1000 Days as a Diamond Skeleton – Insane Minecraft Shiny Mobs

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On day one I spawned into the mountains as a diamond skeleton wo even with 10 Hearts I’ve got to be the most valuable bag of bones in the Overworld I wonder what kind of powers I have but I didn’t have any time to think about any potentially cool Powers a big strong

Earth Elemental rose out of the ground right in front of me you you are the skeleton that has defiled This Land wait what that’s impossible I just got here your feeble excuses have no power here you bony you should come with me before I’m forced to do anything drastic no offense

Buddy but I feel like you don’t have my best intentions at heart so I’m getting out of here immediately and I made good on my promise turning and running as fast as I could there was only one problem Diamond skeletons can’t actually run very fast okay so I know super speed

Isn’t one of my Powers pretty soon the Earth Elemental had caught up to me and I had to stop I was feeling totally out of breath wow that was incredible L embarrassing you sad little Skelly come with me before you humiliate yourself even more sure okay just give me a

Second to catch my breath on day two the Earth Elemental ushered me back to a fortress high in the mountains which looked like it’d be impossible to take over this is the sanctum of sanctity that’d be hard to say three times fast silence skeleton you will stand before

Our ruler tomorrow and be given a fair trial for your crimes what’ll happen if I lose the trial oh that’s simple you’ll be executed what he didn’t answer any more of my questions instead he’ led me into the sanctum of sanctity and threw me into some kind of prison cell please

Let me out what about my human rights you’re a skeleton skeletons don’t have human rights and with that he left and locked the door behind him I was alone or so I thought there was actually a gold pig in the cell with me oink oink hey there bud name’s Gary Gary the gold

Old Pig what are you in for hey Gary I’m Zozo these guys trapped me in here for no reason have you been falsely in prison too well not exactly I was stealing but I wasn’t hurting anyone while I was doing it that’s better than nothing I guess these guys are huge

Jerks we need to get out of here before we’re tried and executed easier said than done my friend these walls are impenetrable especially when you don’t have any tools our conversation was interrupted when the earth Elemental who trapped me in here came back opened the door and stepped inside will youo be

Quiet I can hardly think let alone stand guard while listening to your anain battling how about instead you without even thinking I punched him and that one punch completely destroyed him wow that was amazing Zozo you’re like some kind of one punch man I guess that’s my first

Power Diamond hard punches let’s get out of here before anyone else can find us and that’s exactly what we did we escaped the sanctum of sanctity and ran off in different directions on day three I continued walking walking through the mountains it was an exhausting process I may have had those powerful Diamond

Punches but I still had absolutely sucky walking speed all this walking is making me hungry I wonder if I can find any food around here I searched until I found an apple tree which I knocked down some apples with another powerful Diamond punch phew these punches really

Take it out of me too I should probably only use them in emergencies just to be safe I picked up the wooden blocks and the apples eating them to replenish my hunger bar I then continued my journey wait what’s that rattling sound it almost sounds like bones that’s when I

Turned and saw a huge imposing figure it was a mutant skeleton and he was even bigger than I’d imagined oh my gosh you’re huge it’s nice of you to say stranger my name is oduro it means rattling skull what is your name my name is Zoo it means uh well that mean Zozo

Interesting it’s rare to see a skeleton brave enough to wander are around here and I’ve never seen one quite as shiny as you either you must be skilled and Powerful not as skilled and Powerful as I’d like to be sadly that’s my dear Zozo I can help with follow me back to my

Dojo all righty odokuro lead the way I followed odokuro across the mountains relieved to finally have a friend who could seemingly hold his own in a fight from day four to day five we arrived at Odo coro’s Dojo out in the bone dry Mojave Desert what exactly does Dojo

Mean odokuro is it like some kind of face it’s where I teach people to fight you see I am the greatest warrior in all of the Overworld and it is my privilege to teach others to fight as well as me so they can fight for what they believe

In that sounds incredible odokuro please Zoo call me Sensei it means teacher and the first pirate of learning defend for yourself is learning to put a roof over your head take this stone pickaxe and the stone sword make yourself a home in the desert the harsh environment will

Make you hearty and strong yes Sensei my Sensei okuro gave me the stone sword and pickaxe and I went off on my own traveling until I found a nice spot in the Mojave to build my base I mined up some Stone and some sand that I could

Use to start building myself a cool little base it wasn’t much yet but it seemed like a cool way to begin my training as I stopped building to look back and admire my work another Earth Elemental snuck up on me and started to attack I need knew you were an evil

Skeleton you destroyed one of my fellow Elementals and now I’ll destroy you but I was ready to fight back with my stone sword I was able to beat the Earth Elemental gaining enough XP in the process to level up and get stronger I was bigger a little faster and now had

20 Hearts instead of just 10 and what’s this new power I feel coursing through my fists without even thinking I turned and walked into a tree blowing it up wa I guess my new wall demolition ability can knock down walls and apparently trees as well that’s awesome darn I need

To replant this tree now from day six to day eight I walked around the desert looking for new things to punch and test out my awesome strength if this is how strong I am at the start of Sensei oo coro’s training imagine how awesome I’ll

Be as he trains me even more during my wandering I happened upon a familiar face too it was Gary the light fingered gold Pig I’d met inside the sanctum of sanctity hey Gary how’s it going Zozo don’t sneak up on me like that I’m on edge enough as it is after what I’ve

Been through oh no what’s wrong Gary are you okay I was attacked by this crazy mutant Enderman if I didn’t run as fast as I could he would have destroyed me you’ve got to be careful Zozo there are some real dangerous people out there I know exactly what you mean that’s why

I’m training with Sensei uro so I can get strong enough to fight off bad guys like that Sensei odokuro why does that name sound so familiar oh well maybe I’ll remember it later when I’m less stressed and with that g went on his way unsettled by the knowledge of how many

Dangerous creatures are out there I returned to my sensei’s base ready for his next lesson climbing up the hanging ladders I found him at the top of the dojo in his living quarters you’ve done well against the Earth Elementals Soo but to improve you must face stronger

Opponents there is a mutated bee out in the mangrove swamp a formidable Foe for someone of your strength go forth and destroy him and see your powers grow from day N9 to day 10 I followed sunset yo C’s instructions and went out to the mangrove swamp seeking to meet with and

Battle this mutated bee he sounds like a tough customer but I believe I’m ready to take him on it didn’t take me long to find him his bright yellow and black stood out against the colors of the swamp buz off kid I don’t want to fight

Anyone I left my fighting days behind me long ago I hurt too many people that’s not who I am anymore if you were a villain once you’re a villain now mutated bee Sensei oduro to demands that I fight you oduro I haven’t heard that name in years well kid if you want to

Fight I’ll give you the fight your laugh the mutated Bei and he was every bit as tough as Sensei ooro had said I did manage to defeat him in the end but by then I barely had any hearts left I I can’t rush my training if I do I think

I’m really going to get hurt on my way out of the swamp I ran into none other than Gary the gold Pig oh hey Zozo you’re not looking so hot buddy maybe take this health potion and I stole it from some guy I drank the health potion

Gary gave me and breathed a sigh of relief as my health replenished itself thanks Gary you’re a lifesaver coturo will be pleased to see that I’m doing okay there’s that name again gosh where did I hear it uh guess I’ll let you know if it comes back to me from day 11 to

Day 12 I returned to the dojo of Sensei uro eager to tell him about how well I’d done in the battle with the mutated bee your power grows Zozo but you still still have much to learn that being said I see the potential for True strength in

You but a true warrior feels no fear go first into the darkness to make fear your ally then return to the mangrove swamp find the lethal swamp big clan and Destroy every last one of them destroy a whole clan isn’t that a little harsh Sensei never ever question my teaching

Zoo perform the task your Sensei wills it feeling doubtful but knowing that my sense say must know best I found the darkest Darkness I could find a mining cave I explored the dark worrying about what could lurk behind every corner however while down there in the dark I

Discovered something awesome a Dusty old chest containing a few pieces of iron armor an iron sword and an iron pickaxe the Sensei really is always right I equipped The Sword and the armor pieces then left the cave but just as I was about to exit I was stopped in my Drax

By another Earth Elemental you won’t escape this time you skeleton fiend I’m really getting tired of you guys the fight didn’t last long with my new power and new iron sword I defeated him in no time from day 13 to day 15 following Sensei ur’s instructions I went back to

The mangrove swamp and searched through until I found a small settlement full of pigs this must be the swamp Pig Clan they don’t look like a gang of lethal Warriors they just look like peaceful Little Pigs what’s going on I decided to investigate further venturing into the settlement and approaching the largest

Of the swamp pigs excuse me sir but are you the head of the legendary swamp Pig Warrior clan that just made him laugh Warrior Clan we’re a clan of peaceful Farmers living off the fat of the land we don’t know the first thing about fighting I have no idea where you got

That from then I’m no this isn’t right I’m sorry for bothering you Mr swamp Pig confused and worried all I could do was leave the settlement as quickly as I could making a beeline back to the Mojave Desert Sensei uro has some explaining to do from day 16 to day 19 I

Returned to Sensei o coro’s base and told him everything that had happened he was furious with me you dare go against my orders after I explicitly told you not to question me but Sensei they weren’t Warriors I am no longer your Sensei be gone from the dojo zoo I

Cannot teach someone who doesn’t respect and honor my judgment I was devastated but I had no choice but to leave I guess that I just wasn’t cut out to be an awesome warrior in the end I might have just been doomed to be a sad slow Diamond skeleton forever when I got back

To my base Gary was waiting for me Zozo zoo I remember where I heard that name before Sensei uro he’s not even my Sensei anymore Gary there’s no point but it was the mutant Enderman when he attacked me he said Sensei oduro will be so pleased he must have been on his

Orders wait odokuro has other students and they’re out there attacking people oh no I need to go back to the Mangrove swamp I ran back to the swamp Pig Clan settlement as quickly as I could but it was already too late oduro was there and he’d already destroyed all of them you

Monster it’s better to be a monster than a weakling Zozo my best students understand this you are but a naive Little Fool what it’s foolish to not want to attack Innocents there are no innocent Zozo only practice I’ll give you one chance to decide are you with me

Or against me I could never be with you or any of your horrible students I pulled out my iron sword and ran towards him to attack but he knocked me out cold in a single strike from day 20 to day 22 I woke up dazed and aching in the ruins

Of the swamp Pig settlement odoo hadn’t left a single Survivor that monster I feel so terrible forever helping him I can’t believe all his students have been terrorizing the Overworld and I was almost one of them as as I was making my way through the swamps I saw Gary the

Gold Pig emerging from the distance and trouting towards me Zozo thank goodness you’re alive I no idea you were up against such terrifying enemies the world is even scarier than I thought but it doesn’t have to be Gary come back to my base with me I’ll build you a room

And we’ll start working on a battle plan to take down these evildoers once and for all you know what you have a point Zozo I’ve spent my whole life stealing from people now I want to do something right let’s go buddy I went back to my

Base in the Mojave Desert with Gary and built a new building for him to live in it felt good to finally be allied with someone whose worst crime was stealing potions and not destroying whole clans of Innocents for fun from day 23 to Day 26 I decided to investigate the mountain

Some more and see if I could track down any of Senseo coro’s other sadistic students if they were out here destroying settlements in the Overworld then they needed to be stopped at once while I was exploring it didn’t take me long to overhear a cry for help from a

Passing mushroom Summoner please spare me kind skeleton there’s a mutant zombie right behind me destroy it I beseech you I don’t know what a beseeches but you’d better get behind me sure enough there was a vile brainless mutant zombie coming after the poor Summoner I leftt in to defend the innocent mushroom

Summoner with a swing of my sword but the shuffling Undead was Far stronger than I’d ever expected the mutant zombie was tough and he got a few powerful hits on me I swung back with my diamond skeleton punches and while I took a few more than usual I had soon knocked his

Health right down you can come back out now oh thank you please help yourself to this it’s the latest of my Horticultural findings a fungus imbued with medical properties um thanks I ate the mushroom and could suddenly feel myself getting stronger I now had 50 whole Hearts I

Could shoot energy blasts from my hands wow now this will be fun guy from day 27 to day 31 I roamed the mountain some more the encounter with the mutant zombie was playing on my mind where had that horrid Undead creature come from was it connected to my nefarious former

Sensei in some way I got distracted by a flock of sheep that looked like they’d lost their Shepherd or that perhaps something bad had happened to them hey there little guys it’s not safe for you all to be up here on the mountain side you better come back to my base where

You’ll be safe if we come across your owner I’m sure he’ll be glad I got you guys to safety so I headed back to my base and got to work settling up a pen for the Sheep once I was done Gary was excited to show me something come check

It out Zozo I built us a brand new storage room now we’ve got somewhere to keep all our loot I mean oops old habits I mean all the equipment we can use to bring the fight to Sensei odokuro speaking of odokuro within his dojo in the Mojave Desert my former teacher was

Conferring with one of his deadliest students Sensei I have followed your teachings and laid waste to another settlement their souls are now forever cursed to have fallen at my hand that that will make them perfect candidates to join the ranks of your Undead Army good work Apprentice you’ve been more

Loyal than that cowardly skeleton and I have a new task for you bring me the diamond skull of Zoo from day 32 to day 35 I decided to backtrack to The Fortress high in the mountains I had realized that those Earth Elementals who had captured me might have only done so

Because they thought I was working for sense oduro after all one had called me evil when he saw I was carrying out odo’s commands but I figured I would need allies me and my gold Pig pal weren’t going to be able to take him down alone look over there it’s the

Diamond skeleton working with oduro get him waa hold on guys I’m not here to fight it was too late an earth Elemental was coming straight towards me we clashed swords I had to hold off from using my diamond hard punches and energy blasts I needed to convince them that I

Meant no harm listen to me I’m not following ooc Caro’s teachings anymore he’s a barbaric irredeemable old monster what take you so long to realize don’t be mean I was tricked and you should talk with our boss the Earth Elementals brought me before their leader a wise old illusioner you have renounced ur’s

Vile ways good then perhaps you’ll be the one to put a stop to his reign of terror I’ll take him down he’s hurting innocent people and he’s got to be stopped I must convene with my Earth Elementals I can provide you with the means to stop oduro but first we must

Decide if you are trustworthy now go from Day 36 to day 39 I didn’t want to waste any time waiting on The Illusionist decision I needed to get stronger in the meantime I decided it was time to upgrade my armor so I went searching the mines for the remaining

Pieces to complete the set and boy oh boy I didn’t just find what I was looking for but struck a motherload of diamonds too it was almost like being a diamond skeleton helped draw me to where they were hidden underground I could sense them without even realizing it

After I had gathered up the diamonds ready to crft some neat stuff with them later Gary excitedly called me back to base check it out Zozo look what I stole I mean acquired while you were gone it was a special gong of weakening after striking it it weakens all enemies

Around me for 7 seconds but before I had a chance to try it out an armored Mountaineer approached my base you’re Soo right I’m a messenger I’ve been sent by the illusioner he’s ready to speak with you now and request your presence back at at the Earth Elemental Fortress

From day 40 to day 43 I made the long Trek back to where I’d last met the illusioner but as I approached the Fortress I immediately noticed something was wrong the diamond skeleton was here tell me what you told him or suffer in the name of Sensei odokuro it was the

Mutant Enderman it must have been one of odok kuro’s other students he was turning the place upside down battling with the Earth Elementals as they desperately tried to defend the Fortress against his attacks but his training he’d clearly been following sunoto curl’s brutal teachings and there were

No match for the mutant Enderman I ran over to the illusioner as quickly as I could illusioner quick we need to do something zoo no drawing you out is what okuro wants my Elementals will die before they give away your location but we must flee before uro student realizes

You’re here from day 44 to day 49 I hurriedly escorted the illusioner back to the safety of my base he seemed upset about the attack on his Fortress but I didn’t really know what to say to comfort him once we’ made it back he sat me down to reveal his decision I have

Opted to trust you with this zoo I believe your remorse for serving odokuro to be genuine I know all too well how deceptive he can be which is why I will impart to you this knowledge there is a way we can stop him but it requires a

Weapon known only as the destroyer and to rebuild it will be no easy t ask I can guide you through the first steps but to complete it requires Secrets I do not possess well where can I find the rest of the steps to build the Destroyer patience for now here’s how to get

Started I followed the illusioners instructions written on the blueprint to the letter making sure I had done everything I could right now to make a start on the Destroyer it was kind of nice having him help me along almost like having a new Sensei who wasn’t as

Evil as Sensei uro once I’d done all I could that was when Theus ER told me about an ancient book of secrets that contained instructions for finishing the Destroyer it was lost somewhere in the mangrove swamp so I began to make my way over there as fast as my slow skeleton

Legs would carry me from day 50 to day 53 I searched high and low in the stinky Mangrove swamp for anywhere that might be housing The Book of Secrets I was expecting to find an old Temple or an abandoned cave but there was nothing of the sword anywhere around eventually I

Had to change up my Approach I didn’t know where to look but one of the locals might I struck up a conversation with the first person I met a royal guard look a secret sorry Giza no clue nobody’s seen it in a dog’s age been lost in the swamp great that’s super

Helpful I don’t suppose anyone knows what’s written in it or how to rebuild the Destroyer to stop since say uro uro BL me mate he’s a tough customer you know he once commanded an army of mutant Undead he did that’s horrible yeah it was oh car believed in being the

Strongest bloke around and trained himself up a nasty gang of blighters he never wanted them to be tougher than he was so he kept some stuff to himself then if any of his pupils ever croaked he’d use necromancy to bring them back and make him fight for him as Undead

Zombies but eventually he crossed the wrong fell some real brain box who built a device that would destroy uro that’s why it’s called the Destroyer see wow I never would have guessed that well oaro got wind of what was being made to defy him and tried to wreck him but it blew

Up in his fight it took out a lot of his Undead Army rumor has it he’s been trying to build his forces back up ever since I still had no clue where the Book of Secrets was hidden I didn’t know the mangrove swamp well enough to find it

Without the book I couldn’t complete the Destroyer just yet so instead I headed back to base from day 54 to day 57 I was making my way back to my base taking a longer detour through the mountains just in case any more of Sensei uro students were causing trouble nearby little did I

Realize one of them was much closer than I’d antip ipated suddenly the mutant Enderman burst out of the shadows and attacked me wielding all the fury and fear of odok kuro’s Twisted teachings there you are the one who ran away at last I shall defeat you and bring that

Diamond skull of yours to my Sensei as a trophy I had no choice but to fight back but I couldn’t land even a single energy blast on the evil Enderman he would just teleport out of the way and each blast would miss then he started using his special abilities like picking up blocks

Throwing them at me and cloning himself I couldn’t risk being captured and brought back to Senseo curo or worse so I had to dash I luckily made my Escape meanwhile within his lair Sensei odokuro was summoning the latest addition to his Undead Army by my hand I command these

Ancient bones to rise return to the land of the living and follow my teachings Mighty skeleton Vanguard from day 58 to day to battered and exhausted I was relieved to finally make it back to the safety of my base after a brief nap to regain my strength

Gary my gold Pig pal was eager to show off his latest definitely not stolen project hey hey Zozo check it out a brand new furnace for us now we can really turn up the heat on old okuro get it yeah I got it Gary great job the base

Was looking great now but I was concerned after facing the mutant Enderman and barely making it away alive we needed somewhere well defended so I gathered up lots of sandstone to build a bunker out of it although it was tricky because the sand kept falling on my head

I eventually gathered enough and started building the bunker speaking of Defense I thought it was about time I defended myself a little better too my old iron armor had done the trick until now but it was useless against Sensei oduro stronger students so I headed into the

Mines and let my diamond skeleton senses guide me to more diamonds I had plenty in my inventory now enough to craft a new diamond sword and a matching pickaxe plus a full set of diamond armor since oduro was after my skull I thought protecting it was my best option and

There is nothing more stylish than a diamond skeleton in full diamond armor from day 63 to day 66 I spoke with the illusioner about how I hadn’t been able to find the Book of Secrets H most troubling news I think I shall have to accompany you I may know where we can

Look so I followed his lead and we ended up at the edge of an area I’d never seen before the nether waste what the heck I could have sworn this place wasn’t here before it has always been here but not all have the means to see his waist are

Shrouded by a complex illusion but you can lift it right I can but it will take time casting Illusions is my specialty removing them is much harder especially when they have been cured by another so we can’t get there I will attempt to break the illusion and then we should be

Able to access the nether waste oh okay in the meantime I guess I’ll just wait patience zoo I will need you at my side to defend me while I break the illusion nether was may not be the only thing being hidden from day 67 to Day 70 the

