3000 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]

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I’m here day 2001 it had been quite a long time since I’d set foot in this world I mostly just took it all in there’s a thousand more days in this video so much more time for work you hear that villagers more unpaid labor I’ll be honest with you all I’m

Recording this part last for you it’s the beginning but for me it’s the end no I’m not gonna jump off the tower that’s not what I mean not yet anyway before I recorded the first day of this video I wanted to record the rest of it to truly

Show myself how much has changed oh a lot has changed it’s a thousand days it better and I can’t wait for you to see it all so grab some snacks and get comfy it’s a long notable video and I doubt many of you have a bread dispenser

Nearby day 2002 my very first order of business was trying to remember where I used to brew potions legitimately I could not remember so I went to the nether to kill blazes to start all over halfway through I remembered of course it was in the house you dummy I brewed a

Bunch of anti-fire potions for safety it’s a long video I’ll probably need them I took a break from this world to wait for the 1.19 update which overhauled the caves in the game so now I gotta get a new mine here should work don’t dig straight down and unless

You’re me I came prepared I have played on these new deep sleep caves before just never on this world and I do gotta say they’re a great update to the game well maybe I’ve got perfect armor on I can hug a creeper and only take half a

Heart I’m really just down here for adventure’s sake it’s not like I need diamonds however regardless I stayed down in the caves until I ran out of torches now that I’ve got some of those deep slate blocks I can work on building a proper mine entrance of course it’ll

Be deep slate themed it’s a nice block beats Cobblestone I layered in some different ores that I found down there like I said I don’t really need them I likely won’t do that much mining anyway but hey at least my entrance looks cool here’s why when you dig straight down

You always want to have a fire potion I was digging out the elevator and found some diamonds that’s gotta be a good sign that first shaft goes all the way to bedrock but I built a second one that goes about Midway down that’s where all

The action is I think it all turned out very nice and it fits in the storage perfectly 2008 I was back in the caves with way more torches just trying to light it all up hey creepers suck I don’t know what this is or what I use it

For but I don’t have it and that makes me want it the caves are quite massive if anything I should be flying around here 2009 I found some caves that were shallow enough to give me access to my beacon powers and this is just so much

Fun I move in mine faster jump higher I’m essentially unkillable I’m getting to the point where closed captioning not available The monster Farm is now just a hole filled with various monster remains and cats they will live with the dogs I try to imagine that they all hate each other that helped the skyline a lot but there’s still so much to do the monster Farm had a dedicated bubble elevator in

Addition to my other bubble elevator they’re both very useful but they’re ugly so they’ve gotta go but now the destruction is complete the mob farm is no more time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened right next door to the monster Farm is my bamboo Farm it

Works great but again it’s ugly so I started on a new bamboo farm from my own design but then I realized my design is flawed and would never work in a thousand days so this time instead of demolishing I’m gonna renovate the guts will pretty much stay the same I’m just

Gonna be ripping out the exterior I’m gonna replace everything with jungle wood and by the end hopefully it’ll look like a tree but first I need more jungle wood I got my start in this whole world with deforestation it’s one of my favorite things oh I never replant trees

After I cut them down I want the jungle to remember me I cut trees all day got way more wood than I need it’s kind of a hassle coming out here oh hey guys I forgot you were all here wow that’s really sad bad like a good Corporation I

Spend all of 2022 cutting down the jungle oh guys you really shouldn’t have had that second kid at the rate I’m cutting down the jungle this world won’t last much longer got back home and got the wood on there and it’s not terrible but I think it’s missing something I’m

Gonna try to grow some branches from the farm see if that helps at all I also put down some roots to make it even more realistic I’ll be the first to say the Top’s a little uninspired it’s just a rope of leaves but what do you want from

Me I think it’s better this way and your opinion doesn’t matter Aiden while I’m working on my Farms might as well do something with the melon farm it produces melons great but by far the worst aspect of this Farm is I have to physically transport the melons to the

Melon men the journey ain’t far it’s really just a rocket away but that adds up so I’m gonna build a giant melon pipeline it’s ambitious and I’m worried this melon pipeline is going to go under all my ancient artifacts it’s pretty frivolous but then again so is

Everything else I build and most of the footage is me just digging hoping not to hit stuff at the end of the pipe will be an item Sorter and I’ve never built one of these before luckily nerds on Google showed me how thank you all this thing

Was supposed to do was separate melons and pumpkins but I gotta be honest I really don’t understand how it works the biggest challenge outside of building the whole system was getting it to hook up properly to where the melon men live but by 2030 it was all done my melons

Now go right where they need to be This is Gonna Save Me stacks of rockets and Time spoiler alert I trade a lot of melons in this video one last day for inspections I’ll probably get fined for no ladder in the service entrance but

Now it’s all done so I can focus on not smiting villagers ah next project time this one will be vegan time for an automatic sugarcane farm with my automatic gunpowder farm this will give me automatic Rockets automatically this build I did not have to consult the internet for sometimes I’m confident now

Hundreds of times a day I will be head sugar cane and they feel pain day 2034 I set up a collection system nothing too complicated and by the end of the day I got it hooked up to where it spits out sugar cane right by where the gunpowder

Is I didn’t have to use glass but I think I like it now it’s time to make the Tower bigger oh yeah Minecraft updated and now there’s a new build height so of course I’ve got to make the tower as tall as it can be I had enough

Emeralds to get it sort of framed but that’s why I upgraded the melon man I need money Banks lives up here he owns everything one of the first things I’m going to set up on this new Emerald Tower is a bubble elevator all the way to Max site within the tower itself it

Wasn’t exactly easy putting this all in but that’s what I get for building a house made entirely of money see I normally get to Max height with a separate bubble elevator right near the Tower made of glass and I don’t like it it felt really good to finally destroy

This thing I’ve been planning on it for like two years I’m just shy of enough emeralds to complete the elevator this made me feel so poor this just inspired me to renovate more of my villagers I never liked how the stonecutter building juts out from the wall construction

Amongst villagers is tough a few got hit but none died but now the room’s a little bigger and completely flush with the wall I’m happy with that got more money didn’t pay taxes and finished the elevator the next day I have all the money in the world but not a single bone

So I had to go out day 2042 and kill skeletons phones were the last thing I needed for the elevator but now it’s done I can now go from sea level to maximum height for free and it’s all hidden within the tower that’s notable that’s will need some work but I’ll get

There after building up my land day 2044 I decided to rip up my land I’m gonna level off my inner wall it’s gonna take some time I’m gonna have to move some buildings but I think it’ll be worth it I mostly just need to kill some time in

Camp to make more money and this is what I decided to do had to move the five-year Garden up one block and totally forgot you can’t move a cake without destroying it there goes some history no one will notice except the millions that watch this video the

Entrance to the Vault won’t get moved I’m just gonna totally redo it that’ll be another day I don’t have any ideas right now I had to work on the big totem which will just be a block shorter from here on out here’s the new Vault design

Uses pretty much the same blocks as the old one but with a Year’s more building skill I did have to rewire some Redstone in the vault and it’s an absolute mess I don’t know what I was thinking but now everything’s level and working at least in the inner wall the outer wall maybe

We’ll do later I’ve been having some lag on the compound and I’m not sure what it is so today I decided to deflower the base I really doubt flowers have anything to do with lag I just wanted to say deflower and get away with it day 2051 I’ll be changing up the bedroom

Right Above It is this furnace room that I never really use with all that extra room I put up some bigger windows and some moon and stars art that I really like and day 2052 I’m making a new throne room this one’s gonna be much

Bigger at the top of the tower oh yeah with these windows you can see the whole Sunset and because I’m up so high it’s the dead of night but I can still see the sun after moving my Throne up there I watched the entire Sunset but to tell

You the truth in reality I was likely away from my computer eating or pooping day 2054 I’m gonna clean up the metal and Men they’re all kind of smashed in there putting all the workstations on one wall like this seemed to work really well with the Stone Cutters and it works

Here too there was a thunderstorm gate 2055 I didn’t think anything of it until my dragon statue got hit I got the fire put out it’s lucky I was standing here what are the odds day 2056 I had enough of the Tower built that I could put a

Ladder all the way up the top half still looks pretty bad but like all cosmetic issues it can be fixed with money putting in a sky bedroom day 2057 I can guarantee you I’ll almost never sleep here it’s done if you don’t believe in walls or Windows I need more money the

House is gonna take way too long if I don’t set up another biz business venture and that’s what I’m doing today soon I will fill this hole with my greatness Sao became a dad it’s gonna be a big sheep farm 20 sheep in total had to run over to Old Town for some

Supplies and got a chance to see warthog which always warms my heart more construction blah blah no sheep in the farm just yet but now all the wool will transport nicely to the surface then I tied up six new employees their cubicles are almost ready now I need villagers

But I killed all my orphans so it’s over to ghost town to grab some more I almost killed all these orphans too luckily they got in the boat before my patients ran out and after a lot more struggle than I’d like to admit I’ve got two new

Villagers in the orphanage oh one of the melon men had a kid perish I had to take out a lot more than that must have dropped some bread in here at least the Sheep breeding’s going well I’ve got enough to fill up the farm mostly sheep

Shoving day 267 but now it’s done 20 sheep all working for me I’m obviously not Just Gonna Leave This wool Fountain out in the open I’ve got to build a housing around it I’m gonna try my best to make it look like a big sheep and

Hope it doesn’t burn down in a lightning storm yeah I think it’s okay A little cruel if you think about all the helpless sheep underneath it regardless of how you think it looks it’s been producing very well all these blocks will be in Emerald so I need more string

To make looms and in my Infinite Wisdom I forgot that I can just kill spiders get this my brilliant plan was to go all the way back to the end Fortress and stronghold whatever and find the libraryoteca I got string just didn’t need to make it this difficult I forgot

To mention this whole time I’ve been infecting people with diseases in my basement this part isn’t too interesting but will pay off greatly each one of those Shepherds will buy white and black wool for one Emerald each speaking of zombies I could hear moaning underneath my compound and gotta find him I hate

That I’m normally pretty good about lighting up areas underneath my base this must have happened during the renovation gotta finalize the innards of the sheep it’ll be a lot harder to do any of this with villagers inside I really like this black and white wool carpet really adds to the aesthetic and

Flammability what’s the lava for the viewers asked nervously oh nothing said the notable one one of my subordinates was causing issues and didn’t want to change so I just watched it happen that shepherds are finally going in this is a great day for capitalism the profits are

Kind of amazing I just pick up some wool out of this chest and sell it to the guys it’s awesome I was working on infecting more but killed the zombie that was supposed to do the dirty work tonight last Shepherd’s right here bringing my total up to six and about

400 free emeralds per day I was away all day 2079. I don’t know why I didn’t write it down so we’ll probably never know yeah that’s it that’s that’s the day next one my next big project is taking all of the stone in this quadrant of the compound and turning it into

Grass it’s not exactly a very interesting Adventure but will look good in the end I’ve got a lot of big plans for the compound all those torches on the ground need to go too monsters started spawning because I broke so many of them weird they haven’t spawned here

For Generations now I’m gonna do my best to make this straight diagonal line of sand look a little more natural it’ll never look natural because it’s not this used to be a beautiful swamp it wasn’t recording for a day but I finalized the Shepherds and the grass project then I

Tried to see just how many emeralds I could get in a single day the answer is seven remember how I said I wanted to get rid of those torches well now we’re upgrading to glue Stone you can feel the panic in those torch placements got the lighting done at least this section one

Day I’ll do it all while I’m doing things that I’ve put off for a very long time it’s time to drain this Old River water like I said this used to be a beautiful River in swamp now it just makes my storage ceiling drip this was a massive undertaking I didn’t even finish

Before running out of sponges my sponges gotta dry out for a day so I decided to test all my money making methods and I’ll give you a real number this time 1 358 emeralds in a single day but I need more I want you all to know I would

Never switch my game mode to creative in this video but days like this make me want to sponge is gonna dry out again but I have more Emerald so I figured I’d finish up my sky bedroom even a house made of emeralds will never sell if it

Doesn’t have two bedrooms with the river draining I’ve gotten to the point where my storage ceiling doesn’t drip anymore but there’s still so much to do working on my house every other day though was a nice break it kept me sane right under the bedroom I also built this massive

Room with dreams of catching a warden in it there’s still a lot to do with the house but it’s looking a lot more complete than just a frame here I decided to section off the river with dirt before draining it and this worked a lot better I’m not done nowhere near

It but at least I’ve got a strategy instead of placing sponges randomly now I’m done seeing hard work like that pay off well that’s what makes it all worth it so now that I don’t have a bunch of water underneath my land I can really start making stuff look nice it also

Gives me a lot more opportunity in this whole section to set up new business and I will for house framing day 2096 my Emerald Supply is so good that I can pretty much every day I’m just proud I can’t go a single day without marveling

At my land and after a long day of framing day 2097 the walls are done just need Windows and floors so I’ve got to stay in Camp to keep making emeralds and there’s no time like the present so let’s just light up everything I’m telling you right now this is going to

Take a long time a lot of buildings need renovation with this it’s a huge project but in the end the whole compound will be better for it this section over by the fireworks show wasn’t really that bad it was mostly flat to begin with and if the front Gate’s gonna be level I’ve

Got to move around some of that Redstone why is none of this to code never put redstone on dirt I can already tell that lighting up the whole compound is going to be he’s such a joy the great lighting project gives me a chance to look at all

The buildings in my area and decide what can stay and what can go all the bees died so they can go it was probably my industrialization the Cake Factory is functional and all but the roof was terrible I won’t even show the old one you’ll make fun of me it’s been so long

Since I played this world my standard of building has increased tremendously this is an empty dog Army Barracks they don’t live there anymore because they lagged me insanely and my skeleton horse stable made of bone blocks is admittedly pretty terrible I won’t send them to the glue

Factory they’ll get to live in The Stables well I only had room for three sorry buddy my terrible Roofing is definitely a theme of these outer buildings look at that it’s just blocks that’s a lot better and my ass a lots get to live the industrial side of my

Compound is just a complete mess it’s where all my auto Farms are the glowstone makes it a little better but it’s so uneven and there’s so many weird buildings I’m just gonna have to fix this in time there’s this section over by the melon farm that’s basically a

Hill I don’t think there’s any way to make this look nice I got a break from it although that night there was a thunderstorm and I love shooting lightning bolts plus I’d never pass up a chance to get more monster heads I just love them the storm continued into the

Next day that would scare me if I wasn’t Immortal these skeleton Riders have no chance of killing me on my main Camp especially since they mostly fought with each other I’m still just lighting stuff up and getting rid of birthday candles each one brings me joy doing all these

Lights was incredibly tedious but flying around the base at night and looking at the completed sections gave me motivation guess what I’m still lighting and will be for the next couple of days you might as well just watch them oh I guess this day I punched some weeds how

