1,000 Days on HARDCORE SMP – EPIC Survival Movie

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To begin with quiff wanted to use my XP farm and in return he gave me a netherite piece very nice indeed and then it was back to my base feel that guys that is the feeling of peace and Tranquility knowing that I cannot be attacked by clown Pier anytime I want to

Go after him and ruin his day I can just start hitting him it’s beautiful and today I want to gear up okay cuz I am sick of never having any iron so I should just make a farm for it I can make an iron farm that’s just running

All the time cuz it’s in spawn chunks and then I will just have unlimited iron I can make anvils for traps mine cards for entity cramming you know all that good stuff is always going to be handy plus I’m sick of not having Shields and yeah it’s just it’s just a a general

Thing I could sell the eye into people I just need one and considering how easy they are to build there’s no reason not to have one I think I could get it built in about 5 or 10 minutes I’m going to where I know there is a village which is

Somewhere in this direction whff was shot by clown Pier okay it looks like they had a 1 V one I mean and yeah clown pest one I I don’t know why quiff thought he could One V one clown but at least I don’t have the least amount of

Lives anymore qu’s got three I’ve got four finally I’ve found it so now operation build the farm can begin I just need a few beds six to be precise then it requires a good flat area without any caves around I reckon by the water could be good actually I’ve

Changed my mind I’m going to build it here I think it’s a slightly better spot so let’s go ahead and get rid of the trees then I need to dig a hole and this will be the room the villagers are in it’s becoming night and You’ think that

Would mean that I want to sleep but it doesn’t because hopefully there should be a good opportunity to get some villagers into the beds that is if they can find their way here I’m starting to realize that maybe I put the villagers a bit too far away so a more gradual

Process of luring than might be needed which involves breaking and placing beds as I go nice the first one’s successfully in if I break that bed like so he falls down now for the next one which could be one of these guys it looks like I’m getting two for the price

Of one which is perfect they’re in I’ll block it up and Golems are spawning that’s fantastic before I can do anym this trench needs digg in a bit more oh and Suffocation is taking him out fantastic so the Farm’s fully functional and if I had a lava bucket I could speed

It up even more so I’m going to try and find one and I’m also going to create a chunk loader that way I’ll be able to to go off and do another project whilst it gets me loads and loads of iron it’s also quite a long way to go and get that

Lava wasn’t it anyway we’ve got it we’ll take it I’m also going to need to make some signs and Gates just to put around the lava so that it doesn’t escape in fact I’ll craft those now I think I’ve got the sticks for it well I’ve got so

Much junk but we have got iron coming in which is always nice so yeah one bit of signs and then gates are not always easi to craft is it like that no it sticks on the outside isn’t it something like that I think four is going to be enough sign

Here then there’ll be lava on top but we’re going to need Gates and the side that are open and then signs on top of those so they don’t burn that should be safe to go right there all the wood can be removed thanks to the iron that is

Coming through can easily craft Hoppers and plant them down now we’ve got a collection system a collection system that will get me all the iron I Can Dream of now for the chunk loader I’m going to need to move this portal but I’m just going to see where it leads

First hopefully not to a trap oh okay it is to a trap but it’s a trap that I didn’t actually finish it was more of a decoy trap look yeah you see it’s it’s not really a proper trap but yeah okay that’s interesting well might as well as

Well turn it into a chunk loader I’ll mine it up so I’ll remake the portal in this chunk here it still connects up perfectly fantastic how did you spawn up there okay you’re not supposed to be able to escape hopefully it continues to work okay but if not I will spawn proof

This entire area and now I have a bit of a shopping list of items I need which is actually going to require me to do a little bit of mining because I think I’m out of redstone here’s just what I need also take lapis that could be useful and

The extra Redstone in the roof as well look at this diamonds that’s like an extra bonus I’m going to silk touch them so that I can pick them up and mine them when I have fortune 3 now it’s time to get back out of here complete the chunk

Loader add some boats finally the glass can be added when I flick it like that it should yeah it’s going to keep sending a boat through and coming back and it’s a fully working chunk loader the only issue I’ve got is that these Golems keep managing to spawn where they

Shouldn’t so just to combat that as well I’m going to completely cover the area in another layer of blocks which should make the farm work absolutely perfectly in fact even better I can take the iron it’s generating turn them to pressure plates and save myself even more blocks

All right I’m happy with that I think I will return with gold pressure pressure plates at some point just to make it absolutely certain but it’s not super important and whilst that’s running in the background I can go and work on the next project today really going to be a

Productive episode and whilst I leave that to get me loads of iron the other Farm I want to make is a general mob farm pretty much so I can get loads of gunpowder the materials needed should be fairly straightforward I’m basically just going to build it out of load of

Nether is Clown’s house don’t have to worry about him attacking me though so that’s that’s always nice I’m completely safe and immune at the moment I intend to keep it that way for a long long time also in the last episode I did tempor rarely leave my horse here and somebody

Stolen it again I think somebody’s nicked my horse and I have absolutely no idea where he is this time I’ve had a change of plan I’m just grabbing all of my random blocks I’m going to build it using that the position I’m going to build this farm at is right here over

The water I’ll add a block right here like so I get nine campfires in here which will damage the mobs and there will be Hoppers underneath those eventually and I need about 12 slabs I think that should do it because we’re just going to have them around this

Outside then I’ve got to go out eight blocks in every direction this is just going to be the collection system and you probably going to be able to tell straight away I’m not trying to make this Farm look pretty or nice I just want it to be functional so whatever

Blocks I have to hand is what I’m going to use for the build whether that’s nether deep slate stone Cobblestone there even be some dirt knocking around the building on the outside yet it’s all here the water collection system is all there I’ve got the slabs here so they

Don’t get stuck on the edge instead they they’ll get pushed downwards then I’ll spawn proof this with slabs and from there the fun bit can happen which is to add all the bits where the mobs will spawn platform number one this is going to be the most ugly build ever this is

Why I built it so far from Spawn I need more Cobble because I need to make a load of dispensers first of all that means I need a different pickaxe cuz I yeah I need to be able to mine it and not get the stone and I kind of want to

Do this underwater because it is night time don’t want loads of mobs get me you know I’ve only got four lives I don’t want that to become three that’ll be the worst thing so we’ll block that up and then yeah we’ll just mine up loads and

Loads and loads of it I’ve got enough string and sticks which which makes bones to make nine dispensers in total I think which is I think is a good amount if it’s got nine platforms it’ll go at a pretty good speed that does mean I’ll need to craft a couple of extra

Observers so even more Cobble will be needed good job I’ve got a half decent pickaxe isn’t it so that’s mission accomplished I can pick this up and I can get back down to business one thing I would say is it’s kind of annoying trying to build one of these without an

Elytra also pvp’s on this would be the worst time for someone to come and attack me wouldn’t it but yeah because I haven’t got an Electra I have to keep manually building my way up which is yeah a bit problematic you go there I’m

Not going to put any of the water in at this point yeah that should be like that and then I just need an observer on top with blocks all around him okay I think this is going to work to be completely honest I built this type of farm loads

And loads of times so there’s absolutely no excuse for me not to be able to do it basically The Observers and the dispensers are all going to activate each other to create a chain that floods the platform and pushes any mobs that spawn down into that water and then into

The campfires it’s a foolproof plan and this Farm is going to be so so useful I just need to get it done before the episode ends in the meantime my iron farm over there will be getting me loads and loads of the good stuff which I’m actually going to need for buckets so

Everything really is coming together at least it was coming together but I’ve unfortunately just run out out of blocks so I need a top up I should collect either dirt or nether CU both are pretty abundant I think I’m just oh no okay never mind I don’t have an efficiency

Shovel we are going to get nether the only issue is there’s not really an easy way for me to get back to Nether I don’t really want to use the chunk loader pod or should I just use it I I don’t know decided I am going to I think I can just

Disable it oh I see an issue here look at this sometimes the boats are getting stuck over there which means it’s a lost boat just give me one second cuz I can fix this very very quickly we’ve got a bit of iron in there I’m going to make a

Couple more Hoppers then a hopper mine cat from there I just need some rails again and I’ll place a block here this like this so that they can be pushed down into the spot okay W not through the portal what’s that all about didn’t exp that to happen but I guess it makes

Sense that it could happen time for take two this time with the portal disabled it goes underneath we then break these things we push it in and I was going to put a hopper can we do it in time uh no we can’t promise you this is the last

Time I’m doing it it’s going to be correct this time you go down there blocks get placed back down portal relip also PVP is nearly over which is always nice and the chunk loader will be much much more consistent from now on and now I get busy collecting all that

Netherrack that I needed for now I’m happy with the stocks that I’ve got so back to work I go tell what once you get going these layers are actually really fast to build I’ve only got three more to go after this that’s it done this is

The top layer all I need to do is cover it up with a Netherrack roof I have the choice I could use slabs to cover up the whole thing and then it’s actually spawn proof but that will me mine up a load of wood I think it’ll be worth it because I

Barely have the Netherrack so I’ll I’ll do that the annoying thing is from here I’ve got to go all the way down please tell me I survive this jum why I MLG okay I don’t know anyway yeah I’ve got to go all the way down and to get back

To the top I’ll have to mine all the way up maybe I need to create like the AFK Tower upwards soon anyway but yeah I will get loads and loads of wood and because I have loads and loads of iron if my ax should break I can easily pick

Out a crafting table and craft a brand new one oh it’s just going to make everything much more straightforward the amount of mine carts I can craft for traps the amount of anvils I can craft for traps and upgrading my armor it’s fantastic I’ve got over two stacks of

Logs I’m pretty sure that’s got to be enough and the other thing I’m going to need quite a bit of is buckets for the dispensers so I’ve added all the water buckets the roof is just about there this is how big it needs to be to make

Everything dark in fact I think I’m going to make it even bigger this is why I needed so much wood and so many slabs of which I still have over two stacks so yeah that’s fantastic and I’ve got loads of logs so yeah it should be fine and

From there all I will need to do is make the Redstone now I unfortunately used up all my stone and building some of the platforms so I can’t make the Redstone repeaters that I need and there it is roof complete there’s got to be mobs under there the problem is I’m not in

The right position so before I can do anything else yeah go and get some more Stone and I have a plan to get that basically just going to keep working my way down through all the nether at LS hopefully I don’t come across a mob or anything that would be slightly worried

But I think we’re okay yeah so the area now do we have any Cobblestone for a St we don’t so I do need a piece of cobblestone and then I’ll grab loads of Stone from here I could craft my one comparator now I need more repeaters the

Only issue is do I have enough Redstone for all of it it’s it’s going to be a little bit tight let me tell you that I think with eight I can make it work I I think it’ll do well it’ll have to do cuz I can’t get any more Redstone anyway I

Got so much wood cuz I can use that to patch up the gaps I think we’re there look at that oh look at all the mobs below me as well fantastic it’s almost that I’ve just realized though that I’ve run out of redstone I need to actually Place some Redstone Dust yeah there’s

Not um okay this is as course as usual with me I forget something so I’m going to turn it off I’m going to break this slab here to put the final bucket of water in then I’m going to go and get some Redstone thankfully I know somewhere nearby or if I forget going

Anywhere nearby this goes down low pretty fast oh iron nice oh wait I don’t need it oh lapis nice do I even need that probably not let’s just focus on not drowning but yeah these water caves are very nice once you start getting into the deep slight area that’s when

Your Redstone start showing up we got any magma down here or am I just going to end up drowning cuz I can’t find anything good this is why was a respiration threat I think clown nicked it when he swapped our armor over so yeah I’m kind of missing some of the

Good stuff can just do that though and uh you know well I’m kind of stuck in a one by one but it gives me everything I need back and a lot of lapis and some air bubbles perfect and finally Redstone fantastic we can definitely get this

Done now and if I get enough from down here I can probably make some extra repeaters as well wow look at the size of this cave it’s fantastic do I do I have a quick Scout for any diamonds cuz that’s kind of the only thing I’m short

On I’ll just remember where this cave is and I’ll come back at a later date cuz right now time is of the essence and I need to prioritize getting this build done deep slate coal you know that’s just rare there there there’s no other reason for me picking that up other the

Fact that you don’t see that very often deep slay Emerald is RAR but it’s still a pretty cool thing to find I’ve made it up here but I do want to craft one extra bucket and then I can get the AFK platform ready before I go all the way

Up let’s finish this and by finish it I mean first let’s see how much red stone we get for by mining it all up 57 pieces oh it’s fantastic we’ll well I was going to say we’ll make eight Redstone torches but we need a bit of wood for that first

Four more repeaters I’ve got the dust this this should be absolutely everything that I need so we’ll go ahead and extend it a little bit more and now you have it the timer is complete as you can see it’ll go around and I’ll show you from a bit of a distance everything

Gets flooded and then as it goes back round it gets unflooded and all the mobs that got pushed off will get pushed into that campfire there’s no Hopper system at the bottom that is a slight issue I’ll deal with that once I have built up to the top this is definitely going to

Be high enough I’m now going to bridge using slabs so that it’s all spawn proofed up here but doing that did mean I have to craft a few extra of them I reckon this is a very nice little spot okay ran out okay well we need even more

It probably wouldn’t be the end of the world to have a crafting table up here anyway let’s go and place down the final bits just so we’ve got a nice little 3×3 platform that’s that’s very safe I don’t want to fall off here because you know

What happens if I fall off here I die you know what I’ve got to make it safety proof the reason being for that is I know how stupid I can be sometimes so those slabs are just there so that Phantoms aren’t going to be an issue around the outside we’re going to have

Walls like this fantastic and if I managed to fall off in a bit that I haven’t spawn proof I should be safe to make it to the water I’d have to be pretty bad to to not e the water from there so we’ll just have this come all

The way yeah like that I like it then it needs to be easy to get up and down so I’m going to place water oh yes it’s fantastic we can then jump and how’s it getting on it sounds like it’s getting on very well I can hear a lot of mobs

Down here yeah the only issue is the lack of Hoppers below so there’s no there’s no excuse to have no Hoppers below because I have an iron farm so nine of them can be crafted we have enough iron for nine Hoppers but now we don’t have enough wood for the chest but

Anyway we’ll get the hoppers down to start with everything is basically just going to go into each other I need to do this before I drown come onb not like this that Hopper should be filling up with items oh yes look at all the gunpowder oh fantastic now to do a

Little bit more deforestation which involves quickly running over here and getting to a tree I I don’t need much I just need enough for the double chest to going hold it I think at some point make an auto sorter system mainly so I sort the gunpowder out but for now

Everything’s just going to get in a massive M mismatch into the chest and I’m sure it’ll work out fine also whilst I’m in the area I want I have a quick look to see how my iron Farm’s getting on did just see an iron golem die I I

Feel like my chunk loader is a bit of a weird one I think it works well on single player on but I think on a server yeah that chunk loader isn’t really working so I have to be in the area and I built that too far away to be in the

Area so I remember that but it’s more than enough I I need for now anyway oh a blast furnace no that could come in hand it at my base I’ll take it cuz I’m too lazy to craft my own don’t know what items i’ be smelting right now since I

Have an iron farm and a gold farm and don’t need the O but I guess it’s still good to know about I’m going to have a upside down Hopper like so then we’re going to have a chest here don’t know why I’m doing underwater storage it’s

Going to be really annoying to get I am also drowning but I think I’ll survive it something tells me but yeah now it’s all going in fantastic I can swim all the way up to top it’s actually pretty quick not quick enough to stop me from

Drowning though had to just have a equi gas for oxygen also yeah you can eat while climbing that’s actually handy I Ever Need to Escape you need to go up a water tunnel but if I just chill here then the farm will be spawning lots and

Lots of mobs down below as I said before the thing I like about this Farm is it’ll get me a lot of gunpowder but bone meal is going to be good it’s going to get me a little bit of redstone and glow stone you know all sorts of stuff for

Brewing the SPID eyes so there’s many many benefits from having a farm like this should have built it ages ago should have built that iron farm ages ago it’s going to saved me so so much time guys I’ve got a plan because I think I have a way where we might be

Able to kill clown but I won’t be the one doing it so I won’t lose my immunity it all requires invisibility which means I need carrots and it’s going to require full diamond armor at the moment I’ve got netherite I don’t want that so I have diamond leggings which is good they

Can go in there but I don’t have a diamond chest plate I do have diamonds knocking about here let’s see how much we get hopefully we get loads we have got a grand total of nine plus those five I also need to make a diamond ax so

I’ll craft that craft the chest plate I’ve been collecting sharpness books in the background as well I can make a sharpness 4 One there we go that can go on the axe but I actually I want to upgrade the axe first and there’s other

Stuff I want to get from the XP farm so that can be my beginning project I hear them talking I don’t know what they’re talking about but I’m going in hello hello what are you doing oh wait oh guys guys you being too noisy you’re’ being

Too noisy all I can ask many have you got any carrots oh wow you’re talking toy Stacks I have the car boy here you want some carrots SBI I got you there you go bro I don’t know what you want to talk about but I feel like I don’t want

Mini to hear I don’t want clown to hear I know we have an XP farm deal do you want to go to the XP farm not yet because I just got a message from who from from clown what did he say he has an offer for me and he wants to meet okay

Well you can you can meet if you want but I’m telling you I I would stay on my side I know we have a no no no no no no no no this going to work in our favor I haven’t done anything to betray him all right Qui well don’t do any double

Crossing no no no I listen I need the XP far more than I need friendship that’s how it is things are getting interesting things are getting very very interesting there’s a little double crossing basically me Minnie and quiff are all going to go invisible in the same armor Clown’s not going to know

Who’s who he can’t attack me or he has to give me two lives and he’s going to really struggle to fight back meanwhile I can craft loads of golden carrots starting with the invis and because it’s the three of us we’re going to need quite a bit that’s three of them done I

Think I’ve got everything I need Minnie just wants me do some Brom for him I’ve got everything else at the XP farm so that’s where I’m going to go and then I can get the prop four Diamond chest plate and the sharp for axe hope nobody’s here I hope nobody’s set a trap

I think it’ll be okay yeah it seems pretty safe start with a bit more Brewing let’s see what we got prop four come on be un breaking three as well oh that’s perfect that’s exactly what I needed I can make the strength for mini I can get a little bit of efficiency on

This ax efficiency two and then give it sharpness five or sharpness four should we say honestly I get nervous before big battles like this it’s going to be interesting to see what actually unfolds we also got two gas tiers here which is very very useful because I want to make

Some end crystals that way if the fight is going to plan and I want to stay keep everyone in the nether longer I can heal the dragon so everything is brewed and everything is crafted okay Qui perfect welcome bro you found the way yeah yeah I managed to okay first things first

You’re going to need these okay I’ve got them are you are you aware of the plan are you do you know how it’s going to work mini run me down we’re pretty much all going to go in his and act as you yeah so we all need to be exactly the

Same so you need full Enchanted armor and all Enchanted tools doesn’t matter the enchant um I’m I wonder if if he’s willing to give up the two lives to kill you though I don’t think so cuz he wants 10 lives yeah cuz what he said to me is

He was thinking about just killing mini yeah but he won’t know which what mini is yeah this is okay this is interesting you know on the right you’re on the right side here Qui yeah he he wanted me to be part of his team okay you know

This I’m putting my I’m putting my my my lives on the line for this everything is in place I’ve smoothed things over with Qui so we know what’s going to happen I just need to AFK up there then the XP farm will work for him and I want to

Make sure I have plenty of blocks I’m in position complet completely safe I’ve told many where to meet me so I can give him the stuff and all this time quiff is using the XP farm told everyone to meet in 10 minutes that should be plenty of

Time although I’m a little bit lost I think I’m just going to make my own way home couldn’t find my secret entrance to get to where quiff is but I do have a portal over here I would grab some IR but I’m completely full up on stuff so

We’ll forget about that and this chunk loader doesn’t really work very well so I’ll just I’ll just go through it as a normal portal so quiff is sorted out mini is about to be what could possibly go wrong famous last words I guess giving him the Splash and the strength

And the Enis I’m going to make more suspicious stew with the last space that I have and I might as well just fill the gaps with swiftness i’ that’s everything I need always want more dirt that will Top me up nobody seems to have the stuff for eyes Ender I don’t really have

Enough pearls to go and do that so I’m going to go to the Nether and collect some oh clown says he’s got some all right I’m grabbing extra nobody wants to use their stuff the annoying thing is I don’t have looting three anymore so I can’t really easily get him clown nicked

It off me anyway I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world there’s the first one man I don’t have space in this inventory I’ll have to put like a couple of stacks of blocks away just so that I have space for them all right I’m going

To the Fortress now honestly get out of here come on what is this all about leave me alone there hling seriously just dve me crazy all the time and the piglins anyway the Fortress Is This Way someone did destroy all the spawners so I’m going to have to just find blades

That are roaming around wonder who was that removed them all but yeah I’m still fairly confident that I will manage okay so far taking out four Blaze haven’t got a single drop I thought it would be slightly better than this five blazes and nothing but on the sixth one are you

Kidding me finally the eighth Blaze has dropped there there we go a second one and finally a third yeah if I provide six size of Ender that’s got to be enough if people want more than that then they can chip in and help this is the moment ladies and gentlemen I’ve got

Everything I need we’re going to meet at spawn and we are going to go to the stronghold and fight the Ender Dragon it’s an exciting moment that’s going to open up so many new things like the n city loot Shuler boxes I can’t wait to be able to use Shuler boxes it’ll make

Life so much easier for storage it’s going to be amazing and I really hope I don’t die okay I’ve got four lives I don’t want less than that I just want the plan to work hi hi guys yeah what you planning we we literally were literally had a sleepover oh I wasn’t invited

Thanks guys I just have to leave sorry we were waiting for you I’m sorry I I I was going back to my base when sleep Minnie was the only member who hasn’t spent a night in my bed yet so we had to you know make sure that happened I

Thought I was the first you think that’s what they all say so the ey says that it is in this direction oh yo I was right I said left so you did say it was going to be left and it was indeed anyway confrontation time who’s nicked my horse

And where is it uh I think I can I can with a small payment I can tell you exactly where it is all I can say is it better be back it better be back next episode according to the eyes we want to dig down right about here I think so I

Guess you can make your own tunnels don’t don’t use my unless you want to use man you kind of quiff doesn’t care he’s going he’s in yo we’re in boys we’re in the stronghold okay first one to find it get an extra life go go go go go uh-oh found

It found anything okay well I’m I’m a I’m a master I’m a master at finding these so don’t you worry I found the beginning yep I found the starter staircase found diamonds let’s go baby I found it okay I found the portal room I’ll I’ll put all the eyes in you ready

Guys yep I’m ready time all right let’s do it 3 2 1 go let’s go we’re here let’s get off this island sweet what on it I just got endite okay I near just got knocked off by endite but I’m in all right guys nice peaceful battle just

Come on well guys are we are we truing or what’s uh dragon’s the main uh oh these end these end are causing trouble think I’m going to drink a potion guys potion’s that I think I will as well you know boys all right we can talk about

This how’s it how’s it going are you are you sucking a clown yeah I wouldn’t want to accidentally hit me clown you know what happens if you do that okay I see how it is here oh oh he didn’t land that he’s a fast boy you know very fast

Yeah hiding at a tower going try and kill the End Dragon three people on this is like this like a man right here actually is except I can’t fight back at all not at all well why can’t you fight back man well you know cuz some of you are going to

You got got to be careful with some of them don’t you luckily I can discern some of you now discern wellow I see invisible people going for me I see how it is we don’t know who it is yo all right all Right well Clown’s got one of them well the dragon’s still alive and Kicking what a what a shot qu Blindness what do you mean blindness I I get blind how have you got blindness are you going to areff are you going to what are you doing quiff are you going are you battling or are you just observing bro I got hit with a blindness oh blindness oh so now you’re attacking me

Oh Wait this is the most fun about in years Yeah Okay this dragon’s dying Qui do something bro I don’t know who’s who good job SP had a contingency plan oh oh it’s me hey he I’m still still safe where is Cliff well I kind of knocked him off the edge I don’t know where he went did he not went

To do something devious I’m sure I mean CL I I ain’t going to kill you I was just there to to cause you trouble you know yeah really is that so yeah I mean I I I I don’t want to use up my immunity just yet but if I can you know damage

Your armor a little bit that’s always nice I I did actually get hit by you before you know but I I won’t I won’t enact It well to be honest it’s a magical moment might as well uh embrace it cuz I don’t know where qu’s gone well done for surviving clown thank you you know and uh you’re not what’s the point hey what’s the I can just do it as much as I want what’s the point

What’s the point I just want to weaken your armor you know it’s just going to be annoying for you you know just get rid of The Shield I don’t really know what the the plan is for the egg you know um uh me neither I mean last time I did this with

Someone who went in the void you want to just kind of go evens on it did I blow it up did I blow up I got it I expected them two to do better I was like doing all the damage and I was like I can’t kill him I’ve just got to

Soften him up for them and then where were they I’m going through so see you later guys I have a plan I plan to trap everyone else in the end but doing that will require quite a few items starting with redstone and I also want a nether

Portal at the stronghold so I can get there really really quickly so I’m going to go over to the stronghold and set that up times of the essence have got to be very Speedy in today’s episode the good thing most of the journey is over water I can get there very very quickly

In that case it’s actually only about 1,000 blocks from my house which is good cuz in the nether that’s about 200 blocks which can be traveled across very very quickly indeed We’re Not A Million Miles Away now you see I wrote down the exact coordinates of the portal

Room and it’s here there you go made my tunnel down this is the room that I want to be able to get to very easily so I’m going to sneak a portal into the wall which people might find to be H if they do I don’t mind it’s not the end of the

World now let’s light it up hope it just links to a brand new one yeah I think it does fantastic and I’m going to travel back in and start looking for Redstone underneath this area I’m sure there’s got to be a cave down here somewhere

Okay well not a cave but I just dug straight onto the a so that’s that’s even better there’s quite a few of them and with my fortune probably it’s going to be enough I’m hoping and just in case I’ll dig down a little bit further into

A m shaft okay nice start off by getting rid of this spawn oh and dripstone you can never have too much of that and I found more redstone fantastic so I’ll mine all that up I’m thinking I could set a little sneaky dripstone trap I

Don’t even know if it would work cuz I haven’t really tested it I’m thinking it could be like a digging down trap yeah I’ve never set one up like this before all this Redstone g off so just straight up might not do enough damage to take

Out the player but we can always see and I’m also going to hurry up and get out of this place now cuz I’ve got everything I need and I don’t want to be down here forever so the plan I’m thinking for the Trap is put Stone about

Here and then a massive long drip St okay this is risky if the drip Stone Falls but I don’t know how big a drip Stone can be but I’m just going to make it really really really long no idea how this is going to work I need to test it

Because one drip Stone alone won’t kill them but one massive one might just have do enough damage because it’ll it’ll hit them multiple times so something like that let’s see and then they’re going to land they’re probably going to take damage here they’re going to try an MLG

And mess it up PVP just come on okay I’m going to go through the end and get home but hopefully it gets them there’s also a bunch of new quests to get extra lives I’m not going to say them all right now but they are linked in the description

And all of those are definitely something I’ll be making the most of let’s place all of this down and grab the fortune 3 pick to mine at all fantastic got over two stacks next I need more Cobble which I I tend to just get from mining my base and I’m going to

Use this to craft a dispenser some observers pistons and a bunch of other resources the only things I’m missing is some TNT which I don’t think I have not even got any sand knocking about and I need a load more bones so I know just

The way to thought that I’m going to go ahead and visit my mob farm from there and get all the gunpowder I need for TNT I can get all the bones I need cuz I’m going to need bone meal and there is also an iron farm in that vicinity which

Is just going to be very very handy yeah Farms just make my life so so much easier I’m not far off but it also might as well grab a bunch of sand on the way cuz I’d like a stack of TNT and that is going to require four stacks of sand

Okay I got that really really fast I’ve Got 5 and a half suppose it’s always good to have a little bit spare here is the mob farm and the chest is underwater I might as well boat to it save some time be nice and Speedy but I’m telling

You I’m pretty sure there’s more than five stacks of gunpowder in here at least I hope there is there oh there is a lot of gunpowder I think there been this much that is five Stacks let’s craft all of that up and then I have

Space for a bunch of Bones and and a load more of it it’s amazing PVP is still on so I have got to be careful I hav’t got any strength on me which is the only worry but then again it’s only quiff or mini that can attack me so I’m

I’m I’m not that worried really I don’t have to be too scared of them too there’s a bunch of iron here that I can grab as well we’ve got the space for it might as well in fact to have even more space I’ll craft them into iron blocks

