27 TERRRIFYING OCEAN Minecraft Mods (Java, Forge,Fabrick,Bedrock,MCPE)

Video Information

From some of the scariest Minecraft Mobs to some of the most dangerous Minecraft mobs in this video we’re going to be exploring Minecraft’s best ocean mobs now this aquatic mod that I’m about to show you is called panthelasa it’s actually a really cool Minecraft mod it honestly adds a ton of different sea

Creatures into the Minecraft world and honestly trust me guys it’s one of my favorites so if you want dangerous animals trust me when I say this one’s for you so let’s take a look at these animals one of the first creatures you’re going to want to see in this mod

Is actually the mosasaurus it’s actually a really cool mod that is very very aggressive this kind of mob actually hunts fish as you can see by the floating fish at the top of the screen and by the many corpses that they’ve just literally left behind it’s definitely a really really cool mob

Because it is so absolutely aggressive it can jump out of the water and bound and kill you in an instant it definitely makes Minecraft’s oceans much more scary and trust me when I say these mobs are super quick as well and definitely this mod is really cool because these mobs

Actually do have some of the coolest and smoothest looking animations that you’re ever going to see I know that in some of the older versions The animations aren’t as smooth but as Minecraft has evolved so has these animations and they’re honestly really really cool it also features the chronosaurus which is a

Very scary mob itself which is as I just said another very aggressive mob this mod honestly features so many aggressive scary mobs that actually do look like they’re part of the game but nonetheless they’re very very interesting and very very cool especially with the animations

And the way they move you can see that these creatures actually have four flaps or four fins that they use and they actually do actually fight with the mosasauruses so be careful if you see them in the same water because they will engage in deadly combat which actually

Does leave one of the other dead and it definitely is very interesting to see two different mobs fighting it out in the deep dark ocean something that this mod also includes is the megalodon shark you all know that the Megalodon shark is one of the most ferocious sharks and you

Can see that is no and you can see that in Minecraft this is the exact same thing this shark is literally absolutely attacking everything and is the apex predator when it comes to Minecraft especially since they hunt in packs and have very sharp teeth and very high

Health which makes them a very dangerous killing machine you can all see that some of them even have their eyes red which I’m pretty sure means that they’re in an angry State meaning that they’re about to kill something in their immediate vicinity so if you see them

With the red eyes be sure to watch out because those ones are not to be messed with Mod actually features is a dunklesaurus which is once again a large and aggressive mob which like the Megalodon shark actually does attack many different things so this is one

That you do have to be careful of because it is honestly no complete joke and it will simply attack you even if you are in the water and even if you are with armor and as you can see this mob completely goes after any idol fish and

Makes easy work of them now this mod right here is called the basilosaurus and this is essentially a seal-like creature which is truly danger with some of the smoothest animations and some really cool exploration techniques this mod is actually truly truly amazing and the basilosaurus is another apex

Predator that does make the depths of the ocean truly truly scary you can find them in many different parts of the Minecraft oceans just make sure to be quick though because they will kill you if they are nearby and you need to be very very careful now this creature here

Is called the thalazomidon and it’s actually one of my favorite creatures because it features a really unique design now a lot of these animals are based on prehistoric creatures which is why they look like this but the animations are really fluid and really cool and it’s super long there it’s just

A really interesting Quirk to me and I really love how it just floors and goes down and just kind of finds creatures with its long super thin neck definitely a really unique creature in the Aquatic world now this creature right here is a helicoprion it’s kind of like a shark

But it has a really strange feature which is its razor sharp mouth which actually has some spikes on the end of it the pictures of the thing are absolutely insane but trust me this was a real creature that used to live in our Waters millions of years ago so trust me

When I say this one is actually a real blast from the past and it’s actually really really cool to see this creature in all its glory and some of the deepest darkest areas though there is the things called anglerfish now these ones you probably have heard of before and this

Mod actually does a great job of actually representing these fish because they’re really cool because essentially what they do is these creatures lurk in the deepest parts of the Minecraft world all luring creatures with their light on their head and if any creature was to come close to the anglerfish then

Essentially they would immediately die so it’s definitely a cool add-on because this is for the deep dark areas of Minecraft’s ocean especially if you are someone that loves exploring you’re definitely going to enjoy this part of the mod these creatures are definitely quite aggressive though so I would also

Remain clear from them because of course there are many different creatures in this Minecraft world and honestly I only showcased a couple of the creatures that this mod actually holds there are tons and tons of cool aquatic creatures that you definitely do want to see so be sure

To give this mod a real look because some of the animations are honestly breathtaking and it’s clear that there has been a lot of work put into this awesome mod now this Bedrock mod is honestly one of the greatest Bedrock mods that I’ve ever seen because trust me the amount of

Different creatures and fish that it adds is honestly truly insane so this mod is called The Aquatic fauna mod and it adds a bunch of new different fish into the game such as Larry resources and many different dinosaur creatures that used to exist in our world a lot of

These creatures are honestly truly breathtaking so let’s take a look this mod also includes something you’ve probably already heard of before and that is the very famous swordfish as you can see definitely a really cool Minecraft mob especially with the animations that they have and especially with how detailed they manage to make

