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I helloy HOA and good morning and good welcome to 2024 I can’t believe it it’s 2024 already what happened um oh is that a nose poking through the wall that is it a hand no that’s a hat that’s got to be a hand oh okay I didn’t know that they were

Talking through the wall you know that you could actually talk here face to face what is he doing oh well at least they’re happy I don’t know very strange well here we are it is 2024 and that’s it well we can’t work on here anymore so um we’re going to do a

Little bit of a world tour and then going to sort ourselves out that the the thing is not working properly again I don’t understand why I keep doing this let me just see if I can just refresh everything before we get started that’s a very good piece of

Music just as we’re about to start by the way do like this piece of music uh we have got um a few things on us I suppose actually as we’ve got these we could take empty this bit out while we’re here oh let me do that as well oh

One day I’m going to push all of the right buttons I don’t know when but one day I will um yeah that’s it the season not the season the season is over that’s the wrong thing that’s um that will be um oh what would that be Sky Block

That’s the one I knew this there was a thing there somewhere let’s fill up all of these we’re going to take all of this with us uh I will be coming back here just to empty everything because we do have a lot of materials over here and resources

So we don’t want to be wasting all of those those get to stay oh this was the foxes but the fox has gone now so that may as well come back too so this is going to be our safe house dormatory um we will be having

More beds in here uh they’re going to be pretty much filling up the whole place we got our snow up there oh forgot we could access it from down there uh these are our little bubble Vaders which allow the baby villagers to escape up to the top and if we come down

Here we have got a whole bunch of potatoes I tell you what we could do no no no no no no no no no we’re not allowed to do anything and I’m already doing things so we’ve got quite a few potatoes that are picking up in here one

Of these is broken uh which is very annoying um those two over there can you see they keep crashing into each other they’ve jumped um Lanes um so two of them are on the same one instead of just one of them being on one and one on the other that’s said an

Issue that I’ve had before where they do that I don’t know why but they do um um so we’re just going to take a little look around and have a look at the world see what we managed to create for 2023 and then um we’re going to get back

On again and start on a new thing well maybe when we get to 300 subscribers we start on a new thing so we’ve got these little villages in here they are in our little safe house they can’t escape nothing hopefully can get in uh there’s

This little bit of ice and um oh I’ve got ice under here too I was just I just realized that I was skiding um and the bubble Vaders then take up uh the little guys up to the top and they’re all Co Bob because you know it’s

Why not uh so let’s pop back out of here and then we can go upstairs let takes us into one of our little houses everybody’s snoozing let’s go and snooze as well no I just slam the door in my face instead um we’ve got a lot of mess here

Let’s have a quick quick look at these see if we can just pick up some of these boxes too um I’ve got a feeling that the uh ender chest is no I’ve got the Ender Chest right here look ah perfect would be helpful if we could take some

Of these things back with us actually uh these ones are the important ones these actually belong in the Ender Chest so does that one that one no that’s a standard one um what’s this one put it in my other hand yeah that’s the home map we

Can leave that one in there we won’t need to be coming back here now ah we’ll take this one because that’s got black stone in I just try to think what ones are important that one would be quite important too not that one just trying to scow ah we can take

Those we accidentally made those might need those shroom lights they should be back in the light box the sand is always a good thing uh what is that one that one is normal deep slate so that one is not as interesting that one could be useful let’s see if

The if we can put these back in so we’re going to go back home in a moment but we’ll just grab a couple of bits because otherwise I’ve got to come straight back just want to see oh what have we got in here wool more wool these are all

Wool so they’re not actually a disaster they can stay here octopus King happy New Year how are you oh I think there’s um a thingy in here um I’m just looking at what we’ve got we’re going to go home and uh we’ got to um leave this

This place yeah we’ve got a heart of the sea here that’s a lot of emojis I’m not very good with the whole Emoji thing I um kind of forget how to do it did you have a nice oh did you have a nice time or whatever it was that you

Were doing we got some gas tiar yesterday so they are useful we’ll take those back dirt is always useful because we fill up we do lots of dirt we take the seelp back cuz we use a lot of seelp as well depends on how much we can actually take back with us don’t

Forget I can always come back here oh that’s our D box that’s really important forgot we left that there so this one is the Kel box and the Terra Cotter box and that one’s orange Terra Cotter that’s fine uh we’re almost full just looking to see if there’s anything particularly important that we

Need to take back with us wall is not a problem we’ve got that got loads of wo at home this isn’t a problem we got loads of this that one we can C without what we got in here I’ve looked in these already haven’t I yeah and then these ones oh we got

Honey here that one is needed let’s got all of our honeycomb in and some of our copper I think we’ve pretty much got the essentials oh we’ got Netherrack there we can always come back and pick those up they’re not urgent yet we’re just collecting them them as we’re going

Along there’s some more copper but it’s not a disaster if we leave that behind Cobblestone there I think we’ve already looked at those they’re all Netherrack that was all wool they were just odd things let’s just check this one no that one oh no we can cope with that that’s f

So I think a lot of this actually will be fine we can cope without um is this one we were supposed to be taking oh there’s another gas tier there I thought I saw another tier the other day and then I wasn’t sure oh yes we

Need we need a space and we can put this in this is important um we’ got glass I think ready in these in some of them but that will be okay as well I think actually most of this can just stay here I will do another double

Check at another time year of the wood Dragon you ate good food set off the fireworks and pop some cider oh well as long as that’s what you wanted that’s great um as long as you had a nice time um so this is the last time we can work

On this part we can work in the nether so we have a nether section to this uh we could just pop in and have a little look um I did say it was going to be like a worldy tour thingy before we go home um so this is our North Pole we’re

Calling it The snowflake City because we’re building it on a snowflake we managed to get all of this bit done I think we did really well this was in about two weeks we did this I did get a bit of a shimmy on um and we put a

Little Christmas tree in got some little candy canes I think I’ll change them up a little but the idea is there um I really like the tree that’s come out quite well in the end and we got these lovely little houses I really like all

Of these all going to come down the hill oh we got these boxes here I think this is just glass and snow so that would be okay a wall prismarine we can cope with those and dead things we can cope with that that too and then last night we did a

Last ditch attempt to try and get this last piece finished and we got it all the way to here this is the end of the snowflake um but we did run out of prismarine so we couldn’t make any more glass uh I mean we’ve actually used up

All of the prismarine that we I mean sea lanterns we’ve used all of the prismarine that I owned which was a lot um but you just need so much to make the the sea lanterns so um we couldn’t quite finish this off but we have built the last part of the

Shape and so we just need to bring these across and lift this up and then we’ll start when we come back we can start adding houses all the way from there all the way down the Avenue right to the end and all the way back again I’m thinking

On the end we should have a giant Christmas tree maybe bigger ones than these um I’m not as sure yet though um so that’s what we’ve we’ve done here um I’m really chuffed with it so if I just show you one of these houses again where we’ve got little Parcels underneath here

So you can make little presents with the um seek help and then if you put a little bit of dead coral on the top then it looks like youve got little bows on them uh on these top half we did most of the houses uh just in

General um we did manage to spawn a Golem and then we have our own little Golem in there hi no hi oh I don’t like you you’re scary we come away from him I’m always scared I’m going to touch him um and then we we started to fill in

Little Bits inside some of the houses not too much just just to give something and then we would decorate it when we get more time um and then we’ve got ones like this one which are quite clever because they use this bit here so we come through here we

Can we got a little upstairs we can go down we can come out to the bottom oh closer look at the tree I haven’t looked at it from that angle since I’ve put the tree up and then we get this little section under here and then just across the way from

Here past the giant tree up here we’ve got this little cool house where you can go in through here uh you’ve got this room and then you can go downstairs you’ve got a tiny cupboard and you got another room and then you go around here and very

Oddly when you go in here you’ve got um a whole new room you’ve got an A Massive Tardis type of house which is absolutely brilliant so we go into here and it’s you can even go up here so there’ll be a bed up here eventually when we sort it

Out yeah so that’s um sort of the the christmy biome that we’ve been working on but I think it’s going to be really interesting that we can’t touch this now until the 1 of December next or this year oh this year um this is our little portal room

So if we just pop through in here hold on let me just put my other helmet on no I can’t because I don’t actually know where I put it uh hold on yeah we should be all right just for a second shouldn’t we just for a

Second uh there um so over here we have built ourselves um some little more some more of these little round round houses this one is the completed one and we’re going to use the Cobblestone so the roof is more Smoky and then we’re going to turn all of this area into our

Nether Hub of all of the different Farms so we’ got Soul Sand we want to do the piglins and all sorts of stuff oh there’s a guy there that might see me without the helmet and he looks scary so we’re going to head back out um so this

We can work on this area we are all to work on this uh because um that’s in the nether so we might work on there at times um but we finished off all of this section let me just snooze we did manage to get a lot more

Done than I thought um but I was a bit disappointed that we couldn’t finish it off I did want to go as far as possible but we just ran out of materials it was impossible um that’s all of the nether quarts that we’ve got left and of course

This pillar quartz that I built wrong um I had accidentally cut it that’s all of the prismarine that we’ve got left but there’s no crystals so we can’t make anything else so that’s it that is um The Christmas biome and I can’t wait to come back here

