a Woolen Sleevelet – my only wish is for a simple life in the woods ~ Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 [11]

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Foreign Welcome back it’s me your trouser trouser wearing shoe wearing shirtless heartless friend Woolen how are you all doing today it’s been a couple weeks I hope you’ve been well I’ll keep you posted on as to why but um how we’re all doing today what have you all been up to

Um we’re back in the world of scarily going into our menu today and I have some some things I want to get done so I believe at the end of the last video we were working on this chest storage system so I would like to try and get

That finished as best as I can right now and then we can naturally move on with our life and do creative things I think to start with we’ll probably just want to actually go to bed and you know get through the night but we’ll ignoring that

Um how have you all been so yeah as I said it’s been a short while since we’ve last done a video I’ve not had the time unfortunately um because of other things so if you remember last video or the one before it I was mentioning wanting to do more

Um more programming again in my own time believe it or not I actually started doing that I know right it’s crazy like often when people say they’re going to do stuff they’re just lying uh including me I often say I’ll do that later and then I don’t this time I actually did so

As of like a week or two ago I re-picked up the C plus project uh woho The Bullet Hole and I’ve been slowly doing little bits and Bobs on that and good lord it’s a mess it’s such a mess it’s crazy how much how much progress you can make in

Like two and a half three years um when you look back at what you’ve done before it just always looks you don’t think it looks that bad at the time you know you’re aware you might be taking a few shortcuts here and there but you don’t think it’s that bad

And then you come back as a as a grown adult and you think oh God what what was I thinking what what what the heck what’s wrong with me why would I why would I do this that and the other why is this so disorganized well

It’s now me it’s time for me to suffer past me made many mistakes and now I have to repent because that’s just how life is I suppose anyway let’s get some chests down here I don’t know how many we’re gonna need um maybe we’ll need like a little

Furnace thing at some point as well something like a something to fit in these little two by twos maybe I don’t know I don’t know what we’re gonna do here because you can’t put a chest I don’t think you can open oh you can because it’s a stair above it it’s gonna

Say I don’t think you can open a chest if there’s a block above it unless it’s transparent but I guess stairs count is transparent huh still it feels a bit weird we’ll put something else in there like a plant or something I don’t know I want to make

This place seem at least a little aesthetic like a mild mild level of aestheticism uh that would be the name of my new indie game mild level of aestheticism look out for it uh never doesn’t it’s never going to exist uh unfortunately what one day maybe

Uh anyway uh what was I saying oh yeah so uh as well as that um I’ve mostly just been uh just chilling I suppose I actually didn’t have anything else ready to go with that but in regards to that project actually um I’ve decided to to sort of scrap it

And start again from the beginning let me quickly dump all my stuff in here and then I can I can continue talking my brain is uh it’s weird you forget how to talk pretty quick all right so I’m just uh you’re gonna have to forgive me for just a

Moment I wanted to make a few signs so we can actually label these and in this version signs are apparently super expensive good Lord I completely forgot you can make like a hundred signs at once in the new version Don’t you it’s crazy um let’s just quickly make a vague

Sorting system so we’ll have um can I no you can’t you have to put it above I guess or next to it I’ll put it here this can be uh wood this can be Stone this can be metals Good Start we can have um nature like natural

Stuff so like trees seeds Etc we can have tools and let’s have another one for food and I’m thinking we probably still want a couple more chests just to fill out the rest of the space let’s just quickly plonk those down we’ll have a blank plonk

How about that so we’ll have uh we’ll probably need like a misc inevitably there’ll be something that we like something like um saddles or something that we just won’t know where to put in so they’re gonna go in there we can have um building blocks so like I don’t know what will go

In there but eventually I’m sure we’ll find some block that doesn’t really fit in one of these that we might want to use just for building so stuff like glass I suppose and then uh we need a little bit more wood do we have any left no

The last one can be unnamed for now that’s that’s okay did I store anything in here no okay that’s fine so let’s start the Great Migration as I talk about my other Great Migration so um with my the C plus project as I mentioned super messy

And I’ve learned a lot since and I would like to start fresh you know try my best on it on a clean clean build and as someone in chat said that’s kind of like a scary slope because inevitably every year or two you’ll completely want to restart everything because you’ve learned so

Many new things so you have to you have to find the balance somewhere otherwise you just keep remaking the same project year in and year out so I’d like to avoid that ideally but it’s just it’s just it’s just it’s impossible to try and read through it that’s all I really want

To say okay good we can just put like dirt in here this can be dirt and stuff building blocks we can put wool anyway yeah so as it is it’s just like this monolith and there’s some smart ideas in there I I’m actually impressed myself

With the sort of stuff I managed to do but also I’ve managed to severely severely depress myself with some of the stuff I’ve done it’s just it shouldn’t be this messy to have to read through there was very little organization we have another sign look we can put

Um what are we gonna put this one’s already missed I forgot what I said was going to go in here misc building and hmm undecided maybe monster drops will go in here that might make sense yeah how about drops there’s not that many Monster drops in

This game but at least it uh keeps things keeps things nice so we’ll pop this stuff in here I’ll say stuff like dyes can be in in drops no dies can be in natural I suppose because it’s not going to be that many natural things

And we can just have it like this nice and easy now so yes we’re going to start again some things that I was excited about and some things I’m not so excited about but I’ve decided we’re going to also completely change uh how I was writing it so previously

I’d done it in a uh what would I say like a library a library called sfml I think I mentioned it last time but improperly I’m going to switch over I think to using sdl which means very little to most of you but it’s actually the core graphics and sort of yeah the

Library there I think valve users for the source engine so it’s it’s sort of like an industry standard I think so I think it would be quite fun to get a good bit of use into it somewhat low level not like super low level you can you can really mess around

With it if you want but uh what am I trying to do with this stuff tools I guess leave it like Redstone should probably I guess it can go and Miss that’s fine just like that whatever uh what was I gonna say it’s really hard

To keep track of what I’m trying to talk about while I’m doing this because I’m actually trying to like move wood you aren’t wood I’m trying to do stuff here and then I’m trying to think and then I’m it’s difficult to concentrate on so many things at once so maybe I should

Switch topics I don’t know anyway just tldr programming’s fun and also actually they can make an easier conversation we’d uh started playing dark tide recently those of you that like uh Warhammer might have might have been aware of it and if you if you haven’t

Think of it a bit like a a Left 4 Dead sort of game one of those tools I guess one of those Co-op survive not it’s called survival Co-op like horde fighting games we have to get to the end of a level uh metal is not good I think this should be like

Metal and Redstone because then we’ll actually have enough to fit in here metal and Redstone just like that it’s really fun I I would recommend giving it a go if you if you’re into those sorts of co-op games we just sort of you know we go from the

Start of the level to the end you’re fighting a small team it’s good fun I’ve been having good fun with it as well how about we make this Stone under actually Stone and dirt I’m never very good at making these sorting systems in Minecraft I don’t

Know about you lot but I find I’m always I’m always quite messy so I am trying my best to I promise you this is this is better than I’ve ever done for this sort of thing um I guess we could have wooden sand and dirt I don’t know we’ll just leave

That we’ll just do this for now we’ll go back and forth shouldn’t take too long we actually have fairly few belongings oh yeah dark Tides fantastic fun Warhammer shooting sort of good good bit of fun that’s that really I don’t really know what else to go with that as I’m a

Little I’m a little snoozy I don’t know if you’ve heard I don’t know if it’s like available in my voice but it’s been a it’s been a long week you know it’s it’s been a long week I’m looking forward to a nice cozy weekend I’ve just eaten an insane amount of pizza

So that’s probably probably not helping I don’t know about you a lot but I get like a slight food coma if I eat too much I have just eaten an entire Pizza like a one one pizza like a big one which is quite fun but it’s making me snoozy I’m gonna be

Honest I need to have like a tea or a coffee I don’t know uh what what do you lot think on the whole pizza Front this is like a fun fun conversation for I think like a Minecraft video but how how did I sort

This I don’t think I have one how do you like your pizza I’m I’m I’ll be honest I don’t know if this is a hot take a lot but I think one of the best pizzas is the standard Margarita and before you get up in arms I can hear you though all

