1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

Video Information

All right i spent 1 000 days in some of the most difficult mods on the market i spent 100 days in a zombie apocalypse surviving in a world of dragons rescuing my best friend timothy from nightmare island traveling and exploring a forbidden island that was claimed by a

Forgotten hostile society and taking on rl craft the boot and so much more all in the process of transforming from this guy to this guy so sit back and buckle up because this is where my story begins what’s that oh my gosh are you serious really right now i just finished one what

Oh my god get away from me get out of here we doing this again [Applause] all right and i’m back day one what do you do on day one get that material you find a nice cozy spot and you build that house and to give a little advice here

You better have a roof because speaking from experience it’s important whoa what is that this game trying to kill me already this game is glitching out but it’s like an invisible waterfall or something whoa holy crike don’t ask me what a crike is i have no idea i can’t believe

I almost fell down that things are going so good oh really so just to be clear there were holes all over this plane and for some reason i thought it was smart to build the base here go figure i don’t know maybe i was thinking that since the holes were there

I would have easy access down to a cave or something but whatever i started clearing the place out so i could start building get that roof up because i wanted to get it up on the first day that was my goal that’s all i cared about but unfortunately that didn’t

Happen i had zombies bugging me that night i even got in a little bit of trouble here’s a sword and of course i panicked as you can tell me throwing wood everywhere not good not good it get no no not tonight not the first night

Come on oh my gosh i’m getting the heck out of here no way i’m dying tonight geez shadow it’s the first night man well that kind of screws up my plans for the night oh my gosh shadow come on you know what i should be like playing a hardcore farming simulator or something

I probably would have a hard time surviving that i mean look at these zombies they’re not even that fast like what am i worried about like these zombies might as well be crawling or i i could if i had a broken leg i could just roll away from them they’re slow but

When i get in situations like this i tend to panic like i can’t help it it’s just it’s just me all right so i’m gonna try to swing around here and try to get back to the base if i can oh yeah yeah oh my god are you kidding me was i

Seriously scared by a nut i’d gone from ducks to nuts i hope you guys enjoy this i really do because this is kind of embarrassing for me sometimes it really is anyway now the problem is i don’t know where my house is i’m going to starve here soon

Which is not good all that running around really made my hunger go down okay sorry piggy gotta happen it’s gotta get done come on piggy die come on oh my god i can’t kill a pig oh man so first night not very successful so yeah that’s uh day one i

Got myself a house with no roof and tons of zombies around me great so day two got the roof up which is good that’s great perfect there was one thing in my house that was really bothering me it was the corner the corner for some

Reason was all over the place and i had to get that fixed i just had two why are you gonna be such an eyesore gonna fix this now ow yep scratch that looks like it’s just gonna have to be a problem for now yep all right so i was kind of running

Into a little bit of a problem on day two because i was low on hunger and i didn’t have any food and i couldn’t go outside to get food because well there are zombies out there and i didn’t want to take that chance so the only option i

Had was to go down let’s go down and do some mining maybe maybe i can find some iron and maybe i can build myself some armor and proper weapons i was kind of surprised that i found a cave system fairly quickly but it kind of makes

Sense with all the holes around my house so maybe i shouldn’t have been that surprised yeah just so everybody knows zombies do spawn in caves right from the start so technically i’m not really that safe down here but i figured since most of them respond above the ground i should

Be okay for a little bit underground oh my god the bat scared me now all right so i got the place lit up now they shouldn’t spawn where it’s lit up so yeah wait they can’t spawn where it’s lit up i guess wait what you’re not

Supposed to be down here how’d you get down here you cheating all right maybe it’s not that safe down here that’s okay i got a little bit of iron so i’m gonna take my chances at the surface i don’t care i’ll swing from tree to tree to get

Some food i just i gotta do it i can’t i can’t die on day two right i gotta at least make it to day eight i have to right so i took that iron and i made myself a rusty saw blade look at that thing so my attempt from swinging tree tree really

Didn’t work oh bad idea bad idea bad idea i don’t even think that’s really a mechanic in this game but uh whatever i ran i was getting desperate really didn’t have a choice i was either going to die to a zombie or die to starvation

I knew there were a few pigs out here so i just had to go run get one and get back really all i could do sorry pig i have no other choice this has to happen i need food i’m hungry how many pork chops did you give me one

Ah i gotta get more i need more don’t go too far don’t go too far come here come here i don’t got time for this oh come on pig oh spam clicking everywhere i know you guys told me not to spam click i i know

I know i know i know but when you panic you tend to forget that stuff right it just it just kind of floats away i did find a pack of wolves though and i thought well you know what i could tame them they could be my wolf army they

Could fight the zombies for me they could you know defend my perimeter while i did stuff i don’t know i was just thinking ideas you know some good some bad you take what you can get whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh i guess he doesn’t like me knocking down these

Trees so uh i’m gonna just uh mosey on this way all right shadow you gotta get back to your house you gotta stop fooling around you got your meat go cook it you’re only at three hunger stop messing around with the bird and zombies do they’re out there all right so i made

It back to my uh well it’s not pretty that’s for sure uh house and i cooked my meat and i ate it and you know what i started healing and day two that was that was interesting that’s that’s that’s all i’m gonna say so day three i

Basically you know i worked on the house worked on the floor i had the roof so what was next i gotta be smart with this playthrough i gotta be smart with this attempt i’m gonna make this house stronger i don’t care if i mine every single cobblestone in this map i’m gonna

Do it i’m gonna do it now just talking about being smart i ended up stumbling across a new extension to my original cave system do i dare go in but you gotta you gotta live a little right let’s do it oh wow i’m gonna have to explore over there not yet though soon

All right my pickaxe is gonna break i’m gonna have to go back up i’m gonna take out my trusty rusty saw blade axe and mosey on up just gotta be careful though i think i think i think i’m going the right way or not nope definitely not this is a dead end

Nope definitely not this way wait wait wait wait oh no no no definitely not this way either man where am i all right i gotta figure this out cause i can’t be down here all day i gotta i gotta find my way out why do i always get lost in these things

Like really whoa tons of iron i hit the jackpot man that’s a lot of iron for day three well i think but you know what that calls for another furnace maybe i’ll make two i’ll spoil myself a little bit and just for the record made a chest day

Three made a chest day three i got it done i did it hey yay me and the rest of day three i basically just started making my house stronger now before you all start coming at me saying why are you building it with brick stone why not

Just do it normal stone you’re wasting so many resources well i’ll tell you why i got to spend the next hundred days in this thing and i wanna make sure it looks somewhat presentable all right day four that corner really was starting to bother me well excuse me zombie you’re not

Supposed to be doing that you’re glitching on me now what trying to play peek-a-boo well it ain’t cute so go away okay thanks all right i guess i’m gonna scrap that idea for now ah so ugly a few moments later maybe maybe maybe i’ll just just try ah there’s a sword

Go away go seriously go no no no all right it’s not worth it not worth it it’s not worth dying over some more moments later shadow leave that freaking corner alone man i get it i get it it’s an eyesore but it’s not it’s not worth it they start coming in

Here it really isn’t don’t you see me trying to work here come on give me a break so i was getting a little impatient with that corner and i figured you know what it’s not worth doing i got i got to distract myself i’m going to go down and i’m going to mind

Some more cobblestone because the stone blocks i’m going to need quite a bit of stone so uh that’s what i did i tell you this corner was really bothering me like it was it was always on the front of my mind and i just i just couldn’t get it

Out like i went to the to the surface to gather some some wood and some dirt and stuff and like i i just got drawn to it like i just want to fix it of course it’s got to be at night with zombies all around me but that’s me not thinking

Shadow you just you got to be smarter than this man like i’ll be surprised if i get to day 100 i’ll be surprised if i get the day 10. oh an apple i’m gonna save that apple sweet oh more apples i hit the jackpot all right i think i’m all right i think

I’m getting a little too excited here i really do all right i got apples now i can build a farm i think maybe well i’m going to tell you right now i have no idea what kind of farm i was thinking of i just i just seen apples and i thought

You know what apples right like they’re important i’m sure all right i got to be careful i don’t want to fall down out zombies i mean no fall down zombie what i don’t want to fall down a hole see look they’re like littered everywhere around here

I don’t know why i chose the build here but i did because i i smart right day five started off pretty good just building the house working on that but i have one little problem whoa how’d you get in my house get out zombies were spawning in here for some reason

Probably coming down from the caves but i don’t know i think they were just here all right so if i was going to build them out i needed to start getting lava so i started building those buckets if you’re wondering why i only built a few buckets it’s just

Because i didn’t want to use all my iron now i know a moat’s going to take a lot of lava and i technically should have more buckets but that’s just the way it goes sometimes finally i fixed the corner it’s done big achievement for me yay me perfect i’m sure that wasn’t the

Most important thing to do but to me it was everything at this point you know the house was coming along you know it was becoming very strong with the brickstone down the road if i found that you know i didn’t i had more time on my hands maybe i’ll

Spruce it up i’m not the greatest designer but i’ll do what i can yeah so on day six i uh i started building the second floor i’m not really sure why i guess i’m just obsessed with second floors maybe but you know what at least i built it this time after i finished

The first floor so i see that as progress yeah so for the better part of the day i worked on the second floor yeah that’s that’s it well i needed a door and i want to say thank you to nikki for letting me know that the steel

Doors are okay with zombies i really appreciate it i really do now i i do know i make a lot of mistakes in these playthroughs i get that and i’m fine with that you know you live and you learn but i i do sometimes get good ideas you know i ventured out looking

For lava and when i found it i built myself a trail of torches so i could find my way back i was starting to feel pretty good maybe i was letting it go to my head a little bit too mate a little bit suckers so i was starting to think that i was

Getting super lucky because it was day six and i didn’t get a blood moon yet so i really had to start thinking about how to thin these zombies out because they’re starting to become more of a problem during the day because they don’t die in the sunlight so they just

Kind of pile up and if the blood moon hits i’m basically going to be screwed if i can’t get out of my base like i can’t if i can’t gather resources then i’m really putting myself at a disadvantage so i really had to start thinking about that this could end very

Badly for me very badly but i gotta try all right so this seems like it works fairly well but now i need to make it scalable i need to make it bigger i just gotta figure that out the reason why i got to make a scalable is because this

Method is kind of slow and as you can tell i got a little impatient so i decided to go down myself and you know handle the problem once they were cleared i started working on them out yeah buggers get out of my house and the nerve of these zombies while i was out

There busting my butt building this moat they’re inside having a party well if you think about it you know they’re in there they’re not out here so party on all right so i got them out pretty well done to a certain extent uh let’s let’s uh let’s see how smart these zombies are

No they don’t even go in the lava yes smarty pants huh i’m gonna have to figure something out now this had me a little worried because the moat i was hoping would thin them out too where they’d just kind of be dumb and they would walk into it maybe

So i decided to test something else out like a trap where they could just fall in and overall as i was building it it seemed to be working they they were falling in but i uh i wasn’t being smart about it that’s for sure ah that guy punched me on the way down Oh no oh no oh no gonna lock that up great now i’m stuck but don’t worry don’t worry i got out i got all fine it was just you know it was a little tricky but i figured it just a piece of advice with anyone you know building a trap

Like this don’t be like me block the top because i almost had a heart attack a few times yeah my heart and between you and me i don’t know didn’t work out that well either i wasn’t sure at this point what i was gonna do come on zombies why

Aren’t you falling down ah these zombies are way too smart that ain’t working they were up there i could hear them they just they’re just too smart now on the plus side the moat was working somewhat i mean the zombies were smart enough not to go into it but they were

Pushing each other in which kind of made it worth it come over guys just push yourself into it there you go i know you can do it now the real dumb thing about making the trap underground is i had no idea where that hole was outside now

Where is that trap i just made i probably should have lit it up above ground just so i don’t fall into it how embarrassing would that be if i fell into it yeah i don’t even want to think about it so the best thing for these

Traps is for the zombies to be able to see me so they can pathfind to me they can’t see through walls yet so if i wanted to be able to thin them out at a safe distance i needed to get myself some glass make myself visible it’s just

Me or is uh sand really annoying to gather i don’t know i find it really annoying and if my fear for birds was bad this made it a heck of a lot worse get away from me bird go go oh lava literally thought it was coming after me oh

I almost fell in that like i literally just walked over it this could have been over and i cannot believe how unaware of my surroundings i can be because i literally walked backwards away from the bird over this tiny little bridge i could have fell in the lava

Here wow just wow so for the rest of the night i started working on a different trap that would have lava come down to them instead so they couldn’t avoid it i think i don’t know we gotta test it out so just a friendly reminder every tenth

Day a blood moon is 100 percent guaranteed so there’s no way around that i just got super lucky that i didn’t get a blood moon on the first nine nights super lucky and with the blood moon on its way i really needed to finish this trap don’t fall in don’t fall in

Don’t fall into the lava the blood moon is rising zombies terrorizing it’s starting to get scary finish my trap just barely now it’s time to test it all out okay so here’s the plan plan is i break out all these blocks and what happens is that

The lava will start falling down kind of like a lava curt and i’ll trap these guys in and kill them hopefully whoa whoa look at them all they’re everywhere and they just keep coming wow i forgot how many zombies could spawn during the blood moon okay so this is just kind of

Like a prototype what i want to do is kind of get them all piled up here and then once i do that i can just break these blocks and the lava will come down and there you go cooking zombies yeah bring the old barbecue sauce

What the heck am i talking about and you know what the trap was working pretty good i just had to make it bigger so day 11 i uh went down mining to get more resources to build a bigger trap ah you buggers where you coming from these darn guys were falling from the

Ceiling or i guess a hole in the ground but they are falling on top of me did they dig down or is there like a hole but it was getting a little overwhelming and i just didn’t want to risk it so i uh went back up and uh created a barrier

Wasn’t a bad idea because that night i got another blood move two in a row and i wasn’t 100 sure they would start spawning in the caves and coming up so you know i felt more comfortable with that door there as i was up on the roof

That night though the one thing i did realize is that you know this blood moon was fairly tame the zombies were slow but as the mutations move on things are going to get a lot tougher like i really had to start realizing that because you

Know one slip up and this is all over for me reason why redstone was so important at this point is that i literally was playing with fire you know it’s not that big of a deal if i got to break blocks and stuff but it can be very time

Consuming especially when you’re dealing with situations where you only got seconds to react so i wanted the redstone so i could develop or design or build a type of lever system that would do everything for me you know just make a little easier on myself so where are

They falling in here oh right here okay hello why are these zombies always sneaking up on me it’s not good ah see now where are you coming from ah another hole i thought i already closed that off maybe it was a different one i was feeling a bit nervous going down

For redstone because they were places where the drop-offs were pretty big and with the zombies coming out of nowhere or i guess they were falling from the sky any one of them could have knocked me off here and it would have been game over so i made sure i took precautions

As i went down yeah you know it might have took me a little longer to get down there but i felt safe doing it so yeah like this guy he could just come down on me i see you up there zombie i’m just gonna close this off so you can’t kill me okay

Whoa or i’ll just do it for you come on shadow why would you use gravel i thought i’d play it safe and go get some water make a couple pools in the house because like i said i’m playing with fire here with lava i get myself in

A situation where i can bust in flames i can you know put myself out it was also important that i had to start building some kind of a pen or a greenhouse for a food source you know i’m 13 days in and i literally have nothing set up for that

So i figured you know what let’s do it just gonna put some lights up here guys i just i don’t want you spawning up here because you’ve been being kind of annoying everywhere else so yeah well hello zombie how are you doing why are you being such a creep oh no no

Starting to think this wasn’t a good idea i should have probably just kept them there come on don’t come on oh is it a carrot i don’t know if this was pure coincidence because i decided to build you know a greenhouse today zombie dropped me a

Carrot cool day 14 was a pretty good day i was down in the mines and i was finding lots of sources of lava which was great because i knew i was gonna need a lot of it and two i finally found some redstone but i know redstone isn’t

Really hard to find me personally i just don’t know what level it’s on and you know i felt good about myself i got an achievement yay me after a hard day’s work of mining some resources and dealing with you know the odd zombie i was pretty surprised at how much iron i collected

That’s all i hear now outside it’s just zombies every time i come up here holy crakes that’s a lot of iron what am i gonna do with all that iron day 15 i was just working on the house trying to get that pen together in that greenhouse

Man it’s even getting risky just doing this oh my gosh i held the button in too long i almost went over the edge they would have had some supper that’s for sure good old shadow mech good job buddy all right drama over oh my gosh shadow i don’t

Know if i’m gonna die to zombies or just a stupidity and it’s more likely gonna be to stupidity because yeah my house looks like crap and i’m trying to pretty it up but is it really worth risking my life over i don’t know but but i’m doing it so day

16 was uh was an interesting day let’s just say that so basically it all started off when i had a plan to go out and collect sand for glass i needed to make sure that the zombies could see me it’s really the only way it worked and i

Wasn’t at the mutation where they could see through walls so that was my plan and you know i did pretty good it collected some sand it wasn’t too bad and i didn’t stop because i wanted to i stopped because i got distracted i’ve seen this really big mountain and i

Figured hey that looks like a good mountain i wonder if it’s got anything good inside it eh let’s go look as i was scaling my way up the mountain i started noticing that the zombies were getting a little bit more dense during the day it was actually starting to become a

Problem so i safely kind of dodged my way around them fought them when i had to and found an entrance into the mountain and i decided to go exploring there were zombies in here too but it was a little bit more manageable so it wasn’t too bad jeez you didn’t sound that close

You got me freaky deaky he really didn’t sound that close but man man i think that was the worst i got scared in this game so far and then i seen it whole reason why i wanted to come in here figured i find something good oh wow

I want to explore you right now but i can’t i’m going to have to come back and the reason why i didn’t want to explore at that moment in time is i knew night was coming and if there was a blood moon i knew there were multiple entrances to

Where i was and i knew the zombies would find their way to me and since we were in tight spaces didn’t want to risk it so i decided to head back but see this was the problem there were multiple entrances into this mountain and i

Didn’t know which one i came in and i got turned around i had no idea where i was basically i was outside and i was lost in the night great just great okay uh okay something’s gotta look familiar to me here i should uh probably hold my weapon that’d be a good idea

Nothing looks familiar at all shoot not good really not good i got lost uh i think i’m gonna go over there better not be any sharks i swear oh there’s a squid i don’t think he hurts though but then i thought ducks didn’t hurt either so yeah just wait till these zombies start

Running then i’m screwed that’s for sure okay some things are starting to look familiar i think i gotta be really careful because that lava traps around here somewhere i fall in like i pretty much trapped myself okay all right that looks like my house i think i think

She’s over there all right excuse me excuse me zombies trying to get through but the lava really lights it up so that’s good you can see it farther away ugh i can breathe i was super lucky that it wasn’t a blood moon it wasn’t too bad getting back but

It was definitely a risk shadow you really need to change the way you play you’re gonna get caught day 17 i worked on the house now i know i’m trying to make the house pretty per se i get that it doesn’t really help the resistance against the zombies i know this might be

A waste of time but i am killing zombies in the process can’t you hear them dying look i know i know the pen kind of looks like a prison but gonna keep them safe from the lava that’s the important part right and the greenhouse i’m gonna put

Above the pen why there’s no real reason just wanted to i guess just gonna venture down here to get some more cobblestone whoa well look at you hello sir hey hey ow wow i’m getting a little too careless yep we’re not going to do that right now wow that really shook me up

The thing about building your base completely out of like stone brick so you need a lot of cobblestone a lot of it which is okay because cobblestone is extremely common what still this was a cobblestone kind of morning okay so i need uh another cave with cobblestone i

Just i want to get resources too at the same time uh i gotta be careful i don’t fall in my trap like oh my god like this hey this this looks promising do i hear it duck whoa hey hey duck you want that sugar cane you yeah you can

You can keep it i’ll i’ll stop cutting it down i can see it’s yours uh yeah i’m just gonna go this way and uh thanks for not killing me see ya if you watched my last video you’d understand why ducks are kind of not for

Me not 100 sure what i’m doing here to collect the sand and if there’s an easier way to do this let me know so day 19 i basically was finishing up the pen and the greenhouse is coming along good i had a carrot so there was really no

Reason for me not to try to get some pigs and not to plant the carrot hello piglets you like apples right i thought you like apples i thought you liked apples do you not like apples what i thought pigs liked apples what the hell look i i know pigs eat carrots

And not apples i i recorded this before everybody helped me out in the last video so i apologize but i had to show it i thought it was funny but i did have one carrot in my inventory and i could use that and i did and i led a few pigs

Into the house and i got them pretty well into their pens everything was going good until this there you go come on in come on in oh are you kidding me did i just feed you that that was literally the only carrot i had ah and i bet you don’t like pumpkin seeds

Either of course the only carrot that i had in my inventory the only thing that pigs actually eat i think i basically fed to them what a waste now i had nothing to plant and i had to hope that a zombie would drop another one because way to go

Shadow way to screw it up gosh at this point i was pretty you know frustrated with it i know it was entirely my fault i should have put the carrot away but i didn’t so i figured you know what i got a bone in my inventory i’m gonna go tame one of those

Wolves and bring them back you know i need to win i really need a win on this hello puppers so uh you’re friends with me now why why aren’t you friends with me now uh um what seriously i’m sure that’s how you tame a wolf okay i’m gonna check this

Out how to tame a wolf okay here go to the wiki yeah that’s what i did why didn’t it work oh wait because it’s me of course So this was the second stage mutation on day 20. to make matters worse it was raining out so zombies were gonna pretty much spawn all day and the reason why this was bad is because i wanted to get the moat finished around the house the problem was that the zombies were smart

And they weren’t going into the lava but i wanted to try something a little different where i put stairs around the perimeter maybe they would slide down or get pushed down or whatever it might be that’s what i wanted to try but i really wanted to finish it before the blood

Moon because that’s where i could really test it because that’s where the zombies were more dense and i think more aggressive it always feels like they’re more aggressive anyway so once the blood moon started i wanted to test out my two traps now the bridge seemed like it was

Working pretty good they’re getting knocked off they’re dying a plus i really like that [Applause] not so smart now eh that’s right keep coming keep pushing each other teamwork the second trap the one i’m not super happy about the one that kind of comes down it worked okay it’s just too

Small i need something bigger and as for the moat it was working it it keeps them at bay and they do die when there’s a bunch of them trying to push in so it works it’s good you know i was happy with it day 21 i was still having some issues

With zombies spawning in my house now i understand there’s no roof but still they shouldn’t be in here well that’s a good thing i didn’t build my house out of wood i guess figured this was gonna happen so this is a prime example to make sure that you don’t have something

In your hand that can harm yourself and when i mean something i mean lava because i had a bucket of water and this is what happened ah not what i wanted to do i lose my button good thing this wasn’t lava that could have been so much worse

Because for one my whole floor there is made of wood and two i could have burnt to death yeah so i finished building the greenhouse and you know what i wasn’t happy with it it wasn’t symmetrical and it was bothering me like you wouldn’t

Believe so what did i do i fixed it does it help me to survive hell no but you know what whatever i did it anyway because i had a look at it so yeah that’s right risking my life for beauty because why not i’m only trying to

Survive a zombie apocalypse here like it really matters what it looks like alright day 22. today i’m heading into that mountain i’m gonna find out what its secrets are this is the time to do it right now oh wait sand there’s so much sand here i can make tons of glass

Now oh wait what was i doing oh yeah the mountain all right so last time i came to the mountain i kind of got all turned around i had no idea which direction i was going because i went in one way and came at another so i decided i’m gonna

Build my own entrance just so i wouldn’t get lost now before you guys ask why are you building this two blocks wide well because i’m trying to make the house pretty and i need all the cobblestone i can get because i feel like if i don’t make it pretty enough i’m gonna have

People commenting about it and uh it might hurt my feelings maybe yeah i probably would hurt my feelings please be gentle all right here we go this is what i was looking for this is what i was digging for finally i got through i thought it was gonna dig right through the mountain

Oh yes siree bob if this isn’t a big cape slap me and call me larry being the smart guy that i am i decided to build down and put some railings on the side just so i don’t get knocked off it’s kind of funny how smart i am in

Some situations but completely dumb in the other but hey i’m just human it happens so there was definitely more to this mountain than i thought because i thought it was getting somewhere with all the twists and turns but i uh i guess not i really underestimated how

Big this mountain cave was so the next day i decided to go back to the house get more tools build more furnaces and basically throw all my raw material in to let them smelt because there’s a good chance i was gonna be gone for a couple

Days how did i switch the thing on my hand how did i do that how did i do that and it’s situations like this where sometimes i question if i should even be playing minecraft i couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to get the thing out of my offhand

Yeah yeah yeah that’s just me don’t worry i’m a special kind of person sometimes very unique all right after i got myself all figured out back to the mountain i went look at those guys down there they’re just waiting for me well i ain’t coming down zombies so you can

Forget about that well wait i have to get redstone okay zombies i might be coming down but can you please play nice i just want the redstone and i’ll leave i swear although i’m not sure why i was scared of the zombies because this thing this thing scared the heck out of me

What is that thing what is it is that a bat that thing is huge um i think it’s trying to kill me do i dare this isn’t gonna hurt just just a little poke oh man starting to wonder if it was even a good idea to come down here

I just like to mention that zombies do spawn in caves right from the start now the only problem with this is i was kind of dealing with some issues where the zombies were invisible i really should have fixed it but for some reason i didn’t i don’t i don’t know why but i

Just didn’t finally i found some redstone the whole reason why i was down here and not just that i found a bunch of lava i needed lava so this was great perfect oh yeah things are going good yeah yeah yeah seriously darn it shadow what are you doing stop

Throwing your buckets away so you remember how i mentioned you know invisible zombies i really need to fix those invisible zombies because they could hit me off this right now and uh yeah i was taking huge risks doing this because one could come up and throw me

Off of this and no problem luckily that didn’t happen but it could have i’m actually pretty happy i came down here there’s there’s a lot of material down here this is great tons of iron tons of coal getting redstone awesome also this mountain cave is like never ending it’s

Great every twist and turn i go around boom there’s another cave extension i go down here boom there’s another one it’s great so great there were so many materials down here that i mined that i had to go back to the house because basically my pockets were full i don’t

Know if zombies spawn in the caves during a blood moon oh my god it is rising oh no i gotta get out of here gotta get back i got like 30 seconds before i’m swarmed usually really game i’m i’m on my way out ground level and you’re gonna throw

A blood moon at me come on all right let’s do this just go shadow just go this is not good this is not good why am i doing this why am i running i can do this i can get there oh my god but there’s holes everywhere

I can do this i’m almost there not tonight zombies not tonight oh i knew this was going to happen no yeah i gotta get to my door i gotta get to my door let me in let me in oh oh crap i can’t believe i made it back

That’s right zombies you can’t get me enjoy enjoy i feel like that’s gonna come back to bite me or they’re gonna come back to bite me either way i feel like that wasn’t a good thing to say yeah 64 iron geez hey piggy guess what we’re safe

You know what i’m gonna give you a name how do i give you a name do i hit you with it no oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m just gonna call you timothy okay i just wanted to call you timothy i’m sorry but hey my bridge is working

They’re pushing each other off so that’s a plus look at them die i mean like the the bridge is working good so i mean that’s good for me but man that that uh that blood moon on my way back that uh that really had my heart pumping day 26 i was attacked

By an invisible zombie in my house all right cook my iron oh what ow ow what the hell sometimes logging out and logging back in work but not every time damn invisible zombies man felt like the game was coming at me at this point because uh i got another

Blood moon two nights in a row two nights right on there wasn’t much i could do i i wasn’t gonna go back to the mountain during the blood moon so i uh i tested out a redstone contraption to see if i could implement that into my trap

Idea which it was it was working kind of well so yeah that was a plus i guess on day 26 day 27 i’m still on this apple kick for some reason i think all animals like apples i i don’t know why i have no excuse for this i really don’t

Okay so the glass walkway out to my new trap is working pretty good they’re following me so that that’s good now it might not be that smart whenever they can break blocks because glass can break fairly quickly yeah on day 28 i basically spent the entire day working on the new track one

Two three four one two three math it’s good for you somewhere along the way i picked up another carrot i’m assuming i got it from a zombie but uh i can’t remember i got a carrot i got a carrot hey hey i got a carrot leave me alone i don’t have a hoe

I know i said i wasn’t going to use vanilla minecraft tools and weapons because when i made my tools and weapons pack um i didn’t make a hoe i didn’t think hoes were important but i guess hoes are important i guess hoes have a purpose let’s put him here there you go tada

Oh oh wait i didn’t realize i didn’t finish that oh well well i’m also finishing now i guess okay on day 29 i kept working on the trap and unfortunately it was raining and the zombies spawn in the rain and they are being very annoying okay guys come on let’s

This is enough really go away how am i supposed to get this pit though you guys are bugging me like this come on go buck someone else okay i can take 60f or whatever five i don’t know i can’t count i can’t see that’s i’m fine i don’t want your meat

Get away oh my gosh man like why can’t you guys come whenever i’m done really seriously this is this is enough okay go away stop trying to sell me meat i don’t want it I got nothing to say to you okay go away come on this is getting old oh all right yeah you just watching over there pig you can’t help me come on do something all right i’m gonna i’m about up to here with you guys i’m gonna just i’m just

Gonna okay i’m leaving i’m done i’m done like oh you got a sword wow okay i gotta get out of here i’m done okay whoa whoa whoa okay see you later not messing around anymore i’m not playing i’m going i’ll see ya see you later that’s it no more

Shadow’s done building today it’s raining i’m going in gonna watch some netflix see you later maybe watch the youtube a little bit gosh here you guys want to play play with that buggers all i want to do is build my pit you guys just want to mess that up that’s right

Okay okay okay wait wait wait wait wait i got water here i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good damn ah yeah okay okay okay shadow seriously can you just do something that you’re not gonna put yourself in danger seriously come on but hey at least i was smart

Enough to put the pool there the whole reason why i had it i knew i was playing with lava basically playing with fire so i gotta be able to douse it out right Oh you’re fast wow why do you guys keep coming man they’re a lot faster than i last remember i really wanted to finish my trap but i figured it probably wasn’t a good idea to be outside especially with all them around so it was probably smarter to thin them out first watch

This epic move you ready oh yeah you can’t get me haha you like that pro move right there oh yeah sometimes i don’t know if i’m stubborn or just not very smart shadow there’s a blood moon get out of the trap get back inside timothy you’re feeling safe in here

Whoa hey how’d you get in here okay i i think it’s time i uh deal with that with them spawning in my house it’s starting to become a problem then i got distracted whoa damn well the moats working look at them all yeah day 31 i got a nice little surprise

Oh a potato i bet you can’t guess what i did next i bet you think i planted it didn’t you i’m gonna plant that right now yeah i planted it i was being smart sometimes even the smallest things could bother me like this i couldn’t get it to

Work for the longest time i i don’t i don’t know what i was doing wrong but eventually i got it so there whew yeah it was all good moving on and i started feeling the zombies were a little too smart for my liking so having a big trap out there very visible to

Them i decided you know what i’m going to disguise this i’m going to put some flowers down make it inviting let them come in be like oh a flower this has got to be safe right oh yeah there you go zombies here look there’s flowers it can’t be dangerous if there’s flowers

Around it right yeah there you go so in order to get this trap to work i needed glass and i needed a lot of it so i spent a good part of the day just gathering sand yeah it was pretty boring nothing nothing special oh that’s some good pork yeah oh timothy sorry

I didn’t eat anything don’t worry about it but i don’t think timothy cared too much uh because he seemed like he was happy you know jumping around in his bath or maybe maybe those were his tears nothing special on day 33 just me uh just me being special and impatient i don’t know

When these are done is it done uh yeah i screwed that up yay gosh darn it how long does it take feel like it took forever already look at them following me what’s up guys i think i got some fans or something or maybe they’re just waiting for me to

Fall so they can eat me i think i made the trap a little too inviting uh i guess he thought he can go inside it hey how did you get in there be a bugger that night i decided to start putting my redstone contraption into play trying to

Get a handle on this stuff i really am but i think it works so for the whole day on day 35 i really just pushed to get this trap finished because i knew the mutation was going to happen in the next couple days and i wanted to make sure i was ready just

Made sense this continued on in the day 36 until i ran out of materials and i went hunting for more sand and more cobblestone and while mining i came across some more redstone and i found more lava oh yeah look at that that is beautiful that is beautiful day 37 laid out my

Pistons for my trap to get that all set up and ready to go day 38 i was basically messing around redstone couldn’t get to work for some reason or it wasn’t working the way i wanted to and the guy like me i like to solve

Problems so uh i kept at it until i got it to work so on day 39 i noticed my crops weren’t really growing that quick i didn’t think they’d take this long and i was running out of food and i didn’t want to take a chance of not having

Something on me if i ever got in a situation where i needed it so i spent a better part in the morning heading out and uh basically hunting yeah we’ll call it that where are all the pigs i thought i had cows around here at one point in time too

Maybe not if my potatoes and carrots would just grow you guys would be safe but unfortunately that’s not an option for me at this point in time so uh sorry timothy i didn’t that wasn’t anything don’t worry about it don’t look at me like that please I was on a mission today to find more redstone that’s where i was going so the zombies were getting worse because they could sense me further away and being down here made it worse because they were dropping from the ceiling or the sky or whatever you want to call it the roof

Oh geez what the heck where are they coming from oh my gosh they’re dropping down [Applause] okay okay i can do it no no no i can’t do this no no oh oh god oh geez uh take that these guys aren’t messing around that’s crazy so i thought maybe it would

Be a better idea to go back up to the surface then i found this guy you’re just like stuck aren’t you and i got a blood moon that night it was guaranteed but i got one it’s even storming out my frame rates are dropping look at them all crazy

Now it’s everybody active everyone’s active perfect i finally closed the circuit the red stone was done all i got to do now is lay out the lava day 41 her buddy was still stuck in the trap looked like he was having fun so i uh i left

Them good for you oh you having fun timothy good and i don’t just have zombies trying to kill me it seems like they’re stealing my stuff too you got my stone block i want that back thank you the nerve of these zombies other than that day 41 was pretty boring just getting cobblestone

Just always seemed like i never had enough day 42 i think i found a friend or maybe he just wants to eat me that’s that’s probably what he wants to do yeah he’s a zombie uh yeah makes sense and just for an update uh our buddy’s still

Stuck in the trap i kind of feel like i should let him go yeah oh wow you’re still there well i’m gonna call you jim then have fun jim the trap was pretty well done and i wanted to make sure that zombies weren’t gonna spawn on top and fall on

Me so i started counting out the torches to make sure that they’re evenly distributed and then it just wasn’t working out for me so i said screw it every torch gets a block that’s right every torch gets a block or i mean every block gets a torch we’re i say that

Right the first time i don’t know it doesn’t matter i just put torches everywhere so the next three days were not exciting at all i basically just went and collected cobblestone went got some more lava and basically worked out all the kinks on my trap that’s it so

Day 47 it wasn’t a good day it all started off great had the idea to go to the mountain gather more materials explore the unexplored it was uh it was a sound plan it was all going good until this I never thought i needed this much coal but when i you know take the cobblestone and smelted the stone it’s quite a bit what hey what the hell is that a flying coal like what is going on okay this is definitely an invisible zombie i can’t go anywhere i can’t fight it

I can’t damage it i’m gonna reload in no that didn’t work at all so i’m uh screwed i got nowhere to go yep this is it right here yep oh my gosh are you kidding me Okay okay i know i said that these hardcore attempts once i die i’m dead it’s over right would you call this a fair death i i wouldn’t i mean i died to a zombie it says but it to me it looked like a piece of flying coal

Yeah you might say it was my fault for not fixing the glitch but i’m telling you i tried and it’s hard to test for because you can’t really test it until you run into an invisible zombie which is not often it just happens once in a while so because

Of that i’m gonna continue but if i die to an actual zombie one i can actually see then yeah it’s over but until then it’s just something i’m gonna have to deal with so the next day i just basically moped around the house but i did start

Tinkering with an idea of a new trap this trap was from my front door i noticed the zombies were all bottlenecking at that bridge and i figured i would take the opportunity to build something that would retract or disappear simulating like a rug pull from underneath the zombies to where

They would fall in the lava and have no way out i guess you could basically call it a submerging bridge yeah i’ll go with that so the next day i noticed the zombies weren’t really reacting to my pit trap i don’t know if i ever referred it to the pit but i am

Now that’s what it is it’s the pit i posted a teaser image on my youtube channel asking you guys what you thought it was and what you would name it and you guys came up with some pretty good ideas and if you want to get involved with

Stuff like this just click on the community tab on my profile and uh all my posts are right there guys you can find new mods that i’ve been working on and teasers and whatever who knows what’s going to be up there who knows it could get crazy so yeah i really had to

Start thinking about how can i get the zombies to come at me in the pit i don’t think their sense or their sight was very far at this time so i needed to basically make myself the bank so i built myself a little platform to stand

On and hope for the best i only had one scare that day just one i caught on fire i was trying to work on the mode a little bit okay okay i’m fine uh get in the door get get in the door get in the oh i hate when that happens

Oh where’s my weapon where’s my weapons why don’t i have any come on over guys well this is working so far all right guys you guys just stay right here okay i’ll be right back i promise i just gotta it’s gonna flick a switch here there we go and there we go

Sorry folks this is just the way it is it’s gonna get a little toasty and the bait platform it was working yeah oh oh you wanna fight let’s go come on there you go oh yeah you can’t handle this Oh yeah oh you want a fight too come on out oh oh wow oh wow wow wow wow you hit hard i got no food there hey uh timothy uh i got no food left you you think you can help me out with that you think nah i won’t do that to you

You’re my friend friends don’t eat friends All right this is the first time i’m gonna breed you guys this is so cool all right here you go you take one and you and you and you and you take one there you go oh cute baby you didn’t see anything you saw nothing Whoa i don’t know what it is i don’t know how they’re spawning in here it’s kind of annoying this guy hits me that’s like 100 deaths right now jeez all right i’m not messing around i need lots of lava so i’m gonna make lots of buckets just seems logical right i

Thought so well look at me i get a blood moon that night i don’t know why i’m so excited about it maybe because i want to test my traps out here they come look at them all all right all right all right so you go like this yeah break this one

And break this one yeah i’m satisfied sweet i know it’s not completely finished but i think that was pretty good all right so that was the first trap the front door and if you come down here this is the second trap oh wow look at them all come on guys come on over

Are you ready i hope so this is gonna be fun all right yeah you guys just yeah line up yeah jack keep coming yeah think they’re good all right so you come up here flip flip here we go here we go i’m excited oh look at it oh yeah oh my frame rate

This is ridiculous i hope i don’t crash oh sorry sorry i’m a little giddy this actually works really well really well so happy with it oh yeah for the rest of the night i took it easy i went down i gathered as much love as i could it was a good day

It was a good day the next morning i became even more happier because this is what i really wanted it for to be able to thin these zombies out a lot quicker so i could work on whatever i needed to work on in peace which is exactly what i did i worked on

The moat gathered more lava kept on going not to mention i set myself on fire and for some reason i didn’t think it was that important this is okay this is okay okay okay it’s not okay oh my gosh am i gonna die oh no come on come on come on oh man

Sometimes my brain hurts it really does the pit it was fantastic i was able to thin out the zombies really quick so this allowed me for the next three days to continue working on the moat gathering more materials and basically working on the house you know fixing it

Here and adding additions day 55 was uh kinda eventful i found some sheep roaming out in the field and i figured i’d you know cheer them thought about making i don’t know the house prettier i guess i don’t know i just i just figured i should shear them for something yeah that night

Well i’ll let you watch for yourself all right i should be heading back in it’s getting a little too much here but i’ll get one more tree i can get one more tree yeah that’d be fine oh that glare i can’t that’s a distracting whoa whoa jeez holy freak

I almost died this was almost over really wow that glare really got me okay okay i can get out i can get out of here look how far it is yeah i would have been dead like this would have been done wow all right all right all right all right

I’m okay i’m okay i’m okay so i just fell in the hole almost died if i didn’t land where i landed and when i got out i thought it was smart to fight zombies especially one that had a weapon shadow i don’t i don’t even know what to say

At this point i really don’t look i’m not in the mood today okay wanna fight we’ll fight here we go come on ow ow wow nope okay nope nope nope hey timothy how you doing buddy hey guys i almost died today uh wait where’s the other hey come on

Get back in here come on here we go there we go want some more carrots there you go yummy Mama you got some explaining to do today i figured i needed a break and i figured you know what it was time for me and timothy to have her own spot something a little safer than being at the front door hey timothy i got the best idea the best idea

We gotta need our own space not down here where all the zombies are we need something more comfortable somewhere we can relax at the end of the day right the next morning i took a lot of those materials and just started sprucing up the place you know try to make it a

Little bit more comfortable for me and timothy you know timothy was my bro he deserved it you know things were going good as long as i was inside and not falling in holes i was gonna make it i think i was gonna make it i hope i was

Gonna make it day 58 while i was working on the house i uh decided to check on the crops and kind of really uh really get that going you know it was kind of late in the game to be breeding and everything else and i figured if i get

In any sticky situations i really should have food i like enough food because i didn’t want to get to the point where timothy started looking delicious like don’t get me wrong he he looks like a snack that’s for sure you go timothy but i didn’t want to get to

That point you know he was my friend i couldn’t do that to him day 59 i made a fairly poor decision i went out to go gather some more wood and uh it probably wasn’t the smartest idea i always seem like i don’t have certain materials for some reason all right

These zombies are getting close i don’t know if i can get this tree down in time oh my gosh wow wow you guys are quick see this is why it’s kind of like not really worth coming outside anymore because uh yeah look at this and you’re on fire wow bugger

Okay okay i gotta go back inside i’m done with this i’m done tonight with this yeah oh Day 60 yep day 60. the virus mutated again so we know that we’re going to have a blood moon one hundred percent i don’t know what i was thinking i really don’t okay so i’m gonna break it down for you so today i decided that i needed more wood i took

My rusty hatchet and i went out to get wood so here’s the problem with that as i was out collecting and chopping down trees i kind of led myself away from my home i didn’t really think about it i just figured if i walked in one

Direction i’d be able to find my way back right well that didn’t happen when the sun was starting to come down i figured it would be smart to head back home right well guess what i got lost i think i’m a little lost Why did i come so far out i was using the sun as direction but it started raining so that screwed up that idea i didn’t know what direction i came in and at this point i knew a blood moon was coming and i felt screwed let’s just say it was an interesting night

Are you serious oh crap oh crap oh crap no what am i gonna do what the heck am i gonna do okay i officially regret my decision oh gosh oh no a pig get out of the way oh my gosh no no no no no no oh why did i do this

Why did i do this this is not good this is not good come on don’t get stuck don’t get stuck come on let’s go oh gosh oh my aunt oh man oh no where am i going where am i going i don’t know i don’t know where my house

Is oh my gosh they’re everywhere what am i gonna do what am i gonna do well i’m gonna keep running that’s for sure oh no look at them look they’re just like whoa they’re like spawning like right here no no no no no no no don’t get stuck

Don’t get stuck get it another way okay okay okay okay better not be any sharks in this water i swear to god what am i gonna do what am i gonna do okay so maybe go this way no no no no no no okay i gotta i gotta

Dig up i gotta dig up oh my gosh they’re everywhere come on get out get on it get on it don’t panic get on it oh my god get off the freaking sand or the dirt oh okay okay i think i’m good is this it

Is this really it like am i done like like like they don’t they’re not gonna die during the day so like what am i gonna do i have no idea what my house is no idea and these guys are just like lining up like they’re all gonna take a turn and take a

Bite i guess i don’t know i don’t know what they’re doing but if i look up to the moon it’s okay if i look down it’s not i gotta figure something out i gotta do something all right all right i can do this i can find my house i can do this

Come on shadow focus focus don’t be scared don’t be scared i got this all right okay i think it’s this way oh wow what the heck they’re spawning in front of me that’s not fair ugh all right so the game’s playing dirty i don’t need my weapon

Because i’m not gonna try to fight them there’s no point i’ll get swarmed come on don’t get stuck don’t get stuck come on don’t get stuck oh focus on focus oh my god they’re right there all the time okay okay is it this way please tell me it’s this way

Okay does this look familiar i don’t i don’t know um bugger okay come on oh my god they keep spawning in front of me i’m not gonna make it i’m done this is it this is it i’m gonna die oh i don’t remember this much water okay okay

All right all right i think i think i’m okay i think i’m okay oh no get out of the tree get out of the tree get out of the tree ah oh hold there oh that would have been good i really don’t remember crossing this much water at all like i don’t even

Think i crossed any water so that means i’m going in the complete wrong direction okay oh oh no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god i regret this decision okay i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead no oh oh i can’t believe i survived that okay

Okay hey i don’t think there’s any sharks in this river okay oh my god look at the mall i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here no no no no no no no okay they can’t swim i don’t think they can swim okay all right ow ow ow

I just gotta dig up get out of the way oh my god okay so they can’t swim but i can’t stay down here very loud i’m gonna die i gotta go for air oh okay okay okay okay just build up just build up no no no no no no no no

Why can’t i when i panic i can’t i can i can’t do uh it there yes yes yes yes oh okay so i’m okay i’m all right again i regret that decision of jumping up i’m not gonna do that again no way what am i gonna do

So i bet you can’t guess where i was on the next day that’s right in the same spot because i had nowhere to go this is this is this is oh i can’t even speak okay so i had multiple problems one i didn’t have any food no cooked food

Anyway two i had no way to thin these zombies out plus i didn’t want to take the risk of trying to be quite honest with you three i had no idea what direction my house was in so even if i jumped down to run i had no idea where to go okay

So i got tons of raw meat but i thought i read somewhere that if you eat raw meat you could poison yourself and i only got like a couple hearts ah i think should i risk it yeah i’m gonna risk it i’m gonna eat it okay okay that’s all right

All right that’s good that’s good maybe you don’t get sick i don’t know but i i should probably cook it right like i if i can get underground and build a furnace i can cook all this meat and then i’ll be fine but i just gotta how am i gonna get down underground

All right so i got a plan are those zombies stuck in a hole looks like they’re having a mosh pit right on guys cool okay um so here’s the plan see that tree i’m going to try and basically build to the tree put some wood around it and then kind of

Make a little tiny i don’t know tunnel down it’s just the tree helps because the zombies won’t get in that space because if they get in the space i can’t put blocks down which is what i’m having an issue with right now okay there we go good good good good

All right all right so i got the tree covered which if i dig down i should be okay why do i speak so soon get up get it get it get get get get out of there okay all right all right i’m good i’m good here we go let’s go down

You know what i i have a plan i think i think i might just stay down here for a couple days the hopefully the zombies will despawn i don’t like doing that but i don’t know i i don’t really have a choice the next day was pretty uneventful to be quite

Honest with you i had to deal with this you guys can stop coming anytime but you know what this is a great opportunity for me to build lucille so after what felt like an hour of me just sitting there and knocking these zombies out they finally thinned out enough for me

That i could just take off and run home and when i mean run home i mean not really know where i’m going and hopefully i find my house soon pretty much that’s how it went for the next two days yeah she was fine just worked on the house worked on the tower

Kept safe yeah that’s it oh timothy come here buddy i finished wouldn’t be comfortable you don’t have to be down by the door there you go right up here look that’s a room for me and you you like it there you go i know you love bathing so i i made you

A pool there you go and uh you can you can sleep in the bed here too because uh i’m not allowed yeah this this is basically it timothy enjoy after i completed the room upstairs and timothy was all settled in and comfortable we were finally able to sit

Down and have a real talk and you know what timothy had a great idea timothy told me that i should probably build a perimeter around the house so you know what i listened to him and for the next several days that’s what i did i mapped

Out my perimeter and i got to work all right drop that beat and start that montage Do All right day 70. so it became very apparent i needed to add some torches inside my gate because zombies responding in it uh kind of defeats the purpose of a gate right right yeah i think so i didn’t really worry about the blood moon too much because

The trap man it was it was destroying them it was great so the next couple days were pretty rinse and repeat i worked on adding more light to my i don’t know yard i guess i kept working on my fence with a few annoyances but that’s fine and then i

Had an idea that you know the moat worked really well around the house let’s put one around the gate ah big brain move right there shadow big brain i was getting to the point where night time was exciting i know this is killing my frame rate but i don’t care this is

Awesome look at them all oh okay so for the next six days i repeat six days i decided to work on the moat around the perimeter why did i spend this much time doing that well that’s a very good question i wanted to make sure that it

Was done for day 80 because time was very limited to me at this point because 10 days after that that’s day 90 and that’s when the zombies can start breaking blocks did i make the right decision to spend six days doing this i don’t know but i felt confident enough

That the moat around my house worked this has got to help me too i really hope it does On day 80 me and timothy just relaxed i didn’t want to go out and start gathering material just to get you know caught in a blood moon i just i just chilled with timothy and we just we just had a good talk after mine and timothy’s long talk we discussed a few

Different ideas to work on for the next few days now one of those ideas was very smart because timothy and i agreed that if we kind of ran into a worst case scenario if the zombies made it all the way up to us what were we gonna do so me

And timothy thought of a backup plan and for the next couple days i worked on that backup plan am i gonna tell you what it is no why because i want to keep it a secret i guess if you guys know what it is or if you think you know what it is

Comment in the section below and then if you get it right i’ll call you smartypants or smart people or big brain people i don’t i don’t know on day 89 my backup plan was completed me and timothy celebrated but the celebration was kind of cut

Short i knew timothy was a pig and i knew he couldn’t fight with me and if anything ever happened to me i can’t even think of the horrors that timothy would have to go through so what i did is i built timothy a teleporter he couldn’t stay with me the last 10 days

Just didn’t make sense i couldn’t let my friend die on my watch come on timothy i know i know this is gonna be tough buddy but it has to happen timothy please don’t make this any harder than it is you gotta go buddy you gotta go like

You know how guilty i would feel if you died to the zombie horde there you go just like that come on come on up buddy look timothy i know it looks scary but you just gotta get in trust me you gotta trust me okay all right buddy one last carrot there you go

Hopefully i see you again i really do you’re a good friend a good companion and with the flick of the switch timothy was gone to where i don’t know i didn’t get a chance to calibrate it i just hope it’s somewhere where he can lay his head and rest easy This is just beautiful so beautiful this works so well like i feel like the last 10 days are they’re gonna go pretty good i think i hope that’s right line up oh my gosh look at them all here comes here comes in all its glory that’s right zombies that’s right

I’m ready for you i’m so ready let’s do this all right just block off that cave i don’t want them coming up from there stones in there good bridge is good to go okay day 90 bring it on oh hey zombie you know what i’m gonna be a little

Ceremonial just because timothy’s gone this is a sledgehammer it hurts it’s slow but it hurts see one hit all right here comes blood moon i think i’m ready for you oh here they come oh my they can break blocks they can’t dig today but they can break blocks so

It could pose a problem if they can get past the lava oh my god look at them all are they pushing in oh my god look at them look at them look at them they’re pushing in they’re breaking the blocks look look wow i mean it’s not horrible but it’s not good either

All right what are you guys doing over here in the corner you guys do anything bad oh my gosh look at them they’re they’re coming oh they’re gonna break through here yeah look look look how close they are like they’re gonna start breaking this gate down what what the heck are you doing

Are you dancing oh wow he didn’t die okay oh this is really slow what are you doing he’s being evasive i guess oh my gosh okay i’m switching here we go Come on oh wow he was strong weird okay okay let’s go in and uh let’s go let’s go get the big trap let’s let’s thin them out okay i’m scared to go down here and uh that’s exactly why i’m scared to go down here they’re breaking it

Oh wow i guess i don’t need the platform because they can see through walls now so wow look at them all come on over zombies come on over it’s all right oh you’re messing up my stuff though i worked so hard to build that uh okay is that enough i’m

They’re still like they’re still coming that’s a blood moon so i i don’t know what to expect they’re going to keep coming anyway but i’m just worried they’re going to break down my fence so here you guys have been bad you’re breaking my stuff there you go enjoy

Don’t worry the lava takes forever to fall should have probably built this lower but it’s okay it’s gonna work here she comes yep any moment oh man this is gonna kill my computer oh but it’s so satisfying to watch oh yeah there you go oh wow

Yep yep my computer’s not liking this at all yeah yeah uh super cool super cool i think i’m okay i think i’m all right oh wait why is that not oh they’re messing up my trap there’s an empty space there that’s not good yeah that’s not good

Okay so day 90 wasn’t too shabby i guess oh okay well that’s things i gotta fix there the fence seemed like it stayed up pretty good nothing too bad there not too much damage i mean you can see them breaking the blocks on the other side for sure but

They’re not getting close enough just yet what the heck did he do in my trap i’m gonna have to go check that out what’s going on how did they get up there all right let’s let’s fix this first get get the easy things done first um

Okay yeah look at this look at this breaking blocks everywhere everywhere wow i don’t know if this is going to help me or not okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn’t realize they broke that out okay okay hey what are you looking at man

You got you got a problem you want to go come on whoa whoa whoa that was that was kind of close uh yeah all right let’s let’s stop messing around let’s let’s get out of here let’s go let’s go check that trap let’s go see what’s going on oh look at you

Oh oh ouch ouch ouch oh my gosh the pigs are gonna kill me i’m gonna dive to a pig come on timothy he was my family just i’m sorry like why why are you coming after me okay i’m sorry i’m gonna have to do this i’m sorry ouch ouch i’m gonna

Die to a pig oh okay i’m sorry i didn’t mean to eat pork in front of you god what the heck was that what kind of flipping around are you thinking you’re a ninja get out of here all right zombies i gotta fix some stuff okay

Only got so much time to do this you guys screwing up my traps this is what’s supposed to keep me alive the day’s pretty much all over i don’t know what they did up there but i think i think i can fix it i don’t think it’s that bad

Okay nope just just gravel all right all right all right let’s get back in oh look look at you guys messing up my freaking gate now okay yeah i guess i guess i’m ready for tonight i got it i i’m i’m pretty sure i hear them underneath like they’re underneath

I guess i guess that’s kind of the downfall from having like a cave underneath your base because technically they would spawn down there and they could dig up right oh no oh my god here goes my frames again look at them all are they gonna make it in tonight i

Don’t know i’m gonna get inside i’m gonna go to do the trap right away i’m gonna get the pick going because they really messed it up like really screwed it up hey zombies let’s go come over here okay let’s do this let’s get this done oh my gosh there’s so many of them

All right day 91 wasn’t too bad either but i don’t know how much longer my traps are going to survive like look at this it’s not even working all correctly now they get it all messed up these zombies start building i’m pretty sure i’m screwed i really i really do i believe that

All right day 92 and uh it’s raining and i got these buggers underneath me basically digging up the heck am i gonna do with them oh just pour some lava i guess i i don’t know like the whole purpose of a fence was to kind

Of you know keep them out all right so they’re breaking breaking the gate down a little bit here oh they made a mess the pit though all right i gotta try to fix this somewhat it’s gonna be difficult because it’s raining so they’re gonna be spawning as

If it was night which is super annoying all right this is getting a little too much i’m gonna i’m gonna head out there’s yeah just not worth it not worth it i’m just gonna have to do it as it is i guess they’re breaking everything out there it’s not entirely

Bad because like it just lets the lava flow out but till if they can build they’re gonna build over they’re gonna break through this fence and then i’m gonna have to retreat all right i’m going in okay let’s uh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey how the heck you

Getting here where’d you come from oh oh oh wow they’re in here all right i’m dropping the bridge because they can break through metal doors so i’m dropping the bridge there we go and two there we go hey whoa oh wow they were coming through okay well all right i’m

Gonna i’m gonna go drop the trap right now it’s gonna build up a little bit here so if they do break the glass that goes i don’t just fall through all right zombies here comes get ready anytime it likes to take its time doesn’t it okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they’re

Coming through wow okay i probably should have sprung this trap a lot earlier than i did whoa whoa whoa whoa i could have fell down there that would have been bad all right i i don’t know what to do right now whoa whoa whoa hey get get

Okay i’m done i’m done i’m done i’m done and so you remember those confidential days that i kind of wanted to keep a secret well this is what it was for those days i was building an underground bunker that i could retreat to for a last resort to help me possibly survive a

Night if i needed you know the extra couple minutes i made sure that i had some furnaces down there with me cooking and i had some weapons in the chest not to mention i also had a panic room just in case i got into my bunker you know a

Backup for the backup and then that’s exactly what i did i waited the night out let’s see the damage oh my gosh i got a hole in my floor oh wow there goes my fence oh man they’re breaking through everything and this is a mess like the trap’s not gonna work like this

I gotta i gotta clean it up like look at it it’s not even the lava’s down but it’s not even like in the pit so the zombies can just climb up but you know i gotta i gotta i gotta try to fix it because this the pit’s not gonna work it

I’m gonna be screwed so yeah we’ll just get rid of this platform there’s no point having that just break it how am i gonna fix this there’s so much i’m just i’m not even gonna bother using stairs just just blocks maybe maybe that works okay well that’s all i could pretty much

Get done out here today all right let’s just yeah fix this fence i think i think that’s all the holes i think what what day is this 90 93 i’m screwed like i think tonight’s the last night like i don’t know if i’m gonna survive i really don’t yeah and

It’s a blood moon great awesome woo-hoo all right bring it on let’s see what you got oh my god i didn’t even i didn’t even i didn’t even notice my front door was broken gosh can you imagine if i was out here and i was swarmed i would have no way to

Get in oh my gosh i didn’t even notice the walls gone all right let’s just yeah there we go i am so screwed i’m still fixing still fixing stuff okay i’m gonna i’m just gonna drop the pit right now i’m just gonna because it seems like

I give them a chance to get in the middle and climb up and then they get up here so let’s just see how that works lava’s really slow dropping so unfortunately i’m just gonna do this so it’ll go in the center and hopefully they won’t build up oh my gosh they look

They’re in my house come on come on i gotta keep looking behind me like they’re in here i hear them they’re digging up there you go come on let’s go let’s go okay i’m just gonna i’m gonna close this off i i really might have to abandon this whole thing look at them

Screwing everything up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey not cool get out go away oh my gosh they’re making such a mess what am i gonna do oh do i hear do i hear one down underneath me i guess i guess i just stay up here for now oh

No here they come what do you think you’re trying to do get away okay nope yep screw that to the bunker i go oh my gosh are you kidding me everything’s broken like literally everything’s broken i didn’t have enough time yesterday to fix stuff this is it like

Look at it it’s it’s a mess all right maybe if i really focus i can get down there and fix it maybe maybe okay let’s go oh jeez they make a mess everywhere didn’t they oh my gosh they’re digging from underneath that’s what’s killing me next time i do this

I’m making sure there’s no caves underneath me like oh wow there goes my old bridge this is great no this isn’t great this is horrible i mean it’s great in the sense of like wow but all right zombie get get out of here okay stop breaking my stuff

I don’t know how many times i fixed this freaking fence i’m done with it okay i’m done oh you just took out the whole gate anyway we’re just gonna block that all off who cares i’m so done with it i’m so done with this i can’t i can’t fix all this

Like they just they knock down the gates so easy it’s uh i don’t i don’t even know what to do i am so lost i don’t even know what to do i’m just gonna take some lava buckets so i can yeah all right so here’s one problem they

Kind of get in this way to climb up so if i like drop some lava here then maybe just maybe i won’t have to worry about them coming in they’ll have to get through the barrier of lava to get to me rather than them coming into the center and then climbing up maybe

I don’t know we’ll try it out okay i’m really going to try to fix this somewhat i mean if i just do like the outer area if it’s a shell in the back who cares they’re going to dig through it anyway i just want to make sure it has that cascading effect down

Okay all right i’m going to put lava here in the middle so if they do to get to the center maybe it’ll deter them a little bit i don’t know i don’t know all right let’s just go in this is it i’m gonna i gotta hope for

The best like if i survive this night cool if i don’t cool like i’m i’m literally having i have no time basically to to fix anything now like i’m missing things see i’m missing the fence a very important part and i’m missing it all right this is my final stand i guess

I’m gonna drop the trap right away i’m not even i’m not even messing around whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay all right so we’re already getting started i guess oh great blood moon awesome let’s do this that sucks okay so i am completely surrounded by lava

They have to go through the barrier to get to me just want to fix up these holes i don’t want to fall in that would suck i’m dying of zombies i’m not dying to lava all right so it’s kind of working but not really that’s but it’s fine because

I still have to go through the whole the outer layer barrier there so we’ll see how that goes oh my gosh they’re digging through though look the zombies got enough health now i think that they can dig right through i think it feels like they can oh my gosh i just

Hear them out there like it’s crazy whoa whoa whoa where’d you come from get out of here man what are you doing flying get out of here go geez sneaking up on me how’d you get in here anyway some broken spots over here maybe that’s where you got up

See that’s what i mean they’re coming through and they’re and they’re building and they’re going to get to a point where they built up where the lava won’t even hurt them anymore these guys are just chilling all right i got someone coming at me here like they’re hey they’re they’re

Definitely in my house now or they’re just spawning in my house because all right what can i oh wow they’re breaking that now i don’t know if i should stay in here much longer because i’m going to get stuck look they keep breaking it [Applause] one misstep and i’m done down there

Hey buddy [Applause] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where the heck did she come from did you come through that hole there no i was just i just turned around okay whoa oh oh oh oh oh they’re coming from the ceiling see there’s a hole in the ceiling

Okay i’m out of here i gotta get out of here nope go get go all right i gotta abandon the trap this is it like look at them they’re coming down i gotta go i gotta go oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh

Okay run run run run run okay okay so trap is done there’s no way i’m gonna be able to fix that that’s pretty much done and over with i’m just gonna chill here see how things go whoa whoa whoa hey don’t be jumping out like that man

Scared me give me a heart attack all right i’m just going down the bunker anyway screw this oh my gosh they’re dropping down with me they’re chasing me oh no i’m going to the panic room screw this i’m done this is it this is it i can’t fight all these guys there’s no

Way there’s no way yeah get out of here this is my final stand take that take that where’s that sound coming from oh no not you guys wait wait what are they running from holy crike what are those things Oh no what are we doing this time all right day one you know the drill knock down this tree get some wood oh horses that’s cool now i know horses like apples well i hope so or i’m gonna look like an idiot again yeah all right just do this build my table

See i’m getting better at it i’m getting things done a lot quicker than i used to oh seriously son of a ah why did i do that wrong button silly really shadow now we gotta spend another half day knocking down another tree great awesome oh wow this area looks kind of nice

Are you serious game can i just have like one play through where you don’t throw a bunch of deep holes at me at the spawn like i don’t get it alright so i found some apples and you know what i knew an animal in minecraft enjoys apples i just couldn’t remember which one

Please like apples please like apples yes all right i mean see horses like apples told ya all right where am i going to explore what kind of hole is that weird as i was traveling around i started to feel a little worried about the area i

Was in because i noticed that there was well a lot of horses but very little livestock now i understand that the parasite mod feeds off livestock especially cows sheep and pigs for this version anyhow so technically you wouldn’t want too much around but i didn’t want to also have to look too far

For them as leading them back to the base could be troublesome to say the least okay so here’s the thing i don’t really know what to do right now i’m not really sure what to expect from this mod so i don’t know what i should be putting as a

Priority like should i be building up my equipment finding shelter somewhere getting livestock someplace i don’t know i mean really i could do all three but which one takes the cake basically right and that thought quickly went away when i discovered a village off in the distance oh what’s this

Oh a tower nice is this anything interesting whoa why did i jump in it oh my gosh okay i meant to do that quality entertainment well hello villagers what was that yeah so i was getting jumpy already but uh little did i know things were gonna get a lot worse

So the two things i like about villages is that for one you have a place you can stay temporarily if you want and two there’s food i’m just what are you doing i’m i’m just taking a couple i swear karen are you seeing this i’m not taking it all i’m

Leaving some see i’m not that kind of guy really all right let’s see what you folks are selling rotten flesh what the heck would i want rotten flesh for so night was on the horizon and i was getting a little worried with all the livestock around because the parasites

They turn them into whatever those things are now i know i mentioned earlier that i wanted to make sure i could find livestock close by but i was gonna have to settle here for the night and i didn’t want to leave the livestock sitting around because it’s either i

Killed them or the parasites do at least this way i can get some food from them and i didn’t have enough time to wrangle them up either so i did what i thought was best come here cow oh my gosh why am i having such an issue with this

Look if you don’t tie to me the parasites are going to get you anyway and then you’ll just be a big problem for me oh wow that’s a big ravine wait shadow focus come here cow okay time to settle in for the night maybe sit by a nice cozy fire while

Sipping on some pineapple juice and enjoying my favorite flick what dude there’s nothing in your house were you robbed i noticed nothing was spawning so i took the opportunity and checked all the houses for loot but i really didn’t find much except for this whatever this was

What the heck are you guys doing you know there’s bigger houses right okay see you later so i decided to set up a temporary shop in this tower looking structure get my food cooked and build anything i thought was necessary so that in the morning i was ready to go exploring how how

Oh my gosh what am i doing why are you guys going to stare at me like that it’s kind of weird after all my food was cooked felt ready to go i really wanted to check out that ravine i found earlier i’m sure it was filled with tons of resources yeah

All right let’s try to figure a way down oh nice that’s convenient so i was already feeling pretty good about this review because i didn’t even get 10 blocks down it was already finding quite a bit of resources especially iron so i decided to head back up to build some

Armor before really fully heading down okay so i’ll uh make a path here just want to try to make it a straight shot down kind of thing what the heck is that oh my gosh are they here already no where are they oh no oh no oh no oh no

Get down get down get down oh my gosh oh my gosh jeez this is what what the heck not much of a warning on that one holy i didn’t even stick my head out for more than like two seconds what the hell uh is this supposed to be this intense

At first i had like three different types of mobs come at me and i literally stuck my head up for like two seconds like i thought they were supposed to start small like those small little critter alien looking things what the hell well looks like i’m building my

Armor right here oh my god what did i get myself into the next like 98 days is gonna be quite interesting if this is what it’s gonna be like all right so at this point i wasn’t 100 sure what i was gonna do i mean the point of the whole

Playthrough is to survive so survive i will do well i hope so at this point i started to dig down because i wasn’t going back up i mean there is no way you can get me to go back up there did you see what just happened i ended up

Digging into a little open area that was kind of on the edge of the ravine now me being the smart guy that i am decided to build myself a little shelter just in case the parasites decided to drop on me because as you can see it was wide open