Amazing I’m completely rich off iron as well now I might as well head back through the nether since it is a much much quicker way home here’s my pathway I’ll just follow this along till I reach my portal and you can also see the portal to the stronghold down there so I

Know exactly where it is which means it’s very quick and easy to to get to as soon as somebody goes through an end Gateway I’ll know and they get the advancement that’s when I can begin my plan because I have got absolutely everything ready it’s now just time to

Execute it and I reckon they might be waiting till pvp’s off to go through so we’ll we’ll see anyway I know they say this all time but I think this time my plan really is completely foolproof I’ve been waiting around and quiff has just gone through an end Gateway but he’s not

The man I want it’s clown that I’m after I’ll get every single one of my items ready and I’m going to hang out near the nether port down there collecting ender pearls cuz they’re they’re just a handy thing that I already used up a lot of in the previous episode episode I’m also

Fairly confident no one’s coming after me cuz Quick’s in the end Gateway I don’t think mini would dare and clown can’t so yeah that makes me fairly comfortable that I’m safe but time will tell to say for sure also the only way clown can avoid my trap is if he

Rebirths the Ender Dragon that’s my biggest worry I have to hope when he’s in the end he doesn’t have end crystals cuz he might be going for tipped arrows or because qu’s just been there he might decide he wants to make a new end Gateway and that’s why I rebirth the

Ender Dragon just don’t know all I do know is that there’s a good chance this trap works but there are still one or two factors out of my control I also think one subract the end portal I will spend time getting looting three and strength but until that point I want to

Remain Vigilant and I want to remain ready quiffy is just getting all the advancements and clown still hasn’t gone through but I know where my portal is and patience really is the key just getting a little extra obsidian from this portal since I can’t think where

Else I’ll get it from in the nether so I’m just using every opportunity I’m kind of sick of getting end pearls I know Clown’s going to go to the end today it’s just a matter of time whil I wait I might as well also build a bridge

That connects back to everywhere else I feel like considering how long it’s taken clown to actually go to the end he must be going for gas TI I really think end those end crystals is part of his plan I’m not going to worry about that

I’m just going to keep in the area PVP has come back on so I have to be careful but I’m going to go into this Fortress and see what’s going on this looks fresh don’t know why anyone would build up there but I don’t remember it being here

In the previous episode it’s just all very very interesting there’s also not a single blaz spawn here which is very very annoying but that’s what I get for removing all the spawners ah now we’ve got a few well this is just such a fruitless task when you haven’t got

Looting three come on one rod it’s all I’m asking 5050 50 chance oh we got it nice remote get away okay it’s go time ladies and gentlemen this is it this is the moment I’ve been waiting for and I’m miles away in a fortress it’s fine I’m

Not far I’m about a 1 minute walk and I fully have the plan it’s going to take me about 4 minutes to set it up once I get to the end I’ve practiced this I’ve tested it there’s nothing more I can do just got to get a move on so through we

Go into oh hello buddy right don’t hit him by mistake into there block it back up and straight through the portal got to Hope quiff doesn’t come back okay we’re good what on Earth is is above me I have no clue okay that’s the way to

The end Gateway clown Pier has also made it to the end City okay I feel like he’s going to be doing a lot of exploring my goodness there’s a lot of cobwebs here isn’t it anyway to begin with I need to remove some Bedrock pry simple to do we

Just go like this with the TNT Cobble there we go and that is the first one broken which means I’ve just got three to go this ortal needs to be removed and I need to have them all trapped in the end once trapped in the end the only way

Out is to die well that’s my plan anyway because that is mission accomplished let’s now get the dirt the mushrooms and we need bone meal clampus is still about with shulkers that’s great news I have to grow the mushrooms in a certain way exactly like this then when I go like

That come on there we go it’s grown and look at that it’s broken some of the portal I do the exact same thing next to it more of the Portal’s gone it’s happening now to repeat it here grow the mushroom okay see this is what happens

If I get it wrong I have to remember to place a block five above then when it grows it can only grow so high and it breaks the portal okay just a few more to go we’re getting there PVP is on I hope nobody sneaks up on me that could

Be a disaster if they do but another one’s down fantastic which means we’re get into the important bit the bit that involves the Redstone let’s go ahead grow this mushroom okay there is just one portal block left I’m going to go like that so I don’t accidentally go

Through it then I need a mushroom here and next to it a dispenser that’s going to put bone meal don’t know what I’m going to dispense for now I’ll just have stone just to test it we’re going to have Redstone Dust running along followed by two observers okay yeah it’s

Working as intended then a piston is going to push them into it I’ve got Redstone going into the Piston to a Le which will be on this very block so when I flick this it’s going to push that and start dispens on there fantastic everything is in place I just have to

Put the bone meal in don’t get this wrong as spe otherwise you’re trapped in the end as well okay we break that s the lever and go through and we’re out and the mushroom should have grown as I went through the portal trapping everyone in the end both qu and clown should

Theoretically be stuck in the end I might just have done it ladies and gentlemen I might just have done it unless he has taken end crystals with him I will have done it that’s the big worry now I’ve just got to wait and see

I’ve got to I’ve got to wait and see if clown gets the advancement about rebirth the Ender Dragon cuz that is an advancement you get I’ve got to wait and see if the mushroom definitely grew and and the EMP out who’s this is this quiff

Oh qu’s out GFF I come in peace bro I heard some sound and I was like yo yo I’m not again when I’m building I’m finally house I do have a present for you cuz you have been helping me with XP farm you can take two of these well I

Thank you very much by the way did you make a trap at the end the end oh the end portal I should say in the stronghold why what makes you think that because uh I dug had the exact Cordes but I was one off a massive point of

Dripstone trap well let’s just say I put that drip Stone there yes okay okay well I’ve trapped the NC so if someone walks in they’re going to die to the drip Stone really why did you take the drip Stone yeah yeah I stole it all and I was

Like okay yo I’m going to make my own trap two of these from Qui what a nice gesture what a nice gift tell you what everything’s going right in this episode now it’s a shame that is not in the end uh and City you know it’s stuck in the

End but it’s now only clown stuck there the only way Clown’s getting out this rate is if he has the end crystals or if somebody goes and helps him I hope nobody goes and helps him who knows you never know with that man also yeah Qui nearly fell from a dripstone trap he

Just avoided it and now that trap is no more oh well I’ve got more important things to think about such as a brand spanking new Shuler box oh it’s beautiful I’ve got all this space to put things in and I’ve kind of got no idea

What I’m going to use it for at the moment I don’t really like I have Stu that needs to go in but I’ll also use it as of when I actually need loads and loads of things so first things first I got to remember the way to the XP farm I

Don’t need the XP but for some reason I decided that that’s where all my Brewing stuff is said no I need to just have some Brewing stuff at home and some Brewing stuff there but oh no I’ve got to make it all complicated unnecessarily so it really isn’t needed thankfully I

Do know the way to get there very easily here we are sincerely hope there is not any kind of trap on the other side not on this one and this Lally Redstone or by this portal I don’t know why I never remember that oh that’s a good point I

Should have a look for lapis never any harm in a little bit of caveen is there wow there’s loads of redstone down it I don’t know why I never got it before and since I’m someone that makes a lot of traps and a lot of machines and a lot of

Fabs it’s always coming in useful and Lapis is that other thing that I love to find these are basically the two things that I can’t farm at the moment maybe I could do a raid Farm further down the line honestly that that just sounds like a lot of effort instead I will just

Stick to the old mining we I mean realistically I should have more enough La it’s cuz I keep giving it to other people which is the price you pay when you rent out your XP farm and say that lapis is included so I guess I can

Deserve it and look at this we’ve got the lapis fantastic for now oh diamonds behind it as well that’s beautiful just two diamonds or can I dig around and find a couple more plus just two but you know what I can’t complain I’m still very happy with that and I’ve realized

What I’m going to put in this Sher box I’m going to put all the Brewing stuff in so I don’t have to come here again when I need it I think that’s quite a smart idea look at this what a cave and it opens up loads no one’s been here

Before I should use this opportunity to get more diamonds more stuff I’m just in like a no pressure situation now I’ve done what I needed to do in the episode wa has somebody been here I think that’s just part of the a slime oh I haven’t

Found slime I don’t have loot in three no slime don’t burn come on guys I need the Slime balls what’s going on don’t all burn that’s it I got one I got one’s enough at least I can make one sticky piston good to know that that is a slime

TR but to be honest it would just be easier if I took the time to find a swamp I’ll I’ll do it eventually but three slime balls that’s great I should have got looting three by now and then would be a to get more oh another Diamond nice with amethyst up there I

Have no idea what I would use amethyst for though so for now it’s getting ignored some diamonds in the roof I missed I walk past these earlier is it just a singular one it looks like it’s just is somebody what are you doing look at that poisoned up Point Blank Range

Last thing I wanted 40 seconds of it well thankfully with prop four the poison doesn’t really have an effect but anyway I’m I’m looking around for diamonds here that’s the most important thing I can also probably go to the n city eventually to get the diamonds but

Now I kind of burn that bridge you know trap trapping clown there if he doesn’t get trapped there and he has nend crystals to get out next episode I’ll go searching n cities and see what I can find but until that happens mining is going to be my best method of getting

Gear also think the biggest use of the diamonds is just for repairing armor actually more than anything like I’ve got the XP since mending is quite precious and I don’t have it on everything tend to have to use diamonds to do the repairs oh it’s dungeon nice

Going to break it I I don’t really have any use for that more Redstone I suppose I could take that leaving the music this behind cuz I I have loads of that loot well I don’t have loads of Music this but they’re just kind of pointless to me

Ah you know what just in case all right it’s cat you can’t say no to cat I think my Portal’s somewhere up this way I’m a little bit lost truth be told H yeah there it is through I’ll go I I really hope that nothing goes wrong you know

What we’ve got ender pearls we should be fine and here we are the XP farm completely ready for me to get to work we’ll start with the brewing and at the exact same time I can also use the fortune on my lapis strength is what I

To make it so let’s get that on it also mine up the diamonds which gives me 18 in total very happy with that then I’ll take this shulker box I could dye it yellow do I want to do that now I’ll D it blue fantastic yes that is now dyed

Those are now brewed basically all the stuff in here that’s useful can be placed into here while I’m at it I’ll craft a load more bottles fill them up with water and get them going in here I always want backups of stuff also want to get a diamond sword made cuz we’re

Going to go and test it on here so we’ basically need that looting three that’s what I’m going for got those 70 levels I might as well keep going till it happens that is a really good sword I think I should just keep that and then make

Another one I’m ruin out a chance to get loot in here come on come on gab just give it to me aha there we go be more than just looting three please okay well we have to accept it I’m going to Anvil it with this one I think that makes a

Lot of sense and then that’s like the combat sword and this is just the general one oh man pvp’s on okay yeah I’ve got to be a little bit more careful at this point like I do have the strength on me and I’ll Brew even more

Of it just to be safe perfect whilst the wait I’m also going to do some crafting I reckon I can never have too many Gold Blocks just be good to have on me I can make loads of golden carrots with them and stuff like that which is what my

Plan is I’m also going to repair my armor yes it uses levels but in my opinion good durability is very very important and that’s that I’m finished here I reckon I now should do some strip mining strip mining right down at the bottom of the world because that’s the

Place where you find the most diamonds and I’m not going to stop mining until I find a pretty large vein of them perfect we have found the first ones is it just two don’t tell me it’s just two it’s got to be it’s three all right I’ll I’ll

Accept that I’ll allow for three that’s pretty good but it’s not exactly where I want to be so I’ll just keep going I’m still waiting for clown till try and leave the end I need to know if it works come across lava here that might mean

There’s a cave by me only one way to find out it looks like it very nice indeed but is it a cave with diamonds or is it the cave that was just in earlier it also could be that well it does have diamonds and it’s not the one I was in

Earlier so yeah it’s it’s a double Victory okay well it has a diamond no it has two diamonds I take it back there’s worth dipping into here now that oh we’ve got a little bit of something here it’s very possible that underneath this lava there’s some diamonds so I’m

Blocking at the lava fall up just to see if it reveals anything my biggest worry with the Trap I’ve done for clown is I’ve tested it over and over again in a single player world it worked every single time and blocked up the portal making it impossible to get back and

Destroy the final portal block but I’ve never tried it on a server and that is where maybe it could behave differently and something could go wrong I wish there was some way for me to check the end there isn’t I just have to wait for clown to try to leave which is what

Makes it so very very worrying indeed anyway there wasn’t anything underneath that lava just so that I didn’t waste all my time I’ll mine up some Redstone to make myself feel a bit better and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing left of this cave to check out and I prefer to keep

Hold on a second no no no but this is where I came from isn’t it I I’ve been here before but I want to keep moving as well because pvp’s on don’t want somebody to just Ambush me but when you’re moving in a strip mine it is

Harder to be tracked down so let’s swim into there fantastic and away we go I also think maybe I’m too high up I think maybe I should be strip mining what about this level it’s 57 a good level I think maybe in 58 oh I’ll keep going

Lower okay not that low this is the level I’ll search this would be quicker if I had Swift sneak to be honest but I lost that somewhere down the line I think I lost it in lava and I haven’t gone back to an ancient city since I

Will be going back to a lot of ancient cities soon I do plan to try and get a lot of not apples but that doesn’t help me in this very moment whilst I search for those diamonds look at this there’s more now then will there be more than

Two this no why is it only other two it’s got to be three at least yeah is three okay I’ll I’ll take that better than nothing I suppose but I would definitely have liked quite a bit more more here is it three again is it just

Three every time I find them I’m like trying to tell you guys oh if you’re strip Min it you’ll find bigger veins like ones of eight apparently not apparently you just find on a three every time oh well they do say things come in threes I will continue mining

Cuz you just never know what you might stumble across I actually Wonder because of the slow crawling speed it is it faster for me to just actually strip M I think it is cuz I think per second I’m reling more blocks overall so until I have Swift sneak I’m changing to this

Method pvp’s now g off again which is fantastic and I have not found any diamonds since changing methods yet maybe this isn’t so good oh well I suppose we’ll soon see the good thing about mining for diamonds and strip mining is any moment you could just find

Them you just never know what you’re going to come across and then all of a sudden they’re there I mean I no it’s not happening right now but trust me we’re going to find a good vein of seven at least any moment oh I can hear mobs

We must be near a cave all right forget the any moment diamonds now thing I want to try and find out where this cave is I think I spoted it is this an open yes now then there is a yeah I don’t want to

Be near you and does it connect to a m shaft fantastic now we actually have time to explore this place oh guys get away from me yeah the last time I was in a man shaft I was in a rush now nothing to worry about I should actually take

The time to craft a pair of shears and gather up loads more cobwebs because I used up a lot in the end battle and they are a super useful thing to having combat and I’ve got about a stack and a half of them which is pretty good and

There appears to be another spawner down here just got to try and navigate these spiders all right we quickly mine these we break the spawner and then we get more cobwebs it really is a fullprof plan like this really has been an episode where I’ve just made a lot of

Progress like I managed to set my trap it was a pretty quick one I had to be careful yes there was a lot of waiting around involved but now that it’s done it’s a waiting game it’s not really one like if it doesn’t work it doesn’t

Matter not a lot of time down the drain it’s still a very very successful episode I think the Trap itself is a great idea if it does work and it traps clown in the end it’s going to be interesting because it’s going to allow me to make more progress he’s going to

Kind of have his progress stunted he’s going to try and do something to get out the end and I just have to hope that he doesn’t persuade Minnie or quiff to let him out cuz I feel like that is what could happen but if they agree to keep

Him there then it’s perfect or the other option is they go to the end as well and they don’t they don’t realize it’s trapped they might go back to the end next episode hopefully you know they don’t know what’s happened by then anything could be the case look at this

A dungeon anything decent a gold Apple they’re good because they are uncraftable don’t need the gunpowder because as you know I have unlimited that how many music discs of cat am I going to to find this episode that’s that’s four of them I’ve seen so yeah not interested in bothering with them

Did I get a little bit more Redstone or clown P okay I see how it is hang on a minute has it worked tell me it’s worked this has sp sp written all over it why would I trap him in the end he knows he

Knows Qui said what is it I said I don’t know where are you shall we come to you he says he’s at his house I’m pretty sure that’s not the case unless somebody’s done something to his base no he’s not at his house I bet he’s still

Trapped in the end he’s I don’t know why he’s telling Qui this said can’t see you at your base I’m there now obviously I’m not and there some mine cart chest oh a diamond nice and another mine cart chest above yeah this one’s not as oh you know

What name tags I feel like for some reason they’re important I don’t know what but maybe for some Farm could make an Ender farm with that that’s that’s handy my bad I’ll left to go to the end again said I might see him at the end

Then and ask if quiffs coming the end I don’t know if he’s coming I’ve already got clown trapped there there’s no way I get them both trapped another spawner man they’re everywhere and there’s a lot of spiders around that one and I go it’s broken you guys can be dealt with and

I’ll get a few more cobwebs I’m at a point where I have no idea what’s going to happen I hope quiff doesn’t go and help him but I don’t know cuz quiff ain’t replying to my messages either another Golden Apple nice and pvp’s just come on and I think I’m getting out of

Here I’m happy with what I’ve got you know ended up with 13 d diamond or a diamond itself I’ll dig my way out this is actually quite a good cave as well there might be some good stuff in it just when you thought the mining trip was over it wasn’t and more diamonds

Found that really is a turnup I don’t think I need to get more dripstone I mean I know you can never have too much drip Stone it’s great for traps and all that good stuff but right now yeah I need to I probably need to find out what

Quips up oh another can’t say no couldn’t find any for ages and now I’m trying to leave I can’t stop finding them all right now I’ve got enough stuff and I’m getting up and out of here make sure that everything is absolutely up quiff has helped clown Escape are you

Kidding me yeah I’m going to kill quiff for that and the next time I saw him that’s exactly what I tried to do it seems he with clown Pierce but clown Pierce won’t save you Qui just a little warning and you can’t run forever you’ve got 15

Minutes to stay alive my boy this is great clown base can’t do a thing thank goodness for that I am a little worried that he’s going to have way more ender pearls than me all right guys the bad news is I think I’ve lost him yeah he got away but

We’ve released all these quests and if you’re the first person to complete any of them you get an extra life although you can’t go above 10 lives so if clown completes one of them it just means that no one else can and I decided to try and

Trap a w and yeah I thought it’d be the quickest one on the list and to do that I needed to build a tunnel and a staircase for it so I’m going to build a staircase down right about here this is quite the long process but it’s got to

Be done and then I think I’m going to add actual stairs as well so that I can quickly get up and out of here faster than the warden can that’s the main thought my goodness this is a long way down but now we are getting to deep

Slate levels which is very nice now I have set a Sher off twice but I have no idea where it is which is worrying great care needs to be taken at this point because I can’t have the warden spawn in before I’m ready for it so far so good

It’s nearly all the way down I’m also going to add a staircase here so I can quickly run up yeah this is perfect I think in order for the ward to fit I might have to get rid of an extra layer of the roof so all looking good I’ll just add a

Bit more here and stone cut a load more stairs now I reckon this might just be what’s needed so I get a warden I lure him about here and he follows me all the way up with that I was ready I’d built a tunnel I’d placed blocks on route and I

Had got my snowballs so let’s do it all right I don’t think anyone’s going to sabotage me it’s just me and clown Pierce on the server at the moment and I really hope that it says that I have five lives I have to I’m pretty sure

This is a tall enough tun it’s not a tall enough tunnel is it all right I’ve just got just let me just break some of this roof the one is like a block to in the player so that’s why it needs a bigger area to get through but I think

That’s fine now I just hav to finished mine out all the stairs all right I’ve got my snowballs I’ve got my swiftness just need to try and get a warden is there a shrier up here this could be the perfect location for it I don’t see what

It’s like all the shers have been mined up probably it was me or something was it who knows all I know is I’m struggling to find one I know there’s one kind of over in that direction so I think that’s the one I’ll have to activate it seems like all the other

Have just been mined up maybe clown or quiff did it aha I found it so hopefully I can make a bit of a pathway through here it’s all set up and ready I don’t think anything can go wrong let’s do it I’m going to drink an initial swiftness

As well here we go this will activate it I don’t know where it’s going to climb out of the ground that is the only worry there you are okay name tag you yep it’s bad idea now just follow the Snowballs totally forgot I need to mine away the

Roof this is going to make him angry but anyway we’re okay that’s it along here you go just keep following the snowball sounds what am I doing guys really what am I doing okay he seems like he’s angry at me now um see you later then I’m running

Okay this is where the darkness becomes whoa clown what are you doing Clown’s crazy he’s trying to get me killed what a sabotage moment okay I got end Pearl away I should be okay clown is is going to make me die to a warden if I’m not careful what a guy he

Thought that was going to work takes more than that he doesn’t want me get an extra La where is the warden the warden is still down here but where the warden is I have no idea thing is it’s probably my best interest to get out of here

Whilst the warden’s angry cuz I need to work out where it is it might be on my staircase the the the plan might still be here to try and get the warden up if I go near it when it’s still mad it’s it’s certain death made it out it’s nice

To see the sunshine but where is clown Pierce and where is my warden so it was back to the drawing board I didn’t trap the warden but at least I was still alive for now and with clown guard the tunnel whilst fishing I decided it would

Be best for me to leave the warden alone for a few days cuz then I was feeling better I was ready to get quiff and I was ready to work towards other life quests I don’t know how far out qu’s travel but it seems to be a long long

Way because I’ve gone a like a thousand blocks in this boat and he’s still further ahead is that something he’s built it looks like it’s some sort of dirt platform he’s created and he’s on it there he is is he waiting for me I’m going to try and sneak underwater

To him he’s obviously doing I don’t know what he’s doing but hopefully underwater he won’t see me if I just keep low to the ground I might be a able to get the sneak attack on him there’s his boat if I can destroy his boat he can’t get away

Okay let’s do this first we destroy his boat and now the chase is on okay I have this he has it as well okay he’s swimming away okay he knows that he’s in trouble all right but as long as he stays under water maybe he thinks he’s going to be all right okay

This is this is going to be interesting I do have Swift if I want it okay yeah see he thinks he can PE away he won’t though he can’t all right where’s he going okay he’s gone underground and we just need to try and find him we just gone either above him

Or below him going to guess below please be below hopefully I’ve gone the correct way for this he’s in a SK area hear him digging guys he’s somewhere here I know exactly where he is but I used the tracker I can would only have one minute to kill him which

Would be a bit of a challenge but not impossible is he down here somewhere just gone quite and Silent on me he’s made it he’s made a grand Escape for now for now ladies and gentlemen time is up I don’t want to go near him I want to

Let him think that he’s gone away he me bro I was AFK and I tab back in i h I’m like wait was that a drown bro I see you chasing me I’m like okay bro is that why you’re just on that platform AFK yeah

Yeah yeah I was like okay okay let me just check somewh I was reading about the advancements I’m like why is he traveling so far away some consolation I guess managed to get some diamonds out of it don’t you worry guys because cuz I’m I’m hopeful that quiff does not log

Off till PVP comes back on we were in a deep dark so I’m going to just try and strip mine around right at the bottom of the world and see if there’s any ancient cities in the area look at this ladies and gentlemen didn’t think I’ll be back

Here so soon my plan the next time I was going to come to one of these was I was going to use a warden disabler to make it easier but I guess that’s going out the window there’s definitely stuff in here but okay well we just got exactly

What I wanted and I’ve just set a Sher off okay what I didn’t want to do oh well well um go ahead search a little bit of an area quickly so the idea is if I grab myself the gray wall you can actually mine a shrier before it goes

Off so when it comes to looting this place that is going to be my plan it’s like the worst ancient city in the world for chest to be honest well there is one down there only one shrier so that’s a good sign you know what I should have

Done all that string that I’ve got from my general mob farm that should be put towards anything good name about it oh Diamond Leons yes I think I’m just going to put those right there a swift sneak book I’ll take Swift sneak too that’s also handy well that’s string that I’ve

Got for my general mob farm I could craft together for wool next time but I wasn’t really you know prepared for this it wasn’t part of my plan my main plan was to build a one disable next time I came to one of these but when you come

Across one and you’re in the area you should always loot it shouldn’t you I mean it it just it just makes sense a little bit worried now because I’m out of blocks and there’s a chest here there’s a warden beneath me though he’s there he obviously knows where I am what

Am I going to use to build up we’re going to use crafting tables cuz times are hard okay and if this better have a notch uplo and make it all worthwhile cuz this guy knows where I am oh it’s pretty terrible okay it’s definitely angry at me we’re going to ender pearl

Away there we go straight on the chest with the diamond leing do I take him I have to I have to yes right let’s down move all I know is he’s after me okay he’s going hard for me he’s going fast fast as as he can okay I’ve already been

Here I know maybe I haven’t checked every single chest but it’s time to get Warden spawn in left right and Center I can hear them I can hear another one coming through it’s just the fact that I haven’t really got any blocks that worries me qu just left the game which

Means I can’t even go after him now keep setting these shers off to just keep running for my life I hear I hear someone’s fo steps really close keep moving SP just keep moving now I am stressed to say the least what’s going on another shriek is going off okay

There must be about six warders down here now if not more come onb just hang in there just keep moving just got to find a place where I’m away from everyone not Senter another Ward enough and then I can dig out of here I think this might be the spot go like this

I hear him he’s going to kill me I’m going to die to a w it guys I can hear him please no not like this not like this please come on SP one more hit and I’m dead no I RSB and of course clown Pier successfully trapped my ward in at spawn

So now I can’t get the extra life for that I guess I’ll just put on some armor grab plenty of food then head through the nether go and get my stuff I roughly know where the coordinates are I build a portal right about here should bring me somewhere close yeah it’s brought me

Right at the deep dark and I can hear wardens below me do I really want to do this oh me crazy but I’m going to Pearl to there and then attempt to get to my stuff found my crafting tables don’t think there’s a water nearby everything except the pickaxe cuz I need enough

Inventory space to pick everything up just to stop it from despawning and it’s and we got it all okay fantastic ftic let’s just throw some of it out so we can pick everything up end the despawn time how did I not Escape I must been so

Close to being high enough not to get hit again another bad day at the office for S sp737 but I’ve got my stuff back leave that area and go back home today we either gain alive or we die there’s going to be no in between I’m going to

Be doing something very very risky again and I will be doing stuff to do with the wardens later on as well it’s going to be a an interesting episode but I prepared well it’s raining it’s dark okay that’s not good I just need to gather up materials for for this

Contraption they also need to try and clear some space in my inventory I’ve got absolutely full of stuff we’re going to keep a strength and a fire as in here and then all the rest can go like that regen 2 is going to be key I think I got

That from an ancient city strength is good we’re going to need some healing though which I don’t think I have any of no so we’re going to go ahead and start VI bring that in here we have a glistering melon this honestly this trap well it’s not a trap actually it’s a

It’s a machine that’s going to allow me to get an extra life but it’s all very very risky which is is just not what you want to hear really is it guys on the plus side I have tested it so so much I mean I couldn’t have tested it more

Times okay I i’ I’ve spent like hours and hours working on this so I really hope it all works now we are going to need Pistons we’re going to need Redstone levers trap everything in here actually it’s it’s very handy we won’t need observers I’m going to need one

Torch I’m going to need a bunch of repeaters also going to be kelp there’s going to be I just need one of you he a brood I will grab them two of them can go in here and yeah okay that’s that’s everything I’m going to need for for

This plan you see one of the quests to get an extra life is to survive in the void but take 10 hearts of damage in the void and I realize I can do it without a notch shffle is this entire procedure going to be quite risky yes yes it is I

Think I’ve got everything I need I need to be able to break bedrock I want to be able to disable a warden later on as well there’s there’s loads and loads of different things and to do this entire thing I want to be far far away from

Every single player if one of them interferes and and disables some of my Redstone or anything like that it will mean that I will just die which will be kind of embarrassing so I’ve got to be very very careful that nobody gets involved ruins anything for me and I

Need to make sure I do this Quest before anyone else cuz I know Qui if’s got a not chle min’s got a not chle Clown’s got a not chle any one of them could do this Quest but yeah I have to spend so much time now focusing on gaining life

Just because I’ve lost way too many so everything I do is going to be quests towards that also one worry I have just realized haven’t really thought about is the fact that I’m kind of low on food I’ve only got five of these I do have a

Sword in my end chest that’s got looting and fire aspect so I think maybe I should use that as an opportunity pvp’s on okay let’s just keep moving and get as far away from here as possible but yeah as I’m traveling I can go ahead and

Take out any cows that there are around any pigs use the fire aspect I could do with it not raining though cuz then they won’t be cooked mate unless we’re under here that could that could work cuz yeah five steak is soon going to run out and

