13 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief i’m valen i’m kashky and we’re currently playing a chill sunday stream of create above and beyond and for some reason i’ve got weird particles going on on my shoulder there fixed okay i’m like go away particles get out of here hello bishop shatner astro birder gen c

And rainbow t-kitty plus papa cheese thank you so much for the sub and for 19 months of support thank you very much hi to youtube um so this setup that i have up here is uh less than ideal just in case anybody had any uh thoughts because no matter what i

Pour out of here it’s rose gold is the last thing that comes out it’s like i have to keep on like pulling things out until that comes out so i’m going to have to redo that at some point but for now we’ve got a lot of rose gold nice yes which means

I can make more silky cloths if we need to or we can make some uh rather fast large mining tools if desired like excavators or hammers or vein hammers hello tall how are you hey chip hello chip punker hello nabigate hi nabi so do you have any uh did you have any

Needs for um large mining tools at the moment or shall we shall i just put that on the back burner for the moment you can put it on the back burner for the moment because i realized i did i mean i did something really stupid okay so here’s the thing right like

Out here out here here right when it’s not clogged up with like well i think we’ve run out of strain or stuff but when it’s not clogged up with watchme call it then that alco blend like flips over to here right wait wait what what’s watching me call it i’m

Sorry i’ll go blind hold on i’m i want to come see what you’re talking about where are you you’re downstairs yes okay i need to actually do i have some strains in here i do cool i’ll fix that in a minute all right so here right when the algal blend is functioning okay

It flips the algal blend over from that one to this ejector here and then this ejector here flips it up there yep and then i realized here’s where i realized i’m an idiot i was having it drop all the way back down again and then go in here and it’s like you know

End up in that room up there i don’t know where you went i just went to i’m i’m in that room oh come i i took the fun way so then it ends up like in here right yep so i’m having it flip all the way up

There so i can drop it all the way back down again and that’s fine honestly because i just used that thing to get back up here really quick and easy and it was fun it just seems like a bit of a waste okay hey it’s up to you

So i can’t decide though like we think you know just having to just convey her over here yeah something like that hello siren moons hey siren 1 39. and it’s night time already gosh and this is at this is also at 1 39. while you’re doing that

Um i’m going to do some um mining for specifically the oars that i need to make a crusher spirit oh hello we’ve got some dudes here yep dudes actually i’ve got a bow i forgot that i’m just going to shoot him with a bow hi

See you dudes it’s going to take a few shots this isn’t the best bow but oh you’re going to die from fall damage yeah get deaded you know i love and hate chill streams because we can’t grief both of you true enough oh yeah kashka’s naked ribless court

Corpses over here it’s so weird seeing your skin without the the ribs and bones that’s weird exterior bun it’s just the darkness so before i fix this i feel like i might get fixed which means that i need to maybe i could just have it flip over here

Now that’s then that’s still too high okay i need to figure out where i’d have it flip to all right down i go here in the underground not that we really try to grieve koshka you guys have once or twice maybe i don’t i don’t know if i can be

Asked to take it all apart again due to community guidelines wait this isn’t the area i was looking for it’s not the droids i’m looking for either um i was wanting to go down here and what do we need for a crusher spirit so wait what do you think you think

You think just keep it as is because the ejector’s fun yes but that’s just me because i just realized like those have all been mined already that’s boring i’ve got this whole thing here whole thing here right this whole like water wheel set up oh although i could drop that down a bit

Yeah and then i could use this water wheel setup as okay all right hang on i’ll talk myself into this okay sounds good to me because then i could use the water wheels i thought to um nice bjy thank you for the tea time also uh

The tea time earlier jency i did take a drink uh while while stream was starting up so thank you also for that i see a zombie hello example where are you going i have a change right here is this actually connected okay it is not behind so i’ve got an unnecessary chain drive

Way to go me uh i see randomian more let’s see about so touching this okay maybe not so koshka can mine it cut what randomia more i can’t mine it because i’ve got silk touch on my pick i mean i can mine it but i can’t do anything with it you know

I can’t take get up here there we go it’s so dark here it has torches oh geez you guys still get to troll me with sounds though oh my gosh this alfair grab some of this it’s not exactly what i wanted oh oh what’s that can you have it eject right onto a

Conveyor belt nicole seems like it should be a thing right uh yes i think you can okay let’s try this there we go i has the nickels oh that was crushing it falling like collapsing stone whatever i’m gonna keep saying it it’s something yeah that oh there’s the zinc i need

Let’s go there line up a bunch of this so when i was in vegas there was a really cool titanic exhibition and i got a tea blend that was said to be a similar blend they drank on the titanic i started coming to himself i believe you took a drink of tea off

Camera did i take a drink of tea off camera he did there you go true story thanks chad thanks love the the faith you have in in my ability to drink tea salted tea i can’t i can’t see anything okay there we go now i can mine those ones

Oh lol no worries i was just getting the jump on that timer all right uh you’re off to do christmas shopping all right good luck chip yes it’s a thing we did our chris well most of our christmas shopping yesterday got it and there we go okay uh some here

There we go all right i got zinc and iron what else did i need gold and copper which i think i have to go up higher to get the copper um because i’m at a pretty low y level right now and copper i think spawns pretty pretty high

But gold on the other hand oh crap it’s going the wrong way i could get some of that from the nether oh is there this one oh no oh oh i gotta there we go i feel better i should have electronically for christmas a limit of what

On how far the belts can reach um if you just found it then i’m going to say yeah sure i i believe that i mean there there is but you can just put one you know back to back and it will still keep going you just need to it’s right here link

Them a little bit that’s irritating see if i can get up here anything worth seeing i know that that’s we’ve been through there before but i’m hoping i’ll find some copper going up a little higher not really no okay you definitely oh this right here more of the iron is good to have

You should send me ducks for christmas i agree definitely send me ducks who knows please do not send ducks for christmas and uh evan wolfe thank you for the follow welcome to the mischief i think that uh like what is it three more follows and we’re at 5 000 followers on uh twitch

That’s a lot of followers that is indeed but i just got another skull that’s good i’m gonna do that and then five thousand phones that’s a lot at least i think that’s a lot that is a lot suddenly there’s like great pressure all right cool it’s a whole song about

Getting lots of birds for christmas though there is i don’t mind stores this time of year after i’m done with getting gifts once it does not feel necessary it’s not too bad uh is there anything over here stuff in both directions oh i’m heading back i don’t know

Yeah do you think that’s gonna work do you think it can catapult into that that angle might be a bit much but you you never know depending upon the angle might be a bit much because it’s got to fly up and over and then come back down into it right

Welcome raiders oh swag how you doing how you been what’s up what’s new tell us what you up to hello hello what you playing today i’m curious yeah how was your stream we’re just doing a chill uh create above and beyond stream um smart grid kashka is reworking a little bit of a

Pathing system and i am currently just trying to silk touch a bunch of ores so we can mass produce them a duck of the month club that sounds amazing i would love a duck of the month no you would yes i really would no i really would

You say that now but you really would i’m willing to to test it for science no to see if i really would like it or not that’s fine no need for that certain quartz iron okay then we don’t need all that crap so that’s better is there anything up here

This is trying to create above and beyond but gave up after falling twice into a ravine where you wanted your mind shaft to go off yeah it could be tricky it is harsh i’m like paranoid to go mining because of it oh okay so i quite like this because

Then i could have like a thing let’s do there we go switch to city skylines and start a new town called nova vegas nice sounds pretty cool nice indeed oh there’s a skelly bones let’s just kind of push him into some lava oh he’s doing it already there he goes get get lava

Okay wait is that is that diamond no that’s appetite okay that is the one thing i hate about appetite ore i said it looks so much like time that’s that’s more iron all right but well let’s get more iron while i’m here i just need gold my green

Number vegas is a great name i agree what can i i don’t think let’s close okay all right and then it looks like coal coal iron out did that guy not burn what tried the 118 update spawned on the side of a snowy mountain snowier snow almost

Killed you oh gosh yes snowy or snow yeah that stuff’s dangerous you gotta have like leather outfits or something in order to um jesus not get in order to not get uh frozen to death now sounds like i think the ideal outfit now is like an elytra chest plate uh was it leather

Trousers golden boots and was another right hat or something i don’t know thank you what are you doing over here buddy there’s more iron um you sunk in it and had to plow your way out to dirt like the minecraft the developers are like having a look at vintage story to be honest

I’m gonna work on a new mod pack although that was tough as nails as well it wasn’t tough as nails you had to keep keep warm nice swag good luck with that mod pack making is no joke all right so that all right let’s see if that doesn’t work this is luminous uh

I mean i’ll grab it but and then that’s just coal and more iron and as much as i love finding the iron oh i need copper and gold okay target selected oh actually zinc isn’t that bad no now we got more zinc too there we go

Okay koshka always has a need for zinc don’t you sure see do i know kashkar what or what okay got it what duck of the month club what is this [Laughter] at last a different kind of duck club a club that promises you the best and the very lightest ducks at the fraction

Of the high street prices [Laughter] from the best-selling buff orpington wait i thought befingtons were hens a miniature apple yard to the classic khaki campbell and welsh harlequin of course from the lavish east indian drake and apricot ranger to the spicy blue swedish and chocolate runner you’re

Sure to find what you’re looking for in britain’s largest duck club amazing [Laughter] hey if i’m gold yes okay so then i just need to go up higher and find copper spicy spicy indie spicy ducks i’m all about the spicy ducks spicy duck sauce no [Laughter]

That will land there though what do you mean no i mean no can i put all right i have a question if i put a dirt block right here is that going to stop stuff on the conveyor belt i don’t know we’ll find out that worked okay let’s get a few more

Pieces of obsidian while i’m here all right i need some smoothies whoa hello i can totally hear sean connery sings pisces they can’t do a very good show neither can i’m very good at impersonations overall actually i’m a bit [ __ ] I okay do something about this random rope that’s just through the middle here also i wish this trader would get lost there’s there’s ways of making him get lost oh i know i knew you could piggyback him into the position you would like that position it’s actually not that bad for me to

Mind that obsidian up that quickly that was that was really nice all right so i need to get the heck up and out of here there’s not much left on this yeah let’s make up some of this which i kind of don’t want it there i want it probably here i think so

Eh that was close sometime goes here [Laughter] turn broken stone venture mining all right uh i feel like i just put that stone down now just dug it back up again maybe you did maybe you did um i think i don’t remember where i entered in let’s look at the map

Map now that map’s not helpful um back this way to the mines i just my level of my 11 this way you’re going the wrong way no i think i’m going the right way oh i just found more gold perfect go that way okay all right so that’s there

That right there that right there so then lava goes there and got it oh that reminds me of the blend will get cooked up there uh i wonder why you gotta be like that okay so let’s put this here and then take that off so i don’t accidentally replace the lava i’m deciding

Yeah there is a second season that we’re checking me out in seven days not that i’m counting down seven days also the new season of expanse started as well the last season of expense Sad yep does this actually oh no i need some lava uh do we have any lava uh i just tanked up a bunch just now and i’m on my way back oh yeah not all the way back though because i need copper so it’ll be a few minutes

Before i get up there oh sorry don’t there’s none there there’s so you can take some from the smell tree if you want there’s at least the buckets worth in there looks like there’s two buckets worth in there cool thank you yeah the witcher which is just fun cheesy stuff hi dev joy

What you doing hello dev we are right oops i’m going the wrong way where’s my glass did you use to pull my glass maybe all right copper let’s go make some more glass this stuff this stuff why level 40 to 85. all right yeah so i gotta get i gotta get up upstairs

Lickety-split i bribed for valen to get him to say yes to ducks because oh my god that’s that link though that link though oh little t a t club t can i have to try a little harder [Laughter] did you ever finish horizon dawn no i’m i’m i’m like level i don’t know

I’m a really high level and i’ve just been taking my time with it and i haven’t played it in like a couple weeks and then i think before that i hadn’t played it in like three weeks or something we just really haven’t had as much time um

All right i’m at 73 i don’t need to be this high if i go downstairs there’s some tunnelly bits looking stop violent from around the world it’s what t’s from around the world yup sure is uh so if i this is too low now okay so i definitely need to be upstairs

Looking for the coppers nothing was bigger than it seemed you’re a tease that’s what so i am oh sorry so to answer your question i’m trying to automate the underside alloy trying to finish that up i found more stellar arc oh and i didn’t die from the explosion well done

I don’t know what balance up i’m trying to find copper oh it’s mining balance got no time to tea oh you’re right jensey thank you here let me back up so i can have some tea thank you you tried i appreciate the try nobody i feel like ducks will happen duck happens

That does happen sometimes you just can’t stop the duck no you can stop the duck no i don’t think you can no you can stop the duck just trust me on that duck stopping it’s a thing oh okay oh break in the box hey get back here you hi bt studios so

You’re with the create devs and you’re looking to get feedback on create above and beyond and the new 117 to 118 update uh well we have not done the 117 to 118 update but we are on version 1.2 of create above and beyond we did add in cci because we’re twitch streamers and

We like doing that to interact with the audience um but other and i think i added like some a couple visual uh mods in to the pack as well but that’s all just client-side stuff added wall jump yeah wall jump is the only the only requirement that i think

Needs to be in there especially for climbing around all the stuff that you make but the wall jumps required in all mod packs um but yeah it’s it’s been a lot of fun i’ve really been enjoying it a lot um it’s not everybody’s cup of tea though some people are like you know

Not finding it to fit their play style but the majority of people i’m i’m understanding do really like it a lot it would be even better if tinker’s construct was was updated to the more recent version that has more stuff in it hello zombie hello skelly i agree don’t worry

But i mean it that’s trivial very trivial oh shoot that’s gonna hurt i need to eat first um so and i need to i need to understand well i’m just actually kind of just following right this quest driven pack and this is kind of where i’m at right

Here i’ll get cookie so i really want to finish up chapter one yup um so yeah put that in there there we go so algae cooker and so this is the bit that i need to do next i’m pretty much done with that ouch so i need another mixer

Do you though i do i really do oh power one bow i think i will keep that and ditch this other one that’s junky piece of junk bow all right i’m at 43. it’s feasible i could find copper down at this level but unlikely

I feel i need to go a bit higher 40 to what is it 80 40 to 85. so she like i’m trying to think about to put at the end here let’s go good okay so if that cooks that 65 then i need a mixer somewhere like over here

And then i need to take the andesite cobble from here and and the alcohol bricks from here we’ve had more we’ve had people for asking for us to remove the broken stuff i don’t think you should remove it i like it i don’t mind the fact that you can actually see it now

I i feel is appropriate but a lot of people are really going to complain about it i don’t mind i know i find it exciting yeah i like the the little bit of danger that it adds personally i feel that it i when i first experienced it and

Everything it was like oh my gosh and then it made it mining really much more interesting but it wasn’t really interesting as much as i feel like it’s discouraging you from just going and mining all the time instead you’re like oh i really don’t want to go mining because i could fall

Through broken stone into lava or something so then it encourages you to come up with alternate ways of mining that does not involve doing it manually and i like that at least that’s what i feel it was intended for so and we do like we do a thing that we call adventure mining

Well i mean we like adventure mining so if there’s if there is some element of adventure in the mining then that is so much better i would be disappointed if it was removed to be honest um okay so This is this is that all right nemo um where is it i’m trying to figure out i need to get also have people ask for the 117 back port mod what hold on a second mining can be exciting i never really played single player survival and since

I don’t really have any friends that i could ask to play with me but i’m thinking of starting with a modpack we also have had people ask for the 117 backport mod how do you feel about that um i mean i go either way i don’t see a problem

