1000 DAYS as PIKACHU in Minecraft! Hardcore Legendary Compilation

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On day one I spawned into the alien Fields as Pikachu the world’s most iconic Pokémon Pikachu Pikachu pH sorry allergies at least I’m starting off with 10 Hearts that’s pretty cool I wonder if I have any powers suddenly I activated my lightning attack and Zapped a nearby

Tree what a cool starting power I have electricity Powers just like the real Pikachu this is going to be so much fun but how come I’m the only Pikachu here are there any others but instead of other Pikachu I saw a big scary Enderman wandering towards me wa a real Pikachu I

Thought Broden was just bln but he really did manage to condra us a Pikachu how exciting Roden what are you talking about I’m Zozo I just got here what he can talk gross that’s weird Broden isn’t going to be happy with the defect of Pikachu I better destroy you I have no

Idea what’s going on here but I’m going to get out as quickly as I can so I did turning and running away from the Enderman before he or his mysterious buddy Broden could destroy me already right this doesn’t seem like a nice place for a Pikachu to be I took a

Second to rest when a skeleton came shambling towards me not today bony with a zap of my lightning powers the skeleton was gone I found somewhere that seemed relatively calm and decided to lay down to rest I know I’m not meant to be here but I need to figure out why

Before I can escape on day two I woke up and decided that I couldn’t afford to just sit around and mope about being trapped in this weird world I need to figure out a solution to my predicament but first I need to get myself some

Tools with a lot of effort I broke down a tree until I could make enough planks and sticks to make a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe from there I mined into the ground and collected enough Stone to craft myself a stone pickaxe and a stone

Sword okay I can’t deny that a little Pikachu holding a big stone sword looks really funny I don’t think I’m going to be able to intimidate anyone like this still with my new tools I decided to search around until I found an iron golem standing at a campfire chilling he

Saw me but he didn’t try to chase or attack me that was a good sign excuse me Mr Iron Golem could you explain what’s going on around here sure but first answer this question for me am I dreaming right now uh I don’t think so so I’m actually seeing a talking Pikachu

Right now huh this has got to be the work of Broden The Conjurer Broden that weird Ender told me about him what’s his deal he’s kind of a weird dude he’s a really powerful conjurer but he’s super greedy and possessive he just uses powers to summon stuff for himself and

If he’s not happy with it here is goons destroy it yikes then I guess I got to stop him before he has a chance to destroy me right on little dude I noticed I was hungry and the Iron Golem gave me some nice apples to save my

Hunger it was relieving to know that there were still good people out here on day three after leaving the Spacey Iron Golem with his campfire I went off searching for somewhere to live in the alien Fields I should probably start building my base but man that’s going to

Be so much work especially for a teeny little Pikachu like me but that’s when I had a stroke of good luck I found a broken down Hut in a clearing wait maybe I can clean this place up rather than making a whole base from scratch that’ll

Be perfect for me I started cleaning up the mess and rebuilding the broken parts of the base it felt like some bizarre a Pokémon home Renault show but by the time I was done things were coming along really well I could see myself staying here but suddenly I was interrupted by a

Vicious killer Rabbit running towards me a creature that weird must have been created by that weird Broden guy just like me I zapped the nasty killer rabbit with my lightning powers then finished it off with my new stone sword what’s down duck it’s you you’re down cuz I

Defeated you I really need to work on my woody Clips defeating the rabbit also gave me enough XP to level up I evolved into a bigger stronger Pikachu with 20 Hearts awesome I really am a Pikachu and I’m feeling stronger already with that Victory under my belt I spent the rest

Of my day watching my favorite show what an eventful day from day four to day five I ventured back into the depths of the alien fields to collect more materials for expanding my base electricity based attacks may be what I’m known for but it turns out I’m a master Carpenter who knew while

Collecting more Stone and chopping down more wood I heard a wrestling and stopped I turned and saw the same long linky Enderman who’ hassled me when I first spawned oh no not you again oh yeah it’s me bet you never thought you’d see me again I just hoped I’d never see

You again why do you work for this broen guy anyway what does he actually want he wants everything and he can get it too cuz he’s a conjurer get it he conjures stuff and he also conjures things for his friends like me then why does he

Want to destroy me if he can just make himself another Pikachu can’t he just let let me go he’s a perfectionist if Broden can’t have exactly what he wants he’ll destroy everything that’s why I need to destroy you now the time for talk was over I fired a lightning strike

At the Enderman and he fought back it was a tense battle but this time I wasn’t running I defeated the Enderman and headed back to my base this broen guy sounds like no fun at all from day six to day 8 I entered a cave feeling confident enough to venture Into the

Depths and get myself some cool new material after all with a cool stone pickaxe I can finally mine iron ore this wasn’t just some shallow cave though it kept going and going and going I had a feeling that I could get lost down here if I wasn’t careful it’s so Eerie to be

Alone here but sadly I wasn’t alone there was a big scary wither waiting for me and it blasted some wither skulls at me I took a few hits then returned fire attacking relentlessly until the Wither was no more I definitely didn’t want to run into another one of those instead I

Went just a little deeper into the cave there I found some iron ore and quickly mined a bunch of it I took it back to my base and smelted it and created myself a brand new iron sword and iron pickaxe this Plucky Pikachu is armed and

Dangerous from day 9 to day 10 I decided it was time for a change of scenery so I traveled out to the Badlands which were hot and dry compared to the alien Fields still what a view however I wasn’t able to take in the view for long as I was

Approaching by a mysterious figure an illager from far away lands as I approached I felt a strange energy coming off of him like he was oddly familiar hi there I’m Zozo do I know you from somewhere I’m getting the weirdest sense of deja vu right now you’ve

Probably heard of me and the great Broden impressario part-time psychic noted Indie singer songwriter and coner extraordinaire Oh no you’re broen oh yes I’m Broden and you belong to me time to go little Pikachu you can never send an Enderman to do a condor’s job I tried to

Zap him with my lightning but it didn’t seem to affect him and with one hit from him I was already on the ropes all I could do was run off into the Badlands as fast as I could until I didn’t see Broden The Conjurer anywhere behind me

It was the most stressful day yet I’m going to need to become a lot stronger before I’m ready to fight this guy after a day of aimless w wondering I ended up running into another weird creature an iron chicken and we seem to have something in common broen The Conjurer

Created me too he thought the idea of an iron chicken was funny but then after a week he got bored of me and tried to destroy me I was lucky to escape with my life this guy is a monster say want to come back to my base with me those weird

Conjured creatures ought to stick together if we want to survive and as we get stronger we can work towards defeating him together sounds good to me Zozo let’s go from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with the iron chicken he needed somewhere to stay so I

Took the time to build him a new room thankfully with him being a little iron chicken it didn’t need to be a very big room when I was finished he was eager to get some shy in there thanks Zozo this is so much nicer than just wandering

Around the Badlands but while the iron chicken slept I realized I still had a major headache from where bro and the conjur hit me I’m too small for regular armor but I should probably at least create a helmet to protect my head I ventured back into the same mining cave

From before and descended in it was just as dark and scary as before but thankfully this time there was no wither to bother me I mined some iron ore to take back to my base and smelt but on the way back I was attacked by an angry

Pigus none of my attacks were powerful enough to hurt him so I was forced to retreat further back into the cave I needed a way to defeat him but I was scared of getting too close and being defeated myself that’s when I found just what I needed laying around in the cave

A bow and some arrows perfect I went back and used the bow to defeat the pigus at a safe distance before running back out of the cave with my hard-earned iron ore I returned to my base and smelted the iron and used it to craft an iron helmet this should come in handy

The next time I take a knock to the nogin from day 13 to day 15 I spoke more to the iron chicken about his experiences with Broden The Conjurer knowledge is power and the more I knew about him the more chance I’d have of finding a weakness so iron chicken what

Was it like when he spawned you well just like you I spawned in out of nowhere and Broden was waiting for me at first he seemed so nice and kind and happy to see me he was a little cooky but honestly I liked him but little by

Little over time I could tell something was off and one day he attacked me and tried to destroy me just because he was bored of me he’s incredibly powerful so if I hadn’t moved quickly like I did I would have been doomed he’s kind when he wants you and unimaginably cruel when he

Doesn’t I can only imagine some of the scary things he’s conjured over the years after hearing the iron chicken story I felt to chill go down my Pokémon spine if he was really that powerful how could I have any real chance of defeating him especially at my current

Strength level I’m kind of beginning to wish I hadn’t asked now from day 16 to day 19 I woke up to some shocking news the iron chicken had gone missing oh no I need to find and save him I wonder where he could be strangely there was a

Terrible smell lingering maybe the iron chicken had been kidnapped by some kind of really stinky as salent I followed the smell as it got stronger and stronger a day later I arrived in the bamboo jungle where the smell was particularly strong I’m so lucky that this mysterious kidnapper never showers

From there it didn’t take me very long to hunt down the stinky kidnapper it was a huge scary vile ogre you’re the one who kidnapped my friend how dare you oh get over it kidnapping your fool foolish Metal Chicken friend is the best way to eat leverage with broen The Conjurer if

I return his chicken to him maybe he’ll give me whatever I want I’m never going to let that happen I fought hard against the stinky vial ogre using my powers and my iron sword to defeat him soon enough only I remained this gave me enough XP to level up and evolve again getting

Bigger tougher going up to 30 Hearts every day I get a little bigger and tougher then the iron chicken ran out from behind the bamboo Zozo that was amazing I was watching you from behind the bamboo thanks for saving me from that stinky weirdo no problem icy head

Back to the base we’ll talk again later I’m going to keep exploring the bamboo jungle the iron chicken left and I continued looking around it was a nice calming Place bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants that’s something to Aspire to over the course of the

Journey I ran into a pair of aggressive skeletons without any hesitation I used my lightning to take out the two bony fiends and shortly after those two were gone a genie floated out towards me good work defeating those skeletons Zoo they were really spoiling The View wait how

Do you know my name I know many things I also know of your quest to defeat Broden The Conjurer I may have some information that will help you along the way if you’ll hear me out little Pokémon of course please tell me more a special food item one that will give you the

Power you need to surpass The Conjurer the Dynamax candy Dynamax candy but where can I find it I’m afraid I’ve said too much already good luck Zozo may we meet again someday and with that the genie left and I was left alone again I need to find that Dynamax candy somehow

From day 20 to day 22 I return to my base to find some skeleton waiting for me they must have been angry at me for taking out their skeleton buddies back in the bamboo jungles the skeletons attacked but now I was strong enough to pretty easily defeat them all I returned

To my room to relax iron chicken came in to talk to me you wanted to see me Zozo yeah I’ve had an idea for a statue something we can build to help Inspire us I know just the thing iron chicken was so eager to get started then he went

Off to begin while I was still resting by the time I left my room to take a look he’ already made some amazing progress this looks incredible iron chicken thank you Zozo I just thought you had such a great idea I felt completely inspired take a load off now

I’ll add a little myself after the iron chicken left to rest I added a little extra to the Statue before calling it a day still iron chicken and I had made some pretty amazing progress can you tell what it’s going to be yet let me know down in the comments and if you

Want more Zozo Adventures sub and hit that Bell to never miss another one from day 23 to Day 26 a wild Enderman approached me as I was taking taking in the scenery of my base Pikachu I’ll get you I’ve got plenty of Thunders shcks so come and get it the Enderman attacked

And I was able to fight back effectively by using my electrical attacks after I destroyed the Enderman with a lightning strike it dropped a whole bunch of shark tooth arrows way cool I always thought I’d have to be a surfing Pikachu to get a hold of this many shark teeth

Afterwards I headed out through the Badlands to give the shark tooth arrows a shot the next Enderman I find will be no match for a Pikachu with arrows I was shooting some weak skeletons to test the weapon when I came across a Wandering Trader carrying an inventory full of

Goods good afternoon wandering Trader actually my name is woly I am in fact a Wandering Trader I’ve been wandering through these dangerous bad lands and looking for a nice safe base to Pedal my Wares do you know anywhere like that I do I happen to be the owner of a prime

Secret base located in the alien fields that sounds promising as long as it’s safe you won’t be disappointed I’m Zozo by the way I’m I brought Wall-E to the base and built a small storefront where he could sell his items I wanted to make extra special sure that it was as safe

As he wanted it to be it turns out that Wall-E had the same idea by the time I was done constructing his store the wandering Trader had built a perimeter wall around the entire base it’s a safe than sorry you know you got that right

From day 27 to day 31 I talked a bit more with Wally the wandering Trader I figured someone as well traveled as him would probably know many things about the world that my Pikachu self wouldn’t ask me anything you Zozo information is free of charge have you ever heard of a

Special food item called the Dynamax candy the Dynamax candy I’ve certainly heard stories about it they say that whoever eats it gains the ability to grow into a gigantic version of themselves with unbelievable power that sounds like exactly what I would need to turn the tables on Boden The Conjurer

Can you tell me where I can find it I don’t know exactly where it is but there is a pixie in the bamboo jungle to the east who I heard the stories of the Dynamax candy from if you can find her maybe she knows more a bamboo jungle huh

I’ve been there before I gathered all my best gear and went back towards the bamboo jungle just like Wally the wandering Traer suggested it was a far Journey for a Pikachu but I was a little bigger and stronger than I was at the start of my Pokémon Journey but just

Because I was a higher level didn’t mean the challenges wouldn’t get tougher as well The Vindicator standing in my way was proof of that not so fast there Pikachu you may be one of the world’s most famous mask but you’re not getting past me I guess you’re not a poke fan oh

Well if you’re going to fight me then I’m going to win Thunderbolt I used my lightning strike to make a first impression then hit the Vindicator several times with my iron sword he tried to fight back but my attacks were much faster ouch why does Pikachu always get what Pikachu wants The Vindicator

Ran away to fight another day I wondered if will end up Crossing path again from day 32 to day 35 I continued my journey through the bamboo jungle until I was able to meet up with the pixie that Wally the wandering trador had mentioned hey there I heard you might know about

The Dynamax candy oh wow you’re a Pikachu I’m a huge fan I never thought I’d meet you in person or well in pixie thank you that’s very nice but I was hoping you could tell me about the Dynamax candy yeah I know all about it can I have your autograph first I feel

Like this conversation is going in circles while I was trying to get more specifics out of the pixie we were interrupted by the sudden appearance of Broden The Conjurer that’s me Pikachu go make your own besides it’s a defective Pikachu anyway I’m here to destroy it so

I can make a better one both of us ran for cover to hide from him once I was hidden I noticed that the pixie was also in my hiding spot it’s too dangerous you should get away from here while I distract him no way he just said he

Wanted to destroy you that’s a really rude thing to can do to anyone especially a Pikachu I’ll be fine I’ve gotten away from him before you should go to my base we’ll talk about the Dynamax candy there I get to go to Pikachu’s base woohoo if you make it

Back there I’ll tell you everything I know about the Dynamax candy pixie flew away leaving the area of the battle without having to worry about her safety I could Escape bro and The Conjurer on my own come out Zozo I’m going to destroy you you’ll have to catch me

First I fired a few lightning strikes at him to confuse him and ran for another hiding spot Roden began to follow me so I used a lightning strike on a different block of bamboo jungle to confuse him where are you hiding once he didn’t know about my hiding spot I used my Pikachu

Speed to flee from Battle from Day 36 to day 39 I was back at my Base building a small nest for my new pixie friend to live thanks for letting me stay at your base as promised I’ll tell you everything about the Dynamax candy I’ve been looking forward to hearing you say

That the Dynamax C handy has been hidden for a very long time because its power could be devastating in the wrong hand but the old spellcaster who hid it away wrote down its true location in his book of secrets that way if it ever needed to

Be used to defeat a great evil there would be a way to retrieve it that’s exactly what I need it for where did this old spellcaster used to live in the Blue Giant Tiger his book of secrets should still be there but be warned no

One who has gone to the Blue Giant Tiger has ever returned I’m not just anyone I’m a Pikachu this should be no problem for me by the way I saw you were working on a statue and I made some additions to it I went and looked at the Statue to

See what they had added and was very impressed by what I saw that’s some excellent building there pixie I wanted to do what I could to make this the best Pikachu Base Ever from day 40 to day 43 I went to visit the storefront of Wally the wandering Trader that I built into

My base what’s happening Wall-E Zozo good to see you I’ve actually heard of an intriguing r rumor about a nearby cave it is said to contain a small fortune in diamonds wa diamonds having some of those would go a long way towards better gear I better go check

This out yes but be careful it is said that the Hydra has made its lair in the cave and is eating everyone who tries to take the diamonds I went to the cave that Wally the wandering traitor had mentioned and just like he said there were plenty of diamonds right for mining

Didn’t he also say there was a I heard the many heads of a Hydra Roar as the monster showed itself a Hydra that’s what Wally warned me about at first I tried using my sword but then I remembered that hydras can easily regenerate their heads so I dodged back

And tried my lightning strike it was a tough fight and I had to keep avoiding the hydra’s attacks but I took the Beast down and was able to claim the treasure inside the cave I mined the diamonds and decided to give both my sword and pickax

A long awaited upgrade now I had a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe from day 44 to day 49 I arrived in the Blue Giant Tiger the dangerous biome from which nobody was said to return there’s a first time for everything though I journeyed through the terrain until I

Encountered a dread scuttler my speed was much higher so I kept my distance and pelted it with shark tooth arrows once the dread scuttler was weak enough I used a lightning strike to finish it off the mobs here are definitely tough I’d better stay on guard oh skeletons no

Have mercy the voice was coming from a fiery hippogriff who is being chased by a band of evil looking skeletons I decided that I should help him out back off you nasty skeletons I’m a Pikachu with a diamond sword and I’m not afraid to use it it was no easy feat to defeat

Them all but when I managed to win the fiery hippogriff was really impressed with my strength in battle wow I’ve never seen a Pikachu fight like that I’ve actually never seen a Pikachu either I’m Zozo I was actually conjured here by the evil Broden and I’m looking

For a book of secrets here in the blue giant Tiga oh I’ve heard of that I was actually actually the old spellcasters prized fiery hippogriff we were as close as a traitor and a Pokémon oh that’s awesome can you take me to the book sadly it’s been a long time since the

Old spellcaster was alive and I’ve been chased around by the Tundra’s monsters ever since I bet we can get closer to the book if we retrace by steps though from day 50 to day 53 I followed the fiery hippogryph as he led me deeper into the blue giant Tiga in the hopes

That we could find any of his old Master’s belongings that could lead us to the book hey Zoo if this goes well do you do you think you could introduce be to Charizard I’ve always wanted to meet him I actually don’t know any other Pokémon even though I’m a Pikachu but

Let’s not worry about that now I’m sure Charizard would be proud to know you oh shucks I sure hope so a little later the fiery hippogriff and I split up to cover more ground and I ran into The Vindicator who gave me some trouble at the bamboo forest how many times do I

Need to teach you a lesson Vindicator there won’t be a lesson I’ll be Vindicated in the end because I am a Vindicator the only thing you are is going down we battled and I easily took him out using my diamond sword I decided to continue searching the area of the

Blue Giant Tiger I was in with so much ground to cover it felt like I was getting nowhere if only the old spellcaster was here himself to tell me how to find his old stuff actually I am a ghost yes I may be a ghost but before

That how was the old spellcaster who hid the Dynamax candy but you could just tell me directly where the Dynamax candy is hidden away oh yeah well the truth is I kind of forgot where it was guess I’ll have to keep looking for your book then

I guess so but know this young Pikachu strength does not come from your size it comes from the size of your strength from day 5 4 to day 57 I returned to my base and found that all my friends had been expanding it with new sections

Since I was away Wall-E had created a market place so that other Merchants could sell things here in the future excellent Market Wall-E you might start bringing in some trainers as customers thanks Zozo consider yourself the company mascot never heard that one before next I visited the pixie who had

Built a Pikachu fan club where all of my biggest fans can hang out and I’m the club president afterwards the iron chicken approached me with some not so good news a dread ghoul came by and did some damage to the base before we made our expansions and he ran off with the

Diamond helmet that I crafted for you I went out into the alien fields to hunt down that dread ghoul and reclaim the diamond helmet that was stolen from my base it wasn’t that long until I found the mob and with my lightning strikes I was able to destroy it without getting

Too close when it went down it dropped iron chickens Diamond Helmet it was a gift for me after all I’m sure he’ll let me keep it from day 58 to day 62 I was woken up from a nap by Iron chicken who wanted to show me how the construction

On the statue was progressing since we’re not conjurers everything we make takes hard work and hard work pays off the statue is looking fantastic so far I walked around the statue to get a closer look and noticed to my shock that an Enderman was standing right there what

Are you doing here what else I’m here to bring down this Pikachu base for our boss bro in The Conjurer and I’m going to destroy you too just try Enderman I zapped the Enderman with my lightning strikes frying him up like a toasty Puffin who is next I heard the other

Enderman wreaking havoc across the alien Fields so I quickly rushed out of my base to deal with the Enderman Menace I defeated all the Enderman that had been attacking around the base very quickly by using my lightning strikes and quickly searched inside the base to see if everyone of my friends were still

Alive unfortunately the Enderman had done their worst and I saw Wall-E destroyed by an Enderman the Enderman ran away and I vowed Revenge from day 63 to day 66 I went back to the Blue Giant Tiger in order to find the Book of Secrets the sooner I can eat that

