3 Idiots Turn into Superheroes in Minecraft!

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Button it’s the button it’s the button the button right there it’s the button me we we we why why are we doing just regular survival isn’t that what we used to do yeah well what’s our goal what are we working towards right now this is really

Weird hey guys I’m mining uh with a axe with some trees and it’s just not happening they just disappear uh yeah CU it’s something’s fucked up here oh maybe because it’s I already mined all of those trees and from Drake’s perspective at least it was still showing up but

I’ve mined like all the fucking from my perspective you’ve only you’ve only mined the block this like right here no literally all of them are gone no they’re still here for me all right wait hold on just break just break a tree normally don’t V mine it

Okay okay yeah that works manual hold on can you can you try and vein mine Stone really quick Stone I got you bro get out my fucking way Echo yeah it’s still it’s still there um so I just walked it through the wall yeah I think we have conflicting mods

Fellas yeah there’s something going on here um now I’m not a a scient if I had to take a gander you might have to take away what you added whatever you added I never I added a lot what did you add I I added a lot of mods what did you add hey

Maybe we should just go back to the previous mod pack and just use didn’t have any issues yeah fucking Christ I hate this shit dude this happens every fucking time why can’t we just stick with one fucking thing it works when it works and stop changing it God you’re like my bitch exwife

Listen okay here’s what I’m thinking here’s great Dr listen listen here’s what I’m thinking we use the previous mod pack except you add the new hero packs that I added and then that’s it and then and then with we put Legends back just like season one fine with that

Yeah it’s gonna have my Venom shit right it’s GNA have your Venom shit that’s right okay and then you we’re going to be you start did you really when like a minute ago while I was fucking screaming at you for being an imile yeah I need to turn my fan on I’m

Getting fucking agitated guys are retarded all right on YouTube so funny D can you do that can you you get the old one and then add the packs that I suggested plus the pack of things all right fucking let’s do that let’s get the fuck out of here am I

Allowed to say the r word what’s the r word r retarded oh yeah okay fun okay oh my let me know when this didn’t I started laughing really hard get it done oh my God okay what are we adding to the old one actually first of all Drake yes it’s it’s called three

Idiots season two right yes okay I am updating the freaking Fisk superheroes okay if won’t we’re gonna have an issue Okay so your fucking mods my my mods are updated I updated Fisk Heroes and all the mods that I have so you got to make sure they’re all are you certain it’s

The right mod pack okay I’m gonna turn on my fan now pressing me out just keep just add Legends back in and take out all the new mods you added okay and then make sure we have the original van Vin Miner um because that worked fine it honestly it might just be yours

I love how I love how you were like I think we got some conflicting Mo honest uh yeah you right uh okay um add Legends back in yeah and then take all the hero pack take out all the new mods take out all the new ones

You added for this one and then use the hero packs I suggested plus don’t forget um don’t forget pack with thanks puy how’s it going fellas have we got it worked out now I got to reinstall packed with things like oh this is my oh my heart that’s fine because I

Really want that yeah I don’t know why you’re complaining about it hey don’t talk about cum hey hey hey hey hey Peter hey hey Peter hey Peter hey Peter let me make you an off for you cannot refuse terrible that’s terrible sorry terrible I was fucking dying you guys

Have no idea that’s good I was laughing so hard I haven’t laughed that hard I haven’t laughed anywhere closely that hard since fucking wait what you say I was not paying attention I haven’t laughed anywhere close to that hard since that one stream yeah that’s cuz you um

Anyways what I was gonna say something but it wasn’t nice so I stopped oh okay why did I open up Roblox check on Infinity guys real quick just real quick I got to kill 13 8-year-olds dude we all did that that was like a daily occurrence it was slaughtered many

Eight-year-olds dude dude I think the eight-year-old population went down by 30% just because of us yeah I know I made some kids cry in benan Infinity I know we did there’s no way wait what is three idiots magic what was this this the Ninjago thing no okay well I’m

Deleting it you weren’t part of Ninjago I don’t know I don’t know what we did anymore dude no that was something that I wanted to do but we never we never did okay cool oh my gosh Google did you update everything I did try this again Drake if

If I install this mod pack and it doesn’t work uhhuh and no no no no and and the mods aren’t updated uhhuh I’m going to end the call I’m going to play uh what’s it called adopt me without you guys without us no adop me to turn into a what do you

Mean I can’t play the kid that’s crazy try this again is crazy for real threaten of adopt me it’s always his fault he always adds some new shit like to surprise us and it never works f it’s fun my mom loves me guys I promise wait where’d it

Go three idiot season you called it try me try three idiot season two so it’s on that should be at the bottom so I’m gon to change the picture yeah you guys remember when I tried to summon a demon that was fun that was Herobrine wasn’t it yeah wait

Which one is it try this again yeah but it comes up as um it comes up as 3 delete both of them and then reinstall it it’s fine it’s fine fine it’s fine it’s fine guys guys fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you should upload your

Mod pack to mod rent you get 100% of the money from way some watching while we’re trying to do this shit no way somebody is watching how people are watching I’m gonna kill myself if I did 100% of AD rev from the page that is very sus nobody ever gets

100% ad rev unless it’s their Channel or unless it’s their website not about the go the journey no it’s not the journey is fucking annoying the journey wouldn’t be so stressful if you weren’t here just tried to run the server to become superheroes in Minecraft shut up three idiots try to

Fucking join the game three idiots try and just use the mod packs what they asked for and that just couldn’t fucking happen let me because I was looking around what mods did you add what e aren’t you excited to uh reset all your keybinds again I’m so excited I’m so excited

Excited ah he gets it it’s G be so fucking awesome I’m so excited I’m gonna get one of the strongest suits in the game and just kill Drake as many times as I can can I watch don’t make me make another Iron Man suit man fuck you yeah

That’s the thing for this new series you’re not allowed to make an Iron Man suit not one I think he should be allowed to as long as it’s like a unique one that he hasn’t done before okay fine fine you can soft but I mean the power

Level is a thing that he kind of decides himself I want I I know the packs that I added there’s a there’s a suit that I want but there it’s a it’s in multiple it’s in two packs I want I want to make the Green Lantern ring okay who ID hunting one

Idiot to death because he hasn’t prepared anything for the stream I like that I like the the strongest Green Lantern is a tier 10 item and I want to get that like for my ending suit but like there’s a few that are a lot weaker that are in the other

Ones because I kind of want to do I want to do um werewolf stuff and I want to do Green Lantern stuff he wants to be also Drake yeah true also Drake you should you should get on the whole Legends power thing remember how we like fucking fucked you

In the ass no I already I already know what I’m going to be doing guys what are you going to do I’m going to be uh legended Speedster with a fist hero Speedster suit cuz I’m going to I’m going to be I’m going to be moving at light speed I

Bet so I think that will be fun okay send the thing when you’re ready expose your IP address to everyone watching please yep yeah yep true I’d appreciate it I don’t all right I’m totally I’m totally here I’m totally in I’m totally here I’m totally in um hey hey Shut the fuck up

You beat me to it yeah I know yeah no really really yeah fuck you hey what fuck you I’m gonna tell on you yeah go tell Mom do it mom m mom finish a title sequence we create the rumor we create the rumor that Grayson and I are

Related we do that before in I feel like yeah we did but it was kind of on AC I think it was cuz you were wearing my pants or something and then one guy was like OMG twins yeah true you went correct I don’t think we ever negated

That either I don’t care all right well fuck you right so I mean okay anyways hurry up we got we got we got to go we got to go I’m doing my I’m doing my controls oh oh I got to do my key again I told you guys isn’t it going

To be so fun don’t you like doing this every single fucking time oh my God I don’t have to do it every time it’s so fun oh it’s so fun Drake I I hope your organs are flipped inside out very painfully yeah I really hope you don’t live much

Longer I hope your skin doesn’t show up I hope you yeah oh fuck that’s fuck he no matter what if his skin does or doesn’t let’s just tell him it does so we don’t there are 18 people watching right now I don’t care um give me your key

Binds again F Heroes give it to me where am I and why did I fall to my death now Drake are you oh you died is this a different world no it’s the same world no I mean like a different what the hell why is my mouse

Weird you guys remember that we’re in a different location oh dude you’re wearing the um what the fuck your inventory you you’re wearing the symbiot clear what me no I don’t know what what this place sucks why are we in this biome because in thean this is where

We’re going I don’t want to start in a this biome sucks Drake bring better bitch Eko do you want to kiss I mean I mean um um Min in and crafting bitches not my fucking tree I’m yo Drake what are you doing the fuck out oh I have to set my

Keybinds up as well go the ocean like a fish no I don’t what what is inflicting oh replay mod check the flight thing please check the flight I’ll check the flight oh yeah let me just fucking go in creative mode guys why did your head just appear in

The corner of my screen uh because that was the voice thing I got to turn it off we have a we have an inperson voice mod yeah you weren’t here for that yeah you wer I know hated us at that point yeah no you did no you

Did I’ve been told many a times yeah no you missed it because you’re a bitch I’m sorry Y what was what what buddy yep wait did do we have or excavation or is it Vin minor we have or excavation or we V minor I’m sorry wait

What idiot damn it I was looking forward to Vin mining stone yeah or or fuck it never you guys last time I play Minecraft with you you guys are the worst guys are a bunch of nerds guys are awful that what you say guys are awful fuck

Guys are awful guys are just mean it go cry you guys want to go to a fucking new place well I already fucking started brother okay oh also let me set my speed speed XP things we do for your fucking kind of crazy what you say there

Things we do for these fucking people bro oh that is not what I heard oh m is well that’s what I said there check it out checking out what the hell put that away does it work does it work good all right all right let’s play Let’s Play Let’s play

This hurt I don’t want to give Drake any credit for it being fixed wait wait wait what what doesn’t it work stop fucking around and get to survive in and get rid of that shit for real for real on onjo look good it’s gone you don’t

Even know ja boom boom like that bro I will fuck you up not do not play with me oh it’s back oh I see it won’t leave me damn it clear it fix my key later anyways hi guys survival time welcome to surv hey guys welcome to my survival world hey

Guys today I’m going to show you how to find herob Brian I watch that shit as a kid I was like no fucking dude in Minecraft Pocket Edition that serious H yeah dude it was that was that was the Five Nights at Freddy’s of Our Generation back when you

Like Pocket Edition where like I used my like dad’s phone like I fucking yeah yeah I remember I dad not anymore oh I only played Pocket Edition once and I just remember this I lived on Pocket Edition this is how I knew I was a smart kid ready shut the fuck up dude

I’m no how about that no all right guys so just I I knew I was intelligent when I first uh I knew I knew my IQ was higher than other when my Cranium was larger than my mother’s when I when I realized I liked men and I just like fuck you

Bro yeah shut the fuck up continue what you’re going to say I was just going to make a joke I bet you were make a joke sure yeah he’s going to make a joke yeah yeah yeah just don’t have to got be like that I love I love making fun of

I’m get out of my crafting table asshole literally my favorite pastime uh I mean we got to get the fuck out of here I of course uh as per usual be building our base what the hell what happened to my blue people my blue bble uh Cave

We’re we’re goingon to we’re going to like show up and like stream three Drake what the fuck is this it’s just a uh little error it’s fine a little error what happened it’s a little error cuz cuz here it’s fine it’s it’s okay I mean I

Don’t care that much but but we’re just going to show up in stream three with the whole ass City and someone who only watch stream once like what the fuck how’ you guys build this shit that’s crazy you guys do shit off camera come on hey guys building off camera

And it’s a whole ass City but yeah no this is the same world that has all our shit that we built yeah okay cool and nobody knows anything about any of it no yeah so yeah even though we’ve recorded it three times no we recorded the intro

Of it but we haven’t recorded what we built that was all off camera no I just I mean the ACT oh you just want to play I know yeah I know I know and Drake don’t you intend on recording it again because you I I don’t know what the fuck you

Were planning but honestly I think the first you know Chunk we did was satisfactory and then you’re like no let’s do it again and then we did and then I’m pretty sure we did it a third time uh I don’t think we’ve done it a third time I just want to complain okay

I know it’s okay buddy it just feels like you guys don’t care H I don’t really this is a new one what happened uh nothing nothing doesn’t matter are you lying honestly I don’t want to care about you know I I just see the world differently than than

You guys apparently dude I will find a suit and I will kill you like that’s my goal bro why don’t you kill him with your axe bro I literally I what are you waiting for you’re so right oh sh what did you show up there hey I didn’t even see I’m

Blind I’m legally blind don’t do this I’m legally my PES are all broken bro come on bro I thought we were friends bro come on like come man sh dude I can’t even get him he’s lagging so hard I’m lagging what do you mean I’m lagging ouch oh wait hold on

Hold on wait hold on I have to I have to turn off peaceful mode will you wait for that nope cuz if you don’t like I’m you’re okay shut the fuck up anyway now you can turn off PE when you get a chance it should be so considerate thank

You okay any let me fix my textures now so Echo man how’s college been doing you um yes viewers that’s funny huh give me the lore uh L is where the fuck am I pretty great overall um great friends and should I turn off uh uh yeah turn off keep okay oh that’s

Gonna suck it will true but I’m F I’m fine with it though we only use creative mode if something for it like if like something doesn’t craft or whatever like we used to yeah well aren’t we going to have to get the um never mind we’ll burn that bridge

When we get no what which one um I said never mind Echo all right no means no motherfucker you did not just say that to me why’ you say it like that you did not to say that to me say that to me I’m moonight I don’t know if I told you guys

Not anymore uh do you ever get like so bored at your occupation that you start doing a Heath Ledger Joker impression I did that literally yesterday literally yesterday and uh the janitor walks in he looks at you and then he turns around in leaves y love that no no like one of my

Co-workers was just doing a Batman voice so I started doing a fucking Heath Ledger Joker like come on Batman that’s do that eyes oh I’m gonna die let’s put a smile I don’t mean to be that guy but mine is much better than yours well no I I I I

Was trying to do a Heath Ledger and then it turned into not so I just kind of embraced whatever the hell it was I wish you didn’t it was not no it’s like whenever I bust out that laugh out of nowhere people it actually freaks people out you what whenever I bust out

The you bust what whenever I bust it makes people freak out especially whenever I just do it out of nowhere too just like just you know you know in a kitchen freak out yeah yeah yeah just bust it oh I see nle so like does Drake have to be here I

Don’t know can you just AFK for the rest of the day that’ be great just leave the stream running put it from my perspective leave the stream running hey man can you just go AFK for next few hours you be great thanks budy patri read off some of the comments what are

The lovely people saying yeah who the fuck is Eko talking to the other guy who is that that’s I don’t know who that is they always they call me the fucking other guy bro I name dude I don’t know what to tell you I have

What get a cooler name like change it up uh well you know it’s like they say shut up he’s been gone the whole time I didn’t even realize honestly we should tell him that we didn’t even realize he well I didn’t I thought he was just being quiet hey Drake which is

A surprise actually he doesn’t really do that surprise yeah he talks a lot reminds me of my bitch ex-wife yeah I’m thinking where were we last where were we last season we were we were in PL oh okay I want to be in like a spruce or

Dark o I’m gonna be real with you dog this whole bio map kind of sucks like we need to go far out there and find something good yeah yeah yeah we got keep I need food I’m making it right now oh are we supposed to be sticking

Together I don’t know where you guys are I see you oh why are you following me asshole uh cuz I miss you why’d you say it like that you know why you know why motherfucker cuz I miss you I also have enough almost have enough for two

Beds oh wait this is the with the oh yeah two beds but not three huh yep what asshole oh well I’ve been collecting some some wool I’ve done literally nothing I’m kiding Drake can you be uh useful please yep facts like cuz he does this every time where like we do all the

Starting shit and then so just wait just wait until we’re no longer in the starting phase and then he starts doing that crazy shit again I watched this clip this clip came up recently in my YouTube feed where it was like he didn’t actually build anything in his Armory or his Foundry we

Just I just assumed he did so we were looking for something that wasn’t there it was just what what do you mean we were running remember his Foundry the one in the mountain that had the lights and everything what the hell talking about but there was no secret base in it like

There was no you guys you guys were like I was like I was in my Armory and you guys were like what are you doing I said nothing but it it sounded suspicious and I was like he’s he’s got some shit in there dude and then you guys are like n

Fucking he probably has like a secret room whatever so you started pulling levers and and going through trying to go through walls and shit and you there was literally nothing I was just dying laughing cuz there’s literally nothing there you guys are like no no no there’s

Something here I can feel it why why did you bring that up though what did what because remember he does nothing and then he when he finally does do something it’s something completely out out away from us anyway your fucking mother you know what I mean I feel like

You’re really really stretching it out here I really am but you know what knows how to strch it out I know I’m glad I’m glad Drake picked up on honestly honestly I don’t know if you guys like have my stream up or not but like I’m this is very beautiful right here what’s

What’s going on are they complimenting your L I’ll just I’ll take a screenshot and send it in chat oh my God swear to God if it’s something I’ll leave guys we got to meet up and start heading in a direction I don’t I don’t like hanging out with you guys when you’re Noobs

Yo mirror me and N were playing power world the other day he refused to play with me he was just like no I’m just trying to do my own thing fucking because and I was advancing faster than you yeah and that’s I don’t even know

How and I went you were you you caught up to me in 3 hours I SPS I was a higher level than you when yeah Drake Drake link me your shaders please it should be in you should have it oh wait maybe not you might not I

Probably didn’t add the sh a lot which one are youing where’s my disc have what did you send this for sushi Shader V2 why did you it’s third from the bottom yeah yeah yeah why did you send this this is very pretty oh wait where

