A CookieGod Takes on Insane Wipeout Challenge!

Video Information

For For what up guys yo can you guys hear me hello hello hello hello hello is your boy a cookie c cie cie c did I scare you sorry I just trying to set it up I trying to set up my stream cuz I really don’t know how to stream so but yeah

It’s nice to stream again I love being able to talk to you guys so this is this is cool um no I think we’re fine with all the slow mode honestly it’s cool having everybody talk all right welcome guys to the stream um hopefully everything is working

Fine I’m kind of a noob when it comes to streaming so bear with me all right what do I do now give me a sec let me turn this off let me uh move this chat box so we can all see oh yeah now you guys can see yourself

Chatting is that isn’t that revolutionary no other streamer has done this ever before a chat box crazy okay today today I’m playing uh well before before I tell you guys what I’m playing how are you guys doing how how we all doing tell me now or else how is

Everybody what’s up guys what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up you guys are doing good that’s good to hear you’re okay you you better be good now cuz I’m going to be raging today we’re doing a bunch of parkour you’re bad JJ come on bro be

Happy you I see this say cookie cookie oh yeah I’m reading every chat okay but today I’m playing um an event MC Wipeout I’m on a team with lagundo and vintage beef which kind of crazy cuz like I don’t know do you guys know who vintage beef is good morning good morning Lee

But um yeah vintage be is like he’s like on hermitcraft or whatever but I used to watch him all the time growing up I was literally 13 years old and I watch him play Minecraft so it’s pretty cool to be on his team now but yeah um is he on

Herit crap actually I don’t think he is I remember him being on like minecrack and everything I don’t know I just associate him with the entire group but um yeah today we’re playing Wipeout MC Wipeout um it’s basically a bunch of parkour and I suck at parkour so oh my

God this is going to be a challenge here um but how do I okay but okay I need to join the VC um this is going to be a chill stream I’m just going to be vibing with you guys so feel free to grab a snack it’s going to

Be like a 2 three hour stream we’re just going to be parkouring I’m probably going to rage a little bit um I haven’t ate yet so I have food beside me um so yeah but um yeah we do enjoy it let’s join see what’s popping hello hello everyone is popping

I’m in the VC do you guys hear the guy talking couple more people to get in here you guys hear put a one in chat if you hear that guy hope you all having a wonderful sat if you don’t hear him please tell me you he please give me ones okay good good

Good good did it right to join what up Andrew I wish I wish YouTube had colored chat I hate just seeing gray names it’s so boring okay I’m already getting lightheaded from talking too much so I I’m going to just you guys can stare at

My face and you guys can watch hear me eat if you guys guess what I’m eating I’ll give you uh I’ll give you a a sneak peek to my new video noodles it is not noodles cookie everybody just instantly guess cookies that’s funny no I’m not eating

Cookies I actually do not have cookies in my house right now right hello everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome in uh welcome to MC season 3 session three uh I hope you’re all having a wonderful day uh before we get started I just want I want

To go I have some lers I want to go for and just some important information I want to give you all sushi on good right now I I go get sushi tonight sorry you guys ha uh so people but just quick reminders make sure you do have resource packs ened make sure you’re not on Luna client we have people that were on Luna client yesterday and they couldn’t complete obstacles because of that so make

Um uh also don’t use shaders that will also make things so the format of today is going to be we have three brand new maps that you’re going to be playing uh you’ll play them uh when three teams have completed a map uh we will the time

Will start a three time will start till the game ends um finalist players overall will be decided by overall team times over the three sessions I I’ll talk about in a sec actually cuz we might be changing that uh that’s pretty much it just complete the maps your team will not

Your team time will not qualify unless your whole team is cross cross the finish line what is going on here what do a witness uh I just want to quickly give a shout out to the sponsors of the event thank you to vo mod solo for hosting uh

This is a big production without the sponsor staff we wouldn’t be able to do this so massive shout out to all of them oh our team name is legendary beef cookies name those who haven’t seen it yet uh we are currently holding beef cookies sound hella good um swear by the

Way in one of your tter with theh # MCW voice mod and one of Y yo I don’t like this I don’t like let it up real quick I can’t be having a a sponsor be talking right now what the heck legendary beef cookies yeah it’s cuz we have lagundo vintage beef and

Me I Flamingo some lag issues in the the event yesterday uh and we had about we had a lot less people yesterday than we did today and over the last day me and the rest of the team have working literally the entire last game trying to

Figure out a solution to lag we’ve tried different machines we tried different solutions Etc which m is in this server overall we’ve decided to into two servers this won’t affect anything uh when three teams have completed on both Ser on when three teams overall have completed the map then we will start the

Time rather than just the servers so that way it’s still same chance I will be fully up front and say we may still face lag issues today as I said me and the team of working oh my God the last day to try and find the issue I barely

Slept but we’ve done our best I love you uh and if we do a face lag I am genuinely sorry there’s lag spike it should fix itself pretty shortly after it happens um regardless of the issues again I really do apologize but I hope

You all still have a I I hope you all still have fun he’s finalist place as him if he knows me in the next few days he remembers me and he said is been so long he’s capping he has no idea who I am regardless he

Just said that be nice like I remember you I met you at uh place with the thing that’s what so at the end of today uh from all three Maps across the three sessions will go into a poll on Twitter to the side to the player of the

Season I guess rather player of the day uh just for extra fun for fun obviously keep an eye out for that start soon yeah we’re going to start soon I think they’re just briefing us on the game uh J pretty sure ra you so long oh he does remember

Me you said everything once again everybody thank you so much thanks to the staff sponsors we’ve been working on this event for six months now maybe we are very show you what we have in store and there’s nothing else to say other than good luck and have fun thank you all

Thank you all so much for joining all right I think we’re starting soon we we’ll be back beginning shortly we’re just going to wait for some fin able to get sh out some there any subs that might need sorting out we may fixing One internal system uh so we will

Be underway shortly uh for those who have noticed the lag in the hub that that’s what we’re currently trying to fix um again I’m very sorry for any issues that may occur today a hectic couple of days but I nonetheless I hope you do all have fun uh if you have any

Other questions feel free to put them in support or send me a DM and yeah uh have a lovely rest of your day and enjoy enjoy everyone uh your fre go thep VCS will be starting fairly soon oh yeah okay yippe we’re starting soon guys maybe I’m just a nerd but I’m

Looking at these arcs and like they’re kind of they look kind of nice okay I’m getting distracted okay but yeah um someone asked what’s this about we’re playing MC Wipeout you guys all know the TV show wipe out right come on if you guys don’t know who like what

Wipe out is you guys you live under a rock you guys all know wipo right everybody say yes even if you don’t know just say yes so I don’t so I think you’re cool all right I already failed okay but whiteo it’s basically like you guys you guys know what white

Out is basically like um like contestants play on like this parkour IRL you know and there’s like the most classic map on WIP out is like those big bouncy red boss sack like above water and you got to jump on it that’s basically what we’re doing here and it’s

Just a bunch of parkour and uh we just got to beat it so I’m going to be raging a lot today um I’m not really good at parkour my movement’s kind of bad so I’m going to try my best but yeah that’s what we’re doing a

Bunch of Parkour it’s going to be like a 2 three hours so we’re just going to be vibing together um and we’re going to try to win but uh let’s let’s go meet my teammates lundo and beef let’s go meet them everybody bu say hi in chat when I when I

Join have I didn’t have a good option so I’m just going with the Frog hat I got looks it looks great though AB hey cookie what up Lego what up beef hey what’s happening um I don’t know samies that tracks all right these these balls all

Right one every event I play on I’m on your team L gundo we I was about to say we’re three for three so far so no complaints what was the other one we’re playing uh Block Wars I remember that three for three wait no two for two

Sorry something else you got some team chemistry then right we got this oh yeah lagundo was saying cookie that you’re actually pretty good at these sorts of things and we are not so I am not I’m not we got carried so hard in BL I remember you doing way better in in

Parkour than I did no I was still pretty bad but yeah no we got it parkour is like my least favorite thing and apparently this is all parkour so it’s going to be great it’s the whole thing that’s the whole event trying to get some practice in