Dynamax candy the sooner I can defeat Broden and save everyone from his cruelty after a lot more searching I found the book pinned to a tree I picked the book up and read what was inside the Dynamax candy must be kept out of the clutches of evil because it could Grant

Any being that eats it the ability to grow gigantic therefore I am leaving it in The Trusted care of my spellcasting Apprentice Broden The Conjurer no the Dynamax candy is with Broden that’s the worst place it could be an Enderman ran up behind me ready to fight somehow I

Knew it was the same one that had destroyed Wally the wandering traitor I got ready for a fight so you found the book too bad it won’t do you any good I learned plenty Enderman and I’m not scared of you or your boss how adorable now suffer like your friend did the

Enderman attacked me with his long arms so I countered with my diamond sword I knew agility would be the key to winning this fight so I circled around him and landed hit after hit this is for Wall-E now that I had gotten Revenge it was

Time to pay the spot I was conjured into a visit from day 67 to Day 70 I went to the alien fields and found the enemy base in the form of a magical bansen it was guarded by an Enderman so I just knew that it had to be where Broden had

Been entrusted to guard the Dynamax candy there was no sign of The Conjurer himself so I snuck in and began to search through the entire base because I was quick and Nimble I easily avoided all of the Enderman guards until I ran into a mutant Enderman who spotted me

Immediately you can’t hide from me you defective Pikachu I’m going to do what the others couldn’t and destroy you once and for all the mutant Ender’s attack were much stronger than the ordinary kind if I didn’t have my diamond helmet I would have already been down for the

Count I was losing Hearts fast and my electric attacks were barely doing anything to him this is what my shark tooth arrows are for I switched my bow and hit the mutant Enderman with a bunch of arrows then I attacked with my diamond sword now I see why Broden has

Been having so much trouble with you don’t take me lightly just because I’m a Pikachu I began to use my lightning strikes again and this time they seem to be having an effect I didn’t let up on my sword either and made sure this mutant Enderman felt the sting of every

One of my attacks you may have beaten me this time but I’ll end you next time the mutant Enderman retreated I guess just because he was bigger and more mutated than the others didn’t mean he was anything to be scared of from day 71 to day 74 I

Proceeded to the treasure room of the enemy base now that the mutant Enderman was out of my way I expected that the Dynamax candy would be there but it wasn’t there of course Broden must have given up on his responsibilities a long time ago the old spellcaster trusted him

And he turned totally evil not cool at all meanwhile somewhere else in the base Broden was laughing about the fact that I couldn’t find the Dynamax candy that foolish Pikachu thought I’d keep the Dynamax candy I threw that thing out years ago who needs to guard the item

That can defeat evil when you are evil from day 75 to day 78 I made a swift return to my base and found that the pixie and the iron chicken had done some more work on the base pixie had refurbished the shop where Wally the wandering Trader had once sold his items

And had made it into a Pokémon themed gift store isn’t this great now everybody who comes to visit the base will be able to have their own Pikachu merchandise that’s a really good idea Wally would have wanted us to keep using his store iron chickens Improvement was another form of Defense he reinforced

The walls of the base to make them even more fortified no Enderman is going to get through this Zozo actually I think there is one who could get through I better make sure he doesn’t try anything funny it turns out I was right to suspect that mutant Enderman would try

To break through our walls we have unfinished business and I intend to finish that business not if I finish it first I let loose a barrage of shark tooth arrows on the mutant Enderman which did a lot of damage you should have run while you had the chance

Pikachu I used my lightning attack to weaken the mutant Enderman then used my sword to deliver the final strike I did it my victory in the battle made me into an even higher level Pikachu with greater electrical power and speed I could now perform a Mega Jump move that

Would get me free of any enemy’s range of attack and I’ve got 50 Hearts now too I also noticed that the mutant Enderman dropped a hint when he was defeated a page that was ripped out of the Book of Secrets the only place to dispose of the

Dynamax candy is in the fires of the Badlands from day 79 to day 84 I went to the Badlands to follow the hint from the torn page is this place was where I first encountered broen The Conjurer maybe the reason why he was here was to

Throw away the Dynamax candy so it could never be used against him I didn’t see anything that looked like the Dynamax candy but I did notice a siren who was also scouting the area hey are you looking for the Dynamax candy too so you figured me out I heard something about

Broden throwing away a powerful weapon here and I want to grab it so I can get revenge on him don’t tell me you’re another conjur being like me you got that right Broden wanted to have me to himself until he didn’t I’m sure you must have know the same pain eh Pikachu

I do maybe if we team up we can take him down together sorry but there’s only one candy and I’ve got a sweet tooth the siren fired laser beams at me and I knew that I had to fight back I Mega jumped up and used a lightting strikes to

Weaken the foe before attacking with my diamond sword and winning I didn’t want to defeat you siren you and I were the same no we’re not you’re stronger and because of that I’m going to tell you that Broden probably took the Dynamax candy back to its rightful place why

Would he do that after he tried to destroy it at first I didn’t know I was just as confused as you were when I couldn’t find it here back then I saw how strong you were you were the only thing broen had conjured that might actually threaten him so I’m sure he got

The candy back in case he needs to use it on you from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the blue giant Tiga and began to make my preparations to go face broen The Conjurer at his base I knew he’d be stronger than any of his minions

So I Enlisted the help of the fiery hippogriff to get more information about Broden your former Master used to train Broden in spellcasting is there anything you can tell me about why he might have gone evil from what I could remember the old spellcaster used to say that magic

Is for solving problems not for making them and I think broaden disagreed so even though he conjured everything he wanted he was really just making problems for himself pretty much he always had second thoughts after he conjured something because nothing he made could ever be good enough this was

Especially true when he made the Dynamax candy Roden made the Dynamax candy yeah I think he did it was the one thing he made that he couldn’t destroy but he won’t use it either so if I can eat it I’ll be able to crush it thanks for your

Help fiery good luck do what the old spellcaster couldn’t and teach broen a lesson from day 90 to Day 94 I went into the same cave where I found the diamonds so I could gather materials for my strongest gear yet in the darkest depths of the cave I found a chest that

Contained a netherite Ingot these will do the trick I used a nearby smithing table and combined the netherite with my diamond sword to upgrade it to a netherite sword this weapon will be the one I’ll use to break through br roden’s base defenses and take that Dynamax

Candy for myself from day 95 to day 97 I visited my friends at the base to tell them that it was almost time for me to leave first I visited pixie who had been looking at the Statue and thinking about how to upgrade it hey Zoo the statue is

Almost done but it needs a Pikachu’s touch to be complete I’ve got you covered pixie I went to the Statue and did the remaining work that was needed the full version was a statue of Ash Ketchum Pikachu’s trainer from the very beginning when I looked at the Statue

There was only one thought that echoed through my mind I want to be the very best like no one ever was you already are the best in my eyes thanks pixie I said goodbye to her then went to go see how Iron chicken was doing is it almost

Time to face off against Broden you know it buddy on day 98 I was still talking with iron chicken about the upcoming battle with Broden The Conjurer it felt like we had been through so much in this crazy world ever since we were conjured into it and soon our troubles would be

Coming to an end you’re like a brother to me iron chicken I hope you know that the same to you Zozo I say that we end this battle together as brothers when you go to face broen I want to be there right by your side of course you’ll

Always be welcome on my adventures and so will you when you watch me out there remember to subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you can check out my other Adventures don’t forget to leave a comment about what I should do next on day 99 iron chicken and I left

The base and C the alien fields to arrive at broen the conjurus magical air are you ready for this iron chicken let’s do this my brother in conjuration I can’t wait to defeat Broden once and for all yeah we may have been brought into this world by a mean guy who didn’t

Even want us but we got to meet each other and now we’re a family we entered the enemy compound and fought off some weak skeletons which were effortlessly Ground into Bones by my netherite sword no bones about it even iron chicken was able to take down a bunch of skeletons

By himself Zozo I’m tough as iron but I think you should continue on alone all right I’ll make sure to end this once and for all on day 100 the last couple Endermen that broed in the conjur had left tried to stand in the way curse you

Darn Pikachu you’ve sent us blasting off again and again but not this time by now my electrical attacks were very capable of roasting the Enderman without much difficulty so I cleared a path for myself to keep moving before long I had reached the room where the Dynamax candy

Was stored there it was sweet as candy I had to have it time to pekachu on this candy I love puns I gobbled up the candy and grew to gigantic size I had become my mightiest form of all gigantamax Pikachu I had 80 hearts and felt like my

Lightning was stronger than ever shortly after I ate the Dynamax candy broen entered the room no what have you done youve gained the power power of the Dynamax candy I sure have what now broaden how about this he rushed towards me and dealt a heavy blow but I was

Adamant to defeat him so I countered with lightning strikes and brought my netherite sword into the fight with a Vengeance I conjured you into this world and I can UNC conjure you no you don’t Broden this Pikachu is a free Pokemon I hit him with my sword and then delivered

The final strike of Max lightning taking him out for good yeah it’s all Pika now on day one I spawned into the Aspen Forest as a speaker Man 10 Hearts uh-oh I better play this safe or I’m going to be in real trouble but I didn’t have

Time to form a strategy suddenly the tree started setting fire around me some even exploded What’s Happening Here out of the fire stomped my worst nightmare the many-legged fully operational Gman spider toilet the leader of the skib toilet Army Oh no you’re the last thing I wanted to

See I’m the last thing you’ll ever see speaker man the skety Army Will Conquer this world just like it conquered all the others not if my speakers have anything to say about it speak to this he blasted me with his laser eyes knocking me off my rhythm he was far too

Strong to fight all I could do was turn around and run I ran through the woods hoping to avoid the laser blast when the Gman was gone from view I took a moment to relax but I wasn’t out of the woods yet literally and figuratively a swarm

Of normal skibbidy toilet came out of the trees all fixed with malicious intent on me I was outnumbered and out of luck until Sonic Boom a blast of sound fired out of me pushing back the advancing toilet Squadron that gave me just enough time to turn and get the

Heck out of Dodge the skibbies are here already I need to warn the alliance before they take this world too on day two I win into survival mode deep in the Aspen Forest my commander must have sent me here to investigate the skibby threat on other worlds but I won’t be able to

Do anything without the proper tools I found some peach trees and broke them down for wood piling logs and logs of it into my inventory along with some sticks I gathered some beaches which I ate to refill my hunger bar can’t be a good soldier if I don’t have healthy rations

I built myself a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe from there I dug up my first stone blocks and made myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword and as if on que a gaggle of Standard skiy Toilets came rolling out of the tree line skib skibby skib skib so sick of

Hearing that already with my new stone sword and my Sonic booms I fought them until the entire Squad Was Defeated pH that wasn’t easy but at least I’ve cleared the area now maybe I should make a base here with the spare wood I’d collected earlier I started building

Myself a basic one room base it isn’t much but every war effort needs to start somewhere on day three I headed out into the Canyons there I could find plenty of stone to harvest a wooden base is fine for a start by given some of my enemies

Have laser eyes I need something a little stronger I was halfway through mining stone blocks out of the canyon walls when I saw some strange bony creatures flying above Soul vultures One Flew straight down towards me and started circling me yeah fresh meat and haven’t seen one like you before ah stop

Biting I’m From Another World and I’m here to save you all from a terrible threat just now speak of boy food doesn’t talk the soul vultures descended on me and there were too many of them to fight off even with my Sonic booms all I could do is turn and run before they

Picked me to the Bone I guess not all of the creatures here are unified against our common enemy but that didn’t mean everything here was against me on my way back through the canyon I ran into a mandrel sitting alone she looked upset is everything okay name is mandril my

Name’s Mandy and now everything is terrible those diabolical toilets they destroyed my home and took everything from me those blasted skimy toilets come with me Mandy I’ll let you stay at my base I’m Zozo and together we’ll get revenge on the porcelain monsters who did this to you oh thank you Zozo you’re

A hero she left with me as we made our way back across the treacherous Canyons from day four to day five I returned back to my basee in the Aspen forest with Mandy the man drill I decided I should start from scratch so I tore down

My starter base and used the materials I collected to remake my base and ended up going for a toilet Pace the plan is to pretend to be one of the skimy toilets I bet they won’t suspect a thing inside the toilet I even built a new room for

Mandy giving her a bed and some furniture in there figuring we could use some extra luxuries I also built a kitchen and a lounge so we could start to feel a little more at home in this strange new place she seemed delighted with it wow Zozo this is amazing I’m

Going going to rest here and get my energy back thank you for all you’ve done rest well Mandy when you’re fully recuperated we’ll talk strategy Mandy retired to her room while I conducted a perimeter search around the area I needed to make sure that no one found

The new base suspicious that was a good Instinct because a squad of skiy toilets were right in front of me I’m putting my Warface on or I would if I had a face I drew my sword and fought them to the last ball it wasn’t easy but in the end

My battle experience served me well and they were destroyed and even better once they were gone they left behind a new tool an anti- skimy chemical Blaster just falling into my hands is probably the last thing that they wanted I’m going to make them regret it from day

Six to day 8 I left for a pasture outside the forest knowing that we need some more natural resources for the base it was just my luck to happen upon some pigs our army is going to need R pork and bacon will do nicely I herded some

Pigs back to the base and built a sty for them in just that’s the right spot I don’t have them many pigs well things considered that’s why I returned to the pasture ready to shepher some more then boom a rocket hit the ground next to me causing a massive explosion it left me

Badly injured and even worse when the explosion cleared I saw the Gman spider toilet skittering towards me your end is nice speaker boy None Shall stop the sky army before I even had time to equip my blaster he Unleashed his full arsenal firing rockets and his laser eyes there

Was no way I could fight him especially injured all I could do was run away dodging as best as I could Gman was not a force to be messed with thankfully in the end I still got out of there injured humiliated but alive from day N9 to day

10 I was back at the base still recovering from gan’s devastating surprise attack he was still a lot stronger than I’d possibly accounted for but at least I wasn’t alone Mandy the mandrel approached me while while I was in bed with some encouraging words you

Helped me Zozo and now I’m going to help you the war effort against the skiy toilet Army won’t work unless we all pull together go look outside I’ve made you something that I think will help inspire you I went outside and saw that Mandy had been constructing the start of

A huge amazing statue I couldn’t tell what it was yet but I was so excited to see it when it was finished can you guess what it’s going to be if you can tell me down in the comments cuz I have no idea but the STA stat wasn’t the only

Thing Mandy had been working on it turned out she was a pretty talented architect that’s why she was able to build a storage room perfect for the weapons and armors we’d need for an army she’d also built a training room where we could train ourselves and the anti-y

Soldiers and a furnace for smelting medals well I better get my hands on some then from day 11 to day 12 I was working in the training room trying to hone my warrior skills Mandy the mandrel came in to join me soon after thank you

For taking me in Zozo I want to do everything I can to help you in the war effort that’s good to hear Mandy we can’t let Gman and his minions take over the world it’d be catastrophic who or what exactly is this Gman and all his skibby toilet minions anyhow they’re world-conquering monsters

Self-replicating self-motivating they’ll take over everything and leave nothing behind they tried to do it in my world and I think my commanders back to the alliance must have sent me here to stop it from happening here that sounds horrible Zozo but how can we possibly

Stop them there are so many of them and they’re so powerful all we can do is fight Mandy fight with everything we’ve got that way even if we lose we’ll lose honorably soms like a plan to me Zozo we’ll never let those evil toilets win

From day 13 to day 15 I went back to the Canyons to settle an old score how can I be expected to be a good soldier and take on the skidy Army if I can’t even beat some soul vultures the second I saw one of them circling above me I couldn’t

Help but feel nervous then it spotted me and swooped down to engage back again speaker boy good I was feeling rather peckish you don’t know what you’re doing vulture this is a war it’s skib toilets versus everything else you don’t think they’ll come for you too war is all

Bread and butter speaker skibby toilets speakers animals all the same meat to us we just enjoyed the remains on the battlefield then I guess I better take you down but the soul vulture wasn’t alone the whole flock came swooping in and I needed to use my Sonic Booms to

Take them all down one by one when they were defeated I had enough XP to level up becoming bigger stronger and getting a boost to 24 Hearts but most importantly of all I developed a new offensive capability energy blast oh yeah that’s more like it from day 16 to

Day 19 I realized that I needed to create weapons for the war effort against the toilets that’s why I ventured into an abandoned mining Cavern beneath the first ready to take on whatever I needed to in order to win the the war and I came up against resistance

Straight away a deadly Blaze creeper it started shooting Fireballs at me I tried to take it down from a distance but it wasn’t working I got closer and he just exploded that was dangerous hope I don’t encounter any more of these I should check if he dropped any useful loot I

Approached the creeper hole but instead of finding loot the explosion uncovered a rich vein of iron ore exactly what I was here for I collected up as much iron as I could then returned to my base I used the harness to smelt it and use some spare sticks to make a couple of

Iron swords I kept one sword for myself and put the other in my training room with these I can start to arm an anti-y army of my own with the spare iron I made myself an iron pickaxe this would be perfect if I ever got hands on some

Diamonds from day 20 to day 22 I was woken up with a start by Mandy the mandril she was hopping around in a blind panic Zozo Zozo you need to wake up what’s happening Mandy you’re confusing me she man he’s right outside said something about wanting to Stamp

Out The Resistance personally oh no then I better get out there and stop him I grabbed my weapons and ran out to face Gman he wasted no time in firing one of his Rockets which barely missed me you’ve gotten stronger speaker boy but not strong enough you think you can stop

The ravages of War we will consume all the sky Ram page will never end you’re not a wall you’re barely even a speed bump all this talk Gman I think it’s because you’re afraid but I’m not about talk I’m about action let’s fight you clogged up toilet the battle began he

Blasted me with his laser eyes but I was much stronger than I used to be I Voli Sonic booms and energy blasted him and when those had thrown him off balance I pulled out my skibby blaster and let him have it clearly it was all a little too

Much for him he broke away from the battle and used his Rockets to destroy the blocks between us you got lucky speaker boy next time my minions will deactivate you for good he skittered off into the desert think I saw Kraken its ceramic armor maybe I can win this war

After all from day 23 to Day 26 I worked tirelessly in order to build an upgraded weapon that might turn the tide of the war against the Insidious skibby toilets I had to enhance my own individual abilities so that the next time I met Gman I could deal some real damage to

Him since fighting with music was my specialty as a speaker man I chose to make a guitar weapon that would amplify the Sonic frequencies of my speaker head what an awesome idea for a weapon I went into the training room to start trying it out on some blocks and found it was

Insanely effective now I’m loud and proud proud to be a devoted Soldier fighting back against the forces of skib that is and if you want to support the cause and help me in my other crazy Adventures remember to to search zo zoo in order to find more of my videos but

For now I’m going to get back to preparing for the battle so that we can win this war from day 27 to day 31 I was baking some Peach pies when Mandy came over to tell me she completed more of the statue and wanted to show me her

Progress this way Zozo it’s really cool okay wait for me I followed Mandy out to the area where the statue was being built and gazed in Wonder at what it had already become this would certainly Inspire the troops to fight but I couldn’t help but feel as though

Something was missing hey Mandy don’t you think that part could use a bit of red concrete you know to really make it stand out you’re right I totally see that but it’s pretty rare around these parts you’ll have to travel to the gr Gardens for it I’ve never been there

Before but if it’s for the Statue I’ll do it be careful out there Zozo the skib enemies are everywhere you know me I’m always careful especially in enemy territory within a couple days journey I found myself in the crack Gardens just as I had feared the skibby toilet had

Already spread to this biome too SK skibby skibby SK SK SK a bunch of them came at me all at once so I pulled out my guitar and started swinging away the sonic waves were more than they could have and were able to quickly defeat them all when there were no more skibby

Toilets in the area I found out what they were guarding it’s a treasure chest with a whole bunch of red concrete and some extra red Nether Bricks my quest was not in vain I gathered the material and began to make my way out of the

Crack Gardens from day 32 to day 35 I was attacked by another pair of skiy toilets while on my way out of the crack Gardens this is bad there are more of them here than I thought I struck them down with my guitar and scan the area

For more of the enemy thankfully there weren’t any more skibby toilets but there was a swamp Pig there was me you should get to safety this whole biome is crawling with those creepy skiy monsters I want to but not without my best friend Ido the OT he was taken by a skibby

Spider and now he’s trapped those skibby fiend I’ve been fighting against them for as long as I remember maybe you can help me get auto back I’ll be all over it like flies on trash from Day 36 to day 39 I followed the swamp Pig’s directions to the lirer of the skibbidy

Spider that took his friend it sounded dangerous so I went along to spare the swamp pig from the Troubles of the battlefield when I got to the enemy base I went into stealth mode and searched around for an entrance I could hear the Telltale annoying song of the skibby

Toilets from inside the base and that told me that I was is getting close to where the skib spider was skib bop bop yes yes skib Bop please stop someone get me out of this toilet I can’t deal with any more of this song I looked and could see that

OT the ocelot was inside a dungeon cell in the base forced to listen to the song of the skibbidy spider over and over that’s terrible I need to do something but I need to be smart about it maybe if I tune my guitar a bit I’ll be able to