This kind of mob it truly is a breathtaking experience they also do have some special eels in this mod which is really cool as well and they actually do have some really cool sea snakes as you can see right here these are just my honestly favorite as they just Slither

Through the water I’m honestly not sure how they got the animations for the sake so smooth but it definitely does look really really cool to see it going through the water there’s also a really cool creature called the sea serpent which is actually a fish which actually

Has a crown on it definitely one of the more rare mobs and one of the more interesting ones but also adds that nice element of hoping to find something special within Minecraft’s ocean I would say overall The Aquatic fauna update is definitely one of the coolest Bedrock

Mods that you can find and it’s definitely really worth the download there are also these really cool things in the mod that are called droughts that actually look so cool I would definitely say give this mod a lookout because it truly is one of those mods that does

Stand Out based on the animations alone but I would obviously love to go through every single creature that this mod does have but trust me when I say there are honestly simply way too many mobs in this mod for me to Showcase every single one it would simply be absolutely

Impossible for me to show you every single creature that they have so I would say for The Aquatic fauna just make sure that this is one that you do check out because it honestly is worth it you honestly never know what you’re going to find trust me when I say it’s

Worth a look there are even little baby black tail sharks that are really cool addition to the game and some of these mobs even actively engage in battle so that’s a little Easter egg that you might want to take note of one of the first creatures actually adds are

Piranhas and trust me these are yes again the deadly type because piranhas are very very scary and these little creatures actually do like to hang in packs so you’re never gonna see just one of them you’re likely gonna see a whole bunch of them swarming together trying

To attack something delicious if you do like aquatic mods then maybe this mod is definitely for you but just remember that some of these creatures are truly dangerous this mod also includes some things that aren’t really spectacular but they definitely add to the depth of

The detail you can see that on the ocean floor what you’re likely to find are the sea urchins and although they don’t do that much they definitely add a level of detail to the Minecraft world that I’m pretty sure your players will appreciate they do move exactly like sea urchins

And look exactly like them the game also does add starfish which actually roam around the bottom of the ocean which means that if you’re like someone like me who likes exploring around the bottom of the ocean then you’re likely to find that you’re most certainly never going

To be bored with this mod at all this mod also does add some of the more dangerous creatures in the mod as you can all see like this ancient Lazarus like this creature called the ancient lariosaurus which is a really cool name for this true really dangerous creature

That pretty much hunt in packs and Hunt anything they see it’s definitely a really cool mod and I would say that these creatures are definitely some of the Dangerous Ones so if you see them make sure you do your very best to try and avoid them because these creatures

Will not be trying to avoid you now there are also some cooler mobs in this mod such as the dragon fish which honestly is absolutely outstanding from the animation to the textures this mod is simply just breathtaking and the dragon fish truly does feel like that a

Dragon underwater so I would say if you want a truly breathtaking mob that you want to see the dragon fish is definitely one of them Minecraft 1.12 isn’t exactly the best Edition for showing water mobs but this version is absolutely insane you see this mod actually adds a crazy animal

Creature that everyone absolutely knows and love this secret mod called animalium actually adds piranhas to the game and honestly these things are absolutely terrifying you never want to go anywhere near these mobs because they will simply attack you at the simple chance that they get trust me even if

You’re on land these creatures will simply attack you which means that no matter where you are you’re simply never safe now these mobs actually do move I think I just spawned in a bit too many I don’t want to give the mod a bad review but I’m going to show you exactly what

Happens when you encounter the deadly piranha so be sure to always eat a golden apple for good luck because honestly I’m going to need it so you can see that these deadly piranhas are simply there in the water but as soon as they realize that I’m nearby they’re

Going to start simply attacking me and even jumping on the water now what’s even crazier is that these fish will even survive for a few seconds whilst being on land as they hilariously try to attack me and you can see that they are rushing to get me it’s definitely

Something that is truly scary but for some reason these creatures don’t even attack some of the rats and some of the other land dwelling creatures it’s as if they have a very specific taste for players I’m not sure why they coded it like that maybe they just wanted to make

It a bit fun but honestly if you ever get into an area where there are lots of these you’re honestly Never Getting Out Alive you can see that the deadly piranha swarm is going to attack you no matter what you try to do despite the amount of golden apples that you do have

You always need to be careful because these creatures are always going to be nearby and honestly sometimes they will just die trying to attack you if they don’t get back in the water within a couple of seconds they will just simply perish as you can all see the deadly

Piranhas are just like that deadly piranhas so always be careful of these mobs because they can simply attack you even if you’re on land and that’s not something that every other water mob can simply say to yourself so definitely watch out for the strange piranhas because they can attack you at any given

Time and definitely use this mod because you can be used to prank your friends and definitely spice up the world because going into the water is never usually dangerous but with this crazy mod installed it definitely makes our game a whole lot more dangerous and a lot more exciting because you’re gonna

Have to be dodging every single piranha to this next mod that I’m about to review is one that is called the world wild animals adult you can see that this add-on actually you can see that this add-on actually adds a bunch of new creatures to Minecraft you can see that

These are actually hippos what’s actually good about this mob is that it actually does accurately depict hippo it actually does show them actually doing all the hippo things like them walking around at the bottom of the pit some of them even coming up for water because although hippos can breathe underwater

