4 Secrets Of BILLIONAIRE SUNNY In Minecraft!

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Today in Minecraft I became a billionaire oh yeah I’m rich and I’m gonna steal Sonny’s secret diary and uncover how to make money says let’s subscribe to Sunny that’s right press that subscribe button right now we’re about to hit 400 000. oh melon we’ve gotta work really

Hard so we can save up enough money to move out of this Village and buy a house of our own yeah Sonny hopefully we find something good in the mines today yeah dude there’s gotta be something epic down here let’s leave our mules up at

The top and get to work work yo yo yo chill chill Sonny relax okay we gotta work together not for ourselves you’re right that’s why I’m bringing your donkey down here so that I could sacrifice it to the Mind God Sonny how are you holding my donkey this doesn’t

Even make any sense that’s it he’s gotta go to the mine no sonny why it was my best friend I thought I was your best friend besides his sacrifice will not be in vain get it because we’re gonna find awesome oars that have big veins with lots of resources yeah yeah whatever

Sonny let’s split up and cover more ground you got it okay let’s see what’s down in these mines I’ve explored a lot of it but I’m hoping I can find something really good today man I hope I can find like two diamonds or something that would be awesome maybe even three

And then I can make myself a diamond pickaxe come on there’s gotta be something around here somewhere oh diamonds let’s go I’m rich three whole diamonds Sonny’s gonna be so jealous yesterday I invested all the diamonds I found to get this pickaxe I really need to find something good now what is this

It’s so beautiful God or wait no way that’s the most powerful resource in Minecraft come on there’s got to be some more around here somewhere no way another piece I’m Gonna Be Rich I knew sacrificing melons donkey would give me good luck let’s go sonny you’re not gonna believe

It I found three whole diamonds today now I can get a diamond pick like you and mine some even better ores no way bro that’s awesome all I could find today was some diorite and raw copper this was awful dude unlucky better luck next time Sunny if you want a diamond no

You should keep those and uh melon I’ve got an urgent business trip I have to attend to so I’ll be gone for the night all right no worries see you tomorrow sunny yeah see you melon an urgent business trip with my new God or donkey where are you we’ve gotta ride

Out to quandale hey Quando I got something awesome for you just gotta come on in with my donkey and check it out God or the most powerful resource in all of Minecraft whoa those are insanely pricey tell you what I’ll give you a bunch of diamonds for those I’ll put

Them in the chest next to me thanks so much quandil by the way how did you suddenly switch your clothes whatever here’s the godor one two three diamond blocks I’m rich melon thought he was so cool with his three diamonds but now I have enough to buy anything I want do

You have any investment opportunities where I could get a little bit of profit off these Diamonds oh yeah I have a couple of Investments with good returns soon sounds good here you go quando now make me Rich guys I haven’t seen sunny in a long time uh I know we went on a

Business trip but it’s been like two whole days now I thought it was like an afternoon thing I wonder where this guy is I’m gonna see if quandale knows anything quanda well Cordell wait is that melon’s voice it is what up melon wait what Sonny where the heck have you

Been I’ve been looking for you everywhere I’ve just been chilling at my new mansion didn’t you hear I’m rich what do you mean you’re rich what the heck and this house is yours yeah bought it with just a few small Investments you know when I went on that business trip

It’s because in the mines I found something called godor what the heck Sonny I didn’t know we were rich though this is awesome where’s my room whoa whoa whoa relax melon I’m rich you have three diamonds so you’re doing okay but no this is not your house

This is my house I thought we said we worked with each other not for ourselves yeah that was before I found the godor I only had two pieces you know one for me and uh the other one also for me sorry you know what Sunny that’s okay we’ll

See you later okay bye melon guys that was kind of us normally he’d be really upset with me about things like that it looks like he’s just leaving okay that was kind of a weird interaction I hope melon’s gonna be okay okay guys it’s midnight and it’s time for me to get my

Revenge I’m gonna sneak into Sonny’s house and steal his goddess and then I’ll be become rich my alarms are going off I gotta get upstairs quick and check the security cams who would try and break into my house it’s the middle of the night come on camera monitor let’s

See wait is that Melody no it is he’s trying to Snoop on my house what is he doing extra diamonds grab and go I mean I’m looking for the god ores but I’ll take some diamonds guys he’s stealing from my extra Diamond chest that’s supposed to be for emergencies when I

Have to shop quickly okay where’s he going next where’s he going next oh another chest I wonder if this has the god horse wait a second guys I just overheard what melon said he’s trying to find my God ores that idiot I sold them to quandale but that gives me a pretty

Good idea what if I lay a trap for him yeah I’m gonna need a book and a sign this is gonna be perfect how I got rich top secret yeah sees this he won’t be able to resist now let’s put a bunch of stupid stuff in this book and now I just

Put my fake diary on how I got rich into this chest and go hide in the bathroom oh this is gonna work this has gotta work oh no goddess in there either where the heck is this dude keeping them guys he’s coming upstairs I could see him

Um hello God Wars where are you yo guys he’s sneaking into my bedroom right now what the heck guys Sony’s not here he must be out for the night this is perfect uh oh his chest here but what’s this say how I got rich top secret

This has to be the guard horse what it’s not the goddess but what is this Sonny’s diary huh these are my secret ways of earning money keeping it safe here in case I forgot secret number one invest in the stock market wait wait this is a

Manual and how to get rich this is awesome yes I’m gonna make it big time guys he fell for my trap completely this is gonna be so awesome guys to invest in the stock market I need to go to the bank and now it’s time to invest my

Funds hello Mr Banker I want to invest in the stock market alright sir I’m happy to help out we would just like to know your budget so we know how to build out your portfolio how much are you looking to invest today oh budget uh

Well I’ve got about 11 coal you have got to be joking you know we don’t take kindly to Jokers like you around here security get this man out of here no chill give me my call back give me my call back no no you wasted my time I’ll

Confiscate this as my payments now scram I gotta get out of here oh that could have been bad I almost got roughed up by security I guess secret number one isn’t working in my situation but what is secret number two start a real estate agency guys for the last week I’ve been

Working my butt off in the mines and I pulled together all of my funds and bought this building check it out it’s beautiful isn’t it oh yeah I don’t get the top up here I only get the basement but it has a cool laptop yep it’s time

To get to work time to ring up some clients and see if I can sell some Mansions guys I realize I have absolutely no clients but I do know one guy who’s rich guys Mel is trying to call me right now oh this is perfect I wonder what he wants hey melon what’s

Going on hey Sunny how are you I’m pretty good actually I don’t really care are you interested in buying some properties Sonny well now that you mention it I could use an upgrade to this Mansion yes yes I have some beautiful buildings I think you’d love

To check out okay just send me the information and I’ll head right over all right sending it to you by email I’ll meet you there in two melon I’ve made it let me let me crib yep it’s a nice small and cozy crib uh if you look at it it’s got

Two floors beautiful tables mahogany Oakwood finished floors it’s kind of beautiful sunny if I do say so myself bro it’s smaller than my previous mansion and you might think this place is nice but it’s overgrown with weeds and what is this there’s not even doors uh it’s a new open concept Sunny you’re

Just being very close-minded I think yeah let me see this kitchen okay there’s a sink there’s some cabinets bro there’s not even a fridge or an oven how am I supposed to cook it’s a new modern fashion Sunny there’s no more fridges uh or stoves you just uh order out all the

Time I guess that’s not so bad but it’ll get expensive yeah but it doesn’t matter you’re rich right Sonny oh true I forgot yeah true this is the beautiful bathroom check it out nice steel floor finish wow that’s high-end I’ll give you credit wait a second though you have a living

Room with no TV bro how am I gonna watch my morning cartoons um we’ll get you the TVs don’t worry Sonny we’ll get that fixed for you okay thank you and upstairs there’s no bedroom and no doors again sunny I told you it’s the new fashion but check out

This balcony isn’t it beautiful yeah it’s really pretty but it’s not safe you could slip and fall here uh yeah I actually have no excuse for that let’s just head to the next house whoa this place actually looks pretty nice yes sunny and I listened to what you said

Last time I decided it’s probably for the best that we had a stove and a fridge to the house no way this place actually has appliances is and there’s a big projector TV oh even a yellow couch you’ve really outdone yourself isn’t it awesome Sonny wait wait a second uh

Melon don’t worry about upstairs that’s A-Okay you don’t even need to check it out Sonny trust me melon the ceiling’s literally leaking there’s water everywhere what’s going on upstairs I don’t know what you’re talking about Sonny don’t go upstairs bro it’s flooded Sonny you weren’t supposed to come up

Here I said specifically not to come upstairs it’s uh it’s a work in progress uh so you gonna buy the house or not I’m not buying anything from you what’s the deal your entire real estate company is trying to sell people trash well it’s the best way