I really really enjoyed working on this project um and then if you can imagine this is one snowflake part and then it’s going to come out that same distance all the way across here so I should think it’s going to touch the mountain and it

Will go out that way and it’s it’s going to go at diagonal across to the I should think it’s going to go into the cherry tree biome and into that mountain behind as well so it’s going to be quite amazing so we have to say goodbye to this lot

Now so goodbye um snowflake City uh for a year oh I like the fireworks they’re quite cool um and if we reach 350 subscribers we have to come back to here this rather ominous looking scary pointy Mountain because it is a rather ominous scary pointy Mountain pretty much which

If we just have a quick look over here see if I can land my little Landing Pad yay I actually did it let’s go and have a quick look down here I probably could have landed on the floor actually it probably would have been quicker than Landing up here that’s

Funny didn’t think about that so if we go down here I don’t like coming in here this is scary by the way it’s a really long way down it’s very scary where is it where is the end I think we need to do a drop down thing actually better so in

Here that little p there caused me a lot of Hassle oh that’s the area that we’re in so if I just look in here just I want to just see I’ve got a silk touch thingy in There there’s home map is it this one it is we could really do with taking this map home if we don’t lose it ah this is where I put one of those right there there’s an iron vein here oh hang on a minute is it this map it’s

This map so this is the warden up here and this is an iron vein which I’d forgotten about um but look this is where he is this is where the warden lives and I have not actually managed to get to where he is um all I’ve done is

Die there’s also a mine shaft here um as you can see I have managed to light up different bits we did attempt to walk around on some wall and I just died many many many many many times Grinch Mountain yeah that’s it um and um yeah so that’s what this place

Is um and this bit here is where I was desperately trying to escape because someone suggested building a portal to escape from and I dropped the warden on my head instead so and then I was trapped in that room with the warden which made it even funnier it was horrid

About an hour of just continuous dying that’s that’s what I remember and it was about an hour um I’ve tried condensing the deaths down to do a short but it’s just too many to to do it so um I will try and get back to doing that cuz it was just hilariously

Funny um it was an epic stream and it was just continuously dying after dying and then people were trying to helped me figure out how to get home and I just just couldn’t because I didn’t want cuz we’re quite far away from spawn um and at the time I didn’t know the the

World as well as I do now um so it was I really didn’t want to just go home and um from dying in the end that’s what I had to do I had to break the bed and die to get home cuz I couldn’t get out I was

Just stuck it didn’t matter what I did okay couldn’t escape I couldn’t do anything it was awful but we got there eventually we got out um we got home and so when we reach 350 subscribers we have to go back and we have to try to find the ancient city

Cuz I have not found an ancient city and I have purposefully not looked in the ancient cities in the creative world so I have no idea what they like other than what I’ve seen on the television from other YouTubers oh I didn’t change my boots why didn’t I put my special boots

On well that’s what I did in the end but I didn’t want to um I because the spawn point if if you look at the map that we’re on now where the that gray square is on the very left hand side with the Green Dot that’s where we live but right on the

Very far right hand side and actually on the the other page on another map is where spawn is and at the time I didn’t know the area well enough to get myself back properly so I didn’t want to go back to spawn to then have to try to find my way

Back again because I haven’t got all my stuff ready and it was I kept getting lost um so it was quite a disaster it’s not so bad if if your spawn location is where you you U built your base then it’s fine isn’t it but it

Wasn’t so here we go this is home so we just have a little tour around here just so that um we’ve got the the tour on the the first episode so we’ve got these to build I’d like to get all of these wind turbines finished actually um we need more quartz for

These and uh we’re building a sand Bank hold on let me just land here so we’ve been building a nice sand Bank to go underneath so um it’s not just boring like all of this lot which is awful um and this is based on scroby sands uh in

Great Yarmouth near where I live obviously they’re not purple but I really think they should be I think they should look like this why do we have to have boring white things all the time uh so we got these really pretty wind turbines everywhere uh we’ve got to

Finish this line off and we want that sandbank to go over the whole thing all the way to there these are our conduit these thingies here so that we can breathe that’s going to be our sort of standard design for the area and we’ve got our working Lighthouse we’re building our Cliff uh

We’ve got our seelp farm we’ve got our we’ve got to sort of this out I think most of this can go now actually oh yeah uh we’ve got our Lifeboat that looks like it’s moving what’s wrong with you oh no you’ve gone but you’re not going out what about you you’re not working

Why are you not working you’re not working we need to fix that one um anyway it’s just another job to do and we just got we’ve got to finish the life boat off we’ve got everything to finish everything is needing finishing I’m a genius what am I a

Genius for what are you going to use the the water displacing I’ve got come fuff hold on seriously did you just see me crash into that um the uh I love Bedrock because look these are our little guys this is how our Lifeboat is looking like it’s

Moving we are just um dis we’re just making these trigger oh he’s not he’s not touching that one that’s why look he’s not touching that string how we make him break that string I mean we can suppose we could move it over one that’s why he’s not that’s why that one’s not

Working what would make him break that don’t know actually oh this is my Redstone box this is this is actually meant to be with us let’s take that what me crashing that was quite hilarious um so we this these are things that we need to fix up anyway so these

Little guys are our little engineers and it’s really funny because they they move with the Redstone so we’re going to put little Uniforms on them to make them look like um there are engineers in our Lifeboat making it work I’ll just jump over all of these I don’t like touching

Them in case a break everything oh the bell went off yay so we’ got Bells unfortunately they’re not very loud I always imagined that they would be louder but they’re not uh we don’t have very many Rockets oh and it’s night time again I don’t like it being

Nighttime all the time let’s um go back over to here uh this is going to be our house when we eventually build it this is our to one of the towers and then this is our Conservatory for the house and it will have a lovely formal garden and all

Of this right up all of that yellow needs to be covered in concrete well it will be Stone you know what I mean and then we’ve got our work and Lighthouse should be on I think you working oh nearly not quite it’s not quite dark we’ve been building

Our Cliff that’s what we’re going to be working on again need to get this oh that’s really that was a really good view for you um here there we go we’ve been working on all of this trying to make it look pretty got all of this to

Do and our bridge and then we’ve got underwater where we’ve been attaching all of our man-made stuff so all of this has been built from our cliff and then if you look here this part hasn’t been attached yet but this has and then this is what we’re going to do under the

Water I I really like it it just feels much more realistic so we’re doing got to do all of this it does take quite a long time this is one reason why we needed so much Black Stone CU we use quite a lot in here and then you come back around here

And then you can see that it’s clearly not attached to anything and no why is a Creeper following me in the water that’s not nice quite mean actually right let’s go and just snooze we need some more Rockets because other I can’t fly anymore bit concerned about where that creeper might

Be just wait over here um yeah so the I didn’t show you the lighthouse but um anyway that’s fine um and then we’ve got our church that we’ve been building we did kind of give up for a little while because it is the most technical thing

I’ve ever had to build and then I’m like why did I why did I build this but to be honest I do really like it so let’s just give ourselves a few more Rockets so that we can just happily fly around for a minute there’s not much more to see okay so

So then what we’ve started to do we’ve got to give the Snowman a grave we haven’t done that we’ve started to plot out the land so I have got so many different big projects to do it’s ridiculous so this white one you may be

Able to kind of guess what it is but you won’t guess what it is I’ll be very surprised if you guess what it is um so we’ve been plotting everything this um this area up here is our home area we’re working on I want to get all of this finished before we move

On uh then we’ve got this yellow zone which you can see is quite big um all of the projects are really big because you know why do small ones when you can do giant ones I don’t know why I don’t do small um and then we’ve got this pink

Magenta which is all of this section and comes out here um I’ve run out of wall for that one so I’ve got to get some more I think it covers pretty much all of this uh this whole area here comes under the black section so I’ve I’ve just given them all different colored

Zones um so that we can do this down here we have our spider spawner uh it’s a triple spider spawner which we will fix up and we will make it better but not at the moment and then we’ve got we’ve got another Pink Zone over

Here and it just goes on um it goes all the way down there for about two or three maps in total um so we’ve got massive massive projects to come and they are really big and we’ve got a massive project for the end a massive project for the Nether and to be honest

Because I’m a slow Builder these are going to take me a long time the more I think about it I keep saying I’ve got about two years worth of ideas I actually I think I’ve probably got more to be honest um so this just gives you

An idea of the scale of the of the projects that we want to do looking at the the Christmas biome you can sort of get an idea of how big these things are um so yeah and then we’ve got our little church over here that we’ve been working

On what is that part on there I SAR I’ve not finished building it that’s why what is that um and all of this you may or may not remember all of this was once land and then we dug it all out by hand we didn’t use T there was a little river in

Here um and uh but we wanted the church to be isolated so we dug it all out and then we can climb go into the church through the tower which is what I wanted let’s go and empty our inventory and then this will bring us into the enchantment room when we’re

Finished we can go through to the nether in here and we have our bedroom this is our bedroom look it’s it’s massive took me like six months to build that um and then we’ve got our church which I really I’m really loving it’s just got so much more to do and it’s