Sometimes they do actually need to come up what’s also cool is that they do have this feature where hippos can actually lay down like this and it’s definitely a really cool upgrade I’m not really sure how long it took them to add this feature but it definitely is a really

Cool addition because it just goes to show how neat certain Minecraft features are because it actually adds a level of immersibility into the game where these creatures are simply just relaxed this add-on actually also adds seals into the game which are very very cute and very very awesome just be careful not to

Spawn the hippos too close to the seals or else you get a very unfortunate circumstance where the hippos are aggressive to the seal the seals of these really really cute things that just really run from danger whilst hippos are very very aggressive so I would say be very careful those now one

Of the reasons I actually chose this mod was because it actually has a humpback whale you don’t really get to see too many Minecraft mods that actually have a very nice animation when you do have the wheels because honestly Minecraft is very very hard especially when it comes

To mods and animations like this doing these kinds of fluid animations does take a very long time so when you find an aquatic mode that actually adds these features and implements them pretty well it’s definitely something that you do want to check out and I gotta be honest

This humpback whale is absolutely huge you can all see just how big this creature is as it goes up to breach for some air it’s definitely one of my favorite creatures in the wild animals add-on because honestly it’s just seriously that huge it doesn’t really interact with many other mobs but it

Definitely does look elegant and it doesn’t really interact with many other mobs but it does honestly look so amazing and it’s one of Minecraft’s biggest mobs in this up and you can see just how big this whale is by just how much space it actually takes up as it

Floats around underneath this ice bike definitely something to add to your world if you’re looking for a bit more fun and a bit more immersibility because honestly these whales honestly do take up a large amount of space which makes you feel less lonely in the world something else that this add-on actually

Does add is the addition of a hammerhead sharks now hammerhead sharks are actually really really cool because they’re a type of shock that actually has a very interesting head now of course these sharks are actually quite aggressive so of course if you’re in survival stay clear of these sharks

Please but other than that if you are in Creative it’s actually very easy and cool to watch these sharks for about because honestly their animations are so cool they definitely look like they’re a real part of the Minecraft world and that they fit right in from the textures

To the way they actually float around they simply just look like they’re absolutely part of the game and honestly they’re actually really really cool so definitely give the hammerhead shark a check out if you download the wild world add-on update now of course when you do have multiple Minecraft mobs in a world

You’re going to have some trouble if you are going to spawn in some hammerhead sharks be sure to avoid spawning them next to HIPAA or else you’re going to get a scenario where there is just honestly constant Bloodshed which is not something you want in your Minecraft

World but if you are exploring in creative and you want to see them go to war then by all means spawn them next to each other and just simply watch them absolutely go at it and attack each other sometimes even the whale gets involved too it’s definitely a very very

Interesting thing to see because some hippos are really cool and others are not so chill so definitely look around to see exactly how your aquatic life is going to be getting on now one of the cutest things that they actually added in this add-on was the addition of penguin so before essentially this

Add-on was just a normal Minecraft world we had many different animals in the add-on but this time they’ve actually decided to add a lot of aquatic creatures hence the reason I actually decided to look at it now you can see that really cool features have been added such as the little baby penguins

That actually do Chase around these baby seals and it just actually adds a very very cool element of the game where you get these cool little interactions that make your Minecraft world that much more fun now what’s cool about these penguins is that they also go down and actually

Swim underwater as you could all see they frequently like to do this just to go and get some swim time which makes them one of the rare Minecraft Mobs that actually can breathe underwater and breathe above water and they are definitely super super far now these

Cute little penguins do need to be super careful because if they aren’t careful they can be eaten by sharks and hippos which pretty much attack every foot they definitely are some of the cutest creatures added in update and they are very very versatile with their animations as they swim around

Definitely make sure you check out some of the Arctic biomes if you ever want to see these spawning in naturally because sometimes you’ll just see them waddling around and other times you’ll see them jumping down to go ahead and get some fish what’s actually also cool about

This feature as well or this mod is that these penguins will actively hunt fish as if they’re actually real Penguins now I say that because some mods in Minecraft actually just are aesthetic meaning that they only stand there and they don’t really do much so if I spawn

Some salmon in you can see that the Penguins immediately dive down and hunt the salmon it’s actually a really neat feature and it just goes to show that these creatures are actively hunting now what’s also cool about this as well is that you can now what’s also cool about

This as well is that you can actively hear the Penguins eating the salmon as if they’ve just caught it and you can see bones floating to the top definitely a really immersive thing that they’ve added into the game because it just makes the game that much more immersive

I would say and this mod definitely go have fun with the Penguins spawn in a bunch of salmon and see exactly how quickly they can finish off the lot definitely something that makes this game 10 times more immersive rather than just a fish floating around but none

That’s pretty pretty cool I honestly do think that Minecraft should just add penguins at this point because it’s honestly getting ridiculous one mod that doesn’t get enough attention is the Leica Knight to Minecraft mod now it definitely isn’t some kind of aquatic water update kind of mod but just trust

Me when I say this has some of the scariest water creatures you’re ever gonna see and definitely some of the most creatives starting with the first creature right here I should probably spawn them on land so you can actually see what they look like so this is a

