by the Grievers that entered their Glade whilst the green civilization weren’t really affected by

This at all as their entire team was still out in the Maze from their Journey yesterday but this didn’t stop a few of their members dying as they continued to get haunted down by the Grievers inside of the maze oh no oh they spawned he spawned they spawned oh oh I’m gonna die

Oh my God I’ve got permanent poison now almost everyone in this map was taking cover from the gravers that had completely taken over giving us no choice but to hold position until the morning which gave us some time to come up with a plan to meet back up with the rest of our

Team that we had left at the Glade all right so whatever plan was it turns data I think we gotta go to the outer space short are you okay with going back or to the Glade yeah to get everybody else yeah there’s no point you find the exit if once we

Find the exit then we go back if you’re gonna stay in here I can go back guys you’ll get sworn back reavers as well okay no no I mean when it’s daytime we need to send like two more people so like two people who don’t mind dying

Because I can go with sword because I spotted for the first time once the sun started to rise the Grievers went back to their nests and now after the blue and green civilizations had both lost several players overnight we now had more players than both other teams put

Together as the Green Team had fallen to nine players whilst The Blue Team only had eight players remaining after they had been caught by the Grievers in the outer rings too but now that the Grievers were gone we were able to finally leave the tree that we had been

Hiding in all night and after exploring through a bit more of the maze first thing in the morning we came across a huge entrance oh my this looks like the way out this looks like the way out yeah yeah this looks like in the movie it looks like a movie okay

Yeah this is the movie thing this was the entrance to a Graver dungeon that was filled with loon which included a compass linked to the Escape helicopter which would make finding the exit to this maze much easier but getting the loot inside of this dungeon would not be easy okay be careful

Wait what’s no that’s a long drop guys be careful oh spider spider spider spider both of them who’s it on get it get it get it get it Gabrielle run yeah there’s another creeper back there there’s another creeper back run get back back I think it’s on me now guys I

Think it’s on me watch out no no not me not me not me is it chill it’s not moving it’s chill oh where’s he going get his loot get his Loop no no no no no no no no oh did you get in there did anyone get in what’s in here

Oh no there’s more Grievers there’s more Grievous I don’t know yet what’s in the barrel at the end I don’t know do you want to go in there’s a bunch of grievers in there hell no no no I don’t think it’s worth it thank you oh no [Laughter]

Oh no it’s Garden it’s Garden it’s gardening um where did everyone else go it’s gone that way okay so was this place was clearly too dangerous for us to enter we continued running through the maze hoping to make the most of the daytime as we spoke about our plans to go back

And get the rest of the team okay right well this way is back to the way we came in so if I’m going back to get the rest of the team while you guys stay in it I can do that but I need to go and like

Now sort of Raven are you guys going back yeah we’re going back we’re gonna get the rest of the team I wish you luck boys I wish you luck good luck fellas Elemental it was a pleasure if I don’t see you again it was it really was goodbye

Right Raven we got we got limited time we gotta be quick with limited time we then started running as fast as we could to try and make it back to our Glade to meet up with the team before today came to an end as the runners continued

Exploring the outer Rings oh wait let’s go all the way back away oh there is a door let’s name one this is not what we came through I can’t promise that this is gonna take us back but I don’t think we’ve got enough Choice wait people have been here though this Block’s missing

Maybe it’s a different team right so there’s three there’s three I think it might be it District’s writing it is we did not come this way yeah it’s different it turned out that there were several ways to get into the outer rings and this was one of them which meant our

Journey back to the Glade would be blind as we had no idea where we were going all right well if this isn’t our way we’re gonna have to not only get back to the Glade but we’re probably gonna have to go through middle to get back because

This is probably another team’s way to get into the house of rings if we even figure out where your middle is but even though we were entering unknown parts of the Maze We continued exploring as we ran into several dead ends before finally making it back to District two

Two two two two two two two right we’re getting back we might make it but since this route was new to us it took us much longer to get back than we anticipated meaning as we ran for the entire day our daylight had run out oh no okay uh yeah

We’ve ran out of time this meant once again we had to be very careful and try our best to avoid the Grievers as we finally made our way back to District One oh watch out watch out watch out there’s a Glade there’s no way that sounds right