Did i just hear something fall holy crap i’m screwed well whatever it was it wasn’t showing up and because of that i didn’t want the thing sneaking up on me so instead of just building like a little shelter over my head i decided to build a full-out safe room that came

With its very own oven and i don’t know this thing ah building table ah what the hell is it called workbench that’s it workbench so i thought i was gonna go on this like big adventure and explore a bunch of different places because i installed a mod that generates more

Structures into the world and i incorporated this mod so it kind of give me a little more incentive to go out and look for loot but uh that might not happen because of uh parasites yeah i’m not even two days in and this mod has me nervous oh please

Please game please be gentle i hate knowing the fact that they could possibly possibly fall on top of me right now ugh as the night grew on i was becoming more and more nervous because i thought the parasites spawned at night basically but then again what the heck happened

Earlier that day like there were three big mobs that i’ve seen within a matter of seconds like is this supposed to happen seriously uh what the did a villager fall down here like where’s that coming from all right so at this point things were going pretty smooth i was getting resources while

Cautiously moving through the ravine what is that okay nope nope nope so yeah day two uh i don’t know what to say about that one so the next day i was feeling a little more comfortable with my additional armor so i started working my way across the

Bottom of the ravine oh wow this opens right up cool and with that i started to dig down after finally penetrating through and taking a look around i was starting to feel a bit comfortable you know i didn’t really see any parasites around so yeah maybe the parasites don’t

Spawn where like the sky can’t touch baby boy was i wrong what is that no no no no no no how did i get up what is that uh uh-huh geez i thought it was safe down here fine i’ll just go this way instead or not well that’s just great something was

Floating and it was glowing i’ve never seen it before what what is that thing i want it but uh i’m too scared to go get it yeah screw it i’m going back to build some more armors yeah not risking my life for that thing i don’t even know what it is

What is that sound what is that sound oh no oh no no no no no no no uh what am i gonna do what is that whoa oh my gosh are you kidding me i’m what am i gonna do this is crazy i hit

Like i have no chance and i’m stuck in a spiderweb and i’m stuck in a spiderweb great great i’m stalking the spider up get out get out wow wow wow okay so back down here i guess so you know what if you can’t get back to your first

Panic room just make a second one and that’s exactly what i did and you know what i’ll probably have about 100 by the time i’m done just wonderful oh my gosh where’s the sound coming from is it ah it’s just outside my door yep okay so it became very apparent that

Running isn’t gonna cut it i need to be able to block incoming attacks so i decided to build myself a shield this should work right i hope so with the little courage that i had i began to continue down the ravine the pair said i seen before was now nowhere

To be found must despond or something i i don’t know i’ll tell you right now i never felt so nervous while mining iron blocks before this mod has really gotten to me after i finished mining all the iron ore in the area i headed back to

Build a halvert now this weapon does not mess around you get the damage and you get the distance which is something i feel like i’m gonna need so i knew there was part of the ravine i didn’t get to explore yet which was kind of close to where i initially came in

You couldn’t miss it because there is a villager somewhere around the area i just don’t know where he was where the heck is that villager and are you like stuck in a rock or something like where are you so i moved my way through the ravine but

I kind of stayed up high because i didn’t want to run into a large parasite mob in such a tight space plus the resources are up here too so win-win bye-bye see you later i’m out of here i guess i’m smelting iron for the night all right i’m feeling a little more

Confident now since i have some decent equipment they must be like right above me all right where are you i can’t see anything like i hear them oh gosh is it coming for me whoa he’s right there get down i’m so freaked out yeah i don’t i don’t know what to do so

Uh yeah no we’re uh we’re going back down i just i can’t risk it i really can’t so any confidence i had at this point was basically gone geez shadow you’re not even into double digits yet but then again do you blame me see if i

Went up above ground i would have missed this iron down here you got to look at the positive side of everything right all right oh whoa whoa you booger did he drop down he must oh my god they are dropping down come on it’s gonna yeah block myself in here

Holy croix the heck am i gonna do like they’re literally chasing me here you wanna chase me come here chase this come on oh now you’re not chasing me okay i see so this isn’t good because when you’re on the same like level as the mobs at least

You can hear them coming now since they’re dropping on me i won’t know they’re next to me until they’re literally on my head great there that’s what you get buggers man i thought zombies were scary yeah i guess not all right crisis diverted time to continue or maybe not

What the heck really how am i supposed to get anything done oh no no no no no okay here you go oh take that ew that’s gross oh my gosh oh my gosh you’re fast really like really well take that oh wow you’ve been hit fast There jeez ah great so due to the rain i decided to go back up because i didn’t want any more parasites to fall on top of me and the ones that were originally up there they should be gone by now right because i’m assuming they’re the ones that you

Know fell down on me oh come on they’re still up here hello don’t kill me please where are they here take some lava uh probably wasn’t a good idea to do this yeah okay where are you i hear you i’m gonna let’s just dig in here a little whoa yep nope uh yeah

There take that see lava’s lava’s really good if you know what you’re doing ow son of a seriously these guys hit hard okay you can die now like how long does it take you to die oh my gosh get out of here dude you’re disgusting whoa whoa

Whoa you like that you see those ninja skills those ninja reactions those ninja reflexes yeah hi yeah okay so is it just me or do these mobs like hit really hard i honestly didn’t feel like other people’s playthroughs they were this tough but then again i don’t really remember

Please comment in the section below to let me know what you think and while you’re down there and you guys just enjoy my content please don’t forget to like and subscribe it helps out the channel greatly and it lets me know to continue making this kind of content and

Overall guys i just really appreciate it i really do i just want to get above ground what the heck was that seriously i don’t like this i can’t seem to go up there’s literally always something on me like i can’t i can’t be on the ground the whole

Freaking playthrough but it seems like they’re not letting me get above ground for some reason i couldn’t catch a break as soon as i popped my head up there was at least one on me and everything seemed to hit so hard nope nope i can’t do this they don’t

Stop um if i go up there i’m gonna die i don’t have an option i have to go down at this point i had no idea if i had the mod set up right or wrong i’m not sure if i should be having all these mobs spawn at once then again i’m just

Beneath the village with livestock and villagers so i could have just kind of been in the best breeding ground for parasites too i don’t know so at this point i decided i was gonna take my chances underground so for the rest of the day i inched my way through the

Unexplored cavern gathering every resource i could find so it was actually becoming fairly peaceful down here in the cavern i was gathering tons of iron gold coal and redstone i actually noticed my entire body wasn’t all clenched up either i was actually fairly relaxed dang gosh they hit her

It’s like i’m not wearing any armor like i don’t get it relaxed well you can throw that out the window because i’m not relaxed anymore look at this i was like jumping at every little sound now where are you coming from alright so considering how jumpy i was i figured it

Was just a good time to head back up and smelt my oars yeah okay so on day six i was getting a bit annoyed with the parasites not allowing me to come up to ground level they were either dropping on me or as soon as i poked my head up

Above ground they would chase me right back under so for the better part of the morning i worked on creating this area around my panic room or hidey hole or whatever you want to call it just so it would be safer but it was also important

That i had some way to i don’t know thin them out because it just seemed like there was a lot up there and i really couldn’t see them uh because if you can remember i’m basically underneath the village which is a prime breeding ground for them so i started working on this

Type of trap system that would cause the parasites to fall into like a lava pit of some sort all right time to test this out well that kind of failed great okay so how am i gonna get this to work because as soon as i pop my head up whoa see All right it’s official this trap sucks it’s like bad maybe you just need a little push okay maybe not that bad but still not happy with it into the next morning i was still just trying to thin these parasites out at this point i really just wanted to get to the surface i

Don’t have a chance like i kill one and then there’s another one and then i kill him and then there’s the big guy like what am i gonna do ow what the hell where is it it must have hit me through the ground it must have just glitched through maybe

All right screw that i’m not dealing with that now i’m gonna have to go start looking for diamond or something because i think going above ground just isn’t an option right now it really isn’t whoa what is this stuff i never seen this before well excuse me punk that’s right

See not so tough when you’re all by yourself i never seen these crystals before and i’m assuming they’re just part of the mod or odd mod that i’ve installed either way they were kind of cool because it was like breakable windows or no windows are breakable anyway but reusable breakable windows or

Glass crystals i don’t know i can break it down and reuse it again you know what i’m trying to say and it’s colorful oh what is this heart of diamonds so what do you do are you important what are your secrets hmm so the idea i had with these crystals is

That i could basically use them as windows that i could break down and reposition if i wanted to genius oh and i also found some emeralds too although uh they might be useless now since you know the parasites here you know they’re they’re up up in the village so

Villagers you know are probably not villagers anymore yeah and then there it was in all its glory a diamond orb peeking out at me unfortunately though it was only one block but it’s better than nothing right so for the rest of the night i continued to look for a diamond unfortunately i

Didn’t find any no figure all right so at this point i was gonna get above ground even if i had to build myself a box when i was coming up i was gonna do it i was gonna do it what the heck was that thing so i was trying to be like

Super cautious and i felt extremely silly because i was like bopping around trying to build myself a little structure or something it was ridiculous oh spider oh my gosh so here’s the thing i am deathly afraid of spiders i don’t know why bugs don’t really bother me but spiders yeah not

For me now the vanilla minecraft spiders are okay i can tolerate them but this thing this thing gives me the heebie-jeebies like seriously so that night i wasn’t feeling safe in my little above ground nook because i knew if one of the bigger mobs came after me they could potentially kill me

Through the wall so i had to start thinking about either running or expanding shadow don’t be stupid where are they all ah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i can’t get down oh crap oh my ah die die no no no am i okay just block that off

Oh my gosh wow well that was scary even the little guys are a risk ouch see see they’re getting me through the wall this could have taken me out heck it did almost take me out i had to keep pushing i couldn’t stay underground the entire time i’m assuming the parasites were

Growing because i wasn’t there to kill them i think that’s how it worked maybe all right almost there ah booger who needs to work out to get your blood pumping just play this mod so the next day i thought it would take my chances and just poke my head out

Just a little bit everything seemed okay aside from these flying tight parasites i really had to start thinking about building a bow and making some arrows luckily for me the cavern was full of spider webs so string wasn’t an issue all right bow made that was easy now

Arrows were my next objective but i had to go to the surface for that because you know chickens are on the surface hopefully i can find some close by if not i have no way to take those parasites out to fly unless they get close and uh i’d rather they not get

Close to be honest not gonna lie this little hut was nice i could actually look around and see them hey dude what are those things what the heck am i gonna do okay so that night i decided to make a break for it i figured i was

Close enough to other buildings that i’d be okay okay so that was good that’s good i’m above ground that’s nice now where am i gonna find chickens i don’t remember seeing them close by so the area looked kind of clear and i figured i could just venture out and you know go

Building the building to see if i could find chickens on either side of the village oh wow hello oh crap oh crap are you kidding me i looked all around it’s like they’re spawning as soon as i get ground level or if i leave a house

Like come on all right you bugger why don’t you try fighting me head-on instead of hitting me in the back that’s right that’s what i thought at this point i decided to head over to the tower at least then i could get like an overlook of the village this also

Reduced the risk of me being swarmed by any of the heavy hitters because they didn’t fly well i don’t think heavy hitters fly oh now that i think about it i i don’t know if they do so where is it oh big spider no no no no no

I don’t know how i’m having such a problem with this ladder but it won’t let me down they’re coming ah never mind then i’ll just do this instead then i was completely surrounded holy crike like how are there so many out there it’s only day nine is this

Normal like seriously is this normal oh crap i forgot these things can climb great oh holy my heart oh no that wasn’t smart take that okay i think i’m good looks like i killed them all hopefully okay so if i were a chicken where would i be huh i don’t see any around

That’s not good all right i think i’m safe i don’t hear any footsteps that’s important okay so there’s a big guy over yonder what are you doing shadow get inside it’s not worth it i’m just gonna wait till morning all right so the next morning i was

Starting to kind of think that the daytime really didn’t matter because as soon as i stepped out i was immediately swarmed oh hello wow gosh darn it oh my gosh oh wow really oh oh oh oh oh ow ow ow ow oh my gosh why do i try this okay i need

To get some arrows i need a i need a bow i can’t do this this is crazy oh crap crap crap crap crap no no no no no no no no no no no stay out okay there you are get get oh my gosh look at them all like what am i

How am i supposed to do this there’s too many of you die okay i i’m so screwed Like look at this look at this i can’t oh my gosh i’m gonna die they’re gonna they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me good i got things shooting poison at me i got things are gonna blow up i got freaking parasites everywhere how am i supposed to do this this is ridiculous

Ridiculous and you think it stopped there no get out of here go get go whoa whoa oh my gosh look it’s just they’re just coming from everywhere all right i gotta i gotta do something about this i gotta figure something out here you buggers or a pain in the butt cause i can’t

Shoot you there ha ha whoa whoa you’re trying to sting me or something come on oh my gosh see i kill one and another one comes like i got no chance half my health just one hit half my health gone great running out of food this is awesome fantastic

So at this point i was running out of food and fast so i decided to build around the planters to give myself an unlimited supply of food and just to give myself a larger area to deal with because once i find chickens i’m gonna

Have to find a place to put them right i also wanted to have the ability to go back to the ravine when i had no other option so i dug an underground tunnel to my previous trap area and for the better part of that night i just continued to

Work on expanding the base and dealing with those annoying parasites yeah so day 10 wonderful the next day i was greeted to this fantastic um well that’s just great well here take this i know there’s a big guy still out here somewhere but i think the wall will keep me safe well

Maybe i hope well maybe not from you guys after i got the walls up i was feeling a bit safer but i wasn’t finished you know roofs they’re important so for the rest of the night i focused on completing my base at this point i actually felt like i was

Making some progress which was great because now i had a place to work if i needed to without the worry of parasites swarming me so things were starting to look a little better but still i wasn’t comfortable yet i don’t think i’m gonna get there anytime soon

Nothing special on day 12 mostly just worked on my base removing my trap and filling in the area so i could make a tunnel that was a straight shot down to the ravine as i was worried the parasites were going to spawn in the

Trap area i just wanted to be safe so on day 13 i worked on moving all my supplies from my underground checkpoints or hidey holes off to the base i also started building stone blocks because from my understanding the mod stated that there are griefer mobs meaning that

They have the ability to break blocks except for stone blocks so i figured i might as well replace what i had with stone blocks yeah i was being smart i think day 15 was fairly uneventful just finishing up some things in the base and checking out my surroundings because i

Was planning on going out and looking for chickens i spent most of the day looking for openings but there always seemed to be a larger parasite around me i had to clear them out or at least try to thin them out because i was not confident where the chickens were and i

Didn’t want to run out just you know blindly to find them so that night i took one final look around i thought maybe i could see chickens around the village somewhere hopefully you know i killed a couple parasites it was all good it was it was it was great and then

I seen this big thing in the sky i wasn’t sure what it was looks like a big bee or something or a hornet i don’t know but lucky for me the thing to spawn because the sun was coming up maybe they just don’t i don’t know stay during the

Day i have no idea but you know what i found a chicken pretty much next to my base come on chicken i don’t got time for this you know a big parasite could come at me in any second i don’t got time for this chicken come on i’m gonna get killed

Please please follow me please it’s right there let’s go come on good good good good come on in so i think i was starting to feel a little too comfortable and at this point probably should have headed back to my base but you all know me how exciting would that be right

Not very exciting okay hey horsey oh i hear flippers oh my gosh oh my gosh holy crap i’m gonna die these things run faster than me which which sucks all right maybe i can lose them from the water here oh he’s still coming okay okay i’m gonna fight him i gotta fight him

Yeah get oh get like why am i not hitting them oh come on no get no no no no no that thing’s gonna blow up that’s gonna blow up no no oh good he’s dead oh gosh go away oh god there’s like three four of them oh ouch ouch no no no get

Okay okay okay i think i’m good i think i’m good he’s got to deal with these blood sucker thingies these leeches oh my gosh ah my god are you kidding me my heart oh my gosh i’m gonna die this is it i’m so dead i’m so dead there’s another one there’s

Another one oh no now there’s a poison flying thing oh my gosh i just wanted cows and sheep why are you guys gonna make this difficult i’m so screwed oh my gosh i hear another big one coming he’s right behind me let’s see if i can lose him in the trees

And see if it gets stuck sounding distant but i know he’s coming he’s still coming oh come on all right just passed here just rest here don’t get stuck oh get out of the way horse get out of the way go go oh my gosh my heart

That’s right bugger you can’t get me really that was intense i can’t believe i survived that i honestly thought that was it geez shadow i don’t even know what to say at this point the next day i spent a little bit of time in the morning just clearing out

The parasites because the night before i spotted some sheep and cows and uh i really wanted to bring them back whoa that horse scared me for a second no of course you guys would be converted just my luck damn these things are nasty seriously what the heck is that thing

That gives me the heebie-jeebies no way no thank you i kept looking around the area but i i think i was out of luck it seemed like the parrot sights got to all the cows and the sheep but you know what i found a tent so i broke that down and i looted

The chest it wasn’t a whole lot from it but i don’t know it was something so on day 18 i started my day like i normally do just killing parasites in the immediate area except this time i had my bow and my arrows although not sure why but i was having some issues

Okay that’s a good sign missed your first shot get away Oh my gosh shout out why why do i i shouldn’t even have a bow there i don’t deserve one all right where are you at i hear you where are you oh all right you don’t want to come to me i’m going to come to you there how do you like that

You like that arrow nice so for the rest of day 18 i uh i literally just tried to get sheep to come to my base like they were stubborn i couldn’t believe how stubborn they were but that’s what i did and and thankfully thankfully no parasites were to be seen

Thank you on day 19 i just practiced my aim with my bow and arrows fought off some parasites killed a bunch of chickens and gathered a ton of gravel for flint and while i was out exploring it started to rain which was not good for me because technically being out in

The rain was like being out at night no no no i gotta get back ouch come on shadow oh oh you know what no i’m gonna kill it this thing doesn’t really hurt and uh i don’t really know what it does i think it blows up but i’m not sure

Not gonna get used to that i’m really not it’s just the big guys i’m really worried about because they’re fast and they hit hard they’re no joke all right i’m good perfect so the next day i began with my normal routine of clearing the parasites around

Me so i was starting to figure out that when i was trying to clear the parasites around the area it was becoming troublesome and risky so i decided to build some kind of uh like platform so i could you know see around and drop lava down if i needed to just give myself

Basically a quicker solution to you know thinning these things out because the parasites they didn’t die easily and uh i found lava was really the only way to you know get rid of them quick once i got it pretty much completed i went out and looked for sand so i could make

Myself a little more visible to the parasites and that’s what i did i spent the rest of the night finishing my platform trap thingy i don’t know so on day 21 i was minding my own business collecting flowers i wanted to collect some red flowers because i wanted to dye some

Carpets i heard that if you place carpets down the mobs don’t spawn on it so to me it was a win-win along my travels i seen this large parasite just hanging out underneath the tree i figured you know what i could probably take this guy hello friend take this there you go oh

Oh no no no no oh crap that was cool oh whoa whoa i thought jeez what the didn’t even hear him coming it came out of nowhere one heart man one heart seriously i can’t even go and collect flowers ridiculous so instead i just stayed inside tended

To my animals and my crops and i tried to build as many pieces of the carpet that i could alright well that’s just sad that’s not even enough to do anything with whoops sorry sniper ja alright so i basically finished tending to the crops and animals in like three

Minutes and i still had the entire day left so i decided to head back down underground maybe i’d be lucky to find some diamonds or something who knows okay okay i don’t like how i can’t see over there and i can’t see up there god i hear him where is he

Where is he oh gosh oh my gosh my heart okay i don’t think i’m gonna survive this thing like in real life my heart’s gonna just ugh after i calmed down my nerves i was able to find a little bit of courage to go kill that parasite and from a safe

Distance might i add did one spawn seriously ugh i don’t want to go down here now they’re falling down on me like i have no chance when they fall down on me especially if it’s one of those big guys that hit really hard all right let’s just it’s

All right let’s enter away keep looking up i’m too scared i don’t wanna go okay i gotta go shadow you gotta go don’t scare me please don’t scare me all right i think i’m good i think i’m go oh wait never mind i hear something oh my gosh

Oh here he comes yep i knew i knew it i knew it i knew it big guy big guy but that’s okay it’s okay he didn’t fall on me he’s you know giving me a chance at least what are you doing take this nice ah i don’t like being down here now i

Thought this was better than being up top but i guess not all right all right third time’s the charm right third time’s the charm no no no third time’s not a charm not at all oh my gosh i’m done i am so done with this i’m done i’m done with this

Cavern i am so done done done done done get out of here bugger blow right up next to me too disgusting what am i gonna do what am i gonna do what am i gonna do yeah so uh day 21 that was uh that was interesting not

So the next day i was able to make it through the cavern pretty much uninterrupted wow seriously well that was anti-climatic so i just collected what i found around and you know started to head back up because like what else was i gonna do like there was nothing here fantastic

Such a pain in the butt coming over here for nothing couple iron coal some lapis i guess but really wasn’t worth it yeah so i don’t know i’m just gonna head back up i guess oh my my gosh oh my god he’s going to kill me where’s

My where where’s my full arm where’s my albert oh my god i threw it i threw it die already jeez i got so scared i threw my albert awesome awesome yeah i’m going back up i’m done down here no more final done donezo see you later and that was it enough heart

Attacks for me today i broke everything down and i headed right back up to the base i decided to go up and work on my crops because carrots carrots are nice and safe yeah so the next day i started my usual routine by checking all of my

Surroundings oh is that one of those beckon thingies oh it is one of those beckon thingies i gotta take this thing out it’s important i take these things out oh oh don’t kill me don’t kill me that wasn’t that bad that night while i was down at the bottom of the ravine i

Was dead set on finding this villager i had some emeralds and i figured i might as well you know trade with him if he had anything to trade all right i hear you where are you villager starting to drive me nuts like did you fall off the ledge because i’m

Pretty sure you would have died oh whoa whoa whoa what is this a button and a door this is like a secret room what the what what are you archaeologist what bones i don’t need bones i’m going to call you indy indy what are you doing in here like what’s going on

Why are you hiding in a cave I don’t i don’t get it i’ve never ran into one of these guys before this must be part of a mod because i’m not familiar with it all right indie thanks for uh nothing but uh i’ll i’ll leave you to it buddy uh yeah uh visit me sometime right

I’ll uh see you later on day 24 i was on the hunt for diamonds i figured at this point i should probably be looking for them anyway and starting chanting some stuff i found quite a bit of resources and uh these little guys wasn’t sure what they were

But i think they were scared of me because anytime i got close they just kept running away and disappearing so yeah that was weird finally after the whole day of searching i finally found a vein of diamonds i didn’t get as much diamonds as i’d like

But it’d have to do next day i was on the hunt for sugarcane because i need a sugarcane to build bookshelves for the enchanting table and of course it had to be raining but i figured i’d take my chances all right shadow just get the sugar cane and go don’t dilly daddle

Don’t dilly daddle and of course i needed to stop and get the sand because why not overall it was okay a few paranoid moments but overall safe once i got back to the base i set up my sugarcane farm thingy it wasn’t big but you know it did

The job so you remember when i said the sheep were stubborn well the cows were a lot worse i mean a lot worse oh nice i’ll just uh take some of this why not it’s just kind of sitting here right can’t leave it like that all right where are the cows

At hello momos how are you doing come on with me there you go good job no no keep coming don’t start this now we just started our journey where’d the other one go there’s four of you uh whatever let’s go come on we can’t stay out here parasites are around and they

Will get you and they’ll get me and it’s just not worth it i don’t have time for this i really don’t and i don’t like leading you guys because you guys sound like the parasites when you walk which is a little unsettling right now come on let’s go you guys are ridiculous ridiculous

I can only get one i don’t know what it is okay come on we’re almost there almost there i want to get you inside before it’s nighttime there you go there you go finally wow that was a pain in the butt wow so i tried to go back out for a

Second cow but it just wasn’t worth it the parasites were out and active and i just figured i’d get one tomorrow the next morning i got another one of those beckon things but it was okay i took it out i was still on a mission to

Get my second cow but the parasites just weren’t allowing it so all i could do was just stare out at it so close but yet so far then of course it started raining so going out for the cow was definitely out of the question so i spent some time working on my defenses

And when i mean defenses i mean putting up some trap doors on the walls and floor and you know just giving myself the ability to peek out and shoot when i wanted yeah so on day 28 i seen the opportunity to go get that stubborn cow that wouldn’t

Come the other day oh of course you’re converted well i guess that serves you right for being so stubborn anyway it didn’t matter because i found another cow it was still stubborn but i eventually got it back to the base nothing too exciting on day 29 i wanted

To look around for another underground cave that i thought might be worth searching for resources and maybe diamonds i did find one close by and i spent the day exploring and mining resources and this continued into the next day surprisingly i only had a couple run-ins with parasites but

Overall it was fairly quiet just when i was going to give up pope i finally found another vein of diamonds yay me on day 31 i ended up in another one of these crystal caverns this is cool it’s all green now i like oh whoa hey hey

Guys whoa get back get back oh well that didn’t work oh come on come on come on don’t get stuck don’t get stuck uh too much water too much water all right where are you at come here get over here come on oh now bugger the tripping here i guess was

Worth it because i found a diamond block so yay that night i decided to make an enchanting table because i felt like it was time to at least you know get it set up the next day i was greeted to another one of these beckons these things are

Starting to pop up more i find which for me is not good so i found the surroundings clear and i figured i’d take the opportunity to venture out and start looking for loot and possibly looking for a better place to build a base i mean the village was okay but you

Know i was getting a little sick of it you know it seemed like the parasites really liked this spot and i don’t know i just wanted a you know a little bit of a break i wanted something new basically that’s all it was something different i

Didn’t have too many problems just a few parasites but you know what nothing i couldn’t handle after a little bit i came across this old ruined abandoned thingy was going to call it a tower or castle-like structure but it honestly just looks like a square that’s missing its top

Anyway i didn’t find anything too exciting just some string seeds name tags and rotten flesh that’s it yeah knight was on the horizon and i thought it would be best that i you know bunker here for the night so i gathered some dirt out front and i closed up the top

Of the structure good thing i did because the parasites were out in full force yeah so the next morning i finished up taking out the parasites and continued my adventure i literally took one step out the front door and it started raining great but i kept on pushing and

Surprisingly i didn’t run into any parasites i don’t know why but i just didn’t i kept going and i ended up coming across this little mountain area it was kind of nice with a cottage at its base and one of these towers nearby not sure what it was but i figured it

Would be a nice little beacon if i ever got lost there was a few sheep in the immediate area so i quickly got them inside the cap because i had a good feeling about this place and i really was thinking about making it you know my base the area at least moving things

Back and forth could really be dangerous but i really liked the area because i could see the parasites coming and they could only really come from one side so it would be totally worth it the next morning i had a few of these flying visitors but with my trusty bow and

Arrow i easily took them out oh crap i’m out of arrows i’m gonna have to head back as i was getting ready to venture back to my base i seen these flying things i don’t believe they’re parasites and probably have to do more with that tower but

Either way i wasn’t taking my chances i i literally just ran out of arrows and yeah so instead i just took the time to clear the area around the cabin to increase my visibility because i was planning on bunkering in for the night the next morning i began my venture back

To my base i ran into a few minor parasites but it was manageable i stopped in at the abandoned ruined box thingy because night was coming and i didn’t want to get caught out at night it just wasn’t worth the risk i continued my journey the next day

Gathering sugar cane and gravel along the way as i was gonna need it for enchanting i hear parasite where are ya oh there you are jeez that was quick sneaking up on me like that all right come here come on i gotcha oh there’s another one too okay cool

All right these things i don’t like these things these are annoying go whoa whoa oh wow that’s the first time i think it popped up in front of me okay i take this out can’t leave it there because they get bigger and oh no no no no no whoa whoa whoa

Oh oh come on ow oh no no no no no no no no no oh go go go go go go go i’m gonna die no i’m not gonna die ah oh my gosh everybody’s coming after me go go go go go don’t look back i don’t even want to

Look back i’m not looking back just go just go i’ll get the beckham when i come back maybe hopefully okay i think i’m good i think i’m good i think i’m all right i can’t leave the beck in there though but i don’t i don’t want to risk it either

I’ll go back after it when i get better armor i think i don’t know i shouldn’t leave it i really shouldn’t leave it maybe it’ll despawn i don’t know i don’t know it’s fine it’s fine it’s gotta be fine right it’s gotta be fine

So i uh made this thing i figured i used the hurts a diamond so i don’t know it was it was kind of cool i guess you know boomerang hot the i don’t know give it a try that night i took all the gravel that i

Had and i started breaking it down for flint because it was very apparent how important arrows are for this mod so the next day i was still worried about the beckon that spawned the day before because from my understanding you don’t want to let those live as the longer

They stay alive the harder they are to kill plus they spawn harder mobs so it was quite serious so considering that the beckon spawn between my old base and my potentially new base area i thought i’d you know take the chance and venture out and try

To find where it was so i could take it out probably wasn’t the best idea because for one it was raining and two wasn’t 100 sure where it was located although with me sometimes well most of the time mobs aren’t my worst enemy where did you i don’t think i’m gonna find it

Oh my gosh like i could have died right here wha what are you kidding me why why am i not paying attention to the stuff around me shadow come on unfortunately i was starting to think that i went the wrong way because nothing looked familiar okay i don’t remember seeing this huh

And i came across donkeys which were not along the path i followed before so yeah at this point i was starting to panic a little i was definitely lost and it was raining and night was coming soon but then there was a little glimmer of hope i spotted that flaming tower in the

Distance but that came to an end fairly quickly as it did look like the same one but it it just wasn’t the same one i wasn’t even in the same area finally the rain let up but it didn’t really matter because it was almost night so yeah

And then i seen it my biggest fear standing there off in the distance a huge spider oh hell no there’s no way no no no no no not out here i am not trying to fight that spider out here no way oh my gosh oh there’s another one what and there’s a flyer

Ah i hear more footsteps behind me and something’s shooting at me i am still screwed oh i don’t want to die i don’t want to die okay let’s i’m going to get see if i can lose him lose him in the water please please please lose in the water

Come on come on come on come on go go go go go i hear them oh not another flyer come on leave me alone i just want to survive let me survive i was so startled and panicked i couldn’t even think straight i ran into two human parasites and literally almost

Died so i took a moment ate my carrots and relaxed once my health was back up i kept on moving but this time i tried to avoid parasites as much as possible and was extremely cautious okay Whoa well i guess it’s a good thing i need to stop and eat dang these drop-offs man i did finally end up making it back i’m pretty sure i just went in a complete big circle but if i’m going to move my base i need to make a trail something i

Can follow because i am not doing that again no way so on day 38 i made it my sole mission to create a path of torches from my village base to the new base area i wasn’t getting lost again no way oh look that beckon i looked for yesterday you

Bugger i got lost because of you and later on that day i stopped at the abandoned ruin for the night because uh fair sights the next morning i continued on my way placing my torches to make a trail to the next area once i got to the new area

I spotted some coal and wanted to try out my boomerang thingy huh cool that’s neat once i was finished with that i started to head back to the village base to prepare for the big move on day 40 i figured that moving all my inventory was

Gonna take a few days and i really didn’t feel comfortable making that trek without some decent armor plus i really wanted to do some enchanting as i haven’t really had the chance to do so yet so i decided to go strip mining for diamonds i figured it would be the last

Time i really would have a chance to mine in this area but i think the game had other plans for me to be quite honest yeah it’s definitely this way what is this oh it’s up here oh it’s a parasite what kind of parasite is that is that is that an

Adaptive one all the crap’s on the floor let’s see if i can get a door down here you are ugly okay let’s put one up here too because i don’t want to get hit from behind oh oh what that keep that door shut all right okay this is okay

This is fine this is great that’s an adaptive one all right that wasn’t too bad anything interesting in this place or what let’s check the uh saddles knock back so i checked the rest of this underground thing i i don’t even know what to call it but there really wasn’t anything in

The chest aside from like some bread and a golden apple and some saddles so i was definitely gonna get a horse tame because it was gonna make it a lot easier traveling back and forth between the old base and the new area so i guess

It was a good thing i went down there yeah cool so for the next few days i basically just stripped mine after three days of strip mining three days i literally did not find one single diamond ore so i decided to craft myself some bookshelves instead and put my

Enchanting table to use once i got the room all set up i decided to enchant my diamond pickaxe with fortune after that i went right back down the strip mining wonderful finally at the end of day 45 i finally found a vein of diamonds it was about time and that

Morning i went up crafted myself a chess piece and enchanted it did i go back down to strip mine no i was so bored at strip mining at this point i decided to go tame a horse instead i was gonna do it anyway i might as well get it done right

All right so there’s some horses out here there’s horses all over this place so just gotta pick one that i like i guess you know what i like you you kind of look like a cow with your spots you know what i’m gonna call you jason jason the horse

After i had jason all tamed and saddled up i went back to the base and well i went back down strip mining for the rest of the day at least anyway and guess what i didn’t find any more diamonds at this point i was just done strip mining

I didn’t care i was going bored out of my mind the next morning i was getting everything ready to move to the next base i threw everything in the ovens i wanted smelted so that it was finished by time i got back you know it was ready

To go all right heading out on my first run this should go smoothly with the horse oh my gosh shadow let’s not kill the horse on the first day okay sorry jason whoa what are those no no wait these things grow no no no no they merge no get out of here

Get die yeah those are those uh moving flesh thingies you don’t want them that merge with each other because they like spawn the big guys yeah not a good thing and for most of the day i ran back and forth back and forth i also remembered that i

Found some horse armor and a chest a few days back so i put it on jason i continued this back and forth for the next few days had a few run-ins with parasites but it was all right wow it’s hard to fight these things on horseback

Ah what was that get out of here no parasites allowed oh hello uh how about no thank you day 49 i spent it basically breaking everything down that i wanted to take with me because this was the last ride out from the old base last

Time i was going to see it i hope i decided to leave everything but the building materials at the abandoned ruin just until i established a base of some sort at the new place i spent the rest of the day digging out a nice little

Cozy spot for me and jason with you know the odd parasite annoying me day 51 wasn’t too exciting i just continued to work on the new base and i went around and i gathered more wood just because i kind of like the look of the spruce over the yolk not really important but

I don’t know the next morning it was pretty much the same thing working on jason’s area and and dealing with any annoyances outside my door for the rest of the evening and pretty much all the next day i worked on carving a spot for my base in the side of the mountain i

Wanted to have the ability to you know look out over the area so i could you know have a view of everything on day 54 i i went back to the old ruin and gather some more of my stored items so i could continue working on the new base there

You go jason i got some food for you buddy and here look i’m gonna build you a bed too so it’s nice and comfy all right there you go on day 55 i headed out looking for a beacon or beckett or whatever you want to call it because earlier that morning

I heard the ring go off whatever it’s called so i looked everywhere i’m not sure how close they spawn to the player but i thought i looked in a pretty reasonable area for me i hope the thing despawns because if it doesn’t it could be a big problem for

Me for the next few days i continued to work on the interior of my base you know laying down the floor setting up the walls and connecting my main lookout area down to my stable area thingy whatever you want to call it and building pens for you know animals that

I was gonna put in there i also spent some time out looking for sand as i had an idea for a large window from my lookout area yeah just kind of makes sense after my pens were all set up i decided to transport some more of my stored items figured chickens can’t

Produce feathers if they aren’t in the pen so yeah go get some eggs and throw them in the pen that was the plan oh my wow that’s one of those bee thingies oh no oh no oh no i’m okay i’m okay thanks to jason i i’m okay man

That’s right i got so distraught by this thing that i literally ran myself into a ravine thankfully not a huge one but if it wasn’t for my horse jason it could have been deadly and of course i had no pickaxe and i had the fear that

Parasites were gonna fall in i was a bit frantic but i managed to get myself out it wasn’t too bad i forgot that i could build at the same time while riding the horse so it was good i was all safe and sound i was out so i spent the rest of

The day going back and forth just to finish getting the rest of my stuff i was done making this trip i just wanted it done and over with okay okay okay so at my old base i had pretty much a whole chest full of chicken eggs so i

Literally spent the morning of day 63 doing this and this alone Well that was fun and then i heard one of those beckons spawn in they make a really loud noise when they do so it’s a pretty big giveaway so what did i have to do i had to go out and i had to look for it

I shouldn’t be out of here at night but i gotta find it i can’t leave it and it could be the one from the day before too oh wait is that it there okay this is new this one wasn’t there before oh what’s what’s that what is that

Is that another adapted one what dare yeah let’s do it let’s do it come on it’s not even moving sucker i’m gonna take you down so easy oh crap okay no i’m out of here i’m out i’m out all right let’s get in here hey sheep uh i’m in a little trouble so

Uh yeah whoa what they can oh yeah they can break stuff oh no no no no oh can he take down this whole building take that and then whoa what are you doing don’t do that don’t shed your gunk on the ground i think they can spawn it back in there if

That happens oh sorry sheep get out of the way get out of the way where you at Oh gosh yes oh no no no no no no no Oh go away oh i am so screwed if they all take this long to die the other one didn’t take that long thank you still gross as the sun was coming up on day 64 i got close to the beacon and i took it out and for the rest of that day i

Basically went and i worked on the base because that adapted parasite really had me shook i just needed some me time all right so the next day i wanted to get my enchanting table set back up now i know i’m not the best builder and you know

What for you guys i really want to you know make that effort to try to you know spruce up the place and considering i started with spruce down in the stables in the pen i figured you know what i might as well go out and get some spruce

To you know make some spruce bookshelves yeah i know it’s not really important for survival but it’s important on the eyes right that’s what matters on day 66 i kept on working on the interior of my base just a little bit by finishing the enchanting room adding some trapped

Doors to my large lookout window just so i could peek out and you know shoot the parasites from a safe distance and basically just continuing laying down stone blocks i also thought it was time to build a storage room because i was getting tired of running up and down the

Stairs so it just you know made sense so the next day i completed the storage room and then i started moving all the items from downstairs to the upstairs storage area now i was not really surprised i guess but i was really disorganized with the chests down in the

Stable area because i had everything everywhere like it was just a mess because i remember like you know a few days back just trying to find like one item was a pain in the butt so i decided for this storage area i was gonna like mark it off and you know organize it

Yeah on day 69 i was uh greeted by this strange shadow casted across my front lawn i guess my front line i don’t know just in front of my base what is that what is that that’s that’s a really big parasite if that’s a parasite or like he’s really

Close to the sun like where are you oh okay you’re not that big but you’re different is that an adapted parasite yeah that’s an adaptive it’s like whoa hey hey whoa whoa jeez scared me there for a second i’m just shooting stuff everywhere here all right where’d you go come on you’re

Gonna attack me at least attack me you know where are you all right maybe did he did he leave did he oh wait there he is gotcha come here all right shadow stop embarrassing yourself with your shots let’s go yes thank you no come here where are you going

I guess he doesn’t want to fight all right right on i know people are probably thinking shadow you’re kind of crazy for like chasing this thing but uh the adapted parasites i said that they don’t despawn or despawn so yeah i gotta kill it because if i don’t it’s gonna stick around unfortunately

Adapted parasites they take a long time to die oh my gosh and uh it doesn’t help when i can’t shoot the thing what are you doing whoa jeez i gotta hit myself whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey you didn’t like that i was gonna hit myself ouch okay that hurts

Come on you let’s go let’s tango ouch okay i gotta i gotta rethink this strategy they’re not good this is not good all right so things were getting a little hairy because you know there’s quite a few big boys out and about and i i didn’t want to try to kill that

Adapted flyer thingy because i didn’t want to take the chance it it nearly took me out and if there was another parasite even around me that just barely scratched me i would have died so i decided to do something different i decided to go and set up an auto smelter

For my base so the next day i started working on this semi-automated flint machine thingy yeah that’s what i’ll call it so basically all it does is just spits out gravel blocks when i step on a pressure plate and i just break down the gravel blocks and

Whatever comes out of it goes through these hoppers and into the chest yeah it’s semi-automated because there’s some manual aspect to it of me you know stepping on and off but hey it was easier than setting all the blocks down so yeah it was a win right yeah i think

So everything was going so good until i was rudely interrupted whoa what was that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is going on but did this guy spawn in my base oh my god he did how oh get get get get ouch ouch well at least you can’t fly

Away from me this time that is crazy he must have like transformed and just kind of glitched in i don’t know oh wow that didn’t take many shots what the yes i got a piece of something here did he drop one too i don’t know i don’t see it

I want to build the uh living i don’t know oh i think that’s what it’s called day 70 wasn’t too exciting because well i had tons of feathers but i was lacking the flint and i didn’t really gather too much flint from the day before so i just

Kept on breaking it down for most of the day also i was getting some visitors and uh they’re underneath my base so i decided to install some trapdoors and you know shoot them yeah i mean what else would you have so by the next day i was completely

Bored of breaking down gravel blocks so i decided to take the flint that i had to build arrows basically because these adapted parasites they seem to burn through a lot of arrows and uh i just want to make sure i you know had a lot yeah

I even tried to reduce the amount of arrows i was wasting by baiting the parasites to my front door seeing as they couldn’t fit in the front doors anyway i could just you know poke them with my album so it helped so with the fear of running out of arrows in the

Back of my mind i decided that night that i was going to be on the hunt for more diamonds but i wanted to find a small opening in the ground so i wouldn’t have to worry about the parasites dropping down on me again because we all know how that worked out

Last time i found this little opening that had a massive drop but i figured it would be quicker to use some water to get down to the bottom of it you know go with the flow my seriously nice what are the chances on that so for the next three days i focused so

Much on finding diamonds that i basically ignored all of the resources that were around me because i didn’t want to waste too much time looking for them plus i had a lot of resources already and i could spare not grabbing them plus i had my trusty pickaxe now

With fortune so hopefully the oars would drop more than just one diamond each hopefully overall at the end of day 75 i felt like i had enough diamonds just to finish my armor set i was feeling pretty good so on day 76 i finally crafted a

Full set of diamond armor and a helper too and guess what i got it all chanted up nice since i was all equipped with diamond stuff i decided to use some of my iron to make a few iron golems golems whatever that night i decided to basically spruce up the place i added

That zombie head to a picture frame you know that zombie head i found off that weird stone creature way back yeah i figured i’d hang it up the next day i was looking out my window and i noticed the iron golems were in a fight unfortunately i didn’t anticipate for

Flyers i don’t think iron golems have any type of range attack so uh being the good buddy that i am i went down to help while i was outside i decided to go around and clean up some of the gunk around the area as i wasn’t sure if it

Did anything bad but i just figured i might as well clean it up just in case still with a few parasites but with the new armor and weapons i was feeling pretty confident the next morning i went looking for some more gravel i found a nice little cave close by nothing really

In it but gravel was the main goal anyway i also went looking for red flowers and sheep so i could finally finish my carpet floor again it’s not important but it was an eyesore found tons of flowers not so much sheep and since my iron golems ate the dust i

Tried using a snowman instead to see how it would fare out you know and between you and me not very well and you guessed it i continued that night gathering flint it’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it so the next day i decided to build

Myself an adapted parasite trap because this would help with reducing the amount of arrows that i wasted on them plus i could passively trap them by them just walking in it instead of me going out and trying to bait them so often and so i continued this project into the next

Day things were going good the next day i finished putting the final touches on the trap and i tried it out it was working pretty good so for that the rest of the day i worked on the trap more just to make it easier for the parasites to fall in

On day 82 i was focused on finishing my carpet floor so i set out to look for more sheep but i figured i’d be okay with my new diamond armor so yeah i found out very quickly that this wasn’t a good idea at all things were getting a little

Intense i did find some sheep which was good and as soon as i sheared them i got out of there getting back to the base was a little scary i’m not gonna lie but i made it these adapted parasites are no joke even with diamond armor so then i

Switched gears to a more safer job i let the parasites fall into my trap and i just picked them off there on day 83 i was greeted by one of these guys again really dude you got to be like right in my face come on get out of here i’ll just sit there

That’s cool too no no stay there stay there all right did he drop a piece yes he did cool watch this This makes this weapon all worth it so cool and that was the final piece that i needed for the living great bow so what did i do you bet i went and i made that as quick as i could and yeah i enchanted that bugger as well that’s

Right i tried this sucker out oh yeah dang this thing is powerful whew i was having so much fun with this bow that the next day i went out on a rampage looking for all the parasites and all the beckons i could find oh wow that’s a level three backing right there

I’m gonna dig myself in here to you know be a little safe just a little bit see this is why because now these guys can’t fall on me oh i love this bow this bow was so good with the bow in hand i decided to take advantage of the situation by basically

Staying and poking the beckon to kind of see what mobs came out of it you know i was thinking that i could possibly farm more fragments from it to build the the scythe i believe okay so by the time knight rolled around i i was pretty bored and i decided to

Just end the beckon because i was just done whoa whoa whoa whoa wait is that an ancient that’s an ancient oh wow that thing is huge i don’t want to i don’t want to stay in a hole while trying to fight that thing because uh pretty sure it’s shooting stuff

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay it’s shooting blue stuff at me okay i don’t even care let’s get down here good thing i got feather falling on my boots oh oh i don’t want to mess with those guys with that guy behind me over here

Are you stuck in a tree oh let’s see what’s he dropping is he spawning like bigger beckon thingies what are those okay he’s stuck behind that tree i gotta get him out of course you guys gotta be around yeah come on come fight me oh oh there you go come on down

Okay man i’m literally right here there perfect there you go right there you are ugly i’ll give you that why can’t you die thank you jeez now did you drop anything whoa what’s that so i thought the ancient parasite was spawning new beckons or something but it

Was just parts of itself so i spent the better part of that day going around and cleaning up the parts that broke off by the way they’re kind of annoying as these slugs keep spawning from it so there’s that so the next day i decided to go around

And look for more beckons just to make sure i got them all oh look at that look at that there’s another one oh this might be an easier spot to try to farm it though let me let me get a better spot back here though not just a hole

Let’s actually make a room yeah so i did the same thing i did for the last beckon basically just farmed it you know i was trying to get larger parasites so i can get their fragments and you know build the site so i basically continued to firm this

Thing for the next few days not because i necessarily wanted to but because i was kind of stuck too i tried leaving a few times only to all nearly die so the next morning i just killed the beckon so i could move on i started to notice that there were quite a few

Adapted parasites around me now i’m assuming because i was there for a few days there was no one really there to kill them so they just kind of built up so do you think i wouldn’t bought them hell no i took off when i ran back to my

Base i didn’t want to risk getting surrounded it was day 91 and i figured you know what i should probably complete the base you know there there wasn’t much left to do just a few details here and there so that’s basically just what

I did on day 91 on day 92 i decided to add an extension to my trap because i was tired of being the bait because it it wasn’t the ideal solution i’d rather be the bait behind some iron bars instead so i figured i’d build that you know keep myself safe

Is there another beckon out here probably maybe oh there is hello beckin what do you got for me anything good whoa oh okay all right oh there’s two of them oh okay um stay cool sorry i can do this i can do this oh i love this bow though holy look how

Good that is get out of here what is that what what is that is that that warden thing ouch ouch ouch oh my gosh all right gordon show me what you got buddy come on oh of course there’s an adapted one in the sky i’m gonna get under a tree though just

In case come on you ain’t nothing not with this bow anyway did you drop anything though anything good nothing not a thing seriously nothing okay day 94. today i was determined to build that living site at this point so i spent the day baiting and killing

Adapted parasites i was so close i could smell it oh actually bad mental image i i couldn’t imagine what a living scythe would smell like it’s it’s probably not good i only needed a few fragments now and then i could build that site and i was getting a little impatient so this

Time i went out hunting for them was it smart probably not but it was day 95 and i wanted to get it built before you know the end of it all so on day 96 i had what i needed i went back to the base and i crafted that living scythe nice

And yes i enchanted it with fire damage and you guessed it i went out hunting with my new weapon i had to i had to try it out on day 97 i continued to hunt parasites because i was just having fun where’s this gunk all coming from from you no there’s no way

He made all this no way oh you sound so horrible oh there’s a beck in there okay wow this spread really really far oh there’s two of them all right shadow don’t mess around with these ones let’s just take them out there good good good easy see easy peasy oh

Oh no no no no no no got another warden great let’s go run run even though i have like full diamond on like the swarden can like kill me in one shot oh you stuck you know what that is okay you stay right there oh maybe he is oh nice oh no

The one spawn up here i don’t think so no it must have been this guy down here yeah there it is listen stop please you got there’s too many of you now you’re growing too quick so night was on the horizon and i i didn’t want to fight the beckon out at

Night because that’s where the you know the parasites are really active so i went inside and i started breaking down gravel just basically getting myself prepared for the next day all right zombie give me luck okay i’m gonna need it all right first i want to make sure that there’s nothing around

So i don’t get sideswiped i actually don’t like fighting beckons on top of the hill because it sends out flyers i find when you’re up high like higher than it plus if anything comes up behind me you can just you know send me flying so see like this guy i don’t want that

Because then i have to deal with these buggers and i just i’d rather not all right let’s let’s go down over here it’s nice wide and open kill this thing this gross looking thing loister i think they call it i don’t know all right becca you ready let’s do this Oh oh oh not one of these guys actually this guy was easy last time see he’s slow shoots not a big deal it’s pretty good yeah this guy’s going down easy whoa whoa what the what is he is he shooting that stuff oh or were those those no those are

What are those things are they pods oh okay okay he didn’t do this last time oh crap okay okay okay okay okay what the heck seriously what is it okay this is he’s a bit more serious than i thought oh crap oh crap not good not good Okay i got the ancient one after me i got an adapted one after me and i got some of those little creepy crawlers happening great awesome okay shadow we gotta get back look at this look at that stuff okay Not an issue i got this wow those things do some damage yeah see i don’t know if these parts like what are they i know they spawn these guys but do they do anything else like is there a purpose like will they spread parasites i don’t know i’m just gonna take them

Out just in case oh my gosh look at this place like holes everywhere there all cleaned up ouch get out of here all cleaned up job well done shadow job well done perfect you know what i’m gonna go see what the secrets are to this tower

I am so curious to what that thing was like so long ago when i first got here just gotta make sure i don’t get bombarded you’re pretty ugly oh what are you doing put your arms down on me all right tower what are your secrets oh there’s a spawner in here i didn’t

Know that whoa oh you’re kind of cute are you dangerous Oh i guess you are wow okay uh let’s uh break this down then cuz you’re not very nice oh another one of course there’s another one if it spawns one of those flying agents i’m out of here i’m running i’m not dealing with those pods again come on get out of here

All right i don’t even want to give you the chance oh what okay well this one just crawls but that’s that’s good kind of interested to see what it does though this chases me you shoot anything gosh i’m more scared of that adaptive that’s coming after me right now

Ah get out of here oh i hate i hate that sound though get get get no i got a wolf too dude i think that’s the first wolf i’ve seen all game go away ouch i think he blew up yeah he’s going good good good all right great dude

Do something show me your worst Okay that wasn’t too bad uh yeah you know what it’s day 99 bring it bring it i don’t care everyone can come at me now yeah these guys are fast so i’m just gonna run reacting all big and then when i see one of those guys like get out of the way go

Oh i didn’t know you’re right there run all right this is my last night what am i gonna do well you know what let’s go out whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay i hate that sound there you go go to sleep well shadow you did good you did good

Yeah and that’s it i survived 100 days in a world full of parasites [Applause] All right and we’re back so here’s the deal i received a message from an anonymous sender indicating that they captured timothy and if i wanted them back i had to come get them myself or else the location stated in the message refers to an island not too far away

From where i’m at but here’s the problem i guess when timothy went through the teleporter the exit portal that he passed through was just left open allowing all types of nightmares to take over the island including the one that captured timothy so it’s up to me to

Find him so this island is fairly big with different kinds of locations so i hope it won’t be too difficult to find them so i heard that if you like share and subscribe then it will actually increase the probability of finding timothy plus it would make me happy and

Make the little guy happy too so please don’t let him down if i fail to save timothy or if you just want to try to save him on your own this map will be free for download on my patreon also if you want to keep up to date with

Anything i have going on or even take part in some community content please feel free to join my discord server or even follow me on twitter all links are in the description below All right so i found the island’s location as specified on the note hopefully i can find timothy quickly because i’m sure he’s scared and confused because so am i well you know what this this doesn’t look so bad the island is you know has a nice beach and

Some nice views so it can’t be that scary right but remember folks never judge a book by its cover because although it looks nice and pleasant at first i couldn’t have been more wrong so once i got ashore i i beat down my boat and you know moved along and you guessed

It i knocked down this tree you know got some wood and crafted myself a crafting table there i remembered at this time no brain farts for me so one thing i really wanted was some coal because when night comes i’m gonna want some torches so i tried my luck with some quick strip

Mining unfortunately i didn’t find any and i didn’t want to spend too much time strip mining as shelter was a priority remember there are no caves on this island so resources are gonna be a pain to find well hopefully not but with my luck probably so instead i switched

Gears and decided to continue to gather wood so you know i could build a house of some sort and and and i got some sand too for windows or something i don’t know i always like to have sand on me for some reason but of course i got

Distracted by these little fellas i’m not really sure why because i don’t think they drop food or anything really important but i hunted them nonetheless great use of time shadow great use of time as i was running around collecting seeds minding my own business i spotted a group of chickens perfect food oh

Is that is that a shack or something perfect the sun’s getting real low and i should probably bunk her up there for the night or something so when i got closer to the shack it it looked like it was abandoned but i had some food and

Coal in the chest so that was good as i was looking for coal earlier and a few holes you know on the walls and basically all over the place but you know what i fixed it up before the sunset because i really didn’t want anything creeping in and you know poking

Me and stuff you know scaring me right i thought so after everything was patched up i you know filled my pockets and cooked some food that’s all i could really do at the time as the sun was setting i started to feel this tingling

On the back of my neck i’m not sure what it was but it was just this overall eerie feeling you ever get that yeah it’s not a good feeling whoa what what’s that is that a hog uh kinda looks like a mean hog i probably should you know keep

My distance like what are they why do they have shovels oh wait is that i think those are the grape diggers i think there’s so many of them what are those things okay this this isn’t too bad maybe i can just you know keep trucking along yeah i should be should

Be safe no one’s coming after me oh hey pig hog whatever you are are you not gonna attack me are you nice oh i don’t know if i should okay maybe he’s not hostile all right i think i’m good what’s that what is that whoa

Whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey oh geez i can’t move what the heck all right maybe maybe it’s not safe oh my gosh i’m gonna die seriously come on it’s like a fancy or something pretty sure that’s the banshee you sound like it and you’re not

Fun okay so these banters are gonna be a pro because they can fly and i i can’t even see them unless they’re like right at me great great all right so anyone not familiar with this mod these things are called banties and they suck they can sneak up on you

At any time because they fly and they come down quick not to mention they have this ability that can freeze you in place so that’s great just wonderful oh great there’s another one and what’s that glowing thing i i really i really need to you know

Research the mods before i play them but then again what’s the fun in that so while i was waiting for the sun to rise i was looking through the recipes for the mod to kind of see what i could craft i found out that i could craft

Some hog armor and you know since i had no other resources it seemed fitting to you know craft the hog armor yeah so i guess i was feeling a little stronger now with my boots and i decided to go out again i guess okay i can do

This i can do this i don’t want to be stuck in this house and and i want to i want to move along i got i got to save timothy oh my gosh seriously these banshees but i still had to be careful because these banshees could still get me

Through the walls i think they had like a three block radius or something i don’t know oh gosh am i going is this is this something i’m going to have to deal with the whole play through like okay you’re a little bit more easy to deal with is swinging your shovel around yeah

Oh wait what you can summon things come on oh look at you that sucks got stuck in a wall not oh my gosh come on oh no what they get what oh come on seriously this okay this is not gonna be fun at all so banshees i can’t go outside you

Know because they just sneak up on you and then if i stay inside i got these buggers that like to summon things in front of me or behind me or all i don’t know what i’m trying to say they just summoned things inside my house great so yeah day one awesome

Now the mobs for this mod are technically supposed to burn up under the sun but what’s the fun in that so yes little el shadow had to go out and clear the area because i couldn’t stay here and i was running out of food and i didn’t want to stick around too long

Because it would be nighttime again and well i’d have to do it all over again yeah so once the coast was clear i started to head out and you know me grabbing any resource along the way because it just made sense what the what is this thing what where’d it go oh

Wait there’s another one hey hey come here come here come here what are you what do you do oh i can’t hit it well i can hit it but it doesn’t do anything oh nice a house so what do you do when you find a structure you go and explore that bugger

And hopefully find some good loot hopefully i’m not really sure what this place was supposed to be but it looked like an underground lab of some sort or like a witch’s room i don’t know but i found a shield and some arrows and this neat little feather following in champ

Book so that was cool i figured it would be a good idea to take some of these bookshelves because i was planning on doing some enchanting early games those banshees really had me shook and if i was planning on getting anything done during the night i had to have better

Protection and i grabbed these iron bars too because uh why not okay there’s there’s got to be a main level around here i just have to find a way in unfortunately once i made it into the main level of the building there there really wasn’t anything inside but i

Decided to take the carpet just because i guess i like the color i don’t know i don’t remember but i took it so after i looted everything in the building i decided to head out only to become distracted by one of these crystal crab things again so it was on the hunt well

Not really i just kind of chased it a little bit but it got stuck in a tree the thing is i couldn’t hurt the darn thing i’m not sure if i was using the wrong weapon probably need a diamond or something but it doesn’t really matter because the

Thing’s not aggressive and just runs away so for now i’ll just you know leave them alone i wanted to move on but i didn’t like the fact that it was raining and i figured it was probably gonna be night soon anyway so i decided to head

Back down to the lab witch room thingy and decided to dig down you know to look for coal as i didn’t like the fact that i only had 20 torches unfortunately i didn’t find any coal but i found a ton of gravel which was you know something i

Was going to need eventually to make arrows but i did find some iron and some gold so yeah there was that so the next day i seen this skeleton looking thing on the beach and uh for some reason i thought it was a good idea

To go poke it yeah all right let’s go oh whoa whoa he can dig down okay oh ouch oh okay he can poison me that’s not good not good all right all right i’m fine he doesn’t get that so it’s not too bad oh my gosh it keeps oh wow wow okay nope

Nope nope let’s go nope nope nope not gonna die to that thing look i should be taking things on like this this okay maybe not i’m having a hard time killing the chicken great cool let’s go okay so i decided to stop wasting time or embarrassing myself whatever way you

Wanted to look at it and i packed up my stuff and headed out i ended up coming across the snowy type of biome and i figured i would continue this way there was no real reason or anything i just you know i was curious and figured i’d

Go play in the snow i guess i don’t know maybe i shouldn’t have went in the snowy biome because there doesn’t really seem to be anything here oh wait what is that is that like a castle or something looks like it was like built in the mountain or something that’s kind of

Cool so the buddy of mine that you know made this map for me he told me he put some dungeons on it and uh it was more or less just to give me some incentive to stay above ground and explore more and it would be worth my while to try to

Clear some of these dungeons as it you know there might be some good loot sitting there as i started making my way towards that castle thing i end up noticing that there was a little cabin at the base of the mountain so i figured

It would be a good spot to kind of set up a temporary base you know or just stay the night at least there wasn’t really much in the cabin you know there was some iron some food some redstone but hey it was better than nothing and i

Figured since you know night was on the horizon i could start crafting myself some weapons and cook all my raw meat just kind of made sense but i was trying to be responsible because i didn’t want to use my coal to cook and stuff because

I didn’t have very much so i popped my head out and you know gathered a little bit of wood just around the cabin just just so i could you know use that to cook instead i crafted myself an iron halberd an iron helmet chest plate and

Some pants and of course the mobs were out in full force so that was awesome i see you up there whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh get inside get inside wow where are you at what are you doing you just chilling where’d you go trying to keep my distance here oh

And what are you you’re a zombie see what i mean that they sneak up on you like you can’t do anything they’re literally right there all the time and it’s like they can come down at you at any minute because they spawn around you right i like fighting things more like these

Guys see these are these guys are you know familiar because what i’m trying to think of oh my gosh i’m gonna die i am so screwed i can’t even get in get in get in oh so what what was that that was that was three banshees in the run of what a

Minute and a half okay i can’t stay here too long because i don’t got a whole lot of food i got some alright that was enough excitement for one night so i decided to dig down and go look for a few resources until morning and guess what i did find some

Coals so that was sweet so the next morning it became very apparent that bunkering up in a small house just isn’t ideal all right i hear you banshee oh and who are you oh mr gravedigger what are you doing over here give me a second i’m just eating hold on oh hello what

Are you trying to sell me oh what hey whoa hey hey i don’t want that i don’t want that whoa come on now that’s not fair so this is a problem these guys like to you know spawn things into my house so my next house oh my god see see see my

Next house it’s gotta be a little bigger because uh yeah this this isn’t gonna work out no thank you so i wanted to head out and check the castle looking thingy but of course the banshees they just weren’t allowing it all right let’s let’s go check out that castle thing but

First of all i gotta deal with this banshee they’ll chase me all the way up hey you come on come on in i mean come on over yeah you come here look at me all right let’s go i need to i need to take whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa trying to pull a fast one on me are you all right all i gotta do is just take this banshee down then you know run for it i guess maybe maybe i don’t know oh come on really these banshees i i swear they are the worst thing in this mod the

Worst all right do i got clearance now can i go now maybe while i was out and i was kind of checking my surroundings i spotted this little church there really wasn’t much to explore and the chest i did find didn’t really have much in it

So yeah so then i decided just to continue my way and explore the castle dungeon thingy it it was about time i just i needed to see what it was anything good up here oh whoa what are those things they don’t look too difficult oh what what okay they’re not

Difficult to kill but what are they resisting okay come on let’s go there’s only a few of you oh wait is there a spawner over there i thought i’d see one spawn come on gee okay come on let’s break this i gotta break this come on oh

Yo i gotta break it let me break it no let me break it ah let me break it oh my gosh oh my gosh okay this isn’t this isn’t okay no i no not worth it not worth it right now not worth it oh my gosh stop chasing me go

Away what do you want go away all right we’re just gonna it’s gonna come back i guess i’m gonna wait until i’m like you know equipped for that yeah so yeah i uh i definitely was not ready for that tower that’s for sure because here’s the thing

When i was running up there there were a few spawners laying around and those things were resisting my attacks fairly well and uh it seemed like it took me longer to kill them before they could spawn again so it just made sense i wasn’t risking it i’ll have to come back

Later and unfortunately my ego was a bit hurt to say the least i felt so weak and you know defeated so i decided to focus on finding some diamond you know i felt like it was about time that i started doing that so i went strip mining for

The rest of the day initially it wasn’t a bad idea but with the island not having any caves it was really hard to find anything really even like coal was difficult at times i literally wasted a day because i really only found a little

Bit of coal and two oars of iron and a little bit of lapis each great this play-through is gonna be fantastic okay so about midday i decided to just move along because i was starting to get a little frustrated maybe it was just the snowy biome i don’t know doesn’t

Matter i was just going somewhere else i couldn’t find anything here so i finally made it out of the snowy biome and i i moved into a warmer area as i was moving along i started to notice something off in the distance whoa whoa whoa whoa wait

Wait what’s that is that is that a tower wow that’s a that’s a big tower right there you know what i bet timothy’s up there 100 guaranteed he’s up there it’s like right dab in the middle of the island oh look at that a farm maybe i am

Gonna play farming simulator yeah nah probably not but this is cool i’m gonna check it out all right let’s check out this windmill anything in here no not really whoa what what is that what did that what was that it looked like a spider or something ugh really i had no idea what

That thing was and i wanted to keep my distance it reminded me of a spider and i wanted nothing to do with it so what did i do i just ignored it for now and continue to check out the rest of the farm so the thing that was really

Appealing about this farmhouse was like these built-in pens because i could basically just you know get my livestock now and you know stow them here and the house it was good for a base it was big enough and you know cozy enough i guess however cozy you can get in minecraft i

Suppose also i found a bed but you know me no sleeping not my playthroughs no way heart spurts are at night so yeah just kind of makes sense i don’t sleep just gotta check out the burn now see what’s in there anything good maybe well

I like how there’s crops here oh come on i don’t like how it’s moving around like it is it’s kind of freaky go away go away oh no i might have to deal with this thing why does it gotta crawl around like that so creepy and crawly

Come on shadow you gotta be brave buddy you gotta be brave it’s just a icky oh my gosh there’s so many of them why is there so many of them oh my gosh i can’t do this i can’t do this i can’t do this and it’s night time so yeah no

No yeah so uh i guess i’m staying in for the night there were mobs everywhere and a lot of them there were bugs banshees these scarecrow looking thingies and those white spiders of course maybe i could sneak over nope nope nope nope oh get out of here you get out of

Here you are not allowed in here i gotta cover this oh my god there’s two of them oh there’s two of them i gotta cover this up thanks shadow what what can i do here what am i gonna do here i don’t like these things i’m not so creepy

No no no no no no not going up here uh yeah no not not worth it not worth it just gonna you know cover the rest of this up this is you know this good idea shadow this is safe this is very safe yes good there we go perfect all right

So uh things are getting a little serious and and i need to set this house up as you know as a proper base because if i don’t i’m not gonna make it and i won’t be able to save my friend timothy and you know what

I have to i just have to so once the base was all secure well as secure as i could get it i decided to do some strip mining for the rest of the night i really needed to find diamond i really did so the next morning after literally finding nothing while strip

Mining i decided to come back to the surface to finally check out the bar okay let’s let’s check this out gotta be something good in it let’s make sure there’s no spiders oh there’s one of course i spoke too soon and a bug get out of here

Okay okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa okay looks like they’re up in the barn not cool i’m not cool not cool i’m gonna go i’m gonna try to go this way see if i can okay no no no no so instead of fighting these little buggers i decided to do the next

Logical thing yeah i set the entire barn on fire it was just not worth going in to try to clear them out it really wasn’t not for me anyway but you know what was a good thing the spiders are gone and now i could focus on my livestock so it was a

It was a win-win plus the barn it had a nice glow to it at night you know so triple win i think so that night i crafted some trapdoors so i could get rid of the stained windows i just couldn’t see through them really and it was just annoying all right okay

Oh hello and uh who might you be huh you’re you’re not very nice looking so uh yeah go away please thank you thank you whoa whoa okay listen i i know i can be a pretty cool dude but why why does everybody want in here like come on now