This weekend all right we don’t know that many people and we don’t have a lot of money well you should at least fix the hole in the roof before you try and sell this place my goodness get me out of here well guys my real estate venture

Was a complete failure so it’s time to move on to secret number three become a YouTuber wait I could actually do that okay guys it’s perfect I have my whole set up here and all I’ve got to do is start filming oh I just spawned in a

Fresh Minecraft world uh let’s mine some wood because when you mine wood you can make a crafting table that’s the first thing you should always do in Minecraft okay yep wood a crafting table and crafting table achieved and this is the whole video how to make a crafting table

Like And subscribe and that was beautiful video done and upload to Youtube I wonder if I’ll get a million views on this video next day how is this even possible I have two views and six dislikes that’s it being a YouTuber is not for me all right what’s the next secret secret

Number four as quandale about the secret sauce what the heck is the secret sauce and why did I just start with this this sounds way easier yes it’s finally time melon must have seen the fourth secret quandale what is the secret sauce go to the dumpster behind the store and you

Will find out but be careful or at least that’s what Sunny told me to say what was that quandale oh never mind I don’t got time for this I gotta find the sauce guys he’s going for it he’s going for my secret trap yes what the heck is this

Ah what the heck where am I welcome to the Hacker’s Den what are you wearing this is to protect my identity but don’t bother with that you’re here to obtain a lot of money aren’t you yes money I need money well I will tell you the same

Secret I told Sonny in order to get rich you must rob a bank that’s how sunny did it he must have been lying about the God horse yeah he was totally lying about the God Wars those things don’t even exist they’re just a myth yeah I was

Saying the same thing honestly now if you want to get truly rich in Minecraft you’ll need to take this hacking device and rob a bank I’ll be able to give you instructions through that device as well so listen to me closely uh-huh now go steal somebody ah I don’t feel so good

Oh what the heck how did I get here I’m in front of the bank greetings melon welcome to your mission wait you’re the hacker from yesterday so that wasn’t a dream of course it’s not a dream don’t you want to get rich yes I do okay what

Do I do press the third button on the hacking device it should shrink you down so you’ll be small enough to sneak into the bank’s headquarters okay third button uh here be careful don’t press the second one okay okay what happens if I press the second one just don’t press

The second button trust me wait so what happens if I press oh like this ah what the heck happened I warned you okay okay third button and boom did it work melon yeah it did I’m super duper small now that you’ve shrunk down you should be

Able to go undetected and sneak into the bank second floor and get to their computer room headquarters okay I can do this All I’ve gotta do open this door and roll second floor second floor that should be this way come on up the stairs oh these tears are huge when you’re

Small oh stairs are really tough wait oh my days I made it to the computer room great work Melon now use the hacking device on one of the computers and it should teleport you into the Mainframe okay uh here goes nothing whoa I’ve made it inside the computer what do I do Mr

Hacker man there should be some security measures you need to pass and then you’ll be able to input your account number oh I see there is some Parkour to be done okay I can do this I am a part ah what the heck they use ghost locks

Okay uh this is no joke this security is tight in here here we go and this shouldn’t be a ghost block yeah boy and an incredible yep that’s a ghost block they tried to bait me with that one but it’s okay you can’t bait the melon let’s

Go I’ve made it to the keyboard Mr hackerman what do I type in the complete need the money transfer you must be very careful and input this account number so that you get rich yes what is it one uh-huh two uh-huh three uh four five six seven eight yeah zero and

Boom and enter did it work am I rich uh Mr hacker man Mr hacker man sorry melon I’m sorry to lose you I’m losing signal get out of there quick before the bank realize this is all their money’s missing dang it I gotta go I gotta go

I’m losing you yes yes I gotta get out of here guys melon has no clue that was my account number so now I’ll be extra rich I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here quick okay okay make it down the stairs and uh you’re under arrest pal there’s nowhere

To run anymore we’ve got you surrounded on all sides so just give up melon melon what happened how did you get arrested oh I don’t want to talk about it I was working for some hacker man and then he set me up and took all my money and wait you’re the hacker man

Don’t worry about it don’t worry Melody I’m gonna pay a stack of diamonds to get you out of here what the heck Sonny do you think that makes us even do you want me to pay your bail or leave you here yes can you please pay my bill melon

You’re free I paid bail oh thank you so much Sonny but I still hate you why would you set me up relax melon just come back to my Mansion it can be our Mansion now really Sonny how did your place get even richer what the heck well

It helps when you have someone transfer you the entire bank’s money dude this is awesome I know it’s pretty sweet and I’m even willing to share this place with you what are friends for after all we work for each other not for ourselves yeah as long as you’re the one doing the

Dirty work and going to jail sure and if you don’t want to go to jail just subscribe button today in Minecraft I snuck into Sonny’s house to reveal his biggest secret not so fast melon guards take him down ow ouch help goats like the video right now to destroy the

Guards in three two one Sonny’s house should be around here somewhere what the heck dude there’s so much fart oh here it is Sonny’s house this place is crazy what the heck Sunny hey Sunny I’m here yo just got an alert on my camera monitor let’s see who’s at

The front door yo it’s Melvin bro what are you doing I I’ll come meet you at the front all right Sonny I’m on my way hey melon what’s up bro do you like my new mansion dude this place is insane how did you afford this sunny I know I

Feel a bit like Tony Stark from Iron Man I’ve got this cool house in the side of a mountain it’s beautiful it really is beautiful sunny and there’s only one thing we can do in this beautiful house I already know what you’re thinking hide and seek that’s yo I’m hiding first all

Right whatever I’ll start counting and I totally won’t use my camera monitors to spy on you uh what is that last thing you said Sonny I I said good luck hiding bro I’ll be right here at my campfire okay okay good to know not using my camera monitor where do I hide this

Place is massive whoa Sonny’s bedroom this is awesome whoa he’s got a cool bathroom too but I want to explore the rest of his house uh I just got this upstairs this door is so not functional I can’t even get in hey melon good job hiding bro I’m looking right at you yo

Chill Sonny chill this place isn’t half as big as I thought it was bro don’t insult my Mansion it’s kind of lame I’m not gonna lie the only cool part of this place is his bedroom what is this I wonder what’s behind this door yo wait a

Second guys I just got an alert melon’s going to my secret room in my closet I gotta uh spy on him he better not touch it it clearly says do not touch do not touch and it kind of looks sus like a red Among Us character I really really

Want to touch it melon melon stay away from that I know you’re in my bedroom stay away from what what are you talking about you don’t know where I am don’t touch it stay out get out right now but what if I touched it Sony’s so fine I

Won’t touch it way to ruin the game you know what I don’t even want to hang out anymore you’re being mean and keeping secrets from me I’m out of here that’s what I thought bro and whatever you do don’t touch it or it’ll kill you bro I’m

Not gonna touch it I don’t even want to be your friend right now I’m out guys I’m just gonna wait for sunny to leave his house and then I’m gonna totally go touch it ah yes I’ve got some shopping to do at the Village today look at that

Idiot go guys while I was waiting I bought my very own camera disabling device now I just gotta sneak into Sonny’s bedroom disable his camera and see what happens when I press that button I feel like James Bond sneaking in through the roof and go up to the camera

And disable yes the camera is no more now what happens when I touch this button whoa ah yes the village I’ve made it and I’ve got a lot of emeralds to spend today I wonder what they have to trade this time get my emeralds ready and hello guys maybe I shouldn’t press

This button and boom wait what what where the heck am I what is this place what is sunny hiding there’s literally escalators in here a laboratory a secret spy base oh hi Sunny wait no I’ve got a camera alert who is it melon what are

You doing here I had to see what the button was about and now I’m in your secret spy base Sunny this is awesome melon this is your last warning don’t open my secret vault trust me you don’t want to know what’s in there uh well this is your last warning see you later

Sonny Yo No what the destroyed my cameras I gotta get home fast he’s trying to sneak into my bunker time to enter Sonny’s Vault and I know what his passcode is it’s 69 420 isn’t it and now all I’ve gotta do is press this button right here and see what’s inside what

Does that say wait why’d the door closed wait what the wait a second I just got another camera alert camera 11. spell it I’ve gotta urge you give this up sonny bro can you hear me I don’t know what’s going on melon melon can you hear me I’m on the loud speaker system

Wait Sonny I can hear you bro I’m in the camera at the end of the hallway spying on you oh I can see you you gotta guide me out of here Sonny I’m so scared and confused what is this place well first of all no I’m not gonna help you I’m

Gonna just urge you to give this up melon let it go I’ll throw you a rope I’ll pull you up out of the bunker and let you leave peacefully uh that sounds really boring I gotta figure out what your secret is yes stay away from my secret melon you

