70 Blocks Per Second… In A Boat! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E85]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixelriffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide hope you’re all having a good day in today’s episode we are going to go out in search of some terracotta or well at least i know where terracotta is it’s just that it’s a very very long way

Away and we have a desert that i can go to with a nearby badlands which is a little bit closer but it’s honestly pretty small what i want is an easy route out to the mesa that we found the really big eroded badlands biome and a few other plateau biomes around there

That are going to provide terracotta for the foreseeable future it’s going to be our main source of terracotta throughout the series and as we now know i need a bit more terracotta for decoration around things like our copper aging factory and all sorts of other projects

Besides so one of the things i need to do is set up a permanent route out to a mesa biome it’s actually about 8 000 blocks west and 6 000 blocks south or thereabouts so it’s really not a short distance to travel which of course we

Would want to do through the nether but even in the nether that sort of distance provides a bit of a challenge eight thousand blocks in the overworld is still a thousand blocks in the nether quite some distance to travel and of course you’d expect that i could

Probably do that with a lytra but in some cases electro travel through the nether can be a tricky affair the nether terrain gets a little bit dense especially around crimson forests and similar biomes like this and it’s kind of difficult to weave a path out there and get it right every single time

Traveling a thousand blocks by elytra is still quite a distance not to mention the cost of fireworks i’ve been going back and forth through my nether hub on foot for a little while avoiding the attacks of the piglens when i’m not wearing my gold armor and the hoglins

Kind of get in the way occasionally frankly it’s getting a little bit irritating and i could work a little bit more on the structure of the nether hub and slabbing everything and whatnot but that still doesn’t solve the problem of how i get much further out in the nether

In a short period of time so today we’re going to head out in search of a different biome which is going to provide the materials we need to make a fast transport method through the nether which we haven’t explored yet in the series but i think it’s probably time to

Give it a go we’re going to make a return to the frozen ocean biomes to grab all three kinds of ice but specifically blue ice is the one we’re going to use and here we are a frozen ocean swims into view adjacent to the cold biomes that we are familiar with

Around here and i think i might actually set up a nether portal over here while i think about it because we are going to need to return to locations like this for stuff that we want to cover in future but right here by this village is a perfect illustration of what i’m after

A lot of the time in mountain biomes in frozen peaks you will see this block here which is packed ice what we’re after is this block here which is blue ice the difference is subtle but it is there naturally in order to obtain these blocks at all we will need to use silk

Touch so i’m gonna grab a couple of blocks of this make sure that that is blue ice yep certainly is okay and while we’re here we might as well discuss the difference each of the different ice blocks has a little bit more slipperiness to it basically if you’re

Traveling on regular ice then you’ll get a little bit of extra momentum but you’ll slow down pretty fast if you are traveling on blue ice on the other hand you have a lot of extra momentum added to your movement or at least the friction of the block does not take away

Any momentum but packed ice is sort of in between the two and is the one that we can probably find in larger quantities however if we want maximum speed for our fast travel method through the nether we want to get hold of some more blue ice and that’s going to mean

Seeking it out in the more condensed areas of icebergs like this one or going out into the ocean where a frozen ocean is going to have a lot more icebergs that are purely made out of blue ice aside from its appearance one of the main things you can use to determine

Whether something is packed ice or blue ice is can you insta-mine it because packed ice can be very easily insta-mined with an efficiency pickaxe especially at the level like of netherrite or diamond while unfortunately blue ice has to be gathered a little bit slower although i

Don’t know if haste will have any impact on that if you’re lucky enough to find a large enough section of blue ice that it’s worth setting up a beacon in the first place but around the corner in this frozen ocean we have more what i’m

Looking for as you can see there are a couple of mounds of blue ice here there are these smaller chunkier icebergs that will generate every so often and they will have exclusively blue ice in them give or take maybe a cap of packed ice

Here and there so this is gonna be a lot easier for us to take down blue ice in bulk and hopefully it will be able to bring enough back that we can create a road through the nether made of blue ice so remember how in previous videos we’ve

Been boating around on the frozen oceans and frozen rivers and this is actually a pretty fast way to travel once you pick up a little bit of speed well it turns out that the ice here is only the beginning of that and if you look at the

Packed ice or blue ice blocks the slipperiness level that they provide is actually enough to get your boat traveling at enormously high speeds moreover the packed ice and blue ice have the advantage that they won’t melt in any light level meaning that even if there are fires or lights that we want

To set up in the nether we don’t have to worry about the ice melting in the nether and evaporating when it turns into water so blue ice and packed ice really become ideal blocks to use to lay out roads in the nether that we can use for faster transport and i’m going to

Break down a couple of the ender chests that i brought with me just so i can set up a nether portal here at this ice village and from here i think we might be able to make a tunnel back towards my spawn point in the nether but just in

Case this ends up going south i’m going to put all of the packed ice and stuff into the ender chest because this block is pretty valuable and the only other place you can get it is from the wandering trader which is a much less reliable source he’ll only sell you

About six blocks at a time it’s really not all that worth it you’ll also occasionally find houses in these villages which are made partly of blue ice so if you feel like raiding these and taking their stuff and taking down the house along with it then you could

Always give that option a try alright let’s head on through to the nether and see where we end up and we’re in a soul sand valley having a screenshot of the coordinates helps of course we’re really not that far away at exactly 666 on the x-axis how appropriate i think from here

For our own safety one of the things we’re going to do is relocate this portal up into the ceiling of the nether because that’s going to allow us to more or less tunnel directly towards our location without having to worry too much about making tunnels building bridges and all of the dangerous stuff

That comes with navigating the nether so i think the first step is going to be to move this portal up to about why 110 ish and that should give us enough headroom and enough floor below our feet that we can create a tunnel up there without any

Other concerns and so having pillared up here into the ceiling of the nether and boxed ourselves in we’re at y 110 now it’s just a matter of traveling back towards our spawn location and finding a way down although on the way we’re going to be digging out a 3×3 tunnel like this

And that for the sake of symmetry might have me rebuilding the nether portal so it matches the dimensions of the tunnel so that portal links up perfectly fine and in the floor here is where we’re going to start laying down a path of blue ice alternating every other block

So we’re going to place a piece here and then here and then here and then here we’ll leave a little bit of a gap in front of the portal and we’re going to be placing this on alternate blocks on top of each of these blue ice blocks we

Are going to be placing some wooden buttons as well because we want to make sure these blocks aren’t spawnable otherwise as solid blocks they could very easily spawn zombie pigment or something up here that are going to disrupt our boat road here through the nether and naturally while the rest of

The nether act blocks around here are going to be just as spawnable we will come back through here and spawn proof these either with buttons or slabs or whatever we feel like using and with a decent chunk of this ice road already built i can show you how this works so

We’re gonna place a boat on top of there and as long as we’re facing in the right direction we can just hold the forward button and we start building up a whole lot of speed we can move down this tunnel incredibly quickly not only that

But if we run into the walls at either side we’re still kind of oh the boat’s just gone through the portal even if we run into the walls on the side the hitbox of the boat is large enough that we don’t fall down onto the blocks at

Either side allowing us to hug the walls here and meaning that even if we turn slightly to one side or the other we’re not going to lose control and momentum of the boat naturally we will have to worry about areas like this where the ceiling thins out a bit and if you’re at

All concerned about lava coming in through the walls then you might want to bring some fire resistance potions with you when you do this but you don’t need to worry about the lava melting the ice blocks so at least there’s that now as i mentioned earlier you can do this with

Packed ice as well and of course blue ice being a relatively expensive block whereas packed ice is much more abundant and easier to gather you might want to use a mix of the two in your tunnels but blue ice if it’s exclusively blue ice along a road like this will allow you to

Travel at a top speed of about 72 blocks per second whereas packed ice only does about 40 blocks per second so honestly you’re going to be almost twice as fast if you’re using blue ice for the majority of this if you alternate packed ice and blue ice i’m not sure if that

