25 Minecraft 1.16 Glitches that need to be fixed

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From torches that don’t sit right to burning flames that don’t burn anything here’s a list of 25 new glitches that just came out in the Minecraft 1.16 nether update snapshots alright so we begin with number one for this one we’re gonna have to go into spectator mode it

Has something to do with Nether fortresses so let’s go ahead and go into spectator mode so that you can see the fact that Nether fortresses now spawn right in the middle of terrain and cause incorrect building patterns ever since the Soul Sand Valley was introduced it appears as though Nether fortresses love

Spawning within them which makes sense because they’re also home to wither skeletons as well as tons of General new skeleton spawns at least when you’re not you know in spectator about it with tons of these guys spawning naturally it would make sense that the Nether fortresses appear Within These biomes

However as a result of the new biome generation we’re seeing very weird building patterns in relation to these fortresses I mean look at this normally when you find this staircase in a fortress it doesn’t just end right here glitch number two in survival mode when breaking a Netherwood door it will drop

Double drops AKA infinite dupe so we’ve got a warp door right here look at what happens we’ve got 63 warp doors left on us I’m gonna go ahead and break this door and look at what happens when it breaks we just got our hands on two doors and it’s the same story for

Crimson doors as well break it in survival mode get your hands on double doors now feel free to use that to your advantage because you can use these duplicated doors as various different types of fuel for whatever nefarious purposes you may in fact need not bad yo

Infinite fuel alert I could get behind that or you know infinite doors you can definitely get behind doors see I just did it now hey speaking of doors glitch number three is right here and that Netherwood stick what did he hey behave yourself in other words stairs doors and SL okay we’re in

Peaceful mode now Netherwood stairs doors and slabs do not follow ax break speed even though the planks do so we’ve got a whole different mess of different types of planks so check this out as you can see here we’ve got a fantastically amazingly overpowered netherite ax and

It is just at a crawl getting through these slabs and it’s actually getting through these slabs at the same rate No Matter What ax we use and it’s the same story for the stairs and it doesn’t matter what type of ax we’re using it’s all moving at the same speed which is

Very very weird doors again similar story they move at the same rate that you were punching this thing for the most part and we still got double doors but if you look at the wood here it does in fact move faster when you’re using axis so clearly a weird glitch that

Needs to be fixed glitch number four is terrain overhang and we’re looking at it right here these random little blocks of nylium that are kind of floating on their own not supposed to be that way this is actually a Terrain glitch that’s currently in effect in the latest

Snapshots in the nether that I imagine is going to be fixed in the near future however I do gotta say it makes for some fantastic parkour so take the time to brush up on your skills because I imagine in a future snapshot it’s going to be completely gone oh well now if you

Look very closely you’re already going to see a glimpse of glitch number five switching biomes causes very weird fog updates if we go back over here you’ll notice look interesting it’s because we’re going in between bombs right now if we look at the F3 screen you’ll see

That our current biome is Warped for us but moving back it’s now Soul Sand Valley watch Focus your attention right there warped Forest Soul Sand Valley warped Forest that’s because the different different biome types all have different fog types as well now it appears to be a little glitchy because

You think the transition should be a little bit smoother here’s what it looks like with night vision on so little bit easier to tell when we’ve got night vision on it’s an instantaneous change between purple blue and if we had the third biome type around here back to red

And possibly even a dark red so right now it looks a little bit wonky I don’t see it working that way long term they’ll probably make a nice transitionary fog change but for now it’s a little fun to mess with you can get some like sweet Rave effects bruh

Yeah now down here we’ve got our next set of glitches this one is glitch number six Enderman spawn in the nether way too much normally somewhat of a rarity in the nether ever since the Warped Forest bomb became introduced into The Nether these Endermen have been

All over the place we’ve got a command block right here that’s going to count the Enderman that are nearby we currently have 71 Enderman in the Nether and if we press it again we’ve got a couple of them despawning nice okay slowly less and less okay yo maybe they

Heard me okay no no no back to the yeah but check it out we’re gonna kill all the Enderman so we killed 66 of them pressing this button again look there’s already 55 more Enderman literally seconds seconds after I pressed the button kill them all instantly press well that time

There was Zero now there’s back to 42. I mean it is literally unendermanning get it sorry about that all right moving on we’ve got another glitch it’s glitch number seven nether trees can grow regardless of nearby blocks so check out all these lovely fungi we’re gonna go

Ahead start growing on these they can grow right next to each other it does not seem to matter to the fungi and really they are fun guys where the other fun guys are hanging out I mean why wouldn’t you want to know where all the