Interesting hey clerics I’m back for more glowstone guess what it’s day two one one ain’t that fun and no I won’t let you out of this hole hey Swamp People I’m here to install your lights you’ll owe me for this you can pay in children yeah so I’m pretty much done

With the lights day 21-13 I just flew around to see if there were any that I missed Hardcore Minecraft is about vanity this is proof time for the next project I’m gonna be burying the beacons if you bury a beacon all the way at Bedrock you’ll get the powers from

Bedrock to the sky in reality I should have done this a long time ago but with a new cave update it was the perfect time basically if I bury my beacons I’ll get my insane Immortal powers in any of the caves beneath my compound making exploring a lot better it’s not a hard

Job just requires a lot of digging I’ve already got the beacon placements down just need to make a hole Yeah so that’s basically what it looks like I’ll make it prettier in time for sure but for now I’m just getting them buried each one takes about two days and there’s three

More to do so I’ll see you in a week there were no complications of any sword I tried to do them all with daylight shining down the hole for maximum safety I know it’s not recommended to dig straight down but when you’re as strong as me you don’t have to listen to the

Normies yeah this Beacon here was better off buried it was clipping into the orphanage I had a little fun with the last Beacon and used some TNT to dig out the hole by 2121 all the beacons were done now you might notice that there’s no light shining and I think that’s

Because the Beacon’s too far down I still get the powers there’s no change there just no light I saw a noticeable increase in my frames per second so I’m okay with it I’ll take better performance I did more testing today and from what I can tell I’m getting

Anywhere from 10 to 30 more FPS without the beams rendered I can get the beams to show up for pictures and such but I kind of like them down if it’s going to give me better frames then I worked on prettying up the industrial side of the

Camp which is never going to happen I’m just telling you right now if anything I think these stairs just make the bad leveling worse while I was over on the industrial side I got rid of some useless stuff like the music disc Farm it served its purpose I also probably

Shouldn’t have a mushroom dirt farm I’m just asking to get the whole compound contaminated if the mushroom dirt farm was your favorite build and you’re sad it’s gone I just want to let you know that you’re weird I’m thinking about putting some more emeralds on the base

Maybe a wall all the way out here so today I had to do some math however I basically came to the conclusion that before I put more emeralds on the land I have to clean up what I’ve already done my compound is Miles beyond what most Minecrafters can do but I’m notable and

Must prove it a2127 was just making money when I heard a zombie in my walls I felt quite insane after digging everything up including the stairs and not finding him when I do find him I’d like to kill him slow but I can’t I’m too powerful made more money and fixed

The orphan’s roof it’s been leaking on their parentless heads also fixed the bar roof it’s weird I care more about the horses than the orphans new project time I’m gonna do something pretty with this mountain face it’s kind of nice how it is but I’m gonna do something even

Better just carved it out today that’s all finished the carving the next day you can’t even really tell sorry before I start I need sand this shouldn’t take too long it’s gonna be a pixel art but let’s be honest no one likes seeing Pixel Art built especially when you’re

As fumbly as me this will be my history written on the wall for all time you’ll see what I mean but not today I’m just getting everything laid out in dirt this mural will commemorate 100 days 200 days 300 days and all the thousands currently I’m depicting my subjugation of the

Villagers for profit I actually had to change the whole layout of the mountain today I needed more room on my canvas it’s all taking a lot more time and concrete than I thought but here’s me in the first hundred a wood house Cobble walls and happiness there’s got to be a

Better method of making concrete I just feel primitive when I do it like this all right first panel’s officially done and I’m happy with that it makes me feel the second panel will depict me fighting the Ender Dragon on day 200. I’m gonna need way more black concrete for that

Shouldn’t have made so much blue after killing many many squids for all this black dye it’s finally finished I decided on black concrete powder for the end Sky instead of straight black it also makes the dragon pop a little bit more which was tough because the dragon’s black as well after putting

Blue up in the sky for the third panel I didn’t really like it I thought it needed a different color I loved the contrast of the blue and black in the first two panels so I wanted every Sky to be different the third panel had a

Lot more dead space too so I added some pillagers and a Pillager Outpost which seemed to fill up the sky a little bit more and after making the sky yellow I knew that this panel was going to stand out I think a blue sky here would have

Been way too much it fits with the desert theme also the yellow Sky kind of looks like the setting sun it’s definitely striking you notice it it’s 30 blocks of solid yellow there’s a lot going on in this wall already but I think the yellow panel is the one that’s

Going to draw everyone’s eye in the last panel will be me in the thousands with my Emerald house at night time so I went with a gray sky I even took some time to put in a little Cloud where nothing lives don’t go looking you know I’ve had

A lot of builds over my years in Minecraft and this is is definitely definitely one of my favorites oh it’s not done in fact it needs a lot more work hours of it even you’ll notice that me in the last panel is covered in obsidian I want that to be netherrite

Blocks I’ll need 144 more pieces of ancient debris to truly finish this because Hardcore Minecraft is about vanity yeah I’m not sure what came over me day 21 46 but I felt like doing a raid so I did it’s kind of fun to break in big compound changes with violence

And I must say fighting in front of my new mural like this felt amazing unfortunately that was the only instance where I fought in front of the mural most of the time the pillagers get trapped in a weird crevice like this so like I said I’ve got to go mine blocks

Of netherrite so now I’m just prepping for the big Journey or deforestation the next day I’ll be using the bed method so I need all this wood yeah sorry everybody but when you play for 3000 days some days are just filled with chopping so as you may know this world

Is insanely old so netherright isn’t everywhere in my nether yeah in fact for the most part I have trouble finding another right so getting hundreds of it is gonna be tough I gave up on the first day day 215 52 I decided to ride one of

My nether rails as far as it would take me and see if it would get me some ancient debris I got to the absolute end of the road and was still in the old nether so I’ve got to do some flying fortunately if I go about 4 000 blocks

Away I can consistently find netherrite so now I’m just going to try to get as much netherrite as I can while I’m out here we’ll see the first day was terrible I only found two pieces of ancient debris which was not good for my morale the next day was better I got

Eight pieces today what do you call a guy who’s been netherride mining for three days me you know netherrite minings like advertising no one likes it someone with a larger brain than I needs to figure out how to get this stuff automatically I’m losing my mind so I’ve

Only been down here about six days and my armor is about to break from all of the bed explosions I’m gonna need stacks of netherrite and doing it how I’m doing it is not efficient I mean just to get home it takes me a full day of flying

Through the nether oh I’m not giving up this needs to be done when I put my single block of netherite into the mural I got inspired but there’s no way I’m gonna be able to do it without some proper infrastructure look at my nether Hub it’s terrible so I’m gonna try

Resetting the other it’s something I’ve thought about doing since the nether update first came out so I’m just prepping getting the coordinates of some of my further locations like my Mansion I also took a full day to rip up all the rails because these could be useful in

The new nether yeah you might look down on me for this but I need the iron I don’t have an iron farm which makes me want to make one worst case scenario I can always reset the reset I hope not to have to do that but we’ll see one more

Day of rails there’s quite a lot of them okay I did it in theory the nether should be reset and everything in the Overworld should be right where I left it so far compound looks good oh yeah it worked 100 percent new nether this means everywhere I go in the nether now

Ancient debris will spawn which just makes getting it a lot easier first thing I did was just go exploring had me thinking I should have done this a thousand days ago there was a Bastion right by my house I never thought I’d be happy to say that it’s just normally I

Have to go like 2 000 to 4 000 blocks away to start finding this stuff so it’s nice to have it so close one other thing I’m excited for is the chance to rebuild my nether Hub complete the old one was awful I built my first nether Hub on

Like day 60 and now it’s 2160. it’s gonna be awesome the new hubs down at Bedrock which should make it easier to build long tunnels I really like the looks of it too I just carved it straight out of the basalt I was very big brain I’d pop back to my compound to

Get Beacon powers for mine and got it done it looks so much better than the old one I like the ash too just don’t breathe in too hard now I’ll be building my first tunnel this one to Glass town and doing it at Bedrock was way easier

There was a little bit of lava but I’ll take lava over having to build giant Bridges okay hello class wait a minute what’s going on here I didn’t mess up the coordinates this should be the glass Town portal flew over there the next day and there’s no glass town just a Giant

Mountain interestingly part of the pit of profits survives so I really don’t know what’s going on here oh man what have I done that made me check other things luckily L town still exists at this point I was deciding what I liked more the new nether or glasstown I love

Both I’m gonna see what I can do to give these refugees a home unfortunately though they’re in insanely glitched they think the river is their home yeah I set up beds and workstations and they won’t leave I really tried everything but I think this is just a lost cause it’s

Almost like they think their workstations and beds are underneath the water they’re not I checked because I’m crazy I’m gonna see if there’s anything I can do to fix this but like I said before worst case scenario I can always reset the reset all right I know this is

Going to confuse everyone but I reset the reset and then reset again to try to save glass town and even with all of that yeah last town is still gone before I go back to normal I want to look at one more thing I’m going to fly all the

Way to how did we get here Island yeah it’s gone too there should be a big island here with all my how did we get here achievement stuff but they’re not the mobs are here the Elder Guardians stuck in a boat so now I’m back to normal no nether reset everything is as

It was I knew glass town would be here but I still had to see it with my own eyes it’s gonna stay in day 2178 it’s part of the story I tried to reset the Nether and it failed also going back would just be confusing so I’m just

Gonna redo my nether Hub it’ll be a lot more work but good things almost always are it’s going to be very similar to the one I just built a room down at bedrock with very long tunnels I’m not going to carve it out of straight Netherrack because Netherrack is disgusting

That’s it there’s no joke no punchline it’s disgusting I had a lot of stone laying around from the old mob farm I’ll use that basic shapes done now it’s much cleaner than my old one dug out my first tunnel day 2182 this one’s going to glasstown hopefully it works worked

Perfectly I knew I got those coordinates right I put a rail all the way back too not that I’ll ever use it it’s only about 100 blocks now I’m digging a tunnel all the way over to my end portal that’ll be convenient a lot of love on

This route though almost popped to Totem when it was done I came back home to go to sleep and there was a ghast in the hub what is this there’s too much Bedrock on the ground to make the floor slab so I’ve got to use carpet I’m fine

With it I’m a little worried about it all Catching Fire but I am a sucker for that chessboard carpet dad No Monsters can spawn on carpet that’s why I did that okay now it’s time to dig my way to some new nether I’m trying to get one

Tunnel four blocks high that goes about 4 000 blocks I’ll also put a rail on the bottom so I’ll have an easy train all the way to new nether I first started to hit new Nether on day 2187 but kept digging just to be sure the tunnel’s

Length is done but this is why I need a rail flying back 4000 blocks takes a lot of time rockets and is very tedious flying would be faster than using rails though so that’s why I’m making the tunnel four blocks high I still don’t regret building this all at Bedrock I’ll

Take digging a tunnel over building a whole bridge over a lava lake any day yeah sometimes it’s a bit annoying when you have to Tunnel through a lava lake but that’s what they make fire resist potions for done 4 000 blocks completely flyable tunnel I know it was quick for

You guys but it was long for me it’s good I built this if there’s ever new updates I’ve got a nice long tunnel that I can just add to to get to new versions of Minecraft who needs a reset before I get going on more netherite mining I’ve

Got to spend a day in Camp fix up my tools and remind the villagers who owns them so at the end of the 4 000 block long tunnel I built a little hub for my netherite mines nice to actually have some infrastructure it’s not much but I

Normally just Dig Down randomly and work out of whatever hole I find the only thing it’s missing is a rail all the way back home but I was just hyped to get mining so I flew over here first day of mining I got five ancient debris not bad

But the whole point of building this wasn’t to get more ancient debris was the quick trip home looking back I’m very glad I did end up resetting the nether I think building something to make my problems go away is much more Minecraft anyway these days are just me

Mining ancient debris for art no less it isn’t faster at all but I feel safer for sure having a direct line back home is nice peace of mind some people would like to see me make my entire house out of netherright and I’m telling you right now it’s never gonna happen all right

Done mining for now going back home day 2200 felt like a good time I got enough ancient debris for another block of netherite on my Mosaic only three more he said crying inside if I keep mining ancient debris like normal I’m gonna lose my mind so today I made a bunch of

TNT So Much TNT it took me the entire next day just to place them down fun fact when I was digging the tunnel for the TNT I found some ancient debris that’s a good omen of course the explosion took only a few seconds but that’s the fun of TNT mining I got 15

Ancient debris I don’t have the TNT to do this every time but I wish I could there’s also just something fun about the whole process laying them down blowing them up collecting the loot this right here this what you’re winning missing this is a massive waste don’t do

This I had to blow through some Basalt and wanted to see how much damage TNT would do it went over better than I thought and I got a lot of debris as well here I got real lucky I was digging a hole to bury my Netherrack and found

Some more ancient debris I’m all out of explosives so it’s time to go back home sad hey at least I’m one more block another right closer to never having to mine ancient debris again day 2206 I was placing rails a lot of rails a lot of a

Lot of a lot of a lot of rails a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of rails that’s what I did all day but it’ll be worth it I tested out the rail today it’s not done if you did this with a real train

There would be several deaths more rails all right so now the rail’s all done I just wasn’t recording for it this day’s about 10 seconds just to say that of course I had to make sure that the whole rail worked and just as I thought I had

Missed a spot here that was the only imperfection and now I can travel 4 000 blocks to a new version of Minecraft without having to move a muscle I’m in a TNT mine again I don’t even care I got all this gun powder and don’t really

Need Rockets right now I might as well if you were wondering a trip down the rail takes about eight and a half minutes of the length of a normal Minecraft day since I got you here let me do some math for you 4 000 blocks in

The nether is 32 000 blocks in the Overworld every block in Minecraft is a meter cubed so that’s 32 000 meters I did the whole trip in eight and a half minutes or 510 seconds that puts me at a speed of 62 meters per second which

Comes out to 223 kilometers per hour or 138 miles per hour in the Overworld the numbers are less cool in the nether enough math let’s blow things up safety is my number seven concern my number one concern is never having to do this again

I’m sure I like Lee will but a man can hold the notes for day 2217 just say mining by that you can tell how done I was very very done so done the day 2218 I slammed into a wall and popped a totem I had no extra totems which is weird I

Normally do so I spent the whole next day just going home my tools were getting pretty bad anyway the timing wasn’t terrible I’m straight up sick of ancient debris Mining and I’ve got a lot of emeralds so it’s time for a new project going over Logistics and

Measuring today and I’m gonna need a lot of stuff for this I have a lot of land not to toot my own horn one thing I really need is to go back a hundred days ago and build an iron farm but it’s too late for that so I just burned through

My iron reserves this should be enough yeah I kind of hoped to start construction on day two two two two but sometimes it doesn’t work out I’m gonna do a little rail around my base I know I said earlier I wanted to build a wall but I don’t think that would work out