Take them by surprise with a new sound from day 40 to day 43 I snuck inside the mini base and hid myself from the ordinary skibby toilet soldiers all I have to do is deal with the skibby spider who is guarding the ocelot then I’ll be able to extract him and Escape I

Quietly carefully made my way to the center of the lair and over to the cell where Otto the ocelot was held captive let me go you’ve held me captive for many days and I can’t help you with your War I wouldn’t skippity say that your world seems ski short on humanoids so if

We want to make more skibby toilets we’ll have to make skibby dooo with the animals you will be the first ocelot to ever join the skibbies no no no please I hate toilets I try to avoid them ski ski ski no before Otto could come to harm I

Stormed in isolating the spider let that ocelot go skiy spider I’m the one you want I know you you’re that speaker head that T man told me about I’m going to skibby skin you the skib spider charged forth but I countered with my guitar thanks to the tuning I did the other day

My guitar now had greater knockback every time the skimy spider got close I bashed him farther away and dodged his approach it took a while but with enough wax the skimy spider went down come on Otto we’re busted out of here swamp pig is waiting for you thank you speaker

Head Otto and I made our stealthy exit from the mini base and returned to the swamp Pig the two were happy as could be and promised to get as far from the skibby toilets as possible from day 44 to day 49 I transported the building

Blocks that I was able to find in the CED Gardens back to my base in the Aspen Forest it’s good to be back after spending so much time in enemy territory our defenses are looking a little thin though I’ll do something about that later once I was inside the base I met

Up with Mandy who was just feeding the pigs and I turned the building blocks over to her this is just what we need to continue work on the statue was it difficult to get not for me I’ll do anything for the cause I’ll get back to

Work on the Statue and here is some bacon for you neat I’m going to work on something too I went back to the perimeter of the base so I could do something about the lacking defenses I spotted earlier the solution was simple yet effective a perimeter wall around

The entire base the skibbies will have a hard time getting through that when the wall was done I went to see Mandy she had already completed the next part of the statue looks like we were both working hard it’s like you said before Zozo anything for the cause that’s right

Mandy we’re going to win this war no matter what that moment I felt really in expired from day 50 to day 53 the Gman brought a big army of skib toilets to attack the base the new defenses were able to slow them down but we were definitely outnumbered even so there was

No way I’d give up it was time to fight you’re going down the drain yet toilets skibby skibby skibby skibby skibby SK with the knockback of my guitar I kept the skibby toilets at a distance so that I could take them on individually when they crowded they were strong but on

Their own I could handle them divide and conquer that reminded me that I was also fighting alone oh no Mandy I have to make sure she’s okay the Gman spider toilet had Mandy in his terrible grasp I almost couldn’t watch speaker boy you’ve survived longer than we expected but the

Next toilets we send after you will be like nothing you’ve ever seen we’ll make your mandil friend into one of them I won’t let them change me Zozo but come and rescue me soon Mandy and the Gman disappeared into the distance I vowed to myself that I’d get my friend back but

First I had to take out the rest of these skiy toilets with my trusty weapon I cleared out the base and began to feel strong as a new form of power took hold within me I grew into a big speaker head feared by skib toilets everywhere I had

40 hearts and a brand new ice blast attack that would freeze the skib enemy solid from day 54 to day 57 I restored the base to its former Glory the attack had been devastating but even more devastating was the loss of Mandy my friend my fellow Soldier Mandy if the

Gman made her into the first mandrel skimy toilet I might have to no I don’t even want to think about that I have to have to save her I was full of concern for the animal mobs of the world because any of them might get turned by the Gman

And as many skib toilet minions I decided to return to the crack garden and see if the swamp Pig was still around that area sure enough he was I am I’m around the area you are not to be rude but weren’t you going to go somewhere safer there aren’t that many

Safe places left you did a great job fighting the sky toilets when you were here last time so me and I don’t thought we could hold out here this war has gotten really bad there must be a base of operations where their Sky toilets are coming from if we beat them there

Maybe we can stop their armies from spreading I’ve heard that a lot of skidy toilets have been seen and heard coming from the Crimson Forest if that’s where the enemy is coming from I have to proceed with caution still this Intel might help me save the world thanks

Swamp Pig I was thanked from day 58 to day 62 I Min for some diamonds because it was high time that I got myself some Diamond gear I need to be fully equipped when I face down the skiy toilets on their own territory it’s diamond or nothing man I walked further through the

Cave and came to a dead end I started digging and broke through into a massive cave it was teaming with diamonds and one very big tarantula oh spiders are freaky I don’t want to get near this thing but my anti- skib ranged weapon will’t work on it so melee it is I drew

My guitar and squashed that spider with a few decisive smacks I wonder if this is where those spider toilets get their legs you know I forget I asked I gathered a bunch of the diamonds and crafted myself a diamond pickaxe and Diamond Sword success from day 63 to day

66 I was walking by the incomplete statue in the base and decided to spend some time looking at it Mandy had been doing her best to complete the statue so that it could be seen by all and I did my best to help by getting the materials

For it we work together that was teamwork and teamwork is the only way we can defeat those skibby toilets I will rescue Mandy and defeat the Gman and all of his toilets for the sake of this world and all the creatures living in it

We will win and if you want to get in on the teamwork you should hit that subscribe button so that you can see my videos whenever they come out the more subscribers the channel gets the bigger our team gets and the more skibby toilets we can defeat so what are you

Waiting for subscribe from date 67 to dat 70 I infiltrated the Crimson Forest so I could see what was going on Behind Enemy Lines before too long I could see a huge base that definitely belonged to the skibbidy toilets bet that is some kind of weapons research lab you’ve

Probably got Mandy held captive inside there hang on Mandy I won’t let them turn you into a skimy toilet I got out my anti- skimy chemical Blaster and made made my way towards the entrance there were two classic Model skibby toilets standing guard over the gate both

Noticed me and began to run over skibby skibby skibby skibby skibby skibby skibby do no no I blasted the skibby toilets with the chemicals which flushed them away for good this alerted some other toilets but by then I was already inside the enemy base bring it I’ll

Flush every one of you from day 71 to day 74 my devotion to the cause brought me deeper into the enemy’s base I had never been in a place with so many skibby toilets but at this point I wouldn’t let anything stop me just one

Soldier but if I fight well enough I can keep taking them on and moving ahead while I was expecting trouble I was surprised to see the soul vultures had also come to roost in the skibby toilet base those guys had never been nice or helpful so the reunion wasn’t a happy

One let me guess something about meat like how you’re going to eat me gity skibby skibby huh skibby did they get you guys or what n just kidding we Soul vultures never changed we’re all about Scavenging and hunting baby it’s Living Well I don’t know if I’m relieved or

Annoyed let’s just fight I took out my diamond sword and cut down the soul vultures they weren’t that difficult to beat now that I’d powered up in the same room that I was attacked by the soul vultures I found a chest with a full suit of diamond armor super I Can Take

On The World in this I could hear the skib song getting deeper and louder which meant that I was getting close to the Gman this will be the rematch of the second country from day 75 to day 78 I found the evil skibby toilet laboratory where the Gman had been keeping Mandy

They had her caged just like she promised the skibby toilets were unable to turn her into one of them you made it Zozo I was waiting this whole time and I knew you wouldn’t let me down I would never leave behind a fellow Soldier Mandy we’re in this together let me get

You out of those restraints I freed Mandy and broke a hole in the wall so she could Escape run back to base I’ll be right behind you just then Gman spider toilet burst into the room well well well we meet again speaker boy you’re not going to get away this time

You think I’m running no way Gman this is where I take you down and end your reain of skimy Terror with those old tricks I doubt it Gman was right about one thing he had seen my Sonic Blast and anti- skimy blast before but I still had

Something he hadn’t seen yet my ice blast I continued to hit with the regular stuff to lull him into a false sense of security then with perfect timing I ice blasted him right in his big creepy face when he was stunned I closed into melee range and swung my

Guitar with all my might over and over I shot several more ice blasts because they seemed to be working then I knocked Gman back into a wall a spider malfunctioned and started smoking from the looks of it the attack had beaten him or so I thought from day 79 to day

84 the Gman spider Rose from his Fallen State and began to chant his skibby song while he grew larger skibby skid skibby SK SK skib Gman became a truly powerful monster the strongest skibby toilet ever the peak of their horrible Evolution uh-oh I’m not equipped for this what’s

The matter speaker boy scared even your best weapons can’t touch me now I have gone to a level Beyond soon all things will be ruled by the cold porcelain of the skiety toilets I will never let that happen mark my words I will find a way

To counter your new form just as our side has done for every skidy toilet they came before but for now you must run you must warn all the world that I am coming I made a tactical Retreat as the Gman predicted I would this next battle

Would be a a difficult one but maybe just maybe it could win the war from day 85 to day 89 I had made it back to my base and had begun thinking of a new strategy to take down Gman skibby spider toilet’s brand new Super Deluxe skibby

Mode I was stomped because the previous fight forced me to use every weapon I had at my disposal as I continued to puzzle Mandy showed up and decided to help me come up with a new weapon any ideas Mandy yes you’ve tried Sonic energy chemical and ice but what about

Fire Mandy gave me a fire aspect enchantment to put on my diamond sword now I could burn up skiy toilets with fiery sword slashes but will it be enough don’t worry about that right now I want you to see the statue it’s completed and it looks great the statue

Was the Titan speaker man an inspiration for all speaker heads everywhere looking upon his imposing form reminded me that I could keep fighting and win this war but how we’re so close yet Gman is so powerful he isn’t invincible you nearly beat him last time as you are right now

If you grow to his size it’ll be an even fight you’re right another PowerUp would be exactly what I need to win the battle I’ll bet there some Sky Tech who could steal from their own base in the crack Gardens from day 90 to Day 94 I made my

Way back to the enemy stronghold in the crack Gardens in search of a PowerUp that would make me as strong as Gman this time I didn’t need to go to stealth mode because I blasted my way through the base with Fire and Ice taking down every skimy toilet I met along the way

Wasn’t even losing Hearts fighting these skimy toilets anymore they weren’t even a threat only Gman were the same after a bit of a search I found what I was looking for a potion of power that could turn anyone into a super strong version of themselves I’ll examine this back of

My base and make sure it’s safe to drink from day 95 to day 97 I was back at the base experimenting with the potion and gearing up to take on Gman when I got a surprise visit from somebody I never expected it was swamp Pig hey what’s

Cooking you cooking up the diamond armor I’m warming up to take down the Gman let’s not question my methods okay anyways what’s up swamp Pig uh okay I just came by to say that the world is a lot safer now that you defeated most of those skied toilets if you can take down

Their Gman boss then this war will be over at last I want to help with that so I’m giving you this swamp Pig handed over a full set of netherite armor the best defense I could have for the final battle dang swamp Pig where did you find

This in the swamp obviously at explains everything anyway thanks I equipped the armor and felt cooler already on day 98 the war was looming and I was starting to get a little nervous about the fight then I remembered what I was fighting for a world safe from skiy toilets think

That all of us would like to see that what else would you like to see tell me who you want me to be next in the comments below don’t forget to go search for more Zozo videos as well there are so many to watch and all of them have

Their own Amazing Stories and fun that’s zo zo go check it out on day 99 I launched my attack on the Crimson Forest finding it mostly deserted I walked past the reception the corridors a terrarium where I found a vent shaft through which I crawled deep into the base it’s

Incredible you can’t hear any Silly skib Songs maybe they packed up and left I kept crawling until the shaft gave way to my weight and I dropped and landed right in front of jman you wish speaker boy skib will never die as long as there

Is someone to carry be on the chorus it was J man it was me hey that’s swamp Pig’s joke you can’t steal it actually I can everything in the world belongs to skib now I am too powerful to be skiet stop do do yes yes your Reckoning is

Upon you speaker boy you know something jman they say Everybody Wants to Rule the World I don’t know if that’s true I just know that you won’t get to I down the potion of power immediately growing to the same size as Gman with 100 Hearts

He fired his laser at me but I could fire one too now so I counter lasered him I’m a fire in my laser he was not expecting that so I mixed it up with ice blast chemical blast and Sonic blasts we circled around each other closing in as

We launched projectiles I drew my fire enchanted diamond sword and swatted him with it fire seemed to hurt but I wouldn’t let him adapt so I kept changing my attack ice blast fire slash laser blast the fight was tense and close but with all my different weapons

And my dedication to rid the world of skib toilets I managed to flush Gman for good ah SK SK no on day 100 I Bast in the glow of my victory no of our Victory as I returned to base and celebrated with Mandy and swamp Pig hooray Zozo is our hero the

Skiy toilets are gone for good this was an achievement that would go down in the history books because together with all of our crafts and Innovations we did something that nobody else had done defeat the Gman skibby toilet and save the world from skibby domination on day

One I rose out of the ground as a baby Warden skibby toilet wa this is one of the weirdest creatures I’ve ever been still six hearts I better play it safe suddenly a gorilla came rumbling towards me across the plains Invader invader you’re not meant to be here that didn’t

Sound like a Welcome Wagon so I turned my porcelain tail and ran off at massive speeds that just rang the alarm Bell though more gorillas came charging in forming a dangerous Chase party I climbed further up the plateau managing to lose the gorillas but the chase exhausted me I really spawned into the

Wrong area here what’s going on out here I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting but ah I can’t remember what I forgot Boom the ground next to me exploded and an even bigger stronger gorilla crawled out of the hole freeze right there you move one step and

I’ll destroy you want to live follow me or else on day two the big gorilla led me across the plateau whatever you think I did I didn’t do it I swear I’m a completely innocent Warden skibby toilet look kid I don’t trust wardens and I don’t trust whatever a skibby toilet is

Want this to go smoothly all you’ve got to do is literally everything I say well I guess that’s pretty compelling argument he took me to some kind of Outpost near the top of the plateau leading me through the complex they eventually threw me into a dark dingy

Cell in the back you better behave toilet boy or you’re going to get yourself flushed lucky for me I wasn’t alone in the cell there was a squat little mongus waiting in there for me hey mongus I’m Zozo what are you in here for somebody accused me of being an

Impostor even though I’m not it’s a unique form of discrimination that we Mong uses have to to deal with oh that’s horrible a similar thing happened to me I don’t even really know why I’m here you’re certainly not going to find your memories here in some goofy gorilla

Prison we’ve got to get out of here do skiy toilets have any special powers I don’t know but Warden sure do that’s when I remembered how to Ward intrig and use it to bust on the wall of our cell mongus and I escaped running off in different directions into the night now

I can start working on getting my memories back and finding out why I’m really here on day three I continued wandering through the plateau trying my best to avoid any angry gorillas who wouldn’t be happy that I had escaped in the epic battle of gorilla versus toilet

I personally wouldn’t bet on the toilet but rather than a gorilla i instead encountered some cows which made me realize I’m soon going to get hungry using my high Precision Warden treaks I blasted one of the cows then swooped in to take my fill of the delicious beef

Okay that’s something I know about myself now I enjoy tasty meat just have to cook it first I heard a rattling behind me and turned there was a gang of skeletons coming towards me oh no skeletons don’t have any meat on them at all I’m doomed with my Warden shriek

Still recharging I was defenseless and outnumbered but before the skeletons could get me a huge lightning bolt came down and destroyed them all oh my gosh what just happened that’s when I turned and saw him the Glorious sight of a tall man with a TV set for a head he’ fired

The lightning bolt and saved my life come with me if you want to not die from day four to day five I followed the TV man into the shattered glaciers a freezing and treacherous biome man anyone who lives here must be one tough cookie I can feel my bones rattling

Inside my toilet we arrived at an equally Cool Pad where the TV man must have lived it was easily one of the hippest homes I’d ever seen thank you again for saving my life TV man I’m Zozo what could I possibly do to repay you the name’s Ray cathod Ray and it’s no

Biggie I save people all the time I’m a hero it’s kind of my thing that’s awesome ray could I be a hero just like you I don’t know what exactly I am so maybe a hero would be a cool thing to become I’ve got it pretty covered little

Toilet but maybe with some training you could have some potential training yes I can move in with you with me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no little fella cath Ray rolls alone here take these and go make yourself a place we’ll

Talk in a couple days cathod gray the GV man gave me my first set of stone tools and a stone sword I left his base and ventured further up the trous shattered glaciers when I found some Solid Ground on top of a mountain I was curious to

Find warped trees here as well this must be a sign they look blue just like me this is it this is the location for my base I mined enough material to start building myself a pretty basic house with one bedroom and a furnace so I could finally cook these steaks nothing

Is better than a warm piece of steak this place isn’t much but it’s mine not for long you stinky toilet I turned and saw that one of the gorilla guards had somehow followed me here he wasn’t interested in conversation he wanted to fight and I needed to defend myself when

He ran in I blasted him with my ward intrig then finished him off with my stone sword skills that gave me enough XP to level up becoming a bigger more combat effective Warden toilet with 14 hearts and an inbuilt Fireball Cannon oh yeah now I’m looking fire from day six

To day eight I was heading back to tell cathod Ray about the new Power I’d gained but in the process I ran into my old prison buddy mongus hey mongus how have things been swinging for you I didn’t expect to see you out here been better man everywhere I go people keep

Thinking I’m an impostor it’s really starting to affect my self-esteem that’s terrible humus I wonder why people around here are so distrusting I continued on to cathod re and asked him the same question it doesn’t surprise me to hear that Zozo you know there are a

Lot of folks out here who really can’t be trusted it’s why my work is cuz a hero is so incredibly valuable how can I start doing valuable hero work Ray I can shoot Fireballs now and I want to prove myself if you go to the Stony Peaks

You’ll find a deadly Yak who’s been causing a lot of trouble for the locals who may be perfectly suited to this job send a warden toilet to De feat a warden toilet I always say of course Ray thank you for this opportunity I won’t let you

Down with my new Mission I set off across the glaciers towards the Stony Peaks from day N9 to day 10 I first made my way out to the Stony Peaks it was a Terrain so harsh and unforgiving it made the shattered Glacier seem downright cozy I was constantly paranoid that with

One wrong move I’d fall over and get injured or worse but after carefully navigating the difficult slopes of the Stony Peaks I saw the Monstrous Yak in the distance I drew my sword and carefully approached time for a surprise attack I shot a fireball at the vicious

Yak it turned ready to attack trainer perish for your treachery I fought the creature with my sword but it was really strong knocking a bunch of Hearts off of me in the end I shot another Fireball at the monster and it blew him off the edge

Of the cliff he was gone but it left me badly injured in the process oh no I don’t think I’m going to make it out of here but a friend of mine was about to come in clutch that’s right amongus had found me Zozo I heard someone was in

Trouble I never knew it’d be you take this healing potion and some steaks you look like you need it I truly did I took the potion and was healed thank you amongus I really appreciate that what are you doing out here something’s going on Zozo something big want to come with

Me to help look into it all I would but first I need to go tell my mentor about my victory here today I’m on the up and up from day 11 to day 12 I returned to cathod Ray excited to tell him about my victory against the Diabolical Warden

Toilet spider well done little toilet dude you’ve proven that you’ve got the making of a hero in you thank you Ray it’s an honor to hear that from you for your next step on the road to heroism I have another challenge for you even deeper in the Dark Shadows of the Stony

Peaks I need you to find and destroy the hell R it’s every bit as frightening as the name suggests heesh that sounds pretty scary that it is my friend that it is I recommend you upgrade your armor and weaponry good Heroes don’t take chances good advice Ray I scoured the

Shattered Glacier until I found a deep mining Cavern I searched inside getting deeper and deeper into the dark until I found a Dusty old crate inside was exactly what I needed some pieces of iron armor an iron sword and an iron pickaxe the miners must have left this

Behind when the place was abandoned I didn’t get to keep my new gear pristine for long because soon enough the mine was crawling with Gorilla guards you never should have come here but I wasn’t as weak as I used to be I held my own against the gorillas until they were

Forced to retreat nobody defeats a hero from day 13 to day 15 I returned to the Stony peaks with my new iron weapons and armor plating ready to take on the terrifying hell rat I searched high and low for the hell Rat’s Nest terrified that at any moment it might pop out and

Destroy me just like cathod Ray had told me but when I eventually found a cute little Hut and inside I was astonished to find the hellat but it didn’t seem threatening or scary at all it seemed like a pretty innocent if slightly strange looking rat hey you don’t seem

Particularly hellish why do they call you the hell rat oh it’s because I Come From Hell the unincorporated community in Livingston County Michigan oh I suppose that does answer a lot but not like cathod Ray sent me here sorry for bothering you Mr rat I could smell a rat

And it wasn’t the hell rat I needed to make my way back to the shattered glaciers with no time to waste from day 16 to day 19 I return to the cold lonely world of the shattered Glacier cathod Ray has some serious questions to answer sending me to hassle innocent Rats from

Michigan doesn’t seem like something a hero would do but when I arrived at Ray’s pad it was empty not a soul in sight until I heard footsteps behind me I panicked and turned around only to see mongus standing right behind me mongus what are you doing here I was just about

To ask you the same thing I’ve been tracking the impostor who’s been causing trouble across the server and whom everyone keeps blaming me for all signs point to here here that’s that’s impossible but oh no the hell rat he’s in danger before mongus came ask any follow-up questions I high tailed it out

