1000 Days in Minecraft Hardcore with Poppers! Did I Survive?

Video Information

Over the past 2 years I’ve survived over 1,000 days inside of Hardcore Minecraft across a whole range of different worlds and challenges and this video is essentially the best of the best of them so sit back grab a snack and enjoy this 1,000 days Hardcore Minecraft Extravaganza of a video starting off

With our venture out into the middle of an infinite ocean stranded on a tiny little raft all right and here we are in the middle of absolutely nowhere on a little tiny tiny bit of wood that’s going to act as our raft now I’m not a

Huge fan of the ocean myself and this is uh not doing that phobia any favors but hey at least I’ve got a fishing rod and at least there’s some supplies although to be fair there was the one Supply and then there’s no more okay how am I supposed to build anything without them

Coming in where’s my hello is there anything out there hello I’ve got a leaf and one block of cobblestone to my name like what what is this I guess I’ll read my animal dictionary whilst waiting you know I’ll look at some some animals that I’m never going to see ah yes the days

Of being able to see road runners yeah I do miss the bone serpents you know oh wait is that some string yeah come here there we go all right got some string we’re going up in the world I do really hope that these supplies oh start spawning in Faster literally what I was

About to say but then I got a whole bunch of them okay great yeah I don’t really see me using the fishing rod all too much what’s that is that a barrel oh come here yes have I got you no come here I don’t want to go swim for you I’m

Determined to get you buddy come here come here all right right what sweet sweet goodies have you got in you my good fellow ooh oh no the sapling it give me an acacia sapling some puffer fish too do they poison you if you eat

Them I I think they do why would I want to eat those oh another Barrel what if you got good sir another aaia sapling Birch sapling what I really want is a jungle sapling I feel like that’s going to be the the go-to wood this time let’s

Get a little tree farm going then I guess we can just place down some dirt like right here and just throw the Birch sapling on it there we we go there we go all right two saplings down hopefully we get something growing pretty soon because well I I kind of need to expand

This out this is this is not big enough for one person ooh another Barrel damn dude these things are common these are a lot more common than I was expecting holy all right what has this Barrel got for me a bunch more dirt which is always

Good uh some more coal obsidian what AM we going to use that for right now okay you know what I’ll take it all right so we have six wood uh one jungle wood a piece of iron that’s really not going to get used for a while and some coal I may

As well make some torches with this um and that’s about it we really don’t have much else four string though which means we got one wool let’s go um and that’s about it I guess we’ve just got a fish for things I don’t know fish for fish at

This point like there’s no supplies I got like three barrels but now there’s there’s absolutely nothing out here so I spent the rest of day one just fishing away due to the utter lack of blocks coming my way however when the event eventually did I spent some time working

On my aim as well as finding a couple more barrels throughout the evening and having our very first tree grow as well as using some Salvage jungle wood to expand out the raft a little before then continuing to fish throughout the night finding even more barrels all right

Thank God the sun’s finally back up now I want to introduce you to my wall of barrels okay last night we got a whole bunch more of them they gave us quite a lot of things um these things are really common so if they keep being this common

I think I may have to go and turn them down but hey you know what so far I’m not complaining I think what we’re going to want to tackle right now is a little dainty Tree Farm because well these two just aren’t cutting it right now so I

Want to bring this out a few blocks just back here and boom there we go now I’m not really too fusted on how it looks right now I just want them to grow okay I just need wood I’m thinking we should probably start like a food farm as well

At some point soon because I’m not fishing these things all the time I mean they’re just it’s annoying to hit them maybe I’m just a terrible shop I’m probably just a terrible shop okay another barrel with a whole bunch of coal man we got so much coal I think

I’ll just make a little little farm along the side of this you know there we go all right look at this we’re becoming self-sufficient over here day two’s looking so much better all right and we’ve got a couple I think we got eight string in there that’s enough for the

Bed I’m pretty sure yep there we go all right let me throw you down throw you that’s not a bed okay okay well now I don’t have to spend any more time up at night just fishing off into the ocean in hopes of catching well pretty much any

All right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to remove these guys because they’re kind of in the way and I guess I’ll just throw them down here what is that hello um ew what is that thing ew oh it’s an octopus okay that’s much

Cooler I’m much less disgusted by it now oh look at that guy he’s so cool oh I want to go say hello to him but I don’t know if he’s friendly yeah I’m not going to risk that I’m I’m just going to stay on my raft okay I’m I’m a land mammal

For a reason oh he is cool though oh that’s not cool though okay uh stay away from that okay looking at what we have there’s not really too much I can do at this second except maybe make a furnace and well I can’t even make a smoker cuz

I don’t have the wood guz I’ll just throw that down there maybe cook up some of this raw Cod I’ve got I don’t think you can cook tropical fish so I’ll eat that first ooh another Barrel give me give me jungle sapling please no not

AA okay I feel like cold is really not going to be a problem here because we’ve just got so much of it we’ve got 42 in like a normal hardore playthrough I don’t have this much by this point I also got a jellyfish last night whilst

Fishing I have no clue what I can do with it but I have it all right well we’re not doing too bad you know humble beginnings humble beginnings we’ve uh we’ve got a little area going we’ve got a little farm going we got the tree farm up and running severely lacking on the

Wood that I want to build with or in fact any wood for that matter at all but we are further along than we were yesterday I guess I’ll just make like an identical Farm on the other side like I guess that looks cool this isn’t staying

As the base this is just like a I don’t even know what this is I don’t know why I’ve put leaves next to it but you know what it is what it is do a little bit more aim training today you know there we go give me that hit this one first

Try okay little bit overshot it’s okay this way nope little bit overshot okay again there we go okay third try come here come on man Jes oh hello okay give me that no give me that oh it’s underwater I don’t fish in this game all right leave me alone once again I spent

The evening fishing as well as waiting for some trees to grow and crafting up some stone tools before then finally catching some z’s I tell you it’s a really lonely life out here in the middle of the murky depths you know there’s not really much around not even

The fish want to come talk to me oh but at least we have a tree even though it’s a birch tree is there any more barrels out there hello what is that what is that what was that where’d it go what did it die oh my what is that is it coming oh

It’s coming over here no no no no no oh my God I love the fact that my first instinct when I see something that looks potentially dangerous is just to just jump in the water and go over to it like this is why I’d never survived this IRL

Oo look another Barrel what have you got for me this time good sir where’s the oh there is a jungle sapling yes okay great uh I guess go away Birch and hello jungle now do I have a way to make a composter just yet yep there we go all

Right I guess throw some of these in here oh not the spruce saplings Jesus no too valuable okay two bone meal is that going to give me a oh hello birch tree is this going to give me a jungle tree come on no add you to the wall there we

We go o I got to be careful going in the uh water now because I I don’t want the weird deformed Lobster thing coming from me I don’t even know where he is I lost High contact with him okay so there’s a shark over there there’s two sharks over

There oh there he is he’s still around man what is I don’t know what it is but it killed something I know it killed something I saw the particles oh he’s coming over he’s coming over hello hello buddy don’t tell me you can come and

Land oh okay you don’t see him he seems chill he seems chill he’s he looks terrifying but he seems chill oh there’s a barrel right there oh the sharks are coming over no um can I just go and grab this oh my God it’s like a sea caterpillar you know

Oh he’s going for something he’s going for something I think yeah oh oh it’s a I think it’s a manta shrimp I think he just punched them out of the water oh my God this guy yeah watch him watch him he going to go punch him oh he’s just punching up fish okay

All right you have fun buddy you have fun he’s just enjoying life you know oh kind of want to keep the uh the mantis shrimp around if I can get like a lead or something I’ll put him on it and kind of attach him to a fence he can be my

Personal protector guy should probably go and punch a shark you know I want to I want to go see what happens if these sharks come over I want to see if he’ll punch those that Mike Tyson down there in the ocean below me holy there appears

To be a lot more sea life gathering around me at the minute I’m liking it it’s it’s feeling a lot less I don’t know lonely where’s my friend Mike where’s Mike gun no don’t tell me Mike despawned I shouldn’t really go in the water with the jellyfish around but Mike

Oh okay out of the water out of the water go go go go not dealing with those guys H we have 18 iron uh as well as oh some ore as well I’ll just smell that down real quick um and then we’ll craft these into some ingots as well as have

Another birch tree grow beautiful I see now why it’s a good idea to utilize the fishing rod instead of going in the water there is a lot of stuff spawning around here now okay do leaves really do much in the composter oh they there they

Kind of do I guess can I put like the can I put these fish in there I can oh oh oh my hello um you’re a big tree let me just get rid of you real quick oh all the beautiful oak wood oh it’s oh okay

We can get rid of you now I don’t want Birchwood for a while I really just want the jungle I really don’t care about any other wood all right let’s just expand out the tree farmer little bit so we got a little bit more room for the trees to

Grow who knows maybe one of these days we can grow a big jungle tree does Mike come back yet hello buddy you still around you’ve gone away completely well I had a friend for a day now it’s just back to just sadness ah now I’ve run

Into a problem I have the expanded Tree Farm but I have no saplings because I turned them all into bone meal okay I’m going to have this stuff up and then by the time it’s probably done the sun will be down and I’ll head to bed

Okay so I want that jungle tree to grow this is literally my main thing I don’t care about anything else other than that tree I don’t care about you and you know what I’m that desperate to get it to grow I’m going to make some shears and

Shear off all of these leaves so I can turn them into compost all I want is a bunch of jungle saplings that’s literally my entire life goal right here I don’t usually build with jungle wood anymore but hey this is a one-off occasion it looks good for a raft

Casually wasting the precious iron just to get some leaves you know truly truly a big brain move right here okay five bone meal one two three yes oh oh my God that’s a tall one too give me like three saplings I’ll be so happy how many you

Give me one two three yes oh my days and that means oh yes we can grow a big one it would be amazing if you four immediately grew with this two bone meal okay so what can we do with this 12 turns it to 54 and then slab wise turns

Into a almost two stacks okay so I guess let’s start out right here then so we’ll do 1 2 3 4 now I don’t exactly know what I’m going for down to the T but I have a rough idea of what kind of build I want

Out here so we’re just going to try it out and if things go the way I’m hoping they do then it’s going to look pretty good so I want it slightly elevated okay I want it to go boom bing boom like that I think is correct I hope I think that’s

All right and then we’ll do the same for this side oh come on the second I put some land down a squid obviously bees itself and dies all right you know what it’s survival the fittest out here I didn’t even get to finish my sentence okay you

Saw what your friend did don’t go and do it okay pretty productive day I still want that tree to grow over there but we can wait a little while because we’ve made a little start on our actual base um I do want this floor here to be glass

But oh I gu say I can’t really get the stuff for it right now but I can I’ll go and get it in the morning ooh another Barrel okay so let me just make a couple of you probably don’t need six but that’ll do and then we’re going to head

Down after grabbing this barrel of course uh and hope that no sharks spawn in whilst we’re down here trying to grab up some sand nothing to worry about you know just chilling in a door under the ocean no sharks around no weird punching fish around just take this over and get

It smelted down and then we can put down our first glass floor oh my God hello oh things are going just so well just so well plus we have an extra Barrel too let’s see what it has in it uh some pretty mid stuff but I’ll take the iron

You can join my Army of barrels there we go how many have we got now oh my God uh does does this axe have enough durability to take down that tree and one hit I highly doubt that so let me just I guess I could craft up an iron

One yeah let me craft up an iron one there you go oh my God it’s beautiful oh it’s raining jungle wood oh it truly is it truly is a miracle having this much wood that that should keep us going for a little while you know that’s uh more

Than enough jungle wood to suffice my urges for now uh let’s take some of this glass and just have it placed down here I think I think this is big enough I’m not too sure I’ve got a design idea in my head but I don’t know if the C large

Enough I guess I can just make it bigger if not what is that hello that is the most pathetic spruce tree I think I’ve ever seen in my life oh my days oh god I’ve never seen one so stubby it was such a small tree oh

Already um okay okay give me give me a second let me just chop you down again okay what’s that like almost four Stacks now that should be or maybe just over I don’t know it is two three just under four Stacks wow okay and a huh what can I I can eat

This let’s go um I I don’t know where that came from but I I’ll take it thinking about it now hindsight is 2020 um we didn’t need this farm at all this Farm is it doesn’t really serve much purpose let’s be real I’m just living

Off of the copious amount of fish I get from the barrels is that another Barrel it is it is come here my friend join my family all right we’re going to have to start organizing some of these things up as well also I don’t really think I’m a great fan of everything spawning

Underneath my beautiful glass floor that might look a little bit ugly now I spent the rest of day five cooking up all the remaining glass and finishing off the floor then decided to take some time and sort out the storage problem that had very quickly been getting worse I’m a

Firm believer in the fact that storage needs to stay organized and if it isn’t it just bothers me all right the floor’s nice and finished off now it looks really nice I really like the way glass looks with complimentary shaders it looks uh looks super cool I don’t know

Really if I’m a big fan of the half slabs for the you know the visible sides of the circle they kind of I don’t know they kind of bug me to some degree I don’t even think I can water log them no we’re in 1.16 so I can’t water log them

Oh and also we have uh another giant jungle tree that I think I’m going to leave there for the time being because we’ve got more than enough wood okay so I think I may continue on with the actual expanding of this area today I’m

Not too sure I want to go and get a couple things in check first and then we’ll see where we go from there yeah so all of that I just said to you was a complete lie and instead I spent the entire day fishing immediately finding a

Saddle which some use that’s going to be out here you know just give me a sec guys let just go ride my fish punching mantis shrimp like what am I actually going to use this on after spending the majority of the day fishing and not really finding much other than some fish

I know right what a surprise I decided to actually chop down the big jungle tree because it was only haling progress whilst it was there because if I chop it down and get the wood then I can immediately start growing another one and just make more progress then after

Taking down that Behemoth of a tree I headed to bed all right so needless to say yesterday didn’t go as I planned it I was going to say that we got uh some good stuff but we really didn’t we got a bunch of these red groupers that I can’t

Even cook up um we got like one salmon and like five cods so we didn’t get too much at all and I have no clue what I can use this saddle on so yeah pretty strange day however I did realize that this needs to be 11 blocks wide total so

Hopefully I’ve got it correct I pray I do 1 2 3 4 5 okay yeah right so it is 11 blocks so this is perfect so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to go around and just add a little bit of a layout of how I’m going to have things

Set up right here now I’m also thinking that for these sides here I don’t want to just put like logs or planks I kind of want to have like a little design going like however that looks that looks okay um but then what we want to do over

The top of that design if I can find the oak planks is I want to make a bunch of trap doors which is going to be be extremely expensive and then I want to go across here like that and go boom boom boom and then it’ll just add a

Little bit of detail I guess not too much but it adds kind of like a I don’t know raft feel if if you can describe it as that I don’t know okay I was literally just about to say that I like the way this is coming out and you know

It looks really good but um I don’t because I built it one too big so these aren’t going to connect the way I want them to and I need to just move everything in back by one because cuz this is four blocks until the middle and

It needs to be three blocks to the middle for these to be connected by two leaves together but I’m I’m not fixing that right now okay that’s I’m taking it as a sign all right it’s enough it’s enough house building for today let’s head down and see if we can find

Anything underground do I have enough iron to make an iron pickaxe I do not okay guess let’s just head down here we’ll make a very simple mine all right nothing too fancy schmancy I just want something that goes down um and doesn’t have water in it ooh coal immediately

One thing thing that we really don’t need beautiful look at that lovely little entrance down here uh I’m not going to mine up that coal because I don’t need it um and instead we’re just going to go and check out if any caves lur below ooh hello even more okay I’ll

Take you I’ll take you okay I guess I’ll go until my pick breaks if I don’t find a cave I’m just going to head up to the surface with my 31 eyon smelt it down and then I don’t know fix the house tomorrow all right let me get you in

There boom boom lovely all right uh I guess head to bed and then in the morning fix the Abomination I caused here okay so where do I even begin with this uh let me first off make a new axe because this one’s going to go bye-bye within seconds and then I guess we’ll

Move these in by one then bring that forward uh bring these forward then get rid of all these all right there we go problem is now solved and it looks so much cleaner now the design I’m going for is we’re going to have kind of like a central area here and then there’s

Going to be a bridge over to a another like copy of this with the little ones in the middle and then we’ll probably build our house further down there probably over the coral reef would look really nice it might sound a little strange it might be a little bit of

Confusing and that’s because it is but um it’ll look good all right I have faith in my building skills this time just get rid of this tree stop casting a shadow over my lovely build thank you very much you very rude jungle tree hello you going to what I’ve just been

Scammed oh I just thought as well we can get the vines from the trees too that’s probably pretty good so now I think we don’t really have too much oak wood do we no we got four trap doors and then 14 logs that’ll go to 56 and then into

22 trap doors all right that’ll finish off what we have here but then I also need Oak for fences and fence gates as well I think maybe so what I’m going to focus on now is just expanding it out this way a little bit and then out this

Way a little bit so that we can build another Circle here to work as kind of kind of like a path down the middle because it’s going to go back there a little bit too yeah it’s it’s a weird looking base I’ll tell you this okay so

The main focus of today will be to just add a couple more of these right here just bring it out a little bit okay so now that we’ve got our initial logs placed down let me bring them up by a couple of blocks that’s not what I

Wanted to do I’m going for like kind of like a beach caban is it Cabana like kind of like a beach house style to things where we’re going to have it very open you know very Brey if the that’s the way to describe it you know a lot of

Gaps in the in the framework you know to let the air just flow through you know get that lovely C air as if I can’t get enough of it right now you know just in the middle of it you know what the best way to describe it right the best thing

That I’m imagining in my head right now for this is like the Dead Island beach houses I don’t know if you ever played Dead Island but the beach houses in that game is kind of how I’m basing this to some degree not completely but to some

Degree all right so here we want to add uh some stairs down okay there we go that looks well just like a wooden bridge right now but it will look really good so what I’m going to do is I’m going to bring this down one and then

We’re going to bring it over and then we’re going to have that side connect to it also and then that should connect perfectly over there we go all right and now we got another little Perfect Circle right here and then we just add the stairs here look at that all right uh it

Doesn’t look great right now but it will do it’ll look so much better once we get some glass in there um and I think this is where I’m going to do the jungle trap doors let me just show you my idea real quick okay because they kind of look

Different to the other ones I think they’ll look nice here all right hear me out hear me out and then we put some logs here I don’t know whether I want them too high or one high right here but we’ll figure it out real quick maybe one

High is the The Sweet Spot for that uh but I want then some fences in between all of these to make it look really good now I wish we had some like bamboo fences I wish they were a thing I don’t think that we have bamboo fences in this

Uh let me check oh we have bamb oh the bamboo spikes we don’t want them no um yeah okay we don’t have them fences but we can make it look good nonetheless all right and I don’t think that I have enough glass to finish off the floor I

Don’t think I have anywhere near enough glass uh let me that’s iron where’s my glass is in here yeah I have seven that’s that’s not going to cut it nowhere near enough but you can see the idea now all right it’s just going to connect in things like this it’s going

To look really good we’re going to add a little roof over the top of this it’s going to look nice all right it’s going to look real good I think what we should do is I don’t think there’s really any way we can set up like an auto fishing

Thing is that raw salmon we’ll cook that bad boy up H we can make actually we can make a smoker now oh it’s all coming together yes okay I want to go and upgrade all my tools to iron combine these two for whatever it’s worth and

There we go all right uh the stone ones can just yeah there we go all right oh no what was that what just Dro there oh was a beet root oh I don’t care about that I’ll throw the other one there we go go away better off in the ocean so I

Spent some of the night harvesting some crops from the farm and cooking up some food as well as fishing in another couple of barrels containing the standard barely themed loot that I’ve come to love at this point all right so one of the goals I actually want to do

Is build a mob farm but I don’t want to do it where I can actually see it if that makes any sense I don’t want it to be visible from my actual house because they just look awful but what I think I might do is I might take all these and I

Might just head out that way like 50 blocks and just do it just outside the render distance for this area so I’ll throw you down uh grab this Cobblestone make sure to miss the beetroot that I threw down yesterday uh and I guess let’s just take a little look see oh

Over here and where’s my okay I’m missing half my body but it’s it’s fine we’re going to have to be kind of smart while building this as well cuz I kind of forgot about the Sharks there’s a what was that it was a shark tooth oh my

Yeah we want to be smart with building this thing then oh wait this is part of a shipwreck right possibly it looks like yeah okay it is okay well we’ll build from this then that works fine we don’t need to be careful we’re completely fine okay get a little platform going lovely

Lovely lovely and I guess before we go and actually build the farm let’s go check out down here see what uh see what loots down here for us couple pieces of iron I’ll take it okay not bad not bad at all I’m stuck in here though let me

Out please I’m going to drown let me out an empty map okay nothing really of use in there maybe the books to be fair the books would be pretty big purple pickle what I don’t know what that was I don’t want it so I guess let’s just get to

Work on expanding out this platform a little bit and then actually building up the farm I’ve never really made one of these out of wood before at least I don’t remember doing I don’t usually make them out of wood I usually do with stone it might look really funky with

Wood I don’t think I’ve made one out of jungle wood to be precise all right that’ll do uh we want the little platform in the middle so just 1 2 3 4 I understand it’s off center but I don’t care so I’m pretty sure it’s 21 blocks

High we make it or 22 I’m just going to double check to be sure but I think it’s 22 okay so apparently it’s 21 so we’ll do 1 2 3 4 okay so now we just need to go and rinse and repeat the process for all four of these sides

And then we’re going to go build a two block high wall all the way around all four of them now a load of you got really like annoyed the last time I built one of these Farms with slabs here but mobs can spawn on the top part of

Like these slabs so it shouldn’t affect the spawning of them I think what I did wrong last time is maybe I did the roof too low or maybe they just don’t spawn in one lucky block but it I don’t know but the bottom part shouldn’t make a difference they’re still just like full

Blocks essentially they’re just half underneath so mobs can still spawn on them but I guess I’ll just do the roof as two full blocks instead of one and a half now I actually want to go and light this up because I do not want any ghouly spawning in while I’m trying to build

This because the sun’s going down and I’m not planning on going to bed until this is finished now I spent the entire rest of the night building up the mob farm and things went pretty smoothly for the most part other than me having to head back home and grab some more wood

To make some trap doors but other than that it was a really nice chill night up here just looking down at the coral reefs below now there was also supposed to be a really nice cinematic shot to accompany this audio but sadly replay mod said no and I lost the footage so uh

Yeah now it’s just me placing blocks but finally after crafting and placing down the trap doors and adding some of the final details the farm was finished by the morning of day 11 there we go the farm is now done um and hopefully it works fine it should do okay I see

Absolutely no reason for this Farm not to work so hopefully it it starts working soon hello is is there anything going to spawn in here now I ended up spending the rest of day 11 spawn proofing the top of the mob farm that I forgot to do the night prior then

Heading back down and farming it out all day to see how well it worked if at all and oh boy let me tell you I was so surprised when night fell and this thing just went into overdrive spawning in things every couple of seconds it was

Wacky and it worked so so well so of course I had to spend the night here playing wacka mob where we okay what an eventful night what an extremely eventful night oh hello goodbye look at this all right all right we got 61 bones 64 and four gunpowder we just got a

Whole bunch of stuff including a bow and some Gucci leggings it’s pretty good pretty nice night so we’re going to head back home now uh we’re going to grab a bunch more wood because well I am bankrupt on the stuff what a lovely site to come back to I’m going to chop you

Down okay so I’m just going to make do I have a chest for Mob stuff no okay so I’m just going to throw all of this in here for now okay then down you come there we go lovely lovely lovely give me all the wood I really need to start

Checking the water before jumping in because of the shark right there oo okay hello buddy stay away I don’t know if they’re instantly aggressive but you would assume so right you would assume so all right so this is nowhere near enough wood but we’re at least stacking

Back up on it now and also I can just break some of these down into bone meal and have a real good time with these trees so let’s see how much we can get from just this stack and a half of bone meal okay so about being broke on wood

Um we have quite a lot now I didn’t even use that much bone meal I still have 48 left but I ran out of axes so I’m just going to throw it in this uh farming chest right here and now we’ve got oh my God it’s like half a chest full of

Jungle logs Oh my days okay jungle trees are definitely the way to go mainly for just the utter speed of which you can just mine them down and stuff and the amount of what they give you is just wacky ooh I’ve just noticed as well we

Got a whole bunch of bananas too that’s always nice okay well I guess I’ll SP this evening I’ll take this time to go and dig up a bunch more sand because we’re going to need an absolute ton of glass and I know mining it is going to

Be slightly annoying so I may as well just get it out of the way hey big shark okay bye-bye okay I’ve been down here risking it with a shark long enough for now I think I’m just going to grab all the sand that I can get right here and

Then we’re going home so now considering that we have a little bulk of sand and we have like a whole bunch of actual logs that we’re going to need to build with although we still don’t have Oak I’ve not been focusing on Oak no it’s fine we’ll do the details later but I

Think with what we have now I can number one finish off this floor there we go beautiful beautiful and we can also go and expand things out a little bit more because this little area over here is just it’s just not big enough anymore that’s say it was even

Big enough to begin with which it it really wasn’t now I still don’t know how like big I want this to be I would assume not too massive because just down to the sheer amount of time I’ll spend building it but I’m thinking maybe two or three of these more would be okay

It’s going to be longer than it is wide it’s going to be like I said it’s going to be a strange base but I like where it’s going I mean at this point it is pretty much just copying the patent and the framework that we already have

Because it doesn’t really get much more complex or anything it’s just the same shapes repeating there we go you see it’s already getting a little bit of size to it now it’s already looking good I think what I’m going to do when I’m done with this little segment over here

And connected this up is I’m going to go and expand out the tree farm as well just because I don’t think this base really has an area for a tree farm so maybe what I’ll do is I’ll have this side connect out to like a giant tree

Farm over this way yeah actually I think that’s a really good idea let me just um take you down maybe use stairs here so we can pull it down to a nice water level block you know and then it can just lead out to a lovely Tree Farm

Spanning the expanses of the ocean does kind of make that step right there useless but it is what it is there we go all right uh the floor’s looking a little bit janky right now let me just tidy that up real quick all right and there we go that’ll

Do for now at least we’re making some pretty nice progress it it’s coming along it’s coming along the remainder of day 13 was spent with me building out a new very basic looking Tree Farm although I don’t really know how you can make these things not look basic it’s

Literally just a group of trees but either way this floating slab should hopefully make getting wood so much faster now also during the night I was pleasantly surprised to find that my new friend had come and visited me again or at least I think he’s my friend I kind

Of just call him it and hope that he is but I really don’t know if he’s friendly towards me or if he even likes me kind of like the way I go about my actual life that was a joke because my life is literally this game and I speak to No

One hey buddy hey hey hey welcome back my friend hello you creepy little bugger how’s it going go punch that fish go on you know you want to punch that fish go on go on yes oh I love him I love him I’m too scared to go near him though cuz

He will punch me to death probably oh I missed you buddy I want to make like a little tank for you you know where’d you go oh he’s gone so elusive after Mike practiced his Wizardry once again and vanished Back Into Thin Air I got back

To work on the farm and had it finished off by Sunrise what a what a miserable morning it’s raining but there’s no rain I I think that might be my shaders I’m not too sure what’s happening so good sir we no longer need you to grow over here let

Me politely just move you over to the other side thank you very much for your wood I will put it to good use throw you fellas down at the back here and then I’m hoping to fill the rest up with Oak I don’t know how many saplings I’m going

To get from this tree I’m not expecting to get enough to cover the whole the whole Farm but at least you know three three’s fine three is fine why do they keep Auto planting hello and I think what I’ll do is I’ll put the bone meal

To use on them so that we can actually start filling this place up pretty soon there we go oh lovely lovely lovely big tree too big tree I’m saying we get 10 saplings from all that ooh 11 I was close oh 13 no I was Less close

Literally one sh are you kidding me are you going to give me give me one sapling Give Me One Singular sapling and I’ll be happy o there’s a bunch of the water let’s go all right we’ve got our Oak Tree Farm now situated I would say we

Just need to wait for them to grow but we really don’t I’ve got a whole bunch of bone meal but I don’t want to really spend the day mining trees I’m not going to lie to you and what I want to do instead is craft myself some iron armor

Real quick you know just a couple pieces sorry Gucci leggings I really don’t need you anymore and what I want to do is I want to set sail out maybe this direction I don’t know cuz I want to go out and explore to see if I can find a

Ship not a shipwreck like an actual ship because there’s a mod in here that has them in it um and they can have decent loot I hope I don’t know I just I know that they have chests on them although before I set let me just real quick grab

Some string and then we’ll go boom boom boom wait wait I’ve just made it inverted that’s not wait no this the string goes there the bow goes there what an absolute idiot okay all right ax is ready the shovel seem better days oh guess I could just combine the two all

Right and I guess maybe a shield as well just to be safe just to be safe you can never be too safe out here in the uh the ocean and off we go all right let’s see if we can find ourselves some Scallywags out here now hopefully we don’t come

Across like a kraken or something out here I don’t actually remember what mods I have in this so there may just be like a kraken up here out of nowhere and one shots but I highly doubt it oh what’s that oh that’s a ship all right hello uh

Are you friendly ship or are you foe are you friendly or fo am I going to get shot by you or are we okay to enter you don’t look very friendly oh what’s that that’s oh yeah no that’s not friendly at all okay what happens if I shoot one of those

Targets okay it did nothing oh it did oh it blew it up hello buddy don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot look they’re all Gathering down there what’s the matter buddies your ship get a hole in it hey it sucks to be you pillagers yeah

It’s going to be my ship soon enough oh my God there’s so many oh my God there’s so many look at them why is there so many they keep going in I don’t think I have enough arrows to deal with them all how am I supposed to do this maybe not

Attack a ship this size with no armor pretty much I have 36 arrows left I’m going to run out hopefully there’s not a spawner on there if I see more jumping down from nowhere then I’ll assume that there is but I don’t think there is I

Don’t see more spawning in so I’ll go over and take a look okay oh [Laughter] oh my D okay maybe there’s a few more waiting for me in there just a few uh can I go over and like the whack them can I just wait if I put like a a piece

Of wood here right these got arrows in them no nothing okay ow okay stop stop stop I’m going to hit you cheaply I’m going to hit you cheaply all right I don’t care come on fight me no don’t actually fight me that’ll be no don’t

I’m scared oh my God my sword is like gone though I think that’s because of the mob farm um okay how many of you are still in there uh okay there’s a good bunch of you there’s not too many though oh you just you’re dealing with yourself

This is beautiful all right yeah you keep doing that keep doing that there we go I’m just going to block you in there all right I’m going to oops I don’t want to put that there right now I guess we’ll take a little look inside see if there’s okay there’s some some normal

Mobs in there they’re not really too scary oh I may have spoke too soon this skeleton’s absolutely destroying me there doesn’t appear to be spawners but oh wait no that’s a spawner back there I’m pretty sure yeah there’s a spawner back there okay okay okay maybe not the

Smartest decision maybe not the smartest decision to board that ship we’ll check up top if there’s spawners and stuff up top then we’re leaving hello any anything up here that shouldn’t be hello oh there’s a couple creepers ooh couple of chests I know I did not do all this for some maps what

About in here oh nope okay we don’t want to go in there okay yeah no home time for now I think home time for now we’ll check out the front of the ship there’s nothing over here then it’s home time for now oh okay yep no we’re going that

Was too close that was too close Okay back home maybe not the big ships maybe leave the big ships alone you know not a good ship okay after coming to the conclusion that I was not going to be able to take on that whole ship right

Now and it was not the way that I wanted to go out trying I sailed my way back home and over to the mob farm to hopefully try and replenish on some arrows that I just completely wasted on that ship okay so after yesterday’s escapades and losing horrendously on

That ship I feel like we really need to gear ourselves up now I have restocked on arrows um got the leather cap I’m sure that’s going to help a load um and also a potion of healing I think that came from a witch that’s nice to have

But the arrows and the leather cap are not really going to do much against those uh very unfriendly fellows over by the ship so what I think we’re going to do today is head down into the mine that I made and go a little bit deeper in

Hopes of finding some caves or at least a cave I don’t really care if it’s multiple that way we can gear up a little bit and not be so squishy to everything okay so we’ll just keep heading down in hopes of finding a cave

But if not we’ll go down to Y2 and then just check what we can find down there I guess oh oh okay we’re already like bang on Bedrock okay well here’s y1 oh I hear lava to the right of me it’s over here hello I hear you bubbling

Away over here it’s like to the oh it’s right here okay uh is this a cave or is this just like a little area it looks like a little area but could potentially be a cave maybe up here hello you’re not going to be a cave you’re just going to

Make me sad yep just going to make me sad all right well I mean at least we have lava for whatever reason we need lava for I don’t even want diamonds at this point I literally just want more iron that way I can finish off my drip I

Don’t feel like we’re going to be getting too much luck with caves down here oh I don’t have enough iron to make a pickaxe I need to smell some down but as I was saying I I really don’t think we’ll have too much luck with the caves

Not being water logged I hear one with a bat and some water there but it doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a big cave at all it could just be like a tiny little chunk and then the rest could be underwater or just no cave at all cave

Are you up or are you down are you straight across like what what’s happening sounds like it’s On My Level oh it’s right there oh hello oh my days okay this is a potentially very dangerous place but there is a lot of iron in here all right um okay be

Cautious be careful probably pull out the shield for this part let’s be real uh creepers can drop down from anywhere and just blow up immediately something we really don’t want happening oh just got jump scared by a bat maybe we’ll find some diamonds in here I mean it’d

Be nice if we could but I’m not holding out hope on it zombie with a shovel oh crispy zombie with a shovel ooh I want that big chunk up there yeah so far I’m not really seeing much down here other than iron and coal and the odd piece of

Lapis all right I’ll grab this last vein right here and then that should be hello and then that should be enough to go back to the surface and deck ourselves out with having a little bit left over as well pick up the eight in there grab

The furnace and then back to the top we go and Knight I think is just starting to fall yeah yeah okay right so it’s just turning night we’ve got 41 iron all right that’s that’s not bad and then this should be enough to finish off all

Our armor boom boom there we go all right full iron isn’t the best but it’s better than what we had wow man this place is really starting to come together I’ve just noticed we’ve got a little area setup right here we’ve got the trees over there it is coming along

Good there’s still a load more work to be done but it’s it’s looking good so far how’s it going buddy you just punching some fish up down there oh wa a lovely way to start the day look at him oh my God he just deletes them all oh my

Days anyways what I was thinking of right now is this is all going to have a roof on it from here all the way down to the end and even further is going to have a roof on it then these middle bits are going to be kind of open and outside

Giving kind of like a like I say a beach house Vibe like an outside area uh and then we’re going to do the same on this side with the roof going all the way down what I’m thinking is we can have subsections of it that come off to the

Side and lead to a areas such as like a tree farm the a normal actual Farm maybe some animals if we can find any I I don’t really know if we’re going to be able to do that now I basically spent the entirety of day 16 working on the

Raft and adding a little bit more structure to it now there were a few setbacks due to me not being able to count for some reason and making some really stupid mistakes when it comes to the size of circles but other than that things went really well and we ended up

Making some really good progress now I realized that things look kind of basic and blocky right now but trust me okay once I’ve got all the wooden supplies that I need I’ll go around and add all the details with trap doors fences leaves you name it it’ll be on there and

It’ll look really really good so just trust the process all right that’s what I’m doing so let’s hope it works out the only other thing to happen on day 16 that wasn’t me placing wood glass or stone was the fact that I didn’t light up some areas of the raft with it being

Bigger now and we did have some guests coming throughout the night however they were dealt with easy enough and by Sunrise of day 17 our raft was now considerably bigger she look at this this is this is looking great now we made some real nice progress uh I’m

Really liking how it’s uh forming I guess it’s coming together really well what I think I want to go and do today is that Ravine down there still intrigues me so I kind of want to go pay another visit I’m feeling much stronger with the iron armor um just grab my bow

Grab this there we go all right let’s head back down I want to check out the Ravine and hopefully I’d like to find a diamond I’m not too sure if we actually will but it’s worth the luck because I do want to go to the at some point and

Well I don’t really fancy bringing up this lava down here all the way up top to oh well no I could I could technically do it right now I I want to go to the nether without doing it in a speedrun way okay leave me alone okay great immediately getting attacked soon

As I get down here um I want to see what’s up there ow stop it why is there so many of you why is the stop it oh God there’s like three of you okay grow an entire forest with the amount of Bones I just got all right so what Secrets do

You hold for me my friend oh you’re an underwater cave cave I should have guessed that oh oh okay maybe maybe the underwater cave isn’t a good oh my God why is there so many things down here hey yo I don’t want to stay over here I

Do not want to stay over here maybe maybe this side’s much more chill you know let’s see if I can actually go down here without getting jumped by an army of mobs is it because we’re like in Ocean so like they don’t really have much more place to spawn so they just

Kind of all cramped down into like the smallest place they can I feel like that’s the reason okay this side literally just leads to a dead end I’m pretty sure um does this go anywhere hello I guess I’ll head back over the other side um and try and sneak past

Them I guess because that looks like the only way to get to a cave system from here he got one tapped by the lava okay so we just want to be cautious okay what’s with everything over here man why have I already come over here and there’s like 10 things okay I’m just

Going to run for it I’m just going to run for it we’re going to go okay well I guess I’ll just take everything that this place has to offer me and then I don’t know maybe strip mine a little bit I I really wanted to mine or go caving

Exploring today but there really doesn’t seem to be too much down here let’s check out this water cave doesn’t seem to really lead anywhere I don’t have any doors so if I get trapped down here I’m pretty screwed okay yeah I need to make a door before coming in here this is way

Too uh too far so I spent the rest of the night down here in the cave searching for diamonds but only ended up finding myself getting lost in the endless janky rendered water Cavin until I ended up just getting too turned around and Confused down here and

Decided to just make my way back up top surfacing just next to the raft I ended up spending the entirety of day 18 chopping away at trees that ended up mainly being Oak ones because I need an absolute ton of their wood so they can actually start going around and adding

Details to the raft now for some reason I only ended up using the bone meal that I had in my farming chest and not like the copious amount of Bones I have in the mob drops chest I I think I just forgot about them but yeah I would have

Got a load more trees if it wasn’t for me just being an idiot however I did also put the iron that I got from the mines yesterday to use and crafted up some Hoppers to use on the mob grinder as well as having to to go and harvest

Some potatoes from the farm because well I was running pretty low on food and whilst they were cooking I headed back down to the ocean floor and grabbed a whole bunch of more sand to starts melting down into glass all right so now we have a little bit more oak wood we

Still don’t have like anywhere near enough to do all the things that I’m wanting to but we’ll focus on getting a whole bunch of it later on now one of the things I want to do today is I want to take these Hoppers and these chests

Over to the mob farm over here then I want to throw these down probably here can I still use a crafting table I can still use the crafting table okay great um we want to throw them right here and then just link them up to the chest

There we go lovely and now because the slabs things should go through them beautiful all right oh God hello now I do kind of want to go out in the opposite direction of where I went last time so I went over that way last time

So I kind of want to go over to the right here just to really see what we can find out there if there is anything of use to us because I know in this mod pack that there’s like ocean Dungeons and and I really want to find one

Because even if I can’t take it on right now it’s something to look forward to later and from what I’ve seen of them they look kind of cool we also want to keep an eye out for any smaller ships than the one that we saw the other day

Cuz them ones are just a little bit too big right now oh actually in fact no let’s head over to the one we saw the other day because it’s daytime now so there should hopefully be no mobs over there is that coming for me I think

That’s coming for me you know is that Shar coming for me oh he is no stay away he oh he’s trying he’s trying to gain on me no go away go away why is it here I’m getting off I’m going to my boat my raft hey come here come on let’s go buddy

Come on you want to chase after me yeah that’s what I thought overgrown fish oh I did not like that I didn’t know that the Sharks could do that I don’t know why it did maybe because I’m in a boat I know that they attack things IRL because

They think there seals but I ain’t really see many seals look like this okay buddies uh you are most definitely a different ship I don’t understand how I found a different one and not the one I was at but hey ho yeah I hit the shark with it

Too oh God okay filter down filter down come on okay these guys are jumping off the boat I don’t want this one I want the one that I found the other day I don’t remember where it is let me blast a hole here too oh I completely missed

That one second slightly embarrassing on my part oh sorry about that you know just misfiring there we go he are I’ll sink you ship oh they’re they’re coming out why were you stood there you idiot okay can I just lure them all out to the shark will it eat them shark have them

Oh my God there’re so many why are there so many all right what’s happening over oh hi these guys will deal with themselves for the most part like big groups of them will just end up hitting them each other but I’m scared that there’s more than them down here such as

That creeper okay come on deal with everything there we go lovely did you blow up the spawner no you didn’t that kind of sucks though okay just get get rid of it just get rid of it there we go lovely making our way through here is slightly dangerous hello why is there

Water in here this place is in disarray man Barrel ooh some Gunpowder and an emerald lovely definitely worth all the trouble I’ve been through to get here wow this place do 100% worth it oh my one Golden Apple oh I’ll take the melon and pumpkin SE we can make iron golems

And stuff I’ll take them uh I guess I’ll take the emerald I don’t really know when I’m ever going to use it but I’ll take it things are happening things are happening on the ship oh God oh uh-oh oh we need out we need out we need out everything’s coming down here now

Everything’s coming down here now okay leave leave leave oh God it’s blowing up let me out let me out i’ take the shark over this yeah look at this guy he’s just out here how’d he get out here weird man okay them ships are not worth

It we’re not coming back to another one of those I was in the belly of the Beast and it had like one gapple like that’s no that’s not worth the tradeoff man okay we’ll take a scenic route home tonight see if we can find anything and

Hopefully not get chased by a shark okay we’re back home I successfully didn’t get chased by a shark I don’t think and we also didn’t find anything out there so I’m just going store all the loot we got away all the two things I think we

Got and then head to bed on day 20 I actually did decide to go out sailing in the opposite direction of last time to see what I could find out there oh what’s that hello is that an ocean Monument I don’t want to go too close to

It if it’s an ocean monument that is indeed an ocean Monument I’m pretty sure hello buddy I almost jumped out of the boat then that would have been that would have gone bad um are you an ocean Monument you seem to be but I don’t know you don’t really

Look like one it kind of looks like a rundown ocean Monument you know see what I mean like it doesn’t look like a full one yeah no that does not look like a normal one that looks like it’s been oh well this isn’t an ocean Monument but it

Has got drowns in it okay I guess we can go and check this place out I don’t know what’s going to wait for me down there but real quick make a couple doors for my own safety okay Hello friends okay is there a way I can just hop in there

There and oh there’s a load of mantis Shri around here too okay I’m just going to real quick take a look in see if there’s anything worth my time in here if not I’m gone okay barrel with gunpowder okay great a cookie oh my god oh the spawners of them that’s okay yeah

No this thing is I need like some water breathing stuff for this no my boat no where’s it gone where’s my boat no run run no oh no they stole my boat they broke it oh no I really oh I don’t like this oh my God they’re still trying to

Shoot me I need to I need to real quick crafting table make a boat go go go go go go go okay they’re not even the big problem I just didn’t want a shark to start coming out of nowhere okay yeah so that is definitely one of the big ships

That I tried to take on and failed miserably at I don’t want one of those is that another one of the big ships it is I don’t want you guys I want like something smaller I know they exist damn it yeah look this one’s so much smaller

Yeah this is it this is perfect a tiny little ship oh this is much more my size oh it’s a it’s an evoker up there oh okay yeah I’m not going close to him then uh let me just can I snipe him from here yes I can he needs to die is he

Gone I think he’s gone okay much better I am more than happy to go and try and take on this ship now okay there we go that should be all of them it seems safe to me uh did you drop me a totem my good friend you

Didn’t drop me anything all right okay I’m going to cautiously go and loot your ship now oh two diamonds let’s go and some bookshelves as well they’re going to be amazing for an enchantment table I’ll take all this I’ll take all of this any of you in here no you’re all you’re

All gone oh and another Diamond let’s go curse of Vanishing can go away I really don’t want that damn man these things have got bigger loot than the actual giant ships what is this okay all right well this is a cool place if we see any

More of these I’ll be sure to take them on probably want to head back home though for now just solely down to the fact that I want to go and get more arrows so I’m might spend tomorrow at the mob farm just to try and grind them

Out as much as possible because we keep running out of them pretty quickly and well I just kind of want to eliminate that problem oh what’s that over there I saw some smoke is there another raft hello sorry I’ve got a shark chasing me as well at the minute um what’s going

Off hello buddies how’s it going um you guys you guys are set over here look at this bucket of salmon some gold Oh my days you guys are doing good okay no no no I don’t know if they can turn them I don’t know if drowns can turn villagers

You w’t be turning my villagers damn it go away okay no they’re going to get hit by the trident and stuff I’m just going to leave I’m just going to leave I’m just going to leave leave leave leave leave we’ll come back here later oh my

God yes and we’ve got two villagers over there as well now getting them back is going to be like a little bit annoying just because they are quite far away but I mean you know two boat trips and it’s all over however we’re got to make sure

We do it in the day though because there’s a lot of things over there right then ooh that’s another small ship too am I even going back the right way like what is this okay all right I’ll mark the coordinates down for this as well

And we’ll come and loot it uh when we’ve got the arrows okay we should be coming up on home soon enough up yep there it is okay beautiful all right absolutely massive day right there now on day 21 I actually ended up spending the entire day over at the mob grinder just farming

It out to replenish on arrows because I’m sick to death of running out of them after every single fight and well I’m also pretty sure that this is the only way I can get them never mind the fastest now it did feel like the farm was working a little bit slower this

Time around however once night fell things did speed up a little bit and by the morning of day 22 we were ending the farming session with just under two stacks of arrows so definitely not too shabby they’re not going to last us forever but it’s more than I was

Carrying before what I want to do today is probably I don’t know maybe start work on a little area to contain the villagers when we do bring them over just because I don’t want to bring them over and then have them I don’t know get

Eaten by a shark or turned into a zombie or something okay I don’t really know how I want this place to look so I guess I’ll throw them in a circle why not you know circles solve all problems all right and there we go nice little

Circle going on here it’s not too big I don’t really want them to take up too much land mass but I can build them a nice little beach hut in here similar to the one that I’m probably going to be living in okay there we go now I’m

Thinking the actual way I want to block them in is probably to add some fences and mix it in with some leaves around the side I don’t know I’ll figure something out I’ll figure something out on the topic of leaves though I do need to go and get some jungle leaves however

That does mean that the tree won’t cut down but hey I actually do need the leaves so I guess I’m going to have to just go through the tedious process of manually chopping a tree down okay so three and 1 half stacks should be more

Than enough than what I need to do with it so let me test out if this will actually look any good or whether it’ll look just poo poo Okay so something like that now I might ooh maybe when we go to the nether I might even add glow stone

Underneath them they’ll look really nice oh oh um okay oh yeah that does not look uh too good right there yeah I don’t really like that that does not look that great maybe if instead we use these at the bottom maybe would that look better but then they can just jump on them

Right no no apparently not let’s try this out hopefully this works out better I mean it does look better overall but like I don’t know I don’t think I like the fact that there’s leaves on top of them like that okay looking at this in

My hand I don’t think that this is going to look too great oh no what happened here oh and you have to hit them on the what is that hello okay you know what I think we’re not going to use those fence gates get get rid of

Those they uh don’t really work too well what if I just you oh they they they don’t connect no all right beautiful there’s the Villager area not my proudest build but it’ll work I guess let’s have another build building day today I’m in I’m in a very uh buildy

Mood right now so let’s get a whole bunch of sticks we’ll break down a whole bunch of these logs into actual planks and make a whole bunch of well we want some fence gates and then make a whole bunch of fences and what else do we need

What else do we need we need uh Oak trap doors trap doors that’s it okay and then here’s the plan for these these go boom boom boom like that all the way around here and then this goes boom boom boom boom and then you replace the wait why have I

Why is there two separate fence gates hello okay and there we go there’s a good day’s work right there that’s looking really nice now with the little details added on now there’s still a whole bunch more stuff that I want to add on to this just little bits and

Pieces that I want to you know add details wise but this is coming along really nice it’s starting to feel pretty cozy up in here you know it definitely feels like a raft I’m not going to lie so I want want to real quick go and grab

These jungle leaves and then just finish off the day by replacing these leaves on every single one of the platforms with jungle ones okay back off out we go yeah I do think that that looks better from the outside than it does the end that definitely looks it looks okay it looks

Okay so we’ve going to move over this way about 450 blocks because we did go quite far last time we went exploring over here so we got a little sailing ahead of us all right and there it is along with a ruin thing underneath it

Let me go check that out real quick what is down here my Good Fellows okay really not worth it looks cool though right I’m assuming that there’s going to be another yeah I see him up top right there let me just try and snipe him from

A distance I do not want to deal with the Vex see no problem hello did you drop a totem for me this time no something makes me feel like they don’t drop them I feel like because they’re like I guess custom mobs they don’t drop them I don’t

Know the guy down here had a sword so that’s why I’m assuming oh three more diamonds bane of arthropod and protection 2 I’ll take it over nothing o more emeralds a l two fishing rod make sure not to forget the bookcases right is that all of your hidden loot my good

Friends I think it is let’s go and I guess kidnap a villager are they even still there hello okay you are oh my God I thought I lost you guys you got to be careful man you’re the most valuable thing out here no stay away stay away

Get in the boat get in the boat now get in the boat yes um I would bring both of you but then I can’t get in the boat so that kind of sucks okay buddy um I will return for you okay I promise I’ll I’ll come back for you right my friend it’s

Back home with you then all righty and back in time for sunset now I want to throw away this paper and I want to throw away these shears real quick just so that then I can get oh how am I going to get him on land oh wait no I have an

Idea so if I break this and have him come in I can trap him in here and then he’ll run out of the boat right then I throw those down there and now you shouldn’t hopefully go under the water I don’t even know if you can go under the

Water okay now you exit the water yes oh yes you smart boy smart smart boy so can you actually change your job oh wait no I don’t even need these guys to change their job I just need to breathe them if I lose just one of these guys I am going

To sink into the deepest depression you have ever seen a man sink on day 25 I focused all my efforts on building up a little villager trading H that that way I can go and grab the other guy and bring him over and then start breeding

Them to farm out their trades and also to just have a nice cool looking trading Hub now the actual build itself didn’t take me too long and ended up coming out looking really really nice huge shout out to Pinterest though I’m telling you that site is a Minecraft YouTuber’s best

Friend hey you know what I’m really liking this thing it looks really uh strange may I say but uh quite nice it’s very quaint now this guy is still a fisherman however I’m going to go grab his friend and bring him over here so that that we can have a little baby that

Is not a fisherman one of my big problems at the minute is the fact that I don’t have enough wool to make multiple beds for them so I I don’t really know how I’m going to get it maybe kill spiders my mob farm doesn’t do spiders so that might be a problem I

Don’t know I’m sure I’ll figure it out hello my friend I’ve come to rescue you I told you I’d come back uh right just go in there there we go look at that you’re right back there buddy you just chilling looking off into the ocean oh

There it is my friend your new home right here now I don’t actually know how I’m going to get him in there I think I might try and do some kind of janky move right here and can I will the boat go oh

No no get out the boat run oh my god get get on land get on land the shark quickly come back here no don’t go all the way over there I can’t get you over here if you do that no he’s gone a of course you want the bloody barrels all

Right I’m just going to make him a pathway so that we can I can go all the way over in the boat and not have to deal with getting him out of it all right there there we go look see it’s your friend you remember him from

Earlier look at him he’s just chilling in here he’s loving his life right okay uh I have some food for you oh wait no you don’t like cooked ones D what the hell are you doing there we go all right okay here you go friends look there’s some potatoes right there

You want to eat them yummy yummy yummy you know all right the next time I’ll come over here I want a third villager although I don’t know if they can even breed with only the two beds because they need a third one for the kid right

I’m not too sure I don’t really know how that works but just for the purpose of me thinking that they can’t I’ll just donate my bed and I’ll sleep over there all right look at this you two have got a lovely little bed right here look an

Extra bed an extra bed all for the child that you better godamn make yes yes yes yes go yeah yeah yeah yes oh sorry I look away sorry sorry ooh look at his nose oh my D look at that nose moving I never knew they

Did that Holy is there a baby now there is yes oh the Miracle of Life So Beautiful okay great we are massively stepping things up in this world now so what I want to do is I need to finish off placing the glass on this platform

And then I want to expand it out maybe I don’t know do we do one more should we do one more and just okay so we’ll expand out one more this way uh just so then when I actually build my house it will be above a coral reef so we’ll do

Another one of these circular areas right here and then expand out the sides one more and then we’ll build that house right at the end all right so I guess while we wait for that little fell over there to grow up I mean I may as well

Just expand out things over this way then a little bit just so then we have the base layer of the actual raft itself done and then we can start on the actual builds coming off the sides of it pretty soon so the rest of day 27 was spent

Expanding out the ra some more following the exact same pattern as before because I wanted it to look symmetrical and to also be longer rather than wider but yeah the expansion took me all the way through the day and deep into the night until the following morning when I

Decided to call it quits for now all right there we go the new areas are built up now it’s looking really good uh I just want to go check up on the villager real quick first off today to see if he’s grown up I doubt he will

Have because it’s like oh no I’m wrong he’s right there okay grou in a day all right well I’ll take that uh my good friend I don’t really want you to be a librarian I want you to be a Fletcher but I don’t think that I have any uh

Flint do I have any gravel all in here I have one gravel uh and is there any Flint in there there is not okay you are not gravel my good sir please step back please step back okay you have been warned now you are getting beaten I don’t think I have

Actually come across any gravel down here I clearly have come across gravel somewhere oh I don’t really fancy fighting all those oh run just run just run oh gravel’s right here gravel’s right here okay you oh got fight each other down there man oh God it’s going

Off down there just block it off just block it all off all I want is the gravel leave me alone okay there we go three Flint beautiful that means that we’ve got enough Flint for a flint and steel as well as the table all righty I

Fine sir Let’s uh throw this down right here that’s not what I wanted to throw down let’s throw this down right here and then let’s get rid of both of these tables so then you become a Fletcher and I can just go boom there you go now you

Are my literal bank so this is going to go great I’m just going to break down like a few stacks of the Jungle logs cuz we just we have so many and we can get them so quickly and I’m just going to see how many emeralds is if we can stack

Up on and then hopefully breed them again soon so that we can start stacking up on enchanted books and really just other things like I’m sure there’s certain blocks and stuff that we can’t get other than getting from villagers I guess or at least I think is there

Anything that these guys really trade what is that for 20 emeralds I don’t even know what that is okay 14 you want 14 and 13 fish respectively are you insane for one Emerald he’s out of his mind absolutely whack job over there holy 13 fish for One Emerald does he

Think I am is that is there one that can trade wool or at least string or something I can get string from the mob farm but it’s like insanely rare because the spiders aren’t supposed to actually go there okay so let me feed you greedy goobers right now uh there’s 20 potatoes

And 37 carrots you know go go ham with them and then I’ll head over to the mob farm and actually check if there is any string in the chest over there there is one singular string over here but I think with this one string what we can

Do if I can find the right chest hello is it this on yeah there we go we should have wait what how have we got huh where did the other stuff come from oh I opened up a bunch of barrels oh well I don’t even need to go over there then

But now with this we can make one more bed so that could at least equal one more villager I’m really not too sure whether or not they need it but I’m making it anyway just to be safe they seem to be gathered uh here’s another bed fellas there you go enjoy so today

Is finally going to be the day that I put these diamonds in here that I completely forgot about to use and make ourselves a diamond pickaxe there it is beautiful look at that thing now what I want to go and do with the rest of them is I want to make an

Enchantment table and get enough obsidian to go to the nether but I don’t really want to go to the nether just yet so let’s just head back down to the obsidian pool which I think was down the mine I don’t think I’ve really been underground anywhere else pick up some

Coal too while we’re down here you know we’re running a little bit low on it oh what the hello oh what a good thing we mined the coal oh my all right we got an eight vein right here m delicious that was good just throw this

Down so I don’t get deep fried okay see you in about 5 years okay the year is now 360 and I’m finally done mining the obsidian I only got 13 because there was actually one upstairs that we got from a barrel okay so now with our lovely obsidian and our

Extra diamonds I think we should have the books somewhere here there we go and boom there we go all right enchanting table I think I might make the enchantment area I would say one of these but but then it it kind of blocks one of the things off so I’ll probably

Throw it over here however for right now I don’t really think that I have enough books to fill up like a full level 30 enchant table let me see nine yeah no close but not not enough okay I’ll just throw that in there for now then uh and

Then we also have 10 diamonds left over which could work for ah should I make a diamond chest plate like I could make a diamond chest plate and a sword I’m going to do that I’m going to do that right now I’m going to make a diamond

Chest plate and I’m going to make a diamond sword too throw that bad boy on look at that get rid of the stinky iron stuff there we go okay feeling better got my lovely shiny diamond sword do I have a lovely shiny new villager as well

Perhaps no are you stuck up there buddy you don’t seem to have moved oh were they were oh they were gazing in each other’s eyes I’m sorry I ruined a moment I’m sorry I guess I’ll give them more food then I don’t know they greedy or

Something like damn it man I gave you like an entire Farm Harvest hello Good Fellows uh here’s three potatoes and 12 beets do you want the beets yes oh thank God they take them vile things and I think now the time has finally come to get rid of this God awful looking

Platform right here cuz it’s serving no purpose it’s literally just clutter at this point there we go much better now I’m going to keep the Farms here for now just solely because of the fact of I don’t have any other place to grow the crops at the minute so I will eventually

Build out another Farm probably next to the tree farm and have them connect in some way I don’t know I really do want to redo the tree farm but I guess for now it’s fine but I think right here is where we’ll throw down like a potato and

Carrot Farm I would say wheat but we don’t have any of the seeds so all right today I am in an exploring mood again I kind of want to go and check out if there’s anything around the mob farm because it’s literally the only way I don’t think I’ve explored yet oh what’s

That oh it’s a shipwreck I think is that a shipwreck always worth checking these bad boys out some more paper and some feathers I can actually craft some arrows you know just get some extra arrows up in here with them okay and what do you have for me in here final

Chest ooh a diamond oh my and a globe huh what what’s that I I I know what a globe is but I don’t know what it does in this game although wait this is hesy the globe in this game is circular may have started a whole debate down in the

Comic session with that but uh I’m not sorry it’s a square just deal with it and this is a nice area man I wish I lived over here look at all this although it does fade out into the dark abyss really quickly but still there’s a nice little coral reef right there I’m

Still yet to oh hello is this ah this is an enemy ship uh I’m not going to take it on but I’m just going to shoot out the sides because doesn’t mean that I can’t grief them real quick there we go see you in a bit boys is there anything I haven’t even

Really found one of the ocean dungeons yet other than the one that looks like an ocean monument and I’m not really too interested in going down there cuz it’s like my least favorite structure in the game is this land hey this is technically land two little blocks of

Sand out here all right ooh another ship hello is that an iron golem on it there’s a battle what is going off here oh my God wait no there’s a villagers on this ship hello um okay uh-oh what was that what just happened to the ship what is happening

Up there hello there’s a whole iron golem on there and now it’s gone okay you know what not dealing with that I thought it was a lovely nice villager ship it was not yeah I’m just going to take that as a sign to uh return home because there is absolutely nothing out

This way what is that is that land is that land there sugarcane too ooh okay um I don’t think that I’m going the right way home though uh I feel like I’ve gone a little bit off the beaten path however I’m not going to complain at sugarcane I don’t think I’ve got any

At home yeah I really have no clue where I am right now but I’m going to take advantage of the situation and just keep sailing around you know there’s no harm in this definitely not going to go thousands of blocks away from my home ooh another villager ship is it actually

A villager ship this time you going to Juke Me Out ooh no however there is some drowns down here shooting Trident at me let me on let me on the ship let me on the the ship oh thank God you guys are friendly how would have been uh I would

Have been pretty screwed then how’s it going on here guys how you doing we all good uh What loot you got in here some emeralds lovely why is there a beehive why do you have a beehive I’ll take that actually I I kind of want some bees

Although I don’t know how I’m going to get bees when I can’t even get flowers the beds the beds I can get the beds from here oh my God that solved my problem like massively I guess just give me all your beds you know oh wait these guys have insane

Trades uh let’s have a look so we can get some Coral I don’t really need that uh we can get an ocean protector is that a banner wait hang on a minute so wait flower flower power chicken okay I’ll get this what D some firework Rockets

Too I don’t really know what I can use them for cuz soon I don’t have an elytra but iller Mansion librarian’s favorite I get that as well um and I guess I’ll buy the Mushroom Island too all right I guess I’ll head to bed and then we’ll

Check out flower power chicken in the morning all righty an early morning this time because I have no clue where we’re going or what we’re even looking for so we’re just going to head out and hopefully be able to find this I don’t know is it is it this way seems like it

Might be this way yeah o another small ship although this one looks abandoned could this is this the thing it wants me to find like I I’m starting to think that the map might be bugged out yeah this is like a Zombie Ship this is no uh

Certainly no chicken so what’s on there just a husk a normal zombie these guys are going to be completely pointless when they like try and attack me okay what you got for me gunpowder okay not really great instant damage uh don’t really need one of those okay so let me

Just check if this map is the exact same as this map yeah okay I think H I really think that bugged out I don’t think that they work properly due to I don’t know mods or the map itself uh let’s just throw them away we’ll take the extra

Peds and then we’ll try heading home again because yeah there’s nothing out here for us right now oh there it is it feels like I’ve been a away for so long it’s literally just been like a a whole day oh but it is so good to be back uh

I’m never going to chase down one of those random Maps ever again it was very very useless and led me on a wild well chicken Chase all right so uh we don’t really have a place to farm out the sugar canane just yet I could place it

Down on dirt it bothers me down to my car placing it on dirt but I guess I will uh throw the Villager beds in here for now cuz we do have quite a few of them I guess I’ll place down one of these Globes I don’t really know what

They do I’ll just throw it down here can I SP I can spin it wow this is what I can do with it I can spin the globe all right let’s go check up on the villagers then to end things off today and and I kind of just want to

Chill out for the rest of the day you still haven’t given me another villager here’s some more food and after checking up on the villagers I spent the rest of the night chopping down trees and stacking up on wood as well as adding some more details to the rafts such as

The trap doors and fences and then I went around making all the outside pillars one block taller so that that way they’re actually high enough to add a roof onto okay so I think today’s goal is going to be be to try and get some more dirt to actually expand out our

Farm right here and maybe even give it its own little like segment over here just solely down to the fact of I may need a lot of sugar cane for like paper trades or whatever and also the crops I wanted a load of villagers so we’re

Going to need a load of like other crops as well so what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a quick look down the mine don’t come after me Sharky thank you very much and see if there’s any dirt down here at all I think that might

Literally be dirt right there yeah it is oh wow I never really paid attention to this before all right so we’ll grab all of this up hopefully there’s a nice amount here I’m hoping for a few Stacks probably not going to be that much in this little chunk of it but hoping for

At least a stack from this and ooh okay just under two stacks that’s really not bad from here that’s really good actually and I guess we’ll just go search for some more because I do want to make a slightly bigger Farm than that’s going to give me also I’m

Just thinking about it now I really would like to get a friend in this 100 days you know like a pet dog or something it’s probably not going to happen ow why I’m speaking why yeah it’s probably not going to happen but I would like it to okay all right let’s check

Over okay there’s some dirt right there but it’s underwater I don’t really fancy you know grabbing that ooh there’s some dirt up there oh dude why do I not have my bow on me man can I can I fish this guy hello come here uhoh uh he fished

Himself it’s fine okay so build a little platform right here so that we don’t get bonked off and grab the rest of this dirt okay okay not bad at all that was uh that was pretty good round about the same amount we got from the other place

Oh wow I actually I was expecting it to be night time but it’s oh it’s becoming night oh my days hello oh my days look at him so I’m thinking we’ll go for a circular Farm um and we can separate it into four sections so we can have like

Well we don’t really have any of these seeds except maybe melon but we could have it as in like carrots potatoes sugar cane on one part and then like wheat seeds if we eventually get some on the other so I’ll just Stack Up on the materials that we’re going to need now

And then in the morning we shall get to work on the farm oh wow would you look at this we’ve got like a little family of villages coming along now we’ve got a librarian who I do need to actually Farm out to get I don’t know whether I want

To go for mending first it probably would make sense right I don’t know we’ll figure it out but um yeah I do kind of want to get an armor as well because I think it’s going to be just easier for me to deck myself out with premade armor from one of those guys

Than it would be to go and mine up the diamonds myself anyways enough about those they’ve got enough beds to uh breed some more let’s actually get to work on building out this Farm now I don’t know if I’m going to have enough space with the tree farm right next to

It so we may need to change what is going off over there hello yeah so we might need to change where the tree Farm’s located or at least slim it down a little bit but I’m not going to change it until I 100% know that I’m going to

Have to I guess what I can do is I could make oh this is actually a pretty good idea I could make two tree farms slightly smaller than this right and I can have it symmetrical on both sides and that’d look really good right I think that’d look good it’d be less I

Guess overall efficient and that’s to be fair that’s really all I care about is it looking good it can be super inefficient but as long as it looks good I like it all right there we go that’s that should be big enough for the farm surely yeah that’s more than big enough

That’s that’s fine that’s fine all right so I don’t think I have enough dirt to accommodate this amount of land but we’re going to really quickly find out okay all right I like this to some degree it’s a little bit weird don’t get me wrong it’s a little bit weird but then

I’m going to I want to get some Oak slabs probably okay they do look pretty good but they do they look better I’m going to go with the jungle ones yeah the jungle ones look a little bit better than the oak ones okay that’s looking pretty decent now although I may need to

Change the dirt to sand instead and just put like some stone bricks underneath just so that number one we save on dirt and number two I always think that sugarcane looks better on Sand okay so after spending like almost the entire night deliberating on how I want this to

Look and how I want it to be laid out I think I finally found a pattern that works for the Farms itself so we’ve got the little layers coming at the back here and then the layers at the front here I think it looks good it works and

Then it’s going to all look symmetrical when it comes down to this stuff right here anyway yeah that looks significantly worse than I was expecting that looks really bad um we’ll leave it like that for now and change it a little bit later okay that’s f poppers problem

Right there that is uh not a problem current poppers wants to deal with it looks so bad oh my God okay so I’ll copy this pattern around all the other sides making it look nice and neat and then I’ll go around and add all the seeds as

Well so I spent the rest of the night improving and trying to finish off as much as the farm as possible also I know the sugarcane area looks uh well really bad right now but don’t worry I I do fix it it just it stays bad for a little

While okay so starting the day off bright and early the uh actual Farm itself is done for the most part I do need to move the sugar cane but other than that it’s uh pretty much done I do need to plant some more things but yeah

It’s good for now so now it comes down to the tree farms which hopefully shouldn’t take as long uh I don’t really know how I want them to look I don’t really know what design I’m going for it is probably just going to be a rectangular slab but hopefully it’s a

Slightly better looking one I really don’t know how I’m going to do this okay and there goes all the trees I you know what I do love that this mod replants the saplings as well but right now I uh don’t really want the replanting believe

It or not this little bit here is taking its time but for now what we want to do is I kind of want to bring it out to three four maybe maybe five five is okay leaves a little bit of a gap between yeah I guess I guess we can work with

Five now I’m thinking I might put some like little fency walls up around the tree farm itself um kind of like how we have going on the bridges there not exactly the same as the ones on the bridges but but close enough so we want to put one of those here

Um probably like here as well I guess and then we’ll leave two between each would that work fine no okay maybe three okay four between each works brilliantly and then we’ll do three there so that we can leave a little path all right and there we go that looks a little bit

Better now I don’t exactly know how I’m going to grow the trees on here still don’t know where I’m wanting to put the sugar cane just yet I think I might do a little barrier around the whole thing and then start filling it all up with sugarcane I think that’ look pretty good

Actually it’ be really good if there was like above water sand like just like a tiny little island would be so useful because I’m sick of going underw and having to mine it up it’s it’s so annoying okay all right now they’re all looking pretty good and then we’ll just

Throw one down in the middle of every one of these lovely lovely lovely there we go that’s looking pretty good that’s looking really nice throw these down and then I want to go around with the oak fences um but the upgraded ones so I don’t know oh they need um stripped oak

Logs don’t they so let me just go and get a bunch of those real quick then we want to place these down here I don’t know whether or not I want to double them up that does look pretty good but I don’t know whether or not I

Want to do that around the whole thing cuz it will make it feel a little bit more enclosed there we go all right yeah okay this is this is nice this is nice I need to do the exact same over that side of it but I think this will look good

Especially from like an aerial point of view this is going to look pretty nice all right for tonight I’ll go and I’ll place last bit of glass in the center of the farm cuz I didn’t manage to get that finished off and then I guess tomorrow we’ll focus on getting some sugar cane

Around the sides of it just to see how that comes out hey look at this we got an iron golem just chilling over here look at him hello buddy an iron farm okay so let’s get to placing an entire layer of these around here hopefully not

Getting attacked by a shark while I do so okay so I don’t know whether or not I want to bring it all the way around to like around the little circle Farm we have here but I’ll bring it to to at least the beginning of the farm just so

That way it covers the whole area and well then if I want to expand it around the farm I can okay so I’m thinking right now okay we have four books in there we have some paper in here um I think we have some more books somewhere

Yeah 59 in there did I not make the bookshelves am I completely imagining this okay so what I’ll do now is I’ll make a whole bunch of bookshelves however many we can actually make just 21 okay no we don’t okay yeah we really don’t need to worry about it then we

We’ve got enough here okay and with those out of the way let me just throw down the enchantment table temporarily because I want to throw like an efficiency enchant on my shovel before I go and get some sand uh I’ll just throw it down just right here for now it’s

Fine okay level 30 beautiful right let’s make a diamond shovel and then we shall go and absolutely decimate some of this ocean floor okay boom boom please give me oh efficiency four Unbreaking three beautiful what a beautiful enchant right there m okay I clear up my inventory and

Then it’s time for ocean decimation oh that so much better oh my days yes oh my God there’s a lot of iron under here too oh this just makes life so much easier finally gone out the days spending like 3 minutes under the water mining up like

20 sand okay that should be enough sand for now it’s not like coming back and getting more is really going to be a problem ever again but that should be you know at least enough to fill out this little area here hey who knows maybe I’ll even have a little bit left

Over to uh make some more glass okay and now just throw you down oh wow I don’t even think I needed a stack to do this right now I want to go and harvest all the sugar cane and now I just want to go over and throw it all down there we go

Looking good now it’s not really going to look like too much until it all grows fully but that’s that’s not bad that’s not bad I didn’t have enough to finish it all off I’m like seven or eight blocks off okay so with the sugarcane

Out of the way now I can go and replant all these Oak saplings as well as go and place down like a load of lanterns around the sides but I don’t don’t actually have any lanterns on me oh I didn’t even know these can hang I didn’t

Know about this wow okay that looks good I guess I’ll throw some hanging lanterns right there then look at that ooh okay that looks pretty good I’m probably going to keep all the lanterns like that they do look all right but I do want to use some Fair lights I just don’t have

The materials for them yet oh wow look at that little Rainbow oh that’s nice it was uh apparently raining it just looks wet there’s still no rain in this world it’s kind of weird I also didn’t know that rainbows were a thing with the Shader pack so yeah that’s nice nice

Little surprise so because we’ve spent a few days now doing some building I think I want to go out and Conquer some more stuff now what I mean by this is I want to enchant a bow and then I want to go and absolutely decimate everything in my

Path for now what I want to do is I want to take uh should I just make a no I’ll take this set of iron armor cuz I’m not really too fussed about it breaking we’re going to throw some enchants on our armor currently okay just to get a

Little bit more protected and feel a little bit more safe oh that is beautiful look at that Unbreaking flame and power four oh and then once we’ve got some things protecting us then we’ll head out and start decimating some creatures Smite four that’s ooh that’s a pretty yucky enchantment right there

That’s ooh that’s not great okay there we go I’m feeling much better now I don’t care about this armor because we’re going to be buying some stuff from the villagers anyway so instead this way I’m going to go diagonally kind of this way uh and see see what we can find find

I know that there’s some big ships over there ooh I didn’t make a new Shield uh I’ll go back and do that real quick lovely okay there we go okay so apparently coming over this way was a terrible idea because there is absolutely nothing around here like at

All anywhere so I’m going to go off to the left a little bit more and hopefully stumble across one of the previously found ships oh there’s something there wait is that where I got the Villages from oh okay well then I know that there’s a ship near here then o I see

Something back there watch it be like a Friendly Village ship probably something I’ve already oh no there we go we got some bios on there all right let’s go oh and there’s a big one back there too okay I’m taking them all on this time they’re all going down I’m telling you

That big one does is not worth what you get for it I’m telling you okay let’s go take on whatever’s on here get away get away why is there always spiders in here man I’ll take my arrow back thank you very much any more Critters on this boat

Protection three I’ll take it hello how much damage do you do okay you really do not do much some more emeralds and some gold wow okay pretty lackluster Loot on this all right let’s go take on the bigger bigger ship okay I’m just worried about how many pillagers are actually

Going to be on here because there’s like a lot that go in here oh yeah because there’s literal spawners yeah I forget there’s actual spawners for them in there any blowy up he on this side yeah there’s one right there boom and one right there boom okay

Am I going to regret this decision I could quite quickly regret this decision oh there’s a lot of them coming I think I have sweeping Edge on my sword though so so long as I oh okay okay go go go go we need to leave oh God there’s so many there there

Was so many okay all right uh let’s I guess just carefully work our way into the ship get rid of that spawner there we go there we go just all of you come to the back of the ship all right I’ll deal with you well oh they’re coming

Around the side oh I’m getting attacked by sea things as well what is this go away all right let me teach you lot not to mess with me you know there we go oh my God the things in the ocean of being things in the ocean and being creepy man

Leave me alone okay bunch of stuff in here was that is that a spawn that’s a spawn egg a wolf yes oh my God we can get a friend uhoh hi the main problem I have with this place isn’t necessarily just the the pillagers in here it’s all

The mobs that spawn too there’s a load of look I’m getting bombarded by arrows I forget that I’ve got Smite on this so all these guys are just going to get deleted pretty easily but damn why are you straight ring like that buddy you learn those moves okay

Progress is being made just slowly oh God it’s an allout brawl over there’s so much stuff over there oh my God it’s all going off over there what oh they’re coming up they’re coming up oh god oh here they come it’s just an endless cycle of running and hiding man

Okay I’m securing myself an entrance and exit right here okay only I can use fence gates I’m pretty sure so none of the these guys should be able to get through oh it’s all going oh my days it’s all going off over there you know what I think maybe blowing areas of it

Up was a bad idea I have no clue how I’m supposed to deal with things coming from like literally everywhere at this point how is there still so much stuff been killing it for 5 minutes yeah they’re spawning at the top deck so it’s it’s kind of hard to deal with the things

Down here when they just keep dropping down what if I just mine my way down to the lower level and deal with them from there okay I think the sun’s Rising I think we’ve been here like a whole day almost there’s so much stuff down here

Man can make a quick run just quick run quick run quick run all the way down here light it all up light it all up right okay they’re fighting they’re fighting there we go woo okay spawner and stuff is dealt with on this floor h

A diamond wow oh my what am I going to do without that diamond okay I think I think we’ve finally finally gotten through this ship it took us like an entire day I think the only thing I got from it that I really care about is oh hello buddy

Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt was the uh wolf egg like nothing else on here was that good at all I guess I’ll grab some of this wheat because I mean used for the villagers to breed them why not it doesn’t seem like there’s any hidden

Loot on this floor at least but we’ll check top deck and if there’s nothing up there then I guess we’ll head out okay okay what we got up here a compass lovely some bread I don’t care uh okay I I don’t care is this just leading downstairs oh wait I didn’t see this

Some barrels some more wheat seeds and a bunch of buckets okay okay I’ll grab the remaining stuff on here then mainly the TNT I can make a bomb I can make a bomb I can make a bomb and just some other mediocre stuff okay nothing too insane from this but definitely got some

Nice stuff I’ll say okay so my boat is not this side I think it’s over here yeah it’s right do you mind good s get out of my vessel thank you kind of just left the uh the other guys out here to drown how did he get all the way out

There what hello what why are you going away from the ship go back to the ship I’m done now there’s still a couple of your friends over there I’m pretty sure now was that entire ship worth me going and decking myself out with Enchanted

Armor no no do did we have fun yes was the loot that great no however I did get a dog so that does mean that I did complete the goal of wanting and getting a friend in this as well as some wheat seeds now that we can use to get some

Wheat on the farm yeah put these down here they work for grass they work for grass all my days I’m going to grow so many of you we can have grass oh I love that mud so what I’m going to do for tonight is I’m going to make a whole

Bunch of bread also have some food I’m going to separate it into 16s and then you can get one and you can get oh my God they did the laying down movement thing it teries me every time okay so coming off the back of yesterday I think

That I’m going to take a chill little day right here I want to get some grass growing now that I know that the wheat seeds can do it so I’m going to make a whole bunch of this I’m going to grow a whole bunch of Wheat and yink the seeds

Real quick just because I want to get some dyes and then I want to make some lights because I’m really curious how the fairy lights it’s going to look I installed the mod specifically because I had the idea of wanting a longer base um and I want to run them down the like

Inner walls in there I think they’ll look really good you’ll see what I mean once I actually get around to doing it but I think it’ll look really nice it make give it real nice cozy feel in the evenings you know so going make a whole

Bunch of grass on here I don’t want the actual grass go away uh and then I guess we’ll try and get some flowers I don’t want red I want yellow um would be nice okay so we’ll break a yellow one down break a red one down get us some orange

Dye there we go glass pan three iron ingots and some orange oh know it like that yeah there we go okay so how do these work then wait oh wait do I need them on the Rope do they have to do I make the wrong ones oh okay they just

Work like that can I put these on there oh that’s how it works oh my days okay that that that looks pretty good actually now I’m going to save us both some time here I actually ended up spending the rest of the day just messing around with the fairy light and

