5 Secret Portal Tricks You Didn’t Even Know Existed [Minecraft 1.16.3]

Video Information

Hi guys and welcome glenbon here in this video we’ll look into another portals as of 1.163 and show five cool new tricks you can do with them what prodded me to look into that was last time i have said a junkie portal setup may mess up a portal linkage for

Up to 128 blocks in the nether and up to thousand blocks in the overworld if you’ve done it the other way around and some of you told me that that shouldn’t be possible and actually you were right so let me explain technically the most appropriate and the

Best type of linking is when the portals in corresponding dimensions match exactly meaning x and z coordinates of the overall portals are eight times of those in the nether and their y levels match exactly this means that we can always correctly link portals that are even really close to each other without

Issues with thinking however this is very common for players to build portals networks where portals in the overworld are scattered freely across their places of interest and in the nether everything is located on the same wire level typically right above or right below the nether ceiling this makes so that

Regardless of where the portals are located in the overworld they should always link up with the proper portal at the top of the nether and if they are not too close to each other or at similar y levels you would be able to connect properly back to them even if they are quite

Close however this system is very problematic in situations where you need for whatever reason create another portal in the nether that is located at a vastly different y level than your network and if there are portals in the overworld on the similar level within 128 blocks

Nether distance which is more than 1 000 blocks in the overworld they’ll be linking up with the wrong portal and that’s how it worked up until 1.15 or something like that so let me show you on a real example how this works out this is my single player world still 1.12 where i

Have the nether network right below the bedrock and one of these portals here i have is to my mining area the linking there is not a problem the thing is the portal in the overworld side is right at the best mining level which is y10 and since i installed the

Contraption that keeps another mob switch going at the world ticking by throwing items back and forth at spawn this portal no longer links up with the nether hub but with the portal low in the letter that pings back the bacon this means that when i go through it again

We have actually warped 700 blocks from my mind to spawn and that’s not how we wanted it to do and that’s how it worked up up until 1.14 or something like that since then portals have received changes and rewrites to the point that there is nothing left from the previous portal implementation

Everything just by chance behaves similarly or is completely new first thing that changed is portal caching and portal lag it used to be that every time you would use a portal that would need to scan a 16 million block area in the other and looking for portals that could be a

Match that not only resulted in tremendous lag it was causing but also remember that connection for 15 seconds meaning that that connection was kept and was being used even if the portal was already gone now since then portals belong to the point of interest system this is a parallel storage for

Interesting blocks made so that searching for these special blocks is way cheaper than going through the entire chunks this means that portal links can be calculated on the fly every time an entity goes through what is interesting now is that if there is no valid connection and the

Game needs to create a new portal only players can cause that event to happen other entities are just simply getting stuck until the player forces the new portal to appear portal caching may be gone but what we have got instead is portal chunk loading so going through a portal now creates um uh

Three by three by 27 area loaded on the other side for 15 full seconds i have another video explaining what this means but in short it’s really good to have it and i’ll take that over portal caching any day does this mean that the portals are now lag free i mean

Large and dense groups of portal blocks like in case of large overall pigment gold farm can cause thousands or even hundreds of thousands of such points of interest to be created which means that the game still needs to compute the closest portal looking of all of these blocks which

Will cause lag spikes especially for whatever reason when the player goes through this however could have been easily remedied because since only now the bottom blocks in the portals are even considered for teleportation if we remove other points of interest from these portals leaving only those at the bottom of them

This would reduce the lag i was talking about pretty much to zero leaving the portal mechanics pretty much unchanged just something to think about another mechanic that unfortunately is a goner was the ability to customize what was the front of the portal and what was the back of it

Entities thrown into the portal from the front of it would always be ejected away from the portal while the entities thrown from the behind would be thrown into the behind of the portal on the other end and to determine what was the front and what was the back of the portal the game

Was simply counting air blocks on both sides of the portal that was a very useful but lesser-known mechanic that was allowing to fully customize how you would leave the portal regardless of its position this mechanic now is completely gone if the two portals are created

With the same orientation so x or the z plane and this direction doesn’t change at all we just exit how we enter the portal direction wise and in case of the portals that are perpendicular to each other the game will spin up 90 degrees every time we try to go through a portal

Meaning that for the things like chunk loaders we need to keep the proper orientation of the portals otherwise we may run into some troubles next important change was the removal of a bug causing players and other entities to suffocate inside obsidian when going through the portals

