Abigail Pinehaven – Stables, Barn + Decoration! – Minecraft Roleplay Server

Video Information

W Hello friends I hope you’re all doing really well on this Saturday now you will have to forgive me because I have officially switched over from streamlabs to OBS and I did rigorous testing but you guys know me there’s always something that I have missed so if you notice something’s off like I’ve just

Turned down the music but I’m going to turn it back up now if that music that I’m talking over right now is too loud let me know um yeah right the transition is super cute I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the shop off the

Top of my head but they they’re so cool they do like loads of packs and they come with like Transitions and fonts and all of that fun stuff uh so I definitely recommend them as soon as I remember the name um thank you we’ve got Daisy tobas

Glass in the chat hello Daisy long time no see how have you been how has everybody been actually how is everybody doing how was your week how was your weekend it’s been I think almost 3 weeks since I’ve spoken to you guys uh I’ve just kind of gone into like a hidey-hole

And like crawled under a rock to like do some videos and and stuff so I’ve just been away for a little bit um but I’m back now I’m here can’t get rid of me that easy um hello Max jock I saw you in the chat very early Megan Chamberlain

Hello Lena hor World hello hello midnight and Bianca I saw you in the chat as well it was boring as usual yes we’re all everybody back at school now and if you’re not at school you’re probably at work um so I hope everybody’s still okay though hey Sandy

Nice to see you I see Dutch in the chat as well hi I remembered your name um I was unable to change the delay settings because I couldn’t find it uh I’ll find it someday um in the streamlabs sorry it’s not streamlabs anymore it’s OBS I wasn’t able to find the settings for

That in the OBS so so uh we are slightly delayed today but it’s fine we’ll we’ll get by um I work till 8 quite a lot at the moment moment so I haven’t been around much Daisy no I hope you’re enjoying your job though get get that

Bread uh your newest video is one of my favorites I’ll be rewatching like the rdr2 RP for sure the um 100 days is that the one you’re talking about or the one I released yesterday I don’t think it is I don’t think the one I I released yesterday is the one you’re talking

About um but thank you Cass it’s really sweet of you oh my God that video took so long it like 26 hours of playing Minecraft like shortened down into like an hour video to be honest the editing wasn’t that bad it was more of like you

Know committing to the play time um oh my goodness midnight and Bianca thank you for the six months halfway um and a year oh no do I not have I didn’t set up my chat box here wait I’m so sorry wait no I did did I come up if it didn’t I

Don’t know why it didn’t come up okay well I appreciate you um midnight and Bianca thank you thank you so so much um the thing is supposed to be here but it didn’t it didn’t come up see I told you today’s going to be a bit a bit whiffy

Waffy cuz like some stuff is working some stuff isn’t it’s not to do with OBS it’s to do with me I’m I’m learning okay um hi Dutch kind of chill it’s nice to read novels nowadays it’s really refreshing getting away from my computer a little bit every now and again tell me

About it I’m like a glued to this chair most days um I started go to the gym though and that’s made me feel a lot better um it’s just been really good uh I just do classes um and it just lets me AFK brain for a bit I can just like I

You know the cards on the floor and they tell you what to do and how long to do them for and you just do it and I can my brain is just gone and it’s great um no I was going to do something like that but I couldn’t bring myself to do it

Yeah I was thinking of the same thing ever since like um the swm mod came out I was like oh my God I’d love to do like 100 days in Minecraft but like it like horsey Edition um and I put it off for a really long time cuz I was like yikes

That is I did the maths it was like a full day Minecraft is like 24 minutes so times up by 100 it comes to like 33 hours that’s obviously assuming that you’re not sleeping in between um but yeah was did quite a while but it was

Fun it was fun um I’m glad you like Star equestrian schite Creations I’ll be making more videos on them soon um thank you Sandy that’s really sweet that is that is really sweet um I am actually a little bit behind on the chat I’m I’m