Fun guys are hanging out I want to hang out with fun guys it sounds like a good time in fact where are all the fun girls he didn’t like my joke but as you can see there’s a whole hodgepodge of trees we can even plant this guy and oh boy

Trying to choke on me play these games can I plant one as I’m inside of it oh yes okay you definitely ah boy oh well uh we are stuck pretty funny looking though to be honest and a great way to make a quick a tree house if you

Can call it that looks like someone went to town in creative mode alrighty we’ve got glitch number eight if you slash set block Soul fire it can’t be put out so we’ve got some fire right here and no matter what we try and do it ain’t going

Anywhere oh so bad guys checking out the command block I guess it’s worth noting the fact that you can set soulfire on nothing to begin with because when we try and set regular fire here poor soccer doesn’t even disappear or doesn’t even appear rather but so check this out

If we were to place it back to soulfire it will work and then you got fire hanging out right here you can in fact be dealt damage to it but more on that a little later for now we move on to our next two glitches glitch number nine

Hoglands have a really small hitbox and glitch number 10 when hit hogland’s flail around wildly so here’s the newest mob that has made its way into Minecraft and more specifically into The Nether it has first of all the most hilarious look at his little arms look at his little

Arms when you punch on them the arms and legs literally go all over the place it’s funny it looks like they’re trying to fly what are y’all Dumbo maybe just dumb yeah but their hitbox is again abnormally small if you try and punch above the hoglands it won’t actually

Connect even though you’re looking right at the poor thing stop looking at me swine anyone know the movie reference I mean that wasn’t the actual line from it but it was close but yeah like you try and punch the top of him nothing happens try and punch the bottom hilarious arm

Flailing happen so you know we’ll go take it we take those if you want to find out more about the hoglin by the way as well as tons of other features that came out in the recent Minecraft 1.16 snapshot update you can actually click the i in the corner right now or

In the description today’s video to watch my Snapshot review and of course subscribe for the next Snapshot video that comes out for now though we move on to more hogland glitches glitch number 11 hoglands aren’t fireproof which is a little odd because poor Porky here literally lives in the nether you think

He’d be fine from fire oh no well he floats in the he floats in the oh oh Porky yo yo who’s hungry get some of that bacon tonight actually they don’t even drop bacon right now they currently only drop zombie flesh which is weird because I don’t even think that they’re

Actually zombies but like I said we’ll make do um well Porky won’t now this next Glitz takes us way out of our comfort zone literally to the top of the nether glitch number 12 shows us that nether trees can spawn above the Bedrock Lair that’s right there’s not supposed to be

Anything up here but instead since we know that these special trees and their fungi baby prerequisites don’t really care about where they grow well you could expect for them to grow on top of the Bedrock layer as well now going into creative mode we can see that they actually aren’t breaking the Bedrock

Itself which to me means that they’re probably just growing using the fungus normally found above Bedrock lift but it begs the question can we use this is to actually get above the Bedrock layer in the nether through natural means right now there’s not really an easy way to do

It but as you can see there’s some Bedrock right up here so if I were to try and place some Crimson fungi down which we can’t currently do but now that we’ve got some nylon we can will it break through the Bedrock place your bets in the comments section just

Kidding I’m gonna find out right now oh hello yo what do we have oh I think I think we might be onto something let’s try that again hold on I’m gonna just see if it keeps on break it on through yo oh oh we maybe might be the case look

We got even closer right here and this may very well be our shot in one more shot here this will be more instantaneous tell on if the Bedrock actually deletes ah nope okay so it doesn’t look like we can actually use it to delete Bedrock which is nice they usually mess that up

Well it was worth a shot huh we move on to glitch number 13 regular fire can be on top of Soul soil if you use last step block or transfer it from A flammable block that was on fire on the side before the soil that was a mouthful but

Look set block fire on top of Soul soil normally not the case any other attempt to set fire to this will result in blue fire but setting block we’ll go ahead and change it to the appropriate wrong color it’s the appropriate wrong color alternatively though you can do it in a

Very interesting fashion so see we’ve got a little piston device that’s going to push the soul soil to the right spot the moment we are ready for it so I’m gonna set this guy nice and on fire beautiful and now look the tables have turned all right that was that one next up

We’ve got glitch number 14. soulfire does not destroy items this one is so cool we’ve got some items in here oh gosh really a whole bunch of these things really cow heads come on henzoid yeah thanks for the map by the way look at this all these poor little cow heads

Are not burning in fact nothing Burns inside of so far I said that word but look we’re just in creative mode we’re just dumping everything under the sun into this little fire pit it just does not matter it will not burn a thing look at that puffer fish she’s like get me