Very well I used to have a skyrail that went around my whole base and I loved it a lot but the problem was it was so ugly so I’m hoping this time around I can install the rail and also have it look good we’ll see this mountain section is

Going to give me a lot of problems but if I can figure it out I’ll be golden no I’ll be Emerald the problem is this area is far too steep to actually have a rail without completely changing the whole way the mountain looks so the rail is

Just gonna go down through the mountain that’s pretty easy fix Turtle approved the rest of the perimeter is pretty much flat so that should be really easy I messed up got about 70 of the way done and ran out of emeralds there’s a single emerald in my Emerald chest that’s

Almost embarrassing oh looks like your house is in the way of my Rail Project sorry nothing I can do just move in with your parents I’m sure I won’t destroy their house too but don’t tempt me guys I’m not that evil I relocated the house

What do you think I am this patch of blue orchids was right in my way they’re my favorite flower and it pained me to get rid of it but I did that’s it though fresh new line of emeralds all done now I gotta wire up the rails and have no

Redstone so it’s time to burn through more reserves I tried my best to get everything hidden it’s not hard just requires a little more care I just didn’t want any red so so invisible so any Redstone was going to go under the perimeter none of this is hard even the

Section through the mountain it’s just rails getting Redstone to work over water was a bit tricky but I’m notable and figured it out and now the emerald rail is done I really like this one definitely solves one of the biggest problems with the old skyrail the sky

Rail messed with the skyline this is much more sleep just letting you know through the rest of these 3000 days I ride this thing at night all the time for inspiration I won’t show it just know that I do it’s not perfect though I’ve got to do some finishing touches

Today this back section was pretty Uggy I also heard another zombie inside my walls and they will pay not sure how that one got in there maybe from draining the river oh well he’s gone now so it’s been a while since I’ve updated my maps the old monster Farm’s still on

There I should probably get that that extra block of emerald on the perimeter makes it look so much thicker yeah spent the rest of the day just looking at it oh yeah day 22-32 I’m working on the orphans I’m gonna try to move them more efficiently moving villagers in and out

Of this place is always difficult so I’m making some dedicated machines for it I’ll say the footage for all of it is very confusing because I was making it up as I was going along I was trying to get this nether portal to turn on and off but just wasn’t having much success

I guess that’s what I get for trying to have my own ideas I really didn’t expect this all to be taking me more than like a day but here I am but now it’s finally done I have an easy way to transport villagers from the nether to the

Orphanage I’m not sure which is worse so now I just have to connect up the portal to the new nether Hub this is only possible now because until recently my skill has been that of a seven-year-old and after hooking up the ghost town portal the next day I should never run

Out of villagers again so now I’m gonna test up the system with a little abduction no no Finish First make the child I’ll take it it went very smoothly tiny bit of Suffocation but they’re sturdy and on the other side of the portal he’s connected to a rail that’s

Connected to the orphanage it’s so simple then you just kind of shove them through the bubble elevator and now he’s mine you may be sitting there at home asking yourself why I’m doing this and I assure you it’s not just for the sheer thrill I’m building an iron farm I know

I said I would never do it but now I am this Golem heard the rumor and tried to take me out before I kill this whole family he was close listen bro it’s not my fault you made a profitable iron don’t blame me I’m in L town today

Setting up another portal just in case I need more villagers I don’t really want to take from them though because I like them Portal’s looking good it could use more emeralds I’ll come back here for Day 2 4 20 to totally do it over villagers are a prime ingredient in an

Iron farm because it works Off Their Fear so I need them to make more babies I also put some signs down in the nether Hub don’t want to get confused there’s lots of tunnels down here one of the things I’m wondering is where to even

Put an iron farm they’re kind of big but I want it close to base so it’s in the spawn chunks and it’s always working I dug out a big hole near where the Sheep are and it didn’t really feel right but after looking at my spawn chunks it kind

Of makes sense to have it over on the industrial side I could put it exactly where the old monster Farm was yeah I’m going with that so now it’s time to move some villagers but ran into another problem I’m gonna have to build something more permanent for villager

Abduction the way I do it is just sloppy I’ve built machines to get villagers into the orphanage but getting them out is still a pain shoving works it’s just not efficient so I’m gonna blow out this wall and make a Contraption that’ll make it easier for me to get leaders out no

Shoving involved it’s custom and proprietary stop looking at it oh did you get out little guy well too bad eventually I will make this look not so ugly but for now it’s functional which is all I cared about here I’ll show you how it works it’s very simple first get

A villager in a boat then you bring them over into this area and flip the lever to bring them up to ground level uh okay maybe it’s not ready yet but we did budget for some villager Suffocation you know maybe it’s not perfect but there was definitely less shoving now I’m

Putting together the first layer of the iron farm I’m gonna try to build this thing myself with some custom features kind of just watched a bunch of different YouTube videos on how to build iron farms and took the best things I liked from all of them this one will

Have a dedicated water line so if I ever mess up and kill a villager or zombie they’re easier to replace so instead of using a rail to get a zombie up in the farm I’ve got a dedicated line oh yeah and it worked flawlessly no issues at

All another thing I want to add custom to this Farm is a kill switch so if I want to I can kill the zombie inside and turn off the farm it’s pretty simple just some vertical wiring that’ll move this piston and expose the zombie to sunlight it’s not the prettiest Farm but

It’s built to code today I put the villagers in I used rails even though I said I would use the water but the zombies already in there and I didn’t want to complicate things and just like that Golems are spawning not where they’re supposed to but I’ll fix that

Probably should have made it a little higher off the ground because Golems are going to spawn all over the camp it’s just something I’m gonna have to deal with it’s too late now I’m not rebuilding everything yeah whatever it’s all on the industrial side and I use

Green carpet you can’t even tell it’s broken a Golem somehow spawned where the zombie was standing and killed the zombie and then killed itself oh well that’s why I built the water line had to wait till night for a new zombie so I just rode the rail see I told you wasn’t

Hard after some trial and error I got the Golems to spawn on a nearby platform now I just have to work on killing them that wasn’t hard either I just built a standard five by five kill room this thing’s pretty much done and after installing collection now all I have to

Do is put something around it so it doesn’t look so terrible yeah I don’t really know the only thing I got going for me is it’s on the industrial side so it doesn’t have to be too pretty I thought it was a little poetic to use

Blocks from the old monster Farm does it really really need to be more than a big gray building I don’t think so so now the walls are up but I’m having trouble deciding what to do for the top flat kind of felt lame and I’ve got an idea

It’ll still be mostly flat I’m using deep slate tiles to mix up the color palette but in certain areas where it needs to be a little taller I’m gonna try to make it look like smoke stacks like it’s a factory so far it looks okay and the Golems keep spawning I’m happy

With it I got to a point Midway through the construction where I wasn’t really sure about it anymore but I’ve come this far I might as well see how it turns out I wanted to go for a smoke stack kind of just looks like a growth that needs to

Be removed it’s still a functioning iron farm maybe it’s a little ugly but most iron Farms are I have plans to expand it and make it taller in the future so I can change the look then almost forgot to clean up that large hole I made that would have been embarrassing after that

Nice break in Camp I’m going back to ancient debris mining hopefully when I come home I can finish the Mosaic and use the bed method because I had no more TNT but whatever it works something something ancient debris mining is lame seriously so close to being done though

After day 22 266 I only need three more pieces but then all the next day I only got one what had some luck and got the final two pieces on day 22 68 railed home happy to know that I’ll finish the Mosaic on day 22 69. was this all a

Little bit unnecessary oh yeah but looking at my finished work made it all worth it I’m gonna sell this as an nft for 69 billion dollars please don’t screenshot I’m gonna go dig more tunnels in the nether but first I want to build some anti-fire armor the goal is to not

Have to use as many fire potions in the tunnel digging process yeah it definitely helped I’ve got a full set of fire protection for armor I die much slower though I will say the ticks are still a little Annoying the Armor’s durability Runs Out fairly quickly I’ve

Only been digging a day and I’ve got to go fix it I guess I never even said where I’m digging this tunnel I’m going to how did we get here Island because of the new Minecraft updates this island is obsolete but I still had a lot of stuff

Here and wanted to pick it up a big goal of mine is to restore all the old nether hug tracks that’s why I made the iron farm I need it though I got completely derailed and made a cool effect day 22.75 I needed break a lot of people ask

Me how I stay motivated to play this world so long and sometimes you just gotta make some time for some fun also money Stacks and stacks of it back to labor I’m gonna dig a huge tunnel all the way to my Mansion even though I never go

There hey man I’ve got 3 000 days I might as well use them so there will be a lot of digging in the next couple days but I’m not gonna skip them because just like my viewers every single one is special except you Aiden jamonski if

There is an Aiden jamonski out there I just want to let you know that this is personal and you should be afraid nah I just have all this mining footage to talk over so I’m calling out strangers that may or may not exist sometimes the game called Minecraft involves some

Mining I don’t know if you knew this you know I probably could have just locked an intern in my basement and had them record all this footage you’d never know unless they got out and then he said something else ridiculous that has nothing to do with the boring mining footage on screen

I’m not even looking what’s happening on screen I’m just gonna say this line and put some random Minecraft footage on the screen that’ll do if you’ve ever played Minecraft before you know the feeling that I’m talking about right now when you know you have to do something but

You don’t want to when you get that feeling you gotta reach down deep inside yourself into your very soul and give up I bet now you’re starting to wonder when all this mining is going to end and I don’t know the intern played these days his name is Aiden jamonsky and he’s in

Very much pain tunneling through this section of lava was so bad even my fire resist armor wasn’t enough I had to drink a potion yeah but now it’s nearly done a lot like my spirit teleportation in Minecraft needs to be a thing I don’t know how they would do it but it needs

To be a thing but they never listen to me I’ve been asking for sandwiches for years finally it’s done I’m at the Mansion the longest section of tunnel is complete I don’t come out here often so I spent some time reminiscing today I’m still proud of all the work I did here

Hey Swamp People glad to see you’re all still living in squalor anyway now I’m back home at least the worst part of that is done after all this work in the nether I looked at my nether Hub entrance and decided that I didn’t like it so I ripped it out and I’m gonna

Build a new one with a Year’s more worth of building experience so I really took my time thinking that I would never have to change this again but we all know that that’s never gonna happen no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t help

But make it look like the old one I got a few new upgrades like some Basalt tiles for the front kind of missed the days where I just had my portal sitting on dirt in the compound too bad Hardcore Minecraft is all about vanity it’s a

Little less boxy than the old one for sure I’m not gonna show it go back and watch it again I need the watch time it’s just missing something and I’m determined to figure out what that is little quartz might be nice to break up all those dark tones and it’s from the

Nether Maybe eat too much quartz I don’t know art is hard after a lot of tinkering this is the finished product if you don’t like it too bad the portal also needs a little bit of a trim up too that’s way too much crying obsidian what

What a portal to the netherby without a lava feature yeah that’s what it was missing you can almost hear the tortured screams updating the whole nether Hub got me looking at this building too this is normally where villagers output and I don’t like it anymore it’s all connected

To my villager infector which really needs a spruce up Tim I swear to you you’re the only thing I’ll never change of course this is no tiny project villager infecting is serious business and because I’m super smart most of this is built underwater yay and if I could

Go back in time the one thing I’d do is build everything to code and save Chief so now I’m rerouting water lines underneath a body of water it’s a very fun job if you like pain and suffering wiring up some simple Redstone today none of it on dirt look at me gonna push

Villagers with water now not rails you know for the environment this is where the villagers will shoot out right near the orphanage convenient I thought of everything if they get stuck I’ll forcefully remove them with a piston I lucked out too here you can see I’m one

Block away from crashing into my buried Beacon even though I almost took out the very source of my power I got the new water line done those villagers won’t stand a chance kinda just cleaned everything up today for example took out andesite put in stone things only I

Would notice but it works and I’m available for a quote if you’re looking for custom villager trapping at a competitive price it’s all incredibly ugly and I marveled in that ugliness today eventually I’ll fix it but today hardcore Minecraft’s not about vanity one of the reasons I even went through

All that was to stay in Camp for my iron production which looked pretty good as you can see I’ve got a lot of rails but not nearly enough to get to the mansion so I’m gonna have to stay in Camp some more so I decided to mine out an entire

Chunk why because I can unfortunately got about five layers down and realized I was about to blow into my storage that’s embarrassing that’s like mom always said Call 8-1-1 Before You Dig and 9-1-1 if Dad ever shows up again so I found a better chunk of land right behind the library definitely nothing

Back here I need to stay in attempt to get more iron figured I’d dig a hole I am a simple man I also definitely have some plans for these blocks I’ll reveal what that is later if you ever feel bored in Minecraft find out a chunk just

Do it it’s kind of fun actually the stone layer was the most fun for sure thanks to my beacon Powers I could just insta mine through all of it when it got dark I would stop A wise man once said don’t mine at night I mostly just did

That’s where the footage looks nice you’re welcome you know what I don’t use is building materials I can sell for profit these idiot villagers buy rocks just listen to the sound of me mining tell me it isn’t soothing all right Fun’s over I’m getting into the deep slate time to roll up my

Sleeves yep that’s a deep hole but I’m only about halfway done changed up the strategy a bit today decided to go down in one big pillar instead of layer by layer it isn’t any faster but at least I know how far I have to go down now yeah

After one day of mining deep sleep I decided I was gonna blow it all up don’t mind me villagers just preparing my weapons of mass destruction oh yeah build that hole up to the brim just like your dad the actual explosion lagged a bit but that’s gonna cut out a ton of

Mining time now I’m more or less just cleaning the hole most of the material is out you gotta remember to always clean your you know I’m not even gonna uh nothing like sleeping in a massive Cavern with lava right next to me I feel good I’m not sure using TNT was the best

Idea here the whole thing’s very messy the worst part is easily the love I should have thought about that after all that nether tunneling I’m certain by this point the iron farm has produced enough rails to get all the way to the mansion but I’ve gotta finish I’m driven

Still at it a less notable man would have given up by now weirdly it was thundering Without Rain Down in the Hole not sure why went up to the surface no rain still thundering very very weird nothing weird today but as you can see I’m nearly done I was kind of surprised

How few diamonds I found down here so I made up for it and put some in the wall I don’t really need diamonds these days I can buy armor and tools and I’ve already got a full set the hole is now finished there’s a few blocks out of

Place but I’ll get those I wanted to be able to Marvel in my great construction so I put down a layer of glass now that I’m done the empty hole kind of just makes me feel empty good morning Trader it’s a big day today I’m placing rails

To the mansion that I never go to but maybe this will help Hey listen you ain’t famous unless you got a few houses you never sleep in almost done with this thing then it’s on to the next thing all done now I have to think of new

Excuses not to come here slept in my big bed in a giant empty room I’m such a good decorator the trip back is pretty much a full day I was surprised I didn’t make a single mistake the whole way I know it took a while but now the nether

