1000 DAYS as a ZEBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as a zebra wow I’m so little and I only have three hearts I need to be extra careful I looked around and saw some analou then I heard someone calling me Zozo you’re here we love you so much I turned and

Saw two zebras running over to me these must be my parents they nuzzled me with their noses oh I love you guys too then out of nowhere a savannah Jeep sped by a human dressed like a hunter jumped out and started capturing the animals run

Zozo my parents leaped in front of me so I could have a chance to escape I ran away and hid behind some rocks I watched helplessly as the hunter caught my parents and put them in the back of his Jeep I was too little to do anything and

I felt really sad I barely had any time with my parents and now they’re gone I couldn’t just wait around though it was getting dark and I needed a safe place to stay for the night I dug a little hole for myself behind the rocks and

Went to sleep on day two I woke up confused I was in a hole all alone then I remembered my parents and I felt sad again I climbed out of the hole only to be attacked by some snakes oh no I didn’t have any weapons so I had to

Dodge and run away they chased after me but I started across a river and they stopped phew that was close the water was really strong but but I finally managed to get to the other side I really need to make some weapons for myself otherwise I’ll be snake food I

Went to work Gathering some materials to make myself tools once I had collected plenty of stone I put up a crafting table and used it to make a full set of stone tools it wasn’t much but it made me feel a little bit better this will

Just have to do for now I figured I shouldn’t cross the river again so I found a spot near a tree and made myself a little shelter for the night it’s okay Mom and Dad I’ll find you I promise and with that I fell asleep on day three I

Woke up feeling hopeful I knew I could find my parents I just needed a little bit of help I’m sure someone knew where the kept the animals he captured I set out across the Savannah when I noticed a baboon getting attacked by a boar someone help me the baboon screamed and

Tried to run away but the boar was too much for him I’ll help you I jumped into action distracting the boar while the baboon attacked we managed to defeat him and we jumped for Joy not bad for the little guys hey I’m Zozo what’s your name I’m Barry thanks for saving my life

I owe you one no problem hey do you know where I can find the hunter that keeps trapping animals he got my parents and I could use some help getting them out I can try the hunter caught my family too I followed him to his base but it’s

Basically impossible to get inside maybe we can do it together sounds like a plan but first we should rest up you can come live at my Hut with me if you want it’ll be safe there that sounds great Barry and I headed back to my house and I made

Him a little Hut right next to mine it was small but it was better than living in a hole good night Barry good night zoo on days four to 5 Barry and I made some adjustments we set up a perimeter to our base and made our Huts a little

Bit bigger we also found some seeds so we could plant some food it was actually starting to feel a little bit more like a home let’s go hunt a hunter Barry tried to look scary as he said it but it’s sounded a little silly too much

Yeah too much he Shrugged and we headed out we passed through the desert and made our way further into the jungle we crouched down as we approached the hunter Fort it was huge but I didn’t see any guards just then a bunch of baboons came running toward us at first we

Thought they were going to be friendly but then they started to attack us oh no Barry we need to run we ran as fast as we could and eventually the baboons stopped chasing us why were those baboons attacking us we’re not the bad guys I think the hunter can control the

Animals somehow he wants us to be his servants that’s terrible were any of those baboons your family no no I didn’t recognize them my family must be inside somewhere we started to head home so we could reassess our situation when we saw a human up ahead oh no it’s another

Human he’s probably working with the hunter we started to run away but he called out to us Hello friends no need to run all I want is to take your picture he held up his camera he seemed harmless enough and he approached us slowly my name is Patrick could I

Perhaps stay with you so I can get some good shots sure you’ll be safer with us then out by yourself maybe you can help us get our families back from the hunter Patrick took our picture I would be happy to help you the more animals the

More pictures then he showed us one of his pictures we went home and helped Patrick to build a little house for himself he seemed to really love it and took pictures of everything eventually we all got tired and went to sleep on day 6 to 8 I woke up to Patrick taking

Pictures of me beautiful even when you are drooling you look great he printed out the picture on his Polaroid yeah take a look I looked at the picture it had me drooling along with some weird symbols underneath huh maybe it’s a weird human thing Patrick left to go

Take pictures of the Rocks when Barry walked in I don’t know if we can do this Barry we we are just a small zebra a baboon and a very odd human we are going to need a lot more help in order to free our families I think I know someone who

Could help it’ll take a little while to get there but he’s our best shot all right let’s go we headed out leaving Patrick to keep watch of the base we made our way across the Savannah it was really hot but we finally made it to an oasis with a watering hole in trees

There were elephants everywhere he’s over there he doesn’t like strangers let me talk to him first Mar turned toward a large tree where an elephant was sitting on a rug Barry walked over and chatted with him for a minute before waving me over welcome my young friend what is it

You seek we want to rescue our families from the Hunter he has captured a lot of innocent animals and he needs to be stopped the elephant nodded yes I know the perfect artifact that will help you it is a necklace with the tooth of a

Lion it has been lost but rumor has it that it is buried at the base of a secret underground waterfall find the waterfall and you’ll find your necklace how is a necklace going to help us oh yes it has the power to give you the strength of 10 men or in your case

Zebras oh wow thanks so much Barry and I were much happier as we went went home we could finally defeat the hunter on days 9 to 10 we arrived back at the base Patrick was taking pictures of some hippos he had befriended wow what magnificent creatures we talked to the

Hippos and found out that the hunter had taken some of their family too we offered to make them a little enclosure in our base after finishing up they were very happy and thanked us for taking them in I went out to go gather some materials and maybe locate the waterfall

I went back to the river because maybe the waterfall was close by I crossed the river and saw the snakes that I had met before get back you noodles I smacked them and was able to defeat all of them I really have gotten stronger maybe it

Won’t be so hard to beat the hunter after all on days 11 to 12 I kept exploring I found a rock formation and inside of it was a cavern I found some more materials and decided to go a little bit deeper as they went down further I was suddenly attacked by some

Nasty spiders oh gross none of that they got a few hits in but I defeated them all pretty quickly it was then that I felt a surge of power and I transformed into a bigger zebra wo I feel amazing I feel like I can take on anything I

Continued down the cavern hoping to find the waterfall but there was nothing I felt sad about that but at least I’m stronger now I made my way out of the cavern and headed back to the base on days 13 to 15 I was making my way back

To the base when the hunter drove by in his Jeep I’ll be back for you Zozo right after I collect your little friends I was so confused how did he know my name what did he mean about my friends he drove away really fast and I tried to

Catch up but it was Hopeless by the time I got back to the base I realized what the hunter meant all of my friends were gone he must have captured all of them but how did he get in I looked around and found Patrick’s camera on the ground

The last picture he took was of the hunter shaking hands with Barry traitor Barry sold us out I was so tired from my journey that I bar made it to my bed before I fell asleep on day 16 to 19 I woke up discouraged I figured I needed

To move my base so I went about collecting some stuff I was looking around the hippo enclosure when I noticed Patrick hiding behind a rock Patrick you’re okay yes yes I’m fine I’m just so grateful that I was able to hide before that awful Hunter took everyone

Away I can’t believe Barry made a deal with him I know it’s crazy but hey I found your camera I thought you might want to back Patrick was so happy he took a bunch of pictures of me then we went to scout out a new spot for our

Base we worked on clearing out an area near some trees and started to build from the ground up I built everything I thought we could need and even a little bit of extra just to keep us safe I sure hoped no one would attack us because it

Was a lot of hard work soon everything was complete Patrick we need to do all that we can to protect the animals on the Savannah I think we should build some sort of statue that will help them know that they can come here for Refuge I think that’s a great idea Zozo we

Started to gather some supplies and built the base of the statue can you tell what it might be on days 20 to 22 Patrick and I went looking for the underground waterfall that the elephant had told us about we followed the river up a little ways before running into a

Pack of lions we didn’t know if they were friendly or not so we approached slowly hello have you seen any underground waterfalls anywhere the Lions seemed nice enough but they were looking confused waterfall why are you looking for a waterfall we were told by a wise elephant that we could find a

Special necklace buried at the base of the underground waterfall it’s actually a lion’s tooth the Lions looked even more confused there is no such thing if anyone would know it would be us now it was my turn to be confused then I realized it was the elephant that told

Me about the necklace an elephant that bued knew it must have been all made up come on Patrick we need to go find that elephant and see what he actually knows Patrick finished taking pictures of the lions and we headed to the Oasis once we arrived we noticed that all of the

Elephants were gone oh no what are we going to do I think I actually hear something over there Patrick pointed to a large rock formation and sure enough an elephant was hiding it was the elephant we had talked to before hey you we need some answers the elephant trembled he actually looked pretty

Scared please don’t hurt me my family was captured by that awful Hunter Barry told me if I lied to you the elephants would be safe he’s a traitor the elephant looked really shaken up I felt bad for him I understand how you feel Barry betrayed us too and now the hunter

Has our friends and my parents but if you come with us you can have a safe home at our base the elephant perked up oh thank you I would love to come with you of course I don’t think I know your name though I’m Zozo I’m Neville nice to

Meet you Neville we’ll take care of you we headed back to the base and made it home just in time for the sun to set on days 23 to 26 I went to make some improvements to our base I added some new fencing a large garden and fixed up

A place for the elephant to stay he seemed pretty happy about it but I was feeling a little discouraged what’s wrong Zozo you’ve done a great job with the base no way anyone is going to get inside it’s not that I’m just upset that the Lion’s tooth necklace isn’t real it

Was my only hope to get my parents and friends back I’m sorry you feel that way Zozo but guess what the necklace is real what then you didn’t lie to us we still have a chance to save my family well it is real it’s just not a lion’s tooth

Necklace it’s a special totem it has the ability to turn you invisible but it only works on those with pure intentions that’s perfect it’s going to be easy now I guess I should also mention the totem is guarded by a crocodile nobody can get past him between the three of us I’m

Sure we can get the totem using the materials I had on hand I made some weapons and armor for the whole team then I went ahead and passed them out to everyone we were ready to fight we locked the base up and headed out towards the river on days 27 to 31

Patrick Neville and I went looking for the crocodile we passed a group of hogs on the way and they tried to attack Patrick hey I only wanted a picture he tried to run away but they kept getting hits on him Neville and I charged with them and after a minute we defeated all

Of them great job Neville no way is the crocodile going to get us we started to head out when we noticed Patrick wasn’t following he was looking down at his feet hey are you okay Patrick I just feel pretty sad all I’ve done is hide or

Run away I couldn’t even save any of our friends earlier and it just makes me feel useless you’re not useless Patrick you’re a friend and you’ve helped more than you know we all have different strengths just use your strengths Patrick seemed cheered up by this and nodded his head thanks Zozo you really

Are a good friend Patrick hugged me and then Neville hugged us it was a little squished but it was a nice little moment Neville even managed to take a selfie with Patrick’s camera nice we kept trekking through the Savannah all feeling a little bit better about

Ourselves on days 32 to 35 we finally reached a watering hole this is the watering hole but I don’t see the crocodile I looked around and sure enough it looked empty maybe he went to go hunt somewhere else when all of a sudden there was a commotion I felt

Something tried to grab me and I ran out as fast as I could Woah that was close it was the Crocodile all right he was just super stealthy how dare you disturb me me can’t you see I’m resting we didn’t mean to disturb you we just want

The totem your guarding and why would I give it to you there was a hunter driving through the Savannah capturing innocent animals he’s captured our family and friends we only want the totem so we can defeat him how do I know you deserve it you could just be lying

To me well if I didn’t deserve it then it wouldn’t work anyway right the crocodile paused I suppose that is true but I can’t just let you take it you have to earn it bring me the golden apples off of the tree on that hill then you can have the totem the crocodile

Pointed toward the hill on top was a small tree all right we’ll do it for you not all of you only you little zebra prove to me that you are worthy I wasn’t sure I could do it myself but I had to try a lot of animals were counting on me

Okay I’ll go I headed up the hill to retriev the golden apples on days 36 to 39 I made my way up the hill but it wasn’t just a hill it was a mountain wow this is a lot taller than I thought I finally made it to the top and saw the

Apple tree wo that tree is bigger than I thought too how was I going to reach all those apples just then a monkey with a fancy robe appeared right in front of me hello traveler come to retrieve some apples yes yes the crocodile down the

Mount and needs them ah yes it’s been a while since he has sent someone up here to retrieve some the last wasn’t so lucky what the heck does that mean I shall present a scenario to you and then you must answer a question answer correctly and the apples are yours

Answer incorrectly and you’ll die wait die are you serious here’s the scenario two monkeys are traveling together down the B of the river when they see a banana lying on the ground it seems to be a normal banana they look across the river and see a tree in the tree is a

Third monkey he seems to be gathering bananas one of the traveling monkeys says to his friend that they should take the banana on the ground since the monkey in the tree is already harvesting bananas how should the friend respond I thought about it for a moment they shouldn’t take the banana it’s not

Theirs to take the monkey nodded and smiled you are correct young zebra in fact if they had taken the banana they would have taken the only good banana since the ones being gathered were indeed rotten they would have taken the only banana that the third monkey could

Have found for days he would have starved if he didn’t have that banana these are yours for the taking wow thank you stay true to yourself and remember what is most important I thanked him again and he disappeared along with the tree wa where did they go I didn’t know

But I didn’t want the apples to disappear too I hurried to collect them before heading down the mountain on days 40 to 43 I arrived at the base of the mountain my friends had set up a little Camp next to the water hole I went over to the watering hole where the crocodile

Was barely visible I retrieved the golden apples just like you asked you’ve done well the crocodile submerged for a moment before returning with a rock in his mouth use it well young zebra you have earned it on the outside of the rock were those strange symbols just

Like the ones in the picture Patrick took of me maybe it wasn’t just a human thing after all I twisted open the Rock and saw the totem there it is I better hurry back to the camp as I arrived back to the camp Patrick tried to take a

Picture of me but I immediately activated the totem and turned invisible wa Zozo where did you go he took a picture of nothing because I was gone I walked behind him and then deactivated the totem and we’re right here Patrick wow that’s amazing that Hunter doesn’t

Stand a chance on days 44 to 49 we traveled back to the base Patrick and Neville went to the river while I went to look for some food we had been walking a long time and needed a rest we even found some nearby plants we could

Eat all of a sudden a horde of bores came out from behind the plants oh sorry are these your plants without a moment’s hesitation they started to attack me hey I just wanted some food you don’t need to hurt me I managed to dodge and defeat

All of them by myself just then I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into an adult zebra wow I’m a lot bigger now I noticed that I had more Hearts too I felt like I was the strongest zebra in the world taking down that Hunter was

Going to be super easy I went back to my friends and we talked about our plans I think we should continue to build our statue once we get back and then gather some supplies for better weapons that’s a great idea Zozo you can teach me to

Fight better so I can help you yeah we’d love to help with the Statue we need as many animals as possible to know that they have a safe place to stay I agreed and we headed the rest of the way back to the base on days 50 to 53 we arrived

At the base using more of our supplies Patrick Neville and I got to work on the next part of the statue it was really starting to come along can you guess what it is now it was looking really good so we took a break and tried to

Work on our base we set up some new enclosures just in case we had more animals come by we felt really good about our progress when we heard a knock at the door I looked outside and there were a bunch of lions hey you’re the Lions we met earlier yes hello we saw

Your statue and wanted to know if we could stay here some of our friends were taking byy Hunter and we are have nowhere else to go could we stay here with you of course we opened the door and the lion Saed in we showed them one of the enclosures we built and they

Loved it they immediately made themselves at home thank you so much we would love to give you a gift as a token of our appreciation one of the Lions gave me some diamonds and gold as a present wow this is incredible thank you so much I immediately began working with

The diamonds at my crafting table and made myself some better armor wow this is amazing that night we all gathered around the campfire and had a fun time Patrick even tried to juggle for us it was a good way to end the night on days

54 to 57 I woke up to someone screaming I raced out of my house to find animals running around like crazy I noticed that the base’s front door was open and there were hyenas running around oh no we’ve got to get them out of here the Lions

And I were able to defeat some of them and drive the rest of them away phew that was close but how did they get in one of the lion stepped forward his head hung low I am so sorry zoo I went out during the night to do some hunting and

I must have forgotten to close the door all the way when I came back in you can kick me out if you want to I deserve it he looked so upset but I knew it was an accident it’s okay nobody got hurt and nothing was taken so we are okay he

Seemed relieved and we all headed back to our houses when I walked inside it looked like one of my chests had been opened I ran over and I realized my totem of invisibility was gone oh no Neville heard me from outside and peaked in is everything okay Zozo no my totem

Is gone those hyenas must have taken it oh no we need to get it back and fast we told Patrick what had happened and he agreed to come with us to find the hyenas I think I might even know where they live I saw them once near a cavern

And I tried to take a picture but they tried to eat me so I ran away that’s awesome Patrick not the almost getting eaten part the knowing where to go part he nodded and smiled I know I talked to the Lions before we left and told them

To let in any other animals that needed help they agreed and we headed toward the cavern to retrieve my totem on days 58 to 62 we traveled toward the cavern that Patrick told us about we ran into some Deus on the way and told them to go

To our base if they wanted a safe place to stay they happily agreed we also ran into some ostriches and some frogs we extended the same invite to them as the other animals and they accepted wow I hope we have enough space for everybody the whole Savannah wouldn’t be able to

Fit in our base but we could sure try we kept traveling and gathered some food and seeds as we went we were going to have a lot more mouths to feed when we got back we finally arrived at the cavern but it looked empty are you sure

This is the right place Patrick yes see look he picked up something off the ground in the middle of some Tall Grass this is the lens that I dropped before I was too scared to come back for it so I just left it we continued into the cavern which eventually turned into a

Large underground cave we peered over a rock and saw the hyenas down below there were a ton of them some of them were just lounging around but some were fighting over something I took a closer look and realized it was my totem hey they have my totem I whispered to my

Friends and motioned toward the group of hyenas there are so many of them how are we ever going to get your totem back I thought for a minute and then came up with a plan I whispered it to my friends and we got into our positions 1 2 3 now

Patrick started flashing his camera from the opening of the tunnel the hyenas all saw the lights and went running towards Patrick he hurried and hid behind a rock by the opening as all the hyenas came rushing out Neville came out from behind his Rock and tried to roll a large Stone

In front of the entryway I ran out from behind my rock and went down grab the totem that the hyenas had dropped in the chaos got it I ran up to see Neville struggling with the rock the hyenas were trying to push it back open Zozo can you

Turn us invisible then we can sneak out there’s too many of them even if we’re invisible they’ll bump into us and find us go and defeat the hunter Zozo make sure all the animals are safe Neville what are you saying don’t do it Neville then pushed the rock out of the way and

Ran outside no Neville Neville ran outside as the heas chased him getting hits in there was no way he was going to survive I heard and had Patrick climb on my back and then I activated the totem we both disappeared and we ran we watched as Neville Was Defeated we had

To get out of there we had no choice but to leave on day 63 to 66 we arrived back at the base Patrick and I were very sad that Neville was gone but we were going to make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain I had my totem and there was no way

I was going to let anyone steal it again I made an even better safe and hid that in a secret spot in my room nobody would ever find it here we helped all the animals in their new homes and planted some more food in the garden we went to

Work on the Statue but noticed it was already finished who finished the statue you we did the Lions came up to me and all bowed at my feet we owe you our lives young zebra we hope you accept our work on your statue as they way to show

Our gratitude wow it’s not every day that the king of the Savannah bows to you thank you but I’m not the true hero Neville sacrificed himself so that I could get the totem back you should be honoring him then we shall honor our fallen friend and build a statue of him

As well we all worked together and made a statue of Neville standing on the landing of our other Statue he was raising his trunk in Triumph it was perfect and I knew Neville would have liked it on day 67 to 70 I woke up to Patrick taking pictures of me again

Wonderful Patrick not now I’m trying to sleep sorry but I had a thought Zozo what if the totem gets stolen again or even lost while we were inside the base we definitely need a backup plan we should scout out the base just in case that’s a really good idea Patrick

Perfect I’ll meet you outside don’t forget your totem just in case he left and I looked toward my safe I actually felt safer with it here so I didn’t bring it I would tell them later we gathered the animals to let them know we were leaving we told them that if any

Animals came by they were more than welcome to stay unless they were hyenas and don’t forget to shut the door all the way one of the Lions looked away in embarrassment but he understood all right we will be back in time to make some final preparations then we’ll get

Our friends and families back everyone cheered to that and we took off on the way there Patrick took some pictures while I gathered some seeds we also ran into some small monkeys we told them where our base was and they started to head that way it felt good to know that

We were helping on day 71 to 74 Patrick and I snuck around to the same spot where Barry and I had been earlier we looked around the base and it seemed bigger than the last time I can’t believe it I looked where Patrick was looking and I saw Barry it looked like

He had gotten bigger there were other baboons there and Barry seemed to be bossing them around he sold us out so he could be the boss of the baboons well I guess so I still couldn’t believe it Barry had been my friend and he seemed genuinely interested in helping me hey

Zozo I’m glad you are my friend thanks Patrick where did that come from I was just thinking and you’ve been really awesome to me just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done then Patrick hugged me thanks Patrick all of a sudden we were surrounded by baboons how did I

Not even notice huh right on time I looked and I saw Barry looking down at us we don’t want to fight you Barry well that’s funny because I do want to fight you Barry swung his arm and smacked Patrick no stop it as soon as you give

Me the totem what the Lion’s tooth necklace it doesn’t exist you know that no Zozo the totem of invisibility that you got what how did you find out about that I have friends on the inside all of a sudden Patrick got up and walked over to Barry no Patrick you’re working for