I I definitely need plenty of food with where I’m going cuz there won’t be any way to get some oh look at this is pig yeah I tell you I’ll worry about that when the rain stops I’m sure it can’t carry on for the ENT ire episode but

Yeah as I was saying I’m going to go over to where the general mob farm is as well because that is going to allow me to get a load of string I can turn that string into wool and then when I’m in ancient cities it won’t be a problem

Because I’ll have loads and loads of wool not that I need too much wool because of what I’m going to be doing like my Warden disabler but yeah anyway it’s all going to work better safe than sorry with the wool free crafting table Don’t Mind If I Do I can never have too

Many of them I have 10 at the moment so I’m always I’m always collecting more there’s the farm I should also use this opportunity to bit do a bit of switching around I don’t think anybody’s nearby but I’ve still got to keep my wits about

Me so we’ll go ahead put that back in there is there anything that I could just kind of shift out of my inventory like the thing is you’ve just got to be ready for PVP at all times I guess I probably don’t need all the Cobble deeps

SL I just need plenty of space so because I’m going to obviously get some string think I’m fine I think I don’t know quiff and Minnie seem to be dealing with each other and clown can’t outright attack me he could still trap me but he can’t outright attack me so I’ve got a

You know I’ve got a bit of a a thing there I to worry too much about it so we’ll swim over here our depth stride is very nice very nice and Speedy and then we’re going to get myself the string out of there I know I have loads of string I

Have loads of gunpowder as well which is good for TNT but string is the main thing so let’s go ahead and grab one two three and four and then we can turn that into a stack of wool fantastic do we grab a little bit more as well how can

We do we go one let’s just grab all the string we’ve got so that’s that’s all that we’ll put the the rest in there it’s just going to be handy okay it’s going to be handy later on from there I’ve got my boat down and I am sailing

Now me and quiff kind of sailed over in that direction so I’m going to sail this way cuz I don’t think this has been explored so this is this is the direction that I’m going to search I do want to find new ancient cities as I’m exploring but that’s that’s not a super

Important thing first things first do that Quest get the extra life new lands it’s AAA biome very nice indeed and the area does seem to get a bit mountainous over there whether it actually opens up into proper mountains I’m not sure doesn’t look like it looks like it’s

Just a small thing but there is also a jungle in distance doesn’t it cool through the rain and the mist and the ocean continues I’m going to keep using it then we want to be far far if anybody interferes it would be the biggest disaster ever and I can keep my eye out

For mountains you know what it’s just worth having a look in that room P you never know a one in 100 oh what is that that is massive that waa look at the size of that there could be an ancient city under there just a possibility now

Yeah we have a shipwreck here but yeah as I said there’s a 1% chance of getting a not Apple in a room portal so it might be worth having a little look I think it’s 1% don’t quote me on that is a treasury or is it is it just purely is

It just the rubbish chest it is the rubbish one okay I I wonder what quip was doing I thought for a second it might be a death message or something but it wasn’t nothing nothing’s happened you know pvp’s on you can’t be too careful I know just walked into lava

Anyway where is this chest I can’t even see it just see creepers everywhere well maybe that’ll reveal it nope feel like I’ve been scammed can’t see a thing you know me I just love wasting time anyway I want to go over there Mangrove swamp as well I don’t know what the usage of

That is you can get frogs there that’s about it but it’s cool to know nonetheless the rain stopped thank goodness for that let me get my sword out see if there’s any animals around here got to be something something other than chickens come on I just need a few

Cows and then once I have that little bit of extra food now my be in mind I hold on a second do I have anything my in the chest I know I have suspicious stew but yeah not got actually any proper food in my chest I used to have

So much steak didn’t I back in the day and then it’s um it’s all been eaten bit by bit I got I got so much steak cuz I got so much leather where are all the animals is this like explored chunks or they’ve already been taken out I have no

Idea but this is a bit of a bit of a down just chickens everywhere I look every corner I I don’t think anyone’s been here but you never know some people have explored far and wide just accept it and go for mutton maybe I mean it

Might be might be worth it don’t want to be wasting time unnecessarily you see yeah between me I’ve got suspicious stew I’ve got mutton and I’ve got steak that should get me through at least what I’m about to do and I found a cow that’s more like it where were you before

There’s a pig over there as well here’s what I’m going to do okay I’m going to throw away all that take out the pig eat a bit of him you know what I might as well just keep that I I don’t think I need dirt how much dirt is it yeah I

Don’t need it and then let’s dig down let’s see what happens I hope nobody’s tracking me they’re just going to ruin everything if they do let’s go down here let’s begin digging down like if I find an ancient city it’ll be nice but I’m not wanting to find that I’ve got a

Different plan ahead of me okay we’ve made it to water I I’ll go for a little swim down then this would be so easy if there’s nobody else on the server but I I get really nervous when there could be someone else at least the digging Down’s

Going well it doesn’t look like there’s going to be any deep dark below me there’s lava down there okay I want to avoid that I’m currently pretty far down I I’m I’m basically at Bedrock level now yeah so here we are all righty 6 minutes of PVP hopefully nobody gets near me

It’s time to set up the void escaper 2000 Co name I know so first of all we’ve got to find oh that could be good I just about to say we need to find some Bedrock that’s that’s right at the bottom and not covered that’s it now the

Only problem is I need to remove it and the method of removing it means I’m going to have to remove bed rock around it it’s not a major issue it’s just going to take me a little bit of time to start destroying the Bedrock but I think

That should be the first thing I do destroy the Bedrock cuz I need to be able to get to the void all right I could have done this in the end but I didn’t trust the others in the end I’d rather be like a few thousand blocks

Away here but I always get scared when opening the void so first of all I’ve got to work out where I’m going to remove stuff going start with this bit of Bedrock here so we need obsidian we need Cobble on top and then it’s just a

Case of TNT like so a lever I need the trapo which is there you’ve seen me do this before flick this and then when we put the Piston down and break it it breaks the Bedrock I also need to get rid of this bit it’s pretty easy I think

From there I need to get rid of that yeah there’s just so much to destroy when you’re trying to open up the void because you can’t just destroy the bottom one easily but anyway we’re getting there getting pretty close to where I want to be quier says he has an

Offer Qui I have nothing to say to you all right you let clown out the end and I have still not forgiven you you for that so you know I’m probably not going to be interested but you never know he might do something good want to know if

I’m at at my base the thing is he’s going to end up trying to come to me or something he’s going to ruin something for me hope he doesn’t but I just you know I just don’t trust qu all right and he’s going to end up coming and just

Accidentally stumbling upon what I’m doing they’ll get him away and I really don’t want that anyway we’re we’re pretty close now I’ve just got to remove this bit of bedrock and then I think I’m done I think well and then I’ve got to remove the there’s actually a few

Different bits I can remove but I think I’ll just go with that one still so the moment of truth don’t mess this one up SP we’re going to go like this we’re going to be breaking this and it’s going to open up the void I think it’s worked

Let’s see yep there we go that’s the shoot that I’m going to be going down so let’s just pick up my obsidian and then I’m going to block all of this and I need to get to a certain height 60 which I think is there then that can go like

That okay nice put the trap door like that then when I’m stood in this corner it’ll open cuz I’ve got I’ve got to get the timings perfect for this going be a leave there yeah I mean I’ve tested this Redstone and I’m pretty confident in it

We now need 13 repeaters worth and these 13 repeaters need to connect up to a stasis chamber so if I break this then I can go ahead and place this down I can add water right at the very top followed by a bunch of kelp break all my

Repeaters nice not not intended I don’t need to be that high do I so let’s go like that I think this should work if I now break all the Kel mini Muka is in the end okay he’s he’s gone to he’s kind of making himself a little bit of a

Target there but I’m sure he’ll be okay I’m going to make a staircase down to where I’ve done all of that stuff nice so I can get up and down no problem and basically I just need to hook this up so so that there’s going to be a torch

There then there’s going to be a trapo do I have any trap doors yep we do uh like that so that’s going to be open perfect then I’m going to patch that up I’m going to get these repeaters back down there has to be 13 if I get that

Wrong it could mess up the entire thing so I’ve I’ve tested all the timings in the world is this going to work it should it should work fine shouldn’t it I think um yeah I’m fairly fairly confident about all of this might make a slight adjustment to the

Redstone and just yeah I’m going to actually grab a repeater change that to Redstone does it it would still work anyway but I I don’t know my paranoid brain decides it wants to do it a different way we’ll go like that okay so from here you know what yeah this is

Fine this is fine right if I flick this lever we’re going to just test that it all works correctly we can do that with an ender pearl so we throw the ender pearl like that it’s in stasis and it’s it’s working fine fine we’re then going

To stand right here and flick this and about 6 seconds later we should get tpd okay all being well we did okay six or 7 seconds later fantastic so it’s worked we can turn it off we can then throw an ender pearl just like that fantastic

Check the end pears ready and I am I am ready to now go into the void kind of I mean I’m not personally ready for it but I’ve done everything that need to do as long as nobody comes and finds me then I’ll I’ll be all right I’m going to

Anyone want to hang out okay well minut this is not the time for that but yeah I’m going to get myself some stuff down I’m actually going to throw away quite a few things cuz I need space in the inventory I used up my only water there

As well which isn’t the smartest thing in the world we can sort that out later crafting a double chest cuz I’m going to put all my items in because there’s no point risking all my stuff you know there’s always a chance that I could die

And I don’t I don’t really want to risk that so as long as PVP doesn’t come on at like the worst time ever now to do this I am going to need the regen the healing the golden apple and the suspicious I’m going to have two of these suspicious shoes okay that is

Going to get me everything I’m actually going to get myself a couple more healings just cuz you know if anything goes wrong I want to drink them add the ender pearls in place my armor my armor is going to come up I’m not going to take that off just yet though in case

Some something bad happens I will though take my shield off and put that in there my heart is racing guys my heart is racing this has to work okay I need to open it up and then go in the void I’m going to do one more thing as well one

Last thing I’m going to take three of this I’m going to take three of the wool I’m going to make a bed and I’m going to set my spawn okay um so there we go I’ve got into bed I’m going to get out of bed I practiced this a million times it’s

All there I can’t I can’t do anymore guys okay I’ve got to go and take 10 hearts of damage in the void right armor can now come on what am I doing I’m I’m so terrified in fact the Armor’s just going to stay on for another second just whil there’s no one

Around I break this that’s the void all right it opens up we put that in there okay we go like that okay right so step one we stand here we eat the suspicious stew all righty we eat the golden apple we drink the potion of regen in

Fact we have one more suspicious to okay we drink the regen and that alone should be enough I’m opening it up and we’re going okay taking the damage come on come on please work please work please work it worked it worked and and I’m going to review

The footage but I took I think I took six ticks of damage which is as close close that up which is 12 Hearts cuz you take two hearts of damage every tick let me just review the footage just realized I trapped myself in here but I have reviewed the footage and it is

Definitely six times that I took damage so I took 12 Hearts which is more than the 10 needed and we’re back up to four lives that absolutely needed to be done if that had gone wrong it would have been very sad okay but preparation paid

Off there okay and now I can move on to phase two of my plan which is to build a warden disabler so actually say Contraption requires change which is kind of cool I’m just going to get one more more Ingot I think that’s all the chains I’ll need 10 no nine well that’s

That should be fine I’ll pick up all the rest of the stuff I can get out of here with my head held high I might as well keep these repeaters repeaters at the very least are kind of rare I mean I’m not too bothered about all the rest cuz

Redstone and levers are pretty easy to get I’ll take the bed as well why not but we are going to need space the inventory for all the ancient city loots that I plan to get I should probably just get more sh shells that’s kind of an important thing anyway let’s get out

Of here man my heart was beating fast it was really that was really Weir cuz if that went wrong I’m in the void and I’m dead and that’s it I lose another life down to two lives instead out of the jaws of death we got to four like I said

We’re supposed to it was either it was either we die oh a man Sha but it was either I die or I gain extra life no in between there’s dirt above me and mount yes okay finally we’ve made it back to the top and I am now on a search for

Ancient cities I did die in the ancient cities last episode but this time I’m going to have my revenge and things are going to be much much different man I don’t know I feel good look at this we got food every everywhere as well you know everything is just starting to come

Together ladies and gentlemen it could all go wrong again I could lose that life to another Warden but I’m much more confident this time that I won’t be so stupid and do that same thing again we’ll see though we’ll see I’ve got me golden apples I actually need the golden

Apples I don’t think I mean I could use them for PVP but they’re not super important I did that I did well to not even have to use a not Apple to survive the void by the way ladies and gentlemen good preparation good thinking good research I realized I didn’t actually

Need the healing pops either but they were just an extra precaution in case I don’t even think I technically needed the golden apple I think maybe with regen and full saturation I could do it but I was like the golden apple is just an extra thing fairly cheap and then the

Healing pots maybe I shouldn’t used a golden apple and then and just use a healing pot then it would have saved me a gapples since they’re kind of rare but you know what where we’re going we’re getting Notch apples golden apples will be old news let me tell you that

Basically all I’m doing is just looking out for a massive Mountain cuz that’s probably where in ancient city is going to be I’m just searching the land for that don’t think there’s going to be that many mountains to be found in a jungle but I’m just going to continue

Searching the area oh oh hello hello hello this is nice a desert I don’t know what’s useful here maybe hey bals although realistically probably not more to the point oh we’ve got a desert pyramid and if I had fish I would tame some cats cuz getting a complete catalog

I think is an extra life Quest okay never mind it isn’t an extra life Quest just forget I said that so I won’t be coming back with fish hey maybe maybe that should be added I’ll put it to a vote for everyone see if see if they

Want it since it is cool having these quests and it looks like I was be do it by somebody else lovely wait is this the Mesa that me and quiff were at last time I have no idea I really don’t but uh I find I kind of found that if I just sail

Along the coast I tend to find well it’s easier it uses less food and it’s faster to try and find mountains it’s interesting that someone’s been at this desert I wonder if it’s recently or maybe just someone’s explored it before and and been over this way who knows but

I I should yeah probably kind of follow the coast round to find some better land I’ve once again come to a mes about the size of that mountain the erosion level’s got to be pretty high on that because it is such a massive Mountain I reckon I dig down somewhere around here

I reckon there’s got to be deep dark and ancient city below I don’t think it’s where me and quiff were at last time I hope not that would be kind of a sad thing but I guess we’ll see I guess we’ll uh we’ll find out we’re getting

Down to deep slight areas my only issue is I need two buckets of water and I forgot to refill that one from the stasis oh hold on a second we’re in deep dark okay so we found one okay okay right oh and there’s a shrier right there of course there’s a shrier right

There all right let don’t mess this up this time be more careful there’s water over there let’s start with the water all right and it’s pretty important that I keep my Warden level as low as possible don’t unnecessarily activate a single shrier like I have plenty of wool I might as

Well use it how high does that water go are you kidding me right here’s what we’re going to do I don’t think there’s a Sher down here we MLG it then we swim up getting the other bucket in hand all right we just kind of you can just kind

Of like a fast swim like this like it it boosts you slightly oh and then we can swim against the wall that’ll speed it up okay wh missed it how high is this wow okay this cave goes really really high oh there’s more water over there as

Well anyway we grab that then we can I think we can yeah we can safely just kind of drop down but we’re going to we’re going to do it gracefully and patiently then while staying Crouch I’m going to carefully enter the ancient city and I need to find a shrier that’s

In a good spot that’s not really surrounded by loads of blocks or other shers or skull sensors I know that’s a lot to ask but that’s that’s what I’m after so I’m going to carefully search around probably yeah work my way to the middle although the good ones are

Usually on the outside is that one over there could be a good one it might be a little bit close to the wall it’s not far off being perfect the only worry is that there’s a shrier there is that another shrier and sensors so if I get

Too close I’m going to activate that that’s that’s the only possible thing that can go wrong let’s just cover this in wo on all sides I’m pretty sure breaking this okay pvp’s off that’s always nice I’m pretty sure breaking this won’t activate it let’s just see it

Didn’t okay then we put the wall that okay it’s cing on all sides I should need to go too near all of that it’s just the fact that something might trigger the skull senses and then they trigger those that’s the only slight worry but I need to I need

To build out one two 3 now this is where the slabs come in okay so there need to be one two three 4 and then the slab I think I think the slabs go on the fourth block same on this side I need to get my

Ho out actually cuz then we could start breaking all sorts of stuff so let’s just swap that out I don’t think there’s any other shers around me so I think other than keeping an eye on those over there I don’t have to panic too much but

Keep my eye out got to break all these cuz they are problematic so let’s get rid of you and you I don’t think there’s any more nearby that I can see other than you then we start breaking okay this this is obviously a quick bit we

Just need a nice flat area for me to create a border of slabs all the way around okay so this is going to go like so and this is this is like how we Mark out the area that’s going to be spawn proofed okay hopefully the only thing to

Go wrong that activates a scul sens I’m worried but you know what why why worry why worry when I can do something like this okay we build a wall of wool okay that should block any sounds getting across okay which is which is kind of

Key now yeah we can place those in piece without having to worry too much get all of that down and then we can begin on the Redstone we do need to get rid of any of these as well because they will block any water so I think I think

That’s everything I’m just going to go and check this chest now the reason for that is I just feel like and it might have something good a lot of coal which you know is kind of useful I guess and I’ll I don’t need the XP butt I don’t

Need the name tag yeah I can’t say no to a name tag all right that’s good we’ll break that chest next we go slab slab we put the piston on top okay then it’s water time so I need to make an infinite water source I’ll just break these with

My fist to do that it’s going to be fairly quick so water there water there then we can go ahead and pick it up now chunk loaders don’t really work very well in This Server which is why I’m having to make one of these every time I

Kind of go to a new ancient city I forgot skull sensors I forgot skull sensors okay I need to pick one up I I do have silk touch and there’s one there okay good news good job we’re in a place where these loads of skull centers got

Worried that I just messed up the entire thing but I haven’t at all which is which is good news we’ll get rid of that deep slight to make space for this so I’m not going to put the skull Center down just yet first that’s all in place

Um I do also need to put a chain can’t believe I forgot skull sensors but yeah chain needs to go up that then I’m just going to keep using the water to fill in the entire thing I don’t think that should set off anything and as long as

This entire border is filled in we’re good okay so that’s all perfect now I’ve got my bow and arrow so that’s that’s good news we’ll fill those I then need to start breaking Stu I’ve got Redstone handy got the skull Center yeah we’re going to just start I shouldn’t have

Broken that one actually I just need to break the ones around it to begin with that’s the wool gone you can see it’s still all spawn proof but we have exposed the thing and now I need to I think I need to break that one put that

There okay it set the Sher so if this is wrong I’m in trouble but we go ahead go like that okay now in theory if a warden tries to spawn it can’t or can it it can it can I’ll tell you why it can idiot SP

Okay yeah I I I made a mistake I haven’t I haven’t got rid of the uh the roof so it could spawn up there theoretically all right you’re an idiot you’re an absolute idiot as usual SB forget something all right well at least I didn’t forget till it was too late that

Would have been a it would have been a disaster but yeah basically anything that’s over this I need to remove okay so these blocks definitely need to go the walls don’t really need to cuz they one I don’t think can spawn on walls but just in case we get rid of them all

Righty that’s all of that safe these walls are going these are probably too high up anyway to worry about which is good we break this platform at least the part of the platform that is above which is still quite a bit there we go and then we’re safer all right this has been

Relatively slow compared to I could do it in under 5 minutes when I’m not being careful but obviously I’m being very very careful in this that’s back to how it should be we can break all of this safely and securely then I’m just going to stay crouched all right yeah we we

Break this now Redstone back okay I don’t think they can spawn anywhere I think I’ve spawn proofed it all correctly hope I have let’s go ahead H if I haven’t I’m getting out of here let me tell you so Arrow there that’s now going to keep keep activating itself the

Warden level should be kind of high and if I’ve done everything correctly the one disabler is now active Okay and as long as it’s in loaded chunks it will be working I that’s a that’s a scary one sound but it don’t matter cuz the one

Can’t spawn if I now move away I should avoid getting the darkness effect yep not got it and I can go up here yes that’s right we’ve disabled the one so now we can freely search this place without it this is this is called preparation and being careful this is

The SP that I should be all the way through friend offo not just part of the way we’re going to grab coal un breaking Swift I don’t really need either of those might as well start picking up bottles of XP I don’t know what for we can probably get room there and then

I’ll just break break any that else that I don’t need and there’s chest to be found everywhere so this is how I’m going to kind of start collecting Notch apples in a nice safe and secure way just running around you know it makes it so much easier to see the chests because

You haven’t got the darkness effect yeah this was this was definitely needed and you know unless somebody comes and finds me they can they can they can spawn the warden in but I can’t okay it only disables the warden for me which is you know I’m absolutely fine with that we

Might as well start using some block so we’ll Bridge across here and hopefully find Notch apples that’s the plan but some good mending nice that’s fantastic can I get a bit more space in my inventory do you think have we got any we could open

It up just a little bit more let’s go ahead and I’ll put the golden apples in there I don’t know why I chose that of all things but there we go you see this is where yeah I need to oh Swifty to we’re not going to take that everything

Else don’t need to be taken the coal will probably pick up I can walk across those no one can spawn it’s fantastic okay now I’ve got to be careful cuz if I go really far away from that and it’s out of render distance and simulation distance then it could be a problem but

I’ve got 16 chunks which 16 time 16 whatever that number is 192 if my memory serves me well I’m not going to you know what I could keep that because it’s not the worst thing to have is it this is where I just have to start getting rid

Of stuff Black Stone I’m going to need skull sensors if I build more of these so oh no this is getting difficult now I’ve got a really really crowded inventory haven’t I why didn’t I just get more shulker boxes I’m going to throw away the gold cuz I don’t need

That and then that can go in there Swift sneak 3 I’ve got to take it how about we we have a suspicious stew a Rand a bit of Cobble deep SL get out of there all right let’s now now we got a little bit more space other side as well I’m USIC

This that’s cool anyway I’m not going to going to bother with that and the search can continue this is this is like so much nicer um see curse of Vanishing is always good for Diamond legings I I mean I’ve got that many Diamond legs I probably don’t need any more respiration

3 do I already have that on my helmet I’m probably not going to worry about respiration 3 too much it’s not exactly a rare book you know oh there mending on the leggings you got to take mending on leggings Haven you you have to yeah I generally think my biggest mistake here

Was just not bringing shul box but I don’t really have any Shuler box cuz I haven’t really been to the end I don’t go to the end I’m too worried about somebody trapping me or something happening to me so I haven’t been to the end otherwise I would go I just need to

Be more prepared for it really and then I’ll and then I will have no problem doing it there’s not much there’s got to be not chaples around here if I search this entire ancient city and there’s no not apples it will be a sad thing it

Won’t be too surprising but it will be sad little dungeon here not bad and in the chest oh a golden apple that’s pretty good you know starting to wonder what I should get rid of what you reckon Pro Three diamond Lings I don’t think I need them you know I really don’t think

They’re that important to me so they can go the next thing to be going is going to be that mutton I’ll try and eat it but yeah that’s probably going to be the next thing we’ll mine up that chest as well just in case there’s anything I

Could pick up another chest with nothing good in it what is this I mean at the end of I’m getting I’m getting books and I’m getting potentially getting Notch apples suddenly you get a chest of like three in it or Su but not that one although it does have mending which kind

Of outweighs it I’ll take that all right mutton you’re out we’re going to end up getting rid of so much stuff here aren’t we I don’t know how that’s still there you know what those blocks don’t need to be there we’ll put Stone instead another

Name tag 55 salt touch not bad but uh a good ho isn’t isn’t that important to me piercing 3 l 3 all not that important I don’t think it’s productive whichever way you look at it this is very very productive indeed thn three I can’t work

If that’s good or not I think it’s worth having but I don’t know if it’s that good but I’ll take it you know these XP bottles I should just use them I you know they are kind of useful if I’ve got mending and then a mid battle and I want

To repair my armor but I’m not going to think about that too much at the moment you know there’s bigger things to worry about I’ve got this mutton let’s try eating that up and I’ve nearly done a loop as you can see there’s there’s my little disabler so I’ve got to now go

Into all these ins and out parts that I might have missed like there’s got to be one here I think I don’t think I went into that so let’s go and Bridge across and see oh no I did go here okay never mind is there is there any bits I Haven

Been to the answer will almost certainly be yes it is indeed because I have not been to this one still on the finger another Swift sneak the thing is I kind of do want to get multiple Swift snakes because they are very useful on your

Armor like you know I I I just like having Swift sneak it’s it’s a useful thing you can Crouch and move fast why would you not want that I think this is another one I haven’t been to so let’s have a little look it’s oh it doesn’t

Maybe I have been here yeah I must have been here pretty decent job of being thr a first time round here really didn’t I but anyway let’s see anything down here perhaps I think it’s all being searched so I’ve got to get out of here and I’m

Going to try and find another an I can’t believe there wasn’t one not chap in there that is very unfortunate pvp’s just come on but it’s anyway it’s also not the end of the world I can explore and find you know well I can’t find ened

As easily but I can explore and loot them pretty easily now with this disabler I just have to be very very careful why is clown saying hello have no idea anyway I’m just going to dig my way out maybe it was just being nice I hopefully he doesn’t want to do anything

Cuz I can’t well I don’t want to PV well he’s not going to PVP me but he might try and trap me or anything I know I know what he’s like especially when I’m in an ancient city it’ll do something to spawn the warden or or whatever and and

And try and make me dagger you know now he’s seen me gain a life he’s like oh I don’t want sp sp to gain a life I’m going to do something to put a stop to that also look at that we’re straight out nice that’s it’s very handy indeed

And exploration can continue I actually think that Mesa Biomes are a really good place to find ancient cities just because there’s a lot of mountains in them and I know they’re not like the top top mountains so there’s never always a guarantee that there’s going to be a

Deep darkart below them but they’re pretty tall mountains and they’re pretty big mountains which gives you know a decent chance that there’s going to be something below them like to be honest the mountain I’m on right now is pretty tall and there’s a lush cave below me

Okay you know what should we give it a go we’ll see what’s down there worst case I just have to build back up and I’ll just run a bit further away but you you never know do you also going to be careful cuz I don’t know I don’t know if

Clown’s stalking me or something you don’t want to let him just drop dripstone on you or anything like that dsb so I’m going to just going to you know build like this nice and steady nice okay well don’t get crushed by Grable yourself that’s been man I just

Die to my own device nice ml beautiful all right we’re in a bit of I told you there’s this C below and I wasn’t wrong okay but this is not where we want to be I think I’m just going to continue digging down cuz I’m way too high up for

What I need let’s go like that there we go get it all blocked up so that we don’t have any anything basically dropping down creepers whatever yeah safe than sorry I always say that’s my my newest motor I’m trying to be much safer on this series cuz I’ve messed up

Way too many times hence the reason I’m disabling the warden when I go looking for Notch apples you know I think it’s just a bit of a wiser move than going gung-ho like I usually do you know which sometimes works but sometimes it doesn’t work as well I’m also now digging down

In a staircase because if I set up a Sher because of my warning level of warden warning level whatever it is I will spawn one and I don’t oh okay we’ve got another one nice right yeah this is why I didn’t dig down I didn’t want to

Fall in there so I have to at all costs avoid activating a shrier I need to try and find a way to safely get down is there any shers below me there’s not really any way to dig down oh this is this is actually a little bit nerve-wracking now the second one’s

Always the scariest looks like I can kind of dig down this way so getting the lower I can get the better all right this does doesn’t look too bad do I just go for it on that block here we go we’re okay all righty fantastic now

I’m on the wall you know what I should put Swift sneak on these leggings and then that’s going to help me loads i’ I got look at that we’ve got it there I’ve got an anvil I’m pretty sure in my Ender Chest yep we have let’s put that on okay

Why did I put it on that okay well let’s you know what we’re going to be getting men do I have enough XP I don’t have enough XP now do I well that’s that’s unfortunate 35 levels What on earth looks like we’re going in with fire protection and not normal protection if

I die now you know why but anyway we’ve got Swift sneake even if I am an idiot I wonder if I could get to the chest up there without setting off anything cuz there does seem to be anything around me does there I mean it’s I mean it’s

Pretty high up so I think I can safely get to this one you never know it could just have a notch CH I but well let’s get out of here we don’t need to bother with the rest I will build the one disabler again but you never know let’s

Have a little look new leggings mending Unbreaking I’ve got to you’ve got to take mending leggings haven’t you you’ve just you’ve got to do I get rid of these old protection four ones I don’t know let’s get rid of that for now and there is Skull which means I could easily get