Illusioner was hard at work lifting the illusion that was stopping us from getting to the nether waste but something seemed to be bothering him while he was working zoo I think there is something wrong I sense a foul presence of H in the mountains one of oduro Undead but far more powerful than

His zombies you stay here I’ll go and take care of whatever it is I made my way towards the mountains and it didn’t take long for me to come across what the problem was it was the skeleton Vanguard after losing my Last Tangle with one of Sensei ur’s minions I wasn’t feeling

Confident I could best this creature but perhaps there was a way I could reason with it hold bones hold bones say I know you’re a little confused right now I guess that must happen when you’re brought back from the dead but the one who brought you back he just wants to

Use you believe me he did it to me too but us skeletons need to stick together new bones new bones the skeleton Vanguard lunged at me disoriented I had to hold back my punches an energy blast there was still a chance I could convince him to abandon oduro if only I

Could get him to hold still wait maybe he will respond to the gong I struck it as hard as I could and the skeleton Vanguard was stunned and it gave me a chance to talk to him listen I don’t want to hurt you odokuro might have

Brought you back but to him you’re just an undead Soldier I promise if you help me we can take that monster down and set you free then your old bones can rest old Bones hold bones slowly the skeleton Vanguard seemed to calm down I had done

It he was now on our side from day 71 to day 74 I was heading back to the base with the skeleton Vanguard only to see something terrible as I approached the mutant Enderman had found my Hideout and was ransacking it I hadn’t even been able to finish the defensive bunker and

Now oaro star student of Slaughter was destroying huge portions of my home I tried to use my gong of weakening to stop him but instead he attacked me and stole it thanks for the Kong loser I retreated and hid in a part of the base that was still intact and before long

The mutant Enderman seemed to get bored and leave I was feeling awful worried that i’ would never be able to beat the mean mutant Enderman if I couldn’t stop one of his weaker students then I had no chance of stopping since theota curo Zozo buddy you still in there you can

Come out now Gary told me that he and the skeleton Vanguard had been busy rebuilding the base while I’d been feeling sad they had made an effort to refortify the place against any future attacks and they’d done it to try and cheer me up I had to admit it made me

Feel a little better a little did I know Sensei odokuro was almost finished working on his Undead Army I have almost amassed my forces once more and once my prized pupil discovers the location of the diamond skeletons Hideout soon we will March my zombies and I will subjugate the

Overworld from day 75 to day 78 the illusioner returned to the base he approached me to talk about how clearing the illusion had gone whoever cast that illusion over the nether waste was certainly remarkably powerful you think it could have been Ben uro no he only seeks the power to destroy not to

Conceal perhaps the original architect of the Destroyer was responsible he might have cast The Illusion to keep his book of secrets hidden were you able to clear it mostly but you should be able to reach the nether was and find the book first things first though I want my

Gong of weakening back I set off to hunt down the mutant Enderman I wasn’t going to let him get away with my stuff and if I could take him down then I could prove to myself that I was strong enough to stop oduro 2o from day 79 to day 84 I

Spotted the mutant Enderman in the Mojave Desert and immediately launched an energy blast with his back to me he didn’t see it coming and couldn’t teleport out of the way caught off guard I landed a hit but it only angered him you won’t make me look weak in front of

My Sensei he left at me and we fought without my gong of weakening it was hard to gain an advantage over the Enderman just when I thought I was about to land a strike with my sword or a powerful Diamond punch he zip out of the way and

I’d miss suddenly he threw blocks back at me and knocked me far back with a powerful attack then a sudden surge of power overtook me I got way bigger than before and even had 100 Hearts catching both myself and the mutant Enderman by surprise I suddenly fired a new special

Laser attack the beam struck him right in the center and he couldn’t get out of the way quick enough with a few more hits to finish him off Sensei OA C’s right-hand Enderman Was Defeated I grabbed my gong of weakening glad to finally have it back and the mutant

Enderman had also dropped something a special key ah better hang on to this it might come in handy later from day 85 to day 89 I made my triumphant way back to base to my surprise Gary had gone out of his way to finish up working on the

Defensive bunker thought we could get the last of it done now we’ll be safe if there’s any more trouble well the mutant Enderman won’t be coming back here anytime soon that’s great news Zozo now that I had my gong of weakening back I just decided to also head back to the

Nether waste sure enough the illusion blocking the area was now gone and I searched for the Book of Secrets sure enough there it was waiting for me at an altar and so were a horde of mutant creepers using my weapons I was able to defeat the Diabolical monsters and then

I was free to grab the Book of Secrets now I had the last thing I needed to complete the destroyer and put a stop to Sensei oduro schemes from day 90 to Day 94 using the Book of Secrets I started making the reinforced handles and the Warped fungus which gives the iron

Destroyer that extra power when holding it in hand I felt its power flowing through me at long last I’m strong enough to take on my old Sensei and write the wrongs I helped him create but on my way out of the nether waste I saw my oldest enemy standing right in front

Of me it was my former Sensei odokuro hello there former student it’s been too long since we’ve seen one another school to school that’s because your other students have been trying to take my skull you shouldn’t take such a thing personally Zozo there are bumps on the road for every journey of training

They’re there to test our strength I’ve seen the way you fight how you’ve bested all my other students you have impressed me zoo why not resume your teaching with me you can reach levels of strength you’ve never even imagined I’ll never be your student ever again and I don’t need

Anything you could teach me I’m powerful enough to beat you already I wouldn’t be so sure before I could move Ura fired a Plasma Blast at me and that blast paralyzed me I was frozen in place and while I was unable to move okoro approached and stole the destroyer from me foolish

Decision Zozo I’ll let you live this time just so you can languish in your shame but next time I see you rest assured I will destroy you completely and with that he ran back into the depths of the nether from day 95 to day 97 I was at first alone in the nether

Waste I had to summon up all my willpower to overcome the paralyzing spell as soon as I had I left the nether waste for the mountains I needed to team up with the illusioner and his Elementals as quickly as I could however when I arrived The Fortress was in Ruins

And the Elementals were all gone without the Destroyer out there hurl felt comfortable unleashing his full power there was no one who could stop him the only Survivor was the illusioner and even he was on the edge of his demise Zoo it’s too late for me don’t waste

Your time get the Destroyer back and finally surpass your old Sensei for the good of the Overworld the illusioner was gone feeling terrible I set off towards my base on day 98 I arrived back at my base only to find it decimated just like The Fortress in the mountains only Gary

The gold Pig was still alive Zo that monster he came here and destroyed everything he even destroyed the skeleton Vanguard I may be a thief but that bony buddy stole my heart we can’t let him get away with this we can’t stop him Gary he has the destroyer and the

Destroyer is the only weapon that can destroy him hence the name Zozo take it from the expert you can get it pack from him you just need to go to his dojo and steal it wow you’re right Gary all these different people I’ve learned from all

This time and I didn’t even think to learn from you on day 99 I arrived at my old sensei’s Dojo but I couldn’t exactly walk in if I was going to steal that Destroyer I needed to use the element of surprise I quietly searched around the

Dojo until on the second floor I found a pedestal with a keyhole in the middle wait my special key this must be what it unlocks I turned the key and in the middle of the dojo a secret floor dropped down into the basement but it

Was locked I snuck in oduro had no idea I was in there now I just need to get the Destroyer back I turned and saw oo Coro standing right there but with his back turned to me this was my chance I snuck up behind him and using techniques

I’d learned from Gary I stole back the Destroyer hokuro turned to me with shock Zozo what have you done I’ve leveled the playing field Sensei on day 100 I was facing off against the Sensei ready for the final battle you were always such a disappointment to Zozo your skills

Showed such great promise but you could never follow orders how can you expect to learn from me now there’s nothing I want to learn from you I’m no longer the student odokuro now I’m the master I knew that the longer I F him the more chance he’d have to turn the tables he

Shot his Plasma Blast but they no longer had the same effect as before I knew I needed to end this quickly once and for all I summoned all my power into one final strike with the Destroyer I ran towards him putting every ounce of my power into the strike

Boom odokuro exploded into Bones the evil had finally been defeated and the student truly had become the master on day one I spawned into the amaran field as a blinged out Diamond monkey oh I I’m so shiny even if I am a little baby monkey I hopped around and started

Exploring the fields it was so cool and colorful it seemed like this was going to be a really fun adventure and a huge terrifying creeper spider brood mother started crawling towards me I’d never seen anything like it oh my goodness you’re certainly interesting I don’t think you’re being sincere you don’t

Think I’m interesting at all do you you actually think I’m strange and frightening what no you’re putting words in my mouth well unlucky for you I am strange and frightening and so are my many children you have children yes yes yes so many and within 100 days we will rule the world and

Every other creature will be destroyed starting with you you glittering little monkey creeper spider brood mother fired a powerful exploding Fireball at me that blew up the ground near my feet I was nowhere near powerful enough to fight back all I could do was run away as fast

As I could that brood mother didn’t seem nice I don’t want it and it’s young to rule over the world so I better find a way to stop it before it gets out of hand on day two I began to explore more of the amaran fields taking in the

Sights and trying my best to learn my way around this interesting beautiful biome hopefully without running into any more trouble from the broodmother creepy spider or her creepy crawly kids while I was roaming around I checked and noticed I had 10 Hearts not tons of health so

I’d have to be careful not to take too much damage lucky for me I found some apples growing on a tree Out Of Reach for ordinary Chumps walking around on two legs but with my diamond monkey agility I was able to climb up into the branches and grab that sweet fruit

Suddenly while I was enjoying my apples up in the tree I heard a Telltale hissing coming from below I peered out and was met with the side of a Creeper down below there you are The Brood mother said there was a lost little Diamond monkey out here alone go away I

Don’t want any trouble then you never should have wandered up that tree you’re in the perfect spot for some exploding the creeper started getting ready to blow I looked around trying desperately to find an Escape Route but there was no tree close enough for me to jump to I

Tried to distance myself from the impending blast and braced myself for the loud boom when all of a sudden nothing happened I looked back down and someone had attacked the creeper stopping it exploding at the last minute a phantom Fox you come with me quickly

More will be on the way so we have to get out of here say no more on day three the Phantom Fox led me through the amaranth Fields after saving me we walked quite a distance from where the creeper had found me before finally arriving at a campfire in a clearing

We’ll be safe here perhaps now we can be acquainted I am Pho of the Phantom Fox Clan nice to meet you my name’s Zozo it’s been a while since the amarath fields have played host to a diamond creature this can only be a good omen

Though we will need all the help we can get to defeat The Brood mother oh yeah I had a run in with her not a fan I’ll tell that much Pho and I were soon joined by another a wise old wind serpent he explained more about what was

Going on the creatures of the amaran fields used to live in Perfect Harmony but the brood mother sought to disrupt all of that and use her spiderlings to control the entire world we must unite and stop her well I’m no parenting expert but I don’t think she should be

Making her kids take over the world with her I’ll do what I can then welcome to our resistance Zozo you are one of us Pho will guide you there is much to be done from day four to day five Pho and I went off together to search for an ideal

Location to set up shop we’d need a base a place to call home if we were going to reunite the creatures of the fields and put a stop to The Brood mother schemes so I knocked down some trees and gathered up some wood I had enough to

Craft a wooden pickaxe and then we went off looking for something stronger Stone before long I had gathered up enough Stone to make a full set of stone tools there was even enough left over to make a snazzy stone sword now I could defend myself if any more mean mobs showed up

Turned out that was just about to happen it was while I was building the first few rooms of our base that an icy creeper snuck up on me it must have just come across Us by chance but it startled me I panicked and wildly swung my sword

Taking the icy Creeper down but looking a little clumsy when I did afterwards Pho came over to talk not exactly elegant are you here here if you’re going to swing that thing around let me show you the proper technique that would be amazing but first I’m hungry do you

Have anything I could eat oh fine here are some apples now follow me Pho imparted some Phantom Fox wisdom to me and taught me how to fight I could feel myself getting stronger I now had 30 whole Hearts Pho even taught me a brand new power too a freezing ice blast ice

Powers it makes sense seeing as I’m so Iced Out from day six to day eight Pho sent me off to the Cherry Blossom Forest to gather resources we needed some wood for the roof of our base and there were far more trees here than the amaranth

Fields plus he said I’d need to learn my way around the world if I was going to help the other creatures stop the broodmother but well I was on my travels chopping down trees and minding my own business I noticed someone in a spot of trouble nearby a stranger looked like

They were being attacked by a Basalt snake away with you Beast unless you want me to rock the house down The Stranger must have been a geomancer who else would make such an awkward Rock pun as he ran away I drew my stone sword and

Decided to help out this was it my first taste of combat I attacked the basalt snake it was a slippery enemy dodging out of the path of my swings and then lunging towards me when it found an opening I was barely able to LEAP out of

The way in time saved at the last second by my monkey agility at last I saw an opening and took my chance Landing the winning strike not bad going there lad you’re clearly not one of the brood mother’s luies tell you what you fancy given me a hand taking care of some of

That creepy spider’s creepy spun sounds good to me that ought to slow her down from day N9 to day 10 I went with the geomancer deeper into the cherry blossom Forest looking for a nest where some of the creeper spider brood mother’s children were hiding waiting for the

Command to take over we were trying to sneak up undetected but suddenly we were ambushed by one of the creeper spiderlings it was way smaller than the brood mother but it was still creepy mama said you can’t be here I’m going to tell on you I fought as hard as I could

But the creeper spiderling was far too tough every time I tried to Corner it it would Scuttle Out Of Reach I had no choice but to retreat I was a little disheartened if I couldn’t take on one of the brood mother’s Offspring what chance did I stand against her don’t be

So hard on yourself lad life as I’ve experienced it’s Rocky Road don’t you give up now gee thanks you need a place to stay come back to my base from day 11 to day 12 the geomancer and I made our way back to the base in the amaranth

Fields straight away I got to making a storage room with plenty of space for all the resources I gathered I then went on to work on the geomancer’s room I added a floor to my base which gave him plenty of space to practice rocking out

If he needed to well this is all just too kind zoo and you got no coin nor any token to give you as thanks lad but here let me use my powers to really rock this joint the Gman really was Stone Cold brilliant he built an entire smelting

Place outside had a new storage room just to say thanks for letting him stay this was amazing it really helped improve the base thanks to him things were really coming along we even got to talking about The Brood mother and why she was so set on taking over the world

I’ve been studying the FAA of this place for quite some time it’s really is fascinating all the creatures here are bestowed with great power The Brood mother has the power of dominance the will to take control of everything but what’s interesting is there is a creature made to be the embodiment of

Good and selfishness a diamond monkey wow so you’re saying I might be able to defeat her zoad I’d say you’ve got a better chance than anyone later I paid a visit to a nearby mine and dug up some IR IR ore now I could put that brand new

Furnace to good use I turned the ore into some iron ingots then smelted those with iron replacements for my sword and pickaxe while I was gone the geomancer placed down some fences to make a sheep pen I alerted some sheep in to make a

Farm from day 13 to day 15 I spoke to Pho about what I could do to get stronger he suggested that I should head off on a small journey to do some Hands-On training you’re sure about this of course you’re a diamond monkey and that means you’re the living embodiment

Of all good and being good means banishing evil so go do some banishing I headed back to the Cherry Blossom Forest although I wasn’t exactly sure how I was meant to banish evil that seemed like more of an ongoing life goal than a simple training exercise I didn’t get

Too much time to think about it though before I was confronted by another angry creeper hey my twin brother was sent to catch a diamond monkey like you for our Master The Brood mother and hey never made it back yeah my Phantom Fox friend sort of destroyed him he did what oh

Yeah you’re so going to pay the creeper came at me I leaped back to a safe distance in case it exploded I used my diamond monkey reflexes to stay out of range of the Creeper’s explosive radius then hopped in close when it was safe to deal some damage with my iron sword

Finally I was able to finish him off but that wasn’t all the defeated creeper dropped a health potion which gave me a whole 60 Hearts when I drank it the whole encounter had given me the experience to teach myself a brand new move too the knockback punch from day 16

To day 19 I ventured out further and came across the Deep Canyons stretching as far as the I could see I had to be careful traveling The Higher Ground one wrong step and I’d have a really nasty fall but it was while traversing my way down to the lower depths of the Canyons

That I happened to stumble across something pretty unexpected it was an old Journal that somebody must have dropped I picked it up and took a look reading some of what was written inside it started happening much sooner than we thought the bad needs good to counter it

It can grow grow and grow that’s why the brood mother is getting stronger we need balance otherwise her evil power will grow until it cannot be contained it will sweep across the world under the many legs of her and her spawn unless we can find someone who as good as she is

Bad suddenly while I was reading I heard a familiar hissing Drawing Near and turned to see a group of creepers behind me there he is boys that’s the diamond monkey who took out jam oh and that The Brood mother wants us to destroy too I again

Jim was old school one of the good ones man Jim that other creeper yeah our twin why are so many of you twins well that’s a funny story actually you see all creepers get them boys the creepers attacked but I was feeling confident after all I’d only just taken down one

Of them and gotten stronger as a result so swinging My Sword the way Pho had taught me I made quick work of dispatching this new group of creepers from day 20 to day 22 I made the long Journey Back to the amaranth Fields I hadn’t returned to base in a few days so

I thought it was about time for a rest and a resupply once I was back at my base I headed back to the mines Gathering up some more iron ore from a vein deep underground that ore I then turned into iron ingots which I used then to create a brand new iron chest

Plate with all these new Hearts new powerful attacks and now some added protection against damage I was feeling ready to go back and face the Creeper spiderling from earlier I crept through the cherry blossom Forest making sure to keep to the Treetops and using my diamond monkey agility to my advantage I

Came across the spiderling and when I was ready leapt down from the Treetops to attack my ambush worked catching the creeper spiderling off guard startled it panicked and I was able to use my knockback attack to blast it off its feet then using my iron sword I finished

It off I had beaten the spiderling but all the commotion had attracted some unwanted attention from someone I didn’t realize was nearby The Brood mother H you think that’s all it’ll take to stop me destroy my spiderlings I don’t even care even if you’re able to kill

Just one there will be two more ready to take its place look you’re only this powerful because there was no one good enough to cancel out your bad but I’m around now and a diamond monkey is the embodiment of goodness so why don’t we call this a stalemate you and your

Creepy kids can call off this world domination plan just leave everyone alone and we’ll leave you alone oh but I’m not interested in their being balance I don’t need there to be good once my children and I have covered the world then all that exists all that is

Good or bad will be for me to decide and you won’t be around to stop me The Brood mother launched one of her explosive Fireballs at me I thought about fighting back but instead I snuck off once she’d lost sight of me I wasn’t strong enough yet and I could hear the geomancer’s

Lesson in my head got to remember it’s a rocky road could really go for some ice cream right about now from day 23 to Day 26 I made my way back to my base even though it had taken me a while to get back to it I had taken down the

Spiderling that the geomancer had asked me to help defeat I thought he’d want to hear the good news that’s my boy I’m proud of you lad since my chest plate had come in handy protecting me against the spiderling I decided I needed to complete my set of armor so I headed

Back to the mines Gathering up some iron ore from the vein once it had been made into ingots and those had been smelted I had a snap pair of iron boots pants and a helmet to match my chest plate I even had enough iron left over to make the

Rest of the iron tools ah Zozo I see you’ve learned the value of a good defense you could say I had the same idea Tada the geomancer had been back at it again making upgrades to my base this time he’d constructed a roof on the house and a perimeter wall around the

Main base to protect the structure against attacks just like a suit of armor great minds really did think aike from day 27 to day 31 I decided I would head back through the Canyons after discovering the book I had found there I was wondering if there was any more

Useful information waiting to be uncovered nearby I didn’t come across any more dropped journals but I did meet a friendly leopard my name is Laur delightful to meet the one who cleared out some of those pisky creepers but be on your guard my friend there are more out here and far worse monstrous

Creatures have aligned themselves with The Wretched brood thanks for the warning Lauren if it’s not safe out here then you should head back to my base man thanks to you I never thought I’d be lucky enough to witness a diamond monkey selflessness again searching around I didn’t find

Much else of Interest so I headed back to base not long after once there I harvested some sheep’s wool from the farm and used it to make some decorative banners that really livened the place up but my excitement was shortlived as Pho ran up to me in a blind panic Zozo come

Quickly our friend is in need of your help from day 32 to day 35 I rushed after Philo back towards the campfire area the wind serpent was under attack there was no time to lose he had set me on my path and now I needed to help him

When we arrived there were creepers coming from all directions I had never seen so many in one place before the hissing and rustling they all made was deafening I climbed a tree trying to get closer to the wind serpent in order to save him I could see him fighting back

Against the creepers but while his back was turned one behind him started smoking look out Boom the creeper set off an explosive Chain Reaction causing a bunch of others around it to also explode by the time the smoke had cleared only a few were left but the