Not really saying much because I got really confused by them so uh yeah great content right here poppers let’s move on oh my God there’s three four kids sheesh all right some stuff going off over here I’ll tell you okay all right uh we do want to focus on the villager trading at

Some point soon but we still are early days I’m surprised we’ve made this much progress so far it’s not even day 40 it’s going good okay I think I might spend some of the night then throwing down some roof um I don’t really have too much jungle wood left over than the

Whole bunch I just took over to the villagers but I think I’ll spend the night working on the roof a little bit just adding a little bit to it just so that I can test out the lights on it as well and also you know we get a little

Bit more progress of the build and it’s night so I don’t really do much else anyway ooh they do oak blinds uh ooh ooh okay I’ll try that I’ll try that uh give me give me we’ll make oh I made 20 of damn they’re expensive oh God they’re

Expensive right what if I did them okay there looks yeah like that’s good like that’s pretty good actually and then we’ll have the stairs come in like that that’s nice that’s nice let’s have a look at it from the outside oh that is beautiful yeah that’s that’s pretty good

That’s pretty good I don’t know whether or not I’m going to keep these fairy lights though uh looking at them now I’m not a big fan uh that’s slightly better I I really don’t know I really don’t know I think I might get rid of the fairy lights alt together and just go

With lanterns all right enough rambling about the house for tonight I’ll just I’ll deal with some stuff and then I’ll see you in the morning okay so I built up the roof a little bit more during the night and I really like how it’s coming out it looks really good it’s very uh

Beach themed I feel anyways today I wanted to go and maybe do some stuff with the Villagers because I mean there’s getting a lot of them now and yeah there’s not really too much space for them so what I want to do is I want

To go and grab some more flints to get maybe one or two more fletches and then make the Librarians actually trade me like bucks I want or just say screw it and change them into armors instead which I think I need a blast furnace for yeah actually the armor is are probably

A better shout so let me just throw some Stone in a furnace right now um I think it’s is it I’m pretty sure it’s blast furnaces that you need for armors or is it smithing tables it might be smithing tables hello my good friends uh I have

This it’s his gift take it toolsmith okay no the tool Smith’s the okay no that’s fine so I’ll trade what stuff I have right here get some sticks we also have a emerald for arrows trade which is amazing damn we’re stacking up emeralds today oh my okay so now I think I might

Take whatever remaining jungle wood and stuff we have uh and build out the jungle tree platform just because then we can actually Farm out them trade so much quicker okay we’re going to use the slabs for stairs just at this second cuz I’m too lazy to go and get more stairs

Um and then we’ll just build it out like that one I guess okay so here’s how things are looking on the jungle tree farming front um I messed up the platform a couple of times but overall we’re going to end up with eight trees on here which is more

Than we had over there now I don’t have enough dirt to finish things off right now but this will do there they’re going to grow it’s going to be more trees than we had before so we’re just going to let them do their thing I want to go around

And fill in as much of this glass as I can right here o actually do I have I don’t have any diamonds do I I only have iron all right so I’ll make a new iron axe and then what I’ll do is I’ll throw a couple enchants on it real quick if I

Can just get some lapis there we go uh I’m not really hoping for it to last forever I just why would I do that it does nothing Fortune 2 does nothing that was a bad one that was a bad one uh I don’t really want to waste any more

Stuff on it okay well as I was saying I’m going to use this stack of bone meal and I’m going to grow a whole bunch of jungle trees real quick oh I just said that in one grew all right let’s go and make some more Bank hello fellows how’s

It going this area is getting really cramped for you guys I’m I’m sorry o I need to go and get the uh Stone from the furnace as well to make the armor these are going to be the best work ethic villagers I think I’ve ever seen come

Here buddy I guess there’s not really much else to do when you’re out in the middle of the ocean Okay so we’ve got 63 three oh my days okay so 2 and 1 half stacks oh and you did restock okay lovely boom okay now we’re probably

Going to need a couple of these but for now I just want to get one of the villagers all the way leveled up to give me some Diamond gear yucky yucky yucky paying these prices for iron I can smelt the armor down into like uh nuggets I

Think you get from them I don’t know really know if it’s worth it you know this many emeralds for 35 emeralds for a bell man is insane this man is actually insane he’s lost it okay okay nice you give me a bunch of shields I’ll take them all right there we go protection

Two I’ll take you um should we get prop four on them maybe we’d have to buy a couple we’ll we’ll come back and and and do it how dare you charge 43 are you insane okay um I guess I’ll spend the Knight down in the mines let me just

Throw some enchants on this pick real quick see if we can get uh like efficiency or something and then I guess we’ll go and head down the mines and I don’t know see what we can get literally just got efficiency 4 okay that’s kind

Of sucky so I made my way back down the mines and spent the night mining up as much iron as possible in hopes of getting enough to make an anvil now whilst I was down here I did almost suffer an early demise due to creepers dropping down and just detonating on me

But uh we made it through okay and just back up by morning oh God there’s something coming for me okay okay not uh not a good morning not a good morning at all okay get me up here please what is that thing hello uh anyway we have like

Almost two stacks of iron so that should keep us going for a little while I’m going to go and throw them in this furnace over here because well it’s just faster to cook it this way um I also picked up some gold as well whilst down

There because I did remember that I do want to go to the Nether and there’s Piggies to trade with in there if we want to so let me just clear out some stuff real quick and then we will check up on these fine fellows trades are they

All refreshed oh my God the villages are literally doubling by the day there’s so many we shouldn’t need to trade for too much longer I don’t think at least on the armor front tools I’m not really too fussed about I mean my sword is is doing good enough anyway because it Smite half

The things I’ve run into like Undead anyway so it is working quite well okay I guess I’ll chop down a couple more jungle trees and then we’ll see where we stand with the Villagers afterwards Oh my days why is it oh it’s a double what the I’ve never seen that before all

Right that should be enough again for now we can easily I think max out all their trades for the day um speaking of the day I don’t know where it’s gone I think I came up a little bit late from the mines okay my good fellow give me

Give me give me I need to buy one more pair of diamond pantaloons there he is okay there we go 64 he’s scamming me he’s scamming me something chronic right now that is bad that is bad 64 for one Emerald Oh my days you’re not going to

Be in business soon my good fellow I’m going to run you out of town and by that I mean you’ll be in the water with that weird eel thing that tried attacking me this morning okay so if I grab the iron from in there and then get out my way

Please thank you and then the iron from in there now that should give us enough to make an anvil and then with said Anvil we shall craft up some protection four diamond leggings there you go and then boom boom protection four there we go bankrupt me slightly but it’s it’s

All good there we go now I spent the night chopping down more trees and stacking up on a whole bunch more wood as well as witnessing a shark fight and you know what I kind of felt bad for the guy okay he was down there just one

Minute mining his own business and then the next minute he’s getting chomped it kind of sucks all right so last night I focused my efforts on the tree farm and well we got a little bit of jungle wood in here and a little bit of jungle wood

In here we have uh like I think it was like 12 iron axes worth of big jungle trees so yeah I don’t think we’re going to run out too soon although I do tear through it pretty quickly so I guess what I want to do today then is take

This I do want to go and finish off doing some trades but I’ll probably do that passively throughout the day why are you still sleeping it’s the Sun is up wake up also how are you guys still breeding I’ve not fed you in like a week oh they’re becoming

Self-sufficient anyways what I want to do is I want to go and finish off the roof I want to go the roof that side and the roof this side as well as trade with the Villagers passively throughout the day because I want to get the emeralds

And I want to finish off the roof because it looks kind of weird just having one side partly finished so yeah that’s exactly what I did I spent the main part of the day working on building up and finishing off the first parts of the roof however I did take a couple

Minutes to stop off and do some trading with the Villagers to make even more bank but then it was straight back to building all the way into the night until I finally finished off placing all the stairs and oh boy was this a absolutely tedious job I absolutely

Despise building with stairs it is so annoying but they were finally done and with that awful tedious bit done and out of the way I focused my efforts for the rest of the night on working on the interior and making things a little bit better in there such as the roof

Transition being a bit smoother and finally going around and adding a whole bunch of blinds along the sides of them just as the sun was coming up all right and uh it’s Daybreak again the roofs are semi done not completely but they’re looking well more like an actual roof I

Kind of want to go into the nether I don’t really know why but it’s kind of like an option we’ve had for a little while now and I’ve not used it so I don’t really know where I want to make the portal I don’t even know if I’m

Going to make a little portal area because I don’t really know what there is for me in the nether maybe like like I said piglin trades but that’s probably about it okay I think for now I guess I’ll just throw it over here at the back

I mean this area is not staying anyway so it can act as a temporary spot if I really don’t want to keep it there we go and boom in we go oh actually wait oh no I’ve got my gold on okay right we’re good ooh I guess there is quartz in here

But there’s nothing I really want to build out of it is there any way out of this place okay there it is lovely lovely oh oh there’s a flying thing and it’s coming for me and I don’t want that to happen oh no this area is completely

Barren okay there’s like no one around here oh actually I do want glowstone to use on the roof of my house so that is a block That I Want from here wow there is really like no guys anywhere there’s there there’s nothing in here I guess if

I wanted to get glow GL stone is it it’s more efficient to get it with silk touch right so if I just if I head back home and try and get some silk touch and then come back here because it it doesn’t look like there’s any oh God I hate

Those things look at it it’s so creepy yeah okay I’ll do that then I’ll head home I’ll get silk touch on a pick and then we’ll come back and I guess grab some glow stone that’s literally the only thing I can think of wanting other than maybe blaze powder for potions but

Like I’m not really too fussed about getting potions okay right so I don’t have enough diamonds to make another diamond pickaxe so uh I probably have to make a tool Smith then I guess I’ll do that then I guess I’ll trade for a diamond pickaxe hopefully it already has

Silk touch on it but if not that’s fine and then we’ll see where we go from there yay even more trade in let’s go we love tradeing oh he’s offered him a rose that’s nice that’s nice of you can I take that I don’t want no don’t give him

That I want that oh it doesn’t even have a pickaxe doesn’t even have one are you kidding me I I’ll take the diamond axe though actually yeah uh the the diamond ax is like really good like I I could go and just get the glowstone dust but I

Feel like that’s super just inefficient okay well I guess I’ll make an iron pickaxe and then try and enchant that then with um silk touch ooh fortune 3 I’ll keep that for if I get any diamonds fortune 3 again and you can it’s lit the exact same enchant just in a different

Order okay I guess with all this T of events then we’ll just grab what materials we can and head in to hopefully get as much as we can from dust okay back in we go so I spent the entirety of day 46 just here in the nether hunting down and digging up as

Much glowstone as I could get my hands on however due to the Flying face hugging Buzzy boys I refused to go in or anywhere near a crimson biome so getting the glowstone was made slightly slower especially because my nether just seems to have a whole bunch of the Crimson

Biomes for some reason this was also one of my worst nether experiences because there was just like a whole bunch more mobs that I didn’t know were in this that just kept attacking me but nothing was too terrible they were just more so annoying but it wasn’t fun but anyways

Due to all those reasons I ended up spending the entirety of day 46 in here too until I finally managed to gather enough glowstone and return back home okay the nether not a fun place at all not doing that again I do not want to step one more foot into that absolutely

Atrocious place right there it was not fun it was not fun we do have an absolute ton of Glowstone and a little bit of dust left over but I’ll keep that for now so what we’re going to do with this is I’m thinking about lining the

Roof with it hence why I needed so much cuz I wanted to go all the way across the roof um not not completely in like a little pattern kind of design thing I think um I also want some leaves up here as well to add a little bit of greenery

Up there that’d be quite nice so as for now we’ve got the villagers trading stuff over there I still don’t actually have a house I literally just have the floating slab okay I think what I want to do is I want to go grab some sand

From the ocean floor again because we uh are pretty much out of that and then we can smelt it down into glass finally finish off the glass floors and then do pretty much anything else I’ve just thought we haven’t been over to the mob

Farm in a good while I I won’t have got got any mobs in it but we just haven’t been there for a while I don’t really think I have too much of a use for it now get out of the way why are you all gathered here oh there we go all right

Lovely Lantern trade exactly what I wanted also I’m pretty sure that the lantern trades deck you out with like uh XP as well let me grab some of this glass and then we’ll go and finish off these now I don’t really think that there’s too much left I think all that

Glass in the the furnaces will do it and then we can finally stop worrying about just falling through the floor and down to our shark chomped demise wait hang on a minute I’m smelting down all this glass and stuff right where there’s some emeralds over here right so I’m smelting

Down all of this glass when I could literally just go over here to this guy right here this librarian and I guarantee he’ll trade me glass wait a second where are you buddy where are you my good friend oh my D it’s right there it’s right there I’m sorry ooh he’s got

A good mending trade too holy I did not even see that okay well just give me your glass then there we go I have no used to smelt down all that sand oh no go rescue it I can use it for the sugarcan floor go ooh it looks so good

Being over this coral reef right here that looks really nice I like that I really like that however for tonight I am going to go and make some more shears and chop down a whole bunch of leaves from those jungle trees over there because I want to test out a pattern for

The roof damn okay look at this this is looking this is looking real nice right here so I’m not too sure what I want to do around these sides I think I may just bring it around like this now I’m really not sure what I want to do with these

Parts cuz this is kind of strange I think I may just call it a day and just cover it in glass like that might be okay for the underneath at least yeah that works fine for the underneath that’s that’s that’s completely fine now one of the other problems that I have a

Struggle I’m struggling with at the minute is oh well no I’ve just fixed it okay I just want to run this all the way down so that it nullifies the light a little bit but doesn’t completely take it out of the equation I don’t know I’m

Liking how it’s coming out I’m going to trust the process hopefully it looks really good it it it doesn’t look bad so far it’s it’s just there’s just a couple of things with these rooms that I’m not too sure of how I’m going to do like I

Do really like how this bit looks this bit flows really well I like it um but it’s just here that’s kind of janky I’m thinking maybe we do just go and be like what’s up let me just put an entire trim around the side yeah that looks good

That’s good enough for me honestly that is good enough for me now lightingwise I don’t really think that there needs to be much more Lighting in here I think I can get rid of the Torches on the floor and things shouldn’t spawn in correct d there’s just something so therapeutic

About building this time I don’t know what it is but it’s super just chill out here you know middle of the ocean nothing to worry about not a care in the world well except the Sharks but you know I don’t really see them frequently so I’m going to go around and place the

Rest of the stairs I’ll not bore you with any more stair placing today so um if I do anything else interesting I’ll let you know but otherwise I’m just placing stairs okay so last night I actually ended up doing the F roof instead of just the stairs but I didn’t

Think it was interesting enough to fully document so yeah I just went around adding the leaves and the glowstone as well as moving these out just one block so it looks a lot better than just having a square in the middle I think this looks so so so much better now we

Are still severely lacking in the wooden trap doors if you can’t tell the oak trap doors are just nonexistent right now so I’m just going to chop down a whole bunch of these trees see how many we can get from them and then hopefully finish all those off yeah that should

Hopefully be enough I think to finish it all off remember I’ve got to do the inside and outside as well yeah okay we’re really not going to get all these placed down with this batch of them because I have to put like nine around each one of these and uh well there’s

Only this one that’s done prior so yeah not not getting them all done however we are making some pretty good progress woo look at this this is feeling real cozy now look at that I guess for the rest of the day I’ll go around and build up as

Much of the other tree farm as I can I really don’t have enough fences and I’m sure as hell don’t have the wood but hey you know what I’ll do what I can yeah okay that’s about all I can do today for this tree farm uh there’s another giant

Octopod right over oh well nope there he goes okay no disappears um I think then what I’ll do is I’ll just finish off the farm I’ll you know replant the crops make sure everything’s covered um and I might do something with that area as well because it looks absolutely abysmal

I am so sorry I am so sorry for having you look so bad for so long I do deeply apologize okay I’ll add the lanterns at a later date but for now uh you’re just going to be uh potatoes okay so I’ll just plant all this with potatoes and

Then we’ll call it a day okay so last night I was thinking and hear me out okay hear me out the Farm is currently a bigger Circle than what the villagers have to live and well there’s a lot more villages in there than there is probably

Farm things in there okay so what I’m thinking is we copy paste The Villages over here into the middle okay build the exact same structure but make it 25 blocks wide I think it is over there and then we build the strip like rectangular structures next to it I can use one for

Storage one for whatever the hell I want to and then it looks symmetrical it’s visually pleasing and the villagers get like a like 10 blocks more space so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to start work on the outline of the circle itself all right let’s get to building

This bad boy up you stay away buddy you stay away okay and there we go the outline is looking pretty good now I uh noticed that it connects directly to the villagers so that works kind of in our favor um because we can just kind of

Open it up and have them you know run out to their beds or whatever at night now I do need to go around and add the design exactly as it is over there oh no I think I slightly messed it up I think I built it one block too close in and

That’s going to be noticeable oh dear I did oh no oh no okay no it’s fine I’ll just go and just expand it in one block it it’s fine okay and there we go all right that’s much better it actually works now and it actually looks good so we we have the

It’s going to be kind of weird because I had this all lined up perfectly I think it was two gaps between each one was it uh somewhat okay we’ll try and do a similar pattern around here I don’t know exactly how well it’s going to go but

We’ll try and we’ll try and make it work let me just go around and add a couple Tores so nothing spawns on here during the night but this is I I feel like they’ll be much happier on here I’ll rebuild that and I’ll make it slightly

Bigger but I think they’ll have a much better time over on this little island I wasn’t expecting to spend the entire day building this out but I did mess it up but either way way I’m going to fill this in and then I guess I’ll see you

Guys in the morning and we’ll do something with the Villagers or something completely different I don’t know day 51 was spent finishing off the new villager Island and basically copy pasting the trade Hub I built for them on the smaller one over onto the new one

As well as planning on making it bigger however I didn’t actually end up having enough Spruce Wood so I had to spend a little bit of time farming that out that ended up taking this build over to day 52 when I finally finished off the new and improved trading Hub but I guess

It’s not really improved it’s just slightly bigger but anyways it was finally done so I got to work on moving all the villagers over there but oh my God these guys just for some reason decided to fall into a vegetative state and were just not moving or complying

With anything I tried to do with them so I ended up doing things the hard way and spent the entire night fing them all around on boats to get them over to the new area oh my God last night was not fun in any regards to the word these

Guys uh well they’re still broken they’re not mov moving but there’s something wrong with them I don’t know what happened since moving them to this island but they just seem to not want to move anymore oh I say that and now they’re all moving okay you know what

Proved me wrong now I’m still not too sure what I want to do with the side ones um I know that I can’t keep them circular cuz it’ll not look as good as that side or maybe it will I don’t know I’ll have a look but I think one of the

Main objectives I want to focus on soon is building up a house because I have all of this but still don’t have a house I literally live on this crappy little platform all the way over at the back it looks awful and uh it’s just just not

Good enough so there’s quite a few things that we still need to do however before we start progressing some more I just want to take a minute to say I really appreciate you guys um and thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoy this new style of video um and

It really does mean the world to me that you guys have uh stuck around and make what I do possible anyways with that out of the way I think maybe the first thing I want to focus on is the sugarcane today just because we can get a whole

Bunch of it and I think we have some sand somewhere but this should hopefully be enough sugarcane to maybe go around like all of it including the farm let’s have a look so yeah like 2 and 1 half stacks almost plus sumon a chest yeah that should be more than enough to go

Around but we need the glass now not glass sorry sand do I have any sand around here I think the answer to this question is oh yes I do have a little bit not too much but that’ll do I guess and then I guess I’ll take some jungle

Slabs and just go to town with filling up as much as I possibly can then oh I also need to get a full set of oh well I say a full set of armor I’m literally just missing the helmet that’s uh yeah okay that’s not going to take too long

To do oh I also never finished off the jungle tree farm I just kind of left it like this I have all the fences to put down I’ve just not done it all right well we might as well knock out two tasks today then and I’ll go around and

Finish off placing the rest of the fences around the jungle tree farm if I can find them 6439 that should be more than enough all right there we are looking good um I’m glad that’s all finished off now but the only problem I still have with the tree farms is the lanterns I

Don’t know how I want them because if I place them on the side there you see how they look but if I place them on the floor they’re so much brighter so I don’t really know what way I want to do that but I guess if that’s my biggest

Concern right now is how bright a lantern is then we’re doing pretty well uh just get rid of these spruce trees cuz they’re taking up my jungle tree farm don’t need you anymore buddies and the wood you give me is probably going to be enough to last me a lifetime

Anyway no don’t replant go away bad trees okay and then I guess what I’ll do to finish off the day is go around and place the rest of the sand or as much as I can I’ve only got 49 around the jungle tree farm also I forgot to say if I

Sound slightly different it’s because I took like a week off in between recording up to day 50 and past this point and I ended up like getting like a slight cold so yeah if I sound a little bit weird that’s that’s why okay last night was a pretty good success but I

Think today before we do anything I want to go and trade for a new axe because this one has uh definitely SE better days so we’ll buy the axe and then I think I want to go over to the mob farm because I don’t think I have any bones

And then we can eventually finally tame that dog that I got from the pirate ship ages ago thinking about it now it probably wasn’t actually that long ago but either way it is in he taming all right I’m I’m lonely out here I mean I have these guys but well they anger me

More than they help me to be fair okay 21 bones and then I’ll throw you down here my good fellow and now be my friend oh wow I literally needed one bone that never happened all right uh I don’t think I have a name tag I can get one

Pretty easily okay so now that we have our little friend who appears to not be following me okay fair enough I don’t know what I want to do about storage because it’s becoming a problem now all right it’s all cluttered up and I don’t really think that I want to build it on

A circular Island just solely down to the fact of it’s a little bit annoying to organize storage in a circular form you know what I mean well you know what we’ll do what we can we’ll see how it comes out we’ll see how it comes out

Okay one thing I am sure on though is the fact that I want to build it out of oak wood probably because we don’t really have many things buil out of Oak and I want it to have one pillar specifically in the middle um and oh

Right okay design has come to me okay genius there you go you see when you start doing it that’s it we want this pillar to support like a dome um we can have like a little Dome here in a circular formation leaving a little Gap

Just so you can walk around it um and then this will work as our storage area we’ll put a little little glass roof on here we’ll have like this wooden building with like support beams and stuff um hopefully we can make that happen I actually don’t know looking at

That now um yeah my idea kind of just fizzled away but uh we’ll we’ll figure something out we’ll figure something out surely it won’t be too tedious yeah I’m just going to do some trial and error right now and uh see we can come up with anything that works in circular

Formation I didn’t actually realize how small this circle was all right well today was supposed to be a good day all right a happy day because you know look at this I’ve got a structure for the build okay it took me half the night to

Do it and I also chopped down some Oak as well so that we can actually start building it so yeah it was supposed to be a good day but uh my dog died last night and now you may be wondering how did it fall in the water and get eaten

By a shark did you accidentally hit it whilst chopping down the trees I don’t know did Poseidon himself Smite down my wolf and well the answer to all those three is no he got stuck in this stair right here I don’t understand how and died he suffocated in this step I have

No clue how it happened I don’t know why it happened but it did and he’s dead now so uh yeah uh we no longer have a companion I don’t think I’m going to find another one of those eggs but I will go hunting for one at some point

But anyways he wasn’t around long enough okay he wasn’t around long enough to become like a a a care about guy you know all right he was he was only around he was a little rookie all right he’s a rookie on this raft so we’re just going

To let him be uh it sucks but I’m sure I can find another wolf for now it’s time to get to work on building up this structure okay I am liking this it does look a little bit like strange right now it doesn’t look as good as it did when I

Did it on my one block house but I’m kind of liking it I’m not too sure what I want to do is I want to add like a little entrance right here um because I do want the roof to be doed but I’m not too sure how I’m going to do that

Because H okay maybe I want the roof to be that high okay we’ll we’ll start with the oh wait Noz that have to be the peak won’t it so that’s not high enough okay uh the roof I think is going to be the hardest part not going to lie to you and

Then maybe what if we run like a layer of stripped Oak around would that look good maybe okay so now that we’ve got that outlined um I don’t know really how to do the roof I’m really not sure I probably need to look at some kind of

Wood and glass Dome designs because this is going to be kind of strange I think I may need to like I don’t know M I don’t know about that man that looks kind of bad not going to lie H okay I guess it’s another night of trying to figure out

What I want to do with this then okay I think I’ve come up with a solution for all this and it’s to tear it all down now you may be wondering why why you want to dorage Island why are you tearing it down well I’m going to build

My house over there and I thought to myself wouldn’t it be cool if I could also have my storage area be out of sight out of mind uh so I may build it under my house of the coral reefs there so I don’t know I’ll figure something

Out but it’s not going there it’s not going there like that I’ll tell you that that there’s nothing I can do to make that look good the roof’s weird it looks all bulky I don’t even know how it looks from high up let me go check yeah like

That’s not that good that’s really not oh wait hang on a minute I say this and then I just come up with a rough idea I think I don’t know how well this will look but let me let me try out anyway um instead of putting a roof and doming it

Why don’t I just do support beams at the top and do trap doors to make it look like a jungly place uh not jungly Place beachy kind of place you know what I mean like the rest of the build I’m telling you the amount of crafting tables I’ve unnecessarily crafted in

This video is actually insane okay so this is my plan right you ready so we go all the way across with these and then the areas that get left between uh we fill them with trap doors I don’t know how this is going to look this could

Just be another wasted day but you know what it’s worth the waste if it looks good if it doesn’t look good then well I’ll cry but you should be fine okay and another night later and here we are now it’s not the best build I think I’ve

Ever done but I think I managed to salvage it just enough for it to work nicely now there’s still a couple things that I’m not too sure of such as the leaves in the roof and what I want to do with the leaves here cuz I do want them

Kind of like standing on some oak logs or something just so it looks I don’t know a little bit more green in here cuz there’s a lot of uh a lot of brown all right we want we want a little bit more color in here there’s going to be a lot

Of brown so I’m going to go chop down some more leaves off of a jungle tree and then we’ll see what I can do with them and then we can actually start moving the storage over okay so what I’m thinking of is them coming down here

Like this and then we put some Oak there ah I really don’t know how that looks to be fair that doesn’t look too great um maybe we just do something in the middle instead dead I really don’t know uh to be fair that doesn’t look too bad

Actually let me just grab these two here get rid of these throw them down there boom boom boom boom and then they match up on the roof as well that looks that looks okay that can stay I’m fine with that uh just make a couple buttons see

If they look good just thrown on there like that yeah that looks okay that looks all right there’s not a problem with that okay so now I guess it’s time for everyone’s favorite day okay and if you’re new around here and you don’t know what everyone’s favorite day is

It’s storage day all right it’s storage day it’s the day that’s completely dedicated to moving all my crap to somewhere else it’s such an exciting day everyone loves it anyways enough blabbering on let me make up a bunch of chests and then it’s time for the Beloved day to commence no actually it’s

Not beloved it’s a sacred day all right storage day is one of the best I should I could have really used barrels with this that looked cool as well but I like just the absolute Overkill of Mount of storage there we go look at that

That yes look at that uh maybe we can throw oh we can incorporate the barrels into it and we can throw them in the middle there on each side yeah oh that’s going to look awesome okay yeah great and now it’s officially time for storage

Day to commence so I will see you all if anything interesting happens or then be storing things away or I’m finish moving everything over all righty and here we are now it did take me literally all night to store this away but we’ve got all the things organized neatly into

Chests of well I mean it doesn’t look really neat but they’re organized into like their own things okay and now we can finally finally after all this time get rid of this awful awful area at the back of the base no actually no we can’t

Get rid of it yet because I need to build a home to put the rest of my stuff in cuz I don’t want it laying around okay but either way today I think that I want to try and focus on getting another armor to uh level up and give me my

Helmet because it’s the only piece of armor that I’m missing and I only have one Diamond to my name so I’m not going to craft it now I am kind of low on emeralds again like I’m pretty bankrupt so we’ll also get some of those today as

Well if they’re not all spent on trading with this guy okay Good Fellows good friends hello hello hello hello hello um anybody without a job come get a job yeah okay oh my God what a scam okay and now my good fellow level up ooh amazing

Deal there we go lovely lovely I really hope that this guy does actually give me a helmet and doesn’t like screw me and give me like leggings and boots again okay what you going to give me buddy come on come on go bubbly there we go

Ooh ooh ooh okay buy some of them up and what you going to give me next come on oh oh wait it’s only expert okay that’s fine better be a helmet buddy better be a helmet yes oh it’s only Protection One but you know what that’s fine uh right

Where’s the other Fletcher if you restocked you’ll do 12 emeralds perfect perfect perfect and I’m now just realizing that the other guy wasn’t fully leveled up so we didn’t need this Trader because he would have probably done the other trades for me he would have probably sold me a helmet what

About this guy yeah he wasn’t even fully leveled up either and I already had another armor okay that was a waste of a a guy right there because these guys would have given me it I don’t know I thought they were maxed out for some

Reason all this time oh my God I’m such an idiot I am such an idiot how do I even play this game so I think what I might want to do is maybe build out a Circle for the house um and then definitely get rid of this portal um but

I may oh God that scared me um I may build out a circle for the house I don’t actually know how big I need the circle to be though so I I don’t know but I’m definitely going to go and get rid of this island right now um because it’s an

Eyesa and I I want it gone all right there we go it’s gone it’s gone look at that beautiful all right um I do still need to fix up this log I accidentally stripped it so I got rid of it but I’ve still not replaced it okay so I feel

Like next what we’ll do is we’ll start start work on a bee farm because uh I could do the house but I’m thinking because the dog died and everything I’m kind of lonely still and we have access to grass and flowers now so we may as

Well plus I still have if I can find it it should be in here I still have the Beehive so that’s another reason why I want it as well now real quick before we get on to day 59 um during the night I witnessed Mike absolutely go to town on

This poor octopod right here and just start chasing him down slapping him over and over and over again this guy really didn’t stand a chance and I kind of feel bad for him so uh yeah kind of a eventful night now as for the bee farm I

Need to start things off by going out and building a 19 block Wide Circle so let me just get that up and running real quick okay there we go um but now I have actually just noticed the fact that these aren’t lined up with the villager

Farm I think at all because they what do they come out too far like what I think it’s just the fact that it’s a a bigger Circle to be fair but uh either way I don’t think it looks bad from the roof so we’re going to keep it um now I do

Need to go and fill all of this in with dirt and uh I don’t think that we have anywhere near enough dirt to uh actually do that let’s have a look shall we 39 wow uh do we have any gravel we have 10 gravel okay well that can get us like a

Little bit more dirt so yeah we may have to run into The Nether briefly um if we can’t find enough stuff underground but hope we should be good we should be good there there is a lot of like stuff that needs covering but we should be okay for

The most part I feel all right so let’s just head down to the mine if I remember where it is right over here hello flying fish thing you look like a flying fish I’m really hoping that we ran past like a massive just chunk of dirt down here

And I don’t have to be looking for ages or have to mine it under water cuz I really suck but I got a funny feeling that it’s probably going to take around like maybe I don’t know five or six Stacks to fill it in no actually no it’s

Only 9 19 wide so I take like three stacks I feel like it’ll take three stacks even that it’s three stacks more than what we actually have so uh yeah let’s hope we can find some oh found some okay gr oh hello buddy I don’t have

My shield sorry one sec there we go oh thank you bat your sacrifice is uh remembered that bat literally threw himself in front of me holy oh hello stop please stop please I don’t have a bat to protect me this time or at least I do but you’re not doing your job

Properly okay how much dirt are we looking at here not that much at all okay the dirt is a bit slow today I’m not going to lie it’s uh not going too great there we go that’s more like it I don’t care if water comes in so long as

I can get my dirt I am completely fine with it okay is that all the dirt uh just under three stacks I feel like this might be enough so I’ll take it upstairs we’ve got some up there as well actually wait wait wait before I go up I’ll grab

The rest of that gravel that’s over here so then we can make some cost dirt and just you know double some of our dirt okay and now with that out of the way let’s head back to the surface and see how much dirt we can end up with so

After picking up all of my newly acquired dirt I spent the night placing it down and managed to finish off the floor with just under a stack and a half left okay so now with the floor out of the way I think I need to go and grab as

Many wheat seeds as I can get so probably just harvest the entire farm and then we’ll go around and fill in as much grass as possible that way we just don’t have to wait for it to tick and spread all the way around okay so a

Stack and a half of seeds should I think should probably cover the majority of it okay there we go I think that’s that’ll spread pretty quickly right okay and now I need to mirror the first island so I I think it was like oh how was it how was

The first one over here ah oh no no oh I messed up I messed up again oh no I did oh no I built the circle one two forward again look the stairs are here and they’re not in here oh God okay no you know what it’s actually an easy fix it’s

Fine um I’ll go and fix that real quick and then I’ll do the outside it really shouldn’t take long okay there we go now it’s fixed and now we can actually get on with building up the sides I don’t know why I keep building things wrong in

This it’s really bothering me all right didn’t have enough leaves but that’s fine I can go and grab some more now what I’m thinking is each one of these sides so that side and this side both have an adjoining kind of little area like this so I think I might go throw

Down like one of the fancy Gates on it and I can go into the village or trading Hub by like either side I understand that this doesn’t have a door over that side but I can I can make that happen I can make the a door appear there okay so

Yeah get rid of these two here and then just go boom boom Oh no I didn’t mean to do that wait boom boom no what hello can you connect properly please hello why won’t they connect properly why is it busted like that what’s it doing oh

There we go there we go all right look at that wow okay this looks kind of weird very weird actually but it is what it is it’s fine it’s fine so I think it has has to be within like I think it’s like five blocks of a flower or

Something strange like that but uh yeah we’ll plant it down here and just keep going back and forth until we get one oh this entire process is so much quicker due to this tree chopping mod I was about to say there’s our beehive lovely lovely lovely okay so I want one tree in

The middle that’s going to act as kind of like one of the main things oh beautiful I wanted it tall as well um so now we get to throw down I don’t know if this is going to really work too well I throw this down here oh yeah it’s on top

Of the water it’s fine and boom there we go they got a little beehive now I’ll go and add a couple more flowers around this area if I can We’ll add some more trees and stuff but this is going to look really nice okay I’ll try and get

Another beehive then up in here so let’s just throw one down let’s see here we are not having luck with a second beehive oh my days I would very much love to have a second beehive but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen tonight I have one more bone meal and I

Did nothing okay good morning my good servants how is it going so what I want to purchase from you my Good Fellows is a new axe all right I need to repair my equipment and look I even brought you gifts look I brought you chests wow look

At those Oh my days look at those okay so I’m just going to pre-make all the sticks out of all this jungle wood right here and then we’ll get to trade in with them oh also I see a load of people comment on like every single video I do

Where I trade with villagers how do I trade so fast um if you hold shift and then spam space bar when you’re on the trade um it just like automatically puts it in for you and then you just have to click on the emeralds to get them so

Yeah that’s how you do it you’re welcome if you’re asking that question all right it’s literally the best thing in the game it’s so fast Oh my days look at that you can eat up all my sticks look at that wow I’m like out of trade sticks

Now and we’ve got a stack of emeralds how amazing is that um I’m going to buy two of them because oh that’s actually stupid that was so stupid of me I was going to say cuz I want to combine them but they’re still going to break the

Same amount like it the upgrade from efficiency 3 to efficiency 4 I don’t really think it’s worth it when we’re chopping down trees at the rate we do either way I have it I’ve done it I don’t care so what I also want to get

Today is I’m going to let the bees kind of oh they’re out they’re out okay um is there two out or is there only one there only one of you hello other be I hear you in there come out if there’s only one out I’m not going to do

Anything but um if I get another tree over there and we oh there’s two hello boom boom baby let’s go there it is how’s it going buddy yeah all right got some bees up in here they’re probably going to yep there they go off they go probably going to

Get eaten by a shark or something or punched by the mantis shrimp oh yeah watch out for Mike guys watch out for Mike he’s not very friendly to pretty much anyone I don’t even know if it’s friendly towards me still anyways what I was saying is I want to get a bunch more

Glass because oh you don’t trade glass dude you’re stinky man yeah I wanted to get glass because I feel like the floor in the storage room could look a lot better so we just want to go around and take out like all of this okay and boom boom boom boom all

Right look at that it’s a little bit bright just a just a little tiny SM smidge a little bit bright this might be a little bit Overkill I’m not going to lie this might be just a little bit overboard right here but it looks really cool you know we got the ocean down

There that looks nice I was debating doing that for these but now that I see how bright it is with just that one uh yeah I’m not doing that oh what I needed to do was go and trade for lanterns as well luckily I have enough emeralds left

Over because I need to go and Light Up The Bee Farm not you you’re the stinky librarian where’s the non- stinky librarian you my good fellow how’s it going uh give me lanterns oh my God the fairy lights would look so good in here the fairy lights would look so good in

The in the bee farm oh I got to go grab them okay so let’s just I don’t know let’s say we get rid of these all right these stinky smelly lanterns we don’t want them around there thank you very much and then we just run this from up

There to up there right and then we throw boom I mean they’re kind of nice maybe the orange ones perhaps yeah I think I like those better and then we can run these down here like that maybe oh you see I like the lanterns can I make the orange lanterns okay here’s

Praying it looks good boom ah you know what I can’t make up my mind I really can’t I think ooh maybe the flowers yeah yeah yeah the flowers how do I make the oh my d okay I can’t make those I cannot make those at all I don’t think I can

Get the uh blue orchids because of maybe biome specific or I don’t know if you can grow them okay we’re probably just going to stick with what we have here then this looks this looks nice this looks nice I like it hang it down from like around here like this yeah yeah

Yeah yeah there we go and then throw some orange lanterns on that bad boy there we go oh this is coming together we need another tree over here and we can line them up like that and then over here oh yeah this is going to look so

Good well it’s that time again to go and grab a whole bunch of sand and try and expand out as much sugar cane as we can uh really move around cuz it’s all grown now and we literally just need a tiny bit to finish off the other side over

There and then I think I might throw it down around these ones too just so the fact that then the greenery goes all the way around also I’ve not looked at this from the top level yet this one looks kind of goofy but the rest looks kind of

Nice I I kind of like it it’s all over the place but it looks good bee what are you doing out here man I told you they’d fly away why are you out here idiot idiot idiot see I knew the bees would fly away they always do uh-oh uh that’s

An eel thing I don’t want that to come and attack me probably will damn what all the eels out here in the ocean now so many of them surely I can tank a few hits from an eel like how how bad can it be you know I’m I’m full diamond I’m

Decked out but I’m not going to test it out though bye-bye okay I didn’t get that much sand right there I kind of want to wait for the eels to go away I don’t want to deal with that but what I will do is I will go and harvest up the

Sugarcane and finish off planting it around these islands and then I guess we can start on the other ones probably not even going to harvest up all this sugarcane cuz there is way too much okay you know as I said I wouldn’t Harvest all the sugar cane well I did excluding

That little tiny bit over there but I did um some bits fell in the water but that is so much sugarcane oh my God okay so let me just line the sides of this with slabs okay and there we are it didn’t really make it look much better

But you know what it’s fine it works as a storage area I’m going to stop complaining about it so we really didn’t need that much sugarcane um I would go around and do more but I really don’t want to because instead what I want to

Do is get that other birch tree over in the tree farm and then we can actually start where’s the Birch saplings there we go and then we can actually go and finish off the fairy light over there as well and just have everything tied together ooh I do like the white icicle

Ones though okay you you know what that’ll do that’ll do there and then we’ll throw one over here right here where this flower was uh maybe boop boop like that make them orange there we go and then the orange icicles ooh they’re kind of nice actually uh can I harvest

This yet I can yeah again making a new pair of shears to do something that I can go and grab the other shears for okay now where is my crafting table over here right here oh he’s giving them rose again that’s cute the be area does look

Very nice though I’ll give it this it does look very nice anyways that is the bee farm finished off so I can now rest easy knowing that I have a couple bees that I’ll probably have to keep breeding because they’ll just keep flying out to sea and getting lost now over the

Following few days I finally decided to get to work on building up a house and I’m also going to combine all these three days together because my OBS audio decided to just stop working so I’ll just talk you through what I did so starting things off on day 63 I began

Building out the platform where I was going to build my house now I did think that whilst building this that it was going to come out bigger than it actually did but it’s fine I can make it work and if it ends up being too small I

Can just expand it later but either way once the platform was done it came time to start work on the house now if you like this house and you want to build it yourself then check the link in the top right of the screen or down in the

Description below to watch the tutorial it’s a really cool beach house and it really fits the theme we’re going for here anyways the only thing that was really holding me back for the first day of this build was quite a severe lack of wood so I spent the night of day 63

Farming out a bunch of oak trees so that that way I could hopefully get all of the oak parts of the build finished off in the morning then after grabbing a bunch of wood on day 64 and day 65 I did a bunch more work on the house but

Slightly slower this time considering I needed a whole bunch of campfires and was really unprepared to make them so that took a little while and then I needed to go and get a bunch of spruce logs because well now I need a whole bunch of trap doors as well man I’m

Telling you I have like a lot of wood but it’s just the wrong types for what this build wants but either way after finishing off the trap doors I got to work on the top floor and the roof that was a little bit finicky at first but

After getting one of the sides done all I had to do was copy paste it onto the other one and finally after finishing off the roof it was time to start adding some color and decoration so I just went around making things look good by adding leaves walls and lanterns and finally

Day 66 was just spent adding some smaller little details and tidying up some things around the house and boom there we go now I specifically picked this house because I really felt like it fit it’s the raft theme and well I’m really happy with the way it came out it

Looks really cozy up in here now now after all the hard day work of building up the house I spent day 67 over at the mob farm because I completely ran out of bone meal whilst building the house and I just know that I’m going to need a

Whole bunch of it for trees soon enough so I may as well get it now so yeah I took it easy on day 67 and just spent the entire day whacking mobs hey would you look at that that looks uh that looks pretty good now there is still

Quite a few things that I want to get done in this video one of which now I’m thinking is to go and dig up a complete coral reef and bring it over here so that that way we can expand this one all the way I don’t know necessarily if I

Want to go all the way up here but at least cover this platform as well because it looks weird at just ending there you know we could just bring it down here and build our own little coral reef down there I think that’ look really nice I also want to upgrade my

Tools a little bit as well as trying to get another wolf spawn egg and then maybe actually make an actual enchantment area not just have it you know laying here like this is this the fastest way to grab you it is most definitely not okay what about an axe

Pickaxe oh pickaxe oh no we oh I need silk touch oh I’m an idiot yeah I’m an absolute idiot of course I need silk touch okay all right well then that’s the I guess that’s the objective now is we need to go and get silk touch to

Actually dig up the coral reef with a pickaxe so what I’ll do is I don’t know if that guy sells Diamond picks I think he does maybe perhaps over here hello friend you you uh you do not sell a diamond pickaxe okay all right uh another

Toolsmith then maybe I mean I could just go and try and find some diamonds but and oh well I don’t even have iron oh well this is a slight problem um should we try our luck trying to get some diamonds I feel like we’ve got the

Fortune 3 pick we may as well we may as well I’m uh I’m geared enough to take on the mine now so or do we want to try and go somewhere else cuz I feel like I’ve cleared those caves out down there pretty well um we can just go out a

Little bit into the ocean maybe over by the mob farm and dig up some land over there to see if we can find a Cave System all right so I think I’m going to use this ship underneath here as a staging ground for our new mine I feel

Like this door right here will come in perfect wow okay the ship really didn’t do much I’m not going to lie all right well let’s hope that we can find some caves or diamonds down here if there’s no caves I’ll strip mine but I’d much prefer to get caves over strip mining

Just because I don’t fan going in a straight line for like an hour I think I may have just heard a skeleton in a cave next to me yep I did hello good fellow there we go all right uh this cave is ah hello buddy you

Almost got me there you almost got me there now this cave as I was saying is um around Diamond level so we should be able to hopefully get our hands on some it would be very much so appreciated ah okay that’s the entirety of the cave

Then I guess o what is that oh what is this hello wow okay this is kind of a cool area okay there is a slight problem I don’t remember which way I came in here so this is going to suck to get out I don’t know let me know down in the

Comments do you actually like mine in the water caves or do you like avoid them like the plague like I do because honest to God I couldn’t imagine really many things worse than having to mine under waterer here it’s oh it’s just awful oh my God there is not a single

Diamond down here this is why 11 all right the the base floor here is y 11 that’s nuts oh there is there we go woo all right that actually didn’t take too long you know what I take everything back I said about water caves I love

Them I actually I was just I was just joking I actually really like them you know oh is that a m shaft it is oh my God anything of use to me in here perhaps any cool loot okay there we go this place looks really nice during Sunrise I really like

The uh the sunrise blasting through it it looks good now that we have the stuff that we need I need to now go and get a librarian villager to trade me silk touch and then we’ll throw the pickaxe in the enchantment table try and get efficiency on it get silk touch on it

And then go and dig up like a whole coral reef okay all right well we’ll see what we can do over here it shouldn’t really take me too long I don’t think silk touch is what we’re looking for my good fellow silk touch last time I tried

Going silk touch it took me like an hour so there we go 11 ooh that’s a cheap trade I tell you that’s a very cheap trade okay you just wait there my good fellow do not change that trade while I’m gone I was going to say I don’t even

Know if I’ve got enough XP to enchant it and um add the book on top but I realize that I have more than enough XP to pretty much do anything go and make the pickaxe and hopefully we can get some pretty nice enchants on it the first

Roll if it says silk touch I will cry if I literally get silk touch first roll I go go no there’s no shot that that just happened okay well look it didn’t take me that long to get the Villager to trade it so it’s fine but oh if I’d have known if

I’d have known I don’t know why I didn’t test out just doing it first but it is what it is we’ve got silk touch and we also have a book oh God I knew that was going to happen I knew that was going to happen all right so with our newly

Acquired silk touch pickaxe actually I want to get um I guess we can just do this then anyway I want to get respiration on my helmet respiration three oh my God these enchants are popping off okay so now that we’ve got all that out of the way hopefully there’s no sharks down there

Ready to nibble on me and we’ll just head over to this coral reef and dig up as much of it as we possibly can and so I spent the rest of day 69 and the entirety of Day 70 just grabbing as much Coral as I could get my hands on making

Sure to try and get a good variety of colors as well as a whole bunch of sea pickles and obviously you know being sure to keep an eye out for sharks so that I don’t end up a little midnight snack but luckily for me there were really none around round and these days

Ended up going by pretty smoothly without any trouble okay so now that we’ve amassed quite a nice amount of coral the samor over in the chest over there I think it’s time to start work on this Reef now I don’t really know how I want it to look I build these semi

Frequently I’d like to say but they always come out looking goofy because I don’t really know how to build Coral I know it’s kind of random in a sense like we’ll do um like a I don’t even know like look see see these are so weird

We’ll do like a a purple one like that there does that look good that looks well it brightens the area up I can definitely say that okay I want to do something with is there a red one near here yeah okay the blue is the one that’s lack list around here now I’m

Going to go and add these things I think last because they need to be on there but they’re kind of finicky oh oh there we go okay that’s looking pretty good it’s a little bit bright though it’s the Shader that kind of bugs out a little

Bit with these okay I’ll go and throw a few down hopefully I’ll get chomped by a shark once again and and then I guess we’ll see how it comes out all right so we’re nearing the end of the day now but I think that that was uh that’s pretty

Good okay I didn’t bring it down too far cuz I didn’t really want it going all the way to the end plus I didn’t have the right amount of coral to do so nor the mental capacity to place this atrocious block underwater but overall I think that went pretty well we probably

Do want to go down there with a little bit of bone meal just to bring out some Greenery but other than that it’s looking really nice I’m happy with this so let’s just store all this Coral away we had way too many sea pickles but we

May need more later on and then I think over the next couple of days we’re going to do a little bit more trading and hopefully try and get I I guess better armor I I don’t really know I’ve got protection four so I don’t really need

To worry about it too much I guess I could get a couple more helmets and try to get protection four on them the boots are fine I could maybe try and get depth Strider and then I want to head out and see if I can find another dog because

I’m kind of sad I lost my dog to a bug and it upsets me daily I also don’t think I’ve shown you but the inside of my house is currently a little bit empty because I didn’t actually put anything in here so that’s also something that

We’re going to have to do I mean the upstairs is slightly more decorated but it’s literally just the lone bed just sat there I also think at some point as well we still got quite a lot of things to do now thinking about it but at some

Point as well I think we need to go around and finally finish off adding the details because there’s places like this where there’s no trap doors on the sides and there’s no fences so I could literally just fall into the ocean where there’s a giant eel waiting for me what

Is that what is that meat can I can I grab that with my fishing rod can I grab that is that grabbable it is oh okay it’s the E food now okay my Good Fellows I don’t know if I have any emeralds in my chest I should have probably checked

That before coming over here but I need to make more bank because I need better helmet I’m really only doing this because I can there’s no real reason for me to get protection 4 on the helmet I’m already like decked out as is um but I’m only doing it because I have the

Villagers I have the resources so you know why would I not now hopefully as well the pirate ships aren’t as bad as they used to be I mean the last one I took on really wasn’t too bad although saying that I might wi up my bow because

I don’t know I actually don’t remember the enchants it has on it let me have a look um where is uh Power four Unbreaking through and oh no the but the Bow’s fine the Bow’s fine we could probably get power five but other than that it’s fine okay so I have 60

Emeralds I have 63 emeralds good sir are you the boo with Protection One okay and what is your helmet uh you don’t have one just yet so let me just uh real quick change that projectile protection ew that’s stinky I don’t want that protection two and then boom boom ooh that’s expensive what

About the other way eight ooh what a bargain there we go okay you know what I’ll stay with protection 3 that’s good enough for me um I do want to try and get death Strider on my diamond boots though because you know I literally live in the ocean was there anything on here

Oh oh no this was literally a protection 3 book oh wait but that means if I put this on my helmet it goes to prop fall right I know I don’t have the XP but that should go to prop four no what why not huh protection 3 oh protect wait did

I mess up protection 2 plus protection 2 is supposed to be protection 3 oh wait only have Protection One oh I’m an idiot oh my God I am such an idiot how how do I play this game for a living how do I do that I have no clue I’m such an idiot

Why damn it man okay all right well I guess I’m harvesting the sugar cane we’re going to do some paper trades because I’m out of wood hello good fellow are you my paper man you are not you are my silk touch man are you my paper you are not my paper man what

About you yes you are yeah oh wow they really do scam me for that okay and now that should be enough emeralds to purchase the last one from you okay lovely lovely but then if I then go boom boom and then this is where it’s going

To get a little bit expensive o 11 okay 11 then what what’s it going to be it’s going to be like 26 19 uh that’s actually not too bad that’s pretty reasonable I can try and get that tonight don’t know if I’ll be able to though considering that these

Guys just really do not want to trade at the minute 11 11’s what we’re got well you know what at least we have access to do it now for now I guess we’ll just head to bed and then in the morning finish off the sugar cane finally okay

So how much sand do I actually have ah okay uh well I guess first things first we need to go and get a bunch more sand now I don’t think that we’re going to need more than two stacks so I’ll just do one more dig and then we will head

Back up and and get it placed down okay so we got a little over two stacks that should be enough let me just grab the jungle slabs okay and once again let me go around and place all of the wood you know what though I really think that we

Got like pretty much precisely the amount of sand that we needed oh excluding the one because this was just under like two stacks of planks so yeah we were pretty close we actually had like almost a stack more than we actually needed wow ooh that looks very

Green over there now um I I really don’t like the way that the other circles join on to the the main one but it’s okay I’ll I’ll take this small small sacrifice for how good it actually does look to some degree now I still don’t

Know whether or not I want to put sugar cane in these areas oh I may even throw it in the middle bits here actually how would that look let me just let me do a little little little Quick Test right here I like that I actually do like that

I’m going to do that um you just need to kind of Overlook the fact that there’s you know slabs there but other than that yeah I like that okay so I’ll go around and get as many of those done then as I can you know what I’m actually kind of

Liking the sugarcane placement right here it’s kind of growing on me it’s going to make the rooms feel a little bit more enclosed so it’s quite nice now last night I also discovered that I can place these lights that I made ages ago just down on the floor and blocks like

This so we may use these to light up the actual little mini circles in the middle but for now we’re not doing absolutely anything with lights because I’m going to go and head back out to se we’re going to go over this way this time and we’re going to hopefully hopefully try

And recover another dog because I don’t feel right leaving it at that okay the man died trapped in a step it it it shouldn’t have happened so I would really very much so like to go and recover another one is this only half a ship where’s the oh there’s the front

Okay I didn’t know how big it was it’s my render distance bugging out ah well now he’s stuck in the boat so that’s really not a problem listen to me Good Fellows I need a dog spawn egg okay ow Jesus calm down it’s all going off up there right calm yourselves this

Time we’re doing it without blowing up the ship so hopefully we can go through here relatively hassle free and just go and get what we wanted now I think the dog spawn egg was in one of these chests last time I think it was might have been

In this one cuz it was quite early on but we’ll check the rest of the ship okay we’ll go through cautiously with a bunch of torches and we’ll see what we can get done hello Boos where you at oh there you are hello oh there’s a lot of

You down there too yeah clearing this one out has gone substantially faster than the last time time it doesn’t look like we’re going to get a dog from this one oh oh my God there is so many up there oh my God wolf spawn egg nope wolf

Spawn egg nope and wolf spawn egg no okay oh wait there’s another ship back there hey we’re saved okay you Salty Sea boys you better have some dogs on this ship for me I want a dog hello can I get rid of the spawner please thank you okay

Should be in this one no I feel like we got it really rare I feel like it was like a rare thing one at a time remember your friends on the ship over the road already tried this all right one at a time just chill out just chill out man

Just just calm down look you’ll end up killing each other before you kill me okay just calm down M what is happening ew I don’t want the fish I want a dog no nothing zilch nothing on these ships man well there goes that is that Enchanted gapple ooh sheesh I’ll take that damn

Okay um well I don’t really need the rest of the stuff cuz it’s just farming stuff so I guess back out we go my hopes of finding a dog diminishing by the second right now it’s is truly sad right you already know what I’m going to ask

You know the routine right now does this chest does this chest does this ship have a chest containing a dog probable answer no hopeful answer yes right if we wanted to throw if we wanted to throw some some shots up in here then come on

Let’s go let’s go you too come on right I’m only checking the useful chests the ones up top never have anything good in them at all I got a couple diamonds that’s okay I’ll take those okay in final attempt to get a dog does this chest down here have any oh my God

Forgot about you guys I’m sorry and absolutely zero dog wow wow wow wow wow okay right well I’m just going to take it as a sign we’re not getting a dog it is what it is it sucks but there’s nothing I can really do about it I don’t

Want to spend the remainder of my time here just going through constant amounts of ships in hopes of finding one lone dog all right for the dog’s sake okay for for the dog’s sake we’ll check out this Last Ship and if there’s nothing there then I’ll just head back home yep

Okay no I did not have a wolf spawn egg I did have another Enchanted gapple though so that was good but yeah no dog so we remain Lonely with just bees and a couple of cats I’ll tell you this it’s good to be back home now one of the

Things I was thinking of is maybe if I can’t have a dog okay maybe I could build like a mural for it and I understand that like I had it for like a day and it didn’t last long at all but I really wanted that dog damn it all right

I wanted that dog anyway any wait um what I’m thinking is we might for Mutual benefit okay I might not even build the the wolf thing from this but I kind of just want to have it I want to build like a giant Island out here uh I don’t

Know whether or not I want it in a circle uh it’ll be substantially bigger than the one that my house is in but we’ll have it down there at the bottom we’ll make it really big and we’ll fill it with dirt and grass and then that should okay should spawn in some

Wildlife like cows sheep and pigs I don’t know whether or not it actually will but we can try it however what we’re actually going to need for this is an absolute ton of dirt and this 63 is just not going to cut it actually come

To think of it now I don’t actually want to do the circle thing instead I want to build up just a really big island and by really big I mean as big as I can within my limits right now okay so this is roughly I think how big I want it I want

It to loop around there we can make a big like weird shaped island I don’t know what shape I’m going for I just tried to do it kind of random but kind of within reason but now we need to go and get oh just so much dirt this is

Going to take so much I need to go all the way around here and loop it in I don’t know exactly how big I want it but it is going to be pretty big so I guess one of the things we could do is we could just go into The Nether grab some

Gravel and then just dup some dirt I know that means I have to go to the Nether and I absolutely hate that place but it does save me a ton of time having to go around and mine up dir what is that what is that an octopus in the

Nether there’s no shot this guy’s in here there’s absolutely no shot this guy’s in here buddy no they die is he changing colors oh my God he’s so cool oh God he’s coming for me sorry man I just I was curious oh you were an octopus okay sorry I thought you were

Like a nether mob for a second I couldn’t tell I kind of feel bad now he was just in here vibing just switched his RGB on him was just going mad is he a safe here seems safe ah no it’s there God damn it man I hate these things Am I

Wrong where to find grapple like I thought it was really common in these biomes maybe I’ve just not found a chunk of it yet you know okay there’s a Bastion over there there’s this claw thing I think I got from one of the Bears on the roof I’m glad to know that

They’re around here oh my God where’s the gravel hello what I ask is not hard I think I might just end up getting it from the underground in the Overworld to be fair I think I might be faster I can’t find a single bit down here so for

The following couple of days I headed back down to the Ravine in the mine and dug up any and all gravel and dirt that I could find that ended up proving significantly faster than the nether I mean I’m convinced that the nether has absolutely nothing for me at this point

Okay it can’t even Supply me with gravel after being down here a little while and Gathering quite a hefty amount of both gravel and dirt I headed back to the surface and began filtering through the cuse dirt to finish things off now over the next 2 days I got to work on

Building out the island with all the dirt that I gathered over the past couple of days now I think I may have gone just a little bit too big with the sizing of this thing because the first batch of dirt got just over the outline done so I grabbed some more and just

Continued on now I’m also kind of thinking that I might want to maybe build like some ruined structures or some like ruined Temple kind of things on this island but I’m not really too sure now I actually didn’t end up making as much progress as I thought I would

Over the past couple of days but I’m going to put that down to the island being quite a bit bigger than I was actually anticipating it coming out yeah so I really think that I may have gone a little bit overboard with the sizing of the the island now it’s going to look

Good it’s going to look really nice but um yeah we’re going to need just a little bit more dirt although looking at it now we do have some pretty good progress on it but yeah it wasn’t meant to be this big now I do intend on doing

Some little beaches around the sides of it but other than that it’s mainly going to be dirt that we need I’ve also just realized that I didn’t place the trap doors on top of these bits which is now really annoying me now I’m thinking we

Can use the island for a kind of I don’t know if I want to use it for the nether portal or for the enchantment area or for what but I do want hopefully some animals to spawn on it I I don’t really think they will but it’d be nice if they

Did um but I think I might build up some like ruins over there and have the portal in Ruins and then have like an enchantment area as well in kind of like a ruined little mini Temple area I don’t know but to do that I’m going to need a

Bunch of stone but luckily for me I have silk touch on my pickaxe so we want to go and grab a bunch of normal Stone we will also want to get a bunch of cobblestone as well all right and that should do for the stone front for now I don’t think we’re

Going to need much more than this if anywhere near this Mount I don’t know I don’t know we’re going to build a decent amount of stuff over there now I did also discover this little vein of dirt on here which I wouldn’t really usually pay attention to but my eyes and senses

Have been heightened to the actual existence of this block right now so we’ll see how much we get from this little chunk right here okay o over a stack and a half that’s not bad at all okay so we’ll store this stuff away I’ll go and smelt down this iron and then I

Kind of need to uh start up a little vine farm I don’t ever think I’ve made one of them before I don’t even know how to make one of those now thinking about it I know I can just Farm them out through jungle trees I don’t know

Whichever way seems easier and at this point actually realizing how vastly densely populated that the oak tree farm is I’m thinking I’m just going to get them from jungle trees okay so I’m going to go grab some more bone meal I’ll put them bones that I got earlier to use I

Told you i’ need them and then I guess I’ll spend my night just mindlessly chopping away at Vines hoping to get enough to cover up all the blocks that we’re going to need into Mossy versions okay so this should be in a fines now I’m going to start another chest right

Here this is going to be like Island material oh no didn’t mean to shave that wood off I feel bad now but as I was saying before I accidentally scalped the wood I’m going to make this chest over here for Island materials okay ruined materials stuff that I want to build

With over on the island so today what I want to do is I want to head back down here and we need to get a little bit more dirt and by a little bit I mean like a bunch of gravel and a bunch more dirt so hopefully get like I’m going to

Say six Stacks is what’ll do the rest of the island maybe more I’m feeling more like 10 but I’m going to take the guest and say six ah yeah I forgot how infested it was down here as soon as I get down here there’s just zombies everywhere now I’m hoping that I didn’t

Clear this place completely out of dirt mainly I know that there’s a whole bunch of gravel left in here made evident by that just falling on me I’m just really hoping that it’s not all underwater like I won’t be against going and getting it

If it is but I just I don’t want to deal with that oh God yep well it looks like we’re going underw for dirt I’ve looked around the caves and I can’t find a single piece so I guess it’s just underwater for us from now on it really

Isn’t the end of the world but I just I hate mining under water okay I think this much combined with the amount of gravel we have combined with the stuff upstairs should hopefully I believe be enough to finish off at the very least the base layer of the island without

Adding like any extra details lumps or bumps on there think it should be fine so I’ll head back down this Ravine I’ll head back up home and then I’ll spend the night making more dirt and then in the morning hopefully having enough dirt to finish off the floor of the island

Okay so after uh digging up dirt all night we have a fair few Stacks which I’m hoping will actually finish off the build over here now if I sound a little bit different I don’t know what’s happened apparently overnight I lost part of my voice or something I don’t

Even know um but yeah I sound kind of funky now so that’s fun but anyways let’s go around and try and get this thing finished off okay so there we go that’s all the dirt that we have currently placed down and now we only have this little Center bit

To finish off so I’m thinking maybe like two or three stacks probably not even that and we should be good to go now I do need to go and Light Up This Island a little bit more because more Ghoulies are going to be able to spawn on here

Now and then once we’ve done that I guess we can go and try and grab a little bit more dir dirt to finish this off and then hopefully either finish it off tonight or in the morning okay so now hopefully this is enough dirt it’s just under four Stacks so I think it

Will be or at least I hope it will be but now I’m going to go back up I’m going to see how many mobs if any have spawned on the island if there’s none I’ll go and place it all tonight if there’s a few then I’ll just I’ll not

Deal with that and we’ll go and do it in the morning okay yeah there’s absolutely zero on there so we’ll just head over we’ll place the rest of this dirt and then we will head to bed hopefully finishing off the island all right and it was enough okay there’s literally one

Last block to place and boom there it is island is well at least for the base layer complete and it’s looking pretty nice I kind of struggle building things that oh I was literally okay no it’s not done I take it back I lied I lied I’m

Sorry I Bamboozled you I apologize so as I was saying I’m pretty impressed with it because I kind of struggled to build natural looking things it I don’t know why it’s kind of like a pain for me I can’t do like natural inclines and stuff it’s kind of annoying but that that came

Out looking pretty good I’m I’m really happy with it so I am going to go and grab some more wheat seeds and then I’ll just throw down some more grass for tonight head to bed and then in the morning well I don’t even know what

We’re going to do in the morning so now while we’re waiting for the island to kind of do its thing and the grass to spread all over it I think today we’ll have a pretty chill day we’ll go and breed up the bees a little bit more and

We’ll also go around the entire base are as much as possible and go and finish off just all the little details that we’re yet to add such as like the little trap doors there and the fent and stuff here just because I’ve been meaning to

Do it for like I don’t know like 20 days now and still haven’t done it so it’s never going to get done unless I force myself to do it so we want to start out by getting just a whole bunch of please tell me we have some oak wood we have

Some logs uh we don’t really have much but that’s fine I think I’ve got like a full Farm’s worth so it’s it’s okay I don’t think we have any trap doors either cuz I think I gobbled them oh no I do I do have some trap doors that’s

Fine I’m still not sure how I want to do these end bits here I think I might just like throw down some fences like floor the this off and then throw down some fences I don’t really know okay and how’s this side looking that side’s done

Here needs doing okay so we need six there the whole nine there do these need it no that’s fine so okay we need quite a bit of trap doors so I’ll go trap down the farm real quick now that should be all the trap doors down with five to

Spare so we didn’t do too bad and now I’m just going to go finish off the fences and then I think we might have time to do the lights okay wow so the fences did not take me that long to place at all there was like 12 to place

So that wasn’t bad now we want to go in here and search incandescent there we go one torch three iron and a glass pane for four they are a little bit pricey but at least we get four from them so I don’t have any glass panes left I’m

Pretty sure so we’ll just grab some of that and break it down okay how many of these bad boys can we make we can make 16 bang on actually precisely which is pretty good oh you can only hold stacks of 16 okay well we’ll get two stacks of

16 we’ll leave it there and then we’ll go around and see how much they do I just think that they look better than the Torches like I can get rid of the Torches and it’ll still be bright here at night I don’t necessarily know what

To do with the rest of them now I might use them as decorations over on the island or like I don’t know where to put them okay well we literally just needed less than 16 of them then but that’s that’s okay now that I can get rid of

The Torches I’ll feel much better about how that area looks okay today is the day it starts finally after I don’t even know how long I’ve been working on this island it hasn’t been too long right so let’s grab some of these Vines I’ll grab only two stacks for now cuz I don’t

Think we’re going to need that many oh I should have made some stone bricks and cracked them in the time that we’ve been like messing about here okay so I’m thinking that we do the main build I don’t know whether or not I want it to

Be either a place to enchant which would probably be more beneficial to me than a nether portal that I’ll probably never use so I think if we want to do that we want to build kind of like a somewhat circular Temple not even Temple but just like a little little kind of shrine

Looking thing now I don’t have an exact idea in mind but we’ll try out some stuff and see how it goes so let’s just dive straight in and and see what we can come up with now I actually found like a really nice looking build from another

YouTuber named it’s Marlo so I decided to go with that because it just fits here so perfectly and of course if this build interests you or you’re looking for inspiration for an enchantment area then definitely go check out the video in the top right there’s a bunch of

Really cool ones in there so yeah I spent the rest of day 86 just working on building up a tiny dilapidated Shrine and once the main area of the build was done on day 87 I added the enchanting table to it and voila it’s done and it

Just looks so perfect on this little island okay there we go that’s looking pretty nice now I’m probably going to go and add some Vines and stuff to it and maybe even right I’m ready for this maybe even some string lights that would be that’ be quite nice but now what I

Need to do is I need to go around the whole island add some trees add some more details and whatnot and just really make this place come together I think over there if I want to I’ll build like a little Arch a little mini like ruined arch for the nether portal not really

Too first I’m not going back in there so it’ll probably just be for aesthetic purposes but yeah yeah let me head over here grab a bunch of bone meal and some saplings and then we’ll get to work on making that place look even more dilapidated there we go and then we’ll

Start working on some grass I’ll also have this path come off over this way as well just over to the portal if I want to build it over here I don’t know how I’m feeling about flowers uh probably will have them they do just add a little

Bit of Vibrance to the island itself but we want like a load of this long grass as well that we need this place to be Overkill covered and stuff and there we go look at that man it looks so nice over here I kind of wish I built my

House here I’m not going to lie now there are still a few details I want to go and add such as like the lights around there and a few more lanterns around the place cuz I didn’t really want to waste all my iron on them right

Now so for the minute what I’m going to do is I’m going to head back home we’ll probably craft up some string lights tonight and then in the morning I’ll go and try and finish off everything I can and maybe even build up the nether portal but I’m not too sure about that

However what I am sure about is that that looks awesome from a distance that looks so cool so I’m going to craft some string lights and and then I will see you guys in the morning when we go and try and add just a little bit of the

Final touches over there all right this should be enough string light I think I don’t want to overdo it I uh I really don’t want to make too many and then have it look kind of ruin the aesthetic of it so this should be enough I think

This even might be Overkill to some extent but if I just run these from like you to you right oh that is oh so beautiful oh and then from the oh oh God it’s too beautiful it’s too nice it’s actually not like that amazing but it is

Quite good I’m actually so excited for night to fall now this is going to be oh it’s going to be super cozy over here now so let me go around and add just a couple more lanterns so we can get rid of some of these torches that are just

Laying around this is really really coming together now I like this so I think I will throw down a portal as well um it’ll only have to be a small one I mean I don’t really have much more obsidian and I don’t fancy going and spending nine more years mining it up I

Don’t know exactly what pattern I’m going to go for either but I’m sure I’ll figure that out as as well I’m sure I’ll find something that I like Pinterest strikes once again so let’s just get to work on trying to build this up I don’t

Know how well it’s going to go in the space we have now looking at it but we should be we should be okay thinking about it now it might even look better if I do it at the back here instead I think it probably will look better if I

Do it at the back here instead so let’s just get rid of this real quick and then yeah I think back here is going to work so much better so if we just start from then probably here then would be a better coal yeah that’ll work fine

Okay there we go so that’s pretty much how it’s going to be there’s like the front and the side finished so I just need to copy and paste that on the back and then the other side and then we should be good to go so I guess I’ll

Spend the rest of the night working on this and then I guess I’ll see you all when I finished it off it really shouldn’t take too long but don’t want to waste your time with any more tedious stone brick placing all right and now with that finished off I need to number

One probably get rid of this tree it’s kind of blocking it a little bit there we go that’s better but now with that finished off I’m going to grab some of this Mossy cracked and chiseled Stone and then we we’re just going to go at this thing adding a load of details okay

And that should be enough that looks really good actually I’m surprised how well it fits now I do need to go down the mine and grab myself seven more pieces of obsidian so let me just go and run and do that real quick all right

There we go let me just add these I ended up getting a little bit more for in case I underestimated but no I did indeed just need exactly seven but there we go let me just light this bad boy up boom ooh sheesh that does look pretty

Nice all right you know what it is missing though it’s missing some lanterns or it’s missing some fairy lights I’m not too sure which one I want to put on there you know maybe oh ew ew no get off I didn’t want to put you

There like they look kind of good but it doesn’t fit the theme I’m thinking all right let me check let me check how expensive they are I’m thinking something like these ghouly lights these like skull lights right here um or maybe even the pumpkin ones oh I know I can’t

Do the pumpkin ones okay that sucks what about the skull ones I can do those oh what about the ooh there’s so many options okay I think what we will go with is some kind of black skulls maybe or gray skulls can I even make gray dye

I can make black dye I need ink saxs so I need to try and find some squid oh wait actually I think I have some ink saxs from all the barrels and stuff I think I may have some in here let’s please just pray I do please pray I do

Ink sack yes I have two and then we’ll make ourselves some gray skull lights oh I’m missing oh it’s light gray oh wait no that was light gray one I clicked on there we go Gray oh oh my God I almost set my entire house on fire okay how will you look my

Good fellow it hello e what why aren’t they facing the way I need them to no I can’t see those maybe do them at the back then I still can’t see them what what oh that kind of sucks yeah this is not really working out the way I thought

It would that kind of sucks can I just place the skulls down on their own ooh ooh I like that I kind of regret putting them on the strings now can I take them back off I cannot so let me throw the gray one there boom ooh and then maybe

Some oh yeah yeah yeah hey that looks pretty good that looks pretty good woo okay okay I like that damn man this island has really come along I kind of prefer it to the actual base I’ve not seen this thing from like an aerial point of view yet so when I’m going back

And do these replay shots I’m really looking forward to seeing this thing okay so the list of things that we still need to do over this part is we need to grow a couple more trees add a path to the nether portal and then just overall

Do some like maybe add some leaves in places and some vines on the builds just so they look a little bit more old but the problem I have with doing the trees and stuff is I’m run out of Bones so I think I might spend tomorrow with the

Mob grinder get the bones up finish off this island the day after and then do whatever for the last few days okay apparently there’s a zombie on my Island somewhere is he is he on top of my house hello I think he’s up there where is he

Buddy is he on my roof my roof isn’t lit up like at all so that’s not surprising I was going to start today off by saying I don’t really know what to do but I guess with that whole incident with a zombie uh we could decorate the inside I

Am still technically living down here with the smokers and the furnaces and stuff so we should really move all this stuff over into the house yeah okay that’s that’s today’s task then we’re actually going to start living in our house but to do that I do need to

Actually build the floor in the bottom part because it’s still grass and for that I’m going to need a little bit of wood okay and I’ll break some of this down into probably slabs because I need to place a layer of things under this cuz yep it just go straight down to

Ocean H I don’t want to be in here there’ll probably be a shark get me out I think I’m going to do the same pattern from the outside inside although I’m pretty sure the video that I saw did that anyway so it’s just being built the

Way it was intended all right there we go that’s much better it’s looking so much nicer I think maybe we could even add some string lights in here you know maybe just outside these windows going well it be across here and then across there and then we can get rid of that

Lantern I think that would look quite nice so I think we’ll have this downstairs area right here be where I put the furnaces and the Anvil and stuff and then maybe a little chest down there just to put things like um I don’t know what do I need for the Anvil I don’t

Know maybe we’ll just throw a barrel down there instead I would really like some flower pots and stuff but I don’t think that I have the clay to make them uh and I don’t think that there’s any clay that I’ve seen on the ocean floor

So okay so let’s grab these two and then we’ll grab the where the incandescent lights there we go we’ll bring these over here so you go bye-bye and then you go boom boom and then you go boom boom and then you throw them on instead and boom would you look at that that’s

Actually quite nice to be fair how’s that look from the inside that looks pretty nice I guess we’ll throw oh my God that’s so expensive why is that so expensive I mean I have the wood for it but I’m still not happy about that okay so I’ll make one of these tables then

These ones look cool but I think they’re a little bit too wide like they’re yeah they’re coffee tables so they’re a little bit smaller but we can build we can build one of each and see how they turn out oh you see now I think that one’s going to be perfect already oh

That one is perfect look at that look at that bad boy I can sit here and spin my Globe all day if I wish what about the coffee tables yeah they’re a little bit too small ooh you know what though that looks kind of good look look a little

Bench watch benches already be a thing yeah ooh you know that would look really good though let me let me try some of this I’m I’m now just discovering the furniture mod within my last 10 days how have I missed this this entire time this cool at all can I place this like

Outside my house uh we’ll have I guess we’ll have a little bench around the side of the house here as well right there lovely look at that that’s all all right I’m going to have a look through this and see if there’s anything that I want to build tomorrow all right so I’m

Going to strip down a bunch of logs and then we’re going to test out some of this furniture because I didn’t know that this even existed well I mean I did I just completely forgot that I added it okay so I want to make um like one more

Of these or at least four more let’s say um and I want to try and see if these cabinets not them ones were like the drawers these things I want to see if oh bedside oh okay well I want to see if I I can actually use them for storage cuz

That’d be pretty cool I also think that they look really nice just at the sides there it looks it looks good so if I let’s say I got these bedside drawers okay these bedside cabinets and I put one there one there don’t really know oh

My God are they in Oh I thought they were individually addressable oh my God that is so cool I don’t know how I feel about that particularly but um it looks okay I don’t know I’m just amazed that I can access them as storage that’s insane

To me um in this case then can we throw some downstairs maybe to to match the area oh my God look at that that looks beautiful we need a whole row of these we want a whole kitchen down here boom boom Oh My look at that that’s beautiful

And you know what the best thing is I can put things on top of them look at that I’m liking this uh this is kind of becoming annoying slightly now so let me just kind of I’ll throw you over here and hopefully you still look good yeah it looks all right

Also gives me a little step outside as well you know I don’t have to oh wait that actually works really well these kind of get in the way but other than that and then we can grab the globe and we can throw you over here boom look at

This this is amazing I kind of have a desk chair or are they just normal normal chairs I don’t think I have the wool for these yeah they they’re pretty expensive I don’t think you can have a desk chair which kind of sucks but that’s that’s fine no way I can make a

Door I’m going to go make this yes yes although it should probably be on the outside yeah just throw it on the there we go right here there we go look at that oh my God everything’s coming together this is this is beautiful you have the little path going around here

Look at that okay that’s pretty cool I’m impressed with that one that one’s that one’s nice uh a trampoline oh I can’t build that either I don’t have a slime ball okay let’s try something right here then what if I just completely ooh you know what I like that and then does it

Work that I can’t jump over them I do like that but it means that I have to get rid of the little like lanterns that I’ve got going on here but either way that was a pretty good uh that was a pretty good day with the furniture mod

Right there I love this thing it’s so good okay make oh why am I in a chest no make some of these see how they look we’ll make we’ll make two okay do they look christmy ooh that’s very christmy that is yeah no that is yeah that is way

Too christmy I don’t think that I can get away with doing such things at this time of the year all right well I’m glad I didn’t waste more than two iron on those um yeah they’re going in the chest we’re never touching them again they’re never seeing the light of day okay well

I don’t really know what we can do then with the whole flower thing we can make o we can make a flower box ooh wait we’ve got supplementaries up in here as well so oh supplementaries doesn’t do too much actually by the look of it now it adds Spruce hanging signs a

Deep slate lamp Okay maybe they do add some things that’s kind of cool but no I think we want to make some flower boxes and then I kind of want to have some flowers maybe outside my house in this little area here maybe right between here would be would be quite nice if

They can join together ooh we can also make item shelves as well which I think would look pretty nice okay all right how do they look oh okay they’re very like yeah they’re very thin okay well they might make nice little oops they might make nice little details I don’t

Know uh we’ll make a couple of them though oh they’re a lot smaller than I thought they were okay well we can can we put them on things oh you can oh this is going to be amazing all right right so let me actually grab a couple of

Flowers then we’ll see what we can put in them oh you can put three in oh two apparently oh there we go yeah three all right so is it possible then for me to get more flowers I know that I’ve like grown some stuff before and managed to

Get like the blue ones I’ll go over here I’ll go over to the back right segment of this island and I’ll just Farm out because I’m pretty sure that I can get like multiple different ones okay I did not get any different ones but I do have

A bunch of puppies now oh no there’s a shark right there please stay away don’t come over here he’s coming over here he’s coming over here he’s coming over here go away okay well I guess I’ll use what I have and just kind of place down these Planters then there’s not really

Too much else I can do put a red one there and a red one there that looks nice and then maybe a couple here as well so we’ll do yellow yellow yellow and then red red red there we go that looks nice so let’s have a little quick