Of the shattered Glacier and made my way back to the Stony Peaks when I arrived I searched desperately for the place where I’d found the hell rat but by the time I did it was too late just cathod Ray standing in an empty crater Ray what

Have you done what you were too weak to do apparently you can’t even stomp some silly rat why would I want to he was innocent innocent is just a point of view who’s innocent really I’m sure he did something at at some point that made him deserve getting vaporized by me if

That’s how you think then you’re not a hero at all I am a hero Zozo and if you’re against me that can only mean you’re a villain let me show you what I do to villains cathod Ray summoned up a huge lightning bolt and before I could

Do anything he fired it at me and everything went black from day 20 to day 22 I finally woke up my damaged toilet body lying among the broken Stone of the Peaks around me somehow I’d survived why didn’t cathod Ray completely destroy me because I stopped him I turned and saw

My old prison friend mongus walking towards me what you’re the first person who believed in me you think I’d let that tvhe headed creep destroy you no way I can’t believe he used me like that I thought he was a hero I thought I was

A hero you still can be Zozo let’s go back to your base together I think we can defeat this guy and show the world who he really is you’re right mongus it’s the only way we we went back to my base and we tore down the old base so we

Had enough space for the new build I mined up enough raw materials to construct a new building with a room for among us to stay in complete with a bed and couch you can’t really tell what this place will be so make sure to watch

A bit longer to find out as I will finish the base from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the Savannah Plateau wanting to see everything with a fresh perspective everything with cathod Rees got me reconsidering my whole life but I didn’t have time to brood I saw an

Undead ostrich getting chased around by a terrifying dark manacore this looks like a situation where I can prove myself as a real hero I stormed in blasting fireballs and warning shaks at the dark manacor while the undead ostrich was out of the picture it didn’t take long for the manacor to relent and

I finished it off with my iron sword afterwards the undead ostrich came out of hiding and approached me you saved my life that was so heroic thank you I’m trying my best despite not having a great teacher your best saved me so in exchange here take some of my power and

Ascend to Greater Heights the ostrich fired an energy blasted me and I felt myself getting bigger and stronger soon enough I had 26 hearts and a new ability smash I tested it out smashing a huge crazy crater into the ground okay this will be useful later from day 27 to day

31 while heading back across the Savannah Plateau towards the shattered Glacier I encountered a group of chickens M even a warden skoy toilet enjoy some nice Fried Chicken I lured the chickens back into the shattered Glacier and decided I needed to build a pen for them before I could do that I

Decided to finish up the rest of the base so I can put them in just the right spot I poured my heart and soul into it I just hope no one flushes it down can’t deny the resemblance is uncanny if you think it looks good make sure to

Subscribe so you can see my other amazing builds as I was taking in the views the amongus approached me great work Zozo some chicken is exactly what we need also speaking of food I take the liberty of making us a pant Tre we can store excess chicken there I looked and

Saw the well stocked pantry and fully equipped kitchen that mongus had created good job to you too mongus this base is coming along nicely now meanwhile back in cathode Ray’s icy chill pad of evil he was Consulting with his most powerful henchman the speaker head so you see

Speaker head this Zozo needs to be destroyed for the greater good we can’t have a good world with that skiy Warden Menace in it of course Mr Ray everybody wants to rule the world but you’re the only one who I trust to see it through

Then go out there and do what needs to be done he’s the only thing standing in the way of our plans from day 32 to day 35 I returned once again to the Savannah Plateau more specifically I returned to the gorilla base where I’d first been imprisoned if I thought these guys were

Evil well I thought cathod Ray was good then maybe I had the wrong idea all along when I arrived at the gorilla base the huge gorilla who’ first captured me appeared to stand guard you got some Nerf coming back here toilet after everything you’ve done I ought to

Destroy you right now wait wait I was misled and I think you are misled too I’m on your side let me speak to the boss gorilla H the boss gorilla isn’t actually a gorilla come with me if you try anything funny I’ll hammer you into the ground like a tent ped the big

Gorilla directed me inside I followed his instructions down the hallway until I saw the strangest thing a floating Redstone Cube my goodness who are you me I am the CU of wisdom the source of all good and righteous knowledge and if you had spoken to me earlier I could have

Told you that cathod Ray the TV man was nothing but a sham yes I’m sorry I know that now he’s a villain who believes he’s a hero but I want to be a real hero together between me my friend mongus and you and your gorilla forces we can take

Down this monster that’s the wisest thing you’ve said all day Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 knowing the danger of the threats against me I searched the shattered Glacier yet again until I found another abandoned cave I searched deep within until I found some more abandoned pieces of iron armor which I

Quickly equipped using my smash power to bust through the stone further I found a small vein of diamonds which I mined with my iron pickaxe not enough to make anything yet but these will come in real handy when I find more of them I returned to my base with my spoils

Paramus was waiting for me with good news Zozo I crafted some weapons for you while you were gone javelins they should be super effective oh that’s awesome mongus this will make me an even more formidable opponent at long range I left the edge of my base to practice my

Throwing skills with my new selection of javelins when suddenly a gibbon approached Be not Afraid don’t worry I wasn’t oh okay uh okay let’s see what was the message uh oh uh I am an Envoy from the primate Kingdom my master of the cube wishes to to speak to you at a

Secure location in the Twilight Valley you must Journey there at once it sounded like there was no time to delay I turned tail and made my way in the direction of the Twilight Valley from day 40 to day 43 I arrived in the spooky and mysterious Twilight Valley following

The instructions given to me by the given I found a small shack where the Redstone cube of wisdom was waiting for me what’s up Mr Cube why so Cloak and Dagger is everything okay there’s an urgent matter that must be attended to Zozo my spies in cathod Ray’s Inner Circle

Tell me that he’s dispatched one of his most dangerous agents speak ahead what’s so dangerous about him he’s a highly skilled and lethal Warrior he’s absolutely loyal to cathod Ray and his cause and he absolutely hates skimy toilets I must leave now Zozo but stay safe you are in grave danger the

Redstone Cube teleported away leaving me alone in the Twilight Valley or so I thought the shack exploded and the speaker head was standing there wielding a huge sword there you are time to meet your doom toilet all for freedom and for pleasure without delay I started firing

My ward inrees and Fireballs at him but there was no effect he ran at me with his sword and devastated me with one strike all I could do was turn and run for my life I’ll get you Zozo nothing ever lasts forever from day 44 to day 49

N i was resting and recovering in my base from my encounter with speaker head I was lucky to get out of there alive speaker head wasn’t planning on taking prisoners he was every bit as terrifying as the Redstone Cube suggested so it made sense that the Redstone Cube would

Appear next to me in my time of need you weren’t kidding Cube that speaker head guy is a real demon be that as it may I believe I have a solution for you Zoo a weapon that may be capable of destroying that diabolical false hero once and for

All I’m all yours a blow gun an ancient tribal weapon wielded by a great warrior it’s said to have special powers when used by a true hero in the name of justice that sounds perfect where can I get it I’m not sure yet you will need to

Seek out the information return to the Stony Peaks and seek out other wise creatures they will give you the knowledge that you seek from day 50 to day 53 I had fully recovered from the stress of my battle with speaker head I ventured out into the Stony Peaks

Wanting to find the Wise creatures that the Redstone Cube had spoken of I’m lucky I don’t have any legs or they’d be getting really tired right about now when I’d reached the highest peaks of the Stony well Peaks I found a wise old spider pig waiting for me welcome my son

I am the great spider pig who sits at the center of the cosmic Web of Knowledge I can answer but one question of every every person what is your question Warden toilet I seek the power to defeat evil where can I find the legendary ancient blow gun it will not

Be easy my boy the blow gun lies in the chamber of Destiny deep inside the cynthian toret it is guarded by a terrible Beast you will need to be incredibly strong to fight it a terrible Beast great for a second there I was worried this whole thing would be too

Easy from day 54 to day 57 I returned to the Savannah Plateau hoping to share everything I’d learned with the Redstone Cube but on the way I was intercepted by a familiar and terrifying foe speaker head well well well if it isn’t my least favorite Warden toilet Zozo speaker head

What are you doing here I’ve been listening to you all the way since the spider pig my master wants me to collect Intelligence on you and everything you’re doing but I won’t even need that information if if I destroy you right here threw some javelins at him and

Tried to hit him with my Fireballs but he was too strong my turn he pulled out a destroyer and with one wack blasted a huge crater in the earth I was lucky to have escaped my life meanwhile back at his base in the shattered Glacier cathod Ray was receiving the information that

Speaker head had stolen the cian TS interesting then it means the blow gun must be guarded by the high Reaver perhaps I’ll let Zozo deal with that one he could always use the practice from day 58 to day 62 I was at my base having at least survived a second encounter

With the speaker head I need some kind of Advantage I can’t afford to let him get the jump on me again I might not be so lucky I was pulled out of my pessimistic Thoughts by Mungus who strolled over to me with obvious excitement Zozo I’ve been working hard

Building things while you were gone I added in a little yard a bathroom and a new crafting area complete with a furnace oh that’s genius mongus just the thing I needed if I want some new gear I’m going to need to forge it myself with this in mind I went back to the

Same mining Cavern I’d visited before and dug even deeper into the darkness using my smash power to go deeper a lot faster than I would with just a pickaxe eventually I found an even richer vein of diamonds and harvested as many as I possibly could then I took them back to

The base and put Mong us’ crafting room to good use I forged myself a diamond sword a diamond pickaxe and a few pieces of diamond armor now I’m a force to be reckoned with from day 63 to day 66 I heard a great crackling outside my base like something

Of immense power had arrived I walked outside the base and saw the Redstone cube of wisdom waiting for me on my decorative toilet Zoo it is time we must travel together to the edge of the shuted glacier there we can find the portal to the syian Toren where the

Sacred blow gun awaits the arrival of its prophesied user that zoo is you then we have no time to waste lead the way I followed the floating cube across the shattered Glacier until eventually we reached the impressive looking portal stand something is wrong zuu the portal

It isn’t active then what do we do keep searching there must be some kind of key someone out there has it we just need you to get our hands on it well we don’t have hands but you get the idea from day 67 to Day 70 while waiting and planning

My next steps on the toilet I was visited by someone I hadn’t had the best relationship with the big gorilla Zozo you know I wouldn’t come to you if I wasn’t desperate but some unknown Force has been fighting my men in the Twilight Valley while we tried to search for the

Key to the cynthian Tores and I’m guessing you want me to come in there and fight it yeah pretty much but you better not gloat about it cuz I’m a nice guy I didn’t gloat just flushed the toilet and made a bee line for the Twilight Valley where I saw what had

Been giving the gorilla so much trouble a cosmically powerful Sheba Inu be gone Intruder you you will never get your hands on the key leave my Valley wait listen to me if you use this key for evil I will listen I’m not here to do evil I’m here to stop it you said

Something about a key is it the key to the cyan TDS yes the very same I seek the blow gun from the Chamber Of Destiny for what purpose do you seek it I wish to obtain the blow gun and use it to defeat the evil known as cathod Ray that

Is a noble goal the key is yours if you misuse it I’ll destroy you myself Sheba Inu disappeared leaving behind a magical looking key which I immediately picked up I’m one more step closer to completing my Quest from day 71 to day 74 I was returning to my base excited to

Tell mongus about the key but I had bigger things on my mind speaker head was back and he was destroying my base you’re too late Zozo I know everything you can’t stop us now I can tell you’re a speaker head even from a distance cuz you’re such an annoying loud mouth don’t

Get mad Zozo get even if you’re brave enough I’ll be waiting your race pad come and get some loser speaker had laughed and disappeared then mongus came out of hiding to speak to me how did he cause this much damage mongus he used his Destroyer an incredibly powerful

Weapon darn that man is such a thorn in my side it doesn’t need to be all bad Zozo maybe if you go and Destroy speaker head you’ll get his Destroyer then you can use it in the cynthian tets to get the blow gun that’s a great idea among

Us but are you sure you’ll be okay here alone I can handle myself Zozo I’ll rebuild the base while you’re gone then it looks like we’ve got a plan little did I know all of this was part of cathode Ray’s grand plan once he’s dispatched de speaker head he’ll be

Strong enough to enter the cyan toret then the blow gun will be mine and nothing will be able to stop me from day 75 to day 78 Was preparing for the battle with speaker head when the Redstone cube of wisdom came to impart some of his trademark wisdom

Fight hard out to there suu we’re all counting on you thanks Redstone cube is is that it and then he left from day 79 to day 84 I wasted no time in charging to the dark depths of the shattered Glacier speaker head you will face me in

Single combat that was clearly enough to summon him because speaker had immediately appeared it was almost too perfect ready to be destroyed Zozo well clearly you are since you’re here please stop talking I’d rather just fight I charged his speaker head wielding my diamond sword even with the eight of my

Powers I was still hopelessly outmatched face it Zoo you’re doomed you can’t beat me that’s when I suddenly felt a surge of energy coming up from the key the shibba Inu gave me the power to fight against evil I evolved into a warden spider skimy toilet I was bigger

Stronger and suddenly had 100 hearts and the ability to shoot lasers speaker head was so shocked what no you can’t do that seems like I can bye-bye speaker head with a supercharged blast of my laser attack speaker head was destroyed once and for all in his place was the

Destroyer which I picked up immediately just you and me now Reay from day 85 to day 89 I returned to the base with the destroyer and the key and with 100 Hearts I was finally ready to to go to the cynthian torid I’m ready to do this

Mongus so glad Zozo and look I repaired the base I turned and saw that mongus was true to his words the base had been rebuilt everything was coming up roses the one thing left to do is go claim the blow gun then we can defeat cathod Ray

And end all this horror my heart filled with determination I made my way towards the portal standing deep in the shattered glitchers and used my key to open it cynthian Torance here I come I immediately felt the dark dry heing of the TDS on the other side it was a

Sinister Place filled with molten lava and strange unknown creatures after hours of wandering I found a large distinct structure that must have been the Chamber Of Destiny there’s the chamber let’s go see the Beast I walked into the chamber which was deceptively quiet at first until a huge terrifying

High Reaver leaped out oh there’s the Beast it took everything to be able to defeat the high Reaver the blade of my diamond sword my Fireballs my javelins my laser and of course the Destroyer it was a hard battle and I lost plenty of Hearts but in the end the high Reaver Was

Defeated and the blow gun was left on the ground cathod Ray you’ve got a big storm coming from day 90 to Day 94 I left the Chamber Of Destiny with the blow gun in hand with this I’d finally be able to destroy caid Ray once and for

All but before I could find my way to the portal I was hit by a lightning that completely paralyzed me from the neck down the blow gun fell out onto the floor oh no who could have done this unsurprisingly cathod re emerged from the darkness he had total power over me

So it has come to this you know zoo we could have worked well together imagine the heroics we would have accomplished together you’ve never done anything heroic in your life Ray you’re just a villain who’s lying to himself you’re going to regret this Zoo if you’re not

With me then you’re my enemy I’d destroy you right now but I want you to live long enough to see my revenge play out in full well I couldn’t move he built a stone cage around me trapping me within by the time I could move again cathod

Ray was long gone from day 95 to day 97 I tried different methods to bust down the walls of the prison that cathod Ray had built around me out of all the powerups only the Destroyer worked but there was no time to waste I needed to get back to the Savannah Plateau

Immediately and warn the Redstone cube of wisdom when I was back in the Overworld I ran into as fast as I could until I reached the plateau but I wasn’t fast enough the gorilla Outpost base had been left in Ruins and all the gorillas were gone all that was left was the

Heavily injured Redstone cube of wisdom Zozo cathod Ray went on a cathod rampage he’s cleaning house trying to destroy everyone he can oh no this is all my fault I gave him the blow gun he’ll be Invincible he has one weakness Zozo because he has a TV for ahead he doesn’t

Have a mouth so he can’t actually use the blow gun get it back zoo and use it to bring Ray’s reign of terror to an end the Redstone Cube passed away leaving me alone on the cold and Dusty Plateau on day 98 I made a be line back to my base

I needed to warn mongus so he didn’t end up like the gorillas or the Redstone cube of wisdom when I saw the state of my base I feared I was too late everything mongus and I had worked on was destroyed cathode ray had almost annihilated the base oh no did he

Destroy mongus just like he destroyed the Redstone Cube to my immense relief mongus emerged from the rebel please I’m a lot harder to destroy the net mongus you’re alive cathod Ray was so focused on angrily destroying our base that he didn’t even notice me that’s one small

Relief but cathode ray still has the blow gun I can’t defeat him without it don’t worry Zozo I have a plan let’s go to Ray pad together I’ve got my own score to settle you distract him I’ll steal back the blow gun then you can finish him off once and for all sounds

Like a plan to me Mungus on day 99 Mungus and I ventured deep into the shattered glacier to execute our cutting plan we arrived outside cathod raid’s pad and shared some final encouraging words you can do this mongus I’ll keep his attention on me see you on the other

Side buddy Mungus snuck into the base when he was gone I shot my Fireballs at cathode Ray’s base he immedately stormed outside Revenge then I figured you’d come out here after you saw what I did to your base and your worthless friends at least now I can finish you once and

For all yeah you can do that Ray but you’ll need to catch me first I ran as fast as I could as cathod Ray chased me shooting lightning after me I ran until I’d lost him then made a beeline back to the base I met Mungus outside race pad

He gave me the blow gun finish this Zozo and with that he fled into the forest leaving me alone at pad on day 100 I used my fireballs and laser beams to wreak destruction on cathode Ray’s base I blew up walls and annihilated rooms and with the Destroyer I smashed a huge

Crater into the ground and using my own smash ability I annihilated everything I could sending his whole Kingdom crashing down around me I’m going to do what you did to me and to the Redstone Cube and all those gorillas I’ll leave you with nothing all the noise attracted catho

Ray himself who stormed in ready to fight with stealing a massive sword your worthless little Beday my perfect pad how could you ruin it like this I am a hero how many times do I need to tell you there’s nothing heroic about you you’re just a big cruel bully who wants

People to like him and it’s clear you’re not going to like me so I may as well destroy you your villain the battle began cathod Ray was strong but now I was ready to face him I threw in javelins and blasted Fireballs I hit him with laser beams and Warden streaks and

Even whacked him with the Destroyer no this is impossible for the finishing blow I pulled out my blow gun channeling all the power of the Redstone cube with one blast the scorge of cathod Ray was finally destroyed the only hero here is me on day one I spawned in as an awesome

Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy everything my dark Warriors we are under

Orders to eliminate every last warden ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul that’s when I heard booming footsteps behind me I turned and saw a huge dark figure approaching me I was

Only a tiny Warden ninja and I didn’t have any weapons yet so he terrified me I gave the orders I am Shogun skull the ruler of this land and all who defy me will be destroyed including you Shogun skull pulled out a huge Katana he looked like he meant business I needed to

Activate my special power ultimate stealth I practically turned invisible immediately causing Shogun skull and his dread ghouls to lose my Trace where did he go he’s using his ninja abilities to run away like a coward no matter we’ll find and destroy him another day as much

As I was ashamed to admit it all I could do was run I got out of there and ran out into the alien Fields looking for some food to satisfy my Hunger I managed to find some baked potatoes but they were being guarded by a band of three

Brigin excuse me brigin would you be able to give me one of your baked potatoes I’m really hungry would love to make and love you but here’s the thing they’re all mine and I want them all so that’s going to be a no the brigin attacked me even though I was unarmed

And I needed to fight back luckily my unarmed attacks actually did a lot of damage and soon I defeated all three of them that must be my ninja martial arts training kicking in There’s Hope for me yet on day two after eating some of those baked potatoes and storing the

Rest I left the alien fields for the ebony Woods looking for the right place to build a base the Hony Woods are dark and mysterious perfect for a secretive Warden ninja I used my martial arts powers to start punching down a tree and gathered up the resources to make myself

A crafting bench and used it to create a wooden pickaxe then I mined into the ground for some Stone to make my first set of stone tools and a basic Stone Katana of my own now we’re cooking with gas I used my new tools to clear a tree

And start building a new secretive ninja base I did some mining underground because I wanted the base to be a secret so most of it would need to be under the surface it’s a good start I’ll do more later but first I need to figure out what’s going on around here and why

Shogun skull is putting a hit on Warden ninja heads I went exploring around the ebony Forest looking for Clues until I found another gang of dread ghouls that show gun skull had sent after me big mistake guys this time I’m armed I pulled out my stone Katana and made

Short work of the dread ghoul gang leaving only one remaining tell me everything I need to know about Shogun skull you fool even me talking about him seals my Doom you should know you are a key part of his Boom the last dread ghoul exploded it must have been Shogun

Skulls doing he really was powerful but what was he trying to say I’m a key part of what better keep watching if you want to find out with me on day three I continued searching around the ebony Forest I needed some kind of lead some kind of vital clue before I could

Progress any further that’s when I happened upon a small Hut in the middle of the woods where a strange man was just sitting around hi I’m Zozo who are you I’m a nomad oh yeah what does that mean it means I used to wander around a

Lot but since I got old and settled down I don’t do much traveling these days what brings you to the aony woods Zozo he gave me some mushroom stew and I sat down to talk to him well I’m a warden ninja and I used to live in a big Warden

Ninja hideout with others like me but then Shogun skull attacked and now I I think I might be the only one left that doesn’t surprise me you know things were once more peaceful across the land there were dangerous creatures around and sometimes a fight would happen sure but