Wind serpent had been caught in the blast no I leaped down from the tree and attacked the remaining creepers I finished off what was left of them but it was far too late to save my friend from Day 36 to day 39 I tried to take my

Mind off of what had happened I decided I’d go somewhere quiet to be alone with my thoughts and ended up wandering into the Aspen Forest while I was there thinking about the poor wind serpent someone came up to me it was a green manacor excuse me I couldn’t help notice

The glimmer of a diamond monkey aren’t you meant to be the embodiment of goodness yeah I suppose although I’m not feeling too good right now well sorry to bother you but I just wanted to ask uh for your help the manacor showed me to the source of his troubles a horrifying

Undead scorpion I pulled out my sword and rushed into battle the undead scorpion was vicious swiping at me with its tails as I tried my best to defend with a blast of my knockback attack followed up with a combo of an ice blast I was able to defeat the Monstrous

Creature oh thank you so much that thing was so menacing the green manticor explained that some creatures believed the power of The Brood mother’s bat was still getting stronger so much that it was Raising creepy creatures from Beyond the Grave I had to stop this from day 40

To day 43 I headed back to base to recollect myself and see if my friends had any more advice on how I could get strong enough to stop The Brood mother much to my surprise they had been working on improving the place while I had been gone Pho had even made some

Nice new bookshelves and couches and came to me with a special request Zozo with all this extra space I think my friends from The Phantom Fox Clan would feel very at home here what do you think Pho if they’re anything like you then we’d be lucky to have them here with

That Pho let out a loud screeching call into the air to draw in his fellow Phantom foxes before long even more of them had started slinking out from the amaran fields and I welcomed them to their new home then a familiar feline face showed up it was Lauren the leopard

Glad you made it greetings friend forgive me but I am in need of your help on my way I was attacked by another ogre a Gastly thing that has Allied itself with the brood mother her Badness has attracted all manner of Otherworldly beasts say no more Lauren you rest up

Here and heal I’ll take care of that nether Ogre from day 44 to day 49 I started to search for the nether ogre that had harmed my poor leopard friend Lauren I decided the best place to start looking would be the Canyons since that’s where I had last seen Lauren if

There was no sign then I’d just retrace her steps heading back towards the base I thought maybe I’d have some luck finding the nether ogre when I felt the ground start to shake but where I was expecting to see the ogre emerge from instead I saw a monster I didn’t want to

Find it was The Brood mother H there you are I’ve been looking all over for you get back how did you even find me oh dear the Oho goody goody Diamond monkey doesn’t know wait you managed to find me in the Aspen Forest too how do you

Always know where I am you should really pay more attention my spiderlings are everywhere they’re very good at hiding and they tell me everything everything they see you’re spying on me why well I can’t have you finding my Nest can I and you’re completely oblivious to where it

Is let’s keep it that way something snuck up from behind me the legendary silver skeleton The Brood mother tricked me into an ambush the mighty silver skeleton took up its weapon and came at me and I had no choice but to fight back from day 50 to day 53 I Crossed Swords

With a silver skeleton I tried my best to spot where the brood mother had got to but she had scuttled back to the Shadows leaving her Undead minion to finish me off I did my best to Parry each of his moves and tried to take a

Swing at him when I could but then I had a thought if the brood mother spiderlings were really watching me then why not make sure she knew exactly what I could do I froze him to the spot so he was stuck fast and couldn’t move one

More strike with my blade and he was defeated I had done it but Frozen pieces weren’t the only things that fell to the floor among the icy remains of the silver skeleton were some mystical IAL diamonds I reached out to grab them and instantly had a flashback I could see

Another Diamond monkey like me he wandered the same places met the same friendly creatures but there was one difference back then there was balance I wondered what happened to him where he had gone and how it had caused good and bad to become uneven took those mystical

Diamonds with me I had a great use for them in mind later on from day 54 to day 57 now that the distraction of the silver skeleton was dealt with I continued my search for the nether ogre when I ventured further into the Canyons than I’d gotten before it didn’t take me

Long to track him down there was no time for chitchat with this monster he came right at me ready to attack I guess the mobs that The Brood mother was teaming up with weren’t all the brightest Bunch but they were some of the baddest the ogre was big and strong its heavy fists

Were like huge Boulders I had to remember to use my smaller size and stature to my advantage keeping out of the way but without any tall trees nearby I couldn’t leap up to safety eventually though the ne ogre’s angry swings and the frustration at not being

Able to catch me soon got the better of him he started to get tired slowing down and once he was almost worn out bam my Kickback punch knocked him right off the mountain with another ogre defeated I headed back to my base in the amaran fields to tell Lauren the good news well

Thank you friend I’ll sleep a little easier knowing that brood is gone say Lauren did you ever meet another Diamond monkey before me of course he was as kind and selfless is you Zozo but also wise and Noble nobody knows where he went perhaps his time was up but once he

Was gone much of his goodness left with him apart from that which he passed on to others that’s what’s allowed The Brood mother to gain such power there was an absence of good in the world so she filled it with bad from day 58 to

Day 62 I decided to do some work on the base after all with the whole Phantom Fox Clan here the place needed some improvements I expanded the pen that was holding the Sheep making more room so that more of them could fit in more sheep meant more wool then I had to get

Working on my idea to use the mystical diamonds I’d picked up from the silver skeleton problem was I didn’t have enough to actually make anything maybe I could find some normal diamonds to make up for it sure enough I headed down into the mines and found just what I was

Looking for diamonds and plenty of them I started chipping them out of the stone wall and before long I had enough for my PL I used the diamonds both the normal kind and the mystical ones to craft myself a brand new diamond sword and a

Pickaxe to match now I can dish out a lot more damage Zozo come take some time to relax sit with us a while and see the good you’re putting back into the world Pho invited me to come and hang out with him and the rest of his Phantom Fox

Friends they’ really made the base into a more homely place with a roaring fireplace and a nice living area where we all sat and chilled for a while Pho also mentioned that they built a small cottage home for themselves and connected all the buildings with a nice

Path the base was really coming together from day 63 to day 66 I was finishing up a few minor improvements on my base when the geomancer came to me with a new lead on what our next move should be I’ve been feeling a rumbling lad Tremors in

The ground the stones they speak to me rocking my very Soul okay and what’s the sound of the underground saying it might be telling me where the brood mother’s lar is there’s a lot of movement in the a of swap PLS it is a vile butd place no

Wonder the brood mother Feels So at home there I’ll check it out I headed off to the location the geomancer pointed out he was right about one thing the place was gross I had a weird feeling while I was there almost as if I was being

Watched and not just by The Brood mother spiderlings suddenly I got startled by a warped Phantom I got ready for a fight thinking that this was another undead being that the brood mother had raised but to my surprise he was actually friend friendly oh thank the heavens a

Diamond monkey goodness will be restored and then I can rest again that foul creeper spider brood mother dragged me out for my eternal Slumber but I was at peace I’ll do what I can hey maybe there’s some way to get you back to wherever you were before if you could

That’d be wonderful from day 67 to Day 70 I traveled across the Cypress swamplands with the Warped Phantom and we soon came across the source of the trouble one of The Brood mother’s minions the Wither spider had disrupted the Phantom’s tomb and it was stopping his Spirit from resting so I leapt into

Action to give the ghost a hand I wasn’t anticipating such a tough fight but even with my new mystical diamond sword the Wither spider was standing strong I made a split-second decision to hit it with an ice blast attack then strike it again with my mystical diamond sword finally

Getting rid of it for good oh thank you very much back to piece I go from day 7 1 to day 74 I continued searching around the Cypress swamplands as creepy and stinky as it was I was told that the creeper spider broodmother was lurking around here so I can’t give up until

I’ve gathered some valuable Intel I climbed up to the tree canopy and walked until I saw something oh a diamond gorilla that reminds me you should search zo zo on YouTube to find tons of awesome Minecraft 100 days Adventures but things were about to get even more interesting because the creeper spider

Brood mother herself crawled out of the darkness towards me welcome Zozo you silly little monkey if I knew you were coming I would have made D instead I’m going to make a fool of you look I don’t necessarily think we need to fight it’s all about finding the balance between

Good and evil we can find that without needing to fight each other you want balance I want domination and I know exactly how to get it I’ve created so many creepers and so many creeper spiderlings and in the end if I have enough them all blowing up at once would

Destroy the entire Overworld so everyone needs to do what I say or that’s exactly what will happen that’s diabolical it’s effective you can learn a thing or two from me now run little monkey run a creeper spider brood mother fired another exploding Fireball and I ran for

My life from day 75 to day 78 I was sitting around my base confused and Afraid just couldn’t stop thinking about what the creeper spider brood mother had said to me would she really blow up the entire Overworld to get what she wants that’s a level of evil I’ve never even

Seen before and I’m not sure any good would ever balance that out but I was able to calm down with the help of a distraction a visit from Lauren the leopard zo zoo take a look outside I made a cool Watchtower on the base so we

Can keep an eye out for any approaching creepers we’ll be extra safe now I took a look outside and saw that Lauren had had done an amazing job on the Watchtower seeing it made me forget about my doubts for a bit and then something even cooler happened when Pho

The Phantom Fox approached me Zozo I’ve been discussing with the rest of the Phantom Fox Clan and we’ve decided to give you one of our most treasured family antiques to use in your fight against the creeper threat the magical Enchanted guitar wow this is amazing he

Passed me the guitar and the second I equipped it and started to play a sick tune I found my power growing I reached 100 hearts became bigger stronger and now had a new special ability firing a powerful green laser I’d hate to be the creeper spider brood mother now from day

79 to day 84 I went back out to the Cypress swamplands again with my newfound power and confidence ready to take on the creeper spider broodmother for round two couldn’t see her anywhere instead I was attacked by a nasty gang of Whisperers which I was able to pretty

Easily cut down with my awesome guitar I can see why the Phantom Fox Clan cared about this so much I heard rustling in the bushes and turned to see a rabbit wolf hopping towards me hey thank you uh you’re welcome but for what those Whisperers have been a pain in my butt

Forever and you finally took care of them here and the spare Diamond Helmet it didn’t fit me anyway oh wow thank you I’m better guarded now than ever before from day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base eager to show my friends my new

Shiny diamond helmet when I saw a little gang of creepers crawling into my base closing in on an innocent big AEL oh no I need to run them off I fired ice blast and swung my sword until the creepers were gone thankfully none of them exploded near any of the structures on

My base but that didn’t mean I could let them get away but during the fight I also saw that a creeper was running towards the innocent big Axel I couldn’t let that happen I ran over and destroyed the creeper immediately even while the others ran away but the big Axel was

Extremely grateful for the help thank you Zozo I owe you my life stay safe out there big Axel from day 90 to Day 94 I traced back the way from where the creepers came and it led me to the Cypress swamp lands I reached an area

That looked like some kind of Nest where I can only imagine the creeper spider brood mother was waiting inside but what was even more worrying was the thing waiting on the bridge to the base a massive heavily armed Vindicator you’re not a creeper or Undead what are you

Doing here I’m working for the big mama and she wants me to show you that diamonds aren’t forever but why would you want to work for her she and her creepers want to rule the world yeah and I think they’re going to so I want to fight for the winning team so that’s

Enough talking let’s destroy each other and with that the battle began from day 95 to day 97 I thought The Vindicator who worked for the creeper spider broodmother he was one of the most skilled opponents I’d ever faced and he was dealing a lot of damage against

Against me but I managed to fight back little by little I turned the tide until the Vindicator was on the ropes and eventually he gave up please I yield have mercy I’ll let you go but first tell me something I don’t know about your boss tell me something that’ll help

Me win this battle for good okay okay well you don’t need to worry about taking out the little creepers just focus on taking out the brood mother she’s got like the hive mind you take out her all the creepers go with her and with that The Vindicator ran off never

To be seen again so I just need to defeat The Brood mother to defeat the whole Army now I know for sure what I need to do on day 98 as I prepared to return to the Cypress swamp Lance to take on and defeat the creeper spider

Broodmother once and for all I decided to speak to each one of my basem mates one-on-one first I spoke to Lauren the leopard I Believe In You Zozo you’re living up to the legacy of the diamond monkey once you’re done the forces of Good and Evil will be balanced once more

Next I went and spoke to Philo the Phantom Fox the safety of our clan owes much to you Zozo it’s been an honor to work with you I look forward to celebrating with you once you’ve defeated the evil and finally I spoke to the gancer you’re going to squish that

Nusty spider like a big old newspaper Zozo rock on man rock on you’re Stone Cold and with all those words of encouragement I I was ready to go on day 99 I made my way back to the freaky stinky Cypress swamp lands I’d conserved all my energy ready to unleash it in one

Big awesome final battle with the Creeper spider broodmother I know the truth now if I can defeat her then I’ll defeat her entire Creeper army but there was one problem in the way the Creeper army I was just talking about all surrounding and guarding the creeper

Nest there was no way I could fight them all alone and if I did it might leave me weak in time tired to take on the mean green mother herself that’s when in my moment of need the Warped Phantom whose Spirit i’ helped lay to rest came

Running towards me he was here to repay my good deed Zozo go forth and destroy the evil that has plagued this land for so long I’ll distract your awful spawn you get in there and save the world I will warped Phantom thank you as the creeper swarmed the Phantom I snuck up

The stairs and enter the well that The Brood mother repurposed into its own nest on day 100 I crawled down into the depths of the nest where I could take on the creeper spider brood mother alone she was waiting for me and she wasn’t happy to see me you you’re not meant to

Be here Diamond monkey this is my domain soon nowhere is going to be your domain I wanted to coexist with you I wanted there to be balance but you left me no choice all we can do is fight then why even waste time talking allow me to

Destroy you so me and and my creepers can finally claim the world that is rightfully ours and so the battle began with my sick guitar I began fighting the creeper spider broodmother as she shot her exploding Fireballs at me the battle was hard she was the toughest enemy I’d

Ever faced but I still had one more power to use against her I knocked her towards the exit and that scared her off she prepared a surprise attack as I exited the room but I was undeterred she started to escape but I summoned all my energy into one attack my ultimate green

Laser with that one last attack the creeper spider brood mother died taking all of her Creeper army with her and the forces of Good and Evil were balanced across the land once more on day one I spawned into the red desert as Diamond Venom the Symbiote

With major swag wa and I’ve started with 20 hearts that must be because of my diamond heart skin even though I’m a baby Venom I’m one tough baby but I didn’t get to enjoy all this for long before I knew it a bunch of heavily armored Royal Guards were running

Towards me yeah he looks like one of the escapes we need to get him back into containment before agent Horus finds out he’s here escapes but I didn’t Escape I’m zoo and I just spawned here oh we’ve heard that one before bub come with us you sparkly symbiot or we’ll be forced

To use extreme uh Force I really didn’t want to get into a fight straight away especially over a misunderstanding so I ran as fast as my little Diamond Venom legs would carry me uh-oh it looks like I might not be fast enough as I was running I suddenly noticed that more

Royal Guards had me backed up into a corner symbiotes are powerful but as just a baby and without any weapons there was no way I could take all these guys on can’t we just talk this out I promise I won’t misbehave I think this is a huge misunderstanding don’t worry

Kid we’ll talk it out when we have you back in containment come along now we don’t want to hurt you if we don’t have to and with that the gang of Royal Guards led me off to who knows where this isn’t turning out to be a very

Successful first day on day two the Royal Guards escorted me into what looked like a kind of small secret research lab in the middle of the desert welcome to Area 52 son this is where we keep all the secret things for research and testing and that includes you but I

Don’t even know what you guys think I did that’s for us to know and you to probably never find out now get in this cell over here we’ll check your paperwork and deal with you later they made me go into a cell where a huge kind of intimidating Redstone Golem was

Waiting for me oh shiny what are you in for Mac honestly I don’t even know I feel like the right to a fair trial should have been given to us they can’t just lock us away like this you’re here to that buddy I’m Robbie Robbie the Redstone Golem you I’m zoo and don’t

Worry Robbie I’m going to bust both of us out of here but how you see one of the powers of the symbiot is super strength watch with my powerful Diamond fists I busted down the wall of the cell leading to the outside and before any of the royal guards could even notice

Robbie and I escaped out into the desert that was amazing Soo we should probably go our separate ways now so that those goons can’t catch us but I hope we run into each other again same here Robbie happy travels and with that we both ran off in different directions on day three

I ran further into the desert trying to put as much distance between myself and Area 52 as possible I never want to have to go back there if I can avoid it but as I was running away my diamond Venom stomach started to rumble oh no this

Isn’t good symbiots are meat eaters so I need to get my hands on some good protein as soon as possible lucky for me there were some desert chickens waiting around and they just looked looked too delicious for me to resist I attacked them until I was left with some yummy

Raw chicken on my hands which I ate with gusto that’s finger looking good my Hunger saded I kept on walking until I ran into another lone figure in the desert it was a warden who there Zozo wait how do you know my name I know a

Lot of things HS of the job I’m agent Warden nice to meet you agent Oh no you’re with Area 52 you’re going to try to capture me a used to be with them but now I’ve gone Rogue believe me Zozo we’re on the same team come with me I’ll

Tell you everything you want to know that was an offer too good to refuse so I followed agent Warden through the desert from day four to day five we arrived in an isolated base in the middle of the Black Forest so deep and dark that nobody would ever find it

Unless they knew what they were looking for Welcome to my secret base Zozo and I do mean secret if you tell anyone about this I’ll be forced to destroy you noted jeez this guy is intense I heard that no you didn’t when we were inside agent Warden started telling me the whole

Horrible truth about what people were up to in Area 52 you were lucky to escape with your life Zozo their monstrous people they capture and experiment on everyone who’s different trying to take their special powers and use them for their own gain I used to be part of

Their whole organization until I decided enough was enough I needed to take them down and over the next 100 days you can help me take them down after what they did to me and Robbie I’m happy to lend a hand and taking these bad guys down

That’s the spirit but we can’t be seen together Zozo if we are there’s too much of a risk will’ll both get taken out take this stone sword Axe and stone pickaxe go make your own secret base we’ll talk again soon my instructions were clear I took the sword Axe and

Pickaxe and left going deep into the black forest I cut down some trees to make a clearing and M some Stone then I started building myself a basic base to spend the night adding a nice furnished room and a bed to make myself feel safe from the mobs

At night I stood back to appreciate my small and proud base and I was really pleased with my work but then I heard some Royal Guards coming towards the forest there’s that diamond Venom get him stay away from my base guys or you’re going to find out that I’m really

A lethal protector they didn’t listen instead they charged in and I used my super strength to beat the living stuffing out of them that’s what you get from messing with the diamond symbiot and giving those royal guards at btown also gave me enough XP to level up becoming bigger stronger and amazingly

Having 50 hearts and it looks like I can use my super strong symbiot arms to climb walls I climbed the walls of my little base and sat on the roof admiring the beautiful scenery of the black forest from day six to day 8 I continued working on on my base adding some

Couches and bookshelves to my living area when I took a break none other than Robbie the Redstone Golem came walking through the forest right next to my base I was happy to see him again Robbie I’m so happy to see you again how are things going with you sadly not good man I’ve

Been looking for a place to crash but two of The Villages I’ve tried to visit were already destroyed by the time I turned up destroyed that’s terrible you said it man something awful is going on out here you need to stay safe I’m going to keep moving and you should keep your

Eyes peeled stay safe out there Robbie Robbie left and I was feeling more confused and afraid than ever I needed to go and speak to agent Warden as soon as possible I ran to a secret base and told him everything that Robbie had told me then it seems the situation is

Already Graver than I first thought I have a few classified missions I need to perform myself but in the meantime head to the Sierra Valley and scope it out for any unusual activity together we can stop the the worst of this Insidious Plan before it even starts yes sir I’ll

Do whatever I need to that’s a great attitude Zoo do everything I say and you’ll go far from day N9 to day 10 I did exactly what agent Warden said and made my way out to the Sierra Valley to investigate I just needed to find out if anything unusual was happening out here

Doesn’t look like anything weird is happening out here oh other than that as it turned out I hadn’t noticed the huge armored piglin running towards me yeah that’s certainly pretty unusual I began to battle the zombified armored piglin but he was way tougher than the royal guards even with all my hearts and

My diamond hard skin he still had me on the ropes until suddenly an armored Pillager ran in and shot the zombified armored piglin with a bow and arrow the second the arrow hit the creature it seemingly got a lot weaker and one more strike from my stone sword was enough to

Defeat it that was awesome you really saved my life there thank you armored Pillager don’t mention it I’ve never seen anyone like you you really can fight I’ve got a gang of cell swords who operate out here in the valley we could use someone like you if you wanted to