You see anyone no me neither he’s got me abandoned Graver oh this is dead end uh go up go good after a close call with the Grievers we held position at the top of these Vines hoping to wait for the time to pass but this wouldn’t work for long uh oh Raven

Is there one coming up yeah you want don’t need a sacrifice myself yeah I’m sorry I gotta go run no I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go go no no no no no no okay I need to be I need to stay on the

Move I need to stay on the move I can’t drop down there um oh I could actually I don’t know where it’s gonna take me though I’ll drop down here I need to stay on the move I can’t stay still for too long but instead of sticking to my own advice

About staying on the move I found a hiding spot underneath some vines that was perfect for me to stay in for the rest of the night just need to stay on the move just need to oh oh I’m getting in here this is a perfect spot to hide I think

Can they get in here one where is it I think he’s gone holy crap after being only moments away from Death somehow the Graver ran right past me as I stayed dead still inside of this hole waiting for the sun to rise all right I’m gonna need to make a move

In a second I need to get back is the coast clear it looks like it right I need to get back to that door quickly before it opens this oh my only assumption is this has to be green because there’s nobody there and green have four players left there’s no way

Any other team have completely abandoned their area surely not okay I can see the sun coming back up that’s great news let me get back up here this is where Raven died this might be where his loot is actually oh his loot is here okay he’s XP is the grieva gone

Yeah okay where’s his Runner helmet there it is as soon as this door opens I’m running through I’m seeing whose base this is and I’m trying to get home day nine these doors are open a green member just died no way this is my base where are the banners

Whose base am I green I’m in green okay I need to be very very careful now at worst oh another green died they can’t be here there is no way look at The Farms their Farms are completely grown it was clear that the green civilization had abandoned this Glade a

Long time ago so I started looking around to see what I could steal from them you know these guys had an incredible area food hot this place is crazy okay I can’t stay in here for too long or else I’m just gonna I’m wasting time does this look like it

Could be their main exit I don’t know there’s only one way to find out though I can’t stay in the Maze I can’t I can’t stay in the Glade all day I have to go out and as I ventured back out into the maze once again I made

Some great progress is this a dead end again oh no okay no this does go far oh oh it’s the middle please tell me my t i okay right the last thing I need now is blue to show up so please I’m begging blue don’t be here since the blue

Civilization were deep in District Six as I was making my way back I had a clear run the coast looks clear I don’t see anyone this way right yes are the doors open they are please tell me my team are here we went no no we went to the outer walls District Four

With quotes is there nobody here after traveling through the maze for two full days and losing a teammate along the way it turned out my mission to get the team was pointless as they had already left meaning I was all alone inside of the Glade guys no way no way hello hello

I’ve actually been left all alone wait that means when we lost walls he went all the way back here to get everybody else and that’s exactly what happened when we had been running earlier we had actually lost quals on the journey and had no idea where he had gone

I still don’t know where quals is man wait is he alive and as we continued searching District 3 earlier on it turned out that he had been left behind after going AFK in a tree tweet Pizza oh no how do I lose people so easily this

Meant when he came back to his game we had all three or choice but to run all the way back to the Glade to meet up with the team that stayed behind oh my God hello there you were out right yeah wait you came back do you know the way I

Know the way to the outer wall I I lost them along the way I just I didn’t know where they went once he told the team what had happened they grouped up in the bunker and all came up with the idea to go back out into the Maze and follow

Qualls in the hopes of finding the group of Runners that had been out for a few days exploring we’re following falls to the outer rims okay I know but do we know the wait we got everyone right here we went to the Street before outer walls District

All right boys we’re heading out to the outer walls okay we stick together we stick as a team okay Alex we’re leaving our we’re leaving our blade guys let’s stick together we got this we got this so as they went out at the start of day nine it was only

Moments before I arrived after traveling all the way back to get them meaning now I was all alone inside of this Glade I honestly have no idea what to do if I go back out there alone tonight I’m dead there’s no way I survive four

Nights out in the Maze but just as I was about to give up all hope I spotted a name on the ground oh my God only yeah oh my God where is everyone else I don’t I don’t know I was mining it turned out when the team left at the

Start of today they had accidentally left the player behind us they had been mining all alone down below is there no one there’s no one there’s a sign of come here come here follow me there’s a sign at the door that says um we have all gone with Qualls to the

