200 Days in Hardcore: Ultimate Cosmonautic Mastery!

Video Information

So the thing about Minecraft is that there will never be an end to the things we can do and I think that is something that makes this community so unique and wonderful especially among a sea of other games that’s why when I decided to start making content I chose this game

Community when I could have picked so many others that I enjoy I ultimately will never be bored of it and apparently you guys won’t either because this is 200 days in hardcore better Minecraft if you haven’t already seen my first 100 days I highly recommend you watch that

Video first because that will make everything make sense all right right now here are the goals we’re setting for this video I want to make the ugly ass wither farm that we made pretty remodel my base get more villagers and make a proper Village sltrading Post build a

Beacon a conduit an end farm and collect all the armors available in this mod pack I also want to kill all the remaining bosses that I haven’t taken on yet I did learn after my last video that I did miss quite a few so we’ll be

Killing them as we come across them I’m not going to go out of my way because I don’t want spoilers as of writing this I don’t know if I’ve met these goals but we’ll see anyway I am a YouTuber so I have to remind you to to like And

Subscribe only a small portion of my viewers are subscribed so you should double check just to make sure and you should definitely check out my Discord my Discord members get to participate in these videos and see sneak peeks so if you’re interested in that you should

Totally join I also stream once a week on Twitch all the links will be in the description and now that that’s over enjoy 200 days in hardcore better Minecraft so I woke up on day 100 and I immediately went to fix my settings I actually turned off shaders while I was

Grabbing my thumbnail and everything so I had to go in and readjust a bunch of my stuff after I fixed to my settings I went and I started making my wither Farm pretty using some of the materials in the area I actually had to round out the

Corners or I guess unround out the corners so that I could do this properly something kind of crazy is that I actually had to go to the creeper Farm in order to get gunpowder for my fireworks because I ran out I also added an uncrafting table to my desk and my

Base and uncrafted books for paper and I finally slept in my own bed on day 101 I took down what I did to my wither Farm I really didn’t like it and I wanted it to actually look a little different than what I was initially Planning I sorted out my inventory and made two SE crystals and that was pretty much it for day 101 on the next day I went to use the crystals on my farm because I was like I can just use the spawner I already made to upgrade the

Spawner you know with the new soul crystal I don’t know why I thought that would work because it’s so like obvious that this mod is well done and well thought out and um yeah so they basically made it so that I can’t do this so after realizing that I can’t

Upgrade it I just went back to making it look nice because I wasn’t going to upgrade it I also got enough skulls to fight another wither I wanted to fight another wither so I could get more nether Stars I I at least needed to fight probably one or two more Withers

Because there were two things I really wanted and those two things required nether Stars first goal being a Beacon I went and fought another wither and it actually popped one of the life charms I had which is [Applause] crazy when I woke up on day 103 I really just wanted to learn how I could get more of those Life Crystals it unfortunately looked like they were not

Craftable and they were something I was going to have to find in a loot chest considering I hadn’t found a woodland Mansion yet this would be the easiest way for us to access something similar to a totem I grabbed some extra fireworks and I made my way out to the

Twilight Forest first I looted a redcap hill I really wanted a bunch of the ores from there especially because I hadn’t set up a proper iron farm in the first 100 days it actually might be a goal for the next video I do on this but I never

Wound up setting up an iron farm specifically because the Red capap Hills were so rich in it anyway I came back and I emptied my inventory of all the stuff that I could and then I started clearing off this little island now this island was something I’d contemplated

Building on for a long time but I wasn’t fully sure what I was going to do with it Yet I actually wanted to get my beacon together soon too so I actually went back to the area where I normally kill the Wither since that’s pretty deep underground and I vein mind a bunch of stuff I started setting up the beacon um I wasn’t fully sure on how I could do

This because I’ve never actually had a beacon in any of my worlds before for the most part I don’t stick around long enough in a Minecraft world to get to these extra late game stages especially because the S&P I run is monthly mod pack and we we only run the mod pack for

A month so there’s no like late game what do I do kind of stages you know I did a bunch of villager trading and this was mostly so I could get some Emerald blocks for the beacon I figured that this this would be the easiest way

To get more or blocks for the beacon I also realized that a bunch of my villagers had randomly died and I wasn’t really sure why I didn’t know why this was happening I decided to take down my beacon and trade away some of the ores for more emeralds and I also uncrafted

Some of the stuff I traded the emeralds for so that I could get more diamond blocks for the beacon which in hindsight I don’t think was very smart because I don’t think it matters what ore you have underneath the beacon as long as you have enough of it I tried laying out a

Foundation for the beacon but I realized I didn’t really like what I was doing and I also realized that I wouldn’t have any kind of power anytime soon if I did it that way so I took it down I went back to the Twilight Forest in order to

Try to find some more Ores I remember seeing some ore blocks in the uras tower so that’s where I went next unfortunately I didn’t find the or blocks that I found last time and it wasn’t really a useful trip I did wind up getting a lot of books though which

Was definitely worth it then I came home grabbed a bunch of ores and then I started trying to figure out what exactly I was going to do I also decided to redo some of my sorting system I moved some of my blocks into more individualized chests because I had so

Much deep slate that it could fill almost an entire double chest so I started moving some of my other stone blocks into their own one as well like andesite got its own I think as well like andesite Granite they all got their own then I continued building onto my

Wither Farm I really just wanted this to look nicer and I honestly didn’t fully know how to make it look nicer but that’s that’s just what I wanted I didn’t like how it looked and I complained about it the entire playthrough so it was really a big

Priority for me I decided to use bone blocks in the build because I thought they looked really super cool After after I worked on the weather farm for a little while I went back to the Twilight Forest because I still wanted that extra life charm but I was really struggling with finding another Aurora Palace where I would have to fight another Snow Queen I know that her chest

Isn’t specifically where you get it but I needed another Aurora Palace to loot so that I could get the extra life charm I accidentally spawned in a Twilight Lich um while looting a Lich Tower for bookshelves I just kind of left I didn’t really care to fight it and then I flew

All the way back to the portal because I was running really low on fireworks and I didn’t want to be out in the Twilight Forest with five fireworks I then traded a bunch with my villagers using my lovely infinite money glitch and then I just spent a bit of time

Sorting out the loot and all the stuff I got from the Twilight Forest I also uncrafted a bunch of amethyst shards because I wanted to replace part of the Wither farm with tinted glass because it wouldn’t affect the spawn levels but you could see in and I just thought that was super duper Cool I’m not going to lie this is like straight up take three of this so if this audio is bad I’m just going to use it and I’m sorry if the audio for a little while isn’t too great I’m dog sitting for my grandpa and I’m staying

At his house while he visits my sister for a little while I brought my entire setup with me but it’s also in his kitchen which has a really bad Echo so I’m going to remove it and posed best I can and I’m also currently holding a

Blanket over my mic in hopes that that helps dull the Reverb but I I can’t make any promises all right back to the video so one kind of fun funky thing I did was change out the blocks I wanted to use for the Wither farm so initially I was

Just going to use you know the wood and some other stuff you know maybe some Stone but I decided to use wither bone blocks and I’m actually really happy with that decision cuz I think it looks amazing I also decided to put tinted glass in certain parts I was

Contemplating using the tinted glass in most of the build but I realized how you know not economical that would be especially because I would need to get so much Amethyst in order to do this and and I don’t have an XP farm yet so I

Don’t really have a good way to get XP in order to uncraft Amethyst blocks back into amethyst shards which is what I need to make tinted glass so I settled on doing just like the bottom part and then some of the upper part I also decided to build this big wither

Skeleton skull like this bigger version of one and I thought that made the Wither Farm look pretty sick I also used a wither skeleton skull that I already had in order to make like a little thing on the archway entrance I thought it looked really cool I also threw torches

Around all at the top top and like sides of the building in order to prevent mobs from spawning on any of the open blocks because we don’t want no spawning where we don’t want to be spawning if you catch my drift so I went to get ready to

Fight the Wither again because I wanted another star in order to make the warp pocket thing for the waist Stones mod so I saw something interesting when I was looking into it I crafted a local void and I realized I actually don’t really need it and I uncrafted it I thought it