Weird kind of fish now you might be wondering what kind of fish this is they don’t are the reason for the creativity of this fish is because these fishes are essentially based on any actual mob if I had to guess I would say that these are

Based on some kind of piranhas but just remember that the Creator kind of made these simply using his own creativity so these mods are actually really really cool now you have to remember that I’m also in creative mode which means I can’t show you exactly how crazy these

Mobs are when they’re going to attack me another mod that we have here is the skyless it’s essentially a very very giant squid with a kind of like a hermit crab shape it’s kind of hard to show you this creature in the water but trust me when I say it’s truly truly dangerous

Sometimes you can see it fluffing about I just remember never to get too close to this creature because it will almost instantly kill you now this is one of my favorite creatures that are in the mod because it is a weird weird creature which looks kind of like a human but it

Actually stands up in the water and actually does jump around it’s a pretty weird and wacky Creature if you ask me but trust me when I say these funny creatures are definitely very very interesting as you’re about to see in a couple of minutes they randomly jump up

To the surface to gain some air and then plop back down which is a really cool feature I’m guessing it’s because these creatures actually evolved from humans so they need to come up every now and again to get some air definitely a very interesting kind of creature which

Brings me on to another creature which is the rower now these kinds of creatures actually do chill in packs and look like sharks but understand that these creatures are definitely some of the highly aggressive ones meaning that these ones you shouldn’t actually get to at all if you can avoid these creatures

At all costs because honestly it will genuinely cost you your life these creatures as you can see have razor sharp teeth and deadly accuracy so under any circumstance unless you’re about to get a bit of loot don’t go anywhere near these creatures because with that menacing design honestly comes some

Menacing damage so definitely get out of the way of those crazy Queen next we have creatures called the ABIA all also known as the electric eel now these creatures are actually really cool but because they’re based from the electric eel and actually do generate a crazy electric current it’s definitely really

Cool to see this mob actually take some inspiration from real life but once again these mobs are some of the more dangerous ones they don’t really need to hunt in packs and they’re extremely dangerous if you get anywhere near them because their electric shots can instantly kill you if you can it’s best

To avoid these creatures while they’re there because they are very uncanny especially in the way that they move sometimes the head just stays there as the tail wags along and you’re simply wondering when they’re going to strike definitely one of the scarier Minecraft Mobs but trust me it’s truly truly

Dangerous and just goes to show you never know what might be lurking underneath the depths in the Minecraft oh now this creature is by far my favorite creature at all because it is truly truly terrifying I honestly don’t know what this creature is even based

Off of but it truly does give me some scary scary Vibe at first I did think that it was some kind of giant squid but then upon closer looking I realized that this creature actually had many different characteristics such as the little antlers that come out of its hand

And its creepy little legs that it uses for walking well I shouldn’t say little because these things are absolutely huge I’m not sure why they call this mob The Strider maybe because it strides through the water with great balance but either way it’s definitely the biggest Minecraft mob that I’ve ever seen in

This special mod and I’m pretty sure those two things that you see right there coming out of the creature as its tentacles are definitely used to attack its victims but definitely once again this is a mob that you should avoid at all costs now these creatures are more

Like some of the ones that you find in the deeper parts of the Minecraft ocean essentially because you can’t really find them in lakes and if you did it they’d straight up die so if you want to find these creatures just make sure you go to the deepest parts of Minecraft’s

World because you’re not going to find them anywhere else and although they are a bit funny looking don’t let that fool you these creatures absolutely will kill you so make sure you stay away from them because trust me I’ve been near them and they don’t ever hesitate if they want to

Attack you so be careful for these crazy crazy creep now these creatures are called IRAs and I’m pretty sure you’ve already seen creatures like this before they’re probably not anything new to you essentially these creatures are based off the manta ray now the manta ray is a really cool water creature that is

Essentially just a manta ray and it’s one of those creatures that is really really elegant and people really do love to look okay now just because you like to look at the manta ray understand that it is also pretty dangerous as are most of these aquatic more but don’t think

They’re just because they look cool you’re going to want to go near them because trust me you’re not they usually do spawn with a blue color but every now and again you’ll get a rare one which is actually green it doesn’t have any strange effects or any unique

Capabilities it’s just a really cool color but nonetheless it’s definitely a really really cool mod because these creatures are really elegant they flow around and they can pretty much be anywhere in any Minecraft area if you ever wanted to get a look at what these creatures look like without all the

Water in the way well this is kind of what they look like I know it’s not the best kind of version but the only way to look at these creatures without all that crazy stuff in the way whilst they’re still moving is to kind of just glitch

In the wall and look at them like this which is definitely not the best method but honestly but honestly leonides mobs does have some of the most amazing mobs ever to be created because honestly some of them are really truly insanely creative all credit is due here because

Honestly this mod isn’t even about the Manta it’s not even an aquatic mod at this it’s not even an aquatic mod it just has so many dimensions to it that I decided to include it in this video you should definitely check out the mod because it does have a range of other

Cool creatures that I’m not going to spoil for you definitely a lot on the scarier side but it’s definitely something that you should check out so this is probably the creature you’re waiting for this is the very insane sea serpent mod boss this one is by far the

