5 Epic Country Houses – Minecraft World Tour (Feb 2021)

Video Information

What’s up guys and welcome back to wbc builds and welcome to the february’s edition of the server update tour so as most of you know we changed worlds at the end of january so we’ve got loads to show you absolutely tons because everyone’s been working so hard and that is not a lie

But there is so much to show you so again i’ve split these videos up into two parts i think that’s how we’re going to carry on going forward for this series because it gives you guys a better chance of seeing what’s going on so in true server update style we’ve

Got our new builder to show you first so let’s jump on over into his town and i’ll show you what he started with this is the town of kingsworthy built by lanuan so he is our newest guy and he has made quite an impression already on the server

As you can see there is an entire cathedral standing in front of me this is winchester cathedral and it’s a very good job at recreating it indeed so it’s 11th century cathedral it doesn’t have a spire so the real story about that is the ground isn’t great and originally the cathedral was

Actually sinking in the early 20th century and a diver had to go down and sort that all out but um when it was actually built they had plans to spill a spiral on it but they just couldn’t get the footings in here so it has this really cool looking sort of

Cut-off tower and i love these on english cathedrals but what’s really great about what’s going on with this one is the flag of white berg’s flying nice and high there so that’s a great improvement on not having a spire but still so lan one your town is already coming together

Really nicely this little square around here the cathedral close is looking great now i have been here in real life i’ve been to winchester cathedral many times and i’ve got to say you have really pulled this off like if we come around to this little quad section at the back

Uh once upon a time there was trees here i mean there is trees here in real life once upon a time i was tasked to go around here and measure the girth and the height of all these trees to work out the canopy size um but yeah

I thought that was a little nice little tidbit for you guys to have a go with there but you can see this view this is one of my favorite views of the cathedral and i don’t know why but i think it’s just the way the tower sort of protrudes up through

This corner here and the other day on my phone it popped up as like a memory to say oh you took this picture so many years ago i was like oh yeah i remember that and i gotta say you’ve captured this view very very well so what else is going on

In your town well i know you’re gonna be mixing in some buildings from salisbury as well which i believe are these ones over here currently let’s take a little look with some shaders around the other way perfect but you’ve got the georgian style down great and i love what you’ve done with the

Texturing in the roofs here with some spruce and jungle that looks really really nice so i can’t wait to see where you take this town but again welcome to the team i know me and you have some shared interests in places we have been sort of

Fighting over what towns to be using as inspiration we’ll get onto that later on but we have come to a conclusion that we should probably work together on some things so yeah let’s do that so in other news we have lots and lots and lots of stately homes and country

Parks to show you as promised in the january update so i thought we might as well start off with ms build he has actually built two of them for this this month so why not start with his first one which is a summer leeten hall i think that’s how you call it

Never really known how to pronounce that name but let’s go take a look at this lovely victorian italianate country house oh oh don’t mind me i’ve just uh found some berry bushes i wanted to have a little snack on welcome to ms build’s first stately home on the server

This is a summer luton hall again i think that’s how you say it’s really mouthful like looking at it written down but this place is absolutely incredible it is a victorian italianate building and i’ve got to say italianate one of my favorite styles indeed and the colour palette you’ve used here

Is again my actual favorite i love how sandstone and brick go really really well together so around here at one of the gardens on the side and i think this may be the back of the house it is so what we can see over here is the italianate beldovir tower

You’ve got this lovely triple window at the top there and not just that the landscape around here i know how hard you’ve been working on this place i know how much time you’ve sunk into it and it is really really great you’ve pulled it off so

Well and do i spy a little copper over there yeah let’s go take a look at that as well but i also spy some green houses so there is actual country house mania running for the server at the moment i don’t know if you guys have seen my recent time-lapse video on

The willfully park we’ll get around to wilburley park in a bit but everyone’s doing it at the moment everyone is and everyone’s loving it so that is absolutely incredible let’s take a look at this and a bit more of a sunshine no no that’s the wrong way around

Let’s turn it back that way look at this place so i wouldn’t mind living here i would love it so like what you’ve done here with the gates around here you’ve got that nice little moulding around them which looks really good it’s a bit more of like a brock style that but that’s

Great what is this a cattle grid oh wow oh wow okay that is really really outdone it like i was going to show you guys hundreds of stately homes a day but i think this category has definitely taken my attention away from that no still let’s go take a look around the