Don’t want to do this plus you’re probably gonna burn in lava and die a horrible death I could never sunny I am the parkour go ah I did try to war to war Sonny I don’t wanna hear it bro you don’t understand my goateness so here we go

Yes I can do it I can do it hey melon I appreciate your determination but bro give this up it’s too dangerous you don’t know my secrets I need to Sonny I need to yeah this isn’t good guys I’ve gotta move he’s getting deeper into my

Bunker I hope my next traps work Sunny what is this room melon I tried to warn you bro my bunker is full of traps Sonny I don’t understand this what are you trying to hide every you can make it I can make it oh that was close I almost got

Incinerated I will figure out what you’re hiding Sonny don’t worry guys melon will never find my secret guys I can make this across just gotta time it oh blame towards the end oh I’m gonna stop right here safe Zone safe Zone send him out ow ow oh I gotta get

Out of here oh they caught the laser stop here I would have been incinerated melon if you thought that was challenging just wait until my next tricks what is this room uh why are there a bunch of levers here Sonny oh and mine carts ah I don’t know what the

Levers are for but I’m going on a ride let’s go oh yes yes yes take me to Victoria bro you got incinerated by my lava pool dude wait I think I understand there’s a correct code combination I need to put in in order to get to the next stage so

Maybe like this should be good it’s down up up up I’m just trying to help you down up up okay let’s go yes double ten you’re a dead man what did you do Sonny what did you do where am I I’m alive Sonny yo I made it to the next trap all

I gotta do is press this button wait no I’m getting slowly crushed no no what is happening no oh and that’s how I made a watermelon smoothie wait I can get out of this I can I’m dead sunny I know the combination now it’s down down up up you fool nope melon

Honestly I want to help you now you vote too late I’m already going well when you respawn it’s down up down up wait you just sent me back no no I don’t trust you down up down up it’s down down down up all right you’re gonna be turned into

Crispy watermelon you do what you got to do fool me one Sunny shame on you and fumi Can’t Get Fooled Again In the words of J Cole yeah well I tried to help now you you’re going to be Jay burnt Cole oh it it sent me back so down I figured it

Up down up down up that’s gotta be the code wow you’re a genius bro you’re so smart I’m so smart come on please work please work yes it worked I figured it out I am a genius whoa this room is so colorful and awesome congrats on making it this far

Melon but you won’t progress anymore my bunker has the most top secret puzzles in Minecraft good luck solving this one um okay let me just figure this out I don’t wait there’s a button there what is this good luck with it bro you don’t even know how these valves work oh I

Understand button one no you should press it to find out okay but in one it didn’t do anything Sunny it was all misdirection I don’t understand and you never will with your beauty little melon brain only four seeds I laugh at you so there’s one button but I

Can’t seem to find another one only goes this far oh wait there’s a trap door hold on a second does this button trigger the trapdoor I gotta bring it back bring it back real quick bring it back real quick how are you figuring this out like this and I stand right

Here let’s go wait how am I supposed to get past this piston here you’re right oh wait oh I get it I get it sunny I’m so silly genius did you activate your fifth melon seed to pull this maneuver off I know I’m way more smarter than you and check

It out I’m going wait what is this I’m gonna jump I’m gonna drown I gotta move oh I’m gonna drown I’m drowning I see you from my under wear we can make this I can do this please two hearts one heart I made it dang it bro but now you’ve gotta

Solve the unthinkable there’s three stages of riddles that’ll prevent you from progressing three stages of riddles wait who is this villager Juan Dale Riddler what the heck you’re related to quandale oh uh I’m quandale’s second cousin Sonny hired me to protect his biggest secret okay Mr Riddler give me

The first riddle Sam’s parents have three kids their names are Huey Dewey and the third kid is named oh this one’s easy Sam obviously because Sam’s parents and then he said Huey and Dewey so then it has to be Sam oh I did it the stairs

Have been unlocked I have the secrets to six wait what is this quondale Riddler you were just below me I’m almost home I could stop him before he finds my secret come on come on quandale how are you doing this it’s all a part of my magic

Trick you see uh okay you’re really weird what’s the second riddle if there are seven oranges and you take three away how many oranges do you have uh you have three because you took three away dang it melon next question if you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what does it

Become uh a yellow hat in the Red Sea I guess it gets wet dang it you’re blazing through my riddles yes yes on to the final room whoa quandale Riddler what are you doing all the way up there wait no melon stay away from my secret stay away

It’s too late Sonny three more questions and I find out what you’re hiding Wonder I’m not paying you for nothing these last questions better be really really hard yes Sonny first question it belongs to you but your friends use it more your name oh no he’s smarter than I

Anticipated next question if you don’t keep me I’ll break what am I uh quando make these harder a promise all right time for the big guns lighting the darkness without it we break we orbit around it how long does it take wait oh my god of course Sunny would make you

Say this riddle it’s the sun wait I made 365 days around the Sun yeah yeah yeah yeah wait why isn’t the staircase dropping what the heck wait a sword where did this come from uh what am I supposed to do with this sword I’m so confused I only have one heart I better

Not be fighting anybody wait I got full health and full hunger let’s go Keeper of the secrets what the heck what is that okay I’ve got to be really careful here this guy guy looks really strong ow ow relax oh he’s got a lot of Health

I’ve got to use my environment to my advantage and I’m dead I won’t stop coming at you keeper I will take you down die I can take you out you don’t go no thumb Guys this isn’t good melon keeps dying in chat The Keeper of the secrets he’s actually killing melon for me I gotta hurry I’ve got a hurry you can’t hold me off forever I can respawn but you can’t it’s only a matter of time I shall find out Sonny’s Secrets this isn’t good guys

I’ve gotta go fast I can’t let melon find my secrets you’re fighting a losing battle and you’re dead oh what is sunny hiding whoa this place is insane yo I found the Vault entrance okay I’m just gonna figure out his code what is it 6969 what is it

I’m almost there quandel Riddler you really let me down good thing melon didn’t know about this I’ve got a secret chest with nuclear TNT and it’s time for me to rid my secret from this world melon Malik get out of my bunker I told

You no ow yo yo calm down or I’ll kill you what are you doing Sunny no let me in let me in what’s the passcode out you’ll never know and you’ll never know my secret dang it melon look what survived the explosion wait what is that sunny it’s my top

Secret face reveal you want to see it oh I do Sonny I’ve got the perfect place for you to mount it yeah where’s that right here sunny right in front of you whoa giant green screen that’s perfect and oh isn’t it pretty oh my God I’m

Blinded by how ugly you are wait what that’s not true if you make sure you like the video right now and help us reach 400 000 subscribers okay guys Sony is asleep I’m gonna go downstairs right now and look for his diary um I just gotta remember where I where I

Saw him last farming up some carrots for dinner and then I just gotta get the beef downstairs and cook us up a delicious meal yeah I don’t want to pee the bed again and oh man droppers are so scared oh hey melon yo what’s up sonny wait why

Do you have a book in your hand no there’s nothing to see here dude go away go away okay okay jeez chill chill I’m just gonna grab some beef where’s the beef where is the beef oh it’s right here it’s already cooked sweet sunny sunny where’d you go sunny I don’t know

What all that was about but I’m just gonna go plate my dish upstairs he was acting really weird about that book oh my God Sunny snore so weirdly I don’t know where he went but it’s around here somewhere he’s in The Cauldron still chest no it’s not in here come on come

On yo I found some books but they’re no Diaries what the heck oh I’m completely lost I’m gonna head over to quandales and acquire some goggles of truvision just to make sure Sonny’s not using any ghost blocks okay I gotta be quick I gotta get back before Sonny wakes up yo

What is up clondale yes so I’m in the business for some goggles of true vision I don’t need to tell you why the amount of time Sony has trolled me I deserve to get him back thank you very much quandale now it’s time the sun’s almost

Rised I gotta get back quick wait guys I didn’t make it back in time but don’t worry I’ve got a distraction for sunny I brought an ice cream truck to distract Sonny hey Sonny hey Sonny do you hear that the ice cream truck’s here I hear the song melon this is the greatest

Morning ever why didn’t you wake me up sooner I’m just grabbing some gold I’m coming melon I’m coming yeah yeah get me a vanilla cone while you’re out there oh you got it do you want sprinkles yeah I’ll take sprinkles that sounds good uh cherry on top chocolate dipped waffle

Cone what kind of crispiness how many scoops waffle cone uh yeah just get me anything from there and guys nothing quick I gotta be quick I gotta run downstairs now yo there’s a ghost Block in the corner this must be it what’s in the chest yo Sonny’s diary hey wait a

Second there’s no ice cream man here how am I supposed to get any I guess I’ll just have to uh find my way in and help myself I suppose and it’s time to see what this says secret one when I have nightmares I wet the bed it’s so scary

