2300 Subscriber Mystery: The Squad of Bozos Live Hive

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The welcome to the stream chat how we doing boys welcome back what is good Chatters hello everybody hope we are doing good today I need to turn that light on cuz it makes my face cam look blurry but whatever welcome to the stream chat how

Are we doing I hope we’re all the one pretty good welcome to the stream Bleak first W how hello axe hello Jimbo hello Brown hello Ivy how are we doing chat hello cranic hello rg5 let’s go intro yo it’s it’s it’s a little bit shaky it’s it’s it’s all

Right it’s something it’s something chat all right music please work please don’t give me ads okay this is great thank you Samsung Galaxy very cool all right there we go all right chat don’t worry about that don’t worry about that that’s irrelevant what’s good Chad hello hi Su how are we

Doing oh I’m still in F1 let’s go L what is good you don’t have 26300 I basically okay I’ll I’ll get it I’ll get it today whatever same thing all right I I could have said hi live until 2300 but then it’d be like a 2C stream so you know that that that

Wouldn’t be great but you know it’s fine so we’re just into that and it’s going to be great and it also means I get to delay the furry stream for one more day cing but yeah that’ll be nice all right oh yeah I got my I’ve reported I’ve been counting chat I

Reported 40 hackers in the past like week I got my 400 Quest points it’s fine Chad I’ll take it I finally got some I finally got some QP yeah hello duck welcome to the stream how you doing what is good okay chat I have found great joy in just like

Running up these like ice things cuz you go so fat if you time it correctly you go so unbelievably fast like there’s one in the skyhub hold up show you guys there’s one in the skyhub over here that you you can just speed it so much it’s awesome like up on this little

Hill like you can just you because of the jumping plus the ice if you do it right you can just build speed really quickly Ste BR real quick that’s pretty crazy all right chat well let me get started with the first CS anyways cuz why not chat let’s do that why why why

Are we spamming this simp why are we doing this what is the matter all right chat let me see what my let me see what my arch nemesis is at bro well let’s see how what was our competition doing here we’re almost 2.3 oh Lord oh I really timed My Stream really

Oh god dude I thought was leave what is this oh axo hit 2.3k I had no idea all right then all right well we got to pass axo then chat so I guess today let’s hit uh actually still L into the Stream So we see axo we’re up against we got to

Beat him again hello to combos welcome to the stream what is good yeah know I stream at a horrible time what am I doing then again I don’t think I have much time after this so let’s do it got to do it anyways mushroom part that’s pretty

Crazy all right Chad we’ll get code on the screen in just a second I might have to play a regular public game before I do CS but it’s just fine we’ll see we’ll see if we can’t get too many people in then I’ll just do a couple public games

And then we’ll play some CSS we all right Chad there we go 37 onx not you know Onyx like the stone rather than the client but we all right let’s go cat let me get that up for you okay cool let’s go boys we are good congrats well I I

Haven’t hit it yet but you know thank you for the early congratulations I’m quite close you know I need to hit it today plus a little bit more just so we can make sure we stay above axelo cuz right now he’s above me and that is not

Acceptable I cannot end a day with axelo having more subscribers you know you want to know something remember yesterday was Zea owner and admins I do yes I I I remember it was pretty crazy all right let’s go okay no we have eight all right no we’re fine we’re fine yeah keep joining

Chat I’ll you guys like another 30 seconds to join then we’ll start at the Cs let me get the preset okay cool cool y boys let y that that is quite crazy SS welcome to the stream how are you doing all right well let’s go chat okay H I think we’re

Probably good to start right yep actually hello PVP mushroom how you doing man what is good welcome to the stream all right chat let’s go dude okay o oh should I change my pack back to like a normal pack chat or should I keep on the this one I really

Like this one but you know it’s more of a zacka pack than a hive pack it works on I really nicely but you know some people like might be confused that the diamonds are all purple oh also let me get some only on and then we’ll be good right I think I’m

Real set I actually set up pretty fast today I didn’t do much preparation but you know I I’m just so incredibly efficient like that guys subscribed all right four away let’s go three away now Arby let’s go dude play that’s pretty crazy dude pretty wild let’s go CH thank you whoever

Subscribed absolutely W welcome to this welcome to the stream RB for sub only mode yeah um I I used to see it in a different way than I did do now I used to think it was kind of like oh my God I used to think it was kind like

Egotistical to have it on but genuinely it’s so overpowered dude cuz people like as silly as it sounds just forget to subscribe like so many people like watch the stream for like an hour enjoy it and then just like don’t subscribe at the end CU it’s not something you think

About while you’re watching something realistically so I don’t know it’s nice to have it on the people do remember to do that let’s go hello Rosie how you doing and hello thank you VQ I’m not going to try to pronounce that as a word I’m just going to say VQ

Thank you so much for subscribing I appreciate it man oh no so it’s your fault wait what pretty crazy oh no IV stop being good oh do I have a chance I don’t think so nah GG’s he MCW bik video that was high peak oh I didn’t see it yet I’m going to

Watch it later it looks good hello ad welcome to the stream I you doing ma’am welcome back all righty let’s good dude all I’m almost on I had uh I was going to stream a little bit earlier today but my book is due back at the library tomorrow and I’m post to like

And I really need to read it cuz uh you know my I don’t know if you guys have Accelerated Reader SL AR but um yeah you know that that’s due in like 3 days and I need to finish this book so you know I

Had I had uh I had to get a bunch of that done and then um and then and then I can stream and then and then I have to go somewhere and then I’ll be back and then I can finish the book and then Sunday will be over and I’ll be sad so

That’ll be right s s real I think I think it ends next year though right I think I don’t think they do it in high school I hope I know they don’t do stupid Study Island in high school any all have Study Island it’s actually painful dude hello Vina welcome to the

Stream how you doing man three out of 10 every time that’s unfortunate I do yeah I question you you go to my school bro Study Island okay so study island is um still G you the fourth grade jimers for real dude uh so study island is basically where pretty

Much every single teacher assigns you this like 10 question quiz thing every week sometimes you have more than one per teacher every week but uh like back back when it were like I was in like second third grade there was only like one for all your classes every week it

Was great it was not that bad and you could get seven out of 10 and get 100% in your grade book but now if you miss any questions then it goes in as an actual like accuracy grade which sucks because for some reason the study island grades are weighted separately and

Weighted almost as much as tests grades so if you get a 90 or you get an 80 on your stud Island it’s like getting a like low B it’s horrible dude so you have to like get 100% and sometimes the questions are just utter BS and it’s it’s so unfortunate but you

Know it’s fine you got to do it I think it ends next year so My suffering is almost over oh yeah like it it it gets uh it gets gradually worse as you get older they always assign you more and more what is furry stream I’m I thank you guys very

Awesome thank you guys my god dude that who does that you let do high scrims not often very occasionally I swear to god dude is this mine what this me dude dude oh my god brother that really that’s pretty crazy get in a funny silly Science school where I can do funny silly

Science things all day let’s go sounds epic and know you’re in e8th grade middle school I am actually yeah yes I am I’m on the older side of 8th grade my birthday is uh September 2009 so like I could be a young ninth grader like I’m very close

To that but you know it’s fine all right let’s go Chad okay oh hello I love this guy’s name it’s actually kind of awesome barbecue chickens goes crazy what’s the pack the pack is um the the yeah um the pack is Venom 16x revamp it’s uh a port by

Recolor um don’t olding you what yeah a lot of people what the heck What what is this bro What oh you in middle school yes I am nth grade my mom decided kindergarten she was going to hold me back because I’m was too short that’s crazy I’ve never understood that Ellen sounds so bad they do it is bad what I’ve never seen someone do this this this is news to me

I okay I actually want to see what the heck he’s trying to do here I’m a watch this guy I don’t know what the heck you doing to combos is this like a big pool or once everything’s perfectly organized is that midal ADM will that’s not where that song ended okay whatever it’s

Fine eth pretty crazy my scho we just do oral evaluations it’s much better what’s Oral eval interesting that sounds quite goofy what have been a swimming pool yeah it looks like a hot it’s a lounge oh my God y’all should come hang out in D combo’s Lounge this this is looking pretty

Crazy hello RP swimmer how you doing man welcome to the stream what is good all right Chad oh oh wow oh sorry Hi H hello I I said hi twice now but welcome to the stream I’m hope you’re doing good same great I thought you were way

Older than me I look a little bit old not sure if that’s just a um I’m not the exactly incredibly looking fella or if that’s just I look older but yeah hold let me get this light on know I’m doing great let’s go glad to hear it all