Rest of this park there is just so much to see so this is a stable block through here i like the blue clock you do see there’s a lot on these stately homes in england so that’s a great little addition let’s come on through into the stable block and yes

Ah oh ooh i do like this this is right up my alley and you got a little trough here as well for me to dip my feet in and just sort of sit here for a little bit and oh i can hear it running underneath my feet but still let’s um

Take a look around this side so over here we’ve got some large greenhouses that run around the side of the building like so and can we get inside them no i think they’re just for display purposes uh he says he thinks he can go through there no but i like this little arcade

Um again you’ve really nailed this place i’ve never seen it in real life i don’t know what it looks like but i can imagine it is very very grand so ms builds thank you so much for building this beautiful beautiful structure i’m guessing i’m missing something over here i think there may be

A walled garden somewhere there’s this place is vast it’s absolutely massive there it is so walled gardens are now my favorite thing to build greenhouses and just little areas of green and growing stuff and oh my god is that a vine walkway okay this place we’re going to spend a little

While here guys because it is utterly utterly utterly beautiful oh wow i’m actually gobsmacked by all of this oh ms builds you really really have outdone yourself this time i’ve got another part to show off again in a minute but this little area where the vines grow around it

Walking down here makes you feel like you’re just in paradise does it not ah guys so i hope this sort of this server update tool would really inspire you all to start having a go at building your own stately homes because they are so much fun to do this is a little lodge

At the back of the house here which is built in a bit of a mock tudor style i like that that’s your first one of those i think that looks really really good so ms builds lovely stuff here at this park we’ve got another one to show off

And the bit of yours and especially look at something and i cannot wait to show the guys the rest of that so staying on the theme of country houses let’s go take a look at goblins house of chatsworth yes that chatsworth so staying on today’s theme with vast properties we have chatsworth house

Behind me here this is a beautiful 18th century country house and it’s been built by goblin one of our newest builders on the server i think he joined us back in january before we reset the world but incredible stuff again the landscape you’ve built around here as well

We’ll get a look at that in a minute i think there’s a forest over there called ensor forest that’s another one of your builds we’ll take a look at that in a bit but let’s start off here with the main house this is the garden facade

And i’ve got a lot of georgian houses that look like this they are just perfect aren’t they they really really do sit well in the landscape but there is absolutely so much going on here so in real life chatsworth has this lovely sort of landscape where it sits within a hill

And you can see here we’ve got like a little river that runs up through there i want to go take a look at that quickly that looks really really cool so at the top of this tower here we have like a little garden temple thing and wow if i had the

Money and the landscaping capabilities i would have one of these installed in my house but that would involve removing several roads and people’s houses and maybe that maybe that won’t work but still you’ve built this up here which is really really nice and you’ve got like little water pumps as well

That’s cool that’s a nice little detail right stop sidetracking yourself up on here in the mountains let’s go take a look at the rest of the house in a second i have found my new muse some more greenhouses oh i’m at home in a greenhouse and i don’t know why

I mean the way you look for the windows at things i think it just works so well let’s run on through this greenhouse quickly and get out the other side i think this is the stable block this way i know this is all over the place because i’m just so excited to get

Around and see so much this place but yep so this is the stables i like what you’ve done here nice little tower again up there you find like i said this is a common feature across like 18th century and 19th century stately homes they always have these stable blocks that

Have this tower in the middle with a copper on top and i think it just works so very very well but you’ve got this extensive landscape through here oh that goes on for miles nice job with that lovely gardens at the back there again there’s just again so much going on if i

Say again one more time then please tell me in the comments below maybe even start a drinking game about it nice little car driving up the driveway here and we come to the other side of the house which is incredible there is so much going on here

It’s massive isn’t it just look at it but it does sit really well in the landscape oh i see you’ve also got some little statues going on like we saw over in kingsworthy what’s this oh like a garden pavilion oh well this is even better than sitting

Around in the greenhouse i like this lovely lovely view from here right so that’s chat’s worth done i think it’s time to go off and have a look at ms builds second stately home before we get on to willfully park so i’m going to show you guys all well

Park which used to be a school over in norfolk but now it’s a stately home here on the server so let’s go take a look at that my obsession with gardens continues here we are in the uh lovely world garden of orwell park i could just leave it in a garden i think