Some XP quickly maybe that’s just worth doing let’s just let’s do it let’s do it okay I mean I’m not going to get much xp but it it could be handy okay just to get a little bit nicely done back to the plan we need to find a good Sher this is

That no I don’t like that one down there I think I’m pretty much oh look at that diamonds in the roof I I I think I pretty much only have one choice and that is to to get down here and search on foot now we can do a little oh okay

There’s one here is this any good there space next to it I don’t think it depends if there’s any shers around it though I can I can disable it anyway with the wool which is a good first start now let’s have a little look is there any shriekers too nearby for me

Not that I can see not at first glance which gives me a little bit of confidence sometimes there ones above though you’ve got to you’ve got to be careful see what did I tell you there’s one up there that’s actually far away enough not to be a problem I think so I

I should be okay just don’t open that chest cuz it’ll activate everything got to manually mine up the wall I don’t have enough space I do actually have shears in my end chest so I should get them but I’m afraid of activating something if I start messing about with

Ender Chest so let’s just get that down next we are going to get the hoe back out and we need to get rid of all these sensors all right cuz these These are problematic these could cause any issues any possible thing I’ve got two skul sensors already let’s just get rid of

That we’re good we’re good we’re good everything’s everything’s fine another shrier over there but that’s miles away can break this see the issue with I’ve got to break all that up there and it will it activate the shrier you know what we’re going risky guys all right

Here’s what we’re going to do step one we going to the Ender Chest step two we retrieve the shears and we put the helmet in there don’t know how I still got that helmet I threw it away I thought I threw it away actually then I

Build up using wool okay we we don’t need the shears right now we need the the the Hoe from there we have to navigate what am I doing from there we have to navigate past all the skull sensors don’t activate a single onp all right you’re you’re a good player all

Right all you have to do is just walk past them without stepping on them there you go then mine it up broken before it could be activated all right now I don’t have to Panic All right you can go you can go get lost that’s it see you all

Later the wool can be removed I think the blocks all the way at the top are not a problem if I can can I go in here now nothing too interesting in there but we can we can just break it can’t we there we go cuz next yeah we just need

To break that space around it all right the hose coming back out okay so 1 2 3 and then on the fourth block all that roof’s going to have to go as well actually so I think that’s all high enough and I don’t have to worry about

It but we’ll we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it little bit of stone then it’s once again it’s just the same setup okay we go this far out M that with my face we place on the fourth block we go one two three place it on

The fourth block one okay well we need to a little bit of mining out here as well cuz it’s a bit of a banking in the way man I just don’t have enough space for everything here do I anyway we’ll get rid of that then one two 3 and on

The fourth block so that is many asking if I’m all done I’ll never be done my goodness I I well I think once we explore this ancient city and get I’ll be done when I’ve got not chaples you see wardens cannot spawn on slabs that’s why I’m placing slabs down and then they

Also can’t spawn on water and water is just cheaper than slabs so I get the area marked out and then I can put the water down that’s the thinking behind that we get R of that I I know for a fact they can’t spawn on walls but that

Should be pretty good we do need to just also come along here and break a bunch of them and then this this is the only other bit that needs to go imagine if Clown’s looking for me and he comes and gets that would be like the worst thing

To ever happen wouldn’t it anyway I’m sure it won’t but you never know that’s um that’s all spawn proof now I think I think I’m good I think I’m safe time for the infinite water source and then this bit is the building part which is is really quick to be honest the hardest

Part is I suppose spawn you proofing it all once the spawn proofing is down I’ll just get yeah I need a piston here then you get your slab and your slab that now that’s done it’s just a case of putting down the water but we’ll just we’ll just

Use one bucket we don’t need them both do it I just put down like probably four buckets of okay yeah I need to get rid of this as well that’s problematic stops things from being able well water to being able to flow is the one in the

Corner no so we just need one more bucket of water and then the second Warden disabler is down and I I’m telling you I have to find a not chle in this ancient city there’s no way I don’t I need a chain that’s kind of important

As well and I think everything’s good I I don’t see what I’ve done wrong if the warden spawns I’m just leaving all right that’s it end of the episode not staying around so I need to first of all break these three then I think I think I break the top one

As well don’t I so I’ll break the top one then we get the skull sensor down we come down here okay that’s now broken I need to get the Redstone in like that we’re good okay nothing nothing spawn I finally there needs to be a arrow on

There it’s kind of key and I think we’re good yep no WS can spawn we’re safe I can e some mutton which is going to free up an extra space in the inventory fantastic an exploration can begin without me having to worry about a warden spawning what a lovely day this

Is today don’t have to worry we can go around this looks cool this is a pretty big open thing do I have any other blocks on me not really okay so we once we kind of use this Stone we’re running low come on not chaffles oh yes we got

One fantastic I didn’t even notice it okay that now makes this entire video worth it guys all right everything I’ve done I don’t even know what that book is it could be a good book you know looting one all right it wasn’t really okay it wasn’t really I I threw away the boat

And I still stand by that I think I’ll I’ll I’ll just you know wait till I get something else decent a lot of mobs over there mobs can’t spawn in a deep dark biome but they can spawn next to it which is why they’re all spawning over

There I am now going to get myself up here so yeah M only worry well it’s not a worry but it’s going to be annoying when I have no blocks left which is right now I I guess I could use slabs maybe I mean this is going to be the

Last ancient city I explore I’m I’m hopeful that I get more than one Notch Apple especially considering I’ve got one fairly early on that’s a you know a really good start maybe if I get a silk touch ho I could m the skull and use that as blocks that could be a smart

Thing anyway we’re going to we’re going to use up all these slabs cuz we don’t really okay well great PE great parkour recipe take two it was the world’s easiest jump I don’t know why I missed that and we’ve come to another chest another see look at this well I don’t

Want cursor binding that would be annoying more mending oh it’s it’s great we’ll take that don’t need piercing we’ll we’ll mine up the rest of it it’s just good loot isn’t it I I would love to get some some more rare books as well that that you can’t really get very

Easily they they’d be good like mending I’ve got a few mending books which is fantastic but you know other ones will be no nothing Springs to mind but I’ll know it when I see it more Swift sneak is always handed okay I’ve got to be careful cuz I’m quite far away now from

The machine it’s possible it’s out a render distance and if that’s the case then I would be in trouble it seems we all right unless there’s just no shers around here so I am conscious about that okay nothing good again come on come on come on come on game not chaples is all

I’m asking for oh yeah this is the furthest point from it so if this is okay we’re probably just going to be safe which I think we are don’t like using a p my wool like this really cuz wool’s pretty not precious but it’s a useful thing isn’t it my goodness what

We got here who wants look at the sea I mean you could just fish that up anyway when I set on some enchantments that are rare to get that is not what I meant you know this really takes the attention out of explored ancient cities it’s just what the doctor ordered and nice

Relaxing episode curs of B that could be useful that could be very very useful indeed I I’m going to take that where did one of my endest go did I leave an ender chest behind or did I put it in my Ender Chest sometimes I’ve done that

Before yeah oh well that opens up an extra slot put my Ender Chest in the Ender Chest we will put Swift sneak in there in fact you know what let’s put cursor binding in there that that could be a cool thing to uh to do also getting

So many name tags I don’t I don’t know what use they have I I did need the name tag when I was trying to trap the warden other than that haven’t really seen much use for it but you never know if if at some point I need one I’ll have them

Might as well just carry them I’ll have 11 of them as well which is nice maybe more by the end of this two not let’s go okay we’re now getting to the point where we have the most not apples on the server I’m pretty sure if we can get get

A few more out of here we’re we’re we’re laughing we’re absolutely laughing which would be fantastic I do need to eat is there any food I can eat that’s going to free up space should we eat a suspicious stew why not we can eat a suspicious

Stew then we can Chu it in there and can we CH oh gapples in there oh there’s so much extra space to be out here all right we’re just going to try and make it so that that’s like that and then those those are four free slots

Okay four free slots that of cuz I don’t need loot in one I don’t need the skull and I think I’m getting close to a full loop okay I’ve been to that one was there another one I don’t think I went to over here did I couldn’t really get

Into this area there sometimes there’s a chest hidden underneath not this time but there is a chest above which I haven’t looted so if I could get one more Notch Apple it would be amazing no guarantees but it would be great I think there is yeah still stuff to be explored

Here so this end it’s pretty empty my machine was somewhere over there did I did I already I think I already came to this one didn’t I I think this is the first bit I came to so yeah cuz I’ve got Darkness that’s why I know I’m near my

Machine it can’t spawn a Wen but still spawn in the darkness but it’s these inside chest here that I need to search should we use skull as a bit of a bit of a bridge might as well better than nothing and inside there again nothing of particular use I think I’ve done most

Of these just trying to spot any I got three Notch apples if I can’t find any more chests I’m not going to be too disappointed I’m not going to search another ancient city today but you never know there could be another chest dotted around I haven’t got is another chest I

Haven’t searched okay they’re good leggings again Swift sne one maybe not as good spotted another one and again nothing of use oh man these lows that I miss what am I playing at what’s uh what’s in here well yeah again I’ll take the name tag and I’m pretty sure at this

Point that’s all of them I can’t see anymore I’m also going to pick up skull sensors because they are going to be useful for Contraptions of traps and stuff like that you just never know when you need a skull sensor even though I found on this sometimes the skull sensor

Randomly goes off even when you’re not in the area I don’t know why I just makes my traps execute themselves with nobody there do one final sweep along these middle bits and I can get out of here I can use this water to hang on a

Minute there’s one that I miss is that I’m pretty sure this is got to be last one it’s not going to not chap in but hey at least I didn’t miss it now I’m swimming out of here I think I’ve I think I’ve checked every single other

Bit I can’t see anywhere of me so spend all day looking at this point okay whoa okay well I didn’t get that off in time didn’t get my shield up let’s just keep moving upwards and past all these mobs there’s a lot down here isn’t it wow I

Think I’m pretty much back where all started back into the Lush cave and I can see the sky fantastic I wish I had an elytra and I could just fly out but I don’t I’ve got to work my way out like a peasant although I have got quite a lot

Of skull blocks which is nice cuz it means I’ve got some sort of block to escape with this has got to go down as one of my best episodes I gained a life and got three Notch appes plus so many books starting up here because I needed

More gunpowder I think there’s a decent amount in here but I don’t know how much okay there’s there’s that much yeah so it’s an okay amount of gun powder maybe six Stacks not enough for what I need it for so I’ll leave it for now instead I

Want to try and get the 2x two advancement if I can be the first to do that I will get an extra life and I’m kind of at the situation the series where I need as many extra lives as possible so I will start by stealing

Wheat cuz I can use that for breeding hay bales will also be very very important and I’ll be honest if there was another cow nearby I would totally go ahead and breed you but there isn’t so I’m going to EIT you instead I hear a parrot well you’re kind of useless do I

Do I just tame you anyway cuz I have loads of seeds and you know it would be cool to just have a what on Earth are you untameable I’ll just give you all my seeds there we go finally we got an OT more that’s more important okay I need

To try and get it to trust me first here we go slow movement there we go Okay so we’ve got a trus in oselot could do with a lead I don’t think I brought any back from the ancient cities did I no that was um that was an oversight not to

Worry though you you keep following me that’s it in fact I appreciate you trusting me but I’m I’m now going to put you in a hole then I can run round a bit quicker to try and find the other ocelot and Hope hopefully the one I find is not

Too far away there is one up there that’s fantastic that’s it slow movements did we get you is that it you trust me we only took one fantastic and I’ve got two raw Cod left cuz I don’t think tropical fish works on them I think I’m probably going to need a lead

When I try to breed the donkeys because they’re quite hard to find two of them close together you usually have to move them about but if I can get the Slime balls from a swamp let’s just do that there we go and we’ve got it we have got

A bab you can all you you guys you want to escape no you can stay in there forever that’s it my ex are in there two out of 22 complete I have found sheep and I have wheat so let’s let’s get that going that’s another one I’ve checked

Off always worth doing easy ones when you have the chance it’s a very dense bamboo jungle isn’t it and oh look at this we’ve actually managed to get above a a thingy biome a lush cave so I’ve got an axotal should we should we should we

Pick him up the cutest Predator oh they must know what I’m up to and now we need to try and get some tropical fish in buckets so tropical fish obviously I need another axotal still but yeah tropical fish I could just take the AAL with me and and worry about it later aha

Okay and these two together fantastic these spawning groups are one to two two together makes my life very very easy baby panda achieved you guys won’t be endangered forever and that’s four out of 22 done so now I’m going to head towards that desert and hopefully come

Across a village now to breed you both and it’s job done all family cats you guys you can come with me you might die along the way but you can still come I’ve just looked online it turns out you can use dandel lines to breed rabbits so

Why would I not do that I’ve got loads of dandel lines there’s a rabbit down there’s two rabbits are these baby rabbits okay we’ve got an adult and oh two adults no your baby guys don’t e the rabbits okay I I I need adult rabbits I’m afraid and of course it’s now night

Time so it’s going to make it even harder to do what I need to do okay we have an adult here we have an adult there and we have successfully bred the rabbits now I don’t really need to be in this vicinity so I’m going to go ahead

And Sail Out Over The Waters cuz I don’t want to be on land at night time I give it to you and I give it to you if we get a baby blue ax L that’s it I get an extra life for that shot you know that

Should be an extra life Quest I might put that as an idea anyway anyway I’m going to take the the baby one cuz I feel like that you know that’s that’s that you two you can live in there now you have so many fish to eat you’re

Going to love it cat I’m going to leave you behind here because I’m going across water and you can’t follow me there see you later one for you one for you another Quest down I told you planes bi would be perfect now yeah still can’t

Can’t do the pigs Al going to need a couple of flowers cuz I’m sure I will find a beehive somewhere see s sp737 he knows his stuff he knows where there’s going to be carrots there’s loads of here and there’s also a horse over there

Which is nice look I can turn these into nuggets oh absolutely loads of them and then I can make 10 10 is an amazing amount we can also breed some of those guys I do think that golden carrot should be my staple Spruce oh this is fantastic cuz I

Have been needing to find one of these cuz I need to breed foxes think I can get him to trust me I just have to give it some berries that’s it look at me it’s like the cats all over again okay you trust me fantastic although it looks

Like you don’t trust me without leads this is going to be a nightmare isn’t it okay well you’ve run into a hole um okay you’re stuck there right let’s just leave you there did see another one in in this direction if I can get in a boat

Then I can make this work breed you both don’t you come down here and ruin this who do you think you are I’ve got a baby fox that’s all that had to happen Okay that’s that’s job done 10 out of 22 here we are got to be careful there’s no

Powdered snow now then we’ve got one G we need to find one more you come with me old old friend I should say new friend and can we see any others dotted about that’s for you that’s for you that’s another hard one done I have to

Say take the bones please 11 what are you doing what’s going on here we got you thank goodness for that you you nearly messed that up right um I’m not going to give you guys steak I’m going to give you the cheapest thing all

Righty that’s it get me a get me a baby wolf another one checked off the list I think I can use this opportunity to also get the bees to come out I’m assuming there were bees inside this Hive and I just didn’t pick up an empty Hive I

Could have picked up an empty Hive come on bees pop out it’s um is it daytime is it is it wait is it gone to night time again wait is the sun going down again no the sun’s coming up come on bees I can hear some buzzing inside so there

Must be at least one in there here we go that’s one anym perfect there you go four 14 out of 22 done yes 15 done and are there any donkeys out here I if I had a saddle I could easily move the donkey there might be a saddle in that

Village back there come come closer to each other awesome work I don’t see any donkeys around it yeah Don I bet donkeys are the thing that make this problematic for me ah hold on a second they’ve not made it problematic and they’re not that far away from each other you’re going to

Follow me all the way to these Horses Don’t Stop to wait just follow me this is why I need a saddle but I just don’t trust that these won’t despawn or something stupid in the middle of the night okay you won’t stop every 2 seconds let me let me go and bring the

Horse over here that might be quicker you know what forget it I’m I’m going to be confident and assume that it’s going to be fine there’s no way for them to lay there frog spawn but I think that does count I’ll make it so you can get

Some water at some other time I’ll keep an eye out for some slime tonight cuz you just never know and I’m going to need string if I’m going to craft a lead I’ll need string having a lead is going to make these final ones so so much

Easier I’ve got huging to do and also Striders I feel like Striders are going to be the one that has a good use for leads you’re also now tamed we’re going to take you to the donkey hello good friend I have for you a golden car a

Golden carrot we have a mule and have just three to go go with you you all right just two left now all right guys be bread that’s it I’m taking the hits just just do it I think we’ve got it we just need Strider okay we need one more

Strider an exciting moment okay these piglins are doing my heading and I know that Striders can technically spawn in bigger groups so the way back home is up in this direction I’m just going to try and find a better spot to do this we’re going to drink this I keep the glass

Bottle cuz it could be useful we’re jumping in the lava we’re going to make every bigl in the world mad at me but more importantly we’re going to walk over here I’m going to double check it’s the final one I need I look stupid otherwise it is the final one I’m going

To put in the chat boom because they are about to see greatness you have that you have that breed a baby Strider we have got every single mob bread and an extra Life Five lives in the tab doesn’t it look nice we’re nearly back catching up to mini and qu

Is also on five it’s all getting interesting here we are at spawn there you go have I have a few snacks you’re probably uh you’re probably hungry I am I’m actually not hungry but I’m going to keep running around until I am hungry oh why I just feel like it’s rude I am

Eating a cookie that youve just given me I’ve got a sneaky suspicion you’re going to steal this from me oh you better make a good offer to stop me okay well I have an offer yeah and you said it was a good one so I’m I’m curious to see 25

Diamonds right okay well sound like a lot but that’s I don’t have a lot I things all right well I know you got two stacks of diamonds at one point so okay okay well we can r that we can suddenly you do have a lot of Diamond here yeah

We can discuss we can discuss now this is this is huge and no one else will ever have this opportunity ever in the world okay the end of this video a full shout out on the mini Channel I don’t want to I don’t want to be mean but I

Think they’re already all subscribed to me you know okay well you have until I beat you to doing this quest to make me an offer that I can’t refuse which I will be doing in the next episode okay I I really need that life you know I

That’s that’s it that’s almost up that’s a cookie um it’s a carrot eaten um a potato stop all right well I’ll I’ll see you in the next episode cuz you you’re going to have you’ve got some time to think about a real offer that’s going to get me interested because I’m basically giving

Up a life there’s a potato you can have these potatoes I don’t need these actually I do need a baked one though don’t I to do it um so yeah there you go oh what else we got here oh let’s go in my end chest oh I’ve got one one glow

Berry should I should I eat that um let me see oh a Sweet Berry yep that needs to be eaten a glow oh shall I eat that oh o um I’ll put that in the chest for now you’re very mean but I drive a hard bargain I need these lives more

Than him cuz I feel like I’m the only one with any chance of stopping clown Piers so I am not going to just be giving them away that easy we are gaining lives fast and I have had a change of heart I was going to help mini

Get the advancement to get an extra life of eating every food but I’ve worked out I’m not that far off speak of him here he is hello okay where where are you taking me you’re parkour bro can I borrow some strength potions and maybe Fire Res and get your health killing Qui there

Go yes you look me I’m prepared you need pots I’m your man you won’t regret this and how do you think about a little third party situation I could get involved I could get involved have a little little dabble you’re after him you want blood I I want Qui dead I I

Would love that and I do also because keeps scamming me okay so what’s your plan how are you going to get him first PVP watch my base interesting so Minnie wants me to help him kill quiff he’s going to lure quiff to his base the next

Time it’s PVP and then he is going to battle him but I can get involved and do a bit of third partying and hopefully I can get rid of him that sounds like a pretty good situation to me anyway min’s on Six Lives I’m on five I reckon I can

Get I can get this food thing okay like I said I have got most of them I’ve got 21 out of 40 but there’s a lot of them that are pretty easy like I do need to eat raw mutton I need a melon I need

This baked potato I need an apple I need the puffer fish I need the tropical fish I also need pumpkin pie which is pretty easy with all the sugar I’ve got cake I haven’t had cake have I I need to do that one okay so let’s just make the

Sugar and then can we just like put these together no turns out I need an egg okay didn’t think that far ahead I’m going to get rid of these seeds I don’t really need this is my leggings chest I also know where there’s a beehive that

Has all the honey in for it so it’s just ready to be taken so I can get that one so easily chicken oh lay me an egg I need you I need I need this from you okay when I come back there better be an egg in here now the Beehive is somewhere

In here so basically Minnie needs glowberries he needs a mushroom and he needs wild berries I know the spruce for of far away and it’s not easy to get into a lush cave to get the glowberries so it’s going to take him a while plus he’s distracted with qu and here’s the

Hive now the thing is he’s going to know I’m doing it are they angry oh I I don’t I didn’t get an advancment for it oh that’s fantastic I can drink it and continue on the quest let’s e that the tropical fish and the apple and yeah I’m

Heading to the water because I’m trying to find a ship rre that has a poisonous potato in it oh look we’ve got Dolphins as well do I have leads on me oh it would be useful oh I I need those I need those raw C if only I had a lead I could

Swim so fast I have an idea of where I might be able to get potatoes there is well poison potatoes anyway there is a village behind like not behind my base but further out I know where it is I can go to it I’ll have to take the poison

Here no time like the prison then the melon and the Cod just to heal up a little bit and you get so much poison from a puff fish this is actually kind of dangerous we’re at night and I’m on no Health um let’s just let’s just wait

Out here until I can heal again I’ll make the pumpkin pie as well that’ll be another one so there’s load of things I can eat is it going to run out okay 5 Seconds finally I’ve got just nine to go I’m trying to stay in the area of qu’s

House but rabbits are another thing that I need to get every food so I’m just going to keep an eye out for that me have worked out we’re going to go and meet at qu’s house and Ambush him we’re hoping he’s there and we’re hoping we

Can get him we’re waiting for the right moment and whilst we wait I might as well take this moment to get my kelp out of here and start smelting now I think I have bones at home or do I no maybe I don’t maybe I use I don’t know if rotten

Flesh is on the list but I’ll get it when I say on the list I don’t know if it’s on the list of the ones I need or if I’d already done it I’d already done it I know this is a bad idea just before a potential fight but I’m I’m going to

Hit a spider ey there we go do it I put my strength of My Fire Res and we’re going in feel like he knows he’s running kind of came over in this direction I didn’t know there was a portal in the woods yeah that Portal’s been there for a while he just messaged

Me as like he saw us as we came into view this saying I have a deal involving your fish farm uh so he knew you were coming I need to ask a favor now that we’ve had this little Bond experience and we didn’t find well Qui run away you

Just wasted my time really so I I I did I did and for wasting your time I want to apologize okay um and can I have a wild berry because listen listen listen listen I’m going to go find the rest from what I can tell Minnie has just got

To go and get the glowberries and the sweet berries this is a worrying time I I is a very very worrying time he also completely wasted my time on that quiff thing so I just need to go out and get rabbits I’m going to make it so that I

Have everything I need and it is just basically me verse mini to get an extra life a normal mushroom stew is another one so let me have that then there’s just beetroot beetroot stew the kelp there’s not many at all I’m going to I’m going to get this one ready and I think

Everything else I can just do on the go here we go there’s don’t think you can run oh no I need I need this I am so sorry that you had to just say that this one I will get with fire aspect and it’ll be the same for you I’m going to

Take some damage from this creeper cuz I need to get some uh some health down took zero damage nice right let’s just see I’ve got not enough space in my inventry let’s get rid of some suspicious chew I need some Cobble this has been looted it looks like there

Still TNT so I’ll break that I could come in handy actually eat the kelp that’s another one down and also the poisonous potato next I make a furnace and I don’t know what I’m going to fuel it with I guess I’ll I’ll do sticks or something I don’t know yeah I just need

To I just need anything all right War planks can’t be used so we’ll just stick those in there raw rabbit eaten rabbit stew crafted with bone meal and the beetroot seeds I can go ahead and do I can till the ground and then I can grow

Oh no wait you’re not not enough light oh I need a torch forget that I don’t need to be down here okay I can go up and do it from the outside I can be by water that’s fine race against tanks I don’t know how long how how quick when’s

Going to get to where he needs to be let’s till it then let’s plant these and bone meal them a bunch and then we’re just going to keep harvesting over and over again until we get I think we need seven beetroot all together okay pvp’s

On okay I’ve got to be a little bit careful imagine somebody Ambush me at a crucial time like now anyway I’ve got my seven let’s move that out there we can eat this and there’s another thing I need I need raw beef that’s going to be

The the last one that’s kind of tricky I need to find a cow I’m three away as you can see and those three are rabbit oh there a cow here as well those three are rabbit’s chew raw beef and a beetroot what do I throw away I don’t need all

Those bones I don’t need the bone meal more more importantly right let’s damage me that’s it make me hungry oh you get Hunger from these guys as well it’s the perfect thing imagine if not being hungry is the thing that cost me that could be the saddest moment ever

Couldn’t it right we’ve got an extra bit of inventory what did I just throw out nothing I I thought I threw some out by mistake okay that that did Panic me but it made me hungry which is is more important than anything all right oh I

Picked up the leather that’s why I I didn’t get enough okay so wait we’ve got this we’re going to beat him we’re going to do it we’re going to do it okay let’s eat the raw beef and here we go oh I feel mean I feel mean that I’m going to

Do it before him I oh mini mooka is not going to get it I I’ve got to go for it if I don’t H I’ve got I’m going to put something in the chat I’m being mean he said he’s not got the Beres I said I’ve had a change of

Heart and I’ll give them to you let me just double check this is definitely the last one isn’t it yes oh wait it’s not cooked rabbit has not been eaten oh that could have been awkward he’s not replied to that I said accept the offer or

Should I just eat them it’s coming home okay see you there and then life baby look at that six lives I hate you I hate you I might have ruined the alliance with mini but I don’t care right I don’t care I need these lives ladies and gentlemen I definitely

Definitely need these lives the thing that makes me feel bad is mini spent about three episodes on it oh there a jungle jungle thing over that the only reason he couldn’t he didn’t do it last episode was cuz he waited for me to come back and I said i’ give him the berries

And I didn’t I’ve just finessed him I’ve absolutely finessed him can we we can get armor yeah well by the way I forgot to say we’re on 1.20 now so we can get armor trims just a a new thing and there’s going to be new quests that come

With 1.20 for extra lives as well diamonds and four of them wow that’s insane I think sing’s going to be the quickest way home there’s not really any other quests that I can do quickly and easily this episode but I can make a start on one of them okay it’s another

Quest where I’m probably the the best equipped to do it ni is the quest to get 10 netherite blocks it’s 5 and a half stacks of ancient debris and I have a full beacon in my hardcore well I did you know the story behind that but any I

Used to so getting all of that ancient debris is not that difficult like 10 netherite blocks that’s nothing to me so I’m fairly confident I can use my hardcore instincts and do that Quest first so we can go ahead put the Redstone on put that and I just need the

Armor to go with it so I hope nobody ambushes me while I’m doing this would be like the the worst time ever to uh to get ambushed there we go crafting a new look hey the first one to do that fully changed up oh yes look at me I’m not

Entirely sure on how it looks but it just looks like I’ve got blood on me or something anyway I made a tunnel last episode I know pretty much where it is and in theory if I just dig on this level I should come to it in theory I

Did okay this is the one right so I’m going to go all the way to this end here we are and I’m going to sparingly place it okay so I’m going to place it like I don’t know every four blocks there’s not going to be many chains it’s not going

To be a super wide tunnel but it’s going to at least you know be a long tunnel if nothing else I’ve come to a thing of doing it every three blocks I think that’s a that’s a nice in between a nice medium turns out for the length of the tunnel I

Actually had more than I needed which is good so now we just shoot that with a flame and arrow and we let it do its work so a bit of spare TNT is nice we’ll see how much we get from not very much indeed really you can see the chain will

Breaks fairly easily because of the spacing but I can just do that it’s not too bad of a size of tunnel but if I get half a stack I’ll be happy and already we’ve got some that’s good it’s a vein of three which is a nice place to start

Oh there’s five all together this is what it’s all about I mean like I say I’ve got a I’ve got a netherite beacon before so I’m I’m I might keep that but I’m so I’m used to doing stuff like this all the time already got to seven pieces

Oh it’s fantastic once I mine up this piece of ancient debris I’ll have 16 and that technically is a full set of netherite armor already which is great cuz I’ve actually got about 250 blocks left of this tunnel to explore okay L it’s actually only 170 blocks left so

Maybe we’re going to get to about 20 pieces which isn’t bad considering I didn’t use that much TNT really in the grand scheme of things but we’ll see it’s looking like I might only get 20 no no okay there’s two more over here which is good so when you find those veins of

