1000 Days as Avatar in Hardcore Minecraft! Blue Mobs

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On day one I spawned in as a baby na’vi from the movie Avatar I was surrounded by a bunch of other na’vi but I was the only baby why am I a baby are you my parents just then Colonel quit showed up with a bunch of soldiers consider this a

Warning in 100 days I’m going to attack and destroy the Tree of Souls without the Tree of Souls all the na’vi will disappear everyone around me was angry and they attacked it was no use though you were no match against the colonel and his men quick Zozo take this my

Parents threw me a ceremonial bow and some arrows and told me to hurry and hide deeper in the cave no wait my parents joined the fight but they too were quickly defeated I had no choice but to run away and hide in the cave I have 100 days to stop the Army from

Destroying the tree but how can a baby like me stop an entire Army on day two I ran deeper into the cave I had to be careful because I only had four Hearts just then I I heard footsteps behind me someone was coming I hurried and hid a

Few military guys came running up and stopped in the tunnel did you see where that little baby na’vi went Colonel is going to make us do 200 push-ups if we don’t find him you mean that baby uh-oh they saw me I hurried and pulled out my

Bow trying to hold them off it’s not working I can’t die already suddenly something came running up to me it was a hexapede on my back hurry what’s your name little guy it’s Zoo what about you n saw you pleased to meet you on day three Naru and I had reached an area

Deep in the woods the space was filled with all kinds of creatures wow I was wondering where you guys went to hide from the soldiers Naru then brought me to the wise old leader of the hexapede and what brings such a small Navi to a

Place such as this I told him about the soldiers and how they had ambushed my Colony I also told him that I had less than 100 days to save the Tree of Souls if they destroy the Tree of Souls all life on our planet will disapp appear we

Must protect the tree at all costs you aren’t planning on taking the whole Army down alone are you they took out my whole tribe so it’s just me you’re going to need all the help you can get I’m too old to fight but please take these supplies to Aid you on your journey

Thank you I don’t know how I’m going to stop them yet but I will do everything I can we believe in you but be careful Colonel quar will not hesitate to destroy anyone who stands in his way I nodded and prepared to leave before I could get too far Naru stopped me this

Battle affects us all I’m strong and can help you in the fight I would love to have your help let’s do this on days four to 5 I decided it was time to start preparing myself for the fight I went around punching trees and got enough tools to make myself a crafting table

With the crafting table completed I then made myself a wooden pick Let’s Get Stony using my wooden pick I mined a bunch of cobblestone then use the Cobblestone to craft a full set of stone tools after I finished crafting I realized it was starting to get late I

Better start building my base I can’t risk getting attacked at night I quickly got to work building myself a base I had found a giant tree and decided to build a base inside of it I built rooms for both Naru and me to live in it’s just a

Simple base but it should keep us safe for now by the time I finished building it had gotten late that’s when some spiders attacked out of nowhere oh no I spoke too soon I swung my sword furiously and was able to take them all out just then I felt a burst of energy

And gained 10 Hearts oh oh yeah I’m even stronger before I went to bed I decided to set up some torches no more random mob attacks for me on day 6 to8 I woke up and decided to check the Village from earlier for survivors as I looked around

I saw that the soldiers had totally trashed the place then I saw a girl running from a soldier hey why don’t you pick on someone your own size the soldier heard me yelling and stopped running after the girl then he turned and ran toward me I had gotten stronger

So I wasn’t afraid I used all of my weapons and abilities but he was still really strong it was an intense battle and we ended up on a balcony I swung as hard as I could and knocked him over the edge as the soldier disappeared I saw he

Dropped something the girl he was chasing ran over and picked it up find anything good it looks like a map to a prison thanks for taking that guy out by the way what’s your name my name’s Zozo what about you ntii nice to meet you what were you doing out here anyway when

These soldiers attacked the village I escaped during the fighting I came back to try and find my parents it looks pretty empty here but maybe the prison on that map is where they’re being held I’ll try anything let’s go on days 9 to 10 natti and I made our way toward the

Prison we carefully followed the map and soon saw a small prison in the distance that must be it but it looks like there’s no guards let’s get closer and find out just then a grenade was tossed in front of us blinding us when we came to a tough looking Soldier jumped out

And attacked they must have seen us coming I tried my best to fight him off but he was too strong this was a fight I wasn’t going to win nater and I had no choice but to jump down the tree and run away once we had gotten far enough away

We paused to talk it looks like we’re not strong enough this all feels so helpless don’t worry we can figure it out in the meantime you can stay at my base on days 11 to 12 natti and I arrived back at the base I hurried and

Built her a room to stay in thanks for looking out for me Zozo no problem I wanted to ask you though what do you know about the colonel and these humans I doubt I know much more than you but when our village was under attack I did

Over hear the colonel saying he will rule over our planet once we’re all wiped out we can’t let that happen I was feeling angry about the colonel so I decided to look for more materials I soon found some iron and coal back at the base I loaded up some furnaces and

Started smelting then I crafted some iron tools along with some iron boots and leggings Naru then came over to me and let me know he was feeling a little hungry so I went out to try and find some food after some walking I found some carrots oh yes I’ll love these I

Returned back to the base and dropped off the carrots to Naru then and headed outside to start a carrot Farm now we’ll never run out of food on days 13 to 15 I wanted to get stronger so I asked nater if she could help the strongest Warriors

Would Train by hunting manacor but only the adults true Warriors never harm the babies okay I’ll give it a try I left the base and soon found myself in a tundra The Manor should be close by that’s when I noticed some Manor feathers on the ground aha I must be

Getting close I looked a little further when I saw two Manor up ahead a baby and its mom I started to sneak toward the adult when suddenly a couple military guys jumped out and took out the baby those cowards they then tried to fight the mom who quickly took out one of the

Soldiers it wasn’t enough though and the other Soldier took her down I rushed in what do you think you’re doing the colonel is given us orders to destroy all the animals we can’t have you na’vi trying to get stronger now can we that’s assuming I’m not strong enough already I

Charged at the soldier angry at their disrespect the soldier thought he was a tough guy but in in a few moments I showed him up and took him out as he disappeared I saw he had dropped a manticor heart I picked it up and took

It with me back to the base back home I went over to ntii and told her what happened then I showed her the manor heart that is what our Warriors are after when they fight the manor eat it eat it if you say so I scarfed down the

Mantor heart and to my surprise I gained six more Hearts now that’s some powerful stuff on days 16 to 19 I headed out to do some more exploring as I wandered I soon found an ogre Village as I watched the ogres living peacefully in their home I suddenly remembered my own life a

Time where I lived peacefully with my own parents those evil humans want to break up all these wonderful families I won’t let that happen speaking of which a group of soldiers had just shown up and they were attacking the village the ogres all ran into their homes afraid it

Was up to me to help them not today humans I charged in using all the weapons I had at my disposal these soldiers were tough but with my training and upgrades I was getting tough too after a bit I had won a dad and his baby

Ogre came out of their house he thanked me for defending the village then offered me a jar to say thank you is this a jar of farts I’ll uh find a good way to put this to good use thanks on days 20 to 22 I started heading back to

My base I was thinking about the jar of farts when I was attacked by a crimson mosquito how do you like this I unleashed the jar of farts which took him out with ease well that didn’t stink later I saw some iron ore which I mined

Up back at the base I smelted the ore into ingots then crafted them into a chest plate and sword with my new equipment I returned to the prison maybe I’d have better luck this time as I arrived back at the prison I saw another stun grenade pop out it was the guard he

Fired his weapon at me but I was able to sneak up behind him and knock him out of the tree this guy was tough and managed to hit me with a poison dagger which really hurt even though he had grenades and weapons I was able to get him down

To half a heart before I could finish him off though he started to laugh what’s so funny whoever you’re looking for here is already dead I suddenly saw a vision of nti’s parents being interrogated in the prison they refused to tell the colonel anything about the

Tree of Souls then you will die goodbye back in the present the soldier tried to attack me again he was weak though and I finished him off inside the prison I saw it was empty apart from a necklace momento I’ll have to take this to ntii

Maybe it can help on days 23 to 26 I arrived back at the base with some bad news for ntii I soon found her hey ntii I managed to get into the prison but I’m afraid it’s not what we were hoping for my parents are gone aren’t they I’m

Afraid so I thought that might be the case but was hoping maybe I’d be wrong if it helps I did find this I gave her the momento I could tell it really helped her feel better thank you Zozo but hey I have something to show you niri brought me outside and showed me

That she had collected some chickens this was perfect as I was starting to run low on feathers for arrows I got Right to Work building them a Chicken Coop then bringing them into it I then went out to get more supplies I found more iron as well as some diamonds I

Made an iron helmet to complete my armor set then crafted a diamond pickaxe to finish it all off I got to work improving the base I wanted to make it a little nicer for everyone when I finished I realized it was missing something H I think it just needs to be

A little bit more avatari on days 27 to 31 I headed out to find the materials I needed on the way I ran into a couple chocobos hey are you guys okay we’re looking for our favorite food nightshade berries these soldiers kicked us out of

Our land so we don’t know where to find it h i don’t know where to look but I’ll keep an eye out I invited them back to my base in the meantime to which they happily agreed I soon came across the soul lights I was looking for and

Started mining suddenly a flock of petas started to attack me hey I’m not bothering you leave me alone I managed to fend the patas off and then I finished mining up the soul lights back at the base I used the soul lights to finish the decorations it was looking

Really great I then built the chobo their own rooms to stay in they were really happy about that then Naru came running up to me the soldiers are attacking my herd come quickly I jumped on his back and we rode off to help on days 32 to 35 we hurried back to the

Herd as we arrived I could see the place was filled with soldiers we’ve got to help them I rushed in knocking out as many soldiers as I could the hexads had really hurt them so I was able to finish several of them off that’s when I saw a

Soldier fighting the Elder hey get away from him the soldier hit the Elder a hit he surely couldn’t survive no I rushed in and took out all of the remaining soldiers I approached the Elder but it was too late Zozo stay strong and keep fighting and please keep looking after

My son and before I could respond he died Naru I’m sorry I didn’t know he was your dad all I could think about was the moment my parents died my heart hurt for Naru it’s okay Zozo looks like we’re both orphans now we still have each

Other you can stick with me for as long as you want on days 36 to 39 I decided to spend some time out alone it had been a rough few days that’s when I heard someone call out to me hey you wait what’s going on my house has been taken

Over by a boar everyone is too scared to help me okay sure I’ll help tell me where to go I headed off in the direction the goblin had pointed me I soon saw the cave he described and when I went inside the boar attacked me hey

Don’t be so mean the boar was tough but I finally managed to beat them back I was about to deliver the final blow when a voice cried out wait please don’t hurt my mom I turned and saw a baby boar I asked them why they were in someone

Else’s house but before they could answer the Goblin from earlier showed up what are you waiting for take them out wait something isn’t right about this just then the goblin went to attack the boar but before he could do any real damage I stepped in and took him out

Thank you that Goblin was trying to kick us out of our home wait that’s what he said you did to him he was lying so you’d come after us that’s when I noticed he had dropped a note it was from the colonel it read destroy as many

Animals as you can and you will be rewarded greatly he’s trying to turn everyone against each other we’ve got to hurry and stop him on days 40 to 43 I arrived back at the base I felt bad for everyone who had lost a friend or family

So I decided to improve the base I went around and made each room a little nicer now that that’s looking great I’m really worried about the herd my father had really given them a home then tell them all to come live here Naru went to tell the other animals and I got ready

Preparing a place for them to stay we were all going to be one big happy group and I couldn’t wait for everyone to arrive just as I finished up the chobo from earlier came over to chat they told me they were now big fans of carrots but unfortunately they were going to need

Their favorite food otherwise they couldn’t survive okay don’t worry guys I’ll find it they explained what it was and what where I could find it then I hurried off on days 44 to 49 I arrived in the location that the chobo had told me about as I was exploring I nearly ran

Into the colonel aha I knew I would find you here what do you want you you keep attacking my men and saving all the animals stop getting in my way I’ll never stop not until you’re defeated good luck with that the colonel waved his arm and a super soldier dropped from

A Samson aircraft in front of me the colonel chuckled and left us to fight this was going to be my hardest fight yet the super soldier was strong bigger than normal humans and had attacks I had never seen before he shot Rockets from a tube he was carrying on his shoulder

What lab did this guy crawl out of I did my best to hit him with my bow but it didn’t seem to do much damage the arrows weren’t working looks like it might be time to try something new on days 50 to 53 I kept fighting against the super

Soldier it was time to stop fighting from afar and get up close and personal take this I charged in and started swinging my sword with me being this close his Rockets were completely useless now that he wasn’t hitting me as hard it was only a matter of time at

Long last I delivered the final blow looks like I’ll be the one fighting another day as I looked around I saw the colonel had been watching the battle I’ll be back for you Zozo mark my words I charged at the colonel but before I could get a hit in he threw a stun

Grenade right in front of my feet When the Smoke cleared the colonel was gone I’m the strongest I’ve ever Ben but it’s still not enough I have to get stronger on days 54 to 57 I remembered I was supposed to be finding the chobo food at

Long last I saw what I was looking for as I got closer though I was suddenly attacked by two Hammerhead Titan oh man I must be on their Turf the two Hammerheads were incredibly strong working together to hit me with their attacks it wasn’t enough though and I

Managed to take one out uh-oh looks like the other one is really mad now the remaining Hammerhead charged at me no longer trying to be strategic it wasn’t much longer and I had taken them out as well as it disappeared I noticed it had dropped poisonous skin I bet I could use

This to make poison arrows oh this will really help me out I then collected the nightshade berries and headed back to my base back at the base I met up with the chobo and gave them the nightshade berries they jumped for joy and told me that they could now access their special

Power special power you should have mentioned this before the jobos explained that they can tap into the planet’s life force and commun unate with those who have passed on but only for short amounts of time so my parents the chobo nodded and then put their head

Down there was a glow and suddenly I could see my parents in front of me Dad Mom it’s us Zozo we’re so proud of you and what you’re doing keep fighting we know you can defeat the colonel there was another bright light and they disappeared thank you for doing that for

Me now let’s win this fight on days 58 to 62 I got to work planting some of the nightshade berries so that jobos would have a constant Supply as I finished ntii came up to me thanks for getting these planted I’ve been enjoying taking care of the other plants so I’ll make

Sure these are good as well I thanked her then left to try and go find some more diamonds as I went deeper and deeper into the mines I soon found a whole bunch of diamonds before I could start mining though I was attacked out of nowhere what are you doing down here

You creep I then mined up all the diamonds and went back to my base with my diamonds I made myself a couple of pieces of armor then I headed out to the farm and made some improvements so Neri could feel happy while she worked on the

Farm on day 63 to 66 one of the chobo came running over to me they told me they had spoken to a great warrior who had died long ago this Warrior told him about a powerful weapon that could defeat the colonel that could be the

Very thing we need to win the chobo told me that it was in a different biome and told me where to go I set off right away and I soon reached the vortex as I searched I soon saw a temple and I noticed there was a leon opter flying

Around overhead as long as he doesn’t bug me I won’t bug him I approached the temple and and headed inside this had to be where the weapon was kept suddenly a thanor jumped out I took my sword ready to fight then the thanor spoke wait wait

Don’t attack I thought you were going to attack me of course not I’m super nice this Temple is my home but some other not so nice mobs have kicked me out oh man well I’m looking for some kind of ancient weapon here do you know anything about it it’s possible the temple is

Filled with all kinds of old relics clear the place and you can take whatever you want deal on days 67 to 70 I followed the thanor deeper into the temple as we walked I noticed several pieces of Art and books that looked like they were centuries old eventually we

Stopped outside a room and he turned to me they’re in there Viper wolves and lots of them I’ll take care of it you hang tight I ran into the next room and sure enough there were a bunch of Viper wolves they immediately attacked and I

Did my best to fight them off my ticket to beating the colonel could be hiding here I had to win Time to Say Goodbye I kept swinging and at long last the Viper wolves were all defeated I heard a noise in the corner and saw there were some

Smaller Thors hiding nearby thank you Zozo this is my family they all thanked me and I took off to look for the weapon the ancient warrior had mentioned I looked and looked in every nook and cranny but there was nothing shoot the weapon must not be here anymore I met

Back up with the thanor and invited him and his family to live at my base but he said they were happy here I thanked him for letting me look then left to go back to my base on days 71 to 74 I left the temple as the Leon opter circled in the

Sky above I paused for a moment did you know this isn’t my first Adventure you can watch more of my videos after this one is over just search for Zozo zo zo I was getting closer to my base when I came across a group of soldiers more of

These guys huh not for long I charged in and started taking them out the less pesky soldiers there were the safer the land would be soon I had taken them all out that’s when I noticed one of them had dropped a note it said to all

Soldiers there is a nav named Zozo who needs to be defeated immediately I Colonel quich am working on a special weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls it will be done at the end of The 100 days but this Zozo needs to be dealt with immediately all soldiers will be on

Double shifts until he is destroyed it looks like I’m making a dent but what is this weapon he’s working on I have to find a powerful weapon of my own and fast on day 75 to 78 I arrived back at my base and went to talk to the jobos I

Went to the temple and searched everywhere but I didn’t see it anywhere the jacobo was really confused as the spirits they talk to are rarely wrong but unfortunately they didn’t have any other ideas they promised to try and figure it out I decided that in the

Meantime I would improve the base it was starting to look really good now I could tell everyone was really happy and I hoped it could always be like that when I had finished making my upgrades ntii came over to talk to me Zozo I have some

Great news what is it I have been experimenting with the plants and developed a superfood I want you to be the first to try it I picked it up and ate it down it was delicious suddenly I felt energy flow through me and I grew even bigger with even more Hearts wo

This is awesome on days 79 to 84 I decided to test out my strength I soon arrived in a new place and spotted the perfect test subjects how do you like me now I jumped in and managed to take them out in just a few hits Now That’s What I

Call power just then I spotted someone Watching Me From Afar it was another na’vi he came over to me you’re pretty strong thanks I can take on anyone you could be stronger though oh what makes you think so well I’m stronger than you check it out the na’vi hit me and he was

Right he was strong ouch okay you didn’t have to hit me I believed you what’s your secret come I’ll show you the na’vi then put me through a training program he had a lot of good advice and I was able to learn so many new things in a

Short amount of time once we were done training the warrior tossed me an upgraded bow thanks I’m feeling even stronger already by the way how did you you get so strong it was my mission to ride a leon opter but I’ve never been successful now I don’t even know where

To find one I didn’t know you could ride those I actually saw one not too long ago I could show them to you no I’m much too old now but I think you could do it yeah I’ll give it a try say why don’t you come live at my base with me no

Thanks the Wilderness is where I belong I thanked him for his help then turned to go back to my base on days 85 to 89 I returned to the base and saw it had been attacked buildings were broken and no one was around oh no what happened where

Is everyone I ran around the base looking to see if I could find anyone I soon found Naru he was injured and hiding in one of the ruined buildings what happened here the soldiers they came out of nowhere they took Neri oh no I have to save her where did they go are

You okay yes I’ll live quick they only left an hour ago they went that way I hurried in the direction Naru had mentioned looking for any signs of the soldiers then I heard someone calling for help n N tii I ran toward the sound but saw it wasn’t ntii it was a dire

Horse who was clearly injured before I could say anything it spoke are you looking for that girl yes have you seen her I tried to stop them but they knocked me out of their way they’re moving quickly faster than you can run but there is another way what’s that

Nearby is a special plant blue orchids grow on top of that tree right over there Harvest one of the leaves and rub it on my wound then I can carry you to them in no time okay show me the way he told me where to go and I ran off I soon

Saw the tree it was extremely tall and the leaves I needed were at the very top let’s get jumping I jumped from Branch to Branch doing my best not to fall at long last I reached the top and grabbed the leaves I needed sometime later I was

Back by the dire horse I applied the leaves and he immediately hopped up hop on there’s still time on days 90 to 94 the dire horse and I could see the soldiers appear in the distance there was no time to waste as we got closer I

Could see ntii she was being guarded by a few few guards as well as another Super Soldier but this super soldier looked even stronger than the first one I jumped off the dire horse and told him to get a safe distance away I faced him

Let her go come to save your friend huh you’ll never win get this na’vi punk out of my sight the normal soldiers charged at me but I knocked them out with just a few hits huh you’re stronger than you look but not stronger than me the super soldier charged at me unleashing a

Special attack I didn’t see it coming and it did a lot of damage this was going going to be tough you’ll never take our land our people I took out my bow and landed a perfect shot which seemed to disable his special attack now the fight was really OD you’ll pay for

That on days 95 to 97 our battle raged on he was madder than ever now that he didn’t have an advantage both of our hearts were dropping and it was only a matter of time until one of us fell suddenly he stepped back one more hit