Outer rings but I came back to get everybody to take them so now I’m I’m here and I thought I was on my own but you’re here which is great news so everyone went in we are the last two people left I’m pretty sure well in the Glade okay

Do you know have you been in the Maze I’ve been in the maze for the last four days I’ve watched countless of my teammates die so before I go I need to make Raven a sign so as only two of us remained at the Glade the rest of the team were all

Out in the Maze and with it starting to become nighttime once again they took covering trees helping to avoid the Grievers but this time it didn’t work there’s Grievers below us guys which way are we running which way are we running don’t run don’t run don’t run put out

The fire put out the fire no he’s climbing he’s got a climb her yeah no oh my God no I’m dead I’m dead no you’re good you go get to me get to me how do I get to you do you have a milk pocket even milk pocket this is

Drink your milk drink your milk I can’t I can’t agree with on me directly I’ll break the block I broke the block I broke the leaf he’s coming in no choice no OC no you goddamn Grievers you took everything from me my friends my leader it’s all my fault I bring them

Here I told them it’d be safe in the trees the attack died what okay right let’s go on two minutes when there’s two minutes left we’ll go oh we’ve lost another okay let’s go you sure no I’m not but let’s go okay if you say so you can’t you’ve got you’re gonna have

To run as quick as you can yeah there goes another this is a horrible idea but the doors are jammed anyway so if if we’re gonna die we’re gonna die even though we both knew this was a horrible idea we continued running as we made our way

Through district one and two and as the sun started to rise for day 10 we spotted a few of our teammates that had been lucky enough to survive the night out in the Maze oh oh a player it’s one of us hello hello oh sword what the heck yo pilot you don’t even

Understand where I’ve been where why did you guys leave the Glade because the doors open they got in they were getting really close no no no like b-tech btec said we should try and find you guys because we weren’t sure if you were coming back or not I didn’t see

Anyone survive that was in the first tree yeah sword there was like six of them in it and they I was with the group and I was told to go back and get you guys because they were going towards the end so then I go all the way back

Through green because I went a long way and then the first thing I see is a sign saying oh we all left did you find the exit did you find the exit I don’t know where they are we have to move when I lost you guys

Where did you go from here this way no they we went straight and then we took a left eventually so now that we had finally grouped back up I led this group in the same direction I had ran a few days before hoping to eventually find the runners that had been out

Exploring the maze without any deaths for the last four days but as we ran instead of finding our teammates we saw something different oh I see him I see them we got to kill him we gotta kill him we gotta kill him right he escapes

Then they win the game how do we use I don’t know how to get to him we can go wait guys uh we’re gonna run ahead guys we’ve got to try and hunt him down if he’s on the other side of this wall through this Gap we get him yeah you know yeah

We cannot let him win the game through the walls we spotted the final player from the green civilization who we needed to kill to prevent from having an instant win if he found the exit after all of his teammates had died to the Grievous when exploring the maze so if

We wanted a chance of escaping this maze first we’d have to kill this player causing us to start the chase wait guys guys up these Vines maybe luckily for us these Vines led to an opening in the wall allowing us to squeeze through and see the player from the Green Team No

This way this way this way go go go go chasing chasing hopefully wait close calls make sure you watch out he doesn’t lead us to Grievous that’s true it should be a dead end eventually we then continue to chase the banana through the Maze and as expected he led us right

Towards a pack of grievers as it was now night time once again oh watch out watch out which Close turn around turn around turn around close walls what are you doing claws just ran forward with the path to Qualls blocked by Grievous he was all alone as he

Finally started fighting the player from the green civilization and after a close battle sadly he was taken down no no I was telling him to slow down where’s the other three of us as well uh I don’t know I think we went too fast yeah yeah we can go back so with another

Member of our team down the green player escaped as we ran back to our teammates that weren’t able to keep up with us without the helmets oh you’re in the tree you’re in the tree come on come on uh pilot come back come here come here come here

What happened to Paul we lost Court you ran ahead and you got got my uh Grievers oh the Grievers oh no and now since we didn’t want to lose anyone else to the gravers we held position up the vines as we waited for the sun to come back up

We have to make the most of day 11. this is very this is like I feel like if we don’t make it tonight we will die yeah once the sun had risen we got back to running and eventually made our way back to the path that I remembered from