Lessens your momentum or not but either way it should be a pretty decent compromise if you don’t want to spend this much blue ice on a project the other thing is to make sure that these parts are straight because frankly turning in boats is a bit of a nightmare

When you’re traveling at these kinds of speeds the boat has too much inertia and will continue traveling forwards even when you want it to go sideways also banging off the walls if you’ve got like diagonals and stuff coming through a tunnel like this your boat’s just

Gonna get caught on every block as you travel around a corner it’s just not worth doing personally the only way i like to do corners on these boat roads because obviously we’ll have to travel a couple hundred blocks in a different direction is to just hit a corner turn

90 degrees to one way or the other and keep going in that direction so make sure the corners are just straight right angles as opposed to slow bending curves unless you have enough of an idea of where the path goes in the nether that you can build a curve as though it’s

Like a part of a race track like a bend in a track as opposed to like a walking path through the nether where you’d go at a diagonal like this anyway it looks like we’ll need a little bit more spruce from the village if we’re going to spawn

Proof the remainder of these blue ice blocks so i’m gonna head back through to the overworld we’re gonna grab some more resources and i’ll see you folks on the other side when we’re back at spawn with our ice boat road all the way there and

A couple of hours and a couple of cups of tea later we have ourselves an ice boat road that goes all the way from that frozen biome to a corner which should be coming up any second now gosh it’s a long way if we turn that way or

We just about made it around the corner and just a short jaunt in this direction we should find ourselves at the terminus right here and this is going to lead down to the nether hub so i’ve got myself a ladder set up walled this whole thing in because there’s crimson forest

All around us and i didn’t want the piglens getting inside of here but we should just be able to fill out a couple of light fixtures in here to make sure it stays nice and bright and we come down here directly in between the portals to my storage room and to the

Geode right by my starter house so i think that’s a pretty neat setup and if i can dodge the occasional blaze fireballs coming from the fortress down here i think we need to expand our brand new ice boat road towards the intended destination that we had from the

Beginning we need to head out in search of that badlands biome and i think we’re going to do that by digging to what i would think would be the coordinates in the nether if i do some rough calculations and figure out roughly where we’re supposed to be even though i

Haven’t made a portal at the badlands yet we can probably take the coordinates divide them by eight make a portal in the nether and since we’re quite high up in the world right now we’re at 109 110 ish if that’s where we make our portal then chances are our portal will

Generate on the surface in that badlands biome but that does mean a thousand block long tunnel and then another probably 800 or so block long tunnels so in the meantime i think i need to repair my pickaxe so i’m going to take a quick

Trip to the end and when we come back we should hopefully have dug that tunnel and located the position for our new portal well my friends we are back and we are ready to give this a go and i’ve just spent the last little while meticulously

Slabbing every area that we just set up for these ice boat roads and it took a little bit of time to dig out the one all the way out to where i think the badlands biome is going to be because it went through a basalt delta and there’s

A lot of basalt and blackstone around which makes it very difficult to mine on through and of course we couldn’t bring a beacon with us because we were traveling you know distances of about 500 blocks which is well outside the radius of a beacon not to mention even

Though we’re in proximity to near the ceiling it’s kind of a pain to set up a beacon in the nether to begin with and so up here at the top of the ladder we have two separate ice roads this one with the warped wood slabs takes us out

To the cold biome and this one with the crimson wood slabs takes us out to the hot biome i think i’d color code these probably to make them a little bit more recognizable and now we are going to make the trip all the way out to the

Badlands biome and i’m going to enable the coordinates hud one more time if we just do a quick trigger ch toggle there we go so you can see how fast the coordinates move once we pick up a bit of speed this is not all blue ice some

Of this is packed ice as we get a little bit further in but it’s blue ice on either end and here we go there’s so much speed oh we just passed some ancient debris which i need to mine on the way back we’re already through the soul sand valley we’re coming out

The other side into the nether wastes biome and as we turn the corner coming up on our left here there it is okay we should be headed whoa oversteered a little bit there we should be headed towards the basalt delta and there it is as the fog changes color is pretty much

The only way you can tell which biome you’re in we’re on packed ice here for a second and then we should hit the blue ice again once we come out the other side of the basalt delta and we are away yes there we go and finally we come to

Rest right here in a nether portal frame and that did not take very long at all considering we’ve just traveled about a thousand blocks that way and 700 blocks this way now one thing i do want to go back quickly and note aside from the ancient debris like i said we’re gonna

Pick that up a little bit later is the fact that once we reached the basalt delta here we needed to be a lot less worried about spawn proofing i cut off the slabs a little bit further back these buttons here are all just there because i was placing them at the time

But then i realized the only mobs that spawn in a basalt delta are magma cubes and magma cubes much like the slimes that we were studying in the slime farm build need a three by three by two and a bit height in order to spawn and in this

Case they’re only getting two blocks worth of height and they don’t have the three by three area at any kind of spawnable height for them even the small ones won’t spawn in here because it checks for the room of a large magma cube and yes occasionally i did end up

Placing two blocks side by side instead of spacing them out this way but it worked out in the long run but when you’re going through a basalt delta with something like this as long as you keep the ceiling only two blocks high off of the floor of ice which should be

Perfectly fine for you to travel down on a boat you don’t need to worry about spawn proofing these areas the same way you do with the other biomes but once you get into crimson forest or near the wastes even the warped forest if you end up going through one i do recommend

Putting down slabs and buttons on the packed eyes just to make sure you don’t get any piglens or anything spawning in here and messing with you because one mob can basically get you stuck in here and if you’re not wearing any gold armor like i currently am not you’re probably

Going to get attacked by the piglets who spot you and decide to mess with you while you’re in the boat so the last thing i need to do is make good on my theory about this nether portal and whether or not it will transport us to the surface in the badlands biome that

We wanted to go to in the overworld we’re at y 108 right now the coordinates match the coordinates that we need to come out in the overworld if we multiply those by eight we should end up in the badlands biome let’s cross our fingers and see if we’ve done it

And we have look at that right on the edge it turns out of the eroded badlands right next to this little inland desert and we got the subspace bubble challenge for traveling seven kilometers in the nether there we go folks we got that advancement in style very happy that we

Now have a means to get out here nice and easily and i think we’re probably going to use this opportunity to gather a bit of terracotta while we’re here although it is a little slow gathering terracotta without a beacon so i think i’ll probably come back with a haste

Beacon and we can do a little bit of strip mining out here in the mesa to get some of that regular old raw terracotta that we can die to turn it into all of the terracotta variants we have one last thing to attend to on our way back from

The badlands and if i get out at just the right time we should end up more or less where we need to be and up there we go right next to the ancient debris because yes veins of ancient debris can generate up near the roof of the nether in fact a

Single vein of ancient debris can be found anywhere above lava lakes in basically every chunk there’s like a bonus vein more or less so this is one of those and we’re gonna bring that home with us because i think this might even be enough ancient debris to get us

Another ingot of netherrite hey it sure is we have two netherright scrap right here and two ancient debris so let me go and grab a couple more gold ingots from here and we should be able to cook this up and get ourselves another netherite ingot and i think we can all see which

One of these tools is due for an upgrade to netherright yep it is netherright shovel time folks and now we can finally give this one a name and it will of course be the queen of spades and shout out to everybody in the comments who saw

That one coming all right folks that is where we’re going to leave it for this episode of the minecraft survival guide i have had a blast in this episode we finally managed to get some more permanent ice boat roads out to the further biomes in the world and we got

An advancement out of it thank you so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now


This video, titled ’70 Blocks Per Second… In A Boat! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E85]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-04-22 10:00:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues. Time to hit ludicrous speed! This tutorial will show you how to create a Blue Ice …

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    Save the world from the cursed toilet! 🚽 - MINTOON CRAFTVideo Information [Music] woohoo what [Music] [Music] hey hm [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ah a w [Music] oh [Music] what he [Music] yeah hello [Music] what [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no do it what the nice huh you will die hello come on huh subscribe now nice come on yeah [Music] boy okay huh wao huh [Applause] UHA [Music] yes come on easy huh huh what the go go go shut [Music] a huh what [Music] the w tast This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: SAVE THE WORLD FROM… Read More


    SMAJOR'S EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MISSION!Video Information make it work make it easy [Music] while [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] I learned that from you Mama it’s amazing what baking can [Music] do make it up and surprise them tell them my secrets but disguise them so they dance on the tongues of the very people that bear secrets from make it soon make it better though better never lasts forever I’ll make it small so it fit even [Music] this even now now even as the walls come tumbling down even as a can stop remembering how every door we ever made we never… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!

    EPIC Minecraft Toyota Supra vs Diamond vs Dirt BATTLE!Video Information hello guys like And subscribe you are the best thanks [Music] [Music] woohoo woohoo go go go o oh my oh my god [Music] wow [Music] woohoo go go [Music] go [Music] woohoo what no no no no [Music] what H oh [Music] my Yahoo [Music] what oh my God no [Music] God yeah [Music] boy Yahoo [Music] woo [Music] woo Yahoo wait a minute go go [Music] go look at this [Music] dude [Music] ha [Music] Yahoo [Music] wow huh [Music] [Laughter] huh oh my [Music] God no God please no [Music] no ooho H [Music] oo… Read More

  • Zathan’s Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don’t Miss Out!

    Zathan's Insane ROBLOX Adventure! 🔥 Don't Miss Out!Video Information for [ __ ] hell shitty your laptop keeps on dying and I can’t read chat because of it damn well anyways today’s stream is not Minecraft because of the shitty update they had so yeah I hope they fix it soon because I haven’t played the game well actually I’ve been updating it but the update is just still there like the the new touch controls sucks they really need to change it back I’ll play the game again once they change it back or if they at least fix the spacing L well I guess this is what… Read More

  • Olympian realm

    Olympian realm*STAFF NEEDED* Builders For Olympus Builders for Mount Orthys Builders For Camp Jupiter Builders for new Rome & Rome Builders for LA, SanFrancisco And Las Vegas Builders For Aeoulus’s Place Builders For Greece OlympianRealm.aternos.me Read More

  • Fractured SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Bedrock & Java Dynmap Discord

    Fractured SMP Fractured SMP is a newly released semi-vanilla server that aims to provide a great vanilla experience with added multiplayer enhancements. The community plays a vital role in shaping the server’s direction. Links Website: fractured.craftingstore.net Discord: discord.gg/SamMA9R4Y2 Dynmap: dynmap What We Offer Community: Player suggestions and feedback are valued, and decisions are made transparently. Welcoming: A diverse community where everyone feels included and accepted. Stability: Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable gaming experience. Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication through Discord. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real Minecraft Players vs. Fortnite Tryhards

    Wow, this meme must have some serious high scores! I wonder if it’s going for the leaderboard next. Read More

  • Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay

    Block Buster: Tree Farm & Pillager Swarm || Minecraft One Block Gameplay In Minecraft, one block is all you need, To plant a tree farm and watch it succeed. But beware of pillagers, they’ll come for a fight, Defend your block with all your might. Crafting and building, it’s all in a day’s play, In this blocky world, where you can’t stray. So join Devil369 Gaming, for tips and tricks, And watch as your Minecraft world quickly clicks. Like, share, and subscribe, spread the word, For in this gaming world, we all are heard. Devil369 Gaming, the channel to see, For all your Minecraft needs, come and be free. So leap… Read More