Before but yeah even that’s not going well I I think at this point it’s just of Sy yeah do you guys know who Sylvie is I I was just Sy at a yeah there’s a couple uh very late things all the smooth voices in one in one team okay

All right back I see you wait who said that someone in your chat yeah that funny I mean it kind of tracks we’re all we’re all like a little bit more on the deeper voice side so it works three old farts I love it no kidding you guys are probably super young too

35 H got your beat what you got cookie take a guess uh I’m going to say 34 I’m actually 22 I was gonna say I know I have you beat by a decade get out of here 22 say anything yeah oh my goodness I mean I’ve been doing YouTube

For more than half your life I know I was my chat like when I was like 13 I would watch you all the time I think it’s cool that we’re on a team this is making me feel super old I’m Gonna Leave oh yeah no it happens

Like but no it is good to not be the oldest in the call for once I will say so thank you for this rare occasion for me oh but yeah cookie did you get your hat yet what hat there’s Cosmetics over here grab a special hat wait where’s the Hat

Uh left from Spawn yeah it says cosmetics and you got to take a little oh no you can take this oh yeah you’re going that’s the way yeah yep I was up here the entire time didn’t even see this let me get a hat on I don’t know what would fit you the

Best the pan probably right like I am going to switch to this fryan I’m going to switch to this afterwards oh wait I don’t think I have the texture pack on this is not good his box of shame I just see oh you might have to log out and log

Back in yeah oh there he goes there is a box hat that kind of looks like your face oh here we go a little bit you saved me oh oh we’re all getting restarted anyway so I think I know what JoJo’s picking yep there it goes oh my game just

Froze oh yeah well server just restarted yeah did you figure out your stream cookie or no oh yeah I’m live right now okay cool I literally never know how to stream oh oh hi hey what’s up J what up man hey what’s up yo can you give us

Some secret like is there shortcuts or anything yeah can we get fly fly that’s way too jump boost jump boost would be good yeah oh oh perfect could you just make that permanent for us that’ be like thing is everybody’s going to know so it’s okay we can hide up guys nobody’s

Watching it’s Fone saying cookie at the same time so I doubt that plus there’s we go I got my pan on my head so oh yeah now I see the jump boost cleverly edit around the cheating don’t worry you didn’t see anything did you chat restarted again did

You I just want to pop in Jake already mentioned this uh voice mon clip competition is anybody interested uh I didn’t have time to get it set that before stream unfortunately sorry yeah I’m good it’s uh it’s a what’s the word optional it’s not the requirement yeah it’s not the

Requirement yeah uh well good luck how fun we’re going to be the servers are back up yeah awesome we might get a group screeny before the event starts and there’s going to be a special show so special show be sure to yeah you’re going to know what I mean b

Oh okay okay is it going be sexual or something special special how prepared should I be no not really it’s it’s fireworks and whatnot oh okay but now you spoiled it so special now that was just a show it’s just a show I’m gonna leave he’s gonna run away bye

Jay I think Jay mentioned the server was back up but it is not I’m still trying to load it in yeah do like the others I do have SB server I’m a big fan should I ever start my own cookie server surprise everybody and take this own cookie Minecraft

Server that would be so fun I’ve thought about it so many times I had so many people message me about creating a cookie Minecraft server with like one block on it but like I have my best VI R I’m excited there’s a lot of money you’re getting pumped and like yeah yeah

I’m just like it would be so cool to like actually be up and like sorry for the way by the way the server is still trying to boot up so we’re just going to be chilling Here I love wipe out what’s happening we’re playing MC wipe out oh yeah no it’s great so much fun stream yeah wipe out and then like the te’s castle uh and then the know that was on there’s a lot of YouTubers Anders are playing it scam elimination Championship or something

Like that yes love the shows like that it’s it’s so much fun like that and MythBusters basically my before I had 247 YouTube videos to be able to watch oh yeah was like the put it on TV while work like in college or something so

Very fun I should have a pat on my head I look like an idiot all right uh server is back oh we’re already all on oh yeah I want to see what other hats there are what hats should I wear guys looking squid down here what the it didn’t work

Little duck there oh oh yeah we can get down yeah you don’t get teleported back anymore it’s probably cuz it’s still like it’s getting hammered from everybody joining so the plugin oh they used an Ender Chest for the eye that is honestly so smart from so far

Away oh yeah that is I’m stealing that that is such a good idea sorry just like one random thing I’m like oh neat oh the balls are finally red nice vegitation over here let’s all right all right can we can we punch the trees I don’t know start a let’s play Lobby

Uploaded if you watch the cookie Clips you’re a real one I’m going to see how far we can get away that’s what I’m trying to do I’m just going up this hill oh okay all right I I which which way did you go I’m heading west yeah

I’ll sa the V you can watch it later East when will the go for like 2 three hours so you guys are on for a long ride but we’re going to be we’re just going be chilling doing a bunch of Parkour I’m be raging so get some popcorn or

Something get comfy these palm trees look look great is very very pretty they did a good job you’re looking a child of keep going I thought like I don’t know if I know anybody else the end and it would I found the end y me too I found

The world recognized any other YouTubers in here off I know Jo already jumped I know here um so far you’re just falling I’m at600 going go what oh no oh they don’t anyone else maybe I’m just oh it’s working oh all let’s see what kind of hats I can wear

Here so if you void I think it might it might send you oh I can finally see it a bike helmet a cow oh you can’t you can’t touch the water it teleports you now A Lone Survivor out there in the boys interesting wear a box hat here goes

Nothing my head is too big guys I have a six head so it’s just you’re Zone where they would teleport you back from looks like things are I get horns oh I’m zesty ah zesty I’m trying to see is there another way over some cat ears there

Might be can I guess shout out to my kids Dolly and Gio Giovani ability like balls over to the duck possibly Hello Dolly and Giovani there’s a sentence never thought um um otter hat ooh this one’s kind of cute oh duck hat how did I miss this one

Of those like with no context what’s your favorite your favorite hat guys half half of the whole stream is just going to be that play the circus music we I don’t want to everybody needs to vote it comes on when it comes it wants to everybody

Vote in chat Which hat do I wear R A whoa duck or cow e this one’s ugly I don’t like it now how do I get down I’m hear I’m seeing a lot of frogs all right duck duck or frogs try to make the most seeing I made it to the dock just

Short one of the courses is very hard okay well I’m seeing ducks and we’re wearing a duck who said that yeah what if this makes my parkour worse squishing my head it makes me taller the reason for Silence of mind is there’s one song on my playlist let’s try to practi circus

Music the bouncy balls it is straight up like what you see on a carousel bad of movement so this might be really really bad stream I going be getting mad all right I didn’t make it right after people were calling for it in chat so sentient playlist W the duckies won

Absolutely I watched a purple play this yesterday yeah and like it looked really hard oh great like yeah I saw a ton of people struggling so this is going to be it’s going to be hard I was saying to beef this is basically a chance for us

To do a 2-hour podcast and then we have the yeah we have the Minecraft footage in the background already there for Tik Tok like perfect this is just content farming cut this into 100 Clips the whole event like somebody pull up Reddit uh real quick let’s just read a bunch of

Threads and we got this yeah I should put Subway Surfer on like the side of my screen too oh that would be funny there’s a retention hack yeah you know what also could be interesting would you pull up one of those videos where it’s like 10 hours and then every random so

Often a sound plays so it’s like 10 hours but a random pipe falling sound effect plays like throughout just completely randomly and you just add more of those videos there’s one that someone did of the timer from stands of time in MCC so it’s just the 10 second countdown of

Dread uh so that’s that’s fun too there’s a lot of those you know what I’m actually going to do that that honestly sounds fun what is this leader board let’s make this interesting these real people your your eom what a Goden name 10 hours of Silence interruped by clown horns and

Honks all right back my name is messed up D’s H if seven was nuts that would per 10 minutes um best MC players that’s me how do I get I’m trying to be cool somebody give me a good one here we go 10 hours of Silence occasionally broken up by Minecraft cave