Just taking me forever to get it right and we got um this is supposed to be an organ the church organ but I just haven’t quite got it right yet so I need to tweak that at some point but sometimes it’s best just to walk away

And leave it and then and come back and then down here we’ve got our storage area and that’s oh no that’s not it is it we’ve got underneath the thingy as well um let bring them down here where all of our stuff is so I really need to

Spend some time trying to sort through all of these boxes because we now have so many it’s just got ridiculous um so I might maybe I’ll do a few sessions I won’t do the sessions with you guys because oh that’s meant to be in the box that would just bore you to

Tears I should think trying to go through all of this lot so that’s those and then that one should be in here can we take any of these out i’ got some special boxes that gold is meant to be in here so if we put the wood box

Back that can go back on there and I need to figure out these boxes because I I’m becoming very confused and I know what I want in my boxes but I just that um is uh um yeah everything is becoming a bit frustrating or that one should be over

Here just put that one back I think it’s in here yeah and then they can be taken out um I normally have the specialy items over here not that one this one they’re still not pet eggs I just can’t get that out of my head what was in this one oh junk

Everything is just junk have you got anything for me you do is that it sa so these guys have um keep collecting the honey that is a disaster and doesn’t work properly um so this is my little um area for now the storage area we’ve got a long way to go with

It and then the other area that uh I can just show you is the underground area so if we just come through here so underneath the conservatory we have um an iron and Guardian Farm together oh look at that Perfect Landing how unusual so I’d like to try

And get this finished off we haven’t got a lot to finish off but if you look we’re missing a couple of pieces and we could really probably do with an end run or we we need end rods but I think we can do it with blaze rods so maybe if we

Go and get some more blazes and they cor us through I think we can make them that is bad why no the villagers keep falling out and I don’t understand how this has happened again let’s go down and have a look at them so anyway just explain so this is

The guardian this is why we wanted to live here um over there and in here is a big box full of villagers there’s about 20 well about 118 now because two of them seem to have escaped again well you’re going to die now look that’s it you keep going down there there’s

There’s no hope for you there’s nowhere else for you to go other than death I don’t understand how they keep being knocked out it’s oh no it’s it’s driving me crazy Oh no you’re here go away um because I can’t actually see any way that they’re coming out the only

Thing maybe it’s when they’re sleeping and they wake up maybe they’re popping out of the Wall hold on I can never find the door where is the door I really should make it easier for me to tell where the door is there’s a door down here somewhere hello where is it I’m just going to spin around a circles for minute while I try to find it there it

Is find it I knew it’s there all the time it’s not even this one this is the bottom oh let’s do down here while we’re here and then we’ll go back up and see the villages on the way out um so then we have our this is our ancient

Civilization that we didn’t know who they are why they were here or anything about them other than there was clearly a civilization because there’s a brick building and this is some type of um pipe um of some description and it’s all been overgrown and it’s

Broken and then if we look down here we actually have a geode that’s a natural one right at the very end yeah I know it’s just yeah but it’s not really freedom is it it’s actually death death and More Death there’s no option there’s nowhere to go other than

Die in there only trouble is it means that they break my um my farm and I don’t want to lose them oh we went yeah I went all the way around so this goes all the way around here it’s all overgrown and everything and there’s

A little pondy bit in somewhere is it oh yeah through here look there’s a little mysterious pondy piece in there I really enjoyed building all of this and there’s this little waterfall area through here where it’s all being broken and this is all leaking I really enjoyed building all of

This and I like there to be stories why things are there and then we still got all of this to go we’ve got a long way to go in here but it’s really beautiful and magical um so we had a um a geode right in the middle when we were cutting

Through uh so it gave me the idea to build a giant Lush cave with um a geode all the way around so in Parts I’ve decided to leave the roof but I’m not 100% sure if I might come back and finish it all off and do the whole thing

Like this um but there were some we had I didn’t have very many viewers and people were getting bored of me doing the same project so we stopped it for a while but this is another one that we do need to come back and finish off and get

This like this section here really annoys me um and the reason why we have um these little bits of copper is because we’re actually in a copper vein as well um so it’s like a little nod to The Copper vein and this here here is our

Slime chunk so we’ve made it into what was maybe a ballroom um for this um ancient civilization this house building Castle thing we don’t know what it is just ruins um and that’s actually a slime chunk so the iron golems in there grab everything and there’s mine cart underneath that collects

Everything and um there’s a little kitchenet kind of area over here um up there and then we have this rickety Old Bridge which changes the perspective of how you’re walking through and looking at which again I really love this sort of angle apart from that wall which is annoying um and

Then this this is the killing chamber bit in here and again we’ve got the idea that there was once some kind of flooring space we’ve got this River we built one of this in here um I love this place it just is so peaceful we got frogs living

Here we did have loads the idea is to bring the alleys we’re going to retire alleys into here um and the frogs but they Al and we had axotal in here but they all sort of vanish so it’s bit it’s a bit annoying really that they all just

Disappear we did have loads of fish in here as well theyve all disappeared too and and then if we come back down here this is where we just keep all of our storage bits from the farm hi froggy and then this is where we so

We’ve got this um the Geo just sort of split into three so one comes up here and then this one grows up here and then this one grows up here all around the chamber it’s a bit hard to tell it was easier when it was a bit emptier

But I don’t do to easy I like to do more complicated and then these are the Iron Golems coming down so the Farm’s still working oddly um maybe they’ve already replaced their friends um uh and the Guardians all Dro down here too and then they all come down here but

As you can this is all we’ve got left these little bits of crystals coming through here uh so we can’t make any more but we can get about 4 to 500 ingots an hour which for a Bedrock Farm as you can we got loads of blocks in

Here which yeah it’s a Bedrock iron farm and I think it’s pretty awesome right let’s go and see if we can figure out what’s happened to this villager it only ever happens sometimes and I’ve never found out how it how they keep escaping I have

Seen uh there was once where they had a hole um I figured sometimes they might be oh okay can I can I not do that I figured once they were getting down scaffold um but I honestly can’t see any reason why they keep escaping and it’s nearly always I think it’s always the

Um the Librarians which is a worry because you know I’ve got my mending guys and stuff in there let’s see if we can actually find this exit this time no oh where is it there there it is right now what we’re going to do no

We’re not going to do that I was going to do that but we’re not going to do that let me put a torch right down here maybe that will help me so I know that it’s lighter that might help so here we go this is the the upstairs of there we’ve

Got a Golem spawning down there he’s after them it’s quite good cuz it can speed them up as well speeds up the process to get them down quicker and once they go down there then they’re out of the catchment area but they’re all asleep let’s quickly go and have a look

And see what’s going On so like I block these off now so that they can’t escape down those I need some more food right so when they’re in bed it makes it easier so we’re missing one the problem is you see if if they have that’s a nit with isn’t it no not

You but there two in one bed there did two people just get up from the same bed did I just imagine that there were two people in the same bed that’s not Possible uh okay that’s not what I wanted to do I should have got out I was trying to touch that it looked like he was flashing I wondered if he had I’ve just messed this all up now oh look there’s a Golem spawning he just spawned on the top that was really weird

No yeah I know run just I’m really scared I don’t like the villagers as it is we have 120 of them in here just got to see if we’ve got any more nitwits if we’ve got nitwits in here it’s a disaster I’ll have to come back and see

What’s going on where’s my mending guy please still be here mending guy where are you there you are there you are there you are yeah he’s got hi mending how are you that’s his name um any idea how they’re escaping because there are no holes there’s no nothing they just get

Out and it’s a sealed unit I don’t understand I Can’t maybe I should put another layer of glass underneath don’t stare at me it’s rude thank you sh sh shoo can’t see any more nitwits in here we’ll have to come back when they all go back to sleep I mean could they glitch through the floor maybe see we accidentally had a hole

There one time and I think we had a hole over there I’ve changed all of the positions of these so they’re not so cramped thinking maybe they were being pushed out but it’s always a library Arians maybe maybe they’re still being pushed out maybe there’s too many in this

Corner I don’t know I just don’t know I can’t think what else it could be I can’t see look there’s a Golem woohoo bye Golem so sometimes they spawn on these two platform forms and sometimes they spawn above but one thing I didn’t realize when I built this

Is I thought that they’d be able to spawn over the whole length of this but actually they can’t they just spawn around this the the main center of the village which as far as I’m aware is the Bell um although Bedrock Works slightly different so it’s a bit confusing um so

Actually they would have just used this one section here and just that one section section up above so there isn’t a hole that’s the problem there is no hole there was a hole at one point when it first started happening uh but there is nothing so if I come down here you

Can you can just kind of see easier with the squares there’s no holes here just be careful I don’t fall in and get attacked there’s none of acoss here so if I have to do my little Daredevil trick of trying to fly across woohoo I did

It and then we go across here so that’s got a different color glass in there’s nothing here but this has happened about 10 times now this isn’t just have wor Off so there’s there’s nothing I just can’t see how they’re the only thing I can think of is that they’re pushing each other out when there’s too many of them so maybe I have rearranged all of this several times and it’s always the Librarians so now I’ve got to get back