Three that it makes a difference is that a vein of two over there again it’s just a vein of one when it’s just a single one it’s just annoying cuz like it’s not really it’s almost I mean obviously it’s good to find but it’s not worth your

Time when you find a ve of 3 it’s a it’s an exciting moment and it helps you make progress a lot faster I think there’s just one here usually in the roof when you see one in the roof there’s usually only one that’s that’s the end of the

Tunnel do I do I just use it I’ll use it up I only need to dig a 300 block tunnel it’s not too far is it come to an area with loads of lava so I’m just going to kind of place it down here I think the

Tunnel should be long enough to get all the TNT down anyway made it to the end 13 to spare I’ll light it up and make a quick tunnel here for the other 13 no joy in this direction finally it’s revealed some I thought it wasn’t going

To get any all that TNT and I only got like an extra three piece oh well you know 22 ancient debris Al together it’s not that bad cuz in the grand scheme of things I didn’t really bring that much TNT I probably need an entire shulker box worth of TN realistically for me

That’s been great progress another successful episode we’re well on the way with the next Quest as well which is nice I mean 22 ding 340 in total yeah 318 left that’s not the worst but I do need to do some PVP at some point can I

Get out of here fantastic yeah I need to get get PVP in I’ve gone after qu a few times I think I might do a serious charge after qu soon because I I can’t let him get away you know too many times he’s escaped I I think soon he’s going

To get an ambush and he is going to be defeated I’m back at my house and mini is online right now and I feel kind of bad for what happen so I’m going to go and chat to him and I’m going to make him an offer okay I’m going to make him

A deal that’s that’s at least going to make him feel a little bit better because he he makes good videos he works hard so I want to you know I want to kind of soften the blow and I need your guys help okay I need your guys help we

Got a life out this I need you guys to subscribe but there’s going to be a Twist and I I’ll tell him what it is when we get there okay now I’ve got to try and remember how to get into his base that’s always a difficult thing and

I’ve just flooded it as well Minnie I’m sorry all right I feel bad but we’re friend Oro these things happen hello oh sorry you caught me just in a I’m I just I wait I’m not sad you’re not sad no okay so I’m going to make it up to

You okay you are very good at collecting food as you’ve shown maybe not as oh sorry I didn’t mean you punch you that not as good as as me and I I need food as well okay I I’m constantly searching for it so how about this for every

Single person that comes from my channel subscribes to you on this video you have to get me one golden carrot cuz I know you’ve got loads of carrots does it s how does that sound well I’ve got the carrots and I’ve got the subscribers and

And the gold and the gold yep sir you have yourself a deal fantastic all right guys you know what you need to do subscribe to mini so far I have a total of 22 ancient debris not quite enough but it’s a good start I’m also going to

Grab a few diamonds and also this pickaxe hopefully I get loads of it let’s see uh we oh we got we did get loads from that I think I got eight diamonds from too that that couldn’t be any better so I’m going to put those on

This ax I don’t want to use too many diamonds let’s oh well that’ll do Four Diamonds yet just to Well Repair the pickaxe I think I’m going to repair this one as well get it get it all maxed out because if we’re getting ancient debris we need pickaxes that are in good stead

Do I have an envil in there I need more Sher boxes that’s the biggest thing I need I’ve got a bit of sand which is nice I will be mining for more of that and yeah we just we need a lot of gunpowder that’s that’s just going to be

A major major thing what lovely weather we’re having by the way and I’ve also been told by you guys the clown has trapped my portal the coffin trap so I need to not go through that but I I do need obsidian so I’m thinking I don’t

Know if I should leave that but I need to go and find somewhere I can get obsidian because I’m going to need to make another portal to go through to get to get to the nether to get ancient debris so I’ve got flint and steel which

Is good but I need to try and find yeah somewhere where there’s good portal I’m also going to just put that in there just so it’s safe I’ve got my ender pearls I’ve got my bow I’ve got these I’ve just got everything in case any any kind of battle happens that’s the the

The main thought behind it it’s great being up to six lives that’s just a perfect position to be in I hear minute I’m I’m at the bottom of mountain I’m coming I’m coming up come on I’ve got interesting news okay what’s what’s this interesting news either someone’s

Playing a trick on me or serious stuff’s about to happen right what makes you think that read the book book okay hello minimuka I have hidden something you don’t want to miss inside of SP sp7 37’s base you’ll find under the yellow Axel AAL now remember I made that small room

Underneath your base now this is going to seem that was under your axotal way that is right now I’ve just went in and seen but this is going to sound really suspicious right well you made it and who wrote This Book anyway yeah but look some sort of trick by the server

Assassin okay well who’s server assassin so you saying that there’s something under here well let me pick this fell up and who made this m by I didn’t place the mod oh okay I I made this room I remember I made this room I told

You I was waiting for you I never went in it I just blocked it up I was annoyed what oh that’s heyyy it’s a temporary despite all the betrayals I’ve done this this one’s Al oh it says my name it’s by it says SB it’s by server assassin again says great

Next I want you to take a look behind cff’s friend or faux poster oh goodness okay well I’ve Got a Feeling something bad’s going to happen so I don’t want to get anyone roped in I you I to be honest I’ve kind of got my own things I want to

Be getting on with anyway so I’ll leave this in your hands do you want to just kind of keep me posted I’m going to keep you posted I feel like this is something everyone needs to be posted about cuz it sounds a bit dangerous I mean does this

Mean that someone else is on the server that’s true cuz it has the IGN and you can’t like make that up can you okay I I’ll be back you you do that I I’m going to go on my my own little Quest you look nice by the way thanks yeah got me fresh

Trims i’ Lally got a fresh trim trims yeah and and it’s nice that you’ve at every food I still remembered and haven’t forgot about you betraying me no well I needed a life more than you oh not CH I could do it though oh he’s thrown it oh no no no no

No no no no no yes my key are different my key are different no give me a my key I’ll give it back at the end of I’ll give it back at the end of the episode if I die now it’s your fault guys we just had a very successful we

Got an extra not but I don’t think I give it back honestly at this point I’m just betraying mini no matter what in everything I I think I’m just yeah I don’t I don’t care so I need to I love that I’ve got an extra not Apple I need

To I’m may not I’m able I might give it back to him I’ll say I I feel like I feel too bad to not give it back but anyway we need to focus on a few things first of all got firez I need to try and probably get more fire reses that’s

That’s a big thing but I also need to go to my general mob farm and see how much TNT I can make and then hopefully with that I can make a load well I can get a load more netherite I mean I know I need

A lot of TNT to get the 10 netherite blocks for an extra life which is one of the quests for extra lives but I can at least make good progress for part of this episode cuz it’s it’s got to be done like I said I I don’t want to go

Through a portal close to spawn cuz I don’t know which one’s clown is trapped when you’re mining for ancient debris I don’t need to be in a portal close to spawn so that’s that’s a good positive and the nether travel was kind of my way

To get around fast cuz I was like oh I’ll just go through the nether it’s quicker I’ll just go through two portles now I’ve got to be a lot more careful I think there are ways to not die to clowns trap but a lot of them involve

Some you know you might have to use a notch apple and a turtle Master thing that’s that’s not ideal Horus fruit could be an option but I don’t know if he could like come up with some method to make it so chorus fruit doesn’t work

In his TR so i’ got to be very very careful when entering the nether this up here could be good there could be an opportunity to get some obsidian from it again I don’t I know there’s a portal up this way and it has been saved for a

Long time but is it still safe I don’t know I I should get some course for I I almost don’t want to go to the end though cuz that’s always a risky thing but that’s probably where I should go looks like I got I got all this obsidian

But I took the aelon with me oh let’s let’s chck you in there then little fella oh and just hurt him a little bit but we need to get rid of you and then I can get myself a little bit more obsidian so let’s do something like that

And then we can start mining up and it’s at least three extra pieces oh there’s more here as well let’s let’s do that it’s always nice having a decent pickaxe isn’t it and potentially if I cuz what am I on I’m on eight so if I mine up

Yeah these two pieces of lava I’ll have all the all the obsidian I need which is a good start and I want to just check how I’m looking for fire you know what I should be I don’t have the Looting sword but I should be getting more gunpowder

From these guys shouldn’t I you know if you see him grab a bit of gunpowder that was actually kind of risky cuz he looked like he was about to blow up in front of me anyway I yeah I should probably try and do that going to have a quick peeky

Man the chest cuz I’m not entirely sure what would where we are with fires I’ve got got none I should probably have a little Brewing session I I think I can yeah I could I’ve got I’ve got one there so we’ve got two all together for 16 minutes probably want more than that

Ideally I’ve got I’ve got the curs of binding book there’s no creeper just sneaking I can hear mobs walking around I think I should oh I only have three mag but we can definitely do that we can definitely make some more Fire Res and perhaps the strategy to do that could be

Whilst I’m at the top get it you know letting this Farm run I could be doing a bit of Brewing that probably is the cleverest way to to go about it let’s just have a little look in here and see where we’re at with okay so yeah I

Already emptied that for from gunpowder we’ve got a lot okay we got a lot of gunpowder wow okay are these chests filling up oh they nearly are good amount of gunpowder in all of this I think what I need to do is stand on this little platform right here get rid of

This Netherrack we don’t need it and then I need to try I think I’ve got sand in my how are we going to do this I’ve got sand in my Ender Chest let me grab that and then craft tnt grab more and craft tnt and then that is all the TNT I

Can craft craft for now so we can pick this up pick this up mine a load more sand and craft as I collect it a trident boy he’s burning oh I need to get my looting sword out quick quick quick quick quick quick come on give me give

Me the good stuff give me the Trident please it’s all I want I’ve been trying to get what everyone else has want but me apparently what why does he never drop it I’ve taken out so many over this series still no success this is the thing about being on a PVP server it

Means that I have to keep my inventory full of all sorts of stuff just in case somebody pounces on me but it makes it hard work when you’re trying to do all of this crafting cuz you just have no inventory space dear anyway I’ll make it work we can grab more gunpowder craft

More TNT so far I’ve got a total of four Stacks maybe I’ll have a few more when some more creepers spawn but I am going to make a nice little brewing stand area and get to work the only issue with this up here is I don’t really have anywhere

To put water maybe if I had a little like that and then I don’t know how I’m going to place it now can we can we go on the edge here are you ready oh there we go all right a little don’t worry it’s all getting a little bit cramped

Isn’t it but we can get get three of those get them into here and I reckon I’m going to permanently leave this cuz I’ve had to use blaze powder so I don’t want to waste it I’ll get the fires going and with black stone I can go

Ahead and make a bring St so that’s handy cuz we can have a spare one to go back in the Sher Bo job done with those I might just Brew another three cuz then I’ll have plenty for the entire project bit more gunpowder to be had so I’ll go

Ahead and sail Far Far Away what the heck server assassin there’s literally a server assassin with one life in the tabl list okay I I do not like the look of this I’m definitely going to continue sailing far far away at least PVP is going off so whatever assassin there is

They can’t do anything he says fear me and then just left okay well at least he’s gone don’t have to worry about that pvp’s off I don’t like the sound of that especially when I’m getting all my lives back I don’t need an assassin Squad I’ve

Got clown to cont well I suppose clown can’t take me out this could be the worst thing because I’m kind of immune from from Death cuz I don’t think Qui or mini can kill me only clown and clowns and then all of a sudden there’s this guy that could be very problematic I

Thought it was just us four on the server at all times but it seems seems there’s now someone else in the mix also I’m making the pole here it has to be far away enough surely slide it up just to be safe I’m going to grab a turtle

Master potion I’m pretty sure I have one okay never mind I don’t all right you know if clown gets me in a in a trap trapped here then then fair enough also Mini’s just logged off so I I guess I’m keeping his not Chaple for now that’s

Great I might need it when I when I go through here who knows I’m good I’m safe I’m in the nether oh that’s nice news I guess that means I can pop a fire as jump in the lava and dig my way down let’s get a nice tunnel dug out and I

Want this tunnel to be about 700 blocks long which wouldn’t be a problem if I had to just dug into a Basalt Delta let’s back it up a little bit turn a corner and go along this way I think we’re all right nope okay you know I’ll

Try the other way this oh look at this I say this direction does look like it’s working a lot better as it was saying it n other than ancient debris has been found which is indeed very very nice news looks like I’ve been here before we we’ve come across another of them

Tunnels it already happened question what’s he on about I have no idea all I know is I’m the only one on the server and we’ve barely been up I don’t know where everyone’s gone oh well I’m just going to keep digging I I’m sure they’ll

Come back also but I I don’t know what is what is happening here I’m just a lonely ancient debris Hunter Okay lava stay out of there but yeah just a lonely ancient debris Hunter sp737 and at this point the tunnel is about 750 blocks long which is enough I think I’m just

Going to go a little bit further just just in cuz I don’t want to have to dig it further at the end then I can start placing the TNT and yeah every third block is the plan and I’ll do this until I run out of all of it that’s all of it

Gone I’ve got no TNT left let’s Light It Up least better if I use my flame Arrow cuz that’ll that’ll kind of light it easier from a distance I’ve got my pickaxe ready let’s see if we can find some ancient Dey oh we’ve already got

Some three in the roof well it don’t get any better than that you have to remember that I already have 22 in here so put that with whatever I get I’m hoping I can get close to a stack I need 5 and a half in total to get the life

But that’ll be a great start won’t it for where I need to be and in fact I have another plan for how I could maybe get even more and that would be without needing gunpowder as well so it’s kind of an extra bonus cuz I have a lot of

Another material we’ll worry about that later right now I am going to continue mining up this and I think I want it on the hot bars I want to be able to see my progress all the time get rid of the gravel and continue oh look at there’s

So many three veins it’s fantastic so I now in total have more than half a stack you know what I maybe call it risky but I think whatever I have in here I’m going to pull together so I can just see the absolute total that I’m on in in

Relation to this big Quest once I mine up both of these I’ll now have 44 which is double what I started with so that’s at least something i’ I’ve doubled my my total which is always good I don’t think there’s too much left of this tunnel I’m

Not entirely sure how much longer it goes on long enough to reveal at least one more piece of ancient debris we’ve reached the end nothing on this last little bit and so now it is time for me to head back the best way for me to get

Back is actually to go back through this tunnel because it’s kind of straight and if I missed any ancient debris I’ll see it I don’t expect to have missed any but you what well just as I’m saying it I about to say you I didn’t expect to miss

Any but you just never know well you do know with this B there he watch out for the lava with sp sp y I always find a way to uh to mess up and miss some but don’t you worry because we’ve now got it that’s an extra piece in the kitty which

Is fantastic who knows there might even be one or two more found on the way back there wasn’t but y it was worth checking anyway I now need to just run along this tunnel cuz I want to get backed to where my nether portal was cuz obviously I

Know that’s safe for now yeah it might not be safe much longer but at least for now it is safest way up is probably drink Fire Res and kind of dig a staircase and if I end up yeah see there is lava there so we can end up just

Going up like this and if I build a bit of a tower I’ll know where I went down before if I want to go again now then where where was my portal I think it was somewhere up that way but we go thankfully I have loads of Netherrack

From all that Mining and here is the portal now I got to make the journey back tell you what everything just takes longer because I’m scared of using Nether Portals maybe it’s about time I came up with a plan to combat such portals now it’s got to be back at this

Farm and and I can go down to the chest storage although I should throw away all the nether at before then I can start collecting string and craft it into wool why would I want to do that well wool is going to be very very useful in the nether because obviously it’s an

Explosive so that’s my thinking behind it I also reckon I could take these beds they have no use so we’ll use those in the Nether and it’s actually really bothering me that I don’t have chorus fruit because from what I can tell chorus fruit is the only way for me to

Combat clown Pier’s traps so I’ll First grab a bunch of wood for the beds then I’m going to drop off a load of stuff at home so I think the ancient debris I might as well smelt it I’ve got no other use for it stuff like lapis that can go

Into the chest you know all sorts of of things that could just be moved around a little bit then I’ll head over in this direction because I want to go to the end I’m going to gracefully go down I don’t know what traps people have left

Down here I know I want had a trap here but it didn’t work on getting quiff but yeah let’s go and head through this portal so far everything’s safe should have some blocks on the hot bar and the ender pearls available just in case I do

Anything stupid I don’t think I will but you never know now I’m guessing this place has been completely cleared out for sh well why is there a dripstone trap up there what on Earth is that all about I have no idea but I feel like yeah all the Shuler shells have probably

Being taken from here that’s not why I’ve come to the end let’s go and ender pearl across I always hate throwing ender pearls cuz you just never know when it might go wrong I’m going to grab a little bit more endstone and chorus fruits I’m getting loads and loads of

Chorus fruits that should be enough over a stack I don’t want to have to worry about having loads of them all the time you see but if I can just have a good amount on my hot bar if I get in a sticky situation I can C through I’ll

I’ll Bridge back you know there doesn’t seem to be a bridge across here and and I feel like a bridge is needed so now there is one I’ll Tower my way back want M need to go and get some sh shells but really I couldn’t be bothered I think

The Ender Dragon has been defeated twice so maybe there’s another end Gateway somewhere here that hasn’t been explored now it is an assassin coming on maybe I need to protect myself maybe trapping him in the end if he came and chased me here could be smart I don’t know let’s

Just go back through here and I’ve got to test out the hypothesis does it work do chorus fruits work against Clown’s trap I really hope so just as a contingency plan I’m also going to bring a turtle Master pot just in case something goes wrong it won’t be the end

Of the world for me so I think I need scoots for that now where where are my scoots I’m sure I have them around here somewhere and on a side note I have no idea where the scoots are so I guess forget that we’ll just go not chap only

No this is this now becomes a bit more dangerous I’ll just yeah we’ll just have to see see what happens so we need the chus fruit we need this I think hm do I you know what let’s just go for I’m confident in the chorus fruit strategy

Let’s go for it let’s take a chance let’s take a chance I I mean clown could make it anti chorus fruitable theoretically okay here we are in the Trap we eat a chorus Fruit and we’re out thank goodness for that okay I ate a few there I was I was just in silence a little bit annoyed we’re okay I don’t know where it’s taking me to but he really really tried to make it impossible to Cor fruit out thank goodness it didn’t work or maybe

You can’t C his fruit on top of Bedrock that could be another reason I don’t know either way I kind of want to go up above and and dismantle it yeah my heart did kind of stop for a little bit when I was like it’s not working guys it’s not

Working what’s going on anyway no need to panic we I hope I’m not going to be underneath his thing or something like that that’ll be annoying we weren’t thank goodness for that let’s go ahead and sort this out uh he thinks he can have a big big old trap well I tell this

Is TNT for ancient debris as well oh I might be able to get some of this this is where I just die trying to get too greedy that’ll be the kind of thing I do free obsidian as well though let’s pick up that then get those at the wow this

One a trap this is it’s so tall as well but I think yeah we can safely look at that free TNT Don’t Mind If I Do all righty now we blast this baby to smin and that is his little trap dismantled this is a good opportunity for me to

Test can you actually cuse for it onto Bedrock cuz if you can’t can’t then I could have been in trouble there I don’t think you can you know I didn’t know that so that makes his trap once again still very very dangerous did I use up

All my corus through yeah I don’t so it’s it’s a very dangerous trap because there’s no guarantee you’re going to be able to go down like I I’m I’m down below that’s good but if there isn’t a nether cave below you’re in trouble you’re in big trouble all right that is

Very very good to know I’m now going to drink a fire R jump in the lava and start working on the brand new strategy I actually need to clear some space here we have way too much St let’s let’s just start with this TNT why not I can go

Ahead and use my bow blow it up no problem and get ancient debris oh that’s a nice start I’ll I’ll just pick that one piece up and I don’t know how I’m best going to do this I think it’s maybe going to be like sideways if I just go

Like this I’ve got to be careful I don’t like hurt myself but yeah I mean that’s that’s kind of going to be the method I’ve just got to kind of test things out a little bit and make sure I don’t do anything stupid like this this shouldn’t

Kill me but I want to know how much damage it does okay it’s not done much damage at all that’s good how much does this do okay well that did a a lot of damage so make sure that there’s a block between USB I I kind of knew that but

There there’s a bit of a a damage Nerf for beds cuz we just thought it was too much of an OP thing if you could just like you know bed bomb someone all the time but you still take the full damage on yourself oh watch out yeah you still

Take the full damage yourself it’s just if you do it to somebody else you don’t take anywhere near uh they don’t take as much that’s basically the uh the way it works so we can do that and we can do that and this will just be yeah a good

Way to hunt down ancient debris I think having a long tunnel will also help so I’ll dig one then do something like this on both sides this is slow this is way too slow I should be digging it and then and then place the bed and going

Straight away so we’ll just kind of do something like that instead and from that any ancient debris I found can be collected this method definitely isn’t as effective as using TNT but it is probably a much cheaper way for the resources to have at the moment obviously getting the gunpowder is

Taking me time whereas I have all of this wool available so I might as well use it and I think it is it is kind of working out really well for me look at that I was just I was just digging the tunnel to place the bed and I’ve found

Ancient debris that’s good I’ll dig around if it’s all in this chunk which it is there’s probably no point searching a bit more because once you find ancient debris in one chunk you’re not going to find it in in more in the same chunk a little more complex than

That but that’s that’s kind of the gist of how it works anyway I tell you what so far this method is serving me well I I feel like it’s yeah it’s it’s pretty effective indeed once I mine up these two I’ll be up to a grand total of 10

From this method make it 11 cuz it was three right here I’ve also slightly changed my strategy now I’m just going like this and just kind of working my way backwards keeping an eye out cuz I just I don’t know I feel like it’s I

Don’t know if it is faster or not but I quite like the way this method is working hey Mr Pigman today is not a good day for you pretty sure that’s a safe way to take them out without them getting angry at least I hope so so

Let’s this is kind of okay well yeah I ran out of fire resistance apparently and just fell straight in lava nice not really a problem this entire method is just not good for my armor that’s that’s the biggest worry here maybe I should be using something like Blackstone which

Has a bigger blast resistance which in theory means I should take less damage than if I was using Netherrack now at this point I’ve run out of food which is is kind of worrying because you do lose a lot of food I also have used up a lot

Of uh the durability which is also worry obviously I could make suspicious stew if I want more that’s about all I have with me so yeah I’m going to have to be a little bit more careful I think what I’m going to do is use up the beds I’ve

Got we’ll we’ll do that in a fashion where we go place two of these and you take pretty much no damage I should get some Fire Res though cuz that is one way that I will take damage this is why we made so many of them and I can eat one

Of these shoes just to make sure I’m at full full hunger this is the method I’ve kind of come to now although that is not the way to do it yeah you need to be able to at least see that this is a very thin one I don’t know why it’s so thing

But yeah you just basically dig the tunnel then you place those two like that and you take very little damage as you can see and it it exposes a good area and when it exposes a good area it exposes a good amount of ancient debris

So let’s mine up you and also both of these oh that’s fantastic you know what I’ve decided this method’s going well I’ve got 24 I’ve got all this wool left I should probably use it up as long as I’m doing the method where I use the black stone my durability isn’t really

Affected on my armor or my health anyway plus I’ve got some diamonds so I’ll probably repair them as I’m going just to be safe lots of beds can be made this Mission can continue plus a pickaxe substitution might be a good idea cuz this one is looking a little bit worse

For we plumpus has just done the spooky scaryest SC I wonder if he’s trying to get the things for a Wither it doesn’t mean I’m not the only one that NE I know it’s very unlikely that he would break the deal and attack me but just in case

I better keep my wits about me because I’d hate for him to come up with some sort of trap also on a side point my leggings have mending on them so mine up quarts is kind of good to at least repair those it would be great to have

Full mending armor but at the same time I don’t really want to lose that in battle I am also collecting up these levels now so that if I need to make some repairs on an anvil I’ll be able to and this is a pretty long tunnel I’ve

Done so I’m going to drink my last fire resistance and get busy hunting for the ancient debris such as ones just like this refine the method even more if I leave a gap of two then place two it’s it’s really well it revealed some but it it’s really even better at not taking

Any damage just always just refining it I am I want the method to be as good as it can be I reckon I can probably get away look at that we’re nearly at half a stack but yeah I can probably get away with using nether I can take no damage

Yeah cuz it’s the distance is there and everything this is fantastic very effective Ive method and also very very resource friendly the Fire Res is just about gone yeah now I’ve lost it and these are the my remaining beds not that many left so I’ll do as much as I can

You don’t really need fire resistance now that I’ve refined this method which makes it even better there is just a few little bits here and there still to be found oh one more on the final bed let’s go that’s fantastic please be two yes do you know what that means that means we

Got exactly half a stack of ancient debris from the bed method I do think using TNT is definitely faster and better but it’s good to just use all the resources I have cuz obviously I didn’t have loads and loads of gunpowder so I’d say this is a great alternative oh okay

I am in lava my other plan now is just to get home I think the way I’m going to do that is kind of just use one of the portals near spawn as long as I have chorus fruit like going to spawn I shouldn’t have to worry well going to

The other one I shouldn’t have to worry about it too much so that is why I will not worry about that as long as I have cor fruit I’ll put the cor fruit there now so that I definitely don’t forget about it I’m also digging a tunnel as I

Go back just on the off chance that I come across some ancient debris whilst I’m I’m on my way CU you just never know so I might as well give it a chance oh my good wait what apparently I blew up a room and there was ancient debris in it and I

Didn’t even see it I don’t know how I did it I think it’s when I did loads of beds at once but that’s that’s careless of me not that I’m complaining I mean that’s three Exchange in debris I just didn’t expect it yeah well we got 35 now

That makes it even better I’m glad I went through these tunnels just to check and now that I have no fire resistance I think I’m just going to have to do the method of of digging out hopefully I don’t get trapped under the lav you know

Cuz I ain’t got any food left either this could be problematic wait here’s what we’re going to do oh what am I doing here imagine if this is how I die all right we’re just going to not panic we’re going to eat one of these that will give me enough

Just to regen for a start that was that was stupid I do have a not CH I don’t eat a not CH in this situation though that would be stupid cuz it’s just the most self-inflicted thing ever I think where am I what why is this so far this

Is just going to do terrible damage to my arm isn’t it but all right well we made it this High all righty I was slightly panicking there you know just just for a split second we’re out anyway we’re out same time bio Fortress as well it’s oh and there’s my bridge yeah that

Was way riskier than it needed to be anyway let’s just go up here I did think about eating the chorus fruit but I’m not kind of sure how it would have ended so I didn’t now this portal here was removed by clown I’m guessing cuz he

Wanted me to fall for going through that other one is there actually any others around I mean technically there is there’s just loads of broken ones I I mean I’m fairly confident I can go through and be safe but knowing Clowny just find some way to to to defeat me

Here’s what I’m going to do all right first things we don’t want to lose the ancient debris do we then we’ll just go ahead and put that like that to complete the portal and light it I don’t know where it’s going to take me hopefully

It’s not going to take me any my bad I want to put my NCH apples I I should put my I’m just scared to go through a portal every time now going to put my Notch apples there I am going to eat one of these I did have another Fire Res all

Right I didn’t need to nearly kill myself go just use that anyway yeah I don’t know what’s going to be on the side we’re about to find out hopefully it’s sa I mean it’s a portal that I’ve just built but I just don’t trust this boy all right well we’re safe all right

Good good stuff don’t want to go back through there but anyway it’s nice to be back on the other dimension and now I’m going to set up a few contingency things for the Assassin but I’m not going to show you guys cuz just in case someone’s watching I don’t know who this assassin

Is you see I don’t want them to know what my safety plans are what my measures are to escape them or whatever that is or ways defeat them I’ve got plans I’ve got ideas is and it has to be a secret until they they show themselves

And we know more but I I want to be more prepared so if I want to go after clown I’m thinking I should first make some invisibility because then he doesn’t know who he’s going for and if he starts attacking me back I’ll get two lives because he would have broken the deal

That we made I’ve had enough rest B from clown I am now ready to try and take him out at some point it’s going to be tricky but I’ll give it my best shot but before that I need more food I have like five mutton and four pork chop it’s just

Not enough and in fact on top of that I’m also going to grab myself some Netherrack just so I’ve got some blocks this is also all the netherite scrap so I could make full netherite armor I’m not going to at this point since if I get 10 netherite blocks I get an extra

Life yeah working towards that is probably a smart idea I’m trying to think where the best place for food is going to be and I’ve also got to be careful because if clown is in the nether he could have one of his traps set up and if I go through a portal I

Could end up in the cofin Trap unescapable and die and that would definitely not be something that I want mini just attacked quiff where am I I’m bit far away collecting food oh my goodness is that a natural pink sheep no way right very cool I’ll just no I’m not