Is what are we doing hey go to your shaders it should already be there it’s sushi something Sushi the third from the bottom I might actually that’s actually kind of fun what am I looking at I’ve never done these before packs go to option Shader packs and then yeah oh

What the hell oh I don’t like this that’s so nice no please don’t be on me how do I turn that off it might be onle how do I how do I turn it off well they’re going to die oh my God you’re dead I forgot that that was a

Thing uh anyways guys where you at can we all TP to me I’m far at this oh yeah 4K bro yeah there’s a ton of time has passed on this world technically as well so it’s not going to like ease into it as well usually It’ll like wait a few

Days before it 60 FPS 20 gahz yeah everyone TP to me what why are we tping I thought we were doing this legit doing this legit I am going to die H guys I would like to lead these piglins to you I see Porter I see the portal I’m out

I’m out I’m out wait wait come I where are you fuck you no I’m at 12 I’m at X1 1247 no I don’t care anymore 1642 n I’m going to do my own thing okay all right I’m going to regret it black Y what I didn’t know use was

Blacks why do you say use why are you saying that like I didn’t know use was blacks what can I says okay you any other suggestion shaders like are there any cooler other cool honestly how do I turn this they’re all pretty much the same honestly if you want do hit none I

Highly highly recommend um sers vibrant shaders High motion blur it should be it should be two up from the one or sorry three up from the one you’re using now guys guys where are you miss you vibrant shaders vibrant shaders High motion guys I miss you where’d you

Go guys I’m G to cry F yeah I am that’s that’s what I had on whenever you were trying to kill me I was like I’m legally blind man oh it’s funny yeah dude this is sick dude is this where did you go I’m going to put my coordinates in you

Guys just have to come in you guys so I so I don’t know if you guys know this but I do like some reaction and stuff now right on stream and a while ago I did a reaction to like the history of Ninjago and I found out that the reason

Why garbon is black is because he got hit by lightning and it like Char his skin or whatever so on like where this is going on stream I just I was just like oh that’s why he’s black hey yo oh you were literally just following

The direction I was going Eko yes I was just ahead of you CU you got fuck because the fucking portal open dud not my problem you know what I’m saying I’m going to make it your problem this one’s cool I like uh I’m using um uh Eddie’s Shader Shader official you

Should use Tuda shaders why I think you guys should should use it kiss cuz it makes me blind yeah that’s funny no the reason why I have so many is because I was going to do something ages ago I was going to do something and I needed to find a really

Cool Shader that worked for it cuz I needed a very specific look but none of them worked no this is cool I’ve been meaning to complimentary is like the best one but it doesn’t work for this version yeah I know but it’s it’s by far

The best is it just me or the grass blocks look weird oh shit oh fuck oh shit where are you uh I’m in the desert and there’s a prison yep I’m here as well you want to fuck him upo oh shit oh I’ve been going the wrong direction been attacked oh they’re

Coming they’re coming I’m getting attacked by a prisoner oh no I’m getting attacked by two they’re I’m I’m not tring to be a bitch I didn’t hear no bill I ain’t afraid of no ghost hey at least we got a prisoner thing this time oh okay now there’s three of them and

They have they have made a they made a corner it’s two blast ass help help help is what is your deal with oh I’m going to die oh there’s another the desert what do you mean you’re in a desert can you send your coordinates again I wasn’t paying ATT

I’m coming third time yeah Drake’s close by but here’s mine okay oh great there’s a fucking one of those fucks all right I said a Dodge and weave DOD and weave dude I don’t should I play with shaders it’s kind of cool I like it it might fuck up uh when

We have suits but for right now I like it yeah I think it’s a little too much personally but I know I know it’ll most likely fuck up the sizing thing like so from your perspective you’ll be normal sized but if you have then your body will be smaller

Yeah we can just turn them off oh fuck yeah does this have the the Omnitrix and is fixed it there it’s all fixed do we not have ji what is that no we do press uh open up this thing and do control o we have

Um we don’t have uh it does not have okay can you come with me to protect me while I don’t get the rest of my food yeah one second I just wasted all my Hunter on that run oh being a speecher just suck correct EO can you y this dude has

Rainbow hair what the fuck Echo watch out watch out echo echo EO I’m fighting this bitch never mind uh we don’t have um what’s it called the thing that shows people’s health bars anymore trippy no we should it should be yeah we should have it I just I don’t

Know why it’s not showing up is it a setting it might be a setting oh oh getting traced by two guys oh you see me where are you where the fuck are you guys I see my shadow all the way off in the dist how do you

See me I just passed you I’m fighting your guys now I I where did you come from brother we were we were about over there um I haven’t updated the melon farm add-on because I decided to keep my Armored Adventures addon dude I guess we don’t need there’s no there’s no

Difference they didn’t add anything yeah they added like two aliens I think wait what do you mean dude no for the melon farm they fixed the Omnitrix completely what are we talking about you mean fixed it melon farm Iron Man suits that he had the updated melon farm dude had they fix

The omit tricks the GU is better like I think you should use it H all right um all right hey Mr Drake buddy you want to explain to me what just happened you get evicted what happened internet died we uh here why don’t you update melon farm it doesn’t have all right lying

Motherfucker no does all righty expain to me what just happened uh um so we should we should we get it through should we all get it through the marketplace Bon Farm we don’t need it right now well I want to he just wants to take care of it right

Now and I also I see the pack with things twice in it doesn’t matter folder okay whatever well well I I just installed the melon farm and I went into a single player world the Omnitrix wasn’t in the thing it is in there it is unless it’s called something else called the

Omnitrix I do not see it in the creative menu okay okay well are we getting it from the what are we doing here we going to get the melon farm from the marketplace well I did it but there’s no Omnitrix there check your selected hero packs what do you mean selected hero

Packs if you look in your selected hero packs it’s in there yeah there’s two of them I see two where’s the do I have to remove the old one yeah I’m pretty sure the green one is the new one not the not the not the melon fire one I don’t see a

Green one yeah here’s what you guys need to do um go go to yeah in the herex thing available hero packs huh I see the pack with things twice take out the Halloween one and then take out the melon farm has the fire and melon on it

Okay but where’s the um you said there’s a green melon farm I don’t see that should be at the bottom let me look I’ll take a gander can I fucking scroll please I don’t see one share your screen I also have Stellar hero Stellar Heroes twice for some reason

Yeah watch this shit just fuck up and not work and now you guys are going to blame me no it’s fine I would love to blame you um share your screen please I am no you’re not literally wait why did it end y I don’t know why it ended okay so go

Down also I don’t know I have Stellar Heroes twice doesn’t matter I don’t know doesn’t matter um go to go to the green like bottom left yeah yeah and just look for it scroll down called this one it was updated yeah yeah recently but this is the one I just that’s right

Here my Minecraft didn’t crash Why does it end when I I don’t know it’s mine mine is green my my my melon farm I don’t know it was just in the market pleas man you’re still going on about this he’s you’re still freaking logging out and back in what’s going on

Bud okay what am I doing am I shutting down the whole thing and I would take out melon farm like un uninstall it and then go on can I just do that from the folder guys what the fuck are you doing I he wants you’re one to talk Mis I keep

Leaving he he um take the melon farm that has the fire icon it’s not there his green one the new one isn’t there in the marketplace for him it’s not there what do you mean it’s not there mean it’s not there it’s not yeah no it’s not it’s not

Going to have the green icon there you just take the melon form one you install it it’ll have the green icon when you put it when it’s in your folder uh that’s not how I did it wait why do I have two hello yep there it goes hello hello

Guys my God Drake dude bro I don’t know what happened there so fucking okay melon fucking look fucking look what am I looking on Planet Minecraft stop downloading shit what I thought what are we doing you need to have the exact same thing as me or else

It’s not going to work okay I have the one from Marketplace yo the backpack has sound effects now yo that’s sick that’s so dope dude the backpack still have sound effects now I don’t care shut the fuck up Drake I just I just want to play yes it’s not that I

Just want to play guys my mom said that I can only go outside and play for three hours today and we’re already wasting time all right I’ll just Dr what do I need to do to match your fucking thing do I just need to undo everything I did

Do you have Minecraft open uh it’s loading and for some reason I have two of the same fucking hey pack with here now thought I deleted it hopefully this is the right one yeah something tells me I feel like I did something bad God you

Did what did I do I don’t know pack with things is suddenly here it’s always been there oh wasn’t there okay whatever you’re right no you’re right you’re right you’re right okay options hero packs okay so what do you have over in in the left side it’s loading it’s

Loading hey you better you need better patience dude I was stretching I don’t think I want to be his friend anymore Str guys I was stretching I swear guys I promise that wasn’t a rage Outburst you can literally look I was literally stretching it wasn’t me

I was literally sh why is this still loading okay options hero packs okay on the left I have the Pack with themes Halloween and Stellar Heroes okay so over on the right scroll down until you see the melon farm with the fire icon on it

I okay take that throw that over to the left okay then scroll down do you have a melon farm with a green icon no I do not okay so go to the marketplace okay Marketplace go to melon farm what do you mean go to melon go to

The melon farm spot and install it okay it’s the fire I know install it okay install when it’s installed scroll down on the on your selected sh PS and you should see a green one on the selected uh I see it yeah there you okay

Uh uh it’s fine that I have two Stellar Heroes right yes okay okay so we should be good as long as you didn’t do anything else yes I definitely did not do anything else I definitely did not do anything else sir you’re good I said it like a

Politician yeah you’re good you’re good everything’s good no worries at all me um there guys we’re why are you streaming cuz wait where’s my Minecraft at oh here it is oh I think it’s still you and you two being friends is the funniest thing ever how because your brains work

Opposite no our brain same do they I don’t know I’m asking you I think um I don’t know I I think I very differ I would not cuz I’m not gay that’s a lie that’s a lie I don’t even know what he looks like for real for

Real on God on boom boom me neither he said that his pfp is supposed to be him but obviously it’s not it’s just some oil P kind of cringe I’m not GNA lie it’s kind of yeah it’s really cringe you I would never have a pfp I would never

Have an art version of myself as my pfp eating eating food yeah eating Ramen noly that that’s just borderline insane uh I’m here here I’m I’m going I’m running you guys can catch up I’m going to find a good biome did you know that um e I’m coming actually know I’m I’m

Going to do shit why don’t worry about it my my my my goal is to find a good place wor about all right just have a fucking Mansion built up that’s the end goal you actually going to build one this time or you just

Going to I’m going to build a uh I it’s not going to be a mansion but it’s going to be bigger than what we had I me our house was nothing what we had was the yeah no the yeah our house was nothing it was the inside but we’re going to

Have both we’re going to have a cool little area downstairs like a basement to put our suits but I’m also oh my God heat blast from the Ben 10 I’m gonna use um oh this one kind a mix of um either Spruce and dark wood and um quartz why

Did can I not see my arm oh it’s because the Dame is enough it’s because we have Fisk and legends you’re not going to be able to see your hand uh I can see my hand when I was putting suits on uh maybe it’s an Omnitrix

Thing was working for me you were able to see the dial and your your arms and uh oh maybe not no maybe you’re not maybe still yeah it’s a how do you fly a he blast uh you can’t you don’t have that ability yet see the green bar the green

Bar on the bottom just a little baby Heap BL that’s what you sound like I thought I found a village found a swamp where slck all right get what you can and then you guys can come meet up at my coordinates once I found never mind the Omnitrix sucks it

Was a waste of time I’m dead well it’s like I will never change our Dynamic will never change all right where am I at I’m out here playing Minecraft where’ you guys go I’m I’m everywhere and nowhere at all you know what I mean why are we still in this desert I’m not

Are you trying to tell me you fucking left me here with him okay there we go okay I got concerned when you weren’t talking because I felt like you were gonna fucking crash again no I I um no I was refreshing my chat but it uh

What what I found the city guys did you I did oh fuck what what does that mean can see the city from here I didn’t even know there’s a spot in this place I can you send me your coordinates again fucking fucks oh hey you made it that’s awesome bro uh oh

Okay we’re going the wrong direction go this way wait why don’t we set up on that mountain up there nah it’s too close to the city also it’s weirdly flat what the hell’s wrong with that yeah it’s it’s another it’s because of the city I don’t want to follow you guys hey

Drake I can see your skin wow Eko you can see his skin too right I sure can [Laughter] oh oh I was actually happy for a minute guys why do you care so much cuz it means a lot you know it mean I have I have a new skin on and

Everything yeah I can see it I I like the it’s awesome I really like and the Drake part the Drake part of it all it’s really good looking for it’s a great look it reminds me of uh youtube.com Li forr Li yeah thanks guys bro is just going to cry after the

Stream yeah I’m going to slaughter these fucking cows I don’t like the way they’re looking at me uh I don’t appreciate that shut the fuck up going kiss you all right so what are we doing who who we doing we got to go find a place follow an echo beo all

Right I’mma follow Nagal AG shut up are dumb you’re one to talk yeah idiot yeah stupid you’re one of the three idiots you know that yeah shut up I feel like we should go diagonally towards the right yeah because there’s this weird generation thing going on we get far

Enough it’ll be um yeah it’s only because of the city because the hey hey hey hey hey nobody asked yeah thank I’m just trying to teach you guys something oh my gosh guys are those pumpkins we can make an iron golem Iron Golem Iron Golem Iron Golem I won’t go home I won’t

Go home I won’t go home they should have Parry the platypus to this game Jesus Christ what exist does exist somewhere wait does it probably I bet there’s a hero pack for SE have you I’ll make it no it exists Perry the Platypus suit does exist full server thanks bro shut the fuck

Up I think he was responding can I join that’s always how it’s can I please join your your super your four idiot superhero I could be the four for idiot please shut up I’m glad I have you guys to say this shit for me I feel like

Barack Obama when he had his anger translator you feel like what Barack Obama when he had his anger translator yeah do you know about that his what he so during his his last um his last like yearly speech or whatever he had a comedian come in and play the role of

His anger translat basically he would talk about like politics and and and uh and climate change and all that but he would say it very formally and then this comedian guy would translate it into like how he really wanted to say it but he couldn’t because he was the president

Yeah it’s all on on YouTube it’s very funny okay I highly recommend did you know that Obama is in possession of the chaos emeralds what the fuck does that even mean bro what do you mean dog he has the chaos emeralds guys I think I want to turn on

Procs chat now no hey no no no no no I think I prefer we are not coordinated enough for that no that’s the point I don’t want to fuck I don’t want to follow you guys just to have to fucking hear you yeah I’m just tring to do my own I

Already lost you I’ve got like I’ll tell you where I’m am I’m across the mountain oh fuck I almost di um Eko can you sing that one song by the guy that with the voice started with a whisper oh dude that thing that we did

For Infinity was hype I love that shit I actually don’t remember what we did for that one I can I can only remember MC like a melody yeah yeah did I sing that for wonder I don’t remember you did is g to be the day Master

Control yeah how did it go you guys Wonder give me master control all right here Master Control here’s my coordinates get here because I found a ocean and we’re gonna because maybe you can give me something called MC and after oh I almost fell into a fucking Ravine and died a very miserable death they call you wonderful Yoda Jesus you know you know I think it’d be really cool if we never met yeah cool for you not for me bro views are

Up all right wait uh I’m at the ocean did you guys leave without me no he’s he’s he’s over here somewhere turn left what in of you bro bro he bro he three blocks away I was I watched him walk in front of me be like did you guys

Fucking leave without me bro are you fucking serious fuck you dude you’re so fucking stupid I can’t even begin to express how stupid I think you are you were three blocks away I’m aware get in your fucking boat I genuinely didn’t see you get your boats oh my God

That was can you throw a boat down for me I’m going to land on it like fucking where’ you go I was paying attention down in the water like I said oh my God that was fucking hilarious I wish I was there for that okay are we making our own boats or

What’s going on for oh thanks pal all right let’s go stupidy toilet guys are shut the fuck up you don’t have any grounds to stand on dude you’re practically flying with how much ground you don’t have to stand on who you God damn it God damn

It did you break it he trash he made me trash into him it’s fine you can swim oh it’s cold here I I’ll grab you one I I got it no I forgot it’s the that version where the fucking boats break if you touch anything

Mhm I’m I’m going to die I’m going to how are you going to die that was trying to craft underwater but I wasn’t close enough to the ground you guys all right so you guys are just gone all right oh yeah I I was not waiting for you yeah thanks you’re

Welcome I don’t know why you’d say thanks there’s a motherfucker in the water trying to attack me little does he know I got these hands oh we’re all going in different directions no we’ll still just no dude I’m I’m fucking I’m doing the main story bro I’m out here exploring the

Environment I’m collecting all the fucking Ubisoft Towers oh shit you already know I think wear I think usings probably awful why because of all the power that we’re going to be able to get later disrespectful to be hey be nice also I should I should have have about

Never stop a little under two hours to play time guys my mom said that I could play for two more hours but then I have my mother and you know that you are well aware I live alone yeah okay yeah okay bud that’s what they all

Say for real oh all right I’m out of the water me too I’m also out of the water but I haven’t I I haven’t uh got on land I just I haven’t traveled yet I can’t see shit where are you here are my cords oh I’m not going to where

You’re at I’m at a cooler spot okay wait do we have Dynamic lights with shaders I think so oh God I’m lagging that’s cuz there’s so many chunks being generated right now and you have to take the oh God we do but it’s like barely oh I’m lagging on my mind guys it’s

