$10,000 MINECRAFT Monday Tournament w/ COURAGEJD (Week 12)

Video Information

Eisah and welcome to week 12 of Minecraft Monday that that’s a chicken it’s me big story three gonna be teaming up with a legend of the scene mister courage JD today we’ve actually never game properly before like we played like a couple games a fortnight but that was

It I was very well I am very excited to get some game scream we’ve been meaning to you for so long and now we’re gonna tear it up in a pretty crazy week of Minecraft Monday in the sense that we have a lot of new players we got we got

Easton joining big bears got Josh coming back gonna hit with that smoke we got TG and Samaria in here new faces we got ninja returning we have summit up in the house we’ve got the usual usual faces in here and it’s gonna be very very exciting I’m gonna see what

Games we’ve got okay we can’t see this yet I’ll bring them soon also yeah minecraft how to minecraft sup know how to minecraft today I wasn’t actually at home during the streaming window I was out filming videos through the side man we started filming at midday today and

Finished up it was just after just before 8:00 but then I had to get home from central London from the studio we were out so in light of that and in light of the fact that I’ve been like filming videos and working on since midday today it’s now 9 p.m. and this is

Gonna take probably 2-3 hours we’re gonna take a day off how to Minecraft today also don’t like getting on outside of the streaming window and I also haven’t been able to prepare any content for today so we made it like 28 or something days in a row without missing

One but life is about to get hella busy for me we’ve got a lot of Cybermen filming trips coming up I’ve got some holidays coming up and I put everything in my life out of the way even everything in my work life out of the

Way for how to Minecraft up til now but at the moment we’re kind of waiting on some new content and on a day like today I just want to be I put my all into my craft Monday then I’m gonna get some rest I’ll be back tomorrow for for how

To Minecraft and to be fair this is also gonna help a lot of viewers I have a lot of you message me and say like the episodes I don’t have enough time to watch the episodes every day so I can’t keep up and therefore Khan wants to live so

You know days like this will also allow other viewers to catch up so yeah how to Minecraft will be tomorrow but we got two and a half thousand minecraft right now if you’re complaining about it I mean I guess I’m flattered that you enjoy how to Minecraft so much but

There’s only a certain amount of time with managing the sidemen channel the more sidemen Channel I’m gonna be doing some stuff that NVA launched and all sorts of stuff than you call it Duty launch and the new Borderlands launch and there’s a lot going on with preparing videos in advance for all the

Sidemen stuff for when JJ starts his hardcore training for a certain boxing fight he has going on so I have to kind of you know balance my responsibilities really carefully it’s not gonna be time for everything all the time with that said minecraft mind they’re

Gonna be bits gonna be bit gonna do bits we got techno and ninja up on a team right there we got me encourage the boys the beta male speedy inside back in the house it’s gonna be good let’s go and jump in with the boy courage and see if it excited for

Another day of of Minecraft Monday it’s gonna be doubt also we have a five plan stupid chat from high mate says how much do I have to donate if you to quit micro mundane play hey success of your house exam so far also best is gonna belly

Flop on you all you smell like there is no amount I actually really enjoy playing Minecraft Monday and joining on the minigames with all the people the personalities it’s you know I just love minecraft mini-game so I’m actually really excited to be playing this so nah

If there is no amount how to make up to me back tomorrow I’ve slammed out like 35 40 hours of how to minecraft in the last month so there’s got to be enough I mean making you know you’re never gonna please everyone I’ve tried my best keep all of

You happy but it’s always gonna be a tough job that being said it is now time for Minecraft Monday Thank You flamin gamer with the five-pound steeplechase I mean watching since how to Minecraft one encourages my favorite fortnight stream a good luck today thank you thank you thank you thank you

Now with all things said in his minecraft monday time i would appreciate if the chat would move topics to minecraft monday related things and yeah let’s catch up with the boy oh my goodness mention jerome that is gonna if they st. their week to win i don’t know when it ever will be

Also that skin is very much dope I respect the hospital all right let’s go catch up with a boy yo yo what is up no yeah the real fixed are the the pixelated format fixed on edition wait are you are you streaming yes I am indeed yeah alright well yeah yeah but I

Just want to guys give a little blah warning to everyone from your stream ok yeah hey everyone from Vick stream how you doing my name’s Jack so I’ve never played a Minecraft Monday I literally don’t know the rules it just took me 8 minutes to join team 3 and I’m pretty

Terrified right now I’m not gonna lie you know what no that’s you know sometimes it’s good to be afraid you know outside your comfort zone ready to conquer another another Titan of gaming honest solution and this you know this isn’t mostly about having fun and you know slapping everyone else that you

Know in the lobby yeah yeah just just yeah we got we got we got to pick out our people so I see a sideman team we got we got Ethan and Josh on the team so we got it with like absolutely number one absolutely on priorities that we

Outscore them witless which I don’t think like we could fail to do honestly we’re both professional eSports athletes yeah those guys are those guys are absolute boss uh yeah I know I know they paired ninja with techno blade cuz he’s so bad they had to put him with a really

Good player so he’s obviously high up on my list to beat he also just sent in the chat that I have a tiny penis Wow doesn’t even have a pet yikes I don’t know what that means like I should probably do the disclaimer now that this

Is not going to be a pg-13 minecraft stream pg-13 you want really I don’t mind I really don’t mind I ate a bowl of cereal and then I watched Blue’s Clues and now I’m here nice so you started your day right is what you’re trying to tell me absol absolutely okay so

We got some we got some nice minigames in here so it looks like the same as last week last week clutched a little 4th place position so ok so looking at this looking good it’s not enough have you ever played minecraft hunger games before I know I’ve played I played a

Normal server the hunting with like cynic in them and then I played I’m halfway done my hardcore server ok that’s all I’ve ever done well I will I will go into coach mode during the game please no just just shout out random things left right and

Center it might it may be all too much in too fast but just try and try and follow along and we will hopefully be able to get some big points here I was told that you can spam click as much as possible yes yes 1.8 minecraft right now

So yeah it is battle off the spam cloaking which is what everyone loves really okay so yeah that’s that’s a key piece of information I’m playing with other like useful things for the Hunger Games in terms of like making most stuff I’ll kind of take that role so I might

Say of yourself and like if you got any sticks thrones me like any iron any like mushrooms or whatever it I can make us like things so mushroom suits here you instantly if you right-click a mushroom soup it instantly like adds like two hearts whoa okay so that’s like

Something to watch out I may like throw you those but other than that yeah it’s just gonna be pretty much stick together try and put on the best gear you can and spam click the hell out of anyone that we decide we’re gonna fight they’ll be

I’ll pretty much way up every team that we run into and be like either like I’ll be like go go go or I’ll be like run run run and that’s pretty much it hell yeah also everyone join Game one how do I do that it’s fly to the little keemstar down by

The board and then right-click on him and click game one which is hunger games at the game store little dude little dude at the bottom you see ever I’m looking Oh right now I’m gonna find this you tell us what you see yeah probably actually oh wait

All right my crap all day oh there oh the little keemstar here arouse looking at the big keep start logo so this is the first map so like we’re all gonna be like stood on like a starting post all around the outside and yeah they’ll be a

Countdown and we are we’re not gonna go for the middle because the middle doesn’t have any weapons on it okay and we’re all about the weapons you know we’re trying to bring that heat to the street so of course of course so we’re just gonna turn run and I’ll like take

You in a little chest looting route also is there any mining in this today I said already no no no block breaking other than leaves leaves to the only box you can break also for some reason I am freezing like I don’t know what’s going on young man go put on a little

Sweatshirt go get some and get yourself locked in because guess what they’re starting this quite soon here please joke no I this is gonna be all sorts of crazy all sorts of crazy nurse honestly I just want I just want to double kill Ethan and Josh you know I wanna this is

Actually this is the the Matt the last time I played this map and a Minecraft Monday we smoked the boy ninja sent him back to the loading screen you know I’m saying I might have to do it again it’s gonna be it’s gonna be it’s gonna be

Like a big learning curve today for the young for the young yeah their mind doesn’t we’re just plugging sideburn clothes my craft my nature [Laughter] everybody plug Oh we’re talking trash guys I’m literally just I’m just literally talking trash right now oh wow look what is going on

With Ellen dogs skin is this is I know that I’ve seen this meme but I don’t know what it is do you know what mean this is on dull and dark skin it’s like the dudes face it like God I got that like top meme on his like I like meme

Pearline bill I have no idea I don’t even know he could do stuff like that no I dig the skin by the way you’re looking pretty fresh today thank you bro I had a rock you know hundred bees you know tricolour hoodie you know me with

My look the V on the back of my skin looks like a g-string how awful is that a second wearing like a Borah monkey [Laughter] it’s actually too perfect oh it’s really hard out Ricardo Melo’s apparently Ricardo all right sweet sweet lat Richie lied about the mean we call it a

Meal off listen oh he’s the guy that Don’s like a botfly guy ah yeah yeah I know him so who are the other minecraft like pro players um so mentioned drove Beijing Canadians are MSS wants to watch out for CaptainSparklez obviously feels is pretty pretty decent who else do we have

To watch out for call me Carson and Travis pretty good next Oreos pvp god-tier all right we’re gonna turn a rerun okay we’re just gonna go diagonally like out just follow my lead and you will be safe for a while all right let us get that bread earth let’s go

All right first one’s always a nervous one once you get into it you’re chilling I tried to hit execute see it didn’t work oh there’s like a grace period where people can’t hit at the very start of the round okay let me get some loot oh you’re looting let’s continue out this

Way wait there was a chest yes I know all there’s a lot of chests in this map that hidden like underneath leaves I like someone got that one oh my got one I think that’s already looted if you follow me then I got some stone stuff oh

Nice nice I thought I was already gone I’m just out this way yeah let’s keep on moving yep got you let’s try and get armed and dangerous put my stuff in the right slots yeah same I mean washroom steak raw fish pumpkin pie yeah so keep that mushroom in your

Hotbar and if you ever like super low health you can just straight eat that and it will give you like instant healing back I got a leather chest plate for you there you go Harry I’m looking for the loot it was a bit more up here I

Hope how long do these games like normally lasts for um hunger games usually like 1213 minutes yeah and this is like it’s like the circle moves in literally yeah Allah for tonight itself I see we can get you some more gear alright there’s a stone sword if you

Need now you got one I heard one take those gold leggings for you better than she and I’m assuming yeah huh you need yeah gold is not better than Carol if you have chain likeness before yeah sorry chain is better than go of my bad just keep drop the chin yeah there’s one

More chest that I can grab out here and then we continue so uh do I see I am losing stamina so yeah make sure your little thing yeah yeah hunger less stamina and whatever hopes I’m coming down see I made sure eaten that big brain food

Okay trying to work out like what things I’m going right here alright so if you actually come back this way we can go out the back of that building and there’s some oh we got we got people we got fit here you know I I’m feeling a fight here

We got those weird yeah yeah Sophie come here boy come here boy all right so what I’m gonna do boy he’s looting okay I’m gonna cut him off here on the right okay all right hissy fits fits you fits let’s go okay stuck yeah I got her down another one

Coming up on you oh snap oh yeah I need you to take the fight there a bit and it’s backing up let’s go let’s go striker so you can’t mess with my boy card like that let’s go sick sick sick defense cheers I had to do a little faster skirt

Okay I’m so you should have a chainmail chest plate so put that on right now okay you got a spell boys send it my way iron chess players that better could I cop that if you don’t mind yeah appreciate that and have you got any helmets or now we need still needs