Scrolling up and down to to make sure I I don’t miss anyone M Bianca’s gifted who got it drum roll free d crew thank you so much congratulations Freedom crew for getting the membership by midnight and Bianca thank you midnight and Bianca that is such a lovely thing to do um can

We can you can you guys message thank you bian in the chat um if you’re new here or aren’t super familiar with how the membership gifting works you can’t Target people so you can’t like give it to a partic particular person so when you do buy a membership it literally

Just goes to like a random person in the chat and I think that’s so fun um it means that if you’re watching the stream and somebody gifts you might end up with an Abigail Pine Haven membership which is awesome that’s really sweet thank you midnight and Bianca that’s really sweet

So it could be any of you who knows um my favorite color is pink for sure um hello hello I know people are still kind of trickling in um can you make more breeding videos on Rival Stars I can I can do that and I will I

Will um you love live chats yes I I like intera in with you guys on the live chats as well it gives me a chance to like catch up see how you guys are doing obviously over here the chat is missing I don’t know how to set up that widget I

Have not figured that bit out and it was always broken on streamlabs so I decided to leave it for today because this is the only screen that has like a built-in Chat thing so uh I’ve just left it for now but that’s fine uh my baby’s flea bo

Uh flea box mold and lactose I miss them I know it’s been so long since we’ve seen them um sh like creation that’s so cool I actually have a couple um people gifted me some SCH likes and I got I think it was I got a Nikita I got a

Sparkel of course and a Dave and I got a cheese I think those are those are the guys I I’ve gotten so far um hi cute cookie gaming05 I hope you’re doing well what an awesome name um Abby what are your favorite types of streams to do that was a great question spark

Games um I think you asked me also another great question in my comment section maybe yesterday uh and I was like wow that was a really good question um I think I do like Minecraft I’m not going to lie Minecraft give me a lot of flexibility with what I

Want to do and focus on and stuff like that so and to be fair I haven’t done many other streams recently uh I haven’t done Star Stable in ages don’t really want to just I don’t I won’t get into it but star stable’s just not for me anymore

I’ve moved on um rival Stars I haven’t done in ages uh what what other games do I play I don’t even know I think that’s that’s kind of it for what I stream um oh Red Dead yes I haven’t done Red Dead in ages uh you’ve been enjoying the Star

Stable Halloween that’s that’s awesome I have not logged on at all I did have time to send my sparle oh no that’s okay though as long as you’re enjoying it and and you’re you have your own sparle then that’s all I could ever ask for um wild

Shade have you guys heard that wild trade is being released on the PS5 and it’s is going to be 30 or something um from what I can tell and this isn’t me judging them but they did just kind of add horns to the horses and just called it I think it’s World Trade

Unicorn something like unicorn races so uh that’ll be interesting don’t know why it’s just for PS5 okay let me who has a PS5 in the chat it doesn’t matter if it’s like your parents or your brothers or you just borrow it from time to time like who actually in their house has a

PS5 because I definitely do not if like if I was to buy a console I’d buy a PS4 right I’d buy a PS4 but just just because like the PS4 can handle a lot and it’s not quite as expensive so you guys do would you guys consider buying wild shade on your

PS5 um it’s if you haven’t heard of wild trade think Alisha online but not it’s like it’s kind of just a online um it’s a good game don’t get me wrong I really enjoy it on the mobile spe specifically um I just don’t know what the tactic is there for PS5

Only that’s strange um hopefully paid means left grinding for money like Riv and desktop this was exactly my thought as well it’s a shame that they’re not I mean I guess racing games don’t but then Elish online works perfectly on PC I don’t know why they wouldn’t release it

To PC um but I have the same thought cast and I was like oh I would actually kind of enjoy playing that um if I could like avoid microtransactions um especially since they they just eat so much money so quickly um I do not and would never get

One oh my goodness Sandy um you’re not found a consoles then yes of course we can be besties cute cookie gaming um welcome to the chat as well I feel like I haven’t seen you around before did you change your name recently um what shade does not