With it the fact that it adds it changes the world gen is going to mess up a lot of people’s existing worlds so when they get into new chunks it’ll make things a bit different looking but otherwise i could see why because everybody really wants to do the whole like uh

You know one everybody wants to play on 118 now because it looks really really cool but i could go either way how about you koshka do you have a preference for the it just adds in a bunch of 117 like block-like features what do you think um i don’t think i

Have enough information to form an opinion fair enough copper yes that’s what i was looking for i can now make a crusher spirit and then we can make a better crusher spirit yeah i mean this is my first time really playing with create so i don’t know it well enough to to have

An opinion on it what i’m trying to figure out right now is i really don’t want to use a drawer here you love the exposed copper look i really do like the exposed copper like when it that’s nice i just like the little details like that um

I don’t want to use a drawer as a filter or as a block if that makes sense i still think that mo yang just directly copied sami poopy’s idea that wouldn’t be the first time that kind of crap’s happening it’s true enough i mean yeah anyway i’m not bitter about it or anything

I think it’s like flattering because you’re not semi right although i don’t know maybe sami isn’t better either you’re looking for rex valen has a lot of videos on different packs over the on the youtube it’s not a lot i would say not yet i mean

But i i do have uh pac prospects video series which is a there’s a playlist of it and that has um a few mod packs with like reviews what to expect and such that hopefully will give people an idea before they get too invested into a mod pack all right upwards upwards transportation

Of a thing what’s the best way to accomplish that uh that depends you want entertainment you want efficient um or do you want a combo a combo okay fans blowing upwards and you can use shoots underneath or underneath the chute and it will blow up the chute otherwise you could

Just use a fan straight up and it will blow upwards or can blow upwards but how do i stop get i could kill you that’s going quite fast how do you stop what there we go um oh that’s a whole bunch of zing shoot sometimes instead of shoots unlocked right

Well maybe i do maybe i do put a drawer there i know can i we got the idea from other mods can i use an andesite funnel on the other side of a drawer i can right i can put an andesite funnel on the other side

Of a drawer with an out thingy on it an out thingy and it will 100 spit things out um should i found those really helpful sometimes don’t want to install yet another pack just to find out it’s not for me right i plan on doing one for this pack in fact uh uh

Pack prospect for create above and beyond let’s go get a draw i guess not my favorite oh god oh god see wall jump it makes it it makes the breaking stone survivable assuming that you have it assigned to the space bar instead of sneak like the default is i

Hate that it’s attached to sneak um let’s get rid of that that’s that’s there we go more copper do i have another fan okay i don’t think i do i have some shoes so you’re saying like [Laughter] um okay that took care of that how did i get

Down here there it is there’s that thing that’s mechanical press that was a i need another mixer and i need a basin big distraction let’s make the basin the best and don’t look where did i put that don’t throw the baby out with the present okay

That would be bad uh i see dirt i wonder if i could just mine my way out from here why 61. maybe i can icy grass yes there we go i’m out though maybe i just used another ejector we’ve all said people asked for and i

Could fling it up into the basin would that work probably it’s really helpful it shoots some fans instead of shooting something i was telling popper she’s good uh i think i can show her off on the screen don’t judge her scrubby bed i don’t think it no it’s not working

Because i had shut those off for um our bad needs of washington for this stuff i don’t have access to something she’s doing a snooze she is yeah but she’s pretty good she needs her teeth cleaned which is the bad news for her yeah i’m happy about that i don’t need the food

Dude come here come here i gotta give you a chop and i’m kind of having mixed feelings about it actually like part of me thinks that um and she’s 13 so is she too old for the teeth cleaning i’m not sure got him oh that was a lot of good stuff let’s

Open this i don’t have to worry about it put some stone in there maybe we should just leave her teeth be those i think she does have a sore tooth on one side so that’s not good either yeah it’s difficult hello tink kidder how you doing doing all right

How are things with you about to fling myself into the sky so we shall see how that fares found a duck for valen i see clipboard in the title rubber ducky nurse with clipboard come on finish loading place really that’s pretty you’re getting a little desperate there sir i think that’s amazing

The enderman did explode because i’ve got my the orphan maker makes entities explode with with loot oh um that was poorly aimed okay so we have the use the drawer as a filter spit it out onto the ejector that spits it up into the basin i need to make a mixer

They’re not too bad i mean i made the one wait i’ve also made one yes what kind of comics are between us we’ve made two it’s all like five is that a death point that is an old death point let’s get rid of that don’t have any in here delete please yes okay

I didn’t need to but i hate making those endosite thingies yeah what inside thingies um what are they called wing panda site machines oh well you could always automate that i know that’s the next that’s the last thing for um you can make with the clipboard uh just photoshop a clipboard in there

Okay that’s the last thing for chapter one oh okay automating these little [ __ ] and while i’m a subbie friend you can call me tink like tink i am a kid or wing it’s a form of pixie and much like in subby’s chat i’m here to spread love

Luck and pixie dust to you and your chat amazing think hello and welcome thank you for for for the pixie dust of love and welcomeness let’s see some of this i think i’ve got too much crap in my inventory is it the alfix calling what’s the avr circle isn’t it

Hold on a second here uh pressure maybe i circle yep okay oh my god and there’s even more crap in here thank you hints on and hello how are you glass okay let’s put that in there and then we’ll put these in here because i don’t quite need these yet

Kashka was that your first time hearing that song we heard earlier today what the 16 ton song yep no okay it’s just been a long-term time since i thought about it that’s all fair enough uh let’s see is it this so i need the ejector player oh i’ve got it my

Inventory right here book of booker binding folia all right and there’s nothing else i need no all right i need one of those let’s try it purple particles it’s working gosh oh my gosh okay i gotta get a hopper while that’s doing its thing so we can push uh

Marker wreck red uh into the hopper while he crushes the stuff how about these ducks we have us i get it from that link i get a sorry we couldn’t find this page so no those ducks those ducks are not acceptable because they’re not actually ducks actually seeing how chad tries

Their hardest to kill vale oh i also have these and that to go in there what is the ritual you’re doing with the oars uh i am currently making a crusher spirit which will do double oars but more importantly it will crush obsidian into dust which then i can use to make purple

Uh chalk then once i use like once i have the purple chalk i can make gins to make quarries that’s what i’m on the path of and then also we can use that purple chalk to make uh refined storage like storage systems uh a storage system like that

It’s an assortment of about 100 different rubber ducks oh my god what’s good [Laughter] all right uh i needed a chest hopper is it the smithing tape oh i need to make the thing oh okay i need to make this thing the whisk the whisk i almost forgot to make the whisk

There we go we’ve got a little demon oh jag slammer check slapper tank slammer you are my butt uh let’s see if we can put you in a in a spot here uh maybe this will work here there we go i like that we can put you in this little spot

If i’d remembered to bring my my uh backpack i would have used that but instead i’m just going to kind of escort you over here plus get in there there we go now if i if i click on you without those sneak click i give you this make me the obsidian plus

I hear the crunching he’s doing a crunch it’s very slow jag slammerer is is the slow crunch maybe i should use a chain drive here instead i also might put this above you to stop things from getting to you jack slammer except for paper zombus but that should still work

I can i can picture it now he’s like got his little his little minecraft hands and he’s like he’s just like and then after a while he’s just like trying to crush it with his little his little demon muscles maybe he’s really buff powdered obsidian we has it

We need two of those jag slipper plus jag slammer that obsidian harder that thing looks adorable i know right cute demons also duck clipboards if ellen needs a new clipboard no if he’s just chewing it he could be oh oh there we go window oh i has the

Stuff oh oh wait i need the end stone oh time to go get the end stone or do i have it i know has it uh end stone there it is okay dude i need i need you to crush the ends no no no no no you love the name jag slammer

Can i flip this with a wrench switch it out dude thank you very much no stop it probably we’re just about to do that when weren’t you there we go is that okay yeah that’s going the right way oh so much better okay so you could just throw this stuff on

The ground and he’ll pick it up but obviously if he’s standing on a hopper um it’s just gonna go into the hopper instead so i’m just sneak clicking to put it in his inventory he can only hold one thing at a time and if you just throw a whole

Bunch of stuff with how slow he is it’ll just despawn before he gets to most of it so unless you have something that’s constantly cycling like picking stuff up and dropping it ain’t gonna happen oh that’s there do i have the old chalk the basin will need to be right

There oh crap i need some old chalk so three other world ashes three burnt other stone crap um well it just needs to be smelted okay and the other world ashes is otherworld wood tossed in there i swear we’ve got some upstairs maybe while he’s smashing that stuff and go get it

You say i try he’s doing a try oh [ __ ] i need another i don’t see any in here haramp indeed i don’t i don’t have the stuffs that i need kashka i can’t put it on the box put one on the box i can’t put it and why why

Boxes are not put on a ball what ah fan stop it all right let’s put all this stuff in here is it just that i was in the space it was okay take out those i really hate this actually no i hate her cramp that is putting this up here this up here

Is there anything else that looks obsidian with iron appetite’s going up there too because that’s crystal like why not we can take that out put that back down here much better crushed lead and so on okay so so so i’m i’m gonna need to i’m gonna need to uh

Yeah do the the hallucinatings we don’t have a lot of oh no we do have a lot of demon stream fruit okay never mind oh hey dude oh almost missed it there we go isn’t there some sort of shop in this pack you can buy things from there is gen c

It’s in the quest menus but also uh you need to have like the tradestation here you need to make a lot of different like profession stuffs for one version of buying it and then uh this is like selling but then there’s also ways of buying things in the uh

In the quest menus i think in the market in here yi okay there we go all right that’s that um i need saplings regular oaks all right oh and i’ll need bone meal um where did my fan go there it is i don’t know where did your fan go like that okay

That’s a bit better now i can put the drawer here some in there all right let me put it there looks like a bit of spoon who eh hey look at that okay and then that there we go oh crap this won’t work when i got some white guy bonus put another

Another what Oh flip around there we go and do laundry switch time okay enjoy your lurk um right i need to toss samplings slaplings in here unstable otherworld slapping here then i need to grow it then i needs to eats the fruit and then it needs to chop there we go

That wasn’t that bad actually uh do this all right this is so i think i need and then the same again maybe what we do then oh yep i just kind of had an idea about how to get things into the basin an epiphany somewhat also i got to say your base looks

Awesome has some sort of ruin style and i love those thanks i mean we pretty much took over a ruined village area and have started like restoring some parts of it and cleaning up others like we made this like ancient wrenched or i made this ancient wrenched staircase kashka has made every other

Automated creation going right now i hate the way that that windmill looks actually though well i mean you only just finished it we were a fan of it we’re having some spiffy it up but she’s got like um this little auto algae farm going on over kelp farm and then it comes down

And there’s like a processing center in there and then it shoots things out and comes up here flings things up to make the alga blend currently we’ve got a little bit of a tip don’t try and read rpg rules and watch your mom’s stream it’s really difficult

We’ve got uh rubber um automation up there for the most part but yeah we’re still still developing it and i like expanding out into the ruins a little at a time our idea is just like connect different areas and such thanks swag yeah being on top of a mountain

Sometimes being at the bottom is cool just to look up the landscape but i don’t know we’ve got like this uh weird green sky up here so i need to burn this excuse me uh to make the chalk oh i need to reburn it in the i need to repurify it okay

It’s gonna design a create powered pumpkin farm that sounds good i’m a fan all right so i just need to move it i need to move it like three blocks yeah uh so i’ve got underside and a drawer here and i just need to move it like three blocks

And is that is the best way i convey about that’s debatable yeah i kind of feel like conveyor belts can go diagonals and hello mew how you doing yeah it’s going diagonals at the moment coming up the hill here maybe instead of going into the drawer maybe i should just stretch the diagonal

Out of them is there is can the diagonal be on different angles what does it always have to be always 45’s always 45 okay that doesn’t work you can have them go straight up but it’s usually then just used to power things uh not transport items if that makes sense yeah it does

Oh shoot the rest of those down they are down there all right i need one more fan yay kashka excuse me you said you needed one more face oh god damn it look like a seeker got her got her where did i just put the trees they’re theirs doesn’t nope there there

Oh there it is okay okay that didn’t work does it have to be a blast furnace oh gosh i’m such a [ __ ] okay i just discovered that i didn’t need that okay so let’s just toss these into here where is that going that should be enough oh i think that’s

Okay nevermind i know what that’s called all right shot over here okay but it’s doing well enough sometimes i just lose track of like what’s powering what oops all right so these and oh that’s right it wasn’t those that i was looking for it’s this the burnt other stone oh

That’s what i needed to cook jeez jeez i could never get back one maybe okay that stick in there too just get rid of it every once in a while i’m building in a stronghold like map uh in creative which is pretty big already and i’m really proud of it don’t

Know why but i just love such ruined builds in minecraft yeah i agree they can get they can be really pretty mm-hmm two more and i’ll make two of those one oh shoot he’s probably done over there i need to give him some more ore something all right right jag slammer

Take take this and crush it crush it real good thank you he’s doing a munch munching crunch hello mobius how are you let’s take these and this and make two impure white chalk then we do this one and i don’t have enough did i have any more in there did i only

Have the two yes i did shiny hi everyone hope you are all doing well hello shai and thank you so much for the 28 months of support wow hello how are you doing what are you up to shy your kittens are so cute yeah they are oh my god little beans redonk major

Let’s take this off there and oops one thing this pentacles heavier circle is not the one i want it was uh Freak out was it hedon’s lure nope oh straight gears higher binding that’s the one yes binding jinns yes okay no no i don’t know likey in pure white chalk purple chocolates needs to be purify it come here there the how are you doing question is better left unanswered for now and not doing

Much other than waiting fair enough we are familiar with that have you played through a modpack called limitless if so did you use ae2 at all no and no um i am familiar with the modpack though at least a little bit i’ve considered playing it several times

But it never made it to the top of my list uh let’s keep this in here with the other chalk i’ll put that over there oh no crap that was no can i use a wrench to flip that i can’t nope god damn it how you doing jack slammer oh okay

You’re a gem you’re a gem dude thank you so much all right let’s take this okay this is we’ll see if that works i don’t know if that’s gonna work then an injector there and an ejector there flinging both things into here fling all the things oh yeah fling things can be long

Get your fling on kashka yeah i mean we had to wait how long did we have to wait to find out if we were gonna be able to live at our craft or take on our craft there was a year right yes and then we had to wait another

12 months to get planning permission another year yeah and then we had another three months for the building warrant approval so that’s 27 months yep and just and contractors need like you know several months in advance to do stuff as well so we’ve got our first contractor coming in

January right january oh my gosh to start working on the roof that’s crazy all right so my flingling to there just just fling together okay there’s that oh crap except i just realized i don’t have to like absolutely those shenanigans because i can’t power an ejector except from at the side right

Like right here probably i don’t know how accurate that is oh [ __ ] what the what oh i got spider head there we go got spider head we could oh did i just put that on i did because my helmet’s broken i’m sorry that’s just terrifying like this

See if she notices for me the hospital said you’ll get your surgery this year we’re due to plop and poor planning on their side the first general appointment with the surgeon on the 20th which means you won’t get your surgery this year yeah it’s got to be super disappointing

I’m sure it’ll be close though you know like early on i would hope at least um the spider it’s spider veil hey i’ve got the grappling hook so it works Right this was gonna go in here i think that’s it for there like that i’m going to put another one for getting something right now look around so can i use this a gear box right there can i use copper with a crusher spirit like that two copper dust