Helmets oh I don’t think so I battle Oh enchanting I’ve golden apples I’m golden apples really worth having okay just do a bit more looting now but yeah good work on that the warmer climates too so axes are usually not better than swords oh well the hell but

I do have a helmet I’ve got a helmet oh nice would you mind me I know you think okay I appreciate that we’ll get you one in a sec I’ll just go like full in on these fights listen you’re my hard carry bro appreciate that appreciate that okay I know my role on

This team chat a huge support player that Hugh support of course wait I have four gold ingots yeah we get ready to if we get eight we could go to the middle make a Golden Apple but that’s about I take the bow yeah yeah go for it yeah I

Don’t how many arrows though I only have four high ten arrows oh nice that’s good stuff okay so the ball is starting to shrink but I think we it would take a while to get to where we are okay well where are you at just down the road just down here

Okay big kills on the open there there absolutely love that you want a Golden Apple um that would be nice yeah if you have you got soup right now right – yeah okay so you know I have a all I have porkchops I have Flint now

You’re good oh people Tom yeah okay we got sidearms and speedy they’re my boys but I reckon we could kill them I reckon we could kill them then my homies but yeah let’s go from yeah we got that idea follow me and we’ll go yeah take the

Take the fight to my thing has to be done has to be done say I can make an iron sword oh yeah if we find a crafting table yeah all right okay all right I’m going full sand on this Oh speedy got me finish him finish him if you can oh I

Use cousin Elliot oh snap sorry sorry sorry I didn’t see him there I hope that was ah I’m lucky we got a kill there that we got some decent points sorry I I didn’t I didn’t realize it’s been today damn bro he killed me so fast

Yeah that’s he got yeah he got me really good there so entirely how many hits is it to kill someone I mean it depends on that gear he would have been like probably like actually only like three hits annoyingly because he didn’t really have much gear but he caught me from

Behind I have to remember to have to remember to spam click yeah yeah but to be fair honestly like if you look at all the players who are up right now like we did pretty well just to get like 30 points yeah 30 points between the two of

Us like I’m actually not I’m not even mad like just going for that extra 10 points cuz if I look at the leaderboard there’s like a lot there’s not many other people that we could easily I mean if we run into Eastern and Josh that would have been good points but yeah not

The absolute worst like we’re gonna probably come out like should be top one of the top ten teams even with 30 points after that first round I’m gonna go it again there’s nine different games and they’re all different let’s see what your Phoenicians arrive do javanese I’m not looking bad you know

Construction taking all the armor you can do slash menu and then you can click their names to go down there right in the edge oh let’s go and see how these boys do the thing is like I have the feeling that like were watched Josh and Ethan and like the first fight they’re

Gonna go into they’re just gonna get clean because it’s laughter I mean I hope they prove me wrong I really hope they prove me wrong but it was it was good to display aggressive can you get uh can you get diamonds tougher no yeah yeah you can find

Diamonds then you can make diamond gear in fact people there’s probably someone with already diamond stuff let’s go and see till I go to ya a nest oreo has a diamond sword full iron so yeah he’s about to cook some people let’s see what techno blade has enchanted stone sword I

Forget to mention your own he has a chance yeah I just watched a story oh just use it the enchanting table – yeah this is if you switch to techno blade right now there’s gonna be a good fire is techno by the ninja getting chased down by Jerome and Mitch I think

Actually techno and ninja die here to be honest German mature both like seasoned minecraft PvP is although tell a lie tell a lie oh oh my goodness Wow techno blade is god-tier but Mitch healed up Wow Wow techno blade is just God Tyr he had worst gear than both of them just send

It how do you how do you be better at a Minecraft fight I’m so confused so the way it works is there’s a sphere around every player’s head which is their range their sword will go – yeah and basically it’s all about like in this version the

Mine cards will feel about doing combos so working out like basically hitting them when they’re right at the edge of your circle and then knocking them out so they can’t hit you back and that kind of like if that makes sense it’s it’s a really mean a lot of its really ping

Dependent and a lot of its based on like they’re not back like the amount of knock-back you get if you’re in the air when someone hits you you get sent further back if you’re crouching you don’t get sent as far back so it’s like loads of different mechanics like that in there

So yeah but yeah techno blade like eight out of eight out of ten times you will clap me right in any in any minecraft game that is insane wait – no this was Hunger Games yeah this is getting one of nine so the next game is I think it’s called replica where we

Have to like copy patterns or blocked and like make like pixel arts and stuff so it’s not only now ep know there’s those like like 4 5 PvP games and the to like pop or ring or like TNT running or whatever oh wow okay yeah so it’s not

It’s not all PvP like this is definitely speedy speedy just yeah that was I don’t think it’s clutch what’s a clutch now feels like techno with a semi through the end of our tank I started chasing them down yeah this is gonna be an interesting week that’s like

A lot of like new teams here so no idea how it’s gonna go oh people you can close one close for this xqc yeah this thing’s gonna push them all together xqc emoji are in a really strong position I feel like they like are gonna be a favor

Of this week they’ve been like ii like between like second and fourth pretty much every week prior to this one yeah but I just watched camera speed use an axe yeah so an axe is like one type damage worse than a sword so like an iron axe is the same as

A stone sword but like diamond axe is the same as like an iron sword so if you have like your stone sword and an iron axe they’re the same thing so you can use either oh this is a big fight here and the story was gonna oh okay where’s

This happening item track this window he’s fightin Marty and xqc oh if he pulls though oh he’s like he just TNT heated them he’s like one of the best minecraft PvP airs in the game and he’s got really good gear we’ll just watch yeah you can place down TNT in it like

Times down and drive eggs were the eggs for the eggs give you nausea Oh ninja and beast enter the fray watch ninja in technology Oh nest oreo off in a corner and techno blades just tiger blade hits like the most insane combos I think moxie whoo now they I don’t

Think they can get can they get tech note yeah they can yeah there was easier now yeah those guys are really good execution on here as well just just a warning but this is minecraft this is readily what game he’s like he talked it all

That you see you see a toxic were in the same sense I’d almost called it like the police I like it see if everything is alright be held hostage yeah there we go look we’re number six so that’s like solid placement I mean obviously could have been better but I’m like pretty happy

With that don’t let no idea what the hell is going on yeah all right this next minigame is pretty cool I like this one dig this one so how did you see the leaderboards it’s just over on the right-hand side that’s the thing that says score and you can go

From you can see the whole leaderboard oh okay cool where everyone’s at right now so for me it says eighth so that’s so low the so we’re bored and then if you go over to the left it’s got the team board hell yeah guys so yeah all right that’s chillin

That’s chillin and I mean again like we would have to win to get big points on that so now except these replicas so if you join it as well so we go back to here to the team star yeah always game two so the way this will work is will be

Let me know you’re in yeah I’m in all right so you come over to the front so we’ll be stood on one of these little platforms and on the on the wall where that gray area is now yeah I picks a lot it’s gonna appear there so it’s gonna be

Like I don’t know it might be like might be like a flower or something made out of clay and our hot ball will have every color of clay and we have to recreate that same flower on the floor in front of us okay so an image will come up

We’ll have a look at it and like for example that it might be like a flower on like a green field with like a blue sky so it might pop up and like I’ll say okay I’ll do the flower in the sky can you do the grass and you have like the

Copy the colors of the grass and place it down that’s how it works oh my god so you’re actually nervous I’m more nervous for this at any fortnight Friday at least a fortnight Friday I knew what I was doing each time I go in a thing here I’m like mm-hmm

What the hell is happening yeah like a lot of the other players here have a huge advantage I mean me included because I’ve been playing this for like the last like 12 weeks but yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna get this gone we’re gonna get so do you like when

You do this you like measure the blocks are you just like all right first block is green second block is yeah motor block is it like like it’s a bit of both so like you might look down you’ll be like okay so that there’s a 2×2 of light green and the bottom left

So I’m going to put that in then on top of that there’s you know two pieces of yellow I’m gonna put those in next and you just kind of recreate it it’s a sign of this from what I’m seeing in my chair I’ve served my time playing this mini

Game I used to be a baller I obviously it’s been a while so okay so we don’t start right away okay it’s the same as last time so I will do the face you just need to start spamming in the sponge pretty much okay so yeah just as you

Start spamming it in there all the spaces fill this whole thing up there we go umm what place do we go number one let’s go these guys oh my goodness I did upside down Travis and cost me that are upside-down mirrored no no it has to be

The same they say got it wrong they’ve done it wrong I try to work out that’s funny work out wise no okay okay yeah let’s go Vic let’s go all right all right all right cool cool so wait really play one of them nowadays there’s 12 mini rounds you can see on

The right well and if you get all bonus points for finishing like top 3 I think in all of them so that’s what we’re about to do all right so what we got this time let’s work it out okay okay I’ll do the face you just start doing

The the snap yep yeah all right I just filled with snow now every space that’s left let’s go cracks at the vault placing what do you mean well I want to do nineties when I can place blocks in Minecraft this fast like come on brother dude be to me God yo getting the

Freaking Wow we’re gonna have to like soon they’re gonna get like way more complicated but it’s right across those phases when we get to them racing us I’m just placing the white cloth honestly this is the emoji block placing at its finest and it’s what absolute finest look at that

Alright alright that’s good too first in a row keep it going all right all right all right all right what do we go okay um I will do the top you just start from the bottom and kind of walk up I’ll start with the top oh oh oh I’m down here okay yeah

Hey um um I’m on the way don’t worry oh wait we do the same thing no oh no no no that’s fine fine these go to bricks here yeah what we may say we’re missing no no oh yeah yeah yeah that was my back that was my back I’m still trying to

Understand yeah a lot Mary’s doubt or not yeah no it was like mirror so I was like doing the mirror now you’re all good no it’s yeah it’s linear it’s like just never knock it down that’s fine that’s fine yeah we just honestly we felt bad we

Didn’t want to give some other people some first place so they can decide rather we argue we still did better than that first okay um I will do the eyes if you do the left eye and I’ll do the right one if that make sense or whatever

It is it’s always good to measure from the bottom and kind of reference from there I said it I did my wrong I am so so sorry I need to move my whole one up by one that is so bad of me sorry sorry this one need to be stone missing Brown here

Sorry sorry sorry that was me still beat us go on comeback season comeback season right now okay you do the outside and I’ll do the I will just wish work together on this one so I just do like one two three alright what was that number four I’m becoming a replica the

Best the best of game yeah you got your heart racing ah dude I mean we’re probably still like fourth to first no yeah we’ll be we’ll be probably like third overall in this mini game yeah because fast is worth like eight points second is worth like six and that is

Worth like four I think something like that so yeah we’re gelling alright cuz this is so fun this is a dope moment like yeah this is where minecraft minecraft’ opera alright need that t3 back feeling on this one okay I’ll do the face you do the daar I got

And now just out let’s go number two number two let’s go we’ll take two baby we’ll take two wait hold up I don’t think there’s any bonus points for finish it’s their bonus what snare must be by finishing second I guess it just doesn’t tell you how

Much you yeah that’s chilling I’ll take two chair will take two we will take that fo sure all right number one back to number one let’s build our way back honestly it’s terrifying how like when you like mess up it like gets inside your head so much so I misplaced by one

And then on this one I’m doing the most simple thing but I’m like is this right I don’t know yeah it’s crazy no dude it’s it’s oh you’re like frantically searching like what’s missing all right I do feel like another number one spot is what we need here

Yeah this is definitely win right here this one a guaranteed all right okay I’ll do I’ll stop down oh you start you start up you start okay girl stuff it up okay yeah I’ll stop from the bottom that one’s got to be why brown brown I don’t want color brown oh oh wait