Overall we lived in harmony until one day all of the leaders across the land suddenly disappeared and the Shogun skull rose up taking on everything and everyone he’s the uncontested ruler now but we can’t just let that happen what should we do Nomad it won’t be easy but

Your quest is simple Zozo you’re going to destroy Shogun skull from day four to day five I still had more questions about how the world got this way I just didn’t understand how one person could take over the whole world well Zozo you must understand that the Shogun didn’t

Just win by sheer brute strength in his shogun’s Palace to the east he made some valuable alliances with different different groups first he made an alliance with the dread ghoul Army promising all the land and food they could want if they helped him rise to power then he made a deal with the

Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigands they could Loot and pillage as they pleased as long as they helped him crush his enemies dread Ghouls and brigin started attacking any Village or settlement they could find crushing the opposition to Shogun skull’s rule but the leaders nobody really knows how

Shogun skull got rid of him he hired some other mysterious group to do his dirty work for him but who they are has always remained a secret in other words to defeat Shogun skull there are a lot of other enemies you’ll need to Fat your way through first from day six to day

Eight I thanked The Nomad for all the information he gave me and decided to set off and return to my base it was getting dark and I knew that all the mobs would be coming out soon but on the way back back to my base I saw an

Innocent pink pixie cornered by a vicious feral Squall Golem I needed to intervene it’s ninja time pulling out my stone Katana I ran in and fought the Squall Golem he was much bigger and tougher than your average dread ghoul but in the end my stone blade and ninja

Training went out the Squall Golem Was Defeated and the pink pixie was grateful for me for saving her life po was so heroic thank you I majorly owe you for this one it’s no biggie I’m Zozo the warden ninja who are you I’m Polly the

Pink pixie and is there any way I can help you with your quest how about you come stay at my base for a while and we figure something out together that sounds like a good idea so Paulie and I returned to my base I continued mining underground and created a cool room for

Her to stay in I’m pretty pleased with this good now I’m on a quest to defeat Shogun skull do you have any idea what might be a good place to start well shogun’s skull is one of the greatest Warriors in the world you’re going to

Need to train really hard if you want to get good enough to fight him directly maybe you should seek out some kind of Ninja Master to train you that’s an amazing idea Polly and so I had my next step seeking out a Ninja Master to train

Me and if you want to find out what happens next keep watching Until the End some big surprises are coming from Day N to day 10 I went to an underground Cavern with my stone pickaxe to mine some iron for my next set of weapons

Armor and tools S I managed to gather up some iron ore when a huge Hydra suddenly appeared in the cavern with me there was no way I’d be able to fight such a powerful monster directly so I activated my ultimate stealth and sneaked away to the exit Sometimes the best way to fight

Is to not fight at all from day 11 to day 12 I took the iron back to my base I created a furnace and smelted it into iron ingots which I then used to make iron armor some iron tools and an iron Katana and with all my fancy new gear

And weapons me and the pink pixie decided to Journey out to a nearby Bou to look for more clues after some exploring we stopped for a minute to talk so Paulie what do you know about Shogun skull I’m trying to collect all the information I can I think it might

Help me in my quest well in addition to his dread cool and brigant armies I know he has an elite group three Warriors spread out across the land who help enforce his will three Elite Warriors sounds like I better take care of them before I take on Shogun skull himself

Who are these three Warriors there’s the gold creeper a walking weapon of mass destruction that people always fear is going to blow up then there’s the fire Elemental a powerful being with Mastery over flame and finally there’s the Crimson wizard a crafty and intelligent sorcerer who has mastered the Mystic wow

Sounds like I’ve got my work cut out for me then before I could ask any more questions a bunch of monster mushrooms attacked us even with my iron Katana it wasn’t easy to take them down down these mushrooms meant business but when I did take them down I transformed into a

Bigger stronger Warden ninja with 20 Hearts wa this is awesome better stick around to see what I transform into next that’s rad Zozo but hey maybe next time we should go somewhere a little Dyer this by you is just gross from day 13 to

Day 15 Polly and I returned to my base I decided to Spruce it up a little adding some plants and other decorative improvements and actually decided to make myself a proper room just because it’s a secret underground base doesn’t mean it has to be drab and dreary that’s

When I remembered what paully had said to me maybe next time we should go somewhere a little drier this byou is just gross and it hit me what could be drier than the Mojave Desert maybe I’d have some luck finding someone there after taking some time to rest I went

Out to the Mojave Desert it was just as dry and hot as I expected but there didn’t seem to be much going on that’s when I was attacked by the desert Lord the ruler of the desert because he was on his own home turf he was even faster

And stronger than a ninja and it was too late for me to use ultimate stealth I broke away from the fight and stood back but the desert Lord still seemed ready to battle you are a trespasser on this land this is my desert and I’ll never

Let you or the diabolic Shogun skull you serve claim it wait there’s been a misunder understanding I don’t work for Shogun skull I want to defeat him oh I’m sorry I just assumed you was working for the dread Shogun but why didn’t all the Wen ninjas used to work for him my mind

Was blown it all made sense now the mysterious third group who worked with the Shogun skull it must have been the warden ninjas but why was he trying to destroy them now desert Lord you’ve given me a lot to think over would you like to come back to my base and we can

Work together to defeat Shogun skull well I hate to leave my desert my true home for now it seems working together is the most sensible Choice let’s go oh Warden ninja the name Zozo follow me from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my

Base for the desert Lord I mined a new underground room for him complete with a bed and even a few sand blocks just to help him feel at home it’s not exactly the desert but thank you Zozo this will do seeing as how exploring had helped me discover plenty of interesting new

Things so far I decided to continue visiting new locations so I left my base once more I went out to the Prairie next to see what I could find that’s where I ran into a camel hey Mr Camel I’m Zozo is there anything I can help you with

The name’s Joe and as a matter of fact there is for the longest time I’ve wanted to build a nice beach house on the Rainbow Beach but it’s Infested by wraiths now if you could help me clean out those wraiths so I can build my beach house I’ll give you a weapon I’ve

Been holding on to for a while something you might find useful that sounds like a good deal to me Joe from day 20 to day 22 I journeyed out to the Rainbow Beach to complete my mission for Joe the camel it was a really beautiful place I can

See why he wanted a beach house out here when I ran into the group of wraiths he told me about I drew my Katana and charged in slicing and dicing in a way that would make any Warden ninja proud soon they were all defeated I’m getting

The hang of this whole Ninja thing then I saw something quickly moving towards me and noticed it was the gold creeper one of the elite Shogun skull Warriors that Polly had told me about Oh no I got to bounce I didn’t have any longrange

Weapons so all I could do was run for my life as the gold creeper chased me if it exploded while I was too close I was doomed but it kept chasing getting closer and closer and closer it started to get too close for comfort so I jumped

Forward into some nearby water hoping it would at least provide some protection Boom the gold creeper exploded it was the biggest explosion I’d ever seen taking a huge chunk out of the beach around me but I’d survived I’d completed Joe the camel’s Quest and I’d defeated one of Shogun skulls three Elite

Warriors I’d call this a successful day from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the Prairie and met with Joe the camel again he was pleased to find out I’d gotten rid of the wraiths and less pleased to find out the golden creeper had blown a

Big hole into the Rainbow Beach still a Deal’s a deal kid and you held up your end you you can take this set of throwing axes I have since you’re a ninja you’ll probably benefit from some Throne weapons perfect for those stealthy kinds of attacks wow these will

Be so useful thanks Joe don’t mention it if you need me I’ll be off constructing my beach house with that Quest taken care of I decided to continue exploring the world I reached the scenic Red Oak Forest where I ran into a gang of Mossy skeletons working for Shogun skull

You’re in some real trouble now no bones about it that was an awful pun eat a I tried out one of my new throwing axes on the first of the mossy skeletons defeating him instantly then I pulled out my iron Katana to deal with the rest

It didn’t take long for me to defeat them all except one who I needed some information from tell me what Shogun skull is planning H you’re deluding yourself if you think you can beat him he just sent out the armored Vindicator if that thing gets you you’re doomed

Doomed with a strike of my Katana I finished him off that gave me enough XP to level up getting bigger jumping up to 30 hearts and getting access to my ward and Sonic Boom ability this will be useful for helping me take on that armored Vindicator guy if I ever even

See him from day 27 to day 31 I started making my way back to my base through the ebony Forest I was feeling pretty good about all my recent victories and the new abilities and weapons i’ gained I’m actually feeling pretty Unstoppable right now and that’s exactly ly when the

Armored Vindicator hopped out and attacked me he was just as big and scary as the mossy skeleton had implied and he was wielding a menacing axe your journey is out an end Warden ninja if you give up now I can promise it’ll be relatively painless I’ll never give up I’m willing

To fight you to The Bitter End good I was hoping you’d say that the armored Vindicator attacked once more every hit he gave me was shockingly damaging even with all my upgrades I couldn’t beat him at my current strength instead I turned and ran back towards my base narrowly

Managing to outrun and lose the armored Vindicator that would be a battle for another day when I reached my base the desert Lord and Polly the pink pixie seemed impressed with my new size looks like that training is really paying off Zozo you’re looking swo it’s true just

So much bigger and stronger than you used to be and since you’re here I’ve also got something that I think you’d like my research suggested suest that if you go to the Rose fields and seek out the sergeant he may be able to give you some information that’ll help you with

Your quest wow that’s amazing news just be careful out there I’ve heard that the sergeant isn’t exactly the friendliest guy out there with that in mind I left my base and headed in the direction of the Rose fields from day 32 to day 35 following the desert Lord’s instructions

I went out to the Rose Fields there I saw the sergeant sitting down and meditating among the Roses I didn’t expect it’d be so easy to find him I approached the sergeant and called out to him excuse me Mr Sergeant I’ve been told you have some interesting

Information could we talk about it but the sergeant didn’t seem like he wanted to talk instead he got up ran towards me and started fighting me with his fist I didn’t even have time to reason with him all I could do was fight back against his onslaught of punches after I

Survived for long enough the sergeant relaxed he’d had his fun nice skills kid sorry what can up I say I like a good fat what information did you want I’ve been told you know a lot about sh gun skull I’m trying to defeat him H Shogun

Skull I fought against his army back in the day I was involved in a lot of those battles what is it you want to know about him I want to know what the warden ninjas had to do with his rise to power and I want to know why he wants us all

Destroyed now that much is simple as part of Shogun skull’s take over plans he needed to destroy the leaders and Guardians of the Free People to demor morze them and break their Spirits while his armies fought their armies he needed an elite group of Assassins to take out

The high value targets that’s where the warden ninjas came in they are excellent assassins and with their stealth skills they could sneak in and get the job done and they did their job very very well but once their job was done and Shogun scho was in power he knew that if the

Warden ninjas could help him into power they might also be able to topple his throne so he sent out his armies of dread Ghouls and BR to destroy every Warden ninja you kid are probably the last one left from Day 36 to day 39 I return to my base knowing that I was

Public Enemy Number One for Shogun skull made me realize I could really do with some better armor so I asked Paulie for ideas I think the Shogun has a base in the tropical rainforest where you might be able to find some diamonds Diamond Armor and a diamond Katana would be a

Huge help for you excellent idea Polly I’ll go there now I didn’t waste any any time getting to the tropical rainforest and beginning my search for the enemy base on the way there I ran into an air Elemental that lives in the forest excuse me kind sir I have a quest I need

Help with some nasty dead worms have invaded my beautiful rainforest if you see them do me a kindness and perform a little Pest Control would you of course I’ll definitely get rid of those dead worms if I see him I kept searching until I struck gold well not actual gold

I found the enemy base guarded by a pair of dread Ghouls and it was time to fight my way inside from day 40 to day 43 the fight began first with the dread ghouls that was an extremely quick battle I pulled out my throwing axes and threw one at

Each of them defeating them instantly then I ran into the base ready for the real fight to begin and it would definitely be a real fight because the armored Vindicator was in there waiting for me finally I can finish what I started and destroy you oo at least this

Time you won’t run away like a sad little coward like you did before no this time I really am going to fight you with all I’ve got the armored Vindicator charged at me I unleashed the sonic boom stunning him while he was stunned I finished him off with my powerful ninja

Swing I told you I’d beat you armored Vindicator I’m a warden ninja of my word with him gone I searched around the room until I found a chest just like Polly the pink pixie had told me there were diamonds in inside looks like my armor and weapons are about to level up from

Day 44 to day 49 I crafted my diamonds into a powerful Diamond Katana and even had some diamonds left over to make a full set of diamond armor I’d hate to have to go against me using this bad boy after that I left the base with my new

Diamond Katana in hand looking forward to finding something to use it on and as luck would have it I happened upon a small gang of vicious deadward wors hey the air Elemental told me to get rid of these time to kill two worms with one

Sword okay a few more than two with my diamond Katana I defeated all the dead worms with ease and destroyed the infestation not even the Shogun himself could deny I was stronger than ever now from day 50 to day 53 as I traveled further through the tropical rainforest

I Came Upon a cave that I sensed an unusual amount of power coming out of this must have something to do with yogan skull I should go investigate just in case but when I was about to enter the cave a magical genie came floating out of it halt traveler you are

Approaching the Cave of the fire Elemental if you wish to enter then you need to answer my riddle I remembered that the fire Elemental was the second of the elite Warriors working for Shogun school I needed to answer the riddle get in there and defeat him okay what’s your

Riddle I belong to you you but your friends use me more often what am I it was a challenging one what do you think do you know the answer to the riddle if you do let me know down in the comments to help me out H can you repeat the

Riddle I belong to you but your friends use me more often what am I that’s tough H wait I’ve got it you’re my name it belongs to me but my friends use it more often when they talk to me correct you may pass through I entered the cave and

Saw the fire Elemental waiting for me he sent a few fire blasts my way which I was luckily able to Dodge I fired a Sonic Boom at the fire Elemental then ran in with my diamond Katana with a few quick decisive swipes the fire Elemental was destroyed two of Shogun skull’s

Three warriors were destroyed and I was ready to level up I got bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 40 I had also developed Ninja spe making me faster than ever before I’m on the path to becoming a true ninja I bet the Shogun is quivering in his boots from day 54 to

Day 57 I was using my new ninja speed to zip through the forest my Powers were growing but I needed some kind of way to hone my skills why can’t I find the Ninja Master Mentor I’ve searched everywhere and I still can’t find him unless I’ve already found him and didn’t

Even know that’s when it hit me it was right under my nose from the very beginning The Nomad in his little Hut in the ebony Forest The Nomad who’d known a suspicious amount about what was going on in the world I need to go back to the

Nomad right now so I sped right back to the small Hut in the forest only to see The Nomad outside again waiting for me I wondered when you’d be back Zozo glad you finally figured it all out so are you ready to begin your training from

Day 58 to day 62 The Nomad Master began his training he said there would be three lessons the first would be cutting down trees to practice my sword swings and to help me Focus if you can sash through a tree then no enemy should pose a challenge to you next he made me

Practice sword fighting with him he was a tough opponent but I could feel myself getting better as the sparring went on and for the third lesson he released a giant mummy Scorpion and got it to chase me around until I finally built up the courage to defeat it with my diamond

Katana afterwards I returned to the nomad Master’s Hut you have done well zoo and proven you are worthy I’ll teach you my special technique ultimate slash much stronger than a regular Slash use it wisely thank you master I will use it with honor from day 63 to day 66 I

Return to my base only to see it under attack by a gang of dread ghoul straight from the shogun’s palace hey get away from my base I pulled out my Diamond Katana and ran in taking them out with my ninja speed and ultimate slashes it didn’t take long for me to defeat them

All and that’s when the desert Lord ran up to me Zozo we need your help some of those dread ghouls kidnapped Paulie the pink pixie we need to get her back oh no where did they take her out into the ebony Forest you need to get after them

Quickly don’t worry desert Lord I’m on it from day 67 to Day 70 I used my ninja speed to run back through the ebony Forest looking for the dread ghouls that kidnapped paully it didn’t take long for me to find them don’t worry Polly I’m coming to save you thanks to all my

Training these dread ghouls weren’t a challenge for me I slashed through them with my diamond Katana until only me and poly remained that was amazing Zozo thank you you saved my life from all those dread cools I’m so sorry for ever letting you get kidnapped in the first

Place Polly let’s go back to the base we returned to the base and I de decided that after all this I needed to put in an extra line of defense building a defensive wall around the base’s entrance better safe than sorry I can’t risk another attack while I’m away like

That again from day 71 to day 74 I wasn’t sure where to go next I knew that I needed to defeat the Crimson wizard before I could take on Shogun skull himself but I wasn’t sure where to find him so instead I decided to go back to

One of the deadliest enemies I’d Left Behind before with my new skills and my diamond I returned to the underground Cavern where I’d faced the Hydra before as soon as I entered the cave I blasted him with a powerful Sonic Boom momentarily stunning him and ran in with

My ninja speed hitting him with ultimate slash again and again faster than he could even regenerate from it thankfully for both of us the Hydra tapped out and agreed to tell me anything I wanted to know you looking for the Crimson wizard right no worries I know exactly where he

Is you just need to go to the weepingwood forest he’s guarded by some brigin just go after him and leave me alone please I left the Hydra to his own devices and ran off I had a crimson wizard to defeat from day 75 to day 78 I

Followed the advice given to me by the Hydra and traveled all the way to the Weeping witch Forest a place like this is a perfect Hideout for an evil wizard why didn’t I think of this sooner I continued to go further in until I fell down a hill and found myself surrounded

By brigin just like the the Hydra told me youve wandered right into our trap Zozo there’s no way you’re ever going to escape us here I don’t want to escape brigand you and your bosses are the ones I’ve come here for with my ninja speed and my diamond Katana I zipped from

Brigin to brigand taking out each one with a single strike once they were down all that was left to do was hunt down the Crimson wizard but the last thing I expected was for him to come to me instead the Crimson wizard appeared right in front of me and fired an energy

Blast that took out a number of my hearts it was clear that he was the strongest of the Shogun skulls three Elite Warriors this is hardly even a challenge why don’t you show me your good time Zoo have you come this far just to perish how’s this for a good

Time while the Crimson wizard was distracted by his own gloating I ran in and struck him with my Katana hitting him so hard and fast he was immediately destroyed probably should have fully defeated me before you started bragging Crimson Wizard and this means that I’ve defeated all three of the elite Warriors

And that clearly meant something because I leveled up into my strongest form yet with 60 Hearts it’s time to finally defeat Shogun skull from day 79 to day 84 I returned to my base to give paully the pink pixie and the desert Lord the good news they looked amazed at my size

And abilities this is incredible Zozo it’s amazing to see how far you’ve come Zozo we’re so proud of you thanks guys I think I’m ready to defeat Shogun skull do you have any idea where I can find the shogun’s palace I can help you there

Zozo I went there once it’s deep in the zova forest and I can lead you there thank you desert Lord let’s go from day 85 to day 89 the desert Lord and I traveled to the Far East into the zova forest we stopped for a moment for one

Last discussion desert Lord it’ll be too dangerous from here I’ll go alone are you sure Zozo I don’t want you to get hurt it’s okay I’ve been training for almost 100 days I believe I can do this okay Zozo I wish you luck and with that

The desert Lord and I went our separate ways from day 90 to Day 94 I traveled deeper into the zelkova forest searching for the shogun’s palace it’s got to be around here somewhere where could Shogun skull be hiding right behind you I turned around just in time to see Shogun

Skull standing right behind me before I could fight back he hit me and everything went black when I woke up again I was in the bad lands miles away from where I was supposed to be with Osiris standing right in front of me you’re not who I wanted to fight but I

Guess you’ll have to do I still had my diamond Katana thankfully and used ultimate slash on Osiris he wasn’t that hard to to defeat but knowing how far I was behind all my plans to defeat Shogun skull now I felt terrible all I could do

Was make my way back to my base and figure out a new plan this is going to be a long week from day 95 to day 97 I continued making my way back through the bad lands frustrated that Shogun skull and his minions had put me so far behind

Schedule and speak of the devil a gang of dread ghouls emerged from behind some rocks it’s over Zozo we’re going to to be the ones to take you down better mobs have tried and failed I don’t fancy your chances I didn’t have much time to waste

On these guys so I hit them with a sonic boom then finish the rest of them off with a diamond Katana Shogun skull your end is near on day 98 I returned to my base exhausted from all the setbacks that had slowed me down and gotten in my

Way I returned to find Polly the pink pixie and the desert Lord waiting outside and looking equally sad for me I’m so sorry that all of this happened Zozo you’ve been facing the impossible perhaps we put too much pressure on you maybe the desert Lord Is Right Zoo it

Took a whole organization of Wen ninjas to deliver Shogun skull into Power maybe it was just wishful thinking to believe that one Wen ninja would be enough to overthrow him guys we can’t afford to think like that we need hope if we were ever going to win this thing Shogun

Skull is throwing everything at us and that’s because he’s scared because he knows deep down that I can defeat him so let’s keep pushing and prove that evil jerk right that seemed to pep them both back up and if you want to support our adventures and see more be sure to hit

Like And subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss another Zozo video Zozo if you believe it’s truly time for the final battle I’ll lead you to the shogun’s Palace again let’s bring his reign of terror to an end once and for all that’s what I’m talking about Lead