Look to see if there’s anything a crimson Lantern hello um I’m not going in the nether so that’s not happening okay well I think that was a good couple of days messing around with decorations and stuff that was uh pretty good but I think now we have gone through and

Cleared up like everything I wanted to use I’ll have a little quick look through but I don’t think that there’s too much else that a I can make or B that I want to make you see there’s all the neptunium stuff and I kind of want

To get like a you get the loot boxes right yeah look neptunian Bounty you get them from oh the ingots how do I get the ingots yeah I know that how do I get the Nuggets then from the ingots where do they come from though let me enchant a

Fishing Rod I think we already have one uh yeah it has lure two so we’ll make another fishing rod actually I’ll make two uh and then we’ll enchant these and see how they go and I think we’ll spend probably like a day fishing because we’ve not really fished too much for

Anything really other than materials oh I’m not even level 30 oh uh in that case then let me go get some trading done let just grab all this up and then uh I guess I’ll make some Bank okay so I traded pretty much all night didn’t get

As much xp as I was expecting though um apparently they’re all like broke right now now and their trades are all buggy because they won’t refresh cuz they’re not sleeping and stuff they’re not even moving half of them I really don’t know what moving them Islands did to them but

It really mess them up now we’re hoping to try and get I think it’s look of the C3 that’s not what I wanted okay well we’ll try again we’ll try again here and nope and I can’t enchant this one maybe I can’t what happens if I enchant that

Oh well that’s gone and so my levels okay you know what we’ll do with what we have I’ll combine these three together and then we’ll just spend the day fishing now shortly after starting to fish I ended up finding a fishing rod that ended up putting mine to shame and

Was just so much better however it did eventually break but that’s fine because I immediately found another one that ended up having mending on it so that’s even better okay come here and then I think we’re going to leave it there for today that is also a really nice Sunset

Look at that oo all right so we didn’t really get much of anything during the day I got multiple fishing rods uh and free name tag which is nice and a message in a bottle what do you have for me good sir okay great you know lovely

Message thank you very much that was so useful to me I also got a goldfish which said that I can turn it into a golden nugget which is amazing can I eat this I honestly I don’t want to eat it can I put it back in the water like I don’t

Want this I don’t want this poor thing I I don’t want to turn him into gold man but yeah so that was the uh the day pretty uneventful not going to lie did not get much of anything although we did get some tuna that was that’s pretty

Good now the next couple of days we spent finishing off some little details and tidying up some areas just to add the finishing touches to the build and I also did find a way to end off the like exit areas of the raft that I’m not

Using at the very far ends um I just put a hedge there and it ended up looking pretty good so now after doing a little bit of tidying I think I want to oh I was going to say focus on you guys but I think I fixed the problem I organized

All the beds to that side and I also blocked off the ways they can get in here so that they hopefully don’t bug out as much when they’re trying to get in cuz I think that they think that they’re fences and I think that they know

That they can’t get past them I don’t know but either way it seems like everybody’s in here now oh well he’s okay you know yeah I didn’t fix anything okay what is that noise what was that hello oh God hello buddy uh that’s not what I wanted to find over there oh it’s

Cuz there’s a there’s an octopus in my boat that’s what the noise is look at him he’s just chilling in there how’s it going buddy hey you know what I’m going to give you a name tag you’re going to you’re going to stay you’re going to be

My pet now I want an aquarium for the villagers like put a little aquarium under here for the villagers yeah I think that’s a good idea actually um do you guys still sell me the axe have you refreshed your trade yet you have but it’s not okay I don’t have the emeralds

For it I guess I’m just going to have to go and try and repair it with diamonds again then won’t have enough XP to repair it very much but it should hopefully be able to cover the cost of part of the floor that I’m going to rip

Up okay so boom boom that’s going to be way too expensive oh no it’s not actually it’s only seven damn there we go all right fully Decked Out diamond axe is that good oh wait no that’s a little bit too that’s too far right it’s

Not on the stair is it no it’s in okay and then we’ll go around the size with glass yeah yeah that would be pretty good all right let’s just hope that there’s no like I don’t know sharks and stuff down here and also let’s hope that

We have enough glass because I feel like this is going to be okay we have enough for now but I guarantee that that won’t remain enough oh yeah we do not have anywhere near enough glass to do this yeah no that is uh yeah we’re severely

Lacking on that front Okay okay so I think I’m going to go and do some trades real quick to try and Stack Up on as much as I can from them and then if that is just not going to be that efficient I will go and grab just a bunch from the

Ocean floor all right not bad at all actually we only need just a little bit more and then we should be good so I’m going to hope that he restocks his trade if not what I’ll do is I’ll immediately go tonight and grab the sand and then

Just smelt it down overnight so that it’s not just a boring task tomorrow okay so I’ve still got about a stack smelting down between two furnaces but this I think should at the very least finish off the sides and most of the floor okay there we go that did uh that

Did pretty well actually we’ve only got like maybe I’d say like 20 more for the bottom and then like maybe half a stack for the top so that’s not too bad now how does this thing actually look from up here now uh it don’t look bad to be fair it

Looks it looks quite nice now if I place water down there will that like then sort it out it will okay yeah overall that’s pretty good actually um hopefully they can’t escape through this I don’t want to leave it open just for if so

What I’m going to do now is I’m going to wait for the rest of the glass to smelt down and then we’ll go we’ll finish that off and then try the tedious task of trying to get that octopus in there how am I going to get oh God how am I going

To get him in there yeah I don’t know how I’m going to do this then wait he’s green what why is he changing color what what’s happening to him is he an RGB octopus oh wait no octopus can change color right they go between like browny

Orange then to like white I think I I don’t know I know that some of them can I don’t know if all of them can but I know that there’s at least one that I have seen that has changed color did know they were RGB though I’m curious if

I make a piston can I then just like push him onto land oh my god it worked oh my god it worked okay yes oh we’re going to do this we’re going to do this right got to line you up properly there we go and boom up we

there we go it wasn’t even that hard I thought this was going to be a real pain but no Hello friends I have brought you well essentially I would say entertainment but he’s a pet not entertainment although he can work workers both okay there we go go in

There go in there go in the water damn it no water in the water don’t make me attack you get in the water it’s there man get in the water I am going to lose it with you my good friend get in the boat get in the boat if that didn’t work

This will there we go he’s in the water now and he’s straight back out ooh you fiend you absolute fiend where’s he going hey hey don’t go over there get in the boat get I’ve had it with you get in Jesus you don’t make any more noise he’s

Getting trapped in there he’s going to have to go in like at the last second I’m going have to block him in real quick I’m stuck I’m literally stuck let me out okay right will you fall in the water here in in no son of a okay you

Know what he’s a land octopus he’s a land octopus I’m sure he’s definitely going to go actually wait can I just wait wait wait wait go in there no no no go in in in no oh I hate this guy so much fine fine have it your way stay out

See if I care I don’t care anymore I’m done with him I’m done with him he’s dead to me you know what I’m actually going to do first today you know what I’m going to do first straight away straight off the bat where’s that name

Tag I had a name tag where is it there it is right I’m going to name this octopus something absolutely atrocious all right I’m going to name him a name that nobody wants to be named I’m going to name him a name so foul that he’ll

Wish that he went in the water his name is Slug that’s his name his name is Slug sluggy where you at buddy there you are hello here there you go slug there you go yeah you slimy little guy no one loves you slug no one loves you yeah you

Know what actually the name’s kind of cute I actually like him again now it’s your own fault though you have access to the water you just won’t go in it you can go in whenever you want I’ll leave it open maybe he’ll go in at some point

But I highly doubt that okay so let me go and replace these couple bits of of leaf here there we go and then we’ll head over to the island and I kind of want to put a little Shrine down for my doggy don’t know how I’m going to build

This thing don’t know how it’s going to look um but it’ll be something okay there we go there’s a shrine to my dog it doesn’t look like anything but it’s I know what it means okay I know what it means I I I understand the the deeper meaning the connection behind it all

Right I’m not even going to put a sign down for him I I didn’t even have a name I didn’t even have a name he literally just suffocated in a step over here man like you clearly wasn’t destined to be with us okay well reflecting back on

Things all right buz being on day 100 right now I feel like we made some pretty wacky progress this video uh a lot of wood used if you couldn’t tell an absolute ton of wood used we have a couple bees I didn’t expect to get these

Fellas there is still the odd one or two that flew off over into the ocean just into the great unknown Abyss we have a octopus named slug wherever he’s gone hello buddy there he is look at him that’s slug for you but yeah to end things off this time I guess I’ll open

This last Barrel that I found on the way over to the island oh actually that was a pretty decent Barrel got some obsidian and some iron not bad at all yeah if you guys enjoyed this new style of video and you want to see more then please be sure

To let me know by dropping a like and a comment down below if things seemed a little weird pacing wise or if the commentary was a little bit janky this time around um there was like a week break in between day 50 and like the

Rest of it and it is my first attempt at this new style so please let me know if you want to see more of it and hopefully all the videos won’t be as long as this one but they should be pretty long yeah there we have it there’s a 100 days on a

Raft I think this was a pretty good one all right we built some pretty good stuff it looks really nice very symmetrical very pleasing to the eye and so with the end of that it concludes our time in the oceans for now and let’s move on to something far far above that

Feels just a little bit more claustrophobic I’m of course talking about the time I spent in The NeverEnding blocky void known as one block Sky Block okay so on day one in this desolate void I got started on breaking this magical block for the first time and there was also some

Magical text telling me exactly what to do as well so that was quite nice then all of a sudden a Pig spawned and proceeded to very quickly despawn I’m very sorry buddy but this blog just isn’t big enough for the both of us anyways after the pig incident I decided

That it’ probably be a good idea to expand out the island a little bit so things weren’t as cramped I went back to mining the block after the expansion and ended up getting myself a water bucket which I would then use to Spider-Man I guess it’d be more like Aquaman my way

Down underneath the magic block to place another block that way I can pick up all the gravity blocks that spawn such as sand and gravel anyway I succeeded in my block placing Mission and returned to mining when boom I was now done with the tutorial and we were in the first of

Many phases now at this point I made myself some basic tools and came to the realization that I’ll probably be stuck with these for a while so I decided to give them names Meet Dave Steve and Sir alfons III these lot are going to be my friends on this journey until I

Inevitably forget about them or worst case break them after a little while longer breaking the block I ended up with a second chance of having a pig pet so put a little pen together for him and I’m sure he’s happy with all the room he

Has in there he’s 100% free range and a happy pig don’t question it oh wow would you look at that it’s getting dark and I don’t have a bed so I guess it’s time for me to stay up all night breaking this block oh look there’s a cow sorry

Buddy I don’t have any wood to make you a pen for now so just chill over here like a good MooMoo so after tirelessly mining for most of the night and going up a phase or something I really don’t know what happened I think the block

Bugged out um on the morning of day two the island was starting to get a little bit crowded so I started on some big expansion you see my plan for this 100 days is to make all my Islands separate and connected in a grid-like pattern with Bridges and each one having their

Own theme so I got to work on making my Island the right size and then bridging out to start making the second island that I was going to use as a tree farm anyways after using up most of my wood expanding I uh made some more fences and

Finally gave the pig some more room as well as a couple of friends which must be nice because out of the two I only have room I do have sir alons but he really doesn’t talk to me much he’s more of a listening guy god I think I’m going

Crazy on day two anyways back to Mining and waiting for my trees to go and oh boy mine I did until Steve made an untimely End by me breaking one too many dirt blocks with him goodbye my good friend you will be remembered one pig

And a cow later and I finally had a tree grow then I promptly chopped it all down and now I have no trees again how sad it’s okay though because two blocks later I had a sheep and was one step closer to having a bed and never having

To encounter Phantoms I also had a big brain idea to put a barrier around my block for in case it decided to turn on me and spawn mobs I hope that my slabs would keep them at Bay and after another round of mining some chickens and a pigo

Spawned and I was feeling too lazy to put them in the pen so I let sir alons the third do what he does best and then he was back to mining all night because I don’t have a bed still and I’d rather be productive than just sit here and do

Nothing on day three I started work on the tree farm Island and managed to get the floor part done but didn’t really get to finish outing the fences due to a severe lack of wood but that’s okay because now we have an infinite water water sauce that will come in very very

Useful later on but for now it’s back to mining because I think I only have one more day to get a bed before the Phantoms come and pay me a visit oh look another Pig I swear these things are taking over my Island I’m you know I’m going to put a stop to

It okay back to mining oh look another chest with a water bucket I have four now and really don’t know why I’m getting so many but I’m not going to complain about it also why does my block keep turning to badrock and counting down and then not upgrading is it broken

I really hope not anyways I got a second sheet but there was no way for me to get the wall for a bed so I just made a little shelter underneath this tree right here for in case the Phantoms came I also decided to block off the second

Island because it was dark over there and I really didn’t want anything coming over here to mess my day up and to be honest with you it’s lucky I did because this little guy tried to get the drop on me but alals dealt with him pretty

Swiftly and we got back to mining just as I was about to start getting really worried about the map being bugged it finally happened we went up a phase and now we can get stone I was extremely happy about this so I decided to kill a

Few of the animals around the area I don’t really know why it’s quite as stupid decision but anyways my happiness was quite shortlived because I started to get sniped by the Skelly boy so I just ran away and cowered until sunrise and in the morning I watched them all

Burn except the lucky few that decided to hide under trees and didn’t die so now there’s no way I’m going over there today now day for let me tell you day four was a pretty productive day I started out by making two more Islands one that I would use for my house area

And the other one that I’d use for my animals after a little wood Gathering later the islands were done and they started to feel a lot more secure with fences on around them but by the time I was done expanding everything and placing fences it was starting to get

Dark so I decided to mine for a little bit and ended up getting our first piece of iron so that was quite cool but then I saw this Skelly boy with an enchanted bow and didn’t really want to take the chance of him having Flame or knock back

On it and killing me so I decided to hide in my little tree for for the rest of the night on the morning of day five after all the mobs were nice and crispy I went out to try and deal with all the creepers that were still about and well it went terribly

So then I had to basically spend the rest of the day repairing and lighting up all the islands so that this never happens again and after wasting most of the day cleaning up the mess the islands was starting to look a lot tidier and then I decided to make some progress on

My home Island area it was mainly just moving my chests over there but hey progress is progress anyways I decided to end off this hectic day by making myself a bow planting a few saplings and then making up for last night’s laziness by mining the block all night after the

Shenanigans that went off on day five I wanted to feel productive so on day six I chopped down my trees and made some more fences to go around the sides of the islands after getting jumped by two zombies but quickly and easily dealing with them I felt much safer so I built

Myself a little Hut on my home Island and got to work on smelting down my iron so that I could make a shield and now I’d feel a lot better about fighting creepers or anything for that matter and also I know that the hood looks bad

Trust me I’ll make it look a lot better later but for now it’ll do I also made a bed as well so that I can find L sleep and never have to deal with Phantoms and let me tell you this was the best night’s sleep I ever had so I spent the

Entirety of day seven just mining my way through the underground phas collecting as much ore and Cobble as possible and I did almost die to a creeper but you know what’s new anyways by the end of the day we had Advanced to the next stage the icy tundra or whatever it’s called it

Was the icy snowy biome and I wasn’t really too fussed about mining anymore so I went to bed and on the following days I started work on a brand new island that would be known as grinder land uh well maybe not maybe it mob land

Or I’m building a mob farm with all the Cobble I got yesterday okay and the only reason I’m doing this is because I want a load of arrows to shoot at things and also I wouldn’t mind the random piece of iron dropping from killing a zombie but

Anyway I worked on the farm all throughout the day into the night and until the morning of the following day when I went and chopped down some trees to get the last bit of wood i’ needed to finish placing the trap doors and boom the farm was now done so I headed down

To test it and oh boy this thing works like a charm it is so good but after the success of building the mob farm I uh went to bed and on the morning of day 10 I did what any logical person with a brand new mob farm would do I used it

For most of the day mainly to test it out and to also get some arrows and XP for in case I enchant later I also finished securing the sides of the mob farm as well as all the bridges connecting to it and then when I went

Back to killing mobs I ended up getting an enchanted bow that was pretty nice it didn’t have the best enchants but hey it was free I can’t complain but then I noticed that the mob farm had suddenly stopped working so I went to take a look

At what the problem was and I almost had a heart attack you see there was a bunch of creepers up there blocking it all up so that nothing would drop down and I really needed to fix this so I towered my way up there and ended up spending

All night fixing it so I got no sleep and on the morning of day 11 I was feeling pretty groggy about that so uh I decided that I was sick of hearing the animals while mining the magic block so it’s time to get to work on moving them

So uh I finally made an island for farming wheat carrots and pot potatoes and with the help of some bone meal I had some crops ready immediately to start luring the animals to their new forever home AKA a small Grid in which they cannot escape to spend all eternity

And by Nightfall all my animals were in their new home so uh I cleaned up the Block Island a little bit and then went to bed day 12 was a block breaking day so not really much happened except me finding a wolf and then promptly taming

It his name is dup by the way and I’m sure he will play a massive part in this video anyways after making a friend I decided to mine some more and end up getting jumped by this very chilly boy that slowed me but I killed him and then

My spirit animal came into existence two arctic foxes that were then promptly attacked by two polar bears that just seemed to disappear how how strange more mining later and a zombie moans in my ear signaling a monster party it’s okay though because I fought them like a man and then returned to

Mining for the rest of the night hey look at that it’s a new phase we can now get sand which is very cool I guess I’m I’m going to bed on days 13 to 16 I went out on a big island expansion spree because cuz I had like four different

Types of saplings and I wanted to grow them all individually so that’s exactly what I set out to do I started out by making an island for birch trees on the right and then an island for spruce trees in the middle and finally on the left should be dark oak trees but I

Didn’t have enough saplings to grow on so it it’ll come later on anyways I finished them all off by adding fences all around them and I also did a little bit of work on the farming this time but I really didn’t do that much now day 17

Was spent at the mob grinder I needed more bones after growing all those trees and well I was also planning on making my house out Spruce and dark oak and I was going to need a lot of it so uh yeah pretty boring day for day 17 except the

Point where I almost died to a creeper on day 18 after having a very successful day at the mob grinder I almost had full leather armor and I also noticed that I did have an extra dark oak sapling in my chest so I spent the day growing and

Chopping down as many Spruce and dark oak trees as possible so that I could start work on my house soon I also decided to take the time and add a new attraction to the theme park that I called storage Island can you get guess what’s over there that’s right it’s a

Load of chests ready to be filled with my crap I think it’s going to be quite the popular attraction anyways after my pockets were filled up with wood and my home was less filled with crap I went to bed and on the following 3 days I got to

Work on my house now I don’t really know what I was going for but I think it came out pretty good just just take a look and by the end of day 22 my house was done and well I’m really impressed with it I didn’t follow a tutorial or

Anything and I’m quite bad at ELD in so I think it looks quite nice with the house now being complete day 23 was another block breaking day because we’re now in the ocean phase and well I really wanted to get some fishies and maybe even make a little aquarium area and I

Also wanted to deal with killing the Guardians ASAP because I hate them so much with a burning passion they are the worst thing to Grace this blocky void and I wish Hellfire upon them sorry I really don’t like Guardians anyway not too long after starting the face some

Squid spawned that I tried to keep alive but they’re notoriously stupid and just didn’t stay in the water so they died anyway sometime later I ended up getting my first actual fish to spawn it was a salmon but hey I’ll take what I can get

I placed him in this little 2x two area for now until I could make him a real home and then it happened my first Guardian fight and they really messed me up all right I tell you they got a few good hits in but I came out Victorious

And went straight back to mining my block and soon after some more fishies spawned which I quickly added to the family and as I was just beginning to forget about the Guardians big papa came in and ruined my day by just existing but not to worry though because he

Doesn’t exist anymore and his night fell so did a dolphin straight off the side of the island don’t worry it was 100% his choice he wanted to go but then just as I started relaxing there was the zombie moan again followed by three drowns bang bang each one hits me with

Their Trident I’m on half a heart and I tried to get away but they’re Relentless they’re charging at me through the barricades this is it I am dead there’s no way out of this I’m on half a heart boom I blocked the Trident with my

Shield and I run to my house if I can just get up the ladder I’m safe I make it up there and I cow until my health returns and now it’s my turn I easily pick off the one at the back that was separated from the rest of his

Friends he’s gone now it’s time for the other two I slide down on my roof to the lower floors this is it I casually pop down drop the first guy with ease and finally end the final drown reclaiming my Island they never set a chance anyways anyways now that that’s over I

Continue to mine for the rest of the night and not really much happen Happ except an Elder Guardian coming un Alive by the morning of day 24 I was still mining trying to get out of the ocean phase when I found a chest with a music

Disc and three books that was quite nice to find and I also ended up finding another Diamond but finally after a day and a half straight of mining I finally progressed to the next phase and I spent the rest of the day organizing all my storage and just taking it easy on day

25 I had a lot of fishies just chilling in a very small area so I wanted to make them a nice place to live so I got to work on building Aqua Island the paradise for all fish so here’s the time lapse of that now but let me tell you it was very

Scary to build at first cuz I was terrified of falling and just dying also I wasn’t sure if the dead coral I had in my chest would be able to be saved I put it in water so I just I didn’t do anything with it but I did use this nice

Looking alive Coral which I placed down while I was waiting for the glass to smell and when the glass was ready I placed it all down moved the fish over and boom halfway through Day 26 the aqua Island was done and it was looking pretty nice if I do say so

Myself and now you may be wondering hey poppers what about the turtles well don’t worry I have a plan for them very soon but for now I just need to go and get some more fences around my Island so I spent the rest of the day chopping

Wood and placing them down now we’re just over a quarter of the way done with this 100 days and I’ve got to say the islands are coming along pretty nice they look quite good and I can’t wait to see how they look at the end anyways on

To day 27 I spent most of the day chopping oak trees down to restock on wood because I wanted to do some more expanding soon and didn’t have any wood to do that after stocking up on wood I began work on a brand new island known as Turtle Island however this one was

Going to need more work than a normal Island so I didn’t get it all finished in one day so then on the morning of day 28 I continued with it and got it finished off by noon and well all I need to do now is bring over the turtles so I

Made a boat and very slowly moved them over to their new home and now I’m going to be honest with you if I was a turtle I’d be quite happy with this place but anyways I placed down my turtle legegg put a bit of kelp at the Bott and boom

The Island’s now done and they’ve got some happy Turtles now we got some happy Turtles day 29 was another block breaking day and we’re now in the jungle dungeon phase so I had no idea what to expect from this block anyways I got to work on breaking the block and ended up

Finding two parrots a quickly followed by two Vex that were extremely annoying and I completely forgot existed but now that I knew that they were on this phase I was very very cautious many blocks later I ended up finding two no actually make that three oel lots and a panda and

Two witches that I then quickly dealt with but not without being poisoned down to half a heart first then I ended up finding a horse spawn egg that I was quite confused about but uh I put it down with the rest of the animals but then it wasn’t really important because

Immediately after I found two horses so the egg really wasn’t needed and then oh boy it’s time to almost die again this time it was to Vex and damn these guys do damage but it’s it’s okay because I ran away I cowed I regen and then I

Killed them but no rest for the wicked it’s time to break more blocks by the morning of day 30 my Island was now full of noble steeds and well I was also done with the jungle face that God and had a lot more ideas of islands that I would

Get on with building straight away so I sorted out all my loot from the jungle phase and got to work on three more islands that I would aptly name jungle island bamboo Island and horse Island because I have so many of the bloody things that they get their own landmass

Next up on the list is bamboo Island so I went to bed and in the morning I got to work on it now I’ll just tell you that this island really didn’t take long except the fact where I grew a giant spruce tree in the middle to get the

Brown grassy stuff on the floor I don’t know what it’s called but I know that bamboo jungles naturally spawn with it and I thought it would look good anyways after that I just planted some bamboo and that’s really it bamboo Island was done now it’s time for horse Island and

I I know I know it’s quite underwhelming right but just just hear me out okay I need to put grass here and then it’ll look good especially when I grow it with like uh with bone meal and gets all the planes things it’ll look good then but

For now it doesn’t look that great and plus I don’t really have a way to transport the horses over here right now cuz I don’t have any leads Saddles and they won’t go in a boat so it’s kind of just an island of floating dirt for now

Anyways on day 32 I connected all the new islands together with Bridges and then secured the sides of them with fences and then got to work on making a very awful looking dirt line from the grass of the Birch Island all the way over to the dirt of the horse Island in

Hopes it would spread and eventually there’d be grass over there so we’ll come back and check on that later anyways I decided to move the panda over to the bamboo Island because I thought that’d be much happier over there and on the journey this man spawned I didn’t

Really care initially but then I realized that he has leads that I can use for the horses later so I swiftly deleted the llamas took the leads and then took the panda over to its new home and by this point it was starting to get

Dark so I lit up the new islands and called it a day now on day 33 I was running quite low on food so I tended to my farm harvesting all my wheat and potatoes and I did check on the grass progress but well it it really didn’t do

Much so given that I’ll be waiting a while for that to spread or go anywhere or do anything I came up with a very cool but very very risky idea you see I wanted to transform all of these segments between my Islands into little bodies of water for two reasons number

One it looks cool and number two it adds some amount of safety to the place but mainly because I think it would look cool anyways I decided to build the first one out of a mix of Cobble and mossy Cobble just to see how it had come

Out and well I don’t think it looked that bad I think it was looking pretty good and I was really liking it but I didn’t like the fact that the horses found their way in there and then I had to spend most of the night transporting them back to their temporary little home

Day 34 sat out with me filling the new cool looking safety pool thing with water and now I definitely think that I should do one of these at each segment because they just look so nice especially now that I knew that I could bone meal the bottom of the water to

Make seagrass and also add some lanterns to make it look extremely nice I knew what I was going to spend the next few days doing that’s right I worked on making most of the intersections into a water Paradise for 3 days I harvested Vines to make more Mossy Cobble and I

Used quite a bit of my eye on for lanterns but oh boy look at the end result and tell me it wasn’t worth it it just looks so good and especially at night now this does tear through materials pretty quickly but I mean there’s no rush we can just admire the

Work that we’ve done so far and build more later so on day 37 after building for 2 days straight without a break I decided to grind out the mob farm all day because all that water placing really used up on my bone meal and I needed more bones to continue with the

Water pools so uh yeah I really didn’t do anything except stand there and swing my soul Ed defenseless mobs all day hey day 38 you never going to guess what we did we broke the block all day that’s right I needed more Cobble and this was

The only way I could get it so uh yeah this was the uh this was quite a weird phas it was the Red Sands or whatever it’s basically a Mesa but it’s it’s kind of strange uh but this phase actually ended up being pretty lucrative for me I

Found a llama and then I found some diamonds that then got eaten by a fox so then I had to bribe the fox with food to drop them um and then I found a villager which I swiftly trapped in a boat to trade with later then I found a

Wondering Trader named Joe who suffered the same fate as a villager and then I found some donkeys and shortly after that a monster party but no worries I’ve dealt with a lot worse than a few husks and weaponless vindicators well would you look at that there’s another villager guess where they’re going

That’s right in a boat more mining later I got jumped by three husks and found another Trader killed more defenseless illers and boom next phase by day 39 I’m glad that’s over anyway I spent the rest of Day N sorting out all my crap because

There was a lot of it day 40 oh boy um we’re approaching the halfway point pretty quickly uh I made a sugar Island on day 40 it’s a sugarcane farm if you couldn’t have guessed um I needed this because I’ve made no progress on enchanting and I really wanted to be

Ready by the time I got the obsidian so uh I got to work and soon enough we had a fully functioning sugarcan Farm after the farm was done I went and harvested my wheat and started to breed some cows for the rest of the day because I really

Needed leather as well okay days 41 to 45 I got a lot of stuff done first off we made an island for cacti because I had some and still hadn’t made a farm yet so yeah that’s it and I also wanted to get some use out of the the Red Sand

Stuff that I got last phase so yeah anyways U then I made one for acacia trees to keep with a theme of tree islands and then finally one that would become the home of my two Villages that I would hopefully make into more villagers but that’s like a passive

Thing that will happen in future so we won’t worry about that anyways after all three islands were done I mov my villagers into their new home and it was pretty nice it had beds it had a little farm it had little Windows to look out of and I’m sure that

They’ll be happy there for all eternity also during this entire time I was passively breeding the cows and we now have quite a lot of them so leather should no longer be a problem also I think it’s time for us to check up on our dirt Isa path thing that spread in

The grass and well we still have a very long way to go I don’t know why it’s spreading so slowly by day 46 I had enough cows to start calling them for leather and after dealing with the cows I went and made two books and used my

Book shelf to make a lect turn that I took over to the Villages and after two refreshes I had myself a mending book for 24 emeralds what a steal so I quickly snatched up this offer but I didn’t have enough iron to make myself

An anvil so I kind of just put it in a chest and left it there and then made myself a diamond pickaxe and on the morning of day 47 I got to work on mining the block again to stuck up on iron and to hopefully get one step closer to getting obsidian for

Enchanting but I was feeling pretty good about getting obsidian considering we’re in the nether phase now and oh boy was this an eventful phase first off we got jumped by two piglins that I killed one of them and then realized I could trade with the other one so I got my drip on

And tried to trade with him but it turns out they kind of turn into zombie pigman in the Overworld so uh I I killed him uh it was quite sad but it’s okay because shortly after I found some ancient debris I I didn’t know that this could

Spawn in one block and then finally immediately after we found some obsidian and well I’m going to be honest with you I have never been so happy to mine this block in my entire time playing Minecraft now I just need three more and I can enchant I also found this

Vindicator spawn egg and I don’t know really why I would ever use that thing but whatever I guess I’ll take it then I had a big brain idea and decided to grow some of this uh warped Netherrack so that I could make some warped biome Islands later because it’s the only way

I can pick it up because I don’t have silk touch so uh yeah pretty big brain idea right there um and then everything went downhill you see uh Blaze exist and my entire structure is outlined with wood so uh some stuff went down and uh

Well all my hard work almost went up in smoke but luckily I acted fast and there was only some minor damage and some animals with third degree burns but after that incident I got back to Mining and somewhat fireproof the island a little bit to avoid that ever happening

Again one gas jump scare later and we’re making our way through the nether phase pretty smoothly hey look at that I found some red nether grass and a Wither Skull so let’s go I guess oh God not you again right another monster party it’s okay though because this one was easy just

One tap the gas kill the piglins snipe The Blaze and boom is restored after almost another entire day of mining I found a lava bucket and some Nether wart and then boom next phase finally that was the most hectic phase yet but also the most lucrative I mean just look at

All the stuff we got and we can also get some netherite stuff now so uh I think it was definitely worth almost burning down my Island ah day 50 the Big 5 the big marker the halfway point um I just sorted out all my storage because I

Wanted everything to have its own place and actually give storage Island more of a role in this video video but uh yeah it’s a pretty Waring day let’s let’s move on with the nether phase now being over and done with we now have a lot more blocks at our disposal so you know

What that means it’s building time so let’s just start ourselves off with a nice simple nether wall Farm you know not too fancy don’t take up too much time but it’s very much so needed for potions now next up we have the Warped Island my all-time favorite Nether biome

And for this one and the Crimson one I had to place Netherrack all the way from the magic block all the way to the back of these islands here to then grow the grass stuff over here but anyways a few shroom trees later and boom it’s looking pretty good onto the Crimson One now I don’t know why these trees grow so tall but it’s kind of cool seeing them all unobstructed like this anyways when I was done with the nether Islands I realized I had quite a lot of cobblestone again so I made a few more water intersections but didn’t add any

Lanterns because I needed my iron to make an anvil and I really didn’t want to waste any of it so in the morning of day 55 I made myself an anvil almost using up all of my iron and Fin finally made myself an enchantment table and with it came enchantment Islands that’s

Right the One-Stop shop to enchant your gear but I still didn’t have enough stuff to make all the bookshelves so I went and harvested some sugarcane called some cows and now finally we can enchant after 54 days of being weak I can finally feel true power he says as he

Enchants his pickaxe and well that’s it because he’s too poor to make the armor but no I did enchant my sword but it was a really bad enchant and instead of putting it in a grindstone like a smart person I wasted two more iron to make another sword and get yet another bad

Enchant so uh yeah I put mening on my pick and went to bed and on day 56 I went and mined the block again this time hoping to make hella bank with my newly Enchanted fortune 3 Pick and uh well if you thought the nether phas gave me some

Good stuff wait until you see this absolute joke of a phase first off I got silk touch which I can now mine grass and stuff so uh I have no need for the dirt I saw anymore thank God and then we got bees we got emeralds we got diamonds

We got lots of lapis we got Skelly horse we got whatever the hell this thing is we got stacks of quartz we got potions we got iron we got coal we got basically everything and it was an absolute walk in the park because the only thing that

Attacked me during this entire phase was bees and well they can’t kill you really so there’s no worries easy clap let’s get some more builds done so as soon as day 59 came into existence I ran out of my house to get rid of that awful pile

Of dirt and then I went around placing grass everywhere that needed it and now finally things are starting to come together I moved all the horses to horse Island and now the name actually works for it and then I uh went to check up on the villagers which there was now three

Of so I made him an armor so that I can trade emeralds to get some diamond armor from him and then I got to work on stacking up on paper wheat and potatoes to trade for more emeralds to level up my Armory boy now by the end of the day

I completely exhausted all my bone mual reserves and I went to bed and on day 60 I stood at that mob grinder all day just to restart my bone Supply now all I did for the following 2 days is Harvest and regrow all of my crops From Dawn Till

Dusk each day to stack up on as many of them as I could do until on day 64 I returned to my villagers and began trading with them and let me tell you we were in the money we were leveling them all up we were getting deals we were

Getting better and better armor it was great now they did keep running out of stock but that’s okay because we finally managed to grab our very first piece of diamond armor and we’ll keep trading with them passively over the next few days anyways I picked up all the iron

Armor from all over the floor and made an auto smelter and then put it all in there to smelt down into iron nuggies so that I can get some iron from it I’m being quite resourceful anyways while that was smelting down um I went around and replaced some of the Torches

Around my house with lanterns because I can trade for them now and well they look better than just normal torches now on day 65 we welcome yet another Island into the family but this one is a pretty drastic one say hello to Nether Portal land or whatever you want to call it you

See I noticed that I had eight obsidian left after making the enchantment table and the nether phase ended up giving me three lava buckets so I thought well I can use those turn them into obsidian and then if I need a lava bucket for anything else I can just pick some more

Lava up from the nether so it was a win-win situation all around and yes I know the nether Portal’s out of place I’ll fix it later but for now at least we can go in there but we’re not going to because I’ve come too far to lose all

Of this to some stupid nether spawn so I don’t want to go in there until I have at least iron armor so once again I harvested all my crops and I also went and Enchanted a hoe with Fortune because I think that it gives you more drops but

I’m not too sure on that anyways I went back over to the villagers and ended the day off with another piece of diamond armor we’re now halfway there on day 66 I woke up and decided to make myself a grindstone and then crafted myself a diamond chest plate a diamond sword and

A diamond axe now all I need is to trade for a diamond helmet anyways then I went to go and enchant them all and ended up getting pretty good rolls all the way around except well maybe my boots and my axe could have been better so really my

Chest piece was pretty good but either way I I’ll reenchant them all later after the enchantment session I returned to my villagers to buy the final piece of armor and take one step closer to bringing this journey to an end and now find finally at long last we are full

Diamond armor with pretty damn good enchants as well may I say and now it was time to really start preparing for the end so uh I tended to my nether W farm and then spent the rest of the day at the mob grinder to get some XP back

And on day 67 I went and Enchanted my helmet but ended up getting a very meh enchant anyways then I spent basically the rest of the day growing and cutting down oak trees that way I can get some apples to make some golden apples because why wouldn’t I want them um and

Then at the end of the day I made a bruin stand so that I could start making potions ASAP and finally on day 68 it was time to head into The Nether and see what we could find now I was hoping to find a blue biome so I could actually

Get some ender pearls and it’s obviously my favorite biome but uh I didn’t spawn in or near one and after looking around for a while I decided that my best bet to get pearls was probably to trade with piglin so uh I set out and eventually found one but well after about 10

Minutes of trading he gave me absolutely zero pearls so after some heavy gold mining and a fight with a Magma Cube I tried again with these two lovely piglins right here and well I ended up getting some Fire Res which was nice and then after all that gold I got two

Pearls which was an absolute scam so uh in my search for more gold I did actually end up finding a blue biome and not only that but I saw a Bastion too and decided to head home clear out my inventory and then at least try to take

On the loot area of that Bastion so on day 71 I returned to the Nether and I was feeling pretty nervous about this entire Bastion idea but it’s okay I’ve done it before it’s fine I um I decided to go in a very sneaky approach as opposed to running straight in because

Well there were a lot of piglins and I really didn’t want to make them mad so I began to Tunnel through the belly of the Beast slowly making my way to each chest and looting it and well to be honest with you I got two ancient debris and

Pigstep so I’ll call that a win anyways after sneaking my way back outside of the Bastion I saw another piglin near my portal so I decided to trade with him a little bit and ended up getting two more pearls so uh not a bad way to end off

The day anyways I returned home I sorted out all my Loot and then I called it a day and went to bed I basically opened up my own Brewery with how many potions I was making on day 72 to 75 all I did for these 3 days was literally farm

Netherwart and make the essential potions that would help me fight the dragon because I was taking no chances whatsoever I come too far in this world to lose it all to a stinky Dragon anyways I brw potions of slow falling potions of instant health and potions of swiftness and then proceeded to make

Them better with redstone and glowstone after Brewing all my potions I put them in a safe chest and then went and fixed my nether pole Island trying to make it look more like I actually planned to on day 76 I smelled down all my ancient debris and ended up crafted myself two

That’s right two netherite ingots which I then decided to use on my chest plate and leggings for some extra protection you can never be too careful in Hardcore Minecraft anyways I reenchanted my sword and got a lot better enchant and then I did the same for my helmet and well it

Was okay after my re-enchantment session I headed over to the villagers and gave them some more beds so that they could breed some more and then I went and upgraded my bow with other ones I had laying around but didn’t have enough XP to fully upgrade it so I headed to the

Mob Grinder just to top off my XP and boom now we have a strong bow aply named ow because I imagine that’s the sound someone makes when they get hit by it day 77 it’s that time again everybody time for another block breaking day how amazing um I didn’t know what to expect

From a stage called desolate lands so to prevent my Islands from becoming desolate I uh encased the Block in anything I could get my hands on and yeah I know it doesn’t look bad but don’t worry it’s temporary anyways this face took very little time to let me

Know what I was in store for by spawning a bunch of silverfish two creepers and then jump scaring me with skeleton Horsemen and and then once again it was time for me to almost die again because a bunch of aokas spawned in and then swarmed me with Vex which quickly took

My health down but luckily I managed to equip a totem in time and run away I then lured some Vex into the nether portal which I’m sure is not a bad idea and they will definitely not come back to haunt me later on and just as I

Thought it couldn’t really get any worse the block still had a lot of tricks up its sleeve such as charged creepers a lot of them and then cave spiders a lot of them and then the worst monster party so far we had silverfish we had cave

Spiders we had evokers oh boy so I sniped the spiders I dealt with the silverfish I pushed swiftly in putting an end to the evokers and then dealt with the remaining Vex with a bow um and there we go They’re All Dead more charged creepers and Vex later and we’re

Finally done with this phase thank god um and now we’re on to the final stage the end and we’re almost done so on the following few days after the three hellish days I just endured I decided to spend some more time working on the water intersections and ended up getting

The last two done and this time actually added lanterns because I was no longer poor and could easily spare the iron and then I spent the rest of the day going around and removing all the fences from around them and just like that we had a very open area that looks quite weird

Right now but I’m sure it’ll grow on me anyways on day 83 I headed over to my Animal Island and shared the Sheep all day I wanted as much W as I could get my hands on because I wanted to make some beds for two reasons number one I wanted

To find netherite and number two I may use them to kill the dragon but I don’t know about that second one though cuz it’s a little bit risky um I also named my arctic fox peppermint because I love actic foxes and well I had a name tag

Just laying around and I may as well put it to use anyways at the end of the day I put all this wool in a chest and I’m not going to lie to you I never touched it again so that is literally just a big

Waste of time and on day 84 I finally removed the ice or from in front of my house and then went into the nether to trade for some more pearls oh look it’s that Vex from earlier and oh look I’m almost dead again thanks to a Vex

Anyways trading went okay I got four more pearls it’s still not enough though so I headed to the blue biome to kill Enderman now I don’t know what was up but the uh the Endermen were far and few between for some reason there really wasn’t much life at all in this biome

But after being in here a good while I committed enough Enderman no live to uh to have enough pearls to fill the portals so we’re now good on pearls so I headed home and uh put all my stuff away and called it a day and now finally on

Day 87 it was time to begin the Final Phase and to be honest with you this was really easy it was just mainly Enderman few endite and then the odd shulker which I killed and now I can make like two shulker boxes so that’s that’s nice but there was really nothing else

Happened this phase it was kind of boring to be honest but finally the portal spawned and I knew that it was time to make the final preparations and now on day 89 I made my Sher boxes and I got to work on organizing everything I

Would need to take with me now I was also planning on going and killing the dragon and then heading in the end cities to get the elytra so I was thinking about bringing some fireworks with me but forgot to but anyways by the end of the day we were ready to face the

Dragon well this is it the morning of day 90 I stood looking down at that portal and the thinking about how far we’d come from one block to now having loads of islands and thriving with animals and being fully cared out with diamond gear even some netherite and I’m

Not even worried at this point about losing to the dragon but we’d come such a long way and it was now finally time for me to prove that I had what it takes to truly beat one block Sky Block so I place the final eyes into the frame and

Steep through the portal this is it no turning back I run directly to one of the towers and begin towering up destroying a couple of crystals from the top and and then falling off but it’s okay because I have slow falling then I immediately began towering up another

Pillar and from there it was only a matter of time each Crystal fell to my bow with ease and now all that was left was the dragon I took a few pot shots and then it came into Purge this was it this was my shot for big damage I rushed

In swinging my sword at its neck taking off chunks of its Health with every single swing but then the coward flew away so it was time for me to pull the bow back out again and shot after shot I hurt it until it came into land again I

Got more big damage off but it got a lucky hit on me so I couldn’t finish it off then I lined off my shots carefully and arrow after Arrow struck the dragon until my final shot put an end to the dragon freed the end and completed my overarching

Goal now all I needed to do was get myself an elytra and get the hell out of here so I headed to the portal and once I got inside I took a pearl of faith and landed it but then there was really nothing around the area so I bridged and

Bridged and bridged until I got with in P radius of more Island so I hopped over there and then got absolutely ambushed by Enderman and I thought that I was going to die uh no it was just a silly endite they were angry at and they’re

Still chill with me thank God now let me tell you okay I was in here for a very long time and found nothing until well I eventually found an nend City but it had awful Loot and no elytra so I continue my search and gracefully flew down from

The top of the city anyways I found two more nend cities after that but didn’t even bother going in them because they didn’t have the elytra but finally about an hour and 1550 minutes later I finally found a city with the ship finally now let’s go and get the elytra I scried my

Way up to the towers until I reached the staircase to the ship and then using a shuler’s levitation to get me high enough I peed over ran down the stairs below the deck and finally at long last we had the elytra and also a pretty cool

Sword as well anyways I jumped off the ship and sailed through the air until we reached the closest portal out and then I hopped through no wait no sorry and then I hopped through there we go but finally after over an hour we were finally home and I finally went to bed

On the morning of day 97 I sorted some things out with my inventory and then I went back in to retrieve the dragon egg and then upgraded my sword and finally put mending and Unbreaking on my elytra and then proceeded to repair my elytra now on day 98 we added the final island

Of this journey dragon egg Island and well I really hope I don’t click it and it fall off the edge if it can even do that but uh either way the island was done and I made some fireworks so that I could finally see my area for the first

Time from like the sky point of view and I’m going to tell you I’m pretty impressed with it it looks pretty cool anyways after flying about for a bit I cooked myself some potatoes and mind the block for a little cuz I was kind of curious what came after the end but it

It quickly spawned two vindicators and again no I I wasn’t dealing with that again so uh I called it a day and went to bed on day 99 I made some final adjustments to the island such as replacing all the Torches with lanterns or at least as many as I could just

Because they look better um and then I went around just making little changes to everything so that I could finally be done with this place and be happy how it turned out and just like that the sun was going down on our final day And finally on day 100 I thought about how far we’d come from just having one block and nothing to now having everything you could ever want plus a pet fox named peppermint I mean who doesn’t want that who I then said goodbye to and now it’s time for me to

Say goodbye to you all righty so on day 101 AKA my first day back in this blocky void I uh I got my bearings by going around and just kind of remembering where everything is and also saying hello to the best pet ever my arctic fox named peppermint look at this cuty I’ve

Missed you buddy I’ve missed you and then after saying hello to peppermint I immediately got to work on Breaking the magical block again hello old friend what surprises do you have in store for me in this 100 days oh you look at that very nice a chest I’ll take it oh

Another chest with a zombie villager spawn egg okay now after mining the block for a little while I remembered how hard it was to keep up with all of the random blocks just filling up your inventory every 2 seconds from mining this block so I decided to start things

Out right uh and tidy up the chests that I’ve got to store all my random block items in that way I can you know have more space for the inevitable rain of blocks that will just continuously fill everything up however while storing everything away uh I kept getting

Confused about what went where so I decided to use what little leather I had and made some item frames to start labeling my chests so that storing things was way easier but I didn’t have enough leather to make enough item frames to cover all my my chest so I

Went to bed and on day 102 I got up and started breeding and dispatching the cows for leather and now luckily my sword has a loting too so it really didn’t take me long after grabbing all the leather I needed I made and placed down all the item frames and got to work

On tidying this absolute mess of a storage system jeez pass pass poppers was a was a slob I tell you holy and whilst I was sorting everything out I found 33 leather in a chest so uh those cows um disappeared for nothing anyways after spending all day and night

Organizing everything I was finally done and each item had its own organized space so on the morning of day 103 I decided to go and pay the villagers a visit to see what trades and stuff they had and whether they had anything useful to me still at this point so after the

Villager inspection I got to work on our first project of this 100 days to finish off all of my water aqueducts between my Islands so that things look much safer and much better so I made myself a brand new island that you all really want a last time Cobblestone gen Island yeah I

Know he doesn’t really roll off the tongue or or look good but we need it anyways after making this lovely New Island I Min Cobblestone all night until the morning of day 104 when I’d ended up with quite a lot of Cobble so I grabbed some Vines over the jungle island and

Made myself some Mossy Cobble and then went to start work on the new Aqueduct okay so now back to the aqueducts I uh managed to really work hard and get three of them done and I’m not going to lie to you I kind of forgot how good

These things looked when I uh had them all finished neatly tucked in it looks really nice I think they’re genuinely one of the best ideas I’ve ever had in a Sky Block ever so yeah very nice moving on to day 107 and after doing some building for a few days I decided to

Return to doing my favorite thing in one block Sky Block which was mining the block woo yeah you got to love it uh but no I I really needed iron and didn’t feel like making an iron farm just yet so uh mining the block it is after a

While of mining this God awful thing again I actually ended up finding myself a piece of ancient debris quickly followed by a Vindicator that ended up sniping from existence but as soon as I got back I ended up getting swollen by a load of endermites and well I’m going to

Be completely honest with you I don’t really feel like I’m being welcomed back here you know I really don’t think that they want me to be here for another 100 of days but I am so that just going to have to deal with it anyways I ended up

Finding a fish that I I tried to pick up but ended up shooting I’m sorry little buddy but as compensation okay I saved it and now he lives in a lovely Aqueduct so happy ending for the fishy anyways as night fell we encountered our first moner party and well it was actually

Pretty easy was just a couple of zombies and Strays nothing too special surprisingly but after dealing with all those I grabbed what little iron I’d found during the day and headed home to smelt it down and just chilled out for the rest of the night and on the morning

Of day 109 I decided to head into the end where we were greeted by some survivors of a previous monster party so I dealt with them and headed into the portal to the outer end Islands In Search of a city that I could then take down and rebuild on an island in the

Overworld that would be geniusly called you ready for this n city island hey I bet you didn’t see that one coming anyways I eventually found a city pretty quickly because I actually have the elytra this time and began taking it down and putting it into my shulker

After destroying and boxing up enough of the city to rebuild it I headed home made another Island and got to work on building this beautiful city but this time in the Overworld and well I’m very happy with how this came out you know I think this one came out looking pretty

Good what do you think anyways after to building the city on day 114 I got to work on chopping down and regrowing a load of oak trees specifically because I needed more wood to expand into more Islands so uh yeah day 114 just a very boring wood Gathering day and then on

Day 115 inspiration struck me and I ran over to my storage grabbed a load of prismarine and got to work on yet another new island called Ocean Monuments I hate you uh and yeah it’s literally just a mini ocean monument that I think looks pretty cute uh I

Don’t know I really like it now also if you want to build this for yourself I’ll leave a link to the tutorial that I based it off of in the description below go check it out all right so on the following few days I mined Cobble and

Got to work on pre-building an entire layer of new islands on the outside of the ones that I’d already made just to really make things easier for myself in the future now I actually decided to use stone bricks for the floors and bridges because well I think they look better

And I’m not as poor as I was in the last 100 days so uh yeah it’s time for an upgrade although it did take a little bit longer to do and it ate up all my wood and cobblestone and yes I know they don’t look amazing with just being stone

Brick and wood but that’s okay I’ll change them per Island to what I build on the island if that makes any sense anyways after spending such a long time on building up these islands they were finally done and oh my this area we have now is massive so we better get to

Filling all of these islands up ASAP so on day 125 I headed into The Nether and went exploring until I stumbled across a Bastion that I swiftly cleared out and looted and there was some pretty decent decent stuff in here so I’m not going to

Complain it was a it was a nice find anyways I looted it and returned home to store my stuff away and went to bed kind of a simple day on day 125 okay so on these next few days my OBS just decided to not record any of it so uh let me

Give you a little diagram and explanation of what happened so basically I headed into The Nether to find a fortress to grab some wither Skelly skulls because I wanted to make a load of beacons and because I’d never found a fortress last time anyways I ended up finding one but it was really

Doooo with like no areas for wither skeletons to spawn so I just went out and found another one that ended up being absolutely huge and uh well there were a load of Wither skellies here so I spent like an hour or so just dispatching them for their skulls and

Eventually I got 14 and then headed back home because I already had one in my chest from last time I think I found the one last time in a chest or something but anyways and now we’re back to normal okay sorry about that OBS just decided

To not happen so on the day following the OBS incident I headed into the end and grabbed some OB from the pillars to set up a totally legit way to kill the Wither and then just kind of removed five Withers from existence butth when it got to the last one I completely

Forgot to pick up the extra skull I had in the chest so uh I went and grabbed that deleted the last wither and boom we now have five beacons and just need the resources to power them so on day 132 I made myself a new diamond pickaxe and

Began enchanting it in an attempt to get silk touch on it so that way I could go into The Nether and grab a load of gold because that was probably going to be the fastest way that I’d be able to get enough material blocks to power five

Full beacons not for one layer or two layers or three but the four layer op beacons so I actually ended up getting silk touch pretty quickly and then headed straight into The Nether and began work on mining loads and loads of gold now let me tell you this was extremely tedious and annoying

Especially with a random piglin just attacking you every other second or a gas blowing you to smithin it was just annoying but after being in there and mining gold for what felt like a literal eternity we finally had enough gold for five four beacons depending if my math

Was correct and uh well I’m going to let you know it wasn’t it was very wrong it was so very very wrong I barely had enough for one Beacon okay I don’t know how I got this all wrong all right so I ended up actually grabbing this much

When I in fact needed this much and uh well there was only a small difference between the two anyways so I quickly headed back into the nether just to grab a little bit more gold and then build all my beacons except the only one that was actually a full four Beacon was the

One in the middle and then the other ones were just shells so if anybody asks all right we we built five full beacons all right just tell them not to look inside them otherwise they’ll be Gravely disappointed anyways I added some stained glass on top of them and boom

Here is the result of a good 7 Days of hard work and I must say okay I must say it is quite impressive how far we’ve come from just one lonely little Block in the middle of nowhere to this absolutely beautiful island okay and we’re going to keep making it even

Better all Al righty so in the following two days I tended to my farm to stack up on resources to trade with the Villagers because I’ve got a really big project coming up that I’m going to need a lot of glass for and well I’m pretty sure trading stuff with villagers for glass

Is the best way to get it so uh yeah I tended to the crops for a few days and by the night of day 140 we were absolutely stacked on everything growable so on the morning of day 142 I headed over to the Village of breida and

Began stacking up on emeralds and then blowing them all on glass anyways after filing for bankruptcy due to the amount of emerald I spent on glass I stored it all away in this very lovely chest and then went to bed and on day 143 I got to

Work on making a load of magenta die now I already have quite a lot from when I remade the glass for the nend city because I knew that I was going to be doing this but uh well I don’t think that that will be enough so I quickly

Founded out some beot and broke some lapis and bone meal down into dye and after combining them a few times boom we now have a load of magenta die so I turned all my glass purple and now begin somewhat of a Time cons human project so you know the water intersections that I

Made prior well I wanted to make those on the outside but instead of putting water there I wanted to make a purple void between the islands because I don’t know I think it’ll look cool so I got to work on carefully placing down as much magenta stained glass as I could around

The outer islands and well I’m going to be honest with you I severely underestimated the numbers once again and this was not enough glass so I traded some more and also decided to change the uh the design slightly and add a layer of black underneath after

I’d finished it all and it wasn’t even that scary placing it cuz I have the elytra now so falling didn’t mean non-existent anyways this project took quite a substantial amount of time but eventually after repeating the process of destroying a Bastion and trading with villagers for glass and placing

Everything down we finally have a very nice looking void around our islands and well I shall say it looks pretty nice anyways after that entire long and tedious building segment I decided to farm out the mob farm all day to stack up on Bones and any other the mob drops

Because I had a plan to build something but it involved me removing the mob farm because it it’s just an eyesore at this point so I decided I may as well grab a load of stuff from it before it goes bye-bye oh and I also upgraded my bow

Again because it definitely needed more power now it makes things crispy so on the following couple days I spent all day taking down the mob farm and finally began work on building my little pet arctic fox his own snowy Paradise right next to my house with spruce trees and

Berries and I think it came out looking pretty nice I feel like he’ll be very welcome and at home here I mean just look at him he looks very happy in there okay so I realized that this is kind of a heavy build video but uh I mean that’s

Kind of the point of one block Sky Block so uh we continue with building ourselves a mini desert temple because these mini builds are kind of cool but I don’t think this one came out looking as good okay it’s not that great but but hey I I tried anyways after building the

Desert temple I called a day and went to bed and then on the morning of day 157 I woke up and built a jungle temple and well this thing came out looking a little bit better than the desert temple but maybe not as good as the ocean one

But still kind of cool I like it I like it anyways after building for quite a few days I decided to spend the day breaking the block again after all is the title of the video but well almost immediately lost everything to an angry Blaze trying to burn down my house

Honestly I can’t think of a better way to start my day but after swiftly dealing with them I got back to mining when I was jumped by some piglins and man I guess it’s just not my day today but my look did get better because I

Found some more ancient debris so uh I’m not going to complain but unfortunately my happiness was shortlived when these two Satan’s spawn appeared just look at him awful disgusting anyways I mined deep into the night and actually ended up finding a heart of the sea which I’ll

Probably never use so that’s uh that’s super useful to me thank you one block after mining through the night and nothing else really much happening except finding another villager on the morning of the next day I put him in a boat and finally set the Fox free from

Its boat and then I set out to build another Island that I’d like to call Lone villager Island where it will just be this guy in a house and nothing more he will spend all eternity living in a 15x 15 chunk of blocks away from all his

Friends anyways after the house was done I put the Villager in there and boom we now have lonely villager Island okay so on day 161 I decided it’s finally time to replace all the torture around my island with lanterns so I traded with this fine librarian right here for

Lanterns because they actually really cheap then after trading with him for a while and grabbing enough lanterns I went around replacing all the Torches with them as well as adding them into the aqueduct that I still haven’t finished but finally by day 163 every torch was now a lantern excluding some

That were specifically placed to be torches so on day 164 I headed back over to the Cobblestone gen Island and got to work on mining up some more to finally finish off the aqueduct to really make this place as secure and goodlooking as possible and well after a day of mining

Cobblestone I grabbed some some more Vines made some Mossy Cobble and got to work on finishing the final Aqueduct and well that brings a close to the longest running project we’ve had in this series we started work on this like all the way back on like day 30 or something I don’t

Know it’s been a long time but now we have them all done and I really think that they look good you know it would probably be better with some fishies in there but hey you know I’m not going to complain they still look pretty good all

Righty day 169 I headed back into The Nether and back to the Fortress to start tearing some of it down to re build in the Overworld and create Fortress Island because I’m basically rebuilding everything in the game at this point anyways after I grabbed as much as I

Needed I headed back home and began the build and this one was kind of weird but I kind of like it at the same time I don’t know but either way we have another structure rebuilt and ticked off the list and on the morning of day 170 I

Got up and moved all my Brewing stuff over to the mini Fortress because well I think it just fits there but then I proceeded to spend 2 days upgrading my enchantment area because I really wasn’t happy with it it looked kind of crappy and I didn’t put much effort into it

Last time so a huge shout out to Super foone for the tutorial that I took inspiration from I basically just did what he did except maybe slightly bigger and less detailed but uh yeah by the night of day 173 the new area was done and wowe I really really like this one

Okay it looks so much better so much better definitely worth the two days anyways then I head at home popped a totem accidentally and then went to bed okay so we’re really making our way through these days now and I think we’ve made some pretty decent progress but we

Only still have two pieces of netherite armor and absolutely no tools and I’m not going to lie that’s just not going to do so I headed into The Nether and went mining in search of netherite and as usual in typical poppers fashion I had no method to it and I just kind of

Spam mind all the way around until a my pick breaks or B I find netherite and luckily in this case I actually found some pretty quickly so uh yeah this was actually one of the fastest and most successful netherite mining spree I’ve ever had however after we were done the

Nether was uh the nether was a mess but I had enough ancient debris to finish up my armor and make a tool so I think that’s a decent trade-off so I went home and smelted down all my ancient debris and then made it into some lovely shiny

New armor and tools and boom we are now decked out in hella drip so after dealing with all the netherite I actually decided to go and name my dog after one of you guys because why not so there you go doggo you are now named gusb so if you want to have something

Named after you in one of my videos then just drop a comment down below and hey you never know you could probably be like my pet frog or or something yeah you never know you never know anyways on day 177 we welcome yet another Island

Into the family but this time it’s a bee farm Island oh yeah I’ve been waiting to build this thing for so long I love love love making bee farms in this game they’re just so colorful and vibrant I love it anyways after some birch trees honey blocks and flowers later we had

Our very own little bee farm and it looks amazing just look at them okay they’re so happy being here get it being here that was that was awful all righty it’s that time again let’s quick fire some islands off shall we so starting us off with Island number one we have the /

Pillager Island where uh I just built a giant iller Tower in the middle because there can’t be villagers without illers even though I’m pretty sure they’re called pillagers I don’t know what I’m saying anymore I’m just going to shut up onto Island number two the Mushroom Island because well they look cool and

My mushroom cows need their own home so placed down some melium however you say it uh grew some mushrooms and then brought the cows over to their very own Island coming in at Island number three we have my least favorite Nether biome the basalt Delta Island because well I

Did the two forests and the Soul Sand one would look awful so uh yeah here we go Basalt Delta on an island but after finishing the Bal Delta coming in at number four we have the trophy Island because well why not I want to celebrate some things I’ve done sure okay so I

Think that’s enough with the quickfire islands for now because I decided to spend spend days 87 and 88 reworking Netherland because well I really wasn’t happy with the way it looked and well I’m going to say the rework is probably the single best nether portal I have

Ever built it looks so so good and I’m very very happy with it okay it’s very blue it’s very nice day 189 was another block mining day and well I almost immediately found another villager so I tra him in a boat and continued on with my thrilling block

Breaking when I got jumped by these skeleton horse riding skeletons that well they they really messed me up and almost made me pop a totem so I pulled out my bow and made them nice and crispy and talking about crispy here has two Blazers but they won’t have the chance

To burn my Island down today get out of here oh look it’s some more dumb dolphins that just won’t comply and swim to the water so they just kind of swam away yeah swam away anyways it started to get dark and not much was happening

So I called it a day and went to bed all righty day 190 we’re almost there I decided to head over to the storage area and grabbed the little glass that I had remaining from the uh the glass voids and I made it red because well my nether

Spawn looked quite bad and I wanted to upgrade it a little bit so I got to work on making a little nether base in there and it came out looking okay I didn’t really have a clear goal in mind but it could have come out worse but it also

Could have come out a lot better on day 194 I grabbed a load of leaves and began making hedge maze Island because well why not it looks cool from a bird’s eye view okay hedge maze Island we have it now so after building the hedg maze on

Day 195 I just went around adding little details everywhere such as spreading grass around the flowery Islands or the trees and just making them look a little bit more natural as well as adding some berries and mushrooms to the spruce Island because well that’s where they naturally grow after Tiding up the

Island on day 196 I decided to make an End Island like quite literally a mini Recreation of the main end Island because well I thought it’ look kind of cool but I was missing the end crystals and had no gas tiers to make them so I

Headed into the ne to hunt a few down and make them cry ha you smelly gas stinky oh smelly smelly gas okay that may have been a bit too far I kind of feel bad now anyways after grabbing enough of their tears I headed back home crafted some eyes and bought some glass

And boom we now have the crystals placed down and it looks just like the end island or at least close enough okay day 199 I woke up and I went and said my goodbyes to peppermint and Gus who I actually had to bring inside the house because I ended up leaving near

The block for some reason so uh yeah that was a thing anyways I sorted out some storage for the rest of the day because if I do end up doing 300 days I do not want to deal with that again because it was bad enough this time and

There we have it so now after concluding our 200 days in one block Sky Block let’s move on to something that follows it quite closely with 100 days in one block lucky block mod filled with fear and paranoia of Horrors or amazing loot that you could possibly unleash with any

Block you break so kicking things off this time around on day one we started off with uh quite a little bit more space than usual and that’s probably for good reason because this book that I had in my hot bar told me to basically make

The most of what the map gave me and build out from the actual main block that way I don’t meet my instant demise so that’s exactly what I did and then it came time for us to break our first block immediately finding a whole bunch of flowers that was quickly followed by

Me being completely encased in what seemed to be a temple of Lucky Blocks so I used my genius brain and decided to tear up all the stairs and put them to use by building a small platform out at the end of the bridge and then got to

Work on busting open the lucky blocks finding some pearls and potion materials followed by a bunch of Lucky and unlucky potions that I immediately threw getting a bunch of rabbits some horses and a ridiculous amount of enchanted books with two anvils to top things off so I

Pop the anvils down and put efficiency 2 on my stone pickaxe now you may be wondering why and my answer is is because I can after enchanting my pick I found a wishing well that told me to throw a coin into it but apparently I ended up using myself as the coin and

Well I must have some value because it gave me a literal Beacon as my reward then after expanding up my Island a little bit more grabbing a couple of loot diamonds and guiding some horses to their new home a dog decided to spawn in hello hey well that’s PL

Oh I am so sorry I am so sorry you didn’t know them long enough anyway it’s fine yep he was immediately made the last of his kind his species went from existing to pretty much extinct in a matter of about 4 seconds one tree in a very loud firework later and we were

Pretty stacked on diamond so I chopped down the tree crafted some diamond tools and then got straight back to mining through some lucky blocks getting a couple pieces of chain mail armor and a massive find of an enchantment table that I immediately put to use by enchanting my pick and sword so needless

To say things were off to a pretty good start and that makes a change for my previous attempts that ended uh very very badly but either way I spent a while tidying up my inventory and making another chest to store the extra loot away and then clearing off the Lucky

Block Island to make room for the next mining session that started out very very lucrative with me getting a bunch of XP in a dragon egg That Was Then followed by a Lucky Chicken who wasn’t really lucky at all considering his position in life doomed to fall slowly

To his voidy demise I’m sorry my clucky friend but uh I I don’t think I’ll remember you I’m not going to lie now that chicken may not have been lucky but I certainly was Finding half a set of enchanted diamond armor along with a bunch of XP and my guy Bob right here

Who met the same fate as the chicken however all good things must come to an end and this guy definitely ruined my night forcing me to carry away in fear in hopes of them flying away that he eventually did but let me tell you this guy right here stuck around all night

Just flailing around down there doing who knows what harassing me all night until he eventually succumbed to gravity and fell into the void on the morning of day two I left my hidey hole and began breaking more blocks sadly losing what would have been a very useful villager

In the process but I guess that’s okay though because I got some rainbow sheep woo I’m sure these guys are great and they’re just going to be as useful as the Villager would surely should have been you who fell not him I hate you after finding a bunch of annoying bats

We were greeted by another Temple when I noticed some string left over from a previous block so I grabbed all of it getting enough string to make two pieces of wool that I then dyed blue with lapis and combined with some blue wool that I

Got from the rainbow sheep to make a bed now Phantoms literally have no power they would have been a pretty big threat to me but now I’ll probably never see them after clearing up the island of Lucky Blocks I continued breaking them to find some end portal frames that was

Just an absolutely insanely massive find as well as a load more enchanted books and a very very near-death experience one block more and i’ have been down there with the chicken oh also there was an impostor on the Block below me after finding more end portal frames and a

Giant we ended off the night pretty well well getting a bunch of Spawn eggs and enough portal frames for us to go to the end whenever we want now I did end up getting trapped in an obsidian Cube and had to spend most of the night mining

That up however it did come in super useful to secure the floor around the lucky block that way it can’t blow up now so after spending the night breaking and placing obsidian on the morning of day three I organized my storage a little bit and then got straight back on

With the block mining finding this absolute stain of existence that ended up going straight into the void where it belongs now what I thought would be a bad day ended up taking a turn and giving me this op hero villager who I bought some Diamond pants from before

Trapping him in a boat because he’s just too valuable to lose once the Villager was secured away it was back to mining again finding another dragon egg that I added to my collection and a couple of diamond blocks that I broke down into diamonds and used to fund the final

Pieces of armor from the Villager and now we’re fully decked out on day three it’s kind of weird and I’m 100% going to keep forgetting that I have the armor on butth hey I’m not going to complain after find find myself trapped inside of yet another obsidian water Cube I

Decided to make a bucket and grab the water from there to make an infinite water source because I feel like a water bucket in this is going to be extremely useful then I had to spend most of the day clearing out the Obby from the mining Island storing it away and

Finally heading to bed on day four when I woke up I’d started to think of a way to get more dirt because apparently I’d lost most of the stuff that I spawned with and now I’ve only got two but that’s okay because I learned a while

Ago that two dirt is all you need because so long as you have access to gravel you can combine two dirt with two gravel and make four Co dirt which then when you use a hoe or use a shovel on will turn back into normal dirt and the

Only downside being that you lose the gravel but I don’t really need the gravel and that makes everything super super efficient now after having that absolutely big brain idea I decided to build up a nether portal but really quickly realized I had absolutely no way

To light it so I took a quick look through my very messy storage and found a flame book that I thought could possibly work but I didn’t really have too high hopes hopes for it but with this possible solution the new problem arose is uh arrows I I don’t have any of

Them and I can’t craft them so that’s uh that’s the new problem so I checked to see if I could make a fire charge and uh nope no I can’t so it was back to mining the lucky block in search of anything that can help me get to the nether now I

Did find a Wither Skelly skull along with a beacon and some crispy cats where’s your nine lives now oh look it’s another villager however you’re not trading me arrows so I’m not interested okay I’m getting really sick these things now uh I’m not going to mine the

Whole thing I’m just going to mine a hole through the middle holy mother of God what is that oh not the big zombie the the child I I hate them however I do love cows especially lucky ones now don’t ask me why he’s lucky I have no

Clue maybe I can get some lucky milk be gone with you pest well that wasn’t nice but it was a good thing that I used obsidium for the floor after repairing up the floor I made a tiny platform off the side of the island in hopes of some Skelly spawning

During the night so that I can actually get some arrows however I I literally sat here all night without finding any so after waiting up all night on the morning of day five it was straight back to mining getting yet another Beacon and finally a whole bunch of arrows which is

Probably the single luckiest thing to happen to me so far however what wasn’t lucky is all these mobs that Spawn from my lucky bow it took me by surprise and like I said earlier I kind of forgot that I was decked out in diamond armor so they really scared me but once I

Realized that they could barely even scratch me I dealt with them pretty easily before then chopping down my tree putting flame on my bow and shooting the portal only for it to do absolutely nothing well I guess tune in next week to Minecraft MythBusters to see what we

Take on next now with that failure out the way it was back to mining the lucky block in search of any other way to make fire and for some reason I really don’t think that this slime block bouncy castle is going to help with that and this atrocious annoying thing definitely

Won’t help just take a look at this stupid thing that spawned in and blew my fences great and then it was followed by this even stupider thing that spawned in did Big damage but then I guess just left for the next World and then this

Guy showed up again but he met the same fate as the magm because apparently his flight didn’t work now by day six I was getting kind of scared to break any more Lucky Blocks but I really don’t have any other choice so I kind of have to do it

But to my surprise it was a pretty chill mining session this time around finding some prismarine some ender chests and some more slime as well as some lava buckets which are quite possibly the best thing I could get right now because I’d much rather have it in bucket formed

Then getting it dropped onto me or getting thrown into a pit of it so I grabbed them and immediately began trying to set the portal on fire after a couple of minutes the fire caught and now we have access to the nether but that was way way harder than it should

Have been so I spent the night sorting out my inventory and storage in preparation to head into the nether tomorrow on the morning of day seven I prepared myself and headed into The Nether to find this just absolutely amazing spawn I mean look at this it’s in the middle of absolutely nowhere it’s

Still better than a b Delta though hate those things so I built myself a tiny atrocious looking platform before drinking a hero’s potion and throwing myself off into the lava below that ended up working out pretty well however you do still take fall damage in lava

And if this had have been any shallower I would have died to it anyways I made my way to the mainland in search of some gravel that ended up probably being the shortest search ever finding some almost immediately so I began lining my pockets with a whole bunch of it and probably

Grabbing more than I was going to need then before leaving I decided to grab some Netherrack to use as some temporary building blocks until we make a cobblestone generator then on my way out I spotted the terrifying sight of a gas whilst bridging over to my portal with

Very explodable blocks once I got back home I made a bunch of coarse dirt broke it down into normal dirt and then placed down some saplings in a temporary tree farm on the following day I made a cobblestone generator and spent most of the day there just mining up Cobble to

Grab as many building blocks as I could after mining Cobble all day that evening had have massed quite a few Stacks so I made it into slabs and began replacing the floor of the tree farm with Cobble because I get way too much anxiety standing on Netherrack suspended above

The void when I could easily break it with one misclick after replacing the tree farm floor on day nine I took what Cobblestone I had left over and began replacing all of the floor around the lucky block because I get the same if not more anxiety standing on slime

Blocks now I made the floor out of slabs for two reasons number one efficiency and number two I could waterlog them in case that the floor got blown up from underneath me and then I fell down into the void I can actually saved myself after finishing off the floor I mind the

Lucky block for a little while not really finding too much except some obsidian that I used to further secure the floor and a bunch more sheep that I made a tiny little farm for and now we have a renewable way to get wool for beds except we don’t really because they

Don’t have any access to grass so that means that I’m going to have to breed a whole new sheep just to get a few pieces of wool every time more Lucky Blocks later and I got a little Shrine of them that ended up becoming two shrines and almost suffocated my lucky cow however

Luckily for him him I uh managed to save him I guess the name does fit now after carefully and cautiously clearing up the mess of the blocks I ended up with a couple of chickens and 20 more diamonds so I decided to sort out my inventory a

Little bit before chopping down a few trees and then spent the night once again at the cobblestone generator after a sleepless night spent mining Cobble I spent a while of day 10 tidying up my Island because it was pretty messy to the point where I was struggling to move

Around once things were a little bit tidier I expanded out the island a little bit and built out a couple of pens for both the cows and the villagers now the cows deserve better than this butth the villagers this is already too good for them because apparently they

Want to live in the nether instead of with me once everybody was moved over to their new area I mind the block some more finding a lucky Pig who was clearly lying about being lucky because he suffocated in the floor but we don’t care about him because now I have a

Replacement to the deserter villager from earlier who I decided to buy some new boots and a helmet off of but didn’t use them just yet due to the Anvil combining price being a little too steep for me right now after having a pretty busy day I spent the night organizing my

Storage into a new area to try and get a little bit of organization in all of this chaos all righty day 11 uh there is no day 11 because OBS and I had a pretty bad falling out and it decided not to record anything instead just leaving me

With a black screen and no audio so here’s a little quick rundown of what happened I showed off my lovely new organized storage area and we also got a whole bunch of dogs that fell from the sky again except this time only one was lost but then tragedy struck and I got

Trapped in an obsidian water box right here and well that’s where my end chest was with all my loot in there such as my diamonds and end portal frames along with the eyes so basically everything I need to progress further into the game so yeah when it comes to progressing

We’re pretty much back at square one considering that I’ve lost everything but I will give you a second to guess where I stored away the extra Ender Chest yep that’s right it’s uh it’s in the end chest that’s now no longer with us so we have absolutely no way of

Recovering those things until we a get the material or B get some more chests but that’s about all that happened on day 11 didn’t really miss much but I was pretty sad so let’s continue on with day 12 shall we I got to work on building

Out an extension to the tree farm that way we can actually stop being so broke on wood but this platform ended up being quite the Cobble gobler and uh well once I was done with it I had to spend a little while restocking and then I made

A furnace to begin smelting down some logs into charcoal to actually light this place up at night now once the Torches were acquired I decided to go and test my look over at the block again and well would you look at this the first block we break dropped an Ender

Chest I have absolutely no clue how lucky that was but I feel like my entire life’s worth of luck has been used up right there now with an Ender Chest back in my hands I grabbed one and threw it in a normal chest and now we have access

To all of our Exquisite items once more with the success of getting our goodies back I spent the night doing the most fun thing to do in Sky Block yeah that’s right it’s mining cobblestone because I want to build a mob farm real soon and those things eat up building blocks as

The sun rose on 13 tragedy almost struck asz my Forest of trees that had just grown caught on fire so I acted quickly and managed to put it out luckily with little to no damage caused once the fire was dealt with I immediately moved the cobblestone generator and then began

Work on a little platform to start on building up the mob farm now I didn’t really think that I’d have enough materials to get it done in one go but I used up all the stuff that I had and well it didn’t really go so far so you

Know what that means it’s more Cobble mining baby let’s go you got to love it love cobblestone mining M gets me through the day it does you know I wake up in the mornings I’m like you know what I want to do today I want to mine

Cobblestone it’s so good try it it’s addicting honestly it’s the best thing to do it’s not boring after yet another Cobblestone mining session by day 14 we were restocked and I also had a bunch of trees that are grown so I chopped them down to use as trap doors for later and

Then got back to work on building up the farm absolutely tearing through my Cobble Stacks but making some pretty good progress before running out then I placed down all the trap doors and spent the evening once more mining cobblestone getting enough to finish off the farm

That night now I did wait around to uh see if some mobs would spawn so I could Farm them out but uh none did absolutely nothing spawned so I went to check if anything was wrong but couldn’t find a problem so I just left it for now and on

Day 15 we got back to mining the block for a little while getting some Redstone stuff an unlucky squid and a pretty nice sword as well as finally coming face to face with Bob who dropped a pretty decent chest plate that was once again way way too expensive to combine so I

Threw it in the end chest until later and then went to check on the mob farm that was still not working at this point I don’t even know if they work on this map but I’ll keep it here for a while just to be sure and for now I spent the

Night chopping away at trees on day 16 I made some shears and grabbed some wool from the Sheep as well as clearing up the floor behind the nether portal and making an absolute ton of dirt to use a small farm for potatoes for the villagers to see if they’ll actually

Breed once I got the farm up and running I threw the remaining food that I had over at The Villages and then broke some more blocks finding a Nether Star her whole whole bunch of Lucky potions that ended up being pretty mid and one of the horses just kind of spawned in and

Combusted out of nowhere and then fell into the void it was It was kind of weird oh my God please stop with the dogs I have so many this tiny TNT explosion marked the end of the mining day and I headed to bed day 17 started

Out with me breaking down a hay bale into wheat and breeding the sheep that way I can actually get some more wool then I headed back to the nether with my lucky bow to test it out because I remembered the earlier it spawned a bunch of mobs and I wanted to see what

Else it could do without risking the well-being of my Island and everything that resides on it so the nether is the only logical place to go now we didn’t get anything crazy from this mainly a bunch of mobs a whole load of cobwebs that are actually super super useful to

Make beds for the villagers but that’s about it other than this poor chicken so I headed home crafted some beds and then expanded out the villagers home a little bit more before giving them the beds but uh apparently they weren’t good enough for the one guy who

Wanted to sleep in my bed and well I hope you’re comfy buddy because stealing that bed will be the last thing you ever do I I woke on day 18 to find that two of the villagers had merged together just not in the way that I was hoping so

I decided to go and kill some time by doing some block mining getting a whole bunch of rabbit stew and another Shrine thingy now I don’t actually know what they’re called but considering that there’s four lucky blocks and it looks like a shrine it’s going to be called

The luy Block Shrine now it ended up spawning this thing so I flipped a leather and it was pretty kind giving me a whole bunch of diamonds and emeralds so I stalled them away in a chest for later and wasted no time getting straight back to mining very quickly

Ending up with too many rabbit another nether star and then a solution to the rabbit problem as well as a creeper that spawned in at the same time and I guess he didn’t want to move and just kind of ended up getting Char grilled there but then this happened probably the worst

Thing I’ve ever experienced I was hit with blindness along with a whole other array of potion effects diamond armor or not I was about to die so I popped my gapple but these guys were absolutely Relentless and just kept beating on me and it made the gapple look like nothing