Right some of you raising your arms stop that put them back down all right I’ll give you my reason I think if a pizza restaurant can’t nail a decent Margarita then they’re not worth eating at and the reason for that is like it’s it’s such a basic thing that they

Actually have to put effort into to getting the fundamentals right you know how are they are they cooking it is it sourdough are they Stone baking it is it brick baking it are they microwaving it probably not what’s the quality of the ingredients are they fresh or they old

Or are they you know are they adding the proper seasonings and stuff how’s that going what’s the skill of the people involved it’s such like a raw product you know and that’s that’s my reasoning for that anyway I think it’s pretty sensible like if you go somewhere and

It’s a good margarita then maybe you can start experimenting with funky things like adding toppings and whatnot but if it’s a new place I’ll always start with it and I I think that’s somewhat sensible honestly and it means you have like a level a Level Playing ground for

A lot of different things you know I had Redstone over here it’s it’s difficult sometimes to compare different things to other things but I think if you with stuff like pizza you can just pick Margarita and then say Oh yeah this place did a really shite Margarita I’m

Not never gonna go there again but I don’t know maybe maybe that’s weird maybe that’s a hot take I never know honestly I never know what’s a hot take I don’t know what a cold take is I don’t know what a middle middle mid medium

Sort of roast take is I just have no bloody idea because it gets dark so quick in this game doesn’t it this stuff’s starting to get very busy very quick do I still I have a spare sign you can go and misc that’s fine we have two beds um I’m aware that we

Have our respawn station up there but just while we’re building this it might be more convenient if I just rest here as I would go back and forth just so we don’t have to record the video at night and speaking of recording actually I haven’t managed to fix this bug

Which fortunately I don’t think I’ve had during recording a video yet but it’s happened on stream um so sometimes on my my new pc are satisfying my my microphone input will just break I don’t know what the cause is it’s not the it’s not the hardware I’m

Pretty sure it’s probably like a driver issue or something but occasionally I will just it will seem like I’ve randomly muted in the middle of a stream right and if I go into windows and look at the audio settings it’ll say like my mic is you know these are the meters in

This inventory right normally where I’m talking it goes like this you know like it goes up and down as I’m talking it will just stay on like one or zero and just buzz really slowly like this so I don’t know what the cause is but it occasionally seems to just switch to

Something that is a microphone but is super quiet or or the driver’s broken and I don’t know what the cause is it’s really strange and I’m really worried one day I’m gonna record like one of these hour-long Minecraft videos and I’m just gonna get to the end and find out that

My mic was muted the whole time that’s that’s a fear I have another racks of stone I guess technically it might be blood but it’s it’s close enough I think um this is why I need to get one of those like sorting mods installed so I’d have to manually move this stuff around

But it’s it’s kind of satisfying to do it this way actually here we go just something like that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy I’m doing here just just get it roughly in line put the buttons in the half slabs down here this this looks slightly more acceptable now

What do you think the wood one is looking a little sad and small actually I guess I could put the signs in here misk should really be for stuff that just can’t fit anywhere else like you know what we’re gonna do with this stuff who knows but uh yeah

Completely forgot what I was just talking about but I think I made a good point I I’m sounding like I’m remembering like yeah must have said something very useful can you tell I’m a little tired I don’t know maybe maybe I should uh stop mentioning it maybe I’ll forget about it all right

Miss here we go saddle perfect back in the saddle again so yeah we played like a little bit more OverWatch as well I think it’s fun you know I know the hot take is like it’s not fun or the hot day I know the standard is that it’s not particularly fun but as

Someone who barely played OverWatch one so I have no I like I don’t care about it you know particularly I I’m enjoying it somewhere like I only play it you know every week or every now and then or a couple times a week but I’m I’m

Enjoying it I’ve been trying to play a few more different characters historically I basically just played um Cassidy McCree the cowboy who you know if you haven’t played OverWatch he’s a character he rolls around and he has a revolver that you can have shot with does it sound familiar about

He’s he’s fun he’s like a bit of fun I don’t think he’s necessarily like a meta super strong character but I’ve enjoyed playing as him oh we’re done um well I don’t really know what I’m gonna do with this hub for now I’m gonna I think I’m just gonna leave it like

This but hmm I feel like there must be something we can do with this space if you have any ideas let me know I suppose we could keep it we could stall our dogs in here we could move the dog like evolve him into an actual house

Do you think he prefers that like he’s been in the doghouse this whole time do you want to move up in the world I’ll give you your own space that’s the dream of every uh gen Zed and Millennial you know I don’t know about those bloody Alpha generation people but they’re

Lucky because they get to be called the alpha generation oh come on doggo you can manage it come on young man do I need to like guide him around the corner like I do it like this his his par thing is trying its best I think

I think he’s getting stuck hang on wait just one moment small Papa I will help you in this means he if he can’t get in the house it probably means he can’t randomly Escape where the is he gone how did you get over there you’re numpty what are you what are you

Planning out how about come through here young man come on he’s an absolute Loose Cannon Miss Tim it’s impossible to tell what he’s gonna think or what he’s doing come on in you guys so happy to be in his new house woof indeed so I’m going to take away

These treasure plates so we can’t accidentally like go outside we don’t want that I guess we could have that like if he wants to oh no he’ll just follow us won’t he we can’t have him I was thinking if we leave him unsat he’ll roam around but he’ll actually jump like

Teleport to me right and then you’ll get like shot by a skeleton that’ll be sad so how about stay stay in like the room have a good time I’ll pop a pressure plate down or two the Minecraft music’s playing like what more do you want right

I kind of want this pressure plate on the other side I feel like I must have tried this out before but I kind of want to do something more like uh something like that it’s nice it sticks out a little bit which I kind of like and it also means

The pressure plates on the inside it doesn’t work so well on this side obviously this whole time it’s been kind of annoying but whatever I wonder if this trying to do chicken you can’t jump over that I wonder if I put two blocks here if the door would automatically attach to that

And then if I remove those two blocks if the door would still be standing it’s a thought I’ve just had anyway back to back to the world of the world of me um that’s it really it’s it’s the winter Christmas is coming up it’s getting

Really cold I have a warm pair of socks I don’t know how many of you out there in Internet land have warm socks but I’d highly recommend it these are like the ones I don’t know how you describe them but they’re hyper fluffy like if you if

You poke them they are soft you know that’s all I want to mention like try and try and stay cozy really I don’t know if that’s perhaps someone’s branding I’m fairly certain it is so I’m just going to steal it if that’s okay I don’t think they’d mind oh look while

We’re here I can actually make myself some new tools because I keep bloody forgetting so let’s have a look at what we’ve got because our bloody sword’s about to break we have no shovel it’s a huge mess I I didn’t know what the other stuff we

Were going to do today was I kind of thought this was going to take longer than it did I’m actually hyper efficient apparently which is a bad thing I suppose let’s have a thing plonk and we’ll just keep this here shovel here let’s grab some food and

Then Bish bash blush off we go here we go oh yeah I suppose um speaking of like random chores to do which I wasn’t speaking about but I was thinking about in my head is I have my RuneScape I’m pretty sure runs out like tomorrow I’m

Kind of looking forward to that in like a weird psychotic sort of way where um I’m not particularly like one to care about constantly having to do tasks and stuff feeling of like oh every week you gotta go to the bloody Kingdom of miscellaneous in RuneScape and you’ve

Got to collect your bloody coal and your herbs and occasionally you want to go check your hardwood trees on fossil Island for the for the quick farming XP on yeah or might as well quickly quickly just do a herb run why not and then uh

You know it just it just ends up taking like minutes like real time of human time and it’s it’s fun like you know when you’re doing it your monkey brain gives you free dopamine I just want to reset my spawn by the way if you’re wondering why I just walked up here I

Just poked so many beds I want to be up here um just briefly pausing the tangent Let’s uh build this room we were going to make an armor respecting station right let’s get on that let’s think about the stuff we want to do in here

And then we can go back to talking about RuneScape so just briefly here we go I’m actually segmenting my tangents we have the lovely bird here when we want to respawn if we’ve just been killed we probably want to immediately run back to where we just were

So should the bottom of here just be a permanent pool of water so you can jump down regardless of if the the the you know regardless of if this is on or not I feel like that might be a nice quality of life like if this is just a