The Way Desert Lord I’m ready to do this on day 999 following the desert Lord through the zelkova forest I reached the shogun’s palace where we bid farewell of course shun skull was never going to let me just Walt in the gates opened and first he sent out a band of brigin to

Attack me we’ve been promised a real good payday if we can destroy you Zozo that’s money you’ll never get to spend I ran in with my diamond Katana supported by my now iron willpower I’d never let these brins defeat me I kept fighting until not a single one of them was left

And only I was standing who’s next Shogun skull I can take anyone you throw at me but the next group of mobs didn’t come from the palace they snuck up behind me it was a gang of Silent assassins they were much tougher than the brigin but with my expert Diamond

Katana skills I was able to still defeat them all by this point I was getting tired but I still had the will to fight is that all you got Shogun the gates open opened again and out stepped a huge Warrior it was the Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigin who’d helped the

Shogun rise to power all those years ago your all me zoo you’ve destroyed so many of my brigin do you have any idea how much effort it will take to replace them all for that I’ve decided I’m going to destroy you myself not if I have

Anything to say about it I Unleashed my Sonic Boom blasting the Bandit War Lord right in the chest but he tanked it he was completely unharmed H pathetic that barely tickled do you really think such a feeble attempt would really defeat me the Mighty Bandit Chief suck only to the

Shogun himself this is going to be fun worried that this could be the end I pulled out one of my axes and threw it directly at the Bandit warlord to my surprise it destroyed him instantly oh I guess he was just bragging huh with his guard Force taken care of all that was

Left was to enter the palace and battle the Shogun himself on day 100 I entered the shogun’s palace and found the man himself Shogun skull waiting for me well done Zoo you’ve proven yourself and fought with honor for that I will give you the privilege of A Warrior’s death you deserve little

All that Bluster can’t disguise how scared you are Shogun skull I know the truth you never would have gotten to where you are without people like me and what the warden ninja gives the warden Ninja can take away that’s the true Way of the Ninja how arrogant Zozo do you

Really believe you can take away this shun skull began to transform into an even larger more dangerous version of himself the strongest I’d ever seen him no more talking Zozo it ends now well at least we can agree on that the battle began the two of us clashed katanas we

Seemed equally matched in skill but because of his dark magic Shi gun skull was bigger and stronger for a moment I was worried it was over for me when suddenly my warrior Spirit kicked back in and I found the will to fight again and I also miraculously regained all of

My health I fought harder than I ever had before hitting Shogun skull again and again and again until he was almost defeated I’d never seen him look so weak and helpless I charged up all of my strength and with a single blast of my Sonic Boom Shogun skull was destroyed

And peace restored to the land once more I love a happy ending on day one I spawned in his AAU ready to begin my latest Minecraft adventure and wow look I’ve got five Hearts it must be because apma was so good at making friends but wait there

Was nobody else around me in the forest that didn’t seem right AAU always has her friends especially her best friend Ian I started looking around to see if I could find him Ian can you hear me Ian I don’t like hanging out in this creepy forest alone but I wasn’t alone suddenly

A huge humbaba came running out of the trees towards me are you calling for Ian oh that annoying little Brad has given me enough trouble already if you’re a friend of his I’m going to need to kidnap you too so that’s what happened to Ian he always knew how to make a bad

First impression I turned and ran away from the forest there was no way I could fight that big humbaba unarmed get back here you little twerp there will be no Escape once I reach my full power that didn’t sound good I kept running until I couldn’t see the humbaba anymore and

Stopped to catch my breath after the chase so he kidnapped Ian I need to get him back I really don’t like that thing the humbaba said about reaching his full power but I didn’t have time to think about it suddenly Endermen were coming out of the trees all around me grasping

For me with their long spooky arms uh-oh got to go I ran off again until there were no Endermen to be seen I hid underneath a big tree to get some sleep in secret it’s harder to make friends in this world than I thought on day two I

Woke up with a sore back sleep on the ground under a tree isn’t that comfortable I needed to make myself a base but first I needed to get myself some materials I started breaking down a tree with my bare hands to get the material for a crafting table ow my

Hands are going to be sore after that one I built a crafting table and use that to craft my first set of tools a wooden pickaxe a wooden axe and of course a wooden sword now it’s Base building time there wasn’t much space in the forest so I headed out into the

Planes to start building my base on a wide even plane I admired the planes from my new balcony nothing can sneak up on me here that’s when I saw a bunch of freaky Little Creatures crawling towards my base are those enderio fages that doesn’t make sense what are they doing outside of the

End either way I needed to get them out of here to finish building my base I went outside pulled out my sword and started attacking them being careful not to let them attack me if an enderal Fage attacks you you get Ender flu and nobody wants that get out of here you nasty

Little viruses I kept attacking them until there were no more left and stay out I went back in to continue working on my base the first room I finished was my sleeping quarters complete with a nice comfy bed the sure beats sleeping under a tree on day three I woke up

Feeling well rested and decided to continue expanding my base I left the Plains and walked back into the forest to gather more material with my new tools after all I needed to build a room for Ian after I rescue him from the hababa on the way through the forest I

Discovered an opening into a cave and decided to explore who knows what Treasures I might find in there but as I got deeper and deeper into that cold dark cave I realized treasure wasn’t the only thing inside suddenly an armed mimik Cube snuck up behind me before I

Could even react it hit me with its mimic sword taking out a good chunk of my health get away from me you lousy slime I’m just trying to gather some supplies but it didn’t listen it just kept attacking me my sword was like a toy against it whatever Adventurer it

Copied a shield from was too strong for a minute there I thought I was a goner until a friendly chobo came running out of the cave towards me h on my back kid it isn’t safe in here thanks that’s an offer I can’t refuse I jumped onto the

Chocobo’s back and rode her out of the cave leaving the mimikyu behind us in the dark we ran until we reached my base where I finally dismounted off of the chobo thanks for the save chobo I’m Zozo what’s what’s your name I’m Coco huh guess our names are kind of similar you

Did a great job saving us from that mimik Cube I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have survived without you the mimik cubes are just the beginning of it haven’t you noticed all of the Ender creatures that have been bothering everyone around here it’s all estron the hbaba’s fault wait the hanaba I think we

Should stick together that’s the guy who kidnapped my friend on days four to 5 I invited Koko the chobo into my base be it ever so humble that there’s no place like home nice place where will I sleep that’s when I realized he wouldn’t really fit through the door well where

Do you want to sleep personally I’ve always felt a little safer underground is that doable you bet you Coco I mind a space underground in my little base and built Coco a cozy underground room to sleep in by the time we were done it was night time and we were exhausted it

Feels so nice to have a friend staying at my base with me too but we didn’t get to cool off for long we heard the sound of zombies moaning outside jeez we can’t catch a break can we you hang back this time Coco you’ve already saved my bum

Once today now it’s my turn to help you out I climbed up the stairs and pulled out my sword it may be wooden but I could still outwit a bunch of zombies even at my lower power level I ran in taking advantage of my speed to lure the

Zombie horde away from my base that keep Coco safe now it’s time to Tango you Undead fiends once I was far enough away I started picking them off one by one defeating each one quickly before the rest could gang up on me you know that age-old rule never get surrounded by

Zombies this will teach you to invade my base it’s just rude you know I noticed that one of them dropped an enchanted book on the ground I ran in and picked it up right away oh wow protection level four this will improved the strength of

My armor that’s perfect on day six to8 I decided to build a chicken farm on my base so I could collect the eggs and make myself some nice meals once the new section of the base was built I went out into the jungle to find some wild chickens rumming free here little

Chickens I’ll put up some fences and make you some nests while I was there I collected a few apples from the Trees Too Munch Munch Munch back to full Hearts nice and just in time too because I saw a stragon the hum Bubba coming towards me through the trees he was

Carrying a bow with flaming arrows we meet again Zozo you’re a long way from your base estr on I know your name now what did you do with my friend Ian Ian Ian Ian I’m sick of hearing that name almost as sick as I am of keeping him as

A hostage but it’ll all be worth it when it’s time for the sacrifice what sacrifice what are you going to do to my friend I’ve told you too much already Zozo now it’s time for you to run if you want to survive that is he started shooting Fireballs at me

And all he could do was run away there was no way I could face him with just a wooden sword run Zoo run it doesn’t matter I’ll catch you in the end no matter what he kept firing more Fireballs as I kept running there were

So many I could barely Dodge them all I just kept ducking and weaving between the trees they were my only protection why can’t you just leave me alone I can’t have you getting in the way of my plan Zozo I won’t risk it luckily I was

Still faster than he was I was able to keep running until I passed through a gap too small for him by the time he could make it around I had hidden behind a tree You Can’t Hide forever Zozo then he angrily spat fire all over

I didn’t feel safe until I saw him Fade Into the distance looking for me I’m going to need to get so much stronger before I can beat that guy I hope you’re safe out there Ian on days 9 to 10 I was hanging out with Koko thinking about how

To pass the time while I searched for Ian and figured out humbaba evil plan hoko had a pretty bright idea about that how about you build a statue Zozo that’s a great way to pass the time and it’ll help inspire you to complete your mission great idea Koko I’m so glad I

Have you around to help me out but what would the statue be it has to be something Ian would love it was sitting on the balcony thinking of what exactly to build oh wait I know I’d build a statue of Ian he’d love to have a big

Statue of himself to look at ventured out to the plains where I started mining some more materials this would help me build my statue and improve my base I went back to the base and started building the statue’s foundation heck yeah that’s a good start I also decided

It was time to furnish my home a bit more I needed somewhere to chill out and maybe read oh I know I’ll build myself a library that will be the perfect place to study and relax built myself a nice cozy library with bookshelves chairs and

A fireplace now this is the way to live on days 11 to 12 I was exploring a cave searching for more materials when suddenly an ancient Spirit villager appeared right in front of me oh no a ghost Be not Afraid Zoo how do you know

My name I know many things as an ancient Spirit it is my duty to Guide Heroes and warriors who are pure of heart to their Destiny I can sense that you have a mission zoo I can give you the answers but you must ask the right question

Well a humbaba named estron kidnapped my best friend Ian and I think he’s up to something bad can you tell me everything you know about him yes estron the hanaba there is a great darkness in that creature’s heart he started out like any other hababa living in the desert Plains with his

Family but like many evil men estron wasn’t satisfied with what he had with the love of his friends and family he always lusted for power to gain control over others his quest to become a more powerful being led him to the end a realm even darker and further from the

Overworld than the nether he knew that the forces of the end would give him power he only dreamed of but it exacted a terrible price in return a sacrifice he wanted the power of the end he would need to forsake the Overworld and help the Enderman and endiro fases take it

Over and make it their own he gains power to perform this ritual through sacrifice I would wager that this is his intention with your friend Ian what that’s even worse than I thought I need to get stronger and defeat this guy before he can hurt anyone else from Days

13 to 15 I returned to the cave where I first met Koko the chocoo I wanted to to get strong enough to defeat estron the humbaba I needed to at least be strong enough to defeat that mimikyu as I got deeper into the cave I saw it was

Waiting for me on top of a stalagmite clearly he had gotten some flare for the dramatic as it hopped down towards me I dodged and went for his back trying to hit him where he couldn’t block with his shield he took a lot of hits for my

Wooden sword but eventually I did manage to defeat it with a good swing to the back the fight made a difference because I could feel myself leveling up I went from five to eight hearts got twice as strong and gained a new ability disguise aphmau is great at fitting in

So I can now convince some lower level mob groups that I’m one of them just as long as I don’t act too out of character this will probably come in handy later after that I mined some Stone and left the cave all this will help me rescue

Ian and stop estron someday on days 16 to 19 I built myself a crafting room so I could make better gear I used my crafting table and the stone I’d collected to make myself a new set of gear a stone sword a stone pickaxe and a stone axe we’ve just entered the Stone

Age baby I realized I needed more materials for Base building and crafting that’s why I started exploring an underground Cavern near my base the deeper I got into the cavern the more I noticed how cold it had gotten even cooler than you’d usually expect for an underground Cavern that’s when I noticed

An Iceman standing deeper into the cavern waiting for any Intruders to enter he was walking towards me I needed to think fast now is probably a good time to try out my new disguise ability as the ican approached me I switched into my Iceman disguise hey who goals

There hey uh it’s me fellow Iceman so nice to see another one of my cold Bros down here oh yeah I guess it is nice to see another Iceman down here it looks like my disguise worked well what can I do you for fellow Iceman you mind if I

Mine some materials I need to upgrade my equip equipment sure thing Bud be my guest my new disguise ability was already coming in handy with the ican’s approval I Min some extra Stone and made my way back to my base on days 20 to 22

I woke up to Koko the chobo outside the door to my bedroom frantically calling for me Zozo Zozo it’s an emergency what’s wrong coko ason the hababa is right outside I think he’s here to see you uh-oh I better get dressed and go see him then I grabbed my equipment and

Ran out of the base I saw estron the humbaba standing there waiting for me we meet again Zozo our last meeting was cut tragically short if I recall correctly you ran away like a coward will you run away now I’m through running away I’m ready to take you on estron are you

Brave enough to fight me directly gladly estron Reed his claws and ran at me we dueled managing to dodge a par most of each other’s blows impressive you’ve gotten a lot stronger since we last fought thanks for providing the encouragement as we kept fighting I

Managed to hold my own but I was getting tired lucky for me it seemed like estragon was getting tired too you’ve proven yourself Zozo but this isn’t even my final form the next time we fight it’ll be the end of you mark my words

And with that he ran off leaving us on a draw but the next time I would meet him I finally believed it might be my turn to take home the victory when I’m done with you estron the only end you’ll need to worry about is your own on days 23 to

26 I explored an underground Cavern hoping to find some interesting loot using torches I placed along the wall to light my way I walked deeper and deeper into the belly of the cavern along the way I saw a family of spiders skittering along the stone I really didn’t feel

Like fighting these guys so I hid in the shadows and watched them pass spiders always get give me the creeps once the spiders were gone I kept creeping into the cavern I could just feel I was getting closer to something worthwhile hey what’s that that’s when I discovered

An old chest hidden among the rocks I opened it and found a potion of healing inside this will help me regain two hearts I better keep this for when I really need it and if you want more Zozo videos when you really need them search

Zo zoo in your search bar and you’ll be able to find all my Minecraft Adventures on days 27 to 31 coko brought me some materials to get started on the Statue and I quickly got to work on it knowing that it would help to motivate me to

Take on estron and rescue Ian this is looking Rad but I can’t help but feel like it’s missing something I realized pretty quickly that the statue needed some more colors to really bring it to the next level made my way over to a nearby desert where I found some

Abandoned sheep and a pen their wool is exactly what we need for the Statue as soon as I tried to get closer however a a gang of husks appeared from behind the Sands it was too late to use my disguise skill they’d already seen me and now I

Was in trouble I’m guessing you guys don’t want to just talk this one out spoiler alert they didn’t I pulled out my stone sword and started fighting off the gang of angry husks there were plenty of them but I was a lot stronger than I used to be I bet you wish you

Just talked it out with me now huh some husks with bows were hiding on top of a sand dune firing arrows at me but they weren’t as good a shot as estron so I was able to dodge their arrows and run at them come on guys you can do better

Than that I swung my sword again and again and again never letting up by the time I was done those ancient bad guys were done and I was free to explore the pen I found a big stash of wool in a nearby chest since I had what I needed I

Set the Sheep free enjoy your freedom with that done I made my way back to my base to continue work on the statue on days 32 to 35 I decided I need needed a change of scenery so I left my base and ventured down to the swamp to see if

There were any interesting materials to collect H it’s got that fresh swamp smell but I didn’t find any interesting materials instead I found a swarm of monstrous swamp leeches and I really didn’t want them to get too close to me I think I might be allergic to leeches

Especially giant monster leeches as I tried to run away I fell into the bug and found even more monstrous swamp leeches slithering through the water towards me I needed get out of here I climbed out of the water and started running as fast as I could as the

Leeches started slithering up onto the ground behind me those monsters must be really hungry but I don’t want to be on the menu you nasty leeches I pulled out my sword and I was able to fight a few of them off but every time I took out a

Few of them more crawled out of the water I was on their Turf now okay okay I’m leaving just please stop trying to eat me after running for a while I finally managed to escape all the hungry leeches I stopped for a minute to catch my breath and that’s when the iron

Chicken ran out to meet me please con stranger I need your help of course tell me what’s happening my chicken friend was kidnapped and dragged away into a tomb but it’s too heavily guarded for me to go and get her back myself will you help me do it I will my friend got

Kidnapped too so I know exactly how you feel I’ll get right on it on days 36 to 39 I follow some instructions the iron chicken gave me until I found my way over to the ancient tomb of course they’d be hiding the kidnapped chicken in the creepiest place possible duh

Getting in wouldn’t be easy I could see a powerful looking Stone monster guarding the gate and I had no idea what other enemies or traps were waiting for me inside I needed to think of a way to approach this tactically wait I have an idea the stone monster hadn’t seen me

Yet so I could use my disguise skill to infiltrate the building without needing to fight the stone monster monster once I was inside I could try to find the chicken and sneak back out it’d be a Flawless plan and nobody would need to get hurt that’s the APM way what could

Possibly go wrong days 40 to 43 I put my plan into action I used my disguise ability to take on the form of a stone monster and approach the stone monster guarding the entrance to the ancient tomb hey there fellow Stone monster how’s it going do I know you well we’re

Both Stone monsters aren’t we what’s up you’ve Garden the tomb can I go in look buddy this is a security job I don’t let anyone into this tomb unless I know them so who are you I feel like I definitely know you from somewhere are you a friend of my brother

Michael yes that’s it some would say I’m his best friend me and Mikey go way back so you mind if I entery the tomb yeah dope I don’t have a brother I’m taking you down my disguise was foiled the stone monster R towards me and I used my

Speed and Agility to dodge around him and run into the ancient tomb don’t worry chicken I’m coming for you I ran into the tomb it was a cold dark passageway where I could barely see in front of my face put up a couple torches along the walls just so I could find my

Way around that’s when I found a potion of night vision laying around on the floor of the Tomb this is perfect just what I needed I took the potion just in time to see a vicious Ruby mummy running towards me it gave me the Fright of my

Life life I dodged the lunging mummy and only then noticed a green chicken cowering behind the mummy hey chicken come with me we need to get out of this scary dump I didn’t have to tell the chicken twice she ran after me as I ran out of the Tomb leaving the shambling

Ruby mummy behind us we also passed the big strong Stone monster on the way out and left the tomb for good the green chicken and I returned to the swamp where she was reunited with her good friend the iron chicken thank you Zozo I’ll never forget this no problem iron

Chicken I just hope I don’t need to go into any more creepy tombs anytime soon on days 44 to 49 after reuniting with the chickens I decided I needed a little reminder of the friend I was doing all of this to save I haven’t forgotten about you Ian that’s why I continued

Working on the Statue with some of the materials I’d been Gathering it was getting a little taller every day I loved seeing my work get better and better like this okay the statue is coming along nicely but now now I need to beef up my home defenses a little I

Mined some Stone out of the ground nearby and started building a wall around the base to keep it secure from any potential attackers I’d like to see estragon break in now oh wait I should probably build a door I built a double door into the front of the perimeter

Gate and mounted torches all around the sides to ward off mobs after that I got to work making Ian a room of his own he needed a good place to stay after I got him back from estron while I was at it I decided to add a kitchen as as well

Can’t live off of apples forever now my base was really coming along on days 50 to 53 my new security system was put to the test when estron the humbaba attacked the base again and this time he brought friends there was an army of endre fases headed by one of eston’s

Generals the mutant Enderman who was larger and stronger than your average Enderman you just don’t know when to quit do you estron why would I quit Zozo I hold all the CS you’ve been getting too big for your boots this is going to teach you a valuable lesson about your

Place and things minions attack on eston’s order the Army attacked I thought my new perimeter wall would keep me Koko and our base safe but that’s when the mutant Enderman came in he teleported past the wall and opened the door from the inside that’s when the Endo fases came storming into the base

Uh-oh this isn’t good I pulled out my stone sword and tried my best to fight off the Enduro fases but as they attacked me I caught the Ender flu and felt myself getting temporarily weaker it wasn’t even strong enough to stop them from getting to Coco the chocoo

Zozo help they’ve got me Coco No but it was already too late estron teleported away with Coco all that was left at the base was me the Ender oases and the mutant Enderman that’s it all of you bad guys are going down one by one with my

Stone sword I took down all the remaining Ender phases and the mutant Enderman teleported away in fear the battle gave me enough XP that I gained two more hearts and double speed I quickly ran back inside and opened my fridge and grabbed some milk thankfully drinking it removed the underf flu from

Me now it’s time to get serious I’m not letting estron keep Coco and Ian I’m getting them both back on days 54 to 57 I decided I needed to improve my base defense system before I took the fight to EST and his goons I reinforced my perimeter wall by making it thicker and

Adding more layers and I added lanterns around the outside to ward off any enemy mobs good luck teleporting through that mutant Enderman the next defense I needed was knowledge that’s why I returned to the underground Cavern where the wise ancient Spirit villager was waiting for me ancient Spirit villager I

Need your help estragon keeps attacking me and taking my friends but I don’t know where to even start looking for him to get my friends back where should I look H well I think I may have an answer for you Zoo across the forest in the Badlands there is an ancient Temple