And I would win you think beating me changes anything I’ve done my job already what is that supposed to be mean huh the colonel has already completed his weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls we took the girl to take you out of the game you’re too late no I jumped toward

Him and destroyed him for good then I noticed he dropped something with this I can do his same special attack I quickly freed ntii hurry back to the base using the dire horse I’m not strong enough to defeat the colonel yet but I think I

Know what I need to do ntii nodded and ran off to find the dire horse and get back to the base I don’t know if this is going to work but I’m crazy easy enough to try on day 98 I rushed back to the temple the ancient warrior said this was

The location of the weapon but he never said it was inside of the temple I looked up at the Leon opter if I can tame it I’ll finally be able to be the ultimate warrior the Leon opter kept flying around ignoring me completely I thought about it for a moment then

Pulled out my bow I aimed and fired the arrow was a direct hit the Big Bird let out a screech and headed right at me oh boy I may have really stepped in it this time the bird SW woed down to hit me I jumped to the side and tried to get on

Its back I was close but missed shoot I’ve got to keep trying the bird was interested and attacking me now and I did my best to avoid it sometimes it hit me but most of the time I was able to land on its back finally after several

Attempts it worked got you the Leon opter was mad at first flying around like crazy but soon it recognized it had lost and soon it was smooth sailing we bonded through the flight and soon landed back on the ground I hopped off as the bird flew away then suddenly I

Felt the power flow through me and I leveled up into my biggest final form at long last I’m ready to take this Colonel down on day 99 I returned back to the village where it all began the Tree of Souls was nearby I passed through the tunnels I had run through nearly 100

Days ago I had grown so much since then suddenly there was a flash of light and I could see my parents standing before me I was so close to the Tree of Souls it made it possible for them to show themselves to me Mom Dad great job Zozo we’ve been watching watching your

Journey and are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished thank you I just wish I could have saved you too don’t worry about us son everyone on the planet is counting on you but we know you can stop the colonel and save our way of life I will do my best we will be

Watching and supporting you do not lose hope there was another flash of light and they disappeared I soon emerged from the tunnel into a large Cavern I could see the final tunnel to the Tree of Souls but an army of super soldiers were blocking the path oh no how could I

Possibly get past all of them you you won’t be alone I turned and saw Naru along with all of the friends I had made along the way we will distract them you go for the colonel I don’t deserve friends as great as you we don’t deserve

A friend as great as you I smiled and thanked them for being my new family it was going to be a tough fight but it was for our home everyone ready attack my friends charged at the super soldiers who were shocked to see that they were the ones being overpowered as they

Fought I saw a chance to run through the tunnel I took it and headed in hopefully my friend could stay alive long enough for me to take the colonel down on day 100 I entered another large Cavern in the center of it was the Tree of Souls

It was still standing but the colonel was in a mech suit shooting it with energy beams Colonel it’s over I’m here to stop you for good you’ll pay for the lives you’ve taken stop me can’t you see you’re too late this weapon can’t be stopped especially by a weakling like

You you’ll have to destroy me first I’ve spent 100 days developing this weapon that will be easy the colonel then turned and fired his Beam at me it landed near me causing an explosion the explosion knocked me to the side causing a lot of damage I hurried and got out my

Bow firing off arrows as fast as I could I got some hits in but it looked like it wasn’t doing much damage arrows really do you see what you’re up against give up now and I’ll let you stay alive as my pet I’ll never stop fighting he shot off

A beam again this time hitting me it nearly took all of my hearts I ran and hid behind some rocks to so that I can hurry and heal up see what I mean you have no chance cowering like a small child because that’s what you are just

Then I saw a Wood Sprite land near me a Wood Sprite it’s a pure seed from the Tree of Souls I could tell it wanted something with me except me I closed my eyes and the Wood Sprite flew into me I felt myself get stronger suddenly more

And more Wood Sprite started to appear and start flying into me the power of generations began flowing through me I grew even bigger and now had 100 Hearts I stepped out to face the colonel again what how you failed to understand the world around you and so now you’ll fail

To defeat me the colonel yelled and started firing his energy beams at me they still did some damage but I barely felt a thing I charged at him sword in hand I jumped into the air slamming my sword down on top of him his suit exploded and he was destroyed the world

Was safe once more I celebrated with my friends if anyone else tried to hurt us again we would be ready on day one I spawned in as an ice spider and arachn it as cold as the Arctic reaches all eight of my legs are here but why am I

So little I’m only a baby spider that’s when I realized that I was trapped inside of a magic circle an evil looking Necromancer stood on the outside casting a terrible spell a spider of ice it will suffice so says me Necromancer brce light swirled all around me and the

Entire world shook but when it stopped I felt like I was able to move great I better get out of here while I can I tried to Scurry away but Bryce The Necromancer blocked my path not so fast there ice spider your part to play is done so now I’ll destroy you and

Complete the spell hey I have a name you know it’s Zozo and I don’t like it when people say they’re going to destroy me oh it’s nothing personal that magic spell I just cast is going to destroy the entire world 100 days from now what the entire world you do realize that

Doesn’t make it better right but it does make it destroyed the ritual also says that I should sacrifice the Ice Spider used in the spell for best results well it’s not going to be this Ice Spider I’m leaving and while I’m at it I’m going to

Find a way to counteract your spell I bolted for it as fast as my eight legs could carry instead of chasing after me the Necromancer Bryce just laughed wickedly to himself easier said than done my arid friend the world’s destruction is close at hand on day two

I managed to get far enough away from The Necromancer Bryce that I could take it easy I looked around in Wonder at the glowing Ancient Forest around me I also noticed that I had 10 hearts and that my Hunger gauge was lowering fast it looks like running for my life from a

Destruction happy evil Necromancer really works up an appetite I searched around until I found a tree that had apples in it for me to take then I ate the apples until my Hunger meter was full again surviving all alone in this world as a baby spider isn’t so bad I’m

Really getting the hang of it I wasn’t alone for long though as I saw a couple of skeleton vanguards appear out from between the trees there you are Ice Spider we shall get rid of you for our Master The Necromancer Bryce he must really want to sacrifice me if he’s

Sending skeletons to do his bidding I tried to fend off the skeleton vanguards but my spider bites didn’t have much of an effect on creatures made of bone give up spider the world is doomed and your sacrifice will seal fate the mobs kept attacking bringing me

Down to my last few Hearts I thought I was doomed but then an energy blast distracted the skeleton vanguards and made them run away out of nowhere an illusioner appeared I realized immediately that they must have been the one who cast the spell follow me little

Ice spider I’ll take you to my Camp we’ll be safer there you saved my life so I guess I can trust you on day three the illusioner took me to his campsite and cast a protective illusion barrier around both of us so that the mobs wouldn’t find us you’re pretty good at

Casting spells illusioner please call me Alan illusioner Alan okay Alan you’re pretty good at casting spells thank you for saying that but unfortunately there are Mages far more powerful than me in the world and some of them are using their gifts for evil you mean like Necromancer Bryce is it true that his

Spell will end the world not if we good mes have anything to say about it soon after another Mage arrived at the campfire this one was a wind collar with the power to well call wind I’m wind color windy I’m here to see the Ice Spider that’s me I’m Ice Spider Zozo oh

The winds are truly blowing in our favor you my amicable arachnid may be the key to saving the entire world from destruction Necromancer Bryce’s ritual can be stopped by a more powerful spell as long as he doesn’t sacrifice an Ice Spider so as long as I’m alive there’s a

Chance that you Mages will be able to stop him we’ll need your help too who can battle his henchmen and travel to places which would be too dangerous for us you can count on me I might still be a baby spider but I won’t let the entire

World down from day four to day five I began to make use of the trees around me to gather wood for a wooden pickaxe cuz my starting area was a forest it didn’t take long to have enough to craft the tool but wood wouldn’t be good for long

If I could do better I mined into the ground with my wooden pickaxe for some Stone and quickly upgraded to a stone pickaxe with the new and improved Stone tool I was able to gather even more Stone to use for building and crafting first I made a stone sword to defend

Myself with next I started building a strong shelter where I could stay safe from Necromancer Bryce and his Undead minions illusioner Allan had chosen to come with me his illusion spells would help keep me safe while I built the base thanks for all your help so far Allan

Remember Zoo to not rely on Magic it cannot keep every mob away I soon understood what he meant when a skeleton appeared and interrupted my building good thing I crafted that stone sword I drew my weapon and brought down the skeleton with a couple wax my victory against the the skeleton made me

Stronger and more experienced and because of that I grew out of my baby mode into a regular sized ice spider with 30 Hearts I can shoot ice blast now that is more like it from day 600 to day 8 I was out exploring in the nearby grally mountains when I saw a friendly

Gorilla being attacked by a slime ball get away from me you slime ball the slime ball didn’t answer it just bounced and got slime everywhere you may be slimy but this Ice Spider isn’t so helpless anymore I hit the slime ball with my stone sword over and over it did

A good amount of damage but I was taking damage the longer I stayed in contact with the slime ball I retreated back to a safe distance and shot the slime ball with an ice blast it froze the mob’s solid so I was able to get in a few more

Hits with my stone sword while it was immobilized I repeated this two or three times with more ice blasts until the slime ball Was Defeated once the battle was over the gorilla cheered and ran up to greet me B I was cold just watching that but I’m glad you’re on my side of

Course I Ice Spider Zozo am all about saving others you’re definitely the nicest ice mob I’ve met say do you think you could talk to the other one I know and tell him to stop trying to freeze me sure thing I’ll let him know that’s not

Nice he’s just over here in another part of the mountains from day N9 to day 10 the gorilla showed me to the lair of the icy creeper a powerful ice mob that seemed to like to cause trouble gorilla seemed worried for me that’s how I knew icy creeper would be trouble are you

Sure you could dock him out of being mean Zozo I can certainly try I left gorilla behind and approached the icy creeper his attention was on me immediately but he didn’t speak it looked like I would need to talk first hey I’m Ice Spider Zozo I heard you’ve

Been trying to freeze the gorilla and they’d like you to stop well that’s very nice but I’m not going to I’ll freeze anyone I want that’s so rude what did the gorilla ever do to you nothing but this is a cold world and I’m one cold tough customer if that gorilla doesn’t

Like it he can go to another Mountain don’t make me fight you icy creeper I’d like to see you try I fired my ice blast at the icy creeper but it seemed like he was even colder than me because it barely did any damage his own ice blast

Took off a bunch of my hearts in a battle between ice creatures I was definitely the loser for now I ran back to the gorilla sad that I couldn’t defeat the icy creeper I promised gorilla that I’d let him stay in my base for now and come back to the grally

Mountains to defeat icy creeper at a later time from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base and began renovating the living space so that the gorilla had a place to live I used a lot of stone bricks so it wouldn’t be too different from the mountain he had left behind

Once I had built the room I went to see the gorilla and showed him where he could stay thanks for letting me stay here Zozo I thought you could use some all storage space so I did a bit of building on my own it turned out that

The gorilla really had built a room that was perfect for storing extra items he also built a furnace that would heat up the room where he and the Mages would be staying oh yeah I guess you guys need to stay warm either way that’s very impressive work I call it the home away

From home oh I hope I get to see the mountains again before the world ends it’s not going to end I’ll stop it I hope so that Necromancer brass has been plotting world destruction for a long time actually he’s tried all sorts of spells to do it and they’ve never worked

This one might though and the idea of that is really scary it did sound scary and I wasted no time getting better materials to help defend myself in case Bry showed up down in the mining area of the base I went digging for some iron to

Upgrade my tools I found some iron ore which I smelted into iron ingots then crafted into an iron pickaxe and an iron sword back on the surface I tamed some sheep from the nearby glowing Ancient Forest and built a farm for them if that furnace fails there’s always wolf

Sweaters from day 13 to day 15 I sought out illusioner Allen for some more advice on how to complete Necromancer Bryce’s challenge I want to save the world as soon as I can Alan is the spell ready yet if only magic with that simple Zozo the truth is that Bryce’s

Destruction spell is linked to you now the only way to weaken it is for you to become stronger how do I do that when you defeated Bryce’s skeleton henchmen before some of the Spell’s magic transferred into you if you could defeat a more powerful one it could happen

Again I went back to the grally mountains in the hopes of finding another undead mob to fight come and get me I don’t fear you skeletons as if answering my call to battle a skeleton Vanguard came charging across the mountain terrain towards me spider of

Ice Spider of ice the time has come for sacrifice I hit the advancing skeleton Vanguard with an ice blast which slowed the undead down I was able to hit him with another before he got into melee range time to get a taste of my new weapon at that point I brought out my

Iron sword and slashed the skeleton Vanguard with some powerful hits the skeleton Vanguard crumbled and dropped a health potion to boot this potion must contain some more of Bryce’s magic I drank the potion and felt my power increase dramatically my number of Hearts doubled and became 60 and I

Gained the magical ability to turn invisible like see through ice from day 16 to day 19 I continued my exploration into a brand new part of the world that I’d never seen before the Great Lake Isles as I crawled around this breathtaking new biome I came across an abandoned book that contained

Information about the destruction spell that Necromancer Bryce had cast spell of Destruction cast by a necromancer must be confirmed with the sacrifice of an Ice Spider for this reason an ice spider that survives the casting of the spell can prevent the destruction of the World

By being at the center of a spell of life which is made to protect the world I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant but it sounded like there was a way to turn the tide of Destruction I excitedly began to leave the Great Lake Isles when some more skeleton vanguards ambushed me

To try and get me to be sacrificed spider of Ice Spider of ice the time has come for yeah yeah yeah sacrifice you creeps must have followed me from the mountains I used my iron sword and I pelted the Mobs with ice blasts until they were all destroyed from day 20 to

Day 22 I realized that my Powers were far stronger now that I had grown into a bigger Ice Spider they tested my metal against some specters in the glowing Ancient Forest chopping them down with my iron sword they weren’t that difficult to defeat but the fact that

They were here meant that bad Omens were on the horizon dead becoming more common could be a sign of world destruction being on its way I did some more mining for iron in the base Cavern and grabbed enough ore to make the ingots for an iron chest plate now that I’m this much

Stronger I bet I could stand up to the icy creeper I returned to the icy Creeper’s lair in the grally mountains to confront the mob with my new abilities and gear have you learned how cold The World Is Yet Zozo no I have learned that the world has good people

In it that don’t deserve to be frozen or destroyed I fired my icy blast at the icy creeper and this time I was the one dealing damage I had become a colder more powerful being never freeze the gorilla or anyone else ever again all right Zozo I give I’ll be nice icy

Creeper ran away never to be mean again and never to be seen again upon driving away from that other ice mob I saw a flashback to Bryce as a younger Necromancer just learning his first spells the world is a cold and cruel place I know I’ll destroy it so nobody

Has to live in a cold cruel world guess he was similar to the icy creeper in a couple of ways if only he knew that the world wasn’t as cold and cruel as he thought it was from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the base feeling Victorious

I made a beine for the gorilla to give him the good news I taught that icy creeper a lesson he won’t forget anytime soon I promise you that you won’t be having any trouble with him now wow you are one heroic Ice Spider Zozo I’m really checking my prejudices right now

Also I made you a gift in case you didn’t notice it on the way in I made a perimeter wall to defend the base somehow I totally had missed the perimeter wall it was awesome and would do a great job at repelling the ring hordes of the undead base is well

Defended maybe now it’s time to make sure my body is better defended I went back to the mining Cavern and collected up some more iron ore that I then took back to my base and smelted into iron ingots I used these to make the rest of

My armor set you may not be able to see the armor on me but believe me it’s there from from day 27 to day 31 I returned to the Great Lake Isles wanting to make sure that I’d wiped out the skeleton Vanguard Scourge completely the more territory I can take back from The

Necromancer Bryce the less power and resources he has to complete his dark ritual and it seemed like my earlier work had paid off because I couldn’t see a skeleton Vanguard anywhere instead what I found was a large and smart looking Golem hello there good sir say

I’ve heard quite a bit about a certain Ice Spider lately your name wouldn’t happen to be Z zo would it um that depends what would you do if I was Zozo I’d congratulate you I’m the librarian golum I travel across the Overworld giving books to those who need them and

The skeleton vanguards working for that blasted Necromancer had gotten in the way of my very important mission for far too long if you are Zozo then you are responsible for many needy people getting the books they so crave well in that case I am Zozo why don’t you come

Back to my base with me you seem like you’d be a valuable Ally of course as long as there’s a place where I can read I returned to my base with the librarian Golem and constructed a new room for him to sleep in after completing it I

Realized how Dolan drab the base looked it needed a personal touch I harvested some wool for my sheep farm and turned them into a bunch of cool banners that I hung up around the different buildings of my base looking snazzy but my joy was shortlived as illusioner Allen ran in

With frantic news Zozo you need to come with me immediately wind Cola Wendy is under attack from day 32 to day 35 illusioner Allen and I ran as fast as we could to reach the campfire in the glowing Ancient Forest where the wind caller liked to hang out but by the time

We arrived it was already too late a vicious gang of skeleton vanguards had already outnumbered and destroyed him no we serve our Master well everyone who attempts to defend you will be destroyed Zoo nobody will stand in the way of your sacrifice we will destroy this entire

World not if I have anything to say about it powered by pure rage I went in there with all my weapons and powers and wiped out every single one of the skeleton vanguards in the end all that was left was myself and illusioner Allen this is bad Zozo the wind Cola was a

Powerful Mage and an asset to our operation now that she is gone the danger grows significantly we can’t give up alen if we give up then nobody will stop Necromancer Bryce we need to fight back against him with everything we have from Day 36 at day 39 I went out to the

Grally mountains to wander around and collect my thoughts I was afraid about everything that had happened but I couldn’t show it in front of everyone who was working for me Necromancer Bryce and his men are way more dangerous than I thought my thoughts were interrupted when I ran into an incredibly strange

Creature a melon Golem which I didn’t even know was a thing what you never see a melon Golem before you don’t like melons or something oh no no I I love melons I’ve just never seen a melon Golem before I’m sorry if I upset you if

You have a favor you need doing I’d be happy to see to it and give you a hand well now that you mention it there was an obsidian golem who was giv me some real trouble would you mind taking care of him before he hurts me anyone else of

Course I’ll get right to it I turned on my invisibility powers and used it to search through the grally mountains until I discovered the Obsidian Golem I used the element of surprise and and approached him from behind attacking him with everything I had in the end I

Managed to defeat him after a tough battle then I returned to the melon Golem and told him that his bully was gone hey that’s great news I used to be able to trust the other golems but a lot of them defected to The Necromancer brace cuz most of them are hotty enough

To survive the cold so some Golems are working with the Necromancer now that’s not good news you point out the obvious a lot you know from day 40 to day 43 I returned back to my base pleasantly surprised by some improvements that illusioner Allen had made to the base

Zozo I’ve made very good friends with the librarian Golem he’s a wonderful chop and we’ve been doing lots of discussions around the Arcane Arts so I installed a sizable collection of bookshelves and couches so he can really enjoy himself here it’s incredibly wholesome that you two have become such

Good friends and he’s not the only friend I’d like to stay here I improved the base by adding a Barrack so I could invite more of my illusional friends the more Mages we have at the base the easier it will be to defend you from The Necromancer that sounds like a good idea

To me Alan not long after a small group of other illusioners arrived and I greeted them and escorted them to their rooms not long after the librarian Golem approached me with a new Quest Zozo as you may have heard on the grape vine or perhaps the melon Vine some Golems

Defected from the Overworld and joined up with that dastardly Necromancer two in particular are the endstone Golem and the netherite Golem out in the Great Lake Isles perhaps if you’re able to defeat him it will weaken the necromancer’s power in another territory that’s an awesome idea librarian Golem

I’ll set off immediately from day 44 to day 49 I set off into the Great Lake Isles to find one of the evil golems that had been working for Necromancer Bryce I want to reduce the power of the Necromancer spell in whatever way that I

Can I thought I saw the glow of magic from one of the islands and made a stealthy approach to my surprise it wasn’t an endstone Golem at all but necromancer himself he was muttering something so I got closer to hear what it was this pathetic world does not

Deserve Mercy it only deserves cold destruction and my spell will be that destruction soon the hastening will be upon us couldn’t let him stand there and say such terrible things take that back you dastardly Necromancer oh it’s you you’re the ice spider that dares to defy

Me it seems my Undead have thus far been unable to sacrifice you why do you need to sacrifice me so badly anyway what’s in it for you if the entire world is destroyed destroying the entire world is a thankless job but somebody has to do it anyway I’ve got a brand new caliber

Of Minion now prepare to meet my netherite Golem The Necromancer Bryce vanished into a cloud of magical smoke and in his place a netherite Golem Rose to its full towering height greetings I am the netherite Golem and I will be sacrificing today the other golems told