Okay so you could play where’s Waldo while you wait I haven’t found any iron yeah that’s wal you’re not a real person you’re not a real person what do you mean you’re just not real why not what did I do I don’t believe you actually exist like somebody created these

Answers that you give there’s no way like it’s come on just be real for have to say something off of a list yeah yeah you’re a voice actor I mean I don’t know I don’t know why you’re such a hater why am I lagging lagging cuz we’re generating chunks dog

Stop getting chunky dude I’m getting I’m getting jiggy with it say he’s getting jiggy with it I can’t can’t really as soon as I start the getting jiggy it doesn’t stop yeah enough I have enough for bed you guys should have Stu with yeah me too I can

Make my own bed I’m a strong independent God this lag bro stop guys but there’s so many good chunks are you actually loading chunks or you just fucking with me yeah bro I’m we stopped all right I’m the chunk loading master I’m not a fan personally get a better GPU to one of

Us the game tping is the I think one of the most intense hatreds is when your friend has a better PC than you you probably have the I wonder who has the best PC at all I have the worst one I know that uh Eko what’s your

GPU I have to check I don’t know wow you don’t know your all of your specs off the top of your head what a fucking normal person yeah exactly why is there black water um probably you’re probably in a SP I’m not bro these biomes suck this grass looks gross well considering that

Minecraft is infinite find something that works no it’s cuz it’s the old version and it just looks gross no so oh no no no no I’m lagging I’m lagging with a creeper next to me stop me too bud it’s if it’s not a creep oh it blew up

In two seconds just just because of the lag it’s okay he didn’t have anything useful true but just TP to me which is insane because I’ve collected so much shit I have six stacks of coal or Sorry Seven stacks of coal uh and three stacks of logs and a shit ton of

Food I’m out here killing bitches with forks they call me the the fork guy can you like not can you not take my like put in your two cents what can you not take my bits please uh can you just not ruin them are you

Guys still in the ocean no dude I’m long gone bro yeah no I’m far away wow of course you go to Echo what makes you think his area is better than mine I’m still lagging yeah me too oh oh it’s from it’s from uh it’s from Ram I don’t have enough RAM

Allocated turn off Google Chrome dog no I need to allocate more RAM it’s up to Alan dedicated Wham you going to do that DED wh guys I’m going to I’m going to relog fine I got to get my deated Wham designated Wham oh I was streaming the whole time like my yeah my

Thing let’s turn that up to like 10 me thought I did the why what happened bro you’re falling through the ground I I got kicked oh yeah because he was I I need more dedicated wh I’m gonna I’m gonna bitch whine complain and just be angry towards you

What else is new I didn’t imply that it was new if anything it’s a very uh common wait what’s the word I’m thinking of it’s a very common it’s a very common it’s a very common it’s it’s um common the word I’m thinking get the

Fuck off of Tik Tok Echo dude it doesn’t it’s literally an iMed I know I know I know I know I keep telling him to delete it not GNA delete it but because you’re you don’t want to I’m addicted I know all right cool you don’t believe us what heres are you guys

Becoming uh I’m going for Speedster I’m going for venom venom I’m going for Green Lantern all right that’s kind of lame wait you’re going for Venom again well I’m doing the different one I wanted to do like an anti venom thing but uh I don’t think they have one there

Are no antivenoms I can make you oh I would appreciate that yeah do toxin well I want to do some kind of symbiote in general there a l and then what was my I had like another plan before our fucking inventories got cleared I know obviously I was going to

Have the the Blue Beetle uh what else what else is there and then for Legends I’m gonna try and do werewolf or vampire e he’s gonna be a furry what I said all right whatever yeah whatever guys just because I made a Persona doesn’t mean that I’m a furry

How do you even know what that is bro that says more about you than me yeah I didn’t know what that was I didn’t know what that was bro I’m kind ofo on this one yeah all right getting into the game I just got to wait for it to load and

Then wait this Omnitrix is actually kind of sick you just said it was trash 5 seconds I know I know I’m very aware believe me okay there we go I go Minecraft I wish I never asked you how to play Ben Infinity when I ran

Into oh did you ask him dude that’s how we met how we met was he was flying by on a hoverboard I just added the hoverboard yeah yeah and I was like hey you get down here in the red he was still wearing red by that point he was

Wearing red yeah you were wearing red I I never met it I never knew when he wore red no that was just like a that was just like a that day kind of thing sure either way sure why is E’s audio so low yeah fix me why am I so quiet fix me

Fucking get the pliers oh oh wait did did you are you gonna finish the story time I was really enying he flew by and I said gland hey you on the on the floating fucking thing I was like teach me how to play and we played and then I

Don’t know when we gave each other their discords I don’t know hello hi what okay anyway so yeah that’s how that happened and then I remember the first time we got in each other’s Discord and we like we were both like uh hey we were so nervous about it

Wait what dude I remember when I was fucking like wait no go back what were you nervous about when we first got into Discord we were we were both nervous to talk oh that’s just because we had no fucking life and it was during the fucking lock down shit so we hadn’t talk

Talked to anyone in months and then we we ended up hanging out like every day yeah pretty much anyways Drake what were you saying unless you forgot I was sophomore in high school when when we met that’s crazy I think I just graduated I

Was a or maybe I was in my last year I don’t know Dr are you 20 yeah okay so you’re like I was a junior I think I don’t know what year 2020 what year did you graduate oh uh 2022 see I don’t know because my last year

Line and it it was just such a blur that I do not fucking remember you probably graduated 2022 then or 2021 I mean I think it was 21 n you’re you’re older than me right yeah you’re I’m the I’m the baby you’re the middle child and nog’s the oldest

Yeah why am I taking pH I genuinely can’t remember how me and nag met I I think we were in a car I think it was in like yeah I think it was you talking about YouTube and they had left and you just kept talking about yourself and how awesome you were

Yep sounds yeah I was just doing this stream and this guy was like Hey man you’re not really smart and I said fuck you and I explained to him how smart I am you I explained to him to him the theory of quantum relativity and and the

The you know the epr Paradox and everything he was like bro what I was like told you I don’t Rose in Paradox is actually very interesting because stop I don’t care like bro Take a Hint yeah Take a Hint yeah a little bit guys it’s getting dark I don’t care

Have we have we had a night time yet no does this map wait how do I make the Omnitrix dude it’s a tier 10 suit you’re not making shit oh that’s it’s not moving no guys I got an Omnitrix oh wait is it yo what take that shit away I to be

Fair I didn’t mean to but now that I have it there we go now time is passing did I okay that’s what I thought oh wait can okay you can take it off yeah you can all right where the fuck are you guys it says it’s been genetically bound yeah that’s just a

Thing that it says you can take it off well not if I turn into upgrade I thought you guys were together no but I’m in a better spot than he is we’re in the same so better guys I’m I want to live in a snow biome guys I can be

Ship snow biome is you can then you can make your own base can you get master control with this one no I don’t know dude get rid of it survival I’m just being ship right now dude stop I’m not hurting any I will clear your fucking inventory whoa don’t don’t be Hasty here

Three all right I’m no I have so much shit do not I literally just threw it on the ground actually I should let me I’ll throw it in the water help I am in the water I cannot swim oh fuck I fell in the water okay we’re good it’s gone

Okay do you trust me yeah okay why you looking at me like that Echo I don’t know why you B over he doesn’t trust me whoa shot shot I mean what I didn’t even try to run I was like I don’t care no you were like if he’s

Going to take me he’s going to take me what happens happens I don’t care anymore all right we got to keep exploring I’m I need to find do some shit who’s the main character not me I know he like technically on principal it’s supposed to be Drake but um well it’s not he

Hasn’t done shit yeah well you know what deu didn’t do shit for 15 years and look at him not you comparing yourself to actually he made a fucking notebook Journal of every uh hero and villain yeah and I I I know every single thing about these mods I’ve

Been playing with them for 10 years BR he really he really is standing up with his chest that yeah that’s crazy make a make a flux capacitor it’s not in this see he’s not a he’s not a true man he can’t do it yeah he can’t do it not in

The fucking mod he can’t do it guys guys you try to brag when he doesn’t even know how to make a fucking 1.3 gigatt flux capacitor o guys I found a thing I did not ask oh my God game oh wait no I thought the game wasn’t up this whole

Time thought what I thought the game wasn’t on screen the whole time on the stream yeah hey uh Echo yes how’s it going it’s going are you going to be nice today am I ever no okay great moving on so what we really need to get done is

Finding some place to be so how do you that’s supposed to be your job that’s not our job that’s your job nether star yeah you need a Nether Star for what oh om bro I just want to be fucking uh I just want to be a little

Guy are we still looking for a area yeah okay we make a starter BAS somewhere but I just eventually I want to be in a dark oak forest we were literally at one at the start yes but it was too close I don’t think it exists in this version

Does it it does uh what what am I thinking of what’s the what’s the Woodland mansion in that’s in the um the Dark Forest or whatever but that is in this it just does never Woodland Mansion oh I I it just looks worse in this version because it’s

Unrefined that’s why we have shaders what speaking of which I’m going turn them back on I to turn oh that’s wrong one hey guys blind for a minute oh whoa he fellas okay who ow that’s hurting my eyes now ow what happened Jesus what happened not Jesus my Jus away in this Minecraft

Day all right I got to find a place to put stuff down soon I’m getting a little getting a little heavy putting on some weight think so yeah maybe if you actually did shit instead of just sitting around all day dude I do be doing shit yeah you be fucking bitches I

Know I’m not gonna lie dog I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been not eating enough and like it’s not healthy not working for me I love like Anyway shaders he literally was just like Anyway shaders not working got to fix that what about this nope this

One my eyes hurt all dude I got so much coal s whoa this one has this one has depth of field what is depth of field it things in the distance oh that’s cool that’s useless wait we should get that one mod that uh what What’s it called I forget

What the the the term for it is but it basically generates uh things further out at like a lower resolution yeah I know what you’re talking about it can handle so you can like have a really high uh render distance render distance with it not soaking up your RAM

Yeah and you you basically you’ll be able to see the entire world that you’ve explored MH no matter how far you go and it’s not going to yeah take a shit ton of resources I don’t know what the mod’s called though uh yeah we used it for the SOS SMP

The what Sao SMP yeah I did I did that like two years ago three years ago two years ago I did not know you did this Mei yeah I did it with Troy this was during the dark or Drake era during Medieval Times anime fuck it I never

Knew about this but I knew you two years ago what yeah I don’t know maybe that was that was like you know it’s not a good time for me that was that was right before we did the two idiots protector Earth oh yeah I remember that yeah that was

Honestly those videos are really good to be honest not in the was I not hanging out with you guys or hang only two player and that was also before we did the three idiots that before you were friends with him that’s when you still hated Drake hated Drake yeah makes sense

Or was like it was it was when you like starting to come around or dude he fucking I didn’t like you for a hot minute brother I’m be with you dog he he told me very clear feelings towards you I would come to calls and be like did

You see what said what a fucking tool yeah no I didn’t like you at all bro dude he could not stand you I it was actually a problem you even even nog was like dude why are you always talking about the fucker that you say you don’t like like can you

Call yeah nog was being my voice of reason that’s how you know I was fucked yeah that’s why we need him true he’s the voice of reason dude if I wasn’t here you guys would just make out like nonstop we would we would in the most toxic relationship you’ve ever seen yeah

Yeah I just I wish I could see it I wish I could see him all right gentlemen a little weird this is getting a little this is we’re in a spot here and I just I found a cave but I don’t know if it’s worth it to

Explore I think we need to find a place to settle down first yeah oh wait I found iron I found a oh there’s a tiger never mind yeah I’ve got 36 iron right now hey um it’s comption how I found a cave and I just

I’m just TR to try and see if I can find I thought your your job got moded you have mod yeah okay yeah oh shit if I see a modded ore I will quit I almost died to a creeper again guys he says in our modded survival

World oh fuck who’s got it who’s got it at least we know who it is why is it always you bro I swear uh cuz they attract making the most progress I think it goes they see me they’re like too easy They See Echo they’re like too hard L

That like just right just right what do you mean too hard it’s too hard bro Eko are you hard right now yep hardest yo I’m at like okay Eko were you there when we asked the the previous Ben 10 Infinity Community manager if his balls got hard

Too which one was that which one which guy was oh dude bus was an asshole bro were you there that when we asked that I think so do you remember dude he was a prick he was he did worst person ever he like why would you give that title to

Somebody who clearly did not want to be alive like why would you that was funny all right guys I found an open field that we can use you were there I was there yeah Drake was there yeah I think I found a good space

To be no I found a better one did you actually uh what describe your area well it’s it’s an open plane and a really cool Mountain okay mine isn’t a a very very open plane surrounded by distant mountains and uh little forests sounds like you guys found the exact same

Fucking thing no mine is better because I I’ll here I’ll I’ll I’ll yeah TP to I’ll judge I’ll judge you be the judge of it Mr youtube.com Okay this is terrible all right fuck whatever this is very very flat I will give you that but I don’t like my bit

Just like my ex-girlfriend bro wait what what’ you say we just got to find a place to set up shop for now okay if we’re just setting up shop for now I say nag ha Echo your socks what are you talking about a socks what you said haha Echo your socks

I said Echo socks you talking about socks God damn it got what do you think I cleared out this this this patch so we can make a little a little house Housey house okay whoa I can’t move prank them John I literally can’t move that’s annoying

Do we got our beds ready guys uh I got mine Mr youtube.com where’s your bed guys I found titanium oh my God it started again oh I forgot oh my God aren the generate weird because we got the mods at different times the Legends mod I just tried to make a bed

With Cobblestone instead of wood um maybe but I think we’re getting far enough we haven’t loaded these chunks before back off no it’s wait what was your question go to bed go to bed yeah go to sleep what was your question whose question nobody ask question what the

Fuck why you put in your bed by my area go get your own area this is mine what was your question whose question yours watch out who asked your question you did you were like won’t it be weird won’t generate weird I don’t I I don’t I don’t what was

Question I never asked a question his question was are things going to generate weird because we got the Legends mod late no what do mean late I don’t appreciate your yeah no your sass okay no that’s fine all right you guys be in a little a little sassy pants I

Food here Drake what have you done I’m starting I’m starting now gotten food what do you mean you’re starting now bro we I have six stacks of coal I have one and a half oh my god look guys we need to get iron furnaces okay I can’t deal with this

Shit oh my God we just started yeah and I can get iron furnace right now do it okay I will don’t waste H what do you mean waste waste we don’t need that right now yes we do bro we’re be with that mod bro we need it it’s like an addiction

Dude it’s the best mod ever it’s it’s so it’s needed especially with this fucking mod pack dude we need that shit you know how much shit we have to fucking cook like fucking water white we need to cook yes they call me water white cuz I cook I got a little pony

Bman I got a little pony Shut the fuck up what all right time for the titanium dude I think feels dead feels dead are we going to get I’m G to when I meet Ekko I’m going to take his phone and delete Tik Tok off of his fucking

I’m not on Tik Tok no I just mean I know but I’m still going to delete it like when we meet H thinks we’re going to Mee damn kid kidding we are damn oh shit I’m it’s not like you’ve been my best friend for the past four years or anything it’s

Not you’ve been my best friendo what are you screaming for I was getting attacked by Runner zombies did I I don’t care I don’t care buddy guys I’m I’m going through it guys I’m killing a witch cuz she reminds me of my ex-wife she’s a bitch and it’s very similar

Sounding if you listen to the consonant sounds the with are I want to start making cool shit let’s get the Omnitrix what do we need what’s the I’m going to build the house around this we need tum need a lot of Trum also you’re not going to get the OM for a

While diamonds no I’m I’m going to get it yeah no my my Green Lantern ring the one that I the specific one I want is tier what’s the Symbiote uh tier eight we got to start M wait this we don’t have the the one I want yeah I’m going to be a speecher

The I want no it has there’s a Fisk suit that has it’s way cooler than the one no I want the I don’t want that one I want the why it’s way cooler which one has the Venom that I like I don’t know if it’s in there any which no what mod has

It f i don’t see it either fist heroes or Legends oh I can’t look shit up why can’t I look sh up wait is that it okay this is the right one my bad I just wasn’t looking up the right thing what is it is the one in the bottle it’s

Tier eight are you shitting me yeah what you guys are already aiming higher than it’s really easy to make at least what did you say I’m sorry you guys are literally trying to get suits that we are already hired trying to get anything like you’re talking about

Getting suits that are higher than the shit that we had at the end game okay then what what what’s a starting the end game oh true true true true yeah but it’s it’s possible I’ve done it did you just make iron armor Iron Man Bros already got the mark

One Iron Man wait so why did you want Legends as well uh cuz it had suits that I want I wanted is this a fucking ant there’s a fucking ant yep wow you just killed him yeah tell me you did not put in the other dimensions no okay you’re

Thinking of or spawn yeah I thought so the other dimension what should I be doing right now uh start a mine somewhere I us right here so Dr something I got ant antennas yeah you got antennas I got antennas just start a go go a little

Distance and I’m going to make a farm actually so fuck you yeah actually I’m going to need that yeah all right hey um Drake yeah yeah I’m gon beer bro I feel like being a little bitch I think we should put our old suits from the last season on display I think when

You should shut the fuck up I those anymore hey oh so you can say it but I can’t yeah yeah ass fuck hole ass you like the ass in the fuck hole I think we should kick him out actually great Eko do you just want to play this like without him that’d be

Cool we could catch up it’ be great yeah well I don’t I don’t like you that much but I don’t like ketchup I like my stuff Lan I’m G be honest dude I think ketchup is gross I don’t need any condoms um that’s not that’s that’s not