Okay and here it yields one of those and that equals three copper nuggets i mean when we first started out on the croft um on the trying to get approval from the crafting commission they said it would take three to six months down 12. yeah

It sucked and all we could do was sit here and wait like and we’re in this place like where if we didn’t get approval for the craft it’s not exactly a place where we’d want to stay so we’re living in somewhere where it’s like you know yeah

It wouldn’t be a choice of where we would live if we weren’t trying to get the crowd right yeah sitting and waiting is the worst i agree anyway sorry i interrupted your lurk enjoy your lurk have a good lurk shy spooder villain with his butt rope flinger that’s right i didn’t even i

Forgot about the butt rope oh my gosh i gotta mention that again about the background i don’t know it was such a good thing all right um so if it drops out the side there let’s put this and this in here for now i need to get um

I need to get another ejector do you then another andesite funnel do you genie oh crap i need to need another book uh forget about butt rope i don’t know i was wondering the same thing i feel do you feel but rope um do i feel pot rope no i do

Not feel it um what was the other thing i needed an ejector and sure an endocyte funnel that was the other thing and oh god damn it i freaking hate these other side machines absolutely my least favorite thing well time to automate them then then you don’t have

To worry about it hello this is what i’m working on all right book a quill uh plus these plus this makes book of gin Why do you have a spider head on what help me [Laughter] oh i can help you all right mm-hmm yeah can i definitely help you yeah mm-hmm wait computer crap what do you think with what were you gonna do with that bucket of lava nothing at all why did i hear it

Being placed right behind me i was just thinking about carrots yeah carrots would help you right i can’t get out of here maybe i won’t pull that lever next time you fall down need bit of rhino [Laughter] jerk [Laughter] all right let’s take this put it in here okay so mule myriarch wow and this one would be mad crazer oh that sounds pretty good actually mr vala may i ask you for advice i’m trying to make a pack and failing ask her why a tink yeah we’ll

We’ll try to help where we can no guarantees though just go for it all right leggy isn’t it i think crap i already forgot the other thing and the sight funnel that was the other thing camera camera excuse me acrylorate chris creo salmard camera reared we’re getting reared okay

I got the gin valen it was just a matter of time because i picked the beard gin that’s why yes bread drink drink i will drink to that thank you mobius can be used to summon the gin valley how do you what do you do oh it’s dumb cutting okay

Okay so short story is i own a mohist server um i don’t know what that means is that your your host and i’m trying to make a pack that is under four gig to use but all the things i want makes my lag is there a way to compress it some and

Make it run smoother there are often a lot of uh well first i don’t know what version you’re on um but forge plus paper server i can’t say i’m familiar with paper either can grant himself three wishes now it’s 116.5 okay there are a lot of mods

Out there that can help you know like uh if you look up fps on curseforge or in some mods uh on a something like that that can help um for some people for some people not not all uh using optifine can actually help them paper os plug-in okay yeah plugins i am not

Not uh talented with plugins but you could also just do some testing to figure out which mod or mods is causing the biggest issue and then either adjust it or oh that’s not maybe even remove it depending upon how big of an impact it’ll have because often it’s just a few mods that

Does that that will have that kind of thing but i don’t know how big your mod pack is either quick red all right so let’s check that that’s bit cramped let’s check on our lad here oh okay let’s take these two out for now all right jag

How’s it going thank you for the for the powdered obsidian i’m sorry but that’s about all i need you for wow he was so rude well that the crushed ends don’t but yeah anyway oh crap i’m all out of chain drives no are you broke is that what you’re saying

I guess we’re just gonna do it the janky way all right infused pickaxe that’s always good soul gems those are fun familiar rings those are fun dimensional matrix those are good let’s start with that blocks of quartz all right let’s go grab a box a blocks of quartz lasai lasai

Oh i just need to make one more chain drive to who thirty and then three bucks of course i can hook that up with a couple of these uh plus an ender coil it’s a five or more change right there that will work what is the recipe for oops

I don’t think that there’s anything more to that one please let it not involve underside machines i have opti in the files oh well i mean i have fire and ice botanica nature’s aura farmer’s delight and all this the the extras and create two of the extras plus like 80 more small ones

Um i think i know where your problems are coming from fire and ice yeah that’s true fahrenheit as a chalk yeah any of uh uh alex’s uh mods add a ton of entities with a ton of ai behaviors so you could do a lot of tweaking uh of that and that might help

Or if you’re not really that like have to have it you could cut it right out um if you wanted to still have dragons in there there’s at least two other good dragon mods one of them is uh worm roofs which is w-y-r-m uh roost and the other one oh shoot

That it was in um that generic be mod pack the uncle jenny’s pack remember the dragons we had in there yeah i just can’t remember what it is i can’t remember what mod that is for those ones that’s a good one as well you could even have both of them in there

And that would still be cool because then you’d have like some lower tier mods having a lot of no actually they don’t spam that much no no they’re they’re they’re pretty pretty easy going when you compare it to um ice and fire i have two of them the fire and

Ice and alex’s mobs oh my god okay those two cut one that’s alex’s mobs is is just as heavy as fire and ice if not heavier because it they had so many mob entities in there um you might be able to get away with like untamed wilds if you wanted to have

Some interesting creatures um you could also probably try uh exotic birds that that’s actually lighter weight than it seems because they don’t have complex ai uh you know behaviors yeah both them together are less than fire and ice well i would say um oh crap did i say that i would say fire

And ice and uh what is it alex’s mobs are both about equally as heavy you have exotic birds okay yeah you heard it folks product mod wrecks from valencia hey it’s in the magical mischief tour i’m not saying this is guaranteed to to fix things for you but

I would imagine it would probably help when you’re making a pack that is that heavy and you need it to be lighter weight those two mods are going to be a chunk of any kind of problems just and i don’t mean to to disrespect those the the mod

Dev great mods they’re great mods but yeah but they’re just heavy yep lots of ai routines hello how you doing tundra hey dantra whoop capslock that’s cool man dimensional matrix you need to make that in stringier’s higher binding oh yeah oh yeah straight years higher binding we’re putting this in here

And then we’re using the other gin book bag thingy where where’d i put it pretty good how’s everyone doing pretty good today we were at the craft and we installed a flu on a little lock burner i let go of the mouse and stuff and i really like it it looks good and

It was really scary because we had to cut a hole in the roof and it’s like a rubber membrane roof it was like oh god yeah cutting a hole in the roof nothing like spending so much time and effort putting down like a roof and then having to cut a hole in it

Um is that greenish aura around your skin this uh nothing there’s nothing there i don’t know what you’re talking about devdre yeah it’s it’s richard yeah he’s the ravager herder for sure it’s like a dangerous title my sympathy is still waiting for a break in the rain to have our roof redone

Well it turned out it looks to worked pretty good in the end we were just really scared it’s scary i mean i suppose we won’t know till really good rain but i feel pretty good you got you got it dandruff 100 all right so what’s the other thing we

Need to make besides the matrix i forgot what i was coming up here for storage accessories oh that’s gonna need oh i’m gonna need feathers i need to kill chimpkin i need i need the chimpkin feathers i forgot what i needed oh there’s so many dead critters over

Here i need to breathe the chimpkin before i can do this because there aren’t as many as oh i need to make another encased fan i’m ready good job chimpkins all right all of you get sorted beldre hey how goes uh nomanski with trying to get yourself

The uh oh shoot the mass effect ship the the oh god why am i coming up with nostromo it’s not nostromo yes the normandy thank you how goes your efforts with that did you succeed and welcome raiders you did i really wanted to see it too i

Was i was checking out your stream but i was like oh she’s not there yet instead he kept on getting like target locked by enemies well done congratulations and welcome raiders we’re currently playing a chill stream today of create above and beyond let’s grab this and see if we can lure that cow

Over here are you running late for a d game okay enjoy your game we’ll see you later i love some d thanks again for bringing me bringing your folks over here yeah thank you felder and hello mountain papa how are you hi i’m on papa time to make a chicken

Farm i got a chicken farm uh it’s down below but i need feathers specifically and oh no the chickens are all dead well that’s all right i got i got like this may have been the holy hand grenades yeah probably the the penguin somehow survived able to help her finish

I’ll help her skip a couple of steps so she could finish it be only 20 minutes late yes wishing you a good dice mojo indeed i agree gentsy best of luck may the rng gods be with you felder um hello my friend stay awhile okay so i’ve got to make

Another one of these things it’s flat oh got one all right get in there there we go nice and i got two more that’s probably all i really need i don’t gears i need eight logs and okay and i’ve got the inside and click in here and i need get this

Stuff out of here there we go and i need one of those in case do dads there we go we’ll do this and this underside casing that’s better okay let’s see you have alex’s mod mobs ambient world aquaculture better animals plus doggy talents exotic birds fantasy genetic animals horse genetic villages

Plus and ice and fire so that’s it that’s your marble or your mod list even well it might be that those are just like the heavy ones but proof the penguins are superior to chickens hmm can i make more of the food oh no that’s for making pasta let’s do this

Let’s just put the eggs in i hate you on the site machine just so you know wow just wow oh there’s not much of this farm left friends you’re doing good work little guy we’ll just grow up some of this other stuff oh this news get rid of this bone meal

There we go it’s gotten rid of seeds oh wait let me take the seeds out and give them to the chimke oh that’s the mod mob mods gotcha wafflezoo how are you hey waffle how goes it i need some more i just called your waffle instead of zoo i feel like i

Usually call you zoo okay got the fan why is there a skeleton taking a nap in your garden what there’s no there’s no skeleton it’s just a skull attached to a darkness oh no i take it back it has degraded enough there is a skeleton this is koshka’s old corpse

But you know me being her phylactery she’s still fine did you bring us some cheesecake oh cheesecook siren i forgot about that give me the cheesecake kashka you’re mean he’s so mean so mean she pours lava on her husband what the heck how’s things here hot [Laughter] apparently lit suit right

Hi dude i know she could have hit you with that that would have killed you unforgivable we have books there we go do you hear those snoozes it was some serious snoozes this this this bloop okay there we go that’s that time to check this is this that is

Split it down to three take that out this is proof that valen according to kashgar valen is such hot stuff fallen occasionally spontaneously combined exactly i have in oh the biomes you go and a lot that adds to the end and another uh but that’s the ones that add in

Animals see i am going for a medieval fairy fantasy vibe for the pack so lots of fantasy things and lots of animals try feywild oh yeah that’s a really good one for faith for faye cause yeah and and i did a bit by bit on it if

You want to check out the mod before you add it oh i don’t know if that will work this is proof that according to kashka villain oh yeah i’ve read that is just honoring you with a burnt offering you should be flattered no i was scalded

Should we fill this with oh i don’t know maybe we do like that rude oh let’s make slabs no it won’t okay there slabs slaps slabs slag how dare you cannot get away with that there’s still one charcoal in there i do love him i love him very much oh god [Laughter]

I’m just showing you gosh stop it don’t you don’t you want my lava sadly i got school tomorrow and it’s already pretty late for me so i gotta go hopefully oh i just scrolled off there uh hopefully i can come in tomorrow uh or someday even though you start your

Stream pretty late maybe i can only make it on friday and sunday anyway see y’all see you later deb dre thank you for stopping in maybe unforgivable highly entertaining yes i was looking at it yes i was just watching it but it seems that there’s a

Lot not done in it unless it updates a lot from your bit by bit it it actually has there there’s um there’s more questing there’s more there’s also like a dwarven market now um there’s a bunch of little bits in there but i mean it’s just

It’s just a neat thing you don’t have to have it there’s also mandrakes that you can actually have dance around your garden and uh like automatically bone meal it hello little bear playing a different pack but i’m loving create because whenever i achieve something i am so

Proud of myself even if it actually is as janky as a child’s drawing also take a look at exit 2 it may serve as inspiration isn’t exit 2 like really really like entity happy i can’t remember i said balance mr lavalo kindly remove yourself sir you’re not scalded since it wasn’t steam

Although maybe she wanted to have one to that dog wanted to hear you go wolf where did my alcohol burn go i really wanted witchery but it’s not updated in the one that said to people no no um hexarai you need to try hexarai it’s it’s brand

New it doesn’t it’s not as you know it doesn’t have a lot to it but it’s really cool it’s a small mod and i’m sure it’s not going to lag or anything like that but it is bewitchment inspired or sorry witchery inspired but it is much more uh

Just about aesthetics and just being like a little bit of some cool stuff you can also make flying broom which is neat no it’s not in there i have no idea where that went so nothing hex it too really old uh hex it too i think recently got updated oh i need to

Do a sleepover hexa2 is updated less than a month ago it’s new but it’s on the attack it take it launcher twitch oh you slept thank you missed the walled villages yeah i do i do like that that was really all right i’m just taking all 58 this time

[ __ ] it um take it lock [Laughter] uh do i have today all right you bastard ah no no oh i’m in the mixer are you white you’re in the mix i’m in the basement because i stepped on the injector okay oh why is it doing that use

The recipe for this i don’t understand what it’s doing i don’t want to smell wither bones what the heck is that that’s right it was cold i’m confused where did all the ink go koshka i i like smell it’s melted up a bunch of coal into ink but it’s all gone

What’d you do with it wow what’d you do koshka wow all right does it go in there here fella there you go now lock okay oh it grinds grind into the stuff okay okay i think we got it you sure no not even a tiny bit

The fight and fell in love with it as it it as a wiccan it really spoke to me but sadly not the 116 and bewitchment is fabric yeah not really i’m not a big fan of the which meant okay did find uh druidcraft droodcraft is cool it’s it i don’t know that it’ll

Ever reach the finished state but it is really nice i also liked what was it fireflies i think that one was cute well it’s doing it are you flipping flapjacks i could watch this for quite a while okay it is now a flip of flapjack stream

Will that work if i stop without that oh i don’t think it does oh there we go okay all right so let’s make a bunch of these into the stuffs oh no the flapjack stream has begun is it oh [ __ ] people think i broke it people were expecting flapjacks koshka

I think i broke it no flapjacks are expected well let’s go fix the strainers and then may work into this oh the basin is the basin full You mean these ones these these fellas right here yeah this this is occultism that i’m working on right now and it does have little familiars and stuff is this your dude here our little baby demon friend jack slammerer get across under the dirt block it’s just to keep him from getting attacked

By zombies or something’s crazy like that or worse like ravagers but you know i find one of the plants things like botanica circles and things like witchery um oh so that’s what i was gonna do occultism is good it’s a slower mod to work through similar to witchery but um

It has some passive familiar bonuses you can use it has uh like or doubling tripling quadrupling quintupling and so on um it has a storage network so if you want something that isn’t like um uh what do you call it uh like if you didn’t want to do refined

Storage or uh applied energistics you could go with this because it has something similar to that yeah okay strainers are go i should get some clay back in this chisel in a minute actually i don’t think so you don’t think so uh no i really hate how that windmill looks

Hello newbie how you doing newbie thank you so much for just disco what was i coming over here for clay my world i think i’ve got some clay here i do come and check this in this chest and your boyfriend sent you the most adorable and most relevant appropriate

Thing ever which you’ve reposted in your discord oh no let me have a look what did you get oh i never got it this year everyone is getting a tail sock that is adorable oh my gosh look at the tiny little armchair what i don’t bet is there a link or

Something in in the discord oh my gosh just right in the midst okay oh look at that tiny armchair that’s cute that’s very cute yeah i can put those he got so lost this morning i told him he needed mischief mice as i watched your bit by bit on it before i’m

Actually doing it in uh magical mischief tour as well and it’s a bit more updated in there right now i’m going to be updating it again shortly so that is really cute newbie that is adorable you got it from the page wait what page on facebook why why why get sorted kashka