The thing is the game tries to position us in the exit portal proportionally to where we’ve entered the first portal which with the portals were the same size this never is a problem but if you consider a very tall portal linked with a very wide portal going through the top of it would

Position us proportionally in the top part of the obsidian frame and going on the edge of the white portal would suffocate us on the side pillar of the narrow portal this is thankfully now corrected entities position is adjusted when exiting in the portal so we don’t end up in obsidian

But the most significant difference in the new portal linking albeit not really that dramatic comparing to the quote-unquote the old one is the area where portal blocks are being searched for when traveling in the overall the game does queries a rectilinear area that’s 257 blocks across and at all y levels

In the search of the portal blocks and that’s roughly where it was before and within that it finds the closest portal however when traveling into the nether the search box is only 16 blocks away from the equivalent overworld portal position and that makes sense these 16 blocks is 128 blocks out

Area corresponds in the overworld but this means that the crazy broken links that we have seen from the olden days should be gone you can only manipulate portals that link up within this small area and everything outside of this box is not even considered and that distance

Is not really that far meaning we can come up with some really interesting setups to control it portal size is still maximum of 21×21 meaning that if we have a large portal in the nether it may even link up to several different portals in the overworld one quite important thing about portal

Linking is the fact that when we go through what matters is the rounded block position of our current exact location in the other dimension meaning that while in the nether that can give us 64 different positions within the same block and even when we stand within the same block can be really important

In the overworld though each eight by eight by one area corresponds to just one possible link in the nether site on top of that the location of the portal that we use doesn’t actually matter at all it’s our position what matters meaning that we can get teleported considering not only the portal

Locations but all the blocks in front and behind it providing we are at least touching the portal block and we actually use this feature in some of our portal tricks to help us see the links in the other dimension i made an addition to the overlay app that’s definitely worth checking out

The overall app is built into carpet and it was initially used to overlay some structural information but now we can overlay also the actual portal linkage what we have just seen is the portal coordinates overlay in the overall that shows the portal areas corresponding to a particular location

In the nether being the perfect match for this location and that should give us a good indication where to build a portal or target the specific nether coordinate but if you go into the nether since here one block is 64 different portal locations we have a single indicator resolving for us the overall

Position column by column depending where we are looking at and that’s not all with portal links we will be also scanning the other dimensions for valid existing portal teraport locations showing us which links if any is the closest currently in that range and this can be really helpful in debugging the issues with

Portals since we are still seeing all other therapy locations we didn’t win as well similarly to coordinate display in the nether what matters is the exact point on the face of the block we are looking at since links in the nether can swap rather drastically with small changes in the teleport location

However in the overworld the similar things happen in this case we have this full 8×8 area resolution unit here so links to correspond in other portals are displayed based off of the player position and are just jetting out from the player meaning the best viewing for them would

Be one in one of the third person views so let’s look at some tricks you can pull off with the new portals to show them somewhat better since creative players have only one tick portal delay to go through the portal which is not what is realistic since survival players need

To stay for 4 4 seconds to get teleported i’ll be using here portal creative delay which allows me to change that creative amount let’s change it to 20 ticks so we are still realistic but we’ll cut down on some nausea the first set of tricks i’d like to show

You deals with player direction you see in this game we can move players around with pistons water entities gravity but one thing that we can’t really change easily is player viewing direction without player doing it explicitly with your mouse so let’s say we have a contraption where we

Need to turn the player around to do something else on their way back normally that’s not possible but you can do that with portals it would have been so much easier before when you could simply change the direction of the portals by placing blocks in the background or the front of it

But even now it’s still possible in the first example we’ll turn the player around in the overworld we have a portal that we would walk into it that put us in the nether with two portals positioned on the other axis so in the overall the portrait would

Look like this and now here we have two rotated by 90 degrees we’ll enter the nether in one of those and walk into the other i put here a few honey blocks because we need to leave fully the first bottle and stay outside for a short time for

Game to reset our portal timer but we could use other slowing methods as well like soul sand or spacing the portals even a little bit more and now when we enter the other portals we’ll get rotated that second time it would put us in the opposite direction

Where we came through so let me show that again smoothly so we can see how this would look like without breaks pretty cool and useful stuff another setup we have here will rotate the player essentially turning it right in this case you have a portal

With a boat in it that will push us away from it when we came back from it the thing is if we are positioned perfectly and walking forward if we turn the right that would put us in the portal facing the frame so we will need some external factors to

Push us away and you can do that with a boat with some mob in it i just put here a chicken and the cow here just ended up here by accident just spawned on its own on the grass and walked into the boat somehow it’s not a big deal