What um I’m just saying I don’t like condoms as if you I don’t know how to feel about this right now to be honest uh can you make a bucket please oh I well I was scrolling through while I was scrolling through uh mods looking for shit that I could add

Even though it was pointless I came across a mod that was just like use your buck helmet as a bucket I’m like wait that’s actually that’s actually really dope I kind of like that that’s actually really fun at first I was like who the fuck and

Then I thought I’m like no that would be that would be can we get that and and then I just read the scenario in my head where it was like you guys like are like hey let’s make a bucket and and then I’m just like you don’t need to it’s like

What why not it’s like take off your helmet it’s like wait okay but why did you not add that it doesn’t matter you guys were like now I want it don’t advertise this cool shit to me if you don’t want me to maybe if you just let me have my

Shit no like I said if you just let me build the mod packs that I know are good you never do it right first try and you know it and I hate that you have all this conflict how did I possibly know that the mods would break like that I

Don’t know you’re Drake Lial cuz you’re supposed to be the tester man I just heard of explosion yeah I’m at half a heart half a heart is left but don’t F uhoh I’m out I’m underground I’m hiding tonight someone let me know when they’re gone trying to steal the stuff

Again uh Drake do you see them heading right yeah me too I’m done I’m under what you guys just logging off mind I hear the portal though oh they’re theying fucking yeah they’ll if we get far enough away they’ll despawn you fucking better I’m had enough of their

Bullshit I should get a snack what should I get guys goldfish is it’s a snack that smiles back goldish dude I haven’t had goldfish in so long I actually I think I dude they’re so loud are you guys just fucking hiked underneath them we just went underneath

Them yeah no I was mining already oh okay well I was top of it so a nice little cave and there’s a lava thing here wait I should do the the thing and make a nether portal and if I fuck it up then that’s a stupid place to put our

Nether portal but whatever no I’m going to make a nether portal dog what’s it’s a free one it’s free you don’t have to pay for it free free what do you mean free remember how to do this if I do you guys have to call me the best Minecraft call this dude Tommy

In it call me isn’t there a whole like group like awful people aren’t they like pedophiles most of them what the fuck is this oh why are what is wrong with Minecraft people and I knew dream was gonna be dirty though I knew he was what wait what what’ he do dream I

Knew I thought you said drink no I said dream uh I forgot how you put the blocks do they despawn after it closes uh no fuck like okay wait I’m doing it guys I’m really making the portal good maybe they do actually I’m not sure I don’t think we need to go to

The end the nether right now but whatever um I thought I I explored all this cave and then I bust open a wall and there’s just a whole other fucking Dimension over here I fuck maybe it’s a good thing that we didn’t have all the mods that I had cuz

I made I made that shit hard like I made I made mobs I fucked up the nether portal Brother Hey brother I’m sorry Mario I fucked up the nether portal as long as you don’t fuck up my ex-wife I don’t care I just want them to despawn I just

Want them to Joe just fucking kill him I won’t be able to they hit hard so hit harder dude dude listen here listen here simple you’re fucking dude whoa dude don’t talk about his mother like that that’s disrespectful bro that’s for sure damn you’re really just going to

Let him talk about her like that what’s he gonna do nothing cry I don’t know fucking cry I don’t know every time we fought he’s W so like yeah that’s true there’s a whole video that got a good amount of views that compilation that you made

Your fucking ass did you make like a YouTube short of you getting your ass kicked no it was like a funny moments thing and I it was when I was doing the Eminem rap and I was killing his em what did I miss you were there dumbass I

Don’t remember this okay I made the nether portal it’s not fucked up it’s I mean it’s a little fucked up but it’ll work yeah he he me and him were do at it this is before I made the Mark I or this is the reason I decided to make the Mark

I we were at it he was beating my ass and just started wrapping on top of it and I was like that’s so disrespect I don’t think I was there you were you were remember the Eminem rap I I nles like I think I would remember

Who’s in the water how is this skeleton not hitting me okay there we go who’s in the water over there fucking loser wait who is that oh that’s a p oh no I thought that was one of you guys oh shit is a pigman it’s a pig hey I found a trium

You mean a titum titty rium uh guys yeah I’m in danger same I blown up by a creeper I’m being chased by one of those things mhm is is it a big one [Laughter] yeah wait I have an idea uh water bending that oh shit oh fuck water bending he

Says I fucking hate you guys what did we do we literally didn’t do a thing we literally didn’t lift a finger to help I don’t know why you’re upset exactly we literally laughed as you fell through death we laughed and pointed don’t come at me spider I will destroy

You I will burn you oh my God he’s still here what the fuck asshole where’s my shit oh he broke my leg what whoa you can do that apparently he broke something cuz I got nauseous and slow down oh wait were you attacked by the was it the runner the thing that just

Killed you I don’t was it was it Drake is that what you’re talking about that slowed you down and gave you no oh yeah no they just do that I oh fuck break leg why is he still why is there a spider guys I don’t I don’t like this game

Anymore well help I that I don’t have anything cuz we decided no keep inventory do I have any iron cooked iron on me I thought these guys would despawn with the portal most of them did yeah except for The Most Dangerous Ones oh my God he not getting shot at by

That’s a creeper it’s going to blow my shit up not going to be the most beautiful thing in the world but hey don’t talk about your mother don’t talk about her like that yeah oh my go oh no no no please I fucking hate this game it goes

Out here building little fucking house and I’m fucking dealing with 9112 over here wow 911 the sequel that’s crazy and this oh God no I got face my fears again this is a 9113 guys I don’t I don’t think it’s going to work out you can beat him no I

I he kills me in one hit so don’t get hit he’s faster than me so run fter faster what do you mean move faster if the other guy’s bigger you got to be quicker if the other guy’s quicker you got to be quicker the other guy smarter got to be

Quicker right oh he’s coming after me again lure him away they call me they call me the preacher grab some of my shit I’ll be out here like please L Jesus get these damn demons outside my grand these demons outside my grand bab’s chest like Moses to the Red Sea

Yes Lord and let the blessings rain down yeah I saw a second special last night honestly wasn’t very good and then the last joke I was fucking dying what are you talking about this is comedian we both watch this guy’s just chilling out in the lava chilling out Maxim

Rel fantas tried to delete it what if you guys build separate bases like away from one another for more i’ like to get my shit back but I’m sure they want to be away from me you want to build you want to build separate bases no someone someone said that in chat no

No we always live together yeah more convenient to share resources it is I confirm um guys um guys I I need help I’ll help you in a second I’m trying to get my shit back it’s not working oh oh that didn’t mind bro he’s hitting hard Jesus

Christ am I that nope oh I know you didn’t just shoot me you mother oh shit there’s fucking eight spiders what oh my and there’s one of these fucking mega zombies oh my God guys what the hell there’s a freaking zombie party at our house yeah there is ow oh shit

DOD I’m lagging so much what mod was it that we played where like the enemies weren’t spawning correctly um just peaceful MO I think no it was it was not peaceful mode think it was myeo it might have been I think it was fuck fuck and we were like where are

All the fucking mobs at cuz we had to level our shit up no no no no no why is it so fast please stop please please please please please please wait if I lure it to the house then you guys could deal with it I haven’t been there since we

Slept ha n if you just go away I mean maybe you can’t just maybe like just spawn camping you or whatever but if you just run away and you run out of their like oh you I’m trying to get my shit back yeah but you can just deload them

And then come back and they’ll be gone as long as we ar there well echo’s got they’re it’s by the house killed the runner how it took two hits I don’t have a weapon then come over here and I’ll gear you up well I’m I’m getting shot at by

Skellington I’m trying to get a two block High area so we can be safe in here bro trying to get Block High bro instead of being Iron Man be flash yeah that’s that is the plan I’m glad you caught onto it I don’t like this game guys why he take my

Dirt my pumpkins myt he took my pumpkins oh yeah that’s right you can vein M or yeah fist Wars oh no uh Eko we got an issue what happened there’s multiple creepers following me and I’m out of stamina stamina and hunger whatever okay oh wait they’re done following me I guess

Uh oh there’s a midget zombie I fucking hate this game hey can’t see thaty I ain’t playing Minecraft no more I fucking hate Minecraft I’m going to play Legos Legos baby zombie following him you what there’s a baby zombie dude I’m getting followed by every mob in the goddamn tri state area Evil

Incorporated a good chunk of my stuff had to is that a giant oh my God bro we just started we need to sleep every night until we get our yeah Drake you need to come back or at least sleep right now dude I’m in the depths of hell it’s already turning

Morning I I lost I don’t know what I’m missing I wish picka I can mine all this stuff where am I at oh there’s a big zombie oh boy what is that coming from my ass oh that’s a werewolf why are you running I thought that was fucking

Godzilla I was like there’s no why are you running you asshole you piece of fuck you piece of fuck you take the orange you put your thumb in the orangea orange juice dude I’m lagging so hard oh I’m oh no I’m no I’m going to

Die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no no come on lava lava yeah I it I was right next to water but I fell down and I’m in the fucking City somehow how is that even possible did you move our beds Eko no oh

I don’t know what to tell you Mr Drake the base is over there you see where the fuck did I come was over dude it must have despawned it’s like I I don’t know like a five minute timer game sucks I’m playing fortnite okay I don’t think I’ve ever actually played fortnite

I’ve played it a few times but are you a fan no but I’m I’m I’m probably not a fan because I don’t want to be cuz I don’t want to like fortnite oh my God there’s what there’s a fucking giant fucking zombie following me like it’s a regular ass fucking

Tuesday all right the basees now have two block where the hell is my shit uh Eko there’s a giant zombie coming your way oh sh I’m about to die okay good night whatever I’m fuck excuse me no I lagged so he was just kind of standing my warning he let

Himself die now he’s getting spawn camped I after me go this way awesome I just keep dying indefinitely that’s awesome so hard I’m just dying indefinitely that’s great uh leave and rejoin um okay that fellas I ain’t going to lie I want I want some peanut butter on some celery

Right now you know what I’m saying ever had really why can’t I pick up my items here and I was like I wish I pickaxe M all this wait Drake did you fall in lava yeah I fell in lava I was about to live

But then I fell down oh so you lost like all the shit you mined yeah but I’m in the area I was at I just need to find it I think yeah but like you lost all the shit you mind I did I did yeah I found

It let’s just see if what you’re trying to say what you trying to tell me here damn it it happened again wow why do I keep spawning here right here jumping in lava like it’s a fucking I literally slept at the bed but okay are you guys’ spawn points set at the

House uh I imagine yeah I hope so yeah mine wasn’t for some reason okay let’s try this again actually can you guys give me a pickaxe like just literally any pickaxe like just give me yours I don’t care no dur I don’t yeah I don’t care I just

Need something that can mine a little bit it literally like it has nothing oh okay I need a little bit more that thank you him the use pickax this down here e no what you what you doing here something I came up with nothing major um fuck no God fuck you

Zombie I think Drake is having an episode I think he’s having a really hard time I think um we should cheer him up by singing his favorite song Happy [Laughter] Birthday okay I need to fucking eat something where the fuck did that pickaxe go will I be safe in

Here yeah wait whose bed got moved someone’s bed was moved all right just pickax wait actually I can use a black dirt I feel like Drake’s bed got moved maybe I didn’t move it may Drake I think you moved your bed asshole I knew it I really didn’t mean

To but it did happen probably that here smelting shit for a starter base like come on yeah you look nice and pretty my mom coming to visit next week fucking can I say slurs I don’t know I’ll be back just got to go to the slur store

Really quick got to pick up the PA I got to go we gotta go pick up pick up pick up okay I can make that oh wait it’s just right here never mind what am I doing trying to go over there I got my shit back nice if it wasn’t for my impeccable

Memory never would have done such a thing there it is there’s that guy that I hate there’s that guy I don’t fucking like at all I really need food oh I’ve rotten flesh look at that if it wasn’t for me killing all those zombies when I did you know

Delicious I love I love flesh I really want gold so I can get some gold furnaces dude why do we need the quick furnaces dude dude it’s so fast it doesn’t we don’t need it we need that shit no we don’t do you know how much we’re going to fucking have to

Smelt I get it but clearly not do you not remember last time the pain that I went through having to sit there for 10 minutes this is about you man yeah no it’s for us bro it’s going help us it’s for the it’s for the family ho bro I didn’t call you ho

Crazy I mean you know about hoes like shit bro like fuck like shit I fuck I have any more torches I should probably come back my inventory is pretty much full yeah you should probably do that yeah but like I really want to get diamond going deeper okay well I’m going for the

Diamond great damn I just ate two rotten flesh and didn’t get the the debuff that’s crazy like I’m the main character I was going to say it’s like you’re just built different right yeah that’s what I thought oh we don’t have that mod that do we not have the secret doors mod or

Anything like that we do we should oh well the doors snap they don’t they don’t do the slow no that’s Mouse’s doors oh we don’t have the special doors yeah we the doors you’re thinking of our males doors but we do have secret doors which is the thing where like you could

Yeah yeah yeah okay I should read add mouses if you no I don’t really don’t care I don’t think we had it in the first thing so doesn’t actually wait no we do have Mouse do uh oh wait are you using like a Legends door no I don’t know why it’s snapping then

Whatever oh Redstone I’m going need that are you doing the Iron Man thing is that what you’re trying to tell me no it’s joking I bet where did nag go I went to get food oh I completely did not pay attention yeah he’s he’s in the house I guess I want

Food go get some I’m chilling I got to entertain the stream bro oh right right keep the content train pushing how are there no diamonds there’s potential trium though so I’m going for it cuz we need that a or fact wait I had I had what happened to my the rest of my

Trium well just that’s gone have a trick for that I have several stacks of Trum in my single player world and there’s a few characters you can use to pH through objects to go mining I thought you were going to say I have several stacks of trading right now

I’m like how no no when when did you oh damn you know my Survivor World Danny Fantom suit works the best but there’s a tier three or four suit that does phasing that I can get that can be good for mining yeah I used it to get most of my most of

My first couple of suits I think I’m GNA focus on getting partical accelerator first yeah as soon you get power is the better right yeah I want to find if I can find a werewolf I’ll just lock myself in a room and keep getting killed by him until I change

That’s how that works right how I did it for Spiderman yeah I’m not sure if that’s exctly how it works or if you need to get something I’m pretty sure that’s how it is though I look up werewolf I see crystal glass us to accelerated no werewolf blood

But no I think you just get bit same with the Vampire being a vampire would be cool except I get sick every time I go you also uh with as a vampire you also um induce uh fear or whatever so it makes it so people are grounded so they can’t

Fly oh so that would be really bad to use in a three person thing then well as long as none of us are using uh Legends flight fine yeah I’ll just go werewolf though but like in PvP it’s cracked and oh yeah you know me so yeah yeah I’m not going to be

Flying though so w matter yeah hopefully maybe we’ll see maybe maybe I’ll I’ll relapse oh yeah I bet you will cuz the new the new the couple Iron Man suits that I have are pretty cool like the mod that I added it’s cool the nites are

Cool I saw those are Mark 42 yep I don’t know how CL it is but I like Mark 42 a lot so I have to give it a worlded GU so the fear effect won’t work on each other I did not know that’s all the work I completely forgot Legends even had

GS I’m going to keep it straight with oh yeah we we could we could Guild it could might be good do that mean that does that mean Friendly Fire is off no idea CU we can’t have that friendly we got yeah we got it I can’t let that happen yeah motherfucker stop shooting

Me I will I should probably heal before I continue on so guys if a tetramand had to go to like a very serious and intense fight with Peppa Pig who would who would win that really that’s your opening statement oh I’m back by the way uh is

Is Eko AFK no Eko where the fuck are you I’m grabbing something can you fucking hurry up because we got to go to sleep I don’t want this shit happen again he’s not even here besides we’re safe anyway Drake where are you working on it are

You m are you now I am cuz that’s the same thing that my bitch exwife told me you knowu stop stop stop stop stop wait mine right you say tium I did I’m going to smelt this food and by schmelt I mean cook and by cook I mean schmelt Walter

Hey Tony hey Tony what the fuck what the fuck’s going on around here thony that’s a skeleton ask for some peace and quiet you come back with this I’ll take care soon what the fuck Tony piece of shit I fucking hate Tony what happened NY again did he just crash I’m eating

Chines he muted his m i m i muted myself I can’t see anything I’m just hoping I end up somewhere nearby guys it’s really dark guys what it’s really dark that’s just not what are we supposed to do for you very dark right cry about it I guess I don’t know I will

Oh my God where am I where am I I’m near a nether portal where the fuck is the base at guys oh zombie hard get down get down get down get down where’s okay I see it get down I I got to make it guys I’m I’m

Fucking I’m strafing fuck I can’t I’m going to I can’t survive out here man holy shit I fucking sank like a rock well I got luck I got all of nog I got all of your stuff nog are they are they burning holes into anything uh just run away

I’m I don’t think I have all your stuff at least try to fight them off wait are these the ones with like 40 HP some of them probably okay guys I’m coming I’m almost there oh there’s a giant okay I’m just going to walk outside it’s safer outside than is

Inside oh there’s a spitter I’m going to lure it away so it doesn’t come here oh it insta killed me I have holy fuck balls wow this is wild dude yeah this is insane why this should not be allowed we need a more durable fucking Abode than this what what did

You want me to do uh we need a steel bunker underground Drake is your Armory still available not yet not yet oh I can do a I can do a game roll to stop spiters from causing that would be awesome cuz I think that’s that’s my only pet