Sorry sorry and then put the eye back no that’s sorry it’s all I think I forgot that one whew I mean okay that’s fine it’s fine hey too difficult Browns [ __ ] yes that had me like confused as well I was like trying to reverse engineer it without looking for baby [Laughter] All right come back come back come back 600 is it comeback season okay um I’ll start from the top you soften ball and let’s just get the coal and then the bricks okay let’s just put all of these in and then put the thing in two three

Let’s go let’s go numbers here let’s take that well or two two two we’ll take them yeah like that what does happen let’s go for those we either do sick or we just make one mistake and we’re like down the bomb but it’s every time you do

Sick that’s when you get a score like I think like third fourth fifth isn’t isn’t too bad alrighty I mean I’ll total score is up at 206 which is really good you know like not even the end of mini game – I feel like I’m betraying my side member others here

But I’m just try to just try to get what we gain points alright let’s hit it again what we got here okay this one just let’s do left and right and that’s just kind of like just I’ll start on the left side you start on the right yeah

Oh my god choking I’m sure I’m really choking hey you’re good this one’s really hot it’s gonna take a few on ages no sorry sorry I’m sure we got plenty of time to wear um sponge dirt grass I’m gonna help you don’t worry oh wow okay we got eight points though for

Eight and ampersand a completion then time down okay same lie I’ll do the face do the yeah that’s my bag I got this sorry sorry sorry I think right now we’re definitely I think third overall in this mode II yeah again it’s only type top three that

Really matters it’s how the top three or or bust I don’t think you get bonus points beyond that we’re chillin okay all right we got two more more in the house what why is it that we bring in the most twitch stream is a chat this becomes an

Adverb hey hey I feel great this is everyone getting bread all right yeah okay this one over the left yeah I’ll start with just the face the face of the do go so yeah you start the left please down the side press there we go let’s go

Number two solid love that for us headed why we why are we either live this or dislike oh no I’m really awesome oh so many say in places which is really good and we got to fast at the start stuff first seconds another a couple top threes as well whoo

Fingers crossed t5 after this and the big board maybe even more okay one less a few times right yeah yeah twice oh my god school okay I’ll start with the big thing at the bottom you just start from the top okay I’ll tell like the fireplace

Are you messing up sorry sorry that was my bad ass Sakon we got second I’m always like one little thing that I I’d what I do is I like try and memorize it and not look up that’s always like one little detail I should just actually just start

Copying it more that’s I think yeah take it add that to the stack honestly that was the last one right yes yes that’s it for this game I felt sorry that was like nearly 300 points going into Game two yeah I think last week I was actually

I’m like 250 played I want to play this more this is so sick yeah this is literally what there’s an even cooler version of this that I don’t think they’ve been able to coach Minecraft Monday yet but you do 3d versions of this and it’s insane

It’s like full big earth how do we tell what we got we’ll go back to the hub in a second it’ll show us where the business I see you with 152 I think we got maybe second or third overall II looking at the scoreboard I’m a fact a fact I’m gonna

Wait foot boot us up I think he can hub look everyone GGA cheesie’s all around all right yeah we go okay I’m feeling good about this I’m feeling very good I see where is the boys up let’s go who for selected gamers up with da boys dude is showing up for

The whole gang absolutely love that for us yeah yeah yeah boy this is so dope yeah this is this is this this is what minecraft all I got about what gamer is famous right now block gaming baby okay this one I think it’s bingo bingo this is also another one of my favorite

Minecraft games so join the lobby yep and type slash bingo okay so we are racing to collect all of those items you see them on the card yeah okay so I we need to kind of like divide them so what I think I’m gonna do is I how do we find

Them in the world we’re gonna run out into the world we get given basic tools and some food so I’m gonna task you with finding cactus to make the green grass green class to start with and then I’m gonna tasks you with finding a underwater temple to get prismarine

Blocks those are like the hardest thing to do but they just require like a lot I’ll actually let’s cactus right way let’s never mind forget the cactus I’ll work on that so yeah I’m gonna yeah get you on board so I need you to hear this

Is what I need you to do I need you to kill a squid and get the ink sack from it and I need to find an underwater temple so if you just get go make a boat and try and boat out over I see those are gonna be your tasks if that’s cool

With you okay underwater temple and and squid yeah ink sad ain’t sacked from a squid this is I’ve never in more stress in my life okay and we can break blocks in this one yeah yeah it’s like a normal Minecraft world yeah and you can just run out if you

Ever get like stuck or whatever you can slash porn if you die you’re you’re just teleport back to spawn you’ll have all of your your items and you’re gonna worry about the rest of stuff yeah yeah at least I’d like to start off to get us gather just to get us going

I will okay cuz some of my chats I get the sugarcane for the book and I’m like that’s my job right now ya know we’ll start with you with those two things and if you get those done nice and quickly I like tasks you with some more some

More guineas but I think that’s going to be I’m hopefully gonna ask that village gone this way the trance always born in with some sort with yeah yeah and if you die it’s not like the end of the world to be honest I don’t we use the bingo

Corridor how do we put like you type of slash bingo it’s the second you pick it up and it like is yours pretty much all fighting over furnaces you have spawners chicken spawners and squid spawners near spawn yeah yeah so we’ll use those to make some of the items do not worry

About that wait how do I make a boat it’s five wording like a u-shape kind of thing so yeah I’m gonna start working on things all right yelling at me I don’t even know why all right so I’m out the water looking for squids yeah huh yeah and then like a big

Underwater temple you can’t really miss it just look under the water and look for a big like yeah big like blue kind of like fortress looking thing and then you’re all good in the hood okay well this is going what is the next thing I’m gonna need some clay yeah I’m

Gonna clay don’t wanna leave my stuff I’m protected though I think I see the temple oh my Carson just stole all my sandwich roll what an absolute roll this guy man I got lint at spawn people are saying oh okay okay just look for the underwater temple then once was out here

To kill him or what yeah you may as well yeah cuz honestly it’ll be harder to get the squids at spawn because everyone’s fighting for him usually okay I’m just gonna get on the coal hunt clay hunt right now I got an insect nice nice okay just hold on to that for now

So I don’t type like slash bingo or anything no no cuz I need that to make the book and quail I’ll just TP for you and get that made sure we can CP to each other yeah that’s a command to each other yeah I don’t my

Boat goes so far away like what the heck oh sure okay I need that I have a Carson trying to troll me so he’s just following me around just and just try to steal everything I’m getting which is how a toxic hellotalk seal I can steal all of this

Before he gets any of it prismarine brick right yeah that’s what you’re looking for yeah that is what you’re looking for I’ve got paper to make a book and you’d leather oh my god I can’t mine because the things because I’ve addy oh you’ve given given mining fatigue

Yeah oh that is no oh wait wait let me TP to you near the stuff right now I’m literally standing on them okay nice all right let me please get me one of these blocks none of these blocks one of these blocks if I can get one we’re done here let’s

Go let’s go if I just pick that up we got it clutch yes done okay nice / we can just do / born now honestly so we have mining fatigue how do we get rid of it I feel we honestly may need to I want I don’t

Know if we do you want to have you got try and save the kiln the creeper killing you I don’t think I’ll make you drop your items I’d let that creeper kill you behind I don’t think you drop items but find out don’t always be oh

Maybe build on maybe build up and then eat yourself I’m also gonna go and steal something from someone else’s furnaces because I’m salty there happen to me but I think if you die you don’t lose anything yeah I’m actually about to be so toxic right now but I don’t care it

Happened to me let’s go steal some goodies sorry boys I still have it bro yeah you still have your stuff your your stuff still have mining fatigue oh snap oh okay if you can get on and kill some chickens I should be in like a pen near that spawn

Somewhere I’m looking for chickens yeah yeah I think there should be a coop for them wait I don’t the in sack anymore oh wait oh I got a pack I got it back again I got it back okay um okay chillin yeah try I can’t my nephew

Teague’s actually so bad we should have done that last I guess yeah yeah okay I’m gonna have to this is really really bad I can you team TP to me I’m sadly miss Bernette EP / team TP all one word he puts not and in that fairness please

Just one is fine yeah I’ve got to use this creeper to get blogs because I’ve got down mining fatigue I put sand in there yeah so I can get us one of our things made where do you want the book and quill or you want the sinks

S yeah go for it behind you thanking you okay so okay something useful we can do right now is we can try and find a cow and kill it to get that’s all circus brick oh my god yeah you can make up if you put four of those

Together make a brick block four if those bricks together did you get four are you stealing more yeah I love that for us I love that place here come come come do you get four brick for like bricks pieces how many how do we get you run

Away without he’s taken all this weight this pump break blocks right now ah I just didn’t I just didn’t think wait hold up hold up I can get some more brick I just give me the tea that you got drop it ready yeah um I don’t know

If horses dropped leather or not but you’ve got there’s close to your left you’re gonna have to kill it for them what’s my luck there’s a horse to your left I don’t know if they dropped leather I can it might do I’m not sure everyone’s

Like we need a milk bucket to get rid of this mining fatigue but we can’t mine the iron make the milk market with so scuffed okay probably the bow alright we’ve got to kill cows right now that’s the next thing or now I’m going back to yeah

Spawn area Heather my think okay I would have like a containment thing with them I see one ha I see one alright and I got chickens here – dude I can’t leave we can mine it’s fine it’s fine it’ll wear off and we were really lucky – you found

That so fast you should take people so much longer to get that so now we’re I’m still I’m still very very happy with our progress I’m gonna make what am i what’s my goal right now what am I looking for um I’m not entirely sure I’m making the

Booking quo right now there we go um white gun stained clay how do I get there yeah um you should maybe just try and find a Mesa biome I think that’s the best bet right now oh do I leave you to make um you know you can search for a

Jungle because that’s the only place we’ll find vines that’s what you should do you should search your jungle yeah okay and I’m gonna help me find jungle people saying arrow skeleton kill see ya oh you have kill skeletons for an arrow that’s a good idea yeah have you seen

Any skeletons kill him I think I saw some over here that’s a good idea fine what a jungles yeah kill skeletons fine jungle there’s a objectives right oh wait I supposed to kill the cow I I’ve done the count one now so we’re okay no cows need to die yeah

Skeletons here let’s go I think I’m gonna get the arrow here bear with me sir alright yeah I got the era okay I need you to find the jungle for me brother and then we’re finished oh how do I find a jungle chair you’d literally just have to like adventure it

Loki might be worth now I just pretty much it’s adventure so all you can do I’m gonna try and steal some more stuff I can no steal some would never come in handy I’m gonna start working on their mining things to get now okay people

Saying swab to I swamp what do we need a swamp for oh yeah you can find ya vines in a swamp ya know they’re right look at the shears made and I need the pic I’m I’m ITT’s gone as well y’all should be gone too

Yes good news good news for the two of us I’m gonna make sure so we can get the jungle and go someone said that’s all so it’s the fastest way to like travel so low-key were to be fair I’ve got the bone meal foot another thing no yeah welcome at rest

Make another furnace I should have made more up top I’m gonna work on there clay and the cauldron and stuff right no still done pretty decent right now can I get all this hired oh my boat what the helps happened sometimes that glitch our bet oh dude my folks just like disappeared

Wade let’s probably still last somewhere but it’s like decent what am i out of wood jet what the hell’s going on all right this in the bag oh wow okay it’s right the five people have to complete them so we can still keep going don’t worry to get enough for a cauldron But yeah I know what what you’re doing right now is gonna be like super frustrating but you just got to keep going until it’s done pretty much yeah really I don’t know the biomes like at all so I didn’t know like what biome the look swamp looks like a lot like a swamp