Sign up it’d be good work and good pay it definitely sounds tempting but I can’t right now I’m sorry I on an incredibly important Mission from agent Warden who it doesn’t surprise me that you haven’t heard of him he’s incredibly secretive but I’ll let him know we had

This talk thank you again for the help from day 11 to day 12 I returned to agent warden’s secret base and told him all about what happened in the Sierra Valley with the piglin and the armored villager who saved my life but by the end of the story agent Warden didn’t

Seem happy with me you even told him my name you can’t do that Zozo I thought I told you my mission was top secret can you not even follow the most basic of instructions I’m so sorry agent Warden I didn’t know it would upset you so much I

Promise I won’t tell anyone else your name I’ll keep your missions top secret good that’s more like it for your next mission I need you to go to the Sierra Valley again the north specifically and find your way to a research base hidden out there they’re puppets of Area 52

Carrying out their evil bidding if you value your freedom you’ll gather all the information about them you can yes agent Warden I won’t let you down this time but that mission sounded dangerous so before I could take it on I needed to upgrade my gear that’s why I ventured

Down into an abandoned mine in the Black Forest to collect some iron I mined until I had enough iron ore which I then smelted into ingots in an abandoned furnace and crafted into a full set of iron armor an iron sword iron axe and iron pickaxe but it wasn’t all easy I

Was detected and attacked by a bunch of spiders while I was down there this is what I get for shining bright like a diamond it didn’t take me long to defeat the spiders with my iron sword then it was time to prove myself to agent Warden

Once again from day 13 to day 15 I ventured out through the Sierra Valley until I found what looked like a small research base it was crawling with Scientists guess it’s time to play detective and ask some tough questions I snuck in and found one of the researchers alone I cornered him and

Used my intimidating Diamond venom look to get his undivided attention listen here you’re going to tell me everything you know about your bosses at Area 52 or else what Area 52 aren’t our bosses liar I have it on good authority that you do all their evil bidding so you better

Start telling the truth I am telling the truth the only time we ever collaborated was on the warden project wait the what project I’ve told you too much already just please please leave me alone yes I will I’m so sorry for bothering you I left the research base and started

Heading across the Sierra Valley something about all of this was terribly wrong and I needed to get some answers from agent Warden immediately from day 16 to day 19 I made my way through the Black Forest back to agent warden’s secret base as quickly as possible but

On the way I ran into Robbie the Redstone Golem again Robbie what’s wrong this time zoo I found out some terrifying news and I needed to tell you as soon as possible the one who’s been destroying whole Villages is some kind of Genetically Enhanced Warden and he lives in this Forest Genetically

Enhanced Warden oh oh no oh no no no I’ve had this all wrong I need to get back to that research base and warn them but by the time I’d crossed the Sierra Valley and reached the research base it was already too late the research base

Was in Ruins and who else was standing in the rebel but agent Warden I decided to rush in and confront him agent Warden how could you why are you doing this these people aren’t under the orders of Area 52 at all oh Zozo as naive and small-minded as ever you really are a

Diamond Venom in the rough aren’t you I don’t know the full extent of your evil plan but one thing I do know is that I’m not going to be a part of it whatever awful thing you want to do be careful Zozo if you’re not with me you’re

Against me then I guess I’m against you you’re about to find out just how strong a diamond Venom really is but Zozo Al symbiotes like you have two weaknesses fire and sound agent Warden Unleashed a hugely powerful Sonic Boom out of his chest it was a direct hit on me and as

Soon as it connected I fell unconscious from day 20 to day 22 I woke up in the ruins of the Sierra Valley research base agent Warden was gone and it looked like there was only one surviving scientist the same one I’d interrogated earlier you there zoo was it I’m Dr Hardy I saw

That you tried to defend us against that terrible monster and even though the destruction he caused was awful it means a lot to know you’re on our side I’m still so sorry I couldn’t help more Dr Hardy I have no idea why Agent Warden just turned like

That but I have a feeling that if we work together we can find out why want to come stay at my base and team up that sounds like an excellent idea Zozo I want to get back against this monster any way I can Dr Hardy and I returned to

My base and I began working on a new room for him and had an area for him to sleep and an area for him to conduct any scientific experiments he needed to thank you Zozo this will do nicely from day 23 to Day 26 I made a trek back to

The red desert where I originally spawned to see if I missed anything if I was wrong about agent Warden I’ve got to make sure I pay more attention to things from now on I carefully looked around and noticed there was an is oler in trouble someone please I need a

Protector an armored skeleton was running them down and it seemed like it would catch them soon I had to do something don’t worry Diamond Venom is here I jumped into the path of the armored skeleton and hit him with my iron sword it got his attention but he

Wasn’t looking that damaged from the attack I had succeeded at making the armored skeleton attack me instead of the ice oler but now it seemed I would have to deal with a strong and fast mob all on my own it wasn’t an easy fight

But in the end I took home the W the iser was delighted that was amazing they make a good team you said it iser it’s almost like a symbiotic relationship like a symbiot defeating the armored skeleton to save that iser had reminded me of my true strength and caused my

Powers to evolve I now had 75 hearts and could Dash to quickly close the gap with enemies from day 27 to day 31 I was still in the red desert when I came across a herd of sheep they were looking for grass to eat but couldn’t find any I

Guess they must have been lost this way sheep there’s plenty of grass to graze on in the black forest back at the base I made sure to build a pen for the sheeper on some of that delicious grass I mentioned delicious for sheep at least

This diamond Venom is on an all me Diet later on I was walking through the base when I ran into the iser I had protected in the desert hey Zoo thanks again for your help the other day hey iser when did you get here oh I’ve been here for a

While I noticed you have some scientists doing research here so I thought I could help out in a big way follow me followed the iser to another part of the base and saw what he was talking about he had upgraded the base with a research Watchtower the scientists are going to

Love this meanwhile somewhere in a secret place agent Warden was plotting the next phase of the warden project and whatever that entailed was probably Super Evil everything is going according to my super secret plan that’s because you’re so good at being evil Warden I agree pigas soon it will be time for you

To play your role in how things proceed it is an honor to serve you sir piglet will make sure your every order is carried out without fail from day 32 to day 35 I went to Area 52 to see if I could get any more answers out of the

Royal guards even if they didn’t know anything else about what agent Warden was up to I could still reason with them and form an alliance ah it’s Diamond Venom there’s no reason in with them battle formation the Royal Guards fought against me but I defended Myself by

Using my armor to reduce the damage from their attacks hold it guys I really think we can work this out he’s trying to reason with us I guess we were wrong about him that’s the first time we’ve been wrong about anything the Royal Guards took me to the office of their

Top agent agent Horus so you must be that diamond Venom that escaped from my holding sale a while back it’s a shame I never got to meet you in person is that because you were going to do some uncalled for experiments on me what no

What do you think we do around here we thought that a diamond symbiot like you had the potential to be turned towards the side of good that’s why we brought you here I’m glad you guys weren’t up to anything Sinister you definitely could have been nicer about it though the

Kinds of superpowered monsters we deal with it’s hard not to go overboard especially after the warden project made us responsible for another monster you mean agent Warden what is he up to I can tell you it’s something most secretive and most definitely Sinister we’ve been keeping tabs on him but he’s operating

In the shadows now I want to help you take him down he betrayed me and I don’t like that kind of thing good we could use a Venom Like You on our side until agent Warden is defeated we’ll make you a temporary secret agent agent Diamond

Venom I like the sound of that from Day 36 to day 39 I went mining for iron to fix up my armor if I’m going to be playing the part of a secret agent I should look like I’ve got the best gear I don’t dug down deep into the mining

Area and managed to strike iron there was plenty of iron to go around enough to fix my entire set of iron armor there were some diamonds down there as well I must have had a knock for finding them because I was a diamond Venom myself Diamonds Are a diamond’s best friend

Wait what did I say the diamonds weren’t even the rarest treasure that I found in the mine the honor went to the powerful battle axe that I found lodged in a wall I went above ground with The Spoils of my mining Excursion and fixed up my

Armor I finished just in time for the iser to come in and talk to me hey Zozo actually it’s agent Zozo right anyway I was thinking we should expand our team there’s someone I want you to go talk to they should be waiting for you at the

Shattered Glacier from day 40 to day 43 I went to the shattered Glacier where the iser said I could meet our new contact I was surprised and relieved to see that it was my old friend Robbie the Redstone Golem I heard Area 52 made you a temporary agent agent they are no

Friends of mine but it’s good to see that you’re moving up in the world whatever it takes to stop that rampaging agent Warden what did you call me here to talk about I wanted to ask if I could join your super group even if we’re only working together in secret this world

Needs protectors I was about to ask him what he had in mind when a giant Pigman ran towards us and stopped right next to us it was pigless the new minion that was sent by agent Warden you were too easy to follow Diamond Venom time to carry out agent warden’s orders

And what would those be there’s no point in asking me that question I’m not telling you pigas smashed a big hole in the ground to show off how strong he was he’s tough Robbie do you think we could take him if we teamed up maybe but for

Now we should get somewhere safe to have the rest of our conversation I nodded and the two of us ran away as pigas continued to smash his way across the shattered Glacier from day 44 to day 49 I was lying low in my base when I was

Visited by agent Horus he really must have been the top agent because I didn’t even see him come in agent Zozo I’ve got some key Intel and a new assignment for you take you long enough this diamond Venom is on the job whatever it is there is an object known as The Destroyer

Which was once in our position at Area 52 we believe that in the right hands it has the power to take down any bad guy even agent Warden now now Diamond Venom just focus on finding the destroyer and getting it to us we’ll handle the rest

Where can I find the Destroyer it was last sided in the Siera Valley biome you should head back there and search for it won’t let you down agent Horus from day 50 to day 53 on horus’s orders I went to the Sierra Valley biome to learn more

About The Destroyer it looked like I wasn’t the only agent on the case a royal guard was already here probably sent by Horus too hey there agent I’m agent Zozo I’m looking for the the Destroyer too shh keep your voice down we don’t know who’s listening I’ll tell

You what I know about The Destroyer but you need a promise to keep it a secret I promise the truth about The Destroyer is that we made it in Area 52 using some rare materials from another dimension those materials are what gave the item it’s unmatched destructive power what

Were the materials and what dimension did they come from that’s classified the point is we were so impressed by these materials that we started to use them on a different project the warden project let me guess that was how agent Warden got his superpowers it was what made him

A super villain the materials gave him destructive Sonic abilities that were out of control that’s why we need a weapon like the Destroyer to take him out I understand now you keep looking around here I’m going to go back to the base for now I left the royal guard to

Keep searching that’s when I saw a battle between an iron chicken and a skeleton the iron chicken looked like she would make a good addition to the super group I was forming with the others I went to help her in the fight but the iron chicken had already won by

The time I even got a hid in waa you’re strong do you want to join my superhero team sorry Diamond Venom but I am chicken works alone she ran off right after saying that I guess not everyone wants to team up with me from day 54 to

Day 57 I was traveling through the red desert when I ran into none other than pigas agent warden’s big brute of a henchman what do you want pigas I only want what agent Warden orders me to want that’s how loyal of a henchman I am okay and what does agent Warden want he

Ordered me to take out the trash and the trash is you pigas hit me hard sending me flying across the desert his super strength was so much stronger than mine and I was practically super duper strength I fought back but I was losing a lot of Hearts to the big pig’s punches

You really are trash just call me the the TR actor actually I prefer to be recycled and by that I mean live to fight another day I knew I couldn’t win so I ran away from pigas he might have been strong but sure was slow while his henchmen was keeping me busy agent

Warden was in his secret base developing a personal teleporter that would take him between Dimensions at will once I harness the true destructive contained in the other dimensions I will be unstoppable from day 58 to day 62 I met with the scientist who’s been living in

My base to see what he’s been up to how has the research been going Dr Hardy I’ve got amazing things to tell you about Zoo the statue I’ve been working on is really coming along it’ll be one of the great achievements when we’re done building it awesome work there is

One slight issue though I’ve run out of building materials do you think you could fetch us more of course I was just heading down to the mine anyway I returned to where I had been mining before and dug further into the area with the diamonds I was determined to

Get even more of them so I could get a complete set of diamond gear to match my diamond body I also made sure to get more Stone and iron while I was there so the scientist could continue work on the Statue once I had enough of everything I

Left the mine and gave the scientists what they had been looking for then I went to the crafting table and made myself a diamond sword diamond boots and a diamond helmet Diamond Venom is more Diamond than ever from day 63 to day 66 I received another visit from agent

Horus he must really want me to find that Destroyer I looked around like you told me to but I haven’t found it anywhere that’s all right agent Zozo the Royal Guards and I have done that part of the job ourselves we have reason to believe that the Destroyer somehow cross

Dimensions back to where it originally came from the Destroyer is in another dimension yes in another world known as the end how can I get there from here take a look at this portal we installed in your base agent Horus led me to an incomplete end portal which at the

Moment wasn’t working I wonder where they even got this portal but I didn’t want to question agent Horus what do I have to do in order to reactivate the end portal no idea we’ve never gotten any farther than this but if it does activate you should let us know post

Haste from day 67 to Day 70 I kept an eye on the end portal that Area 52 had installed in my base there were no signs of activity and I wondered if I would ever get the chance to get the Destroyer I was relieved of this Duty when Robbie

The Redstone Golem showed up again hey Robbie what are you up to we’ve got ourselves a new objective Zoo there’s some trouble down at the shattered Glacier and we should go help out what’s the problem one dangerous mob called the skeleton Jackal might be a new super

Villain leave it to me Robbie I arrived at the shattered Glacier and saw exactly what Robbie was talking about the skeleton Jackal had claimed the shattered Glacier as his own territory Diamond Venom you’re too late I the skeleton Jackal will will soon be the most powerful new villain out there

Sorry but I already have an arch nemesis and he’s not you I’ll make you take me seriously the skeleton Jackal attacked me with his claws but I fought back with my trusty battle axe you were evenly matched in damage but my diamond armor and Diamond skin made my defenses that

Much stronger you might be durable Diamond Venom but this fight isn’t over by a long shot stop this we don’t have to fight What If instead of a villain you decided to be an anti-hero you can still be scary but you also get to do the right thing anti-hero huh I guess I

Could give it a try wow it worked welcome to the team skeleton Jackal from day 71 to day 74 my base was under attack by pigas who is using his Brute Force to smash giant holes into the surrounding terrain piggy power stop it pigas I used my Dash ability and started

Swinging my battle axe of pigas inflicting damage on him ouch that axe hurts can I have it pigas punched me causing me to drop the battle axe he picked it up himself and started swinging it at me I equipped my diamond sword and continued to fight but pigas

Was even more deadly with the battle axe in his hand give that back it’s not yours it is now eat this iglas wound up a big punch and S me careening straight into a hill and caused me to get heavily dazed I got back up he was already gone

It was no use trying to get my battle axe back now it looked like my base was totally wrecked too pigless I was really sad so I went to the river to be alone for a bit after a while is Soler came by to cheer me up

Hey zoo I know you’re feeling down about losing your weapon but I’ve revealed the base and added a perimeter wall to keep out future attacks you’re the best iser I’m glad you’re part of my super group meanwhile back at agent warden’s base my arch nemesis had gained the powers of

The interdimensional energies he was attempting to harness Area 52 thought I was a mistake and tried to destroy me H their real mistake was not going further with their experiments from day 75 to day 78 agent Horus came to check on the base and give me a brand new weapon to replace my

Battle axe the javelin we heard what happened with pigas it sounds like you really gotten on agent warden’s bad side that pigas is a real Menace he’s going down just like agent Warden you’re in look we’ve got the location of agent warden’s secret base we figured we’d

Send you over there to do some real damage I’ll do more than that this might just be business for Area 52 but it’s always personal for me I took the javelin and set off through the Black Forest toward agent warden’s secret base if pigas was there I’d be sure to get my

Revenge from last time from day 79 to day 84 I was sneaking around the outside of agent warden’s secret base and sure enough I found exactly who I was looking for pigas ancient Zozo looks like recycling day came early I’ll break you down like a cardboard box you’re the one

Who’s going to be broken pigas I threw my Javelin at pigas catching him off guard and then I used the opportunity to hit him a bunch of times with my diamond sword no bad I didn’t expect that new weapon but did you really forget your old weapon so soon no please pigas

Anything but battle axe pigas swung the battle axe that he stole from me taking off a ton of Hearts he was wielding the weapon as if it was meant for him once again my diamond sword couldn’t stand up to him especially since my super strength was weaker than his I really

Like being a henchman you know when I secretly get rid of someone agent Warden Rewards me with treasure I wonder how rich I’ll be after I deal with you oh no am I going to lose as pigas prepared to deliver the decisive blow with my own

Battle axe I Heard a Voice from the trees it was the skeleton Jackal Zozo don’t forget that you’re Diamond Venom a shining inspiration to anti-heroes everywhere you’re right inspired by skeleton jackal’s words I grew into a form powerful enough to take on pigas even with the the battle axe I had 100

Hearts and Diamond Venom claws that were stronger than any diamond sword with my new form he was dropped in no time well I did the best I could but sometimes a henchman is just a henchman your boss agent Warden is next pigas and with that

Pigas vanished from day 85 to day 89 I went back to my base to tell everyone that I had defeated pigas in battle I went and visited the scientist first to inquire about the state of the statue I’ve made some amazing strides in the pursuit of the statue but I’m still

Missing some materials could you grab me some more wood sure let me grab some from my chest I took some wood from my chest and brought it back to Dr Hardy who then escorted me to the Statue it was a statue of Dr Hardy halfway through transforming into normal Venom I guess

He must have been a big fan afterwards I returned to the side of the end portal where agent Horus was waiting for me it seems that agent Warden has already gone to the end to harness the materials there if the Destroyer falls into his hands he’ll be even more Unstoppable

Than a big Pigman with a battle axe that’s pretty specific but I totally understand what you mean These Eyes of Ender that the Royal Guards have gathered should be able to jump start the portal get in there and make us proud yes sir he activated the portal

And I stepped through suddenly I found myself in The Nightshade Forest this must be the main B I of the dimension known as the end this is feeling strangely familiar again not too far away I saw the Destroyer lying on the ground I didn’t have time to go and grab

It an Enderman appeared out of the trees and started to attack me I guess I’ve got to deal with the mob first I used my diamond sword combined with my claw attacks to make the Enderman back off and run away with the mob gone I picked up the destroyer and headed back towards

The portal from day 90 to Day 94 I heard someone sneaking up behind me it was agent Warden welcome home diamond in the rough this isn’t my home home is on the other side of this portal and I intend on going back after I defeat you that is

You won’t defeat me Agent Zozo you’re just like me the diamond symbiot that grants you all of your powers is from the end that’s why this place is your home I’m from the end yes and that’s why I want you on my side I need someone to

Help me reap the rewards that exist in this world the materials that gave me powers could make an army of Sonic Warriors I’m not joining you Area 52 trusted me to take you down and that’s what I’ll do you’re making a mistake agent Horus and the others are weak and

That’s why they capture and create super beings to fight their battles I think we should choose our own battles don’t you I actually agree that’s why I’m choosing my battle to be me versus you I threw my Javelin but agent Warden took it like it was nothing and bombarded me with a

Sonic Blast even though I’d gotten stronger Sonic attacks were still my weakness his powers had increased so much that I was powerless against him agent Warden hit me with a few melee attacks before knocking me out and stealing the Destroyer I’ll be having that see you on the other side diamond

In the rough he ran off through my end portal from day 95 to day 97 I was able to muster enough strength to crawl my way to the portal there’s no time to lose I have to warn agent Horus and with that I crawled into the portal when I

Got to the secret research lab of Area 52 I found that all of the royal guards had been wiped out by agent warden in a destruction spree this was definitely the destroyer’s handiwork I kept searching around until I stumbled upon agent Horus he was The Last One Alive

And was hanging on by a thread you sure kept us waiting huh agent Horus I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him he used my weakness against me no agent Zozo I’m sorry it was our foolishness and greed that led to agent warden’s rise to power if only we had

Been more careful and now tried to turn what we didn’t understand into weapons you couldn’t have known he’d go this evil it’s all right Area 52 will be no more after I’m gone I need you to clean up our last mess Diamond Venom make sure sure you stop him horse died trying to

Harness the forces Beyond his control now agent Warden was trying to do the same thing I’d make sure it didn’t end well for him either on day 98 I found my base had been destroyed and another one of agent warden’s evil Rampages the scientist iser and skeleton Jackal were

All destroyed too every member of my team gone this is unforgivable I knew agent Warden was my Arch and Nemesis but I never thought he’d go there this far I stood there in total shock for a long time until I heard some familiar heavy footsteps Robbie agent zoo no just Zoo