Is that they break shit my pet is that they exist and they’re rude I’m going to try and get in the house I have your stuff no there’s nowhere that’s safe there is come on um there’s four of them inside the house right what are they what type the

Runners I’m going to try to kill them I’m going to run out 100 and I died okay are you back I’m safe I’m I I’m not inside I’m outside I need to find where my stuff was yeah I’m going to try to kill these guys but I’m doing one damage I found

It I damn it oh yeah there’s a oh I killed one are you proud of me I killed two of them oh my God my dad might actually fucking adopt me if I lose all my stuff I’m going to be very upset this it’s literally right over here

You piece of fuck piece of celery I I just need to lure the giant away also I was going to get celery but then I discovered I have shit leftover God damn that giant does nine hearts of damage doesn’t even have to be close to you it’s funny that the spitter does

More damage than the giant that’s crazy where where did it go I think I got them all e that are in the house at least are you still fucking hiding in your little hole Echo good talk hold on don’t you have airpods bro uh yeah I think I got most of my stuff

Damn bro across my room I was grabbing clothes clothes the fuck what are you naked no I got to go home go home I got to go in a few hours like an hour or something he’s nak kid can I see I mean I am inside uh where are you I’m right you

Uh wait what I don’t oh okay come get your stuff I put it down here thanks or just take anything you can actually just so I can put I’m going start I’m going to start cooking yeah I’m still working on that farm let keep this down here we’re going

To need the bunker here I’ll go for uh I’ll go first actually okay um I need to smel yeah we’re going to need to have a bunker in this house yeah honestly I feel like the the main base should be the bunker and just like the upper part

Just be like a decoy house sounds very familiar yeah but it’s different cuz now we’re just scared we’re not doing this for fun the rest of my stuff back please oh yeah uh what did you have I don’t I don’t fucking know anything that any kind of farming

Shit I had a lot of well that could just go in the chest here there’s a little chest over here at all the food stuff thanks buddy I’m breaking all the beds and things so don’t break the the I wait why’ you okay can you place

Back the beds like right now so we could uh does deal mob grief stop the creepers from destroying things where are the beds okay cuz we oh there’s monsters nearby okay well if we die we’re going to fucking lose this place now just get the coordinates watch uh which which one

Is mine I’ll take uh well we got to do it off the you’re probably the far right I’m far left he’s midle yeah he gets to snuggle between us why’ you make a gold furnace cuz it’s fast that’s what I’m saying it’s fast oh it stops creepers from uh I don’t like

That I like creepers destroying things we could make like a a moat I don’t know if that’ll stop them cuz they just sometimes spawn on top who hit me oh the fucking giant zombie hit me I almost died the devil oh I’m teleporting I don’t care

Teleport to us nog we’re having a good time are you no I don’t want that then if it destroy if stops anything blocks I remember I don’t remember this shit being this hard well that’s we had shit yeah we’re also the the world has existed for like a while in the like

Like time a lot of time has pasted like or whatever so the Legends mod naturally like amps it up a little bit over time at start at the start like we didn’t have any events happen but not within the last you know hour we’ve had like four yeah

No how is why are you still alive okay God damn thanks fucking piece of fuck you got him uh do you still have the water bucket Echo yeah I do here cuz I had not yet gotten to use it cuz I’ve been fucking slaughtered over and over for the past fucking 10

Minutes but it’s cool it’s fine I’m having so much fun okay where do you want all this stuff at Echo uh here oh there’s a spitter right outside the door I’ll take them once they’re done I’ll take them okay wait is he going for you

Guys I thought look at that it h so fast guys I don’t know what your problem is God damn it I fucking hate these enemies there two crafting tables it’s so funny oh my God he’s spitting at me I heard that’s what they do I heard that’s what occurs yeah yeah

Last time I trust a woman okay wait where’s my hoe oh I have it right here uh go I’m so scared turn this one into a where’s it oh here guys there’s a spitter right outside the I need uh like literally at the door okay we’ll just wait for him to go away

Then he’s coming after me now oh my God he’s fucking burning shit up okay oh my god wow you do big boy damage oh fuck no no please oh he’s at me cool oh I have one of your iron furnaces Drake that’s funny yeah I it fucking boss

Okay damn bro does 12 damage and then walks away back in the house sorry wait can you see their health no I was guesstimating we have damage indicators on I don’t know how to turn it on so it’s you’re going to have to go into your controls okay I’ll honestly I

Don’t like having on I think it’s more fun to kind of not but go into controls and then go to Portrait repres texting me I don’t even know what that means okay we’re getting somewhere that’s good I was going to do a second floor but I don’t even think it’s worth

It probably probably a no on the second floor gentlemen I think you should just for the look The aesthetic yeah why not not it’ll give you something to do when we destroy it don’t destroy my things please I don’t try to but it just happens sometimes I know uh oh I made a

Mistake there’s still spitters out here bunch of fucking bullshit I think if you shear sheep they should drop iron what what why because it would be good for the economy God damn fucking question every fucking suggestion I make I will you’re just like fucking Cheryl don’t compare me to Cheryl you

Son of a bitch all right where’s the spitter at there’s two that was fuing hilarious no I’m already here I’m doing what I’m I’m doing with him damn it their reach is insane bro yeah they fucking spit at you no I mean just like hands yeah fucking got hands bro

Got them why is put my Minecraft 1.7.10 1710 okay what do I need for uh genor bro he fucked up the house bro uh okay I’m going to start aluminum which one’s going to be the wood chest Mr Eko far left far left well it’s block

Any wood in it cool it has wood in it it does now that I put it in there don’t make me kiss you on the lips very passionately fucking ass God I can’t I can’t I’m about to get very aggressive whoa yeah so how much cobbles everybody have

I need Cobble Cobble yeah I need the chest I’m in right now or standing on why is and if you have box site what the fuck are you talking about box site make it shit up BR just making up words have any of us gone mining aside from

You Drake I thought you guys did when yeah there’s some box I’m just trying to get this done uh have we decided what like First Armor things we want to make or we got first don’t we I feel like Legends is Legends easier to get what’s EAS this is probably

Easier I don’t know about that cuz with Legends you have to build the machines and then you have to get the suits and you also have to get tokens as well you got to build a machine you got to do that too you need multiple machines for

Fists for fists you only need the yeah you need multiple machines but they’re very cheap all right this is easier but legends sooner we get some sort of armor the better I’m going for uh I’m going for Legends right now so you guys don’t

Have to focus on that cuz I want to get my yeah Legends wise I don’t know what I want to get for now until I become until I get a werewolf Powers I don’t really know what to get my werewolf Powers all right well shut up honestly I was going to add

Windows I don’t think I should add Windows to this house yeah that would be bad and like you had to replace them constantly in the old map so yeah because you guys would you would just break them on purpose oh well oh no wonder um we don’t have to talk about

That actually all right like honestly I mean it was like an accident it was accidentally on purpose l so you know it’s not like I was trying to yeah sure so you know you should cut me some slack okay H it’s better if I have to make another hole

I’m going be pissed I have to make another ho can we put okay never mind I hate that there’s not a crafting table fucking right here I was about to move it anyway I got it where is the stone located probably in ekko’s inventory uh I don’t have any stone I

Have 16 stone bricks uh I need a lot of stone so I might start think you smelted it all oh yeah you you’ve been smelting it all yeah correct okay well where God damn the crafting table placement is weird I don’t like that put it where you want I don’t care I think

Think we should put it on the floor furnace and you can move it wherever you want I don’t know I mean are you going to kiss me on the lips probably not if anyone plans on leaving it’s turning night so can we please sleep first before we do anything you’re

Okay Mr Drake how’s the how’s the YouTube stream going people call us slurs yet sorry what was that D how’s the YouTube stream going have we got anyone to call us slurs yet oh no it’s never happened my knowledge happens all the time oh it’s

My favorite I know you like doing it but well no all right boys I made an engine okay we’re we’re going to sleep now right no I need to build a temperature regulator first we need to go to sleep right now what the fuck fucking now uh I’m outside

Yeah why are you in my bed just go to sleep you’re in my bed fine why am I outside oh my God I need to take a screenshot of that that’s so funny I think it’s happening to all of us I can see your feet at the corner of the

Room it’s like it’s like a capsule bed yeah I know exactly yeah pushes us outside to the fucking mobs how do I make the tempature I need packed ice which means I need ice which means I need water and snow I need snow dice we just several yeah okay I’m going on an

Adventure I need a bucket of water uh I got you may I have where you at temporarily where’s the food chest I guess this will be the food chest okay thank you thank you so much guys can I can I borrow some food I have so much food yeah I know can

I have some take it all right guys I made an emergency bunker oh thank you did you make a an emergency exit okay I I fell down it without even looking you can have the bucket bag you guys ever tried Crazy Craft 3.0 probably not I would I

Would ice Pi where’s bucket bucket buet can I punch you thank you oh I thought I’m sorry I saw the thing pop up in the chat and I thought you died was a death mess even with an ice pick I still need to find ice and ice is not a very common

Item I think it’s it’s better if I just C you also need like yeah you also need like silk touch and stuff no you can just get an ice pick from the Legends mod um actually I just saw build one I’ll take it with me just in case

Uh we don’t have any red Iron and I don’t feel like getting it are you going to make mark five no why not cuz I can’t relapse what oh so you don’t make all the fucking suits yeah yeah I need nine ice and I need eight snowballs for 9 I

So I need 81 snowballs why are you doing this out loud it wants people to think he’s smart remember I’m just doing it for me guys can you mute yourself for us [Laughter] I know he hates us bro I know I know he’s so tired of us

Anyways I’m pretty sure I can oh I need a I need a shovel all right how do I make the umri good luck it’s going to be the running joke isn’t it you got one one little fucking brick out here at the corner I’m going for you thank you thank

You right there boom perfect spot Dam you guys are making armor and shit losers I’m going to go on a long ass Adventure I’m not going to die we’ll be here father you you go make our suits for us bring a bed with you please

Yeah bring your bed with you I can just make another one that way if I die I don’t spawn or I don’t whatever’s make another one we have wool I’ll be back guys see you God damn bro smelting all the freaking oh pretty sure if I go up to

Here I should be able to find snow yep there’s snow right up there because it’s way up high look at that gu I know shit uh I don’t know what I should be doing right now mine uh how’s the that or um make sure the food is good and

Everything uh well the food production has started what food are you working on right now just oh get a get um get like animals you should get animals time I thought you said cannibals yeah that too um 81 snow what is 81 64 70 78 okay so I need a stack and three

Or I need sorry I need five Stacks in three who in the ass is texting me nobody you’re delusional oh okay my bad I don’t get six Stacks I forgot forgot I don’t got no bitches I I don’t know why I’m trying to parkour up here when I can literally just build up

Up a normal person okay I think is there like um Eko is that going to be like the bunker thing yeah okay do you want are you okay with there being a mine stemming from that yeah why are you speaking like that I’m across the room what I’m across the room

What what was that Sunny second you say something about cleaning with a broom your mother did he just say your mother I just heard it underman I think we should fuck him up I’m him up put him in the bed no do oh oh I mean you down I mean surely he

Can’t take both of us prank him John have you seen that no oh I don’t I don’t think you should all right I need toes toes taches sounds like a Pokemon that’s my favorite pocket monster have you caught any taches no what the fuck goddamn liberal

Cook I’m not a cook you liberal fuck tard you fucking you uh you wait what’s the other one the I don’t know shit about use ice every time isn’t quite yeah well it only is efficient if there’s ice anywhere which there’s not bitch so shut the fuck

Up damn you tell them for real for real on God boom boom on your bingus I hear a zombie everywhere you look everywhere is a zombie when was the last time you played tears of the Kingdom um for me it’s been a hot fucking minute I don’t

Know like three weeks ago I I played it for I play I played it for like three days straight and then I stopped I’m still irritated that you think time that was the first time I played it since I stopped playing or since I beat the the S

Mode uh I think I have like a few if I had did guess I think I have like 20 shrines left but it’s been so long since I last played I don’t remember for sure do but I did all of the dep uh well well well if it isn’t

Youtube.com strike Li how would you feel if I got a bunch of diamonds would great be a static we should get um we should prepare for an enchantment station Echo yep because that I never got a good enchantment on anything when like Eko had fortune 3 Unbreaking

And like efficiency or whatever I just had like Unbreaking in efficiency and I was like oh I got some black shit oh I forgot you can’t Vin Mine mod ores I fucking hate this game yeah I might just skip mod ores because I fucking hate I’m I’m pretty sure we can get

Um for divis I don’t think that’s what was causing it me neither but we can probably do that but also can’t you like individually set each fucking to be V mind and but that would take long time I love how somebody left the door open when they left like we

Don’t live in a fucking thing where everybody’s going to try and kill us all the time this is going to be a video right probably yeah I also want to turn the the Dragon Block stuff me nag did into that was so long ago I was like a

Little baby man I I you still are what the fuck I’m older than all of you I act like it and I’ll believe it whoa first of all what just because I’m expressing myself in a youthful manner fuck upes shut your mouth I don’t want to hear it fucking asshole yeah I’m not

Going to be friends with you anymore that’s not true telling your mom telling your dad telling your grandmother and tell my dad let me know if he answers huh what what I don’t know fuck what are you saying I okay but it’s literally the keybind for throwing away a stack and it fucking

Gives it to you it’s stupid yeah so I blame whatever mod does that am I going to make an Iron Man soup eventually probably no to Res I’m gonna make an Iron Man sup before he does yeah I’m not focusing on it echoo what’s up which did

You want what you talking about suit wise yeah which oh no you said Iron Man oh Iron Man uh probably one of the S on temp now now I just need Hightech wait did it drop I only got one what how did I only get one was it from

The like the ones with like the little specs on it I don’t know I mean it looks like a regular ore uhoh who is it uh it’s us yeah get down here just get down Dake no that’s fine Oh I thought you left Drake why are you still

Here what do you mean I thought you left on a grand fucking Adventure yeah there was a mountain right over the hill I just went there I I didn’t I didn’t know there I didn’t know there was a mountain right there it’s like a little kid when

He says he’s going to run away and he just goes up and down the street like not a I didn’t know there was mountain right there man no but bro was fucking prepping bro I was very prepped yeah I was ready for like literally like 4 days of

Work I’m I’m ignoring all these fucking ores I don’t care anymore they’re so fucking annoying I’m not mining all this shit without Min I don’t like you have patience dude I okay there’s a reason why Vin Miner is my favorite mod ever is because it makes Minecraft bearable okay where the fuck

Is all my iron huh what where’s all my iron at I used three I got over a stack of it I have not seen over a stack of anything uh I don’t have it in my inventory still did you check ekko’s inventory I’m there’s nothing in my my

Inventory just did you guys make anything how did you get down here so fast oh that’s I made one pickaxe what the fuck turns out we robbed him we’re just fucking gaslighting his ass yeah I can see your skin yeah no that’s good I made armor that was

24 and then I made a bucket 27 there was like 37 left when I when I back and then I made an extra pick and that was it what I had so much I swear there’s more is there not more Dam we have a lot of coal though we’re good

Onal considering we’re sharing resources uhhuh should we like each uh what’s the word like say what it is we’re working towards so that we don’t overlap each other’s materials that we need uh how do you mean but yeah that’s fine like okay because I think early game

Wise out of the shit I know I would want uh I might make the mark five from Legends yeah I think um I mean once I could see the list of Heroes if we can get that I can check but I don’t know off the top of my head I mean of course

I’d love to get my Zod suit back um that’s a that’s a little late game dude yeah you’re probably right um I don’t know anything early game I’ll take one of the bat family like just something with weapons you should be uh Red Hood yeah I either going to get red

Hood or Red Robin something like that who the robin oh fuck who’s Red Robin it’s Robin Red version why there two different Robin Robin red and or Red Robin and Robin Red version are two different characters yeah I don’t know who either of them are what the what who is is it are

They what it’s you know how Robin has like 20 million different versions cuz he keeps dying yeah it’s one of them but I’ve never heard you don’t even know your Comics bro you’re right I don’t know Comics I’ve never read a comic to my life actually that’s I’ve read one

Comic you guys ever watch um anyways yeah anyways n you’re getting iron right uh I’m getting actually dude I’m totally down to fucking get whatever or excavation bullshit we need for me to mine because okay like right now because otherwise I’m going to skip all this

Fucking modded door Echo how long do you got uh little over could be an hour and a half give take all right yeah we can change it out right now let me see how far I get in this roof real quick oh I’m just placing I only have six blocks I’m

Just placing it okay I’m good all right oh shit I don’t know what attacked me but I instantly locked out uh do this so hello what’s up okay I thought my internet cut off again okay our all we’re doing is we’re replacing Vin Miner with or excavation yeah I’m going to

Send you the exact Version what you don’t have to send me what do you mean uh please do no just I’m gonna throw it in the thing you guys I’m redownloading the mod pack no no I’m just sending you the the mod chill the fuck out nobody’s asking you to do that didn’t want to have to

Fuck with my keybinds again shut up you little big baby I will kiss you listen if there’s something you need to tell us I want you to know you can be whoever you want to be that’s what I thought what I wasn’t paying attention so we’re taking out V

Minor minor put oration in there yeah folder or excavation course Forge do you guys ever wish that you like weren’t alive no yeah should probably configure War exavation mod what block no war exavation works on every so that means you can ve mine stone wood anything um P Miner is the one where you can only mine

Like vanilla or or it usually works on modded but well you can manually like input blocks as well that you’d like to Vin mind but it’s it’s a very yeah and legends has dozens of blocks minimum I’ve done it before it’s not fun yeah it definitely is not for