Sometimes and I can’t control it I always wake up before melon so I clean it up and he doesn’t notice a thing what the heck Sony is so weird and perfect if there’s no one here to sell me ice cream I’ll take it for myself yes

Freezer now what’s the past word uh one two three yes I knew it and there’s three flavors triple swirl rainbow and an ice cream sundae oh hold on I’m not a thief I’m not a thief take my gold yep yep yep show me The Cauldron I’ll put

Some in the chest too nothing suspicious you could have all of it melon look at the ice cream which one do you want uh the vanilla one’s good yeah wait why are you downstairs what are you doing downstairs I thought you wanted to come get ice cream with me I was just uh

Getting some spoons for the ice cream yeah oh that’s perfect come over here bro let’s eat up get these nasty candles out of here here’s your vanilla and then I get rainbow and a full ice cream sundae ew stop putting candles on my ice cream sorry sorry sorry that’s a that’s

A lot of ice cream from one person where’s the spoon melon you promised you got spoons oh uh uh it’s fine I’ll eat it with my face oh man I’ve got a sugar rush I don’t feel so good yeah I told you you should have ate all that ice cream Sunny you

Know what the best medicine for Sugar Rush is a little nap good idea I gotta sleep this off Okay guys for my first prank I’m Gonna Fill This House with yellow water and say Sunny with the bed so bad he literally flooded the house and guys don’t you dare say I’m taking this too far the amount of times this guy has trolled me his own So much creepy so much that looks just about right if Sonny wants to put out the pp drained house he’s gonna have to do this parkour all the way to the top to stop the floods sunny sunny wake up wake up what’s going on Milo what’s

Going on uh Sonny you peed the house so bad it’s drenched in it dude look outside the windows what are you talking about uh I mean I wasn’t even having a nightmare bro I don’t wet the bed I don’t know what you’re talking about dude there’s sponges in the barrel

Please clean that up it’s disgusting it can’t be that bad can it it can’t be that bad ah ew I touched it I touched it oh it’s disgusting yeah let me out of here it’s everywhere wait why is there a watermelon flag uh don’t worry about it melon there’s no

Way I wet the bed like this I wasn’t even having a nightmare uh I don’t know but bro I just you started peeing and the house got drenched I don’t know what you want me to tell you can you explain to me how it’s always looking Hobby in my sleep you

Must have built the RB to get to the top you know like to get to the roof yeah so that I could pee on the roof because that’s what I do when I wet the bed yeah that seems pretty normal dude I don’t trust you you gotta have a little faith

In your best pal shiny my best pal I feel like you’re up to something right now this must be a prank dude I can’t do this much pee bro you think my bladder is this big wait I guess I am a Celestial body I am the sun after all

But still bro it would have evaporated if it was this much I don’t know man just clean up the pee that’s all I gotta say look it’s gone all right the house is drying up everything’s gonna be fine do you want these wet sponges back no

You can uh you can keep them or get get rid of them yourself there’s still a spot right here oh you got it you know what I’m giving you my pee sponges I don’t want your pea sponges stay away stay away I’m gonna punch you with it

It’s gonna be wet and mushy and Squishy oh why stop stop stop by the way melon how did you know I wet the bed at night sometimes uh I don’t know I found this book and it just has a bunch of your secrets in it

How did you get my diary uh don’t worry about it sunny wait are those goggles of true Vision you’re wearing I thought I had it hidden no no I don’t know what you’re talking about I definitely did not pay quandale dingleberry a visit dude give me my diary back my secrets

Are personal they’re not for anyone else to know uh I don’t think so Sonny you’ve told me way too much for me to hand this back to you please melon I’ll do anything I want my diary back just don’t read any more secrets okay well I do

Have a test for you follow me Sonny if you can complete my maze I’ll consider fine melon I’ll solve your Maze and complete the challenge just don’t tell my secrets okay I won’t Sunny the maze begins now dude this place looks creepy wait there’s another area that’s red and

Then there’s a yellow Sunny area oh this has got to be the right way come on Sunny time sunny days you’re doing great Johnny boy oh why ow ow ow ow ow it’s just some flaming zombies Sonny it ain’t a big deal it ain’t a big deal huh I

Gotta find another way I gotta find another way this place is cursed Sonny I feel bad for you um you’re not going the right direction you’re a liar honestly Sonny I don’t know what’s going on with this maze whoa pressure plate okay nothing bad happened that was good I’m

Back in the yellow area this has got to be the right way and I Circle past your ugly hideous melons ugh just for that you face punishment dude I’m using the creepers to explode even more melons you did that not me melon what are you doing melon I

Can guys I have half a heart but hey stop right now I’m looking for the exit oh here it is found it all right Sonny because you cheated I’m revealing your second secret wait what you never told me there were rules please melon don’t share it it says I think melons

Roblox Avatar looks really dumb are you kidding me what the heck secret three I’m revealing secret three I told you not to read my secrets melon well now I’m reading secret three I hate sand it always turns to Glass when I touch it and it gets stuck in my cute

Little toes what what Sonny you are weird it’s true like if I’ve take a nice long walk on the beach because I’m so hot like the sun you know it makes sand turn to Glass like molten glass but the sand doesn’t turn the glass gets stuck

In my cute little baby toes okay you are just a weirdo dude put on to my next challenge wait there’s more I thought you were gonna give me the book back no you cheated Sonny there’s no way I’m giving you the book bag melon just bring me to the next challenge I’ll pass

Anything you put in front of me you failed this one already on to the next where have you brought me uh well because you love sand so much I brought you to a Sandy dropper bro two of my least favorite things I mean you don’t know about the second least favorite but

The sand is gross whatever oh sunny I read all your secrets already what I just haven’t told the viewers yet please don’t share anymore private information how would you like it if I told him about your crush on Melanie Sonny you tell them that all the

Time oh well now that you mention it that’s true whatever what about your obsession with toilet water oh no hey clutch why do you have a slime block yeah I’m the clutch God clutch God clutch God no why do you have that kicks for flying and I can stick this Landing

I can stick this Landing come on nope I’m dead oh that was satisfying I don’t need the Slime to survive I can do it with no slime just grab the cup that was not a cobweb that was my face hitting the ground Sonny well I just just hit

The cobweb bro I’m trying dude it’s not that simple oh it is actually that simple there you go now come over here don’t want to be here this is gross dude the sand just getting in my cute little toes bro look at my toes look at them

There is sand stuck between the toenails gross ew okay just press the button press the button dude another dropper come on I hate these things sunny it’s pretty easy it’s uh here I’ll enter survival mode this is how it’s done take some notes take some oh Yeah take some notes huh take some notes huh on what not to do Sonny on what not to do yeah is that water down there I hope it’s water down there I’m going for it Melly sorry about that Sonny I think I figured it out no there’s fences in that water

You just gotta hit one of the slime blocks there sonny wait there’s slime blocks here hold on you’re right oh I’m dead good try Sonny how many chances do I get uh oh you did it oh what why would you move I didn’t please stick it stick

It again bro what are you doing melon you got in my way I just splattered on you that’s it melon you caused this oh that was close nothing to see here what are you doing hey hey Sonny hey Sonny I’m gonna reveal your next secret now

And that’s it that’s it I’m entering the diary and secret four I don’t like eating watermelons but I still do it to make melon mad very funny what is wrong with you why why isn’t it pretty funny I like the taste of the watermelon but it’s just the seeds bro I don’t like

Having the seeds it’s kind of like the sand stuck in my toes I don’t like the seeds stuck in my teeth Sunny this is your third trial pretty much you have to complete this hobby under a time limit you have uh two minutes to complete this entire hobby good luck

Good morning okay I can’t mess this up but you’ve put barrier blocks melon hilarious okay okay I’ll give you five minutes Sonia this should have been longer than I remember yes I’m through stage one Let’s Go goat mode wait maybe there’s something in this Barrel nope

Nothing in the barrel hey melon do you mind if I use sponges to build out of here you know what that’s it clear Big Man sunny dang it you found my weakness enough cheating just don’t tell anyone my secrets why can’t I get through there

Are you okay bruh dude I’m not okay my head hurts I’ll show you how it’s done you go here you go here and then you’re good yeah nice one nice one and then I’m in Easy first try and I gotta make this shortcut Sonny skip oh no nice one you

Thought it was that easy huh you’ve got barriers everywhere melon you’re annoying nice try wait can I just have these diamonds can I just get a pickaxe actually this place looks awesome no Sunny you had the skip but you messed it up I know I know I know and then it’s

Like this boom bad a big oh this looks funky skip melon how many more parkours you need me to do before I’ve proven to you that I can escape this place and protect my secrets you got a few more oh I’m gonna I’m gonna Sonny skip this one for sure yes just a

Couple jumps just a couple jumps for Freedom couple jumps for Freedom hey you’ve done it oh no how many levels melon the timer how am I looking you have two minutes left okay I’m in the end now wait how do I have two minutes left you told me I started with two