Most dangerous creature now I have to be honest with you guys this one isn’t actually just on Bedrock it’s actually on Java as well and trust me when I say the Java Edition version is 10 times better because the Java Edition one has all these custom animations and stuff

Like that and I’ll leave a link in the description to show you how it works but the sea serpent boss is by far one of the scariest bosses in Minecraft especially with the way it actually moves how it’s meant to move if the mod is installed correctly and trust me when

I say it is definitely one of the scariest aquatic Bob mosses that I’ve ever seen and the Creator honestly makes some really insane mods and this is honestly just one of them there’s literally tens and thousands of aquatic Bob mosses that they’ve made that I’m also going to Showcase that definitely

Truly make Minecraft a ton more scarier so I would say if you’re on Java and you’re on Bedrock definitely check this out I’ll add some of the insane images on screen right now so you can see exactly how crazy this mod is especially if you have it on Java Edition the

Reason it’s so cool on Java Edition is because on Java Edition you can see that all of the light coming from the creatures is actually emissive I mean meaning that the light actually emits another light so it Delights the surrounding area definitely something that is worth the watch and trust me

It’s definitely one of the best mods out there so definitely take a look at this Boss Mod because honestly guys there are some scary bosses in Minecraft that you’ve never seen before so hopefully this video showed you just how many crazy different Minecraft mods there are out there there are honestly so many

Different Minecraft mods especially when it comes to water and a lot of them are super dangerous and super interesting definitely make sure you give them all a try and let me know which ones are your favorite if you’re wondering how some YouTubers actually managed to get the

Bloop mod into Minecraft then all you need to do is actually go ahead and download the bloop 3D model if you go to sketchfab and type in the bloop you’ll see this 3D model and there’s going to be a download button right here next be sure to download this mod called

Blockbuster essentially what this mod allows you to do is it allows you to import 3D models and many other things all you’re going to want to do is import 3D models and as you can see here from the creative Channel it actually shows you exactly how to import these 3D

Models and how you could use them in your videos

This video, titled ’27 TERRRIFYING OCEAN Minecraft Mods (Java, Forge,Fabrick,Bedrock,MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2023-03-02 17:15:00. It has garnered 19947 views and 403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:50 or 1310 seconds.

27 Most AMAZING OCEAN Minecraft Mods27 TERRRIFYING OCEAN Minecraft Mods (Forge,Fabrick,Bedrock,MCPE) Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE

0:10 Panthalasaa 4:27 Aquatic Fauna Addon 7:44 Anamalium 9:44 World Wild Animals 14:49 Lycanites Mobs 19:58 Water Elemental Mob Boss Pack

https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blockbuster https://elitecreatures.com/shop/boss/water-elemental-boss-pack/

Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different.

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    Uncharted Territory: The Village Unseen In the rarest borderland village, no one has set foot, A place of mystery, where no one dares to look. But fear not, for Mengxuan dada is here, To explore and share, without any fear. In Minecraft’s world, where wonders abound, The Striped Sea Village, a gem to be found. With a seed in hand, and a TP command, We’ll uncover secrets, in this uncharted land. But beware, for the Striped Sea is unique, A place where even villagers dare not speak. With Mengxuan dada as our guide, We’ll venture forth, with nothing to hide. So join us on… Read More

  • “Cruel Summer” Minecraft Villager AI Cover

    "Cruel Summer" Minecraft Villager AI Cover Star Villager’s AI Cover: ‘Cruel Summer’ by Taylor Swift! 🎶 Gather ’round, fellow adventurers! It’s time for another musical escapade in the Minecraft universe with yours truly, Star Villager! 🌟 Today, I’m thrilled to present to you my AI rendition of ‘Cruel Summer’ by the one and only Taylor Swift! 🎤✨ Join me as we delve into the bittersweet melodies of Taylor Swift’s hit song, infused with the enchanting essence of Minecraft. 🎵 From the sun-kissed beaches to the towering forests, let’s explore the depths of emotion and adventure through music! So grab your swords and shields, fellow villagers,… Read More

  • Hardcore Horror Mods in One Block Skyblock

    Hardcore Horror Mods in One Block Skyblock Minecraft One Block Skyblock: Surviving Hardcore Mode with Horror Mods Welcome back to the thrilling world of One Block Skyblock in Minecraft! In this unique series, players are challenged to survive with only one block to work with. But this time, the stakes are even higher as the game is set in hardcore mode with terrifying horror mods lurking around every corner. Will our brave player be able to conquer this intense challenge? Let’s dive in and find out! The Challenge of One Block Survival One Block Skyblock is a popular Minecraft gameplay mode where players start with just… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Tricks to Steal

    Ultimate Minecraft Tricks to StealVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:为写作文不择手段!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 10:30:31. It has garnered 1083 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:47 or 167 seconds. Hi, I am Fang Fangxuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating hot internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of CubeXuan. The videos posted by other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Wonderful original videos are updated every day, come and follow us and… Read More

  • Chromatica SMP – New Season – Vault Hunters Modpack – 1.18.2

    Welcome to Chromatica SMP! Welcome to the Chromatica SMP, a newly launched Minecraft SMP running Vault Hunters Version 3. Get started by joining our Discord server here to obtain our IP address and login details. About Chromatica SMP Season 2 of Chromatica SMP started in Feb. 2024. Players can enjoy playing the Vault Hunters modpack for free on our server. We offer server-wide farms, shops, a transportation hub, and additional mods for a quality gameplay experience. Vault Hunter Modpack Features Collect 25 unique artifacts to unlock the final vault and beat the game. With RPG elements, progress in different ways… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Suck it, Java AND Bedrock players!