Basin of water to block your fall I don’t think there’s anything else in beta that does it so just maybe we just pop some water in there that should be perfectly fine so that’s a good start I think there’s no armor stands or anything and I don’t remember if I made

Item frames and biotin frames I mean like the little uh the staircase looking things where you can put items on it I’ll go check actually I don’t remember what the crafting recipe for that mod is but I I don’t maybe I have a mod options no I just have doku craft

Well anyway we probably want to get some chess some crafting tables and like a little thing of food like a just in case that was a little spooky stop that just quickly we’re thinking about it anyway we can go on the RuneScape thing again so yeah you

Constantly feel like you sort of you don’t have to but you’re like I’m you know I’m paying for this like membership I want to get like the most out of it all right so I will log in and I’ll do all these little tasks like right now

I’ve got a a Slayer task which is uh it’s one of the mechanics in the game right one of the skills runescape’s and MMO you get skills you get XP that’s that’s the main game Loop and Slayer is when uh a NPC tells you to go and kill

Like one monster 100 million times and the current Slayer monster I’ve got is blue dragons and uh with blue with Slayer tasks you can choose to either kill the thing it’s told you or kill like a boss monster or a special Elite enemy that’s technically

Of that type so for blue dragons you can technically kill a blue dragon boss which is what I’ve been doing I’ve been killing valkef which is a boss from like near the end of one of the endgame quests and it takes so long I’ve got to kill like 120 of them and it’s

Like extremely good cash you make you make some good good dollar dollar but like it’s it’s it’s not the most exciting thing like once you’ve done it like 100 times it doesn’t exactly get any harder so you’re just sort of sitting there over and over and over

Again you’re like I’ve got to get it done because it’s good money and I get XP and I oh you know it’s really good to do I even went out I bought a special I bought a lance that does special damage and everything but I’m just thinking like you know it

Doesn’t really matter does it you know and I’m feeling like I’m sort of need to log in every now and then and just chip away at it but I really don’t so it’s it’s I think it’s just going to be nice I’m just gonna I’m gonna be sort

Of like a little free for a little bit not that I’ve been particularly like addicted to anything I think I don’t I don’t do that much in it I’ve only leveled up the things I’ve kind of enjoyed doing I haven’t really done much AFK training I got the quest Cape like I

Did all the quests in the game which I think is quite a standard goal I got a fire Cape which is like a standard difficulty thing and you know I’ve done a bit of bossing here and then a tiny little bit of raiding and I think I

Think I’m happy with that you know I’m happy to just sort of leave it and get on with my life and do other stuff so I’m looking forward to having even if it’s just like 20 minutes of free time every now and then I think that adds up really quick

Let’s just make some tools quickly for this Respec stations we want just just some basic stuff apparently I don’t have enough wood we should probably go and get wood actually I feel like that would be smart like just go and spend like five minutes on a tangent cutting down trees

That that would be a good idea actually we’re severely low on that do I need another way to get up to this thing I’ve just realized like I’ve got this awesome like water funnel but it’s an enormous hassle to go all the way over here just just to rest at night

I don’t know what I can really do about that though there you go let’s do this let’s go grab a little water I don’t own two buckets apparently so I’m gonna have to am I gonna have to do I not have like an infinite water

Pool over here or did I fill that over I don’t I don’t remember I just wanted to just in like two trips I’ll make that water pool at the bottom of the of the funnel that I mentioned there we go it would just be nice just

To have a little bit of time every day because when you stop paying for your membership you just you just can’t play that game you know you can play like the free to play section which is severely limited so it’d be nice just to just to have a

Little bit more time I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it and I don’t know if it’s necessarily a good thing because I still have to occasionally commute for like you know several times a week I have to commute for like up to three hours as I keep mentioning

And I’ll stop mentioning next you’re probably sick of it but it is nice to have something to do on the bus but I don’t think that’s a good enough excuse to maintain an MMO subscription honestly like maybe it is but I have dreams of you know not having

To do that forever for my whole life so maybe maybe it’s not a good idea and besides I’ve um I can just sleep here that’s fine I’ve um for better or worse I’ve been doing like gentian impact dailies instead which is honestly like the exact same amount of dopamine but like significantly less

Tedious to do like because it’s a modern mobile game right a chicken is some big feet making really big sounds really spooking me out but yeah you know you log into gentian you have like four quests you can do and you can go and fight a couple

Bosses and then that’s it you’re done and I’ve got some pretty strong characters now so I can I can whack it out really quick and occasionally you know there’ll be like a big Quest I can do and I’ll stream it and that’s nice and it’s not like a long long long grind

Or anything because I’m now used to the whole RuneScape thing where it’s like oh if you want to do this Quest you need 70 mining if you want to get 70 mining you need to break three iron blocks for like 50 hours or something you know it’s the gentian equivalent of

A Grinders having to log in for five minutes a day to do a quest which I I would say is downright extremely reasonable for the amount of dopling I get like if you think about gaming as a as a pure like time sync where you’re

Sitting on a bus and you have a lot of time to waste you pop on your favorite podcast right this recently actually I listened to a podcast called uh what’s it called it was about chocolate all right it was about like wild chocolate maybe the podcast name is something like

That but it was really really nicely produced and it was just like each episode is like a story about some someone who runs a company who’s gone on an adventure to find wild chocolate like the first episode about is about a guy that ends up in like the

Amazon rainforest amongst a bunch of like gang members or something I don’t know they were working for working for some some nasty fellows and they’re like plain as to land at their base maybe not Mafia maybe um what’s the one I can’t think of the name cartel might be cartel

But yeah it was it was a really good podcast so I think if you’re just thinking of like escapism as a way to basically teleport forwards in time I feel like there’s better ways than playing RuneScape honestly it just feels like there’s always like a bit of a bit

Of a thing to do here and there’s always there’s always like another thing and while that was fun for a bit I’ve sort of done all the all the fun bits you know I’ve done all the quests what what’s left for me now is like doing all that again but for hundreds

And hundreds more hours which maybe I’d be up for if I had nothing else going on because I know a lot of people sort of they don’t play a lot of games they’ll play like one or two things until they get sick of it I have like 500 games

Ongoing we have as I said like dark tide I need to play Oh suit today as well it’s important uh playing gentian as I said we’ve been playing bloody Kirby the not the Amazing Mirror the Kirby forgotten lands with Chris which is great fun we got Sonic we still need to

Play we’re playing play OverWatch too everything up there was it is so much to do apparently Cult of the Lambs on sale we gotta get that play that so I don’t know I want to play Apex as well we haven’t played that in a while it’s it’s odd I

Think I have too many things going on and too little free time to send player um uh MMO anyway that’s that’s the MMO conversation I don’t know about you a lot do you do you play a lot of MMOs are you like big wow head or some of you

Play like weird weird like Niche things right you’re like oh yeah I like to play um I like to play like an old I like to play an old mud that’s a multi-user dungeon though it was came out in 1987 it was created by one guy called John

Van Merck a very distant relation to John Carmack and yeah so you have to type into this box uh hit Goblin uh 800 times per day and it’s got a small community and it’s just really into it I feel like there’s always games like that I was listening to a video earlier today

From the guy who made Dwarf Fortress right super interesting game I’m never gonna play it this is a cool tree oh my God like it’s kind of nice to think that you might play something like Dwarf Fortress but really it’s just such a big game you

Know you’d never actually be able to get into it maybe maybe I should watch like a video series on it or something like something where someone else has already done all the work of understanding the game and its underlying mechanics and edited it together nicely for me so I don’t have to think

That that might be the way to go if you don’t know what Dwarf Fortress Is by the way we’re playing something called Minecraft right now which is a different game but essentially it’s a Dwarf Fortress is like one of those sort of simulation maybe Colony building

Sorts of games maybe I don’t want to say roguelike because it’s not really a roguelite but it has elements of RNG in its World Generation and essentially like the core gimmick of Dwarf Fortress Is that it’s like 17 years old and the graphics are all ASCII characters by default as in the entire

Game that you look at it’s like looking at a terminal window like a console there’s no Sprites or models or HUD or anything you’re basically just looking at like a Microsoft Word document but as a result of that like the simplified graphic system they’re able to add

Technical elements at a rate like no other game like if they want to add like I think in the video they were talking about they said they added eyelid to the game like you know the things that you blink with because the game’s so simple they’re

Able to add a system like that because it’s not like they have to model it for every monster they just set a flag that says they have eyelids and that does this that and the other like it blinks and if they get blood in their eyes it blinks it out of the way

And I think that’s really cool like there’s something romantic as like a developer about something that’s completely like free and open you know you you can add a new feature in like seconds and then you can integrate it with this two decade old system and all work

Nicely together first time I’m sure like I think not to spoil this video too much I don’t know how many of you actually gonna watch it it’s like a 20 minute interview with the with the guy one of the two uh Dwarf Fortress devs of their brothers apparently which sweet but they

Said they were having an issue where players kept finding dead cats near bars which I imagine is like they’re seeing the letter C in an area with a bunch of beer nearby I don’t know I don’t know what a bar would look like indoor Fortress but yeah so apparently it’s

Because they added a system where character where bars would actually serve dwarves so as I said it’s a colony building game right you sort of kind of maybe control a bunch of dwarves that go around and dig and build resources and that sort of thing anyway apparently they can go to bars

And now there’s bartenders that can serve people however dwarves sometimes they have like work to do so they’ve got to leave and when they leave they just they just dump their beer on the floor and that seeps into like the carpet and when it seeps into the carpet it stays

There so when cats walk into the room they get alcohol stuck in their pores and uh apparently because of us because of the blinking system they’d invented they also made it so cats would clean themselves as well as just like eyes so the cats would clean themselves so

They’d lick their paws which had beer on it and apparently there was a bug where every time the cat licked its paw instead of licking like a milliliter of alcohol they were licking a whole beer so these were these cats pixel art cats walking into These Bars licking their

Paws and drinking like 50 bottles of beer in like three seconds and like immediately perishing because they just added a system that emulates poisonous artifacts like poison would work like isn’t that crazy that what I’ve just described sounds insane like if that was in Minecraft for example

You’d think Jesus Christ that would take like a hundred years to develop but because this Dwarf Fortress Game is so simple they were able to put it together relatively quickly I just I don’t know I find that I find that really cool but if you have a look at

Screenshots of the game bloody hell like does it look like a it looks like a horrible mess like I know it’s all it’s all designed but like Jesus wept like most people who play it you have to install like a mod that at least adds like a tile set so you’re not

Just looking at like ASCII characters letters you don’t just see like the letter c there might be like a little 16 by 16 Sprite of a cat that moves around but it it’s still on a grid and it’s still very small and pixely and I just feel like

If you ever look like Google Now if you don’t know what it looks like Google like Dwarf Fortress and they just look at screenshots of it it is so complicated and I think if you want to play a game like that you have to watch 50 guides

You have to watch hundreds of other playthroughs probably thousands maybe 200 million playthroughs and you have to have like a Wiki tab open all the time just to see like what you’re doing because I think you get lost so quick you know your dwarves would probably spawn and then there’ll be some special

Carco demon from Doom that spawns next to them and requires six kilograms of feathers which weighs the same as six kilograms of Steel so and then you have to see like which Sprite is that how do I get that what like skill tree do I have to go down for that whatever not

Skill tree but you know it just seems like one of those things where it’s a whole system you have to learn and it’s not it’s not a user-friendly sort of thing but it’s on Steam so I don’t know maybe maybe people on Steam are really enjoying it now I don’t know I haven’t

Seen the reviews but it’s funny right you can think about ideas like that and how cool they sound in practice or how cool they sound in theory but then when it comes to practice you’re like damn that actually sucks ass like game programming right you think

Damn it’s so much fun to like make your own game I can’t wait to like draw these Sprites and make all this music and design the levels and like I’m gonna make like the player character like collide with this and particles come out and go boom I’m gonna make like so much

Cool stuff I’m gonna have like my own file system and then you spend like a two-hour stream just trying to get the program to run and it turns out that your uh the visual studio when you were just running it normally or running it in the wrong directory but also you

Needed to use the cmake uh utils plugin in Visual Studio which was set up to run in a really particular way to include the libraries but you would never have known that because there’s no debug print out to particularly tell you that makes any sense you know like that I’m

Just like rambling but like that’s a cool looking tree it’s that sort of stuff that like you always forget about the the nitty-gritty bits you have to do like oh yeah sounds cool to have a system where I can simulate blinking and cats getting drunk but then our bloody

Hell I gotta install cmake and then then it all falls apart and oh good lord speaking of installing in cmake I I never thought the day would come right but um at work I’m a mobile developer as I’ve mentioned so I work on a Mac product an Apple Mac Book

In Mac OS which I’ve had to learn for this job which sounds funny like having to learn but I mean that is the case right like I’m using it for work so when I first started working in it I had to learn how a new operating system worked

Which was more complicated than I gave it any credit for I picked up quick enough I think but like it was new to me at the time and I was thinking damn this is not like Windows this is slightly different and it was slightly different believe you me

But eventually like I’ve been using it for like nearly two years now and it’s something really sticks in it about you it’s it’s got its flaws like for whatever reason Apple loves smoothing every font and there’s like a built-in acceleration and everything it’s oh God like you just constantly asked

For like accessibility permissions like are you sure you want to run your own program like okay fine I get it’s a security thing sure I understand that people install stupid things and then it arbitrarily executes code on their computer and they they feel like they’re getting hacked I

Get that but I’m a developer and I if I make a mistake uh let me okay I’ll learn from it on this company machine yes it can get frustrating but frustrations aside they’re like quality of life as a developer it’s so comfy it’s uh if you didn’t know Mac OS is

Actually uh sort of like a sister operating system to Linux uh they’re both okay I’m gonna I’m gonna say this wrong because people who talk about Unix and Linux you have to have like a much bigger neckbeard than me all right I’ve got a bit of a neck beard because it’s winter

And it warms up my neck and I get chilly so I’ve got a little one going um just so I don’t lose lose faith in programming but people go really into their bloody good news and they’re like floss the free and open source and but none of them like

Shower so I don’t think I really care what they’re saying is that rude yes it’s very rude I’m insulting a lot of people now but hopefully it’s none of you I feel like super nerds wouldn’t be watching other super nerds right well anyway sorry to all my Linux

Viewers nice to see you nice operating system I like a good Pac-Man uh but anyway yeah sorry I’ve gotten on track uh Mac OS is a bit like a sister to Linux so like back in the million year old days is it Bell Labs I don’t know some bloody

Company Unix something happened there was an operating system and then blah blah blah liners 12 volts made a I don’t know penguin something like that and then there’s a lagoon Linux and linuxism Unix uh Unix isn’t Unix isn’t Linux is a is a GNU compiler clang tidy um C plus plus

If you know what I mean basically programming on Linux is really good you’ll hear nerds talk about it they’ll say oh I love to program in Linux everything works and they’re actually right they’re like they’re completely right the Nerds here you can listen to them just because they’re asking you to trim your

RuneScape iron armor and they’re actually just gonna steal it on the other monitor they’ve got like 500 automated tasks running updating their their home brews and whatnot and it’s comfy so you know as a developer I’ve gotten really used to just working you know if I want to get it’s probably

If it’s not pre-installed it’s like one line to install it right you set up Homebrew all right I don’t remember how you set up Homebrew but you copy and paste one line into the terminal and then if you want to install something you type in like

I said Brew install and then the name I don’t know what it is bruget I don’t remember the top of my head nerds famously like to fight so no one decided on a common syntax so all of these package managers that help you download programs through a console none of them

Use the same words because they like to argue uh should be installed should we get you know they just can’t make up their minds um we needed like a grown-up a long time ago to decide and we just never got around to it it’s a shame anyway you literally just do like

Brew install git and then it does it and then it’s installed it’s like a 30 millisecond thing you want to install Firefox all right it’s a package manager install Firefox you want to get a python setup which one 3.1 all right uh Brew install python 3.1 or something like it’s super

Easy it takes no time at all and if you do it with a nice package manager if you don’t know what package manager is it’s a program that manages your packages there you go like if you in Windows you’ll download a program to your downloads folder and you’ve run an

Executable to install it and then it’s just randomly installed somewhere on your computer whereas if you do something with a package manager you install it through like your console usually and it will be it will manage it for you so if you need to update the program or uninstall it or

Whatever you can do it all within one line within one word and it’s all self-contained it’s really good really weird that Windows has only recently kind of gotten one there’s like fan fan made ones by people who are fans of Microsoft I’m sure don’t know how good they are but I think

We’re getting something sort of like a package manager I guess the Microsoft store is kind of like that but anyway I keep like I’m being very tangential here I hope it’s I hope it’s good at work the Mac quick nice Speedy you want to do the programming you do it and

You run to the terminal if you need something and it takes three seconds Windows bloody hell I I didn’t know what it meant when people were saying like Windows is bad for programming I didn’t know what they meant I was like what do you mean it’s got a I can type

On a keyboard when Microsoft doesn’t own keyboards but yeah I can just install an IDE I can use my my favorite programming uh text editor basically you know I can type into IntelliJ or whatever you know netbeans if you like like net beans in that beans

Kind of go no it sucks you want to install Git it actually takes 40 minutes you want to set it up with your GitHub account good luck yo SSH Keys what they’re going to install in a tilde dot uh Slash SSH no they’re going to install

In your user folder the why not you’re going to move them around manually sucks I don’t know just getting like stuff like sfml setup was like a huge massive pain and what also sucks is like I don’t know how to use the Microsoft command line very well I keep

Forgetting how to move between files I’ve only just recently re-found out that you type in der like dir to list everything in a directory so that less sort of basic stuff no talk I’ll stop basically I forgot why I started on this talk oh no I think my point was just that

Like with the woho thing because I mentioned that at the very start of the video right I’ve been uh picking backup programming again on my on my windows this this Windows machine and it’s just you spend so much time just configuring your build tools you don’t actually spend any time bloody programming

This is such a shame like what you know what I want to do I want to make like I want to write code to make players like shoot bullets and I want to make code that makes enemies shoot bullets and Dodge them and run down a path and like make cool particles

And shaders and all that sort of fun stuff you know like make music and all that that’s just you never get to it there’s always there’s always like 50 more steps beforehand and that’s why we’re gonna do it right this time you know I’m we’re gonna be starting again like

This oh God I’m really tying off an old tangent I never do this I always leave them hanging but yeah we’re going to start again fresh woho we can use sdl no more sfml we’re gonna have nice automated scripts to download everything for you so when you set it up you don’t

Have to do like anything it’s not going to work that well obviously but we’re going to try our best I’m going to have like a neat folder structure so everything’s going to be put in its right place I’m going to have lots and lots of separate small

Files to make it easy if I ever come back to reread it a a good piece of advice donut accidentally gave me when I was complaining you know what I said I think I said I’ll just do it like this for now because I don’t really care about other Developers

You know because I was just thinking I just want to do something really quick cheap and cheerful just to test it and donut said uh other developers also includes you in the future when you forget about it and I don’t I don’t he didn’t mean to

Make that proper advice but it was so I’m thinking I am other developers like when I was reading through my code for this this project it’s like it was written by a completely different person I can’t believe I made this and it’s weird to think about it’s a I don’t know

I don’t know if any of you ever get that you ever go back to like your old like school project or something and you think damn I wrote this it’s a real one of those moments good bloody Lord we’ve been chopping down our entire Forest

Should we leave it like this I feel like we should probably replant all the saplings didn’t I I said at some point I was going to have like a cool little like Roof Garden though right should I have like little trees around the top of this Fortress

I could be kind of kind of although it would make like a lot of shade so I think spiders might spawn on the walls I don’t know how much I care about that for now I am actually going to replant the forest just well it’s nice to have

It a bit open actually isn’t it what do you think let’s go smack these sheep while we’re doing nothing else hang on just just one moment I need to commit commit to wool collection excuse me sir thank you hello thank you um you too Sorry at some point we’ll make cool pixel art I don’t know when I don’t know where I don’t know how it’ll have to be relevant to gaming oh god I’ve got so many ideas I’m also thirsty hang on apparently talking for 45 minutes straight without taking a breath or drinking water is bad

For your throat who’d have thought good bloody Lord we’re talking on stream recently about like voice lessons uh we’ve had like a few people in chat have been uh you know going to like coaching and stuff for various purposes but it interests me a little bit like doing

Like a getting like a professional or doing like lessons on voice training not that I’d be doing it to try and necessarily like change the pitch of my voice or anything or talk in a different way but just to see if there’s anything I can do

To improve what I do in this weird side job I’ve got because as it is I just talk right I turn on OBS I do a mic check and then I sit and talk for a few hours and I just that’s just what I do I don’t have like a warm-up technique I

Don’t have a cool down technique I don’t do Doremi Faso or anything I don’t know if that’s a good idea and maybe maybe I sound different in each video because I don’t have like a consistent technique I don’t know maybe it’ll be fun maybe I could do silly voices or something who knows

If you know anything like give me give me a yell I’m kind of interested to know more I find it I find it fascinating because I never think about stuff like uh like voice lessons let’s get rid of these leaves I know they were

Here a while ago but we can just get rid of them it fascinates me because it’s something I’ve never had to think about like I don’t do singing my my singing is probably terrible because I’ve done it very little um I mentioned it on stream but like the

Only singing I’ve really done was when I was very drunk and uni singing songs by The Killers like every Brit it’s it’s sort of what we do um seeing the killers it’s just it’s just life you’ll get used to it if any of you ever lived to move to Britain

Go outside a pub all right you’ll see a lot of drunk people and they’ll all be singing Mr Brightside that was a big damage time for stew what been waiting to drink this soup all day woof there we go check up on this Old Farm God this thing hasn’t been uh

Updated in a while uh we need to have a chest to store our loot I think we meant to do this like a while ago but I never go around to it all right let’s do some harvesting I’ll just uh re-till the soil if I break it and be honest

I think that’s a much faster way of getting through here good Lord we’ve got a lot of wheat I don’t realize we’ve done so much farming I don’t know the last time we collected this so This has probably been growing for weeks right crazy uh all right nine seeds no 64. okay that

Makes more sense sinking down I thought we’d have gotten a few more than that all right we do this you know what you can have an eye in ho I like not having to think about it we have the nice Minecraft music playing we’re gonna efficiently make a farm

Somewhat efficiently make a farm it’s going to be brilliant oh I think I have the mod installed that gives you seeds when you hoe the ground okay actually bringing it back to the Dwarf Fortress thing I mentioned before I feel like Minecraft gave me those vibes where it’s like

Especially this version like when it was still in heavy development and not just posting updates every Friday or whatever did we get Friday updates and beta I feel like we did felt like one of those things where it was like an unlimited potential right like every week there was some enormous

Change it’d be like oh yeah I just added the nether that’s a new dimension I said oh yeah just just added wolves and beds and pistons which is a mod but ignoring there it’s just it felt like this enormous like sandbox where Like Anything could happen and there could be

Something fresh just around the corner you just have to wait for someone to make it I found that really cool I still find that cool and I’d like to I’d like the idea of having a game like this or Dwarf Fortress at some point where it’d be like in Perpetual infinite

Development and people would be excited for like new updates they’d be like oh what’s willing up to today what’s he done what are you doing I I find that really cute the idea that maybe other people would be like excited they’d be waiting on the updates every

Day they’d be like oh what’s Woolen going to add to wolves him today you know what’s he doing what’s he up to what’s what’s gonna be in the new patch notes I can’t wait I guess I get a bit of that vibe from like YouTube you know

I imagine this probably it’s like five people out there that are like where’s Woolen what’s he up to what I can’t wait for his new video to come out I like the idea of that but with like with like a game of some kind I don’t

Know if you can tell I quite like video games I’ve played a lot of them I’ve made a few of them have I completed many of those no but I’ve started a lot of them and that’s what’s important about personal projects you never finish them

But I I don’t know I like the idea of having something something like this where I just I just sit and people like oh he’s added pigs that’s so cute can’t wait to add that to my world I just don’t know what I’d do because all my I have ideas right all

Sorts of ideas for the games I’m gonna make right now don’t involve like an infinite World or anything they’re just like combat and puzzles and storylines and short little arcadey things you know I can’t think of anything that people would be coming back to constantly like Minecraft’s really good for that

I mean I could just make Minecraft I’d be honest like that that would be like a fun project but like I think a lot of people have done that but I do also like that idea I must have spoken about it last video I think I did