So I guess this is how I go out nah just kidding uh I pop the heroes potion that made me practically unkillable and then began to fight back ripping through the hord of Horrors that surrounded me and now I’m not going to lie I was absolutely terrified every second but

Finally the last mob fell and the blindness subsided only for it to now beat night for some reason so I took a minute to calm down and patched up all the mess that they’d made and swore to always carry a milk bucket on me from this day onwards that way I’m prepared

For that to happen at any moment after getting the milk I sorted through my storage and just chilled out for the rest of the night over the following few days I crafted and Enchanted a second diamond pick adding mending from it from the book chest and then spent all my

Time Gathering as much Cobblestone and would as possible because I was going to start work on a big build very soon oh and also the villagers did indeed breed so that’s going to make my life so so much easier down the line but now on day

22 I was pretty stacked on materials and it was finally time for me to start building up the main platform of our base now this is probably going to end up being one of the bigger bases I’ve built in 100 days video but that’s okay

Because it’s going to be wor worth it so the plan for the minute was to build up circles around the lucky block in the center expanding out in layers and each layer will contain their own thing but obviously for now we don’t have too many resources so we can’t go super far with

It just yet however with the things that we had I did end up making some pretty good progress over the couple days of building and felt pretty good about how things were starting to turn out even though it’s technically just a floating slab at this point in time but it looked

Good trust me on day 25 after taking a couple of days to gather materials and building up some of our new island I still had seen any mobs spawn from the farm so I came to terms with the fact that it’s probably never going to work

And decided to spend the day tearing it down and by that night it was gone and the value of my land had increased due to that atrocious thing now being gone on the following morning I crafted a Fletching table and gave the newly grown villager a job definitely for his

Benefit and not for mine to make an unbelievable amount of profit from very little work and then him having no choice but to tell me things over and over and over again every single day until his inevitable demise oh where was I oh yeah I made him a Fletcher and

Traded a whole bunch of sticks for emeralds before then breaking the lucky blocks and more getting another dragon egg followed by a bunch more spawn eggs and Bob who really isn’t having a good time in this video my man fell into the void got trapped behind a gate and now

Returns only to get stuck in the floor poor guy after Bob sadly went bye-bye again I found some quartz and music discs and then it happened again and I I just couldn’t bear to watch well I think I’ll leave the block there for today because it’s a well get it oh God

Terrible jokes of side I spent a good while chopping down all the trees that are grown as well as digging up all the crops to clear some space for the new build and then ended up spending most of the night adding another Circle to our new island day 27 started out with me

Filling in the floor of the new Circle because that was going to become the home for all of our storage really soon because I’m finding out that uh we’re going to need a lot of space this time around just down to the sheer randomness of the drops that we get so after

Finishing off all that I could for now that took quite a while due to the annoying wood pattern I decided to go with I added a small wall around it made a bunch of chests and then spent the night sorting through some storage before finally heading to bed then on

Day 28 I began expanding out the temporary Island behind the villagers to expand out the breeder a little bit more because I want a lot of them and I don’t want to add a breeder to the new build because they take up a lot of space and

Never really look good so I’ll just move them over there once I’ve got a whole bunch of them now once I finished their expansion it didn’t look great but they need to work to deserve better from me so I used what little string I had to make another bed and realize that that’s

Probably going to be one of the bigger problems here is the absolute lack of wool to make beds but I’m sure I’ll figure out an efficient way to get my hands on some after giving them their new bed I move my ludicrous amount of dogs over to the new island and ended up

Finding one lime wool in a chest in the process so I made it into another bed and gave it to the villagers before trading with the Fletcher some more and spending the rest of the day expanding out the tree farm that way we can increase our profits from the villagers

Day 29 started out by breaking a Lucky Block that was uh anything but lucky oh no no no no please no no now I was expecting that to happen at some point but I thought that I’ve made the center wide enough for it to be contained but

Evidently not so I assume this is possibly going to become a common occurrence but that’s okay because it’s really cheap and easy to fix and not annoying in any capacity after patching things up I spot an iron golem down at the Villager breeder which is a pretty good sign that they’re multiplying and

Soon I shall rule over this blocky domain with an iron fist made from the remains of your shiny oversized blocky protector I decided to rebuild the nether portal temporarily when I heard another one of them spawn in and start taking damage so I ran over and saved

Him you will die when I allow you to die and not a minute sooner and look at that look how much easier it is to light the portal with a flint and steel now I spent the rest of the day chopping wood when our faithful diamond axe axi broke

Farewell my old friend you can never be replaced Hey look it’s axi too but this time even better with Unbreaking and an actual name considering I just made up the character about 4 seconds ago also the O and his name is silent don’t worry about it and don’t question it on the

Morning of day 30 my main goal was finishing off my lovely wooden floor that I thought would take a lot longer than it actually did after the floor was done I made some more Fletching tables and put my newly fully grown villagers to work then chopped down all the trees

That had grown made the wood into sticks and proceeded to make Bank also I’m pretty happy with how things are coming along so far it’s going pretty good so on day 31 I decided to put my silk touch pickaxe to use and grabbed a whole bunch of lucky blocks without opening them

Took them into the nether because I wanted to test out whether or not it’ be easier or safer to open them in there mainly just down to how much extra space we’re going to have to run away from the demons that this thing can spawn but in

My search for an easier solution to break them I ended up committing a crime and somehow having water spawn in the nether now that was extremely cursed but I also kind of like it so I broke some more blocks in here finding Some Enchanted gapples you know nothing too

Special or anything and then we were greeted by another well and almost got blown up by a bunch of TNT if that one block hadn’t launched me about 20 foot away I’m pretty sure I’d be dead right now now this turn of events would usually make most people

Say hey you know what maybe that’s enough for the lucky block mining for now uh but that’s not me and I continued on breaking them getting a pretty nice sword along with some XP and another one of these godforsaken things along with a whole bunch of sheep

That I slapped up for their wo yeah I know it’s not matching but it’ll end up adding up over time and eventually we can make it into beds after I was finished dealing with the Sheep I broke the final blocks placed down all the quartz ore that I gathered during this

Time to mine later then I grabbed all the things that I wanted from the nether right now and began heading back home slapping a chicken off my bridge to make some KFC Once I arrived back home I made another bed for the villagers stored away some of my Loot and attempted to

Combine the two sords that I had but uh I was I was way way too poor so I just called it a day on day 32 me and axi 2 went to town with these trees chopping down as many as as possible and then turning them into sticks to trade with

The Fletchers as well as sacrificing a bookshelf to make a Le turn that way we can get this guy to become a librarian when he grows up but for now he can enjoy his childhood but remember if you ever attempt to go against my will and

My career choices for you then you shall meet the same fate as your so-called protector anyways I bred the cow some more and then broke the lucky block to be immediately greeted with some TNT straight off the bat great after patching things up I did go back to

Breaking the block getting some very useful hay bales because I was running pretty low on wheat for the cows and a bunch of llamas that are dispatched for leather followed by even more llamas that met the same fate as their former Brethren then attempted to combine the

Swords again but found that I was only one level off so I went back to mining the Block in search of a little bit more XP that was until I got blown up again and decided to go and find the XP elsewhere once I was stacked up I

Combined the swords chopped down all the trees and headed to bed then in the morning I went to check up our little villager friend to see if he’d grown up yet but he had hadn’t however I still have patience so decided to do something productive whilst waiting so I put the

Leather that I gathered yesterday to use and made a bunch of item frames to put on the chest and then spent the day organizing our storage and expanding out our neat new area after clearing up the storage all day that night I went around lighting things up and adding a stone

Brick layer above the wall as well as adding more light around it just to make things a little bit brighter that way I can actually see at night and then once again in the morning went to check up on our little villager buddy to find that

He’d actually fully grown up so I began refreshing his trades but didn’t actually know what I was looking for and just decided to leave him on this very mid one right here and got straight to trading grabbing a whole bunch of bookshelves lanterns and glass leveling this guy up extremely quickly after

Storing all the trade loot away and placing down the bookshelves around the enchantment table I took my bow back into the nether to try and get some more string or spiders to spawn so that I can actually make some more beds for the villagers now I ended up immediately

Spawning in some more water in here as well as getting a few mobs that I dealt with very easily thanks to my new sword but then managed to mess up the nether even more by spawning in two literal meteors absolutely decimating this poor creeper some more water and another

Meteor later and we finally got some string so I grabbed all of it shot a few more arrows spawning in a bunch of mobs that ended up dealing with themselves before finally hitting a Zombie Pigman with an explosion but luckily he didn’t aggro so with that close call I decided

To return home made all the beds I could for the villagers and then spent the rest of the night night grabbing Cobblestone and wood then on the morning of day 35 I returned to the villagers to do some more trading but their trades hadn’t refreshed so I just decided to go

And do a little bit of work over on the new island until I ran out of stone and returned to the villagers to find that they had actually restocked so I grabbed a whole bunch more glass and lanterns to finish fully leveling him up and now

That he’s maxed out we have access to name tags but can’t afford them right now so I gave them some more food to breed them and then we shall give them more jobs to make more money after dealing with the Villagers I spent a while while finishing off the layer I

Was working on and grabbing some more wood because I swear in any kind of Sky Block wood is like the only thing that matters on the following day I broke all the bones that I had down into bone meal and grew a bunch of trees for wood

Because the next part of this build was going to need an ungodly amount of it after using up all the bone meal whilst waiting for some more trees to grow I mind the lucky block some more getting some spawn eggs and another Shrine but now I have a much better and safer way

Of dealing with these things and just pick them up with silk touch that way I can avoid opening them and having an explosive disaster near the things that I don’t want to break or lose after replacing the floor back with stone bricks I broke the block again only to

Get another Shrine so I tatted it up and took it as a sign not to break any more blocks today and instead put my old diamond boots on and took to the Soul Sand valleys of the nether in search of skellies to farm out for bones so that I

Can grab a bunch more wood much more efficiently now whilst in here I shot a load of skellies out of my bow at a gast killing it and in the process giving me a bunch more bones so that was pretty helpful and interesting however after being in the nether all night and most

Of the morning of day 37 I returned home and put the bones to use by spending the whole day growing and chopping down trees over and over and over again until I ran out of bone meal and by that evening would amassed quite the Hefty amount of wood and was planning to start

Work on the next part of the build in the morning so that night I gave one of the new villagers a job and then spent the rest of the night grabbing Cobblestone and now as the sun was Rising on day 38 I broke some planks down into slabs and began work on the

Next layer making the outline of the circle and then filling in the floor with wood now I’m sure that you see that we’re already burning through the stuff that we chopped down yesterday and this isn’t even the expensive part once the floor was finished it was actually time

To start work on the area where these villagers are actually going to end up spending their days now this is the expensive part okay because it’s only logs and stairs and they absolutely tear through your supply also you may notice that there was a little fire going on

Right here uh because I built it right next to the cobblestone generator and didn’t notice it for like 5 minutes but yeah that was scary but it was easily fixed then I got straight back to work on stripping all the logs making and placing all the stairs that I could

Around the pillars and then went around adding trap doors in the middle just to add a little bit of design and finesse before then expanding out three blocks behind every hole and adding even more stairs in between and on top of them then I put a little stone brick trim on

The wall and added whatever stairs I had left over on top of the others before deciding to call it a day because I had completely ran out of wood but I think that we made some insanely good progress and I really really love how this thing’s turning out it’s definitely one

Of my better looking ones and I really like the uh the wooden circle design but we aren’t done yet and I’m only expecting it to get better from here after doing a whole bunch of building on day 41 I set a bunch of Cobble smelting down into stone and decided to try

Mining the block and more getting annoyed almost immediately but that’s okay because shortly after we found a beacon and some flowers with some grass blocks that I went around placing in the Inner Circle that way we can actually have some Greenery going around here and once it’s all covered in Grass we can

Add some flowers to it but for now it’s back to mining where we found a whole bunch of Skelly horses that will 100% be used to feed my trees and well Bob who spawned back in again but this time with gifts making me richer your death was

Meaningful this time my drippy friend we love you however we do not love you but you can’t really hurt me anymore so that kind of sucks for you hey look at the pork chop Tower I was running pretty low on them also apparently I have a child

Now oh wait no wait there he goes well I’m not going to complain about that one less mouth to feed so I decided that that was probably enough Lucky Block mining for me today and noticed that my stone didn’t smell in the furnaces and I really don’t have a way to light them

That was until I had another gigabrain idea and made a whole bunch of buckets took them into The Nether and grabbed a ton of lava brought it back home and put one bucket in each furnace essentially giving me a near infinite fuel source so we don’t have to worry about that

Anymore so I then spent the rest of the night restocking on some wood on day 42 I headed back over to the Villages and did a little bit more trading not really getting many emeralds then I decided it was time to call the cow population taking care to avoid hitting the lucky

Ones but unfortunately accidents happened and sadly I uh ended up instag grilling one of the lucky cows into a steak so in my sadness I made a memorial sign it’s not much but I’ll never forget my lucky cow after that very tasty tragedy I moved the anvils over to the

New build and spent some time mining the block and wowe what a mining session this was I I just keep getting villagers and witches and turning villagers into witches it it wasn’t a good day that was made even worse considering that I got stuck in an obsidian water trap again so

I had to spend an absolute lifetime clearing that up after the Obby was gone we were greeted by yet another flying Horsemen and some rainbow sheep that were kind of helpful because of the wool but after getting the Sheep my look took a turn for the better and I was gifted

An entire stack of diamonds along with a bunch of other goodies but that look did not last long and I had to spend about 5 minutes dealing with this ripoff of a slime that did some pretty nasty damage but hey at least I got another Beacon to

Add to my collection also I spent the night doing my favorite thing in the entire world after my pretty atrocious look yesterday on day 43 I decided to take a break from everything and just spent the day filling in all the soon to be villager rooms with the remaining

Wood that I had because it really did need to be done and I didn’t want to risk doing anything else in case my look was so bad that I just glitched through the floor and fell to my demise but anyways by Nightfall all the rooms were

Filled in and looking a lot more full I guess is the only word that I can use to describe it things looked a lot better and a lot Fuller then in the morning I made some bone meal and began growing some grass up around the inner ring once

I was happy with how that looked I grabbed all the flowers that we had and got to work on placing them down now that all the grass has spread all around and we have some flowers placed down I really like the look of it and I think

It really add some good color so I added some paths and then spent the rest of the day marking out the final circle with whatever wood we had left over and connected the Four Corners to the outer edge day 45 started out with me building a platform outside of the village of

Breeder in hopes of me using using my lucky bow on it and spawning in a zombie to actually help me make trades much cheaper but after a while of shooting arrows at the platform for but I don’t even know how long I think I kind of

Just zoned out at this point we ended up with some pretty bad luck mainly just getting meteors that were a pain to get rid of but eventually that evening I was graced with the presence of some zombies that I attempted to trap and use as

Villager bait but um yeah no I ended up killing them both so out of pure curiosity I went and decided to check the egg chest where I found a zombie spawn egg from earlier so um yeah that kind of just made my entire day pointless so that night I made a little

Temporary area to use to infect and cure my villagers and once it was done and ready I lured them in there and then began making the preparations to cure them so I grabbed a name tag for a zombie that I now named Hondo but don’t get to attached to him because he

Doesn’t last long then I cooked up some weakness potions turned them into Splash ones and before I knew it the sun was Rising so in the morning I head it back over to them and made one a cartographer and then did a little bit of trading

With him to level him up to the point of where he can sell me emeralds for glass and then infected them both immediately cured them and then said goodbye to Hondo and now we just wait for them to cook in the morning I crafted down all

The glass that I could into pains and broke the lucky block a little to kill time whilst waiting for the villagers to be cured now I ended up getting some more spawn eggs and as I was storing them away I got the achievement for curing a villager so I ran over to them

Wasting no time in making some big trades now it’s not the most efficient Emerald trade cycle just yet but I accidentally dealt with Hondo so uh yeah I’ll need another zombie if I want to make it better but this is still way more efficient than anything else I’ve

Done so far after trading all of their stock for the day I combined up my armor that I got a while ago and now we’re just slightly more op even though I’d still need to do it with every single other piece but that’s way too expensive

And I really don’t have the XP right now once I was done with the armor I gave the villagers some more food and headed to bed once I got up I did some more training with the Villagers be it for a slightly scammy price I don’t know why

It changed but thankfully it doesn’t stay like that for long after getting swindled for my Emerald old I grabbed four name tags and began naming some of my dogs after you peeps so here are the four names of the dogs so far and as

Always if you want to be a dog a frog or really any other type of animal or mob then be sure to drop a comment down below and I’ll be sure to try my best to make it happen and also I just want to take a minute to say thank you all so

Much for watching and making this past year so amazing I love and appreciate you all so much and I cannot thank you enough for watching it really does mean the world to me and you’re all just awesome now after naming the dogs I began clearing up the platform I used to

Spawn the mobs in earlier because it was nothing but an I saw and I wanted it gone once it was cleared up I headed back into the nether to grab some wool that I stored away earlier to see if I had enough to combine with the stuff

That I have in the Overworld to make a few more beds for the villagers and I actually did surprisingly so I crafted three of them and gave them to the villagers and then chopped down my trees and spent the night mining the block again dealing with another flying Skelly

Boy and making a grind Stone to disenchant his armor to get some free XP but other than another minor explosion we really didn’t get much else so on the morning of day 49 I patched up the floor removed some horses and uh began mining the block some more getting a giant

Lucky Block that caused a giant hole so that I had to spend a while fixing that but after the hole was all fixed up I gave the villagers some more food and did a little bit more trading before then spending the rest of the day chopping wood and Gathering Cobblestone

I’m telling you materials you just can’t get enough of them on the morning of day 50 I made myself a shiny new golden helmet and headed back into the nether grabbing any and all glow stone that I could find because I want to make a lot

Of redstone lanterns and for them my KNE glowstone after grabbing probably more than enough I headed back home to find that the sun was already Rising on day 51 so I cleared out my inventory from yesterday and mined a couple of Lucky Blocks before disaster struck again

Killing and damaging a whole bunch of wolves so I did my best to heal up the ones that were lucky enough to survive and then began patching things up again thinking about how it was probably quite a bad idea putting that cursed thing in the middle of my lovely new home once

The floor was all patched up I added a little wall around the the center to try and dampen the blow of any further TNT blasts and move my dogs to a safer place and then continued on mining getting even more dogs and then another explosion followed by even more dogs and

Then possibly the single biggest explosion so far so needless to say I decided to stop mining right there and instead had to spend the whole night patching things up because it was a mess this time all right that it was it was bad this time on the following day I did an absolutely

Big brain move once again and use my silk touch pickaxe to grab a whole load of the lucky blocks and took them into the nether to open them there because I am absolutely sick of patching up the floor now the main thing that I was looking for from these blocks was red

Stone so that I could actually make the you know the Redstone lanterns cuz I really don’t have too much of it right now but my look in the nether didn’t seem any better shortly after starting some TNT went off absolutely decimating this poor baby zombie however this upset

Papa zombie as he returned once again to seek Vengeance I’m sorry buddy but you bring this on yourself after dealing with our good old friend Bob I had the closest call so far to this Magma Cube it absolutely slapped me down to four Hearts so I shot some TNT at it then

This Skelly right here probably made the biggest mistake of its life by hitting a pigman very quickly sealing his own fate I don’t know what he thought would happen two extremely nice and lucrative wishing wells later and now we have some bedrock and cats but don’t get too

Attached for them because they really don’t last long that I told you they didn’t last long what a terrible way to go out now I did end up finding some Redstone but shortly after got jumped by a whole load of mobs again but this time I was prepared and they really weren’t

Too scary and I managed to escape pretty easily now after finishing off the last of the blocks I headed home and stored away all of my goodies and on day 53 I made a whole bunch of levers and then went around placing down all the Redstone lamps that I had around the top

Of the villager’s new home after they were all placed I spent the rest of the evening and night moving some of the villagers over from the breeda into their new trading Halls now these guys are usually the worst thing in the world to move but they were surprisingly

Cooperative this time around and it wasn’t absolutely infuriatingly mind-numbing to move them and so by the morning of day 54 I managed to move over most of the villagers into their new homes and didn’t want to throw myself off my base and into the void so I

Decided to reward myself for the back breaking work I did last night and combined the two chest plates that I had getting a giga op one and then decided to dedicate the rest of the day to tree farming because I really want to finish off the final layer of the build ASAP so

I used up all my bones and Cho down so so many trees and then over the following couple days I gred out finishing off the final Lair filling in the floor with slabs building up walls all the way around the outside dealing with another fire that somehow started

And finally adding a roof over the top of everything adding some Stone Planters to the top of it that I can use to plant trees and flowers you know just to add a little bit of variety from all the wood that was used now the build’s not done

Yet but at least the big resource intensive and heavy parts are kind of out of the way and we’ve made some pretty good progress so you know we can be much more chilled out about finishing off the rest on day 58 I did some more trading with the Villagers as well as

Giving the ones up top their profession blocks before them finding a wondering Trader that just so happened to be selling some Spruce saplings so I grabbed some and then decided to grab some more lucky blocks and take them back into The Nether Again In Search of more Redstone because my Supply was

Completely gone now this time around the blocks weren’t quite as explosive but instead were pretty nice to me giving me quite a lot of diamonds as well as a bit of XP before finally giving me a decent amount of redstone but sadly we did lose whatever remaining cats we had in there

In the process after using up all the lucky blocks and getting jumped by an army of silver fishing endermites I put all the TNT that I’ve been Gathering From drops from the lucky blocks to use and went in search of ancient debris all right so I’m just going to save both of

Our time right here uh I found one piece of ancient debris that was it that was it so I headed home with my singular piece of ancient debris when I got back I found that it was already morning so I grabbed all my dogs and moved them into

The newly built up area and also I think this is the most dogs I’ve ever had like tamed at one time it’s it’s a bit ridiculous but I shall protect them and keep them safe nonetheless with the dogs now gathered up safe and sheltered I

Repaired our good friend axi 2 and did a slight bit of work on a hallway that may lead to another Island in future it just depends on where I want to build the nether portal but for now it’s just a hole in the wall after finishing up with

That a maiden placed down the rest of the other Redstone lamps and spent the evening trading with the villagers again but this time the good prices had returned and they were no longer scamming me oh and I also put a couple of trees in the Planters too but now day

60 it’s become that time again it’s storage day baby let’s go everybody loves storage day you got to love storage day and you got to celebrate storage day too storage day is a good day good day day 60 storage day so needless to say in the title of the day

I literally spent most of the day sorting through and tidying up my storage before then putting my stockpile of beacons to use by going around and placing them down around the perimeter of the island and then real quick traded for a few pieces of glass from the

Villagers that I then place down making some windows behind the entrances to the Outer Circle and then spent the rest of the night grabbing cobblestone on day 61 I set the Cobble off smelting and proceeded to do some more trading to pass time once the Cobble was all

Smelted down I crafted some Stone into bricks and stairs and finished off adding the rest of the Planters up top because then being half finished was really annoying me so after dedicating a while to building them up they were all finished however I didn’t have the dirt

To fill them in so I repaired my shovel and aptly named it gravel gobler because that’s exactly what it’s going to do so I headed back into The Nether and went to town digging up way more gravel than I was ever going to need but he’s called gravel gobler for a reason after

Grabbing or gobbling all the gravel I headed back home and the sun had risen on day 62 so I made and broke down Co dirt into real dirt and finished off the Planters with trees and grass and to top it all off added some more beacons and now this thing looks really

Nice then I grabbed some more glass and that night used my Phantom spawn egg in hopes of getting a membrane and I ended up getting two thanks to looting then made myself some slow falling potions and thought about where to put the end portal because I can’t move it once it’s

Placed so it kind of needs to be a dedicated space and actually planned out so on the following couple days I decided that the portal deserved its own themed Island but I can’t really get the end themed blocks until I actually go there so I was just planning on building

Out of a crappy looking temporary block for now until I can actually get the ones that I want to build with but before we get on to that I decided to name this Zombie horse that had been roaming around my Lance for a while I called him new and then put him inside

With the other ones I think he looks pretty cool and I don’t see these things often enough and well I kind of let the name n it’s kind of unique and it suits him I guess maybe I don’t know it’s a zombie Horseman then I got to work on

Building up the temporary platform for the end portal not filling it in fully because it’ just be a waste of time then I built up the portal and added the eyes only for it not to light so I was left with no other choice than to beg the

Luckie block for it to spawn in and oh would you look at that there’s an End Portal there now there’s definitely no help from mods all righty so this is future poppers right now and I’m going to pause things right here so apparently I built the portal wrong and I didn’t

Know that you had to build it in a specific way with the blocks all connecting in a certain way I’ve been playing this game for almost a decade and literally have it as my job and I had absolutely no idea that I was building them wrong this entire time so

I’m an absolute idiot and I’ll build them correctly in future sorry about that but uh yeah I’m just complete idiot and I didn’t know that you had to build them correctly so this is my bad um and it could have been avoided so with the portal now lit I gathered what I’d need

For the fight and on the morning of day 65 I pop my potions and headed in now shooting down the towers this time around was made a little bit easier due to this bow however I’m still not a great shot so I did have to pillow up to

Some of them to get them but then once the pillars were all gone I took the fight to the dragon firing a whole barrage of arrows at it missing every single one of them I told you I’m not a great shot but after landing enough hits

On the dragon it came into perch and I managed to get some pretty good damage off with my sword however didn’t realized that my slow falling potion had W off and the dragon yeated me into the air and I took some pretty yucky fall damage so I ate some food and regen a

Little bit of Health before continuing on with the fight snapping the dragon before getting another perch that ended in the exact same way with me getting launched with no slow falling potion to break my fall but after regening and hitting a few more shots with one final barrage of arrows the dragon

Fell so I grabbed all the XP and went to break a Lucky Block that I spotted in here before then taking the gateway to the outer end Islands in search of the elytra where I spotted a whole bunch of Lucky Blocks just scattered all the way

Around I can’t even Escape them all the way out here after almost losing everything to an Enderman and popping a gapple to save myself I continued on with the search breaking some lucky blocks along the way I mean hey I may as well there’s nothing else out here so

It’s the perfect testing ground now in the search for a city I found a new axe that puts axi to to shame but don’t worry buddy I will make you better after the axe I found a very Speedy horse that didn’t get very far and after after

Searching around the islands for a while eventually found a city so I made my way in dealing with the shulkers and grabbing some pretty mid-loop before then grabbing the elytra and just before leaving grabbed a whole bunch of purple and endstone after stacking up on the

Blocks I returned home on the morning of day 65 and immediately upgraded axi with the one that I got in the end as well as combining two pair of leggings then I sorted out my inventory and did some trading with my lovely villagers and then over the following couple of days I

Worked on building up the end portal Island but I noticed that the portal was built slightly off center so I had to move everything back one block before I could actually get to work on building everything up now I decided to go with a per and endstone brick theme to kind of

Match what they have with the cities but not exactly the same but oh my days was this absolutely hell to build first off I noticed it was too far back but after them building for like 10 minutes I noticed it was one block too low so then

I had to go around and move everything up by one block but after fixing that the rest of the build went pretty smoothly getting everything finished off by day 69 9 and well I think it was definitely worth the extra time because I’m really really happy with how this

Came out I think it really fits the theme of the portal on Day 70 I realized that I never finished placing down the fences around the top of the outer ring so I grabbed a bunch of wood and made a many fences as I could making more than

Enough to finish off the outline after dealing with the fences I broke some flowers down into yellow and orange dye and made some stained glass before then heading back to the nether to grab the quartz from earlier and added it around the lucky block in the center to make

Make it look better I guess I didn’t really like it it didn’t really look that good so it’s not staying by the time the glass was placed down the sun was Rising on day 71 so I decided to grab myself a bunch of Lucky Blocks and

Take them into the end because it’s just a much better place to open them than the nether now I really wasn’t looking for anything specific I just wanted to open a whole bunch of these things in a safe-ish place I ended up finding this treasure map right here that I’m sure is

Going to be extremely useful and come in very handy for us 100% we’re definitely going to find this treasure along with a couple of Wells that gave me a bunch of goodies and Bob we love you Bob but you got to stop coming at me like this it’s

Not right after dealing with Bob once again I found a loob more flowers so I crafted a chest and threw them in there because I was going to need a lot of dieses for something I had planned one kill a rabbit and a giant later and I

Was almost dead so I had to pop another gapple also during this block breaking spree I found a couple more beacons and even more dogs that well let’s just say they’re not coming home however when some cats spawned in I decided to stop breaking blocks for now and brought some

Of them home because I don’t have any yet and they look cute on Day 72 I repaired gravel gobler and returned back into the nether to begin stocking up on all the building blocks I was going to need to build the nether portal Island first I gobbled up some Soul Sand and

Some soul soil for the base then took to the Bas salt Deltas to grab some Bas salt and the Warped Forest to grab some warped stems and then when I was heading back home stopped off back at the basalt Delta to grab a little bit of Blackstone before then heading back home and

Crafting all the blocks that I was going to need to build the island but before that on the following day all those flowers I stored away in the end came into use as I broke them all down into a rainbow of dyes and made some stained glass and then went around placing one

Block following a rainbow pattern above every single Beacon and I mean now just look how freaking cool this looks all right I’m so pleased with it it looks so good anyways enough basking of the glory of the beacons it’s time to get back to work so I spent that night building up

The outline of the nether Island and filling in the floor to begin building up the portal in the morning so over the next couple of days I got to work on building the portal now the design for this portal was originally created by seai so huge shout out to them I’m a

Huge huge fan of this portal frame and I think it’ll look really really good on an island of its own and if you like it and you’re interested in building it for yourself then I’ll be sure to leave a link to the tutorial in the top right of

The screen right now and in the description down below so definitely go check that out anyways after building up the main structure I headed back into the nether to grab a bunch of Bones from skellies and fossils around the soul sound Valley then brought them back home

To build my very own fossils completing the island by day 76 and it looking pretty good too I’m very happy with this one now on day 77 I combined two pair of boots before feeding the villagers some more potatoes and then spent most of the day clearing off and removing the old

Island because it was no longer needed considering that I have everything set up on the new one I started off day 78 by making some big changes to the center of the island by adding some small ponds in each corner and then adding a little bit of detail onto the bridges that

Connect to the center I just wasn’t happy with the old design anymore and wanted to fill things out and have it look a little bit less empty once the center was done I spent a little while adding more item frames to the chest and expanding out the storage a bit more and

Did a little bit of organization before grabbing a tadpole spawn egg and popping it down in the water and soon we shall have a fully grown frog named Polo after naming the Frog well tadpole right now on day 79 I decided to move the last villagers over into their new permanent

Trade Halls that once again went significantly smoother than I was expecting it to go so I managed to get them all set up and locked into their slots by the morning of day 80 then spent a good while matching up the profession blocks to the villagers and

Giving the ones that hadn’t got any jobs new ones so that they can actually be useful to to me and now finally The Villages are set up so in celebration I grabbed the rest of the loose Lucky Blocks I had laying around and took them

Into the end to open them up and search of some sea lanterns and whilst looking for those I ended up finding some gapples as well as two back-to-back sea lantern spawns and then got jumped by a ton of silverfish and endermites that ended up triggering the Enderman who

Began screaming and running to my Aid after blowing up some dogs I’d got what I came here for so I headed back home to place down the lanterns when I found this absolute mess I don’t know why they’re all here but they are and I

Don’t like it so I went on a purge getting rid of these Extremely Loud pests once they were dealt with I went around placing down all the lanterns and things were looking pretty nice just ignore the remains of the mobs from earlier so with another successful day

Under my belt I stored some loot away and headed to bed being reminded of the tragedy that happened earlier that day I woke up on day 81 to find that our new tadpole was now fully grown so I said hi to him and gave him a slim ball before

Checking up on the amount of Wither Skelly skulls that we had but I only ended up having one so I grabbed some blocks and head headed into the nether in search of a fortress however shortly after getting in there I stumbled across this atrocious biome and just wasn’t

Having it so I just bridged over it now I’m once again going to save you time uh I was looking in here for a while and didn’t find a fortress or any signs of one but I’m pretty sure that they can’t spawn in this world so I just made my

Way back home and spent the night Gathering more lucky blocks that way I can use them to get the skulls because they can spawn as a random drop on the following morning I had five stacks of them so I took them to the end and began

Breaking my way through them to find the Wither skulls and oh boy was this eventful we immediately got jumped by some Guardians popping a gaple just for in case and then two more spawned falling to their demise and then I got exactly what I asked for uh the Wither

Just spawned in from a lucky block out of nowhere scaring the absolute life out of me I didn’t know that this was a thing at all but I quickly realized that this was no normal wither this guy was fast and really really op because you can’t outrun it and you can barely

Damage it because he just go goes around at super speed attacking all the Ender in here and well his health regenerates really quickly and because he’s moving so fast you can barely damage this guy let alone kill him so after having no look with that I retreated to the outer

End Islands to open up some more lucky blocks in search of one of the evil potions because it seems like they do Insane damage and could be one of the only ways I can put an end to this guy if they even work so I broke more blocks

Finding some more gapples and efficiency buck and the potions so then I prepared myself to return and try and kill the Wither but once I arrived I threw the potion and missed who saw that coming also look at this guy I have speed three and he’s keeping up with me what are

These hacks my guy I’m on to you check him PC now I did manage to escape the Wither very briefly and headed home to check if I had another evil potion Ling around and I did so I made my way back to the end and attempted another attack

But once I threw the potion I’m pretty sure it just phased through this man right here and did nothing so that wasn’t good and I had to retreat only Escaping The End seconds before the Wither could have followed through the portal I don’t actually know if they can

Come through but he was damn close and with that I decided to never return to the end or at least for a little while on day 86 I put some of the leaves that I gathered quite a while ago to use and added some more Greenery around the

Inner of the circle and then made a very small temporary tree farming spot and used bone meal to grab a whole bunch of spruce and Oak for the rest of the day then on the following day I put all the wood to use by upgrading the interior of

The Outer Circle now this isn’t my proudest work but it looks better than it did and that’s good enough for me considering that I’ll probably never even go in there anyway all righty day 90 the beginning of the end I repaired my pickaxe and return to the nether with

Some lucky blocks to try my look searching for netherite again now you may be wondering hey poppers why did you bring the lucky blocks to search for netherite well I wanted to see if it would be any use to me trying to use the explosive drops that I can get from them

To clear out some areas but I quickly found out after breaking almost a whole stack before getting any boom boom that it didn’t really do much so I returned to my old ways and began flailing my pickaxe around sporadically in search of any and all ancient debris that I could

Find but after absolutely eating through my pict durability and finding pretty much nothing I decided to call it a day and began heading home throwing myself into lva along the way because even without Nether I’m super op and I can day 91 was pretty much a wasted day I uh

Went and decided to go and open the remaining lucky blocks that I had to see what other the building blocks I could find but didn’t really get much other than some diamonds gold and emeralds as well as a few bad Lu booms now in the following couple days I realized I

Didn’t actually have a house and well I kind of wanted one so I spent a little while grabbing some more wood both Spruce and Oak as well as grabbing the leaves and rebuilding a temporary cobblestone generator and restocking on that then smelting it down into stone and crafting some bricks after Gathering

All the materials I was going to need on day 95 I got to work on building of the house starting out by making a platform of dirt and adding a few grass blocks around it before then starting to build the actual structure of the house now once again if you’re interested in

Building this house for yourself then definitely go check out the channel that I’ve linked in the top right and down in the description for the house tutorial if you’re interested in wanting a super nice looking house that’s also really really small after building up the house

For a while I grabbed the dogs and brought them over and then finished off the structure of the house and got to work on the garden adding a wall that’s going to encase everything inside as well as some paths and flowers and a small little Fountain around the back

And boom here’s the house it’s now done and looking pretty good it’s not much but it’s very quaint and it looks really nice plus I don’t really have a ton of space to work with right here nor a ton of time so yeah there it is so I grabbed

My bed and spent that night over at the new house day 99 after building up the house I took the cats over there naming one Bonk Who Shall Serve as the guardian of the land in my absence then I headed back into the end to rescue some of the

Cats in there from the Wither successfully evading it and getting them home safely but then noticed that a second frog that I got whilst building up the house had gone missing so I went around looking for him but couldn’t find him even check check in the nether to no

Avail so I have absolutely no clue where he went and took my aner out on the water chickens but then as I was about to give up hope I heard some froggy sounds nearby the villagers and still he eludes me but then I checked inside the outter Circle and he was there just

Chilling and completely fine after reuniting with the Frog I moved the final cats over to the house grabbed some more name tags from the librarium and then put them to use by using my spawn eggs and naming three axotal one was called slippy the other one was

Called ploppy and the third one was called bazaza before then taking in the orange glow of the final sunset in this world hey and would you look at that it’s day 100 we’ve come so far from having nothing carrying on a little platform terrified of the blocky Gods to now thriving with

Villagers to trade with dogs cats frogs and aelott to keep us company and a whole bunch of cool builds surrounding us so I got up and dealt with the Villager that stole my bed earlier before saying thank you to the most helpful villagers by giving them a

Little window and then decided to break one final Lucky Block oh and now with lucky block coming to a close we’re almost at the end of our Sky dwelling Adventures but there’s still one left the OG you might say because next up is the time that I

Survived 100 days in the original Sky Block with a slightly newer twist in some places all righty so on day one on my first day on this tiny Island suspended above a never ending void considering I didn’t have many options of things to do I started digging the

Top two layers of dirt to have everything nice and flat and once all that was done I chopped down the tree and patiently waited for a sapling and once I had acquired said sapling uh I planted it down and got to work on building a cobblestone generator but

Whilst working on it I must have decided to myself that hardcore Sky Block wasn’t going to be challenging enough and threw myself in the lava accidentally and well things were almost over on day one and to top it all off I was starting to get hungry so I couldn’t regen anyways after

That incident I got to work on mining some Cobble so that I could actually expand out the island a little bit now I’ll explain to you my idea for this island is I wanted to make an area kind of look like a a main Square in the middle okay surrounded by staircases in

A square like fashion all around it kind of like a big Square Bowl um and then on those staircases there’ll be little platforms that have farms and tree farms and whatever the Hell in them and I’m 100% sure that I’ll stick with that idea and never change it after my little

Expansion I replaced all the dirt around the cobblestone generator with stone and started on a little wheat farm that would hopefully grow quickly because I did not want to stay as vulnerable as I am right now after getting my one seed planted it was getting dark so I got to

Work on mining Cobble all night because I mean what else is there to do there’s nothing here by the morning of day two I’d M quite a bit of Cobble so I got to work on making it into slabs and placing it all down until I was satisfied on how

Big our main island was and then I started work on mapping out the staircases leading to the upper layer and O this was going to take a lot of Cobble after placing the slabs down as high as I needed them to be I moved the sapling to a better place and then

Secured a small area around my cobblestone generator so that I would be protected somewhat when night came if things decided to to spawn on the island because it’s slightly bigger now but uh yeah I know it looks really bad for the minute but don’t worry it’s temporary o

And I also made myself a glow Berry Farm and chopped a bit of wood down from my newly grown tree but then it began getting dark so I went and hid inside my little bunker mining Cobble all night again and hoping to have a skeleton spawn so that in the morning it will

Burn up and I can use its remains for bone meal so that I can feed myself but well I didn’t really have any luck with that however when I left my hidey-hole in the morning I uh saw one glow Berry had grown overnight I was extremely

Happy to see it because now that meant that I was one step closer to full health so I harvested it and ate it and then chopped down the last piece of wood from the tree hoping to get an Apple whilst waiting for the tree to Decay I

Expanded the staircase a little bit but uh when I went back to the tree all I got was a load of saplings so I planted them down and got back to work on the stairs I ended up making a lot of progress on them and then started to

Realize how big this build was actually going to be however I might not even make it to finishing the first layer of stairs if I don’t get some food soon because well I can’t even Sprint anymore and had no way of getting food except w waiting around so with that in mind I

Returned to my Cobblestone box and mine Cobble for the rest of the day hoping that tonight A Skelly would spawn and burn in the morning so I could finally get some bone meal for my farm and finally at some point during the night a Skelly boy came up to my box and I

Quickly dispatched it getting one bone for all my troubles on the morning of day four I cautiously left my house to find an Enderman a spider and the remains of two skellies now I had three bones that I made into bone meal and used on the farm after growing some

Crops I went out and made myself an infinite water source because I could and they’re very useful anyways after that I went and made my wheat into bread and ate it but I was still a little bit off of healing so I also chopped down a

Tree in hopes of apples and finished off the first layer of the staircase and I’m not going to lie it was looking pretty good so far after the layer was done I made a furnace and smelted down some wood that I could use to make some

Torches to help the tree grow at night okay so we’re 4 days in and we really don’t have much stuff that we can do right now except mine Cobble so listen up my first goal in this 100 days is is to make a mob grinder to help speed up

The process of well basically everything but first to do that we need a lot of Cobble so I spent the rest of day four and the entirety of day five mining this godforsaken block so that I had enough to make the mob farm finally by the morning of day six I gathered enough

Cobble to start on the farm now I just went for the basic standard layout design of a mob farm because I don’t need anything fancy this would work perfectly considering there’s no other land around for Bobs to spawn on anyways by day seven the structure of the Farm

Was built but I still needed a lot of wood for the trap doors inside and also on day seven I grew my wheat and finally regenedyne I built myself a tiny little Hood next to it and mined the night away again in hopes that some trees would grow by

Morning and on the morning of day eight no trees had grown even after I killed a Skelly and got six bone Mill still no trees and then to top it all off I went to try and go up my mob spawner and ended up breaking half my farm so I was

Really not having a good day anyways I went up and placed down all the trap doors that I had there wasn’t many but hey it’s a start I also went and placed water in all the spaces that push mobs down but ended up messing up and water

Logging a slab that then caused my farm to be ruined again so I decided enough was enough I went down and removed all of the dirt so that I could make a better little farm without losing my crops every 2 seconds and now yet again I know this looks bad don’t worry it’s

Temporary until I can expand some more but to do that I kind of need wood but I’m using wood for trap doors and I barely have any wood in the first place you see the dilemma here also a tree grew and ended up with eight more trap

Doors so that was that was pretty good I then went round and planted a few more saplings because this wood thing was taking way too long I then decided to spend the night in in my little Hut just AFK because I really didn’t feel like mining any more Cobble right now and I

Really just wanted these saplings to grow and well day nine was a much better day there was immediately already one tree grown so I chopped that down and made it into trap doors and then decided to go around Scavenging the sides of my Island to see if any bones have been

Dropped there wasn’t any so I decided to head up and place my trap doors and by the time I came back down there was another fully grown tree for me I really think that my looks starting to come back here anyways I chopped the tree down and decided to work on the second

Layer of staircase whilst waiting for more trees to grow and sure enough after doing the staircase for a little while two more trees are grown that I then promptly chopped down and now we only need 14 more trap doors after a while of waiting around for more trees to grow I

Decided to make myself a fishing rod but I don’t really think I had a big enough body of water to catch anything so I kind of just put it in the chest to use later and then I realized that there was four more Islands surrounding my main

Island there was one with a jungle tree on there’s one with a spruce tree there was a mushroom one and I think there was a swampy one but I couldn’t really make it out anyways I decided that I’d a bridge over to the swampy one first

Thing in the morning so I uh I spent all night mining again and in the morning I sat out carefully bridging my way over the never ending void to our first new island and well when I got over there it really didn’t have anything in fact the

Only things that I didn’t have that were on this island were vines and lily pads so not really anything I need right now so that was kind of disappointing anyways I returned back to my Island and grabbed the last pieces of wood that I needed to make the final trap doors for

The mob farm and boom just like that we now have a fully working mob farm so at least one good thing came out of this day and I actually ended up spending most of the night just camping out the farm on the morning of day 11 I tended

To my farm made myself some food and then went around chopping down all the trees so that I could start work on the second layer of our Island right here oh and I also took a couple swings at the mob farm because why not anyways I worked on building out the island for

The rest of the day so while this cinematic shot is playing let me tell you my plan for this first wooden Lair you see it’s five blocks wide so in the middle of that all the way around all four sides of the island I can plant

Trees that will then become my tree farm and I’ve not seen many tree farms that are built in like a square form of this I don’t know if anybody’s doing it probably not it’s kind of stupid but either way that’s what we’re doing but yeah that’s my plan for the second layer

And then the third layer will have something else on it I’m not too sure what it is yet but anyways after burning through all my wood I spent most of the night growing and chopping trees so that I could finish the expansion tomorrow but then the Phantoms came so I went and

Hid in my little hole again until I realized that I had enough string to make a bed and finally on night 11 I went to sleep for the first time as soon as I woke up on day 12 I got straight back to finishing off the second layer

And after all the wood was placed I went round strategically and precisely placing the dirt perfectly spaced out so that it would look even on all sides and finally by the morning of day 13 the second layer of the island was done and we finally have a nice looking tree farm

And also now the middle area of the island was no longer overcrowded with trees and dirp after all that was done I smelted down some wood into coal and went around placing torch everywhere so that no mobs would spawn outside of my spawner after placing down a load of

Torches I went and killed all the mobs in the grinder when I noticed that I had two witches in there and you see I need one of these to get a villager later down the line so I began the tedious process of capturing one and well it was

Extremely annoying and scary at the same time but eventually I managed to separate one from the rest of the mobs in the spawner and now all I needed was a zombie villager and a golden apple but poppers I hear you ask how will you get such an item in sky block some off

Camera technique maybe some secret nobody knows about no I’m just going to go in the Nether and make a gold Farm it’s that simple but that jobs for later because right now I just want to farm out this spawner and try and get some better armor to drop oh and I also had

An iron sword drop whilst getting the witch separated so uh yeah that was pretty nice anyways some mob killing later and I didn’t really get any better armor however I did find a potato that I then made into a lot more potatoes which would now become my main source of food

And after I harvested them I went to bed and on day 14 I woke up and I made myself a smoker to help the cooking part of these potatoes go a lot smoother after cooking a few of them I got to work on sorting out and organizing all

My storage because everything was just crammed into one chest and it was really triggering me because I am a neat freak when it comes to storage in this game anyways after my super tidy I got to work on expanding the island a bit more because well I had some leftover Cobble

And well I may as well use it now I didn’t get too much progress done because this place is getting kind of big now but hey progress is progress at the end of the day and on that topic by the time I was done expanding it was the

End of the day so I went to bed okay now you remember as I mentioned that I wanted to make a gold Farm earlier and well I was planning on making it later down the line but I realized that gapples could possibly save my life if something goes really bad so I decided

To start Gathering all the resources that I would need to make a somewhat fast and efficient rudimentary gold farm so for the next 3 days I mined Cobble and chopped trees non-stop until the end of day 17 when I had enough resources to start work on the farm oh and I also got

My first Iron Ingot from a zombie as well so that was quite cool so on days 18 to 22 I made myself a nether portal and now you may be wondering how I lit the damn thing but that’s okay let me explain I used my humongous brain that

We all know I have obviously a joke but I used lava and wood to light it and then boom we were now in the nether but there was also a second portal in here which I’ve never seen before but I guess it’s just part of the map anyways the

Chest down here had a fire charge in it so I used it to light the second portal and learned that you cannot a gold block with a stone pick I don’t know why I thought you could uh but anyways after that incident I made myself a little

Platform and started work on the gold farm that would hopefully work first try and well they took a little bit of encouragement to jump off but oh boy was this thing efficient however it was very scary having like 30 Pigmen to try and kill you anyways after having a few of

Them commit no longer part of the living realm I collected their remains and returned home to make myself a shield and then headed back into the nether to secure a little base around my portal just so that if some did survive the fall then they couldn’t get to me as

Easily oh and I also lowered the platform in which the pigs drop onto and die by two blocks just to make sure that as many died as possible even if they were wearing armor and well this just made the farm even better I mean just look at this thing now the odd Pigman

Can hit me if I’m not careful but if I like keep my distance and stuff like that this is the easiest source of gold ever I mean especially if there was a hopper system underneath as well but unfortunately we don’t have that luxury right now so uh yeah after a while of

Looting them I went home and it was night so I went to bed and on day 23 I woke up feeling very very good about things I mean we now had a mob farm and a gold farm and it felt pretty good to finally start getting some good

Materials and when I say good materials I mean good for Sky Block anyways I started to smell down my golden swords into nuggies and then crafted the nuggies into ingots which I then used to make myself some golden apples now I know there aren’t many of them but don’t

Worry I’ll spend a while in the gold Farm later to to make make more but for now my objective is to get a zombie villager and another witch because mine despawned sadly so I spent the rest of the day just swinging at the mobs in the

Spawner hoping to get one of the two spawn and well after a while of killing things I did indeed get another witch to spawn that I then quickly trapped again and now all I needed was a zombie villager in the process of waiting for one to spawn though I ended up finding a

Second witch and got two more iron drops from zombies but finally there he was my zombie villager I quickly freed him from the death pit and then trapped him in a boat built a roof over his head and got to work on making the witch throw a

Potion of weakness but that was a lot easier said than done you see they don’t throw them that often and when they do throw them you need to be less than three blocks away from the witch when they throw them but here’s the kicker they can also throw potions of harming

That will deal three hearts of damage so it’s very very risky but it is really worth it so I sat there and I tanked potion after potion after potion until until finally I got hit with a potion of weakness and gave the zombie a golden apple and then I went to bed because

This man’s going to need a while to cook before he turns back into a normal villager again so whilst waiting for that I took a few swings at the mob grinder and well I saw this Skelly boy with diamond booties this man had hella drip and I didn’t actually know they

Could spawn with them on so I killed him but sadly no diamond boots for me so I decided whilst I’m waiting for Mr villager over there to cook I may as well be productive so I decided to make some more progress on expanding the island some more

Until finally I got the achievement for curing a villager so I rushed over to see him and just look at this beautiful specimen I love him and therefore his name shall be ploa ploa the great he shall become my armor from here on out but the the only problem with that is I

Need a blast furnace and well I only have two of the five iron needed so you know what that means right mindlessly slaughtering hordes and hordes of defenseless mobs until they drop me the loot that I’m looking for oh but wait there’s another zombie villager let me

Just put him in a boat oh wait no I can’t because sweeping Edge has done what it does best absolutely nothing anyways it’s fine because I got another one to spawn and trapped it in the nether accidentally so I I I don’t know what is going to happen with that one

But yeah I chilled at that grinder all day and night and I didn’t get one single iron ingot so then I started thinking is there any other way to get them in Sky Block and the only way I could remember was piglins piglins can

Trade them so all I need to do is Stack Up on gold and I literally have a farm for that so the iron problem is solved right so I rushed to the nether with two goals in mind I wanted to collect as much gold as possible and trade for as

Much iron as possible also when I got there I killed the zombie villager because it wasn’t worth my time trying to cure him and bring him back but anyways my goal was to get a load of gold and to catch a piglin in a boat and

Then use them to trade with but well that was easier said than done so after about 20 minutes of piglins dying for random reasons when they hit the boat I realized that you can’t actually get in a boat by Falling I’m pretty sure so I decided to go and make some hay bales

Instead and well would you look at that they worked first try and I got started with trading straight away and after trading like 40 something gold I actually ended up with 65 iron nuggies that got made into seven iron ingots so that’s two more than I need anyway so

Overall this plan worked out pretty successfully anyways I headed back home to start smelting down some of the stone to craft my blast furnace that I then crafted and placed down to give this man a job and then I realized that I’d forgotten the biggest thing when it

Comes to trading with villagers I’d forgotten about emeralds the literal only currency in the game just slipped my mind you see I’d need emeralds to trade for armor so the entire point of the blast furnace was pointless right now so I just really quickly made a

Composter and made him a farmer so that I could actually get some emeralds so poers was that entire time in the nether a big waste of time well no because I still need a blast furnace for the second second villager so don’t worry we will get use out of it yet anyways after

Harvesting some crops and trading with the Villager it was getting dark so I called it a day on days 29 to 30 I worked on grabbing more Cobblestone to expand the island a little bit more so that things were a little more open and

By the end of day 30 all the stairs were finished and I had now made a start on one of the sides of our new liable area Okay so next up I wanted to Branch out to some of the other Islands to see if they had anything of use on them so I

Started out by heading over to the Sprucey snowy Island and decided to make my bridge out of would because then when I’m done I can just burn it down afterwards and it wouldn’t just chill there being a cobblestone like ice all forever and I mean if you ask me that’s

A pretty genious idea however I never burnt them down anyways I got over to the island and well it had a pumpkin and some snow in it so I decided to gather up all the snow and maybe make a snow golem later so I could have like an army

Of them to defend my Island and I also noticed that there’s an amethyst cluster or geode or whatever they’re called just chilling at the side of the island but I really wasn’t interested in getting anything that he had to offer me so instead of going and looting that I P

Patiently waited for a sapling from the spruce tree and well I never got one so I headed back home put all the stuff from the island in a chest and then headed over to the Mushroom Island next but before setting off I grabbed my bed to take with me because it was starting

To get dark and I really did not want to get stranded over there with Phantoms or something attacking me anyways I got over to the island and it was just covered in mushrooms so I I placed my bed down and went to sleep and on day 31

I haveed the mushrooms and some dirt and then I returned home to store some stuff away and to get to work on some other things like tidying up the center of the island because it was a mess and it was really starting to bother me so I moved

A few things around and boom look at this look at how much better this looks and yeah the Villager Hut thingy is still there but it’s just another one of those temporary structures that’s going to be there for a while and you also may be wondering what happened to the

Cobblestone generator and to that I say I built an underground platform to store the cobblestone generator storage and water source on so yeah it keeps the top pretty tidy and it’s pretty cozy down there and now with all that being done I took a few swings at the mob farm ended

Up getting attacked by a zombie and then went to bed okay now these are some busy days coming up you see I decided to go into The Nether and have a look around because my render distance was now higher than it was earlier and I could see all of the

Extra nether islands all around me so I thought it’d be a good idea and worth my while to head over to the Fortress to see if there’s any cool stuff over there and when I finally got there I was expecting like a blaze spawner but actually all I got was glowstone and

Nether wart there really wasn’t much else here it was quite disappointed actually so I took all the stuff headed back home and put it all in a chest now I got to work on getting the second villager so I’d need a second witch and a second zombie villager so after a

While of killing at the spawner I’d got a witch and a zombie villager to spawn at the same time but unfortunately I had to kill the zombie but uh it’s fine though because I eventually trapped the witch whilst almost dying to it and after that I went to bed because I

Didn’t really want to risk losing my current like villager villager to a zombie to then end up being a zombie villager again but in the morning it was straight back to bonking the mobs at the spawner until finally I got a zombie villager to spawn so I broke him out

Trapped him in a boat and started the process of caring in him when I realized that I didn’t have any gapples left so I headed into The Nether to grab some and then almost died to this Pigman right here which very very scary anyways I farmed some gold and now

We can finally cure him and after literally all day of trying to get a weakness potion and failing miserably I went to bed and continued on in the morning when finally I cured the Villager and now I just had to kill some time so I harvested and cooked up some

More of my potatoes and then went to bed so for the next few days I got up and I checked to my villager who was now completely cured and ready to start work so I quickly made him an armor and started the long and tedious process of leveling up both the villagers and

Collecting as many emeralds as possible so I got to work on harvesting and growing crops for the next few days whilst trading with the Villagers at any given opportunity and I also expanded the temporary Farm a little bit too oh and uh wondering Trader spawn so that

Was kind of cool I guess he really didn’t have anything I wanted but hey it gets lonely up here in this like harsh void you know it’s nice to have a friend every so of them anyways by day 40 I got some insane trades for diamond armor for

One Emerald I couldn’t believe it so I snatched it all up and boom we’re now fully Ked out I mean just look at this man right here he can’t even touch me look at this anyways after purchasing my extreme drip I uh du up all the dirt and

I went to bed because on the following days I work more on the expansion because well I really wanted to get these villagers at home so that I could breed them some more and get more trades for diamond tools and weapons so uh yeah all I did for two days was break wood

And place wood and well looked damn good whilst doing it and by the middle of day 43 uh the third layer was finally finished and the island was starting to get pretty big anyways I got to work on replanting some of the trees and planning out where I wanted to put these

Villagers and on day 44 I got to work on building them their home which isn’t really a home it’s kind of like an area that turned out to look like a prison cell but it it’ll do for now okay it’ll do for now anyways now I need to go and

Grab these annoying H boys and uh bring them to their new house which is well a lot easier said than done because for some reason they don’t like to move in a matter of fact they didn’t move at all I had to forcefully push them all the way

There eventually by the end of the day I had both of them in there and then I went and made three beds one for each of the two villagers and one for my soon to be third villager if they even decided to move anyways I spent the night with

Them in the prison so on day 45 when I woke up I noticed that my chests were extremely messy again so I decided to spend all day just tidying them up and organizing everything properly because there was a lot of stuff just all over

So yeah it was kind of a boring day but I think now is the correct time to tell you about this video sponsor it’s it’s you you know you you there just sat there watching this video laid there watching this video it’s you uh if you enjoy it please drop a like And

Subscribe I greatly greatly appreciate it and it really goes a long way anyways back to day like 46 anyways back on track on day 46 I got to work on breeding The Villages by giving them food and a little farm so hopefully the next time I come over here there’s three

Villages not two anyways after that I bridged over to another nether Island to see if there was anything of Interest over there and whilst I was bridging over I spotted a chest on the island but when when I got there it was just a nether version of the Sky Block Island

So I stole the lava bucket and left Ving never to return to another one of these islands ever again then I decided to farm some gold for some gapples that I could actually use instead of having to be used to cure villagers and everything was going good until I got bonked a

Couple times and got a little bit scared but other than the Bonks I was just kind of sat here chilling out just farming gold for 20 minutes and on day 47 I returned to the Overworld and crafted myself a load of gapples that I could actually use on my myself like I said

Instead of curing villagers and well on that topic of villagers let’s go check on them ah still no child but that’s okay I spent the rest of the day smelting down all my iron armor and stuff to make into nuggies that I then made into a pickaxe and M Cobble all

Night because well here is a pretty big time Jump you see I really wasn’t happy with how the island looked and I really wanted to expand it some more so that I could build some actual structures on it so I got to work on doing some massive expansions for 5 days I worked

Tirelessly Mining and placing in Cobblestone and wood and gradually making the island bigger and bigger until now I present to you the newly improved Island just just look how massive this thing is now all all I need to do is just add builds and farms and

Stuff that’s it it’s it’s it’s too big now and on day 54 I got to work on building my farm again and this time I separated my carrots and potatoes into their own section so that I didn’t get any mixed up and I don’t really need to

Plant any Wheat because well I can’t Farm it with the Villagers anyways so there really no point to it anyways after the Farms were done I got to work on a villager trading Hall and well it was kind of more of like a h area thing

Than a hall but uh yeah I just wanted to give them a better place to live um but I also wanted to build it out of dark oak so I made my way over to the dark Oak Island but by the time I got over there it was already getting pretty dark

So I quickly grabbed the wood and a few saplings and cautiously headed back home and went to bed and on day 55 I got to work on building the villagers their new home and well I didn’t have a clear design in mind so it was kind of just

All over the place and I kept removing and replacing loads of blocks and it it was just kind of messed up until the morning of the next day when I had a basic design of the place laid out but to continue on any more work with it I

Needed some glass and I knew there was a wondering Trader selling some red sand but I think he despawn now because I can’t find him anywhere so I didn’t really know what to do about the glass situation until I remembered that Librarians can trade glass for emeralds

So I went to check on the villagers to see if I could actually you know do this and well they still hadn’t breed so I gave them more food took my anger out on the mob farm and kind of just waited around for the rest of the day just

Hoping for them to breed and well after waiting out most of the day I went back to check on them before going to bed and they had finally breed but now I had to wait for it to grow up so I headed to bed and spent the next couple of days

Farming again to stack up on some emeralds so that I can get the trades flowing and hopefully get some glass soon and well I did some trading whilst waiting too because it’d be a waste of my time considering that they can only refresh up to twice a day and on the

Morning of day 59 I went to check on the villagers as soon as soon as I got up and the child was now a fully grown adult all I needed now was a bookshelf and the only way to get one of those is through sugar cane and Leather So I went

And planted some sugarcane down and then went to the gold Farm trying to get some trades going with a piglin in hopes of getting some so after a while of farming out these poor piggy boys uh I ended up with enough gold to start trading with these two lovely fellows right here who

Would happily Supply me with a fire resistance potion and five Leather So we had just enough for a booksh so after my success in the nether I once again returned home when I realized that I already had 17 leather in my farming chest dear God I’m so blind on day 61 we

Were still waiting for the sugar cane to grow and sadly you can’t bone meal it so I guess we just wait but no I was actually quite productive and built myself a house while waiting for the sugarcane to grow but I couldn’t finish it again because well I needed glass but

Uh yeah even without the glass you can kind of see the design close enough and it still looks kind of cool but it is a very basic house but eh what can you really expect it’s Sky Block anyways by the morning of day 64 I finally had

Enough sugarcane to make the paper to make the books to make the bookshelf to make the lect turn to then finally make my third villager a librarian and then it was time for me to start trading to get my sand butth after most of the day

Trading I ran out of emeralds but I actually did end up getting a mending trade completely by accident so that was pretty cool anyways I continued trading on the following day because I really needed this glass and I know you could say hey poppers just go to the island

With the glass on it with the cacti and stuff well I’d love to but it won’t be enough glass all right I need a lot of this stuff anyways more trading later and well I maxed him out and guess what he didn’t trade glass for anything so I

Openly admit to fee and went to bed very upset so on day 66 I got up and immediately headed over to the Sand Island and grabbed every single grain of sand there was and then I took it back home and smelted it down when I got the

Achievement for smelting it that made me go and check the achievement book and well would you look at that husks drop sand do they okay after reading that I went to bed and on day 67 I ran over to the desert island to start expanding it

Out to try and get some husks spawning tonight because well I’ve never farmed these things before so I don’t really know what to expect so uh I sat in a little shed until Nightfall and well not a single husk spawned all night so uh at this point I was feeling pretty defeated

So I just headed home now in the morning of day 68 I wasn’t giving up and I was determined to get sanded by trading again so I went over to the villagers I gave them another bed and I gave them more food when I realized that my Island

Was actually way too big to build stuff on I I really don’t know why I wanted it this big but it was starting to become a problem because things started looking very desolate and empty but anyways um I ended up seeing in the achievements that

You could actually go to the end so uh I went back into The Nether and had a look around the Fortress area again for no reason other than a little birdie aka the sight of the map told me that there was a portal on top of it and well would

You look look at that there was a portal on top of it and after finding the end portal I returned home and threw away a billion gold SS that were in my inventory and then went and checked on the villagers that hadn’t bred just yet

So I decided to spend the rest of the day replacing the cobblestone in the center of my island with wood because it’ fit the kind of theme that I was going for better so on the next day I went and checked on the villagers and hey would you look at that we have

Another one now all we need to do is have it grow anyways after the Villager visit I noticed that my Island was now burning so I went and put it stop to it before things got really out of hand and well why is the cobblestone generator always the thing that sets everything on

Fire I I awful Contraption anyways after the fire incident this is when I realized that I really did not like how my Island looked at all and I wanted to completely redo the whole entire thing from start all of it just gone all right gone so after waiting for my villagers

To grow and making him a tool boy I traded for some diamond tools and got to work on tearing down all of my hard work up to this point just to rebuild it better and well I’ll let the footage roll for you now but in the last 100

Days video 100 days in one block Sky Block I built everything in a square modular kind of Island design um so I thought this time instead of doing it in squares I’ll do it in circles instead so uh yeah by the time everything was torn down I started a circle around my mob

Grinder and that became my main circular Island That Was Then very quickly followed by a tree farm Island and then a nether portal Island and then finally a villager Island that was actually very easy to keep them from getting out out and for things going it was just easy to

Keep them in there okay and also I kind of like how it came out it’s a little bit square but it looks pretty good anyways after this success of the Villager Island I went and made the cobblestone generator its own Island that way it wouldn’t be burning anything

Down anytime soon after the Cobble Island was done I made a storage SL base of operations Island and then after that I made a mushroom Island because why not they look cool and why would I not want giant mushrooms oh would you look at that it’s another Island what will it be

That’s right it’s Pond Island and why because it looks cool and well I’m trying to make up for how bad the last build was anyways next up is possible enchantment table Island but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get an enchantment table because of just a lack

Of obsidian so it’s kind of just an island with bookshelves on it for now anyways now that everything was finally torn down and rebuilt I removed the platform from underneath and got to work on bridging over to the Jungle Island to grab the saplings to then add to the

Tree farm and then I did the exact same thing for the Birch Island I went and grabbed the saplings brought the back home planted them down and uh yeah there we go I went to bed now on the next couple days I headed back into the

Nether because I decided it was time to start work on getting potions and well to do that I’d need blaze rods and blaze powder so I ran over to Nether Fortress chunk and set up a little Blaze spawning platform and well it really didn’t take long for our first place to spawn

However I had to kill it over the void so uh no rod for me but that’s okay though because two spawn shortly afterwards and now we have our first blaze rod after a while of farming Blaze later I finally had enough rods to head home and start brewing but

Not really because I still needed the nether Walt farm so I grabbed some food and I headed back into the nether to start farming some gold to trade with the piglins to get some Soul Sand which made me realize that I probably shouldn’t have thrown away the stuff

That I got traded to me earlier but hey it is what it is anyways I I traded with the piggies until I got a decent amount of Soul Sand and I also got a few water bottles which were obviously going to be very useful for me to make potions in

Them because well I have a very little amount of sand anyways then I returned home and sorted out my stuff and now on day at8 I made my Nether wart Farm Island and don’t worry I’m not copying the exact same builds I did last time I made two Nether biome Islands last time

So I’m not doing that again anyways the farm was done so while I waited for them to grow I made a brein stand and set everything else up now all I needed was slow falling instant health and maybe swiftness but that’s not necessary for the fight so I decided to stay up all

Night because I needed Phantoms to start coming after me so that I could actually get a phantom membrane for slow falling potions so after staying up all night on day 89 I built myself a melon farm because I would really need glistening melons to make instant health potions so

One very useless melon farm later and now we only needed the Phantom membranes and the nether W so it was basically just a waiting game so I kind of just decided to set my mob grinder for a day whilst waiting for the Phantoms to spawn to try and get some Enchanted bows to

Combine into an even better bow you kind of know how this goes at this point and I also may or may not have killed a load of iron golems to get enough iron to make an anvil you know that’s up for debate whether I did whether I didn’t

There’s no proof anyways by this point I was literally like four iron off of getting the Anvil so I grabbed all my gold and headed back into the nether to try and trade with piglins to uh to get some but apparently this piglin was done with my business and tried scamming Me

By running away with my gold and then all of a sudden he just disappeared how how strange anyways uh more trading later and I finally had enough nuggies to make the final Ingot I needed so I headed home I grabbed all my bows I crafted my Anvil I then combined all my

Bows into an even stronger bow and then went and traded for some more armor from the villagers which I then combined until I ran out of XP to do so so then I headed back to the gold Farm to get more XP because it was faster than farming

Out the grinder and then almost died to this guy right here that was very very scary so I just kind of panicked and kept slapping him until he died but anyways after repeating the process of just going to the gold farm and enchanting my armor it was finally all

Upgraded and now all I needed to do was make the potions so I went and harvested my Nether wart start cooking up some awkward potions and then I harvested my melon to make some glistening melon to then make my instant health potions which I then immediately upgraded and

Made into splash potions and now all I was waiting for was Phantoms that should come tonight and well they did so I killed them I took the membranes and then I went to bed and on Day 94 I woke up I brewed my final potions and now it

Was time for me to fight the dragon so without any further Ado let’s go so we get to the end and I immediately make a run for the middle sniping out one or maybe two towers in the process then I head over and start towering up the

Biggest pillar and from there I took out all but two of the crystals and then proceeded to Tower up and destroy the last two now it’s time for the dragon so I sniped at him for a while with the bow until he came into perge and then I gave

Him a good old bonking with my axe but he wasn’t happy about it because he ended up throwing me halfway across the end and then flew away a few more bow shots later and he came into Purge for the last time and well just like that

The dragon was dead easy clap once again anyways now you know what time it is that’s right it’s time to go and get the elytra and oh my God I hope it doesn’t take 10 years like it did last time whoop and now we’re in the end cities

And well I searched for a whole maybe 2 minutes before I found a city and well it had a ship so I was extremely relieved that I wouldn’t have to spend like hours in here again so uh yeah I ran straight up to it getting beaten Left Right Center upwards downwards

Backwards Everywhere by shulkers until I reached the stairs to the ship and then once again using a shulker levitation I jumped over ran under the deck and grabbed my elytra as well as some pretty good rolled tools there were there were some pretty good stuff down there anyways after the final achievement of

This journey was made I quickly made myself out of the end cities back to the main island grab the dragon egg and jump back through the portal to get back home once I was back to my home Islands I sorted out my inventory and gave the dragon egg to the villagers because I

Was feeling quite generous and then on day 97 I headed back into the end to grab some obsidian to finish upgrading the nether portal Island but uh well it it didn’t really get upgraded that much in a matter of fact I thought it looked quite weird but then finally on the

Final two days uh you remember all that time ago when I tried fishing in the little 2x two area and I couldn’t well I decided to spend my final two days doing something that I couldn’t do before I ended up just fishing for the final two

Days that that’s all I did I had no reason to or I had no goal to get anything out of it I just just wanted to use the fishing rod that I made all that time ago and finally on day 100 we’ve done it again we’ve survived another 100

Days in Hardcore Minecraft and so with the end of Sky Block also marks the end of our journey in the clouds and now we’re back stranded in the middle of a never- ending ocean again but this time with a few more resources and a little bit more space as we take on the

Challenge of surviving a 100 days on a deserted island okay so day one on this lonely Little Island stranded out in the middle of nowhere we began our journey by chopping down this singular tree that laid on the island but whilst grabbing the wood I noticed that there was a cave

Right next to it but instead of getting my Stone from there and risking death this early on I decided to get my Stone from this big Shard Rocky thingy on the island instead because that cave just looked quite ominous anyways after grabbing some basic tools a storm rolled

In and it began to rain so I guess this is kind of like an of how well this 100 days is going to go so it ain’t that great but a little bit of rain isn’t going to stop me from going around and breaking every single fiber of grass on

This island in search of seeds to start a farm and well by the end of the grass breaking spree we had a whole 20 seeds so I got to work on planting them all down by the water even though I I guess everything that I do on this island is

Is by the water but anyways after planting them all down I leveled a bit of the island to open things up and to give me some more resources to expand later and then I went and made myself a furnace and smelted down a piece of wood into charcoal and then made some torches

So that this night wouldn’t be as dark and then I went around planting down my saplings and finished off cutting down down the tree and well this thunderstorm was not letting up so I decided to grab my things and start heading down into the ominous cave we saw earlier mainly

To avoid the rain but also to possibly find some good loot down there and well as soon as I entered the cave there was some coal just sitting there waiting for me so I grabbed it made a few more torches before traversing further down into the cave until we approached our

First mob which was an extremely trigger happy creeper that just decided to blow up me and then I swiftly put an end to his zombie friend right here and headed deeper into the cave finding quite a lot of iron dotted around so I grabbed some

Of it and headed back up to the top of the cave because I didn’t want to get greedy and regret it so I made a little base of operations down here and began smelting down the iron after smelting it all down I made a pick a sword and a

Shield and well now we win because Shield beats everything in this game anyways I headed back to the surface and the rain has stopped now and I also had two trees that grew on my Island so I quickly chopped them down and headed back down to the bigger cave to grab

Some more iron coal and and pumpkins yeah there were pumpkins down here so I guess that’s a thing now anyways I stayed in the cave for the rest of the night just making sure to be careful considering that I had absolutely no armor and by the morning of day two I

Grabbed quite a bit of coal and iron so I headed back up and started smelting it all down and whilst that was doing its thing I headed back to the surface to start expanding my Island out a little bit with all the dirt I gathered prior

And well it it didn’t make too much of a difference but hey at the end of the day progress is progress anyways I decided to head over to one of the many shipwrecks that surround my Island to see if it had any good loot to offer me

And oh boy was this a good idea the loot on this shipwreck was pretty good okay I got some iron I got some lapis some paper and some carrots so overall a very nice find to get this early on anyways I spent a good portion of the day just

Grabbing wood from the boat because well it just sat here and I may as well take it because well I had big plans for this little island and they required a lot of wood so uh the more the better anyways after making sure that that ship will

Never set sail again I headed back to my Island took at my iron out the furnace and then made myself a chest plate a second pickaxe a shovel and an Axe and then went round planting all my carrots and had a lovely meal of stinky meat to

Get my Hunger back up M you got to love you got to love stinky meat it and then I proceeded to spend the rest of the night Landscaping the island and on the morning of day three things were looking pretty flat on the island and uh well they’re not looking great but don’t

Worry like I said earlier I have big plans for this place and this is just the beginning anyways I decided to head back down and continue exploring the caves underneath the island in hopes of kiting myself out with iron or if I’m looking key maybe even scoring a diamond

Or two anyways I found some more lapers and then stumbled across a spider when I realized that that’s the only way for me to sleep on this island is by getting string from spiders and then crafting it into wool so let’s hope we can find some more after traversing the case for a

While I had to eat myself some more stinky meat because I was getting hungry and really didn’t have any other choice and then just got straight back to Mining and after a while I ended up finding a zombie villager with hella drip so I killed his friend and then

Proceeded to trap him in a cobblestone box to possibly use to trade with later but then all of a sudden I found some diamonds which are pretty high up for 1.18 but shortly after finding them I then found a chest with some turtle eggs in it and then I was confused at first

But then I remembered that this map was man-made so some of the ores and chests and stuff obviously have been put here so that that’s why they’re that high anyways I headed back to the surface to make myself some shiny new armor and a diamond pick oh and also our first piece

Of wool for a bed but after making all that I headed back to the surface and a lot of trees are going up here it was it was literally like a forest up here and we also had a beehive spawn now so we can have a cool bee farm later on yay

Anyways I spent the night chopping down and replanting all of them because tomorrow we start work on building the island out properly anyways as the sun rose on days five and six I got to work on building out the main island so uh now is probably the best time to tell

You what my plan is for the actual layout of everything so here we go I want to build one main Center Island to have our house and stuff on there followed by a second outer island or a little ring thingy going around with like got a tree farm on it or something

And then maybe a couple more depending on how big and how much time we have but yeah that’s the basic gist of everything we’ll see how it comes out anyways I work tirelessly into the night and into the next day just placing down dirt until eventually the island was done and

It was looking pretty good albeit now that the island was completely Hollow underneath but hey we can’t see it it’s not a problem but anyways after I was done with the dirt I went around harvesting all my crops what I noticed that we now had two beehives so that’s

Nice you know the more of them Buzzy boys the better and then I worked on just tidying up the layout of the island for the rest of the day and uh Fant Syms also came after me at night and I killed them and got a couple of their membranes

But they really messed me up during the process on day seven after working hard on Landscaping the island for the past couple of days I decided to head back down into the caves in search of spiders and well it didn’t take long for me to find a couple but they only dropped a

Total of three string but shortly after I put an end to a zombie and he dropped a potato so hey that’s a win in my books you know I’ll take another food source I am not complaining more cave spelunking later I think that’s what cave exploring

Is called I don’t know but anyways more spun later uh I found a lava pool but there was nothing down there so I shall leave it for now and later on when I want to grab obsidian I’ll come back down here and that’s where I’ll get it

From oh and I also found a mob spawner while I was down here sadly it was a zombie spawner but hey I got a load of string from the chest so now I can make a bed so after getting some string I headed back up to the surface to start

Smelting my iron down and then made a bed as well as farmed out some potatoes and then made a smoker to cook them in and then worked on improving the mind for most of the night before finally heading to bed after a week of no sleep

Okay so on the morning of day 8 things were really starting to come together we now have more land to build on a literal Forest of trees at our disposal and enough iron for the time being so I decided to start work on Gathering the materials for my house and start

Planning where I wanted it to be you see I kind of wanted like a circular design like in the center to be like a central Hub of everything and each side leading out to a pathway you’ll get the idea once it’s built but finally after 3 days

Or so of working on it by the morning of day 12 the house was finally done and I think it came out looking pretty nice so after building the house I decided that it was probably time to go and grab some obsidian and start preparing for enchanting and the nether

So I ran back down to the lava pool we saw earlier and grabbed enough Obby to make a portal and an enchantment table and by the way I don’t know if it’s just me but mining obsidian with a non- enchanted pickaxe just makes me angry like I was seething while mining this I

Just I hate it so much anyways obsidian R aside I returned to the surface and built myself a nether portal which I know doesn’t look amazing we’ll improve it later um and then I went and sorted out my storage and tender to the farm

For the rest of the night and by day 13 it was time for us to start heading into The Nether and wow that was actually pretty quick day 13 in the nether anyways um I wanted to go in there to mainly get some gold to start trading

With piglins for leather because then I can actually make an enchantment table considering that you know we have no cows so once I arrived in the nether I set out in search of gold but after while of looking and I couldn’t find a single gold or in fact I noticed that

The area looked like a pre 1.16 Nether and I’m in 1.18 so something was definitely off but during my search for gold I did spot a fortress so we shall probably use that later I I don’t really know but uh I headed back to the portal

And started a strip mine in hopes of reaching new nether chunks cuz I thought that this was a man-made area that would have probably been made prior to 1.16 and therefore wouldn’t have any of the things that I need in it so I Min and Min and mind mind and well actually

Ended up coming out directly in front of nether fortress and well I don’t know if it’s the same one but I don’t care I just bridged over to it and once I got over to said Fortress area um I saw some nether gold ore so we’re in 1.16 like

Chunks now so this is actually useful to me so I went and mined the gold and then realized how massive this nether fortress actually is like this place is this place is pretty big okay and it’s all cut off and like corrupted I’ve never seen one like look like this it

Was it was weird anyways after looking at The Fortress in all I made myself some gold armor so that the piggy Boys Wouldn’t immediately be angry with me and then absolutely destroyed a gas yeah that’s what you get you overgrown screaming pillowcase pillowcase really it don’t matter anyways I continued