    Minecraft Memes - Suck it, Java AND Bedrock players!It’s like the ultimate face-off between the two sides of Minecraft players, but at the end of the day, we all just want to mine diamonds and build epic creations together! Read More

  • Subway Surfers Minecraft Mashup: Dark Mode Dash

    Subway Surfers Minecraft Mashup: Dark Mode Dash In the dark of night, Subways Surfers take flight, Minecraft world, a canvas, imagination in sight. Create, build, explore, in your own unique way, Let your creativity shine, let your ideas play. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, Minecraft challenges, never to be outdone. Hello Kitty, Masha and the Bear, all in the mix, Map nuances of Indonesia, a Minecraft fix. So leap into the verse, let your story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite, In every update, keep the essence of gaming bright. Read More

  • Minecraft WTF Meme: Realistic Minecraft Gone Wild! 😂

    Minecraft WTF Meme: Realistic Minecraft Gone Wild! 😂 When you’re playing Minecraft and suddenly realize you’ve been mining for hours without realizing it, and now it’s time to face the real world again. Gegagedigedagedago! Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await!

    Join Minewind: Where Epic Battles Await! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video about starting a war in Minecraft SMP. The intensity and drama of the gameplay showcased in the video left us intrigued and wanting more. It made us realize the thrill and excitement that comes with multiplayer Minecraft servers. Speaking of Minecraft servers, have you heard about Minewind? It’s a unique Minecraft server that offers a thrilling PvP experience unlike any other. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a dynamic… Read More

  • Expanding River Adventure in Minecraft

    Expanding River Adventure in Minecraft Widening the River Around the Base in Minecraft About CasualCraft SMP CasualCraft is a private Minecraft survival multiplayer server created by members of the Spawn Chunks podcast discord. While not officially affiliated with the podcast, the server aims to provide a fun and collaborative environment for players. Running on the latest version of Minecraft with Fabric mod loader, the server includes quality-of-life mods and data packs to enhance the gameplay experience. Meet the CasualCraft Members Joining Jumbosale on the CasualCraft server are fellow players like CrimsonCrafterTTV, Kija, paulbo_baggins, RokutaOfEn, and rTuple. Each member brings their unique playstyle and creativity… Read More

  • Mitzitime takes on Neuro-sama’s exclusive Minecraft server!

    Mitzitime takes on Neuro-sama's exclusive Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Neuro-sama sub only Minecraft server EXPLORATION’, was uploaded by mitzitime on 2024-03-03 06:37:59. It has garnered 489 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 09:56:37 or 35797 seconds. #jjk #anime #fyp #animememes #girls #gojo #deathnote #light #lawliet #ldeathnote #animememe #neurosama #minecraft #aivtuber #vtuber #envtuber i’ll take a potato chip and eat it exploring neuro-sama’s minecraft server! Read More

  • Linencello’s Friend Tier List PVP

    Linencello's Friend Tier List PVPVideo Information सो गाइस आज की वीडियो में मैं इन सभी प्लेयर की पीवीपी रैंकिंग करने वाला हूं कि कौन कितना अच्छा पीवी पीयर है तो सबसे पहले नंबर पहले नंबर पे है टी मो गेमिंग तो टीम गेमिंग अच्छा नहीं खेलता है मतलब वो थोड़ा नूब है उसको नूब में डालूंगा मैं एवरेज में डालूंगा निवृति भाई एवरेज है वो ठीक खेल लेते हैं थोड़ा बहुत मतलब पीवीपी आर नहीं है इनमें से यह भी और मतलब एवरेज है पीवीपी के सिवाया है बाकी सब में और यह नॉट टॉप अप नॉट टॉप अप गुड प्लेयर है व विनीश… Read More

  • “INSANE BEDWARS LIVE! 💥 SG GAMER 3.0 🔥 600 SUB GOAL!” #Minecraft

    "INSANE BEDWARS LIVE! 💥 SG GAMER 3.0 🔥 600 SUB GOAL!" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEDWARS LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-14 22:35:29. It has garnered 96 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:30 or 5430 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Surrounded by Lava in Sky Factory 4!

    EPIC FAIL! Surrounded by Lava in Sky Factory 4!Video Information [Music] d [Music] all right all right and good day welcome back to another Minecraft stream welcome welcome Hey step already in there today hello we are back in Sky Factory 4 wh my head collection’s coming along nicely we’re gonna have to do something with these heads I haven’t decided exactly what I want to do with them this time but I got so many feel I need to be somewhere decorative I just don’t know what to do with them yet um so today what I do today let’s talk about today so I spent a… Read More


    AdictBoiz - ULTIMATE MINECRAFT FAIL 😱 | MUST WATCH!!Video Information ‏oh no This video, titled ‘ohh nooo 😱 why always with me in Minecraft #shotrs #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by AdictBoiz on 2024-02-22 13:39:00. It has garnered 32587 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. ohh nooo 😱 why always with me in Minecraft #shotrs #minecraft #minecraftshorts minecraft minecraft shorts mcpe mcjava माइनक्राफ्ट minecraft but minecraft mod shorts minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft facts minecraft challenge minecraft seed camman18 minecraft minecraft but challenge minecraft how to minecraft rarest minecraft update minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft 1.20 minecraft but you cant… Read More

  • Wild Monday Night Stream with Emma Leann! Minecraft Madness!