Minutes no I said you have five minutes dude I don’t even know what’s going on anymore as long as you don’t reveal my secrets I don’t care good luck Sunny minute and a half left oh yeah oh nope I I messed up skip okay then I go

Backwards forwards oh my gosh there’s a barrier block melon why hey you got this sunny I believe in you I believe and then huge jump I’m in the end City they have one minute remaining Sonny and you’re so close to the end you’re so close okay I don’t really know what I’m

Doing though oh is it a toxic jump I think it’s a toxic jump oh you almost had it you almost had it sunny not right at the end wait maybe it’s this and that’s just a debate it was a debate and then I sneaked through 30 seconds left

That’s lots of time I could do this don’t tell them about my bathtub Secrets yes what happens in the bathtub stays in the bathtub you don’t tell them about my rubber duck 15 seconds Sonny and by the way I’m just oh I was joking about the rubber duck in the bathtub

Well Sunny there’s one final level you forgot about what give me my diary back this is enough challenges you didn’t fully Escape you had to break the last two blocks so I’m reading your next secret you’ve gotta be kidding secret number five when I can’t find things it

Makes me so mad I poop myself no why would you read that Sonny what is wrong with you don’t understand dude I get frustrated and then things build up in my digestive tract and then it’s just like you’re a weirdo Sonny but that’s perfect because the next trial I have

For you involves finding something follow me why melon please just give me my book back all right Sonny into the trial of the button no this is not a find the button map is it yes it is good luck Sunny you have two minutes to find

The button oh I already found it giant button in the middle got it no no no that’s the pressure plane it’s not the button you need to find the button ah wait why is there a password protected chest one two three three four sixty nine sixty nine uh four three two one

What’s the code bro uh uh I’m not telling you whatever bro I’m gonna find this button but you gotta promise you’re not gonna share my next secret uh yeah yeah yeah for sure I promise you yeah dude it’s really embarrassing oh button oh oh oh I can smell it what it’s not in

Here this would have been a perfect spot dang it hmm if I was a button where would I be hiding probably in the back of a tree no ah melon one minute remaining Sunny let me give you a hint it’s at a higher point on the map whoa I

Gotta do part wait there’s a secret ladder here uh don’t worry about that that leads to nothing you’re joking me bro there’s clouds I gotta climb up the clouds jump yes yes yes oh I see the button I see it do you really know 30 seconds remaining oh yes

That will only slow me down but it won’t stop me I did I did I got the button Now give me my diary back uh actually you just lost the timer just ran out so now I’m reading secret number six wait no no don’t that’s cap I wear sunglasses to hide my

Ugly face Sonny is that true that’s really sad dude wait what what I didn’t write that melon you’re capping on the viewers I didn’t write that guys don’t believe it my face is beautiful it’s perfect I wear these so that I don’t accidentally blind anyone with my beautiful good looks Sonny stop gapping

Or I’m gonna read secret number seven wait melon please don’t anything but that that is the most embarrassing secret ever the only way I won’t share it sunny is if you defeat me in a one-on-one deal that’ll be easy so you’re telling me all I gotta do is beat

You to a pulp with this really cool sword and I’ll get my diary back yeah but you won’t be able to Sonny check this out that’s your melon die burn ow you think you can just get away with that oh I know I can water easy easy

Heal I’m so low it’s okay I can take you up you’re so low then hold on to that oh yeah oh yes my diary is safe with me once again and to help keep my secret safe please like And subscribe that’s it sunny I read your last secret and I know

That it says that you so today in Minecraft I created a 100 impossible base wait what was that guys I swear I could hear Sonny somewhere but he’s not home there’s four top secret rooms that defy every rule of Minecraft and if melon wants his most prized

Possession back he’s gonna have to solve the puzzles and Mysteries behind each of these four rooms wait there’s a secret trap door here but where is Sunny ghost please tell me where he is in the comments sunny sunny we gotta hurry up to quandales we’re gonna be late bro

Don’t talk to me about punctuality I’m always on time if anything I’ll be early Sunny what are you doing bro what are you doing just get your butt all the way to quantails nah bro I got some work to finish up here I’m reading a book I’m just organizing my inventories I gotta

Clean my bedroom up a little bit okay whatever Sonny I don’t got time for this I’m going to quandales all right I’ll see you there bro don’t be late what do you mean don’t be late you’re the one not leaving oh I can’t deal with sunny anymore I can’t deal with his

Shenanigans I hope quandale’s not mad at us uh wait Sonny how the heck did you get here it’s about time melon you’re late bro quandyl and I’ve been hitting this nasty gaming sesh I could have sworn you’re at the what the heck what is going on wait Quantum has a new

Computer this thing is insane bro he’s got got the new Titan RTX 482 TI Edition bro it’s crazy whoa wait it’s not 482 it’s 482 million yeah it’s nothing special it only cost me like 26 stacks of emeralds wait what quandel that’s crazy expensive hey what can I say

Business is booming melon quick set up your laptop so we can get into this next game I don’t I don’t have a laptop wait you’re telling me you came all the way to play at the LAN party and you forgot your computer what the heck I’m such an idiot Amateur hour Sunny quandale

Destroyed us we have to get that PC bro it’s way too expensive as much as I would like to have the 40 80 90 million it’s too much money bruh no sonny I will get that PC and then I’ll be the ultimate God gamer bro you’ll just be a

Big sweaty nerd let’s be honest besides it’s getting late I don’t have the patience to think about this right now I’ve gotta sleep things up oh that was such a fun day of gaming yeah I probably should get a good night’s rest after all how am I supposed to make money when I

Haven’t even slept guys I’m not actually gonna go to sleep I’m gonna steal all of Sonny’s emeralds and then I’ll buy the gamer PC this door really quiets yes his Emerald chests uh guys melon thinks I’m asleep right now I barely laid down I

Just closed my eyes why is he in my room he’s probably trying to steal my emeralds yes oh the emeralds are check it out how many emeralds is this yo 33 emeralds I’ll take it uh yes 56 then she’s gonna sneak to his final

Chest yo I got a stack and a half of emeralds this brings me halfway to the gamer PC yes see you never Sonny he’ll have no idea guys he thinks he could just steal my emeralds and get away with it watch this gotta go through my top

Secret room and fast travel the melod’s bedroom let’s go yes I’ll wait for him at the top of the stairs now I just got a tiptoe really sneaky like and a perfect what do you think you’re doing give me my emeralds back Sonny how the

Heck did you get up here you were just sleeping a second ago uh uh uh I don’t know what emeralds are talking about Sonny melon we both know what emeralds I’m talking about uh okay sonny Sonny take the emeralds I’m sorry I’m sorry and the penalty for lying is dead no two

Okay guys time to put my emeralds back where they belong and let me explain my secret room to you this is a 100 impossible base check it out we have a fast travel room where I can access quandale’s house by running down this hallway melon’s room by stepping out of

These blocks and the secret tree house all of these are accessible through my fast travel one-way room once I exit I can’t return I also have a treasure room full of riches as well as this area which I’ll save for later it’s top secret anyways back to sleep big day tomorrow big day

Guys I woke up a little early this morning so that I could prank melon I’m gonna grab a little bit of water I’m gonna go through my fast travel room enter melon’s bedroom and I think I’ll wake him up with a prank time for melon to wet the bed yeah

Oh what the what the heck why am I so wet what’s going on wait did I pee myself wait no no I haven’t wet the bed since last Tuesday uh this is not Sunny what the heck bro I was doing some morning enchants I just had to borrow

Your station bro how can you even enchant that sword it’s too powerful already oh you think so ow Sunny stop okay I’ll relax besides we have a phone call coming in from quandale do you want to pick it up or should I oh quandale

Yeah yeah let’s see what he has to say I hope he’s selling his gaming PC yo oh Dale what’s up hey I’m giving away my PC I need an upgrade you guys can decide who gets to keep it yes I’m gonna get a new gaming no you’re not bro I’m getting

A new gaming PC it’s mine it’s mine Sunny you don’t even care about gaming that much please this is all I’ve ever wanted uh let me think about it let me think about it and oh oh what’s that at the door is it the gaming PC yes here it is the gaming PC

It’s all mine yes oh this is awesome I’m gonna go put it in my bedroom wait Sonny before you do that like a coward let’s settle this like men okay time to die again hear me I’ll hear me out we settle this with the game of hide and seek whoa

That’s true there’s nothing more manly in the world than hide and seek I’ll even let you pick do you wanna hide or seek first I’m gonna hide I think I’ve got a really good spot okay you know you can’t hide from me Sonny you got two minutes hold on I’ll

Go in the front door you can hide anywhere in this house but not outside okay sunny those are the rules all right It’s gotta be in the house got it got it got it connected to the house part of the house got it easy yeah I know hiding