Noises those cave noises used to scare me all the time I was like yesterday it is playing it is oh past winners who won map two they’re just going to catch have that forgot want one of them what what other ones should we put on Ant Frost Greninja okay of course they want

They’re yo we’re going to be here guys we’re going to be standing right here you know what let’s just let’s just stand here cuz like this is going to be us anyways we’re going to win this this this this uh map three perfect when start bro I don’t know it’s

Taking a while for them to start this I’m sorry do one of the sand themes I can’t speed it up guys they’re just taking a long time chaotic if I do more than two of these at once we’re just vibing here together I love your videos thank you

Fin start dummy but that’s what I’m saying okay I all right hope you’re not calling me the dummy I can’t do anything I’m waiting for them to start those landmines are just playing in the background now so we’ll see what’s about to happen nut chain everybody’s just spammed these nuts let’s entertain

Ourselves find all 15 oh spam that’s what I’ve been trying to do I think I found literally I have nuts right here you hear it I just found the one spawn I was wondering why there was just R I’m going eating it right now whoops I feel I have so much power I

Can make I just Spam anything but yeah I have trail mix with M&M’S in ited is maybe if you push space when you land on uh got it if you have Sprint when you hit a slime block that definitely mes it up okay and if you hit it like right on

The edge it this is my ASMR Channel you got to make sure in the middle of ASMR hey this is this is the extent of my practice right now so yeah want to try it again yeah it is a little tricky like slime blocks are a little tricky no when I

When I face reveal I’m going to make a cookie Vlogs ch Channel but you can I’m going to post a vlog every week I’m not kidding I’m actually going to do it cuz you guys don’t understand how much stupid stuff I do the space it kind of

I’m actually dead like I’m actually an yeah I think for here they I would love to start a channel when I kind of makes sense if you think I’ll face R when I’m like like actually handsome and like 65 my gosh not hideous so maybe the next life or something

Four where’s the bumper wall there it is a little bloody yeah it’s off beh I think it’s just behind like where we start yeah by the way do you guys care if I swear I’m sure you guys all watch vide I don’t know when those videos are going

To proc next but I I I don’t swear because I I just I make Minecraft videos but bro I swear all the time every every second word I was like it’s actually for me not to swear sometimes in my videos I just catch myself so I’m like and then I say

Frick okay yeah everyone just close your eyes when I swear when I swear all right if if your kids are watching I’m sorry I’m near the headset you found I’m probably going to get M I’m probably going to get mad playing this and it’s going to slip I’ve been working super

Hard to find you know what saring is good they around I’m just like right now I’m just trying to get over the bumper wall having a hard time even getting there I’ve been holding that in really yeah like am I supposed to oh yeah cuz

Oh oh there’s the duck s is it weird for you guys to hear me swear make it louder I remember I would watch a re link heard it like Good Mythical moing we’ll up the volume on and I watch Like a second Channel video and they would swear like

Wait whoa whoa whoa is that is that is that legal cuz they never swear and then I heard them say like the f word once I was like this isal get there first yeah I’m not even getting on the first slime ball it doesn’t this little pad before

Hand doesn’t really jump it just propels me forward there we go that’s weird oh oh starting go oh finally falling [Applause] asleep oh that was a c sound okay okay all right chat 4 we’re starting in 40 seconds oh that is a very cool me the water me you guys and oh

Yeah our ducky hat the ducky Hat’s going to carry us that is cool water all right you guys ready the spotlights that looks really good spam W in chat we’re winning this I’m I’m I’m about to rage so hard this is going to

Be so hard but we got it we got it we got it n jump PS don’t work w wow kind of works got it honestly I’m just going to be happy if we don’t get last oh there is water cutting up the SL that’s cool all right let’s go 3 seconds

3 seconds okay do we know what we’re doing yeah parkour space bar W this is going to be hard kind of nervous it’ll be fine hey why are these guys up there oh you can just bounce off of this to you can jump off the red and it’ll

Put you high enough and you can get up there oh yeah I’m cool let’s go I’m kind of pissed is have time oh jeez uh jar I guess I have a block beside me Speed Run go for it all right you’re right jeez let’s be H if that costs us the game somehow

No oh there’s more down there on the ground but oh behind us oh that’s probably where a bunch of stuff is hidden there’s just stuff down here are you talking about like that wooden um yeah like the wooden peer back here yeah I did I didn’t know that this is back here oh

I don’t even know if there is a ball down there I may have found one down there there is one yeah oh you just can’t leave you just hit the invisible barrier right so we officially started I guess right but I think we’ve officially started yeah that was the fastest piss in my

Life I just pissed on my window yeah the opening ceremonies happen ho how long is this going to take get towards the actual I could have had kids by now for real when to start this stream how long has this stream been going on for guys I actually could have kids going to

College this is crazy oh yeah duck sound effect definitely makes things interesting I just poured my nut all over my table 34 minutes oh my I’m done how did I just get energy from pissing I lit stood up blood started going around and now have energy that’s how long I’ve been freaking sitting

For holy I can’t believe I wasted 30 minutes of some of your guys’ time I’m sorry okay next time I join an event I’m going to start the I’m going to start the stream when the actual event starts and not when they say the event going to

Start cuz shks oh is everyone ready oh please yes please Dad everybody maybe no no of course I literally got everybody hyped for nothing we spam W we’re getting hpe to win starting okay and nothing happened all right we got this perfect this is going to be super easy we slam W

Again oh here we go we’re at a thing oh yeah what is this spam W okay we can’t move yet right yeah third person you can oh it’s the red balls oh no it starts with those and then yeah we like bounce around and then there’s a whole bunch

Okay chat we’re starting I might not be able to reach chat but pray with me we’re winning this we have 40 seconds okay okay we got it spam W we’re winning this I’m going to try to beat this as fast as I can it’s going to be a lot of

Parkour so I might be raging a lot I might swear a little bit but that’s what’s fun about it so let’s go nice 20 wait wait what yeah we definitely move everyone spamming numbers me included 20 seconds so is it more than just us three on this obstacle it’s like

A bunch of us yeah but everyone only see our our team though oh okay gotcha yeah but like everybody’s standing right where we are okay oh already I’m kind of nervous let’s go oh I just gives you speed that gives you speed oh okay I’ve seen people take very long in

This entire course so just take your time oh okay I fell off that one okay you can absolutely jump to gain more height on these you can you can you have to time the jump or you have to hold it a little I I’m not

Sure wait why am I getting L jump right now wait what oh no no no okay I was on the very last ball and it didn’t work what is going on wait okay so some of them aren’t real oh oh oh okay okay okay I see some of them AR real that the

Second from the right column platform what going run through it why is my jump limp now what’s going on what yeah it happened to me too can’t get past this hey I did it checkpoint oh wait a minute oh okay so so the ones with the particles are real

Oh okay I don’t see a particle what oh but they kind of disappear after a while right they like it it it changes I’m never going to get past this I did it yeah this one’s limp what is going on my I do oh no oh that’s going to be tough okay that

That 3x one is messing with me okay that didn’t work no I can’t do it I can’t get past the balls you got this you got you can jump you can jump you can hit space bar okay ow hey nicely done I don’t know what you did there I swam underneath it

Somehow like I did it again oops oh my I’m oh no I cannot do this this one I think is going to be difficult come on punching bag let’s go or punching glove oh I made it all right we got this oh I’m done I’m done I’m done you just

Got to do it as a Sprint you just genuinely have to Sprint the whole way that’s not my forte oh no I’m falling apart okay let’s just go around I’m done I’m done what why is the last one so Limp okay I got to one more try one more try what is going on how many people have finished nobody no team has finished yet no oh no yeah okay how do we make this last jump what the heck the B which on the balls on the

Balls you have to jump you have to jump jump I bounced twice on the next to last one I L do it oh I can’t even make that jump that’s driving me nuts well this is so any for a lot of those jumps you have to just take it at a full