  • “Hot diggity creeper, that’s a spicy meme!” #minecraft

    "Hot diggity creeper, that's a spicy meme!" #minecraft Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Dragon Armor in Minecraft! Minecraft: ARMADURA DE DRAGÃO *incrível* ‹‹ S5João ›› Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! In this video, we will delve into all the thrilling aspects of this sandbox game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Introduction: If you are a fan of building, exploring, surviving, and adventuring, Minecraft is the perfect game for you. With charming pixelated graphics and endless gameplay, you can create your virtual world and embark on epic journeys. Features: Build Your Dream Home: From a small cabin to a grand castle, unleash your creativity in constructing your ideal abode. Explore… Read More

  • Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation

    Guess the Cartoon! Minecraft Animation Minecraft Content Creation: A Look into Berkant’s Channel Berkant’s Minecraft Channel Berkant is a dedicated content creator who produces Minecraft videos every two days. His channel features a variety of content, including Minecraft escapes, parodies, and more. With a mix of rich and poor elements in his videos, Berkant’s channel offers a unique perspective on the Minecraft world. Engaging with Berkant’s Channel If you want to support Berkant’s channel, you can subscribe and show your support. Don’t forget to hit the like button on his videos to show some love ❤️. New videos are uploaded every other day at… Read More

  • 💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit Gameplay

    💔Hunt for Leviathan Heart! | Lewis 0978 Live BloxFruit GameplayVideo Information say going live going live live we’re live what’s up chat what’s up what’s up what’s up chat what’s everyone doing hello orang what’s good bro hello K hello doy hello Zane what’s good let roll shall we hello shbs oh great no great start to the beginning all right uh well have some change hello Mar May mayor hello I just got the notification W oh yeah Zan for some we weird reason I was I was trying to type on YouTube on Google and it popped out Discord and I put why to you I don’t… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Love Challenges!Video Information la novia gringa de Minecraft s Ernesto la esposa Ernesto creo que se colo estas son mujeres mortales muchachos ustedes no vieron nada realmente no no vieron nada ojo esa Ya di cuenta ya la Rio ya la Rio Dale que los platos no se lavan solos ve los platos no se lavan solos nos vemos a ver ch This video, titled ‘Desafíos Pixelados: Amor en Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-02-28 19:00:24. It has garnered 471 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Every day on stream… Read More

  • 🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraft

    🐰 Ultimate Bunny TNT Tricks Underwater! 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information टी एनटी अंडर वाटर हैक्स इन माट अगर आप टी एनटी को पानी में फोड़ने की कोशिश करोगे तो टी एनटी की तरफ से बस एक ही आवाज आएगी पानी पानी पानी अंकल जी मु पानी पिला दे दीजिए मेरा गला सूख रहा है तो उससे पहले मैं बताना चाहता हूं गाइस मैंने लिया 75 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैलेंज 0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा मिथ से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE time travel in Minecraft

    EXPLOSIVE time travel in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] a [Music] the [Music] [Music] what [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what is up silly Goobers goobers and gobets I’m live is time it is time I have silly lore planned today the silliest of the silliest lore I okay did I so many of so much of this lore today was a mixture of last minute planning and long before plan [ __ ] that is that is what we’re working with that’s what we’re working with today but yes yeah hello everybody I don’t know if you guys saw… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱

    🔥 EPIC Syphanic Minecraft SMP Gameplay! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP type shit’, was uploaded by Syphanic on 2024-04-29 04:02:27. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:37 or 1657 seconds. yurr Read More

  • EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park – Minecraft

    EPIC Monster School BABY vs DRAGON in Jurassic Park - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : BABY BROTHER AND DRAGON IN JURASSIC PARK – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Toca Betty on 2024-01-12 10:00:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Continuation of the story of friendship between baby brother and baby dragon! Music by Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!

    Insane Minecraft Memes that Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information [Music] so This video, titled ‘#viral #ascoisasmudam #minecraft #sabwaysurfars #minecraftmeme #ficoubonitodonada #humor #memes’, was uploaded by @Memelissa1 on 2024-04-04 22:02:39. It has garnered 183 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

70 Blocks Per Second… In A Boat! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Lets Play) [S2E85]