And a jungle yeah they look like the real old equivalents I’ll get its cauldron now cool so now I’m next I’m gonna go and get us the gold hoe and the cave and the clay I think I see vines nice dude the boats what the yeah they really really

Glittery I’m like smashing through some of these I’m doing real good right now so it’s good news right now I know the feels I know the fields I can’t run forward what’s going on so what do I get I’m scrap I’m just I go there just grab

The vines I’ll teleport to you and I’ll have to pick them up with shears but I can do that in a second okay there we go are you at the vines now I’m about okay yeah perfectly well what’s the last thing we need the last thing we need is

Clay so if you can start mining some clay from the ground it look it’s the you know clay right and I’ll be some in this river it’s the like they’re like gray stuff in this river that should be some somewhere those stuff that’s like very but not gravel there should be some

Just down there somewhere okay vines done I think that’s gravel it’s like it’s like a texture you just need a little bit of this here we go I got some here do you have a spare furnace by any chance what can you make well I haven’t

Made anything like that okay no way let me get all this processing right now you need to get yet all of that if you can actually have enough here hold up we’re nearly there I would just need fuel in these fuel and these yeah all right come on where’s Sonia leave out here

But make a crafting table once this is all cooked I can make their thing I’m gonna get another furnace but by the time I do that that will be done bone meal once this all cooked where you’ve completed it come on we could we could clutch a

Second yeah whoo dude i I’ve never been more overwhelmed and a challenge in my life with anything I had no idea what I was doing on this you just hard carry me Naz chillin that’s chilling you’d literally you did the hardest bit find the sea temple that could have that

Could have taken I think a lot of people are still trying to find that yeah yeah and if they get mining fatigue as well it’s gonna scuff them for the rest here we go bang let’s go oh my goodness look at that look at that we beat them we we

Beat them by a millisecond let’s go that was good yeah yeah the second place out of like 20 teams that’s so good hell yeah another bath really quick ritual right now right yeah good okay all right I’m gonna what can I get for Josh and Ethan to help them out a lot of

My items have disappeared let me go and ask him now boys I’ve completed what items you need I can help you out I don’t trust you I will I’m a good guy what do you want honestly I’ll help you then-white thing to the clay is it oh

Yeah yeah you have to smell eight yeah yeah and then in a while a divine genie vines terenas that we need oh you have to find there see tempo courage found ozb I don’t know where it is I’m in the mine now just got an idea okay ah time five teams complete that

Card sorry boys if we could have completely I just got my um I just got my good luck with the rasp voice of cashew catching a bit fine may I try it was gold there as well bro damn it I tried I tried to help help help the boys but

Let’s go holding is called the trash of left please holding them before just just like the boys that we are just like the absolute boys dude we are so close – yeah we’ve been but we’re so close the first now let’s see how many points in

It oh my goodness yeah if you used to be like a hundred like that was big yeah that was that was that was big for us what we got next okay this is this is this this is a as I would describe a cooked mini game but

It’s fun okay what does that mean okay so you join the arena so there’s two layers of snap and then larva beneath all 40 players spawn up on top of here and they start digging away at the floor to try and make pair of people fall down

As you dig away at the floor you also get snowballs that you can also throw at people you knock them down if you fall through this floor then you fall through the four below you die and you’re out and the longer you survive the better so my personal advice would be play you’re

Probably a little more passive try and like get away from the middle get a couple of snowball snowballs just to kind of protect yourself and then just like play quite defensively just try and like make sure you’re not near any holes like people can knock you into and like

Trying to avoid people that are gonna try and dig out the floor from beneath you and the idea is yeah just to just to kind of survive as long as you can and we have shovels that’s all use yeah yeah shovels to break and it breaks the floor

Really fast like it’s like did a little bit because I like super powerful shovels so yeah oh my god and there’s three rounds of this so if you fall and die like straight away it’s not over you get another two guys yeah and the floor will like slowly start to break so

Slowly snow blocks will become packed ice then they’ll become normal ice and then they’ll disappear but that’s like we take the holy this for it to happen so do we like is this kind of more like a solo or monster like yeah it’s more of

A solo thing it’s just like a mad much bit free-for-all everyone’s just trying to obliterate everyone else and drop them into the lava so yeah my idea is for me what person works quite well is I just kind of stay on the move I avoid running into people that are like

Throwing snowballs I like trying to dig out the floor beneath people like if someone’s like really gunning for me I might like stop and like try to snow more than away or like dig out the floor beneath them but in my experience if you’re sat there focusing on like

Digging out the floor under one person in front of you you kind of lose your spatial awareness and someone will come up behind you and just dig out the floor below you yeah so I’d like for me personally I think just always keep moving no I definitely most nervous but

Accidentally knocking you up yeah it’s gonna be a mosh pit and honestly it’s happened to me before like it happens I’ll give you another little pro tip if you’re hearing late in the game lobby yeah yeah I’ll show you let me behind you right behind you well what I’m I’m

Looking I’m like to pee behind you that’s weird I don’t see you right now you’re invisible for me the very same way to my hacking chat right behind you oh yeah I see you now where you before but here’s another really like hard copy supervised so you see right here there’s

Four blocks yeah so if I’m if I’m stood here and to make me fall down you have to get rid of all four blocks so so when you’re running just kind of be mindful just aim for like so let’s say like it’s hard to describe without it being there

But let’s say like there’s like a big hole here like there’s like a hot there’s just an island of three blocks when I jump onto it I want to try and land in between the blocks because then if someone runs up and mines out one of them I’ll still be like physics wife

Stood on another block I mean it all goes crazy like don’t expect to be able to like plan properly but if you just like you know just running like happily and like a straight line just try and make sure you’re not like running along this blocked line because if like I’m

Stood here if I’m stood right here and like someone breaks this one block in front of me I’ll fall through that gap yeah so yeah that is the only kind of high level piece of advice oh hey Eli dog said iliving coughing back boys boys with no blade and china flaps

I can’t even did I spell privilege wrong I don’t misspell this wrong I’m trying to crap clap now I spot me wrong prove prove a Ledge are we above no we’re not above xqc to be fair Moxie is mad here they’re tied for first oh god I’ve got time now like to just

Kind of get yourself to a bit of space but yeah pretty much like anything if you can try it if you see some that you just you know want to eat like should we just eat Tyler down a level just to send a message so there is

Two levels okay yeah yeah but you wanna yell you’re not lying how fast oil breaks yeah just kind of finding an area defend it somebody’s already died so every time you hear a ding that somebody else has died so that’s good news for you oh I just fell [ __ ] yeah just try

Just try and hold that level just avoid the gaps avoid people being aggro that kind of vibe and every time there’s a ding that’s good you got a point dude I’m watching some Oh drugs not oh I’m dead oh I’m Lucky’s look he just feels like a Texan yeah people people tend to

Know they’ll do that to you they will hey well they will let that happen oh I just took xqc down let’s go nice I know a lot of people just survive in their lifestyle oh nice story oh boy yeah I do not want to fighting you yeah

Yeah you’ve won God your life in good range right now yeah I’m just holding my ground that nobody wants to smoke not from a guy like me not on a day like today that’s a Moxie in the far corner yeah he’s I thought I didn’t want to like

Clash with him it’s annoying because a lot of people just kind of like literally just camp the coffins yeah and no one really wants to send for him I’m gonna defend this little region here to make some guys there’s like eight people up top ones coming up to you got nice

Play how do you that’s nest Oreos well just a heads up that yeah so there’s like one guy techno blades camping like a corner beneath you oh yeah you know good Intel I’ll push you push you push you push behind you to your left good cause you’re telling me none of those here

Now you’re getting so balls throwing away something that would make sense how is this guy still up uh you hit him but he’s still up I’m just yeah I’m just gonna hold honestly at this point yeah I really want to get Dolan’s hiding on the one side uh when

He got these sparkles on top yeah I’m just trying to like yeah Patek nose still in that corner yeah I’m just trying to tease him so I’m trying to do here nice good plays okay he’s returning fire now as one might expect it’s such a

Point in the game but I just put like a big dent in his light little island CaptainSparklez is held up by like not much it’s a good cool it was pretty far from you I was Dolan just floating what’s going on is Dolan glitched yeah I think he’s yeah all right someone’s like

Trying to break him out I’ll know what the hell’s going on I need to I’m smart here I think you’re the only one I’m talking yeah so I guess now just oh you’re gonna hit dice okay you’re good yeah heck no still watching from yeah he owns

Me down and out of this mmm well not like we don’t not like this techno moving off his corner to be opposite side a little bit keys techno boobs office corner to a very secure area okay I just kind of want these guys to fight each other they only

See guys more incentive for them to fight yeah that’s like they’re fighting each other they’re all like I’m the same hemisphere the map right now all right whispers coming back a little bit towards you no still staying far away and and moxie still staying far away juicy courage

JD shoutcast go on now I’m weightless you’re on the right he’s fighting Chris Moxie and techno fight each other you’re good right now you’re good no no no whispers time and just caught me with a good one but it’s right Table five is still really good points yeah we’ll take

That was like that we’ll take that just what I thought like no one was he just 90-degree snapped me put me into the one block that I didn’t want to go into sorry you it’s a t5 t5 no it’s not that was yeah I should I should have

Practiced on it with them – I should have crashed attack no more from the start because then I could have played aggro at the end it’s one be one yeah you really need critic no but come on you’d do it for a hundred grand you know you would you know you would yeah

[Applause] oh let’s go that’s so good man okay I’m informed that wisp is a Minecraft Legend and not to be not to be master it starts now by the way go where go oh I just already guard it’s one thing you can do tactical right now is make loads of holt in that

Level below while there’s no one there and then when people from above fall down there’s a good chance they’ll fall all the way through and die and get eliminated before you it’s a little strategy if you feel up to it but don’t do it if like you feel like you’re under

Threat or anything just some Intel intelligence some nice until for you my friend what just someone just fell behind me and knocked me down Wow something like all from the top floor yeah in the back that’s there’s no a Mario it was a story oh I think I

Nearly just went the whole way out or who was it maybe I was Moxie was Moxie yeah marks here’s a minecraft god tier flowers again I wouldn’t dude I’m so bad at this point this is like if the thing is like this requires so much minecraft dexterity and also like so much rng

You’ve got 40 players here try a little every person uptime still is like yeah soup like is yeah wait so did you fall down yeah I’m down a level but I’m really look for you to try to get a call out yeah I appreciate that

Yeah it’s a lot of times is just nothing you can do cuz you never know which of the 10 other players is gonna snowball you will fall down behind you yep it’s it’s very hard to consistently place on this and like and the thing is like people watching will always see what

That one thing you did wrong and call you out for it but in reality like every five seconds in this game there’s a moment that could make or break a few well you and you and your god your dodge ten of those and then the eleventh one

Will get you and it looks like I’ll you made one mistake or you didn’t have awareness of one thing it’s a very melty honestly I would love to see it I would love to see it I would indeed love to see it bear with me one second

Thank you mark too low for becoming a new member on the channel appreciate you very much thank you AC productions with the $5 each i said i love courage daddy he could be everyone’s daddy Thank You Marlo with the 20 years I said hey big love the content lately also other side

Minutes after your great work also will there be ever be a season 2 of the Seidman show has a lot of fun watching that even though it was scripted not as currently stands we’re honestly back top to the wall just trying to do assignment Sunday every week two more sidemen

Videos real life videos in a gaming video every week for those channels but you know next year or the year after there’s no reason if we couldn’t find the right company to work with that we wouldn’t do like some sort of show or you know well produced piece ooh