In the nether we have one portal that’s on the same axis as the overworld one that’ll just not change our direction and then we need to push ourselves into sideways facing portals to bring us sideways into the overworld that would turn us in the overall then because of the boat that goes

Right up to the edge of the block will push us away onto the path and let’s repeat that with normal speed would walk into the boat first and then turn around and we are off two important things to know that we are entering this portal on

The right because we need to leave the portal before getting into another and if you would use the left block that would be possible to walk directly into a perpendicular proto in the nether that would lock us up and the second thing for the same reason the pistons here in

The nether to push the player are on a bit of a delay to allow us properly leave the first portal before entering the new one Another trick i would like to show here today is a double hidden treasure room you heard that right not a single but double let me show you first how it works so first of all we have this normally looking portal if you go through this leads to a

Normally looking nether portal and if we try to go back we are back where we started suspicious not really however if we open up the space behind the portal and enter it being on these two blocks we end up in our secret diamond stash room good so far going back unfortunately

Leads us to a different portal somewhere in the cave but with a water column you can quickly get out onto the surface i mean this makes sense the secret room will have some secret exit however that’s not all so let’s go back to the diamond room again

Entering through the back of the portal and here we also have a suspicious block and if you power this one and exit through the back of the diamond portal will end up in our secret room where all our netherride goodies are since then the right is now the new

Diamond and here we can browse all the chests and all the stuff and just going back leads us back to our normal portal in the nether from there we can just go back home again so how does it work we have a little diagram over here

Our main overall portal is in the nether equivalent of x2 coordinate and we’ll be doing this all of this on the z plane so it’s easier to see it from this portal we can only see this main nether portal which is at x 18 so it’s exactly 16 blocks away

Which is our maximum portal reach so whenever we go through here we’ll end up in that crimson forest portal going back this portal sees all the three portals in the overvolt we have here the cave exit and another right room but the main one is the closest

So you get teleported there there is nothing suspicious about it now if you open the back of this porthole now the back side belongs to a different another coordinate which is x3 and you cannot just walk into from this direction we have to actually stand behind the portal when it links us

Up and you can also see that by confirming that this back here of the portal is on the side of the cell in our coordinate visualize tool this means that if we enter through the back suddenly the diamond portal which is at x19 is also in the range and sits on the

Same y-coordinate despite being one block further is actually closer and that’s great this means that we are here done with it however if we exit it will exiting through the nether x19 coordinate which means that we won’t be able to see the main portal therefore we have created that portal in

The cave below that’s a little further than the main one but since now this one is the closest one in range will get teleported there instead and this is all fine but since we made this one moved just one block further and the matching portal we have at still

At the maximum range from the diamond in the room if we enter the diamond portal standing at x20 so from the back of it we won’t be seeing the main of a reporter nor the cave one and the only remaining portal in the reach will be this one high in the sky with

Our netherite goods which is technically always in reach for all those portals but it’s always a little bit too far comparing to the other ones and that’s where we’ll end up now leaving this double hidden room will go back into the closest nether portal which is

Which is the one in the crimson forest and that’s how we can close the cycle so that’ll be it now hidden rooms are cool and all but they’re not really that practical what would be practical is a fast elevator and it’s actually very easy thing to do with other portals that goes

Just one way which is actually not that good but i’ll show you how you can build a fully functional up and down elevator for both dimensions at the same time and that’s actually super useful in this case let’s start with the diagram since there is nothing hidden about this setup and it’s

Better to explain it how we put it together and then demo it so the block positions here at least on the x-axis are accurate here for the nether and the overvolt one of these represent obviously eight times the number of blocks and these two workstations in the middle

Represent the overall bottom and top stations and balls span total 16 overall blocks so two blocks in another as you’ll need to access the two nether x coordinates for the proper linkage however the top and the bottom are not exactly aligned but offset by eight overall blocks so

Technically it’s not a proper tower more like a pisa tower connecting these two the side stations will be in another and they need to be spread across 30 blocks this is not the perfect alignment either but i wouldn’t expect you would build a building and an elevator really

Joining one to another but you will do it entirely wirelessly the portals in there are always sideways also occupating 200 polar coordinates as you can pick up here one thing important to note is that distance between the bottom and the top one can be anything as long as more than 16 blocks but

I would assume you would want to build the system to get all the way 250 block so that shouldn’t be an issue in the overworld this portal column over here in the middle is the only place where you can see actually both edges of those two portals