Oh oh god no what is happening so i need those items again uh three blocks of quartz okay then we got a pearl i was not standing there long enough all right there it goes okay okay two we’re gonna catch up to it three oh god it’s gonna get that before i’m ready

Oh wait wait did it go past already hello subby how you doing man there it goes i hear you’ve started in mana and artifice my friend wait for me oh god it’s doing it look at this except there’s a bit of no you bastard you complete bastard what’s the matter look at this

There’s a bit of stone in the water with your wiling another There we go i can get it right there we go there do that thank you shai okay they have more of the same series all right this time i’m staying here looking at the next recipes in case it spawns and then i lose it another quartz two end pearls

And that thing that that’s fine i’m not worried about that at the moment oh it’s the other stuff from occultism that we need it’s a different ritual this is evie is a spectral compulsion that’s the one uh where do we have i think it’s full now this one okay

So the look of it so now i need to get power up to this oh and finally accept it please bad boy maggie rudy on twitter is the original artist follow this person immediately oh my god look at all that amazing oh butcher of the sabot series i’m dead

Oh my god do you see the inaccurate mouse music [Laughter] super another cute stand back here again those are adorable wow this this this i need slabs okay whoop then three gold an affiliate book all right still has two things to go i’ll be right back three golden foliage look fell on the

Basin no all right fully a book i have downstairs i’m coming i’m coming back well let’s still be able to fling stuff into the basin when this is there i don’t know come on yes just flung a bunch of bricks in there sweet sweet are those needle filled so it

Looks like i was hang on let me look at them again some of them are needle felt and some of them look like they’re not or maybe they are in the house i can’t yeah like how the faces are furry looking i wonder if the faces are not needle felted oh wow

Super talented artist though holy wow okay we’re gonna do that ah multiple things go amazing Storage stabilizer tier one oh my gosh oh oh that hurts oh i think they are needle felted actually the more i look at them i think they are makes me think of calico critters a little i’m dying inside of joy all right can i use the chain drive that i have down there

Somewhere i think i can right like where is it probably hey subby what pack you playing lately man i haven’t had the opportunity to watch you recently wool felt something come on finish it’s just the book now bless not gonna go up there to sleep oh that’s

Not quite gonna i could go the other side though come on oh there’s the base okay i could come up like here this one takes so long there it is yes come up here this do i have about this Now we need the tier 1 stuffs ftb university ah gotcha every time i see subby play minecraft he’s constantly being chased by children so tag that’s true i don’t have storage i still need a dimensional storage stabilizer but i am very close spirit tuned gems i can handle that

Then if i slap a little gear on the top here that’ll i’m all out of little gears or blocks of cop i need a little just just a wee cog who needs the cooper how much cooper can can we get here let’s do this i’m almost done over nugs that’s all i suck

Cool cute somehow uh jam if there’s molten glass in here why did you want to block you’re putting more in i gotta replace all the stuff you used uh-huh i’ve already got one block of glass here i guess i guess this is my this is what

I’m doing now one of those things that rowan has which takes your image and transforms you into an avatar except you are a needle-felt mouse oh look at that see it’s it’s doing a thing all right is there any way for me to like cover this

Up so it’s not a giant hole on the floor yes take an andesite casing and click on the shaft and it will turn it into a uh a block just like i did for this one uh i clicked these are all actually shafts on my all right so cool good to know

Um so now i just need to release or lose the river with the andesite coming up that elevator sorry that’s the last bit can you believe it i’ve poured your glass out do not put any in there at the moment or it will turn into bronze please

Six inches all right let’s put in some more dust hunger games [Laughter] that’s seven ingots i’m gonna need a lot more than that just talking about shad all right i need to put some of this crap away otherwise i’m just gonna lose it let’s grab this and start grinding this [ __ ] up

Grind it up also way too much kelp stuff how much do we have for 17 ingots that’s not enough just because i enabled ips on the home network isn’t an excuse for intermittent buffering just talk about shane that’s wanting it there i’ve almost just built t on me um

So now i need to do this do you though i really really do it does not involve you using glass in the smell tree right now does it nope it involves me using a power toggle and a timer oh [ __ ] there’s still a bunch of pink in there what gosh darn it oh

Oh my gosh they’re so cute all right throw that in there yeah and then throw the crushed in here and that will make the the the dust and then wait getting mom vibes so much do you think um do you think she uses like dollhouse furniture oh that is

Really cute like like the little wicker sofa there do you think that’s like dollhouse furniture you know what i’m getting from that is um what was it fantastic mr fox yeah yeah the way the skinny arms it’s kind of nice like i really like that actually it’s like um uh yeah

As a like body shape is what i’m trying to say 24. let’s start with this we got some ladders there are videos oh she does likes they do stop motion as well i just realized i was saying she don’t actually know it’s a label block the block okay

So there’s plenty of room up here to set up how’s your weekend going uh really good actually we were just at the croft uh earlier today and uh we were in the cabin and we had the uh the wood burning stove in place and everything so we had to cut a hole

In the roof that we made which was very scary to run the uh the pipe through it we got it all done and set up no no bad storms no extreme temperatures it all worked out pretty good and it’s in place and i’m done so we’re pretty happy about that right now

Job’s done we’re pretty geeked and i think that’s the wrong way around this way around i think make a block maybe i can’t remember which way around that goes it’s a long time coming that we ended up doing that uh so it wasn’t something that we just you know

Uh you know like oh every weekend we’re doing something crazy lately but no it this is why we’re pretty geeked about it because we’ve been trying to get to this point for a very long time so yeah how was how have you been what have you been up to sir

That’s just just lots more yeah i’m in the wrong way around jesus there we go help i’m dying that’s not it all right put this in here there we go yeah that’s it okay now i need to fix this but that one and i dare you not to die

Noob on the third death save over here my god that one is outrageous that should that is that legal is that level of cute legal that is pretty good stuff does that love look you legal i don’t think it is i don’t think it is throw this in there okay so

Let’s go look plot twist that’s what second from step from making sardines is rude i’ll cut that in and pour that out just knead there comes two more other blocks oh actually i can make it and get out of these nugs on third death tape over there yeah hey no

No oh no thank you all right we need more time we need more time on that timer blocks of silver and gassed tears plus a tier one okay i kind of feel like we need one like one block three three fingers thank you thank you for the tea dunder

That may be immune to cuteness death i mean stranger things have happened i’m not being gassed fireballed no nice try mute and that has three ingredients that’s not well but i do have enough ingredients in my inventory i can make block number three coin boing boing boing this done is that done

Yes that stopped 18 more okay and dump that in one block this would be block four [ __ ] we’ve got oh i’ve got six blocks already jeezo pete’s okay let’s let’s let’s go let’s do this tier one stabilizers i need spirited two gems okay then again you are evil yes that’s true

They have a book oh wow of course they do when you make something that phenomenal you can’t like just keep it to yourself you gotta you know share share that far and wide i’ll give this to the crusher spirit if he’s still there all right here we go oh dude here we go

Jag jag slammer i need your help essence decay you you you slam that together sir okay all right hello lone tech just finished automating up to andesite machines in this modpack and boy was that a lot of work yeah that’s what i’m working on right now this is the undersight coming up

Let’s go look at it down there i don’t need more of that i need diamonds i’ve got four i need to transform those and then i think where’s my okay hole in the ground here everything’s good totally fine that’s it don’t stare at the enderman jag slammers doing the job

And i need to we’re almost at the end of chapter one generic oh gosh they missed here comes my chest of van der site oh do i oh no i’ve got the dirt block oh generic i totally missed the the pink name yeah quest wise um

All right here comes the end of sight yeah did she she’s just about to complete let’s go looking uh stage one okay i’m just about to get us some occultism storage which is because this works it’s going to be a bicycle all right here it comes fantastic it’s doing it

It’s doing it here we’re going to switch over well this is just the underside alloy i’m just saying don’t say it’s doing it then just be like that’s that’s rude one of these oh jag jack jack i i need the stuff dude you got you

Got oh you give me the hook up thanks thanks jag slammer how how far are you sir i feel like jenny is like way far ahead oh man go on that occultism route nice i didn’t look at that stuff at all yet it’s it’s a slow grind to get through

And i see some undecided being familiar with it has helped me a lot i will say uh okay okay all right see this look at this undecide flinging oh i need more of those things flinging the endocyte this is fantastic and it’s like linger yep it’s so it’s flinging the algal

Bricks or whatever from there uh-huh and then it’s clinging the endocyte from there into the basin for them to get mixed up okay go on but that’s so that’s as far as i’ve got okay but i can check off some quests plus fields are so gorgeous compared to

Jenny’s which are frankly crap oh but newbie i don’t think so jenny is like constantly being attacked by pigeons we have chill days like this where we actually can get a bunch of stuff done i finished chapter one this weekend but that means i have separate temporary automated setups that don’t connect to

Each other i don’t know we have some of those too so i have to manually put in kelp clay and site to make the alloys ah gotcha so i’ve got that part automated although look at this like the we chose the pigeon see like use the juices

Because now oh [ __ ] it’s a foliate butter so now the chest has gone back down to pick up more and decide should we go have a look do it oh i can’t no i can’t it doesn’t it says no you can’t gosh get just just go just go [Laughter]

I need i need more feathers and then i can ride the chest no i’ll get smooshed if i break no i won’t get smoked okay all right let’s pick it’s picking up more endocyte right now more of these oh and it’s done now it’s coming back up with that and the sight

All right my lovelies here comes your workout you make the babies put the underside so every two minutes this chest is gonna go get undecided exactly no none of those are babies oh that didn’t work either you’ve made graves mistake grave mistakes with this patchy packs oh

My god i can’t talk anymore apparently i’m just done talking do i have feathers yeah i have enough feathers okay packed witch integration oh yeah what did you go for i saw i saw some crazy birds oh i’m being shot at oh [ __ ] hello oh stop it

I made great mistakes for this packs twitch integration please don’t get smooshed out that dirt okay you you need to you need to have some of these dudes oh straw golems are our bae they’re so cute yeah that was great well done me they only have a heart and a half though

But they they live a very long time hate my starting location so i’m kind of using my current factory to automate the stuff i need to build a bigger factory elsewhere having trouble with occultism no i’m not farsi gamer i’m actually making a lot of progress with it right now

So i looked into it i’m going to have to mix and mix into players taking damage to properly implement knockback i think okay noob hopefully not too hard to do do you know anything about the greek fantasy mod i know a bit tink not a lot but i do know a bit

See here comes that i had to do this was this the massive bummer i had all this set up right with an elevator coming all the way up right and then um then well no i i was planning on using an elevator to come all the way up

And then i discovered that elevators have a limit of 130 and got really depressed yeah they only go 130 blocks apparently and it’s and we’re we’re up at 155 up here at the top of course yeah this is what happens when you hold up we’re in like a

Super tall biome so i’m stuck um i’m gonna have to go down all the way down to the bottom let’s do this one two three four needs more books uh oh no we only have one oh no only one i’ll have to three and then any paper

Gosh could you know where the paper is wow do we even have any paper i’m pretty sure maybe i’ve been using it as we have it i don’t know i can’t wait to get storage started oh my gosh i’m so right i’m so done with this

I don’t know we can make a wormhole and the little dude can deposit stuff in the wormhole that would be great looks like i’m going to be making some so there we go make the paper there’s a chest picking up the underside cobble this this but there’s the bubble elevator so

Put that in there i use that underside set up see it’s is it too much lag-wise say i take out ice and fire and add in the worm roost and it will be that will be less or more than ice part it’ll be a lot less it’ll

Be a lot less uh worm roost adds in very small amount of mobs maybe at max i think like eight to ten different types and they’re somewhat uncommon uh throughout and their ai routines are much simpler than those from ice and fire to elevator handoff

I mean yeah i thought about doing it to girl the way to handle what spot why do i have to allow big butt i made a terrible minecraft system to bring the end site up i’m honestly ashamed of it and it it will be replaced try out medieval minecraft it has all

Those mods in it and works decent performance wise yeah there you go tink generic’s got good advice there’s an ejector at the bottom let’s get thirty oh that’s true maybe i could use the water elevator i might be able to one big rope pulley elevator on redstone timers

Can you use ejector at the bottom to get 30 blocks up to the elevator yeah maybe at that point honestly i was just so frustrated because i just made the assumption that it was gonna make it all the way up i was just like [ __ ] it bubble elevator you’re at sea level

Elevator on redstone timers gotcha i used shoots to pull it up annotated with what she used for the background newbie is posting more link for you okay okay um i’ll get to the top then i take a look got the books i think i need to expand that elevator though actually

Get the super blue out and stick some more blocks on because it’s really annoying to have to jump all the flapping way back up again thank you siren moons i gotta switch over to this drink here butter vader butterbed excuse me

Did i get it i got it i got it i got a lot of purified ink oh i’ve got 20 more in there all right well that should work uh if i put these here those there this here bark nuggets i thought it was that um okay yes so that’s fantastic

All right but but hang on now because for the undersight machines man that’s gonna be so oh gosh i need to learn a whole bit about create that i have not learned before what’s that sequenced was it sequence crafting oh yeah sequins crafting it pretty much just you need to build it

What it looks like if you combine those you can make fart ingots nuggets for a fart and get i try to make myself pack for never land medieval fantasy server but i have lots of magic and things in it as well named it’s based on ticker bell and server is

Based on name so shrugs but i have the airlines have a good week see you later mobius take care if you can find those you can make it let’s look at this annotation you want to switch it switch it oh wait no yeah switch it to your because i’m going

To have a look at this quick okay oops sorry oh wow i clicked it back again you say switch it and then you say oh wow so i might switch it to your view it doesn’t matter newbie switched it back oh no tink switched it back so it’s now your

View are you guys going to be bored for a minute while i have a look well the annotation i’m doing a bunch of crafting mine is not exactly that exciting either oh kind of the feather is nice and the antique watch for the clock that’s fantastic it will not be quick

Wow no i switched it cross stitch chair okay there you go i switched it back for you tink if that’s not what you want let me know that’s adorable all right um i was trying to make i love it oh man i love the um the justice statue that’s great

All four of those for this okay so if i take this okay it’s here this is going to be a slow process yes whoo um yeah you’re doing magic things yeah it’s a very slow magic thing though but this is going to be so undersight machines so

I need to build a display for the uh the inventory storage an automated shaped crafting what is that thing mechanical crafter this gonna need this this and copper so how the heck do we do that do i mean nine of those i’m confused what’s that nine about

It might be nine operations oh [ __ ] okay this thing looks amazing oh that okay you get enough of those and you can actually make the the big boobs of doom one-person balance set up all paths have to converge oh wow that looks amazing it is really cool it’s really cool

Okay all right sweet sweet all right xivius come on come pulse faster plus boobies newbie newbie boobies all right so i need to make some some of these bad boys then Serious creeper is rating oh serious creeper and in a tier 3 sub holy okay first welcome welcome raiders second thank you serious creeper for the tier three sub and for 32 freaking months of support man i was watching your stream earlier it was sorry we couldn’t stay there longer um but

How did it go uh i hope all was well and welcome raiders we are currently uh a chill sunday stream playing create above and beyond uh i am just finishing up making our our occultism storage and um kashka is just finishing she finished automating endocyte machines i finished now finished

Automating andesite alloy and site alloy which completes chapter one right now machine completes chapter one okay so we’re we’re close we’re close to finishing chapter one so i need to make though three brass machines hold on how was your stream sorry i’m super excited i know you are