Mining gold being careful not to angle the piggy Boys around me um as well as grabbing some bone blocks I grabbed some bone Blocks From the Soul Sand biome to use on my farm later on and after grabbing them I headed into the Fortress and grabed some nether warts and then

Also went around looting some chests around the area in the Fortress and well I managed to get some horse armor some gold and two diamonds so that’s very nice and I shall take it oh and I also killed a singular Blaze but unfortunately didn’t get a rod some gold

Mining and a piglin attack later and it was finally time for me to begin trading now at this point I’ll probably take most of the things that they trade me but uh I will not complain about leather or like ender pearls or anything like that and after trading with this guy for

Like 30 gold or something I ended up with seven pearls a potion of fire resistance and 10 leather so I decided that would do for now because I was sick of seeing the Nether and I headed home sted my stuff away and then made an enchantment table however we were still

A long way off of level 30 enchants oh also I was hella hungry so I broke some bone blocks down into bone meal and uh I got myself some more potatoes okay so on day 16 I started work on adding the paths at each side of my Island joining

Them together at my house so that we can really start making this place look good soon anyways I ended up running out of gravel pretty quickly so I just ran down the mine and grabbed a little bit more and then continued on with the path making but uh during the process of

Making them a beehive was in the way so I kind of had to uh remove it and then wait for the bees to Diago and then finally finish my final path and then I I did give the bees a new home with some lovely flowers and some trees and well I

Think it came out looking pretty nice for now all righty so on day 17 things were really coming along now and everything was starting to take shape so I decided to start work on restocking on wood for the next big expansion so I spent the entire day just growing and

Chopping down trees and by the end of the day we had a decent amount of wood anyways on the following couple of days I decided to work on the mine a little bit because I’d only seen caves that were covered in stone and being quite

High up and I really wanted to see if there was anything hiding in the depth so I’ll continue my way down through the upper layers and down into the abyss in search of good loot and well eventually we found what I like to call a real cave

But uh there were hell of mobs in here okay there was a lot of things in here so I made my way down very carefully and then almost met my end by a Skelly who needs to be signed to phase because this man didn’t miss a single shot but it’s

All good because when I got my health back I went and booed him and then noticed the literal Creeper army stood opposite wasn’t me why is there so many things down here man this is crazy anyways I got to work on securing an area down here so that I at least had a

Slim chance of survival during this adventure and whilst building my little Safe Haven I got a visit from a farmer right here who I had to quickly put down because well I can’t cure him and uh well the one that I had earlier also despawned so I just don’t have enough

Time anyways I moved deeper into the caves and immediately found a single vein of diamonds just chilling down here on its own so uh I grabbed it and then continued on my exploration and well the Creeper army kind of dealt with itself the idiots man idiots after a little bit

More exploring I end up stumbling across another singular vein of diamonds and well I hate they spawn in one vein so often you get so excited and you mine it and it it’s just disappointment anyways one Army of zombies later and I found my first two vein of diamonds woo we’re

Going up in the world two vein yeah I guess in this day and age of two veins are the best you can hope for really eh and then shortly after finding the diamonds I found myself a Skelly spawner so things were just going up and up from

Here and they also had some melon seeds in the chest which I love melons so hell yeah why not I I’ll grab them and then also found another two diamonds and then headed back home because I was sick of being attacked every turn and I’d also

Not seen the light of day in like an hour so uh yeah anyways I headed back to the surface I stored away my stuff I smelted down my golden iron and then went and just chilled out for the rest of the night all righty so after

Spending a couple days down in the mines I decided it was time to expand again and well this was a pretty big one okay because the first circle is 50x 5050 but this new one is 100 by 100 so we we have our work out for us here okay anyways I

Worked hard for days on forming the first layer of the Outer Circle and oh boy this thing already looks pretty cool however I did attempt to start filling it in and uh yeah it’s going to take like a lot of dirt to do this so uh

Maybe not going to do that right now um also I’m going to use this outer layer right here as a tree farm because well you can plant a load of trees around this and uh have a load of wood but finally by day 24 the ring was done and

Uh everything was really coming along now so all that was needed to do was filling in the thing with dirt and also get some grass over there and some fences on the outside and maybe some like better Bridges so I decided to spend the rest of the day just working

On the farm and giving it a new kind of like style thing that well I think it came out looking pretty good if I do say so myself and then on day 25 I decided to head back into the nether to try my look again with getting more leather

Because well I really wanted to enchant and I had some extra gold laying around from my time in the caves so I headed back in and followed my path back to the Fortress and then began trading again and well I got attacked by an invisible ghast and then jumped by this wither

Skelly who well just take a look yeah it was a scary time the man pulled me to two hearts and almost killed me but luckily I regen and survived and then went and killed him and then tried to go back to trading with my piggy boy but he

Disappeared so I found a safer spot with another Pig and continue Trading and well by the end of the session I had 13 more leather five more pearls and uh well that wasn’t too bad and then I went and grabbed some more bone blocks because I can and they were just sitting

There not being used and uh then I headed back home stoed my stuff away and went to bed and then I spent the entirety of Day 26 just digging up dirt to finish off my ring and to start working on a new project soon which uh will really make this place start coming

Together so yeah I just dug up dirt all day and used this little trick that turns gravel into dirt it was very very useful and then on the following day I placed it all down and managed to get all of the circle filled in and then went round adding a few fences but

Didn’t manage to finish this off because I had nowhere near enough wood to do that anyways lack of what aside I then went round and planted like a 100 saplings all the way around the circle and boom now we have a tree farm okay so on day 28 I went round and

Grabbed a load of sand from the ocean floor and began placing it down one layer around my main island just to start using it as a sugarcan farm and uh well it actually didn’t take up that much time or sand so by the end of the

Day we now had a sand Bank around the island and the start of a soon to be pretty large sugarcane farm so that’s you know that’s some good progress anyways I spent the night adding more crops to the farm and on the morning of day 29 I headed back over to the

Shipwreck to grab some more Birchwood from it because I wanted to add some fences like dotted around my farm and uh well I really wanted some variety in the wood to use and well this is the only way I can get birch wood considering that there’s no other saplings so uh

Yeah after clearing out the ship of all Birchwood I headed to another one to check if there was any loot or any more Birchwood and well there was some pretty good loot on the ship including a diamond which made me think that I probably should have come here sooner

Anyways I looted the rest of the ship and it didn’t really have much except a zombie trap down here so I headed home stored away all the stuff and then crafted some fences to place around my farm followed by a few lanterns on top

Of them and uh boom there we go it looks really nice it looks kind of unusual but uh but I love it it looks very symmetrical it just looks good okay anyways on day 30 uh was completely out of coal so I headed back down into

The cave in search of any I could find but actually ended up getting Sidetrack and went on a massive mining spree picking up basically everything I saw and actually ended up stumbling across this whopping vein of nine diamonds now this this took me back okay I’m just as

Shocked as you are because I thought that the maximum you could get was eight but then you know this map is handmade so I’m assuming that’s why but to be fair to myself and the game I threw three away so that things didn’t get too easy considering that you know a nine

Vin I didn’t think could spawn naturally so rip extra diamonds you will be missed I just don’t feel right taking them you know anyways after that incident I returned to the surface and smelted down all the loot that I got and made a stone cutter and by this point the sun was

Already Rising so I spent the rest of the day working on Tiding up the entrance to the mine because well it was just kind of like a hole in the ground and everything around it looked somewhat good and this was the only thing that

Hadn’t had a glow up yet so uh yeah but by the end of the day I think it came out looking pretty good okay so now we’re on day 32 and we’ve come pretty far already but now it’s time to really get things going because

Uh when I woke up I made myself a diamond sword a diamond chest plate and then crafted a few gapples you know just just for if anyways after making them I headed outside and started working in a little Pond area just outside my house and you may be wondering hey poppers why

Do you really need a pond I mean you’re surrounded by hella ocean what use would you have for a pond well I don’t really have a use for a pond you got me there but uh it looks good it’s got a good aesthetic to it so I’m building it so my

Idea to make this area look all nice and cozy was to have a pond in the middle surrounded by some trees and some flowers and maybe a little path leading through so I started out with the pond and it ended up coming out pretty good um and then I spotted a Wandering Trader

On my land so I went over to check what he had and well he did have some pretty good stuff for the pond but I was a poor boy and did not have the emeralds to purchase it so instead I bought some Moss because well I can Farm it and it’s

Going to look really good anyways I began work on the path and it all came together linking in the Middle with the SIDS of the pond then I doed a few trees and flowers around as well as some moss and aelia trees and uh well here it is

I’m really happy with how this Edition came out all right it looks really good I think it’s a very nice tranquil area okay very nice okay so it’s time for some big work all right I wanted to light this place up a bit uh and finish off some stuff

That I’ve been putting off such as finishing the bridges everywhere and just making everything look better by adding fences and just stuff and and little details so I spent a good few days working on all that as well as farming out my sugarcan in the time being and grabbing some more iron for

Lanterns alongside everything and on Day 36 everything was looking a lot better but I was out of iron because of how many lanterns I crafted but hey it look all right they they look better than torture so it was worth it anyways I had a little trip down the mines to restock

But uh whilst I was down here I stumbled across a water cave and remembered something about the stronghold for this map being underwater cuz yeah again it’s a man-made map so I went decided to have a look around but saw absolutely no signs of a stronghold so I called it

Successful few days smelted down my eye and went to bed all right so after a few building days it’s time to head back into the nether to kill some Blazers because I really wanted to startop Brewing some potions soon so after arriving at The Fortress I held my

Gapples tightly and went in search of a blaze spawner killing a couple Wither skellies in the process and then eventually stumbled across a spawner and got to work eradicating these fiery boys from existence for they ever so sought after rods and well after grabbing more than enough I headed back home to make

Myself a brewing stand as well as some glass bottles and the ingredients to begin cooking up some potions and then organize the nice and neatly in this Barrel right here and then I spent the rest of the day building a little crappy nether Walt Farm under my house because

Well I decided to go small this time because I usually go too big and I never use that much nether W let’s be real we don’t use that much anyways on the following couple days I went underground again but this time in search of an amethyst geod or amethyst cluster or

What whatever they’re called uh we’ll call them purple things that make noise anyways I wanted to go and search for one of these because uh I really wanted to put one underneath my enchantment area to kind of have like an amethyst geode under my enchantment table cuz I

Think it looked really nice anyways after stumbling across a few CES for a while and Mining all around I did actually end up stumbling across one so I grabbed all the calite the amethyst and the the other snuff I think it’s smooth Bas Sal or something and after destroying this very beautiful natural

Geode uh I returned to the surface and began work on rebuilding it in my own image oh uh and I also made myself some purple glass because I had access to the flowers and a multitude of dyes and uh well it turned out pretty nice I’ve never built anything like this before

But uh I shall 100% be doing a geod enchanting area again maybe in the hardcore series okay cuz this looks real good and I know the table can’t go in the center it’s cuz I built it the wrong size but I’m I’m limited with space here

Okay but it still looks okay all right but sorry about the non-centered table okay so on day 41 I went in search of the stronghold that was hidden underneath the island because well I thought there could be a library in there and that would save me so much

Time getting all the books that I needed for the enchantment table instead of having to trade for leather in the nether so I went around exploring all the upper caves for quite a while you know checking every knok and cranny but eventually actually after a little while

Of searching I spotted some stone bricks under the water in this big Ravine right here and almost died getting to it but uh I made my way inside deeper and deeper into the stronghold until I came across a room full of skellies H this place was just crawling with Mobs but

Yeah it was not a nice place also if you’re wondering why I didn’t get the achievement it’s because this is a man-made stronghold and I’m assuming that’s the reason why it doesn’t come up anyways after dealing with a room filled with skellies I opened a door to a Magma

Cube trapped in a room with a chest so I quickly dispatched him and uh well found a chest full of potions and it even had a look potion in there I don’t actually know what that does but hey you know what I’ll take it anyways I popped a

Night vision potion and continued making my way through this awful awful place oh look and now it’s time for cave spiders I am absolutely terrified of these things I absolutely hate them so instead of taking these little gremlins head on I decided to break blocks around the Sid

To try and break the spawners it it was a it was a whole ordal okay right um but they ended up getting a couple good hits on me but I wiped them out nonetheless after searching around the walls of the stronghold for a little bit longer I

Actually ended up finding a library but there was an absolute h of zombies in there so I dealt with them hopped down and then uh took a load of books from this place so uh yeah I grabbed my books and went home and when I got back I made

All my bookshelves placed them down and got to work on enchanting and then disenchanting and then re-enchanting to get Fortune too oh and I also made an anvil and combined the two pickaxes and then boom a very nice pickaxe now and then I spent the rest of the day trying

To get silk such and an iron pickaxe but uh no no it didn’t happen Okay so on day 43 we were quite low on XP so I made my way down to the mob spawner I found earlier to set up a little crappy mob grinder down there so that I can fund my

Uh heavy XP usage on enchants then once the farm was made I sat at it all day and well it didn’t give me an insane amount of XP but it was it was pretty decent anyways after I was done at the farm I returned home smelted down some

Iron and went to bed anyways on day 44 we’d had a few weird days so now it’s time for me to get to work on building the second ring that’s right it’s time to expand some more but this time instead of adding some normal stuff we’re going to have two halves okay

We’re going to have one half nether warped biome and we’re going to have the other half nether Crimson biome and I think it’s going to look really cool but this was going to be a lot of work so first I managed to get silk touch on a

Pickaxe and then headed into the nether in search of both the Crimson biome and a warped biome to begin completely tearing them apart so the first one I found was actually a warped biome and it also had a ruined portal right next to it but didn’t really have anything there

So I headed over and began tearing the whole place up all right I took trees down I took the floor I took everything oh and I also brought my Anvil with me to keep repairing my pickaxe so that you know I could keep things running smoothly when my pick gets low on

Durability anyways after a while of successful nether deforestation I headed home to store the stuff away and then went back to the nether to continue digging it up and repeated this process a few times until I had what I deemed would be enough warped n on and warped

Logs to complete their half of the island and then I set out in search of a crimson biome which actually wasn’t that far away and then repeated the entire process again but this time with red now at this point I’d collected a lot of materials mainly wood so I got to work

On the outline of the circle with giving each side their respective colors and uh well this circle was confusing as hell to build I don’t know why I kept messing it up I literally had an image next to me but it was just I don’t know messed

With me but eventually I placed all the wood down and now it was time to start placing down the Warped and the Crimson nylon in their respective areas and then finally went around placing the uh the fungi down and then bone mealing it all and well here’s the end result this

Thing looks really really nice I am really impressed with this and I also noticed at this point that I had a setting turned off in my shaders that made everything look really good so sorry about that it’s on now but yeah the nether area looks really nice very

Very happy with it good job so after all the expans Manion was done it was time to finally start keing up to kill the dragon and maybe even a couple of Withers alongside it so I set back out down the mines with my fortune pickaxe in hand ready to get stacked on diamonds

So I searched around the caves for a while not really finding anything other than a few bits of iron and some Redstone but eventually there was a diamond shining in the roof of a cave and well I went to go and mine it and my god look how many are here there’s so

Many this was absolutely insane I guess I was wrong about the amount of diamond veins get earlier anyways we got 20 diamonds from this with fortune and I think it was an eight veins so uh definitely not complaining but it wasn’t enough so I cut my celebration short and

Continued through the winding caves and caverns until I found one more that gave me four h uh but after that I got slapped by a loot of mobs but it’s okay I dealt with them and continued through the caves until I stumbled across another diamond and a cave absolutely

Packed with iron ore I mean just look at this there’s so much of it so I I grabbed it all and ended up stumbling across an area of cave which I was quite familiar with this is this is where I broke the geode earlier anyways after getting 28 diamonds I decided that was

Enough for me and headed back to the surface to craft the rest of my armor and tools and uh just like that we are now fully kitted out in diamonds let’s go so then for the next day and a half I stayed down at the zombie spawner to

Rack up some XP to enchant my armor before going and fighting the dragon and after being down there a while I ended up with enough XP to enchant some of my armor and some of my tools even though I forgot to enchant my sword for some reason but uh that’s okay because I

Decided to put that pumpkin to good use that I got all those days ago and uh well I made an iron golem now the one that I made in the last video was called gastons and he didn’t really last too long butth this one shall be called

Alfred and just look at him over there okay he’s chilling by the water he’s such a lovely guy this guy will live forever all right so on day 59 it was time to start cooking up some potions so I went and grabbed some nether W and began Brewing everything I needed and

Well like I do every time we needed instant Health slow falling and speed but I already had that this time as well as a jump boost and strength potion so this this this dragon is not ready anyways I brewed them all up upgraded them and boom we’re now ready to kill a

Dragon so on the next day I headed back down to the stronghold and made my way to the portal room and jumped in and well I actually managed to hit all the pillars quite quickly and accurately which is a big change for me considering I missed my shots quite a lot anyways it

Was now time to kill the dragon and oh my God this man did not want to die okay I hit him a load of times with the bow but every time he came into perch he flew off seconds later but eventually I got some good hits in and almost died to

An Enderman but uh after dealing with that inconvenience I put an end to the dragon and started my journey through the outer end Islands In Search of the elytra now this is always a gamble of how long it’s going to take me to find a

City with a ship so uh this time we ended up getting very very lucky and there was one literally right next to the portal so uh yeah it was a pretty big city too so I bridged my way over to it ran in dealt with the shulkers and

Then went deeper and deeper into the city for that sweet sweet loot that ended up being H okay and then I headed to the ship grabbed the loot and the elytra and then headed back home stoed my stuff away and went to bed okay so whilst I was in the end I actually

Managed to score myself a lovely looting three sword and well it just so happens that I want to make four beacons so I headed back into the nether with my sword and a luck potion in hand whatever the hell this thing does uh and I went on a rampage killing wither skeletons

For their skulls and well even with a looting three sword this took so long I managed to get the first one after 10 minutes and then after that they were just they were really far and few between but eventually after about an hour and a half maybe even more of just

Pure pain and frustration I finally had enough skulls so I grabbed some Soul Sand and then headed into the end and uh well killed them 100% legitimately okay just hear me out okay this is a lot easier way is is a lot quicker way to kill them I’ve just spent an hour

Farming the skulls I do not have it in me to kill them legitimately okay so I want to see comments down in the comment section right I want you justifying this okay I I want justification anyways after killing all the withers I grabbed some extra Obie from one of the Ender

Pillars and returned home to craft all my beacons and now all I need to do was build a mega Beacon underneath my house but I really don’t have the iron for that so you know what that means that’s right it means that day 70 is an iron

Mining day butth I actually don’t need that much more so it didn’t take me that long I just went around mining all the veins of iron that I ran by previously when uh when I didn’t need iron anyways after grabbing my iron I smelted it all

Down and even had to make more furnaces F furn eyes to to help with the amount that I brought back okay I had a lot of iron but after that I began working on the pyramid but realized very very quickly that it’ be really stupid for me

To make a full one considering how much iron it would actually need for four beacons so I just decided to do a half one instead and well I’m pretty happy with how things came out it looks really good but on day 71 storage was becoming quite a problem because everything was

All over the place and if you know me you know I like myself a nice clean sorted out storage so I got to work on building a little area next to the mines that would be used for storing all of my stuff in and well I’ve never done this

Style of building before with the the stripped kind of logs as beams and stuff without a guide but I think it came out looking pretty good I I definitely feel like I’m improving with building so yeah I’m I’m happy with this anyways after the build was done I made some chests

And gave them their own theme if if that’s what you call it and added items frames to it and well here’s the end result it looks pretty good anyways after sorting out some of the boring stuff like storage I decided that I wanted to add some end islands

Around my area to add even more decoration between the outer circles so I headed back into the end and started completely tearing the place up and also tried to silk touch a corus fruit which worked to my surprise but I don’t know the first thing about these things and I

Don’t know whether they grow if if you plant them so I guess we’ll find out anyways after grabbing all the necessary resources and materials I headed back home and began work on adding some of the islands dotted around everywhere in various sizes with the chorus fruits on

Top and well they actually grow pretty fast and by themselves so that’s good anyways after completing all the islands I headed back into the nether to grab some glow stone so that way I can light up the water underneath them at the islands to really make them you know

Stand out and uh look look better and uh boom here’s what five days of hard work comes out to and also I realized that this video is a lot of building but I kind of wanted to do something different this time around in the 100 days so yeah

I hope you enjoy it anyways on day 82 I got up and I was going to combine the shovel that I got from the end with my current one because it had efficiency on it but it had been a waste of time to do that so I just saved the XP and didn’t

Do it anyways I went on a massive sand Gathering spree again because I wanted to make some glass some purple SL magenta glass to be precise because I wanted to go and cover the top layer of water all the way around the end Islands in purple glass so that like it looks

Cool and it it like goes shiny and purple and glowy and it’ll just look good anyways I headed under the water grabbing as much sand as possible and using doors wherever I could as well just to speed up the process also thank God for respiration or aqua affinity

Whichever one it is uh you got to love it okay it’s great anyways after getting more sand than any same person would ever need to get uh I started smelting it all down into glass and well this took so long you have no idea but whilst the furnaces were doing their thing I

Got to work on making as much magenta dye as possible and my God I broke so many flowers but uh hey it’s a good thing we’ve got a lot of lapers anyways I made myself the dye added it onto the glass and finally at long last after

Days of smelting and breaking flowers it was time to start placing down all of this beautiful beautiful magenta glass so I got to work and well I did make some good progress but definitely needed more sand during the process uh a lot more actually RP diamond shovel but

Eventually we were done and with the shaders I used this thing looks super super shiny and glowy and I really really liked it so it was definitely worth the time invested Okay so we’ve come pretty far in this 100 days and made some really cool builds along the

Way but we still only have diamond armor so I repaired my pickaxe and now I guess it’s time to go on an insane netherite mining spree woo yeah let’s go uh but no I I went into The Nether and tried to grab some netherite by just Spam mining

Everywhere but I did almost break my pickaxe finding absolutely zero ancient debris but after I repaired it and tore up the nether some more we finally found some pretty quickly but decided to only go for 12 because well I know it won’t really do everything but it’s enough for

What we want it for anyways I headed home smelted it all down repaired my pickaxe and then made myself a netherite chest plate and leggings and a diamond pick but by this point the son of Day 94 began to rise and I was feeling quite adventurous so I made myself a boat and

Set sail for well I don’t don’t really know anything maybe maybe a shipwreck maybe some land who knows what I’m going to find out here but hopefully something cool and well after sailing for a while I finally spotted some land that wasn’t my Island so I went and beached my boat

And do you remember me asking for a shipwreck or some land well how’s about a shipwreck on land hey look at that one that works fine I shall Take It Anyways after looting the ship I continue AC cross my newly discovered lands but uh after walking for a while I noticed that

There was nothing here like nothing there was no life there was no structures and there was really like not many trees it felt really really creepy oh and I also found a ruined portal with a fishing rod in it butth after that I went and explored some more and

Genuinely felt quite uneasy in this place I don’t know why it’s just it’s so big yet it’s so empty and there were some more structures that had some okay loot but it just made things feel even more off anyways as night fell things just got worse so I booked it back to my

Boat and headed home and actually managed to get home by the morning of day 95 but when I got back to my Island I actually decided to take a look around at what we built and wow I I’m really impressed with this I’ve not actually

Taken a minute to stop and look so far and uh wow I I’m really glad about it so I decided to take this opportunity and make a load of maps and make a display board kind of thing to really see how my Island looked and uh well look at this

It I think it looks pretty good it looks pretty good from a bird’s eye point of view on a map very nice anyways I decided to spend the next couple days just working on tidying up the mines and adding stone bricks all around them and all down the staircase just to have it

Look cleaner because it was the worst looking thing on the island currently okay and uh day 100 it’s been quite the lonely Adventure this time so I decided to use all my iron on iron golems and make an army of them because well they were my only friends now and because I

Think the bees died uh earlier on but anyways I finally made some fireworks and used my elytra to see my Island from the top down for the first time and I was really really happy with how this turned out uh and and also I was really happy that we had just survived another

100 days but this time on an isolated lonely little survival island and we went from this crappy little dirt patch to having this massive vibrant Island that I am really really impressed with and so that marks the end of our Island Adventures I really think that that was

One of the most fun videos I’ve ever recorded and the build came out looking so much better than I ever imagined it to but enough talk about that and instead let’s move on to our next 100 days in a world that expanded over time so kicking things off on day one there

Really wasn’t much else to do except break down the tree so I did and then crafted the wood into a pick and began the world’s smallest mine and to No Surprise ended up finding absolutely nothing but Stone but hey at least we have a slightly better pick now that I

Can’t really use just yet so I placed down all the Cobble that I literally just m to make my way back to the surface and well that’s about all we can do for day one I know right it kind of sucks but I mean I literally have one

Block what do you expect me to do wa would you look at that it’s day two now and we can actually move i’ never thought I’d celebrate having this little space Also yes the world B has changed and it will do again because it’s been killing my reers for the past few weeks

Because believe it or not this is not my first attempt doing this video I actually died in my first attempt so uh there’s a little bit of behind the scenes info for you anyways back on track I planted down my sapling found a seed and then started an actual mine

That way I don’t meet a Grizzly Fate by mining one too many blocks down during the mining session I found a lot of diorite as well as one piece of iron woo I can make a shovel or a shield the possibilities are truly endless about 20 blocks later and I found the world’s

Smallest cave alongside some gravel so now we can make a flint and steel with our singular iron hey look see I told you Endless Possibilities oh would you look at that it’s like the most useless ore in the entire game but I guess I’ll take it just to increase my very tiny

Current net worth now I kept mining in search of coal because I really can’t see anything however my pck broke before finding any so I just headed back to the surface to check up the tree that to no surprise was still a s sapling so not

Much I can do there all right so I think I’ll give you guys a little house tour right now okay so we go down the stairs right here and uh well there’s my house thanks for watching now my amazing home aside I made a furnace and smelled down

My singular iron and then just sat there clutching it all night like Golem and the ring of power until the sunrise of day three when we were given just a little bit more space all the freedom now at this point I realized I was getting just a little bit hungry and

That wasn’t going to fly so I went and broke what little grass we had finding another seed then I made a hoe and planted them down when I realized that the tree had now grown so I made an axe chopped it down and cooked up some of

The wood into charcoal and boom now we have torches and can actually see so I headed back down the mine and uh well spotted some fiends blocking my way so I made a sword and quickly dispatched them getting three bones and a nice piece of stinky meat for my troubles yummy after

Recovering from my stinky meat I headed back down the mine and got jumped by not one not two but three creepers back to back literally the worst possible thing to find but after dealing with them I Contin continued down the mine expanding it finding some copper a decent vein of

Iron that was hiding a pretty big sized cave behind it so now we actually have a place to look forward to exploring once we have the space now I decided to head back to the surface and smelt down my iron as well as putting the bones that I

Got to use by breaking them down and using them on the farm if you could even call it that but realized after using up all my bone meal on the seeds that I should have probably grown the tree again but oh well at least I have a

Singular piece of bread so I spent the night just expanding out my home a little more and just sitting and waiting for the sun to come up and so on the morning of day four I was greeted by the lovely message of the Border expanding

And ran to the surface to see if the tree had grown and it had so I chopped it down flattened out the area and planted down a few saplings and then began making the mine better by just expanding it out a little bit and making

It just a little bit more us of friendly and whilst opening things up I found one more chunk of iron and finally some coal that I couldn’t grab all of it just yet because it’s on the border but I guess that’ll be a little treat for tomorrow

After grabbing all the coal I could I found an Enderman and a creeper and was feeling pretty risky SK so I obliterated them finding an ender pearl and some Gunpowder not bad so I left mining for now and instead spent the night clearing out a little area to use to spawn mobs

In that I can then just continuously Farm out and boof day five once again started out by checking up on the saplings and well what a grown so I chopped it down flattened out the area and devoured an apple that dropped from the tree I headed down and grabbed our

Newly available coal and went to check out that cave that we found the other day because I know I saw some ores in there whilst mining my way down I found a vein of iron that I couldn’t mine eventually stumbled across the cave that was guarded by a Skelly that swiftly got

Dispatched and just look how weird this place is it’s a really weird feeling being in here knowing that I can see all this right here but I can’t go anywhere in it and not to mention the complete lack of mobs down here it’s kind of creepy so I decided to mine down a

Little bit deeper because I saw the cave went down some more and ended up finding a bunch of iron and also made a shield whil down here just for in case there was any unwanted guests on my way back up after digging down for a little while

I eventually did find more to the cave that was filled with a bunch of diamonds as well as a lava pool so that means that we can go to the nether at some point now just as I was about to start making my way back up top I spotted some

Iron in the roof but once I made my way over to it I realized it was just Out Of Reach so I decided to make my way out of the mine set my iron off smelting and chop down another tree God that Village looks so close yet so so far now I

Crafted an iron pickaxe as well as a chest and then stored all my stuff away and spent the rest of the day once again expanding the mine and I understand that we’re underground a lot at the minute but trust me okay okay we’re going to

Take all the scraps we can get from this tiny chunk and use them to create something big soon enough all right this is a marathon not a Sprint this time on day six we had a lot of trees grown so I went and harvested them and placed down

A composter in an attempt to possibly lure a villager over here as well as a renewable source of bone meal but mainly the Villager anyways I went and collected the previously unobtainable iron to find yet more unobtainable iron before getting jump scared by a Skelly and a creeper when I realized that the

Little green boomy boys were actually pretty useful for mining however not on a path that you were intending to walk on so I fell back and ate some stinky meat for sustenance and then grabbed the second piece of iron before heading down deeper into the cave and weaponizing a

Creeper against its fellow Brethren as well as grabbing some Redstone before mining down some more and clearing out an area just above Bedrock when I found not one not two but three diamonds baby let’s go so I continued on clearing out the area when I noticed that I got a bow

From the Skelly back there so that’s pretty neat however it’s not as neat as finding 10 more diamonds shortly after I honestly couldn’t believe this and it felt just too easy so I did the logical thing and asked you peeps what I should do whether I should keep them or get rid

Of them and well you are very generous and let me keep them so I immediately put them to good use by making a pick and then growing some wheat so that I can actually eat tonight then crafted myself an iron chest plate and sorted out a little bit of storage until we got

The beautiful message of the chunk expanding so on day seven I went and chopped down the trees and noticed that we had a big tree so that’s nice I’ll always take more wood then I headed back down the mine to grab the remaining stragglers of iron but on my way down

Heard a chicken so I dug around for a little bit to find a jockey after dealing with a little guy on top I headed up to get some seeds but on my way back down I just kept getting jumped by mobs but eventually I returned to the

Chicken and brought him to the surface trapping him in a little pen then finally returned down to grab the iron but once I actually returned to the surface to smelt it down I found that my chicken friend was now gone so I spent the night smelting some iron and growing

A few more crops for some bread when I heard some water down the mine so I broke the wall to see a singular water source block just a few blocks away now I can’t get it just yet but at least I know that we have water on the morning

Of day eight I made an iron axe and once again did the daily ritual of gathering wood but whilst I was chopping down a tree a villager appeared behind me and I was extremely confused because I thought to myself how could he walk through the border so I headed into creative to test

This out and it’s actually a thing the Border kind of lets things in on certain sides it’s kind of weird but hey you can go through it so that’s good to know I guess but either way way we now have a villager so I spent a little while

Thinking of what the best job would be to give our new friend here and decided to make him a farmer because I can have infinite food then and not really have to worry about it and then if we get another guy coming in here we’ll give

Him a different job so I spent the rest of the day planting down my wheat seeds and trapping the Villager in dirt so that he can’t die to a zombie or something and then made myself a diamond shovel and got to work on expanding out my little bunker thingy down here a

Little bit however later that night it was a good thing that I protected the Villager because we got what I think was a zombie village invasion cuz there was a load of these guys so I made a diamond sword and dealt with them however once I

Thought they were all gone I headed down underground and got jumped by like five more so I dealt with them and got one iron for my troubles day nine started out by crafting our first piece of wool for a bed that I made from string that I got from killing spiders then headed

Down to the Bedrock area and spent most of the day digging it out a little bit more and making it a much safer place to farm out mobs without risking being oofed by them after finishing off the shoty farm I headed up top and chopped

Down all of the trees and then spent the rest of the night farming out mobs in our new little mini crappy mob farm that to be fair did work pretty well now on day 10 I headed back up to check on how close we were to getting water and oh

Boy we were just a couple more days away oh and the Villager also escaped so I had to retra him and now I think it’s a pretty good time for me to explain to you why I’m not actually building anything yet uh and it’s because I need

To save up all of the materials that I can because the house I want to build is going to be quite resource intensive so yeah we shall keep living in a little hobbit hole for now until we have the space to build my house anyways back on

Track I spent a little while making layers of strip mines to see if I could find any more iron or really anything interesting and ended up suming across a cave absolutely filled with mobs in the process but it had no walls in it so after a while of Mining and finding a

Few pieces of coal iron and copper I stumbled across whatever the hell this is and farmed out mobs for a while before collecting enough string to make the final pieces of wool for a bed so I made that and then put it to use waking

Up on day 12 I broke down all the bones that I got from the mob farm yesterday and grew as much wheat as I could as well as checking up on the water situation and oh boy we were so close I think that we’ll get there tomorrow or

The day after but for now I chopped down our first acacia tree and upgraded my villager’s home a little bit before flattening out our now vast landscape and making a chest to place all my house building materials in then set some more Stone off smelting and crafted myself

Some more bread hey would you look at this you know we’re doing pretty well for ourselves now we’ve got space we’ve got food we’ve got diamonds really what else do you need and so what better way to finish the day off than doing some strip mining woo no but in all

Seriousness this was actually a really eventful session because I found this absolute pit of degeneracy that I had to slowly make my way through and ended up getting a potato which is going to come in very very useful for the whole food situation now I also looked through the

Cave to see if there were any more goodies that have been opened up to me breaking my legs in the process now on day 13 I crafted an iron hoe and farmed out a bunch of potatoes planted a few down and then made a smoker to cook the

Rest whilst chopping down some some more trees after that I headed back down the mine finding some more exposed diamonds before farming out the spawner all day and night mainly in search of Bones and now on the following 3 days I farmed out as many trees as possible because like I

Said I was going to need a load of wood for my house and also did some farming of crops mainly potatoes that I then put to use by making the first trades with our villager but probably the best thing to happen during these days was a

Beehive that we had spawn now I wasn’t even planning on getting bees in this video but you know what I’ll take them and I’m also pretty sure that we live in a slime chunk ently because one spawned down in the mines that I sadly had to dispatch because well slime balls now by

The end of day 17 we’ stacked up on a decent amount of materials so I had it to bed and on the morning of day 18 I finally made a bucket and went and grabbed the water using the bone meal technique to make an infinite water

Source out of just one block this is honestly the best thing I’ve ever learned in this game and it is so so useful now I did also add some water to the farm and then headed down the mine to check if we had access to a lava pool

Yet and uh well would you look at that we were literally just Out Of Reach but apparently water’s just not phased by the world border and we’ll go straight through it now with obsidian not being on the table today I instead opted to go and destroy a chunk of amethyst cluster

Because who doesn’t like some amethyst now on day 19 I headed up to find a literal Forest of grown as well as a ton of my crops so I harvested them and traded a little bit more with the Villager before chopping down all the trees and then made a little pool that I

Used to fish in but shortly after actually casting out I realized that the obsidian was available to mine so I rushed down and began digging it up i’ never thought I’d see the day where I’d look forward to mining this awful awful block now I could only get three pieces

However I made up for that by finding some more diamonds damn this cave is really littered with them I’ll drop the seed in the description if any of you want to try this because holy this is a a good seed for it anyways considering that I didn’t have enough obsidian to do

Anything I spent the rest of the day just fishing away and got absolutely nothing because I don’t actually know if you can still fish in these tiny little pools but either way on the morning of day 20 I headed up to find yet another beehive so I made a campfire and some

Shears and harvest of the honey that I’m not really going to do anything with now but hey at least we have it so I made another pickaxe and returned to grab the rest of the Obby making a portal lighting it and crafting some gold boots that we just had enough gold for then

Headed in and let me tell you I could not have wished for a greater spawn okay thank you thank you this is amazing yeah it it was a bad spawn so I immediately fortified my portal because you know I don’t want to get deep fried by a gas

And then once that was done I headed straight back home and went to bed very very disappointed and on day 2 W it was mining time because I want a full set of iron armor because I’m just so sick of being so squishy to all these mobs and

Talking about mobs I kept finding these mini caves just littered with them it was so annoying and all they had was coal so it really wasn’t worth my time to go through and clear them out oh and I also found some more slimes that had

To meet the same fate as a little guy from earlier because if I try and keep them without a name tag they’re just going to despawn and that’ll hurt a lot more than killing them now as well as grabbing a couple more diamonds that came into my reach on the evening of day

22 I set my iron off smelting and by by the morning of day 23 I made a full set of iron armor and now felt so so much safer so I went to the surface to check up on things finding two more villagers have made their way in here so I trapped

Them and began thinking of what jobs to give them whilst harvesting my crops and once again trading them for some goodies and decided to make one a stonemason and the other one a toolsmith in hopes of getting a good diamond pick from him one day then I spent the night just hacking

Away all the trees because tomorrow we’re actually going to build something and so on day 24 I began work on a villager breeder now I went with kind of like an underground tunnel design I don’t really know what I was going for but things started to go bad real quick

So I just completely dug everything up and restarted things and they just went so so so much better now other than breaking a diamond pick things went really really smoothly with this build the second time around and before I knew it everything was looking very very nice

And done so I added a couple of finishing touches popped the villagers down there and boom we now have a villager breedo now I also did spend a little bit of time spider hunting because I really needed a a lot of string to get their beds but uh by the

End of day 29 everything was set up and looking pretty good now on day 30 would have messed quite a bit of space since the last time we actually paid attention to it so I headed down the mine and grabbed all the newly exposed ores before then leaving my hole to deal with

All the farming and tree chopping up top once all the wheat potatoes and trees were dealt with I headed to bed and on day 31 returned back to the surface and went around picking up all the sapling sticks and apples that had dropped from the leaves yesterday and got to work on

Improving the farm and by improving the farm I mean completely rebuilding it and actually making it something that’s not just seeds in the floor now this took a little bit longer than expected but eventually by the sunrise of day 33 everything was done and the new Farm was

Looking pretty good I just need a little bit more space to work with that way it doesn’t look so out of place and so like huge in this small area now for the rest of day 33 after the success of the farm I went and traded with my villagers accidentally interrupting something and

Now bagged myself more emeralds that I used to buy some useless Stone shovels I know it’s a waste but it’s necessary after trading I headed back down to the Bedrock level and Min out a bunch more deep slate in search of more diamonds and it really didn’t take me long to

Find some now I mined out a pretty big area before sorting and smelting all my Loot and then heading to bed and on day 34 I immediately made my way back into the nether to see if there was anything actually worth my time in there and Once I arrived I immediately started making

My way up to one of the higher platforms when I noticed some Piggies just chilling over in one of the Far Corners so I decided toh start making my way over to them I don’t really know why I guess I just wanted to kind of deal with

Them or something now on my way I got stopped by a couple of skellies so I tried dealing with them but then the uh the worst thing that could possibly happen happened I hit a bacon boy and sent him into a frenzy and then almost died to the Skelly so I regained my

Health and realized that I could kind of farm these guys out right here for XP so after a while of making bacon strips I went to head home but got jumped by two zombies I don’t know where the hell these guys came from they literally just spawn randomly I swear anyways I headed

Home and started scheming and crafting a system of infinite gold AKA a couple of Hoppers and a chest then headed to bed because on day 35 I ran back into The Nether and set up a very crappy rudimentary way to farm out Gold by just having these walking hams run to their

Own demise and drop loot into the hopper that would then go into the chest and then eventually into my pocket to sell back to the other Piggies later absolute SCA right there anyways I stayed here all day and night until I decided that I had enough gold to trade

So I crafted it into ingots and traded it with these here Oinky Boys in hopes of some leather that I managed to get the exact amount I needed almost immediately as well as some other stuff too but I grabbed what I needed and then headed home to store it all the way and

Once that was all sorted out it was already the morning of Day 36 so I headed up to check on how close we were to some sugar cane and well we were still a couple of days off so I tended to the farm and did a tiny bit more

Trading and then tided up the outside a little by adding some paths and organizing a tree farm a bit before heading to bed and continuing on the following morning by adding walls and a few lanterns as well as some more landscaping and tree farming and eventually by the end of the day things

Were looking a pretty decent amount nicer so I headed over to the first villager house that was in reach and it had a brewing stand in it so I grabbed that and just placed it down into a corner for now and went to bed and on

Day 38 I woke up and immediately went and gave the bees some more room and some flowers before breeding them and then making one of my villagers of Fletcher trading up a bunch of sticks for emeralds that once I had a nice amount of went and bought some more

Stone tools from this absolute scam of a man because I’m really buying anything else then I went and dealt with harvesting all the crops from the farm and gave them back to my villagers to get more villagers and then spent the rest of the evening finishing off the staircase leading down there blocking

Off the mine in the process but uh don’t worry that’s tomorrow’s job all right because now it’s bedtime and so in the morning I got to work on somewhat improving the Mine by making it much easier to Traverse up and down now I didn’t really make it any deeper than it

Already was or make it look any nicer I literally just made a less sickening and easier way to go up and down it now this did take a while but eventually it was done and now things look at least a little bit better and now finally on day

44 I ran outside of my house and got my hands on some sugar cane now I can finally make a librarian and have an enchantment table set up well I’m kind of getting ahead of myself because before that I need a little bit more sugar cane so whilst that’s growing I

Spent a good portion of the day harvesting crops and chopping down a bunch of trees then took everything down to the villagers and traded with them for a while oh yeah and also we have an iron golem now but he didn’t last long after disassembling the Iron Golem I

Headed to bed and on day 45 returned down to the villagers and assisted in an iron golem being un alived then made myself a second Fletcher before trading for our very first Enchanted item not too bad we’re progressing now however it does look like we might need another

Toolsmith later but I don’t know but either way we’re not going to run out of diamond hose anytime soon so I went and planted down a bunch of saplings and just did what little trades I could for the rest of the day as well as deleting

Any iron golem that dared to spawn and just before we got into bed we got an Unbreaking 2 diamond pickaxe trade so I took it all righty day 46 we’ve made some pretty good progress so far but we still have a lot more stuff to do so

After getting into a 1 V one with a very moist Skelly who really didn’t stand a chance I grabbed my now basically fully grown sugarcane crafted it into books and a bookshelf and then into a lecturn and got ourselves a librarian who will now give us books for emeralds and so

Using my very small amount of emeralds I bought one then booed an iron golem before breaking the bookshelf down and finally crafting an enchantment table now I do want to build kind of like an amethyst enchanting area once we have everything set up so uh I head it back

Down to the Geo to destroy it some more and once I was happy with the amount of amethyst I went around grabbing all the newly available ores because I haven’t been mining for a while and well there was quite a lot of them now after I was

Done mining I spent the night smelting everything down so on day 47 I spotted a chicken and some pigs over in the plains biome and managed to lure the chicken in finally filling the chicken size hole in my heart from earlier but that’s enough of the chicken because over the next 2

Days I spent my time growing and chopping as many trees as humanly possible covering every available inch of land with a sapling for two reasons number one I really need wood to start building my house and number two I really need wood to trade with my

Villagers so in short I need a lot of wood but my God was this tedious okay I chopped down so many trees I think I single-handedly cause global warming in this Minecraft world so after tirelessly chopping down as many trees as possible I had amassed a lot of wood so I headed

To bed and then on day 49 spent the entire day trading with Fletchers and Farmers to amass as many Emerald as possible and once I had acquired a decent amount of wealth I splashed out on a bunch of bookshelves and then went to bed all right day 50 the Big 5 I

Headed up top to find a Wandering Trader just chilling out in my farm however it looks like the llamas didn’t really make it so I went and checked out what he had and it was pretty decent so I grabbed what emeralds I had and then grabbed some more from the villagers and

Eventually got some good studies from this Trader it’s very rare that I actually use these guys but when I’m limited on materials I’ll take whatever I can get now after I got the saplings I went and planted them down and returned down to the villagers with all my acacia

Wood because now that I have access to Spruce why in the hell would I use Acacia for building anything so I may as well trade with it now I actually ended up getting enough emeralds to grab our last bookshelf that we needed to get level 30 enchants so the acacia was

Useful just not in the originally intended way then I set up a little temporary enchantment area and got to work on enchanting my tools and got some pretty decent enchants especially on my pick and Sword and the other ones weren’t great but they were pretty good

So now with the success of that I headed over to the little cave by the village that I now had access to and spent the night there in the caves just mining all the things that I could find and almost dying to a creeper in the process now on

The morning of day 51 I set out to get a lot of stuff done mainly to gather a load of spruce wood oak wood and deep slate as well as a bunch of other things and then crafted them down into their respective blocks that I was going to

Need to use in my home soon oh and I also also found a pig that stumbled its way through the border so maybe soon I can stop eating potatoes and eat you my friend and there was also another Trader so I checked what he had and he had moss

And glowstone so I grabbed all of it and now we have a way of getting a alas so finally after Gathering materials for a few days on day 55 I began leveling out some land to finally start building my house it only took 50 days now I managed

To get a very basic framework done but the border is still not big enough to fit the whole kind of compound dealio I have going on in here in and also this took me like two IRL days to actually come up and plan out a design for it

Because I tried multiple designs prior and they just looked awful and I hated them so hopefully this comes out good but yeah we made some pretty good progress but we’re still nowhere near done so on day 56 I went around chopping down all the trees that I meticulously

Placed earlier because they were too big and made everything feel very clunky and just looked bad so bye-bye to them and hello to the vast open new space Oh and I also grabbed some leaves from them as well because I need them for the house now after chopping down trees all day I

Had amassed a lot of acacia wood that I’ll never use use so I broke it down into sticks and traded with the fletches again to bag myself some big Stacks as well as making more fletches to make more stacks and then ended the Night by planting down some carrots and then on

The following days we did some pretty big work on the compound by adding some deep slate bricks to secure the walls and some smaller details such as Spruce trap doors and the leaves I got yesterday to really make things pop as well as expanding it out a little more

Due to having some more space but this really made me realize how big I decided to make this thing but oh well we’ve already started it now but it’s going to look good now by day 61 I had ended up using up basically all of my materials

But we did have a pretty good base of things set up and things were coming along really nicely I just need to restock and take a break from building and on day 62 that’s exactly what I did I just spent the day planting saplings harvesting crops and trading with

Villagers as well as leveling up some armorers to get full diamond armor very very soon then I called it a day and headed to bed and on the morning of day 63 I headed straight back into The Nether and headed over to the pigin farm

For some more XP so that I can use it to enchant whatever tools I need in future and once I had amassed enough I headed home and dealt with all the trees and then that night put the XP to use by buying a new pick and re-enchanting it

Because I’m sick of wasting my fortune 3 pick on just Stone all right it’s just a big big waste of its durability once I woke up on the following day I put my brand new pick to use by grabbing as much deep slate as I could get my hands

On and then cutting it down into bricks before heading up to see how close we were to getting sand because I really need it for glass for my home and well we were literally one day off I did manage to bag myself eight pieces that

Were in reach so uh yay we have sand now and after grabbing my sand I spent the night Gathering wood because the next time we start work on the house we’re going to finish it and so on day 65 I landscaped a pretty good amount trying

To clear out more space around the house to just tidy things up a little bit more and after a ton of dirt placing and breaking later things were looking pretty flap so I added a path from the door of my new home to the entrance tunnel and once again spent the night

Gathering wood because tomorrow is the beginning of the end for our house all righty it’s time to to finish this absolute time gobl over house so I started things out by finishing off the roof of the actual building that I was going to live in once the roof was done

I went around just tidying up the walls a little bit more finishing them off iing some fences and whatnot and uh finishing the back wall as well so that everything was fully enclosed inside then just went around finishing off any of the details that took a few days now

I would cover everything but there’s a lot of stuff that I did and it it just take too long so hopefully this time lapse somewhat does the job for me anyways finally by the end of day 71 everything was done and I spent the night moving everything over to the new

House and boom everything is done and I mean just take a look at this okay I really like these kinds of wall of houses I think they look really nice I think this came out pretty good so after finishing up the actual house part of

The build on Day 72 it was time to focus on the outside so I made some sugarcan Farms added some paths and a mini Pond as well as moved the bee farm over there as well as a ton of other things to really fill this area out and then once

Everything was done I added some more weight out of the compound and called it a day on the following day I went and made a couple of pits and then lured some pigs and chickens over to them and boom now we have a way to farm them I

Also traded with another Trader that popped up getting some nice goodies from him and then spent the evening harvesting crops and trading with the villagers into the morning of the following day when I managed to amass a pretty nice amount of emeralds that I then put to use by wasting them on

Crappy armor to level up my armor guy and finally bagging myself some diamond leggings and booties and I picked up two of each to combine together as well as getting a chest plate but didn’t have enough to finish off the set so I just headed to the house and combined the

Armor that I had and then put it all on feeling pretty damn safe after almost fully decking myself out I headed over to check out a massive Ravine I saw by the village and headed down in search of whatever I could find mainly iron considering I was pretty low on it and

Oh boy was this place stacked on iron there was so so much down here but there was also quite a lot of creepers too but that’s really no worries because they never released it a chance anyway now I’m going to be honest with you I kind

Of forgot I was recording at this point and ended up spending a long time down here in these caves just grabbing everything I could I think I got distracted by the fact that I now had access to an area that I haven’t had for a very long time or I’m just an idiot

But either way I was down here quite a while finding a lot of stuff including some diamonds and a m shaft that was just chilling in the caves right next to me however it ended up being very disappointing because half of it was blocked off still and really all that I

Could get was a chest with a diamond and a name tag in it so yeah that was that but with that the adventure comes to an end and I had home and spent the rest of the day smelting down the loop on the following day I planted down a bunch

More saplings and then took off back down the mine with some stone bricks in hand to actually try and finish off this abominable thing now like I said it’s not the best mine ever built but hey it’s literally just a square staircase going up and down it doesn’t have to

Look amazing anyway once said staircase was finished I did what any logical thinking hardcore player would do and threw myself from the top all the way down to the bottom that was really fun but also pretty scary on day 84 I grabbed some amethyst calside and smooth

Basol and then broke down some flowers and bone meal into dye to make some magenta glass and then began work on building up my Chapman area that was a little late but eh it’s mainly for decoration anyways and I know it’s not much but I kind of really like how it

Came out it looks kind of funky day 85 I made a couple more pits and went out in search of some cows or sheep and I can’t believe I said that I went out I’ve not had the luxury of like being able to Adventure anywhere for a very very long

Time anyways I immediately found a cow and brought it back quickly followed by a sheep but uh as soon as I was about to put him in his new home fa Skelly over here sniped him so I got my revenge and went to bed very very depressed but once

I woke on the next day I went out hunting again immediately finding more cows and a replacement sheep that did actually make it into the pit then after securing the Sheep I spent the day landscaping and chopping down trees then on day 87 I headed back down the mines

To grab some more obsidian and built a new nether portal heading in and spending just over a day in there grabbing some more XP once I had enough XP I returned home Enchanted two more pickaxes heading straight back into The Nether and made my way over to a little

Island and began searching for some netherite now I’m not expecting to get a full set by any means but hey I’ll take what I can get and so after mining for a good while we found our first two pieces but let me tell you these things were

Sparse and far and few between this time around all right I’m talking two pickaxe repairs and a load of mining later we finally found another one I I know it’s absolutely ridiculous now I was in here for a very long time ripping this place apart for very very little reward but

Eventually after over an hour and managed to get just enough debris to make a whopping two ingots I know crazy insane amount now I was pretty much done with the nether at this point so I headed home smelted them down crafted my Ingot and then crafted my two pieces of

Armor day 95 I still needed a diamond helmet so I chopped down the rest of the trees and used up most my wood trading with The Good Old Faithful Fletchers making bank and finally buying my myself a helmet and I’m not going to lie I really think this is the latest time

It’s ever taken me to get full diamond armor this challenge is is no joke with some of the things but uh anyways at this point I felt pretty strong so I boofed a Golem and he gave me a good boofing back and I didn’t have any food

To regen so I quickly left he wins this one but he uh he won’t be around for much longer after regening some health I went to explore the mounting thing in my square and scaled it all the way to the top to see how everything looks from the

Sky view and I was pretty surprised it looked pretty good so on my way down I landed not one but two MLG buckets and then took fall damage anyway and called it a day now on the following days one thing I did notice up there is that the

Land looked kind of barren around my house so I spent 3 days landscaping and tidying things up just a little bit to add a little bit more oomph to the area you know so I farmed out and planted down a bunch of aelas and finally

Finished off the back of my house that I completely forgotten about until this point and after finishing off the back of my house finally I added a couple more things I thought would look nice and well I think this came out looking pretty good it definitely got rid of

Some of the Dead Space when I woke up on day 99 I was feeling pretty dangerous so I made my mind drop hole all the way down to bedrock and then connected it to the surface grabbing a bunch of sand and then build my way up to the world build

Limit and just dropped off oh who who put that there also you might have noticed that you didn’t see the achievement pop up in the top right and that’s oh look I wasn’t at the bottom of the world which that was just great but either way that was a fun

Waste of a day I’m not doing it again plus I get to watch this satisfying sand falling day 100 I got up and realized I hadn’t named anybody in this video yet so I just want to say sorry about that unless you want to be a pig or something

I I don’t really have any cuter mobs to name so uh uh I promise I’ll make it up to you in the next video or the previous video or the video two videos after one of the videos I’m working on a lot of things in the minute okay I’m getting a

Bit confused anyways back on track I went went down to try and show the Golem who Boss by throwing him down the pit but instead I threw myself down the pit and almost died so I booed him in the oldfashioned way with a One V one but he

Kind of forgot how to move and well he went down pretty easy but that’s where things must come to an end for this video because we have just survived 100 days in an expanding world and it’s also really crazy to think that we came from a one by one

Square to this absolutely insane thing it was no easy feat but it was really really fun so I hope you all enjoyed and with the end of the expanding world we move back out to sea for the last time as we attempt to survive 100 days in an

Ocean only World filled with all sorts of sea dwelling monsters so day one I spawned into this vast expanse of watering nothingness and immediately set out to find either food or wood because I was going to need both pretty soon when I ended up spotting this little

Ship off in the distance so I began making my way over there finding a crab leg and some random floating string in the process Once I arrived I spent about half my lifetime breaking this singular piece of wood to reveal a pirate iller spawner that I did try breaking as well

But managed to get about halfway before one spawned and blocked me so instead I decided to use my time in a better way and gathered a bunch of wood whilst also taking a massive hit from one of these guys then I made my way up to the top

Deck grabbed a bunch more logs and crafted a sword and pickaxe before breaking the spawner and then dealing with these scall Wags in the most respectable Way by cowering far away from them up top in a place where I can hit them but they can’t hit me back but

Yeah y That’s just How it’ be out here in the salty deaths God I’m never doing that again anyways after dispatching them I went to grab their loot that was actually pretty decent these guys were heavily stacked for our first fight then I also went and grabbed the loot out the

Chest that had some stinky meat bones rum and some iller silver bars once I grabbed all the loot I began tearing the ship apart grabbing more wood and noticing another chest up in the top of the sails that contained two golden apples and some bones that I ended up

Throwing in the ocean as well as a bunch of stinky meat that I almost died for but definitely not bad for our first plunder so I dove off the ship to grab the bones but really couldn’t see them and then a whole bunch of drowns started

Making their way over to me however I did spot them just in time went down and grabbed them and then made my way back to the surface just before starting to drown all that subnotica I’ve been playing recently really came into clutch here so I returned to the ship and

Devoured my crab leg along with some stinky meat and then grabbed some wool from the sail to make a bed after grabbing all of the strip logs that the ship had to offer me night had fallen so I headed to bed and on the morning of

Day two I woke up ate some stinky meat and spotted a strange structure in the Water right next to my ship so I began heading down there to investigate but started getting chased by this here sea ghoul guy thing I don’t know what or who

He is but he creeped me the hell out and was really really tanky and after dealing with him I headed back to the ship to regen and make some new tools and then tried making my way down to the structure again but realized just how deep it actually was so one more trip

Back to the ship to make some doors and now I can finally be one with the fishies oh also while I was down here I also managed to grab a smoker and a furnace from these lovely scaly fellows and on my way back to the ship spotted

Some iron that I shall grab later once we arrived back at the ship I began setting up a little mini base of operations when I realized that my inventory was fulled and I didn’t pick up the furnace from earlier so I went and grabbed that and finally set up the

Crappy base on this lonely little ship cooking up a few potatoes and crafting a boat because tomorrow we go out venturing in search of more plunder because I really don’t think this area has too much to offer me anymore so I grabbed a little bit more wood from the

Ship and headed to bed on the morning of day three I placed down the boat and set out in search of another ship or basically anything that contains loot now I immediately ended up finding some more random floating items this time it’s a stick and two strings so that’s

Nice I guess after a while of sailing through the vast nothingness of the sea I ended up spotting what looked to be like a tiny island off in the distance that had a small ship behind it and then a really big ship behind that one so I

Headed over to it and began grabbing the wood however for some reason I can’t do that apparently so that that that kind of sucks so I ended up grabbing a bunch of dirt and some seeds instead then made my way over to the ship that ended up

Being full of very angry shooty boys so my Giga massive brain told me to uh go through the bottom of the ship so I did and then broke one block too far and almost met my very very Swift demise that was only stopped by my boat this

This this this boat came in so clutch okay he’s I love this boat okay I’m giving him a title his name is mure bant okay my Noble Ste boat save your side I did pop a gapple and then deal with a bunch of these awful boys moving further

Along the outside of the ship looking for any sort of loot lurking within and dealing with more of these guys as well as breaking the spawner of them now I did end up finding a chest and it had some absolutely amazingly crappy loot inside of it this is what I almost died

For this is my reward needless to say I left the ship and headed over to the bigger scarier one in hopes of better Loop but once I got closer to it and actually assessed the situation I quickly left because that place is way too stacked for a lonely Salty Sea boy

Such as me at the minute so instead I took a trip trip to this other smaller one but apparently it had a massive hole in it so I decided to leave that one and ended up at this tiny raft with a spawner and a chest that did actually

Have some okay loot in it and then I grabbed a bunch of wood from the raft and started making my way home spotting a swampy looking Hut on my way back once I got back to the wreckage that I call home I stored all my loot away and

Headed to bed then on the following couple days I made myself an iron pickaxe and headed down into the salty depth once more to grab the iron from earlier after successfully grabbing the iron I decided to place down a door and start a water mine well technically it’s

A waterfree mine but you get the idea so I mined down for a while finding a little bit more iron and making it all the way down to Y2 when I heard some running water and began looking around for a potential cave when I stumbled across this vein of coal right here that

Was absolutely massive and eventually finding this very small unsuspecting cave so before going any deeper I decided to stop off make a bucket and make a furnace to start smelting down my iron then began heading deeper into the cave that ended up opening up into a full-blown Ravine that was a very nice

Surprise considering that my look Rec L hasn’t been too great so I headed back to my hidey hole to craft an iron sword and a shield and then began making my way through the Ravine boofing a creeper and grabbing any and all ores that I could find Once the Ravine was well and

Truly cleared out of all the ores I did a little bit of strip mining and found our first set of diamonds it was a five vein so definitely nothing to scoff at oh and also I heard some lava so I mined around and found it however it didn’t

Have anything interested around it so I went and grabbed all the ORS had left behind in the strip mine then made a diamond pickaxe and returned back to the lava pool to grab some obsidian and I’m not going to lie we’re not doing too bad

For day five all right I mean we did almost die like twice but uh hey you know shiny gem pickaxe makes it all go away before leaving the lava pool I cleared out some of my inventory picked up my fer eye and headed back to the

Ship to store myself away and head to bed day six started out with me making a dirt platform just off the side of the ship to use as a farm because I may have diamonds but I really don’t have much food and that’s a problem so I added a

Wall around it and began tilling the land and planting down my all of one seed as well as a few carrots and potatoes and then used my bones to break down into bone meal to grow mainly a bunch of potatoes because let’s be honest they are the far superior food at

Least in this point of the game okay I can’t get golden carrots right now okay I’m a poor boy okay I’m a poor boy anyways after dealing with the farm I spent most of the day just clearing up the absolute mess that was previously a ship so that that way things can start

Feeling a little bit more homely now by cleaning up what I really mean is completely destroying and replacing everything with a floating slab that doesn’t really look anything like a home yet but hey at least mon sure by an has a place to stay now and he’s earned it

Then that evening I watched the sun set over the salty seas and crafted myself a full set of iron armor and a designated chests for important items before heading to bed day seven our first week survived not bad but we’ve uh we still

Got a very long way to go now I ended up doing a little bit of research on the underwater scaly boys to see what they actually do and it turns out that they’re basically underwater villagers but the trades didn’t look too enticing so I’m sure we’ll do some training with

Those guys later but for now I built up a portal and headed into The Nether to see what awaited me this time and was pretty presently surprised to have a pretty nice spawn in a warped Forest right next to me so I grabbed a bunch of

Warped wood and then ended up spending a little while Gathering quartz for some reason I don’t really know why I grabbed it but uh whilst grabbing it I did notice a fortress off in the distance but we’re not going over there yet okay I need to do a little bit more prep

Before we go there so instead I headed home and sted my nether loot away and set out in the direction of that Hut thingy I saw earlier because I really wanted to see what it was all about once I got close to the island I noticed that

There was a massive ship nearby so we shall investigate that later once I made landfall on the island I headed straight up into this Hut thing breaking a spawner and looting the chest that had a bunch of cooked fish and another gapple inside and then also took some of this

Here Palm wood and palm planks even though they’re not called Palm planks instead for some reason they’re called Palm desks because that just makes more sense surely after ruining and tearing up yet another Island I headed over to the Giger ship nearby to see if I could

Get any loot from this one or die trying look the hell hell is that no I’m not dealing with that right now yeah no bye bye-bye after getting chased by a bunch of Bones on the back of a dolphin I ended up stumbling across another what

Is essentially a sea village so I looted it up when I found out that this one had a library that had a fortune 2 and smite book as well as a bunch of food and a fishing rod and to top everything off we ended this pillage by finding an

Enchanted golden apple and a couple of music discs now this was not bad at all so I headed back home to store my loot away and sorted out my storage a little before heading to bed after a very very successful day once I woke up on day

Eight I headed back down the mine and did some more strip mining because I really need some more iron to make an anvil to actually put the fortune book on my pickaxe however shortly after starting mining I heard some zombies so I had a little look around for them and

Ended up falling into a cave and then straight into some lava trying to escape them the absolutely genius Escape Plan there poppers absolutely genius contrary to what should actually happen when you fall into lava or intially in my case jump into it yourself willingly uh I I

Didn’t die and instead ended up carrying in a corner and dealing with most of the mobs that gathered in the cave that way because I just deep fried myself okay I need a little little minute to recover once all the mobs got dealt with I headed back out and began looking for

Whatever I could find in these caves grabbing any ORS I came across as well as three creepers back to back to back but other than that I kind of just explored the caves grabbing ores and dealing with any mobs that stood in the way as well as finding this really cool

Glow squid hangout but after chilling with them for a little while I heard some zombies that led me to this absolutely hellish cave where I almost died a couple of times and also had to traumatically put down a slime I’m so sorry butd I don’t want to do this but

Hey I found six shiny blue gems so uh I was happy and the trauma was was gone now but let me tell you I cannot stressed you enough how awful this cave was okay the mobs just kept spawning and I just kept getting beat up over and

Over and over again and I eventually slowly managed to make my way through lighting things up to try and prevent this literal Army of mobs from respawning also a creeper went sicko mode and absolutely decimated a group of mobs I guess he was having a bad day or

Something now after getting more than enough iron I returned back to base and smelted it down made our Anvil and added Fortune to my pick before heading back down the mine and Mining out any ORS that I walked by or left until I had Fortune once I grabbed enough I headed

Home started things smelting and headed to bed and on the morning of day 11: I crafted myself an enchantment table along with a bunch of bookshelves however I stored it away for now until we expand out the island some more after that I did a little bit of farming while

Cooking up some more potatoes and crafting a diamond shovel before heading back over to the island from earlier and grabbing a bunch more dirt from it when I stumbled across this chest in the center of the island that had an enchanted sword and some pork chops in

It as well as another gapple these things are just insanely common in this apparently but I’m not going to complain so I grabbed the rest of the dirt and headed back home and began work on outlining our first couple of parts that would soon become our base now I was

Going to go for a smaller base this time and uh well I do start out with a smaller one but it it doesn’t last that long okay I wanted to see see what I could do with less space but it it didn’t last very long okay it got bigger

It got bigger now after successfully finishing off our first outline I lit up the area around it and tried to go to bed but uh couldn’t because there was a whole bunch of drowns and Enderman so I had to go and deal with them and almost threw everything away walking into this

Very angry boy but luckily I got out there alive dealt with the last drown and headed to bed on day 12 I organized and sorted out some of my storage as well as crafting a diamond sword because if I’ve learned one thing from this world so far is that nothing wants to

Give me a break and everything just wants to attack me and then I made my way over to yet another small ship over by the Hut Island and Once I arrived I began the attack in the same way as usual however these rap scallions had something else in

Mind yep they literally just blew a hole in their ship scaring the absolute Living Daylights out of me but I kind of guess they saved me a job so I’m not going to complain also the loot in the chest was was okay you know there’s just

A a totem of undying in there yeah these land loving Scallywags don’t stand a chance against me now that’s it yeah I’m literally never going to die I’m never going to die and I guess the remaining Loot on the ship was pretty good but nowhere near as good as the totem so

After successfully conquering yet another tiny little ship I headed back home and sorted through my Loot and also made a small little temporary Island thingy off the side of the base and built up a little crappy enchantment area there because we’re really really going to need to gear up a lot more to

Start conquering everything that looks Within These Seas however I do need better than level 22 enchants so maybe leave the sea conquering for later and for now let’s just head to bed day 13 I headed out straight in one direction to see if I could find another sea village

That had a library because obviously I need more books and that seemed like the most logical way to get them because I mean where else am I supposed to where am I going to find a cow where am I going to find sugarcane okay it’s going

To be floating is it it’s going to be floating no so sea village makes most sense now I literally didn’t really have to move at all because there was another one right next to the base that I completely missed so I headed down and grabbed the bookshelves as well as

Finding some glowberries and an absolutely huge find of a silk touch book now the next Island we find we can actually go and grab some grass from and bring it back home and there was also this house ruin thing filled with a ton of barrels with some pretty okay stuff

In them uh but after finding them I made the very small Journey back home and made the final bookshelves necessary to get level 30 enchants now also something really weird I’ve almost died multiple times already in this video but I seem to be progressing much faster than any

Other time I don’t know it it’s very hard but very easy at the same time it’s a fun challenge you should definitely try it anyways after dealing with the bookshelf problem I removed the inner circle of the outline because it was just too small then instead I was going

To use the Outer Circle as the new Inner Circle and by the time I was finished with that the sun was setting so I quickly dispatched some drowns and headed to bed then on day 14 I spent the day fishing because I mean I have all

This ocean to myself I may as well do some fishing in this video now I was actually looking for a mending book so I just fished all day finding a lock box with some glowstone inside as well as a lure to fishing rod that I was actually

Going to combine with my Unbreaking 3 one but it was way too expensive so after fishing for most of the day I ended up finding this message in a bottle that once opened told me some actually insanely useful information so be sure to remember this for later it’s

Really going to come in handy and tie everything together it’s very very important anyways I spent the rest of the evening just fishing away but not really finding much so uh here’s the day’s plunder I don’t think it’s too bad but it would have been way more

Efficient with a better fishing rod so I’ll probably end up doing well later but for now it’s bedtime for the following morning I crafted myself a gold helmet before heading into The Nether and Gathering a bunch of quartz for XP because it’s enchanting time soon now after spending a while grabbing

Quartz I returned home smelted down all my gold then returned back into the nether to do some piglin trading mainly in search of Ender Pearls but after trading literally all night with this guy I ended up getting absolutely nothing however that fire rest potion will help me with the Fortress so at

Least we got something out of this now by the time I returned home the sun was Rising on day 16 so I stuffed everything in a chest and Enchanted our first item at the table it was my sword and I got some pretty awful enchants so I retried

It and got absolutely trash again after doing a little bit of smelting to regain some XP I was ready for the third attempt and well it didn’t come out great but hey at least we got looting three and that’s not too bad and because I ended up getting a pretty nice Roll On

My Sword I decided to grab some Cobble and head back into the nether to begin making my way over to the Fortress because I’ll probably only have to Booth like three blazes to get all of the rods Once I arrived at The Fortress I towered

My way up broke my way in and was greeted by a Wither Skelly who I dealt with and then popped my fire rest potion and went on a blaze hunting spree only having to kill three actually I was precisely correct I only had to kill

Three to get the rods so as quickly as I made my way there I was straight back out and back home and I’m not going to lie that it’s probably the fastest time it’s taken me to get blaze rods I’ve never been that lucky so I just dropped

The rods in a chest and headed to bed all righty day 17 I headed out in search of some sponge and now you may say hey poppers don’t you hate Ocean Monuments aren’t they the literal bane of your existence why would you take them on without any equipment any any milk any

Like invis potions or anything like that well my dear friend you are incorrect I am not taking on an ocean Monument instead I shall invade a bunch of ships SL is/ villages in search of sponge because I’m sure somewhere someone will have it it seems like a very piratey

Material so I sailed and sailed until I found a ship using my trusty Palm desk to board it and clearing out the inhabitants finding a zombie villager but he went bye-bye because I really don’t have time for that right now wow that’s a lot of pearls and some pistol

Ammo with a pistol I’m sure this will go completely fine yeah did that scare you because that sure as hell scared me that literally blew my ears out I understand that it’s supposed to be a little bit loud but I mean I could do with my e

Drums not being ruptured every time I shoot this bloody thing oh look it’s another ship Jesus Christ C down my God please stop it’s so loud oh look at that some pirate bombs I’ll uh pocket them for later after leaving the very loud ship I stumbled across another tiny raft

Getting a gapple and some normal apples for my trouble then immediately found another Island and a ship so I went and looted the hidden chest in the island and headed over to the ship to test out my new toys but almost blew myself to a million pieces so uh I’m not really

Going to be using them uh anytime soon no no thank you no thank you now needless to say this ship Heist didn’t go off as planned and was pretty much a failure considering I released all of these angry cold wet Pirates into the ocean and now they’re really really

Angry so I tried entering the other way but quickly got blasted off so I just decided to leave and headed towards another smaller ship when this guy spawned and just point blank shot me so that was nice but I dealt with him looted up the ship and crafted some more

Ammo before heading to bed and continuing out on our crusade in the morning looting another ship and finding a bunch more ammo and I know I get it I’m only targeting the smaller ships at the minute but don’t worry okay I will run these salty Seas by the end of this

100 days okay you just need to know your place and out here in the cursed waves there will always be a bigger fish God I don’t know how many pirate things I’ve already said in this video and it’s not even halfway done now we did end up

Moving up and tackling a slightly bigger ship and this time actually clearing out everyone and well it was pretty easy considering that the shooty guys don’t move and well the loot was pretty good I got three pieces of Enchanted iron armor so it was definitely worth my time

Coming onto the ship one more tiny ship later and I found a diamond so that wasn’t too bad but then I remembered what I actually came out here to find and decided to stop decimating every reasonably side vessel that I came across and instead sailed around under

The cover of Darkness to see if there were any more vill of things under the water in hopes of one of them having some Sponge now I found two almost immediately but neither of them had any sponge so the search continued into the night where I spotted some smoke off in

The distance that ended up being a little island with some pretty mid loot so I just hopped back on my boat and left now I ended up looting an absolute bunch of these sea village things throughout the night because they were super super easy to find in darkness

Because they literally glow and I also came across this guy who was pretty annoying to deal with but once I dealt with him I went into his home and he had abs absolutely no loot but finally after having no look for almost 3 days I open

A chest to find three sponge thank God so I began making my way back home arriving by Nightfall storing all my items away and heading to bed all righty day 21 now you might be wondering hey poppers why do you need sponge and well I wanted to clear out the entire center

Of my base of all water and then have like flowers and grass and stuff in there instead because I think it’ll look really cool but I thought it would make the entire process so much easier easier with sponge so I headed into The Nether to quickly dry it off and then made my

Way back down the mine to grab a bunch more Cobble broke it down into slabs and began work on more outlines for the base mainly just to make them a little bit bigger now by the time the new outlines were done it was dark so I headed to bed

And on the morning of day22 I began moving all my items out from the center of the circle to an outer part because I’m going to need the middle completely clear to actually clear out of water now after sorting everything out I spent the

Rest of the day fishing it was it was a pretty boring pretty uneventful day day 23 started out as a pretty miserable rainy day so I Enchanted my shovel and headed over to a nearby coal Reef to grab as much sand as possible because it

Was going to help me clear out the water just a little bit faster after digging up sand for most of the day I began placing it all down all the way around the center circle to cut it off from the rest of the ocean then I just rinsed and

Repeated this process of grabbing sand and placing it down all the way around the circle until it was done but I did also realize that the uh the sand is multi-purpose okay because whatever sand I use here I can then pick up and down into the glass we will eventually line

This full place but now eventually after days of tedious work of placing down sand the circle was done so I headed to bed and on Day 26 I made my way back down into the caves in search of some more diamonds because I wanted to take a

Break from anything to do with building and of course as soon as I got back down into the caves it was still as hellish as ever I mean just look at this it’s literally insane this place is basically a mob farm for Skelly zombies and don’t

Even get me started on how many creepers spawn down here it it’s ridiculous but after a while of running through mob infested caves and not finding really anything I decided to focus my efforts on to strip mining for diamonds instead because I’m sick of stopping every two

Seconds to fend off a literal Army of mobs and this ended up being a very very lucrative decision because I found a few veins of diamonds pretty quickly getting a decent amount from them so I returned to the surface crafted a full set of diamond armor and headed to bed on day

27 I awoke grabbing my golden helmet and hopped back into the nether to grab a bunch of Black Stone because I think I want to use that to outline the top of the bed so after almost two iron picks later I think we had enough for now so I

Returned home and spent the rest of the day replacing some of the Cobble with Blackstone bricks and also made a floor under the water at the level that I want the center to actually go down to on the morning of day 28 I headed back over to

The Hut Island and grabbed all of the grass blocks from it to use in the center of the base once I returned back home I got to work on draining the center of the circle now initially I did use sponges but I realized very very quickly that they were extremely

Inefficient and taking way way too long so instead I opted for not using them and instead going the sand route because it is much much faster but oh my God was this extremely tedious and boring now after 3 days straight of placing and breaking sand the center was finally

Empty and ready to be built in but oh my days do I hate hate draining water it is so tedious so on day 32 I got to work on placing down all the grass and dirt in the middle but we didn’t have enough to

Fill it out but that’ll do for now so I made a bunch of furnaces and began smelting down as much sand as possible to make into glass then whilst they were doing their thing I headed down to the sea village and traded some lapers with these scaly boys getting some prismarine

Loot boxes in return and decided to just trade half a stack with them getting a bunch of loot boxes and open them all to get some pretty cool sea stuff as well as some bottles of enchanting so that was definitely not bad after finishing up the trading with the oversized fish I

Went to the Nether and gathered a bunch of warp stems because wood was running low when I really want to make a mob farm so that we can actually max out our gear pretty quickly and for that I was going to need quite a lot of trap doors

Oh and also whilst I was in here I booed an Enderman and got four pearls to drop from him that was actually insane and I didn’t know that you could get that many anyways after deforestacion to build the mob farm tomorrow okay day 33 it’s mob farming

Time so I spent the day on working on building up this absolutely isur of a farm and had it finished by Nightfall and then proceeded to spend the night farming out mobs for XP then as the sun was Rising on day 34 I had amassed enough XP to enchant two

Pieces of armor so I rebuilt the enchantment area and Enchanted my chest plate and Boots getting depth Strider on them which was actually pretty good considering you know water after enchanting I began digging up all the sand around the center circle and replaced it with glass that wasn’t

Tedious repetitive or annoying at all but but that’s all right because on the morning of day 35 it was all replaced and looking pretty nice however my shovel had seen better days after finishing the center well somewhat we still need the dirt I decided to grind

Out the mob farm for the rest of the day to stack up on XP now I did find a zombie villager that I wanted to capture and cure and I set up a trap with mure bant but accidentally hit it and well needless to say we didn’t get the

Villager you’ll have your moment soon my boy friend don’t you worry after farming out some more that evening I used the XP to enchant a fishing rod and combined the other that I had together bankrupted myself and then spent the rest of the day fishing yet again in search of a

Mending book and also I took a few swings at the mob farm occasionally to stack up on a little bit more XP after fishing for a while I found a Neptune’s Bounty with a neptunium hoe in it that had some pretty cool abilities so uh that’s nice but didn’t end up finding a

Mending book even after fishing all the way through the night you win some you lose some so on Day 36 I headed out in search of another Island to grab the last bit of dirt from however pretty shortly after setting off out I spotted an iceberg in a tiny little ship so I

Headed over to loot it and got some pretty crappy stuff so I just continued on searching finding an island pretty shortly after digging up all the dirt and losing another crappy chest after the island was uh no more I made my way to a nearby small ship looted that for

Some pretty mid Loot and then looted an island behind it for some absolutely terrible loot I don’t know what happened over this side of the ocean there just there’s just no loot everything’s poor over here I I don’t like it so I headed home and placed down the rest of the

Dirt and now we’re only waiting on the grass to spread and whilst waiting for that I spent the night doing my new favorite pastime XP farming woo day 37 I Enchanted the last two pieces of armor getting some pretty nice rolls and then took my remaining lapis down to the sea

Village and traded for some more loot boxes because small brain like Minecraft gambling after trading all my lapis I realized that I actually wanted to use the prismarine for the outline of the base instead of the Blackstone and thought that lapis trading could be a pretty decent way of getting it so I

Cleared out my inventory and headed out to sea to start a new mine but instead I ended up getting distracted by the structures that I found that had some pretty Decked Out drowns in them so I slowly started taking one on finding a buried treasure map and getting some