But like the idea of making a quick little Minecraft clone to test your abilities does sound kind of fun I know so little about 3D and there was um one comment I think that said you probably should do some opengl at some point and I do agree with that I

Think you’re right I think that would be really good practice I’d feel like I’ve evolved as a developer if I’m able to do that sort of thing hit him and I think I will a little bit maybe so with um with sdl as I’ve mentioned what’s up Graphics it handles a few

Other things but it’s a graphics Library you code in it and you can write stuff like draw this to screen and it will draw it to screen for you and it will handle all the graphics card stuff for you it’s nice it sits on top of opengl which is a graphics Library

It’s it’s the same STL is just a simpler version of opengl basically it sits on top it’s a wrapper kinda but it’s missing some features that I liked in sfml one of which is shaders kinda in um if you haven’t watched my woho thing that’s fair it’s hundreds of

People haven’t seen it I think they might have but the main menu in that game is a is a Shader I I made on top of my carpet so I took a picture of my carpet when I was living in London which was this cool like black and white Blobby mess and I

Photoshopped the hell out of it to make it unrecognizable and then I wrote like some shaders alongside chat and some help that makes it all wobbly and rainbowy and wiggle around it looks really cool and that’s like the main menu of the game and I’ve become really

Attached to it if you’ve ever watched the streams you might see it in like the stream starting screen that Chris made Chris made that by the way smile um I really like it and sdl doesn’t just have an as far as I know doesn’t just have an easy way for me to

Like arbitrarily execute shaders like that so I might have to like write something for that or maybe not donut might do it for me he’s good he does everything he’s great shout out shout out to Donut he works too hard you should give up on people like me

That’s what I think anyway maybe I’ll get him to do it but I kind of want to do it myself I don’t know how I’d do it he said he’ll he’ll make some nice helper libraries for me so I can get going quickly on my projects and then

Then I’ll be by myself which I like but maybe maybe I’ll extend his Library a little bit and add like a little little thing here or there it’s just like a little practice nothing too scary just dipping my toes in the water you know maybe I’ll draw a triangle on

The screen or something the world the world is very vast and I know so little and it’s just funny how different how different C plus plus game development is to making a mobile app I I must have I must have spoken about it but it’s a completely different world

It’s like I speak French and game programming in c plus plus is Latin like there’s some vague diff vague similarities but like they are night and day as far as I’m concerned I’m fluent-ish in one of them and the other one I can say poor Deez Nuts and you know that’s about

It it’s scary and it’s so much to learn and that’s exciting the possibilities one day one day I’ll have my own Minecraft of some kind maybe what will that look like I don’t know will it be Minecraft probably let’s be real I’d just be Minecraft with autumn leaves all right

That’s my game idea Minecraft but there’s Autumn what’s your thoughts I love autumn like in video games breath of the wild there’s that region that’s just Autumn love it uh genshin has some areas that are just Autumn love it like leeway yeah Autumn love it Autumn everything that’ll be my game

Yes I’m aware that there’s like a better than adventure mode or something that adds Autumn to Minecraft should I install it maybe actually briefly speaking of mods I have a thought about this I must have mentioned it before but I think I might start making some little little like

Pointless like really pointless but for me I might make some like retro mod reviews for Minecraft like the old deal videos I used to watch when I was what when was 2011 that would have been like 13 or something so yeah oh God my dog’s being killed what’s killing my dog

Where is he I heard woof woof did he just jump off a cliff brother ah this is what’s wrong with dogs oh God he’s jumping off everything what’s he doing fine that’s not my is that my dog there’s my dog wait why are you making so many scared noises

Hang on let me go kill this pig quickly he sounded like he’d been jumping off 50 Cliffs they’re really worried mate dude his Tail’s a little low let’s go kill some Wildlife quickly I completely forget my train of thought it’s hard right it’s a little tough to

Keep track of what you’re saying when you’re saying so much I promise some of it matters to someone somewhere probably there’s a black sheep that is not oh you’re killing the Sheep that’s actually it’s not so bad sorry Watami uh let’s get rid of this string whatever I don’t need it you

Think oh I might need those Phoenix Downs later no you probably don’t feed my dog get my Minecraft away here we go life’s exciting you know that’s all that’s all I’m getting at things are good I wonder how much of that is because I’ve not been drinking so much beer

Lately do you think that’s made like a real effect because I don’t drink that much I think but I think like a lot of streams I’d have like a like a beer or two or like a big gin and tonic do you think like not having that as positively affected my

Life I wonder it seems like a small change as I said it’s gone from like a small amount to like zero but I wonder if that’s made like a tangible difference or if it’s because I’m taking vitamin D tablets and my brain’s getting the right level of oh God he’s

Loving life dude he loves a vitamin D you want some mushroom stew my son did he eat the mushroom stew dogs can eat mushrooms too oh good boy aren’t you oh it’s a good boy one day one day I’ll get a gray hand what the dog doing all right we’re gonna

Leave him for now we’re gonna go back look at all this wood that’s what I call a successful like tree capitation stream video whatever ah good stuff oh yeah I mentioned this uh that the end of the last video I mentioned I might get like patreon pictures up and they seemed pretty

Supportive so if you are a patreon or you were at some point a patreon um give us a shout send me like a Ms paint art and I’ll pop it on like these Minecraft pictures and we can show them up here like an art gallery I don’t

Think I don’t think we need to make it too complicated but you can I don’t know what pixel size these are but like I mean this one’s probably what like 64 pixels 30 pixels 60 128 pixels wait hang on one two three four five six seven eight

So this is 16 32 yeah 64 pixels by 32 for the big ones the little ones are probably 16 by 16. just send me like an MS paint art patreon is and I’ll I’ll add it to a frame and if you were like patreon subscribed like last year or

Something and you unsub that’s that’s fine as well don’t don’t tell anyone I’m a bad uh I’m bad at marketing really I should say you have to resub but that’s I think that’s a bit rude so yeah if you were subbed at some point on

That site let me let me know send us a picture somehow and I’ll pop it in the game I think that’ll be cute like a little bit of a little bit of community interaction I quite like I find it quite sweet it goes back to what I was saying about

Um the game development thing right like it’s nice to feel like you’re part of something it’s nice to include other people oh yeah we were making that tool wreck I completely bloody forgot I just wanted to cut down every tree in the forest with a herring and hit look where I am now

Incredible we should make cake at some point anyway speaking of making cake I’m uh I’m slowly losing it at a speed faster than you can probably imagine so I think it’s a good time to stop for the video for now I think we went on some good

Tangents as always I start off a little bit like oh what am I doing making making these funny videos what am I going to talk about I don’t I didn’t practice anything in advance and then about 45 minutes in we’re talking about Dwarf Fortress and cats blinking and

Dying from drinking beer and then we start talking about um woho again probably programming you all love programming right that’s the big hotness I think Maybe maybe not anyway thanks for watching the video for now hope you all have a lovely week weekend if it’s snowing let me know stay safe

Don’t do too much skating and drink lots of soup tasty soup tasty soup anyway I’ll see you all next time come watch me on Twitch I’ll see you there bye-bye

This video, titled ‘my only wish is for a simple life in the woods ~ Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 [11]’, was uploaded by a Woolen Sleevelet on 2022-11-26 15:42:42. It has garnered 3469 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:30 or 3570 seconds.