Thank you for this for this yes and hello hat had absolutely kind of sally they might want to add some more magic particle or whatever so it’s not looking really slow and might even be beautiful well i mean it does have these ones you know purple particles is good

But it doesn’t say that anywhere in the book that i know of at least hello boss bad boy how you doing [ __ ] you’re doing [ __ ] okay [Laughter] the more you know good i need to make a bunch of these precision mechanisms oh you just upgraded your storage to tier two

Yesterday on the package nice i really good so i didn’t realize it until i watched a video but you can use the belt with the sequence assembly plus deployers it doesn’t have to be depots right yeah i mean that’s totally how i’ve done it before i didn’t think about depots

At least now when you die in sakura it’s in japanese not selling english silly english i appreciate that because i i like it in its original language with uh subtitles you know [ __ ] okay there it is koshka says that’s [ __ ] again though so i don’t know it’s all [ __ ]

I need to make these precision mechanisms it wasn’t your video wait okay kashka so i didn’t realize it until i watched a video but you can use the belt with oh okay when you gotcha it wasn’t your video it’s fine newbie hey boss good thanks hope you’re well too nice finger guns

We’re getting that emo audi uh animated by the way among as well as a few others i don’t know but yes he does i feel like i’m because this says it’s like chapter two chisel main assembly chapter 2. use the schematic cannon much curious how much gunpowder it needs to build something

Actually one gunpowder gives you like a um a meter of fuel i think it’s like one per 16 blocks normally but i have no idea what it’s set up for in this pack see what this sounds like bring together endocyte alloy and cut planks using a row of deployers

Concludes your first assembly line well i mean you can do the players i was just i’ve used belts it made it sound like it was the deployers are probably more efficient because i think oh wow hang on we’re talking about two different things okay i think one compounder is like 300

Blocks oh that’s that’s much much better you’re just going wait what until i realized that was the next chapter so that’s a big difference listen to serious creeper testing creative thanks nice the nerdy one and my favorite one is of course oh you know what maybe i’m i think maybe

I’m looking at that we’re gonna add some left hang on instead of underside machines it’s um um it’s these little bastards the kinetic mechanisms and that is sequence crafting okay kinetic mechanism there we go that’s what i need to so that’s what i need the sequence assembly for not the anda site machines

And the site machines is lighter okay so belt belt belt instead of deployers and then pointy fingers this pointy fingers that which is too much slabs oh nice okay well let’s do it i can actually do the slabs thus laminating let’s do this what the heck are these things

Uh this pointy fingers no no no no no this i do not know these things i need one more set is this it deploy deploy it does say deploy yeah yeah that’s it so i need three of these so three under sight machines and three golden hands so i need 12 golden sheets

Six gold and 10 buttons okay if i put them in the base and will it still make them into sheets i want to use it with the mighty architect of this pack but gunpowder production is in a future chapter oh gosh no i will not okay fine do i still need this um

I don’t i don’t need this at all this is not right uh what is it that bing it’s still not done yet okay this is server there good peoples yeah i i like bisect hosting their their customer service is very nice and everything else about them seems to be pretty good too

Okey dokey dimensional storage actuator go with four tier one dimensional storage stabilizers that’s a good start i have no idea if it’s been nerfed into the ground or not but i guess we’ll find out let’s put this sucker down and see shall we um we’ll just use some cobble to start and

Then we’ll go from there actually you know what i’m gonna put one here and here and then i need to put one on top of that too okay and we’ll move this other stuff out the way i can’t remember if these will stay in place with the other stuff removed

Yeah they do okay let’s try this for starters excuse me sir no brellador hello and thank you very much for the 14 months and the twitch prime that or the the prime sub thank you it’s very kind of you thank you very much oh my gosh 11

11 52 that’s not bad i would like to upgrade update this already i feel like we need one more but still uh so if i sneak no this needs this needs a ritual first okay let’s put that around the corner hello mega new how are you i responders in the roguelike dungeons

Too uh It’s a rough rough day i’m struggling to believe in self-worth with society telling me i’m sub-par constantly but gentlemen canoe you’ve made some of the best stuff i’ve had lots of fun with and you’re super friendly and helpful and we love you okay this is this is truth i speak them [ __ ] society

Frankly if that’s if that’s what society thinks i don’t want to be involved there you go uh okay need a couple of those stringers quartz and pearls oh boy uh wait how many other pearls okay yeah four and two of these and then i’ve got the the gin books

Downstairs sorry about the rough day we’re but you’re here too though yes we are very but you’re here this is okay quick and mercury and the hunger that i go through with those oh this is straight years here we go all right let’s see more oh there are more dumplings

And two i will norm some of those three ah and then this nope i was trying to do that oh what what is the thing that’s not the thing um just trying to make this somewhere oh i forgot this the food chest violence is getting out of control i know i’m almost there

Almost there you know as soon as we get it you’re gonna have to upgrade it right yes this is what i’m working on so it’s fine sorry about the the problem is that you are misunderstanding subpar par is the minimum strokes on a golf course if you get subpar then you

Have a really good score you don’t want to go over it nice snoopy it’s like 400 blocks per gun powder nice jenny that that’s pretty good it is very nice oh come on don’t you very nice finish the thingy come on and the bindi do the bindi binding um

Okay what am i doing making the thing in the stuff making deployers i think okay it’s still the thing i need to make these golden hands so i need these i’ve got a gold this is do you know i love you and will do anything for you and also you never ask

Me your craft tweaker question okay three golden hands but you’re here to hear here though butt spot sent you wait oh that’s right butt spot has a it has a sub so it can use the emotes wait what badge is that 13 months subscriber good job that’s dedication right now

Come on i gotta put down another one of these things come on plus this is a place of great power thank you serious creeper for gifting a sub to jenny yeah thank you so much that’s so kind you’re so thoughtful thank you very much thank you and jenny and enjoy your little mousy

Face your little mousy mouse next to your name now is dedicated i agree and of course the emotes that come along with that and black belts but i mean serious group pretty sure it’s serious who’s gifted all those subsets between serious and simon siren not simon jesus siren

It still takes a second responsible appreciate your buddy thank you i get drink boss bad boy simon moon smite my brain’s done simon ruins i can’t even say like you two told mine while he was away [Laughter] it’s like click on this not oh i got remote storage oh it’s good i

Could just dump the rest of this stuff in here now okay wow that was a really evil laugh you’ve given 656 gift subs to mr from ice’s channel this thing that’s a lot of subs that is a freaking lot of subs it’s a freaking lot of subs

It’s a lot of freaking subs indeed yeah you’re a nuts newbie i just heard it do the thing it’s time did it finish that’s one not yet still got two left task completed kinetic mechanism well done koshka well done three okay oh so good i’m so happy i have no

Storage now it’s good oh okay it’s very good i can’t even take these out put them in there because 10 more and then never anymore ever again i agree [Laughter] no except no except also no um all right so now i’ve got my hands and my machines

Can i can make a deployer for the first time ever of my life well done boop bullet i didn’t just go for one deployer wait kashgar wait wait for three deployments storage storage what storage accessor click i click oh i mean i haven’t like converted stuff

Over and i want to convert some of these storage stabilizers to be bigger already so where are we putting this um likely about where the inventory stuff is here where the like this tree but i’m going to redo it okay is that okay yeah yeah that’s cool with me

Can i so can i access this from like how how far away can i access this from well i can’t speak for the mod pack but normally by default any range any distance any dimension really bam looks a lotty [ __ ] yeah just put that helper in there so

Changing that mod out for the other two crashed me before i was even able to load it into forge as it tanked the memory heaps so i guess the greek ones got to go oh too bad um what else was i just going to do and the

Gamer to x ending gamertag how you doing i’m going to type i’m doing all right you’re with your cutie mouse and i should have got a bunch of gas tears we could do this if we have silver spirited tuned gems yeah we don’t know thank you for asking silver

Zinc zing you say this store this storage took about the same amount of time as rs or ied i didn’t do it valen uh i didn’t follow that route how do you make more belts don’t know uh cook that’s not a natural question okay sorry oh shoot sometimes i verbalize stuff that is

Just an internal it’s my internal dialogue you know oh oh fudge that’s one nugget i have to do a whole block of silver oh no the only silver is in coin form that’s how i make more oh no i can’t no oh no yeah the 1.2 version of the pack did

Remove the bedrock purchase yeah they’re on to you why did they was it because people were placing it going oh no i can’t move it now and has anybody figured out how to get into the darker depths yet raw silver block can you mount those coins oh you can

But i mean that that’s a lot of our money because i would need several blocks also i forgot to fill this back in a stabilizer let’s fill this back in quick uh if i did one then oh i needed a fruit bound one oof and another stars okay excuse me cutie

What’s too full what my mixer oh okay i’m like this thing’s got 11. it’s all right it can stay there because i’ve got anderson and it’s like alloy coming out of my yeah out of your orifices exactly at the moment it’s like slow down slow down

I wanted to figure out which would be better to put in my own pack which takes more time and resources and or is more fun oh um well the occultism one if you’re going if you want to do any of the the automation stuff that you would do okay refined storage applied energistics

Renowned for auto crafting you can do that in here but it is very obscure and it uses entities to do it instead of cables and inserting stuff how did i do that there yeah so but you can have all sorts of little minions doing stuff for you hello cabin 57 squeak to youtube

So it’s a different system if you’re more interested in storage and automating things with little minions in a kind of a lighter way then occultism would be really good if you’re gonna go hardcore like um like you want a lot of automation uh then you probably want to go for applied

Energistic certified storage uh like heavy automation like expert pack style you could also go with both question was it again the one on the rooftop nope oh the the boss gotcha doing okay today i just had to report a bunch of people on twitter because of targeted harassment and bullying but

Other than that i’m doing good i’ve been really happy and inspired recently that’s great it’s great the the latter part not the prior so the excess production for coins i got lucky on my alchemy and i’m now selling the excess diamonds in my production chain nice let’s see

How much 63 coins 63 nuggets would be what let’s do that that’s gonna be seven ingots that’s not even a block all right so how do you attach these suckers that’s 14. that’s 21 and that would be 20 i don’t know what that would be hold

On a second would you stop pushing me 28 inches does this work um let’s do this does this work i’ll grab these out of here because i want to start these nine silver coins back there we go the rest i’m melting a bunch of our money koshka i’m sorry okay

We thank you for gifting us up to kevin not that way that’s very kind of you you’re cool you play skeers and right tangles too can you place what i thought you could place a gear like at a right angle to you can but it’s usually easier if you place it with

Something else already going up to it okay right so like if i put poor boy does give you money yes and that’s why we have so many as we have yes we are [ __ ] cheaters seems villain has stopped having hot flashes ha ha hey hey no that’s not the right way let’s

Start with this and then put the rest in here no that’s still not the right way i’m going to need to switch out this lava source um it has bucket it has lava i don’t have enough of that all right all right so enable the nice channel point rewards during chill streams

It’s been like 10k of my points getting close to the well it gives you guys a chance to accumulate points as well it needs to you know i don’t like that though what i’m accumulating no no no no no this is i don’t like that because it needs to be like one higher

And then it’s all like kind of high up in the air actually yeah i think it might have to be the big one to reach it oh really and i think it has to be two big ones because i think the shaft actually gets in the way two big ones okay fair enough

All right how’s this doing we’ve got actually let me release the floor i got too much rather let’s pour a block of silver out oh we’re burning our money today oh no i played this good hot pack all night one time i need to get your sleep one block old slew

We got another block pour that there okay i’m gonna get another setup going all right let’s try this again one two three and i don’t know if we had enough for four let’s see that’s the last of it there i think we got enough for three

So yeah i think i’ll leave the last one how do i want to connect this like this it will leave the one that’s hovering above getting right closer lately gotta try to figure out some cool automation like occultism has for my mod hello joe how you doing

How how is hexa right coming along i’ve been seeing your announcements and everything i’m really eager to play it and to do a bit by bit on it i do plan to do so not that it really needs it it seems pretty intuitive from your own videos i just typed a spoonerism

I just played this book but one night long ones all right what else did we need we needed uh gas tiers um then two diamonds per so that’s gonna be six diamonds that makes it nice spooderisms i’m gonna do something before i get that okay thank you very much it has been

Going great i’m loving the programming in 118 already figured out how to make my own geodes oh that’s right did you did you get the port for 118 already that’s really cool if you did i totally need to cover that one as like the first 118 mod still skypey’s stuff in the about

Section fyi just noticed it i thought that was chat gosh darnis oh you guys got me without it so i could use a chain drive along here you son of a [ __ ] complacency is your doom it’s so true i’m sorry kashka what were you saying

So if i use a chain drive along there street right how are you too felt i know so rude so rude incredibly weird that will spill out of my chair [Laughter] oh crap i need to convert these let’s convert these good gosh good yo guy here i’m gone good wow

You’re in your lava buckets all right what what is it that we need to it’s it’s a gin book frick what have you tried to be done from above and beyond no this is a buffalo bill this is this is above and be oh i gotta put the valenburg

Maybe maybe you just haven’t seen too many people like yeah this is occultism it is in there and it is it is a beautiful thing because i just made some storage chain drives this looks a bit different from chandra this is just a super far progression no we we’re just about

Kashka is just about to complete chapter one and i’ve just been focusing on tinker’s construct and occultism because i i haven’t played um create before so i asked fallon specifically to let me play it so that um uh so i can learn it because if i yeah if i

Don’t do that then you know if i don’t play it i’ll never learn it basically i need another what is going on here genie book uh four green dye book okay i need to make that while that’s doing its thing oh what see i have two books oh no wait

That’s the valen book i can’t use that one okay um so let’s just make all the changes one two i needs the the inks that’s a pretty big grind to get basic occultism storage um a bit it i mean i i had to go through a lot of hoops to get here um

Basically the thing that was holding me back a lot because i’m i’m familiar with the fact that you can get end stone and or you can get endstone from killing endermites that you summon in this and you’d need that to make purple chalk for the different rituals i

Also needed to go to the nether to get orange chalk uh ingredients and the purple chalk once i got that because i had to make a ritual that summoned a level one crusher demon who could crush obsidian because i don’t have the uh the giant grinding wheels what we call

The boobs of doom uh we don’t have that yet so i had to make a level one crusher demon with the purple chalk or without the purple chalk so that i could get that so i could make the purple chalk and then once i got that then suddenly i could start making all

Of the uh the storage but you also need to have a lot of ingredients as you notice i’m i’m i just melted three stacks of silver coins i had to have some blocks of copper a bunch of gas tears a lot of diamonds you’re gonna need like a half a stack of

Diamonds at least okay now chain drive oh wait oh because she’s trying to make an honest living villain is selling the soul for drawer space ain’t that the truth oh i need to oh that’s not right i need to pick up the stuff before it expires um

I don’t think i can do this like this can i do not like this i think these have to be okay jeez oh geez okay i’m there yeah fair enough all right we’ll see you later exciting gamertag thanks for stopping in we got super lucky as well because we found um

We found a mansion look at this here i’ll switch over to koshke camp we found a mansion over here oh yeah and went there and um just diamond hose for days yeah we grabbed everything diamond and then and then melted it down in the tinker’s construct smeltery but it doesn’t work

With lava so i we had to go into the nether to hunt blazes and use their drops with my like super looting orphan maker sword to um uh to get the the drops so that we could make the high tier fuel for the tinker smeltery so there was quite a question

For it but i had fun with it so isn’t rs easier than ae2 i would say it’s a bit simpler but it there are people that really enjoy the channels of ae2 and that’s specifically why they like that mod i don’t think refined storage is in here