In like another villager’s house or something yeah I won’t do that it’ll all be part of the house okay guys it’s time for me to go into my secret 100 percent impossible bass and first things first I gotta store this gaming PC somewhere securely check this out in my top secret

Room I have a couch and this couch is hiding a secret wall and now in the secret wall oh that looks kind of goofy doesn’t it is my super PC she’s beautiful and now it’s hidden and time to close this room as you can see everything is perfectly hidden now for

Me to go to my hiding spot I’m thinking I’m gonna fast travel into the tree house yes it’s perfect ow I didn’t want to do that though I gotta go quick how much time’s left melon you got 30 seconds left Sonny that’s lots of time close the door fast travel close the

Door tree house and secure I’m good I’m good okay I’m ready all right Sonny it’s time for me to find you yeah good luck with that I already see you going in the house wait what how can you see me right now ah no reason top secret Ops secret

You say very interesting choice of words there top you must be on the top floor oh I just I just watch me go up the stairs and be in the basement that makes no sense okay why don’t you go on the staircase the second floor uh okay I’m on the stair

Yeah go back go back go back hold on hold on a little lower a little lower I just want to look at your face yeah go up a little bit come on come on yeah give me a nice smile now nope you’re too high up I only see your diaper where do

You want me to go I don’t understand oh look at that face he’s so confused Sunny what that what the heck is going on are you like are you in the bookshelf so are you doing some weird ghost block thing nah why would I do that oh almost saw me

What yeah you were close oh oh oh you thought you thought what the heck is this door what the heck is this door okay I thought that would lead here what did you find but when I opened the door that is not the same room what is this

What did you find melon uh main room fast travel treasure room where the heck am I this must lead to the this must lead to the rumor this is the this makes no sense what the heck it doesn’t lead over here what is this place melon get

Out of my secret base right now what the heck I can see myself over and over and over again dude you have 20 seconds left to find me and if you can’t I’m keeping the gaming PC Sonny where are you what is this staircase it just goes on and on

Forever yeah serves you right for messing with things that aren’t yours Sonny how do I get out of this room I’m stuck in here what is this place I’ll help you out if you let me keep the gaming PC you could keep the gaming PC just get me out of this staircase I’m

Stuck here forever okay not a problem hold on oh melon oh sorry uh unlucky unlucky hold on just come up the stairs and stop yeah yeah I’m up the stairs Sonny I’m up the stairs go a little higher stop oh nope you messed up you went too far okay come back come back

Stop I stopped hold on uh oh come up a little closer a little closer there you go you’re what the heck are you kidding me now you got me stuck in here oh you killed me to help me escape you’re so nice Sonny I can’t believe I fell into my own trap

Dang it melon you made me lose my god sword dude that’s your fault and plus you can always go in that hallway again and grab it no I refuse to go in the never-ending staircase that was a trap for you okay sonny first of all you

Cheated in that hide and seek so you do not get the gaming PC yeah well what are you gonna do about it it’s already locked away forever what the heck Sonny that’s not fair I’ll tell you what melon if you could crack the code and solve the mysteries of my great top secret

Rooms I’ll let you keep the gaming PC dude challenge accepted yeah but if you fail you have to work for me for 100 years and mine diamonds and do everything I ask like bake cakes and rub my little feetsies okay I’ll do all of that except the rub the little feetsies

Part okay deal let’s do this thing please enter my secret Chambers alright Sonny well I’ve already figured out the I think the treasure yeah I’m not going in there I figured out the treasure room now I just gotta figure out the main room in fast travel right yeah well fast

Travel there’s really nothing to figure out this is where I was hiding I was in the tree what the heck this place is so weird yep you coming back in yep I figured this one out too so that means I’ve solved two Mysteries yeah now for the real challenge good luck with the

Main room whoa what the heck is this place it’s for me to know and you to find out oh I see a button I gotta press it wait it opened the door melon relax it opened another door it literally transforms okay hold on I want to check

Out that first door this looks like an Armory this is how you got that insane God Sword yeah it was but this is my top secret Armory okay you can’t just take the items for free you have to duel me to the death if I won the duel to the

Dead no using modern weapons for this duel choose your old school outfit I’m gonna go with the gold one because obviously I’m Sunny uh yep uh no modern Weaponry gotcha and I’m gonna take this Shield because it’s epic I’m gonna take uh guys oh my God and this wooden shield

And for my weapon yeah let’s go with this the two-handed noble sword all right Sonny let me just eat some bread and the duo will commence in three two one let’s do this thing yeah let’s die oh oh get riggity wrecked get riggity rack yeah oh the diamond sword is too

Powerful bro this was the diamond flame bladed sword yep that thing is in is it I didn’t give you a minigun did I pass the second test no it was just the first test for the first room oh okay here’s your reward ah well melon let’s

Not blow each other up again we’re down to our last food supply our slammons anyway sunny I have conquered your first room let’s see what’s next the second trial can you solve the mystery wait what the heck no no no no I gotta get out have fun oh you already escaped it

Are you joking I gotta get out of here quick Sunny that room is trash bro you just fall forever in this portal no Sonny stop stop it you know what uh uh I challenge you to a fishy duel we have the power of the knockback fish whoever

Falls in the portal loses all right die oh oh Sonny you’re lucky you’re luck has nothing to do with it it’s all skill hey yo you want this heat you want this heat oh that was way too close the portal no no sorry stop it you scumbag you hit me

Right over it you just gapped the portal dang it I gotta rebound you off the wall oh no oh no you keep sending me over it hey yo what Sonny you idiot I thought you were gonna slap me with your fish there I hit you with the pump fake one two Pikachu

Whatever bro I wanted you to succeed there the only thing that sucks about it is now I only have dried kelp dude that looks like garbage it is bro it’s literally burnt seaweed it’s gross have fun snacking on that I’ll keep eating my good old cooked salmon whatever it’s

Time for you to overcome the final trial and tribulation room number three there’s no chance you solve this riddle yeah we’ll see about that one Sunny okay we will it’s just a couch and a table yep that’s all it is real nice this is so stupid Sonny what is this place it’s

Dumb maybe there’s a secret passage maybe there’s a fourth room who knows it could all be a distraction a diversion maybe there’s some kind of pattern well if I look really closely at these beacons I can see that there’s two two by one what what did I just find whoa I

Found a secure chest no no and my plans you’re foiling them Yo wait hold on hold on let me just get rid of these ghost blocks because I can’t click on the chest this was a stupid design sunny and six nine six nine yeah good luck figuring out this password it’s very

Secret one two three four uh four twenty six nine four twenty dang it Sonny I’m out of options well the real test is in the treasure room there’s a Code Breaker somewhere on those stairs if you can find it you can use it to crack the secure chest

Really hold on a second I just gotta grab something before I go to the treasure room shiny let me uh figure out this thing hold on what are you doing there we go get back to the main room just gotta grab something from the chest there we go don’t worry about it sunny

Uh melon what are you doing don’t worry about it the treasure room so the items in here right yeah you just gotta keep your eyes peeled and look around dang it you’re trapped forever I don’t see any items in here Sonny just keep your eyes peeled melon it’s in there somewhere

Believe me wait yo I found it there’s a Code Breaker on the ceiling wow great detective work melon you’re a genius now I just gotta do some Parkour all right support yes now how are you gonna get out of there sonny I accounted for this very problem guess what item I grabbed from

The chest uh a banana don’t do it you’re gonna destroy the Integrity of the Matrix this time Loop is getting busted oh no oh no yo guys I really did it I really busted the time loop as long as I don’t go through that side I can take my

Wait Sonny I could see you yeah you destroyed my time Vortex thanks a lot yes I actually escaped I’m out of here hey Sunny dang it well now that you have the code breaker I guess you can find out what’s in that chest I will oh wait

That’s the wrong way uh bro your brain is really this small you forget dude there’s a lot of things going on this room makes absolutely no sense this and now it’s time to figure out the secret behind the final room book and quill what does this say sit on the middle of

The couch Sally are you kidding me that’s all I had to do this whole time no don’t touch the center of the couch don’t do it yo I found the God game PC dang it melon I can’t believe you well now you can live with it forever

No I’ve trapped him guys and now I can live happily ever after guys quickly like And subscribe to help me escape so peaceful besides quandal’s got a better gaming PC for me now anyways oh it’s a beautiful day in Minecraft hey Sunny what you building out there good

Morning melon I’m just working on a little sign so I can Market our house what do you mean Market our house for sale Sonny why are you selling this house I like this house I need a bigger house melon so I’m gonna get this place sold and buy something nicer and more

Luxurious dude uh I guess if we can afford a bigger house that would be awesome this is gonna be great I can’t wait to see our new house who said anything about we or us guys this is gonna be my new mansion one week later it’s so perfect I even have