    Wild Monday Night Stream with Emma Leann! Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monday Night Stream!! Minecraft and more!!’, was uploaded by Emma leann on 2024-02-13 06:28:45. It has garnered 52 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:42 or 15342 seconds. (my history w/ Minecraft ) I was heavy into Minecraft 2011-2016… then off and on would go through and heavily play it again but now it’s been a solid couple years since I’ve touched the game. I’m so excited to try all the new updates! Thanks for watching! DISCORD discord.gg/9mH9cQQMxj INSTAGRAM MAIN: ems_leann ART: cosmic_coloralchemy BIRDS: ghost_thebudgie #gaming #minecraft #survival #letsplay #pickaxe #bedrock… Read More

  • Aphmau in Danger from Smurf Cat in Minecraft 360°!

    Aphmau in Danger from Smurf Cat in Minecraft 360°!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHO Will Save APHMAU From Smurf Cat Gegagedigedagedago in Minecraft 360° ?’, was uploaded by Lolpostor on 2024-05-11 19:00:13. It has garnered 2155 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:17 or 197 seconds. WHO Will Save APHMAU From Smurf Cat Gegagedigedagedago in Minecraft 360° ? 💚 See also these COOL videos: 😊 HOW APHMAU Became the ALPHABET LORE F in Minecraft 360: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w43z7rGP4T0 😊 Shy Guy vs APHMAU, Maizen JJ & MIKEY in Security House Battle – Minecraft 360°: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Nic3xa1qM 😊 APHMAU GHOST KISS ON in Minecraft 360°: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6fYHJIEIsQ 😊 APHMAU… Read More

  • Losing Our Minds in Minecraft Hungry Games – You won’t believe what happens next!

    Losing Our Minds in Minecraft Hungry Games - You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HUNGRY GAMES’, was uploaded by Ballwser on 2024-04-20 20:39:43. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:40 or 8440 seconds. rules: don’t be a bish join the discord: https://discord.gg/mvyMBhCsvK pyengus channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UC4X1beQzpCuSNWMRB0BpMDQ instagram: official:https://www.instagram.com/ballwser/ memes:https://www.instagram.com/bal_lwsershorts/ minecraft server: BLWSRSMP.aternos.me Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fans HATE leaked Minecraft movie with Lurrus_

    SHOCKING: Fans HATE leaked Minecraft movie with Lurrus_Video Information This video, titled ‘TERMINA LA FILMACION Y LOS FANS LA ODIAN! | FILTRACIONES DE MINECRAFT LA PELICULA’, was uploaded by Lurrus_ on 2024-04-13 02:07:53. It has garnered 29529 views and 1872 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:46 or 286 seconds. Join this channel to access its benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HubiHGYLQ_d5QbOJCjXow/join DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE YOUR RESPECTIVE LIKE! Support content like this and more will come out ;)) MY NETWORKS:: DISCORD:https://discord.gg/4rcxT98SGN Tick ​​tock: https://www.tiktok.com/@lurrus_?is_fr.. INSTAGRAM= @lurrus_oficial TWITTER https://twitter.com/Lurrus_Oficial The time Q Fnaf and the anime had a child https://youtu.be/9YqEq1t9z_4 PS: Comment with respect! Stop me from deleting your comment!… Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    Server IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: Join our Discord server Hello, fellow Minecrafters! If you are looking for a new SMP survival server to join with a friendly and active community, check out Shaded, the best SMP survival server in 2024! Features: NEW! Lobster Pots – Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond to sell your catch back to him Land claiming and grief prevention Custom gear available for purchase Skills, economy, shops, and auctions Free ranks, kits, and perks for voting Quests, events, and challenges Play with both Java and Bedrock players on our cross-platform server. Join Shaded today by pasting… Read More

  • Kosmosis 1.18.2

    Kosmosis 1.18.2KosmosisKosmosis is the flow of Karma from unbalance to balance, an interface of the cosmos and our mortal realm. On this server, your actions stain the soul of the land around you, for better or for worse. Will you live in harmony with the great spirits, or usher in suffocating darkness and chaos everywhere you go?  Kosmosis uses a homebrew datapack that involves an interesting and complex pve and economy system that reacts to the player and makes lasting impressions on the temper of the area. Murder of the innocent or the Holy marks a player with a dark aura, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – im old school AF

    Wow, this meme is so old school, it probably plays Minecraft on a dial-up connection! Read More