Every fucking Legends or and that’s just Legends yeah I wonder why it’s like that though too cuz it works for most mods mhm very fascinating but also I like oration more anyway because you can V mine Stone that’s a lot better than having to fucking sit there strip mining for 20 million Years so with all these men flirting with me give off that vibe thanks I’m tired y’all woke me up bro why were you eeping I was supposed to be the one eeping crashed I fell asleep at yeah you texted me at like 3:00 a.m. like bro get on the game and I’m like

What yeah that’s me yeah that’s me I’m the guy you’re like no bro I’m EP I’m like come on dude there like an hour he’s like no dude my computer’s already off I’m already in bed my socks are off I’m like hey I didn’t ask about your

Socks I did not say anything about my socks bro is lying I never told a lie a day in my life um Echo thoughts opinions I’m good I’m going stay out of that one hello ji what’s up dude glad to see you back Oh that’s why it’s l it’s not listed as ores that that are they listed as congruent traent parallel lines a parallelogram okay all right well I’m stuck inside um just as like a double check kind of thing mhm do you want to check the flight we already did I thought it

Worked well we just we just got or ex oh true yeah you might there’s a fucking portal to the nether now as well with all these zombies oh wait uh okay no we’re good there’s where where the fuck did you come from oh wait is there a mine down here yeah oh

Shit I did not know that let’s see if it works that’s the wrong or um um is it is it is it wor what tier pickaxe do you need to mine red Iron uh iron uh why didn’t not work it didn’t it works for me I was asking if the the

Flight thing was weird I don’t know I’ll check that in a second cuz hold on something might be fucked up this sh fucked up some shit might be fucked up bro if not we might have to no it’s fine okay that that mind um but I don’t know if it vain mind is

There more he there’s no more I need to find modded doors here we go bro I’m not addicted it works it works it works it works it works it works yeah I know I tried it my the question I was asking was if the flight was still fucked up okay

Well literally ignored the one thing that I needed to know when I already confirmed the you guys should break up I did in here yeah I said there sounds on this I just want to okay those sounds are very nice yeah right and the backpack looks a little

Different too do it’s got some yeah it’s a little thicker on the top I’ll have to look at that okay I can’t find my way out here so I’m t let me let me wait let me see is it fucked I don’t think so

What do you mean you don’t think so I it was only breaking whenever yeah no we’re good we’re good I heard the noises basically the same God I love back I’m still gonna call it Vin Miner because that’s what I’m used to but oh I fucking love this

Mod like I do work with stone that how you feel about vein Miner is how I feel about uh iron chest and iron D I can’t wait to Vin mine the whole house bro it’s happened before see if cuz I will do that just a little fucking vein

Mine of the house bro come on don’t be a pussy don’t be a pussy bro just let me vein mine the house a little bit what were you saying Drake the what I think Miner is how you what that’s how I feel about the iron furnaces and IR

Chest stupid fucking furnaces oh my God it’s so dumb nobody fucking needs to smell that much shit here Echo do that and even if you do there’s better mods for it how much dedicated I don’t know if it worked dedicated wh no it didn’t do SL Guild join and then three

Idiots who in the shit is texting me that’s how it works there we go there go so now we don’t have PVP on and then if I yo what the fuck we can’t hurt each other that’s M up on I’m working on it yeah it’s kind of fucked

Bro I can’t if I can’t beat up my homies then what’s the what’s the point of having homies I acally just ban mined a giant fucking that was funny no issues it’s perfect perfect zero flaws you okay no there’s no way to just change that what are you trying to do someone

Said that we could do a guild and we might a fuck it it doesn’t really matter but it would an idiot whatever he said yeah okay I need I need box site which one is that actually I think we have enough here go for it Bud all right yeah I’m building my

Generator which uh which one is the one that we can check for suit huh that oh no you’re trying to get speed powers right now yep that’s right what is dog talking about the legend stuff to check the suits to make them you mean check the suits like you can

See the list of suit I’m building a generator first you need that need fucking power for it yeah and then I’m going to build a parkour accelerator you can put all that stuff in the basement if you want unless oh wait we can put

Them up here we’ll put it up here I just want to make it clear oh wait no we don’t have enough I need more box site yeah I’m working on it I need uh that’s the one that looks like I very dull iron right yeah yeah

Okay did you guys restart the 388 server um we still have the old world someone asked in ch we still have the old world if we ever want to go over there but for for memory lane yeah but um yeah we’re just we’re doing a Season Two Season Two baby season two baby

Okay um you know what might be helpful H if we knew the uh preferred y level of box site I think it’s just iron level well that doesn’t that’s not I’m going to complain I’m going to bitch you moan and complain and you’re going to sit here and listen why you going to

Moan I don’t know feels good I’m making a server shop no not what he say you know in like maybe you’ve never done it but in the official Legend server and in probably a lot of servers there are like shops where you can go and you can like

Trade balance for like iron whatever no that is someone’s like oh you should do that and I’m like H cringe it’s kind of cringe yeah it’s not that I can’t do it I don’t want he wants everybody to know it’s not because he’s incompetent

Or stupid or F I made I made Mark 2 guys I’m real smart still are the thing I I did that just out of my ass for fun okay I I just Mark 2 out of my ass I I literally just I just I just came up with it like

Yeah so you know like I’m smart I can do it guys don’t don’t act like it was it was out of the out of you know boredom no you had a power struggle and you needed to match up correct comes in response to a need you had a power

Struggle and you couldn’t handle it bro gave himself a he couldn’t he couldn’t go to sleep knowing he was the weakest one he had for real no genuinely it was like it was like a visual reaction like you had to and I think long and hard for several nights Tire tirelessly it was

Only one night but it was it was like it was like six hours straight though yeah well what what all did you do cuz I know well I had I had to figure out I I had I had to figure out what parts I needed so

I had to go through the files and read everything and then I had to make a whole new texture for the mark I which I basically took the Mark 1 I darkened it or I I made the chest the triangle and then I went into Photoshop and I turned

Up the contrast on it to darken it and like give it like detail mhm um and then I copied all the files and then I went and I replaced the textures and I replaced the names and then I modified the numbers and then I put it in and I

Renamed it two and I just kept trial and ering until I finally got to the end result why do I hear motherfuckers outside there motherfuckers outside the fuck is this shit the table I don’t need a goddamn table in the middle it’s getting in my way this that’s yeah

What’s we don’t we don’t have enough room for that what are you what what what do we need room for with anything else it’s a table this is this is going to be where we are we have a whole another Floor come upstairs look oh yeah may put that up there then what

Are you smelting I just I just figured we I’ve got more Ores that I’m just going to Chuck in here all right can you uh yeah give me that um can okay I’m going to make a bunch more Jesus Christ okay I need the do you have any gold no we need gold

Also I don’t know I know you need box site but I do want isn’t that what you need for what is it aluminum I need alum yeah okay I ask because I know you need that for the mark five as well but it’s okay okay see you later

Fuckheads thinking that I’m moving the beds upstairs god dude upstairs that’s should live in the bunker dude I think the bed should be upstairs really thank you cuz the bunker is going to be like where we do all of our shit we don’t need the bed no I mean like in

General living space there’s going to be monsters all around the house all the fucking time so we’re never going to to them if they’re up there that’s a good point know that’s that’s a good argument he makes there beds are downstairs in the basement appreciate that I feel like

Like I said I think the the main house house is going to be like a fucking decoy thing if anything we should probably move the chest down there too and just have our whole setup be the bu I didn’t know how much how well this vein minor thing worked and uh

Yeah did did you VIN mine the house no I Vin Min um it’ll it’ll take all durability on your thing dude I have a vision though do I even need a generator for the partical accelerator nope oh yeah I don’t think so don’t you need it

For the you need it for the soup hero the hero unit but so we’re going to need it anyways yeah but I don’t think I need it for the paral accelerator I do need a lot more aluminum you know what I have to say to that does anyone have any iron wey

Weie I’ve been getting iron all day bro okay I need a bow I need I need string guys have me string dog I got coal dog night I got Cobblestone and I Got Dirt what you need I need string can’t help you I’m try spider you a good look with the fucking

13 demons outside there’s nothing outside what do you mean what are you shitting me I am not every time I go up there I hear fucking chains rattling like it’s fucking Persona 3 and the reaper after after me that would be funny but I don’t understand the

Reference I know but it would be funny it would be very funny if you were correct almost as funny as pressing that subscribe button make big number go bigger God that is the cringy dude I’m GNA be honest gets more irritating every fucking time I hear it doesn’t matter who’s saying

It know what else is iritating D if I if I knew a YouTuber I would I would never talk dude for real like I cannot stand them dog they’re so fucking self-entitled they they act like they fucking they act like we owe them congratulations H record like good for

You you used a camera you know what I mean for real how the fuck do I did out of here hello oh have you guys ever wait never mind no I have not yeah don’t say whatever you’re about to say yeah it’s probably for the best you guys have a

Touch dick what bro what you gonna say no I don’t even I don’t remember what I was gonna I fucking fucking mind the whole thing again I or excavation is too powerful I say it’s very powerful I’ve done it too many times what the fuck where did you come from

You fuck guys everyone stream dude can I make no I’m out here fighting for my fucking life and he’s like oh you guys got any fucking handouts fucking it’s not handout it’s for all of us it’s for the good of what for us the group who’s us

Us and how does how does you having string help us cuz it helps me get my particle accelerator and how does that sounds like it’s about you I need so much aluminum how much because I was starting to think maybe he might 16 16 in aluminum we’re the three

Bestest friends that anyone could have we’re the three bestest friends that anyone could have I can’t wait till I get powers I can fucking run away you could run away now come back yeah but like I can only like go down the street you know yeah what no Vin Miner

Please oh my God this skeleton almost fucking pushed me Ina with everything Frank I know you want to leave but but that’s just too much yeah I need five so I need I need five I got a really bad trigger finger with vin Miner and but it’s not safe power addicted

Right no I just I’m using up all of our titanium you mean TI aome wait what you mean the titanium that I was planning on using for the part accelerator yeah man honestly a partal accelerator is actually really easy to make it’s like really easy why is it sh res still copper I

Need how hey Echo yep you should be the Green Arrow remember verdant yeah I do I yeah listen I could I made verdant again I could I could fix it I could I could finish guys remember verdant you know the thing he never finished fuck off Drake I remember that

I I don’t remember it cuz he never finished it oh yeah you’re right you guys remember what it looked like yeah we need do I need to make verdant just to shut you guys up you know honestly like never going to finish it yeah never

Finished it will if I did it again I would mhm I’m really going to do it this time guys shut the fuck up no I don’t want to be the Green Arrow what the fuck what’s wrong with green arrow huh when’s the next stream bro we’re still doing this one what do you

Mean when’s the next calm down we’ll we’ll figure that trust me we’re really good at scheduling like so good oh dude it’s such an easy thing in our group chat so easy all the time we have no confliction at all we all just actually live together yeah zero

Confliction I mean honestly like it’s it’s kind of just like one person says hey you want to hang out today and it’s like yep I’m free I never had any plans and I don’t work I don’t I don’t have an OCC and I don’t work and I don’t do

Anything you know me I’m always ready to play Minecraft buy let’s go let’s go to the room where we play video games together in the the same room all the time we’re actually the same room our gamer mansion in our gamer mansion with all our gamer YouTube gamer Mansion yeah

What do you mean our YouTube what buddy not today what I thought a creeper just shot an arrow at me that’s I’ll go mining and I don’t see a skeleton so I’m still convinced a creeper shot an arrow at me you should ask them who their favorite character is oh my God comment

Down below com what your favorite character I mean between the three of us oh oh I know Echo but like I want to hear them say it character we’re people dumbass no all not to them not to them is not to them what do you

Mean I think that was the best answer I could have given God damn it fucking or exclamation I fucking hate this one go back to Vin min oh hello spiders I need Drake I’m coming back up I need a I need uh 18 buckets of pickaxes I’m not home at the moment

Oh I keep I go through pickaxes like like Echo goes through Wom there it is I was just for there it is it wasn’t it wasn’t a if it was a when you know I’m not even getting I don’t give a fuck anymore I’m not going to give you guys satisfaction for this

Person to be able to decide who favorite person is he has to choose what he has to figure out or he has to know what our hero picks are uh I’m primarily gonna do symbiote stuff because I again keep in mind again I’m gonna do um Green Lantern and then Legends wise

I’m going to do a werewolf I would do Iron Man but you know these fuckers have a problem with it they they have the problem not me okay I I don’t have a problem so you know because of that I’m I’m doing um uh speed Dr cuz Drake’s the best YouTuber

In the whole world now can I play please can you pleas can I the IP please one of these days he’s going to leak the IP I know he is I know he is I don’t know oh yeah any going to leak his own IP address before he does

That I don’t know what we’re going to use upstairs for but now we have all this space to put the beds up there fucking no I put the beds in the basement like I was told oh yeah what happened to all of the wood what was your question about making a server for

Fans uh I’ve done that in the past and it’s just really expensive I don’t yeah and not worth it either it’s not you guys going to rely on a bunch of 12 olds to fucking come in consistently and play no way what he’s trying to say guys is you’re not hateen that

Too what oh sorry I don’t know I was confused relax yeah that said symbiote is his favorite all right now hell yeah I’m you mean the other guy oh yeah the other guy someone said that someone said that in the chat earlier they all call

Me that yeah oh my God I just realized Drake you should be black flash so you can use all those slurs added in rate wow that guy’s my favorite character is my favorite character damn how many pickaxes should I make are you be mad if I make eight I

Made five of iron dude that’s absurd well I’m also getting a shit ton of iron so you can actually suck my balls all right okay all right the fuck do you mean okay okay okay all right smelting right now so if you guys have anything to complain about bring it up with

Drake I mean he’s in charge of the smelter ring oh yeah you’re right that’s me they call me jabon lames shut the fuck up about that random ass football player shut up is is it so fucking simple that you haven’t figured it out it’s it’s fucking Jon what is LeBron James LeBron James

No fucking shit then why cuz that’s what you called him earlier no but you were acting like it’s a different fucking person I know but you okay what you know what can we kiss can Drake watch that’s interesting that’s interesting I loved that video bro I loved that one that’s

The blue be video too that that one was watched by the most people was it dude that was the best one that one has like 10,000 views do I hear a werewolf why do I hear a werewolf yes trap him yes I don’t know where the

Fuck it is I don’t want to find out I’m going to let him kill me over and over again um listen okay enough with the furry stuff Bud for real I still hear it and it’s very concerning we’re the three best I don’t know if you guys are going to like this

But anyone could oh zombie horde get the ban I love Zombie horse okay I’m I’m like half zoned out just focusing really intensely on building this shit what are you building the fucking yeah isn’t that thing like 13 miles around um no 13 miles around I mean it like a real

Parkour celerator can be yeah I should really make a weapon I have yet to make anything aside from pickaxes and axes and this isn’t the version where axes are like the best weapons so yeah aluminum hopefully I have enough about to find out I think I do I want to ask something

Controversial all right lay it out oh no I shouldn’t all right you fucking te fucking teas I need some fucking content man dude got the 64 mini particle accelerators bro been sorry no bro been grinding shit I don’t know what to tell you he’s been fucking on it dude dude

You guys just don’t respect the fucking grind and frankly I’m over it I’m making personal chest in the basement for all of us all right thank you can you make my room with black all right everybody get out of the fucking basement I’m about to blow that shit up what oh it’s

Like fancy down here fuck uh yeah I know do it somewhere else where do you where do you want me to put this shit at Echo gigle Hole uh your generator or your other thing my other thing why don’t we come down oh fuck that scared me here come down here

Come down here come down here all right where do you want it it’s heavy it’s heavy as Fu am I lagging Deadpool three I bet I’m lagging I’m lagging I forgot that we don’t did you just crash no that’s all you bud oh sweet I keep forgetting that

We have name tags off do we yeah that wasn’t originally I saw your name tag at the beginning of the session oh it’s cuz we did it when we were uh oh my God this is a bad spot to be in this is a bad spot to be in I’m I’m at

One heart with 13 zombies down a narrow Corridor EO where are you yeah do you I’m up I’m coming upstairs do you see me what do you mean upstairs you said come down here no over here come over here up here up here up here

Up no come no no no no you’re lagging so much for me I’m talking down the M sh all you bud I got some Orcs that I need all right I love getting titanium it makes me happy I got it put a torch down if you can um what

What happened why I don’t see the I don’t see the shit that was mind what do you mean what do you mean like it’s still all there for me oh you might have to log out and log back in real quick or excav Yi what would close what are you talking

About like if I leave it’s going to know do that BR it’s you not me everything was working for me I know it’s me man okay so all I got dumb ass hey quit being a bunch of ass heads dick fucks yeah dick fucks Mr Drake glidle is that the IP yes

Sir yes sir I don’t know why you send the whole fucking thing and not just the last few digits cuz you guys are all like oh the first time we did this shit when back whenever we were playing with the my hero mod youall were like what I remember I don’t recall

Doing that because I’m the one that fucking figured out how to Hamachi in the first place I don’t have any torches yeah Eko you’re the only one with a miserable connection yeah well what can I say college using that McDonald’s internet out here with fucking excuses and shit

Let me go grab some here mine some more space out but I’m going to grab some Tores can’t see anything why have I not found any diamonds yet this is actually yeah I tried to find something I didn’t find any I was like what I I feel like other ores like override