You don’t need in here just just just move along okay appreciate it so considering i was stuck inside for the night i i really didn’t do anything else really aside from you know crafted a bow which which was going to help don’t get me wrong but as i was kind of sitting

There i noticed that this wasn’t going to be easy because everywhere i looked i was surrounded by mobs and not just mobs that could whack me upside the head moms that could stop me dead in my tracks that was dangerous and i needed to prepare myself for it because i could

Handle the hits but if i got stuck in place and got surrounded i don’t think i’d be able to survive that so for the rest of the night i i really tried to focus on finding diamonds i really did but having no caves really really made this difficult So the next day i decided to go back and grab all my stuff that i left behind in the cabin over in the snowy biome but before that i had a little fun with this guy hey dude not so tough now that you can’t move eh

That’s what i thought so i went pretty smoothly on my way over and uh you know when i got there i filled my pockets and i headed on back so that night i decided to start fortifying my stable area as flying mobs were able to get through and

These little ravens they were annoying because they would always try to steal my stuff i’ll get it so the next day i thought it would be a good time to go out and harvest those crops that i you know i seen earlier they were growing just outside my house

But guess what not anymore i guess those little bug things they like to eat them or dig them up or do something because most of the crops if not all of them are dug up and to make matters worse the ravens they come down and they take them

And they take them away so yeah they’re like a duo or something with crops i i don’t i don’t i don’t know it was super annoying so i just ran out grabbed what i could and you know took it inside i was gonna have to do something about that i’m

Gonna have to make a greenhouse or something i don’t know anyway you know what bugs you’re gonna pay for this that’s right you’re gonna hey whoa whoa oh my gosh oh they see fancy out of nowhere heart attack right there for most of the day i went out to

Collect more wood and basically taking out any ravens or bugs that i came across like i despised them at this point i mean look at the area around my base it’s bare there’s like nothing here no plants no grass no nothing it just it looks ugly because those guys just you

Know they dig it up and the ravens take it away oh and i i found a grave that’s that’s cool i guess hopefully it’s not foreshadowing anything hopefully then i remembered that the barn had trapped doors on it so instead of wasting my wood on crafting well trapped doors i

Could just reuse them genius so the clouds and the fog were starting to clear and the sun was starting to shine down and while i was breaking down the trap doors i could see the tower in the distance it was a constant reminder of my mission don’t worry timothy i’m

Coming i just have to make sure i’m prepared first i’ll see you soon buddy i’ll see you soon So here’s the thing it’s day nine and banshees i i just can’t with banshees anymore i’m not even 10 days in and i they’re just they’re driving me nuts they’re annoying with their high-pitched screams they can drive anyone bonkers all right i i i i had enough of

This i’m this is done you know what i got my bow i got some arrows i’m going to take you out driving me nuts i’m just i’m just trying to work in peace okay all right where are you at oh there get oh what that’s not a banshee that’s a

Hive i think that’s what they’re called come on oh my god i just i just i just wanna i just wanna work in peace can i just work in peace please just just go go just go go away why is this taking so much effort to kill one of

These things oh my gosh go away okay okay okay okay okay okay i can okay there okay let’s let’s just get out there hit him a couple times and go come on there come on no get come on go away yes oh finally okay i apologize

That was not a banshee but you know it was just as annoying there raven get out of here making me angry well after all that drama was over i decided to go back and grab some cows i spotted earlier it was nice because the animals in this

Play through were so close to my house then you know and it kind of made sense because you know it’s a farm yeah at this point it was becoming pretty routine to strip mine at night like i mentioned before resources seemed to be scarce so strip mining seemed more

Important plus it was too dangerous to be out at night anyway so it kind of just made sense by the end of the night i finally finally found diamond well it’s about time please be more than one please be more than one guess what it was only one

Awesome so the next day i decided to go back to that witch basement thing in the woods because i felt like i left things in in the chest and uh i was just curious and felt like i should probably go get it just in case okay

I think i’m in the right area yeah definitely in the right area i remember it being rocky so or hilly or whatever this is whatever you want to call this oh what are you guys doing out what are you guys doing here where’s the grape digger or the undertaker or whatever

That thing is well i guess it’s a gravedigger he’s got a shovel let’s keep you guys stuck in a tree i really couldn’t remember if there was anything good or not but it didn’t matter because i literally took everything in that room that i thought might be useful i had to

Make the journey feel worth it yeah i’ll go with that as i was running back to my base i noticed the sun was getting low and fast i really need to pick up my pace oh my gosh shadow why why why do you gotta do this to yourself i

Should have just waited i’m gonna be running in the dark here at any second oh yeah all right just just focus and just go who cares just yeah just go okay nothing is spawning just yet and i think i’m almost there okay just zombies that’s that’s fine i can get around them

Pretty easy for the hive back there but that’s fine my real worries the banshees the banshees suck okay come on i got this i got this come on almost there i see it see in the distance there we go scarecrows are kind of scary at night oh oh

Wow what’s hitting me oh come on come on i’m almost there i’m almost there i can do this oh my hands are starting to sweat nothing really is happening all right i got i got this i got this get on my way out gotta get through whoa someone’s

Shooting arrows at me now okay okay whoa well let’s uh let’s try not to do that again all right so that run back wasn’t too bad but i was still pretty shook up over it so i decided to work through the night by organizing my inventory you know keep my mind

Distracted plus i kind of needed to sort my inventory anyway right like who doesn’t like a nice sorted inventory am i right yeah i thought so nothing really special on day 11. i i just basically worked on my inventory management and uh i worked on getting my chicken feather farm together yeah

So on day 12 i worked on fortifying my farmhouse or my base gathering livestock and i did the occasional hunting yeah we’ll call it hunting that night i continued to strip mine for diamond i made it my mission to find diamonds now you might be thinking yeah of course

Everyone looks for diamonds right you want to build your armor and stuff but no not me so i need diamond because i need to go to the nether so this mod has its own armor it’s basically called molten armor or something i don’t know it’s something like that but anyway it’s

Like wearing diamond armor but you get a few perks with it too so i figured since i was running the mod i might as well try to you know wear the stuff that’s in it so yeah i was so determined to find diamond at this point that i spent the

Next two days strip mining having no caves in your world is no joke because even finding normal common resources is is kind of tough because in caves the resources are kind of peeking out at you here you have to like literally search for them on day 15 i started to notice

Something odd my sheep i’m pretty sure there were four of you earlier like are you getting killed by the mobs so i was a little concerned that the mobs outside were killing my sheep so i decided to remove the trap doors and just make it a

Solid wall i don’t know if they can like swing through those trapdoors or not but they were killing my animals and i just i wasn’t having any of that so the next day i decided that it would probably be a good idea to start building that

Indoor crop area or i don’t know a greenhouse i suppose because if you can remember a few days ago i had crops growing outside and those bugs destroyed it it only made sense to you know build something inside yeah so considering it was still sunny outside i figured i’d

Take the opportunity and gather some wood for my new building project oh what is over there what is this oh senna that’s a house oh whoa whoa what is a dreadful pete mummy what is that is that a boss or something i just want to explore this house dude um hello oh oh

My god oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i’m stuck i’m stuck i’m stuck oh my gosh go go go go go go go go go go go go go go no no no no oh my gosh what what was that thing oh my gosh you’re still coming go

Go oh my gosh is this it okay oh that’s gone oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on now seriously oh get get back just keep running don’t even look back just keep running oh my gosh oh my gosh all right so dreadful beat mommy uh yeah not for

Me alright so whatever that was uh i decided to uh switch to more safer adventures as i was nowhere near ready to fight that thing no way so uh you know what i just i just continued to work on the greenhouse and mined it in my own business

Yeah finally on day 17 i found another diamond vein or i guess you could say another diamond ore because there was only one well this is getting a bit depressing huh i was so determined to find the last third diamond well technically i need five in total cause

The pickaxe and the enchanting table but anyway i was so focused on finding these diamonds and i’m going to be completely honest with you i can be extremely stubborn at times and trust me at this point in this playthrough i was being very stubborn although i’m very stubborn

I can also be very impatient as well and being impatient can lead to frustration so i decided to take a break and tend to the animals and you know finish my feather farm thing yeah once i completed that i crafted quite a few stone pickaxe to get ready for another strip mining

Excursion why am i making stone pickaxe you may ask well as i mentioned before even finding iron can be difficult at times and i didn’t want to burn through the only iron that i had left i know stone is slower but i just didn’t want to waste the resources on it for the

Next few days i spent my days working on the greenhouse and tending to the animals while at night i continued my search underground you know what i did feel a little silly focusing so much on searching for diamonds but i had to take this seriously it was dangerous on this

Island and i had to save timothy i mean it was my fault i sent him away i know i thought it would be safer to send him away rather than stay with me in the zombies but i really should have calibrated the teleporter but really all that doesn’t matter now all that matters

Is making sure i’m well equipped before entering that tower that means i have to start looking for stronger equipment early because i only have 100 days to do this i only have 100 days to say timothy and i have to try i at least owe timothy to that

Oh what the uh of course of course of course they gotta get in here come on now all right we’re yet let’s go i’m trying to build something here and you guys are just being super annoying come on ow oh my gosh this coming of nowhere

I mean at least at least they’re not difficult i suppose that’s that’s a plus but they’re still annoying i like when they do that that’s cool you know the whole reason why i’m doing this is because of you guys buggers get you up there all perched up yeah that’s what

I thought ouch come on i’m gonna spend like the whole day just freaking killing everything okay now can i get back to work thank you all right i’m gonna need uh i’m gonna need a lot more wood for this thing so uh let’s go get some trees

Here we go let’s get this there we go hey hey get it oh my gosh get out of here this is my wood my wood oh my gosh go oh my gosh get out of here seriously come on go away oh my gosh they don’t stop coming okay

Are you guys done no i guess you’re not get finally now i can gather wooden piece this is crazy so for the rest of the day and night i continued working on the greenhouse and dealing with the occasional mob of course you ever have those visitors that just have no manners

At all well today i did these guys just help themselves in and they didn’t even bother knocking well now that you think about it that’s not really fair because they did knock but they knocked so hard that they knocked my door down yeah what is that sound why does it sound like

Someone’s trying to break in oh my god they did break in okay get out of here oh my gosh well that’s my fault for not using a steel door that kind of freaked me out i didn’t i didn’t realize that that happened okay cool give me a great

Digger come here yeah oh my gosh go away trying to get stuff done here i got to save my friend i can’t deal with you guys come on so yeah i guess it’s time to uh upgrade those doors to you know something a little stronger yeah after

All that drama was over and done with i decided to finish the greenhouse for my crops i made myself an unlimited water source and finished adding the water to the to the rose i guess whatever you want to call these things now i know this isn’t

The most efficient way to do crops but you know what i just i just like the way it looks i don’t know it just looks normal i guess i don’t know what i’m trying to say doesn’t matter the next day i decided to go back down strip mining because the greenhouse was

Completed and the animals were tended to so just kind of made sense oh it’s one of you fellers again get over here oh nice got one of these heart things again neat and finally i found a third diamond did i run up that night and craft my diamond pickaxe no

I went up and i tended to my crops i i guess i figured they were more important but one thing i did realize while tending my crops is i really need to fortify my base better because i keep getting visitors i understand that it’s probably because they’re being summoned

In and i just need to make the walls thicker or something maybe so the next morning i decided to go out and collect some more sand i got a little curious about the house i spotted a few days back but the fear got the better i mean i i just ran back home

When i got back home i could hear undead mob somewhere in my house and i figured the only place they could be is upstairs all right i hear you guys okay you guys what are you doing up here you’re you’re not allowed okay ouch get

All right did i clear them out i think so there that’s dealt with on day 26 i had this idea to go and hunt the undead hog thingy i wanted to go to the nether so i could build that molten armor i wanted to make sure that i was well

Equipped before i even went to the nether because i had no idea what to expect like i had no idea where these mobs were located that dropped the crafting materials or even what frequency they spawned at i could be in the nether for days so i wanted to make

Sure i felt comfortable going it you know just makes sense plus this undead hog armor allows me to eat really fast and remove any negative effects after eating so it might come in handy once i was prepared i traveled to the last known place that the undead swine

Spawned fortified myself in and and i waited now i’m gonna be honest with you it felt like i dealt with everything but those hogs and i was certain they spawned here but considering how the night went i i guess not but then i remembered when i first came to the

Island the hogs were there so i decided to make a break for the beach they had to be there right all right hogs where are you at oh my gosh manche i didn’t even get out the door for like literally a second come on these things are so annoying where’d you

Go now come on don’t be shy where’d you go it’s around here somewhere i just can’t see him there you go where are you come on all right i’ll just shoot you then that’s no problem thank you i’m finding like everything but the hogs like zombies everywhere come on now oh oh no

Then banshees of course oh my gosh come on oh okay no let’s just yeah let’s get back this is it’s not worth it i’ll i’ll just look for them somewhere else no no no no no no two hearts come on come on come on come on oh my gosh

Okay never mind staying here for the night not dealing with those banshees man they’re a nightmare so the next morning i i made it to the hut now at this point i really had nothing to do because the swine wasn’t gonna you know spawn until the night so

I decided for the day i i should probably make my hut banshee proof yeah so basically i could hunt on dead swine in peace well sort of this way i wouldn’t you know be drove inside every time i pop my head out so i don’t know

It seemed like a good idea at the time overall hunting went pretty good aside from the fact that everything but the undead swine moved towards me every time i killed one i had to go out and collect the materials which in return you know put me at risk these things were kind of

Annoying to hunt i’m not i’m not gonna lie just need a couple more just a couple more that’s all i need no no no banshee oh no oh no no no no no no oh my gosh three hearts really by the next day i only had enough to

Craft one chess piece so considering they don’t spawn during the day i decided to gather resources underground until night i really had nothing else to do which is weird to think about it that way finally by the next morning i had what i needed and i began my trek back

To my base okay so i’m pretty sure there are more of you you guys are definitely getting killed so that night i decided to double up on my outside walls you know to keep my livestock safe i’m a good guy like that okay so i was

Basically ready to go to the nether but i needed an enchanting table so i spent the next two days strip mining looking for the diamonds i needed okay okay i don’t get it am i doing something wrong i just can’t find diamonds and the only diamonds i found were like literally

Just one ore like okay finally oh my gosh finally a diamond well guess what it’s probably just one yep just one just my luck awesome alright so i got my diamonds i can craft my enchanting table i can get myself ready to go to the nether but in

Order to go to the nether i need obsidian so it was time to start looking for some lava normally this would be a fairly easy task but again there are no caves so that means i have to get lucky and find a lava source while strip mining but here’s the kicker i found

Lava sources while i was strip mining but for some reason i’d filled them in with blocks because i didn’t want to die at the time i wasn’t really thinking about obsidian so yeah i guess this one’s kind of self-inflicted okay so it was the next day and at this point i was

Getting pretty frustrated because it seemed like every time i needed something i couldn’t find it and then it hit me i remembered that in the early days i seen a glow coming from a small island off the the beach or the coast of where i was at at the time and

Considering i was down here for so long i figured why not i might as well go check it out there could be a lava pool and it would make getting obsidian a lot easier as i was on my way up to go and investigate that smile island i decided

To tend to my crops and animals first and surprise surprise the bugs were getting in and they were destroying my crops ah i built this so they wouldn’t this is so annoying okay so if i remember correctly the um island would be over here i believe there’s not too

Many little islands off this island so it should be pretty clear to see all right i’m pretty sure it’s that one pretty sure pretty positive can’t guarantee but i’m pretty positive that was the island all right let’s get my boat out and let’s go on over

Pretty sure i seen lava over here or a glow with something it might have been like maybe it was a light i i don’t know i’m i’m just hoping it was lava because it’s because if it’s not i i don’t know where to look there there there there there there it is

Good good all right i got three buckets i’ll take these nice perfect finally something’s going my way once i’ve filled my buckets i uh i headed back now i know what you’re thinking because i didn’t think about this until later but i could have just

You know took a bucket of water and you know made obsidian right there and then mined it but you all know me i got to make things difficult for myself i don’t know what i was thinking for some reason i took the lava back and dumped it in a

Hole to mine it there yeah that makes sense so much sense i’m assuming it’s because i was really only thinking about building the enchanting table and not the portal itself yeah i’ll uh i’ll go with that unfortunately i had to burn through quite a few enchants just so i

Can get the enchant i wanted on my diamond pickaxe for those bugs in my crops again seriously okay no no i’m not having any of this get out of my greenhouse seriously i can’t even grow wheat oh i think i know the problem you guys are spawning them in here aren’t you

Yeah well guess what i’m gonna fix that right now there now you guys shouldn’t be able to get back in hopefully they probably will but well i tried so this construction continued into the next day these critters are extremely annoying so i took some frustration out of them

Which which is okay because i needed the experience anyway as i couldn’t enchant my diamond pickaxe yet i needed level 30. after that i went down to strip mine again just to get some experience from the oars but guess what i actually found diamond after 10 minutes of course when

I wasn’t looking for it i would find it and of course there was only one but i was being smart and i didn’t want to mine it just yet because i wanted to put fortune on my pickaxe first so i decided to go and kill some more mobs instead to

Get to level 30 again oh perfect these guys are perfect for xp yeah yeah you guys are just ow they’re easy to kill they’re kind of dumb yeah okay this door thing is kind of annoying though i’m not gonna lie come on oh ow ow ow

Dude okay i take that back maybe they aren’t that dumb darn they almost killed me yeah buggers all right let’s stop messing around here let’s just finish this ouch oh no okay um now i got a problem finally after i got level 30 i enchanted my pickaxe with fortune and went down to

You know mine that ore the next day i don’t know what i was thinking that house i seen the other day i i just couldn’t get it off my mind i really wanted to go check it out but that pete mummy thingy yeah that was uh that was a

Problem so i had an idea i’m gonna go sneak into this place you know get all roguelike and you know use the shadows stuff like that yeah so after sneaking my way in there really wasn’t anything in this house that was worth anything especially with the risk of that pete

Mummy outside and i was in trouble i was surrounded i couldn’t get back i didn’t want to take that risk so what did i do i did something even more dumber i took off for the farmhouse at night because uh why not i’m actually gonna go this

Way though the way i came in so i don’t run into the pete mummy hopefully hopefully oh my gosh there’s so many out at night oh come on don’t get stuck come on oh there’s a witch yikes run run run run ow ow oh no oh no this is a flyer this guy

Goes fast get away from me oh come on this was a bad idea okay i see it almost there i’m almost there come on shadow go oh there’s an enderman hi enderman run run run run oh good good good ah there’s skeletons they’re shooting at me

You’re on my way huh oh get in get in get in okay okay see there’s nothing nothing no skin off my back okay so i gotta go back to that island because i need a city in for the uh for the nether portal i don’t know why i didn’t mind the obsidian

There maybe i was worried that that was the only lava pool around i don’t know anyway i gotta go back and of course it has to be foggy out why not oh whoa what the what are those things get in the boat and just go get out of here see you

Later darn what are those things they’re like smurfs or something i don’t know okay so this isn’t good so basically it’s like being out at night now it’s raining and it’s foggy what are these things they are glowing okay so we got zombies that’s not the greatest oh of

Course there’s banshees of course there’s banshees oh go away come on okay that wasn’t too bad it was fine another one really another one hey where are you it’s gonna sneak up on me isn’t it you watch come on banshee where are you oh there you are oh take that oh whoa whoa

Okay oh okay where’s the lava it was over here i’m pretty sure oh come on seriously is that two now there’s two of them there’s two of them of all things i had to get two banshees oh what are you guys gonna be so difficult where are you okay i’m just gonna run

Over here duck under okay there you are it’s kind of good these trees are here because i would be screwed okay oh the lightning just hit that tree it must have uh i thought the lava was over here where is it oh come on i don’t have

Time to mess around out here okay come on where’s this lava like seriously oh great diggers great okay okay i’m lost this island isn’t very big and i’m lost remember how i said i can’t find things when i’m looking for them well yeah i can’t find it oh there’s the

Lava right here oh no no no no oh come on i just found it i’m gonna die i’m gonna die look i got zombies all around me they’re fancy out there somewhere you know what i got an idea here come up here here take that burn i have a

Feeling that’s not really gonna work okay i got three hearts here i got a banshee flying around i’m in trouble you can go too yeah okay zombies not they’re not too bad i can’t i can take these guys on fairly straightforward come on you what am i doing

Now where’s that banshee um i should probably go get that lava because uh probably end up yeah this is what i thought it was gonna do and end up burning down the freaking forest good one shadow thank you oh don’t okay good let’s open i didn’t get rid of all the

Lava that would have been good who knows i might need more all right i’m gonna dig myself in so i can hopefully mine this in peace okay oh i gotta get rid of something here oh no no don’t throw your pickaxe what the come on oh my gosh

Shadow i almost threw that out all right let’s mine a bunch of this i don’t have to come back once i got the obsidian i needed i headed back to the base built my portal and uh headed in so initially i was worried that finding the mobs that

Dropped the material i needed for the molten armor would be hard to find yeah i was uh i was completely wrong they literally spawn everywhere and if you aggro one of them you aggro a bunch of them which was a problem for me all right here we go i think these are the

Guys they look like it oh wow okay they just yeah they spawn everywhere like literally everywhere okay what’s this thing it’s like a fire dog hot dog there we go come here hot dog oh wow one shot okay cool let’s go fight this little guy this guy should be pretty easy right

Ow oh okay okay that’s that’s fine burn me a little bit not not a problem oh wow oh oh my gosh he’s that hot dog he’s pretty he’s pretty smart sneaking up mommy like that all right shadow i gotta pay attention i gotta kill these salamanders okay i’m gonna take this guy

Come on okay they take a lot of hits right on come on jeez how many hits they take where are you i’m getting off too close to the edge let’s just go up here for now okay all right let’s just go back i want to build build something real quick

Ow can’t even get through the portal okay ouch come on these guys keep sneaking up on me oh i gotta be careful i don’t fall down all right i’m gonna build a i don’t know wall here or something maybe ow jeez just i just want to get out i want

To go back please oh my gosh maybe it wasn’t a good idea to come here okay there i got a little wall i should be fine ah thank you so if you think that getting these materials were easy you’d be wrong and every time i went through that portal i kept

Getting greeted like this let me tell you my day was fun and it consisted of this shooting and getting burned yeah i had to spend the next couple of days just sneaking around because you had to make sure that when you were attacking these salamanders that you

Weren’t attacking the ones close to each other because if you attacked one of them everyone in that vicinity would come and hurl fireballs at you and at the end of the day of day 41 i finally had enough materials to craft the full set of molten armor

So the next day i was feeling a bit more confident confident enough to go and try to tackle that dungeon that i seen in the snowy biome area so i tended to what needed to be tended to before taking the trip because i could be gone for you

Know a few days at least all right you guys so i’m uh i’m ready for you this time well i hope i mean at least they don’t hit hard i just gotta break oh wow okay oh okay okay okay so the pickaxe is really good at breaking these things

Which which kind of makes sense it’s diamond so i’m too quick for you oh my gosh there’s so many of you i hate how they resist me though like come on all right oh my gosh there’s still more spawners like how many spawners are there all right come on let’s go okay

This is a this is a bit ridiculous there’s a there’s a lot of them here come on leave me alone oh my gosh seriously come on okay am am i doing something wrong like why am i not hurting these guys it’s like one damage every single time

Oh my gosh i’m gonna die i’m stuck never mind i’m not gonna die i know what i’m doing oh my gosh these guys chase me so far all right the arrows don’t seem to be hurting them any more than the uh the albert can’t get me now yeah i know

I know i’m kind of cheesing it right now but that’s okay i gotta save timothy right that’s the most important part can’t be too careful all right come on you gotta be the last one finally am i to expect this inside the structure because if i am

This is gonna suck well i know one way around it i’m just gonna have to run up there real quick and break those spawners as quick as i can and that’s exactly what i did i even had to slow down the footage just for you to see it yeah that’s what i did

Alright so it was time to enter this mysterious dungeon tower castle thingy yeah so i’m gonna give you a pro tip for this island it’s very important so make sure you grab your notepad and you know a writing utensil and write this down are you ready okay when you see a

Spawner you run to it and you break it as quick as you can because these spawners they ain’t messing around they spawn lots of mobs and fairly quickly and some will spawn mobs quicker than you can kill them so be ready for that all right it’s really dark in here let’s

Uh let’s liven this thing up some more spawners there’s a bouncing head thingy oh chess ow whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s this like a crab and a chest kind of thing it looks like a crab okay oh golden apples that’s cool and a diamond sword nice sweet okay so this uh

This dungeon’s you know proving worth so far so cool oh there’s more spawners down here though i gotta get rid of them before more spawn come on break break break nice yeah don’t don’t go down here if you don’t have a diamond pickaxe um yeah it’s kind of important all right is

This a fake chest nope more apples nice some pants i’ll never wear that’s that’s that’s okay that’s fine whoa what is that holy what is that thing oh my gosh it has a resistance too oh wow it like rolled at me okay you can

You can go away now oh my gosh oh my gosh well that’s awesome so here’s the thing the mobs that i’m running into inside this dungeon are mobs you don’t want to run into in tight spaces you got these bolder guys that like to roll and ram into you and considering the

Hallways they’re only like three blocks wide the chances of you getting hit are fairly high and to make matters worse there are these jello block skull fellows and they leave these slime trails behind them and it completely slows you down which makes you wide open for those bolder guys basically all i’m

Trying to say is don’t fight these two guys together in these tight hallways because if you do you’re gonna have a bad time also these jello fellas are extremely annoying if they hit hard which i’m lucky they don’t let me tell you i wouldn’t have survived heck if i

Came in here when i did the first time this play through would have been over i fought and i messed around with these mobs so much it literally took me the entire day just to get past the first floor how deep does this tower go like

Really because i only got a hundred days to save timothy so the time i’m wasting here it better be worth it so the next morning i decided to go back and empty my pockets the dungeon seemed to be proving that it was sort of worth it to

Explore and considering it was only the first level i i figured i could load off my items at the base and return fairly quickly i made it back to the dungeon as the sun was setting when i got down to the next level what did i do you bet i

Ran and i tried to break as many spawners as i could all right i gotta oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa spider no i don’t i don’t even know these are spiders but they just i don’t like i don’t like how they crawl around like that it’s creepy super creepy

I hope there’s not a spawner around here that i didn’t get all right zombie i i got more pressing issues to deal with here so uh just go away for now okay oh there’s another one he’s stuck in the floor oh there’s two of them ugh this is

Scary oh chest oh apples and arrows and a blaze rod cool or a glowing rod whatever it is i don’t know oh my gosh you guys are oh i don’t like it oh ouch ouch oh well this sucks i absolutely hate these things well there’s only one thing left to do

Unfortunately that’s not really an option because uh everything’s made out of stone yeah but if i could i would trust me on this after finally battling through the level i finally found the stairway down but these mobs they were they were just giving me trouble i know there’s

Spawners down there but they just weren’t giving me the chance to go down and maybe i was a little scared to go down yeah i went back and forth with these mobs which felt like forever they were even points where they would push me back up the tower basically starting

The process all over all i wanted to do at this point was to run in and break the spawners below but here’s the problem i have no idea how many are down there or where they are and these mobs can take you out in just a few hits and

Considering i know there are quite a few of them down there right now i couldn’t take the risk i just had to keep working and hopefully find an opportunity to get down there okay so the water doesn’t really work they still get up oh there’s a spawner good good good

Oh whoa whoa oh okay he hit me through the stairs okay uh yeah that’s not that’s not good look at them they’re just like fidgeting down there it’s it’s gross all right just take it one step at a time ah are they stuck are you guys stuck let me

Know here have some water maybe that will keep you down there this ain’t gonna fix anything because i gotta go down there oh wait can i drown them are they drowning oh that’d be so cool there there’s a spawner right there look at them all oh

I don’t feel confident going down here i really don’t break it no yes yes yes now get up go go go go go go get up there okay this is zombie not a big deal i can handle this guy pretty easy i gotta make my step back though

Another type of zombie you got you guys are fine you guys are cute i can handle you guys those i don’t even know if they’re called i think they’re called lurkers or something i don’t like them one step at a time shadow one step at a

Time oh come on oh i see a spawner there yeah nope nope not going down there right now nope not gonna do it oh i just he and his head poke out you’re so ugly oh my gosh there’s so many you know what um yeah i think i’m gonna need lava i

Think i think that’s my best option so yeah i’m gonna go get lava screw this so at this point you could probably tell i was getting fairly frustrated these lurker mobs have quite a bit of resistance and they just take too long to kill because a spawner basically

Spums them quicker than i can put them down so i had an idea lava i could kill multiple at once with lava and considering the tower dungeon is made of stone it would be well safe to use plus i needed to empty my inventory anyway so

I started to make my way back to the base um starting to feel like this might not have been a good time to run back because it’s a night time but i i should be okay it’s really banshees that i’m mostly worried about i’m gonna be fine

Yeah i believe i’m gonna be fine okay i got this just some zombies that’s fine oh no did i hear a banshee oh there he is oh no no no no no run run run run oh oh no no no no i’m almost there

Oh gosh oh my gosh i got a flying thing on me too no no no oh and of course skeleton shooting arrows on me that’s great cool awesome oh my gosh am i gonna make it please man i got all right let’s just get in the

Door let’s just get in the door oh why do i do this to myself why do i do this to myself gee shadow while i was back at the base i i noticed my armor was really worn down but it kind of makes sense that dungeon i took a lot of hits so

Basically this is how it went i poured it into the nether immediately got set on fire set on fire some more hit a few mobs got the materials got set on fire again and finally made it out this time i decided to enchant my armor and then i

Repaired it the next morning i was able to release some frustration by taking it out on these guys plus i figured i’d you know get some experience in the process so win-win after all that i headed out and made it back to the dungeon i don’t

Know what my problem is but i swear i spent at least half a day trying to find my way down i literally ran around in circles on this level i was lost seriously oh my gosh adam finally why couldn’t i find this before like it’s not that hard

So once i finally made it down and i fought my way through the level i ended up coming across this library type area it was full of spider webs and i seen those lurker mobs crawling around uh yep not right now no way so i ignored it and uh just worked my

Way farther into the dungeon for now anyway overall the lava was working fairly well it kept the mobs distracted and basically got them stuck so i was able to move around them and break the spawners and then it was time it was time for me to go to that library so i

Built up some courage and uh well i went there’s spawners on the second level oh there’s a banshee up there too oh my gosh this room this room sucks yeah burn i don’t even want to go eat like you’re gonna drop on my head you know what

Yeah never mind okay so this was getting a bit ridiculous so i’m not gonna say i went and i doubled back to break into the room at the second level so i could get in there and you know take out the spawner but you know what it would have

Been a good idea okay maybe i did and maybe i set the library on fire too seems like i’m always setting things on fire huh well the library seemed worth it because i was finding you know quite a bit of loot i was finding these enchanting books which was nice oh my gosh

Are you kidding me what the heck was that oh my god go oh go away go away oh i can’t get out get up get in oh my gosh oh my gosh i’m gonna die three two and a half foot two and a half hours get in the door get in the door

Oh my gosh you know what i’m kind of curious on what these things do oh wow oh cool that’s awesome i should be collecting these neat i feel like i’ve been down in this dungeon for days but oh well just got to keep moving on oh my gosh die already

It’s ridiculous oh nice i got another one of those things great great digger you guys aren’t that bad considering you guys don’t resist me that bad which is nice whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh where am i oh i fell down no no no no no no there

Is a hole here man one of those boulder guys must have broke the block or something darn that was close don’t worry i eventually ended up clearing the current level that i was on finally yep not fighting you guys together here have some lava it’s good for you

Oh wow um so i’m not good with parkour sort of stuff so do i dare yeah i might as well give it her give it a shot oh my gosh i i didn’t even take a step out yet seriously manche really okay i don’t see any more banshees or at

Least i don’t hear any i should be okay i can do this part this is this isn’t too bad this is pretty straightforward all right just uh take her easy little steps oh you’re not real let’s uh take you out oh okay that was easy one shot cool oh wow i got

A diamond crossbow and diamond bolts nice okay and more bolts that’s okay that that makes this worth it it yeah cool all right so dungeon completed oh yeah of course it’s gotta be nighttime of course i’ll be fine although i don’t know why i keep saying that because i

Almost died the other times but what you gonna do maybe i’ll uh go more towards the beach maybe that will be a better plan oh look at that there are so many of them right there wow okay maybe this was a horrible plan i don’t know why i keep doing this to myself

Really don’t oh my gosh banshee ah oh my oh my gosh i got one heart one heart oh my gosh go go go go go please don’t die oh no no no no no i can’t even stop to eat i don’t want to stop to eat

I don’t want to get hit by when i’m doing that oh Wow whoa whoa see okay i got lucky there i got super lucky there oh my gosh get away from me oh my gosh i’m almost i’m almost why shadow why do i keep doing this to myself are you not entertained oh hopefully you’re entertained that was

Scary nothing too exciting on day 53 i went to the nether to get some more salamander material to repair my armor and i uh enchanted my crossbow and crafted that cool boomerang thing yeah infinity what’s infinity okay wait what so as long as i have a regular bolt in

My inventory i basically have unlimited ammunition really cool so i had this idea i figured i was ready to go fight that pete mummy thing over at the other house because i have unlimited bolts basically and i could just shoot him all day if i wanted to

And that’s basically what i did i built the platform high enough where he couldn’t use his i don’t know beat grabby thing on me and i i just shot him all day till he died yeah and i know this is not the way you’re technically supposed to fight him i definitely

Cheesed it but do you blame me this thing is tough like super tough i got a bunch of experience and a bunch of weird stuff too that i’ve never seen before i have no idea what it’s used for but whatever except for this thing this thing gave me powers oh wow that’s so

Cool i basically have the beat mummy’s powers neat but i’m not gonna lie if you notice that i don’t really use it for the rest of the video because i kind of forgot about it to be honest just wasn’t something i was used to but i used it a

Few times don’t worry the next day i decided to go and you know check that house out again just to make sure i didn’t miss anything because i was a little bit into panic last time and guess what nothing so i moved on then i noticed that there was this big forest

Behind the house it wasn’t your regular forest either the trees were big oh my gosh what is that did your mother ever tell you that it’s not nice to sneak up on people come on now all right so it’s not that fast i can i can kite

Him a little bit here man that’s good i got this crossbow man this is gonna be awesome now since i had my crossbow i did try to fight my way through this mysterious force but it just wasn’t gonna happen the large trees had you know large tops and it didn’t allow for

Any sunshine to basically shine through which in return allowed the mobs to spawn during the day and a lot of them so i did what any sane person would do if they can’t fight them you run so i ran probably not the best idea but i did

It i had to move on while i was running through this forest and merely having heart attacks all over the place i seem to have run myself right into this little town so i hid inside the first sign of shelter it seemed as if i was in

Some sort of schoolhouse you know there were classrooms with blackboards and a cafeteria there really wasn’t any loot to be found but i figured i’d wait the night out as the streets were littered with mobs okay so it seems safe out here maybe oh my gosh banshee oh

I don’t even get outside for like a second i always get attacked by these guys oh my gosh let’s do them ah no no no no no oh my gosh okay i’m okay i’m done i’m basically done i’m done yeah all right fancy one down where’s the other one

All right hive you uh you’re not being oh wow okay okay there nice well hello scarecrow are you guys stuck that sucks this is so funny that they get stuck like this it looks like uh a library maybe hey bat you know what here i’ll get you buddy

I don’t want you being stuck in there come on there you go come on out there you go where did you come from this is a librarian he’s not happy listen i i didn’t mean to talk i was uh i was uh i was just talking out loud okay nobody else in here

Oh there you are i thought i was hearing you around somewhere it’s kind of funny when you’re stuck in the uh inside buildings you can’t really move that much can you sucks for you wacky with the cooler all right let’s let’s see what else is

Around this town oh is that cake it’s a bakery oh cookies cool oh my gosh that’s not a real chest that one got sometimes you can tell but that one really got even those are some good cookies yum yum this is a really cool little town not gonna lie it’s kind of nice

Okay this is a mill let’s go in the middle it sounds like there’s a lot of mobs okay well where are y’all you down here well there’s a basement i’m gonna flood you with lava actually you know what this is probably not a good idea kind of burning this place down

No it looks like it’s okay or not oh no oh no whoops okay i gotta get down here put the fire out good good oh no it’s really on fire oh shoot What am i gonna do you gotta clear out the fire get i gotta stop setting things on fire oh my gosh bucks get out of my way where’s that hive guy come here done with you shadow i gotta put out the fire come on i can’t burn down this mill

Oh my gosh okay uh yeah awesome i don’t even i don’t even know what to do oh wow maybe oh this is so much okay maybe not working as well as i thought all right so it’s uh basically night time and i’m in shelter that’s on fire so fun

So i gotta choose do i wanna risk getting killed by mobs or do i wanna risk it and kill by fire and i think fire can be pretty manageable i just gotta i just gotta get a pie yeah i can do this fireman’s shadow on the job let’s do this come on

Okay i’m probably not being smart being out here i just wanna oh don’t fall oh wow get get get no no no don’t knock me out don’t you knock me out it’s not working as well as i thought it would ouch jeez all right okay walk back to cool gold

Not a bad chest oh a diamond i’ll take that well i did my best did my best well i didn’t burn the entire thing down you know it’s it’s still habitable i think it just doesn’t have a rule yeah it’s still good it’s fine you know just

Put a little duct tape on that and then it’ll be fine oh what are those things a lot of different mobs in this but i got my trusty crossbow if i could just you know shoot it right there we go gotcha oh okay so there’s a spawner there let’s just they seem like

They’re dying on one hit anyway come here you i got you whoa oh my gosh it just licked me up okay now they’re just passing me around okay put me down put me down oh geez okay maybe i should break that spawner because these guys are resisting too

What is that thing you guys are hey stop doing that all right well that was interesting oh there’s a diamond ore neat i’ll just take these what is this place anyway oh it must be like a blacksmith or something okay cool well the sun’s going

Down so uh i’m just gonna bunker up in this house for the night i suppose so that night i just decided to you know practice my shooting i i really didn’t have anything else to do i didn’t want to go exploring at night so i just you know shot some stuff yeah

The next day i continued looking throughout the village not finding the best loot but after that dungeon everything else kind of seemed mediocre anyway and since my pockets were basically full it was it was time to run back home and unload okay shadow just run

Oh no this wasn’t a good idea not a good idea not a good idea oh my gosh oh no all right time to head back why am i doing this again oh my gosh i’m gonna die ah get away from me oh no once i got back to the town i just

Continued exploring oh a fireplace this could be uh nice and cozy spot to just relax oh no no no no no shadow stop setting things on fire jeez come on all right i can i can handle this i’m gonna i’m gonna farm some xp tonight i got my

Crossbow i think i’m good i got some trees to hide from banshee don’t do that it comes in too quick i don’t like that see i can handle this this is not a problem nobody can take me out what was that what was that oh it’s one of those

Things i don’t like those things where you stop hiding stop you’re hiding there come on oh you got me it’s okay just poison just poison come on oh oh oh no no no no no no no okay this just turned really bad okay come on now let’s get in the house

Why don’t i learn my lesson like i never learned my lesson well hello down there you can’t get me oh oh my gosh oh my gosh are you serious okay okay okay i know i say this a lot but fancies i hate them all right so at this point in

Time i figured it was you know time to go check out that church okay so you’re just kind of up here overlooking everything so you kind of seem important okay so far so good not too bad i don’t hear anything what is that oh wait where’d it go oh my

Gosh they teleport no no yeah oh my gosh oh they don’t get whoa what the what the heck he literally threw me take that oh my gosh let the second one go you hiding who are you oh no no no no no no okay okay i am not ready for this i am

Not ready for this they can like throw me that is crazy oh there’s two of them again get oh there must be a spawner in there or something and if that’s the case i gotta i gotta rethink this yeah so it was pretty plain to see i

Wasn’t ready for that yet but i’ll be back so instead i decided to venture off to the dead looking wooden area in the distance well while the sun was up anyway oh wait a tower i gotta check this out first of course nothing so the dead forest was a little creepy

Especially since i kept hearing a a mob moving around me somewhere but i couldn’t see them hey are you in this tree or something you are in this tree well this is cool i could you know i could make a house tree or something or a treehouse i mean yeah i finally

Figured out what these little crystal crab things were for they dropped diamonds diamonds but you need like a diamond tool or weapon to take it out i guess good thing i had this boomerang because these things are fast and they dig down when you get too close i ended

Up coming across this ugly little shack so i did what any normal player would do i checked it out hmm rotten flesh my favorite yeah right i didn’t do anything too exciting that night you know just risking my life for experience that’s it so the next morning i really

Wanted to take out that church so i headed back to the town all right shadow you can do this just gotta get in there it’s gonna break that spawner and then get out i mean i shouldn’t really be worried because if i’m inside the church they can’t really throw me too far so

All right coast is clear oh i don’t see anybody maybe there isn’t a spawner oh gosh where’d you come from nope not worth it not worth it so for some reason i thought this was a better idea i know i was hunting for experience but come on shadow i’m sure there are safer

Things i could be doing no no no no no no no stay back stay awake accept no no no no no ah come on leave me alone so the next morning while i was tending to my crops and animals i was starting to think that i should probably get myself ready for further

And longer ventures just so i don’t have to run back and forth as much it makes sense so i stocked my inventory with lots of food items i needed for repairing and just materials i needed in general but in order to repair i needed experience i’d like to be at least over

Level 30 as repairing my armor and weapons were costly so for the next couple days i got my things in order and well i i farmed for experience so farming for experience wasn’t as easy as i thought it was gonna be because the banshees they they just suck so on day

63 i decided to head back over to the snowy biome to farm some mobs over there because the last time i was there i really only fought like frigid zombies and normal zombies from what i can remember anyway okay maybe i just have a bad memory but yeah there are banshees

There too but overall the night was fairly uneventful there was no real fear of dying or anything so it was going good so i didn’t want to waste any time during the day because mobs didn’t really spawn when the sun was up ultimately this stalled my hunting for

Experience so i headed over to a more heavily wooded area because the mobs would spawn in the shadows casted by the trees but as i was moving around looking for mobs i ended up finding something else oh my gosh what is that that thing is

Huge do i dare oh yeah let’s do this did i not hurt it did i miss whoa what is that thing what are you shooting at me shooting like snowballs at me whoa whoa that can’t get me you’re too slow bro are my arrows not even hurting him i

Don’t think they’re hurting him um i don’t want to get close to him maybe the boomerang will hurt him oh he froze me i’m frozen oh it does hurt him okay he’s a little too close to me now out out he freezes me ouch oh my gosh this is this isn’t

Good okay so the boomerang you know seems to work i guess i’ll just keep using that i suppose i don’t know wait you know what let’s just go up he can’t move he’s stuck in the trees stop freezing me okay okay this is annoying take that oh oh

Ouch why can’t i hit him am i not close enough all right you know what i got an idea i’m gonna throw these at him or completely miss oh my gosh oh i got him i got him oh wow that that did quite a bit on his health okay come on

Yes okay i got like what eight of these left okay shadow you gotta make them count everybody’s watching you i gotta say timothy what are you ow whack me in the face okay back to the real enemy here where are you oh my gosh he’s in the tree come on get

I hit him a little bit but i’m not getting the damage i got before oh my gosh okay good good nice okay this is going to be easier than i thought maybe ow oh my gosh stop freezing me oh he’s running at me nice four more i got

This i got this i got this i can do this oh i completely missed that one Oh my gosh shadow i don’t i don’t have enough of these to keep missing i got two left yeah just just completely missed that’s that’s cool too not a problem just keep freezing okay i gotta get i gotta get away from them it’s gonna whack me send

Me flying all right frost ma let’s go here take some snowballs it’s actually kind of funny it’s hurting them not not by much but still it’s kind of funny all right i’m just i’m just going in for it take that oh yeah you like that how

Do you like that oh now he’s getting angry ouch stop no oh no don’t don’t hit me no no oh geez good thing i got these uh golden apples this might have been a little bit more difficult if i didn’t all right so the sun’s going down which

Is not good i don’t want to be fighting frost ma at night here we go be on the back oh yeah ouch Okay so it’s night time this is very dangerous but i don’t want to leave him because i think he’ll just rejuvenate come on he’s almost dead i can do this quick nice ouch cheesy hits quick don’t get impatient don’t get impatient it’s gonna suck but banshee comes down

Then i’m screwed oh whoa whoa hey one more hit i got him i got him oh no i gotta get that one more hand come on ah stop pushing me die nice finally all right let’s get this stuff and get out of here those banshees get me i’m screwed so he ended up

Dropping this frost beam thing and i tried it don’t get me wrong it was a powerful weapon but it seemed to take a while to kill mobs with it as i guess it was just mostly for freezing anyway but i don’t know it just kind of kept me

Open for attacks so i decided not to really use it it seemed more of a risk than a help so the next morning i figured i’d head back to the cabin to continue farming experience over there i don’t really want to find any more frost moths out here they’re they’re not fun

To fight so the next morning i decided to head back as i felt like i had enough experience for now alright so i made it back to the town and this time i felt ready ready to take on whatever was in that church it was the last building i

Needed to clear and i couldn’t move on until i did that okay all right oh my gosh stop scaring me at least they’re not resistant to my hits but they actually take quite a bit the kill come on there oh bash them cool all right all

Right all right heal up here heal up okay there there must be a there’s got to be a spawner in here ah come on oh my gosh no no no no no no i really shouldn’t be running outside because this is where they throw me oh it’s

Getting dark why can’t i kill them or why can’t i clear that shirt it’s ridiculous stop chasing me so embarrassed i can’t even clear a church how am i gonna clear a tower there not so tough now okay do i go back yeah screw it let’s go back i can do

This i can do this i’m just gonna run run run run run oh there isn’t spawner it’s right there get out of the way done done so sweet all right now i just gotta take these guys oh oh oh nice headshot you know you’re not so

Tough when i’m in like a very confined space you can’t throw me in there there are they gone i think they’re gone i think i’m good finally church cleared so after taking a look at the state of my armor i decided to venture back into the nether and hopefully this would be

For the very last time because i wanted to make sure that i had enough material so i could repair my armor later because i didn’t want to risk you know breaking my armor to where i would have to basically recraft it and re-enchant it

Again i just i didn’t want to do it all right here we go oh oh my gosh seriously i i literally just poured it through oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa oh really i almost died that was a that was a pretty big drop so i uh fell down

This hole basically and i was super lucky that there was this floating island thing here because if there wasn’t well i’d be in that lava pool right now but here’s the thing i wasn’t out of trouble yet because i had to make my way back to the portal could i just

Build up sure but if i did i’d be taking the risk of you know being shot off and uh i just couldn’t take that risk plus i needed to hunt salamanders anyway so i figured i might as well get them while i was working my way up just made sense so

I took my time and got myself off this little island as safe as i could as i was making my way up i got chased by these phantom thingies and uh risked it all running past some of these salamanders because like i said before you aggro one they’re all going to shoot

At you and enderman they they were there too uh annoyingly but they were there so let me tell you getting back to that portal was no easy task it was actually really annoying because i had to do a lot of sneaking just because of the amount of salamanders that spawn there’s

Just so many of them every time i killed one two more would spawn it was almost never ending now i know i came here for the crafting material which makes sense kill them but i had to be smart about it and after much sneaking running and

Burning i finally made it back to the island finally what what’s a soul bead can i eat it okay i guess i ate it so uh yeah don’t eat soul beads unless you want to be cursed and uh basically a mob magnet all right all right i get it i

Shouldn’t have eaten that soul beat leave me alone since i was stuck in the nether for a few days it became very apparent that i needed to go back to my base and restock my supplies and while i was back i decided to make a few of these exclusive weapons that were

Basically from the mod first was this aoe type of hammer and uh the second was like a banshee bomb thing so the next day it only made sense to try out the new weapons i mean come on alright birds watch out shadow’s gonna drop the hammer

Oh nice i like this all right shadow quit fooling around i gotta keep moving so that night i just camped out at the tower near that town because i didn’t want to venture out to any unknown areas or territories when the mobs were kind of you know at the worst so the next

Morning i was super excited because i was so ready to go explore more of the island i ended up arriving at this swamp like area which is you know kind of cool in its own way but i seen something what is that it’s like a big tree or

Something is it like another dungeon maybe oh i have to like i have to go check this out like now yeah but no the mobs had other plans for me yeah they pretty much forced me underground as there was no shelter around me i did try

To fight my way out and you know clear the area but it just wasn’t worth the risk in the end yep stuck in a hole story of my life the next morning i made my way over to the swamp only to get greeted by uh these things i have no

Idea what they are but i did know one thing they resisted my attacks great i figured it would be a good idea to build myself a small shelter as i don’t really want to get caught out here at night oh it’s one of those uh smurf things again

Well i shouldn’t be calling them smurfs they’re not blue but whatever they are there you guys are creepy and what the heck are those things they look like alien astronauts weird the next day i had some fun with that molten hammer thing oh my gosh this is awesome

Good thing i made this because the area of effect that this thing you know deals it’s good for these kind of mobs because these guys like to resist my normal attacks and especially when there’s like tons of them like this so here’s the thing i shouldn’t have been messing

Around because i didn’t realize that this swamp was like a maze now you may be saying what shadow you can just swim through it yeah sure you could but i didn’t why because there were these mobs that were in the water they’re like crocodiles or something plus there’s

These flying mob guys again and i just didn’t want to get stuck out in the water i just couldn’t take that risk so i figured that it would be smarter to work my way through the swamp and you know break any of the spawners along the

Way i’m gonna be honest with you this swamp was a nightmare there were spawners everywhere and to make matters worse i ran into this fella what in the world is that just like a really big one this can’t be like a boss or anything is it oh my gosh it’s coming at me

Oh no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck you throwing at me whoa whoa what he can pick me up let me down let me down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh one heart what the geez okay um i’m just gonna hide i’m just gonna hide

Okay so that that guy’s not like the other ones at all just i gotta make sure he doesn’t pick me up here take that did i just hit myself whoa whoa whoa put me down holy cripes what what i can’t believe i just killed that i literally can’t believe i just killed

That i frantically threw these bombs at them oh wow i guess that was this like survival instinct or something yeah we’ll go with that here’s another pro tip if you’re gonna go through this swamp be ready to backtrack a lot i felt like i was going back and forth back and

Forth back and forth unfortunately i had to because i wasn’t gonna get caught out here at night but i had to look at it this way i was clearing the areas as i was moving along every day and that’s all that mattered on day 79 i finally

Cleared a path to this big tree finally well i thought i did all right finally there perfect what the heck is that thing what is that thing stay away get what is it it’s slow which is good ow oh ouch okay get away from me you’re ugly

You’re like a swamp thing oh my gosh dude that hit me hard what was that all right shadow let’s just get inside here wherever the door is if there’s a door i don’t even know if i can get in here ouch bugger get away oh oh i hate those

Things they’re freaky little trolls i’ll call them trolls yeah little troll so is this the entrance what’s this oh wow that’s cool it’s a cool door oh crap break this thing jeez got lucky there whoa jeez okay oh my gosh there’s a spawner up there too i bet you there’s

Spawners all through this thing look at them all how am i supposed to do this is it even worth going in here i don’t even know well it looks like i’m picking them off here ouch bugger okay i just gotta get up there and break the spot that’s

All i gotta do shoot me that hard all right get out my way get him away break it no get out of my way jeez just hit the spawner oh no no no no no no hit it oh my gosh i’m hitting everything but

Hit it yes okay get down get down no no no no this isn’t worth it take that you like the hammer yeah that’s what i thought here get down get down okay that was close that was too close all right oh oh wow okay yes good good good no don’t get stuck

Get out of here take the hammer that’s right oh why is it all there oh you guys are here that’s right take that oh my gosh what there’s so many of them look at them all go away oh my god oh whoa whoa whoa what happened this is ridiculous all

Right shadow you just gotta go just go run break the spawners whoa whoa whoa okay come on come on yes okay good oh my i can’t see get on my way oh my gosh there’s so many of you oh no did i make a really big mistake did i

Make a really big mistake yeah okay good no good good break that break it yes one more oh my gosh go away there finally let’s just clear this up and i’m good oh no this like goes outside that’s not good be very careful very careful what what whoa no no no no no

Oh my gosh i’m still alive oh no no no there’s too many wow there’s so many what am i i can’t even i can’t even talk straight i’m just gonna hold my shield here oh my gosh go away oh my gosh i’m dead timothy i’m dead i’m sorry Don’t stare at me like that go away please all right as soon as he disappears i’m taking off there go go go oh my gosh oh my gosh am i gonna make it don’t don’t pick me up don’t throw me run run run shadow run no good get away get away

Come on i can’t even oh my gosh i can’t even think straight i can’t even talk straight yes oh i can’t believe i survived that if i didn’t have feather falling on my boots i wouldn’t have and if i didn’t have a shield it would have been over at this

Point i was uh i was feeling pretty defeated can i can i even do this can i actually save timothy i have to shadow you can do this don’t give up i gotta keep pushing forward because even if i fail at least i know i gave it my all

And that’s all that matters timothy i’m coming Oh whoa whoa what ouch get i’m i’m so done with you guys is this it is this the final room let me in here easy took that spawner out like it was nothing was this dungeon worth it all right some diamonds and potions and stuff and a oh a great sword okay i’ll

Take that that’s good but you know what just to stay with the theme of the video and how much i hate this tree yeah i’m gonna set it on fire okay maybe that wasn’t a good idea because now i’m in a little bit of a predicament i couldn’t

Get away from the tree there were mobs everywhere and i had a raging fire above my head it was just a matter of time before the fire made it down to me after the sun came up and all the mobs stopped spawning i was able to make it away from

The tree what are you wait are you a frog dude you’re a weird looking frog i ended up staying at the shack for the night as i was planning on making my way back to the base to prepare for the final trip out it was time it was time

To go get my friend nothing exciting on day 83 just spent the day making my way back to the base okay so i like that hammer thing so i’m definitely gonna need another one of those oh and also wait i forgot i want to make my diamond bolts right yeah okay

Oh wait shadow not arrows bolts seriously i just i just wasted all those diamonds great for the next couple of days i just basically made my way back around the island finally on day 87 i was able to make it to the next unexplored part of the island it was

Another forest type area not as bad as the large tree forest but still had a few mobs around during the day and this time i decided to build like a little tree hut for a nice safe area at night although i’m not sure why because i

Didn’t really stay in it i don’t know if i got bored or just wasn’t thinking probably i just wasn’t thinking but i’ve decided to go out and fight mobs so yeah on day 88 i ended up coming across this ruined temple thing so i decided to check it out why not everything looked

Fine until these guys popped out man i hate these things so while they’re running around and climbing trees i just i ran in real quick and i broke the spotter after finally taking care of them i hopped back in and i checked out that chest oh slime okay um sure and

This this was finally it this was the final road everything i did up to this point was to make sure that i made it to the top of this tower here goes nothing all right timothy i’m coming buddy i’m coming this is not a good spot to be at all

Benches everywhere oh my gosh this tower looks like it’s being pulled apart i mean that’s kind of cool i guess but all right let’s go inside oh okay um looks kind of nice actually no monsters oh my gosh where the heck did you come

From oh i hate these guys oh it’s like a jump scare right there go away oh my gosh there’s two of you now come on well good thing i’m inside because you can’t throw me okay you know what you know what i’m gonna go build myself another little tree hut just out

Here just in case i need a place to run back because things in there got a little serious um and i i just don’t want to i just don’t want to take the risk of not having a place to go there feel a little bit more safer now

Okay oh my gosh what what the heck is that thing okay just keep rocking just keep running oh my gosh that thing is creepy what is it okay well uh yeah stay stuck what are you oh ouch no oh my gosh like how am i supposed to do this i’m

Gonna die timothy i don’t think i’m gonna be able to make it buddy what am i gonna do i can’t even get past the first level i guess i’m just gonna hide in the tree i gotta rethink how i’m gonna do this this this is crazy oh get out of

Here banshee stop screwing up my plants go away i’m gonna you know be lined my way up this is probably a horrible plan but i don’t know what else to do a little bedrooms half bed okay all right that wasn’t too bad all right good perfect

What is this it’s like a jail okay so it’s just zombies in here this is this is fine i can do this i can handle this all right so this is kind of getting tiring i keep having to run run-up and run back down because there’s some mobs

That i’m just having a little bit of an issue with not very much just i don’t really have the time to mess around oh my gosh there’s so many of you oh i like this sword though takes out a bunch of it once oh my gosh i’m going to be doing

This all day literally all day where are the spawners at get away from me okay okay there’s one right there i just gotta get out of my way break it break it they break it they break it i don’t know fine take the hammer take this oh my gosh

Okay so they don’t hit like really hard but they’re really annoying okay i think all the spawners are gone what what was that what is that thing it’s like a fart cloud or something green kind of gross looking okay okay okay i’m going i’m going down what is it it’s

Just it’s it’s literally like a cloud a smoke okay i gotta get out of here i don’t even know how to fight it okay this guy’s just hanging upside down i guess okay okay buddy you do you oh there’s that cloud thing again these are the guys that keep making me go back

Down oh what and there’s these glowy guys i think those are like infected zombies which is kind of weird to think of zombies are already infected oh oh no no no no another one of these things these okay these things are the worst they keep

Taking me down oh there’s two of them i think oh my gosh just leave me alone okay this thing’s creepy oh my gosh this thing is creepy that’s two of them i don’t want to deal with two of you thank you all right where’d the other one go uh

Yeah just stand there like a creep okay i am i am so done with these clouds like so done so there was a very common theme with this tower and that was you run up as far as you can you fight you get hit you almost die and then you run back down

And you would do this over and over and over because there were spawners everywhere in this tower and ugh it just yeah it was a nightmare it it felt like it took forever i mean all i know is my calves are gonna be the size of cows

When i’m done with this so finally when i thought i was making some good progress yeah i ran into this room and uh these zombies are they’re normally pretty easy on their own but when they’re in a big group like yeah they’re dangerous and it didn’t help that these

Things kept spawning somewhere the problem was i couldn’t get to their spawner because of zombies they i just couldn’t do it okay so i’m running out of time here and uh you know what zombies i’m just done with you that’s it i don’t even care at

This point i’m not gonna be able to save timothy anyway if i’m stuck down here ow okay now they’re coming behind me let’s screw it run oh my gosh oh my gosh no no oh oh oh no no come on okay whoa hey oh my gosh leave me alone

This ghost thing is just he like spawns every few minutes and i can’t get up quick enough and then they got these weird things that come out after you kill it and they set you on fire okay i’m i’m so done at this i am so done i

Gotta be quick come watch i’ll be quick ouch boy come on i just gotta get through the door get through the door please for the love of god through the door throwing all my aoes on them okay okay okay no no no no get oh my gosh get out of the way

Yes okay okay oh my gosh i got four hearts four hearts no no i gotta get to the spotter get out of the way oh my gosh two hearts oh yes yes yes go oh my gosh one heart oh no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no just keep running keep running keep running watch out for the lava don’t get yourself killed okay now i can just clear them out oh my gosh but i did it i did it awesome okay keep on moving up

Just gotta oh wait is there more there’s more spawners okay oh there is more spawners get out of my way this is ridiculous like where i i don’t even where where’s my boomerang did i drop it oh my gosh i dropped it over here okay so that’s the thing that sucks about the

Boomerang if you throw it and your inventory is full sometimes it’ll drop your boomerang and give you whatever you shot at it okay oh my gosh oh my gosh stop i am oh my gosh i’m gonna die like get why am i having this issue okay i

Shouldn’t be laughing i’m gonna die if i don’t get that oh my okay okay okay okay okay okay let’s just let’s just reset let’s just reset okay okay you’re gonna hurry up and get this stuff pick it up yes good okay now oh my gosh yes i got it finally oh okay

I’m just gonna run i’m just gonna run away though oh my gosh look at them all coming down holy crap yeah okay these these bugs yeah i’m just yeah i’m just done let’s yeah just get in my way i just gotta let’s listen i just gotta okay okay okay

Yeah okay oh my gosh can i just yeah i can’t even yeah fallen downstairs that’s great yeah just yeah okay keep keep pushing me down that’s awesome right on okay i’m just done i’m just done i gotta i gotta i gotta reset for a second here this is

Getting ridiculous i went back and forth with these bug things forever but i finally made it up to their spawner and took it out so i ended up going up this like spiral staircase to what i believe was the center of the tower because there’s like this big thing of glowing

Stone kind of just sitting there almost like it was levitating the rest of the tower up and like pulling it apart which was i mean it was kind of cool and of course they got these guys so they can throw me out right yeah well you know

What i’m gonna break these real quick and then you can’t you can’t well you can still kill ya okay i’m just gonna i’m just gonna play it safe let them teleport down here there you can’t take me so after i dealt with those dark druid things i was able

To you know move on the problem was i’m not very good at parkour like at all i don’t know why i just suck at it and what made matters worse is that there was like a spawner somewhere with that green gas fart thing that kept knocking

Me off and it it almost killed me quite a few times actually so this is how it went i would jump up mind my own business get hit off or you know almost die from it and then have to run back down and kill it on the next level

Finally i killed the thing or i guess i broke at spawner so it wasn’t gonna spawn anymore i could feel it i was getting close to timothy oh thank god so it’s just a spiral staircase up from here good well not really good cause i

Could fall off and uh it’s quite a draw but i had no time to worry about that i was so close so i just ignored my fears and kept on trucking don’t worry timothy i’m coming just as soon as i get through this door it’s thundering outside whoa

Whoa well hello what are you you must be like the final boss or something here take this not working didn’t do anything to him how about this take that ow okay so i can’t shoot him with arrows either cool uh hey don’t hit me with that what are you doing up here

Well i’m uh here to save my friend timothy oh so you’re the one that i’m supposed to stop well no you don’t have to i mean i could just take timothy and go no no absolutely not you can’t take timothy unless you beat me first okay um all right well prepare to die

You little runt you won’t be able to take me well i gotta try i gotta try timothy’s my friend and you’re just a big bully all right come on you know you’re really slow it’s a big swing a big swing and a miss whoa whoa oh whoa whoa that was uh okay

So i just gotta hit your back there you go you know you’re gonna actually be a lot easier than i thought because uh you’re like half that already come on there you go big sling oh what come on now that’s not fair Whoa double swing i didn’t know whoa whoa whoa i didn’t know you could do that good thing i got a shield good come on what why can’t i hurt you oh there you go whoa whoa oh my gosh he almost kicked me off the tower all right shadow i gotta be safer

Than that just just discard until he does yeah that’s what i want come on no what what that’s that’s supposed to work ah come on give me one more big swing not those swings the the other one come on there you go that’s right there you go take that nice see

I told you i could beat you no problem oh what’s this helmet max cool all right wait i gotta get timothy timothy buddy where are you i’m coming timothy buddy whoa what happened to your face huh rick who’s rick it doesn’t matter we’re gonna get you

Out of here i’m sorry buddy i’ll never do that again no more teleporters for you okay let’s go from now on you’re with me okay did you open that no all right well here we go timothy on to our next adventure so [Applause] All right and we’re back timothy and i we end up getting dropped into this snowy type of biome and guess what there’s dragons and a lot of them probably not the best place to land but you know what i had timothy by my side and together we could tackle anything

And having a great community behind me just makes us want to strive more and if you’re new to the channel and you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing it really helps out the channel and it makes this little guy happy too you don’t want to make him sad

Do you and i wanted to give another huge shout out to a fellow canadian youtuber known as forgelabs i did give him a shout out in my very first video to give credit where credit is due but that video wasn’t as popular as the rest so

I’m doing it here again go over to his channel check out his videos and if you like them guys subscribe you will not be disappointed and like always the map for this video will be available for download on my patreon and to give a little extra back to my patreon

Supporters this month you can have your very own timothy as well he helps you fight he’ll hold some items for you when you need him to and all you have to do is feed him some apples that’s right timothy the pig loves apples Alright so day one right off the bat i was thrown into danger well not really but i wasn’t gonna mess whatever that thing was i think it’s called like a sea serpent or sea worm or i don’t know something but i wasn’t messing with it

So timothy and i we just you know minded our own business and started gathering supplies as timothy and i were doing the normal things you do on day one we end up nosing something off in the distance whoa timothy there’s a village over yonder bunny we got somewhere to stay

For the night that’s cool so we did what made sense we uh we traveled over so timothy and i we looked around the village and looted what we could and uh i was finding these items that i’ve never really seen before now just to be clear i’ve been basically playing

Minecraft version 1.12.2 and below because i uh i like to play with mods yeah why am i telling you this well because this playthrough is for version 1.16.5 and there are tons of things that are completely new to me because like i don’t even know what this is or what

This is or what even this does like is this anything different than a furnace like does it go hotter or something i have no idea and if you know comment down in the section below you know it just it’ll help me out anyway oh cute baby raccoon

You want some food buddy there you go have some bread oh you like that don’t you hey where are you going what i got no food anymore and i’m just chop liver to you third kids so yeah day one it was uh surprisingly easy which is kind of

Concerning now that i think about it huh so the next day i continued to search through the village for loot you know what this this village isn’t too bad there’s some decent starter loot here oh no seriously there’s a dragon already great see timothy i knew it i knew it i knew there

Was going to be a catch for yesterday yesterday was so easy no problem at all and today got a dragon dragon right there awesome just wonderful all right so those who are not familiar with the mod there are three types of dragons the first is an ice dragon they are

Extremely annoying to fight because these guys they throw snowballs or ice spikes at you and if you get caught in them you’re basically a sitting duck so that’s not fun the second our fire breathing dragons yeah that’s it they just they shoot fire and we all know

What fire does it it sucks and the third lightning dragon these guys shoot lightning from their mouth some might say that they’re uh electrifying or uh shocking to see okay yeah i’m done so considering the dragon was next to the village but it seemed to you know be minding its own business

Timothy and i we uh just continued to explore the the village yeah after i completely looted the village and you know the dragon was staying at bay i felt like it was time to do some mining you know get some resources because uh that dragon was uh starting to cause me

Some anxiety you know i wanted to make sure i was protected because what happens if it decides to attack i have no armor let alone a decent weapon to fight it with it just you know it just made sense that night after a hard day’s

Work i went back to the surface to smelt my oars what is that what what is that oh my gosh it sounds like it’s just outside oh okay dude you scared me i thought i was in trouble oh hello raccoon welcome back yeah you’re not tricking me again i need my

Food okay i i literally have none ouch bugger ugh hate these guys give them timothy yeah good job buddy see we’re a good team i’m not sure why i do this i i only ever make a shield when i’m reminded to make it not sure why i just don’t craft