Work as a console game PC sure but why I recently got I don’t have it on me I I recently got a PS4 uh controller and they’re really cool but the PS5 controllers feel like Xbox controllers so I don’t know how that’s going to work

For like a a racing game but it’s fine um personally I wouldn’t see myself like buying a PS5 to play Wild shade I feel like that would be a total waste of my time so um I won’t be doing that but uh if if it came to PC I’d definitely like

Buy it on steam or something that would be nice I think uh but yeah the only console I’ve ever had was the Wii oh we had a Wii and my sister had a horse game and she didn’t let me play it was it my

Horse and me I I love my horse and me and my horse of me too that was like that was like my whole Jam I love those two games um yeah we had a Wii as well I think I had a PS2 and it was pink um and

My dad ended up getting a PS3 but that was like the end of our console era um we all sort of like went on to to prefer like PC gaming it was it was much nicer with with PC you can just get more done on PC I think you have more options um

Anyhow I’m glad you guys are doing well uh I have a h confession to make so let me go ahead and switch screens uh I don’t actually know if you can hear me between screens I’m just going to assume that you can cuz I kept talking and if

You didn’t hear that it’s fine um so hello I’m in Minecraft um and I have a confession to fake because I changed the roof I I changed the roof um I know I said it wasn’t I wasn’t going to but I did I changed the roof uh I think I

Can’t remember what what color we went through for was it blue I think it was blue uh I I did change the roof to Brick uh mostly because I was going for like more of a realistic style you you guys like it rest in peace my blue my Blue

Roof I know I’m so sorry I just felt it looked better you know it just it just felt more vibby you know um do I have I do okay just checking I have the right texture pack on um we do have a pony here this is just a stand in Pony I

Haven’t changed their um their coats yet because we’re still messing around with a lot of the settings in swm because swm is not fully functional yet uh we’re not sure why it’s not but we’re tweaking it because it’s not open yet and we could still do that so we’re not in fear of

Like breaking anyone’s horses uh but essentially today I wanted to try and make a paddock Paradise do you guys know what that is um they’re very very popular in the Netherlands I believe and I if I was to guess I’d mostly think that that’s because the Netherlands have

Has a lot of like flat land and so it’s super easy to do a padic paradise and essentially the premise for a padic paradise you can Google if you want um but what it is is like you have like a set Paddock right but on the inside

There’s like electrical tape um set up so it creates almost like hallways that horses have to walk between and you set up different hay Nets so they have to walk in between the hay Nets and then they might have to walk somewhere else to get water and it just basically keeps

Them fit fitter especially then if they just had like a square of land that they were like constantly grazing on and then they’re also like standing on the grass and so you get muddy and you get like worn in and the soil loses its uh quality so I thought maybe we could fit

One in here right but the problem is is I really do want to keep the natural landscape it’s not a huge incline there is a chick in there where did he there he is he’s hiding in the bushes I don’t know how this chicken got here but he’s

Here um so I really wanted to keep the natural incline but that might make it difficult to make a paddock with so um I do actually before we start and I I have a look at the the chat again I do actually have to fill in this little

Hole here um the bar I Rider has uh Panic paradise and it’s so pretty oh my goodness it gives me dreamy Wild Horse Vibes and I love to go there even if it takes you 10 minutes to get there on foot honestly it’s worth it and you get

A nice walk out of it honestly that sounds so dreamy that sounds wonderful I agree and I think in general um paddocks have a really difficult upkeep because as I said like basically the horses are standing on their food constantly and if it rains it means they’re compounding

That into the ground and the paddocks can just become a bit of a mess so whereas with the paddock paradises you actually like where the horses stand is sand um so that they move like they’re standing on the sand and then along the banks of where the electrical tape is

You have the grass which they munch on the side so basically eliminates the problem of them standing on their food pretty much and apparently it has like great health benefits because um you know there’s uh issues with the ground and obviously if they get something stuck in the hooves for when you’re out