Me that bad like you were bad news put up your big netherite dukes and let’s have a good clean fight said the spider to the Golem I ice blasted my opponent and scurried around avoiding his attacks I used my invisibility to sneak in close and attack with my iron sword the

Netherite Golem was very strong and he managed to hit me a couple times dealing many hearts of damage but I had Hearts to spare now and this fight was far from over from day 50 to day 53 we briefly stopped to talk you’re going to be suck

Sacrificed Ice Spider I’m going to crack you like ice and then squash you like a spider oh yeah well you’re a netherite Golem and uh never mind I can’t think of anything I fired off a couple of ice blasts then I used my iron sword to hit

The netherite Golem with one more ice blast I froze the netherite Golem and brought the fight to a close with a sword strike netherite Golem dispersed leaving behind some mystical diamonds which were stronger than any material I had gathered thus far better hang on to

These so I can make a powerful tool out of these diamonds later with the netherite Golem defeated I felt some of necromancer Bryce’s magic leaving the Great Lake Isles from day 54 to day 57 I found the other evil golem that had chosen to serve Necromancer Bryce the

Endstone Golem the exact Golem that the library Golem had sent me out to fight this mean endstone fighting machine was just as tough as the netherite Golem I had fought before so I knew I had to use similar strategies to take it down Ice Spider Zozo Golem Slayer my invisibility

Proved to be a great way of avoiding attacks and a mixture of ice blast and iron sword attacks sealed the deal both of the Golem defectors have been defeated now I can feel the Great Lake Isles are peaceful now I returned to my base in the glowing Ancient Forest so

That I could tell the tale of my victory to the library Golem well done Ice Spider Zozo without his Golems Necromancer Bryce has lost a major facet of his evil forces the destruction of the entire world is that much closer to being avoided I’m just doing my part to

Stop the spell in anticipation of your return I did some research into the original spell books that contain the destruction spell it says that the Ice Spider needed for the spell must come from the ice spikes biome have you ever been there before Zozo not that I can

Recall but if it’s my homeland maybe I can learn something more about the spell by going there someday from day 58 to day 62 I used the mystical diamonds that had been dropped by the netherite Golem to make myself a diamond sword once crafted the librarian gave me a frost

Walker enchantment book to enchant my new diamond sword with frost what a neat enchantment and very fitting for an Ice Spider I guess magic comes naturally to me because of my new sword I was inspired to seek out more diamonds down in the mine using my iron pickaxe I

Dredged up a few more diamonds and made myself a diamond pickaxe I decided that was enough mining for now and I came back to see that the living area looked much nicer and there was even a brand new fireplace illusioner Allen was standing by the fireplace feeling its

Warmth it looks amazing amazing here is this an illusion I’m always telling you Zozo magic can’t do everything these changes to the base are 100% real wow thanks Alan building this base was such a great idea I really like living here so I’m glad I could make it better for

Everyone from day 63 to day 66 I was doing some more diamond mining when the gorilla who lives in my base came to visit me hey Zozo the librarian Golem told me that you’re originally from the asars I actually know how to get there you do well that’s great I have been

Meaning to take a trip out there at some point I’ll give you the directions maybe you’ll find out if you’ve got any family out there following the gorilla’s directions I made my way to the ice spikes I didn’t see any ice spiders but maybe I would meet a friendly face if I

Looked around but the first face I saw didn’t appear to be that friendly it was a mountaineer with a wicked gleam in his eyes I’m warning you buddy you don’t want to mess with this Ice Spider I have the HomeField advantage I don’t want to

Fight you this gleam in my eye is The Gleam of Adventure I’m Mountaineer Monty and I’m looking to climb the tallest peak in the ice the tallest peak I bet I could see everything from up there Count Me In perfect with an ice spider

Helping me up I’ll be able to get to the top of the tallest peak in no time from day 67 to Day 70 I joined Mountaineer Monty and we both climbed around on the ice bikes together searching for the tallest peak how will we know if the ice

Spike that we climbing is the tallest or not Monty we won’t know until we get to the top keep on crawling on these walls Ice Spider we went higher and higher until we found a ledge on the side of an even taller Peak could this be the one

That’s when a leap Leaf jumped down from the upper Ledges and started to attack I fired an ice blast at the mob but it dodged away this leap Leaf was faster than I expected so I’d have to outsmart it I turned invisible and waited for the

Leap Leaf to land on the ground I dashed in and hit it with my diamond sword dealing a bunch of dam damage the moment it jumped I fired an ice blast directly at it defeating it for good Mountaineer Monty was impressed with my win that was

Great and also leap leaves only live on the tallest peak so we must be there let’s keep on climbing so we can find out within a few minutes we had risen to the top of the entire ice spikes biome this was the most beautiful thing I had

Ever seen in all my days as an Ice Spider thank you for being here with me down below I saw what looked like the layer of The Necromancer a wicked and terrible base Necromancer Bryce must be here in the ice spikes did he find me

Here from day 71 to day 74 I descended the peak of the tallest mountain and began to travel through the ice spikes in the direction of the evil air I never expected my history with Bryce would go back so far I need to find out why his

Lair is here what happened to the other ice spiders and of course how I can save the world from destruction and if you want to help me save the world remember to search zo zo to find more of my Adventures make sure to tell me what you

Want me to play as next down at the base of the mountain I wandered through a snowy blizzard only to be confronted by Necromancer Bryce you’ve returned home Ice Spider Zozo but it’s not your home anymore it’s my home and soon there will be nobody home in the entire world your

Destruction spell will never work Bryce not as long as I survive without being sacrificed I drew my sword and turned invisible waiting for an opportunity to strike Necromancer Bryce only laughed he was not threatened by me at all foolish Zozo you don’t understand what it means that I am here in the ice

Spikes it means that I’ve already sacrificed another Ice Spider my spell is secure I froze in place not from the cold but from the shock of what Bryce had said no you already sacrificed an Ice Spider you evil monster ryce turned toward the spell and blasted me with a

Powerful spell that took off almost all of my heart heart he was about to fire off another so I ran away as fast as I could from day 75 to day 78 I scurried back to the base and immediately shut myself away in the coldest room of the

Base I had failed the whole point of going to the ice bikes was to learn more about my origin but now I had learned something that made me feel completely hopeless the entire world really was going to be destroyed and there was nothing I could do to stop it never say

Never Zozo it was the librarian Golem they had come to visit me in my time of regret but all of the other ice spiders are gone Necromancer Bryce sacrificed them I don’t think that’s exactly what has happened Zozo Bryce was trying to catch you off guard so he could

Sacrifice you he still needs you for his place and when he comes for you we’ll be ready the librarian Golem showed me a watchtower that had been installed on the base it would be an ideal countermeasure to any intruding Undead sent by Bryce thanks Library Golem and

You’re right the world isn’t doomed yet later on I consulted illusioner Allan to see what magical spells he had been working on during my travels Zozo I have used all of my magic to create this KY it is a weapon that will make you Unstoppable in battle thank you that’s

Exactly what I need the moment I took the kther I felt a great surge of power within me I grew into the Ultimate Ice Spider the true king of the ice spikes I had 100 hearts and the ability to warp short distances combining that ability with my invisibility to really catch

Enemies off guard from day 79 to day 84 I made my way back to the ice bikes trusting that the transformation brought on by illusioner Allen spell would give me the ultimate power and that the library Golem wasn’t wrong about there being more to learn about my past in my

Mighty Ice Spider form nothing in the ice spikes could rival my strength some specters tried to swoop down and challenge me but I effortlessly destroyed them with my ice blast I traveled some more through the cold biome of the ice spikes eventually finding an iser native to this region

Hello there iser please call me isce eler Ike it’s quite nice to meet a spider of ice there used to be a lot more of you protecting the ice bikes so I’ve heard that was before the necromancers sacrificed them oh there was no sacrifice your ancestors fought

Against him bravely down to the last spider I kept one of their helmets too you should have it Ike gave me a diamond helmet which I proudly equipped I guess there really was more to the story than I thought from day 85 to day 89 my base was was attacked by the skeleton

Vanguard I arrived just in time to fend them off with weapons and Ice blasts spider of Ice Spider of ice the time has come for sacrifice ha that confirms it you still need a sacrifice and I’m the last spider standing you’ll never take me out with the confidence I had

Developed in my Ultimate Ice Spider form I demolished the skeleton Vanguard one by one until the last of them went running back to the ice spikes spider of ice your sacrifice will now be done by necromancer PR I’d like to see him try I chased the skeleton Vanguard to the edge

Of my base where he kept running onward it was there that I met a fungus thrower who is standing next to a Dugout pool of water oh please I SPID Zoo my swimming pool is way too warm can you provide an ice blast to cool it off why certainly

My fungus throwing friend I shot the pool with an ice blast freezing it over oops sorry now it’s more of an ice rink no I like this better I’ll call my friends and play my from day 90 to Day 94 I followed the skeleton Vanguard

Through the ice bikes all the way to the necropolis where Necromancer Bryce would be waiting for me Bryce Bryce we need your advice as the skeleton Vanguard approached the necropolis it was obliterated by an attack from an armored Pillager never send a skeleton to do my

Job and what is your job killing spiders by the doen me and the rest of my Pillager crew fought the ice spiders in this area back when they dared to defy necromancer Bryce you mean that it was you who wiped out all the rest of the ice spiders and you’re working for Bryce

I’m going to freeze on you I fired several ice blast but the armored Pillager tanked them all and hit me with the same powerful attack they’ used to destroy the skeleton Vanguard it dealt a decent amount of damage so I warped away to avoid taking more I faced many ice

Spiders just as big as you but you’ve never faced me Gathering my courage I warped back and swung my diamond sword into the armored Pillager returning the damage I took and then some from day 95 to day 97 the armored Pillager still wouldn’t let up and I was starting to

See that his claims of taking down all the other ice spiders wasn’t all talk my ice blasts weren’t very effective so I mostly relied on my sword strikes to deal damage my warp and invisibility Powers helped me Dodge most of the armored pillagers attacks so that I

Could hold on to my hearts why can’t you let me crush you like those other worthless ice spiders it’s time you learned that those lives you trampled were never worthless I warped all around the armored Pillager and barraged him with sword attacks until he collapsed at

Long last darn it you have beaten me truth is you spiders fought very well I was the only Survivor among the pillagers if you lost everyone too why are you being such a mean guy about it we could have talked this out Necromancer Bryce was going to destroy

The world anyway we thought we had to listen to him or he’d destroy us first that Bry is ruthless beyond anything you’ve seen after he hired us villagers to wipe out the spiders he had them SA one remaining ice spider egg so that he could use the ice spider that hatched

For his destruction spell that Ice Spider must have been you the armored Pillager died leaving behind a key to the lair at that moment I realized I had Avenged my people well almost Bryce stole me away planed to use me for his spell and destroy the world I’ve only

Now come to know I will stop him on day 98 I returned to the base to heal my injuries from the battle with the armored Pillager so much had happened since I started my journey and we were only a couple days from the day that the destruction spell would end the world

But the words that carried me all this way still rang in my ears as long as I survive it isn’t over I spoke to the librarian Golem who was also hopeful about our chances of stopping the destruction spell No sacrifice was made and if you defeat Bryce he’ll never be

Able to cast another destruction spell this could be your chance to save the entire world I will do it for the world and for all the ice spiders that fought bravely against him I wanted to make sure the powers of my magically induced final form were stable so I went to

Illusioner Allen to confirm your magical kther seems to be working Allen oh Zozo what have I always said magic can’t do everything you took that form on your own my great illusion was convincing you that my weapon was the reason wow I didn’t expect that you truly are a

Skilled illusioner Alan but I didn’t leave the base without any new gear the gorilla made sure I had full diamond armor for the battle with Necromancer Bryce you’re a hero Ice Spider Zozo I really wish I could have met more ice spiders as long as there’s a world

There’s a way I’ll make sure the world is safe after I sto Bryce go get that evil creep remember the path I showed you through the gravity mountains on day 99 I was traveling through the grally mountains toward the ice spikes on my way to The Showdown with Necromancer

Bryce I was intercepted by a whole bunch of skeleton vanguards who seemed really eager to sacrifice me as always Ry really r the welcome M early huh spider of Ice Spider of ice must we say it thce it has to be time for your sacrifice even though my strength my hearts my

Gear and my magic all surpassed theirs the skeleton vanguards descended on me in great numbers they’re slowing me down I won’t be able to reach Bryce by the day of Destruction I had to retreat as quickly as I could that’s when I ran into the Mountaineer and he wanted to

Fight those nasty skeletons for me so I could take down the big boss who started it all go on now I spider we climb the tallest peak together now face your greatest challenge with pride on day 100 I used the key to the lair and entered the inner sanctum of necromancer Bryce

The day of Destruction is at hand and here you are allowing yourself to be sacrificed there will be no sacrifice and no destruction we traded a series of blasts his necromancy blast and my ice blast we each took a bit of damage then I turned invisible you crushed my people

But I’m taking back the ice spikes and the entire world from your evil you would fight to protect a world that took away your family the world didn’t do that Necromancer Bryce that was you I reappeared and attacked his blind spot with my diamond sword he began charging

Up his most powerful spell yet it was the same spell he almost defeated me with the last time we fought Necromancer Bryce let the spell of Doom fly at me I waited until the very last second then I used my warp ability to move out of the

Way and appear right behind him you missed me and now it’s over for you I swung my diamond sword repeatedly with all my might destroying the Necromancer before he could destroy anything else this world would live on and so would I on day one I spawned in as an

Elemental shark in the middle of a tropical rainforest and before I could understand what any of that even meant I was surrounded by a gang of terrifying fire Elementals led by a massive magma Golem they looks like we got him boss the last Elemental who wouldn’t bend the knee for

You what I feel like I’m missing something here everyone laughed at me for saying that and it definitely didn’t make me feel good the magma Golem was the only one who remained Steely and serious I think I’m missing something too I’m missing the part where you swore

Absolute loyal to me Magnus the magma Golem lord of the Elementals who made you lord of the Elementals I’ve never even heard of you I made myself the Lord and if you don’t bow to me I’ll make you into shark Elemental Sushi I think I’d rather make myself scarce before the

Magma Golem or his fire Elementals could attack me I used one of my elemental powers to warp out of there and run away as fast as I could as if this day wasn’t stressful enough as I was running away I got incredibly hungry and didn’t have

Any food did this get any worse the only food I could find in the tropical rainforest with some apples but it was being guarded by an angry Earth Elemental would you be down to share one of those apples with me no these apples can only be enjoyed by Servants of

Magnus lord of the Elementals is there anyone around here who doesn’t work for this guy I fought the Earth Elemental with my bare fins until I gave up and ran away finally I was able to at least enjoy an apple this is the one nice thing that’s happened to me today what’s

Going on here on day two I kept running through the tropical forest until I was convinced I’d lost the magma Golem and his nasty gang of fire Elementals if there’s one thing I can be sure of in this crazy confusing world it’s that those guys are bad news when I felt safe

I punched down one of the trees and made myself a wooden pickaxe and with that it wasn’t hard to mine down into the ground and collect myself enough stone blocks to get started on a base I think after all this craziness I’ve really earned a roof over my head tonight I used the

Stone and wood I collected to start building a base with a basic bedroom and living area complete with a sofa and a couch I also made myself a stone sword and a stone pickaxe it wasn’t much but at least it was something as long as that awful magma Golem doesn’t come and

Try to burn it down but I soon wished I hadn’t said that because a few of the magma Golem’s fire Elementals came blazing through the forest towards me you thought you could Escape us didn’t you kid nobody escapes Magnus or his minions sooner or later you going to

Give into to his demands or be destroyed but why would I want to work for a guy like him what is he even planning you’re not important enough to know that come on boys let’s torch them the fire Elementals came for me and I used my stone sword to fight them back until

There were nothing more than ashes I still don’t understand what’s Happening Here what is this Magnus guy planning and what part do I play in all of this you better watch to the end if you want to help me find out on day three I de decided it was time to investigate what

Was going on after all if I didn’t know the truth I was at a disadvantage I started exploring around the tropical rainforest until I found someone who wanted to talk to me about it and that someone just so happened to be a scary looking monster mushroom named Fungo to

My surprise he was friendly please Fungo tell me about what the deal is with Magnus the so-called lord of the elements he’s been hassling me ever since I spawned here ah that makes a lot of sense you’re a shark Elemental right and as his name suggests Magnus the lord

Of the Elementals wants to get control of as many of the Elementals as he can and if you want to get them too chances are the only way you’re going to be able to do it is by taking the F to him defeat Magnus maybe if I get stronger I

Could do that but why I don’t understand why he’s doing this well take a seat on that log over there buddy cuz that’s a much longer and Wilder story so I did as I was told and sat down but nothing could prepare me for what I was about to

Hear from day four to day five I sat down and listened to the story Fungo the monster mushroom told me about Magnus the magma Golem first you need to understand that Golems are always created by villagers they are not natural creatures and as such they are completely at odds with the natural

Elements of the world but when Magnus was created he learned to hate his own unnaturalness he was so frustrated by it that he wanted to conquer the elements and make them work for him one by one he subdued the fire Elementals the Earth Elementals the air Elementals and the water Elementals through their

Allegiance he may be able to control all the forces of the natural world and in order to defeat him before he becomes too powerful you’ll need to master all four of the elements and gain their powers oh just like an avatar the Last air bender wait you’ve seen Avatar sweet

That’s going to make all of this a lot easier to understand be careful out there Zozo if you can get strong enough and gain all these Powers you can save us all but to help with the learning process you’ll need to find a mentor do

You know where I can find one nope good luck from day six to day 8 with all the new new information that Fungo the monster mushroom had given me stewing around in my head I started making my way back to my base so I need to find a

Mentor how can I track one down it’s not like they have a directory website but my frustration and self-pity was interrupted by seeing an innocent swamp Pig being picked on by more of those evil fire Elementals please guys leave me alone I’m just doing my daily exercise little piggy trying to exercise hilarious

We can help you warm up oh yeah we’ll fry your bacon these are extremely insensitive jokes guys please leave me alone but I knew they’d never leave that poor swamp pig alone not unless I made them that’s why I pulled out my stone sword and ran in to fight them off leave

That innocent pig alone you meanies it didn’t take me long to defeat them all and rescue the swamp pig from a fiery Doom needless to say he was relieved thank you kind stranger I’m Sammy Sammy the swamp Pig you have done me a great kindness today and I’ll never forget it

No problem Sammy I’m zoo by the way say do you have any idea where I might find a mentor I really need one to help me save the world well I did hear rumors about a great teacher who lived near water somewhere but that’s all I know

Still I want to help you Zozo I really owe you one how about you come back to my base I could really use some allies right now I led Sammy the swamp Pig back into my base and started building a new room in my base for him to stay in and

Make sure you keep watching until the end because the craziest parts are yet to come from day 9 to day 10 I found a huge underground Cavern in the tropical rainforest where I could search for rare materials the deeper and darker I descended in the more veins of iron ore

I found I mined and collected the iron ore and then constructed a furnace under ground to smelt into iron ingots now it’s time to make myself some awesome new equipment I made a set of iron armor an iron sword and an iron pickaxe and not a second too soon as I heard

Something terrifying skittering around in the dark I turned and saw a giant skull scorpion crawling towards me looking like it was ready to attack and it turned out that it actually was I tried to attack it with my iron sword but it didn’t seem to have much of an

Effect on the monster which was as strong and fast as it was angry in the end I needed to use my location warping ability to zap out of there and run deeper into the darkness of the underground Cavern can’t see how this would ever end badly from day 11 to day

12 all I could do was try to hide deeper in the underground Cavern and hope that the skull scorpion didn’t find me down there how am I going to save the world from a powerful magma Golem if I can’t even defeat a nasty underground bug deep

In the dark my greatest enemy wasn’t the skull Scorpion or even Magnus the lord of the Elementals it was just pure boredom so when I found a Dusty old book you can only imagine how relieved I was I certainly never expected that this book would contain the secret to

Magnus’s rise to power it was filled with strange Latin text but then I opened the book to a section called the three enforcers it described three terrifying and Powerful Golems who worked for Magnus the bone Golem the diamond golem and the bedrock golem these three Golems were vital for

Keeping all the Elementals in line and if I was able to defeat all three of the enforcer Golems magnus’s control over Elementals would probably collapse now I know what I need to do if I defeat the three enforcers defeating Magnus afterwards would be easy but I was celebrating a little too loudly suddenly

A vicious fire salamander a powerful underworld creature ran towards me he was a tough mob to defeat since he shot flames in me he had something that looked like an organic turret protruding from his back a truly bizarre and and scary mob but with the knowledge of what

I needed to do fueling me I was able to do it and this gave me enough XP to level up becoming a bigger stronger Elemental shark with 18 hearts and the ability to breathe fire looks like I’ve mastered one element three to go keep watching to see what I evolve into next