One when i craft a weapon but you know me that’s just what i do on day three it was time to really start thinking about food and you know getting things properly set up because let’s be honest i’m not going anywhere that dragon i’m not messing with it not right

Now anyway it’s just not the time and i really don’t want to take the risk of moving locations because i don’t need to aggro the thing and you know any other big creatures that are around because if you can’t remember there is also a sea creature on the other side of this

Village basically where i came from so for this moment in time i figured i’d set up shop here for now anyway okay okay okay listen i already gave you enough food i literally gave you all my food on the first day okay i have to eat

Two you know don’t look at me like that so i decided to move into this cabin at a higher point in the village it gave me a good view of the dragon you know i wanted to make sure it was there and you know not here although i’m pretty sure

I’d figure that out pretty quick yeah got myself settled and crafted some equipment after that i thought it would be a good idea to continue gathering some mores but instead of going underground i noticed that there was a ravine just off to the side of the village i figured i’d go there instead

Hey gollum golem iron dude what you doing down here just chilling yeah i can understand that all i can say is that it’s nice to have caves generated in your world because if you can remember from my last video on nightmare island there were no caves at all and the

Resources were pretty tough to find at first but here i got resources peeking out at me everywhere so that’s good really nice now considering i was in a world full of dragons i thought it would be in my best interest to gather flint for arrows you know i figured it would

Be better to use range attacks than trying to you know beat the guy with a stick basically so for the rest of the day i just continued to gather resources that night i smelted my oars and i crafted the rest of my armor good thing i did too because that night the mobs

They uh they got a little hectic yeah so the next day i don’t know what i was thinking okay shadow i get it you built some armor you’re feeling pretty protected at the time but really you’re gonna go and attempt a dragon okay here we go i mean

It it looks like a small dragon so it shouldn’t be too bad right oh zombie that’s too bad buddy oh there’s tons of you down here you know i’m busy that’s right timothy get him get him okay oh my gosh it’s right there why

How did it spot me oh my gosh okay let’s uh let’s regroup here for a second timothy and uh try to figure this out maybe if i go back far enough it’ll despawn or uh you know lose aggro maybe okay i can’t go back that far well there

Was no way i was fighting that right now no way that thing was a lot tougher than i thought considering i was stuck down here for the moment i uh i thought it would be a good idea just to gather resources until it i don’t know flew

Away maybe hopefully oh my gosh it’s still out there go away please oh maybe that was enough maybe that wasn’t a good idea shooting an arrow at it or maybe shooting it with an arrow was a good thing did i scare it couldn’t have killed it oh no the village

I have no idea what i was gonna do and i felt so guilty it was my fault that the dragon came over this way and while i hid in a cave the villagers were under attack i had to do something but what i couldn’t fight it at range because i had

Next to no arrows and i felt like i wouldn’t survive if i got too close either so what did i do i don’t know whatever this is i think i was trying to intimidate it by running up to it and i don’t know running away i guess anyway

It worked it flew off where did it go i have no idea okay did it just disappear all right i i did something i guess and then i started to quickly realize that the dragon didn’t fly off because of me it flew off because there was nobody

Left in the village the dragon took them all out and it was completely my fault i led the dragon here before me the villagers were thriving they were peaceful and i came along and i ruined that so the next night i went out and i started to farm skeletons and strays to

Gather arrows as it became very apparent that i needed them to fight the dragons i wasn’t gonna let this happen again i just couldn’t So at this point i decided to take advantage of the village and expand the crops that were growing there as food at this point was really important because you know i i really didn’t want to venture out in the snowy covered land only to starve to death but then again

The dragon could get me before that happens so yeah that could be even worse cause he’s still over there i see him he’s at his roost so this crop expansion continued into the next day while also keeping an eye on that dragon as long as

I stayed up here i should be fine that night i tried to farm more arrows but the zombies they just weren’t having so on day 7 i noticed the dragon wasn’t at its roost because i didn’t like the fact that i didn’t know where it was it was

Kind of scary to think about so i decided to go over to see if i could spot it it could sneak up on me at any time i wasn’t having any of that i had to find it all right timothy keep your eyes peeled buddy oh what’s this thing is that a small

Dragon looks like a small dragon yeah this is just a small dragon you gonna attack me or i think it’s a passive one it’s not coming at me so oh there he is he’s stuck in a tree that’s weird you know what if he’s stuck

In a tree i’m uh maybe sneak over this roost and uh see what he’s got you’re supposed to harvest these things why why is this not working okay i’m missing something i just i don’t know you know timothy i have no idea i couldn’t for the life of me

Figure out how to harvest the thing like i know you can harvest it i just couldn’t figure out how to do it i’m sure it’s fairly simple but it’s me yeah so i found a lot of interesting stuff but i wasn’t 100 sure what to do with

Any of it but yeah i took it anyway sure why not well timothy he looks like he’s still stuck so maybe we should take this opportunity to go over here oh hello panther jaguar spotted thing are you hostile no it doesn’t seem like it oh there’s a hey

Growling at me is that another roost that looks like another roost so yeah i went and looted that one too but i was a little nervous because i wasn’t sure if the roost had another dragon associated with it but it seemed clear and the dragon was still stuck in the trees so i

Kept trucking along so as i came closer to that large structure it looked like it was abandoned or recently attacked whatever it was or whatever happened to it it was completely empty like no loot at all an absolute waste of time but i did decide to stay in it for the night

Because the sun was about to set and i didn’t want to be caught outside so i secured myself in and i well i waited till morning although the next day i kind of felt like i wasted my time sitting in a room all night because the next morning it was snowing and cloudy

So i had to fight my way out anyway on my way back i ended up finding a third roost i don’t know if dragons spawn with these roofs or they just create more but either way they seem to litter the area and you know if there’s loot i gotta

Grab it we’re almost there timothy oh chase i do that way more often than i should i really do well look at it this way if the dragons don’t kill me my lack of awareness will yeah so when i got back to the village i kind of remembered that in order for

Crops to grow you kinda gotta be near them and uh i wasn’t near them so they didn’t grow so i probably should have stayed in the village to be honest but whatever it’s fine i i have some food but i need more so i gotta stay here

Until you know stuff grows so on day nine i ended up crafting this bestiary beast bestiary bestiary book am i saying that right anyway i ended up crafting this book for the mod which which i’m happy i did because there’s a lot of information in there and you know i

Could study it to see what i could achieve for the mod so that was kind of cool but the thing is that i didn’t really have to craft it because this village already had one sitting around somewhere i couldn’t remember where i seen it and i didn’t realize i could

Take it but whatever i got one now so for most of the day i ended up researching that book because i had to wait for my crops anyway yeah but silly shadow you think you’re gonna sit there all day and study from a book no i got

Bored of course so i built the boat and i decided to make my way around the dragon to see if i could find any other places that i could loot wait a minute wasn’t i supposed to stay around for the crops yeah i must uh i must have forgot about that

Awesome so as i was making my way around the dragon i ended up coming across this rock in the water and i seen mermaids which turns you into a mindless fool causing you to move towards them unvoluntarily and if you try to get away they just get you in their cool clutches

Again and then bam that cute little mermaid turns into a hideous siren then yeah they try to kill you like what the heck if it wasn’t for timothy i probably wouldn’t have gotten away it was a good distraction once i calmed down i got in

My boat and i tried to stay closer to land and away from those things and as the sun was setting i came across this abandoned house lumber farm area that was in actually good condition so that night i continued to try to farm arrows from skeletons and strays because i

Hadn’t seen one single chicken yet so i couldn’t farm feathers and i couldn’t craft arrows so farming these things were the only thing i could do at the time and i needed them because yeah dragons the next day i ended up spotting another one of these dragon skeletons and i was

Determined this time to figure out how to harvest it but then i ran into these guys oh great of course you guys gotta be in my way all right timothy we gotta we gotta try to find another way around as i was trying to find a way around i

Had to make sure that i didn’t aggro the dragon behind me i don’t understand a few moments later oh my gosh i have to have an i can’t be holding anything really oh my gosh okay i guess that makes sense but really and i was attacked by these two sea creatures but

Guess what i got out of there as i was not going to mess around with these guys just yet since i was already here i decided to venture farther into the forest and i end up coming across the fort of some sort villagers here they

Didn’t seem hostile so i went in and i uh checked it out oh my god yes hay bales sweet you guys okay with me taking some of these i i need food and i i need a bad like you’re not gonna let little shadow starve right listen i’ll i’ll

I’ll replace it i swear i kind of like this fort not gonna lie although it kind of looked like it was already under attack but i mean it was still intact so not a bad place to settle in but i could be in trouble if the dragon came back so

I also had to think about that the loot was pretty good i couldn’t complain for some reason i spent some time trying to clean the place up like i’m not sure why but i did you know there’s ice spikes everywhere and you know you don’t want

To be stepping on one of those they they kind of hurt that night i was attacked by these things i believe they’re called phantoms and i’m pretty sure they’re part of like vanilla minecraft and i’m positive that they spawn because if you don’t sleep for a certain amount of time

That that’s when they start coming so unfortunately i’m gonna have to sleep at some point because these things they’re gonna get you know a little overwhelming so the next morning i started to head back to the village as i wanted to grab the lava that i seen a few days back i

Felt like it was time to you know gather my stuff and move into the fort as i was on my way over i was attacked by a dragon fortunately he gave up fairly quickly i don’t know maybe it was just scared of me yeah we’ll go with that i

Grabbed my lava and you know what since i was here i figured i might as well grab some resources too so i did that hey dude you still here you wanna you wanna leave are you stuck hold on hold on let me build you some stairs

Here all right there we go let’s get you out of here operations save the golem you know what you’re actually pretty lucky to be down here there was a dragon here a few days before and uh yeah it kind of kind of took everybody out so sorry about that

So that night i continued to firm for arrows but you know what these phantoms they were getting annoying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay no no jeez just comes out of nowhere man so after that mild heart attack it became very apparent that i need to be a lot

More aware of my surroundings so anyway i snuck my way back to the fort and i offloaded my items into these nice convenient barrels oh whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait i got tons of bones this time there you go wait why is it taking so much nice sweet

I got a friend now i mean a second friend an egg there’s an egg around there’s got to be a chicken timmy do you see a chicken oh there’s the chicken i got him i got him here i don’t know why but i was starting to feel pretty lucky i mean i

Got a dog friend and uh i found a chicken that’s cool it was day 12 and you know starting to think that chickens didn’t spawn in snow-covered areas either way it didn’t matter because now i don’t have to risk my life farming strays for arrows i can just make them

Perfect okay so considering the dragon can break blocks like any blocks as you can tell from the state of the fort i thought you know what it might be in my best interest to create a base underneath the fort instead because you know what i don’t need a dragon coming

Along and just blowing everything up on me everything i worked for so i might as well make my base underground it just makes sense right yeah i thought so plus if a dragon flew by and he’s seen the fort like all destroyed he’d probably just say yeah that fort’s destroyed no

One’s living there no way and then he just move on right yeah i thought so so for the next few days i continued to get my underground base together and while i was running around the fort looking for materials the unthinkable happened wait what doggo what no no no no no where

Where are you oh my gosh get out of the fire don’t worry doggo was fine he uh just ran off to a more warmer place the cold was getting to him so on day 16 i was outside the fort gathering some materials and this happened just get a little bit more wood

And i should be okay it’s good whoa whoa oh what the that that shouldn’t have happened i mean what i mean i get what my game must have lagged or something because that doesn’t happen unless it’s falling on top of you and that tree was clearly flat on the ground

Like what the heck so you know what it’s probably just a good idea to stay inside and finish the base yeah i’ll do that and that’s what i did for the next couple of days i focused on getting the base completed or somewhat completed

So on day 20 i felt like my base was coming together i had my crops my infinite water source and my chicken farm things were going good i even ended up making more of these entries for the beast book for the ice and fire mod and

I ended up finding this thing called the dragon forge i thought it was a cool idea so i made it a goal i made it a goal to craft one of these dragon forges and basically craft the dragon steel armor yeah it seemed reasonable i don’t

See why i couldn’t do it hopefully but as i was going through the recipes on how to get this thing made let me tell you it required a lot of resources so i was gonna have to kill a lot of dragons fun but here’s the funny thing it

Started to feel impossible because i didn’t even kill a dragon yet so yeah but you know what i was determined i was determined to do this let’s just hope i don’t regret this decision all right so step one in order to get dragon blood i have to get bottles so

That’s one thing i could do i had to go gather sand so the next day i went out and i gathered some sand easy right well i thought so oh come on these sea serpents are like always in the way dude i just want some sand okay oh oh my gosh

Oh my gosh he just like whacked me upside the head he almost killed me ugh i don’t even know what to do now maybe maybe i can knock a tree on him of course it gets stuck really yeah no no no no no no no

No i can’t do this i just want sand i just want a couple blocks of sand why is that so much to ask so it was becoming very apparent that these sea serpents aren’t ones to be taken lightly so i used my arrows i didn’t want to because

I didn’t have many of them but it was better than dying and if the dragon came around well i would just have to make do but as i was shooting the sea serpent i i noticed i could pick the arrows back up huh i didn’t know i could do that

Cool once i got my sand i headed back to the fort smelted it into glass and crafted my bottles also the sea serpents dropped some scales which i could use to craft some armor and the armor you know gave me protection against dragon breath so that was a nice little surprise so

Maybe now i actually have a chance to take a dragon down maybe so what did i do the next day i ran out took out some mobs with timothy and i searched for that dragon that was causing me grief because i felt like it was time to get revenge for the villagers after

Searching for about half the day i finally spotted it it was too late i was too late the dragon had already found another village this hit hard i should have been here earlier this dragon has to be taken down and it has to be taken

Down now i’m done with you this is for the villagers all right it’s okay it’s okay no no oh whoa okay take the whole tree out sure ah now you’re stuck ha ha take that oh go oh no Okay this isn’t this isn’t too bad i can do this Fight me already what are you doing like you’re trying to hug me or something because i’m not i’m not down with that okay take that okay well i did it i took down the threat for some reason i thought it was gonna be a lot harder but i’ll take it it was a

Good day but you know what the dragon can’t hurt anyone anymore it’s just sad i didn’t get here sooner with that i walked up to it gathered some blue juice scales bones and looted his roost and because i wasn’t sleeping i got these phantoms after me now so that was fun so

I ran out i found a hut and i stayed there for the night the next morning i ended up exploring that village and gathering any loot that i could find it was a little weird but everybody was dead so i didn’t want to waste the materials you know once that

Was completed i started to head back to my base i ended up taking a different way this time and came across an abandoned house that looked like it was still under construction there really wasn’t much here but it was good to know it existed just in case i needed to

Bunker up here for the night as i continued on my way i spotted another dragon in the distance it’s some lava maybe i don’t got to it though oh is that another drag it is it is another dragon great seems like it’s over my fork though that’s not good it’s a random rock

Growing under the ground what’s on top of there let’s let’s check it out here oh a sword excalibur 30 whoa that’s strong so i found this sword called the excalibur which was pretty strong i’m not gonna lie and as i pulled the sword out of the stone i heard a voice in my

Head only the worthy shall wield this sword which was weird but i guess i’m worthy so that’s cool i also ended up coming across this graveyard which was kind of creepy all right what’s in here anything interesting oh chest oh cool whoa that what the what the heck

A ghost you see that timothy there was a ghost well that’s not cool you must be like a cursed chest or something i think that’s what they’re called yeah there can’t get me now i’ll just break your chest open easy as i was making my way back to the base i came

Across this dark building i don’t know what it is or what it’s for but i just wasn’t gonna mess with it right now but let me tell you it was a good thing that i ignored it for now yeah timothy we’re just we’re just gonna go around this one buddy i i

I don’t know what it does i’m scared maybe we’ll come back and revisit it here soon but just just not right now just not smart oh oh oh oh don’t see me okay he sees me ouch okay this one’s actually fighting back that’s not good oh are you stuck

Oh yeah it’s stuck you know what you dragons aren’t that scary especially when you get stuck in trees like this oh i spoke too soon there you go run away get out of here oh whoa whoa whoa whoa wait it’s shooting stuff at me oh no it’s not running away it’s coming back

Where’d you go oh crap you’re right there get yeah timothy get him get him ouch okay he doesn’t hit that bad he doesn’t hit that bad we can do this come on jimmy they get him oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh back up back up back up

All right let’s reset let’s reset jimmy you’re an icicle what are you doing man i mean the trees are nice because you can’t seem to get in here oh crap no get get out of the spikes you know the spikes get oh no no no no no no no no no

Yeah timmy get him i gotta run i gotta heal i gotta heal so i’m pretty sure that timothy got the last blow because after i healed up i went back over and the dragon was dead so teamwork good job timothy good job the next day i wanted to automate my

Chicken farm and i i needed redstone for that but i figured that i wanted to search for redstone and diamond anyway so might as well do it at the same time so i picked the direction in my base and started digging down but you want to know something crazy after a few minutes

I ended up digging myself into this dragon nest cavern layer thing whatever it was i found it and let me tell you this dragon was huge it was definitely a stage five and it was just like chilling under my base which is completely and utterly ironic because i built my base

Underground to avoid detection from dragons only to build over top of the strongest ones in the mod great just great i had no idea how to tackle this situation do i leave it alone or do i try to cheese it i don’t know well it didn’t matter because while i was

Digging around trying to figure that out i ended up waking the darn thing up oh oh oh oh did i i just woke it up i just woke it up timothy i just woke up oh my gosh he’s freezing everything oh no oh no oh no

This is not good these guys can break any block and my base is right here okay maybe if i just come up here and you know stay up here maybe he’ll go back to sleep maybe i basically distracted myself by harvesting gathering and sorting my inventory i just didn’t want to think

About the stage five dragon underneath me but the entire time i still couldn’t get over the fact that it was down there it’s just crazy but the more i thought about it i couldn’t leave it down there it could break every block and completely destroy my base if it decided

To come for me i had to take it out but can i take out a stage five dragon jeez i don’t know so the next morning i headed down to figure something out and when i mean figure something out i mean clumsily fall into danger and then shoot the

Dragon yeah i know not very smart boy was that not a good idea this dragon was huge i tried to hit it but i wasn’t sure exactly where to hit it because it was just so big i figured the head was a good place but i i guess not i was able

To hit it a few times but each time it basically hit me back and it hit hard so here was the situation i had a huge dragon above me and tons of zombies below me i was in trouble and i wasn’t really sure what to do i was at options

So i just kept hitting it maybe i’d get lucky and kill it but i think i just ended up making the dragon angry because it flew off but wait how does a dragon fly off when it’s underground well this is how it broke every block on its way up

The thing i was most afraid of happened why do i hear water there was no water before so hopefully the dragon just hit like a source or something oh i don’t like this he busted through this wall didn’t he my staircase is still intact so that’s

Good that’s really good okay no it looks good looks good oh no what okay okay okay okay this isn’t this isn’t that bad this is all right darn i screwed up my farm though and my staircase okay this is where the water is coming from darn

Okay well this isn’t too bad i can manage i can fix this whoa okay i got lucky there i got really lucky there okay so the only thing that got destroyed was my staircase and my chicken farm but it wasn’t completely ruined i could fix it but that wasn’t

The only problem that stage five dragon he was right above me he was basically on top of the fort so what did i do i stayed in my base there was no way i was going to aggro that thing again because this time i could lose my whole base if

I did so i repaired what needed to be repaired and hoped i didn’t get noticed while doing it fortunately it seemed to have flown off but where did it go what what did i just do i just released the stage 5 dragon into the world all i

Could do at this time is hope that it didn’t find a village because those smaller dragons did enough damage as it was i can’t imagine what a stage 5 would do so for the rest of the night i dug myself out and checked the fort for

Damage see if i could fix it overall the damage was manageable but i was worried that the dragon might come back kinda like how the dragons on the surface return to the roost i was starting to think maybe i should move my base On day 26 i headed down to the dragon lair to loot the chests and gather the resources down there timothy and i spent a good amount of time clearing the area and lighting it up with torches and let me tell you if you want silver alert is

The best place to go because there’s a lot of it so it’s been a couple days now and the dragon hasn’t come back so i think it was alright to start working on the base again so after i gathered some redstone i headed back up and finished

My feather farm so that i could produce feathers and while the feathers were being produced i went back down to explore the dragon lair and the caves around it because remember you got to stay in the same area for this stuff to work whoa you’re ugly bugs especially a centipede there’s

Yeah too many lags too many the next couple of days i continue to explore and gather resources in the dragon lair i also ended up finding diamond ore so that was cool once the dragon lair was cleared i started to explore the caves attached to

It so the next day when i was offloading my inventory i noticed that the chickens were dropping rotten eggs brought bags what are you guys doing we need good eggs not rotten eggs i’ve never seen these whoa what the what what is that what where’d it go oh my god you are

Interesting i wouldn’t say ugly but what the heck are you i don’t understand so i was worried that this thing was gonna kill all my chickens or you know turn them into whatever it was but after i got it separated timothy showed his feelings toward it anyway so yeah

After that i headed back down and continued through the caves to gather some obsidian now before you ask shadow why are you getting obsidian are you going to the nether well yeah i am because some of the weapons for this mod require wither skeleton bones and the

Only place i know where to get those are well in the nether now did i wanna go to the nether no absolutely not but i had to so releasing that stage 5 dragon was weighing heavily on me and i felt like it was my responsibility to venture out

And take it down so the next day i geared up and i headed out i ended up coming across that dark building again and i tried to pick the lock i guess however good you can pick a lock with the pickaxe yeah after i noticed nothing

Was happening i just moved on on my search every skeleton that i came up to i made sure i checked the skull deceive it was a stage five dragon because the dragon could have died to natural causes and you never know i could have got

Lucky but this one this one was way too small i was still curious about this building and i thought maybe you know what it might be more active at night so i built myself a tiny little hobbit hole and waited until night but honestly it

Was it was pretty quiet all night i had a few things come out at me but i don’t know wasn’t really sure what to do was this was this the way it was supposed to be i had no idea but i’ll tell you these things are not ideal to fight when the

Phantom’s around especially when there are tons of them flying around you i really think it’s time to sleep the the phantoms they’re they’re getting a bit ridiculous at this point all right so the next day i made up my mission to go look for a bed as i was

Traveling around i came across this igloo and i took the bed that was inside hopefully this place is abandoned or the owner is not going to be happy i took the bed to my hobbit hole and i set it up there and then i just spent the rest

Of the day wandering around looking for that dragon in the meantime until nightfall at least so i could you know sleep now i’m not overly happy about this but the phantoms they’re getting out of hand i really don’t have a choice at this point i was still kind of

Obsessed about this dark building i still wanted to figure out how to get inside so while i was waiting for the sun to set again i decided to go around and try looking for that stage 5 dragon again or any dragon really because i was planning on crafting that dragonforge

And scales i’m gonna need them i finally came across the small dragon it was tough but you know nothing i couldn’t handle i also got caught in one of those siren love spells again but i wasn’t having any of it nothing a couple arrows couldn’t handle i also spotted a large

Dragon skeleton over near some icebergs now i really should be staying away from the water because of sirens and mostly sea serpents but i just had to make sure that it wasn’t the stage 5 dragon i was still on the search for it and i wanted to make sure it was dead unfortunately

It wasn’t it as the sun was setting i made my way back to the dark building now i’m gonna be quite honest with you i’m not sure if i’m doing something wrong but nothing from that dark building is really spawning only a few guys here and there i felt like i was

Fighting more zombies than anything else so with that i changed my focus and started to head back to my fort i decided to take some of the scales that i found and develop myself some dragon armor now this might not have been a great choice as i needed a lot of scales

To build the dragonforge but i also needed to protect myself to change things up i traveled in another direction from my base after a bit i stumbled across the desert and i immediately spotted a fire dragon great awesome you know i tried to keep my distance so i could loot the place in

Peace but i think the game had other plans for me okay okay i’m just gonna it’s gonna sneak over grab these hay bales be oh okay right on yeah yeah i gotta fight it i can’t nope gotta fight it can’t sneak oh oh listen this isn’t too bad oh no i’m

On fire no stop shooting me come on jimmy let’s get him ouch oh what what what the heck why am i on him you know come on timothy we got this we got this buddy come on keep getting them you are no match for me at first i thought there was something

Wrong but this weapon this excalibur it’s a powerful weapon like it gives me a lot of resistance although it might be too powerful but you know what it’s kind of a good thing i found it overall there wasn’t much in the desert village some

Hay bales so that was good i made my way over to the fire roost and eluded the area i got a lot of gold so cool that night i spotted a greek looking building and i was attacked by these interesting creatures they’re like large ants or something

I was contemplating if i should even explore the greek building at night but i figured why not so i made my way over for a closer look you know the area seemed pretty clear just a couple baby zombies these worm things and and then i

Came across a dead dragon and uh i got a little concerned maybe i shouldn’t be going to this greek building there possibly could be something in there that killed this dragon or even worse something in the area so i thought i’d be smart and head back i think it’s time

To start enchanting my equipment so the next morning i started to craft some bookshelves as i was going to need like 15 or something for higher-end chance then i kind of realized i don’t have many books so that’s good so i did what i thought was best i headed out and

Searched for bookshelves or at least sugarcane you know to make paper but then i’m gonna need leather too fun so i headed back to the desert i did a quick look over the village but i didn’t find anything there the only thing i found was another roost so i eluded it and

Then these guys found me again why has it got to be bugs i hate bugs huh okay uh oh wow this is a this is a nest yeah i wasn’t going down there i’ll let the lava take care of them but this wasn’t enough for me i wanted to make

Sure they were gone for good so i wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore so i dug in looking for an entrance to their nest okay i gotta be coming closer here soon timothy i don’t even want to go in here buddy i really don’t okay here we go

Here we go all right timothy you ready buddy let’s get rid of them hopefully the lava got rid of most of them which it seems like there’s quite a few that are dead i don’t like things that creep and crawl okay it’s too quiet like way too quiet

Shouldn’t this place be like completely infested i know i didn’t kill all them with the lava there’s no way well that’s good everything’s dead i guess i don’t know i don’t know what’s supposed to be in here i know i killed the queen or whatever the heck it was i poured lava

Right on top of her oh there’s some up there timothy let’s uh let’s take them out die so once the nest was clear i went back to the base and i tended to what needed to be tended to and of course i struggled with my inventory i should probably start organizing that that

Would probably be the smart thing to do the next day i spent time trying to figure out what i needed to fully build that dragon forge and realize it probably wasn’t a good idea that i used the ice dragon scales to build my armor a few days back because you can’t mix

The fire and ice scales to build the forge unfortunately yep go me that night i headed back over to the greek building as it felt like it was time to figure out what it was okay i think i’m clear i think hey nope sirens where are they at listen stop seducing me

Okay fine you know what i get a really big sword let’s do this you want to do this let’s do this that’s what i thought who are you nice oh rainbow scales that’s cool look at that hey cool a whale you uh you’re gonna kill me because uh uh i

Hope you don’t once i finally made it in i was a little confused at first there was nothing in here or at least i thought there wasn’t okay so uh okay zombie get out of here um oh there’s switches here that do anything no what this one no oh

I heard something here we go here we go all right what what are your secrets down here whoa what the heck was that what the whoa whoa whoa whoa is that medusa that look like medusa is she coming after me is she coming after me i don’t think so

Oh no no she’s right there it’s right there she’s right there can’t you swim can you swim medusa you don’t look like you can swim well that sucks for you it’s gonna keep shooting you with arrows turn those in the stones see how much that helps oh something’s hitting me

Ouch spiders get out of here zombies listen go away doing important stuff here oh my gosh how many hits do you take medusa come on finally okay so that was a little freaky but i got pretty lucky i guess because you know she got stuck in the water and i

Could just shoot her from afar and you could use her head as a weapon so that was cool all right take this what you can only use this once well that sucks other than getting that weapon i i don’t even know why i bothered with this place because i

Didn’t find anything and you could only use the weapon once so yeah as the sun was rising i’d made my way over to the savannah type biome to see if i can find anything interesting there well if you consider a cyclops interesting then i

Found it i shot it a bunch of times but i was starting to think that it wasn’t hostile maybe just wasn’t coming at me so i figured i’d take a walk over and see if it would attack me then yep i was right if i learnt anything from playing

Zelda while growing up then i know that you aim for the eye when it’s such a big characteristic for the monster after he was blinded it was a pretty easy win just gotta whack him a few times oh another dragon okay why does he look like he’s sleeping oh maybe it’s a a

Lightning dragon the roost looks a little different let’s sneak up on timothy let’s do a surprise attack oh be careful oh no no here you go ouch what the what is going on here wow okay that was that was really easy okay this sorta it might be a little too

Overpowered but i don’t know i got a lot of dragons to kill so maybe it’s not a bad thing so that night i ended up coming across two dead dragons what could have killed them was it the stage five dragon that i released or something worse i don’t know either way i

Collected the remains and i moved along nothing else exciting happened that night so i just headed back to my base to offload my inventory so the next day i decided to expand the base a little bit i really just wanted to sort my inventory because it was a

Total mess and it just took forever to find things plus i figured you know what i might as well make an enchanting room and whatever else i needed so this work continued on for the next few days while i was getting my chest room all sorted

Out i made a really big mistake i wanted to swap out the chest near the chickens because i wanted the chest room to look nice i guess not sure why but i don’t know i guess it matters and then i accidentally let all the chickens out

Yeah so instead of trying to round them all back up and use the excalibur sword to deal with the situation i suppose the gods were not pleased because the sword vanished right out of my hands it makes sense because the sword was for monsters not for chickens so i guess i’m not

Worthy anymore not because it was overpowered or anything you don’t want to make things too easy right after that for the next couple days i kept trucking along with the base you know it was coming together i was pretty happy with it let’s just hope that dragon doesn’t

Come back and destroy everything on me because that would suck while i was working on the enchanting room on day 52 i quickly realized that i didn’t really have any bookshelves and i needed bookshelves because if you’re going to enchant you need to have you know bookshelves and considering all my

Chickens are gone and i have feathers for days i now have the room to go you know get some cattle because i’m gonna need leather okay timothy i remember i seen cows over here when we were fighting that cyclops so i say that’s a safe bet you know what i

Might as well grab the sugar cane too cause you know i need paper look tons of sugar cane look at that awesome All right uh all right shadow come on i came out here to get a cow okay i thought i seen them out here oh yeah there they are found them i’m actually going to leash it though because for some reason they stop following me after a while and i

Just i don’t have the time to deal with it especially considering how far away i am for my base i it’s just easier to leash them i think i don’t know it’s kind of the first time i’m doing this so we’ll see how it goes all right so far so good oh

What happened did you break my leash what you can do that i have no wheat of course i have no wheat oh my gosh there were hay bales in this village but i think i got them all am i gonna have to run back oh come on why can’t this ever be easy

Oh is this sweet oh come on come on come on nice perfect all right all right all right not too bad that’s not so bad the sun’s pretty much on its way down i gotta hurry up all right there we go come on no come on

What are you doing no no don’t run that way come here i don’t have time for this okay the sun’s almost down then we’re gonna have to deal with zombies and whatever else comes out at night no no no come on why is this so difficult why is this so

Difficult yeah and you guessed it i had to lead this thing at night it wasn’t too bad but still i don’t know why but cows i find are the hardest thing to lead back to any base all right so i needed two cattle unfortunately so this time i’m taking a

Chain leash this shouldn’t break it shouldn’t right all right cattle where are ya you’re literally just around here yesterday i can’t find it maybe it just despawned oh wait there it is i got a chain this time you break that well i’ll be impressed yes okay good worked let’s go this

Should be easier to get him back to the base but you know what it’s me yeah that’s all i can say look at him he doesn’t want to come he’s going backwards he’s doing the moonwalk oh my gosh what are you doing are you stuck come on whoa geez

I feel bad i’m just like dragging them oh my gosh come on cow okay don’t fall down here okay i don’t need you to do that let’s just be really careful i don’t remember this here last time no no no no no don’t fall down come on come on jeez

Get out of that hole oh my gosh i don’t know i don’t understand this chain is it it’s ridiculous oh no no no no no no get off the freaking cactus i’m gonna end up killing it before i get it back okay okay so it’s great that this chain

Doesn’t break what i don’t get it i don’t know why it’s not working like the leash here maybe if i uh put this in my hand this will work okay yeah seems like it okay okay okay we’re good i think finally after two days of work i finally

Got two cattle in my base awesome all right so i had tons of feathers and i had tons of sticks i just didn’t have a lot of flint so the next day i worked on setting up my semi-automated gravel dispenser thing so i could farm flint

Basically on autopilot yeah on day 55 i decided to craft the diamond shovel and enchant it so i could improve my chances of getting the flint uh what is this i don’t i don’t understand this what what okay it it seems like tetris or something okay all right fair enough I think i did that right i i am not sure but okay i got what i needed when i was building the gravel dispenser room i didn’t realize that i used the cursed chest for collecting my materials so i had a nice pleasant surprise when i opened it What what the heck why why is there a ghost oh wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my gosh timothy i used the cursed chest buddy okay let’s uh let’s uh change that out yeah yeah yeah nothing exciting happened for the next couple days i really just focused on

Getting the base completed so i really wanted to finish the enchanting room and since i was in dire need of leather i wanted to stick close to the cattle so that i could produce leather faster so basically i burn flint for the next few

Days and let me tell you it was so fun on day 61 i headed out and searched for more dragons and again specifically for that stage 5 dragon but any at this point would be fine i just needed to start gathering scales i end up coming across another one of these fellows all

Right aim for the eye right away this should be easy although he doesn’t seem to care that i’m poking him with arrows okay oh there you go come on man let’s go whoa okay don’t get so angry it’s all right watch out timothy let’s get back up here

Real quick whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you’re what you’re right there all right all right all right all right i’m scared to turn around yep that’s why okay okay okay where’d he go did i run too far oh woohoo cyclops dude where’d you go oh okay you’re right here right on

Oh oh come on seriously all right i got him in the eye but oh my gosh get away and of course these guys come at the worst time so what did i do i ran and i dug myself into a hole for protection and basically waited the night out i’ll

Get that cyclops tomorrow the next morning i cleaned up the remaining phantoms flying around me and i headed back to that cyclops i don’t know what i was doing wrong but it wasn’t dying and i didn’t want to waste my crossbow because my durability was running pretty

Low so i just kind of left him in you know that area there because he wasn’t attacking me anyway i ended up going back to his little hut thing and i don’t know it was kind of a weird place there was sheep in there i don’t know what he

Was doing with the sheep but i let them out i let them free you know because i’m a good guy like that be free sheep be free not too far off from the cyclops i ended up spotting a large dragon skeleton just over in the distance so i

Decided to head over only to spot another dragon flying overhead where’d it go it was just whoa okay where are you oh okay hello sneaking up on me like that that’s not cool maybe this tree will keep me safe hopefully oh my gosh what what is going on

No no no no i gotta get out of the water i’m gonna drown i’m gonna drown get oh my gosh he keeps putting ice over me no come on come on okay okay okay okay get out of here jurassic oh no whoa what happened

I can’t i can’t swim oh my gosh am i stuck why am i stuck all right there we go go go go go go go I’m not dying to drowning okay all right i gotta find a better spot here i hate ice dragons they’re so annoying to fight no okay i got it i okay it’s not even a big dragon okay okay yeah yeah all right yeah digging in i don’t care call me a coward that’s fine

Where is he oh my gosh she’s right there okay take that new bugger whoa okay i’ll get him i’ll get him watch this watch this it’s going down it’s going down right now oh my gosh die already it’s almost night time i gotta hurry up come on oh my gosh this thing’s annoying

Come on go down Finally finally while i was heading back i noticed that there was another one of those dark buildings just across the water so i figured it’d be a good opportunity to go check it out considering it was nighttime and maybe this one would spawn more mobs than the other one did yeah i

Had a feeling that the mobs dropped some kind of a key or something for the front door so i really wanted to get inside and check it out skeleton oh wait it has blue eyes okay okay cool this is different i never got one of these guys oh oh oh there’s a couple

I think no that’s a straight oh wait no there is it’s like a knight or something oh wait i’m gonna block this off so he can’t come up get him timothy get him okay don’t don’t go too far with him i still need to collect this stuff if he drops

Anything timothy let me fight him too watch out buddy get out of the hole oh my gosh timmy oh nice okay so they seem kind of strong what’s that all i see is blue eyes whoa what is that i gotta close this up i don’t know if it can get in here i

Don’t like the bug ones you can send skeletons or or knights but no not that thing what is that thing go away i don’t like you timothy and i we fought a few of these lynch things but nothing really came out of it so yeah i think i’m just going to

Give up with these dark buildings i i just i don’t understand them and i don’t know why i don’t know how to get into them so the next morning i decided to head back to the fort just offload my inventory i ended up coming across another village and a dragon roost i

Didn’t see any dragons around it so i uh help myself oh oh my gosh there is a dragon here oh okay get i get i don’t know why i get on him or does he grab me i don’t know what’s going on come on come on timothy get him oh no

Oh come on did he die nope nope not dead yet come on you let’s go get okay i can do this i think i can do this i hope i can do this oh my gosh no i’m stuck i’m stuck no no no no no no get up get off oh nice see

No sweat wow i got snuck up on by a dragon well that was fun i was a little shaken from the event so i spent the night in the village and you know just looted what i could find the next day when i was sorting through my inventory i noticed

Something wha what what’s a gravemaster key wait did i pick this up when i was fighting the lynch things is this the key i need to get in i was so excited because i must have picked this thing up when i was fighting those lynch knights the

Other night so that was cool as i was leaving the village guess what i spotted another dragon wow these guys are spawning more frequently now i shouldn’t be complaining because i need their scales but i don’t know i just wanted to get into that building and i didn’t want

To die before i did all right i really need to get back and offload some stuff i just got no room oh of course of course there’s a dragon and of course you’re shooting at me right away awesome okay okay figure this out for a second hold on you

Kind of caught me off guard no whoa whoa what what okay okay okay don’t dig in i guess they’re gonna oh my gosh i got a heart and a half awesome okay uh uh what do i do run yeah we’re gonna run oh no come

On leave me alone i just found the key come on jimmy d sacrifice yourself okay don’t do that buddy hold on i think i’m good i think i’m good you know what let’s do this there try to get me now all right where are you at did you uh

Did you leave me alone did you fly away nope you’re right there okay you want to fight let’s do it oh what you’re stuck you can’t get in oh poor guy not so tough now eh oh wait hold on come on just die already come on just die just die come on

It’s over it’s over i got things to do finally at this point i was getting a little worried as much as i liked finding the dragons i was finding them fairly often now and pretty far from my base not just that they’re sneaking up on me which

Makes it worse it’s kind of scary once you think about it but really i need to start thinking about getting better equipment because these guys are taking a long time to kill now especially since i don’t get that you know overpowered sword anymore so when i got back to my

Base i sorted my inventory crafted some more books and you know built some more bookshelves it was becoming very apparent that i needed to start enchanting soon on day 65 i decided to try my luck with that dark building i had the key so why not i made my way

Over and i uh tried the key out yeah this has got to be pretty simple right just uh put the key in and unlock the door right whoa oh okay i wasn’t expecting that i was expecting some kind of contraption or something oh spawner nope get rid of

That don’t need that going whoo see pro right there i hear dogs or wolves hello gonna light this place up a little bit oh that’s a spawner let’s get that okay okay i think i’m good i think i’m good hello oh okay okay i fought one of these guys

Before i can do this Oh ouch okay get him timothy oh ouch okay whoa no no no no no so yeah these guys they’re tough and they hit hard should i even be going in here eh why not let’s just hope that there’s something good at the end of it

All let’s just hope or this will just be one big risk for nothing all right just take my time go oh wolf come on okay okay so they’re not that bad just take my time work my way through i kind of feel bad for these guys ouch oh whoa

Whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey oh here comes another night yeah no i’m not fighting these guys in those close quarters there’s no way no way keep it nice and distant oh my gosh these guys take a lot to take out come on go down already finally okay

So i’m assuming that this place is just mostly filled with spawners so maybe going slow isn’t the uh isn’t oh okay okay there’s like five of them there ouch ouch ouch what is hitting me oh this guy these guys are kind of fast okay as i was saying maybe going slow

Isn’t gonna be the best approach if there’s spawners in there oh i’m gonna have to figure something out here okay so things were getting a little ridiculous as the spawners in this place were spawning the lich quicker than i could kill them so i had to get creative

With this so what i would do is i would drag the mobs outside and took them out there this would allow me to thin the mobs out without setting up the spawners inside once the coast was clear i ran in and i found a safe spot to block myself

Off let’s just hope i didn’t block myself in because that would not be good so initially i thought this was a great idea well i figured out maybe not so much oh my gosh there are so many down there i’m gonna run into arrows i don’t have that much

Great so the longer i stayed in this place the worst it got i was setting off whatever spawners were in here because now there are just so many mobs like i couldn’t get out i was stuck so i tried a few different things i tried to build

Above them but i didn’t have much materials i tried lava but that only worked for so long because they could climb up or swim up or whatever they did so this was awesome just great so at this point it was just getting way too risky i thought my best option was to

Start blocking off sections once i cleared them but here’s the problem like i said i need blocks blocks i just didn’t have so i swallowed my pride and i thought you know what it would be in my best interest just to leave for now and come back when i’m more prepared so

That night i took off and i had it back from my base i did end up picking up one of the night’s swords so that was kind of cool so on day 67 i started to prepare myself for my next attempt in the lynch building but while i was in

There it became very apparent that a bow would probably be my best friend my best option but i didn’t want just any old bow i wanted to craft one that i could enchant and that was strong and i had my eye on that dragon bone bow for some

Time the only problem was i needed wither bones and the only place i knew where i could get wither bones was from wither skeletons yeah in the nether fun again you know me i don’t like the nether and i didn’t want to go to the nether but at this point i really didn’t

Have a choice if i was gonna craft this dragon bone bow the nether is where i needed to be so with that i constructed myself another portal and i hopped in when i first got into the nether i was immediately attacked by these pig things now remember i primarily play minecraft

Version 1.12 and i have rarely ever played any higher version so there’s gonna be a lot of things in here that are new to me but i guess i’m supposed to wear gold or something and they’ll leave me alone okay makes sense i guess not really but okay while i was

Scrambling around i found a chest with some gold pieces in it and i uh put it on yeah i ended up coming across what i thought was a fortress but i guess not so i kept moving on i was absolutely not familiar with this nether at all well i

Do remember these guys yep still annoying as ever all right so we got pigs now okay that’s cool i guess ouch you guys hit hurry go away well at least they dropped food so i guess that’s good okay what what’s this place it’s like the crimson forest is that what this is

We got pigs everywhere or hogs i guess no just just leave me alone okay i just want weather skeletons okay oh now okay now you’re bringing everybody over right all right bring the whole family cool ouch oh my gosh really just go away okay i swear if i die from a hog

I’m deleting my account the whole youtube channel gone just like that so if you thought the nether was confusing before with the additions of all these other biomes it made it a heck of a lot worse so in order to find my way back i made sure that i stuck to

Walls and basically i didn’t want to build any like borrowed bridges or anything like that i just wanted to make a clear path to the fortress if i could find a fortress and i left torches pretty much like every 20 blocks or so but there is still that chance of

Getting lost it happens finally at last i came across what i thought was an actual fortress i’ve been down here for a few days and i was starting to give up hope i worked my way throughout the fortress taking out any spawners and blazes that i found but i wasn’t here

For them i was here for the wither and for some reason i was having trouble finding them i thought they spawned in the fortress i don’t get it finally after a bit i found a couple took them out and got some bones i ended up collecting these things too because uh

Why not i spent so much time down here and was having a hard time finding wither skeletons so i figured maybe i could force spawn them by moving far enough away from the fortress and coming back it seemed to work so that’s what i did so on day 70 i figured i spent

Enough time down here and i felt like i had enough bones to where i wouldn’t have to come back so i spent the day trying to make my way back to the portal by following my trail of torches by the way don’t mind these blocks the piglens

Don’t like it and they got very aggressive and finally after a few days i got back to the portal got back to my base and i crafted the dragon bone bow and then i enchanted it with tetris yeah so that night i got myself prepared for that lynch building and i started to

Head back oh you guys are in a world of hurt i got my bow i’m ready to go what why am i not shooting what’s going on here it’s arrows right now faults yeah what no what do i no do i need dragon arrows why can’t a bow just shoot normal arrows great

Just my luck yeah so guess what i need specific arrows awesome so this is how it went i had to keep up high and block off sections as i went because if i fell it was over everything hit so hard here so i had to be extremely careful and

Remember lava is your best friend in this place sorry timmy that’s not what i meant you’re my best friend lava is the best tool you can use in this place there that’s better everything was going good until i came across some stairs not that going downstairs are hard it’s just

Like you can get hit everywhere here and uh yeah it’s not fun because let me tell you the lynch are no joke so i had to move slow i had to isolate areas as much as i could because one slip up and it would be all over i kept inching further

In taking out any spawners in reach at this point i was starting to wonder if it was even worth coming down here the loot was pretty mediocre and the risk was really high oh my gosh you guys do you guys ever not stopped coming geez but that didn’t stop me i kept pushing

And itching my way and further i was determined i didn’t care how long i was down here i just wanted to reach the end oh wait wait wait wait timothy that’s a dragonforge buddy think well it looks like it’s damaged but i could use the

Blocks oh my gosh this could save me on so many scales yes that was it i was at the end and those blocks for that dragonforge made it all worth it because if you can remember to build one of those blocks took quite a bit of scales so it was

Gonna save me on farming dragons just a little bit but either way it was gonna help so once i finally cleared the room of the spawners and the mobs i mined those blocks and i headed out the next day when i arrived at the base i started looking into making these dragon bone

Arrows but honestly these things are extremely expensive to use so i decided to craft myself a dragon bone sword instead and combined it with the dragon blood so that was cool but i was still determined to use that bow it was important it was strong and i i needed

It against the dragons so i crafted just a couple dragon bone arrows and shot them at the wall i just wanted to see if i could pick them up which i could that was nice but did i really want to chase for arrows every single time i shot them

But then i had an idea could i enchant this bow with infinity huh so i grabbed all the used books that i had and i ran to the enchanting table to see if i can get infinity to pop fortunately i was able to get it which was nice so you

Better believe i used it on that dragon bow let’s just hope it counts for the dragon arrows because then i just wasted an enchant on that and since i was there and i was getting better at tetris enchanting i enchanted the dragon sword too because why not and then i started

To craft those dragon scale blocks that i needed for the dragon forge unfortunately i still needed more scales from the ice dragons so a hunting i will go so that day i went around and i searched for more ice dragons that night i finally came across one but this time

I had a different idea for hunting it do you remember when i used that chain leash on that cow i figured maybe i could use it on a dragon you know and tie it to a post that way you can’t fly around and stuff and it might be an

Easier way to kill it and i might as well put my smarty pants on because wow it worked and it worked well and you could tell i was having way too much fun with my new bow because i was supposed to be looking for dragons but spent more

Time just killing mobs once i realized this i decided to instead start looking for lapis as i was gonna need it when i enchanted the dragon steel armor plus it was safer to look for lapis at night rather than hunting dragons plus they think they sleep at night so they’re

Harder to spot so i went over to that half constructed house i found a while back offloaded some items and i began to dig down after a few minutes i end up digging myself into this cavern which was great don’t get me wrong but as i

Was looking for lapis i found this cave thing dungeon maybe i don’t know what to call it either way i was curious and i uh i went in this dungeon had some interesting things but there really just wasn’t much in here i mean it was pretty

Cool to explore but i really didn’t find anything useful for loot anyway so i left to continue looking for lapis as the sun was coming back up on the next day i went back to the surface to continue my search for the dragon scales i came across another one of these

Igloos and i figured i’d go in and you know see if there’s anything to loot after i started stealing the carpet i found this weird secret entrance so i went in i mean why wouldn’t i uh what is going on here um yeah you guys do whatever you’re doing i’m just gonna

Grab this stuff and uh yeah see you later well that was a weird spot anyway i spent the next couple days looking for dragons unfortunately i only found one but i’ll tell you this chain leash method is definitely the way to go i mean as long as you can lease them and

You know tie them up it’s it’s a it’s a good way to do it since night was coming soon i went back to the unfinished house and went back down below to look for lapis while i was down there i ended up stumbling across a very large open area

Full of lava i don’t know what it is or what it was or what it’s used for and i have no idea if it’s part of vanilla minecraft but i was curious on what i could find okay this is different is there anything interesting maybe oh what’s over there

Looks like a an opening to a mine shaft maybe it was a pretty decent area for resources you know i found some diamonds and some lapis and it had some of these spawners in it like the dragon lair had so i don’t know maybe this was a dragon

Player for the fire ones maybe i don’t know anyway i end up going over to that mine shaft and uh basically wandering through it you know sometimes you can find some pretty good loot in it and uh i just took my chances there’s only really one thing i don’t like about mine

Shafts is that you can get lost fairly easy because they’re like literal mazes so yeah that that can be fun not really i felt like i was down here forever okay timothy i don’t know which way to go anymore i might i might just have to dig up yeah

Oh wait there’s ice here let’s uh let’s check this out oh my gosh timothy this is a this is another freaking layer oh man all right this time i wasn’t gonna let this one escape so what did i do i dug my way up so if the dragon

Decided to run or break through the surface i could get up to the surface quickly you know and and fight it before it flew off oh wow this layer is like underneath the water uh i wonder how that’s gonna work out okay oh my gosh shadow really this is gonna take a bit

My gosh of course i do this to myself all right here we go take that i’m scared screw it i’m just going to go to the surface he’ll follow me i’ll fight him there oh geez i hear him is he breaking through i gotta hurry hurry hurry all right where are you at

Oh what are you doing are you stuck oh that sucks that’s too bad okay this worked out a lot better than i thought oh he’s trying to get out he’s trying to get out nope okay so he’s definitely stuck he can’t get out what what’s wrong you can’t break ice oh that sucks

All right come on anytime now oh is he down i killed the stage five dragon whoa well that fight was a lot easier than i thought it was gonna be uh it was actually a lot easier than a lot of the smaller dragons but that’s what happens

When you get stuck under the water that’s your own fault there dragon too bad once i harvest the dragon i swam down to the lair to start looting the area all right i’m gonna have to head back because my inventory is way too full oh what huh an egg a dragon egg what

Wha what do i do with that so after reading through my bestiary book i uh realized that i could hatch dragon basically have my own dragon which was kind of cool and it would make it a heck of a lot easier to you know kill other dragon and and build that

Dragon steel forge because i knew i knew i needed to either trap a dragon to blow ice into it or something but either way this was this was awesome so with that i left the chests that were there and i headed back to my base because my

Inventory was full anyway but i was kind of excited about the dragon so do you blame me once i was back at my base the next day i offloaded my items and i started to read up on that egg and what it was all about or at least how i could hatch the

Thing so i followed the instructions and i uh tossed the egg in the water it said it would take a few days to hatch so i decided to venture out and search for more dragons but this time i went in a different direction and ended up coming

Across the desert area again now i know i need ice dragons but i get curious plus i figured once my dragon hatched i could just use it to fly and fight this would make searching for dragons a lot quicker and taken them down a lot easier

As i was making my way across the desert i noticed something in the distance it was like a desert town or village or something but it looked cool so i definitely had to check it out oh hello see servant what you doing i feel a little bit more confident fighting you guys

Since i got my bow that’s right flop around it’s not like you can do anything anyway sucker you want some too buddy come on over that’s what i thought so for some reason every time i was in the desert my game seemed to lag which was kind of

Weird but i’m assuming it was because of these mobs like look at them there’s so many of them like no wonder why my freaking game lags so i took them out and i got rid of the nest real quick and it seemed to fix the lag i was having i

Guess i don’t know anyway i continued my way over to the town hello everybody i come in peace this is a pretty cool town it’s a pretty neat spot actually does it got any good loot jeez shadow you’re only here for like two minutes and you’re starting to steal

Jeez yeah might not have been my proudest moment but that night i went around house to house and you know looted the chest i figured yeah i don’t have an excuse for it i just did it okay maybe i was feeling a little guilty so

That night i went around and you know i helped the villagers fight off any nightly creatures because you know i’m a good guy like that plus you know this bow is it’s very satisfying to use so yeah all right now uh is there anything like good to trade maybe what do you got

String coal nah coal lava whoa why why is things on fire here what’s going on uh whoa no no no no no no no there you guys got dragons just uh just letting you know okay oh gosh so what did i do you better believe it i

Booked it out of there i didn’t want to get caught in any of these buildings with a fire dragon okay i need to be able to you know hit the water when i needed to so yeah okay shadow stop being a coward maybe i can do this gotta help these villagers out uh

Nah maybe not oh my gosh i don’t like this i’m pretty sure there’s more than one oh my gosh there is more than one there’s a green one and a red one awesome those dragons chased me for a very long time and while i was making my

Escape all i could think about was shadow you did it again you left dragons attack a city so i was gonna make it my mission to get that desert town back from those dragons so now it was even more important to make sure that that dragon hatched and i completed that

Dragon forge and got that dragon steel armor because i was gonna come back and i was gonna be ready to fight that these dragons have to be stopped it was time to fight fire with fire it’s time to finish this or die trying the following day i waited around to see

If that egg would hatch did i do something wrong because at this point i wasn’t sure it just wasn’t hatching nothing was happening so i did some more reading on it on day 88 after spending most of the day trying to figure out what to do i started to craft items that

I needed in order to help the dragon grow well once it hatched if it hatched this is taking forever okay so at this point on the next day i was getting pretty impatient this thing should have hatched by now it said it only took three days but i guess i left and went

Away so maybe it didn’t count i don’t know so i went outside to see if i could find any dragons close by i just i felt horrible for not progressing i suppose unfortunately i didn’t find any okay so the next day i was pretty positive that

I set this thing up wrong or something so after a little bit of research i ended up using these frosted cobblestone things maybe that would work and i also crafted a few of these dragon things because i thought i was gonna need them and i ended up blowing into this dragon

Flute to see if it would help although i’m sure that’s not what it’s for Oh my gosh i can’t believe that worked you finally hatched jeez finally it’s about time holy i could put this thing on my shoulder that was cool like really cool all right buddy i guess that makes up for all the waiting i gotta give you a name though how about ben

Yeah ben would be a good name i ended up taking ben outside so i could feed him and allow him to grow i’ve fed him a lot of these things it’s gonna take a lot of food looks like i’m gonna have to get my chicken farm back up and running this is

Gonna take forever if i don’t while i was out the next day hunting for dragons i think i found him that stage five dragon that i set free earlier but it was dead but who who took it out or what took it out either way it was down which was good however hopefully

Whatever took it out is friendly towards me so i continued that day hunting dragons with a little less guilt on my mind plus i was so close to getting the scales i needed for the dragon forge oh got another one let’s go come here i’m gonna tie you up how’s

That sound you all right with that ouch oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on get oh my gosh i’m going to die this is it oh okay okay i gotta i gotta get out of

Here i gotta get away from me okay good oh my gosh okay that usually isn’t that hard to do that was i just got really unlucky with that you bugger see i gotta stop feeling comfortable in these playthroughs because things like this happen where i think it’s easy and then something

Happens and it completely throws me off but either way i killed the thing and went and i harvested it at this point i was pretty positive that i had enough scales to finish the dragonforge so i ran back to the base in utter excitement those dragons in the desert they don’t

Know what’s gonna hit them hey ben here fetch no you’re supposed to you’re supposed to grab that and bring it back to me okay never mind i spent most of that day tending the crops and uh chickens and making food for you know ben so he could grow nice

And strong i was a little worried that ben was gonna fly away and i would lose him so i read that dragons cannot break dragon bone type blocks and i thought it was a good idea to start building up dragon bone fence even though i didn’t

Have many and was kind of a waste but other than that i just you know created a post and tied them down i know it’s not a nice thing to do but i was just worried that he would fly away but i really couldn’t take that chance of him

Flying away right now because i needed him for the dragon forge so that night i started constructing the dragon forge i finally completed the dragon forge the following day so i fed ben he got big and we started to craft some armor together good job buddy you know i

Couldn’t do this without you that night i had enough materials to build the helmet and i enchanted it too the next day i noticed that i didn’t have enough dragon blood to make the rest of the materials that i needed for the armor so i took some time learning how to fly and

Spent the day hunting other dragons and getting a trident thrown at me where where’d that come from what okay you know ben and i we’re quite the team taking out dragons left and right even sea serpents and whatever this thing is like it couldn’t even handle our

Awesomeness on day 95 while i was out hunting with ben i thought we took out this fellow but i uh i guess not whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay thought that guy was dead i guess not oh no ben stop sleeping ouch what keeps hitting me okay i’m

Getting hit from all over the place here jeez i thought i was getting hit by mobs when i was just running the icicles yeah okay so i woke ben up and we continued to hunt for dragons throughout the night finally on day 96 ben grew to stage five

Man those dragons are gonna be in trouble just you wait for the next couple days literally nothing happened that was too exciting we just spent time waiting for the ignites to finish i don’t know smelting crafting my armor and enchanting it i even built some armor for the dragon nothing too strong but

It was gonna work because tomorrow tomorrow we’re gonna get that town back all right ben this is it we gotta save those people in that town i’m done with this these dragons gotta be stopped oh there’s one let’s take this one out first get back up here come on

There you go take that all right i gotta maneuver here i gotta get away from him he’s underneath me again and i gotta yeah well that that go down thank you thank you all right one dragon down not sure how many are left but i know there is quite a few

All right here we come take that dragons take that oh oh no no no no no no there’s like two or three of them on me i don’t like being on fire go away i’m sorry okay okay okay this is manageable i can do

This i can do this i got this i got this i got this i got this there freeze ya i gotta i gotta keep my distance turn around and then start shooting them or shooting arrows at them that’s the plan i know it’s not a great plan but that’s the plan

No no no no get away get away get away get away stop setting me on fire although i don’t know why i’m saying that because you’re fire dragons there take that how do you like that huh that’s what i thought oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i’m in trouble

No no no no no no no no no oh man i’m gonna die i’m gonna die for fire why am i not healing i’m full my hunger’s full what is going on oh there there he oh my gosh screw you guys that’s it i’m done playing around let’s go come on

Get away from me you’re so close i can’t even hit you there there there stay right there right there one down perfect two down one more come here you this is it let’s go oh wow ouch okay okay all right duly noted i spit a lot of fire out stop

Stop throwing fire at me gosh this is it come on you’re going down i’m done with you i’m tired darn fire dragons come on come on come on go down already yes yes yes i’m pretty sure there’s a couple more left in the town and now it’s raining and it’s thundering

Things are gonna get interesting all right ben let’s go great dragons where are you at this isn’t over get out of this town if you want to live i guess you don’t want to live oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no oh what

What what what the heck are those things are they like tasmanian devils or something holy i can’t believe i survived that drop go away oh my gosh really there’s so many things here oh my gosh ouch oh wow oh let go of me why do you keep grabbing me

What is going on why am i getting thrown around what the heck oh my gosh there’s i don’t know i know what to do i don’t know what to do like i’m so screwed whoa what the heck stop throwing me around you know what that’s it i’m just no i’m just gonna

Fight screw it yeah stop take that dragon go away finally finally he’s down geez all right i gotta get back on ben so ben’s still flying which is a problem because i can’t get to him i don’t think this horn does anything i know one of these tools makes them go

Up and go down but i can’t remember which one it was maybe it’s the staff maybe ouch no it’s not the staff oh my gosh would you guys get off me i’m trying to do something here okay gosh all right it’s got to be the flute yep definitely the flute perfect all

Right all right ben let’s go pretty sure all the dragons are not done yet so here’s the problem it’s night time the dragons are sleeping so they’re probably not like around so i’m gonna have to wait till daytime all right dragons come out of hiding this is it this is the end

You’re done i knew you guys were hiding come on let’s go let’s finish this i gotta lead him away from the town too much damage already take that dragons you’re done that’s right right there stay right there okay okay you guys are getting a little too close to me now let’s go

Come on this way there you go yes yes one down okay whoa yeah drown would you maybe i’ll get lucky but probably not all right you’re not grabbing me that’s that’s for sure i’m not gonna let that happen again come on there finally all right i think i got them all i think

A better check just in case let’s take a quick quick fly over just to make sure i’m not missing any dragons oh there’s one i knew it i knew it i figured there might be one or two more especially the small ones this guy’s not gonna be hard

To take out he’s pretty small and he’s by himself all right go down you got no chance just give up nice all right all right ben i think we saved them i think we saved them i don’t see any more dragons i think we’re good i

Think we’re good and that was it timothy ben and i got the village back but the damage was done and the villagers were gonna have to rebuild but that’s okay because the dragons were gone well in this area anyway and that was it that was a hundred days timothy and i

Survived 100 days in a world full of dragons where are we off to next [Applause] All right and we’re back so this time the prison in the area was doing some crazy experiments on the inmates now i’m not sure how they were getting away with it but considering the zombies were plaguing the surrounding areas who was there to stop them so timothy and i we

Have 100 days to stop these experiments before the person behind it all packs up and leaves the prison so this is how it’s going to work we’ll be using forgelab’s idea for mutating zombies every 10 days but with a little twist of my own every 10 days zombie variants

Will be released from the prison these variants will have their own characteristics and attributes and just to add to the fun there will be a chance a blood moon event will take place at night but a blood moon is one hundred percent guaranteed every tenth day and

This isn’t a build a base to try to survive type of gameplay here people this is a make your way to the prison stop the experiments and survive so looting for food will be a key component in my survival as livestock is basically non-existent and don’t bother even

Trying to grow crops because they’re extremely slow now i will still have to try to build traps because the zombies they don’t burn under the sun and if you try to thin them out with just a weapon in hand it will literally take you all day which means it will be night and

You’ll have to start all over again and like some of my other videos this map will be available for download on my patreon as well as some of the texture packs i created for some of the mods for this playthrough and of course if i die it’s over All right so it’s day one and i kind of got a little lucky as i was walking along this train track and i noticed that the train track was made of wood and anvils so i gotta remember to take one of those i collected some of the

Wood planks so i could build my wooden tools and you know build my stone tools quicker i guess yeah my ultimate goal was to get some coal because i’m gonna need light at night if i plan on getting anything done oh my i can’t see anything okay so coal is definitely very

Important early on especially for this shader pack i mean i could make charcoal but i need at least one coal for that right i think i believe i do why is it so difficult for me to find something when i need it seriously okay so considering how quickly night

Can come and how hard it can be during a zombie apocalypse i had to start thinking of shelter so i stopped looking for coal and i began to build a little hut it wasn’t anything special but it was something okay timothy the planks they should uh they should keep the

Zombies from spawning in here i’m pretty sure i hope so yeah it should be okay right buddy yeah i think so oh and guess what i got a blood moon day one and i got a blood moon and not just any blood moon i got a super blood moon awesome

And for those that don’t know what a super blood moon is it’s basically a blood moon but five times the spawn rate so guess what it’s gonna be fun okay well uh that sucks what am i gonna do now timothy i have no idea wait wait

Wait wait wait i have some iron let’s uh let’s smelt that so i smelted my oar and uh i made an iron helmet yeah sure so exciting okay now what i got geez i hate when this happens well i i guess i could look for coal again but i

Can’t see anything it’s so dark but then i had this idea wait wait a minute if i smelt my cobblestone then that should give me enough light right even just to see a little bit okay sweet this is working cool good good good come on cole

Where are you at we’re yet i only got so much cobblestone ah and the light went out well at least i know it works that’s good okay all right so this was great i had zombies all around me and i had no light so what

Did i do i waited and i waited some more and then i got really bored and i uh poked a zombie yeah that wasn’t that wasn’t a good idea ah no that was not smart shadow like what the heck they’re so noisy oh gosh this is kind of actually scary all right

Timothy because i’m not you know what i’m not gonna lie i kind of panicked a little bit and i figured going down in the dark was safer than staying up here because remember zombies don’t burn in the sun so yeah day one fantastic not really

The next day i did my best to find coal it was just so dark and i couldn’t see anything and i couldn’t go outside because uh zombies how am i gonna do this you know what timothy i have a few things i can still smelt so i’m gonna

Use the furnace to try to light the area maybe yeah now here’s the thing the furnace it worked wonders to light the area but there was one little problem i was running out of fuel to keep it lit so i had to work fast oh no i’m in complete darkness now great

So i tried to make my way back and i i just couldn’t this place was like a maze as i wasn’t keeping track of where i was digging i was just so frantic for the coal that i just dug anywhere in any direction i didn’t care i was running

Against the clock at the time after a little bit i uh i kind of gave up and i did something you should never do in minecraft hardcore i dug straight down i don’t know what i was thinking i i guess i was just hoping that the zombies would

Despawn or i would end up landing in a cavern that wasn’t too deep well okay that uh didn’t work oh wait i still got my wooden pickaxe okay i’ll uh say it again well that didn’t work now i’m stuck cool and i know don’t feel sorry for me

This this wasn’t a good idea anyway i just i didn’t know what else to do and since i had no more materials to make another pickaxe i’ll just have to build back up i’m uh never gonna get out of here am i fun so after a bit and some

Frustration i’ve finally seen a glint of hope yes yes yes light well that wasn’t smart timothy never let me do that again okay buddy okay all right let’s see how bad it is out here is that oh my gosh it’s a house or a hut or something

That’s actually not that far away why didn’t i see it before and at this point i really only had one option left run okay okay this isn’t too bad it’s just those small zombies that i really worry about they run fast like look at them

Once i made it in the house or the farm i guess i made it inside and i blocked off the outside doors i wasn’t gonna have the zombies sneaking up on me no way oh yes food oh a kitchen knife okay cool whoa close that off lucky the zombies didn’t

Come in this way for the rest of the night i went around the house looting anything i could find overall it wasn’t too bad for starter loot but still i needed that coal if i can’t find any this is gonna get tough the next morning i had an idea i was

Gonna break down the fireplace to get well the fire and hopefully be able to take it with me and place it down kind of like a torch to give me light okay timothy if this works it’s gonna be awesome whoa what okay that’s fine charcoal okay either way i i got light

Nice so with that i made a few torches broke more fireplaces and made more torches once i did that i was able to start looking for coal properly finally found some coal jeez what is this like day three so after doing a little bit of

Mining i came out with a bit of coal and some iron and at this point i was feeling pretty relieved so i decided to head back to the surface to smelt my oar and i noticed that the zombies were uh we’re gone what’s this oh no oh yeah

Pretty sure this is an outhouse yeah i don’t need anything in there let’s try the shack oh cool nice wheat as i was coming out of the shack i noticed a burn just off in the distance and considering the sun was still up i uh i figured i’d

Go explore yeah oh wait is that a that’s a bear i hope it’s a nice bear overall nothing really in the barn aside from some wheat but i mean that was good because i could make bread so it was a it was a good exploration

Yeah i guess okay i don’t know what i’m talking about as night was on the horizon i made my way back and continued my venture underground to at least get myself a full set of iron armor or something i just i wasn’t feeling protected i guess now considering

Zombies didn’t spawn in caves just yet it was actually pretty calming to look for resources i spent a few days down here and i found a ton of iron and coal and whatever these blocks are but they must be important because i couldn’t mine them with just an iron pickaxe so

Diamonds i will need and diamonds i did not find of course okay i guess it’s time for me to head back up oh hello turtle are you gonna hurt me i’ve never been this close to one of these guys before so i don’t even know if they’re

Gonna bite maybe whatever i’m just gonna run okay i’m stressing over nothing come on timothy okay so uh i had a little bit of a problem since the zombies didn’t spawn in caves yet i uh i figured i could save my torches and not have to worry about you know putting them around

But considering i was down here for a while and when i spotted a resource i kind of went straight to it and this caused me to you know just randomly go in any direction now before you say it shadow why do you always get lost it’s

Because of this usually yeah and i don’t use coordinates because it you know kind of takes away from the hardcore aspect of it all and uh yeah i just i had no idea how to get back and i couldn’t just dig myself out because i had no wood to

Make a new tool or even a craft table for that matter so yeah it was fun am i lost am i really lost oh my gosh shadow why do you always get lost i can’t even dig myself out oh hi turtle nice to see you again not really that just means i

Went in a circle okay i think this looks familiar oh cobblestone i bet it’s this way okay so i found some cobblestone and i was able to make my way back finally but let me tell you this one hurt i left so many oars behind so many that it

Hurts so bad and i couldn’t even mine them because i didn’t have anything to mine them with so i just had to leave them ah anyway i had to push that out of my mind because i had some smelting to do while i was waiting for my aorus to

Smelt i crafted the rest of my iron armor i also wanted to build myself a traveler’s backpack as i heard they were really good things to have unfortunately i had no sand and well they required some glass tank thing i don’t know what it is where am i gonna get sand it’s

Like a prairie out here okay i guess i’m not crafting one of those yet but i found that i could craft a katana oh a katana now that that i can craft once it was crafted and i was all suited up i headed outside to test it out and it was

Fun it was so satisfying now i’m not the brightest nail in the jukebox and i know this and i know what i was about to do next was very silly so initially i was just gonna go over and see if the bear would attack but it didn’t i mean i

Didn’t want to hurt it i just wanted to see if it was aggressive that’s all but then i had an idea hey buddy uh do you like potatoes it’s even cooked no how about bread yeah you don’t like that either eh i don’t have any meat except rotten flesh you okay with that

Oh i guess you do okay uh oh can can i lease you oh my gosh what am i doing i have no idea what i’m doing or how this benefits me but here i am leading a bear awesome all right there you go maybe i’ll go hunting to get you some meat and

Uh that’s what i did i went hunting or crawling i guess i’m not sure if it really matters but if i learned anything from the lion king you get down low and then you pounce when you’re ready come here you alright so i brought the vincent over to

The bear and he seemed to enjoy it because well uh he he ate it yeah but i still don’t know if it’s doing anything like is he tamed does he like me is he gonna attack me can i ride him i had a lot of questions but i couldn’t figure

It out all right night was on the horizon and i left mr bear with some torches and i headed inside radeon what in the world would i use that for what’s going on oh no i’ll save you sorry sorry maybe i’m doing more harm than good okay

So i uh i tried to be the hero uh it didn’t work out the way i wanted it to so yeah so with that failure i decided to head back down to gather some more resources especially those ones i missed the first time they i i just couldn’t

Get them out of my mind plus i figured to be safer down there than deal with the zombies up here after i gathered what i felt was good i decided to head back up and uh try to tame that bear oh oh my gosh and i finally got out too

You know i i didn’t get lost or anything i didn’t dig myself out so just just ignore that yeah okay anyway when i got out i went to hunt some more so as i was out hunting i i noticed that there was a dirt road that kind of led off to the

Forest okay so this looks like a path that i should probably follow and i really feel like i need to head out soon because there’s basically nothing left here like it’s just a huge prairie it’s it’s pretty flat okay so i got a lot of

Food now okay are you my friend can i tame you okay so here’s the thing i don’t even know if i can tame a bear or whatever but i decided just to let him go it wasn’t working i i had no idea if i was doing it right either way i was planning

On leaving the next day and there was no need to keep them locked up no need goodbye mr bear i wish i could tame you buddy but i just can’t figure it out and with that i headed back inside to prepare for the next day’s journey So the next morning i gathered my belongings and i headed out i really needed to make my way towards that prison and i needed to follow this path plus i wanted to make that traveler’s backpack and there was no way i was gonna find sand around here so hopefully

Along the way i could find some sand maybe and uh don’t try to feed the wolves they uh they just attacked hey i got some food you want you want to be friends okay gotcha point taken don’t want to be friends cool you can’t have my food though

As the sun was starting to set i came across this little pond and i figured that i could collect some sand because i had to make a little hut for the night anyway because it was day 10 which means there was a blood moon coming and the

New variants of zombies were also coming so i didn’t want to get caught out here at night that’s for sure now unfortunately while i was playing i forgot about the blood moon oh whoa never mind blood moon okay great awesome they are so loud well i guess i could go

Looking for gold or something i need that for the backpack too so maybe that’s a good plan so since i wasn’t going out there i might as well go down anyway right yeah i thought so oh lapis wait isn’t there like a pattern for diamonds or something like four over and

Six down or something or is it eight down and five over i don’t know maybe maybe i’m just going crazy i can’t remember i heard it somewhere i just don’t know where and you know what i just end up digging all around anyway i

I had no idea what i was doing i know i know what you’re gonna say shadow why don’t you just look it up i was gonna look it up okay but then i got distracted ah no what am i doing that’s not water gosh what is wrong with me yep i know

Leave it to me gosh i don’t even i don’t even know what to say about this one anyway once i figured out how to use a water bucket again i continued my search for diamonds oh hey turtle please don’t fall on me okay okay i’m not sure what

These guys are for but i’m assuming they drop whatever stone is attached to their back but i don’t want to take the turtles out cause i’m a nice guy like that i’m just gonna let them be finally after about a day of mining i finally found a few diamonds three to be exact

Just enough for a pickaxe now i can mine those high tier blocks from the mod oh and i i found a spawner but you know what it was nothing me and timothy couldn’t handle that’s right on day 13 i finally got to the surface and i crafted my diamond pickaxe it was

Time to leave this hole but unfortunately i just had to wait for my uh horse to smell basically yeah i know what do you do in shadow go or you’ll get caught out here at night ah you little bugger i really needed a traveler’s backpack i literally had no

Room to hold anything sure i mean i could you know keep everything here but i had no idea if i would ever be back after everything was finally smelted timothy and i we headed out nothing much happened that day just timothy and i wandered through the woods getting

Soaked and wet and dodged thunder strikes jeez it’s hitting all around us hey timothy this is crazy as the sun was setting i ended up stumbling across what looked to be an abandoned church ah okay creepy or not timothy i uh i guess we don’t have a choice buddy whoa did i

Just hear bear run run run run run run run run he sounds angry ah okay we good just needed to cover up the doors we’re good we’re good we’re good the church it was pretty dark so you can bet i threw some torches down the loot was pretty

Good a health pack and uh golden apples not too shabby since i was stuck here for the night i figured i’d finish smelting my oars i i had nothing else to do really so yeah stay in the night at a creepy church all right what of course

Y’all know me i got bored okay let’s uh should be okay to go here maybe gather some trees maybe see it’s not too bad i can do this oh i hate these little guys they’re so fast okay okay okay maybe this is getting a little too much let’s just uh

Ouch oh ouch ouch no no no no this was a bad idea all right i can get back okay okay i can hear that little one behind me try to get to the side entrance if i can oh my gosh what am i doing i’m gonna get myself killed here

Okay let’s uh let’s rethink here for a second just let them kind of follow me this way so that i could go around them maybe what am i doing guess let’s go in just go in oh why why do i do this to myself there was no

Benefit to go out there no benefit so the next day i figured it would be safe enough to go and clear the area boy was i wrong all right whoa okay okay okay i can’t even get out the front door that’s awesome no no get get out of here you

Ah oh my gosh what am i doing with my life why okay okay okay no oh my gosh i can’t even get out they keep pushing me back that’s not the way this is supposed to go okay i gotta i gotta figure out something i gotta

Block these guys off i think go away all right am i safe am i good oh i hear a bear oh hey bear what’s up uh yeah you’re not nice at least you’re slow i can i can handle this yeah i see you sneaking get out of here ouch ouch ouch ouch no

See those baby zombies they they’re they’re not gonna be fun especially when they mutate they’re gonna be faster than this and they’re already fast and it doesn’t help i can’t hit them that’s that’s awesome okay i’m just it’s gonna block this off i’m just done i’m just done i’m done

There you can’t get me now you buggers all right is that the last one please tell me that’s the last one i don’t hear anymore so after all that drama the place seemed pretty safe while i was out collecting some wood i noticed that there were sheep over yonder which was really cool

Because like i mentioned livestock is extremely rare in this playthrough like next to nothing so i ran back crafted some clippers and got some wool this was good because wool was the last thing i needed to make that traveler’s backpack what why can’t i make a sleeping bag it

Has to be red like it can’t be any other color really okay i think i seen some flowers out by the side of the church here i believe let’s just hope the red once i got the flowers and i crafted the sleeping bag i couldn’t craft the chest

It had me stumped for a bit but i figured it was because of the wood i had to get a different type of wood that corresponded with the type of chest okay this one okay yes finally i built the backpack good to go but shadow don’t get

Too excited because at night i got another blood moon overall i was doing pretty good figured i could take advantage of the blood milk but here’s the thing i keep forgetting that there are those little zombies yup oh whoa hey jeez i forgot about those guys

Oh nope get get get get get ouch no no okay okay okay okay they’re all coming now all right okay no no no no no no no there too quick for you here take this there you go can’t dodge that no way no way no way

Okay i’m not gonna sit here all day take that lava will do you some good all right timothy i’m blowing this pop stand run timothy run we okay yeah we okay good job buddy it was pretty calming you know however calming it is to walk in the rain in a dead

Looking forest calming oh no zombie dog oh my gosh you’re so hard to hit good job timothy i don’t see any more timothy i think we’re good let’s take oh wait there’s bears we got bears we got a couple of them dude you got you got a chunk taken out of you i

Don’t i don’t think that’s healthy oh you take him i’ll take him teamwork buddy teamwork oh yeah all right let’s get out of here the thing that’s really hard about the rain is that you can’t tell that it’s night until it’s literally nighttime unfortunately timmythe and i got caught

In the woods at night so i panicked and built myself a little platform for me and timothy to stand on don’t ask me how pigs can climb i have no idea but he whipped up here pretty quick too okay well i guess we’re waiting here for the

Night timothy why are you glowing man because you’re the best that’s why while i was sitting around i noticed something just off in the distance it looked like a building that was under construction might be a good place to set up camp for a few days you know so i can look for

More diamonds and start enchanting and whatnot oh my there are tons of you can’t get me here have some lava i probably shouldn’t do this i’m literally standing on wood if i do it like this it should be fine right right yeah seems okay oh my god what’s on fire

Is it the trees i hope it’s the trees nope it’s not the trees oh my gosh okay uh we have a little problem here timothy go go out hello okay no no oh no no no no shoot okay good good use the water come on come on

I got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got oh i don’t got this okay i don’t know what i’m doing i am so screwed come on there oh no no no no oh my gosh oh my

Gosh no no get get away get away no oh my gosh i’m gonna die go run run run run oh my gosh did i seriously just survived that oh and yeah just hurt yourself that’s cool too all right just i’m just gonna run i’m just running for the building

I got no other option right now just go oh where am i how am i gonna get in here it’s all gated up okay i’m good here i can i can find a spot oh look a building let’s go here let’s do this there all right that was uh that was fun the

Next day i just chilled inside this storage room i guess until my nerves calmed down i found a bunch of tools which was cool i mean it made sense right then i found this hammer which i thought was even cooler so considering i had to clear the area i had a little bit

Of fun all right zombies let’s go oh good job timothy hey yeah oh my gosh there’s so many now where’d you guys come from okay maybe this was uh maybe this was a bad idea i should i should be fine i think we’re good timothy i think we’re

All right oh shoot my thing broke go away where do you guys keep coming from finally all right so after last night i only had one thing on my mind i desperately needed to start thinking about a base of operations now i know i am supposed to go to the prison to stop

The experiments and whatnot but i need a place to come back to as well this building seems like it’s a good place to be plus it’s nice and high from the zombies so yeah so that day i started to explore the area and i found a good spot

To start converting a place into my base i wanted to be on the floor that was level with this roof because see you later zombies look at you go geez it’s like you don’t even care so i gathered up some lights and some blocks and i started to build so day 17

What a day well it all started off like any normal day you know gathering building and whatnot so i was up on the top level gathering more blocks and i thought a zombie snuck up on me what the okay what’s hitting me wait is is the

Rain green oh my gosh it’s acid rain okay well i’m not losing any hearts is it deteriorating my armor oh there it goes okay down i go well i thought i’d play it safe and you know build with a roof over my head instead all right i want to completely block this off

Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i can’t believe i just did that who needs a water bucket when you got a lava bucket not this guy no way so to be fair i have been practicing this whole water bucket thing but i don’t know if it was

Just you know pure reflex but i just seen the bucket and i don’t think i cared that lava was in it wow such a professional clutching it with the lava bucket people with their water buckets yeah amateurs yeah we’ll go with that i kept working on the base that night

This time making sure i don’t get too close to the edge i don’t need to be doing that again this work really just continued for the next few days on day 19 when i was working away i couldn’t help but think could there be something

Atop that crane i just had to find out so i told timothy to stay put because it was starting to get a little too dangerous especially climbing a crane so i made my way up to the building again this time i was hearing a lot of zombies

Okay yeah they’re up here okay oh ouch okay no no no no not a good idea but i can make a platform over so that they’ll chase me off but i’m gonna need the trapdoors first there they should they should come off i hope oh gosh this is so dangerous they’re

Gonna fall on top of me it’s okay they don’t know i’m here yet it’s okay here we go look at that look at them look at them here guys come get me see ya don’t all come at once it’s all right single file see you later there

Little one pushed you off that’s great cool perfect perfect after all that was over i carefully made my way over to the crane i was getting some deep dying light vibes that’s for sure oh a diamond okay well i guess that was worth it cool and i don’t know what was

Going on but this building was crawling with zombie dogs i really need to get my base finished because they are annoying The next day i basically just worked on the base and got you know bothered by these dogs but it was okay that night i got a super blood moon and let me tell you the new variants were out and hungry for the most part i stayed inside but i

Got a little curious throughout the night whoa well you don’t look pleasant yeah this this is not gonna be fun no no it’s not I was on a mission today to clear the area i wanted to break down the floors above me to bring it down to my level because i had a trap in mind hello zombies yeah just keep pushing each other keep on coming there you go very nice very nice don’t worry don’t worry

About it yep oh the big guy doesn’t want to go he’s like no don’t don’t push me see you later okay oh hello no no no listen i nope just i just need i just need the space okay you got to go away yeah i’m just going

To keep walking yeah until you go away oh my gosh you guys are strong how many hits does it take i don’t like this oh gosh i had a bear get up here huh i really shouldn’t be doing this at night but i i’m just i just want to get it done

I don’t want to spend all the next couple days doing this so oh my gosh zombies leave me alone just trying to work here okay that’s good for the night i’m done with that it’s getting too risky getting too risky oh okay you just yeah help yourself sure come on in you

Guys are so annoying oh my gosh just go down jeez oh wow uh no no no no no oh what hair sites okay fine see you later sucker oh my gosh how you guys getting across oh no no no get get out of here get out of here

Big guys must be able to get over like the one block oh my gosh my my shield broke oh no oh no and there’s dogs and there’s dogs they’re fast no no no no oh my gosh really so here’s the thing that kind of sucks

With having your base up so high is at night there isn’t too much to do oh hi bye so instead i just sorted my inventory for a bit to figure out what i had for supplies i noticed i was getting low on food and considering livestock was basically non-existent in this

Play-through i had basically two options go out loot look for food or plant some seeds and wait forever for them to grow yeah looting was probably my best option it’s really not that safe to go out and loot right now especially since i had to thin all the zombies out before i leave

So i have to finish this trap and i just hope it works or i’m wasting my time i continued to work on the base and the trap for the next day while trying to gather supplies at the same time the zombies were okay if i was at a safe

Distance but the zombie dogs they were the real issue everywhere i went they were there around the dark corner they were there the zombie dogs were everywhere oh what oh no no whoa oh gosh no no no those guys are big and they hurt oh my gosh oh my gosh

Oh my gosh shadow why i can’t believe i just jumped like i just felt like i didn’t have a choice okay so now i kind of know what it feels like when you see one of those action heroes jump out of a window to survive an explosion you don’t even think you

Just leave i don’t know i’m starting to think that this was a pretty bad idea this is the most nerve-wracking situation i’ve ever been in for building a base i had zombies all around me and they could fall down at me at any moment it’s not fun

Alright let’s test this out oh no they’re still alive well you know what maybe this is better because now i can get experience yeah yeah this is definitely better okay so here’s the thing i like the experience sure but i wanted to be able to clear

The area of the zombies quicker and this technically is not quick plus i kept having dogs spawn on my base the slabs didn’t seem to be working i’m gonna have to look for carpet or craft some i do remember there being carpet in the old

Church so back to the church i have to go i was starting to lose hope it seemed like i was going in circles after a bit i finally spotted it and just in time too as the sun was setting and the zombies were starting to spawn i got in

All safe and sound gathered the carpet took out some zombie dogs and then i was just kind of stuck so since i had nothing else to do i figured i’d just you know start taking everything in the church you never know when you’re gonna need it right once the sun finally came

Back up i jumped out and ran the zombie dogs were really starting to become a problem as they seemed to spawn during the day and all i had left was rotten flesh so i had no choice i had to build up take the dogs out from a safe

Distance but then guess what that brute zombie caught up with me and there was no way i was going down another block just for him to hit me straight off i just wasn’t gonna risk it so what did i do i don’t know whatever you call this

You know what fruit i got something for you i’m gonna use stone this time though i’m gonna be smart here take this oh whoa no ow oh my gosh shadow oh really why can’t i ever do i don’t know things right don’t worry i i did get him with the

Lava eventually yeah on my way back i ended up coming across this lava pool and i still kind of knew that i needed obsidian for an enchanting table so i figured you know what i might as well collect it here do it now but guess what i couldn’t even collect one single

Obsidian because every time i tried a zombie dog came out of nowhere they were good oh of course of course okay leave me alone i just need like two or three pieces here okay maybe four oh my gosh leave me alone Okay okay maybe maybe i’ll just have to wait oh no yeah i just got a plate safe go back to the base not dealing with this right now and guess what even though i grabbed a ton of carpet it didn’t even cover my floor yeah so i figured it was time to

Start reducing the size of the room for now or until i found more nothing too exciting on day 26 i didn’t realize that i could build some armor from the mod so once i figured that out that’s exactly what i did not gonna lie though thought

It was gonna be cooler than it was but oh well for the rest of the night i worked on getting my experience farm together i spent day 27 just testing out my experience farms they worked well but the brutes and the boomers they had a

Lot of help so it took a while to eliminate them so the next morning i headed out to get some obsidian i remember seeing a lava pool on the other construction site not too long ago i figured it was going to be a quick and

Easy job to do i had supplies and food nope i couldn’t find the place and it started to rain allowing those zombie dogs to spawn all over the place i was getting super annoyed by this point finally why is this so hard to find oh my gosh seriously

So i decided to build myself a little fort so i could mine in peace once i got the obsidian i made my way back to the base before nightfall and a good thing i did because that night i got a super blood moon now considering i was in my

Base and you know it was fairly quiet in here i just continue to work on my experience farm traps whatever you want to call them for the rest of the night so on day 29 i didn’t want to venture off too far as the next day new zombie

Variants will arrive to join the rest so i thought about a new trap and how i could set it up for the zombies on the ground it didn’t seem like it was working that well but i got another blood moon that night so i figured it

Was a good chance to test it out as there are loads of zombies yep still didn’t work that well awesome Okay so i figured i needed to stop wasting time and i needed to start enchanting because these variants are getting tough so just the other day i ended up spotting a building in the distance and i figured it’d be a good time just to quickly run over and grab

Any supplies that i could at the moment it was a good idea but in reality it could have been a big mistake so i ended up making it over fairly quickly the building wasn’t that far away as i went inside i noticed it was a school okay

This is good schools have books right oh okay this is like a gym oh oh no zombies trying to get in here where are you trying to get in oh there you are it’s just one of you it’s not a big deal okay no there’s two of you great cool

Just one inside i just want to take a peek don’t mind me oh medicine cabinet cool all right cafeteria okay that means there should be food oh yeah there is watermelon okay i’ll take that carrots i’ll take those too sure there sounds like there’s a lot of them out here

Yep no yeah there’s quite a few yeah there’s quite a few this might have been a bad idea yeah this might have been a real bad idea yep okay okay yeah all right no no no no no no no no go away oh cripes come on

Leave me alone oh my god oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no stay back stay back get out of here oh no just let me eat let me hold on one second go away jeez okay i gotta get out

Of here this this is not safe this is not safe no this definitely isn’t the way out you know what i might just have to bunker in here just take these guys out make it clear no no no no no no don’t be breaking in here where’s i need a block

There there okay well uh i guess i’m stuck so i was in trouble like real big trouble i was so focused on trying to clear the area that i didn’t realize what time it was and now i’m boarded up in a classroom with zombies all around

Me and a super moon is on the horizon great just wonderful i was totally blocked in every window that i looked through there were tons of zombies sounds like they were breaking through every door in the place too i wasn’t going anywhere i just had to wait till

Morning so i just gathered everything in the classroom that i could i don’t know i guess i figured i could spruce up the base or something yeah so the next day i was still stuck in that classroom i was done exploring this place for the time being especially since it was crawling

With zombies now i just had to wait for the perfect opportunity once the path was clear i broke out and i ran it was still risky to try to run back to the base but it was better than staying here once i made it back safe and sound i

Just decorated sure why not after that i went back down to see if things were clear nope i guess not and of course i got bored that night so what did i do i went down to farm some experience from my experience farms and whatever this

Was i mean the experience is pretty good not gonna lie but where’s all the zombies oh you guys are all down here are you oh what what hit me ouch oh no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what hit me what what is hitting me oh wait oh my

Gosh it’s acid rain again oh my gosh get in the door i don’t know what it is but i can never make it in those things i’m stuck outside and zombies all around me and there’s acid rain i am in a bad situation right now what am i gonna do

They’re everywhere oh come on no no no no no this acid rain’s gonna kill me you know what maybe the school is my best option it’s like right here no stop hitting me okay it seems relatively clear go go go go go go okay okay i’m in i’m in let’s just go

Straight down yeah i gotta i gotta block it off oh whoa no no no no no no okay am i safe am i safe well here we are stuck again well at least this time i got a lot of books i could break down i guess yeah these zombies were making it near

Impossible to loot anything in the school or i just had really bad timing they were popping out at every corner i could barely make it out the door good luck trying to make it back upstairs oh just one of you should be easy whoa whoa whoa okay whoa

No no no no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh my gosh i am so done get go ugh i can’t even think run just run oh my gosh my heart that was crazy so the thing that sucked the most was

When i thought or i felt like i was making my way out the sun would set and a ton more zombies would come well it’s kind of like an xp farm i guess but really finally i seen an opening and i ran only to get stuck in another room

Well more experienced farming i guess the next morning i was pretty much over being stuck in the school i figured i would just come back once it all calmed down so i seen an opportunity and i took it and once i got back i offloaded my backpack now i’m definitely going back

To that school i’m not giving up on it as there were tons of places i never got the loot yet that night i spent time trying to figure out how to make an electric katana then i figured i put some enchants on it so you bet i had to

Try this new weapon out now i should have a chance against those more beefier zombies overall it was pretty good can’t complain so i figured it was time to head back over to the school and clear it out oh wow these zombies are still noisy well that’s one room done i guess

Completely time to go to the next or not or not really oh my gosh a brute no no no no no no no no great stuck again i guess all right shadow i gotta stop doing this i’m i’m done being stuck in the school i gotta fight my way out all

Right i’m right here come get me let’s go that’s right you can’t handle this okay okay what they just they keep coming i can’t even okay get out of the way all right i’m good i’m good i think i’m good clear oh okay there’s whoa okay whoa okay

There’s yeah too many up here no no no no no oh shoot oh this is a bad idea this was a bad idea oh my gosh they’re everywhere get out of the way get get get get oh no no no i tried to put a door down oh no

I’m dead i got like a hurt left i got a hurt left stop stop stop look they can’t hit me up here they can’t hit me up here oh i found zombie kryptonite it’s a table take that well that was close okay at this point i’m just about done to this place i

Really am the next morning things seem to clear out i was able to manage my way through the top floor and then up to the roof i found a diamond so that was cool after looking around the roof there really wasn’t much there so i decided to

Head back down as i had a feeling that since i was so frantic i must have missed some rooms which i did i figured as much not too much to collect but at least i knew now the school was completely looted so i figured i was

Relatively safe and i just farmed for a bit i ended up walking backwards and arrived at a gas station nice so i figured it would be a good spot to take shelter as i’m sure night was on its way and good thing i did because well i got

Another blood moon oh look at that we got some uh all these things called vending machines yeah oh my gosh there’s so many of you wow good thing i’m in here not out there overall there was quite a bit of loot in here especially food after everything was looted i just

Farmed for a bit i was wondering why i wasn’t getting much experience until i jumped on another block whoa oh okay must have been stuck down there or something nice okay cool so this is actually a really good spot to farm i guess i might have

To come back how do i get out of here without creating too much damage there here i’ll do this i’ll just let them chase me around and out oh geez those small ones ouch okay maybe this wasn’t a good idea my plan was to let them chase

Me around and then i could just sneak through the door okay oh no no no no maybe this wasn’t good okay they didn’t follow completely okay this is okay this is okay this is okay this is not okay get out of my way get up away good no no

No no okay i’m clear i’m good i’m good oh my gosh i don’t know why i think these are good ideas i really don’t but i don’t know i guess it worked out stop hitting me nothing exciting that night just trying to figure out how to repair

My weapon and sorting my inventory a little bit it was getting a little too out of hand The next day i just got some things together so i could venture back to the gas station where i could take advantage of the super moon that night and farm some experience sounds like a good plan awesome even all right zombies i’m ready for you whoa what why are they

Why are they breaking glass why are they breaking glass this whole place is made of glass why are you breaking glass really okay well there goes my experience farm thingy great cool well i was not expecting that not at all but guess what i guess i got my experience

Farming a little bit but i didn’t like it because i could fall and i i’d be done i had no protection all right i think the coast is clear enough to go just run just run shadow who cares whoa whoa okay there’s a lot of them right there what were they doing just

Chilling on the side of the building yeah just yeah just keep hurting yourself yeah sure not a problem if i can no no i can never do that i don’t know why all right i’m gonna loop around the building then try it again all right shadow you got to do

This real quick press the button go in super easy do it do it nice nice nice nice can’t get me oh shoot i forgot they can break glass come on shadow they literally just did that last night so at this point i really had no option but to go through

The roof once i got to my base i pretty much stayed there for the night and trying to figure out what i could make for the mod and see if i could make any better armor i really started thinking that i was gonna need to go underground

To look for specific ores because the mod armor requires them that day i spent time trying to figure out what armor to make and what ore i needed to make it once i figured that out and i made my list i decided to head underground i didn’t realize at the time

But the two types of ores i was looking for were fairly rare titan was more rare than dark but even still i spent a good few days down here before i even came across a vein of dark ore the zombies were pretty good they weren’t overwhelming it was a nice break at the

End of the day on day 46 i found some diamond i figured i leave the cave on a high note if i can’t craft the mod armor at least i can craft something diamond i suppose i guess i wasn’t even gonna try to find my way back i just dug up i had

No idea where i was anyway so just made sense but it didn’t really matter because when i dug up i was lost in the woods awesome and they’re wolves even better but that’s okay because my electric katana it’s pretty strong after running around for a bit i really had to

Start thinking about shelter i didn’t want to get caught outside at night good thing i did because there are zombies everywhere i got a blood moon so i just waited that night out there’s no way i was going out the next morning i didn’t bother to stay and fight i didn’t want

To waste my weapons plus i was full of items i ran aimlessly around to find anything relatively familiar i ended up seeing this radio tower in the distance as i move closer something caught my eye there was this rv just sitting in the middle of nowhere and i kind of found it

Odd but i wasn’t gonna think twice about it it was better to be in there than out here at night i ended up securing the rv because i wasn’t going to get caught off guard again by the little zombies busting through the windows all right i

See you guys i’ll just try to take you out right here it’s more experience whoa what the what was that that zombie just explode oh no we got exploding zombies now great all right so this is gonna be great exploding zombies awesome if these exploding zombies are common my

Experience farming is basically over the next morning i was just gonna clear out the zombies before heading out i wanted to be safe unfortunately i got another explosive zombie and i had a change of plans i decided to get to the top of the rv and take off as i was

Running i did spot to school which was great i knew where i was now i did have some trouble getting back into my base and this is mostly because the zombies there’s just so many of them now and they’re getting quicker it might be time

To move my base i spent the rest of the day just repairing my weapons enchanting my diamond pickaxe and trying to see what i could craft for armor as tomorrow was day 50. what kind of variants am i gonna see next The next day i crafted some high-tech armor and gave it some a chance sorted my inventory from yesterday’s hall and just waited until night there was going to be a super blood moon tonight and as much as i wanted to try out my new armor

I didn’t want to risk it i felt pretty confident with the new armor and the super blood moon was fairly tame but i think i know why oh hey zombies uh there’s a lot of you there you know there’s an opening right actually no there’s not don’t don’t even

Look that way the next morning i decided to venture out i needed to start making my way towards the prison and i figured i might as well keep following this road i ended up coming across this smaller town which looked to be abandoned before i started looting i thought it would be

A good idea to check the surroundings first you know get a feeling of how many houses were there and to see what other roads came into this town because i didn’t feel like getting lost again oh neat this place has a plane that’s cool all right let’s uh let’s check this

Place out looks to be clear no one’s inside oh nice look at that nice little fireplace comfortable couch i can get used to this just you know chill here i think timothy would like this place all right let’s uh let’s see if there’s any loot oh good food nice yeah it’s

Probably gonna be night soon so i should probably start securing the place up but i think i got some time just to check out this garage first okay i guess i didn’t have that much time right awesome great well um i guess i’m staying here for the

Night so i just farmed experience for the night there really wasn’t much else to do yeah whoa what is that guy he’s huge and that dude yikes so these variants are getting out of hand if i get caught out here at night even once i’m pretty much done for

Once the sun was up i kept on checking the town well checking it the best i could because you know the zombies they’re kind of annoying and and they get in the way only really got to loot like one house as it was infested with

Zombies and of course i got me a blood moon fun they’re coming through the windows again but there’s so many windows oh my gosh go away no yeah i’ll be jumping up here i can’t work like this oh i guess there’s not really that many down there but i keep

Hearing them breaking glass where are you at okay okay whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what the no get get out of here get out of here no go go oh why did i keep these little guys in here these guys are annoying okay i can’t i can’t

Stay in here that’s a wooden door i’m out i’m out i’m out i’m out oh no oh maybe this wasn’t a good idea oh no just go just go shadow run don’t even bother looking back just go i think i’m all right where am i going where am

I running to i hear the small one right behind me i don’t want to go inside because that’s not good they could be infested in there oh my gosh oh wow i actually did that first try cool go me look at them all and they’re still

Coming and it’s a blood moon no wonder on day 53 i inched my way down so i could have a little bit of a safer landing once i was down i took off i made it back to my base safe and sound with some resistance but i really needed

To start thinking about setting up another base in the town as i needed something i could get to easily i think i’m done to this base it’s it’s just kind of an inconvenience now after i got my weapons repaired offloaded my inventory i was ready to head out again

This time i needed to find a good house to fortify before looting i can’t be running around back and forth all the time unfortunately i really should have kept track of the day because i barely had enough time to find a house well it looks like i’m taking this one it’s got

An outside gate so maybe it’s not a bad choice okay so i gotta board up all these windows i’ll fix it all later after all the windows were boarded up i continued to stay on guard for the rest of the night i had no idea what to

Expect i needed to make sure no other zombie is exploding i’m assuming they blow up if you’re just too close so farming for experience now really is a risk things were getting more dangerous now and i really needed to set this place up because for some reason zombies

Kept spawning in it so i found some wool behind the walls or maybe it’s insulation i don’t know but i dug it out to make rugs it didn’t help that i was letting zombies in either so yeah all right is this good it’s good oh whoa

Get oh my gosh why did i open that up geez shadow so i spent the next couple days trying to get this base built up and all ready to go so when i went back to the old base to transfer my items the new base would be all set up for a

Transfer so on day 58 i was having a little bit of an issue i was trying to get out of the house without causing any of those explosive zombies to set off but i couldn’t figure out a good way to do it these zombies are so fast now that

By the time i got over to the other area they’re basically already there well this day was basically a waste of time and there is no way there’s no way i’m running in the dark no thank you so i didn’t want to waste any more time so

The next day i took a risk i wanted to thin the zombies out while i was thinning them out i did spot an explosive one but it didn’t seem to explode so maybe it’s not close enough maybe hopefully i don’t know after i finished thinning the zombies out i took

Off for the base oh wow oh okay okay i didn’t think you guys would all be out here okay this isn’t too bad once i finally made it back to my old base i started gathering up my things All right timothy i think that’s everything buddy let’s head out it was really awesome i had this backpack because it would have taken more than one trip for sure with the amount of items i had timothy and i we arrived safely and started working to get things

Together i figured why not there was a super blood moon that night and i wasn’t going out there’s no way the next day i worked on trying to get out of the base again so i couldn’t explore the other houses but the zombies they were relentless oh my gosh how am i supposed

To do this why are there so many of you so considering how long i was fighting off zombies i had to make sure to secure this house so i could loot it safely because i’m pretty sure it took me half the day to get here i wasn’t even

Halfway through looting this house and the sun set what what okay what is that what is making that noise and even though i boarded up the place they still got in do not come up here do not no no i don’t like these little guys oh oh my gosh get

Oh this guy’s a heavy hitter or he’s got a lot of defense i don’t remember go out okay how did you get through the door okay i gotta figure something out here um whoa who is hitting me oh my gosh he’s inside this thing what

Why why do i do this to myself why didn’t i block that off right away okay i’m just gonna chill up here then fine we’ll do it this way ouch what how did you where’d you come from okay it’s got to be clear down here Yes no hello oh there you are get no no no you stay right there all right i gotta i gotta get out of here i’m not i’m not sticking around here anymore it’s not worth it they’re gonna they’re gonna pile in and i won’t be able to get out oh whoa whoa okay

Oh my gosh go run oh my don’t get stuck come on ah look at the mall look at them all okay i’m out of here i’m gonna hear see ya bye not even gonna mess with that guy no way not right now uh-uh okay i gotta i go i gotta get a better

System than this come on stop ah go away okay i think i’m good i think i’m good sometimes the house is that i’m looting really don’t have that much stuff in it and it’s really not worth the risk so once i got back i decided to really

Start to fortify this space a little better because those big guys oh i’m in trouble so i really needed a way to thin these zombies out a little quicker because the way i was doing it it just took too long and basically i had no day

Left to loot in theory it was a good idea and it was working for the most part but it seemed like it started to become more dangerous than helpful not just that but the zombies didn’t seem to notice me here as the bait so yeah but overall it was better than just

Sitting there and hitting them and you know risk getting exploded and once they filmed the trap there’s really only a few i had to take care of afterwards so it was pretty good but it was nice to be able to loot more than just one house i

Actually got three looted once i got back to the base and offloaded more loot i decided to craft a diamond axe and a pickerang and i enchanted them too even without the zombies really bugging me it still took a while to loot these houses and some had three levels to them for

The next few days i focused on looting the rest of the houses it was important that i do this quickly because i didn’t have a whole lot of days left to get to that prison and take out whoever was conducting the experiments On day 70 i basically finished looting all the houses and since i was gonna get a super blood moon that night i just started to pack up supplies for the venture out the next morning i wanted to be prepared okay so this is why i like the pickerang so arrows are very limited

In this playthrough because well livestock is very well rare and if the zombies ain’t looking at me now i can just hit them with this thing upside the head so it’s kind of nice once i cleared out the area the best that i could i took off i wasn’t really sure what

Direction to go as i was told to follow the roads the problem is these roads didn’t go anywhere well the ones in this town anyway so i got up high to see if i could spot one around town like even one of those dirt paths is probably the one

I should be looking for unfortunately i couldn’t find one okay now we got wolves and the sun seems like it’s setting so awesome i need to make shelter oh no really i don’t have enough blocks of course i got a blood moon really so i stayed here for the night as i wasn’t

Gonna move there was just no way unfortunately the shelter it wasn’t very big and those mutant zombies i’m pretty sure they can hurt me through these walls ah so i just gotta hope for the best the next morning i dug down just a bit just in case i needed to bury myself

I got to the top of the hut and it wasn’t too bad once the coast was clear i uh i took off and i was lost i had no idea where i was going at this point and it was extremely risky with the zombies following me and the natural wildlife

Too yeah and the game it must have been giving me a sign or something because i fell into this little pond that i would have to build to get out so i figured since the sun was nearly set the zombies were basically on top of me i just stay

In this hole for the night the next morning i dug myself out fairly quickly and i i ran i pretty much ran around all day i had no idea where i was going i had no path to follow i was just lost but later that evening i finally came

Across the path finally all right where where am i going here it’s almost night time oh my gosh yeah they’re spawning they’re they’re they’re spawning and i’m outside great oh oh there’s a house there’s a house sweet sweet sweet go go go go oh oh my

Gosh no no no no no i am so so so in trouble just get in let’s just get in get in the house no i thought that was the way to get up no no no no get in the stairs go okay no no no no what’s going

On no oh my gosh get get away i’m gonna die i’m gonna die oh my gosh i can’t believe that this is why you don’t get lost kids okay cause zombies start coming out at night and if you’re outside good luck well after almost losing it all what did i do

I stayed down here and i looted what i could because i was not going out there no way all right i can’t stay down here anymore i just can’t and i can’t even get upstairs like like into the house they’re just they’re everywhere i’m gonna i’m gonna go the

Way i came in because it would be better to be in an open area than enclosed in the house okay here we go oh oh no oh no i don’t care i’m pushing through i’m pushing through see see i told you i was fine i got this okay i

Still want to loot the area though so i’m gonna i’m gonna try to kite these guys i can handle this it’s just you know two big demolishers and uh and a mutant zombie what’s so bad oh my gosh they do hit hard though i’ll give them that

Oh oh oh okay okay okay okay i get it you don’t like me near you let’s take out the small guys first well i mean these guys aren’t small but let’s take out the smaller guys first and then i’ll take out the mutant no i got this

Look at that you fall flat on your face okay you two are you guys like kind of annoying whoa oh my gosh he threw me he threw me okay maybe maybe i shouldn’t be fighting these guys that’s crazy right mutant zombie let’s do this just

Me and you i’m done with this i’m taking one of you out from from afar hopefully i don’t want to get too close go away oh zombies leave me alone i’m trying to do a one-on-one here so rude okay don’t don’t need to yell all right just come on let’s go

Take that oh ouch ouch no no never mind i got this why can’t i hit him why can’t i hit you ouch leave me alone stop hitting me so hard all right come on Yes yes whoa i killed it nice you like that zombies you can’t handle me i’m too good all right let’s take out this demolisher he’s nothing now i actually was pretty excited that was uh that was pretty fun not gonna lie but not very smart after all the zombies

Were cleared i started to loot and board up the place on day 75 i figured i would try to follow the path back and see exactly where it leads to after a little bit i started seeing structures oh of course the path is right next to my base

No wonder i got lost i went to the complete other side of the town so i went back into my base checked on timothy and tried to sort my inventory a little bit just to kind of see what i had for supplies considering i had tons

Of apples and gold i decided to make some golden apples you know just kind of made sense the next day it took a little longer to thin out the zombies and as i was following the path back i ended up taking the wrong turn and ended up

Circling around to the gas station so fun so i turned around and took the other path i was getting a little worried because it looked like the sun was gonna set soon but then i seen it there was the prison the place looked

Huge and i had no idea how to get in but i seen this bus and decided to take shelter here just seemed like a good idea at the time it looks like i might be able to get in over there by that building i’ll have to try it in the

Morning there’s just no point getting swarmed here tonight the next day i hopped on top of the bus and spotted a door i could make a break for it was actually pretty easy getting over the place was kind of nice cozy and well protected i took a little peek outside

But instead of going into the prison i felt like it would be a good idea to pack up my base first and set it up here instead i had a feeling things were going to get harder from here and i wanted to make sure i had my supplies

Nearby so that’s what i did for the rest of the day i headed back to the base gathered most of the important supplies and i set timothy up for the trip honestly day 78 was pretty uneventful timothy and i just made our way over to the prison and set up our new and

Hopefully final base the next morning i was swarmed by zombies good thing i had their biggest obstacle window blinds yeah anyway it took a while to thin them out especially if they were doing this uh you okay dude you’re gonna make yourself dizzy okay just saying so the zombies kept coming

And i needed to make sure that i could keep them at bay so i decided to break down some fencing so i could use it somewhere else that was you know useful oh wait i have an idea barbed wire does it hurt you yes nice this is so good oh yeah So considering a mutation was happening today i just gathered some resources for the day and that night i figured i came this far i i might as well be safe i started working on my plan i just wanted to create something simple to funnel zombies in or at least keep them out i

Was trying to be safe but of course then i go and do something not safe i think i’m all right they can’t get me i just got to be careful not to fall off why am i doing this shadow why are you doing this because i need the barbed wire

Silly that’s enough let’s uh let’s go back see it’s all good no problem look at them all hey guys oh what no no come on no no no oh my gosh are you kidding me are you kidding me why why why do i do this and why does

Like the worst thing that could possibly happen happen okay just get in the door come on oh my god okay i give up i give up on that stuff i give up i give up i am so done oh come on i can do this just get my health up come

On i’m gonna circle around and go back oh my gosh look at them all okay i can do this i can do this i got it i got it just stay calm almost there i’m almost there yes oh my gosh yes are you kidding me

I did it the next day i worked on my trap but i kept safe no way i’m taking a risk like that again well you know me i probably will i don’t know why but i felt like i was at the prison for days but not really moving anywhere so i

Decided to take a look inside oh is there a big guy out here i don’t see him oh there he’s whoa okay what are you doing he’s like attacking his buddies oh he can hit me in here that’s not good you can’t get me oh what what’s hitting

Me am i stuck in barbed wire i’m stuck in barbed wire get out shadow come on okay so since i was a danger to myself i thought it would be safer to collect some wood instead as i needed to get my enchanting table back up and operational

Because my armor was getting pretty worn down and i had a feeling i was gonna have to make some more soon that night i completed the enchanting table and for some reason decided to go out during a blood moon yeah don’t ask me why i i

Just did okay look i i know it’s a blood moon out and i i get that but i i don’t have a lot of time and i’m kind of getting bored so look it’s clear out here i’m good i’m good let’s go to another building that’s

Close by uh where am i it’s like a locker room or something hey look it’s dr shadow come over here i’ll do some surgeries you know what it was fairly safe and there was quite a bit of loot there’s a lot of cupboards and lockers or whatever

You want to call these things but i found quite a bit of stuff so that was nice oh it’s like a little uh little lunch room maybe ooh cake oh what oh my gosh good thing there’s wooden blinds here they’d be all over me that’s for sure um

I’m just gonna head back for now i i don’t oh whoa jeez oh my gosh wow that guy hit her there was decent loot but it really wasn’t worth the risk on that one no what am i doing so the next day it was time to replace my armor i was looking

Through what i could build with the materials i had i seen this exo suit which i thought was pretty cool to build i only had one problem i needed nether quartz or warts quartz whatever i needed something from the nether great and i was hoping that i didn’t need to go to

The nether but either way this material is pretty common there so what’s the harm right so i took off to the only place where i knew there was lava right next to the construction site oh my gosh you guys oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh are you kidding me

No don’t die get away from me okay okay i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good wow all right well i thought the nether was going to be dangerous i guess not look at them all and of course the sun’s going down i am

I am so i am so over this i just want obsidian guys like that’s all i want is that oh my gosh is that a mutant zombie you just stay over there okay no no no no of course of course you had to come over no oh my gosh no no

Oh no no no lock it up lock it up block it off block it off oh my gosh where are my blocks no okay okay okay okay i think i’m good i think i’m good oh my gosh are you kidding me so much for this being easy

Great so the next morning i took my time just trying to get the obsidian and not allowing the zombies to fall in on me because if they did i was done so i collected the obsidian that i needed and i tried to get back to the surface but i

Just couldn’t the zombies were too quick and they just kept getting to the spot i was trying to get out and they would just come down and block me off so i decided you know what i’m just gonna build the portal right here once i entered the nether i thought the game

Was just against me because i ended up spawning in this soul sand area where there really wasn’t any nether blocks so i had to kind of walk around to find them luckily i found them fairly close so i got the nether quartz that i needed

And i headed out that night i was so impatient that i just ran all the way to the prison i thought it was gonna be okay it was a little risky but it was okay all right all right all right get off of me oh come on oh

Come on of course of course i can’t get in the door all right okay okay okay so many little ones here come on come on no come on why can’t i do that fine i’ll try to build up there no no don’t fall off shadow jeez

No come on come on come on no no come on come on yes finally well i’m still stuck but alive once i cleared the area and got myself back in the base i was finally able to craft that exosuit armor that i had to go to the nether for so that was cool

And i got it all enchanted too so i’ll consider it worth it on day 87 i continued my search for the person behind the experiments i worked my way through the visitors building and fighting off the zombies inside these hunters man they they are no joke i

Can’t crit jump that well with this exo suit on it kind of makes me jump higher not really complaining it’s just you got to get used to it all right let’s continue on here let’s go whoa oh come on jeez i did whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa okay okay okay okay okay geez i didn’t even get through the door and i’m already attacked okay just keep running all right well that’s a dead end that’s not good can i get up here no jump jump oh my gosh oh my gosh okay i

Can do this i can do this i got this i got this i got this oh my come on why is there so many of you oh i’m so dead come on no get get out of the corner get out of the corner run run

Run run run this is crazy i don’t like the prison anymore i want to go home well after that mild heart attack i figured you know what i might as well just stay inside and loot the area the prison it was overwhelming as zombies were basically in every room so i had to

Make sure i was careful if i was planning on surviving but then again i probably shouldn’t have gone outside considering just what i said i need to be safe but i really wanted to go back to my base so i could repair my weapon what

That took 30 levels wow okay i guess the more you repair things the more expensive they get i kept on pushing through the prison but the problem was no room was really safe there were so many entry points for the zombies well you know what this barbed wire seems to

Slow them down so maybe maybe it’s just enough to kind of allow me to have a chance at fully looting this place hopefully that night i continued to loot the storage room and fight off the zombies that made it through it was alright but it was still nerve-wracking On day 90 i found these spikes that i thought i could use to help take out or at least slow down the zombies i ended up coming across this hospital type of building and i was greeted with a surprise all right let’s see how well these things work hey you big boy come

On over here that’s right oh is it is it hurting your feet okay okay okay maybe not a good idea i’m out so instead i just ran back to my base there was no point being out during a super blood moon anyway and just ended up farming some zombies that night

Nothing too exciting on day 91 aside from getting ambushed from zombies every room i went into i couldn’t seem to catch a break in this place it was ridiculous nope what why can’t you just let me in the door you guys are so annoying oh my gosh they’re coming at it

Everywhere right now uh oh here comes the big boy oh whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh what was that jeezy hits hard i don’t even think i should be fighting them but you know what let’s go i got this no whoa whoa whoa whoa okay maybe i don’t got this

Geez stop throwing me this is crazy okay i’m done no you win okay you’re stronger than i am okay i’m so over this you know what the sun’s going down so i should probably not be out here anyway look at them i can hear them all

Breaking out let me let me let me in let me in oh oh good good good good good what room is this oh wow okay okay okay okay so zombies can’t climb tables so that’s good that night i was stuck in this metal shop i figured i was

Relatively safe as for some reason zombies they have trouble climbing tables but of course one of these guys was in here too so i figured it would be my best option to use my bow with the little arrows that i had i mean i was

Saving them for a time like this and i definitely needed them thankfully i did because it helped me survive the next day while i was exploring the prison i came across this fellow you stuck in there yeah you’re a little too big to get through the door right too bad dude

Ouch okay okay well don’t need to be rude about it as the sun was setting and a blood moon was rising i just stayed in a cell for the night it just made sense all right i gotta find this guy these experiments are uh they’re getting out

Of hand okay what about what about this building oh this is like a cell block oh hey dude why are there so many mutant zombies is there anything in here not really but zombies i guess all right you want to fight man like ah getting so sick of you guys all right i

Can handle you guys you guys are pretty pretty easy i think i feel yeah yeah i thought so let’s go whoa whoa you guys like to throw me get that’s what i thought i tried looking everywhere for this scientist or whatever he was but i just couldn’t find him i i checked different

Buildings and i just had no idea where he was or where the room was but i had to keep looking on day 94 i ended up coming across the area that looked promising it was like a construction area or a part of the prison that wasn’t completely built yet unfortunately i

Looked around all day that it was night all right it’s it’s not safe down here zombies can spawn everywhere i gotta get out of here especially there’s a mutant zombie over here too i can’t mess with him i gotta i can’t i gotta get out yeah

No i’m not i’m not messing with him but unfortunately this was not a good decision no no oh my gosh i am so done this is not good oh my gosh they got exploding zombies in here too this is not good i gotta find a way out

Oh my gosh no no no no no i’m not getting stuck i’m not getting stuck run run run run shadow i got it i gotta eat i gotta eat get away i gotta eat i gotta eat i’m done no no no no no no no no no no okay eat

Eat quick quick quick quick oh no Wakey wakey mister shadowmak tell me how do you feel who are you where am i you know you are a hard one to get a hold of i tried using your little pig friend as bait on that island but things didn’t work out the way i

Intended so i sent you to that world of dragons so i could do these experiments in peace what that was you why because i needed you shadow i need you in my army against the parasites the parasites but i defeated them already well yes and uh no see parasites they

Are well parasites they adapt so they aren’t fully gone yet they have become stronger so this is why you’re doing experiments on the zombies to make them stronger to fight back oh yes shadow you get it okay but why do you need me i need you to join my zombie army of

Course against the parasites and once we beat them they’ll have to join me i would never join the likes of you oh shadow i don’t want you to join the zombies i want you to lead them i mean that’s the whole reason i need you i

Cannot put one of these half brains in charge now could i even still i would never join you now where am i oh don’t worry about that too much you won’t be here long one more experiment on you and you’ll be free to go free i mean under my control wait what

One more you already did one on me yes i completed the first experiment for what what did you do to me oh nothing really just unlocked your potential what what do you mean oh you’ll see soon and the second the second experiment will give me full

Control of your mind so you can do my bidding haha you will never get away with this but i think i already did shadow well looks like you overlooked something i suppose i did shadow you will never get away with this never oh timothy i don’t feel so good foreign [Applause] All right and we’re back so this time i’m heading to an ancient forgotten land mass known as the forbidden island it’s believed that it’s the only place where a secret plant grows why is this plant so important because legend says it has magical healing properties something i need to survive for my transformation

But there’s only one problem it only blooms once every decade and lasts for only 100 days before it withers away so you guessed it i have 100 days to make my way across the forbidden island through the ancient temple and across a dangerous high pass to a place where the

Sacred plant grows and like some of my other videos this map will be available for download on my patreon but here’s the thing there’s an ancient forgotten society known as the forbidden that will do everything in their power to eliminate any and all trespassers great All right so it’s the start of the adventure and there is a mob directly above me oh my gosh seriously so i had to keep my guard up i had to be careful and aware because i had no armor and i had no weapons if i got spotted or if i

Aggroed one of these mobs it would be over whoa a whale i don’t think they’re hostile but i’m not taking my chances i felt like i was going down this river all day but i really couldn’t tell because it was raining of course when i finally seen the shore i was in trouble

Finally land whoa oh look at all the mobs there were mobs everywhere i literally had no place to go but i couldn’t just stay in this boat i just couldn’t and then i finally seen a spot that was kind of clear so i docked my boat jumped out

And i ran over to the nearest tree to collect some wood for shelter you know just made sense and then i noticed that there was one of those forbidden skeletons just off to the side that guy has two axes and i got a little nervous

So i just decided to jump up and start building a tree house for those that are wondering where timothy is i couldn’t bring timothy with me on this adventure if anything ever happened to me timothy would be stranded on a hostile island and there would be no way for him to

Leave because i mean pigs they can’t row so i gotta keep my buddy safe and i gotta do this on my own as i was building my treehouse i noticed that night was coming i must have been on that river longer than i thought and i had to get this treehouse done because

There were spiders around and spiders they can climb so that’s not good so for the rest of the night i just spent time building my tree house and just overall trying to survive so the next day i was running into a few different problems for one i didn’t have

Any more wood left to finish my tree house and i couldn’t you know break down my tree because it was my tree house two i was starting to get hungry and i didn’t want to end up starving because that’s just it’s not good three i needed some weapons some tools something so i

Needed to go underground i needed to get some stone at least so just to be safe i went above my tree house and jumped over to the next tree as i was breaking down the blocks on the next tree i noticed that the forbidden skeletons were gone

Which was weird but i’m not going to complain and with that i jumped down and i decided to go do a little bit of digging first because i didn’t want to be on the ground level just in case they were spawning during the day after a couple minutes i got extremely lucky oh

Look at that look at that well extremely lucky considering my last playthroughs i didn’t find cole so easy and i want to say thank you to my community for letting me know how to make charcoal i honestly didn’t realize it or i just forgot about it but either way look i

Actually did it i did it i made charcoal i didn’t need to but i did it okay on for the last problem i’m gonna starve if i don’t find some food so what did i do well i did this do you give food Oh oh not cool not cool well that wasn’t smart i didn’t realize these guys hit that hard i’m gonna have to build a shield but i can’t do it today because the sun’s pretty much down and uh i’m not getting caught down here with those you know forbidden fellas yeah

So the next day it became very apparent that i needed food and protection so i came out of my little tree house and i looked around the area just to see if i could find any livestock at all did i find livestock no i found more forbidden skeletons tigers and gorillas gorillas

So i figured my best option at this point would be to go fishing i guess like yeah so considering i had no string for a fishing pole i decided to go down digging for iron because at least i could you know build a shield oh my gosh

Bats get out of the way do you not want me to find iron i need iron or i’m gonna die okay oh sorry finally after a little bit i finally found some iron unfortunately i couldn’t mine it all because my pickaxe broke of course well that’s okay because i have

Wood just up above ground i might as well just go get that right wrong of course it’s raining of course it’s raining and why is raining a problem because things spawn in the rain and guess what i couldn’t even get to my tree house because of these guys

Get out of my tree house and considering my health was basically gone i didn’t want to risk you know trying to run around and getting in the tree house so i had an idea i went back underground and i don’t know try to grow a tree for wood yeah i don’t think this

Is gonna work but i tried but i was too impatient to wait for that to grow so what did i do i think i could do it i think i could make a break for it i just gotta go run run run run run run run oh look at that i made it

But then i quickly realized that i needed string in order to build a fishing rod so i had no choice i had to go out spiders they only spawn at night there’s a spider right there can i sneak there’s three of them good good spider come here oh no oh no yes

Come here come here give me your strings yes yes good good one more come on one more come here spider i need a fish run don’t look back go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes this was good this was fantastic because

Now i can get some food the next day because now i can start fishing in the morning oh yeah on day four i figured i’d make a nice little fishing dock just you know to keep things relaxing i guess i don’t know what i’m trying to say i

Don’t know if i was doing this right for some reason i wasn’t catching anything so i did the next best option i thought fishing was actually going to be with a pole ah no no no no i’m drowning no okay i gotta ah yeah i mean it worked i i can’t complain so

With that i went back to my tree house and i cooked my fish and i ate it it was good so i figured since i still had daylight i might as well just keep on fishing you know there’s no harm in having lots of food so that’s what i did

That night i expanded on my tree house i wanted to kind of have an area where i could plant seed so i could you know grow some wheat you know just in case all the fish decide to pack up and leave i gotta have a backup plan right i

Really wanted to go out and explore the area a little more just to kind of see what was going on and what was all around me but i had to be smart so for the next few days during the day time i gathered more fish while at night i

Continued to mind underground for more resources mostly iron because i was going to need armor and here’s why what you want to fight come on let’s go come here come on oh no no no no i don’t like you guys get get oh no oh no no no no no no no

He took so much health no not doing this no no thank you see ya goodbye ow bugger oh ow oh my gosh how am i supposed to hit them it won’t let me hit them all right looks like i’m going to get some armor instead okay i’ll go mining all right seems less

Dangerous hopefully so at the end of day 9 i finally had a full suit of iron armor awesome the next day i worked on getting my wheat farm completed i wanted to make sure that before i went out and explored i had tons of food with me so that i

Could heal myself when needed fighting against these forbidden skeletons yeah not to mention the place was littered with human eating plants i just wanted to make sure i was prepared i wanted to be safe plus i wanted to have the wheat there so that when i was exploring

Around the area it had time to grow this work continued into the next day i really wanted to get this completed because i was itching to go out and explore so much that i almost got myself in trouble hold on let’s do this i can finish this i know

No no no no no no what is that thing ah it’s one of those mystics ah what did i do ah i forgot it has knock it has not back take that all right so i uh i guess i’m staying in here for the night the next day i was

Able to finish my wheat farm with minor interruptions i was feeling pretty good i mean the forbidden skeletons weren’t as scary as i thought well if you’re only fighting one i suppose so what did i do for some reason i thought it would be smart to go out and explore just a

Little bit but let me tell you i was pushing my luck yeah it’s too dangerous to go in yep see oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh run run i just broke my shield i’m gonna die i am going to die run run run run run run ah

No no no no no neither one come on come on oh my gosh that was close day 12 i almost died on day 12. so the next day i decided to leave a little bit earlier just so i had more daylight to burn basically i wanted to still explore

The area around me at least because i still needed my crops to grow but i didn’t want to go too far because it was just too dangerous i just wasn’t ready for that these forbidden skeletons are no joke and i’ve only been fighting them one-on-one basically this whole time i

Can’t imagine fighting them with more than one in the group like it’s gonna get crazy there’s so many of these plants around oh gorillas hey you’re like a silverback want some bread okay i get it you don’t like bread ow what the yeah get them that’s right good job yeah okay

I get it you’re the king of the jungle completely understandable so as i was moving forward i stopped and noticed that there were a lot of forbidden skeletons around me and i know that i was not equipped to fight them maybe one-on-one but not in groups like this

So i figured it’d be safer just for me to head back to my tree house i needed to harvest my wheat anyway and i wanted to make sure that i had lots of supplies before i even tried heading out further day 14. it started off great you know i

Harvest my wheat packed tons of supplies in my inventory and overall was just in a good mood to go out and explore i was on top of the world traveling most of the day was pretty calm and uneventful not too much to worry about the only problem was i didn’t realize how big

This island was and i got in a little bit of trouble night was on the horizon and i had no place to go no place to hide and soon i was gonna have to build shelter well this is just great the sun’s going down there’s forbidden all

Around all right what is this what is this oh nice well this is a nice little hut right on well guess i’m staying here for the night the next day i just started to head back to the tree house this obviously was a failed exploration but i

Got further than i did before so there’s that oh ow ow oh oh come on of course of course it starts raining and i’m in the middle of i don’t know where all right i gotta be smart i’m not doing this i’m not staying out at night

No way not gonna get surrounded by forbidden so i gotta build something this time i decided to play it safe build myself a little fort and bunker in for the night it was better than me running back to my tree house at night you know i’m trying

To learn from my mistakes the next morning i carefully looked outside my hut and found that the coast was clear so i took off oh a chicken yes yes yes yes do i want to lead it back though it’s kind of far away no don’t kill my chicken don’t fly

Oh no chicken come here come here come here come here quickly quickly i need you down here oh oh i don’t need to be down here get over get over no get over no it’s raining no no no no no why is it going to rain

Just when something was going so well it had to rain it already was gonna be a struggle to get the chicken back to my base with those forbidden roaming around and not to mention the plants i’m sure those plants eat chickens i mean they eat humans yeah so i made a decision i

Was gonna build a new base right here with the chicken i didn’t want to risk taking it back to my old base because it was just too risky it was gonna die i was okay with this decision i really wanted to you know build a nice big tree

House so i started to get to work so for the next few days i spent time gathering materials for the treehouse building the treehouse and dealing with you know the occasional forbidden it wasn’t too bad but it was okay roll that montage [Applause] [Applause] The next morning i was gonna go over to my first tree house to gather up any supplies that i left behind but unfortunately with my luck it started raining and i really didn’t want to risk going out in the rain because forbidden are everywhere so considering i needed

Iron and diamond anyway i figured it was a good opportunity to make a mining hole out of that little hut i made a few days back so that day i spent most of the time down mining for resources oh look at me being smart there’s two benefits

To this i don’t bump my head the entire way up and i won’t get hungry as often so what do you think smart or waste of time let me know the next day the rain finally let off so i was able to make the hike over to my first base for some

Reason i thought i left more supplies but i guess not that well since i was here i figured i’d go fishing again because i was pretty low on food oh my gosh fish why you so hard to hunt i was on my way back when things got

Real i just gotta be careful i can’t run what is that what is that oh no no no no it’s one of those flying things oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m going to die but get out of the way

Ugh let’s hide behind here no don’t shoot poison at me take that come on you no come here come here no ah take that finally well that was fun not really on day 34 i remembered that i could build an infinite water source so that’s what i did yeah also i figured it

Was time to start really getting my feather farm together because the flying lizard things they really had me scared i was lucky i was in my tree house at the time because who knows what could have happened i need arrows not to mention some of those forbidden guys

They fly too on day 35 i started to search for more iron i needed to stay around the place anyway so that my feather farm would produce feathers and my you know crops would produce crops you know just just makes sense after a long day of mining i actually had a nice

Little surprise oh nice just one diamond what is with these world paint worlds and like one diamond veins it’s crazy this mining continued on for the next few days i didn’t realize how much iron i needed to make the hoppers for the feather farm but

That’s okay it would be worth it in the end i needed arrows and i needed them badly not to mention i also needed diamonds diamonds were important i needed to enchant so yeah oh oh no no no no no get out of here you guys should not be down here

Not cool this wasn’t good i had no shield and if that was a berserker forbidden i was in trouble those guys hit really hard on day 39 i just worked on getting my feather farm completed and harvesting all my crops because look look at all these crops they got to be

Harvested because look look at all this bread on day 40 i figured i would start gathering flint as my feather farm was pretty much done and producing feathers not to mention i would feel really safe having arrows while i was out exploring but i couldn’t for the life of me figure

Out how to get this semi-automated flint farm to work i was baffled i made it before why can’t i make it now after bashing my head against the wall for most of the day it finally clicked i don’t have quark installed quark is just basically a mod that allows me to do

That so yeah well looks like i’m doing this the old-fashioned way fun so farming for flint the old way gets old really quick so i took what i had and i made some arrows but of course i ran out of wood so you know what i’ll

Take this as a sign to go at exploring i guess all right shadow just in and out we’re out and in just get some wood and get back that’s all i need to do this is all i need to do of course it starts raining as soon as i come out

And there’s lightning and everything oh my gosh look at all the forbidden look at them ah no of course you’re right here leave me alone this was such a bad idea but i need i need one i need wood and of course there’s a naga right above me i can hear them

All right i think i’m good i think i’m good i didn’t want to risk being out in the rain and getting surrounded so i figured i would just stay up here and shoot at some forbidden from afar day 42 day 42 was the day i was really

Gonna head out and explore the area remember i still had to find my way to that sacred plant so i was running at a time i don’t even know which way to go i just really want to go explore and i this is probably the worst idea ever but i’m doing it whoa

Hey tiger how you doing hiding in that grass oh look at him he’s just laying down he’s sleeping aren’t you cute here have some bread yeah no whoa whoa oh hey hey hey hey look i will leave you b okay just uh don’t eat me please you still hostile at

Me oh my gosh you went invisible what listen i just wanted to feed your bread okay you didn’t have to get all angry about it finally that was crazy i couldn’t believe that but but it’s really my fault because are tigers really that gentle no probably not unfortunately by

This time it was turning in the night and i know this was stupid but i figured since i had my bow and arrows i would be alright with venturing out at night this is so stupid why am i out here right now why oh yeah get him okay no

No go back ouch no no no i’m not used to taking two on at a time go away okay this is really not smart okay okay okay maybe not my brightest idea but i was determined i needed to take out the forbidden anyway to collect their bones to make the forbidden armor

Just not sure if going out at night is the greatest idea to do it yeah oh my gosh there’s so many out here get spider uh you know what yeah this this is not a good idea oh my gosh i hear the miami i’m just gonna run yeah i’m just running

Yeah i hear them no no no no no no thank you i’m not taking you all on at once that’s not what i intended to do oh my gosh they’re still chasing me go away i don’t want ow i don’t want any okay i’m done uh i’m done i’m so done with this

This was such a horrible idea i’ll get the forbidden bones when i’m well and ready to get them not right now you know what just gonna dig down i don’t know where to go but i’m not staying out here and that’s where i stayed for the rest

Of the night the next day for most of the morning i kept moving farther into the jungle dealing with a few forbidden here and there but then i came across the village there was this treehouse lookout that i checked out first oh hello no don’t like me okay whatever oh hello

Little one you like me no nobody likes me i guess oh fishing hut this is cool oh look at all the fish i’m gonna be able to eat for days well not really but still that’s a lot of fish night was on the horizon and i needed to make sure i

Was indoors so i went to the first house that i seen all right i’m just going to go inside for the night i don’t want to be out here with these guys no no no no you know what you guys stay out there i’m going gonna stay in here how’s that sound hi

Oh what did he open the door oh no the villager did villagers trying to get me killed leave me alone i swear these guys don’t like me the next day i couldn’t even get out the front door i had some forbidden blocking me after i dealt with them i was off to

Loot the rest of the village i was kind of surprised that there wasn’t many villagers around but then again um you shouldn’t be out there yep nope uh yeah try to warn you don’t listen to me hey stop jumping on the bed your parents never explain that to you you fall off

Get hurt or just jump at a window sure okay maybe that makes sense i get it okay as i was looting the village i ended up noticing that there was this little ruined structure just behind the village so you know what i had to go and explore all right is anything gonna pop

Out at me no okay but is this all there is because it doesn’t look like there’s anything here huh oh wait wait a minute okay i don’t know what it was but i was completely lost down here and i’m pretty sure it wasn’t that big i

I think i’m just bad at mazes like i get lost in caves so don’t blame me okay i get it i get lost a lot but don’t worry i i got out or sort of i i found this thing and i found diamond so yeah 100

Worth it after i made my way out of the temple i noticed that the sun was going down and i figured you know what i might as well stay here for the night because i just don’t need to get caught outside with all the forbidden running around so

I just found this like mansion type of house and decided to gather wood from it for the night you know try to be at least productive yeah nothing too special on day 46 i just left this village and i started to run back to my tree house Ouch i can’t see them whoa i’m in trouble run run run leave me alone you i don’t want to fight i don’t want to fight no stop dodging me oh my gosh leave me alone okay well that’s enough of that so basically i started digging

Down for the night i i yeah just not doing that again on day 47 as i was making my way back to my treehouse i noticed that there was this mountain just off to my right i figured you know what i gotta check that out i i just

Have to i’m pretty positive that there was a volcano put on this map so maybe this was it and i’m pretty positive that the lava that’s in this volcano is the only lava on the map so there’s that this volcano was huge and i could go all

The way down so this is a mob boss basically it’s called the molten boulder and if you hit it it leaks lava all over the place so you got to be careful ooh that’s really far down oh that’s really far down this is kind of cool though it kind of spirals down hey

Where you going okay never mind i’ll just take this guy out instead where are you going okay you keep climbing then jeez He just wanted to get out okay you know what um i don’t yeah i i don’t think this is the time to be here maybe i should just go back these molten cubes though they’re not too bad to take out they’re kind of slow but i have a feeling they would be worse

If they’re in a group like a big group kind of thing you know so this definitely was not the time to fight him so i decided just to be safe and i turned around and i headed back for my tree house i gotta stop getting distracted here come on shadow

When i got back to my tree house on day 48 i just tended to my crops tended to my chickens and i built some armor yeah that’s pretty much it i know days like this aren’t very exciting but they gotta be done right right the next day i

Started to get myself ready for that volcano i built myself a diamond pickaxe so i could get some obsidian i built a new shield i gathered wood and gravel so i could firm flint and build more arrows i wanted to be ready so i could take on

That mob boss at the bottom of that volcano so the next day i was all good and ready to go once i reached that volcano i had two goals goal one take out that molten boulder boss goal two gather obsidian i needed to start thinking about an enchanting tape i just

Had to so after the better part of the morning i finally made it to the volcano and i started to make my way down i’m back out of my way spiders out of my way molten cubes don’t take your boss out oh there’s some pretty big drops here let’s be careful you’re too

Slow you’re just too slow oh i don’t know why but it’s so satisfying shooting these guys out of the air and of course i get all the way down here getting ready to fight and i don’t have a water bucket i forgot my water bucket i can’t fight this guy

Without my water bucket like it would just be a complete pain being on fire all the time so i made my way back up and i started moving back to my tree house great now listen i don’t want to be hearing nothing in the comments saying oh shadow of course you forgot

Your water bucket dummy none of that okay let’s try to keep it positive okay i get it i make mistakes cool all right let’s move on let’s go when i got back i got my bucket of water but i decided to stay here for the night and just work on

My crops i’m not going back there at night there’s just there’s no way all right so on day 52 i headed back to the volcano you know what let’s just pretend the last two days didn’t happen okay let’s pretend that i did have my water bucket and that i’m already at the

Bottom of the volcano sounds good cool let’s go all right for me to get in i have to get rid of this lava oh don’t push me off don’t push me off all right i’m in oh oh oh oh my gosh there’s a lot of mobs oh my gosh

Well sneak up on me like that you too spider leave me alone whoa there’s lava right there oh wait what hit me hey go away there’s so many spiders leave me alone all right let’s do this oh oh he’s leaking lava again ah here i’m gonna try to clear some of this

Lava out no don’t shoot at me wow come on give me a break spiders like back off oh my gosh there’s so many those molten cubes now now this is what i was worried about when there’s so many of them oh my gosh guys leave me alone

Like look at them all okay i got an idea you know what i got an idea watch this watch this take that spiders oh no no no no no no get out of them okay see this is why i wanted a water bucket this is why i wanted a water bucket this

Fight is taking forever but you know what they shouldn’t be spawning anymore because it’s daytime so let’s just quickly take them out and then we can go after the boss come on let’s go oh my gosh get out of the way ow ow ow why do you hit so hard i can’t

Really get close to him gotta keep using my water bucket no don’t shoot at me stop finally finally finally oh what’s that it’s like a sword oh that’s cool now do you understand this is why i wanted a water bucket there was lava everywhere during this

Fight it was just out of control spiders and you know molten cubes flying everywhere just i didn’t have a chance well maybe but there was definitely a higher chance for me dying so yeah and i got this sword which is really cool it’s nice but for some reason the shaders that i’m

Using kind of make it look weird like it’s like kind of invisible i don’t know i don’t know what i’m trying to say let’s let’s let’s just move on oh yeah i also collected some obsidian for the um uh the the enchanting table yeah so i

Had the obsidian and i had the book or whatever you put on top but all i needed now was diamonds it’s about time that i build an enchanting table so for the next couple days i went underground mining for diamonds now just so that you’re aware the diamonds on this map

Have a spawn rate that is half than it normally is and not just that it seems for some reason only to spawn one ore that’s it one ore one on day 56 i don’t know if it was the morning or the night but either way i found a diamond finally

So the next day i crafted my enchanting table and i ended up making this forbidden armor which was pretty cool if i do say so myself but the thing is in order for me to make this armor i needed forbidden bones and they don’t drop that

Often so that night i decided to go out and try to farm for them yeah it wasn’t fun but it had to be done oh oh whoa whoa oh hold on now hold on i just came down these berserkers man they are tough they are tough they hit hard

Can you imagine if i had like three of them on me i wouldn’t i wouldn’t be here i’d be dead there’s no way once i got all the bones that i needed i built the rest of my armor and i enchanted it and i enchanted my sword and considering my

Crops were you know grown i you know i went and harvest those yeah you should do that what did i do on day 59 you may ask well i’m not really sure i i just didn’t want to stay at the treehouse i wanted to go and explore so i kind of

Just picked the direction and ran after traveling all day i came across this house which was nice because it was getting dark and uh i’m still a little nervous being outside without you know shelter to run to so that was it was good there really wasn’t much in the

House at all but it was just nice that i was there just in case i needed you know to have a place to go back to just in case so that next morning i moved on well sort of who are these guys are you hostile well i guess you’re gonna be hostile now

Whoa what was that Swiftness that means i run fast whoa look me go i’m like the flash oh ow okay okay okay i mean the helmet it was cool and all but but the forbidden armor was just better suited for the forbidden skeletons it just had a lot of defense so i had to switch it

Out i ended up taking out one of these glowing lantern things and it dropped something edible that gave me night vision so that was cool okay you wanna do this we’re going to do this ah stop moving ah no no don’t shoot that at me gross

Oh no it’s starting to rain that’s not good this is not good take that oh oh is it dead awesome gotcha well after that was over i kept on moving through the jungle defeating forbidden along the way everything was going good until i noticed two naga naga

Am i saying that right let me know in the comments but anyway they’re in the sky and considering i struggle with just one i wasn’t about to take on two especially at night so considering i needed to make a new shield i just dug down made a small hole and waited until

Morning the next morning it was still pretty foggy and i didn’t even have to take two steps out i was surrounded by forbidden like come on halfway through the day i felt lost wasn’t sure what direction i was going but i know i was on an island so if i reached the edge

All i would have to do is either move around it or go the other way after a bit i finally came across something well let me tell you i had no idea what i was walking into well this could be a place i could stay

For the night oh my gosh there’s so many mobs out here go away oh my gosh my shield i’ve made like so many shields because they keep bashing them in the berserkers are the worst whoa rude what’s a sun chief i just want to stay in one of these houses

What what the what was that hey get out of here what you just bash my shield and run off hey come here get over here oh i hit him oh and i hit him pretty good too ah no ah what is going on there’s things shooting at me everywhere

No get away from me okay i got forbidden in these guys come on really all right i was so ready for this fight well at least i thought i was oh no he regenerates he regenerates awesome ah he can’t hit me in here but these guys can go away

I got this i got this i got this how do you like that yeah does it hurt does it whoa whoa whoa too close way too close what is he doing why are they not hurting them now oh my gosh what is going on who’s hitting me no get out of here he’s

Gonna heal i gotta get him i gotta get him go go go go go go go get i’m stuck that’s right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa dude okay come on come on ouch i’m on fire all right i gotta go back it’s not safe out here no get out

Get out get out go go go go away go away okay okay i got this i got this i got this oh my gosh his life is back up i don’t know what to do i don’t know what to do take that whoa come on i should have

Knew that was gonna happen i’m on fire again oh they’re healing him i didn’t know that okay ouch ouch oh where’d they go where’d you go oh you’re right here okay here oh oh oh yeah eat them no no don’t eat me eat them geez ouch i hate those guys

I’m gonna get him he’s going down oh he’s got something behind him again no no no no no no no stop healing him out oh my gosh i gotta eat i gotta eat i’m gonna die no i am so done with this guy why am i having such a problem

All right leave me alone go away i just wanna i’m done i’m so done i was low on arrows and low on patience as the sun was setting i just decided to sneak out the back and come back when i was more prepared i was so over this at

This point i spent the next few days making my way back to the tree house was it fun no was it interesting absolutely not but it had to be done it was my only main base of operations so yeah maybe i’ll start taking everything with me i

Don’t know yet it’s gonna be a surprise so i was really getting tired of going back and forth all the time and i i just didn’t feel like i had the time to build another base either so i spent day 65 just getting ready for a longer venture

I mean just making my way back the last couple days i didn’t realize how far away my tree house was and i didn’t want to waste any more time going back and forth so it just made sense to gather everything up so i repaired my armor and

I tried to figure out what i wanted to bring with me arrows are a must and i had tons of feathers and sticks just needed the flint and i may have done a bad thing that day i figured chickens would be good to take with me uh like

Like the meat for food but hey hey don’t worry uh i put them back okay yeah i put them back see look look all the chickens right here all right moving on after that i spent the rest of the day farming for flint because it was the last thing

I needed for arrows and like i said arrows were important the next day i continued preparing by crafting my arrows harvesting my crops and packing my inventory i think i’m ready to head out i think well i hope i am the next morning i checked over my things and i

Headed out i traveled for most of the day in the direction i thought i came from but it obviously wasn’t i end up walking into this thick jungle it probably wasn’t the smartest idea as it was thick and dark but i moved through it slowly making sure not to aggro too

Many mobs at once i ended up finding this little shack in the thick jungle it kinda looks creepy but it was better than being out here it was a good find because i found some potions speaking of which i really need to start brewing potions they probably would help me out

In these playthroughs you know yeah the next morning i was making my way through the thick jungle and i figured you know what i’m gonna start collecting some raw wood you know there’s tons of trees around me and the thing is is that when

I need it i’m gonna be in a place where there’s no trees or they’re gonna be really spread out you know i’m being smart i had to be careful going through this part of the island because there were mobs everywhere there were so many forbidden berserkers and they tear

Through your shield so quickly i really haven’t used my shield this much in previous playthroughs like i just had to or i would be dead so i decided to change up my approach i started to sneak around the berserkers well if i could as i was crossing another bridge i heard a

Naga overhead so i tried to stay hidden but i wasn’t hidden enough i guess oh my gosh there’s two of them oh hey ah don’t mind me okay oh my gosh berserkers leave me alone no tiger go away don’t even think about it here do you like meat no i guess you

Don’t okay okay okay okay leave me alone look you’re not so tough now eh i got better armor now i continued through this thick jungle for the next day and came across another one of these huts unfortunately there was no chest inside so i figured i’d build at least another

Shield as my other one was kind of done no surprise there the next day i kept on going i figured there’s gotta be something good in this place i just know it because why would it be so dangerous you know well i hope there is yeah i don’t know where i’m at oh

Is that a monkey hey monkey what are you doing come here want some chicken hey you don’t like chicken what’s wrong with you where you going don’t run away from me all right all right i’ll leave you alone okay now where am i whoa that tree is huge

I was a little worried about the title across my screen the forbidden jungle golem great and this tree i had no idea if this thing had a proper way to get up like stairs or a ladder you know either way i couldn’t find one so i just made

My own and i’m gonna tell you right now maybe this was not a good idea oh god forbidden of course no surprise and the berserkers leave me alone oh no there’s two of them nope too many okay okay okay okay things are getting real why are there so many of you leave me

Alone i’m i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i’m gonna die oh is that it oh no they’re over there too this place probably isn’t the best place to be right now probably wasn’t worth coming up here okay maybe it was i found a diamond but i’m not sure what

I’ll use it for but but i got one and i may or may have not accidentally clicked on the bed and uh slept either way probably not a bad idea hopefully the forbidden will clear out in the morning hopefully uh nope the forbidden did not clear out

In the morning oh well it was worth a try well i just kept fighting my way through them and looting the area i found some pretty good stuff a few golden apples a mending enchanting book and gunpowder okay you know what i’m gonna build another shield and i’m gonna

Put this mending on it this this might be a waste of it i’ve never done this before but i need to try because i go through so many shields it is crazy i kept on continuing through the large tree and fighting off forbidden as i went along and surprise surprise one of

Those berserkers broke my shield okay shield time to show your magic i also found a power 5 enchant too so you bet i put that on my bow and let me tell you this power five is really nice to have like just look at this ah stop dodging would ya

Oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i gotta be careful i gotta be careful don’t wanna fall off whoa did i take him out already i honestly thought i was gonna be in a world of hurt but i took him out pretty easy like one shot basically i noticed

That there were quite a few nagas flying around and i figured you know what it might be fun just to shoot some down you know test out the new enchanted bow a bit oh my gosh shadow i’m wasting so many arrows okay maybe maybe this wasn’t a good idea

It’s definitely not going according to plan so yeah now how come you can hit me and i can’t hit him it’s not fair all right i can do this oh look at that see you later wow i knew it was good but not like one shot good this is awesome

All right golden apples all right oh don’t throw it oh a diamond no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa whoa okay okay okay found the golem right here oh sorry about got in the way oh arrows they’re not hurting them oh

Great cool awesome okay so it hits kind of hard which is not too bad oh you’re stuck in the water buddy that sucks take that ow come on shadow you gotta eat ouch ouch no no no no no all right all right all right go down already would ya

Shadow come on i gotta pay attention to my health he’s almost done it’s almost done come on take that come on yes yes yes oh what’s that okay my heart literally leaped out of my chest when i fell that was scary but hey i got this cool staff

Thing so yeah okay shadow let’s not waste it on the bats okay maybe for something stronger jeez so i made my way out from the underground area and back to the surface i figured you know what with all this new stuff and enchants that sun chief probably doesn’t stand a chance now so

For the next couple days i walked endlessly around trying to find it okay okay i’m gonna be quite honest with you i had no idea where i was going so i may have looked at the png file of the island my buddy made for me i mean i

Really should have a map anyway right you tell me should i have used it or not i just didn’t want to waste time running around in circles so yeah because i was getting into situations like this all too often like look at this i’m fighting two berserkers

Spiders and i had two tigers lurking in the shadows if they decided to attack me i’d be done completely done i needed help i was finally back at the village and ready to win this time so i tried to be sneaky all right i’m gonna try to sneak my way around ow

Dude not cool Ouch ouch come on i didn’t think you could hit me in here ow i’m always on fire take that no get over here stop feeling him ouch oh my gosh whoa hey nick oh come on i don’t even care let’s do it oh my gosh stop throwing me back wait you know what

I got a staff oh nice i should have used this from the first ouch ouch ouch come on no stop healing him stop healing him get oh my gosh i’m literally always on fire where’s the other one come here stop healing him okay there there i’m gonna get him with

The staff he’s going down he’s done done done all over ouch come on yes finally finally okay so this mask is pretty cool i can summon minions for myself neat okay so i really wanted to try this summoning thing out but first things first i spent

The rest of the day looting the village repairing my forbidden armor and then relaxing by the fire at night let’s just say i was getting myself mentally prepared for the next day yeah we’ll go with that plus it was a nice fire you know not gonna lie being able to summon

These guys was uh pretty cool you know having them heal me while i fight these forbidden off it was it was decent but i made a grave mistake a big one really big one all right careful guys be careful no no no be careful ah you plants

No way i just lose one of these guys i only got one healer now okay so now i wasn’t happy that was not cool plant not cool so i decided to go around and try to gather up some more masks i doubt i’m gonna find another healer because it

Seemed like they only came from the sun chief but i may have gotten a little distracted i wanted to build an army so i spent some time trying to farm these fellows not sure why but they didn’t seem to spawn all that much where i felt like i was competing with these plants

Are you ready troops we go to war charge before the plants kill them okay i guess we don’t go to war okay what wait hold on hold on there’s some masks here oh oh get out of the way oh my gosh i took out one of my guys sorry sorry

Oh my gosh get out of the way okay enough messing around i need to get moving at least now i have backup if i need it so what did i do i summoned them all of course why not this is gonna be fun all right guys let’s attack attack

All right let’s get him good job team take him out do all that stuff you do ouch ouch okay guys help me out here good job good job keep the healing up you guys can’t handle this ouch stop hitting me come here yeah good job guys

Good job okay i uh might have made a mistake well maybe a few all right guys watch this oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys get out of the way get out of the way oh sorry guys that was my fault and other times these

Guys just kind of seem to get in the way like really no no no out of the way no no no not there no no stop moving stay you know what i’ll just jump and i’ll miss but i had to cherish the memories because i knew they were not

Going to last forever nothing does ah come on get him guys take him out good job no no stop stop don’t no those are plants get away from them get away from them oh no no get away from them retreat oh how many did i lose okay that that was

My fault i should have been more aware of my surroundings but those plants are everywhere like everywhere so we kept pushing on but let me tell you the forbidden they seem to be more dense the farther we went in it seemed like i was fighting three at once at one point good

Thing i had my crew with me though i did lose a few of them but i kept on trying to gain them at the same time you know keeping it balanced gonna be careful guys careful these guys are tough shoot them with your i don’t

Know oh my gosh there’s two of them stop moving watch out for the poison watch out for the poison watch out for the plants watch out for the plants i’m not losing anybody i’m not losing anybody all right one down one down one down come on guys we got this we got this

Stop dodging oh sorry sorry oh oh my gosh ah go away oh no it’s turning dark it’s turned tonight i got him i got him i got him it’s okay it’s all good good guys guys i got him guys um hello oh my gosh they’re all dead really

Well looks like shadows all alone great just wonderful the 85 was uh was a pretty lonely day not gonna lie i just wandered through the jungle on my own but there were times where i really missed those guys but it didn’t matter i had to keep moving i had to keep going

You want to fight you want to fight let’s go come on i’m so mad at you guys you guys took out my whole crew we’re doing so good we were perfect get out of the way plant i like you guys right now ow stop eating me come on come here oh my gosh

So i’m so done here you know what take this take this yeah you like that staff eat that over this I was moving through the jungle pass that day i was so relieved to see something other than trees in the distance oh my gosh look at this stuff it’s like a bridge i’m actually where i’m supposed to be i think i hope i should be yeah oh whoa hey what come on no

Let go me let go of me get off me what is going on that bugger snuck up on me really wow awesome as i started moving towards the temple things were getting a little intense not gonna lie so i decided to stay put for the night you

Know tackle this in the morning all right it was time it was time to make my way through this temple but i gotta get over this bridge first what shouldn’t be a problem i mean it’s a bridge how bad can it be oh what come on again go

Oh my gosh crocodiles the worst oh great there’s so many down there and we got spawners awesome and it’s raining it’s all good so good oh my gosh there’s so many berserkers i don’t want berserkers i am fine with tons of other things but not berserkers yeah yeah i’m just gonna break the

Spawner don’t mind me oh my gosh i’m running run run run run run run run run run oh no oh no oh no run run run run run run i’m gonna die come on no get get away i have to use my staff

I had i have to use it i don’t want to use it that much because it goes down really quick all right like this place up light this place up so i’m surrounded already this is awesome it’s raining it’s night perfect all right mystics take this at this point i was becoming

Less optimistic as it took me half the day to get this far and even less optimistic when i noticed how tall the temple really was you know this is pretty tall am i gonna have to go up with everything against me i kept pushing on i had to and it didn’t seem

Like it was gonna get easier there was so many forbidden around but i kept pushing and fighting i needed to i needed to get through i needed that sacred plant and good thing i brought this amble with me because it was definitely needed my armor was almost

Broken and i was in dire need of a repair okay okay so i gotta repair my armor or i’m not gonna survive what was that 10 levels that was 10 levels are they all 10 levels oh really well that’s just great let’s just hope i don’t need to repair my armor anymore

Because for one my anvil broke i mean i could make another but the cost to repair was way too expensive and next time i won’t have enough this is just great so awesome alright well this floor was relatively easy i guess i’ll take it okay scratch that they all must have

Been up here alright so as i was getting higher in the temple i now had to keep an eye out for naga because they were flying around and i was climbing ladders and you know what happens when you fall off ladders yeah it doesn’t end well

Get away get away get away right nope get away go away leave me alone oh my gosh oh my gosh i almost fell i did fall but i mean yeah i almost died i almost died i can’t believe that well i can sort of but this

Is why i always enchant my boots with feather falling because this happens more than you think well for me it does of course there’s inaugura right here of course oh my gosh leave me alone of course there’s a naga all right you want to fight naga let’s fight

Oh you can’t handle it wait are you dead oh wait you weren’t dead you tricked me stop dodging ouch i just want to continue up thank you okay now that my nerves are settled let’s continue it finally seemed like i was reaching the top and it was about

Time but i wasn’t the only one up here the forbidden king was here too and before i could pass to get the sacred plant i had to defeat him well not really but yeah we’ll go with that okay i just want to fight him all right get off my back oh forbidden king

All right forbidden king where are you are you in here oh yeah you’re right there all right let’s go all right oh okay he’s coming he’s coming ouch what do you hit me with oh you’re gonna step two do you hit your own guy that’s cool yeah hit him again

Take him out for me oh ow ouch ouch oh okay okay okay all right you know what let’s go staff and staff let’s do it i don’t care anymore i’ll use it all up whoa it’s thundering in here or lightning in here ah jeez oh my gosh why can’t i hit him

Oh no no oh broke oh no no no that’s not good i gotta eat some chicken hold on hold on hold on climb up time ow stop hitting me so hard jeez all right i gotta take him in i gotta take him out you’re done you’re done you’re just done over finished

Thank you thank you i beat the forbidden king i am the best so the forbidden king was dead now it looks like i need to travel across this thing this is not going to be fun on day 91 everything seemed like it was going great you know the

Forbidden king was dead the rain let up what could go wrong no no no we don’t do that oh my gosh stop poisoning me oh i can’t move i can’t move i’m gonna fall there’s there’s just too many here there’s too many here if i move i’m gonna risk falling off

Like and i don’t want to take the poison but sometimes i just have to stop dodging thank you okay okay okay i’m good i’m good i was in real trouble here real trouble just get away from me i hear you oh no no no no it’s such a

Small area i can fall no leave me alone okay why is there three of you three of you no no don’t shoot poison on me oh my gosh i am so done i’m so done with this i’m in trouble i’m in trouble i’m gonna die i gotta move oh no no no oh

Like i said i was in real trouble i was not sure how to approach this at all i had naga all around me and i barely had any place to move like seriously so what did i do i ran nope nope leave me alone leave me alone shadow just keep running

Keep running oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay just keep running ignore the naga it’s okay they’re just shooting poison at you not that bad just keep going run run run oh no no no ouch plants plants you shouldn’t be up here okay oh all right you know what you know what

Okay you know what yeah i think i’m done yeah look at this perfect perfect perfect cover this up i’m done yep i’ll wait till tomorrow no it’s too many too risky okay now this isn’t really going to help me because i need to move forward not hiding a hole i’m just

Hoping the naga fly off and go away i’m just i’m done with these guys i couldn’t for the life of me hit these guys why are they so hard now i spent most of the morning just missing my shots and i was running low on arrows this seems like

It’s going to be impossible to get to the sacred flower like i don’t know what to do and the forbidden are spawning at night up here and you know what some of these guys they have knock back so that’s a hard no for me i’ll just dig a

Hole and wait until morning it’s way too close to the end do you playing this risky no thank you i could smell it it was so close so i just kept moving along this floating platform thingy yeah i don’t know what to call it we’ll just call it that it was surprisingly quiet

Considering what i just went through the last couple days but either way i wasn’t gonna complain i was i was just gonna keep on moving on day 94 i finally got to the sacred plant it was just up here by itself just chilling you know easy

For the pickens so what do i do you betcha i grabbed that thing and i started to head back all that work for this little thing really okay and those that are wondering why i actually did all this is because the second experiment that the scientist was

Supposed to do on me was supposed to help me through the transformation but obviously i didn’t do it because i don’t want to be a mindless fruit forum yeah right yeah that makes sense after a few days i made it back to my boat and

Started to head home so i could try and figure out how to prepare the sacred plant and turn it into a potion i just hope this was gonna work and if i can’t turn it into a potion i gotta find someone that can alright and we’re back so timothy and i

We got to work straight away gathering wood stone and seeds then you know crafting my weapons and you know getting that coal this time i have to try to collect some kind of special relic that’s supposedly located in this area is it going to be easy absolutely not as

I have no idea where it’s located but i heard that it’s hidden among a group of illagers and is most likely kept close to the illidar king sneaking my way around is not going to be easy even with timothy by my side because these illagers they decided to set up camp in

The middle of the creeper valley so you guessed it i have 100 days to obtain this special relic before the king realizes i’m here and he takes off and like some of my other videos this map will be available for download on my patreon whoa timothy there’s a cave up

There buddy have to keep that in mind alright i might need it later as i was working away i made sure to keep that cave in mind because you never know when i was gonna need it just in case i got caught off guard you know yeah whoa whoa okay

Thought that was a creeper i was starting to get a little nervous because the thunder kept throwing me off making me think creepers were exploding around me or something you know just wasn’t a good feeling so i decided that it might be a better option to start finding some

Shelter you know that cave was looking real good right now all right timothy you know what i think it’s time to go up what do you think yeah okay let’s go it’s gonna be dark soon anyway and i don’t need to get blown up on day one

It’s just not gonna happen i’m not gonna let it as i was working my way up i couldn’t help but think that this may be one of the biggest mistakes coming to this valley it’s called creeper valley for a reason and creepers are just not

Fun to deal with there are a ton of creepers that populate this area and they can camouflage themselves into the environment not to mention those mutant creepers are a whole another level so let me know would you tackle this valley alone leave a comment i’d be interested

To know all right let’s see how far this goes okay not too fair pretty good timothy we’re all right this has a little bit of an entrance i’m going to block that there i think we’re good buddy i think we’re good so with that i placed some torches around and i

Blocked off the entrance you know don’t want anything getting in that night i just traveled through the cave trying to be as cautious as i could even just one creeper could take me out and who knows where those fellows were i should get a bucket and get this water i need lava

Too whoa whoa timothy look it goes right down man should we explore or stay up here what do you think i don’t know i feel like we should go down you know but it’s so dangerous to go down you know what let’s just do it come on

Maybe we’ll get lucky and find some good stuff maybe as soon as i went down it felt like a big mistake [Applause] Okay um let’s not do that again okay timothy where’d you go by the way you left me all alone next morning i started to pack up my things to move out but not before building myself an iron helmet pants and boots oh my gosh shadow come on i make

Armor and i don’t even put it on like how am i going to survive this seriously as i was adventuring across the valley i came across something very odd no not the sheep i mean they they look odd but no no not that i came across these guys

Hello what are you guys doing nothing are you sure why do these guys never like me i don’t get it oh there’s more of them but there’s no village what are you guys doing out in the woods just just chilling okay cool oh what is this thing is this your guys’s uh

I feel like i shouldn’t be going down here i didn’t realize that i was standing over an underground village which kind of makes sense since you know the valley is full of creepers i i guess it makes sense to live underground i guess i don’t know i spent some time

Roaming around this place and uh borrowing items for my journey yeah borrowing oh and uh by the way don’t don’t don’t do this what do you guys got in here it’s like a zoo or something what is this i don’t get it what is this

I can’t do anything with it oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay i didn’t realize it was a bee hive i didn’t realize it was a beehive oh no are they still coming oh they are still coming no get away from me i don’t want to kill the bees you’re

Supposed to save the bees not kill them oh my gosh i think it’s only poison though look i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry go away please oh my gosh i’m going to die to beast i’m going to die to beast i’m going to die to beast oh

Really all right don’t worry i’m okay i didn’t almost die to be so you didn’t see that okay good moving on so considering my health was almost depleted i had to continue looting i mean borrowing items from these fine people in the hopes that i would find

More food or something that would you know heal me as i was mining some resources in this underground village i heard a cry of a cat which was odd i didn’t expect it it was somewhere around me i just didn’t know where as i was looking for the cat i noticed this place

Was huge there were so many different tunnels and paths or hallways or whatever you want to call it just branching off everywhere it was kind of confusing but i kept searching all right cat come here you can’t go down here it’s too dangerous okay don’t know where

You’re going are you trying to leave me somewhere whoa oh okay okay not cool you’re trying to get me killed cat not cool all right timothy cats don’t like us leading us to creepers get them there we go well all right well this is gonna be fun but you know what i just

Saved those villagers from that nasty creeper so they should like me now right well i guess not so ungrateful so i just continued to loot their stuff they didn’t like me anyway so whatever i ended up coming across another blocked off area and i figured it might be worth

Venturing into oh well this is kind of a cool place anything interesting no this ends okay okay yeah there’s really no loot in here but sure what’s a creeper nugget don’t even know what that is i don’t know whatever it is i don’t really want to mess with it

Yeah okay good enough i’m gonna find more creepers probably maybe hopefully not oh okay just continues oh there’s a creeper right there all right shadow i can’t be a coward what what are you doing down here you know you got creepers in your corridors why don’t you guys like taking care of

That i’m not here to do this for you although it seems like i am come here more loot more food i like you i likey listen i’m gonna take the food i’m killing creepers for you guys okay i’ll take that as payment oh who’s hoarding all the emeralds huh is

That what you don’t want me to find is that why you’re following me hoarding all those emeralds i got some emeralds now you guys want to trade me some stuff something maybe something good look i got a couple a couple emeralds what do you got sword oh cat don’t don’t go on

The fire or the lava okay uh you didn’t see that let’s let’s let’s just move on the next morning i decided before i head out i was gonna borrow a few more things well let me tell you i borrowed a lot of things i figured you know what i might

As well because it saves me from crafting the stuff later it just makes sense right yeah i thought so like i mentioned before this place was huge because the more that i looted the more i found different pathways around so i had to explore i mean i had to it was

Kind of nice that i found this place early you know it was so great i had so much stuff now but i kept hearing cows so and i guess having a full inventory was was just not enough i wanted cows for some reason so i went searching

Finally after a bit i found them it was a real struggle but i got there after looting pretty much everything in this village i think they finally got fed up with me they ended up kicking me out you know i wasn’t welcome anymore no not really but at this point i was starting

To feel pretty bad so so i left so with my inventory full i needed to start thinking about getting my own base together but first i was going to shear all these sheep as i’m sure i’ll need will for something somewhere someday maybe at the end of day 9 i came across

This nice looking area where i could possibly build my base i didn’t really have enough time to start building a base so timothy and i we just chilled up on top of this tree not not that we’re scared or anything but you know just scoping the place out man there are a

Lot of creepers around great on day 10 i figured before i really start building a base for timothy and myself i should build something small just to use for now because i don’t need to spend my time building something just for it to get blown up i needed a place

To retreat to during the night i wasn’t gonna stay out here at night no way so that’s what i did i worked on building a temporary base up high so i wouldn’t have to worry about causing any creepers to set off you know the next morning i

Decided to craft myself a backpack it was definitely a different type of backpack than what i was used to i couldn’t figure out how to get things out of it for the life of me okay what’s with the what’s with this backpack is this not the same one i’ve used before

Okay i got it in the bag but how do i get how do i get it out i’m i’m so confused i have no idea how to get stuff into the bag well this isn’t good i don’t want to wear it if i can’t wear

Armor i have no idea how to get things out of the bag i can get things in it i just can’t get it out oh my gosh what am i doing what am i doing i’m trying every single button and nothing’s working hold

On do i do i gotta click it oh oh okay okay so i gotta i gotta hold it and i gotta okay okay i guess that makes sense sure whatever that took longer than it probably should have anyway okay well that was interesting before i started building i wanted to check around the

Area see if i could see anything interesting you know i thought it’d be smart to get to know the place first i don’t want to be building next to any weird mob structures so with that i started to scale the mountain all right do i got anything good around here oh

What’s that it’s a nice looking tower looks like it’s important maybe i should go now not right yet but definitely going to check you out later for sure anything else no doesn’t look like it kind of a nice view up here though i’m not going to lie that looks like a a

Smaller structure maybe i’m going to go check it out come on timothy let’s go okay so i have two things to explore now that tall looking tower and that cabin just over yonder probably more villagers maybe maybe i don’t know i made my way over to the cabin making sure to check

My surroundings as i went i didn’t need to run into any creepers right now as i got closer i started hearing villagers in the cabin but with a lower tone of voice which i thought was kind of weird but maybe they’re just you know big burly lumberjacks or something you know

So i went to say hello hello is anybody there i’m uh i’m a friendly are you friendly no no i guess not i guess what are you holding are you holding a bagel or a croissant what the heck did you throw at me yeah take that all right is that it

No there’s another one where are you at oh you’re up there yeah take it take that all right all right i’m taking over thank you thank you very much well after that was over i checked out the rest of the cabin the loot was pretty good i can’t complain but

Considering it was night out now i thought it would be safe just to you know stay here for the night you know i’m trying to be smart the next morning i made my way back over to my base and i remembered seeing cows around here somewhere so i figured i’d find them and

Pen them up you know until i find a more permanent place for them all right cass where’d you go you guys were like literally right here where’d you go they didn’t despawn did they oh okay i see okay what are you doing it’s all good though i found them they were just

Playing hide and seek or something up on the sail so i’ve waved some wheat in their face and you know got them all settled in that evening i noticed i had a boomerang in my inventory and i figured i might as well try it out this thing looks more like a croissant than

Anything but all right whoa what what why can’t i throw it oh i gotta wind it up what does it come back what’s the point of that that’s not a very good boomerang all right flew off over here somewhere oh hello wolf can you fetch it for me i

Don’t know where it went i just know it went this way oh oh no no no thank you no thank you oh my gosh oh oh oh oh go go go go go run run there’s a mutant creeper already okay okay stop chasing i’m good man that’s crazy all right i’m

Going inside it’s gonna get dark here soon let’s go jimmy get out of there as the sun rose and i looked out upon the area it seemed clear maybe the mutant went away hopefully it did but either way i wasn’t going over that way again the boomerang didn’t work anyways

Or i couldn’t get it to work but it just wasn’t worth it and it became very apparent that i was going to need better armor so i definitely need to start searching for diamonds and you know build that enchanting table because i’m not going to survive if i don’t but

First things first i’m gonna need food so i started planting the seeds for wheat they can’t grow if it’s in my inventory right so i planted them down with the cows until i figured something out that was a little better than you know the situation i was in so i spent

The portion of the day trying to look for a more natural entrance into this mountain i didn’t want to dig right into it just yet as there may not even be a network of caves in it i didn’t want to waste too much time after a bit i

Finally found something and my enderman friend was back so yeah hello enderman how are you doing buddy don’t mind me just uh just looking for resources you keep on doing what you’re doing it was getting a little hectic down here due to the you know tight

Spaces but to be quite honest with you it wasn’t even worth coming into it led nowhere and really had no resources at all and because of that i decided to head back to my base it wasn’t worth being down here at night and i didn’t want to get cornered by a bunch of

Creepers that that would just be bad the next day i headed out and just started digging straight into the mountain i got lucky before maybe you know i’ll get lucky again timothy i’m gonna make a tunnel oh whoa what get out of here anyway as i was

Saying timothy i’m gonna make a tunnel through this mountain hopefully we hit a cave so i started to dig if you’re wondering why i’m digging a 2×3 space it’s because for one i need the materials for my new base anyway and two i like to have the option to maneuver if

I needed to well i just kept digging and digging and digging with no cavern in sight i pretty much just dug myself a tunnel straight through this mountain awesome okay so i thought i thought i was gonna run into a cave but i guess not oh at

Least the tower’s right there make it easy to get there come here creeper go get him why is he disappearing whoa okay all right do i do i want to venture out and see if i can find an opening or do i want to try randomly digging again i don’t know i’m

Not seeing any openings timothy what do we do buddy what are we gonna do we need to start mining that’s for sure okay second creeper not really a fan of that let’s let’s go back it’s getting a little too risky okay so there has to be a cave system

Around me somewhere i know there’s just gotta be so i randomly picked the direction and i started to dig down finally what felt like forever i finally dug myself into a cave wow it’s actually a lot spookier when oh my gosh oh my gosh i literally oh my gosh i was gonna say

It’s so much more creepier when you’re dealing with pretty much just creepers oh okay all right collect yourself shadow all right you good timothy oh okay okay now i really don’t like the idea of caves with creepers because this is extremely dangerous but i had to keep

Going i didn’t spend all this time digging down just to go back now all right creepers get them timmy they nope ugh why can’t i kill them they just keep exploding that’s not good okay okay things are starting to get real there are so many creepers down

Here and they’re sneaking up on me so much now so much okay so things are getting too dangerous down here now i kept on getting surprised by creepers and i really had to think about timothy’s safety and my own so i decided to go back to my base and offload any of

The materials that i mined and i told timothy to stay put this time as i was having a hard time distinguishing his footsteps from the creeper’s footsteps which kept catching me off guard because well i i kept thinking it was him it was just too dangerous right now maybe once

I get more armor then he can start coming with me again plus i don’t want the little guy to get hurt you know the next morning i headed back down to the caves alone creepers were everywhere around every corner and in groups i think it might be time to get a feather

Farm going as i think this will be more manageable if i can you know keep some distance between the creepers and myself these guys had the bad case of the cuddles and i just wasn’t having any of them on day 20 i actually came across some

Diamonds now look at that this is so good finding them pretty early oh nice four four at least anyway oh come on come on oh no i think it’s only four yeah it’s only four that’s okay it’s okay because usually when i play those world painter

Maps i only get like one so this is good this is good at least now i can you know build a diamond pickaxe that’s yeah progress after crafting my diamond pickaxe i needed to mine some obsidian for the enchanting table but then i kept on mining the obsidian why may you ask

Because i figured you know what i could use some more obsidian to build my base with now granted i couldn’t build my whole base out of obsidian because that would just take me forever to do plus i figured i could at least you know place obsidian at the front door or at least

Stack it two blocks high just in case a creeper did explode they still wouldn’t be able to get in you know i thought it was pretty smart myself you know not a bad idea so for the rest of the day i mind obsidion this stuff takes forever to mine really

The next day i headed back up to the surface and started to get my materials ready to start building the following morning if i’m gonna have any chance against the enemies of this land i’m gonna need a proper base of operations so here we go roll that montage [Applause] [Applause] and i might have gone back to the village to borrow some more supplies they don’t need this many lanterns do they nah i think they’ll be fine without them [Applause] On day 45 i went out and i worked on my crops and i fed my cows this reminded me that i really need to find chickens so i can start producing feathers or get lucky with enchanting a bow with infinity but i didn’t want to take that

Chance so i felt like it was time to go out and you know find a chicken i really hope these chickens are not going to be hard to find let’s just hope but you know what um maybe tomorrow because uh the sun looks like it’s setting so yeah i’ll go looking for chickens

Tomorrow sounds like a plan so i continued to work on the base a little bit that night and i made myself an auto smelter yeah whoa how did you get in here here take some lava how’s that no don’t blow stuff up please oh there’s three where are you guys coming from

Go away okay this isn’t good where are they spawning i got half slabs here oh my gosh i need i need arrows i need a bow no no no no ah okay that was okay not too bad where oh oh wait you know what they might be coming in from the sides here

That’s uh that’s that’s a full block ow i thought he was behind me oh my gosh why are there so many of you after i lit the area up i decided to head through my unnecessary tunnel you know i figured i built it i might as well use it

Creepers get out this is my tunnel you’re not allowed oh my gosh maybe i shouldn’t have a tunnel go away don’t blow oh why why can’t i kill them i feel like i got enough distance on them that they won’t blow up but then they do

No come on one more one more there we go there we go i gotta keep looking back they sneak up on you they creep no no no no ah okay whatever not a big deal not a big deal yes i know i know i set out

Today to look for chickens but i got a little distracted i wanted to explore this tower i mean it was just sitting there i i had to overall it was quite underwhelming until i got to the top ow what what was that where is it oh oh it’s those fairy things they can

Go through the wall all right fairies you ready oh my gosh they’re right there come on oh my gosh they’re kind of scary sort of not really yeah how many hits do you take come on go okay good thank you oh gold blocks nice i’m gonna take these why not

Oh hello creeper no no no no oh no no no no don’t blow up get out of here they keep sneaking up on me go oh okay maybe this is a little too too risky i don’t see any chickens oh there’s a cabin let’s check that out

Oh my gosh is that a mutant it is a mutant creeper great no whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay things are getting really risky i’m gonna you know what i’m gonna go in here i’m gonna deal with the hunters at least these guys i can see them creepers keep sneaking up on me

Hello anybody home no it looks like they’re uh they must be out hunting because they’re not here okay right on after all that i figured it would just be better to sleep here for the night as there was nothing i could do anyway well especially with the

Mutant out there i i didn’t want to take my chances you know all right so the next morning i was determined to find these chickens so that’s what i did i headed out looking for chickens all right well yeah you’re not gonna make it easy are you oh and there’s a witch too

Cool okay you know what i’m gonna take out the witch because it’s gonna be easier to take out the witch come here witch i’m looking for chickens and you’re in my way no no no no why do they keep sneaking up on me okay just just go down thank you thank you

Okay i traveled around most of the morning with very little luck on finding any chickens but finally i was starting to give up hope but as i was starting to turn around i heard a chuckle wait what did chickens do i don’t know they made a

Chicken sound but i didn’t just find one i found four i found four chickens this is great well with my history with leading animals i’m lucky if one makes it back so this increased my chances a lot overall i was pretty lucky as i’m sure creepers only come out at night and

There weren’t too many shaded areas around me so i think it was good after much patience and determination i got all the chickens back to the base and unharmed nice now considering i needed to stay around the area so my feathers would produce i decided to completely finish my base or

Most of it if i could for the next few days okay so i had the sticks the feathers just needed the flint and to be quite honest i didn’t find much on my travels so far so i’m gonna have to head out and you know get at least one stack

But first here i i want i want to show you i want to show you my base look at this look at this look at this look i got a picture the pig infinite water source a nice purple bed and i got my auto smelters here which is good

Just toss everything up top goes into this chest i’m good to go it’s very nice and then i got a bunch of these blocks i have no idea what they do i’ve never used a stone cutter obviously and then i got a note thingy and then

This loom i don’t know what it does i think it makes these things but i’m not sure and then upstairs i got a inventory system nothing too crazy and then right here i’m gonna put um my enchanting station i think i think yeah yeah and that’s my base so far as i was

Collecting gravel i noticed the sun was setting so instead of heading back i decided to head to the top of this mountain at least i would have you know the higher ground or you know at least be able to see around me it might not have been a smart move but we’re going

With it overall the area looked clear but i noticed something off in the distance i don’t know what i was looking at but i knew i had to go check it out because you know me i get distracted way too easy and uh i don’t know i get

Curious sometimes well actually i get curious all the time okay i know i understand cool moving on okay i gotta go over whoa what is going on these guys are kind of cute but they’re dangerous stop blowing me up oh my gosh oh is it you that’s doing this

Go away oh it is you no okay this is bad no no no okay okay all right don’t blow me up enderman help me please they hurt me okay where’d he go did i kill him i don’t think so where are you stop shoot me with those cute things no

Okay this is okay this is enough all right you’re done now okay i get it funny i get the joke it’s it’s enough oh now you want to play okay at least i can handle you you’re a lot slower okay now what was i doing i don’t even remember uh

I have no idea what i was doing oh wait wait the tower or that structure yeah let’s go check that out i was surrounded by creepers and those griefer fellas great but i had to check out this structure before heading back i just had to i want shadow you were just supposed

To go out and get gravel not explore unknown structures and risk dying come on so i figured moving atop the trees would be a safe way of passage you know move through the shadows okay so what’s this all about whoa what is that okay yeah i don’t think i’m

Ready for this yeah i need i need arrows or something i i need to go get gravel i need a i need a farm for flint this is i need yeah this is a big no okay okay i get it i’m not ready for this all right

I really need to get gravel and you know start making better armor because it’s obviously clear that that’s what i need to do so yeah so the next day i really set out to look for gravel really this time i was going to actually look for it

And not get distracted well hopefully i won’t get distracted yeah okay oh why do you gotta be in here okay oh my gosh there’s two of them okay um why is he gonna banner what’s that all about get oh my gosh stop coming i i just wanna

Get gravel okay i just need to get gravel okay okay come on nope nope oh my gosh they don’t stop coming stop throwing your creepers man we’re guys or dudes oh my gosh okay i’m done with this i’m done yeah yeah come on oh my gosh okay you know what

Yeah i’m really done yeah okay you guys can stay out there fine with me go do something else then fine all right all right all right i don’t care how much gravel i have i’m gonna farm it anyway for flint because it’s better to have some arrows rather than

None obviously so the next day i spent some time getting my things in order crafting some better weapons and some better tools because i was planning on heading down in the caves again to get at least one more diamond so i could build an enchanting table it was about

Time i built that already i really had to be careful down here creepers were around every corner so much so that it had me on edge the entire time i don’t know what it is oh my gosh that thunder i keep thinking it’s a creeper i don’t know what it is

But caves with creepers especially when they’re basically the main mob it makes it scary down here those bats aren’t helping either what’s this oh whoa whoa jay’s bat you scared me final lots of coals that’s good it’s very good whoa oh my gosh bats stop jeez okay

Oh i think i hear griefer yes there he is no this is not good this is not good go oh oh oh leave me alone okay okay it’s good so if i got my shield up they don’t seem to explode i hate these guys take that

Thank you all right we got some creepers over yonder take that and that oh i missed you okay hello how many are there okay this is getting uh it’s getting a little dangerous i’m not gonna lie but i gotta keep going as i was moving down through the cave system i finally felt

Like i was gonna find some diamonds because usually i find them in places like this with the lava all over the place you know but i had no idea what was lurking just around the corner oh really really are arrows not hurting you please tell me arrows hurt you

Yeah i don’t think they’re hurting them oh no please please come on do they really not oh no no no you stay back there it’s not hurting him it’s not hurting him at all come on you i’ll fight you oh you’re not doing anything this is out okay nevermind whoa whoa

Whoa whoa no no no no no what is that sound why are you twinkling what are you singing whoa whoa whoa yeah that’s right get in the lava get in the lava serves your right your big bully ah come on i can’t get close to him he just he’s

Just gonna blow me up no whoa whoa i didn’t know you could do that no no no no oh what am i gonna do i don’t like you guys you guys aren’t as cute as the other ones ow all right shadow you can do this oh whoa wait

There’s diamonds right there and you’re right there good okay it’s gone around the corner okay good three come on give me a four oh what no i got four i got four i got four nice nice nice oh no no no no no no where’s my i need a

Block i need a block no put my block in my hand put my block in my hand no oh my gosh why am i not putting my block in my hand go oh okay four diamonds not bad i can i can deal with that but you

No i don’t want to deal with you now considering you can’t hurt that mutant creeper with arrows or at least i don’t think you can because it doesn’t seem like it’s hurting them this makes taking it down a whole lot harder so since i finally got the amount of

Diamonds i needed i headed back up to my base to get my enchanting station set up you know cause that was pretty much done down here okay done oh hey how’d you get in here oh wait you know what it’s probably just because of the gravel full

Blocks darn i didn’t think about that it’s all right though i got a bone arrow now so i’m good real good so i gathered my materials and i crafted myself an enchanting station now here’s the next issue what do i enchant i don’t have diamond armor and i really don’t want to

Waste it on iron armor so yeah i was in a bit of a predicament then i noticed green creeper spores what is that for after looking through my recipes i seen this armor called griefer armor but then i remembered i had my diamond pickaxe so i enchanted that and i built this saber

With the rest of my diamonds and enchanted that too i really didn’t want to waste my chance on iron armor so i’m gonna head to farm for those creeper spores i guess great farming creepers just what i want to do not really so before i headed out i was trying to

Determine the amount of spores i was going to need okay three for each plate quite a bit for each piece okay i figured it out i was gonna need a lot awesome so i ventured out with timothy to farm these creeper spores only thing is it didn’t look like creepers really

Dropped them or they weren’t dropping them for me it was more like these illager griefers did which i really didn’t want to fight they were horrible to fight it wasn’t too bad finding the illagers though they seemed to hang around these structures so i was able to

Do a little bit of farming but night was on the horizon and i didn’t want to be out here at night no way i’m going in here i think i’ll be safer in there than out here all right timothy let’s go look at this right on top no problem

Whoa oh no oh no oh my gosh what the where are you guys coming from go away okay okay okay i see him i see him i see him it’s all right i’m good i think i hope there are so many of you how many griefers are there okay now

It’s night now it’s night and i got these guys after me this is going to be great awesome fun don’t lose them nope here they are come here stop blowing up okay i think i’m good all right i think we’re safe timothy i think we’re safe buddy

I don’t know where to go oh i hear him though or i hear something or an illager oh what’s this is this the entrance oh nice nice oh nevermind hold on hold on whoa hey there’s three of them four of them oh i got this i got this come on timmy

Let’s get them let’s get them sorry buddy ouch ouch come here oh there’s witches no i don’t like wedges they poison you whoa oh my gosh he just came out of nowhere oh oh come on oh my gosh i’m gonna die i’m gonna die i

Am still gonna die no no no no no no no no stay back jimmy they help me buddy run oh my gosh this is crazy they keep spawning or they’re dropping down there’s got to be a spawner around here i don’t know what to do i don’t want to

Go out i want i want to try to clear this place you know my gosh shadow just hit him there’s got to be a witch spawner up there they keep falling down i’m done with you guys i’m done no okay that guy just spawned over there okay okay i gotta figure something out

Here or yeah this is gonna be it i hate poison i don’t know what to do oh another one dropped get oh my gosh get out of here i’m so over this oh no i’m at half a heart and i don’t know what to do no

Stop falling down i hate poison i’m so done to poison you know what i’m just gonna sit here i’m just gonna sit here i’m gonna sit here until i heal up i’m so dumb with this i gotta figure something out i wonder if i block the entrance then i

Won’t have to worry about the witches i can just worry about the guys on the inside yeah i think that’s a good idea see i can hear them up there there’s gotta be a spawner or maybe because of the structure they spawn next to it i have no idea it’s gonna keep

Eating until i heal oh no stay back i don’t want you oh my gosh there’s so many witches i just got healed up i don’t need you guys take me down again all right let’s let’s try to put that plane into action i think i’m going to

Cover the front door i can get to it there there okay let’s just take you guys out in here good good good good all right one more one more good okay okay once everything was clear i eluded the area and i found six diamonds in total wow that was a good

Find i didn’t even think these things had diamonds what i’m glad i came cause yeah but now here’s the real question do i dare attempt that large creature above huh hello big guy i don’t know what you are oh no wonder there’s witches look i told you there was a spawner ow

Come on okay i gotta get that spawner i gotta take it out let’s go get rid of this guy first oh god i’m so over these guys let’s do it quick do it quick let’s just hope there’s not another one around it why is this poison last so long if i get

Hit with an arrow or something i’m done a little big guy don’t mind me oh oh no no you don’t like me no oh oh he hit through the wall not cool ow he’s hitting me through the wall oh my gosh he’s hit me through the wall no oh whoa whoa whoa

Okay oh my gosh there’s so many witches oh oh my gosh oh my gosh one run oh no no no creeper stay away stay away stay away oh my oh come on come on i am so sick of witches so sick of them like they don’t do much damage but their

Poison like really hurts me oh oh no that’s on fire don’t fall down here don’t fall down here is it good is it good oh no no no no no no no oh no he fell down and a witch no no poison me stop poisoning me

Oh i gotta get my food i got like nothing nothing and i got this big guy right there and i got no way out solo food i hate you guys i hate you guys with a passion your poison sucks you know what maybe if i fight find him above i should be good

Oh there’s a witch out there i got no food left i got this big guy i gotta take out hey how you doing here’s an arrow oh whoa oh sorry sorry sorry sorry i seem relatively safe right here come on whoa finally finally did you drop anything i don’t

See anything really he didn’t drop anything okay whatever all right timothy i’m done with this place let’s go so done with this place i tried to find a quiet way out from the structure as there were still witches and griefers around i just couldn’t figure out where

The griefers were and they kept on throwing creepers at me alright whoa whoa you guys like stop maybe getting sick of these guys come on go down there you go hello creepers mini creepers whatever you want to call yourselves you’re cute but you’re not fun okay

There you go there you are i see you come here go away i’m done with this tired of you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa geez these guys are hard to keep track of oh no no no no no whoa see they just catch me off guard i don’t

Know where they’re coming from all right i gotta get food oh hey griefer what’s up let’s kill you before you start shooting me with your i don’t even know what it’s called oh my gosh there’s another one why is there so many of these guys oh okay okay all right yeah

Yep yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run run run run run run give me the run i’m not dealing with this right now i’m not dealing with this right now you guys get off my back no no no no no what

Okay okay way too risky way too risky all right so i was starting to think that i was getting real dangerous out here one surprise creeper and i was done for i spotted another tower just off in the distance so i ran in that direction

I had creepers all around me now and i didn’t want to take the chance of being down in the ground like this no way i figured since i was here in the tower and i needed experience badly i might as well take advantage of the spawners in

Here and farm experience for a bit because if you’re in the creeper valley it’s tough to get experience it’s not like you go out there hunting creepers it’s just too dangerous because well they explode and they sneak up on you and and they explode and it’s dangerous

And did i mention they explode well that was enough of that i yeah i couldn’t take it anymore i just couldn’t so i continued my climb up this tower to finish it off oh feather falling i’ll take that nice you gotta have feather following it’s very important well it’s important for me oh

No no no okay okay where are these guys oh there’s a spawner right here okay okay okay oh they’re so freaky i gotta be careful there’s an enderman right here okay i gotta get out of here i got i got three hearts it’s getting a little too much

All right timothy let’s let’s finish this we’re all we’re all good now we’re all healed up ready to go come on you fairies i’ll take you all on i don’t care let’s get these gold blocks i’m starting to find that golden apples are really gonna help me oh

What is over there that’s a different tower i’m gonna have to check that one out maybe not yet but soon so this tower it was really intriguing and i really wanted to explore it but i had to wait till tomorrow because well i’m not going out at night okay okay i gotta be

Somewhat safe all right but kind of thinking about it everything up to this point was pretty challenging do i really want to try it i don’t even have a full set of diamond armor yet the next morning i ran my way over to that building i figured i would be okay right

Wow was i wrong oh hello don’t mind me just checking out your tower okay oh ah that was easy ouch ouch ouch okay come on not cool dude not cool oh there’s so many of them okay okay i gotta rethink this what are you is he playing music explain music look at that

Oh oh oh oh oh he just spawned he just spawned why is he spawning is it because of you are you spawning them don’t spawn them not cool drummer boy yeah yeah there you go nope okay yeah they’re spawning yeah they’re definitely spawning what’s with the banner ouch stop come on

Wow all right They just ow come on they just keep spawning i don’t know what to do i’m not equipped for this I don’t know what to do there you go there you go take that you know what they just keep spawning up i’m hightailing it out of here it’s not worth it right now not worth it okay i was not ready for this i had no food left and those

Griefer boots they were already broken maybe i shouldn’t be trying to get a full set of this and go for the diamonds instead as there is no point farming for those spores if it’s just gonna break this quickly so i admitted defeat and turned around

To travel back to my base i needed to rethink my strategy and really start preparing myself better if i was gonna find this relic i took the rest of the diamonds i had and built myself a chest plate and then i threw some enchants on it as well i also enchanted my saber

Some more you know make it stronger i needed to get prepared so i crafted some golden apples and spent the night farming for flint so i could build some more arrows i needed to find more diamonds this could be for me getting lucky and finding another one of those

Elder centers or just going underground considering how dangerous it was to go underground and the tight spaces with the creepers i figured you know what maybe i will get lucky and find another one of these illager centers but instead i found this guy and these guys but then

I used my big head and i killed it with lava yeah that still counts as a kill right right yeah i think so so i kept on continuing on and of course it began to rain you know just my luck and there was another mutant creeper just off to my

Side i really had to keep my head on the swivel if i if i was going to survive it’s crazy out here crazy i tell you why do i do this to my oh look at that is that a hunter yeah that’s a hunter i see

The cabin let’s take them out far away oh okay there you go all right timothy you know what i think i think it might be very smart to uh to stay inside this cabin for the night all right you know what well yep see see yep

Yep nope i’m uh yeah i’m done staying here for the night no way no way i thought it would be best if i just stay here for the night because i felt like it was a little too risky to continue through the rain i just didn’t

Want to do it the next morning bright and early i headed out again i ended up coming across another illager structure this time it looked more like an archer tower of some sort who what are you hello okay these are illegals for sure yep yep these are allergers it’s just like a

Archer tower or something nice nice they seem like they’re spawning ouch they seem like they’re spawning on each other what is going on why am i floating why am i floating ah okay get under a tree this is ridiculous why was i floating what kind of effects

You guys got on those arrows after the tower was clear i looted the chests and found an infinity bow an infinity bow wow this would have been nice like 20 days ago but either way i got one awesome cool let’s go so considering the tower was right next to a cave i figured

You know what i might as well take my chances underground to find some diamonds i wasn’t having any luck finding that illegal center and i think i used all my luck up when i found that infinity bow so i figured you know what i might as well go through the cave i

Got unlimited arrows now so cool all right let’s keep on going oh what you guys are in the caves too that’s one more thing i got to worry about come on i don’t want to fight those guys in the cave they those little creepers are too fast and i want to get

Like stuck in a corner because then i would be out of luck that’s for sure oh no no no no no no no no no i hate going in the caves when there are creepers everywhere even mutant ones but it had to be done i had to find diamonds

I ended up coming across this mine shaft which if you didn’t know i hate mine shafts i really don’t need the game putting poisonous spiders in the mix i just don’t need it okay yeah i searched and i searched and i searched and finally on day 78 i got lucky at a

Couple places finally so i was mining some coal for experience and i ended up digging into ice for a moment my heart stopped and i thought i dug into another dragon’s den but luckily there’s no dragons here so yeah that was good all right what’s in here okay we got creeper

And strays okay okay we got a little bit of everything okay let’s just make that a whole lot bigger so we have a bunch of people coming down sounds awesome ouch that was rude all right i got to rethink this nice now here’s the question do i want

To go in here i kind of do and i kind of don’t okay let’s get in there nope nope stay back i don’t even get a chance to look up and they come down are you done can i come up now are you finished all right let’s go let’s go

No whoa no no no no oh my gosh there’s a lot of creepers oh i guess there’s two still that’s a lot when you’re in a corner like this okay don’t judge me all right room is clear the room is clear this thing kind of goes in a little more

Right oh hey what the hell timothy i must have dug myself into some sort of stray dungeon thingy i don’t know what it was but it had some loot so i couldn’t complain all right that’s enough of that time to get myself out of here goodbye i spent most of day 80

Making my way out of the caves although i’m positive i didn’t exit where i entered alright so nothing here looks familiar like at all what is that whoa whoa whoa come on seriously ah these creepers they’re always getting me oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Is that one of those mansions this is this is this is one of those mansions isn’t it i’ve never found one of these before this thing is big okay i’ve never found one of these before like ever and i have no idea what to expect when i

Step inside i circled around the whole mansion looking for the entrance but let me tell you this thing was big and it had a mutant creeper inside so yeah no way i’m going in there just yet i gotta get back craft my diamond armor and

Enchant it that’s what i have to do that is my priority nothing else the trek back was not a safe one creepers everywhere griefers always surprising me it was endless definitely kept me on my toes but then i came across this structure wall thing whatever it was it

Was there okay there’s gotta be an entrance around here is this like a good thing or is this a bad thing i’m assuming it’s a bad thing but i still gotta i gotta figure it out wow this is like really long oh oh oh watch out come on griefers

Oh my gosh why is there so many there oh there’s the tower okay so i must be on the other side of it if it if it’s the same one i have no idea so i took some time to try to find an entrance to this place and let me

Tell you not what i was thinking oh oh of course it’s an illeger okay you can you can just stop like now thank you okay okay there’s so many of them right here i’m not no i’m not messing with this i’m not messing with this no way no way i’m out of here

See you later goodbye and good night shadowmech out and of course i got distracted again so i turned around and i kept traveling back to my base i just got to get back to my base shadow just straight to the base you can do it buddy

You can do it i believe in you once i got back to the base i sorted my inventory cooked and smelted everything i had to get experience and decided to craft some unique arrows oh oh that’s cool look at that i got my own little creepers cool

Also crafted some explosive arrows too i figured why not you know maybe it’s my turn to blow stuff up last but not least i crafted my diamond armor and i crafted a shield i was feeling good at this point you know i got most of my stuff

Enchanted aside from a few things as i was low on you know experience levels i wasn’t big on going out and hunting creepers for experience so i decided to gain experience through other methods don’t judge me okay this this has to happen right all right not much happened

On day 86 just waiting for stuff to cook to get the experience so i decided to see what this stone cutter was all about you know all right what’s this thing for listen i don’t want anyone making fun of me okay i’ve never used a stone cutter

Oh it literally just makes stone stuff but can’t you do that with a crafting table okay all right i don’t know okay sure stone cutter awesome cool right on all right the next day i got my final piece enchanted i was ready to head out i have three places i need to visit

Before i carry on this tower thing the mansion and that fort i have a feeling that that relic is in that fort you know with my new armor on everything enchanted i felt like i was doing all right out here at night i felt a lot

More confident than i did before so no look at me just taking out creepers left right and center what’s this saying i’m here to kick butt and chew bubble gum but i’m all out of butts or wait what no huh i don’t think that’s helko is that right either way creepers you better

Watch out cause shadow’s ready to rumble i don’t know where i got this fine idea from but i thought it was a good idea to take on a mutant creeper at night during a thunderstorm but i was determined i want to take down the mutant creeper at

Least on my own not cheesy tricks like using lava you know all right i’m taking this guy down i’m actually gonna kill a mutant creeper well i hope i do ow what oh my really i just got third party by griefer really the one time i decided to take a

Mutant creeper one-on-one you got to come in here all right-like and shoot me from the side okay where’d you go now you want to start a fight let’s let’s finish it oh there you go look who’s got explosive stuff now huh ouch ouch okay don’t blow yourself up shadow come on

This saber is kind of nice i’m not gonna lie look look at this watch this watch this here your griefer take your own medicine would you how’s that nice ouch oh oh oh i thought that was my guy i guess not okay all right where’d that mutant creeper go

Where’d he go there’s no way i killed him in that one hit all right creepers you gotta stop i’m trying to take out the big guy these should hurt him oh my gosh spider go away yes whoa whoa whoa whoa what okay okay okay he’s mad he’s mad

I get it i get it i get it but i gotta do it i’m sorry i gotta do it come on i don’t know if the arrows are hurting them i really don’t ow oh my gosh why okay i gotta do it it’s too risky just

Stand on here shooting them if it’s not even hurting them no don’t i don’t like this hey you leave timothy alone well what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh he’s sucking me in what wow okay okay hey look look look this

Way i did it i did it i did it i killed a mutant creeper on my own no lava no tricks i did it i did it yeah it was easy sort of not really but it was okay oh my gosh creepers okay i’m done i’m done i’m done i’m so

Done with this i gotta get out of here okay all right all right i’m embarrassing myself a little too much now no no oh my gosh what is going on this is actually kind of scary i’m not gonna lie there it was just off in the distance i could finally

Really you couldn’t wait till after my monologue man people are so rude anyway i made my way over to that tower all right this time i’m taking you all out i’m done with this i’m getting in this tower it’s over you might as well just give up now you know give the old

Surrender wave the flag whatever you want to do i’m coming in okay where’s the entrance of this oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa creepers come on whoa come on i don’t need you guys too oh my gosh i got them all around me no no no no get get get get

Go go okay things are getting wild too dangerous way too dangerous okay come on come on timothy let’s take him let’s go let’s get let’s go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on creepers i’m so over this you guys were supposed to surrender not fight back you’re making me look like an idiot

Actually i just i do that myself all right i’m inside it seems clear but i don’t know oh i’ll take the food give me the food nope nope nope no bad bad illager oh look at that it’s starting to rain oh my gosh there’s four of them get out of here

Okay okay okay okay timothy let’s just let’s just keep moving up oh okay maybe they’re just outside i was finding all types of arrows in this place but not really arrows i would want to shoot my enemies with like why would i want to heal or you know speed boost one of

These guys i’m actually kind of happy i’m finding food whoa hey oh oh oh oh i’m flying again no no stop making me fly i mean it’s okay in here i guess but still it’s annoying geez where’d you come from good thing i was inside or you know that could have

Been bad the next level i ran into this fairy godfather you know that guy that makes these fairies appear well i put a stop to that pretty quick and took out the fairies the best way that i knew how with a saber to the face then i found a