No it’s not so it’s it’s applied energistics or occultism for a main like remote storage to my knowledge but uh storage drawers is in here so that’s that’s a good thing one more vertical yes guest here spirited tuned gems i need you to rotate them can you rotate i can rotate whoo

This doesn’t the wrench oh no no oh i just wanted you to rotate purple particles blazing blood which i think needs looting to get blaze heads well you could do that or you could just build a smell tree around a blaze spawner and you know why is this melting

My brain so much what or you can just melt koshka’s brain i just want to place these chain drives hang on hold the phone oh i know okay okay but yeah i took the looting route and i’ve got two levels of lucky on here plus it’s got the the severing six

And it’s really good and hot it gets extra 15 damage in the nether because it’s made entirely of seared stone and then added on diamond so really you don’t want to connect pretty much one-shotting stuff getting lucky drops and occasionally getting uh the heads to drop as well so that was pretty good

Okay me enjoying the channel system in 82 right oh gosh hey hand up zelly oh that’s pretty pokey what your pokey what oh yes they’re doing it they’re doing it they are doing like a bit out of sequence or something um i need more bless you oh that’s right sorry i needed

Ink sex i’ve gone up there sorry for the sneeze be sneezed kashgar now i just need to run the belt underneath right this this this got it that’s because i’m tight so bless using chat don’t i need the cactus oh i don’t have everything in the storage yet because i’m upgrading it

Still oh there’s no cactus in there that has three more to go i’m gonna go get some greens oh got some in here nice this is gonna and pure fighting okay i can’t wait to like start crafting with all this and then i’m gonna do this look at gin boop Hi how are you guys in the pack right now how far are we we are just the end of chapter one almost almost well you have one quest left that you’re currently working on so i would say just at the end of chapter one don’t don’t pop me

And i have no idea if there’s like quest chains for occultism because uh where are my belts might be like later quests and i might have to re-pick stuff up or something but okay there’s the belt aspirations oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no no wait what no stop

Okay i guess that’s gonna happen uh they’re a little bit too high oh no yeah they can’t reach that low [ __ ] they they reach to the second block so sorry kashka okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s definitely fine don’t do it ragnaman it just needs heads replace powder from

Magma cream and blaze roads yay can you just lift the belt at all yes she could but i don’t wanna she don’t wanna because my ejectors are hooked up to this basin and if i move the base and then i have to undo the ejectors and

I’ll just it’s way easier just to move these bad boys down there you go i have warm crescent rolls i take that what was that that was was it a verdict it was a vertical right cool was it a vertical how did i do that carefully i’m really confused

There’s some problem here how did i i don’t know how did you there there One side there oh no stop it stop it just what am i looking for hey citrine happy stuff thank you very much for the sub and for seven months of support oh i oh oh oh oh oh i remember oh i forgot i also needed to make rose gold

So that i could mine up the or silk touch the ore variant to make the level one crusher demon yeah it was a bit of a struggle to get to but i have no idea the path for applied energistics and if it’s equally as challenging but i liked it

All right now we need to place the deploys again how’s this doing put that in there ah no 1408. it’s not as big of an upgrade as i was hoping for give me that can you put a second gear in that shaft that’s still doing the thing uh i’m

Gonna go sleep and then maybe when i get up in the morning it’ll be it’ll be done okay there we go give me that all right so that’s that’s correct right the pokiness is at the correct level of pokiness yep so now you just need to have stuff being fed into those pokers

Yep so i’m feeding in the andesite alloy over here so now i just need to feed in i’m gonna if i set up like a bunch of um watch me call it you know those thingies so i’m not sure these thingies mechanical sauce right what is it you’re trying you’re trying to make

Um Slaps no no what are you trying to automate endocyte machines kinetic mechanisms i need a slap kinetic mechanism okay how do i do that though may i offer some information yeah because i’m just looking at this wait hang on a sec though hang on hang on hold your horses because i

Think some of it’s been misinterpreted because how do i use the saw okay so see how it’s above the deployers it needs to be fed in from above the deployers what the slab goes across the um what the wooden slab goes across the conveyor belt and then it takes those items and uses

Them in or on the slab on the conveyor belt as it turns into what you’re saying is my mixer needs to be way the [ __ ] up there so it can spit out yes and the site here and here and then how do you put how do you even put the saw like

How do you use a saw on here uh you just right click to give it one oh okay so how do you feed into excuse me uh usually a chest on top of it works so or some kind of inventory so a hopper should work okay or maybe a shoot even

All right so three tier twos attend a tier okay so then then we’ll have the mechanical source over there and they can feed um blah blah blah uh slabs in over here and then it can spit out kinetic mechanisms at this end i think that’s right yeah

Right clicking in the filter bit which was super annoying yeah you can right click on the little army bit yeah there are different spots to right click on there are a lot of different spots to click on the chest on top of it it doesn’t need a hopper funnel etc

I can’t remember i think i’ve just used it with a chest before okay but i can’t remember technically the chain drive isn’t needed either arms can be rotated 90 degrees so their own axles power each other oh oh yeah i didn’t even think about that but i like change no it’s okay

Gonna head off now we’ll see you later rainbow t kelly kitty thanks for stopping in um let’s open this up i made chain drives especially for dot where does that be okay so the storage system in this actually is better for um for like compressing stuff

To save space i’ll use the chain drives for the mechanical source it’s okay even though maybe they can do the same thing um no you need to be around the other way i now see the reason why you’d want to do it oh and eternal stella on a diamond

Saw oh that makes sense to make it unbreaking oh oh but we need more of those ex-petrified orbs oh you can get you can get extras with the silk touch thing that’s so pokey all right now this needs to go way up in the air well not way up in there

How am i going to do that level 1 to 30. i’m gonna have to build some kind of mining device i don’t know if they can didn’t you make the wrench at some point i did i did i have a wrench here all right so i wonder exactly how many things we have

Here but i’m going to dump all this stuff in my inventory except for that and then i’m going to start emptying this stuff into the system oh yeah which i could just do i don’t want to move that mixer that’s really irritating wormhole what is it for a wormhole

Frames easy enough right yeah that’s not too bad what if but i think what if i use an ejector to kick it up to like a hopper here but then how do i distribute the the anderson alloy to both um or or or use an ejector to kick it up to a shoot

Um i really don’t want to move this mixer so don’t move the mixer pipe out of it then oh this is good okay chest directly above deployers does not work for you in above and beyond for those who wondered oh thanks gotcha good to know thank you okay

Got a dirt girl let’s do this hey little dude what’s up my giant mess okay and we can still do the conveyor belt from there to there then we can do an ejector here somehow to you too just screaming my ear oh apparently i left an opening is all this oh my gosh

All the stuff um if i do all right the body cards are still going to stay there ah i could use chain drives here there we go and then an ejector right there and that can kick it up to here maybe although this might be in the way

I don’t know if it’s going to make it hey go make thank goodness i i almost just put the storage accessory inside of itself thankfully it didn’t let me let’s go see if i have an injector there’s a lot of single items how much stuff have you put in there

Okay not an injector uh hold on i’ll put it no that’s all right i’ll go okay hi fine see if i can i’m leaving a chest of tools and armor and stuff for when we die so we can just grab that stuff yeah that’s important leave that there leave that there we’re

Gonna make a [ __ ] ton mechanical source in a minute okay you you do you i’m gonna put your create chest in there now okay okay give me a minute just getting through the kelp and the andesite i need to oh um so much okay okay i’ve got a witch hat import that

Oh oh oh i don’t even need these right because i could just it’s full of hope for a short moment just use two horizontal ones here instead of all this vertical craziness right hang on let’s go around here all right yay dirt stairs no all right it’s all in there kashka okay

Um how much space do we oh my gosh we still have so much space left uh all right let’s and i could take this one out did that just fall in the basin let me take this out oh crap i’ll just get that grab some milk buckets that i’m going to

Put in this chest oh wait [ __ ] wait [ __ ] i think i need a vertical one there and then a horizontal one hang on hang on i can do this oh i look around brain familiar there we go and then a horizontal one here okay now i can fling up here with no interference

You sure about that i am sure about that okay but i need more diorite okay so what i do need to figure out though is how i get this there’s a shocker how do i how do i distribute thank you rowan how do i distribute between these two

These two bat boys right there chest directly above the deployers does not work for me and above and beyond for those that oh oh for sure feeling koshka hello rowan how are you doing this isn’t okay this is a question this is an actual question now not just me verbalizing my

Brain how do i distribute and decide alloy between these two between them yes uh you just have it being fed into both i mean because it doesn’t answer my question how do you think how do i distribute them between and you’re like you just distribute them between both

Okay so um what what let me rephrase the question then what do i distribute what do i use to distribute between the two maybe a funnel on each then a double chest above feet double chest with antiseila yep that would work because they’re only going to hold one

In the hand so as soon as the one of them fills up the other one will get filled and a double chest sitting on top of two funnels would work really good oh well then can i just use oh no i can’t use that you you had your family christmas gathering nice

Oh my gosh this is this is so amazing all right so Then i could use a shoot into a double chest and then two funnels coming out to the double chest right are you shooting shoot oh my gosh this we’re doing really good here this is still pretty impressive with all the stuff okay And food chest next blurp oh my gosh this is fantastic so is this oh it’s so good this is so good this is so good all the stuff is being stored it’s phenomenal it’s beautiful blurb oh no so i kind of want the double chest i

Think i’m almost done and we’re about a quarter of our storage full oh except i hate the fact that it’s facing that way needs to face the other way and familiar that’s better okay like that here we go hello ray g7 how you doing hello they might have an internal buffer

Deployers guaranteed to work if everything else fails there’s two hoppers and a double chest yeah that that sounds like it would work as well my aunt who is an avid quilter gave each of us a queen-sized quilt made of scraps they’re gorgeous oh wow that sounds amazing yes

I meant double chest right above the funnels and then the funnels on the bottom i can do this original ray oh there’s ray 57913 and ray g7 other ray hi it’s rey reunited because we can put funnels on the bottom right like that rey united and it feels [Laughter]

And i can can i shoot into a chest uh should be able to yeah i think okay and i need to whack these things because right now they’re trying not to go up instead of down there where did my ejector go there it is this um so that needs to fling up

Fling away to there fling away fling away all i don’t need that oh [ __ ] it’s going to do a thing oh and it went up this is amazing man ejectors are like my favorite if you couldn’t tell there’s like ejectors all over the place there’s many safety hazards so i oh oh gosh

Things are happening i i see one potential issue nope no issues at all look i know it’s amazing i’m just thinking of if something if like let’s say that chest gets full it’s still going to keep flinging them up there oh so i feel like you’d need like a avoiding buffer between

Between those yeah then you’re gonna create it’s a yeah if it was a create storage like if it was a create inventory then it would um it would know but it does not know okay we’re gonna put a belt on this though or actually no i should not put battle on there yet

Let’s just take all this stuff i mean it’s got a while yet to go i mean it’s got a while to cut it need a grappling hook hold on what is it it does know you are using it does know you’re caught because you’re yeah because i’m shooting into a

Shoe yeah but i’m saying it has no idea that this chest is full or not this oh my gosh the chest is full the shoot will be full so the ejector will start oh really oh that’s okay that’s fantastic replace the funnels with hoppers or shoes

Why do i need to do that put that in there why do the funnels need to be choked i mean that’s no problem i just they aren’t designed to be deployed yeah the yeah the funnels just drop it in the world sorry no worries i need to do that

What kind of shields do we have all right now hang on guys because don’t no let me let me do some of this learning by myself time to do a learned all right instruction book tools and weapons and stuff my loot bag and my storage successor oh my gosh look at all this

We still have so much that’s really good that’s really good okay hello what is going on here because so now to chop through some of this stuff no not that and then set up the new storage i’m going to keep body cards separate any algal bricks in it what is going on

There we go that’s the buddy cards one this can i get come here come here what is it doing okay the stuff and the things oh gosh am i throwing these yes you’re throwing them what it’s it’s part of i think supplementaries you can throw bricks at

Enemies i don’t want to throw them i just want to put them in the chat and the storage drawer i think you’re too far away oh yeah i think you have to click on the face i can’t click on the face okay then i can’t help you okay

Use your use your storage accessor to put a hopper on top of it i don’t want to put a hot prawn temporarily no screw that here’s what i’m going to do okay there you go bye that works all right i’m going to need to move that eventually but for now

I’m getting rid of all this stuff i think it’s just full though because it’s not hang on it’s just mixing oh we’ve got another cooking pot it’s mixing like a maniac didn’t realize we had multiple cooking powders like an absolute maniac does maniacs do right clicking the shoots for the wrench

Creates a little window so i can oh it does oh my god that is adorable oh thank you so much for telling me about that i would never have found out about that and now i can see the adorableness all right let’s move these okay so that’s that now mechanical saws they have

Saws yes machines i hate you i know we have one but i need three three and then ducky and then oh do i even need to come up i don’t need two dudes i’m so used to going up there that i’m like i need to go back upstairs to get the

Things no i really don’t plus although i might need to if i need to smell things because for the mechanical saw there oh also i think the mechanical saw is placed in world so and slabs yes look at this grab a stack oh my gosh that’s so good

I like having storage oh my gosh slab grab the rest throw it in pound and that needs to be smashed 16 times oh my gosh oh that must be done manually yeah sorry um three click on my face and tell me that you done wait what tell me that you love me

So i popped open my first bookshelf wall in a dungeon secret room nice melon could you log into my single player world and do occultism for me please sorry i enjoyed it sorry not sorry it is slow to wait for the rituals to to complete and i did lose materials

Because i walked away to build something else real quick but yeah i’m gonna start taking damage yeah yeah that’s the thing about that thing that’s the thing about that thing what are you smashing 16 times an invar ingot look at that just need like 20 more of those to make for my first

Machine um at least oh you’re right yep i’m fine how are you i’m good this is really good so i’ve got like a new project now and that is to move some of this stuff around so that i can make a little storage pretty thing going on and then also

Incorporate like an enchanting area at the same time okay well just brave doing that manually well we now have one at least oh i can’t reach it oh maybe i like reach oh i can make it in the middle stone okay failing his brave budding that manually

Oh i got sneeze coming on don’t do it hey they’ll ask you excuse me i think al and i are allergic to this house that’s possibility okay this is the last one come on got it oh and i just missed the jump yeah it’s fine okay put this in here that that nice

Allergic to upcoming monday slash work yeah pretty much tomorrow’s gonna be [ __ ] as well yeah i’m just gonna put this in the system because well why is that why do i have copper dust because i was grinding copper oh okay i’m gonna put it in the inventory

Because i can yes right it’s so good oh no all the food i’m so sorry dude there you go i’m sorry i didn’t mean to mess you up is it safe for me to put lead in here yeah let’s find in there that’s fine it’s already monday that’s annoyed

I don’t want a chest i’d rather come back and try it again the game opens the lag is a lot less still a bit of it there so i’m not sure what i got next oni she’s in hello hello yes the dog just like sneers welcome raiders and hello nova summoner

We are currently and hello onishuzan we are currently uh playing a chill stream today usually we end up doing cci enabled but we’re doing a chill stream today of um create above and beyond where i have just completed messing up the the farmland oh occultism so we now have remote crafting

Storage it’s really good thank you onishi’s in for the follow and welcome to the mischief um so what were you up to and and how was your stream cast your nose gold her rose friend stay awhile it’s not going anywhere nova summoner thanks for the follow and

Also welcome to the mischief uh let’s see if i can fix this comes the hunger is is there a hoe there’s no hose oh nose wait i’ve got commas i keep forgetting i’ve got a comma there we go which does not make sense as a whole by the way but still