Would be something cool like I don’t know some void pocket storage or some like that but it doesn’t even make like a cool little pocket Dimension or anything like that it was just really useless when I was about to go fight the Wither I actually realized that a raid

Had took out nearly all of my villagers I was really devastated about this because this meant that Not only was my infinite money glitch broken all of my enchantment villagers were gone a few nights before this I had I think a night or two before this I had actually

Ignored a little raid call because I didn’t think that they would attack my villagers for some reason I was kind of stupid I shouldn’t have ignored it I should have gone and killed them like I usually do or like I usually try to but I haven’t had that much issue with kind

Of ignoring it in the past so I guess this one just spawned in the right spot or something it was just really unfortunate but it’s okay so on day 108 I went back and did the Wither fight and I did a lot better this time than I did

Before I actually dug out the tunnel that you’re supposed to dig when you fight the Wither so killing the Wither was much easier this time around I also didn’t pop one of the little life charms like I did last time after that epic wither fight because I was so much

Smarter about it I actually kind of regret red the way I had done it before because I could have had another life charm and life charms are super important because like I said earlier they’re basically a cheaper version of a totem I don’t have to go raid an entire

Woodland Mansion for a bunch of totems and I can just go raid an aurora Tower and find a few life charms and frankly the Aurora Tower is easier to find after I won the fight I went back to my base and I crafted a pocket Wormhole this

Thing would allow me to teleport without actually needing to use a waist Stone and this was actually really nice because I went back and retrieved all my old waist stones and I was able use them for future projects and I was also able to just have some on hand in case I

Wanted to Mark something or wanted to come back to something later another thing that’s really nice is that if I’m if I’m in a sticky situation or if I’m fighting a boss and I can’t get away or if I’m stuck somewhere about to die I

Can use this as a get out of jail free card so after all of that I started shuffling the trades with the one villager in the sex Shack in order to get something called collection I wanted collection because it’s a really good enchantment that makes it so that items

Go straight into my inventory instead of me having to run around and collect them all the time you know the issue with me wanting this enchantment is that I had to shuffle this villager’s trades for over an entire Minecraft day and night so over 20 minutes is how long it took

Me to get this trade once I got it though on day 110 I made my way back over to the island in order to finish up clearing out the trees in the forest because deforestation is totally okay and not a genuine real world problem after I tore down most of the forest I

Started building the new Village and I started outlining specifically a library building I also started outlining an Armory SL Iron Work building because I wanted to have different buildings with different villagers that related to the theme of the building so I wanted to have a bunch of librarians in the

Library which is why I was outlining a taller Spire for the library and then I was going to put all the iron workk villagers in the basement of the Armory so things like so things like Fletchers iron workers armor armor Smiths toolsmiths leather workers things like

That this was just like a lot of building while I was building I was I just I realized that I was going to need a name for the island and the village overall so of course I went and asked my audience if you want to know what you

Guys decided to name my Village in my 200 days world that’s going to be the the forever name of this entire Island and Village so I usually just ping in my server and I’m like hey yo what do I name this guys and then you guys will

Usually respond with a dumb name and normally I’ll pick the first one but you guys have been so fast at responding to me lately that I have to combine names also sorry if you can hear the dog in the background he decided right now while I’m recording is the best time to

Chow Down on his food okay so for whatever reason I didn’t put this on the initial recording but I actually I actually named The Village corn Bean because you guys responded so fast that I had to mesh the names together so that’s what I did after I named The

Village I actually went back to the I actually went back to the Wither fight area in order to mine I really needed some more Ores for the beacon I also needed some more deep slate because I wanted it to be a core of the block pallet for the entire Village

Unfortunately I didn’t pay attention while vein Mining and I broke my pickaxe now this was kind of a big deal because I didn’t have the netherite to replace it quite yet but at least I had the diamond to replace it it just meant that I would be wandering around with an

Unenchanted pickaxe for a little while after I broke it I went back to my I went back to after I broke it I went back to my cabin and I sorted my inventory and then I decided I was going to go end busting again so I started

Doing the preparations to do that and then when day 114 rolled around I actually went and busting I wound up finding a second elytra and another dragon head which was super useful cuz I don’t know when I’m going to need those things and I can also just use them for

Decoration but for the second elytra I was happy to have this because that meant that I could use it on making more armors and actually have the complete set there are some armors that need an elytra for the chest plate while I was doing this I actually found another one

Of those boss platforms and I tried looking around a bit to see like in my UI if there was any kind of guide to it turns out there is there’s a whole thing I’ve been ignoring this entire playthrough I found out that there’s a menu where I can claim a bunch of

Rewards for doing quests that I haven’t seen at all so I claimed all of that and as you can see it completely clogged my inventory but one thing that I found weird was that it says I hadn’t killed some of the bosses that I have already

Killed I killed a bunch of liches and like every other thing from the Twilight Forest but for some reason it doesn’t count that I killed the UR Gast I really don’t understand but go off I guess I also realized when I claimed all my quests that one thing it gave me was a

Dragon saddle I knew that dragons existed in this mod pack but I thought it was in other versions because I’ve played better Minecraft before the only dragons that I remember being in this mod pack when I played it last was the dragon Legacy mod which adds like all

The eggs and the variants but that was a very different version of better Minecraft that I haven’t played in a long time and when I played it for monthly mod pack S&P I didn’t find any dragon pets at all but when I looked into it a bit more I actually found out

That there are two bosses I missed and that’s why I never got the pet dragon the first boss I missed is the eye which is what I need to kill in order to get to the second boss the void Shadow which is what I need to kill in order to hatch

The dragon egg to get a pet dragon but we’ll deal with all that later I stole all the bookshelves and anvils from the boat and I uncrafted anvils for blocks of iron when I got back to my base I also Enchanted my new pickaxe with efficiency 4 and Unbreaking 3 in order

To deal with you know having a new pickaxe and all then on day 115 all the way to day 119 these are the events that take place the first thing that happened was that I found out about the two other bosses the second thing that happened

Was that I confirmed I can get a pet dragon and the third thing that happened is that I went back to the end in order to kill the eye first I had to go back to the main main end Island in order to get crying obsidian from the end pillars

I also had to use birch trees to make more paper to get more fireworks but I don’t remember when exactly I did that so I don’t know if it’ll be on screen or not after I got everything I needed I went back into the end and I built the

Little pillar and I summoned the eye the eye is the scariest boss we’ve taken on yet with a total of 800 Health points or 400 hearts and an attack strength of four this boss is going to be nothing like anything we fought before that’s not just because it’s a it’s from a

Different mod but it’s because it’s a new thing entirely with a whole new style of everything this was the hardest fight I’d taken on so far and here’s how it went after I killed the eye it was time to move on to the void Shadow which was

Definitely going to be a big step up in regards to how challenging it is one thing I don’t like about these boss fights though is is that they’re very repetitive and they don’t really seem to have that much uniqueness to them or at least not uniqueness in the right way

Like they’re unique they stand out but the things that make them unique are the annoying mechanics about them and it’s just personally not my favorite I really liked how interactive the Twilight Forest was I liked how how progression locked it was and how clear it was to

Progress and how or how clear the progression was and how how easy it was to figure out what I needed to do when I don’t know that’s just something I would definitely I would definitely tweak this make the progression clearer and I would also make it so that the attacks aren’t

As repetitive because with the eye it was kind of ridiculous trying to fight it in the end like that and if I didn’t have an elytra and a bunch of fireworks that fight would not have been possible but that that pales in comparison to

What you have to do in order to kill the void Shadow but this boss definitely isn’t like anything that we’ve seen before especially given that it has over 1,000 Health points or 500 Hearts it also has an attack strength of 10 killing it will grant us the fame effect

Which is what you need in order to hatch the dragon egg this was the hardest and most tedious fight I’ve ever been in I’m very grateful I had the pocket wormhole on me during this fight because I would have died without it here’s how the fight Went On day 120 after finally getting rid of the Void Shadow and getting the F effect I went back to my base and I made the little platform that I needed in order to hatch myself a dragon I literally put the dragon egg on top of the little

Pyramid and I sat there the entire time and waited for her to grow up while I waited for her to grow up do you want to guess what I did I told my community hey I need a name for a pet and I didn’t tell I didn’t tell them exactly what pet