Doll what do i want a doll for i don’t need this doll get away from me doll who’s up here hello whoa oh oh okay well there’s a lot of you oh oh my gosh hello king you uh just coming right after me oh my gosh what no

No okay this is bad this is bad this is really bad whoa no what what i was just down here how are there so many down here who’s nom nom what the why is there a zombie called nom nom ah all the way down to the bottom i guess

Oh my gosh look at them all okay okay i gotta i gotta rethink this Oh my gosh look at them like i’m just basically starting over now oh and i’m floating i’m floating right i’m outside and i’m floating no no and i can’t see and i’m floating this is this is spectacular this is awesome okay okay okay i think i’m good i think i’m good

Are you kidding me what just happened like why are they all here what’s going on how did i just survive that okay i have to think of something else i guess man that was crazy i had an idea that maybe i can bridge myself over so i could hopefully

Skip all those guys below but every time i stick my head out i would get hit with an arrow that would make me all woozy okay so this was a sound plan well until all right i think this will work i think i can pick them off as long as that creeper

Stays away out get out of here okay i’m gonna try i’m gonna try the top one instead there oh no creeper creeper no creeper no no no creeper no come on all right i just got it i guess got to do it no creeper go away go away oh my gosh oh my

Gosh i’m so dead like i can’t no there’s no way they keep they keep spawning i am so so much okay okay okay i don’t know what to do i don’t know what to do they’re not hitting that hard which is good but i still don’t get go oh my gosh the creepers

They’re the worst okay okay oh my gosh look at these things they must just be spawning like there’s no there’s no way that they’re all in this building right now like they’re being spawned in i gotta i gotta find the source i don’t know where the source is get away

Look look look see more just they keep spawning right next to me okay i’m so over this i’m running out of apples and i don’t know what to do look look at the mall like i just cleared this place okay you know what king you know what

Maybe it’s these guys are you guys spawning things yeah okay okay okay okay oh my gosh i was running out of options at this point the illagers kept spawning i had nowhere to run so yes i might have put some lava down and yes i might have

Burned up most of the tower but did i really have a choice let me know but you know what it was worth it to stay and fight because my armor was so badly damaged and i got quite a few diamonds from this place so i can repair which was good only problem

Was i don’t know where that king illidger went he must have ran off cause i didn’t take him out that’s for sure i did my best to escape this place unscathed but they kept shooting me with arrows that kept giving me these floating effects it was annoying once i

Was clear i just ran ran and ran until i came across another hunter’s cabin took them out and moved in for the night i crafted myself an anvil and repaired my armor that was an interesting day yeah while i was sitting there in the cabin all night all i could think about is

Where that illegal king went to like i said i didn’t take him out he must have fled he must have and i need to take him out i wonder he probably went to that fort below that tower it’d be the closest thing to go to it was probably a

Good place to look i’m certain of it all right i gotta get in here i know i know the entrance is over here somewhere okay where is it at i know it’s over here somewhere oh is this it yeah hello don’t don’t mind me guys just coming in

Oh my gosh these guys hit her wow okay okay okay okay backing up backing up sorry sorry i’m sorry go away please keep your distance thank you oh where’s the archers oh oh of course a moosie again great awesome oh and the creeper cool just just yeah just keep throwing everything at me

That’s cool those guys hit hard and the archers were endless here i’m gonna i’m gonna create my own little army and you guys are gonna help me okay you can do this look at these guys oh what what is he shooting at me are those rockets why are they shooting rockets it’s kind

Of weird oh get away from me come on little creepers no attack don’t come back go get them i want you blowing up next to me take that that yes okay okay i think they’re i think they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing now good good good look at all the archers

Like i’m still at the front entrance i can’t even get in would you guys just give it up go okay okay okay all right that’s good we’re making progress get ah i hate getting blinded good all right timmy let’s go i really don’t like these guys these guys hit really hard

Okay guys it’s starting uh sun’s starting to go down okay we need uh we need to think about hiding for the night or finding a bed maybe would be the best option oh my gosh there’s a mutant creeper okay yeah i’m definitely staying right here

No way i’m going out there there was a mutant creeper just off to the side so i decided to hide in this little tent for a bit you know be safe enough i was fighting my way through the camp the best that i could but that fairy dude

Was at it again it was time to bring out the big arrows that’s right the explosive ones so satisfying okay this time i tried to sneak you know use the shadows and all that jazz you know i tried to be quiet it didn’t really work but i tried

I was feeling hopeless at this point this fort was huge and there was no sign of the king all right i gotta keep pushing through i gotta keep making progress i don’t like you guys did you guys summon zoombies and yeah all right oh hey creepers

Get him timothy well there’s a lot of creepers in here right now oh oh oh oh oh whoa okay gotta switch my arrows using explosive arrows right next to me it’s not it doesn’t end well okay i don’t know where to go that’s the problem i’m just kind of

Aimlessly going around i’m looking for the king where’s the king stop blowing up around me okay who’s shooting me oh there you are [Applause] oh my gosh creepers it’s enough i i don’t even like they’re they’re all over me like they’re everywhere doesn’t matter what direction i look they’re

There okay what what do i do what do i do what do i do like seriously what do i do i found this thing but there really wasn’t anything in it nice colors though good interior decorator i guess but i couldn’t give up i had to find that relic i had to find

That king there were enemies all around timothy and i but we fought and we fought hard until finally where yeah king there you are night no it’s against me and the king oh and there’s a mutant creeper right there too really okay get off my back all right you’re

Like the least of my problems all right king you ready i just hope i don’t set off that mutant creeper that would not be good all right let’s go come on king you and me let’s do this yeah oh no creepers get off of me why can’t i just fight him one-on-one huh

So so hard to ask there how do you like that your king’s gone that’s right oh what’s this king’s notebook okay if you’re reading this then i’m assuming i got away again you’ll never get what you’re looking for you didn’t get away though i i took you

Out i heard you were coming so i planned ahead hopefully that treasure map confused you you won’t find what you want here you will never find me now hahaha not in a million years note if this notebook is lost please return to my mansion where i live just east of the

Fort thank you the king oh okay well i guess i’m going east so you guessed it i was off to find this mansion to the east i’m pretty sure it was the one i found before so it should be pretty easy to find okay maybe

It wasn’t as easy as i thought but i did find it finally the relics gotta be in here this is the last place this mansion was a pretty spooky place i’m not gonna lie but i tried to sneak my way around the best i could i’m gonna tell you

Right now there are some odd things in this place daddy’s like flower rooms for some reason a cabin in the middle of a room probably wasn’t supposed to be here and these cells what a weird place like like look at this what is this are these cells or something oh

I hear something are there monsters in here don’t hurt me i’ll let you out if you don’t hurt me i’m not seeing anything though i’m so confused what i don’t see any monsters no nothing in that one i’m not seeing one in here either i don’t see any of them

Okay maybe maybe the noises are coming from somewhere else okay sure whatever as i came to a dead end i decided to go back the way i came but i was ambushed by fairies and a lot of them i was starting to get overwhelmed i even tried

To make a break for you know make some distance but still they followed me so i ran back outside so i could get away but still they followed me like come on how far do you guys go leave me alone after finally getting rid of those

Fairies and healing up i was ready to go back in this place is weird there’s a lot of weird rooms in this mansion and i have no idea what they’re for these illagers i don’t know what’s wrong with them like look at this there’s a room

With just a jack-o-lantern head in it a whole room full of wool which i actually dug through to see if i could find anything inside but unfortunately i found nothing there were wool statues of the illagers again i dug through them and and found nothing i even blasted one

With an explosive arrow because i was just becoming impatient and finally i came across the full room of trees well samplings what are these illegals up to the next floor was really no better but it seemed like it mostly consisted of bedrooms and this fighting ring well i

Think it was a fighting ring or a pit i don’t know what it look it looked like one so yeah anyway moving on okay so creepers in this place are not great to have in here at all all right timothy we ready to go up i think this is the last

Floor but i’m not sure oh well hello don’t even let me up yeah that’s what i thought nothing easy oh is that uh nope nope nope don’t you sneak up on me you either come on I think there’s a guy that spawns yeah it is it’s him right there oh my gosh shadow shoot him there oh no no no no no no okay i got him i got him these guys i don’t like these guys these fairies are annoying so are creepers creepers go away what

I thought i took that guy out why is the enchanter throwing more things at me is he oh no i think there’s another one look at all the fairies you know what here i’ll drink this potion will this help me it doesn’t seem like it’s helping me No no okay i thought this potion was going to be better but i guess not Oh maybe it is hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait wait still in this still got this get over here oh my gosh look at all the fairies fairies go away okay potion’s done there’s like four of them in here oh oh oh no no no no no no shadow shadow

Shadow get out run run run run oh my oh my jimmy help me ah okay okay okay i’m all right i think i’m all right it’s just those fairies man they follow you forever see they’re still there all right i’m good i’m just gonna hightail it out of

Here for now until i heal up take those guys out i’ll come back just wanna fight oh look at them there’s like six of them get out of here i don’t like you not having fun oh my gosh they keep coming they keep coming they don’t stop following me this is ridiculous

What you wanna here take some of these that help oh i can’t shoot him too close though i’ll take myself out where do you guys keep coming from your range can’t be that far look at them how am i supposed to do this all right i think they’re mostly cleared

But i i just can’t stay out here it’s gonna be night soon and i just i don’t wanna deal with any other moms you know these guys are tough enough so here’s my plan i’m just gonna run up there as quick as i can and take out those

Enchanter guys or what are they called the fairy godfathers i don’t know what they’re called invictus or vindicators something gosh where’s where’s the creeper coming from oh it’s my creeper whoops nothing in here looks important but i guess not Take that oh oh i just i just ticked them off come on little little dudes take them out oh get that get that get that guy make sure those fairies don’t become overwhelming again all right all right you know what just go in here just go where where are you at

Where are you at there you are come here take him out take him out guys come on oh my gosh i gotta run did i take him out nope he’s still shooting stuff fairies go away i’m so done with this okay okay okay okay okay no no thank you

Oh no there’s no way out of here there’s no way out of here help me oh no creeper okay okay i think i’m good i think i’m good just keep running get on my way creeper ouch oh and there’s a reefer right there really

Come on i’m not gonna be able to do this this is my last night that’s it it’s my last chance timothy we’re doing it again we’re just running in as soon as i find the door there we go oh creepers whoa whoa whoa there’s a there’s a hole right there

I got this i got this just gotta just gotta take out that summoner guy real quick oh oh oh where are you at are you in here there you are there you are take that come on get them throw them up good good good good perfect nice wait

Wait why am i why are they still shooting that thing at me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa creepers come on where’s that other guy i don’t know where he’s at Where is he oh man that room’s a mess where is he you know what oh no no don’t get stuck down here come on no no no no no no no no no no there’s a creeper just blew up get get get get get out get out get out okay okay i can

I think i can manage out here a little bit more he’s still here somewhere i went in every room i couldn’t find him okay these guys are a little bit easier to dodge out here which is great until i find this guy is he stuck in a wall ah that no no

I can’t believe i’m just outside on top of the mansion trying to find this guy where are you here you wanna you wanna play dirty i’ll play dirty blow some stuff up let’s just hope the relics not in there hopefully oh whoa right in my face i don’t see him

He’s still shooting that magic stuff at me i don’t know i might just have to go just go and grab the relic wherever it’s at look it’s coming in from him but he’s not there oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no creepers creepers stay back stay back

Whoa no oh come on come on no oh my gosh i’m almost dead i’m almost dead at the end of it all i don’t know if i took out this illager or not but i couldn’t find him and i was just getting tired of fighting so much you know i had

Very little time left and i had to find that relic so i started searching really quickly and i finally came across a chest with this nether star in it this has to be the relic it has to be so you betcha i grabbed that thing made my own

Exit and i got away from the mansion as quick as i could timothy and i we did it we did what we needed but still my adventure wasn’t over i still had to figure out how to craft this potion to help me through my transformation i just

Hope i figure it out soon because i don’t know how much time i have left [Applause] All right and we’re back so this time timothy and i had to travel to a very dangerous location and normally this is not the place you’d want to be so if you can leave a comment wishing me and timothy luck it would be greatly appreciated but supposedly there is a

Person that can help me formulate the potion with the components i need to survive but here’s the problem you don’t find them they find you and here’s the catch i can’t just chill here and relax because i have to prove myself before they even bother to show their face but

Let me tell you this land is absolutely terrifying there are mobs i’ve fought in the past as well as mobs i have never encountered before so let me know if you’re familiar with rl crap what is your most hated mob also like my other previous videos this map will be

Available for download on my patreon so you guessed it in order to prove my worth i have to survive a 100 days in rl craft why do i feel like i’m gonna have a bad time So timothy and i we ended up landing in the badland areas right next to whatever this thing was it was big and uh it looked important but there was no way i was going in there just yet so i had a look around the area to kind of see what

I could do because i had really no idea where to start all i knew was that i needed flint so i could craft some flint tools guys you can’t punch trees here to get wood it it just won’t work but then again i i really don’t see many trees

Here to punch so yeah there’s that not to mention i’m not really familiar with the badlands and i don’t really see any gravel around uh so no gravel no flint no tools awesome but i couldn’t give up hope timothy and i we carefully made our way

Around the area inch by inch trying to see if we can find anything at all even one piece of gravel would be great but we had to be extremely careful as there were all types of mobs around the area like there were these guys and this guy and these fellas like

What i have no idea how i’m gonna survive i really don’t i figured my best option at the moment was to start to go underground to see if i could come across any gravel at all but unfortunately i couldn’t find any okay there’s gotta be there’s gotta be some gravel around here

Somewhere like gravel’s not usually that hard to find right i don’t like going down here it’s so dark oh no no no no no no no i’m here monsters i am not going down there come on timothy let’s get out of there let’s go yeah i wasn’t doing that for

Gravel no way so i decided to head back up to try somewhere else you know not so dark and scary i don’t know timothy i think we’re out of luck buddy oh wait why do i hear a really loud flapping sound oh that’s why we got a dragon right

Above us and whatever that thing is awesome cool okay yeah this just got worse okay so i’m definitely not sticking around here i never felt so unprepared in my life this isn’t going good i can’t even get the bare essentials to start hey what am i gonna do as i was looking

Around the place i noticed that there was a hot air balloon and this castle floating in the sky maybe maybe i might want to go up there yeah but do i want to risk swimming out there i don’t think that would be smart because like i don’t

Know what’s in that water so instead timothy and i we moved our way around the bank hoping to run into some gravel like any gravel at all oh there’s uh some sugar cane cool oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait buddy here here here there’s gravel oh is that is that hostile

Go away please i just want the gravel all right all right all right i’m just gonna sneak over okay all right timothy here’s the plan we’re gonna just run over here get this gravel and then get out all right just a couple more i just want a couple more stay over there

All right all right all right i think that’s enough let’s go let’s go let’s get out of here i think it would be smart tim i think we just kind of made a little bit of a shelter because the sun’s going down man and uh

Yeah i don’t want to be out here at night and that’s what i did i built a shelter in the side of this rock and uh and spent the better part of the night just farming for flint because i wasn’t going out there no way what is that oh my gosh

What did i get myself into here yep just gonna stay here for the night day one awesome the next day it really wasn’t any better but i found a bunch of sticks so that was good i also didn’t realize i was getting hot either until i seen the

Inferno of death well i think that means i’m burning up so what do you do when you’re overheating well yeah take a dip in the pool or pond or whatever you want to call this either way i was in water trying to cool off let’s just hope

Nothing comes at me so i figured out that i could craft a flint knife so i could get some plant fibers as the sun was going down i started to panic a little okay maybe a lot what what are those things come on and there’s another dragon another dragon

They’re so close to each other so considering i wasn’t finding much grass around this area i decided to take the risk and swim over to the area that i’ve seen in the distance it looked like there was grass as it it looked like a snowy biome i guess all right timothy

I’m uh i’m gonna take the chance buddy let’s go over here there’s gotta be tons of grass over here just keep an eye out for that dragon make sure that he doesn’t come after us if he does i’m going under swimming doesn’t seem too bad i

Yeah i think i’m okay all right here we go nice okay good good good that’s what i want that’s what i want okay uh timothy we gotta we gotta bunker up here buddy i made a flint hatchet i can cut down trees now awesome oh my god i’m freezing

Why am i so cold and i was right i started to freeze to death so i did the only thing i could do i made a break for it back over to the badlands oh my gosh i’m so dead i’m so dead why why do i gotta deal with temperature yep

Just swimming straight to the dragon yeah no problem at all let’s just uh oh my gosh okay okay okay it seemed to uh seem to calm down let’s take a look around here oh there’s a castle over there and uh whatever that thing is yeah nope timothy

Uh let’s uh let’s go back into a hole buddy i’m not i’m not doing this tonight there’s there’s no way no way yep back into a hole i went because why not it seemed like there was a lot more creatures out at night which you know makes sense so i was just

Trying to be safe i wasn’t scared or anything oh my gosh what is that thing why does that thing exist why ah oh look a bird a big oh my gosh a big bird that thing was gonna kill me wasn’t it that thing was so gonna kill me

I don’t know what to do what do you mean something’s gonna eat me in the dark what really is that a thing torches are a definite must then because oh my gosh all right so things were becoming more apparent that everything and i mean everything wanted to kill me all right

Is the coast clear nope there’s a skeleton right there doing whatever he’s doing is that that’s a stingray oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay okay stingray’s bad i get it i couldn’t even get out of the hole i was in like i couldn’t leave it but i felt

Like i had no option at this point because i couldn’t stay in here any longer i had to keep moving so i made a break for i needed those trees over there and i needed shelter and torches i needed a material i don’t even know where i’m running okay that castle looks

Very inviting oh but he’s got so much stuff over there oh there’s a cave oh oh there’s a crap oh he looks harmless it’s just a crab it’s all good it’s okay it’s cool this is one of those passive mobs right no good okay i’m good

Just keep an eye out for that skeleton make sure he doesn’t shoot at me i think i’m good all right ow ow no no no no no what is that what is it what is it stingray oh my gosh it’s the crab crab go away go away is it gone did you stop

It seemed like the little bugger stopped chasing me so i figured it was all right to start chopping down some trees i feel like i’m getting somewhere getting some trees getting some wood some sticks it’s going good it’s going good whoa okay oh crap stick stay away from me

Now i hear you stay away oh my gosh it’s even coming at me sideways timmy help me buddy okay he stopped he’s gone man giving me a heart attack here all right so i decided once my flint axe broke i would try to look for some proper shelter there was this

Castle-like structure that was just sitting in the middle of the water and i figured you know what that might be a good place to check out you know the only problem was that i would have to swim my way over and uh swimming is starting to become very risky i find but

It’s better than being out at night with nothing over my head or in a hole so yeah all right um i think i’m gonna have to do it like there’s a dragon right there and i don’t want to be out here you ready timothy we really gotta do this

Buddy all right whatever let’s go come on oh i hear seagull one of those big seagulls again so freaky okay okay okay i’m almost there i’m almost there the great thing about this is that it’s in a colder biome so i can heat myself up i just gotta get a fire

Oh look at that there’s fire in here look at that look at that look at that sweet all right this is actually a cool spot i got lava i got water i got loot i got an apple look at all this stuff this is great

Oh look i got some tools oh there’s some wood there bandages oh bandages definitely need bandages the castle was a good choice it was a it was a good place to stay you know i found quite a bit of loot and it had crops and fire and i could keep myself

Warm it wouldn’t be a bad idea to turn it into my own base you know it kind of makes sense the only thing i’m really worried about is that that dragon is flying overhead so it could be a problem but i think i can make this work

All right so day four day four definitely opened my eyes to what i may be dealing with for the next 100 days well to start off i have one of those seagull things spawn into the top floor of this structure so that was great but

I kept my distance and i spent half the day trying to figure out how to build a crafting table a crafting table i i don’t understand can i not just turn logs into planks okay i need a saw but how do i get iron if i can’t craft a stone pickaxe i don’t

I am so confused and trust me i was really confused but i ended up figuring something else out you know what game you know what i’m gonna go do i’m gonna go get planks from the roof is that cheating i feel like that’s cheating but

I don’t care i need to build a table hello after the crafting table was crafted i spent a good portion of the day just trying to figure out what to do next or what i could do next i know i needed to get iron but at the same time i couldn’t

Really leave the castle all right let’s uh yep and that’s why i can’t leave okay uh yeah this is gonna be great i didn’t really think about being surrounded completely by water but okay we’re doing it so instead i decided to block some areas up with some doors just

So i could be safe you know i don’t need anything getting in i figured it might be a good idea to craft a bed but of course i didn’t have any of the materials to actually craft one so there was that and it was way too dangerous to

Go out at night right now so i thought maybe i could go down hopefully i could get some cobblestone below me unfortunately i just end up digging in the water because well the castle is floating in water and there was no way i was traveling down there in the dark

With the sea creatures no way alright so the next morning i had a plan to head over to land i was hoping that the area would have warmer climate kind of like the badlands area but not so hot okay can’t go that way cause well the dragon awesome there’s this way too but

It’s it’s kind of cold over there oh hey what’s up are you nice uh i don’t even wanna try what in the world was that i have a feeling i’m gonna be saying that a lot oh man what did i get myself into you know what it looks clear this way and

I’m just gonna go i’m just gonna go i’ll be fine totally fine see nothing in the water anyway ow ow ow no no no no oh my gosh is that blue guy i thought you’re on the other side go away from me please i don’t think he comes

Out of water does he yes he does he does go get out of here you better run oh my gosh zombie go away i don’t need you too oh my gosh what is that thing what is that thing oh oh my gosh ron what was that what was that is it gone

Please be gone okay so after all that drama i think i’m finally safe i have to find stone because i need cobblestone i need to start you know building furnaces and all that jazz you know all right there’s got to be stone around here somewhere oh perfect right here look at that look

At that now i’m getting somewhere wait what’s that a rock uh wait do i have ah okay yeah you guessed it can’t be easy can it nope after i felt like i collected enough rocks i started to make my way back over to the castle okay so i’m assuming you just put four

Of them like this okay okay that’s not too bad it’s kind of a pain but yeah okay i get it geez shadow this probably isn’t the best place to do this there’s a dragon right there as the fire dragon was flying overhead i had this urge to go over to its nest and

Loot the area i mean i’ve dealt with dragons before i should be alright right but then again i i was a lot more geared than i am now so maybe now is not the best time to mess with it and then i heard something that broke my attention from the dragon what wait

There it was again what is is that a horn i had no idea where this horn or trumpet sound was coming from or what was even doing it but i needed coal so i figured i might as well go down into the cave anyway you know start mining

Look at that finally getting some experience because i’m too scared to fight anything that horn’s ridiculous i don’t know why but i find it hilarious hello anybody here i hope not what no no no i’m not gonna get eaten i got torch it’s not pitch black okay i

Got a torch i’m just gonna mine my coal and mind my business plus i taste horrible okay there’s that horn again but it’s getting further away okay i’m starting to hear noises okay what is that what is that i don’t know what was making that noise

But it was creepy at this point i had no idea what i was doing because i had no idea what to expect down here you know i know i was just getting cold but maybe this wasn’t the best time but i kept hearing those sounds almost as if

They’re getting closer i don’t know if i panicked or thought it was just a good idea but i ran okay i think that’s enough yeah i i am officially creeped out oh my gosh where am i going oh no no whoa no no no no no no no no no no no run

Get out of the water get out of the water what is that thing okay okay okay i’m just gonna chill here for a second i’m just gonna block myself in i’m just gonna block myself in i don’t know what that was i was frozen with fear i had no

Idea what i should do i know my time was limited because i have a feeling that my torch would go out and i would be left in the dark so i decided since i was down here for the night i might as well dig a little man this mod pack it’s horrifying

I know something’s out there i got this little dagger all right let’s uh let’s put a door down just case i gotta run back quickly stop growling at me where are ya okay okay what was that what are you like a lizard go away please oh you look mean

I don’t know what that was or what it is but it looks like some type of lizard and it’s not letting me out like i’m stuck and all i got is this little tiny dagger like what am i gonna do folk them with it jeez get go leave me alone

Yeah you better run scaredy cat all right uh now i gotta leave i hear more than one thing and i still hear that horn all right please be gone please be gone oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh i almost died

I almost died and i have nothing to heal myself with nothing what am i doing ah at this point i had no idea what to do no idea i had no healing i was stuck it seemed like i couldn’t even get out but i had one idea and one idea only and

Trust me when i say this i didn’t like it i couldn’t take the chance of running through the cave anymore especially with creatures like that out there and you know what else i didn’t even want to know who was playing that trumpet anymore okay i was just done i wanted to

Get out of here so my idea was to dig up i just hope i have enough durability in my pickaxe to make it out because i mean if i can’t punch wood i doubt i can punch stone so yeah i got this i don’t think i’m that deep yep yep good good

Good good oh i don’t like the water though i don’t like the water okay just go quick just go quick okay okay i’m good let’s go back to the base and be done with this okay so anything around i’m running low on water though oh what’s that

Oh come on you gotta be like right in my way okay i’m gonna i’m gonna have to go around i’m not going over there you know what i’m doing it i’m doing it i got no other choice the sun’s going down if i don’t get over there i’m done for i

Can’t be out here i’d rather take my chances everything’s getting blurry on me i need water go go go go go oh there’s a skeleton horse in the water i don’t think he hurts me though all right good i’m good i’m good i can’t see anything but i’m good all right i need

Some water ow ow wait wait wait wait wait what i got parasites oh come on oh no no no no this is it i’m done i’m done this is it it’s over day six it’s over yep there you go gonna die to parasites drinking dirty water come on no no please oh

I think i’m good i think i’m good well okay uh that day was fun not really all right so i need to figure out how to heal myself i did find some bandages so i’m assuming that’s how you do it yeah but how difficult are these things

Going to be to make okay so it looks like there’s two important components at the moment is i need to get myself some sheep sugarcane or birch trees and grass fibers i also have another issue is it really safe being out here in the water

I feel like i should at least make a bridge so i don’t have to swim back every time i want to leave you know that kind of makes sense right but then again do i really want to spend the time doing that i kind of have to progress i’m not

I’m not progressing it at all but then again i’m still alive considering it was raining the next day and i had these fancy fellows all around me i figured instead of going out and risking you know my life i would get things in order before heading out for materials so i

Built myself some tools and finally a shield i don’t know why it takes me so long to build these things but whatever i got one now as i was out collecting pieces of my house for scraps i noticed an air balloon just over in the water

Now i need wool for bandages and i’m pretty sure these things are made of wool and breaking one of these down is definitely going to be a lot easier than finding sheep plus i have no idea if i shear sheep some weird entity is gonna

Jump out and try to take me out because it seems like everything else that i break down something pops up it’s weird like do you remember this guy yeah yeah let’s try to avoid that okay okay but for now i just have to stick around the base because the rain

It lets all these mobs out and i’m just gonna have to wait until it stops because these guys they won’t leave me alone now y’all know me i don’t have much patience unfortunately and these guys weren’t letting me do very much so i thought it was a great idea to spend

Part of the day trying to bait these birds into a fight but try to do it safely to where i could hit him and he couldn’t hit me but as you can see this is what i was dealing with is this where the saying bird brain comes from because

Uh he’s not being very smart but then again either am i yeah once the rain let up i took my chances to harvest some crops you know i always forget to do that but i’m gonna tell you i’ve never been so nervous to harvest crops before okay okay

I gotta start being on top of these crops i for some reason never do them let’s just plant these real quick and then get back inside why am i so scared this is so freaky i feel like something’s gonna pop out and grab me ah that’s so nerve-wracking

I’m done okay i’m done now before you say it shadow why are you being such a scaredy cat well because those seagulls are scary okay and when you’re harvesting crops you’re not exactly looking up you’re you’re looking down but after a while i just got tired of

Being scared you know i gotta be brave i gotta face my fears i can’t do this the entire 100 days i just can’t alright bird this is it you want to fight let’s go i’m sick of you oh you’re not here now are you huh huh you scared me come on now

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no put me down put me down oh my gosh jeez i was not expecting that don’t sneak up on me you’re supposed to face me face to face man versus bird you know you know what i

I could have won that fight if he didn’t sneak up on me no that wasn’t fair right yeah i thought so all right so i figured that i should probably craft myself a boat because that balloon it was it was quite a swim over and uh you know

There’s things in the water now that i think of it i should have probably crafted a boat a while ago but you guys know me yeah i was in desperate need of that wool so i could craft some bandages cause i had like only a few hearts left

So i built my boat and i headed over nothing seemed to be chasing me but either way i got up into the balloon as quick as i could i worked most of the day breaking down the wool not sure why i was doing it with an axe but okay also

I i made some mistakes but that’s okay and unfortunately i don’t know if i was getting greedy or i really just wanted to completely break down the entire thing or i really didn’t know what i was thinking because the sun was going down and i was still breaking in the wall

Like what do you do in shadow get back to your base there’s a seagull right there what am i doing out at night does he see me i just gotta go go go go go go go go go go run hey oh my gosh no let me go no no no get

Oh my gosh get off of me to my boat get to my boat go go go go this is crazy oh now freezing to death i’m freezing the death really ah why why okay why am i still freezing why am i still freezing timothy um

What’s up buddy i want to say it was worth it which it probably would have been if i left earlier but but either way i could make a ton of bandages which was great but man that could have ended horribly i got to be more careful really

The next day i was on the hunt for iron because i needed it bad i had torches but i had to light them up first and and i needed iron to do that so that’s what i did i headed out to go get some iron well i tried all right timothy i gotta

Head out i got tons of bandages buddy i should be okay oh looks kind of clear oh no never mind never mind jeez do these guys hurt that bad and i could just can i just take them out like right here they don’t seem to grab me so ah

Look at that you guys can’t get me sucks for you come here oh oh my gosh what is going on help why are you on my boat get on my boat what am i getting grabbed by what is grabbing me what was that was that you

What in the world all right so that didn’t work so then i tried other ways to get over to a cave it’s just building or having a base in the water probably isn’t the best idea why am i getting so blurry i’m out of water oh whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa hey hey hey hey buddy no no sir no thank you you can go away now ah how do you like that what’d you drop what is that thing all right i have no idea what that is but okay if i remember correctly fire dragon nests usually hold gold and iron in

Their chests so it might be less risky of an option to make my way over there and try to sneak a few it’s a pretty good idea right i mean he’s flying up pretty high and there are chests fairly low okay maybe this isn’t a great idea

Maybe i shouldn’t do it but i really need iron let’s just do it i need iron i really don’t want to go underground for it okay i think we’re good i don’t see any monsters underneath the water dragon doesn’t seem to care hopefully he doesn’t seem to care look at that look

At that there’s one right there i should be able to get this i think this might work all right all right he doesn’t see me look at that look at that oh wait he does see me oh no oh no okay i think i think i made a really big

Mistake he’s not coming after me though okay so what did i get okay i got the iron sword and the iron okay so that’s good okay this is good that was my main concern was to get lit torches and uh because you can’t go mining without them

So i think this was worth it even though the dragon did shoot at me but look at that i made a flint and steel and all i gotta do now is uh get back safe and sound yeah but here was my next issue the sun was starting to go down and i

Didn’t want to be caught in the water at night so i figured i would count my blessings and try to take off to the closest cave i could find so i grabbed whatever was floating in the water and i decided to run for the first cave i seen

Good thing i did because i really ticked off that dragon only problem was this really wasn’t a cave it had like five different entrances great for getting ambushed so i figured i might as well mine some of the cobblestone maybe i’ll get lucky and find some iron but i did

End up digging down into a cave i think maybe it’s kind of big a lot of a lot of ways to go i kind of don’t like that and there’s a skeleton down there are you coming no i guess he’s not okay uh i’m just not gonna go that way then of

Course i can’t mind the gold just my luck all right so i got myself all set up to mining iron but i couldn’t mine the gold i’m assuming it’s because i didn’t have enough experience or something maybe anyway i kept on moving through the cave this is so creepy

There’s so many sounds freaking me out so once i felt like i mined all the iron oars or maybe i was just too scared to go any deeper i found a pretty good spot to set up a little camp so i could start smelting it i didn’t get a whole lot but

I could at least craft an iron pickaxe and maybe a piece of armor but you wanna know something funny i couldn’t even use either of them i didn’t have enough experience in the you know skill tree so that was awesome hilarious looks like i gotta go grime for more experience i

Guess here we go on day 10 i kept on making my way through the cave as i figured i’d probably be better off getting experience from coal than trying to fight some monsters i i just wasn’t equipped for like i couldn’t even use my iron sword jet so yeah

What was that it’s gonna block that off okay what was that thing okay yeah it’s trying to shoot at me nope um cool and see if i can get another way in here so i can poke him hey guys there’s more than one okay i didn’t know what these things were and

I didn’t know what they do but i tried to be safe and i continued to fight them for a little bit even took a few of them out the only thing is it it seems like they kept spawning out of this green pool and when i took one of them out the

Experience well went into the green pool the thing was i didn’t want to go into the green pool to try to get the experience so at one point it was getting too risky to continue fighting them as things seemed to be spawning behind me and uh that just wasn’t good i

Wasn’t in a good spot i just want to see if they know they keep spawning stop spawning would ya oh whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh what no what is that thing get away from me get away get away oh no no no no what was that thing all right i had

Enough of this i’m done i’m gonna heal myself and i’m gonna get out of here i’ll just yeah okay what else is out there i hear it where are you at show yourself oh it’s one of you guys nope get oh did he break something on me

Oh no not another one you guys i don’t like you guys go away okay that was easy are you guys done hello oh oh there’s one down there it’s gonna sneak my way around i think just keep going shadow worry about it okay i think i’m in the clear

I was in a bad place and i believe it was still night so going above ground was not a huge thing for me but i also needed to find a water source and quick because i was gonna die a thirst but i do remember seeing one on the way down

Here at the beginning but even moving around was a risk but i had no choice i had to do it but after a little bit i did find that water source and i uh i drank from it i got parasites too so you know you can’t win everything i guess

Not just that i started to boil getting hot down here they said this wasn’t gonna be easy and believe me it’s not as i made my way out of the cave i noticed that it was daytime so i decided to go back down and you know do a little

Bit more mining for iron blocks because those things that spawned at night well weren’t gonna spawn so i felt a little more safe after a bit i finally got enough levels to get my mining up so i could finally use my iron pickaxe so you

Bet i stayed down there to get all that gold but of course i was bothered by well this little guy i thought he was kind of cute at first but then he hurt me so yeah i didn’t like him after that i figured it was time to go back to the

Surface as i’m sure night was on its way plus i had a full inventory so there was really no reason for me to be down here anymore so i started making my way back above ground and hopefully making it over to my base as the sun was coming

Down i raced my way over and fought any mobs in my way well the ones i had to you know i’m not gonna fight if i don’t have to right yeah and i spent the rest of the night trying to get my things in order i even tried to make an infinity

Purified water source which doesn’t work by the way and i was finally able to build that saw that thing i needed from the start not sure how helpful it was gonna be now but okay either way i built it i got it yes i’m sitting in my purified water

Okay i get it it’s not sanitary but i was really hot so yeah anyway while i was looking through my quests i noticed that you could claim hats well that’s cool so i decided to do a little fashion show for timothy you know with the hats

And stuff you know just to lighten up the mood i had this weird thing that goes on your eye it was kind of gross not really something you’d want to wear and then of course i could wear this because you all know i’m big brained sometimes okay maybe not a lot but but

Sometimes okay we can all agree with that right please say yes i need a confident booster and then this one made me look like a real mine crafter with the mining hat you get it yeah no okay i’ll stop either way it had a really

Epic beard i like that one then i had a little santa claus hat a little late for the holidays but either way it was kind of cool and then whatever this thing was that i don’t know i guess it’s like a meme or a weird emoji uh yeah that’s all

I can say about that one did your mother ever tell you not to eat watermelon seeds wanna know why cause this happens stuff grows out of your head no just i’m just joking yeah no that’s this isn’t real okay just a joke guy okay don’t believe in it not trying to scare you

You can eat watermelon seeds this won’t happen well you shouldn’t eat them probably not good to eat them anyway moving on this one was probably made for me not gonna lie it yeah i’ll take it i’ll admit to it i’m not the smartest guy in the room i get that oh and this

One’s just the beer this one’s kind of cool i like it i like it a lot i feel so manly ah i want to like go punch a tree down but i can’t cause this rl craft after the fashion show was all over i figured i’d also take a break from the

Nightmare and start to fortify my area a little better you know make the place more my own and safe as i was harvesting my crops and cleaning up the area i noticed that there was a chest outside when i opened it i found this garment it

Looked a little tattered but in a place like this it makes sense you know to keep me warm when it’s cold so not a bad idea as i put it on i felt this tingle flow through my body as if it was meant for me there was also a note inside this

Is for shadow man don’t touch okay i guess it was for me kind of weird though i gotta say i’m looking pretty good with it on though not a bad color either i like it okay so the next morning it was becoming very apparent that i was getting to the point where i

Needed more experience like i mentioned before i’m crafting all these tools and armor but i can’t wear them just yet but i had to get experience safely so i decided to start building a bridge across the water to land so that i wouldn’t have to swim all the time it

Was becoming way too risky and it just seemed like every time i went out something was there okay what am i hearing nope nope nope nope i don’t think so okay sometimes i get a little scared all right no big deal moving on for the rest of the day i worked on the

Bridge but let me tell you it was nerve-racking every little sound threw me off and i felt like i was taking forever to build it i mean look at this guy this is why i need to be more cautious i thought i was being safe

Until he tried to turn me into a shell or at least that’s what i think he was doing from this point on i just kept it safe you know trying not to poke anything in the water yeah but then again i don’t know how safe it is working out at night because

Uh things still come after you like they just don’t stop on day 14 i needed more building materials and i figured i’d start fixing up the base a little you know make it better by removing these walls as i didn’t like that mobs could potentially spawn in them you know open

Them up plus it would give me more room to add more crops and that wasn’t wrong because uh look at this guy just just wandering in here like it’s no big deal after a bit i seen this floating glowing thing just hovering above my base i had

No idea what it was i figured it wasn’t hostile because it was giving me this i don’t know extra eyesight of some sort like look at timothy he was glowing i could see mobs through walls so i had this crazy idea to try to trap it

Figured it would be a good buff to have around you know the base so that’s exactly what i tried to do i thought i’d try to you know keep her in the top floor so i try to surround her with materials to kind of lead her in that

Way but unfortunately it it just wasn’t coming in so i i just left it where it was i figured whatever you know it’s gonna give me the buff anyway who cares the next day i kept on continuing getting blocks from my bridge and guess what that nymph or whatever it’s called

It must have despawned because while i was trying to see if i could get it in again it was gone so all that work yesterday was for nothing a complete waste of time awesome once i got the bridge built i went ashore to gather some dirt so i could fill in my base

With crops and you bet when that sun started to set i hightailed it back to the base i spent most the day and night setting the layout for my crops and building a front door to the base i’m kind of surprised i didn’t do that yet

But then again am i really on day 16 i was on a mission to get more experience i haven’t even put on armor yet so i made my way across the bank to see if i can get some easy experience i ended up coming across this little shack there

Wasn’t too much in it but i won’t complain there’s materials but i did end up coming across these guys i was a little nervous i’m not gonna lie but i handled them pretty well you know getting better with that shield the sun was starting to set and there was no way

I was staying out here so i ran back to the base and started to get some things together because tomorrow i plan on going out and hunting for experience well that hunting thing yeah that stopped pretty quick oh there’s a stingray right there

Oh no no no no no no no i don’t think so well i’m off to a great start supposed to be hunting not running but that’s what i gotta do i wandered around the area to see if i could find any new structures or caves or whatever to

Explore i did end up coming across this really interesting cave it was filled with like trees and mushrooms and creepers but compared to some of the other mobs in this world the creepers were mild to say the least i explored throughout the cave until i came across

The bigger opening i noticed a zombie and i blocked that off right away i don’t know why but the first zombie i took out really messed me up i don’t know if that creepy creature spawned from that zombie when i took it out but i really didn’t want to take the chance

Again you know trying to be safe after exploring more and taking out some of these fellows i really only had one more way to go if i wanted to stay down here that’s right the way the zombie was alright i got enough experience now let’s put this armor on let’s do this

I’m excited i can take on the world well not really it’s only armor but that’s okay it’s something whoa oh my gosh what is that thing no get get get out of the heel what am i get out of the heel oh my gosh what is that thing is it a bug oh

Well i was completely caught off guard on that one i’m okay i think maybe a little shaken up but but good i was in a really bad spot like i couldn’t really move forward or behind because the mobs just wouldn’t leave me alone oh come on come on come on no

Get out of here oh i hate those guys what am i gonna do i’m running low on bandages and i i really want experience plus i can’t really get back to the surface right now oh and then i figured it was a good idea to

Poke a hole in the wall because a lot of mobs can’t go through a one by one right yeah i learned the hard way like i usually do oh what are you oh no you can get in get out of here oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot shoot

Yeah let’s uh just cover that up i was running out of options i had nowhere to go so you know what i thought i’d do i thought i’d be safe i’ve seen a couple horrors of coal just to my right and i figured i’d just dig down over there and

You know be safe you know get experience safely no gosh no no no no no no no no what was that what was that okay nope i’m done i’m done down here i am so done so the next day i hightailed it out of there i had no healing left and i

Figured i’d take this as a win considering now i can wear my armor so i headed back to the base while i was there i had this idea to build another portal it seems like i need a few things from the nether for crafting plus i figured why not is that a witch

All right witch where are you come here oh there you are take that would ya there how do you like that oh whoa whoa whoa what in the world did you just throw at me and there’s a seagull now and there’s a seagull now oh my gosh are you kidding me even the

Witches are on something okay okay ah this is frustrating of course the witches are harder in rl craft what was i thinking man that could have been bad good thing i had a tower right next to me jeez on day 19 i set out to get some

Lava you know to finish that nether portal there’s got to be some pools just laying around here somewhere right i ran around for most of the day seeing some pretty cool interesting passive creatures and getting distracted here and there you know how it is i got some

Lava but i i still needed more and of course it was almost nighttime oh oh what’s that that’s a pirate ship that’s cool okay i thought i’d seen some lava just over here oh there whoa you weren’t there before do you hurt me you probably hurt me he’s not doing anything though

No no no okay okay okay uh thanks for nothing and i will uh see you later all right so i thought that was enough messing around for the moment i had to find shelter quickly so yeah i ran i ended up finding this cave and i i ran

Right down into it hoping to find a dead end so i could lock it off which i did i just spent the better part of the night looking for ore and uh collecting materials nothing too exciting the next morning i got myself all healed back up

And i went back to the surface to face that lava dude thing whatever but it had a friend this time oh you’re coming for me aren’t you oh you are get out of here fire lizard or whatever you are okay you’re not too bad you know what i got an idea you’re made

Of fire i bet you don’t like water there take that i’m sorry but you’re in my way buddy i need some lava okay take a sword it wasn’t the most epic battle but with a little patience and a lot of water that lava dude finally went

Down once i took down the beast i hopped up grabbed the lava and i headed back to the base that night i tried to build onto my nether portal but these seagulls just don’t leave me alone ever so i set out again the next day to get

That remaining lava that i needed after i got the lava i noticed the pirate ship just sitting in the water and i decided to go over i figured this might be the last time i might be over here so why not overall it wasn’t too bad there are

A few spawners in here which i thought i could take advantage of considering i’m in real need of experience bad so i bunkered myself in and started to farm zombies for the night farming was pretty good but i noticed that a lot of them were outside so i popped a few holes

Open and uh unfortunately let them flow in yeah you guys are definitely out there whoa hello there there’s a lot of ya i don’t know if experience floats or not i i can’t remember but i hope so all right let’s try this one oh hey everybody wants to be my friend i don’t

Blame you i’m a pretty good guy okay i notice i’m not getting experience so i might have to let the water flow in i don’t know if that’s a good idea all right come on in it’s whoa no no no whoa oh my gosh i didn’t realize big climb

Oh my they’re still hitting me all right i think i’m good i think i’m good oh no okay now the water is letting them get up no no no no no no no get out of here i obviously have no idea what i’m doing oh no that thing again get out of here

You what do you call the geist i don’t like you oh purple fire that’s pretty after a bit i noticed that there wasn’t much left spawning so i broke the rest of the spawners and before leaving i noticed that that sail was made of wool so you betcha i had to collect that

Stuff because bandages are a definite must so i spent the rest of the day collecting what i could now this time i didn’t push my luck i got down and back into the boat for the night nothing special on day 23 i kept on breaking down the woolen sail and in the process

Notice that there are some birch trees just over yonder and i’m pretty sure i need those to make paper so i had to keep that in mind i noticed that the sun was going down but i was determined to finish the rest of the sale tonight well

Until a few of these guys showed up yep back in the boat i go i finally finished getting all the wool that i could carry well that took a long time but hey it will be worth it trust me as the sun was setting i decided to build myself a boat

So i could well vote back to my base but uh not tonight it’s a little too dangerous to be boating out at night is boating even a word traveling floating either way not a good idea to do it at night moving on next morning before i

Left i wanted to go grab a couple of those birch trees in the hopes of grabbing a few saplings i know there’s a dragon over here so i gotta yeah that’s exactly what i was worried about yep um okay no no no no i’m done with that okay

Uh i’ll get birch trees some other time see you later okay well i’m not sure what to say about that but uh yeah anyway but look at this look at all these healing supplies wow i finally got my nether portal up and running not sure

It was a good idea but i really wanted to you know make some potions and i know the nether’s got some materials for that i mean even if i can get some nether quartz that that that that’d be worth it right and you’re usually just like right

Around the portal or anywhere really so it should be easy okay nothing looks that different oh it’s kind of actually peaceful in here okay nether quartz let’s let’s get at least nether quartz that’s usually pretty close what was that what was that what was that what is that no no no no

Oh gosh you’re ugly oh my gosh okay okay okay bad idea bad idea oh my gosh there’s everything i gotta get out of here just just yeah just get out of here what in the world wow well that was fun as i was testing something out the next

Morning i had some unexpected visitors yeah i didn’t realize these guys come through the portal they gave me a little bit of an issue but it wasn’t too bad all right let’s block that off and uh go back to what i was doing so i wanted to

Build some type of turret tower for the mobs or at least the seagulls you know and after i was done i noticed that the seagulls weren’t really around so i kind of just had to wait it out oh there’s one oh whoa whoa whoa no no no get off me ah

They always catch me off guard man my heart finally after a little bit i noticed that one of the seagulls was getting hit was my turret working it was well not really see the seagull hit him out of it it’ll probably work better with ground mobs because then they

Wouldn’t be able to reach them but either way i tried you know the next morning i just went in my boat and headed off towards that tower i seen a few days back near the pirate ship i know i said i probably shouldn’t be traveling you know on the water as you

Know there’s a lot of sea creatures and stuff but my boat seems quicker than most the sea creatures so yeah as long as they’re not seagulls yeah seagulls can catch you as i got closer to the tower i noticed that there was a spawner and uh things were already spawned and i

I didn’t want to you know try to get out of the boat and climb in because they’d end up killing me before i actually put my foot on the ground so i just docked over here and uh tried to figure what else to do but it didn’t take me very

Long because i got distracted and seen this thing and i’m pretty positive it’s called the waypoint but unfortunately you need two of them to use it so yeah well what’s that maybe i’ll go over there and see if there’s any good loot in it you know

When i was making my way over to that tower thing i seen some cows and uh and i figured it was a good opportunity to start gathering some leather i’m pretty sure i need it or will need it at some point because i wanted to build a

Canteen you know instead of drinking out of buckets as the sun was setting i needed to find a place for shelter and the only thing i seen was well the tower just off in the distance so i took off for it overall it was relatively safe i

I thought it was gonna have to fight something but it was literally just a tower that’s a big building that’s a really big building oh what’s this thing what’s that oh i’ve dealt with that before i don’t like that thing oh what are you are you coming for

Me oh my gosh you alright get out of here bird oh no why do they always whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh thank goodness for that vine oh come on skeleton give me a break yeah so instead i uh played it safe for the night instead i just tried gathering the

Iron bars and you know keeping my head on a swivel trying to stay out of trouble all right let’s uh let’s go over to that really big building i want to see what’s in it oh gosh i hear a witch hello horsey how you doing or horsey’s

Come on witch i hear ya where are you at there you are come on out there you go oh i hit the horse i’m sorry i’m sorry whoa the horse just blow up what just happened oh look at that water bucket that horse just blew up i don’t know what’s going

On winters are so much stronger horses are blowing up and for some reason i think i’m strong enough to go in here and try to loot the place well let me tell you i was very very wrong because there is witches creepers and spiders and not just normal spiders poisonous

Spiders yeah they got me out of there pretty quick okay so i don’t think i’m ready for that building i mean the place is littered with spawners and there’s holes in the floor so like i can get overwhelmed pretty quick so yeah let’s let’s just not let’s just not do that so

I figured i’d head back the way i came maybe that other tower was a little more for me you know so hot oh whoa whoa did something just shoot at me did something just shoot at me was that the dragon alright that was enough of this area for now way too many things

That could go wrong i mean there are two dragons and uh one of them knows i’m there so yeah i gotta head out on my way back i’m pretty sure i got lost uh i think it’s probably a good time to you know make a map so i can at least you

Know mark things off and have an idea where i’m at but i kept running around trying to look for my boat i felt like i was going in the right area because that tower was there and i had a little bit of an idea of which direction i came

From oh whoa whoa whoa what the did that guy just drop a creeper on me a creeper they can do that get out of here oh my gosh you can pick me up under a tree get there jeez i can’t believe he dropped the creeper on me

Well i didn’t know that they could do that so that’s awesome just dropping creepers out of the sky not a problem at all things just keep getting better what can i say oh no notice oh my gosh creeper get out of the way oh my gosh come on

Can i get a break please these seagulls are the bane of my existence in this world i think i’m just going to stay here i’m just going to stay here that’s what i did i i just stayed down there for the night wasn’t dealing with seagulls anymore not dealing with

Creepers anymore i was just done for the night you know finally the sun was coming up and i could hopefully make it back to my base in one piece you know what let’s get this coal first get some experience make it worth it what what in the what the no what oh my

Gosh oh my gosh i don’t i don’t understand this i don’t understand what is going on why do things keep popping out at me what are you some kind of rock monster this is ridiculous hello oh you’re right there you can get in why did you get in i am

So dead come on go down finally finally okay i got it under control what in the world was that what in the world was that why did things keep jumping out at me like ugh anyway i finally found my boat and i hightailed it out of there as

I was returning to the base i noticed the sea creatures just over where i normally dock my boat so i had to take a detour around as i was detouring around i noticed something just off in the distance but it didn’t matter what it was or how tempting it looked i’d have

To check it out tomorrow as for now i just wanted to get my things in order and finally craft the canteen and uh take a little breather you know the next morning before i headed out i’d made myself one of those atlases you know so i could start marking off places

I’ve been where i wanted to go and you know where i actually was it was kind of useful not gonna lie then i made my way over to that doc looking thing i don’t know what this was for if there was anything good here i’ve seen some of

Those you know ender pearl blocks things or whatever you want to call them but i couldn’t use them and i didn’t really want to to be quite honest with you not right now anyway so instead i looted the area found some useful things and uh i found myself a crafting table which was

Really nice because now i don’t have to build one it’s literally right here right next to my base i can come over and use it when i want you know and then i seen another pirate ship so uh definitely going back over there for experience not right now tomorrow when

It’s lighter as i was getting ready to leave this little port area i figured out pretty quickly that i couldn’t because uh well of this guy yeah that guy i tried to watch his motions in the water to see if i could you know just move around him so i waited and i

Watched i had a few heart attacks a few times as he did get close i even jumped in the water to see if it was clear really not a smart moment then i looked off to my side and i noticed the sea creature moved on so then i thought that

Was my opportunity to go i hopped in my boat and i made my way over trust me i was nervous the whole way but i made it and i got in that night i just took out the bottom floor and looted everything that i could i’m getting quite a bit of

Stuff that i really don’t know what i’m gonna do with but i’m gonna take it anyway because why not right so some of these pirates were archers and they were kind of annoying so i figured it would be a good idea to set up some traps for

Them you know you know the traps were working out pretty good i was getting them trapped in there and you know taking them out they got a good couple shots at me but overall like i pretty much took them all out until i heard this bird prepare it there was a

Skeleton with a parrot on his shoulder which was kind of cool but uh i had to take them out as i embraced the victory of the battle i climbed up to the highest part of the ship to look over the area boy gotta take this guy out

First as i looked out i seen a house just off in the distance i wanted to check it out but i needed to unload first and build myself a backpack these ventures out i need more inventory you know so i figured i’d better do that first i spent the most of day 33

Fiddling around with my inventory and missing with my backpack i don’t know why i have such issues with backpacks but sometimes i just can’t get them to work once i got myself all situated i figured you know what i might as well deal with the crops time to go to bed whoa

What did you just come out of my bed you were so creepy oh oh oh come on now don’t be cheap oh geez that was creepy okay so i guess monsters come from underneath your bed too uh that’s cool the next morning i got my things together and i headed out to

Explore that building i seen over near the pirate ship i was actually on the lookout for a more suitable place to set up base as i really didn’t like being around the ocean with all the sea creatures and seagulls all the time you know i wanted to be able to mine when i

Wanted to and and stuff plus i needed to change the scenery as i made it to the shore i was greeted by another dragon of course this area wasn’t too bad inside you know from the natural burning of the sun but overall it was it wasn’t too bad

There was a natural nether portal just off to the side so that was good if i ever was crazy enough to go back in the house was overall empty nothing too exciting so i moved on well i tried as i was on fire the whole time and needed to

Sit in water till i cooled down so that was fun and then i kind of got myself stuck in a corner with uh these guys can i get up in here this is a cave okay good good good good good good oh it doesn’t go very far shoot that’s not

Good yeah i don’t know what to do sit in this water for now i guess until i cool down all right i just i gotta go just run run run run run maybe they won’t notice me run oh no oh no oh no i think they’re coming oh no they’re coming they’re definitely

Coming no no no no no no no please leave me alone i don’t i don’t want to fight jump in the water slow him down oh right there oh come on why did i do this come on shadow you can do this they lose them oh i i think i seem one

But i’m not taking my chances i am on fire i need to find a place you know what here i’m going down here come on i’m going to be cool cool me down cool down water cool me down all right i gotta find something better i’m not staying down in the cage where

Was that house okay you know what just stuck in here for just for now cool off oh there’s a church or something cool let’s cool off this is ridiculous oh no i hear something what is that oh it’s right on me it’s right go run shadow go just just go go

Go go to that church thing or whatever who cares about everything else this was such a bad idea this was such a bad idea come on come on boom come on okay okay okay good good good good good good good good good get in this building

Come on come on come on oh my gosh what what am i doing why am i playing this this is ridiculous this temperature thing man it’s oh it’s annoying well i guess i’m just gonna sit in a puddle of water for the night try to figure out

How to cool myself down this temperature thing this is probably the hardest thing in this mod pack it’s it’s ridiculous the next morning i ran out knowing i didn’t have much time if i was going to explore these places i was gonna need to find some frost powder or something to

Make these cooling components but i have no idea what drops them i ended up running into this greenhouse looking thing but it really wasn’t a greenhouse or i don’t think it was it was weird it was a nether portal covered in water encased in glass i checked the area out

But there really wasn’t anything to find as i was making my way back to the surface something happened uh what’s that mean oh come on why is there a large chicken above me what is this oh my gosh look at the ball why is there so many of them yeah i’m

Not leaving i’m not leaving this is crazy i didn’t know a chicken is considered a dragon but that’s okay whatever i tried to take on some dragons that were stuck in the water but i was also fighting against the heat but i kept on swinging hoping for that final

Blow you know gotta take my chances come on come on i’m trying to cheese this oh okay oh no i’m not getting hit i got the heat oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh come on you just like spawn into nowhere i can’t

Deal with this heat at the same time this is this is ridiculous once the dragon roar event was over i went down to the bottom to see if there was anything that dropped unfortunately i couldn’t find anything so that that was awesome once i was back at the top i

Figured it would be day soon and i wanted to get back to that church or maybe find another safe spot i was starting to think this exploration wasn’t worth it in the end problem was the last place that i was at i i wanted to get away from the water but here i

Have to keep jumping in the water just to stay cool as much as i wanted to get to the church i still needed iron ore i was running low so i figured i’d take my chances and uh try to find some keep in mind though i was still kind of hesitant

Of mining with you know what happened last time of all the things that could be down here it was kind of nice to see a zombie no not gonna lie these guys are dangerous super dangerous they get like head shots every time out see they get head shots every time every time

I say like they’re the worst mob in this whole thing oh come on no great i’m i’m stuck in a hole awesome perfect let’s heal up first and then we’ll go back out and give it another shot come on come on what you’re not okay never mind i didn’t think he was

Gonna hit me he just kind of looked like he stopped oh what’s that oh whoa whoa whoa whoa come on these ghouls man heart attack 100 every single time but i want to know what’s over there get out of the way ouch ouch ouch no no okay okay

All right i think i’m good oh too much too much at this point it was probably a safe option to bunker up here for the night i needed to collect my bearings anyway so i figured it would be the best option plus i’m not fighting mobs without a

Shield no way i’m done with that i kept on trying to get that iron and then over to that structure thing but it didn’t matter what i did i just couldn’t get over okay guys i just want to go see what this temple thing is no

Those guys are too fast i can’t even get out it’s like everything keeps spawning right okay great we got a ghost up there that’s awesome i just want to get over there i just want to see what’s in it skeleton please please get get i mean i can run over there but hmm

If i do that pretty sure i’m gonna die i don’t like him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where where is that oh my gosh it’s a bug get off of me get off of me get off of me no ah hate those things

Then i had an idea i don’t have to get over there i’ll just stick to it yeah that’s using your head shadow near you come here oh whoa whoa how you how how do you get in here i put the blocks up like his can he phase through walls he couldn’t phase through

Walls before like come on if you’re gonna keep changing your rules hey okay if you get through here i’m gonna be mad come on get closer you wanted me all along come on oh my gosh okay i gotta figure something else i’m gonna probably just gonna dig down

Farther i don’t like this i don’t like this i just wanna get in there i want to know what’s in there hello yeah i hear one of those chewbacca thingies whatever they’re called i don’t remember they’re those little dog looking things oh whoa whoa see i told you i told you

You know what i’m just gonna dig down oh i’m in i mean i mean i’m in i made it inside and it wasn’t the most pleasant of places it was uh it was kind of creepy it was kind of nice i only had to deal with one skeleton before i was able

To check the chests one chest wasn’t really worth it and the second chest i have no idea if this thing was worth it or not but i uh put it on and i continued on so i tried working on isolating each floor so i wouldn’t have any unexpected guests i am getting way

Too many close calls down here but i have to keep moving forward oh you guys again oh ouch okay you didn’t do that last time i got sounds everywhere okay this is gonna be tough okay get get get get there take that okay okay okay okay okay another one

Yeah i gotta i gotta block things off because they keep coming down from higher level and i can’t it’s hard for me to tell how many are in here because they just keep coming down from the top okay oh whoa whoa okay okay that’s a big crab

Or something i don’t i don’t know i’m not fighting it i’m not fighting it not head on no way where you come on oh my gosh what’s he shooting at me what are you shooting at me there this this is a pretty good spot if he gets closer break this get rid of

This i’m not dealing with these guys there okay come on come on closer let’s go ow ow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa woody what do you hit me with fear oh my oh my my my controls are all messed up what did you hit me with

What are you hitting oh my gosh what is that what is that what is that what is that no it’s oh my gosh it goes through the walls it goes through the walls you are so creepy get get get get get no i hate these things i hate them

I hate anything that goes through walls you are so creepy if he hits me he puts a spear on me and i i can’t control my thing no no no not a bat too come on okay he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone get get away get away get away get away no

Oh my gosh my heart i’m shaking right now shaking i can’t believe i just survived that i was so done i was a hundred percent sure it was over wow all right but you know what i’m gonna use one of those potions so i can just pour it back to spawn

Because i’m just done with this hot burning spooky infested place i’m so done with it the next day once i got myself all situated i kind of wanted to build a grappling hook i feel like it would come in handy at times you know so i went out and i uh collected some

Sticks cause that’s that’s what it requires yeah all right uh whoa whoa whoa what why did it fall that way supposed to fall the other way timothy the trees are trying to kill us now what is going on all right i got the grappling hook crafted but i’m

Not gonna lie i had no idea how to use it like look at this okay um pull me up okay ow i don’t know how to use this thing it’s cool but pull me up how how do i do it this is ridiculous okay okay i think i think i got the

Button i think i got it oh this is really high uh pull me up i’m open away okay i’m gonna look at the controls i have no idea what i’m doing right now this is great okay i’m just i’m just ruining my crops at this point a little later on i

Crafted myself an upgraded canteen and started throwing my experience points into my skill tree because uh why not i i kind of need it okay uh what is this stuff i don’t understand any of this babble stuff what was that what’s that what is that

Is that like a dragon oh oh it is it’s a it’s like a bird dragon thingy whatever it is hello uh nope nope nope no no no sir no thank you no thank you all right i think i could i think i can take it out it seems like it’s stuck take that

Okay sorry i’m sorry oh geez i’m sorry dude where are you going all right all right all right let’s uh let’s let’s take it out because it could have something good what is that thing is that the loch ness monster i see it come on

Oh get down run run run run oh this is good this is good this is good he sits here i should be able to take him out no i said if you sit here i should be able to take you out get back up here come on just go down already

Hmm i wonder you know what i’m gonna poke a hole let’s do it like this look at this oh yeah look at that just stay stuck or get a little closer at least there you go oh oh he’s dead he’s dead he stays there let’s see what you’re gonna give me

It better be good okay a bone prism marine he gave me a bone in prismarine what kind of loot is that okay that was a waste of time a complete waste of time i could hear mobs around the nether portal are they in behind the blocks huh

I should find out all right you guys oh yeah you are they are hello oh does that hurt i’m sorry how many are there sounds like there’s like four of them yeah good thing i didn’t go to the oh hello piglin or zombified piglet why can’t i hit them

They just keep coming through can i farm them here that’ll be so cool if i can farm them here wait i’m not getting experience is it going back to the nether yeah they’re not dropping experience it must be going back to the nether oh no there’s experience right there what where’s my experience

Nothing well it’s not a very good farm if it doesn’t drop experience it must be going back to the nether that’s the only thing i can think of but i didn’t think experience goes back maybe an item or something but well that sucks wasting my time wasting my tools wasting my weapons

So i had an idea and it was dangerous but it was an idea i didn’t say it was a good one but it was an idea i’m gonna go through the nether portal and see if i can get the experience that was left behind considering i couldn’t sit in

Another too long without burning up i decided to tend to my crops instead yeah that’s that’s much safer i wanted to check out that tower that i’ve seen a while back it seems like a good place for you know loot and experience so i took to the water and headed over i

Wanted to be safe though so that i could box myself in while trying to fight the mobs off you know it just makes sense i fought all day with these guys they didn’t stop coming and i was running low on supplies i worked through the night hoping the spawners would finally break

On day 44 it seemed like the coast was clear oh what’s this it’s a big sword oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy jeez it snuck up on me okay let’s just uh close this off so i don’t get any more surprise zombies sneaking up on me

Oh no no no skeleton there is no need to get angry okay no need to shoot me okay see that’s what happens when you don’t listen okay oh no no no no no don’t you don’t you dare break my door okay nope not necessary okay i don’t know

Okay all right all right all right party downstairs everybody come on down whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s my door you’re breaking i like this sword though very nice very nice all right you guys all done no okay let’s keep going keep giving me that sweet sweet experience

I’ll take it i’ll take it oh my gosh guys let me up okay this tower is going to take forever if this is what’s going to happen every floor no no no no oh he’s got a sword just got his what was that he had a bone in his hand that was

A sword oh no no no no no whoa whoa oh those ghouls man those ghouls i can’t handle them ah the new sword was uh pretty cool the zombies not so much and this guy not at all but hey the sword took him out pretty good i took my time carefully

Making my way up and blocked off any entrances for the spiders or any flying mobs that quell could enter as i was moving up through the tower i noticed the loot wasn’t really all that great i guess the experience was good but not the loot not yet anyway well i hope

Oh my gosh okay these poison spiders yeah i’m done with them no no oh my gosh oh my gosh nope come on i hate those things oh hello zombie you’re all by yourself what’s too bad oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa okay

Where are you guys all coming from oh i see them dropping down they must be coming from the top oh my gosh stop coming actually i shouldn’t complain i i need the experience anyway but it’s gonna take me like five days to get to the top of this tower choke vengeance

What’s that mean all right i’m okay shooting them whoa whoa what did he do that that’s weird okay are you guys done is that enough all right i gotta i gonna patch these holes oh come on spider go away get let’s do this quick do a quick do it quick one nope

There there come on um come on there oh my gosh there’s so many of them up there no no no no no no no no no no no no okay come on all right uh okay this is a lock i guess i gotta find a key

Okay i guess i guess in order to get those locks open i gotta make a pick lock or a lock pick from what i understand i don’t know how to use it but uh okay is this just like uh okay um okay what am i trying to do here i’m

Like what what is going on okay that took way too long for a loot like this it’s not even worth it why am i even bothering with this tower like look at this stuff this is sad oh yeah i figured there’s gonna be more oh no no no get

You get out of here no hey where’d my sword go no no no no oh my gosh get away from me did you take my sword little bugger did i lose it oh come on sticky ghastly sapper ninja what does that even mean doesn’t matter you’re dead anyway oh look at that

Is that a javelin i’ll take that but where did my sword go did i lose it oh no oh hey hey get get oh my gosh these guys don’t stop coming all right one day i’ll get to the top one day not going to be today though what what did i just do

Did i throw that i did i threw it we got like two out of four what’s what’s that even mean like i got two more shots all right next level here we go and there’s spiders of course ow what are you doing just spin it around oh now we got a skeleton too They got buffs as well that’s awesome Yeah i’m really not a fan of this level skeletons and spiders poisonous spiders at that all right quick quick quick shadow quick quick quicker no no Oh my gosh i’ve been doing this for like four days it doesn’t end and the loot is horrible right now oh i want that what is that what oh a lance okay isn’t that something like you would use when you’re on a horse or something can you do that

Riding damage bonus okay okay okay cool cool all right okay this time quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick nope come come on wow oh got you there oh no no no i need one more one more no ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh i’ll get there someday