  • Maraz Ali: Mafia Dad, Minecraft Mad

    Maraz Ali: Mafia Dad, Minecraft Mad In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Mafia Father Maraz Ali, so bold. With riches and power, he ruled the land, But danger and enemies were close at hand. His empire was vast, his influence strong, But betrayal and deceit did him wrong. His enemies plotted, his downfall near, But Maraz Ali had no fear. With cunning and strategy, he fought back, His enemies’ plans, he did attack. But in the end, his empire did fall, A cautionary tale for one and all. So remember, in Minecraft or in life, Power and riches can bring strife. Stay… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #gamerfleetmlg #shortsfeed 😂🎮 Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for an Epic Hardcore Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for an Epic Hardcore Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft Hardcore, as showcased in a recent YouTube video titled “Minecraft Hardcore’da LUSER’IN DÜNYASINDA 100 Gün Hayatta Kaldım! İşte Olanlar…” by Eren Bilgin. In this video, Eren takes on the challenge of surviving 100 days in the world of Minecraft Hardcore. The adventure is filled with twists, turns, and unexpected events that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you enjoy intense gameplay and thrilling challenges, this video is definitely… Read More

  • Crafty Fabric Mod Tutorial

    Crafty Fabric Mod Tutorial Welcome to the World of Minecraft Modding with Fabric! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft modding with Fabric? Whether you’re a beginner looking to create your first mod or an experienced modder seeking advanced techniques, Fabric has you covered. Let’s explore the endless possibilities that Fabric modding offers! Getting Started with Fabric Modding Creating custom mods with Fabric is easier than you think. With the Fabric API and Java programming, you can bring your ideas to life in the Minecraft universe. Follow our step-by-step tutorial series to learn the basics of mod development and… Read More

  • Ultimate Noob vs Pro Ship Build Challenge!

    Ultimate Noob vs Pro Ship Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Family & JJ Family – NOOB vs PRO : CRUISE SHIP Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-04-20 11:00:04. It has garnered 62066 views and 567 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:32 or 3692 seconds. Mikey Family & JJ Family – NOOB vs PRO : CRUISE SHIP Build Challenge in Minecraft Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMytuc0y4TF5V3rUZVT6GA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like… Read More

  • Dragonboi2230’s Epic Steam Punk Minecraft Debut!

    Dragonboi2230's Epic Steam Punk Minecraft Debut!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Steam Punk Minecraft For The FIRST Time!’, was uploaded by Dragonboi2230 on 2024-03-23 15:35:53. It has garnered 90 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:12 or 8832 seconds. FOLLOW ME: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dragonboi2230 Discord: https://discord.gg/6deXQ2JaY5 Twitter: https://twitter.com/dragonboi2230 Read More

  • ONE Potion Changes Server Forever!

    ONE Potion Changes Server Forever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Changing This Server Forever… With Just ONE Potion’, was uploaded by Winsweep on 2024-03-30 18:30:06. It has garnered 35400 views and 2109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Changing this server forever… with just ONE potion In this video i take down this Minecraft servers biggest threat, a player who has been using and abusing a potion that wipes ONE memory for the player it hits. Will i be stopped by this player or will i Winsweep keep to his name and finally win in a video. Find out by… Read More

  • 💔Shocking! Discover the Dark Secrets of the Minecraft City of Wolves🐺

    💔Shocking! Discover the Dark Secrets of the Minecraft City of Wolves🐺Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft City of Wolves’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-02-29 19:36:24. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:57 or 4617 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #cityofwolves #wolves #steve #creeper #minecraftcity Read More

  • Minecraft Lifesteal SMP | Season 2 | LIVE NOW 24/7 India Server

    Minecraft Lifesteal SMP | Season 2 | LIVE NOW 24/7 India ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Season 2 Minecraft Lifesteal Smp Java + Pocket 24/7 Online Minecraft Live India🇮🇳 Smp’, was uploaded by Nitro Gamerz on 2024-01-14 12:26:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Season 2 Minecraft Lifesteal Smp Java + Pocket 24/7 Online Minecraft Live India Smp Share: Support: Subscribe!! Subscribe: … Read More

  • THE NETHER IS TERRIFYING! | Minecraft Fear Nightfall #8

    THE NETHER IS TERRIFYING! | Minecraft Fear Nightfall #8Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER IS A NIGHTMARE | Minecraft Fear Nightfall #8’, was uploaded by TheBeg1nner on 2024-02-28 20:46:19. It has garnered 294 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:29 or 8909 seconds. Welcome back to the world of madness. Where herobrine hunts me down and I try to outsmart them (which I barely do lol). In this episode we do some more exploration in the overworld and in hell where we find a nether castle that is heavily guarded. Will we make it out alive???? Stay tuned to find out. Enjoy :D… Read More

  • Monstrous Secrets in Minecraft: Classic Stream!

    Monstrous Secrets in Minecraft: Classic Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Classic Stream!’, was uploaded by Mongster on 2024-05-12 12:54:17. It has garnered 875 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:41 or 4481 seconds. today is a realllly short stream of minecraft classic im so sorry lol If you’re interested in old Minecraft, join the discord: https://discord.gg/pENaw4vxqW #minecraft #minecraftbeta #stream #goldenage #swag #epicswag #fortnite #prank #classic #gaming #minecraftclassic Read More

27 TERRRIFYING OCEAN Minecraft Mods (Java, Forge,Fabrick,Bedrock,MCPE)