I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect the rest of the team he was too strong don’t beat yourself up about it Robbie I feel a bit better knowing that at least my very first friend is still here with me you know what I feel the same way you’re

Alive and I’m alive we’ve got to do something to make that count I’ll tell you what we’ll do we’re going to take back the destroyer and then we’re going to give agent Warden payback for everything he’s done now that’s the symbiot I know let’s rock on day 99

Robbie and I closed in on agent warden’s secret base which hadn’t changed location since the time I fought pigas there I’ll learn agent Warden out with a distraction then you surprise attack him and steal the Destroyer sounds good be careful Robbie I went to hide behind a

Tree as Robbie stepped out and waved his arms hey what Warden look at me I’m so destroyable haha come destroy me sure enough agent Warden stepped out of the base with the destroyer in his hands he started moving towards Robbie now is my chance I used my Dash ability to rush at

Agent Warden just as planned I was able to grab the destroyer and run away Robbie turned and ran away too ha I’m not destroyed better luck next time when we got back to the base I immediately took a closer look at at the Destroyer it was definitely made with the same

Materials that made agent warden’s Sonic Blast so strong it was also from the end like my symbiot maybe if I well here goes nothing I absorbed the material in the Destroyer using my symbiot and I could feel that it was enhancing my diamond skin to a whole new level of

Durability it worked now my souped up Diamond skin will be able to resist his Sonic attacks on day 100 I returned to agent warden’s secret base for our final showdown I of course brought Robbie with me we entered his base and went downstairs this time agent Warden was

Already waiting for us in his underground lair this stops here agent Warden you’re not destroying anything else in your quest for Mad Science when will you learn symbiot my Sonic attacks will render you immobile once again he fired a Sonic blasty but I didn’t even Flinch this time because despite its

Name the Destroyer had made me indestructible how did you do that I know your weakness it’s like you always said I am a diamond in the rough and now this diamond is going to rough you up I called forth the destroyer from within my simate and attacked using it the

Shock wave smashed the surrounding area and did serious damage to agent Warden he’s weak my turn Robbie rushed in and smacked him with his Golem arms a couple times I joined in with a Diamond Claw attack agent Warden tried to fight back but his powers were useless against me

Now please no more this is for everyone at Area 52 and everyone at my base too no please all I wanted was to be able to blow up whatever I wanted I was just acting mysterious to look cool well now the truth is out and the truth is you

Got what was coming to you then I swung the Destroyer one last time and he was gone leaving me and Robbie to celebrate the fact that the world was safe again on day one I spawned into the amaran fields as a golden gorilla now it looks like I’m a gillionaire well a baby

Gillionaire anyway but I bet with my hard work I can get bigger stronger and even shinier my golden gorilla voice was a little too loud though because it attracted the attention of someone who wasn’t so nice a strange green man and a Crown emerged it is me the great and glorious

Goblin King all will bow to my Excellence oh uh hi Goblin King uh your highness I’m Zozo the golden gorilla no no no no no no this simply won’t do you’re too shiny nobody should be shinier than my crown I can’t help how shiny I am your highness and I promise

That I didn’t mean to offend you I don’t care what you mean I’m the Goblin King and what I want I get and you’re you’re going to be a lot less shiny once my fully sick boys have beaten you senseless and buried you beneath the Earth suddenly some ogres emerged and

Started stomping towards me all I could do was run for my life and get out of there but I could still hear The Goblin King’s shrilled voice behind me you can run but you can’t hide we’ll never give up Zozo never I kept running until I couldn’t hear him anymore guess I’m

Going to need to topple the Goblin King if I want to get any peace around here on day two I started exploring more of the amaranth Fields it’s pretty nice out here but I guess looks can be deceiving if the Goblin King and his ogres are

Running around here and I’ve only got 10 Hearts I’d better find something to eat and fast luckily I stumbled on an apple tree I used all of my baby gorilla strength to shake the apples down from the tree and gobbl them up M that really hit the spot I love apples good choice

For your last meal then get it because your dead meat sh boy I turned around and saw The Goblin King’s ogres charging toward me uh-oh I don’t think I’m ready for a fight but I guess I don’t have a choice they attacked me and I tried my

Best to fight back but they were way too tough for me and there were so many of them it’s only my second day it can’t already be over for me no hang on little gorilla I’ve got this a gobber jumped into The Fray fighting off the ogres

Long enough for me to get away from them follow me let’s get you out out of here before more of these Jokers show up by the way my name’s Greg i’m Zozo on day three I followed the fly gobber to his campfire thank you for saving me don’t

Sweat it kid any enemy of the Goblin King is a friend of mine he hates me just because I’m shiny and golden don’t take it personally that attention hog can’t stand it if anyone else is special that’s why so many of us are trying to overthrow them everyone deserves to

Shine not just that so-called King here I got someone you should meet the gobber introduced me to a goblo sitting near the fire I told the goblo that I was The Goblin King’s latest Target tough luck Zozo sorry to hear that but you’re in the right place if you want to end the

Goblin King’s regime we’ve been working on it for quite some time and I get the feeling you’ll be a great help you’ll need to get a lot stronger first though think you can do that yes I do that’s what I like to hear first things first

You’re going to need a Bas get to work building one I’ll send Greg along to help you out thank you so much don’t ever let them dull Your Shine Zozo from day four to day five I got to work building a base before I can build anything I’ll need some wood and some

Tools I gathered enough wood to craft a wood pickaxe then use that pickaxe to gather some Stone now I can use this to make a full set of tools i’ better hurry up so I can build my base before it gets dark I crafted a set of stone tools and

Then it was finally time to build my base a room for me and a room for Greg there looks pretty good it’s small but I’ll have time to build more later Greg come check out our new home sweet digs kid I like it great place to hang my hat

For a little while but you’re not wearing a hat well if I get a hat I’ll have a place to hang it hey kid look out behind you I turned around and was jumped by a garch this time though I had a sword to defend myself I thought back

And managed to defeat the nasty creature hey I did it oh I feel kind of funny suddenly I grew bigger and I felt my heart’s increase to 30 awesome I yelled with excitement and a blast of fire came out of my mouth careful with that fire breath buddy don’t burn the house down

Sorry from day six to day eight I took my new set of tools improved strength and super cool fire breath and went out exploring I traveled to the Jungle where I spotted a poor innocent little KO being attacked by a Shater hey cut that out the Shater didn’t listen so I had to

Make him listen with a blast of fire breath he got pretty angry about being burned but I had my sword ready to go and we battled it out the shadower was tough but I was tougher and I managed to win the fight you’re safe now little KO

Thank you I’ve never met a hero like you before but I’m afraid I’m still not safe I was trying to run away from a bigger batter monster when that shadow attacked me see my house was invaded by a Reaver he kicked me out and said if I tried to

Come back he’d kill me could you help me get my home back that’s terrible of course I’ll help from Day N to day 10 I followed the little KO to his house and sure enough there was a huge scary looking Reaver standing guard outside hey I told you to clear out of here

Maybe you didn’t learn your lesson last time do I need to tell you again with more pain the only one who’s going to get hurt around here is you what you’re here to fight me H you’re tiny like a little gold statue of a gorilla you

Don’t scare me well maybe this will I opened my mouth and shot a blast of fire breath at the Reaver but he didn’t even Flinch a thanks I was getting kind of chilly now it’s my turn uh-oh he launched himself at Me Knocking me back

He was way too strong I don’t think I’m ready for this fight I’m so sorry little KO we’ve got to run but I promise I’ll come back and finish the job once I’m strong enough I ran away as fast as I could the little KO right by my side

Until we get your house back you can come stay at my base with me from day 11 to day 12 I escorted the little KO back to my base I’ll need to build another room so he has somewhere to sleep I got to work and before long I had added on a

Room for my new guest here you go go I hope you’re comfortable here thank you so much I wanted to give you something in return for letting me stay here but I didn’t have anything with me so I hope you don’t mind but I added something to

Your base come take a look he showed me a brand new storage Hut I figured you could keep things in here uh weapons I guess or whatever you want it’s great thank you now you get some rest I’ve got more work to do wait before I do are you

The golden gorilla that the Goblin King is trying to get rid of I sure am oh I’m so sick of that Goblin King he wasn’t always in charge you know he came here a little while ago with an army of ogres and scared everyone into listening to

Him no one even knows where he came from or if he’s a real king at all no wonder he’s so worried about being outshined thanks for the info little KO my name is Lyle just by the way I’m Zozo nice to meet you Lyle went off to take a nap and

I headed into a nearby Cavern to do some mining I gathered some iron ore per perfect for upgrading my gear I used a furnace to smelt the ore into iron ingots and crafted an iron pickaxe and an iron sword I still feel like the base is missing something as I was

Brainstorming I spotted a herd of sheep grazing nearby hey sheep why don’t you come live with me I built them a sheep farm to live in and HED them inside not too bad if I do say so myself from day 13 to day 15 I was trying to come up

With ideas on how to grow stronger I decided to talk to Greg and get some advice hey Greg I’m running out of time to get strong enough to defeat the Goblin King what can I do well kid when I want to get stronger I get out of my

Comfort zone try going somewhere new maybe fighting some new enemies you’ll never grow just staying in the same place all the time great idea I’ll go back to the Jungle that was a pretty intense place I traveled back to the jungle and started exploring the unfamiliar terrain while I was walking I

Spotted some familiar faces the ogres they were too strong for me before but I think I’m ready to try again hey remember me Hey look it’s the golden gorilla let’s get him boys I opened my mouth and shot fire breath at them engulfing them in Flames ouch gl’ you

Learn to do that I didn’t answer their question I just drew my iron sword and attacked again this time they were the ones who weren’t prepared and one by one I defeated them all I did it I did it hey what’s this there was a health potion on the ground they must have

Dropped this well Finders Keepers I drank the health potion and right away my hearts increased to 60 woohoo I was doing a victory dance when I accidentally shot a fireball hey that’s new I’m on fire here from day 16 to day 19 I followed Greg’s advice and

Kept exploring my journey took me all the way to the desert it sure is hot out here I wish I had a nice Shady Tree to sit under oh and some Co coconuts but instead of coconuts I found a book the book of information information about

What I guess I’ll see it says the Goblin King was once a lonely little Goblin underling the lowest of the low one day he had enough of being bosted around he snuck up on the leader of his kingdom destroyed him with a sneak attack and

Stole his crown now he lives in fear of being seen as the fraud that he is and having someone take his place wow I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t trying to kill me get that gorilla I was suddenly ambushed by more of the Goblin King’s

Ogres but with my new fireball attack they didn’t stand a chance I burnt them all to a crisp and vanquished them hey I’m getting pretty good at this whole fighting thing from day 20 to day 22 I traveled back home to my base time to go

Back into the mines and see if I can upgrade my gear some more I entered the mine and quickly found some iron ore after I smelt it into ingots I was able to to craft an iron chest plate with my new attack my new strength and this

Armor I think I can finally fight that Reaver so I traveled back to ly’s house where that nasty Reaver was still stomping around like he owned the place back for more can’t get enough of the taste of the feet you can’t just take people’s houses I’m going to show you

What happens when you do I hit him with a fireball and this time it worked it knocked him back while he was recovering I got my sword and rushed at the Reaver swinging my blade as hard as I could he attacked me but I came back at him even

Harder a couple of hits later he was down well look at that you’re getting stronger I see it was the Goblin King he was watching me from behind a nearby tree I’ll have to send stronger minions to get rid of you it seems no matter I

Will I always get what I want you know only because you sneak up on people you’ll never win in a fair fight well we’ll have to see out that won’t we I have have grand plans for your demise Zoo such Grand plans and with that he disappeared from

Day 23 to Day 26 I ran back to my base as fast as I could my encounter with the Goblin King had shaken me up a little bit but I was still excited to give Lyle the good news about his house Lyall Lyall guess what the Reaver is finally

Gone really that’s amazing but oh no what is it it’s just I’ve been having so much fun staying here with you guys do you think I could keep living here instead sure stay as long as you want with that settled I ventured back into the mines to look for some more iron ore

After I found enough I smelted it into ingots and crafted a new Iron helmet and a pair of shiny iron boots while I was trying on my new armor Lyle came to see me hey Zozo as a thanks for everything I built a perimeter wall around the base

To help keep us safe so nothing like the Reaver attack ever happens here I went outside and checked it out that’s amazing I feel safer already from day 27 to day 31 I headed back out to the desert to continue exploring in the harsh climate I was kicking around the

Sand getting lost in my thoughts when I saw something a silver Lobo sat under a palm tree hey you’re the gold guy who beat up all those ogres I sure am well that was super neat of you if you’re still in a heroic mood I could use some

Help any chance you have a place I could stay for a while the Goblin King doesn’t like how uh how silver I am and I’m scared he’ll send more ogres after me he’s doing the same thing to me for being gold I’d be happy to help follow

Me back to my base you can stay there the silver Lobo and I headed back to my base and when we got there I’d take a second to Shear my sheep and gather some wool hey this gives me an idea I decided to hang some decorative banners on my

Base just to spice up the place these really class up the place sweet Banis kid but sorry to interrupt goblo needs our help who goblo the goblo you met him when I saved you now it’s your turn to help me save him quick let’s go from day

32 to day 35 Greg and I traveled back to the goblo campfire to see what was going on when we got there a whole horde of ogres was making a mess of the place goblo was way outnumbered goblo we’re here to help oh how sweet baby gorilla

Thinks he can save his friend well you’re too late loser I shot a fireball at them destroying them in one hit but when Greg and I rushed over to check on goblo he was already halfway gone thank you for coming boys but I’m afraid they

Were too much for me I I don’t have a lot of time left Zoo you can finish which I couldn’t defeat the rest of the ogas I will and just like that goblo was gone from Day 36 to day 39 I didn’t want to go home after losing goblo I needed

To get my mind off of things so instead I traveled to the Jungle to look look for some bad guys to fight or someone to help I just need something useful to do are you talking to me there was a Rouge tomato suddenly staring at me no I was

Talking to myself ah well could you be talking to me if you’re trying to be useful I need some help sure what’s going on well I need help taking on a rattlesnake near here he’s really messing up the neighborhood kicking everybody out I need some muscle to get

Him to lay off you got it it didn’t take me long to find the rattlesnake he was hissing and pacing back and forth looking for trouble well he found it and trouble was me I took him out with a few quick fireballs and a finishing move with my sword your rattlesnake problem

Is all taken care of thanks you’re a swell guy not like that freak in the crown who came through here earlier the Goblin King yeah that’s him said he’s trying to recruit new goons to help him get rid of some Golden Monkey or something sounds like a bad scene and

Seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t ever fight his own fights but still wants to act like a tough guy if you’re not a fighter just admit it to yourself that’s what I did and it worked out yep thanks for the info yeah forget about it

From day 40 to day 43 I left the friendly but kind of weird Rouge tomato behind and walked back to my base when I got there Greg was waiting for me and he looked excited about something hey kid I thought we could both use some cheering

Up so I added some couches to the base for hanging out and I was thinking maybe we could invite some more friends to stay here with us absolutely the more the merrier great my other go friend should be here soon a little while later Greg’s friend arrived and settled in

Nice to meet you after a while the silver Lobo I helped out before came to find me you’ve already done so much for me but could I ask for one more favor I left my favorite book behind and I can’t go back and get it without being attacked by some really scary monsters

Could you go look for it for me I’ll do my best to get your book back we can put it on one of those shelves when I do from day 44 to day 49 I drudged out to the desert to look for the silver lobo’s

Book I don’t see any books I just see a ton of sand I don’t like sand at all it’s so coarse and rough and it gets everywhere as I was digging through the sand looking for the book The Goblin King ran up from behind me tremble in fear it’s me I’m not

Scared of you oh but you should be you think I’ll only stop with your device no no no no no no silly Zozo I’m going to get rid of everything shiny in this land every living thing that is silver gold diamond That Glitters and shivers brightly my crown will be the only shiny

Thing left and then no one will doubt by Authority as king or you could try being a kind and just ruler are you kidding me that sounds terrible sorry Zozo but I have to run bear with me what sorry I miss smoke I am a bear with me enjoy

Fighting my bear bye the Goblin King ran off and a massive hulking grizzly bear ran in from day 50 to day 53 I faced off against The Goblin King’s Mighty grizzly bear the grizzly bear charged at me I fought back with a fireball and jumped out of the way before he could scratch

Me with his claws but the bear was tough and he came at me again this is my hardest fight yet it was difficult and the bear was much bigger and stronger than me but I was better at dodging and I had firep powers that most Bears don’t

Have and all of that helped me win in the end pH that was a close one I’m glad I made it ooh sparkly the grizzly bear dropped a diamond on the ground during the fight I should take it with me I bet I’ll need it later from day 54 to day 57

I continued my search for this Silver lobo’s Book she said there were scary monsters involved but I haven’t seen anything but sand and that bear but that wasn’t normal for this place I’m pretty sure finally I happened upon a spectre I don’t think it’s that scary but I bet

That’s what she’s talking about hey did you take someone’s book the Spectre didn’t answer me it just started attacking well I guess that’s your answer Fireball I blasted the Spectre with a fireball and I totally vaporized it sure enough it dropped the book what’s this book about anyway seems like

A lot of trouble for one little book oh it says my diary on it no wonder she wanted it back I ran back to my base and delivered the book to the silver Lobo thank you thank you thank you you’re the nicest golden gorilla I’ve ever met not

That I’ve met any others there’re used to be more of you I’ve heard and other gold creatures but the Goblin King has been getting rid of them ever since he took the throne it’s just terrible well I can’t let him get away with it anymore

From day 58 to day 62 I expanded my sheet pen to make room for even more sheep there now you guys can spread out a bit more and have some room to roam they didn’t say anything back but I think they were happy about it next I

Returned to the mines the diamond the bear dropped got me thinking I want to craft some Diamond gear I gathered some diamonds and used them along with the diamond the bear dropped to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword now I’m even shinier than ever take that

Goblin King when I climbed back out of the mines and went back to my base Greg was waiting for me welcome back kid since we’ve got more folks staying with us now I took the liberty of letting them invite even more friends over hopefully you don’t mind of course I

Don’t mind you know what I say the more the marrier from day 63 to day 66 I tried to decide where to go next I need to keep getting stronger so I can stop the Goblin King from carrying out his evil plans what should I do next Soo I

Just got a letter from my friend in the Lush Tundra she said that there is some kind of dangerous creature out there making trouble and it might be working for the Goblin King if you play your cards right you could get fighting experience and some information all at

The same time wow that’s like getting two things with only one thing awesome I traveled to the Lush Tundra and a huge warped toad left into my path uh-oh this must be the creature making trouble I got my sword ready and was taking a deep breath to unleash some fire on the toad

When she spoke wait no I’m Alex loy’s friend I’m the one who asked for your help you’re Zozo right oh sorry my mistake so if you’re not the one I’m here to fight who is from day 67 to day 70 Alex the Warped toad led me to the

Danger she had told me about a warped mosow hovering menacingly above the ground there it is think you can help I sure do time to squash that bug be careful that’s one mean Moscow I listened to Alex’s warning and I approached the Warped mosco slowly but

As soon as it saw me it started buzzing aggressively and swooped at me I had to dodge and counter with a fireball the Warped Moscow couldn’t get away in time and the fireball hit it Knocking it down I took my chance to finish it off right

Then and there I did it your Moscow troubles are over Alex thank you so much Lyle wasn’t kidding you really are a hero I’m just trying my best I only hope I’m going to be enough of a hero to take on the Goblin King from day 71 to day 74

I decided to explore the Lush Tundra a bit more I already came all the way out here I might as well get a good look as I was exploring I spotted a sign that spelled out Zo Z I didn’t know what that means but it’s almost my name that

Reminds me if you want to see more Zozo videos you can find them by searching zo zo I arrived in a new part of the Lush Tundra and saw a chest there oh I wonder what’s inside when I opened it there was nothing in there oh that’s

Disappointing sorry to see you so sad Zozo just kidding I love to see you sad you’ll never beat me I was so angry I shot a fire Fireball at the Goblin King but he dodged it and attacked me he was still way too strong for me to fight him

And win just you wait I’ll get stronger and then you’ll know how it feels to lose I didn’t want to but I had to get out of there from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base when I finally got there I was so mad that I

Locked myself in my room can’t believe I had to run away like that I’m such a loser I heard someone outside of my room and when I went to check the silver Lobo was standing there sorry to interrupt but I wanted to show you something I’ve

Been heading on to the base want to come look okay I followed her and she led me to a new Watchtower you built this for me I wanted to cheer you up it’ll help keep us all a lot safer in case the Goblin King tries anything sneaky that’s

