8000 Days in Minecraft? You won’t believe what happens!

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Hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to another video today we are reaching 8,000 days in Hardcore Minecraft in these past 1,000 days we’ve mainly been down in the ancient city we just got done restoring the entire thing this entire portal over here is now made

Out of quarts thank you all so much for watching this place is absolutely crazy now it’s looking clean we have a nightclub all the way over here that we had built this disco is going crazy we have disco cat in the middle everything is just so Lively in here but yeah thank

You guys for watching be recapping the last six episodes The Journey starts with this giant nether Hub that we had made every single episode in this video took way longer than it should have but now for our 1,000 day tradition I feel like we should go to the bottom of the

World and fight the Wither load all the way down to bedrock walk on over here and say what up to Dwayne what’s going on Dwayne we walk all the way down this hallway we actually have three schools set up right here let’s take these should probably replace the elytra with

A chest plate for now it’s better to be safe and sorry and we have so many chickens I’ll show you we have probably a thousand chickens down here well here goes nothing we got bing bang and boom loading up the bow here and ready to go

Wow how that blast hit me from back here somehow he is just barreling his way through this cave and he’s at like half Health now almost there at least and okay time for the sword let’s go dude you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done

You’re done you’re done you’re done you’re done sir well that wither is really withering me down pretty good let’s run in here torch this place up just a little bit oh we got zombies in here you really just have to keep eating cuz this wither to just doesn’t stop we have the Beloved

Nether star now we can make a beacon like we’ve always wanted and we’ll slap it back on the tower of emeralds here for the one that we had replaced and sent to the ancient city also since we reached 8,000 we’re going to have to uh do our tradition which is get getting

Another advancement I’m going to have this guy right here get in the boat thank you sir I’ll trap myself in while we’re here and I’m going to trade with you real quick to lock in your job 3 2 1 see you later dude I’m coming with you believe we’re approaching the top and

There we are sir hey what’s up we got puppy up here and this guy I’m going to trade with you just for a quick advancement nice star Trader let’s go before we start the 8,000 day recap I did just want to say thanks again for all the support appreciate all the

YouTube members twitch subscribers and patreon members as well without further Ado let’s get into it hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to another episode of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting out in our brand new skeleton XP farm where a lot of

These guys are waiting to get uh swiped away swiper yes swiping and actually if you look over here we have plenty of Bones which means a bunch more bone meal the only thing you got to do is kind of just get rid of a lot of these bows you

Don’t really need a lot of these these Enchanted bows you can actually take over to a grindstone and get XP from them so they’re not entirely useless take a little bit from there thank you sir but I am really enjoying making these XP Farms somewhere that’s actually

Nice and comfortable to hang out get you out of here buddy that’s the last one let’s actually go back upstairs guys today we are going to be going to the deep dark biome one of the last biomes that we’ve been to I think it’s about time we actually go to an ancient city

We got to get skull blocks we got to start decorating the world with those also the skull sensor would be really nice to get to for this trip I’ve packed up a bunch of totems of undying and a bunch of wool I believe you also need a

Silk touch ho we only have a fortune 3 ho so let’s actually Bine some books here get rid of some levels and make ourselves the ultimate hoe and voila the silk touch hoe has begun its Journey supposedly this is the best tool to be able to get the skull blocks with what’s

Going on Santa now we were lucky enough to actually find the ancient city while we were building the new Rainbow Mountain on the other side over here we barely have one layer done but uh actually this thing is enormous about twice the size of the original Rainbow

Mountain so when we were all the way over in the Mesa biome we ended up finding the palace that is the ancient city all we have to do is avoid the warden and hopefully we can take away some rare loot I know that there’s actually some armor trim here that we

Can’t get anywhere else in the game coming up on about 1,500 blocks away from Spawn so it’s a little bit of a ways out we are still on the inside of Rainbow Mountain and we found this thing when we were caving one day on stream perched up here and uh we actually

Walked in that’s why all of the Torches are already pre-placed those of you that have been hanging out on the twitch streams thank you very much I appreciate it it is twitch.tv/ wax fra if you want to check that out and there’s the skull

We also have a lot lot of mobs so we need to probably light this place up let’s hop across real quick we got to light this area up we do not want any zombies falling on us once we go all the way down there let’s get this area lit

Right here as well I think outside it might be night time because down here in the cave there’s actually not a lot of mobs spawning which is actually great for me right now this whole area seems to be lit up but uh if I Glide down on

Water I think the skull sensors can hear me or at least sense me flying down here so I need to be extra careful and is that a chest I see a chest already hop over here real quick and light this corner up wow this place is enormous

When we jump down we just need to make sure we stay crouching or at least fly around with some wool let’s uh maybe light up this area here too ooh what is going oh actually that is the be okay that’s the last biome I completely forgot that this is the last biome to

Get and there’s another advancement right there sneak 100 it is so Eerie down here you can see all the sensors down there definitely can’t be tripping those off okay someone grab their friend I don’t want to be dealing with these guys anymore so there’s a chest right

There on the other side of this lava and it looks like there’s a sensor right next to it let’s uh let’s keep crouching down over here I’m going to take some of the materials here I cannot wait to start building with some of this the skull blocks themselves and the skull

Veins are just going to make great decorations take some of this out here I think I need to be okay got to be careful I think I just okay yep there’s some sensors right down here what we really need to look out for are those shriekers though I’m going to see if I

Can crawl down here and start collecting some of these sensors so they can just get out and get me gone oh no that’s not good I did not see those I also did not see these can we hop down real quick let’s grab that that that oh man this is

Crazy there’s caves everywhere honestly this right here looks awesome complete skull block cave we really need to be on the lookout for shriekers though I’m glad I haven’t tripped any of those off yet let see if we can land right over here safe and sound okay we got to be

Careful okay we got our first chest what do we got here oh amethyst sh shards Echo shards lure three book not too bad might as well just break every chest we see hope the warden doesn’t mind I’m crawling around his home I’m going to go here maybe need to place some more

Torches around some of this wool okay what do we have ourselves here let’s grab oh man let’s be careful we have ourselves a skull Catalyst oh we can make a skull Farm now let’s go wow I am surprised I just placed a torch right there and there is a shrier right here I

Don’t know how I didn’t set that off but let’s go ahead and just take this guy out with the silk touch ho and and we should be good so we got pretty lucky four strikes with these guys and the warden comes right out I see a chest all

The way up there I want to go grab that but let’s go ahead and grab this Catalyst here first real fast I’m not seeing any more shriekers around here right now but we will hear it if we uh if we come across it I’m kind of glad that you get four strikes

Cuz it allows you to explore this place a little bit more safely I’m just sprinting all day in here now I don’t oh God I need to be careful as soon as I start sprinting I fall through a hole okay we need to be careful there’s like

Eight of the sensors right here let’s take this Catalyst and I don’t think there’s a shrier around here otherwise we would have heard it already let’s take you out thank you sir honestly let’s just start going crazy I’m going to take you I’m going take you you thank

You give me that man the warden must just be in hibernation mode cuz uh he is not here in a thing I love that mobs don’t typically spawn down here either because that would just make it 10 times more difficult ooh okay we have a shrier

I’m glad that we were taking it easy around that corner let’s grab you thank you got a lot of candles here this must be like a big oh actually this is some sort of shrine this like a big portal I’m going to take all these candles though

Thank you lot of soul campfires right here I wonder what this portal is supposed to lead to and these are the reinforced deep slate bricks that we’re supposedly not able to grab in survival mode whoa guys watch this if I break the candle okay uh oh wait that means

There’s skull in there thank you buddy I’ll take you let me see here and test this out can we grab this uh um is it just going to take an infinite amount of time I’m not sure this oh actually I do see it breaking but EXT it’s so slow

Like this has to be like 10 times slower than obsidian and I have efficiency five on this pickaxe well you know what instead of breaking this and possibly breaking the portal for a future update Let’s uh let’s go ahead and go over here and I’ll just keep grabbing these feel

Like we cleared out most of the skull in the area except for these little guys in here above these Redstone lamps let’s fly through the portal that was pretty fun fun let’s see if we can land up here on this chest I really hope we can get ourselves some good

Loot okay I just heard a shrier that’s not good okay that was strike one we need to be careful man we really need to be [Applause] careful dude there’s a shrier right below us this is not good I want to be able to get down there but uh I got to place the wool I got to go slow I see more Loot and I o see more shriekers so

Uh we got to take it easy since we got a strike already all right what do you got for me here buddy we got oh Swift sneak three two of them yes Swift sneak we also have C418 13 and Cat let’s go dude it’s crazy that flying with elytra sets

These things off man it’s nuts let’s take all three of these out the noise that these sensors make when you take them away is awful oh my God I did not even see this thing here we definitely need to be careful creeping over with a little bit of wool

Taking you out Buster whoa the skull over the gold ore looks amazing looks like there’s a mini Pillager Outpost in here that’s pretty cool over there but uh let’s keep creeping over this way just a little bit further take you out I cannot wait till all of these sensors

Are gone we’ll be finally able to uh you know probably revamp this place maybe bring some Moss down here make it a nice little Garden area turning this ancient city into a green Lush Paradise is definitely going to go on the gold board sir you’re going to have to get into my

Inventory okay I have stumbled upon a lot of loot I really hope there’s no shriekers around let’s get the Catalyst let’s get the sensors I think we’re good now every every block down here makes a crazy noise when you mine it oh is that

Do I see a skeleton head let’s go no way dude I’ve been trying to get this with a Charged Creeper and I always get the zombie heads now we have a skeleton head yes dude the skeleton had just made this whole thing worth it let’s see what we

Got over here in the loot chest bottle of enchanting not bad Swift sneak again what is this disc fragment so we collect disc fragments and enough of them make a music disc let’s go dude okay I’ll take it and in the other chest let’s see okay

Wow that’s not bad early game that would have been super nice bunch of bone meal more disc fragments let’s go dude all of these hallways are so Eerie I’m just I’m super glad there’s no extra mobs down here oh my God how am I supposed to get

Both of these oh my God there’s four shers okay whoa let’s you know what let’s just uh let’s take it easy let’s we have enough sh we have enough sensors in this area let’s just let’s get away from there and uh we’ll come back another time oh jeez I think I pushed my

Luck a little bit we got to be careful dude we really got to be careful dude when there’s two of these right next to each other it just it makes me want to just get away from that spot right there I do believe I on three strikes though

Cuz I got two and one on the first one and that was number three so if I can just go straight up here again I can fly right out we’re just going to keep on building up with the wool for just a little bit make a more safe Escape down

Here is actually where we came in from let’s see if we can land up I believe we got all the sensors out of this area so we don’t even have to really be that careful up here anymore but it’s h better to be safe than sorry let yeah we found the let’s

Go dude that’s a that’s a successful trip let’s take a sleep in the river near a little bit of Rainbow Mountain okay I just want to see what loot we came away with cuz we just spent about a half hour down there and uh man that was a thrill definitely going back

Down for more we got a quite a bit of stuff lots of candles got the skull Catalyst here we have a bunch of skull extensors these will be fun for Redstone and I am so happy about these skeleton skulls I can’t I have been trying to get

These with the charge creepers for so long but the zombies they just keep taking it away have a bunch of zombie heads but no skeleton heads I didn’t even know that skeleton skulls were down there and these shers look super cool I can’t wait to incorporate these within

Some builds the only thing we didn’t get was the armor trim we got the Swift sneak 3 let’s go back and apply that to our pants real fast this is a very long flight it always takes like 2 minutes to get back over there which means we’re

Probably going to have to set up the nether Highway over to that getting a nether portal hooked up at the ancient city is going to save us a lot of time speaking of the nether that is where we’re going to be doing our build today and you guys could probably tell from

The title of the episode The Nether Hub that is what we’re going to be building I know we just spent a lot of time in a dangerous Zone but uh I think we can go make another dangerous Zone just a little bit more safe our current nether

Hub location needs to get a little bit more safe and these netherite leggings need to get a little bit more Swifty so let’s uh let’s go ahead and upgrade them nice throw these bad boys on look at that I’m going to hang my my skeleton skull right on the bookshelf so we can

See it right when we walk in the second floor let’s go upstairs here real fast for the majority of this nether Hub build I’m going to use a lot of stone because that is what we’ve been using for the nether Highway and this nether highway is going to connect to this

Nether Hub so might as well continue with the stone we’re going to be hooking up some other blocks like some glow stone and probably some deep slate here and there man I really wish that we could get that reinforced deep slate that would be awesome let’s speed race

It on over to our nether portal over here see if we can throw our Fancy Pants on we don’t don’t have Swift sneak on these gold pants but uh you know we did get three of those Swift sneak books so we can apply those to these too let’s

Hop down to the Strider Sanctuary I think this nether Hub is actually going to be built right on top so a lot of The Strider Sanctuary was made out of Blackstone but it’s pretty soon it’s going to be covered up completely by Stone let’s fly over here I have been

Taking out a lot of these blocks I think there’s a villager back here still actually no villager but there is a hoglin right there and is this guy stuck cuz he doesn’t even see me at all yeah he has to be stuck sorry about this buddy

Oh my God and there’s the vill I was about to waste the arrow that I had on me I looked right at him what’s up dude and we’ve been taking out plenty of blocks around here because I think this might take the shape of something that’s

Like a castle take out more blocks here we have to be careful of hoglins they’re just going to fall right on us I think this might go about 50 by 50 blocks so we have to continually keep on taking out this Netherrack I think first things

First okay and I just fell through the hole that I created on back up here I think uh first things first let’s make a giant Circle made out of the stone I’m thinking we should probably make this thing uh massive because it’s long overdue sir you’re going to have to

Leave you up there you’re going to have to leave too thank you and get gone and please get gone well we’ve built ourselves up a circle but as you can see the Netherrack is pretty much just right on top of this thing and also we have hoglins that are spawning everywhere

Here sorry sir but you’re going to have to be yeated you too little man it’s time to get you yeated beon sir we’ve been systematically taking out all the rows of Netherrack and the gold and the quartz up here to get all this out of

The way I just want enough room to be able to Tower up get more of this exposed out this way and we’ll start opening up the bottom here man this thing is huge I am glad we finally got this nether Hub going I’m thinking I want this thing to

Just be a little bit taller so we’ll probably go up about one maybe two more rows Drink A Fire Res potion we’re down on the side I think it’d be cool to actually come down and make some pillars going up I think I might interchange these though with some Basalt ooh yeah

The basalt is actually a nice contrast from this Stone right here let’s keep doing that so I’m trying to make a small Peninsula with this Basalt and I can’t really figure out how far out I want it to go I don’t think it’s out far enough

Yet and I’m going to have to battle this guy since uh we’re we’re here together uh buddy sorry about This well that was crazy close I oh my god dude I’m glad we flew out of there just in time got to make sure we keep these carrots on Deck Let’s uh let’s use the bow our old friend thank you very much and uh goodbye sir that was not

Very smart I don’t have Fire Res and uh yeah that was just not that was just not smart at all I am thinking we should extend this though it’s going out 3 3 3 22 2 to one I think we should honestly go out four so go up here bring this guy

Out to a third and also come out here to bring this guy out to a third just going to extend all of these by one let’s delete these inside guys out of existence and then we can start towering ourselves up going up about yay high and this actually means we’ll probably raise this

Initial Tower up by probably about 10 blocks but for now let’s fly right back down here I think I’m going to switch these out with regular Basalt and the polished Basalt it doesn’t look too different but it does look slightly different has a little bit more what

Looks like gray concrete inside of there but we’ll go on and off with regular and polish balt man I just love building in the nether it’s so fun and why I don’t have a Fire Res potion on right now is beyond me I I really need to be smarter we have

Been popping way too many totems in this world so it’s about time we stop doing that it’s so fun finally getting some stuff built in the nether it’s taking me long enough and here’s a thought it would be cool if some sort of chiseled polish balt was available in this game

Where all four sides looked just like this pretty glad right about now that the nether Highway has provided us with so much Basalt sir I I don’t think you should be here right now you’re I think you might might be in the wrong spot the lava down there that’s moving is kind of

Bugging me just a little bit so I’m going to grab a couple of buckets fly right back down there let’s do just a little bit of repairing we have a lot of movement and we could be fixing this this small part that’s saking out I originally only had going until about

Right here and that’s why we need to keep on replacing this lava shouldn’t take too much time to make this step look smooth again break some of this glass here real quick so that we can start building this up a little bit more you better not be messing with my stuff

There pal I uh you know what happens you need not be here anymore be gone those hoglands man those are going to be the reason I pop a totem it’s not going to be a warden it’s not going to be an Enderman it’s going to be taken on a battle with a

Hoglin those guys Pack-a-Punch and for some reason I always forget how strong they are should be finishing this up here pretty soon and not bad let’s see if I can make it over to some land and let’s float on over this is actually where we got our first Strider you know

That doesn’t look too bad let’s get a closeup look from from higher up somehow I ended up all the way on the ceiling uh let’s actually glide back down here we go perfect not bad at all dude I love this all we have to do is get this done

On four sides and now it’s got me thinking this Auto sorting system nether portal I’m probably going to end up taking this thing away we would be starting the basalt extension right about here but this glass pathway is in the way and I don’t even really need the

Auto sorting system to be in this location bu you better be behaving sir and yeah so this Auto sorting system right here it’s probably going to get moved about 300 to 400 blocks that way because right now we are pretty much right under our town the Donkey Sanctuary I’ll show you

Guys right now if we go up from this Beacon hole the Donkey Sanctuary is actually right here so our town is just it’s expanded over time right on top of the auto sorting system it rests right about here and it’s going to start creating some FPS issues if we expand it

So we’re going to have to move it to under Rainbow Mountain break the glass on the surrounding sides and you know what let’s just break the portal right now and oh my God I forgot how loud that is you know what buddy I’m not let’s

Just uh let’s push you over here I think you belong okay no never mind let’s start cleaning up all this glass we’ll clean up all these frog lights we have to get the actual Highway out too which means getting the ice put back in its storage let break this that’s not too

Bad and this actually just goes right here there hopefully no hogins just that guy built up wall so the hogins can’t reach it should just go four 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 sir please stop looking at me you’re going to have to get out of

Here get the corner up here okay not too bad let’s actually get this closed up and let’s take a look um we’re actually probably now that I’m thinking about it the other side if we actually start building this over here we’re pro ouch we’re probably going to yep exactly

We’re going to have to start taking this stuff away right here so uh well let’s start doing it there’s always more Landscaping to be done nice this little entrance is looking cool out of the Polish Basalt and the regular Basalt if we actually take a little bit of a flight up here

You can see how much land we’ve finally taken out I still got to take some of this back layer out too to give myself a little bit of a better view from up here but uh for the most part we’ve gotten like 70% of this big old chunk taken out

This huge void you see behind me used to be all Netherrack so I’m pretty glad that we finally got all this taken away I’m going to take a little bit more out of here and I think on the other side of this little Peninsula we have a lot of

Crimson Forest that still needs to get taken out I’m really enjoying the shape of this right now I’m going to get a little bit more of this out of the way kind of looks like Kirby jumping up in the air brought a few more materials with me like some deep slate and some

Verant frog lights that I can go ahead and put on the side here I thought it might be cool to have a ring of the Frog lights covered with the Deep slate going around the side I was trying to get to go halfway down but I think lining it up

With these stone blocks of the nether highway is probably going to work out just fine I need to keep on drinking Fire Res potions man I don’t know why but I have been slacking on those these frog lights are so bright I’m glad we’re covering these guys up let’s go over

Here with a couple more and let’s take a quick flight away I just want to see what this looks like fly over here to the nearly completely decimated land and oh that’s going to be solid I like that a lot let’s jump down and continue this

Guy right here this is going to be my favorite addition to this so far I can’t wait to start detailing this I think we are actually out of Frog Light yes we are okay so unfortunately yeah we’re out of frog lights but uh we do have a Frog

Light Sanctuary right over here I guess it’s more of a farm but uh let’s actually just pop in right from above and we’re going to have to make some green frog lights picked one up already let’s go and we have our first victim hello sir get in the battle arena get in

There right now thank you be gone thank you you too sir come on over here oogy boogy follow me and into the arena you go all right and boom and and boom and you guys are about to be some frog lights hey you sir not in the battle

Arena get in there what are you doing not in there you would be a frog light no you too guys I don’t know what you thinking hanging out over here but get over in there you got to be a Frog Light okay so we have a stack of each at least

I’m going to keep smacking a couple of these guys around though I want to go under to the minecart system to see what we’ve collected let’s actually hop down there real quick and Dodge all these guys what’s down here actually I hope there’s no Pigmen down here anybody down

Anybody home I don’t see anybody okay let’s uh oh my God we are loaded we definitely have a lot of frog lights now we are not running out anytime soon let’s uh let’s get a couple more while we’re here cuz why not get on in there

Sir become a Frog Light we can finally get this side finished up over here let’s go Frog Light deep slate on top 1 2 three and let’s get that finished not bad let’s fly out and see what this looks like it’s looking good from down