It’s a game all right little dude i’m gonna need to get some of these seats and stuff and get them sorted uh also you are doing some building on sleepycraft smp in the desert it’s vanilla nice i’m assuming 118. come here okay okay struggle here there we go yes delivered to that

Chest oh 117. oh nice okay oh no sleepy craft smp how is it i’m assuming they’re it’s good because otherwise you know why else would you be there just dirt wait keep the dumplings okay and i can get rid of this then i can put a wall

Oops around this thing i need some iron oh we don’t have very many all right this and that’s all we have for those types of questions by yourself so all right let’s take this oops i think i only need two more don’t i here wait where’s our buddy

Oh he’s over in the water okay do you still need that uh all this rice yes because they are being that’s being used for strainers so i actually need more of them okay i could i could do that i just need to know so i can harvest all this stuff excuse me dude

I’m going to need to clear this up and we’re going to need to ready to sort this a little bit better hmm So we could have missed right and run all right well thanks for coming in and for uh bringing the raid in that’s really nice of you hope to see you again soon much appreciate that whoops i need to make a bunch of friends okay there’s those and that

And i put all of the ah crap that didn’t sound good i put all of the undecide alloy in those chests for some reason oh stare uh oh we’ve got some camera this what what are we looking at koshka hold the underside oh all right what’s it run out of

Okay it’s run out of the algal blend which is probably because it’s all jammed up with other crap all right um so what is it that’s uh like this hey little dude you have a problem getting to that that’s one those are because you don’t like barrels okay all right that’s fair

We can switch to a chest if that helps um how many casings wait what they are coke beans okay whoo we don’t have any of this um where’s the casing recipe All right i’ll switch to a chest cutie i’ve got a lot of chests now There you go hi don’t know where you’re going however i do need to go back upstairs okay to use the the watch my collet thingamy smithing table right that’s exactly what i just said like yes yes yes yes always yes okay okay with you harvesting is he concerned about being downsized

I don’t think so um And some put that in there those in there i need to uh remove this put that away because we got a bunch of those now this needs to go okay i think i need to kind of work backwards from this wall we’ve got yeah we’ve got a wall here and then

Whoa what can i do for you jack was taken two times too thanks for the follow and welcome to the mischief oh oh there we go that’s better you’re right cash good yeah i’m fine i just realized i can use this chain drive power that

Where did he wander off to did you oh you’re over here in the corner oh right because i i moved your stuff here let me uh get you sorted again in case you’re confused you have one more vertical one here okay come on this way so sure how i feel

About that do you like no well that gets that’s fine and then come here i can go there i can’t see anything okay we’re gonna go over here oh we could actually and you’re still gonna run back maybe a bit chipper you know what let’s find out where you want to go right

You want to go this way if we use a horizontal one you go this way you’re putting it in the cooking pot cute little bastard a tiny bit chipper okay come on come on get back inside no not like that [Laughter] walls no get back inside stop stop

Don’t make me pick i’m gonna pick you up you just you’re being a little jerk oh employees can i put down wall before uh i can’t see to place the wall okay that’s better all right now these boys okay how do you even i can’t place this are they powered from below

Or what powered from below mechanical source um i don’t know crap that wasn’t what i where i wanted to put it hang on i’ll find out it’s not a real question it’s just me okay verbalizing there it’s actually not bad felon has personal flies now it’s true

It’s true i don’t want you to place there do you want to dance he has nothing to harvest right now i’ll get that fixed in a minute suddenly you have a thing there okay all right so i need dirt or or do i what is this stuff about soil farmland

We’ve got a little bit all right no stop it can you rotate yes you can uh oh i think i need whoa okay okay we want to move this one here i can’t put it there because there’s a corpse here many much more mischief solitary bird thank you so much for the

Tier 2 sub and for 30 months of support wow 3-0 that’s incredible thank you very much thank you can i please put i can’t oh you know i need to put these drawers down somewhere because they’re going to dry me nuts just plunk them over here for now all right rice

Should i put these in the floor over here also grib 256 thank you for the following welcome to the mischief which i think i’m going to remove these i kind of want to put them in the floor regular dirt oh as well no i messed it up the water it’s doing a flow

There we go ah you’re the wrong way around there you go all right that’s a start the wrong way around why is that open back there he’s buggered off again because there’s no crops to harvest doug on it okay totally not a safety hazard here spinning swords in the floor absolutely fine

As intended accept except it’s not oh it’s fine oh except it is intended uh can i get water no there we go oh no bit of dirt there my contraption is overstressed time to add some stress relief oh no stress relief just stress relief uh i could probably do a row here

Let’s grab the right tool for the job um can i add some sales to the window yes but uh increments of eight increase it typically i have no idea if that will work in this pack but usually increments of eight will increase its uh ability where did they go they were just here

There hi little dude how how goes it oh no i need sticks i’m about to no i you’re just going to go for a swim all right enjoy oh that’s not what i wanted there you go so if i do this along the entire thing do you two you’re super cute

Oh my gosh there we go okay see if that helps oh that might work actually oh that was silly why did i do that i have to stop it burn the corpse with lava show your lava for it no it stays there it’s good that’s up here

Oh okay that was kind of what and then i need to make more space in my inventory stop can just be an empty hand yeah it does okay um kind of thinking maybe we do just keep this simple along here i don’t know if this is gonna fit

And then i need those stairs again oh we don’t have enough stairs oh crud we’re gonna need more gabriel blocks we can do one here and then dig that up keep the trim going on but i need more stairs so gabriel what we got for gabriel oh

I fell oh we have enough uh no i don’t think i’m being shot at by ghast nice try though nice try and that didn’t didn’t feel the way i hooked it but there we go and then this one can go right actually we just have that go straight across oh

Make a cup of tea much more mischief we’re going to have to shut this operation no no osha violations we’re fine all fine here how how how are you all right so back to this now if i go like this nope still i was stressed do you know how much it’s overstressed

It doesn’t really say well i mean like i don’t know if you’ve put a stressometer or a speedometer on it or anything let’s just run out of bump oh sorry dude i need to put a block there let me put this here uh excuse please please because look at this look

Let’s go like this and then i’m just going to fill in the recipes actually do i even need three i don’t know i don’t know do you even need three i don’t think i need three do i do this put this here let me fill in the recipes i like that better

Those can stay and then i’ve got what for rich soil which would be enough for another stripe here oh that could be cool i like that and then so that’s that and that’s that so i only need two whoops an extra mechanical soul not bad please but still i was stressed i was

Overstressed as soon as i added one yeah each one probably is gonna need a whole bunch of stuff oh there’s no more there you’re drawing power from anywhere else negative what power are you using the the giant windmill gear i think what is your power source currently yeah it’s the giant

What are you doing in there um wheat and what else oh onions oh that’s irritating and then i think that was it for this oh and of course demonstrates and the rest can all be rice i need rice in here oh there’s pumpkins i forgot about that already rice is nice Captain sweet bit of the rice by the way we have over 200 rice uh currently yeah because i don’t need the rice i just need the straw oh okay so i keep like using the mail you know to gotcha dude stop pushing dude all right so i think that’s it for that group

This this this oh yeah you’re right okay i do need three all right all right because i need um to strip the logs first there and then we’re gonna need more stuff around there but i think we’re okay for that oh one there okay um lantern i need that log

One of those oh this inventory system is so good i’m so happy uh wall no all right oops i forgot what what’d you forget what’d you do oh how do i do how do you i can’t remember time to play the piano oh piano play yeah where’d it go right click with an

Egg i don’t know if that we have an x do we have an x it might work with that no it did not all right my medic it says no you said we have a chest of tools upstairs yes okay so it’s the only chest left okay

Um but i need to fix this overstressed this i might have to add like a second windmill or something what did you miss oh you missed this this struggle i’m doing a heft he’s doing a heft he loves taking care of the pumpkins i’ll tell you what is her an axe

There should be acts of efficiency oh actually there’s just a crappy stone accident that’s perfect that’s that’s nice okay um that’s pretty good uh i just need to figure out what to have there now what other veg okay now i should be able to dump and

Logs onto that thing and it should just go to town except except it’s always dressed up me you’re too stressed out i’m too stressed the machine is too stressed we’re all stressed no you can’t no you must relax what did you miss hi dendra we we’ve been messing around with stuff and

Things i’ve got potato crates here that’s dress relief somehow i know i know we do have tomato seeds we can still do tomatoes that could be a thing just do a little bit of tomatoes two three four five and then why is the sand getting through

I don’t know that the draw the draw must have emptied ascending oh that’s irritating hang on i’ll stop that’s right stop and stop it oh we do have hellbert where’s my um where’s my backpack i’ve got a key in my backpack All right get the sand out of there farmers lights we’ve got everything growing that can let the orange stand out spit it out drop it onions yep okay beets do we have beets oh there we go beetroot seeds then we got clay locked how did that get like that it’s not great

Give me this sand give me a left okay that’s looking a little better give me this that should keep him out of a little bit of trouble another row of pains separating the system yeah the drawer wasn’t locked my bad hey now it’s got a ketchup as well look at

All this kelp give me this too much kelp on the clay helmet there’s no helmets okay we got in here any helmets nope how about hat there are witch’s hat one on head it doesn’t say what it does on my head oh let’s try that oh right i forgot okay we’re

Gonna leave that to it now all right i’ve decided what i’m gonna do what is that koshka wait why did oh because it’s always dressed i knew that um i’m gonna put a second windmill like behind this metal plate that’s what i’m gonna do okay i’m not sure i like that but

That’s what’s gonna happen taking away our heidi spot our afk hiding spot oh yeah yep now what will we do we’ll have to do it elsewhere if we want to grab the door dirt i just need to get rid of this stuff in this area will i even work well what even work

Oh no i still touch that leaf crap dichotomy there we go not a problem we can’t see it all these half slab thingies oh there’s even a spruce log over here that’s kind of weird there we go and then there’s the edges that oh whoopsie that’s the edge of the

World oh not the edge of the world but it’s the edge of the world as we know it This that’s the other thing all right uh speaking of snoozes let’s do one thank you rowan let’s have a drink i’m gonna have to use this dirt to pillar up to dig out the other dirt wait are you using dirt to dig out dirt i am using dirt to dig out dirt okay

Yeah i know hey he broke free quick get the cage good penguin okay so this is gonna need to be emptied out i think i’m gonna put all this stuff in my loot chest for now Oh no what what’s the matter guys you’re right yeah i’m gonna need some more uh there there okay so i need at least one piece of dirt to fix that floor dirt that’s a start look at this i’m just clicking stuff into the inventory willy-nilly i don’t

Care it’s lovely isn’t it it is delightful all right so you’re going to lose access to the inventory because i need to move it no just so that you’re aware okay and this okay that’s that’s going to go here and i think all right i need to sneak click

Linked to the new thing Um oh yeah i need to put down the other stuff but first can i get cobble i just need to do that cobble let’s start with that for placing these things ah one too close and then one over here ah gravel rubber more gravel up there this one two three two

And then this one here there and i can okay what’s a risky move i was worried there was gonna be gravel all right kashka where are you i am buried because i need to give you a new storage actuator well i guess you just have to do without inventory for now

Oh mentoring accents oh god okay i’m almost done okay um i wanted oh right i still have occultism stuff i didn’t collect and put in here yet oh that needs to be finished yay for um connected textures telling me when i’m reaching the edge of the thing chalk chalk candles here’s my question

Can i i think i might like stable stuff cobblestone other stone skulls feathers cobble uh butcher knife yeah that’s going in there too green dye demon tree fruit these are mirrors what i thought do i still have the valen book or did it like randomly change maybe that was

It there’s nothing there nothing there gonna have to rebuild this hill oh it’s randomly changing to different names oh indeed while it’s in the inventory system oh no there’s clickly remember which clickly is the one the author of the mod yeah that’s cool actually so you can pick it out and choose what

You want while it’s in here that’s neat i’m just going to leave it for now and i think this can come with me too and it gets moved here with the wood that was in it uh furnace there’s no furnaces in there oh that’s right i despawned them there’s two furnaces

And then slaps oh that’s fine i’ll just put those in there figure that out done back up to try and decorate the inventory section we’re gonna need some other stone let’s take a look at occultism that’s too many c’s what do we have for decorative blockage not a lot

I think it’s just the other stone stuff is a good starter i’m gonna take some more take some more okay i don’t think it has stairs no stairs no stairs very cute canoe oh boy a boy you okay yep i’m peachy how are you i’m okay a little worried about you at the

Moment that’s fine just sometimes you mine a block away and there’s no block underneath it and it’s like whoopsies okay oh no i’m just gonna oh [ __ ] you’ve gotta be kidding me did i really just do that to myself maybe i don’t know what what that is but

Yeah i sure did okay i can’t wait if we do this backwards we’re definitely gonna have to build this up a little bit this is going to need to be a little bit more interesting than what i’ve got currently oops duck on it here and here okay and these

All right so that stuck out but here’s my problem though okay i’ve got some gears in the way so i’m gonna have to like move those i think that’s gonna be kind of tricky can we make a rotational speed controller yet that’s a good question

I don’t think we can yet because well we could but it would be very um very manual well we’d found one yeah we did find i think we’re using it aren’t we sorry excuse me because it requires a brass machine okay let’s see lantern that’s a pain in the arse

Oh there’s a copper lantern as well all right so i’m gonna come can i come get my new storage thing from me i’m done digging that out sure i’ll need your old storage thingy where did all the stuff go it’s in the system oh oh it worked okay cool so we can

Actually have that up there but i meant like all the pillars and stuff i i gotta work on it okay okay okay all right okay it’s gonna take me a bit because this this there there’s other stone and other stone slabs and that’s all there is so i

Got to come up with some complimenting stuff because this looks very jank and i want it to be a bit taller and spire like oh hi hi i gave you my thingy oh i don’t know which one it is that one okay that one doesn’t work so there you go

Make sure to clear that out but if you need if it if it gets moved for some reason you just sneak right click with your remote and it links it to the uh the storage actuator thing okay cool work in progress yes yes very much so um all right so um

I think we had another win yeah there’s a windmill bearing and then the other thing i wonder wait how will this work hang on um did i just do that for nothing i i don’t know what you did so i don’t know i’m gonna need to bring up this this maybe maybe

We need to trans transition blocks because this looks really out of place compared to everything else is there any like limit on i mean right now it’s two blocks wide what is my windmill okay two sales wide okay and six sales long okay definitely doesn’t look weird going

Into those blocks no not at all not at all nope can i make it uh yes so maybe what i should do is move this metal this factory thing wall back one and then add add another row six times four 24 that’d be uh three more increments of uh power added

All right let me go look because maybe i can add two more actually let’s see i don’t know if i can do this today though because it’s almost 1am yeah we should probably be calling it here work is a thing that is happening i could do inside kabul maybe

Oh the the lights irritating them because i’m so close i can’t remember what’s up we don’t have any limestone really okay surprise you could move the windmill block back more so it’s kind of inlaid into the wall that way you wouldn’t have to move the whole wall thank you knobby no work

You said the w word no i know i’m sorry okay let’s put this those away okay something that kind of works between i need some gabriel samples what is what is going on over here cabro okay bro okay so that can definitely move back something between these colors this could move back

Wait this isn’t actually going anywhere gravel what the heck not gravel inside cobble all right maybe am i nuts kind of oh no no no here it is create this is the problem and site what what’s the problem koshka what’s wrong what’s wrong this so if i if i take out my