An indoor pool ding dong hey man welcome to my new mansion do you like it dude our new house is awesome why didn’t you tell me about this earlier Sunny oh I can’t wait to chill in our pool oh we have an indoor pool wait what yeah I

Don’t know about this whole Wii situation but yeah I’ve got an indoor pool it’s pretty sweet oh you don’t have like a Wii like the gaming console that’s all right dude I’m more of an Xbox guy myself yeah hey melon relax you can’t explore my house alone I’ll take

You on the tour wait Sonny why is this yellow though why is this yellow we gotta have some red in here too no no no dude dude I’ll take you on the tour of the house relax okay but Sunny like it’s our house we

Need to share and like this is a lot of yellow melon look at what’s on the TV sunny I don’t want to watch The Sunny Channel bro it’s literally blind yep and it’s also the sunny Mansion let me take you on a tour of my house Sonny did you

Just say your house yeah bro I sold the old house and then I upgraded and bought this new luxurious mansion but no but you said my house like you said is in it’s my house and not our house yeah do you remember signing the lease uh no

Didn’t think so it’s in my name so it’s my home Sunny well you sold my house which half of it I own to buy this house and you’re not even saying I got any of it yep sounds like a you problem melon but don’t worry don’t worry I have a

Surprise for you I still got you something nice oh you got me my own Mansion thank you so much yeah of course I’ll show it to you in a little bit but first let me take you on a tour in here is the bathroom this is where I play

With my rubber ducks and give myself a good scrub uh okay would you say this is your favorite part of the tour not really my favorite part of the tour is my room I’ve got a gaming PC I have a Nintendo which oh it’s so awesome in

Here dude this room is awesome what is in this chest but you got nothing you were broke boy melon only you would know about the broke boy lifestyle no I actually wouldn’t because I have my very own mansion that you bought me yeah you do uh this is the guest bedroom it’s not

Yours by the way okay that’s fine because I have my own Mansion yep yep totally totally totally oh you got another guest bedroom it’s a lot of guest bedrooms Sonny yeah it’s because I have so many friends who are not you and they need a place to stay well if I ever

Need a place to crash I’ll make sure I come here no no you won’t need to you’ve got your own place here let me show you uh okay I can’t wait to see my mega mansion if yours is this awesome mine’s gotta be even more awesome what is this

Is a car is this an actual car yes melon stop spying on my Classics these are collector items okay I want to see my Mansion now Sonny where’s my Mansion it’s right over here Sonny how is this a mansion look at your house and then look

In my house bro oh like it’s kind of nice sure but it’s nowhere near the size this is not fair oh melon this isn’t your house what’s my house then this is my guest house when I have important people who need a place to stay your

House is right here what the heck Sunny you gave me the Green Top what even is this don’t you like it it’s got windows so you can see the Great Outdoors you even have a luxurious master bedroom what do you mean there’s no bedroom in here Sony it’s literally just a one

Block here let me help ah what Sonny I can’t even get in here bro my head is Too Tall what the heck okay it’s got a bed it’s got a reading light and you even have a toilet Sonny let me out of here now I don’t want to be stuck down

Here it’s scary bro you should call the renovation company that’s not my problem I gotta go back to my luxurious new super fancy beautiful mansion that’s sophisticated and equipped only for intellectuals such as myself oh remember this sunny oh remember this one week later okay guys in this past week I’ve

Done a lot of preparation and I want to show it off Sunny is so stupid and dumb look he has headphones in right now and is just watching some stupid anime video check this out guys I’m just gonna walk over to his room that he’s so proud of

Is it this one yeah it is let me just shut these doors guys it’s time to show off what I’ve been preparing just gotta go right here wait here uh uh oh it’s this one and boom I created my very own secret base right under Sonny’s house to

Troll him it’s beautiful look at this he has no idea that his entire floor oh this part is awesome it’s when melunshun has to become a pupil for Senpai Sunny dude that is not even how it goes this guy’s just making it up oh don’t worry melanchon one day you’ll be

As good it is sunny but for now you’re a pathetic feeble little watermelon that’s it I’m going over taking all of his diamonds okay guys I’ve got a hopper time to replace this one-way glass with a hopper yes he’ll never know yes it’s working all his glorious diamonds are mine oh

Man I’m all out of Robux I gotta get some more let me load up the diamonds wait where are my diamonds there’s none left I swear I had four Stacks in here this isn’t good this isn’t good how am I gonna buy these new items yes yes right

In agony ride ah this level is so toxic wait I’m almost there just two more jumps come on and internet disappear wait what no I was and I’ll put it back yes yes what is going on with my internet man I just lagged so hard and I’m missed the final

Jump now I’ve gotta do it all over again and guys time to shut his monitor off mid parkour boom no way why is the power out this is what he gets hold on turn back on oh wait no never mind it’s fine that was bro what is going on my

Computer is glitching and back on yes I made him rage they didn’t even get to the FPS yet oh bro why is my computer so laggy it keeps glitching and turning off and then the internet goes out and it turns back on and I lose bro bro this

Doesn’t make sense you know what I’m tired anyways I’m going to bed guys it’s time to engage stage three of my pranking time to Spook Sonny with a bunch of scary noises first things first let’s open and close this door I didn’t even wake him up hold on Bell time oh

What is that noise so loud what the heck where is this and doors dude this is so cringe what is going on guys I just put a really scary disk in what is that sound this is so creepy dude it sounds like bats and mice wait I hear footsteps

Get me out of here get me out of here somebody’s cursed in my bed room some things cursed in my bedroom it’s so haunted there’s like a ghost and mice and spiders I don’t like it I don’t like it I think the music stopped I should be

Able to go back to bed now guys I saved the creepiest disc for last but I’m kind of scared of my bedroom I’m sleeping in the guest room he thinks that’s gonna save him huh what is that what is that sound what is going on why is my house cursed

No and there’s a bell tolling I don’t like this I don’t like this oh that’s creepy there’s a monster there’s a monster ah yeah scare him I don’t know what’s going on guys my house is so cursed yeah I don’t know what’s going on in my house

It’s too creepy way too creepy I gotta go sleep in the guest cabin I’m out of here I’m out of here guys I spooked him out for the night I’m taking this Mansion to myself and sleeping in my very own room let me just make Sonny’s

Bed red and green please please tell me I could sleep peacefully finally oh yes I’m gonna sleep peacefully tonight I slept in I gotta return to the basement yes oh that was close ah good morning hopefully I’m gonna to have a better day last night was so creepy and

Home and guys activate Darkness mode Let’s Go what’s going two feet in front of me I’m based I’m vaguely blind yeah why is my house so haunted no no not just cursed music again not this cursed music what is going on this fool will pay for taking off

That’s it I’m gonna hide out of the bathtub it’s the only safe place okay guys I don’t want to Spook him too much because he’s not going to want to live here anymore disable darkness and disable the song no way it actually worked my comfy place it saved me guys I

Stopped that last prank because I have many more to do time to show you act two teleporting upstairs guys I’m upstairs and look it’s sunny thinking he’s safe in his Bathtubs so much fun little does he know poisonous water with the click of this button boom you make bath time so much fun what’s going my water nowhere’s safe Sonny okay I’m gonna go back in the basement and take away all of Sonny’s food now according to my

Calculations the food sucker 3000 should be in this room yes check it out it’s attached to his two favorite fridges where he gets all his food and trust me Sonny’s a fatty now with the click of this button boom I should have Zapped all his food away yes all his cake all

His steak and baked potatoes oh I’m so hungry but this is gonna be awesome because my kitchen just got stocked with Fresh Foods I got a delivery yesterday I’m gonna have so much cake and cookies and delicious treats wait what where is it no poisonous potatoes rotted flesh and

Spider eyes maybe it’s in the freezer maybe it’s in the freezer the freezer’s empty you’ve got to be kidding me I just bought fresh desserts maybe they’re in this fridge please please ah my food is all expired guys not only does the food swapper take all the food

Away but it also swaps it for rotten food bro all I have left now is salad vegetables and water oh my diet’s gonna be so boring now healthy but so boring anyway I gotta eat this broccoli that was gross I’m gonna go fish for some fresh food it’ll at least be

Tastier grab this go outside head straight to the ocean I hope I catch some fresh salmon okay guys well Sunny’s going fishing I’m gonna take all this furniture away yes yes that’s a great idea it’s a great idea he’s gonna come back and literally have nothing first

Things first let me take away all his armor yeah all that that will take that thank you very much dude uh he doesn’t need this chair wait what the I’m trying to get some fresh fish and I caught leather I can’t eat that power up into creative

Mode yeah boom boom he has no more bed no more candles no more nothing yes get rid of it all he doesn’t need these library books they’re useless oh what a nice decoration you’ve got going here nope you don’t need any of this his couch that he was so proud of he doesn’t