From day 13 to day 15 I returned to my base bigger and stronger than ever before and when I was back I saw that Sammy the swamp Pig had made an awesome addition to the base well I was gone a whole new floor wo Sammy this room looks

So cool what exactly is it look it’s a lounge area Zozo you need to stay relaxed if you want to be in harmony with the four elements an excellent idea Sammy do you have any news on where I might be able to find the mentor I’ve been searching for too I’ve heard of

Some strange activity near a pond deep in the tropical rainforest maybe that has something to do with it on Samy’s advice I ventured out deeper into the tropical rainforest until I found the pond and what looked like a crimson wizard waiting outside it stay back Elemental I will not serve

Your master he fired an energy blast at me that took off a few of my hearts and prepared to fire another wait you don’t understand I’m an elemental but I don’t work for Magnus I’m trying to defeat him I’m just looking for a mentor that will

Help train me to stop him oh I see sorry about firing an energy blast at you there old chop you can’t be too careful these days with Magnus and his minions around it’s okay I understand so can you Mentor me Mr Wizard I’m afraid that isn’t my area of expertise but I also

Wish to stop the Diabolical Magnus you and I can work together to make that a reality it never hurts to have magic on your side I guess come on back to my base with me let’s work together lead the way Elemental shock I set off back

Towards my base with one more Ally and toe from from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base with the Crimson wizard because Sammy the swamp Pig figured I might be returning with a mentor he’ already built a room for the Crimson wizard my base is practically

Becoming a hotel I should start charging people I’d be happy to pay this room looks wonderful before you get too comfortable Crimson wizard I need some advice do you have any idea where I should go next in my quest to master the elements and take on Magnus good

Question Zoo personally I would suggest the mohal desert to master all the elements you must first experience them all that sounds like a good idea to me time to go after a couple days of traveling I’d reached the Mojave Desert and started searching around for any

Clues as to what I needed to do next the last thing I expected was to run into a talking desert cat hey little kitty do you have any idea what I can do to help defeat Magnus lord of the Elementals no Magnus you mean the magma Golem I think

Some of his henchmen are around here just a little further west in this very desert maybe go defeat them and I’ll see whatever information I can provide afterwards so convenient thank you desert cat from day 20 to day 22 following the cat’s instructions I went further west into the Mojave Desert it

Didn’t take me long to find a gang of Rowdy air Elementals who were just itching for a fight Hey look it’s that Elemental shark who defied the orders of Lord Magnus yep that’s me but I’m not here for you small fries that’d be a waste of my time small fries oh buddy

You are going to regret saying that they flew over to attack me but I was ready with my iron sword I cut them down and defeated each one of them until I was the last one standing or so I thought turned out what if magnus’ head enforcers the bone Golem had been

Sneaking up behind me I turned just as the bone Golem hit me taking off a shocking number of Hearts immediately I was was fighting for my life striking him with my iron sword but it wasn’t having any effects he was so confident he started throwing his own bones at me

I needed to pull out the big guns and use my elemental powers on this nasty overgrown skeleton fire breath go I breathed a powerful jet of flames onto the bone Golem finally defeating him and with that I was a third of the way to Bringing Down Magnus and his Empire of

Evil from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to tell the desert cat about My Success hey little kitty I found those hunman and I kicked their butts well that’s great news those jerks kept making crazy wind and messing up my fur now I can nap

In peace without worrying about any air Elementals bothering me so what can you tell me about Magnus and how can I defeat him well Magnus doesn’t like to fight his own fights he prefers to have his henchmen take care of that for him so if you can defeat all of his

Elemental wons he won’t have anyone left to fight for him and he’ll have to face you himself I guess I just need to make sure I’m strong enough when the time comes that sounds about right oh before I forget maybe you can use this the cat

Gave me a potion of power thanks I can definitely use this glad to hear it now scam it’s my nap time and I just found the perfect Sunny Spot you got it I left the cat and continued walking through the desert until I found a new area

When I got there I was jumped by some Earth Elementals say it’s the wise guy who thinks he can defy Lord Magnus let’s get him boys not if I get you first fire breath go I blew a blast of fire at the Earth Elementals and followed it up with

An attack with my iron sword pretty soon all but one of the earth Elementals Was Defeated wait if you let me go I can give you some information oh yeah yeah Lord magnus’s headquarters it’s guarded by earth air and water Elementals is that helpful yeah get out of here he ran

Away and I took the moment of Victory to drink my potion of power when I did I gained 24 Hearts evolving into an even bigger version of myself and I gained the Earth ability I can shoot an earth charge that leaves behind a pile of dirt

On the ground looks like I just mastered Earth two down two to go from day 27 to day 31 I headed back to my base on the way there I passed the pond again there was a diamond golem there waiting for me he attacked me and I tried to fight back

But he was way too strong in the end I had to run away before he dealt me too much damage that was a close one I was scared he’d chase after me but finally I made it back to my base safe and sound wow Zozo look at you you’re so big and

Strong indeed your stature is most impressive thanks guys but I’m not done yet I’ve still got two elements left to master and I need to get way stronger if I’m going to defeat Magnus still you must take time to celebrate how far you have already come speaking of progress I have

A sense that there is something useful to you waiting at a nearby location the Rainbow Beach then I’d better get going and see what it is from day 32 to day 35 I travel to the Rainbow Beach to see what the wizard might have sensed out

There there I sure wish magic would be more specific oh well I guess that’s just how magic is as I was looking around I spotted an iron golem up ahead hey there do you know anything about Magnus don’t you ever say that name to me how dare you bring him up in my

Presence oh wait I didn’t mean to offend you before I could explain he attacked me I drew my sword and fought back but he was really strong turns out though so was I after fighting for a while it became pretty clear that we were evenly matched please let’s stop this and just

Talk you’re lucky I’m getting tired fine talk I get the feeling you don’t like Magnus much don’t like him that’s an understatement we used to be best friends a long time ago one day though he started getting obsessed with the elements he wanted to control them all

Of them and when I tried to argue with him Elementals think they’re so great huh see how great they think they are when I find a way to control every element what’s wrong with you having one specialty all I do is iron but you don’t see me complaining that’s because you’re

A loser and I don’t need to spend my time with losers if you’re not with me you’re against me he knocked me out and left I never saw him again pretty soon I started hearing about what he was getting up to and I really realized that

The friend I used to know was gone his jealousy and hunger for power turned him into a villain that’s terrible I’m so sorry I’m trying to master all the elements too but it’s so I can beat him and stop him from hurting people if that’s true then that is a noble goal I

Wish you luck Mr shark thanks the name Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to the tropical rainforest I really need to upgrade my armor let’s see what I can find here if armor upgrades you do seek then it is to me that you should

Speak who’s there and why are you rhyming a monster mushroom jumped out from behind a tree sorry when I get nervous I talk in Rhymes I know where you can get some upgrades Lord magnus’s base is empty right now and there are plenty of supplies to be found in there

It’s not like he deserves them you might as well take them sounds good to me but where’s this base in the swamp surrounded by lava do me a favor though if you see a big mean fire Elemental running with a gang of other fiery jerks

Would you defeat him for me he tried to hurt me and I’d rather he not get a chance to try again you got it thanks for the help following the monster mushrooms directions I managed to make my way to the swamps and magnus’s base

From day 40 to day 43 I fought my way into magnus’s base there was only a few Wither Skeleton guards and it was easy to beat them then I ran inside jeez this place really suits the guy it looks as mean as he is I didn’t have much time to

Look around because the diamond golem from earlier was inside uh-oh this guy again I’ve got to do a better job this time I started with my fire breath Then followed it up with a sword attack it was pretty tough and I wasn’t sure if I

Would be able to do it but finally I was able to defeat him when the diamond golem fell he dropped a whole bunch of diamonds this is just what I need now I can go back to the base and upgrade my gear I grabbed all the diamonds now I’ve

Got to get out of here before Magnus gets back I may be a lot stronger than I used to be but I’m still not ready to face him maybe with some upgraded armor and weapons though I’ll be closer to my goal from day 44 to day 49 I traveled

Back to my base and got to work on upgrading my armor and weapons using all of the diamonds I got from that diamond golem I was able to craft a diamond pickaxe a diamond sword and some diamond armor awesome look at all this stuff I feel more powerful already okay back to

Exploring I need to see what else I can do to improve and work toward mastering those last two elements I headed out into the rainforest and started exploring as I did I came across a group of fire Elementals they didn’t see me at first but I could hear them you guys

Remember that loser mushroom that got away from us before I think I know where we can find him and finish the job nice he was so pathetic let’s go get him that’s the fire Elemental he was talking about if I fight and defeat these guys he won’t

Have to worry about them anymore wait there’s some shocky freak listening to us that’s the guy the boss told us about yep and I’m here to kick your butts using my new diamond sword I was able to defeat those fire Elementals in no time this new gear sure is great I can’t wait

To see the look on magnus’s face when he realizes I’m finally strong enough to take him down but I can’t get ahead of myself I got to focus on mastering water and air time to get moving from day 50 to day 53 I traveled into the Red Rock

Highlands to seek out new ways to master the elements I feel like the highlands can teach me air stuff right that seems right or maybe water is there water here as I explored I came across an open book lying on the ground inside it said I’m gentle enough to wash your hair light

Enough to fly through the sky strong enough to crack rocks what am I that doesn’t make any sense how can one thing wash hair fly in the air and break rocks I don’t get it it took me a little while to think about it but suddenly it came

To me wait a second it’s water that’s right Zozo an earth Elemental jumped out of me guess you’re smarter than you look too bad you’ll never get a chance to master water because Lord Magnus sent me to take you out out to dinner no out of

This world oh oh no I got my diamond sword ready and started swinging I followed it up with some fire breath and the Earth Elemental crumbled after the fight I could feel myself getting bigger and stronger I’m evolving again as I got stronger I gained more Hearts now I have

35 of them I also gained the ice blast ability I can freeze enemies in place with this I guess I finally mastered water only one more to go from day 54 to day 57 I returned to my base the Crimson wizard had a surprise for me he built

Some protective walls around the base while I was gone as a token of appreciation for letting me stay at your home rentree I thought I might work on our defenses a little bit these walls look really nice I feel safer already thanks no problem now I’m feeling pretty

Good but I know I need to get stronger and master the fourth and final element I need some help I wonder if there’s anyone who can mentor me I looked around the base for ideas but as awesome as my new friends were none of them would be

Able to teach me about fighting wait a second that Iron Golem I met before was really tough and cool I should go ask him if he can help me I returned to the place where I met the Iron Golem and sure enough he was there hey it’s me

Zozo remember me I do how is your quest to master the elements and defeat Magnus going I’ve got three out of four down but I still need to get stronger would you train me train you to take down Magnus it would be an honor let’s get to

Work Zozo from day 58 to day 62 I started my training with the iron golem he set up a wall of blocks for me you see these blocks break them without touching them uh oh I’ll try my best I used my fire breath to break the blocks

Now try to dodge my attacks he ran at me and attacked and I dodged he had me do a bunch of different challenges and training exercises I had to run up and down the beach go out into the water and swim back and test out all my new powers

By the time I was done I was exhausted but I also gained more strength sweet this will help my sword hit even harder but oh I haven’t mastered air yet not yet but you’ve made some great progress I’m proud of you thanks for all your help you’ve been a great mentor from day

63 to day 66 I went back to my base when I got there I saw a group of water Elementals running away from the base what the oh no they had destroyed my base and destroyed some of the walls Zozo help these misc kidnapped the swamp

Pig no I was able to catch up with one of the water Elementals and I hit him with my pile of dirt tell me where they took my friend or I’ll hit you again zoinks don’t do that they took the pig to Lord magnus’s base there’s a prison

Cell attached to it they’re going to throw him in there and I’ve got to get over there too no time to waste I need to save my friend i’ let the water Elemental go and set off toward the Wailing G to rescue the swamp pig from

Day 67 to Day 70 I traveled to magnus’ base on a swamp Pig Rescue Mission when I reached the swamps I saw a big cage in the base and there was the swamp Pig trapped inside don’t worry I’ll get you out of there yeah right you’ll have to

Go through us first the water Elementals closed in around me but I had a plan maybe I should give you guys the cold shoulder I fired my ice blast ability at the water Elementals freezing them in place and I used my diamond sword to take them out one by one the last water

Elemental dropped a key to the cave cage now let’s get you free I used the key to unlock the cage and let the swamp pig out thank you Zozo I knew you’d save me what are friends for now let’s get out of here before Magnus comes back we ran

Back to the base together and much to my surprise when we got back all the damage was fixed wow who did this I did I also added some guard towers so we can see threats coming if any more of magnus’s henchmen decide to attack us again awesome thank you so much

From day 71 to day 74 I wasn’t sure what to do next can I learn about how to master air I just don’t know wait a second there was that skull scorpion I couldn’t fight before I bet I could beat him now maybe then I’ll figure out what

To do next with my new plan to fight the skull scorpion I headed down into the underground Cavern hello Mr scorpion are you down here still sure enough there it was the Scorpion ran at me and tried to sting me with its stinger but I thought

Better back with a fire breath and my sword and I used my ice blast to freeze it and follow up with the sword to finish it off I did it I did it hey look at this there was a book on the ground the book of exposition what’s it say the

Answers you seek lie deeper in the cavern but there you must face the bedrock golem well who am I to argue with a random book let’s go from day 75 to day 78 I followed the instructions from the book of exposition and headed deeper into the underground Cavern there

I saw a group of Earth Elementals and a big bedrock golem behind them before I could say anything or attack the Earth Elementals spotted me I’ve had enough of this clown why don’t you just give up already because what Magnus is doing is wrong and I can’t just stand by and let

Him get away with it okay then don’t stand by just stand die the Earth Elementals rushed at me but I was ready for them I fought them with my diamond sword once they were all gone I turned my attention to the Bedrock gold Golem now it’s your turn he was much tougher

Than the earth Elementals in fact he was tougher than anyone else I had fought so far I had to use all of my special abilities to knock him down and out of his misery that was a relief and good because I felt myself evolving again my

Hearts increased to 80 and I gained the ability Whirlwind attack I did it I mastered air I’ve got to tell everyone from day 79 to day 84 I ran back to the base to deliver the good news hey look look I showed my friends my new evolved

Form and tested out my Whirlwind attack for them wow Zoo you’re amazing most impressive so now what should I do excellent question my friend I believe the answers await us at the Red Rock Highlands shall we go there now yes let’s go from day 85 to day 89 the

Crimson Wizard and I travel to the Red Rock Highlands okay we’re here now what let me see I had hoped the highlands would reveal the truth to me when we arrived but it remains unclear perhaps we should see if we can acquire any additional items that might allow you to

Upgrade your gear sure why not together we searched the area for cool items I found some more diamonds and gathered them up from day 90 to Day 94 I was gathering diamonds while the Crimson wizard headed back to the base all of a sudden Magnus appeared behind me still

Haven’t given up yet I see nope and I never will I finally mastered all the elements and I’m coming for you oh yeah how are you going to do that from underground what what are you talking about the one element you haven’t mastered the element of surprise Magnus

Hit me hard knocking my diamonds out of my hands and he got me again knocking me out cold when I woke up I was in an underground chamber oh no I’m trapped in here what should I do wait a second Magnus didn’t count on me still having

This iron pickaxe I’ll use it to Tunnel out of here I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out so I had to work fast and make up for lost time I dug faster than I’d ever dug before until I broke through to the surface nice try Magnus but you

Can’t get rid of me that easily from day 95 to day 97 I started making my way back to my base on the way I was ambushed by a group of Earth Elementals see I told the boss burying him wouldn’t work weeds always grow back I’m not a

Weed I’m an elemental shark and I’m stronger than you and I’ll prove it I fought back and with my Mastery of all four elements it didn’t take long for me to beat them I finished my fight with the Whirlwind attack and blew them away awesome okay no time to celebrate yet

I’ve got to get back to the base on day 98 I finally made my way back to my base Zozo Where Have You Been we were worried about you Magnus surprised me and trapped me in an underground chamber I had to dig myself out monstrous that’s awful it’s okay I’m

Totally fine I made it back and we still have time for me to use my Mastery of the elements to defeat Magnus and restore peace it’s going to be great you’re right Zoo gee this sure has been a wild adventure and to see more Adventures like it make sure to like

This video subscribe to the channel and search zo zo Zozo allow me to accompany you to magnus’s Lair there you can finally end this nightmare for good on day 99 the Crimson wizard walked with me all the way to the swamps and magnus’s base he couldn’t come with me but I

Didn’t want him to it was important for me to face Magnus on my own there outside the base were Earth Elementals air Elementals and water Elementals guarding it I was pretty nervous at first because there were loads of them and they all attacked me but I knew I

Could do it I fought my way through the elemental guards freezing them with my ice blast burning them with my fire breath and blowing them away with my whirlwind attack it took a while to get through all of them but in the end I managed phew all that fighting made me

Hungry Magnus must be anticipating me because he really did gather all the remaining Elementals to guard his base now let me find him on day 100 I headed into magnus’ base to finally complete my quest he was sitting on a throne waiting for me I escaped your trap so I see I

Had a feeling you might it doesn’t matter you’re going to lose I don’t think I am see there’s something you don’t get about the elements they require balance they’re equal none of them are better than the others elements don’t have Lords they’re all equal and work together foolish words from a

Foolish Shar no more talking let’s fight he didn’t have to tell me twice he didn’t even have to tell me once I was already getting my sword ready I used my dirt ability to hopefully trap him but he dodged it he came back at me with an

Attack but I dodged it and attacked again all of a sudden Magnus started shaking and growing he evolved into a bigger stronger version of himself right before my eyes uh-oh I’ve got to step up my game ice time I used my ice ability to freeze Magnus so he wouldn’t have a

Chance to hit me with his new evolved strength this gave me just enough time to use all the other elements back to back Earth fire air with all my Powers combined I finally de created Magnus it’s over now we can all coexist in peace again on day one I spawned in as a

Zombie Warden wa I guess I must be a warden who is revived into a zombie what are the chances I only had six hearts to start with probably because I had just been brought back how bet I can become a lot stronger than this it looks like I

Already had the physical strength of a zombie and the senses of a warden I could also perform a wicked sonic boom even after becoming a zombie I’ve still got it I realized that I was inside of some musty old tomb there was a necromancer nearby who seemed to be

Jumping for joy yes I have done it after so many tries I have turned a warden into a zombie now my creation will serve me and do my bidding whoa there guy I just got here don’t I get to choose whether or not I do your bidding H Free

Will I guess I need to use who’s a stronger control spell and Necromancer started slinging magic at me it was probably the control spell he mentioned I didn’t want to be controlled so I started to run away I ran off into a hallway of the Tomb and found cover

Against The Necromancer spells he was not happy about that you will serve me get him Reaper an undead Reaper was summoned and ran towards me chasing me but I found a hole in the wall and squeezed through on the other side were a bunch of coffins and gravestones I get

Guess I could rest here since I’m a Zombie I’ll find a way out of this place tomorrow so I can stay free on day two I took my first steps towards freedom and entered a forest inside of a cave I thought that the way to the surface must

Have been somewhere around here I could see perfectly in the darkness because of my Warden senses so I punched one of the trees and gathered enough wood to make a wooden axe and pickaxe this forest was way bigger than I expected I realized that I had no idea how to get to the

Surface from here but I was determined to keep it exploring this place until I did I soon found out that I wasn’t alone there was some kind of warrior ghost floating around near a mysterious Monument which was emitting a strong light greetings you must be another one

Of that necromancer’s pawns or at least you were I’m nobody’s Pawn the name is Zozo and I’m looking for a way out of this tomb so I can start a new life on the outside you’re lucky you can move around so freely I am ghost bound to

This Monument but my spirit is too to strong to be controlled by that Necromancer so he tried to make you his servant too yes but to be warned the Necromancer was not the most evil thing in this tomb there is a more ancient and deadly force living deep below and it

Too May tried to keep you here good to know thank you for the heads up I continued to explore the forest and ran into some cave dwelling mooses it was honestly a good thing because I had gotten very hungry I’m eating mooses tonight or wait is the plur moose or

Mooses or is it me whatever it was the raw moose ribs I got from the fight tasted great it seemed like most zombies I’ve got an all meat diet on day three I found a wide open Cavern where I could start building an underground base I

Can’t be much of a warden without a place to Ward I mined some Stone so that I could build a small shelter for myself with the material situation sorted for now I started to build myself a temporary tent-like base I would need to get more materials before I could make a

Highquality base but this would do for now I heard a sound behind me and my Keen Warden senses told me that it was a soul eater I fired off a sonic boom to tell it not to mess with me but it seemed to only make it matter the Soul