Meaning that when you enter over here we end up up top and if you enter over here the bottom will end up with the closest portal which is up here at the bottom of the nether however if you move one block over to here then that portal and the top of the nether

Falls outside of our link range and the only portal to link up is the one at the bottom giving out an instant teleportation from the top of the world to the bottom of the nether pretty sweet conversely if you take out the outer portal at the bottom the closest nether portal is now

Out of the range and the only portal linked we have now is at the top of the nether and that will end up going and that’s what covers all the possible cases of travel from the overworld up up down down up down and down up

Now when you are in the nether if you look at this particular portal block this one sees this entire column of blocks and portals meaning that when the enter will have a chance of choosing the closest one which is at the top however if we use the outside block

This entire column falls out of the raider out of the range and the only portal available will be this one at the bottom linking top of the nether with the bottom of the overworld similarly at the bottom is the same situation this block sees this entire column linking up with the

Bottom of the overworld station and this one only sees the portion of the top of the nether portal giving us all combinations of travel one important note is that when you are entering roughly in the middle but still close to the side of the block in order for this

One to see exit locations in the overworld where it is a precise 128 blocks away there needs to be a portal close to this edge of the block to catch it meaning that either will have to have a very large or 16 blocks wide portal or some extra flank portals to cache

These connections we can also use these side portals exclusively for travel but their mission is just to capture pixel perfect teleports through the middle of the block here we’ll see that how it looks up in the real world one word of warning with such tight portal linkage is that you cannot

Have any other portals in the range that can cause some interference which in another means no other process within this 32 by 32 blocks white colon which is not too bad to be honest 32 blocks is not bad but in the overall that’s actually 256 blocks so that’s quite a big

Area otherwise some portals could link up with the wrong ones but all in all as the fast nether travel and as a portal hub this is a cool and practical idea so let’s see that how this would work in practice so we’re here at the top of the overworld in our station

And this one as i was explaining could consist of just one large 16 blocks wide portal or if we don’t want to we can use just these two flank portals or like i did it with a small portal in the middle so we can use this aesthetically to get

In and out up and down and if you look at our app we can just see the links that form when you’re on the left side of the boundary the only other portal that we can see is the one at the bottom of the nether

And if we cross this line over here we can now see both portals just this one is now a little bit closer so now go to the nether we can see that in the middle of these two blocks on the right hand side you can see only two

Portals that are at the bottom of the world and if you cross over this block now the new one appears that’s actually closer which is up top meaning that this line is here now the boundary between the top portal and the bottom portal and as you can see this is actually very

Easy to go down to the overload down to the nether we can use either this portal or the left section of the middle portal or if we had one large 16 blocks white portal as i was saying doesn’t really matter but that’s cute and that the small one

As we can see this one this side links to the top and this one links with the bottom it’s up to you how you organize this one and you’re here in the bottom of the nether let’s go to the top of the overworld as is explained the bottom section is right

Below just shifted by eight blocks so you can hop instead and to get to the top of it we can either go to the top of the nether first like so and then to the top of the overworld so let’s hop again we can also go through the bottom of the

Nether as well so the other route like so there’s one more trick i wanted to show you that you can actually disable portals completely it’s a proper portal all opposition blocks air in the middle no tricks i promise and this is new 1.6 in the feature

And it just simply doesn’t work i can try with that redstone using dispenser and flynn and steel and it doesn’t work either and you might be guessing never you just modded that in and i would say no that’s actually vanilla i’ll leave it up to you guys

In the comments to guess how this can be done that the portals just don’t work i don’t know what you would use this for i know if you if your sermon admin playing without portals might have some benefits so it’s not that important but the question is

How this happens and i’ll let you guys guess it and that will be it for today a new nether portals explained as of 1.16.3 very different than they were before with a few cool tricks you can pull off with them some of them practical like the elevator or the afk

Player turned around her and some of them mostly for fun like the double hidden secret room or disabling the portals completely so if you enjoyed the video or learned something you don’t forget to leave me like leave me your guess in the comments down below how i disable the portals all together

But this time it should work yeah oh right on so why the other one didn’t work hmm interesting so i’ll be looking through your comments and see if someone has a good guess see in the next one bye bye

This video, titled ‘5 Secret Portal Tricks You Didn’t Even Know Existed [Minecraft 1.16.3]’, was uploaded by gnembon on 2020-09-19 13:00:09. It has garnered 102436 views and 4665 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:27 or 1527 seconds.