And to to even to me recording this you guys don’t know well I guess you’re finding out right now I didn’t tell my community that this was the most important pet in the entire mod pack so I want you to take a guess as to what my

As to what my Discord decided that the name for my dragon should be was it a skibby toilet b bungus grup c Gabe or D mocus Pocus this is a hard one it was B bungus grub so that was what we decided to name her but I didn’t use a name tag

Quite yet after I hatched the dragon I waited for her to grow up and then I put my saddle on her I didn’t want to leave her alone and I also didn’t want to have her wandering after that when day 121 rolled around I went to spruce up The

Corn Bean Island killing mobs filling in holes cutting down the trees getting rid of like old cobblestone stuff like that I also traded a lot of the wood away with villagers and continued work on the library I continued work on the library all the way until day 122 and then I

Made a railway at night I let up the Island after that I moved the first baby villager into the library and I moved a librarian there VIA Rail and then just I continued constructing the library it’s going to be a lot of construction for these next couple days because that’s what I was mainly doing on day 124 I

Finally named bungus grup with a tag and I also spent part of the day AFK but I’m not fully sure why I think it was because I was waiting for my villagers to grow up the next day I started leveling up the villagers continued my deforestation efforts and I got rid of

All the trees on the corn Bean Island I also had to sleep because Phantoms came around I then moved baby villagers into the library continued more construction traded added a level to the beacon and I flew to the other area to Deforest I also added Library stairs because I

Wanted to add more levels into this big spire and I wanted to make the Spire larger but I think for now we’re going to just keep it at this normal size and then maybe I’ll level up the village and build more structures and as well as you

Know other stuff when I take this world to more days like 500 Days is probably what I’ll do next so on days 127 and 128 I traded with my Librarians and I got a new trade I also continued constructing the library and I tore down my old

Villager post out where I lived in the cabin area I also made something awesome sex Shack 2.0 brought to you by cosmotics sex Shack 2.0 seeks to upgrade the previous version by producing between one and four villagers every day using our new patented multiple bed technology we were able to maximize the

Amount of villagers you can produce for your farms and it comes with a free farming villager to increase your food output sex cheack 2.0 meet the higher demand after I got all that settled I then made a second level to the library and continued trading days 129 and 130

Were spent moving villagers around shuffling their trades and moving the sex Shack villagers into the sex Shack in order to get the Villager breeder ready so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it later and to start producing villagers while I build on day 131 I moved more villagers into the library

And and I shuffled the trades of the ones that had grown up I finally got some decent enchantments from them and I went to enchant my pick I was really tired of wandering around with an unenchanted diamond pickaxe it was getting kind of annoying I also finished

The library roof and upper Parts day 132 I spent trading moving villagers and shuffling their trades I also started on a Watchtower but the next day I kind of decided that I hated it I also started putting villagers in the Forge which was really important moving the villagers

Down in the Forge would mean that I have easier access to trade with Fletchers leather workers and whatever kinds of villagers I decided to put down there all I wrote on my notes was also bye-bye trees which I think means I just cut down a lot more stuff I it also says

That I cut down more buildings and took down my dragon alter and then I shuffled trades so my guess is that I probably took down the rest of the Villager posts that were around my cabin day 134 I shuffled more trades and I decided to make the extra Crystal I had the soul

Crystal that I made when I made two I hadn’t fully decided what I was going to use them for yet but I decided to use the first one for an Enderman spawn SP which in hindsight I don’t think was that good of an idea but I actually have

A good idea of where I can use that when I go to 500 days but I’ll explain that later day 135 I spent killing Enderman for the most part all I had to do was stand under a platform and look at them it was pretty easy to kill as many as I

Needed to while I was doing that I was I was thinking about what I should make the other spawner and I wound up deciding on an end warthog spawner this is because the end warthogs Dro shells which can be turned into netherite scrap basically giving me a netherite farm

Which is super overpowered and so awesome so the rest of day 135 I spent killing warthog after I got the Enderman soul crystal to Max that bled into day 136 where I was still killing warthogs but I did take a short break to plant some sugar cane and move the baby

Villagers around however I did go back into the end on day 137 to kill more warthogs I spent that day finishing up the soul crystal and it didn’t take super long because the warthogs are really easy to aggro it’s just that they’re really beefy so it can take a

Little while to kill them I finished that soul crystal and then I just traded with my Fletcher I spent a while trying to figure out where to put the farm and I wasn’t really sure like what to do about that I had some big areas around

But I I wanted to put the farm somewhere easily accessible but also not somewhere so so close that it would lag me out but I don’t think me lagging would be too big of an issue because the mobs would just immediately start dying so I don’t

Know I don’t know I was just trying to find a good spot I took a brief trip to the nether in order to get magma and glowstone for my farm and for a spawner I also started making spawners so for this mod Spirit you have to actually

Make the soul spawner which I showed in my last video but it requires a lot of Glowstone so I had to get a bunch for it that bled into day 138 where I finished two spawners unfortunately during that process I accidentally burned my last life charm this was a big problem

Nothing we could really do about it now but it would be something we would have to deal with later I also cut down the last of my trading posts here so I said I did that earlier but I guess I was wrong I took down my beacon and I

Started terraforming on days 139 to 140 I set my beacon back up traded with my Fletcher in the Armory and then I continued terraforming I finally figured out kind of what I wanted to do but I don’t think this was where I wanted the spawner to be I think I had something

Better in mind I tore down some trees and I moved bungus grup to the top of my house so that she had a safer spot and somewhere where I could easily see her I spent a lot of these two days terraforming and I started construction on the armor showcase which is what this

Building was going to be I spent a chunk of this day also AFK but I think that’s because I was looking at what armors I needed and writing them down I do actually have a list of the armors that I was going to get and then spent the

Rest of the day building day 141 was spent building trading with Fletchers and I did fix my beacon so just expect a really big building time laps that may span over the next couple of days although after I had the outline of the building I did start immediately putting

Up armor stands and the armors I already had so you know after getting all that together I put up the armor sets that I already had which knocked out a good chunk of what I needed so before we move on from this I’m going to go ahead and

Talk about the challenge we’re doing really quick and honestly I’ll let the time lapse play over this while I talk so our goal is to get all of the 35 obtainable armors in the game I counted and there are 36 although there is one

That I won’t be able to get and that is the Gilded netherite from Adventure Z that one from the get-go I already kind of knew I wouldn’t be able to get so I crossed that one off the list there are certain armors that I knew I wouldn’t be

Able to get and one of them was gilded netherite from Adventure Z the other one was wine maker armor which was one I would be able to get most of but wouldn’t be able to finish and the reason why I’m not counting these two against our challenge is because they

Weren’t obtainable is because they were not obtainable by any means aside from having contact with a specific mob that I can’t force to spawn so I don’t think it’s very fair I will definitely go for them if I get the chance during 500 days if I come across the mobs that I need

For this On day 144 I went to the nether to get some quartz and sin sinite that’s a hard one to say I’m sorry if I messed it up later I needed the I needed the csin a site for an armor set that I thought looked pretty sick I also killed another

I also made a trip to the Twilight Forest and I killed another Hydra for the fiery armor because I didn’t have enough Hydra blood or whatever it is to make the armor set I also raided a new Aurora Palace looking for another life charm which I successfully got I did

Wind up killing the Snow Queen in that Palace although it’s not necessary to kill the Snow Queen to get the charm I just wanted to basically so you know I spent the rest of the day building and that bled all the way into day 145 which

Is what I spent that day doing on day 146 I made a trip into The Nether and I mined a bunch of warped logs I also traded with my Fletchers and Librarians after converting those into sticks I then mined my sugar canane which you know gave me a few extra fireworks it’s

Still not that much though I needed to set up an automated Farm I then made my way into the end because I needed to get dragon scale armor that was one of the first ones I wanted to get thankfully I did already have like a big majority of

The armors that I needed obviously I already had all the vanilla armors but I also had pretty much all of the Twilight Forest armors I think the only armors that I didn’t already have or also couldn’t craft were the fiery blood armor whatever that one is and also the

Alpha Yeti armor I think I had the ability to craft all of all of the other ones or I already had all of the other ones I fought the ender dragon two more times and I made new dragon scale armor with the extra elytra so that’s where