Leader ran towards me and attacked you’re not getting my soul today I fought back with my zombie strength the Soul Leader was a tough enemy but my Sonic Boom had weakened it before we got into melee range so I was able to win the fight I felt the souls that the Soul

Leader had collected enterer me and began to feel my power grow my number of Hearts doubled to 12 and I even became slightly larger later with the rest of the wood I gathered I built a fence around my shelter on days four to 5 I searched the forest Cavern for more

Materials to use for my base and to protect myself I wonder if the entrance of the Tomb has any materials that I might have missed even though it was risky I went back in the direction of the Tomb when I arrived at the entrance I found that the Necromancer was there

Waiting for me you again I already told you that I won’t be controlled I am a free zombie you have no idea what is coming for you Zozo The Demon King promised me great rewards if I could build an undead Legion for his army The Demon King who is that he has waited

Countless eons to make his return this tomb was where the ancient Heroes of the past sealed him away but now that he has come back the world will belong to him and I will do my part to ensure that the Necromancer cast another confusion spell but I countered it with a perfectly

Timed sonic boom that stopped it in midair nice try but I won’t work for you and I won’t work for the demon king I blocked another confusion spell with my Sonic Boom and Drew My Sword I ran toward the Necromancer and struck him down you foolish zombie you could have

Been on the winning side but now you will pay the price for being a traitor a he crumbled into dust leaving nothing behind on day 6 to 8 I began digging into the walls of the cavern so that I could find a way towards the outside my

Brand new tunnel quickly turned into a mine and I was able to gather a ton of stone I built myself a full set of stone armor while I was at it I also upgraded my tools to Stone it was just in time because a pack of cobalt showed up right

After to attack my base and try to steal my materials I fired a sonic boom which startled them and then I hacked and slashed with my stone sword until I took down the entire group I was starting to get the hang of the zombie Warden

Fighting style but I knew I’d be able to get even stronger these upgrades are only the beginning on days 9 to 10 I was in my mind when my stone pickaxe started breaking through Netherrack a few minutes later I broke out of the wall and onto the surface but the surface

World was not how I imagined it it was overrun with monsters the entire landscape was filled with lava is this the work of the Demon King if I was going to survive out here on my own I was going to need some better materials I looked around the dark landscape to

See if I could find any that’s when I ran into the Demon King himself it is so good to be free or should I say bad to be free bad for you that is you must be the Demon King I’m the zombie Warden of the Tomb call me Zozo so you’re the one

Who defeated that Necromancer and made me lose my Undead Army no matter I never needed them anyway I will conquer the world without the undead he swiped his sword at me faster than I could let out a sonic boom that one blow took out a

Lot of my health and I could tell right then and there that the Demon King was too strong for me to defeat what’s the matter Zozo are you scared yeah a little that’s why I’m getting out of here I turned and ran back towards my underground base for some reason the

Demon King didn’t choose to follow me why would I return to the tomb I was sealed in I have the whole world to destroy now when I arrived back at the hillside I was surprised to see a familiar enemy it was The Reaper that the Necromancer had summoned to fight me

Back for more Reaper not at all I came to thank you for setting me free from that spellcasters control oh I guess we’re cool then we’re more than cool I saw the way you stood up to the Demon King perhaps we can work together and

Take him down but I ran away you ran away a second more than anyone else which means you’re braver than you know besides if we want to keep our freedom we’ll have to face him eventually he’ll send another Necromancer to control us before Long Point taken I guess it’s you

And me Reaper please call me Grimsley on days 11 to 12 I invited Grimsley back to my base and began to build an another structure to house him while I was at it I popped my tent back up then decided that wasn’t enough so I turned my tent

Into a watchtower that way I could observe what was happening on the surface while I was in my base I spent some time out in the surface World Gathering materials to craft new items the surface world had a lot of warped stems and I made sure to get as much as

I could I then proceeded to explore the area some more I mean who knows what I might find here while I was exploring I spotted a mob it was headed my way so I got ready for a fight I blasted the approaching lava monster with my Sonic Boom but it didn’t do much

Damage my stone weapons also had no effect on the creature at all oh no I’m too weak I need to get a better weapon and come back I Disappeared into the forest and retreated away from the battlefield using some of my leftover Stone I crafted myself a brand new mace

For combat it was a slow weapon but it had a lot of power and that suited me just fine the next time I saw that Lava Monster I took him down in one hit hooray now this is a weapon I can use I decided not to stop there the mace was

Great but I could use a durable set of armor to match some iron tools wouldn’t hurt either I went back to my personal M shaft and began to dig for iron it didn’t take me too long to find enough to improve my tools and armor level I

Smelted the iron down and crafted myself a full set of iron armor and tools on days 13 to 15 the ghost of the ancient warrior called me to his side and told me the tale of the Demon King 100 years ago the world was under attack by a

Demon king and his army of demons and Monsters the big evil guy had succeeded in uniting the demons the undead mobs and the two-headed ogre tribe into an Unstoppable fighting force the villagers and animals tried to stand against the demon king but they were no match it

Seemed that all hope was lost until one day the Legendary Heroes appeared I was one of them together myself and my companions used our Legendary Weapons to strike deadly blows on the Demon King weakening him enough for our cleric to trap him inside of the Tomb we now stand

Inside it seems as though the seal held for exactly 100 years before being broken I can only imagine that this is because there were no Heroes powerful enough to use that spell in the modern day so you’re saying that even you and the other legendary heroes couldn’t

Defeat the demon king back then and then the only way was to seal him even though it didn’t last it’s better than letting him Rampage around and do whatever he wants I don’t know even if there was somebody who could cast the ceiling spell these days would it even matter

It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a broken sword I’m sorry but it doesn’t sound like there is anything that can be done on days 16 to 19 I couldn’t find Grimsley anywhere in the base even in the house I built for him Grimsley wouldn’t just leave without telling me I

Better look for him it was a good thing I was heart Warden because wardens are really good at finding things I wandered out farther than I ever had before to a hill with dark grass and strange ruins on top of it I spotted Grimsley but he wasn’t alone there was another mob there

And it looked like it was wearing a magic robe oh no another Necromancer has tried to capture Grimsley I got closer and I saw that I was correct the cloaked figure had him enclosed in a ritual Circle and Grimsley was trapped Zozo is that you help me don’t worry Grimsley

I’ll save you I fired a sonic boom which disrupted the necromancer’s chanting he got angry and fired some evil bolts at me I circled around the hill using the ruins as cover I managed to catch him by surprise and wind up an overhead smash with my mace see you later the magic

Circle collapsed when the Caster Was Defeated and Grimsley was set free well done Zozo I thought I was going to be controlled again for sure don’t worry buddy I got you neither of us will ever be controlled again this time the demon king won’t have the help of the undead

We’ll be fighting against him that’s the spirit or should I say we’re the spirits inspired by grimsley’s words I felt myself began to grow and change my number of Hearts increased to 20 and I also gained increased melee damage zombie terrific it was just in time too

Because we were joined by a troop of knights their leader wore ice armor free undead Servants of the demon king I sir Frost will put you on Ice it’s cool we don’t actually work for the demon king and we’re going to make sure no other Undead has to either oh pardon the

Misunderstanding then I’ll be off to continue facing his forces and searching for the Legendary Blade of demon ceiling wait a blade like that exists we certainly hope so it is said to contain the magic of the cleric who sealed him the first time well if you need any help

You know who to call me Zozo on days 20 to 22 I went back to the base only to find it overrun with giant centipedes all right you bugs prepare to get squashed they were quick but not very tough so I used my sword instead of my

Mace I figured this place needed a statue one that would show those Knights that allies could be found here in the remnants of the demon king’s tomb it would have to be brave and mighty not to mention cool sir Frost will be so impressed that he’ll make me his second

In command plus he’s probably the modern-day descendant of one of those legendary heroes who beat the demon king that’s how it usually works I needed white and blue for the Statue to really look like him so I went to gather some doite and Lapis I managed to M quite a

Bit of the materials I needed and went back to the base with access to those materials I could start working on the Statue it was really starting to come together and look like a base of something great what do you think it’ll be while you’re leaving a comment on on

What you think it’ll be don’t forget to subscribe and ring the bell so you can see more of my Amazing Adventures on days 23 to 26 the Cobalts returned in even greater numbers this time they had some arranged weapons on them too I guess Cobalts were craftier than I

Thought fortunately my melee damage had gotten stronger and I could easily deal with them one of the Cobalts I defeated dropped a bow and a quiver full of poison tipped arrows this would make a good backup ranged weapon for my Sonic Boom since there were no necromancers to

Cast spells on me I took a trip down into the depths of the Tomb it looked like they had been taken over by a den of slimes and spiders and they were in the middle of a territory struggle am I interrupting something I cleared out the Vermin and gathered up their webs and

Slime balls once I returned to the base I was able to craft those materials into some leads after I was done with that I spotted another Cobalt jumping in front of my base and ran down to face it oh hey there’s still another Cobalt back

Here back for for another fight no way I want to join you guys the other cobbles were always mean to me oh I didn’t know don’t worry buddy I got you I built a new house for the Cobalt and set him up with a workshop to make new weapons and

Gizmos let me make it up to you by building some traps around the base for you on days 27 to 31 I returned to the forest and talked to the ancient warrior about the Legendary Blade that sir Frost mentioned apparently this blade conceal The Demon King away again does that

Sound like something that the other legendary Warriors might have done it is possible that the cleric planned ahead and sealed one more spell into the legendary weapon but I’ve been trapped here the whole time as a guardian ghost so I have no idea what happened in those

100 years I suppose I’ll have to go looking and see what the world is like out there The Demon King is most likely sending his minions to destroy whatever is left of the Legendary Heroes descendants if you can find them first one of them probably knows how to find

The Legendary Blade well then there’s no time to waste thanks ancient warrior I’m out of here I journeyed out into the Wilderness in search of the Legacy that the Legendary Heroes left behind I Came Upon a bridge over a deep ravine which was guarded by a two-headed giant just

Try to get past us you won’t watch me I shot a poison tipped Arrow into the Giant and watched as their health started to get chipped away why are you the giant charged right into the path of my swinging mace kapow the hit knocked them back causing them to stumble over

The side of the Ravine the two-headed giant fell all the way to the bottom but didn’t disappear I quickly ran across the bridge before they found a way back up on days 32 to 35 I found a Grove full of trees and in it were a bunch of song

Birds Hello traveler what brings you to this peaceful place my name is Zozo and I’m here in search of a Legendary Blade that conceal the demon king oh the blade of the cleric this place was created by one of the other legendary heroes so we’ve heard of it but we’re not sure

Where it is darn it this is still a very nice clearing but wait if it was made by the heroes then just as I realized the Demon King came rushing into the Grove he used his magic staff and destroyed half of the Grove in one hit luckily I’m

Here run away Birds I’ll distract him the song birds ran away just in time as the Demon King was right next to me we meet again Z this time I’ll destroy you it seemed like he meant it he was immune to the poison of my arrows and he closed in on

Me before I could use my Sonic Boom thinking quickly I surprised him with my increased melee damage impressive but it will take more than that to defeat me I guess we’ll find out next time I ran off while the Demon King just stood there laughing but at least I live to fight

Another day just as I got far enough away I spotted one of the song birds I’m sorry about your home we’ll be able to find a new home you saved us and that’s what matters my base can be your new home oh sweet on days 36 to 39 I

Constructed an Avary where the birds could live as peacefully as they did back at the Grove can you tell me anything else you know about the Legendary Heroes there were four of them in total the warrior the cleric the singer and the ice Knight the singer was

The one who made our Grove and I hear that the ice Knight founded an order of Brave Warriors who dwell in the snowy north that sounds like sir Frost and his companions I should go visit them the good thing about the north is that it’s very well protected The Demon King will

Have to spend a lot of resources to claim it if there’s another place where his forces could be resisted it would be there awesome I should get prepared and make this Alliance official the undead can team up with the knights and together we’ll find the Legendary Blade

Then we’ll show the The Demon King who’s really boss but before I left to go explore the snowy north I did a bit more on my statue I felt inspired because I was reminded of Sir frost on days 40 to 43 another undead showed up at the base

And I welcomed them into the ranks of the resistance hi my name is Gabby ghoul welcome to the team Gabby thanks I’m from the Lower East Side of the Tomb and I know there are some really good materials behind a secret door that sounds cool will you show us where the

Secret Door is sure s you ass so nicely Gabby showed us the secret door in the Lower East tomb and sure enough there was gold ore which could be used to craft some very valuable gold items it was almost too good to be true but it

Was true and there was a water there to make it a little less good I did a Sonic Boom on the dangerous bom and performed a combo with my maze it took a few more hits than most of the enemies I’d faced but it went down just like the rest of them

Wow there’s a lot of useful stuff back here I have some materials to give to the Cobalt trapsmith I returned to the Cobalt and gave him all of the materials I collected I’m sure he will make great use of them on days 44 to 49 I traveled

Across the land until I reached the snowy north if I were human I’d probably have to wear a coat thank goodness I’m Undead the local mobs were completely different from the ones that I had encountered in the lands that the Demon King had ransacked but just because they

Weren’t working for the Demon King didn’t mean they were friendly a winged imp monster known as aex swooped from out of the sky and tried to take me down that hurt I guess it’s time to get serious I swung my mace at the creature

But it was too slow it flew back up into the sky out of melee range but that was a mistake on the mob’s part because I used my Sonic Boom to drop it I decided to travel deeper in and noticed more of these things and also that they were

Attacking a poor arctic fox I drew my bow and arrow I had the element of surprise so I launched arrows into all of them the vexes were poisoned and defeated that’s when a fox approached me looking very relieved that was helpful thank you that’s what I do I help people are you

Part of the ice Knight order I’ve been looking for them so have I I need their help with finding a Legendary Blade the one that can seal the Demon King back so it does exist at least my Village wasn’t attacked for nothing the demon king’s forces are there right now looking for

It I need the knights to come and save us I guess we’ve got the same goal let’s see what we can do together on days 50 to 53 the fox and I traveled further into the snowing North trying to avoid the prying eyes of the vexes maybe if we

Look around we’ll find someone who can give you a bit more information about the blade of the cleric there are a lot of people who hate The Demon King so they’ll probably be willing to help out but the one person I didn’t want to see was the multi-headed giant he’d finally

Tracked me down and he wanted some payback is this a friend of yours Zozo yeah something like that I rushed in and Unleashed my Sonic Boom but he dodged the sonic boom and charged at me I guess two heads are finally looking better than one but I was Stronger Than I was

All those days ago and I didn’t need only my Sonic Boom to fight my enemies as the giant got closer I pulled out my mace and jumped into the air one strike of my mace to the Giant’s multiple heads and he was defeated that was amazing

You’re real hero Zozo I’m just a zombie Warden doing his best as Fox and I continued to explore we found a mutant snow golem camping hey Mr Snow Golem I’m Zozo and I’m looking for the sword of the cleric do you know where I can find

It sorry to burst your bubble kid but it doesn’t work that way you don’t just find the sword of the cleric Legends say that when you reveal yourself to be worthy only then will the sword find its way to you oh so I’m not a real hero yet

You don’t have the sword so probably not but you seem like a good kid take this protection enchantment it’ll help you on your quest thanks Mr Snow Golem I appreciate it on days 54 to 57 I made the long and hard journey back across the map then went underground to my base

I decided to apply the protection enchantment to my chest plate so I’d be able to withstand more powerful attacks e easier afterwards I noticed that the Cobalt installed some traps a lava chest trap a diamond door trap and a pit trap hopefully these will never have to come

In handy but good to have them just in case just then Grimsley approached me with an important task Zozo thank goodness you’re here Gabby ghoul has gotten sick I fear that it’s some kind of hex caused by The Demon King I can make a healing potion to help her but I

Need you to collect some apples from the Warped Forest it’s a vital ingredient don’t worry Grimsley I’ll be right on it you stay here and tend to Gabby I quickly went to the Overworld and began exploring the Warped Forest until I happened to HT some apples I collected

As many as I could wanting to make sure there was enough for Gabby’s healing potions I went back to the underground base and gave Grimsley the apples this is perfect Zozo I have even more than I need here take a few of these spare health potions you never know when they

Might come in handy on days 58 to 62 I decided to take a load off and work on the Statue after a pretty stressful week everyone needs a little relaxation time can you guess what it is yet but just as I was about to continue my statue build

I noticed that a gang of demonic reavers working for the Demon King suddenly started attacking my base leave it to a guy called The Demon King to never fight fair but I had an Ace in the Hole as the reavers tried to ransack my base they activated the different traps a few fell

Into the lava pit some more fell from my pit tra and one of them even fell fell for my diamond or trap and even more were taken out by my Sonic booms I’ll take on as many reavers as the Demon King can send at me but I wasn’t

Prepared for a sneak attack from behind from Grimsley the reaper which knocked me down Grimsley how could you I thought we were friends I’m so sorry zoo we are friends but the Demon King somehow reactivated the necromancer’s control spell I’m not in control of my own body

He is Grimsley you have to fight it I promise I’ll help free you I’m worried you’re already too late Zozo just promise me you’ll stay safe and don’t follow me and with that the Mind controlled Grimsley ran off on day 63 to day 66 I took one of the healing potions

That Grimsley made for me and chased him out of the base looks like he’s headed for the Warped Forest I need to chase him and snap him out of this funk I followed him until I caught up with him in the darkness of the forest it was

Just me and Grimsley facing off Zozo I told you not to follow me it was a trap from The Demon King all along that’s when even more reavers came out of the forest to battle me it looked like more than I could even take on Grimsley I

Need you to help me I can’t help you Zozo I’m not in control you have to fight Grimsley you’re not just a servant of The Necromancer or the Demon King you’re your own person I could see that Grimsley was struggling to regain control and eventually Grimsley snapped

Out of it you’re right Zozo I am my person now let’s show these reavers that we mean business Grimsley and I fought off the reavers together between the two of us those Servants of evil stood no chance thank you for never giving up on me Zozo I’ll never give up on a friend

And as it turns out when the Demon King invaded my mind I also invaded his I got a vision of a cave deep in the basalt Deltas we might be able to find something useful there on day 67 to 70 Grimsley and I decided we’d make our way

To the basalt Delta cave together and take the fight to the Demon King do you think the blade of the cleric is in there Grimsley only if you’re worthy and look that might be a good way to prove yourself Grimsley was gesturing to a huge scary wendigo that was patrolling

The outside of the cave he must have been another demonic servant of the Demon King I’ll go in first follow my lead I ran towards the wendigo and Unleashed a sonic boom it was more formidable than anything I’d ever before thankfully I still had my mace I pulled

It out and hit the windigo several times as it roared and shrieked but the attacks only made it angrier then the wendigo started fighting back every time it hit or bit me it was knocking off hard after heart it was terrifying there was nothing I could do to stop it I saw

My life flashing before my eyes when suddenly Grimsley stormed in to save me leave my friend alone wendo or you’re going to learn exactly L why you should Fear the Reaper Grimsley attacked I don’t know if he hurt the wendigo but he spooked it enough to finally run it off

You really saved me there Grimsley thank you just repaying my debt Zozo now let’s take a look inside the cave on day 71 to day 74 we entered the cave hoping to find the blade of the cleric waiting for me but no the cave was empty and I was

Devastated I guess I’m still not worthy it’s okay Zozo I’m sure we’ll be able to find it we just need to believe in ourselves we better start believing harder because if we don’t then the demon king is going to rise to full power and without the blade of the

Cleric there will be nothing we can do to stop him on day 75 to day 78 I returned to my base and decided it was time to upgrade my mace since it was about to break so I did just that and crafted a new mace then I decided to

Supercharge it and applied the sharpness enchantment on it to improve its hitting power nobody will want to mess with me now but that was wrong because the wendigo who’d gotten away in the Badlands suddenly appeared and he was here for me unlike the reavers he wasn’t

Tricked by any of the traps he had my scent and he was coming straight for me with his teeth and Claws ready but this time though I had my upgraded mace and I was ready to fight back the wendigo squared up and I hit him back and after

That hit he didn’t get back up because the wendigo was so powerful defeating him gave me a lot of XP causing me to get bigger stronger and finally reached 30 Hearts I was one of the most powerful zombie wardens in the world I was even starting

To look more like an actual Warden and became pretty buff this is my coolest upgrade yet that’s when I had a vision I needed to return to the snowy north something would be waiting for me there something I needed if I wanted to defeat the demon king so of course there was no

Time to waste on day 79 to day 84 I traveled into the snowy north and until I found a fortress that looked like something out of my vision and as it turned out it was this Fortress that was manned by Sir Frost and his Knights just

Who I wanted to see I went to Sur Frost planning room where we began to discuss the thing on both of our minds The Demon King I’ve spent my entire life preparing to confront the Demon King if he ever rose again and in all that time all that