Hub is fully updated kinda glad I didn’t reset but I’m going to stay in the nether it’s time for a new project something I’ve wanted to build for a very long time I am going to build a wither skeleton Farm it’s going to take a very long time but I guarantee you

It’ll be worth every day that I sink into it step one is to find another Fortress in a lava lake and that was the easiest thing about building this project this is not a tutorial I’m not qualified and won’t be held liable for any bad Farms but for anyone that

Doesn’t know how a wither skeleton Farm works and that’s probably most people I’ll explain the basic concept because it’s actually quite simple wither skeletons a very valuable monster in Minecraft can only spawn in Nether fortresses I’m gonna try to make it so only wither skeletons can spawn in this

Fortress but first I’ve gotta check out my new computer I know that’s a little jarring kind of surprised me too but yeah now I’m playing on a new machine the compound’s getting so big it made it hard to enjoy on my old computer just wasn’t running too great so I built the

New one probably I’ll do the same thing for 4 000 days it’s worth it I’ve got fancy clouds turned on now there is no day two three three three just two three three four to be honest I probably spent it marveling at my land on my new

Computer back to labor and what you see on screen is pretty much all I’m going to be doing slabs Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks of slabs slabs stop monster spawns and I’ve got a slab up not just the entire Fortress but the area around the

Fortress it’s a lot of slabs way more than you think I definitely wanted to quit several times while doing it every single surface must be slabbed nothing can be left any tiny imperfection will just make the farm worse so I’ve got to make sure to do a good job I’ll tell you

The truth it’s kind of nice to look at these days will go fast for you just know they were long for me I tried digging out some areas today it’s not faster just slab can monster spawn on glowstone yeah I’ll get rid of it stay

In town to fix up tools and get more food I was starving down there and to deal with some protests on this day but most days were just like this me slabbing and that was it this is the first time I ever had pain in Minecraft

It hurt my hand thought it was hard when it was flat so much worse when it’s uneven I’m in hell no really I am tired of slabbing and started using lava Pro tip don’t do this wither Farms are great but there’s no way to cheat out of the

Slabbing I just tried to keep thinking about all the beacons I’ll end up making with this Wither Skeleton farm that kept me going hey I’m all done slabbing only because I ran out of slabs today so I’m back home building something else for the Wither Skeleton Farm a chicken farm

It’s very low Tech made with no building code but hey it works I just need a few eggs so I mined cobblestone in my Cobblestone Farm while those chickens grew up it’s no joke how much Cobblestone I need I’m still farming it’s amazing what you can do when you

Tape down your mouse buttons this will likely not even be nearly enough and I’ve been doing it for four days all right that’s enough Cobble for now let’s get back to the joyous slabbing I’m originating it so much if you want to do this here’s a tip that’ll help

Your sanity make a perimeter figure out and then outline exactly how far your slabs need to go it won’t make it go faster at all but at least you’ll have a visual kind of progress bar and that helped me you can kind of start to see

It take shape it’s kind of pretty when you look at it one other thing that kept me going was trying to remind myself that it’s not an infinite amount of slabs that I need to place every single one I place gets me closer to my goal it’s the small steps that really matter

Luke the notable life lessons when things get hard in life don’t give up get angry I need to either write a book or start a podcast with all this wisdom day 2369 would have been nice if I wasn’t placing slabs but I am you see

This is what I should get an intern for let them lose their mind Aidan jamonski died I forgot to feed him well I need more blocks and I got an idea I kind of liked digging out the chunk and figured that’s a really good way to get blocks

And a little bit more interesting than Watching Me Mine cobblestone in an automatic farm so I’m taking out another chunk right next to the first chunk The Unofficial name is Big chunkus just like last time the first layers are quite fun my beacon powers make it easy it was

Really nice being next to an already Dugout chunk I always had a reference for how far I had to go I actually streamed all of this on YouTube which made it a little easier if you were there on those days of streaming thank you you helped my sanity maybe jumping

Off somewhere really high I appreciate it let’s see see that wouldn’t even kill me I have to be Hassan you’re awesome Luke please answer you’re awesome I’m subscribed hi Hassan and let’s be honest 3 000 days and really any good like hundred oh it’s not about the builds

I think too many people that make these type of videos thinks it’s all about the builds it’s all about what you can create no any any real 100 days enjoyer knows it’s about the journey this will kill me I believe I won’t die because I got two totems but this should kill me

Thank you Connor again for the hundred yeah there it goes yeah if you fall off the top you die I hope that’s how I die in the end but otherwise you give them a little bit of bread you’re going to wake up to 20 of them

I do not have a baby to kill I’ll kill a panda for you that’s the end of me streaming it’s much sadder digging a big hole when you don’t have friends I think I’d like to do more streams for 4 000 days I only did a couple 3 000 day

Streams and I liked every single one let me know if that’s something you’d like to see and make sure to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any future 4 000 day streams cause even digging a massive hole can be fun when you’ve got

Someone to share it with I also did some slabbing streams but the audio was weird I couldn’t use any of it I’m getting close though in this big brick of deep slate is satisfying to look at you know what’s great is after all this manual

Labor I get to go back and do more manual labor done hopefully one day I make this three chunks I put some glass down to child proof there’s so many unintended children on the compound I wish I could fit a Your mom joke in here but she’s

Just too big back to slabbing you know one day I won’t be slabbing and then I’ll miss it if this is what I gotta do for infinite beacons then so be it I don’t even know how close I am and I think that’s the worst part it’s like

Every time I think I’m getting close I find a whole new section that needs tons of slabbing I just don’t want to die not by slabbing nah you heard me earlier I’d like to fall off the tower I’m not done slabbing but if I keep slabbing I’m

Gonna lose it so I’m gonna build the farm this too will take a very long time but at least I’ll start making some profits off this maybe I should not have done this now Blazers are spawning this is what I get for being impatient but you gotta understand I couldn’t slab

Anymore I’ve never made one of these before but I already really just like the look of it it’s a weird build though I had to trap a piglet in the middle which is not easy I got him don’t get too attached he and several others will

Die this Pitfall on all sides of the farm should take care of the blaze it’s a temporary solution to that problem sorry wasn’t recording for a day but now I’ve got this really janky collection system nothing’s to code to be honest this Farm is dangerous but it does work

And that’s all I wanted it’s slow but I got it to work so now I’m just tinkering with it kind of trying to figure out how I can make it better the whole time I was watching tons of videos online trying to figure out how to make this

Thing more efficient but if I really want it to be good I need wither roses and a lot of them that’s what the chickens were for welcome to life chickens I hope you enjoyed it every time the Wither kills a mob it drops of Wither Rose and I need them and don’t

Care how many baby chickens die in the process I also need a manual on how to build one of these things I’m actively breaking it had to go back to slabbing today turns out my first perimeter was wrong I need more slabs uh here I’m putting in a tunnel from the Wither Farm

To buy another Hub that should increase the safety slightly there was a lot of lava in this Tunnel construction I spent two days on fire but now I’ve got a rail from home to the weather Farm to be honest though I mostly just fly slabs that’s all next day testing today looks

Like I broke it again no slabbing today just getting ready for more slabbing slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap it’s working a little better every day that’s giving me hope just looks so weird to see all the slabs on the nether like that you can tell you’re getting

Nearly done though by the amount of stuff that spawns on unslabbed areas look at all those piglets disgusting but you know I’m not gonna slap today it’s day two for twenty you already know we out here burning that Sweet Berry bush I wanted to renovate the nether portal do

Some other things over in Old Town I needed a break from all the slabbing and that really didn’t take that long I pretty much just decked it out worlds because I am simple I also wanted to make a little firework machine with a couple of different options I got it

Done by sunrise at least I thought I got it done by Sunrise that was a whizzle embarrassing but now it’s done you can pick your different fireworks and I think I put in some nice ones someday soon I’ll renovate this I know it’s ugly I just don’t have the time right now

That was nice this isn’t but I gotta do it gotta say though I’m getting really close right now I’m in the process of just flying around looking for rogue spots that need slabbing the easiest way to do this is fly around and look for piglets if one spawns that means I

Messed up I think I’m definitely at the point where I can stop worrying so much about slabbing and start worrying about the actual Farm you see if I have a full platform of those wither roses then the only thing that can spawn here is wither skeletons and that will make this farm

So fast but as you can see the piglet in the middle died I know I said I was almost done slabbing but that does not mean I’m almost done the piglet in the middle died again getting them is one of the worst parts next to slabbing of

Course I have an idea to make this farm work really really good and I’m proud of myself this wasn’t on any of the YouTube videos so I went down to my local stronghold and picked up as many cobwebs as I could carry I was having a lot of trouble getting wither skeletons to

Spawn and I think it’s because I was standing think too close so I made a really long shoot for them to drop down so I can stand further away this worked perfectly and they don’t die from Fall damage thanks to the cobweb just as I got it to work better the pigland died

Again hooray I put him up higher but I’m telling you right now that caused me more problems later most of these days are just me testing and then breaking the farm but I’m getting close I’m just trying to get one full platform working then I’ll build multiple then I’ll be

Done one of the things I really need is wither roses so today I’m building a horrible atrocity my old chicken farm was very low Tech this one will be industrial don’t get mad I guarantee you real chickens get treated worse oh it’s very ugly but it works insanely well

Basically as chickens lay eggs those eggs are recycled to make more chickens this machine breeds the chickens for me so I’ll never have to do this sort of thing again I’m gonna pack them in there until they start to die because I’m a good businessman I spent all of day 2037

Walking around the thing trying to think of any way to make this less ugly I thought of nothing what do you think chickens oh you want out well that’s not happening I decided to clean it all up with deep sleep maybe I’ll think of something but really who cares and for

The next two days I just took a break and let the chickens grow up call it a weekend now I’m deep underneath the Chicken Farm building the place where they will die if I do this right I’ll be able to shoot eggs into this room to spawn chickens spawn the wither and get

Tons of Wither roses with the flip of a lever I can divert the eggs down here instead of back into the spawner it works so well I had to turn off the sound the thunderous chicken noises were just too much the room got very wrecked while fighting the Wither but I did get

200 roses I’ll take it that’s enough for a platform with unlimited roses now I’m fairly confident I can make the farm huge using withered Rose platforms makes this thing so much faster and it’s only about half done today I got three skulls just chilling normally that takes a lot

Of work I’m working on safety too I built a little enclosure this whole thing could be ended with one gassed shot today I was trying to make an item sorter hopefully I could filter out all of the stone swords that the wither skeletons drop I don’t know if you know

This but I’m not interested in stone swords I decided against it there’s just not a lot of room down here maybe a future project now I’m back in the chicken sorter just getting it up to code it works fantastically I don’t want it breaking my wither Rose farm works

Very well but it does have one big issue every time I use it I need to rebuild a big portion of it it’s not the worst thing in the world I just have to set up a new auto dispenser every time I want to use it I don’t really think there’s

Any way around it so I closed off the Farm’s Redstone it’s officially done well you know I had to add in a layer of glass to make it look really sad hi chickens bye chickens more platforms means more skeletons but it also does mean more problems I’m gonna need a

Piglet on each level or the skeletons get stuck that’s gonna be a challenge and even with a pig Lin they might just get stuck anyway it’s working very well but does break about every two days so I guess it’s not working very well all right chickens you know what time it is

You may notice there’s been no sound normally the Wither is pretty loud I turned it off because the chickens were too loud and just noticed it’s their Revenge anyway I’m working on a third layer to the farm and I’m definitely not qualified it’s not the platform it’s the

Pigs they just keep dying it’s given me a lot of practice on getting them in there though I can do it flawlessly I put new hogs in it works really good and and then it breaks I gotta stop that cycle but first it is time for the

Culling this should be the last time unless I decide to do this for fun three platforms of weather roses are now installed I just have to get them all to work when the farm is working it’s super fast so many skulls but inevitably a hoglin always ends up getting killed I

Had hope though eventually I’ll get a system that works nice thing is I’m getting skulls during the entire testing process it’s not a huge waste of time I made the northern slabs five blocks deeper that should help a little bit it did didn’t help my piglin problem though

I swear to you the Wither Skeleton Saga is almost over I’m nearly there today I did a full day of farming got 13 skulls and it never broke never in all my years of Minecraft did I ever think I’d have 64 Wither Skeleton skulls but now I do I

Was so happy I decided to stream I thought it might make the footage of me farming this Farm a little more interesting the Pigman died look at all these skeletons that are not going down every time I have fixed the farm it has gotten less and less broken how’s the kid

The kid and the kids all right when will you stop making content about this you could keep going forever at like 10 000 days day 1001 I’m taking off all my armor and jumping off the tower thank you to everyone who hung out with me during those streams you made farming a

Wither skeleton Farm a lot more enjoyable the hoglands are still dying though at this point I’ll try everything here I put them on iron bars like the other attempts that worked initially but then it broke this idea was a long shot but using a collection tray at the

Bottom of the farm I can change my three Pig system into a four Pig system that allowed me to put all of the pigs completely out of reach in theory this should work flawlessly after getting the four piggies in and some minor adjustments I can assure you the farm is

Now done today I got 19 Wither Skeleton skulls and it never broke once the next day I got 13 and still no breakage I only got nine today but I checked the pigs and nothing broke again three days in a row I can’t believe I just said I

Only got nine Wither Skeleton skulls to increase my efficiency I spent a day in Camp making a very powerful Smite 5 sword her name is Shelly and despite being just a diamond sword she absolutely Cleaves through these things this Farm took me about 150 days to make

Easily my biggest project yet and now it’s time to see what I’m gonna do with all those heads of course I’m gonna be killing the Wither and I’ve got to do that about 72 times so I’m gonna make this efficient I’ve never done this before but you can use the end portal to

Trap the Wither and make farming it a lot easier and I totally messed up now the Wither is free in the end the fight wasn’t hard I’m very powerful now it’s working and it’s pretty simple too he just slashes wither dong until he dies

So I did that 72 times it took me three days I didn’t even have enough glass for all the beacons I’m about to make but watch this you’re about to watch a man make 64 beacons in one single click if you haven’t already guessed I’m going to

Be increasing my beacon array Powers the only thing I don’t have is the materials to actually make the beacons since I’ll be burying all the beacons I’ll use iron and luckily I have an automatic iron farm it’ll just take time now I also want to mention that on this day 2500 I

Updated the game to to 1.19 so now the warden deep dark they’re all in the game updating broke my iron farm though what horrible timing but I’m not gonna worry about that right now I’m on a new update and I want to find that deep dark I

Believe my best chance is to take my debris rail as far as I can that should be new update chunks I hope made a portal and it spat me out underground I just hate that it’s so unsafe everything over here is on the new update I’m so

Glad I built that rail hey within a few minutes of flying I found the new Mangrove swamp that’s nice there’s a new kind of wood in these things so you gotta know I spent my time deforesting I have no idea what this mud is for but I