Going to kill it but you know what I should capture it in a boat do I have a boat there you go pink sheep you are now mine kind of ironic that a few episodes ago I got the advancement for eating every single different type of food and

Here I am now in the situation where I’ve run out so I’ve just been out collecting food and I’ve just realized that I made a deal with mini where for every single person that’s subscribes from me and goes to him he has to give me a golden carrot so if like a th

People subscribed from me to him he’d have to give me 1,000 golden carrots so he’s going to end up owing me a load of golden carrots anyway so the 22 pork chops I’ve got plus the one button should be more than enough someone’s in my base hello hello hello hello hello

Taking a little swim should we go kill him let’s go get him P I’m muting up in fact I don’t want I don’t hear anything okay I don’t know where he’s at got to be well I’m guessing he’s at his base I’ve got a Fire Res I’ve got pretty much

Everything I need I don’t need that I I I want to get involved here but one of these can die maybe even if it’s not quiff that dies someone else can like Minnie there’s quiff over there oh he’s running still okay minis Min in hop

Shoot the thing is I don’t have to keep up with quiff I just have to keep up with mini and mini has to keep up with Qui so long as I’m in the area it’ll be all right he’s gone through the pool what do we do now that that yeah well we

We could go through NE not a chance I’m going through that Port B can you imagine what could we I wish we could send something through well look Ain coming back baby anyway on a side note where’s my golden carrots look I’ve been trying to work on them well I

I’m hungry I’m out collecting food and I just realized I should never have to collect food ever again look next episode I love oh what if we could send these through well you broke the B we could though techn wait let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it what if we get

In the boat you can get them in the boat there we go and then if we use a water bucket we can push the boat in right oh yeah I in a minute if I had a fishing rod I could do it you have a fishing rod there we go so that you

Can’t get them so what we need to do is we need to like get them break the boat go through so don’t touch it you’ll hurt them I won it boxes are on they’re in okay now we wait and see I guess we see if there a trap on him can you imagine

If like it is a coffin and qu’s trapped in it and then he can’t punch them and they just keep hitting him so we’re going to be able to know what dimension they’re in if we can both sleep then we’ll know we’re all right oh so quiff

Is in the over world then nice little quick pursuit of quiff I’ve no idea what was on the other side of that PO it might have been perfectly safe it was just very weird so I think now is the perfect time to start hunting down clown

Because I can use the entire time of there being no PVP to see where he is and then when PVP comes on I’ll go for him so let’s track him he’s so somewhere in that direction okay I don’t know if he’s pointing to a portal or pointing to

Exactly where he is but I’m going to start going over there and on the way I can hopefully get food I have no idea how far away he is I have no idea what he’s up to okay well maybe I do know what he’s up to he he’s underground

What’s he what is he doing what’s up man what are you doing down there I was mining mining were you yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s no trap no no no don’t go that no no no don’t go down there no no no don’t don’t go down there really I really don’t think you

Should go down there investigate that at all okay that’s that’s fine I won’t go down there then let me just put a little marker here so I know you know I know where it is and everything yeah all right yeah don’t go there have a good

Day man what oh wait I like your trims fresh trim yeah hypothetically if you did go down there how much money would it take um money uh maybe if you gave me like I don’t know five Sher boxes go down there I’ll give you five Cobblestone you don’t

Really want in the sh I don’t know what he’s up to I don’t know what’s down there I get the feeling like there’s probably nothing down there and he’s just kind of just was collecting iron but he’s he’s going to have to know that he’s going to be shadowed now for quite

Some time it does also bother me that I don’t really have any you know I’m using Netherrack not a A Better Block for my like my my building block because Netherrack is very easy to mine whereas if I want to slow someone down something with a bit more resistance is good I

Mean Stone’s got decent resistance Cobblestone got even more resistance but I I’ll just go with stone I think that’ll that’ll work absolutely fine clown still seems to be above that hill so I don’t know what that means unless he’s gone down the other side I don’t

Him to know that I’m kind of stalking him though that’s the that’s the worry if he starts to get get wind of it that I’m going after him although there is food up here which is is is a bonus might as well get you you and that’s

About all I can see at the moment it’s just mainly a load of sheep yeah I’m also very conscious of the fact that I’m getting way too far away there doesn’t seem to be any more food over here but I’ve I’ve got to kind of keep in this

Area J 27 pork and a load of Stew should be enough also what is that what’s he building what on Earth is going on down there all I can see is iron blocks and nothing else I don’t know if the yeah I have no idea what he’s up to I’m going

To slowly sneak my way down what is this it’s some sort of massive entrance way element of surprise is pretty important trying to get as close as I can ladies and gentlemen what is he doing it’s ion blocks is he building a beacon or something patience is key come on PVP

Please turn on can I steal a block they’ll have no idea that I just stole a block from his thing quick go go go go go okay we’re going to go like that I’m going to get the strength there I think here’s the plan clown is going to finish

His Beacon but he’s going to be like why is it not a tier four Beacon I placed all the blocks why is it not working then whilst he’s trying to work that out Kabam I’ll Ambush him okay I’ve got to stay crouching that’s the best I can do

Okay so it’s just a waiting game now just a patient waiting game PVP has come on okay this is it now ladies and gentlemen this is the PVP where we hunt for clown but it it is still a waiting game while we wait for him to return to

Where the Beacon’s at it’s going a little closer I want to know how much of the beacon he’s done oh all of it so he’s maybe oh no he’s just missing a few pieces down there okay I’m hiding up here instead okay if you want to know

Where I am I’m just above him there okay don’t think he’ll see me here but one wrong move and he will in fact he’s fully over in that direction now he was over there a second ago so he’s he must be close cuz he’s moving around near me this is

There I found him is he coming back I don’t think he will have seen me all I see is a moving name tag he’s looking now where I was before and now he’s crouching still so confused he stood quite still at the moment could I catch him when he’s in his inventory or

In a chest maybe he’s moving again quick get back down get to your hiding spot must know I’m there cuz he’s just crouched above me and he’s peing already he just hit me he just critted me whoa whoa you all saw that whoa whoa did you just crit me clown Pius left the

Game where’s he at with the I have a Tracker I know exactly where it’ll be oh oh dear clown can’t have I don’t know I have video evidence I’ll be leaving this up to the viewers ladies and gentlemen because I think I saw what I saw yeah

That’s right clown I’m sure that I was uh critted out I’m sure he just hit me wellow by accident wow I’m not sure accidents are uh are allowed accidents are in the rules all right I’ll uh I’ll let you off let’s see I mean he doesn’t have strength though he must be getting

Weak man I hate Waters could he die could it be clown Pius Dying by the hand of SP oh what a move that was a very very good Escape move there where did he go oh he’s over there I need more Strength see him I’m in for shoot ladies and gentlemen here we go come on come On come on no Way come on no way what do it take to kill this guy he must be weak my goodness me come on clown you can’t survive this there’s no way oh he’s been getting away again no way I just let him slip right through that bit come on it’s B how did

You let him survive that oh no he must have been as weak as weak there’s no no way that he just oh my goodness me I hit him so many times I mean I know he has good saturation and stuff but I don’t know what level he’s on now like is he

Up here or is he I don’t know he could still be under ground okay he’s moved okay he’s gone all that way back to his little area I’ll still try with just a minute left cuz he maybe thinks he’s done a grand Escape who knows is he just

Going to keep running I don’t know has he got a trap in here another good question I’ll go up this way well master of Escape but I do want to know how weak was he he must must have been so weak I got him in such a good position and I

Hit him so many times I had strength I had a a sharpness four sword and I he netherite sharpness five maybe he’s got he’s got those guys after him I think he probably reckons after with with 40 seconds left he’s probably going to survive but you know you never

Know you know oh he’s he’s he’s he’s a bit more prepared now I think he’s had a bit of time to prepare himself for the moment and he he knows now we just 20 seconds left he’s probably uh he’s probably going to be okay y well done

Clown I’m I’m going to I’m going to give him a a gg gg clown you know what master of this game well done well done yeah yeah yeah GG oh wait oh wait oh okay I forgot about PVP timer honestly I would have carried on if there was no timer i’

Carried on I was I was confused for a moment I forgot about the timer I was fully prepared to try and run away for you for like the hour that the player tracker lasts you almost had me in the cave what was the low you got hearts uh

I I was definitely I was down down to four to five Hearts something like that definitely I was sweating definitely sweating ggsb what was accidental crits allowed or something is that a is that yeah no remember uh if if I hit you by accident it doesn’t count okay was it an

Accidental remember that yeah we said that we said that in the original contract it wasn’t okay okay if I if I create you with like the intent to kill you that’s that’s when that’s when I break it pretty intense Chase I don’t know how he might to take so many hits I

Think I’m going to have to go for the netherite sword next and get it up to Sharp 5 just to give me that extra Edge but we definitely came closer than we’ve ever come in the PVP situation to taking him out hello Mr clown Pier what’s up

Guys um this is for you mini if you want it oh that’s such funny time wow okay what you going to do clown what are you going to do uhoh no no no it’s a joke it’s a joke would you mind coming to court are you going to tell us what

We’re convicted of this is this is just the summons this is just your court summons you betrayed me last episode so you are on my radar I’ve never betrayed you I’ve literally never betrayed anyone in This Server yeah what the heck have you been wait this no this is this is a

Whole case you know who betrayed who yeah that like to I’d like to sue you Mina sp737 do thou remember a golden apple yeah I remember yeah yeah snatched from me I just seem to remember it just be lying on the ground and I picked it

Up no no no you see the friend of f server should be a safe place a safe haven where our I whever they may be no no no no no that’s literally the literally the entire premise of the series is that it’s only a safe place

After the time I see a rule here that states that there’s no stealing or griefing stealing from chests have me Golden Apple Bo no oh do it do it do it do it hey no no no no no no no no you thought it was real he’s gone he’s long gone

He’s not he’s going to be here here I I’ll exchange that for you he took my God Apple man yeah I I’ll exchange it for you give give me that I’ll talk to um mini really wants you to give the god apple back if you drop the god Apple

I’ll give you this Golden Apple all right that sound fair there you go what a hero your problem now Min this is caught next PVP next PVP you see me you should run for your life all right why why e cuz you’re you’re a thief you’re a thief

And my plan is to attempt to find a new stronghold because in the strongholds they have books and I’m hoping for a sharpness four book it’s kind of slim I know but I haven’t really got the XP for it and my XP farm only works when no one

Else is online so finding a sharpness 4 book is probably my next best bet and according to the I vender there’s a stronghold that way come to a bit of an ocean that blocks my path towards the stronghold well we’ll see what lies at the end here Le we’re in a desert area

Right now so the rain’s not bothering me wonder if there’s any mine cart chest knocking around here so far there isn’t anybody’s um floating rails how very strange Aha and in here well another gun at least got my golden apple back I’ll take the iron and the gold too I’m

Pretty sure it’s something like a 1% chance to get a Notch Apple in these so it’s very very low I still think it’s worth a look I’m still having to is there another one under here oh there is look at that and a little bit more I

Don’t think I need anything would a name tag be useful I don’t think so I’m not that bothered about it but yeah I’m still constantly being sent in this direction to try and find this stronghold and it just carries on it’s quite far away and that eye finally

Broke so I’m down to five not the end of the world there better be something good here I don’t want to come all this way for nothing okay the ey has just changed Direction which means I’ve run over it and according to my calculations yeah it’s right over here I reckon I can

Actually swim down to get to it or maybe not I’ll have to dig or maybe I can swim I don’t know I don’t it’s not really in that D I might come across it going down here I might not let’s give it a go always worth a try isn’t it cuz you just

Never know although it seems to come to a dead end so I’ll just I’ll just dig down and see if there’s anything down here and there was oh fantastic oh I got an eye armor trim as well that’s kind of nice but my main goal is to find the

Bookcase room this was like the least effective way to get books I should have gone for an ancient city that probably would have been a better idea that’s not what I was looking for but hey it’s diamonds I won’t say no to that oh we found the portal room we’ve kind of

Found it any we found the side of it it’s a it’s a zero a but I’ll take the free XP from you thank you very much and bookcase room number one fantastic right give me the good Stu I think I will just take a load of books as this is where I

Just have no space in my inventory isn’t it let’s mine those up then we can save a bit of inventory space and I can get busy with a bit of mining up here what book Shar you know what we’re on the right track ladies and gentlemen we are

On the right track another sharpness street at the other bookcase room and I’ll be pretty happy also a kind of useless chest but it looks cool with all the the redness and Lapis you can never have too much lapis I found bookcase room number two it’s a small one and on

Breaking through is actually pretty good but yeah I came all this way for sharpness 3 was it a waste of time possibly I’ll get myself a few more books and then I’ll take the opportunity to home through the end that’s got to be a smart way have I got enough pearls for

That oh no I’ve not got enough ender pearls have I okay well never mind there’s always plan B which is to use I think well I was going to say use the Ender Chest but I’m just bet if I just turn this to obsidian and this to

Obsidian and I can use this portal to head through the nether I’m pretty sure clown will not have been able to trap the other side I’ll get M corus fruit handy and I guess we’ll find out no we’re completely safe we’re completely fine and the way back home is this way

If I could find a fortress on the way back it’ be very helpful just to top up like stuff like my magma cream and that kind of thing but whether that will actually be possible I have no idea find an ender pearl will be possible that’s

Waa wao bro bro we can talk about this we do not need that as I was saying an Enderman will be quite useful cuz my Ender pear reserves aren’t doing too amazing but with looting three I well I got two more that’s not bad feel like at

The very least I should be getting some glowstone but I I still got to see that either aha that’s the Fortress and here is the glow stone and that should keep me going for quite a while yeah nearly 80 pieces and hopefully there’s a Magma

Cube or two down here as well to find accomplished Now give me the good stuff apparently my inventory is too full to pick it up let’s just get rid of that there we go and hopefully we get a few more than that seven pieces you know

That’s not too bad at this point I think I’m ready to go home I do worry that this whole process has taken me a little bit too long and I’m not now ready to battle clown Pier or at least there’s not really enough PVP time left to

Battle I could go and get more pearls I also want to know why somebody blocked that up and this is a new bridge has somebody been up to something or is this just another way into the Fortress I used to think maybe I built this bridge

Come to think I think I did but what oh where did it go is anybody being it just I’m just the fact that somebody blocked it up and I don’t think it was me so it does make me suspicious that somebody has been in this area and I’d be

Especially suspicious of this portal this is the portal that goes to the other stronghold I would like to go through it I’d like to go to the end but I don’t want to die H what do we do do we should we just go for it why don’t we just go for

It it’s safe it’s completely safe thank goodness for that I’ll be honest with you I really wasn’t expecting the worst there but that’s that’s a good thing that it wasn’t like that no one is allowed to trap the end so well that that portal anyway you’re not allowed to

Do that so I didn’t have to worry too much about anything happening there if somebody came through here yes I could I you know there could be a battle but I think we’re okay re can I just get the old boat out make some Enderman angry

You know and hopefully get him in the boat and just collect a load of Ender pells and with that I have over four stacks of the pearls I think that’s got to be enough some point I need to make some sort of XP farm out here but but not at

The moment let’s just head back I don’t know where I’m going to spawn in my own base fantastic and we just 1 minute 20 remaining do I go for the ultimate sneak attack and get mini if he’s at his house we get him okay I don’t really have the

Food I don’t I don’t really have the setup for it but let’s just do it I I I mean I don’t fear him and he did betray me the last episode going for clown I’m sick of nobody dying in ages so if he’s here he’s going down he better hope that he

Is not here here he is what is this doesn’t seem to go anywhere down there and this is his carrot Farm is this all the carrots he owes me to be completely honest with you I do need some carrots I’m not going to steal them but he does

Owe me a load of golden ones but it looks like he’s survived this PVP session I’ll give it that to him he’s he’s survived he’s LIF to tell the tale it could be anywhere which is why i’ i’ you know I’d be making a player track if

I really want to find him more importantly yeah I just need to try and get sharpness five on this sword so I reckon the easiest way is if I can try and make another little setup down here though he’s just logged off oh well looks like I won’t be getting him but

Clown won’t log off so I can I can get him in the next PVP and this 55 golden cars here wait has he been has he brought me 55 that he owes me wow that’s fantastic because to be completely honest with you I really did need that

I’m also going to just destroy this portal down here I need obsidian and I don’t know if it’s trapped or not at this point and I don’t want to risk it cuz I know what clown Pi is like with making trap portals so I’m just going to

Mine up I’ll make my own safe portal I know how to line it up so that it would definitely be a safe portal anyway with that I can craft that and there should be space down here I’m going to make a oh there’s loads of Netherrack as well

Well clown Pierce has gone as well I’m hoping they come back but if he doesn’t that means my XP farm will work oh I could use that oh this could be a great opportunity actually I’m going to risk it and I’m going to go for it I admit it

Is a bit of a journey to get there I can’t use a Nether for obvious reasons I don’t want to die to one of Clown’s traps oh mini mukas join back are you kidding me oh man this is such a conflict now this is why I need an Ender

Farm cuz the Ender Farm will work when no one else is online I reckon next episode that’s going to be my top priority project for now I’ll take these books I’ll take some wood and I’ll craft away that’s all down let’s see what what kind of things are we getting right now

All right nothing good we have more of a chance we put a diamond sword in sharpness two it’s not going to cut it I have to reset this and now I only have 20 levels so I actually need to bring this down a little bit more so the max

Level oh that’s too much though M three it’s not good got a bit of messing around and I can actually put everything together here if I just go and do something like this it’s not very XP effective but that’s sharpness for so now with 14 levels yeah we can get

Sharpness five and whilst I’m here I’ll grab four netherite scrap and for if I let’s grab eight cuz I might as well also get myself a a netherite axe as well I was going to say but I don’t have the smithing template upgrade cuz I

Forgot about oh no and I haven’t been to a Bast well looks like we need to go back to the ne you’re kidding me boy am I tired of going to the nether I I think I’m just going to risk it on use clown portal I’m pretty I could

This there’s two portals I could use that I know about nearby should have got these netherite tools before we updated to 1.20 shouldn’t have yeah there’s the portal at Clown’s house which I trapped I don’t know if the trap’s still there if it still works and there’s this

Portal on the hill right here that quiff went through in the last episode is it safe I have absolutely no idea but there’s only one way to find out I suppose oh he’s safe thank goodness for that I was I was slightly worried at the time and now I need to get busy

Traveling in search of an unexplored Bastion thp is just logged off Min is logged off I could go dxp from I’m not going to stop and until I get myself that netherite stuff I completely forgot about the fact that I need the netherite upgrade which is what has really

Hindered my progress this is a great opportunity for me to find a Bastion get that get that sorted and to also visit my XP farm to get a load of levels back oh it’s another Fortress as well that’s kind of useful and whilst I’m kind of exploring looking for a Bastion I might

As well pick up XP from quartz too the quartz I suppose is useful if I need it for observers later as well and the basal Delta oh this is very nice first and foremost more blaze rods and there should be magma cubes somewhere in this biome I don’t know exactly where down

There is the answer apparently okay well that’s a little bit more effort let’s just go like that I have F the phone I don’t know why I’m I’m being so careful I just might as well just jump off and I didn’t use my looting sword by mistake

Oh well that was a stupid thing Magma Cube number two and this time we did get some cream Bastion Number One spotted been to it before I have no idea will it have a netherite upgrade I also have no idea but there is only one way to find

Out I have also got to be quite careful okay well there’s gold here so that’s a good start I don’t actually need the gold so I’m not going to waste my time on it what I do need to be careful about is is all of the brutes and i’ got be

Careful about not making everyone angry okay what we got in there anything decent I feel like spectral arrows are kind of nice but I’m not going to get anything like that okay well things have got a little bit hairy there I was um yeah just just

Man yep just going to run away now see you later guys you know when The Brute show up in serious now then where was I in this chest oh okay we got snout armor trim that’s kind of nice I I want that and the final possible chest is

Somewhere down here and and we got netherite scrap that’s actually nice as well like I’m overusing the word nice here anyway you get the point and now the search for the netherite upgrade continues I’ve spotted another Bastion and this time it’s a treasure one which is very very handy indeed I think I’m

Going to ender pearl to there then I can carefully dig okay I’ve got to be very careful how about go about this I think I’m going to start by getting a bucket of lava really don’t want to die in this in this place we really are in the

Lion’s Den here magma spawner I’m going to get rid of it as useful as it might be I’m going to remove it these guys can get spiffed in lava that includes you my Puro for netherite stuff now now it’s guaranteed in these kind of bastions that you do get the netherite upgrade so

That’s that’s a fantastic thing straight away we got Pig it’s amazing all right let’s just let’s just sple them all that’s the greatest thing ever though Pig I’m going to spli you there we go I have no space anywhere here let’s get rid of some Netherrack then we can grab

Pigstep and OBS oh my goodness I need obsidian too it’s fantastic I could grab all the gold I’m not going to so there’s what I need I’ll just get rid of the quartz and diamond oh Thorn streight and a nether angle and a not my goodness

What a chest I didn’t even notice I was too busy focused on the netherite upgrade genuinely an insane thing what I’m going to do is you all right mate I’m going to just make a little bit of a platform don’t know if that’s risky and

I’m then going to just put stuff in the Ender Chest so we’ve got more space that should do it there is only one chest here which is a shame sometimes you get two but it was one pretty insane chest and I will search the rest of the

Bastion just on the off chance so I’ve already looked in there there’s nothing else that I need but yeah just on the off chance that there is another of these netherite upgrades you you get about you’ve got maybe a 10% chance I think of finding in another chest but

Then you’ve got like a 100% chance of finding in that middle chest let’s just check in all these corners for a chest doesn’t look like there’s any more down here except for this one which yeah I’ve already been to oh no there is one over here that I haven’t seen oh ancient

Debris nice and another one of these oh fantastic definitely ready to go home here pretty soon but I will spend a bit of time going up to the top to see what I can find in the other half of the area I’m going to have to Lava you I’m sorry

Good sir but don’t you dodge my lava like that yeah getting in here is always risky I’m I’m not bothered about the gold blocks cuz obviously I’ve got that gold Farm but what’s in these chests well it could be useful I actually take a diamond shovel it’s I’m not going to

Need it am I oh I hear some guys behind me get laved guys trying to plunder some good stuff from chests more in sh bre two of them fantastic a bit more obsidian although that’s obsidian I’m well that wasn’t very good was it are they going

To land on my head now as well I’m just going to dig down um yeah I couldn’t get the obsidian because I got some black stone in infantry then every man and his dog was after me up there and I didn’t have blocks in the slot that I thought I

Was going to yeah it all went a bit wrong I actually do kind oh is that that’s three nether it’s not really enough is it but I do need some more blocks there’s a chest through here oh more obsidian oh well that’s just what I was hoping for actually yeah I’ll ender

Pearl upwards then okay well that was a waste of time then I just take the stairs like a peasant here we are right I don’t want anything coming from be oh no that was not a good situation to be let’s just go there we go you’re too

Slow now get taken out cuz my armor is so good the damage isn’t actually that bad anyway I just wanted that four obsidian and then with what I have in my Ender Chest I can make a portal actually I don’t want to make a portal I want to

Go to my XP farm that’s that idea out the window I actually want to kind of head back Homeward so let’s end the pear down in fact if I’ve got myself some qu down here I could mine it for XP which there is and with a few more veins like

That I can get to level 14 that means I can finally combine these and get a sharpness five sword I’m going to head home I’m not going to go to my gold XP farm instead I’m going to make myself a decent XP farm in the end which will be

In a future episode but now I can just make my way out of this nightmare I’ve still got fire resistance so I don’t really have to worry about Ender pearling into lava there’s that Fortress I came past earlier good to know about my portal has been successfully found

The other side should be safe cuz I technically remove the P I’m not entirely sure where wait a second just in case corus fruit handy just in case but yeah it’s completely fine it’s made a New Port of the bottom of my Hill which you know what I can’t complain cuz

That’s extra obsidian for me and now I can take seven diamonds and craft another one of these which I’m going to put in here I’m going to put that extra one so if you ever need more I know where to go with that at the smithing table I can get a sharpness five

Netherite sword much much more useful than what I had at some point I will get a netherite axee but I want to make it sharpness 5 first before I commit to that yeah bit of an interesting episode I I pretty much spent the entire thing getting a netherite sword not entirely

What I wanted I wanted to do a bit more than that but we also got a lot of extra good resources so it’s going to be very very helpful in the future we got another notch trle back although we did give one away but give minis back we

Gave to clown so it’s safe to say that all sorts did happen but most importantly we got Pig step which is a very very nice thing to have so I’m just going to put it in there as I said in the intro I I’m playing go to court

Because I feel like there is evidence against clown Pierce and I should be able to get two lives off him but before that I want to prepare to go after him as you can see I have now got a very powerful sharpness 5 fire aspect 2 sword

Which is fantastic but I want to make sure I have everything else I think the biggest thing I need is bone meal which okay we’ve got a lot there because there’s not much of my brown mushroom left so we’re going to go over here and

Use this hello little fell do I have a looting sword no okay not on me do what on Earth there’s another one down there a drip I didn’t who has done that I I kind of remember somebody doing that but at the same time I forgot and I definitely don’t want to accidentally

Fall down there so let’s um what a what a trap let’s just go ahead and do something like that just to protect it all then I can place a brown mushroom there bone me it up and get way more look at that look at the speed of the

Mining and from three I’ve gone up to 14 already that’s fantastic then after doing it a second time I’ve got 29 yeah there’s no reason why I shouldn’t have 64 mushrooms ooh PVP on as well all right I keep my wits about me do I maybe go after somebody quickly early I don’t

Know not yet I I want to get the court case out of the way before everybody kind of gets a bit upset I might as well also make a load more suspicious stews brown mushrooms can go back in there the red ones here I know I also said that I

Would sort out getting a sharpness five axe as well never really happened but I’m not really going to be using the axe too much in PvP the sword is the main one so that is what I’m focused on and now it’s just dandel lines that I need

More of dandel lines are not too tricky to get I don’t want that creepy to blow up by the way you’re going to ruin my mountain pretty sure if I just bone meal a random area oh look at that three straight away okay okay you’re look at looks like they’re having a Fantom

Situation down there can I just like shoot clown already just a little little warning oh oh okay I think they saw me anyway back to collecting dandelion mini Muk was slain by the infamous Qui wait what quiff took out mini that’s qu’s first kill right is that first kill that’s

What happens when you trust people with PVP on because you can’t trust people when pvp’s on when pvp’s on everyone’s a foe even me all right I just put face mutually assure destruction guys if you die you’re ime for PVP and he just hit me you’re not you’re not that’s another

Case you have two cases right now you’re not a you’re not a mean from PvP all right but well read the rules no not if you hit someone as well then you back into people you can’t just hit people and be a meon for people you hit me so

That brought you into people in fact now no longer I’m in from PvP mini I I’ll see you I’ll see you at caught in 12 minutes guys all right you have any mushrooms for me ASB uh What uh what do I get in return give me 13 red

Mushrooms and give me 11 brown mushrooms and I’ll tell you a really cool trick that you can do right now I promise you I promise you I promise you on my life on my life you will love this it’s it’s pertaining to what you’re doing right

Now I’m learning from clown you do right okay grab one one of these oh dang it I messed up the speed crafting there you go oh and you and then you get bone meal back yeah just use shears to get all the grass and you actually you get more bone meal than

You spend that’s that’s pretty good um I mean I have a a farm that gives me unlimited bones so you know it’s kind of anyway thanks for the mushrooms bye you’re welcome scammed Again by clown piest at this point I’m pretty happy with everything I’ve got to go after

Clown pierce with here we are at court you stop fling the court where is the witness standing you still not built it you get down there this is my call thank you where’s the witness going to stand you going to come up here with me whoever the witness is

That’s is this they said a good Court it works it does its purpose okay what what have you ever been to court where the witness goes and stands up with the judge behind the main desk that’s the that’s the judge of stand there you go

There you go oh or the wit w stand now look good he is there where did you come from T Here We Gather today with new evidence from s sp737 on the case against clown Pierce hitting him critting him in fact s sp737 please come up to the stand now please

Present your evidence I actually have video evidence of a uh a situation where clown cred me and claims it was accidental but on further review accidental is an interesting interpretation of of the situation what’s the terms if you do attack me you have to give me two lives okay if it’s

Accidental fair enough but if it’s like intentional in some way intentional in some way intentional in some way yeah if I if I actually try critting you out you know yeah then then yeah I I’ll give you two lives he’s peing already he just hit me he just critted