Him why I had to Zozo after our base was attacked the first time Barry told me to keep my eye on you he threatened to H hurt you if I didn’t help him the hunter wanted more animals and they told me to gather them all in a safe place so they

Could collect them later how have you even been talking I’ve been sneaking out at night I told them about the totem a few days ago the Lions thought they had left the door open but it was me it’s all my fault Neville is gone Patrick

Hung his head down low he looks so sad Barry hit Patrick again enough you now Zozo give me what I want and maybe I won’t hurt Patrick again I don’t have the totem with me what why didn’t you bring it I thought it’d be safer at the

Base why do you need it anyway Barry why you think the hunter will be able to turn invisible and drop any animal he pleases it all be his right-hand man or baboon King of the monkeys it won’t even work for you Barry it only works for the

Pure of heart I had to earn it so you say I think you just think you’re better than me he hit Patrick again stop it I’ll take you to our base that’s just what I wanted to hear move it on day 75 to 78 we slowly traveled back to the

Base Patrick and I were bound and dragged behind the other baboons I wondered why they even agreed to help Barry I tried to talk to one of them hey we can get you out of here and you can live with us us you’ll be safe there the

Monkey looked at me sadly we’ll never be safe not with the Hunter and Barry around it isn’t the worst actually the hunter gives us food and a place to sleep but we are basically his servants we can’t leave because they’ll just find us again it felt really bad for the

Monkey but we couldn’t give up now we can defeat them if you help us Escape we can all work together the monkey thought about it for a second but then Barry started yelling hey no talking to the prisoners he hit the sad monkey who immediately ran up ahead pulling me

Along well at least I tried we soon stopped at a water Pond to rest I walked over to Patrick he wouldn’t even look at me Patrick I know why you did all of this and I don’t hate you he looked at me really yeah you were just trying to

Protect me but I’m not giving up we will defeat Barry and the hunter if it’s the last thing I do Patrick looked back down at his feet and side I don’t know Zozo we all kind of in a sticky situation I think maybe we can get the baboons on

Our side all of a sudden Barry hit me no talking prisoner keep moving I tried to formulate a plan the rest of the way at this point we just had to hope for a miracle on day 79 to 84 we were getting closer to the base suddenly Barry

Stopped bring Zozo forward the sad baboon brought me closer to Barry still keeping me bound Zozo you will go in and retrieve the totem you will then tell all the animals to gather outside for a meeting you won’t tell them about us or I will destroy Patrick I’ll do it just

Don’t hurt him again I made my way to the base and went inside a few animals greeted me and I quickly said hello then walked away I went to my house and opened the safe the totem was still inside I grabbed it and went back to the

Middle of the base everyone I need your attention Patrick and I have an important announcement to make but we need you to come outside to see the animals all gathered together and we started to go outside I felt so bad but I hoped that maybe we could defeat the

Baboons and bury together as we walked out I didn’t see anyone where did they go then the baboons and Berry jumped down from the trees they ambushed us and my friend started to panic Zozo it’s okay I’ll handle this I was just about to attack one of the baboons when all of

A sudden they surrounded Barry wait what what are you doing you fools capture them stay down it was the baboon that I had talked to I guess he had gotten the other baboons to agree to fight hey you’re helping us we want our freedom back and you seem like a capable guy

Will help you perfect wait where’s Patrick I heard Barry laugh it’s too late for your friend Zozo he’s gone no I ran further into the trees I looked around and I finally found Patrick he was sitting up against a rock he didn’t look good at all hey buddy did we win

This one yeah but we still need you for another fight Patrick laughed weakly I’ll try my hottest but I’ll need some help of course I helped him up and let him ride on my back as we slowly made our way back to the base we got back to

The clearing but we didn’t see Barry anywhere where’s Barry the animals all looked at each other I thought you you were watching him me I don’t even know who that guy is the animals all grumbled and pointed at each other I shook my head it doesn’t matter he’s gone now vit

Look Barry had gone into our base on days 85 to 89 I chased after Barry he had some flint and steel and was going to light our base on fire Barry stop this is crazy you can’t stop me Zozo I’m going to be king of the monkeys if it’s

The last thing I do strange that’s what I was thinking earlier but about my friends Barry stop it isn’t too late for you to change why would you want to be king of the monkeys when you can be a friend to all animals you sound like a

Hippie what’s a hippie never mind I’m done talking Barry set the side of the ostrich enclosure on fire when all of a sudden a big splash of water rain down on him extinguishing the fire I looked up and saw the water had come from the trunk of the Neville statue we the water

Feature while you were gone one of the Lions was pressing a button on the side of the wall what absolutely perfect timing I walked towards Barry this is your last chance Barry come join us or I’ll have to defeat you he looks so angry no I will be king of the monkeys I

Will I all of a sudden he slumped down and started to cry I stood there shocked I don’t want to be king of the monkeys honestly I just wanted some friends well to be fair you have a weird way of showing it I still didn’t trust him

Completely but I helped him up it’s okay Barry you have a home here on days 90 to 94 Barry moved back in some of the animals weren’t too happy about it but he tried his hardest to make it up to them he made some cool improvements to

People’s houses the base and even helped Patrick he seemed to really feel bad about what he had done but he was making it better later he came up to me Zozo I need to tell you something about the Hunter’s base okay okay what is it I

Know a secret way I can sneak into his base around the side oh awesome so you can open the door it’s not that simple the controls for the gate are in his private room ah I see I thought for a moment you need to go back and pretend

To still work with him you need to betray him now what if he catches me while I’m trying to do this he won’t I’ll be sure to protect you okay I trust you Zozo on days 95 to 97 we all made our preparations we forged armor and

Swords for everyone just in case no Zozo I’m too weak still I need to stay here but Patrick I need you we’ve come this far together and I need you there with me he can ride on my back one of the Lions bowed to Patrick I shall carry you

And I will promise your safety good friend Patrick agreed I’m proud of all of you today we are going to rescue our families and our friends the Savannah will be free again everyone cheered and we headed out to the Hunter’s base on day 98 we arrived at the Hunter’s base

It looked the same as usual which was good Barry came up to me all right Barry this is your queue he looked nervous it’ll be fine you remember the signal right he nodded thanks Zozo you’re a good friend we headed toward the side of the base and disappeared around the

Corner we waited a few minutes and then we heard a loud monkey call that was our signal to go then we saw the front gate start to open good job Barry we charged through the front gate and into the courtyard as we started looking around I

Even saw my parents Zozo Mom Dad we’re here to rescue you my friend started working on getting the cages open while I headed upstairs on day 99 I found the lair of the Hunter he had all sorts of animal pelts all over the place and even

More guns sheesh this place gave me the creeps I knew we would meet again young zebra I turned around ready to attack the hunter was there but he was holding Barry hostage give me my friend back Hunter Oh you mean this traitor I don’t think so I think instead I’ll just add

Him to my collection he waved his gun around the room full of pelts no I activated the totem and disappeared I knocked the hunter away from Barry and told him to run then I charged the Hunter he blindly shot around the room but he had no idea where I was Barry

Wasn’t so lucky though and got hit as he made his Escape that’s a cheap move zebra disappearing so I can’t see you says the guy who captures animals and then enslaves them he got a few lucky shots in but I was able to deliver the final blow I unequipped the totem and

Ran over to Barry he had been hit and he looked pretty bad oh no Barry I’m so sorry I promised I would keep you safe it’s okay Zozo I did what I needed to do thanks for being my friend Barry put his head down and was gone he had made many

Mistakes but in the end chose to do the right thing on day 100 I felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a large adult zebra I was stronger than ever and knew that from now on I could protect all of the animals in the savannah my

Friends had figured out how to open the cage doors freeing all of the animals from the Hunter’s base I was finally able to talk to my parents it was a beautiful reunion we were all free at last if you want to see what I’ll do next don’t forget to subscribe and like

This video thanks for watching on day one I spawned in as a kangaroo haa I’m a tiny little kangaroo look how bouncy I am I was so busy bouncing I barely noticed the little Tasmanian devil that started to attack me back away I swung my fist and punched that little baby

Right out of here a dang I’m tiny but I can pack a punch I took a look around for some trees to start my Adventures when a much bigger Tasmanian devil came out uh-oh looks like I made the dad angry I got to hop on out of here I ran

Away as the Tasmanian devil looked angrily on if I could find my kangaroo family I knew I would be safe as I hopped around I could see I was all alone so I’d made myself a simple shelter to spend the night maybe tomorrow I can find my family on day two

I headed back over to where I spawned in and saw the Tasmanian devil was nowhere to be seen looks like the coast is clear let’s get that wood I started punching the trees and had soon gathered a good amount of wood using the wood I managed to make myself some wood tools that

Would come in handy later turned out that later was now as a snake came out of nowhere and attacked where did you come from I swung at the snake hitting him right in the face it didn’t take long and I was able to take him out not

Bad my guy I looked over and saw an emu was watching why don’t you come over here and let me get a sample of that power you want to fight me just box let’s go I didn’t see the harm in a little training so I started swinging

The Emu was a good fighter and had clearly been well trained after a bit of sparring he stopped yeah you’ve got some real talent but you’ve got lots to learn let me introduce you to my trainer he’ll have you becoming a real fighter in no time I agreed and followed him as we

Walked he introduced him himself as Ernie we soon arrived at an old rundown gym as we entered inside I soon saw who his trainer was it was an old Turtle Master Balboa I ran into this kangaroo and I think he’s got some real promise the old Turtle looked me up and down hm

I don’t see much here I won’t train him oh come on maybe he can help with the silence okay he can stay here be ready for training at Sunrise I don’t know why this master balau was so hard on me but I agreed to be trained and went to bed

In the gym on day three I was woken up by Master baloa already sleeping in I see hm beggar can’t be choosers up up you will start by cleaning this place I took a look around the gym and saw that there was a lot of work to be done there

Was a lot of stuff that needed to be cleared out and there was a lot of room for improvement I wonder how long it had been since someone had cleaned this place up once I had done a fair bit of cleaning I decided that I didn’t want to

Be sleeping on the floor anymore so I made myself a small room for me to sleep in it wasn’t anything fancy just a place to rest after I had finished Master Balboa came up to me too good to sleep on the floor are you every student

Sleeps on the floor and earns his dues I don’t know why you think you are different I’m not not trying to offend anyone I just thought it might be a little more comfortable one can never do the uncomfortable from a place of comfort you do well to remember that

Strength is forged in the trials of fire man this guy was always speaking and weird sayings just then a mountain toris appeared uh-oh this guy looks like he wants to hurt me let’s get out of here no Zozo this is your fire fight him and Forge the strength you need to win okay

I’ll give it a shot the tortoise was tough he was really hitting hard and I wasn’t feeling confident I could win that’s when I could hear Master baloa shouting at me a tortoise’s strength doesn’t come from the hardness of his shell but from the will of his heart

What don’t hit the shell hit his soft spots oh right I focused on the tortoise’s neck and started Landing some good hits in no time he was taken out after he had disappeared I felt some adrenaline coursing through me and I leveled up into an even stronger

Kangaroo I have even more Hearts now too Ernie was really impressed and shouted his encouragement to me I thought I even saw Master baloa crack a smile just maybe on days four to five I found myself facing off with Ernie my skills had improved but my emu friend really

Knew how to fight as we fought I asked him some questions so have you seen any other kangaroos around I can’t be the only one Ernie didn’t say anything but I could tell he had something to say master Balboa spoke up instead there are many animals who have trained here one

Of these animals was a legendary kangaroo he was one of the greatest fighters to pass through this gym even he among many others was unable to defeat the buff Bear all have failed I hate that buff bear I’ve seen too many of my friends fall to him nothing will

Stop me from destroying him patience Ernie rage is a cancer that can blind even the clearest of vision Ernie calmed down but I could still sense his frustration beneath the surface I felt his anger though that buff bear was going to pay on day 6 to 8 I woke up

With an idea if we’re really going to take down this buff bear we’re going to need better training facilities I think I can help with that after I had gathered some Stone I was suddenly attacked by the Tasmanian devil for my first day joke was on him though I was

Even stronger now let’s see how you like this I swung my fist and really let him have it I don’t think he was expecting me to be so strong and I was able to knock him out in no time someone bit off more than they could chew I grabbed a

Little more sand then headed back to the base now that I had a bunch of materials I used them to start improvements to the gym I felt like I had a strong purpose and a clear mind master bboa would be proud of that after a lot of sweat and

Hard work all the improvements were complete at least for now on days 9 to 10 Ernie and I were out for a jog the problem was Ernie was so much faster than me he had to keep waiting for me to catch up he didn’t seem to mind though

What a slow P I looked over and saw a monkey was watching us hey that’s not a very nice thing to say you right I’m not very nice I’m nicer than that dump you call a gym though I’m sorry who are you e why do you care you’re not going to be

Around much longer anyway what do you mean my master buff bear is going to wipe you and all your little friends out soon enough you’re all just a bunch of weaklings buff bear you think buff bear can beat us Ernie jumped to the monkey and they started to fight yeah get him

Ernie the monkey and Ernie were pretty evenly matched but I believed in Ernie just then someone else came running into the fight it was the buff bear Ernie watch out Ernie was outnumbered I had to help more bbo students for me to destroy you guys are pathetic we were holding on

Buff bar was strong I was starting to get worried about Ernie stop this at once Master bboa had arrived he seemed to catch us all off guard as everyone stopped fighting bboa crawled out of your shell to train some more weaklings I see there your strength is your

Weakness huh are you twoo really listening to this old fool don’t insult him you’re a real jerk I challenge you to a fight Ernie no yeah I’ll fight you little guy looks like you better go with your babysitter you know where to find me master baloa then pulled us away as

Buff bear and his monkey henchmen left Ernie I told you your anger could be your downfall Master Balboa I’ve been training so hard I know I can beat him Master Balboa didn’t seem so sure but didn’t say anything else if you’re going to go through with this you’ll need all

The help you can get I’ll do what I can to help you prepare on days 11 to 12 I decided to continue doing some upgrades to the gym Ernie was going to need every Advantage so I made sure to give the gym the improvements it needed to give him

The edge it’s going to take more than than a nice gym to win this fight so we better get some upgraded gear I took off and soon found myself in a forest I headed into a nearby cave and quickly found some iron just what I was looking

For I had collected the iron I needed when suddenly I was attacked by a Sunbird what the where did you come from I tried to hit him but he was too tough my health was starting to drain though so I had to get out of there I ran off

How could I beat him then I had an idea I climbed up to get higher than the Sunbird then jumped off heads up by doing this I was able to land the final blow that’s when I saw he had dropped some items oh nice these will be perfect

For the base you saved me confused I turned and saw platypus was talking to me that Sunbird wouldn’t leave me alone well he’ll leave you alone now but it is pretty dangerous out here do you have a safe place to stay no not really I’m alone out here well why don’t you come

Live at my training gym with me oh I’ve always wanted to be stronger that sounds great we headed off for the gym we soon arrived and I had a chat with Master baloa Zozo I’m not running a charity here you can’t just invite anyone you

Meet to live here but he was all alone I can build him his own place he won’t be a bother I’m sure of it h well these are dangerous times very well I quickly got to work putting together a room for the Platypus whose name was Perry I wasn’t

Sure how much training Master BAU was going to let him do but in any case he would have a place to stay I also took some time to build myself a crafting area once my crafting area was set up I smelted all the iron I had gathered with

All the iron smelted I then took all of the iron ingots and used them to make myself a fancy new set of iron tools I also used them to make myself some iron armor the iron armor is still a little big for me though so I’ll save it for

Later on days 13 to 15 I woke up to a strange noise we were being attacked by a gang of monkeys buff Bear’s cronies we’ve got to stop them I jumped into the battle hitting as many monkeys as I could I couldn’t believe buff bear would

Send a hit squad like this I was taking some of them out but they just kept coming suddenly buff bear entered and the fight was really on Ernie and master baloa tried to fight him off but it looks like they were in real trouble then out of nowhere I was trapped in a

Cage all I could do was watch as buff bear attacked my friends Master bboa took a hard hit Ernie was now in danger this looked like the end for him no oh wait it was just a dream thank goodness I was still feeling nervous about it

Though so I went to talk to Ernie I told him about my dream and that I didn’t think it’d be a good idea for him to go through with the fight Ernie just laughed at off saying I was being paranoid he was sure he could win the

Fight I hope so but keep an eye out for any funny business on days 16 to 19 I woke up and saw that Master balau and Ernie were already hard at work training whoops Master balau isn’t going to like that I slept in again I was still feeling a little nervous about Ernie’s

Fight though so I went to talk to him about it he told me that I needed to stop worrying that’s when Master baloa started to talk to me Zozo enough chibber Jabber you already slept too late it’s time to train yeah sorry I had a pretty bad dream what’s on the

Schedule for today Master baloa led us over to a corner of the gym there’s a spider infestation down there that I don’t want to deal with the two of you can get down there and clean it up there’s more equipment on the way and we

Need space for it oh man all right we’re on it Ernie and I broke all the boards as well as the spider webs Master BAU was right it was a mess down here we got Right to Work destroying all of the spiders in our way I wondered how long

They had been down here I really hope Master baloa knows what he’s doing this is nasty soon enough the spider ERS were all cleared out we then got to work patching up all of the broken sections this place was in rough shape but we were sure we could get it looking nice

In no time as we finished Master Balboa came down to meet us Zozo there’s a delivery waiting for us go ahead and bring everything down I ran upstairs and greeted the delivery man he handed me the boxes of equipment and I took everything downstairs inside of the

Boxes was a bunch of exercise equipment well boys hop to it Ernie and I unloaded all the equipment and got everything set up there were a lot of good areas to train in now just in time too because master baloa was ready for us time to

Hit the equipment Ernie and I ran around the gym following Master Babbo’s instructions it was a lot of hard work but Ernie had a big fight ahead and we really needed to push him to be his best the new equipment was great too I was definitely going to be sore tomorrow as

We finished our workout I could really feel my heart pumping suddenly I grew into an even bigger kangaroo and gained more Hearts wo I feel great as we all celebrated my new Strength Perry came down the stairs wow you’ve grown I wanted to find you guys I I know

Something that might help there are some powerful boxing gloves at a far off land that makes the user punch even harder than normal normal that’s just what we could use Perry explained where we needed to go I told Ernie to keep training and I would go find the gloves

On days 20 to 22 I headed out to go find the special gloves Perry told me where to go but mentioned it was very dangerous as I got closer I could see why this Outpost is crawling with desert Raiders this isn’t going to be easy I

Snuck my way up to the front door as a patrol of Raiders walked by maybe I could sneak in I moved further into the base trying to hide behind things I had gotten much bigger though and that was harder to do they soon spotted me and

Attacked looks like I’m going to have to fight my way through this one there were a lot of Raiders but with my new Strength it wasn’t too much of a challenge to knock them out of the way I had to be careful though because if I got too cocky they could easily overrun

Me with their numbers and take me down soon I had fought my way to the top of the base as I moved to take the power gloves I heard a noise a buff Raider was looking at me and charged bring it on this guy was no ordinary Raider he was

Stronger than the others and had a different weapon as he hit me I even caught on fire wao tone it down big guy the fire hurt but I had to keep fighting I couldn’t let Ernie down I kept on punching and hitting until finally I landed the final blow the power gloves

Are all mine now I walked up to the gloves and picked them up they fit like a glove as I left the base another Raider tried to attack me but I punched him so hard he went flying the other guy simply turned and tried to run away I’ve

Got the power now as I arrived back at the base I could see Ernie outside training I could tell he was feeling a bit nervous hey Ernie are you feeling nervous I’m here to support you no matter what there’s no shame in calling it off no I can’t call it off I’ve been

Waiting for this my whole life all right if you say so in any case I have some good news I got the power gloves these should give you a serious leg up I tossed the gloves over to him and he was super excited about it I could tell this

Really raised his spirits I was still nervous about him doing the fight but there was no way I was going to change his mind on days 23 to 26 it was time for the big fight we all made our way to the arena and soon arrived Ernie was in

High Spirits and we were feeling pretty good maybe he could win this thing after all as we approached the monkey from before stopped us hi you Chums buff bear wants to make this fight a little more interesting oh boy what’s that this fight won’t be to the death just until

Someone gives up if the Emu here wins which he won’t Master bear will let any of the captured Birds go but if he loses he’ll be Master Bear’s servant for life there’s something fishy about this Ernie I don’t think it’s a good idea tell your boss I’ll take it and I’m looking

Forward to seeing all the Birds Go free the monkey chuckled and went to tell his boss later Ernie had stepped into the ring and we could hear something up above us buff bear had hung cages all around the arena cages that were filled with all of Ernie’s friends this guy was

A sicko an announcer stepped into the ring ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to another Rumble Fantastical in the Red Corner we have the powerful the mighty The Undefeated buff bear the crowd went absolutely nuts with cheering he was definitely going to have the HomeField advantage and in the blue

Corner is an even the announcer walked off you got this Ernie make us proud son there was a ding and the fight was on Ernie and buff bear jumped at each other they were both Landing some heavy Hits come on Ernie show him who’s boss Ernie was swinging his hardest and it looked

Like he was actually winning I bet buff bear wasn’t expecting those power gloves H what’s wrong bear scared you finally met your end E I guess I’ll start trying now buff bear started hitting even harder than before he wasn’t bluffing he had just been toying with Ernie Ernie

Watch out buff bear was really Landing blows Now All Ernie could do was try to defend but it was no use this fight wasn’t going to last much longer okay okay I yield you win I’ll be your servant please I have enough servants you think I’m not going to give my