So great thank you I feel better already I’ve also got something that might help too Greg came over and handed me a novelty hat it’s silly but I told you a home is a a good place to hang your hat so I got you a hat when I put the Hat on

I felt a lot better and stronger too before I knew it my hearts increased to 100 I jumped for joy and I jumped way higher than usual wo a jump boost thank you so much from day 79 to day 84 I ventured back out into the Lush Tundra

To look for the Goblin King now that I’m stronger I want to try and fight him again I looked all over but didn’t see him anywhere I did see some black death though close enough for now still an evil force I can test out my new

Strength on I fought the black death and beat it easily when I did I was approached by a grateful rat that was very impressive fighting I couldn’t help but notice your shiny diamond sword someone dropped this and I picked it up to keep but I think you

Should have it here the rat gave me diamond leggings this is perfect from day 85 to day 89 I took my new diamond leggings and traveled back home to my base when I got there I was shocked to see ogre stamping all over the place tearing it down no get out of

Here oh no did you think we wouldn’t find you smash smash smash smash the whole place to bit I shot a fireball at the ogres and they ran off into the fields ah no you don’t I chased after them as fast as I could as I was

Pursuing the ogres a rat jumped in front of me quickly could you tell me the way to the Lush Tundra my cousin lives there I pointed him in the right direction thanks you’re a pal with another good deed done I continued my Chase from day

90 to Day 94 I tracked the ogres all the way to a castle this must be Goblin King’s Palace i’ better not get too close I’m sure he’s got guards all over the place I’ll focus on these Jokers for now I decided to shoot a fireball at the

Guard of the castle entrance that’s what you get for messing with my home ouch get a boss is the Goblin King here no no he won’t dirty his hands fighting you little gorilla that’s my job a plague Beast emerged and came running at me he attacked me before I could do anything

And the blow knocked me back uh-oh this guy is really strong this won’t be easy from day 95 to day 97 I continued my battle against the plague Beast it was by far my most dangerous fight yet I’ve got to make it through this I can’t let

The Goblin King win he’s already won fool there are only a handful of days left before his army will sweep the land imprisoning any that dare to try to outshine the king no I won’t let that happen I used my jump boost to jump out of the way of his next attack and

Blasted him with a fireball then I came at him with my diamond sword and finally turned the tide of the fight I was going to win for my final attack I jumped high and hit him where he least expected it it’s seems I underestimated you perhaps

You will win after all if you can best the Goblin King himself in a one-on-one fight that is I will no matter what I’m going to do whatever it takes to defeat the Goblin King once and for all and just like that the plague Beast Was Defeated on day 98

I returned to my base with a renewed sense of purpose this golden gorilla is going to win I just know it I’ve come a long way and I know I still have room to improve but I feel like a real hero now brighter stronger and shinier than ever

First the silver Lobo spoke to me you are Zozo here take this health potion for help on your quest I believe in you we all deserve to shine and you shine brighter than anyone I’ve ever met that means a lot thank you and then Greg I

Kid I’m proud of you don’t leave without your hat okay I would never and finally love remember the Goblin King only wins fights by sneaking up on people don’t let him sneak up on you and you’ll be able to defeat him thank you for believing in me I’ll try my best on day

99 I set off on my journey to the Goblin King’s Castle I passed through the Lush Tundra on my way and remembered my success there I was able to help so many people and if I can pull this off it’ll help so many more finally I reached the

Castle it was crawling with ogre guards I’ll never get through all of them with without the Goblin King finding out I’m here if he does he’ll be able to sneak up on me as I was trying to come up with a plan Alex the Warped toad jumped out

Of hiding and started attacking the ogres Alex you came to help me we toads believe in reciprocity you helped me I help you now get inside and finish this Alex led the ogres away and I began to sneak into the castle on day 100 I crept

My way into the castle that’s where I saw the Goblin King looking at horses I thought about attacking him but I realized that would be wrong I’m not like him I want a fair fight hey stop horsing around H what what’s happening oh Zozo I see you’ve come to my Palace

To turn yourself in no I’m here to fight you fair and square no tricks a Goblin King always has a few tricks up his sleeve suddenly he turned invisible and I lost sight of him uh-oh he’s somewhere in here trying to sneak up on me I listened carefully and when I I heard

Him moving I used my jump boost to jump out of the way of his Ambush ha gotcha I spotted him and launched a fireball at him it hit ow ow ow no you’re not supposed to be so good at this I’m supposed to win I always win not anymore

I attacked with my sword next he fought back but I was Stronger than him I had learned how to defeat the forces of evil and after a difficult fight I finally did the goblin king crown fell on the floor at my feet if I were like you I

Take this but I don’t want to be king I just want to go home and hang out with my friends I’m ending this reign of terror here and now and with one last Fireball I finished him off it was finally over I did it time to go home

Hug my friends and take a well-deserved nap from now on things are going to be good as gold on day one I spawned as a golden Hydra wo this is amazing I looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of cave I ventured out and immediately saw some scary dread Knights

There he is catch him no thanks I scurried away the men following after me you come back here they started shooting darts at me ah one Dart hit me and I lost some hearts wait I only have five Hearts this is insane I hurried and

Tried to get away but the men were too fast they surrounded me as I felt my eyes start to close perfect every everything is coming together and with that I passed out on day two I woke up in a cage where am I I looked around and noticed that there were more cages

Around me but most of them were empty I almost didn’t notice the Frog sitting in the cage nearby he Blended in with the floor really well I was waiting for you to wake up come on we got to get out of here but how even if we can get out of

The cages I don’t know how to get out of the prison I know a way out but you need to be the one to unlocked the door I looked closer and examined the gate I began to hit it with my heads but that started to make me feel dizzy the Frog

Laughed at me oh no no use your fire spit fire spit I did what the frog said and I spit at the lock but it wasn’t fire it was golden little orbs I left the cage and started firing away at the Frog’s cage until it opened too thanks

Don’t mention it I’m Zozo by the way I’m Freddy Freddy and I I made our way over to the exit and broke through the door up the stairs we were home free on day three Freddy and I hurried as fast as we could away from the underground prison while we were running

I spotted some pigs and chickens and hurried to gather their meat before they could Scamper away I gathered up their meat and shared some with Freddy we both chowed down thanks Zozo and I got to say that Prison Break was amazing I didn’t know you could spit gold neither did I

In fact I didn’t know much about anything except that some evil guys were after me Freddy and I agreed to go our separate ways I went further into the forest to explore maybe I would find some other hydras little Hydra I turned and saw an old troll walking slowly up

Behind me he looked hurt would you mind helping me I was attacked and need to get back home before it gets dark of course we slowly made our way to his home a little cottage next to a river thank you little Hydra please come inside so that you are safe there are

All kinds of monsters outside the guy seemed nice enough so I stayed with him for the night on days four to 5 I woke up in the Troll’s house he had cooked some stew for both of us thank you what did you say your name was I’m Horus just

A poor old troll trying to make his way in the world Horus seemed better than yesterday but still very tired is there anything I can do to help you actually I’m more concerned for your safety you are the golden Hydra after all the golden Hydra a prophecy was given many

Years ago by a great sear she said that a golden Hydra would be born and it would be his Destiny to either save or destroy the land is that me I believe it is what should I do build yourself a safe house gather materials strengthen

Yourself as much as you can you need to be at your best Horus gave me some Ste stone tools and a full stack of Oak planks use these to start I hope to hear from you little Hydra be careful who you trust I left horse’s house to find a

Good place to start a base I found a nearby lake on the plains with some nice level ground I used my stone tools to gather additional material and started working on a modest Japanese style gold Hydra base it may have only been one building for me so far but there was

Plenty of room on the planes for this base to expand with more buildings and features it was was all coming together when I heard some men yelling there’s the Hydra get him it was more of those evil dread Knights not today you goons I spit my orbs at them and they all turned

To Gold oh wow that is not what I expected just then I felt power rush through me and I grew into a larger Hydra now I have 11 Hearts nice I’ll beat whoever controls those dread knights in no time on day 6 to8 I ventured from my base to gather more information

Also I wanted to see if I could find more creatures that needed Shelter From The Mysterious villain and his men I came across some tortoises who immediately tried to run away hey I’m a friend they looked at me wearily you aren’t working with the sorcerer no a sorcerer is that who’s commanding all

The dread Knights I have nothing to do with him look kid it would just be better if you left this land it’s not safe for you the tortoises slipped away leaving me confused I decided to go back to horus’s house to ask him about it a great sorcerer has purged this land and

Intends to use your power for his purposes he will stop at nothing to get you that’s awful what should I do there is a cave nearby that has some armor and tools that we could use I was on my way there the other day when I was attacked

That’s a good place to start sounds like a plan on days 9 to 10 I hurried to the cave that horse men mentioned and went to explore sure enough there was a chest hidden behind some rocks just as I was about to open it a great hairy spider

Came rushing Out gross he attacked me and I was too slow to spit my golden orbs I took quite a bit of damage ouch I hurried and slithered from the cave this is too hard I can’t defeat him by myself hey are you trying to get rid of that

Spider too a wolf came out from behind a tree yeah I am why do you want him gone he took some of my armor I’m trying to keep myself safe from the sorcerer’s goons me too maybe we can work together we came up with a plan and went back

Down to the spider’s Lair the wolf distracted him and I shot my golden orbs at him he turned immediately into a gold statue wow we gathered the materials in the chest and I gave the wolf the reptile armor be careful out there Zozo Zozo I’m Lex thanks Lex take care of

Yourself on days 11 to 12 I returned to Horus at first he was happy but when I told him that I’d given Lex the armor from the chest he got really mad the other animals don’t matter little Hydra what matters is that you’re strong he was acting really weird but I couldn’t

Blame him he was probably scared of the Sorcerer And just wanted us to be safe you’ve done well but this isn’t enough now you must travel to the black forest and gather more strength potions left there by wizards of Y this is important little Hydra don’t trust anyone besides

Me defeat anyone who stands in your way I left the house wondering why horse didn’t want me to trust anyone else he was probably just paranoid as I made my way to the Black Forest I saw some more of the Sorceress goons traveling along the river I tried to be quiet and

Slither away but they spotted me it’s the Hydra grab him I dodged some of their darts and shot my golden orbs at them they tried to escape but after a few shots they were all statues nice I soon reached the depths of the Black Forest hoping to gather the potions

Horse wanted on days 13 to 15 I plucked up the courage to enter the Sinister Black Forest at first there didn’t seem to be anyone there but I kept looking wanting to find those potions after just a few moments I saw a family of hogins gathered around a campfire harmlessly

Warming themselves why does Horus want me to defeat these hoglands they seem really nice I slithered in and the hogins were taken back I don’t mean you any harm I’m just curious if you have any armor the hogins were cautious but one answered me are you going to try to

Steal it from us like the others others what others a Sorcerers men they have tried to steal it before they want all the armor taken away from the creatures in the land so they can’t fight the sorcerer what that didn’t seem right I needed to talk to Horus about this on

Days 16 to 19 i I traveled back to horus’s house I arrived and he seemed happy to see me but when I told him I couldn’t get the strength potions from the Black Forest he immediately turned angry don’t you know what’s at stake you needed to get those potions you need to

Get stronger why is it so important that I’m stronger you are not fulfilling my expectations I need to think this through he told me to leave I did more confused than before when I arrived back at my base Freddy Frog was there hey buddy it’s been a while Zozo I’m so glad

You’re okay I heard that you met the sorcerer how did you survive what do you mean I haven’t met him all the creatures have seen him hiding out in the woods he’s disguised is a simple old troll wait was he talking about Horus I heard he’s planning an attack with his goons

Today he’s going to the village in the plains I had to see for myself if this was true it couldn’t be Horus could it I went with Freddy to the village in the plains like he said when we got there I saw the goons being led by a very

Recognizable troll I looked closer and realized it was Horus you manipulated me Horus turned toward me oh Zozo you gullible little Hydra you are too quick to trust but you’ve been a hindrance time for a change of plans you had no right to do that to me and you have no

Right to steal from innocent creatures and people I charged at him spewing golden orbs he easily outmaneuvered them and with his powerful swing threw me back into a building before I knew it I blocked out on days 20 to 22 I woke up with Freddy looking down at me oh good

You’re awake you need to help the villagers I got up and followed Freddy to the Village some of the buildings were on fire everyone move away from the buildings I hurried and spewed my my orbs at them extinguishing the fires it was definitely not what the villagers

Were expecting W this is amazing how can we repay you it might not be safe here anymore you can all live at my base with me I have lots of room the villagers talked amongst themselves for a little while then readily agreed we made our way to my base and then gathered some

Needed supplies for the new houses it was hard work but in no time everyone had a house of their own thank you Zozo these look amazing on days 23 to 26 I went back to the cave where I originally spawned it must have been important so I figured that I should investigate I

Entered the cave and it seemed very normal I was hoping to find some sort of clue as to who my parents were it had been a crazy couple of days and even though I had friends I wondered if I had family all of a sudden I heard a noise

Coming from deeper in the cave I explored further and saw another Hydra but she was being attacked by a group of skeletons get away from her I slithered down and started shooting the skeletons within just a few moments those bags of Bones were gone I turned to the Hydra

But then I felt a power surged through me I grew and then I leveled up into an adult Hydra I now have 18 Hearts I let out a large breath of golden fire zoo the Hydra looked scared of me no need to be scared who are you I’m your mother my

Mother I’m so glad I found you where did you go I made an egg and went to find some food but when I came back you were gone I was so worried about you how about you come to live with me I have a base and it’ll be much safer than this

Cave she happily agreed and we made our way in that direction on day 27 to 31 as my mother and I left the cave we happened to P Freddy again hey Zoo do you think you could help my family he directed me toward a small Al Cove

Nearby that had been broken apart what happened the sorcerer go tried to break our alol after we refused to leave we managed to escape before anyone was hurt but we don’t have a home now the frogs looked very sad so I offered to build them a new home on my base really that

Would be great thank you so much with the frogs and my mother and toe we continued on our way to my base once we arrived we got straight to work building a pond for the frogs and placing down a bed for my mother I also noticed that the villagers had planted crops and

Gathered some animals they even made a nice path connecting all the buildings thanks guys you’ve done some great work here it was all starting to come together I will get that golden Hydra if it’s the last thing I do he is the key to all of my plans what would you like

Me to do Master I want you to follow him make sure he is met with challenges he needs to reach maximum strength by the full moon it’s it’s vital that you do this Yes Master on days 32 to 35 I wanted to return to the underground

Prison where Freddy and I were held if Horus wanted to befriend me why did he capture me in the first place that’s a good question maybe there are some answers at the prison I asked Freddy if he wanted to come with me and he readily agreed we made our way down the tower

Where we had escaped and noticed that there were Iron Golems standing around this time that’s new and they don’t look like they work for Horus I wasn’t expecting you to come back here I flipped around to see one of the Iron Golems standing right behind me are you

One of the guards not exactly I Bartered with some of horus’s goons that are corrupt they agree to give you to me as a bargaining chip we weren’t expecting you to escape so quickly however so you’re not my enemy you just want to sabotage him basically so perhaps we can

Make an arrangement to stop him what do you have in mind I’ll be in touch I have some research to do just look out for a message from Puck The Honorable honorable you captured my friend Freddy sorry what can I say I like frog legs I heard Freddy gulp behind me don’t worry

I won’t eat your friend but we’ll be in touch Zozo and just like that he left without even saying goodbye not very polite but okay on days 36 to 39 I went venturing into a nearby cave to find some iron ore that could help buff out my equipment after I found enough I

Built a furnace smelted some iron ingots and finally made myself an iron sword iron pickaxe and some armor cool looking good I went digging deeper and even managed to find some diamonds yes jackpot this will be great for some upgrades before I could start crafting I

Heard a noise and something hit me I turned and saw a skeleton moving around trying to shoot me again I spewed my golden fire breath at him nice the skeleton froze but not before dropping his bow I picked it up and realized it was enchanted infinite arrows sweet I

Returned to my base with the supplies and the bow hoping to upgrade some of my items and the houses one of the villagers approached me Zozo do you think you could help me with something sure what is it Bradley and it’s about our home I thought I had gathered

Everything when we came here but I left something important there would you come with me I don’t feel safe going by myself of course let’s go on days 40 to 43 Bradley and I ventured back to the village on the plains we hurried to the

House to grab his item what is it you need it so badly he raged around his room under his bed and then whooped in Victory got it is that a paintbrush yeah it’s my lucky paintbrush are you serious it’s important to me I shook my head

What a weird kid but hey at least he has it now all of a sudden sudden I heard a noise outside shh I think there’s someone here I looked out the window and sure enough there was some of horus’s goons rumaging around but they weren’t alone they were being led by a

Terrifying Yak this time we tried to sneak out quietly but Bradley made a noise and they spotted us Smooth Move Bradley the goons charged us and I started to spew golden Fire Within just a few moments we had nearly taken out all of the goons the henchmen just stood

Watching us that after a moment he ran off with the remaining men coward we looked around and noticed the goons had dropped a few healing potions before I had Frozen them into gold nice now we have a little bit bigger of a potion stash just in case sheesh that was

Awesome was the paintbrush worth it Bradley absolutely on days 44 to 49 Bradley and I traveled back to the base once we arrived I found a note on my door Puck The Honorable sent me a message to meet up outside my base near the river it

Didn’t take me long to find him I’ve been doing some research about Horus and his plans I think that if you are able to create a certain item you can overpower Horus great what is it an amethyst sword it’s the one thing that will harm Horus even if he reaches the

Full extent of his magical powers and it may just save your life what do I need to do you’ll need to gather two amethyst crystals and a stick that’s all you’ll need to make it though I can’t promise those crystals won’t be guarded by an incredibly dangerous mobs great sounds

Like a walk in the park what you expected saving the world to be easy no I just wish I hadn’t been duped by Horus in the first place don’t beat yourself up kid you’ll get the hang of it HCK handed me a paper with some instructions

On it this should help you and just like that he left again I need to tell him it’s polite to say your goodbyes on days 50 to 53 I followed the instruction instructions Puck gave me to find the crystals it said to go to a cave and consult with the ancient being I

Realized that it had led me back to the cave where I had fought the giant spider as I entered I noticed that the spider was still there Frozen in Gold he must be the ancient being I wonder if there’s a way I can reverse it I went up to the

Spider and tried to shoot an orb at him nothing a fire breath and also nothing then I tried to punch him suddenly he turned back into his normal self he looked down at me angrily how dare you freeze me I’m sorry I was manipulated by the sorcerer to steal your items but you

Didn’t steal some of them from the wolf he softened a little I did I was desperate and needed extra protection clearly it did not work what do you want I was told that you have information about amethyst crystals yes I was once a guardian of a great multitude of

Crystals but I was forced to leave when the cavern was ambushed by an evil Warden it has been been a great many years since then can you show me where it is I cannot when I desired to go back it was no longer there some sort of

Shifting due to Magic I thanked The Spider and left the cave it was just another dead end on my way back to the base I noticed more of horus’s goons fighting a wolf hey that’s Lex maybe he’ll want to help me I approached as he finish the goons off hey remember me

Zozo you’re alive yeah I am and I’m trying to defeat the sorcerer I could really use your skills would you want to help me I don’t think I can Zozo I’m good at fighting his goons but he’s too powerful I think you’d be better off on

Your own before I could even argue he ran off into the distance well that was underwhelming maybe he’ll change his mind on days 54 to 57 I went exploring a little more I thought myself close to where I had found Horus that first time I wondered if he was still at his house

I decided to investigate when I I got closer I heard voices the master needs some items taken to him make sure they get there safely it was the henchman I had seen earlier the Yak he had a few goons and he was dragging some chests of things it seemed like a good opportunity

To attack hey coward the henchman turned toward me you just can’t get enough can you he sent the goons forward to attack I maneuvered around them easily and within a few moments most of them were gold statues the henchman got mad before I knew it he attacked me ouch how is he

So fast I felt my heart’s dwindling he slashed at me again faster than any other human I had encountered I tried to breathe my golden fire at him but it was in vain I need to get out of here I hurried and slithered Away retreating into the bushes look who’s the coward

Now the henchman ran off I didn’t dare follow him I was too weak and needed to go back home if I can’t defeat just one henchman how am I supposed to defeat a sorcerer he managed to take out a few of your men Master but he could not

Withstand my blows he is not even close to being ready yes he is weak but he will get stronger just keep attacking send out as many men as possible they’re disposable we’ll do Master on days 58 to 62 I made it back to my base I was met

With a much needed surprise Zozo we made you something sweetie my mom led me to the edge of the base whoa is this a statue of me it was a Hydra but it wasn’t completely gold it was more of an orange color actually it’s a statue of