Really crappy loot from floor one and also floor two and also floor three you know what I’m done with you okay get better loot I’m not interested now I eventually did start a new mine and went in search of lapis and did end up finding quite a nice amount however

Decided to uh leave pretty soon after because I realized that this probably isn’t the fastest way to get prismarine but on the following days I took all of my lapis down to the sea village and traded it all to see how much prismarine I could get from the loot boxes once it

Was all gone I opened up the loot boxes and I do think this is a pretty quick safe way to get it plus you know I want another pick and I only have one Diamond so I may as well go mine for some lapis and that’s exactly what I did I headed

Back down the mine and stayed down there for around 2 days going back through the mob infested caves and dealing with the ever increasingly annoying guys down there and Mining up any lapies I found along the way as well as stumbling across an amethyst geode but after a

While of being down here I took my lapis back to the surface and did some more trading that was pretty tedious because these guys trade very very slow however I did end up with a bunch more loot boxes and opened them all up to get a whole bunch of prismarine also if you’re

Wondering why it’s opening super fast it’s not an auto clicker I just rebound my right click key on my mouse to a key on the keyboard and it just makes them open so much faster and just speeds up this entire process so so much now we

Did end up getting a pretty nice ount of prismarine especially if we break it all down into slabs we get a pretty decent amount and it should be enough to make some pretty good progress on the outline I think so on day 42 I put that to the

Test and began going around making another outline once again having to make it bigger because it was just too small I told you the small base wouldn’t last so much for that idea this time around also I think that the color scheme I’m going to go for for the inner

Part of the Outer Circle and probably the entire build is going to be smooth quartz uh and quartz bricks because they mix really well with prismarine and they look really good together and now I’m going to be completely honest with you we had nowhere near enough prismarine so

I just decided to say screw it and Enchanted an iron pick with efficiency 4 and headed down into the ocean to grab it from wherever I could find it because I’ll be damned if I have to go back to their mines now I mined up all of the

Villagers that I could find taking whatever little prismarine bricks that they had and also finding some lapis along the way in some of the buildings also I swear to God if someone comments that there’s a super fast and easy way of getting prismarine without a guardian

Farm or whatever uh thank you I really appreciate it but it’s a little bit late but you’re awesome uh thank you keep telling me how to make my life easier I greatly greatly appreciate it now after spending the night out in the ocean grabbing as much prismarine as I could

Possibly get my hands on on the morning of day 43 between the stuff that we’d mined and the stuff that we got from loot boxes we were pretty stacked so I continued work on the outline and well I’m not going to lie this this circle was so annoying to build for some reason

I don’t know why I kept messing up the corners and just putting things in the wrong places and it just didn’t line up it was really annoying to build and it ended up just just taking longer than I expected cuz I just had to basically rebuild the entire thing so uh bye-bye

Day 44 I guess however once finished I replaced all the Blackstone in the Middle with prismarine bricks removed the disgusting Cobble Circle because like I said earlier it was just too small but once that was done things were looking a lot better so I headed to bed

And on day 45 I thought that it was time to start making our eyes for the Ender Dragon and head out in search of the stronghold so that’s exactly what I did throwing our first eye and having it break straight off the bat absolutely great now I’m not actually going to go

Straight to the dragon fight but I may as well explore the stronghold to see what loot it has down there also on my journey I found a small ship that I cleared out and got another totem so uh that’s very nice it’s really rare to ever see me carrying one of these things

Never mind too shortly after leaving the ship we had arrived where the eye told us to go so I made my way down to the stronghold almost immediately finding the portal and just having enough ice to light it now it’s looting time finding two diamonds straight off the bat as well as

A room filled with zombies there was literally like a whole family in there and well you can’t kill one without killing them all I also found a small library with one enchanted book and a big library with a whole bunch of them but after finding the libraries the

Stronghold was pretty dead so I headed back home and spotted this fossilized skeleton of a giant fish and just had to check it out it’s a good thing I did as well cuz it was a chest that was I guess pretty cool the loot wasn’t great but eh

It looked cool Once I arrived back home I sorted through all my Loot and tried getting a good effic enchant on my new pick but ended up getting everything but so instead I just swung at the mob farm all night until the morning when I tried

Again and still no look so I just decided to put the efficiency 3 book on there and call it a day after dealing with a pick I grabbed a bunch of Bones and some moss and then started sprucing up the center of the area to you know

Actually have it look somewhat nice also I actually grabbed my first wood from like a real tree considering I haven’t seen one of them yet now I really do like the idea of having like a natural Center surrounded by the ocean it looks really cool but there’s still a lot of

Work to do on that and for the entire base for that matter but that’s okay because now it’s time to spend an insane amount of time grabbing quartz and after 2 days of grabbing a bunch of this really annoying material I smelted a bunch down and crafted some

Into bricks and on day 49 began work on filling in the Outer Circle now I did make some progress but realized that this was going to need quite a bit more quartz than what I had but hey it was pretty good progress and I really like

How it’s coming out oh also a Wandering Trader spawned but had nothing good now once I ran out of quartz I headed to bed and on day 50 grabbed the sea lanterns that we got from the loot boxes and went around placing them all the way around

The exterior of the circle to really make it pop out at night but we ended up not having enough to finish the whole thing however we were pretty close so I just spent the rest of the day moving all the storage and work areas down into

The center of the circle to clear up the outer ring now on day 51 everything was moved and all that was left to do to clear up the outer ring was to remove the mob farm and well we’ll do that later for now I headed back to the

Fortress and went in search of some Nether wart so that we can actually start cooking up some potions soon to help with boofing the dragon in my search I found a couple of mediocre chests before actually finding it after securing all the Nether wart that I was

Going to need I headed back home and made a brewing stand along with a bunch of awkward potions and then started cooking them up into the respected needed potions for the fight except slow falling because I don’t actually have the Phantom membranes just yet so whilst

Waiting up at night I actually went and grabbed some more quartz and did this through day 52 as well just to kill time but on the night of day 52 there was still no Phantoms so it was back to quartz Mining and eventually did run

Into Phantoms on the night of day 53 in the morning I placed down all the quarts I got from the previous day spent mining making some pretty good progress All Things Considered it’s literally just because quart is really like annoying to gather especially without villagers it’s super annoying uh but I’d say it’s

Definitely worth it after running out of quartz I went around adding some prismarine path outlines on each side of the circle before gearing up and enchanting a bow and then making our way back to the strong hold because it’s time for the dragon to go bye-bye arriving at the stronghold by Sunrise

Heading down popping my potions and heading in now this time around I managed to hit the towers pretty easily and accurately however the problem was the dragon I couldn’t hit it for some reason without a bow I I don’t know why but it’s really weird and I also tried

Reloading everything and nothing fixed it so I guess it was bugged or something I really don’t know what happened to this fight so after a while of impaling the Beast with arrows I boofed it real good and then got messed up by an Enderman before grabbing the pee and the

Egg and heading into the outer Islands In Search of the elytra when I immediately spotted these flying things that seemed pretty chill as well as our first city but obviously it didn’t have a ship so I headed in dealt with the shulkers and got myself a little bit of

Loot before continuing on and about 2 minutes later stumbled across another city but this time it had a ship so I headed up dealt with the shulkers grabbed the loot and finally grabbed the elytra also for some reason I didn’t actually loot the city I think I forgot

To but either way I made my way back to the mainland and finally back home home in record time that was really quick for me it usually takes about 9 year in there trying to find the elytra so I sorted through all my loot added silk

Touch on one of my pickaxes that I looted and headed to bed day 58 it’s more lapis searching time because I need some more sea lanterns so I headed out to sea one more time in the complete opposite direction from last time but realized that mono bamp was left over at

The stronghold can we get an F in the comments for the best companion for a lonely man in the middle of the ocean you will be missed buddy I’ll never forget you so I headed out in my search for lapis and decided just go through and take it from the villagers because I

Think I think that this is probably the fastest way of grabbing it because the villagers are almost guaranteed to have a house with it now whilst I was out stealing lapis I also grabbed a bunch of coral because I do plan on making a coral reef around my Center Hub because

I think it’ll look really cool hidden away behind the glass anyways after Ying lapis all night on the morning of day 59 I pulled over to the nearest sea village and spent a while trading up all the stacks I’d got for those sweet sweet loot boxes once acquired I headed back

Home getting stung by a jellyfish on the way but that’s okay because loot oh the serotonin hit from opening these things God it’s just so exciting to try and get sea lanterns now I did end up with more than enough to finish off placing the lanterns and uh then it was time to

Begin work on the coral reef before it gets a little bit too far in this video so I went and grabbed every single block that I could craft down into a slab and began work on putting a floor all the way down underneath to where the coral

Reef is going to sit and yeah it will look terrible for a little bit but uh it’s going to be covered with sand anyway so you won’t even know it’s there okay you won’t know the part of it wood and part of it Netherrack and and part

Of it Cobblestone okay it’ll just look like sand now I really quickly realized that Netherrack was going to be a big big Savor for this part of the build just because of how readily available it is and how quick it is to mine it mixes so well with a very limited amount of

Time now eventually after tearing through Netherrack and replacing it for a while we were finally done with the first layer and it actually didn’t take too long partly down to how fast it is to gather Netherrack and partly down to depth Rider and respiration letting me move faster and breathe longer down

There also I did do a little bit of trading to grab a couple more sea lanterns that I could place down around the middle but uh once that when the netherite was done I grabbed a bunch more sand as well as destroyed almost an entire coral reef before placing the

Sand down all the way around the sides and all the way across the bottom to block everything in then use the quartz that I found whilst Gathering nether to finish off the outer ring and now it’s finally time to do the fun and interesting part that I’ve actually been

Looking forward to for quite a while now it’s time to add the coral that was actually pretty fun it was quite satisfying just throwing it down and hoping for the best and just throwing some weird shapes down there and uh well after a quick Shader change later things

Were done and I’m very very happy with the reef now I’ve never built one of these things before so I am actually quite impressed with how it came out now I changed the shaders from complimentary reimagine to just do complimentary shaders because I’ve got more like

Graphical things I can do with the water and make it look clearer so we’re sticking with these ones from now on anyways now that all that’s built all that’s left is to build a little house thingy for myself and add some Stone arches or something around the Outer

Circle and maybe even a big circle above the center but I don’t think we’re going to have time for that in this video now on day 69 I spent a little bit of time thinking about how I wanted my home to look as well as exactly what I wanted to

Build it out of but we’re not doing anything with that right now because it’s time for us to drop some really good enchants on a bow and my sword and then hopefully take on a big ship now I did try re-enchanting my sword a few

Times until I settled for an okay set of enchants and then headed out in search of a ship to board and Conquer after stumbling across and looting a couple of smaller ones not getting much other than a couple more gapples and ended up stumbling across another midsize ship

That I went through and looted as well as blowing part of it up with some TNT and also these ships are like the easiest ones to loot because I mean the guys don’t even move and they don’t really do much damage so I really do

Think that we can take on the big ones now oh yeah and this ship had some pretty good loot uh mainly being diamonds but then off in the distance was a pretty big ship not the biggest but bigger than any I’d taken on before

So I set up a way to boo these guys in their Captain somewhat safely and after beating on this guy for like 2 minutes straight he finally went down and I began trying to take out all the spawners and almost ended up popping a totem to this ninja creeper that just

Dropped down right next to me so that was a uh that was a very nice surprise but just as things were starting to ease out and get a little bit easier this guy drops down and starts hailing me with bullets tearing through my health now I

Did manage not to die and instead dealt with him but then it happened again and I barely escaped with half a heart so maybe I’m not ready to deal with these ships yet I I don’t know now the logical thing to do here would be to go

Home and call it a day but we’re not doing that because I’m not going to be defeated by another one of these ships so I went through dealing with every one of these rap scallion land living salty bottle Scallywags um and uh yeah I took over the ship but in all seriousness the

Ship had absolutely terrible loot it was not worth it it was just a it was just a bad decision overall so I decided to make the good decision and just headed back home once I got back I made a bunch of TNT from the leftover gunpowder from

The mob farm and then headed into The Nether dug down to a lower y level and began blowing up everything in search of some netherite that I actually found whilst digging out an area to place the TNT then after blowing it all up I found

Two more veins and a little bit more but uh that’s where my look ended because I found absolutely nothing after that but hey I’ll take the 10 that I already got so I returned home to smelt it all down crafting a netherite pick and a chest

Plate all righty day 71 I set a bunch of cobblestone off smell in and then said bye-bye to the isur of a mob farm because I no longer need the XP so I just spent the day tearing it down then on Day 72 I connected the Outer Circle

To the inner circle with Bridges and then went around adding a bunch of sea lanterns I had left over all the way around the center of the bridges before then heading back into The Nether and into the Fortress to start farming out with the skellies because I think four

Beacons will really make this build pop also this Fortress was spawning these guys hella quick and with looting three I managed to get the skulls pretty efficiently before heading back home grabbing some Soul Sand and heading to the end to kill my two Withers and oh

God was was this a was this a very hard fight you know they really made me work for these these Stars once they were dealt with I returned home and made the beacons and on day 73 started going back around the ocean Gathering up all the

Iron that I could find in villagers and ships because this is a really quick way of stacking up on it now I did end up finding a pretty op ship with some iron blocks two gapples and one op gapple but uh realized I didn’t actually need an

Insane amount of iron just to build a few beacons so I headed back play down my two beacons and then spotted some seagull just chilling at my house and then spent the rest of the day marking out the area in which I actually want to build my house in and then over the

Coming days I spent a ton of time Gathering resources and building blocks that I was going to need to actually build the thing after Gathering everything I was going to need I began work on building up the house now I’ve never really done a house out of prismarine before or built really many

Things out of it so there were quite a few failed trial and error tests in a in a test build World until I eventually decided on the design design that I’ve got right now now you can’t really see it too well because you know it’s a

Little bit of a close fit down there but after a while of building the house I think it came out looking pretty nice so I added some leaves walls and flowers around the outside and boom here it is the ocean Hub and I think it came out looking really nice especially for like

My first true prismarine build I hope you guys like this one it’s very clean and I am very very happy with it okay day 80 after finally finishing off the build of our house I grabbed some buckets and decided to go out in search of a pet or two to actually name after

You guys because this has been quite a lonely time out here in the middle of the ocean because I haven’t really had any friends along the way and well there was Monro by ant but he got lost in the salty depths and was also inanimate anyways I went in search of probably the

Only type of friend I can get in this world a fish now I found a blob fish straight off the bat but I’m not going to put someone’s name on a blob fish it just seems insulting so I grabbed a couple of jellyfish and some tropical fish before getting stung by a jellyfish

While trying to steal it as well as grabbing a nautilus and then headed out in search some more kind of Exquisite fish like this here flying fish he’s pretty cool but not as cool as these two lobsters that I managed to stumble across and pick up once I took

Everything back home that night I made all the name tags and named all the fish on screen now and here are all the people who got fishies named after you and what fish they got now I do plan on doing these sooner in the video so that you guys can be

Around a lot more but it’s just kind of hard in this one considering you know everything’s ocean but either way if you guys want to be a dog a frog or any other animal or mob then be sure to let me know by dropping a comment down below

And uh hey who knows maybe you’ll be in the next video on day 81 I actually made my way back down the mine in search of some more diamonds because I needed to repair my armor and actually make myself some new boots considering that I’m wearing Iron right now and have been for

The past few days so I began looking around caves and strip mining search of some as well as picking up a bunch of iron along the way because I do still need it to make a load of blocks for the amount of beacons that I actually want

After mining for about a day or so down here I actually ended up finding a pretty hefty amount of diamonds as well as a pretty nice amount of iron and Lapis too so I made my way back up top began smelting down my iron and headed

To bed and on day 83 I crafted a fresh set of diamond armor excluding a chest plate and then Enchanted them combining my old armor with the new to make even more OP armor after that I traded with this lovely fellow right here to get myself some Spruce and Oak saplings why

You may ask well I don’t really know I was just happy to see them I guess but anyways once again I headed out to sea to finally take on the big ship that’s been eluding me this entire time after sailing around for a little while the

Ship was finally in sight and this time it was going down so I made my way in dispatching all the land lovers inside before looting a chest with some diamonds that I didn’t really need but I’ll take them now I’m not going to lie this ship was extremely easy and the

Loot was really really not good it was a real disappointment so instead I decided to go and take on the drown dungeon that I found earlier and Jesus this drown Lord guy was insanely tanky he just would not die I was literally here hitting him again again and again and

Again for 5 minutes straight and got absolutely nowhere so I pulled a big brain Strat and uh basically emptied out the water around him made a flint and steel and had that do the work for me that way I didn’t take any more damage from hitting him because I think he

Actually had Thor on his armor but clearly I didn’t think this threw enough because I burnt all the wood around him allowing him to escape but did manage to trap him back in there and set him back on fire however when he actually died all of his loot went straight into the

Fire right underneath him yep I know I’m an absolute idiot and this was a complete waste of time however I did begin making my way further and further through the dungeon finding these very drippy boys and carefully making my way through picking up the chests and uh

Taking some pretty nasty hits in the process now eventually I did get to the chests and looted them but there was there was nothing down here there was literally not a single item in these chests I I was stunned I was absolutely stunned so I just returned home and

Headed to bed and on day 85 I uh I did some more lapis trading for some more loot boxes because indeed my gambling addiction has progressed then after grabbing the sacred loot boxes I returned to the nether grabbing a bunch more quarts and then digging out the connectors from around the Outer Circle

To uh instead replace them with stairs because getting up and down from the center base is uh is really not good and it’s way too slow and I can make it look so much better so I did and it surprisingly didn’t take too long and it was pretty easy to do especially with

How good it came out looking now I’m really happy with it and also during the build I spotted this crab just chilling on the roof of my house so I thought i’ share that with you but yeah the stairs came out good very nice and much easier

To get up and down now all righty day 90 it’s another time again to grab the last of the Wither Skelly skulls for the last three beacons that ended up going even smoother than last time because for some reason this Fortress literally just throws these guys at you and especially

With this sword they didn’t even stand a chance and the skulls did drop somewhat frequently so after Gathering the remaining skulls I headed back to the end and had some more brutally hard fights with these Withers before making and placing down all my beacons around

The base and and this is how far things have come I think it looks pretty nice on the morning of Day 94 I made some changes inside of the house to actually tidy things up a bit and give the enchantment table its own area and not

Just thrown down in the middle of the floor now I didn’t really have an idea of how I wanted this to come out and look but uh this will this will definitely do after I finished the enchanting area I made some fireworks added them breaking onto my elytra and

Finally got a good view of the base before setting out in search of anything interesting because I still haven’t used these damn things and I got them a very long time ago now the ability to fly and just stop off and loot ships was a very

Welcome change I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner it just makes everything so much faster just dropping down looting up the island and flying away just as fast it’s so so much better now other than islands and the odd coral reef we didn’t really find much

Initially so I began heading home when I spotted this massive ship that I just had to take on so I stopped off at this little raft right here to gear up and headed over taking out the Skelly dolphin spawners and making my way inside dealing with these silver fish

Infested skellies the to be fair went down down pretty easily even if there were a whole bunch of them after dealing with the close range boys it was time to deal with the archers and oh boy these guys were tanky this time around all right they took Seven Arrows to boof

They were they were pretty tanky after spending the night taking pot shots at them and eventually deciding to go and clear them out with my sword that ended up being so much faster however I did almost pop a totem but gapple just too op after finishing off The Archers I had

To deal with the captain who I’m not going to lie he was pretty quick to deal with okay he just went down real quick and now it’s time to reap the rewards of this Behemoth of a ship that consisted of like six diamonds it was okay but for

This stage of the game it wasn’t too insane but hey at least we have now taken on the biggest ship in the oceans I think I think I’ve not seen any bigger than this one and so with that Victory under my belt I headed home with my

Booty and stored it away and then lured some sea villagers over into my aquarium because well they just look cool and they’re useful and I don’t know I think they’ll make good pets oh also I broke down the nether portal and on day 96 I rebuilt it in the center of the house

With the remaining prismarine I had now this isn’t the best portal I’ve ever made but it’s way way better than just s sitting in the middle of the room with wood for Corners all right it looks way better and plus it even had a cool floor pattern so I’m really happy with how

This impromptu portal came out it’s quite basic but also quite nice on day 97 I realized something I don’t have any villagers like at all excluding the sea boys and well they don’t really do much it seems that everybody else who’s done this had their own literal Village worth

Of them by this stage and I’m not going to lie I feel kind of left out and it’s way too late to get any now so instead I decided to spend the rest of the day luring some of these fake impostor villagers into my aquarium they don’t

Give me great trades eg a mending book at least they can give me the enjoyment of seeing them in captivity forever being unable to escape my circular prison oo things a little bit dark there but uh I’m just sad okay I’m sad that I don’t have any real villagers I’ve got

These things hey but who knows all right who knows maybe we can get some in 200 days maybe if you guys enjoy this video enough and we can get like 10 likes uh then I think I’ll think about doing 200 days and you know we can have some more

Mods and go on bigger Adventures sound good I get likes to validate my insecurities you get a video of me committing war crimes at Sea against villagers yeah good trade anyways back on track after securing my completely real villagers I checked up on the lobsters before heading to bed and on

Day 98 grabbed my pirate scepter that I got a while ago and Enchanted it a couple of times to get a really nice set of enchants then grabbed whatever TNT I had and went back to the nether to do a little bit more netherite search in that

Actually ended up going pretty well with be finding three chunks from the TNT alone and a further three pieces from just mining around that I then took home and started smelting down whilst repairing my armor with some diamonds before making the ingots and upgrading

Them and now I know it’s not a full set of netherite but I’ll take it and now finally on day 100 i s through my storage because it was a real mess and if I do decide to 200 days then I don’t want to come back to this absolute mess

Of a storage okay after dealing with the storage I say goodbye to the lobsters because I mean just look at them look how cute they are look at their little eyes they’re so adorable horrible and also bit farewell to the roof crap because he’s just way too cool to leave

Out now as we say goodbye to the oceans for this video it’s time to go back to basics and pretty much where it all started as I tried to survive 100 days in every single Minecraft update starting all the way back in 1.0 so kicking things off on day one with the

1.0 update this was considered the official launch of Minecraft that also added Brewing stands enchants the end and animal breeding but most importantly for us hardcore mode so we begin our journey in this very dated version of the game in the exact same way as we do

Now by grabbing some wood to craft ourselves some very rudimentary tools that I then immediately put to use to grab some slightly less crappy tools and then begin Gathering wood and killing a few cows during the process after chopping down a decent amount of wood and now being stacked I turned around to

See a very old looking Village right behind me so I headed over to it and killed another cow on my way over there once I arrived at the Village the first thing I saw was a really cool Mountain off in the distance this is a very prime

Example of Old World Generation it looks really good and I also found a blacksmith and well just take a look at all this amazing loot I got I guess they didn’t have chest this far back in the game but it’s fine I went and stole some books from the village libraries and I

Began making my way over to the cool mountains to set up camp over there but when I got over there I was quickly attacked by a spider that I dealt with but then shortly after attacked by a zombie and a Skelly and another spider so I quickly kned out of there because

That was no place for me to be right now so I killed the second spider and made myself some bread that I stole from the village and after getting my Hunger back I began heading over to a little area near the mountains when I found an even

Cooler looking place so I decided I would live here instead while setting up a very basic Shack it was getting dark fast so uh I made myself some doors smelted down some wood into charcoal and boom just like that we are safe in this terrible terrible looking shed that I

Built so I decided with it being night I’d be productive and decided to start a mine but after mining basically all night all I found was a big vein of coal so it really wasn’t eventful however by the sunrise of our second day I was back

Up in the shack ready to run outside and make myself a wheat farm because I knew that this steak that I had would only last so long and I wanted to get a renewable food source ASAP so I got to work on planting down all my seeds near

The water and then headed back home to make a chest to store all my crap in there for later after storing my stuff away I headed back down into the mines to hopefully find myself a cave to actually start gearing up so that I could move out of this awful looking

Shack as soon as possible anyways whilst I was running back down the mine I heard a Skelly close by so I minded around until I found a cave with a load of them in it that I then quickly dispatched and started exploring the cave and one Skelly and a zombie later we finally

Have our first bit of iron quickly followed by another Skelly and some more iron now this wasn’t a big cave so I just went around lighting everything up and after emptying the cave of mobs and iron I headed back to my house to start smelting it all down after my iron was

Done I upgraded my tools and headed out to chop down a tree in hopes of getting some saplings and well I grabbed the saplings planted the them down and it was getting dark so I headed back down the mine in search of more iron and another cave and well I found some gold

But I’m not going to lie to you at this point in the game is absolutely useless but later on it’ll be extremely useful so uh I’ll grab it anyway anyways after grabbing the gold I ended up finding a little bit more iron and some Redstone and then began strip mining at y 11

Because I had absolutely nothing better to do and yet again I heard some mobs near me so I went to check it out and sure enough there was another cave but there was no way I was going in a place like that with that many mobs without

Any armor so I went back to my rickety old shack and smelted down all the iron that I found down there and by the morning of day three all my iron was smelted down so I decided to make myself an iron chest plate and some iron

Leggings and then store away some of my stuff and head back down into the cave that I now had some defense to actually go in there and see what he had to offer and well this cave was really good to me I found iron ore after iron ore after

Iron ore with some golden Redstone sprinkled in there however this was a very very small cave and well I don’t know what it is with this version of the game in tiny caves but but it’s annoying okay just just let me explore caves damn it anyways after grabbing my loot from

The cave I headed up and began smelting it all down and well whilst the furnace was doing its thing I headed out to the nearest forest to grab some wood because I wanted to start work on my actual house soon and well there’s no trees

Where I currently reside so I had to go to a forest anyways once I got to the forest I spotted myself some sugarcane and some sheep so I grabbed it and killed them and now we can make a bed after getting my wood I headed home with

A whole 25 iron smelted down so I made the final two pieces of armor and a shovel and finally made myself a bed but we really need a bigger house because I literally have no space in this place anymore okay anyways I planted down my

Sugar cane and went to bed and on day four I began work on expanding the house into a more spacious better looking home and well it really didn’t take me that long now the actual goodlook house will come later but for that I need some more blocks and better features to play

Around with but uh for the meantime this will do uh and by the way my plan for this like like 100 days is to transform this entire area where I am right now into like a really cool Paradise between the mountains I don’t know how it’ll

Turn out but uh yeah anyways after I was done with the house I placed down my bed and went to sleep and well when we woke up on day five things looked a little bit different because they were we were no longer in 1.0 we are now in 1.2 that

Added zombie sieges jungle biomes abandoned mines iron golems and maybe the best feature in the game to this day desert Wells so some pretty cool stuff but there’s not really much for me to actually do except like maybe find a m shaft anyways I got to a fight with a creeper and then

Tried luring some chickens back to my house but apparently seeds don’t work yet so I tried some wheat and well it worked out oh and I also stumbled across this big cave so we shall check that out later but for now I made the chickens a

Hole in the mountain so that they can stay in there but when I turn around to lure them in apparently they turn into a slots cuz there was just a whole bunch of those running around now it took me a minute to process it but then I real

Realized that it must have generated a jungle biome right next to my house so that’s kind of cool I guess anyways I lured my chickens into their new home and began work on adding some stairs to the mine to make it easier to get up and down without bashing my head every

Single step because it’s super annoying anyways I did get a bit of iron from it so I guess it was worth it and once I was done with the mine I went around cleaning up some of the land around my house and farm just to make things look

A little bit neater and easy to navigate anyways after finishing up my Landscaping it was getting quite dark so I placed down a couple of torches and went to bed and on day six it was time to start looking for some diamonds and I know it’s still very early days but the

Sooner I can get op stuff the bigger and better builds I can do and the easier it is to kill the warden anyways I headed over to the big cave that I saw when I was bringing the chickens over and I Min my way down into the unknown and well I

Immediately was greeted by a creeper so I guess that shows how things are going to go down here also there was a lot of iron in this cave but that’s not why I’m down here okay I want diamonds okay none of this lowly ore okay I want diamonds

Anyway anyways the deeper and deeper I went the more mobs I faced and the more iron I found and I really don’t know what was up this cave there was there was so much iron but after a while of exploring and killing mobs we were starting to get pretty deep so I was

Keeping an eye out for that blue blue or and I mean I found some blue stuff but it was lapis and well just listen to this cave I was in while I was mining this lapis okay there was so many mobs and on top of that look at how much lava

Was here I decided that if diamonds were going to be anywhere they were going to be over there so I had to fight off a bunch of mobs and continued Through The Never Ending caves and caverns until I stumbled upon a zombie spawner and well

The loot was pretty decent and I did get some iron and some cocoa beans as well as a couple Saddles so I mean at least it was some pretty good loot I guess anyways after finding the spawner i’ been underground for quite a while so I

Decided to call it a day and admit defeat with the diamonds and run home for now and I was also out of food so I didn’t want to risk taking too much damage down there by the time I arrived back at the surface night had fallen and

There were mobs all around so I sprinted home and went to bed and on the morning of day seven I woke up and started smelting down all of my golden iron and decided that whilst they were smelting I’d actually go and take the time to set out all my storage because well the

Longer I left it the worse it was going to get oh and I also realized that one of the Skelly boys I killed down in the mine dropped a bow so now I have a bow I guess anyways one fight with a creeper later and the storage was sorted so I

Took the bones that I got from killing many of Skelly and uh put them to use on the Fire farm so that I could actually get some food considering that I had none left so after a while of growing and harvesting all my wheat I actually

Decided to move the farm to the other side of the river because I I had I thought it’ looked better over there in the long run and it had more space and there’s more ways to progress it further it’s just a better place I think uh but

After moving the farm I made my bread and used the leftover wheat to breed the chickens and make some more progress on landscaping around the house and when it got dark I’d made some pretty good progress so I headed back home took my iron and gold out of the furnace start

Brought them away and once again went to bed on day a I got up and made two more furnaces because I was going to start smelting down all my Cobblestone into stone to then craft into stone bricks to use what I wanted to upgrade the house

So whilst the stone was smelting down I headed back over to the big spooky cave to grab some more coal because I was running pretty low some coal mining later and I returned home to restock the furnaces F furnaces fer ey the the grills with coal and craft my stone

Bricks and stone brick stairs that I then tried placing upside down but couldn’t so I guess the house upgrade will have to wait until a later update where they actually add that feature anyways I went and made the chicken home a little bit nicer by adding some wood

On the walls and roof just so they were a little bit happier and it wasn’t so bad to look at mainly the latter but one Coupe upgrade later it was getting dark so I headed on to bed and on day nine we once again woke up to another update

This time we’re in 1.3 the added trading jungle and desert temples emeralds better enchanting and some adjustments to creepers so overall a pretty useful update and I wouldn’t mind finding a temple but I need to be careful how far I explore in this world because I I need

To easily generate new chunks for the later updates because it gets harder the further you go out anyways I had the big brain idea and decided to start going out exploring in one single direction that way I wouldn’t generate too many chunks and it wouldn’t be hard to

Generate new ones by just simply going in a different direction oh and by the way I was going out in search of a temple because well I thought they’d be nice to find and I haven’t really left my area since like day three or something so it it’s nice to get out the

House once in a while anyways I was making my way around and I found that there was different types of wood now so that’s you that’s nice to know after a little while of walking later and passing through a snow biome I eventually found a desert and well went

In search of a temple and I’m telling you now I explored so much of this desert and didn’t find a single thing however I did find another spawner and well it was on the surface and it does kind of remind me of how much I do miss

Some of the old generation things anyway the loot really wasn’t great so I left and began waking my way back out of the desert and once I got back to the tundra I spotted some cows that I then swiftly killed for their leather of which I got

One I got one leather from all those cows after that I chopped down a couple of spruce trees to get some saplings and then headed back home and well it was getting dark so you know what I did that’s right I stoed my stuff away and I

Went to bed all righty so days 10 and 11 I headed back down my original mine and began strip mining for diamonds and I told myself you cannot leave here until you find at least one diamond Diamond so I mined and mined and mined until I heard yeah another skeleton in the walls

So I mined around looking for the cave it was in and well I found it but almost got blown up and then I realized that I was just way too high to find diamonds so uh I headed back to my original mine and well something close to Eternity

Must have passed me by because I just zoned out and mindlessly mined around and well I ended up finding lapis but no diamonds yet and well I’ve been down here a good while so uh more Branch mining later and I finally struck gold well I mean it was diamonds but either

Way I found diamonds and I got five so you know I’ll take it I’ll take it you know they’re literally non-existent in this version of the game anyway so I I’ll take the five I’ve got anyways after getting my diamonds I ran through my endless mines back to my house and

Finally made myself a diamond pick then I went round and planted the 30 sugarcane I had in my inventory because well it was bothering me anyways one sugarcane Forest later and I uh I went to check if stairs could be placed upside down yet and well they could so I

Know what I’m doing tomorrow anyways I spent the rest of the day uh just smelting down more Stone to use on the house upgrade tomorrow oh yeah and I chopped down some trees at the night as well God I love one grow bone meal it

Was so good please add it back anyway on day 12 I got to work on tearing down the house as soon as I got up and uh yeah I’m not going for a massive house build but something that will look nice uh surrounded by flowers and grass and and

Cool stuff later so uh yeah I I spent the day tirelessly building the new house that was a little bit bigger than I was expecting so I had to like do some Landscaping but that that’s okay it was a little bit too big to get finished in

One day but that’s fine okay we have all the time we need to make it come out as good as we possibly can but trust me okay by the end of this video this house is going to look really really nice when I woke up on day 13 things had changed

Once again and we were now in 1.4 the first named update of the game the pretty scary update they added witches zombie villagers bats wither skellies and the Wither o spooky anyways I made some more progress on the house throughout all of the day and into the

Night until it started to rain when I went to bed because it was it was really bloody loud okay day 14 I woke up and I decided to take a break from house building today and instead I headed down to the mine to grab some obsidian for a

Nether portal and an enchantment table so that building things would become a lot faster anyways I got to the lava pool placed down my water bucket and began mining the obsidian and well about 10 years and arthritis in my hands later and I was finally done with Gathering

The Obby and headed back home to make the enchantment table followed by as many bookshelves as I could possibly make and then I went and placed it all down just at the side of my house uh I I’ll decorate it later but uh I just don’t have the decorational blocks right

Now oh and I also went to enchant but I was three shelves off so I just decided to wait until later and went and made some more progress on the house for the rest of the day into the night and all the way until the morning of day 15 when

I had the roof and most of the Interior done now and well all I have to do is wait to be able to strip the wood to make things look really good anyways after having the house basically done I began work on making some paths to connect all my areas together and well

After a while of doing the paths I got jump scared by the really loud rain again as well as getting attacked by a Skelly so uh yeah I finished up my paths for now added some Cobble walls around them and then move the rest of my items

Into my house and called it a day I I just cannot work outside or anything with it with that rain it is way too loud and I can’t turn it down ah day 16 a lovely not rainy very quiet very dry very peaceful day I decided to go and

Tend to my farm because it looked ready to harvest and I was somewhat low on food so I may as well after once again Gathering up and replanting all my weat I uh made a load of bread and then set out back down the mines in hopes of

Finding more diamonds but uh also to get some XP to start enchanting too don’t mine I did until I found another lava pool but it was absolutely there’s nothing in it okay there’s nothing in it I I don’t know what it is with this world and diamonds butth it really

Doesn’t want to give me them hey would you look at that it’s another lava pool full of disappointment so at this point I’d had enough so I returned home and well ended up getting jumped by three spiders in my own house but uh I got

Back up and I called it a day okay day 17 another update this time 1.5 uh it’s a lot of redstone but I’m nowh qualified to be touching that stuff so we don’t really need to cover it just know that there’s a lot of redstone that was added

And hopefully it was going to be a better day today so I immediately went and harvested my sugarcane to craft into more paper to craft into more books to then craft into more bookshelves to upgrade my enchantment table then I proceeded to enchant my pickaxe and well

I got a very nice enchant and I had Fortune 2 so now the next time I find diamond hopefully we get a decent amount more oh and my enchantment table took all 30 levels from me because this is old style enchanting but it’s okay I didn’t want those levels anyway anyways

Next up I decided to back down into the mine and put this newly Enchanted pickaxe to use and well after only a few minutes of mining I actually found some more diamonds and now we had eight followed by even more and now we have 17

And then I might for a little bit longer finding only three more diamonds but that’s okay because I headed back to the surface to craft some stuff with them I made myself a chest plate some leggings a sword and some booties too and now we were looking pretty fresh and I was

Feeling pretty good about not dying in the near future so I stole my crap away and went to bed and on day 18 I got to work on adding some things around our little area first off I went and smelled down more Stone into stone bricks and

Then made myself another portal on its own little Rocky Hill kind of thing because I thought it would look cool now I know it doesn’t look amazing right now but uh just wait till I’ve cleared up the area around it and made some more decoration blocks and we’ve gone through

A few updates but it it’ll look good anyways I needed more obsidian to complete the portal cuz it was quite a big one so I ran back down into the mines to grab some and then by the time I came up and placed it down it was

Pretty dark so I just placed down my and headed to bed all righty so on days 19 and 20 I had a nether portal but I don’t really want to go in there until later because it really isn’t much use for you until 1.16 so instead I used my time

Doing a lot more Landscaping I added two more paths connecting the soon to be portal and farm together and then I moved my sugarcane up on the hill in front of my house and well it looked pretty good I also did make some changes to the farm and the enchantment area but

They weren’t really major but other than that we had some quite productive couple of days right here very good but now finally on day 21 I finally had access to OptiFine shaders and replay mod because we’re now in 1.9 quite possibly the most controversial update of them

All the combat update and well this update was quite self-explanatory it changed combat it added a cool down between attacks so you could no longer effectively spam click and kill things and uh this is where axes became op also the elytras and shields were now a thing

But most importantly for us in this video now the shaders and cinematic shots because I know my audience and they love cinematic shots so with that being said let’s continue so starting out on day 21 I immediately made myself a shield because well I’m not an idiot

But when I went outside I noticed that my chickens had sadly despawned I don’t know why because maybe the game updated I don’t know but they were there yesterday anyways I went out in search of a jungle that I saw earlier because I wanted to start getting some Vines to

Craft into Mossy Cobble to use later as decoration for like around my enchant table or any natural areas that I build later on but I ended up finding a swamp instead but hey that works anyways I grabbed a load of vines and then headed back home but I decided to stop off in

This Forest to stuck up on wood uh because I really didn’t have much left after grabbing enough wood I returned home and so away all the items I got from the swamp and then proceeded to make myself a friend it’s an iron golem named Gaston because well I was getting

Quite lonely without the chicken so he’ll be with their replacement granted he’s a lot more useful but uh anyways I decided to go mining for the night and by the morning of day 22 I’d got myself a few more diamonds so I made myself a

Diamond axe a shovel and a last piece of armor now after returning from the mines I decided that I should probably make a building dedicated to storage for two reasons number one to have everything nicely in order and a new space dedicated to it um and for number two

It’s going to look nice so why not anyways I got to work on the storage area was going to be like a circular design thing with a door in the middle and uh loads of storage inside after working on it all day and night I made some pretty good progress and it was

Almost ready so on the following day I continued building until finally on day 24 I added some finishing touches and boom we now have a pretty pretty nice looking storage area for all my very organized crap so I spent the rest of the day sorting out and organizing all

My storage into its new home okay day 25 let’s take a break from building and instead let’s go out and look for some cows to start breathing them because I really need leather to make you know into item frames so there actually know what’s in my chest after being out

Looking for a while I did end up stumbling across some in the forest near my house so I uh started capping them and bringing them back home and when I got back home I crammed them in the previously used chicken pen but added a few adjustments for these big boys uh

And then I fed them and we had our first baby cow so after dealing with the cows I realized I didn’t really have any bread left so I tended to the farm and got myself and the cows some more food and then went to bed and on the morning

Of Day 26 I started making some adjustments to the farm because it still looked kind of crappy and well I really needed to go in search of a flower biome to really start making this place look good but uh I’ll do that tomorrow okay today is about making the land around

The farm look better anyways by the end of the day I think I made it look a little bit better I don’t know I I really struggle with this type of natural building but uh eh it doesn’t look terrible I don’t know anyways on

Days 27 and 28 I set out in search of a flower biome so that I can really start making my area look nice and homely so I continued making my way down in the straight line that I started earlier past the desert and picking up every

Single flower I saw along the way and well after a while of traveling I approached an ocean and decided to cross it so I made a boat I hopped in and I set sail for hopefully new flowery lands and after sailing for quite a while I

Think get some semblance of hope when I stumbled across this mini flower Island biome thingy that I ran over and grabbed all the flowers on but this wasn’t enough so the search continues oh and there was also some sheep on these islands that were very welcoming to me

So uh I met that kindness with death okay don’t judge me I need food and it would be nice to make a bed out here anyways after that incident I set sail once again deep into the night when I saw a pink flower off in the distance

Followed by a couple more flowers so I quickly beached my boow and made a bed from the remains of the sheep and went to sleep mainly to avoid all the ghouls that were on the island at this time of D and once I got up on the next day I

Went around Gathering all the flowers that I could find until these islands were Barren and there were also like a lot of cows on these islands but they all like suddenly just like disappeared very strange this always happens when I’m around things I don’t know why

Anyways I gathered my stuff up and I began the long and tedious Journey back home by the time I got back home it was very late so I ran into the house and went straight to bed and now on day 29 I got to work on planting down all my

Flowers everywhere around my house and area and well everywhere until uh until I place them all down and well just look at this place now it’s so much nicer oh and I also moov the enchantment table into the storage area now so it’s kind of like a a storage SL enchant area and

I also started work on the layout of a little water fountain Circle thingy because why not all righty day 30 it’s that time again it’s time for another update this time 1.11 and here’s where things start getting a little bit crazy with the additions because now we have

Evokers vex vindicators as well as totens of them dying and obviously Woodland Mansions oh also ruined nether portles are a thing now so uh yeah so with all that in mind I decided to go mining why did you decide to go mining you ask well I wanted XP and really

Didn’t want to make an XP farm so I decided to head into the nether for no other reason than to mine quartz and get XP and also another reason I didn’t want to make a mob farm is because they all look like isos and I really didn’t want

To ruin the lovely landscape of my area anyways after being in the nether for most of the day I ended up with enough XP to enchant twice and enough quartz to last lifetime so I went and Enchanted my sword which was absolutely terrible uh and then my chest place was decent and

Then I also ended up enchanting an axe but that was also very meh anyways I ended up spending all night landscaping around my area and also made an anvil to repair all my diamond tools and on the following days I actually caved in and decided to build a mob farm because I

Really needed bones for expanding my actual Farm to make it easier for villager trading later on so uh yeah I spent an entire day Mining and smelting down Cobble into stone bricks until I had enough to start building the farm and O let me tell you it’s a good thing

I’ve been mining Redstone along the way because this Farm took up quite a lot of it but uh anyway I made it 10 L high so it should be very efficient and finally by the end of day 34 the farm was finally done so I sat on top of it to

Test it out for the night on day 35 I went down to check on how well the farm has worked and well just look at all this stuff I got from maybe like 8 to 10 minutes of afking however long a Minecraft night is um but yeah this

Thing’s good this thing’s good I I took all the bones from the chest all right I broke them down into bone meal and I got to work on expanding the wheat farm to accommodate for all the trading that I’ll be doing later on so uh I worked

Into the evening and deep into the night expanding the farm and well I made some pretty good progress and headed to bed and on Day 36 I started work on building my circular Fountain area I I don’t really know what to call it but uh yeah

I built it up and I built up a little water feature but then I thought to myself that it would look good with some glowstone in there so I headed back into The Nether and grabbed a little bit but uh almost died to a gast pretty scary

Times anyways after that I returned home and boom I think it came out looking pretty nice anyways after finishing the water fountain I made more roses and went around adding more flowers and decorations around my area and well just take a look at how nice it looks Now all righty so on day 37 after having quite a few busy days I decided to chill out and make myself a new mine considering that my old one looked really bad and it was under my house so it was hard to get to anyways I got some

Wood made a little entrance and got to work on mining the rest of the way down to bedrock and then began a new series of strip mines but these ones were going to be bigger and better and yeah I know how close it is to my old tunnels the

Only reason that I want a better mine other than Aesthetics is because when we hit 1.18 and everything gets deeper I wanted to be able to have a little base of operations thing down here for when like the bigger caves came in and I could go down and mine easier I don’t

Know anyways I ended up finding a few diamonds down here in the process and headed back to the surface on the morning of day 38 and decided that I was going to go and return to the village and start up a little trading hall/ Village breeder to get myself even more

Of a head start on getting good trades once 1.14 comes around wow I haven’t been here since day one because well I didn’t really have a reason to because all trading sucks and I didn’t want any of the villagers to die via zombie attack anyway I got to work on building

A lovely new structure in which I’ll spend the rest of Eternity working for me 24/7 365 and well I think this little trading hole came out looking kind of good I’m not I’m not going to lie now I still need to add like the job items but

Obviously I can’t yet because they don’t exist in the game but either way I think it’s ready for the most part so now it’s time to go and add the villagers and to be fair they were quite easy to move they were very very compliant villagers

So I added two in training rooms and I put two in a room at the back that I’ll use to breed them later and and boom just like that the villager trading hall/ villager breeder is now done so I headed back home to return later once I

Got back I grabbed some clay from the river and made some flower pots and then went to bed I’m not going to lie I never use these flower pots and on day 40 we come into 1.3 and well now we’re in my most despised update the update aquatic

Which well this haded the worst things in this blocky plane of existence okay this added Guardians this added Elder Guardians and Ocean Monuments is it I just feel sick talking about them they’re awful but they still aren’t as bad as the Phantoms that were also added

In this update so uh yeah but on a slightly less bad note uh drowns and dolphins ratted so that they’re not that bad but because I hate this update so much uh welcome to 1.14 one of my favorite updates the village and pillage update they added updated versions of

All Villages as well as having a much more in-depth Trading System Of The Villages and maybe the best feature of all foxes foxes are here just look at him look at him he’s so cute as well as an absolute ton of really useful blocks and uh this overgrown dog thing was

Added as well anyways I finally added the finishing touches to my house and and built it the way it was supposed to be built all those updates ago with stripped logs and trap doors instead of planks and slabs and I also went around placing lanterns around my house and

Area just to make things look a little bit more modern and I also added some campfires too because they look really nice and I always forget to use them anyways things were looking really nice now and I went to bed on day 41 after dealing with the house I made myself a

Lector and a composter and then headed back over to the Village to begin trading with these now very very useful boys anyways after setting up a few trades and breaking and replacing the Le turn for God knows how many times uh I finally got a mending trade that was

Pretty cheap however I was too poor so uh I raided the village of its wheat and sold it back to them for profit and boom mending time oh also really quick uh it’s weird to think about how old this pickaxe actually is in terms of how far

Like how many versions of the game it’s seen it’s really weird anyways I returned home and used the string from the mob farm to make some wool and make some beds for the villagers so that I could get more of them uh and then on

The topic of beds I uh went to bed calling it a day as soon as I woke up on the next day I added men into my pickaxe and run back over to the Village to start breeding the villagers after setting them up I used all my bones on

Bone meal and on wheat and uh start trading more and more with this lovely farm boy he was being very generous anyways after trading for as much as I could for the day I grabbed another mending book and headed back home and began work on a semi big project you see

I didn’t want to have to keep scaling the mountains every time I wanted to go to and from the village um so I started work on a little Cobble gravel flowery path thing all the way along to the village and well this thing took me like

5 days to complete which I think was worth it for how nice it turned out anyways first off I needed a lot of gravel so uh I went and grabbed that and then I needed to go around planning out where the path was actually going to go

And then I had to wait to get some more bone meal and more rose bushes so uh yeah I also did some tra raing during this time to take advantage of their two Refreshers per day but finally by day 47 the path was done and it was looking

Pretty good I just never want to see another Rose bus again like there was so many of them moving on to the next couple days I ended up with a nice amount of emeralds for the previous 5 days of casuals trading so I put them to use using my

Lovely New Path to get over to the village and once I get over there The Village have bread now so we got ourselves a lovely fifth villager oh and I also traded for two more mending books and then returned home to start work on Gathering more wheat and sugarcane

Because the villagers were now my number one source of XP and well the main way I’m going to enchant the rest of my stuff so I grabbed the leftover Bones from the mob farm and got to work on harvesting and regrowing all of my wheat for a whole day and night until the

Evening of day 49 when I returned to the Village to cash in on all of my hard work getting a pretty nice amount of XP o I also made our new villager a stone cutting boy for clay and to Emerald trades because you know more XP but

Whilst waiting to get our villager into his trading cell I noticed that we have yet another villager so that’s good to know anyways I got him in and I traded for more XP and actually ended up spending the night in there with the Villagers and then when I woke on day 50

We were in 1.15 that had uh bees that’s literally about it this was the be update there was a load of bees was literally the only thing they added except maybe some bat fixers just just bees okay bees so I knew what I was going to do anyways I headed back home

And began work on getting a beehive to spawn which if you didn’t know how to do you can do it by growing a tree next to a flower so after a while of growing and chopping down trees I had absolutely no luck and it got dark so I headed to bed

And continued trying in the morning and well after a while I finally got a beehive to spawn so I immediately started work on clearing out like half of a freaking Mountain to build them a lovely little area to buzz around happily and I worked tirelessly through

The night and into the morning of day 53 and the area was finally done and I think it looked pretty nice with like archers and flowers and stuff now I will add some aelas and stuff later but they don’t really exist right now so there’s not much I can do anyways after the

Success of the bee farm I headed over to the bottom of the mob spawner and made it look a little bit nicer by tidying it up a bit because well it was like the only area that hadn’t had like a glow up yet except maybe the nether port and on

Day 54 I awoke to pillagers invading my lovely peaceful land so I quickly dispatched them but I was definitely not ready to start on a village yet I mean I barely had one piece of armor Enchanted so I downed a bucket of milk and peace was restored in the valley anyways I had

A quick trip to the Village to finish trading all my wheat and ended up getting level 30 so I returned home and reenchanted my sword because knock Back 2 was not it but what I got after was really not any better disappointing enchan side I spent the night working on

The nether portal because well I really wasn’t happy with the current frame and well by morning I think it was looking a little bit better and on the morning of day 55 I added mending to my chest plate and sword because I was sick of carrying

The books around with me and then I decided to go on a mass clay Gathering spree because now I had a clay trade villager who really need to start pulling his weight oh also I found some cool looking mountains whilst out Gathering clay so yeah that was pretty

Cool to find anyways back to mining clay all night also you may be wondering why I’m staying up all night recently and it’s pretty simple um I need Phantoms to spawn so I can kill them for their membranes that I can then use later to make slow falling potions to fight the

Dragon see pretty good idea uh but anyways they they aren’t here yet so uh yeah on the morning of day 56 I had a lot of clay so I ran back to the village and traded with the clay boy for 2 days because he runs out of stock really fast

But in those two days I did end up stacking up on a lot of emeralds and XP um and I also did trade with other villagers too but mainly the clay boys and because I had so much of it I made a second one anyways after trading for

Ages I went and put my XP to good use by enchanting the rest of my gear and well I got some pretty okay enchants and then after that I kind of AF Kade all night and forgot about looking out for Phantoms so I I really don’t know if

They spawned okay so on day 59 I decided that I was going to start preparing for 1.16 by making a lot of TNT to help me find netherite so I went and grabbed a lot of sand from the desert considering that I literally have stacks of gunpowder in the mob farm after grabbing

Enough sand I went and made the TNT and went around organizing all my storage because it got kind of messy over the past few days but the sun was going down so I set up all night again and hey would you look at that Phantoms I never

Thought I’d be happy to see them but uh yeah after killing them and grabbing their membranes I went to bed okay day 60 it’s time for things to start getting serious now all right we’ve come a long way but we’re really only just getting started so let’s get ourselves some

Netherite because we’re now in 1.16 with the massive nether overhaul adding four brand new biomes that look amazing as well as piglins to trade with so they’re kind of cool but unfortunately these Huggy boys got added into the game and well it’s okay though because netherite

Is a thing and look at this beauty M you got to love it so I ran into The Nether TNT in hand ready to start blowing the hell out of the place get it hell because it’s fire and nether anyways once I actually got in the nether uh

Creeper almost brought things to a very abrupt end but I managed to escape death just in time after that incident I ran out a few hundred blocks and got to work on lining a massive area with TNT and set it all Off and Well after going down and tidying the place up and clearing up all the lava down there I found a grand total of zero ancient debris so I tried it again just to the side of it and yet again absolutely nothing so I decided the hell

With it I started strip ping at y12 on the border of a chunk because well there’s only a set amount of netherite you can get one chunk so theoretically mining on the border of two chunks should increase my chances of getting it so uh yeah I mined and min in a straight

Line for quite a long time and found absolutely nothing so I ran back to the beginning of my line and began a strip mine in hopes of that actually solving my netherite problems but uh well that did nothing too so I mined out a few more hundreds of blocks thinking that

Maybe I wasn’t out far enough and well I ended up stumbling across a nether fortress so uh I work my way over to it because I may as well grab some blaze rods whilst I’m in here so once I got to the Fortress I immediately found a blaz

Spawner and began killing them and after killing a good amount of them I had enough blaze rods to get to the end but before leaving the Fortress I wanted to go and grab some Nether wart because well I need potions and I’m literally in a nether fortress so I might as well do

It now after killing a couple wither skellies and looting a chest I finally found the Nether wart so I looted it all up and then looted another chest and then got the hell out of there anyways once I got out of the Fortress I once again began my search for ancient debris

And well I was definitely out far enough this time so uh I began a new series of precisely planned out and precisely spaced strip mines under underneath the bottom of the Nether and well to be fair it’s a good thing quart exist cuz my pickaxe would have broken if not uh but

Doing this neatly wasn’t working out so I decided to just start spamming my pickaxe all around tearing up every bit of Netherrack that I saw and well soon enough after doing this I found my first piece of ancient debris and the more and more Netherrack I tore up the more and

More ancient debris I found until eventually I had enough to make a full set of armor and one tool so I scurried my way out of my massive pit I mean just look at the size of this thing it it it looks awful and then I headed back home

Repairing my pickaxe along the way once I got back home I put all my ancient debris in the furnaces and started smelting it down and then I went and re-enchanted my sword again but yet again it was absolutely trash and then when I went to pull out my netherite

Scraps from the furnaces I realized I didn’t have any gold to make them into netherite Ingot so one quick trip to the nether fixed that and uh well one quick armor repair later and boom we were now fully stacked netherite and feeling pretty good so after spending such a

Long time in the nether I decided that I was going to go and check up on the villagers real quick and grab a couple of mending books to put on all my armor so that I didn’t need to worry about them breaking but anyways after putting

Them on my armor I decided that I wanted to make a netherwart farm but I wanted to make it out of red Netherwood which I had none off so one other quick trip to the nether uh and I grabbed the red one specifically and once I had enough I

Returned home and began work on the farm that was going to come out as a similar style to the storage area but instead of oak wood it was red nether wood and to be fair I think this came out looking pretty nice and after the farm was done

I cleared out the area next to it just to tidy things up and open things up a little bit more okay so on Day 70 we are now closing in on that 1.19 update because we’re now in 1.17 caves and cliffs but not really because 1.18 is

The real C and cliffs update it gets a little bit confusing so we’re in 1.18 now the true C and cliffs update with the new W textures the new blocks and mainly the massively taller and massively deeper worlds to explore oh yeah and this absolutely useless block

Rip copper Golem I miss you my buddy so considering the fact that we’re now on Day 70 I decided to get myself in gear and start preparing for the end so that we can kill the dragon ASAP so I once again headed back into the nether to

Grab some gold to start trading with some piglins so that I can get some pearls from them and well I was trading with this guy for like an hour um but finally I ended up with enough pearls to go to the end so I returned home and it

Was dark and I was tired so I saw away all my stuff and headed to bed and now on the morning of day 74 I made my pearls into eyes and got to work on making some stuff for the potions and arranging it all in this chest here now

By this point you know the drill we need potions of health potions of slow falling and maybe potions of speed too if we want to flex on the dragon a little bit so I got to work on Brewing them and upgrading them like we do every

Time and boom we’re now ready to go and absolutely delete that Dragon so I set out in search of the stronghold and well as I Traverse through this world you you can see the toll that the multiple updates must have taken on it but it also looks kind of cool uh anyways I

Approached an ocean and then uh the eye told me to cross it so I did until I came across this ice biome and I thought that the eye told me to go down but uh well mine down and almost died of drowning for my own stupidity because

The eye did not tell me to mine down here but a couple of eye throws later and I found where I was supposed to go so I M down and boom there’s the stronghold and oh would you look at that there’s the end pole oh Al this is looks

Like a really weird stronghold like I’ve never had an End Portal room look like this before but anyways I killed the silverfish lit the portal and uh well made some last minute prep before going in and fighting the dragon but now it’s time to go and kill a dragon but this is

This is nothing to compar to what’s coming next so uh let’s just go in there and get this done shall we so jumping our way into the end we run in there and we snipe out all the pillars with pinpoint accuracy definitely not heavily edited anyways then we went for the for

The dragon and well I definitely didn’t get launched like 10 times trying to kill this thing but eventually one final boo with my Axe and the dragon was no more and well that was a pretty quick dragon fight because it’s not the star of this show that’s the warden and he’s

Coming later anyways you all know what happens at this point it’s now elytra time so I hopped in the portal and began the search and well it ended up taking me quite a bit of time maybe 20 30 minutes but uh eventually there was the beautiful n city with a ship shining off

In the distance so I headed over to it dispatched all the shulkers from the front and ran in once I reached the top I popped a slow falling potion and bridged over to the ship using a Shuler to get aboard as I usually do once I got

Aboard I stole the potions and the elytra and now it’s time to head back so I gracefully glided across the end back to my portal and returned to the main island where I grabbed the egg and went home once I got back home I made a

Shulker box and then chilled at the mob farm for the rest of the day to stack back up on gunpowder to make some fireworks for my newly found elytra and on the following days I grabbed my gunpowder out of the chest grabbed some sugarcane and made myself some fireworks

So now I can fly around so I guess that’s nice anyways enough of that because now we’re going underground to hopefully find a massive cave under my house so I ran down the mines and began going down to the new bedrock and uh well eventually I did hit bedrock and

Found absolutely nothing down there so I returned to the surface and decided to fly over in the opposite side of where I spawned in search of a lush cave because well I want some aelas to decorate my area and wow the area the other side of

Spawn was really really nice I found two Villages some huge mountains some lovely flowery Hills it was really nice over there it was really nice anyways after a while of flying deep into the night I eventually found a lush cave a few thousand blocks away from my house so I

Went down and started grabbing as many resources from here as I could carry oh and there were also a lot of creepers down here anyways I decided to go mine Down Deeper to see if there was a bigger cave underneath and well sure enough there was and it was

Beautiful anyways after grabbing a load of stuff I headed back to the surface and began the Journey Back Home home uh and on my way back my elytra broke so I guess we’re swimming from this point but luckily land wasn’t too far away and I ended up getting back home later that

Day once I got back home I planted down some flowers and some aelas and replaced some of the birch trees with them and I also made a little area like aelia Garden thing before going to bed okay day 82 um I literally just spent the entire day adding decorations and aelas

And all that good stuff around my house because well I wanted to have a lot of them and well here’s the end result all righty so in the following few days I went and did some more trading for a mending book for my elytra and once I

Had acquired sbook I put it on them and got to work repairing them by you guessed it trading and well it didn’t take me long to repair them after all that I ran over to the snowy biome and grabbed a load of snowballs because well they’re going to be good to use against

The warden anyway I saw some unloaded chunks and decided to go and check them out and well things looked quite cool and quite weird over here but after looking around for a while I went back home and began making some little quality of life improvements all around

My area for the rest of the day such as adding item frames to chests and well here we are Peeps 1.19 let’s go find ourselves an ancient city also sorry but there was no op to find our shaders at the time when we’re recording this in

The snapshot so that kind of sucks but it’s okay anyways I grabbed a load of coal and wood and set off in search of new chunks after flying over an ocean for thousands of blocks I spot a little island out in the middle of it and

Decided that this was going to be where the search begins so I led down and well almost lost everything to falling down in this cave but it’s okay because I just run away like a coward and regen and then continued on my journey making my way through these Larger than Life

Caves in search of the ancient cities but well I had absolutely no luck after searching literally like all the caves I could find in this area so I decided to head back to the surface and tried heading out even further and well after starting another mine and exploring

Caves for what felt like an absolute eternity I finally got a glimpse of some skull all the way down in the bottom of this massive pit so I made my way down there to check it out and well there was the city lying in wait so I cautiously

Made my way further and further down until I was eventually inside the city this is it now there’s no turning back so I sneakily moved deeper and deeper inside of the city in search of those beautiful loot chests and well I slowly moved past and destroyed as many sculp

Blocks as I could see along the way until I found myself a chest but it set a sh but luckily for me no Warden just yet so I wanted to take out the shrier that made the noise so being extremely careful with every move I made I unfortunately couldn’t find the one that

Screamed and I wasn’t about to go and try removing any that’s in that cluster over there so I decided to take the risk and open the chest but luckily nonone heard it so I bagged myself some Loot and the new enchant and then I decided

To go and open a second chest but didn’t get as lucky this time and they heard me but luckily still no warden so I kept venturing deeper and deeper into the city taking out as many shrieks as I could along the way and looting a few chests but then I broke

One wrong block and well now he’s here I quickly ran as far away as I could and well I got a looky Escape but for some stupid reason I broke a candle and well here he is right in front of me I threw a couple snowballs to try and get him off my tail but he didn’t seem

Super interested in them and well I couldn’t see a damn thing so I started bridging myself away until eventually he went away for now okay I’m not going to complain now at this point I wanted out of this city but I wasn’t going to leave

Until I killed this man so I made myself a pillar and beat this man to death for a good solid minute before he finally fell and well now I can leave with the overall goal of killing the warden now complete he was quite easy granted that might change when the full release comes

Out but for now I killed him he anyways after my victory over the warden I made my way out of the cave and well started heading back home which took me a whole day to get there but once I got back I stored some stuff away gave my pickaxe

Efficiency 4 and put Swift sneak on my boots and well look at this look how fast you go wa I am one Speedy boy wa so on the following couple days I got up and decided to work on improving the M shaft because well it hadn’t got any Lo

Up until this point and it looked kind of crappy so I went around and added a load of lanterns and a load of deep slate stuff to it and and uh boom it looks nice and new and improved you you got to love it even though it still

Looks kind of crap on day 97 I went and repaired my elytra and then headed out in search of a shipwreck why you ask because I can anyways I ended up finding one pretty quickly and grabbed myself a nice little treasure map and when I

Checked it I was already very close so I swam over there and use a little trick with coordinates to find the treasure nice and easy and it was some pretty nice treasure anyways I headed back home and spot a slime just outside my house so I decided to bring him over and break

It down and then in the morning I went and grabbed a name tag from the villagers but when I returned to name him he wasn’t there so I made him a shoty grave fell into a depression all because I lost my slime rip slippy my friend you will always be remembered

After losing my slime I uh I just sorted out my storage for the rest of the day and on day 99 I finally removed the ice saw of a water elevator from the mob farm and uh well I just went around taking a nice walk through my area for

The last time and wow we really come so far in this 100 days from being a super basic old version of the game to having this pretty nice looking base being full kitted out with Enchanted netherite however we don’t have a pet slime named slippy all righty and now that we’re

Back in the current error of the game or at least it was the current error when I made that video but things are progressed since then but you know what I mean it’s time to move on to the last and most recent Challenge on this list

As I attempt to survive 100 days on only one heart inside of Hardcore Minecraft all right so here we are in quite Poss the scariest playthrough I think I’ll ever do of this game because if the wind changes in any direction too much and I catch a slight breeze then I’m just

Going to fall over and die it’s um it’s not looking too good for me right now all right I think that even at this point a silverfish and like a goat if it does a ram thing can kill me immediately without any armor so that’s fun that’s

Something to look forward to so I think the first objective is going to be to probably try and get a shield straight off the bat because that is probably going to be the only thing that saves me throughout this entire video all right that is going to be the single most OP

Item we can get probably second to a totem of them dying but I I don’t really like using them because it kind of removes the premise of it you know cuz I I died in a sense you know I don’t know I find them useful but I also think that

In this kind of challenge in itself it kind of just removes the the the the fear level of it you know and like if I get one tapped it’s just like oh well it’s fine I can I can live it’s fine I don’t know anyways I’m going to craft up

Some stone tools right here real quick and then we’re going to head out in search of some iron now this is really weird to me because I never usually do 100 Days videos in like vanilla is Minecraft we’re not in complete vanilla because I can chop down trees with one

One thak just because it makes my life a thousand times easier that way I don’t have to spend half the video chopping trees I can just take the bottom log and and be good yeah I never really recall these videos in vanilla Minecraft so this is quite alien to me it’s weird

Having this much space I’ve usually got a challenge that kind of inhibits the amount I can move okay we’ll grab a little bit of food and then we’ll check any surface level caves that we find that don’t go down too far and get too dark to see if there’s any iron lurking

Within but I think as well a four or five block fall I think it is can like instakill me so you know that’s great that’s something to look forward to especially while building that’s just going to make things go oh just just just so much better hello any iron no

Ghoulies around here I hope okay there’s not really much in this cave except you so you know I’m sorry buddy but you shouldn’t have been down here I’m also thinking as well I’ve never actually done a zero damage playthrough of this game and this might not be a zero damage

Play through cuz we might take like half a heart worth of damage but if it is then it’s a kind of it’s two in one you know one heart zero damage doesn’t really matter if it’s one heart if you got zero damage but you know it’s two in

One all right it’s two accomplishments ooh there’s some like mountainous terrain over there any any iron exposed oh and there’s a vill oh I was going to say there’s a village over there but it’s a rundown Village an abandoned Village so maybe not the smartest idea

To go and check that out right now is that some iron I think that’s some iron okay hopefully know drowns are on the way over here hopefully I don’t get hit by a puffer fish I didn’t even think about this but puffer fish can kill me

Pretty quick as well I don’t know if they do physical damage when you go close to them I think they Spike you um I know that the poison won’t kill me oh I almost drowned then that was I I need to pay attention I really need to pay

Attention um but no as I was saying I I know that the poison won’t kill me I don’t think but I know I think that they might be able to if they deal physical damage I I don’t know I’m just going to shut up I’m going to go grab this iron

Okay let’s get a little base of operations situated right here temporarily we can make a shield and then maybe I’ll feel confident enough to take on that Village I I I don’t really know grab a little bit more Stone as well cuz we can get a smoker and get

This food cooking up okay so now we can throw this in here and go boom now I’m not going to go and make a sword just yet because I think that we might need backup Shields with how much we’re going to be using them all right I’ll come

Back to the smoker to check up on the food later on but I try I want to try and get a bed from this Village because I think that that will just make our first night so so so much better okay please have a bed oh there’s a bed as

Well and some bread oh what what more can you ask for okay beautiful and we get to watch the sunset wherever it is I think it’s over there okay all right well first days of success right we’ll head to bed and then in the morning I’ll

Go and grab my food from the furnace and try and take over this village now just before we go any further into the video we are getting so so close to 2,000 subscribers which is absolutely insane and to celebrate this Milestone I am super excited to anoun that as of this

Video going live we now have merch available for the channel I’ve been working on this for a good while now and I am so happy with how it’s come out it looks so good and if you’re interested in getting some for yourself then there’ll be a link in the top right of

The screen and down in the description where you can go and choose from a few different designs on hoodies shirts hats and even some stickers I’ll also be doing a giveaway for it on this video so if you want to get some free merch drop a comment down below I’ll reply to you

And you can get some free stuff but yeah thank you all so so much for giving me the the opportunity to do this I love and appreciate you all so so much um and hopefully you like the merch but anyways let’s get back into the video okay not a

Bad day one not a bad day one at all that was uh pretty nice nice little bed on the first night I wasn’t expecting that hello ooh a blast furnace hello gme gimme for free I’ll take it hello buddy hi how’s it going you’re going to be my

First uh first accomplishment in this world right here b b there we go all right our first kill was on a helpless little zombie villager trapped in a cobweb lovely I wouldn’t have had it any other way okay I’m going to grab this bed and then I’m going to go over check

Up my beef and then um I don’t really know probably finish off looting this Village and then continue on out to see what we can find anywhere okay so you’re all cooked up let’s grab you and then we’ll head back to the Village grab I think the hay bales are probably a good

Shout to get and then we will head out and see what we can find okay that should do for now we’ve got quite a lot of stuff that Village was exceedingly helpful um now we just want to head out and see what we can find such as this ruined portal right

Next to the Village Smite oh damn okay I’ll take anything I can get at this point beautiful okay all right oh okay hello um I’m also just realizing now that the caves in 1.19 are really big and um yeah I I’m going to end up taking

Fall damage in them 100% I can guarantee that how we looking down there that is looking terrifying all right well I have no intentions of going down there just yet so I’m not really too worried about it I really think that the best cost of action is to try and find a village

First that way we can just get a little base of operations set up and have like our little protector of an iron golem whilst we are exceedingly weak in our current state I don’t know but I’ll look over this way if we don’t find a village

Over this way then I’ll just head up a temporary base of operation myself and just um be a little bit more cautious okay well I can confidently say that there is not a village over here so in this case what I’ll do is I can set up a

Little temporary we’ll do a little temporary base over here in this little Mound right here boom there we go it’s on the wrong way and everything but you know what it works for now make you into an Ingot which oh you know what I’ll use this on

A pickaxe I’ll use this on a pickaxe we should be okay and now let’s start making a little mine down here see what we can find OOH hello okay this can now potentially go from pretty good to very bad exceedingly quickly okay so we need to be super super Vigilant super careful

We don’t want to risk anything right here okay I don’t really want to test my look going much further down there’s a lot of iron down here though so I kind of want to grab up as much of it as I can okay and this little venture down

Here landed us with 42 iron oh my God okay I’m not going to risk my look anymore I’m going to head back up and then we’re going to spend the rest of the night smelting down this iron okay well I said the rest of the night but

The sun is literally just on its way up and that is a that is a beautiful sunrise right there that makes the rest of the world just seem much better now what I’m thinking I’m going to do with this iron is I will deck myself out with

Armor it does seem pretty pointless if I’m correct I can’t still tank anything with iron armor because the mobs will deal multiple hearts of damage so I don’t really know what the purpose in me doing this is but I don’t know maybe it’s the placebo effect and I feel a

Little bit more confident in myself okay while the iron is smelting I’m going to be exceedingly cautious to make sure that no mobs have survived the night and I’m going to come over here and grab some of this coal as well as that little bit of iron right next to me oh there’s

Do you see the iron up there there’s so much iron up there is it really worth it though probably not we already have like quite a bit let me deck myself out real quick there there we go I already have some boots so I’ll just leave them for

Now they’re really not doing too much to be fair let me just yeah let me get rid of them I’ll make some boots I think I can afford the four iron all right and off we go thank you little house you served me well ooh God that was close I almost

Threw myself down that hole that would have gone very badly is there anything at all around here it’s literally just planes upon planes upon planes HOH is that is that an actual Village that’s an actual Village it looks like an actual Village to me some apples not bad not bad oh we

Already have a librarian here hello buddy what you got l two uh no thank you okay and what’s in here no D oh God oh God I just made a load of okay it’s fine don’t worry about it it’s fine I understand okay so we’ve got a nice

Little base of operations situated in the village now I think what the main goal going forward from here now is going to be is to try and get these guys to probably trade me I’m thinking full sets of armor and then deal with specific bucks later now one thing we do

Need to do before we can actually start trading is to stack up on resources so let me real quick go grab a bucket and then I think tomorrow we can focus on getting a little farm area set up for these guys probably probably right around here to be fair or is there a

Cave right underneath me oh no that’s fine yeah we can set up a farm area little little farm area right around here day four started out with me clearing out an area and building up a little starter farm so I could begin stocking up on Trading materials to use

With the Villagers so what I do want to do now is I want to take the hay bales that I have and I want to break them down into wheat and then hopefully you yes you trade me wheat good guy good fellow right here what a guy absolute

Legend okay well we’re going to go and grab a couple more of these hay bales then okay and I think that’s pretty much all they have to offer me which is quite lackluster I’m not going to lie I was expecting a couple more these guys really don’t have too much stuff oh and

You’re completely out of Trades as well okay that that that sucks so I think other than trading for wheat I don’t really know what today’s objectives are because we’ve made the farm already that’s gone good and maybe set up a sugarcan farm too cuz that’s going to be

Super super helpful and then I don’t know probably head over to that Forest I think for the rest of the day and chop down a whole bunch of trees because we are pretty low on wood okay now that the sugarcane is planted down let’s head

Over here grab a little bit of wood and then probably end up calling it a day because the Sun by the looks of it is on its way down Okay so so today I kind of want to go and maybe trap a couple of these villagers in a house uh and make

Them Farmers just so then we’ve got a couple setup for when we actually want to get trades done okay so I know there’s a guy up here without a job I think he’s in this house I’m pretty sure hello buddy are you up here yes you are

Hello um right you don’t want that job you’re a farmer now you’re a farmer now you don’t want this job anymore this is my job yeah there we go I’m going to see if you my friend have refreshed your trades which you seem to have lovely lovely lovely oh my God you took

Everything I had holy okay I guess I’ll go harvest the other hay bales then jeez okay hello buddy I have some hay bales to trade with you givme giveme givme oh that’s the guy I I need a I need a Fletcher as well because I need sticks and I can also buy

Arrows off of him do we even have any Flint I have one Flint okay and no gravel around okay right well new objective find some gravel that gravel that is gravel yes okay don’t need to go down cave Flint please I just need one there we go lovely okay and then we

Craft one of you up come here good fellow you are no longer uh a potion guy a brew master or a cleric a cleric not a brew master uh you are no longer that job though you are now a Fletcher who will trade me sticks for emeralds lovely

Thank you so much now I need to go and get a whole bunch more wood now I spent the rest of the afternoon just chopping down a whole bunch of trees to use as trading materials for the newly acquired Fletchers okay so pretty good day we got

45 emeralds plus 16 in there 61 total beautiful all right now I am low on coal so let me just throw I guess I’ll just throw 32 of these in here and then just call it a day with that make a couple more torches and then I think I might

Spend the night working on a little mine just down here in this little like crevice area wherever it is down here oh yeah this will work perfect for a mine so I am going to go and real quick make a door so that I can cover behind me if

There’s any Ghoulies that spawn in okay do you want to I know how much stuff we found last night right I don’t think you’re ready for this a whopping six iron and two copper as well as a little bit of coal that I got as well but yeah

This is this is the night Hall I really didn’t find much and then had to cower in the cave down there because there was like four skeletons up top so uh yeah not a good night at all but hey at least we have a little bit more coal now so I

Think today we’re going to do our daily routine of trading with some Villages and then we’ll see where the day takes us hello friend why have you not there we go I’m going to say my guy keep your trades refreshed man ooh uh I’ll trade with him as well just to get these

Because I’m hoping I can get an arrow trade from him Arrow trade perhaps no you’re getting pretty poo poo trads today dude it’s not good okay we’ll Harvest you real quick plant a couple more down there we go how are we looking on uh leather I think I picked up a few

Pieces on the way over here from a load of cows and we also have books in here we have what four shelves there and then there’s no more up top okay and what was your trade again was it yeah was lure two okay so nothing too great okay 64+ 7

Emeralds that’s enough to level up like an armor once right hello my friend you’re the next to join my uh circus of Traders there you go boom get get that there we go yeah so armas are here and I don’t have any bloody emeralds on me hello friend you’re going to absolutely

Destroy my Emerald Supply but it’s fine I need you to level up anyway okay and now you’re going to give me good deal you’re going to give me a good deal right that’s what you want to do ah that’s okay but the level up is terrible

Oh my God I don’t understand why the bells are so expensive okay buy a whole bunch of the chain mail boots there we go now you’re going to give me an even better deal right even better deal oh perfect deal right there look at that M

Okay come on come on keep them rolling keep them rolling keep the offers coming okay look at that okay so now he’s going to be fully maxed out I think yeah okay so protection Two Fire Protection blast protection I would really prefer feather falling I think on

My boots so uh throw the crap in here for now we’ll get some more trades done tomorrow and I think tonight oh I was going to say I want to work on an auto smelter but I don’t have the iron for that all right well I guess I’ll spend

The night mining once again at least make it useful you know I didn’t actually go too deep down um I literally hit deep slate and then thought you know what I’m literally finding nothing I’ll go back up so hopefully we find some good stuff tonight oh hello hello little cave right

Here little cave right here okay throw that down and then cautiously approach see if there’s anything around okay amazing wonderful it’s a kind of a pointless cave exactly what I wanted to find down here okay amazing I’m literally a bedrock and I found the smallest cave known to man

Okay well another amazing night spent Mining and finding absolutely nothing after returning from yet another pretty uneventful night down in the caves I ended up spotting a zombie raid on the Village and uh just kind of sat back and relax and let the Iron Golems do their

Thing because this Village has like a whole bunch of them for some reason I really don’t know why there’s so many okay so today’s objective is I want to make a couple more fletches so I think I have some gravel in here do I do I yes I

Do so yeah we want to get a little bit of Flint up in here and then we can make a couple more fletches and get a bunch more stick trades on the go this is really weird doing this many trades for me um at this point in the game I don’t

Usually Focus heavily on them straight off the bat but you know caves are scary all right caves are scary to be fair I do actually want to go and check out a cave so we will look for one probably later today let’s be real we’ll go and

Search the planes for any open top caves okay so I’ve got four more Flint that means that we can get two more fletches okay lovely also whilst we’re heading over here I just wanted to say a huge huge thank you to you all for the support on the last video it was

Absolutely insane and I’m super super glad that you guys like this new style I really appreciate it it really means a lot and on the topic of things I appreciate this cave would be nice if it went somewhere okay there really wasn’t much in that cave other than two pieces

Of iron so you know what I’ll take it but I’m not necessarily happy with it where are all the caves around here man there’s absolutely none around this Village I don’t want to fall in that lava dogs uh I don’t have any bones unfortunately I’m I’m so sorry I I can’t