Or um or they’ve wandered off somewhere uh that they then bring that back and contaminate their own Paddock so it’s generally just a really good idea to have one um and I think if I’m not mistaken you do have to have quite a big Paddock to be able to achieve like a

Proper one but in general you don’t need like huge huge spaces of land like you don’t need to worry about oh my God I’m going to need like 18 acres to do this you can do it on a relatively small parcel of land from what I’ve seen um exactly healthier equals better

Absolutely um thank you cute cookie gaming that’s really sweet um what’s your favorite horse figure that I own oh my God don’t make me go into this I actually I don’t know I think there’s one over here that I really like um I actually will do a video not a a tour CU

I don’t really have like a setup for my my figures but um I do like an unboxing video and that’ll be out soonish probably not that soon but um it’ll be out at some point uh I think my favorite mold from Brer is definitely the totilas

Is it totilas or totilas I don’t know the pronunciation but it’s the one where the horse does like the big step that one’s my favorite it’s the traditional scale one but that’s a great question thank you for asking um I like the new look on the bar thank you

Lena thank you I was worried I was going to get yelled at but I didn’t so I appreciate that thank you um we do have more of like an earthy look which is kind of what I was going with originally again the doors the thing is another thing that’s broken in swam on

This Server uh it’s not because of the server it’s maybe a config or like a loading area but um yeah the gates don’t open so yeah and then they like break and and like do that like that is a physical block that I can’t go through

And like it just doesn’t open so um for now as a placeholder I’ve put in these shutters uh obviously they are just trap doors so they don’t actually move which is a shame but it’s fine which figure should I buy from bra it’s my first one

Whichever one speaks to you I think have a browse take it really slow and um choose one that speaks to you cuz I think I can recommend and some of course but those are going to be my favorites whereas it’s really important to have your own favorites as well um I can see

That the hearts are being spammed every single time they like completely throw me off because I see something moving in the corner of my eye um but thank you for for giving me the hearts in the chat um so yeah I’d say something that really

Speaks to you like have a have a good old browse H have a look around and then when you find one that you really like set your sights on that for sure um do you know crafty ponies I do not is that a shop a game or a person it’s always

The biggest question so um I’m thinking how am I going to do this so usually Paddock paradises are either I mean they’re they’re more squares aren’t they and I said I I wanted to keep the incline but that kind of limits sort of what I can do I’m going to do my

Electric fence trick uh it’s actually the bunting the letter bunting and what fence should we use I could go with white is there like a metall looking fence I mean this Acacia one looks pretty good oh this one’s a picket fence and it kind of looks metal cuz usually

They have the poles that yeah see that that works quite well let me see The Acacia one um The Acacia actually looks I actually I prefer the acacia just because it has a bit more texture to it it doesn’t look quite as flat as this one let me just check the Birch

Fence um if I wanted all white oh actually that one’s quite skinny as well yeah I might go with the Birch for now yeah I’ll go with the Birch fence so if you haven’t seen how I make electric fences in Minecraft essentially hello chicken essentially you put up two posts

And then you go however many along you want I usually do what do I do one two three four five five yeah I guess put five in between it might touch the floor though in which case it’s kind of low do you do you guys think I should do

Like a chicken yes um do you guys think I should do a double one I’ll show you what I mean hang on uh so instead of we’ll do like here for instance so we’ll do one up here and one down here so this one’s a double one so it’s got like two

Lines two wire lines uh they have to be shorter in between the poles cuz otherwise like the the letter bunting dips into the ground or should we do the one H it looks great I actually thought ACAA is reddish yeah it might be my texture pack I thought the oh the

Outside of the acacia is um uh is gray and I think in this texture pack they’ve changed it because the red wasn’t that nice you think the double yeah I think that looks more realistic as well then that’s going to be a lot of fencing maybe we could do a double for the

Outside and then a single on the inside maybe that could end C catastrophically but we’ll just have to see so I think the next sort of issue I have is shape right is I’ll have to figure out I guess here is sort of like the biggest area I’ll try and maybe

Pull this bit out so if this is let’s just say we’ve made it so that okay and then we’ll build this out to make it look a bit more natural so this will be one section and then we’ll run it all the way back here run it

Across in like a square you know what I think maybe an L shape o you’re smart hold on I’m going to look up some references padic par Paradise uh I don’t know would I need a drone view maybe here I’ll switch screen so that you can see what I’m looking at so

There is oh hello are you not going to it’s not working hold on let me fix that Chrome ah here we go I fixed it um so welcome to my Google Chrome uh so I was sort of looking at like ooh that’s definitely not a square shape

This this one kind of looks good right I kind of like that though this as well is kind of good so that means technically it I mean this one is more of like your traditional Square so they’ve got like this parcel of land here that is like cornered off

And so they have to walk all the way back there maybe that would work do you think I need trees o this is like quite a big one that they’ve set up but it’s already relatively flat I think that’s where where I might fall down because it’s not

Flat I don’t know oh wow this is like a huge one that they’ve oh wait never mind this is just like normal pad these are just like normal paddocks I think that they’ve set up okay yeah we could try and do a triangle I don’t

Know all right I think the best thing to do is to just jump into it and just hope for the best because if you don’t try you’ll never succeed or something equally as inspirational so uh let me bring up this I mean it is technically going to have to be here won’t

It okay so other walk paths where the horses go and walk into separate green paths just to eat yes and no I think you can multi-use it so I think the general consensus is like the green area are where grass is being allowed to grow so that the horses

Can eat at the edges um you like the animations a thank you I did buy them from Etsy I can’t remember the shop name if anybody wants it specifically ask me in the Discord that’s Discord gg/ Pine Haven Pine Haven um but I don’t remember it right now maybe we can do something

Else here to like fit this in maybe I don’t know I’m pretty sure uh just back to S question the the paths are like they can eat the grass and then you also put haets so like you’ll put one hayet here and make like a a almost like a

Little maze for them to have to like walk to maybe the other hayet or the water bucket or something like that so it’s not like you’re you’re like preventing them from getting the food or the water but you’re just making it so that they’re burning more energy and uh

Generally they’re getting more exercis in than if they were to like be standing on the grass that they’re eating I’m pretty sure du correct me if I’m wrong though I’m always open to to being corrected if I am I do missp speake uh but I’m pretty sure I’ve got

The general consensus I think I think yes it is generally a good idea um if I was to ever get my own home home Stables which I don’t know if I see myself doing home Stables are a lot of work like you you you have to kind of be a morning

Person I think and if you’re not you kind of have to pay someone to be a morning person for you and wake up in the mornings and take care of your horses so um unless I can do that I don’t really see myself having a home Stables maybe maybe one day I’ll have

Like my own horse but it’ll probably be boarded somewhere if you guys could buy your dream horse what would it breed be what would its um Coke color be and um do you have like a preference in gender like would you like a May would you like a g building a

Stallion let me know what what your dream horse would look like I think mine would be I mean if I was to be like really bold and like I got really good at horse riding I think it would be a sparkle so like an Arabian but not one

Of those like dish face AR dish face Arabians I mean like a a really healthy looking Arabian we could do like endurance riding oh that’d be so cool and she’ definitely be in there I think a jet black Arabian stall stallion 1,000% a black warm blood gilding oh he

Sounds lovely um my dream horse is a black and white American Quarter Horse on Star Stable but as a stallion do you mean the the baylock one the one that looks like baylock cuz that one is really nice let me just uh try and blend this a little bit better cuz

Otherwise it is going to stick out a bit like a sore thumb um yeah that’s good okay so as for Corners let me just figure out where I am so here go all the way to okay all right I’ll try and follow a semi oops I’ll try and follow a semi oh