Oh it’s a zombie okay okay withered lifesteal okay whoa whoa oh no no no no no no i don’t know what this is it’s just is it just poison come on come on come on come on come on come on no no don’t take up my head

I’ll die if you take out my head okay you know what i’m going to drink this recall potion because i’m gonna go back to my base i gotta regroup it’s just taking me so long to get up here okay so i wanna check something out wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

You can get a heart container i can’t believe that i can get her containers i mean this is good but i wish i would have known sooner geez all right let’s go back try to finish the tower i guess please be good loot okay okay not horrible oh diamond sword i’ll take that

Okay okay this this chest wasn’t too horrible okay not too bad all right let’s finish this i’m tired of being in this tower right no no no jeez i can’t even get up without them popping out at me all right skeletons i had enough of you guys like i am so done

With skeletons so done wow oh man really just came out of nowhere that one i am so bad at filling holes come on nope nope get get get get All right this chest better be good give me something worth coming here for and nothing oh wait what’s this emerald amulet wha is it like a it’s a babble i just don’t know what a babble is i mean i know they give you buffs and stuff and i guess debuffs but

I don’t fully understand them i can’t wear it see that’s what i mean i don’t know what to do with them i can’t put them on anyway all right i finally made it to the top here okay after five days i’m here i think anyway i don’t remember i can’t go

Up yet i got to take this thing out because if i go up i don’t want to be fighting him at the same time okay so i have this idea i want to go out and build myself like a little bridge away because i know this stone fell at the

Top he’s gonna like throw bombs at me and i feel like it might be smarter to build out like this and then i’m gonna try to okay i don’t like those guys up there hopefully they don’t bother me but anyway i wanna i wanna build out so that

I can basically have distance from him and maybe jump up and down when he shoots or even better yet you know what i might do i might use my grappling hook yeah that might actually work no no hey get get oh oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh why

Uh okay okay all right so this is what i’m gonna do i’m going to swing back and forth on my on my grappling hook so when he shoots he like misses me now the trick is trying to shoot him with a bow and arrow while i’m moving like this uh yeah see

Okay i’m not the greatest of shooting arrows in general but come on this is so hard oh got him got him whoa okay okay okay this is working this is working oh no no no no no come on now Okay maybe that was just bad luck okay okay this is this would be working if i was hitting him okay i’m gonna use my explosive arrows uh hopefully that helps jeez that was close okay oh my gosh oh my gosh i’m so horrible shooting ah okay i’m gonna get a little lower

Oh whoa whoa no no okay i’m just gonna drop it’s too dangerous okay okay so that wasn’t a bad idea okay if i had better a better shot i’d be fine wait wait is he coming down oh he’s getting real close okay i’m gonna try to go up this way no

Yep yep yep yep yep oh he got me no no ah i can’t use the grappling hook that well so bad at using it oh is he down here now oh shoot he’s down here go go go go go go go no no come on come on come on come on

Oh my gosh oh what is wrong with me okay i I am so dead if i don’t get up here come on just take her easy take her easy there you go there you go that is scary the fireball is just hurling by my head no no come on i’m almost there almost there no no nope what am i doing no don’t fall

Come on [Applause] okay okay okay i oh my gosh i’m dead i’m so dead oh wait wait wait here go on that oh go no no no yes okay go go good good good all right let’s go okay okay okay we’re good nice nice nice nice oh oh blaze powder diamond some potions

Okay that’s not too bad i i wouldn’t really consider it worth it though for one diamond okay okay okay um i don’t know i don’t know how to i don’t know how to rate this i don’t feel like it was worth it i really don’t after i

Alluded that chest i took one of those potions and warped back to my base no way i was sticking around here not with that guy down there nothing too exciting on day 52 i was trying to get a handle on what these babble things were as i

Had no idea what they were for aside from i guess giving me buffs or debuffs the next day i got myself all set up for adventure underground and i just realized not too long ago i could get more hearts if i mined those red shards

Like what plus i figured it would be a good idea to try and get some diamonds anyway so i could start enchanting some armor you know at least do that the next morning i headed out and started digging down not too far away from my base today

I was hunting for red shards i only found one well technically two but uh yeah lava but at least i found a couple diamonds so uh that was good since i figured i’d be down here for a bit i thought it’d be a good idea to you know

Make myself little hidey holes just in case things got a little crazy you know because things do get a little crazy sometimes for some odd reason i was feeling pretty good you know i got enough shards today to make at least one heart and surprisingly didn’t have any

Run-ins with any mobs although i had a pretty lit up area so maybe that’s why but it doesn’t stop there for the next few days i grinded for experience diamonds and heart shards and these guys kept popping out at me all the other mobs i could deal with but

These guys always gave me a heart attack at the end of day 59 i figured that was enough mining and i headed back to the surface on day 60 i was getting ready to make an enchanting table until i remembered that there was an enchanting

Table over at that dock thingy so i was gonna head over there and you know grab it but until i noticed the sun was going down so i just harvested my crops instead so yeah so excited the next morning i took off to get that enchanting table finally all right let’s

Go get the what is that that’s that loch ness monster thing isn’t it okay see you later going this way i don’t want to mess with that i don’t even know if it’s hostile but i’m not taking the chance oh jeez you scared me i don’t find those

Guys that big of a deal i don’t know maybe i just haven’t dealt with them enough but they’re kind of funny-looking like what are you doing why are you circling me huh oh wow okay well just wait till i get out of this boat and then we’ll fight come here

You’re the one acting all tough come here come on yeah come on yeah how do you like that yeah that’s what i thought give me your fish and i’m freezing now make me dance out in the cold with you all right where was that in here right right right right what

I gotta be level 12. okay uh do i got experience yeah i’m good i’m good i’m good i was gonna say this whole leveling thing kind of gets annoying after a while so i got the enchanting table all set up and ready to go only problem was

I needed experience of course and at this point i really didn’t have a good way to farm experience without you know risking the chance of me dying unfortunately as i was running around desperately trying to get experience i noticed i was starting to freeze a lot quicker than before is the temperature

Decreasing if it is this isn’t good so i ran into trying to figure out this armor lining thing and i didn’t have enough resources to do all of my armor but i figured anything was better than nothing right yeah i thought so i spent the most

Of the next two days looking for a good way to collect experience it was tough because it was dangerous just to farm mobs and even farming horse as you know these things like to pop edit you once in a while man they’re scary but i had

To do what i had to do oh my gosh it’s gonna take me like forever to get experience this way and i’m freezing again always freezing it’s annoying oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what in the world were those wait were those trolls man yep yep they’re trolls okay okay okay okay okay

Back up please okay yeah you guys just fight each other that’s fine um sure there’s like three of them down here nope nope no there’s four okay okay okay i think i’m safe in here yeah there you go you like that didn’t thanks oh ow

Come on oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no no no no no no come on come on come on jeez what was that what was that oh my gosh good thing i got extra hurts now man oh my gosh it was half a heart on my head wow that

Could have ended very badly it’s too risky fighting mobs for experience look at them go oh whoa okay there’s another one okay okay where are they coming from out okay oh my gosh i don’t like those guys i don’t even know what they’re hitting me with like

Explosives or something come on oh no get off my oh i hate these things get off my face get off my face get off my face i can’t even talk i hate those things there’s two of them too what’s hurting you come on just one left what was that what was that

What squealed oh it’s a rat you’re getting hurt by a rat sucks for you come here come here come here oh come on ghost you stay out there these ghost things are weird sometimes they face through sometimes they don’t nice out now we got what skeleton there’s so many

Things down here and i don’t think i’m getting any experience from them unless they like come in here come on i like them apples huh okay where’s the experience it’s all behind this block and i don’t want to break it oh my gosh you are strong for a small one go no

No no oh my gosh i got stuck in the crafting table get this is not smart this is not smart i need another way to get experience and this is not the way to do it okay i just i just want to get the experience and

Then i’ll go i don’t want to open this i really don’t want to open this oh this this is why i didn’t want to open it look this is exactly why i didn’t want to open it and what was like two right there nope get no no no no stop stop stop

Oh mike okay okay i’m officially done with this place i think i’m done this it’s not worth it at all i got like one level from all that the next day i finally had enough experience to enchant my pickaxe at least i ended up getting diamonds

Everywhere which i had no idea what it was but i like the sound of it while i was looking at the other enchants that i got on my stuff another event popped up known as bam storm like what i don’t see dragons but i hear frogs is that right might

Okay there’s something flying out there but i don’t think that’s a dragon oh oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh what in the world what why am i what why am i still hurting stop stop stop please what was that that was a frog a very aggressive frog

Is that what bam storm is i don’t understand okay let me get a better whoa okay never mind i’m not gonna get a better look i’ll just uh i’ll just stay here i don’t understand what bam storm is i hear a lot of frogs

See like i got this guy and i feel like oh wait wait wait there’s another there’s two things out there oh wait look look look look there’s more frogs maybe it’s a frog event maybe are they gone hello i think the event’s over yeah it looks like they’re all gone

I figured since i had the diamonds everywhere enchantment i should at least go and uh well look for the diamonds you know i mean why not so i spent some time looking it was pretty peaceful for the most part as i kept to just making my own tunnels rather than going through

The caves because well you know mobs but even though i kept to my own tunnels i still had run-ins with these guys good thing they can’t get in the two by ones after that i finally had enough for a full set of diamond armor and a few

Extra for whatever else i wanted you know and you bet i enchanted them and my bow not gonna lie rl crafts got some weird enchantments i had no idea if they were good or not so i just went with them yeah after i had everything enchanted i was feeling pretty good so i

Made some arrows and i figured i was ready to fight that dragon that loomed over my castle i probably wasn’t ready for it but i gotta try right well i noticed the dragon wasn’t flying around which was weird as i never seen one laying on the ground here so yeah after

Looting all the chests i noticed that it was too quiet where is this dragon looking around i finally found it under the water it must have died at some point either way i was fine with it so i went down and i harvest its body sweet

The next day i wanted to see what i could make with the dragon parts that i harvested i was pretty excited so i figured i’d make a helmet because well they look cool but of course i couldn’t wear the thing because my level wasn’t

High enough of course so i had to put it away for now awesome i figured it was time to go check out that temple place as i felt like i had decent armor now so i should be okay right well maybe not i probably should have waited until

Morning because for some reason it’s a lot colder at night now fun so i dug myself into the side of the cliff and waited until morning because well for this reason um excuse me sir i’m just trying to get into the building okay uh you can go away now

Thanks oh whoa whoa whoa did he see me yeah he did okay mister oh okay i didn’t know he could get in oh do you see me do you see me oh okay yeah yeah okay he sees me man i just want to go in that building okay

What’s with all the mobs it’s a fire guy or a poisonous guy yeah it’s a fire guy okay okay can i go now of course not of course not all right just just go please okay oh i got a heart chart cool okay all right all right all right all right all right

What are you doing dragon what do you do no okay i think i’m gonna just have to run in there i think that’s what i gotta do okay you know what here can’t catch me doing this can you all right let’s see what’s in this place ooh some mobs

Some pillars i thought it would be a good idea to make a temporary base as it seems like the temperature was continuing to drop which is weird as i’m in the desert-like area but i figured i’d take advantage of the spawners in this area so i could hopefully farm them

Unfortunately the spawners weren’t spotting so that made me sad so i had another idea so the next day i had this idea to take down the dragon well i was gonna try anyway okay so what i’m gonna do this is the plane i’m gonna get up

Here on the roof uh which is hopefully far enough away from the dragon where i don’t trigger his aggro and hopefully i can hit him with arrows uh in peace that’s the plan is it gonna go that way probably not but that’s okay i can try

All right so there’s a lot of room up here which is good the trick i feel like is getting the right height with the arrows so i got to kind of keep track of that okay i’m not hitting him at all so that means i’m either too far away or i’m not going

High enough okay let’s try to get a little closer than maybe possibly hopefully this isn’t too close oh oh wait wait he sees me oh my gosh he does he ever see me no oh whoa whoa whoa i fell all the way down all the way down

Okay um i’m gonna have to revamp that plane a little bit i think yeah all right attempt two attempt two here we come okay i think i think i’m gonna have to stay back here whoa no no no he’s shooting he’s shooting me shooting oh my gosh so i’m

Not even that far away he can still see me over there okay oh not you guys come on i don’t need extra mobs bugging me while i’m trying to do this yeah i gotta go a little higher with my shots once i hit him once oh there there there there there

Got it got it ow ow ow ow okay that’s enough thank you oh my look at the inside of this place oh whoa whoa whoa okay um okay i gotta regroup here for a second uh let’s think about this why is he still hitting me dragon there you are there you are

Oh oh i got a lot of good hits on them nice okay uh run now oh no no no no no no no no can he br okay i gotta figure out what he can break if he can break you can pretty much break this whole base

Which is not what i want you are so close to me just messing everything up oh whoa whoa oh my gosh no get out of my face did you wreck it did you wreck it he came out of nowhere where did he come from okay okay i think i’m gonna have to wait

Until morning this is just not gonna work all right where did it go i don’t hear it flapping or flying i guess huh whoa that’s a dog or a weird-looking dog but it’s kind of scary oh there you are look at you just chilling underneath there

There you go how do you like them take this in that and whoa no no no no no oh gosh oh gosh don’t break my base please just gotta like i said we gotta get the right height it makes it hard when it’s foggy like this though oh nice i

Hit him i hit him i hit him good good good good good good nice yes yes yes okay i’m hitting him consistently now which is good how many hits does this guy take oh no no no he sees me run run shadow run run oh you gotta be careful careful careful careful

Oh okay so what i i’m whoa no whoa no okay no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run run run oh no come on i hate those guys i hate those guys yes i got him i got him i got him okay

Is there anything around me okay good i’m i’m good i’m good oh yeah as soon as i say that this guy spawns right in front of me yeah no can’t i can’t do it can’t do it at night just doesn’t work nope nope nope nope okay that way’s just not gonna work

I’m gonna just have to keep doing the roof it’s just so risky fighting the dragon on the roof but then again it’s risky fighting the dragon in general so i don’t really have anyone to blame but myself okay he’s got to be almost dead though like

I’ve hit this guy like 30 times at least 31 okay didn’t like that all right let’s move back down rinse and repeat oh no dragon no okay oh i think i’m making him angry oh no oh he’s right here he’s right here oh i might be able to get some free hits

Okay where are you going oh cinder guys no no no no no no there’s two of those explosive ones get no no no get off get off the hook get off the hook run these guys are dangerous man dangerous i tell you that go away thank you

Yeah i’m not fighting to them at once just shooting some arrows at a dragon and i’m freezing Is he sitting down again where are you Where’d he go did i did i kill him i oh my god i killed him i killed him oh my gosh i gotta get the stuff i gotta get the stuff what i didn’t think i hit him oh this is great this is great this is great come

On come on come on come on this is awesome all right i gotta get the the dragon uh juice i need that for the sword i got i got materials for like armor and stuff but i want the juice yes yes yes yes look at that

I took down a dragon it was nothing got burnt a few times but that’s it i need to warm up anyway look at that look at these two they’re even plain fetch or catch or whatever oh okay the other one went away or whatever okay all right i

Killed the dragon awesome once i got the dragon juice i was excited to run back to my base to craft that dragonfire sword these are so cool but wait of course i couldn’t use it my levels weren’t high enough just my luck i don’t know what it is but the cold temperature

Is getting ridiculous i’m barely warming up next to lava so i checked my inventory and found the materials for another heating liner but i’m going to tell you that it literally does nothing i’m still freezing it’s so annoying so i thought it was a good idea to head back

To the nether to grab a few buckets of lava all right whoa okay oh hello hello jeez jeez okay okay oh whoa what’s that fire that is fire well that was a nice um welcome okay so i gotta get i wanna get lava i don’t have a bucket okay i gotta

Go get my bucket all right go to the nether to get lava but didn’t bring a bucket awesome okay cool good plan okay now i got my buckets i need lava so i can warm myself up it’s getting a little ridiculous that i can’t go anywhere or do anything

Right oh there’s lava right there it’s gonna be easy oh wait um shoot those are all sources and they’re high i can’t just take it from the flow okay that’s not good yeah no okay um maybe this isn’t gonna be as easy as i thought what i’ll do is i’ll just dig

Down and um there’s gotta be lava underneath me right i’ll hit a pool somewhere and i can grab as much as i want or i’ll not hit a pool at all that’s okay we’ll uh just make a way down and grab that lava right there oh

Wait is that a pool or is that oh my gosh okay or is that i think that’s just flowing oh what what was that i just want lava and then i’ll leave okay and of course this is just blowing oh um this is probably a bad idea this was

Probably a bad idea yeah i can’t i’m not gonna get lava and i’m burning up i’m burning up okay quickly let’s go quickly let’s find lava okay that’s way too far down oh my gosh why can’t anything be easy i just this temperature is ridiculous i’m either too

Cold or too hot don’t shoot me please all right well that was a complete waste of time complete waste of time the next day i figured it was best to go out and find a warmer area and try to maybe set up a base as this cool situation is just

Not working for me anymore i i can’t do anything i had to stand in one spot next to a heat source which barely heats me so yeah i just need to find a warm place oh iron guy right there let’s just move past him okay i gotta at least warm up

Here right there’s no snow oh but there’s ice in the water oh my gosh why am i not heating up why is it cold everywhere it wasn’t cold here before like is there seasons or something there must be seasons this is ridiculous i can’t do anything i put heating liner in

My armor and it doesn’t work i should be heating up right i look like i’m in a warm area oh my gosh this is not cool i’m gonna get a hypothermia here in a second come on why am i not heating up this is it i’m gonna die i’m gonna die

I’m gonna die there’s no way i’m not heating up i mean i could run towards that dragon he’ll shoot me maybe i’ll heat up then but i’ll probably die to his hits like come on i don’t understand i’m just waiting for that hypothermia to kick in and then it’s over and it’s done

This is it this is it everybody this is as far as i get in our l-craft whoa wait wait wait wait wait there’s fire in there i can sit in there and get warmed up right maybe i finally came across an area where i wasn’t freezing to death i

Wandered around this area to see if i could find anything to explore you know anything to prove my worth so this person can come out and help me build this potion that i needed i found a few dragons but yeah i’m not ready to fight

Them head on yet so i moved my way around them the best way i could not so tough now with the explosive arrows eh you’re scared hey whoa okay you just calm down there little one jeez these explosive arrows are well i don’t have explosive arrows they’re like um

The bow makes them explosive so it’s really nice oh what’s that rendering off in the distance it’s like a building in the sky another castle i’m done with that castle though in a tower and it’s turning night which is awesome not really what is what is that thing oh

That’s a cool statue must be uh something in that statue that looks cool this statue looked pretty cool and i thought there was going to be something hidden inside it but unfortunately there really wasn’t unless i was just looking in the wrong places i have no idea all

Right so this place looks dangerous i mean look at all these bosses they’ve got to be in this one structure i mean they’re just all in one area i wonder if i take out these bosses then i had to be worthy right right i already took down a

Dragon not head on but but i took him down so i made my decision i went in this place is kind of creepy i don’t like it i don’t like it oh no don’t start getting cold come on all right so far so good okay we got spawners and

We got mummies not too bad i can i can handle this there you go go come on i’ll take you all on do i wanna what i can’t use it come on geez okay what’s going on what is going on i’ll just beat you with a pickaxe then oh my gosh

Oh no no no no no no no no get get get get every single time they scared the livin out of me okay just gonna block that off for now i need this to be level 24 i think what am i at level 24 there there now i

Should be able to use it okay plan b i don’t really have a plan b i don’t even have a plan a all i know is i got to take out some of these bosses come here guys oh wait one of them is bigger than the other that’s weird come on oh the

Sword’s nice though i like that i like it i like it a lot oh my gosh they keep coming i mean i guess it makes sense since there’s four spawners in here come on i’m just gonna firm them for a little bit i think that’s good what where’d my sword go

Did you he took it out of my hands okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay green dude you gotta calm down yep yep on fire let’s go let’s cover that up no thank you little bugger knocked my sword out of my hand what a guy

See you just did it again oh oh no no no no no no oh i hate these bugs off my face thank you man of course these guys are back i don’t know where these things spawn from okay green dude just just calm down like i don’t know where they spawn from

They like to shoot explosives at me which is not okay look at all that experience i just want to go grab that real quick oh there’s a bug over there again there ha ha how do you like that i don’t like those bugs they’re rude all right let’s get this

Exp uh i’m gonna light this place up too i’m just done with the spawners i gotta i gotta take out the the mom the oh the bosses i mean so i’m trying to say just leave me alone okay i don’t want any trouble leave me alone

Yeah take you guys out and that’ll be the end of it and i’ll go fight that big thing over there whatever it is i think it’s a worm all right it’s going to block this off so don’t get any surprises on this side thank you

And whoa we’ll see see see i told you look came out of nowhere and i bet you i bet you came from over here yeah that looks like a worm yeah it’s a gilded great worm okay okay this is gonna be a lot easier than i thought

Yeah look at me taking on a boss didn’t even get hit cool i feel like it’s cheating but oh well i outsmarted it look at that you can’t get through oh whoa whoa whoa dude oh my gosh nope nope nope nope is that a ghost thingy but like green oh oops

Yeah it’s one of those things but it’s dead now where’d it come from though i don’t understand the spawning behavior in this mod pack but that’s fine okay the worm’s down i don’t see anything i don’t see anything on the ground and i don’t want to go in there it’s too dangerous

Let’s go to the next boss i don’t like that it’s dark up here oh is that another worm what’s with all the worms i don’t want to fight another worm i bet you can’t even get through here can you yeah these worms are they’re pretty easy that’s fine there easy

Oh this guy dropped stuff the other one didn’t and of course i’m full when there’s creepers right next to me okay um what just shot at me gotta go careful careful be sneaky where are the lights i don’t like how it’s so dark that whoa oh geez get that assassin looking thing

There you go oh wow one hit okay cool uh what’s this room this is different i don’t understand what is this it’s a fire there’s nothing in here though it’s spawner but that’s about it okay no um no not worth it all right i wanna i wanna take on either the guardian dragon

Or the crypt executioner there’s so many bosses though like how many levels are in this why is it gonna be so dark all the time oh nope nope skeletons are not good ow no oh i hate skeletons man they’re like sharp shooters like the deadliest mob is a skeleton in our hellcraft

At least at least everybody else you can run away from but these guys if you’re in an open field good luck that’s all i’m saying okay no boss down here let’s keep going up hello don’t hurt me it seems clear good anybody nope nope nope nope and no

Okay where are all these bosses at i really don’t like being in this thing this thing isn’t fun it’s kind of nerve-wracking not gonna lie oh my gosh i can’t find anybody okay where are the bosses at this must go up really high there’s got to be one on this floor really

I i don’t understand how are there so many boss titles and they’re not on the floor i went up multiple levels am i missing something are they really small oh well just keep on going i guess what’s this one water oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa no thank you no thank you jeez i hate those guys because you can’t when they hit you you can’t use your shield kind of sucks all right off we go finally finally found another boss okay i’m just gonna check these chests real quick golden apple okay i’ll take that

Take some bread i might as well bandages sure whatever these things are well hello there mr zombie dude um just give me a second okay if you pop out of ghoul i am not gonna be a happy person okay thank you i appreciate that i appreciate you more

Managers i can take those apples shirt sounds good all right time to fight the boss just in case i’m gonna do that because you never know um what is he oh wow what what are those wings okay what titles oh the guardian dragon oh man it’s gonna take forever this is

Gonna take a really long time okay all right sure pretty much doing this with my eyes closed now good thing i made all those arrows but i feel like i’m wasting them on them because i still got to do that crap executioner so oh well i can make more

Not a big deal you can’t even fit through that hole why you trying listen you can’t handle this finally wow that took forever okay do you drop anything decent or good or something oh diamonds look at all those diamonds looks like a stack there nope gotta get

Rid of this okay give me a second where’s that air coming from oh oh okay that’s you that’s doing that that’s what i thought but i didn’t see you wow that’s cool i got a lot of diamonds from that guy that’s awesome all right next

Boss i guess we’ll just keep going up i suppose we’ll find a boss here soon although it does feel like it’s taking forever felt like i went up at least 100 levels and i can’t find bosses like i don’t get it oh hello skeleton my skeleton

Oh how do you like that oh ow okay spoke too soon on that one come on there you go that was funny this is a scary one hello oh look at that it’s a skeleton with a trumpet i i could actually kill one of these things ow i mean what

He just he just blew me with his trumpet that’s funny oh there’s another one of those yeah i’m not fighting you i already took one of you out i already proved myself all right i’ve been running around all over the place and i guess some of the bosses are a little

Smaller you’re not able to see them entirely just from the the middle column place so yeah i really should like this up but i don’t really have any whoa no no no no no no get get no get no stop stop thank you really hate those guys did i did i

Already mention that probably a hundred times by now all right where are you at mr boss dude oh um yep not doing that just cover that up i don’t need to fall down through there oh there you are oh whoa ow ow ow see look look at this when he hits me

Those things like i can’t do anything with my uh right hand or whatever there how do you like that huh it’s a good thing his attack doesn’t go through the hole though that’s kind of nice now i’m out okay perfect um now i’m gonna have to get close so let’s

Just heal up real quick and then hopefully i don’t die where you ow ow oh my gosh she’s gonna hit me every time i think come on you you can’t take me i don’t care if there’s a little wall in between us you’re done for bosses these guys aren’t really that

Bad but then again i’m kind of cheesing them so finally oh you guys i didn’t know you guys come out of people now too okay google or uh reefer i don’t got time for you i got things to do people to see all right did you drop anything good okay some more diamonds

What’s that what are these things i don’t know if they are oh come on just leave me alone jeez okay okay this isn’t good this is not good come on get down here oh i got a creeper now too okay uh change the plan okay let’s uh let’s just

Move into the hallway and we’ll figure this out is he coming okay never mind um i’m getting out of here i’m done i fought the all the bosses or all the variants of bosses and i think i proved myself okay i i am really high wow um yeah let’s keep

Going down then there i must be close to the ground now okay good look at that i’m going to go up i need the service before groove finds me come on okay perfect all right all right not perfect it’s still night that’s not good but it’s better than being in there i

Don’t like being in there it’s kind of creepy no i’m just going to sleep right here look at that okay let’s get back to my base regroup a little bit oh what’s oh that’s a little tiny worm i know there was a dragon around here somewhere but i don’t come

On goldman we want to go let’s go ow okay you don’t hit that hard okay let’s go come on and he’s ugly oh you can’t hit dan oh i guess you can hit down come on gosh he’s taking a lot of hits there there there how do you like

That that’s what i thought okay okay so the dragon’s over there perfect that’s fine um well that was actually a pretty big place i think i’m good i don’t got no arrows left whoa whoa whoa what’s going on oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s a dragon oh my dragon’s right there

Run run run run run get out of here oh my gosh what are those things oh there’s those fire things okay dragon i’m sorry are you kidding me Oh you’re finally awake where where am i well you’re in my home okay not sure how i feel about this but how did i get here well i got some help from timothy to bring you here quite the little companion you got there very loyal indeed and uh who are you i

Believe on the one you’re looking for am i not i’ve been watching you for a while and even though you fell in battle your past actions proved worthy of being saved oh wait you’re the one that can help me i can try i took the liberty of

Collecting the items out of your bag required for the potion to heal you i also used an empty bottle from the bag as well hopefully that’s okay although i don’t think that was the greatest idea on my part as the potion kinda looks a little different in color than i

Remember the bottle must have had some residue left over of the potion that it helped before is that a bad thing no not really the potion will still work but you may have some side effects depending on what was in the bottle uh it was uh it was just a teleportation

Potion huh okay um let’s see here potential side effects teleportation ah okay nothing too serious i was i was just under water okay maybe a little serious what is going on so the side effects of the potion is temporary teleportation what can i control it at

Least um probably not but no need to worry i’m sure that’ll wear off soon okay um thanks you ever wonder why minecraft trailers look like this but your game looks like this yeah me too so i decided to experience minecraft in all its glory but in a minecraft trailer world so i’m

Gonna try to survive 100 days in a minecraft trailer trust me this is going to be a wild ride and a lot of bad decisions were made that involved the wither the warden and another so go ahead and leave a comment saying shadow what in the world were you thinking

Trust me this will make sense a few times in the video so keep a lookout usually i go straight for the wood at first you know because it’s the first thing you need but i was mesmerized by the world around me it was so simple yet beautiful so clean and colorful almost

Like a dream wait shadow snap out of it gotta get those resources man i gotta get those resources is that iron nice nice look at all the seeds look at all the seeds i’m getting let me go let me go i’m getting them all i’m getting them

All i’m even getting flowers look at this watch watch look at that look at that i spent most of the day gathering resources cooking and scooping out the area until i noticed the sun was getting close to setting so considering it was the first day i needed to search for

Shelter or at least a cave i could mine it oh is this the cave down here yeah oh no guess not all right okay so i know where i started was that there was a cave up here i know that all right good perfect all right let’s light this place

Up here we good good oh sweet sweet experience the amount of resources i could collect ran out pretty quickly and you all know me i don’t deal with boredom well like at all so i may have ventured out at night on the first day yeah look i know i know i shouldn’t be

Out here doing this but i just wanna just wanna look around you know oh creeper get get get away go oh okay okay all right oh zombies what’s up get them that’s right shoot em good job good job look i don’t have to fight them i just

Get the skeletons dude uh whoa okay um what’s that oh wait wait wait wait wait that’s one of those drown things isn’t it i’m not gonna fight it now though no way oh look at all the mobs hey zombie what’s up come here i admit maybe not

The smartest idea wandering at night on the first day but i had fun so yeah but you know what else is great to do at night sitting by a bonfire bundled up in your favorite sweater you asked for it so i delivered shadow mac merch is now available we have nice cozy sweaters

That you can throw on for any type of situation or if it’s just too hot in your area well we got t-shirts too and stickers if you’re into that kind of thing i mean you can stick those stickers anywhere just think of the possibilities but remember these are

Only available for a limited time while supplies last so when they’re gone they’re gone if clothing is not your thing but you still want to support the channel you can find a link to my patreon in the description below and to get back to my supporters i post maps

For my 100 days content just in case you want to give the 100 days challenge a try out for yourself so i heard that you can get a turtle shell and use it as a helmet well i seen some turtles and uh i thought i should try all right turtle

Look i heard that i could use your shell as a helmet okay don’t take this the wrong way uh did i just kill an innocent turtle for nothing ah all right just distract myself by getting sand and forget what i just did okay uh well let’s just pretend

That didn’t happen okay cool uh um did you know that uh only twenty percent of you are subscribed to my channel that actually watch my videos crazy right so if you wanted to give that little red button a push it would really make my day like a lot plus it’s a good

Distraction to what just happened to the turtle uh i mean it’s a great way to show your support you can also find me on twitter if if you’re into that i post all kinds of stuff links in the description below now where was i again man this was a great distraction oh oh

Right oh what is all this this is cool right oh hey hey hey get back get back you go not really much in there no no oh oh go i’m drowning i’m drowning around and oh my gosh get away from me oh no oh no

Oh no oh no oh no no no oh jeez okay i gotta really pay attention oh my gosh why can’t i get out no i want to get out let me out oh my gosh all right uh okay ow really stop hitting me ah oh my gosh oh wait oh

That’s a lot of damage i gotta get out of here go go go go go oh jeez what am i gonna do ow come on yes finally finally finally where’s the trident why can’t i pick it up that was a waste oh we gotta watch over there uh

Never mind okay right on the next day i had iron on the mind because fighting those drowned was not very smart on my part and i’m in desperate need for armor but first food is a must so i ran around hunting for food and when all the

Animals were gone i decided to fish and for everyone that’s new here well i have trouble fishing for some reason i really don’t think i know what i’m doing yeah all right let’s try this again oh oh that’s what happens okay so i gotta wait

For like a little fishy thing to come up to the ball thing got it oh what am i gonna do with the puffer fish okay i’m bored i’m leaving i gotta get that sugar cane you know i wanna find a village i think that’d be nice as the sun was

Setting i started to make my way into a cavern it was a pretty peaceful cave i was able to mine quite a bit of iron while i was smelting all my oars and cooking my food i thought it might be a good idea to go farther into the cave

And explore alright got that all cooking um let’s go explore some more you know while we wait okay i guess that’s all the exploring we’re gonna do really this cave looks so much bigger above ground oh well i guess i’ll find something else to do you know what i

Think i saw some lava over here there we are yeah there it is okay just gotta make a bucket and then i’m good to go oh my oh scrap that idea guess i’m not gonna get lava listen don’t worry about it don’t worry about it the next morning

I made my way out of that cavern as today i was in search for a village i want to set up a house next to a village and hopefully become one with the community uh i should probably be digging with a shovel where’s my shovel i don’t have a shovel okay listen i

Don’t want people saying in the comments shadow why aren’t using your shovel because i don’t have one okay cool what are you guys doing hey oh wait i do have a shovel okay right on hey horses what’s up oh look at the baby sheep you go with your family baby sheep don’t

Worry finally after aimlessly walking around i finally came across the village i was pretty excited to become one with the villagers okay okay i’m liking it i can build something up here nice spot all right huh listen villagers don’t worry about it don’t worry about it wanna be my

Friends we should be friends alright let’s get the building and you bet that’s exactly what i did now granted it wasn’t anything special just a nice little starter base okay cool the next morning i started to get things ready like i mentioned before i wanted to incorporate copper into my build so i

Started laying copper blocks around so they would have a chance to oxidize why may you ask i don’t know i just like the color green i guess or maybe it’s because i never used it before okay or maybe i got the idea from a build off the dominion smp who knows who knows

Okay so the next step was to get some livestock trapped i mean hend up chickens were the ideal specimen for that as they’re good for food and well for arrows so it made sense oh nice got a portal here i got everything pretty much next to me i can get lava too

Nice wow this was pretty cool i pretty much had everything right next to me that i needed well for now anyway the chest was well man i guess but you can’t win them all all right that’s enough what was i doing again oh yeah collecting seeds why is it so hard to

Get seeds get out of here flower i don’t want you oh wait i have seeds in my inventory whoops hey come on chickens look at you just waddling around come on there you go psych i thought it was time to head down to the village and introduce myself to

The locals and i totally didn’t steal all their hay bales oh okay maybe maybe a few all right okay maybe all of them i think i made a left one okay all right let’s forget about it moving on what was that oh my gosh what is that oh

It’s just reflection in the water i thought it was a new mob or something wow okay oh you sell beets okay look there’s some beets here oh you need 15. all right look i’ll just put it back okay sorry for making a mess uh never mind i guess i was hungry the

Next morning i got the plant in some sugar cane and whatever this thing was i don’t know what this is but i’m gonna plant it right here there looks good to me i don’t know if my priorities were in the right place or not but for some reason i decided to

Sell all my wheat to buy apples but then i bought a ton of cookies i mean a ton who needs this many cookies really though look at all these cookies suspicious stew i don’t want that gross hey villager what are you doing huh why are you looking all suspicious

Oh look you see this guy this guy is john looks harmless right don’t be fooled this guy is a troublemaker it might not look like it right now but just you wait you’ll see jon’s not a cool dude so i spent the rest of the day terraforming the area where i wanted to

Build my house it was hard work got me sweating for sure would have been nice if those iron golems gave me a hand but i guess they were too busy playing volleyball with the enderman oh here we go here we go here we go oh you guys showed up

Good job iron man or iron dude i’m just going to leave the eggs in the chest i don’t really want to get them right now oh oh geez what you want to fight come on let’s go gotcha enderman oh oh oh i think i looked at him oh hey hey hey you calm

Down you stop now why you gotta be so creepy all right that’s enough for one night things were really starting to come along i was finishing up the terraforming and then i was ready to head off in search of iron because i really needed to get some hoppers under

Those chickens so that the items they drop could automatically go into a chest because let’s face it i’m not sitting around waiting for them to drop things so i can pick it up no way i got no time for that as i was heading out i noticed this monstrosity remember that thing i

Planted the other day well this is what grew from it i’m not gonna lie it was uh kind of ugly oh well i ran around for a good portion of the day in search for a cavern i found this one which was cool but really far away from my village i

Don’t know what’s with this area i couldn’t find a cave entrance at all on the way here it’s crazy oh that’s pretty far down oh nice it’s a big cave oh no okay things are getting real all right get away get away creeper go jeez you guys are kind of cute though oh

Jeez okay oh why is there so many creepers oh oh hey bit yeah i don’t care how cute you are get a little demon ah why can’t you guys just let me mine in peace chase okay maybe looking for resources in the big cave like this isn’t ideal not right

Away anyway so instead i’ve ventured off around looking for smaller tunnels where i could have an easier time fighting off mobs and gathering resources in peace i fought my way through the cave and grabbed any resources i could find i even found a slime a slime sorry it

Might not be a big deal to you but i literally never find slimes in any playthroughs like ever i don’t even know if i’m gonna need it here either way i went for it i also got a ton of copper too once my inventory was full i spent

Time trying to find my way out and my way back no stay back oh oh geez freaking out of the way really you’re gonna come at me too all right so i had to make sure i could find my way back to that cavern as it was hard

To find in the first place so i placed a bunch of torches in a somewhat straight line to find my way back you know kind of leaving a crumb trail i guess once i spotted my nether portal off in the distance i knew i was good when i was

Back at the base i threw all my oars in the furnace and started to upgrade my chicken hole of course i let all the chickens out well because it’s it’s me but with a little tough love and force i was able to put the final touches on the

Chicken hole well until i feel like changing it which will most likely happen uh excuse me that’s my house going in my house i think these villagers are getting a little too comfortable around me like look at this guy just barging into my house without a care in the world you

Two what’s with everyone coming to my house go back to work would ya come on there’s a lot of chickens around here this is good i got a nice space for you nice and spacious you’re gonna love it oh another tree okay look right here

Come on come on you’re gonna love it so much space you guys are just gonna get right cozy and comfortable i kept on trying to get things done but i kept on getting distracted with whatever was in front of me it was kind of annoying well except for this cow this cow was

Something i needed so what did i do uh i put him in a hole there you go cal welcome home so here’s the thing i needed to gather wood from my house and i didn’t want to settle for oak or birch yeah definitely not birch because i mean

Nobody likes birch right right i wanted to collect spruce but there wasn’t any around me so i decided to venture out to see if i can find any nearby why am i going out at night because i’m crazy i tell ya i don’t i i can’t be scared of

This guy look how cute he is okay spider all right calm down all right come on let’s get him oh oh no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh no no oh let’s go let’s go okay um that was not a

Good idea oh yeah did i mention i’m not the brightest tool in the jukebox why am i out here at night crazy i tell you well you bet i jumped in my boat and i took off i got a little distracted along the way but you know that’s just me come

On zombie come on oh my gosh just two of you all right cool uh that doesn’t look like oak looks like spruce i’m gonna go over there maybe hopefully hopefully it spruce so once i found the spruce tree you bet i cut them down and collected those screw slings

Spruce links saplings yeah saplings but i kind of like spruce links better whatever after a long day’s work i voted my way back under the moonlight is somebody throwing something at me oh oh okay i guess so hey don’t hey come on get stop throwing stuff at

Me where’s the trident why can’t i find a trident well i guess i wasn’t lucky enough to have a trident drop fine then i didn’t want your stinky trident anyway really i got a turtle on my boat okay let’s go so i got a turtle now

That’s a thing i’m gonna call him mark come on marv let’s go okay what’s this oh oh this is a boat or ship or whatever okay i have to stay here but i was lucky to find this i guess this boat wasn’t as cool as i thought i didn’t really find much of

Value well to me anyway unless rotten potatoes is considered valuable then then i’m rich i don’t know where we are but i’m assuming we’re close there’s so many islands around here get lost so easy as soon as i see my nether portal i’m usually okay but i don’t remember

The ground being this high so that’s a problem no this is definitely not the way barb and me are lost it’s okay we’ll find it we’ll find it i promise i was lost again like always but i mean this wouldn’t be my video if i didn’t get it lost right but

I eventually found my way back okay oh did we find it oh okay i got a little too excited you found it since you like water we’re just gonna make a little tiny spot for you just so you’re safe okay there you go marv look at that you like it yeah just

Put your head in the sand that’s cool john we talked about this you stand at my house and you leave my workers alone excuse me okay remember john the villager that thought it was okay to take over my house yeah i’m not a fan of that fella i can’t get distracted by

This guy i gotta start getting things together you know start building my base so that night i threw all my inventory into a chest tore down all those ugly trees and planted spruce slings all over the place alright so here’s the thing this is what i’m gonna do i’m gonna try

I’m gonna use this moss and i’m gonna grow things look at that looking kind of nice so you’re probably wondering why i’m clearing the place of grass look i usually don’t try to decorate because well i’m not that great at it but i’m gonna try to use the moss to spruce up

The place a little you know like i said i’m gonna try so don’t expect much okay okay moving on so while i was getting things cleared out i had this idea if i’m gonna be part of this minecraft trailer world i gotta make this place

Look good so i wanted to make a sort of villager market not for them but but for me wait that’s not really a market then is it whatever it looks cool so for the next couple days i got to work so the next morning i had the farm market thing

Built to the point where i needed to find that villager that claimed it earlier unfortunately they decided to wander off time to go get them i guess i’m sure this is going to be easy right come on do you not like wheat come on trade with me you got the emerald out

Oh my gosh creeper creeper creeper huh jeez that was scary no get away from the villager villager get away from the creeper i can’t shoot him ah that was a heart attack in half come on come on okay go get the egg then come on oh my gosh come on villager let’s go

Why aren’t you following me i can’t get this i don’t understand what’s going on where are you going come on villager why why do i try this come on you’re almost there perfect no all right that’s enough drive me crazy now to get this farm market thingy to work i need hoppers and

Hoppers need iron so off to the caves i go i figured i might as well stay down here for a few days until my inventory was nice and bold and i didn’t get distracted okay okay well maybe a little give me your slime slimes give me your glow stuff glow dude no

Don’t go in the lava ah is there a spawner around here oh no no no i just need a spider no no no no no okay creeper i got a poisonous spider behind me and now i got a witch in front of me great cool awesome i’m surrounded oh you

Didn’t get me oh wait i guess you did oh this is kind of pretty do i want some of this yeah maybe all right time to focus i figured it would be a good idea to explore that mine shaft usually you can find some pretty good stuff well i hope

Okay i’m in all right good good good diamonds we’re going to get diamonds nice i’m going to take out the spawner what was that the lava work baby ow skeleton get out of here oh i see you poison spider stay away get back nope nope

You got played can’t get me after my ego was severely knocked down a few pegs i continued through the cavern as safely as i could but i’m not gonna lie i was getting quite a bit of stuff i mean look at this and this and this so much good

Stuff i even got this skulk shrieker and sensors shrieker truckers anyway which means the warden is in this world like what okay cool i guess but let’s just hope i don’t run into that fella this place was huge i couldn’t even keep track of it and i got lost more times

Than i could count and even had to leave it after a while as i just didn’t have the space to hold anything anymore so it was time to finally head back up not much happened on day 21 i just made my way back to the base smelted and used

Literally all my iron in a matter of minutes but that’s okay because i made what i needed plus now i could give marv a proper name tag because he’s one cool turtle don’t worry marv i’ll get you a good place to chill soon the next day i continue working on the village farm

Market thing but the villager that was in there broke loose i i mean took a break but i needed him to get back to work so i tried to give him some motivation to follow me but he just wasn’t having any of it of course well mr villager don’t want to follow the

Rules then i got something just for you a boat i was gonna get this guy into a boat and forcibly i mean help escort him back to the farm but here’s the problem you can’t move the boat up a quarter of an inch of grass like what okay well why

Am i laughing this is actually kind of frustrating not gonna lie hold on is this really a problem like really a problem okay never mind we’ll do it we’ll do it the right way john what did i say leave my workers alone okay i’m trying to get them to come over here

Come here come on no no no there’s no time for that okay guys stop the lovins we got work to do let’s go come on oh my gosh you’re all doing it now hey what kind of village did i step into and now and now the sun’s going down awesome

Guys perfect alright maybe i don’t know what the right way is obviously whatever okay villager you win this one but there’s always tomorrow well until i die anyway the next day the struggle continues villagers more like not very smart clueless people ah you know what

I’m trying to say come on no no come on i am so done with this why don’t you guys come ah you know what here there there now you don’t get a job now you don’t get a job now you have to come with me you want to work you want money

Come on let’s go let’s go oh okay i give up i’m done okay okay why is this so difficult why why can’t you just go from a to b why don’t you follow me i don’t get it okay sorry just uh just had to let some frustration out okay these

Villagers i just don’t like to do what i want them to do all right so i had an idea i remembered gathering a ton of tracks in the mine shaft so i’m gonna use them and you know what it worked i bet you were thinking shadow why didn’t

You use this in the first place do i have to answer this i didn’t think so for the next few days i continued to work on the farmers market building area thingy i chased john around to leave my workers alone and even gave him a name tag just in

Case this lazy guy picks up a job but he probably won’t because it’s john and john is just trouble on day 27 i started to get a little bored and decided to go hunting for diamonds and stuff i say stuff because if i don’t find diamonds

Then at least you know i found stuff see that’s using your brain this time i traveled in a different direction in search for a cavern as i pretty much cleared out the other place so it just made sense so i built the boat and uh

Yeah i voted my way away i made it to shore but the sun was starting to set so i thought it would be a good idea to head for a higher ground because i guess the higher ground is where you want to be i think well either way i’m going up

After i made it to the top of the hill i didn’t feel any more safe than if i was down below but we’re going with it so i headed into the first cave that i found and with my luck it ended pretty quickly so that was cool not really so i turned

Around and i searched for something else which i finally found this this one was promising so i went to work see i told you i didn’t find diamonds but i found stuff so mission was a success yeah so back to the village i go well i thought

I was heading to the village but in reality i really wasn’t like i got lost and you all know me i don’t like to use coordinates because what’s the fun in that right yeah i thought so i found something not really sure what it was but it was something so i figured i

Might as well head over and you know say hi man this thing looks familiar but i can’t put my finger on it oh well ugh hey look i’m trying to be nice here okay okay i quickly realized what this place was right i found myself at a

Pillager tower cool listen i come in peace yeah okay yeah just shoot him you shoot him yeah there you go there you go how you like that stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself oh my gosh what am i doing come on stop hitting yourself oh oh this is too easy

This is too easy see this face this face is a man that knows he messed up i should know i do it a lot wait what ah all right let’s see how lucky i am with this Ah okay things are getting a little serious now listen chicken are you just gonna stand there you’re gonna help me come on oh no my shield’s gonna break but hey yeah yeah i’m just trying to make a shield all right calm down jeez all right just gotta make this

Quick quick quick quick good oh look at all this nice tent whatever those things are looks like a cage oh my gosh you guys are just just horrible people oh you got to keep shooting me yeah finally all right what’s in this chest infinity whoa nice i gotta get out of here

Ugh okay okay i’m all good i’m all good while i was escaping the pillagers i noticed something in the water it looked like it was struggling so i went over to investigate come on i’m trying to help you out let’s get in get in the boat

Come on there you go okay hold on let’s try this there perfect i’m gonna call you foxy let’s go foxy foxy and i we voted under the moonlight and totally didn’t get lost we were just enjoying the ride back uh yeah and i totally didn’t almost die to drowning either

Okay once we made it back to the village i put foxy in a safe place like marb until i could find a better place for them to chill the next day i was trying to get things in order at the village but some had other plans john what’d i tell you

Leave my workers alone go away you’re not welcome like leave just get shoo thank you come on foxy let’s go oh you got food that’s cute all right no no foxy come here stay here stay here no no no no come back here foxy where you

Going no oh my gosh i’m in a loser foxy come here get in the boat get in the boat yes i’m trying to keep you safe look i know foxy wasn’t trying to run away she just was playing with me so i decided to

Give her a name tag in a cage well i mean a shelter okay until i find something more permanent right okay after everyone was all settled well except for jon i started to really focus on getting the village set up so let’s roll that montage Once the house was somewhat completed i figured it would be a good time to get marv settled in i mean i made him this nice pool area which i think he’ll enjoy so i headed down to get him but there was a problem i guess turtles can’t go

On mine carts i don’t know why but okay this is not good as i know a boat won’t be possible as i can’t get it up a quarter of an inch of grass but i had another idea some might say it was big brained others they only hurt in legends

All right it’s gonna be a little tight think we get through perfect john i told you to leave my workers alone ah what a guy you know what what if i dig into the pool and then the water will come down and i should be able to get marv to swim

Up there yeah oh whoa whoa why am i drowning oh wait i guess i was underwater still okay this should work okay marv come on um as soon as i can get in here all right there you go buddy swim up there you go perfect we got marvin the

Pool hey make a little island chill up here i was pretty proud to finally have marv chillin in the house i mean the house was pretty empty uh yeah i think i made this thing larger than i should have but that’s okay so for the rest of

The day i filled in the holes i made and went around looking for things to put in mars little pool because why not the next morning it was time to go get foxy hello foxy how you doing oh no no whoa Foxy are you okay oh that guy was rude i got you didn’t i ha ha yeah i don’t know why that’s funny and maybe it’s not anyway so i put foxy on a leash and brought her up to the house she seemed happy but i’m gonna have to do something

To make it a little more comfortable you know i finally decided to craft a diamond pickaxe because i wanted to craft myself an enchanting table so that’s what i did i went out to collect obsidian this is so slow so there enchanting table made okay so i

Still need copper to finish my room why did i decide to build a copper again oh yeah cause it looks cool but why did i have to build my house so big ah well too late now this area is really bad for caves i looked everywhere and i could

Not find one so i had no choice but to move out further did i find a lush cave oh i think i did can i get down i don’t want to ball on the lily pad all right let’s just go it’s water okay okay i’m good good there’s so many

Endermen down here why is there so many hey i see you baby zombie you stay right there right there don’t move oh my gosh i hear you leave me alone and i’ll leave you alone no no get stop sneaking up on me oh no no oh great first

All right i i don’t trust you baby zombie you’re gonna get me and i just don’t trust it okay good anyone else wants some well after that i continue further into the lush cave searching for diamonds and copper i ended up coming across a zombie spawner

So i decided to sit there for a few days and well collect experience because why not once my inventory was full i made my way out of that lush cave but here’s the problem i didn’t exit where i entered so i had no idea where i was

Okay uh that doesn’t look familiar um wait what’s that oh is that one of those drown things or no wait wait wait wait that’s that guardian thing oh not ready for that i’ll i’ll come back when i’m more prepared i was kind of excited that i found this guardian monument or whatever

It’s called because i never found one before but i had to be smart i needed to start thinking about crafting potions specifically water breathing but you know what i’m not excited about these guys hey why are you guys following me uh can you kindly go away please get

Away are they gonna eat me stop chasing me you’ve been doing it all day oh okay uh you know what i’m just gonna go ashore you guys can’t follow me so yeah look i don’t know if dolphins really eat you okay but i know there’s an achievement that states otherwise and

Considering how adamant they were following me i didn’t want to take my chances so i thought running into a forest at night was a better idea i traveled for a majority of the night until i finally made it back to my village what is going on i leave for

Five minutes you’re actually not that scary oh wait you’re scary and and cute at the same time okay just leave me alone oh my gosh iron garland over here come on take him take him okay i’m out oh your biggest weakness pushes nice i’m going back i’m done with this

Oh is that another zombie oh another baby zombie okay okay bodyguards you can handle this i knew you were good for something thanks guys for the next few days while waiting for all the copper to oxidize i took the time to spruce up the village

More because well i had to if i left the copper wouldn’t oxidize so yeah after allowing the copper to fully oxidize i was able to go ahead and finish the house really though this thing is too big nothing exciting on day 52 just figured i sort my storage a little

Because you know me i’m not the most organized person okay so i found these maps a little while back and they seem to point the same spot so i’m assuming they’re just duplicates either way i thought it would be worthwhile to go searching for you know the buried treasure am i

Am i almost there well that’s a lot shorter than i thought it was gonna be okay the treasure should be right around here down here maybe okay i think i found a broken map or maps considering they’re the same but i couldn’t find this treasure like anywhere i even dug

All the way down to bedrock as i thought you know what maybe it’s really buried down there but i guess not so i headed back to the village and i ended up finding this book stand thing instead which was good because now i can get myself some books specifically bending

You gotta love that mending means you won’t have to fix your armor or tools really good so i let a villager sleep in my bed and i put some carts around them so i can catch them in the morning all right i need you to work for me okay i

Need some books can you not take on the job do you need to be out of your cart where are you going huh why are you a fisherman i don’t need a fisherman oh i have to go get someone else now the nerve of this guy honestly

I have no idea why he turned into a fisherman but either way i had to go get someone else now once i got that fellow in i waited until he finally took on the job but here’s the fun part i have to keep taking his job away and giving it

Back until he sells mendy so i spent all night rolling and re-rolling until he finally offered mending it was about time so in order to get all the menu books i needed i have to go and trade for emerald it’s one of the reasons why i built these farm market things because

Over time the farmers just load up these barrels with food and i can sell them for emeralds but look at this this farmer farms wheat so why is there bread in this barrel who’s taking my wheat and making bread you know what i bet it was

John i mean look at this guy just look at him john why don’t you work you’re out here bugging them anyway yeah might as well work don’t back-talk me oh john you are so lucky well john i’m gonna switch the weed out for beats instead try turning

That into bread john anyway so i gathered as much as i could carry and sold as much as i was allowed once i had all the emeralds i could get i headed back to my house and traded for a mending book once i got that book i built myself a diamond chess piece

Enchanted it and added that menu book to it now i was really in need for diamonds as i had everything else set up for enchanting so i headed out to gather diamonds and i did this for the rest of the night the search for diamonds continued into the next day the next day

I crafted all my diamond armor and you bet i enchanted it i mean why wouldn’t i uh i think our friend out here needs some help looks a little banged up there you go looking sharp now so i went around collecting the food and the barrels as well as harvesting crops in

The village so i could trade them for emeralds this was a full day’s process okay i mean i had to wake up villagers just to trade with them oh never mind you don’t have a job you’re just like john it’s like john slacks all the time

Yeah i’m gonna put john in jail i’m gonna build a jail put a minute he doesn’t help with the community at all all right i’ll take one vending book please perfect i’d buy two but i’m poor so the farms were not producing stacks of food as quickly as i wanted it was

Going to take days for me to fully enchant my gear with mending so i thought i’d speed up the process and become a farmer myself yeah firmer shadow the next morning i figured i might as well start blending my house area with the village so i grabbed some

Moss and i uh i went crazy it was looking pretty good very fitting these chickens these weren’t really fitted so don’t worry i i let them all free uh but look but look i also made a better area for foxy and marv now this looks cozy

And i’m kind of jealous not gonna lie how you guys doing over here oh foxy just going for a swim and marv you’re just chilling with her oh nice guy you are oh man this house is way too big i crafted myself a fletching table so i

Could trade some sticks to help speed up the process of buying all the mending books i needed unfortunately this villager just didn’t want to take the job is being a fletcher a hard job or something like why aren’t any of these villagers that don’t have jobs taking it

I mean i would even settle for john to take the job but we all know he would just mess that up alright enough of that i needed to start preparing myself for the nether as i still wanted to craft some water breathing potions because i mean i’m not gonna tackle that monument

Without them so i crafted myself a golden helmet and went to the nether so the nether was all fine and dandy not much of an issue at first but i needed to find a fortress to collect netherwarts problem was i had no idea if

I was even close to a fortress so i just picked a direction and went while i was looking for the fortress i grabbed what i thought was important but also try not to stray off too much you know as i was trying to move in a straight line so i

Could easily find my way back i mean i thought it was a good idea because i have no idea how long it’s going to take me to find a fortress can we just take a moment and appreciate these sound effects oh that is moist very squishy it’s kind

Of gross not gonna lie finally on day 64 i finally found a fortress all right all right whoa hello found a blaze spawner right here i think that’s good that’s good because i need the blaze powder i tried to make this blaze spawner a little safer to

Farm but i still got hit anyway oh well either way i was gonna stick around here for a while to collect some blaze dust you know just in case i need it later which i think i do oh there it is another warts look at that easy peasy

Nothing to it all right so i got the blaze stuff and i got the netherwarts i think i’m good to go i’ll uh take the soul sand just in case because you know what’s funny though i spent more time getting here than actually being here so that’s always good now considering how

Long it took me to find this fortress i figured i would spend some time and hunt for some wither skulls i mean why not i’m gonna tell you hunting for wither skulls is uh quite a job i felt like i was just running around for a few days

Which i mean i kind of was finally after a few days i finally collected three wither skulls awesome but i bet you’re thinking shadow why do you need three wither skulls for well that’s a surprise for later now it’s time to head back here we go even though i pretty much

Walked in a straight line i still managed to get lost a few times but i eventually found my way once i made it back to my base i got those potions brewing unfortunately i still need a puffer fish i had a couple already but

But i needed more the next day i knew i had to go fishing but i really don’t like fishing it’s uh how can i say this very boring yeah so i procrastinated and harvested my crops instead oh yeah and i also traded for emeralds then finally at

The end of the day i gave in and went fishing all right let’s get this over with come on yep okay that’s good enough all right okay so i dedicated the next day to fishing for puffer fish i get it it needs to be done

Why why is this taking so long to find puffer fish i have no patience for this so i sat there and fished pretty much for the entire day fishing it’s not for me yeah definitely not finally i finally got one them puffer fish they must be hiding or something so

I was finally ready to go and explore that guardian monument i have never been in one of these places so this should be interesting it took most of the day to find the place again and i really didn’t have any issues during the journey well except for these guys dolphin

Dolphin don’t you dare stay away do they really hurt me though i don’t know i don’t want to take the chances okay go away please please oh there it is okay okay all right let’s do this let’s go in the monument never been in a monument before oh get off me get hit

Oh geez what was that what was that alright so i have an idea i’m gonna release the warden over here and hopefully he can keep the guardians busy while i kind of you know sneak around oh oh oh oh no oh no hey i just want to

Place this just place this and get out get out no no oh go go go go oh you guys are in trouble now the warden’s not one to mess around with is the ward not doing anything where is it oh he’s right there he’s right there where are you going warden you’re

Supposed to fight the guardians you just just gonna swim away all right well that was useless thanks no no no no just gonna sneak in here excuse me thank you goodbye oh my gosh there’s a lot of you i don’t like this i don’t like this at all

So i was swimming around and fighting these guardians and i’m gonna be honest with you i had no idea what i was supposed to be doing in here is there like treasure well considering how annoying these guys are i sure hope so why does this sound so creepy oh

Okay oh that’s a big one is that like a boss oh okay it doesn’t hit that hard come on oh you can’t get through the door okay little one leave me alone okay parents are trying to talk here okay oh you’re too big to go through the door oh

That sucks okay this guy’s easy this is nothing ah look at that you can’t handle this you can’t handle this oh no no this isn’t fun this isn’t fun no leave me alone okay why is there so many of them they just keep spawning that’s not fair i want to get the big

Guy like do you drop anything good ow no okay okay okay get get get up get up all right i think i’m in trouble um yeah okay i just wanna yes okay good good okay i’m done i’m out of here i’m out of here you

Guys can do your own thing i spent the next day just swimming around the monument trying to find any treasure that was worth coming in here after searching every corner in this place i couldn’t find any treasure of any type but i found these sponges are these the treasure sponges really no it

Can’t be what am i supposed to do with sponges i figured i explored this place enough and i made my way out as i was moving away from the monument i noticed that that warden from before was just swimming around considering how slow he was moving in the water i figured he

Would be an easy target let me tell you i did not expect to be sitting here for so long this guy had a ton of health good thing i’m not fighting him for realsies because i’m sure i wouldn’t have survived did you at least drop something good of course you didn’t

Alright back to the village i go i guess on day 79 i decided to use the pumpkins i found to make some more iron gullets you know add some more security to this place well i didn’t increase my defenses by much as i could only make two man i

Forgot how expensive these guys are to create when i released the warden at the monument i thought it was going to be you know exciting but it really wasn’t like at all he kind of just swam away from the guardians so i had this idea maybe not the smartest idea but i really

Wanted to wreak havoc with the warden so i’ve released them at my village now just joking what kind of person do you think i am i went over to that pillager outpost and released the warden there figured they could uh use the company well i didn’t know i was so liked among

Your group okay okay that’s enough poking me okay it’s starting to hurt look no no come here look i brought you a gift oh you’re stuck in there here let me help let me help here get you out of there buddy whoa oh oh okay okay

Okay you’re not here to attack me okay you’re here to play with the pillagers so play with the pillagers i don’t need any hugs okay the warden was looking a bit lonely as there didn’t seem to be any pillagers around but i knew if i waited long enough the pillagers would

Return now this this is satisfying the warden looked like it was having so much fun okay maybe a little too much fun and considering how many hits it took me to take the other one out i wasn’t gonna wait around for it to come after me so i

Made like a tree and i split right back to the village not much happened on day 83 i just did some harvesting and traded for emeralds you know the usual nothing too exciting the next morning i thought the villagers inside my house were getting ready for a marathon or

Something until i noticed that my village was getting raided awesome you gotta love it all right where are they at come on oh what’s wrong john are you scared oh don’t worry i’m here i’ll i’ll save you okay i wouldn’t expect you to do it for yourself oh okay there’s

There’s not too many but but i can handle this should be pretty easy yep there we go perfect oh you want some come here oh oh ow forgot these guys hit that hard oh no get get go away nope back up oh oh okay i gotta play this a little more safer um

Yeah i don’t like those guys okay okay it’s all right everybody yeah keep freaking out john it’s it’s cool that’s helpful oh no we got ravinger oh i forgot they’re so fast don’t hit me oh no no no okay this is bad this this is bad okay oh geez i got

One of those brute guys on me too they hit hard and the ravanger hits hard so ow ow okay let’s go for the water oh look just you’re too slow i’ll just pick you up right here oh oh okay okay okay back up finally hate those guys oh my gosh john

Running around now is the most work i’ve seen you do the whole time i’ve been here all right vindicators got to go down first because these vex they’re uh they’re they’re not to mess around with oh oh whoa oh no oh my gosh run are safe

Nope i’m not safe at all don’t know why i was expecting that but okay i’m in real trouble here i fought against these pillagers right into the next day the vindicators are the worst wait no the vexes are definitely the worst almost got me a few

Times and if it wasn’t them it was the brutes or the axe dudes you know i understand why i don’t like using these doll thingamajigs because i become too careless i mean a witch almost took me out one hit from this guy and i was done

This raid has been going on way too long finally that was a long raid oh hey vexes you’re supposed to be gone look i already i’m the hero of the village so you shouldn’t be here go away john how about you help john be a you know a

Member to society or whatever it is oh and of course of course john survives alright so all i needed now was more ender pearls and i heard that the best place to farm enderman is in a desert so i packed up what i thought i needed and

Went out in search of a desert biome on my travels i found a little tiny bunny rabbit and it fed it some carrots it was cute and then it ran away kinda made me sad i’m not gonna lie i also came across every biome except for the actual biome

I was looking for i found a boat with not so great treasure and a village the village i decided to bunk in for the night i spent some time in this village because i noticed my bow was getting very worn down and i thought it would be

A good idea to fix it you know unfortunately i couldn’t find an anvil in this village so i went out looking for iron instead and yes i may have taken some iron from the local population specifically the iron golems and yes i may have used one of these

Lazy fellows so the iron golems would come to me after all the iron in the village was taken i still needed to search the local cave for the rest of the iron i required once i got what i needed i made that anvil and i fixed my

Bow whoa it took that many levels okay noted let’s just hope i don’t have to fix it again okay all right after what felt like forever i finally came across the desert and set up my base uh canopy what i don’t know whatever this thing is well the first night was fun definitely

Made me rethink this whole farming station thing i gotta fix this up and and maybe upgrade it too so the next day i went out and collected the materials i needed to upgrade and fix the place up not much exciting for the next few days unless waiting for enderman to spawn is

Fun then i had a blast once i accumulated enough ender pearls i made my way back to the base and crafted these eyes of ender see i told you i would probably need the blaze dust for something it was time to head out and search for that underground fortress

Because it was time to head to the end time to officially defeat that dragon just so you know i have never defeated the enderdragon i know in the dominion smp we as a group defeated the ender dragon but like i didn’t really contribute i was too busy attacking the

Folks that were there trying to save the ender dragon because i found that more entertaining at the time anyway finally after two days i located the fortress finally okay so considering it was day 99 let’s pretend it didn’t take me three days to find the portal because technically i already would have

Survived the 100 day requirement so let’s pretend i found the portal that night on day 99 plus it was kind of embarrassing that it took that long to find the portal okay cool here we go so you remember that secret i mentioned on what i was intending to do with the

Wither well i wanted to summon the wither and the warden to see if they would fight the ender dragon or at least help keep the enderman off my back well let me tell you this was a very dumb idea like very dumb because now i didn’t

Just have to fight the ender dragon but i had to do it without angering the warden and the wither i mean the warden was doing a good job fighting the enderman and the wither was kind of fighting the ender dragon but was really having a hard time hitting it so

Technically it wasn’t helping are they attacking each other uh you know what this probably wasn’t the greatest idea because now i gotta deal with the ender dragon the wither and the warden oh gosh i’m in trouble yeah this wasn’t smart like not not at all okay so

I know i made a big mistake and fighting the ender dragon now was gonna be a chore then i had an idea i ended up digging into one of the obsidian towers to at least keep me safe from the warden and the wither well i hoped it would

After about a million arrows and what felt like forever i was finally able to defeat the ender dragon finally alright there it is i survived 100 days in a minecraft trailer and if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell because i would greatly appreciate it alright and

With that shadowmech out

This video, titled ‘1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2022-07-04 06:39:44. It has garnered 508699 views and 10158 likes. The duration of the video is 12:45:04 or 45904 seconds.

I survived 1000 days in Minecraft Hardcore [Full Movie] Merch here – https://crowdmade.com/collections/shadowmech

LINKS: Maps can be downloaded on my Patreons. 💥Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/ShadowMech

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#Minecraft​Trailer #HardcoreMinecraft​ #100Days #ForgeLabs

Series Includes: Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Gameplay Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1 Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play Hardcore Minecraft VR Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Duck 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Hardcore Minecraft Parasite Apocalypse Hardcore Minecraft Prison Break Hardcore Minecraft The Forbidden Hardcore Minecraft Creeper Valley Hardcore Minecraft RLCraft Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Trailer

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  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More

1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]