Out of here man but hey I won’t burn a thing I mean it won’t burn a thing of your items if you were to walk right into it well you would burn but more importantly glitch number 15 when standing in so far you are on fire normally yes that’s right you literally

Have orange fire not blue far you’d think if you were on fire with blue fire you get the blue fire it just makes perfect says really yeah it’s kind of oh great now where am I now I don’t know if they’re planning on fixing this glitch

Or not or if just any sort of fire is going to lend to Orange fire but yeah right now blue fire legit causes you orange fire which is nice they’re color compliments but you know how about some consistency anyways list number 16. if you didn’t notice this fire is covered with snow nearby

Soulfire does not melt ice or snow so sad guys I couldn’t tell you why to be perfectly honest I mean it burns me so why isn’t it burning the ground around it it’s not even burning these cow heads it sucks it’s the worst day and by damn

In Fire and look this is the real deal look snowball I want the snowball game give me the oh man I got way too much stuff on me don’t I can we put out this fire with snowballs no how about with a splash water bottle yes indeed so it is

Fire it just doesn’t like to cooperate next up we’ve got glitch number 17. nether plants drop without shears or silk touch when broken in survival mode so normally when you’re trying to collect resources such as this in the Overworld you need things like silk touch I mean look we’re not really

Getting any of the actual physical Fern drops here or Blades of grass but when you’re in the nether it does in fact work now I don’t know if this is to encourage more people to check out what’s going on in the Nether and check out and explore all the new plants and

Things but right now it is not consistent with normal behavior found throughout the traditional Overworld or for the most part just really in any sort of aspect of Minecraft it’s the same story for weeping Vines as well breaking these Vines will actually give you the Weeping Vines themselves

Breaking the top will give you all of the vines associated with that entire Vine which is really fun to watch because everyone loves watching Vines break especially when they break really fast like this oh man I’m having a field day doing this it kind of reminds me of over water kelp

Um which I guess is kind of like breaking with your fish but you know details details speaking of roots though glitch number 18 you can place blocks inside of crimson Roots which we will do right now bam it’s gone but you can’t place it inside of warped

Roofs attempting to do so we’ll just place the block of choice to the side of the roofs even from above does not work Crimson uh someone’s got it out for you how about sprouts nope can’t do it with Sprouts either it literally does not allow fungi nope how about with weeping

Vines no okay so it’s just Crimson Roots interesting well it is a glitch and so is glitch number 19 the new slash locate biome command is formatted so that biomes that start with vowels or the are incorrect when shown in the error message if you look at the bottom left

Where I’ve typed this command in slash locate Biome Minecraft ocean could not find a ocean within reasonable distance come on Moji grammar really how about and Barons hmm could not find a and Barons within reasonable distance what about the void um could not find a the void within

Reasonable distance yeah could not find an English teacher within reasonable distance either almost done glitch number 20 mining with a sword in creative mode while moving back and forth creates for a shaky camera so check it out go into creative mode look at this as you can see here we kind of

Have like a weird janky motion where we’re not moving smoothly here’s what it looks like when we’re not using our sword at all and again with the sword in hand it’s a little bit of a different story don’t know why it works this way I’m simply the messenger please don’t

Hate me next glitch number 21 signs placed on Soul soil light on Soul fire you might want to speak the random tick speed for this one well we will be the judge of that won’t we so check this puppy out yeah I’m gonna turn up the

Tick speed all right so here’s a higher tick speed check this out they light on Soul fire even though they’re not technically the fire is like above the soul so don’t know why this is happening the way it is but I gotta say it’s pretty fun to watch no lie it’s weird

That the signs aren’t even going out I couldn’t tell you why but hey whatever glitch number 22 can’t count netherright swords and Boots display incorrectly when they’re Enchanted look very closely at The Icon right here you can make out a part of the enchantment overlay on the netherite sword where there is no

Netherite sword pixels it’s right above the hilt there or if you look over here at the netherite boots near the inside upper area of the boots there’s some more enchantment overlay that doesn’t actually appear to mean to be there so I’m sure that’ll get fixed in the near

Future but for now it’s pretty funny to see which number 23 tools will lose all MBT data when upgraded so you’re trying to get the latest in netherrite gear you’ve got your protection you’ve got all the different protections and umbrella rakings on all of your fun different tools well look at what

Happens when you try and fix any of these instantly you’ll notice well not only do you actually get all of your durability back which is a pretty good deal if you ask me but you lose the enchantments now right now this is being reported as a glitch in the bug tracker