Can’t control myself I need it enjoying myself in the swamp that night I tried to breed some frogs but for that I need slimes and getting that was just a nightmare it’s not a very magnificent spectacle bam they just made a baby well they make tadpoles and I instantly

Destroyed them sorry frog I didn’t mean it okay this time I’m not gonna touch them I bred frogs all over I had no idea how long it would take to get tadpoles the answer is about a day now what do I do with them gotta go home drop of my

Frogs and all this wood but I’ll be back I still gotta find that deep dark I put the tadpoles on the compound I hope they like it here before I go back I’ve got to redo my wood storage honestly it’s a bit frivolous I just hacked everything

No one needs a full chest for buttons I also inspected the broken iron farm it looks like all it needs is another layer of carpet yay it’s torturing them again speaking of I’ve got to get rid of these chickens I don’t need them and they’re lagging me thank you chickens thank you

Changing up the plan here for finding an ancient city instead of going back on the rail I’m gonna tunnel straight to one hopefully tunneling has worked for me in the nether you just go straight long enough eventually you’ll run into the thing Minecraft is big I found

Diamonds just no ancient cities I knew it was a long shot but I might as well try got some diamonds Road morale back to the new chunks and found this weird Igloo floating on air took that as a sign and just dug down maybe I’ll get lucky oh yeah instantly found a huge

Cave with some skulk this is the deep dark I ran home I was scared I just wanted to make sure I had everything possible to survive down in the deep dark a better hoe night vision potions every thing okay so upon further review this doesn’t seem to be a big deep dark

Containing the ancient city regardless I can still spawn the warden down here if I make too much noise and he’ll kill me it was a nice little testing ground I got to figure out what I can and can’t do if I ever got close to spawning the

Warden all I would do was Fly Away the night vision potion was essential for this after a day and a half I cleared out the entire area Warden couldn’t even spawn here if he tried that was fun but I still want to find that ancient city these night vision potions are amazing I

Can just fly through the cave no fear I got another patch of skulk but this isn’t what I’m looking for I found a skeleton spawner today I really doubt I’ll ever use it but it’s here but look at this after digging through just a tiny bit of skulk I found myself an

Ancient city I hardly even stepped a toe inside that thing before resurfacing for safety the first thing I did was install an exit I’ll be using a bubble elevator to get to the surface quickly if I need it I made a room put down way too many

Torches so I can’t miss it I really took my time going through the city analyzed every move I was about to make I don’t often fear death than Hardcore Minecraft but today that fear was definitely there after getting more comfortable I realized that flying around is actually

A pretty good way to loot and look around the city and you can see here the high up sections offer safety there’s lots of good loot down here but what I’m really looking for is Swift sneak the new enchantment that I just found unfortunately I didn’t find Swift sneak

3 just level two and one that just means I’m gonna have to find another ancient city I’m not leaving yet there’s still a couple chests that are really hard to get and I want to see what’s in there took me all day to get this one had to

Wake up the warden several times the loot was garbage I was just about to leave when I found the Redstone Room in the center I didn’t know what it was and it kind of scared me so I left going back home it takes a day then I mostly

Just put stuff away I got all this random loot in my inventory Oh look The Iron Farm broke again I guess I need more carpet I mean sod it should have been producing iron that whole time but wasn’t sad then I did more potion brewing in prep I’ve got to get back out

There and get Swift sneak I wasn’t recording for the rail trip over here just me stealing a villager is bad not sure how but I missed this chest sitting right here and inside was Swift sneak one I went straight home I was so happy unfortunately I had to make an entirely

New set of pants in order to get Swift sneak on them but that’s fine I got a nice new name the sneaky sweatpants and now I can sneak way way faster it might not seem like much but it’s actually really really helpful also you know me I

Gotta have the best but I don’t have the best I have two pieces of gear that aren’t netherright I’ve got to fix that three days of Mining and then a relaxing ride home then I made my diamonds purple and my skin gray yeah I know it’s weird

I just updated my skin out of the blue you’ll get used to it now it’s time for the new Beacon array but first I have to do some math can’t get this wrong I’m installing 72 new beacons and they all have to be in a precise location

Shouldn’t be too tough I’m not even gonna start the digging till I get all the marked down and triple check them if even one single Beacon is off I’ll have blind spots and they’re hard to fix when they’re at Bedrock but now all the new beacons are marked and their numbers

Match up step one done step two is gonna be digging down all the holes I’m going to do all 12 all at once I started with the holes that went through water those were the hardest I could do about one and a half per day it’s a lot more

Digging than you think this hole dropped right into a skeleton spawner that could be useful it’s so close to Camp the most interesting thing today was I found an emerald ore I love those I found a whole mine shaft a 2549 this was under the

Camp the whole time oh I can’t wait to do this over and over again as I cover the entire world in beacons would you like to see why you should always carry a fire potion that would have been a bad way to die nothing to report day 2552

Something cool happens tomorrow but not today today I just play an advertisement day 25 54 I dug my way into a giant cave I was hearing a lot of zombie moaning and I think I just found where they came from I took no chances immediately

Gobbled a god Apple then I laid them all to waste never even popped a totem and if you look at my inventory I’ve got three more all from the ancient cities I’ll have to go back there I’ll tell you right now digging straight down is no joke don’t do it unless you’re prepared

I haven’t really come close to dying at all in this video except for this that should be a lesson to you anyway now all 12 holes are dug unfortunately I thought I would have a lot more iron by this point and I need more I even blew

Through all of my reserves I still only have enough iron for two sextuple beacons and I need 12. so I guess now it’s time to make this iron farm bigger and better basically all I gotta do is build more iron Farms on top of the iron

Farm shouldn’t be too tough I even made the little villager ponds out of wood this time thought they might be more at home got the villagers in today and thanks to all of my new infrastructure the whole process went smoothly oh yeah they’ll be right at home it’s just like

An apartment in Los Angeles I may have had a small water leak and broke everything on the lower level but you know what that’s okay we can fix that I mostly just had to put down some more totally real looking grass and now the zombies in it wouldn’t be an LA

Apartment without a cannibal living next door so now the farm should be working but it isn’t the good news is the bottom part still works fine I haven’t completely broken it I can work on the top more troubleshooting today trying to get a Golem to spawn anywhere built

Three platforms none worked should have went to iron farm college instead of wall University feeling completely and utterly defeated I went to my very first iron farm that still works to this day to try to see what I did wrong I have a lot more villagers in here I guess and

It’s really far away from everything otherwise I’m not really sure today I just did a test I wanted to see how long it would take at current production to get all 12 sextuple beacons and according to my calculations at current production it’ll take me about 140 days

To get enough iron it’s possible but it’s slow then I compared that to emeralds and if I really grind it I could knock out a sextuple beacon in two days that gave me hope but I kind of want to use my emeralds for other things

And the whole point of an iron farm is that it makes iron without me having to do anything besides setting up the farm I tried everything even let them breed if I’ve learned anything from the Wither Skeleton Farm it’s that setting up infrastructure is always better than

Grinding so I was determined well wasn’t recording but I fixed the farm can you guess what it was I dropped the kill pit down a few levels and that seemed to help the Golem spawn so just to be sure I made the pit even farther down the

Golems won’t die from the fall and it should make the farm a whole lot faster oh it’s definitely not compliant with safety codes at all but it’s working I’ll take it it’s still got some bugs for sure but hey at least it’s producing Golems I’ve tested the output and now I

Can get a sextuple beacon in nine days instead of 14 but I think it’s time for a third level this one I just made entirely out of stone I’ve broken the farm too many times to be cute I also kind of just want this thing to be done

And covered one lightning strike could ruin the whole thing hey villagers who wants a job great benefits free rent and you get to retire when you die accepting applications for the holiday season I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to let you go really it’s out of my hands I wasn’t

Recording for the first part of the day but now the third layer works I have a Triple Decker iron farm I got a little ahead of myself and today started putting up the walls I looked down into the kill pit and realized that the Golems just aren’t dying fast enough as

You can see they’re getting really clogged down there only one can die at a time fortunately I got an idea the same day and this gave me a chance to update my collection system instead of lava I’m gonna use wither roses this way all of

The Golems die all at the same time and Underneath It All gets collected by this Minecart I ran another test and now I can get a sextuple beacon in just about five days I’m happy with that and those numbers were with it being broken the whole time so it’s definitely going to

Be even faster I hope you don’t find my design uninspired it’s just gonna be a big tower with iron written on the side in my view it’s on the industrial side that’s really all it needs to be I thought about making it out of iron but

That kind of just seems like a waste and I need the iron got the front side done and I like it it’s a monolith it’s also taking all of the smooth stone that I’ve ever produced ever I should have made this thing out of dirt I built five

Automatic smelters in the middle of my storage just to keep up I also wasted many many Rockets just flying around looking at the thing ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping now I’m going to do a big window here because it’ll look nice not because I ran out of

Stone or anything I like it you can see the Golems fall my beautiful industry please look away OSHA this shot here is definitely not safe for work I tested again today but it seemed to run as fast as a double layer Farm not a triple I’m pretty sure it’s just because I was

Standing deep underground where the collection system is I can fix that put in a few water lines and now all the iron transports to the surface that wasn’t too tough finally finished the walls today it was nice to have that done however even with all my tinkering

The top layer is still not spawning golems and I don’t know why I also totally messed up The Kill pit it’s off by one block the Golems hit this lip this is my quick and dirty fix hopefully that works ripping out the entire pit would kind of be a nightmare please

Don’t ask how I got stuck in the farm with a zombie I was not afraid for my own life but I just broke the farm not the worst thing in the world thanks to that waterline I installed but it’s still very much annoying got a new zombie that night this whole day was

Embarrassing now the middle layer broke the zombies there the villagers are there nothing spawning I got the idea to let the villagers sleep and maybe that would reset them and you can see here this villager actually wasn’t paired to his bed that’s a hundred percent the

Issue I’m having on all levels of the farm so today I tried to install a reset button I don’t know why I did what I did I broke a Blue Block that’s obviously a water line no thing is broken again so far looks like the reset button is working it’s

Essentially just some Pistons that’ll make the villagers feel safe shutting off their access to the zombie wiring it all up on the same circuit was anything but easy this building’s like 100 blocks tall but it works with one lever flip I can put every villager to sleep hopefully fixing the farm wasn’t

Recording for the daytime but the farm worked beautifully then my two-year-old wanted a tour so I showed her my polar bears tested the farm today and it’s fast if you do the math it’s nearly a thousand Iron an hour and it’s made in the spawn chunk So in theory it should

Produce every day forever all the time all this iron is only about half of what I need but now it’s only a matter of time so I decided to go back to my old iron farm I think it’s finally time for them to be free it’s gonna be tough

Getting them down but there’s a safe bet at least two of them live the plan was to Simply send them down a stream of water many many died but hey at least I won’t have to look at this ugly thing in this guy anymore the survivors fell

Inside this dark oak forest and I’m gonna make a home for him yeah but then I found a cave and got a bit distracted villager Freedom can wait as you may know I I have lots of iron thanks to my new Farm but when I’m all done with

Beacons I’m going to need somewhere to put all that iron it’s zombie villager time my favorite I’ve got massive plans for my iron economy I think it could be one of my most profitable Ventures yet trying to figure out where the iron people will live and it kind of just

Makes sense to put them next to the Sheep I’m gonna try to make it look like an iron golem it won’t but I’m gonna try before I finalize that though I’ve got to do some work in the iron farm here I’m in the collection system I’m not an

Expert but I think I just made an item sorter I’m trying to filter out the flowers that get produced in an iron farm I don’t really need them it took about 30 Hoppers but I got it working and I’m proud of myself time for even more upgrades I’m gonna try to transport

This flow of pure iron all the way to the place where it will be sold so now I’m digging a massive pipeline underneath my base just hope I don’t hit anything well look at that this should have all been done in a day but I keep

Running into old stuff but now it’s done I’ve got a pipeline all the way from iron farm to iron Marketplace it’ll be so nice just grab some iron and sell it easy the bubble elevator was a bit tedious to build mostly because I’m underground with no Escape hopefully if

I do this right I’ll never have to do it again you can see here it’s working pure iron comes all the way from the iron farm right into these chests I was very proud of myself I will say though I wasn’t too proud of how the iron farm

Actually looked white carpet just didn’t look right now that looks a little more industrial now that everything’s working I can finish the building you know it doesn’t look too bad about as good as the Sheep to be honest got two new villagers in there they’ll both give me

One Emerald for one iron it’s a good deal so now I’m just ramping up my employment by offering signing bonuses they’ll never get you’re gonna love working for me now get in the hole I’m sorry sir I just don’t think your injury was workplace related yeah no sorry the

Company doesn’t offer life insurance no I get that I get that it would just be too expensive too many claims if any of those jokes are relatable please get help no no not you villagers you’re stuck here all right now they’re all in there a few aren’t working but I can

Always kill them remember that villagers today I had to give them freedom because they weren’t working I thought maybe that would help it worked for some of them I’ll figure this out today I tried getting them all to sleep and that fixed even more all but one are now fixed and

That makes seven working guys I think that’s enough for me I was very nice to the last one gave him his own apartment his own bed and still won’t work I don’t know what happened he just burst into flames it was so weird his replacement is already on the way you won’t believe

This but the entirely new villager still won’t work whatever I’ll just leave him in there seven is still very profitable after all that I’m glad to finally say that it’s time to start putting in beacons remember all I’ve done for these things so far is the holes so I’ve got

To dig out 12 new Beacon spots because of all the Deep slate and the fact that I have no Beacon Powers while doing this it takes about a day to dig it all out but it’s nice to see my progress at the end of the day today I got a nice little

Corner done fun fact this one corner is the size of the original Beacon array again so glad that I built that Wither Skeleton Farm it just means if I ever want to do this again it’s going to be so much easier the iron farm too can you

Imagine how long it would take to mine all of his iron halfway done today I’ve completely filled out the entire Northern section and the area is so big that the beams don’t even render it’s not exactly the most fun work but in the the end it’ll be so worth it you can do

It just a few more days go down in that hole and finish what just started I would need 20 more sextuple beacons to upgrade my current array which might sound crazy but it’s totally possible would you want a video on how I set this all up I doubt anyone has the resources

To actually do it but it might be nice to see how I did it anyway I’m almost done I know watching me set up a beacon 12 times in a row isn’t the most riveting done 16 sextable beacons all coming together for my magnificent Beacon array a 200 by 200 square of

Beacon coverage in which I simply cannot die if you count every block that’s affected by my beacon coverage it’s just about 15.3 million it took hundreds of days to set up the infrastructure to make this possible but thanks to that time going further won’t take nearly as long that

Will have to be a project for another day because today I have a new project I’m gonna do a new Emerald perimeter to Mark where my beacon Powers end the biggest reason I saved all my emeralds as I was planning on doing this the whole time it’s really nice to know