That elytra went I actually did want to get other elytras for the rest of the armors which was something I was trying to do in order to fully complete the set even with its extra chest plate cuz there were multiple armors I believe crystalite as well as the I believe

There were two other armors crystalite and Warden Armor that both required an elytra so I was definitely going to go looking for two extra elyas I moved the Twilight armor sets to a different wall because I didn’t have enough space on the one I’d already put them on and then

I mined my sugar cane again I also started building a small automatic sugar cane farm for the time being although I did plan to expand this later while I was building I actually tested it and I realized that I used sticky pistons instead of regular Pistons thinking it

Would be fine but sticky pistons can move glass so I had to uncraft the sticky pistons into regular ones which after replacing that the farm was done I also upgraded my wither farm and added more more wither bone blocks on day 149 I sorted my inventory traded with my

Librarians and shuffled trades for the upstairs villagers as well as any villagers that didn’t have trades that bled into day 150 which also had me still shuffling trades I also traded with my Fletchers on that day and wow we’re halfway through isn’t that crazy I

Wonder what point in the video we are in I’m 17 15 minutes into this voice recording but I’ve recorded like three others so I don’t know my voice is a little tired and my head hurts but I I’m determined to get this voice recording done today day 151 I I finally picked

Where I wanted to build the under warthog farm from now on I’ll be calling that like I was going to say from now on I’m going to call that the ewf but I feel like that’s just even harder to say so day 152 to day 154 we’re spent

Building the end warthog farm and testing it as well here’s the big time lapse because this took forever and I also had to basically build this from scratch so if you guys want an exact tutorial on how I built this and if you guys want me to talk about the

Fundamentals of building your own farm when you’re in a circumstance where there’s no tutorial for how to do it I’ll let me know I’ll make some moded tutorials for you guys or if there’s a specific mob that you want to farm in better Minecraft that you want me to

Make a tutorial to build a farm for let me know unfortunately this Farm has no XP functionality but that’s because the under wart hogs have a very big range of where they can hit you from so there’s no way to really get around that I made another trip and I’m not fully sure why um I think it was either to get magma blocks or to find gold or just I went there for a reason but I don’t remember I found a weird boss chamber and I activated the boss but that boss

Really sucked so on day 155 I was fighting the boss and I actually almost died to it thankfully I had a life charm so even if I had popped the charm I wouldn’t have died but like you you get the point it was this stupid hand boss

And it was really really awful to fight I swear some of these bosses they just they aren’t as good as the Twilight Forest ones and that’s not to on on the mods it’s just I don’t like bosses that can fly away from me escape their chamber and then heal because they flew

Away from me and are too far from me on top of that I don’t like ones that can just explode and trap me in a hole I feel like that’s really annoying I want something interactive that has that makes it so there attacks that I have to

Dodge and stuff like that that are super cool so I’m not just swinging my sword and killing it but I also want something that isn’t like super repetitive I can’t damage it from a range you know stuff like that that’s all really annoying I actually had to give up on this boss

Because it escaped it escaped its chamber and I ran out of fireworks so I couldn’t Chase it down on day 156 the first thing I did was use birch bark for paper I actually had to run to the birch trees I’m pretty sure I’m not 100% sure

If this is when I had to run to the birch trees in order to get bark for paper but I’m pretty sure this was it I had to use the birch bark for paper because that’s the easiest Source I have of it but I also was completely out of

Fireworks so I traded with my villagers especially because after mining the Birch and you know stripping it it to get the bark I have a lot of leftover Birchwood so it makes for good trading I also moved my villagers around a bit on day 157 I traded with my Fletchers again

And then I made a trip to the Twilight Forest I looted one of the redcap hills which was you know a pretty good idea especially considering I was running a little low on some resources and then I made my way over to the snow biome to

Kill some yetis for the yeti armor that led into day 158 where I was still killing more yetis and I also had to go to the end to get more things for armor for the better end armors it was it was a long process trying to get everything for these day

159 I spent getting the armor together and wow I hope this isn’t echoing too bad I also traded with my Librarians then I looked kind of I looked up at bungus and I just kind of looked at her and I was like okay bungus you are on a very small platform you get

Rained on you get weathered on I felt bad for her so so I built a little platform on top of my like armor area I I don’t even know what what to call it a museum I guess on top of my armor Museum we’ll call it that for now I built a

Little roof on there and I built like a secondary level and I filled in part of it but I didn’t fill in the other part because I want her to still be able to go to like the other side and be okay but I also want her to have Shelter From

The rain so that’s what I Did H I also killed some Raiders that tried coming because now I’m definitely killing any Raiders that come by day 160 I spent looking for Ruby ore it took forever I looked online how to find Ruby ore because it took me so long to try to figure it out and I had to mine at

Different levels trying to figure out where to find it and I did eventually wind up finding it but it took a really long time I was very very very lucky that I found it I guess I also spent the rest of that day tearing down trees and

Trading with my Fletchers day 161 I went back to the nether to finish up my you know little thing for rubies and then I finished trading more with my Fletchers and then I went back to mine for rubies it was a lot of on and off in the nether

Out of the nether in the nether blah blah blah blah blah on day 162 I labeled all of my completed armors with signs and just for clarification so that everyone’s on the same page of where we were at this point I had leather chain mail gold iron diamond and netherite

Which completes our vanilla set Phantom Naga scale steel leaf Arctic fiery night metal Ironwood and Yeti armor which completes our Twilight Forest one and then for miscellaneous modded we had gilded netherite not the one from Adventure Z there’s a secondary kind of gilded netherite dragon scale delium

Nether Ruby and sinite those were the ones we had fully completed at at this time which I think makes for one two which makes for 19 out of the 35 I sorted my inventory and I started on the wine maker armor because like I said earlier I had most of the materials to

Make it I actually did have to go to the Twilight Forest though for wool and leather after going to the Twilight Forest on day 163 I was able to complete Sterling armor fur armor however quick note here there are multiple armors called fur armor this is the colorful

Kind of weird looking one that’s what I’m talking about I was able to get most of the wine maker armor done but I realized at this point that there was one thing the gloves that I wouldn’t be able to get without finding a Traer from this specific mod and unfortunately I

Don’t know how likely that is to happen then I took bungus exploring and I looted a witch Tower I also came across this weird mushroom area I’ve come across it before it’s full of like piglins and stuff but they’re modded piglins I I marked the area off thinking

It could maybe be a gold Farm later on considering we already have our warthog Farm I figured a gold Farm was definitely on the horizon and I thought oh maybe this will save us having to make make a spawner for some other mob that drops gold so I marked it down for

Later and I continued exploring eventually I didn’t really find as much as I was kind of hoping so I brought bungus back home and I went back out exploring on my own I needed polar bears for the other fur armor variants so I do have a little note on here that says I

Have to get the footage from the replay so what most likely happened is in OBS and this has happened on my streams before too so what most likely happened is my OBS froze on one screen so I still have all the audio but I don’t have any of the like actual footage unfortunately

This happens sometimes I don’t know what I don’t know why I don’t know what bug it is with OBS but it’s happened to me every update and every version I’ve had um I don’t know if it’s just a me thing or what’s going on or if it’s because I

Use display capture or if I use game capture I don’t know it’s happened to me on stream before it it’s just something that happens so if you guys are seeing weird replay footage that doesn’t have any taskbar or that doesn’t have any hot bar or any UI that’s why it’s just

Because I still have the footage I just don’t have it in the original recording thankfully this is one reason why I press why I press so hard on replay mod and using it even when you aren’t expecting to use it is because you can recover recordings that are super

Important that you wouldn’t have another way to get so I had to shave polar bears which I felt really bad about because they had marks on them and it made me feel really guilty and it’s really gross but I I had to for one of the armor

Variants it took forever I also bred my dogs and I got a new puppy I finished the um other fur armor and I also finished the fur padded armor I realized I didn’t have enough fur to finish the armor so I went into my in I went into

My big inventory storage and I found that I did actually have enough to finish it down there so I finished the fur armor finished the F padded armor and I killed an illusioner I think cuz I was out exploring and I killed I killed one while I was exploring and I got this

Really weird totem but all right I also asked my Discord of course what to name my new puppy and you guys decided bunkus you know what bungus and bunus you know what we love it on day 166 I went to the end to get some more Ores for armor when