Which I believe is owned by estron the hababa perhaps if you find this place you can discover eston’s end portal if you find that you may be able to rescue your friends and stop his terrible plans that sounds like a plan but first I’m going to need to improve my weapons and

Equipment if I want to take on estron I need to become more powerful powerful than ever that’s when I set off for a nearby mine on days 58 to 62 I entered the mine and started mining iron ore with my stone pickaxe this will be perfect for upgrading my gear but while

I was mining I suddenly felt a presence behind me I turned and saw the mutant Enderman lurking in the dark you again I’ve had enough of you the mutant Enderman teleported toward me but I wouldn’t let him get the advantage here I pulled out my stone sword and finally

Put an to The Crafty teleporting villain he had one final trick up his sleeve though before I could back off I got sucked into the Ender energies that exploded out of him by the end of it though I was in a lot better shape than he was you picked the wrong side mutant

Enderman I gathered up the rest of the iron and returned to my base there I used my crafting table to create an iron sword an iron pickaxe an iron axe and a full set of iron armor looks like I’m getting stronger and stronger every day yeah on days 63 to 66 I continued

Working on the Statue it was coming along well but it still had a long way to go and it was a heck of a lot harder to build without any of my friends here to help me but I had to keep going because that’s what Heroes do that and

Go on adventures of course if you want to make sure you never miss an exciting Zozo Adventure hit subscribe and click the Bell to get notifications we promis we’ve got some even cooler Adventures on the way and you can even suggest your ideas for Adventures down in the

Comments I love hearing what you have to say but now it’s time to continue my quest let’s do this on day 67 to 70 I followed the ancient Spirit villagers instructions to find eston’s hidden dungeon I tracked across the forest until I reached the bad lands there I

Finally found a cave entrance guarded by a few floating gests with this kind of security this has got to be estron secret dungeon I bet Ian and coko are trapped in here using my impr aggessive speed I ran in through the Cave’s entrance avoiding the Fireballs blasted

At me by the patrolling gas you can’t catch me I’m going to get in there and save my friends on day 71 to 74 I entered the dungeon there were Wither Skeleton skulls on the floor but suddenly in a black puff of smoke they reanimated into wither skeletons great

More enemies just what I wanted pulled out my iron sword and started dueling the wither skeletons they were stronger than I expected Ed even iron wasn’t that effective at stopping them I jumped to a platform off the side of the bridge to make some distance between us that sure

Is a long way down the wither skeletons were hesitant to follow over the Gap then I took a look around and noticed something sitting on the ground nearby I couldn’t believe what I was seeing wo a mace that’s one of the most powerful weapons out there looks like I’m getting

Some good luck after all with the mace I made short work of the Wither Skeleton Squad blasting them all into a pile of ebony bones not so tough now huh after defeating the wither skeletons I noticed a gate at the back of the dungeon I just knew that whatever I wanted it was

Hiding behind that door let’s go on days 75 to 78 I walked through the gate at the back of the dungeon and entered eston’s Lair the hanaba was standing there waiting for me with a huge end portal on the ground behind him I bet you’re proud of yourself you’ve come so

Far and what a shame it’ll be what happens to you in the end do you have any final regrets yeah not taking you down sooner I pulled out my new mace and ran toward estron he tried to dodge but I was too fast for him all it took was one good

Strike and estron was thrown across the room needless to say he didn’t seem happy you really have gotten stronger and I’ve gotten angrier you’ll see just how angry I can get if you you don’t tell me where I can find my friends oh you’ll find them but to find them you’ll

Need to follow me estron jumped into the end portal and disappeared I wasn’t going to let him get away so I jumped in right after him on day 79 to 84 I arrived in the end where estron the hanaba was already waiting for me on top

Of some kind of tower the sky above was Pitch Black something about this place made me shudder all the way down to my bones welcome Zozo to the end and I hope you find it as hospitable as I do give it up estron it’s over tell me where

You’re keeping my friends oh they’re right here Zozo but you’ll never see them again isn’t that just tragic now this creep was really making me angry not as weak as I used to be estron I can defeat you now perhaps you can but can you beat me after this estron the hanaba

Started floating off the top of the tower I could feel an energy Energy building in the air what was happening here prepare to witness true power Zozo in a puff of poisonous purple Mist estron harnessed the power of the end and transformed into an Ender Dragon one of the most powerful enemies imaginable

This is what it’s all been building to I’ve harnessed the power of the end and become stronger than I could have ever hoped to be soon with the help of my Enderman and my andreo fases I will conquer the world I’ll never let you do that you’ll be too

Dead to stop me estron the Ender Dragon fired a purple Fireball at me I had no hope of surviving like this I ran away and hopped back into the end portal if I couldn’t figure something out soon we’d all be doomed on days 85 to 89 I ran

Back through the forest to my base by the time I got back there I was exhausted from the journey and from my last fight I needed to take a nap and get my energy back then that’s when I got an unexpected guess the ancient Spirit villager floated into the room

And woke me up ancient Spirit villager what are you doing here it seems the situation has become Graver than ever Zozo our shared enemy estron has taken the form of an Ender Dragon I know that ancient Spirit villager I saw it happen then you know how much is at stake what

We must do in order to stop him and save the Overworld from his tyranny you still think I can beat him you wish to save your friend friends Ian and goo then you will have to but you will need to get stronger first here take this the ancient Spirit villager gave me a

Sharpness enchantment which would make my mace even stronger but if I wanted to beat this new estragon I needed to make my spirit stronger as well as my weapons feeling well rested I went out to the Statue and put on the final finishing touches it looked amazing just like my

Friend Ian I knew when he finally saw it he’d love it he always was a little little full of himself that’s when the ancient Spirit villager appeared to me one more time Zoo my time is almost at an end but I have a message to impart to

You if you wish to survive the Wrath of the Ender Dragon you must wear the ultimate armor you will find it in a chest hidden in the nether waste there is a portal to the nether on the stone Shores you can do it I believe in you and with that the ancient Spirit

Villager faded away I would need to do the rest alone thank you ient Spirit villager for everything on days 90 to 94 I used the sharpness enchantment the spirit villager gave me on my mace to make it stronger I took my enhanced mace and made my way to the stone Shores

Could see the nether portal glowing in the distance it’s now or nether have I made that joke before there were a few zombies scattered along the shoreline when they saw me they immediately started running towards me thankfully by this point I was way too strong for them

I took them all out with my mace and ran towards the portal nothing is going to stop me now I jumped into the portal and was suddenly transported to the fiery nightmare world of the nether now I’ve got to find that chest huh this place is

Way bigger than I thought as I wandered further into The Nether waist I was attacked by a horde of zombified piglins all oinking furiously guys I’m just looking for the chest I don’t want any trouble they weren’t interested in listening instead they all attacked me

And gave me no choice but to find right back take this and that my mace was so powerful Now it only took one strike each to destroy them the biggest problem was that my mace was slow so it took me a while to work through them all they

Really should give you guys a raise once the zombified piglins were taken care of I continued exploring until I found an empty Bastion Remnant this must be where all those zombified piglins came from I wonder if they were guarding something I crept inside and that’s when I saw it

The ch yes the exact thing that the ancient Spirit villager told me about I opened it up and found something amazing inside a set of netherite armor the strongest armor ever this would be perfect for keeping me safe against the wrath of estron with the armor in my

Inventory I ran back to the portal it was time to return to my base and prepare don’t worry Ian and Coco I’m coming back for you soon on days 95 to ’96 I continued the prep for my final battle back at the base I used my library to craft a few new Enchantment

Books that had give me the edge in the fight against estron even though my netherite armor was already the strongest armor you could get your hands on it could still be stronger I gave it the projectile protection enchantment so I could withstand anything that estragon the Ender Dragon threw at me but I

Didn’t stop there when you think dragons you also think fire that’s exactly why I also gave my netherite armor the fire protection enchantment you won’t be able to toast me now estron but I couldn’t just load all my efforts into defense my mace was powerful but it was also slow

And it was no good at long range not exactly great when your enemy can fly that’s why just to be sure I also made a throwing axe to keep in my inventory just in case estragon decided to cheat and use his wings and to think I started

This journey as just a fun YouTuber now I’m a powerful Dragon hunting Warrior let’s go on days 97 to 98 I made the hard Trek across the forest toward the cave where estragon was keeping his end portal I was nervous after all the Ender Dragon was one of the strongest enemies

I’d ever faced but I knew in my heart that I could win this thing and save my friends do you believe I can do it let me know down in the comments along with what Adventure you’d like me to take on next anytime you want more Minecraft

Adventures with me Zozo just search zo zoo for more that’s when I noticed that dark scary dungeon right in front of me okay estron it’s now or never I’m going to defeat you once and for all on day 99 I entered the dungeon where estron was

Keeping his portal to the end if I didn’t defeat him here he might become all powerful and spread the Ender creatures all over the world I can’t just let that happen I jumped into the end portal and was immediately transported to the main island of the

End I saw Koko the chocoo and Ian trapped in cages watching helplessly while the might the Ender Dragon floated up above huh you actually came back I can’t tell whether you’re brave or just foolish but I’ll destroy you either way Koko and Ian looked amazed to see me

Here and I was so happy to see them Zozo I can’t believe you actually came back to help us this is literally the coolest thing you’ve ever done don’t worry guys I’m going to save you that just made estron laugh I thought it might be nice

For them to see you get destroyed it’s a little parting gift from me to you you pathetic little weakling who are you calling weakling it was time to level up I equipped my mace and felt myself beginning to change I upgraded reaching twice my height and strength my final

Form let’s do this estron estron immediately swooped down towards me doing the Ender Dragon dive I quickly ran and dodged out of the way as he collided with the ground that was too close I grabbed my mace and ran towards him ready to deal a blow but he was already

Up and flying around again a come on that’s not fair he Unleashed a purple Fireball that flew down towards me and exploded filling the area around me with that lethal pink Haze I could hardly breathe I needed to get out of here before it depleted my health this is

Even worse than Ender flu the Ender Dragon had so many attacks I could barely keep up just as I was recovering from the poison gas the the Ender Dragon flew towards me again spewing a barrage of normal Fireballs down onto me if I wasn’t wearing my enchanted netherite

Armor I probably would have been melted right there and then despite my armor they still dealt some damage taking out two of my hearts thankfully I still had my healing potion to get me back to full health Bottoms Up and estron certainly didn’t like that face it Zozo I’m all

Powerful you can’t stop me I will rule the Overworld but I wasn’t done just yet I grabbed my throwing ax and prepared for the next attack this time I’d be ready you want to finish me off estron come on and do it then if you insist Zozo I saw estron preparing for another

Dive towards me this would be my chance as he got closer I threw my ax at him throwing off his ark and sending him collapsing into the ground with an Earth shaking crash before estron the Ender Dragon could get himself back up into the air I pulled out my powerful men and

Ran over straight towards his head I could see him starting to panic wait Zozo no you can’t do this this is what happens when you kidnap my friends boom with one strike of my mace to his head estron the Ender Dragon was destroyed for good it was over you did it Zozo

Yeah you won on day 100 me Ian and Koko escaped the end I let them run ahead while I turned around to throw my mace into the portal to destroy it so nobody like estron would ever come back the portal started bubbling up so I rushed

You far away from it when I turned around I saw dozen of tiny falling stars raining down on the dungeon and portal slowly reducing it to Rubble then we made our way back to the base to finally hang out and chill the adventure may have been over but now with my friends

Back the fun had just begun on day one I spawned in as Mr Beast the YouTuber famous for his big money and crazy challenges but wait I’m so so small and I don’t even have a beard I’m not Mr Beast I’m baby Beast before I could think about increasing my

Size or my fortun a big mean Bounty Hunter came running out of some nearby Woods uh-oh is that a bow and arrow that’s right and I’m a dead shot with this thing too I’m the toughest nastiest Bounty Hunter around these parts and you better start running cuz someone put a

Bounty on your head a bounty what does that mean it means someone is going to pay me the big bus if I can capture you in 100 days and trust me it won’t take 100 days cuz I’m the best there is before I could say anything else he

Started firing at me the Bounty Hunter was such a good shot I had to run for my life deeper into the forest well he just laughed at me escape this bounty hunter for a 100 days boy do I have my work cut out for me this time on day two I made

My way into the closest forest I could find I didn’t stop knowing that the Bounty Hunter might still be chasing me here in the trees I have way more cover it’ll be harder for the Bounty Hunter to hit me with his arrows gosh and I definitely don’t want to get hit by

Those arrows I only have three lousy Hearts I kept running looking over my shoulder now and then to see if anybody was following me phew it looks like I might have lost him for now anyway that’s when a huge gorilla charged out of the trees he was buff and tough as

You’d probably expect from a gorilla sorry that I’m in your Forest Mr gorilla I’d give you some money for it but I’m not Mr Beast yet it’s an emergency though I’m being chased by a bounty hunter the gorilla laughed yeah I know you’re being chased by a bounty hunter

Because he hired me to help him if I take you to him we’re going to split the Bounty oh come on that’s not fair how can you sleep at night going after innocent people like this believe me the Bounty money will help with that money I’ll be a gillionaire and with that he

Attacked me pounding me with his huge gorilla fist I tried to fight back but without without any weapons and only my puny punches I didn’t leave a scratch on him huh this really is like taking candy from a baby just when it seemed like all was lost a donkey with a saddle came

Running at us out of the woods hop on my back if you want to live so I hopped on the donkey’s back and she carried me out of there that was close too close that’ll do donkey that’ll do on day three the kind donkey who saved me took

Me back to her secret hideout deep in the woods there I met the donkey’s friend a Pig who was also hiding out this is Napoleon he’s the smartest Pig I’ve ever met well I don’t know about the smartest but I definitely know a thing or two wait that’s perfect if

You’re super smart then maybe you can help me with my quest what quest is that I’m being chased by the meanest scariest bounty hunter in the world and if he gets me in the next 100 days I’m toast they say the best defense is a good offense if you don’t want this bounty

Hunter fell to get to you then you need to stay under the radar get strong and get get him first now that’s a cool idea how would I start Napoleon you’re going to need tools weapons and a secret base for starters and from there the training will begin taking Napoleon’s advice

Donkey and I set off further into the forest the Bounty Hunter wouldn’t get me over the next 100 days I’d get him on days four to five donkey and I decided to start Gathering our first materials the forest was full of trees so it wouldn’t be hard to find wood come on

Donkey let’s get ourselves some wooden blocks it wasn’t easy to punch down the trees but with the help of donkey we’d soon broken down enough trees to make a crafting bench and some basic wooden tools it’s crafting time I made myself a wooden pickaxe perfect for a low-level

Player like me but why settle for a low-level tool you’ll be able to mine chop and harvest even faster with stone tools donkey at a point I used my wooden pickaxe to mine into the ground and collect some stone blocks then with the help of my crafting bench I created my

First set of stone tools but most importantly of all I made myself my first formidable weapon a super cool stone sword let’s see that Bounty Hunter mess with me now the next piece of advice Napoleon had given me was building a secret hideout it couldn’t be too obvious where the Bounty Hunter

Would find me easily I picked a spot between some trees and started mining downwards underground would be the perfect spot for my base I built some stairs and a place for donkey and I to sleep underground with some torches to light the way hopefully the Bounty Hunter would never notice us here but

All this Mining and crafting and work up a hunger in me that’s when I noticed an apple on the ground oh that’s perfect I picked up the apple and ate it then something amazing happened I leveled up growing into a slightly bigger Mr Beast with four Hearts now rather than three

This is awesome next I need to start growing my bank account on day 6 to 8 I decided to go exploring the plains again the Bounty Hunter would probably never expect me to go back there still I didn’t want to push my luck that’s why I kept a low profile crouching and trying

To sneak around as as much as I could when you’re up against a crazy Bounty Hunter stealth is a good skill to practice but my stealth came under Fire when I saw an innocent young gazelle getting chased by a gang of spooky husks I wanted to stand under the radar but I

Could not help someone in trouble get away from her you nasty husks I pulled out my stone sword and charged in ready to take them all on but the battle wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped the husks attacked back and I was fighting for my life one of the husks attacked me and

Knocked off some of my hearts that’s it no more Mr Nice Beast fueled by my determination I fought back and soon all the husk were destroyed then the gazelle came in to thank me thank you you saved me I’ll be forever in your debt don’t mention it gazelle is there anything

Else I could do to help well I was wandering across the plains with my father Papa gazelle when all these Undead attacked he told me to run but he’s still trapped back there can you help him of course gazelle let’s do it on days 9 to 10 me and the young gazelle

Ran across the plains looking for her father he had to be around here somewhere look that’s him over there I turned and saw the last thing I wanted to see papa gazelle being chased by a Wither boss who was firing explosive skulls and barely missing the poor gazelle uh-oh Withers are stronger than

Anything else I faced please we need to try it’s the only way to save my papa I couldn’t say no to that so I once again took up my sword and ran towards the Wither trying to hide my fear pick on someone your own size wither so then he

Started picking on me the Wither turned and fired a flaming skull that exploded on the ground next to me I immediately knew there was no way I’d be able to win this fight at my current strength I’ll never be able to stop the Bounty Hunter if I get destroyed by a Wither feeling

Ashamed of myself I ran away I retreated back to the young gazelle come back to my base with me gazelle we’ll figure out a way to save your dad back there on days 11 to 12 I came back to my base with gazelle ready to make some upgrades

And improvements we went underground and I mined an additional room for gazelle to sleep in but that’s when I realized something important an underground base is a great Hideout but if the Bounty Hunter finds us here we’re trapped I need to build an escape tunnel so that’s what I started building the Escape

Tunnel would be an ongoing project though I couldn’t build one big enough for us all in just one day during my day of Mining and crafting I paid another visit to donkey and asked her what she knew about the bounty hunter and why he could have been after me well it’s

Probably got something to do with the prophecy prophecy what prophecy for the longest time humans have kept the Beast down you know beasts like me and Napoleon and gazelle and humans like it that way but prophecy tells of a human who will Liberate the beast from Human

Control and Deliver us all to Freedom the prophecies say that this man would be named Mr Beast wait Mr Beast I’m playing Mr Beast maybe the prophecy is about me that explains everything the humans must must think you’re going to free all of the beasts so they pulled

Their money together to hire the best bounty hunter in the world the man who’s known for being able to capture anybody but if you can defeat him you might be able to free the beasts but I wasn’t even strong enough to beat the Wither yet I needed to get a lot stronger

Before I could do that in the meantime I used my stone tools to start mining for iron underground this would help make all my tools and weapon stronger after a short time I found a nice dash of iron and mined it up and it isn’t all about

Fighting it’s important to have food too that’s why I started adding extra chest into my underground base where I could store all the apples I collected from the forest on days 13 to 15 I once again returned to donkey and asked her for advice on how I could get stronger well

The best way to get stronger is by training and the only way to train is to really test yourself which biomes have you visited now that you mention it donkey I’ve only ever visited the forest and the plains there’s your problem you’re never going to get stronger if

You don’t Master every biome try to defeat a powerful enemy in the desert next great idea donkey before I headed to the desert biome I needed to upgrade my equipment I used the iron i’ mine to forge myself a new set of iron tools and some iron armor and like Napoleon had

Said earlier Sometimes the best defense is a good offense so I made myself a cool iron sword too I’m feeling stronger already I left my base and crossed the forest until I found myself at the desert biome already this place was way nastier than the other biomes in my new

Armor the heat was killing me speaking of killing me that’s also when the gorilla appeared from behind and hit me thought you could forget about your old P the gillionaire huh that’s a mistake you’ll PA dearly for my friend what how did you sneak up on me like that I have

My ways now it’s time for me to take you down I’m going to get that Bounty the gorilla attacked me again but this time I was Stronger his punches didn’t do nearly as much damage against my iron armor now it’s my turn gorilla millionaire with a few hitss for my iron

Sword he was down and I’d won that’s when I saw he dropped a Frontiersman cap this lets the wearer move faster while sneaking this must have been how he snuck up on me I equipped the Hat myself this would be super helpful in avoiding that awful Bounty Hunter just then I

Started to feel stronger and I gained another heart five Hearts that’s more like it I guess the desert training was worth it feeling better than before I went back to my base and continued working on my Escape tunnel we made some good progress but I wasn’t going to feel

Much safer until it was complete on day 16 to 19 I decided it was time to try getting rich by exploring an underground Cavern after all you can’t be Mr Beast without getting rich I bet there are some great precious gemstones down here I used my iron pickaxe to easily mine

Through the stone All Around Me setting up torches along the way so I could see where I was going that’s when suddenly an elder skor crawled toward me out of the darkness huh bet you never thought you’d see me down here no offense dude but I don’t even know who you are I’m

The Elder skull and I’m working with the Bounty Hunter to bring you down jeez why is everybody working with this meanie I don’t get it money my boy it makes the world go round if you have enough money you can do anything even pay you guys to

Leave me alone sure but you’re going to need a lot of money to beat what all the humans are paying us to come after you now let’s go but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight as the Elder skull came running at me I dodged his most

Powerful attack and took out my sword it only took a few Choice swings to take the monster down but at least he’d given me a new idea if I can’t beat the Bounty Hunter maybe I can buy him on days 20 to 22 I made my way back to the desert for