I did I missed this I missed a square okay I got it don’t worry um I’m stuck in a writing period since we had to make a story for game CL uh game class so my head is full of words hey that’s awesome though Sandy I I want to play your game

When you make it absolutely I’ll be there I’ll be your game tester um a Dutch warm blood black or Dapple Gray and a m oh my goodness and any Bay lovers my dream horse he’s a dart moall I feel like nobody ever says Dart mes I think that’s so

Cute I do you want gold jump Rings or silver jump jump rings for the halter lead R I think if it was me and Sparkle I think I’m a silver gal so I wear even my my watch is silver I wear like silver necklaces I’m a silver girl

And I think sparkl might share that sentiment but if I had Jericho I feel like cuz he’s a really dark Bay maybe he’d be more of a of a gold jumpering person that’s a great question SCH likee that’s a that’s a great question a bay Thor bread is my dream

Horse oh yes oh my goodness they’re like off the track Thor breads looking like Bays oh they’re so gorgeous I was thinking of making it available for people on the Discord um it is only a game with text and options at the moment the story uh is ending at a certain

Point so it’s only under 10 minutes hey that’s awesome that’s so cool and you get to have like feedback and like people play I think that’s awesome obviously don’t press yourself to do it but uh it it might be good for you you never know now I can

Already sense that there will be a problem because I reckon actually I’ll just show you cuz I think that’s probably best see like how there is technically a gap here um I mean at the end of the day this doesn’t stop anything I will have to go back in

And put in barrier blocks but at the minute I just want to put the out line down but that looks weird right cuz technically a horse could like walk off the edge which isn’t like ideal I mean I can like minimize it in some areas but

Um he’s not great uh definitely a great Arabian with white dapples and a mare oh my gosh dreamy that’s so lovely I hope that we all get to uh own our dream horses one day you guys you can you can check back what was that am I crazy

I what what is that what is that on the corner of my screen what is that what are you oh what is this I’m so that’s so SC I don’t know what that is okay we’re going to we’re just going to ignore that um moving on a shin Pony with spots in a

Main oh my goodness shellin are very cute but they are a little bit scary and as a Chihuahua owner I can confirm that the smaller they are the angrier they are so you know just just be in mind I think visual glitches I don’t know I

Don’t know at all um it just seems like there there’s a hit box there that isn’t like normally there and I don’t know why but it’s fine skizzle remember for 39 months get ready losers I can time out for up to 24 hours so Skittle you’ll be

Happy to hear that streamlabs chatbot is gone they’ve been fired however we do have stream elements I haven’t seen them in the chat but I don’t think that they’ll activate unless instructed to so uh I might unleash the AI on to you guys I’m kidding I would do that but uh you

Should be able to to chat more comfortably but SK Skittle will come down uh with the ban Hammer you know they’re not afraid of that one two how many did I do this side one two three four okay so I can do kind of Maximum four one two three

Four one two 3 4 now I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to do for the end entrance the entrance will probably be here if I was to choose I would definitely go with this metal gate but as I showed you guys before they do not

Work which is Fab but it’s fine they can just be a placeholder for now uh I was also going to move it over here uh and unfortunately the gates also don’t snap onto like fences which also kind of sucks one two three four 1 2 3 4 oh that’s awesome I love it

When the stars align like that let’s go okay so I still haven’t had cuz I’m sort of like this is kind of a pretty field anyway right I’m like do I do I really want to make a make a par pdic Paradise I’m going to do it because

That’s what I said I was going to do but now I’m like oh it’s so pretty here though okay 1 two three four five six 7even eight okay so on the eighth block I think that’s wide enough right um and then what I’ll do yeah that’s wide enough

So the interesting thing right is that swim horses uh well on this server they’ve been config to not poop and not pee because that was such a nightmare to have to deal with um but they do eat and drink so they will actively seek out food so I wonder if they’ll actually

Like move through the the P Paradise if I set it up right which is interesting I am British yes I’m not Dutch I wish I was Dutch I love the Netherlands so so much I think the Netherlands is just an incredible place and if I could move