On the other side try not to die oh I did it I did it I did it yay so that’s it yeah I don’t know any ideas so um that’s that’s basically the world then no no no no no no no no no going the wrong way oh okay I think that was

My boy I just confused me um yeah anyway so that’s our world that’s what we’ve done um most of this has been completed since about July last year I think um and then I had I have had several times where I’ve been off uh because I kept being poorly I think did

I start it the year before I can’t even remember now what I’ve done and what I haven’t it’s very confusing um hold on this uh I was going to put this pill black back black back something so what do we think that we should attempt to work

On uh we’ve got our new project that we’re going to have to do soon once we’ve we’ve just got to get two more subscribers so I’m going to have to really get shimmy on and start working on there I could I was debating whether to tell you should do want to know what

The new project is going to be um and where it’s going to be is that a hole I found a hole why is there a hole there who put that there what’s in there oh our wither roses let we have wither roses cuz I was Brave and I fought the Wither twice done

It twice now um how we got another map where is it would be this one yes we do right come on then I’ll show you what the I’m going to show you oh actually we can go and have a little Lookout here it’s not that I wish that you could see the

Names can you see the names in Java which one is it one of these has it in why are you still calling it unknown that’s the one right want to take a little marker with us we need to take some blocks we need to have a good look at this little area

Here so this is um if this is the home map hold on the what the map I call the Guardians is here above this map so you can see we’re just below and then this is what we call the Guardians map it’s actually it’s a really interesting one um position is it not

Night time um we need some kind of obvious block that’s easy to identify uh I don’t really want to be used using the the ah let’s do that take a load of this with us could really do a just snooze in before we go I have no idea what the

Time of day is it must be nearly night time surely feels like it’s a thunderstorm um so the next project is this um a proper XP farm so the farm that we’ve got at the moment is atrocious um it could be a lot better now I know

How to build one better I I really feel like it’s it’s just about to turn into night time but then I feel like I could be sat here for ages waiting and it’s not I want to put my other Wings in we’ve got the spare Rockets oh where did I put the

Wings uh hello nothing in there take some extra Rockets then which one did we put them in can you remember we were just dumping everything in got to F it’ll be one of these purple ones oh no I might have left them behind not behind behind but I might

Have put them in the I might have put them in there when I tied it up a minute ago oh that’s a problem we can’t fly over there if we haven’t got any spare wings these ones are already half dead no do not want to go to Soul Sand

Valley there’s a goose oh there she was one of you have wings in shout if you see the wings no wings no wings all right this is not good which one did I put it in this one that one ah we got our proper boots as

Well that needs to be put back as well switch those over switch those over all right we’ll leave those in there for a minute that’s better now can I sleep yay it wasn’t any night time I thought it was oh look here’s our sheep this is MC

Looney I can’t see his name tag but that’s that’s MC Looney and or Looney MC even and he is a Bonafide original pink sheep that I captured and we did have a Mrs MC or Mrs Looney MC but she kind of vanished so uh through here

I still haven’t worked out how I get out of this place I only Built it so if we go across here so the idea is that I’m trying to connect everything so I want everything to be connected and it just happens that over here is the best place ever so this is

What we call the Guardians so this little island here is my destruction Island to make moss uh so we can just destroy this one I’m happy to just lose it if I need to it’s quite funny originally I felt it was really far away so here’s a guardian and what is this bit

Here I just got to try and remember what each one is oh this one might be the end portal oh no this one’s a geode so this one’s a geod actually let me just let me write these down because um I really wish that we could use the banners and write them

Because when you’ve got a map like this where there’s just so many things it’s really frustrating because you can’t you can’t remember what each one of them is so uh while we’re here I’m actually going to just dra draw myself a little plan to to help me remember so if I do

That little squiggle and that then we’ve got this one here is a guardian this one here is a yeah that’s funny I was going to put just the first letter but they both start with a G so that one is a geode and we’ve got this one and that

One so the one on the top left is a jungle temple and we’ve got one over here there’s one here I just put little markers down on a piece of paper just to try and so I can it’s when I’m trying to do plans for different things I need to remember

Where the relationship is between the different items and then I can’t because I can’t remember where everything is oh no wrong way no wrong way still wrong way let’s go this way this way this one must be another geode I think uh this is me trying to figure out the where the

Distance is I was trying to get these two to grow together if I stood in the middle but I don’t think it works so this one is another Geode then if we keep going straight up here we have this really cool jungle temple um not as cool as our other jungle temple we actually have two really cool jungle temples so we’ve got one with a beach front so this is our jungle temple with

A beach front which is unusual I may have been here before um so that’s this one now if I remember rightly actually out this way there’s another another Guardian which which I haven’t actually got on the map yet it looks like there’s a shipwreck there actually there’s a shipw there I

Don’t know if I’ve looked in that let’s have a quick look uh might have done may as well have a quick look while we’re here might we uh might be good if I don’t get stuck um I might have been here yeah I can’t see anything on

There oh do you know what I’ve just done though I’ve done that silly thing where I’ve landed and then you can’t oh hold on yeah we can look so if you’re ever in the water and then you can’t get back out because this is bedrock can’t fly out of

Water which is super annoying now I’m sure that somewhere around here there is another jungle temp not a jungle temple a guardian but I haven’t got it on my map we just go out this way we’ll just WR this one there it is so that is I’m just trying to gauge

Where that is that’s all the way over here so that is a guardian looks like I have done something here I haven’t killed him though so that’s good that means we’ve got more sponges that we can access right let’s go back over here go to these other points that I’ve got on

The map so one of these is a shipwreck looks like it’s this one on the end so sometimes I’ve got I’ve put little markers down because this shipwreck I think is really good um so I want to try and use things in the world at times so

If you look this one is a complete shipwreck um that is standing upright and it’s coming out of the water and I just thought that was really amazing cuz it’s just a complete one right so that’s a guardian this one is a ship right and then we’ve got three more

So we’ve got to go this way so this one is another Guardian you can see why I’ve called it the Guardians and then this one I think I might remember kind of what I’ve done this one is the end portal just sit in the boat for a

Sec and which is what I wanted which I know it sounds really crazy no that’s not good I actually really wanted to have an end portal in the middle of an ocean because when I was um in my previous world that I had to give up uh because of the

Corruption um my end portal the first one I’d found was in the ocean and then I came up with this amazing idea which I’ve wanted to do ever since and then when um I originally I was going to use the same world spawn um sorry the same what’s the

Word seed I don’t normally do things like that but I really liked the seed that I’d had and I was going to use the same seed so that I could have this end portal um in my new world when I re redid it all but I couldn’t because the

Um with the new update it destroyed the end portal so it ruined my idea and then when I moved out here and I went to find the end portal Not only was it in the middle of an ocean but look how big the ocean is and it’s

Absolutely perfect for what I need so um our end pel is down here somewhere under the ground and I’m still bubbly which I don’t like um now this one over here is the other Guardian so you can see why I call this map the Guardians don’t try to attack me you

Beasties because there’s just so many so there’s actually there’s a minimum of four is it one 2 3 four yeah there’s four Guardians in one map here one of them is not on there oh plus there’s an end portal and there is two just block myself in for a second cuz they’re going

To Hey try to kill me while I’m talking to you um h plus there’s an end portal and um two geod and a ship so it’s not a bad MAP is it I really like it I think it’s a brilliant location so what we need to be able to do is see

The end portal from our project so maybe if we this one we can see the end portal we can that looks like that might have been another guardian over there let me just go back over here I can’t remember what I had planned I had clearly planned something what have I got

Here treasure chest with goodies in no I have a treasure chest what’s that okay right so help me remember where the end portal is which I’ve then forgotten uh we don’t have a bed that’s okay we’ll be fine so we have a choice it’s either if I just I need to go back

Over here oh this is the actual end portal bit that’s where you go down so uh let me just I’ve just got to get this my perspective right so that one is a geode that we’re looking at there that one is a guardian so that’s all the way over

There what have I done where is it here let me just go back right so that one is looking downwards down the map at the guardian so if if I turn there’s a ship that’s a guardian there so I think because this one has got the

Ship this one could be the right one to use so what we’re going to do is we are going to make a a guardian XP farm so we’re going to use this section I’m just drawing it on my map and um this end portal is going to

Have something to do with that and that ship wreck wherever it’s gone in the dark can have something to do with this too and I really want the the design that I’ve done for this will then tie in with the project I’ve got over

Here and we might even be able to do it again over there possibly um not sure I don’t think we should do it twice but we might be able to do something with it so basically the Guardians are in cahoots with the evil wizard that’s what we’re going with

Um so that’s what we’re going to do so um you can’t know about the other project with the end with the end portal until I’m ready to do that one I’m not ready to going to be a really really hard project that I don’t even know if I can pull

Off I’ll be able to do it but we need to do all these other things first but the um there’s um a design by silent Whisperer um I watched him do it in I think it was in his TRD Bedrock series and uh it was really interesting

Um but it’s also quite dodgy because you can actually crash your system because the um it can produce so many Guardians that you crash everything so it’s one to be careful of oh hi zombie villagers um yeah so it’s one that we need to be careful with um but um and not

Recommended for a general computer I don’t think really because if you leave it running for for very long that’s it you um you got to have safety mechanisms in place but I have to say when I tried it out in Creative cuz I thought I better try it out