So I don’t know if it’s intentional Behavior or not but if it’s being reported as a glitch then I would be inclined to think that it’s not working as design so now’s your chance repair your diamond gear very easily but at what cost glitch number 24 Soul fire

Torches don’t raise walls there’s a big old Gap underneath this torch now when we try and place torches on walls normally they have a little area that kind of raises up that allows for the torch to sit right on top of them tempted to do that with a soul fire

Torch does not interact in the same way very unexpected Behavior so you know that’s bad and our final glitch for the day press shift and F3 at the same time then press it again and exit we’ve got a little pie chart in the bottom right corner of our screen right now pressed

It again to get rid of the debug yet the pie chart Still Remains and not only does it still remain here but it remains on every different screen that we go to including us leaving the game it doesn’t matter where we go from here it’s literally going to be stuck for the

Remainder of the time you have your Minecraft open guys in the comment section let us know which of these glitches was your favorite and we will see you for some more snapshot videos very soon

This video, titled ’25 Minecraft 1.16 Glitches that need to be fixed’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2020-02-07 19:38:17. It has garnered 930673 views and 11784 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:11 or 1151 seconds.

Here’s 25 Glitches in the new Minecraft 1.16 Nether Update – from item duplication, to floating blocks, to strange mob bugs with Hoglins, there’s plenty to see!

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Today we’re covering new minecraft glitches that are in the new snapshot 20w06a for Minecraft 1.16 aka The Nether Update. These are game breaking bugs for item dupes, soul fire, hoglin mobs, and some of the strangest bugs in minecraft yet!

#Minecraft #Nether #Snapshot


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✅ Map by Henzoid

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound All music used with permission from its creator.

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    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • 🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20

    🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20Video Information [Musique] salutations les gentlem on se retrouve pour l’académie Minecraft en multijoueur enfin pas encore tout à fait en multijoueur ça sera à partir de la leçon 11 qu’on sera en multijoueur et on est à la leçon 9 et oui déjà quand même la leçon 9 alors pour ceux qui parce que j’ai beaucoup de lapse de temps entre deux épisodes de cette série donc peut-être vous n’avez-vous pas compris le concept de l’Académie l’Académie c’est simple on essaie d’apprendre à jouer à Minecraft ensemble donc j’essaie de passer toutes les étapes les unes après les autres… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!

    EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!Video Information are you asleep wake up wake up [Music] JJ who’s yelling Mikey is that you I’ve been standing here for an hour what took you so long to sleep sorry I’ve been playing games all night shall we go of course I’ve waited too long to just give up where are we going now we’re going to compete in the same pageant what what contest you mean the one you told me about mhm I don’t know Mikey I don’t really like the man but if we can do that we get all the diamonds we can dig… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make a house in the Minecraft survival series part 2’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-08 11:15:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmau

    Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Plant 🌵 TREES Save Earth 🌍 | #shorts #minecraft #aphmau’, was uploaded by Irtaza Mc on 2023-12-07 01:57:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Tree-Planting Challenge! Save the Earth & Build Your World ” Description: Welcome to the ultimate … Read More

  • ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4

    ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4Video Information hey guys uh Royal here and welcome back to more Royal plays Minecraft uh in this episode I’m going to be finishing up house re Renovations and just talking about stuff that interests me so you know standard fair and oh I have enough diamonds to actually make a full suit of armor WoW that uh that’s crazy so I guess a good place to start for topics is first of all shadow of the UR tree finally got a Gameplay trailer and a release date comes out June 20th and I’m really excited I loved Elden ring… Read More

  • HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epic

    HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP❤HEROBRINE Vs MONSTER Gegagedigedagedago Nugget Ft. Nikado Avocado🔥🤯 #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by LORD STARMrGODSE ANIMAT!ON on 2024-04-04 12:40:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧

    💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧Video Information いい良かった楽しかった色々あったなマジ で色々あったなまさかなんか個人的に1番 びっくりなのはまこんなにまペコちゃんと 近しく慣れた こと仲良くなれたことはなんか結構私の中 ではうんびっくりだなそれこそさあのカエ とかさ全然マイクラねフロサバでなんか 一緒にあのインしてるタイミング一緒の ことは結構あったんだけどそう全然あの家 が遠いからさ関わることなかったんだけど 最終日にねあの闇の取引で見ること見て 関わることができたり何何なんだってちら れたくなかったららなんかちょうだいて 言って [拍手] [音楽] seeSKY 空が怒ってるんだって あオオオオオウ フレフレフレフレンドオオフレンドイエス イエス熱がすごいだって熱がすげえ よありがとう にゃペコちゃん本物のアスナ見つけちゃっ た [音楽] なまさかペコちゃんが本物のアナだった なんてお This video, titled ‘Aqua Thought on the Hololive Minecraft Hardcore, Post Event…..’, was uploaded by Noises V on 2024-05-20 16:00:10. It has garnered 35274 views and 2164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. She finally found her Real Asuna Please support them by Like and Subscribe also watch their stream here: Minato Aqua https://www.youtube.com/@MinatoAqua #7[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft! Defeat the Wither!!![Minato Aqua/Hololive] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFLSxRDReE #8[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP – Join Now! #live