Here that’s for sure but uh I think we need to light up the top cuz we got we got hoglands spawning everywhere sir you got to get out of here please be yeated and uh actually I’m thinking uh we’re probably going to add some more pressent frog lights down the center aisles here

Had these four diagonal rows going out but I think if we have four more going down the centers that would be cool land here sir I don’t want to deal with you you’re going to have to be gone please get just get out of here see you but for

These balt extensions I think on these first levels let’s light them up but first let’s uh let’s get some deep slate on the sides then next I feel like we should get some blue ice in just uh to keep it consistent and for our light source and for part decoration let’s get

Some ochre frog lights in here continue this pattern here and that’s not looking too bad especially when you get all four of them lit up this is great the only problem is this ceiling is much too close I think I want this thing to go a

Little bit taller and if I go up here to take a look at it I can barely still take a look at it so I think I might have to take a lot of this Netherrack out right here which calls for a couple more twitch streams of excavation

Netherrack you must be gone get out of here well we are back from a twitch stream and unfortunately I got some bad news we accidentally broke a pickaxe uh we broke our fortune 3 pickaxe instead of our silk touch we can make another one cuz we do have a netherite upgrade

Luckily we do have to take a break from this and unfortunately we do have to get rid of some levels but uh I was actually going to have to get rid of some levels anyways when I was going to fix this bow cuz it’s down to about 42 durability on

The west side we have a chicken I guess but uh we have our barrels here and I’ve been stacking a lot of the Netherrack and a lot of the excess materials we’ve been Gathering get that where it belongs and I’ll see you later chicken I got to

Go spend some levels let’s craft a bow real quick putting these together is too expensive hold up okay 17 not too bad I think it’s worth it having a brand new bow let’s grab ourselves a mending book I think in our Ender Chest we have a bunch of enchanted books over here grab

An efficien five book Unbreaking three will do I found two Fortune two books for some reason I’m just going to use six points to uh make those fortune 3 and now we have Unbreaking three mending efficiency 5 and fortune 3 which can get us our ultimate book we’ll de enchant

This guy grab that XP let’s go downstairs to grab our netherite template should have stored it right here there we go it’s kind of crazy that we have to take this extra step now but we’ll put that there put the template in we’ll get that in and we have ourselves

A netherite pickaxe go to our downstairs Anvil and put these two together we have 23 points wait what will this do oh that won’t even do it 23 points it is wow I haven’t been down to 39 levels in months and Santa get back on that

Thank you very much stay on that cake our silk touch pickaxe is named sky so it feel like it’s only right that we name our fortune 3 pickaxe Tony let’s let’s head back to the Nether and get some of these levels back hop in a boat

Down to the blaze farm I could do a bunch of trading but the the blaze farm is right here so why not and it seems like some of them are already waiting for me thanks guys appreciate you it’s a little loud down here but we can at least get ourselves some levels back

Let’s uh let’s keep swiping thank you very much I really appreciate that thank you and thank you look like they all got the invitation to the Blaze Rod party thank you guys very much I do appreciate your help I’ll take all the XP I can right now and honestly L that’s probably

Enough right there we got over 50 we like halfway to back to where we were that’s that’s probably okay well we definitely have enough blaze rods to last for a while now now let’s get back to building this thing we have oh God I almost just flew right through the and I

Actually did Enderman of course are trying to grief The Strider Sanctuary Let’s uh take that out uh the interior here it’s a little bit uh we got some work to do but the exterior here this uh this is starting to come together this guy over here took my frog light buddy I

Uh I’m not dealing with that right now back at the Frog Light Farm real quick let’s go ahead and make ourselves some magma cubes couple stacks should do I want to actually put these next to those frog lights we’re going to alternate magma block and frog light on this roof

Here for some of these internal layers I think we’re going to have to put some glass layers down here because I don’t want any gas to be able to spawn inside of this nether Hub nice this looks like a flaming sword let’s keep this going

Get some black stone up in here and some pink terracotta in between got to get more Frog Light the pink terracotta and the Crimson Forest almost has a red tint it’s kind of nice top it off with the Magma Cube then just a nice little layer of glass

So this doesn’t become a hogin spawner I still want to be able to see everything up here too let’s close this up here that should be it let’s take a little bit of a flight out turn around and wow oh my God this is a mosaic this is

Looking kind of crazy the only thing is this overhang of Netherrack right here it’s kind of blocking the view we land on the tree up here we can see yeah we’ve taken out a lot of nether but there’s still so much Netherrack to be taken and there’s hogland spawning up

Here there’s oh my gosh there’s everything is spawning up here now we should probably we’ll just we’ll come back later I have a brand new bow sir please leave me alone well this will be spawn proof as soon as these guys stop falling from there just got to keep

Coming back every now and then and keep taking it all out I think I’ve spent more time Excavating Netherrack than I have actually building the nether Hub see you buddy sorry about that buddy I have a joke for you it’s pretty funny would you like to hear it and I’ll see

You see you later hey dude I have a joke for you it’s pretty funny would you like to hear it I’ll see you later hey you over there would you like to hear a joke well there are hogins still spawning down here so what we should probably do is start adding some glass

To these little extensions honestly the glass makes this all look a lot nicer too and now all I can think about is basalt slabs why can’t we have Basalt slabs we also got a nice little layer of glass down here for the nether highway

But uh we do need to remove some of this Netherrack right here and also remove the stone cuz that’s still spawnable but before we get that done I want to use the stone as a bridge to go over here and lay some lava down this whole little hallway here is

About to be covered up and it’s about to look great from the other side get one two and three and then let’s actually go under here nice this is perfect this is great cuz now when we enter back in from a nice trip in the nether we can come

Through the lava oh perfect and down here we can finally take a look at the Strider sanctuary under the white stained glass actually don’t use stained glass very often but I probably should cuz stained glass is awesome now we can plug this up start taking the bridge out

Also this nether ax got to go just now thinking about the random end of the Frog Light here and I want to cover it up with a little bit of a trapo not sure why but that makes me a lot happier and I’m probably not going to do that to any

Other frog lights except for this one on the very end we have so much Netherrack to still take out over here this is It’s just endless I stared at this guy a while ago and he’s not really doing anything about it at all he’s kind of

Just he’s kind of just vibing down there honestly I think he needs some help oh he found his way up here he found his way up get away get well this guy uh he disappeared cuz he probably realized he doesn’t want any smoke these guys are

Still spawning on the end up here we probably should get some slab we’re going to start off with a grindstone directly in the middle and then we’re going to slab it up on every other stone block here in between all the slabs let’s use some pressure plates that are never going to

Burn and then down on the bottom extension here since there’s no slavage for the basalt variants let’s go ahead and put some Stone buttons down this is reminding me I cannot wait for the new update that’s going to come next year the new tough variant blocks are going

To be so amazing ooh and the slavage gives it that little castle effect looking at the side now it does feel a little empty I think we should probably hang some end rods and maybe have some End Rod spikes going up from this middle Frog Light section we should definitely

Pay attention to see if hoglands are around let’s get this guy out of existence here and then we can get back down there safe as I was saying we’re going to use some dirt scaffolding here to get these hanging end rods going and start out with some deep slate wall warped fence

To chain to End Rod action and that is not looking too bad let’s get this on every corner under the extension here realistically under here we could probably use any wood type but I’m just going to keep it consistent and use some nether wood sorry buddy it’s yeah my bad

We got the end rods all the way down there I think we can take away some of this dirt let’s actually hop back up safely it’s all at the same level except for right in the middle where it comes down to a point let’s see here all right

Not bad at all that actually adds a lot of life to the walls let’s do the same thing by adding some spikes we’ll go right to the middle right here and we’ll add you you and you I’m hoping this looks decent and oh okay actually that’s

Really nice I’m I’m I’m liking that a lot more than I thought I would let’s let’s add this to every side these guys are always trying to fight get over here buddy come on yep oh always trying to fight trying to start stuff that they can’t finish I as you can see finished

This side we can go up here and we completed this side as well this thing is looking fantastic I’ve I’ve never made a nether Hub before and I’m pretty proud of this right now I actually have left a hole in the roof in case I just want to fly out from the middle

Something I’d like to do to the top is Place some Crimson fungus over here and then get the Warped fungus over here we usually decorate with all the other flowers but you know it’s only right we the fungus from the nether one more time around the forest let’s see if we can

Glide through there we go yeah this thing is nice okay I think the exterior might be complete let’s see you know what let’s just let’s throw an ender pearl down here real quick and I kind of want to do the interior now I am going

To leave one strip of glass here so that the boats Don’t Stray away when we’re traveling with them but on the outside just so that nothing spawns here let’s line this up with some amethyst I think for the most part we’re going to get the interior decorated on

Stream but I do want to get at least a little bit of the center done right now so just so we don’t use all of our amethyst clusters and so that it’s not just kind of overpacked with them i’ think we’re just going to go every other with the amethyst clusters we’re going

To get some torch flowers in here too then I was thinking behind every Frog Light let’s go ahead and put some skull sensors in this is going to add a lot of color I’m wondering about shriekers as decoration if we put this here yeah that’s going to be a little loud let’s

Just let’s take this out we’ll just keep that here and then you know the sensors these These are good for now and this nether portal in the middle I feel like you know what let’s just go up here real quick let’s raise this thing all the way

To the top well here comes four broken portal sounds oh that’s going to be loud Here Comes three more get the obsidian connected up top we’ll get the glowstone connected too this hole in the center right now I feel like just has to be plugged up by the glowstone put a layer

Of glass here too we can drop in like this and then we can fly in like that’s not bad let’s light all four of these up and then that’ll be able to take us right back home let’s see if this is linked up correctly and we are back this

Is perfection let’s fly out into the giant void that we created look at this this thing is enormous turn the render distance up here nice dude this oh my gosh it’s magnificent guys I I can’t believe we did it we are going to continuously take more of this Netherrack out and we’re

Going to get the interior of this nether Hub done very soon hi everybody wax BR here and welcome back to another episode of the Hardcore Minecraft let’s play series we are back in the nether for just a little bit of time I’m kind of clearing up some Netherrack behind the

Brand new nether Hub this guy told me he wanted to hear a joke so I’m going to tell him oh my God I’m sorry dude oh jeez that that was not a good joke well let’s uh let’s get away from that for a second and we can oh my God look at this

Hoglin all the way up here but the nether Hub this thing is enormous and I’m glad that we finally got one done this thing took us all week to complete on stream and I’m so happy to finally have a safe place to call home in the

Nether let’s fly back and see if this guy forgave me did you forgive me buddy are you I have been forgiven it looks like okay so uh do you want to hear that joke I bet you do and see you later we still have a lot of work to do cleaning

Up the backside over here I’ll get some of these trees that are just hanging out of nowhere this all used to just be Netherrack and man we’ve done a lot of work hey buddy I heard you also like jokes uh well there’s a joke for you hey

Any of you guys want to hear a joke Hey sir this is this right here is pretty funny see you let’s fly around ouch uh let’s fly all the way back here this thing is magnificent dude oh my God it’s huge and when we fly up close we can go

Right down into the middle there’s one by one hole right here that we can fly through and we are now in the nether safe and sound like we never have been before and the Striders are looking pretty safe down here too I’m thinking while we’re in here let’s get at least

Something done I would like to get these walls a little bit less bare let’s put some glowberries on them but uh I think I have some Netherrack that I want to build off of all the way over here this is basically all the materials that we got while we were Excavating all the

Netherrack from above the farm looks like we have plenty of Netherrack back here let’s use some of this let’s get the GL BL ber is going all the way around it’s about to look Lush let’s spam some bone meal we’re probably going to have to make some more oo I’m loving

The green already this is looking great and okay oops that was an accident let’s fly back up here real fast see if we can finish this Bing Bang Boom and Bop should probably take the Netherrack out because we got some stuff spawning here already he here’s a joke for

You not looking too bad though this is starting to look a lot more Lush but uh I have a feeling that if any of these get a little bit too close to this lava then they’re going to burn Catch Fire and actually spread to all the other

Ones so we might need to stop it about right here but you know let’s just see if that happens first if it burns down then uh we’ll replace it and we’ll put some trap doors down and if it doesn’t burn down then we are good to go it’s

Kind of messing with me a little bit looking upwards and taking out all this Netherrack while this grows I actually do want to show you guys the brand new hallway that we have going to the ancient city just now realizing that I did not put any glass on that section

Right there but then we take a right and eventually we’re going to go zo all the way past and here we are and we now have a portal set up at the ancient city if we look down here that is exactly where we first landed and while we’re here I’m

Going to add a little bit of green elements cuz I think what I’m going to do is make a giant grand staircase that goes all the way down to the ancient city that’ll most likely be done over a long play but it is going to be nice to

Have an official way of getting down here because I mean right now I’m just kind of falling down and then flying back up when really we could just have a staircase that enters right about here this place is crazy I think there’s a couple corners that I didn’t explore and

There is a catalyst right here that I missed as well this may not be the best idea but let’s try going after another loot chest here you get out of here and you get out of here I’ll take this Catalyst let’s see if we can come up

Over here without making any noise cuz I see a chest right about here is there any shriekers right below last time there was let’s see I don’t oh there is a shrier down there none that I can see though give me some good loot you know

Another Swift sneak 3 I’ll take it ooh another chest down here let’s fly slowly down I don’t think there’s any sensors it over here at all some book ooh an enchanted golden apple let’s go wait actually that’s two enchanted golden apples let’s go dude if the warden comes

Out I’ll be eating one of these right away looks like there’s a little Temple over here that I didn’t explore let’s be nice and careful wait another skeleton head I’m taking this right away thank you very much you can okay there’s a sensor over here let’s be careful I

Found you and I found you let’s get out of here okay what do we got o more Echo shards yes and what’s in the other one more disc fragments let’s go and Diamond horse armor this is great dude okay let’s not overstay our welcome let’s actually just head out over I believe

It’s this way there’s the lava there’s the water and there’s the opening here’s the portal and yep there we go let’s get safely back into the nether taking a rocket instead this time we also hooked up the brand new tadpole nurseries to the nether Highway as well

This will take us over to the Arctic Zone where we have bees ginon and G’s bston living what’s up bees how you doing and where’s geese at is geese still geese is still over you know what I like your style geese do what you got to do looks like geese actually might

Need some help wait wait are you going to get yourself unstuck nope never mind but this is a tadpole nurse and actually well right now all of them are frogs but that used to be a tadpole Nursery right now it’s kind of just a little frog Sanctuary but

I just wanted somewhere nice to hang out while we have all of these tadpoles turn into frogs so I kind of just built a little cabin nestled right into the ice I tried to make it as cozy as possible and I brought two villagers out here so

That they can live here too these guys are living life man they can go ice fishing right here all they want so the video that came out right before this episode was the tadpole nursery Long play and that was in the swamp biome which we haven’t really hooked up to the

Nether Highway system yet so we’re going to fly out there instead ooh there is an ocean Monument right down here we still need to drain an ocean monument and we need to make a guardian Farm there is too much to do in this game Moon’s going

Down and it looks like the sun’s coming right up just in time for us to get to the swamp there we go here it is in all its Glory we finally made it a couple thousand blocks later this right here is the tadpole nursery for these swamp

Biome frogs what’s going on buds how you doing in here again all these guys used to be tadpoles but obviously they are now frogs let’s head out though I do want to hook up a nether portal probably uh let’s actually just go right in the water this right here just looks like

The epitome of Minecraft I’m loving it let’s uh let’s get this thing sparked up I’m going to put on my gold pants actually right before I do that and there we go let’s see exactly where this takes us okay we are in the middle of a

Cave we’re in the middle of the basalt Delta somewhere and I might just have to dig our way out of here well I’m actually realizing right now that we we are kind of close to the nether roof so I need to dig down this thing we just got put way up at the

Ceiling what we’re going to do then is take a note of the coordinates right here and then move it down to the same y level as the nether highway so that we can connect these right now just flying home is going to be easier than digging

Ourselves out of that roof get a couple Rockets up high in the sky and then we should be able to just glide back from here and we can glide on down to the nearest portal I’m glad that we made this one but we really got to get that

Other one at the swamp set up back home and before I forget I want to put some Swift sneak on these golden leggings that I use in the nether now that I have Swift sneak on my netherite leggings out here it kind of feels weird in the

Nether without the Swift sneak so let’s uh let’s just put these pants right back on the wall oh wait hold on right here and then we’ll use them next time ooh and the sun’s coming up this is going to be a good day not sure if I showed also

Since I’m looking this direction on stream recently I just decided to build a tadpole Sanctuary right next to the home here so that we had frogs that were always growing we could could have used the regular frog Sanctuary but you know me I like to have a build that’s

Dedicated to every single mob so I thought this right here would be a fine addition to the little pathway that we have but enough distractions let’s get some emeralds and put that glass back in the highway I’m going to sprint on over to the librarian trading Hall shut the

Door behind me and here we are the Glass Factory what’s up dude thank you for the glass and what’s up dude thank you for The Mending I always forget how loud it can get down here cuz there is 24 Librarians down here and there’s also

Like 12 farmers right next to us so it gets a little hectic I would say we probably have enough now let’s take this back to the Nether and see what we can do with it this one block of glass right here and one on the other side this

Actually just blocks the boat from getting down onto the slavage down below and it makes us go super fast not sure how I forgot this but we can get it done real quick and I want to get some torch flowers right at the entrance so now we should be able to get the

Zoomies oh yeah this thing goes super fast fast okay we are good to go on this side and the best part about the Zoomies is being able to get the Zoomies all the way back into this nether Hub right here oh and I’m glitching into the ice which

Is somehow just glitching all of these sensors and okay I don’t know what’s going on and we made it out that was weird and there goes the boat see you later dude you know what fine boat we didn’t need you anyways and now that we’re done here let’s uh let’s just go

Hang on the Overworld a little bit we’ve been here for like a week the nether is great and all but sometimes you just got to get back into the Overworld and uh do a build out here let’s head on over to the gold board I want to smack something

Off there today because uh we’ve been kind of ignoring it something that has been here for a very very long time is the toolsmith trading Hall which actually happens to be the last trading hall there’s no more villager jobs after this so let’s go ahead and get this one

Done I’m excited This Guy’s excited too you can see it it is good to be back here in the normal colored Blue Sky not everything’s covered by Netherrack this is awesome what’s up lil man how you doing you know what let’s say what’s up to

John I bet he’s back here still John my boy what’s going on how you been you keep doing you man you just keep doing you what’s up Daniel how you doing you hiding behind that pumpkin what’s going on how you doing buddy you are in the

Way of me and Daniel bonding right now and uh I need you to just you know what you get to the bottom of the ocean and think about what you’ve been doing we will be seeing you later sir anyways Daniel what’s going on I hope you’ve

Been doing well I hope your friend over here has been doing well too Daniel’s friend has been on a raft for like a month or so seems to be doing all right though I’m looking for stew right now cuz I want to say hi to Stew but uh the

Free range camel that is stew is uh Missing right now he seems to just do whatever he wants sometimes I think I’ll see stew in the distance but it’s just a stack of hay bales can’t really find him right now but Stu is going to come out

Of hiding soon enough we can go say hi to Perry though we can go on the outskirts of town over here to where the pandas play this is not Perry though I think we have Perry all the way over here are you Perry no no uh are you

Perry uh nope have any of you guys seen Perry dude pandas go wandering off too it seems like I how far do we have to go to find Perry the panda we are pretty far out here and I’m starting to see some red mushroom lamps which means we

Are approaching the mushroom farm there it is I’m seriously doubting that Perry the panda made his way all the way to the mushroom Sanctuary like uh I doubt yeah there’s no way this is like 1 thousand blocks away okay so it’s official Perry and Stu are both missing

Right now will we be able to find them I’m not sure Stu I know he’s been lost before and we found him but this is the first time we’ve lost Perry the panda so we are we’re probably going to have to take down that Forest to find him

Probably stuck between two birch trees and Santa what are you doing not on the cake get on the cake no not on the bed bud you just need to get on the cake that’s what I’m talking about Bud stay right there on that cake uh you guys uh

You guys haven’t seen Perry have you the last trading Hall we made was this leather worker Hall trading Hall and we have some chickens and or Ducks up here with this mighty fine custom aquarium down here and of course it’s raining it always is raining in this world can

Sleep the rain away that is much better now there is one commonality between all of the training Halls that we’ve made so far and that is that they are all on land so in order to make the toolsmith training Hall a little bit different Let’s uh let’s go out into the ocean we

Have a lot of open space to work with out here I’ve been meaning to put something here for a very long time and I think right now is that time and before we get any of these villagers moved in I’ll get a basic structure going out here we’ll have to plop down

To the bottom of the ocean floor and just get a nice little square going this Tower is going to look somewhat like the mob farm but it’s going to have more of these gray toned blocks Swift sneak underwater works so well it makes building these structures a lot faster

Like we got this big square up here in no time and we also started building up a little bit this is probably going to be more of an Aztec looking Temple but I’d like to have some lava flowing down from the side so we’re probably going to