Where my unending power starts and ends I guess it’s not really unending power then I could have swore it had enough emeralds for this but actually ran out day 2640 it’s a massive perimeter and I’m only about halfway done time to get to work it’s really getting the

Villagers to work I’m the owner and don’t do much glad I noticed the whole structure was off by one block today that would have been embarrassing it’s very striking totally unnatural but that’s the point building it all got me to realize how much land I can’t die in

Now it’s pretty insane my Powers go all the way out to this mountain that I never even go to it’s so unnecessary I love it I would have been done a long time ago but I wanted to make sure these elevated sections on the side of hills

And mountains looked good and that took more emeralds it really gave me a chance to look at a lot of this outlying land there’s so much potential for new builds four thousand days will be chocked full of good stuff Day 26 46 I finished the perimeter and broke it in by lawfully

Killing this trespasser it’s hard to even get all my land in one frame there’s just so much of it almost everything I’ve built in my immediate spawn area is now completely enveloped in Beacon coverage I could probably use one more section around the rim to get

The barn in there but that’ll take 120 more beacons or 360 more wither heads which I can do which is don’t want to right now Mater came over today and gave him a tour and decided to make a really powerful fishing rod right in front of him it’s got absolutely everything and

He named it sweet back to labor I’m chopping trees in my new land there’s a lot of ugly ones most were just half burned by me so I’m here to finish the job while chopping I found those villagers that I totally forgot about they’re not dead but by the amount of

Golems down here they’ve been very afraid I dug out a cave for them all to live in I’m calling it The Grotto they will live here in peace until I need them for industry I even gave him some jobs in Farmland turned out to be a nice

Little build the whole thing is very hidden I think they’ll live there for a long time or they won’t I don’t really care with all these extra Beacon Powers I decided it was a good time to go into the caves with full Beacon Powers I have

Absolutely no fear the caves are so fun when you can’t die you know this is the first time I found an amethyst yeah no no I had to check the first time took me 651 days a lot of fun down here wasn’t even scared of the poison spiders

Hopefully lighting up these caves helps my creeper Farm to do better it’s been chronically bad look at all this emerald ore I’ve found I love that stuff here I’m specifically around the creeper Farm as you can see lots of monsters are spawning went back to the Wither Farm

Today I don’t really need the skulls just wanted to try out Shelley with netherite oh yeah one hit kill every time the farm is so fast that in the same day I could get to actually killing the Wither and now I’ve got a shulker box with a sextuple beacon inside just

In case I ever need it and I needed it the next day because I’m gonna kill the warden but not tonight it’s a long trip over here give me your bed villager I’m not just gonna run straight in first thing I did was set up some safety features like this portal straight to

The ancient city I’m also going to clear out a huge area I want to fight this dude on flat ground there we go all cleared but I can make it even safer I had to dig a hole all the way to the surface so my beacon would work I truly

Took every precaution not gonna lie the beacon looks a little funky down here but now I’ve got Beacon powers in the ancient city that warden’s going down there’s no achievement for killing the warden in fact fact it’s supposed to be avoided but never tell me not to kill

Something that just makes me want to kill it even more a frontal assault on this thing would be completely foolish it can kill me in three hits you can see here I tested the warden’s strength and it absolutely slaps I could have kept shooting it with my bow but I really

Wanted that last hit to come from my sword and it did there it is the warden slain now all it drops is a single piece of skulk Catalyst which I don’t really agree with I think there should be a much better drop from killing the warden but I don’t make those decisions I

Really wish it dropped its head so I just renamed the Catalyst warden’s head that’ll work I took out another Warden that day just for good measure and to prove my dominance and now I’ve got kind of an interesting idea you’ll see I’m gonna make my own Warden head out of

Warden heads well not really but I’m gonna do my best to make it real I’ve got to go kill the warden 15 more times shouldn’t be too bad now I could have killed 15 more wardens with the method I used earlier but I’m gonna build a machine for it it’s nothing too fancy

Just a simple trench with wither roses and because the warden is an absolute it falls right in and starts dying so now I’m just gonna be farming the warden it’s kind of ridiculous when you think about all I really have to do is just stand here the Wither roses do all

The work however if I slash him with my sword I can kill him much faster my best time was 45 seconds got 15 heads just like that and I swear to you they’re all from dead wardens and that’s not all I guarantee you there will be much more

Warden domination later in this video but first I’ve got to fix up my tools and say hi to the villagers I want to find a closer ancient city for easier Warden domination a strat that works at least right now is find a really extreme Hill like this generally underneath

These you’ll find an ancient city what did I tell you I just flew right into this one ancient city here we are safety comes first had to dig an exit but I’ll be honest I was a lot more comfortable in the ancient city you just gotta

Follow the law I got all the loot today just one extra God Apple but I’ll take it took another day to loot but if you’ve already got Swift sneak there’s not much here you can find besides God apples alright so now the plan is to go

Back home and dig a tunnel all the way here it’s only about ten thousand blocks it’s actually two tunnels one will be in the nether one will be in the Overworld oh nether tunnels just about done just have to fly back through the Overworld and connect it that wasn’t too hard now

I’ve got a quick way back to my new ancient city you may be wondering why I’m even here and I’ll tell you I’m gonna trap a warden you can trap a warden super easy just by digging a trench but I want to get the warden all

The way back to my compound it’s going to be quite the challenge and I’m still not entirely sure how it’s all gonna work but I’m gonna try my idea is pretty simple I’m just gonna trap the warden in a warden trench and then dig a big

Tunnel all the way back home but I realized today I dug 500 blocks in the wrong direction that’s embarrassing so let’s just get to the point I know you don’t want to watch me dig for 20 days straight see that’s much better now the tunnel’s done and I can work on exactly

Where the warden’s gonna be chilling underneath my compound my trapped Warden will live right underneath my Emerald Tower nearly at Bedrock level he’ll be in this Glass Prison so he won’t be able to dig his way out I really got to make sure to set this all up right because

Once there’s a warden in here it’s kind of hard to do construction Minecraft told us to avoid the warden and I’m gonna put it on display when it comes to exploiting nature for pleasure of course safety is my number one concern I’m building this thing for the warden and

It would be real embarrassing to Die the entrance will be right by my big Warden head so if you want to download the world and check it out that’s how it’ll have a top view and a side view just be careful of the side view you’re liable

To get shot building the room is great and all but now I’m working on the actual Logistics of getting the warden in there one thing I got going for me is the wardens incredibly dumb some trap doors in water should be all I need so

Now I just have to figure out how I seal off this whole chamber without coming down here my issue is there’s a giant hole in the wall and I’ve got to fill that with the Press of a button getting that figured out was really something

I’m so glad I built this all to code all right moment of truth this whole big opening should be closed with one button press uh yep that worked now I just have to reset the whole system one last day of final inspection in prep I am catching a warden that’s very dangerous

Yeah another layer of plexiglass can’t hurt well it’s actually not time to catch the warden yet when I was digging the big tunnel I found a much closer ancient city this one’s only about 3 000 blocks away I got real lucky the system hasn’t changed it’s still just a warden

Trench the only thing it needs now is a little machine that’ll hold the warden in place while I set myself up to run from him yeah that’s the plan I’m gonna have it chase me 3000 blocks I’m not excited all right I’ve looked over everything like five times ten times 20

Times I’m Ready Step One is spawn the warden that’s easy just make noise step two is shoot the warden so it follows you with an undying bloodlust step three make sure the warden goes in your trench step four you gotta name him and now’s probably the best time step five go down

Into your tunnel and prepare to run at full Sprint the warden can’t really catch me but even if he did I dug this tunnel high enough where I could fly away even with that though it wasn’t exactly fun to be chased the only thing I really didn’t like doing was having to

Reset the warden’s anger I’d have to shoot him with a bow and this was my least favorite part okay here we are last little home stretch if anything goes wrong it’s right here please be in there please be in there please be in there yes the wardens named and standing

On glass so it’ll never get out that there should be an achievement I let it cool off for a day and now I can finalize the whole design I left this block open as an emergency exit what’s nice is when the wardens calm you get real close without it attacking you but

If it is angry just don’t go past the red line you’ll get shot probably a smart idea to put him down at Bedrock rather than in the tower but hey Never Say Never After all that I need to make some profits clear my mind but just like

That it’s on to the next big thing I’m gonna make this whole wall less ugly and I’m gonna do it by paying homage to all of the peoples of the world that watch 100 days it’s gonna be a big Mosaic of a bunch of different flags the first one

Is of Ohio it was the first suggested if I butcher your country’s flag don’t get mad at me everyone’s getting a 3X3 some worked out perfectly like Japan that was an easy one but sorry Indonesia and that’s the best I can do they’re in no particular order and I think that’s

Gonna make it all look nicer in the end I kind of just tried to put different colors next to each other so they wouldn’t all Clash but now I’m already out of gravel and only halfway done gravel break want to give a quick shout out to Nigeria’s flag it’s easily my

Favorite it’s original man there’s like 20 flags on the wall already that look like British and American ones and if it’s not one of those it’s some sort of plus get an original idea I am now shortening the wall because I’m running out of countries that actually watch me

I only put fan suggested flags on this wall if a fan didn’t call out the country it didn’t go up the wall also needed some shaping but now everything will fit in there perfectly shout out to the Bahamas your flag’s awesome this one could be Chad or Romania I don’t have

Enough colors to differentiate as you can see I’m very close now but again ran out of gravel 27-27 too bad I spent it getting gravel just a few more I guarantee by this point people were just suggesting random countries but hey I’ll take it it’s done and I gotta say it’s

Beautiful just want to thank everyone out there that watches these videos you’re the reason I do it so really thank you I really tried to get all the suggested countries on there if I missed you let me know now it’s time for another monument and for this one I’m

Gonna blow through all of my diamond reserves I’ve been saving pretty much all my diamonds for the last 700 days to build this monument and now it’s time I did a little mining off camera so I already know where this Monument’s going right by L town is this cute little hill

With a bunch of dark oak trees you’ll see why I wanted dark oak later but for now I’m just taking out all the regular old oak gross I kind of just cleaned everything up can’t build a monument in a dirty Forest I also want to pave a

Road over there you got to think about the people who can’t fly this creeper wanted no part of me building with diorite I don’t get why people don’t like it I think it looks nice just gonna leave this on screen for all the people that don’t like diorite and granite and

There’s nothing you can do Road’s done now it’s time for the monument it’s gonna be a stack of diamond blocks stacked on top of each other to show my appreciation this is a monument to everyone who’s ever made a 100 days video on YouTube thank you I’m also

Going to put up signs with the names of several hundred days creators that’s why I wanted dark oak trees for more space I only put up names of people that submitted their names so no one’s on here that doesn’t want to be and if you come to the monument I guarantee you’ll

See some names you recognize so thank you again to everyone who’s ever made 100 days video on YouTube I will come back here at some point in 4 000 days so if you want to get in the monument all you got to do is make 100 days do it

You’ve probably got about a year so there’s no excuse thank you you’re all notable all right now that that’s done it’s time for another project I’ve been putting off for just far too long it’s time to level the compound this is gonna be huge you gotta remember this is not

Just digging I’m gonna bump into tons of machinery and it’s all gonna need renovation this is going to be an absolutely massive amount of work however it will give me a chance to look at all of my farms and fix them get them up to date the industrial side of my

Compound needs the most leveling by far and that’s where a lot of my oldest buildings are they could all use a little renovation and I didn’t even mention the fact that once this is all leveled out it’ll look really really premium I’m actually really excited I

Get a chance to gut my Farms make them more efficient and ultimately get more profit things will be a bit weird the Stone Cutters don’t currently have a roof also the melon farm is totally floating in midair but I guarantee you by the end of all this labor you won’t

Even recognize the compound except for the giant Emerald Tower that’s kind of hard to miss at this point I’m just trying to get the digging done I’m not really going to start touching Farms until all of the earth is moved I’ve been going over this fairly quickly you

Might not have noticed that it’s been almost 10 days of solid digging I can’t wait to redo the iron farm so much of it was built on dirt pretty much all my Farms were built on dirt I just didn’t know any better I’m really glad I installed an off switch in this thing

It’s absolutely wrecked the industrial side which required the most leveling is now pretty much done it looks awful but it’s supposed to unfortunately a lot of things have to be completely rebuilt I know this diorite road is historic but it’s got to go for now I’ve also locked

The orphans inside they’ll come out when it’s done once I got the industrial side done everything else came easily and now all the gross leveling is complete I’ve kind of been looking forward to tinkering with everything this is going to be fun iron farm will be first I know

It’s new but it’s also the strongest element of my economy first thing I did was just get it down to grade it was unsettling seeing it float there then I ripped up the entire floor and put down some stone slabs it didn’t make much sense to have carpet in the factory that

Should stop the Golems from spawning where they’re not supposed to I’m also going to fix the pit it’s been off by a block since its construction it was a much easier fix than I thought I just made it bigger it’s so nice having access to unlimited wither roses I also

Installed a safety fence I’ve never fallen in but that’s what the guy that falls in and dies says the off switch wiring is now all much higher up but it still works and I can jump up and hit that lever so it’s gonna stay it all works already there’s no sense in

Breaking it just to make it a little more convenient I know I’m trying to fix up the farm but now it’s not supplying iron where it needs to so I guess I’m running through the sewers all right ma’am everything’s good down here no clog ah here’s the issue my new slab

Floor was blocking the flow and now with everything working again the last step is to lay down some sod now I’m going to tackle the melon farm because it’s big old and I’m worried about what’s inside like your mom one of the first glaring issues is this water line it’s mostly

Made of dirt really all I gotta do to get this Farm functional is move that water line which is much easier said than done oh no way I’m gonna redo the whole thing it’s on dirt pretty much the whole way to the melon man but I got it

Moved and up to code and now it should all work very well now that everything’s moved and secure I got it framed out but I don’t want to go wood all the way down so I’m doing a design for my melon business that’s a good start but now I

Kind of want to move it over logo’s done I like it I’m also going to take some time and renovate the top because it needs it great view from up here one of the things that this building really needed was an elevator and now I have

One and I gotta do that roof not gonna show the old one you’ll make fun of me I might go up there from time to time now wasn’t recording for a day I’ve already got the new base for the bamboo Farm done this one’s gonna get a much bigger

Collection system and some other features now now I’ve moved my cactus farm underneath the bamboo Farm the old one was just so ugly it’s a really good thing I did this too Minecraft’s updating bamboo soon so it’s nice to have infrastructure here’s another issue that I totally forgot about I sealed off

My rocket Farm it’s behind all the flags I had to dig my way in I’ll have to figure out something for that nah first I’m gonna do a nice place for the Stone Cutters to live and yes I’m doing granite and diorite but today was just flooring that’s what I get for doing

Herringbone herringbone is what your mom wishes she had in the kitchen but your dad didn’t want to pay for it getting everybody in there wasn’t too hard I’m an expert villager herder I moved my cobble generator underneath the Stone Cutters it just made sense and now the