I may have to do that one day just go live in a garden then let’s not let’s not do that but still orwell park is this beautiful beautiful house i can’t remember what date it was built in but it’s again a probably another 18th century or even 19th century building it’s a similar

Style to what ms builds built earlier on that i showed you but it has a lovely tower over here can you guess what this tower might be and that is correct it is an observatory the first observatory on the server now whenever you guys sort of see these

You see them as a steampunk type affair especially when people say they’re victorian they’re really not steampunk not one of my favorite things but anyway this place looks absolutely incredible with this much detail on the walls i like what you’ve done with the windows they are absolutely gigantic but that’s

How this building feels i’ve looked at it on google maps and i think it looks like a perfect recreation that you’ve done here this bay section is my probably favorite here along with these actual bay windows along the side and i just think yeah i would happily happily live here what’s this

Oh this is like a little haha or aha i can never pronounce it properly but it’s a way of like trapping out animals without sort of ruining the landscape so usually we build these like probably in one or two blocks lower and you get a better view so you

Can still see across the landscape without actually affecting your view but let’s go take a look around the rest of this place so these buildings on the side i think one of them is a water tower and the other one may also be a water tower or just like an

Observation tower because suffolk or norfolk where it’s from is very flat so it’s good to build towers around so you can get a better view i do not know what i’m rambling on about there but still this lovely little garden pavilion around the side here looks really really great i love the way

The windows work in our texture pack as well it just really helps bring about this style a bit more so we’ve got a few more things to see around the side here including this very very large orangery oh that is incredible let’s change the shaders around again so we can get better look

At that this is beautiful ah i’m actually in awe of all of this ms builds you know you’ve inspired me to build a stately home and you can see how can’t you guys this is incredible stuff again so over here we have the lodge house

Which is built in a bit more of an elizabethan style and may have been the original house on the site although again it could actually just be a mock elizabethan house built during the victorian period but what i like going on here is you’ve detailed everything as you do

In that sort of realistic way we’re flying down the street here to try and get a better look at the house for the trees and there we go so guys that was all well park is one of these incredible stately homes and a great addition to the service so

Ms builds thank you for gracing us with these two lovely stately homes now speaking of stately homes because yes that’s all we’re doing today i’m going to show you guys will valley park and i cannot wait to show you the ward gardens around there so if i’m standing outside here of

Willville park with the beautiful palladian style gatehouse that i think you guys have seen quite a lot of over on instagram i share this as my sort of teaser for this whole park now wilburley park was as i said my video meant to be my 10k special build

But that never happened and it never got built on the old server even though i spent all that time doing the landscaping for it and doing all of the railways around it but still it finally came to fruition over here on the server last weekend and i’ve gotta say i’m absolutely in

Love with it i’m enamored with it there is nothing that will tear me away from this place until i build another stately home that is and then i’ll just dump this one in the bin somewhere and never think about it again no we can’t say that

So you guys noticed this some of you said it was quite nice in the comments that was built by duncan he came over and had a little go at that while we were doing the building session but yes so the rest of it through here the walled garden is one of my favorite

Wall gardens that i’ve ever built it’s actually only the second wallburger garden i’ve ever built the other two are over there wait that means free oh i don’t know what i’m saying anymore but still greenhouses just work they make something feel so much more victorian

They make it feel so nice and they give it a bit of flavor so as i mentioned in that video if you guys want a tutorial on how to build wall gardens let me know in the comments below i believe you said yes so i probably will

End up doing it at some point but here we are willfully park worldly house the absolutely lovely building that sits up here in this strange and unusual shape so what drew me to this house originally was this view i had never really seen the other garden view before

I just loved the pictures from real life where it was showing me like this and you had the little porch there as well and i was like oh that looks really good and as i said in the video i told the story of how i discovered it in a book

About all sorts of architectural drawings before i’d even seen it online so i kind of went wow that’s that’s really really cool but guys this is probably my favorite ever build and i still come over here every day and just pay homage to it so i spoke about doing the interior for it

And yeah no there isn’t anything yet but i have built some of it but we won’t look down there just yet i have got plans to do the whole thing so we will get him back at some point in the future have a little tour around it i might

Drag jeremy around here with me so let’s take a look at the back as well now this is nice i like this this is my first formal garden and i think it turned out alright i was trying to mix in spruce and birch leaves but it didn’t really work too well

But still the garden face is what you guys love the most and i gotta say it’s really really nice isn’t it just look at it so let’s take one last look over here and another walled garden because that is what i’m obsessed with today guys and yeah it’s really nice

And what is my favorite view of the house this one for some reason i just love the way it sort of peaks over the top when you’re sort of walking around the wall garden here if you can walk through berry bushes or you’re standing on the manure pile and just going

Oh i wish i lived in the house well ladies and gentlemen i do live in this house not in real life in here in my in my head yeah that’s not great is it and we’ve got one last little thing to look at on the estate and that is the chapel

That has over a thousand years of dead bodies in the basement uh which again i had to build at some point because i didn’t build it in the video but i probably should have done still it’s a really nice little chapel and i like what i’ve done with the walls

The texturing on here and the roof as well just give it that sort of nice warm look in real life it’s actually abandoned it’s just left there it is the actual building from the stanlich park which is the original park for trafalgar and it’s still not really been in use it

Was a catholic church i believe for a bit as well when that was all kicking off in some centuries at some point so we’ve got a few more things to go look at on the server before we call it a day today uh i got rafin’s built a actual another

Stately home so let’s go take a look at that so guys welcome to dell main park this is rafin’s latest build and i’ve got to say it’s probably the most interesting stately home i’ve seen today it’s all at 45 degree angle that’s a very very odd choice for a stately home

I would love to pick your brains on why why you chose a builder at this angle but still it’s an interesting one as you can see there is a lot of planning going on but do i spy a walled garden i spy something over here oh yes we do

Have a little walled garden another one for me to look at and now that’s an interesting choice i forgot to put any wheelbarrows in ah silly me i should probably do that next time but yeah i was a little horse tracker as well that’s a cool idea

But what you can see over here guys is the black mountains of doom so he’s building himself a area of outstanding natural beauty over here again that is something we really probably shouldn’t be showing off yet but i thought it was worth a quick little mention

But still we’ll come back here later on maybe next month hang on more cattle grids what where have you guys been getting these cattle grids from i need to go find myself a salesman to get some cattle grids installed at willville park because we can’t have the animals running around

In there but still so raven can’t wait to see where this place goes to it is looking really cool and i love the strong breeze on that flag so we’ve got another cathedral to go look at now not over back in kingsworthy but in kingsbridge where kazakh has been building his cathedral

From i think a few months back but he’s done the interior so let’s go take a look at that i don’t know about you guys but i feel like i’ve just woken up in a crypt somewhere with all of these zombie heads around here they’re cool little lamps

Aren’t they so we’re here in kingsbridge cathedral and i don’t think i’ve stepped inside it yet but this place is absolutely detailed to the nines there’s even bells just hanging from the ceiling to give that a little bit extra detail so we take a little step on back here

And you can see the grand organ up there oh that is very tasty very tasty indeed so i know you’ve been working really hard and getting as much detail in here as you can let’s try and go through here maybe and yeah you’re really getting a good job going on there

The cathedral from the outside is absolutely incredible should we fly on out for this window oh there we go we can get out here and you’ve been upgrading the externals and trying to make it feel a bit more up to date with the server because i

Think you built it maybe three or four months ago but i love it i love cathedrals i love the way you’ve put so much detail into the windows into the walls and into every sort of ounce that you can flying buttresses perfect so i think if we go around

Here oh yes hang on let me change the shaders back over there we go so we get a better view of this place so i have been to a salzburg cathedral which feels a bit like this i have that circular room there now in there one they have the magna

Carter in there which is the sort of legal document for the united kingdom or something i don’t know some old thing i don’t know can we get into this place um i i say no i say no so let’s leave through uh oh hello no okay let’s not go down small

Little alleyways like this okay guys let’s leave through one of these windows and then come back here at some point in the future when kazak has built a bit more of this place but still love it love what you’ve been doing so far cannot wait to see

Some more right we got lance’s ship to go show you now the fortuna so let’s go take a look at that and that will conclude this part of the server update tool so when i walked over here i just came straight into the water like this and i was like

Uh okay i guess he’s moved it but no it’s there behind me look at this i love a ship and especially an english ship like this it looks really good and oh hello he’s he’s up there working away with the debug stick for something over greetings how how how you doing okay he

Doesn’t want to look at me that’s fine but yeah lovely little ship going on here i need to build some myself now if i tell you i have plans to build a paddle steamer would you laugh at me probably probably would now lance has got some stuff in the works

Probably show you next month probably will be the highlight of next month i can give you that for a fact but still welcome to the new server again welcome to everything but guys thank you all for watching part one of this server update tour there’s been a lot crammed into this one there’s

A lot to cram into the next one as well so i can’t wait to show you what everyone’s been doing over in europa and the surrounding territories so guys thank you all for watching and remember get inspired get building and i’ll see you next time you

This video, titled ‘5 Epic Country Houses – Minecraft World Tour (Feb 2021)’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2021-02-05 16:00:12. It has garnered 55922 views and 2070 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds.