Righty we’re back you remember me I do Gabriel if if I didn’t remember you then I would feel very bad that’s over oh my no that’s pretty crazy fun boo fact of the day boo sees colors when he hears music I do actually yeah a little bit faintly hell oh my goodness

Hello hello I don’t know why I really could have just said your name what about edmentum yeah start is is part of mentum actually they’re like the same thing the first year of high school and I that’s unfortunate oh well well I guess then uh

Get the best you can out of it and it’ll be over in a couple years and then you’re like adult or something I don’t know supposed to be like an adult I guess I don’t know he Z 24 hours till I get advant no um I I’m going to repeat that awesome

Reading The Hunger Games right now let’s go dude I read those back in I think it was second grade I read The Hunger Games all right well this is Momo rid thank you sir let’s go thank you Momo for the raid absolute dubs I believe it cuz I

Know you’re a Momo chatter I don’t see them oh oh I think that person was already my is this turbo is this a real J pug what the heck Hunger Games let’s okay it is a real Momo raed thank you dude I appreciate it let’s go very dubs Chad

Thank you thank you for The Raid M viewers I appreciate it let’s go dude if you guys enjoy please do consider subscribing I’d appreciate it that’s pretty crazy all right I don’t like CU I cry that’s pretty crazy no it’s everyone was just here that’s crazy

It might have been uh that I have sub only on right now so if they didn’t want to subscribe yet then they probably didn’t send the red message but you know that’s fine if they stick around and they’d like to subscribe later pretty crazy dude that’d be epic all

Right you guys are after me today bro hello CIA Fox welcome to the stream let’s go chat three Subs away from 2.3 let’s go the cool people are subscribed for real dude facts hello RCM welcome to the stream let’s go two more fellas we’re quite close the back let’s go W’s one more Let’s go chat that’s a dub that’s a dub 2.3k yeah get some W spam in chat get the some W spam in the chat get some W spam let’s go fellas come on I want I want to see some good W spam oh okay all right ignore that it’s

Fine stream tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow I have to have everything I have to have everything good tomorrow we shall what are you doing over there okay that’s pretty crazy oh this is not a song on my okay it’s an ad that just sounds like it’d be on my playlist let’s go okay chat

Let’s let’s go do the yellow yeah I know mine does too it’s so stupid all right let’s go let’s go chat thank you guys for 2.3k I appreciate it and as every 100 subscriber Milestone we got to do a screenshot so fellas in the next CS how about we do a

Little should we play a how about we play a um let’s play a bozo says let’s play a bozo says chat in this CS we’ll get a we’ll get a screenshot so remember me I do the hive guy I do Bozo DMS yes I got you hold

On U you have not hyper can you please send the message before before you tell me to look at DMS get that oh don’t wor chat I I’m I’m figuring out what I should do I’ve got a couple I’ve got a couple things but it’ll be set tomorrow

When is Bros leaving your house broso was getting his code on right now actually we let’s go chat okay fellas join up let’s get this 2.3k screenshot we Z YF a PC let me get that up for you guys all right let’s go and that is the code let’s go fellas

We oh man it’s h granic chat now we are rough we we need we need to keep pushing today boys because because axelo is currently ahead of us by like five subscribers so we need to we need to we need to pass him up again BM having to

Ref that’d be pretty crazy all right can we do something in your stream Rous yes want you want to host I will give Early Access to pack to them that’s pretty crazy Maybe I don’t even have access to the pack can can you send me access to the pack first

And then we and then we’ll talk BR I don’t even have my own pack yet all right let’s go yeah no problem hyper you’re good okay chat hyper is it done is it all finished is there anything else we want to work on before we release it or are we good

But I mean we have to releas it a 2.5k so Chad you know 2.5k subscri oh wait I should change this here wait on sub goal wait what is this what is okay sub count yeah wait what scam oh there we go okay let’s see okay 2.4 equals

H what do we do with 2.4 guys cuz 2.5 is the pack the armor okay I like the armor I think we might should we just keep the armor you stream right yeah I stream every single day sometimes twice a day I can toggle now that’s pretty crazy

Mine are Rosy skins okay I will oh that’s fire epic then that when your guys are together it’s funnier so i’ I’d say like eight out of 10 all right guys let’s go so fellas let’s let’s do this let’s do the screeny up on the top of this thing cuz why not guys

Join up we’re doing the 2.3k screeny get up on the uh get up on the stand all right boys let’s go come up here chat after school I can watch yes I I do stream equals all right yeah know I got to figure out what what we should do at

2.4k and then we’ll and then we’ll do it cuz yeah um both be real I’m using the pack all the time it’s so clean let’s go very nice all right let’s go cck oh okay this way got this fellas let’s go this is I’ve never had a

Screenshot on this spot before it’s kind of interesting let’s go oh wait let me I might have to increase player counts maybe so let me do that I said I use chat gbt to write my nuzlock video I didn’t evening that’s crazy that’s pretty funny I I can make a

Meme pack for 2.4k it’ be funny maybe it’s possible how long do you think that would take you though cuz if I grind that out I think I might be able to hit 2.4k in less than a week that’s my that’s my goal a week or something

Like that hello Squad movs welcome to the stream how you doing I can retitle this a screenshot for level 100 that’s crazy let’s go all right guys so what is good good squad of baboons this is so scuffed it is a funny screenshot big code not oh

You’re right wait is it really not oh it’s hidden I’m stupid thank you thank you demo all right who are you that’s pretty crazy oh no let’s go chat okay oh and demo has done his funny thing okay guys incredible screenshot fell they about to be left out

PS can’t leave demo out of one of these uh remember when you twerked in wrong oh my God make that the sky genuinely make that not the part where it went a little bit too a stray but make like where make that the sky but not not the

Part not the part where like you can see the um under bit but just make the part where I’m turned around in the banana no don’t make it that part that would be bad that not not today not today if I do a later stream then yes hello ATB what’s

Good dude hello power surge welcome everybody to the stream remember that stream it was a w stream all right guys let’s go all right let me get this screenshot let’s go thank you it’s foggy for subscribing I appreciate it dude all right okay there’s our screenshot hold up let

Me uh let me post that in actually I got to crop it first oh my God all right all right guys give me like a minute to 30 seconds to do this and then we will get some gaming started here we’re doing a bozo says by the way um I’m I’m going to

Set it to a map that’s not EO Hotel though what’s the one that has like the hallways that we played school on yesterday we played the American school system oh let me all right let’s go boys okay there’s our screenshot where’s Milestones oh let’s go oh and I sent the wrong

Thing hold on I’m so good at this guys all right and we are almost that’s good okay two not the thumbnail no I didn’t even save it I’m so good at this guys I am actually so cracked at this whole process all right Bam Bam Bam

2.3k all right let’s go okay now we’re good let’s go dude okay chat let’s start up this CS actually let me get the let me get the things I have to set up this stuff cuz I’m so silly okay I don’t want Isa Hotel what’s the what’s the map that

Is forev water facts yeah sure um not back rooms where is it office I think office that’s it okay yeah okay chat let’s start this up I I got to make myself the murderer that would have been bad that would have been um interesting Rosie can

You be Sheriff please that’d be nice all right there we go too small for this many what we got 18 that’s fine we’re fine okay all right guys come to the center room come to the center room of the office we are playing Boos say let’s go boys get in

Here all righty on subscribers thank you Mr pled I appreciate it let’s go okay fellas all right Boo says everybody stand on the carpet mozo says everybody stand on the carpet I I will be considering stream DeLay So you’re fine all right okay fellas all right so let’s see now Bozo

Says follow me follow me you can’t Bozo says you can also step off the carpet to your Friend all right now uh okay boo says Crouch Um that that cannot be stream delay right that cannot be stream delay that was a little bit late okay fine I’ll leave him all right now boo says follow Me oh I’m so sorry guy I saw that and I saw you where was he there he is I think this is him all right GG’s GG’s that SG but you guys aren’t you guys aren’t mature enough to doing an SG all right now BOS everybody get back on the carpet boo says

Everybody get back on the carpet do not leave that carpet fellas is there any stragglers behind here no all right we’re good why did I die didn’t you like run over all right Crouch the whole time I saw someone die I saw someone on Crouch then block UNC crouched I’m

Sorry y my die no I’m so sorry Ivy dude s SW that’d be interesting okay all right now boo says everybody find a what are you doing demo fellas did I say to uncut and I also did not say to get off the carpet duck boy yeah that’s right are you slow

No yeah I am black guy what huh ran oh I didn’t see oh sorry all righto all right okay then so everybody everybody um find a partner you’re allowed to get off the carpet you’re allowed to stop crouching and um come find a partner s I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh oh