I got got back I made a better end furnace to start working on the better- end armors because there are multiple armor sets from that mod I cut down some warped logs traded with my Fletchers and then I started on building an Enderman farm this took me several days and I

Also followed a specific tutorial the name of the YouTuber is going to be on screen I don’t have it in front of me right now and there’s also going to be a link in the description that has any tutorials that I followed during this playthrough that was something I did in

My previous playthrough when I made my creeper Farm I did follow an exact model from somebody as I did for this one um the Ender Farm is kind of unique in the fact that I’ve never built one before so there’s no Twist on this from me same as

With that creeper Farm I didn’t I didn’t make this at all the YouTuber who’s on screen right now and who will be linked below go make sure you subscribe go check them out their tutorials are amazing super easy to follow I really appreciated It Day 172 I spent getting the better end armors together I also decided to use warthogs as a source of food since you know as a side effect of having them be farmed I actually did get the warthog meat so I started cooking that in my furnace area area I put up some smokers

In place of the of where I had previously taken out the blast furnaces I also went mining in the Wither area although I’m not fully sure why I think I just needed some more Ores after everything smelted I finished my terminite armor which is from the better

End mod making the armor from better end was really really tedious and kind of annoying um the the sheer amount of everything that you need in order to be able to make anything in this mod is kind of absurd and it’s not even super powerful armor like I get it if I didn’t

Have other armor mods it would be super super powerful but when I already have armor that’s more powerful than this it’s just kind of tedious and annoying to make granted I did make it because I needed it for a challenge but you know you you still understand you still can

Understand where I’m coming from when I have to use like most of the resource that I get from the end just to make enough like of the ore or just to make enough of the ingots to make multiple anvils to be able to create this armor

You can understand why I got so annoyed with it on day 173 I finally caved and realized I needed a gold Farm I went to the piglin spawner and I realized the piglins didn’t drop anything and this is likely cuz they were modded piglins um which I thought was really really

Annoying but you know what it’s fine so I decided to get a zombified piglin spawner because zombie piglins do drop gold and gold things and gold nuggets and yeah so I went back to the Nether and I killed a lot of zombified piglins day 174 was spent killing zombified

Piglins like almost in its entirety day 173 and 174 were almost spent in their entirety killing zombified piglins and this is when I did encounter the the piglin like major piglin brute or I don’t know what it was called but it was this really big piglin after I got back

I was debating on where to put the farm and I was debating on where to put the farm and I didn’t quite know what to do with it yet so I decided to think on it for a minute and while I was thinking about it I made an infusion pedestal

Which I needed to progress further in the better end armors I needed that to make crystallite so I set up the infusion pedestal but I didn’t fully understand how to use it yet that’ll come later then I started prepping how to make the zombified p piglin Farm I

Was researching how to passively kill zombie piglins but the only way to do that is fall damage they don’t drown they don’t take fire damage they don’t take magma damage they don’t take lava damage they can’t suff well I’m sure they can suffocate but that’s really hard to automate especially with the

Rate that they’ll be spawning at so the only solution is fall damage I also made a pretty big brain decision when I realized that this spawner has the same radius and spawn conditions as the wart hog spawner so I just stacked the two then once I stacked them after turning

Off the warthog spawner obviously I went to to start modifying the farm I spent day 176 modifying the farm and here’s the little time lapse for That You Hey After that I turned on the farm and just started letting it run it was running perfectly and everything was working just as planned then I went and set up the infusion pedestal after looking up how to do it because I didn’t know how to do it after setting it up I was able

To get most of the crystallite set but I didn’t have all of it quite yet I had to make a trip back to the end Island on day 178 in order to get more stuff for armor and I sat at my Enderman farm for

A bit just to do just to get some XP this day was just a lot of like overall maintenance checking on things making sure my Farms were running correctly trading all all of the above it was everything a little bit of everything which makes it even harder to summarize

Day 179 I went end busting looking for another elytra I looted like the top parts of an end city which was really annoying because shulkers are literally like shulkers are so annoying next to Phantoms they are probably my least favorite mobs so next to Phantoms shulkers are definitely one of my least

Favorite mobs and I think shers are cool and all which is why they’re above Phantoms but they are so God damn annoying after I looted the nend city I finished my crystallite set and had that all set up which was really awesome I felt like I was almost done with better

End armors which made me really happy because I didn’t want to deal with this mod anymore speaking of really annoying mods that got on my nerves through this playthrough day one0 I started prepping to go to the Bumble Zone I went into the Bumble Zone later

That day and I started exploring I knew getting these armors in the Bumble Zone were hard was going to be hard cuz there are four things I’m looking for I’m looking for two sets and then I’m also looking for two variants so I’m going to

Have four sets in total problem is I can only get these from the be queen and I have no idea how to find the bequeen this was also a mod that I had to rely heavily on the wiki for which makes me really sad because I like it when I can

Figure mods out on my own and everything but with this I felt like I was following the instructions in game and finding the compasses but it just wasn’t it wasn’t progressing me so I had to look it up and I did find out discovering why and figuring everything

Out which was really nice so while exploring I found a weird dance platform had a little dance party for a bit and then day 181 I explored the entire Bumble Zone I found this little this little ship with like bee Pirates it was super cute I also found a weird tower

That I explored and looted day 182 I explored and explored and explored and eventually wound up leaving the Bumble Zone because I couldn’t find the be Queen this this was when I decided to just take a break go to bed get some rest because I had been really

Determined to finish the be armors that night I specifically remember my friend telling me to go get some sleep because I sounded really really annoyed and really frustrated and I also worked the next day so all over bad things on day 183 I just chilled at the Enderman Farm

I needed a lot of XP I needed to repair my tools so I just spent the entire day there then on day 184 I sorted some inventory and I also checked on my netherite farm and then I also wound up finishing the atorium set which was really awesome I’m pretty sure that was

The last set we needed for for the better UND armers which you know made me really happy although I did want to get the crystallite elytra I just wasn’t sure at this point in the playthrough if I was going to be able to do it I had already gone un busting probably three

Four times and I’d only ever found two elytras so trying to find more was definitely going to be a challenge and on top of that I still had other armors to worry about so I put that on the back burner on day 185 I made my way back

Into the Bumble Zone and I found a labyrinth the Labyrinth is one of the major steps in finding the bee queen because and this is because in The Labyrinth there is actually a compass that you find that lead you to the be queen’s tower so I explored the entire

Labyrinth which wasn’t that easy because I had to get protection of the hive which I didn’t know how to do so once I figured that out which I just had to give some honey to bees to the bees like in the little little po things I got

Protection of the hive and was able to explore I actually did find one set of be armor while down here but I knew the other sets would probably have to come from the be Queen so when I found the bequeen compass I immediately made my

Way out and I went to go find the be Queen’s pillar on day 187 I realized I couldn’t find my way in and I had had to go home for more fireworks I actually made a waypoint there while I was there so that I would have a way back to the

Be Queen’s pillar I was really annoyed though because I didn’t have a Way Stone on me which meant I was going to have to teleport into the Bumble Zone and then make my way all the way back to the bequeen pillar but at this point with no

Fireworks it was more than worth it to just go home on day 188 I checked on my netherite farm I went back to the Bumble Zone and I found the bee queen turns out there was an opening in the pillar that I had just somehow missed when I was

Last in there and I immediately put down a waist Stone once I was next to her the bee queen wanted tomatoes so I had to do that trade first I made my way back to my Enderman Farm because I needed XP I was I was literally out and then I on

Day 189 I immediately flew to a new Village to find someone that trades Tomatoes I don’t think I found anybody that did but I was able to find tomato seeds either in the chest or planted on the ground I’m not sure I don’t remember and I was able to grow tomatoes when I

Got back to my base right outside my inventory area after that I immediately made my way back to the bee queen and I was able to get all of the bee armors which was awesome I had to trade with her a lot though so you know wasn’t like

Super oh wow right went way back and she gave me the armors no I think I had to trade a shitload of Honey with her on day 190 I basically tore down a bunch of birch trees to get wood for paper and then I afked at the creeper Farm all the

Way into day 191 because I was out of I was out of I was even out of gunpowder at this point on day 191 I went back to the nether to get more glow stone then I built an Aether Portal which ironically wasn’t from the aether mod it was from