Sprint oh wait somebody already just finished oh oh really I literally cannot get past the first thing this is so bad it took me oh man yeah that last ball for some reason a couple times I was like I could Acky get any Hye yeah it’s there

Limb yeah control W and a this is L’s bro I’m done you you got this I believe in you I’m going just quit and leave the server I’m already getting mad it’s fine once you get to the bunching bags you’re going to oh yeah that’s fun I don’t get

It I can’t make it past this last one why can’t I make that jump oh this is really annoying okay how am I missing see that what is happening I got pushed off that time I got pushed off that time too guys I Lally do not get it I’m I’m

Actually I’m actually mad now why why am I still stuck in this last one I’m actually Mad Chad what am I doing wrong this is this is I actually cannot get past the bouncy B performance for me this is a oneoff bro at least you guys

Got the ball one Canon event this is the one time I got this oh dang it okay going try I can’t do it you’re still on the the balls yeah H brutal oh no oh no oh no oh no okay you mad I cannot get to that third stupid jump what is

Happening oh okay the ice is messing with me a little bit somebody call Cam okay yeah we need Cam man where’s my boy at oh my finally made it I think I knew what I was doing okay that was really stupid I see it straight line teams finished no teams

I knew what I are finished I kept clicking my uh my control to Sprint so stupid so for a lot of for a lot of those you have to take it kind of out of Sprint okay I made it oh my I’m actually sweating I’m mad wait are you oh here

Now he yeah I fig I was clicking my my my sprint button it kept messing me up oh yeah cuz that’ll make you not bounce as much yeah I was that’s what I realized that’s why I was messing up okay we’re good we’re good brutal okay okay okay okay I’m on Pace

Now I was wondering what was going On okay chat we okay I figured what I was doing wrong I was literally I I kept clicking my sprint button and kept slowing me down yeah what I just got lucky on the punching bags okay that was frustrating oh this wind is weird yeah I suggest just going around like you can

Just you can just go Around no I’m doing it oh okay I’m going around on yeah uh you go around the next to last jump that you hit it’s a little wonky oh you can’t touch the water you can’t touch the water okay we got it we got it oh my God

That that first one actually pissed me off I was actually mad oh my God where you guys mad too oh my God I was I was actually frustrated I was like I can’t believe I’m not getting past these walls okay now we’re now we’re on a roll

Finally it was because I kept clicking control and that’s my Sprint Key and it kept screwing up my momentum so I was like I was like what is happening I thought it was like a mechanics problem but okay oh my God I thought that was so

Stupid indeed for this I need to jump literally like right jumping from Pink platform to Pink platform uh there’s fans Okay oh I see I’m not going going yet I’m going I’m going now oh one one oh so you can take a shortcut if you want yes yeah I’m wait I’m going to wait my hands are so sweaty interesting you guys go around or take the fan

Spe all the way in the back I’m done I’m done like at B value it’s cuz I’m not using lunar Clin it doesn’t hold my Sprint that’s why is messing me up okay it just like I’m not used to it oh no this is going to be the death of me what

Part are you guys on there’s another punching bag segment no oh my god oh you just do not say that and it’s a spiral up a building oh keep keep sounds okay I need to take my time here this not all right chat we got it I’m I’m actually sweating right now I

Was so mad I started so bad so something I figured out with the punching bags you can just shift and they can’t punch you up off all right I remember purple saying that yeah you can just shift and they can’t punch you off if you’re actively moving you’ll get punched but

If you just stand there with shift on oh oh 7 Seconds oh we’re about to lose oh no that that was a teram finished oh no not single team finished teams finished no no three teams finished oh it says zero out of whatever I I guess not oh my God

I don’t like this game I’m I’m mad I thought I was doing okay and then I’m like I looked over at the scoreboard or chat and I’m like 7 seconds left oh my God all right that was so frustrating yeah we need a caling Gong for the teammates that gong is not

Calming it’s loud bro my whole body was there are no practice rounds I I’m I feel the same way there are two more rounds oh two more rounds okay yeah so two more maps bro I had I had places around my body that was sweating that has never

Sweat before guys I was actually I was actually so mad I was like how am I not making it P these balls all right oh my it was cuz I was clicking my control button cuz that that’s my speed it like it it changes my

My run not going to lie this is screw my entire momentum so I just like didn’t touch it at the very end it was okay oh oh my god that actually got me mad okay long break common cookie elbow for real the other session finished please no 30 minute break had places on

My body I was sweating that I’ve never sweat before kidding yeah no I my God hopefully not too long I’m sorry guys I failed you guys that was embarrassing I was actually so tempted to just quit and not even try anymore fell okay no no we got

It okay that was that was that was our practice round all right y that was our practice round we just lull them into a false sense of security and now judging by the first map we definitely got this we were sandbagging it and now now

We just wait now now we go for him so if there’s only two more rounds left is it even conceivable that we can I have genuin I think part of this is just the content play don’t don’t leave me we already lost oh my God no not like this not like

This I would have ever been mad before over the blocks for real okay I’m going to add another 10 hours of Silence uh what all do you think I should add I’m sorry chat I’ve disappointed you guys back to the Bone Taco Bell gone I didn’t get close to I’m

Pissed oh my God it’s I’m not used to not having lunar Clin on where I could toggle I’m I’m adding just more random sound videos in the background how many teams didn’t finish the first round like all of them except three probably potentially it’s weird

Cuz on the on my little INF thing it didn’t say it said zero of the next map was starting soon however oh but maybe that was for satisfactory I haven’t played that but I saw my brother playing it once and it look that one was loud okay I’m going to take a little

Breather I’m going to just eat my these nuts I’m scared by a goat it’s okay eat some nuts and calm down uh just a warning my experience like by if I don’t win the if I don’t even finish the next round I’m actually going to be

Mad I rarely get mad too it’s crazy the lights are still going off under the wipe out sign oh are they yeah eating not sneak me to your video hey I no no no no I’m talking about my meal this is just a snack all right yeah they

Are oh my God you know what yeah you’re right you’re right Fina the duck is the problem oh here’s leaderboards they’re over here the duck is the problem that’s why we that’s why we couldn’t do it it’s weighing me down says leader boards we got to change hats that’s that’s the

Problem here okay so is that leaderboards for we’re changing hats guys oh I what hat guys what hat you guys said frog is the duck it’s the duck I’m sorry map one the Ducks loaded me down okay so pan shun ham FR frog itmg I mean this this

Will win this will win this will make us win I see a lot of names I recognize it’s like oh okay yeah no this this makes sense okay here we go okay oh okay okay the water obstacle is just don’t touch the water oh actually that’s the second obstacle I

Don’t know what the first one is oh it’s the balls again yep oh not the balls the balls haunt me anything but the balls the balls going to hot me in my sleep so there’s 11 obstacles on this map okay yes how much time do we have uh until three teams complete oh

Like a limit and then there’s a timer yeah what is the timer do we know I don’t know okay 20 seconds yeah okay I’m ready here we go here we go take your time in the water stairs don’t rush oh I’m rushing hey don’t click Sprint just

Run don’t think just do do or do not there is no try I already fell off that go straight Yeah just just jump at just jump right when you’re about to hit them oh My okay I’m getting like no forward momentum is the problem I was able to hold control and W and and jump the whole time okay I’m going try that oh it did it did does does work yeah water the water stairs are oh you can’t hit the water at all no you

Can’t touch the water that’s the that’s the trick with this is you got to like kind of learn the pattern oh that’s not good okay so right guys the balls are about to HT me again the balls are about to HT me again here we

Go again so like right here is safe why did I do that skip that whole thing and then here that’s here that was not why does this why why does this happen What is the balls are haunting me again no it seems to be a consistent

Pattern oh you know what trying to spe up I had more success than taken by I’m [ __ ] done I think I just I way too much kiding like a random random why does this happen to me no this is going to end me it’s not even parkour it’s just

Pattern like memorizing why I’m I’m actually mad yeah did not get water luck why is my last ball got pretty far in Dumb luck my whole life please I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done this is where I run out cookie