Your father my father I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know if you were ready he died right before you were born he was trying to protect us he couldn’t wait to meet you Zozo I looked up at the Statue it’s amazing it’s not

Done yet we still need some more quartz for the teeth would you like to help us of course I headed to the desert where I had previously seen some ruins made out of quartz and collected those materials for the Statue after giving the quartz to Mom she quickly added the teeth to

The Statue and now it truly looked magnificent on days 63 to 66 I woke up to someone calling my name I went outside it was Lex hey Lex what’s up I went back to that cave with the spider and to my surprise he wasn’t a gold statue anymore oh yeah I should have

Warned you no harm done he actually told me that you were looking for a cavern with amethyst crystals in it I think I might actually know where that is really show me Lex led the way to a small desert we finally arrived at what looked like a rock formation with a door great

Let’s just push open the door and head inside we tried to push pull and roll but the stone didn’t budge I even tried my golden fire on it no luck maybe there’s a special combination or code word maybe but I have no idea what it might be it was disappointing

But now I knew where it was at least I could come back to it later let’s head back how about you stay with us you don’t have to be alone Lex he sighed I know I was wrong and scared but I know you’re our best chance at stopping the

Sorcerer thanks for not giving up on me of course that’s what friends do do Lex smiled and we headed home on day 67 to 70 Bradley approached me again hey Zozo do you think you could help me with something else is it another paintbrush Bradley no actually I wanted to practice

Shooting with the bow I have do you think you could help me with some target practice of course where did you have in mind there’s actually an archery area near my old house maybe we can even bring some of the stuff back to the base that sounds like a great idea we we

Headed back toward Bradley’s old home when we got there we noticed some movement outside the houses hey those are the tortoises I met earlier they told me to take a hike maybe we should go then I noticed the tortoises were fighting each other over some food I approached carefully hey friends remember

Me you again we don’t need your help hyra you’re just making things worse for us the Sorcerer And His goons have driven us out of our homes and now we hardly have food the leader came toward me and snapped his teeth I don’t want to

Hurt you he snapped at me again and I had no choice but to spew golden fire at him after he turned into a statue I punched him he quickly came back to life looking surprised why did you do that like I said I’m not here to hurt you in

Fact we would love for you to stay at our base it’s safe and there is plenty of food there’s no need to fight each other thank you Hydra we are in your debt on days 71 to 74 we made it back to the base this time we were met with an

Unwanted surprise my mom rushed out to us Zozo they’re attacking the base we need your help I slithered over and saw the yak and his dread Knights waiting for me hey you don’t belong here the henchmen looked at me and just like before attacked in a Flash I still

Wasn’t strong enough but I knew I needed to protect my friends using all of my strength I let out the largest burst of golden fire I could muster not bad hyra but not good enough come and find me when you are ready I’ll be waiting with your precious friend and before I knew

It the henchman left I had managed to staty his goons but he escaped again wait what did he say about a friend I slithered inside as fast as I could and realized that my mother was nowhere to be found mom mom he took her and I had

No idea where she went I retreated to my house blind with rage and then I started to cry this was all too much how was I ever supposed to defeat anyone like this I stayed in my house for a while not letting anyone in finally after a long

Time I heard a knock at the door Zozo it’s Lex we have something to show you I reluctantly left the house not wanting anyone to see me like this but they needed someone and I needed to be strong for them Lex showed me that they had

Fixed up the crops bred the animals and improve the security by building some walls great thanks Lex that’s not all he turned me toward the statue of my dad and I realized there was a smaller version next to it it was of my mom you’ll get her back Zozo we believe in

You I didn’t know what to say I just nodded and you are sure he is getting stronger Yes master he is almost to his full form excellent then the plan is working the mother will eventually bring him to us good work thank you master on day 75

To 78 Puck The Honorable left me another note I met him at our customary spot next to the river hello again Zozo what do you want Buck someone’s in a hurry I have important information and a gift for you I hear you are having some trouble with horse’s henchmen I have

Some important information his whereabouts he actually lives very close to Horus it’s a bit Hush Hush but I have my ways he handed me a map and I went to grab it be careful Zozo you don’t know what you’ll find there give me the paper Puck do not lose yourself along the way

Remember what you are fighting for I know what I’m fighting for Puck my mom has been taken by those creeps and I intend on saving her then I’m going to put the henchmen and Horus in the rightful place Puck handed me the paper good boy now go get your mother back on

Days 79 to 84 I race to the henchman’s house if there was a chance he had my mom I was going to find her and defeat him once and for all I followed the directions and found myself outside of a large wall inside it was a modest

Looking house this is where the henchman stays quite a Cozy home he made for himself I snuck around to see if he was inside but I didn’t see anything suddenly I felt a gust of wind the yak was standing right behind me come to retrieve your mommy coming after me was

One thing but involving my my mom was a step too far your mother gave you everything and you still can’t save her I’m going to beat you Yak for her I felt the power grow within me and I leveled up into a fully grown Hydra with 50

Hearts I got bigger stronger and even gained the claw strike ability no this isn’t what was supposed to happen horse promised me I wouldn’t be defeated by you be careful who you trust henchmen and with a swipe of my claws I defeated him he burst into golden Sparks and was

Gone Zozo I looked and saw my mother coming toward me she’d managed to escape mom did he hurt you I’m fine I’m so proud of you look at how strong you are you look so much like your father did I’m so glad you’re okay come on Mom

Let’s get you back home Oh and before we go I found this while I was imprisoned I figured you might want it it was a golden key on days 85 89 my mom and I arrived back at the base everyone was so happy to see my mom and they ushered us

Over to the statues we almost finished it while you were gone but we wanted you to put on the Finishing Touch Freddy handed me a few glowstone blocks which I added to my dad’s statue completing his fire breath it was perfect and I have more amazing news Freddy the Golden Key

My mom found at the henchman’s base I think it’s literally the key to getting into the amethyst Crystal Cave the henchmen and Horus must have known that the amethyst sword could foil his grand plan that’s why he had the key to unlock the cavern I’ve got to get over there

Now I rushed out of the base toward the desert as I arrived at the door I felt my heart leap this is it it’s finally coming together I used the golden key to open the door here I go I made my way down the dark tunnel which eventually

Opened up into a Cave System inside were hundreds of glowing amethyst crystals all being watched over by a warden this isn’t going to be easy I got right behind it and before it knew what was happening I let out a large burst of golden fire he let out a

Terrible scream but he didn’t turn into a statue I took a swipe at him with my claws instead this time he screamed in agony I kept swiping avoiding his blows as best as I could my hearts were dwindling but after just a few more moments the warden was gone yes I

Hurried and collected as many amethyst crystals as I could hold before hurrying out of the cavern time to end this Horus on days 90 to 94 I exited the cavern blinking in the sunlight nice to see you again little Hydra I looked and saw Horus standing right in front of me I

Was about to swipe him into Oblivion when his magic froze me in place please none of that I just want to talk I stared at him what could you possibly want to talk to me about you’ve gone out of your way to torture me don’t you see

Hydra I have strengthened you you have become the golden Hydra of the prophecy all thanks to me you you had nothing to do with it oh don’t even think for a minute that you would have accomplished anything without me I made sure that you had difficulties so that you could learn

I made sure that you would eventually get the potion that would bring you to full power you sabotaged your own henchmen he was disposable at best but this think of what we can do together little Hydra we can rule this land together of course it’ll need to be

Destroyed before it can be built back up but we can accomplish that if you follow me never this is your last chance watch the world burn around you before I possess your mind or willingly serve me I hissed at him very well somehow Horus made all my amethyst that I’d worked

Hard hard and suffered to collect all disappear be sure to be at your best by the full moon little Hydra in the mean time enjoy my wrath I heard Horus laughing and then it all went dark on days 95 to 97 I woke up to pitch black

Where am I Horus must have buried me underground I looked at what I assumed was up and started to dig it wasn’t too deep but by the time I saw sunlight I was exhausted I’m getting really tired of him I tried to catch my breath but

Then I noticed a note on the ground next to me it read say goodbye to your honorable friend my blood turned cold as I raced toward Puck’s dungeon no no no please don’t let me be too late when I got there the whole place was demolished I looked around hoping to find anything

And I heard a groan from beneath some rocks Puck I moved the rubble and saw him on the ground he was in really bad shape I guess Horus figured out who my sources were you’re going to be okay Puck let me help you up Puck coughed don’t worry about me Zozo go

Protect your mom and your friends he’s heading to your base next and with one last breath Puck The Honorable passed I let out a giant Roar as I mourned my friend but I had to get to my base I needed to stop Horus before he caused

Any more destruction on day day 98 I arrived too late what was once my base was now in Ruins I ran around frantically mom Lex Bradley Freddy I didn’t hear anyone answer I slumped down and was about to give up when I heard a small voice Zozo I looked up and saw my

Mom limping towards me Freddy limped alongside her mom Freddy where is everyone else a lot of them didn’t make it out Zozo Bradley and Lex managed to run and hide with me but nobody else was fast enough we’re lucky to be alive I let out another loud roar in agony Puck

Was gone all the villagers and tortoises were gone I had tried so hard to protect everyone and I had failed I felt my whole body slump hey everything is going to be fine do you know why why you are the golden Hydra and you are going to

Put a stop to Horus and his destruction mom slipped me something it was a the key Horus dropped this before he left it must be to his base I looked at the key in shock you are going to get back your amethyst crystals finish the amethyst

Sword and you will put a stop to all of this promise promise on day 99 I headed to horse’s base it had massive black walls and inside there was a huge Tower raising High into the sky I carefully entered the front wall gate to my surprise the courtyard was completely

Empty I explored a bit and located a back door probably for the goons and I used the key to get inside Freddy you’re the best I snuck up the passageway and went to open the door to the main chamber a dread Knight spotted me immediately it’s the golden Hydra I

Quickly took him out so much for being stealthy I was a Hydra after all a golden one at that it was hard to keep a low profile I opened the Chamber and to my surprise only Horus stood inside smiling at me did you really think it

Would be that easy Hydra but at last your day early what exactly was your plan here give me back the amethyst crystals and nobody has to get hurt Horus no I was prepared this time I smacked him back with my claws and grabbed for the crystals before he knew

It I was down the passageway stop that Hydra I made it back to my base and hurriedly crafted the amethyst sword out of the two amethyst crystals and a STI it was time to defeat Horus once and for all on day 100 I made my way back to

Horus’s base perfect a dramatic ending just like I wanted Horus was waiting for me outside are you ready for your rain of terror to finally end Horus you’re exactly where I want you Zozo when this battle is over I’ll take control of your body and use you as just another tool to

Take over this world world not if me and the amethyst sword have anything to say about it this time I wasn’t playing around he fired a magical energy blasted me but I was so strong now I tanked it and ran right in oh no I may have made

An arrow here but that time for talk was over I ran in and hit him with the amethyst sword again and again weakening him a little more each time he Unleashed his guards on me but they were taken care of quickly many sword swings later

When Horus was on the edge of defeat I stopped attacking and stepped back for a moment you can’t win I am an all powerful sorcerer silence is golden Horus with one blast of my golden spit Horus was turned into a harmless golden statue forever more at long last the

Creatures of the Overworld can breathe easy again on day one I spawned into the bobab Savannah as the mighty electric tiger well at least a baby version of an electric tiger but if I work hard and train I can live fully up to my electric tiger potential oh no you won’t I looked

In front of me and saw a massive hulking Squall Golem thundering towards me he was so much bigger than me the size difference was terrifying listen Mister I don’t want any trouble I’m Zozo what’s your name my name’s Mike and I’m here to fight but why that doesn’t even rhyme

Yes it does if I say it Rhymes it Rhymes I’m the strongest creature in the world nothing challenges me anymore and the only way to relieve the bordom is getting into fight with anyone I can but no butts weakland or I’ll kick yours here’s the deal I’m going to give you a

100 days you better use them well kid and get as strong as possible strong enough to have an interesting fight with me cuz if you don’t I’m going to find you and pound you into tell you nothing more than a little electric tiger stain in the floor now run Mike the Squall

Golem didn’t have to tell me twice I turned and ran away as quickly as possible while Mike just laughed at me he seemed like my most formidable opponent yet 100 days I need to get real strong in that time or Mike really is going to destroy me on day two I

Continued running through the bobab Savannah not stopping until I was confident that Mike the Squall Golem was nowhere to be seen phw that was a close one if he’d attacked me in that state I would have been a goner I only have 10 Hearts I wonder if I have any special

Abilities without even realizing I could I released a blast of electrical energy from my paw the electricity is eliminated from me and charges up the air around me that must have been one of my basic electric tiger abilities W maybe I’m not as helpless as I thought

Wait do I see a pear tree there I should grab one I grabbed a few pears and ate them even if my Hunger was full I just just couldn’t resist it things were looking up already at least I wasn’t going to be hungry but my contentment

Didn’t last for long a scary plant- like Whisperer rustled its way towards me it wasn’t as big as Mike but it was definitely freaky oh no I have a feeling I know who you work for you feel correctly Zozo you really think you can beat Mike he’s the goat goat he’s a

Squall Golem no goat is an acronym he is the greatest of all time g o a t and that that’s why you’ve got no hope against him then why even bother coming after me I didn’t even want to fight I’m going to destroy you myself to save Mike’s time as the Whisperer approached

Me I fired my energy blast but it didn’t even slow him down all I could do was run away knowing that even with my energy blast I had no hope of fighting him I was hiding behind a small clutch of trees when suddenly a wind caller

Teleported in front of me come with me if you want to live sure let’s go I’ll follow you wow people normally have questions huh let’s go the wind collar ran off and I followed him without question happy to finally have someone on my side on day three I continued

Following the wind collar deeper into the bobab Savannah he seemed to have confidence and power it definitely made me feel safer around him I’ve been waiting for you to arrive Zozo you have no idea how many people have anticipated this special day special this doesn’t feel that special aside from you saving

My life from all the weird creeps who have been trying to attack me those weird creeps as you actually put it have been bothering people for quite some time but if you stick with me and my allies we might be able to change that together the wind collar led me to a

Small shack leaving me to talk to its inhabitant a mysterious figure called the illusioner so you are the one the wind color selected H you don’t appear all that strong but perhaps that will change I still don’t understand what’s happening here who are all of you people

And what does any of this have to do with me or that nasty squaggle a Mike winds color and I are just two members of a secret group called the order of the shield for years we have made it our purpose to find and train a champion capable of destroying Mike and ending

His reign of terror if you accept this responsibility we will do all we can to help you realize your destiny well saying is Mike is going to come after me anyway I agree to working with you good go with wind color there is no time to waste you must get strong enough to

Defeat Mike once and for all from day four to day five the winder and I went deeper into the bobab Savannah we didn’t stop until we found an area that was big and flat enough to start constructing a base first I knocked down a tree and used its resources to construct a wooden

Pickaxe I then mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to create my first set of real tools a stone pickaxe and a stone sword from there I gathered more stone and granite and made a basic base with a bed for myself and another one for the wind colar to stay stay in

With me you’ve done great work here Zozo you shall promise with time you will become a great warrior capable of taking on Mike and showing him what we are all capable of I want to get stronger wind callar but I’m not sure where to start how can I become more powerful I can

Help you with that Zozo I’ll give you a portion of my power and that will give you a foundation to build on stay still please the wind cller fired and energy blasted me the second it hit me I started growing becoming bigger and had the ability to summon lightning strikes

I tried it out on some grass and it was fantastic wow I’m really starting to live up to my electric tiger name now from day six to day eight I decided to explore a new part of the Savannah and test out my new powers for real energy

Blasts and lightning strikes I’m a force to be reckoned with and those Powers would soon come in handy because I saw an innocent fungus thrower being attacked by that nasty Whisperer who had attacked me earlier I’m not going to let this stand as I ran in the whisperer’s

Attention was turned to me and the fungus thrower was able to escape it was just me and my old enemy now hey you ugly plant you again I didn’t expect to see you after you ran off like a coward last time I’m no coward Whisperer and

I’m about to prove it talk is cheap tiger boy let’s go I Unleashed a powerful lightning strike on the Whisperer and this time it was completely destroyed my electric tiger Powers were coming in clutch already yo fungus thrower it’s safe to come out now I’m friendly I promise when I found him

On the beach the poor lad was shivering from Fear the hoode that was scary but also amazing I thought I was a goner and then you came in like a superhero like bam Z kapow it was awesome well I don’t like to brag but I guess it was pretty

Awesome you’re real good at this whole fighting bad guys thing Dude tell you what I know there’s a real nasty bad guy not far from here follow me let’s see if you can beat him sure it couldn’t hurt to try let’s go from Day N to day 10 I

Followed the fungus thrower into the bamboo jungle until we reached a clearing there a freaky frozen zombie was waiting yikes that thing seems unpleasant But A promise is a promise I ran in and Unleashed a lightning strike against the frozen zombie but it didn’t seem to do anything other than annoy

This particularly Frosty member of the Living Dead the frozen zombie chased me and all I could do was run away as fast as I could when I’d managed to lose the frozen zombie I Rend vued with the fungus thrower again I’m really sorry for letting you down on this one man but

I just don’t think I’m strong enough to take down that frozen zombie yet it’s chill dude you did your best and that’s what matters tell you what why don’t you come and stay at my base while I get stronger you seem like a cool guy I’d

Love to hang out with you some more oh you’re too sweet man let’s do it from day 11 to day 12 H return into my base with the fungus thrower it was exciting to have another friend added to my team fungus thrower left to relax while I

Built a new room for him along with the rooms for me and the wind collar what do you think Buddy this looks awesome Zozo I can’t wait to hang out here and hey I got a little Restless while you were building the bedroom so I built a couple

Of upgrades of my own go take a look the upgrades that the fungus thrower had created were truly awesome he’ made a beautiful path connecting all the buildings and a storage room for the base with a furnace that I could use to smelt and Forge metal say that gives me

An idea I searched until I found a cave that might contain some valuable materials and sure enough right at the entrance I found a rich vein of iron ore I mined and collected a bunch of it before going back to my base once I was

There I used my furnace to smelt the ore into ingots then I made a full set of iron tools I still had a little leftover so I use that to make an iron helmet and a chest plate this looks awesome so I’ve got shelter and Weaponry covered now I

Need to make sure my food sources are sustainable too I built a small chicken farm on my base and hted a few chickens inside so I’d never run out of eggs or yummy chicken from day 13 to day 15 I spoke to my mentor the wind caller and

Asked him if he knew any other ways I could train and get stronger a very good question Zozo to become a better fighter you need to fight and hone your Battle Tactics I’ve heard reports of another one of those Sinister Whisperers wandering around the bamboo jungle go

Out there and defeat it to grow your strength because everything wind cller had said so far hadn’t led me astray I followed his advice and went out to the bamboo jungle again I searched until I found the Whisperer that windar had told me about I will destroy you in the name

Of Mike not if I destroy you first Whisperer with my new iron sword it wasn’t hard to battle the Whisperer into submission when the Whisperer was destroyed it dropped a potion of strength under the ground perfect timing I was starting to feel super thirsty I picked up the potion of strength and and

Drank it and I felt the change immediately I started to get bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 30 the wind colar was right fighting that whisperer did make me stronger from day 16 to day 19 I continued exploring the Overworld until I came upon the Cypress swamplands it was a strange mystical

Place and the more I wandered around the more I got the sense that something important was waiting for me here and that feeling proved to be right when I Came Upon an ancient Book of Secrets laying around I decided that it might be worth reading so I flipped through until

I found a section called how to defeat Squall Golems wow that’s appropriate a section read the Stony flesh of a squal Golem may seem impenetrable even diamond swords and the strongest of arrows just seem to bounce off but if one could obtain a sword of netherite then the

Playing field would be evened a netherite sword I need to get my hands on one of those then my moment of victory was interrupted by a pair of Whisperers suddenly appearing and wandering towards me they must have come here to stop me from from Reading This Book of Secrets you overgrown weeds

Can’t scare me with my lightning strikes and energy blasts the three Whispers were destroyed for good from day 20 to day 22 knowing that I needed a netherite sword to truly defeat Mike the squa Golem I went back to the mining cave looking for more material sadly I

Couldn’t find any diamonds or netherite down there just more iron ore I mined a bunch of it and went back to my base where I smelted it into ingots and made myself the rest of my iron armor if you can’t invest in your attack you must

Might as well invest in your defense my recent increase in strength reminded me of an old unsettled score I needed to defeat the frozen zombie for my friend the fungus thrower time to send that zombie to its Eternal resting place I returned to the bamboo jungle and hunted

Down the frozen zombie that had given me trouble all those days ago with my iron sword I was able to defeat the nasty Undead once and for all it probably won’t be long before I’m strong enough to take on Mike and win I wouldn’t be so sure weakling I turned and saw Mike