The Paradise Lost mod I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how that worked I never explored the mod but I went into the ather or Paradise Lost World whatever that was and I got the stuff I needed for olite armor which sounds like me saying all right in a funny accent

Which is what my friends all thought I was doing when I was telling them about the armor I was getting after that I made my way back into the end real quick to go get some stuff for Amrine armor which thankfully I I had an island that

Had the Amat and stuff in it so it wasn’t very hard day 192 I spent trading I was trying to level up the Cartographer in order to get a map to the mansion which was a lot and a lot and a lot of trading while I was waiting

For stuff to refresh on day 193 I looted the boat with the skeleton pirates then I went back to trading and then I actually switched out some of the beacon blocks with netherite because well you know what would be cooler than being able to say oh I built another a beacon

In my 200 days world that would be pretty cool I don’t think it’s feasible to do at this point but still pretty cool still a good idea for 500 days then I checked on my nether eye Farm ironically after that I went and did did

Some more trading and when I was at my little corn Bean Island after I exhausted the trades I dug my way down and this was because I was trying to see on my mini map if there was a skulk cave anywhere um and I actually dug into a

Dungeon with a spawner like one of the classic vanilla ones so that was definitely weird but I did wind up finding a skull Cavern on the mini map and I marked it with a waypoint I had to make my way back up up and I flew all

The way out to it on my way there I found a cool looking Village I think it was a Skyris Village it looked real sick though definitely somewhere I would want to go back day 194 was spent exploring the skull Cavern and looting the ancient city down there it was really scary

Because I’ve not fully played with the warden yet I know the warden came in the 1.19 update right so no when did the warden get put in the game I don’t know I know the warden came with one of the more recent updates and I don’t tend to

Play up-to-date Minecraft that often a lot of the time I’m on 1.6.5 or 1.12.2 or something just pre- warden so I don’t get to play with the warden in the game a lot so this was definitely really scary for me I got some stuff together

Mined some of the skulk for XP which was definitely a good idea it’s something I did in better Minecraft back when I was playing for monthly mod pack or then I went back through my waist Stone and I continued trading with my villagers I also flew back to the cavern to put a

Waist Stone down because I didn’t put one down the first time and then I looted more of the city day 195 I went back to my base and I traded more I was was finally able to get a map to a mansion after I got the map I started

Flying to the mansion which took forever literally forever and it didn’t help that I was lagging horribly after I found the Mansion I started exploring and oh boy I got so many totems that it’s not even funny I got so many it was like clogging my inventory but I was

Really grateful for it because they came in handy later which I’ll tell you about later I also found a cool alter that I wanted up taking back to my base the alter I’ll explain what it does right now because I I did I did mess with it

Later and I don’t remember I don’t know when I did it so I’m going to talk about it now so the footage might not match but the alter um it basically levels up one random enchantment on the armor in exchange for giving you a curse on the

Armor so you’ll get curse of Vanishing curse of binding curse of less efficiency whatever so curse of like breaking easily stuff like that even modded curses so I think I got curse of binding on my pants later on and I also got like a curse that made my pickaxe

Less efficient um or not less efficient but it made my my pickaxe break faster the curse of binding I guess will be more relevant later because I’m in hardcore I can’t die I can’t take these pants off so I guess if I ever want to change my armor or take my armor off

I’ll have to literally break it so that will that will be a long process I don’t remember when I did it so I’m just saying it now on day 196 while I was still exploring I found a boss in the basement that I didn’t know existed I

Killed it really easily like it it wasn’t that hard of a boss after killing the boss I found an adorable owl I freed it and then I also put down a wa Stone and I went home I did wind up getting most of the cladded armor but the

Unfortunate reality of it is that I checked the loot tables and it literally cannot spawn in the chests so I think I already talked that through I was still looking for the cladded stuff on day 197 but I found out it wasn’t going to be in the chests I actually did try looting

The Mansion next to it I even tried looting the other mansion and I actually nearly died no luck in finding the helmet either when I checked the loot tables it did say that it only spawns in that specific Mansion so even trying out the other one wouldn’t work I dug down

And like dug into a cavern that actually had these cool fish I don’t remember what I named it but you guys can probably see on screen right now on day 198 I went and I traded with my Librarians and I accidentally killed one kind of pissed me off because I was

Really annoyed about that this is the day I put my stuff through the altar that I talked about earlier and then I went back to the skull Cavern I needed I looted the rest of the city and I was lucky because I spotted a new one on the

Mini map I began digging that way day19 was spent digging to the new city and I actually started looting it unfortunately while looting it I Disturbed the warden now the thing that makes the warden so scary especially for me is that I I don’t play an up-to-date Minecraft which I talked about earlier

So when I spawned in the warden I thought this might be the end of the playthrough once it popped my totem thankfully I was fast enough to get more totems into my Charm slots and then I decided that I wasn’t going to be afraid anymore so I literally whipped out a

Sword and basically raw doged the warden here’s the little it’s going to be a lame edit it’s going to be a lame like boss fight but here’s The Cinematic edit of It And then finally after popping multiple totems the warden was dead on day 200 I made part of the warden set but sadly I couldn’t finish the full set I just didn’t have time we got all the armors aside from wine maker second Guild netherite cladded armor and The Warden

Armor I explained why earlier but the wine maker armor second gilded netherite and the cladded Armor All would all would rely on me finding a certain mob kill to get the drop because all of these mobs are exceptionally rare that’s not very possible the W and armor I just

It was just it just came so last second and I feel like I did a good job getting most of them but I will definitely be going to finish them in the next playthrough after that I checked on the netherite farm flew around the world a

Bit and gave it tour to some of my friends and I logged out and that’s 200 days in hardcore better Minecraft and wow that’s a beast of a video it’s crazy to think that just last month I put out my very first 100 days video that I’ve

Ever fully finished and it’s even more insane to think that I’m putting out the extension to that video now and I wanted to have this video out like 2 weeks ago unfortunately time didn’t permit that I got a new job a lot of stuff happened so

It’s late but I hope you guys enjoy yeah don’t forget to like share comment subscribe All the Above and hey I mean if you like the character design you see in the video and you like the art that you see in some of my stuff I actually

Do have some of the um the designs that the characters wear on their shirts up on my red bubble if you want to check that out too it’s not an official merch shop because I I’m a very very tiny Creator but it’s designs I made myself

And I like red bubble I have one of their hoodies with one of the old versions of the design on it and I really like it has lasted me a few months at this point so it’s still going strong just got to like watch and dry it

Carefully but it’s going strong so I can vouch for the quality of the hoodie I’d say be careful about other stuff on their site for sure but you know I’m rambling at this point this was a big passion project of mine and I hope you guys enjoy watching it as much as I

Enjoyed making it you have a good rest of your day or night whatever time it is for you Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Mastering 200 DAYS in HARDCORE Better Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Cosmonautic on 2023-11-15 01:50:34. It has garnered 152 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:54 or 3894 seconds.

one of the hardest challenges i’ve ever done, and we aren’t quite done yet. i’m not sure when i’ll revisit this world for 500 days but as long as i haven’t died, you can count on it being sometime in 2024.

keep an eye out for my best of 2023! it should be out sometime in december, alongside my next 100 days challenge! already began filming my next one, and i can’t wait to show it off to you guys! — SOCIALS TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cosmxnautic Twitter: https://twitter.com/cosmxnautic Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cosmxnautic Discord server: https://discord.gg/7M3kms5a5D Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosmxnautic/ — TUTORIALS USED Enderman Farm: https://youtu.be/L1boIbsYMME?si=T0BIhLGScSZ_pF7z

!!!WARNING: SPOILERS BELOW!!! — MUSIC 🐞Track 1: https://youtu.be/hrgzWEgCCFg?si=V9Eikkbiu1XZPDKS Music: Eric Skiff – Song Name – Underclocked – Available at http://EricSkiff.com/music 🐠Track 2: https://youtu.be/flY2S22Q3DU?si=aix-5KpUVkSHPxb4 🎵 Free Download – https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Azc The Grand Affair – Coupe ♫ NO COPYRIGHT 8-bit Music Free to use 8-bit music for you. 🐫Track 3: https://youtu.be/mRN_T6JkH-c?si=nonZrwa8gCBetJAa AdhesiveWombat – Night Shade ♫ NO COPYRIGHT 8-bit Music Free to use 8-bit music for you. No Copyright 8-bit Music Playlist – 8-Bit No Copyright Music @freemusicc 🐎Track 4: https://youtu.be/1pVy3MHRkWA?si=sYxD4WHbgiJSpb1a [Beat Prod. by YoungBerry Beats] Contact for any Inquiry: [email protected] 🐆Track 5, 7, 9 & 11: https://youtu.be/2ltsSlIdhtY?si=ezhCEXQ3iugx_PBf Music provided by Millennials Melody Originals https://b.link/whk4d Discord: https://discord.gg/kjD62b5z7Q Spotify https://b.link/z8bvx 🐍Track 6 (The Eye): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKniGxcSwsE Music Provided By Mediacharger https://www.youtube.com/@MediaCharger https://bit.ly/32QJvhx Music Created By : Boom Kitty Song Title: Firewall Credit link: goo.gl/NFjZ3G 🐢Track 8 & 10 (The Void Shadow, The Warden): https://youtu.be/_wmT9U1X7Cw?si=1VV2IN1BVpGnlxcC Big thanks to @InfraredScale! Check them out, they’ve got some amazing stuff!