Responsibility I feel I’ve learned so little all I know is that he’ll likely reach his greatest power soon then we should probably stick together he’ll want to get rid of all of us as part of his rise to power but that’ll be harder if we’re working with each other come

Back to my base we’ll be safe there sir Frost H you make a good point Zozo I’ll prepare my things we’ll head off shortly on day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base to check on Gabby ghoul who had started Living inside of my statue and

Ask her how she was recovering from the hex that the Demon King had put on her I’m feeling a lot better now Yoo thank you and there’s something I should tell you I’ve been having visions lately The Demon King I know he’s hiding somewhere with blue trees does that mean anything

To you blue trees that has to be the Warped Forest that’s the only place that looks like that thank you Gabby I know where to find him now on day 90 to Day 94 I went into the mines and managed to get extremely lucky and mine my first

Set of diamonds if I’m going to face the demon king I need some extremely Tough Armor I forged myself a full set of diamond armor which would defend me against almost anything and then I went about enchanting every piece of my armor just so that I would be as prepared as

Possible diamonds are zombie warden’s best friend on day 95 to day 97 I finished the statue it was the statue made in tribute to one of the coolest Warriors I know sir Frost he’d spent his whole life searching for ways to stop the demon king and looking at his statue

I knew I’d be honored to spend my un life doing the same the demon king would fall and it would be because of me on day 98 all the preparations had been made the last thing I was able to do was talk to my friends I’d made who were

Staying at my base first I spoke to Grimsley I believe you can do this Zozo with or without the blade of the cleric you’re a true hero and you will defeat this monstrous villain next I spoke to Gabby ghoul you’re brave and kind Jojo and that will serve you well against the

Demon king never forget that and of course sir Frost the ice Knight are you sure you want to do this alone Zozo I would happily fight by your side if you so will it thank you sir Frost that you’ve been fighting this fight a long

Time let me finish it for you and if you want to help me the best thing you can do is subscribe to Zozo and ring the bell to always be notified of the next adventure on day 99 with everything said I left the underground base and made my

Way deep into the horrors of the the nether the first stop was the Crimson Forest the only way to the Warped Forest Gabby had mentioned where the demon king would be waiting that’s when I saw something crawling out of the ground it was another Warden just like me except

He wasn’t zombified you worthless TR traidor The Necromancer and the Demon King gave you everything and yet you Rebel you make me sick you Undead freak I’d rather be Undead and free than alive and taking orders from from The Demon King the enemy Warden tried to unleash a

Sonic Boom on me but I wasn’t about to waste time on him when I had the biggest fish to fry I Unleashed my sonic boom and the enemy Warden was completely destroyed traitor and with him out of the way it was time to enter the Warped forest and finally finish this thing on

Day 100 I entered the Warped forest and prepared myself for the fight of my own life it wouldn’t be easy first I had to deal with the Enderman they kept teleporting around me and it took both my mace and my mega Sonic Boom to take care of them it doesn’t matter how much

You delay I’m going to take on your boss soon enough I thought I’d need to keep searching for The Demon King but instead The Demon King came for me he floated down towards me ready to fight you again that little failed experiment that killed the Necromancer are you truly

Foolish enough to think you can best me the demon king and with that he began to bro becoming a far bigger and more powerful version of himself than I had ever seen he had finally reached his full power even if I can’t beat you I’m still going to fight you because what

Kind of person would I be if I didn’t a living one The Demon King pulled out a powerful bow and started shooting me with it I tried to dodge but was quickly overwhelmed due to the sheer power of it weak how disappointing destroying you will be an act of Mercy just as I

Thought I’d be doomed I noticed something had been added to my inventory it was the blade of the cleric my Act of Bravery had finally earned it as soon as I equipped the blade I saw myself growing getting more powerful I was bigger stronger and even had a mighty 50

Heart there would be no stopping me now okay Demon King are you ready for a real fight with the blade of the cleric I attacked the Demon King striking him again and again forcing him further back into the Warped Forest we ening him breaking him down I could tell he was

Afraid Zoo wait clearly you’re strong how about we join forces imagined the power we could have together nice offer but I think I’ll stick with my friends demon king with one last blast of my Sonic Boom the Demon King was destroyed and the world was saved after that I

Went back to the base happy to finally relax on day one I spawned in as Nemo I’m so small hi you better be careful I also noticed I only had three hearts this was going to be really difficult Nemo I looked behind me and saw my dad

Marlin he was swimming out of a small cave towards me you need to get inside it’s not safe I hurried inside just as a scuba diver appeared he took his net and snatched my dad Dad I tried to swim toward him but he yelled back at me no

Stay inside I’ll be okay I promise the scuba diver swam away leaving me all alone I felt really sad but it was getting dark I needed to stay safe in the cave and wait until morning to go looking for my dad on day two I woke up

To the sun shining into the cave I looked around dad then I remembered what had happened to him I got really sad again I’ll find you dad I promise I swam out of the cave to find materials to build some weapons I managed to make a crafting table which helped me to craft

A pickaxe and sword now I feel more ready if that scuba diver comes back I continued swimming in the reef and discovered that there weren’t a lot of other fish around hey get down here I looked down and saw shrimp waving at me I swam down to him what do you think you

Are doing The Reef isn’t safe especially closer to the surface not since the human has been coming around yeah I saw him yesterday he trapped my dad I’m sorry do you have anyone else to look out for you no I’m alone I could tell the shrimp felt bad for me he scurried

Back into his hole and returned with some kelp here take this you need it more than me thank you I swam carefully back to my cave with the food I’m going to protect everyone they all seem too scared and someone needs to stick up for them I arrived at my cave a plan

Starting to form in my mind on day three I gathered some more sand and even managed to find some gravel I started to make a little base for myself around my cave I wanted to make a dome so that the humans couldn’t get in I got part of the

Foundation done but I needed to do some other things to get the Dome figured out all of a sudden I was smacked from behind I looked and noticed an eel hey get away I used my new weapon to smack him back he got me down to one heart but

I finally managed to defeat him you messed with the wrong fish I felt my strength grow and I leveled up into a larger fish hey I have six hearts now neat I also noticed that I could swim faster since my fins were bigger I

Decided to call it a day I was beat on days four to 5 I gathered some more materials to build the base I managed to build a furnace and smelted some sand to make some glass for the Dome I was swimming around when I noticed some bigger fish trying to trap some colorful

Fish I swam up to attack the large fish hey get away from them the colorful fish scattered and the large fish attacked I managed to get a bunch of hits in and managed to defeat all the fish hey huh I looked down and saw a fish lying on a

Rock it was one of the ones I had hit with my sword I guess he had tried to swim away I swam down to him what were you doing to those fish we work for the scuba diver he guarantees us food if we help him capture fish that’s awful it’s

Life we need food to live he tried to smack me again but I managed to get a hit in he yelled and then he disappeared how sad how could he betray his own kind I swam back to the base contemplating what I had just heard on days 6 to 8 I

Crafted some more glass for the Dome it was starting to look really awesome I also used some of the materials to make myself a better sword and tools if that scuba diver comes I’ll be ready for him I went venturing out being careful to avoid the surface I came across a large

Mound of sand and began to gather it when I was hit by something I turned and saw a jellyfish he was ready to strike again nobody wants you here I smacked him and before I knew it he was gone that was super easy with my new sword I was feeling good the reef

Was just a little safer already on days 9 to 10 I went venturing a little further I managed to gather some more supplies when suddenly I heard some Screaming I swam toward the sound and saw blue fish being grabbed by the scuba diver leave her alone I drew my sword

And managed to hit the scuba diver’s hand he let go of the blue fish who swam away if I can’t have then I’ll have you the scuba diver grabbed at me and almost managed to get me I was fast but he was faster I swam away knowing that it was

My only chance to get out of this situation I hid inside the cavity of a rock the scuba diver retreated and I let out some bubbles in relief that was close I didn’t realize that the blue fish had swam into the same cavity in the rock as me I swam out in Surprise

Thanks for saving me I don’t know what I would have done without you of course I’m here to try to protect the reef I invited the blue fish back to the base where it would be safe for her she happily agreed I’m Dory by the way nice

To meet you on days 11 to 12 I helped Dory to make a little home for herself she seemed to really like it and even said it reminded her of her old home where is your home actually I don’t remember she was an odd one but I liked

Her I went out to gather some better materials in a nearby cave but then a group of eels attacked me ah get away from me they were too strong so I went to a different cave I was swimming around for a while but then I saw some

Iron that’s exactly what I need I mined out as much as I could before heading back to the base I made myself an iron sword pickaxe and some armor this will show them I went back to the cave with the eels and I attacked in no time they

Were all gone take that I went into the cave and sure enough there was more iron cool this will set me up for a while I went back to the base and made some more tools with those I made some minor improvements to the base it was starting

To look really good on days 13 to 15 I went out to learn more about this scuba diver I needed to find my dad and all the other fish he was taking I swam around the reef to gather more information more fish were out today but

Not a lot hey do you know where the scuba diver is taking the fish he’s capturing everyone kept swimming away from me huh I wonder why everyone is so skittish I finally happened upon an older snail who was willing to talk to me everything was peaceful in The Reef

For a long time then one day a large Shadow was cast over us we looked up and saw a monstrous machine Jing in the water it’s called a boat boat I said the word it sounded weird to me the scuba diver can’t stay underwater like us so he drives the boat at first

He was just here to take pictures then one day he started snatching fish in bags or even shooting them with his Harpoon he is a bad man I was grateful that someone was willing to talk to me but now I was terrified the scuba diver sounded really strong and capable I was

Just a little fit what could I do on days 16 to 19 I woke up and couldn’t find Dory anywhere I hope she didn’t swim off on her own I went outside the base and saw jacqu waving at me again you better they hurry the octopus just took your friend Dory

Yes she was swimming up near the surface and singing to herself in OCT Theus came by and grabbed her before she even knew what was happening jacqu pointed me in the direction of the octopus Lair and I took off off the octopus Lair was more of a Sandy Hill covered with seaweed but

It was something I hurried and swam inside to save my friend hey it’s you I looked and saw Dory she was with another fish who looked pretty beaten up watch out I turned and saw the octopus try to attack me I hurried and Drew my sword

Before he could get a hid in he tried to maneuver around me but I was able to get some really good hits in before I knew it he was gone just then I leveled up into even stronger clownish I felt my fins grow and I swam around to test them

Out I was super fast now I could create a wall of bubbles I’m so happy you found me also this is Gil the other fish swam up to me thank you for saving my life that was really impressive thanks I am happy to protect the fish in the wreath

We need it more than ever especially with the scuba diver around are you going to Fat him I’m not sure he’s so strong and way bigger than me I know of an item that could help it was lost in the sea a long time ago but it might be

The answer to your problem that was the best news I had gotten all day maybe there was a way to fight the scuba diver after all I want to hear all about it but you should stay at our base it’ll be safer there Gil happily agreed to come

With us and we headed back to our home on days 20 to 22 we arrived back at the base but it was being attacked by skeletons oh gross I went at them with my sword and fought them off easily they all dropped a bunch of Bones maybe they

Would come in handy later I was happy that Gil was staying with us too but I wanted everyone to know that this was a safe place to stay a statue would be a good idea I came up with an idea but I needed to gather some supplies first I

Gathered a lot of kelp and even managed to find some sea cucumbers perfect I knew I needed more for later so I planted a few and then used the Bones from the skeletons to make some bone meal I fed the bone meal to to the sea cucumbers I won’t be running out of

Those anytime soon I went to work on the base of the statue can you tell what it’s going to be and if you like swimming Along on our adventures be sure to watch more of my videos by searching for Zozo that’s zo zo And subscribe too

Since we sure would love to see you around here more often on days 23 to 26 some skeletons attacked again I wasn’t too nervous though they were easy to defeat they dropped more bones but I noticed that another one dropped some sea lanterns this would be perfect to

Make the Dome more bright they were looking really good I started to place them around the base and inside the Dome it was looking brighter already I was outside looking for some more materials when a yellow fish swam up to me hello someone told me that this is a safe

Place to stay my family was taken by the scuba diver and I don’t have a home to go back to I knew exactly how this fish felt please come in you are more than welcome to stay here the the fish told me his name was Bubbles as we went

Inside I started on making some better houses for bubbles and Gil they weren’t anything fancy but they were safe I made sure to smelt some more glass so that we could expand the Dome out it was looking really great on days 27 to 31 I went to

Chat with Gil I wanted to know more about the item he had told me about earlier my grandfather told me about an old wise turtle that was a protector of the reef a long time ago but like now humans kept invading stealing fish away and pollu in the ocean the turtle

Decided to go to Poseidon to bargain for an item that would protect them in return He crafted the turtle a special Trident Poseidon no way I know right anyway the old Turtle takes his special Tradin but padin says it will only work for those who have pure intentions to

Protect the creatures of the sea makes sense it gave the turtle the ability to call the lightning down and control the water wow but the best part was the the last gift it granted to the wielder the ability to walk on land like a human if needed that’s amazing so where is the

Trident now that’s the tricky part after the turtle passed on so many fish and creatures wanted the Trident for themselves they fought over it because of their greed it was broken into three pieces and Scattered across the ocean there are rumors as to where they are

But nobody has been able to find all of them this was a lot to take in my grandfather told me he had heard of one that was guarded by a shark near shipwreck it wasn’t a lot to go on but it was a start I started out toward the

Shipwreck that Gil was talking about though I was a little nervous about the shark as I approached I didn’t see any shark then he came out from behind the hole of the ship he’s pretty big I was nervous but I knew I had a job to do so

I charged at the shark and attacked he was taken ab and tried to get a hit in he was a good fighter but I wasn’t doing too bad myself himself after a minute I could tell he was really struggling I was about to make my final attack when

He swam away huh okay I wasn’t expecting that I went and looked around the ship but it was empty I was a little confused I wonder where the Trident piece could be on days 32 to 35 I swam out of the ship but I heard someone calling me I

Looked down and saw some crabs hiding under some Coral I swam down to them hey are you looking for the traent piece yeah how did you know we’ve seen a lot of fish come this way not nearly as Brave as you most have retreated but this isn’t the ship you’re looking for

So I gathered all of a sudden the crab shrieked and scurried away I looked behind me and saw the scuba diver you’re not getting me today then he took out a harpoon and shot me it paralyzed me and I sank to the bottom of the ocean oh no

I struggled but couldn’t get out then I saw one of the crabs crawl out of the sand and give me a milk bottle which cleared the paralysis effect go I swam toward the scuba diver creating a wall of bubbles so he couldn’t see me he dropped something and I hurried to grab

It before racing back to the crabs hurry you can come with me the crabs rushed out of their hole and together we hurried towards the base on days 36 to 39 we arrived back at the base I realized that I had picked up a flashlight maybe it would come in handy

Later I started on a little house for the crabs to live in they were super grateful that I had helped them hey the ship you’re looking for is sunken into the depths of the drop off at least that’s what we’ve heard this was great news except it’s guarded by a huge

Monster nobody has been able to get into the ship okay last great news but I needed to do some things before I left I worked on the statue for a little while planting new sea cucumbers as I went it was starting to look a little more like

What I wanted on days 40 to 43 Gil told us that his friend Flo needed help we invited her into the Dome and heard her out my friend Peach she’s a lobster she was taken by some eels huh they had been terrorizing her for food but when she couldn’t give them anymore they

Kidnapped her I can help her just tell me where I need to go Flo directed me to a small sunken statue that the eels like to hang around she’s probably there please go help her I promised I would and I headed out I made sure to be

Stealthy as I went along after a while I saw the statue Flo had told me about it looked like a human holding some sort of bull sure enough there were a bunch of eels and a colorful Lobster sitting in the bowl I charged hey you give her back

The eels reared up and went to attack there were a lot of them and they were getting hits in I barely managed it but soon after they were all gone thanks for saving me mister no problem I’m a friend of Flo’s oh thank goodness I noticed a

Small hole in the base of the statue and looked inside there was a chest full of prismarine crystals and one shaped prismarine nice I headed out with peach back to our base once we arrived Flo was super happy to see her friend they thanked me and then I went right to

Making Peach a little home I then made something for Flo as well then I took the prismarine crystals I had found and smelted them into shaped prismarine then I use that to make some new prismarine weapons and armor sweet now I’m ready to take take on that monster on days 44 to

49 I swam to the drop off and looked down it sure was dark down there oh wait I have a flashlight I took out the flashlight I had grabbed from the scuba diver and turned it on it worked I started to swim down Into the Depths I

Was swimming for a long time when I finally started to see a ship then I saw something moving toward me it was a goblin shark nope not today I took out my sword and BRAC myself the goblin shark attacked but I created my wall of bubbles distracting it I hurried and

Swam into the ship turning off my flashlight it was Pitch Black hey is someone there huh a voice was whispering from the corner I didn’t dare turn my flashlight on yet I’m a friend I’m looking for the missing Trident piece is that what this is I thought it was just

A fancy stick but I did manage to grab it I snuck past the goblin shark to get in but I haven’t been able to get out why are you down here I’m a treasure hunter I heard there was some stuff down here but nobody mentioned the shark I’ll

Get us out of here don’t you worry just follow the sound of my voice then when I say swim you swim okay I found an opening and I turned on the flashlight swim we swam up as fast as we could the other fish behind me kept whispering to

Himself just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming after what seemed like forever we finally got up past the drop off I finally looked at the other fish I bloat he was a puffer fish and he seemed really tired he was also holding what I assumed was part of

The Trident here take this I don’t want it he gave me the pole piece and I studied it it looked like it had carvings on it hey thanks for saving me by the way that was gnarly of course how about we get back to my base so you can

Rest sounds good to me and with that we headed back to the base on days 50 to 53 I helped bloat get comfortable at the base and then I headed back out to look for some more pieces of the Trident someone had to know something on my way

Out and about I saw a huge crater in the seab bottom there were sharks swimming all around including the one from the first shipwreck I had gone to it looked like they had someone trapped in a cage of some sort hey you let them go I RAC down with my improved swimming abilities

And attacked the first shark I was able to take him out and then went to attack his friends after just a few moments I was able to fend them all off I went up to the cage and noticed another shark inside ah I went to swim

Away but he called out to me hey wait don’t leave me I won’t eat you I swam back to him a bit apprehensively you don’t eat fish huh no fish are friends not food oh that’s nice to hear I unlocked the cage and let the small shark out thank you all those other

Sharks were making fun of me and decided it would be hilarious if they put me in a cage I’m so sorry they did that to you he nodded what brings you all the way out here I told him all about the scuba diver and the legendary Trident I was

Trying to put together again I showed him part of the Trident I had the shark got excited say I have something that looks like that the shark whose name I Learned was Bruce swam a little further into the crater there was there was a little Al Cove that held a small chest I

Opened it and sure enough there was a piece of the Trident wao thanks no problem the Sharks found that here but they figured it was some sort of fancy stick but we kept it anyway I tried to put the pieces together but nothing happened I would probably need all of

The pieces before it would meld back together I invited Bruce back to the base we might need to expand it a little bit since you are bigger than most of the other fish living there oh be should help out we headed back to the base ready to make some big Renovations on

Days 54 to 57 Bruce and I arrived back at the base at first everyone was a little scared of Bruce but after a while they all started to warm up to him they even helped me make some improvements for him we built another Dome attached to the main Dome this way people could

Have more space for themselves I also made myself a little chest to store the Trident pieces in I didn’t want to carry them all the time and risk someone stealing them from me while I was outside the Dome I was about to make some more improvements to the base when

Dory swam right up next to me hello could I get your help with something sure Dory what is it oh I just forgot she swam away for a little bit then came back a moment later I remember could you help me find some purple shells purple

Shells yes it’s very important it was an odd request but I decided to help her we ventured out together and found a dozen or so shells in varying sizes we went back to the base and I gave Dory the shells I had found what are they for

You’ll see she left for a while and I thought she had completely forgotten about the shells it wasn’t until later that she swam back up to me I have something for you huh she held out a necklace made of some purple shells oh wow thanks Dory I put it on I actually

Felt happier you’re a good friend Dory hugged me and then swam away what a cute friend on days 58 to 62 to I gathered some more supplies for the Statue Flo and Gil even helped me with Gathering and building some parts of it it was looking really nice we were heading back

Inside the Dome when we noticed that there were some of the scuba divers minion fish attacking the base get away you traitors I smacked them with my sword I swam around and noticed that everyone was there except bloat I looked in his house and noticed a note it was

From the scuba diver telling him to look for the legendary item at the ship and to infiltrate my base bloat was a traitor I hurried and went to the chest near my cave and just as I had suspected the Trident pieces were gone I went back to the base and told

Everyone that bloat stole the Trident pieces everyone saw how upset I was and started to all talk at the same time it was a little too much for me so I went into my cave to think what am I going to do now I looked at bl’s note again and