Nope nope nope no stopping crouching did Bozo say to stop crouching guys did boo say to stop crouching I didn’t think so all right now boo says stop crouching and um everybody sit at their own individual desk find a desk and sit at it and boo says everybody find their

Individual desk okay they ran it’s okay if they ran they if they run they can’t win it’s fine I see them all right now work it work start gaming CH start gaming get boo says get over there and start gaming all right everybody is everybody is in their office chairs

Gaming this this person does not have a PC um you came in with the Starbucks mug incredible how inative all right so Rosie I want you to choose one person to kill Point towards one of the people you want to kill all right one more one more okay this one this

One sorry all right okay all right now how many do we have 1 two three four okay remaining people come back here quick boo says come back to the carpet if you’re still alive say boo says though I was talking to Rosie it’s fine hello Omar welcome to the stream what is

Good not technically playing you’re fine yeah all right okay now all right eenie meeny miny mo catch a tiger by its to if he wers let him go eeny meeny miny mo een me miny mo if it all right een me miny mo catch a

Tiger byas toe if he wanders let him go eeny meeny miny mo incredible experience guys are we ready and you die and everyone Dies the B actually kill him how do I do that my back L say give me all the souls all right GG’s GG’s CH I don’t even know that’s B it’s a cat you guys know B so sesses can never be fair I think it’s a law written by the

Universe all right I know the people okay we got this guys let’s go chat let’s let’s let’s see let next round how about we do a good old simply dirt for ourselves I think that sounds entertaining all right let’s go boys we’re playing simply dirt if you don’t

Know what that is it is hide and seek but the only block you can be is dirt it’s pretty Epic pre-recorded stream facts I know I’m the guy that got interviewed wait back in like really wait are you talking about like the really old video that I made about the

Cult doing CC and getting more viewers than you all right Coro listen listen up buddy that guy it doesn’t matter I think Coro is a little bit toxic that he lost unfortunate it’s okay Coro I’m so sorry for your loss I have accept that I can’t compete with the I

Can be friends with defs and we can talk about YouTube but I cannot compete with him yesterday I gained 30 subscribers yesterday defect get 30 subscribers by the way one of I think that was the second I was the second most gain H streamer yesterday even though Fair

Streamed literally all day axo streamed literally all day I still gained the most subscribers other than effect he gained 70 he’s a psychopath he he is Chad the server gaming super gaming did not get 30 yesterday I don’t think so whatever you’re streaming you barely have more viewers than that’s pretty

Crazy listen Coro it doesn’t matter viewers really do not matter at all code let’s go there we go chat but okay that is a bad code let me reset that also bad code okay Z you don’t matter that’s crazy Coro all right Z NT

N d h H is the code chat join up boys join the stream not the stream whatever same thing also guys if you’re enjoying the stream please do subscribe I’d appreciate it I’m trying to beat my friend axelo to 2.5k and currently he is in the lead by only a couple of

Subscribers so you could make the difference Bas oh I should I need to increase player count there we go let’s go fellas I’m using my phone if I tried playing on MC on ph it was too laggy that’s pretty unfortunate that’s quite sad all right let me make

Sure uh simply DT is on okay cool let’s go chat want this hello Thunderbolt how are you let’s go fellas okay join up boys we are at 16 so far I think we’re wait okay got you J buug I’ll wait like another 30 seconds for you guys to join and then

We’ll start up the Cs I don’t want to keep you guys waiting all right let’s go fellas we’ll see hopefully I don’t get sniped that would be bad all right jpog you in yet all right I’ll wait for jpog as long as it doesn’t take too long and then we’re going to

Start all right we I skin when I’m in oh I’m fine make me Seeker that’d be pretty crazy um you know what sure cor you can have Seeker here here’s your Seeker all righty okay J buug then let’s start it up boys all righty boys simply dirt activated let’s Go all right oh hello chip buug oh 10 out of 10 facts absolutely goed name of course sounds like Oreo that’s pretty crazy oh wait okay I thought the secret got released with us for a second all right this is a really Brown room but it’s also not very forested so we’re

Going to have to find a better spot Coro is definitely going to SN oh god what the heck all right at least there’s a staircase up here let’s see let’s see let’s see how we can do Chat all right let’s try our best here let’s hope this is not that bad guys I can I was like silence right dang that’s crazy oh my God can’t believe Coro would abuse his mod like that actually so crazy please tell me he doesn’t see that he can see it let’s go

Wait they’re chasing him what the heck why are they CH what is this what is going on here this is interesting oh no hi Coro oh oh oh oh oh I don’t know where he’s going He is he’s going somewhere chat he’s moving he’s moving guys I see him oh what and there was a dirt on top of my head incredible guys this is this is great thank you fellas why this that is such a bad spot oh my God and it blocks my view are you

Serious that’s not nice hiders versus skill Seeker pretty crazy so Minecraft dirt oh my God that’s crazy oh oh oh oh oh oh hello coron he’s still he hasn’t killed a single guy the game’s going to give you a Seeker oh my God why is he just ignoring

Everyone all right revealed to The Seekers what wait hold actually killing him on their back what what that oh hello sir I think they yeah we’re going we’re leaving screw this noise no get me out of here we’re going to join the revolution revolution baby no no he started killing as soon

As demo demo get demo was killed unfortunately but oh wait he respawns crap I forgot about that that’s not good that is definitely not ideal we’re fine guys it’s fine anyone all right all right okay demo is just going off Now demo is actually trying oh

No all right oh on okay now there’s five Seekers all right this could be a little bit harder now unfortunately oh no sh we might have to make an escape here Guys no dude oh my god there was no way out of that that was unfortunate okay 10 HS left eight Seekers let’s let’s do this guys all right oh hello oh that is a Seeker why did I go after this oh hello there is a chicken over there lovely come back here

Chicken God oh wait no whoa did not even see that Guy all right we got this guys let’s just seven ERS left we have a Seeker majority let’s go all right where are these guys where are these guys at I don’t see anybody bre my pack makes them look like wood blocks cuz of the border which is kind of unfortunate but

Oh well let’s see I might pass one on somebody please tell me if I pass these up didn’t quite work out but that’s crazy what was your plan anybody in here perhaps they had to be out like outside or something I don’t know where these CS could be at Calas day

Auka wait I know auka is sugar something of sugar sugar something I don’t I don’t know what the first word means and then everyone would trans me then strike that’s pretty crazy all righty let’s go chat look at spots oh yeah wait who was alive how many people were alive all

Right I’ll check let’s see let’s see where were these fellas hiding at all right all games okay bada B all right please okay event log go to the bottom okay so we can probably see all these now all right and then there’s demo killing that person oh why am I stuck here wait

Oh all right this is a better event we can go here super seed a little bit oh bba’s just running around bro all right he’s dead okay hello scof scoffer welcome to the stream how you doing that was an unfortunate type in error you had there man all right it

Looks like we’re getting close to the end so I think we can probably probably start teleporting all right oh okay I think right about now I think we’re probably good okay let’s see let’s pause this let’s see where everybody was at okay oh Rosie was still oh no Rosie

Was not still hidden let’s scroll through these oh power surge still hidden right that’s a fire spot actually that’s pretty decent it’s hidden between like the bushes and everything yeah that’s a that’s a good one GG’s on living with that one boo says we just did a boo says all right s

S eyes okay now he’s alive kenic oh no got to find who are the remaining IDs other than that was that it was was uh Power Surge it he’s the last guy oh no witty witty was still running wait does witty make it oh no I don’t think witty makes it guys

Hold up let’s try off super speed oh no oh he’s got 5 Seconds oh I think he makes it oh oh wait no it goes longer than 5 Seconds oh shoot oh no witty’s unfort oh that’s unfortunate for witty oh GG’s did you consider up a upcoming underrated

Part of the Comm hi Comm I wouldn’t say I’m up I wouldn’t say I’m underrated I would positively say I’m I guess upcoming sure I I I’ve had some pretty good rates recently but no I’m not underrated underrated I wouldn’t consider anyone underrated unless they’re like below a thousand Subs all

Right jpog has got a solid spot there that’s actually really good GG’s I think that’s jpog right yeah that’s jpog okay um okay I think that’s the best spot I’ve seen foggy I I think I think that’s about it I think we’re probably good check in here oh BBQ chickens is still

Alive does he live I think he lives actually GG’s on that he wasn’t even really hidden I’m coming for real dude it’s pretty crazy I know I’ve seen so many of them it’s kind of interesting all right Thunderbolt oh Thunderbolt still alive here the last one that’s a good spot