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    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and create jaw-dropping landscapes, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of creative players and a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies, Minewind will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Imagine exploring hidden passages, collaborating on epic builds, and showcasing your unique designs to a supportive gaming community. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to learn and grow, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 13 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 13 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 13 is here, Chopping wood without an axe, testing the fear. Surrounded by trees, a challenge to endure, But still, the time it takes is not yet pure. Greetings to Elizabeth and Natanael, so kind, Their comments in the video, a treasure to find. The wood challenge continues, each day a new feat, 365 days of creation, a journey so sweet. Join the channel, support the creator’s art, Enjoy the benefits, be a part of the heart. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to bring, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling Minecraft video titled “Minecraft One Block Skyblock, con DWELLERS y MODS DE TERROR! (Ep.2)” by Kazutto. The video showcased a unique Modpack filled with terrifying mods like The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker, The Mimic Dweller, and more. Kazutto’s adventure was filled with suspense, unexpected encounters, and heart-pounding moments that kept us on the edge of our seats. As we watched Kazutto navigate through the challenges of the game, we couldn’t help but think about the excitement and thrill that awaits players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its… Read More

  • Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft

    Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft The Fascinating World of Minecraft Good morning everyone, I’m CrizPlay. Today we will immerse ourselves in the wonderful world of Minecraft. If you’re new to this game or just want to find out what makes it so special, you’ve come to the right place! A Brief History of Minecraft First, let’s go back a little in time, when Windows 7 and XP were still used. Minecraft was created by Markus Persson, also known as Notch. The game was released in 2011 and has since grown to become one of the most popular games in history. The World of Minecraft… Read More

  • Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4

    Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4 Exploring the Nether in Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 4 World Info In episode four of Let’s Play Minecraft, the adventurers delve into the Nether in search of bastions and fortresses. The version being played is 1.20.1, with the seed number -1056946488598000456 guiding their journey. Mods The team is using a variety of mods to enhance their gameplay experience. Some of the key mods include Fabric Loader 0.15.7, Fabric API 0.92.0 by modmuss50, Sodium 0.5.8 by jellysquid3, and Iris Shaders 1.6.17 by coderbot. These mods add new features, improve performance, and enhance the visual aesthetics of the game. Shaders and… Read More

  • Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft

    Tiny House Tricks in Minecraft The Tiny World of Micro Houses in Minecraft Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players have found joy in creating intricate structures, from towering castles to underground lairs. However, a new trend has emerged – the rise of micro houses in Minecraft. What are Micro Houses? Micro houses are tiny, compact structures designed to maximize space efficiency while maintaining functionality. These miniature dwellings often feature clever design elements and utilize every block available to create a cozy living space. Key Features of Micro Houses: Compact Size: Micro houses are typically small in size, making them perfect for players looking… Read More

  • Dada’s World: Fully Automated Tree-Planting Machine 100x Faster!

    Dada's World: Fully Automated Tree-Planting Machine 100x Faster! Exploring the World of Minecraft: The Ultimate Tree-Planting Machine Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of Minecraft and discover a revolutionary invention that can plant trees at an incredible speed? Join us as we explore the innovative automatic tree-planting machine that promises to outpace manual tree planting by a staggering 100 times! The Marvel of Automation Imagine a device that can effortlessly plant trees in Minecraft at an unprecedented rate, transforming vast landscapes in a fraction of the time it would take a player to do so manually. This automatic tree-planting machine is a game-changer, revolutionizing… Read More

  • 100 Players Recreate Minecraft in Garry’s Mod DarkRP

    100 Players Recreate Minecraft in Garry's Mod DarkRP Minecraft Comes to Life in Garry’s Mod DarkRP Imagine the world of Minecraft brought to life within the realms of Garry’s Mod DarkRP. This unique gaming experience recently unfolded as 100 players embarked on a hardcore survival journey with only one life to spare. The fusion of these two popular games created a thrilling and challenging environment for all participants. Exploring the Minecraft Universe in Garry’s Mod Through the use of carefully curated addons from the Steam Workshop, players were able to recreate the iconic elements of Minecraft within the Garry’s Mod universe. From blocky landscapes to familiar mobs,… Read More

  • Mastering Trades with Fletching Table

    Mastering Trades with Fletching Table Minecraft: Mastering Archery with Fletching Tables and Villagers! Are you ready to take your archery skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further than the Fletching Table and Fletcher villagers! In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft a Fletching Table, recruit a villager as a fletcher, and unlock amazing trades that will make you a true archery master in the game. Crafting a Fletching Table First things first, you’ll need to craft a Fletching Table. This special crafting station is essential for working with fletchers. To craft a Fletching Table, you’ll need four planks of… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure: Building Chitos_off and Mile Serv with Wayrox!Video Information This video, titled ‘live minecraft survie et après on construie le serv de chitos_off et mile’, was uploaded by Wayrox on 2024-04-01 00:32:29. It has garnered 98 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:03 or 6123 seconds. hello you well so what are you doing dude subscribe seriously dude! click it quickly to see https://discord.gg/QHFAcHqF Read More

  • Console Edition: Minecraft Players Beware

    Console Edition: Minecraft Players BewareVideo Information for [Music] 12 years ago something legendary happened because Minecraft released on the Xbox 360 for 1600 Microsoft points many myself included purchased it on day one and found a copy of Minecraft which wasn’t just a plain Port but instead had lots of features specifically tailored for the consoles this originally included a map when you spawn so you could see your way around the world and find your way to your friends a tutorial world so you could all work out how to play the game together and finally achievements something sweet to go after and… Read More

  • Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!

    Unbelievable loot spree with MINIXERO on lifesteal.net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Looting poi (lifesteal.net)’, was uploaded by MINIXERO on 2024-03-10 14:17:37. It has garnered 186 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:57 or 7857 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and… Read More

  • EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀

    EPIC Astrox3D Minecraft SMP Join Now!! 🚀Video Information wait wait hold on I’ve been muted what’s up guys today it’s about to be a crazy day you know I’ve always wanted to have an SMP I’ve never done this before totally okay hold on me let me put up like everything hold on am I live am I I don’t see it so far oh never mind I do hell yeah logging on all right awesome sauce I mean that would be cool all right let me start the music let me start the music allow me to uh so we you know we gota we… Read More


    FALCO BUILDS EPIC HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL!Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES (EP 2) | Minecraft Survival Series’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-04 12:46:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers gameplay like never before || Watch now! 🚇🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #W’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-09 01:45:00. It has garnered 1175 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #w games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱

    Insane Prank: Blue king fooled with fake corn? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank’, was uploaded by Blue king on 2023-12-26 08:13:30. It has garnered 2591 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft | Fake Corn Prank😂 #shorts #minecraft #viral #hacks #minecrafthacks #prank Read More

  • INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step Guide

    INSANE! Build a Small House in Minecraft in Minutes! Step-by-Step GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Small House in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Tutorial and Blueprints’, was uploaded by Game Tp on 2024-04-29 15:17:08. It has garnered 119 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. In this Minecraft tutorial, learn how to build a small house step-by-step with detailed blueprints to guide you along the way. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this video will help you create your own cozy home in the world of Minecraft. Watch now and start constructing your dream house! Video Script! Welcome to our Minecraft tutorial… Read More