More training I was also Gathering materials for more upgrades to my gear that’s when I got attacked by a swarm of spiders all trying to bite and sting me you guys are so rude can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here it didn’t take long for me to swat those

Nasty insects with my sword then they dropped a protection enchantment along with some string this will make my armor even stronger I applied the enchantment and felt my confidence Rising too that’s when I remembered something important Papa gazelle I can save him now as quickly as I could I ran across the

Desert and returned to the plains I saw the same sad display poor Papa gazelle getting chased around by the Wither boss who was still firing skulls at him I’ve had all I can stand and I can’t stand it anymore it’s time to take this Wither boss out I ran in Sword blazing dodging

Every flaming skull the Wither boss blasted at me with one carefully aimed strike the Wither boss was gone you’re free now Papa gazelle go home and I’ll send your kid back to you papa gazelle ran off I’d finally gotten strong enough to free him maybe I could save myself

From the Bounty Hunter after all how sweet you saved the gazelle but it won’t save you I turned and saw the Bounty hun aiming his bow at me how did you find me you weren’t exactly being subtle kid and you should know by now I’m the best

There is he fired an arrow and got me Square in the chest even with my enchanted armor he knocked off some of my hearts I better get out of here before he shoots me again I ran away zigzagging to avoid more arrows you can run but you can’t hide no matter where

You go I will hunt you down you’ll never be Mr Beast on day 23 to 26 I returned to my base at least happy to have some good news for one of my friends I found the young gazelle chilling out in the room I’d built for her gazelle I

Defeated the Wither boss and saved your dad he’s back at your house waiting for you that’s amazing thank you I can’t wait to see him again I’ll never forget this with the young gazelle gone back to her family home and left me with a free room a room I quickly started turning

Into an Armory the Bounty Hunter is a master of weapons so I need to get just as good good if I’m going to beat him the main thing I needed was a ranged weapon so I could fight back without getting too close that’s why I made

Myself a cool new crossbow but it wasn’t just the crossbow I built I continued working on the Escape tunnel if my calculations were correct by the time it was done if the bounty hunter attacked my base we could all Escape all the way to the mountains on days 27 to 31 I

Finished my Escape tunnel and used it to travel all the way to the mountains this will be the perfect way to get out of danger if I need to out of danger you say I turned to see that a snow leopard had somehow snuck up on me I pointed my

Crossbow at him just to be safe what are you doing here snow leopard do you work with the Bounty Hunter what Heavens know the Bounty Hunter aligned with the humans just like the horde of Viking villagers who destroyed my home they destroyed your home that’s terrible let

Me help you how do I know you don’t just side with the other humans I’m not just any human snow leopard I’m Mr Beast the friend to all beasts go and stay at my base you can take the Escape tunnel we’ll make a plan to get back to your

Home later oh thank you kind Stranger in exchange for your generosity I’ll tell you the location of a cave with diamonds near here the snow leopard marked it on my map and left back through the Escape tunnel I continued searching until I discovered the cave and just like the

Snow leopard told me there were some Diamond deposits for me to mine in there jackpot I’ll be as rich as Mr Beast in no time I returned to my base back through my Escape tunnel with all my new diamonds I realized how dread my base looked I crafted and added some banners

And bookshelves to give it some Ambiance that’s when the snow leopard approached me again I sense a terrible disturbance the Vikings who destroyed my home I believe they’ve invaded the forest we need to stop them at once on days 32 to 35 snow leopard and I left the base and

Ventured back out into the forest hoping to hunt down the Viking villagers who had destroyed his home in the mountains look there they are I recognize them anywhere I looked straight ahead and saw what the snow leopard had seen a group of armed Viking villagers surrounding the secret hideout of Napoleon the pig

He was doing his best to reason with them I don’t want any trouble fellas I swear I’m just a humble Pig leave me be but they weren’t listening the Viking villagers were about to attack Napoleon I pulled out my crossbow and started blasting hoping to distract them instead

It all broke out into chaos some of the Viking villagers ran towards me bird ran forward to meet and fight them but as much as I tried to fire more crossbow bolts at the Viking villagers running for Napoleon I was already too late they destroyed him and burned down his

Hideout Napoleon no this unlocked the secret Rage of me and Snow Leopard we charged in him using his claws and teeth and me pulling out my sword it didn’t take long for us to defeat the remaining Viking villagers I’m so sorry about your friend perhaps humans and beasts can

Never live in harmony on days 36 to 39 I needed needed a change of scenery to help me process Napoleon’s death I decided to make my way to the beach sneaking all the way to make sure that the Bounty Hunter didn’t come after me when I was most vulnerable that’s

Exactly the kind of mean move he’d go for but while I was exploring the beach I found another Beast hanging around a boar he looks like he needed some help and because he reminded me of Napoleon I decided I’d do whatever I needed to what’s up Mr bore do you have a problem

That a Mr Beast could help with I was fishing for some magic yellow fish and then near ocean but a small group of aggressive giant lobsters stopped me I can take care of them no problem at all I found my way to the Boar’s fishing spot and saw the lobster skittering

Around snipping their Big Red Claws but there were no match for my crossbow I pulled it out and with a few wellplayed shots all the lobsters were gone it felt good to be able to help someone after I’d had such a bad day I went back to

The boar and told him the good news in return He told me something interesting the bounty Hunter had a weakness his powers were reduced in the dark thanks for the tip Mr boar that’ll probably come in real Handy on days 40 to 43 I returned to my base and continued to

Spruce it up I installed lanterns down the length of the Escape tunnel just to make it easier to use that’s when donkey approached me with a request I heard about some horse friends of mine that escaped from a human stable would you mind building some extra rooms for them

Down here so they have somewhere to be of course donkey that’ll be no problem at all I mined a few extra rooms and widen the entrance to the secret base so we could fit some of donkey’s new horse friends inside the more the merrier while the horses filed in snow leopard

Came into my room and shared some Vital Information my snow leopard senses have been speaking to me again there’s an abandoned mind deep in the forest that I visited once I have a feeling you may find something you’re looking for there just be warned it may be looking for you

Too on days 44 to 49 I made my way deep into the forest in the dead of night I I started traveling at night more often since the board told me the Bounty Hunter’s weakness soon enough I’m going to be strong enough to beat you Bounty Hunter eventually I found the abandoned

Mind that the snow leopard had told me about and crept inside it was dark and spooky in the abandoned mine so I used some torches to light the way however the second the Torches were in place I heard something coming towards me hey who goes there I was lucky and dodged in

Time as an arrow flew towards me and embedded itself in the wall next to me an arrow that could have only belonged to one person I knew the Bounty Hunter hello again you’ve Fallen right into my trap the Bounty Hunter stepped out of the darkness I know about the prophecy

Bounty Hunter I Know Why the humans paid you they know I’m Mr Beast and they hate the beasts so they want to stay in control of them the Bounty Hunter laughed they don’t hate the beasts they’re jealous of the beasts they were born with brains but the beasts were

Born born with natural strength and instincts what they really want is to harness the Beast produce something with the mind of a human and the strength of a beast such a thing is impossible Bounty Hunter impossible you fool it’s already happened then another thing charged out of the dark towards me a

Creature I’d never seen before a huge villager Beast a fusion of human and beast and it was ready to fight me uh good luck you’re going to need it and with that the Bounty Hunter disappeared leaving only me and the Villager Beast it was time to fight on days 50 to 53

The Villager Beast ran at me moving faster than I’d ever seen a human move before I fired at him with the crossbow hitting him with multiple arrows but it didn’t even seem to hurt or slow him down the Villager Beast rammed into me and knocked me back against the wall

Almost stunning me I pulled out my sword and tried to fight back it was shockingly fast and strong managing to deflect or simply ignore most of my attacks a in the end it took all the strength I had to finally defeat this unnatural monster jeez I hope I never

Have to fight one of those horrible things again when the Villager Beast died it left a book marked research notes on the ground it seemed to have been written by some kind of evil scientist probably the one who’d first made this monster the tests are going

Well but the subject is still far too weak I need the Bounty Hunter to capture even stronger creatures if I’m to master the fusion and create the ultimate combination of human and beast the time will soon come when I have perfected the process and then nothing will stop us

Uh-oh that doesn’t sound good on days 54 to 57 I climbed out of the abandoned mind shaken by my fight with the Villager Beast it seemed that the plans the Bounty Hunter was involved with were so much worse than I thought I wanted to go back to my base and warn the others

But when I left the mine Sven the Viking one of the strongest Viking warriors of all was waiting for me sorted ready well v v you survived that’s impressive the Villager Beast is a powerful creature but my instructions are clear the Bounty Hunter told me to destroy you if you

Survived and escaped so I guess that’s what’s going to happen now sorry I didn’t have the time or patience to listen to sven’s babbling so I fired at him with my crossbow once twice three times but somehow every time he dodged can’t we just talk this out man

I pulled out my sword and Sven kept attacking me he was a strong fighter but I’d beaten the Villager Beast so he didn’t seem that challenging in comparison once he was gone he dropped an interesting item on the ground some Outback leggings which massively increased your ability to dodge

Projectiles so that’s how he kept dodging my crossbow bolts I better take these for myself they’ll probably come in handy for the next time I face the Bounty Hunter after I equipped the Outback leggings I made my way back to the base I met with the snow leopard

Again told him about all the crazy things that had happened and showed him the book that I collected from the Villager Beast this is troubling these are writings they seem to be the work of the plague doctor a mad scientist who had theories about fusing humans and beasts to create the ultimate creatures

I thought he was gone but he seemingly returned this means all of us are in danger it’s worse than I possibly could have thought on days 58 to 62 after receiving the disturbing news from Snow Leopard about the plague doctor I decided decided to work on improving and

Upgrading the base however I could first came the Escape tunnel I built a track along the floor of the cave so a mine cart could be installed this would make it a lot easier and faster to get from one end to another I think I’ll give it

A spin right now wooo I took the minecart down to the other end of the Escape tunnel and ventured out into the mountain biome again I explored the diamond cave that snow leopard had shown me and mined even more diamonds I used the Escape tunnel and the mine cart once

Again to take these back to my BAS base where I built my first pieces of diamond gear a diamond chest plate and an awesome diamond sword I ended the four days by building additional levels and rooms to my underground base in case we needed to help more beasts hide from the

Bounty Hunter and the evil plague doctor there’s only one way out of this and it’s with all of us working together on day 63 to day 66 donkey came up to me with a clever idea humans have been known to use boats to travel along the

River in groups maybe if you follow the river along you might be able to find one of their settlements or even find your way to the Bounty Hunter’s new Lair good idea donkey I’ll wait until Nightfall then the Bounty Hunter will never see me coming so that’s exactly

What happened I waited until Nightfall then I made my way out through the forest until I found the river then I just followed the river along suddenly I got a spooky feeling like something was waiting nearby and turned to see a night Apparition floating right behind me I

Immediately pointed my crossbow at him not wanting to take any chance chances wait wait I’m friendly I just need your help oh really what’s going on I’m sorry for pointing my crossbow at you by the way I’ve had kind of a rough month it’s okay I understand we’re all a little

Jumpy with the Bounty Hunter men hanging around wait the bounty hunters men do you know where I can find them of course they chased me out of my home in a cave nearby I think they were looking for precious gemstones then let’s go fight them I need some answers before it’s too

Late count me in so we ran to the nearest cave ready for battle on day 67 to 70 the night appari and I ran into the cave he’d once called his home the henchmen of the bounty hunter three gold warriors were already inside mining at the walls with iron pickaxes what are

You goofballs doing the three gold Warriors suddenly turned to me in the night Apparition and pulled out iron swords we’re under strict orders from the Bounty Hunter to mine as many diamonds as possible if you interfere fear we will destroy you why does the Bounty Hunter need so many diamonds is

He really just that greedy no he and his employer want all of their soldiers to have diamond swords we’ll all be stronger that way oh diamond swords like this I pulled out my diamond sword and charged in the gold Warriors didn’t hesitate to fight back they were strong

And well trained but thankfully I wasn’t alone in this fight the night Apparition floated around the cave distracting the gold Warriors long enough for me to get the edge soon enough I defeated all three with my trusty Diamond blade thanks for the assist night Apparition thank you for getting my homeback feel

Free to take any of the diamonds those guys left behind Don’t Mind If I Do I mind the remaining diamonds and prepared to leave when the night Apparition said one more thing to me I heard the golden Warriors murmur something about coming from the bad lands when they first

Chased me out I figured that might be useful information for you on day 71 to 74 I began and following up on the lead that the KN Apparition had given me if what the gold Warrior said was true I might have been able to find something I

Wanted there and if what you want is more crazy Minecraft Adventures like this one search for more Zozo videos by searching zo zo by the time I arrived at the Badlands the only structure I could see was a busted down looking camp but that wasn’t all the Bounty Hunter was

Waiting for me I’m impressed you shouldn’t have survived I just started firing arrows at him from my crossbow not even letting him finish a sentence he somehow managed to dodge every single one now shots now it’s my turn he pulled out his bow and fired a few arrows at me

But now I have the Outback leggings on my side with speed that impressed even him I managed to dodge all of his arrows too that all you got Bounty Hunter you’re dealing with beast mode Mr Beast here I pulled out my sword and ran at him he just stood there not even trying

To dodge but when I got close he pulled out his close-ranged weapon oh a battle axe with one strike he sent me skining back across the bad lands hting me down to half a heart guess you’re not as strong as you think you are 2 5 days

Left you’re going to be mine before the time Runs Out injured and surprised I did the only thing I could run off I’d finish this another day on day 75 to 78 I returned across the forest to my base I built myself an extra room just for sitting around and relaxing because

After everything I’d experienced I really need to take a load off that’s when the snow leopard approached me carrying a book as you may have noticed I sometimes dabble in a little bit of magic I’m able to sense things other people can’t it’s true that is something

I’ve noticed about you well I’ve taken my skills in Magic and use it to create this book if you read it you will finally unlock your true potential and it will help you on your next steps to become the hero you are always meant to be wow thank you snow leopard I’m

Honored I took up the book book and finally read it I felt the change immediately getting bigger stronger and getting an impressive 10 Hearts but more than that I took a look into my inventory and found that it was stuffed with money snow leopard you did it I’m

Finally Mr Beast on day 79 to 84 I went out to the desert to test out my new Mr Beast Powers I soon encountered one of the most dangerous creatures in the desert the sand and wind spirit known as the Guster these things really packed to

Punch but thankfully so did I I ran in with my diamond sword feeling no fear and destroyed the Guster in a single strike wo I really am strong now my strength caught the attention of a nearby Road Runner who wanted to see if I was as fast as I was strong he

Challenged me to a few races you’re on Road Runner we ran up and down a stretch of the desert together I was faster than I expected but he was way way faster than that it seemed that no matter how fast I went the Road Runner was always

Is just a little bit faster but he still thought I gave him a good Race So when the race was over he gave me a potion as a gift a speed potion thanks Road Runner now I can run twice as fast on days 85

To 89 I put my new speed to good use running all the way back to my base only to find that its secret entrance had been discovered and it was being attacked by a group of villager beasts just like the one that had attacked me in the abandoned mine you guys aren’t

Meant to be here wait what about my friends thank my hard work earlier had paid off they’ all escaped through the minecart Escape tunnel before the Villager Beast could get to them but those monsters were still destroying my base I pulled out my diamond sword and

Ran to fight them with my new strength and skill the first one I attacked only took a few hits to defeat and the rest started running I’m not letting you guys get away this time I started chasing them into the forest but I was interrupted when a tiny rabbit asked for

My help finding his lost carrot okay I’ll help you find the carrot just know this really is in a good time while the Villager Beast ran away I searched around until I found the rabbit’s carrot behind a tree I grabbed it and gave it back to him before continuing to chase

The Villager beasts into the distance I was once again extremely thankful for my Road Runner speed on days 90 to 94 the chase continued until I passed from the forest into the jungle it was so hot and humid in there I couldn’t help but slowed down a little but this turned out

To be exactly what the bad guys had planned the Villager Beast had just been there to lure me to the leg doctor’s most dangerous creation yet the mutant zombie oh no that thing is huge I pulled out my crossbow and started blasting it as it ran towards me but it still had no

Effect all I could do was pull out my diamond sword and face it oneon-one time for an epic battle of mutant versus beast on days 95 to 97 the mutant zombie charged me like a Raging Bull I was able to dodge it just in time and stab it in

The side with my diamond sword but it barely seemed to phase it already the mutant zombie turned and started attacking me again each one of its punches damaged me until I was low on Hearts I needed to do something quickly hey mutant zombie how would you like

Some cold Hard Cash in true Mr be style I threw some of my vast collection of money under the ground the mutant zombie was immediately distracted and ran towards the cash I guess the Elder skull was right money really does make the world go around sometimes while he was

Distracted I took advantage of my Road Runner speed inst struck the mutant zombie again and again with all of my might until finally it fell and was defeated the mutant zombie only dropped one thing a map with exact directions to the plague doctor’s laboratory where I’d

Find him and the Bounty Hunter 3 days left it’s time to end this on day 98 I made my way back to my base to make the final preparations for my assault on the plague Doctor’s lab as I prepared my friends from around the base came to

Offer me some help or words of encouragement first came came the horses thanks for giving us a place to stay you’re a real Beast next came the snow leopard you can do this the prophecy has all been true up to this point you will defeat the Bounty Hunter destroy the

Plague doctor and Liberate the beasts and finally my oldest friend the donkey I made you something special to bring with you firework bolts these will really make your crossbow Pack-a-Punch with everything said and done it was time to make my way to the laboratory and save the Dead hey on day 999 I

Crossed the forest following the directions on the map left by the mutant zombie on the way there I passed a turtle minding his own business in the forest good luck I believe in you thanks Turtle I’m sure it’ll be turally fine in the end okay okay don’t push it I kept

Walking remaining stealthy until I saw the plague doctor’s laboratory in the distance but this wouldn’t be as easy as I thought the building was surrounded by villager beasts I loaded up one of my new fireworks work rounds into my crossbow and prepared to fire but if I

Missed my shot would it lead the other one straight to me I might have miscalculated here that’s when an unexpected old friend turned up it was the young gazelle who ID saved months ago she ran past the front of the laboratory catching the attention of the Villager Beast they started chasing her

Running away from the entrance of the laboratory finally my chance using my Roadrunner speed I ran straight for the door on day 100 I entered the laboratory crossbow loaded and ready to fire the laboratory was Eerie it was filled with cells containing more villager beasts who must have been the failed

Experiments of the plague doctor do you like what you see young man I turned and saw the plague doctor and of course the Bounty Hunter waiting for me all these wonderful Creations but they’re flaw aren’t they but you can’t make a delicious meal without the best quality ingredients and for perfect human Beast

Hybrid I need the idea subject once my bounty hunter has defeated you you will be that subject it’s why I put that bounty on you in the first place day 100 you made it all the way I hope that eases the pain of being defeated not a

Chance Bounty Hunter I’m not just some pesky human I’m Mr Beast the Bounty Hunter pulled out his bow and prepared to shoot but I was quicker than he was I fired a firework bolt at him but I didn’t wait up I pulled out my diamond

Sword and ran at him ready to land a lethal blow Bounty Hunter destroy the Bounty Hunter immediately pulled out his battle axe and parried the blow from my diamond sword he was a formidable opponent you’ve gotten strong I’m impressed we clashed weapons while the plague doctor watched I needed to keep

Absolute focus in order to dodge or block every attack he threw at me I was just waiting for a window at the perfect moment I pulled out my crossbow and fired one of the firework bolts in close range right into in the Bounty Hunter’s chest he was finally

Defeated You’ve Won well done now finish me off what no I’m not going to finish you off I’m going to hire you just like Mr Beast I laid out stacks of money in front of him even more than the Bounty that the plague doctor had put on me wow

That’s a lot of money what would you like for me to do boss I want you to destroy this entire lab take the plague doctor to jail and retire I’ll make it happen boss what you can’t do that no no and with the Bounty Hunter now doing my

Job for me I decided to do the most sensible thing go back to my base and hang out with my friends

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as PIKACHU the POKEMON in HARDCORE Minecraft! -Legendary Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-14 02:15:01. It has garnered 14165 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:23 or 12923 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as Pikachue from Pokemon in Hardcore Minecraft! Someone summoned me in, and I’m not longer in a world with other Pokemon! I’ve got to figure out what is going on, and save everyone!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as PIKACHU the POKEMON https://youtu.be/dvDA2k7V4Pk 0:37:29 100 DAYS as a SPEAKERMAN from SKIBIDI TOILET https://youtu.be/p7d1N9Ldy4M 1:09:06 100 DAYS as a WARDEN SKIBIDI TOILET https://youtu.be/G33DE52i8Ss 1:42:37 100 DAYS as a WARDEN NINJA https://youtu.be/50zCmpepIYQ 2:18:42 100 DAYS as APHMAU https://youtu.be/aKc5HBpo8C4 2:58:36 100 DAYS as MRBEAST HUNTED BY AN ASSASSIN https://youtu.be/U2_BJRedVjU

#minecraft #100days #pokemon #pikachu Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay!🔥

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  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

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  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

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  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

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  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

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    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

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  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

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  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

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  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

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  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More