I stream most days! Come say hi! https://www.twitch.tv/awoolensleevelet/

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Credits: • Intro/Outro music is by: http://jukiokallio.com (with permission) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles and Adventure! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an epic adventure like no other? Imagine facing off against formidable foes, testing your skills and strategies to emerge victorious. While watching the thrilling battle between Ben 10 and the Minecraft Warden, did you feel the excitement building up inside you? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can unleash your creativity, conquer challenges, and forge new friendships in a dynamic and immersive gaming environment. With a diverse community of players and endless possibilities for exploration, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling experience that will keep you coming back… Read More

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    "Mina, mina" Minecraft video clip: Crafty fun in a blocky world! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, AI creates music videos that come alive. With stable diffusion and chatgpt in play, The possibilities are endless, every day. Children’s songs and cartoons, all in one, Entertainment and fun, a job well done. Minecraft fans, rejoice, in this new sight, AI’s creativity, shining bright. So what do you think of this AI-made show? Let us know in the comments below. For more Minecraft news, stay tuned in rhyme, As we bring you updates, every time. Read More

  • Daring Dave’s Nuclear Duo

    Daring Dave's Nuclear Duo Dave’s Nuclear Option in Duo SMP Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to play the game. One such player, Dave, has proposed a nuclear option for his Duo SMP gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting development! The Nuclear Option Dave’s nuclear option is a strategic plan that he has devised for use in case things ever go south in his Duo SMP world. While the specifics of this plan are not yet clear, it has certainly piqued the interest of fellow… Read More

  • Teacher’s Minecraft Meltdown: Cube Xuan’s Smile Showdown

    Teacher's Minecraft Meltdown: Cube Xuan's Smile Showdown In the Minecraft classroom, chaos reigns supreme, With students arguing, causing quite a scene. The teacher tries to keep order, but it’s a tough fight, As students joke and play, not taking things light. One student, Cube Xuan, always up to no good, Playing games instead of studying like he should. But when asked a question, he’s quick with a joke, Making the class laugh, it’s all just a poke. The teacher tries to maintain control of the class, But with students like Cube Xuan, it’s hard to pass. Banana jokes and English words, all in a mess, But… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “ANIMAÇÃO VS MINECRAFT – PRÉ-EPISÓDIO 1 – DUBLADO PT-BR” that caught our attention. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked our excitement about the endless possibilities and adventures that await in the Minecraft universe. Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer challenges alongside fellow gamers from around the globe. That’s the kind of experience you can expect when you join a vibrant Minecraft community like Minewind. With a server IP of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Bedwars Bliss: PvP ASMR on Hypixel

    Bedwars Bliss: PvP ASMR on Hypixel In the world of Minecraft, PvP is the game, Where players battle, seeking fame. Hypixel Bedwars, a popular choice, With fireball fights, hear the crowd rejoice. Lunar Client, the tool of choice, For those seeking to enhance their voice. Blockmc.com, the server to join, Mineman.club, where skills will coin. Challenges welcome, drop them below, In the comments, let your ideas flow. Join the Discord, for more in store, Setup details, texture packs galore. Hypixel tags, to reach the crowd, Bedwars ASMR, say it loud. Fireball fights, combos to see, Gameplay ASMR, set your spirit free. Thanks for watching, your… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Journey Through 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on an epic adventure as our protagonist delves into the depths of Minecraft Hardcore Survival, documenting the first 100 days of their journey in version 1.20. From humble beginnings to facing the challenges of the nether, this thrilling tale is sure to captivate gamers and enthusiasts alike. Chapter 1: The Beginning Our hero sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft, equipped with nothing but determination and a will to survive. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs, the first days are a test of skill and strategy…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Hypixel Skyblock ARMOUR Carry?!

    ULTIMATE Hypixel Skyblock ARMOUR Carry?!Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS armour is going to CARRY me through Hypixel Skyblock! [6]’, was uploaded by SuttleFear on 2024-04-21 10:25:44. It has garnered 185 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:59 or 4259 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/Br5VyfyukY Donate: https://streamlabs.com/purefudgeminecraft/tip tags: skyblock hypixel,minecraft hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock money making method,skyblock minecraft,best way to kill zealots hypixel skyblock,minecraft skyblock,hypixel skyblock update,how to one shot zealots,how to make money hypixel skyblock,how to do more damage hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock money,how to oneshot zealots,money making method hypixel skyblock,hypixel,skyblock,one shotting zealot hypixel skyblock,hypixel skyblock guide Read More

  • Unlocking Minecraft Immortality: The Curse

    Unlocking Minecraft Immortality: The CurseVideo Information This video, titled ‘immortality = curse ( idea: @Lil_Mentro_ ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by LikeDimaGame on 2024-01-07 04:25:57. It has garnered 2607 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Emotional Minecraft Gameplay! #shortfeed

    Intense Emotional Minecraft Gameplay! #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft but it becomes so, emotional short #shortfeed #minecraft #subscribe’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-06 06:27:24. It has garnered 8423 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Pokemon found in the woods! ✨

    Secret Minecraft Pokemon found in the woods! ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Pokemon In Minecraft! MirageCraft Pixelmon!’, was uploaded by TheWoodsmanJack on 2024-03-25 23:23:38. It has garnered 226 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:33 or 21993 seconds. Hey, Jack here, and thanks for joining into my stream on YouTube or on Kick. Here’s a link to my Kick, come and join the community https://kick.com/thewoodsmanjack Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewoodsmanjack/# Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/TheWoodsmanJack Discord: https://discord.gg/rnFVBqjBN3 Stream start 00:00 Chatting and troubleshooting 5:00 Game starts 25:15 Read More

  • Insane Plot Twist in Minecraft SMP Day 34

    Insane Plot Twist in Minecraft SMP Day 34Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft smp | Let’s Prepare to Kill the Ender Dragon Day 34’, was uploaded by Anuj OG Live on 2024-01-08 16:06:34. It has garnered 42 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:02 or 8522 seconds. Minecraft smp | Let’s Prepare to Kill the Ender Dragon Day 34 Server id – ROYAL9990.aternos.me:59100 (First Subscribe then join) Password – first Register then login with your own password. My Setup Tour – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V97YNZH0ZE&t=68s Follow me Join Discord- https://discord.gg/z76Rg6zyCf Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/drawapholic/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/anuj.paul.5203 Pc Specs – Processor – Intel Core i7 10700K Motherboard – Asus… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT MODS: Can I SURVIVE?Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying To Beat Minecraft with the Scariest Mods | Full Movie’, was uploaded by exqnd on 2024-03-17 05:40:11. It has garnered 3574 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:38 or 5258 seconds. Heres the full 3 parts of the scariest mods trying to beat minecraft i hope you enjoy more uploads should be coming soon thank you all so much for the support lets try to get 1k subs before summer i know we can do it MODPACK:https://www.mediafire.com/file/080k1w2qv4iys61/Exqnd%2527s_modpack.zip/file twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/exqndd support me: https://streamlabs.com/exqndd/tip Read More

  • Insane Surprise in Minecraft 360 – TU52 Part 1!

    Insane Surprise in Minecraft 360 - TU52 Part 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Across the 360 E53 – TU52 Part 1’, was uploaded by Xelanater Ellevanox on 2024-05-09 22:35:07. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:35 or 3455 seconds. The people have voted! — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/xelanater Read More

  • Slippery Build Battle Drama in Minecraft!

    Slippery Build Battle Drama in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build battle brings out the worst in people.’, was uploaded by slippery on 2024-04-14 05:05:00. It has garnered 236 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. Inappropriate. In this video me and the boys play Minecraft build battles and almost die of laughter. Enjoy. The footage was taken from a VOD from my Twitch channel, which was then edited for this video by me. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aahbfvd Run: youtube.com/demonccg Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seanarciarci Twitter (not calling it that other thing): https://twitter.com/lilarciarci Read More

  • Dark Gothic Secrets Revealed in Cinematic Hit Sync!

    Dark Gothic Secrets Revealed in Cinematic Hit Sync!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hit Sync With Cinematic View!!’, was uploaded by Gothic on 2024-03-14 00:35:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #combos #shorts #pvp #minemenclub discord : ogothic Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3W6xMg9RYe … Read More

  • DreamLeaguesSMP

    DreamLeaguesSMPThe DreamLeaguesSMP server is fun and a close community . this is a aternos hosted server but it is beautiful and fun . there is arena pvp , parkour , Ranks and much more exciting things . Join the discord server for updates and help us to improve by suggesting . thank you very much and we hope that you check out our server and if like it let us know at our discord and if you have any queries or issues let us know at our discord server . Thank you DreamLeagues team DreamleaguesSMP.aternos.me:54503 Read More

  • Mildew RP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Java Roleplay Discord 18+ Whitelist

    “The sky is far from a limit. So why don’t we paint the stars?” Mildew RP is a brand new Minecraft roleplay server based around the lore of Minecraft with a unique twist. Choose from eight different species to inspire your character and let your imagination run wild with unlimited building possibilities. What we offer: – A Safe Space: Zero tolerance for harassment in and out of roleplay. – A World You Help Shape: Mold the world of Mildew as your character wakes up with no memory of how they got there. – Squaremap: Never get lost in our world…. Read More

  • Amberstone

    AmberstoneAMBERSTONEDynmap: site : www.amberstonedream.comvisit – create – share your passion for architectureServer is available in 1.16 JAVA IP: amberstonedream.comNow compatible in Bedrock edition BEDROCK IP: Port: 27310You have a question ? join our https://discord.gg/ve5kaP8Amberstone is now arriving on his 5th birthday, a big thank you to all for your support during these long years !!English:- We have different type of gameplay mainly creative (modern, traditional, fantasy, historic project…) but amberstone also have part with survival and rp with quest money …- Resource pack: We use our own resource pack with connected texture and more 700 3d model: Amberstone 3.50On… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rate my Minecraft crib!