Me whoa whoa you all saw that whoa oh yeah all right that that was to be expected I knew it I knew It you know you you show this clip of me saying critted out which I don’t know if you know the definition of getting critted out but one crit does not you know uh uh satisfy that definition crit it out is when you do either two or more consecutive crits you’re trying to kill

Somebody um and accidental I know it might seem a bit strange but you know as a as a trained pvper uh you know it is a reflex to look behind me hold my shield up and crit so this this what might look like a very intentional movement is it’s

Just a reflex on my part so therefore I do argue it’s it’s accidental uh and I did not crit you out I accidentally crit you once I will uh you know I will keep my case uh you know I I I’ll keep defending this point well we’ve heard

Two sides of the story you see now we put it to the jewry quiff please come up to the stand why is Qui what this got to do with Qui why he on this T quiff what do you think of this situation do you find clown guilty or not guilty I see

Both sides I see where’s coming from it technically it was a CR but from the exact words you said it wasn’t a crited out like clown said crited out is uh three or four more crits so in terms of him giving two hearts or two lives I’d

Say clown is not guilty thank you for your input sir please go back to your seat now the second member of the jury hello my name is Dave and I think after looking at the evidence clown could be guilty because he said if I do it by

Accident then you know it’s an accident you know but he clearly turns around sees it and and goes for the crit and and goes for the the hit why else would he want to you know crit him why else would he want to hit him so I’m I’m

Going with guilty boo Dave boo thank you David Dave thank you David it seems we are in a predicament actually can I bring up another Point come to the stand this is a question for all three of you you’re about to kill somebody what is the first thing you do I personally run

Towards them and start hitting them forgetting to drink strength exactly drink strength that is what I would do if I wanted to kill kill somebody and I did not pop strength to create you and I think I think this personally like proves that it was an accident I mean if

I really had the intention of killing you I would pop strength and it it is clearly stated if I do start critting you out with the intent to kill you that that was in the original rules I did not have the intent to kill you it wasn’t

Accident and yeah that’s that’s the rest of my defense I did not BP strength therefore there was no intent to kill you thank you clown P you saying the words intent to kill you that was never mentioned in the deal you’re putting words in mouth that’s hea okay so that’s

That that is I’m close to contempt of court but I’m going to a let slide more importantly that crit took some of my damage and slowed me down in chasing you because I had to then heal it also threw me back a little bit and and Confused me

In the situation buying you more time potentially stopping you from dying hey just Dave stepping in here guys um it also damaged the armor Dam damaged the armor yep used up valuable food valuable time that I want my friend so that’s that’s my other side of um it you know

So goodbye now now jury one quiff finds the defendant clown Pierce not guilty jury two David finds the defendant clown Pierce guilty jur three sorry wait sorry before the verdict can I take a potty break real quick just I I I’ll be right

Back I I got to go really bad hi guys uh it’s me Steve um I’m late for jury duty uh but yeah I’m here to be the third jury um hello Steve this you’re at the wrong Court I think no it definitely was here I spoke supposed to be one of the

Three jury ah okay cuz there’s discussions that maybe the audience would decide they they should put that in the letter that’s real confusing that’s real that’s real sad that I had woke up and got out of bed for this sorry about that guys sorry I had to go really badly the

Final Jorah will be the audience of Friend or Foe please click the link in the description to cast your vote clown Pierce guilty or not guilty well that’s going to be interesting and meanwhile I’ve got a little tracker and I don’t think this long till PVP comes

Back on so I will I will be ready with this but before that I’ve got a little contingency plan you know a little a little thing I’ve got to do just in case things turn South at any point I’m not telling you what that contingency plan

Is by the way okay that that’s that’s just for me to know and you guys to never know there he is he probably knows he probably knows but just in case he doesn’t here we go he’s swimming already well let’s see where he’s he’s now going to make an escape as well okay

We’re we’re pretty we’re pretty evenly muched I’ll just uh ender pearl up here oh where did he go he’ll make sure not to accidentally crit me this time won’t he we can swim all day clown we can swim all day you’ve got 18 minutes to survive he’s giving

Himself something I don’t know what to give himself some swiftness oh it looks like it okay this is going to be interesting cuz he will be able to move faster than me now which definitely doesn’t help but we’ve get him on fire now and he’s not had time to pop fire resistance

Which is nice oh that was a nice move okay swimming again swimming is not really the place he wants to be should have had some swiftness but I think with pearls you know we could just keep running you know he’s going to have to eat at some point I’m more prepared than

Him okay oh what a move okay I haven’t actually um where is he going I kind of I didn’t have on water bucket handy you see so I couldn’t just MLG after him but I’ll e okay is he dug into the walls we can we can use the tracker don’t you

Worry no need to panic looks like he’s gone this way no way he’s escaped through the caves already I should have jumped after him I shouldn’t have um let him do that I’m guessing it’s where these stone bricks are and he’s replaced it that’s all I can think

Of where does it go pretty smart move that’s what I get for now having my water bucket handy this is a plan he’s had for a while wonder if he’s been making contingency plans for this situation well there he is anyway seemingly heading towards my house as

Well which is interesting is he in here it would seem that he was is he going to is he waiting for his ender pearl to land looks like it okay well we got some good hits on him but he probably hasn’t taken much damage he’s trying his best just to

Cobweb me over and over again is he going from here right through okay interesting interesting uh Choice clown Pi just got to keep whittling away at him 11 minutes is a long time for him to run I have a more powerful sword than I did last time the swiftness is

Definitely making a difference I should have equipped myself with uh with some swiftness I have some somewhere but obviously not where I need it you’re looking at boating I don’t know if he has one but his cobweb Strat isn’t working too well okay well it worked

There okay here we go where’s my boat I couldn’t find it don’t you worry I’ve got a bow and arrow as well it’s he done well there actually he’s done well he’s realizing he could just kind of keep running and and kind of be okay boting again he’s going for the Wide Open

Seas aha now then what are we going to do here wellow okay that’s an interesting uh method well he’s got no boat now and he’s underground which is perfect exactly where I want him to be come on spe it’s got to be low it’s got to be

Low it can’t get away in this situation he’s managed to somehow eat and swim in the sit oh my goodness this is intense ladies gent he’s somehow done the wrap around no way no way again how does he do this he he’s TP where did he land there he is there

He is we got he’s man eat and probably regen all the way as well which is the crazy thing about it I had him in a hole and he’s he is insane at this game letl he really is insane but he’s still got 8 minutes to

Go he’s still got 8 minutes to go ladies and gentlemen so you know it’s not over yet it’s not over yet but it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough I have a little bit of strength left I’m going to probably throw the ender pearl and then

Get it out as well as my food but wow he is he is a tough nut to crack as this clown Pierce boy he really is I mean getting him underground is where I want him to be but at the same time even then it it’s like he he can almost Escape I

Don’t know it’s um it’s kind of crazy he seems to be L on wood he’s trying to get that back which is interesting probably maybe make another boat I should be hit him with slowness or something shouldn’t I although he’s he’s not got speed anymore he’s not got swiftness which is

Good that means he can’t just you kidding me I don’t know if he has fire R still it looks like he does probably is he going to P oh I missed it okay nice try to craft some guys he’s trying to craft something to get away

Maybe a boat looks like that’s the most like the thing 6 minutes 45 ladies and gentlemen okay I’m not using the strength I’m going to use the strength when we’re in close closer quarters look at him just gra Gathering the wood what being chased Gathering Away really he

Really is a smart player can’t do this forever you get caught in your own cobweb boy that’s right oh I can’t Ender pill okay I’ve got to wait for the cool down that’s his big chance I’ll take a free crafting table if nothing else okay is he looking to boat

Yeah get past me now clown where you going to go okay he’s just going to go over that way very enough um I have some boats I think he knows if he stays in the water he’s kind of all right but yeah okay he’s just going to keep moving

He’s kind of slowly getting everything he needs to keep escaping which is the worrying side of things there he goes again oh he just about made it I mean if he sticks to the water he probably feels kind of secure but I mean can’t do that forever I don’t know how many Ender

Pears if who has the more as well cobwebs as well I don’t know how he how he’s doing for them but he seems to be quite sparing with his pearls ready for his turning and cobwebbing and he’s out of fires okay that’s huge if I can just keep tagging

Him he’s got to then you know he’s got to he’s got to deal with the situation here got to keep using the water bucket you know I mean it doesn’t affect him too much but it slows him down that ever slight a moment I’m sure I can see the timer

Ticking down it’s been a real Chase he’s run and run I mean I got close I must have got close when was in there I should have blocked it in better but he somehow got out dug around and dug like really is so hard to get like it it

Really is a tough tough nut to craping that clown Pi just keeps God webbing me now like it’s nothing he’s going for it he’s going for the ocean oh no okay right we just got to Boat Boat after him okay is is he sailing out now

Is he got three minutes of of sailing away to uh to escape it’s possible it’s possible that that’s what he thinks however I can try something did I get I just missed it’s a tough it’s a tough shot to hit now isn’t it it is a tough Shot 2 minutes 51 is

Going near the monument that’s an interesting strap did I get him I think I hit him but maybe not the boat the rain is pouring which means my fire aspect is now useless did I get his boat oh I did where’s he going doing a little Dig Down

Okay can we get to him before he escapes all right we know where he is cuz he’s using brick oh man you’re an idiot ESP broke too many blocks now he’s got a he’s got a break and place so now that makes it difficult for him okay I tried to PE through didn’t

Quite pull it off sounds like he’s out cuz he’s he’s breaking dirt and he’s carried on through the forest it’s very hard to track someone through trees when they’ve got kind of ahead of you but not impossible GG SB it’s a it’s a GG um how

Low did I get you this time in that cave are you got me like four I think or five I can’t get you below that and then you somehow just dug around and wrapped around I was like come on bro that was a good fight that was fun uh yeah I’ll

I’ll see you next session when uh we’ll see if I’m actually losing two hearts or not interesting times ahead another intense chase another time where I got him into a situation where you’d think maybe I was going to get him and then he gets away I I’ll have to study him more

Maybe I need to train up and just become a little bit more clinical but he’s a very good player so I still have loads of Stew the main thing I probably need more of is strength I have one left fire resistance I only really need that if I

Take on Mini or Qui which is the entirely possibility I did get quite a lot of good extra Brewing stuff in the next the last episode so I’m going to take some bottles and we’re going to do a little bit of BR we’re going to go and

Get that in there hello little axal I haven’t even ever named him I need to get a better house at some point I will I say that well I think that every episode anyway so we’re going to go with that I think it strength is kind of what

We want so we’re going to make sure it’s Splash and then I need the glow stone to add a bit of power and the beautiful thing about this is we Chu that in there and then we want strength we want to increase the strength and then we want

To make it splash and it just all works like that I should probably have more than one brewing stand here as well that would be a nice idea so I’m going to go like that and then try and find some Cobblestone which apparently I have nowhere don’t worry though because I

Have a pickaxe here not that one but there which I can go ahead and use to CRA well to do that get three items then craft it and it can go let’s just put that back in there for now this can go I’d love to put it next to the current

One but I feel like there’s not space there’s just not enough space down here we’re going over here and I’m going to need a hopper to go with it so we have the five iron do we have enough wood we’ve got six there so that’s definitely not enough oh we’ve got warped though

Yeah warped will do the trick so we’ll go ahead do that and then get to the crafting table bring it all together then make a hopper plunk it on top do we have anything in there no so we’re going to need some blaze powder first which is

Pretty easy to get so that’s going to be Fuel and we’re going to make strength we’re going to need nether W and a whole host of other items let’s fill these up add them to here these are ready for the inventory more Fire Res is also the

Other thing I probably need a bit of and finally I need to what server assassin oh my goodness um that is bad news that is very very bad news indeed he’s not attacking me already it’s just some skelet I don’t know where he is server assassin with

One life oh my goodness okay this would be a good time to just move out the way what the heck please don’t come for me for Server assassin please don’t I maybe I should go to the nether I don’t know I’ve just drunk a fire as out of a bit

Of safety I’ve not even got that many pearls I’ve only got eight oh that’s bad there’s Enderman there do I have time he could be anywhere though he could be chasing after me I I have a contingency plan for escape if I ever get in a sticky situation in any PVP situation is

That him there is that mini that could be mini I just know the server assassin is dangerous I don’t know much else about him that looks like mini I will probably going to see some deps at this right I I tell you what I ain’t hanging around here I am not a I

Don’t like this one but like I said I have a contingen there’s me I have a contingency plan for this situation now PVP is on PVP is on as long as he’s online by the looks of things min’s running I’m not staying near him cuz he’s going to lure him over here all

Right and I don’t want that one bit all right I was just making my player tracker I don’t even have the materials for it this is not good news at all I’m going to throw out a bottle cuz that I do not need I just want to keep out of

Everyone’s way but this is bad I don’t like this at all I’m just going to spend well is it just going to be the entire episode trying to stay alive assassin go after clown don’t go after me please I don’t know I’m guessing the Assassin has

A Tracker as well so oh man I was afraid this day would come i’ spent so much time not being attacked by anyone you know being able to go after clown life’s been easy oh there a right we need to get this Enderman big time I need some

Pearls oh I don’t have my Loot and sword though it’s in my ender chest and you think I’m going to get it no chance let’s get that in there all right get out of here Phantom okay didn’t even drop didn’t even drop of course it didn’t okay we

Have H we have that though still why do I feel like I’m the one he’s going to go for I just I just get this feeling this when Qui go down to five lives as well I don’t even know could go to the nether I don’t know where where the Assassin is

But trust me guys this is the safest spot for me that’s all I can say this is the safest place apart from those stupid Phantoms all right but if he should appear and come after me but he might fa I’m just nervous know where mini is obviously around my BAS is probably the

Most obvious place which is the worry I’d love to go back to my base and make that but I I just can’t risk anything at this point okay got every every man in this dog trying to attack me going to pop a suspicious St just to make sure

I’ve got plenty of hunger but if I die to this I’m going to lose a lot only saying this is the safest place for me because of my contingency plan where’s he going who’s he going after so many questions and you were causing me trouble because you keep splashing I

Keep think it’s a player splashing around me can I get you in the boat mate go on boat up okay never forget it forget it this is my problem I get too nervous I get too panicked in these things the thing is I don’t know who the

Server assassin is going to go for I don’t know what his plan is maybe he goes for the nearest one maybe I should have asked Minnie if he knew anything but Minnie just seems to have run for his life maybe if I can make a Tracker I

Could track the Assassin that could be the play okay let’s go like this let’s make sure the pearls are handy at all times and let’s keep the Fire Res topped up as well so I need four diamonds I need a compass as well that’s not good news cuz I don’t have the Redstone

Needed for that and if I put the diamond in oh man here we go okay just got got to keep my wits about me that’s all I have unlimited iron so let’s just keep four then I have to go up to my base grab a piece of redstone and come back

Down okay I mean there’s nothing to is a name tag no okay there just there’s just some spots on my screen I thought it was their name tags I was ever since got me on edge okay but yeah I’ve just got to get up here get some Redstone and get

Out this is a good vantage point though if nothing else okay where’s the Redstone be i’ been there okay we’ve got it crafting table Compass uh 1 2 3 4 okay okay fantastic okay that’s good that’s good that’s good we can craft we can craft out and about right we’ve got

Crafting tables with us let’s do that really quick make a player tracker come on there it’s quiff okay quiff of all people okay SB listen quiff what’s going on bro I have no idea I think this is the time none of us need to fight and we

Need to ban together I don’t know what this assassin wants I don’t know what he’s going to do but yeah I don’t want to get in trouble do you know where Min and clown are no I’ve been looking for them I can’t find them but one thing I

Realized he does have one life okay so he is he is taked downable yeah but as you can see there’s the PVP will not be disabled he’s just online I feel like if we stick together we’re a Target if if we’re both near yeah definitely and I

Don’t know what he has so just be safe I’m going to try to find those guys all right good luck I saw mini in this direction I think he was going like towards the uh this way so away from Spawn and then everyone’s running yep pretty much right everyone bought SB I

Wish you the best of Lu then just want to reiterate guys there’s no there’s no script in here by the way all right we knew the Assassin would join at some point I’ve got we’ve got a pretty good idea that his job is to come on and and

Attack us every now and again well that is it everything else is Mystery I don’t even know what gear he has I don’t know where he’s at although I do know I can track him okay he’s somewhere in that direction all right mini has made the advancement who’s cutting onion so he’s

Gone to the nether okay don’t know what he’s doing getting respawn anchors but all right now the Assassin is just directly in that direction which is in the direction of Clown’s space if I’m careful okay I know where he’s at so it’s not like he can come from behind

Okay and and I’m not I’m not going to take the fight to him because the the server assassin will probably have the best gear and I know for fact he’s a lot better than me at PVP but if I do know his location it gives me a chance it gives

Me a chance of at least being ready and like I say I’ve got a contingency plan if I see him if I see if I can get into any trouble in PvP in This Server I have a contingency plan and a way to escape just going to stand still and see if the

Compass moves cuz that’ll mean he’s on the move and he’s kind of close as an added thing he’s not moved yet by the way we did know the server assassin was going to come but we did not know what episode he would log on or anything like

That okay just as an added thing to let you know wondering Trader of all things the Assassin is not moved I I think I want to go towards why is it all right s sp737 has this thing where he has to go to the jaws of death all right

I can’t just stay away I can’t run 20,000 blocks away why would I want to do that no no no no no I want to go and see what’s going on with the server maybe he’s chasing clown maybe I can get some shots on clown and make clown lose

I don’t know so many questions maybe he’s after a minute all I know is I know what direction he’s in I don’t know how far away he is but I know the direction KN the direction he could be below me he could be at the top of this mountain I

Doubt it but he could be it’s all about The High Ground ladies and gentlemen all I know is I have to get towards my base to make an escape if I can’t get that far if he can cut me off or defeat me before I get there then I will be in

Trouble so the further I run from my base the more wor I get but he hasn’t come after me clearly he’s gone after somebody else by the looks of things and I’ve got prop four armor so he can only take me out so fast you know there is

There is there is going to be a little bit of time providing I don’t get lost and providing I don’t run too far away it’s leading me to the trees I wonder if they’ve gone over the water end of the day everything in my inventory I can get

Again okay it’ll be annoying but I can get it all back so even if I do die trying I’ve got to I’ve got to get involved this is a chance that I can make clown lose a life you know I’m going to go for it I saw mini running in

The other direction I saw quiff in the other direction unless the server assassin is a peaceful person with a very misleading name has gone after clown that’s that’s all I can say okay it it looks highly likely a dolphin here come on Dolphin let’s swim a bit too

Fast for that dolphin Anna what crazy person would track this assassin only SB only SB would go into the jaws of death looks like clown has traveled so far away it is like he is also scared of this assassin if if this is what if what I think has happened has happened

Because I am going many many blocks this is getting more and more risky by the way why else would clown do this why would he travel this far anyway I I’ve I’ve committed now we are yeah going very very far away it’s a long ocean maybe clown just set off in this

Direction as soon as he assassin Jo I don’t know clown is very very protective those lives I almost thinking of going axess and having my bow handy my goodness guys we’re 3,000 blocks away from Spawn now I was hanging around spawn thinking I’d need to make a quick

Exit and the Assassin was coming after me I’m sure my time will come but these guys are very very far well that’s the thing about the player tracker you can see the direction they’re in but you have no idea how far away they actually are maybe clown knew

About this ocean maybe this was was all part of his plan he knew this ocean was here and if he ever needed to escape he could go in this direction it looks like the terrain I’ve been hit okay I was about to say it looks like the ocean

Ends and then this guy just hits me what’s that all about man I genuinely thought i’ just being snuck up on by the the Assassin there and I was like how is how did he get behind me anyway yeah looks like the terrain ends which means

These guys have gone on to land I don’t know what methods of transportation the Assassin has oh unless there is a gap here although the Gap is the opposite direction I think we’ll be getting close to them also think if the Assassin decides to come after me I’m in big

Trouble I’m just so so far away from my base and I just don’t like it one bit ladies and gentlemen but let’s continue let’s continue on foot let’s be brave none of you want to see me run a million miles in the opposite direction of the

Assassin no we need to find out what this guy’s about a little bit more about him see what is going on here and running towards him has to be the best way to do that even if I lose a life I haven’t lost a life in a long long time

Anyway so I I could afford you know we we we’re up to a decent position of six lives I could go back to down to five and manage I just don’t like the fact that it is so overgrown because I could be really close to them but I can’t see

Them I’d love to be able to see way way further away oh bottle okay we’re on track something’s going on Enderman serve me well assassin oh yes we got another P okay that’s good to say I didn’t use my looting sword that is very nice indeed the thing is clown is

Completely kitted out for running away at the moment because he’s been running away from me so much so he’ll have everything he needs but he can’t run forever because eventually his resources will run out and that could be my downfall because I only have so many end

Pears if I had more pearls I could run for a much much longer amount of time but as you can see I’ve got no more which is problematic obviously like I said I have a I have a contingency plan but that requires me being at my base so

You I’ve got a long way to run back minimuka and quiff have now logged off it’s just me the Assassin and clown and I’m not leaving until I see this I wouldn’t just abandon clown on the server with the Assassin oh no maybe those guys they do it the slow way the

Steady way you know they want to stay alive keep no no no I want to see what’s going on here and if there’s a chance that I can make like I said even if I lose a life in the rooses I don’t mind okay if I can just get rid of clown

Piers then that is enough for me the only worry is if I do catch up with them and then the Assassin turns on me in and Lees clown that could be a disaster that could be a massive massive disaster also traveled 6,000 blocks and I refuseed to

Do that and not find out what is at the end of it okay I’m not having that I am going to keep going now until I catch them up and the fact that I found a bottle does mean I’m in the right direction I wonder if the Assassin went

Straight after clown because I did wait a little bit just to see what was happening it’s a nice way to see all the map anyway going on this direction and not exactly how I expected to be spending this episode but I’m not going to complain this is a bit of a worrying

Area because if I accidentally step on some powdered snow I’m going to start falling and then that’ll just be when the Assassin turns up on something stupid just trying to make sure I stay on the snow layers as long as I do that I should be okay I’ve gone over the top of

Him he’s back this way oh my goodness what’s going on have they gone down I could be above them yeah they’re somewhere below me exactly where I don’t know it could be very low down there could be a deep dark down there so many questions a lot of danger this be’s got

One trick of his sleeve the element of surprise I think I’m going down I think I’m just going to go for it and get in the mix I if there’s any chance I can do something to clown Pierce it’s got to be worth it wait I hear a warden there’s a warden

Down there I don’t like this now ladies and gentlemen you know what happened last time I went near a warden it’s really is suddenly becoming a much more risky idea I kind of want them to come away from the deep dark but clown has lured

Him into a deep dark maybe with the hope of taking the Assassin down gone in this direction oh okay now they’re below me again this is where great care has to be taken I can hear the warden hitting stuff but I don’t know what it’s hitting

Imagine if I just not right now guys not right now there’s bigger things out there this is where I should probably start I’m not even in deep like area so I I don’t think I have to worry too much oh no anyway I haven’t even got my water

Bucket handy let me let me pop one of these just in case just very unnerving hearing the warden all the time I don’t even have my shovel handy okay ladies and gentlemen what’s the worst that can happen I die and lose all my stuff okay and I’m okay with that yeah I’m okay

With that what is this it’s a tunnel assassin’s in this direction the W is there he is and there’s clown Pier no way no way what’s going on are they battling and the warden’s going after clown as well no way what is going on

Here I don’t want to get seen if I get spotted the Assassin might come after me they’re coming up here uhoh not a clown that’s it guys keep going keep going leave me alone they run right past me oh this is so scary it’s like two heavy weights battling get out though

Look at him I think the Assassin see me I think the Assassin has seen me it’s time to clown Pierce get down from here that’s it clown Pier get down assassin don’t go for me please I’ll help I’ll assist you with Clown H this could be the end of SP sp737 they

Know I’m here now wait we’re teaming come on get him boys don’t come up here don’t come up here I’m popping a strength just in case I get involved the one does seem to be getting stuck in cobwebs or going after bats or something stupid never seen

Something so crazy this is this is great to watch oh clown you come over here you don’t want to come this way don’t come after me assassin he’s still it seems like he’s put so much into getting clown that he’s he’s full on going for it now

If I can just land some shots I didn’t mean to tag you up assassin I’m trying to hit clown Pierce if I could land some shots so that would be amazing but I can’t as long as the Assassin knows that I’m going for clown I keep hitting the

Assassin by mistake don’t come after me assassin it looks like you have invested a lot of time into this clown no clown knows I’m involved though is suddenly like is this a 2v one it’s a 2v one whereb keeps out of the way all right SB

Dies to the W something stupid there’s a warden right there what the heck oh no I’ve got the deep dark effect you’re kidding me you’re absolutely kidding me these guys are fighting and surviving the ons I’m I’m not about that life I’m I’m getting out of there I’ve died to

The warden already all right I don’t want that to happen again all I did was help clown really is my time to be careful okay we found a way out why did it have to be Warden why how those guys have not died to the warden or something

Like I have no idea obviously clown Pierce has made his match with the Assassin I have no idea who is going to fall first if any of them what wait was that just what I think it was no way oh was just normal Golden Apple I thought it was a Notch

Apple I was like what are the chances of that two golden apples though that’s not bad at this point I have no idea where they’ve gone I think my best bet is probably just to go upwards like I I do roughly know where they’re gone they’re

In that direction but I don’t know if they’ve gone back up if they’re below me I’m hoping they’ve gone above ground you know it’s a lot easier when they’re not they’re not down down there oh I’ve gone over the top of him oh they’re not far I

I was kind of just digging around and digging out where this direction I don’t like this me in the walls with the Assassin roaming around I don’t know if they’re still fighting I can hear wardens all the time I’ve made it back to the top it’s broad daylight that’s

Lovely now the Assassin is moving around but somewhere in this direction wouldn’t be the worst thing if it just pops his head out of the top I’m I’m I’m dipping if if I have to go face to face with him I’m dipping I’m so glad he didn’t Target

Me obviously he seems he seemed like he was going for clown that doesn’t mean that he’s not going to go for me he can go for anyone on the server at any time I’m sure if I cause him some problems it would go for me emeralds are kind of

Useful you know I’m not saying no to that that’s actually worth getting I need to craft a Tracker okay there’s not much space near is well if I die we’re going to lose the emerald but for now we’ve got one still moving around a lot below me I’m guessing maybe they’re

Still fighting in that massive room if I can find the hole that I went down last time maybe I can find a good vantage point it was somewhere around here aha that looks like the spot let’s go ahead and drop okay we’ve got to be careful it

I don’t want to I don’t want to drop down and die I mean the fall wouldn’t kill me anyway but you know just to be safe got bear in mind there was a I I hate how loud the warden is yeah there was a okay well nice one be well I’m

An they’re that they’re right there they’re so close okay we’re all right that’s the Assassin keep moving that’s it down there that’s it chase him okay come on SP that’s it land some arrows get him in the cobweb baby we’re doing this clown you’re in trouble now finally

I did something good oh I just hit the wrong guy I hit the server assassin see if I can get him in the cobweb again ah that bat just got in the way I hit him again oh he’s in trouble his clown Pi now it’s a third party moment just don’t

Come up here guys all right please clown is clown trying to turn the tables oh he’s he’s trying to escape by the looks of things what a battle this is that’s got to land oh he just dodged it and it was too low anyway okay now there are

Ones below me where’s me escape this is me escape pod we uh we’ll just continue you know here if we need to long as I don’t get the deep dark effect I know I’m all right I think clown has come here because he knows he can break skull

He can get XP and he’s got mending on his armor that’s my thinking okay that’s is somewhere in that direction I can see from the compass he’s kind of there now there’s something going on up there though is that is that something to do with clown no idea where they’ve gone

They seem to have moved away though oh there’s a warden over there don’t come over here Warden that’s it go for the go for those guys he’s sniffing me out in it ah no you’re not Oh no you’re not I’m not being sniffed out buddy okay I am

Building up and out of here see you later that not be me you sniffing out I don’t know but I do not trust those guys like I said I’ve already died to them once in this series so not happening again the Assassin is still in this

Direction but where I I don’t know they weren’t in the main room so maybe they’ve gone off into the caves I don’t know if they’re still battling or what’s going on even if it is clown that’s around me I don’t want to risk it I’ve

Got to get to the top of this mountain before the Assassin does could be very angry that he’s not got clown he could be like well I’m going to get somebody I’ll get us but you know it could it could be anything like that clown hasn’t

Been able to take him out he must be a pretty good player but from up here very good vantage point we can see what’s going on let’s let’s go in this direction and have a little look try not to fall in the powder snow I’m in no I’m out I’m in