If i move okay probably take a bunch of these for now and so now i’m going to do the thing that was suggested by joe fox i’m going to what’s that move that windmill block back into the wall and then um yeah then i can have an extra set of

Sales without having to you know joe fox you have just one minecraft because i’m gonna i’m gonna have to do that eventually but i just can’t do it tonight basically basically put that in there fill that up oh is this going to drop all the sails though

It is isn’t it it’s staying in place so they should stay hovering in the air but i need to move that block the radial chassis needs to move back one yeah the the rest of the blocks can i just add a radio chassis you can just add a radial chassis but

You can still break that block and it won’t it won’t drop all of the sails really as long as it’s not moving yes because it’s not a complete it i mean while it’s sitting there still it’s a whole bunch of blocks it is not an actual entity

No because this pack messes with my brain all right so oh it’s getting windy out oh boy so if i use this with this oh i get all the good stuff then okay what if we do hmm well the fancy charlie thanks for stopping in yeah thanks jelly take care

I’m so scared to break this [Laughter] you use it use an x use an x it worked it’s fine it’s not too bad we still need something to transition between that but that’s not that’s not bad hmm let’s see uh oh wait or would scoria be best oh scoria we don’t have scoria

That might be a little too dark though yeah i think that’s even darker than other stone that’s kind of grayish ah sticks why are you gonna be like the sticks i don’t know i’m kind of thinking that the limestone might actually be better still all right how does one make weathered limestone what

Weathered limestone cobblestone you wash limestone all right how’d it work limestone how does get limestone i don’t want to buy it lime sand which is ground up sand oh or diorite hold on a second lime sand right how many do i need again 24 right yes

Thyroid or sand let’s see what we’ve got okay diodyl right we don’t have a lot of cash could are are we making diuretic cobblestone uh yes there is in fact um down at the the andesite area there’s a storage drawer full of it okay uh how do i do if this doesn’t um

This doesn’t fix my stress problems then i’m gonna have to stress out come back to this uh different diet because so that’s just straight up die right so i don’t want that uh i need to crush it and then yeah yeah hmm we’d have to all right vines

Beef this up a bit what is this doing this is going big to small that’s probably the problem then it goes big to small big to small big that’s that yeah i definitely need to fix that oh but now how do i get to that to click on it

Think we need to go small can i do that from inside with this handy dirt stair that i made i can’t seem to jump up okay there we go all right oh it is going faster okay go oh oh let’s see No oh what why are you going backwards why are you going backwards did it suddenly decide to go the other way i think so can i wrench it probably i don’t know i’m gonna try go for it all right so let’s i’m gonna try this limestone that’s not weathered limestone

Oh yeah it was wasn’t it sneak oh crap was that on the radio chassis though or oh [ __ ] no i was trying to make weathered limestone and it needs to be washed like that’s the only way to make it is by washing it and it has no advantage that i’m aware

Of short of aesthetics so it’s maybe is it the radial chassis that i need to click on i’m doing a cry where is the washing maybe oh [ __ ] that just did that oh god i swear i just heard somebody shoot at me no that was me oh okay

And how do you change the direction that’s gonna bit further still so if i toss limestone there is that still the wrong direction yes it is why did it switch direction it stopped because of it okay it was the right direction before though now there

There we go that that should do it so just the only thing i did was move that back one just like to cook it and it was going in the right direction before weathered limestone okay i swear there was a way to change that i remember r and i saying like

You shift and oh that’s danger down what super dangerous oh god on the side of the block with the wrench okay maybe i need to if you look at the side of the block the block you need to look at the side of the block ah there’s no easy way of getting like

That goddammit bounced across oh [ __ ] okay yeah i just got sprung across the way with that thing all right ah there it is it’s on the side thank you why did i fall okay thank you very much right no this stuff is too frozen creep refuse so

I thought that there was a creeper about to blow up by me and that was just chat okay nice all right am i [ __ ] thank you tall had never seen that before i learned i remember r and i telling me about it i just couldn’t remember like

What the actual thing was to click all right let me put these back oop weathered limestone okay so um but that’s not helped actually that has not helped look at this it’s still it still says nay some of this all right i think i have to stop because this isn’t working it’s late

It’s ten minutes after one in the morning yep and my alarm is gonna go off oh crap indeed uh can i get back up there here’s the thing i can’t remember like [ __ ] that was close how much of like here’s my concern actually is that these are not

Being powered by wait where is that it’s here ow you son of a guy i think it’s being powered by that [ __ ] i think that’s the problem actually it’s powered by [ __ ] it’s powered by [ __ ] [ __ ] power it’s not [ __ ] energy yeah it’s okay this is the problem is that it’s being powered

By this water wheel back here i’ve got too much stuff connected to that water wheel instead of connected to the window oh they’re not both connected to the same system so i’m gonna need to kind of re meanwhile you’re just like more power right and it’s like nope not gonna power

So but the windmill is right behind here so i’m sure i can tap into this oh i’m also sure i can overshoot that by slimy booting it slimy booty because this is powering some of it i just need to tap into some of that and bring it hang on oh okay oh oh

Maybe right here actually wait a second you wait a sec no oh i think right here do we have blackstone yeah i think this might do it right or it might also blow everything up these are over these are the only two options that could potentially happen

So if i mine this out here oh that’s that’s totally the wrong color that there a dark stone oh that’s that’s even worse oh my okay uh oh vertical belt yes that’s even better skystone no give me give me that back okay give me that back give me

I like that even better papa cheese thank you skye stone that’s gonna be okay yeah because then it can hop over there right so we can do like this that’s so different from this what what we can go okay let’s smell this and see what it looks like and then also like that

And then i need my belt ah where’s the belt there it is like that then i need to dig this out and then oh boy what what yeah okay maybe i break this one oh okay but then can you do that and now i’m totally stuck in here cannot

Get out this is my life now sucks because i want to see if it’s working come on way up flip it up did it fix it it fixed it they fixed it you fixed it I think you think okay but why are you stuck no there isn’t there is oh okay i found the bridge okay this is good oh my god it’s flipping things all over the place look at it go all right all right hang on i know i

Said i was gonna quit but i’m so damn close now she can quit whatever she wants man she quit whatever she wants Or even just a chest just give me a chance really that’s interesting oh there are 30 chests in there yes we had a few because can i put an endocyte funnel on the end of that to feed into those will that work oh keep standing on that belt getting sucked in

Oh that belt’s going the wrong oh [ __ ] those bells are going the wrong way because the gear boxes ah oh no no no stop actually could i do oh crap i could do that one too let’s do that one and then yeah you think the glass is blocking it

I don’t i think it’s fine actually that okay all right we’re getting somewhere okay so weathered limestone sky stone bricks and other stone i think i can make this work it’s gonna take a bit bit of doing and convincing um probably don’t want all that like that so did you fix it

I’m almost what what’s not working these two belts are going the wrong direction you’re just gonna put in a uh oops oh what do you call it uh maybe i can’t remember how i have it hooked up is the problem oh how did i connect this i don’t know

How how did you connect it skystone not that way oh no not like that not like that uh this it’s nice having a portable table oh jeez i just wanted six not 60. my gosh okay then that’s gonna take a bit okay that’s operating that where the heck is this thing getting

Power from wait it’s all coming up from this isn’t it yeah okay and then that’s doing that that’s doing that oh that needs to be smelted first okay yeah okay so if i replace now give me that oh you little [ __ ] give me that cobble back

If i replace that with another if i replace that shaft with a gearbox then it should all rotate the right way i hope it has a hope yes it’s don’t forget okay oops all right so close i’m so close to finishing this you’ve been saying that for like a half

Hour i know i know you have nobody to blame for yourself i know i’m a terrible person oh [ __ ] oh the only problem is if i don’t like the placement of these blocks they take for rick and ever to break here we go i think i gotta get rid of these too

Don’t forget the saw he says i know we’re gonna right wait that’s going the opposite way the saws have directions hello wolfen they have different directions yes how do you know which direction they’re going in uh you click a block on them i guess a chain drive might be good for those

Oh [ __ ] yeah i have okay wow you’ve got something i don’t know what it is oh of course they’re going different direction because these are gear boxes i need to instead use something different like uh like a chain drive but then you’d need to plug into the chain drive right yeah

Yeah yeah or just more belts hang on i can do this all the belts i can do this right here um oh actually yeah you just need to power one right yep ah well i keep forgetting that they use the thing to use and then a chain drive and then like this

Well no i was meaning just because they’re all touching don’t they all get powered when one’s powered oh they do i don’t know if i rotated them i assume Oh probably yeah okay yeah yeah i think you’re right no why would you have to turn darn chain drive now it’s doing it Oh my gosh oh it doesn’t have a thing you need the saw that’s what you were talking about don’t forget the saw do you have a saw i have an iron one here just just click it on the head i need to shoot right or

Just click it just click it on the hand and get like get down and drop a block down drop it back down or just sneak underneath and look up something yeah oh right there yeah right that not not on the yellow box okay just right there the hand there sure

Yeah up up and then they click just just click it on the hand in the butt yeah like that’s not nothing’s happening don’t sneak does it have to be fit oh there you go chunk you’ve got one it’s right there on the end of the belt you’ve got two you’ve done it

I got you’ve done it koshka give me one of these you’re like kimmy kimmy right now okay just like panic clicking now which is a bit ridiculous okay that looks better and then this there and now i just need something for them to be numbed into nom nom nom um

We’re just gonna do another double chest oh i thought you’re going to do a drawer with a voiding thing you do a draw with the voidings do we have any drawers do we look we have one drawer i have an and a site funnel oh yeah we do okay what’s the voiding upgrade

Oh [ __ ] we’re out of obsidian yeah we’re all so uh that’s fine though okay oops can now sleep and dream of mechanisms all night long um okay all right here we go so put that there that goes in there that goes on the side there oh my god oh my god

Look at this it’s amazing i need a bit of stone right now because nobody wants to see that oh my god this is amazing one of those and i need more of these do we we ran out okay well let’s just do that and then oh that’s other stone

And i’m sure if i rotated these like they would feed into each other but i kind of like him like this a contraption has been built you know what i have to do now i have to do this you have to complete the quest right bam deploy deploy deploy there we go

Job’s done [ __ ] i also did this guy’s completed the endocyte lift and then chapter one complete is task and site machine congrats now you have a passive supply of kinetic mechanisms this is bound to change the pa the pace a bit before moving on check back through your

Factory and search for any major bottlenecks it’d be a shame if a really efficient andesite generator is held back only by the sand not coming in quickly enough yeah that is a thing that’s happening not that i’m gonna care about it today but there i just like stuff being flung all over

The place look at this it’s blinking things on a regular basis i guess i see about getting over there yeah technically the word is not automated yet we need to do yeah where is the a tree farm like a little mini tree farm somehow well those are actually pretty pretty simple you just

Just like your kelp farm but with saw blades and trees instead of kelp and water oh hear the sounds nicely done koshka i don’t know that i go that far but whatever that’s pretty fun is there a storage upgrade i am gonna just oh creeper [ __ ] off what is creeper in here what

No he’s like out here thinking about blowing up your rituals no here’s the thing that does keep happening i i upgraded your storage drawer oh wait no this is doing good actually sometimes this oh there’s that crease i got it but that actually looks like it’s doing good right now creeper

Oh nice oh i got tnt from that look i can just put the stuff in the system oh it’s so good all right so there we go why do i have a soul campfire i don’t know that’s a good question valen why did how i don’t know anyway now sleep indeed

Indeed let’s go stand i’m gonna regret this in the morning it’s good regrets i i’m happy to have the occultism storage we’re a quarterfold yeah that’s fantastic as well we have like remote crafting with all of our items now except for like some armor and weapon

Bits in case or not in case for when we die oh doesn’t mean i swear all right well let’s hit the credits hi everybody uh so thank you all again for coming out for another stream for the uh the bits the subs the follows the chat the conversation the lurks

Just being here and keeping us company thank you so much especially for all the tips the flipping is quite satisfying i just like watching stuff flying through the air it’s very good let’s see if we can find somebody out on twitch for a raid tonight let’s see

Also at some point my pants broke which just seems appropriate really What do we got we’ve got some limiter doing an unscheduled stream day two on the verified server nice he was here earlier why don’t we go say hi yeah i think we should mute that though for a second while the ad runs and we’ll do this and this that’s the wrong button okay

So if you all want to join feel free here’s some example emotes you can spam in this chat when we get there if you are a sub to the channel here’s some examples that you could use if you’re not a sub to the channel and you copy those that is exactly how it

Will show up so please be aware otherwise it’ll put a bunch of cool emotes in in the chat thanks again everybody for coming out thank you for your company and uh assuming that we ever wake up we’ll see you guys next time bye all right bye

This video, titled ’13 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2022-12-15 15:00:10. It has garnered 133 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:32 or 15872 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer #createaboveandbeyond This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch (twitch.tv/mischiefofmice) or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice

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    Valkyrae Spills Tea on Momoa's Set Play, Minecraft Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, Valkyrae did share, Jason Momoa’s behavior, oh what a scare! Yelling at the crew, causing quite a stir, In the world of gaming, his actions were a blur. Valkyrae revealed, in an interview so bold, Jason Momoa’s antics, a story to be told. On the set of “A Minecraft Movie,” His behavior was disappointing, oh what a groovy. So next time you’re on set, remember to be kind, In the world of gaming, respect is what you’ll find. Valkyrae’s words, a lesson to be learned, In the world of Minecraft, let respect be returned. Read More

  • The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥

    The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dadjokes Read More

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

    Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet! Join fleetbhai as he navigates through various adventures, challenges, and humorous moments in this popular gaming realm. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights of this gaming universe. GamerFleet’s Minecraft Universe GamerFleet, led by fleetbhai, takes players on a rollercoaster ride through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From exploring new terrains to battling formidable foes, the GamerFleet community thrives on excitement and camaraderie. Key Features: fleetbhai’s Adventures: Watch fleetbhai tackle challenges, interact with villagers, and unleash his creativity in building magnificent… Read More

  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21! Transforme Seu Minecraft com o Ray Tracing! O Ray Tracing chegou ao Minecraft e está revolucionando a forma como vemos o jogo! Com gráficos impressionantes, reflexos realistas, sombras detalhadas e iluminação global, essa tecnologia leva a experiência de jogo a um novo nível. Neste artigo, vamos explorar como ativar o Ray Tracing em qualquer mundo no seu Minecraft 1.21! Passo a Passo para Ativar o Ray Tracing Ativar o Ray Tracing no seu Minecraft é mais simples do que você imagina. Siga este passo a passo rápido e fácil para transformar seus gráficos: Passo 1: Baixe e instale o… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge: ONLY One Color Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-05-13 16:30:07. It has garnered 108715 views and 1728 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:29 or 4889 seconds. Using ONLY One Color In Minecraft! 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short Gameplay

    Insane Minecraft Clutch in Short GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch’, was uploaded by Plafi gaming on 2024-03-18 02:28:45. It has garnered 459 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft || minecraft short || minecraft clutch Most Dangerous Elevator Minecraft’s new OVERPOWERED Weapon… I Survived 100 Days On a DIAMOND RAFT In Deep Ocean i. IFound Minecraft’s RAREST Armor in Hardcore! (Hindi) 50+ New Things Added to Minecraft 1.21 (Update) DUPING CRATE KEYS on a Pay-To-Win Minecraft Server Why Scary KRASUE ATTACK HOUSE At Night in Minecraft? How This SWORD Made… Read More

  • Monkey Jungle Madness – Minecraft ROBLOX Animation

    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

13 Create: Above & Beyond w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack