500 Days in Minecraft 1.20 – INSANE World Tour!

Video Information

Hi howdy hello everybody it’s me fully suited up sudal here and welcome back to the Minecraft guide day number 500 almost today it’s time you sit back and cozy and relax in today’s episode in honor of the first 500 Days of this world we’re going to take a look back at

Literally everything it’s time for a good oldfashioned World Tour kicking things off at World’s vond moving over to the Cherry Blossom base and getting everything in between Down Below in the comments I need to know what has been your favorite build or project this entire season so

Far was it the sugarcane farm Gerard’s Landing or something else tell me about it down below I’d love to hear if you’ve been enjoying the series so far tap like and if you’re new here I welcome to the Minecraft guy all right now as the sun slowly sets on the horizons of her

Beautiful base over here I I think we should roll it back take it back to where we started I’ll meet you there as the sun slowly Rises on day number 500 here we are back home sweet home spawn sweet spawn inside of this world we kicked everything off humbly way back

Over at spawn sweet spawn it’s literally right at World spawn it’s in a forest biome that kind of smashes into his Bruce biome and it’s quaint it’s small it’s nice and humble oh yeah and Sky Tower over there so the Minecraft guide is our little Survival Let’s Play

Tutorial let’s play Minecraft series we kicked everything off in Minecraft 1.20 like literally a couple days after the update released right now as a stand today I’m in 1.20.1 but as soon as out to find updates I’ll update the world too and for this world I did a little

Bit of seed curating and wanted to find a seed that was like the ultimate origin story like a basic simple Forest I mean I don’t know about you but maybe other than the planes it doesn’t give more start or early game than this I think I

Did a world seed reveal in like probably episode 5 or something like that I don’t know this tree right here is technically speaking the founder of it all Founders Tree the very first log in this world that literally kicked off everything and brought us a diamond armor I converted

Into the crafting table and it’s stand strong here to this very day right there now one of my big obsessions with this world was cherry trees it was brand new I knew I would have to move out and find these sweet pretty pink petals they’re just so gorgeous but anyways starter

House weed humble little starter house for this thing I wanted to build like basically the ultimate starter house like you close your eyes and envision one that’s what I was hopefully going for and I mean I don’t know I feel like I kind of pulled it off it’s basically

Just a Square house except in one of the corners is just a porch inside of the house I have like a little bit of Sword situation going on we got our OG frame for the map right there the classic red bed the skeleton skull a little bit of

Extra loot you know how it goes I put a back door on this house too just in case of emergency and know it’s so sad I hate to be so sad so soon but poor Billy Bob the first zombie that was slain inside of this world at least I think hey yo by

The way channel members here’s a world download out to commemorate 5 00 days it’s out right now you can probably jump into the world and follow the tour like check it all out everything like that I think you’ll start over here because like I said worlds one is like literally

In that patch of grass right over there you’ll probably end up spawning over here because like I said the world spawn is literally in that patch of grass right over there now over here we got our simple little starter Farm not much to say about that and then a couple

Sheep that I they they chose to live inside of the pen forever over here was the oldfashioned camel sweet camel’s pen it’s a camel that we met in episode like seven or something they lived over there for the longest time over here the classic the amazing the cow Crusher

Fueled food needs early game for like quite some time and kind of still does to this day but just in a different spot now my idea with World spawn over here was to kind of like cover the early game of Minecraft so like the first 20 or so

Episodes maybe like 21 episodes I consider that chapter one of the series right now we’re kind of in like maybe chapter 2 sliding into chapter three of the series but yeah chapter 1 was all about early game Minecraft and really like building this whole base up in one

Of the episodes we talked all about how to do potions and everything that’s kind of like one of the big things of the Guide tips tricks you know Farms everything like that and while we were talking about potions we built this humble simple little I don’t know what

You call it maybe like potion Shack beautiful Brewing station I don’t know you know something like that it’s for potions right there I thought the blue on the top was really shocking and cool at the time and yeah I kind of still love it to this day that building that’s

All about smeltery we did an episode on furnaces now over here this was all about one of the easiest best early things to farm in the entire world sure sure valid it might not be the best food in the world but sweet berries oh sweet beautiful berries I think this was like

No I in guide season 3 I built a gigantic Sweet Berry Farm so I think that was probably bigger but this is like biggest for how early it was on in the game for me and and now that I look at it here maybe I need to like actually

Just just one up and build a bigger Farm over at the new base this build specifically I think was the first build that I did with cherry wood and I just still love this build to this day it’s so simple like it’s nice and open but like this Gateway right there the awning

It’s so cool looking oh wait what’s that oh yeah that’s right and also Berry collection out now to kick this Farm in the world off right right when I designed this I dropped this whole Berry summery themed merch collection I think it’s still in the store so then aside

From what’s across the river over there nether sword we’ll talk about it in a minute that’s basically it for spawn sweet spawn over here at the spawn base I took a little bit of time and tried to spawn on proof everything so it’s like pretty nice and lit up all around over

Here if you were chilling in this area like more specifically inside of the buildings by the paths you should be like relatively safe oh yes that’s right chicken farm I forgot about you you’ve been running for a long time haven’t you but uh yeah I think oh no no no no

There’s one more thing there’s one more big thing every single world needs it we just talked about how could I almost forget one final thing over here at spawn that actually um I don’t know if I ever mentioned this but I never technically fully finished this whole

Thing over over here across the river from uh like spawn on the starter house right over there we’ve got a dock we’ve got a dock that turns into a road that eventually I at least I used to I don’t know if I’ll do it anymore but

Eventually at one point I wanted to like come back over here and like put a proper building up on the surface to mark it after all down here this operation is very important this is still to this day one of the I kind of hate to say it but one of the only

Experience farms in this entire world it’s a zombie experience Farm there’s a zombie spawner in there you know drops them in they go up they fall down they’re one hit you like take them out over there right over here is also like the only level 30 enchantment setup in

This entire world anytime I want to do any enchanting I need to go from the other base which is our permanent one we don’t come to spawn anymore and like enchant over here it’s kind of a bit of a walk and definitely on the dooo list

Is like fix up the armor that I have right here it’s like decent and at some point build an enchanting setup that is just as good if not even better over at the new permanent base so like I mentioned we’ve been like the first 20 or so episodes of the series entirety of

Chapter one over here going through Minecraft’s early game from like your very start the starter house mining everything like that all the way up until eventually you take on the Ender Dragon after that like like literally right after that I knew it was time to move nether sword I built this thing

When I was talking about nether portals for the first time in this world and I think it’s beautiful it’s like a giant sword sticking straight down into the ground I don’t think I ever built a nether portal that is like a sword before at least s a video for like

YouTube or anything like that so this was like my first one and I don’t know it was just like on that bucket list of something that I always wanted to do I think it turned out pretty nice and of course you know being 1.20 Cherrywood

And all I knew I had to use the pink wood and the design up there so it’s like popping through in the handle I love this portal just genuinely I think this is the best portal that I have ever built in all of my time playing Minecraft and it’s like pretty simple

Too so spawn sweet spawn right here at the evening day number 500 I think that’s just about everything everything over here next stop over to the nether as soon as we slide into the portal over here in the nether the first thing that

We see is an ice Road this ice road is a way more recent project I didn’t put this in until like pretty recently over there we’ve got an option to go to the witch Farm a more on that later we’ll come back and then over here we’ve got

The other option to go all the way over to the cherry grow biome for this world being Minecraft 1.20 and all and then with that beautiful Brand’s new biome filled with particles and I knew that I would have to probably like end up settling over at that biome early on I

Kind of said there’s like little condition that I would need to explore and I I knew I wanted to find a cherry blossom biome with some beautiful mountains in the background I did a tiny bit of exploring and eventually I think like actually no no no correction like I

Know like as soon as I found my first cherry tree it was off in the distance over there by a mountain I kind of saw this area and knew I would come back to it one day so this area this humble sweet little area over here is currently

Nowadays as of current like currently current exactly right now this beautiful moment this base is our entire living our home our heart and soul this is where we live and Thrive and survive and everything like that slowly but surely ever since episode number 20 we’ve been building up this area trying to like

Basically I have a simple goal to make this my best world that I love the most ever there are still definitely some like giant holes in it for example this area right here maybe we’ll take that on like soon next episode or something but for the most part we’re starting to come

In and be like built up together I really like it it feel feels like really cozy oh yeah and cozy cozy is like one of my main rules for this base but I think we should start kind of with that mountain over there so in this world I

Think every single episode so far I played with render distance of 30 it’s going to be like just out of render distance like a little bit out of it but over there that mountain you can kind of see it in the distance in fact maybe it’s not even out of render distance I

Think there was like an OG cherry tree over there I had found this mountain it was really beautiful and I think I probably noticed this one in the background around them the mountain this area is pretty cool because it’s kind of got like big big caves all over the

Mountain I’ve checked out some of them some of them I haven’t yet and I found something beautiful underneath the mountain as well I put a lot of thought into like this specific location that I wanted to build my base at essentially I was going for this like peaceful

Mountain Valley Vibe or something like that that I said at the time I basically wanted to build my starter house and have this big tall looming mountain in the background I knew I wanted to build like up on the mountains but also still like have big mountains in the

Background so that’s kind of why we picked this location now this spot right over there that house that was the first build that we built over here this is kind of like starter house 2.0 and for this build I was inspired by well I don’t know if I’m going to be able to

Find it anymore but if I can I’ll pop it up but this picture right here I was really inspired by it I wanted to basically also take one single shape and show off that like yeah you could make something pretty cool looking out of a shape so it’s just like one simple

Rectangle that’s the back wall front wall side wall and the other side wall over there on the inside way more recently I made it a little bit more cozy after like so many requests uh I still sorry that took so long uh will’ll never happen again so over here is like

The trophy room living space eventually I want to put a dragon skull over there I think that’ll be cool and then maybe now that I think about I with like the dragon egg on the mantle too maybe we got a little bit of bookshelves in here

A little bit of maps of everything I’ve seen in the world including our base right there this spawn on starter base right there and then this actually goes up to the stronghold that we were just at like an episode ago the room’s cozy it’s simple it’s like a living space

With like a quick easy sleeping spot moving over we’ve got our dear friend Bonzo Bonzo is the brains the heart the everything good about this world I love Bonzo so much Bonzo was our best friend in the world and has been with us for like a long time maybe since like day 10

Or I don’t know well it was like really early on in the world long time anyways this is the kitchen right there got to use that new 1.20 wood bamboo as well can’t sleep on it upstairs I’ve got a little bedroom not too much going on up

Here just a a closet with some of the tools and things that I found a bed and a little bit of a nice view if eventually hopefully by the end of this world this will be filled out and be a beautiful view with like more builds

Across the way over there and more down there and you know everything like that moving back down over here spinning around we’ve got the storage room it’s really not much right now it’s definitely small and cramped and a little bit disorganized in fact like looking at it now I don’t know why I

Don’t like condense some of this stuff down into blocks hey that’s the first one I definitely should probably be better about condensing the stuff down into blocks but yeah the sword room when it comes to Diamond count right now I well don’t worry about it don’t worry it’s not looking too odd okay

Backtracking B interdimensional demon I don’t know how the demon traveled all the way to here from like seasons and seasons ago and then over here we’ve got Camelot and well I don’t know if I’ve ever named you before have I named that Camel H help now next up there’s not

Going to be really any way that I can go in order so we’ll just kind of like follow the path walk around the base and talk about it this is a beautiful little statue that I built for like a bonus build the bonus builds were a thing

Where we were doing for a while where like at the end of every episode I would come back and build something random I built a statue I built a well I didn’t build a flying orb it just kind of popped up there but yeah you know how it

Goes over here Betty and Jean and then a couple other sniffers as well these things this is one of the first things or maybe like the second thing that I built over here at the base you know being 1.20 and all that saw some questions about it at the time like why

Are you build a sniffer farm right away isn’t there more important things but like no no no no no this is the most important thing by far because look at this I built the thing so early on and I’ve been farming these things not stop and look I don’t know pal buddy if

You’ve ever seen any more sniffer flowers than ever in your life before this is a simple little farm with like bees that like speeds up the pollination everything like that it’s pretty nice from time to time I come over here and harvest up the Honeycombs absolutely

Need to build a bee farm soon though I want to build like an automatic one I love me a good farm that produces me things for free especially if they turn into blocks this building right here is kind of just like a random build it’s empty nowadays but it was essentially

Like a villager holding cell I imported some villagers from all across the world over at the base and eventually moved them over to the Village of breeder while I held him there for like a couple episodes time I wanted to build like a nice simple house and give him a cool

View over the valley you know how it goes ethics mors this area I think it’ll eventually become maybe a little bit more of a centerpiece area but for now it’s kind of off to the side it’s a Showcase of every single wood type in the game that we’ve gone out and found

So far I did an episode like talking all about that and then we’ve got a simple little Fountain I also wanted to make a garden with every single tree type in the game as well all of the nether trees they don’t really fit the vibe but yeah

Moving on we’ve got another statue that I didn’t build interdimensional demon summoned that boy in then we’ve got Bono’s Bridge named after deer Bonzo and no incidents that never ever happened over here trust me it’s been fine the whole time it’s a cool big long bridge that kind of sags across the whole

Valley Canyon whatever you Fjord Fjord it sags across the whole Fjord and leads over to the other side of the base eventually not quite yet but eventually one day we’re going to have a bunch of like more base stuff over here maybe it’s going to be a big farm maybe it’s

Going to be just like more buildings you know how it goes but yeah we’re going to have more stuff over here this thing right here is the evil the nasty the maybe only experienced Farm now that I think about it over here the poison spider farm if we go ahead and jump down

In here it’s going to take us all the way down to a spider actually two spider spawners that I found inside of a m shaft is actually a double spider bar if I stand over here by this crafting table both spider spawners are active and eventually it’ll you know spawn the

Spiders drop them in they go over here and I swing at them with my sword and you know take them out experienceing drops go into the chest the same thing with this one over here this is my favorite spawner Farm room inside of this world I mean look there’s not much

Competition but I think my detailing work is like off the charts here I got deep slide all over red to match the eyes of the spider dark oak wood or Spruce whatever that is and I don’t know I just think it uh turned out really really nice strong and like exactly what

My vision was for this room I love this Farm now speaking of that farm there’s actually quite a few episodes like actually a lot of episodes that we’ve gone through in this series where we’re like say exploring talking about M shafts maybe the deep dark biome you

Know things like that that like we’re not going to really be able to talk about inside of this um this episode because there’s nothing to show with the series kind of being like a Survival Let’s Play tutorial series I try and like base every episode on something so

There’s like at least one bit of potentially useful information in every single episode The useful bit of information and this one is well let me let me get back to the let me get back to you on that one I’ll think about it armadillo the armadillo for Minecraft

Mvo 2023 I built the penguin up there I built an armadillo right there and then there’s actually a crab sitting right over there this view right now is one of my favorite views of the entire base because I mean well like you could see the entire base every single build that

We built over there it kind of like just shows off so nicely absolutely I need to fill that hole behind the man it’s like really starting to drive me a little crazy but yeah it’s like a nice view of everything that we built to the base or

Most of it this thing over here so I like to try and like provide something of value in every single episode for you guys also like make it fun and everything like that but this one this was definitely one of those projects that’s just like a little bit more for

Fun this is the world’s biggest cookie bar you’re looking at it right here we’ve got a giant Wheat Field over here and then I have cocoa beans growing on the other side I take the wheat I take the cocoa I combine them and make a giant beautiful cookie we did this in

Aonor of episode 30 when I had like moved over to the base I was young and young dumb blind and excited I don’t though anyways the next up build over here that I need to build something up on the surface for uh there’s kind of a

Lot on the j-o list this build this is by far the favorite my best amethyst farm that I have ever built I took a geode and basically blew it up like expanded it we got the basalt and the ceiling a little bit of calide up there

Too still not sure on that one but then an amethyst Farm all over the place I can walk around down here use my pickaxe you know how it goes amethyst Farm harvest the stuff everything like that I might actually come back around to this one a little little bit later on and

Buff it up too but more on that later this thing over here is a door that leads to the m shaft and it’s actually the same M shaft that has that double spider spawner setup in it I got so lucky with this Geo down here in the

Rain the pouring rain why is there rain during my tour no oh no ah that ruins it it ruins it all right one day later hopefully that doesn’t happen again one day later and now it’s clear back to the tour so over here at this other side of the base

That’s actually just about it for now absolutely need to come back over here and build a proper building to Mark the amethyst Farm that’s another project that I should probably take on soon but now let’s cut back over to the other side so walking around this base so far

Today I’m actually kind of like surprised talking about every single build build by build I didn’t think I like actually maybe had so much going on but I guess I kind of do over here as you can probably guess by the noisy beautiful sounds of it we’ve got the

World’s best most over powered apparently villager braider this thing is going to lag the entire world out I need to shut it off probably anyways so up top here we’ve got two villagers to power it all they’re madly deeply in love they walk around they make it the

Baby the baby runs over here and falls and you know the cycle continues on forever one of my favorite things about this build other than how it like adds to the skyline on this side of the base is what I did up top with like a giant

Villager skull on the side I think it’s so cool oh and and don’t worry don’t worry I didn’t like source that from a villager or nothing it’s just like a a scaled up Recreation or nothing I’m 100% ethical always I promise why would you why would you not think anyways this is

Where fror lives rodor lives inside of a dirt Shack over here Fodor wanted to though so yeah from over here which is a little bit more of like the wild west of the base is a bit more unfinished you kind of get a cool view of like the

Inside of everything the farm right there that I just harvested before the episode the back of the sniffer building and you know everything else I guess moving along this way way right in front of our face oh my friend you your timing couldn’t be any more on points just the

Wonderful iron farm actually almost filling up here I need to like go ahead and empty that thing but yeah wonderful iron farm every single good Minecraft base needs one of these things eventually we’re going to have so much more iron than I could have ever dreamed of I could build like giant Ironman

Statue or something like that but next up let’s cut back over to this area so this is the spot that I want to finish we have the sniffer Farm over there right there dead center is a nether portal this is how you come in come out

Of the base I got a little bit of a cool hazy going on over here I built this actually like pretty early on and it’s a really easy build trick to pull off to I knew I wanted to have a nether portal like nice and conveniently centered over

Here at the base and I wanted to make it like a little bit different so this like weird chemicals or something from the nether spilling out like I should probably come in here and take care of the chemical situation but at the same time I kind of like it it’s hazy it’s

Foggy it’s pretty cool we got another road that kind of cuts up over here I informed that we were just at but right in front of the iron farm is another beautiful must have Farm the lava Farm I swe sweet beautiful baby this thing I builded it up down here with lava

Sources and then after that I’ve kind of had to like slowly start just like filling this chest up with buckets and as you can see it’s ready to harvest again this thing is so wonderful I’m so grateful that I decided to build this thing early on like with this lava Farm

Built over here in the base anytime I need fuel for smelting a lot of things like say like stone that I had to smelt for the sugar cane tower that we built it’s like perfect I just have fuel waiting ready to go all that I really

Need to add on to like maximize this thing right here is like some kind of Super Auto smelter somewhere over at the base that I could dump the lava buckets into maybe even like store them over there it’s also pretty good for getting obsidian too if I need to sugar cane

Farm sugarcane farm the tallest the baddest the coolest build in the entire world I keep harvesting this thing in between episodes and it’s kind of slowly starting to rake up here this thing is beautiful for a couple different reasons I mean of course the sugar can I can run

Around in here and manually Harvest everything it’s also great for a good view also also though it’s great for uh again rain really it’s going to rain again and no even worse it’s going to thunderstorm this time stop and leave me alone oh I swear it was meant to rain

Like every couple Minecraft days not like every day anyways I could also take the paper from this farm and sell it we built an emerald Farm we’ll get to it eventually but the view oh did I tell you the view the view is like well I’ll admit it this thing probably contributes

To the skyline and the view a little bit more than it does view right now but eventually it’ll be really good view I can I can feel it definitely cool thing about this one kind of fun to use is from the top you can jump all the way

Down landay right at the bottom and you know dump everything away but like the whole jump is really fun this is by far the tallest build of the entire world now right next to that eventually I want to have this path continue out over this way I’m just kind of waiting until

Eventually I build more builds over here but going over this way we’ve got the one the only the lovely the call the food farm this is where it’s all happens the magic is made inside of this building we’ve got the Wild free room cows over there ethical then we’ve got a

Smoker station right there with lava from across the road then I’ve got my friends over here that every once in a while I you know take the wheat walk over to them talk to them you know Soo them and you know feed them they get to

Have a good last meal and then after that they magically transport to the hopper that’s pretty cool for this Farm I wanted to do a hole Allin one so I actually went ahead and built a wheat farm over here too so I could like have every single line of this production

Serv is in here I flick the lever the water pours down the crops get harvested then I walk over here and you know like I just did I feel now next up moving around over here we’ve got this beautiful thing right here the bamboo farm this is another farm that we built

A long time ago you got to build one of these things that your base get established because I mean nowadays you have to have heard bamboo is literally wood this is a free automatic wood farm that is like decently efficient as well also if I wanted to I don’t think I ever

Have ever since I grew up but we’ve got the manual wood Farm on the inside too I could walk in here with my sword chop it all down but then the manual one’s a little bit more for Aesthetics I wanted to grow through the ceiling cuz I

Thought that would be cool for this world it’s really all about like how the base comes together at least for me I built the bamboo Farm then I added the build over there then I added the build like tall in the background that went a little before and yeah I don’t know I

Think it all just comes together and like when you stand in a spot where you can only see finished things it looks really good and feels like so like it just feels nice I want to make a world that feels so nice to be in so over here

Behind us uh here we’ve got our house that’s the storage room side of the house then we’ve got this building and we’ve got this building which is take a look at the roof I didn’t even notice until the second but finally it’s oxidizing with this build right here I

Wanted to have fully oxidized roof at least I think I want to have it I guess I’ll have to like wait and see until it fully oxidizes then maybe I’ll come back and wax it all but but anyways inside of this building our dear friend mendal mendal resides and lives over here you

Need mending anytime oh not a problem at all you can walk over to him and buy mending 14 emeralds it’s a pretty low price I guess it could be technically a little better but hey don’t worry about it 14 is easy piece of cake especially with my Emerald Farms inside of the

World it’s a quaint it’s a small simple little house here you got everything a librarian worker could ever dream of on the bookshelf over here I’m currently storing all of my different enchanted books that I’ve got there’s no like logic to how it’s organized just kind of

Everything thrown in here but but you know Minecraft 1.20 adding all those beautiful new useful blocks especially that bookshelf you got to do it legally you have to last and almost well almost last definitely not least we’ve got a brand new building over here this is the paper machine the emerald Titan with

Well with a pot on the porsch I don’t think I ever showed you that one it’s one of the shs that I had in the chest it made too much sense it’s like you know a paper map salesman I had to put the map podt on the porch it made too

Much sense eventually we update the game and maybe sore something in it but inside of here today’s comment of the day at long last I I kept forgetting I’m I’m so sorry about this but the village ‘s name is Maples zodak 9999 B I did a name naming contest and

Zodak one this is a Master Level cartographer Village and we got the paper farm right there all the way down to the globe Banner pattern and some cool maps in between yeah so by the way in the Minecraft guide series none of the experimental toggles are turned on

This is just like it’s just like whatever is in like in main Minecraft right now so no like so no like villager updates no bundle no 1.21 nothing like that we’ll get around to it eventually once it’s holy up with this area over here I was kind of thinking it would be

Nice so of course not only have The Mending villager nice and separate from all the other villager Farms like the iron farm and everything but also like in a safe spot that I could almost make like a town Vibe situation going on that’s kind of what I think it was with

Putting the whole paper farm right here it’s also right down the road from the proper paper farm so I get the paper I get the emeralds then I take it next door and it’s all streamlined it makes sense it also almost makes like a small little village over here which I thought

Was cool this beautiful Beauty over here I haven’t really really had the time to AFK quite yet so the drops are not going to be impressive but very recently as in like basically an episode ago we built this mob B in the sky basically hostile

Mobs spawn in the mob B they fall all the way down here and inside of the chest the mob drops go like I said I haven’t really been around over here at the base long enough though for this to like really be like in a position where

I could show off how it really truly works and everything like that I also need to run around and light up some of the caves that I know are right underneath the surface it’s a pretty cool build though and I think over time if I let this thing run it’s going to be

Like pretty good for stocking up on a lot of the mob drops next up here’s a crab I mean I don’t know I don’t know about you but that’s definitely absolutely 100% a crab and so with that I think unless I’ve missed something I’m pretty sure

10 96% sure that I have hit every single thing that we’ve built over at this base there have been some cool things we found underneath the base and things that we found near the base but everything that we built added to it I think that’s it so far next stop of the

Day is back over to the nether for us so inside of the nether here this is the origins of our nether Hub we don’t really have too much going on this is where we came from we can throw it all the way back to spawn or over this way

This will take us to the desert and actually pretty relatively recently it’ll take us to a nether fortress as well now over inside of the nether fortress we have literally nothing going on and inside of the desert I mean it’s literally just a desert where I harvest

All the sand for the glass that I need so nothing really to see over there here I’ve got a ladder that takes me down into the main nether we’re inside of the Crimson Boris bottom right now but instead I think I want to jump in this boat and sail straight down back over

This way we hit the corner and go ahead and turn we keep flying down this road it’s an absolute must have eventually Landing over here Open this gate and then we keep on moving we need to head over to the very first Outpost and the only Outpost right now that I’ve got

Inside of this world thanks to this ice road is such an Easy Transport it’s so quick this spot over here is maybe the most powerful op Farm of the entire world so far immediately as soon as we walk over here we look down it’s working the Redstone is flicking and I don’t

Know if you could see it in there but look at all the witches being dumped down into that farm that thing right down there is a super efficient in fact as efficient as it could get witch far it’s beautiful this Zone over here this swamp is formerly named gertrud’s

Landing I got this cool map situation going on over here and as you can see from the looks of the map basically I cleared out every tree nearby and lit it all up so I could like you know maximize spawns inside of the farm if I AFK over oh

God what is that the idea here is to maximize spawns by AFK overnight poor gertude uh she gave her I can’t even say it but she gave everything for this area and then this mob this wed on Halloween it was pretty cool I saved it in the

Boat now warning this Farm is loud it’s very very well at least usually it’s loud I guess it’s not anymore but this Farm is beautiful we get Glowstone redstone sugar gunpowder sticks literally everything you could dream of and even more it’s a beautiful Farm one

Of the most slept on farms in all of Minecraft and actually one of the most useful Farms too this little Zone over here though that’s like basically all there is to it it’s a simple little swamp cleared out and maximized for a super efficient witch Farm as soon as I

Enter this zone I’m up high in the sky ready to AFK probably one of my favorite things about this Farm is the fact that this thing will get you automatic glow stone and like a pretty decent amount of it especially if I were to AFK this far

A little bit more than I have like you get a lot solid decent amount of Glowstone pretty easily it’s really nice absolutely here going forward my plan is to build even more outposts and actually expand this Outpost probably like in that direction over there but expand it

With even more Farms I’ve always wanted to have a world where I have like different bases connected and then even more importantly at those different bases there’s like a like a specific reason to actually move over to that base and go check it out like you would

Come to the swamp for like you know using the witch farm that activates as soon as I get up high by the way the way and maybe even like using a slime farm or something that I build here as well Gertrude’s Landing this was like a big

Project that we did it was called operation Hollow a bunch of different projects all had to like come together to actually be able to pull this one off exactly how I dreamed of pulling it off it was nice sliding back inside of the nether into a boat and turning around

Heading back home sweet home the world tour in 500 Days of survival Minecraft I’m sure you could definitely find somebody out there who did a million trillion more things than there 500 days but the point with this world was to not only show you how things are done but

Also keep it a little bit more realistic so I feel like so far that’s like a pretty realistic look at what 500 Days in Survival Minecraft might look like walking around just drowning myself inside of all the Noster that has been this series so far I’ve had so much fun

Working on it making on it trying to come with like in organized order for once to like do the episodes in and yeah just in general building this world up here together with you if I had to pick a single favorite thing in this entire world oh gosh that’s like really hard I

I almost struggle and almost literally can’t to pick a favorite thing but I mean I guess if I had to I mean I guess if I had to pick a single favorite build of this entire world I think it actually might have to be that sugar cane farm at

Least right now I don’t know if it’s like reeny biased or what but I love how the farm turned out like when I’m inside of it using it but maybe even more so how it contributes to the skyline and like fills in the base over there I

Think it looks so cool I think I love that thing and I would marry it if I could so what is your favorite build or project of this entire world you let me know down below sincerely dearly I would like to thank you all in fact hats off

To you for supporting me showed me all the love you know everything that you guys are always doing for me if it wasn’t for you I truly genuinely wouldn’t be able to make this series I am so excited for like I genuinely can’t wait to see what we’re able to pull off

Of these next 500 days because now at this point we’re like at the point of thriving maybe we get an elytra maybe we get netherite Maybe maybe we even build like I don’t know like at least one more build I would think anyways thank you all so much for watching I

Hope you enjoyed the tour and if you’re new here check out the playlist next with a bunch of the episodes or maybe even check out the movie chapter one of the series has a full movie I’ll leave a card on screen right now and channel members if you’d like to check out the

World now’s your time World download out right now patrons have been getting early access to every single episode so if you’d like to catch them a little bit early consider that happy holidays everybody this has been me Waddles and until next time I’ll see you tomorrow Goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Survived 500 DAYS In Survival Minecraft 1.20! [GUIDE FULL WORLD TOUR]’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-12-31 18:56:45. It has garnered 18911 views and 1363 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:39 or 2019 seconds.

Minecraft guide episode 55 is also day number 500 which means its time for a grand tour! In this episode of the Minecraft Guide we take a look at every build we’ve done in the first 500 days. From the swamp outpost to the starter and main base, it’s all right here!! What is your favorite build so far?!

📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/

The Minecraft Guide is a tutorial lets play series in minecraft 1.20 survival hard mode. In this Minecraft lets play series we build tons of farms, explore the world, and more while talking minecraft tips and tricks.

☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9 Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

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  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

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  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

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  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

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  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More