Today I discuss all changes done to portals in the recent versions including significant changes introduced in 1.16.2.

I also present 5 tricks you can do with portals right now, including, rotating AFK player, double hidden room, portal elevator and other.

World files (elevator world includes a key to how to disable portals entirely): http://bit.ly/1162_portals

————– Recorded with Minecraft 1.16.3 with Carpet Mod 1.4.11

Carpet Mod with Scarpet API: https://github.com/gnembon/fabric-carpet https://github.com/gnembon/carpet-extra https://github.com/gnembon/scarpet

Carpet Mod for 1.12: https://github.com/gnembon/carpetmod112

Minecraft IGN: gnembon

Message me on Discord: https://discord.gg/d4gagnU Find me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gnembon_mc

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    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “https://discord.com/invite/a9c3Yt7AM2” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ https://bit.ly/36AIMDc 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All Mobs

    Ultimate Minecraft Pumpkin Boss vs All MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-18 21:58:02. It has garnered 1321 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Minecraft Lord Pumpkin V’s All mob || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!

    Minecraft Secrets: Insane MK 2215 Tent House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft tent house #minecraft #minecrafbuilds #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by MK 2215 on 2024-01-04 12:10:26. It has garnered 2452 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More


    PLAROS - 100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS MINECRAFT CHALLANGE HARDCORE MOD SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by PLAROS on 2024-02-29 21:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 100 days without getting bored, I’m doing a survival challenge in minecraft. I’m waiting for long video lovers to watch this video … Read More

  • EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    EPIC Iron Golem vs Fire Zombie Showdown! 💥🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron golem vs fire zombie 🚀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by akshit deshwal on 2024-03-24 03:15:47. It has garnered 5494 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #viral #trending #hacks #gaming #easybuild minecraft minecraft mod cash nico minecraft mods family friendly nico and cash cash and nico minecraft mobs minecraft challenge minecraft shorts minecraft funny kid friendly maizen minecraft custom mod minecraft custom aphmau custom mob minecraft mobs remade custom mobs minecraft mob i remade every mob in minecraft banned minecraft custom boss custom minecraft mobs custom mobs… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee – Daisy Daisy

    Unbelievable Minecraft Animation Short: RixPiee - Daisy DaisyVideo Information This video, titled ‘daisy daisy- #shorts #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-25 23:32:35. It has garnered 9796 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Watch as Herobrine ventures into the mysterious and eerie backrooms of Minecraft in this animated video. Will he find treasure or danger lurking in the darkness? Find out in this thrilling adventure! Join Herobrine on an adventure into the mysterious world of the backrooms in this Minecraft animation! Explore the dangers and secrets of this hidden place and see if Herobrine can make it out… Read More

  • Gujju Bhai’s Insane Countmaster Skills #7

    Gujju Bhai's Insane Countmaster Skills #7Video Information This video, titled ‘Countmaster #7’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-15 20:37:28. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft builds minecraft hardcore minecraft horror minecraft roleplay minecraft automatic farm minecraft arg minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft and chill minecraft april fools minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft asmr minecraft avatar a minecraft project a minecraft song a minecraft story a minecraft parody a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PVP Moments – GameXcoom

    Insane Minecraft PVP Moments - GameXcoomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher)’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-23 06:00:09. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Random clips Minecraft pvp (pojaylauncher) ip- vortexpvp.fun minecraft minecraft pvp pvp donutsmp lifesteal smp bedwars hypixel lifesteal shorts drdonut java minecraft java mojang pvp server cheating minemanner cpvp hoplite crystal hacker crystal pvp minecraft smp minecraft pvp server rich duel hacking hack triggerbot 1.8 bedwars smp 1.8 texture packs skywars 1.8 pvp hacks 1.8 senpai senpaispider netherite pot pvp clan kopiop notrexy montage texture pack india… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨

    Mind-Blowing Parkour Art in Minecraft! (PPL Request) 🎨Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606January 12, 2024’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:34:31. It has garnered 238 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,606 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time… Read More

  • Tesseract

    TesseractTesseract is a great minecraft server that have flying island. You can travel between them in a map full of it where there is city created by everybody. There is also a second flying island region that is made by architect in the creative server of tesseract where aventure awaits. You can build city, create alliances, becoming rich with shop and jobs in a aether inspired mc serv Tesseract had a creative server where you can have unlimited worldedit and voxelsniper command (and gopaint, gobrush) with gigantic plots Join now to see how great is it to fly ! tesseract.onl Read More

  • ShadeCraft 24/7 SMP Modded Whitelist

    Join Our Gaming Community! Welcome to Our Streamer Community! If you enjoy chatting, hanging out, and playing games, then you’re in the right place. Join our casual gaming group and be a part of the fun! Join our Discord server to get whitelisted: https://discord.gg/uxbTdjQhCs Share your username under the #whitelist channel and specify if you play on Java or Bedrock. Find the server IPs in the #server-ip channel on Discord. Features include: McMMO Sky Dimension Dungeons & Taverns Mob Arena PvE Minigame Custom Quests Anti-Griefing Features (CoreProtect) 24/7 Survival Whitelist Daily Backup Java & Bedrock Support Versions Supported: 1.8 -… Read More

  • Minecraft Gaming

    Welcome to Minecraft Gaming, where endless adventures await! Dive into a vibrant community where creativity knows no bounds. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or an adventurer seeking epic quests, there’s something for everyone here. Join us and explore vast landscapes, conquer challenging dungeons, and forge friendships that last a lifetime. Immerse yourself in a world of limitless possibilities on Minecraft Gaming – where the journey is as exciting as the destination! Build, explore, and thrive with us! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steal and Mine: A Minecraft Meme

    Minecraft Memes - Steal and Mine: A Minecraft MemeThis meme is stealing the show with that high score! Read More

  • Unseen Minecraft Homes: Kid-Proof and Unknown!

    Unseen Minecraft Homes: Kid-Proof and Unknown! Invisible houses in Minecraft, a secret delight, Hidden from view, out of sight. 99% of players, never laid eyes, No more fear of destruction, no more cries. Naughty children beware, no more mischief to bring, These invisible houses, a secret wing. Guardians in millions, can they defeat, The ender dragon, in a heartbeat? Minecraft trivia, a world so vast, Endless possibilities, a blast. Stay tuned for more, in rhymes so fine, Minecraft news, always on time. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #minecraftmemes #memes #gaming #funny #meme #lokicraft #oldfreefireback Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you ready to experience the exciting comeback of Minecraft with the highly anticipated Update 1.21? The recent additions like the mace, trail chambers, Ominous trail, and the new mob, the armadillo, have sparked a renewed interest in the game. If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community to join, look no further than Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and forge lasting friendships. Don’t miss out on the excitement… Read More

  • Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft!

    Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft! The Hidden Underwater Village in Minecraft That 99% of Players Haven’t Seen! Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem in Minecraft that left you in awe? Well, get ready to be amazed by the underwater village that 99% of players haven’t discovered yet! In this article, we’ll dive deep into this mysterious underwater world and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Exploring the Uncharted Waters Imagine swimming through the vast ocean in Minecraft, surrounded by nothing but water. Suddenly, you come across a cluster of buildings submerged beneath the waves. As you approach, you realize that… Read More

  • Insane Journey Through Minecraft’s Iconic Maps

    Insane Journey Through Minecraft's Iconic MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Explored Famous Minecraft Maps From Every Year’, was uploaded by JunD on 2024-04-19 20:01:48. It has garnered 3774 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:39 or 3279 seconds. I played Minecraft’s most popular maps from every year, from 2009 all the way to 2024. This video is the longest video I have ever made. Map Download Links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e5iWrB_KhTA5eZR5qzqdJRD2QJzRwx2S7ncG8L_fj4U/edit?usp=sharing 2009 Map: The first Minecraft world 2010 Maps: Double Pyramid with internal water fountain, Temple of Notch, Survival Island, Tsuchi Iwa Castle (Earth Rock Castle), Star Destroyer 2011 Maps: The Temple Of… Read More

  • Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft Mine

    Demonic Creature Haunts Minecraft MineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jinn Mine on 2024-02-16 11:13:09. It has garnered 19803 views and 1108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft Horror Creature 😱 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #gamingshorts minecraft horror horror minecraft techno gamerz minecraft minecraft bhoot minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror game minecraft horror videos minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz ujjwal minecraft minecraft game minecraft horror map minecraft ghost bhoot minecraft techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror movie minecraft horor bhutiya minecraft techno gamer horror video… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie Showdown

    EPIC Minecraft Herobrine Vs Smarty Pie ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine Vs Yes Smarty Pie @YesSmartyPie #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts’, was uploaded by NOOB 444 on 2024-01-12 03:30:02. It has garnered 5544 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

5 Secret Portal Tricks You Didn’t Even Know Existed [Minecraft 1.16.3]