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP - Join Now! #liveVideo Information [संगीत] [संगीत] फ [संगीत] तो यो यो यो सो वेलकम बैक गाइस टू अनदर लाइव स्ट्रीम और एक बारी फिर से सभी का स्वागत है हमारी लाइव स्ट्रीम में तो कैसे हो यार सभी लोग वेलकम बैक अगेन ऑन एन हैप्पी सैटरडे गाइस और क्या हाल चाल और आज गाइस डैडी बियर डे है तो गाइस मेरी तरफ से आप सभी को तात्या बिच्छू गिफ्ट है ठीक है तात्या बिच्छू आएगा चाकू लेके जो मैंने थंबनेल में भी लगाया है तो तात्या बिच्छू का इंतजार करना तुम्हारे घर प पहुंच जाएगा तुम्हारे घर तुमको डराने के लिए ठीक… Read More

  • Dream collab gone wrong? See what happens

    Dream collab gone wrong? See what happensVideo Information play Yo like bro give him a trim bro give him a face my just whenever I shoot D and D just know my RO like yo stop Belling my phone man yo Mr D This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cinematic OG Collab “LSW” – Nemzzz’, was uploaded by Loqalz on 2024-04-24 08:45:41. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Editing Software: After Effects 2022 Finally doing some Minecraft again 🙂 ————————————————————————————————————————– All parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=020fDGJjX_4 Collab with: @Minaxos_vfx Game: Minecraft Song: Nemzzz – LSW ————————————————————————————————————————– ————————————————————————————————————————– 0:00 Minaxos… Read More

  • TheModderOne

    TheModderOneMinecraft Server By VihaanTheModder ft.Zombie Apocalypse. Registration Open. Visit Discord For Application Form game1.falixserver.net:23404 Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP McMMO Friendly Economy Pets 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft: No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. All generated money goes to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is guaranteed. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL players, with zero tolerance for hate speech. Custom Plugins: Enhance your vanilla experience with our unique plugins. Cross-Platform: Enjoy features tailored for both Java and Bedrock players…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sky-high perspective: killer views”

    Well, at least this meme is getting better views than my Minecraft house ever did! Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More

  • Hot Potato Minecraft Meme – MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny

    Hot Potato Minecraft Meme - MaizenMinecraft Animation #minecraft #memes #minecraftanimation #funny Why did the GeGaGeDiGeDaGeDaGo meme go to therapy? Because it had too many layers to peel back! Read More

  • Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft

    Fruit Power vs. Underwater Dragon in Minecraft Explorando o Poder das Frutas no Minecraft: Encontro com um Dragão Subaquático A equipe apaixonada por jogos do canal Mundo dos Jogos está sempre em busca de novas aventuras e desafios no universo do Minecraft. Recentemente, eles se depararam com um cenário intrigante: um dragão subaquático. Mas antes de enfrentá-lo, decidiram testar o poder de uma fruta misteriosa que encontraram em sua jornada. Descobrindo Novos Poderes Em meio a um ambiente que parecia uma prisão, os jogadores encontraram a fruta e decidiram experimentá-la. Com um simples toque, perceberam que ela lhes concedia habilidades especiais, como velocidade aumentada e resistência… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀

    Become a Minecraft master: Build the ultimate floating house 🏠🚀Video Information tes tes tes tes tes tes y semuanya Selamat pagi pagi-pagi tadi tadi gua live streaming e subuh-subuh ng-lag ya akhirnya gua live Jam 10 lagi enggak ketiduran 2 hari kemarin gua sempat live jaga tapi ketiduran jadi jam 12 gak live pagi pagi lagi sekarang gua pagi karena gua ggak tidur habis tarawih habis apa habis tarawih habis salat subuh ya habis e sahur tadi langsung tidur masih hidup masih hidup Mih lah Mih gak tidur Pokoknya gulah kita ak main server lihat guys PIN gua Beh lancar be lah Halo entar gua tadi gua sebelum pas… Read More

25 Minecraft 1.16 Glitches that need to be fixed