Welcome to Part 1 of the February 2021 edition of the WBC Builds Creative Server Update Tour. This is another one in the series of my Minecraft Server Tours showcasing what’s been happening in the previous month over on the server. In part 2 we return to some of our old haunts in Europa such as Hoogedamn, Gansburg and Stallhille so be sure to check out that part.

In this part I show you guys that we’ve had 1 new builder this month and we start off the tour by welcoming them to the world. They have brought with them a new British inspired Georgian of kings Worthy (Based on Winchester). Now since this is the first server tour after our change of worlds there is a lot to see and do, in this part I return to well established builders to see what they have bene up to and as promised last week “Country House Mania” has gripped Whiteburg, so come with me as I show you around the Minecraft recreations of; Somerleyton Hall, Chatsworth House, Orwell Park, Trafalgar Park and the Dalemain Estate. So be sure to watch all the way through of this months Creative Server Update Tour.

This series will feature the Victorian Minecraft Server, towns and cites you all know and love. So come join me as I showcase all of the Minecraft Victorian Towns that you we have on the creative server and as I try and keep you up to date with what’s been going on.

I hope to keep this series running as long as the creative server is up as it will be your window into the world of Whiteburg. I know that having the creative server as whitelist only does keep you guys away from touring it yourselves so I do hope that this can be a way to bridge that gap and help keep you in the loop with some of the new and exciting Minecraft builds.

I am very open to suggestions, comments and ideas on how you would like these videos to run, so if i’ve missed something, not spent enough time on, or shouldn’t do again please let me know in the comments below and I can try and tailor these videos over the coming months.

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Time Stamps 00:00 – Intro 00:34 – Kings Worthy 03:13 – Somerleyton Hall 07:15 – Chatsworth House 10:08 – Orwell Park 13:08 – Wilverley Park 17:01 – Dalemain Estate 18:23 – Kingsbridge Cathedral 20:23 – HMS Fortinatta ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

You will see things such as; Minecraft Server Tour Minecraft town halls Minecraft Victorian townhouses Minecraft townhouses Minecraft Victorian towns Victorian Minecraft Server Minecraft builds Minecraft ideas Minecraft train station minecraft british town, WBC Builds Creative Server Update Victorian minecraft house minecraft victorian city Victorian Minecraft Server british high street minecraft victorian high street minecraft british city minecraft british townhouse wbc builds server The best Minecraft Server Creative Server European Builds Minecraft What to build in Minecraft creative 1.16 Builds Minecraft 1.16 server

So please, sit back relax and enjoy as i take you on a whistle stop tour of the wonderful world of Whiteburg and inspire you all to build a Victorian town in Minecraft.

#Minecraft #Victorian #Showcase


►Check out all the episodes so far https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWrfjub2v_7lHXZBha9gqZaJmq3jPKpDa


Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


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►BSL – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders


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    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS EXPOSED Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks: A Creative Adventure 🏡✨ Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft as we delve into some of the most viral and intriguing build hacks that promise to revolutionize your construction experience. From time-saving shortcuts to innovative techniques, we will test and evaluate the effectiveness of each hack, providing you with creative inspiration and practical tips along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Build Hacks 🛠️🔍 Join us as we uncover the hidden gems of Minecraft build hacks that truly work wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a novice builder, these hacks… Read More