It cuz diamonds feel so much more rare in modded things to me am I wrong oh no you Okay that’s rough buddy oh shit and my bed is gone it’s in the basement what the fuck is that where am I well I got a remake everything and all the what the fuck is this where am I oh all right well man that’s rough buddy it’s fucking

Annoying cuz I had like all right all right it’s time ready you guys want to come watch this shit yeah get powers wait wait Drake come up can I be honest with you Drake oh wait are you’re going to get powers right yeah give me

Your armor yeah here you go there was a spitter uh right outside this wall all right I’ll take them down I’m not going to watch cuz I don’t care and I have shit to okay I’ll watch buddy okay get your pow sir you get them Powers hold

On apparently it does need power no wood what do you guys think of the bunker area though I like it it’s very cute I didn’t look at it this going to break all right all right yeah I’m on and then I need something that has enough power to

Maintain the the uh H we don’t have anything of high energy density um no I might have to burn through all the coal we have please don’t I’m just I’m going to make a bunch of blocks how much does it need um no it wouldn’t be enough does redstone

Work Redstone does not work okay um oh I forgot I all my food is gone too fuck I feel like a dingus how much does a block of coal last how long not very long I know but like long enough you guys know that one song that

Goes okay you can’t do blocks you have to do F okay it lasts like a second are you shitting me what was that God I fucking hate this game what happened fucking creeper blew up my farm yikes dog we’re going to starve to death

I’m good I I have enough food for a bit well I lost all of mine and I had okay I all right I am ready I think I just don’t care to fix that right now uh well at least we can lure in animals now with the wheat

Farm you going to come watch this or no tell you don’t care wait one second tell them you’ve got a family to feed we’ve been playing for three hours guys not all yeah what have we accomplished I’m about to get my Powers yeah why why do you get yours first H

Cuz I was I was no I’m kidding I I thought you were no I’m I thought you were upset I was going to try and justify my my actions I was going to try to make you feel better though damn all right I’m on my way back all right oh

Wait we have a carrot all right sir all right so I’m going to need you to do something for me you need actually never mind you ready bless you can you quit fucking sneezing in my fucking house sorry why did you block off the there was a spitter on the other side run

Power all right oh shit oh God is this explosion going to kill me I don’t know hey so you know that spitter you were just talking about yeah he the power the power I feel the power I can’t believe he’s getting his powers God damn it could we become Speeders too

My shit didn’t despawn wait I’m so lucky I I placed a um I placed a water bucket like on top of myself when I fell in the lava and my stuff didn’t get burned I’m so happy how you feeling you’re such a weird actor dude

Try role play out here I respect it I don’t my head I’m lightheaded now I don’t know I was going to say something but aren’t you always anyways did you hear my my good news Mr Drake or were you too busy suffering from CBT I yeah

Uhhuh do I make torches I did not cool well yeah I did sweet now he’s got powers damn that was so cool Echo you’re next what do you think come on down what do you think those are all our own chests Eko what what what powers you to get first

Uh I don’t know I mean I honestly sometimes want the symbiot that you had from Legends cuz you get wings eventually but honestly I won’t do that a lot of progression to get to yeah I don’t really want to do that I mean it’d be really not easy but I don’t want to

Do the Spider-Man thing again cuz I hated so I think as soon as I see a werewolf I’m going to jump to it and make it I’m going I’m going to damn it why do I not make weapons I’m a fucking dumbass dude I keep going down into this fucking

Mine with no goddamn weapons and then the fucking creeper shows up I just run on water or did I jump I can run on water boys already you already know that Mr bar have to learn that he was always fast enough he just didn’t exactly know

How I don’t know what we’re going to use this upstairs for um CBT roulette I don’t know what that means but I said it and I’m sck wa C roulette that’s crazy like that’s got to be illegal bro that’s vile I don’t even know what that means

Let’s see how long it takes me to get to the mountain hey while you’re out there see if you see any werewolves all right tur night time by the way guys so oh yeah I see big zombie inside good thing we live in a fucking bunker I got

Him I got him guys I’ll take down that zombie real quick like you have any enhanced strength or you just fast no idea about to find out oh he didn’t hit me he didn’t hit me I’m too fast for him I’m too fast for him oh shit streak you should change your

Streak if you could I wish you could dude remember when Iris called Barry the streak yeah so fucking stupid all right I’m going to go see if I can get cows once it’s no oh yeah yes please please doit wait I take it back yeah what what was that what was that yo

The Regeneration is crazy good bro bro has to eat 37 hamburgers an hour yeah ow dude this is sick bro we’re going to have to fucking hire some minimum wage employees McDonald’s next oh yeah I got crazy strength sweet now we need to we need to get power ASAP just because it would

Be easier than the wait actually Maybe not maybe the symbiot could be easy it’s just a very high rank oh I’m an idiot have I not been collecting this yeah the it’s pretty worth it the other one huh what the Fisk symbiot is pretty pretty worth it well I

Wasn’t going to do that one I want to get a Legends what’s the thing we have to build to see the suit suit list for Legends St the suit list uh you have to build a uh hero the suit unit oh right hero I dropped my pickaxe when I sneeze oh

Shit where my where’s my’s my suit assembly unit oh that’s awkward oh no I’m getting jump I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped guys guys I’m getting jumped out here dog how do you expect us to help you yeah I’m not I’m not helping you I’m gonna H out my little up in a

Situation you can fucking deal with it until I get something going on yep I I don’t get my stuff bam round three baby God damn it regeneration save me where’s my food all right that’s my food my food is gone forever we need an infinite water

Source we live right next to a fucking ocean yeah I was about to say dog because when it’s night time I don’t want to go out there right now yeah no I’m not fucking with that shit all right here you need a bucket I

Have I have a bucket but I need a bucket of water yeah give me it I got this several just send him on a side quest to get fucking water that’s really cool he he walked out the door and all I heard was yeah yeah so cool guys oh

Shit the house uh um uh uh I missed my wife and kids I haven’t been home in so long all I know is the mines fix it what happened got it oh god oh I still I haven’t patched up that creeper hole that fucked up my farm I got and I ignored

It what time is it it’s 5 5 what the hell what are you doing Echo dude how have I not found diamonds yet this is actually stupid just in case just little something to have all right do you need more water I mean it’ be nice to have not for

This but just for farms in general under ground okay just wait this is infuriating where are I’m going try and get still points you’re scary the we got to get that suit assembly unit we got a lot of shit to get we also need a super car

Unit yeah but assembly first right yeah assembly first you don’t need the repair unit until you get the suits also the repair unit is also like really expensive I think it I think it takes like two blocks of emeralds damn I remember it being really expensive yeah I remember I had to mine

That shit me it was me oh yeah let’s see if I can find my food I found my food oh that’s what I was doing dud the faster I go the more damage I do I can do 14 damage at Max Speed currently fellas I got to go AFK for a

Quick second all right I getting really tired him all right all right be right back wait where am I I’m I still don’t know how I found diamonds yet like I what happened to my how do you increase more or how do you how does the still

Thing work I don’t know exactly how that works okay this is like a random chance for what for to get a skill point whoa I can do AOE damage what I do AOE damage with my punches why cuz I move so fast that it like creates like a sonic wave that’s

Sick oh good eat me wait what the fuck how did I miss this there’s diamonds right here oh my God they fell in the lava it’s three hey that’s pix I just that or into lava okay well I think it’d be better to make an enchantment table honestly well you need the diamond

Pickaxe to be able to mine everything yeah but it’s going to oh it’s a werewolf EO is he gone yeah all I’m King it oh don’t let him know I don’t know why he wants to be sneeze bless you thank you okay I’m coming back up to drop off all

The shit CU my inventory has been full since the summer of 1842 when columb 1842 in 1942 Columbus sail the ocean blue shut up it’s true bro no it’s not I read it in the textbook I heard it I heard it in a song is it still nighttime uh no it’s turning day

Now are there a bunch of fuckheads outside not anymore k a zombie I don’t know why he didn’t just turn actually I’ll do it myself from what I’m going to cuz he was talking about getting an infinite water source so I’m just going to turn the one

That we drop into into one all right okay I have a bunch of shit shit that I’m just going to dump in here and not deal with and I hope you can respect that I have Wall running now already mhm it’s only 10 points I have a bunch of junk do you

Have any gold uh there yeah they check this chest yeah there’s in there I want to get some uh chests get bro what we need a gold chest thought you going to use it on something useful no dude we’re running out of space dude not really but

Okay uh I wonder how he’s going to feel about this well why is there a whole fucking mine down here let me turn this gold even what is this what what why did he put fences up on here like I have no idea oh I still need to set my spawn

Point I’m a dumbass and you got a lot of red Iron yeah I’m going to need it for the mark five what do I need the Stark workbench yeah man yeah you need a you need a diamond pickaxe because you need to get plum yeah oh I fucking forgot about that I should

Have did you use the diamonds up no but I should let me come back up wait did I okay I did empty my inventory I meant to put stairs here that’s why I made it two wide so one can be stairs and the other side could be blocks but I had not done

It wait how do I have four diamonds I thought it had three Uh how make an auto smelter where the fuck did this go okay an auto smelter yeah honestly go for it like I don’t want to do it right now but then don’t fucking say we’re going to do it no I said I wanted to I didn’t say I was going

To do completely different things my bitch exwife said something similar about making me a sandwich you wanted to but but she wouldn’t no she didn’t want to but I made her all right oh I love comedy all right I’m going back in the moins I don’t know why I said back in

The minds you fucking child um you know um I hope he Di all right A little it’s a little offensive but okay no it’s I mean you know damn that pickaxe broke broke just like me don’t you have a job don’t mean I’m not broke what are you spending it on

Nothing I ain’t taking this path this path has gravel I fucking hate gravel hate gravel fucking oh I hate them gravers damn it hate it whenever I accidentally run up a wall not a button no it’s automatic automatic that’s whenever I move a certain speed I’ll it’s not a suit is it

It’s like like Powers uh it’s Powers Yeah I’m guessing you mind all of this and it’s just R for me oh no you didn’t I don’t know what did I mine all the stuff like right at the entrance of I could not tell you dude I don’t

Know what I’ve been doing I’ll be honest I’m struggling oh some gamma radiation you know I could probably take that up there I did a nice line of sight with it I probably take it up there before I die where the hell is how do you get

Down here padium right here right yeah yeah I think I to do that dude oh I can’t wait to suffer from padium poisoning dude that’s such a fun feature I’m dying I’m dying help help help help help help help I wish I wish they there damn radiation that shit hurts

Bro where did eeko go he’s eeping bro eeping he Eep why is he epie he’s on his bed why is he on his bed he fucking someone I mean it is Echo yeah it is he’s got options he do he do have you seen him like his face what

Have you seen his face okay I thought he showed you no well I saw him in a Spider-Man there yeah but so have I got God damn it that’s a fucking oh I another creeper hold on I need to fucking lock in bro okay okay what were we talking

About uh God damn it what Minecraft okay we’re good why is there so many never mind hold on lock in dude B up your mind dude they keep spawning okay what were we talking about talking about Eko oh yeah I know him yeah I know him too I met him met him once

Yeah yeah he’s a handsome devil I would not know why not I’ve never seen him asking he showed me his cop that’s a lie come on okay um honestly an auto smelter sounds really nice we could it’s just like using Hoppers and yeah no I would like that a

Lot is this a ravine oh this is a ravine how did I get here where am I who took off my pants why are my pants off who is attacking me dog what there’s fucking ghosts I would come to arrest you but uh welcome back sir thank

You where the fuck did you go Mr fucking pants man I am wearing some you got me I’m not I am what did I miss what are you guys doing we took our pants off yeah okay cool cool cool cool show other it’s so funny to hear this like streak

Sounds like stop call me the streak bro dude that was call me the Flasher wait wait pause flasher I don’t know about that one it is flasher and Dancer oh the house looks so bad I’m gonna fix the I know I fucking hate it dude all

Cool kind yeah EO I found out something cool about my Powers I my punches have AOE AOE yeah if I’m running and I punch something it’ll do a shock wave of of damage oh nice I need more Spruce hey Speedster guy yeah run over here come here go find

Me some Spruce here wait I’ll give you this axe let me give you this axe give me all the spruce do you have haste when you mine things yeah yeah is this the version where you need lapis to enchant no lapis is pretty much useless no oh I can make shit blue with

It yeah you can make sh blue God fake Minecraft fan for real on boom boom dude you don’t you don’t know how much you uh a lot a stack two stacks at least two stacks I’m scared oh my I hate lava dude that that pissed my pants right there been

There you pissed my pants yep what don’t you remember 82 oh yeah years huh you little Immortal yo did you guys watched the new episode of invincible no I haven’t seen any Invincible seen season season 2 is so good uh is dude okay all I want to know

Without spoiling anything else okay is Amber still a fucking bitch or does he like break does he fucking break it off with her cuz I hate her uh she gets a little better but then I think they broke up good she’s I think they break

Up episode 5 cunt dude who the fuck made the water bigger uh you said you wanted an infinite water source and we already had one thing of water there so my justification was you asked for it this is true I made it somewhere else it’s like the it’s like

Um it’s like The Dark Knight with the Batman what like Batman from Batman what you guys ever play Batman the Batman night you guys ever play Arkham man I I’ve heard of it what your having a stroke right now ell is I think I need to give myself a

Progress update on so I I want to show you something Eko I don’t know if you know about this or not he’s going to show you his cock God damn it not again again okay so we were talking about that earlier how you show me your cock becoming night time I don’t like

This oh yeah you’re did you just mine all of that yep uh not on my screen you didn’t oh yeah I got to get up there rid of the rest of it I’m thinking about how when I sneezed I dropped my pickaxe that’s some pretty good immersion if you ask

Me yeah so that whole thing gave me over for a stack oh so if you need more just you need more just you know take this shit yeah I got it take this shit and get out take this shit and get out of here did you break my axe the fuck out of

Yeah that long on I don’t know what to do now I guess I’ll build the suit crafting unit since you guys need that yeah I want the suit crafting unit I think all of us need to to mine because that’s kind of how we progress oh yeah yeah oh yeah all of us

Need to mine huh yeah I remember something very similar you know once upon a time once upon a time once upon a time I remember something like that I don’t I do okay I need lightning Stone uh if I find some I will it requires it does but I have

Oh okay I saved my life nice nice that was very close I don’t ever wish to be in that position again doid glass what did you say I don’t know what I heard but it was my father was my father shut up I oh my God one night it was off crazy early

Us M he gets chit knife oh I found a werewolf werewolf werewolf werewolf oh yeah I found one earlier but you were AFK so I killed it okay it’s white I’m going to get it I’m going to get it oh was the one that I fought okay yeah get the white one no

No do some gring don’t kill it don’t kill it I’m not I’m just doing grinding just some points oh shit I punched him actually sorry he’s still alive I get out the way get him in a hole oh shit he’s fast yeah he is they

Call him the the the wol I’m not trying to attack him but he’s get him in the hole he wants the smoke you get you build a hole and I’ll get him in the hole there’s one right here where right here I’m in the hole where

Are you look for my name tag I I yeah remember how there are no name tags I literally just saw yours I don’t see yours right here bro where the fuck did you go I’m right by the house can I join oh there’s three there’s a pack there’s a pack you you Mr

Man talk all right can you come outside yeah come outside and then leave over here where are you away from the door I’m right here I see your name I don’t know why you can’t see mine there’s a water hole right here okay oh oops all right damn he hits hard I’m down

Here oh fuck no no don’t kill me don’t kill me Mr Man fight me fight me what are you trying to get him to do he’s tiny why can’t I respawn I had a DNA sample the fuck oh bro busting out the Omnitrix that’s really awkward

What what are you a werewolf now nope I’m in the city can someone TP me to you TR please I don’t know think that happened but okay where’s he at it’s at your spawn point right here you should said it in the hole nope oh you want to do that do

It yourself is dead did you kill him I didn’t kill him not not intentionally if I did kill him I I can’t pick up items I can’t do anything what is going on I got creeper DNA sample now what how I don’t know uh you just you kill enough creepers that’s what it

Requires you have to kill enough certain amount of well they’re all gone watch you don’t need the watch that’s not how it works it constantly goes until you’re done I almost punched you I’m sorry so bad I another feeling remember earlier when you guys were

Making fun of me uh I make fun of oh there’s another wolf right here what scenario other side of the house like front of the house all right I’m coming back up I’ve been mining for too fucking long I’m getting tired of this shit been there been there come here Mr

Werewolf fight me Johnson keep him alive keep him alive I got you can we not TP anymore God damn it you should be able to are you still in the city no no no no is it night time yeah yes cuz I need to set my spawn point again cuz somebody oh I

Died damn the speed on my screen you didn’t I’m just talking to him at this point dude I’m fellas I think I’m going to get off here soon that’s depressing I’m lagging so bad it’s almost 6 o’ Drake are you even there I’m at the house not on my screen I am quite

Literally right here I’m in front of the house running around super speed do you not see me uh there we go well I’m going to go inside this is going to take forever look up on the wiki see how I’m supposed to get Stu what is this noise I’m hearing me

Probably dude I’m lagging so bad he’s just ignoring me or I’m dead already and I don’t even know it you died so tired can you TP me to you please are you still in the city no but I’m I got to fix my spawn oh whoops Oh he’s right at the door well doesn’t even say I’m in the house yet no I’m I’m put you in the house oh I’m trying to get him away from the door I didn’t get in can you can you please set my spawn point somewhere else like

In front of the house maybe then SL there slash kill oh fellas iser my homies yep fight me I think I’m going to get off now that’s depressing damn not really why go on without me cuz I’m fucking tired what do you mean you’re tired dude I have to work T he’s ignoring