First it worked really well um I still I didn’t have everything completely set up right I’m not brilliant at XP Farms um but the um the idea is really good and it’s so much faster than the other one so um I need to go for a break uh to

That’s our world tour and that is the exclusivity of what is our new project so I hope you like the idea of making a guardian XP farm um fingers crossed we’re going to be able to pull it off and I honestly the from what I think I think the

Project looks quite I don’t just make an XP farm I have to make it into something it’s an actual it’s an integral part of my world so it’s not just going to be this boring um Farm the farm is completely covered up with a design so that’s what

We’re going to do um right I’m going to go for a quick Break um I need a cup of tea and then have a think about what we want to go back and do so we’re here now and we need to start getting on and doing work and then I need

To download all my stuff and try to get it back onto this computer so I can remind myself of what this XP farm is like and how to build it cuz it’s it’s a bit tricky um and we might need to go and Bash those other Guardians to try and get some more

Sponges uh I haven’t done all of them we haven’t got all of the sponges out I don’t think um we could really do with a lot more uh we need to try and find a quicker way of we need to drain the monument again um so we need to try and find a

Quicker way of doing it and we need to completely demolish it um the whole thing will go there’ll be no Monument left so um we’ll see how we get on and we got to go into the end and go and get loads of stuff from there right guys I’m

Going to go for a break and then I don’t even know what project to start on I’ve got completely bmus now I don’t know whether to go back to the cliff or um I don’t feel like working on the church I I’ll give it a thing give me um

See if you want to give me an idea on the chat uh what project I should start working on um when we get back I’m just trying to think maybe we could do a wi tur or a bit more of the sand bank or something like that I’ve

Got plenty to do um right I’ll see you soon I won’t be too long I just need to go and grab some tea see you soon For But you Foreign fore speech foreign foree spee for spee spee a Foree All Hello HOA I’m back I’m just going to put my headphones back on and then I’ll get the buttons done uh where are the buttons they’re over this side okay I’m pushing the same button about 20 times but just keep missing it so it’s taking me longer sorry really oh

No it’s night time again let’s give ourselves a quick snooze right so now we know what our secret project is for our XP farm what are we going to do oh there’s a lot of things up here that are are scary trying to kill me

What are we going to work on um we can’t do anything on the other one until a we get the 300 subscribers and B we can’t do it until I’ve reminded myself how to do it so um I I’m just wondering whether we should just do something on this sand

Bank over here and maybe build some more of these oh thank you for the little hearty thingies they’re very cute thanks um maybe we should start building up some more of these we can take that map out our hand now um so I would really like to get them built

Um just got to remind myself how I did them I can’t actually remember let’s um which way do we go do we we need to put I can’t actually remember how many we put on did I put did I put it on my map no I didn’t even bring that back up

Yes I did sometimes I draw it down and I write down how many pieces I’ve done Um no that’s for snowflake city which we’ve just left and abandoned for a whole year oh I don’t know if I put it in here no I don’t think I’ve put it in this one um let’s have a little look what have we got in our stuff let’s move these I

Didn’t actually sort of think about what I was going to do today that’s water breathing to help us go under there we’ve got some glass gosh it’s been a long time since we’ve worked on this section got our Stone I haven’t got my phone up here to take a photograph of what I’ve done either maybe we just extend some of this sand Bank into that section did we do that how did I even do it I can’t quite remember I think we did the sand first did we do sand First maybe no sand isn’t first because that’s on top of other blocks um I’m thinking of the Sandstone uh let’s get rid of all of this I’ve got to get back into what I was doing can’t remember we had some Birch planks I think we’ll have to just

Sort of have a swim around and see what we did let’s leave this here can we no can’t put the maps in here can we put any of them in no we’ve just been in that one haven’t we oh there was some clay did we do

Terra Cotta no I think we were coloring the Terracotta in the yellow did we put normal I don’t think we put normal terra cotta in uh we had endstone in it these ones were for the actual turbines I think we use some of these thank you for the the

Hearts my videos are awesome Gerard oh thank you uh goard I said Gerard but that looks like Gerard um thank you that’s really kind yeah so that’s some of these the bone meal is to bone meal everything up gosh it’s been a while since we’ve

Been out here to do this so I’m just trying to we would have had some dirt down there I feel like we’re missing a bunch of blocks um this one has got yeah this one has um a heart of the sea so the way that I’ve done them is

The heart of the sea is in the center hidden so that we can’t see it um and then I think I’ve got one in further up here so I’m still breathing here so oh hi uh excuse me this is something that I try to stop happening if if they’ve got

Items I do try to stop them uh so we did put down a base for these ones so the idea is we’re building a sand Bank in this section uh we smooth Stone here as well we didn’t have that on us smooth Stone I think that is the uh you’re actually playing

Minecraft um yeah uh you can that’s what is really good about this kind of thing is that you can watch somebody playing hang we take these out you can watch somebody but you can also do your own stuff at the same time it’s great isn’t it how that

Works okay so we made ourselves more purple we just put these in here for a minute so what do we think of the new project uh that we’re going to build uh an XP farm which is a guardian XP farm it’s going to be quite scary it’s going to be hard

Work it was hard enough doing it in Creative let alone then trying to do it in survival at least you get to watch me die a lot here we go we got some lava and some more of this have we got anything else we kept robbing everything from over here so

Probably not got a lot left I think that’s pretty much it we need to start trying to collect more items oh I’m used to Sky Block again where I’ve got this I’ve got super furnaces that they just smelt everything like boom boom boom it’s all smelted it’s like no we’re just on

Three uh right well that’s there’s a couple right so let’s have a look down here let’s try to remind myself how we built it I’ve got a feeling that I did maybe um the end right so this one is before the others maybe I did the sand first and

Then I put a little bit more sand on afterwards because there’s a lot of no I didn’t I’m sure I put these other blocks in first let’s start off with the Terracotta I think that’s maybe what I did can’t remember it’s been up too long

So the idea is that we we started off with nothing so those ones over there if you just look they’re not attached to anything at all we just put them where we wanted them then we built around them this Stone um structure and then from that we’ve then

Turned it into a sand bank so we’re going to do something like this where I’m imagining we have a a vein of um whatever this is in this magical world um and then sometimes we bury them into the ground so if I do something like that

And then come down a little bit more so I try to do it at a bit of an angle and we try to bring it down quite far because the sand Bank just doesn’t just suddenly stop it’s not you know like it ends there otherwise it won’t won’t look

Realistic we want it to blend in um and then we might bring it so it comes down this way a little um let’s do that and then have it coming across here we have put um I’ve left it so that there are little holes in make it look a little

Bit more realistic and I nearly filled that hole in and I don’t want to um what type of Minecraft do you play uh do you play um Survival Creative hardcore or and do you play Bedrock or um Java I’m always interested in what other people

Do and then sometimes I feel like it may have had a bit of a landslide as well so um there may have been um a few issues with stuff going on right so let’s do that bit now let’s go around this side and do it

Again ah yeah so if you look here we’ve got the condo in here but we don’t want that seen so let’s block that off and sometimes we don’t want lots all the time sometimes we just want a little especially sort of these ones these are a bit more like a highlight

Block rather than uh you got to have a lot of it cuz it’s quite a bright color that sticks out um I don’t like doing that kind of thing where I have them together let find the pickaxe take that one back out that’s better um now these ones we might leave

Because we can see inside but we Can’t do anything we’ve got a bad guy oh hang on a minute we’ve got Wings on here we need to fix that um the only trouble is with this is that yeah we have to actually come in and fix this inside because if we’re going to have a tunnel um you’ve got to

Have it so that it’s the same type you can’t just suddenly have it all nice and pretty on one side and then Stone on the other that’s not going to work so we have to decorate it on the inside Too uh but I really like the idea that as you’re swimming past and you’ve got this secret little cave inside that you can actually swim inside if you want want to feel so much more natural I don’t know whether to try and do one sand bank at a

Time or just to keep working through and just placing the one block that we we’re working on H hello you what do you want just want to attack me they never want to just come and say hello always rude we got this little tunnel bit under Here so we’re getting better at doing this cuz we we started off doing this sand bank and um then gradually we’ve gone and worked on the other area uh with the river and uh so it’s becoming a bit easier on how to place all of this kind

Of thing and make it look more natural so it’s kind of like it’s been washed down the banks it’s kind of how I imagine it don’t worry about the all of the grasses because we can put those all back on so that sort of gives us an idea of

The the spread that we’re going for which is what we did over there but we don’t always put it so if you look we’ve got it all the way out there but we haven’t covered it like that all the way over there just we’re just imagining that some of the blocks have washed

Down um I’ve just washed down and looking a bit um can’t think word damaged something like that that would damage the area so later on if I get time today I’ll try to start putting that um trial back on my computer basically I I um did the run through for this idea

In my other the computer so I need to um and I never then put the world on so I’ve got the world to put back on on this one so that I can see what I did it’s just that everything’s taking time and where I keep being a bit poorly