    That house must be made of diamonds with a score like that! Read More

  • RealCraft: Minecraft’s Realistic Roar

    RealCraft: Minecraft's Realistic Roar In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Aajeeb99z Gamer brings realism, you’ll see. Subscribe for more fun, it’s free and a delight, Join the Discord, let’s chat and take flight. With every update, Aajeeb99z is on the ball, Crafting rhymes that entertain us all. From gameplay to trends, he’s got it all in sight, Minecraft But Realistic, a true gaming delight. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, Aajeeb99z Gamer, our favorite news king. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wi-Fi Door: The Hottest Connection! 🔥

    Minecraft's Wi-Fi Door: The Hottest Connection! 🔥 “Who needs a Wi-Fi password when you can just open a door in Minecraft?” 😂 #minecraftlogic #techsavvybuilder Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Are you a fan of gaming pranks and funny moments like the ones you see in @RON9IE’s latest video? If so, you’ll love the exciting and unpredictable world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players who are always up for a good laugh and some epic gameplay. With unique features and endless possibilities, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Don’t miss out on the fun – see you in the game! #minecraft #gamerfleet #funnyvideos Read More

  • Exam Brain Fails in Minecraft!

    Exam Brain Fails in Minecraft! Minecraft: A Peek into the Mind During Exams, “Before vs. During”【Cube Pavilion】 Welcome to Cube Pavilion, where we delve into the world of Minecraft with a focus on providing child-friendly content, steering clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. About Cube Pavilion Hello, I’m Cube Pavilion, a creator in the Minecraft realm. I specialize in crafting humorous and entertaining Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Cube Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized copies. Stay tuned for a daily dose of original and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Botany Guide! Easy Tips & Tricks!

    Ultimate Minecraft Botany Guide! Easy Tips & Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Extra botany. #Useful Stuff #4 Tutorial 1.16.5 (minecraft java edition)’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-03-22 15:00:17. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:09 or 849 seconds. Extra botany mod guide part #4 I’m sorry, but I’m using a translator. #ExtraBotany #mod #minecraft Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Hide from Scary SIMPSONS.EXE

    Mikey & JJ Hide from Scary SIMPSONS.EXEVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From Scary SIMPSONS.EXE in Minecraft Challenge Maizen Security House’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-04-14 21:00:08. It has garnered 30776 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:58 or 1558 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From Scary SIMPSONS.EXE in Minecraft Challenge Maizen Security House This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Read More

  • 🔴Insane Minecraft Hive Gameplay – Bedwars, Skywars & More!

    🔴Insane Minecraft Hive Gameplay - Bedwars, Skywars & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Hive Live🔴 – Hive – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers – Playing with Viewers – Realms’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-05-01 03:25:07. It has garnered 159 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:08 or 11828 seconds. Minecraft Hive with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Bedwars – Skywars – Treasure Wars – Survival Games – Custom Servers Discord: https://discord.gg/xCzr7MZAyV Thank You for 3000 Subscribers! please subscribe I do use Horion, I use it for utility purposes, I have not and will never condone… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Beta Gameplay – Classic Gamer Lets Play

    Unbelievable Minecraft Beta Gameplay - Classic Gamer Lets PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘rambling about “better than adventure”, beta minecraft, classic gamer let’s play’, was uploaded by Skelevaxel on 2024-04-27 03:27:03. It has garnered 105 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:10 or 5110 seconds. i’m fighting creepers i’m mining diamonds what more could you ask for just a rambling video, i don’t know i kept thinking about some stuff i wanted to get out there. as usual video gets better as time goes on and i get more comfortable. there’s a lot more i could say but i did get at some things… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Op Farm 🤩 | Minecraft PE Hindi Ep-2 | 1.20

    🔥 Insane Op Farm 🤩 | Minecraft PE Hindi Ep-2 | 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE 🔥 Survival Series Ep-2 In Hindi 1.20 | I Make Op Farm 🤩 | #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Oshan Official on 2024-01-15 11:30:07. It has garnered 2103 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:37 or 1417 seconds. Minecraft: Survival Series #1 in hindi | Minecraft Mcpe Survival Series Gameplay #1 #minecraftsurvivalseries ____________________________________________________ 🏷Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftlive #isurvived100daysinminecrafthindipocketedition #minecraftsurvivalseriesliveinsaan #minecraftfunnymythpat #herobrinesmpminecraft ___________________________________________________ My Social Media 📺 Instagram 📷 : https://instagram.com/oshangaming?utm… Facebook Page 💙 :- https://www.facebook.com/oshangaming369/ Twitter 🐦🐦 :- https://twitter.com/OshanGaming?t=VTh… 2nd Channel 🥰… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Time on IgnitorSMP! What Time Is It?!” #smp #survival

    "EPIC Minecraft Time on IgnitorSMP! What Time Is It?!" #smp #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Time Is It?? Minecraft Time! – IgnitorSMP!! #minecraft #smp #survival’, was uploaded by DanoDiggle on 2024-03-18 20:04:03. It has garnered 70 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:39 or 9459 seconds. Hey Besties! My Discord Server = https://discord.gg/HpkZYtndUb Igniter Discord Server = https://discord.gg/xgb6xEkr Website Link = https://ignitorsmp.com/ *check out the other Ignitor members (a group of lovely Minecraft content creators)* 0_hours = https://www.youtube.com/@0_hours https://www.twitch.tv/0_hours BlackShadowHRD = https://www.youtube.com/@UCxpKJR0p_aPsjvJ16IqD_aA Dark place = https://www.youtube.com/@UCbTxDIpMV42Fx7j9fJdjX1w DippyBlether = https://www.youtube.com/@UCI_jxoGNmI0jOgS0cCT-7xQ DriftDweeb = https://www.youtube.com/@UCiqCs-Is586-8STM6MTRr-Q FedoraMaster219 = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZbP81BFzksZfjTH3IPIZVg Ganxol = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqeTym2zi–7qB9VVpmyOWQ GGJay = https://www.youtube.com/@ggjaymc IndialienJones = https://www.youtube.com/@IndialienJones Ironite64… Read More


    "SHOCKING MINECRAFT CAT VS BANANA SHOWDOWN! 😱" #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WHICH CAT DID IT BETTER 🤔 CAT,BANANA BODY OR BANANA CAT😱 #minecraft#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:42:46. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Ancient Remnant vs Golems – EPIC Battle!

    Ultimate Showdown: Ancient Remnant vs Golems - EPIC Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ancient Remnant vs ALL Golems (Minecraft Mob Battle)’, was uploaded by Battle GameplayZ on 2024-04-22 07:15:01. It has garnered 489 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Magical Anime Glow: Building Epic Treehouse! 🧙‍♂️🏡

    Magical Anime Glow: Building Epic Treehouse! 🧙‍♂️🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Building a treehouse 🏡’, was uploaded by Anime Glow_2.0! 🔮🌟 on 2024-01-27 21:26:09. It has garnered 33 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:02 or 722 seconds. ✨Hey ya’ll! It’s finally fixed! 😒Ugh, there was a lot of storage! Too many photos, too many videos that I had to get rid of. Everything’s good! Anyways, in today’s minecraft video, I will be building a treehouse 🏡. Some people preferred building treehouses in the size of a mansion! Pretty cool, right? So, I already made the designs for it. Now I… Read More

  • Kingdomssmp

    KingdomssmpWelkom bij de Kingdomssmp server, wij zijn een kingdom server met veel features join nu en wie weet word jij de beste kingdom!! kingdomssmp.nl Read More

a Woolen Sleevelet – my only wish is for a simple life in the woods ~ Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 [11]