Me you really want you have to work tomorrow I have to work tonight what time do you have to work uh I don’t know either 10 or 11 but I’m tired all right go away then damn you don’t got to be a fucking mean head about it that’s really hurtful should I get

More speed or should I get an attack get an attack all right oh okay we have a human person wait come help come help me come help me help me see you later we got to get this person that’s the werewolf yeah yeah yeah we got to get him ins you want to

Like lock him up like a pet we should put him we should try and get him in the basement um or put him in a hole or something just so I can I don’t know how we’re going to okay I guess we can just put them in a hole

If we hit them will they fight back yep all right dry got to Y just dig dig dig dig just dig what dig the hole Oh I thought this would be fine no set my spawn in here set my spawn in here set my spawn in here set my spawn

In here spawn some spawn they aren a werewolf I know know but but we got to I’m just going to wait with them until it’s night time go grab some blocks and cover us joy you know it just turn daytime right like you have 10 minutes yeah all right fine I just don’t

To despawn if I stay if I don’t stay with yeah so close it close it close do wait do we need the Moonlight to change or is it just going to change at night time going to change it night time okay so what the hell am I supposed to do uh you

Could go get animals I was going to get animals me let me get the Shelton let me get my shamlet on so apparently something that you should do is get Legacy armor and then uh just let it keep going at you because ly armor doesn’t lower your health it

Just okay can you make it yeah uh let me see what do you need for the just keep me in the hole and whoops oh yeah that’s super simple sweet nope that’s awkward nobody needs to know nothing this and then H what do you want what what what

What kind of what kind of outfit do you want I can I can only get you like one item uh what do you mean like I can only get you one thing because I only have a thousand tokens oh damn how many do you have uh Slash tokens Bell

550 okay if we can buy if we pull our money we have enough for two pieces okay um here why don’t I come up uh just send me the money and I’ll how do I send them to you or actually you send me the money or I’ll send you

The money and then you can get whatever you want okay uh SL tokens stay with the person keep your eye on send go what will you call yourself when you become a Speedster uh Speedy Drake super fast speed Drake super fast that’s my name cuz I’m so fast

Yes yes yes I’m like so fast I’m hungry I think I’m going to order food I think I’ll order a pizza maybe maybe two pizzas all right sweet I got the Kryptonite Kryptonian chest plate chest plate and pants all right yeah that should that should be enough damn I got

Hops you see that shit well get out of here wow you do have hops thank you I’m just going to sit in this box with this random person Nory no normal legy is also oh no yeah no normal Legacy is cheaper we could have gotten could have gotten a whole

Set maybe actually know you would have been a little short but you should have gotten three pieces instead of two but it’s fine I don’t care I look dope it’s fine it it shouldn’t make that much of a difference yeah last longer probably sweet all right so you want me to get

Animals cows prob probably yeah what sorry I was not paying attention uh cows yeah put them right around the where the where the um food is okay should I like build a pen first yeah okay um you have any fences yeah there’s some there build like a tiny little I just

Just put them in a hole Yeah Yeah for now you can what do you mean for now they’re going in there they’re staying in there oh okay if I can find any cows here’s one yep come with me come this is the most boring part of the stream so far yeah yeah yeah

Absolutely no denying but I must get Powers so Powers yes Mr Wayne I agree oh great they on me or on you they’re oh it doesn’t matter they’re right here okay yep okay they’re coming after me all right I just I’ll just take them all out probably die huh wait that said

You’ll probably die just Wai to know that that’s you see that’s funny cuz I’m not going to I got a repair token damn that’s a that’s a fucking rare find Rare Find yeah it it can instantly repair any suit to full super rare did you set my spawn in here I did not

How do you how do you do that what’s the key to that slash spawn point nice could use lights in here a little dark you asked by the way I didn’t die so my ass he for touch strap is that what I think it is yeah that one’s really cool

I want to get that next who needs more speed I I’m fast enough right now I don’t need more speed what I need are cool abilities unless hold on what does what does more speed lead to vibrating High perception oh yeah that’s right eventually I’ll be

Able to transfer my speed to you guys like how Barry doesn’t it’s how Barry does it in Season Four Season 4 cuz whenever you’re whenever you’re running you generate a a speed force Aura and if you’re really if you’re really in tune with your powers you could uh extend

That that aura out other people D yeah that’ll be cool we could all like be running around flash time that would be pretty Dum oh shit that’s lava oh no no I just lost the tyos soens how long does it take to build up the speed

Boost do I have to be sprinting to get speed boost yeah probably is it just this okay that’s the speed boost one oh shit oh my God what is happening okay yeah I I can just be normal moving there you go you got it oh I got it

Yeah well get me out of here here we go oh damn I’m just I’m just I can’t respawn very quickly I’m dying instantaneously all right hold I got it I got it why can’t I hurt him I got him am I not fighting him or am I already dead Um all right you fight him then I killed him you killed him killed him I killed them damn am here’s your am skin suit here’s your stuff all right guess I’ll just put it in a chest where are you I see you running around the house

Dude what is are you doing I’m running around no what is happening with your fucking computer dude I don’t know I can clear the house in one jump though damn okay watch ready you watching me yep damn what the Hops I got hella house bro I mean you are black that’s

Crazy that’s not racist it’s a compliment all right where’s my gear I put it in the far right chest I can’t get into the house right now sucks to you I can’t change I can’t change back now you know how nag felt with his simote no but he can change back and

Forth I wait now you know understand like hey like you know all I’m going to see what happens if I disconnect and reconnect cuz it’s literally so choppy right now if that doesn’t work I can try reconnecting yeah just for a little bit longer just so I can figure this out

Thank God though that was easy yeah easy took a while I’m pretty sure that’s the same thing that’s the same thing I did to get spider powers last time 25 yeah it is oh I’m human did I lose my Powers no shouldn’t uh I don’t think I have them

Anymore where are you I’m on top of the house I logged in and logged out log back in can you just is there a thing I can take that you can just you have anything in the top uh left like a like a nope nope oh okay it was lag it was lag

Yeah another one I’m going to kill him oh DN he’s he h hard yeah you might have to re rejoin or something yeah no I can’t even see where he is okay let me reload yeah everything’s bro everything’s broken go I wonder do you always have to be do

You always have to have dark fur when you’re a were for you might be able to change it if you go into like the customized thing like could be cool I might want to change it guess I’ll be eating rotten flesh for a bit now n’s the only one that’s not

Going to have powers I think that’s really funny yep okay let me get Vortex trap a cool move probably one of my favorites I can’t even hit anything oh shit okay time test out this new move I guess I died are you still lagging yeah I didn’t even notice that the zombies

Appeared oh shit they’re all going after you I think yeah but I’m quick though I got hops you do got hops I’m gone I’m trying to take him out get that XP W I’m not very strong yo die what how much punch damage are you done I can’t

Tell I should give you a number when hit them it doesn’t then you don’t have indicators like turn on or like install it at all well I wouldn’t be able to join if I didn’t right uh that one it’s that one might work uh well no I used the same

Pack yeah which means that you should be able to see it if you hit them it’ll say like on their person or whatever no I haven’t had it yet oh wait no it should oh it’s not saying for these guys oh yeah no it is

No it’s not saying them for anyone on my screen what is the it’s in what controls probably yeah uh it it should be right below the fist Heroes abilities like portrait reposition GUI or something do that and then you have to go into your setting or you have to like you

Basically turned off the thing ages AG when we were setting up enable enable portrait yeah there we go let’s See I think I might do seven it’s not very good the house got wrecked a little bit by the way just want to let you know how wrecked did anything get not too bad just some some blocks around okay I really need armor yeah not the best abilities being a

Werewolf but it’s not bad yeah I think I only do like like maybe seven hit damage but I think my moves are strong and also I got hops so what happened to you where’d you go I’m just fighting Focus got Focus up I also don’t think I take fall damage yeah I

Don’t yeah most things in Legends if not everything uh you don’t you don’t take fall damage but I don’t know why it’s like that but it is what damn that dude that zombie did zombie that zombie did a whole ass fucking a whole ass like

Stomp I feel like I should be able to eat rotten flesh without getting effects yeah that makes total sense see the damage I’m fighting for my life bro why can’t I move I did war trap that’s probably what it was I didn’t I didn’t know you were there oh

Jesus stop SP stop stop stop stop it’s coming daytime soon let me move let me move I’m going to die hunger it’s crazy they hit me I’m too fast I’m too fast with it I’m too fast ow yeah it says I can’t control the Beast

Yet how do you open your skill list uh for me it set a period there we go oh I could turn I could get a thing that makes me I can turn you guys into werewolves too don’t do that wow these are expensive where’s this where’s this

Enderman at I see him I see you motherfucker Vortex trap okay he can dodge that he DOD that dude I’m I feel like I’m fighting fucking peekaboo God damn no wonder if that shit was no wonder they didn’t catch her holy shit wild that’s crazy how many points I

Get 34 where’s the where’s the control the Beast ability how much is that for okay all right what are your um what are your uh uh what’s it called what are your Legends keybinds I never actually put them in are and then X through XC v v yep animation is

None armor is Right bracket class is left control hold on it’s all red for me so I don’t know equipped ability it’s because of the replay mod probably cuz I forgot to take that out yeah most of it’s on none for me there we go what what building I really want to

Move facing would be what did you do for suitability five on FIS okay it’s just F through k for me the whole thing damn oh damn yeah we got some we got some damage in the house it’s fine you say we got some damage at the

House yeah I see it’s okay all right what can I do for Ability five for Legends instead of B well it depends what all you have to you have to figure that out shit out yourself I my team from yours specialization key do we need that specialization yeah that’s your ultimate

For legend for Legends oh okay I have that set to Z special ability I have set to Z yeah okay go get another ow proba anyway I don’t know where one is oh I need wheat load out description customize shade fur colors here you go fur coloring black brown gray

Light brown what do you think do whatever suits you you did have a little little nod to moonight with white maybe yeah I’m thinking I might do white yeah well as soon as I learn how to change it wow I don’t think I take fall damage anymore you don’t I don’t take any

Either awesome regeneration is fucking crazy dude I don’t know if you have it I probably do like holy shit regen so fast where’ you put my other armor in the far right chest I how many tokens do you have 245 I have 1,700 again you have what

1,700 how did you have how I’ve been killing everything yeah I just can’t seem to be doing that right now cuz they lagging too much it’s good thing we didn’t put a whole lot that was four no such an our base is so empty like our upstairs and everything we need

To like I guess we’re going to get shit right wow there’s a zombie in our house that’s crazy um I guess we’re going to get stuff you know what we should do we should make we should go find a uh zombie spawner and create a thing as soon as I can

Fly soon as I can fly it’s over for y’all okay cool I don’t recall asking all right I want to start it on need oh yeah we need what what oh yeah uh uh lightning Stone do we have lightning Stone no we have no lightning like this is this this

This werewolf hide is important this is the one that turned me I got to I got to put this in somewhere cool I need food here I have some as well just keep it I think that’s enough to initiate my My Endless lust for food for power for power

Unlimited oh I did um have you ever heard me do the Terminator voice like probably like what you doing I don’t really do it anymore but I I did it a lot in uh sixth grade or whatever cuz I’ve watched BOS a lot you know Terrorizer does that f

Um so I would constantly practice it and like this kid always said like oh yeah yours fucking sucks dude and his was actually pretty good but I kept I kept doing it over and over and over again and eventually I got like really good at

It and uh I did it I did it uh last night at work and this new guy started working he’s like you’re really fucking good at that I’m like yeah I know wow but it’s like I finally feel yeah I was going to say does that feel

Good tell me that story well it it’s just it feels was nice to finally be validated for that voice I never actually got that what are what all powers do you have uh like like ability so you can get oh okay I’ll tell you uh let’s see first thing I’ll get is

Scent tracker use your enhanced sense that the smell attract enemy entities when activated Trail will appear so I can see through walls and stuff and then the direction I want to go is the next one is Fury swipes ferociously swipe at your opponents with your claws causing

Them to bleed deals 10 plus damage plus 2% bleeding uh Beast deal strength increase your strength scatter shot releases superpowered punch sending your enemies deals 20 damage backhand 10 damage or 12 12 damage headbutt deals five damage for five or 10 damage for 5 seconds uh exert yourself using your

Superior strength to rip through opponents each punch deals additional two damage for 10 seconds so there’s a lot of stuff here yeah except I don’t know where where it is where I can buy the um TR changing back and forth because every time I try and hit transform it’s telling me I can’t

Control the Beast yet you probably have to like on what what it should be in the still Tre somewhere uh hold on the stuff I get is crazy what were you saying you you to yeah you haven’t learned to control the Beast yet that’s what it says probably something that you get in

Your skill tree I’m looking at the skill tree wait is it saying that like in there no it doesn’t say it anywhere a lot of these are aggressive I know I know I won’t change at night time if I’m wearing a helmet so that’s good to know oh okay that’s interesting so I

Can technically change back and forth it’s just not as cool it’s like it’s like in Ben 10 with um the Dagon yeah wait do we have do we have a cactus farm anywhere nope okay uh then we need to hit these set up really quick seeing you go by is so funny why

It’s just I’m like oh my God the streak all right we got to bury these fucking I need let’s see if I get this on the first try oh there we go oh I have hops now like as a human yeah like where are you come look at this shit one second

Oh sorry hold on hit me hit me oh okay that did nothing okay there you go that did one and a half okay I well I lagged but anyway wait watch my hops hold on oh God I’m stuck I’m Sor I’m sorry I died that was funny God damn

It even when I’m even even when I have powers I’m still powerless damn it’s real how did you kill me I was a mile away my God you can’t see anything in my hands too I could be holding my sword and you couldn’t even see it that’s

Actually kind of cool where’s my food at I can’t wait until I can Electrify these motherfuckers can’t wait until I can like do some cool shit I really feel like I’m practically flying with how fast I can jump up that look funny there’s some of it a little bit

More where’s the bread though had a bunch of bread all right I want another I want another zombie horde to spawn I want to take them out wa this I’m going to kill things how many points do I have 19 what do I need for 25 for oh that’s that’s you

Sorry can you really not tell no that’s funny that’s why I’ll change my color oh I’m B three werewolves four werewolves on my way they’re my brethren but I will kill them oh help help help help help help help help help all right wow so I got to go get my

Stuff yeah same same race you well oh my God I’m stuck in this box no you just pick up my stuff when you get a chance I’ll do my best I literally can’t get out of this box yeah no I’m stuck in this block cuz

I keep dying yeah I’m stuck I can’t even get out I need you to reset my spawn right oh spawn point there go no still in the hole oh my God bro I’m still from the box I can’t do anything no you’re not oh yeah you

Are I set your spawn point so I just can’t respawn or do anything damn it yeah dude I’m still yeah I can’t change all right did you get my stuff yeah I think so can you just it’s just my armor my food and then all the wood

Can you just put it in my personal chest yeah let me try log in one more time just to check but then I have to go I didn’t get any wood that’s okay I probably didn’t have it on me dude I’m still stuck in the Box oh my

God I can’t get out I keep running out and I and it teleports me back set your spawn here are you phasing now I’m vibrating that’s not creepy or Herobrine at all feel like I should be a little thicker of just yeah you’re very small I think they all are oh you’re

Like you’re misiz oh it’s cuz I’m watch this what the hell let’s let’s try this let’s try this outside you got the boots oh shit I just saved the house dude I am still U sized why is that maybe it’s just a fist no that’s never been i’ I’ve been

I’ve been bigger this whole time right I don’t think so you think so I don’t think so I’m pretty sure I was bigger let me do I need for the next 50 oh my God a lot of points a lot of mine of M weird why am I why am I a

Baby a baby I’m a baby wolf no I’ve definitely been bigger I can tell I can tell it’s different so something must have happened like or something it’s okay hey you want to see what happens if I if I did a speed boost sure all right it’ll take me a

Minute to build up but then after that you can go iation damn oh sorry damn my bad um yeah we’ll figure out times to play next time all right all right well guess I’ll go and see how fast I can go really quick and then I’ll end it

So this is my maximum speed currently and then with the speed boost it’s this that’s like twice as fast that’s pretty fast jeez okay well that’s going to do it for the first one uh hi yeah so thank you guys so much for coming and watching us play it’s been a

Hot minute it’s been about what like six months I think since we started the first one so yeah um it’s been fun it’s been fun I I enjoyed it I hope you guys enjoyed it too I’ll hope to see you guys at the next one I don’t know when the

Next one will be but it will happen so stay tuned anyways

This video, titled ‘3 Idiots Return to Become Superheroes in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Drake Lytle on 2024-03-23 22:35:55. It has garnered 658 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:22 or 15202 seconds.

In today’s stream, I take some friends into the world of Minecraft to play with the Legends mod aka the best superhero mod in all of minecraft but this time we are also adding in the Fisk heroes mod. We also added the Minecraft Blue Beetle mod into this for Nagol. We added the Armored Adventures mod for myself, and we added the Moon Knight mod for Ech0_M! Let me know in the comments what your favorite part of the video was!

Link to modpack: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/drakes-3-idiots-superheroes-modpack

Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/qqGUqTb

Check out my Twitter: https://twitter.com/drakelytle

Become a Channel Member today: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJyrqigfNfUYBhzPb6GmBg/join

As always make sure to like comment and subscribe, thank you guys so much for watching, hope you have a nice day and of course as always goodbye! PEACE!!!!

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    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

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  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More