Anything that’s a bit technical drives me a bit crazy that wasn’t meant to go there but that’s where it is now that’s one of those things I call it um oh what’s his name I’ve got Jonathan Ross in my head it’s not Jonathan Ross um thingy Ross Ross what’s his name is the

Artist he calls him happy accidents I forgot his name just for a minute honestly one day I’m going to actually remember everything again Bob Ross that’s a really hard name to remember isn’t it all of my Villages are called Bob Bob Ross um he calls that

A happy accident or he called it a happy accident and I really love that that phrase where you’re you’ve done something and it you’ve gone to put it in but it’s not quite where you wanted it to go but actually it looks really good so that’s where you keep

It so we want to get these sand banks done um we could do that like that like it’s um starting to break away underneath because that’s very likely yes what do you want you didn’t come to give me any gifts did you just going to attack Me I’m surprised I haven’t actually been killed that many times yet or been under attack that many times they’re normally treacherous by now but I have got a few light lights around here so that could be helping so again we want it to sort of come out but not be

Um ah so this one we haven’t joined yet so let’s finish off the this section um we want it to come down but it’s not going to be massive another one that loves emojis I’m useless with Emojis I can’t ever put them on thank you have you been on the stream before I

Can’t I can’t remember I’m not very good I try to remember everybody and I do remember a lot of people but sometimes people might have only popped in a couple of times and I can’t remember let’s just go and grab all of our stuff can we swim

Faster we need a few more of these I didn’t put quite as many in my hand because I didn’t think I was um going to do quite a biggest an an area is what I’ve done is that cor dir why have I got cor dir I meant to have normal

Dirt I think that six will be that stack and that will be enough I’m just going to have M my Key uh and we can fly over there can’t we no we can’t because got we haven’t got Wings on it’s much easier to have wings on when to fly is it these ones oh what do you want you’re going to just come and attack me straight away aren’t you ow ow

Ow why are you so mean and horrid I’ll take the XP though because I need that on my wings thank you oh no not a trident we have this thing where I’m not very good at leaving things to despawn and in Java they just continuously complain that they don’t

Get any Trident and I’ve got like 6,000 I really don’t need any trident there’s got to be a there’s got to be something to do with Trident I think you should be able to sell them to wandering Trader or Something no I would have done that one but it was next to the other one so this one feels like there could have been a bit of a landslide down here uh so we could have had a little bit more Like that uh do with a few more on here be careful I don’t actually run out blocks again there some of these will cover with some slabs so that we get some go away have the XP though thank you I need to fix my wings and then we’ve got another little

Uh underground tunn bit so we need to fix that up Joel hello how are you how you getting on we just did a worldy tour thingy and I’ve just revealed what the um XP farm is going to be so um we have got a map which I the

Guardians because there are a minimum of four Guardians in one big area one map um section and it’s also got my end portal and it’s got two geodes and a ship and a jungle temple all in the same map um which is pretty awesome and um we are going to build a

Scary XP farm with guardians um it’s a silent Whisperer design and it’s quite dodgy because you can crash a computer if you get it wrong um so it’s not recommended for the standard computer um and um he did it in a truly Bedrock series that he had done um but he didn’t

Really recommend using it at the time as a as an XP farm so we’re going to use it as an XP farm he so I have tried it out in creative and I did make it work and it is really good so um but the thing is if you

Accidentally leave it running for like 10 minutes you might crash a computer so uh we need to be careful uh and you have to have a a sort of a shut off emergency shut off so that you can if you do accidentally leave it running um you can eradicate the

Guardians um so I’m not recommending it for everybody to use use this one is purely for my world because I’m so tired of bashing spiders and not getting anywhere um we have a thing here if we find um goodies we have to collect them it uh hang on I’ve got a bit carried

Away there isn’t even any wind turbines over here hang on what have I done I just no one told me I was just randomly placing blocks in the middle of nowhere what um maybe oh okay this one’s giv me a bit of an idea what if hold on if I just put

This here we need to get a little sign post right what if did I just do that so I can’t get up I did didn’t I let me just come out of the water water per second what if we put maybe if we build a little bit of a

Bank I don’t know we have to just think about this maybe we could use that one maybe we could have a wind turbine that’s crashed and it’s laying down what do we think about that idea do we like that idea so that would just give a different perspective to how the wind turbine

Would be maybe we could have a piece of an yeah we could have an eroded cliff and then have a wind turbine that’s crashed into the water and has just been left maybe we could do that I like the idea of doing that kind of thing so that it sort of changes

Perspective I’ve quite I’ve often wondered about having one of these where the turbine is facing the other way so it’s not working um because that does happen happen a lot I don’t know if anyone lives near turbines but I do and I have done ever

Since they first came out we were one I think we were the first area to have wind turbines I think um gosh I was a child and they had them uh this group of 10 and I can remember everyone complaining so much just in the middle of nowhere I

Don’t understand why people get so upset about the alleged noise that they make um but anyway we don’t discuss things like that anything that is um argumentative we don’t worry about that let people make their own decisions on whatever it is um oh we still got a couple of blocks

About them so let’s put these in um yeah so I’m thinking did I I did put some under there I’m thinking that we um are going to have a crashed turbine and I think I will do my idea of um a turbine that is facing the wrong direction we need

Those we could even have one of these just down here just a little detail like some of it’s run off down the cliff come here copper you’re mine oh that doesn’t mean hide behind there because I know you’re still there look come on I want you please no stop hiding you’re

Mine there that wasn’t so painful was it right so now if we head back to the beginning and then where was it over here we swim let’s move on change block and we’re now on this one right so I’m going to need a lot more blocks

So now we’re just going to kind of spam it around the other one I really wanted to think about sometimes I do really think about them the the block placement and then other times I don’t um we need to get into there again don’t we don’t think I wanted that on

There uh because we need some dirt what’s the dollar sign for I just realized that you put a dollar sign on there what does that mean it takes such a long time to get from from this to that just try to but we we’re definitely quicker at

Doing this now because of where we’ve been we’ve we’ve worked on a few um bits uh this can come out ow ow ow shoo it’s painful when you do that I don’t want you to hit me you’re just so grumpy Put the SE in the way I did not want a block randomly placed on there so most of this Stone will be covered the idea is that it’s it’s there to um provide us with a base I find it much easier and it seems like it’s a bit

Of a waste of blocks but to me it helps me to figure out where I want to go if I didn’t do that I would find it very hard uh so I like this kind of thing where you’ve got a little bit of a shelf hanging over uh which then might give

You more of that idea of erosion uh we’re going to to need a lot more of this we’re going to have to head back to the desert again I think we just put some more on good I didn’t have a clue what I was going to work on

Today so glad that we’re working on on this it’s a project everything is bugging me that’s the problem um I want to get everything done I don’t really want to start a new project either although um the the problem is when we’re doing these bigger projects we’re

Using up so many tools it’s then taking me four or 5 hours to fix them uh which I then can’t stream until I’ve got them fixed um and I already have quite a few um so it’s a bit it’s a bit tricky so unless we get a decent XP farm

We can’t really keep doing these massive buildings so that’s why is it’s everything is is waiting on that so that’s why we’re going to do it and then we don’t do any other there’s no more new projects until she says until we’ve um actually completed these other ones because otherwise we’re just going

To have a world with nothing in it just half started ideas it’s got we’ve got to get them finished and I want them finished finished yes um I can’t believe it’s New Year’s already it’s um come around very fast again they seem to get quicker every year I’m sure I

Know people say that don’t they but uh we got another few here so we can see that it’s already starting to take shape a bit more there’s a llama in the water you know that’s what we needed um sometimes I like to make sure that they actually get buried as well

Because otherwise um it wouldn’t it wouldn’t feel right if they weren’t and then sometimes I like to put some more gravel around because if you imagine the Tide washing in and out it um it doesn’t make it all neat and tidy um right so that’s that side but this is

I don’t know whether to do this I think I’ll no I’m trying to do one part at a time so let’s come back to this one I try to be a bit methodical with it where I’m just going around and I can figure out where everything is uh we need to go in

Here so this is our little cavey bit maybe we add a little bit of that maybe we take that one out otherwise uh we have to otherwise it wouldn’t look right would it oh no we want a hole so we want to be able to see through it otherwise it won’t work

I think that’s it right let’s go and see if we’ve got any more we are really running out of resources on almost every angle now over here I don’t know how much more we’ll be able able to um to do I’m getting tired I’m going to have to walk that puppy but

I I’ll try and do what I’ve been doing and that’s I’ll come back and do another bit later um after I’ve done a few jobs and I’ve had a rest I do have to keep having a rest unfortunately put that in there now uh we’re on smooth no we do need smooth

Stone we’ve only got a little uh how many more let’s sand we’ve done that one got endstone so the the way that I do things is I look at the colors and the textures of the blocks rather than what the blocks are supposed to be most of the time I can do it

Sometimes I I see things and I don’t see them the same that’s annoying I think we’ve run out of this Sandstone completely yeah right let’s just go fly back and see if we’ve got any um let’s kick these bits out and there oh look we’ve got a wanding Trader on our little island

That’s nice this is the lighthouse that works if it should do in a second there we go love the lighthouse I’m really starting to enjoy this part of the cliff and this bit that we’ve done down here obviously we’ve got a long way to go but it really does feel like it’s