Stone Cutters finally have a roof over their head again yeah it came out a little boxy but it’s on the industrial side today I ripped up the old cobble generator it was mostly made of dirt then I got real dirty on day 2769 same thing the next day just dirt all day in

The rain then I didn’t really get anything done I kind of just spent today looking at my Egg Farm wondering what to do with it ah then a Golem spawned I was hoping moving it all down would stop that I just put down more Green carpet

It’s not a huge deal I’ve been put putting off the library because well look at it any construction involving villagers is tough luckily these guys can fall pretty far really should have done the flooring before putting them all down here that was an oversight it

Took a long time but now I’ve got all the Librarians into one spot Unfortunately they have much less freedom of movement in this design oh well I didn’t record for a day but now it’s all looking much more like a building I installed an enchanting room

That doesn’t look like it’s in a dirty basement that’s an upgrade I also tried to upgrade the carpet that just involved a lot of shoving I’ll be honest I think there’s a lot of wasted space in the library but it’s functional so I can’t complain I think I’ll revisit that one

Later but for now it’s done 277 was all dirt laying which is kind of nice despite being the luckiest day of the series I had to end this one early my cat got out I found him in the neighbor’s bushes he was fine and got

Back to it and now I’m starting on some bear Renovations here I put in a nice little viewing window for the pandas the polar bears didn’t require too much work just had to put some more glass in one thing I’ve always hated about the panda exhibit is these big jungle trees not

The trees themselves but the vines they just end up hanging down outside the exhibit and it looks real slow copy so today I’m trying to get rid of all of them I can literally fly and that was still tedious work a lot of work went into this new panda exhibit I might

Actually come visit them now but I think this little window into the panda cave is still my favorite part the melon men have been in need of an update since they were constructed what even is that I like the idea of them all being in a

Big melon so I’m gonna make it look like a big melon since building all my iron stuff I’ve kind of neglected the melon men so it’s nice to give them a better home I’ve lost a lot of them over the years I started with 10 and now there’s

Only five all right so now they no longer live underground but that just means I’ve got to move a bunch of stuff one of the things I really wanted in here was a speed Farm on the same level I think I’m good enough to put all the

Redstone underneath we’ll see so far so good and no villagers have been mangled probably would have got it all done today if I didn’t get a bunch of water in the machine right here but after another day of troubleshooting now it’s working perfectly stay behind the wall villagers employees only they aren’t

Employees they aren’t even contractors put some carpet on top you can see by that bone and arrow that a skeleton spawned up here and there it is all done you know looks like a melon the orphanage only has to move down one block but this this thing that I built

Is going to be the biggest challenge yeah I just ripped the whole thing out today I can rebuild it moving it all down one block actually makes the whole system easier I don’t need Pistons anymore you can tell just by the walls it’s now so much more direct finally

That part of the building looks like it belongs I’m happy with that everything on the inside stayed the same I just installed a new front porch and called it a day and now I’m putting in lights which tells you that the whole Project’s nearly done I’m excited to see it it’s

Looked very weird with all these glowstone lights just floating in the air you can see how much different the ground is now by how high up these old lights are I have to jump and I have jump boost done perfectly level well not the inside I start that tomorrow I

Probably should also move that glass everything over here looks so much cleaner and I feel like I have a lot more room for more builds but like I said now it’s time to do the inner wall this is going to be some delicate work Step One is I’m gonna rip up all the

Grass see what’s under there I have no idea luckily for the most part the answer was more grass hey looks like the giant totem’s gonna shrink and then grow in the same video here I’m just trying to get everything down to Grass before I move the lights down and then I’ll work

On the buildings that looks pretty weird but also kind of nice at the same time why do I hear a villager over here don’t tell me there’s one in the floor hey cleric I thought you were dead well now you are it would have been a pain to

Relocate him I’ve got enough on my plate already I was getting the new lights down today when I noticed something I did the math and the inner wall isn’t a perfect square it’s off by a few blocks which would make it a rectangle you know

I had to rip down a lot of the wall anyway but it’s amazing I didn’t notice so now I’m laying out the square and I can get back to being perfect the new wall is going up just fine but my bad math is giving me an even bigger problem

Every single light is now off and needs to be completely redone and when I say need I mean need I will not survive if my lights are off all lights on the compound have been eradicated this is going to be interesting oh this Darkness goes against everything I’ve built these

Walls for luckily I still have Beacon Powers these Monsters can’t hurt me it doesn’t look right but it also kind of looks nice not gonna lie seeing my land all dark like that gave me a nice idea so I’m not going to be putting seed lanterns back in it’s a bit ambitious

But I’m gonna do redstone lights so I can turn them all on and off I just really hope I don’t regret this eventually uh hey pillagers um sup that’ll be one kind of misdemeanor trespassing your sentence is death no way I left the door open this

Is bad I’m gonna lose all my villagers oh I got so lucky the first wave was stuck in my inner inner wall no one got hurt except the pillagers of course now I gotta spend a day cleaning up the mess from yesterday uh one thing I didn’t

Realize about my Warden head is every time I killed something it’s going to get skulk all over the place all right back to business I’m gonna put down some torches just for safety until I get this all wired up it’s gonna be a little bit

I’ve got to move some stuff and I don’t want to creeper blowing me up so now I’m just taking my time digging out the trenches for all the Redstone wire I don’t know if you ever watched my 100 days in Creative video but I learned my

Lesson there if you don’t take your time with this you’ll pay for it all of the Redstone for this lighting circuit’s gonna go on these chiseled stone blocks I had a bunch of them laying around for the old monster farm and it’s nice to be uniform little sad but got rid of the

Old piston gate today it was off by three blocks I just couldn’t save it everything is done except one light right above the nether portal considering all that went into this project I’d say that’s pretty good but I’ve still got to fix it there’s really

No way around it I had to drop the whole ceiling and that just made it all look funky just gives me more to do later I guess I don’t remember why I killed all these donks today I just thought you might want to know so before I can wire

Everything up I’ve got to level out the innermost wall and this is definitely the most delicate I lucked out everything moved down one block real nice even redoing the first floor wasn’t that bad I was honestly surprised I didn’t even move anything on the walls just looks like my trinkets are higher

And now officially the whole compounds on one level was it necessary not really was it notable oh yeah time for lights there’s gonna be one lever in the inner wall that’ll turn all of them on and off wiring was easy all the conduits all ready to code and with four Redstone to

Spare it’s all wired hello darkness my old friend probably should have waited to test until this is all covered up there’s creepers in my Redstone oh it’s all so unnaturally flat I love it today I’m fixing little things like that and this and does and D’s fixing the

Five-year Garden today I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I haven’t done anything for all the other years I’ll do something big for 10. the nether Hub ceiling is just far too low I’ve got to gut everything I downgraded my double smile staircase for a regular staircase

But at least I don’t Bonk my head just moving over the totems today and I’d end this one early there was a skunk in my basement window I had a guy come and get it he said they were gonna go to a happy skunk place I know for a fact that skunk

Is dead listen trespassing get your death around here just getting the wall design down today you got to be symmetrical I needed more Redstone so I went down in the caves and used a night vision potion it was kind of awesome I feel like most of the time when I’m mine

I just leave the Redstone there so I got a bunch I thought I wanted Redstone lights in the wall but I’m gonna be honest I don’t really like how they look so for now I’m just doing sea lanterns we’ll see if that changes new piston doors going up today and unlike the old

One this will be wired efficiently oh yeah I kept that Redstone tight that thing’s looking slick these days were all about vanity but you know sometimes those are the best days I liked my front gate so much I’m gonna put the exact same one in the back but oh no the Vault

Redstone’s right underneath it oh if Redstone could electrocute you I would definitely already be dead I curse my past self it’s just a mess down here it’s going to take some planning after an entirely separate day I finally got the back piston door all wired up never

Ever put redstone on grass you’ll regret it back Gates looking good even though I guarantee I’ll never really use that thing I can fly speaking of other things I don’t really use I’ve got to reconnect my old Birch Road to the compound I’m getting nearly done so I rode the rail

It’s a great way to see imperfections see I almost forgot about those two chunks I dug out had to re-glass those holes this was the most annoying part I still have no idea how to make the Egg farm look less ugly but all its innards were broken so at least I got those

Fixed today I’m biting the bullet I’m just gonna make it a big box I can always change it later yeah it fits in nicely with all the other big boxes on the industrial side I almost forgot about my rocket Farm you know the one that’s hidden behind the flags now I

Think I have an idea I got a nice little button hidden inside South Africa you can barely even see it it’s all connected to a t flip-flop so you just press the button to reveal or hide the secret entrance today I did some measuring because you might not believe

Me but I’m gonna make all this grass emeralds I’d like to get it all done by 2900 but if I want to do that I need to use every money making method possible I’m gonna use trades raids and something you’ve never seen before oh no he’s

Setting up a room on the industrial side with a cobblestone floor this won’t be good my current villagers are very efficient they all do their trades for one Emerald For Whatever item I trade them for but I don’t have that many and I need a lot more emeralds than these

Guys can output and when you need lots of money nothing beats lots of villagers that’s what these rooms are for raids will only get me so far I have so much iron that I can’t even sell at all but soon I’ll be able to thing is though the

Worst part about villagers is when you get a lot of them they get really really laggy so this room the recycler breeds them exploits them and takes care of them listen guys it’s a video game and I need to make my floor out of money I’m

Gonna Fill This thing with about I don’t know 20 30 toolsmiths and they’ll all buy my iron I’m selling everything even my coal I’m okay stop asking some of you may be wondering why I don’t just build a raid farm and it’s because I like the combat now I’m finally starting to get

The recycler up and running I’ve got to level up these villagers so they’ll actually buy my iron it definitely feels like a waste I’m used to perfect trades but with the sheer number of them the profit’s gonna be insane can already feel the lag growing and it’s gonna get

So much worse there’s so many I had to build a dedicated Disposal system just for all the useless stone tools they throw at me I was selling so much iron the price started to go up even with Max hero status I gotta chill so I figured

I’d spend some of the money I’ve got I can’t do everything but I can do a section there is nothing more satisfying than placing pure Emerald one quadrant done and I already love it prices are still insane so I’m gonna get half done you know this all used to be a forest

Speaking of money it’s time for some advertising prices should be back to normal tomorrow so I got a level 6 raid in anticipation ah the money was great but you know I got lots of melons so I set up a second recycler the progress seems kind of fast already because I’ve been saving

Emeralds for hundreds of days but I’m telling you right now if I didn’t set up these buildings I’d be doing this for 100 days they don’t even look too bad fit right in on the industrial side who wants iron come get it farmer recycler is now done give it about a week and

I’ll be trading I’ve already spent so much time on this wall killing pillagers makes me want to put something artsy on it maybe a mosaic or hieroglyphic depicting how great I am Luke the notable had a farm and it was very sad and on that farm he had some children

What is up with that farmers are getting just about done this time I even remembered to set up a Disposal system for their useless presence I got a lot of farmers now and when iron prices go back to normal I’m gonna get so much money but first it’s time to spend some

More money I need some motivation I didn’t even have enough for another full quadrant it’s a lot more emeralds than you think but now I’m driven I’m setting everything up tomorrow I’m gonna see just how many emeralds I can make in a single day 2

322 emeralds in a single day no I would not like to round up my total for charity I care not for how many kids are starving just give me my change I don’t have enough to finish but I placed more emeralds today I was just excited profits were lower the next day because

I spent too much time walking around the finished section this is now all that’s left tomorrow I’ll be done oh it’s beautiful it truly it truly is beautiful all right villagers I don’t need you anymore time to get recycled I left two in each recycler just in case I ever

Need them again I probably will one day everything will be Emerald it’s a little surreal walking around the emerald lawn it definitely does not feel natural I rebuilt the diorite road today pretty much to its old specifications and then just looked at my land some more I’m in

Love day 2868 I updated my maps obviously there’s a lot of things that have changed I love it even more now rode the rail just to see if anything else needed a quick change it gives me some perspective I got rid of my dolphin cage it’s just ugly and sad and after

All that labor I gotta get away it’s time to go camping I flew away from home with nothing until I broke my elytra I’ll keep it as a souvenir well I shouldn’t say nothing I did bring my ax and tonight I slept comfortably in this desert Town camping can be a fun reset

Take myself away from the totems of undying and Beacon powers and see what it’s like to just play Minecraft I was feeling the adventure and walked out into the desert without a plan of course then night came maybe this wasn’t the best idea I felt much better once I got

In a boat it’s one of the safest ways to travel even when you’re naked I’ll sleep in this Village that still counts as camping all I wanted today was just to get out of the desert in Badlands it’s just not great camping material hey look at that I found a diamond in this

Abandoned Village on the edge of the desert I found this really nice sparse jungle I could live here I’d sit up camp on the top of this hill but it is getting dark so I found a nearby cave and figured this was a good time to get

Some iron and coal then I set up a little cottage nothing fancy just some shelter I gotta say it was nice having jungle wood that gave me more to work with no roof but it’s got a door it’s home from the top of the hill I could

See some nearby acacia trees and these will be perfect for a roof I got all the roofing done by Nightfall I didn’t take a look at it just went straight inside there’s monsters out there well obviously I was rushed I’ll have to fix that oh yeah it turned out great I love

My cute little camping Cottage so much so I worked until sunset making it look pretty that was a good day now I’ve got food I’ve got shelter I’ve even got armor what more do you want Conquest I guess I cleared out the cave underneath my land today and from the top of the

Hill I could also see this massive cave might as well go through here too it was a very large Cave System went all the way down to Deep Sleep what I always find I like best about camping though is exploring I found a really nice Savannah Town nearby those are easily my favorite

What’s nice is I didn’t have to use coordinates to get home you can see my Hill from here back in the big cave just looking for diamonds I really don’t know why but why does anyone do anything didn’t find a single diamond in the whole cave I miss night vision potions

Already then there was more caving and more nothing I almost missed it but I found one underneath some water here just one what a rip-off not like I haven’t been trying look at this cave it’s explored I’m not sure what drives me to do what I do but now I Want Some

Enchanted armor and for that I need leather which is cow skin so in the basement of my Cottage I set up a very simple enchanting room then I Enchanted everything I have with I’ll be honest some really bad enchantments I got a horse pretty good one too too bad it

Can’t come home with me we had a lot of fun together slaying everything we came across today I set up a sugar cane Farm like I’m even gonna be here for a few more days I got a little compound set up what’s stopping me from starting fresh

Here nah I really like being Immortal but this has been very fun all right I’ve got steak golden apples Enchanted armor I’m going back in the cave I want some diamonds I found a really small mine shaft at Deep slate level but no diamonds still though this is all the

Stuff I’ve found while camping the last few days I think I did pretty well and after one more unsuccessful day in the caves I thought it was a good time to go back home ah would you look at that my last Sunset got stolen by the rain I had