  • “Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!” #Minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Mind-blowing Minecraft memes in 60 seconds!" #Minecraft #memes #shortsVideo Information h [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Minecraft With Intrusive Thoughts Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraft #mcpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-04-22 14:36:10. It has garnered 2730 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm… Read More

  • SleeveIt Pixelmon

    SleeveIt PixelmonSleeveIt Pixelmon is finally out! Perfect for beginners and full of competition for veterans, SleeveIt Pixelmon is THE PERFECT Pixelmon Server for ALL players! We’ve worked our hardest to keep things as simple as possible, by cutting out unnecessary GUIs and complicated markets, we’ve made sure that any beginner can have fun on the server and experience Pixelmon without getting overwhelmed! Why we’re different than other servers: – EV Training Room – Boss Room – Dens Room – Real Player Gym Leaders – Real Player E4 + Champion – Server EXCLUSIVE Fully Custom Pixelmon! Join our server and become part… Read More

  • All the Mods 9 – Modded SMP

    Welcome to our Community! We’re actively seeking new players to join our close-knit community. Our server boasts a dedicated group of friendly and helpful players who are always eager to assist newcomers. Our servers are run on a fully dedicated server with high-end hardware. Modpack Version IP Address Fantasy MC 2.8.1 FantasyMC.SilverKeepMC.com Explore more servers on our server list. Join our Discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/5qQzfJyNju Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft: Editions vs. Versions Debate heats up!"If Minecraft is Minecraft, then does that mean Minecraft is also Minecraft? Mind blown. Read More

  • “Blow up your ex’s house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft” #hot #lol

    "Blow up your ex's house with a TNT-powered vibrator in Minecraft" #hot #lol When you accidentally put a Duracell battery in your TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your explosions last for days. Who knew batteries could be so explosive? #shorts #meme #memes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

  • 100 Days on Haunted Sky Island

    100 Days on Haunted Sky Island Welcome to Sky Horror Island: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Welcome to Sky Horror Island, where the brave adventurer spent 100 days on an island in the sky, facing off against Minecraft’s most terrifying horror entities. From Siren Head to Herobrine, the challenges were immense, the resources limited, and the threats constant. Will our hero survive the terrors of the sky or succumb to the darkness? A Thrilling Adventure Unfolds Our protagonist embarks on a journey filled with friends, enemies, and the constant struggle to survive. Building a home, gathering resources, and facing off against formidable foes, the adventure… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!

    Uncover the Secrets of 4ChanChan: Non to lvl69 in Minecraft!Video Information sh for what need anything else from Jerry or at least Jerry’s Island need anything else you [Music] [Music] damn why the [ __ ] could I not go home godamn it what the [ __ ] ma damn I just here no [Music] actually wait hold on oh yeah there we go I was going to say let me find a Lobby that’s like nearly [ __ ] done this goddamn whatever [Music] the ch there we go there we go up oh never mind I start a new profile I got bored on my main wasn’t… Read More

  • Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies Remakes

    Yeti VODS: Minecraft Zombies RemakesVideo Information they only really have one sign but he’s dead they don’t know that he is dead they he’s he died he he’s dead apparently they crash landed in that Lake over there we don’t know why they’re here but I’m about to ask Mr space are you here for a holiday or just our gold coins we’re not interviewing you or the melon [ __ ] off well we weren’t even [ __ ] supposed to be here mate you know we got we were plan on going [ __ ] somewhere else but it’s not like we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hardcore Challenge! Part 35Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore but Bedrock (no commentary, longplay) Part 35’, was uploaded by art1r3x Gaming on 2024-01-25 15:00:41. It has garnered 169 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:03 or 1203 seconds. #minecraft #hardcore #bedrock #nocommentary Welcome to my Minecraft Hardcore series! I play the Bedrock Edition & I know – it doesn’t have an official hardcore mode. So here are my rules: 0) The world is set on hard and I can’t change that. 1) I must not die 2) If I die, this world is over 3) No cheating 4)… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!” #minecraft #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge: World Changes Every 60 Secs!" #minecraft #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But The World Changes Every 60 Seconds…#minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #challenge’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-02-10 02:44:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraft

    Unbelievable Sweat Fest in Hypixel Minecraft! 🥵 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The HARDEST I’ve Ever SWEATED! 🥵 #shorts #hypixel #minecraft’, was uploaded by PandaBe4r on 2024-01-09 16:48:04. It has garnered 3181 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Join my Discord: https://dsc.gg/pandabearyt Sub Count: 650 Tags (Ignore): Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy, 1.18… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia’s Ghost!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Defeating Captain Cornelia's Ghost!Video Information hello and good day everybody so for warning I will probably sound super congested I am super congested it sucks allergies but the day is probably going to may be short and maybe a little bit longer all depends on how the boss fight goes because we have two horns to fight the captain now I’m assuming the first one we’re going to get horribly destroyed I going to use the first one as a learning experience learn some of the mechanics when to block when to not attack when to attack so on so forth the first… Read More

  • Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #Tukky

    Insane VTuber digs epic hole in Minecraft!! #TukkyVideo Information これさつのさ泳ぎながらの扉とかでもいい んじゃ ない 長どうしるかフェンスゲートにするか扉に するスゲどっちでもいいんじゃない めっちゃ楽しそういやどうしようかね僕も 正直どっちでもいいただま結この感じ重感 ある感じだから扉よりフェンスゲートの方 がいいかもねそれだったらっ同じした方が いいからさボコボコにしがいかも そう直してて出ちゃった This video, titled ‘【#minecraft 】めちゃくちゃ楽しそうに穴を掘るVtuber【 #vtuber #tukky 】#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by vtuber tukky on 2024-01-14 03:00:22. It has garnered 245 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. 🦊Tukky🦊 🦊Thank you for coming to the stream! Please spread the word on Twitter, give it a high rating, and subscribe to the channel. 🍶 🦊Enjoy the stream with comments, super chat, stickers, etc.🍶 🦊Would you like to become a member and watch the “limited videos”? 🍶 🌸Thank you for coming to… Read More


    OMG! HUGE WARDEN STATUE in MINECRAFT PE #64Video Information तो गाइज आज मैं अपने आप को रिस्क में डालकर ट्रैप करने वाला हूं एक वर्डन को वो भी एक जाइंट वर्डन स्टैचू में और अपने स्टैचू के अंदर मैं एक वर्डन को ट्रैप कर भी पाता हूं या फिर नहीं वो जानने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर से देखना एंड अगर आपको आज की ये वीडियो पसंद आए तो इस वीडियो को जाके लाइक कर देना चैनल पे न्यू हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना एंड या एंजॉय दिस वीडियो सो गाइज अपने वॉर्डन स्टैचू को बनाने के लिए हमें काफी ज्यादा बड़े एरिया… Read More

  • 🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in Minecraft

    🏴‍☠️ Build EPIC Spanish Galleon in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏴‍☠️ Minecraft – Spanish Galleon Build’, was uploaded by AkaLxndon on 2024-01-13 11:03:53. It has garnered 1761 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. #Minecraft #PiratesOfTheCaribbean #Gaming Welcome friends to the first major Minecraft project I have produced in YEARS. Taking well over 6 hours to make in Minecraft, this piratey themed Spanish Galleon is definitely one of my best Minecraft Pirate Ship Builds yet! The best part? I completely winged this. None of it was planned, not even me getting on Minecraft to begin with. Loosely based… Read More

  • Vinland SMP – SMP RolePlaying

    𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙎𝙈𝙋 Fresh start Support 24/7 uptime Java & Bedrock edition Custom bi-weekly events Server lore Dynmap Whitelisted 16+ In-Game Features Shoping district & player-driven economy Enhanced terrain generation Custom bosses Custom items and much more! How to join Join our Discord server Read More

  • PixelPeak

    We are PixelPeak Network, a new and growing network, we have our main modality, Towny Earth, a towny/cities modality, but with the map of the earth. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #24

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #24Why did the Creeper join the math club? Because it wanted to improve its EXPLODING skills! Read More