Friends a good show no no you you made a deal oops guess I lied Ernie watch out buff bear swung his claws and destroyed Ernie for good no the crowd went wild as buff bear celebrated with them oh let’s get him no Zozo I can’t lose you too

Quick grab the gloves and let’s get out of here I jumped into the arena and collected the power gloves master balau and I got out of there as fast as we could on days 27 to 31 we had made it back to the gym I couldn’t believe Ernie

Was gone we had only known each other for a short time but it felt like we had become brothers a WI went outside and saw Master Balboa looking off into the distance we’ll get our revenge on Buff bear I know it Master Balboa side Zozo it is impossible I can’t keep letting

This cycle repeat itself Ernie said the same thing to me when our last student Was Defeated and that student said the same thing when we lost the one before I am a failure as a teacher I should just close up the gym and be done no you

Can’t do that I’ve learned so much from you and I know I have much more to learn if you’re gone it will be like I’ve lost everyone Master baloa thought about it for a moment fine we can continue but you must promise you won’t challenge that bear training is for the

Strengthening of the self not the domination of others I smiled he was back to himself I promised to train for my own betterment not for the destruction of others I meant what I said but there was something inside of me that was telling me I needed to

Avenge Ernie I didn’t feel like I needed to mention that to master bboa though so I changed the subject I think we should do something to honor Ernie and I know just what to do using some of the supplies from the gym I got to work

Building a statue I had a special idea in mind and I think you’ll like it when I’m done it wasn’t too much longer and the first part of the statue was complete on days 32 to 35 I went to have a chat with Perry even if we weren’t

Going to challenge the buff bear and his monkeys we needed to be strong enough to defend ourselves Perry said he was ready to begin training and I decided it would be good to go and try to recruit more animals I headed out into the land and soon came across an abandoned Farm I

Didn’t see anyone so I decided to go ahead and grab some of the nearby crops as I was finishing up I heard a cry in the distance what was that the sound got closer that’s when I saw a baby pig was under attack by a group of cougars help

Me help me I charged in punching the Cougars leave him alone the Cougars must have been so hungry they didn’t even pay attention to me the poor little piggy was really in trouble I took a few swings and soon all of the Cougars were gone hey there buddy are you okay yes

But no this was my family’s Farm my family was captured and taken away by the henchmen of buff bear I was next thank goodness you came along happy to help but it’s not safe out here please come stay at my gym with me and my friends you’ll be much safer there Pig

Was thrilled at this idea oh and his name was Wilbur on days 36 to 39 Wilbur and I had arrived back to the base I brought him inside and introduced him to Perry who was hard at work training on a dummy Perry I’d like you to meet Wilbur

He’s going to be staying with us and I thought he’d make for a great training partner Perry and Wilbur started chatting and hit it off right away then they ran off to go do some training while they were doing that I decided to go outside and work on the farm using

The crops I had collected I planted everything to give us a nice food supply with the farm set up I then got Right to Work building Wilbur his own room room the poor guy was missing his family but at least we could give him a home here

In the meantime once the room was complete I headed back to the ring to guide Perry and Wilbur in a practice fight the two of them weren’t very strong yet but we would get them there Master Balboa came over ah and who do we have here I introduced Wilbur to master

Balboa who seemed happy to see him there he didn’t seem to be quite as strict as he was when I first read but remember the things you learn here are for your defense only not for attacking others speaking of which I have something to

Share with you Zoo what is it if we are to be prepared for an attack we must have every Advantage available to us there is a powerful defensive item that you need to find master Balbo then explained the direction I needed to go he wasn’t sure of its exact location but

Another animal in the area may have heard of it I set off right away on days 40 to 43 I was still traveling across the land toward the special item off in the distance I could see a watering hole oh perfect I could use a drink as I got

Closer though I was stopped by a gazelle hang on you can’t go over there why not don’t you see that line he attacks anyone who tries to drink he’s a real jerk real jerk huh I’ve got a thing for getting rid of jerks well if you can get

Rid of him I’ll give you something good sounds like a deal hang on a second I hopped over to the lion without a word he attacked wow they weren’t joking you are a jerk this guy was tough but he had no training his fighting style was messy

And he just tried to swing mindlessly at me I bobbed and weaved Landing blows he still got some hits in but in the end I managed to take him out you did it wow that was really impressive here take this the gazelle tossed out a specialized pickaxe as I looked closer I

Could see see it was enchanted with efficiency and Fortune wo this is a massive help thank you I ran off and soon found a cave I had to put this thing to use right away as I explored the cave I soon found what I was looking

For diamonds the perfect thing at a time like this I’m going to be able to upgrade all of my gear my pockets were soon full of diamonds and I headed out to keep looking for the special item on days 54 to 49 I was finishing up my

Diamond mining suddenly I heard a noise behind me what the heck is that a giant two-legged monster was looking at me it attacked I had never seen a monster like this before but it was really powerful was starting to get worried because my health was really dropping it doesn’t

Look like I’m going to make it just then a colorful Warrior came stepping in and finished it off wo you’re super strong where did you come from technically I came from 1,000 years ago wa are you some kind of time traveler no not exactly in my life time I was cursed by

Some evil witches and now I can’t arrest until I’ve defeated the ancient Ghost Warrior Ghost Warrior that sounds spooky what is that and where do you find one follow me I took off after the ancient warrior and we soon arrived at an old Temple as we got closer I could see see

There is some kind of magical force field blocking our way in the ancient warrior explained that in order to bring down the shield we’d have to defeat three nearby ghost shamans I have come here many times but I’m not strong enough on my own if I could get your

Help there would be something in it for you too inside of this Temple is a powerful defensive item that can only be used by the living that sounds like the item I’ve been searching for I’m in on days 50 to 53 the warrior and I soon saw

The fire tower looming in the distance on top the fire ghost Shaman was waiting we charged up the tower fighting blazes along the way out of the way hotheads the warrior was really impressed with my skills we soon reached the top the fire ghost Shaman took one look at us then

Attacked we had an intense battle while he set off explosions around us it was hard to believe that there were two more of these guys with the combined power of the warrior and me though we managed to finally defeat him after he disappeared we noticed that he had dropped a key oh

We can use this to unlock the barrier two more to go sometime later we arrived at the ice tower it was a huge ice Spike protruding out of an icy Wasteland it was quite the sight to behold let’s get to it this time the tower was covered in

Skeleton to Warriors they were vicious in their attacks and at times I was scared they were going to knock me off the tower we got lucky though and managed to make it to the top problem was there was no one there where is he do you think someone defeated him

Already without warning some ice in the wall broke and the ice Shaman came charging out quite the entrance there sir the ice Shaman put up a big fight as we battled he shot ice bikes up from the ground which were really scary a hit from those would do some serious damage

We were tough though and managed to take him out he too dropped a key which we picked up later we arrived at the final Tower the storm Tower it too was an impressive sight towering over the surrounding land we didn’t have time to be impressed though we had a key to

Collect we charged up the tower racing to the top protecting the tower was a small army of lightning allays they would shriek as they flew in trying to hit us these guys are freaking me out it took a lot of effort but at long last we had almost reached the top there was

Just one problem looks like we’ve got some jumping to do hopefully we don’t fall off the platforms had been covered in water and were a little slick but we were doing okay that’s when a small storm cloud opened up and started shooting lightning at us you can’t be

Serious we kept hopping across the platforms doing our best to avoid the the lightning strikes which as you can imagine is not the easiest thing to do yet somehow we managed to reach the top there was a burst of lightning and the storm Shaman appeared floating on a thunder cloud let’s show this

Prehistoric storm junkie who they’re messing with the shaman started to fight us shooting lightning as he went come on man cool it with the lightning he was quick but not too quick we hit him again and again taking some hits of Our Own It was a close battle but in the end we

Were able to come out on top and there’s the last key we picked it up it was time to let our Warrior rest on days 54 to 57 we had returned to the temple the warrior stepped forward and placed the keys in the elemental circles as he did

So each key floated in place until at long last the barrier was destroyed we entered the temple and went up the stairs as we reached the top I could see the item floating on a table the eye of the tiger that must be it we ran forward

To grab it but heard a strange noise stopping in our tracks what was that suddenly the ground broke and we fell down a long hole o where are we Who Dares enter my tomb sitting in front of us on a throne was the ancient Ghost Warrior he was dressed in a tiger skin

There was no way I was going to get that item without defeating this guy all right Catman Let’s Dance Ghost Warrior charge the battle was fierce and everyone was getting in some hard hits the thing is though we were winning for an endless being you aren’t very tough

We landed a pretty heavy blow which sent the Ghost Warrior running back to his throne feel the wrath of the elemental being suddenly a small force field appeared and the three elemental shaman came running through the portals these guys again we can do this it was hard enough fighting these guys one-on-one

But all three at once was a real challenge before we had always outnumbered them so this was a tough fight luckily these re commanded Warriors weren’t as tough as the ones in the towers as they didn’t seem to be able to use their special attacks hang

On buddy we can beat them slowly but surely we were able to start taking them out as one would fall the force field would weaken until finally they were all gone oh I will end this the Ghost Warrior attacked us again but it was clear we were too powerful he tried his

Best but soon he was destroyed thank you for your help zoo please go and claim the eye of the tiger I will stay here and assume my final rest you’re a mighty warrior enjoy your afterlife I ran up the stairs and grabbed the eye of the

Tiger off the pedestal huh I don’t know what exactly this does but I guess I’ll find out as I went to exit the temple I saw the warrior standing at the bottom of the temple steps what are you doing here I thought you were on your way to

The afterlife well I did too but nothing happened did you get the item I did but I’m not sure what it does exactly you will never leave this place the Ghost Warrior had reappeared at the top of the stairs and came charging at me he hit me super hard but I immediately responded

With an even stronger Counterattack knocking him out in one hit wa what was that it was the item it lets you deliver a powerful blow but only if you take a powerful hit yourself interesting say if you’re not going to be disappearing anytime soon why don’t you join me on my

Quest I’ve got nothing else to do sounds great awesome by the way what’s your name I bet it’s something really cool and ancient sounding Tim Tim like short for Timothy that is correct okay well that’s still cool let’s go on days 58 to 62 Tim and I arrived back at the base I

Headed straight to master BAU to tell him about the item I had found that is most impressive Z Doo I’m so happy that you made it back in one piece Master Balboa let out a cough that didn’t sound so good but I didn’t want to press him he was also looking a

Little shaky with Tim at the base I needed to make sure he had a place to stay I wasn’t sure if Undead Timeless ancient warriors needed to sleep or not but I did my best to make him a comfortable place the very least he could just enjoy the funu Tim then

Called me over to him and told me that his 1,000 years of life came with some training tips following his instructions I made some improvements to the gym these are really going to help us out with dim all set up I then headed over to the crafting table to make use of all

The diamonds I had found it had been something of a miracle that I was able to win all the battles I did using subpar armor soon I had everything upgraded and was ready for my next fight on day 63 to 66 I decided to get some

More work done on Ernie statue I had gotten a decent amount done when I heard a noise coming from the base as I looked I saw the base was under attack by the monkeys and this time it wasn’t a dream you scumbags get back I started to fight

Off the monkeys taking a lot of them out buff bear was strong but his students weren’t he must not be a very good teacher I then hurried and ran inside the gym where there was a pack of monkeys attacking Master Balboa get away from him Master Balboa was holding his

Own but I could tell he was eventually going to be overrun I helped fight off the monkeys until only the henchman monkey was left you may have defeated a little army but as long as you keep training and getting more members of your gym we’ll keep giving you these

Little visits enough is enough we will never give up tell your boss this is an official challenge I challenge him to a fight to the death okay pal your funeral the monkey turned and ran off I ran over to master Balboa he wasn’t looking so good

Why did you do that you promised me you wouldn’t fight him promised I would only fight out of self-defense they attacked us isn’t that what I’m doing Master baloa let out a cough he had been seriously injured uh we don’t we don’t have to worry about that right now you

Need to rest up and heal your wounds I’m sorry I led him to his bed to rest things weren’t looking good on day 67 to 70 I got to work building a medical area that would have all the things that could help Master baloa to heal I hoped

He could pull through when I was done I went to check on him again but things were not looking good Zozo I don’t know how much time I have left but I need to talk to you about this fight Master bbo it’s okay save your energy I know what

You’re going to say we don’t have to talk about this now we do Zozo I just want you to consider something you can live your life in peace at this gym restoring it and training the next generation of protectors you don’t have to throw your life away in the pursuit

Of Revenge don’t answer me now just promise you will think about it I promised him I would think about it while I thought about it though I decided to get to work repairing the gym the monkeys had caused a lot of damage and we needed to get things back in case

They attacked again once the repairs were complete I went around the outside of the gym putting up a fence a little extra security could make a big difference in the future as I was finishing up the fence Perry came over to talk to me hey I’ve got some

Information you might find useful I know where you can find that monkey oh do you because I wouldn’t mind having a little chat with him there’s a club nearby that he likes to hang out at I’ll tell you the way Perry explained how to find the

Club and I set off if I decided not to fight buff bear at the very least I was going to take out his monkey on day 71 to 74 I arrived outside the club Perry had told me about there were some bounc standing outside out of the way boys or

I’ll move you myself the bouncers weren’t interested in my threats and we started to fight how bold of them to think they were going to stop me I was able to knock both of them out pretty quickly as I stepped into the club there was a shout and a bunch of monkeys

Started to swarm me bring it on you tree rats where’s your leader I smacked the monkeys left and right sending them crashing into the tables and chairs I wasn’t in the mood for their sad attempts to take me out I only had one thing on my mind Revenge come on where

Is he I know he’s hiding around here more and more waves of monkeys came running out but it didn’t matter I tossed them around like stuffed animals and took them out quickly if they weren’t going to show me where the henchmen was hiding I was just going to

Have to start destroying their Club I ran around the room busting up the tables and chairs I ran around breaking everything I could if he was going to come to my house and break my stuff I had no problem going to his and doing the same surely this would draw the

Monkey henchman out on day 75 to 78 a nearby door opened and the henchman Finally Revealed himself hey what’s the big idea I thought we told you where you could stick your little kangaroo paws did you really think you could come to our gym and not have anything happen in

Return you said you wanted to fight Master bear not me turned out I had some room in my schedule you and me alone now let’s go sure I can Crush you myself the henchman left forward getting an early hit in Catching me off guard he was stronger than I was expecting what’s

Wrong happy spending too much time hugging trees and drinking tea with your tottal grandpa how is he by the way I he’s not doing too good you’re about to pay what you did to him I landed a really hard hit which I could tell really shook him up n no not like this

You won’t beat me suddenly a bunch of monkey guards came running into the room you coward always hiding behind others you talk tough but you’re weak if buff bear wasn’t around to protect you you’d have disappeared a long time ago I managed to knock out the crowd of monkeys the monkey henchman looked

Around then took off running up a flat of stairs to the roof of the club I chased him to the top what are you so afraid of I thought you were going to crush me what are you doing at that Turtle gym how did you become so strong

It’s called training maybe you should have tried it instead of running your mouth the monkey henchman was cornered at the edge of the roof hey come on now I just wanted to rough that old Turtle up a bit you know it’s not a big deal We’re Not So Different you know we’re

Both strong willed so what do you say let’s call it a draw and I’ll get buff B to call the fight off no I punched him so hard he flew over the edge disappearing into the night I had no more time for slimy monkeys as I ran

Down the stairs I noticed there was a note on the monkey’s desk I picked it up and took a look do not worry about Zozo even if it comes to a fight between me and him I have a man on the inside we will poison Zoo before the fight and

Ensure my victory this must be from buff bear but a man on the inside I’ll have to keep an eye out on day 79 to 84 I arrived back at the base as I got closer Perry came running out Zozo come quick Master Balboa has been asking for you I

Think this is the end I hurried inside and saw Master Balboa was looking even worse than before he looked like he didn’t have much time left Zozo my end is near but I needed to speak with you I’m sorry Master baloa I’ve been rash I

Know I need to call off the fight if that is your final wish I will honor it and finally you understand what you mean Zozo I know you and while I know you mean that when you say it your desire for Revenge will grow stronger with every attack buff bear launches even the

Strongest Warrior can’t run in two directions at once wait do you mean to say you want me to fight him I do I’ve known this from the moment Ernie stepped into the ring with that bear it was always your destiny to avenge Ernie and save this gym but I needed you to

Understand that you cannot defeat the bear with a heart of Rage you’ve been preparing me this whole time and I didn’t even realize it thank you I’m afraid someone here is trying to sabotage me though I found a note from buff bear saying so if a friend is going

To cross you they may have their own reasons why be patient and have compassion so you may learn why goodbye Soo I will be with you master Baba turned to his side and vanished I couldn’t believe he was gone suddenly there were some blinking lights as experience poured in on me leveling me

Up into an even bigger kangaroo with more Hearts Master Balboa’s final gift I won’t let him down as a show of my gratitude I I had it outside to do some work on the Statue there was something new I felt I should add now that Master

Bboa was gone it might not look like much but soon enough it will be something great on days 85 to 89 I walked around the gym visiting with each of the new friends I had made each of them had a piece of advice for me Tim

Spoke of speed in the fight using fast movements to evade the enemy’s attack in order to land my own Harry showed me what he had learned about his tail and shared with me a secret he had discovered that allowed him to hit twice as hard with it Wilbur spoke to me about

The power of perseverance sometimes things get hard in the fight but by keeping your head down and continuing to fight you will always make it through as Wilbur was explaining Perry came over he had a note from buff bear greetings Zozo I accept your challenge and I will meet

You in the arena in a few days best get ready soon as I read the note I noticed Wilbur was acting a little funny I’d have to keep an eye on him over the next few days on days 90 to 94 I woke up and decided it was time to make my final

Preparations I felt more powered up than ever but there was still more that needed to be done there was no way I could let buff bear take me out first things first I’ve got to upgrade my armor the strongest armor comes from netherite so I needed to head into into

The Nether I set out to find obsidian I had ventured deep into a cave where there was lava and was able to collect all the obsidian I needed using my newly collected obsidian I then set up a portal outside and lit it going to the nether always makes me nervous but here

We go I stepped into the portal and the Purple Haze took me away safely in the nether I got Right to Work looking for ancient debris unfortunately this wasn’t going to be an easy trip and I was soon fighting my way through out of the way I

Fought as hard as I could and managed to clear a path I had to hurry though there was always something hiding around the corner after plenty of searching I I managed to get all of the ancient debris that I needed I also grabbed some gold this will help me make netherite ingots

But I can also use it to finish the statue once I had collected everything I headed back to the portal on days 95 to 97 I arrived back in the Overworld and made my way back to the gym using the ancient debris I was able to smelt it

Down into netherite scraps then using the netherite scraps in Gold I made some netherite ingots now I can get truly powered up I took all of the diamond armor and gear I had collected and upgraded everything to netherite I had no idea what buff bear was going to show

Up with so I had to have the best after that I headed out outside to finish the statue using all of the supplies I had collected I was finally able to give it the final touches as I’m sure you figured out by now it was a trophy of my

Two friends Ernie and master Balboa as I finished the statue and admired my work I suddenly had a vision Zozo it’s me Ernie Ernie I can’t believe it you’re back well no I’m just here in your head but I wanted to say thank you for

Working so hard to avenge me yes zoo we won’t see you there but we will be supporting you we know you can win thanks guys I was starting to feel a bit lonely but I feel much better now now especially since someone is going to try and poison me Zozo remember they may

Have their reasons so meet them with compassion not anger I nodded as the two of them vanished away I’ll do whatever it takes to win on day 98 I woke up to the sound of a knock at my door it was Wilbur uh hello zoo I uh thought you

Could use a pickme up before your fight I made this for you Wilbur seemed really nervous as he passed the drink over to me as I took a closer look at the drink I could very clearly see that it had poison in it it was labeled before I

Could say anything though Wilbur piped up wait don’t drink that it’s poisoned yeah I saw that wilburt what’s going on I’m sorry for trying to poison you buff bear is blackmailing me he knows something about me and threatened to tell everyone if I didn’t help him what

Do you mean what could be so bad that you would poison your friend the truth is that I I love clean water bathing in mud is so gross but if anyone found out especially the other pigs I would be ridiculed until the day I become a pork

Chop please don’t tell anyone and please forgive me the advice of Master bboa repeated in my head it’s okay Wilbur I forgive you and don’t worry if anyone ever gives you a problem about liking clean water you just let me know I’ve got two fists that will have a word with

Them thanks Zozo you’re a good friend I decided that I would even do him one better and got to work building him his own special hot tub I wanted him to know that he would never get made fun of here once the work was completed I gathered everyone together for one final chat

They were all so excited for me and began to give me words of encouragement I didn’t know what I had done to have so many great friends as their encouragement grew I suddenly started to as well out of nowhere I became a big buff kangaroo let’s go kick some buff

Bear butt and don’t forget to hit subscribe I can’t do this without your help on day 99 we made our way to the arena the day of the fight had come as I entered I could see not much a change from before buff bear and I stepped into

The ring for our introduction ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the latest Rumble in the Rotunda in the Red Corner we have the Mighty the Majestic the powerful the one the only B bear the monkeys in the crowd went wild in admiration and in the blue Corner a

Kangaroo buff bear and I were facing each other he had a Sly grin hope you’re not feeling a little under the weather today you mean like poisoned I feel great actually turns out your friend is actually my friend what that useless Pig after I beat you he’s dead keep dreaming

We got ready for the Bell buff bear was going down as the bell rang we both leapt into action I had been preparing for this moment for so long I just had to win even then he was still incredibly strong silly kangaroo you’ve wasted your time at that old decrepit gy you should

Be putting your talents use as my servant I’ll never be your servant and you’re going to pay for what you’ve done to Ernie and to master baloa we continue to exchange blows as the monkeys around us were going crazy I had to be careful

One slip up and he was going to be able to knock me out I felt like I was winning and was getting some good hits in looks like your time is coming to an end huh guess I’ll stop playing around then oh no it was this fight with Ernie

All over again again I was in trouble he started to really hit me and my health was really starting to drop just then I heard a voice in my head Master Balboa Focus zoo and use the eye of the tiger of course the best offense was a good

Defense I lowered my guard letting myself take the full impact of buff Bear’s hit as I did so the eye of the tiger let me absorb the blow sending buff bear out of the ring and into the Afterlife I did it the monkeys were stunned they couldn’t believe it but I

Could Justice had been served on day 100 I was back at the gym right where I belonged with buff bear defeated we could train and grow in peace the world had become just a little bit safer but we had to be ready always on day one I

Spawned in as black panther I only have four hearts that doesn’t seem like a lot for a superhero but I can move quickly thanks to my cat-like reflexes and it looks like I have vibranium claws too neat hey look there’s a waterfall right behind me and there’s some kind of

Skeleton with a giant battle axe what is he doing here uh-oh are we about to fight bring it on the skeleton ran at me and swung his weapon but with my cat-like reflexes I dodged him easily I ran up behind him and hit him with my claws these claws were really powerful

Wo he fell right over the waterfall I won too bad I can’t get any loot from that skeleton because he fell down so far I really wanted that cool battle axe I decided to go to the bottom of the waterfall and look to see if I could

Find it when I got there I saw that the skeleton was still standing he ran at me again but this time I faced him head on he was no match and look at that he dropped the battle axe it’s not vibranium but it’s still pretty cool I

Wonder where that skeleton got it I decided to take shelter in a cave under the waterfall and relax for the rest of the day on day two I was woken up by the sounds of an angry gorilla it had come out from the back of the cave and was

Trying to attack me I looked at it a little closer and realized that it wasn’t an ordinary gorilla it was a zombie ape ah get away from me zombie don’t make me use my new weapon I ran away from the zombie ape and out into the sunlight where it didn’t want to

Follow me I guess that it was one of those mobs that take damage in the daytime it was an undead just like the skeleton I fought yesterday maybe they were common in this area I decided to leave the waterfall behind and follow the river towards the grasslands wo

There are so many animals here I could see a rhino and a giraffe and it looked like they weren’t zombies thank goodness I guess I’ll let them eat grass in peace especially because I was starting to get hungry too I saw some berry bushes so I started punching them to gather food

Once I got enough I refilled my canteen in the river surviving would be a lot easier now and if I got into a fight I already had some pretty good weapons still I thought it might be good to build a shelter in case the zombies came

Out at night I used the battle axe I got from the skeleton to chop down trees I soon had enough wood to make a small Hut and bed it was almost night time so I went inside and went to sleep when I woke up on day three I noticed that

There was a tree outside that wasn’t there yesterday it was really big and looked ancient and magical there was a glowing Panther Spirit sitting in the branches I made my way over to the Magic Tree and the panther Spirit started talking to me zoo this land needs your

Protection ooh it looked like I was going to get a superhero Quest I stood there and I listened closely we are under attack by an undead warlord to the west of the grasslands he is turning everything into zombies and skeletons you must stop him an undead warlord that

Sounded scary and he was probably really strong I need a lot more than four Hearts to take him on but I couldn’t just ignore a Quest from the panther Spirit the people and animals needed my help too and maybe there’s a way to turn the animals that are to become zombies

Back to normal Journey Westward and you will find his evil lair I spent the rest of the day Gathering supplies for my journey and practicing with my weapons on any mobs I could find on days four to five I traveled from my Hut in the grasslands all the way to the heart of

The desert according to the panther spirit I was heading in the right direction to reach the overlord’s lair before long I saw a zombie boar wandering around in the sand oh no looks like the overlord has already turned the animals in the desert into zombies the

Zombie board charged me and I lost a bit of Health I had to protect myself so I drew my battle axe and took a couple swings I’m sorry Mr boore the fight was over in no time I spotted an oasis nearby I had been traveling for a long

Time and N would be here soon I didn’t want to be caught outside if more zombies showed up so I gathered some wood from the palm trees and set up camp I had just finished my little Oasis Hut when a genie appeared out of thin air I

Thought I was going to get three wishes at first but then he spoke and I knew he wasn’t the nice kind of Genie Who Dares come to my Oasis without an invitation I said I was sorry and that I just needed somewhere to spend the night but the

Genie created a sandstorm and suddenly The Oasis was gone he may not have granted me any wishes but he had left an item behind in the sand I went to pick it up and it turned out to be a brand new pair of Road rder boots awesome now

My movement over the sand will be twice as fast on day 6 to 8 I was still in the desert when I saw a gigantic Archway made of Bones there was a skeleton Warrior underneath it and he was carrying an Obsidian Shield and spear it

Didn’t look like he was going to let me pass without a fight I put my battle axe away and got my vibranium claws ready you cannot go any further I am the skull guardian and you can’t beat me you seem serious but I had to try if I couldn’t

Win here there was no way I could beat the overlord I attacked him but even my vibranium claws couldn’t get through his shield it was too tough even for obsidian and his spear kept damaging me I was almost out of Health the only thing I could do to survive was run away

Good thing I had those Road Runner boots I turned around and got out of there the school Guardian stayed at the archway and shouted after me you are too weak come back when you are stronger maybe I still needed some more training while I was running away though I was spotted by

A group of hoglands I could have easily run away from them but I was tired of running I stopped and decided to face them I took out my claws and defeated each and every one of them when I defeated the last hoglin I suddenly felt something inside of me I grew into an

Even bigger black panther with more Hearts I also saw that the hoglands had dropped a ton of leather I could use this when I got back to my base on days 9 to 10 I went back to the grasslands to expand my Hut into a base I used some

Sandstone from the desert to make it into a small Tower and crafted myself a full set of leather armor too I then crafted a shovel I felt a pole to this area for some reason like it was calling to me so I dug down until I hit some

Stone there I had an entrance to a mine beneath the tower now I’d have to check it out further later I I built more furniture inside the base using wood I was able to gather from a bunch of trees in the grasslands the one tree that I

Didn’t use for wood was the ancient Spirit tree the Panther’s Spirit wasn’t there but I was hoping that maybe it would show up to help me again I definitely needed some advice on how to defeat the skull Guardian if I couldn’t beat him I would never be able to defeat

The overlord and save this land from zombification on days 11 to 12 I was walking along the river when I saw the zombie Ape from the cave splashing around in the water had it followed me all the way to the grasslands it really might have because it noticed me and ran

Up to attack I was a lot stronger now though this ape didn’t know what was getting himself into sure enough I was able to win against the zombie ape that I ran away from on day two I looked at the river to see a water Elemental emerging from below the surface thank

You that zombie had taken over my home behind the waterfall and last night it chased me all the way here to the grasslands who are you I am the spirit of the river and I can see that you are great hero this land needs a protector

And I’m glad you were here to save me I’m not that great of a hero yet I need to beat the skull guardian or I’ll never save the animals have faith in yourself I am friends with the panther spirit and he believes you can do this last time I

Fought against him I didn’t even damage him and he almost took all of my health the only reason you lost to the skull Guardian was because he had an enchantment cast on him that Shields him from the attacks of the living the spirit of the river handed me a potion

Drink this potion and your claws will be able to strike true that should make it a fair fight I said Thank you to the spirit if so many beings were counting on me I couldn’t give up on days 13 to 15 I decided to check out my mind again

But first I needed to grab my pickaxe I still felt something drawing me to dig deeper so I started digging down wo what’s that it was a strange material vibranium turns out there was a lot of it just below the surface this land must be rich in it or something either that

Or I just discovered the only vibranium M around I gathered a bunch of it and went to my base to see what I could craft it turned out I could make a full set of vibranium armor and tools super I have some serious armor now my base is

Also looking way cooler it’s tricked out with vibranium walls and mine cart rails I kept the ancient tree protected in its own little Courtyard and made sure to give it plenty of water I also remember to plant trees around the grasslands so that I get more wood in the future on

Day 16 to 19 I was making my way back through the desert when I ran into a group of husks and it looked like they wanted to meet the Black Panther up close and personal the husks attacked me but I fought back clawing away at them

Take that you dried out no good zombie and here’s one for you you want to be mummy before I knew it I had beaten the whole group but then I heard something and turned around there was one more husk and this one was way bigger than

The others that’s a huge husk I wasn’t scared though and I rushed right in to face him the huge husk hit a lot harder than his little brothers but his skin was just as soft as theirs and before long he was down for the count too you

Know I I was glad those husks attacked me though it was good practice for my claws since I knew I’d be facing the skull Guardian soon on days 20 to 22 I reached the archway where the skull Guardian was waiting and challenged him to a fight so you think you can beat me

This time sure I can watch this I drank the potion that the water Elemental gave me and now my attacks could actually damage him I still had to keep my guard up and Dodge a spear attack but even his shield couldn’t stop my vibranium claws this time after several hits he finally

Went down and dropped a skeleton key a skeleton key was this thing made from the skull of the guy I just defeated gross this would probably come in handy later though so I made sure to take it with me my journey continued on and soon

I made it out of the desert to a wasteland I’d have time to explore it soon but for now I decided to get back to my base but not in the way you might be thinking on days 23 to 26 I decided I didn’t want to have to cross through the

Desert again in case I ever wanted to come back here so I decided to build a massive tunnel back to my base I dug down a little ways and then started tunneling in the direction of my base placing torches as I went it took a long

Time but eventually I got to where I thought my base should be and tunneled up out of the ground I popped up right in front of my base how’s that for good luck when I got to the door of my base though I saw there was a package waiting

For me with a note attached to it this must be from the water Elemental I could tell because it was all wet the note read dear Zozo you’re doing great I knew you could defeat the skull Guardian included are some potions that should make your journey easier P.S if you’re

Liking the video make sure you search for other Zozo videos at zo zo to see more Adventures he’s been on yep definitely weird but when I opened the package I saw it was full of experience potions nice I drank the potions and felt myself starting to change I grew

Bigger and had more Hearts too on days 27 to 31 I upgraded my base to look a little nicer since black panther is a king after all I started a statue outside too something that I knew would inspire me every time I came back to my

Base I know it’s only the very start but can you tell what it is yet next I laid down some track in the tunnel so I could quickly get back to the Wasteland using a minecart when my mine cart ride was over I exited the tunnel and took a look

Around the Wasteland to see if I could find any sign of the overlord’s air that’s when I noticed a small village hidden among the rocky hills of the Wasteland the villagers there said they’d been attacked by zombies and some of them had even gotten turned into zombies Iron Golem is supposed to

Protect the village but it’s been broken for a long time don’t worry I have an idea for how to fix it you’re the best on days 32 to 35 I gathered more vibranium from the mines at my base so I could use it to upgrade the vill’s Iron

Golem it would be four times as strong as an iron golem would be so the villagers would have nothing to worry about from invading monsters I was really starting to get creative at using vibranium in my creations and I soon realized that the material had another special ability I could use to improve

My base’s defenses vibranium could generate force fields and with a little bit of tinkering I was able to make a force field Dome around the whole base let’s see those zombie animals try to get inside now on days 36 to 39 I returned to the Wasteland Village and

Use the vibranium to upgrade their iron golem now they had their very own vibranium Golem hooray you saved our village it sure does feel good to be the good guy now I could ask them to help me in my quest I’m looking for the evil Overlord who has been making zombies do

You know where I can find him no one here knows you should go speak to the shman of the mountains thanks on days 40 to 43 I tracked up the snowy mountains and found the lair of the shaman it was guarded by a friendly Snow Golem they didn’t bother me probably because they

Knew what a hero I was inside of a long wooden house was the shaman they had so many magical potions on their shelves including ones I had never seen so you must be the one I’ve been hearing about I’ve got an idea for something that

Might be able to help you in your quest I’m all ears I’m working on a potion that con turns zombies back into normal animals and people but I need magic flowers from the jungle in order to complete the recipe You Can Count On Me

Shaman on days 44 to 49 I head it deep into the jungle in search of the flowers the shaman needed eventually I saw it the hill shaped like a skull where the flowers were supposed to supp to be I fought my way up the hill eventually I

Got to the top phew that was a tough climb even without a bunch of mutants no wonder the shaman needed someone to get these for him and then I saw them at the very top of the hill inside the skull were the flowers I ran up to the flowers

And tried to pick them up but they were stuck I couldn’t pick them that’s when I realized they weren’t stuck to the ground they were actually part of a giant plant monster the giant plant monster rose out of the ground the flower still on top of his head I don’t

Suppose you’d let me have some of your flowers but the plant monster didn’t want to talk it wanted to fight it was a tough enemy I had to avoid poisonous plant breath attack and be careful not to get punched by it it hits super hard but eventually I took it down and it

Left one of its flowers as loot awesome now I can leave this crazy place on days 50 to 53 I returned to the shaman I invited them to come stay at my base while they finished the potion when we got there I built an area for the shaman

To stay in work complete with a nice big cauldron for Magical potions just a bit more fine tuning and my anti-zombie potion will be complete thanks again for getting those flowers you’re welcome you could have mentioned the giant poisonous plant monster but really I’m just glad

To have helped oh yeah sorry about that here take this as an apology the shaman tossed something at me when I picked it up I realized it gave me a new recipe it was an upgrade ability for my suit that allowed me to build in some of the

Vibranium force field tech now when the enemies tried to hit me I could blast them away now that’s what I call a powerful ability on days 54 to 57 the shaman and I went into the grasslands and tested the potion on some of the zombie animals wow it actually works we

Started turning animals back one by one until we got almost all the animals in the grasslands we’ve got plenty of more where that came from back at the base I didn’t know what I’d do without the Shaman watch out suddenly the shaman pushed me aside I was about to ask why

When a giant beam of Pure Evil power shot down from above and in seconds the shaman was gone oh no that must have been the overlord he must have been aiming for me I started to run zigging and zagging as beam shot down from above

I kept running until I saw a cave and jumped in just before a beam could hit me on days 58 to 62 I waited in the cave until I didn’t hear any more powerful beams outside but what I did here was something deeper in the cave I turned

Around to see a spider leaping at me time to try out my new force field ability I blasted in looks like it works just fine I practiced with my new force field ability some more and when I was sure I had the hang of it I finally defeated the spider with the spider

Defeated I remembered the shaman and how quickly the overlord’s tack had appeared how was I ever going to defeat him it didn’t matter I had to figure out a way since that’s what superheroes do I knew there was still a lot of anti-zombie potion left so at least the shaman

Sacrifice was not in vain soon this land would be safe from zombies I would make sure of it on days 63 to 66 I snuck out of the cave and went back to my base where I gathered up all the anti zombie potions the shaman had made before I

Left I wanted to do some work on my statue I needed something to cheer me up after all that had happened and I knew a great statue like this would encourag me every time I saw it so what about now can you tell what I’m making yet I took

Anti-zombie potions back to the Wasteland and every time I encountered a group of zombies I used the potions on them to turn them back into villagers then I sent them to go live at the Village protected by the vibranium Golem the villagers were happy to see so many

People get changed back and sent me a letter to say thank you keep it up we’ve got more villagers now than ever before our little village keeps growing just like your number of subscribers and we hope everyone watching joins your village of subscribers too oh thanks

Guys on day 67 to 70 while exploring the Wasteland and saving more villagers from their zombified fate I finally saw something far off in the distance it was the evil air that the panther Spirit and the River Spirit had told me about I was sure that the overlord was in there I

Could feel it but it wasn’t going to be easy getting to it since I could see that between me and the base was an enormous Chasm it looks like it went all the way around the base with no clear way to get across I didn’t have much

Time to think about it though because suddenly I was attacked by a group of zombie apes you guys again haven’t you had enough of being zombies I went to throw an anti-zombie potion at them when I realized I was all out oh no I didn’t want to fight them but I was surrounded

It didn’t look like I’d have much of a choice with no way to turn them back to normal Apes I had to deal with them the oldfashioned way with my claws there were a lot of Undead Apes but I was able to put all my skills and abilities to

Use dodging their attacks and rushing in to land my own finally the last of them had been taken care of phew sorry about that guys I promise to make sure I have a full stack of anti-zombie potions next time I could still see the overlord’s

Basee far off in the distance it was far enough away that it would probably take me a while to reach it and then I’d have to deal with that huge Chasm I had a plan for that though but first I need to return to my base on day 71 to 74 I

Built my coolest vibranium invention yet an aircraft with vibranium powered levitation devices built into the wings the only thing scarier than a black panther is a flying black panther with my new aircraft I’d be able to fly right over that giant chasm and drop in right

On top of the overlord before taking it out to the Wasteland though I decided I should practice around my own base all right here we go the first test flight of the wakandan aircraft it worked the aircraft lifted into the sky the overlord would never know what hit him I

Practiced flying around doing circles around my base gradually getting further and further away as I got more comfortable wa I was still getting used to the controls though and almost crashed into a river luckily I was able to pull up at the last moment and before

Long I had the controls down and the aircraft was soaring like a bird on day 75 to 78 I flew the vibranium aircraft to the overlord’s lair passing right over the Giant Chasm wow from up here it looks like it doesn’t even have a bottom

Good thing I didn’t try to cross it on foot before I left my base I had made sure to fill the cargo hold with plenty of anti-zombie potions time to save this land from tyranny from high in the air I could see a group of zombie apes in the

Lair’s courtyard I decided to drop a bunch of potions down at them from the Airship turning them back into normal gorillas I kept Runing down potions wherever I saw Undead and soon everything was back to normal there was only one thing left to do I landed the

Aircraft on the roof which I thought should give me direct access to the overlord’s throne room I stepped inside the throne room and saw that I was right there was the overlord waiting for me you dare interfere with my plans I will make you a zombie now next and then

Everyone and everything you know will become my zombies he swung his weapon at me but my suit’s armor was strong enough to keep the damage low I blasted him back with my force field and then used my vibranium claws to land a couple good hits you cannot defeat me I am the

Overlord watch me swung my hardest and knocked him down with my claws strangely though he just started laughing he started to glow and Rise into the air you fool all you’ve accomplished is releasing me from my zombie body and soon I will be the mightiest being in

The world uh-oh I may have really messed up here the overlord now a super powerful evil spirit vanished it looks like I had just released an even greater bad guy on days 79 to 84 I used my aircraft to return to the River Spirit I

Wanted to see if I could get any answers on how to defeat the overlord’s new spirit form well the good news is he can’t go back into his body now that he’s a spirit what’s the bad news the bad news is only false Spirits can fight other spirits and I’m not strong enough

Alone perhaps I could no no it’s impossible what what’s your idea well there is one thing that might work I’m able to impart some of my River Powers on others but it’s far too dangerous you’re not nearly strong enough to survive it but if I was able to handle

You giving me some of your River Powers could that turn the tide maybe but you’ll need to become much stronger both in body and mind if you want to withstand my Powers I had to stop the overlord and this seemed like the only way so there was only one thing for me

To do get stronger it was time to start training on days 85 to 89 I returned to my base and built some new areas where I could start training my body and mind for physical strength I built a dojo near the panther Spirits tree complete with dummies that I could practice my

Attacks on I had an even better idea for how to make my mind stronger but to make it a reality first I had to finish my statue I completed my statue and stood back to look at it I thought it looked great and felt mentally stronger just from gazing at the powerful Panther

Emerging from the mountain but it still needed one more thing I decided to build a meditation spot right under its mouth somewhere that I could focus and strengthen my mind after training both in body and mind I returned to the River Spirit but he quickly sent me away

Telling me I wasn’t nearly strong enough yet I returned to my base again to train and this time the panther Spirit himself appeared in my do he told me that he trained with me so I could get better at fighting even quicker I had an idea for how to improve my meditation training

Too I went back to the Statue and made it so that the water would pour out of its mouth creating a waterfall I then built an area right where the water hit the ground where I could sit in the Rushing Water and meditate learning how to focus even with powerful forces

Raging all around me as I sat in the Rushing Water thinking about my fighting training I suddenly felt myself start to change I grew in size and gained more Hearts surely now I must be strong enough to handle the river spirit’s power I returned to the river and met

With the spirit again this time there was no doubt you’re ready now I will give you my Powers the River Spirit combined with mine and I felt his power within me I felt stronger like my attacks would do more damage since they were infused with water power and I now

Had the ability to create water anywhere too look out evil spirit a hero is on his way to take you down on days 90 to 94 I returned to my base to get my aircraft when a wasteland villager suddenly appeared he told me that the evil spirit had sent an army of zombie

Piglins to invade their Village and they needed help I hopped into my aircraft and flew to the Village as fast as I could when I got there I saw the that the Villager was right there were zombie piglins everywhere The Village was on fire and villagers were trying to escape

The vibranium Golem was fighting off as many piglins as he could but there were simply too many for him to handle alone I fought what seemed like a hundred little oinkers using my new water ability to blast them eventually we beat the last one but the village had been almost completely destroyed villagers

Who had escaped were badly shaken and Afraid my base was big enough now that I was able to invite all the surviving villagers to stay there permanently all of the villagers agreed to come even the vibranium Golem on days 95 to 97 I took the villagers down to my train tunnel

And built even more mine carts for them to start going to my base I flew my aircraft back to the base so I could get it ready for them I built enough houses for everyone in the same style as their Village and even built Farms that looked exactly like their old home the

Vibranium Golem seemed happy too he agreed to keep patrolling the new area and defend the villagers if any threats appeared just as I was finishing up the last house I heard the voice of the panther Spirit calling to me I went back to his ancient tree once again the evil

Spirit is waiting for you at the end of the river it knows you teamed up with the river and thinks if it can destroy the river it can destroy you too don’t worry I’ve got this together the river and I are invincible go to the River

Delta where the river meets the sea and there you shall find the evil spirit before I left he told me that there was one more thing he could do to help me the panther Spirit leapt towards me and absorbed into my body I felt myself start to change and I suddenly grew into

A huge superpowered black panther I had a ton of hearts and felt more powerful than ever now filled with the power of both the river and the panther I embarked on what I hoped would be the quest that saved this land for good on day 98 I was making my way down river

Towards the ocean when I saw the shaman appear in front of me and go ghostly form hello there Shaman you’re a spirit now too yes before that Ray of evil could kill me I used my magic to become a spirit I’ve been watching your progress and you’ve been doing an

Amazing job I think you could use some help though I’ll take any help I can get what I could really use now is some moral support I can definitely give you that but it would be even more powerful if everyone watching the video did too by giving a like and subscribing the

More likes and sub you have the stronger you’ll be when you face the evil spirit wow thanks Shaman I hope everyone likes and subscribes so that I’ll be really powerful and if you like the video make sure to Zozo zo zoo in the search bar to see my other Adventures there’s a whole

Bunch of them I will do that well I didn’t think you had YouTube but okay cool on day 99 I made it to the River delta a vast ocean stretched out into the Horizon before me come out evil spirit it’s me and I’ve got the River

Spirit to help me I used my spirit powers to walk on the water and soon I was standing in the middle of this great sea a dark shadow rods Up From Below breaking through the surface of the water it was the evil spirit you’re too late I will soon eat

The river and become even stronger then I turn anything that drinks from the river into one of my Undead servants we will never let this happen I used my water powers to hit the evil spirit then I ran in and started clawing him oh oh that does it the evil spirit called down

His beam of Destruction the same one he used on the shaman but I was ready this time there was no way he could win not after everything I went through not after I came this far as we battled I suddenly saw other beams of energy I

Looked to my sides and saw the panther the river and the shaman spirit standing next to me adding their energy into mine my combined Spirit beam grew bigger and stronger and in moments the evil spirit’s power had run out and he was blasted by the bean impossible no I

Rushed in and with one final Blow from my spirit claw I put an end to his reign of evil for good on day 100 I returned to the base and built myself a royal chamber suitable for a wakandan king the land may have been saved this time but

Somebody would need to remain and be its protector and from now on that would be me on day one I spawned into the Ancient Forest as a super cool Elemental wolf a wolf’s Spirit to tuned into the power of the elements this is aome and I’ve got 10 Hearts too that’s

So exciting I wonder what I can do I concentrated hard and blasted a powerful ball of energy this would be an excellent weapon if anybody tried to attack me and that was exactly what happened a ghast floated out between the trees before me what why are you here

Aren gas supposed to stay in the nether you know nothing Little Wolf the world is changing and the wheel of time turns on the command of our Master fungi the mushroom Lord will you swear Your Allegiance to him what fungi the mushroom Lord I’m not going to swear

Allegiance to anyone if I don’t know what they stand for if you are not the servant of the mushroom Lord then you are his enemy and it is my duty to destroy his enemies all glory to the mushroom Lord the gas started firing deadly Fireballs at me I was lucky that

With my Elemental Powers I took less Elemental damage from the fire than a normal wolf did I turned and ran as fast as I could losing the gas somewhere behind me I wasn’t expecting to get attacked so early and who was this fungi the mushroom Lord before I could take

The time to process any of this zombies came shambling towards me out of the trees in a moment of panic I hit them with an energy blast destroying them using my powers like this is exhausting I need to find somewhere to sleep and figure all of this mess out I found some

Shade beneath a tree and laid down to get some sleep on day two I woke up from under the tree and went exploring the Ancient Forest it seemed that this experience wouldn’t be as awesome as I thought I need to find out everything I can about this mushroom Lord and why

Nightmarish nether creatures like the gaster serving him but first seeing as how my Powers exhaust me I need some tools and some food I started on the tools first in the Ancient Forest I was completely surrounded by trees that’s why it was so easy to break one of them

Down and collect enough wood to make my myself a trusty wood pickaxe well not that trusty but it’s a decent means to an end I used the pickaxe to mine up some of the stone blocks between the stone and some spare sticks I soon had a stone pickaxe and a stone sword not

Quite as defenseless now that brings me some small Comfort at least I continued exploring the forest with my new tools until I happened upon an evoker standing in a clearing I approached to ask him a few questions greetings proud evoker I’m Zozo the elemental wolf I have an

Important question to ask you but first an even more important question do you have any food of course Zozo here have some of this meat it’s what a growing wolf meat evoker gave me some meat which I ate seeing my hunger bar replenish thank you for this great kindness and as

For the other question do you know anything about fungi the mushroom Lord I ran into his guest he seems like some kind of threat to this land you speak the truth Zoo fungi is a great evil some say he rose up from the deep dark others

Say he was grown in some kind of fungal patch of Pure Evil all we know for sure is that he controls mutants monsters and Abominations across the world and if he isn’t stopped the entire Overworld will descend into corruption and filth that sounds like a job for a certain

Elemental wolf rest assurity vokker over the next 100 days fungi the mushroom Lord will be defeated on day three I knew that I needed to seek shelter I couldn’t hope to defeat the mushroom monster if I didn’t have a place to rest and H my abilities as an elemental wolf

I have deep knowledge of the ancestral home of the elemental wolves in the Ancient Forest perhaps I could seek shelter there but when I arrived at the ancestral home I was devastated to find that it was already in ruins it looked like nobody had really lived there in

Centuries this must mean I’m the last and only Elemental wolf no matter I have a duty and I still need to see it through I’ll rebuild the ancestral home myself I crafted a stone Axe and chopped down trees to gather raw materials then set about painstakingly repairing the

Broken ancestral home until it was a brand new base of mine for a brief period I took a break to admire how the work was coming along when a huge vicious giant came charging Out of the Woods he must have been another one of the mushroom Lord’s monsters while the

Giant was big and I was small I didn’t back down I held my ground and fought back against the huge creature until he was no more and this act of heroism gave me the power I needed to become bigger and stronger I also row up to 20 hearts

And gained the elemental ability to breathe fire yes this is more like it I spent the rest of the day finishing up work on the base proud of myself for how well it was all developing from day four to day five I ventured out further into

The forest wanting to find more wood and stone that would help me rebuild the ancestral home to its former glory when I have a fortress that’s truly fit for an elemental wolf it’ll give me the confidence I need to Vanquish the mushroom Lord and save the world but I

Must have been talking about saving the mushroom Lord a little too loudly because suddenly the same gas I’d run away from earlier had popped out of the trees you insolent brat you have no idea the power you’re messing with the mushroom Lord is a God and you are a

Mere ant why are you so devoted to serving that nasty toad stool you have no idea the power He commands they say he cannot be destroyed and all who face him are doomed to fall ill and wither away such is his Supreme toxic power only thing that’s toxic to your devotion

Is this evil wannabe ruler so how about we cut the talk and fight this one out that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said all day the ghast was a formidable foe with his deadly exploding Fireballs but in the end it was my Elemental energy blast that won the day

The ghast Was Defeated and I gathered up the materials I’d come to collect before making my way back to my base from day six to day eight I ventured into a deep dark mind Network that contained many Treasures secrets and deadly enemies I crept through carefully trying not to

Attract any unwanted attention I was here for one thing and one thing only some valuable iron ore perfect for upgrading my weapons we’ll see who wins gross squishy mushrooms or reliable cold iron I looked up after the mining was done hearing footsteps it was a ghost Miner walking towards me out of the

Darkness but once again I wasn’t going to fold I Unleashed my Elemental flame breath on the ghost Miner easily defeating it then I Pro proceeded further into the dusty old cave where I found an abandoned furnace there I forged an iron sword and an iron pickaxe

The mushroom Lord is going to love these I’m sure from Day N to day 10 I decided to leave the cave and the Ancient Forest and explore the automo Valley it’s been an intense few days I think I need to go to a nice calm place and clear my head

So I can make a plan of action but because the universe has a cruel sense of humor during this mission of relaxation I found fungi the mushroom Lord himself waiting for me a huge terrifying fungus man ah so you’re the Little Cub they call Zoo you’re far less

Impressive than I was led to believe such a shame I thought having an interesting Challenger might liven up this whole process this process being the great change I will alter and rebuild the Sad Little World in my own image so far none have offered up a meaningful Challenge

And I don’t expect that you will change this allow me to prove you wrong fungi I Unleashed my strongest attacks on him energy blast fire breath and even the strikes with my new iron sword but it had no effect that’s when he struck me with an energy blast of his own that

Almost destroyed me all I could do was run away in Terror I ran as fast as my Elemental wolf legs could carry me even even when I could no longer see fungi the mushroom Lord I still felt terrified of him I don’t think I’d ever been so

Close to total Destruction in my darkest moment yet an air Elemental appeared be calm child fear will not save you here how could I be calm I couldn’t even slightly hurt him and hurting me was nothing to him I’m outclassed here but Zoo you’re the only one who can defeat

Him do you not know of the prophecy about the elemental wolf prophecy look I don’t want to talk here he could pop up at any time come back to my base with me the ancestral home of the elemental wolves we’ll talk more there from day 11

To day 12 I returned to my base to find the air Elemental already there waiting for me how did you do that I’m an air Elemental young Zozo I can move as Swift and silently as the wind then I guess I better build you a new room right now

There’s only one for me that would be much appreciated Zozo I spent the rest of the afternoon building the air Elemental a new room in the ancestral home when it was done he fited in there nicely you have done well Zozo allow me to give you your first mission you must

Source armor but wolves can’t wear armor air Elemental what use would armor give me you’re not going to wear it Zozo you’re going to keep it in the chest at the ancestral home having it in there will harden the strength of your spirit it’s an ancient tradition you see very

Well master I shall do this good take this potion of strength should you encounter trouble on your way I returned to the cave where I mined for more iron ore however my little Adventure was interrupted by a huge terrifying Dead Worm burrowing through the ground

Towards me I tried to shoot it with an energy blast but it resisted the attack I needed to quickly drink the potion of strength the air Elemental had given me that gave me the Boost I needed to pull out my sword and finally defeat the

Beast then I took the iron ore down to the underground furnace and smelted it into a full set of iron armor and finished my tool set after that I went back to my base and the air Elemental created a chest in my room I put all my

New iron armor inside and just hoped that the air Elemental was right I’ll take anything that could help me right now from day 13 to day 15 I convened with the air Elemental in his room he told me that he wanted to tell me about the prophecy he had mentioned earlier

You said something about an elemental wolf prophecy yes yes that I did it’s an ancient one that I studied back when I was a mere monk before ascending to the level of air Elemental the prophecy says that a Darkness would rise up from the ground and spread evil and tyranny

Across the Overworld many would fall but in the end a Great Hero the final Elemental wolf would rise up discover his true power and turn back to the dark I believe that prophesied one is you Zozo but but that’s impossible the last time I F fungi the mushroom Lord I

Didn’t leave a scratch on him and he almost destroyed me I can’t be the one from the prophecy you can be and I truly believe you are Zozo but you must train hard and fight with all you have only then can you stand a chance against the

Terror that faces you are you up for the challenge I I’ll have to think about it from day 16 to day 19 I woke up to find that the base was eerily quiet I searched around but I couldn’t find the air Elemental anywhere this isn’t good I sense that something terrible has

Happened I need to follow my Elemental intuition and find him before it gets any worse I followed my senses out to the cold swamp lands there I couldn’t help but feel paranoid it was like I was being watched every step I took and those senses paid off because suddenly

An Ender Creeper teleported in front of me the mushroom Lord was right you fell right into our trap little silly wolfy and you think you’re going to be the one who defeats him embarrassing what did you do with the air Elemental if you heard him I’ll you what there’s nothing you can do

Nothing except be destroyed the Ender Creeper ran at me preparing to explode he probably would have blown up half the swamp lands if I hadn’t hit him with a quick energy blast destroying him before he had a chance to destroy me man the people that the mushroom Lord are

Sending after me really are dangerous suddenly the air Elemental popped out of nowhere he must have been bound by some kind of dark magic until I defeated that awful Ender Creeper Zozo you saved me you’re a true hero thank you so much for this master air Elemental I’m so happy

You’re alive this is amazing news I’m going to return to the base to regain my strength stay safe out here Zozo fun guy the mushroom Lord has agents everywhere the air Elemental left and I continued exploring the Eerie cold swamplands during my search I found a few zombies

And was able to defeat them with my deadly iron sword that gave me enough enough XP to level up again becoming bigger stronger going as high as 30 hearts and gaining a new ability claw attacks that feels appropriate for a wolf I decided to leave the swamp but on

The way out I ran into a wise looking gold Pig you seem like you’re in a hurry son of course I am I’m going to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord no you’re not what yes I am no you’re not funga the mushroom Lord is a monster of Pure Evil

He’s literally Invincible unless you have the Halo which is almost impossible to get there’s no way you can beat him oh from day 20 to day 22 I returned to my base only to see a couple more zombies Milling around the grounds the corruption of fungi the mushroom Lord

Seems to spread everywhere I used my claw attacks to destroy the two zombies then slinked off to my room feeling defeated maybe there really was no way for me to defeat the mushroom Lord maybe the prophecy was all nonsense as if sensing my self-doubt the air Elemental

Wafted towards me Zozo I’ve been working on something for you I wanted to wait until it was done but I think you need to see it now it’s a statue a kind of Monument andant to inspire you and remind you of your inner strength perhaps you can help me finish it I went

Out behind my base and saw the beginnings of a statue already it was amazing even all inspiring I felt so grateful to the air Elemental for everything he’d done can you guess what it is yet if you can tell me down in the comments and while you’re down there

Remember to subscribe to Zozo and hit the Bell to make sure you never miss one of our adventures from day 23 to Day 26 a swarm of gas floated towards my base launching explosive Fireballs trying to damage the statue we’ve been working on oh no more of the mushroom Lord’s

Minions don’t worry I’ll handle them be careful Zozo I leaped into action I had already taken on one guas so I was feeling pretty confident about this fight but they outnumbered me I had to be careful not to take any hits since they’d come from the nether the gas

Managed to resist my fire breath but luckily my energy blast seemed to do the trick one of them even dropped an item I’d never seen before a fire aspect enchantment for my sword wow this is so cool I’d better try it out I ventured off to the ainal valley to practice my

New fire aspect sword on a horde of Meandering zombies each hit of my new weapon made them burst into flames once the zombies were dispatched a mysterious stranger approached me wow that’s a mighty impressive blade you got there thanks who are you well I’m a weapon Smith see I specialize in quality

Crafted swords bows you name it I’ve been trying to get to safety since the mushroom Lords forces started swarming all over the place I don’t suppose you know anywhere I could stay sure come back to my base in the Ancient Forest we returned to my base and the weaponsmith

Saw some of the damage the gas had left so they suggested some ways we can improve the defense es making my ancestral home better protected against attacks I built a perimeter wall to keep the mushroom Lord’s minions at Bay and in return for giving me the idea I

Surprised the weapon Smith with a new room that he could stay in this looks fantastic Zozo thank you from day 27 to day 31 I decided to ask the weapon Smith if they knew anything about the Halo the mystical item that could supposedly be used to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord

Once and for all oh yes sir I’ve heard many Legends of such a thing supposedly an ancient and Powerful being fell from the sky a many centuries ago it was the first being to wield a Halo and it used the power to create the Overworld and fill it with life then it created

Balance between all the elements between light and dark good and evil but then the dark and evil it had created to balance out all the good tried to overthrow the mighty creature and steal the halo for their own dastardly means in the end the ancient Thing cast it

Halo out into space some folks like to think it’s what formed the heart of the Sun and keeps it burning huh that’s quite the story you think you could Forge a Halo of our own well that’s no small feat Zozo it would just be a knockoff if I made it besides a Halo

Requires a powerful being one able to bring balance to all the elements in order to wield it but the real thing could be out there somewhere there’s some stories about it being lost at the heart of the swamp land so maybe start there I search for the Halo took me into

The swamplands again but I wasn’t able to give very far a witch ambushed me sent by the mushroom Lord to stop my progress the witch was wielding dangerous spells and although I fired a few energy blasts back I couldn’t get close enough to use my claw attacks so I

Had to retreat from day 32 to day 35 I was still determined to track down the ancient Halo maybe the prophecy of the elemental wolf meant I could wield it and use its power to stop the mushroom Lord I ventured back to the cold swamplands and luckily that pesky witch

Had gone but the pl Place wasn’t empty completely by chance I stumbled across a weird creature that looked like a mix between a chicken and some kind of lizard hey what the heck are you why I’m a catri but my friends all call me Clarence are you with the mushroom Lord

I heard he controls all sorts of monsters and mutants that’s rude I’m actually trying to get away from the mushroom Lord sorry I didn’t mean to offend you say why don’t you come back to the Ancient Forest my base is there sounds like PL Zozo I’ll see you there

Clarence ran out of sight adding another person to my forces in the war against evil but then all of a sudden the mushroom Lord emerged Clarence Clarence there’s no use in hiding you will be mine oh no I need to make myself scarce before the mushroom Lord could see me I

Quickly dug a small pit into the ground and hid in it until he passed through pH that was a close one from Day 36 to day 39 I made my way back to my base where Clarence was waiting for me I immediately started working on a comfy

New room for him and when the room was done Clarence and I sat inside discussing our common enemy so what made you want to leave the mushroom Lord’s armies he’s just so cruel all he cares about is controlling the Overworld and making everyone do his bidding some of

Us just want to live our lives do our own thing without him telling us what to do all the time say Clarence I’ve been searching for a Halo so I can use its power to stop the mushroom Lord once and for all do you think you could help me find it

Well what do you know I heard about something like that they say that the Halo glows bright with the heat of the heavens so why don’t you head someplace hot to find your Halo that’s a pretty good idea I’ll head to the desert things are pretty hot out there listen Zozo I

Wanted to repay you for letting me stay I noticed you had an unfinished statue outside so I thought I’d give you a hand with it what do you think I went to take a look at the statue’s progress wa I’m really impressed thanks Clarence you

Didn’t need to do that I’m happy to help but I still appreciate the gesture the statue was looking better than ever a large Recreation of an elemental wolf like me that perfectly told everyone around not to mess with us and that this forest was protected even if the statue

Was unfinished seeing it closer to completion made me feel inspired from day 40 to day 43 the weapon Smith informed me that I’d need some much stronger gear if I was going to explore the desert in search of a magic Halo listen here Zozo you don’t want to get

Stuck in the desert without the right equipment luckily I can make you what you need I just need you to head into a cave near here to grab the right materials no problem just be careful there could be all sorts of Critters down there I set off to the cave that

The weapon Smith had pointed out and it didn’t take long for me to meet some Critters just like they’d warn me I had to fight my way through the nasty insects but lucky for me my fire aspect sword was burning through them pretty easily it was only as I got deeper into

The cave that I discovered a Nast of the bugs with a merx queen in the center I used an energy blast to clear the path too much fire and I’d run the risk of getting burned myself with the nest cleared out I found what I needed diamonds bringing them back to the

Weaponsmith they were able to turn the diamonds into a matching diamond pickaxe and Diamond Sword for me now I was ready to head off to the desert from day 44 to day 49 I was certainly glad to have a diamond sword handy when I first made my

Long journey to the desert I encountered a troll a huge ugly beast that tried to smash me to Pieces luckily I was able to dodge out of the path of his attack he was much bigger and slower so my Wolf’s speed made it easier to duck and weave between his clumsy cumbersome swings

Before I could land the final blow with my sword with the troll defeated and out of my way I continued towards the desert but when I arrived it was clear just how dangerous this place was someone was already in trouble help somebody help it was a cyclops who was being crowded by

Vicious husks they were using the fact he had only one eye to to take swipes at him from all sides I jumped right in to help hacking all the husks down wow thanks so much for your help no problem I don’t suppose you know where I can

Find the ancient Halo the Halo I’m pretty sure there’s an old Temple around here somewhere that might have what you seek come on I’ll lead you there just keep an eye out from more husks will you from day 50 to day 53 we made our journey to the Ancient Temple and looked

Around the place was pretty much deserted all just ruins like when I had found what was left of my ancestral home back in the forest the Cyclops and I went into separate directions to search leaving each of us alone suddenly I was confronted by the witch I’d found in the

Swamp you again I’ll deal with this metome pup once and for all then I’ll find that Halo and destroy it to win favor with the mushroom Lord our battle began and I had to move out of the path of the witch’s spells I’d faced off against that powerful magic before and

Had almost taken me out but I had more experience now I’d learned from my past defeats and I’d come with new weapons so I leapt into action and swiped my diamond sword at the witch it worked I landed some strong hits then used the rubble of the temple as cover jumping

Back out at the right time I was finally able to beat the witch for good the Cyclops had been hiding but reappeared to show me around the temple there was a hidden area underneath the floor go down there alone Zozo I’m way too scared I went into the underground area alone

And there we found something I never expected to see it wasn’t the Halo it was a Lightning Dragon ah you must have come seeking the Halo sorry to disappoint but don’t worry you’re on the right path you cannot merely find the Halo it must find you how can I make it

Find me you must master balance Zoo become the balance of all elements then and only then will you find what you seek from day 54 to day 57 I made the long journey back to my base when I arrived I was so happy to see how much

It had improved I took a look at all the upgrades that my friends had made while i’ had been gone there were more defensive walls around the perimeter we even had a watchtower where I could keep a lookout for the mushroom Lord’s forces it was all coming together really nicely

I spoke with my mentor the air Elemental about the advice the Lightning Dragon had given me achieving balance between the elements is your destiny Zozo but it’s no easy task you need to seek out the root of evil and start tipping the scales and as you do you’ll learn more

With every Victory here there is one of the mushroom Lords cronies scouring the Ancient Forest for you go and tilt the scales back towards balance I set off to find the mushroom Lord’s mob and sure enough discovered a dread L this thing was scary I’d never fought anything like

It before but my focus was on my goal I had to master the elements and bring back balance and I used that to guide me through the fight with my goal in mind battling The Dread L seemed Easy by comparison and it fell at my flame breath and Diamond blade I moved as

Swift as the air with the ferocity of fire and held my ground with the strength of Earth I was starting to learn what it really meant to be an elemental wolf when I returned back to my base the weapon Smith had a new Diamond Helmet forg for me so I added it

To my armor chest feeling happy I was making so much progress from day 58 to day 62 I was woken up by the weaponsmith who seemed super excited to show me something come take a look Zozo we’ve been working hard on getting this place looking M fine come see the

Best part it was the statue it had been almost finished and it looked amazing it towered over the main area of the Fortress proud and a inspiring I was so happy to see it almost finished it looks awesome thanks so much suddenly an explosive Fireball rocked one of our

Walls I ran outside to see the air Elemental panicking Zozo Gs are attacking we need to fend them off remember what you’ve learned about balance Yes master you and all the others should hide in the buildings I’ll take them all on with everyone else in

Safety it was time for me to take on the gas attackers I hopped Into The Fray this time I tried to imagine water how fluidly it moved but also how strong and dangerous it could be my elements had all the strength and speed of a flash

Flood and it meant I was able to take down all of the gas in no time but I wasn’t fast enough to save one of my friends a gas had launched a fireball as it ran away retreating to the mushroom Lord and the fireball had struck my

Trusty weapon Smith from day 63 to day 66 I was still feeling sad at the loss of my friend the weaponsmith I had decided to venture back to the desert to seek more information from the Lightning Dragon although I was sad I wanted to use the Halo to stop the Evil Mushroom

Lord I remembered my goal balance not just balancing the elements but also finding the right balance of my emotions too I allowed myself to be sad for my friend but also had to make sure I didn’t let anger or hatred get the better of me when I returned to the

Temple in the desert the Lightning Dragon was nowhere to be found that was strange I thought but then again he had been cooped up underground for who knows how many centuries maybe he just needed to get out and do some sight seeing but in his place was an old book he must

Have left it behind I opened it up to read and it told the story of the Halo in much more detail and even better there was a clue about where to look for it I couldn’t allow myself to get impatient learn how to master balance and the Halo would find me that’s what

The dragon told me suddenly I was attacked by the ghast the one who had escaped this was my chance to defeat it but well I could have done so out of Revenge for my Fallen Friend the weaponsmith instead I remembered my lessons about balance and dealt with the

Last cast from day 67 to Day 70 I headed into the heart of the Ancient Forest like the book had suggested there was a Sinister Fortress waiting for me it was the mushroom Lord’s Hideout it was no wonder his forces had been able to find

My base so easily and so many times his base wasn’t far from mine it had been under my nose the whole time I tried to get closer to the Fortress but it was guarded on all sides by mutant zombies halt by order of the mushroom Lord I’m

Not halting for him his time is up I need to end his reign of terror once and for all I attacked the mune zombie and easily chopped it down but in the commotion more of them started swarming to my location there was a huge hoorde

Too many for me to take down alone just as I was about to be defeated I heard the voice of the air Elemental in my head Zozo don’t give up hope things are tough right now but you can’t take on the mushroom Lord until you’re ready get

To safety with that I ran back to a safe distance where the air Elemental was waiting for me from day 71 to day 74 once we had made our way to safety the air Elemental noticed my discomfort I know you’re frustrated Zozo but you can’t give into that frustration if you

Hope to succeed I understand we all do but you just want to do right by others but don’t worry Victory will come in its own time as we headed back to our base we came across a note that some of the mushroom Lord’s forces had left on a

Tree we thought it was to send a message to all of his various mutants and monsters but it was entirely possible he wanted to brag to me specifically good good news my minions I have in my possession the ancient Halo it was not lost I have had it all along but we

Cannot be complacent the last thing we want is Zozo getting his hands on it so be alert and if you spot that Elemental wolf you know what to do the air Elemental offered me some food to replenish my hunger and we contined towards the base from day day 75 to day

78 we returned to my base in the Ancient Forest although my spirits were pretty low seeing how much my home had been improved was enough to make me smile again the place had gotten much bigger not quite the size of the mushroom Lord’s fungal Fortress but still with

More rooms and better storage and crafting areas it reminded me of the weaponsmith and how he’d be proud to see how far we’d come suddenly there was an attacker at the perimeter wall it was one of the Mutant Zombies it must have followed our Trail back from the

Mushroom Lord’s base IM immediately I went into to attack it but not out of anger I had to make sure to follow the air Elementals teachings and not let myself be too frustrated I fought with all the ferocity of fire but also the calmness of Still Water I stood my

Ground like Stone and finally moved with the Swift speed of the air I was in tune with all the elements and it allowed me to beat the mutant zombie to my surprise I leveled up my victory had made me even stronger I now had 50 hearts and a new

Understanding of my Elemental abil abilities this gave me a special power the dragon Fireball attack even better the mutant zombie dropped a clue fungi the mushroom Lord was going to be in the automo Valley soon from day 79 to day 84 I headed off to the automo Valley where

I had first encountered the mushroom Lord back then I had learned that he was planning to unleash the great change and turn everything in the Overworld into an awful fungus filed realm but how is he going to do it was that what he needed the halo for and why come to this Place

Specifically my thoughts were interrupted by another cockc popping out in front of me hey who are you I’m Carl the cockatrice and you must be Zozo the elemental wolf so are you friendly like Clarence I know not all cockatrice is agree with the mushroom Lord oh you want

To find the mushroom lord well he’s planning to use the winds here to carry his fungus spores across the Overworld here I can take you to him I trusted the cockatrice like Clarence but to my surprise he turned on me he was still loyal to fungi we battled and I used my

Dragon Fireball attack to finish off Carl from day 85 to day 89 I decided to find anyone else that could help me put a stop to fungi the mushroom Lord’s plans I thought the most knowledgeable person to ask after my mentor the air Elemental would be the Lightning Dragon

So I headed back to the temple where he had been before but sadly he still hadn’t returned that’s when the Cyclops popped back up oh hey there Zozo hi you’re the Cyclops from before right yes sir Simon’s the name didn’t get a chance to thank you for dealing with that witch

And those zombies before no problem I don’t suppose you know where the dragon went no idea haven’t seen him since he left the temple that’s a shame I really needed his advice anything I can help with it’s the least I could do after you helped me out I don’t suppose you know

How I can get the Halo and defeat fungi the mushroom Lord fungi well the Halo would help you for sure but you mean you haven’t tried netherite yet netherite yeah fungi’s weak to netherite and lucky for you I know a place you can get yourself some from day 90 to Day 94 I

Headed off to the place that Simon the Cyclops had pointed out for me it was a cave where apparently someone had stashed some netherite ingots and forgotten about them I kept my guard up after being betrayed by Carl I couldn’t be 100% sure that this wasn’t a trap and

At any rate the last time I was in a cave I had a whole nest of nasty mxes to clear out but much to my pleasant surprise I found the chest without any trouble and sure enough it was filled with netherite Ingot but I couldn’t just

Hurl them at fungi and call it a day no I needed to craft them into something that could help me win the day I thought back to my old friend the weaponsmith and it gave me the perfect idea I’d make a netherite sword luckily there was something that looked like a Smithy

Right next to me by combining the ingots with my trusty diamond sword I was able to turn it into a brand new new netherite sword one that would weaken the mushroom Lord when we next battled from day 95 to day 97 I made my way back

To my base in the Ancient Forest it had been a long journey and the ancestral home of my fellow Elemental wolves was almost restored to its former glory there was just one final touch here Zozo we’ve been working on it to keep your spirits up but you should be the one to

Put the final piece in place with that I added the final piece to the elemental wolf statue with the Statue done the air Elemental approached me it’s time Zozo you’ve learned much about harnessing the elements and restoring balance to the Overworld before you face the mushroom Lord once more you deserve to give

Yourself a moment to remember just how far you’ve come and just how much progress you’ve made taking a moment I realized that I’d grown and gone stronger as the statue had gotten bigger it was there as a reminder of how much I’d gone through and how big I felt on

The inside now it had been one heck of a journey and not always an easy one but I wasn’t the same wolf cub that I’d been when I started ow on day 98 I got ready to set off to take on fungi the mushroom Lord one more

Time first I spoke to Clarence the cockatrice Well Clarence this might be goodbye for good Zozo wait I want to come with you are you sure I thought you were scared of the mushroom Lord I am or at least I was but I should have stood

Up to him instead of running away if you’re going to take him down then now’s as good of a time as any for me to do what I should have done from the start glad to have you with me Clarence as we went to leave my air Elemental Mentor

Had one final bit of wisdom to impart Zozo you must remember all you’ve learned you can restore balance as an elemental wolf with the Halo in your possession you’ll be able to bring all the elements of the Overworld into harmony once again but there is one

Final thing you must do if you’ve been enjoying this video be sure to hit the like button leave a comment And subscribe to the channel on day 99 Clarence and I marched up to the huge fungal Fortress of the mushroom Lord our plan was to get inside weaken fungi and

Get the Halo back from him we were met by a hord of zombies ahead of us but I remembered all I had learned so far and relied on my elemental powers to fight back my dragon Fireball attack took out a bunch of them as I used Fire and Air

At the same time I swung my netherite sword at the zombies taking them out in one hit the air was guiding My Sword and the netherite hiding within the Earth was strengthening my blows the zombies had once been a challenge with their numbers but now I was better attuned

With the balance of the elements staying calm and cutting through them one by one as more and more zombies flooded out Clarence hung back to distract them and I ran right into the base ready to take down the mushroom Lord himself on day 100 I searched the fungus Fortress for

The mushroom Lord but instead I found what I’d been looking for the Halo but it was guarded by a mighty pigas I used all of the elements to defeat him and sure enough just like the Lightning Dragon had promised I obtained the Halo I leveled up getting 80 hearts and even

One more extra ability a lightning blast I hurled crackling bolt of lightning at the pigas before long they had been defeated which only left their Master Zozo you won’t stop the great change even with that blast Halo you’ll never stop my plans soon the Overworld will be

Mine a filthy fungus ridden Paradise for me to rule over no fungi you’ll never win I have mastered all the elements but most importantly I know why you’ll never win because there must be balance the Overworld can’t just be one thing foolish wol you have been a thorn in my

Side for too long right before my eyes fungi the mus musom Lord grew into a huge version of himself although I was surprised I didn’t let my fear rule me after all two could play that game I channeled the balance of all the elements and called on the power of the

Halo to transform into my ultimate form Oho the battle was on I swiped at fungi with my netherite sword and it worked Simon was right netherite made him weaker I fought with all the attacks at my disposal energy blast Then followed up up with a claw attack and some extra

Dragon Fireball and lightning strikes for good measure the netherite made my attacks do some real lasting damage the mushroom Lord was almost beaten I summoned up all the elements Earth Wind Fire the water lightning and energy of the Overworld and channel them into one last swing of my sword boom it worked

Fungi the mushroom Lord Was Defeated he exploded into tiny little spores but this one wasn’t a chance for me to be cruel so I called up the wind to carry his spores across the Overworld just enough so that fungus and mushrooms would grow after all everything had to

Be balanced that was my job as the elemental wolf on day one I spawned into the bobab Savannah as the mighty electric tiger well at least a baby version of an electric tiger but if I work hard and train I can live fully up to my electric tiger potential oh no you

Won’t I looked in front of me and saw a massive hulking Squall Golem thundering towards me he was so much bigger than me the size difference was terrifying listen Mister I don’t want any trouble I’m Zozo what’s your name my name’s Mike and I’m here to fight but why that

Doesn’t even rhyme yes it does if I say it Rhymes it Rhymes I’m the strongest creature in the world nothing challenges me anymore and the only way to relieve the boredom is getting into fight with anyone I can but no butts weakland or I’ll kick yours here’s the deal I’m

Going to give you a 100 days you better use them well kid and get as strong as possible strong enough to have an interesting fight with me cuz if you don’t I’m going to find you and pound you until you’re nothing more than a little electric tiger stain in the floor

Now run Mike the Squall Golem didn’t have to tell me twice I turned and ran away as quick as possible well Mike just laughed at me he seemed like my most formidable opponent yet 100 days I need to get real strong in that time or Mike

Really is going to destroy me on day two I continued running through the bobab Savannah not stopping until I was confident that Mike the squal Golem was nowhere to be seen phew that was a close one if he’d attacked me in that state I would have been a goner I only have 10

Hearts I wonder if I have any special abilities without even realizing I could I I released a blast of electrical energy from my paw the electricity is eliminated from me and charges up the air around me that must have been one of my basic electric tiger abilities W

Maybe I’m not as helpless as I thought wait do I see a pear tree there I should grab one I grabbed a few Pairs and ate them even if my Hunger was full I just couldn’t resist it things were looking up already at least I wasn’t going to be

Hungry but my contentment didn’t last for long a scary plant-like Whisperer rustled its way towards me it wasn’t as big as Mike but it was definitely freaky oh no I have a feeling I know who you work for you’ll feel correctly Zozo you really think you can beat Mike he’s the

Goat goat he’s a Squall Golem no goat is an acronym he is the greatest of all time g o a t and that’s why you’ve got no hope against him then why even bother coming after me I didn’t even want to fight I’m going to destroy you myself to save Mike his time

As the Whisperer approached me I fired my energy blast but it didn’t even slow him down all I could do was run away knowing that even with my energy blast I had no hope of fighting him I was hiding behind a small clutch of trees when suddenly a wind caller teleported in

Front of me come with me if you want to live sure let’s go I’ll follow you wow people normally have questions huh let’s go the wind CER ran off and I followed him without question happy to finally have someone on my side on day three I continued following the wind CER deeper

Into the bobab Savannah he seemed to have confidence and power it definitely made me feel safer around him I’ve been waiting for you to arrive Zozo you have no idea how many people have anticipated this special day special this doesn’t feel that special aside from you saving

My life from all the weird creeps who have been trying to attack me those weird creeps as you AB put it have been bothering people for quite some time but if you stick with me and my allies we might be able to change that together

The wind collar led me to a small shack leaving me to talk to its inhabitant a mysterious figure called the illusioner so you are the one the wind color selected H you don’t appear all that strong but perhaps that will change I still don’t understand what’s happening

Here who are all of you people and what does any of this have to do with me or that nasty squaggle a Mike winds color and I are just two members of a secret group called the order of the shield for years we have made it our perfect to

Find and train a champion capable of destroying Mike and ending his reign of terror if you accept this responsibility we will do all we can to help you realize your destiny well saying as Mike is going to come after me anyway I agree to working with you good go with wind

Colar there is no time to waste you must get strong enough to defeat Mike once and for all from day four to day five the winder and I went deeper into the bobab Savannah we didn’t stop until we found an area that was big and flat enough to start constructing a base

First I knocked down a tree and used its resources to construct a wooden pickaxe I then mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to create my first set of real tools a stone pickaxe and a stone sword from there I gathered more stone and granite and made a basic

Base with a bed for myself and another one for the wind colar to stay in with me you’ve done great work here Zozo you shall promise with time you will become a great warrior capable of taking on Mike and showing him what we are all capable of I want to get stronger wind

Callar but I’m not sure where to start how can I become more powerful I can help you with that Zoo I’ll give you a portion of my power and that will give you a foundation to build on stay still please the wind caller fired an energy

Blasted me the second it hit me I started growing becoming bigger and had the ability to summon lightning strikes I tried it out on some grass and it was fantastic wow I’m really starting to live up to my electric tiger name now from day six to day eight I decided to

Explore a new part of the Savannah and test out my new powers for real energy blasts and lightning strikes I’m a forced to be reckoned with and those Powers would soon come in handy because I saw an innocent fungus thrower being attacked by that nasty Whisperer who had

Attacked me earlier I’m not going to let this stand as I ran in the whisperer’s attention was turned to me and the fungus thrower was able to escape it was just me and my old enemy now hey you ugly plant you again didn’t expect to

See you after you ran off like a coward last time I’m no coward Whisperer and I’m about to prove it talk is cheap tiger boy let’s go I Unleashed a powerful lightning strike on the Whisperer and this time it was completely destroyed my electric tiger Powers were coming in clutch already yo

Fungus thrower it’s safe to come out now I’m friendly I promise when I found him on the beach the poor lad was shivering from Fear dude that was scary SC but also amazing I thought I was a goner and then you came in like a superhero like

Bam Z kapow it was awesome well I don’t like to brag but I guess it was pretty awesome you’re real good at this whole fighting bad guys thing Dude tell you what I know there’s a real nasty bad guy not far from here follow me let’s see if

You can beat him sure it couldn’t hurt to try let’s go from day N9 to day 10 I followed the fungus throat into the bamboo jungle until we reached a clearing there a freaky frozen zombie was waiting yikes that thing seems unpleasant But A promise is a promise I

Ran in and Unleashed a lightning strike against the frozen zombie but it didn’t seem to do anything other than annoy this particularly Frosty member of the Living Dead the frozen zombie chased me and all I could do was run away as fast as I could when I’d managed to lose the

Frozen zombie I rued with the fungus thrower again I’m really sorry for letting you down on this one man but I just don’t think I’m strong enough to take down that frozen zombie yet it’s chill dude you did your best and that’s what matters tell you what why don’t you

Come and stay at my base while I get stronger you seem like a cool guy I’d love to hang out with you some more oh you’re too sweet man let’s do it from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with the fungus thrower it was exciting

To have another friend added to my team fungus thrower left to relax while I built a new room for him along with the rooms for me and the wind caller what do you think Buddy this looks awesome Zozo I can’t wait to hang out here and hey I

Got a little Restless while you were building the bedroom so I built a couple of upgrades of my own go take a look the upgrades that the fungus thrower had created were truly awesome he’d made a beautiful path connecting all the buildings and a storage room for the

Base with a furnace that I could use to smelt and Forge metal say that gives me an idea I searched until I found a cave that might contain some valuable materials and sure enough right at the entrance I found a rich vein of iron ore I mined and collected a bunch of it

Before going back to my base once I was there I used my furnace to smelt the ore into ingots then I made a full set of iron tools I still had a little left over so I used that to make an iron helmet and a chest plate this looks

Awesome so I’ve got shelter and weaponry covered now I need to make sure my food sources are sustainable too I built a small chicken farm on my base and HED a few chickens inside so I’d never run out of eggs or yummy chicken chicken from

Day 13 to day 15 I spoke to my mentor the wind caller and asked him if he knew any other ways I could train and get stronger very good question Zozo to become a better fighter you need to fight and hone your Battle Tactics I’ve heard reports of another one of those

Sinister Whisperers wandering around the bamboo jungle go out there and defeat it to grow your strength because everything wind cller had said so far hadn’t led me astray I followed his advice and went out to the bamboo jungle again I searched until I found the Whisperer

That wind cller had told me about I will destroy you in the name of Mike not if I destroy you first Whisperer with my new iron sword it wasn’t hard to battle the Whisperer into submission when the Whisperer was destroyed it dropped a potion of strength onto the ground

Perfect timing I was starting to feel super thirsty I picked up the potion of strength and drank it and I felt the change immediately I started to get bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 30 the wind colar was right fighting that whisperer did make me stronger from day

16 to day 19 I continued exploring the Overworld until I came upon the Cypress swamplands it was a strange mystical place and the more I wandered around the more I got the sense that something important was waiting for me here and that feeling proved to be right when I

Came Upon an ancient Book of Secrets laying around I decided that it might be worth reading so I flipped through until I found a section called how to defeat Squall Golems wow that’s appropriate a section read the Stony flesh of of a squal Golem may seem impenetrable even

Diamond swords and the strongest of arrows just seem to bounce off but if one could obtain a sword of netherite then the playing field would be evened a netherite sword I need to get my hands on one of those then my moment of victory was interrupted by a pair of

Whisperers suddenly appearing and wandering towards me they must have come here to stop me from reading this book of secrets you overgrown weeds can’t scare me with my lightning strikes and energy blasts the three Whisperers were destroyed for good from day 20 day 22 knowing that I needed a netherite sword

To truly defeat Mike the Squall Golem I went back to the mining cave looking for more material sadly I couldn’t find any diamonds or netherite down there just more iron ore I mined a bunch of it and went back to my base where I smelted it

Into ingots and made myself the rest of my iron armor if you can’t invest in your attacks you might as well invest in your defense my recent increase in strength reminded me of an old unsettled score I needed to defeat the frozen zombie for my friend the fungus thrower

Tell time to send that zombie to its Eternal resting place I returned to the bamboo jungle and hunted down the frozen zombie that had given me trouble all those days ago with my iron sword I was able to defeat the nasty Undead once and for all it probably won’t be long before

I’m strong enough to take on Mike and win I wouldn’t be so sure weakling I turned and saw Mike himself was standing right behind me I wanted to run but this time I stood my ground I’m not scared of you anymore Mike I know the secret I

Just need to get my hands on a netherite sword I’m a champion of the order of the shield what’s so funny you think you’re the first Champion you think you’re the only one who knows about netherite swords I’ve destroyed a 100 foolish Champions like you and you’ll make it

101 Mike punched me taking off a frightening number of Hearts all I could do was run for my life I was clearly still not strong enough to face him yet from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to my base and informed the fungus thrower

That I defeated the frozen zombie of the bamboo forest way to go Zozo you’ve no doubt achieved a whole new level of strength from that battle and I planed to get even stronger now that I was able to fulfill my promise to you oh yeah

Buddy I know you can I knew that I needed stronger materials in my inventory if I really wanted to work my way up to that netherite sword so I went digging for more iron in my mining cave well there were still no diamonds to be found the iron ore was plentiful I help

Myself to as much of the iron as I could carry and smelted a bunch of it down into some more ingots I made a temporary smelting location to smelt the iron while I mind I already had a set of iron tools and armor so out of all the iron I

Made an anvil so we can repair our gear when it loses durability my pickaxe can be the first candidate to get repaired once I was done mining I went above ground to my base where windar was waiting for me Zozo I’ve given the base a new addition that will be sure to keep

You safe while you build up your strength that sure is nice of you considering and my thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so far I went to see what the wind cller had added to the base and found a well- constructed security bunker to hide in in case of

Invasion this looks like it will come in handy from day 27 to day 31 I was far away from the base exploring the Cypress swamp lands when I had first learned about the existence of netherite Swords if I remember my last visit correctly I also defeated a couple of Whisperers

While I was here the whole area looked totally peaceful now without any of Mike’s minions to be seen as I was taking in the pleasant Vibes I was a roached by a kindly Fletcher who seemed rather happy that the swamp lands were free of baddies wow we zo we you must be

Zozo the electric tiger I heard you took down those Whisperers some days ago that’s me I’m the toughest and only electric tiger around that’s wicked awesome it’s good to know that there are people out there looking for strength who are also nice and willing to stand

Up for the week I will do my best to help those in need I heard there were some other Whisperers skulking around and looking to challenge you they must really want to stand up for that mic guy I can take them do you know where they are not right now but they’d probably

Hunt me down and try to beat me up if they knew I told you that then they’d be right here in the swamp again I know what if you stayed at my base for a while at least until I have my match with Mike that way I can protect you the

Fletcher agreed and together we went back to my base where I added a base extension I made a small Outdoors library with a few couches to have a nice cozy place to relax the books that I put on the shelves would teach me strategies and techniques for winning

Battles because knowledge is power later I was approached by wind cller who had some bad news Zozo we have to come with you again Mike’s minions have discovered the order of the shield and are attacking its members we need to Chuck on the illusioner before he could be

Next oh no that sounds serious let’s go from day 32 to day 35 Winder and I crossed the bobab Savannah to reach the illusioner shack when we found the place it it was too late the shack was under attack by a Whisperer and the illusioner was desperately fighting for his life

You order of the shield fools can’t win Mike makes right the saying is mik makes right what you said is just silly you’re calling us silly just for that you’re going to die the Whisperer destroyed the illusioner right before our eyes you monsters talk about pathetic is this all

The order of the shield is made of you’re dead wrong I’m Zoo the electric tiger I am the champion and I’ll show you how strong I am I called down a lightning strike getting the whisperer’s attention and dealing a bunch of damage in the process with a few swings of my

Iron sword I made that whisperer pay for what it did to the illusioner more Whisperers emerged from the edges I was so angry I didn’t even need to use my energy blasts to bring the pain and take them all down when the battle was over wind cller and I planned what our next

Move would be we need to be on the lookout for any other mobs that are working for Mike curse him we were too late to save the illusioner from his Rampage we’ll keep an eye out for the other surviving members of the order of the shield and once we’re together we’ll

Help you become the strongest Champion you can be from Day 36 to day 39 I returned to the bamboo jungle so I could practice all my most powerful fighting moves in a safe place where none of my friends would get hurt I was tossing around energy blast when I blasted away

Some bamboo and found an iron golem hiding nearby wa easy with those blasts you could knock somebody out with those my apologies I didn’t know you were here sometimes I Don’t Know My Own Strength oh no it’s okay I actually have been searching for someone strong enough to

Defeat the ruthless roaming ravager if it’s a worthy opponent that gives me a chance to test my skills then I’m 100% game where is this ravager anyway I’ll show the way oh mighty electric tiger I was brought to another part of the bamboo forest where the ruthless roaming

Ravager was running around it was was my time to bring that bad boy down I fired some energy blast for my Paws and the ravager responded by jumping over to me and making a few attacks I countered with my iron sword the battle raged on

For a while but I knew from the start I would come out on top and I was right I returned to the Iron Golem to tell him that I had successfully defeated that rascally ravager huh you really are one tough tiger that’s for sure from day 40

To day 43 I was in the base and decided to see how the fungus was doing it looked like he had been hard at work decorating the Bas with all sorts of tiger patterned banners and paintings this Bas looks absolutely awesome now good job fungus I’m glad you like it I

Was just spruing the place up in preparation for the pigs I invited over you invited pigs yep I invited some pigs because I thought they might ojoy themselves here that’s a bad pun but not a bad idea I say yes fantastic I mean fantastic the pig that fungus thrower

Invited arrived soon after and were the life of the party I even got to train my defenses against their classic Pig pile technique after entertaining our fine piggy guests for a while I went for a walk out in the base and ran into flusher everything all right Fletcher

I’m worried about my home back in the Cypress swamplands do you think you could go check on it just to be safe sure buddy it’s the least I can do for a friend from day 44 to day 49 I went back to the Cypress swamplands like Fletcher

Wanted me to I was EXP ing there might be a few Whisperers Milling about but I never imagined that I’d see Mike himself what up tiger ready to take another shot at the big man Mike this should be between you and me what you did to the order of the shield was unforgivable

Noah no way I’ve been baing with those bozos since long before you showed up and if you’re the chosen Champion they kept talking about then I had to take them down before you become any stronger so you did it because you’re afraid I’ll get stronger than you well now now

You’ve made sure it’ll happen I will beat you Mike one of these days you want to make this personal huh all right let’s make it personal safe you can take on my man the piglin brute to my surprise Mike ran off and stuck me fighting with one big mean mob that he

Called a piglin brute it sure did live up to its name I’m about to show you why they call me the piglin brute because I’m brutal yeah I already got that put up your dukes electric tiger he slammed me with an attack that was definitely brutal but thankfully my iron helmet was

Able to soak up some of the damage I traded blows using my sword and started to wear him down but the knockback of his attacks was giving me some trouble this will be a tough fight from day 50 to day 53 I had started to use my energy

Blast to continue to deal damage to the pigin brute he didn’t show much signs of tiring but then again neither did I I can see why the order of the shield was impress pressed by you but you can’t really be the champion who will defeat Mike because I’m about to take you down

Wouldn’t bet on it brute I launched a couple of strikes at The Brute then I hit him with my sword and knocked him off balance so I could defeat him with some classic electric tiger energy blast bye-bye brute you were my biggest and meanest opponent yet but I’ve won this

Round The piglin Brute disappeared and I soon found an item that he dropped it was a map leading to Mike’s Fight Club this this is quite a discovery I didn’t know whether Mike expected me to find this or not but either way this meant that I could go to his base whenever I

Wanted from day 54 to day 57 I cleared the Cypress swamplands of all remaining Hostile Mobs so that Fletcher wouldn’t have to worry anymore the last one in the area was especially tough a Vindicator who could take a lot of hits for my iron sword I really had to stay

On my guard the whole fight relying on my new combat strategies that i’ had been practicing sure enough I was able to win with plenty of Hearts to spare The Vindicator even dropped a netherite Ingot which was the first step to the netherite sword that I’d need to defeat

Mike I quickly returned to the base to tell Fletcher the good news so the swamplands are safe they sure are you mean that you found neite Ingot just like that I sure did that’s some kind of coincidence huh it’s no coincidence it’s a sign you were meant to be the champion

Of the order of the shield it’s your destiny well in that case I better make the most of this chance and get some diamonds so we can eventually make a netherite sword you can do it Zozo from day 58 to day 62 I made a much needed

Expansion to the chicken farm so that it could hold more livestock it was just in time too because I was able to round up more chickens for food an electric Tiger’s got to eat to keep his energy up and delicious chicken tenders are what’s on the menu next I delve down to the

Mining cave to have another look for the diamonds I would need to craft a diamond sword I had to explore pretty deep but soon enough I managed to get my pickaxe into some diamonds there’s many diamonds here I might believe in destiny after all I mined for a while and found more

Than enough diamonds to make the diamond sword which I planned on using as the foundation for the netherite sword I’d be making later I used the rest of the diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a full set of diamond armor for myself once I was satisfied with the amount of

Diamonds I had amassed I returned to the surface of the base and met up with windar hey wind callar I’ve crafted a diamond sword that’s excellent Zoo we should celebrate and the brand new super amazing party room that I just built oh wow no way a party room I love parties

While I had been down in the mines windar had given the base its most exciting feature yet a decorated room for hosting parties I tried out the dance floor and had a really good time from Daye 63 to Daye 66 I was hanging out at the base with fungus thrower

Discussing ways for me to become even stronger if I could train in a new location maybe I’d be able to discover some new fighting moves I actually know just the place if you drain in the harsh sunlight of the desert you’ll increase your strength in no time how do I find

The desert I’ll show you the way on your map the fungus thrower marked the desert as a location on the map I received from the Fallen piglin brute it looked like it was on the way to the biome where Mike’s Fight Club could be found I

Should get used to that path while I’m out there I went to the desert and felt the sun beating down on me this would be a good place to train and I was in the mood for a fight with a scary opponent across the dunes I saw one scary looking

Wither Skeleton I move towards him with my sword drawn ready for battle hey you want to fight Zozo the electric tiger no thank you I don’t want to fight especially not a tough customer like you okay I can respect that we won’t fight did you think just because I’m scary

Looking that I’d want to fight you really shouldn’t judge people by their outward appearances yeah that was my bad I’m very sorry about that friend lesson learned it happens to me a lot I’m afraid just the other day a zlin tried to pick take a fight with me I told him

No wait for a strong person who wants to fight well if that Zin wants a fight I’ll fight him I came here to train anyway from day 67 to Day 70 the friendly Wither Skeleton brought me to meet the zlin a dangerous opponent who was also looking for a challenging fight

The zaglin agreed to fight me one-on-one so we could test each other’s strength before the fight began the Wither Skeleton took me aside so we could have a quick discussion are you sure you can win Zozo I didn’t mean to put you in danger I think got a chance but thanks

For being concerned now thank you for fighting this battle for me that’s what a strong person does now I’m going to go kick some zlin butt the fight between myself and the zlin was off to an exciting start when the zlin charged straight at me I dodged his powerful

Tusks and hit with my sword while his back was turned the zlin countered by hitting me with his tusks I lost a few Hearts but I was still in the fight I fired some energy blasts and used my signature lightning strike to deliver the last blow def Fe feeding the zlin

Zozo you did it I am the electric tiger Zozo remember the name from day 71 to day 74 I had completely left the desert behind and was traveling through a new biome the eroded Badlands according to the pigin brutes map this was the same biome where the entrance to Mike’s Fight

Club could be found the map also says you can find more of my Zozo videos by searching zo zo in the YouTube search bar you should try it out I followed the directions on the map first further into the eroded Badlands and I can see Mike’s

Fight Club in the distance just you wait Mike I’ll fight you one of these days I heard that Zozo suddenly Mike was right next to me and he was looking as strong as ever you shouldn’t have said that spark plug now I’m going to give you a

Taste of my super special punch the Mike Spike oh no I forgot that today is one of those days Mike Spike he punched me and my heart started to deplete thank goodness I was wearing diamond armor I drew my diamond sword and swung at him but the damage it did was really low

You’re still weak kitty cut no way well I needed netherite sword to even stand a chance I ran away from the fight retracing my steps through the eroded Badlands I still wasn’t strong enough to beat him from day 75 to day 78 I followed the map home to my base and

Went directly into the bunker to work out somehow I couldn’t find the energy to train probably because I was disappointed that I had to run away from Mike Mike was the strong longest in the world and I still didn’t have the netherite sword I would need to actually

Challenge him from what he said before even that might not be enough cheer up Zozo you have our strength too so don’t give up it was Windcaller he had come into the bunker to check on me and raise my spirits thanks wind caller I’m feeling like I’m weak today so I really

Needed to hear that follow me I’ll show you something that might also help there was now a new watchtower at the front of the base where we could look out at the bobab Savannah from all of a sudden I feel a whole lot better when color now I

Remember what I’m fighting for you are the champion electric tiger Zozo don’t forget it now that I was feeling better I went to go visit Fletcher hey there Fletcher Zozo I got you this special magic Apple to help make you strong enough to face Mike well an apple a day

As they say I scarfed down the apple and began to grow into an even bigger electric tiger with 60 hearts in addition to bigger damage and more health I could also perform a special Whirlwind attack Mike won’t know what hit him for from day 79 to day 84 I was

Feeling strong and decided to go back to the eroded Badlands this time there was no sign of Mike so I fought some skeletons to test my new found strength I wanted to prove to myself that I had what it takes to become the strongest a nearby weapon Smith saw me defeat those

Mobs and thought that I was pretty cool so I offered to upgrade my weapons this is my chance to get a netherite sword yeah no absolutely just give me your diamond sword and your netherite ingots and I’ll take care of the rest I gave the weapons Smith what he needed and

Waited in anticipation for him to finish my super cool netherite sword it didn’t take him that long and I could tell just by swinging it that this netherite sword was the most powerful weapon that I’d ever had thank you weapon Smith I promised to use what you’ve given me for

The side of Justice go on and save the world every weaponsmith dreams of creating a hero’s weapon from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the base to show the others that I had obtained The netherite Sword and found that it was being attacked by Whisperers so this is

Where you ran away too coward we’re going to make you feel real silly for leaving Mike in the middle of a fight I battled The Whisperers with all my might testing the edge of my netherite sword these minions had given me trouble in the past but now I was so much stronger

Than them that they were barely a threat I easily defended the base and prevented any further damage to the structures oh man this guy is actually way too strong maybe I should leave this one to Mike he’ll know how to win intimidated by my strength the Whisperer stopped fighting

It was now their turn to run away serves you right for trying to mess with my friends you’ll have to deal with this electric tiger now I chased the whisperers through the bobab Savannah until my base was far away never come back a villager who saw me bravely face

Off against Mike’s henchman came over to cheer me on you’re the electric tiger the second strongest being in the world soon to be the most strongest or first strongest whichever sounds better do you think you can spare some of your strength and give me a hand building a

Bridge over the river sure thing villager I used the materials the Villager gave me to finish building the bridge across the river thanks Zoo only a truly strong hero could do something like that from day 90 to Day 94 I continued onward across the desert and through the eroded Badlands until I saw

On the map I was getting close to Mike’s Arena I could see one of the whisperers who had attacked my base lingering nearby and I drew my netherite sword in preparation for a battle I’m here to see Mike I’m going to challenge him for the title of strongest being in the world oh

No you didn’t you’re going to need to get this guy first he’s the second strongest in the whole world an armored Pillager showed up taking the place of the Whisperer as my opponent I’ve heard people say that you’re the second strongest in the world not true because

That’s me I’ve never beaten Mike but I’ll beat anyone who isn’t Mike you won’t beat me I’ll take your title then I’ll take on Mike then bring it on zoo the electric tiger the armored villager waited for me to make the first move which I did using my netherite sword he

Blocked the attack and countered with a strike from his own weapon I lost quite a few hearts and had to dodge back to avoid the worst of his attacks I used my energy blast to keep him at a distance but his armor was as tough as mine you’re pretty strong Pillager are you

Ready to give up and run away no way I’ll Never back down from a fight again from day 95 to day 97 I continued to battle against the armored Pillager utilizing all my specially trained techniques to try and gain an advantage have another lightning strike I can handle your lightning strikes all the

Live long day Zozo we’ll see about that I circled around the armored Pillager with my Whirlwind attack and delivered sword strikes wherever I could I was still having trouble cracking the second strongest Fighter’s armor but I figured I could soften him up for a lightning strike if I just kept attacking with my

Whirlwind active I spun around and Unleashed my lightning strike with that attack the Villager surrendered the electric tiger defeated the armored Pillager and became the true second strongest in the world no I couldn’t achieve my dream of becoming the strongest in the world why did you want

To become the strongest so bad I’m doing it to protect my friends and myself from Mike it started that way for me too but when I realized I would never win I became his follower all the people who believed in me before became sad and stopped being my friends but they went

On to form the order of the shield wait you were the original champion no I was just the guy who tried to be a champion before there was a champion you’ve got to be better than me Zozo I will armored Pillager I’ll defeat Mike and become the

Strongest in the world once and for all on day 98 I went back to the base to tell everyone that I would soon be facing off against Mike for the ultimate title I went to visit wind caller first who is standing at the top of the Watchtower thanks to the strength you

Gave me at the start I was able to become the champion that you always thought I could be it was like I said long ago my strength was the foundation but you built it into something better and made it your own thank you for

Believing in me here is a bit more of my strength in the form of a potion drink it before you go into battle next I met with Fletcher outside of the chicken farm I wanted to assure him that once I was the strongest I would use my

Strength to protect all of the biomes from Evil very soon the world will be safe safe I’m glad I was able to help your quest for strength Zozo you gave me what I needed when I needed it most and I’m so grateful that I was able to meet

You make the most of your magic powers the special techniques will be the key to Victory after Fletcher there was only one last friend to thank the fungus thrower who is chilling in the party room this room is the best room other than a mushroom of course that’s a

Fungus I look forward to hanging out after I beat Mike once and for all it’ll be a big celebration on day 99 I made my way back to the eroded Badlands and saw the first glimpses of Mike space I approached and there were the whisperers waiting to stand in the way move aside

Small fry I’m here for Mike you guys don’t need to be involved The Whisperers bolted for The Hills And I Ran straight into Mike’s base on day 100 I walked into Mike’s fight club with my netherite sword drawn Mike I’m here to fight the big golem himself m M appeared before me

In order to fight Zozo the electric tiger you fought all the other strong people in the world and now you think you can steal my crown I do I’m going to make sure that you are put down for the count lots of people have said that to

Me before and I’ve beaten them all I didn’t get to be the strongest because I made excuses I just kept fighting and winning but you didn’t fight The Whisperers when they started going after the order of the shield you didn’t want a champion to fight you Auto care what

Those weaklings do or what fights they get into all that matters is the fight between me and you that’s how it’s always been destined Champion let’s do this in a place worthy of this showdown Mike left and I ran after him he turned into his fighting arena I followed him

In when he hit at the entrance and slammed his Golem fist into my body it was the Mike Spike his signature opening move I drew my netherite sword and dealt some real damage to him for the first time I followed up with with a whirlwind and a lightning strike Mike threw me

Across the fight club then he jumped and slammed onto me dealing a lot of damage he tried to attack again but I hit him with an energy blast he caught him off guard and I was able to land a bunch of other energy blasts after then I remembered to drink up the strength

Potion windar gave me I felt much stronger now as we stood there swinging away at each other hit after hit I was wearing the Golem down eventually one of us fell Mike actually dropped yes Zozo the electric tiger wins I had completed the 100 day challenge to defeat the

Strongest being in the world I had won on day one I spawned into the amaran fields as a golden gorilla now it looks like I’m a gillionaire well a baby gillionaire anyway but I bet with my hard work I can get bigger stronger and even shinier my golden gorilla voice was

A little too loud though because it attracted the attention of someone who wasn’t so nice a strange green man and a crown emerged is me the great and glorious Goblin King all will bow to my Excellence oh uh hi Goblin King uh your highness I’m Zozo the golden gorilla no

No no no no no this simply won’t do you’re too shiny nobody should be shinier than my crown I can’t help how shiny I am your highness and I promis that I didn’t mean to offend you I don’t care what you mean I’m the the Goblin

King and what I want I get and you’re going to be a lot less shiny once my fully sick boys have beaten you senseless and buried you beneath the Earth suddenly some ogres emerged and started stomping towards me all I could do was run from my life and get out of

There but I could still hear The Goblin King’s shrilled voice behind me you can run but you can’t hide we’ll never give up Zozo never I kept running until I couldn’t hear him anymore guess I’m going to need to topple the Goblin King if I want to get any peace around here

On day two I started exploring more of the amaranth Fields it’s pretty nice out here but I guess looks can be deceiving if the Goblin King and his ogres are running around here and I’ve only got 10 Hearts I’d better find something to eat and fast luckily I stumbled on an apple

Tree I used all of my baby gorilla strength to shake the apples down from the tree and gobbled them up M that really hit the spot I love apples good choice for your last meal then he get it because you’re dead meat shiny boy I turned around and saw The Goblin King’s

Ogres charging toward me uh-oh I don’t think I’m ready for a fight but I guess I don’t have a choice they attacked me and I tried my best to fight back but they were way too tough for me and there were so many of them it’s only my second

Day it can’t already be over for me no h on little gorilla I’ve got this a gobber jumped into The Fray fighting off the ogres long enough for me to get away from them follow me let’s get you out of here before more of these Jokers show up

By the way my name’s Greg i’m zoo on day three I followed the friendly gobber to his campfire thank you for saving me don’t sweat it kid any enemy of the Goblin King is a friend of mine he hates me just because I’m shiny and golden don’t take you personally that attention