That’s actually a really good spot as well jeez Cong wait didn’t someone go right past that too hold up this is where witty died dude they killed witty right here I didn’t SP that’s crazy yo that’s wild let me rewind that okay so they come in here’s witty dude

This guy’s right here witty gets killed on the table wow that’s crazy that’s crazy dude GG’s hello M Joey that is quite wild let’s go okay welcome mot Jody to the stream how we doing all right chat let’s do a um Sky Mega how about that

Sounds good to me hope it sounds good to you h on Crossroads not not this stream not this stream maybe another time do school crazy I don’t know we could do school later if people don’t know what preset that is it sounds it sounds so cringe

School best map for real no no no no no no school is our um own custom made game mode um it’s uh it’s it’s it’s it’s the American school system so basically we have half Shooters and half murderers and and it’s just not half and half but

We everybody’s a shooter a sheriff or a murderer you know so yeah Bang Bang all the time bang bang stab stab the American school system get it guys get it guys cuz funny all right why Capa at 60 FPS I am I I think that that might

Just be me lagging I could be at could be the truth though I think when I reset my thing it might have been might have been the case wait where would that be at um not here I know I’ve seen that somewhere where is it code okay I’ll get code in a

Second I want to I want to fix that if that’s true though cuz that that would that it would make it look a lot better if I was not at 60 FPS on xline settings is it really oh seriously single let me see premium cap FPS oh there’s an FPS counter I have

That on um I don’t the American Revolution sword by that’s pretty crazy all right let’s go chat there’s the code I’ll get fixed that I’ll get that fixed later all righty boys hx1 FX is the code chat join up join up fellas let’s get get this started also guys if you’re new please

Do subscribe I’m trying to pass my my me and my my buddy axelo are race into 2.5k and we are very close at the moment so please do subscribe uh what do can Canadians have snowballs pretty crazy I got nether oh that’s unfortunate dude morning it’s morning for that’s pretty

Crazy for sure for sure Oak all right how are Earth on you level 73 um cuz I play this game sometimes occasionally you know I will stream soon that’s crazy all right all right boys let’s go join up there code is on screen I believe it’s

Good it is Sky SkyWars op Mega so join up B should had to start in like roughly a minute or something like that but we okay I like how there out High yeah I know they’re they’re I’ve seen that a lot like fighting the most you know Breezy easy especially heading it with

The whole like fighting underrated H YouTubers blah blah all that business you have school on Monday tomorrow yes I do um I’ve had I had school last week too though so it’s not really too much too big of a deal and ranking on a yeah yeah um I’m

Trying to get 100 kills in every single ccraft game mode that’s pretty crazy with Florida man my St is wacky and like that’s pretty crazy um my school starts tomorrow that’s pretty crazy you had all last week off nice dude that’s pretty wild Ohio man

Let’s go I lived in Ohio for six seven years and then and then I moved to the big Pennsylvania all right we um oh I had no school last week my break was just that’s pretty crazy that’s a really nice break actually yeah know we we we

Got like I think the 22nd through the 2nd of January 22nd of December through the 2nd of January I think was our break Yello kirkon welcome to the stream how you doing man what is good I go back Tuesday let’s go location crazy all right let’s go dud like the new Hive

Update is until February yeah we’ll see I hope bedwars comes out but uh I think it’s just been talked about overly at this point well it’ll come out it comes out when it comes out we’ll get a two week warning supposedly so we’ll see when we get the two week warning we can

Talk about bedwars but I think until then I wouldn’t get your hopes up the winter Hive update is December to February that’s pretty crazy all right guys let’s let’s start this game up unless anybody else want oh I will join okay I’ll wait like 20 seconds and then

We’ll start if you can’t get in by then unfortunately I think I’m just going to start it all right let’s go with opinions on Med Wars I think it’ll be great for the for the hive if they execute it well if they do a good job on it I think it’ll

Be hive’s biggest game for quite a while like it won’t be like gravity or something where it’s huge for a week and then um and then falls off immediately so yeah I I I hope it’ll go I hope it’ll go well money that’s pretty crazy I’m not loading

Minecraft I I don’t know you might you might just have to wait till the next yes that might take a little bit too long unfortunately I’m just going to start it no not should quit yeah but at the same time like he’s like I think

He’s an adult now or at least very close to it so like you’re not espe same with like MJ like he’s 25 I think or something like that like you’re not you’re not going to spend your whole life doing High Minecraft like he’s got other interests and he has to like

Actually you know like work and stuff it’s it’s inevitable it’s fine I hope I I’m lucky cuz I’m 14 so I have plenty of time to do YouTube and also balance other things with it so I have plenty of I have plenty of time left in this community but eventually everybody has to

Quit it’s just how it is have yeah you know there there’s some cool new ones FY has actually been really promising I like that guy ionic Dino I haven’t seen too much from I I know he’s like kind of a coming I haven’t seen much of him though I’ve

Seen a lot of breezy easy recently and quite a lot of FY as well relevant I’ve seen but not nearly as much of as the other two I I think relevant are right I’ve been in quite a few VCS with that guy and he’s pretty chill glitch R yeah I

Watched a glitch he had he had a video that performed well I watched that one I forgot what it was but it was like how I became hes MVP or something like that yeah it was a good video it was solid considering it was made by mobile player oh hi

Demo I get the feeling demo does not want to fight back so I’m just going to not do that hi oh oh my God Rosie hit oh my God that’s crazy Rosie actually fighting for once this is crazy come here Rosie die get out of here oh no oh no please go

Away no all right let’s go dude wait no no no dang it dude I was so close to clutching that up that works so well for real biggest underrate he’s not underrated okay oh it it like he’s friends with all those people server gaming is not underrated there are very few underrated

Streamers like streaming live streaming is either you do all right like I’d say I’m happy with my streams but there’s not I’m not underrated I just have done it for a while I’ve been doing it for over a year now almost every under day you said he’s

Underrated well yeah I would not like to say anyone’s underrated they’re underrated people yes but like that’s all a matter of time like that there sure there are a couple underrated people on YouTube that are like you know like they they’ve been doing it for a while they’re making incredible content

Yet they still haven’t really seen success but like Breezy has seen plenty of success Breezy was in the top 10 most grown H YouTubers last month he’s not underrated he just needs time to actually grow if if you say you’re underrated after like two months of doing YouTube that’s not being

Underrated that’s being impatient like genuinely YouTube takes time I’m overrated that’s crazy n you’re actually pretty good demo you’re good you you gen you genuinely just need time and you need more uploads that’s it like YouTube YouTube is completely a matter of time like you think you think

Even people like Mr Beast like had incredible success in the first like two years Mr Beast didn’t get like any success until like he in fact he subb botted for a while and then um he uploaded that pew Pewdiepie Money video and he got some sex from that started a

Series like it’s it’s all about finding something that works and doing it for a long time zaka more for streaming no I don’t I do zacka like maybe once every like one and a half weeks maybe two weeks I do z i I’m mostly a hive

Guy um about lamb life I I like Lamb’s life I think he’s a personality I love him he’s he’s great I think his content is um great I I like when those content is more focused on their personality actually but yeah I think he’s all right I think he’s pretty decently rated

Like yeah as I said there’s not too much underrated goodness in Hive at least everybody if you’re making good content and you’re uploading decently then you will get success like that’s like that’s the nice thing about Hive that’s why that’s why I chose to do hive when I started YouTube is because

Like it’s a it’s supports it supports up I’d say Breezy’s upcoming YT rank no I think next YT rank for sure is definitely defect um maybe defect maybe kesu I don’t know but I think defect is going to take the next YT rank oh let’s see or Novis Novis really did

Novis just hit 2K I mean I guess defect’s a 2.4 but defect has way better numbers than any of those guys he fell off hard for real I mean he’s been uploading decently recently but I don’t I don’t think he’s I I he’s probably not the next YouTube

Rank if he would have continued his daily uploading he definitely would have gotten YT rank a long time ago but who’s noest he’s an Australian YouTuber you might recognize him by his ghost pfp it’s growing fast one of the past have you look at the charts I there I

Don’t think he was on the top 20 chart last month I didn’t see him a if you don’t know Avery um Avery doors makes these cool um charts that graph the top 20 fast how how many subscribers all the high YouTubers gained in the last month and it um shows

You who is who grain the most in the top 20 so you know I was on that last month but I’m hoping I might actually get it on it in January cuz in the past week I’ve gained 100 subscribers so if I keep that up throughout the month then I’ll

Gain um 400 Subs this month which would be my best month ever so that’d be cool thank thank you for the uh two people who who subscri who subscrib oh little Little Mac yeah no no I now that you mentioned that I think Little Mac gets