Earlier I’m pretty sure it’s a left on here we should get hit with a dead end I think so as we continue trying to find our teammates after running for the entire day we found nothing wait wait wait guys it’s night time now what now yeah well we need to be careful then

Should we go find another crack like up high or something we can’t waste more time surely after learning no new information from today we decided to continue running throughout the night hoping to avoid the Grievers and after a clear run we managed to survive the entire night without losing anyone else

Yeah we did well during the night yeah we did really well that’s what I mean since these are so wide it’s a lot easier to survive the night in these and as we continued exploring some great news came through oh banana died let’s go home okay so now our only competition’s blue

But they also only have three people that’s killing calls and escaping from us earlier the banana looped all the way back to the dungeon that we had found earlier on and with no idea how deadly it was he entered and was quickly taken out by the Grievers inside eliminating

The green civilization entirely from this event after their whole team had died in their attempt to escape the maze which meant now the only team that could beat us to the exit was the blue civilization that were deep in the sixth district still looking for the exit so

Was we felt confident that we’d be able to beat them to the exit we continued running and soon found something that would change the course of this event oh there’s another there’s red teams guys guys how did we get to him after six days of being apart from the

Runners we were now only one wall away from each other and after finding a way to regroup we finally had our whole team back back together we’re doing it guys we’re doing it let’s go yes yes yes guys let’s go okay right is this the entire thing yeah

It turned out that these Runners had actually found the exit earlier but since they weren’t allowed to leave the maze until the whole team was there they had to come back to get us meaning now as we were all back together we got straight back to running as this group

Led the way to the exit after having mapped out almost all of the outer walls on their Six-Day adventure and because we were so far away it quickly turned night as we made our way over but we weren’t going to stop now and eventually after following their lead for a while

We made it there’s a door what are you doing why would you run forward the exit to the maze was only moments away but with it being night time the gravers had appeared and were now blocking the exit making it almost impossible to get through where are they going we

Oh they’re gonna die they’re making a run for it guys we’ve either got to follow them or or they’re not going to be able to leave if we oh we’re gonna die we need to do something with Grievous starting to surround us we had no choice but to make a run for it

They’re everywhere I’ve just gotta run I’ve gotta run for it okay please don’t come for me please don’t come for me I’m gonna I’m just gonna make a run for it they’ve already run ahead I’ve got to get out looks oh please no no no no no no no no

No no no no don’t come for me no oh no oh no no no no no no no there’s the helicopter come on please with the Escape helicopter in sight I ran towards my teammates that were waiting for me but those that stayed behind weren’t as lucky as they were

Swarmed and killed by the Grievous guys on me guys guys the non-helmer runners can’t get there they can’t get past oh they can’t I I got I can go I can go get him okay if you want if you want to risk it no pilot died no Elemental Elemental

Died wait only died as well there’s all of us GQ and sniper ran out already 100 yeah right okay boys let’s go okay yes roll out yes yes after a brutal 12 days we had successfully escaped the maze after the other two civilizations had lost all of

Their members in their attempt to escape so for now that’s the end of this story if you enjoyed and want to see more like this in the future subscribe please it really really helps but for now goodbye

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The Maze Runner in Hardcore Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Sword4000 on 2023-05-06 21:00:03. It has garnered 3479664 views and 89388 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:56 or 5336 seconds.

100 Players Simulate The Maze Runner in Hardcore Minecraft…

In today’s video, I joined 100 Players in a huge maze as they were split between 3 teams all with the goal to be the first one out of the maze. Which team will get out first, and how many players will survive? Only time will tell!

Join future events – https://discord.gg/sword4000 Check out my second channel @SwordExtra

💬 Discord ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/Sword4000LIVE 🐤 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/Sword4000_YT 📷 Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/sword4000_/ 🎮 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@sword4000yt 🎬 Edited by ► @SwordExtra @Badabo @MindOfNeo

#minecraft #100players #mazerunner

Chapters 0:00 – Intro 0:22 – Preparation 5:48 – Election 11:26 – Day 1 20:26 – Day 2 30:55 – Day 3 35:34 – Day 4 48:59 – Day 5 56:21 – Day 6 1:00:28 – Day 7 1:05:39 – Day 8 1:12:45 – Day 9 1:20:09 – Day 10 1:23:42 – Day 11 1:24:34 – Day 12

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  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

100 Players Simulate The Maze Runner in Hardcore Minecraft…