There I totally would my best friend is in the Netherlands and I love stop waffles those are all the um the explanations you need really I like STP waffles and my best friend lives there plus in general the Netherlands is just like a cool place like I have said this

So many times so people are probably like sick to death of me saying it but genuinely Netherlands are 10 out of 10 awesome would would recommend so I’m just kind of eyeballing this I think uh at the minute it hasn’t looked too bad but don’t expect me not to pull

Everything down because I hate it later on uh that will be something we will have to see you can have a chat with Abby she might not bite might I might not bite yeah yeah I I’ve got my I’ve got my rabies shot guys

Don’t worry uh 1 2 3 4 let’s just do it here oh what are you doing down there okay oh no everything’s falling apart um here we go yeah it’s coming together pretty nicely uh maybe I need to oh that that pole is just completely not where it’s

Supposed to be I guess it’s supposed to be here isn’t it so because we have kind of an intense Corner as long as there’s how many was it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even seven remember that number Guys 1 2 3 four five six poop but I guess it ex could

Extend it out that way but I’m not going to do that so I’m going to pull it back one just to make it a little bit easier cuz I I think I can correct for it later I’m pretty sure uh so if I was going to maybe just follow that line and make

It like a square yeah actually we could probably pull it up this way sharp over here here pull it all I could even pull it all the way back here but the problem is is back here the land is is trash like most most

Of this is Stone so I don’t know why I don’t know why it would do the stringy fenes fences actually keep the horses in or are they there for Giggles um they are just there for Giggles because you can pass through them but if I set up

Barrier blocks you won’t see them and uh they you will smack your face on them so I have a frean Skittle you know that took I think the first I’ve seen your frian before but it wasn’t until like 3 weeks ago that I actually registered

That you owned a frian and I was like oh my God you have a fan I’m so jealous of you right now so you also have another horse what breed is is that horse you have two I want to say I H toly you have two and they’re like home property ones

Right or are they boarded I don’t actually know is it I mean I was just saying I don’t know if you were here for that but I I said that if I was to ever get a horse I don’t think it would be like on property like my own property uh

Is if yours are on property how does that sort of work out like do you feel like do your parents have to get up and take care of them and then you also like help out are you up really early in the morning to take care of them like how

Does that work one two uh you know I could Bend this way you know I’m going to do that cuz otherwise the horses are going to lose like a ton of land because over there’s practically useless yeah that’s like pra clearly useless I could maybe put um like an arena

Here like a a round pen Arena I don’t know for now I’ll I’ll stick I’ll stick to the padic but I do think I’m going to extend it out this way CU otherwise they lose so much land uh and they can’t actually eat that much so you can schl

Creations you are more than welcome to tag me um yeah I’m I’m thinking there there’s definitely an area over there that I can’t use for like active horse grazing and would need something built because you wouldn’t just want horses on the stone I feel like that wouldn’t be very very pleasant uh I’m

Actually tempted to extend out from here to be honest yeah if I’m going to do that though I’m going to do that with the wand so if I stick my point there and then stick my point here set grass block there we go that made my

Life a lot easier so I’m just going to like even out the edges a bit um by like building that’s not what I meant to do uh by like building out so that it looks more sort of natural unless like I’ve just slapped down a massive a massive

Corner your birthday’s in 10 days happy birthday wait what day is it so it’s the 24th is your birthday wow it’s very close to Halloween do you get Halloween themed gifts if you don’t like Halloween I bet I bet you wouldn’t like that but

Uh if you do maybe you would um swim on Minecraft uh I I actually have a tutorial up if you’d like to watch that it’s for PC only though so if you’ve got any other Edition like the Pocket Edition or um Bedrock it doesn’t work unfortunately so you can get it just if

You just Google swm it’ll come up the curse Forge page and then just uh follow well you can follow my tutorial or just anybody else’s on how to install mods just does this look right yeah that that’s fine okay so e I mean I could even bring the dirt up a