You still at the balls yeah muted cuz I’m screaming I’m mad oh I just heard you please oh my God I’m done oh yeah there it is okay let’s see here they’re right here and then right here oh no I going to try to take this more

Strategic I’m going to cry guys I’m not cooking I’m not cooking oh my goodness what am I doing next to last jump jump what am I doing wrong cases probably just the front one this is actually getting me mad I’m actually sweating so if I wait here and go straight nope that didn’t

Work go here why I said that cuz I with you guys oh oh my God no I did not guys I’m actually mad I was fine what am I doing wrong this yes yes oh I just tried to P cookies here all right we’re all together oops we will suffer through

These stairs together my Sprint Key I’m just I’m just just full sending it chat I’m sorry if this is bad so is this the spot right here yeah where where’s the just full send it oh I’ve tried that oh my god I’ve never been so stred

Jumping at the start of each stair to the next stair oh just ran into water oh oh okay so you could pretty much go straight on which side I’m through I’m through just straight up the middle take your time yeah mid yeah whoops oh my God you’re speed oh I was

At the last step do you seriously have to or oh no you jump you jump on these things yeah just go straight down the middle yeah oh dang it oh come on I can’t make the first jump now where am I supposed to go you

Supposed to go up these now oh yeah yeah I supposed jump up here oh my goodness lag Spike they warned about a lag Spike so just wait I wonder if it’ll work if I make it all the way to the end guys I’m oh my God I’m sorry guys bro

Those balls are going to hunt me they’re lit going to hunt me I’m going to be dream I’m going to be dreaming just I’m going to just see see cookie moving and you’re right next music stopped oh no it did not work oh man just waiting it’s doing it again oh is it

Back timed out yes restart Center all the way up until the last two or three stairs those two yep whole crash fall down oh okay I’m trying to reconnect right now I really hope they restart it so glad we’re getting server upgrades this is not our server but

Yes guys I’m mad this is way more fun with the random sound effect videos oh my god oh I didn’t rage quit I didn’t Rage Quit no no no no the server crashed oh my god I’ve actually never been so mad it’s so frustrating just let me let me eat my nuts my

God guys I’m not even kidding I’m sweating so much disaster that when I lift my headset off of my ears it’s literally moist I’m starting to see other people on my that’s how mad I was on those balls I I’m stuck at the texture loading screen my headphones are moist like yeah

Now the music I’m Fanning out my ears right now holy cow okay could somebody please explain why on the last jump on those balls mess me up I’ll try like like my speed dies my momentum dies I try to jump but I can’t make it it’s just limp

My balls are limp oh it said game over so I’m guessing they uh they just put an end I think yeah it’s a it’s a ton of uh I think is the second last to second to last jump last ball you jump on perfect my ping only 9,000 now we know that if

They restart that level now we know what to do yeah straight up ends oh is there a so we just got to do it fast keep kidding me is the booster timed or is the booster just end at the last we’re in the lobby like do you just need to do it fast

Enough you have to go on the right side oh my my God I’m your speed dies because you have Limit Oh it’s limited in other words you’re too slow hey boy why told us it was two hour that was uncalled for that’s not bad yeah I’m holding W control and space bar we

Started trying space it’s fine oh my god I’ve never been so mad that’s not I’m be honest with you guys I think I could get past everything else it’s only the balls I can’t I can’t control the balls the balls does what it wants holy cow I I feel like I could get

Through everything else except balls I’m I’m so mad I’m going to get snacks honestly everybody gets some snacks I’m just I’m just eating cuz I’m mad I’m done with this oh my God I’m actually mad I can’t believe nailed it it’s because because your hat all

Yeah we’re changing it again the frog is not it I’m so tempted to T the Frog was better than the duck but still the frog is not it how bad is it oh my God okay what are we changing it to guys it’s not the duck or the Frog

It’s not it guys there’s nothing we can do but you guys need to believe in me while we’re waiting how’s going the Box no the Box the Box just covers me it’s going great nice all right yep frying pan it is about yours my my team said frying P earlier kids

All day so it was just like I look like a cool kid wearing a hat sideways you know very very late in the day the thing is I’m not cool so yeah oh my I’m going to need a shower after this guys I’m just on the topic of weird things right

My God I got to ask about the T cookie hat that would be cool and just when you’re saying just oh this is my job and that part’s weird has the concept of like you fully designed a TCG that is physical print and going out to people

Has that settled it all yet or I guess I guess I got do the jump faster insane yeah I just got get through the balls FAS I know I’m superar to ship like this week coming up so boy you weird very excited I’m so excited I got thoughts in Ohio sound effects yo

Your name is Oppenheimer short Circ me he so much talking about your nice yeah live I am Potato Girl sold like 1 and a half million cards total Bonkers yeah insane this is genuinely very cool I’m excited yeah yeah I see top right corner okay I see I

Just need to go through it faster so I know I got it I got it IRL like theow I ran into a few at twitchcon I was able to chat with them do you want to run like at a at a convention run like a physical tournament uh 100%

That’s in how many of you guys went trick or-treating this year just yet but yeah that’s the plan put one in chat you guys went Trigg or- treating old Now sucks that would be even when I was like 15 or 16 that’s awesome my voice was so

Deep that I would go Tri treating and they would be like aren’t you too old for this my voice was like already deep and I was like 15 and I was like I can imagine right like that’s something like all the builds and everything else but

Right now I ask that cuz right now that’s actually physical You’ made look like cigarettes they kind of hit home when uh that’s some Nostalgia I love these on at my kitchen signing like thousand of them you guys know what I’m talking about these white sticks yeah that was pretty cool too

Honestly no but like that whole thing and how that all played out I’m just sitting here like oh and when we were on a team I’m like I just got to ask that’s got to feel unreal wasn’t snowing here s pretty early here I’m just like mid October

That all the Hermits wanted to like cooperate too which is great cuz if you know if room didn’t then it wouldn’t have been as fun yeah but yeah everybody was pumped into it so yeah I’m super pumped at it all came together it’s genuinely so wonderful I’m excited and

Shout out to Creo cuz I was looking for um a company to help me actually produce these things and Creo just came in clutch they did an amazing job yeah that is that is super Muslim as far as being able to do something with like random card packs and all that too

Because for a lot of places like I know of other sites that can you can do like a print on demand kind ofip the same thing so randomizing it and all that is just super cool exactly that was a big a big thing uh my wife

And I initially we were like you know what we could probably just do this ourselves because we didn’t I mean we weren’t this is taking a long time it to be that popular we are so glad we didn’t do it ourselves because we your Minecraft

Character when I was like 12 or 13 I thought was funny yeah that would have been a different kind of all moment where you need to summon like I know where it be funny like put an local paper it’s like want for a couple weeks at a time be

Like everybody put on some gloves and start that becomes Thanksgiving you’re just like hey everybody good news thanksgiving’s a tax F off this year bad news yall going to have paper cut andert we will be foil wrapping these cards since when to cookie live I I go live sometimes mainly for events

The thermal machine of just oh that I didn’t even think about just once my series is over and then doing the odds all of that too once I’m done one block I think I’m going to start a new series and uh I want to stream it so yeah you locked down

Do it all for uhhuh absolutely put on my music cuz I got oh sorry awkwardly I muted them that is actually a really good point Victor you said is this a hole in my shirt or is it a cookie on my shirt have you guys ever thought about

That I’ve never thought about that like what what if this hole in my shirt what if this cookie on my shirt is just a hole what if it’s not a cookie print I’ve never thought about that and I had this skin forever oh we’re skipping straight to map three oh damn all

Right that is a great question I I’ve always thought it was just a cookie print on my shirt but it could literally just be a hole oh my God that’s hilarious okay we’re starting stra oh here yeah I’m here oh there’s the balls the first thing is the ball it’s

Literally the first thing it’s always ball sorry buddy I’m sorry buddy it looks like it I really want to make this joke uh it both starts and ends with balls no it always does has it all has things mostly do uh okay goodness all right no map to that’s be a life

Quote yes starts and ends with balls get that on a shirt in like very fancy curvy or like cross stitched on a pillow yeah I’m just going to follow you you hold control and W and just time your space bar you yeah just tap space bar right