A lot of fun living out here building the cottage not like it’s going anywhere I could always build a portal to it but now it’s time to go home I’ve got huge plans and not too much time left I’m about 20 000 blocks away from home which

Sounds like a lot but if you go in a straight line it’s really not that bad lot of my journey was over the ocean which is always easy travel I got a little loot here and there nothing too notable but by the night time of day

2890 I was back to my Birch Road which means I’m home I made a relic out of my broken elytra because I hardly found any diamonds while camping it felt good to be home and put my armor back on that’s the whole point of camping but then I

Got straight back to work it’s time for a huge project if you remember at the end of 2000 days I failed to get how did we get here the hardest achievement in the game and on this little island hopefully I’ll be doing it again how did we get here involves having every single

Effect in the game applied at the same time and I’ve left myself over a hundred days to complete it and I’ll definitely need all that time it took me three days just to set up the location now that I’ve got the location the next step is

To dig a canal all the way from my main base there about 8 000 blocks I need to get a shulker out of the end and into the Overworld and then transport it all this way I’ll mostly just use existing rivers and oceans to get one path of

Water all the way to my new how did we get here Island I then just write down all the directions on a piece of paper so I don’t get lost took a little break from Canal construction to give my my two-year-old a tour she loves my animals

She really likes my horses I even asked her to name my prized horse it doesn’t have one she named him blue thanks now I’ll be super sad when he dies the Canal’s dug and I’ve got the directions I just need water and now that’s all done step one of like a thousand day

2901 I made how did we get here Island two slightly bigger I also looked at my Warden trapping infrastructure to see how easy a diversion would be then I went to my base Warden and checked the numbers on just how far away I can be safely back at the island digging out

Where the warden will go hopefully this doesn’t get me murdered of course I’ll have safety features that’s what I set up today and now I’m just digging a new Warden tunnel to get a warden how did we get here Island in theory I could put a warden anywhere more digging I love been

So much we’ve already been over how this goes I’m gonna have the warden chase me a few thousand blocks to how did we get here Island then it’s just a very simple trap using this bubble elevator to get it right where I want it there we go got

The warden I hope you didn’t doubt me I did the warden first because it’s obviously the most dangerous I need to build everything around the warden I dug a trench which allows me to get Darkness without the warden shooting me but being on that island without a beak and is

Making me very nervous the warden can kill me in two shots however thanks to my Wither Skeleton Farm in two days I got enough heads for a sextuple beacon killed the Wither six times set up the beacon and now I feel so much safer the room is now marked and here I’ll get

Darkness but the warden can’t shoot me and he shot me several times figuring that out somehow I’m way more worried about the dolphin they have a habit of dying I think I should have made the cage before getting the dolphin over here him and the warden did not agree I

Swear I did not do that on porpoise cage one is looking fine at least the dolphin is not being gunned down a dead dolphin stopped me in 2 000 days from getting how did we get here so I gotta make sure this works I was decently confident the

Dolphin would be fine so now I’m in the end trying to get a shulker it’s likely my least favorite part of the achievement it’s just such a struggle took three days just to get one back to my main camp now I have to transport him thousands of blocks well wish me luck

Everything was going fine until I got to a section where I apparently didn’t fill with water all the way the shulker is now lost somewhere in the ground and this could all have been avoided I was up all night searching but I found him got to the island what could go wrong

Got the shulker in just fine but my conduit killed him oh got another let’s go I didn’t even get out of camp and this one died ah all right three times for three thousand days that just makes sense and for once something nice happened to me if a shulker shoots

Itself there’s a chance it reproduces so now I’ve got two on the island nice I hate that part and now it’s done and I got two dolphins now dead I figured that would happen time for some experiments sometimes they drown themselves on the bottom with this design he can’t be on

The bottom I guess that kind of looks like happiness at least he’s not dead 29 29 I brewed all the various potions for how did we get here I also set up a portal right near my pillow drought post to make sure bad Omen won’t be hard to

Get went back to the island to check everything and now the Dolphin’s dead I have no idea what happened but I’ll figure that out in time today I converted the structure from dirt to deep slate this dolphin cage has Soul Sand in the corners and a glass top so

Far it seems to work I just watched it all day to make sure it lived and it did but I really really wanted to be sure so I gave it an extra day still no dolphin death now that the Island’s all set up I set out for more achievements apparently

I have two more biomes to find the only issue is I’m not sure which ones they are I flew around for three days found a lot of beautiful landscapes but none gave me the achievement while exploring I found a Pillager Outpost this one with a laze it’s a new mob that I didn’t

Think I’d find but it’s like 20 000 blocks away so getting them home will be a challenge so first step I gotta go back home and I flew up so high that my body turned black you can save a lot of rockets this way I was home by the end

Of the night I’m coming to lays hold on it was a lot of digging even for a two block tall tunnel then I hit some basalton that just slowed me down more got all the way there and then realized I have no obsidian to make a portal I

Really got to put some obsidian in my Ender purse all right now after wasting all that time I’m back where I tied up the delays getting them back home was slow but they follow me now that I have him here I’m not really sure what to do

With him though I will say it’s kind of nice seeing him float around I am afraid they’ll run away but I don’t want to tie them up they seem like such free creatures so I made him a room in the house I got three of them up here

Chilling now that’s enough to look at and breed I finalized the room with an Olay themed carpet there’s also an achievement that goes with them and I got that here I’m out looking for bees day 29 and 15. why mind your own business turns out I didn’t need bees at

All I already had honeycomb for wax on wax off however the compound has been b-list so I put them in the barn in my mind they’re now wasps I also got the glow sign achievement that was so hard I really like this achievement where you

Have to fall from the top of the map to the bottom of the map just kind of sad I didn’t build something more interesting now I’m fighting the Ender Dragon what a crazy couple of days I had to look at it with a telescope pretty simple if you’re

Me back to exploring no new biomes but I did find a god Apple today I had to find a man Over The Sound of Music achievement they’re a lot harder to find than you might think during my journey I found a swamp and here I’m gonna try to

Breed some frogs here’s the thing I barely knew how frogs worked there was no point in me breeding them here I should have just went home to get different frogs you have to be in different biomes so I set up these weird builds to try to make that happen but

All 20 000 blocks away there’s just no point to this all the notes say for this day in all caps is I hate breeding frogs I hate breeding frogs the worst part is I’m doing it wrong and I don’t even know I was fairly certain this should have

Made a green frog but it just made tadpoles after waiting another day I did get the green frog and as you can see I was very happy to complete my collection I just needed this one tadpole to turn into a White Frog however he was orange

I hope he enjoyed his short life finally I came to my senses and flew back home it was 50 000 blocks not twenty thousand can someone explain to me why my body turns black when I fly up this High it makes me nervous now I’m back near home

I’m gonna breed frogs the right way while I waited for the tadpole to change into a green frog I mined up some blue ice blue ice green frog purple pickaxe gray man I’m teaching every everyone colors today and because fate loves me on day 2969 I got my green frog took him

Home on my old Canal that I built in the first hundred days this thing’s been so useful I wasted no time that night went to a nearby Savannah and started on a White Frog oh look at him my baby the whole reason I’m doing this is to get

Frog lights and believe it or not that involves the nether so now I’m in the nether constructing my very own custom Frog Light Farm just know I did not consult Google for this so please make fun of me nerds today I made a tunnel to the Frog Light Farm through way too much

Lava kind of like saying that Frog Light Farm going to the Frog Light Farm it’s simply just a big open platform in the basalt over a lava lake where magma cubes are likely to spawn gonna test it with the orange ones I’ve got a bunch living in my creeper Farm someone must

Have a concussion over at Minecraft because to get a Frog Light you have to have a frog eat a baby Magma Cube the farm works great but we can’t all deny that it’s a little strange I guess I kind of thought the frogs would be in

Some sort of danger in the nether but really they’re not they love eating these things like it’s their job and there they are all three frog bites it’s an achievement will also be an achievement getting my lays back home they followed me in here it just took a

Lot of yanking and shoving like a trip to the grocery store with Mom so after all that I took a look at all my remaining achievements and none of them gave me a feeling of Joy I’ll get him in 4 000 days my last month in this world

I’m gonna do fun stuff I want you all to know that I’ve had this idea for a very long time I’m gonna renovate my zombie spawner I never use it never but when I’m done with all this I will one of the things I installed was a more

Sophisticated off switch now with the flick of a lever I can turn it all off it’s no longer a zombie spawner anymore it’s a shooting range I don’t need any rotten flesh or the Meeker amount of XP that these zombies provide but I would like a little entertainment the

Buildings were also just terrible what was I thinking really shouldn’t be out this far in the rain but I’ve got Beacon Powers I’ll be fine I’ve wanted to get rid of that ugliness for a long time and now it’s done 29.80 I’m debating frog lights on the wall I’m not sure if I

Want to do it they are nice and green but even with that I don’t know if they go with the wall and I wasn’t even sure how many frog lights I could get so I tested that today I was incredibly surprised at how good my farm was those

Frogs are machines in one day one day I got almost 200 frog lights that was surprising because my design is very simple just imagine if I made something more complex one more day and I should be done I’ll be able to put these frog lights wherever I want I did kind of

Punch my green frog today I felt so bad I decided against the Frog lights inside of the wall I know they’re green I just didn’t think the Aesthetics matched however I think on the ground that could look pretty nice oh yeah it turned out to be a great frame for the wall I

Wasn’t planning on the frog life looking so great so now the sea lanterns are going too now I can get my inner wall much darker me from the first 100 days would not like this at all I just kind of miss my old monster Farm sometimes so

I made my whole area monster Farm now I’m doing some work on a build I’ll call the guest house about a week after this video comes out I’ll release a world tour so everyone can see a much more in-depth look at everything I built in 3000 days in that video I’ll give a

World download link and when you step foot on my land this is where you better sleep I slept there tonight to test it it’s cozy but needs something I’m gonna put the bed in the floor which is easier said than done since I’ve wired up my entire compound have lights I’m just

Glad I built the whole lighting circuit to code in a fairly neat manner otherwise this would have been impossible I’m not even going to show all the struggle I had to go to to make this a reality but it works there’s a bed in the floor if you download the

World you better sleep here appreciate all my frustration it felt uh I don’t know coffin-like all right finishing touches now nothing involving Redstone thank me you know sometimes it’s fun to build Pointless Stuff that’s all I’ve been doing the last few days and I swear

If one of you sleeps in my bed I will know this is my private sanctum I will now be erecting a giant statue of myself again really shouldn’t be that hard my Skin’s mostly gray except the face got the face done today and I already love

It I don’t know how I always do this though I’m gonna run out of concrete and I can’t leave it like that it looks a little sus I did say I was erecting a statue didn’t I I’ve got the gravel I just need sand done I always thought

This side of the compound was missing something and I fit in just perfectly I’d never get rid of the old statue of myself that thing’s historic I really like how you can see the new Statue from the old statue I’d like to be able to go

Inside of myself but I want the entrance to be C secret but of course with all my underground lighting this was not going to be an easy task uh oh man I don’t know what happened but now half the lights are off luckily using my elytra I

Could Jam myself in there and see what the problem was all right now the lights work again let’s see if I can get this Secret Door done in theory the Redstone should not be that difficult I’ve done tons of stuff like this before but I don’t know why this piston not connected

To anything is turned on so I just gave up on the secret door maybe I’ll revisit that when my Redstone isn’t cursed 29.95 I put some finishing touches on the wall just a little flare on the corners it just breaks up the square a little bit

Makes it look a little more refined I don’t have many more days I wanted to make everything look as perfect as I could okay the time is now final preparations for how did we get here I brewed an entirely separate set of potions double checked everything I

Wanted that achievement went over to the island I was most worried about the dolphin dying but he seems fine then I went back home and took one last look around the compound to make sure everything looked and worked perfectly tomorrow The Gauntlet begins I slept in

My sky bedroom to increase my power the first step of how did we get here is to do a raid so you’re the hero of the village that was easy I am me now while I’m a hero I have to go get that Omen and this just means I can’t go home

Again or I’ll start a rage I traveled through the nether running to get my Hunger down of course the night before day 3000 I made probably my three thousandth check to make sure I had everything for this achievement but there it is the sunrise of day 3000. all

Right I should have enough stuff to do this twice so if I mess this up I can try again everything was looking good I went into the pocket with my suspicious stew and didn’t get the achievement all right well I guess that’s why I brought more items than I needed all right this

Time for sure I looked at my list nothing should be wrong and no achievement how could I forget mining fatigue My Hope was not gone there’s still some time in day three thousand I just gotta beat this raid as fast as possible slayed those pillagers brewed

Some potions my heart was racing but by the time I got everything together the sun was already up it’s now day 3001. I really hate myself for messing that up but I won’t be defeated again I’m getting this achievement how could I forget mining fatigue it’s the whole

Reason I’m on an island to begin with I built a platform how you know what it’s just a really hard achievement on my third attempt even with mining fatigue I didn’t get it that time my issue was the shulker not hitting me but on my fourth attempt finally finally got it yeah it

Was sloppy yeah I went to day 3001 but you know what I was still proud you guys kind of all got an extra day it’s not the worst thing in the world after 3 000 days I’m still alive and ready to watch that next Sunset I’m hoping to have 4

000 days out in about a year I know that’s a long time to wait but these are long videos and I know the weight will be worth it take some time right now to subscribe so you don’t miss it I’ve got a lot of content coming in the meantime

Too thank you so much to everyone who has supported me and watched me over the years you are truly the reason then I do this if it wasn’t for you these videos wouldn’t exist so thank you stay notable and I’ll see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘3000 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2022-11-25 18:00:09. It has garnered 14420950 views and 307286 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:01 or 7201 seconds.

This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old for the following reasons Fantasy Violence Violent References Suggestive Themes Crude Humor

Minecraft Hardcore Mode is the HARDEST version of Minecraft without a doubt. Creepers spawn more often. Skeleton arrows do more damage. And Zombies can call upon the horde. Most notably of all though, if you die in Hardcore Minecraft, you die forever. Your world is deleted. *Minecraft theme plays at MAX VOLUME*

Follow me on Twitter!! – https://twitter.com/LukeTheNotable

Thumbnail Art – Maeder https://twitter.com/itsmaeder

Follow Tors! https://twitter.com/TorsThe

0:00 Day 2000 – 2100 14:01 Day 2100 – 2200 27:38 Day 2200 – 2300 42:01 Day 2300 – 2400 52:08 Day 2400 – 2500 1:00:46 Day 2500 – 2600 1:12:23 Day 2600 – 2700 1:22:37 Day 2700 – 2800 1:35:47 Day 2800 – 2900 1:47:42 Day 2900 – 3000 1:59:27 – End Credits Thank you Notable Members!

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    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

3000 Days – [Hardcore Minecraft]