Techno getting drop marks is so good at this I give him mad props but yeah thank you for the soup man appreciate you Thank You Thomas for the five areas said how did the blonde die ice-fishing she was hit by the Zamboni did you think you

Could run from the jokes oh no I think I’m dumb because I don’t get that one oh I pronounce amber I don’t know what Zamboni is all I don’t know bad anyway appreciate you guys and team approach one 500 score right now but we do love

To see see how each other down dude marks you so yeah moxie yeah he is his as as the kids would say he’s goated he’s goated on the blocks he really is right now wanted to get like three people yeah all right there’s some players on here who are just mad

Impressive you know Jeannot who was insane on here you know aqua who won 91 for tonight duos yeah yeah yeah he came in here last week and destroyed everyone really and it was like come on bro you got the fortnight do I was praised for why you couldn’t take on my grandmother prize

Pool their money on the line for this yeah yeah I think it’s it’s I think it’s 5 G’s or 10 G’s for the winning theme I’m not actually oh yeah it buried in the tier but year there is but it’s only like top one I mean usually I just kind

Of play for the banters and horse I just love playing like mini games with that it’s like so cool to see people’s inside different like YouTube communities just battling it out Oh we’ll just knock me out you all the layout already yeah I go

I’m not all the way up try and try and calm up that floor if you can holy jesus a lot of people dying right now so bad at this problem so bad just really stop leave me my arms up top it’s not nothing to ever do chris is up top

Super is up top still yeah right now everyone on top is kind of far away from you yeah uh you do have a good amount of holes below you though yeah okay that’s a good that’s a good job side I love you bro but he got a backbone he’s got a PC

Out of pretty secure corners yeah you know honestly I’m happy for him just to say okay nest Oreo is like a big concern for me and the lack of floor below me think me I think we’re real kind of like rooting out a little bit here so I

Should look – yeah there’s a look like he’s looking a lot down low right now yeah I just need to I’m trying to make sure TAC now and Moxie died here but it’s like precarious gang so I got to be aware of my surroundings as well that

Corner to your right has been freed up a little bit now yeah there’s not much there’s not much ice below I can now I take this actually I dig this spot I could go and take the island Brooke has no idea I’m here you know honestly I’m

My swagger Souls you you know I’m just playing passive hey I need to fight anyone yeah the story is still just sad up top far away okay I think it’s just you two up top right now there’s only four players left the story across from

You Oh Brooke I didn’t think she knew I was done I didn’t think she knew I was there so I was just like taking my time I mean again that’s another top five so like that’s like yeah if I win like why have I come like yeah

Oh Oh Brooke just got knocked yeah that was that was that was good good price Anna that’s it AJ all right I mean that was still still decent that’s better than I usually perform once please to be honest usually I’m nice so bad usually I’m like

Top 15 so all right I say are we holding holding the line come on I see it let’s go boys yo yo mind first up we need to take we need to take techno and ninja down we can do it we can do this 50 points so what’s uh

What’s the next game I don’t know what it’s gonna say it is sky wars on now oh no this is just it’s not good games I’m not good that so it’s Hunger Games but you’re everyone starts on little floating sky islands like these it’s savage and like some of the people in

Here are played like like between like one in like 4000 matches of sky wars like this minigame so they are like you you like they’re just unrivaled at it so think so how do we how do we do this like so what there is is behind each of

These big islands there’s like another like eight mini little islands and each team starts on those islands they’re like eight blocks apart and basically its last person standing and you’ll have chests with like blocks and like bows and arrows and snowboards and stuff but honestly this is not my area of

Expertise I’m pretty pretty cheeps at this minigame but we’ll give our best shot so we can do here and it’s the goal to like kill people like normal or like knock them off they do the same thing if you get knocked off you die okay yeah all right five points per kill two

Points for surviving a team elimination loci tempted to play very very passive and just get elimination points because there’s a lot of dominant teams here so we almost like kind of like and to put it in for night sounds we just tell on our like on our island until it’s safe

To move you only move and just kind of cuz I feel like a lot of the big like I feel that I can see like nest Oreo and whisp Jerome and Mitch ninja and techno QC x QC and Moxie they’re all really dominant players on here so they’re

Gonna be hunting for kills yeah now like if you have that many teams hunting for each other at something like a twelve percent chance that each of their teams will run into each other off the start and if they take each other out and we out survive them we get an extra two

Points so you know um for the small break all right Oh God so I’ll let you get that chest on the top and I’ll go down below and get some more chests so we’ve got a team to our left Wilbur scoot and okay so you salute up

Get what you can from there chain know better than gold right I got a gold armor yeah yeah that’s a chainmail helmet for you down below okay and a chainmail chest plate I’ll bring them up bring them up hold them hold fire here I got you Oh watch out that we’ve been

Rust already try knock them off go from nice you good yeah yeah let’s go sit there we go we just killed it watch out guys tonight I’m gonna build some forever for all but no arrows let’s just take stock of our loot here for set sick

I have I have an iron sword farming some coal nice nice I got a chainmail helmet yeah just throw it on I got full armor so I’m chilling let me calm down see what you need I got some chainmail boots for you and a chainmail chest plates you

Can put those on those are better than what you have I’m full chainmail everything just about iron ore yep there’s one yeah I’m gonna make an iron sword and then we can go a little aggro and goal and see ya with that okay sick kill dr.

Rozran oh I have hours yeah do you wanna be on the boat yeah yeah okay cool I’m gonna make an iron sword and then we should go and kill Josh and Ethan they’re two islands to our right actually coming over I think so let’s get ready to send Who am I looking at

Right now I can’t tell what name is owed circa yeah bear with me one second just make him I hit him once see if you can knock him off I’m just gonna make an iron sword you bet with me a sec yeah you know actually I’m gonna end a per

Lap them if I think I can although actually getting chased right now by Mitch Beijing Canadian storing snowballs over there and I love that yeah you should probably try it and like save those snowballs when you can knock people off and because that’s like a guaranteed kill with like one snowball

Should I be using the brown water build with yeah you can do so mitch is looking like he wants to get aggro here across he’s on the other side of so I’m like just building us like safely you can put like it unlike extend out the floors

Just be careful when you’re on the edge one arrow could be the end of your life yeah could be paying many respects alright so we’re getting ready to jump on this island with Ethan and Josh and kill him get ready what do our Bayesian UC Bayesian then yeah we’ll fight him after

Them yeah alright you I’ll get this even closer just so you’re ready all right ready to go just jump in all right wait hold up let’s keep an eye on Mitch it’s keeping on Mitch that lets not let in per se in here did he already kill them

All right got Josh oh he’s dead now made should probably pushing no he’s right there you’ve got maybe got arrows in your bow hit him once okay you keep hitting again yeah you look yeah yeah go try and get one more here I’m out of

Arrows a meta Marisa Marisa okay I got a plan go you don’t honestly honestly it’s fine I got us an extra ten points I’m I got knocked off as functions of slowness an invisibility potion uh chest plate we got four kills then I’m dead but you’re good you’re good

Oh you died yeah he knocked me off jiya skills that was very little in it but honestly we’ve got four kills which is like 20 points which is really good and you’re getting our survival points so actually there’s don’t mean to rush you but their zones

Moving now so I want you to push towards middle if you can so just block build over everyone and serious dad so just slowly just build yourself a bridge over towards middle just shift your way and just go yeah just get yourself over the barrier yeah

You make sure the barrier doesn’t get to you pretty much and you can you can shift to the edge of the block you’re on yeah yeah and go like that just keep going just keep going towards middle because that power is gonna be on you just just keep keep moving it and you’ll

Just trying out survival points I’m gonna try and coach mode from the sky so when you get to this island you can write the hyun that’s a path to the middle so follow this island through to this little tower thing and what I think you should do I think you should get to

These towers and you should go up how do I go I don’t even go we’ll check those chests actually check those chests yeah see if you can chanting coke poison – you want to be looking for diamond gear and ender pearls because they like if you fall off you can teleport back on

You can move around yeah if one per all right now nice to make sure that’s in your hotbar in case you get knocked off yep the gun on my helper nice nice and I say here diamond I fight diamond okay there’s crafting table in the middle you can make a diamond sword on

That crafting table that I don’t have any sticks oh you can make it with wood to wood planks on top of each other there you go why is the only meatball myself I’m keeping eye out for you done madam drop the diamond suitor and such a full inventory yeah I would say

Taking a moment just to throw out yeah things you don’t need to like any like bad armor like any like yeah gold chain stuff and he likes iron all wooden or stone tools I would throw out be yaksa break up my best advice to you here is

Just to play to be Last Man Standing I’m still moving so I’ve been yeah yeah yes look very slowly you can move to like the trees moving very slowly I mean yeah I would just say move very slowly and just I would my advice would be to try

And avoid conflict here yeah somebody just fell down there you watch out dude what I’m getting combo so hard yeah I’m an invis potion that’s really smart actually he was hiding somewhere around there with an invis potion yeah yeah I was like getting juggled in the air that was crazy that’s yeah

That’s what I said about the condo thing all right looks like techno ninja really strong here maxi’s nice immerser look at simon Brooke isn’t that gold isn’t that gold right really I can ik so we get like fourth place or fifth place fifth place probably I’m so there’s the

Playground to this but we did really well then we’ll probably like the fourth or fifth highest scoring team in that round all right so essentially taking like storm damage right now yeah yeah that’s the surprise the four night players are keeping high ground but in Minecraft hiker I’m not always lit yeah

Damn this is annoying like if ninja and techno didn’t do amazing here we would have like a shot – like really catchy man but let’s just hope I get an unlucky one – yeah yeah yeah techno blade never dies as they say dude check the blade is insane he like yeah

Nothing but respect for having skills that good resets now we do another round but still we got four kills that round which is 20 points which is big and you got a lot of survival points so at least we at least you’re not like Josh don’t

Give us tips please okay here we go anyone hear us say Samara TD to the license off to our list okay yeah we can go for smaran TJ off the RIP oh that oh no it’s TG I think I Parsons over there – okay you know iron pick a son of a sword

Though yeah neither do I I’m gonna make a stone sword right now I might end up all over 2tg in tomorrow’s island to try and kill him just BM but hey if I know it’s cold over let’s build over here you ready wanna grab some wood here here get

Ready to come with me wait let’s make a sword really quick yeah nice dress all right all right we can get some kills here when you’re ever you’re ready this should be OK for us all I got to smelt the iron oh just make a stone sword if you can because we

We’re ready for the kills now okay okay oh no no I got sniped off I’m sorry I’m sorry no no babe every time this guy I didn’t have the ender pearl in a good enough hotbox lot for me oh boy that’s my back there good I do apologize you

Could potentially let me get to you yeah all right you fell you have you got your gear made you could potentially still go and kill TG and Samarra dad yeah I got I got the bridge made yeah you should probably wait for their like unawares it looks like the other team actually super

Travis is looking to push them so you could 3p this yeah you could three pillars for sure oh yeah just go get more loop also works to be fur or now might be the time to push there look look there’s gonna be a fight at the other end

Yeah you might want to 3p that yeah if once they actually start fighting that would be my advice is it a bull right yeah as soon as they start sword flying I think you get in on that for some limbs yeah go go go go go or you can

Even just get Travis I don’t think it’s easier you can sprint jump over yeah you can get Travis you can get again oh lucky I’m laughs Kay and laughs let him do that why don’t let him do that that was so bad and I so get it so good hey we got

We your points you got five points from that right I should say current score like 13 or something on the right my current score is 23 off sick okay yeah now you got you’ve got you’ve got points for that that’s fine that was a that was a rough