When you’re about to hit it and you do jump okay I’m following you sus all right 10 obstacles in the yeah we got this I’m not I’m going oh I already fell I see people on other teams overshot oh yeah oh yeah jump aim for the corners and then for

The last one front mdle yeah we did it what is this whoa why whoa oh you get to choose you get to choose for this so you might want to if you were struggling with them take the left ones why do I see this guy this is yeah

There’s this one guy there’s not on our team who I can see guys I made it past the balls I need a w in chat bro any easier the left one’s just bigger so made were jumped so left is not I think left is easy oh oh

Oh uh I’m getting one frame per second you will uhoh okay never mind I’m back I’m going to I I’ll try left side with you all so I can help wait a second how do I get out of here oh you jump up on them oops oh I think of

Course oh crack I’m just so bad all right you go first okay so wait what okay so one two oh my goodness is that what it I’m telling you chat three oh yeah anything that’s not the balls I’m fine with I think on that but the balls

Are just weird mechanic rap it all me off but I I I did the ball so I’m honestly that’s awful holy four block jump I’m going back to the other one anything that’s not the balls too bad this one th this I figured out though yeah this map is a lot better the

Clouds are in the way oh yeah there we go I fig made it past the one on the left oh you did yeah oh no okay these are these just these Road jumps make me nervous okay if if left is easier I’m just going to switch the last

Then spawn yes there’s more fans on this one checkpoint set okay okay you’re in the lead you got this oh I think I’m way past the oh jeez okay I’m on the moving carpet thingies oh my I’m throwing this on this one all right I made past the fence fence’s pretty Easy okay I got it with the carpets you guys got to move with it by the way oh you do yeah left and right who is this guy in my way nerve-wracking why are the clouds in the way who w w he went all three oh

God oh boy all right I should have list I should have copied him what am I doing oh no okay checkpoint Set I can’t make that jump oh no I tried oh boy okay I got this i got this let’s go okay okay okay almost there almost there oh the fans is easy you just walk I’m almost there please don’t the fans you just kind of just

Wait okay I’m taking my time here I do not want to no I’m I’m catching up you no okayy just be earning it I don’t care anymore wait what what happened I don’t see the things oh no oh my God I don’t see the things what dides the server lag again

Oh I think the server is lagging again I don’t I don’t see the the the moving platforms oh they’re not moving for me I don’t see them at all that’s the thing platforms like right here the next thing I see is that is that stone

Brick how do we turn on hit boxes what’s the what’s the command oh f3b there’s no hit box is not what it’s supposed to be like right here oh my god oh okay oh I thought there’s like some sort of moving platform or something okay oh okay yeah no

No you’re trying to make it more difficult than it is the hit boxes will help a lot on this is like the disappearing platform oh yeah I accidentally turned off uh you’re going to want to jump for it right before yeah you you’re going to want to

Jump at the last second okay like right before it appears I just got lagged back what the heck okay I can’t even make that yep wait come on Mom is there W server’s lagging disappearing now yeah server froze server is again oh my God just going to ignore round three

Just round one results will be the winnner great event it they split the server up too yep it’s frozen oh my Boozled by classic parkour I was expecting punching bags oh wait oh oh jeez it just went okay ready on for me yet yeah still frozen

I’m down in the city yeah me too oh con L crashed all right well that was a great event what a great event yeah I’m just driving I’m driving away I’m stealing a truck this is amazing I’m start playing Grand Theft Auto just get me in

Here resource pack oh is that the screen you were stuck on earlier the applying resource pack screen yeah the red yeah okay it’s probably not gonna oh it did boot up for me again interesting they’re empty the buildings are empty down here oh I hate I’m sorry

Guys the Ser is crashing oh oh we’re back oh and I fell oh hi Wade I see every team now oh I think oh my froze again yeah it just keeps freezing it just jumped up a minute and like okay yeah there’s like no way to time this with the freezing happening yeah

Know okay so ready one two now and then just go you got to do it oh well the next one didn’t spawn it froze again this is amazing hey now I’m down in the city this is great you own all Cookie merch yo thanks Mega all right where we

Going let’s start playing fortnite where are we dropping we need to loot this building right here oh it’s empty oh no this is going great I love this yep it’s a bit of a bummer I feel bad for them cuz I know they worked hard on it a

Lot of work that went into this sucks to see something like fall through fall through nicely H bro server is frozen I’m sorry guys honestly I’m not sorry I’m mad that I lost and I suck yeah looking at chat it’s it’s pretty B well unfortunately oh there we go is this

Alos well they probably spent like thousands of dollars on these servers and it just can’t run um oh my God mine wasn’t super loud so maybe it might be under a custom slider though oh my God my throat hurts I’m screaming so I don’t know I’m actually oh my God so

Frustrating yep yeah back in the those balls man the server is not servering for real don’t scream bro I can’t I get too mad I’m raging for real I’m triggered not a good look for MC can you say my name for anime character so you say and you name an anime character for

An edit uh Naruto rock paper scissors for the dub I’m game this just gives me more time to find the find the yeah the ball strewing around the the lobby yeah all right I already found that one now I don’t know which ones I found already I haven’t found a single ball I

I don’t want so you got to click the one here at spawned to like start it started yeah uh I’m just I’m I’m avoiding the balls I don’t want it he’s had enough balls for you’re done you had enough yeah we got this this is a lot worse than what

Happened yesterday okay so it sounds like something else is going on with them yesterday was worse no this is worse than what happened yesterday I’m surprised they according to chat so my only thought is if they just split the instances but they have the same amount of resources technically they’re like hammering the

Ser for even more cuz there’s a baseline for hosting a server and then all the plugins and stuff on top of that so hard to say well you think they’re going to start us up again don’t know I think they’re trying to figure it out we’ll

See well we’ll see that was a lot of fun just me raging for no absolute reason switch back to This yeah it is kind of disappointing that the server keeps crashing and that it’s taking so long to boot up the game so I’m sorry guys than you for reminding me my bad I’m sorry ruining to change back to the game when I was able to make

It back in so they were just staring at me full screen instead of I can’t control itame oh no they’re having server problems probably more it is a cool map though this is what you’re here for this is what you’re really here for no wait a second there’s a red ball

Right there how did I miss this one hey but we are close to 5 M Subs guys that one there’s two there’s two back sections which are a little Annoying to get to cuz if you miss the parkour at All I really wanted to do something special for 5 mil but I I really do not know what to do I was like I thought about like running my own server for a bit and having like a giant event like 100 players and like there’s like a like

A $1,000 Prize or something I thought would be super cool but I don’t know oh 2096 plays for the dollar thanks bro oh I missed one storm boss YouTube for two bucks I love you Cookie God I love you too hey the real the real one that stays

Though even though I’m doing nothing the the real fans do baking with a cookie C I would love to bake when I face reveal I’m going to be doing so many random like life videos like baking I’m going make some Vlogs I’m going go travel that’ll

Be so fun you guys don’t understand I do some I do some crazy [ __ ] when I’m not on videos I’m actually a crackhead like I like I’m more normal in videos than I am in real life I I’ll say that cuz I I I got to put on like a

Persona I guess to be normal like not too crazy but I’m actually stupid I so dumb so it’ll be great content if I face revealed it be endless content I probably end I’m getting myself cancelled to be honest do you like dinosaurs I I read this I

Read that comment like an hour ago I do Dora with the 199 Huff I don’t know what that is but thank you a cookie maybe you’re my dad describe to all Channel channels thanks hey do you guys know my secret Roblox Channel yet I’ve been posting every single day

On Roblox I bet half you guys had no idea I bet I bet only okay of course you knew Roblox gamer is in your name you guys actually know my Roblox Channel if you do you guys a real one yeah some of you guys like what I’ve

Been posting every single day on Roblox every single day I haven’t told anybody yet I I’ve mentioned it a few times on like my past live stream I’ve put it in my description a little I put in my Instagram and Twitter but I’ve never mentioned my Roblox channel on my cookie