Uhoh this is a good hiding spot though no one ever think to look for me in here would they what a move this is it hide in the powdered snow and you can tunnel through well it’s not the way I want to really spend my time just hiding in

Powdered snow no no no I’m I’m still stalking if I you do you mind that was that was that guy’s fault okay break it SP get out of there move on a lot safer to just place blocks as you go in then you don’t have to think about it do we

Have more Stone oh we got loads fantastic we’re out of that biome we can have a bit of few golden carrots and we can see exactly what is going on this direction is actually back towards spawn which I’m completely on board with going this way oh can we can we get oh you

Just picked that up did you think you can steal a a grass block not on my watch where are you that’s right and another Pearl fantastic they’re still fighting oh actually this is not as safe just in case you know get get your stuff in be

Mind I have no fires look at them go boat on Ice a these are clever players speaking of boats I should have a boat handy just in case should have some cobwebs if I can get clowning cobwebs that could be good okay where’s clown going big ender pearl dude don’t do this

To me get out of here the Assassin’s also following him that’s good we can pursue we can pursue from a distance like I said I don’t know a great deal about this assassin but I know he can turn on me at any moment which I do not

Want I want him to keep hunting clown but if I can help the Assassin take out clown well then I have to run for my life that is one thing but on the flip side I have nothing to worry about clownus cannot attack me which makes this very very difficult for him but

Yeah if the the Assassin just starts hit me which I wouldn’t be surprised if he does I’ve got a lot of gear he’s probably low on gear and he thinks he can maybe take me out get a load of stuff back and continue pursuing clown I

Don’t know are they going for it where are they I don’t see them when I uhoh uh-oh SP get out of there what is going on they were just full on going for it the final the final attack now I was in the mix they didn’t even didn’t even realize I don’t know if I was doing much damage to him I just

Hitting them both this is it though this is this is it they they were they were ready to just critting out and see who lasts the longest there I also let clown Escape there kind of which may not have helped I had to be able to get out so I

Had to I had to do that I have one strength left I’ve got to use it wisely an insane battle I mean this is taking everything clown Pi has got and then sp737 is turning up to cause trouble assassin did hit me a few times unless

It was clown we can take two more lives of him I’ll let him off though we were basically just both in the same hole together I’d hate to think what would happen if this guy went after me I think he knows cuz he’s seen most of the arrows are going for clown Pier

I’ve just hit the assassing way more times we’re aiming for clown how embarrassing that honestly clown Pierce is insane at this game can I just can we just take a moment to appreciate how good he is at the game it looks like he’s on the back foot he’s done nothing

But run obviously he knows that he’s he’s not as strong as the Assassin the Assassin has never right armor the only difference between the two is a knock back mainly I mean there’s a little bit of armor toughness as well but that’s the main the main thing I can get ahead

Here no they went the other way coming around boys just doing a little bit of drifting yeah that’s right that’s a biggest waste of time they just did a big look oh clowns underneath uhoh sass hey hey you go underneath as well that’s it that’s it you go down there that’s it

Now where is he hello hello hello hello uhoh bad spot to be INB don’t yeah I’m getting it you see the ass de isn’t friends with me either clown Pier was slain by ladies and gentlemen clown Pier was taken down okay this is whereb runs for his life

Now there’s a contingency plan don’t you worry don’t you worry all right but the Assassin will not take kindly to me interfering all right and he knows I’m nearby now then the only difference is I have a compass server Sage tracker expired oh no oh dear oh dear oh dear

That is uh that is not good that is not good at all thankfully we have the world’s biggest ocean which means I no I’ve got the world biggest ocean all right I should be fine all right I’m just going to keep moving all right as long as the Assassin doesn’t have

Anything like a light or anything a little bit op I should be okay I I really I really hope I’m fine clown Pierce on 9 live though ladies and gentlemen well who saw that coming what a plot twist it could be SP sp77 on5 just going to keep moving out I’ve done

What I needed to do all right even if I didn’t take out clown or do that much damage I at least caused him some trouble okay that’s the thinking behind it I caused him some problems the Assassin hasn’t gone offline so I’m guessing the Assassin might still come

After me but I can log out anytime and I plan to all right I ain’t dying today but I want to get back and I want to know what’s going on okay actually have to go and play football really soon so I can’t even stay on the server I need to

Wrap this video up pretty quickly I wasn’t going to miss that I had to stay in the mix okay was not going to miss that for the world I did hit clown pierce with a crit right at the end by the way you know maybe that had an

Effect I don’t know I also though feel like now if the Assassin comes online again he’s not going to go for clown he’s done what he needed to do he’s taken clown down b737 might be next on the list which I don’t like the sound of

That one bit really don’t like the fact that I don’t know where the Assassin is the thing is the Assassin is still online he’s not going anywhere look at Jerry Blom B we haven’t seen one of them on the server anyway no time to think

About that oh I’m not out of time there is no sign of the Assassin around me so I’m going to go and dock up on land after what happened to clown PS last episode he lost a lot of stuff so I think I’d like to go on a little hunting

Spree and go after him I’ve got a bunch of fires realistically I don’t actually need that but I suppose it’s just good to have with me the important thing is strength now I don’t know where he is I don’t have a great deal of pearls but neither does he so player tracker clown

Pius he’s in this direction he could be far away he could be out Gathering resources to get himself back on his feet but let’s just go after him okay PVP isn’t on at the moment which is is good so so you know hopefully by the

Time we catch up with him it’ll be on again oh he’s here I found him I it get your in the chest boy okay well here we go ladies and gentlemen here we go all right let B okay this is interesting it’s clown Pierce on the run

But this time he’s not got his fancy his fancy stuff I think is he ready he doesn’t know he’s I mean 12 minutes I did not expect to just see him on the side there I don’t know if he expected me to come hunting after him so many

Questions okay I don’t want to has he got speed he’s got speed hasn’t it by one mistake I didn’t bring swiftness again did I I mean his swiftness will run out I don’t think he’s going to have 12 minutes worth of it so we just got to

Wear him down and be patient ladies and gentlemen he’s not got his suspicious stew by the looks of things so that should affect him look at him he’s farming he’s farming dandelions which tells you one thing he’s low on it okay now then I I think in the water we’re

Probably kind of similar H let’s have a little little look we probably want a boat I I could do with having my bow ready as well I think yeah let’s do that okay and then we just pear I doubt he’s got loads of pearls as well I think he

Will used most of them up so let’s let’s see okay he’s going for the open ocean let’s try and hit him okay we it looked like we broke his boat but I guess we didn’t okay I guess he’s just going for it all righty well this is um this is

Going to be interesting I’ve got to try and hit him as well which is a bit of a challenge when he’s in a little Target like that and he’s a boat but we can give it a go okay he’s moving to the left now so let’s just go

Okay these must be close how are they not hitting him thing is this is a big ocean it really is I mean maybe if I can find that dolphin I’ll be able to slow him down I don’t know me eyes peeled it was somewhere around here why why did it

Have to be such a big ocean right here for just sail straight too hopefully all things come to an end it looks like it how many pills he has I have no idea whether he has all of them I don’t know but I know I’ve got a decent amount of

Them which is a good good thing doesn’t seem like he has any cobwebs left either does it ah interesting CL so eight minutes I mean don’t you dare just do this again oh he’s swimming he’s going down oh interesting does he have his what he needs I don’t know if he has depth

Stride it looks like he might okay well this is it this is usually a difficult place for him when he goes underground but he’s going for it anyway okay he’s moving through like I say he hasn’t got the the usual oh is he trying to trap me well nice try clown but I’m

Not that that stupid oh look at him I mean it does swim kind of fast yeah I’m I’m not going to fall for that one but yeah we just keep moving we need him to slow down he’s going to keep moving I’m mean 8 minutes it’s difficult

To chase someone for8 minutes but he is going to have to keep eating which is probably his his difficult thing I don’t know what kind of food he has okay let’s see he knows eating oh what good move I tell you what this is a he’s a good

Player is he he is a good player he’s trying to block I mean it’s an interesting strategy I’ll be honest with you but will it work will it work I don’t know if he he’s he’s probably trying to conserve his resources he’s collecting dandelions but I don’t think

He has mushrooms at the moment that’s he SP to do something might just set him on fire I don’t know if he has got fire resistance looks like he has worth worth checking that not the best Ender pear I’ll ever used he is underwater come on Sb OH so

Close there we go got his boat nice now got him he’s going into a water cave SP why’ you get stuck that’s stupid now he’s going through come on he’s got to be getting a well I guess he is still eating a lot but he knows what he needs to

Do I mean come on FP I mean I’ve only given myself strength one which I know hinders me but it means I don’t have to worry about replenishing it or running out or anything like that which you know I know it’s an interesting decision um I could do with his fire

Resistance running out which is a possibility if he hasn’t brought mult ones he clearly doesn’t have the swiftness anymore which is is good news um we just need to kind of Whitt his hunger down I can’t believe I’m missing these Arrow shots they just just bad um

We have we have the pearls though to to do this um he’s going to end up yes he’s eating again I’ve got to be trying to crit but when he’s underwater he knows that I can’t crit him which is at least a it’s a pretty smart thing to do I

Suppose is he going to try and go I mean it’s 5 minut 5 six minutes it’s it’s getting it’s getting interesting he’s going to go for the water again by the looks of things or is it okay he’s going under water okay know what his situation

Is with is the stuff he has like does he have many much hunger left I don’t know I need to eat a suspicious stew really I’m going to do that I’m just going to replenish a little bit I think I think I’m going to get my strength

Back there we go and then I’m going to go in a boat and I’m going to use an end Pearl I don’t think he I don’t know if he has any end pearls left um okay well that that answers that oh a little bit of fall damage a

Clown he’s going to try and eat I don’t know why he thought coming after me oh and uh is he going to go for it oh interesting strategy young young clown I should be maybe trying to use cobwebs a bit more that could be handy I don’t

Know I hate searching for people through trees but it’s it’s where’s he going now okay let’s just kind of continue do oh no not mushrooms that’s it keep shooting him get boys that’s it get some good hits he did manage to pop off a carrot though which is

Annoying okay he’s I think he’s got a swiftness down maybe so we’re getting some some nice hits on him but it’s probably not going to be enough cuz he’s he’s so good at the healing uh the healing thing that oh he missed that one go got some good crits on him there

Come on FB come on you’ve got to be able to no he might to eat at a crucial time again as long as he’s eating I’m in trouble and I’ve lost my strength now and I need to replenish I I didn’t really use that strength very well so it

Should have lasted a lot longer he’s maneuvering well I no he’s only got three minutes left the golden carrots are doing well for him might be able to just head him off here a little bit I swear if he might just pop up some suspicious stews he is insane at the

Game can’t let him let him craft him but he probably will we me come on I should I should have swiftness and I’ll be able to catch him that’s that’s the missing piece isn’t it if I have swiftness he wouldn’t be escaping all the time i’

Have I’d have the upper hand that’s it go down deep and then stay down oh no I’m trying to trying to block him in and he blocked me in 1 minute 24 I don’t know how how weak he is what the situation is but I got stuck on that

Tree I’m going to have to go for my last Pearl oh he’s he’s he might survive here you know L and gentlemen we must have come close again but ah he’s a he’s a tricky player he really is he’s a good runner look at him never get in the terrain like it’s

Nothing I have no pearls left which definitely means he’s he’s going to get away all he has to do is just keep running now and he’s he’s down here wait what oh he peed up okay I was confused there that’s hey he he th he he just peed away

At the the the last second as he was taking that guy out I didn’t really know what happened but yeah it seems like he’s he’s made an escape all righty well we’ll let him we’ll let him Go GG clown enjoy the rest of the video I’m surprised I survived that you had my heart racing when uh when you showed up I didn’t expect to see you I he sailed past I was like oh he’s see you actually yeah yeah I I like went like behind you

Almost and I was like I got a minute there he is I was like oh the TRU has moved nice see you in 20 minutes all right I’ll see you then it’s an unfortunate situation that ladies and gentlemen you know it he got away now he

Has the means to make the the suspicious stoes so honestly he’s going to be pretty much unkillable after that look at him he’s going back for him as well well we’re not having that you know we’re not we’re not just letting him do that can we just wait do we have a lava

Bucket can we just can we can we burn it all we don’t have lava that would be enough we could we could be burning these uh these things but I I definitely want to be going collecting these mushrooms instead of him because that’s just that’s just useful for me Isn’t it

Lava over here very nice indeed nothing to see here clown don’t worry don’t you worry about a thing just grabbing all this and Minnie says he knows exactly where quiff logged out and and quiff is going to come back we’re going to try and trap where he logged out at is this

It is this the spot what should we do it’ be awkward if he just logs on next to the box but I’m pretty sure it was here like I I was looking Adam and that was my first like thought what do you think we do here I think we Dr make it

Make it a taller a taller thing it doesn’t have to be um give don’t have to be obsidian all the way up but here’s some more blocks as well he’s got pills though yeah but if it’s if it’s tall like make it tall but like not as tall

As the entire thing for the drip Stone I don’t know how this is going to work I can’t remember how far I need to drop dripstone to get him but I’ll I’ll just have to grab it and see 50 dripstone nice oh my goodness I’ve got anvils I’ve

Got iron that’s what we’re going for we’re going for anvils stop crouching yeah you got it I don’t want this stuff I don’t want this stuff the revenge is Sweet It Is oh it comes back it comes back quick baby yes it does GG oh gg gg

I knew the TNT would have done the job I’m going to kill if you don’t survive I’m going to try and kill you this is it all right this is this is a moment for you to try and survive no pressure I know you’ve got loads of PS cuz you be the end

There you go there you go survive well done quiff is not happy by the way just so you know no you you blew him up he deserved I wouldn’t be happy either all right well I’m on the edge of my seat I really want to know who won

This what you oh oh my God oh my God that almost did it that almost did it oh my God that was not pay attention that’s Crazy almost did it I had three hearts way I was not paying enough attention bro no way did I hit you twice no no it hit me once really that does a lot of damage well aot D I thought I had to get you three times with drip Stone to to

Finish you off I didn’t know it was a oh my God you made my heart rate go up jeez imagine if I got you that would have been brilliant imagine if you got me that I would have been sad by by the way is spawn trapping allowed I know I don’t know

Looks like well you logged off at a about SP I don’t know a case that needs to go to court is no it’s rules it’s done the rules the might need to be a r made this the rules definitely didn’t say that cuz cuz there’s there’s no um

You there’s no counter play cuz the texture back loads yo yo yo yo yo yo lava bucket lava bucket somebody lava bucket okay guys not aftering is it not happening guys no let him let him let we’re try to have a bit of fun try to

Have a bit of fun take off his no s SP come on come on be nice be nice to him let him do his thing come on then he’s he’s been working on this all week put your stuff on there no not a chance are you insane just put your stuff on there

Have a little look guys look I’ve got me suit on toight come on we want to see you in the suit I’ve got me suits on today guys that’s nice that’s nice I’ve been um working hard so the jewry have made their decision after 201,000 V V the jury the viewers of

Friend of foe decided if clown Pierce is guilty or not guilty but there’s a Twist one has 157,000 votes while the other has 44,000 votes The Twist you say someone has been up to no good the vote is not valid huh somebody boted the vote but I got a good

Look I think it was Steve I got a good look at who one before the bot was activated clown Pierce come to the stand his heart’s pounding he’s had a few heart pounding moments today the jury find clown Pierce not guilty yes of the crimes he has been accused of

Committing all right although there’s 160,000 votes for guil not guilty was winning before it and I’m I’m a man of Honor I would not lie I wear a suit so you’re actually the one botting all right and you still which one of you guys bed still lost you still

Lost oh yeah feels good I win how much money do I win there there’s more to discuss here guys I’ll come up to the stand I’m going bye have you been distressed by this situation um yeah I’ve been I’ve been pretty distressed I mean I’ve been up about it all night you

Know I I’ve lost a lot of sleep uh you know I haven’t been eating well feel free to think of what you want from s sp73 me you must face the consequences for it you can sue back baby you can back baby actually I think I will

Actually I think I will um I gave you a Notch Apple clown that surely that cover no I stole a Notch Apple but that’s another cord case whoa why me why you go for me up the heck guys like you know I’ve had to watch the deal a lot lately you know you

Know just to get my own evidence for other stuff and and I I noticed you left out some some information when the deal was made intentionally like what oh I you I want as long as you don’t interfere when another player is online oh what do you mean by that clown

When I’m fighting mini or Qui oh you weren’t fighting Minnie and Qui though were you I was specifying a specific situation but the original saying still counts and what was the consequence if if I did that did you did you come up with one well the deal is just void what the

Entire deal no I don’t think so yeah maybe in that moment you can attack me back but the the the deal carries on I don’t think we can uh no you you’ve broken the deal therefore it is void well I love my life back then well you

Already you know if if you you broke the broke the deal you broke the deal yeah so the terms the terms are back it wasn’t a the you see you weren’t specific enough you didn’t say well if you do this you have to do this did you

You know and you were very specific in first of all I didn’t I was well we’re just bickering at this point let’s get the judge on this yeah we’re missing you know I don’t know where they are all right well that’s the end of Court uh

I’ll see you later SB well let hold on hold on hold on let’s just know what we’re going out here okay no no no let’s let’s let’s go back to court next time all right bye-bye SB but we don’t have a judge we can’t do anything we can run

Till PVP comes on man I could I mean I I could be in trouble but to say the deal’s void is very I think if you want to void the deal I would have my life back without a doubt I’m sure I won’t be long till PVP comes on as well you know

We’re just going to we just going to keep running you know that’s it well I’ve got to I’ve got to act fast I’ve got to kill clown before we go to court and then and then we don’t have to worry about it looks like he’s preparing for

This a little better than me and I put all my good stuff in in a chest at home so I don’t think I’m really uh really ready for this but we can we can at least run the clock down maybe I screwed up I’m pretty sure legally though I’m

Okay but well we’ll see

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1,000 Days on a HARDCORE Minecraft SMP… [MOVIE]’, was uploaded by SB737+ on 2023-11-16 17:33:18. It has garnered 75474 views and 1303 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:40 or 14380 seconds.

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PREVIOUS MOVIE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bibkLRun8IA

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    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to minecraft.net and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More

  • 15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise!

    15 Year Minecraft Browser Game Surprise! The 15th Year Anniversary of Minecraft: A Google Browser Game Surprise! As Minecraft celebrates its 15th year anniversary, Google has joined in on the festivities by launching a special surprise for fans of the beloved game. When you search for Minecraft on the Google browser, you are in for a treat – a browser game that allows you to mine blocks and collect new pickaxes by mining ore! Unleash Your Inner Miner With this new browser game, players can dive into the familiar world of Minecraft right from their web browser. The game captures the essence of Minecraft’s mining… Read More

  • BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2

    BATHTUB Clickbait: JAX VS POMNI! EVIL OR FUN? Minecraft EP2Video Information hello to all our dear digital viewers just look where we are right now today together with pomy we’ve come to picnic at our amazing digital Circus by the way would you like to swim a bit yes of course I’m always up for a swim just look Jax it seems ratha is coming our way have you all gone completely mad why didn’t you invite me to the picnic with you we really wanted to invite you but you weren’t home I’ve been at home all day today why are you lying to me oh come on… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft Challenge

    100 Days Surviving SONIC.EXE in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information [Music] what a nice day let’s go for a walk our village is so peaceful well another day another walk huh uh what are these huh uh wao what um I have no idea what’s going on run Mikey get inside let’s hide wow what what is with the puppets the puppets weren’t about to attack us but I have a bad feeling okay I’m going to take another look what are they doing here they’re behind the house too let’s get back inside oh man why now why here oh a news alert it’s an emergency uh… Read More

  • DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!

    DannySharma beats Minecraft in 100 days?!Video Information तो क्या हाल चाल है भाइयों और बहनों आज ये तुम्हारा भाई डेनी सरवाइव करने वाला है 50 डेज वो भी इस छोटे से वन ब्लॉक पर और मुझे सरवाइव ही नहीं करना है मुझे इसे कन्वर्ट करना है एक प्यारे से बेस में और इसे कन्वर्ट करने के साथ-साथ मुझे कुछ गोल्स भी कंप्लीट करना है पहला मुझे डायमंड का आर्मरर टूल बनाना है और दूसरा जितना हो सके उतना में इस वर्ल्ड को एक्सपें करना है और इसे एकदम अच्छे से डेकोरेट करना है और ये इतना इजी भी नहीं होने वाला है बिकॉज इसे हार्ड… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!” #MinecraftMadness

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Secrets Revealed!" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Facts #Minecrafter#BlockCrafting#MinecraftMagic#PixelatedAdventures#MinecraftBuilders’, was uploaded by David toys review on 2023-12-19 05:21:08. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. 🔒 Ready to embark on an epic journey through the blocky realms of Minecraft like never before? 🌍✨ Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft adventure! If you’re a true Minecraft enthusiast or just getting started, this channel is your gateway to unlocking the game’s most intriguing secrets, mastering its complex mechanics, and experiencing jaw-dropping builds that will leave you in awe. 📌 What You’ll Find Here:… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱

    Secrets Revealed: Playing OG Bedrock Minecraft HCF 😱Video Information en el video de hoy vamos a jugar hcf de los viejos tiempos sí como estás escuchando el hcf de los viejos tiempos estamos hablando de casi el hcf de 2020 o 2021 actualmente en Infinity sacaron una nueva upd cual vendría siendo el hcf viejo Así que si quieres saber cómo me fue jugando hcf de 2020 2021 por favor quédate viendo el video y suscríbete así que sin más nada que decir empecemos jugando en la nueva day de Infinity buena gente como vieron en la intro este Infinity sacó una nueva update cual vendría siendo… Read More

  • Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!

    Insane Custom Armor Upgrade in Minecraft by Henwy!Video Information today I’ve added five brand new custom armat trims that give you upgrades and special abilities some of them being pretty op I’m going to grab some friends to try them out and see if they can help us beat the game all right boys are you ready to beat Minecraft yeah I’m ready I’m Yeah man so I’ve added some special things to this world let’s go beat Minecraft there’s a village over here is that where the cool stuff is this is where some really cool stuff is as you can see a villager ah no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed – Grotex Revealed!

    Unbelievable Bedfight Secrets Unleashed - Grotex Revealed!Video Information for [Applause] This video, titled ‘The Art of Bedfight:’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-22 05:47:33. It has garnered 918 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz… Read More

  • “INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF – VIRAL VIDEO!” #MinecraftHive #clitchng

    "INSANE CLITCH! Minecraft Hive CTF - VIRAL VIDEO!" #MinecraftHive #clitchngVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hive capture the flag. #minecraft #hive #clitchng #shortvideoviral #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Clitch on 2024-05-10 04:42:52. It has garnered 55 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Grandfather’s insane flashbacks! Minecraft animation

    Grandfather's insane flashbacks! Minecraft animationVideo Information мы должны лететь так быстро как можем Вы наша последняя надежда Вы точно в этом уверены внучки Ну тогда держитесь покрепче кто мечтает Быть пилотом очень смелый видно тот потому что только смелый сам полезет в самолёт потому что только Смелых уважает высота потому что в самолёте Всё зависит от вин [музыка] V [музыка] This video, titled ‘Флешбеки деда… Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #shorts #animation #майнкрафт #анимация’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 10:54:00. It has garnered 336 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Grandfather’s flashbacks… Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA… Read More

  • Rundown

    RundownRundown is a minecraft with custom bosses, enchants and weekly quests. Every week the boss changes There are many warps you just might get addicted to it rundown.apexmc.co:26350 Read More

  • MCSugars SMP 1.20.6 – No Whitelist – Diamond Economy – Land Claims – Player Warps – Chest Shops – Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to MCSugars Server IP: mcsugars.com Bedrock: mcsugars.com:19132 Discord: Join our Discord server About MCSugars Server: MCSugars is a SMP server with a diamond economy. Use commands like /deposit or /withdraw to manage your balance. Claim land, set up player warps, and create chest shops to become the richest player! Enjoy an anti-pay to win environment and access to a creative server for building freely. Server Features: Prebuilt builds for survival in creative mode Worldedit commands on creative for easy building Resource worlds for safe resource collection Map-art world for creating unique map art Additional Information: World Border: 50000 Map… Read More

  • Horse Haven (SWEM RRP)

    Horse Haven (SWEM RRP)(Horse Haven A safe Horse Haven for all!) SWEM RRP serverSharing our rules 1.No Saying personal Info (Not being mean This is for your safety)2.Please Tell us When you start recording or if you do (So we will be quite in chat)3.No cussing4.no greif incldes cussing spamming killing anmails (That arent urse) breaking barns Talkin abt murder5.Tell staff if ur going in creative6.Please Have funWhat we offer…a relistic Equstrain Experince for all who playes mcUpgraded horse modelsSWEM COAT RESORSE PACKHorses can poo and pee can drink and eat and need to be grroomdNicknames And Plots!New items Player Sign shops Balences… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chickens be like: assassins!

    Minecraft Memes - Chickens be like: assassins!I guess you could say that chicken’s luck is no yolk! Read More

  • Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit

    Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which challenged viewers to find the difference in a changing Minecraft world. The video showcased the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players, highlighting the endless possibilities within the game. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy exploring new worlds, then you’ll love Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @Prodiggie

    LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @ProdiggieVideo Information Halo sobat Pro kita malam ini akan loh Apa ini jadi malam ini kita akan ng-live bermain game J terkenal banget sebenarnya Iya jadi bang brigis mengajak kita bermain Minecraft yes benar tapi yang gua engak ngerti kenapa tampilan minecraftnya enggak jelas saja nih weh gak tahu Bang ini harus Cobain sih Aku penasaran reactionnya sih jadi kita tiba-tiba nih tiba-tiba kayak datang Bang Bang Ayo main bareng Bang main ini gitu kan Terus kayak gua mikir Minecraft biasa kan kita ada penah main kan I gampakah itu easy lah easy tapi yang kali ini k beda gitu… Read More

  • Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593

    Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593Video Information what what I just loaded in and I was like what on Earth am I going to do today I already know we have trial Chambers in the breeze what is this why is there Trail ruins showing here maybe it’s fixes to that I’m assuming maybe there isn’t a 30 Block Gap in between the structures armadillos and wolf armor oh my god let’s get started although I should probably back up my world first cuz I’ve done a lot it is good to be back home I need a silk touch book oh oh wait we… Read More

  • Mike Shorts 2.O – Insane Challenge with Sister!

    Mike Shorts 2.O - Insane Challenge with Sister!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing With Sister’, was uploaded by Mike Shorts 2.O on 2024-05-08 23:42:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you like this video pls subscribe #minecraft #minecraftop #minecraftpe #asia #africa #america #afghanistan #ahmedabad #surat … Read More


    CRIO UMA BASE DE SEGURANÇA INCRÍVEL no Minecraft! 😱Video Information nesse vídeo Eu e meu irmão vamos ter que fazer uma casa 100% segura inclusive um Bunker debaixo da terra porque o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro do céu tá tendo uma tempestade com vários tornados e até mesmo um tsunami será que a gente vai conseguir sobreviver ao fim do mundo Assista o vídeo até o final para você descobrir Carlinhos o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro tá chegando Tsunami A gente precisa fazer algum Bunker alguma casa 100% segura ai meu Deus Tinho olha al na frente Parece que vai ter um tornado Nossa… Read More

  • Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!

    Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft but running gives me hearts so I’m sprinting right now and check it I’m slowly generating a heart which means if I run long enough I now have 11 Hearts but we need a faster way than this so I bought a treadmill that goes up to 100 mph and it broke but we now have 16 Hearts applying this speed 1,000 potion gave me 200 hearts and accidentally punching this Iron Golem gave me 400 Hearts wait what we need 10,000 Hearts to win that’s going to be impossible there’s no way I’ll get it in… Read More

  • Dytolan – CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shorts

    Dytolan - CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shortsVideo Information say I’ve got to press the go live button e okay I’m live now okay so YouTube is now live oh my God not the here here I need to remake that okay I don’t have my watch on know I might as well just jump in a well because holy [ __ ] reings YouTube thank you T okay I am do I get a drink I got the YouTube notif awesome the heart rate is not tracking yet I would love if it did what do I have two heart treking apps okay you’re live thank… Read More

  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!

    Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-24 11:05:14. It has garnered 307 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn’t know! 🔥

    Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn't know! 🔥Video Information so many girls in there where do I begin I see this one I’m about to go in then she says I’m here with my friend she got me thinking and that’s what I see well girl girls Where Them Girls Girls Where Them Girls girl so don’t get down we can always WI hey bring it on baby all your friends you the [ __ ] and I love that body you want the ball that I swear you’re good I won’t tell nobody you got to b f i want to see that girl it’s all… Read More