Noticed something on the back there was a map with a location circled this must be where he’s going next I’ve got got to stop him before it’s too late on days 63 to 66 I traveled to the location on the map it was a rock formation with all

Kinds of coral growing on it then a fish emerged from the coral he had Blended right in get away from here we don’t want any more trouble he tried to bat at me with his fins but I backed up trouble I’m here to stop all the trouble the

Fish looked at me again I’m looking for the third Trident piece I was led here with a map do you know where it is yeah I do but some other fish came by a little while ago asking the same question in fact some of them said they

Would be back just then I saw the minion fish swimming up to us I drew my sword stop bothering these innocent fish I charged and attacked before long they were all gone that was impressive I swam back to the camouflage fish here I think you need this after that fight huh he

Handed me a burger and said it was a Krabby Patty whatever that was thanks so can you tell me where the Trident piece is it’s hiding in the lair of the large glow squid it’s basically impossible to get to but that puffer fish and his goons might have a chance that must have

Been bloat the fish told me exactly where the lair was and I swam as fast as my fins would go on days 67 to 70 I made it to the lair of the large glow squid it was an old underwater temple outside of it were some Minion fish they looked

Like they were guarding it then I saw bloat and a few more minion fish emerge from the large cave I charged at them you traitor I thought you were my friend bloat saw me and got scared he tried to hide behind the minion fish but I easily

Took a few of them out bloat tried to swim away but I smacked him with my sword he looked at me angrily and then he puffed up I felt a sharp pain in my side and then I blocked out on day 71 to 74 I woke up I felt really sick and

There was a pain in my side I looked and saw one of bl’s needles lodged in between my stripes I pulled it out and groaned ouch I knew I needed to check the lair so I swam down and saw an Al Cove with a chest it was empty bloat

Must have gotten the item before I blacked out I didn’t have much strength so I ate some kelp I felt so sick and knew I needed to get back to the base to rest up I made the long journey home wondering what my next move would be on

Day 75 to 78 I made it back to the base and rested for a little while once I was feeling more like myself I made some improvements to the base I added to the domes and made some lights I also started on a new dome in case we had

More fish arrive I was about to clean out bl’s little Al Cove when I heard a weird noise outside the Dome I went out to see and it was bloat what are you doing here I was trying to sneak back in to get some of my things get out of my

Way you traitor you aren’t welcome here I lunged at bloat making a wall of bubbles to distract him then I slashed at him with my sword I wasn’t going to let him knock me out again he was very disoriented and before long I took him out then just like before I felt my

Strength Surge and I leveled up into an adult clownfish I now had 15 hearts yeah I’m unstoppable I looked up and noticed that bloat had dropped something I was hoping that it was part of the Trident but it looked like a paper he must have already given the Trident pieces to the scuba

Diver I looked closer at the paper and realized it was a map of where the scuba diver docked his boat it looked like it was on a schedule and switched every couple of days this is good information I also checked out bloats Al Cove and sure enough I found some good stuff like

Refined prismarine ingots and some healing potions this is just what I need I felt bad about bloat But ultimately he had made his choice hopefully now it would be easier to defeat the scoop scuba diver on days 79 to 84 I traveled to the next location where the scuba

Diver’s boat was supposed to be I looked around the seaweed field and there was no boat huh I wonder where it could be I waited it out for a little while but then I noticed a little movement in the seaweed I drew my sword in preparation

But then a little sea turtle popped out wa don’t hurt me I’m not going to hurt you I’m looking for the boat that’s supposed to be here right now oh yeah that usually leaves here in the early morning so you’re late okay well I guess I should go track him down wait could

You help me first something fell out of the boat when the scuba diver left I’ve been tracking him ever since he stole my dad I think that it might be important I felt sorry for this little guy so many fish and sea creatures were suffering just because the scuba diver was selfish

Of course I’ll help we looked through the seaweed for a little longer before I saw something partially buried in the sand hey I found found it the little sea turtle swam over to me and we looked at the paper it was a map just like mine with the boat docking locations but

There had been a change the boat was heading for one other stop and then my reef he’ll be there in just a few days I need to go back and warn everyone I invited the little turtle to come along with me I learned his name was Squirt

Thanks for helping me no problem we’ll get your dad back squirt we made our way out of the seaweed and back to the base on days 85 to8 9 squirt and I were about to reach the base when jacqu waved me over I swam up to him I heard you needed

Some help from who it doesn’t matter I just hear these things you need a way to get on the boat right until I can find the Trident yeah Jacques went into his hole and then pulled out some sort of helmet this could hold you while you’re

Out on the ship wow this is actually really helpful Jack thanks he seemed really pleased with himself and I invited him to live at the base again he finally agreed he had a lot of stuff hidden in his hole but after a few trips he was settled in to thank me for

Helping him move in he gave me a smithing table and some paintings it was good to have friends on days 90 to 94 I made some upgrades I went to work smithing my prismarine sword using the refined prismarine ingots I had found in bloes things it made my sword much

Stronger I also reforged my armor wow this is amazing too bad bloat had to be raer he would have made a good team I also worked on some more improvements around the base the domes were looking awesome hopefully it would be safe enough from the scuba diver and whatever

His plans might be on days 95 to 97 we finally finished the statue it looked amazing and I was super proud of all my friends for helping me out I was admiring the statue when squirts swam up to me that kind of looks like my dad

That’s so cool I love sea turtles I always wanted to meet one and now I have sweet dude totally it was a nice little moment on day 98 I made my final preparations to get to the boat squirt volunteered to lead me to the scuba diver’s boat it’ll be awesome dude just

Leave it to me I gave the map to squirt and we made our final preparations hey before we go kick some scuba diver bum be sure to subscribe we want you to see the cool stuff we’ll do next and with that we headed toward the surface

On day 99 we swam up toward the boat together there were some Minion fish along the way but with my new sword we took them out easily we made it to the back of the boat and I threw down the item jacqu gave me which turned into a

Fish mech suit I swam into the head which was built like a fishbowl letting me breathe even when outside of the water I got on the boat with squirt and we looked around the boat was pretty big it might take some time before we find our families we looked around the lower

Deck and then went went up the stairs to the upper deck there were some fish tanks up there dad I saw him immediately his orange scales shimmering among the other fish hey I told you to stay safe down below no Dad I’m done hiding the reef needs protecting and I’m going to

Be the one to do it he seemed taken aback but then he smiled at me I’m so proud of you and with that I broke the fish tanks scooping the fish into buckets I found and throwing them back into the ocean yeah hey squirt huh I

Looked and saw a larger tank with a sea turtle dad I broke that tank as well letting squirts Dad out rad man thanks for the assist of course Mr Crush man crush crush and squirt thanked me and jumped overboard with the rest of the

Fish I saw my dad looking at me from the water’s surface look out I turned around and saw some seagull they were trying to grab me out of the Fishbowl on day 100 I fought off the seagull they kept screeching at me but I didn’t care I

Needed to find the Trident I maneuvered around the seagulls and after a few hits the rest of them flew away scared how pathetic we turned and saw the scuba diver no longer in his gear but he had the Trident in his hands he had managed

To put it together it’s time for you to leave The Reef not a chance the scuba diver ran at me ready to strike I aimed for his hand that was holding the Trident and hit hit him with my sword he dropped the Trident and I rushed toward

It on the floor all of a sudden I felt an amazing power flow through my body the suit powered up and grew in size I felt so much stronger and faster no the scuba diver ran away toward a room he shut the door behind him coward come out

And fight me I thought he was trying to get away but then I heard a loud noise he broke open the door revealing himself in an even bigger diving suit he had one hand that shot harpoons and the the other was some sort of electric fist the

Scuba diver was scary but I wasn’t going to let that stop me this ends here I charged and so did the scuba diver we exchanged a lot of blows with our weapons then I decided to have some fun I urged the water to create a giant wave

That rocked the boat I also summoned the lightning to come down from the sky striking the diver he was looking pretty rough and I wasn’t making it easy for him you’re just a fish I’m a human you will never defeat me I channeled the power of the Storm Into the Trident

Before throwing it at him one last time summoning a huge bolt of lightning the sky boomed with thunder and there was a huge flash of light when it subsided I saw that the diver was gone I had defeated him yeah I raised the Trident in Triumph before swimming back down to

The base everyone cheered as they saw me the reef was finally safe and I was back with my dad everything was back to the way it should be on day one I spawned in as Mikey from meisen all right JJ what are we doing today wait where’s JJ Mikey

Is never without his best buddy JJ oh no JJ must be in trouble luckily I’ve got eight hearts it must be because I’m a turtle I’ve got this tough shell to help protect me from danger and I’m probably a really good swimmer this will help me

Find JJ for sure I looked up and realized I’d spawned under a tree filled with apples so I reached up to pick myself a thinking snack but before I could take a bite an arrow flew past my head oh no skeletons I grabbed as many apples as I could carry and ran away

Before one of their arrows hit me since I had to stay in one piece to find JJ hey what’s the big idea I’m just picking apples I just kept running and running until I found a log cabin in the middle of the woods it wasn’t anything fancy and it definitely needed some repairs

But it was cozy and a perfect place to hide for the night there was even a lake right next to the cabin maybe I could go swimming once I was sure the skeletons were gone and there were probably fish to catch in there for dinner I just wish

That JJ were here to see it too on day two I went exploring around the lake and gathered some wood I gathered enough wood to make an axe I could use it to fix up the cabin for when I found JJ next I went back to the apple tree to

Gather some more fruit hey with enough apples maybe I could even make a pie but I didn’t have the chance to think too much more about that because there was a gremlin Chef coming up to pick apples too please don’t take all the apples I I

Need at least four don’t worry I left you plenty oh thank you I was worried have you seen my friend JJ he’s missing don’t know anyone by that name I’m afraid someone in the village might you should go ask around thanks I will just be careful someone’s been stealing

Animals and supplies around here maybe they took your friend too I sure hoped not but if JJ was in trouble I would find a way to help him thank you Chef good luck with whatever you’re making it’s pie great minds think alike and I guess he was pretty great I took my

Apples back to the cabin and along the way I found some sticks and string I used them to craft a fishing rod and went fishing in the lake I caught three fish on day three I decided to work on fixing up the cabin as much as I could I

Patched some holes in the wall and added a fence all around it for some extra protection while I was working on the cabin I found a secret back room it was hidden behind a picture hanging on the wall there was so much space back there

I had no idea if I couldn’t find that room without looking super carefully then I was willing to bet No Monsters would be able to find me in there either I decided to make the secret back room my new base and got to work filling it with everything I found so far the

Apples the fish and my tools then I went back to the lake to try and catch some more fish before I started fishing I saw a Block near the trees that looked a little strange I used my pickaxe to break it open and inside was a nasty silverfish I should have been more

Careful I knew they could contaminate blocks in some areas I managed to fight off the silverfish and when I got finished I felt myself getting stronger defeating them made me a better fighter and I knew I could handle the next enemy way better clearly the exercise helped

Because now I had 10 Hearts I was so excited I swam around the lake and I was an even faster swimmer too what an exciting day but I couldn’t lose sight of my goal I had to find JJ on day four to 5 I was walking toward the village to

See if anyone there could help me find JJ on the way I found a bush full of sweet berries I stopped to pick some of the berries when all of a sudden I was surrounded by skeletons again this time time there was no way for me to run away

Why are you doing this what do you want the boss wants us to bring you to him just like your little friend JJ you know where he is of course we kidnapped him in the service of the Fallen King who is that wouldn’t you like to know yes I

Would that’s why I’m asking enough talking you’re coming with us but I was Stronger this time than I was before I’d have to face them and I wasn’t going anywhere without a fight the skeleton started closing in on me but i p pulled out my Axe and started swinging as fast

And as hard as I could I wasn’t sure if I’d make it there were so many of them but I fought hard and used my new found strength and speed to get them tired out and taken down then I grabbed my berries and ran back to my base safe and sound

But I still had so many questions what did they do with JJ where did they want to take me and why and who was the Fallen King and what did he have planned I needed to get a good night’s rest because there was definitely a big fight

Waiting for me in the days to come on day to eight I found a cave in the woods where I could do some mining I was going to need a lot more tools if I was going to find the Fallen King and get JJ back from him wow this cave is amazing look

At all of this stuff I found some Flint coal iron and even some gold I took all the materials back to my base crafted some furnaces and crafted a pickaxe a sword a bow and arrow and a pair of shiny gold boots these will help protect

Me when I go up against those skeletons again it had gotten pretty dark by the time I was finished and I heard some strange noises coming from outside my cabin I looked outside and there were a bunch of gas trying to get inside they were floating by the fence opening their

Mouths and getting ready to shoot Fireballs at me you picked the wrong cabin to mess with if you just turn around and leave we won’t have to have any trouble otherwise I’m going to get my bow and start firing arrows and you won’t like that very much I waited for

Them to leave but they didn’t listen to my warning time to fight some gas then I grabbed my bow and shot the first Arrow before long they were retreating running away from the C like they were scared of me I guess they were with my new equipment I was even tougher than before

With the danger gone for now I hopped into bed to get some well-deserved rest on days 9 and 10 I finally made it into the village I was looking for answers but I was also looking for some more supplies I couldn’t keep eating apples berries and fish I needed all my

Strength if I was going to find JJ and defeat the Fallen King but when I arrived in the village something was wrong all of the shops had their doors closed and locked and no one was walking around outside it was as if they were all hiding in their houses hello anyone

Here but no one answered maybe they were scared of me but why I was just a friendly Turtle looking to buy some food and ask some questions someone opened their door and pushed out one loaf of bread before closing it and locking it again oh that must be for me thank you I

Took the bread and headed back to my base as I made my way through the woods I saw a dark figure standing between the trees he was wearing black armor with purple horns so this is where you’ve been hiding who are you don’t you know

By now after all I am the one who took your friend the Fallen King what have you done with JJ I’ll tell you if you just come with me never I drew my sword ready to battle with him when suddenly a friendly cat jumped out of a tree and

Landed in front of me no don’t do it he’s too strong to take on by yourself but he has JJ he took my friend too I’ll help you but if you try now you’ll lose as I watched the Fallen King sprouted a pair of purple wings and flew away I’ll

Be back then it was just me and the cat what’s your name Kitty Bella nice to meet you Bella on days 11 to 12 I built another bed in the cabin so Bella could have a place to sleep I just knew she and JJ were going to get along great

Once we saved him then the two of us went out to gather supplies for the coming battle with the Fallen King she was really good at catching fish and didn’t even need a rod to do it suddenly she looked up at something look out I turned to see what she was warning me

About and I saw a wither skeleton running toward me with its sword drawn it hit me and I fell to the ground losing Hearts I tried to get up and fight back but it hit me again hard I lost more Hearts luckily the Wither Skeleton didn’t follow us but the damage

Was done and I was getting pretty worried I went back into the mine and looked for anything I could use and I found some more gold perfect I hurried back home to craft a gold sword and went back out looking for the weaer skeleton it was still by the lake when I got

There this time I was able to fight back and knock it down back at the base I I gave Bella my old sword now we’re both ready to fight while I was gone she planted seeds for wheat and apple trees when we finally got JJ back I just knew

He was going to love the amazing base we were making together on days 13 to 15 I was working on the cabin when Bella came and found me there’s something you need to see what is it I found a book I think it’s about the Fallen King take a look

It looked like it was decades old and the pages were almost falling out I picked up the book and started to read long ago there was a greedy King he was an order Ary man but his evil heart made him seem more like a monster all day

Long he would steal from his villagers taking their food their gold and even kidnapping people to take to his castle there he would force them to compete in challenges for their freedom trying to see which one was the strongest the toughest and the smartest when he found

The winner he would defeat them in a challenge one-on-one to show that he was the very best in all the land the people rose up and stormed his castle rebelling against all the pain and strife he had caused but the king had a secret plan in place and just when they thought they

Had defeated him he became something else a shadowy warrior with purple wings and horns he went into hiding but promised to one day return to take back the throne once again when the Fallen King returns only a brave hero led by the power of goodness and friendship

Will be able to stop him but what did any of that have to do with me it’s you you’re the hero no I’m just me I can’t defeat some magical King I just want to get my friend JJ back so we can have fun exploring but forget this I didn’t want

To admit it but I was scared what if I wasn’t strong enough what if I let everyone down JJ Bella and myself on day 16 to 19 I woke up and noticed that Bella was gone and when I looked outside I saw Footprints someone must have come

To the cabin and taken her but it didn’t look like the work of the Fallen King and I could see snow tracked on the ground that hadn’t melted yet I remembered that there was snow further up in the mountains around the forest that must be where Bella is I hiked up

The mountain until the whole world around me was as snowy and icy as it could be it took me two whole days to make it but then I finally saw Bella she was locked in a cage guarded by snow nightmares Bella what happened I managed to escape these guys before I found you

But they must have tracked me down you have to help me please I’ll do my best it’s not just me either look I looked the snow nightmares heard me planning and started closing in on me I drew my gold sword and started to swing at them

They went down one by one and suddenly I noticed myself getting bigger I gained two hearts and I had a total of 12 now I released Bella from her cage and together we fought off the rest of the snow nightmares then we freed the fox

Thank you so much how can I ever repay you what do you know about the Fallen King he has my friend and I have to defeat him I knew now I could do it if I tried I’ve only heard a little bit but I know there is supposed to be a legendary

Potion the only way to defeat him for good so he never comes back again do you know where it is I’m sorry I don’t I don’t even know for sure if it’s real and with that the fox scurried away but we knew more than we did before and

Tomorrow we would start looking for the potion on days 20 to 22 we made it back to the cabin and found it covered in even more gas get out of here you creeps I started firing arrows at them with my bow they scattered before they could do

Any damage to the base and Bella and I went inside tell me more about JJ he sounds pretty special if you’re going to all this trouble for him he’s my best friend we do everything together or we did before the Fallen King Skeleton kidnapped him but he always knows how to

Have fun he’s the best at challenges and he supports me through the good and the bad times maybe we could do something to honor him to remember what you’re fighting for like build a statue that’s a great idea before I went to gather supplies for the Statue I placed torches

All around the perimeter of the base this should keep any more nasty monsters out with that long overdue change taken care of I went to harvest some wood for the great big statue we were going to build of JJ I found some chickens and harvested their feathers back at the

Cabin I cleared cleared a whole bunch of grass and blocks to make space for the Statue then Bella and I got to work building it was so much easier with Bella there to help work always goes by faster when you have a friend lending a

Hand or a paw and hey by the way thank you for watching if you like the video so far that would mean the world to me if you subscribed and turned on notifications that way you’ll be sure to catch my next adventure thanks on days

23 to 26 I was in the cabin when suddenly a skeleton came up to the door he was wearing full armor and carrying a big impressive sword get out of here bone head I attacked him with my own sword and managed to chase him off as he

Ran away I noticed that he dropped something it was a shield a band Shield to be exact I decided to test it out Bella attack me with your axe what just do it I want to try something she ran at me with her Axe and The Shield protected

Me it blocked every single blow wow this thing is amazing just as I Was preparing to test out my new Shield some more I heard someone rustling around outside the door to the cabin if that’s another skeleton but when I looked I saw a cat instead Bella are you here I heard from

The fox that you found a safe place to stay Kiki it’s you this is my friend I told you about how did you get away I managed to sneak out while the King was busy with something else someone named JJ helped distract him that’s my friend

Was he okay he was but he definitely needs help but I’m so tired from running for days can I stay here please of course I let Kiki inside and decided to ask her some more questions tomorrow on days 27 to 31 I asked Kiki what she might happened to know about a legendary

Potion the one that the fox had told us about I don’t know much about it but I do know someone who does a wise old monkey who lives on an island not too far away so we’ll need to find a boat don’t worry I know someone who will let

Us borrow his come with me Kiki and I said goodbye to Bella and left to go get ourselves a boat and travel to see the wise monkey we borrowed a boat from a kind man with a shot by the ocean and set sail toward the island after a

Couple of days at Sea though we suddenly felt something hit the side of the boat shaking it it all over what was that I looked over the side of the boat into the water and saw a huge shark ramming itself into the boat it snapped its

Teeth at me and tried to bite me no way we’ve got places to be I shot an arrow at the shark but I missed it tried to bite the boat but I fired another arrow this time I hit it wounded the shark swam away and out of sight I guess these

Waters are more dangerous than I thought we’ll have to keep an eye out for more trouble somehow I had the feeling we would encounter more danger before we had everything we needed but it was all worth it to find my friend on days 32 to 35 we found a Hut along the beach

Surrounded by palm trees full of coconuts I stopped to pick some coconuts to take back to my base hey those are my coconuts oh I’m so sorry I didn’t know excuse me are you wise Jim who’s asking I’m Kiki and this is my friend we heard you might know something about the

Legendary potion of light I might but how do I know I can trust you we’re preparing to fight the Fallen King he has my friend JJ and we need to rescue him so you’re looking for the potion eh we all turned around and there was the Fallen King hovering over the water with