  • Dandy Top 3 Plugins for Your Minecraft Server

    Dandy Top 3 Plugins for Your Minecraft Server Exploring the Top 3 Plugins for Your Minecraft Server on Aternos Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft server experience? Look no further! In this video, the top 3 plugins for your Aternos Minecraft server are highlighted, offering exciting features to take your gameplay to the next level. 1. Plugin Name One of the top plugins featured in the video is Plugin Name. This plugin offers a wide range of functionalities, including [insert key features here]. With Plugin Name, players can [highlight key benefits]. Whether you’re looking to [specific use case], this plugin is a must-have for any Minecraft… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 – Buddies Unite!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 01 - Buddies Unite! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Buddies forever, in a story untold. Family, friends, peace, and love, Cherish these moments, like a gift from above. In this episode, we dive deep, Into the bonds that we sow and reap. Children grow fast, time slips away, Treasure each moment, make memories stay. Learn from mistakes, from lessons learned, In the game of life, the tables turned. So grab your pickaxe, and your sword, In Minecraft world, let’s explore the horde. Together we’ll build, together we’ll fight, In this pixelated world, our future bright. So join us now, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now!

    Join the Ultimate LifeSteal SMP Now! Welcome to the Minecraft LifeSteal SMP! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other? Join the public LifeSteal SMP server, where Java and PE players come together 24/7 to explore, build, and survive in the captivating world of Minecraft. What is LifeSteal SMP? The LifeSteal SMP is a unique Minecraft server where players can experience the thrill of a public SMP with a twist – the ability to “steal” hearts from other players. This exciting feature adds a new level of strategy and excitement to the gameplay, making every encounter with another player a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!

    Ultimate Modded Minecraft Storm Fury!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft Survival Episode 86: “Fury of the Storm”‘, was uploaded by SkitzTGPG on 2024-09-16 13:00:26. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:38 or 1178 seconds. Skitz and his new fire/lightning-breathing friends send a clear message to Pillager leadership- The time to settle this is now! Neener-Neener-Cheater-Discleemer: All Cinematic, Plot, Story and Montage shots are done in a duplicate save file and any structures, items, mobs or other materials are used for storytelling purposes – the scenes depicted do not actually occur in the world save of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Discovery: Horror Skibidi Toilet in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) |’, was uploaded by STAN REHMAN on 2024-02-18 08:21:55. It has garnered 3773 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part- 3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Trail – Unbelievable Aesthetics!

    Epic Minecraft Trail - Unbelievable Aesthetics!Video Information This video, titled ‘#ASTHETICS #OF #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 07:45:35. It has garnered 429 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!

    Unbelievable! Iggy INC Gaming Encounters Rare Dinos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dinosaurs Ultra Dino Episode 3 | A Real Foundation |’, was uploaded by Iggy INC Gaming on 2024-01-10 06:59:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Today I took time to gather resources to build our bunker base, it turns out exactly how I imagined it would look. The building of the … Read More

  • EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraft

    EPIC FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP! 💥🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘|⚡PLAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN VOID SMP 🙈❤️⚡| MINECRAFT FRIENDS | #minecraft #live |’, was uploaded by DikkaShaabYT on 2024-03-08 23:53:32. It has garnered 11 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:55 or 1255 seconds. Hello Guys Welcome to my Youtube Channel😉❤️❤️.. I Stream Everyday in evening on this channel 🎮❤️… Hope you guys enjoy the stream!! 😉❤️ Don’t forget to Like and Subscribe the channel if you Like my content🥹❤️ Your 1 like = Motivation For me 🥹❤️ Insta: https://www.instagram.com/your_brain_strucker7/ If you guys wants to support more🥹❤: Paytm: 8587830645@paytm… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the Skeleton

    Shocking Revelation: AndrewGaming67 ARG Unraveled by Mush the SkeletonVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is happening with AndrewGaming67? | AndrewGaming67 ARG’, was uploaded by Mush the Skeleton on 2024-05-17 03:42:21. It has garnered 186643 views and 6322 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:42 or 5382 seconds. #analysis #arg #minecraft #mystery THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING! This one was my biggest project yet, and took quite a bit out of me. I hope you all enjoyed and thank you so much for the support and sugegstions for this one. I sincerely hope that you guys enjoy this and hope I did it decently well. I’m also… Read More

  • Snowman’s SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shorts

    Snowman's SHOCKING Answer Will Blow Your Mind! #Twitch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kardan adam evet diyor | arpeakk #Twitch #shorts #mc #minecraft’, was uploaded by ArPeaKK on 2024-01-09 12:14:12. It has garnered 2456 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #shorts #twitch #twitchturkey #explore #explore #weareinexploration #trend #trending #minecraft #boxpvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Titanium PvP – Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpboss

    Insane Titanium PvP - Sky Cutting Madness! 😱 #titaniumsky #pvpbossVideo Information This video, titled ‘Titanyum Gök Kesme PVP(GÖK KESERKEN SIKILIYOM) #titanyumpvp #sonoyuncutitanyum’, was uploaded by SensizKalamam on 2024-04-04 00:50:01. It has garnered 376 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. DC: SensizKalamam discord.gg/titanyum212 bogac blood cutting minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps… Read More

  • ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. Goleeem

    ULTIMATE PHONE SHOWDOWN: Shovels vs. GoleeemVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH PHONE IS BETTER BUT PHONES ARE SHOVELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Goleeem on 2024-03-21 19:33:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. memes #meme​ #Minecraft​ Thank you all for watching. #Minecraft​ #meme​ #memes tag: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, … Read More

  • DarkPixelMY

    DarkPixelMYWelcome to DarkPixel, the ultimate destination for Pixelmon adventure in Minecraft version 1.16.5! DarkPixel offers a unique Pixelmon experience, combining the excitement of creature-catching and battling with the rich features of modded Minecraft. Our server boasts a vibrant community and a range of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Explore our expansive world filled with diverse biomes, thanks to the Biomes O Plenty mod. From lush forests to sprawling deserts, there’s always something new to discover around every corner. Whether you’re seeking rare Pokémon or simply enjoying the scenic landscapes, there’s adventure waiting for you in every biome. Join us… Read More

  • Novidium Skyblock SMP: Chestshops, uSkyblock, Challenges, Money

    Novidium Skyblock Server IP: play.novidium.net Novidium is a simple skyblock server where you can build an island, complete challenges, and visit/build shops. Features: Challenges: Complete simple challenges to earn rare items. Economy: Player-to-player trading/buying/selling only. Leaderboards: Track the richest players and highest level islands. Join Novidium for a nostalgic skyblock experience that balances old and new features. Read More

  • » » InfluenceMc NETWORK « « TIENDA tienda.influencemc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.influencemc.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft’s First Treasure Hunt

    Emeralds Bought, Diamonds Sought: Minecraft's First Treasure Hunt In the world of Minecraft, a quest unfolds, To find the first diamond, a tale to be told. Emeralds are sought, a treasure so rare, But Juan’s antics bring chaos, a comedic affair. Join us on this journey, full of twists and turns, As we mine and explore, the excitement burns. From epic fails to funny moments galore, Minecraft adventures, we always adore. Like, comment, and subscribe, don’t be shy, Join our Discord, where friendships fly high. In the realm of gaming, we’ll always unite, With rhymes and emojis, our future is bright. Read More

  • Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid

    Hot Villager Party in Minecraft Demo! #lit #raid When you enter a village with a raid in Minecraft Lite Demo Edition, it’s like trying to crash a party with a bunch of angry villagers who just want to trade carrots for emeralds. Good luck surviving that awkward encounter! #minecraftproblems #villagerdrama Read More

  • Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions

    Outrageous 2024 Minecraft Predictions Minecraft Live 2024 Predictions Exciting Topics on AfterLife Podcast #38 In the latest episode of the AfterLife Podcast, the hosts delve into a variety of intriguing topics. They kick things off by evaluating AfterLife Members’ bases based on a unique scale that considers both detail and scale. As anticipation builds for Minecraft Live on September 28th, where Mojang will unveil the latest game drops and updates for Minecraft 1.22, the hosts discuss their predictions and expectations. Minecraft’s New Update Philosophy One of the key points of discussion is Minecraft’s new update philosophy. The shift towards smaller, year-round “drops” has… Read More

  • How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft

    How to Build a Bathtub in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Bathtub Are you ready to dive into the creative world of Minecraft and learn how to build a bathtub? In this article, we will explore the exciting possibilities of building in Minecraft and guide you through the process of creating your very own bathtub in the game. Building Your Bathtub in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fun and engaging activity that allows players to unleash their creativity. To build a bathtub in Minecraft, you will need to gather the necessary materials such as blocks, water, and any additional decorations you may… Read More

  • Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret Recipe

    Deadly Minecraft Potion: Master Miner Reveals Secret RecipeVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a potion of poison in Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by The Master Miner on 2024-07-30 08:40:45. It has garnered 492 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. In this video, I show you how to brew a potion of poison in Minecraft. The recipe is the same in both Bedrock and Java edition. I hope you find this Minecraft poison potion tutorial useful! Minecraft poison recipe I will also show you how to make a poison 2 potion in minecraft 1.21 how to make a… Read More