God videos I’ve just been posting and I just it’s it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun so you guys want to watch some Roblox go there you guys are the secret ones to know hey if you guys if you guys all subscribe you guys will all be for uh 10,000

Subs so being an OG and uh join before subscribe before 10K oh yeah just it’s basically just my friend and I just um messing around on Roblox and screaming and laughing it’s a lot of fun I have so much fun what’s the name I’m not telling you

You got to find it I’m not telling anybody you just got to find it it’s somewhere I’ve been posting every single day for like the past two weeks brick yeah Brick’s my homie did you watch a FNAF movie I have not have you guys watched a FNAF movie

You’re so mean n you just got to find it cookies hard soft I like I like soft cookies I’m a soft boy check day three announcements yeah check the day three announcement section oh herey here we go I I I I all I’ll say is unfortunately if

It’s not today I think y’all would need to sub me out because I don’t think I can jump on another time next week no I’m down to play m one again yeah I’m I’m I’m down for one we’ll see okay I mean as much as I hated okay chat

Those stupid b now I mean now you know it though like yeah true it’s a little bit you’ve done it at least once hey yo why is everyone why is everyone saying the name guys you’re not supposed to tell anybody chat it’s a secet water stairs first win I have ch I was

Actually able to do that one pretty quick but um the the two options are that we play map one again or resed and I want to play map one again even though those balls haunted me man I have five left I’m going to do it again just I I

Really want to beat it I feel like I was getting close map too and then it start lagging again water stairs only we have a chance Then oh man bro somebody watch through the stream and count how many times it said balls this stream oh my God it has to be over like a 100 Dem balls reschedule n no we’re doing map one I’m never doing it again but this this thing pisses me

Off okay let’s find the balls I think are those balls you need to find everybody’s talking about finding these balls that are hidden I’m going to [ __ ] this entire stream just balls oh yeah a one out 15 I need find 14 more balls yeah there’s one right

There so I’m going to go get it not that way this way I really want to get those last two that are there that’ll put me to 12 and then I I think I’ll have to give up I don’t know where to find the last two

The last three we need 14 more oh went the wrong way where them balls At oh I found one let’s go two out of 15 this oh my God I got practice oh I still can’t do it going to the the fin list from there okay great we have I need to practice this twice oh I don’t know if I can make this

Jump okay what am I doing wrong with this I do not get it hey 12 out of 15 there’s another ball here progress found it okay it’s not that hard I don’t understand why I’m struggling so much okay so I just got I think I’m just not

Doing it fast enough that’s the problem four out of 15 you guys see any balls anywhere we need them balls did I not make that jump that seems possible yeah this is balls man hunt bum yeah I’m not sure how long this is going to take guys for them to reboot

The server so I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting but uh seems doable I mean has doable love you guys but yeah I’m getting impatient right now I don’t really want to keep waiting it’s taking them a while to start this up again you’ve watched every Roblox video

You posted because you and brick are good combo thanks yeah brick and I are actually the best combo ever and when brick and I make videos together it’s just so funny they’re just laughing so much and is fun hey y okay guys what’s the next series

After one block cuz I feel like one Block’s going to come to an end soon and that one’s annoying to get like one block is I’m on episode 7 now I just uploaded episode 7 um I’m almost to the end I literally just need to get through the end phase on one block

Um and I’ll probably buil some cool things for the end portal other than not like I don’t really know what else I’d do on one block so I feel I’m going to end it soon so hopefully if it’s just round one two more times cont thanks for

Watching the content it means a lot Sky Block okay that’s like that’s almost too similar you know we could do super flat random sound effects have come in at the perfect time so many times but like I want I want a series you know like an episode

Series hot bar it would be cool to do like a mod I do like it probably won’t get a lot of views and like when when you do too many things for views it it burns you out so fast like Wy for example he started doing way

Too many hardcore and I think he got burnt out and now he like W’s like gone so I I really don’t want to burn myself out cuz I’m already getting kind of burnt out from Hardcore I’m not going to lie um some projects are fun some are

Not but burn know happens so it’s either I do a special mod thing like like better Minecraft or something or like that real super realistic one or I I just do like a 100 days sky Sky Block or something super flat with someone yeah I know okay this is another thing I really

Want to add brick to all my videos cuz it’s more it’s fun with somebody else okay we’ll talk about this later I need to redeem myself on these balls okay not the ball just jump jump and Sprint jump and Sprint it’s doable right I only got to the like

Cylindrical punching bags so okay okay okay I think I don’t even think you have to actually time your jump I’ve I’ve completed the red balls just by holding the space are you serious yeah yeah oh Sprint jump and just keep holding that jump and just aim for the ball Sprint

Sprint w space I’m just holding control you can bounce on one more than you can bounce on it more than once okay does the effect go away like the jump no no I think it just keeps bouncing you okay okay okay we got it let’s go here we go defeating the

Balls Conquering the Balls right come on wh d d oh I should have jumped okay okay okay that was bad oh no the last one the jump didn’t go yep same for me oh this TR is actually working though just holding down space bar yeah yeah yeah it’s working oh

Yes I love you need to continue spr okay so now straight straight this way oh Wiggles yep made it nice nice nice I’m catching up to you cryonite we got it you just shift on the edge if you have to no I lost the Sprint oh no all Right oh that was oh my god oh that was stupid of me too oh my god oh you need to do it fast okay what am I doing oh we’re getting each other’s way I’m getting stuck at I’m getting stuck at the spawn in the balls right now yeah like

I’m stuck here I realized what it is if you lose the speed effect yeah oh you don’t bounce that’s I was wondering if it uh okay uh particles for the punching ones if if there’s a gap you after the Gap you just run right through it you

Know what I mean yeah yeah it’s like at all times I’m running around this wind fans I’m not going to deal with that oh okay scared me sorry beef problem I was like overlapping with you okay go past the fans oh how did I miss that one chat

We’re doing good we’re doing good we’re doing good the balls we we we’ve overcome the balls and that’s the main thing I’m just happy with that he anything my time here I think I’m fine with everything else that’s not the balls oh come on watch lag back jump

Button failed me oh I shouldn’t have went oh no that was stupid of me okay okay okay oh just that one just yeah Focus this is where it ended last this is I my least favorite I hate this oh I need to take my time okay I I

Need to take my time let’s go we got this oh I keep running into the one that’s extended like 2/3 of the way through yeah I think what I have to do is just uh just take my time a little more I lit don’t even want to win I just

Want to do this for myself and you guys I literally just want to do this for myself I just want to beat it oh that punch right there that was my fault I blame me no come on someone already finished oh my goodness somebody already finished the whole

Course 3 minutes what a go 3 Minutes yeah my exactly come on I had this I had this earlier I did this in like two goes the first time through oh they one team already finished what don’t oh what was that oh I mean that’s shud team I’m not surprised hey I’ll let you go first [Applause]

People already finish holy the are goats yeah oh that one punch in the middle keeps blocking my way dang it I need to take my time here yeah made it to this please don’t K me oh my goodness oh that one punch in the middle is now

Catching me I had it the first time through and and I just don’t have it this time I keep missing that the third platform seems to be my problem that is that one right there it’s always out whenever I go to pass it oh you got to be king me oh my God

Team dots finished second place please just want to make it to the end oh okay I’m punch not again no no oh it blocked me again every time I hate that jump you guys on the punching still yeah there’s one punching bag in the middle that just keeps messing with me yeah

It’s a weird timing thing I have I’m I’m at seven I don’t know what that is oh there’s eight oh there’s a water one here what the heck I I beat it and I got punched into Oblivion There oh are we both here okay yeah it’s okay I’m dead go for it well I’m just going to come on okay so the next one oh thought I had it okay oh come on here oh oh my this water is so annoying on oh my God my thought’s exactly goat

I’m losing brain cells right now No I was at the last jump there three oh my God I can’t make that that third one for me is just I can’t two minutes remaining oh my God I’m I’m just running through this I’m so close I just want to beat it for myself you