It next I I think Little Mac cuz defect’s views are slightly inconsistent like he uploads a lot and that’s why he games a lot more he uploads and streams a lot so um yeah he but he I don’t think his views are consistently over 3K so I I think little

But little Max are and he still gains and uploads quite decently so I I think Little M gets it next actually that’s my theory it’s been a wild buz it has just nonsense how you doing man welcome to the stream we oh oh no oh Lord this is not ideal I’m getting

I’m getting mauled by barbecue chickens is sure that’s pretty crazy just return to Hive on YT let’s go dude that’s a dub yeah I know you can’t get streamer ranks um streamer rank realistically unless someone super blows up it’s not going to happen anymore like the the

Requirements are way too high like there are no streamer ranks that actually meet requirements I guess wait even turbo piggy like even turbo piggy like the high twitch guy doesn’t get 60 cuz for for twitch for a streamer rank you have to be on Twitch one which is the sucky

Thing cuz if you could do it on YouTube there’s be so many more streamer ranks but uh yeah like the only person I think the only person that I can think of who has it is Jeff SCA and he got it like two maybe even 3 years ago and he does

Not even at all meet requirements anymore like he gets like 15 average viewers if that well he used to get like 70 or something like that yeah there are there are no like real requiring streamer ranks the the only person is about is YT rank what how

About is YT H well yeah no but that he’s on YouTube so the thing with streamer rank chat is you can only get it from Twitch streaming um so you can’t get it you actually can’t get it through YouTube streaming which I think is a silly thing cuz

YouTube’s just a better platform to stream on it has more algorithm and you can actually grow on YouTube streaming for Twitch streaming you basically have to grow on another platform and then translate that growth to Twitch so I think it’s silly that you can only gain it from Twitch streaming but yeah like

Nobody nobody on the hive is hitting those concurrence like the only people who even are like half of that is like I don’t know officio gets a lot of viewers um arsonic gets a decent amount bear is getting a lot of am viewers right now he

Also on Twitch really I don’t know but he already has YouTube ranks so I don’t think they really care is better but twitch’s quality is better yeah maybe uh twitch twitch’s quality is better for streaming but like it’s just not it’s not something you can really grow on

Like twitch you really can’t grow on too much have you ever considered T streaming I’ve considered it I’ve considered multi streaming I’ve never considered switching fully to Twitch I think that’s silly honestly like that that’s why almost every twitch streamer you’ve ever heard of 99% of them have a

YouTube channel um or they either multi stream for on that YouTube channel and twitch or they upload stuff from their streams and kind of like direct viewers from YouTube to that twitch there are very few like truly uh uh the streaming Community calls them pure grown streamers

That’s people who grown pretty much all from streaming but uh like I I would consider myself one of the one of the few pretty much pure gone streamers on hive cuz like really and I think in total out of all my videos I’ve uploaded not count I think counting short I in

All the shorts I’ve uploaded I’ve gained like 60 subscribers or something but uh in all of the uh in all of the videos I’ve uploaded even though so much effort goes into them I think I’ve only ever gained like 10 subs off videos so I think um pretty much all of my

Subscribers are from streaming so I’m a pretty pure pure grown streamer but yeah yep g yep but I really like who who else justes that I guess axo I don’t think axo is getting too much from videos other than that maybe Fair yeah I know fair fair and act so pretty much my

Entire friend group most of them on up Poss going vir absolutely yeah if they’re making good content they’ll go viral okay all right all right let’s see chat let’s do a vault drop why not yeah it’s also a matter that I’ve been doing this for a long time 2305 thank you why

I appreciate it hello oh sorry man sorry I was ranting guys sorry if I did not read chat and probably not really read chat stre what’s your opinion on uping all right I already read that I’m silly who makes pixel funds yeah I know that’s pretty crazy yeah no I I

Have a pixel phone um here it is thank you over subscribe chat let’s go appreciate it all right code is on the screen chat we’re playing Bol drop block drop with 64 leaps very epic CS all right chat let’s go oh and the music is stopped thank you music very cool

Okay no NOP yeah all right uh which hello blue Galaxy cat Welcome to the stream how you doing man no average yeah no ignasio is um a different species dude ignasio is crazy or was crazy I guess is why I say me some get my issue is that I completely

Lock in on video I’m currently working on I finish the video and once I finish that video I have no plans for ideas for the next one that’s pretty crazy yeah know I I always work just I just consider videos as like side projects that I do on the side like whenever I

Meet like a new Hive YouTuber I always on V one them for my um 101 1V ones video YouTuber 1 V ones and then um you know various things like that like I’ll just like gradually record them and then when I have all the recordings done then I’ll just edit

Them but the editing takes a long time can you do free shop next it’s possibility we could try it hello Joshy bites welcome to the stream how you doing man y chat how close are we to Breezy or be I think Breezy pre before a

While ago I might have said B but I think I think Breezy has surpassed B in quality I I honestly I I think I like be’s videos slightly more just I I just do I don’t know why but I do um I don’t know all

How many attacks I at let me check oh chat we’ve passed a let’s go we’ve passed axo again W’s boys thank you guys appreciate it he kind of toxic pretty crazy uh he I don’t know I I thought his trapping content was kind of funny I you but you

You one V one me I I’m trying to only one cuz you know for the sake of the video I’m trying to make it pretty much all people people that people would recognize CU you know like it keeps retention like say say you had a video

And like 50 out of 100 of the people like the first like 25 there was like one dude that everybody recognized and like the rest was just like oh who are these guys but um if you have like these recurring like oh I know that guy I know

That guy I know that guy too then it’s like oh yeah you keep recognizing and it keeps you engaged Breezy isn’t talking at all he’s chilling yeah I know Breezy’s Breezy’s cool I like him um you only want to one one big YouTubers it’s saying that I I

Like small YouTubers a lot actually I I trip I hang out with a lot more small YouTubers than big YouTubers but um yeah know for the sake of the video I want to try to keep it like above like 800 subscribers generally just so I can have that recognition so people keep

That retention higher but yeah that is that is the Hope for that all right I think we’re probably good to start guys they have be for something yeah I know I heard about that which is kind of unfortunate cuz I think they used to be friends

And this will start please it it it it won’t be a start it’ll be like two it’ll be like 4 seconds of a video it’s it’s not going to help you short with 9 G that’s gone now that’s unfortunate he’s blowing up wait who can you Ground Wars It’s

Possibility answer stop asking uh glitch or electrics oh I like uh I like both of them I I’m actually attending an I’m going to be in an electrics video he’s recording it next weekend the 59 yeah that’s pretty decent that’s something although I I don’t want them to be

Shorts grown cuz you know shorts aren’t really you know they’re subscribers but a lot of them don’t really come back unfortunately if they did I would do shorts but unfortunately they don’t 99% of the time is say just needs to upload more yeah I know I agree I think I I I

Don’t want to leak his video just in case it’s not public so I won I won’t talk too much about the event unless unless he tells me I Le a consistent one yeah I don’t think I’ve ever watched an ionic dyno video maybe once maybe once

Or twice I don’t know if I’ve ever watched him though I think I’m subscribed to him I’m not sure if I I I’m just not an exactly an avid viewer ionic Dino I got to listen thisen pretty crazy dude we oh my goodness yeah there’s there’s there’s a

There’s a decent amount of cool upcoming creators right now I’m pretty happy with it the New Gen as they say let’s go it’s kind of nice to not be a new gen though like I I used I was a new gen like you know like 6 months ago

I was probably still considered like a new gen YouTuber it kind of sucks cuz like everybody ref like sees you as the new guy and it’s kind of silly but like you don’t get as many like serious collaborations a lot of the times unless you’re like making really really good content and gaining

Fast but you know people start to take you a little bit more seriously after like a year if you start creating cuz you know they start to know you longer and they know you’re committed to the community this like the next ignasio I know he’s doing really well

Actually I’ve seen him I’ve seen him quite frequently somehow I still haven’t watched any of his videos I need to do that cuz I I I’ve seen them and I’m subscribed to them so a SE because I have like 91 for real dude yeah it’s

Kind of kind of yeah just like I I never when I was smaller I didn’t really surround myself with like bigger creators which I should have just for advice and stuff but like all my friends were small and it’s kind of nice cuz you get to like grow with your friends it’s

Pretty cool like you know I got to like hit like 1K and 2K with most of my friends that was pretty cool stop growing in Subs yeah I I think did he just kind of stop uploading or like disappear off the internet or Something o i’ stream I just oh yeah it’s unfortunate yeah that really does suck like the only the only uh demo you I don’t know if this is really your type of content but you might you might take something from the type of commentary this guy does there’s a guy um I’m