Get you guys right now did you lead anywhere hello oh okay okay okay I see you down there buddy I see you there he goes look at that okay down we go this is by far the scariest thing I’ve done so far okay so there’s a creeper a

Spider and a zombie over there now okay that that evolved pretty quickly didn’t it I guess I could just snipe them from back here right okay zombie where’d you go this is actually so scary there’s nothing even here right now but that zombie disappeared so I don’t know where

He’s gone if I hear the rattle of Bones down here I’m gone I I’m gone I’m not dealing with skeletons right now it’s it’s just not worth it they can snipe me I can snipe them it it just doesn’t seem like a fun situation judging from what I

Can see up there in the little crack to the surface I think it’s night time now so we probably want to stay down here as unsafe as it is it’s probably safer than the surface right now okay oh I heard I heard bones no oh no there’s a skeleton

Down there uh-oh okay we’ll not go down there then we’ll not go down there that’s tempting fate that’s not that’s not happening I’m telling you if you think I’m being overly cautious you try you try doing this on one heart all right it’s absolutely terrifying I I I

Don’t know why it’s like our lcraft wasn’t even this bad it’s so scary literally if I stub my toe I literally die that’s it I there’s no coming back from it like for example I’d probably usually jump off from about this height but nope can’t do that

Anymore oh oh we finally took damage that was our first bit of damage right there half a heart oh my god I’ve never been more scared there we go how many arrows have we got left four that’s not good I’m not too worried about Creepers

I can just like lure them back here and then they can go kaboy like that’s not that scary if anything I think creepers are the least scary mob in all of this skeletons are by far the the apex predator in this world anyways that’s enough iron for now I’m going to make my

Way back to the surface and probably cower away until the sun rises okay slightly terrifying night I did actually get hit by a skeleton on the way back up my waterfall but I stopped recording by that point but he only did half a heart

To me so he didn’t he didn’t want tap me for some reason I think he like oh it’s cuz it hit me through the water okay I was really confused bre thought I was dead okay right so let me grab these four Flint uh then we need to go and

Hunt down two more villagers to make Fletchers and buy an absolute ton of arrows oh we also need to go and grab a bunch of wood as well but that’s that’s secondary now you’re stuck in there forever forever right buddy you are not going to be a cleric you are going to be

A Fletcher yeah look at that wow much better job much better yes okay so he has an arrow trade which is amazing I don’t really have any emeralds though so that’s going to have to wait a minute use my usual technique to get out of these places just throw a ladder down

Okay and then who else can we lure away to trap in a house forever to make a Fletcher ooh librarian uh I can sacrifice a librarian for now goodbye your librarian profession hello your flet Chi oh no oh no I I accidentally hit the Villager I didn’t mean to do that oh now

He’s oh to be fair his trades aren’t too bad but the Iron Golem are going to be angry now right oh no no no no no this couldn’t have gone much worse is he angry at me hello buddy hello hello look I didn’t mean to okay are you I think

We’re good I think we’re chill I think he’s not angry at me okay so now that those boys don’t want to absolutely decimate me right now um let’s get some trades done with you my good sir sorry about the beating I gave you earlier it was it really wasn’t meant to happen I’m

Sorry uh and now we’re pretty much out of sticks so let’s go and grab a whole bunch more wood and get some more tr’s done ooh but Enderman died right here dropped a pearl nice okay that should be enough for wood for now we’ve got just over four Stacks total including the

Birch so let me go trade some more with this guy until he’s out I’ll go trade with the other guy and then I’ll go buy some arrows of the final guy okay is that you literally stole all those from me oh my God buddy okay arrows yes there

We go oh my God we got so many arrows oh I didn’t even notice this whole Ravine right here there’s literally a whole Ravine with water in that I could have been down and in instead of looking for those caves I okay I’m an idiot absolute

Idiot now if we could try and find uh oh actually no if we could go and use the librarian I’ll try doing this tonight cuz we’ll probably go to bed but if we can try and use the librarian right and get power four or five for the bow and

Then make an anvil we can absolutely shred like anything in here okay where you going to go to bed buddy this house right here okay perfect I know where I’m spending my night okay there’s a few things roaming around outside now so I’m going to head to bed and then see what

We can get up to with him in the morning all right so after taking the iron out the furnace we now have precisely a stack which is pretty good uh we don’t have anything in here so I’m going to go check up on oh noo all right not fun completely did not

Know he was outside what a lovely way to start off the day okay house took a a minor amount of structural damage okay I’m sure it’ll be fine uh why are you still a librarian My Guy where is your profession block I’m going to go and literally huntt around this entire

Village to see if this guy even have has a profession block I don’t believe he does I really don’t think he does anymore ah maybe no I stole this one too um are you profession to my smoker cuz if so let me remove that real quick and

Then you can become a lovely librarian and now you should be without a job so you should become a librarian beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful Boom come get it there we go go on now you’re stuck in there buddy now I spent the entirety of Day N trying to

Get this absolute devil of a man to trade me power for my bow now when I say I spent all day here what I really mean is I spent all day and night here because this absolute fiend would just not give me anything close to what I

Wanted instead he gave me mending about five times along with protection for an Infinity now you know what I get that you might be saying to yourself well poppers Infinity is a really good enchant why don’t you want it and the quick answer is I can get a whole bunch

Of arrows from the villagers extremely easily so it kind of makes it irrelevant and I didn’t really see the point in buying it overpower anyways back on track uh I spent like 20 minutes in here just breaking and placing this lecturn over and over and over again getting

Bane of Arthropods and look of the sea repeatedly back to back and well let me just show you what effect and things that this does to a man okay it made me go insane please I’ve been here all day my guy please God Bane of Arthropods man it’s

Bane of Arthropods look at the sea bane of arthropod look at the sea look at the sea look at the sea there’s no look here buddy there’s no look here I swear on everything in this entire universe if you give me look of the sea one more

Time one more time I will make the remainder of your pitiful existence in this world a living hell okay a living hell you’re taunting me with luck there is no such thing right now all right I am having the worst of it oh you son of a so after losing all

Hope of ever getting what I wanted and for the sake of my own sanity I decided to leave it there once the sun began to rise because this guy was literally just scamming me for my time and my 93rd birthday was just around the corner considering how much time I just wasted

On this guy ah just cuz I’m leaving okay just cuz I’m leaving you absolute fend of a man doesn’t mean that our business is done I’m going to return and if you don’t give me them trades I’m telling you right now if you like the fish so much you’ll be swimming with them

Anyways on a brighter note we do have an absolute ton of arrows now so we can explore a little bit more when we want to um but for now I need to focus on the farm a little bit it’s been being uh it’s been neglected recently I did want

To have this thing you know doing really well and thriving but I just completely forgot about it considering I was trading sticks instead okay I do plan on building a house somewhat soon all right I don’t want to be living in this Village forever it is a state it’s not

Very you know expandable all right it’s it’s not really worth my time okay I’m only here for the armor ooh I can buy oh massive okay right so we’ll grab that and then if we do a little bit more trading we can get two of those we can

Get protection three then we get another two get protection four ooh okay I don’t think we’ll get that today but we can definitely get protection three oh doggies um I don’t still don’t think I have any bones unfortunately I’m so sorry we will I will try and get you

Though I will try and get you at some point soon so uh we’ll go and do some stick trades get some more emeralds and then grab that second chest plate okay so 47 is enough to go and grab the other chest plate I’ll go grab that we’ll combine it together which will probably

Eat up a little chunk of my XP and then I guess tonight we’ll try and grab some bones I’ll try and I’ll try and snipe some skellies from a distance and grab some bones that way we can hopefully try and get those dogs okay so chest plate

One chest plate two it’s only 3 XP that’s not too bad there we go right then throw that bad boy on there we go uh I don’t know if that’s actually going to do much but I feel a little bit more powerful ooh we could do with a weapon

Smith actually so that’s let’s let’s grab let’s grab one of those real quick I don’t know if we have the villagers though isn’t there there’s two trapped in this house over here right yes there is okay if I go and grab a couple more beds this can be the temporary villager

Breeder then over here okay so we’re going toine a couple beds up up top here right throw you down there and then throw you down like there why can you not use stairs right and then I’ll throw some of these down will you oh you’re doing the creepy bed thing all the time

They do this all the time okay pretty good day pretty good day spend some of the night sorting out this storage cuz it’s an absolute mess so what I’m thinking of today is I probably want to go out right and we just want to check out the surrounding area okay see what

Oh God oh God run run run oh my God run oh that was scary okay that was scary he’s he’s going to burn now but oh my days that was a little bit scary but as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted

By that bag of bones um I want to go out and check around the surrounding area which to me looks a lot like ocean so I went to take a look around the area but clearly not enough because I completely missed the fact that there was a ton of

Land just right behind me and for some reason I just thought that there was ocean around for some reason I don’t know I’m just an idiot but anyway I actually ended up using my stupidity to my advantage and decided to go and grab myself some kelp for a bone meal farm

That I was planning on making soon however after grabbing the kelp I spent the majority of day 11 just rambling about bone meal farms and I have no clue why I was so passionate about them but I guess I was but anyways I decided to stop going on about the farms and

Instead actually went to get some trading done so I spent the rest of the evening doing some more stick trading with the Fletchers and managed to get scammed Again by the guy I hit earlier so I guess he still has a problem with me and to be fair right I I understand I

Did end up hitting him in the face or the back of the head or something with my axe so I’d be pretty upset too so after getting swindled for a whole bunch of my sticks I went and did as many trades as possible with the toolsmith

Before heading to bed and calling it a day okay we got some pretty good trading done last night I uh do want to combine a couple of these axes and by that I literally mean doing it once cuz I don’t have enough to actually level it up

Anymore but yeah last night was pretty good we got some good trades going he’s leveled up a little bit but like the axes and stuff are a little bit pricey however he does have like a Fortune 1 Iron pick and I’m very interested in that okay so the plan for today is I’m

Going to grab a couple more sticks real quick and then I’m going to grab the fortune Diamond uh iron pickaxe that that guy’s selling over there and then hopefully combine it with another one so we need to get what 28 uh and then we

Can go down to the mines and see if we can find any diamonds ooh hello is that a cave that looks like a cave to me okay maybe we’ll not go down in the Ravine oh yeah we’re going down there that goes straight down to deep slate right okay

So we go boom boom Fortune 2 that is expensive all right yeah okay all right let’s head down the mines I’ll bring a little bit more arrows with me just for if um and then let’s head over to this cave uh okay does that look safe it does

Look kind of safe not the safest place I wouldn’t say but safe-ish okay very carefully we’ll head down very oh my God this is perfect beautiful all right first uh big cave we go down in we get some diamonds I hate getting one veins around here man it

Sucks oh oh hello two veins sorry two veins there we go all right two diamonds now woo now I know strip mining isn’t the most efficient way but I’m hoping that I can just strip mine into a cave like I’m not really expecting to find anything on my way there maybe some iron

Or something like Redstone but um I hope that there’s a cave just directly in my path all those diamonds will do perfectly okay no that’s yeah that’s that’s fine oh my God okay how many many we got from here this is definitely enough for a pickaxe 10 okay all right

Well I guess we’ll continue a little bit further down here um it is getting a little bit late in the day so I’ll probably spend the night down here mining in a straight line hoping to find a cave oh look there’s the Redstone I was on about anyways I’ll see you lot in

The morning if nothing else exciting happens tonight I’ll probably just be mining in a straight line for like the next 10 minutes oh God o o that was going to be it that was going to be it that was it that was the end of my playthrough right there that

Was supposed to to kill me there that was it okay did not expect to find giant lava Cavern anywhere within here but I’m not going to complain either also if you’re wondering what resource Park makes the ORS Shimmer like that um it’s called like shimmering ore I think it’s

Really cool I love it it’s uh it’s really nice I’m going to use it like all the time now it looks really good all right well this cave was uh eventful I know it continues a little bit over there but we’ll check that out at a

Later date for now I’m probably going to wait out the night down here and then head back home in the morning so with our new newly acquired diamonds what we’re going to do is I’m going to go make a diamond pick and maybe a diamond sword I don’t really know so we’ll make

Our pickaxe we’ll head straight back down and we’ll go and grab uh enough obsidian to get an enchantment table and an I going to say an End Portal then uh a nether portal there we go right diamond pick acquired do we want to make anything else I could make some diamond

Leggings but I can also buy them so uh we’ll do uh maybe an Axe and a sword would be a good call here yeah we’ll do an Axe and a sword we’ll do an Axe and a sword there we go ooh obsidian shines as well with this resource pack I didn’t

Know that do it again shine again yeah wow look at that wow okay finally off back up top we go and then it’s I think we’ll make the enchantment table we’ll set up a nether portal temporarily but I’m not going to light it or go through

Yet because I’m not an idiot and then we’ll also kind of get started on the bookshelves for enchanting because we’re going to need quite a few of those I’m pretty sure we’re good on leather for now I think we’ve got quite a bit of it

Um and then we just need to farm out a little bit more sugarcane which also shouldn’t take too long okay so how are we looking on leather we’ve got 27 leather and 42 sugarcane which if I break that down into paper bring that up here we should have then 14 bucks which

Uh is not enough I’m pretty sure now I know that there is uh some bookshelves around here I’ll just go and grab them from the libraries I think there’s one over here okay so that should have given us eight bookshelves plus the four we have which is 12 I don’t think think

That that’s enough for full enchant okay and now we have the perfect amount of diamonds and books left over boom there we go all right so I’ll throw these in here for now oh we didn’t get any iron oh okay that is a slight problem that I

Am going to go and solve right now by going down into this Ravine and Mining iron tonight love Iron oh ow the second time RI the no damage play through well I got back to the surface and it was already turning day so wel welcome to day 13 I guess so now that

We’ve got all this stuff kind of situated I probably want to go and see if I can grab a little bit more sugar canane so we can get this enchantment area set up and then it will be time to start focusing on XP and maybe even a

Little bit more trading again um I’m going to go real quick and grab these sheep here because I want another bed for the villagers I could just steal one but why steal one when I can kill things oh I still need to get these wolves I forget every single time all right

Tonight tonight I’m staying up and I’m sniping skeletons I’m going to it’s in the back of my mind now right I’m going to actually stay up I’m going to get some dogs tomorrow always forgetting man it’s going to get to like day 99 I’ll be

Like oh I finally have some bones so I can get those dogs they’ll have died by then okay so we’ll throw another bed down for these villagers over here and then I think we could stack up on some wood for not even just trading but to actually start on that little farm build

I think would be a good idea but for now before we go into any tree chopping let me just grab where is the enchantment table hello I want to see what enchant I can get I think it’s either 28 or 30 with 14 bookshelves yeah like that’s not

Going to be 30 is it no 28 okay not bad though not bad if I can get efficiency 4 for 28 ooh that is tempting okay I’m just going to go and chop a couple trees down okay do a little bit of trading do a little bit of

Trading and then uh hopefully we’ve got 28 levels so I can get efficiency 4 to chop more trees down officious cycle okay very quick realizing right now that I’m probably not going to be level 33 uh not level 33 level 28 by the end of today before the sun goes down so we’ll

Do what we can then when the Sun goes down I’m going to kill skellies because I need that dog o I might stand corrected uh the arrow trades might just pull me over if I can hurry up and get them real quick have a look 26 ooh I

Don’t think we’ll have enough emeralds uh okay well I’ll just go and buy a couple crossbows off this guy then that should pull me over to 28 and then we’ll throw the axe in there and call it day there we go beautiful and you know what

I’ll buy that last one because I can okay boom boom boom efficiency 4 and silk touch I don’t know why I need silk touch on an axe but it is what it is now once night fell I spent some time out in the Wilds AKA literally just outside the

Village because I’m terrified of everything but I went and killed a few skellies so that I may use their bones to finally tame a dog okay it is finally time for us to go and grab one of these wolfy boys down here now I actually hope

That they’re still here I hope that they haven’t despawned I hope that you despawned though go away not your friend at all don’t want to be seen near you stay away oh oh oh uh-oh uh-oh this is a problem uh-oh hit him oh he’s done for okay

There we go two more bones as well lovely all right doggies are you are you around here still hello did they leave oh no it’s there okay come here come here buddy I have seven bones seven bones yeah look see 1 2 3 three oh my God you greedy little guy

Five wouldn’t have been enough for you he took seven he took the whole lot okay well at least we have a dog now I would have liked to get two so that I could breed them and have like infinite but I guess you know it is what it is the

First one was too greedy all right well that’s today’s goal already accomplished I kind of want to keep him I was going to say safe but I’m not really going to be fighting too many things right now so I’ll just I’ll bring him with me why not

There’s no no harm in that uh you okay down there buddy you look a little bit trapped let me heal you up real quick and then we’ll get you out of there all right so we actually want to start work on building up a house area very soon

And for that we’re going to need quite a lot of wood because the house design I’m going for requires it so I think I might spend the rest of the day Gathering up as much wood as possible that way we’ve got enough to build up the house and do

Some more trades over the following days without running out and having to come back over here and get even more so I spent the majority of the day once again tearing through this paw pa Forest to stack up on a bunch more wood to use on

My house now I did have a little little bit in my chests but it was nowhere near enough to make any percent of progress on the house so uh yeah time well spent I’d say okay all right that should uh that should definitely be enough wood

For now um it did take a decent toll on my Axe and there’s no Forest left um but it’s all good cuz it Auto Plant saplings so it’ll all grow back soon enough but that is I’d say that’s enough wood to start get started on the house and uh

Get a couple tray going as well yeah okay day well spent I’m happy with this I need to go and like make more chests and stuff because I do not have storage oh hello hello buddy what you got for me uh what what is this ew my guy that is

Not good you’re giving me atrocious things right there what is the point of that well so much for me working on the house today I just looked at the reference image I’m going to use um and it needs Spruce Wood so uh what we’re

Going to do is I’m going to go and make a boat and we’re going to go and head over that ocean to see if there’s any Spruce Wood over there because it’s better than just running across land Poss falling into holes and dying I

Guess it’s out to see we go if we didn’t have enough ocean in the last video oh there’s a shipwreck over there okay we’ll go check this out then slight little detour slight little detour you know what I’m not too fusted about the ship um I just want to be able to build

My house okay I can come back and get the ship later if I want I’m not dealing with it right now so I guess we’ll just follow the river around then uh see where it leads hopefully to some spruce trees would be very nice okay and by the

Looks of this I think that we’re heading back out to see by the looks of it in reality we do want only need one Spruce sapling butth I don’t know if you can tell right here but there’s um there’s none around there there’s there’s nothing around actually except a couple

Squid not even anything in the ocean either it’s literally just kelp just kelp everywhere that’s an ocean Monument we don’t want to go there do not want to be getting wrapped up with those types of people oh spruce trees yes okay all right just keep a wide birth from that

Monument we need to kind of remember how far off we’re going to the side here because the river I need to follow is like in the middle down there back on that land it’s a good thing I brought my diamond ax with me cuz we’re going to need a lot of this

Wood all right that should be enough Spruce logs um if it’s not then we got the 57 saplings to boot so it’ll be it’ll be fine um I don’t want to chop down any more wood though so we’re going to head back home and then tomorrow we

Can start work on the house now after yesterday’s dilemma we have a whole bunch of spruce wood now which means that we should hopefully be able to get to work on our house today so I’m going to grab all this I’m going to grab the

Oak award and then we’re going to go and find a little area to start building things up I’m thinking like right just like right here where that’s Tall Grass begins like this area is like almost perfect I’d say it’s it’s real good real clear I don’t have to do too much

Landscaping it’s pretty good it’s close to the village that is probably going to get torn down within the coming days and instead of having the village there we’ll have like a a villager breeder you know take their freedom from them because uh well I need trades because we

All know that trades are way more important the free will but anyways on this note let’s throw this crafting table down right here and let’s get to work on the Baseline kind of outline schematic of the house now I spent the next couple of days building up the

Frame and the outline of the house whilst also being exceedingly careful and watching my step every second to try my best to not fall off and insta die you know down to the fact that I only still have one heart don’t know why I just said still though it’s not like I’m

Going to get any more during this playthrough it’s it’s set to one but none less I think I made some pretty good progress over these couple days and managed not to die so it was uh all around a win-win day 19 was another house building day because I realized

That I’d built it slightly wrong and a few things were off by a few blocks so I ended up dedicating a good chunk of the day just to repositioning it and correcting the mistakes and once they were all cleared up I actually got back to working on the house instead of

Correcting mistakes I made the day prior okay what a busy couple days that was um I did make a couple mistakes on the house so took a little bit longer all right got a little bit janky near the end but we’ve got it all fixed up now

And that’s how it should look or at least for now that’s how it should look it’s not going to keep looking like that so the guy we want to level up today is going to be the uh toolsmith because I want to try and get um like a diamond

Axe off of him because it’s just it’s the best way to make money right now all right buddy uh you are oh God they’re expensive those I’ll just I think I’ll buy the emeralds yeah and then you’re going to give me what some good trades good trades diamond axe oh that is

Beautiful that’s exactly what I wanted look at that oh my days if I buy two of those we got efficiency three oh we got a diamond shovel too I will take it oh my God look at that so is it cheaper this way nope it’s cheaper the other way

There we go okay so now we’ve got that out the way I should have enough paper and enough books to make a bookshelf to finally max out the enchantment table they go there I hear hear a skeleton below me I think he’s in this like little cave right here he is indeed in

This cave right here oh okay so let me just throw these down boom boom boom and now we should be getting level 30 enchants I think four tonight I’m going to head back down the mines I’m going to go into these caves over here by the Ravine cuz they were

Very good to me the other day and uh we’re just going to go and see what we can find down there maybe get a little bit more iron maybe find a couple more diamonds who knows um so I shall let you know if I find anything newed ful that’s

Not this zombie trying to kill me um and if not I’ll see you in the morning okay so you know what nighttime mining was not very eventful all right I found like a couple pieces of iron they’re in the furnace melting down it was not um it was not fun at all there

Was really nothing down there except a couple bits of coal and a whole bunch of zombies that just kept getting in my way so uh yeah last night was not a good one so now I’m thinking I want to grab this obsidian I want to grab some Flint if we

Have any I don’t think we do then we’ll build just a temporary portal next to the house hopefully no Ghoulies come out of it um but then we can just head in and see basically where our spawn is I’m not really wanting to be too brave but

I’ve realized that I’m going to have to go into the nether to get a fire resistance potion which is going to really help with dealing with blaze so I kind of just have to bite the bullet and go in not going to lie okay my favorite biome ever amazing amazing I couldn’t

Have asked for a better spawn oh my God beautiful we’re in a Bas salt Delta I’m not going in there I’m not that’s not happening no no no no no no no no no I’m not no I’m not doing a Bas salt Delta man I hate them I heard a gast

Immediately it’s not happening oh no okay so I guess I’ll cover the plan a little bit more in depth then so I’m building the house over there right and then I want kind of like a a path kind of dealio coming out here uh we can have like the Villager breeder maybe over

There or over there um have a farm spanning out across this kind of Valley area or soon to be Valley area when the village is gone and then we can have other things just dotted around depending on how I’m feeling and what I want to build however thinking about it

Now I uh kind of need to get over the fear of Basalt Delta so we’re just going back in we’re going back in this is probably a stupid idea but we’re going back in I’m going against everything everything I want to do right here I’m going against it and there we go okay

That’s not too bad is it that’s not too bad at all now the soulan valley is over there and then there’s a crimson just normal B biome over there with what looks to be a basum in there I just see a little bit of it spawned in at the

Bottom so to get to there we could probably go through this way I think a little bit okay this is going to be fine this is going to be fine this worked out a lot better than I was expecting it to now I do want to find a fortress within

A reasonable distance but I’ll also just let us get our baronss in here and actually get a path over before worrying about that ah of course the 1.9 oh there we go it’s gone okay I was about to complain about the 1.19 glitch where the blocks disappear but it’s back oh God I

Hear Mr staypuff where is he oh there he is hello buddy that’s going to Boom no no blow up I live to see another day go away well you look you’re scaring me buddy you’re scaring me I’m seeing you running around you know doing these swerves doing these these evades these

Maneuvers I don’t like it oh oh God I don’t like that even more though okay can I ah come on come on Big Boy come on you crying marshmallow oh there he goes he’s down he’s down all right thank god um ooh there’s a warped biome over there

Amazing uh ruined portal not really too interested in that that’s pretty good over there that’s pretty good okay well I’m happy with the progress we’ve made tonight I will come back in here once we’ve got a few more blocks to start bridging with um and then we’ll go and

Look for a fortress um so probably head over to the blue biome and hope there’s one over there I don’t know whether or not I want to go take on that Bastion at any point I might do later but as it stands for things right now hello buddy

Can I get ped please can I please get pasted please thank you but yeah as it stands with things right now uh I I’m not going anywhere near that Bastion I I know what’s in there and I’m not dealing with it plus uh the pigin is going to

Have crossbows too so that’s just yeah no I’m probably actually never going to go do that okay so today I’m thinking that I want to make my goal to kind of clear off this mound that I’ve got in front of my house and level it out a

Little bit um so I probably want to go and buy another shovel or two combine them up and then we can speed through it a lot quicker so I’ll go check up on my melon situation I’ll go check up on the farm situation get a little bit more

Trad flowing uh and then I’ll get back to you once we’ve got our shovels oh my God I can’t believe my look so look at this guy right look at this guy he put his shovels down to oh it was 11 but it’s gone down to 10 now right and I got

Just enough emeralds to grab three extras with 11 left so I could have bought another one but he ran out um but the the that was really good that was really good he uh discounted them literally as I needed him to so now what I’m going to do is I’m going to throw

Them all up in this right here and go boom boom efficiency three and then we’ll do the same with this one which is a little bit expensive little bit expensive and then this is going to be too much isn’t it yep 12 or 12 oh God

Okay um I’ll do a little bit a little bit of trading with some of the wood we’ve got up in here I can sacrifice a little bit of it okay oh come on now look how close I am look at that XP bar all right now we can comeb the last

Shovel and get on with taking down the hill I just feel like um like getting Landscaping done now is going to be pretty good because then we can just work on whatever we want after I was worried that we wouldn’t have enough time to take this down but I I think we

Do I think we’re going to be just fine okay and then as for this bit we’ll have it go up gradually there’s an incline right here so we’ll get rid of this there we go and then if I just get you out of the way I should probably

Actually have you following me around a little bit more cuz I did go through quite a bit of trouble to get you and you just kind of sit around doing nothing I’m trying to think whether or not I want to bring this area down some I think I probably should right this

Would it’ benefit me quite a bit to have this area a little bit more level here so let’s just let’s pull it back to about here I’ll say all right there we go beautiful good day’s work right there and we’ve also got an extra bed for the uh the Villager

Breeder over there as well so it’s a it’s a win-win situation today so I’m going to go throw this in here um I’ll throw it just right there there we go you can have a bed now buddy um if you couldn’t oh you you you can have a bed

But you’re not going to be able to get to it okay I see I see I see I see what kind of villager you are now you know yeah just look at this look at this absolute vegetable right here man oh the IR Golem’s M the Iron Golem’s M the Iron

Golem’s mad I heard him moving towards me uh-oh okay okay uh I’m staying in my house all day tomorrow bye W I just started my day watching an Enderman get absolutely smashed up by this Golem um did you drop a pearl are you angry at me

Buddy ooh I fixed you up remember I repaired you remember okay so I’m thinking that oh no he did drop a pearl I can’t use it but he dropped it now I’m thinking we need to get this to kind of go up I I I’m going to say semi

Naturally I don’t really care at the minute how it goes up and how it looks so long as I can get up on a gradient it’s fine like this is not natural in any sense but you know what it works and it’s fine okay so we’ll start today off

By going around and just replacing this Stone and I guess coal with a little bit of dirt um and then I don’t know I kind of want to finish my house off but that’s going to take a few days ooh that would have gone bad oh my God we blocked

That up a little bit Jesus okay that’s opened up a decent bit more space now hasn’t it all right so I’ve decided what we’re going to do today is we’re going to go and finally build up the um the bone meal Farm because I’m going to need

A whole bunch of bone meal to continue building my house so I spent the remainder of the afternoon working on building up an automatic bone meal Farm following a tutorial that I found on YouTube that ended up actually becoming really expensive with the amount of iron

That I had to use on Hoppers but then after making a very small amount of progress things came to a halt pretty quickly because I needed some Redstone lamps and didn’t have the glowstone to make them so I decided to head into The Nether and grabbed a bunch from this

Massive chunk right here before returning home and heading to bed okay so now that we have the lamps and glow stone I was going to say that we can go and start building it up again but I need some more iron because it absolutely bankrupted me yesterday with

The amount of Hoppers I needed it really caught me off guard so we’re going to head down the mine we’re going to don’t go down a way that I’ve not been before we’re going to go over this way to see if there’s anything there um and

Hopefully stack up on a little bit more iron because I really can’t continue on any further because I need more iron you know what skeletons actually aren’t that bad to deal with they’re um you just block and swing and you’re pretty much fine I I cannot find any

Iron in these caves um starting to think that there isn’t any oh God now this can become a problem this can become a problem real quick uh that’s kind of good there’s you know skeleton farmer spawner and stuff but like um oh okay wasn’t expecting that to

Be down there all right uh we’ll pay that another visit at a later date but for now I’m not going anywhere near that I literally just need iron and I can’t find any okay zombie with a couple of creepers over here not really too big of a threat not going to

Lie okay 40 iron that should be that should be enough I’ll pick up any I see on my way back out but I’m not going to go any deeper looking for it okay so now that the iron is smelting down I’ll go and place down the Redstone lamps and

Then we will get on with making the rest of this build now I hope I can get the majority of this finished off today um we don’t need too much more stuff now it’s literally just getting everything uh plac down and like put down properly

In in the correct places but I I don’t see it getting done before nightfall for well I can tell you this I 100% know that this isn’t getting finished off tonight because I need to go into The Nether and get Quartz because I need observers for very obvious reasons I

Need observers so not getting finished off tonight okay we don’t need too much quartz we literally just need enough I think like six or eight observers so we’ll we’ll get this entire chunk and that should be enough okay so I managed to make a little bit more progress

During the night I put the Hoppers not The Hoppers I put The Observers and the Pistons down so Cal stop calm down there we go go away um I see you back there as well buddy you’re not coming to get me uh but yeah there was really no mobs

Around last night there was only these couple of guys that came and stalked me up there but obviously they can’t really get to me oh my God can you die there we go so yeah all we need to do now is we need to put some glass down at the front

And uh Place some kelp and we are good to go infinite bone meal um is literally just mere moments away also I know that that place looks absolutely atrocious with it being a mix of spruce wood and Oak Wood but uh just just leave me alone

Okay I ran out of one of the woods okay so now all that’s left to do is I throw these down here like that place down some Redstone like so and then all we’ve got to do is just bring some water up here and place it down until we’ve

Covered all of these observers okay there we go so there’s the bone meal Farm gone and out of the way um I guess I’ll go and flatten this area out right here cuz it’s bothering me slightly and then just patch up this monster of a hole that’s right next to my house I

Don’t know why this is here oh this is the cave I went down earlier trying to find iron okay well we’re going to patch you up and we’re hopefully not going to have anything else to do with you for the rest of this playthrough uh you know

What it doesn’t look too terrible from the front on um it just it gets a little bit janky when you look at it from any other angle all right so now we’ve got infinite bone meal and just give it time it’ll start you know actually producing

Some stuff for us now one thing I do need to work on other than the house is a storage area now the house and building has a storage area Incorporated in it but that’s not being built yet so I think we should either a focus on finishing off the house in the next

Couple days or B focus on making a little storage area and sorting it out I’m leaning more towards the house okay so a better idea right now would be to just completely leave the storage uh alone for now we’ll put we’ll put some stuff away um but we’ll leave the

Storage idea alone for now because we don’t have the stuff to do it um and then we’ll return to that a little bit later but I think tomorrow is going to be another wood Gathering day probably dedicate most of the the day to it because there’s a lot of oak wood we

Need to get plus I want to Stack back up on XP and get a little bit more trading done I’m also debating giving this guy another visit to see if he will finally give me like power I would take anything else from him at this point I probably

Take mending over it right now but I’m too dedicated to hating this man so he has to give me power five or just any power really but he’s still he’s still just not doing that I can see yeah you know what I’m actually going to spend my night here I’m going

To spend my night here with this guy we’re going for round two round two let’s go jeezus this guy man this guy absolute joke of a man power three oh my God massive huge oh my God it only took you like what let’s have a look so about

12,000 years to give me that okay well we need to stack up on Emerald so tomorrow will definitely be a tree chopping Day Day 26 I chopped down trees again a lot of them all just chopping wood down just just chopping at trees let’s move on okay so we got a decent

Amount of wood yesterday um but I realized that the main one we need is actually Spruce and that bone meal Farm has so far generated me a grand total of zero bone meal however I think placing these trees down yesterday was a good idea because we’ve had a couple of them

Grow so I’m just going to go and chop this guy down uh and then them two little fellas that have grown there and then we’ll get back to work on the house because I want this finished because I want the storage area that’s there ah oh

My God that was close didn’t see him at all some could say that he uh crept up on me huh crept up on me creeping around I’m going to shut up just I’m just let me get my wood okay oh there’s another big one that’s grown okay we’ll go grab

This one and then we’ll get back to work on the house ooh I didn’t want to fall down there I should really look at getting feather fallen for my boots like ASAP because then I can actually tank like a good distance of fall how you doing buddy you want a quick repair

There you go it’s not full but it’s the best I can do right now I don’t want to give all my iron to you okay so now we’re sitting on a whole bunch of oak wood and four we’ll call it four stacks of spruce which isn’t bad at all so I’m

Going to see what I need to do and then we’ll get straight to work okay so we’re going to need to bring these bad boys up a little bit so let’s go and do that real quick and then we put these across them okay there we go go that looks

Right by the way I’m following diagrams now okay there was a Google image but then there was a site that had diagrams so uh we’re using that now okay so now we need to bring these across the back and across here as well and now we actually want to use

Some oak wood for the first time in about 9 year we can actually use some of this so we’ll fill this in then the same on this side now on the images they use uh oak wood for this I’m Oak planks sorry so I’m going to use Oak strip wood

Because I think it looks a little bit better now the actual portal for the nether is supposed to go like right here so I’m just going to leave a space and I’m going to just put I might just go and grab the obsidian but that’s going

To take a little while so I’ll put some stripped Spruce logs here just to remind me that that’s for the nether portal okay and now we need to bring the front up a little bit and add some detail to that all right and now we get to being

Able to place some chests down finally um it’s been a little while but this is the part I wanted to get to today so so we’ve made good progress we’ve made really good progress okay there we go finally we’ve got some storage we’ve finally got some storage oh my God it’s

Beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful okay well that was some pretty good progress for today that’s looking pretty good that’s looking nice all right we head home and then in the morning I guess we’ll get to moving some stuff over there into the new uh storage area we

Also want to go and grab a whole bunch of item frames as well because then we can use those to actually know what in like what’s in each chest okay throw those in there 50 item frames and then we’ll take over we’ll deal with like the

Ores and stuff first so like uh where is it the lapers and Redstone anything in here iron nugget um and that’s we’ll take those for now oh and the dirt as well we may as well may as well get started with the dirt we got a lot of

That okay and now we’ll throw these down on here like this okay there’s not enough for all of them I’m going to be missing three but that’s not bad okay so I’m going to sort out all this storage today um I don’t know if this counts as

Storage day we’ll call it storage day 1.0 okay because there’s probably going to be two because this is not going to be enough stuff it’s it’s the prequel the prequel to storage days what what what this is right now all right but yeah I’ll see you once I’ve moved

Everything over okay there we go it took a little bit longer than I was expecting but we’ve got most of the stuff over here now really all the stuff that’s important now that did take like I said a little bit longer than I was expecting um and I’ve also come to notice that

This Farm is probably one of the worst things I’ve ever built because if you look in here I don’t think you see any bone meal now if we take a little a little peep in this one oh no boom so um yeah not happy with the um the capacity

Of that farm I’m not going to lie uh besides the trees seem to just be growing on themselves so this really isn’t a problem so I think huh what are they escaping over here I’m sure that they’re going to have to be able to be escaping over here or something man

Hello are you all still in here some of you oh no you are all in here I think they’re just breeding normally then damn okay um my toolsmith guy is apparently contemplating many things right now uh don’t do it buddy you are very useful even though you’re not my toolsmith I

Don’t think I think you’re the armorer right just don’t do it all right don’t do it I need your round buddy okay uh yeah you are my armor yeah I knew it all along buddy I knew it all along please come back down into the hole please

Don’t jump off the top um so yeah I think I might head to bed tonight and then tomorrow I’ll try and get the house finished off I don’t know if I can um but I want to try and get the house out of the way cuz then we can actually

Start working on the little town we can build up so I’ll head to bed now and then in the morning we’ll do a super fast buildup of the rest of the house now over the following couple of days I focused all my efforts on getting the house finished and actually having a

Place to live that’s not just a tiny little rundown house that I evicted the previous Village attendant from and luckily for me this house for the most part only uses two types of materials that are oak wood and Spruce Wood and that’s pretty much it so all of the

Material Gathering and management wasn’t a problem although by the end of day 29 I did run out of spruce wood so then on the following morning I went and chopped down to of the Giga trees and now the spruce shortage is no longer a problem after restocking on wood I got back to

Work on the house building up the second floor throughout the day and reaching the third floor and roof by Nightfall now I do have to say that this is one of the easiest and simplest houses I think I’ve ever built but it doesn’t actually look super simplistic well I mean it

Might right now but that’s just solely because it’s not finished but once all the glass details and like Oak planks and stuff are all on it will look so much better now eventually I did manage to get the house finished off by the morning of day 31 and by finished off I

Mean somewhat liveable without any windows so I still got to work on that sh all right there we go that’s the uh the house done for the most part I still need to add windows and stuff but uh yeah that looks pretty good it’s going

To really work well as kind of like the backbone to this little little Society I’m want to build around here it’s going to be good it’s going to be real nice now the inside does leave some to be desired right now just pay uh pay pay no

Attention to it the upstairs is even worse there just wood kind of thrown all over up there but the house structure itself is done and what are you selling my good fellow um nothing good okay so what we’re going to do real quick today is I’m going to store away all of this

Wood that I’ve got because I got way too much but like I said it’s better to have too much than too little we’re going to store away this and then we’re going to go and grab a whole bunch of sand I think actually no to be fair I think I

Already have sand yeah I have 42 but we’re probably going to need more um and then we’re going to finish off the windows as well today because well I kind of need those in the house you know to uh live in here at least securely so

I’ll just throw that in there and then we’ll take our trusty efficiency 4 shovel down to the beach and dig up a whole bunch of sand so I’ll get this place down what I have now and then we’ll just keep going back and forth from the furnace until we are completely glassed

Up okay and there we go the windows are all done now it looks really nice um and it did only take one trip back to the furnace from that point because we just had a load of it smelting down now I have found the fact that I completely

Forgot to uh do the bottom bit here so there’s like you know just a couple gaps in the house uh but it’s all good I’ll I’ll patch those up right now and then we’ll see what we can do tonight I’ll probably get to trying to do some stuff

With the interior tonight okay so I have worked tirelessly throughout the night replacing a whole bunch of wooden planks with actual wooden logs and I think that the detailing now just looks so much better now I do want to go around and add like a whole bunch of uh what they

Called chains and lanterns and stuff hanging around I think that’ look pretty good and then maybe I’m thinking I want to replace those with a xia leaves so I need to find an aselia first uh and then do something here as well cuz these seem quite lackluster yeah all in all things

Are looking pretty good the house is secure now and uh we can move in pretty much I just need to do the interior cuz it’s a little bit empty get rid of the greenery that’s growing up in here and then we’ll make our little smelting Corner we’ll have our smelting area down

In the basement you know down in the basement okay there we go basement done uh I’ll throw my bed down on this floor for now um and I’m also going to go and just throw a bunch of these right here because I don’t like the fact that

That’s exposed to the outside like I don’t like that I can see through my house because the chests are there you know and then just throw my bed there there we go beautiful what a bedroom what a bedroom okay all right so then for the rest of today I’m going to store

Away some of this stuff and then we’re going to go and get a little bit more trading done with the Villagers I’ll use my leftover wood to get a whole bunch of sticks trades and then hopefully we’ll get enough XP to either a enchant our diamond pickaxe or B get enough levels

Up to get this guy to sell us a diamond pickaxe that’s hopefully got efficiency and possibly fortune on it so I’ll get to Breaking these down and trading them up and then we’ll see where we are when these Boos have ran out of Trades oh I also just remembered um I was supposed

To get power three off of that guy before I started building the house that was half the reason I went to get the trees wasn’t it I’ve only just remembered now oh my God okay well we’ll go and get that at some point I’m not really in any Rush right now hello good

Sir hello I have come for your equipment yes um I’ll buy another I you know I’ll buy another axe actually I’ll buy two more axes how’s that yeah look at me big spender right here oh okay I mean that’s not too bad I I’ll take it over not

Having one you know oh my God how expensive were those axes oh my God they were so expensive I didn’t even notice um okay we we’ll get a couple more trades done I’ll buy that diamond pick off him and then we’ll throw just like some shoddy enchants on the one we have

Efficiency 2 I mean ah we may as well we may as well let me go grab my lapis and then we’ll throw that on and then we’ll call it a day and probably go down the mines tonight okay so we’re going to do boom boom uh that’s six how much is that

Two sheesh oh there goes the Anvil oh well we definitely need more iron now okay well in that case then let’s start a little mine over here and just head down uh hello ooh o big cave too how do you see me from down there buddy come on now ooh

Have I been I think I’ve been down here there’s wood down there oh it’s a mine shaft I I don’t know why I even thought that that was a possibility oh oh God sorry oh my God he scared me so much oh and there’s a spider coming too and

There’s a spider coming too oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no ooh that goes down pretty deep over there all right this is definitely a good find ah perfect timing too cuz the sun’s literally just coming up lovely all

Right hello piggy all right so it wasn’t the best mining session ever however we do have 56 iron so that’s you know 56s more than what we had now while that’s smelting down dare I head down to where was the lava was it down in the Ravine

Or was it over that way into the one the forest I don’t remember I think it might have been over here so I’m going to go head over here and grab up some more obsidian as well and then we can deal with the lanterns and build up the

Nether portal over at the house damn this thing really grew a for Forest over here didn’t it oh my God look at that ah yeah the lava was down here okay amazing okay so I’m going to go and grab just like 10 or 12 more pieces of this

So I’ll see you once we’ve got it all as if mining obsidian wasn’t bad enough right now I’ve also got hiccups at the same time and I hate hiccups and I hate mining obsidian so this is going amazing oh my God the worst combination of

Things so I hiccup my way back to the surface and through the forest to the village and got to work on breaking down the old nether portal and rebuilding it over at the new house before then spending an ungodly amount of iron crafting up a bunch of lanterns and

Chains that I spent the evening placing down all around the house to help really brighten things up also a little update on the uh the hiccups I actually took a break after recording this day because they just didn’t go away for like 20 plus minutes wasn’t a fun time hiccups

Are literally the work of the devil okay so waking up today the house is looking a little bit brighter from the outside now um oh it’s a lovely rainbow to start off the morning as well uh but that’s looking a lot better now I do want to

Add like quite a bit more Greenery on there just because I’m not really happy with it just looks like wood right now so I do want to add some maybe some leaves in between here like I’ll try that real quick I’ll throw some down real quick uh and we’ll see how they

Look with like kind of like they’re planted in little pots you know okay yeah I think that looks pretty good so I’m thinking over this side where this uh very not good Farm is was generated me one um and one bow meal this entire

Time it took me 3 Days To Build and it’s generated me one bone meal so far so that’s amazing but I think where this Farm is we’re going to tear this down and I think this area is where we’re going to put the Villager breeder the

House idea I’m thinking of will have an area underneath um where I might use as like an area of the trade Hub um or the full trade Hub itself so I don’t know whether or not I’ll combine those two into one however we’re not going to do

That just yet because I am going to go and grab the enchantment table and throw that in the bottom area of the house um but I want to repair this axe first before I do anything and then I’m kind of thinking that I want to go and deck

Myself out in diamond armor as well but then also to do that is going to require quite a bit of stuff okay we’re not going to have much iron left over after this Anvil all my days okay very expensive this time around okay how expensive you going to be seven levels

And what about this way 13 levels okay well I’ll take the seven okay so we’ll go and grab the enchantment table and then I’m going to chop down all the giant spruce trees over there uh because the amount of logs that we’ll get from those turn them into

Sticks and get a load of trading done passively alongside everything we’re going to be making some pretty good bank which will allow us to buy some good diamond armor at some point so just in between doing actual things I’m going to go off and just trade with the Villagers

And chop down these trees every so often um instead of dedicating full days to do it I’ll just do it passively alongside everything else okay that’s the majority of the big ones chopped down and I think I you know I think we might have enough wood for trading for a little while so

I’m going to go I’ll throw the enchantment table down and then I’ll also run around and just trade a bunch of sticks with these villagers real quick um and then I think we’ll tear down this off awful Contraption right here next so I’ll speed through the trades with these villagers I’ll go and

Feed the wands and the breeder and then we’ll tear down that thing it’ll probably be night by the time we’re tearing that down but it should be fine okay how are you lot doing over here I’m assuming that you’re going to need more beds soon I don’t think you can really

Have many more villagers if any oh God grab the pot what are you do what is going off what is this there we go one with a brain cell oh my God okay okay and there we go the awful atrocious thing is now gone and now the

Space can be reused for something that’s actually going to serve a purpose to me okay so I don’t know why it’s taking me up until right now to realize that my plan about going into The Nether and killing Blaze can’t happen because I need blaze powder to uh like actually

Cook up potions so we can’t um we can’t do that I mean we could but like it’s a whole lot of effort it’s just easier I’ll snipe The Blaze from a distance grab some blaze powder return home cook up the potions and then go back in I

Think is the way that makes the most logical sense anyways today’s objective I want to go out and find some sheep which shouldn’t take too long since we’re in a plains biome um and I want to Shear them because I need a bunch more wool to make beds for the village breedo

Because trading the sticks that I’m trading per day is just is not it it really isn’t it like we get good XP and we get good return on like uh with emeralds and stuff but other than that it’s not too amazing we could do so much

Better so if we can just find some sheep there was literally some here yesterday when I was chopping down the trees where have they gone oh wait if that Wolf’s still around he’ll have eaten them won’t he I think the wolf cleared them up oh

Yep there he is oh well we can try and tame him hello buddy get my guy a friend finally nope Jesus man what does he want from me okay well I guess we’ll head back over this way we’ve not been over this way for a very long time and we’ll

Try and find some sheep over here that hopefully haven’t been mauled by Wolves is that another one down there oh there’s a couple around here yes don’t know why I just mocked a sheep oh wow the Plaines biome goes on a lot further than I thought it did oh and

There’s pumpkins over here too awesome woo okay back just in time for it to get dark amazing all right that was a pretty successful day I only kind of did one thing but damn did I do that one thing well okay we’ve got some good amounts of

Wool right there that’s going to make quite a lot of stuff hey buddy you still selling power three you s I knew it I knew it I knew you know what calm down all right take a moment take a moment don’t think about it and just this is what we’re

Doing again tonight all right he’s going to sell me power again I’ve got the emeralds I’ve got the book I’m buying it as soon as I see it I personally am saying that I will not because this guy absolutely hates oh well no you know what I just proved myself wrong okay

There we go okay pull my steak out of there uh then we go boom boom combine those and then go boom boom no like boom boom and then boom there we go power four on the bow I kind of want to go test this out on that creeper I saw over

There creeper my good friend how’s it going right I say two shots one two yeah okay so it’s better it’s not perfect I feel like power five would probably one shot I’m not too sure depends on the mob I feel like all right so last night’s bow escapades didn’t go

Too well so I just kind of cowed in here most of the night and uh did a little adjustment on the upstairs roof right here so that it doesn’t look as janky as it did before it doesn’t look as like empty I guess is what it looked I don’t

Know um but yeah coming up here is uh is not great so we’ll just forget about this place this place doesn’t exist uh and we’ got a nice second floor now so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to get a little bit more trading done

We’re going to stack up on some more emeralds I think I spent them all and we’re also going to maybe head back into The Nether and try and search for a fortress a little bit more as well just because I really want to get some Nether

Wart and blaze powder and whatnot to uh start actually cooking up some potions to help me you know survive a little bit more so we’ll start the day off right with a lovely little bit of trading hello hello good fellow you didn’t restock cuz you’re stuck up the ladder

Okay absolute idiot don’t like him okay now I think I should have enough like blocks and stuff to get through a good portion of the nether safely are we still wearing gold boots yes we are so let me just light that real quick I thought I set my house on fire then for

A second okay in we go see what we can find how many arrows have I got I’ll take more with me okay so we’ll start making our way through the uh the basal Delta again then and hopefully we can get to the area where we once was uh I

Don’t know where we are right here oh no I see the okay we’re higher up than where we used to be so we need to get over there okay okay we’re right over where we need to be so we’re just going to get to the wall again and then we’re

Good and then we can start looking for a fortress without hopefully getting sniped by a gas would be would be really nice okay so here is where we need to be again and then we also want to move uh do I want to go like around there all

The way around to get to the blue biome or do I want to go this way we’ll risk it we’ll go around why not why not we’ll take a little adventure around here oh is that I think I see a fortress right there um it’s not it’s not in the blue

Biome but it’ll do if it is oh no it is yep it’s a fortress it’s in the red biome which is kind of sucky but it could be worse could be in a basal Delta I guess I’ll make my way over there then and uh see what lurks within okay hello

Let me make myself a little safety area here away from all forms of death there we go and by that I liter just mean with the skeletons hopefully there is okay found the blaze spawner The Blaze spawner is here amazing we will block that off like that now I do need to kill

Blaze to uh actually you know get the stuff I need ooh there’s a few of them up there now okay he’s down he’s down too okay he’s down come on there we go there we go go go go go quick quick quick quick quick get rid of the spawner

Real quick cuz I’ve got some rods but it’s fine I’ll find another one okay all right we can cook potions now well partly we still need the Nether wart but that’s not as scary to get okay I’ll mark my way back home as this way and we

Will continue in now I actually ended up traversing the endless Hollow holes of this Fortress for like 15 minutes and just didn’t have any luck finding any Nether wart whatsoever and was very very close to giving a pope when I ended up stumbling across this chest full of the

Stuff along with two Farm rooms right next to each other now just before heading back through the portal I decided to take on the daring mission of taking out a Magma Cube so that that way I could grab some magma cream and cook it up into some fire rest potions but

After dealing with the cube of magma I safely returned home so today what we’re going to do is I’m going to grab my blaze rods and magga cream ooh also that nether W I’m going to need some of that aren’t I um actually you know what let

Me go and grab a little bit more of this and we’ll start a little farm down in the basement as well okay so uh boom boom boom boom boom we’ll make some of those and then we’ll get cooking down in the basement we’ve got a little weird

Setup down here in the basement I’m not going to lie we’ve got um there’s some stuff going off down in this basement hopefully those Golems don’t come down here and find out what I’m doing okay right um so what we’re going to do is we’re going to break out I’ll break one

Of these down cuz they don’t they don’t eat up much of this it takes a little while um and then I’ll just throw down some water right here throw that there and then just get to fill all these up H you know actually what would be a good

Idea if I had like a hopper system underneath the water so when I like filled up a load of bottles it it just filter it into a chest I don’t know why I’ve never thought of doing that before but that’s like a genius idea oh my God I’m actually impressed myself with that

One okay so we want to cook those up into awwards and then I think uh we cook them down into Fire Res boom there we go all right amazing great okay so we’re going to have a whole bunch of fire resistance potions makes the nether

Pretty much a joke for us now at this point uh obviously there’s still pretty much everything in there that can still onot us but other than that I think we should be okay all right so I’m going to cook some potions up I’m going to do a

Little bit more trading this evening so I will see you all once we’ve got things cooked up and once I’ve got a few more levels and a few more emeralds okay so last night was uh pretty good didn’t get much more trading done um but we did Max out all the fire

Resistance potions we can make um and I did have to repair my axe as well because the trees I didn’t notice but they really took their toll on it now today’s objective is I want to see how many beds I can make which will then see

How big I need to make the village of breida so they should be in this one right yeah okay we’ll do all this wool see how much we can get from that and then um see where we go from there okay all right so almost a full chest worth

Of beds that’s that’s not bad I’ll throw this down I’ll throw this in here we are going to need to stack back up on Oak Wood and then I guess we can start on building the Villager breeder I kind of want to go and see what design I want to

Go with I’m not 100% sure just yet but I’m sure it won’t be hard for me to to think of one and we’re going to put it just over here where this disgrace of a farm was okay so I’m going to go take a peek at some designs that I like and

I’ll get back to you once I found the one okay I have a design in mind um it’s going to be a little bit bigger than what I was anticipating now it’s not massive it’s not massive but I think think fitting it here oh to be fair no

That should be that should be fine we just might have to push this hill back a little bit let me see what kind of terrain we’ve got behind here how big is this hill I mean it’s not too bad to be fair I could I could push this back I

Could take this down so push it back to here I’ve obviously got this little mini Mountain to the left of me here but that’s that’s fine we’ll deal with that in due time okay so how this is going to work is I want the back of the build to

Be like here um I don’t know how many blocks wide it is let me just go double check that okay so it’s 32 blocks wide which is kind of big that’s bigger than my house I think um so let’s check here how big 32 blocks would be so 1 2 3 32

Blocks wide would be that um that’s pretty big man that’s pretty big we may have to get rid of a lot more of this hill then like a lot more of it okay well I guess I could spend like a day or two Landscaping it it’s fine so it might

Take take a little bit more effort but I feel like it’s going to be worth it you know so I’ll just kind of get rid of as much of this as I can tonight and then we’ll see what we can do in the following couple days so I spent the

Night leveling out as much of the ground area as I possibly could just to try and help relieve some of the work that I’d need to do over the coming couple of days but honestly I managed to level out a decent sized area pretty quickly so I

Wasn’t too worried about it taking that long so I started off day 40 by clearing out some straggler skellies from last night and then once they were gone the Landscaping began however this time it involved some Renovations let’s say on the Villager houses and by Renovations I

Mean I completely leveled them to the ground leaving no trace of what was there prior but to be fair in my defense I am building them a better one so I think it’s a worthwhile trade-off after taking down the houses it was back to leveling the floor so I worked

Tirelessly throughout the day in the pouring rain all the way until the sunet and I called it a day repairing my shovel before heading to bed however my work was far from done so in the morning I got back to landscaping and managed to get the floor all leveled off by the

Afternoon of day 41 and now it came time to get to work on the first part of the build when I realized that the outline that I’m building right now that’s 32 blocks wide is actually only the outline of the build and not the house itself so

I didn’t really need to level an area this big but hey I’ve done it now I guess so these guys are going to be like free range villagers or something I don’t know they’re going to have space although actually in hindsight thinking about it now they won’t have access to

The space at all because they’re going to be contained in 2×1 trading blocks so at least they can look at the space I guess on day 42 the building continued but I ended up hitting kind of a rocky patch where I realized that I built the entire thing backwards and was just not

Having a good time at all considering that all the progress that I just made was going to have to be torn down and rebuilt in the opposite way so that’s exactly what I did on day 43 and by the end of the day I’d managed to restore

All the progress that i’ made the day prior and even a little a little bit more but I do think that that’s enough building for now so this is going to be the actual house and then there’s going to be an area underneath as you see

Right here that’s going to work as where we’re going to put these guys to trade with us all right these are going to work as the trade holes underneath here and then the house will be slightly elevated so for now what I want to do is

I want to take a break from that because that was mildly infuriating when I messed it up but now we want to head into The Nether and uh take the fire resistance potions with us and grab some blaze rods because I do want to start

Work on making my way to the end and preparing for that o there’s some oh hello how’s it going buddy and then there should be one more of you left up there right yep there you are hello hello hello who’s another one uh-oh hit each other hit each other this

Ain’t right there we go okay close calls but we’re good oh here right here it should be right yeah right there okay where are those guys though hear in the walls okay okay okay okay okay so let me pop a fire resistance where are the ones over here like I hear them right

They’re like right in this thing here but I can’t like I don’t know where they actually are I don’t know I’ll focus on the guys up here though there shouldn’t really be a problem for me now yeah literally just sit back here all right we’ll walk away let a couple spawn in

And then we’ll just come back and snipe them okay seven should be more than enough cuz we’ve got a couple up back at the house so there we go all right we’re kind of set on blaze rods all right so now that we’ve got our blaze rods and

Stuff I was going to do some more trading with the Villagers today but I’m thinking what’s the point in building a trading Hall if I’m not going to like you know trade with them in the hole I’m just going to do it in their little crappy little hoods that they’ve got

Right now so I’m going to check how much wood we’ve got which we’re not looking amazing on I’m not going to lie I thought that this would do a lot more than it has well we need to go grab a little bit more wood and then we shall

Begin again on the build I just want to get it out of the way it should be done within the next day or so um it really shouldn’t take too long after chopping down the oak trees I got back to work on the building adding a wooden log beam

All the way around the pillars and then filling in the first floor with Birch planks which I think is is actually the first ever time I’ve used Birch in this video it did used to be my favorite wood but Spruce has kind of toppled it as of

This past year all of my build to pretty much involve Spruce not Birch but anyways let’s get back on topic after I finished off the floor I began an outline for the stairs that are going to lead up all the way to the first floor then I just went around and added some

Details on the hollow bits at the bottom before calling it a day however on the following day I actually decided to do some more building because I really did just want to get this thing finished off as as soon as possible so that I can

Actually use it and it not just sit here with villagers that have already been traded with but anyways I actually got to work on building up the house part of it today and it wasn’t anything too complex it was really pretty simple that was until I got to the roof and did make

A couple of mistakes throughout the night but eventually by the morning of day 47 the trading Hall was finally done and now it came out looking okay it’s not the greatest build I’ve ever done but it’ll house them and it’ll look good enough for now so yeah it’s done finally

Okay there we go now this isn’t finished still all right but hear me out all right um it’s good enough to have the villagers in here now we can just bring them in with boats throw them down in here and then they can’t get out or they

Shouldn’t be able to get out from behind here I don’t think they can jump that that’s like impossible this is pretty much impossible for them too they’re not the brightest of people so my plan with this area is to kind of have these support beams in the middle and then

Have little trade hubs and just trap them in there I was going to have an area behind them where I could like move them about but it it’s just not big enough but this works pretty well I just need to replace the floor and tidy it up

And add more wood but other than that it’s pretty good so what we can actually start doing now and I should probably get rid of this fence right here so we can get people in here is I want to kind of get them up here which I’ve now

Realized could be a slight problem because we don’t have any um way of getting up there cuz I don’t think a boat can do that right uh can you go upstairs no okay okay um in which case then I think we have some Soul Sand so I

Could make a little elevator all right and then we throw the kelp down uh I need water down first to do this there we go throw the kelp down get some bone meal and go boom boom boom boom boom Oh God okay that’s that’s quick oh my God

All right just just go in the boat there we go there we go you come over into this corner okay so okay I don’t need you guys in the same boat okay I just need one of you in this boat oh this is this is not good this is this

Is the worst thing I’ve ever done okay I need one of you one right you in that boat go on go on get in there we go all right now this can work to our advantage we can just open this up and now we can just take them out wherever we want and

I think this should be the same level as oh no my house is a little bit higher ooh okay uh you know what then I’ve got Pistons so I’ll just set up a little temporary piston system God this is a lot of work for Villa to trade in okay

And now this should should work there we go okay buddy get ready for the ride of your life oh God ah now you see I didn’t what what is happening what is happening right here hello what what just happened no I did all that I worked so hard you’re getting

In this boat no no please please my guy please please please please yeah yeah yeah the boat the boat the boat no why do you turn around when I’m about to put you in the boat get in the boat get in the boat oh no oh God if you I mean if

You go up there then I can just put you directly yeah yeah yeah stay there stay there stay there in the boat in the boat why can’t I place it stupid grass get out of the way get in yes okay great we are saved we are saved I can just take

Him up the other side it’s all good it’s all good and go go go go go why won’t it why won’t it send him why won’t it s what is he this is not going well I’m not going to lie oh you’ve returned to your home have you well guess where

You’re going back in the boat right so we’re up we’re up we’re up and he’s off okay what why are you doing that buddy what is doing what okay okay this ain’t happening this ain’t happening I’m calling it a date I’m calling it a date um I’ll fix something up tomorrow I I

Can’t with this right now I wasted a whole day on that okay and behold my genius um I literally just did the exact same things from down there and put them up here I was going to do this in the first place but I thought that the water

Thing would be faster turns out that this Old Reliable system still the same way to go so we’re going to take this half a villager apparently cuz his legs aren’t there we’re going to take him up here we’re going to have him the first villager in our little breeder SL trade

Hall/ prison oh look at that that was beautiful look at that perfect movement perfect control now I do want to go and add like some leaves Lees and like plants and stuff up there just to make it look a little bit less baren um but for now I’m just going

To focus on getting the villagers over there because I mean it’s going to take a little while just down to the fact that I have to do it through boats okay amazing right so now we can bring over some of the other little guys as well um

I kind of want to get rid of this path for now and just have it standard dirt just so I don’t have to mess about with the pulling them up another level okay and here we are now we don’t actually have that many trading villagers I’ve

Just realized um and also one of the fletches ended up dying and this guy took his place um he got infected by a zombie so he’s gone now but he’s replacing him now underneath here we’ve got our librarian our Fletchers oh my God could you please be quiet so loud as

I was saying under here we’ve got our Fletchers librarian a toolsmith oh I forgot about the armor guy but that’s fine we’ll we’ll get him later and this is how things are going to be set up I’ve made a little dummy area right here this is how we’re going to have things

Set up we’re going to have Redstone lamps above here like that look how beautiful that looks it looks pretty good right looks pretty good uh you go away go near my villagers thank you very much and we’re going to have them lined up all along here and we can just keep

Trading with them whenever we want to so I’m going to spend a little bit of time tonight making sure that all the fletches and stuff are in their uh respective places I’ll get this librarian set up even though we hate him um and then we’ll just go on from there

Oh look at that another rainbow to start the day off lovely lovely lovely okay right so last night I got all these guys situated into their facilities and today we’re just going to be pretty much just sprucing them up a little bit getting getting a couple trades done if we can

Um and also making some more Redstone lanterns cuz that is really not enough although on the topic of that I’m pretty sure I don’t even have enough Redstone to do that so that’s uh also going to be something we need to do there we go look at that beautiful um I don’t know

Whether or not I want to actually have those like that or maybe have them come down to from here and then they go up one right like that like how does that look compared okay there we go yeah that does look a little bit better and then I

Mean if I wanted to I could add add just like some little stairs here like that would be okay it’ll just make trading a little bit janky but that does yeah that’s a nice trade hole feel that’s that’s nice that’s nice I uh I like this

This is this is good so I’ll do the same for this side over here real quick okay so now that all that’s done what we’re going to do is we’re going to head over to the farm Harvest all the crops and we’re going to start breeding the

Villagers up top to uh actually get some more trading going with the ones down bottom oh God there’s a witch oh my where did what hello where did the witch come from well there a witch over there now okay that’s nice to know could have just been insta killed right there so

Now what I want to do is I want to just double check if we do have any Redstone I don’t think we do uh we have one okay uh in that case then let me just throw some of this wood away in here and then we’ll head back down the mines in search

Of some Redstone why is there two Iron Golems down here you okay buddy them guys up there got too much for you I sympathize buddy I sympathize right let’s hope that there is some good good Redstone down here and I don’t have to be looking all night I would really

Appreciate just finding some you know wouldn’t mind stumbling across some iron while I was down here as well that would be um even nicer because I’m pretty low on it I have three okay if I was Redstone I personally would uh situate myself a little bit further down and to

The left that’s a dead end yes okay brilliant uh there was literally an unexplored cave area that I like walked over earlier uh and didn’t want to go down it cuz it was dark um but now I am slightly more confident in myself we are here and there’s Redstone in it so

That’s great oh there’s even more Redstone there’s also Skelly over there too so don’t come close don’t do it ooh okay well I was going to go get that Redstone but I don’t think that that literal Army of creepers is uh is worth it not going to lie not not going to go

Down there what a night that was so we had actually a pretty good mining session down there we got a little bit of iron restocked a little bit of gold and the most important thing for now couple stacks of redstone well almost a couple stacks so what we’re going to do

Straight away is I’m going to grab my where is my glowstone there it is lovely and we’re just going to craft up like a whole bunch of redstone lanterns I don’t know exactly how many I need I think 31 should do the entirety of the Villager

Breeder area thing oh I don’t even have enough to make 31 but 28 should be should be enough hello my fellow villagers hopefully none of you got like jumped in the night and turn to zombies I don’t know how you would have but hopefully you didn’t nope we’re all

Looking good okay beautiful so lay these down up here all right there we go look at that now much brighter down here now there is still quite a lot of stuff I need to do down here obviously I need to get more villagers up in here I need to

Get the actual floor done and I need to add some more lanterns around but other than that I think this is coming along pretty well so what we’re going to do now is I’m going to make some of these real quick and then I’m going to go and

Grab my armor and then bring him into the trader Hall as well and then I think over the next couple days we’ll start making some progress on getting our full Decked Out diamond armor and hopefully in enchanting it with some good stuff so we’ll need probably a couple more

Librarians and uh maybe a couple more Fletchers depending on how the XP goes I don’t know okay buddy where are you what hello are you in here hello huh what happened to my armor what did he did he actually jumped down absolute madman okay well you know what we can make

Another armor I will use one of you up there well buddy it’s your lucky day you’re coming with me no come back come back no I want you I don’t want anybody oh fine you you you you get in yes get in the boat get in the boat get in the

Boat go on go on yes there we go good oh great now he’s stuck in the boat too amazing this is exactly what I wanted to happen um I can’t do anything about this yes go down there go down there yes yes yes yes yes yes there we go okay I’ve

Saved one if the other guy goes and gets lost somewhere then I don’t really I don’t really care not going to lie I don’t really care yes okay right we do need to level him up again but that’s that’s fine uh you if you’re already wanting to trade me things let where’s

My boat Where’s My Boat did I get my boat back I don’t have my boat do you have do you still have that ah yeah it’s still in there okay no worries no worries you can keep it it’s a little souvenir you can you can keep that with

You and remember how you got here you know you however good sir shall we going in this boat yes so we’re four Fletchers strong right now popping off on them all right so it is getting dark now so what I’m thinking is we head to bed and then

In the morning we can go get a a whole bunch more trees cuz I think we are kind of low on wood yeah we’re not looking too great and there’s not really too much in there and then after we’ve grabbed our wood we can trade with the

Villagers and make some more bank and then start leveling up the armor guy again oh and there’s yet another rainbow to start off the day once again all right so how much wood is all these trees going to give me I’m going to take all these spruce trees down every single

One of them or at least mainly the big ones oh hello buddy I heard you groaning around the trees I didn’t actually know where you were but I don’t know how you got all the way over here here you really like ran out of the nether

Haven’t you oh my God right okay so that is all of the trees excluding a couple of the small ones my axe is not looking too great however we should be able to get a decent chunk of trading done with these any trading goodies in here okay

We have stack of emeralds okay okay okay we got a little bit more than I thought we did okay hello good s hello hello hello okay so from all of that trading we only did three of them uh and they’ve not refreshed oh no they have just

Refreshed okay wait I’ll be back to you once I’ve traded with those as well okay so I thought I was recording that but apparently I wasn’t uh we went and traded with this guy for a little bit uh got a whole bunch of Trades done with

Him and now he sells diamond armor not a full set because I’m not leveled him up fully because he stopped trading me helmets but we did manage to pick ourselves up some diamond leggings with Unbreaking one so uh yeah that’s where we’re at right now so before we call

Things a day for today I’m going to go and trade the rest of my well I say the rest of my emeralds however many it takes to get a full set of diamond armor from this guy and then I don’t know whether or not I want to focus on

Getting like a couple more Librarians and then focusing out on protection 4 feather falling as well just solely then I know what I’m going to get and I’m not wasting XP on the table but at the end of the day I’m not too fuss either way

We do it and then you’re going to give me 18 and 22 I don’t know if I can afford that so Unbreaking three oh I don’t need the chest plate so yeah we just need the helmet there we go all right full set of diamond armor looking

Very very fresh look at that woo finally like what day 52 day 51 Jesus okay which one of you is going to be the lucky one to come downstairs with me and be my protection for guy I’m not feeling you you’re just kind of chilling on the bed

You seem lazy to me a matter of fact you’ll do perfect get in the boat get in the boat there we go okay bye I should probably got the other door to be fair they’re all gathered over here stop stop being dramatic come on man it’s a little

Bit of wall Suffocation you know we’ve all been through it so I guess I’ll see you when we actually end up with something that we want oh I see look at the SE straight away he’s going to be like the other guy you better not be buddy you better not be ooh feather

Falling too okay you know what I’ll take feather falling I’ll take feather falling just solely because then I can combine it and then that’s already out of the way if I get this trade out of the way quick enough we’ll be able to um actually go and grab another villager

From upstairs and bring them down to trade for protection 4 as well so we’ll end up getting both of them out of the way on the same day that would be the most optimal thing I could do right here hello I know you leveled up I don’t

Really care I just want the Aral there we go you too give give me give me give me give me give me give me give me okay buddy give me oh yes 22 Jee okay right well I’ll grab two of them then they’ll get feather falling

Three uh I can’t really level you up anymore so we’ve got feather falling three we need two more and then we got feather falling four okay right let me just go uh kidnap another one of these guys up here we’re not going to put up a

Fight are we we’re just going to get in the boat we’re just going to get in the boat there we go and then hopefully no one comes out of those doors as we’re making our Escape oh someone literally came out the doors NOP no no no no no

Why why throw you down here like that oh you’re already you’re already doing it okay I’ll just keep you in the boat then while I do it if you’re wanted to do it this way yeah this makes my life easier don’t have to block you in or anything

There it is oh my God straight off the bat as well okay so I’ll lock his trades in place that is a little bit expensive not going to lie I’m not too happy about that one but at least at least we’ve got a protection trade now ah 23 man that

Sucks that really really sucks uh I do have thinking about it now I do have the pumpkins and stuff in the house so if I can go and trade those real quick maybe I’ll be able to get enough I highly doubt it but it’s worth it’s worth a

Shot hello creeper you stay right over there thank you very much I was going to go trade them tonight but this Village has uh quite a few skellies in it so we’re not going over there right now so the first objective today is oh my God

Wait hang on a minute I had a whole chest of spruce wood here from I don’t even know when but it’s it’s here and there also have buck as well oh my God okay that’s going to be super super useful all right now as I was saying I

Do want to go and uh go away go away go away there we go I want to go and trade some things with you my good fellow because I don’t know if you’re yeah you’re taking pumpkins lovely all right and then you’re taking melons as well brilliant so it is protection 3 which

Means that I’m going to have to double down every time I get it oh yeah no this is going to be this is going to suck real bad so we can get that’s one protection four yeah we’re not really going to make too much progress with

That can I just get the feather falling out of the way then right let me just go throw some stuff in the Anvil and we’ll see what we can do all right so I know that that chest plate is already protection three so we’ve got two of

Those I didn’t buy a third did I no okay so it’s kind of pointless putting that in there then so what we’ll do is we’ll combine feather falling two get feather falling three and then if I put that on my boot and then I add another feather

Falling three it will make it feather falling four so I can just do that I don’t know if that would be more expensive to do though probably we’ll get protection four on the chest plate and then we’ll also get protection three on our leggings as well no actually it’d

Be a good idea to put them on the boots as well wouldn’t it if I did that and then I got my boots because if I get protection on my boots it helps with feather falling I think I’m not too sure that was a little bit expensive but

Now look at that okay protection four protection three Unbreaking three okay we’re not looking too amazing but it’s better than it was and now at the very least I can tank Falls like double or triple the distance and yeah look it didn’t even do anything to me I was

Slightly scared doing that okay one last check see if you guys have refreshed you have and you’re scamming me now okay okay so 47 is enough to grab two I think I need two more of these right oh don’t do I have feather falling four on my

Boots what do I what happened here oh okay so I need to add yeah I could have just put the feather fallings together and then put the protection on I didn’t think of this for some reason okay so I’ve kind of just made that a little bit more expensive but that’s that’s fine

May as well grab another protection three okay we’re going to give tradon a break for now and I’m just going to go work on a little kind of Garden area outside for The Villages I also want to do up the outside of my house and the

Area surrounding it a little bit as well I’m thinking pathwise I might go with like a cobblestone diorite is it diorite the gray one oh no andesite andesite Cobblestone and theight and maybe gravel mix for the path I think that would look pretty good don’t really know how much

Cobblestone and andesite I have yeah okay well there we go we got no andesite o we got tough as well but does tough look like Cobblestone at all or like andesite at all I think it’s like slightly darker right yeah but I mean that still looks pretty good right okay

So I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to head down here for tonight into the mines and we’re going to see if I can find any andesite lurking around okay so yeah we’ll we’ll grab the stuff that we need to make the path and

Whatnot um we’ll grab some coal while we’re down here and then in the morning we’ll start making things look a little bit nicer and adding some more depth and decoration to things all right nighttime mining went pretty well um I did get a little bit of coal like I said I would

And six pieces of iron which I don’t actually remember picking up but we’ve got them now I think this should be enough and theight and gravel uh maybe not enough gravel but we should be okay either way what we want to do is we’ll take these over here and then we’ll

Start work on a little path now I don’t know whether or not I want it to be like completely like solid three blocks all the way around I think that might look good but then it’ll make it look kind of new and less rustic so I don’t know we

We’ll test out this little area here with the full path and then if that don’t work out we’ll try something else uh to be fair that’s not too bad so we’ll do this for the whole path then and we’ll see how it comes out so I need

To take this directly down the middle which oh that’s already lined up perfectly isn’t it so get rid of this and I think maybe when we get to like here we’ll stop the normal path and add like a nice stone brick floor design I think that would look pretty nice all

Right I’ll see you once we’ve got some more paths down okay there we go that’s looking a little bit more decrepid now um I’m not too sure though about the Cobblestone I think I might think about replacing it with normal Stone because I I think that might look a little bit

Better now for these little bits I’m thinking we could add oh I don’t know would a tree look good here like a small little tree I don’t want to make it too noisy but I think that would look pretty good and then maybe some like little

Ponds I do like my little ponds uh I could do with some lily pads to be fair for those but it’s not the end of the world if I don’t have them right now all right so Pond wise I’m thinking maybe two little ponds uh not symmetrical not

Symmetrical we don’t want symmetry in here even though everything else is symmetrical but I think we’ll go like kind of around like this and over here a little bit bring it down around there like that and then kind of back on itself here like this is that like a

Perfect circle no it’s not but that actually looks pretty good to be fair there we go that’s quite nice especially with a little bit of like Greenery around it maybe a little bit of bamboo too if we can find some of that that’ be real good there we go okay and then

Maybe a little tree over here it would be nice to get an aelia but I understand understand that you know we might not find one of those so we’ll put an oak tree there for now and then maybe another oak tree right over here would

Be would be very nice now on day 55 I started work on the interior floor of the trading Hall and couldn’t really decide on a pattern that I wanted to go with but eventually after some trial and error I found something that I kind of liked and looked good enough to finish

Off the floor with once the floor was done I got to work on adding an actual entrance to the hall itself and now I’m not a massive fan of how this turned out but it will do for now after all the stuff with the trading Hall was done I

Did some work on the beginning of a pathway leading from my house to the Village of breida before going to bed and spending the majority of day 56 Gathering materials and finishing off the path for now and I’m not going to lie I really do think that everything’s

Kind of coming together pretty nicely the path is really starting to just connect things together which is like the entire point of a path but yeah so it it’s looking pretty good it’s looking pretty good all right so last night and the day before we got a little bit of

Stuff done inside here it’s looking pretty good I’m not too sure about this entrance though we may have to tweak that but the actual interior of here now is done for the most part I don’t know what I’m going to do with this bit right

Here probably I don’t know if I have a gate or something if I do level this area out I have no idea but other than that we’ve got this little path now leading from our house to the actual breeder um and it might look a little bit janky right now especially from like

A bird’s eyee view but that’s just solely because I need to fill in the the rest of this one over to the mine and then actually build up like a little mine area I saw a really nice design a few months ago and i’ still not got

Around to building it so we’ll probably use that for that one but I think for now I want to go and finish up my trades for protection 4 and then we also want to start work on getting ourselves some ender pearls because we are wanting to head there I would say somewhat soon

Within the next 20 days would probably be a nice number to shoot for and I also would like to get some slow falling potions as well because I mean it’s kind of stupid going in there without them like if I can get them especially with one heart it’s kind of stupid going in

There without them so yeah we may as well grab some of those before we head in as well oh there goes the axxe okay I didn’t pay attention to that well we need another diamond axe now so I’ll go grab myself a new axe I’ll finish chopping down those trees probably a

Couple more will grow in the meantime and then we’ll get straight to trading once we’ve got all the stuff we need I guess while we’re here though we can just break all this wood down that we’ve got and get this traded up okay trading time give me giv me givme yep there we

Go there’s like half the sticks gone already oh my God okay so level 28 from all this trading is anybody else going to refresh are you going to refresh no okay well we definitely need more fletches still but this will do for now I mean that’s like a couple I think

That’s like three or four books okay so we got two more protection 3s one more protection for total okay all right okay Anvil how many uses you got left you’re not looking yeah you’re not looking too great okay so first things first we’ll get feather falling 2 and feather

Falling 2 throw them bad boys in there and then you ooh that’s expensive man okay right and then we’ll do protection three protection three get protection 4 lovely is that that’s protection four already so we’ll go for the okay I can throw that in there but I don’t think

I’ve got yeah I do not have enough levels for that um but I can probably get away with my leggings right they’ve not really been in the Anvil before protection four yeah there we go okay and then we’ve got Unbreaking three on the helmet so we don’t really need to do

Too much more actually we need two more protection three books and then we’re done um and I think that’s about it I mean I could get like Aqua efficiency or depth Strider but I’m not really too fussed about those all right okay so I’ll spend the rest of the evening