Start laughs so close to just so close to polling so I hadn’t ender pearl but I left it in my number 8 slot so when I got knocked off I can reach the number 80 by to press it it was it feels bad all right who else is still up see what

See what Chan was doing Chandler and Chris of team every week all righty missed week yeah who’s still alive let me see got a whole bunch people well it is so challenging trying to like I’ve never played and yeah no yeah you trying to learn thank you for

Being a great teammate cuz I apologize if I’m sandbagging a little bit but trust me I’m learning and we’ll definitely be better lot you’re doing sick it’s almost never played before light you’re you’re starring how I like where we’re in 4th or like at you know

We were in third yeah as a team of with someone who’s never played minecraft Monday before that’s sick just gonna keep grinding this is like I think there’s like my sixth or seventh PvP fight I’ve ever had honestly yeah fighting syndicate is like the only thing I’ve ever done

We had one 7 minute long fight oh my goodness oh my goodness had john fly with a lava bucket small red way he’s been cooked what does that mean like you how do you had to get cooked fire I think Oh Ethan with the clutch epal doubt anything you to play zombies Oh

What happened that was sick they just they were like in a sword fight and the one backed off and just took out the bow and quick swapped and kill them Jay’s a little combos awesome roof my boy bags right now bears in the business all

Is going in oh my god oh my god he tried to jump in the bucket I saw you jump with a lava bucket I was like oh my god he’s insane and you’re just in the know I saw that – I saw that – did you know the water bucket oh you don’t

Honestly I didn’t I didn’t like skywars helico yeah I don’t have tips I don’t have tips for you just like it’s tougher I get cooked in joining Johnson’s team colleges Gail’s just shouting at each other Oh attack now actually deaded GG all right this is all game game three the other three will

Just ruin barbecue here we go here we go here we go the other game tried to use to warm up game so I don’t even think the school is counting on it I don’t even know easy easy dub I’m like so notorious for getting sniped off at the start like I’m

I feel pretty good at it to be honest it’s like my you know unique skill set of course I honestly uh we got Katie James tomorrow to the left speedy inside to the right okay I’m gonna I’m gonna get ready so try and get like a stone sword if you don’t get one

In the chest made instantly and we’re gonna quick rush to Marin teen you before people get goes up so bear with me assert here I spawn in with wood nice there’s a gold leggings and a helmet in this chest for you okay I’m gonna start building the thing now so just get your

Weapon ready yeah are you ready to push I mean I might just go now go ahead go ahead oh I’m thinking a stone sword it’s choking on the main stage a little bit to be won but I’m feeling okay about it I got both cool which on Jesus hey I’m

Really trying to figure out how to make a stone sword dude yeah I got loads of gear I’m coming back with it now okay all right so I’m gonna give you some things we’re gonna get sandy here okay so you’re gonna take this ender pearl you’re gonna tie it up for nice Tremaine

Take that okay take the chain I’m gonna put it on get your weapon ready and we’re about to go to war ready to go that’s a bow if you ever need it yep I have one under you okay yeah we’re gonna end a pile into speedy inside and kill

Him here you see him at MIT or do have a go for ninja and now let’s go okay mmm I was about to end a pal to mid to go for a speedy inside do you want to go for ninja on the far right there that’s ninja should we just die from siphoned

Down hold up I hit nice I got him again I’m going for him he’s nearly gone Tiger Tech no I’m I’m so by the end of it nice nice we just killed our competitors sick place yep sick sick place good job on the follow with the

Ender pearl I didn’t even call that all right I tell you I play for survival again that was sick we just took our competitors techno react so quick he started building towards me as I through the end of our for a ninja yeah but that

Was sick I love that for us I would say maybe start working your way towards mid and looting up that way but yeah that was a good place I want this bucket of milk please you might have a bit of iron gear on you as well wait someone’s here

Yeah I don’t know low ground is opium minecraft by the way if you killed one right click their head to get this girl click click his head ah okay uh if you’ve had at all if when they die their head like gives like a health boost as I siphon kind of

But it’s fine honestly another kill that’s sick how many kills you got I got seven overall I’ve three yeah ten kills like that’s solid absolutely solid dang it dude nice it’s fine could have killed them both give them too many hits who the hell are

Building up to the sky out there I say oh that’s an interesting strategy who is that who are these maniacs Jerome it so what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna build up above where they can get hit by arrows and then they’re gonna build over above the middle it’s

Like he’s like a sky base in fortnight but they can’t she’s down the bottom to break it what am i watching I wish sky bases could become a competitive matter for tonight team Eames did you have a in the in the program this year did you see the sky base

I built yeah over over towards frosting you know where that sky base side that sky base started down by I’ve got what the town’s called their little snow town happy him what yeah it started by happy Hamlet I go all the way over all the way

Over and I was like I was like I’ve been building this for five minutes the main cast is surely he’s surely gonna watch it and then all you see is nicko 30 shooting me now they dropping a lot of office yeah that’s pretty pretty toxic but pretty mad dude what imagine if this

Gets a kill what’s gonna do land at the top middle tree yeah yeah I mean it’s easy to like block with blocks but if they don’t see it coming and it just points him in the head could be judged could be Jay I wouldn’t kill these guys would never get killed

But yeah you know I just realized we’re above Nast Oreo and wisp on the leaderboard right now yeah they are like nest Oreo is supposedly the best like ultra hardcore pvp minecraft player in the whole game and wisp is apparently also like a minecraft.exe pvp legend

He’s going it’s no one we got me a minecraft casual we’ve got you play minecraft Monday a minecraft PvP for the first time and probably not after this minigame but at this exact moment we’re above him on the board and I love that for us this love is slowly coming

Although imagine if like it gets a final circle hot lava girls wipes if it was the whole thing to look at how far this like wait I think they’re doing multiple streams they like they’re sending it in different areas and what that’s gonna do is it’s going to start connecting and

It’s gonna make like a big lava man what am i watching leave minecraft that hella hella insane game no they don’t macht he’s building up into it oh no he sees it he sees ya imagine he just build he just building up and he just jumped into

The lava no way he’s still building it we’re kind of building into it now he’s letting it go past this going past they should actually block it so it spreads out more oh my goodness actually see the trouble he’s in trouble yeah his whole load was crumbling around him he just

Said see ya oh you have to do is form agree all you have to do is be able to reef in the lava will never get you but what’s it doing down below no I mean it’s not it’s not it’s not as epic as weed out yeah it’s still crazy that even

Got this far that is pretty nurse they just keep dropping more and more streams of it down oh my god the thing is when I get down can they get down like from up there I don’t think they have one oh so here we love what happens from here I think how does

Someone die he fills his pushin fills his push him I think he’s gonna die here to mock see you next cue if he pulls it off like sick place to him well looking for him this is so funny in spectators like cat and mouse oh yeah he’s gone you don’t all they put

Me in the lava ha ha ha no wait oh my he’s alive – HP – HP but it’s the Laughing again alright sorry no I was gonna fit into HP ah bills still alive oh no it’s okay buddy wait where’s fear it’s down below oh my goodness there’s

No levels of Phibes order who’ve we got in there story oh and wisp down here oh no I don’t want them to do well because they overtake us on score I think I do you interested realistically we should root for XQ and Moxie here cuz they’re like clearly first place they’re not

Really competitive ours dude how is anyone gonna die [Laughter] Someone the Enderdragon yes yes yes yes they need to summon the Enderdragon that is the greatest way to end this so they’re gonna my gustafson faster game minecraft this best game oh my god there’s like four of them oh my god minecraft his best game what is going on

My god they’re all going to the top they’re going for the highest players cuz that’s what they do I think or do they not maybe not oh my god it’s too much to watch right now dragons there’s too much to watch right now oh I think

They’re in the trouble at the top and what’s in the top I think no they’ve got water down there on 20 health but they’re gonna get surely they get destroyed here the and the dragons are a growed on them at the top surely they get taken down

Oh he’s coming back oh my goodness oh let’s take one at Winterland and the dragon attacks from below that’s thing they’re going down but if they get hit on the way down that’s bad news for them they make it a cobble monster down below to Rome’s dad if your own makes it down

This water stream what is all those explosions I don’t know mace Ridge or knockdowns Mitch got knocked down he’s dead he died is that with us oh my goodness yeah this is the end of the world oh my goodness nest Oreo and whispers still alive wait

And xqc and Moxie they’re still alive I can’t believe what I’m witnessing the larva in the air oh my eye dude I can’t even tell where the other enemies are that’s how you’ve noticed yeah the green will is we’re actually seeing multi art and the tree is wearing

That’s for real yeah I can just stroll through all the builds yeah but it’s not really killing them the whole tomash I feel oh they’re dropping down are they dropping down this is not dude the withers are fighting the inner dragon yeah this is a gang of wooden boxes

Chase me up oh oh wait wait wait sound somebody I think speedy inside were hiding underneath the middle island and they just died they were hiding in the bottom of the islands they just died excuse Ian marks Easter working their way down yeah they’re trying to get down

The other dragons literally dying to the withers go dragons oh-oh-oh don’t creepers responding I think oh my god oh my god How are they alive I think mob block destruction is off oh wait they’re fighting they’re fighting yep but yeah they’re gonna die oh no max he’s in a good spot I’m marching but he’s really good spot there they can’t actually hit back because of the water oh my goodness

Moxie oh my goodness they’re so low actually oh my goodness oh my goodness Moxie got with Moxie Archie got this unreal I don’t understand how marks he got this GG that was under Moxie just qv1 their story oh and wisp that’s unreal with all the withers and everything okay um just a warning

We may have dipped a little bit but you know what chillin numero five are ya necessary on website okay because they got hella points there we’ll take that though we’ll take that we will tell you that we’re only a couple points behind mentioned your own who sees them right

Now if this what’s the next game parkour race oh this is tough I think this is oh my god these are your race so yeah you have super speed and the way it works is you like sprint and there’s gaps in between the blocks below you beat you’re sprinting so fast you like

Glide over the gap you only have to jump for big gaps and it’s like a little like Rainbow Road sky parkour of course I am a parkour guard though I love that for you I’m gonna pop to the all right your boy is back oh just in

Time so my main piece of advice for this would be like when you get to that level two three four checkpoint two three four onwards take your time a little bit like do it jump by jump if you need to to this one where this gaps right here we

Can long you can just you can just like when it’s a one gap you can just run over it when it’s more than one just jump oh I can’t leave little one that’s alright let’s go so you just have to like get through the course and get checkpoints

And the icon or lever arm to be so I’ll get back into my flow it’s not gonna be good this is honestly super tough so go with you I can’t do checkpoint one which is unreal for me but yeah I’ll get the hang of it I’m overthinking actually

These are not as far as I’m thinking they are okay no I got this in the bag yeah honestly just to like a little bit of quiet time of focus is probably the worst of ideas alright I’m almost in my flow form oops you know I’m doing this one jump at a

Time and I’m so good just rages are very acceptable as well as you know sometimes on the issues need to vent a little bit I have to say I am like oh I did I guess I got the first one down I’m a beast that’s gold rather fourth one oh my god

Yeah there’s some Daphna legends of the scene here somehow techno blades beat a little five Jesus y’all be good yeah just kind of take your time with it just all right all right I’m starting to get into like my flower eventually you’ll get like a rough kind of like

Flow away you can just go on go and go I hate foam the last time jump at least it wasn’t a tough level all right I know where I’m gonna get stuck every time we play this map there’s like one checkpoint things like checkpoint 12 it