Have to do that last you have to do those last three jumps at speed oh echo echo duck you have to do them at speed so you have the momentum to make jumps oh my God this is impossible where are you at somebody else finish please I’m at the water oh my God I just want to finish this you can just go straight up the middle on that one the pattern is the pattern is is very friendly to just going straight up the middle yeah I’ve

Been trying I just keep messing up yeah it’s not there No the sound effects 1 minute please just let me do this just give me extra Time oh I’m going to cry dude I’m going to Cry that one glove has my number it’s the last one I keep getting stuck every time yes yes got it you did it no I need one more to be I need one more I just got past the water oh I was at the second last platform that

Time why did I sign up for this I know it’s frustrating content yeah not great content come on I’m so close no I fell in the last jump oh no made I made it pass the nice place oh 4 seconds remaining you got to be kidding I was literally right there at the

Finish Line Game Over I hate this so much and we’re going to play another one we are we’re going to do that map one more time yep it’s okay no now it’s okay that was just our off one now we’re going to get him we’re going to get him

In the last round yeah oh man I was literally right at the Finish Line I didn’t make it so sad guys I’m so frustrated right now why did I sign up for this I’m actually losing hair you know what just you’re here for the vibe chat’s probably enjoying it

Right I’m sure it’s not super frustrating to watch oh my chat’s laughing at me so they’re having a good time yeah they’re having a grand old time my chat hates me you think I suck we we’re having a grand old time how do we get up here there we

Go guys I’m so frustrated quickly I hope considering just be like restarting the same map again guys I was literally on the last jump to get up there I was like the last jump having fun oh we already starting here we go okay okay nice

Nice to be fair I think half the fun they’re having is watching me rea react to the uh sound effect Loops that I put on that’s funny this is map two this is the same one it’s the same map oh what why are we redoing it because it’s the only one that works

It’s the only that works I think this is the same one right yeah it’s the same one okay we got it we got the punching bag wall timing we know this now beef we can do it yes we do I have faith in us I have faith in us you

Lit got to keep jumping until you hit that checkpoint thing yep and then run again until you hit the next one okay chat we are finishing this we’re ending this stream with a win for my just us I don’t care if our team doesn’t get it I literally just want to

Make it I literally just want to make it to the end first jump didn’t even work I literally just want to make it oh my my goodness I might have ruined my speed with that oh I did yeah it it looks like you can’t make it but you end up

Yeah all right which one has the the dust particles uh right here left left then left one and then right and then forward and then there we go got it all right back in yeah this place hello hello old friends you guys got this come on you guys got it Don’t overthink it just run straight I did it in one go nice nice okay finally you do just kind of have to go beef you just got to send it the problem is that like okay so is there a trick to hitting that third one like I feel like I miss it every

Time I’m always short the third the third the very just the third pillar or oh I don’t know maybe just cuz it’s like a like a three plus one jump you know yeah It’s Tricky you you have to do it at speed is the trick you can’t stop right the fan is

Hard I’m just going around you could actually land on the punching yeah loves oh I see you look I know you’re flying this oh so close close Okay and then there and then I L just want to finish this for my own sanity oh I I mistimed it oh I just

Barely make yeah I literally get stuck on this disappearing platform for way too Long oh that punching bag got me I keep calling them bags they’re not bags they’re gloves oh the boxing gloves yeah boxing gloves come on okay this like an anti- boxing glove though come on cuz it moves and we Don’t you might actually finish this no no no no I’m right behind you oh no oh no oh get up get up get up don’t get stuck oh no oh no are you good let’s go we’re going to make it fell I fell I fell possible second

Yeah I I fell I fell at the Finish Line I just tripped oh no okay smacked my face into the wall of it oh oh what I jump I’ll catch up yeah I’m going to get stuck in this water for a bit oh my God L just a guessing game for me okay that that one always messes me up come on oh sandwich finished Nice oh my God don’t crush me why do I keep doing that sandwich and phas nice [Applause] No now the ice is going to kill me after after I beat it the first time dude come on chat I need your help I’m so close I literally just want to do this for my own sanity and for you oh my god do it I miss I literally just

Need to do this for myself I do not even care about winning now I literally just I cannot not beat this you Know Okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m running I’m running okay we’re here beef how you doing oh I’m doing great yes yes oh my God yes you got this you you can do it thanks buddy you got it man are you guys finished no I’m on the last

Stage go go go okay just wait for this once it punches I’m going no wait oh just push me right back all right I’m rushing I’m rushing oh I had it I had it are you on the ice right now no I’m on the water stairs I was at I was at the

Top oh my I’m rushing right now panicking there’s like one last water like the next to last step really gets me every time yeah that that the last few are the toughest what did I do oh my God literally the last step wait did wa just finish I’m rushing right now I’m [Applause]

Panicking come on the water why can’t I do this what am I Doing you and then you here nope there’s water there there there I’m so close it just respawned me this the last please please be the Finish please tell get to the Finish you got to win you got to finish this thing is this it is this

It yes nice butt dude you got it oh my God you got it you’re so close the water this these water stairs are killing me oh no where you at Beef it froze for me I’m just running up the water stairs hopefully it counts I don’t think it’s

Going to count yes please make it count I’m just going I’m so happy guys I you you guys do don’t understand how mad I am I’m stuck here I’m just going to stand here oh my God I was literally ripping my hair out please make it count oh my God

That was so frustrating I hate this I’m never doing this again I’m so I’m so sorry oh I’m about to rip my eyes out what’s up lemon yeah it’s allo okay thank you guys oh W’s in chat I literally just made it right before it froze the server froze

Again for the 19th time I love you guys so pound cake what we’ve been doing is I have six different my God 10 hours of but random sound effects plays to make sure that content is oh my God I’m so frustrating I’m so sorry you guys had to deal with that looking at Me that was the most frustrating thing I’ve ever done in my Life that took off years off my my life okay I missed a few donations um Charles Charleston daily I have Euros I think your cookie from the UK love you man your videos keep me going through 12 hours of I hated that with every F of my be 12 hour shifts hey

Thank you thanks for watching last Super Chat so here’s another I’m sorry for missing it I was focused I don’t like spicy food but let’s go ahead and just do this thing just because everybody around I’m sorry for this is me I’m really sorry for the scuffed stream and

The the servers crashing like I can’t really control it but thank you guys so much for watching I’m going to end it here um I’m literally going to sit on the couch and be a fat potato and just like rest my brain cuz I bro that was

The most frustrating thing ever I’m you guys do not understand the rage that was going through me on those balls those balls man oh my God those balls are like oh my God okay that’s enough I’m probably never going to do that again that was so frustrating um but thank you guys for

Sticking around you guys are awesome i’ I’m seeing some names that’s been here since the start so um thank you guys and uh thanks for watching my videos I love you guys you guys are awesome um yeah new video next Friday and a new video every single day on

Roblox um the Roblox channel is Cookie blocks here you guys go if you guys didn’t read the chat but all right see you guys I’m going to end the stream here thank you for sticking around for that oh my God you guys it got me sweating for real real

Okay love you guys say it back now or else I’m just so happy I finished that oh my God like right before the server ended too right before the server crashed okay that was so frustrating I’m ripping my hair out oh my God okay see you guys thanks for watching love you

This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Wipeout Challenge in Minecraft?’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2023-11-04 23:08:25. It has garnered 136928 views and 6705 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:44 or 6524 seconds.

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    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/YJhhYn1xnnM?si=1ECh3xBfm3GLJod6 ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL:https://www.youtube.com/@heppoko ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololive ・hololive DEV_IS official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololiveDEV_IS Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79RqWcLuyRg Custom birch forest by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qHJt9JYr9g Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HvYAddQKI Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: https://www.youtube.com/@Linkzzey Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywD6V9U9Xs… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: healtzcraft.com DISCORD:https://discord.gg/mk5kUbvabT video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: https://x.com/eysudes/status/1745360007921872947?s=20 Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! https://twitter.com/16DearAi/status/1726104199631393016 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! https://twitter.com/beeturle/status/1725796861800571050 BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVSOgYuSWmNAt-lnJPkEEw/join Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More