Have to use some Netherwood the first row goes up by five blocks but these next rows are only ascending up by three I kind of just want a gradual Ascension up here and then at the very top we’ll have a little bit of a hangout spot with

A staircase going up man I can’t believe it took me this long to go to the deep dark biome Swift sneak is amazing building these large structures is probably going to take like half the time now it’s going to be a very grayscale looking Temple until we get

The wood in here I think some deep slate tile walls are going to work here as well did I mention I love building with swift sneak well I should probably sleep this thing is turning into a little bit of a mob farm down here we got some spiders

Up here too we don’t want anybody accidentally exploding on us and we actually have a whole gang over here we got a creeper There’s a Zombie that’s hiding I see a spider up in the corner what are you doing dude lighting up the corners here I think we’re going to go

Every three blocks alternating the Crimson fence gates and the Warped fence gates and this should be providing enough interior lighting over here that the mob stop spawning let’s get this place lit up over here and not too bad looks a little christmy but uh the these are the only wood types that actually

Don’t burn we’re going to put the lava on the outside here so I know it’ll be falling from this block here and all the way over here on this block as well so I want to maybe let’s just test it out the worst that could happen is it turns some

Of the water into some Cobblestone or some Stone itself maybe let’s I wonder if we have to guide the lot no it’s actually going to do its own thing let’s go ahead and put that there let’s put that there that’s kind of nice okay so this will actually give us a little bit

More decoration help now that we know the path of the lava we’ll be able to put some stairs here put this down down and this down and the lava is just snaking its way down this here is the lava going to spread nope it’s going to

Fall direct yes okay it’s going to go right into the hole and then this block right here of water is probably going to turn into stone or obsidian we’ll see and oh it’s just Stone perfect buddy I’m trying to take a step back to look at

The build and you are most definitely in the way please be gone okay perfect this looks great we just need to have the lava go symmetrical on all four sides and we need to beef up these little decoration spots right here we have these corner blocks Tower up a little

Bit taller than the others back home real quick on second thought I’m thinking instead of using some deep slate for the outside maybe some Nether Bricks would work we’ll get these turned into nether brick walls I like how dark they are still and they go along with

The nether Vibe of the wood types that we’re using this lava just made its way in here right now oh perfect get this guy in the middle here we got one two three blocks on each side perfect I love working with odd numbers you can see little lava particles flowing through

The stone now on the other side let’s see though real quick I want to take a look at the colors and see if they at least work nice colors looking great so far it definitely adds a lot above the grayscale tone of the rest of this build

Let’s see if we can get the other piece of lava I think we actually just put it right here let’s get that right there and that right there it should just flow down let’s give it a little bit of guidance block this off here and it

Should go right down into here I’m going to wait patiently for the there it is what’s good buddy you can just get right down on in there thank you very much there we go okay another stone block acquired getting a little dangerous here I’m trying to replace all of these let’s

Get this upside down stair right here and there the lava should stop going here and I kind of want to stop it from going right here as well let’s break that and that and the lava is back on track on the bottom where the lava’s flowing let’s make a small pocket for

The lava to get caught into I think we can get some upside down stairs right here to make this thing look a little bit more smooth we’ll stack These Bricks here then we go stair upside down stairs stair to upside down stair and let’s use some nether brick walls and that’s uh

That’s not looking too bad let’s take a step back ooh I like wait let’s add two walls to the bottom not bad at all looks like a nice little fireplace let’s repeat this design all the way around it’s easily replicable well I may have spoken a

Little bit too soon this one right here is definitely broken I think the issue is this and then actually breaking this one there we go so these aren’t looking too bad I think I’d like to put some deep slate on the corners though I’d also like to

Alternate the Warped fence gates and the Crimson fence gates on the top and the bottom let’s add one more nether brick wall with an End Rod that’s going to hold that up and just for texturing let’s take out this corner block put some iron bars in there ooh I like that

A lot let’s hop over this we’ll put the Deep slate tiles in there we’ll put this on the bottom this time we’ll put these on top we’re actually going to break one hole I’m probably going to do this on all of them but let’s put one Frog Light

And then the iron bars and ooh you know even with all the nether blocks you can still find a way to bring out the rainbow in your builds keep doing this all the way around keep hopping all these fence gates look great but let’s put some iron trap doors on top and then

To the sides of them it looks like we are missing something we could use some nether brick slabs but the color is starting to get a tad bit repetitive so let’s use some red nether brick slabs but that’s going to require getting some Nether wart so let’s let’s head over to

That farm real fast we haven’t had a reason to stop into The Nether wart Farm in a very long time let’s take all this out for a long time we’ve just been brewing potion with this but but now we can finally use it for building let’s go

Back home real quick to grab some Nether Bricks go to the very top floor I should have a couple yep there we go put you right here you right here and you guys right here and there we go I’m going to turn these into slabs and we’ll see what

This ends up doing ooh these are looking spicy I don’t know why it took me this long to use this block but dude these are so bright red I’m going to start incorporating this into other builds too these are looking great building around all this lava is actually becoming very

Peaceful it’s actually something I can get used to last episode I spent the whole time in the Nether and now we’re basically bringing the nether here let’s trapo a couple more of these up real quick got to finish getting all these frog lights in on this lower level also

I was thinking I don’t believe candles burn next to Lava so I think on the regular nether brick I’m going to have sets of three candles on all of these feel like these will add some much needed Ambiance and oh okay I guess the flames on me will add some much needed

Ambiance too sun is rising and we are up early in the morning this thing’s not not looking too bad we got a couple more of these frog lights to place let’s get the top level done here for some reason I am always on fire I I absolutely just

I don’t understand maybe I should just get some Fire Res potion but you know what nah I think that’s the last Frog Light right there but we are out of white candles so I actually probably should go to the bone meal Farm or the skeleton XP farm rather I know down here

Right now we have a bunch of bone meal left over from the last time I was afking and we can turn all of that into white dye and and we are here let’s see what do we got and that’s that’s plenty we should be able to turn this into

Three stacks of bone meal three stacks of white dye that is all right we are on our way I’m also going to come over here and say hi to Napoleon what’s up dude I’m going to hop in the boat how you been dude what’s going on with you this

Guy still hasn’t run out of arrows I I I think he’s maybe shot like two to 3,000 arrows it I I think he’s glitched out or something he has not run out in months all right buddy you uh you just keep doing you and uh I’ll be on my way

Leaving home with three stacks of white candles that should be enough now I feel like we’re just missing some sort of flower right here I don’t know which flower I’ve been going with the ouch I’ve been going with the torch flower a lot recently and I’m thinking about

Going with it just one more time let’s fly over to the torch flow Circle real fast I’ll probably just go ahead and take this entire field here I love torch flowers cuz they pretty much go along with any color pallette that you put them with also I was just thinking these

Stone brick pillars that we have right here are looking a little bit plain so let’s get a little bit of andesite wall to Warped fence to chain to End Rod action going we’ll probably just repeat that on every single pillar let’s see if the inside looks as symmetric well looks

Like there’s a couple frog lights that I missed but for the most part it looks nice and oh and there’s another one for the lighting in the middle let’s get a nice little glowstone Tower and wrapping around that I’m going to have some deep slate stairs spiraling all the way up

Normally I would block this off in case villagers make their way up here but I think this is going to be a tall enough staircase that if they happen to make it up then good on them dude let’s just let them be up here and we have reached the

Top and I will get a house built up here or some sort of starter house looking structure but uh I kind of want to get the interior at least decorated a little bit and some of the villagers moved in and to start off with the interior decorations I think we’ll keep it

Symmetrical and kind of line it up with these deep slate tile walls I think eventually all of these will meet in the middle these are all looking like they’re about to connect up in the center but I’m probably going to have to build a roof and we should probably get

A floor going too cuz uh we can’t really scaffold effectively right now I got a small idea going with the Crimson stem I think I’m going to use the Crimson across over here diagonally and we’ll use the wart stem on these two that is going to require me going back to the

Nether real quick though this should be our last time over here wow I something got caught on that rocket there it only made me cl that was really slow but I should have some wood here all right there’s a little bit I should have some more all right come on tell me please

Tell me I have some more aha there it is okay so we do have plenty that should be enough to use for now and while we’re here I want to show you guys something real quick to make these calibrated sensors a little bit quieter we did a lot of this on stream

But if you have a comparator going into a lectern that has a book and quill in it this is going to effectively stop all of that noise that they make and all of a sudden it becomes a lot quieter around here slowly but surely this place is

Going to get finally decorated let’s fly back and see what we got going on here ooh not too bad o and the reflection makes it look cool too we still have to get a dirt path going from all the way over here to the main island all of the

Candles torch flowers and the ferns now these are looking great we have so much color in here also on the very end on the tips of the Nether Bricks I did add some of the Soul campfires here the fires might add just a little bit of ambiance never used stem as flooring so

I’m kind of excited to see how all of this turns out the Warped stems are actually one of my favorite blocks I just don’t have a lot of them so I don’t use it that often I have to go spend a little bit more time in our warped stem

Farm I think we’ll use a little more of that white stained glass that we were using in the nether Hub nice looking good actually I’m taking this away I don’t really like the way that the glass looks back to the stone bricks thank you very much the Deep slay tile walls are

Definitely making the ceilings pop we should get more trap doors around these frog lights up here too just makes it seem a little bit more full and it seems to me in here that the villagers are probably about ready to move in I think I just need to take away those fences I

Actually just set up a couple of Frog Light statues over here so that they can all move in for on each corner I have room for about 16 villagers here and room for 16 more if we want to get more in here this pathway would be a real

Easy way of getting them over here but we’ll probably end up bringing them all over by boat I do know of one guy that’s hanging out by the bone meal Center he should be y he’s actually right here what are you doing dude let’s break that

Lily Pad let’s get you in the there we go buddy let’s get you over here into the water take this guy all the way around the island nice slowly approaching this reflection is crazy we also seem to have 15 other guys that showed up for the job what’s up

Dudes thanks for being here I appreciate y’all counting 16 villagers here I’m actually going to make a dock with some Spruce trap doors and use some deep slate as some pillars I would like to get these guys over a little bit easier hopefully the spruce doesn’t burn on the

Lava let’s get yeah better go find a job buddy let’s put this here let’s put this here let’s start breaking boats and maybe these guys will all go start finding some jobs go take the jobs Buddies go take them all just got to push this last guy inside come on buddy

Yes thank you very much and we are good to go all of them we’re crowding around this bed this is mine guys I’m going to block the staircase before any of them decide to climb up time to start placing water over and over until these guys get

Into their positions I’m going to chop that down you’re going to hop in there I’m going to put that there you have no choice but oh wait never mind he fooled me we’re going to try this again you’re going to get in there I’m going to put

This right here and you’re going to have no choice but to become another toolsmith let’s get the last guy in his remaining spot right there Perfection and you are good to go let’s take the water so there’s no more noise we now have 16 tool Smiths man this is awesome

That right there is the last trading Hall in this world we have all of them thank you guys you’re going to be working for the rest of your days let’s go outside real quick I want to show you a couple minor changes like the amethyst right here we put some candles down on

The bottom path itself is just decorated with some cherry saplings but we have amethyst up top I wanted the corners to have that nice little purple shiny tint and you might notice on the top we have a Basalt cast tip this is also lined up with some aelia bushes and now it

Doesn’t really seem like an Aztec Temple so much with the castle top can fly in on the dock here we have docks on all sides if we ever want to bring a boat over dude I am so happy thank you guys for watching this episode I really do

Appreciate it thank you for watching the live streams on Twitch and again it is twitch.tv/ wax frod feel free to come by anytime thank you to all the patreon supporters and all the YouTube members hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to another episode of the Hardcore Minecraft let’s play series we’re

Actually heading over to the ancient city right now where I had recently hooked up another portal to a giant staircase and we’ll pop through here this was actually all built on a live stream and thank you guys for coming to the YouTube live streams we’ve been

Doing a lot more of those recently and we’re going to continue doing a lot more of them we actually have a nice cozy home on the outside of this cave here if you look down we have the ancient city and the skull all the way at the bottom

But uh I decided to make it a little bit safer on our way down hopping in we have a nice little starter house area up here and we have a giant staircase that gads all the way to the bottom have one set of gates here in case the warden decides

To follow us up here because you know wooden gates are totally going to stop the warden and here’s another gate because you know two sets of gates are going to stop the warden but we’re in the ancient city now and you’ll notice that we have our nice cozy entrance all

The way down into the deep dark land it’s so dark and desolate down here but uh that’s about to change pretty soon we’re about to start moving some villagers down here but first we are making a skull Farm today we’re going to be grabbing a bunch of this stuff right

Here while we’re down here though on stream I noticed there was a couple of shers that I did not cover up with wool so I think we need to make our way over there I want to keep some of the shers out here because I do want to spawn the

Warden eventually to be able to capture it we actually have this guy right here let’s bridge over real fast we covered this shrier up too for the most part let’s see if we can take it out without any noise and I’m now just realizing there was a shrier right there man I

Really got to be careful down here let’s bridge over here real quick I’m going to take this guy out oh no that was bad why did I do that oh I think we reset those so we should be all good this is the one shrier around here though I’m just going to

Place this place this and I know that this is going to burn real quick so let’s just do that real fast let’s take you out let’s get you out of here you out of here you out of here if my memory serves me correctly there is another

Skeleton skull down here and voila there we go oh my god there was a shrier right here how did I not see this what is happening how did this thing not get set up that’s insane I’m going to take you right now sir you can come with me thank

You very much and and now we can actually go over here and open up these chests what do we got ooh Some More disc fragments and we got other side I’ve been looking for this for a while honestly this hoe right here is pretty op if we found that early game that’d be

Pretty nice and the other one ooh more dis fragments and some Echo shards not bad keep finding places that I’ve missed all the way down here there’s a shrier all the way up top and I see two shriekers on a tower we’ll come back here next episode to get that taken care

Of cuz I am bringing some villagers down here and I do not want the villagers setting off those shers it’s nice to be able to fly all the way back up here to a Cozy home though and it’s also nice to have this hooked up to the nether Highway everywhere that’s far

Away from home now we have the nether Highway hooked up to so we’ve been getting to and from home very quickly and now to get that skull Farm done that we were talking about earlier the easiest way to get this done is going to be with a skeleton Farm or a Zombie Farm

A spider farm would work too I guess but all of the other tutorials that I’ve seen have just been using skeletons and zombies which leads me to believe that those work a lot better I’m trusting a lot of those technical people that play the game here and we’re back at the cozy

Little zombie spawner and that was pretty lucky timing this little guy right here is actually the perfect example of why the skeleton spawner is a little bit better we’re going to want to use a dripstone and these regular zombies that are dropping down these guys are great for that but uh with that

Little block that’s left open the zombies uh these little guys they can make it through now all of these guys right here if they’re falling on a pointed dripstone it’s going to be a little bit better one because uh you’re going to get all that bone meal into

Because there’s no such thing as baby skeletons although baby skeletons would be pretty cool if that was added into the game now we don’t have any skeleton XP Farms that I can think of that we’ve found but there is one zombie XP farm that we have found all the way by the

Spiral M shaft we actually ran into one while we were digging the hole this was an 11 by1 hole and we had actually dug out on the back left side right here there was a zombie spawner I’m going to have to go all the way down to find it

Believe it’s right there but I’m going to actually go behind the scenes and dig myself down in there and there it is okay so we’re actually right on top and I have it fully torched up so nothing should spawn now it would make it a lot

Easier on us just to use this but I don’t want to have to dig into the spiral M shaft right here and there’s a possibility that there’s a skeleton XP spawner up here in the mines I am hearing some spiders so I know there’s a spider spawner down here somewhere but

If we dig up we can get ourselves a better look at these hanging M shafts been a while since we went caving but uh I think it’s better late than never also if we find some enchanted golden apples in here that wouldn’t be too bad see you

Buddy everywhere in here is a spot that a creeper will fall from exactly right there if it can happen then it will happen be gone sir okay get out of here please and be gone have a lot of this lit up down here but I do want to show

You guys real quick how the scul Catalyst works and that guy is holding on to some tough that’s my tough dude what are you doing but I’ll float down here real fast hopefully there’s no creepers that are jumping back around here we have a slime right here there’s

A zombie right there too let’s you know what get out of here whoa okay that was pretty okay that was nuts that was a little unex expected I meant to get the Slime right here but uh I guess the skull kind of changed too there we go that’s exactly right here

That’s how the skull Farm is going to work basically anytime you kill a mob right next to the skull Catalyst it’s going to turn any blocks around here into the skull as long as it’s a deep slate or a stone-like block it will change I just keep climbing up here and

There’s just more and more I keep climbing up this Min shaft and there’s more and more to light up this is super cool this is part of the 1.19 update that I never really appreciate if I find a m shaft early game I kind of just come

In here real quick and find a chest and make my way out as quickly as possible ooh we got some diamonds over here you be gone and you be gone I think we’re coming up on a Yep this is a cave spider spawner believe over here we’re coming

Up on a cave spider spawner see you later dude is there something stuck is that a skeleton right there okay the cave spiders are here and they’re trying to poison us for sure get out of here dude get out all right well I mean everything’s getting stuck in here if we

Can get over here little bit faster I’d like to be able to get a little bit of this and break that we don’t necessarily need there we go and be gone I’ll get you with the pickaxe sir wait is there another spider spawner right I think

This is oh my God this is hold up let’s break this we don’t need all these cave spider spawners right next to us here right now let’s get this out of the way let’s break that there we go there are plenty of cave spider spawners around so

Let’s just break any of them that we see right now this place is so cool it’d be nice to turn actually one of these into a village too revamping all the naturally generated structures is so much fun I can’t wait to get all that done and oh we have an amethyst geod

Right here I’m hearing a lot of baby zombies but I don’t know where they okay there’s two of them right here this guy is stuck see you later dude sorry about it it’s like a giant open space of Oak planks right here what is happening what

Is this this is one of the biggest M shafts that I’ve ever explored well let me tell you if you are in need of chains early game you got a lot of them right here ooh more diamonds I’ll take those thank you very much ooh there’s stuff

Above us that could drop that’s never good let’s go up these stairs looks like I might have been up here to place that torch and I do do see a treasure chest all the way down here what do we got some gold some activator rails and a

Name tag not too bad we can buy all of our name tags now but the more the merrier I’m loving all these free rails right now getting very deep into this m shaft here I’m starting to run into a bunch of dead ends starting to hear some Enderman too please no creepers be

Around here just a zombie right there I did see a yep there’s a skeleton there get away dude back off and what do you know we got another one let’s get down there nice and easy looks like the Enderman have been having a little bit of fun down here what do we

Got picking up a lot of rails here it would actually be pretty cool if these M shafts generated some more Pottery shirts more free rails yum yum yum I keep thinking that I’ve lit everywhere up and I’ll just take another turn and then there’s a whole another dark

Hallway like this right here now we’re just basically in a cave and pretty lucky right here Golden Apple let’s go okay I’ll take that let’s mine right here thank you and that’s why you just keep searching we went all the way back where are we right now we’re just in the

Middle of nowhere I am hearing quite a few SC oh there he is I was going to say there’s a couple more I think that I hear Too ow dude come on get out whoa get out of here you sir were not invited please get out of here thank you very

Much looks like there’s another one at the end of this hallway almost there what do we got not bad dude let’s take it out I’m still hearing skeletons though I cannot tell which wall they’re coming from though like there’s an abnormal amount of skeletons let’s just

Let’s dig this way a little bit running into a water cave I don’t think the skellies would actually be over this direction let’s go this way something’s got to be down this hallway those skeleton noises are getting a tad bit louder just been kind of going at it from every angle that I

Possibly can okay I’m almost certain that this is a skeleton spawner because there’s way too many skeleton noises okay hold up okay that’s yep that’s that’s definitely a spawner right there let’s break this ouch and you be gone you be gone you be gone lot of

Skeletons to have to be gone I’ll see see you all later buddies broke the oh my gosh okay see you no see you oh they’re in a battle with each other this is great okay you guys just fight each other and I will just continue going

This way a tad bit I don’t really hear that many more skeletons I’m going to light this up as quickly as I can and I think they actually might be just around this corner actually they might have all just climbed up here so we might be in

The clear let’s put a torch up there we can actually block this off just a little bit and we have ourselves a skeleton spawner let’s go what do we have in the chest another name tag another other what we found two other sides in one episode if a third

One rolls around that’d be crazy now this is actually not going to be like the other skeleton spawner where we dig this out four ways on each side and put some water down so that they can go into a water elevator and fall down for me to

Just hack away at them for some XP on this one they’re all going to spawn and the water is going to bring them all to a specific center location where they’re going to fall probably close to some bedrock and so for efficiency we’re going to actually just continue taking

Out that 4×4 in each Direction we’ll get this place all nice and cleaned up taking out the ceiling and I can still hear some skeletons above me let’s close this exposed wall up right here with some Cobblestone close this up right here and then we should be able to just

Move down three more blocks Bing Bang Boom and Bop that should leave one exposed Block in the middle let’s see if we go right down I wonder how far that goes oh we got some surprise diamonds let’s go so I can see the Bedrock from right here which isn’t necessarily the

Best thing cuz we want these skeletons to get some critical damage all the way down here so what we’ll do is we’ll actually take away these and we’ll put some blocks up to get the water up one more and we’re going to do the classic water elevator to get the skeletons up

Just a little bit higher so if I hook this up right all of the skeletons should drop down after they spawn up into this water column that is not necessarily a column yet cuz I haven’t put the kelp there but all the skeletons will get raised up over here and then

Drop down what will be their imminent death got an open space here this is where they’re all going to fall into so right now we’re looking at about a 20 block drop it could have gone a little bit less but I just wanted to play it a

Little bit safe so in order to get the zombies to fall down this hole let’s take out all of the kelp right here so that this bubble column can start smack that bottom kelp and everything should start rushing let’s take this torch out and then we will Tower ourselves up out

Of here let’s create a barrier here so I don’t accidentally fall out and for the moment of truth let’s take out that torch that torch that guy and that okay the skeletons have already started spawning all right and we have a completely dark Cube let’s back up and

Close that off now I don’t have an official way to get in and out right now so we have a little bit of a ladder system I want to see if I can beat the skeletons down there I want to see it turn to skull I just heard one fall

Right then and there and yo I just heard one Fall Again are we going to get any skull here and another one fell hm no skull yet that’s kind of strange I wonder if the slabs were messing it up let’s take these out whoa nothing yet dang this the

Sound that the skull Catalyst makes is nuts let’s try moving the Catalyst back just a block or two whoa there okay still nothing what’s going on here move the dripstone down by one block let’s see if that helps out at all and I didn’t see anything right

There what is okay and nothing again what is going on so I think I figured it out the dripstone was actually the thing that was causing the problem I thought the dripstone was the thing that was going to increase the efficiency of this but there you go the dripstone was the

One thing that was actually blocking it so this Farm actually does work this is perfect I think in order to get an extra space right here maybe okay actually we’re going to have to bring the wall back too did you see that okay we’re going to have to bring a lot of this

Deep slate back maybe about 3 four blocks okay this is awesome I cannot believe we have a working skull Farm it’s about time dude can always get a little bit of XP from the skull but for now let’s get this replaced going to pick all this up before the next guy

Drops down I think I’m going to make a 15x 15 room this skull Catalyst right here can actually have an eight block radius of detection ooh okay it looks like it works up here too and wow we really need to bring the walls back still this is actually going to open up

The tunnel that we had built on stream starting off I lined up every three spaces with some polished Basalt with some regular Basalt on the corners I wanted an easier way to get to this skull farm so we have a long hallway that actually goes all the way up to

That Mossy pathway takes a second to get up here but if we just take a little bit of a right on that Mossy pathway we can get over here no time we got to hop back down though we got to complete that hallway also I’d like to make a stone

Generator take some chiseled polished black stone we’ll throw it along the edges here and then I think behind them we’ll throw a glow stone that’ll actually bring a little bit of nice light to this hallway to bring a little color on the hallway let’s actually just make the floor entirely out of

Moss just bone meal our way all the way back down to the skull Farm there is some lava that’s about to poke through but luckily the Moss is not burning let’s take that down let’s break the end of the hallway here okay so now we’re at

The skull farm and we have a lot of deep slate to keep replacing this skull with but I don’t want to keep on using the Deep slate I’d rather honestly just use a stone generator by the way it would be amazing if there was a deep slate

Generator so we’re going to continue to clear out the walls here so they stop turning into skull from this Farm but I think off to the left side we’ll actually make a little bit of a hole to put this generator first things first you’re going to want a double chest

Let’s get four Hoppers hooked up to that we’re going to get some stairs that are facing The Hoppers once all the walls are up make sure you have a sign right there so that you can water log all of these stairs and make sure that nothing

Runs out you don’t have to but I’m just going to water log all of them add one more layer of regular blocks then just make sure to close it off before you put a lava bucket in the middle here now that’s actually just turning everything to Stone here like that and you can

Actually AFK and go four blocks like this until it all turns back into stone you might have to get past the sound of the lava and the water getting into contact here cuz it’s a lot of hissing but uh if you can move past that then

You’re going to be just fine after about a minute let’s see what do we have on the side here and we already have more than a stack that’s crazy and it’s just this nice little compact setup here you have the lava up top you got the water

Down below and you got the little chest in the back now let’s just make this place look a little bit nicer let’s clear out the rest of these walls I’m thinking we need to make a perimeter here let’s actually go 1 2 3 4 5 six

Blocks to the edge and then we’ll go on the seventh block let’s go one down well looks like I’m exposing the original ladder that I took into here all good things must come to an end we now have a bubble column finish up the corner here the coolest thing about the skull

Spreading is that it actually gets stopped by these slabs let’s clear this up real quick let’s take some Stone and get to replacing over here we finally don’t have to use any of the deep slate there we go it should be yeah it doesn’t go anywhere past the

Slabs and the stone is getting taken over this is perfect sorry skeletons but this is uh this is the way it has to be so what I did was actually move the cobblestone generator all the way up at the top I decided to cover it up with

Some deep slate tile walls too and we moved it all the way to the back and it looks like some shriekers are actually starting to spawn now which is not going to be good oh my God there’s there’s two of them oh actually there’s three this is oh my

God under the Frog Light we’re having a little bit of an issue catching some of these materials so I think we’re going to have to catch a little bit of a hopper system right down here of course there is a shrier under here where I’m trying to put the Hoppers let’s get you

Out dude these things are spawning so much there’s more sensors already one just spawned right before our eyes I am learning very quickly that this is a very loud Farm we’ll start with a double chest and we’ll line up some Hoppers going all the way to the end

We’re going to have to take out this frog light for a second get a little dangerous and we’ll put that there let’s go up here got that glass back in and put a stone piece right there we’re good to go I just want to see if this works

And okay it doesn’t look like there’s any items right there is the chest getting filled up and it is this is perfect what I’ll do is cover this up right here it’s starting to get pretty dark in here so I think the quartz on the floor in between some of this deep

Slate and probably on the walls is going to be the best move this is looking nice and smooth already I think will look even smoother is actually just in the corner putting some Crimson stem and I think we might leave it unstripped that’s o That’s nice and if these went

From these ceiling all the way over to the middle of the farm actually let’s get the high over here it’s kind of a weird name for a block the Crimson High bats looking clean a love the contrast of these colors back to mindlessly plac in blocks wow it’s it’s already looking so

Much brighter in here let’s replace these four blocks right here with some ochre Frog Light so it just looks a little bit nicer the walls are built up and we got to start thinking about the scaffolding that is in the way of getting the ceiling done I have as you

Can see the glass tube kind of risen all the way up here as high as I can go I might bring it up a couple more blocks kind of funny we have the pyramid effect going again in back toback episodes we get the glass replaced up in here so

There shouldn’t be anything able to fall out the pyramid effect I don’t think is able to go any further I I have the water tunnel that’s going right above that deep slate block so if I were to go up to the stone generator here and I break this block one block right here

That’s actually where the skeleton Farm is and if I break that it’ll just open up a whole can of worms so that is going to be the limit for our pyramid effect here I think in the corners actually let’s just use some glowstone and then maybe we’ll tear us down with some black

Stone and some deep slate the skeletons live in the darkness and then they come all the way over here to A nice bright surprise I’m going to take this layer of deep slate out and then let’s get it replace we’ll do chiseled polished Blackstone on every other block and then

Let’s see chiseled deep slate right here oo that’s not looking too bad and I fell I’m noticing now that these chiseled blocks are not really directional like if I place it like this it’s going to face that way and if I place it like this it’s just still going to face that

Way same with the black stone blocks too I guess it doesn’t really matter though too much it’s still pretty cool the way they’re textured we have an unlimited amount of Glowstone so I’m probably just going to repeat this pattern up here on the ceiling okay actually I lied we have

Some glowstone still up there but now we have some hanging aelia plants and and we use the blue ice and the packed ice alternating all the way down we’ll finish this off with a chain and an End Rod right there hop on the ground here and the ceiling is actually starting to

Take some of the colors of the sky which is kind of nice cuz we’re all the way down here at Bedrock we’ll line up the last row with some Hoppers over here and on the wall right here we’re using some red nether brick and some endstone alternating but with the quartz stairs

Back behind just to give the Crimson stem a break we’re going to use some warp stem back there but sideways I also thought that only end rods over here would look cool but we’re going to alternate with some lightning rods as well and even with half the end rods

It’s still going to be just as lit up on those Corner frog lights let’s go ahead and put some torch flowers in there I’ve been experimenting on the floor a little bit I’ve been trying to use a lot of reflective blocks like this blue ice and the gold pressure plates the quartz on

The wall is super reflective as well as you can see the End Rod is reflecting the Gilded black stone is a little bit shiny and I thought it would be kind of cool to add all of these diamond or blocks that we have been digging up we

Actually found 47 of them now that right there is that that’s not looking too bad and I know they’re called heavy weighted pressure plates but I’m just going to call them the iron pressure plates cuz that’s really what they are if we get a higher angle over here ooh this is

Looking good we have like a little Throne that’s leading up over into the stone generator I’m loving the reflective blocks on the floor and all these end rods on the ceiling we can run up into our throne and go grab as much Stone as we possibly can I also had an

Idea that we could use to connect the tunnel to this giant opening that we made here let’s actually use some Crimson stem and go all the way down bring a little bit more color to this Mossy hallway next I was thinking we could actually hide some redstone blocks

In between the Crimson stems we could put some powered rails on top and use all of these rails that we had found in the mine shafts now we can just lazily use a mine cart to get back and forth actually have one right here see you

Later buddy it’s not like I was going to use you right now and I actually thought this hallway was finished with the decorations I just keep thinking of new things to put on the sides here we’re going to use some deep slate brick walls then we’re going to alternate some lime

Candles and some white candles light all these up and we have oh my god oh wo W wo wo okay okay yeah light these up we have a nice warm ambient Vibe hopefully there’s no fire that starts beautiful I love having rail systems that take you

To the farm oh my God we’ve collected four Stacks now of the skull sensors get some barrels hooked up right here so that we can actually just store some of this stuff we don’t have to have it right on the farm anymore these middle sections of quarts are looking a little

Bit less bright than the ice counterpart so let’s actually put some end rods on the sides here and hook them up with some chain means that ooh that’s going to be great I take a little bit of scaffolding but we can do that all the way around Bing Bang Boom and Bop Can’t

Forget the bop boom bang and Bing actually on second I thought again we should replace some end rods every other one will alternate with some lightning rods every time I turn around there’s like 20 more sensors behind me dude these guys are so loud final chain has been placed let’s

See if we can go down and ooh that see that adds so much light the ceiling is so much more vibrant there’s a few more minor decorations that I’d like to add starting with these ironate oh let’s get that clay pot out of there let’s get

These iron gates right here and next I was thinking along these hoppers on every other one let’s put a chain down we’ll put a plant down and then we’re also going to alternate between some Ferns and some cactuses there’s not that many plants that reach all the way to

The chain Fern is one of them and Cactus is one of them you can also use aelia I know bamboo is really good for that as well again we have a bunch of sensors here and if you look right here we actually have one dude I think he has

Some feather falling boots on because there’s no way he could have survived that fall luckily with one little swipe he’s gone and that just created two sensors alone right there so at least if they fall and we swipe at them it still does create some skull I think we did a

Pretty good job of making this build feel like it’s not all the way down at Bedrock it’s starting to feel like a nice and cozy home down here small detail Mist right here looks like there’s two blocks I almost completely forgot to put in let’s put you right

There and you right there I also have an idea to make this part of the quartz ceiling a little bit less smooth looking and if we replace these with with these smooth quartz stairs that actually starts to look a lot more textured I do a lot of detailing already with buttons

Trap doors all of the wooden blocks but I need to get a little bit better at detailing with slabs and stairs themselves and with the stairs you can actually make some cool designs in the ceiling just like this might be fun to use some dripstone here we were going to

Use it initially on this Farm but if we have it hanging from the ceiling we can give it a use let’s put these sensors back here actually I want to see how many bones we’ve been collecting so far oh my God we have so many down here now

That’s just great and you know what we could do let’s get all of the loot from the ancient city and bring it on down here this will give me the opportunity to show you guys what we did on the latest YouTube stream head up the bubble elevator real fast and before you know

It you end up in the house and wait a second hold up I actually do have two Oak signs we can just put here right now for the bed ledge and this is the first floor interior of our starter house we had actually built this over about a 3

And 1/2 hour long YouTube stream thanks for showing up if you did we’ll fly out here a little bit of a ways and give you guys a better look we just built a brand new starter house floating here in the Ocean looks the same from both sides

We’re going to come over here on Dog Island and don’t guys we will we will get a home for these dogs I do promise that but I love this house it’s nice and cozy it doesn’t really serve any purpose other than to house the entrance to the

Skull Farm tried to make it look as detailed as possible though in case any villagers do decide to move in here but there is a second floor they can actually get up to and an attic all the way up top got some nice views of the nether portal from here in the backside

Over here it’s the exact same but it connects up to this Moss pathway that we had built a while back I guess it’s not really a floating house if I have these jungle log stilts on the front porch and the back porch I’m looking at the side

Of the house here I could probably put some more jungle logs here as well let’s fly home real fast let’s grab all of the ancient city Loot and those jungle logs I’ll take all of you guys right here and I believe the shulker box with everything from the ancient city is

Right up let’s take it down to the basement before we head back down let’s go right here and I think we can line ourselves up right to this guy we can bring the jungle log up this way go over one block and get one right next to it

Get the cluster on the top to stay consistent and then we’ll go all the way down and strip this log and all right that’s not too bad now we have the front and back matching the sides of the house it doesn’t look like it’s really floating anymore it does look like it’s

More structured now we can head back down and finally unload this light blue shulker box so what do we have we do have a lot of skull oh Echo shards I need to actually put a place here for them what I’m going to do is actually put the skull Catal right here because

The skull itself I’m going to take upstairs to the sea level because I’m going to use that for building get all of the rest of these put away we have so many skull sensors now and I believe we have enough music disc fragments to make

This disc finally yes we do we can put it right next to our other other side I also realized I don’t really have a use for these Echo shards because I’m playing in hardcore mode and uh yeah just there’s absolutely no use for them unless there is a use for them and I’m

Just not thinking of it please let me know in the comments below if I’m just not thinking of it on the corners I think it’d be cool if we use some large amethy buds instead of the Clusters we’re always using the Clusters so we got to give the large emth buds a little

Bit of love let’s sprinkle these all over the entrance as well and every other block around the skull Farm actually wouldn’t hurt as well and there we have it the last one placed down we might be good except for up here in our little Stone generator Throne let’s get

Some on the sides like that we’ll get one right here here and there as well as the corners of our ice square up at the top of the ceiling and I think we we have ourselves a nice skull XP farm guys we did it thank you all so much for

Watching this build was super fun to make I spent quite a few hours on the twitch streams and the YouTube streams making all of this and I really do appreciate you guys spending the time with me on the live streams it really does mean a lot going to get the last

Four torch flowers up here just for a tad bit more decoration and boom that is it guys thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate y’all thank you to all the new YouTube members all of the twitch subscribers and the patreon supporters and away we go

No what how did that happen hi everybody wax frod here and welcome back to another episode of the hardcore let’s play series today we are transforming an ancient city the goal is to get a lot of villagers down there get them working and make that place feel as Lively as

Possible first I do want to show you guys that skull Farm we made the last episode thank you for watching by the way get a little bit of XP on our way down we built a floating starter house right here that actually covers up the bubble column that takes us down all the

Way over to bedrock let’s float on down over here we have a hallway that takes us all the way over to the laboratory where all the skeletons fall and turn all of the stone into skull come on over here to the throne where we can gather

All of our Stone in this generator right here and I know we could probably use a Beacon to make it more efficient but we haven’t got a beacon down here just quite yet oh we have a nice place to sit down here in AFK the skeleton spawner is

Actually right above us and it sends everybody over right here sometimes they actually have feather falling so we have to swipe at them but if you have a silk touch hoe you can acquire all of the skull that you could possibly need and then just replace it up with a the stone

Here I love watching it turn into skull and this actually turned into a little bit of a bone meal Farm if we put the skull away let’s head down the ladder real quick and go under we have a bunch of Bones and more arrows too I kind of

Want to see what all the arrow types are like I think I’m going to dedicate an episode later in this series to an arrow shop let’s hop in the mine cart all the way back to the bubble column and head back up to sea level where it’s night

Time let’s go back in and take a nap wake up in the morning feeling good and wasting Rockets looking at the sun this is going to be a good day I do want to show you guys the progress actually on the auto sorting system I had mentioned

Recently that we are going to move it about 200 blocks to the East Rock it on over instead of using the mine carts that’s a little dangerous but we’re going to remove this Beacon right here we have a giant tunnel that we had excavated on stream by the way it is

Twitch.tv/ wax feel free to join anytime we do stream every single day but if we go over here there is a brand new cave that we had reached and this is actually right under Rainbow Mountain this thing is huge and it actually saves me a lot of time from

Excavation I can hear creepers falling this is not good but yeah this thing is enormous there are creepers everywhere so I definitely need to be careful let’s probably not push our luck we could actually spend a little bit of time torching some of this place up that way

Next time we come back we don’t have to worry too much about creepers oh hey there’s a BT right there I don’t want to push our luck there’s skeletons closing in on me so oh yep exactly let’s get back up here but anyways this is going

To be the new location of the auto sorting system now let’s head through the tunnel we’re going to go back to that ancient city we’re going to have to make a villager breeder so let’s grab a couple of beds we’re going to need actually I have some grass with me let’s

Grab some carrots get a few villagers to toss these guys around let’s grab a few composters and I think the villagers are pretty much ready to go let’s go pick two chosen ones to get our village started in the ancient city just wasting rockets by accident and as you can see

There is a small amount of decoration that has taken place we’re slowly but surely getting this place put together as time goes on you’ll notice this place start to look a little bit more more Exquisite I have a boat right here I’ll grab this one can’t fit me on it I think

Oh that one can’t either I know we have cler back here talking to a librarian and he’s already a Master Trader so we’re not going to take you but we are going to take this librarian and we’re going to turn him into a farmer sir you’re coming with me get in the boat

Thank you very much I’m going to move you very slowly over this way you’re going to hop in the boat right there thank you let’s go inch this way a little bit after a little bit of struggle we finally made it okay let’s go now we can Zoom all the way down the

Hallway let’s take this guy out we’re going to have to push him through wait oh you know what I should have done is actually grabbed a couple of fence gates cuz he’s going to want to leave get back on the boat dude all right you stay there just one second coming back with

Guy number two and oh we’re stopping right there we can put some fences right here so that the villagers have zero way of getting across but uh I will take out your boat here take out your boat here and you guys are now stuck the quarters

Have gotten a little bit closer I need to I’m might actually have to probably push these guys through the other guy I think walked in when I was turned around but this guy looks like he wants to just be pushed into The Nether Portal get in there buddy you’re almost there almost

There and he’s in let’s see I hope they’re not open no no no well this is not where I really wanted them to go let’s hopefully uh don’t fall down here one of them is already stuck right are you going to get in there too don’t do this don’t do this

To me in a matter of 10 seconds one of these guys is stuck and one of them is just hanging out on the house let’s take this down here you guys can get down I’m going to take this down too no possible way of you guys getting there again

Let’s Let’s uh take this out so that you guys can just get back in the house please one of them just went back through I’m going to have to grab him real quick sir what are you doing where are you at okay you don’t need to be

Here I’m going to push you right back through you don’t I don’t know why you even went this way sir you’re being very difficult there we go I’m going to get the boat over here these guys are being very difficult hold up where you at I’m

Going to get you guys in the boats all right guys we cannot take the same boat hold up we’re going to do one at a time here I’m going to get you in a boat right here sir and then I’m going to get in we are so close close to Fallen we’re

Right here on the edge and let’s go down let’s be as safe as we can and we’re here ooh I think this guy actually might be running right over to the opening of the stairc oh this is perfect dude I love this okay so this was actually a

Little bit easier than I thought it would be let’s get you into the boat so you don’t leave okay why are you not getting into the boat sir sir I just need to push you over here for thank you very much just stay there and stop breaking stuff villager number two is

Still up here let’s do our best not to land in the water oh let’s be careful and let’s go this way and and there we go we are doing great let’s swim a little bit over here on the Deep slate and let’s meet our friend luckily I

Brought a bell down here already so these villagers I bet they will just Auto okay never mind I thought he was going to go that way sir get in the boat so if we’re going to reach the goal of the episode and transform this entire

Ancient city what we got to do is find a nice place for the Villager breeder and I think this little square area right in the middle is actually perfect let’s take out these deep slate blocks and meticulously replace them all with some grass blocks we’ll move the villagers in

Here and we’ll get them breeding and one twitch stream later we have these guys cooped up over on the side of a brand new villager breeder we have a bunch of carrots that are growing right here right now we have a nice wooden interior on the inside of the ceiling and then on

The outside we’re actually using a lot of Mangrove and a lot of quartz pillars for the roof as well as a little bit of a mixture of Oak jungle and Spruce up here for some windows this was a really fun stream though because now we can

Actually take a step back and look at what the builds are going to start looking like in the deep dark down here like this thing is just popping out everything else is so desolate it’s either deep gravel or skull and now we finally have a brand new building down

Here and you know what let’s get these guys loose I’m going to break your boat and I’m going to break your boat and you guys are just going to become some Farmers I’m going to get in here with you they don’t want to do it let’s uh

Let’s break this let’s put that right there and come on guy there we go get in there these guys are now in they just need to take their composting jobs right here we can actually take this Warden statue out because this thing used to resemble a warden head we left it in for

Just a little bit cuz I actually wanted to remake it out of quarts on the front side right here we’ll go down this is where the baby villagers are going to drop into come back around and we have an even bigger Warden head on the front

Now got to put some flowers in here I almost forgot to so at least they can have something nice to look at when they enter the world and they’re both Farmers all right you take some carrots you take some carrots let’s get to breeding buddies there’s like 10 beds right below

You guys so this shouldn’t really be an issue it is possible these guys need a bell the one all the way over here is a little bit too far away possibly so let’s just put one right up here and maybe that one’s a lot closer a cake

Down here and some carpet for the baby villagers to fall on so they should be good to go I hear them trading care okay I see it happening let’s go baby villager time thought I heard these guys trading some carrots but uh they didn’t do anything yet so I have an idea while

We’re waiting Let’s uh let’s replace all of the floor with a little bit of moss and maybe some grass here and there but mostly Moss because it’s super super easy to spread look at this it just spreads everywhere we can keep on taking all this SK out with our silk touch ho

Here but uh for the most part this Moss is only going to be affecting the natural blocks like the tough in the Deep slate these Cobble deep slate structures as well as these other deep slate structures like this hallway these are also not going to be affected okay this is already making the

Side of the building look way nicer okay bone mealing and there are shers here this is not good let’s creep over here there’s some wool over here so I’ve obviously been here already and there’s multiple shriekers let’s uh let’s cover these guys up get this shrier and sensor completely covered up

Here and we’ll just take you out then we can take the second one out and we’re good to go and we get a new chest filled with a bunch of Bones books bottles of enchanting and some soul torches it’s kind of cool that they give you a really

Nice fortune 3 Diamond hoe also well if these shers were here that means there’s probably going to be some more shers I actually see a scull catalist right behind me okay I see one shrier and I see two shers again let’s uh see if we can take these guys out okay well

There’s actually some more loot up here but I’m seeing one two and three and four shers so we okay this is uh this is a little dangerous so I think this guy’s covered up enough let’s take you let’s take you okay well that was bad not a good

Idea let’s hop down here I for some reason thought I covered that one up and it’s going to shriek again please don’t shriek Again well guys uh that’s that’s our third strike we really got to be careful dude I think we’re in the clear I can see the Villager breeder out there I think we actually explored pretty much everything that might be the last two shers so let’s hop down here on the wool

Let’s see what’s in the chest and ooh not bad and in the other one we got ourselves another cat disc but most importantly we got ourselves a skeleton skull right here all right not good all of my wool is burning Let’s uh let’s break this so it doesn’t spread get out

Of here please get does the skull burn oh God the skull is burning too wait stop oh now I’m burning well I should have seen that come and I was just so worried about the shers I completely forgot that wool Burns in lava now I

Feel like with all of the shers or I guess most of the shers there might be a couple hidden ones but I feel I feel like with most of them gone we can probably start moving some of the farm animals down here I got to get some

Chickens we got to get some cows some pigs I forgot we’re in the Mesa so when the grass forms over this Moss it’s kind of yellow it does add a little bit of extra color down here it’s kind of nice that way not everything down here is one

Shade of green I think as we get closer to the door we can start to think about you know what yeah let’s bring some of these animals down here before we start bone mealing literally everywhere in this place I think first things first let’s go back and actually just get some

Chicken eggs so we can move some chickens here this is going to give me the opportunity to show you guys the brand new updated interior of the nether Hub that we worked on on a recent youTube stream and thank you guys for showing up to that if you did I

Appreciate yall but on this we have deep slate tile walls diorite and a combination of the wart stem and the Crimson stem so that we can differentiate between the entrances we have a lot of builds out here now and we have a lot of destinations to get to Via

The nether Hub so it’s going to be nice to be able to tell where exactly we’re going I’m also just stoked at the fact we have something nice to look at while we’re in the nether Hub fly over to the chicken Co real fast and grab a couple

Of stacks of eggs thank thank you very much I appreciate that guys you keep doing you buddy it’s kind of strange to see these guys here I often times replace them because the ocelots spawn in this jungle biome right inside of the chicken coop and take them all out but

Uh these guys are still going I really hope I’m not throwing the chickens down here prematurely this could be a huge mistake because uh they could just be setting off some shriekers at a later time but let’s actually or we could just set them in the staircase and then let

Them out after we want to I’m loving this we’re going to use this as a temporary chicken CP on this staircase here and we’re going to double check as we’re going around getting the Moss all bone meal up we’re going to make sure that there’s no more streakers get all

The skull out over here as well it’s starting to get dark back here in order to make everything even I’ve actually just been replacing the skull with some grass that way it actually looks pretty smooth alongside this Moss up here and that way when we bone meal the Moss it

Doesn’t start going down on this other level more bone meal here more bone meal here thank you very much I do want to place torches on the Moss but I am going to have to water bucket it so let’s actually just let’s do that first and then we’ll get some torches down cuz

This place is starting to get pretty dark here we’ll place you right there and you right there more skull the skull will be mine I’m really enjoying this half grass and half Moss blend down here little deep slate Pockets we’ll just hit them with this moss real quick like that

And that one’s almost gone we’re good to go this place is starting to get completely covered up we have about maybe 80% done ouch let’s go this way here yeah I’d say about 80% done we haven’t got this all the way back here oh there’s a catalyst all the way up

There run over and grab that real quick I guess that makes sense as to why I didn’t place any torches up here yet we have been down here for a couple of hours now almost to the end of this hallway right here we’re so close we are

Out of bone meal let’s fly back and actually let’s check on that villager breeder and see what’s up I see a third villager in here we have 1 two and three but that means that the baby villager did not fall through here no big deal we’ll break in through the side let’s go

In here I’m going to break this trap door right here and okay hold on he’s right here let’s get you pushed down the one guy that’s not a yes perfect close that back up and I oh we have an iron golem that’s awesome I think that officially means we’ve started a village

Down here let’s go whoa I turned around and there’s another one right here what’s happening these guys are spawning really quick I really hope we got all the shers out of here let’s Open this gate and let this guy out and we now have our first free roaming villager

Actually what I’m thinking is we could probably take out this fence gate alt together this guy’s exploring everything already it’s looking good back here huh I don’t really have any work block for the villagers yet so yeah all right so he’ll be the Mason I’m going to trade

With this guy real quick to lock him in thank you very much sir and I’m noticing that I picked up some beetroot Siege which is kind of strange cuz I only planted carrots down here now there’s beetroots why must you replace my carrots all the extra stuff that we’ve

Been collecting we have a lot of skull in here but we’ve just been putting it into the shulker boxes so far and in this shulker box right here we have all of the Villager professions that are possibly able to come down here there’s 13 of them total and I’m just going to

Place him right here so that the villagers when they come out they have something to do immediately I thought I just heard another baby villager and he’s right here so right now I’m actually thinking the transformation of the entire ancient city is an enormous task and it’s going to take us a long

Time so first things first I think what we need to do is set another goal and that is to just create a whole village down here first before we start revamping everything else cuz there is a lot of room down here there’s even room for more Villages than just this one

Iron Golems have made themselves at home right here but I think I’m going to turn this into a mason hall while we’re waiting on these guys to breed up more villagers we can always make the builds look nice let’s hop over here out of the way of the iron golems and let’s get

Some oak logs this time for the frame once the frame is done we’ll strip all the wood up here let’s take down these Cobble deep slate walls real quick I kind of want to get them replaced with some quartz I have quartz pillars and smooth quartz actually wait let’s use

The quartz bricks instead these are going to look nice not too bad I think quartz bricks it is let’s use some Stone up here for a basic roof structure let’s get some more stairs is over here and I actually physically can’t right now because of the skull above me let’s

Actually just take this I don’t have my hoe with me right now so let’s just take this out in fact this whole pillar right here just doesn’t belong and I feel like it has to go getting this bottom part bone meal up is actually going to be no

Problem but this top part up here this part definitely needs some skull taken out this pillar has been taken out we have a nice open space we do have a little bit more deep slate up here that we still need to take out as well a lot of this is just hanging right

Over the Villager breeder not so much over the Mason trading Hall anymore now that I’m up here though I am realizing I did not put any flowers on the roof let’s fly down I actually have some torch flowers with me get a torch flower next to here we’re using roted dirt for

The roof I’ve actually never done that before but it’s nice to get to use new blocks for the roof not looking too shabby I’m really liking this build and actually while we were working on the exterior here let’s get these plants up the Villager breeder was going crazy I

Think we have all 13 villager jobs taken up now got the stone cutter let’s see let’s just put it right in the middle of the room small amount of interior decorating never hurt nobody we got to get a little bit of light a little bit of spruce in

Here I think six lanterns in here should do and we’re all lit up some nice flowers on the side what is this guy doing all the way down here sir why are you over here in this Watchtower must have climbed right up this ladder sir what are you doing up here I’m actually

Liking this Tower a lot we could just build right onto this and bring a jaw block up there for him Iron Golem seem to be checking out the tunnels we got to change these tunnels up too and I see a cat come here buddy be my friend please

I’m just going to run after you until you become my friend eat the salmon yeah okay perfect we have one cat down here fly back over the tower I think I’m going to make this guy my Fletcher and boom you are now the Fletcher I like how

We have a designated spot for this guy up here now I feel like we should just start designating some more spots for the other jobs take the cauldron and move it over by this cat right here so that the leather workers can have this little Tower I’m going to take the

Smoker and put it in the middle of this field we’ll get the butcher a nice little starter house over here here I’m going to put the lect turn right over here so we can dedicate this Tower to the Librarians with about half of the job blocks with the designated position

I think this town is actually starting to take a little bit more shape the one thing that is separating the entrance from this little village though is this deep slate tunnel they’re all filled up with these various deep slate blocks and a lot of this gray wool that we’re going

To have to take out and replace for the most part these deep slate pillars I’m just going to start replacing them with the spruce logs and get the rest of this replaced with some Stone it already has so much more life with just the Spruce logs alone and actually I just heard a

Cat ooh there’s the cat where’s my salmon right here please get away from the lava dude why why do you got to do this dude just get away from the lava stop freaking out eat the salmon I’m going to go around here maybe away from

The lava is a little bit of a better way hey eat the salmon buddy eat the yeah we now have two cats down here working with stone in the ancient city is actually kind of nice it looks like it adds a lot of depth to all the builds cracked deep

Slate bricks looks so cool I like these a lot I’m going to start using these a little bit more I’m going to get them replaced for now though with some chiseled stone bricks I don’t think I’m ever going to have to mine for deep slate ever again after this I was trying

Out different colored carpet on the floor I don’t think it’s going to work though I really do think that the oak wood is going to be the only way to do it it’s going to make the stone pop it’s going to make the Spruce Wood pop too

And adding some brick along the sides is really going to make these colors pop as well get some andesite under those get some Spruce stairs on the bottom of each of the logs we’ll use some end rods down by the ground and do I have lanterns on

Me I do we’ll use some lanterns up top hanging from the bricks go around the corner we’ll Place some end rods on the back side and by the way we are the proud owner of three cats down in the deep dark biome Now Bing Bang Boom and

Bop while I’m looking up it’s got me thinking I kind of want to leave the skull on the ceiling it does have a nice Starry Night effect up there the middle part of the tunnel here used to be separated by a giant solid line of deep

Slate but not any longer I think we’re just going to actually cover it up by some glass so we can see on both sides we’re going to give these tunnels a more open concept get some lanterns every now and then in here for just a little bit

More light the stairway over here that’s next to the entrance actually need to complete this little overhang right here to connect these brick stairs these things make so much noise now for some minor decorations up top let’s get some andesite walls on these chiseled blocks the second level wasn’t really getting

Used for anything so I think maybe some awnings up here would be cool too I’m getting very much burnt right now let’s get the pain and the noise out of here this is looking a lot more official already let’s get some lanterns up here on every every other one the

Entire time I’ve been down here I’ve just been thinking I am so happy that nothing is able to spawn down here it’s making the building process so much easier ooh the tunnels are looking good now okay so I feel like we need to get some paths going in between the tunnels

And these houses now that we have two houses on this side and we have a brand new house over here that we did on a brand new YouTube stream we got more iron golems popping up on this side and more in the tunnels but this right here

Is a basic starter house design I’ve been putting in my worlds it has everything that the villagers need to get oh there’s actually one sleeping in here right now as the Villager breeding continues there’s probably going to be more and more that need jobs so I’m going to start making some random houses

On the side as well this guy is stuck but sir you got to get yourself unstuck I can’t do it for you as you can see we did start with a little bit of the Cobblestone slabs but uh we’re going to make this a lot bigger let’s go ahead

And replace all of this Moss with some grass if we had dirt we could use dirt but uh the grass we’ll have to do for now we can actually just change this into the pathways and then anything that we don’t want to be a pathway I’m going

To turn into some Oak slabs or some Spruce slabs then we’ll have to repeat that process over by these houses and get everything else connected don’t worry guys you will have roads soon enough and slab up the pathways back here we have the Fletcher tower now all

Nice and cozy don’t not really have a good way of getting up there yet so we can run around the back of the place that I haven’t really worked into the village yet in due time the ancient city will be completely transformed but uh getting all the way over here has taken

A lot more time than I thought it would this is my first time using Mangrove trap doors as a wall and I’m going to do this a lot more now I’m really loving that let’s save it up to Fletch real quick what’s going on dude this is now a

Fully operational Watchtower so you need to keep us safe buddy that’s your only job let’s hop over to this Tower here and complete the stairs around the glowstone Tower transforming this guy shouldn’t be too bad let’s take out the rest of this skull and I think this deep

Slate we’re going to replace with some stone bricks also some Spruce log towers for the structuring should work all right and so instead of the stone we actually use the diorite pillars and we use the quartz pillars right outside of the spruce I think these colors coordinate just a little bit better the

Stone was clashing a little bit so I decided to go with the white of the diorite I think it goes a lot better with the smooth white color of these quartz pillars some Spruce fence gates in here never hurt nobody we’ll get some up top get some amethyst clusters on the

Outside for some color it’s been really nice actually searching for blocks to use that are not deep slate it’s making the builds look a little bit more unique down here we’ll go ahead and put some cherry leaves on the top floor also just one more layer of these quartz slabs to

Take out also it looks like I forgot to replace some of this deep slate right here get these quartz bricks replaced here and actually at the very top it is a little bit dim get the diorite walls hooked up and and a little bit of End

Rod action at the very top just so we can have a little bit of light drop down to the bottom we can get some cherry leaves up here boom and Bop and of course we can’t forget the wall to fence to chain to End Rod action on the bottom

Let’s get all these stairs out of the way here and get them replaced with the quart stairs we’re going to use some cherry trap doors as a means of walls the towers are not looking too bad I think it’s missing a little bit of light up by the top cherry leaves though the

Librarian villager is up here making himself at home somewhere he has a bed he has his little Lecter kind of a difficult angle to reach let’s get from this side and actually I like that a lot everything’s starting to come together we have four houses we have the tunnels

Built up we have this little Watchtower over here we have two quartz Towers these pillars right here are standing out as the next thing that I think I need to replace I like the pattern here we just have regular deep slate deep slate tile stairs the chiseled deep

Slate blocks and the polished deep slate I feel like we could go with a similar pattern but with completely different blocks start taking these out one by one this one will start off a little bit easier we’ll use all the stone brick variants or maybe brick Towers would

Look a lot better actually I lied the quartz is the best replacement we have the chiseled blocks the bricks going up into the stairs into the regular quartz blocks and the pillars all of them combined they do make a great replacement and if we walk back here on

The chiseled stone blocks and the oak Bridges we can see all of the other ones these are actually a nice city wall of some sorts for the current version of what the town is actually o there’s a missing Lantern all the way back here guys I’m telling you right now you can

Never have too many lanterns this pillar in particular was a little weird though cuz it backs up right into this tunnel and actually oh hold up I did not finish this let’s get some glass in here too now that’s done what’s up dude how you doing in there Iron Golems are

Actually making their way all the way back in between the pillars and while we’re in the tunnel I believe there’s some more ferns yep right here that we did not place the ferns are always going to make the tunnels look a little bit more nice and while we’re down here we

Can show you the nice cat collection that we have we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even cats already this is crazy these cats are eagerly waiting for me to finish this Pond that I said I was going to start I put a nice little barrier around

Where I think a pond should go and all of the water for the pond is going to be sourced from this natural little waterfall I’m actually going to put a torch up here just in case I end up wanting to make this look a little nicer this waterfall gives you a great vantage

Point of the Town currently though I think yeah this Pond is the one thing that’s missing there’s just this giant empty field right here normally all my ponds have stone and dirt at the bottom but I think it would actually be really interesting if we left it all Moss for

Instance if we took all of this deep slate out right here and then just went down a level with the Moss and then went down another level right here put even more moss on the third level maybe a fourth level this could look really nice and cozy luckily I brought two water

Buckets so I can start myself a little water source glad we brought this Shar down it’s filled up with all the coral all of the bone meal and pickles that we’re going to need to get this thing finished big on Moss we must make a pond

A little bit of M at this down here but mostly Coral down here on the floor just a little bit of Lily Pad action on the top and we’ll slap some sea pickles down on the bottom and just like that with one YouTube stream later we have a brand

New Pond this thing is looking great nice and cozy we have our Mangrove boat our little raft over there on the outside here we’re going to have The Cattails hanging on the corners with some cherry leaves and some cherry bushes we hop across the lily pads we

Can take a look at the well that’s sourcing the water right from the pond and if we hop back over to the other side we can see the water tower that and I’m stuck hold on we can see the water tower that actually holds more of the

Water for the rest of the town and The Cauldron down here for the leather worker as we started digging along the ceiling I noticed the walls were getting a little dark so we spammed glowberries pretty much everywhere so that the corners could start to look a little bit

More brighter speaking of making things brighter let’s uh let’s add some jack’ lanterns around town we’ll get one in between the tunnel system and the starter house actually you know what we’ll get a few of them we’ll go one over here and we’ll put one over here as

Well SL slap one on the corner and you know what we could actually slap one right here and right here I think I just stole the fern from that Clay Pot I’m not sure why I did that right here is obviously the corner of the town there

Is a tunnel system that’s still made out of deep slate I’m just lighting it up very slowly I hear a baby villager behind me that may have made himself right at what’s up dude made himself right at home in the brand new Beacon Tower house but I’m going to start using

A lot more natural Lighting systems back here just so that we can start making it a little bit easier to expand dude there are baby villagers all over there there’s like three in the back of the village over here they’re trying to tell me where to put these Jack lanterns okay

Buds I’ll get one right back here too another classic way of lighting up the town is obviously the red mushroom lamp we got to get a lot of these in here other than the Jacko Lantern sea pickle mixture these are my favorite lighting Source in the game and we are coating

This corner with more lighting we were using a bunch of torches but these mushrooms look a lot better so I’m going to keep using them slap one more up right about here to light that little area up and I have one more Bell that I

Want to bring in for a third one maybe just one more Village we’ll get about 10 to 15 more villagers down here they’re all very spread out now that I have beds all over the place they’re Upstairs Downstairs all over in the houses so I have some bread in here right here

Actually and let’s just start throwing these right on top of them so you don’t even look comfy you’re not you’re technically not even in the bed here how about just take some bread you take some bread oh wow everybody just woke up that was weird and uh you over here sir

That’s trying to walk away right now you take some bread and you two up here on the bear actually either just walk every over everybody over here just take some bread well that was really fast that’s kind of insane we have beds all over you know what everybody just keep taking the

Bread right here right now these baby villagers are popping out quick man quick sir take the bread you look hungry looking at the Village from this corner over here is absolutely insane we’ve been digging out just a little bit of the wall we had a lot of cobblestone up

Here because the lava and the water met on a Long play that we made but now we have plenty of space to be able to perch up here and look at the Village from up top we have a lot of these tall flowers around the pond down there but uh not

Around the houses and towers that we had built and refurbished so let’s actually move away from this Pond real quick the pond for the most part is done except for maybe a rose bush right here and a lilac right there but uh I think we just

Need to go in between these houses and start spamming some tall flowers pict your plants everywhere never hurt nobody there’s four baby villagers right here what is going on okay this Village is just turning into a daycare down here lilacs back here and it looks like even

More baby villagers let’s go for now a lot of these tall flowers do look great but the two most colorful and my favorite of the small flowers are going to be these torch flowers and then the blue orchids so let’s start spamming these around everywhere too I think the

Cats are going to like some more blue orchids back here we got all the flowers all the mushrooms a lot of the Jacko lanterns in and it’s looking very colorful especially with the glowberries in the background and these Twisted Vines going all the way up but something

Else that can go vertical in that’s in my hand right now are some bamboo and actually let’s just get this going up just a little bit we’ll start spamming some bamboo down here as well while we’re waiting for the bamboo to grow I do have some stones that I just kind of

Want to place around town we can place them on the grass we can place them on the stone blocks on the pathway too it’s always about the Minor Details hold up can’t forget to put a puffer fish in here my bad dude very disrespectful of me to forget about the puffer fish let’s

Go ahead and get some of these amethyst clusters here on the ground right next to all of these Stones well all these guys are stuck this is kind of weird so let’s just break this trapo and all of these maybe they’ll just jump down okay you know what we can’t have nice things

Here let’s just and this guy’s stuck again let’s break all all of these trap doors on the first floor just need to go apparently these guys can’t handle any trap doors still looks good though and I guess if it makes the villagers happy then I’m happy now other than just

Getting some trees on the ground I feel like we just got to get some random melons here and there I’m going to get some note blocks here and there as well just for some decorations we’ll put some stone cutters here and there on top of them get some grindstones around town

And we’ll just put some candles right on top of those this episode has been so hectic I usually just do one structure per episode but this episode has been an entire Village taking up way more time than I originally thought it would more villagers oh my God it’s a party over

Here what’s going on okay we have a lot of foliage done we’ll get the trees in in a little bit but first I feel like since we have all these baby villagers it’s only right to get all of the other animals in let’s go see if those

Chickens are on the other side of the all right buds gather around follow me downstairs follow me please before any villagers decide to come in here and you’re good let’s close those up okay we officially have chickens that are about to just start roaming right now not

Going to hold any seeds these guys are just going to go roam around looking for some more and you know what let’s just throw some eggs around town actually wait I see some skull all the way up there that I didn’t even take out let’s head up there real quick looks like

There’s this section right here and a whole other section behind me this actually shows you where the roof used to be it used to lie right down here but we raised it up about five blocks I’m glad I actually went up here cuz I’m noticing that there’s some Birch buttons

That I forgot to put on that roof let’s get all the skull off the sidewalk grab the skull from this roof place the Birch buttons down I can’t believe I almost forgot these the last two right here okay let’s go up let’s get some sheep some pigs and some cows down in here

Some of these guys are chilling right at the nether Hub actually we have some cows there we are what’s up cows how you doing get over here actually I have some wheat you guys come with me this way slowly but surely we will make it to your new

Home approaching the portal and oh yeah we are right here okay come on guys just a little bit further you guys come in this way actually let’s just push you first one sheep went through and that’s the last one okay perfect okay single file please let’s move the door follow

Me guys come on all right first guy right here I’m going to get you in the boat and then we are going to head right down into the pond should be no problem Landing right about here this is absolutely perfect why why does everything have to get on top of the

House hold up I’m going to break these so you guys can’t be here physically anymore we have our next victim let’s fly all the way down maybe we can land on the path over yes we can we have our first sheep we have our second sheep and

We now have our third sheep right here once they make a baby you can have some wheat guy there you go cow number one we’re about to fly down oh yeah put the bamboo door back up and we will now be able to take cow number two down and away we

Go no what how did that happen I swear I did not know that you could do that this guy down and you down there you go sir are you kidding me dude that was the that how did the cow just die falling from there that’s like three blocks both

Cows just died I do promise none of that was on purpose I don’t know how that happened you know what what we’re going to do let’s go back home and let’s bring a puppy down here because puppies aren’t going to disappear on us let’s head over

To puppy Island and and pick one of these brave souls to come down to the ancient city with us you right here sir you’re looking great I actually have the perfect name for you so this pup’s name is the man and actually he’s going to have a cyan colar looking good dude

Let’s see if I fly all the way over here will the Man follow me over he will let’s go come with me dude you can teleport all you want but just stay in the glass walls I’m in the raft with the men and I’m not going to land on that

Well again I’m going to try my best to just land in this Pond and then okay we’re good that is perfect couple lily pads broken no harm done let’s break the raft and we now have a puppy let’s go ahead and get him on to dry land and you

Know what dude you should sit right here in between these two pressure plates right on top of this Frog Light get right in the middle and there you go front and center you guys I really do want to thank you for watching this episode this took a lot longer to build

Than I thought it was going to there’s at least like 20 to 30 villagers down here we have like 50 chickens we have pigs we have sheep we got to get those cows back down here we’re not going can to talk about what happened to the first

Cows we have a beautiful Pond down here with a bunch of tropical fish some cod we have a nice puffer fish in here now chickens are even loving the pond over here they’re polluting the pool with their eggs Iron Golems are in here taking a bath we have a nice Lush Lively

Village down here only thing left to do is to spruce up the rest of the ancient city which happens to be probably about me like 70% of the rest of the structures look at all this back here this is all these are all sensors actually jump up and down yep these are

All sensors and that’s a catalyst right there there’s a bunch of lava above me well this this part’s going to be fun we’re saving all this for the next episode though this giant portal right here’s got to get revamped all of this area out here still has to be revamped

The entire transformation of the rest of the ancient city is going to be next episode but for now it was really nice to work on getting the initial Village here hi everybody wax fraud here and welcome back to another episode of the hardcore let’s play series we are

Jumping through the ancient city Village that we had just built on the last episode and thanks for watching if you’re you guys did the goal of today’s episode is to make a giant redstone operated dance floor for all of these villagers down here we’ll be primarily using skull sensors and axotal with some

Observers hooked up to some Redstone lamps this place is enormous we have about a dozen buildings here we have some starter houses some starter Towers over here where the villagers can come up and start their jobs this guy’s taking a nice nap enjoying the view of what will be something very cool out

Here we got sheep taken home in these long hallways stretching all the way through this is this guy stuck hold on hold on where you at and get there you go buddy why are these guys always getting stuck on aelia bushes in the last episode uh two of the cows did not

Make it all the way to the bottom here so we are going to retry I had some chickens I guess take my spot in the boat sorry buddy you’re going to have to move I’m taking this spot in the boat and we are going to go down I really

Hope that this cow makes it all right fingers crossed and we are good to okay we’re good to go bring the boat slightly over here I think I just broke a lily pad chickens are getting caught in this boat already you got to go dude please stay right there don’t go anywhere let’s

Go back up and get that other cow real quick sorry about this chicken you’re going to have to go too and cow let’s go down real quick and you are going to survive I really hope we make it that fall was so gentle that was the exact opposite of what happened last episode

Hanging out with the man here and I realized I did forget some pigs last episode so we’re going to have to get these guys too luckily on stream I kind of already brought them all the way over here I just need to bring them down

Safely and I really hope we can make it the Sheep got down there just fine last episode but the cows did not make it and so I’m kind of traumatized but this pig right here made it just fine so I guess let’s fly back up grab the other guy and of course another

Chicken in the boat I’m sorry guys you just keep taking my spot and oh hold up I just I didn’t have to kill the chicken all right that’s awesome Pig get back in the boat and me and you can go back down sometimes violence doesn’t have to be

The only way all right let’s get this pig down here safe and sound no oh my god pig was just reduced to pork chops oh my God this cow over here landed on a glass Pole these guys I guess landed in the water but I’ve landed some of the other animals over on

The land here and they were just fine there is just too much unnecessary violence right now well let’s get these guys out of the boats here I will take that you can roam free and this cow can roam free I really don’t want to hit you

Buddy there you go and let’s see if I can get these guys out of here without hurting either of them I really don’t want to hit them cuz there’s too many Iron Golems around here there we go there’s at least 20 Iron Golems down here there’s a whole family of them and

Actually I’m just realizing that there’s two plants down here that I had never planted I believe I have some stuff with me actually you know what I have one dark oak sapling and one Acacia sapling that’s perfect to make up for the Lost Pig I think we need a baby cow and baby

Cow we have put these lily pads back that we had broken and you know what let’s save this chicken to balance out life a little bit he deser okay never mind he doesn’t want to be saved I am noticing here against this wall is this two or three villagers bad why are you

Guys stuck why did why do you guys get stuck on the aelia leaves and what is this guy doing on the waterfall over here all right hold on buddy let’s get you saved level three rockets are a little too powerful in here okay this waterfall seems to have you a little bit

Stuck let’s uh maybe just push you over on that side and there you go buddy just a little bit of a push actually now that we’re over here I can show you guys all of the storage here over here is just a bunch of barrels that I’ve been using to

Get all of the skull we’ve been Excavating a bunch of skull and a bunch of deep slate all the skull goes over here the remaining shriekers sensors and Catalyst that we had found down here um after the initial excavation is all going in that chest and if you go up

Here we have a brand new storage system for all of the deep slate that we catch we have boom boom boom we have too much also don’t mind the 50 shulker boxes that we have down here there we have way too many villagers are taking naps absolutely everywhere the chickens are

Everywhere and now we have a nice and cozy area to store everything we were getting a bunch of moss items too so I figured it would be cool to gather everything and you know just make a little bit of extra bone meal while we’re down here I also like how this

Storage system kind of just overlooks everything at least as far as you can see with all the glowberries hanging everywhere and from here you can easily get into town from the center of town right through here where the man is chilling or you can actually go down the

Side that I’ve recently decorated we have the quartz Towers all the way over here these things are magnificent I really like how bright they make the side over here the one thing that I need to do is actually get the center over here this is kind of like a train

Terminal I’m not wor like a train station I’m not really sure exactly what I’m going to build here yet that’s why I’ve left it a little bit empty but on each side we do have these quartz pillars all the way done there’s still so much to do but in the next episode

After this what we’re going to focus on is retransforming this entire ancient city portal right here this thing is huge and I feel like if we replaced it with a bunch of quarts it could look even more magnificent also I really hope that these reinforced deep slate blocks One

Day become a little bit useful I like that we made our way over here though because these light sensors are actually what inspired a little bit of this episode also we had a Valentine’s Day subserver event this year and feel free to join the subserver if you’d like to

We do have a Christmas event coming up so if you want to join feel free the link is in the Discord but I did take inspiration from those builds in the sub server as well I think the Villager breeder over here is going strong but I’m just going to help it out by

Throwing chickens on the ground basically everywhere all over town your town can never have too many chickens I guess we can also speed up the breeding process by throwing some bread around at these fellas hey you over there take some bread sir thank you very much you over here you take some

Bread sir thank you very much okay they’re breeding from what is happening here I thought I close this off guys we need to open this trap door right here let everybody out okay there’s too many people in here okay so they were just coming up and breeding through the trapo

I thought that I had stopped them from getting in and out you can take some bread too sir eat your bread buddy or you don’t get any cake there you go oh I see so I think I did this wrong so if I take this trapo out this way and put it

Over here then they are not able to get out or get back in rather there were so many villagers in there now we have a whole new family that just came out you take some bread over here sir you can have some bread too everybody that’s

Hopping on top of the building up here I don’t know what you’re doing but you take some bread just walking backwards throwing bread and these villagers are just following very slowly this Village is absolutely flourishing I’m going to go say what’s up to the Fletcher real

Quick we have not paid him a visit since the recording of the last episode what’s up dude he’s just he’s so ready to get out of here he’s standing right on top of the ladder this guy’s job was to keep watch over town but then I actually just

Built a brand new tower right in front of him obstructing his view so this librarian right here he’s kind of also keeping watch over town also in the comments of the last episode you guys had wanted to name some of these cats so first things first we have Frank right

Here and if we go over here we actually have Lewis Frank and Lewis wherever they are they’re going to come back with me to the storage system real fast Lewis and Frank are going to be chilling up here eternally if you guys want to name any more cats feel free to throw some

Names down in the comment section love hearing all the cat names that you guys have to throw down also I think there’s a chicken over here that needs some help yeah he needs a little bit of help getting out of there see you buddy so

Back to the main goal of the episode we want to get a giant nightclub dance floor down here for these vill to be able to have some fun life down here is just work work work so uh they need a place to go to relieve some of that

Stress there’s a few places where I could build this there’s a lot of space in this corner down here that we had worked on stream there’s so much work I have Pathways to build over here over here if we hop on top of this Tower

Yetep we have path over here to build a brand new house to put here if we go on the other side of the portal there’s a giant space right here that I was thinking it would be large enough if we just excavated this whole skull area

Right here and the Deep slate in this center it’s kind of hollowed out right here so it wouldn’t take too long probably just one whole twitch stream could do by the way it is twitch.tv/ wax Rod if you want to join anytime feel free and it looks like there’s a chest

Right here that I completely forgot about books bones bottles of enchanting a lead Diamond hoe and not bad dude loot in these ancient cities is awesome but I still never found that armor trim well I have the beacon with me but I realized I just took all of my diamonds that I

Collected down here back home so let’s just go grabb some of those real quick see you dude I’ll see you later back to the nether Hub let’s fly out real quick and over here whoa all the sensors are going off what’s up clar how you been

Let me out of here ooh it’s morning perfect let’s get out of here feels really good to be back home man we have been underground for so long what’s up guys go say what up to Santa Santa get on that cake man what are you doing load

Up on a little bit of food for this project grab a handful of diamonds in case we want to move the beacons around cuz we have a lot of excavation to oh hold up wandering Trader what’s going on where are you doing what are you doing

Sir get back here please thank you I want these tropical fish thank you very much that’s super nice of you appreciate that a lot wait get back here I just want to thank you now we have some more fish to put into that new Lush cave Pond

Holding this bucket of fish looks so unnatural in the nether it’s weird hop through the portal head on down let’s drop and free dive and all the way over to the Lush cave Pond and we have brand new fish going right here and bang boom

And Bop ooh those are cool some of the villagers have been making their way out here already this is awesome cuz the village is all the way over there and I’ll fly over there just to show you how kind of far away it is the actual

Storage system is all the way over here where Frank and Lewis are hanging out and if we fly all the way over here this on the other side of the ancient city is where the dance floor is going to be so what I’m going to do is probably just

Start Excavating right now most of this will probably be done on live stream because I don’t really need to be doing this for YouTube and what am I doing hold up we need to put this here let’s fly back oh There’s a Zombie right there

Hold up what are you doing dude you know what we’ll keep him right there he’s kind of cool even when we turn this thing all into quarts we’ll find a home for you buddy oh my God I think a skeleton just fell right next to me light to the

Beacon real fast and get a diamond up here so we can get ourselves some haste too that right there always feels much better let’s jump down and uh let’s take all this stuff out with ease actually I’m going to try something that I usually don’t this will be kind of

Different for the channel just with one little editing trick right here we’ll go bang boom and Bop and we are finally done this is an extremely excavated area was a very long stream and thank you guys for showing up if you did we just cut out a little bit of deep slate and

Tough at the top and turn most of it into Moss we have a bunch of shoger boxes all the way back at the storage house completely filled up too think we got this bone mealing system over here completely overloaded it is getting very full actually how much do we have so far

If I look down in this Barrel not too bad we’ll just actually leave a lot of this here until we can compost it but the skull we can actually take all the way down here plop this guy right here take these guys out and throw them into

All the barrels right now in this giant space we have a 37x 37 square and we still have this cozy house all the way back here we have to revamp this somehow and during this excavation process I noticed that a lot of these structures are repeated they are pretty much the

Same like I’ve seen this building like three or four times at least so if you guys have any ideas how to transform these in different ways let me know I’d love to hear your guys’ ideas down in the comment section down below can’t believe there’s still sensors back here

One all the way up here and one back here we got the center located which is great cuz I kind of want to make some circular formations coming right out of the center cuz this dance floor is going to be groovy and I don’t want some

Straight lines I want this to be curved so we’ll go four blocks this way and then three and then two one two more and then one we’re going to repeat this pattern all four directions these three right here should finish it up and and these three let’s

Actually just get a nice little look from the beacon up here if I can make it we’re right here not too bad O Okay so let’s add a couple more in between all of these all right the spiral is not looking too bad I like this a lot what

I’m going to do is cover these up with some quartz so I can Mark where this was get the last view here on the outside and then I believe there is one more in the middle yep right here okay not too bad this is looking great I think what

We got to do is before we actually get the water in here in the axotal I just want to real quick show exactly how this is going to work let’s float on over to the skull storage and grab us a like as much as we can honestly let’s see more

Than a stack we already have redstone dust on us which is perfect so we just need to grab some glow stone which is right here and we can craft us some Redstone lamps glowstone in the middle redstone on the outside and there we go

Now let’s fly back and load up on a few aelott home sweet home we can drop in on our aelott pond in the backyard get our a yellow guy looks like a brown guy right here I was thinking for the next few aelott we should grab some of them

That have been named after the twitch Chatters there is a channel Point Redemption on the twitch streams that you can use to name yourself after an axel with your Twitch name and I’m going to grab a couple lucky aelott right now the first one is kiwi fruit let’s grab

Cody Dale out of here let’s grab Sierra and this pink one over here seems to be stuck we’ll grab Leia right here and last but not least we will grab this guy right here rosta 98 let’s go and thanks again guys for showing up to all the

Twitch streams it really does mean a lot so we have everything except for The Observers which I believe I left in this shulker box down here and yep there they are first we’ll slap some axotal down in here these guys are swimming in circles they are ready for the dance floor we’ll

Break the floor below them though I should actually hop down here I don’t want to hurt them we’re going to point all of The Observers facing straight down at them and the Redstone lamps will go right on top so it’s not working but I think I know the deal I think the

Sensors actually have to be connected so we’ll put a sensor literally right below these and that right there is how we get it done so The Observers are sensing me move around in the water and okay perfect let’s actually close this back up let’s get this one in here and we’ll

Close this up fly over here real quick just so we can see it working from up above I believe it is where okay perfect the Exel swimming around in there we are good to go now this design just needs to be transferred to the dance floor so we

Should actually remove the Moss cuzz first we’ll have to go with a layer of redstone lamps then we’ll have to go down with the layer of observers then the layer of water right here and we should give the axotal just a little bit of room to swim well I thought that we

Were done Excavating this area but I was sadly mistaken first the ceiling and now the basement we got to get this whole place excavated running back home real fast to grab just a little bit of quartz for The Observers that we’re about to use got a couple hundred emeralds that

We’re about to use on this cleric trading Hall we need endless redstone and glow stone to make these Redstone lamps need about 12 stacks of lamps and 12 stacks of observers to get this done my math is right we need about 12 stacks of observers and 12 stacks of these

Redstone lamps thank you very much sir I appreciate the sale you guys are helping me out a ton now we just need to head over to the skull Farm real quick we have unlimited sensors down here I made this farm with the intention of just Gathering a bunch

Of skull blocks did not realize how many sensors would end up coming out of this we have been going through this nether Highway so much let’s head back down what’s up chickens how you doing up here I’m going to drop down and our progress on this build is actually it’s pretty

Nice so far this level right here is going to have The Observers facing straight down onto this water we already got a couple of the sensors down here but before we get the last of the few observers in I am going to actually just Spam some observers down here on the

Rest of the farm I think randomly is the best way to go with these if you put the sensors on every block it would probably light up every redstone lamp so if we get these in random spots it’s going to make it look more like a disco sensor

Here a sensor here a sensor here here and here also if you don’t want any of these guys to make any noise make sure you’re placing them directly under The Observers you can see when they go off they have these little Redstone Dust particles and when they’re not hooked up

To the Observer just like these guys right here they’re going to end up making some noise so we’ll just go along this side and place some right here let’s close this up here as you can see before I close this up it’s really not that complicated just the sensors we’ll

Get the axotal down below so they can swim we’ll give them about two three blocks of swimming space but then just The Observers facing down with the lamps on top it’s really not that bad the only headache about this build are the resources that are used it takes a lot

Of Glowstone a lot of red stone a lot of quartz for all these observers as well all of the sensors are reacting to me placing the lamps down and it’s just lighting up the Dance Floor already this is awesome oh my God this is amazing I

Love this this is this is so cool the villagers are going to have a great time now I feel like it needs some color although the redstone lamp looks very cool as a floor on its own even when it’s not lit up connected to any Redstone it looks great I think I’m

Going to make a lot more of these and start using it as a floor and this right here is in the wrong spot it goes 1 two three got to get the middle hooked up here and we are good to go I’m going to take out just a little bit of the space

Below here a lot of it is moss right here which is kind of convenient this thing is just constantly detecting the moving water down here so we’ll have to get that gone but first I feel like let’s just get these a lles in here let’s make sure they have a nice cool

Pond for them to be moving around in get that guy in here and we will close this off let’s actually go down I have a little bit of an area where I can watch them swim around I do feel like there’s plenty of space in here though for at

Least a couple more ax lles we’ll probably move some down but let’s see exactly what the dance floor is looking like okay this is awesome you can see exactly where all of them are swimming around this is crazy this is absolutely perfect I am loving this the villagers

Are going to have so much fun let’s get the stained glass over here I think have I have red orange and yellow just to test the waters here let’s see maybe just start out with red on this one right along the edge of the quartz here

Followed by a nice strip of Orange going back home just one more time there are chickens all over the front of this house man we need to do a little bit of a cleanup you guys just watch your backs man I’ll be back at some point through

The nether Highway One More Time back up at the top floor of the starter house let’s place this down we have a lot of a d to grab probably won’t use all of these dyes but I’m going to bring them all just in case you never know there

Might not be enough space though just remember that I actually need to head over to the librarian trading hall because I need more glass thank you for the glass sir I appreciate that and you sir thank you for the glass I always forget how loud this trading Hall is

There’s one right above and right below and it is just endless noise we’ll make some purple glass we’ll make how wo how is that the first time I’ve made purple glass we’ll get some blue glass here cool color right next to this okay the lime green looks like it’s going to fit

Actually wait that’s not even lime green what am I talking about there we go okay the lime green looks like it’s going to fit regular green right next to it not too bad first time making light blue stained glass I guess too I’m loving this dance floor man blue right next to

That followed by the purple right here we might have enough room for the pink and magenta if my calculations are correct this should fit and okay not too bad we should probably get this working around every side the last few pink ones in and not too bad this is crazy this

Dance floor is absolutely huge hundreds of villagers could have a good time out here looks like the middle is still needing some love let’s actually get some tinted glass in there I don’t think I’ve used any tinted glass in this world yet so that’s pretty fun right there

Nice that really made the middle pop out quite a bit now for the walls though I feel like we need to make the walls pop and I feel like anti- quartz would be probably just some black concrete also a barrier between the floor and the wall

Might be needed we could get a layer of tinted glass out here this outside part and the walls I’m taking inspiration from the subserver as well but this time from the Halloween event people in the sub server have built some crazy stuff and if you guys haven’t built anything

In there feel free to hop in well black concrete means two things we’re going to have to kill some squids and then we’re going to have to head to the concrete maker you lonely squid out here sorry buddy you too buds sorry about that gotcha and gotcha you sir I’m not really

So sorry about you got a menacing look you too buddy I remember that one thing you did grab a little bit of sand and grab a little bit of gravel we’ll see if one shulker box is enough this concrete maker is something that we haven’t really finished yet it’s just a little

Shack on the beach that’s left unfinished over here hop on in we’ll lay the shulker box down and we should get to work get the concrete powder in the dispenser and this door is 100% closed I do not have my totem on me let’s get to

Work right here one day this build will be getting completed man I am excited for this black concrete we have spent so much time turning everything in the ancient city into something that looks like it belongs on y level zero but sometimes it’s necessary to add some really dark

Walls to a really colorful Dance Floor I’ve used this black concrete before to make the Hall of appreciation down on the Bedrock it’s probably about 5,000 blocks that way but once this thing is entirely enclosed with black concrete it looks like it’s an infinite space ooh o looking crazy already I’m excited to

Close this thing up I’ve noticed there’s a couple spots that get turned on a little bit less than others like right over here I probably forgot to put a few sensors over here so I have to get there too if you zoom in you might as well

Have your eyes closed we are completely blind until we back up a little bit and all of a sudden we are in a dance floor and we are all alone in probably the biggest dance floor in any ancient city the black concrete is piercingly dark and also these Basalt pillars are

Looking pretty good I brought the walls up all the way to where I excavated the Deep slate and left the end rods up there just for a little bit of light for now but I think what we’re going to do is put tinted glass all the way at the

Top just for a bit of reflection now to decorate these walls I guess let’s start in the corner over here I’d like to make some diamond shapes with these quartz one two three on each side end it off with one two one two put four in the

Middle and let’s take a step back I want to see exactly what this looks like I am loving this except for the four inee middle probably going to take those out and then we should get this replicated on every side we’ll go one two one two

One two got one two again and you know what that does look a better actually we could get that guy in the middle and then take these four Out ooh that’s looking nice get some end rods on top of here we’ll go down real quick and we’ll

Get some end rods on the bottom side actually that’s looking nice not you bud you do not belong there man if we could make colored end rods that would be just outstanding let’s get this right here this right here we could probably get the end rods going right here too and

Boom last one let’s take these out down to the bottom actually I’m seeing a bunch of torches down here we need to take out as well no more torches in sight only redstone lamp light from here on out this is looking crazy it brings like a dark fantasy vibe to the walls

Beacon is still sticking through the black concrete I’m going to have to get that taken out but the ceiling’s probably going to have to go up about three to four levels but before we even think about that I’m probably going to finish the quartz on the walls here I

Can hear it raining through that hole where the Beacon Light is coming through it is always raining in this world even when we’re down in the ancient city somebody please tell me why it will never stop raining in this world This Bat is here at a party causing some

Skull sensor action over there let’s go we got the walls finished we have finally have the floor finished after about 20 hours of twitch streams the quartz block diorite wall and endrod combination against this concrete wall is looking really nice before any of these were placed here it was just a

Black hole we this front entrance open for the time being I just wanted to make sure all of the walls were looking good before we completed the build and we actually raised the ceiling a little bit before we get that tinted glass up there but down here on the floor we actually

Have a DJ booth down here now made entirely out of quartz we have stairs that go up both sides here so you can get up to a note block which I haven’t placed yet bam there we go no music discs quite yet but there is a way to

Make this pop just a little bit more let’s get some frog lights down in here get the ochre going we’ll get the verant and then we’ll get get the pearlescent one more time bam you are in the corner okay we got that lit up there so before

We call the floor done I just want to jump up there’s a couple spots that are a little bit dark usually there’s a couple of these that don’t ever get lit up we are going to hop behind the scenes over here don’t mind the road that’s unfinished we’re going to get some wood

And some Stone in here eventually let’s hop down this ladder that should take us to the aelott I am loving this viewing center it’s kind of like an unfinished aquarium for these guys we got to get some bone meal down here we have three more aelott and I think six more skull

Sense should do on this side I’m going to swim in close that up so no one can fly out and just a couple of sensors can go here and there one right there and one right there should do place the last three right in the middle so they have

Ample amount of room to explore believe we have 12 aott in here now which should be more than enough Let’s uh get out of here before I run out of oxygen shouldn’t have to come back down here anymore but if we do we have a nice

Space still have a little bit of work to do on the exterior as you can see it is way too dark out here been trying to get the rest of the city to look very nice and bright like this but when you go all the way over here we have a giant black

Wall and that doesn’t really fit so maybe let’s get some quartz pillars on the outside pick all these guys up we have a few stacks of them if we need more we’ll make more let’s hop up well that certainly helps a little bit let’s

Make a couple of them just so we can see if that works or not pop over here and that’ll do donkey I love peeking around the corner over here it immediately looks like a party let’s hop in and hop right back out cuz I realized I uh

Forgot the music discs just been keeping them here for safe measures the LA actually take very good care of your property they don’t scratch any of your music disc they don’t even touch them let’s at least grab one of each we have cat 13 Relic Pig step five and blocks

Almost forgot other side how could I forget other side riding back in with the goods I feel like we got to get some speakers here using some note blocks that’s working that’s working looking good get an anvil on each side actually going to get an anvil in between too

Getting some speakers down below for the people up close on the Dance Floor let’s also stack them up going all the way around well the place is definitely going to be sounding good now with all these speakers everywhere but the insulation of the sound is going to be

Poor without a ceiling we’re going to get the polished with salt all the way around the corner of the ceilings what we’re going to do is get a little bit of crisscross action going up here with the polished balt fill in the squares with some tinted glass then when this is all

Covered up you’re going to cover up the tinted glass with some black con creete just sending this whole build into the shadow realm with every block placed the build is disappearing before our eyes it looks like technically we are now in the Badlands instead of the deep dark so for

Now we’re going to have to leave some torches up here the roof up here right now is a very very dark place but if we jump down past all these quartz pillars we have a brand new path that leads right up to one specific Black Stone

Stair if we happen to hit that secret button that opens this door we uh we kind of get led into to a brand new Disco This guy’s going crazy back there in the corner over here we have disco Golem what’s going on buddy we had disco

Cat all the way up here he was the guy spinning the discs but uh disco cat got pushed off by this guy who is just non-stop spinning this guy maybe has always wanted to be a DJ but uh hey buddy you can’t just take disco Cat spot

Trying to get disco cat back up here but all these guys just keep pushing him out of the way okay I guess every you know what everybody gets to be the DJ going down into the green room here there is a little bit of a setup here for the DJ

Before they go out on stage they can take a little bit of a rest on the couch over here make a little bit of a meal on the table then they can head up and do their set this right here is probably one of the coolest venues any DJs ever

Going to play at oh the tinted glass on the ceiling is so ominous still but I love how well it reflects the quartz on the walls this thing was absolutely insane guys thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate all the support thank you to all the new patreon

Members all of the new YouTube members all the new twitch subscribers thank you all hi everybody wack X FR here and welcome back to another episode of the hardcore let’s play series today we’re down in the ancient city we are going to restore the entire ancient city especially this giant deep slate Warden

Head portal this whole portal right here is about to be turned into courts the zombie up here is just going to have to like it thank you guys for watching the previous episode where we had built this giant Ancient City disco let’s hop in here right now we have Rave cat all the

Way in the center this thing is wild it’s entirely powered by axotal that are getting sensed by the skull sensors which are powering The Observers that eventually turn on these Redstone lamps tinted glass on the wall looking super ominous and these giant quartz diamonds on the wall looking pretty nice

Something kind of strange up here uh we do have the Disco Golem right here who won’t get away we also have disco cat who keeps getting shoved off cuz all of these villagers they just keep trying to hang out up here but I think I know why

The Green Room down here has a bed if we take this bed out and replace it with maybe just some Mangrove stairs there we go actually let’s take that out and point it this way see now that that’s more of a couch area and this is a nice

Little green room where the DJ will pop out and I think these villagers will try to get out of here now sorry buddy my bad time to enjoy the Dance Floor we’re going to let disco cat be the DJ again we have plenty of discs

To use but it was requested in the last episode that we play pigstep so I think we should play pigstep right now this song absolutely rocks and these guys are just still hovering over the DJ booth what’s going on we’ll save that for later put this

Back let disco cat get all the glory from the DJ booth eventually more villagers are going to come down here we are actually going to bring them down and name them after the Chatters and the live streams by the way guys thank you for stopping by to all the twitch

Streams it is twitch.tv/ wax FR if you haven’t been there and we are doing some YouTube streams more often lately this town is absolutely coming together though we have Towers everywhere this giant train station that we had recently built is all the way over here almost

Stopped the go-kart there I think I just called this mine cart a go-kart also that’s kind of strange but uh this thing actually leads all the way up to the giant ancient city portal that’s shaped like a warden head I have a bunch of quarts set up here to go but I think

We’re going to need to probably triple or maybe quadruple this amount and we also have some deep slate that’s all the way up on the east side up here and it’s kind of in the way also it’d be much less of a problem if this entire Cavern

Over here wasn’t filled with lava and this entire place over here wasn’t filled with water actually if you go in here there are sensors right here and that makes me think that there might be more shers over here so let’s actually just take these out real quick and then

I’m going to head backwards I don’t want to activate any shrier right now if a warden came out it would just start attacking all of the villagers cuz I’m pretty sure that it just attacks anything that makes noise I think I just saw a creeper up there we should be

Careful this is a spot where they can definitely fall from I’m going to build over to this lava a bit I want to see if it’s actually at this level if it is I think what I’ll do is just drop some water on it oh there it is the main goal

Right now is to kind of get all of this to stop hanging over me and if I could it would be nice if the lava would stop going right into the oak planks down here just got to let this fall for a little bit longer it takes lava so long

To fall but the oak Planks on this main level are going to be pretty much the only part that are not made out of quartz take the last of the floor deep slate out one more part that needs to be filled in that’s looking nice and clean

Actually I see one right here that needs to go there we go actually under here is a part that I had never checked out before I don’t know why but I had missed it until now it shows a bunch of different different Redstone applications anybody that doesn’t know

Anything about Redstone could come in here and get a little bit of a grasp on the situation looks like this is a skull sensor output setup we have something set up for some Redstone lamps we have the archery setup over here and the lecturn Redstone setup back here it just

Looks like maybe some living quarters I’m not even really sure what this is should light this up nothing’s going to spawn here but and this is just very strange it’d be cool if some villagers moved in here I’m going to turn all this into quartz as well looks like there’s

An automatic piston door set up here as well that seems to be unlocked right now no more lava in sight which is fantastic but we do have water falling from there still we’ll have to get some sponges and get that out and then we also have some

Water coming from all the way up here let’s go see exactly where this is coming from and we’re here and yep there’s two Creepers right there okay this is perfect hey dude you can just leave me alone thank you very much you too dude all the way out there just

Leave me alone luckily there’s some parts of the caves all the way up here that I have lit up with some glowberries let that water slowly fall all down and you know what in order to take care of this water over here let’s uh let’s just

Go get those sponges from back home but before we go I guess we should figure out why these sheep are all the way on the outskirts of town I’m going to lead these guys back with some hay and this actually is going to give me an opportunity to show you guys the

Longplay build that we had just made we have some brand new Terrace crop farms over here in the corner and I thought this made this area look nice and cozy it actually covers up a spider farm over here if we want to make a brand new spider farm we certainly can we got

Potatoes beetroot we got wheat and carrots up there as well but back here we have all of the string we could ever possibly need we already have a spider farm but you know we could always make another one and actually I have not taken this loot yet so let’s break these

Chests and take everything back you know that actually reminds me while we were building the Lush cave Pond all the way over here on the other side of the ancient city I had run into two more Farms over here there’s a spider farm and a Zombie Farm you actually have to

Climb all the way up this waterfall that I had made hop on a few lily pads to get over there and we will climb all the way up the waterfall go past a few blocks of the glowberries and we are in a hidden cave system that uh well it’s not so

Hidden I guess if you were there on stream you’ve been here a couple times pretty sure if we Round the Corner up yep there it is we have one Farm that’s the spider farm and actually hold on I haven’t taken anything from these chests either thank you very much then if I

Just hop down here yep there’s the other Farm let’s go this way and I don’t think I actually took anything from these chests this is a Zombie Farm all over this ancient city I’m sure there’s more Farms arms this is just the ones that I

Found exposed I lit up most of the cave systems around here so hopefully nothing else is spawning and we’re actually right back to where these sheep are I should go get that hay level three rocket spiral up and did we make it we did not let’s give this another shot

Here let’s go all the way up and we made it slamming into everything possible let’s go home real quick you might notice a brand new detail in the nether Highway we have black stone buttons on every single Frog Light I thought it was a nice little touch that matched the

Rest of this nether hub I’m going to take a stop at the Giant circular Wheat Field because I need a couple stacks of bread and I also need a bunch of wheat to get these animals bread down at the ancient city you may have one seed

Please leave me alone okay you guys may have one seed also please leave me alone these chickens are not going to stop following me big on I say big on all right these guys are actually not uh they’re not being gone I’m going to smack you again please be gone all right

I’ll give you some seeds just be gone why are there so many chickens here dude I haven’t made any really big structures out of mud yet either so all of this hay is going to be good for getting all of those materials too while we’re home let’s grab some more rockets and maybe

Some more food take all the golden carrots I can get right now and looks like we’re running a little bit low on the Rockets I’ll have to make some more but first let’s head over to the tool Smith Farm or the weapon Smith trading Hall actually hop in here let’s get some

Iron traded and let’s get ourselves some emeralds thank you very much appreciate the emeralds I appreciate The Mending so the last couple batches of iron here thank you very much let’s head on over to the masonry which is on the other side of the map on the second island all

The way over by the mushroom farm across the ocean we go let’s land here nice and gently there we go all right guys I am here for some quartz thanks for being here I really do appreciate you should take some of these pillars as well all right we are loaded up on

Quarts again before we go back I actually have some AR naming of some tools to do I have this axe right here that uh seems to be nameless not sure why but it costs eight points to rename this axe axe frog but you know what it’s

Worth it it’s also just going to be nice to be able to tell the difference between the fortune shovels and the silk shovels as well as the axes and the hose and the pickaxes for that matter all right let’s hop back down we got some chickens all the way up there on the

Deep slate too sheep where are you at all the way over here and okay we got creepers and zombies a chicken out here too what’s going on okay hold up let’s use the bow we got a lot of these guys here right now this is

Crazy you guys I’m just all I want to do is get the Sheep back right now and you’re kind of uh you’re kind of ruining that this guy was trying to sneak up on me right here and he is just so stuck also this guy saw me from so far zombies

I’m so glad that creepers cannot see as far as you lot of free XP right now wait hold on Buddy no Mike there’s so many get out of here all right sheep come to me other sheep you come to me as well actually wait let’s make a baby sheep

Real fast all right let’s go all three of you guys come with me get these sheep over into the center of town a little bit kind of next to this villager breeder also in the area so the librarian Tower and flter Tower can keep watch over him we do not need you guys

Escaping again and you know what now that we got the Sheep over in the center of town I did forget we have oh there’s another sheep all the way over here what do you know but I did forget that we actually have some cows that are left up in this

Staircase whoo we have a slime up here too that was crazy hold up buddy get out of here the cows are defending this slime what are you guys doing cow you got to move slime you got to move too thank you whoa get out of here I’m just going to

Smack you with the bow instead well we made an unintentional slime farm down here I guess one baby cow and then we will be on our way here there we go okay guys follow me one last guy and I guess the Sheep okay let’s close that you guys

Are now a part of the ancient city everybody say what up to the man the man uh meet everybody I’m going to try to pull these guys over to the center of town a little bit more or at least away from that wall over there where they

Keep climbing up into that cave all right guys I’m going to leave you here I’m just going to Sprint Away really fast take the hay away and you guys are just going to be left to wander on your own cows are taking a liking to these

City tunnels and you know what dude I bet you’re going to take a liky to this bread bread for everyone guys we need more villagers I’ve been slowly putting beds over here by the train station as well to get the villagers to kind of migrate over here and it seems to be

Slowly working Iron Golems are getting caught up over here on the wall let’s actually jump up I think yeah there’s some villagers in here as well take all the bread take it all take all of the bread sir please without the water and the lava dripping here it’s actually

Very clean we have the city tunnel hooked up over here and on the south side we have the city tunnel hooked up as well but actually I don’t think we put the oak stairs in yep we got to put those in and the stone brick stairs to connect the city pathway nothing that

Connects on this side yet we have some empty space back here where we actually took out some buildings we’re going to get another librarian Tower right here as you can see we just have this giant dance club on the other side actually there’s a building all the way back here

Yep right here that we have not transformed yet as well thank you for all the ideas on how to revamp these buildings in different ways also I appreciate the comments on the last episode I’m going to take a lot of those ideas into consideration and probably do

A couple more live streams and get that taken care of we really got to start putting work in on this portal area though so first things first let’s maybe just take down this little inner structure wall I think what we’ll do is probably replace a lot of this with some

Stone that right there and that right there I’m thinking everywhere we have the wool we’ll probably replace with some Spruce logs strip this down we’re going to have to repeat this pattern I’m not really going to know what it looks like until we really get it repeated

Glad we have efficiency five on these shears though to make everything go a lot faster okay I do like these pillars but I’m thinking on the bottom we should probably just get some Spruce stairs and and replace these as well and that right there actually that is looking a little

Bit better for me I want to get the stone stairs right here replaced looks like they start upside down go right side up and then upside down again kind of like the gold Farm we’re going to fill the rest of this in with some stone bricks and actually if we take a step

Back as long as we don’t misplace anything actually let’s replace these chisels right here with chiseled Stone that’s actually not too bad get this trap doored up and replicate it all the way around also there’s definitely a cat in here somewhere but I don’t I hope

It’s not under the floor okay I keep hearing that cat it’s got to be in here somewhere where are you buddy the Flames are burning super loud and the cat is meowing even louder as well I hope that oh what’s up buddy hold up if I go over

Here can he see me all right I’m right here I got the fish well he just walked away from me I’m going to have to force this ah be my friend that’s what I’m talking about Buddy follow me you my friend are going to be portal cat please

Stay right here thank you very much portal cat if you’re going to learn how to restore the ancient city you got to watch watch and learn buddy what are you doing here dude I thought you weren’t allowed to spawn down here he must have fallen somewhere down oh he must have

Come from this water what is going on I thought I got rid of that well let’s go up and fix real quick I thought this was going to be more of an easy fix earlier let’s grab that and that okay now that seems to be very effective let’s hop down here I really

Hope no creepers make their way back down they are not supposed to spawn down here and I don’t want anything to happen to portal cat okay back to work we go hold up one more cat you’re going to join portal cat yeah even an Ender’s coming to hang out inside layer not

Looking too bad I think we should get some Cactus some jungle saplings down here to make it look a little bit more green doesn’t take too much color to make all the brown and gray pop and now to work on the outer layer right here we have some stairs leading into some