Better someone said oh don’t tell my boy Roblox is going to shut down maybe they’re doing an update might be a New Year’s update um my boy loves Roblox I hate Roblox I don’t do hate is a very strong word um I shouldn’t say that um I

Dislike it very very much it doesn’t it’s not my thing right we are after Sandstone have I put it in the sand section I think I have I don’t think I’ve got it in its own bit at the minute what you the these Ender keep stealing my stuff Sandstone what we

Got I don’t want the cut sandstone and I don’t want the chisled because that’s clearly being messed with we want the sand Bank to look like it’s a natural um naturally being there sand oh and we got some bushes they’re really important we need like millions of

Them I wish there was another way of getting them because uh someone’s decided to build a project with bushes in it a lot of bushes I do these kind of mad things uh we could do with some more lava actually take one of those just try to one word

Wonder you can’t make smooth endstone can you you know what we we spent years trying to figure out how to do things in Minecraft um to discover that all you’ve got to do is shove it in a furnace no that does not work shoving it in a furnace this time does not work

Oh oh just trying to think if I’ve got any more um Sandstone anywhere we did bring a little bit back with us uh but I don’t know if I actually brought it back off we left it hold on we can snooze first it’s a bit dark out there and scary

Do you play Roblox then my boy like I said he loves it I just I just can’t I just can’t get the hang of it well no I haven’t even tried to I just look at it and I hate it dislike it I said big dislike okay so look you can see where

We’ve started to add in all this new section um we’ve added that bit I haven’t put anything there uh we’re working on a different section there this is generally what I do I forget where I’m working and get carried away doing other bits let’s take that one out that’s not really useful there

And to take that out replace oh that’s okay we can replace that So I kind of imagine what it’s like from looking up underneath as well sometimes I’ll take some blocks out um and then other times I’ll add to them so here I might remove these ones I can’t believe how many subscribers we picked up over the last week it’s just been amazing

Um so thank you everybody um uh unfortunately we can’t touch the Christmas biome anymore until December next year unless I come up with a sneaky plan which we were talking about last night I might at some point just randomly do a poll to find out if anybody would like me to touch the

Christmas uh biome again because I know some of you were really enjoying it and I must admit I was really enjoying working on it but I’m very aware that not everybody celebrates Christmas and I think just confining it to mostly December is a good plan otherwise we’re going to be on

There for I mean it’s a project that can take a very long time ah because it is a very big project hi com to play okay I win I think I need to switch no my wings still haven’t healed I haven’t bashed enough right so that’s this section not

Quite we haven’t done down here you coming to play your last friend didn’t last very long oh neither did you sorry um I just try to do a little bit more I am actually beginning to really flake So and I’ve still got to walk the puppy look you’re making me dizzy shoot

No if I could push the correct buttons that would be a good start so again sometimes I’m trying to give that sort of landslide kind of feel that they might have washed off here and gradually roll rolled down the hill um a big bit here where there’s not a lot going

On take that corner oh that would be nice do you like swimming I hate swimming I’m using that hate word again I’ve never been good at swimming uh my late hubby taught me how to and um ever since I damaged my knee I knelt on a

Lego brick when he was really poorly and um I ripped the inner cartilage in my kneecap and um my knee is basically if I try to get swimming it’s completely lame and I can’t move it um but because I’m also a carer I don’t actually get time to go and do

Things and I can’t take the children with me because they both have autism so getting them in water is a disaster um because you either get them in and then you can’t get out or um you can’t get them in in the first place and then because I’m lame if something

Happened which likely would um I can’t help so I haven’t swung for years but it would be nice to try and go again right so that’s that bit let’s come back up this side I was never sporty hello did you bring some cake no T you hit me that’s

Rude only asked if you brought me some cake I like cake I had a delicious vegan carrot cake for um Christmas that my daughter’s teacher helped make or made so that my daughter could then decorate it and give it to me which was really lovely because

I can’t eat cake normally cuz I have an egg allergy um and um that was delicious I love carrot cake and it was really tasty and then I went to get some yesterday and it started to go off so I had to leave the last

Bit um it did very well I mean it was a giant cake and I was eating it to myself so it was probably for the best that I didn’t eat anymore uh I think we were going to leave some of this to make it look like it

Was um starting to wash away that would give it more of a reason why this one has collapsed over here uh is that a block kind of floating over there it is yeah um yeah I like the idea that um we’re using this sandstone and that would naturally start to wash

Away let’s take that through here as well actually maybe they’ve made a big bit of a mistake where they built it Do something like that so I just make it up as it go along with there’s no anyone can do this I just find it easier I think everybody does things differently I find it easier to do one block at a time because then you can kind of see it

Build up and it’s how I do painting cuz I do art this is how I would paint so I start off with the base color which in this case would be the the gray and then I’ll find some of the the main colors that need to be bulked in

And then work around them and sometimes if there is a dark color that could uh ruin others I’ll put that in first cuz then you can paint over it and then control it more so basically I’m just painting with it that’s that’s it that’s what I’m

Doing I would like to just get a little bit more done but I’m starting to get very tired too stiff there Right that’s all of that part done quite a lot actually haven’t we just in a short space of time especially considering I didn’t even know what I was going to do so that’s coming out of there and that’s going to be one of these the only

Trouble is once you start doing this you can just literally tweak it for hours so sometimes I have to force myself to walk away or swim in this case oh sorry I’m just having try to stretch Ow bashed me again you’re so rude waited until I wasn’t even looking we had a a request for a song on here um if you ever hear different songs that you like that are um other YouTubers are using there’s a chance that I can use

Them um or if you are able to look on epidemic sound that’s where I can download music from uh cuz I pay for a subscription so that we can have music on the stream I think it’s so much better um better for you guys not having

To just listen to me sort of droning on all the time and um it really helps to those moments where my brain’s not working and I can sort of just have a moment of silence where the music just takes over um but yeah if there’s a song that

You heard that you like you might might be able to let me know cuz there’s so many to choose from I think we’ve got quite a good little selection I really should have a look through and update it again add a few more songs into the playlist I’ll just do one giant playlist

I was going to do different ones like some people do but I just thought nah we’ll just shove them all on and um oh ow no you’ve got a trident that’s mean and I don’t want the the Trident you can keep it don’t you give me that trident oh thank

You take the XP though and the rubbish have this sort of fetish with taking all of the rubbish it’s very annoying I don’t like leaving things ow why is it you no one of go away my wings will not heal uh I feel like we could just add in

A few more over here this is looking a bit sparse no I didn’t want that like that oh it’s like it now um yeah um I got to finish in a second I was really hoping I could just do a little bit more but not quite managing it

Why’ you come out here hey they want to kill me think it’s not very nice so sometimes I’m still trying to give it that sort of feeling that there may have been a bit of a landslide with some of this as pieces have broken off I’ve then

Being push down this embankment on the inside I think this is all we got left of this block now yeah so if we just go back to this first part I’ll just try and put a couple more pieces in here just so you can see how it builds

Up obviously I still need to get more of the Sandstone there is a guy down there so know that he is being killed by the conduit so there’s a conduit in here if you watch no you’re not close enough now I just move you get the conduit

Right look they get killed by it you see all the funny little symbols coming around them and eventually he’ll he’s actually spinning around in a circle he’s not helping himself he could just swim away but no that’s quite funny he should be dying in which he doesn’t seem to be maybe

He’s not quite close enough but the we’ll just leave him to do that ow sneak up at the back that’s just rude all right I’m just going to get you now because ah finally the wings have healed so now we can fix those wings and we’ve got some smooth

Sandstone here so we’re going to add some of this I don’t have a lot of these ones so we don’t put in as much but as you can see it’s a different Texture and we just put in a a few little bits and Bobs and sometimes I’ll take a block out to put one in a couple of these up here here probably uh no that’s taking up that texture space there so we don’t want that to happen ow no shoot oh ow he was a bit painful right stop

Floating the amount of loot that we get while we’re doing this job it’s ridiculous uh the reason I keep them on is we we do try try to use everything that is um coming our way that’s free uh we’ll trade with the um Ross and flesh and um

Unfortunately you can’t trade with those Trident which would be very nice if you could this is very much a game of when is enough actually enough and then you don’t actually know the answer to that uh sometimes it’s just oh because I’ve run out of blocks that’s when it’s Enough we’ve already done smooth Stone here right so let’s just have a look around we’ve got smooth stone in there uh we’ got some there there’s some ah this looks like that is part of what we had done before got smooth Stone a bit

There not a lot here so let add a little bit more in here got one up there there’s some there and there’s some down here and there’s some there so what I just tried to do is make sure that we haven’t actually just missed a whole chunk I don’t think we

Have maybe one or two bits Here like that okay so that’s that one then we’ve got um this one which is a bit of an odd one but it and it’s birch logs but as long as you cover up the ends it looks really good so um it can work very well so it’s that midtone between all of

Them no that means I got to put too many blocks in there uh but we can do is put it that way around as well uh we only want a few of these we don’t want a lot and I like that it’s a directional block so we can change which way round it