Himself was standing right behind me I wanted to run but this time I stood my ground I’m not scared of you anymore Mike I know the secret I just need to get my hands on a netherite sword I’m a champion of the order of the shield what’s so funny you think you’re

The first Champion you think you’re the only one who knows about netherite swords I’ve destroyed a 100 foolish Champions like you and you’ll make it 101 Mike punch me taking off a frightening number of Hearts all I could do was run for my life I was clearly

Still not strong enough to face him yet from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to my base and informed the fungus thrower that I defeated the frozen zombie of the bamboo forest way to go Zozo you’ve no doubt achieved a whole new level of

Strength from that battle and I plann to get even stronger now that I was able to fulfill my promise to you oh yeah buddy I know you can I knew that I needed stronger materials in my inventory if I really wanted to work my way up to that

Netherite sword so I went digging for more iron in my mining cave while there were still no diamonds to be found the iron ore was plentiful I helped myself to as much of the iron as I could carry and smelted a bunch of it down into some

More ingots I made a temporary smelting location to smelt the iron while I mined I already had a set of iron tools and armor so out of all the iron I made an anvil so we can repair our gear when it loses durability my pickaxe can be the

First candidate to get repaired once I was done mining I went above ground my base where wind colllar was waiting for me Zozo I’ve given the base a new addition that will be sure to keep you safe while you build up your strength that’s sure is nice of you consider it

My thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so far I went to see what the wind collar had added to the base and found a well constructed security bunker to hide in in case of invasion this looks like it will come in handy from

Day 27 to day 31 I was far away from the base exploring the Cypress swamplands when I had first learned about the existence of netherite Swords if I remember my life last visit correctly I also defeated a couple of Whisperers while I was here the whole area looked

Totally peaceful now without any of Mike’s minions to be seen as I was taking in the pleasant Vibes I was approached by a kindly Fletcher who seemed rather happy that the swamp lands were free of baddies wow we zo we you must be Zozo the electric tiger I heard

You took down those Whisperers some days ago that’s me I’m the toughest and only electric tiger around that’s wicked awesome it’s good to know that there are people out there looking for strength who are also nice and willing to stand up for the week I will do my best to

Help those in need I heard there were some other Whisperers skullking around and looking to challenge you they must really want to stand up for that mik guy I can take them do you know where they are not right now but they’d probably hunt me down and try to beat me up if

They knew I told you that then they’d be right here in the swamp again I know what if you stayed at my base for a while at least until I have my match with Mike that that way I can protect you the Fletcher agreed and together we

Went back to my base where I added a base extension I made a small Outdoors library with a few couches to have a nice cozy place to relax the books that I put on the shelves would teach me strategies and techniques for winning battles because knowledge is power later

I was approached by wind caller who had some bad news Zozo we have to come with you again Mike’s minions have discovered the order of the shield and are attacking its members we need to Chuck on the illusioner before he could be next oh no that sounds serious let’s go

From day 32 to day 35 Winder and I crossed the bobab Savannah to reach the illusioner shack when we found the place it was too late the shack was under attack by a Whisperer and the illusioner was desperately fighting for his life you order of the shield fools can’t win

Mike makes right the saying is M makes right what you said is just silly you’re calling us silly just for that you’re going to die whis SP destroyed the illusioner right before our eyes you monsters talk about pathetic is this all the order of the shield is made of

You’re dead wrong I’m Zozo the electric tiger I am the champion and I’ll show you how strong I am I called down a lightning strike getting the whisperer’s attention and dealing a bunch of damage in the process with a few swings of my iron sword I made that whisperer pay for

What it did to the illusioner more Whisperers emerged from the edges I was so angry I didn’t even need to use my energy blasts to bring the pain and take them all down when the battle was over wind caller and I planned what our next

Move would be we need to be on the look out for any other mobs that are working for Mike curse him we were too late to save the illusioner from his Rampage we’ll keep an eye out for the other surviving members of the order of the shield and once we’re together we’ll

Help you become the strongest Champion you can be from Day 36 to day 39 I returned to the bamboo jungle so I could practice all my most powerful fighting moves in a safe place where none of my friends would get get hurt I was tossing around energy blast when I blasted away

Some bamboo and found an iron golem hiding nearby wa easy with those blast you could knock somebody out with those my apologies I didn’t know you were here sometimes I Don’t Know My Own Strength oh no it’s okay I actually have been searching for someone strong enough to

Defeat the ruthless roaming ravager if it’s a worthy opponent that gives me a chance to test my skills then I’m 100% game where is this ravage anyway I’ll show the way oh mighty electric tiger I was brought to another part of the bamboo forest where the ruthless roaming

Ravager was running around it was my time to bring that bad boy down I fired some energy blast from my Paws and the ravager responded by jumping over to me and making a few attacks I countered with my iron sword the battle raged on

For a while but I knew from the start I would come out on top and I was right I returned to the Iron Golem to tell him that I had successfully defeated that rascal ravager huh you really are one tough tiger that’s for sure from day 40

To day 43 I was in the base and decided to see how the fungus thrower was doing it looked like he had been hard at work decorating the base with all sorts of tiger patterned banners and paintings this base looks absolutely awesome now good job fungus I’m glad you like it I

Was just sprucing the place up in preparation for the pigs I invited over you invited pigs yep I invited some pigs because I thought they might o enjoy themselves here that’s a bad pun but not a bad idea I say yes fastic I mean fantastic the pigs that fungus thrower

Invited arrived soon after and were the life of the party I even got to train my defenses against their classic Pig pile technique after entertaining our fine piggy guests for a while I went for a walk out in the base and ran into flusher everything all right flusher I’m

Worried about my home back in the Cypress swamplands do you think you could go check on it just to be safe sure buddy it’s the least I can do for a friend from day 44 to day 49 I went back to the Cypress swamplands like Fletcher

Wanted me to I was expecting there might be a few Whisperers Milling about but I never imagined that I’d see Mike himself what up tiger ready to take another shot at the big man Mike this should be between you and me what you did to the order of the shield was unforgivable nah

No way I’ve been baing with those bozos since long before you showed up and if you’re the chosen Champion they kept talking about then I had to take him down before you become any stronger so you did it because you’re afraid I’ll get stronger than you well now you’ve

Made sure it’ll happen I will beat you Mike one of these days you want to make this personal huh all right let’s make it personal see if you can take on my man the piglin brute to my surprise Mike ran off and stuck me fighting with one

Big mean mob that he called a pigin brute it sure did live up to its name I’m about to show you why they call me the piglin brute because I’m brutal yeah I already got that put up your dukes electric tiger he slammed me with an attack that was definitely

Brutal but thankfully my iron helmet was able to soak up some of the damage I traded blows using my sword and started to wear him down but the knockback of his attacks was giving me some trouble this will be a tough fight from day 50

To day 53 I had started to use my energy blast to continue to deal damage to the pigin brute he didn’t show much signs of tiring but then again neither did I I can see why the order of the shield was impressed by you but you can’t really be

The champion who will defeat Mike because I’m about to take you down wouldn’t bet on it brute I launched a couple of strikes at The Brute then I hit him with my sword and knocked him off balance so I could defeat him with some classic electric tiger energy blast

Bye-bye brute you were my my biggest and meanest opponent yet but I’ve won this round The pigin Brute disappeared and I soon found an item that he dropped it was a map leading to Mike’s Fight Club this is quite a discovery I didn’t know whether Mike expected me to find this or

Not but either way this meant that I could go to his base whenever I wanted from day 54 to day 57 I cleared the Cypress swamplands of all remaining Hostile Mobs so that Fletcher wouldn’t have to worry anymore the last one in the area was especially tough a

Vindicator who could take a lot of bits for my iron sword I really had to stay on my guard the whole fight relying on my new combat strategies that I had been practicing sure enough I was able to win with plenty of Hearts to spare The Vindicator even dropped a netherite

Ingot which was the first step to the netherite sword that I’d need to defeat Mike I quickly returned to the base to tell Fletcher the good news so the swamplands are safe they sure are you mean that you found a netherite Ingot just like that I sure did that’s some

Kind of coincidence huh it’s no coincidence it’s a sign you are meant to be the champion of the order of the shield it’s your destiny well in that case I better make the most of this chance and get some diamonds so we can eventually make a netherite sword you

Can do it Zozo from day 58 to day 62 I made a much needed expansion to the chicken farm so that it could hold more livestock it was just in time too because I was able to round up more chickens for food an electric Tiger’s

Got to eat to keep his energy up and delicious chicken tenders are what’s on the menu next I delve down to the mining cave to have another look for the diamonds I would need to craft a diamond sword I had to explore pretty deep but soon enough I managed to get my pickaxe

Into some diamonds there’s many diamonds here I might believe in destiny after all I mined for a while and found more than enough diamonds to make the diamond sword which I planned on using as the foundation for the netherite sword I’d be making later I used the rest of the

Diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a full set of diamond armor for myself once I was satisfied with the amount of diamonds I had amassed I returned to the surface of the base and met up with Windcaller hey wind cller I’ve crafted a diamond sword that’s excellent Zozo we

Should celebrate in the brand new super amazing party room that I just built oh wow no way a party room I love parties while I had been down in the mines windar had given the base its most exciting feature yet a decorated room for hosting parties I tried out the

Dance floor and had a really good time from day 63 to day 6 six I was hanging out at the base with fungus thrower discussing ways for me to become even stronger if I could train in a new location maybe I’d be able to discover some new fighting moves I actually know

Just the place if you drain in the harsh sunlight of the desert you’ll increase your strength in no time how do I find the desert I’ll show you the way on your map the fungus thrower marked the desert as a location on the map I received from

The Fallen piglin brute it looked like it was on the way to the biome where Mike’s Fight Club could be found I should get used to that path while I’m out there I went to the desert and felt the sun beating down on me this would be

A good place to train and I was in the mood for a fight with a scary opponent across the dunes I saw one scary looking Wither Skeleton I moved towards him with my sword drawn ready for battle hey you want to fight Zozo the electric tiger no

Thank you I don’t want to fight especially not a tough customer like you okay I can respect that we won’t fight did you think just because I’m scary looking that I’d want to fight you really shouldn’t judge people by their out appearances yeah that was my bad I’m

Very sorry about that friend lesson learned it happens to me a lot I’m afraid just the other day a zoglin tried to pick a fight with me I told him no wait for a strong person who wants to fight well if that zlin wants a fight

I’ll fight him I came here to train anyway from day 67 to Day 70 the friendly Wither Skeleton brought me to meet the zlin a dangerous opponent who was also looking for a challenging fight the zlin agreed to fight me one-on-one so we could test each other’s strength

Before the fight began the Wither Skeleton took me aside so we could have a quick discussion are you sure you can win Zozo I didn’t mean to put you in danger I think I’ve got a chance but thanks for being concerned now thank you for fighting this battle for me that’s

What a strong person does now I’m going to go kick some zlin butt the fight between myself and the zlin was off to an exciting start when the Zin charge straight at me I dodged his powerful tusks and hit with my sword while his back was turned the ZL encounter by

Hitting me with his tusks I lost a few Hearts but I was still in the fight I fired some energy blasts and used my signature lightning strike to deliver the last blow defeating the zlin Zozo you did it I am the electric tiger Zozo remember the name from day 71 to day 74

I had completely left the desert behind and was traveling through a new biome the eroded Badlands according to the pigin brutes map this was the same biome where the entrance to Mike’s Fight Club could be found the map also says you can find more of my Zozo videos by searching

Zo zo in the YouTube search bar you should try it out I followed the directions on the map further into the eroded Badlands and I could see Mike’s Fight Club in the distance just you wait Mike I’ll fight you one of these days I heard that Zozo suddenly Mike was right

Next to me and he was looking as strong as ever you shouldn’t have said that spark plug now I’m going to give you a taste of my super special punch the Spike oh no I forgot that today is one of those days Mike Spike he punched me

And my heart started to deplete thank goodness I was wearing diamond armor I drew my diamond sword and swung at him but the damage it did was really low you’re still weak kitty cut no way well I need a netherite sword to even stand a chance I ran away from the fight

Retracing my steps through the eroded Badlands I still wasn’t strong enough to beat him from day 75 to day 78 I followed the map humed my base and went directly into the bunker to work out somehow I couldn’t find the energy to train probably because I was

Disappointed that I had to run away from Mike Mike was the strongest in the world and I still didn’t have the netherite sword I would need to actually challenge him from what he said before even that might not be enough cheer up Zozo you have our strength too so don’t give up

It was wind cller he had come into the bunker to check on me and raise my spirits thanks wind caller I’m feeling like I’m weak today so I really needed to hear that follow me I’ll show you something that might also help there was now a new watchtower at the front of the

Base where we could look out at the bobab Savannah from all of a sudden I feel a whole lot better wind colllar now I remember what I’m fighting for you are the champion electric tiger Zozo don’t forget it now that I was feeling better I went to go visit Fletcher hey there

Fletcher Zozo I got you this special magic Apple to help make you strong enough to face Mike well an apple a day as they say I scarfed down the apple and began to grow into an even bigger electric tiger with 60 hearts in addition to bigger damage and more

Health I could also perform a special Whirlwind attack Mike won’t know what hit him from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling strong and decided to go back to the eroded Badlands this time there was no sign of Mike so I fought some skeletons to test my newfound strength I

Wanted to prove to myself that I had what it takes to become the strongest a nearby weaponsmith saw me defeat those mobs and thought that I was pretty cool so I offered to upgrade my weapon this is my chance to get a netherite sword yeah no absolutely just give me

Your diamond sword and your netherite ingots and I’ll take care of the rest I gave the weaponsmith what he needed and waited in anticipation for him to finish my super cool neite sword it didn’t take him that long and I could tell just by swinging it that this netherite sword

Was the most powerful weapon that I’d ever had thank you weapon Smith I promise to use what you’ve given me for the side of Justice go on and say save the world every weapon Smith dreams of creating a hero’s weapon from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the base to show

The others that I had obtained The netherite Sword and found that it was being attacked by Whisperers so this is where you ran away too coward we’re going to make you feel real silly for leaving Mike in the middle of a fight I battled The Whisperers with all my might

Testing the edge of my netherite sword these minions had given me trouble in the past but now I was so much stronger than them that they were barely a threat I easily defended the base and prevented any further damage to the structures oh man this guy is actually way too strong

Maybe I should leave this one to Mike he’ll know how to win intimidated by my strength the Whisperer stopped fighting it was now their turn to run away serves you right for trying to mess with my friends you’ll have to deal with this electric tiger now I chased the

Whisperers through the bobab Savannah until my base was far away never come back a villager who saw saw me bravely face off against Mike’s henchman came over to cheer me on you’re the electric tiger the second strongest being in the world soon to be the most strongest or first strongest whichever sounds better

Do you think you can spare some of your strength and give me a hand building a bridge over the river sure thing villager I used the materials the Villager gave me to finish building the bridge across the river thanks Zoo only a truly strong hero could do something

Like that from day 90 to day 994 I continued onward across the desert and through the eroded Badlands until I saw on the map I was getting close to Mike’s Arena I could see one of the whisperers who had attacked my base lingering nearby and I drew my netherite sword in

Preparation for a battle I’m here to see Mike I’m going to challenge him for the title of strongest being in the world oh no you didn’t you’re going to need to get this guy first he’s the second strongest in the whole world an armored Pillager showed up taking the place of

The Whisperer as my opponent I’ve heard people say that you’re the second strongest in the world not true because that’s me I’ve never beaten Mike but I’ll beat anyone who isn’t Mike you won’t beat me I’ll take your title then I’ll take on Mike then bring it on Zozo

The electric tiger the armored villager waited for me to make the first move which I did using my netherite sword he blocked the attack and countered with a strike from his own weapon I lost quite a few hearts and had to dodge back to avoid the worst of his attacks I used my

Energy blast to keep him at a distance but his armor was as tough as mine you’re pretty strong Pillager oh you ready to give up and run away no way I’ll Never back down from a fight again from day 95 to day 97 I continued to battle against the armored Pillager

Utilizing all my specially trained techniques to try and gain an advantage have another lightning strike I can handle your lightning strikes all the live long day Zozo we’ll see about that I Circle around the armored Pillager with my Whirlwind attack and delivered sword strikes wherever I could I was

Still having trouble cracking the second strongest Fighter’s armor but I figured I could soften him up for a lightning strike if I just kept attacking with my Whirlwind active I spun around and Unleashed my lightning strike with that attack the Pillager surrendered the electric tiger defeated the armored

Pillager and became the true second strongest in the world no I couldn’t achieve my dream of becoming the strongest in the world why did you want to become the strongest so bad I’m doing it to protect my friends and myself from Mike it started that way for me too but

When I realized I would never win I became his follower all the people who believed in me before became sad and stopped being my friends but they went on to form the order of the shield wait you were the original champion no I was just the guy who tried to be a champion

Before there was a champion you’ve got to be better than me zoo I will armored Pillager I’ll defeat Mike and become the strongest in the world once and for all on day 98 I went back to the base to tell everyone that I would soon be phasing off against Mike for the

Ultimate title I went to visit wind caller first who is standing at the top of the Watchtower thanks to the strength you gave me at the start I was able to become the champion that you always thought I could be it was like I said long ago my strength was the foundation

But you built it into something better and made it your own thank you for believing in me here is a bit more of my strength in the form of a potion drink it before you go into battle next I met with Fletcher outside of the chicken

Farm I wanted to assure him that once I was the strongest I would use my strength to protect all of the biomes from Evil very soon the world will be safe I’m glad I was able to help your quest for strength Zozo you gave me what

I needed when I needed it most and I’m so grateful that I was able to meet you make the most of your magic powers the special techniques will be the key to Victory after Fletcher there was only one last friend to thank the fungus thrower who is chilling in the party

Room this room is the best room other than a mushroom of course that’s a fungus I look forward to hanging out after I beat Mike once and for all it’ll be a big celebration on day 99 I made my way back to the eroded Badlands and saw

The first glimpses of Mike’s Bas I approached and there were the whisperers waiting to stand in the way move aside small fry I’m here for Mike you guys don’t need to be involved The Whisperers bolted for The Hills And I Ran straight in into Mike’s base on day 100 I walked

Into Mike’s fight club with my netherite sword drawn Mike I’m here to fight the big golem himself Mike appeared before me in order to fight Zozo the electric tiger you fought all the other strong people in the world and now you think you can steal my crown I do I’m going to

Make sure that you are put down for the count lots of people have said that to me before and I’ve beaten them all I didn’t get to be the strongest because I made excuses I just kept fighting and winning but you didn’t fight The Whisperers when they started going after

The order of the shield you didn’t want a champion to fight you I don’t care what those weaklings do or what fights they get into all that matters is the fight between me and you that’s how it’s always been destined Champion let’s do this in a place worthy of this showdown

Mike left and I ran after him he turned into his fighting arena I followed him in when he hit at the entrance and slammed his Golem fist into my body it was the Mike Spike his signature opening move I drew my netherite sword and dealt some real damage to him for the first

Time I followed up with a whirlwind and a lightning strike Mike threw me across the fight club then he jumped and slammed onto me dealing a lot of damage he tried to attack again but I hit him with an energy blast he caught him off

Guard and I was able to land a bunch of other energy blasts after then I remembered to drink up the strength potion wind collar gave me I felt much stronger now as we stood there swinging away at each other hit after hit I was wearing the Golem down eventually one of

Us fell Mike actually dropped yes Zozo the electric tiger wins I had completed the 100 day challenge to defeat the strongest being in the world I had won

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a DIAMOND SKELETON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Shiny Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-19 02:15:02. It has garnered 8046 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:02 or 12902 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a DIAMOND SKELETON in Hardcore Minecraft! I’m extra shiny with my hard diamond bones, but not everyone is impressed. Watch as I fight to stay alive!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a DIAMOND SKELETON https://youtu.be/WHtaDYHEwqw 0:36:08 100 DAYS as a DIAMOND MONKEY https://youtu.be/EVXEjmnf4jY 1:10:38 100 DAYS as a DIAMOND VENOM https://youtu.be/0xHBJs5J2uo 1:49:57 100 DAYS as a GOLDEN GORILLA https://youtu.be/XH1_z-8rGWk 2:20:09 100 DAYS as a GOLD HYDRA https://youtu.be/kaDRv_8qGVI 2:58:38 100 DAYS as an ELECTRIC TIGER https://youtu.be/9QrRHyql8FM

#minecraft #100days #diamondskeleton Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • Winning the Competition in Minecraft

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  • Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! – Minecraft

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  • Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow Showdown

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  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

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  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

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  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More