Trying to think of his name but he’s a Sky Block YouTuber and he does pretty much the same kind of voice thing that you do with like the robotic voice he has a really long name and he did like I think he did like a th000 hours and if

You saw search up like a th000 hours Hypixel Sky Block or like 10,000 hours or I think I think it’s 10,000 hours in Hypixel Sky Block then you can find him he has like a white profile picture or something like that yeah he’s he’s really good yeah new

Yeah Breezy how are you doing please stop stabbing me though we I yeah I I go by a lot of names or something like that yeah I I was going to say dang that’s a long name but no that’s that’s SM major but yeah that’s

It 50 m no not 50 MERS I love 50 mmas dude but uh that’s that’s not him dude 50 m Midas is such a troll bro I I once sat in a 50 mil Midas video premiere for f not 50 30 minutes I sat

In this premiere for it to be a 6C video title you ever just dot dot dot and it was just him like grappling around the Hub with no commentary cuz you know that’s it’s so unbelievably relatable but I waited 30 minutes for a 6C video of no commentary and nothing interesting

Like he’s such a troll but it’s so funny all right Ben haawi what is that oh Jens the go for okay let’s go dude oh my God no okay we’re chilling o you don’t know haawi no I don’t should I guys are try to ban him un jokingly

Then I’m kind of glad I didn’t DA got hacked I know we wait no he didn’t get hacked DIY sold his channel I think I think that’s a bit of a misconception I believe I think d sold this channel I think that was what I heard a couple times and I think didn’t

I see do like an actual like quick like uh video on a new channel about it at least if he did get hacked then the hacker was nice enough to leave up all his videos which sometimes does not happen or most times does not happen anyways We re old PVP guy who oh pH Phil MC rck I I I no I I haven’t uh no God dang it dude all right chat let’s see that’s pretty crazy Huawei makes phones really interesting all right let me try not to die here all right five left and there’s no

Blocks this streaming is interesting the Sky Block that’s crazy I’m going to try to not be an idiot and die while I try to hit this guy off oh and power surge got distracted tried to hit me and died this the guy I go by lots of names yeah I think that’s

It yeah the Sky Block guy oh I think I lose here it’s close to final two GG’s GG’s BQ chickens I appreciate GG’s boys have you ever heard of prime fire I have yes I’ve watched some of his stuff the hours do you have on Minecraft I don’t even want to

Look um where do I see that I think it’s an Xbox thing right oh no this this is just um on this account for Bedrock but on this account for Bedrock I have 3,600 hours use that TTS spot that every T yeah no Brian’s good word of XL that’s pretty crazy nah sounds

Irrelevant sniper is upcoming yeah I I I like X MIP he’s pretty cool B was so bad crazy we yeah no X snipe is not X snip is older he just hasn’t had a lot of su success all right let’s go boys my video when I first use him that’s pretty

Crazy let’s go hello monkey welcome to the stream SG you know what I like that Let’s do an OPG that sounds good all right chat we got a mic already I know man it’s been like two years and this guy doesn’t have a mic I’m not AIG that’s

Crazy all right by way guys like the stream let’s get to 20 likes if we haven’t already uh the war last the war last night almost broke my game that’s crazy he’s actually a parrot bird H it’s possible definitely possible it’s so funny dude he the thing is I

Don’t I I think he has a mic he just doesn’t want to talk I think he has a mic actually cuz I’ve been in VCS with him before and like he he’ll he’ll talk through Google translate like he’ll like he’ll like send something through like one of those

AI speaking things and then he’ll say it like that I think he has a mic he just doesn’t want to reveal his voice or Something all right let’s go fellas okay chat let’s see I think he’s a squeaker it’s possible all right chat okay boys join up there’s the code let me get that on the Biga fire for you guys the Giga fire my bad um r r y k

Z you know if I if you if anyone ever makes another cahoot of me put that as a quiz question what what what is Bozo called the display the the code display in the bottom right corner everyone corrupt him was a new gen for real he’s not really an old gen

Anymore he’s just kind of he’s some he’s something what’s you don’t know the Giga fire no it’s it’s kind of yeah Giga fire I I I stopped I stopped using the turn term a little bit like gigafy you know Giga fire like that that that’s that’s how I name it but all

Right hello blip what’s good welcome to the stream how you doing dude I never had to spell it unfortunate yeah know that’s axo wait what what about axo am M I think am I the same Sub sub count as axo B fire makes sense yeah but you know I don’t really

Care has tiny Pockets that is pretty crazy um I’m trying to edit a video while playing in your Ser that’s pretty wild okay chat uh I think we’re probably about to get to start so if you guys would are still trying to join please do let me know and

I will um and I will start up the game or or I will wait for you if I don’t see anybody who wants to join then I’ll start it up all right y op SG SG4 ready for T man to stream let’s go yeah I think he’s

Streaming today um he saved my video did he really let’s go well gun let’s go that’s a du yeah know I think I think he generally streams at seven right isn’t that the thing I think he always streams say either six or seven one of

The two do a school CS let’s go all right this all my videos let’s go W’s 7:30 got you wait all right got you Warden I’ll wait I’ll wait like 30 seconds and we’ll start it up okay reason you earlier on interesting back in terms of sub count for now okay

Interesting still got to get a bigger lead though CU he’s got a little bit more streaming to do today than I do so you know subscribe chat got to beat axo to 2.5k let’s go I got this epic thing chat it’s this is like an old um I think it’s not

Atari it might be Atari it’s a very not Atari no it’s not Atari it’s one of those like really old like gaming console that have like tons of games like on them immediately I was playing it last night it was awesome I’m Tik tocker on an’s channel that’s pretty

Crazy get that Tik Tok rank rate my skin let’s go hold on wait where are you where are you Joey shorts ah got you yeah I mean the only the only Tik Tok are who are the Tik Tok ranks I know lion roll is a Tik Tok rank other than that I genuinely

Can’t think of a single one um for Tik Tok rank for video that’d be pretty funny start video with like I despise Tik Tok and then so I decided to master it me like super gamer all right chat let’s let’s start this up let’s get go fellas I love how

In that video where super gam ma mastered Bedrock PVP he decided he like pretended like he’d never played it before it was like I’m completely new to bedrock guys trust look at this crazy PVP I’ve never done this before was kind of comical but like I know he was trying to um

Appease the Java viewers but it was still kind of funny to like watch and be like oh I’ve never done this before and then just like immediately toss everyone ever uh I Feel Like Me comparison a lot of people because he did it to my friend wait what I don’t

Know I don’t know I don’t remember I I met a VP VIP rank once let’s go I think Prime’s VIP rank right now no no it’s Prime yeah no Prime’s a VIP right I think I think he retired from modding I believe yeah no I have let me

Just check I have him on my friends list I think where is is he unless he unfriended me which is also possible cuz oh yeah no he probably I think he unfriended me again whenever I send out too many um CS invites he unfriends me which is kind of

Funny but yeah I friend didn’t tell me but the sound like that pretty crazy what no I can’t get this stuff hold on oh my god dude I’m cracked that was pretty crazy chat all right we I kind of thought you couldn’t do that anymore but I mean I

Guess I’m glad you can oh hi Hi how are you thank you for invading my personal space here how about we how about we peacefully share let let’s share a supply drop let’s share a supply drop let’s be nice let’s be friends all right there we go oh and there was

Another one over there oh that is convenient oh hi Optimus Let’s go give me all of this stuff sharing is caring guys let’s go okay give me all of this and let me Max up and now let’s go stab wait I don’t have a I don’t have a sword okay that’s better at least and High secret rank for that’s

Actually a fire title dude demo legit that’s that should be the Title like genuinely that’s a fire title then I get Tik Tok rank that’d be funny ni chicken sandwich let’s go I don’t actually know I shot for lion rolls it’s Hughes Ethan and skir minator I’ve heard of skir minator I haven’t heard of the other

Ones but if you had Tik Tok rank why would you continue YT well because it it’s not about the rank bro Tik toac rank does also I don’t know it’s fine doing YouTube is not about the the rank collect the Infinity Stones that’s crazy do you do polls on YouTube to

Decide if you will get mod um uh yes um and my mod application streams which I I I I guess I guess I could do one somewhat soon no no diean what the heck is this man DeLorean all right you you joined access stream once like a while ago that’s ah

Interesting th all right let’s go give me I need cobwebs bro nobody has cobwebs for some reason where did you guys’ cobwebs go can we can we please possess a few more cobwebs guys let’s step up that game all right oh I need campfires in my inventory you know kill the Frozen boom