Goes um I am beginning to really struggle now just really want to try and just put these bits in so you can put that in the wrong direction oh and I ended up destroying the kelp at the same time so right that will go back so it’s not a

Disaster so especially when you come back up out of the water you can’t actually really tell unless you’re looking for it to be wood no that’s an axe that’s why it’s not working uh couple bits down here I think little bit there and just a few little bits down the

Bottom that’s so good there so there those little bits got a couple of bits down there we don’t want a lot of these it’s quite a unique block this one um let’s take out one of these put that in there and then we’ve got some endstone so then

We go back around and we just do the same thing again with the endstone and then we’re going to fill the rest up with a load of sand but where we’ve got ones like this with the logs then we just put that over the top and then that will cover that um

Guys I’m going to have to go I just can’t hang on um but I hope you can get the idea of what we’re trying to do and I hope you’re excited about the XP farm cuz I am scared but excited and um yeah so you can see that it’s um

Building up quite nicely now uh where we built all of this so we’ve done all of this this morning um I’ll just carry on working on a little bit of this I’ll try and I might try and get some more of this done later or I’ll come back on the stream um I’ll

See but I also need to get a load of these um boxes all filed away and all sorts of stuff because it’s getting very messy in this world and I do like it to be organized when I can but we until we get our proper storage system built it’s a real pain

Um so uh we’ve just got two more subscribers to reach and then we’ll be on that challenge uh which I’ve got to sort out urgently because we’re much further ahead than I thought um guys thanks so so much for popping along and I will see you next time take care bye-bye

This video, titled ‘IT’S 2024! – WORLD TOUR & BACK TO WORK ON GOOSEVILLE –GOOSEVILLE MINECRAFT BEDROCK-CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-01-02 00:10:02. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:36 or 8616 seconds.

So 2023 is over – 2024 is here and my 300 subscriber challenge is almost upon us! – (Thank you so much)

A MASSIVE thank you to all that have supported me throughout the year – I will hopefully keep the momentum rolling and continue streaming as often as possible.

Let us fly around and see what we have built so far – although most is unfinished – it does provide an idea of what we want to achieve.

Let’s fly on into GOOSEVILLE

Take care & stay safe everyone, Carrie Brady ‘aka’ CJSGOOSE / CJSCRAFTS ——————————————————————————————————————————————– ]USEFUL INFORMATION [ DISCORD – CJSGOOSE

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MERCH – CJSCRAFTS.redbubble.com ] CJSGOOSE & AJMOOC official merch[

And for all those that love Craft as well as Minecraft, you can follow my Craft business here; https://www.cjscrafts.co.uk/

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  • 🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchy

    🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight на RuHypixel 😱 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #anarchy #анархия #сервер’, was uploaded by Чиз on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ̶М̶О̶Й̶ ̶С̶Е̶Р̶В̶Е̶Р̶ 🌞IP: mc.sunnybeach.fun 🪅Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – 📫Advertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 🗿🤯🔥 #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. 🎉 General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan 😍 Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱

    Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 8 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-11 14:00:16. It has garnered 5766 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!

    INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed’, was uploaded by NATION_GAMING on 2024-03-16 14:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed. Read More

  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on pure vanilla gameplay. Join us on the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.4) for an enhanced experience with texture packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. To join, first connect with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs. Then, join with play.vanillaplus.uk to receive a code to DM our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building, farming, and trading at spawn. We’ve recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Come join the fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Nowhere Safe

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes Nowhere SafeLooks like we’ll have to start a new social media platform just for Minecraft memes! Maybe we’ll call it MineBook or CreeperGram. Read More

  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

    Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Bedrock Edition on PC, shining bright. Activate Xbox Live, with all your might, Let the gaming adventures ignite. Download the trial, start the quest, Solve errors, be the best. Unlock the game, pass the test, Activate Xbox Live, join the rest. Testing Minecraft, see it unfold, End of the journey, stories told. For more gaming content, be bold, Subscribe, share, let the tales be retold. Read More

  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

    POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS) POV: Me trying to save the laggy dog in Minecraft but ending up accidentally punching it instead #fail #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about something truly terrifying: Siren Head. This skeletal creature has been causing quite a stir in the Minecraft community, with its chilling sounds and ominous presence in the woods. Legends say that Siren Head lures unsuspecting players with familiar noises before launching a terrifying attack. Its spiny body broadcasts a mix of distorted sounds, mimicking voices, music, and even the screams of lost victims. But fear not, brave adventurers, for there is a place… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

    Beating Minecraft in One Stream?! Conquering Minecraft in One Stream: A Legendary Feat Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft as our fearless adventurer sets out to conquer the game in a single stream. Armed with determination and a touch of humor, this player dives headfirst into the challenge of defeating the Ender Dragon on the very same day. A Streamer’s Epic Quest Streaming live for all to witness, our intrepid hero takes on the ultimate goal of slaying the formidable Ender Dragon. With meticulous planning and quick reflexes, every move is calculated to ensure success. The excitement is palpable… Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft

    Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-28 09:00:00. It has garnered 8221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:56 or 1676 seconds. THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT Read More

  • TacoCat’s Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92

    TacoCat's Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92Video Information This video, titled ‘FAR FROM HOME: MINECRAFT HARDCORE #92’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-04-03 19:24:30. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:17 or 8117 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

    Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-17 14:14:58. It has garnered 399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:45 or 14625 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Buildings. Building a house for survival #41’, was uploaded by Builder on 2023-12-28 16:52:10. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. Dear viewers and subscribers of my channel, a moment of attention! Preface: Among you – subscribers, there is a subscriber who planted the idea under the past video to build a monument to Lincoln… BUT, in this video I decided not to build this monument, because I do not want my channel to shine such a famous person like Lincoln, I… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine Exploration

    Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Colorless #002 : the house has windows and the mine started’, was uploaded by Miss Halloween on 2024-01-13 21:20:56. It has garnered 171 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. in this series there are ALMOST no colors, today we’ll start mining hehe 😀 Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mods: https://essential.gg/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Read More

  • B.H.L.Gaming’s CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!

    B.H.L.Gaming's CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by B.H.L.Gaming on 2024-03-09 06:13:50. It has garnered 565 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft #shorts Game  Name – @minecraft  (Bedrock Edition) Hashtags:- #short #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #montero #lilnasx #shortsfeed #kingfox #story #story shorts #trendingshorts #trend #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #game #tiktokshorts #minecraftstory #gamingminecraft #minecraft Tags Herobrine😈Vs Null Vs All😏Mob Who is😱The Powerful in Minecraft villager Herobrine Vs Null Herobrine Vs Notch Herobrine Vs All Mob Herobrine Vs Steve Steve Vs Null Steve Vs All mob Steve Vs Notch Notch Vs All… Read More

  • Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!

    Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Save My Village 🔥@minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr India Gamerz Shorts on 2024-02-27 11:12:45. It has garnered 480 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys it’s Minecraft player aahil and free fire player come and play with me @technogamerzofficial @ujjwal @ajjubhai @totalgaming @smartypie @gamerfleet @anshubhisht @anshuvlogs @notgamerfleet @mrindiagamerzshorts @youtube @skibiditoilet @yasrtv @bardach @hakaitv @desigamers @desivlogs @freefireofficial @illegalmoon . . . . Fans 💫 please support me we are team if you join Mig army you started the game I talk for last subscribe 😄 please… Read More

  • 24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀

    24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Streaming Until I pass out! Yaezer’s Live Roblox & Minecraft with Subscribers!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-05-03 20:30:31. It has garnered 1074 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:29 or 6989 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate late-night gaming extravaganza! Join Yaezer in an epic livestream adventure as he dives into the virtual worlds of Roblox and Minecraft, accompanied by none other than his awesome subscribers! Get ready for a night filled with laughter, thrills, and endless fun as we explore, build, and conquer together. But wait, there’s more! This isn’t… Read More


    AlfredDS & I MINECRAFT REUNION - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flee For Your Life (Synthesia version) Minecraft Parody ft. Bart Baker (2012) [HD]’, was uploaded by AlfredDS & I Reunion on 2024-04-08 20:04:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I heard someone singing their song “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen or something like that, so I told Minecraft to make a Parody … Read More

  • pandemonium.games

    pandemonium.gamesComputer gaming leveraged to create spiritual growth, video entertainment, online parties/calling/chatting for self and community entertainment, self governance, self sufficiency, rites re-establishment, the general saving the world. Mini Games – Spectre & Hide and Seek – more soon. pandemonium.games Read More

  • yeCraft semi-vanilla whitelist 1.19.2 18+

    Join Our Small World Server! If you’re looking for a fun and modded Minecraft experience, look no further! Our world focuses on exploration and construction, with the addition of Create mod. There are no strict rules, just a rich world waiting to be explored. Message me if you’re over 18 and interested in joining! Read More

  • DexusLand

    DexusLandGet ready to immerse yourself in exciting challenges, unique events and lots of fun as we compete for exclusive prizes. From rare items to valuable resources, there’s something for everyone!Don’t miss the opportunity to join this adventure full of prizes and fun! See you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why hasn’t this been fixed in Minecraft yet?!

    It’s like trying to find diamonds in Minecraft – some things are just hard to fix! Read More