Just always has me so I’m on to so so again so yeah as I said sometimes just take your time just stop if you need a bit of like you need a little light breather just kind of like reset your mind haze in these levels those gloom ah

Ah you’re gonna hear a lot of space but let me know if it’s too loud I can move my key my way smooches so muchísimo space Barry Seymour let’s go all righty boys making money moves right now Oh checkpoint tellin ya isn’t it how does this work is it like our team

Combined to score points by checkpoint pad Playa but honestly just like if you need to just like break it down slow it down just do that right everything right now I can’t even get passable to no defuse I’m at the level that I got stuck on every single time I’ve played this

Damn tournament so I feel like I’m a brick wall dude what the way through ha that is me being big mad what the game is hard I’m a dead last I think no people spaced out along you’ll be following ah it’s me and Brooke good I’m

Gonna try my best to complete this thing I just find it so hard so so hard sorry sorry I got really angry not on that it’s not like that’s like I don’t got that angry I lost control my body for a second I don’t know what came over

Me this is basically the same thing but in Minecraft yeah yes ah I just did a level I’ve never done before in my life well I’m go I’m so happy with myself I think people say it’s my f obese messing me up yeah when you have speed

It like makes your f every bigger why do I feel like that’s Frank here what I feel that was a gap in here somewhere oh my god okay no all now Oh okay dude what is hella scuffed brother I complete the whole thing huh all right that’s good that’s really good that’s

Really good I got ya one of the top five positions that I’ve never complete came over yeah yeah sorry I should’ve actually waited see if you can get another checkpoint ahead that’s my bad dude do I got to that was my worst one by far for me yet

It’s right I was top five and I get like a bonus like 50 points or something for completing it so we should still be oh yeah yeah we’re chillin fifth we’re relatively comfortable that we’ve got like a 40 point lead to chill him fifth I’m okay with it hi oh I’m number two

Overall I am out scoring moxie let’s go you’re my dad bro you two hundred thirty nine point six hundred good to be fair though now you’re actually still crashing it and like every week of this that goes on that you player you’ll get better and better you play TNT run

Surely you must have played TNT run I’ve definitely never played TNT run yeah just hop and dodge right yeah yeah and the like every block you jump on disappears yeah okay so I’m gonna need you to holler at your boy mad at nature and the talent he’s been very rude for

Not enlightening you to this culture cuz me and Matt like four years ago we used to do like TNT run videos on minecraft like twice a week he used to love it it’s ah dude he literally has told me we got to play it we just have another

Chance to like well you talked so much about all them Tempe runs lick off lit have so yeah pretty much there’s three levels down stay on the higher level that thing I told you again about like in between the blocks is pretty useful here there’s no those basically no

Pvping anyone is just survival yep and I guess another piece of advice is like sometimes late a game rather than like trying to like run around if he finds like a little area with a bunch of blocks you can just slowly jump so if you [ __ ]

I’m in the lobby right now so I’m here so imagine that like there’s like [ __ ] these five blocks in front of me why I can do is I can go one two three four five or let’s imagine okay imagine all the sand has fallen away and in front of

Me all I can see is these grammar blocks I can go one two three four five six so you don’t always is good early to go like jumping it like sprint and gunning around like this but when there’s no one near you you can kind of slow it down

And like just use the blocks that you have yeah it’s unreal that Tyler be talking like this honestly oh yeah another thing to do go on video settings go on animations and turn all of them off right now video setting up animation video settings animation turn the motor reduced on minimal do that

Right now and it’ll help release animations options video sentences are nothing that says animations like a tab in video settings I’m not sure where it is in non Optifine minecraft but try and look for like how you can turn down your horror calls yeah particles turn them

All to like minimal and that will help you massively because every time a block breaks it like creates like a fire particle but when you’ve got 40 people breaking blocks it on like your PC if you don’t have it turned all the way down so you chat came in clutch with

That one with the Intel thank you chat why are people standing in the corner I don’t know everyone gets booted to the middle when it starts and then you have 10 seconds to spread out I know maybe they’re doing some ideals I like this corner jump in this corner

Joining us cloning guys come on come on all right you know it’s an exclusive club yabbies only what do you know all the people that matter oh here we go okay good luck sir I’m sure you got this another little piece of advice if you do

Fall down a little early and you’re one of the first people on a level just sprint around on the floor without jumping in just destroy floor so people fall party all right all the FPS lag yeah yeah it’ll be your game would be a PowerPoint if you didn’t have part of

What’s decreased so at least you got that Oh Mike oh I just fell down like 17 levels cuz their e3 and if you if you’re on like a quiet level just break the floor no I just missed the other thing my fov messes me up on this Mary yeah could be the case

You’re the only one up top okay space I just chose I don’t want to talk about it I was sad though I’m fine with it I really enjoy he left dude Moxie is insane bro I should have had that so easily I don’t know what happens me you

Let us down there Vic I really I really really messed that up there I had some clutches before my clutch Oh Mia ran out of fuel you ever have that you know just like some days I wake up and there’s more in the clutch Oh Mia

Some days I was a little less dude this fool doesn’t know how to lose honestly I’m like Loki happy for him because he’s been so close to winning so many weeks like so many weeks yeah I got respect for the boy he also has to carry xqc on

A weekly basis that you know probably deserve some compensation that’s a tough job right there his eardrums are probably somewhat damaged send it Annie oh okay I have fallen all the way but I’m just gonna make a mess of this level so stole a key kind of look I just felt so badly

That’s so good you end up on the very bottom that will just help me out by like just eroding as much of it as you can I just died okay I just saw josh’s Little Nemo are in the skin of my eyes George Foreman yeah a lot of people

Falling dying here people falling people dying let’s get broke and you hear them crying it moves good moves good moves I got mad hops what do you mean good move Moxie soft here right here I’m staring clear of him because he’s gonna eat my blocks for breakfast you know there’s a good

Amount of block still available in the back left by fits okay yep yeah nice reset that’s good Fitz is going away from you yeah I think blocks on that far side yet you’re gonna have to take all this as slow as possible then probably go maybe middle next is that room this

Point you don’t really have much escape five players left for three that’s one block further than you could ever jump what was that that’s right III oh no no mock she was with me okay I didn’t know it was just me in him I would have contested him that’s fine though again

Second and third so I’ve got big points I’ll take that I’ll take that one guy and those who your warm-up rounds jack this is where I see you exactly stamping stamping those blocks at the end with me dude we have 255 total score I’m sixteen for this game we have nine hundred

Overall knife at overall team score mesquite it I live it how we get it I get it how I live it I felt okay no no that was unfortunate I just landed at a bad time dude you were still up that yeah murder at the top for why I saw that holy jesus

Sometimes it’s actually not the best place to be sometimes you actually want to be on the bottom level light on the edges like Fitz consistent player right here always finds his niche look at him mm-hmm hopping around this is just just happen yeah I was that’s actually a big

Issue being too close to the middle it doesn’t matter how many levels you are up you know to be fair actually just it was just bad timing with him it’s just completely cutting my path wasn’t a lot of good day well excuse he’s gonna run on a box here

Soon oh yeah GG tom is so close to god they’re so close because oh man yeah dude I slept so much more more to go okay I think we should still be secured v yeah I’m we’re even closer to now story on West with contention to the

Future and we’re still safe were safe from six as well uh-huh no marks he took my leaderboard one shot okay this is one in the chamber from card but with those so yeah I so base and Mamadou missive to wait three seconds yeah which isn’t that long in

The grand scheme of things like and you get a leaper thing that lets you like it’s a little nav a little piece of lapis and if you right click it it will fling you like 30 blocks in front of you so that’s really good for like engaging

And also if you’ve like shot an arrow mists not a sitting duck you can just use your leaper to leap into the air while your arrow regions so that would be my advice like look for a group of people lunge like five six seven blocks away from

Them keep hopping around for a little bit and if you see someone draw back that bow there’s that’s good on the spot because they’re slow when they thrown that bow you draw yours back and try and ping them that’s kind of but yeah pretty much my advice would be don’t hesitate

Too much to shoot because if you do miss yeah you got three seconds to come back if you die you respawn thirty seconds later anyway so yeah my just my advice is just yeah just to just force and it just and just try and be like try and

Throw party people for the most part you try and like see where there’s a group of people or trying to hit each other and um go just outside that group and wait for one of them to try and draw back their bow and then you just ping

Them but yeah its first team to that is thirty five limbs Rufus Rufus indeed xor’s yeah we are actually killing it though we’re like dude you’re crushing man thank you for the hard carry bro I mean I’m trying to hang it but this has been a crazy

Experience I can only go up from here anyways up on ones where I can just use my brain we dominated on the freakin picture one like let me 500 IQ all these people in here alright got the reflexes you know this one momentum it I just

Want them to be fired I’ve been a god bow user for free easy yeah do your thing we aim is to crack a thousand score in this minigame only legend this break a thousand score on my graph Monday O’Neill and we’re about to smash that bro easiest alright let’s get it all

Right I won nice save okay yeah I got to go another twice all I got hit okay I’m getting spawn key yeah yeah sometimes you have to lunge straight out of spawn to stop getting spawn count yeah would be my advice Brooke nice ah okay you need to find where these kills up I’m having a tough one but you’ll start chanting kills shortly oh no okay I kill for kills phone noise ah ah hey when you just line up one person just slapped in the back stuck in water all that’s killed here

Like I’m stuck in freakin water man how I’m sorry I was talking about my how I missed apparently a point-blank shot I need this I can’t see anyone right now what the hell’s going on Scott I look for the dude what was that bro dude oh the kill is coming yeah yeah

Most definitely come and go one nice gone for the longest shot my life didn’t make it nice oh no how’d I miss Josh sir dosa buddy got me all right I got revenge on Brooke it’s fine we even now Jason ninja enjoy that bread ah nice shot nice nice nice

All right you don’t real good here as well I respect oh my god I just got killed from 40 feet right there I hate to get a nice little straight care what was there Chad how did that bowl shop miss how much you mind mom sometimes a

Ping can be too weird one noise don’t give me that kill I’m like I’m my fps is gonna [ __ ] it be like that we don’t okay though no this is truly a game of focus just boosted hard with Sims had I’m gonna get I’m here no I’m fine Sam

Go for broke instead nice nice GG that’s unreal you’re kidding me unreal I feel like we did we did okay there we think okay they must blame us another real mad streak it’s a lot of irons you in that one I see we still okay which the state was

Still yeah and we’re still comfortably there we’re holding we’re holding we’re holding this this t5 placement yeah that was that was there all right so one more I know Garrett yeah I just need a decent game here no worries a decent game we hold down t54 carriages first minecraft

Monday now that is something that needs to happen that needs to happen not a fan of the one-shot game over that needs to get scrapped all rework it’s quite significantly I’m not entirely sure how maybe like team versus team team deathmatch style the free throws a bit

Yeah third party central just to be fair one good hunger game could seal the deal for fourth even we got really I don’t know this map very well but we’ll see what you can do I’m not I’m loving yeah as well as if I’m like top three on the

Leaderboard for Minecraft Monday’s I’m gas with that like that’s my post right back little thing alright this is this we’re gonna get a big game here and we’re gonna we’re gonna steal fourth place that’s that’s the vision that I have alright games just one game right yep one and done go

We had our warmup we got a couple oh yes laughs I’m not able to put my game in fullscreen because of some boat some bug with this thing I don’t know man I plan window to anyway it doesn’t really make much difference on minecraft yeah I’m not very optimized

There’s a freaking ship in the air what the hell okay some type of idea we’re gonna turn and run wait where are you you’re above them above you yeah you want to run towards that like big building up there gonna go across the little bridge you see where that is okay