Bock since those aren’t relevant is so weird he’s yeah he’s a little bit he’s fine he’s fine I I sometimes he’s a little bit interesting I can deal with him I don’t know what he did oh no sir come back here and he might actually just get away oh yes

Let’s go I’m glad I stopped where immature I mean he is like eight I’m 90% sure he’s like 8 years old let’s go GG’s I think he’s just childish really his voice is deep I must be talking about the wrong guy 16 seriously that’s crazy that’s interesting that’s wild Bleak marrow is 16

Dude he acts like that’s rough that guy acts like he’s like eight all right let’s go chat let’s see oh hello come back here sir oh no no no no no you are coming back rest my Wi-Fi the fact that ble marrow is 2 years older than me is kind of scary it’s

Consider crazy oh oh no no no no might be a nick no we we can see everyone’s information we’re fine I don’t think there’s a Nick unless oh wait no he’s not in this game it’s possible she’s older than you that’s crazy yeah it is oh hello real crystal welcome to the

Stream how you doing man welcome all right oh he’s at eight he’s at six dude come back here isn’t next sadly crazy but we still streaming it has not been that long Gabriel it has only been like an hour and a half or something like that why did this keep skipping what the

Heck okay it’s interesting we oh my yes I am 14s scoffer let’s see iidea maxing High SkyWars I should good idea guys we should we should immediately snipe serber gaming until he has no no no life left that sounds like such a good idea you guys ready to bully server gaming

Like this fifth time this week I I I just bul server gaming frequently it’s fun no shoot I thre where’ this guy go what the heck oh I did not expect that that wasn’t that was a sweet Juke honestly I got to give it to him that was pretty

Impressive we from that glitches 13 oh well that’s not that bad like he’s eligible IA I’m such a genius pretty why is it skipping why is it skipping all this Stu for DEC I think it like I don’t know H somewhat soon not too soon I got plenty of time to stream

Though come back here it’s skipping THS what the heck why is this happening is it my stupid headphones I know my my skip button is like broken on these headphones oh my God I think it’s the headphones dude I think it’s the stupid headphones Bro all right I’m trying to like dig it out I think it’s fine we’ll deal with it I hope it’s good had for B actually should she6 on Z gaming for real let’s get him dude oh he’s on fire that’s nice 17 we got this guys whats why why now bro

Could we have saved this for later this could this this this third party could not have been directed towards another human Being God dang it dude GG’s single day I don’t know how that’s pretty crazy let’s go W really I don’t know I I know nor do I really care all right let’s go doesn’t really matter it’s the janitor it’s crazy YouTuber pretty crazy all right where’s server gaming there he is chat

Bellas Bellas you know what we have to do you know what we have to do guys what is he I know like what was that well I did not not need added for that thumbnail that was interesting it was kind of odd like why why doesn’t he just do that on

Discord if he and he doesn’t have Discord at age 16 then what is he doing all right there’s server gaming all right chat chat let’s deploy all armies on server gaming there I don’t I don’t think we’re going to we are not letting him Max we are not letting him Max okay serber

Is getting kills guys don’t let serber get kills kill him he doesn’t have like any armor I’m at him guys he’s going to Mid right now guys every now he’s not Max guys let’s go okay okay let’s get let’s get a party going let’s get a party going guys we

Are sniping server gaming till the end let’s y i I will invite some of the best Gamers on the planet we’re going to party up and absolutely die dominate on this man he is not maxing ever you guys are getting free costumes all right let’s go here let’s

See uh Rosie get in here super likes boys facts we’re bullying him um me okay I got you Optimus there you go you know when he’s dead where are you demo dud I have so many friends online this is Criminal oh God invite me I got hold Up let me invite Breezy easy why not I mean I I already invited you man you’ve been invited let me get you Momo hold on where are you m where okay there you are the party is full is party is definitely not full yeah I’m in this game I’m already

In the game you’re fine oh why is server getting kills guys oh server server died server died SL jfit server but okay hold up you got this guys as long as we just Spam this please get me in his game maybe buy backs I got I see already see a power

Search hold on please this party still alive oh my God who’s his party is green in his part green and Momo you guys better get in my party we are not letting server gaming win oh I don’t think they’re in this party M you trying to trap

Him you demon dude oh my God invite me I invited you okay invite Mr demo boy there you go invite me invite just Momo YT all right me I invited you already you have been invited I will do it again but hold on where are you ATB all right there you

Go all right let me get slj server gaming let me know when they’re all dead I think it’s just it’s probably green who’s still gaming you know it’s got to be green in this party kill green hello Phil oo CBO welcome to the stream uh do you you have to pee warp as

Soon as you join by the way all right got you let me have that command ready too SLP warp oh okay hold up please get me in get me in get in dude all right what the okay he’s in the hub yes I’m in I’m in SLP

Warp okay I was only able to get a couple of you guys in God dang it that’s unfortunate all right stre might go BR on I’ll keep he warping hi server you are not maxing today all right let’s go guys full yeah that’s unfortunate we got

This guys got to sweat dude you’re rent to facts let’s get him dude let’s sweat on this fella everyone Target server for free costumes yes let’s go go demo okay demo I got you I got you okay he’s dead wait no I’m dead shoot no Ser are you serious

Dude okay I have to fix this stupid gaming chair yill server safe for ninja all right got you okay so okay demo got server SL JF it’s server okay he’s still here wait he’s not here no his server is full I was not too slow it bugged or he

Was like the last one to join or something please maybe maybe it fills up oh it’s starting God dang it ah shoot this games or no yeah we’ll do cs’s we do cs’s someone let me know when he’s about to join another party let’s play bridge CS because it’s fast and

Then we can snipe server more we got this guys we are not losing to server gaming we will beat him Chad he got he got killed pretty quick though good job demo on that kill that was nice by the way guys if you are probably going to get recued so just be aware

That um if serber dies I am recing I don’t care if I’m alive or if you’re alive we are second and I’m we the fif line crazy all right guys oh shoot all right code is on the screen there are only two slots left but uh

Good luck I said te we’re in a party oh you’re right oh my God that’s annoying okay bam bam bam bam oh that is incredibly unfair team hold on let me set down this and uh there we go wait no green up here myself down

Here okay join up chat the code is on the screen Joan Java please no I don’t like Java’s I don’t like Java guys join up please let me let me try going to hide her pearling through BLS that’s pretty crazy guys guys can we see the code are we good guys all right

One more slot oh my God technoblade no way guys he’s back yeah hello Isaac how you doing man what’s good watch the auto video no I didn’t I keep procrastinating it will be a 44 Yes CE Andor all right let’s go get these guys wait hold up bam bam I think Tech okay cool I hope that works oh I made the teams uneven it’s fine I’m bad sorry this somehow might actually still be fair I mean if demo doesn’t pop off

Then oh demo left I think demo just crashed are you serious no no no no now it’s a 3v4 I mean it’s still unfair but you know not as unfair God dang It evid ever raided you no I’ve never gotten an evident raid dude getting an evident raid is very very lucky um like I’ve streamed every day for a year and I I’ve been like 400 streams or something like not close close to 400 streams and I’ve never been evident rated even

Though like probably 200 of those streams I was an available option for evident to edit to raid like he he just does not raid a lot and when he does it’s unlikely that you’re going to be it cuz he always ra he like either he’ll raid like his friends like Andrew hacks or

Something or something else but he’s in skyb yo okay hold up JF it’s serber yes I’m in po SLP warp let’s go guys okay okay hey yo Fellas I I got Seal Team seven Seal Team [Laughter] seven SL PC yes SL PC okay okay party chat at this fellas let’s run thank you thank you Isaac for the shout let’s go welcome bunny to the stream guys we are sniping server gaming making sure he

Does not Max SkyWars because I cannot let him Max it is impossible we’re not letting that happen we got this he’s doomed he he does not stand a chance we got this guys all right immediately T Target server gaming for free costumes wait never mind on dude I’m throwing

No I didn’t have blocks are you serious oh my God fine fine it’s fine it’s fine guys get him dude get him all right invite me back okay got you let me also invite demo back um where are you okay there’s demo where are you Optimus all right let’s go boys we got

This server you are doomed get him demo get him out of here let’s go pein get in there get in in there get him no he’s autoing Facts dude why is he like playing server stop this is not nice get him rosie no Rosie oh my god dude guys how are we losing to server gaming get him get him out of here apples get him dude he’s done he doesn’t stand a chance Target him get him out of here

Bro oh all right I’ll got you wait Inc Isaac all right wait on get get online please if you can there a two hours for that listen what you mean wasted two hours we’re fine we got plenty of attempts left the moment he dies I’m