Chiseled blocks every once in a while you’ll see that there are some staircases leading up to the top I’m actually going to replace this with stone we also acquired one more cat what’s up cat I think there’s a villager a couple of them at least in here yeah

He’s taking a liking to this V this will be a village eventually buddy you need to help getting out of the there you go this carpet’s probably blocking him from being able to get in here this will be your home eventually sir I promise Let’s uh there’s a couple more yeah right here

Let’s take this out and this will lead us up to the top level yeah right there this is great now we just need to take out this entire level right here I guess let’s just start taking out all this deep slate too whoever designed these ancient cities really did a good job I

Like how unique the layout is really does make for an interesting transformation torch flowers in between the lanterns Cherry saplings right above these guys we have an iron golem taken a liking to this hallway so far I actually like this too it’s nice and cozy now we have a couple villagers that keep

Walking in and around here some light on the corners nice little shroom light will do actually some shroom lights right here would look pretty cool too let’s hop across too much light is no such thing down here we have candles to light in between all of the shroom

Lights now as you can see right next to us we actually have a lot of the deep slate taken out I have the chiseled quartz that’s taken place I thought this would actually look the best we have most of this first hallway done except for some of the lighting here and of

Course there is some Russian water going straight over the hallway if I hop down here I have a little bit of a staircase that pops up right over here but then you immediately crash into some water and this is just an open case we need to close this thing we have sensors right

Here and actually if we look this way I’m actually this is terrifying we have an ancient city that’s underwater how am I supposed to get all of the ancient city if it’s underwater dude oh my God there’s a tower over here we are going to have to probably save this for

Another episode okay yep there’s a Sher down there we should you know what let’s just let’s get back home real quick and uh we’ll deal with this later pop right back out to where we have some fresh air okay I do have the sponges with me and I

Think it’s about time we actually get to work on that little excavation process be ouch because if we hop over here and by the way we have been taken out a lot of this obsidian it’s been okay like three layers so far it’s been a lot of

Work we have a lot of obsidian and we’re going to get a lot more but for this water opening right here that leads to the underwater ancient city which is probably going to have to be left for another episode I think let’s sponge it up hop right up over here and boom these

Do an incredible amount of work so fast just going to spam them up here in this corner so I can kind of get uh my foot on the ground get some more down here and I can actually probably start spamming some torches and rods will do

For now I’m actually going to go over here real quick take out these sensors I don’t want anything get into that Freer down there this hallway right here just wants to be able to breathe some fresh air we got to get these sponges in action get some sponges here we go Spong

Is all the way down here sometimes there’s way too many water source blocks so what I’m going to do is just place a bunch of random Oak plakes around here so that the sponge can have something to grab on to we’ve officially turned this into a

Sponge house it actually turns out I do have my hose so let’s grab all these take them to the nether real quick we don’t really even have to go anywhere we can just hang out in the highway let’s just set everything across the ceiling and it kind of just sounds like we’re in

A kitchen now one of the most forgotten and most satisfying sounds in the game and now we just repeat this process until all that water’s gone head back down to the problem over here honestly this is looking very nice so far what’s up dude how you doing how you liking the new

Build he loves it thanks for being here dude I appreciate you couple of shroom lights on our way over here and actually you know what now that we’re at this hallway we should probably just start putting a little bit of this random Oak over here

I have a lot left over and I might as well just continue this hallway but actually you know what that shrier was on the other side of this right here which I’m pretty sure this skulk wall is actually just covering up the rest of that water let’s get some wool real

Quick hopefully there’s not too many I’d like there to be down to Zero by now honestly I don’t want the warden to come out at all now I know there’s a little cave back here all of the water is actually right here being held up by

This skull but if we sneak past behind this building looks like this is the bottom of that Tower that’s under under waterer let’s go back a little bit further we have a catalyst we have more sensors I see and immediately we see a Sher okay so if I go over here and I

Just Place one wool what happens I don’t know why but I thought the wool would trip the sensor when it hits the water but I guess not let’s take this guy out not bad let’s take the rest of these sensors out it looks like for right now

There’s no shriekers around okay I spoke way too soon let’s go up here we have one more shrier to find pop up a little bit cover you up cover these guys up okay we have an entire build actually this one is okay there’s some shers back there but this

One is half not covered by water which is kind of cool and I do see some more loot well I’m seeing one shrier and I’m seeing two more shers right here so this is going to be an issue we’re probably going to have to set at least one of

Them off try to at least do our best to cover this guy up we only have the one strike right now so I’m just going to go for it let’s take you out let’s take you out and let’s go over here and take this guy out right here I’ll take these shers

Thank you very much these sensors those are my now too and you know what what’s in the loot boxes little bit of Swift sneak over here what do you got for me not bad so the sensors are going off and they’re not setting off any shriekers so

That’s pretty good kind of gives me the confidence to go under the water here cuz actually if I just dig right on the other side of this I thought the skull was going to be the barrier but nope actually there’s a little bit of deep slate and wow diamonds immediately

Here’s the rest of the ancient city this is crazy okay so we popped out over there and here is more loot wow what you got for me not too bad that might be the last shrier and if that’s the case what I’m going to do is just swim right over

To it right now and just take it out boom okay dude okay we might actually have taken care of all of the shers which is perfect what I’m going to do is actually set up a wall of skull or deep slate right here so we can finally

Get rid of the uh the water then we can take out all of this skull and deep slate and finally give this build a little bit of fresh air I was luckily able to get some of the end broad Lighting on the outside here but I

Believe I have some more to finish all the way over here by the nightclub if I fly here yep these are the last of the end rods I actually ran out I to go back home to grab more but now we have plenty of stacks lighting

Down here is not looking too bad we actually probably should get some buttons or some trap doors on this last level of course trap doors are going to be the answer just running through these Halls feels amazing actually wait we should get some barrels in here maybe

The villagers will want to come through these Halls a little bit more if there’s more workstations Barrel here Barrel there Barrel everywhere cat you’re going to have to move there guy and also you cat you’re going to have to move let’s get you guys out of the way you can sit

And I’ll put the barrel there and you’re going to have to move buddy let’s run over here you can sit on that barrel and I’m going to put the barrel right there this Iron Golem is just pushing this cat into the corner you better stop that

Dude if I come back later and you’re still pushing the cat there’s going to be repercussions we actually do have the entrance for the most part done what I could do is get a little bit of light right here but we still have a little bit of deep slate to excavate this deep

Slate at the end of the train station station has got to go we’ll get these stairs replaced we got Bing Bang Boom and Bop We’ll connect the oak up to these quartz bricks here for the walkway and then actually you know what we’re going to replace all of this dark oak

With some quartz bricks see you later buddy you served us well instead of fences we’re using end rods for the pillars get some more quart stairs on top of these guys now if we go up the stairs there should be a very clean exit over to here actually wait we have a

Little bit more deep slate to take out get the chiseled right here get some more stairs hooked hooked up and there we go now we have a way to finally hook up to these chisel blocks over on this level smack all these guys in I asked the zombie and he absolutely loves the

Quartz so I’m going to keep on doing it down here couple more Bings a couple more bangs a couple more booms and a couple more Bops now we can walk through the End Rod pillars here and up onto the quz bricks this is actually looking like

A nice platform I think on this next part though we should rise up with some more chiseled blocks this will add some nice layer textures got to grabb this deep slate and as you can see we did decorate this first level with some barrels some jungle saplings and some

Torch flowers but these shroom lights right here we should probably get them covered up with some trap doors these and the Cherry trap doors are the ones that allow for the light to still poke through get these slapped up over on this side and you might notice that

There’s no Rushing Water sounds anymore because we actually took everything out this whole area over here is entirely cleared this was a giant structure right here this was half a structure that was eaten up by the skull wall on the other side here is entir it’s just all water

Watch if I hop up over here to this little hallway that we haven’t constructed yet and we start taking out some skull we are now in an underwater ancient city Paradise so I’m just covering this up real quick cuz we don’t need to be in there that’s just going to

Have to be for an entirely different episode I’m glad we have all this space cleared out though we have this Barn over here that we made on the YouTube stream and thank you guys for coming over to that if you did we have all these cows and sheep that are going to

Be getting breed in here now it’s going to be really nice not having to wander around looking for him any longer this guy’s just chilling up on the wall hold up he might need some help getting down there’s no way he can get that sir hold

Up are you hold up there we go sorry dude he’s good he’s just going to run around for a little bit and you’ll find a job nice we got Farmers starting to move over this way towards this wall this place is huge just for a reference

We are all the way over on this side of the ancient city if we use a level three rocket to get all the way over here it’s it’s nuts this this place is huge what we did in like episode 1 through 20 is what we’ve done here in the past three

Episodes but let’s fly down there’s actually this build right here there’s part of the ancient city that’s going underwater there’s this Tower back here that uh also goes underwater but if we walk up here there’s actually just a little bit of loot that we need to grab as well there’s an enchanted golden

Apple we have name tags and more disc fragments other than that though we did grab a lot of loot from these little structures we have so much stuff back to business though let’s get right here and let’s get moving I have some oak wood on me yeah let’s get these top layers

Moving deep slate be gone and please make room for the bricks back at the portal now the main focus here let’s actually get the layer of bricks back up get a solid line of bricks around the east side then as we start to replace these on the outside here I want to

Actually get a little bit of texture going so we have the block of Quartz we have the quartz bricks and the chiseled quartz blocks that we’re going to use all three together going up here so maybe just on this outside we’ll start using the regular block of Quartz all

This deep slate is about to get replaced once and for all the Buddy’s still up here buddy hey you over here you’re going to love it you stay right here it’s going to be nice and cozy straight down and build straight back up next to this reinforced deep slate right here

We’re just going to line it up with some quartz bricks get more of these going up the sides as well now I’m thinking just to light up this portal area let’s use a little bit of End Rod action have to take a step back real quick to truly

Appreciate the lighting the Ender rods give us that’s actually not bad at all I did forget one right there but actually these quartz pillars do provide us a little bit of a circular pattern if you put them on their side line up the top some more bricks too now I got to figure

Out how to get these ears made and this guy is going to make it very difficult we could start with this side all the way over here the side that’s parallel with the bricks on the main structure we can just turn into some chiseled for the

Ear and the middle part we’ll just use some regular quartz blocks the inside part of the ear we’re going to go back to the bricks with the regular block of Quartz in the middle and just to light it up let’s get some more end rods Fly

Away real quick to get ourselves a look at the ear and you know what that’s not bad okay buddy we’re going to do the same thing over here and you’re going to have to like it buddy I’m coming down here to build and if you smack me then

There’s there’s going to be some consequences uh buddy come on no no no hold on let me build real quick get that right there that nice you’re doing good you’re doing very good flying around I also noticed that these deep slate tile walls right here they need to be gone

I’m going to get some diorite probably right here instead like this cuz unfortunately we still do not have any quartz walls slap some end rods on the top of these as well as some of these diorite walls over here I did notice down here that there were a couple of

The Soul Sands missing so I’m going to run through right here I think there was just about eight of them so hopefully I grabbed enough no actually I’m missing one more got one more guy and wait a second hold up there’s a cow right here

What are you doing up here dude you know what you’re thinking outside the box and I’ll allow it sir let’s head over here and get the last one in there we go I got some flint and steel to get these Flames going and there we go now it’s complete the

Portal is entirely transformed with quartz now this is just insane we got some glow stone to light up the tippy top up here but I’m thinking the top side of the ears it’s a little bit dark so let’s just replace one of these blocks not both of those I guess we can

Get an extra chiseled now there we go a little bit of Glowstone inside of the ear has some light with the End Rod action and if we go over here I’m just thinking that it’s going to look like an earring I know but if we hang an End Rod

From the ear right here it is going to to give the side a little bit of light that’s so funny it looks like an earring on the portal let’s move up the sides just a little bit I want to hang up just a couple more end rods get the diorite

Walls actually just hang the chains we’re not going to use any wood today maybe just use one less chain right there with an End Rod and one more we also added some stairs down here that weren’t a part of the original build just for some added details and actually

If we go downstairs below what’s up fisherman how you doing let’s go under here some of the quartz has actually started taking over the walls with all these walls looking so clean now I feel like we should just take out the rest of this cracked deep slate and replace it

With a bunch of spruce logs I actually have a bunch on me we could just get those right here and just all facing up once you get past the constant burning sound it’s actually pretty homey in here let’s get all this stripped here as I’m taking this room out right here I’m kind

Of wondering do we even need this Redstone Contraption it actually all it does is just sense right here as you can see it just worked right there it opens and closes these doors I think we might just end up turning these into use some living quarters instead yeah also you

Know what the extra redstone contraptions and redstone dust that might just come in handy thank you Mojang but we’re going to turn this into a very nice bedroom and after a little bit of work we finally have the living quarters complete I can actually put a

Bed in here or back here if I want to make it nice and cozy we have some living quarters the villagers can finally move their way in here we have all of the Redstone set up except for the automatic door this is actually just going to be replaced by two little

Openings so that the villagers can freely move in and out without any block I tried to keep the color palette pretty simple but uh we ended up using quite a bit of flowers in here we have job blocks and every single corner so I’m pretty excited for when the villagers

Decide to start moving in here Bounce Around up top looking for a couple things that I still need to take care of and I did notice that we have some missing amethyst clusters out here and I’m going to run out so we only have the

Three two and one left and that is just in the wrong spot we have a couple more at least to get I’m thinking maybe about 20 luckily enough we actually uncovered a couple of the amethyst geodes and I can fly right up here and start taking

These out this one might be in the most convenient spot possible we are right above the train station and we can just come up here whenever we want I believe this one right here might be the last one and if we actually go back here we can start placing some of the amethyst

Clusters on the ground as well as a lot of the flowers that we have with us we have a giant Orange shulker Box and uh this is filled with all of the two block flowers that we’re going to need to place we got lilacs everywhere never going to get tired of these pitcher

Plants start running up and down with the panies and go back with the rose bushes last but not least we are not forgetting the sunflowers there’s quite a few places that are missing the flowers like this little field here next to the new barn but it’s also missing

Some of the light fixtures that’ll help give it some love use some end rods and some mushroom blocks we’re spamming a lot more of the bone meal around the sides and I believe this is going to be the only skull wall that we have left over we can’t take this down it’s

Holding up all of the water next we’re going to get these torch flowers around here and actually now’s a good time to show you the back door of this giant disco we had enough time to get back into the Green Room down here all these

Guys are still trying to be one DJ but the only true DJ is Disco cat we can struggle to hop down these guys really just don’t want me to get down into the Green Room come on guys please let me in there we go and we have a spruce door

Right here that hops in and you actually are not able to get through that way only one way out no way back in we can actually hop back here this place is missing a couple torch flowers itself you might notice that everywhere is starting to look a little bit different

We have old Pathways starting to get covered up by all these aelia trees and we have a brand new Hidden Pond back here that’s going to be a brand new home for these aelott jump on over here we’ll slap you in and we’ll slap you in this is coming from of course another

Waterfall that comes from deep into the deep slate just bone mealing around a little bit I have some cherry saplings here and there that I’m going to start planting these I’m thinking are going to create some mighty fine cherry trees as we’re going down the path towards this

Ancient portal we are crossing paths with this new stable we built this on a YouTube stream as well and we actually do not have any horses in here yet and that’s kind of a problem because what’s a horse table without any horses thinking it’s about time we go home and

Fill this space up one more trip home never heard anybody been a while since we stopped over at the Stables we have all these villagers here all these guys are chilling which horse wants to come with us right here you know what diamond armor Hector what’s going on you’re

Coming with me sir let’s open these up close those and let’s be on our way Hector can’t swim so we’re pulling him on the lead hopefully he’s going to be okay going through this nether portal we got Hector up let’s get him through the portal there he goes all right we are

Through we have this Hector what’s good riding on a horse in the nether highway is a very strange feeling one little push into the portal there you go Hector welcome to the ancient ouch that hurts this sounds hilarious okay let’s head down here hopefully there’s no slimes

And we should be good Hector welcome to the ancient city City Village I really hope you can make yourself at home here riding all the way through the campsite back here this used to be all covered up in water oh my God I still have to take

Out this wool almost there let’s hop in through this way we’ll Open this gate up this gate up and Bam we now have a horse in the horse table ector you are going to love it here and don’t worry we are going to bring you some more horses but

First before I forget Landing right up here we’re getting rid of all of the wool now that I’m up here getting kind of a better look at the lighting I’m not really liking it as much I’m thinking about replacing these with some strips of frog lights let’s come back over for

One more round of scaffolding come back up and take all of our original creation out kindly be gone sir we’re going to take out strips of the quartz and continue going down with these verant frog lights actually that right there is looking a lot better A lot more Sleek so

This is not bad except right here I’m noticing these pillars how do how did I just leave these undone the whole time take this out and okay yep there’s water in there should have remembered that replace that with a frog light though final quartz brick and the final upside

Down stairs this is looking not too bad and we have the portal back here looking entirely revamped the portal technically doesn’t work but we could do something to make it look like it works you guys know me I’m always carrying around a bunch of purple stained glass and so I

Figured you know what why not just start using it on this portal right here right now it’s kind of hard to see where I’m placing them but uh we’ll get this done and and we are about to cross the finish line that’s perfect let’s hop down real

Quick let’s get all of this hop back over here on the barrier and that is looking that’s so close to looking like a portal when you zoom in you can see the lines in between the panes but from pretty far away I that looks really nice One Last Detail for this build that’s

Kind of calling my name and that is the oak buttons walking around this top area I noticed we are we’re lacking a little bit of the button action right here and I’m actually did I just see a villager head guys what are you doing back here

All right hold up let’s get you to fall right there we’re going to get you to fall and you can fall too rejoin Society guys rejoin Society we got the walkways updated but there’s one last thing these outside barriers they’re kind of missing just a little bit of color so I’m going

To fly down here real quick and oh my God is there another villager he is right what are you doing dude I’m going to get you down don’t worry this is the end of the build so this would be the cherry on top but it is now the cherry

On bottom and with only two left over that’s going to complete the cycle okay this is great we have the train station over here now this thing is always moving and now we have this portal that’s done dude this guy does this guy is this the same one we finally have the

Finished portal over here we have a barn made for the animals a Terrace crop Farm all of these quartz pillars and this quartz train station right here can fly through the portal to the other side actually whoa hold up I forgot it’s a complete portal now that’s uh we can’t

Fly through there we have the horse stables all the way over here all of these complete tunnels as well and if we fly back here behind the nightclub we have a cozy Hidden aelott Pond that if you go under the trees jump right up here you can hang out with the a lles

Can jump out of here and you have the back door to the nightclub that actually extends over here to the West just a little bit further and we have the Lush cave Pond got chickens in every single corner of this world now we have ponds and Wildlife absolutely everywhere this

Project turned out way better than I thought it could have I just fell absolutely in love with this and I hope you guys did too thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it all of the live streams and all of the episodes that came out revolving this

Ancient city it was super fun to transform this entire ancient city and I’m calling it the entire ancient city for now even though there is a small part that is beyond this skull wall right here that is covered up by some water also this huge Lava Lake up here

It’s it’s going to take me about a year of real time to actually take all of that out so we’re going to put that on halt for a moment but the thing that we need to focus on the most right now is this portal and how much it is done we

Have villagers that are making their way up into the portal area it’s such a crazy feeling to finally have all of this constructed me this fisherman and this puppy here really hope you enjoyed your time watching the 8,000 Day video I’m going to hop down into the world we

Got a lot more building to do and guys thank you for watching I really do appreciate it again thank you for being a YouTube member a twitch subscriber or a patreon supporter I really do appreciate all you guys I’m going to hop down I we have so much to do in this

World thanks again for stopping by really do appreciate yall do something nice for somebody and I’ll see you guys next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘8000 Days of Hardcore Minecraft – Full Movie’, was uploaded by WaxFraud on 2023-12-08 15:30:07. It has garnered 21959 views and 465 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:36 or 11256 seconds.

I stream almost everyday on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/waxfraud 😀 come chill with us anytime!


Here are the next 6 episodes of this series plus some extra achievement work!! This is a Longplay With Commentary 1.19 – 1.20 Lets Play 😀 If we die, then it’s all over! I used complementary reimagined shaders when recording these episodes!! I hope that all of these videos can help people out there sleep, relax, and study!

FANCY GUI OVERHAUL: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/fancy-gui-overhaul

Follow me if you want to! – Discord: https://t.co/gSuIZHRDUR – Twitch: https://twitch.tv/waxfraud – Twitter: https://twitter.com/waxfraud – Instagram: https://instagram.com/waxfraud

Support me on Patreon if you want: https://www.patreon.com/waxfraud?fan_landing=true

– Merch: https://www.etsy.com/listing/991713722/rainbow-teardrop-white-beanie?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1

The seed for this world on Minecraft Java version 1.20.2 is [-8850548917418553236]

The coordinates for my starter house are X = -600 , Z = 500

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More