Chopping down the rest of these trees over here as is customary for this video and then hopefully tomorrow we can get the last of the trading done for the armor and then I can’t really think of too much else I need to trade for directly all right so let’s just get to

Trading up all of the wood we have on us here or at least the amount that they’ll allow us to trade with them and then we’ll grab the last books and then be done with it and then probably head into the nether to go and grab some pearls

Because there was a blue biome earlier so we’ll go check that out we’ll grab the pearls from there and then we’ll start making our way to the end okay buddies why why have you not refreshed hello please refresh you refreshed no no one refreshed I I I can’t afford

Anything please please refresh I beg uh can I have trade like anything else Flint perhaps no you got any trade paper maybe but we don’t even have that much sugarcane I never upgraded the farm refresh please one more that’s all I ask I just literally need one more and then

You have like no use to me beautiful okay thank you buddy I think I think that should be enough for the last two books do I even have I only have one book on me is there any more in here okay uh you yes okay one and two yes

We’re finally done with it I don’t know if I’m going to have the XP to put these things on but if we don’t I’ll do some more trading I guess I still need to replace the floor down here it’s still just an absolute mess I don’t like it

Okay so boots and a helmet so if I go boom boom oh God that’s so expensive okay all right maybe let’s not do that then and we’ll throw protection four there go boom boom and then there we go okay so we got prop four in the helmet

We just need the boots that are set at protection 3 so you know it could be worse it could be worse all right so the the boat is not doing too well oh hello welcome welcome to my house uh do you want to go in you want to go inside come

On you’re welcome go on go on there we go got a friend now oh I also need to go and get my dog from the nether he’s just been satting there the whole time and I’m not really too like I just keep forgetting about it I went through so

Much hassle to get that dog and now I just don’t like have him around okay so the objective then is to go and grab some pearls I would like looting for this but it’s fine they’re going to drop them anyway okay so we’re going to make ourselves a golden helmet and we’re

Going to head straight back into The Nether and go and grab ourselves some pearls oh oh oh my god oh that was so close did you you see that he hit me and he didn’t kill me he hit me and he didn’t kill me oh ah

Help help how am I not dying where’d he go where’d he go did he just go through the portal again oh my God I am so scared I am so scared they did not do like any damage damn dude protection four helps I thought I was done that was

Oh my God that was so close Okay well at least I know I can tank things now I oh my all right I need a minute to recover from that I wonder where the baby zombies that chased me into my house went there was also a big one in here

Too I don’t know where the hell he came from all right so with the uh the rude introduction back to the nether out of the way uh I’ll head over to this blue biome over here and see if we can find ourselves some Endermen okay right that should be

Enough I think we actually had a couple of homes we didn’t need to go and grab all 12 but we have them now so we’ll head back home craft up the eyes and then I guess we can go go and head out and see what we can find okay so

Apparently we only had one eye back here but that’s fine it should be okay I think we’ll get enough from these here 18 boom boom there we go all right so I think if I take enough food with me I mean I’m not going to go into the end

Right now but it’ be nice to find the Fortress I think so I guess we’ll just throw an eye out and see where it goes okay that’s kind of swerved then didn’t it don’t break please thank you all right well I guess I’ll grab a little

Bit more wood and then we’ll head out and uh see where this for is or stronghold I should probably say right so we’ll throw this over here where we going straight over the ocean beautiful okay okay new land lovely lovely I’ll uh I’ll pop another eye over here to see if

It is in this region or whether or not I’ve passed it in the ocean I hope I’ve not passed it I really hope it’s not underwater but we’ll find out okay boom where’d it go okay we’re still going this way okay oh another Village hello oh there’s a blacksmith in there too as

Well hello what have you got for me what have you got for me ah okay two pieces of iron and a couple apples all right amazing okay I don’t know what I expected okay have we passed it yet cuz we’ve been going a little while no still

Over this way okay all right I can’t believe it we found like one Village this entire time and then walking this way we find two back to back crazy right this seems like a good enough place to throw an eye we still going and we oh we

Passed it okay all right so it’s around here somewhere don’t break thank you okay we’ll go a little bit over here then is it like around here back this way okay okay it should be around here right no it still tell me this way what I’m literally back to that

Other village where I threw it where are we going here did I go down oh well we’re going down it’s right here oh hello anything oh oh there’s not some good stuff down here there’s some bad stuff down here okay right we’re in a

Cave this is the way out of the cave it should be oh oh no oh no that is not what I want down here um I I think the ey malfunctioned I think you led me to the wrong place I did not want to be anywhere near this blue shiny skull

Please don’t tell me okay I think this is just like a little skull patch I don’t know the dangers associated with such things I never really come across them but I see it pickaxes seen better days at this point I hope to God we don’t fall down into something

Bad ooh lava right there hello hello there’s nothing bad awaiting me down here is there surely he can only spawn in the cities right surely oh go away go away stronghold hello hello where is this stronghold man I do not see any form of a stronghold right here

I might have to go deeper into this cave over here huh oh it’s just you hello okay I think I found it I think I found it I think we’re right underneath some area of it there we go okay uh ooh a library hello perhaps sharpness perhaps

Looting H oh there’s the spawner not the spawner the yeah technically a spawner but I meant the portal there we go all right how many eyes do we require okay we need 11 yes we just need two more um maybe we could find a pearl in this chest over

Here would be nice I hear a Skelly somewhere around ow oh you’re up there hello where’s the chest oh it’s literally where I came in okay any eyes so we got efficiency four I’ll take that and multishot and then just multishot as a hole pass up on that one okay what we

Got in here efficiency 4 again amazing and multi-shot loyalty 3 I’ll pass on that one my good friend okay we’ll have a little look around this place to see if there are any more like uh pearls lurking around because then I can actually get the portal up and running

Now but if we can’t find any it’s not the end of the world I will just grab some when we go back home because we’re not actually heading in there now just down to the fact that I really do need slow falling potions cuz without them I

It’s literally going to be over real quick I’m not going to lie my bucket glitches aren’t terrible but they’re not a 100% fire protection 3 and power four ooh that means we can get power five in our bow what do you have for me good sir ooh damn I’ll take another efficiency

I’ll take them all uh get rid of you and then what have you got mending ooh big all right throw the gold helmet in there we ain’t need that another dead end okay and if I follow you down are you going to leave to a dead end as well ooh no

You lead to another chest with a pearl yes amazing great okay right so we’ve got the eyes we need now could you imagine running through one of these things right when it was like covered in skull it’s right next to an ancient city I don’t even know if they can spawn like

That but just just imagine that that’d be absolutely awful okay so this is the chest we came in and got initially so the portal should be just through here to our nope that’s a dead end should be just through here and then to our right after this little door right here yeah

There it is okay great so we’ll get this bad boy lit up right now make sure to not accidentally head in that was very loud and then I guess we’ll head our way back home we’ve been out here like a couple days at this point um I’m going

To have to condense that down quite a bit because that took a very long time but I guess we’ll head back home I’ll dig up directly from next of the portal I’ve already got the coordinates written down and uh I’ll let you know if anything interesting or important

Happens on our way back but I think it’s going to be a pretty uneventful walking and sailing Journey now once I got back from the stronghold I really did need to kill some time to give a chance to spawn in so that that way I could grab some

Slow falling potions so I decided to put this time to good use and began building up an actual entrance to the mine so that that way the path from the house actually has like some form of building to connect to but let me tell you this

Has to have been one of the worst builds I think I’ve ever done just solely because I couldn’t decide on a design I wanted to go with or even wanted it to look like so I pretty much wasted the entirety of day 64 on just building up and breaking down every every single

Idea I had and then was back to square one by the end of the day however things did take a change for the better on day 65 because after a couple more tear downs and rebuilds I finally decided on a design to go with that I actually like

And so I spent the rest of the day building that up as well as bringing the path over and connecting it up and then by the end of the day we now had a nice little mind building connected to the path and I’m not going to lie I’m kind

Of liking this one it’s not like the best idea I had but it looks pretty good I also noticed by the way that the image I followed for reference was actually a link to a YouTube video thumbnail so I’ll link the video down in the description because I don’t just want to

Yink someone’s build okay so just yeah go check that out if you want to build this mine all right so what I’m thinking about doing is I kind of want to go and grab some ancient debris because it’s something that I’ve not really thought about but like just having the Extra

Protection with netherite might help me with the dragon I don’t know I I really don’t know how much damage I can tank um but to get some ancient debris we probably need a new pickaxe cuz efficiency 2 isn’t going to cut it and it’s also low on durability as well but

What I’m thinking about now is we actually had some there there we go there we oh yeah okay right um we’re going to put them to good use by throwing them on the pickaxe I’ll repair the pickaxe and then we shall throw these books on it right here see that’s

Not too bad five’s not too bad but I feel like this one’s going to be expensive right yeah 11 okay well I’ll go trade some sticks up real quick and then we’ll throw the what is it efficiency four efficiency four on the pick and then get to work in the nether

Trying to find some de so now we just come back here and go boom boom it would help if they were in the right order there we go boom all right so we’ll grab actually let me grab a fire resistance potion first before we leave I’ll take a

Couple cuz I don’t know how long we’re going to be in there but I’m just thinking that time’s still going to progress while we’re in the nether so we may as well just go and get some ancient debris which is quite an annoying task whilst we’re waiting for the Phantoms to

Spawn because I don’t think think that they’ll come tonight I believe it should be tomorrow night so we may end up spending like today and tomorrow in here trying to find some debris I would really like to get enough for armor I’m not really too fuss for weapons right

Now I think armor is the the way to go for my survival okay right here seems like nice enough of a spot let’s go down and see what lurs below ah okay uh that’s not what we want to find down here believe it or not I don’t know

Whether or not I want to is that oh hello okay I was going to say I don’t know whether or not I want to either strip mine or just go crazy with it but it seems like going crazy with it like has already paid off so we’ll just we’ll

Do the usual Strat then we’ll break anything and everything Insight except you go away hey there we go ooh two in a row woo ooh yes two vein let’s go okay we have one piece we have one piece of armor three more to go

Yes ooh two Vin two three Vin Oh my days okay let’s get it yes thanks thank you come here yes two three big vein too okay so we’re at 12 so we’ve got three pieces ah I don’t know whether or not we should continue because the pick is

Running pretty low and I don’t see any quartz around here so oh never mind there’s some quartz right here yes oh my God another three vein hello I’ve also just noticed I’m getting zero XP from all of this water mine right because it’s just going straight

Into the pickaxe like it’s not even high enough for it to divide or anything like that it’s just going straight into the pick right now yes we are done now do I actually remember my way back up or no yeah this is the way back up all right great no

Risk of death to Lava I am just going to pop this fire potion though because I don’t trust these magma blocks can you please get out of the way Piggies I can’t see move thank you right okay well we’ll head back home and then we’ll go from there and craft ourselves up some

Netherite armor lovely oh yeah we’re like 3/4 away through day 67 right now so what we’ll do is we’ll throw our newly found ancient debris into this furnace right here there you go boom then we’ll go and grab our gold and craft it up this is still the old way of

Crafting it cuz I’m in 119 not 120 I started this video a while ago okay then you go and then you go there we go beautiful I was going to have a little mini panic then and be like oh I haven’t got a smithing table no but I have an

Armorer over here who’ll gladly you know let me use this table for a minute after all the things I’ve done for him I mean just look at this house I built this for him not him specifically but you know he’s involved in the group of people that it was built for right boom

Beautiful beautiful beautiful and astounding there we go get this Gucci helmet off throw this absolutely Decked Out drip on all my days all right I guess let’s just chill out here and hopefully some Phantom spawn ah hello good sir welcome to my porch you shall die now no membrane though oh hello

Buddy B oh no wait let me B you come here B no come here my aim terrible B There we go no membrane okay amazing come here no there we go yes yes I don’t think one will be enough though I hear another one hello go away no come here actually no

Yeah there we go okay two two membranes okay well two should be enough let me go cook up the potions and then we shall head to bed and then I think that we’re like pretty much ready to take on the dragon I’m not too sure oh wait no we I

Think we need to get some strength potions that’d probably be a good idea just solely because it’ll just speed up the amount of time it’ll take us to kill the dragon like it’ll take us significantly less time if we have strength okay we got a little bit of

Food I actually completely forgot that we had like some cooked chicken and pumpkin pie in the food chest so we have them now um and let’s go and try and find ourselves some iron now it would be nice to actually have Fortune but I don’t think that that’s

Like a possibility right now so we’ll just head down and see what we can find now I spent the rest of the day stacking up on as much iron as possible for my Golem Army along with grabbing any gold I found along the way to use on Crafting

Up some gapples to actually help my chances of not dying to the dragon and even ended up finding a few diamonds while I was down here too so that was a nice little bonus once I came back up from the mines I spent day 69 smelting

Down all of the ORS that I gathered as well as crafting up some iron blocks and a bunch of gapples all right so we’ve got everything we’re going to need now we’ve got all the potions including slow falling strength and Fire Resistance a matter of fact the fire resistance isn’t

Coming with us so it doesn’t matter um but we also have 21 gapples now I’m going to pop one of these real quick I just to see if they do give me temporary Hearts which they do okay great now that’s not going to be for long but we

Get absorption too so we can actually tank just a little bit of damage which is just amazing now I think the only thing holding us back and stopping me from going to the end right now is the fact that we don’t have any pumpkins so I can’t actually go and make my Golem

Army so I’m going to head over to the farm oh my God this place is like really filled up with trees now um but yeah I’m going to head over to the farm we’re going to go and try and farm up some pumpkins I should probably grab some

Bone meal before I go over here to help speed things up so we’ll get these a little bit boosted up right here and then I guess we just kind of wait for them to grow there’s not really much else I can do for the pumpkins than wait for them although if I remember

Correctly there might be some like just standard pumpkins I think over here like from the very beginning I don’t know if I picked them all up I think I only picked up like a couple so we’ll go check there’s no harm in checking now I’m not going to lie to you I’m not

Seeing any pumpkins I am however seeing some bees hello and a ruined portal did we check this one out already I’m going to go over to it anyway anyway because we can get that gapple back there I just ate cuz I see the gold block on top

Hello ruined portal have we been to you before have I reaped the rewards yet um kind of hard to tell if I have but I’ll take that shovel um and I guess I’ll take this gold block and we shall head back home and I guess just kind of wait

Out the pumpkins I’m actually so scared to go to the end like I’ve not been this nervous since like the first ever 100 days video I recorded I didn’t want to die in the end and now I’m I’ve getting that level of anxiety again all the way

At the very beginning when I started doing this I I don’t know I’ve never been this kind of like on edge to go I mean can you blame me I literally have one heart I will get one tapped by everything everything I don’t really think the netherite is going to help too

Much in there but you know what we’ve got it hopefully the fall damage is slightly lessened another thing I’m not too worried about is um my armor durability because I literally avoid taking damage at every chance I get so I’m not really worried about it running out considering I’m not really getting

Hit it’s just there for if I do damn look at this area right here this is really coming along I need like a like a water feature or something something to really make things you know come together and stand out I don’t know I’ll kind of brainstorm over the next couple

Days after we’ve killed the dragon and whatnot but yeah we definitely need like a a centerpiece for this place I really don’t know what to do right now because I don’t want to just sit around and waste time waiting for the pumpkins just to test out my stupid little experiment

Which I think will be quite fun um I kind of want to do something productive while waiting for them to grow you know like maybe start work on on on something that we’re going to have as kind of like the statement piece for the for the

Build this time around or I don’t know I guess I’ll see over the coming days but I can’t really do much right now without those pumpkins growing so I’ll have a little brainstorm of ideas of what I want to build and I’ll be back to you

With either a me building it or B an idea all righty so I’ve actually come up with an idea of what we’re going to put here now all right I was originally going to do like an enchantment Tower but I did a little test build of it in

Another world and it wouldn’t fit in here it’d be too small it wouldn’t look good enough so what we’re going to do instead is we’re going to make a giant Pond and then we’re going to wall it off at the back all the way around to like

There then number one it’ll give us a little bit more security over this side of the little area we’ve got right here and number two it’ll get rid of that ugly um portion of the build right there that is just kind of sitting like an unloaded chunk I’ve made myself step by

Step instructions to make this Pond okay I know the exact coordinate it starts on and I know exactly every single block I have to break to do it looking good so we’re going to get to work on that and whilst we’re working on that we’ll go and also Harvest any pumpkins that grow

In the meantime so yeah I’m going to get to work on this Pond I will uh see you once it’s done I don’t know how long it will take me I think I’ll only really be able to get the pond done um in this next day or so because the wall itself

Is going to be quite expensive and I don’t really want to do that right now we’ll probably do that when we get back from the end so on day 71 I got to work on digging out a little area for the pond now I say little but it’s actually

Kind of big but either way I followed a step-by-step instructional guide that I made for myself very very janky and actually managed to get the whole area dug out and even filled them with water before the sun went down also filling in this Pond made me remember just how

Broken Minecraft water physics are it’s so goofy after flooding the pond I spent the night smelting down some Cobble into some Stone and then on Day 72 began working on some statues SL decorations SL fountains whatever you want to call them but they’re frogs and I actually

Think they were a pretty good addition to the pond itself after being finished with the frogs for now I went around and added some Greenery under the water as well as building up this kind of fishing deck thing I don’t really know but it looks good and then went around placing

Down a few walls and lanterns and boom the pond is really starting to come together now but we are still very very far from it being done but hey you know what I’ll take the progress it’s looking pretty good wow okay well this is looking much better than I thought it

Would this is looking really good now it’s still no way near in the ballpark of being done we still need to add the wall which is going to take I don’t think it’ll take too long but I think it’s going to be very resource heavy so

We’ll need to get like a lot of stone um I also need to find a lush cave because I need AAS because they’re part of the wall don’t ask why you’ll you’ll see in the wall what they’ll look like but yeah so we need a lush cave we need um I

Think maybe a couple more pumpkins because I managed to get 13 I don’t know if that’s going to be enough I can just literally just divide this up can I yeah I can okay this is enough pumpkins we get eight Golems I don’t really know number one if eight Will Survive or

Anything but you know what it’s better than going in with none so what we’re going to do is we’re going to gear ourselves up I do want to repair my bow before we go and then we’ll head to the end take a bunch of arrows cuz we don’t

Have infinity and I’m thinking now when it comes to the actual fight with the dragon I don’t want to like when it goes in the middle I don’t want to go and hit it there because it can deal like damage to you pretty quickly and I don’t really

Want to risk getting like one tapped by the Dragon cuz I think that’s like the only thing that can still like immediately one tap me other than like the warden or maybe a creeper so I’m not too sure if I put an unenchanted bow in here whether or not it will take the

Enchant off I don’t know I’ve played this game like all my life and I still do not know okay no it doesn’t it’s nine levels and there goes my Anvil okay great so I guess I’ll grab the potions and then we shall head in and face our

Greatest foe yet again it’s for like the H 100th time I’ve killed this thing so many times but never on one heart so this is going to be something so guess for now we bid our lovely new area farewell for now and uh we head back over towards the stronghold which I did

Write down the coordinates but I’m trying to remember them in my head and I have no clue which way it is so let me just check that real quick okay we got the coordinates down in the chat let’s head over back to the stronghold and hopefully make it there

Unscathed okay and here we are once again now I don’t actually understand why it takes so long to get here I know exactly where it is but the amount of like hills and stuff I have to Traverse is ridiculous so anyways enough about actually getting here let’s get our

Potions ready and then I guess just head in you know there’s not really much else we can do at this point we got to go and take this boyo down hopefully without going down ourselves I don’t know like I say how useful the Golems are going to

Be but we’ll find that out very quick oh I actually need to carve the pumpkins before we go in that would have been pretty disastrous right okay all right we got arrows we should have more than enough arrows um the bow will do some decent damage especially stacked with

The strength potions we should be good so I guess without any further Ado I’m not going to pop my slow falling just yet because I don’t think that we’ll be in any immediate danger um we’ll go in if we’re underground we’ll dig up and get to the actual area where we can

Build the golems and then we’ll pop our potions hopefully the Golems help us out and we’ll take this thing down so without any further Ado oh let’s go I’m so scared okay so we are in a place where we immediately need to pop the slow falling all right amazing this

Shouldn’t be too bad I don’t think so long as we avoid the Dragon for the most part we should be okay so let me just build up a few of these guys could have maybe made them closer to the center but you know what it’s fine there we go yes

Oh they’re already slapping people up oh my God oh God this is not going well at all oh my God they’re just destroying the Enderman I’ll build a couple in the center I don’t know if they’re going to really help out with a dragon or not but this is going to

Be well this will keep the Enderman population down at least oh God I heard it shoot okay and the last guy there you go buddy welcome welcome to the world where you’re going to protect me forever right okay let’s get on with the towers now ooh that was close no buy get out

Don’t die I need you Jesus this guy is really wanting to like hit me with the dragon’s breath oh my God absolute insane man absolute lunatic uh we don’t want these right I’m going to pop a gapple as well just for if uh and then I guess we’ll head up and hopefully not

Get hit by this guy on our way up oh no oh oh okay we’re good all right so this is kind of awkward but um I have to jump in and interrupt things right here kind of break the tension and whatnot because OBS decided to uh just completely stop

Recording right here because the drive I was saving the file to ended up being full and I didn’t actually notice the error for like a solid minute however luckily I did fix it but yeah sorry about this there’s a little time jump right here from me being an absolute

Idiot so sorry about that we continue I just realized that replay mod wasn’t recording and it’s kind of just ruined this whole thing no oh so we took the towers down pretty easily but like um he he’s hit me a couple of times but the gapples have comeing clutch uh like this

Right here it’s going to oh okay he didn’t hit me might do go away okay we can’t touch him while he’s there but he is going down he is going down okay come on fly off fly off Big Boy ah he’s coming for me go away ow stop man

Jesus calm yourself not long now until your demise good sir another gapple come back around yeah and I missed anyway there we go come on just a couple more come on please we’re not good him this time next time next time okay as soon as he moves off that platform he is

Gonzo come on yes one more please no there we go oh my God okay that was terrifying oh that was so scary and that’s so loud oh my God that was absolutely horrific oh my God the worst thing about it though is that my hard drive ran out of space when I entered

Here like maybe like maybe 30 seconds after so OBS just kind of cut off and I had to notice it and then like pause and start again so I’m sorry about that that does really suck that took away from the whole dramatic buildup of this fight but

You know what the Golems weren’t as cool as I thought they would be okay they did go around slapping everybody up but well there’s like two left so they they clearly didn’t really do much to help me I think one of them got flown away at

One point by the uh the dragon but I’m not too sure yeah sorry about the uh the kind of 40 seconds of the fight that you couldn’t see not really much happened but um yeah no that does definitely suck so let’s go get ourselves an a light

Truck and just go back to normal life and never come back in here again will say that the Golems though they definitely feel like I could have put the eye into use on pretty much anything else now once again my look in the end was absolutely terrible and after

Walking and bridging for like 20 minutes and finding absolutely nothing I did eventually find a city but it was less than ideal let’s say yes please have a ship please have a ship it’s been so long please please please please it looks like a little tin

Tiny one it’s probably not going to be a big one no I don’t care about it if it’s not going to ship and no it’s literally the single most pathetic City I have ever seen what is the point of that who lives there I even think the shuler’s won that one

Well back to it some more walking and bridging over the endless dark abyss only being one small mistake from my doom and eventually I found another city but it was about as useful as the first please please please have a ship are you kidding me that’s not the same one no

We’re not even in the same area we’ve gone so far from there it’s literally just another single one why who builds these man what purpose do they serve except to just aggravate me give me false hope and then crush it the second I see it you know what you know I’m

Taking my anger out on the shulkers I’m taking my anger out on the shulkers I’ve had enough of this don’t know who built these things but I’m blame it on you shulkers you’re going to die and I’m going to put things in you that sounded

Worse than it is but I’m going to use you storage which technically sounds worse as well but you know what I mean right so do they deflect when they’re like you need to just pop your head open a little bit just pop it open a little

Bit just pop it open a little bit yeah come on again yeah you too come on buddy open up again come on yeah I’ll speak your own language beautiful okay right um I know there’s probably more shulkers in there but I ain’t dealing with it it ain’t

Worth my time oh another perhaps with ship oh another perhaps with ship ooh that one looks promising that one looks promising that one looks exactly like the other one except without the big bit on the top yeah that one actually is pathetic what is the point of that one

That’s like the worst one I found okay this is the most promising one we found today please please have a ship I’ll tell them in their own tongue uh no ship is it even worth my time going over there probably not yeah there’s no ship over there oh my days

Please I want to leave here it’s been like I don’t even know how long okay well I guess I’ll go take out the two shulkers at the the bottom of this one and then the journey continues uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh oh no he’s right behind me no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there we go okay hello buddy I don’t know what your problem is but it sure as hell ain’t me I know you ain’t coming

For me yeah you going to do your biggest weakness H2O yeah oh oh God he ran in here then oh go away you’re like the only thing that can still oneshot me so just just go away no there we go good boy was I

Swear I just heard a cat I just heard a cat in here oh maybe it was my cat I do have cat’s IRL so like that was probably what it was right hello buddies oh it was my cat IRL I here right now speak with me I know your

Tongue there we go you see look there we go any shells ooh two shells beautiful okay well I guess it’s back to to just running aimlessly through this place until I hopefully find a ship I’ll see you at the next false idol I find oh there’s another Fortress I actually didn’t even notice

That you see my eyesight’s not as good as when I came in here 50 years ago you know but I don’t know why I even bother with this one it’s literally just the same thing what is it with this end and having these ones man there’s nothing in

Them like literally what why is he not generating any big ones oh no no no no no no no I get another Ender go away go away jeez I need to stop looking at you guys I’m sorry I don’t mean to I don’t mean to I’ve got like the same

Anxiety as you all right I don’t like being luck at either I don’t like staring at people either all right I’m sorry right I’m usually pretty good at not making eye contact I openly avoid it right there we go oh hello what was that yes oh my God finally finally I don’t

Even know how long I’ve been in here man but it has been like a lifetime it was like a 100 days in 100 days man that thing was oh finally okay right now we actually need to survive this this journey um to be fair I could just Tower

Up to it which is probably what I’m going to do because I’m really not caring about any of the other loot in there um do we have enough wood to get over there possibly right okay so we want to go right up there so I’m going

To want to grab some endstone before we head over there don’t know how much it’ll take to get up to the ship but I’ll grab like two and a half stacks that should be that should be enough okay so we’ll pop a slow falling potion when we get underneath it just for if

The shulkers do hit us I’m expecting to be hit like once or twice by the one inside but the ones outside shouldn’t really be a problem I’m really going outside I’m not too f for the head either I just want this so I can go home

And just continue on in my little lovely build area ooh okay right we’re here we have arrived let me pop a gapple before we go in cuz I don’t know how much damage the shulkers are going to do I hear you buddy you shut up didn’t ask your

Opinion yeah I can speak it too yeah hit me with it go on oh he just ran away okay well fair enough I guess I’ll just wait for this to disappear and then well we’ll go home okay give me give me finally we’ll grab these I think they’re instant Health

Right uh yeah we’ll grab them I don’t think I’m ever going to use them considering wait yeah no they’re actually pointless I don’t need them instant Health’s going to revive like one heart like what yeah it’s no use to me okay we’ll check what’s in here uh fortune 3 efficiency 4 mending

Protection three okay blast protection 4 mending again wow well I guess I’ll bring this stuff back with me and I can throw these in grindstone to get some XP from them so I can at least get something let’s go actually if I can just do this then I can just fly away

Right yeah there we go it’s very slow but you know what it works better than not flying okay finally let’s go home I’ve had it with this place I don’t want to return ever in my life really why is it raining in here hello what was that

Okay so I’m just going to go and sort through all of the stuff we got and then uh don’t know wonder what’s next probably trying to find like a lush cave or something because I do really need the uh what they called the aelas I need those and let’s make ourselves a couple

Of shulkers we go boom boom there we go and you know what we do have some red flowers so we’ll just dye them red can I do it here can I just throw it in there like that yes I can okay great there we go two red shulkers well that was quite

The experience but we’re out now we’re good the bows seem better days but we’re not actually in too bad shape the armor is still pretty decent because like I say I’m not taking damage so yeah we’re pretty good all right okay so I’m going to harvest up all the sugarcan we have

Right here plus I got the stuff at The Villages and then I guess over the following couple days we’ll make up some fireworks and we’ll go and search for a surface aelia tree all right great F nine fireworks richer amazing that’ll get me like 10 blocks out all right so

I’m going to spend the rest of the day just sorting through my stuff T up my inventory a little bit more and then plan out what we need to actually do over the next few days I understand what I need to do but I need to understand

The order in which I want to do it because I do really want to get this area finished off ASAP but it’s going to take a a little bit of work with that wall okay so last night I kind of noticed that I have 67 levels now thanks

To the dragon so we’re going to try and get oh well we’re not cuz I don’t have any lapers but we’re going to try and get looting on our sword because I want to go and kill a few Creepers real quick just solely because nine fireworks just

It ain’t going to do anything for me I’m not going to lie it’s not going to do anything whatsoever so looting would be nice on the first roll no okay uh do I have any I do have some like extra diamonds laying around somewhere don’t I

Yeah I have seven in there okay well we’ll just keep making swords then and then who knows maybe we can combine them we’ll have enough XP left over looting please ooh ooh that’s oh he’s got looting three but pain of arthropods are you kidding me okay that’s yucky try try again maybe

Knock back two looting three all right beautiful that is amazing so we can probably combine that with a sharpness three unless we get something better sharpness there we go that’ll do so we’ll combine that with the sharpness for oh we don’t have an anvil and I

Don’t have the iron to make make an anvil oh okay well I’ll just throw these in here um and I guess we’ll go down the mines anyway because I need to get gunpowder from creepers and that’s like the easiest place to find them um and then I guess while we’re down there

We’ll also grab a little bit more iron too all right what a night that was so we’re back we’ve got the iron now uh there’s a little bit more smelting down uh and I think we should have enough gunpowder for like a decent amount of just normal fireworks we shouldn’t be

Going too far I that Lush caves are pretty common so I’m not really too worried about finding one that was loud uh so what do we want to throw in here then we want the sharpness four with the knockback right or do we want o but

That’s got fire aspect on it uh we’ll we’ll take the sharpness four with knockback just solely because I feel like this is one of the only times where knockback will be super good for me because then I don’t have to deal with things blowing up in my face so we’ll

Grab the paper for the fireworks I think I put in one of these I think it’s this one yeah there is oh there’s 49 iron in here that’s enough for a oh no is that enough for a it is oh no what okay well you know what we have extra iron now

Okay we’re restocked to some degree on iron oh God I’m an idiot right okay so we throw that in there we’ll throw that in there oh 51 and 51 perfectly I don’t know whether or not it’ be worth breaking them down into flight duration two we’ll just get one for now uh I’ll

Throw these in here and then I probably want to maybe try and get mending before we set off with the Ely you know what we’ll be fine we’ll be fine we’ll fly there if we have to walk back that’s fine right that’s fine I’m not I’m not doing it we don’t have the

Emeralds I don’t want to waste any more time trading we’re just going to we’ll we’ll fly out we’ll fly out okay goodbye home it’s been nice knowing you I’ll get a nice little aerial shot of you ah that doesn’t look too bad to be fair right

Let’s uh let’s go any Lush things around this Forest hello oh this is a nice place nice Little Flower Fields right here I could do with picking up a few of these but now that I know where it is we can just nip back here later anything at

All all resembling anything to do with the aelia there surely not going to be one in the saana is there oh my God wait this is there’s a jungle tree we need the vines yes uh I don’t have any shears on me let me just make some well this serves at least the

Purpose of getting Vines our trip hasn’t been completely useless so far this means that we’ve at least got something from it was it seriously just like two jungle trees here I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before yeah there’s lit there was just two jungle trees it’s

Like a slice of jungle right here crazy ooh you know what though I will take some of this bamboo right here actually is it quicker with a sword yeah it’s significantly quicker with a sword okay take a little bit of this back we can put it around the pond it’ll look good

Look real good ooh we’ve got a ruin portal and a mangrove swamp lovely lovely okay well we’ll check out what’s in the chest uh Golden Apple I’ll take it and some terrible stuff okay damn I’ll go check out this place not really much I want from here other than the

Frogs and I can’t really get them back right now but hey you know what maybe we’ll see some oh oh wait I know what you are my good friend give me all your leaves and then we’re going down oh yes this is the best

Place in the world oh and I hear a frog too couldn’t really get better where are you froggy there he is hello buddy oh you have friends too wow oh oh that’s going to be so op to wipe out this place oh my God look at

That right if I just go oh wait no cuz that’s there we go if I go here look oh my God it just takes chunks out oh that’s crazy oh I’m so excited oh I love you guys so much but I can’t bring you back it’s like a decent chunk away and I

Don’t even know if my elytra will get me back home but we should be able to get somewhat close okay right we’re going down ooh amethyst geode not really got too much use for you I’m not going to lie but still somewhat cool nonetheless I guess just to mine down straight into

One there it is there it is okay right so we need to remember that this is our way back up there we go all right put that down can I grab you no okay I don’t oh oh I can oh my God I can grab you

Okay so we need as much Moss as we can get our hands on we need a whole bunch of clay h no not clay we need a whole bunch of aelas oh hello and maybe some of these tall lily pads too I completely forgot that there’s still mobs in these

Caves run oh my God that’s terrifying no no no no no no no no no just eat just eat and we’re good okay right I’m going to replace my actual food for gapples cuz down here does not seem like it’s pretty chill not going to lie seems like

Pretty much the opposite close call straight off the bat but we’re all good all right I’m going to sort my inventory out real quick get rid of things that we don’t want to bring home and then we shall prepare to stack up on all the goodies from down here so I completely

Tore up this once lovely Lush cave for all of its resources leaving it looking pretty Barren well at least this segment of it there’s still like a really big chunk to the left but either way I ended up grabbing more stuff than I actually thought I would need because the cave

Itself isn’t actually super nearby my house and I just thought it was a safe bet to get more and not have to come back here later okay so I think this should be like enough if not more than enough so what I want to do is I want to

Grab these real quick we’ll head back up to the surface and then I think before we leave I want to grab some lily pods lily pods lily pads from The Mangrove swamp if it has them I think it does all right we’ll grabb some lily pads and

Then we’ll make our way back home with our severely beating up elytra don’t need too many lily pads just like maybe 20 25 it would be cool to get some frogs but it’s just not plausible at this current moment in time but I did grab an

Ax a lottle while I was down there I don’t know if you can notice that in my hot bar right there but yeah he’s a yellow one I think um he seems pretty chill so we can come back with us and chill in the pond at least we’ll have

Some form of life in there other than the grass and 2 five all right beautiful okay so home is that way so hopefully we can get at least a decent chunk of the journey out the way I’ll fly pretty close to the floor or probably just stop

Flying before they run out but yeah all right we’re going we’re going we get back with literally 23 durability to spare okay all right um so what we’re going to do I’m going to sort out all of the stuff that we got from I don’t think

I can put that there cuz it won’t open uh we’ll sort out all the stuff we got from the Lush cave and then oh I didn’t grab any more mud oh that sucks um I think you can make it though I’m pretty sure I don’t know I’m not too worried um

Course dirt will look pretty good I probably want to add a little bit more than this but now we want to number one check how much Cobblestone I have cuz I know that I tore through quite a lot of it yeah we really don’t have too much we

Have 21 64 it’s really not much so let me let me test this out if I put that there and that there oh beautiful absolutely perfect thank you new crafting recipe for Mossy Cobble right so we want Mossy Cobble we want Mossy I don’t know if you can make mossy Stone I

Don’t think that’s a thing but we need Mossy Cobble Mossy bricks Mossy stairs Mossy pretty much everything you can make mossy we need and then we’re going to build up some kind of like Stone things around here we’re also going to do like a Mossy frog so it’ll work as

The Green Frog cuz we got the White and the orange one there and then we’ll do like the little Stone things around the side and I’m going to make like a little ruin area down there but yeah so that’s what we need to do we also need to place

Down some of these lily pads so I can probably get that out of the way now to be fair and then one right here there we go beautiful so we do need some more sugarcane to place down the sides of it I’m probably going to use some bamboo as

Well but I might throw that behind the wall just to add a little bit more Greenery to it but for tonight I’m going to make a check list of all the things we need to do uh in no specific order and then we’ll just burn through those

In the following days one of the main things we need to do like right now pretty much is to get a bunch of flow aelia leaves because that’s going to be one of the main parts of the wall and we really need to pretty much make the most

Of that all right so first things first for today I’m going to grab me some of those diamonds and I’m going to craft up a new pick and enchant it in hopes of getting efficiency 4 again oh that’ be amazing there we go and oh silk touch

Oof oof um well that’ll make getting the stone easier actually so that’s actually not too terrible okay well that works out anyway so over here we have the current storage chest for all the stuff we’re going to need for the rest of the pond obviously the like moss and stuff

Isn’t in there but that’s in the Shuler so it’s fine we’re going to need a little bit more actual stone uh quite a decent chunk more actually uh along with some Cobblestone and then the stone bricks will come along with that as well so I guess let’s go down the mine and

Just absolutely clear it out so I went and mined up an ungodly amount of both Stone and Cobblestone to use on the wall okay and that should be enough for now just get rid of the copper and coal uh um yeah that should do that actually should do for the whole thing there’s

Not actually too much we need to build it’s just kind of like scattering stone round so we grab a few of these make some more Mossy Cobble lovely lovely and some Mossy bricks as well then we’ll throw all of that in there lovely lovely lovely oh and also while I remember I

Made a um a bone meal the breaker Downer right up here so I put like all of my like wheat seeds and stuff like that in there and they broke it all down to bone meal so we got 47 so we’ll be able to get those aelia leaves pretty quickly as

Well so I might as well just go and get that out of the way real quick cuz that is going to take up quite a big chunk of time oh wait no I need more Stone because uh the wall the wall is going to be really Stone and Cobblestone heavy so

We’re going to need like more so when it gets dark tonight I’ll just go down the mine and I’ll spend the night mining as much cobble up as I can okay so I’m curious if I chop this tree down will it give will it just leave the normal aelia

No it will not okay all right no fair enough fair enough that was a stupid idea I don’t know why I did that all right that’ll do for the aelia farming today and I’ll spend the rest of the night mining up some Stone after I’ve

Sold this away I will need like a decent chunk more glowstone but now that I have a silk touch pick we can just literally decimate the Nether and be just completely fine right and now I guess I’ll see you in the morning once this pickaxe is uh absolutely decimated and

We have an ungodly amount of stone and Cobblestone all right so long night of mining this is the second trip I’ve come back up from and I think we should be okay for the most part now we might need a little bit more of one or both but I

Think this will definitely get at least this segment of the wall done and definitely all the areas around the pond that I want to scatter some Stone and stuff around so I’m going to go and get to crafting up all of the necessary blocks and then we’ll get to work on

Actually placing them down cuz I literally just need like stairs slabs and uh that’s pretty much about it to be fair okay there we go this is starting to come together nicely now look at this so we’ve got all the little like Stone ruins we’ve got the stone ruins in the

Water I do need to add a couple lanterns around the place but overall we’ve got the other frog set up over there looking pretty good might need to make a few minor adjustments to it maybe add a little bit more Mossy Cobble but other than that the uh the actual base area

For the pond is done I do want to go around and add the uh actually I can probably just do that now I’ve got these little what are they like Spore blossoms or something yeah Spore blossoms that I got from the Lush cave as well as where

Are the little like long lily pads there we go big drip leaves I want to put these around um just to add a little bit more can I put these on top of water or no can I put them on a lily pad no

Really oh do they need to be on like a block maybe no huh oh maybe they need to be on Moss I I I don’t know I really don’t get what this wants from me okay so I don’t know what I can do with those then um I don’t know what use they’re

Going to be for me can I place them I really can’t place them anywhere can I I think they do need to be upside down so that might be the uh the the issue we have here oh well either way if they do need to be upside down or they don’t

Need to be upside down I I don’t really care if we can’t put them in we can’t put them in it is what it is and then I think to end off tonight we’re going to get this bone meal and just go around these frogs and kind of just make things

Look a little bit more overgrown around them ah you think you can sneak up on me buddy I think not oh you can’t even do any damage to me I’m not even scared of you anymore so work on the wall finally began on day 85 with me making a basic

Outline and mapping out where the actual placement is going to be and and then from there gradually worked my way around it adding more and more details as I went along throughout the rest of the day and the night because we ain’t sleeping until this thing is done or

Phantom spawn in but until it’s done now by the end of day 85 I’ve made some pretty good progress on the wall but it’s still not much to look at however it shall become beautiful soon enough so on the following day I made my way into

The nether to grab up a bunch of Glowstone because I couldn’t really continue the build without it once I grabbed enough I returned home and began placing it all down before then dedicating some some time to farming out the aelia trees for their leaves and after grabbing a few stacks of them they

Was back to work on the wall for the rest of the day placing down all the leaves and expanding the wall out and around the trade Hall as well as expanding it upwards to help block out some of the terrain behind it and then on day 87 the upper level build

Continued with me adding some flowering aelas between the archers as well as some lanterns that was until I got sworn by Phantoms and decided to take a quick little nap and continued on on day at8 where I just went around adding the final little bits of detail to the wall

Before finishing it off and there we go that’s the wall done and I’ve got to say it looks so so much better than I thought it would it really helps kind of isolate my little area right here make it feel a little bit more secure and really just ties everything together

It’s looking it’s looking nice all right so now that all this wall and the pond area is done it is looking pretty amazing I’m not going to lie I am really impressed with this one um it is missing something though it is missing just a

Little bit of a a a of color you know a little pop of color um I think we want to go around and add some some flowers around here now I know where there is a flower biome it’s a little bit over oh what apparently there’s a zombie dying

Behind my wall there’s also a Wandering trade around there so we’ll check him out um but I know where the flowers are they’re like over towards where we originally got like the Lush cave it’s a little bit of a walkway I don’t have enough oomph in my elytra to go over

There so oh we got two leads too amazing I see you buddy I see you creeping around out here go away oh the wandering Traer I think died oh okay well I guess we won’t check out his Goods then let me just grab some snacky from my uh smoker

Right here and then I guess let’s set off ignore the lone wood that was once a tree just standing there there’s just sheared sheep running around out here cuz they’re out of the generated chunks so they’ve just not eaten so they just look at him I’m sorry buddy I shed you

Like 50 days ago or something I’m sorry about this the world has not been kind to you my friend look there see there’s another one yeah so it should be just over these mountains right here um and a little bit to the right there’s also a

Bunch of blue flowers up there what I think they’re like are they corn flowers not corn flowers um there might be I might be just completely wrong but I think they’re corn flowers I’m not too sure we’ll find out what are you yeah they are corn flowers I was right we’ll

Grab a bunch of these and then oh there’s rose bushes up here okay oh this is a little mini flower biome so we won’t have to go all the way over into Yonder oh yeah this is perfect this is perfect all right well that saves me

Like a really long journey okay let me let me throw the shulker down we’ll why have I got so much crap in my inventory man I would like some of the big purple ones but I don’t think there’s any around here I don’t even know where they

Spawn to be fair there’s so many of the blue ones around here look at that okay and that should do us for now that’s actually not too bad I’ll try and pick up some more of these uh white ones right here on the the way back because

We only have six and I think they look pretty cool so we’ll grab some of those as well uh do we have the rose bushes yes we do right it is home time then well you know what that was a pretty chilled out day we didn’t really do too

Much just kind of went and grabbed some flowers let’s hopefully get back before all the ghouls start hunting me down I don’t really want to deal with that all right we’ll run in we’ll head to bed and then we’ll place down the flowers in the morning all right I just chilled in the

House for a little minute then just to see if I could get everything that’s going to burn to kind of crisp up a little bit before we go out here so I’m thinking I don’t really want to do in an order although would that look good if I

Just plac one rose bush in front of every one of these right like let’s see just place these down real quick um and then this this still works right if I yeah okay it just duplicates them amazing does that look good I think that looks pretty good to be fair so I’ll

Just grab a couple more rose bushes and then we’ll throw them down here in front of these boom boom boom beautiful you can’t really see this it’s fine you don’t see this area it’s fine I’ll block it off at some point maybe uh and then we want to grab I’m thinking maybe we’ll

Do one one of each flower in front so we’ll do one of these and then one of these in front of the things like that so we’ll we’ll switch them up per thing so we’ll do there there there there like that okay how’s that looking how’s that

Looking let me try and get a little bit of an aerial view of it uh you know what that looks pretty good actually um and then what we’ll do with the other ones so kind of like these ones as well we’ll just go and place them randomly around

Just to get a little bit of you know randomization oh well we’re out of those uh but just to get a little bit more less order into this thing okay there we go and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to grab some more bone meal

When that stuff is composted down and then we’ll add a load of grass and stuff around here as well as get rid of these torches maybe replace them with like the odd Lantern on a wall but other than that this is this is coming together real nice there we go lovely uh and

While I’m at it I’m going to get rid of this Crooked Tree up here as well be gone stray wood there we go beautiful we’ got the root of dirt but I don’t care about that maybe we could add some more rose bushes kind of like following

The path around around like this just randomly placed I think that would look ooh yeah yeah that would look really good okay well we’re going to need a decent chunk more bone meal so I guess I’ll just tear through a load of that Moss that I brought back uh and I guess

I’ll throw away these Spore blossoms cuz I can’t even place them like can I place them in here oh so I can place them oh okay all right well I guess I’ll just throw some out on my canopy then why not just throw like one here one here you

Know no reason not to I’ve got them they add oh no they add the little particles that is pretty cool oh well I’ll go throw a few around the Villager house as well so we’ll we’ll keep these guys we’ll keep these guys they’re pretty cool oh my God they had particles like

Everywhere don’t they sheesh uh I mean they don’t look amazing I’m not going to lie but I do like the particles they had so we’re keeping them all right there we go uh the path is now looking much better so I guess I can just throw some bone meal down around

Here too just to add a little bit of density to the grass and whatnot don’t want it too much though don’t want to overdo it but that’s actually pretty nice damn I bet this place looks so cool from like a bird ey point of view um I’m

Not going to risk the elytra though that that’s a quick and sure fire away to end all of this progress it ain’t happening but yeah that that’s amazing wow I should build ponds more often all right so I’m going to go and add bone meal um

And then head to bed so I’ll just I’ll see you l in the morning and we’ll see what we’re doing okay so I have awoken today and remembered that I own a dog I I have a dog and it’s stuck in the nether so we need to go and get that but

Um yeah here’s the the finished result of everything that I did last night I kind of went around and added the aelia little baby trees all the way around because I just thought well I have them they add to it now everything looks super super noisy and I think it I don’t

Know I just think it works really really well I’m I’m really impressed with this one take this deep slate and we’re going to go and grab my dog finally after like 60 days of him being stuck in there I’ll finally get him out where you at buddy

Oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s not how things work in here my friend we don’t do that anymore thank you there he is hello buddy how’s it going he’s waiting for me right down here um the nether portal should still

Be here right come on come with me good right don’t fall in that lava don’t no stop there we go all right okay come here and through we go and through we no and through we go come on and through we and through we go yes

Go go why are you not going away go through what if I make you sit and then go through can you go through now why are you stuck in here do I need to connect it to the outside is that why like I don’t understand where am I hello

Um I don’t ever recall going through that I think the house should be over here though yeah okay it’s right here what a weird place to put the portal that was nowhere near where I put the original one right will you actually be able to go through there now buddy come

On no stop you this isn’t your home yes yes go go no why won’t you go through why won’t it work go there yeah he doesn’t appear to be leaving go come with me please come with me okay well you know what he chose his fate that’s

Uh that’s exactly what he wants to do he wants to stay in there it’s not like I like tried for days to try and get that dog but it is what it is he he’s staying in there I’m not dealing with it oh look there’s some bones right here is there

Is there a wolf hanging around maybe I can get a new dog H maybe I can replace you I’m shouting as if you can hear me he completely different dimension oh you can come through oh wait no this is the guy from earlier I was going to say he

Can come through but my dog can’t how you doing buddy how are you still around you came through like so long ago how are you still knocking around buddy I think that I’m angry that my dog can’t come through and you came through instead I was going to burn you but that

Really won’t do anything so I guess I’m just going to have to I’m just going to have to do it yeah there we go oh I could have just like oh I don’t think you can put them on leads but I could have put them on a

Lead and had him like as my new dog there we go right two dogs uh two bones one for each dog perhaps maybe oh no of course you’re greedy one okay well you’re my replacement dog come on we’re going to go check out that M

Shaft that I saw like a year ago and still haven’t been down right can I I can do this yeah that’s fine oh that wasn’t fine oh my God I almost died all right go away buddy go away oh he’s he did indeed go away right so that’s our

Destination I can’t remember if I came here or not I know I’ve been like around this area but I don’t think I’ve ever been like actually in the shaft is self oh why’ you do that man I don’t have any oh I have cooked chicken that can

Probably help oh there’s a cave spider spawner right there oh and it spawned like sixs and a creeper we’re running we’re running we’re running we’re running we’re gone we’re gone nope oh my God I’m going to chase down right let me just get my shield where’s my shield there it is right okay

Hey there we go ooh a chest too Diamond let’s let’s go and a gaffle yeah ooh perhaps what is this h no my dog that dog’s going to die dog come here uh you should be okay now two chicken is enough for you where is this oh hello buddy I

See yeah I see you you’re a special kind of guy oh yeah just oh don’t shoot my dog o yeah yeah beat him up yeah double team him come on finish him off buddy come on there we go you’ve earned your chicken okay and you lead to oh the

Surface all right so this is I I still don’t even remember where this is right so where does this bring us out then all the way over here oh there was a ravine right here as well um was it a big one oh my God it was a what how did I never

See that I am so blind I am so so blind oh I’m telling you feather falling is the only way to live your life because without it you ain’t living ooh at least we get a good view of how this place looks from AF far though oh that

Does look pretty cool look at that man there’s so much color well at least now we know that the M shaft leads absolutely nowhere and is an absolute waste of time H so after my very restful sleep last night I’ve kind of realized this area right here isn’t very uh isn’t

Very protected it’s not very protected and we get a lot of goues coming around and lurking right around here especially around there it’s it’s like a death trap over there so what I’m thinking is I might do a wall another wall I love my walls there one over there anyways uh

Yeah I want to kind of maybe push this back a little and do a wall coming from like the back side of my house maybe around here to like here I’m not going to do it like that one because that is just too big of a project and I don’t

Need to expand that one out all the way around so what I think I might do instead is I might do kind of like a similar thing I did in the uh I think it was lucky block where I did like this kind of garden wall with Cobblestone

That was kind of looking decrepit a little bit um wasn’t really too fancy but it worked pretty well so I might just kind of encase things in with with one of those walls so I don’t need to push it back like an insane amount uh this shovel uh this shovel should be

Fine it’ll it’ll last for this wall and then I kind of want to connect it maybe to here um things can probably still get in if I do that but it should be okay so it’s just get kind of like a layout for it and then we’ll we’ll go from there so

I’ll keep switching it up between Stone and Cobblestone and maybe even a couple stone bricks in there I don’t know but I kind of want it to go around like this and then maybe we’ll bring it in here go across a couple yeah kind of something

Like that and then we’ll add like some stairs and slabs on top to try and kind of make it look a little bit jankier I think I might want to bring it up maybe one more level or with the stairs the stairs might kind of work you know if I

Just kind of do that yeah that’ll work that’ll work pretty well how does that look uh o um yeah that doesn’t look too great at all actually that looks pretty bad um okay well it’s all it’s all good it’s all good we’ll just we’ll just remove

This we’ll just get rid of it all yeah that was that was a terrible design I don’t know where that came from I banish this thing back to the abyss where it came from oh my maybe I will just you know do the same design at least for

That side so then we block off like this side of the house as well um and then kind of we could just leave that area open and just light it up maybe put something there at a later date I don’t know but I think it would probably be

Wise to do kind of the same design as we have here only thing that worries me is the fact that I think I may run out of stone pretty quickly so yeah I guess it’s wall building time again now I’m not actually going to go and walk you

Through this step by step again because you’ve already seen that is the exact same process with me building it up gradually and stopping off on occasion to restock on Stone and that’s that’s pretty much it copy pasted from the previous wall however instead I’ll tell you that I’ve recently actually just got

A new kitten and she is legitimately insane she just constantly follows around one of my other cats and harasses them and it’s been quite the experience so yeah I hope you enjoy this little cat segment of the video they’re pretty cute hope you enjoyed but anyways cats aside

Let’s get back to it by the end of day 95 once again the wall was done and it came out looking really really good although I did admittedly end up expanding it out a little bit further than I was initially planning but you know what more wall more nice building

Happening around the place why not okay well I’m pleased to tell you that the wall is now done and is looking very very good um except the point where it just ends abruptly here but that’s you won’t ever see that unless you’re looking pretty much anywhere but that’s

Beyond the point so I was like kind of planning on making a bee armarm earlier and I’m thinking now we’ve got this kind of little extra area in this corner that’s kind of just like a chunk of grass and it’s not really doing too much

For me so we’re going to head over here to the like the bees nest that’s down here and I’m going to see if there’s any Bees Still residing around it or in it and then we’ll grab ourselves a couple of birch trees I already see there’s a

Couple over there and then hopefully we can get a little bee farm up and running which would look uh pretty good to end things off here oh and even better there’s a bee ah yeah there is there’s like three bees around here oh my God

Four bees I saw one over there look at that wow oh yeah there’s another there’s another Hive down there okay right well I’m going to grab you good sir oh wait I also need to actually like get the honey from The Hive so I can make a farm right

Do you still use this one any honey in here no what about the next one you got any honey in here H BR get pollinated man I’m going to go grab some flowers for you guys and then hopefully you guys can like actually make some honey in

This NE next day so that we can actually make a bee farm also just say right now I’m so sorry for the long wait for this video there’s been a lot of stuff happened in the past few months um and it’s just been a bit crazy all right

It’s just been a bit crazy so which chilling now we’re back and we’re going to be pumping these bad boys out so uh be have flow have more flow there we go right don’t bother with me yeah go to the flower no The Flower Man the flower

No come back dude what you why you going down there flowers go and then go in there like that all right you suck it up and you spit it out in your hive do it are you doing it are you pollinating hello I’m watching this be

Until it until it starts going fluffy oh it did it yes yes ooh get some honey in there okay well I guess while they’re doing their thing then um and just kind of chilling we’ll go and chop down a couple of birch trees just to stack up on some saplings

And get them planted down shut up right we’ll get these saplings and then we shall pop them uh about here here here just dot them all around you know make this place nice and tree oh we’ll have to get a load of flowers to too I think

Actually no I think I still have like a load they might not all be in here but I do have some yes we’ got some oxy daisies we’ll throw them down we can also probably put down a couple Spa blossoms on the trees as well oh and

We’ve got the bamboo too I completely forgot about this I guess we could dot this around here I don’t know how good it would look with the bees like but you know bees surely like bamboo to some degree right I’ve never seen a bee and bamboo in the same room but that’s fine

We’ll not overdo it with a bamboo because it can get like really annoying really quick uh maybe even throw a little bit of moss down you know that’ be pretty good right I’m going to go and try and find like the other flowers I had I understand that I use like the

Majority of them you know everywhere around here but I know that there’s some left over somewhere oh I found my gapples from earlier they were chilling in this chest I don’t know why I put them in here hello what you know what I’ll take it I’m not going to complain

Okay well we really don’t have much flower selection but it’s fine I’ll just like kind of grow some grass around here too and get that you know up and going so I guess we’ll check up on the bees in a little bit but I’m going to try and

See if we can put a spa Blossom on this cherry cherry blossom tree it’s not cherry blossom tree and no you cannot what about if I wait I think I have a solution to this if I go here and I grab me some Moss right and then I say oh

Well this Leaf isn’t doing it for me let’s get rid of you put a moss block there so you can you can tell but you can’t really tell and then you go boom o yeah that’s kind of good I like that I like that I like that we’ll do that for

A couple of the trees around there then but I don’t want particles everywhere because they um there’s a load over there there’s a load over there and they just keep spreading I think they just get everywhere all right you Buzzy boys how’s the honey coming along I’m going

To chill around here because I don’t think that you’re doing it while I’m over there I’m not going to lie I don’t actually think I have any iron on me for the shears but we can just run back and get it once this actually has some honey

In it come on move quicker there’s like four of you around here how’s that one doing exactly the same okay you get that honey yeah do a little Boogie while you’re at it yeah go on yeah there’s one in there come out get to work get working oh he geez he just

Teleported in there oh my God enough yet enough I don’t how many trips they have to do how many trips do you have to do I hear you buzzing around in there come out man please all right I’m just going to chill here um I guess I’ll be back to

You with an update on the honey if not I’ll spent all day just standing here waiting for honey but I I refuse to let this go I need it yay he’s come back out see we’re going to get some real soon I’ll see you in a sec okay I’ve

Literally just gone and grabbed some shears and it is ready so I don’t want to burn you so can you just please like get your honey and leave like get get it and leave please I don’t want to burn you I don’t want to burn you with this

Campfire I had to get rid of the other one cuz it did burn one of them beautiful please be three yes yes we can build it now amazing we can only get one for now but that’s fine because it’ll have a knock on effect where we can just

Get like a bunch beautiful right let’s get this place down over there and then we’ll grab the be these and bring them over to their new Abode I’ll put you right here so I’ll throw a campfire underneath and then boom there we go all right now time to go grab them Buzzy

Boys hello hello hello hello right okay so there’s one of you here come come come to me come to me I have flower come here are you going to follow me are you broken what is wrong with you the campfire broke you like what what’s happening there we go right okay is

There any over here that I can break back as well are they out yet like what are they doing oh they’ve got honey now too oh I think at least that looks like they’ve got honey okay well I’ll bring you for now um and then when this guy

Comes out I’ll bring him but that’ll probably be in the morning because I think they kind of like go away in the evening and then come back out in the morning wow oh wow the sun’s actually going down right now I don’t know why I didn’t notice but we I spent like half

The day waiting for that honey to spawn in I don’t know how many times they have to go back to it I didn’t count but I think it was six no come back wao whoa whoo come back here here what are you doing why you trying to go in the flooor

Come over here this is your new home you live here now come on look lovely little Hive over here for you look at that wow look at this this is where you’re going to live now go in there if I come back and you flown away I’m going to cry

Right before we head to bed tonight I’m going to get rid of this little Contraption I built here because I hate it just sitting there it’s really bothering me the original one didn’t work and it’s just been sat here since so it’s it’s going away it’s going away

I don’t need any more villagers up there I have infinite ah beautiful there we go all right it doesn’t look much better without it there but you know what it’s gone now I don’t have to see it anymore oh he’s in there yes okay we have B only

Have one but we’ll get more tomorrow all right let’s go grab the last Bee from this Hive if he’s out and then we’ll go over to the other one hopefully they’re out we’ll get the honey from it and then we can make another Hive do I still have

The shears on me yes I do right buddy come on come on it oh I guess he wasn’t in there um I didn’t know it had one tap the The Hive oh no it’s okay I didn’t need anything from it anywhere I don’t know where that be’s gone then they usually come out

Real Angry if you break it hello oh no I forgot it’s not it’s not I didn’t oh no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t even get your honey it’s still back there all right you’re not very fast however I can use this to my advantage if you guys

Just come over to my house I don’t have to use the flower come on come on you’re actually moving faster than you would if you weren’t angry to be fair this is yeah this works this works oh he’s not angry anymore I guess I’ll get the flower right come with me buddy come

With me I’m just going to have to run like laps around this guy oh there we go now you’re both chill let’s go okay well I don’t know where the other one from that Hive went maybe he died in the campfire I don’t know but these guys are

Chill again now so we’ll bring these back we’ll go grab that honey make another Hive and then we’re chilling they move so slow if that witch laughs at me one more time I’m telling you I’m going down there I’m going down there right that’s it when I come back when I

I’ve got my be secured you’re going down not having this disrespect in my own Abode okay look at this see sorry about your your your old house I didn’t actually destroy it I just kind of stole your stuff but now you’re chilling over here it’s good anything to say huh

Anything to say to me this time no I didn’t think so I didn’t think so all right where’s that witch I’m going to I’m going to drop lava on it hello you going to laugh at me again go on do it do you have any more food o I

Hear you laughing I’m just going to pop one of these just to be safe um and then you’re going down I don’t know where you are but I will find you I see you hello all right let’s make our way down here I don’t want to go in the entrance of the

Cave I’m just going to kind of drop down surprise attack hello hello goodbye goodbye heal through that yeah go on heal through that do it go what oh she popped fire R oh yeah well go go away then go away then okay problem solved witch no longer

Laughing at me didn’t know they could pop fire reses though I kind of forgot about that pop hey Piggy sorry piggy sorry I couldn’t resist the urge ooh what is this place nice little hole down there did she hit me with weakness she did scoundrel telling you scoundrel okay

Well now that we’ve got our bees and now that that uh mimickry is dealt with we shall go and Che oh pork chops so surprised to see them just set the pig on fire of course there’s going to be pork chops what’s going happen man gave the man a lava [Laughter] bath oh

God I don’t know why I’m finding that so funny oh okay right I’ve recovered I I don’t know why that was so funny to me how you going boyos around here you all chill you all chill I’m going to throw some Moss down for you just to make this

Area look a little bit more I don’t know be friendly I don’t know man Moss just looks good oh I forgot if you use that on Moss it’ll oh oh oh this is going to be good yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go all right I could have just done that

Around the the pond area I’m not going to lie that would have looked pretty good okay so what I’m thinking with the bamboo is I was going to run it behind the wall um kind of all the way along but I’m not too sure if I want to do it

All the way along maybe just around here we’ll test it around here and then if we like it I’ll do the rest of it okay well we’ll let that grow over the next couple days I mean it’s already shooting up this stuff oh God there’s a baby zombie

Oh God I know why that scared me so bad and not again okay we’ll let that grow over the next couple days and then we shall uh see how it comes out it’ll probably be fully grown by the end of tomorrow I’m it grows so fast wow okay

So taking a little step back just to look at our little area right here I’ll go on top of this church cuz why did I put so many chests in here man oh my God oh my days look at that that’ be really good as well if we I’m not going to do

It but if we expanded the wall around to like here and then this one to there as well and then did like a little gate or an entrance way we could even make it like pretty big but that would look real good here but this is wow we I’m liking

This this side does look a little bit like dead in the water like there’s not really much happening so maybe add some grass and Moss around there but yeah wow wow I like that that’s pretty good so I guess while that bamboo is doing its thing um I’ll take down this like awful

Church Tower thing just chilling right here because I did say I was going to destroy the whole village but didn’t really need to I’m not going to lie okay there we go church is gone there is some Rubble left but it’s just outside of render distance but yeah that opened it

Up that was like a really pointless thing to do but I said I was going to destroy some of the village so there it goes okay so let me make the second Hive real quick boom boom uh we’ll test if we can put them glowberries down on trees

And then we’ll get the hive set up as well can I place you on a tree the answer is no I cannot okay no that’s fine that’s fine I didn’t want to do that anyway it’s it’s okay okay okay there we go so we don’t want to overdo

It with the Moss but we want like a little amount of it I think I’ve literally just turned all the grass around here into Moss almost nearly nearly we’ve still got we’ve still got some grass okay and then ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah that uh oh why

Do they go so lopsided I don’t understand why they grow like that that looks so bad I mean how’s it look from a distance how do it look from a distance it’s still bad I I don’t know why why do you you grow like that it

Disturbs me in like many ways go away okay well I guess we’ll just keep them as little baby as Ali as then because the big ones they grow a little funky okay and that that’s good enough that’s good enough I was going to do something else over there but like I can’t think

Of anything that I want to put there if I still had the bone meal Farm maybe I put that over there but like it was atrocious so we don’t want that I will however go and grab this blue dye and change my dog’s colar color because it’s

Not on brand all right it’s not on brand hello buddy red is not on brand for me my friend there you go could have really done purple but that’s it’s close enough well would you look at that man all this has come together so nicely just oh so

Beautiful although I see that area over there does not have any grass let’s go fix that I felt the disturbance in the plantology oh yeah you know what I really do like that bamboo coming over the wall especially when it’s like not all level I think that looks real good

So that’s exactly what we’ll do in the morning then I’ll go and grab some more of that bamboo and then uh get it grow I’ll try and do it all the way around this one too but that might take that might take a little minute all righty

Then let’s get to work on I guess chopping up some of this bamboo and then placing it around the rest of it because I am in love with that look it looks really good I love this little like leafy bit that kind of like scales the

Top of it it’s really good so we’ll chop some of this down and then we’ll place it around around the rest of it I’m trying to like make this uneven because I like the way that some go up higher than others so I’m going to try and keep

This as like janky as possible it’s going to look awful from the back but we’re not going to see the wall from the back so it’s fine get to placing all these down this looks so bad from the back oh my God that is horrendous but

You know what when that grows the front will look amazing see this side’s already kind of like unlevel so it’ll look kind of cool when we get this all down and now we are completely out of bamboo however we got the majority of it done I’m happy with this for now oh my

God that stuff’s already growing back over there this stuff grows like crazy I I don’t know why it grows so quick I guess what I can do as well is I’m going to go and make like a little sign for the dog that’s trapped in the nether

Because I it just took me like a few days to get him and I really wanted him and then he got stuck in the Nether and now for some reason won’t come back out so I’ll just kind of stick this down at his I’m assuming this was his entry

Point so I’ll just put it down here and just be like rip nether dog there we go there we go rip nether dog you are not dead but I shall possibly never see you again uh is there a zombie villager in here oh I forgot about you you guys um

He this is awkward isn’t it um I’m sorry I didn’t I I forgot the hole in the house and everything but I you guys look like you’re chilling so just stay in there stay stay in there there we go all right well I think that that is the base

Done for the most part now so we got it done literally right at the end there but yeah it’s looking good I’m really happy with this one I would have made a path coming all the way out to the Village but I never really did much with

The village itself so this will do for now I guess I guess what I can do for the last day then is we’ll we’ll head into the nether I’ll grab I think I’ve got a couple fire resistance potions left somewhere um and we’ll go and check

Out if that was a Bastion that I saw like a little while ago I think it was but it’s worth a look okay so where were you good sir were you over there or was it over like this side I think it might have been over this side like over that

Way I know let me oh go away I I never want to deal with them I’m just going to turn my render distance up hello buddy budy yeah this isn’t happening this isn’t happening this isn’t happening go away oh there he goes straight into the lava ooh which one’s that I can never

Tell from the outside I want it to be the one where there’s the treasure in the middle I think it’s treasure room is what it’s called I I don’t know but I hate that my least favorite one is Stables I hate Stables it’s like the worst thing imaginable right can I I

Yeah we can go and we can go and chill down there that’s fine that’s fine with me beautiful right moving a little bit slowly but we’re chilling we’re chilling okay beautiful it’ be nice if I could see I’m just go to third person real quick I hate fire on my screen is there

A thing that connects to it it looks like there’s a little island that connects over there so we’ll make our way I guess over to that this could very easily spell my Doom because of those things uh I just completely forgot about them until I heard them grunt at me uh

Ah you know what let’s just go we’ll take a little swim we’ll take a little swim to it shall we oh I think that one is the bridge one cuz if you look up there look they’re just chilling on it and it looks like it could be oh yeah

That’s definitely that has to be right those were the days indeed my good friend now I’m ready to get one tapped by a uh Mr brute man I hate going in these things man you can’t see anything okay be careful I hear someone around these parts oh are they just normal you

Chill you chill yeah they’re normal ones okay I hear I hear a pig well everything in here is a pig but like I hear the Big Pig the hoglin okay oh oh hello oh it’s only a baby one it’s only a baby one uh

You can go away go on be G with you oh why are you so loud a little scurrying away around the corner don’t look at me like that buddy with your Hollow eyes block myself in here nice and safely okay nice and safely and open this chest ew stinky I

Don’t want that who lurs within here oh there’s a brute there’s a brute down there how’s it going buddy you okay do you get angry if I attack you why are you so angry man simmer down there we there we go maybe s some bacon I hear

Another one of you go away no one likes you there we go oh my God this sounds like there’s so many of them are they up top here oh yeah you’re there hey buddy how’s it going you okay we just vibing down here ooh I found the

Pillars right boyos H don’t don’t worry about me at all right I’m just going to I’m just going to take this I’m going to take all of this r hey buddy look chill chill chill my guy chill it ain’t all yours okay I want

Some of it I want some of it go away okay you know what I’m going to go back home there’s nothing in this place I don’t want to go any deeper cuz I know I’m just going to get one shot besides we’ve been in here like a little while

So maybe it is time for us to go home you know maybe it is time for us to eject of this Abode you know God this is all scary ow oh oh oh my God I took damage from that oh I forgot you can take fall damage in lava

Man I think we got up a little bit lucky there feather falling coming in clutch oh my God I’ll uh I’ll head back home and then see what we can get up to in our final moments here let’s say goodbye to my dog well I’d say that that was

Pretty perfect timing getting back with the sun going down actually so yeah thank you all for joining me on this journey I do greatly greatly appreciate it and I appreciate every single one of you for watching up to this point and there we have it accompl of what I think

Are the 10 best 100 Days videos I’ve personally made making up a total of 1,000 days now if you made it to this point in the video then drop a comment down below saying I don’t know Lobster or something but either way thank you all so much for everything and joining

Me on this journey because I really really could not have done it without you so as always thank you all so much for watching I do really really appreciate it and I will see you all in the next video adios

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days In Minecraft Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2023-11-27 16:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!! This video is a compilation of my best 100 days videos all the way from 100 days on …

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  • Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!

    Quest for Ultimate Power in Minecraft: cdotkom Ventures!Video Information [Music] fellas how are we oh man this this is kind of crazy this takes me it’s been a while and by a while I mean like what 2 days it’s been 2 days since I’ve been on the air two two whole days I hope we’re all doing well I hope we are do are all doing well oh this music this music is so great this music is so great where did your username come from me I thought of it uh yeah might need to uh oh swe actually no no I I can slouch… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! SPIDERMAN PIXEL ART in Minecraft PART 9Video Information This video, titled ‘SPIDER MAN PIXEL ART ( PART – 9 ) #minecraft #gaming #shorts @UjjwalGamer’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-11 03:30:22. It has garnered 2132 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 @MRINDIANHACKER @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @YesSmartyPiesFans20 @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @fukrainsaanlive4744 @imbixu @upflowgamerz @BBKiVines @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming @ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @sinotalgaming minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

  • DefevTowny

    DefevTownyDefevTowny – Economic Towny War / DefevTowny is a towny war server on a 3000×3000 and expanding 1.18.2 world. The server has many features like mcmmo, jobs, chestshop, and more! Start your own kingdom today MCMMO, Dynmap, Essentials, Jobs, Brewery, Chestshop Read More

  • Classic Prison – pve 1.20+

    Billionaire Prison Billionaire Prison is a classic prison server run on the latest version with custom builds and plugins. Join us for: AH Player Shops Cells Custom Enchants Stock Market Gambling Crypto Custom Fishing Crates The server is still in development, join our Discord server for daily sneak peeks: https://discord.gg/JnVxNTcERS Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – distracting boys with Minecraft skills

    The girls may have diamonds, but us boys have a score of 741 on this meme – who’s the real winner here? Read More

  • XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile’s Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+

    XP Galore: Minecraft Mobile's Ultimate Mob Trap 1.20+ In Minecraft, the mob trap is key, To gather resources and XP with glee. Build it in the ocean, far from land, Where monsters won’t spawn, it’s all planned. Start by building it at sea level, With blocks you love, make it special. Choose a spot where mobs will fall, And build a farm that will enthrall. The best way to build a mob trap, Is to use water to make them snap. Lead them to their doom with ease, And collect their drops, if you please. Remember to light up the area, So mobs won’t spawn, it’s a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars

    Hot Minecraft Duo: Dream and Bedwars Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today!

    Discover the Excitement: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Today! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecrafts Next BIG Story [TRAILER]” that left us on the edge of our seats. The cast of characters, the unscripted dangers of the prison, the missions – all in Hardcore mode! But wait, this is not your average SMP, it’s something more epic – it’s KosmiKrime Minecraft Hardcore Story! As we watched the trailer, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await us in the world of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob

    Unbelievable Facts About This Minecraft Mob The Mysterious World of Minecraft Mobs Since the initial release of Minecraft, the game has been filled with a variety of mobs. But have you ever thought about the mobs that were removed from Minecraft? Well, let’s dive into these fascinating creatures that once roamed the blocky world. Rana Mob The Rana mob was the first mob added to Minecraft in the 0.31 Alpha version on December 19, 2009. This unique creature brought a new dynamic to the game with its presence. Steve and Blackseve Mob Following the addition of the Rana mob in version 0.31, on January 29,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!

    INSANE Minecraft PE Beta Release!Video Information ओके तो लेट्स गो ओके ओ लेट्स गो ओके ओ भाई कितना डैमेज दे रहा है वन शॉट व्हाट भाई सब गोलम को मैं वन शॉट कर रहा हूं ये बहुत तो गाइस फाइनली आ चुके है m के अंदर एक और अपडेट तो आ गया भाई आ गया m के अंदर फाइनली गाइस आ चुका है m 1.2 1.0.21 बीटा अपडेट तो गाइज इस वाले अपडेट में बहुत सारा कुछ ऐड हुआ है सारा सब कुछ मैं बताने वाला हूं इस वीडियो को पूरा देखना एंड तक देखना और लिटरली भाई इस वाले अपडेट में ना मेरा… Read More

  • The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!

    The Ultimate Spell Return Module in MC History!Video Information 哈喽各位大家好 我是油哥 欢迎收看史上最好的咒术回战模组 时隔几个月 咱们心心念念的咒术回战模组 也是迎来了好几次的更新 最佳的许多咒灵咒术师以及术士 并且在第 24 版本的时候 作者直接将模组移植到了刚更新的 1.2 0.1 版本 当然说了这么多 可能有一些观众完全就没有关注过 咒术回战这个模组啊 甚至连我的世界都不太了解 单纯就是动漫或者漫画版 所以我们这个系列就从零开始 逐一介绍每个角色的术师以及玩法 喜欢这期视频的观众朋友们 不要忘记点赞评论和关注 废话不多说 我们即刻开始 当我们刚进入存档的时候 系统会自动送我们一套咒术高专制服 还有一只虫 四虫可以为我们解决掉饱食度的问题 只要把它吃下去 我们的饱食度就会永远都是满的状态 那最重要的就是本术士选择书了 打开这本书 我们就可以挑选深的术士了 由于大部分角色的术士都有做出的 所以我们就根据动漫角色的出场时间 一个一个来吧 上期说的肯定是我们的主角小智 虎杖悠人选择了虎杖这个角色之后呢 我们就会获得一套虎杖的制服 穿上之后还是非常帅气的 那虎子这个角色并没有深得宿舍能使用的 只有最基础的体术招式啊 不过他的基础属性 buff 就会比其他角色 像攻击力啊 防御力这种啊 说到体术啊 现在作者已经做出来了攻击动作了 整个攻击过程咱就是说非常的丝滑 算不仅有刺旋 还有扫腿 再也不会像之前那样 每个动作都是单纯重复的 挥手显得那么突兀了 并且配合 1.20.1 的全新抖动特效 让玩家在第一人称体术打斗的时候 非常有战斗感 说白了就是让你在挨打的时候更沉浸式一点 当然除了攻击手段之外 现在的闪避效果做的也很不错啊 只需要在后退的时候按住空格键 就会触发后跟翻 翻越的距离还是挺 并且还可以连续翻五下 随后就会进入五秒的冷却时间 基础体术方面大概就这些 接下来我们来讲讲如何咒力 并且提升我们的术士等级啊 最简单的方法就是不出咒灵 获取名声 名声达到一定量就会升级 直到成为特级咒术师 猛猛干就完了 当然不排除有个别玩家想走捷径 快速提升等级啊 没关系 作者也贴心的为你们想到了进城推荐信 没错 只要使用了推荐性 便可以不费吹灰之力提升一个等级 怎么获得呢 百夜香这个生物只要击杀他就有机会掉落 但是就非常非常的低 我劝你们还是趁早死了这条心吧 补充一下 想要从一级术师升为特级 需要特级晋升推荐信号 这玩意也可以在百叶箱上获得 那当我们提升等级之后 不仅会增加我们的重力 buff 方面也会随之提高 而且还会解锁新的招式或者术士 值得一提的是… Read More

  • “INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft – must see!!” #cricket #minecraft

    "INSANE cricket skills in Minecraft - must see!!" #cricket #minecraftVideo Information eu sei que tu é galinha Então vem cá mamã vem cá mamã vem cá [Música] [Aplausos] [Música] [Aplausos] mamã Calma calma This video, titled ‘would you do this ? #cricket #minecraft#youtubesearch’, was uploaded by Cricket_with_shivansh on 2024-04-29 05:20:35. It has garnered 10098 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Mansion Build Update!! 😱Video Information we’re showing you an update on my server so this is what it looks like now I made a custom logo for it if y I think y might like it this is a big version of it I don’t know I was just going crazy with the glass got our balcony we got a helipad let’s go to the bottom and that’s where to start okay so we got my friend my one of my friends [Music] rooms um we got my room we got my other friend room you got the meet the meeting room which… Read More

  • Minecraft Live SMP – CRACKED Server 24/7! #exciting

    Minecraft Live SMP - CRACKED Server 24/7! #excitingVideo Information नहीं यो गाइस व्ट्स अप सभी लोगों का एकदम गुड वाला मॉर्निंग भाई बहुत लोग मेरे को यह बोल रहे हो भाई तुम यार मैंने बैन किया गाली देने के कारण ठीक है भाई कोई गाली दे रहा है सर्वर के अंदर मैंने बैन किया तो भाई पहली बात तो मैं यह बता देता हूं कोई भी अगर सर्वर में गाली दे रहा है तो भाई उसको बैन अगर हुआ ना बंदे का बैन का कारण मैं नहीं हूं ठीक है तुम लोग को मैं ये बता देता हूं पहले तुम लोग सोच रहे हो कि भाई मसन… Read More