Need that anymore bye bye see you couch see ya does he really need a TV I don’t think so and guys before you say you’re so mean remember he literally sold my house and then didn’t give me anything he gave me a dirt Hut in return see a

Yellow trampoline what else do I destroy what else do I destroy guys check out Sonny’s car I’m gonna explode it yes I don’t feel bad at all he deserves this yes die car I took out his whole garage too perfect no I gotta hide quickly before he gets back

And that’s enough fishing for me time to go Grill this salmon up it’s gonna be delicious and ah nutritious I only like eating unhealthy stuff like cakes and cookies whatever here’s my grill let’s get it toasty and done oh these look good all in a day’s work I swear there

Were lily pads in my pool before did something happen to my carpet wait a second where’s my TV room I swear my couch was right here and I had a flat screen what is going on my house is so cursed why is my house so haunted wait what is it

Is in my car that was a two million dollar collector item that didn’t cost me an arm and a leg why why what happened here music to my ears guys it’s time for the grand finale water removal if I flip this switch I reverse the water flow flooding Sunny’s entire

House yes yes wait a second why don’t I even have a bed why do I have a waterbed now what was that sound what is going on why is my whole house flooded yo Sonny what’s wrong with your house bro it’s covered in water oh the whole thing out of nowhere I

Think the pipes exploded and now water is burst everywhere I don’t know what’s going on melon my house is so cursed it’s okay you can have the Green Top I’ll take your house wait really you would take this flooded home off my hands uh absolutely not wait what does

This say magic lever water to lava please don’t flick that please don’t flick that I’ve been through enough wait this lever no yo Sonny your house is so messed up what have you done melon why first I had all these super scary noises in the night and then all this weird

Stuff started happening then my pipes exploded and now you turned it into lava um I wonder why sunny I wonder why at least I still have the guest cabin uh sunny I wouldn’t go in there if I was you why huh cause you only have this stupid

Tiny little green Hut I’ve still got a pretty nice vacation home what does that sound what is that sound don’t worry about it yes All That Remains here’s the green top and that like And subscribe button

This video, titled ‘4 Secrets Of BILLIONAIRE SUNNY In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2023-08-09 15:05:00. It has garnered 407194 views and 6759 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:36 or 5196 seconds.

4 Secrets Of BILLIONAIRE SUNNY In Minecraft!

Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy

#sunnycrafts #minecraft

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    1000 DAYS as TAILS in Minecraft! EPIC Sonic BattlesVideo Information on day one I spawned into the Aspen forest’s tails the awesome two-tailed Fox the best friend of Sonic the Hedgehog oh I’m a little baby Tails this is adorable still I can’t wait to get bigger and stronger but before I could even think about that I was hit by a crossbow bolt and wounded I turned and saw a big scary armored Vindicator coming through the trees towards me well well well if it isn’t Tails I’ve been searching for you you and your little Lo speed to have a friend have had it too good… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stream Experiments

    Insane Minecraft Stream ExperimentsVideo Information your Li deepface ands in the furnace this is your goal that makes it all worth it this is your your let’s go dos can keep you down pushing deep until your drown or they can keep you up strong focused on the now glass half full or has it been EMP out well that’s all up to you and your mind do you doubt anything everything not a thing make my thoughts work for me manifest what I need what I want what I see I could be anything I get trct all the things that I… Read More


    💔 INFINITE HEARTS DUPE GLITCH IN SURVIVAL SMP 😱🔥Video Information हाय गाइज कैसे हैं सभी लोग वेलकम बैक इन अदर गेम वीडियो सो गाइज आज की वाली वीडियो बहुत ही अच्छी होने वाली है क आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं अपने जो हर्ट्स हैं उसको डूब करने वाला हूं एक तरीके से वैसे व मैं करने हु भी सर्वाइवल में वाला हूं कोई एनी मेंे क्रिएटिव या फिर कोई प्लगइन वगैरह नहीं डालने वाला मैं सिंपल इसको सर्वाइवल में करने वाला हूं तो यह जाने के लिए वीडियो को एंड तक देखें तो सबसे पहले अभी तो फिलहाल मेरे पास 27 हर्ट है तो काफी ज्यादा… Read More

  • Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John Hall

    Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John HallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Piano | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-13 16:00:27. It has garnered 2722 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and… Read More

  • Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱

    Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱Video Information Espera espera Espera espera Pero cómo Que Minecraft ha trabajado que Minecraft ha metido algo nuevo al juego me cago en la oficialmente Hoy es Día Nacional de celebración de Minecraft moan que ha trabajado ha hecho algo con su vida Y es que lo que ha hecho es meter un nuevo arma que la verdad que bueno es un poco a ver alegrarnos tanto por meter un nuevo arma es un poco rar uno pero bueno es que si nos vamos a la última snapshot de Minecraft y creamos un nuevo mundo con las actualizaciones de la… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT SMP ACCEPTANCE?!? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Application The Best Smp [Warriors Smp]’, was uploaded by Glich527 on 2024-02-26 15:03:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS IS MY APPLICATION TO THE WARRIORS SMP I WISH I GET ACCEPTED ignore Survival Mode, Creative Mode Builds, … Read More


    CRAZY AMD CRAFTY MINECRAFT BLOCK! #21Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EPISODE # 21’, was uploaded by AMD CRAFTY on 2024-02-07 00:07:03. It has garnered 41 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:17 or 557 seconds. MINECRAFT MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT SKY BLOCK FISH AFK FARM #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilding #gaming #minecrafthouse #minecraftfarm #minecraftoneblock #minecraftmemes #minecrafthousetutorial #gamingvideos #gamingshorts #gamingcommunity #gamingchannel #gaminglife #gamingvideo #gameplay #games #gamer #game #gamers #gameshorts #viralgames #viralgaming #viral #vuralvideo #reels #reel #viralshorts #viralreels #minecrafthungergames #minecraftsurvivalisland #minecraftmods #games #live #gaming #amongus #gameplay #gametv #youtubegamer #livegaming #gamereview #gamecommentary #livestream #youtubegaming #gamer #ps #twitch #gamingcommunity #youtubegamingchannel #xbox #playstation #playfortnite… Read More

  • 5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!

    5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!Video Information Minecraft maps are getting kind of insane and nobody’s talking about it how do we go from this to this oh yeah in this video I’ll be testing five-star Maps throughout Minecraft history ah 2011 the world’s population just reached 7 billion people and Minecraft Beta 1.7 just added Pistons to the game this was one of the first Maps making use of them in a very creative way and I think we all know what to expect on the other side of this Temple door the question is is will I pass the test oh um hello… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft’s Safest House!

    Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft's Safest House!Video Information darling you have to see this look what’s here hey where are you and here you finally found you look what a castle let’s go to it let’s see what’s their interesting beat you and I found after all never been in such a thing and to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it before it just can’t be why are there locks here there shouldn’t be any let’s go in then who the hell are you people get the hell out of here right now do you realize what I’m doing right now do you want… Read More

  • ZuberCraft

    ZuberCraftCome join one of our 3 worlds with your friends! We have a survival, creative, and skyblock world that you can play on. Our goal is to build a fun energetic community! Occasionally we will play minigames as well and do server wide events. Join our discord to get in on all the action and join our community! Read More

  • Manic Factions Modded

    Manic Welcome to Manic! Manic is a Faction server running on Fabric 1.20.1, featuring a thrilling modpack filled with intense magic and challenges. Immerse yourself in a realm where faction warfare reigns supreme, alliances are forged and broken, and battles rage on amidst a backdrop of mystical wonders. Join our active community of 150+ members and be part of the excitement! Featured on Manic Spell Engine with custom magic classes (and more coming soon) Origins Better Combat Create Ad Astra Bewitchment Tons of world generation mods Instanced Dungeons Countless small mods that are new to CurseForge, refreshing gameplay Immersive Aircrafts… Read More

  • Asteria (A Dungeons And Dragons Roleplay

    ASTERIA ( A Dungeons And Dragons Pvp Survival) KEEP IN MIND I AM NO WHERE NEAR FINISHED BUT IT HAS ENOUGHCONTENT TO HAVE FUN IN I HAVE THE SERVER OPEN TO FIND DEDICATED BUILDERS TO HELP FINISH THE PROJECT HOWEVER IM GONNA FINISH THIS MYSELF. The Pillagers Have Opened A Portal to the 9 Hells Releasing Dungeon Cores all over the world.At First Everything Seemed OKThen More Mobs Started showing up at night.Then the Sun Set for the Last TimeTrapping the world In the Infinite Darkness.This Server is a Hardcore ,Pvp,Survival/ Dungeons And Dragons Roleplay.Each Player Has 5 Lives And… Read More

4 Secrets Of BILLIONAIRE SUNNY In Minecraft!