  • Saturday Morning Gaming Extravaganza

    Saturday Morning Gaming ExtravaganzaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive’, was uploaded by Cash Presley & Oakley Star on 2024-09-08 04:47:53. It has garnered 575 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:57 or 6897 seconds. Saturday Morning Gaming #livegaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #roblox #live #gaming #ps5 #xboxlive #petsimulator #toilettowerdefense #fallguys #stumbleguys Read More


    NEW Minecraft MLG WATER BUCKET TRICKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft water bucket MLG’, was uploaded by MarkPTZ1 – Minecraft on 2024-06-12 11:47:15. It has garnered 1971 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft water bucket MLG Read More

  • OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)

    OMG! I Moved into MERGE CITY?! 🤯 (Episode 4)Video Information This video, titled ‘I moved into MERGE CITY!! (Merge city Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-01-16 01:00:01. It has garnered 10254 views and 398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:03 or 1923 seconds. Who is Frosty? Frosty is the son of Santa and comes from the North Pole! Frosty loves to play Minecraft with his best friend RageElixir in Minecraft Block City! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Frosty Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!

    INSANE! Minecraft Servers Live NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Live Streaming’, was uploaded by ClenchedVoice65 on 2024-03-24 07:42:21. It has garnered 74 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds. minecraft,minecraft server,minecraft servers,minecraft smp,minecraft servers to join,minecraft server ip,best minecraft server,minecraft server shorts,school minecraft server,minecraft funny,minecraft bending server,p2w minecraft servers,minecraft survival server,minecraft shorts,best minecraft servers,minecraft but,pay to win minecraft servers,types of servers in minecraft,minecraft duping p2w servers,minecraft facts,minecraft 1.19minecraft challenge,minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mod,challenge,minecraft but,minecraft challenges,build challenge minecraft,minecraft manhunt,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,noob vs pro minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft update,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft… Read More

  • NEW Minecraft Trails Update – INSANE gameplay!!

    NEW Minecraft Trails Update - INSANE gameplay!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying out The Trails Update in Minecraft’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-06-14 17:52:16. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:13 or 5833 seconds. Finally now that im back from the Tour Decided to hawe a chill Evening With the Chat Minecraft Skibidi Skibidi Toilet Chill Just Chatting Bread Hypixel MCCI Read More

  • Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable discovery: JNIN3R exposed on Twitch! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘found them | jnin3r on #Twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by JNIN3R on 2024-01-15 16:40:44. It has garnered 338 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #shorts Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE OHM ALLAH GOD PUZZLE GAMING!Video Information This video, titled ‘Puzzle games #puzzlegames #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by OHM ALLAH GOD GAMING on 2024-09-05 17:22:11. It has garnered 7 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. gaming, games, game, gameplay, gamer, roblox, subway surfers, gta, minecraft, ludo king, coc, bgmi, music, cartoon games, cartoon, anime, animation, 3d, carrom pool, hitman go, pacman, free fire, coin master, the witcher, red dead redemption, the last of us, god of war, baldurs gate, mass effect, hades, grand theft auto, candy crush, among us, pokemon go, genshin impact, garden scapes, pubg, clash royale,… Read More

  • "Insane EVO Gaming! RTX Shader for MCPE 1.21+"

    <p>"<strong>Insane EVO Gaming! RTX Shader for MCPE 1.21+</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘RTX Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.21.22| Shader MCPE 1.21+ | Low End Devices’, was uploaded by EVO GAMING_2.O on 2024-09-03 06:20:53. It has garnered 1265 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. Hi Guys In This Video I Will Show You RTX Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.21.22 | Shader MCPE 1.21+ | Low End Devices __________________________________________________________ 📍Link in comment box 👈 {All Credit Goes to Respective Creators} 📌Like 📌Share 📌Subscribe 📌Comment 2nd channel:- https://youtube.com/channel/UCcalpw6keUbCOGImVSLB-lQ 🔺INSTAGRAM:-https://instagram.com/evogaming_official?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== TELEGRAM:- https://t.me/EVO_ARMY _______________________________________________________ 🔴Your Queries:- realistic shaders minecraft pe 1.21+ minecraft… Read More

5 Epic Country Houses – Minecraft World Tour (Feb 2021)