Hog can’t stand it if anyone else is special that’s why so many of us are trying to overthrow him everyone deserves to shine not just that so-called King here I got someone you should meet the gobber introduced me to a goblo sitting near the fire I told the

Goblo that I was The Goblin King’s latest Target tough luck Zozo sorry to hear that but you’re in the right place if you want to end the Goblin King’s regime we’ve been working on it for quite some time and I get the feeling you’ll be a great help you’ll need to

Get a lot stronger first though think you can do that yes I do that’s what I like like to hear first things first you’re going to need a base get to work building one I’ll send Greg along to help you out thank you so much don’t

Ever let them dull Your Shine Zozo from day four to day five I got to work building a base before I can build anything I’ll need some wood and some tools I gathered enough wood to craft a wooden pickaxe then use that pickaxe to gather some Stone now I can use this to

Make a full set of tools I’d better hurry up so I can build my base before it gets dark I crafted a set of stone tools and then it was finally time to build my base a room for me and a room for Greg there looks pretty good it’s

Small but I’ll have time to build more later Greg come check out our new home sweet digs kid I like it great place to hang my hat for a little while but you’re not wearing a hat well if I get a hat I’ll have a place to hang it hey kid

Look out behind you I turned around and was jumped by a garch this time though I had a sword to defend myself I flopped back and managed to defeat the nasty creature hey I did it oh I feel kind of funny suddenly I grew bigger and I felt

My heart’s increase to 30 awesome I yelled with excitement and a blast of fire came out of my mouth careful with that fire breath buddy don’t burn the house down sorry from day six to day eight I took my new set of tools improved strength and super cool fire

Breath and went out exploring I traveled to the Jungle where I spotted a poor innocent little KO being attacked by a Shater hey cut that out the shadower didn’t listen so I had to make him listen with a blast of fire breath he got pretty angry about being burned but

I had my sword ready to go and we battled it out the shadower was tough but I was tougher and I managed to win the fight you’re safe now little KO thank you you’ve never met a hero like you before but I’m afraid I’m still not

Safe I was trying to run away from a bigger batter monster when that shadow attacked me see my house was invaded by a Reaver he kicked me out and said if I tried to come back he’d kill me could you help me get my home back that’s

Terrible of course I’ll help from day N9 to day 10 I followed the little KO to his house and sure enough there was a huge scary looking Reaver standing guard outside hey I told you to clear out of here maybe you didn’t learn your lesson

Last time do I need to tell you again with more pain the only one who’s going to get hurt around here is you what you’re here to fight me H you’re tiny like a little gold statue of a gorilla you don’t scare me well maybe this will

I opened my mouth and shot a blast of fire breath at the Reaver but he didn’t even Flinch oh thanks I was getting kind of chilly now it’s my turn uh-oh he launched himself at Me Knocking me back he was way too strong I don’t think I’m

Ready for this fight I’m so sorry little KO we’ve got to run but I promise I’ll come back and finish the job once I’m strong enough I ran away as fast as I could the little K right by my side until we get your house back you can

Come stay at my base with me from day 11 to day 12 I escorted the little KO back to my base I’ll need to build another room so he has somewhere to sleep I got to work and before long I had added on a

Room for my new guest here you go I hope you’re comfortable here thank you so much I wanted to give you something in return for letting me stay here but I didn’t have anything with me so I hope you don’t mind but I added something to

Your base come take a look he showed me a brand new storage Hut I figured you could keep things in here uh weapons I guess or whatever you want it’s great thank you now you get some rest I’ve got more work to do wait before I I do are

You the golden gorilla that the Goblin King is trying to get rid of I sure am oh I’m so sick of that Goblin King he wasn’t always in charge you know he came here a little while ago with an army of ogres and scared everyone into listening

To him no one even knows where he came from or if he’s a real king at all no wonder he’s so worried about being outshined thanks for the info little KO my name is Lyle just by the way I’m Zozo nice to meet you Lyle went off to take a

Nap and I headed into a nearby to do some mining I gathered some iron ore perfect for upgrading my gear I used a furnace to smelt the ore into iron ingots and crafted an iron pickaxe and an iron sword I still feel like the base is missing something as I was

Brainstorming I spotted a herd of sheep grazing nearby hey sheep why don’t you come live with me I built them a sheep farm to live in and HED them inside not too bad if I do say so myself from day 13 to day 15 I was trying to come up

With that ideas on how to grow stronger I decided to talk to Greg and get some advice hey Greg I’m running out of time to get strong enough to defeat the Goblin King what can I do well kid when I want to get stronger I get out of my

Comfort zone try going somewhere new maybe fighting some new enemies you’ll never grow just staying in the same place all the time great idea I’ll go back to the Jungle that was a pretty intense place I traveled back to the jungle and started exploring the unfamiliar terrain while I was walking I

Spotted some familiar faces the ogres they were too strong for me before but I think I’m ready to try again hey remember me Hey look it’s the golden gorilla let’s get them boys I opened my mouth and shot fire breath at them engulfing them in Flames ouch where’d

You learn to do that I didn’t answer their question I just drew my iron sword and attacked again this time they were the ones who weren’t prepared and one by one I defeated them all I did it I did it hey what’s this there was a health

Potion on the ground they must have dropped this well Finders Keepers I drank the health potion and right away my hearts increased to 60 woohoo I was doing a victory dance when I accidentally shot a fireball hey that’s new I’m on fire here from day 16

To day 19 I followed Greg’s advice and kept exploring my journey took me all the way to the desert it sure is hot out here wish I had a nice Shady Tree to sit under oh and some coconuts but instead of coconuts I found a book the book of

Information information about what I guess I’ll see it says the Goblin King was once a lonely little Goblin underling the lowest of the low one day he had enough of being bossed around he snuck up on the leader of his kingdom destroyed him with a sneak attack and

Stole his crown now he lives in fear of being seen as the fraud that he is and having someone take his Place wow I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t trying to kill me get that gorilla I was suddenly ambushed by more of the Goblin King’s

Ogres but with my new fireball attack they didn’t stand a chance I burnt them all to a crisp and vanquished them hey I’m getting pretty good at this whole fighting thing from day 20 to day 22 I traveled back home to my base time to go

Back into the mines and see if I can upgrade my gear some more I entered the mine and quickly found some iron ore after I smelt it into ingots I was able to craft an iron chest plate with my new attack my new strength and this armor I

Think I can finally fight that Reaver so I traveled back to Lyle’s house where that nasty Reaver was still stomping around like he owned the place back for more can’t get enough of the taste of the feet you can’t just take people’s houses I’m going to show you what

Happens when you do I hit him with a fireball and this time it worked it knocked him back while he was recovering I got my sword and rushed at the Reaver swinging my blade as hard as I could he attacked me but I came back at him even

Harder a couple of hits later he was down well look at that you’re getting stronger I see it was the Goblin King he was watching me from behind in nearby tree I’ll have to send stronger minions to get rid of you it seems no matter I

Will I always get what I want you know only because you sneak up on people you’ll never win in a fair fight well we’ll have to see out that won’t we I have grand plans for your demise Zoo such Grand plans and with that he disappeared from

Day 23 to Day 26 I ran back to my base as fast as I could my encounter with the Goblin King had shaken me up a little bit but I was still excited to give Lyle the good news about his house Lyall Lyle guess what the Reaver is finally gone

Really that’s amazing but oh no what is it it’s just I’ve been having so much fun staying here with you guys do you think I could keep living here instead sure stay as long as you want with that settled I ventured back into the mines

To look for some more iron ore after I found enough I smelted it into ingots and crafted a new Iron helmet and a pair of shiny iron boots while I was trying on my new armor Lyall came to see me hey Zozo as a thanks for everything I built

A perimeter wall around the base to help keep us safe so nothing like the Reaver attack ever happens here I went outside and checked it out that’s amazing I feel safer already from day 27 to day 31 I headed back out to the desert to continue exploring in the harsh climate I was

Kicking around the sand getting lost in my thoughts when I saw something a silver Lobo sat under a palm tree hey you’re the gold guy who beat up all those ogres I sure am well that was super neat of you if you’re still in a heroic mood I could use some help any

Chance you have a place I could stay for a while the Goblin King doesn’t like how uh how silver I am and I’m scared he’ll send more ogres after me he’s doing the same thing to me for being gold I’d be happy to help follow me back to my base

You can stay there the silver Lobo and I headed back to my base and when we got there I’d take a second to Shear my sheep and gather some wool hey this gives me an idea I decided to hang some decorative banners on my base just to

Spice up the place these really class up the place sweet banners kid but sorry to interrupt goblo needs our help who goblo the goblo you met him when I saved you now it’s your turn to help me save him quick let’s go from day 32 to day 35

Greg and I traveled back to the goblo campfire to see what was going on when we got there a whole horde of ogres was making a mess of the place goblo was way outnumbered goblo we’re here to help oh how sweet baby gorilla thinks he can save his friend well you’re too late

Loser I shot a fireball at them destroying them in one hit but when Greg and I rushed over to check on goblo he was already halfway gone thank you for coming boys but I’m afraid they were too much for me I I don’t have a lot of time

Left Zozo you can finish which I couldn’t defeat the rest of the ogres I will and just like that goblo was gone from Day 36 to day 39 I didn’t want to go home after losing goblo I needed to get my mind off of things so instead I

Traveled to the Jungle to look for some bad guys to fight or someone to help I just need something useful to do are you talking to me there was a Rouge tomato suddenly staring at me no I was talking to myself ah well could you be talking

To me if you’re trying to be useful I need some help sure what’s going on well I need help taking on a rattlesnake near here he’s really messing up the neighborhood kicking everybody out I need some muscle to get him to lay off you got it it didn’t take me long to

Find the rattlesnake he was hissing and pacing back and forth looking for trouble well he found it and trouble was me I took him out with a few quick fireballs and a finishing move with my sword your rattlesnake problem is all taken care of thanks you’re a swell guy

Not like that freak in the crown who came through here earlier the Goblin King yeah that’s him said he’s trying to recruit new goons to help him get rid of some Golden Monkey or something sounds like a Bad scene it seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t ever fight his own

Fights but still wants to act like a tough guy if you’re not a fighter just admit it to yourself that’s what I did and it worked out yep thanks for the info yeah forget about it from day 40 to day 43 I left the friendly but kind of

Weird Rouge tomato behind and walked back to my base when I got there Greg was waiting for me and he looked excited about something hey kid I thought we could both use some cheering up so I had a some couches to the base for hanging out and I was thinking maybe we could

Invite some more friends to stay here with us absolutely the more the merrier great my other go friend should be here soon a little while later Greg’s friend arrived and settled in nice to meet you after a while the silver Lobo I helped out before came to find me you’ve

Already done so much for me but could I ask for one more favor I left my favorite book behind and I can’t go back and get it without being attacked by some really scary monster could you go look for it for me I’ll do

My best to get your book back we can put it on one of those shelves when I do from day 44 to day 49 I drudged out to the desert to look for the silver lobo’s book I don’t see any books I just see a

Ton of sand I don’t like sand at all it’s so coarse and rough and it gets everywhere as I was digging through the sand looking for the book The Goblin King ran up from behind me tremble in fear it’s me I’m not scared of you oh but you should be you

Think I’ll only stop with your demise no no no no no no silly Zozo I’m going to get rid of everything shiny in this land every living thing that is silver gold diamond That Glitters and shimmers brightly my crown will be the only shiny thing left and then no one will doubt my

Authority as king or you could try being a kind and just ruler are you kidding me that sounds terrible sorry Zozo but I have to run bear with me me what sorry I miss smoke I have a bear with me enjoy fighting my bear bye the Goblin King ran

Off and a massive hulking grizzly bear ran in from day 50 to day 53 I faced off against The Goblin King’s Mighty grizzly bear the grizzly bear charged at me I fought back with a fireball and jumped out of the way before he could scratch

Me with his claws but the bear was tough and he came at me again this is my hardest fight yet it was difficult and and the bear was much bigger and stronger than me but I was better at dodging and I had firep powers that most

Bears don’t have and all of that helped me win in the end pH that was a close one I’m glad I made it ooh sparkly the grizzly bear dropped a diamond on the ground during the fight I should take it with me I bet I’ll need it later from

Day 54 to day 57 I continued my search for this Silver lobo’s Book she said there were scary monsters involved but I haven’t seen anything but say and that bear but that wasn’t normal for this place I’m pretty sure finally I happened upon a spectre I don’t think it’s that

Scary but I bet that’s what she’s talking about hey did you take someone’s book the Spectre didn’t answer me it just started attacking well I guess that’s your answer Fireball I blasted the Spectre with a fireball and I totally vaporized it sure enough it dropped the book what’s this book about

Anyway seems like a lot of trouble for one little book oh it says my diary on it no wonder she wanted it back I ran back to my base and delivered the book to the silver Lobo thank you thank you thank you you’re the nicest golden

Gorilla I’ve ever met not that I’ve met any others there used to be more of you I’ve heard and other gold creatures but the Goblin King has been getting rid of them ever since he took the throne it’s just terrible well I can’t let him get

Away with it anymore from day 58 to day 62 I expanded my sheep pen to make room for even more sheep there now you guys can spread out a bit more and have some room to roam they didn’t say anything back but I think they were happy about

It next I returned to the mines the diamond the bear dropped got me thinking I want to craft some Diamond gear I gathered some diamonds and used them along with the diamond the bear dropped to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword now I’m even shinier than ever

Take that Goblin King when I climbed back out of the mines and went back to my base Greg was waiting for me welcome back kid since we’ve got more folks staying with us now I took the liberty of letting them invite even more friends over hopefully you don’t mind of course

I don’t mind you know what I say the more the merrier from day 63 to day 66 I tried to decide where to go next I need to keep getting stronger so I can stop the Goblin King from carrying out his evil plans what should I do next zoo I

Just got a letter from my friend in the Lush Tundra she said that there is some kind of dangerous creature out there making trouble and it might be working for the Goblin King if you play your cards right you could get fighting experience and some information all at

The same time wow that’s like getting two things with only one thing awesome I traveled to the Lush Tundra and a huge warped toad left into my path uh-oh this must be the creature making trouble I got my sword ready and was taking a deep breath to unleash some fire on the toad

When she spoke wait no I’m Alex loy’s friend I’m the one who asked for your help you’re Zozo right oh sorry my mistake so if you’re not the one I’m here to fight who is from day 67 to Day 70 Alex the Warped toad led me to the

Danger she had told me about a warped mosow hovering menacingly above the ground there it is think you can help I sure do time to squash that bug be careful that’s one mean Moscow I listened to Alex’s warning and I approached the Warped Moscow slowly but

As soon as it saw me it started buzzing aggressively and swooped at me I had to dodge and counter with a fireball the Warped mosow couldn’t get away in time and the fireball hit it Knocking it down I took my chance to finish it off right

Then and there I did it your Moscow troubles are over Alex thank you so much Lyle wasn’t kidding you really are a hero I’m just trying my best I only hope I’m going to be enough of a hero to take on the Goblin King from day 71 to day 74

I decided to explore the Lush Tundra a bit more I already came all the way out here I might as well get a good look as I was exploring I spotted a sign that spelled out z o z I didn’t know what that means but it’s almost my name that

Reminds me if you want to see more Zozo videos you can find them by searching zo zo I arrived in a new part of the Lush Tundra and saw a chest there oh I wonder what’s inside when I opened it there was nothing in there oh that’s

Disappointing sorry to see you so sad Zozo just kidding I love to see you sad yo will never beat me I was so angry I shot a fireball at the Goblin King but he dodged it and attacked me he was still way too strong for me to fight him

And win just you wait I’ll get stronger and then you’ll know how it feels to lose I didn’t want to but I had to get out of there from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base when I finally got there I was so mad that I

Locked myself in my room can’t believe I had to run away like that I’m such a loser I heard someone outside of my room and when I went to check the silver Lobo was standing there sorry to interrupt but I wanted to show you something I’ve

Been having on to the base want to come look okay I followed her and she led me to a new Watchtower you built this for me I wanted to cheer you up it’ll help keep us all a lot safer in case the Goblin King tries anything sneaky that’s

So great thank you I feel better already I’ve also got something that might help too Greg came over and handed me a novelty hat it’s silly but I told you a home is a good place to hang your hat so I got you a hat when I put the Hat on I

Felt a lot better and stronger too before I knew it my hearts increased to 100 I jumped for joy and I jumped way higher than usual w a jump boost thank you so much from day 79 to day 84 I ventured back out into the Lush Tundra

To look for the Goblin King now that I’m stronger I want to try and fight him again I looked all over but didn’t see him anywhere I did see some black death though close enough for now still an evil force I can test out my new

Strength on I fought the black death and beat it easily when I did I was approached by a grateful rat that was very impressive fighting I couldn’t help but notice your shiny diamond sword someone dropped this and I picked it up to keep but I think you

Should have it here the rat gave me diamond leggings this is perfect from day 85 to day 89 I took my new diamond leggings and traveled back home to my base when I got there I was shocked to see ogre stamping all over the place tearing it down no get out of

Here oh no did you think we wouldn’t find you smash smash smash smash the whole place to bits I shot a fireball at the ogur and they ran off into the fields a no you don’t I chased after them as fast as I could as I was

Pursuing the ogres a rat jumped in front of me quickly could you tell me the way to the Lush Tundra my cousin lives there I pointed him in the right direction thanks you’re a pal with another good deed done I continued my Chase from day

90 to Day 94 I tracked the ogres all the way to a castle this must be Goblin King’s Palace I better not get too close I’m sure he’s got guards all over the place I’ll focus on these Jokers for now I decided to shoot a fireball at the

Guard of the castle entrance that’s what you get for messing with my home ouch get a boss is the Goblin King here no no he won’t dirty his hands fighting you little gorilla that’s my job a plague Beast emerged and came running at me he attacked me before I could do anything

And the blow knocked me back uh-oh this guy is really strong this won’t be easy from day 95 to day 97 I continued my battle against the plague Beast it was by far my most dangerous fight yet I’ve got to make it through this I can’t let

The Goblin King win he’s already won fool there are only a handful of days left before his army will sweep the land imprisoning any that dare to try to outshine the king no I won’t let that happen I used my jump boost to jump out of the way of his next attack and

Blasted him with a fireball then I came at him with my diamond sword and finally turn the tide of the fight I was going to win for my final attack I jumped high and hit him where he least expected it it seems I underestimated you perhaps

You will win after all if you can best the Goblin King himself in a one-on-one fight that is I will no matter what I’m going to do whatever it takes to defeat the Goblin King once and for all and just like that the plague Beast Was Defeated on day 98

I returned to my base with a renewed sense of purpose this gold golden gorilla is going to win I just know it I’ve come a long way and I know I still have room to improve but I feel like a real hero now brighter stronger and shinier than ever first the silver Lobo

Spoke to me you are a Zozo here take this health potion for help on your quest I believe in you we all deserve to shine and you shine brighter than anyone I’ve ever met that means a lot thank you and then Greg Hey kid I’m proud of you

Don’t leave without your okay I would never and finally Lyall remember the Goblin King only wins fights by sneaking up on people don’t let him sneak up on you and you’ll be able to defeat him thank you for believing in me I’ll try my best on day 99 I set off on my

Journey to the Goblin King’s Castle I passed through the Lush Tundra on my way and remembered my success there I was able to help so many people and if I can pull this off it’ll help so many more finally I reached the castle it was crawling with ogre guards I’ll never get

Through all of them without the Goblin King finding out I’m here if he does he’ll be able to sneak up on me as I was trying to come up with a plan Alex the Warped toad jumped out of hiding and started attacking the ogres Alex you

Came to help me we toads believe in reciprocity you helped me I help you now get inside and finish this Alex led the ogre’s away and I began to sneak into the castle on day 100 I crept my way into the castle that’s where I saw the Goblin King

Looking at horses I thought about attacking him but I realized that would be wrong I’m not like him I want a fair fight hey stop horsing around H what what’s happening oh Zozo I see you’ve come to my Palace to turn yourself in no I’m here to fight you fair and square no

Tricks a Goblin King always has a few tricks up his sleeve suddenly he turned invisible and I lost sight of him uh-oh he’s somewhere in here trying to sneak up on me I listened carefully and when I heard him moving I used my jump boost to

Jump out of the way of his Ambush ha got you I spotted him and launched a fireball at him it hit ow ow ow no you’re not supposed to be so good at this I’m supposed to win I always win not anymore I attacked with my sword

Next he fought back but I was Stronger than him I had learned how to defeat the forces of evil and after a difficult fight I finally did the Goblin King CR fell on the floor at my feet if I were like you I’d take this but I don’t want

To be king I just want to go home and hang out with my friends I’m ending this rign of Terror here and now and with one last Fireball I finished him off it was finally over I did it time to go home hug my friends and take a well-deserved

Nap from now on things are going to be good as gold

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a ZEBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Wild Animals Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-01-07 02:15:00. It has garnered 8800 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:38 or 11738 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Zebra in Hardcore Minecraft!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a ZEBRA https://youtu.be/fN4hWzlP-G8 0:29:39 100 DAYS as a KANGAROO https://youtu.be/2bIAVy5BJrQ 1:07:01 100 DAYS as BLACK PANTHER https://youtu.be/6vHjL1MEo9M 1:29:45 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL WOLF https://youtu.be/O0TDEREWkAc 2:09:02 100 DAYS as an ELECTRIC TIGER https://youtu.be/9QrRHyql8FM 2:45:25 100 DAYS as a GOLDEN GORILLA https://youtu.be/XH1_z-8rGWk

#minecraft #100days #zebra Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More