His wings spread out wide you’ll never find it and you’ll never defeat me get ready for a beating Fallen King we won’t let you get away with this oh really you and what army find me when you’re ready pathetic then the Fallen King Turned and Left leaving us looking on angrily we

Turned to wise Jim the monkey would you like to come back with us to our base it should be safer there yes please let me just pack a bag and he grabbed as many coconuts and bananas as he could carry okay now I’m ready so with plenty of

Snacks for the journey we all boarded the boat together on days 36 to 39 I had arrived back at the base with Kiki and our new friend wise Jim well he enjoyed some bananas and took in the new view Kiki Bella and me all got to work

Building a new area for him to stay in we added a treehouse onto one of the trees just outside the cabin here this is just for you we hope you like it like it I love it once he was all settled I decided to ask him what he knew about

The legendary potion or the potion of light the potion of light yes I’ve heard many stories about it I can’t say for sure where it is hidden but I do know that it is buried in an abandoned Min shaft out in the bad lands but be warned

It is a harsh landscape and there are no friendly creatures that live there the bad lands huh sounds pretty bad need to make sure I prepare before I go before I could leave for the Badlands though Bella and I needed to work on the next part of the JJ statue I couldn’t help

But feel like if I could finish it before I faced off against the Fallen King I would be brave enough to rescue the friend it represented with the power of Friendship on my side no Badland monsters skeletons or even the Fallen King himself could stand in my way from

Days 40 to 43 I headed down into the mines to look for some diamonds I saw Kiki running out of a tunnel screaming what’s going on spiders that tunnel is full of spiders did you happen to see any diamonds in there I did but the spiders were crawling around all over

Them yuck I’m out of here just a couple little spiders I fought gas and skeletons I can handle spiders I took a look into the cave and saw the spiders all over the ground they were pretty big and I didn’t want to get anywhere near

Them so I fired an arrow at the spiders from a distance instead they didn’t like that too much and they swarmed at me one of them bit me and it was poisonous it brought me down to two hearts I had to draw my sword and fight it if I wanted

To survive it was a close call but I managed to defeat the spiders without breaking my sword or losing any more Hearts I scooped up the diamonds and rushed back to my base with them there I used them to craft a diamond axe diamond sword and diamond boots sparkly and

Super strong and durable on days 44 to 49 I journeyed to the Badlands in search of the underground Min shaft where the potion of light was hidden wow look at all of the sand and it’s so hot out I hope I can find the potion fast I’m

Already getting thirsty as I was walking through the sand and looking for some shade to take a quick break in I suddenly locked eyes with an Enderman uh-oh but then I remembered I was much stronger than I had been before and I had all my upgraded gear this was going

To be a snap after just a few hits the Enderman went down I was honestly kind of surprised at how easy it was maybe I could take on the Fallen King after all maybe it wouldn’t even be that hard as I kept walking I saw more Enderman up

Ahead attacking a horse hey leave him alone but the horse didn’t need my help he took down the Enderman all by himself and then galloped over to me H I’m ID I’m Zozo I’m out here looking for a special potion have you heard anything about it I found the M shaft where it

Was hidden but it was gone all that was left was a note saying it had been taken away and hidden somewhere else by the ocean oh I guess I need to head that way then are you trying to fight the Fallen King let me help you hop on my back and

I’ll get you there faster so I jumped onto Ed’s back and we rode off into the sunset set on days 50 to 53 I rode on Ed’s back all the way to the beach after how dry and Dusty the bad lands were it was amazing to breathe in that cool Sea

Air H do you think we could take a break and go swimming Ed the water looks great sounds like a swell idea to me so we hopped into the water and started splashing around it was so much fun and I couldn’t wait to Splash around with JJ

When we finally rescued him but that would have to wait we had company oh no it’s the shark that’s right the shark was back and he looked hungry he was a super scary enemy before but that was before I got my diamond sword take that

Sharky with a few strong hits I was able to turn this shark into Sushi and Ed and I were safe again now it was time to look around maybe the legendary potion of light was around here somewhere that’s when we found a little Cove on the edge of the beach and the friendly

Ocean nymph that lived there I asked her about the note telling us we could find the potion of light on the beach but she told us if the potion was ever here it’s gone now bummer how am I ever going to fight the Fallen King and save my friend

J AJ I think the friendly ocean NM felt bad for me because she gave me a diamond helmet to match my axe sword and Boots I’m even tougher now on days 54 to 57 I decided I needed to beef up the base of security to keep me and my friends safe

From the Fallen King after all he’s attacked us before he could always do it again maybe the base needed a bigger wall made of stone this time if I mine enough Stone to make a big strong wall there’s no way the Fallen king’s forces are going to get in and kidnap us so

That’s exactly what I did when I finished my the stone and building the wall I put torches along the top for extra safety that’s when wise Jim came over hey I’ve been whipping up a new enchantment that’ll help you defeat the Fallen King but I need a favor some

Zombies have been hanging around my favorite banana tree go scare them off that enchantment sounded pretty sweet so I grabbed my bow and arrow and went after the mob of zombies hanging around wise Jim’s favorite banana tree I’ve gotten so strong now these guys are no

Challenge for me I ran in firing Arrow after Arrow until those nasty nasty zombies were running for the hills I know JJ would have been so proud of me when I went back to wise gym he gave my diamond sword an unbreakable enchantment making it stronger and tougher than it

Had ever been I bet the Fallen King is shaking in his boots don’t worry JJ I’m almost strong enough to come and save you on days 58 to 62 things got serious it all started when I was working on my JJ statue I think I was about half done

And it was looking great I needed to make it perfect so when I rescued JJ and all my new friends got to meet him he’d be able to see what a good job I did I was so wrapped up in making the statue perfect I didn’t even notice that some

Of the Fallen King’s scariest goons were on their way a gang of skeletons in full diamond armor with diamond swords this has gone on far enough the Fallen King has sent us to crack your shell destroy your base and leave nothing standing give up or face our wrath but there was

No way I was going to give in I told Bella and Kiki to hold inside the base and make sure nobody got in well wise Jim and I took on the diamond skeletons let’s show these Bon heads who boss but the fight was way harder than we thought

The Fallen King must have sent some of his best men cuz as we fought they just wouldn’t go down thankfully wise Jim and I fought hard hard enough to defeat some of the diamond skeletons and send the rest running we were just about to celebrate when one of the fleeing

Skeletons fired an arrow from the woods and hit wise Jim no I tried to help but it was already too late wise Jim was gone on on day 63 to 66 I chased the diamond skeleton into the deep dark Forest as he ran away he destroyed wise

Jim and I needed to avenge him there was no way I’d let them Escape no matter how spooky the deep forest got get back here you want to fight let’s fight I backed him into a corner and threatened him with my unbreakable diamond sword tell me where can I find the legendary potion

Of light you’ll never get it it’s being guarded by one of the Fallen King’s strongest Warriors at the bottom of the king’s Royal gold mine and besides you’re not leaving this Forest alive that’s when the other surviving Diamond skeletons came out of the woods around

Me oh no this whole thing was a trap they were trying to lure me away from the base this whole time this is for you wise Jim I’ll never forget you that’s when I fought the strongest I ever fought and defeated all of the skeletons except one who was shaking with fear

Thankfully he could still be useful to me tell me where can I find the Fallen King’s Royal gold mine on day 67 to 70 using the last Diamond skeleton’s instructions I made my way to the Fallen King’s Royal gold mine it was huge and horrible villagers that the Fallen King

Had kidnapped were being forced to mine gold for him or they’d be attacked by some of his skeleton Warriors don’t worry guys I’m going to get you out of here who’s the boss around these parts the captured villagers told me to travel further into the mine where I’d meet one

Of the Fallen King’s strongest Warriors Doren the Soul Eater a huge red monster with a scary smile and a fist Made of Stone he was so tough even my diamond sword would have trouble hurting him he was waiting next to a pit filled with lava it isn’t too late to give up Doren

Tell me where to find the potion of light and let all these villagers go and I won’t have to hurt you but Doren wasn’t interested in talking this out I don’t even know if he could talk he just attacked me and managed to take all of

My hits while beating me again and again he was for sure the toughest enemy I’d ever faced it was such a big mistake to come here alone just as dorsen was about to throw me into the lava pit Ed the horse charged in get away from my friend

You monster Ed charged right into Doren and knocked him over into the magma pit Doren got burned and ran off he’d probably think twice about messing with us again thanks for the save Ed on day 71 to 74 Ed and I searched through the mine to find where dorsen may have been

Hiding the legendary potion of light Ed was still grateful for me defeating the shark that attacked us on the beach so he was more than happy to help me rescue JJ from the Fallen King eventually after mining through some Stone we found a secret door that led into doors on the

Soul Leader Lair talk about spooky the place was dark lit only by a few little torches and scary looking weapons on racks over the walls there were even a few villagers locked up in a cage we let them out of course along with all the others but no matter how hard we looked

We couldn’t find the potion of light it didn’t make sense that skeleton told me dorson was hiding it in the Fallen King’s Royal gold mine look I found a note what does it say Ed I don’t know horses can’t read he was right so I took

A look at the note it came directly from the Fallen King it said well well well it looks like you found your way into my mind exactly as I expected you’re an impressive one I can see why JJ talks about you all the time if you care about

Him I suggest you stop looking or both of you are going to get hurt rats looks like the Fallen King was always one step ahead on days 75 to 78 I headed back to the base to build some improvements and think about what I’d learned after wise

Jim died I was worried about Bella and Kiki and I realized that if more of the Fallen King’s Army attacked they needed a safe place to hide I added an iron safe room to the inside of the base with a secure door and torches to ward off

Mobs if someone attacked they could hide in there while I fought off the bad guys I had also taken some gold from the Fallen King’s gold mine and turned it into a chestplate and some leggings that’s when dorson the Soul Leader returned and Bella and Kiki ran off to

Hide in the new safe room it was time for me and dorzon to finish this he was tough even with his lava burns with my new armor I was able to get an edge and defeat him for good doors won’t be eating any more souls and for defeating

Such an evil monster I got upgraded I was bigger stronger faster and my shell was tougher than ever that’s what I’m talking about let’s see the Fallen King take me on now that’s when I noticed that dorzon had dropped a note a note I was never meant to see directly from the

Fallen King it read once you’ve captured Zozo take him to my mountain castle my other operative will meet you there and now he’s going to be meeting me on days 79 to 84 I traveled alone to the following King’s mountain castle where Doren was going to meet another one of

The Fallen King’s goons surely this guy would be able to direct me to the king himself but when I finally arrived at the castle after 2 days of mountain climbing I didn’t find any monsters waiting for me I turned to see a viking named Bjorn walking up behind me

Carrying a diamond axe hello my friend I see you two are seeking the Fallen King he kidnapped one of my friends too maybe we can work together that’s a great idea let’s do it you can help me free my friend JJ and I can help for yours wait

How did you find out about this mountain castle Bjorn ah good question that’s when Bjorn suddenly attacked me with his diamond axe thankfully with my upgraded shell and full set of armor he couldn’t do too much damage I pulled out my diamond sword and hit him until he gave

Up and dropped his weapon Bjorn was the Fallen King’s other goon all along okay Bjorn if that is your real name tell me where I can find the Fallen King it is my real name and the Fallen King’s true base is in the dread Palace in the

Volcanic magma Fields but that’s one of the most dangerous places on the map how could anyone live there the Fallen King is undefeatable he can live anywhere he likes and if you think you can just welt in there and defeat him then you’ve got

A Death Wish kid on days 85 to 89 I made my way back to my base feeling more doubtful than ever sure I had a cool sword and a tough shell but what’s that worth compared to the Fallen King and his army of evil what if there was no

Way for me to save JJ and he just ended up being forced to m gold for an evil King in a Palace full of lava I felt so down about all this that I decided to just go to bed that’s when Bella came and woke me up she had some words of

Encouragement for me don’t you remember the story you’re the hero who’s destined to defeat the Fallen King maybe the story is wrong Bella he’s so much more powerful than I thought even some of his foot soldiers were able to beat wise Jim how can I beat him that’s when Bella had

A genius idea maybe you can use your natural skills against him you’re a turtle you have a tough shell maybe you don’t don’t need armor but why would I fight without armor isn’t it obvious the Fallen King wears a huge set of heavy armor it’s tough but it slows him down

If you go in there without your armor you’ll still be tough because of your shell but you’ll be able to run circles around the Fallen King maybe that’s the edge you need it was a wild idea so wild it just might work on days 90 to 94 I

Prepared for the final battle against the Fallen King and to rescue JJ I removed my armor just like Bella said I was so much faster I bet the Fallen King could never be this fast I bet I can leave that meanie in the dust but if I’m

Relying on my natural defenses I’m going to need to make sure I’ve got one heck of an attack I needed to gather the material to upgrade my diamond sword and my bow enough that even the Fallen King and his strongest minions won’t stand a chance first the sword using some of the

Knowledge from the books wise Jim kept in his Treehouse I gave my unbreakable sword three more enchantments sharpness which increases damage knockback which knocks my enemy back when I hit them and finally fire aspect which sets my enemies on fire when I hit them directly I can’t wait to show JJ this awesome

Sword when I rescue him next I upgraded my bow just like my sword I gave it extra power which makes it do even more damage then I gave it knockback so I could stun my enemies and knock them off their feet and of course flame so my

Arrows will set my enemies on fire just like my sword H the Fallen King isn’t going to know what hit him hang in there JJ I’m going to defeat the king save you and set everybody free believe it on days 95 to 97 I started to get nervous

Sure I was a lot stronger and faster and had way more powerful weapons than I used to but every time I’d faced the Fallen King before he was so scary I needed to run away rather than defeat him what if he’s got even more tricks up

His sleeve no no I can’t think like this I can’t let him get into my head this is just what he wants to try and calm my nerves I decided to finally finish my JJ statue even if I was too weak to take down the Fallen King and save my friend

From his clutches I’d have this statue to remember him by but when I actually finished the statue everything changed I realized it’ been the first time in almost a 100 days that I’d seen JJ but this wasn’t JJ it was just a statue he couldn’t talk to me play games with me

Do fun Minecraft challenges with me it couldn’t do anything that JJ could do with me it could just sit there and remind me that he’s gone that’s it I can’t afford to be a coward even if I’m afraid even if I’m in danger it’s worth

The risk to get JJ back I know I’m strong enough to do this it’s time to take the Fallen King down and when JJ is here again he’s going to see this awesome statue that I made for him there’s just one more thing that I need

To do first on day 98 I spoke to my friends at the base Bella Kiki and Ed the horse I told them that I was going to go to The Dread Palace take on the Fallen King and get JJ back I want to come too yeah let me tag along let’s

Take down this evil guy no Kiki Ed you’ve put yourself into too much danger already you two hang back and stay in the safe room we’ve known each other the longest we started this so we’ll finish this nobody can disagree with that the two of us took the time to discuss a

Battle Plan before we set off after all the Fallen King had always been one step ahead so we needed to make sure that we would be two steps ahead if we wanted to beat him and with that we were ready to set off anything else you want to say

Seeing as this might be the last time we see each other if this goes badly and the Fallen King captures us good luck and make sure to subscribe to Zozo zo zo we’ve got even more crazy wild and exciting Adventures to come where our hero fights diabolical villains makes

Awesome bases and weapons and meets more interesting friends like us all of us agreed and with that Bella and I set off for the dread Palace on day 99 The Assault on the dread Palace finally began just as we expected the Fallen King had the place heavily guarded a

Bunch of diamond armored skeleton warriors were assembled outside the front gate but it’s okay we planed for this good luck Bella I believe in you the first stage in the plan was simple Bella would go in First with her cat Speed and Agility and distract the first

Wave of guards with the skeleton army drawn away from the front gate it was time for me to storm in and take charge but of course it wasn’t that easy in the opening hallway of the dread Palace the Fallen King had built in trap doors that dropped down into pits full of molten

Lava yikes thankfully I was able to dodge the trap doors and keep going but it wasn’t over yet not by a long shot once I made it past the first few hallways the Fallen King deployed another one of his deadly minions the Beth a huge extremely powerful monster I

Needed to be careful even a couple hits from a monster like that would destroy me but because I was only wearing my natural armor just like Bella and I had planned I could run circles around him I hit him several times with my fully upgraded sword setting him on fire and

Knocking him down for good is that the best you got Fallen King maybe I underestimated you hey over here I recognized that voice it was JJ I’d finally found him no time to waste I ran over to the cell the Fallen King was keeping my best friend in and said him

Free I was so excited to be hanging out with him again but we weren’t done yet I told him to head back to our base I have some unfinished business to take care of on day 100 with JJ saved I needed to make sure he and everyone else was never

Captured again I needed to fight and defeat the Fallen King once and for all I ran deeper into the dread Palace sword and bow ready to take on anything I saw first more Diamond armored skeletons which I was able to take out with a quick volley of arrows Bam Bam Bam they

Ran away screaming and on fire then a bouth and Soul Leader tag team emerged from the dark as I got even closer to the throne room these guys would have seemed tough a while back but after what I’d been through nothing could stop me I pulled out my enchanted diamond sword

And went to work sending them burning and running just like the skeletons I felt Unstoppable until I reached the throne room there stood the Fallen King and it looked like this whole time he was waiting for me at long last you’re here you’ve been a thorn in my side for

Too long now I’m going to destroy you personally are you ready to see true power rather than replying I shot the Fallen King with a bunch of superpowered arrows but all that seemed to do was make him laugh but that’s when he got really scary the Fallen King Unleashed

His true form growing larger and more powerful than he’d ever been before I couldn’t fight him like this I needed to run I kept running down the hallway as this giant terrifying version of the Fallen King left the throne room and chased me you can’t run forever you’re

Mine now I ducked into the Fallen King’s supply room closed the door and began building a brick wall in front of it but that wouldn’t hold him for long he was already starting to smash his way through it think think but that’s when I saw it sitting on the shelf the

Legendary potion of light wasting no time I grabbed and took the potion ocean that’s when everything changed I grew to the same size as the Fallen King my hearts and armor literally doubled I was faster stronger and even had the power of light on my side to go against the

Fallen King’s darkness when he breached the wall the battle was on I attacked him relentlessly dodging his attacks and striking back at him just like Bella said even in his upgraded State his heavy armor slowed him down he couldn’t stop me from getting him curse you curse

You I struck him one more time with my burning Sword and the fire consumed him the Fallen King was no more and everyone he’ captured was free when I finally returned to the base I saw that JJ and Bella had returned safely and we hanging

Out with Ed and Kiki next to the Statue I made hey is that supposed to be me

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an AVATAR in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Blue Minecraft Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-12 02:15:02. It has garnered 6927 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:26 or 12446 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a NA’VI AVATAR in Hardcore Minecraft!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as an AVATAR https://youtu.be/XuF4DYnQWtI 0:29:57 100 DAYS as an ICE SPIDER https://youtu.be/uHG8tigr42U 1:06:08 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL LAND SHARK https://youtu.be/v82S7jfo8tQ 1:40:27 100 DAYS as a ZOMBIE WARDEN https://youtu.be/s8r9MjJdY2Q 2:16:43 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON https://youtu.be/ARaT7Z1bg4o 2:52:55 100 DAYS but every Mob is the WARDEN https://youtu.be/SJY1Y3zj6uA

#minecraft #100days #avatar Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • Insane Minecraft 2b2t Anarchy Server Update + Rickey Dukes Fishing Shack

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  • INSANE base expansion in Minecraft Hardcore SMP!

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  • MC HacKsMan: Mobs Talk?! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Survival SMP LIVE with Subs! ROAD TO 18K

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  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft Survival! Day 4 LIVE

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  • Reyvadin Towny – SEMI-VANILLA, NEW, Public, Java

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  • Minecraft server hirayasmp.com

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  • Minecraft Memes – MinecraftMeme16 – Stop Stealing Challenge FAIL!

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  • Insane Minecraft Bedwars Movie! Ep1

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  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

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  • POV: Toxic Friend from Baby to Boomer #minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Emerald Golem in Minecraft!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

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  • Stella Kosmistr vs. The Boiled One: Cornered by Bullies

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  • Minecraft Mobs in Real Life!!

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  • CraftedCroix invites YOU to his CRAZY Minecraft SMP!

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  • “Brijesh Hacker: Insane TikTok Crafting Tricks!” #ytshorts

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  • Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshorts

    Aytron DESTROYS Normal Player in Minecraft Battle! #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Player VS Youtuber! #ytshort #shorts #short #ytshorts #viral #foryou #fyp #minecraft #mc #fyp’, was uploaded by Aytron on 2024-02-24 10:13:25. It has garnered 11425 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Donate Page: https://streamelements.com//tip Read More

  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

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