We’re just gonna go back and left towards that bridge and then we’re gonna cut it right should be able to follow my lead we’re gonna go across this river then laughs and I crossed a little bridge so here follow me we’re going this way okay I’m far from you right now sorry I

Was looking the wrong bridge no worries do you still have like eyes on the way I’m going I’m watching you yeah all right that’s another door here okay I got myself a chest somebody a very basic boot all right call you with me nice if you follow me this round here and you

Get to see right now okay I got some loop okay that’s an act for you helmet for me okay I don’t really know the lyrics but follow me and we’ll go this way oh yeah I don’t really know many chests i ones right off to her right yeah I

Think we should have a bit of time on this grace period okay let’s keep you on this way need to get some armor for us okay got a little bit of scuffed armor I come join you in a sec oh my goodness I nearly found a lava trap sick didn’t

Caught got the city chest over here I’m going to yep I’ll catch up to you yeah this is gonna be a good loot spot I’ve got some arm a few if you hold there a second yeah there you go there you go and there you go that’s better than the oh you’ve got

A stone suit so I’m just gonna park all into here she jumped on the chest and then jump in here okay I have the stuff to make a diamond sword which would be super nice but I want to get a bit more armor before we go looking for that yep

I can’t move there we go just out here okay some more loot here there might be loot inside this diamond building to my left if you want to check there come on yeah I’m leaving this I got an ender pearl for you as well which I’ll give you to be back any doggy

Situations I got iron Chester bonus nice and then iron sword perfect I caught the in fact yeah I mean I’ll take it I just let me sweet I got a sugary soup yeah put that your hotbar it’ll heal on you and feed and speed U and here are you okay all right

I say we go back to mid and I try make this diamond sword when I got to put a helmet on I think oh sorry now we need to get you on okay oh my god I have a got I have a gold one nice I’m gonna

Have a look up here for chest may as well come on yes all nice I got some good loot here I got a chain helmet for you I can come and give you when I get out there some boobs or someone ender pearl at me coming I get inside do you

Want me to on me to understand that and comment got one nice I got you I got you he’s not getting anywhere nah you have cyclic let’s go over good play job okay try and get yourself some boots out of that yep it should be some actually it’s leather cap better than gold

No no iron or chain is best there you go nice okay are we still good I have to county here’s gold boots to iron we can we can make you some iron beams well we do need a bow now I got one let’s go on it craft a diamond sword let’s go good

Follow my lead we don’t get this okay let’s go yeah sick sick plays there it was almost like almost unintentionally that was like a baked I think they saw you know like let’s go haul this girl and then I got back in time so narrowly okay thing

That’s annoying is like if you know these maps really well you’ll know whether it’s graphing here well it isn’t it mid cuz mid is a dangerous place but yeah with a bit of luck it’ll be empty I can make like a sharp miss diamond sword from my seals

Here you have to parkour to get over that wall oh okay or we’ve got whispered mid I don’t want risk it for me I don’t think we can do that he’s like a chest up top over here yeah probably I can reach it to try and find a crafting table

Let me check these buildings yeah I’m trying to think I know roughly if let’s go down this road we’ve got to look for a building that looks like a kind of like a workshop I got a bottle of enchanting Steel’s I could for anything

You can use it to set people on fire if you want take the cake okay don’t try and find a crafting table on the way in fact let’s let’s do one more glance at made you never know it might be uncontested I just don’t want to fight until we’re all kind of most

Strong see there’s anyone holding mid or people hunting for kills you need an iron sword no I’m good chests have been refilled they still doubt yeah we can’t conduit I don’t want to contest and they got the iron and diamond swords now we got to find our own alright follow me this way

I think this way I’m right we got to recheck the chest right yeah I mean yeah no yeah we should actually good cool gotta check this one I mean I guess we could go through that same area again yes iron sword for me yeah let’s go

Through that same area then we can play for survival points for now yep I would love to know I’m supposed to check in this right room yeah nice I got an apple nice if we can catch a cough that we can make golden apples iron helm nice yeah I just need iron

Legs order shrieking oh we got people if you wanna go for a kill I’ll never see you never mind I wouldn’t go up there to the board it’s gonna come into that okay I just got to chess I suggest your guy hit that hit those no chain legs that’s an upgrade pack you

And Marx you’re poppin off right now I have an iron helmet let’s put it on nice okay need to get your iron boots but there is a chest up top this thing I okay how on the truck nice oh how do I get to that I think we wait I got eyes

On a team that’s bless pushing let’s go four kills here there on the right here you see this I’m gonna pre a Golden Apple gonna go in here yeah they’re in this building so yeah this could be good with me or was it Travis and I’m blown the heck out of them

Okay go for Travers I’m gonna put yeah yeah pearl and chase Carson week yeah and I’m on to Travis you can get Carson right he’s at a corner nice right click that head for a bonus here good jobs sick plays if you find iron lags likes

Here no wait if you got iron boots in your inventory I don’t know I don’t know it’s in over here that’s the only chain mail I think okay my my boots no okay we could crawl up today was so bad we might have to try and contesse me the gang so

I can make two diamond sword which we need right now I get ready to listen here power-ups what am I looking at I’ll be careful be careful okay be careful when you’re coming out but don’t press ok oh you’re good you’re good nearly final hour chop you get there Foley mmm

Alright let’s go and try get to MIT it’s alright I can make us two diamond swords and enchant them with sharpness I just need some time mid like just some time to go after an inch an but everyone’s gonna be there right now see what we can do our way for

You trying to eat I oh no stress oh we got people coming our way mmm could be worth going for a kill on sidearms as much as I love the guy you see where I’m going he’s kind of split right now yeah I’m out of arrows

Okay so yeah he’s in the water yeah yeah I’ll keep him though yeah nice hit him watch out for the TNT’s can try and put it down oh this is this is this is this is not what you do to friends but this is these not having fun right now watch

For the teammate I’m getting hit in the back company one company yeah I’m chilling right now it’s a piece of 12:10 I’m almost dead wow he’s really good I just got the diamond sword yeah I need to kill side here I can so no oh oh no

Whispers whispers in the water now – he’s chasing I’m just gonna stay alive here side I I’m just gonna heal up right now all right whispers uh in the water far side you can keep running that way side come on blogs in trying to spam you sidearms coming for blood guess the plan

I opened the chest oh my god Oh yo I opened the chest as I was flint and stealing eyes yeah I love that no we were we were the last duo alive oh no four players four teams that was some fall I didn’t think wisp would push that

Side with the clap though I went for the flint and steel and I opened the chest how could that happen I think I think we should hold our position here though I think we share Oh Josh’s ass well they’re right yeah yeah solid we got two double kills sir it’s

Big all right let’s go Josh oh no Josh are they took falling down he’s down Josh would have had him on the rope is dude whispers slowing up yeah with obviously it’s so nice to push him now while he’s his typical gamer in sidearms and wisp wisp is going to literally put

Holes in these poor boys unless they work together gee artisanal tuna yeah by my left side if side touches this I’m gonna I’m the most happy oh let’s go sighs let’s go let’s go sighs let’s go side are we got the balance in now sure that’s gone any pvp’s like a

Boy I’ve got to get to I will go for it come on side come on side jerem to the culture go for the TNT now TNT now he’s got a duck GG close bro so close we did it we smashed a thousand school though let’s go let’s go

Oh that was so fun yeah I come on Shirley this place yes Polly stably comfortably t5 take top five you are officially a top 5 minecraft player watching xqc Gigi top 5 minecraft player like world absolutely iconic like that’s huge not clickbait that’s my youtube title oh my goodness my youtube title

Wow that was so well run that was like what two and a half hours boom boom that’s that’s a perfect amount of time dude yeah I was super super sick you are outscored Ethan as well there is on the right-hand side you know you outscored Samara Dolan TG Chandler Chris Ethan and

Quality but ninja outscored me Oh ninja yeah but you know I want to run us back together again though yeah we should definitely definitely get like like I know that’s that’s that’s stressful for you and your very good teammate for me but I’m gonna be way better next time

Now that I know the yeah you can practice all these games as well we’ll put you in a training camp good I wanna get read on my dad my dad texted saying that was crazy my craft Monday is fun oh yeah it’s so good it’s so good and we’ve

Had she was like doing these minigames a lot over but there’s so many more cool minigames that we can do hopefully I can get them coated soon sir it was a pleasure playing I don’t know if it’ll be next week because I made a team up

With I’ve got like a couple people that I said I would team up with but down the road definitely aren’t a team again and come back looking forward of getting more points than you oh yeah dad I’d love to say alright you just wait you just wait and see

So we fair there’s a ton of like really like sick minecraft players that you could team up with that would like like mean that like me and whoever I’m with and you have like a little little bit of friendly contest oh oh you already know that was actually wild –

Well Gigi’s brother yeah likewise I’ll catch you around hard carry any timepiece bear please and there we go that is it for Minecraft Monday week 12 number three overall which again I’m so so happy with above the likes of some minecraft legends right here absolutely

Love to see my boy side you at lad t10 Pyrrhus I love that I love that Fame you know actually yeah no I love that for him that’s sick good times all around hopefully you guys enjoyed week 1000 tomorrow that’s sick alright well we’re gonna wrap it up

There for the day I’ve been officially recording videos since midday today I was recording videos from midday till midnight now almost midnight so it has been 11 a half hours of a solid ground for me now how to minecraft server is dormant right now – nobody’s on and I am

Ready for bed my goodness it’s been an exhausting day lots of cool videos coming out on the sidemen channel down the line make sure you subscribe to that content is not suitable for younger audiences or PG and then we got how to minecraft as usual tomorrow potentially

Cosmic sky if I get time I also have to record a bunch of stuff with the side man you know side craft all that jazz it’s a very hectic life stuff and I had a blast playing with Jack he did add you really well considering like that was

His first week ever and he came like 20 second that’s like you pretty sick I’m once again half of my performance I’ll see you guys all on the next Minecraft Monday subscribe turn on notifications you don’t miss the stream we got a 5 year of Sue perch at from marked low he

Says GG brother appreciate that very much we got Zach tripled the fire pan he said too bad there’s no hates to em today but from all of us thanks for your grind every day we appreciate it look forward some assassinating tomorrow or tell us

What I do on a bit I want to do a bit of casual building a assassination nation is on Jian Thank You Thomas Park with the five you said I got any pair of gloves today but they’re both left’s which on the one hand is

Great but on the other is just not right it’s a good one it’s a good joke that Thank You Liam Molly with the bipod said hi Vick what advice would you give someone just getting into general minecraft world for learning and advanced stuff thanks what is YouTube tutorials and maybe watching YouTube

Let’s play to get a really good idea of the basics and then what’s YouTube tutorials to like learn the more complex stuff that’ll be my face or play with someone that really knows their stuff and get them to teach you that’s probably the best way Thank You Justin

Eyes vogel for the five year who said how many Mexicans attend to change your light bulb just Quan walls and once again thank you mark law for becoming a member joining the member squad thank you all for tuning in I’ll see you all tomorrow for h6 and stay awesome and

Good night and if you’re looking forward to watch watch yesterday’s hitch exam well cosmic sky from ESA they’re both out on the channel free to you to watch bye

This video, titled ‘$10,000 MINECRAFT Monday Tournament w/ COURAGEJD (Week 12)’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2019-09-09 23:44:56. It has garnered 412948 views and 7146 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:01 or 9241 seconds.

A YouTuber Minecraft Tournament with minigames, winner takes all!

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

$10,000 MINECRAFT Monday Tournament w/ COURAGEJD (Week 12)