Recing let me get this SL JF server it’s server ready did you die no how he K dude if he wi he’s wait no apples is alive dude what all right guys we got this let good what is good dude thank you welcome to the stream all right JF it’s

Server what’s good Slappy how you you doing man welcome to the stream what what is he doing why is this guy jabbering where is he look where I don’t have time to look what oh he’s giving away a costume silly boy giveaway oh I see now I see silly

Boy what see think he’s doing trying to trying to be successful what scam all righty chat we got this but is Axel ending I think axo ending early or something dang that’s unfortunate for axo but it’s about to end all right cool cool cool cool cool we got this guys

Sweat up bro what I’m I’m going invite you Isaac if you can get on Inc Isaac yeah let me know when you’re on I’ll invite you you paying attention don’t worry I I’ll have the command ready cber I’ll be ready he’s got party menu open what’s he doing my can I be in

Party um possibly we’re try we’re trying to G against him no we we can’t we can’t let him win anything he cannot win any more messages chat you know Isaac let me know when you’re on the wait is he okay he’s going he’s going he’s going for sure it’s

Ending okay okay okay okay okay we got this I’m ready I’m going I’m going Be watchful you are not going to win again all right please dude Bozo what is it Momo I’ll place a gift that’d be pretty crazy we get ready no way free Stu free

St I’m so ready Be watchful for real I want gift we all push Sil teams at once yes yes yes Momo I said that in public chat but it’s fine why is this fella taking so long wrong bro this guy takes forever get do the giveaway and be done

With it my guy can you invite it me possibly wait I can snipe all right Cool all right please die bro wait what 10 seconds awesome oh okay for real Ser play the game missed the gift oh oh well dude it’s one gift this is not even like a large giveaway how is he taking this long oh my God bro what is you why you saying easy

Sloppy what happened why why is this guy taking so long oh my God he Chatters are brain dead facts subscribe to the Squad Squad of bozos server gaming cringe toy IGN oh my God I I think they should just uh keep more SkyWars like come on dude come on cannot be this

Difficult I’ve done giveaways before just have him send you a friend request just have him send you a friend request man not that hard come on oh thank you over subscribe chat I appreciate it boys let’s go we are still ahead of axo which is pretty nice

I think axo is ending or something like that dude my God why is this guy Ser you you are ahead of Axel pretty crazy I’m enjoying that oh there there he goes he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s done let’s do it chat let’s do it I’m ready he’s queing he’s

Queing he’s queing something I see him over there that dirty rascal you in Subs yeah a little bit I’m going to catch up though oh my God please this guy man yep next five oh okay all right Chad it seems I can only snipe him one more game but after

This you guys can try to party up oh he’s moving we can do one more chat let’s see so you can watch cooking shows as you eat airplane food try one mon free oh my God your boy is on let’s go Isaac all right very nice all right Isaac is in let’s go

That’s big my God okay he’s about to que bro like what why is why is he taking so long invite oh he’s gone he’s gone I’m in I’m in what it’s full go so quickly oh no that’s sounded good that is no good at all heq again no he’s still in

Here bruty Brutus he got in that’s it dude all right I got to sweat this out and try to kill him it’s my last attempt chat after this you guys can go into his stream into it this see is playing solos oh my God I can SN more let’s

Go you probably should do that rather than being in the party cuz if he’s doing solo party doesn’t matter BR was taking too long for real like what are you guys doing man what you guys doing over there server Gaming’s just being breed dead again as well as his chat it’s okay

We I have a very intellectual chat let’s go fellas I have maded W’s oh my God no I’m going to Pearl in so I can get there faster let’s go okay give me all this stuff oh wait hold up I got full diamond and a diamond sword I’m

Gaming I’m gaming dude let’s go get oh and we have a hacker and the hacker is killing server gaming um I’m not sure what to think about this I guess I’m happy the hacker is killing server no hacker go kill server go kill server go kill server please kill server

No I’m getting murdered by a hacker are you serious all right you know they didn’t even take they didn’t even take damage okay hacker get him at least at least we the hacker can kill him Chad okay the hackers like killing other people yeah I’m going to

Have to report him just cuz LOL what wait let me report him just because I my quest points what Hecks all right let’s see I think we can just do combat not not Auto clicking look combat PVP that seems good okay server is still alive dude

What oh my God no no no no well I I’ll set up a radio chat I do think I have to go unfortunately quite sad but but but unfortunately the truth so let’s head out all right I’ll I’ll ra I’ll raid server since I’ve been bothering Him all right chat let’s go myself all I’m sorry Erica we’re going to have to great all right see you everybody have a good rest of your day go bother server gaming do not let him win any games boys I’ll see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Hive Live but 2300 Subscribers’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-01-08 10:59:43. It has garnered 319 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:01 or 6601 seconds.

I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub now. #hive #hivecs #minecraft

Server Ip: Server Port: 19225

📞Contacts📞 —————————————————— Discord: The Squad Of Bozos#4893 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xNUrHVGJza Username: SquadOfBozos Java Username (don’t bully): TacoBladeGamer —————————————————— 🚓Mod Requirements🚓: Be here ACTIVELY more at least a month and be a good chatter (don’t be toxic, don’t swear, etc.) Just follow the rules and be a good guy and with time, ill give you moderator. However sometimes, I have enough and simply don’t need any mods so be understanding with that as well. ——————————————————

✅Goals✅ —————————————————— 1.5k by August 2.5k before end of 2023 Become the biggest hive streamer —————————————————–

Big thanks to everyone who helps me with the streams as well! I appreciate all the company from other creators while live and while not live. Tags for algorithm B) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,minecraft hive,the hive,hive,hive skywars,hive minecraft,hive shaders,best hive texture packs, hive treasure wars,hive bedrock,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,potpvp,pack folder,potpvp pack folder,pot pvp packs,best packs for hive networkpot pvp packs forhivevasarpot pvpmistahive pack folder for hivepacks for hivebest marketplace packsminecraft bedrock market place pvp packspvp packs minecraft market place,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, how to get custom texture packs on ps4, how to get custom texture packs on Nintendo switch, how to get custom texture packs on xbox, best marketplace packs for hive, marketplace pvp packs, PVP packs on the marketplacehive pack folder, pack folder mcpe,mcpe pvp texture pack,mcpe pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,pack folder hive,pvp texture pack mcpe 1.18,mcpe texture packs,mcpe pvp pack,mcpe texture packs pvp,mcpe pvp packs,pack folder,best hive pack folder,cranexe pack folder,pvp pack mcpe,mcpe packs,hive texture pack,mcpe pack,texture pack pvp mcpe,mista,texture pack minecraft pe 1.18 pvp,minecraft pe pvp texture pack,pack pvp minecraft pe 1.18,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture pack mcpe,top 5 mcpe pvp texture pack,top 5 minecraft pe pvp texture pack,mcpe pvp texture pack fps boost, best potpvp packs, potpvp, marketplace packs,minecraft texture pack, bedwars texture pack, realistic minecraft texture pack, texture pack, minecraft realistic texture pack, pvp texture pack mcpe, minecraft trailer texture pack, best minecraft texture pack, how to make a texture pack in minecraft, pvp texture pack hive skywars, hive skywars pack folder, hive skywars packs, hive scrims packs, hive scrims, hive scrims pack folder, hive sumo, hive sumo packs, hive sumo pack folder, best skywars packs, best pack folder, hive sumo pack folder, hive scrim pack folder, hive skywars release,hivemc,hivenetwork,hivepe,hivebedrock,hivetw,hivesw,hivesg,sg,tw,swmcpe, mcpe live, minecraft, minecraft live, mcpe hive, mcpe hive live, mcpe hive server, mcpe livestream, mcpe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcpe skywars, mcpe skywars live, mcpe treasure wars, mcpe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcpe the hive, voice reveal, mcpe voice reveal, mcpe stream, minecraft stream, mcpe cs live, mcpe custom game live, custom games with viewers,mcbe hive live, mcbe hive server, mcbe livestream, mcbe hive livestream, minecraft livestream, minecraft hive,, mcbe skywars, mcbe skywars live, mcbe treasure wars, mcbe treasure wars live, grinding treasure wars, mcbe the hive, voice reveal, mcbe voice reveal, mcbe stream, minecraft stream, mcbe cs live, mcbe custom game live, custom games with viewers, thehivelive, minecraft stream, minecraft bedrock, minecraft pocket edition, dipsler

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    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL99he9m2vBqPYJxqtNJmQScpfxVka6bR7 ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port → bedrock.akumamc.net | 19132 Website And Store → https://akumamc.net Discord Server → https://discord.gg/akumamc minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

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  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

  • Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars – Fuwawa POV

    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More