Bit closer to the back but I don’t really feel like I need to yeah actually yeah I think now I’m like no no no cuz this is more about the horses I was like I could put like a mini track right here but then I was like nah no

It’s fine cuz we we’ll stick we’ll stick to like being like Pro horsey in that um oh my God I totally Miss sk’s messages we PID to keep them in a field but they are all day and night with appropriate shelter and thanks to routine we don’t

Have to get up early in the morning and can feed them stuff um and feed them and stuff in the evenings but since they’re not in the Stables they can eat grass all day and we don’t have to get up early in the morning put them in the

Field or feed them it’s I mean obviously don’t take my word for it because uh I don’t own horses but that I have worked with horses and I have also consumed a lot of horse information and media and generally the consensus that I have heard across acoss across all ethical

Equestrians is that the more you turn out your horses the happier they are and in obviously as as Skittle has just um explained like it kind of makes your life easier as well cuz it just means that they’re in their like natural habitat so you’re not having to faf

Around and like getting up super early in the morning um do you ever find those Skittle that like there’s a danger that like your horses might hurt themselves in the night time right and obviously you You’ you’ve gone to see them in in the evening but like you know let’s say

They hurt themselves like an hour or two after you’ve left and you don’t maybe catch it until like um in the later morning do you ever find that that’s like uh an an an an anxiety point for you or your family or do you just kind

Of feel like you know the horses you know that they’re going to get on and if not you’ll catch it quick enough that kind of thing I’m very curious cuz obviously I don’t own horses so I don’t really know how that works 1 two 3 4 also how did you convince your parents

To get horses are they horsey people too or is that kind of a you thing hi Missy how you doing nice to see you we’re just talking about horses and keeping horses on property and off property and all of that fun stuff uh Skittles is just

Giving us a um an insight into their life which is fun and I’m also building a paddock Paradise so uh it’s going okay at the minute so I’m doing the outline and then I’ll do the interior bit and uh thinkers cross that’ll be fine where’s why membership it should be next to the

Subscribe button but or subscribed if you really love me um but it should be there it’s like a blue button if you don’t see that check the description cuz there is a link in there if you click the link and it says it’s not available for you it means your region hasn’t

Received memberships yet luckily the person who owns the field lives next to the field so she’s quite often checks on them and tells us if she’s concerned or anything that is a perfect setup honestly one two three four that’s really smart um cuz horses in general are like really prone to like hurting

Themselves cuz that’s the thing is they’re like big prey animals so they like get scared and they like fight sometimes um so you you’re always like at risk of like turning up and them like not being okay but if you have somebody who’s literally pretty much always nearby like watching over them that’s

Perfect I’ve been playing so much Black Desert online me and my horse are quite snazzy I wanted to get into Black Desert online actually uh but I haven’t I don’t know why maybe it’s cuz the game is like mahive and um and like that intimidates me a little

Bit oops not what I meant to do yeah I want to kind of keep this line here uh but I’m glad you’re enjoying it Missy that sounds awesome what’s it about tell me about um Black Desert online my mom loves horses so I’ve been around horses all my life and I’m very

Lucky to be around them so often my current horse we’ve had since I was three so that’s cool that is wonderful honestly 1 two 3 4 honestly you’re living the dream skler I’m sure there are lots of people including myself who are very of you um but that’s that’s

Awesome I’m so happy for you that must be you’re you’re like proper living the life you’re living the horsey girl life that’s awesome I however get to do it in Minecraft which is equally as cool Black Desert online is a good game the donkeys are cute and there are other mounts as

Well sadly the horse model is yeah it could be better oh no it’s Lally just a Grandy MMO unless you’re like me and just play for cosmetics and horses fair enough one two three my uh quizz is like massive into World of Warcraft uh I don’t get it but she basically grew up

On that game so there’s like nostalgia in it but like grindy MMOs just don’t do it for me survival games oh I am on that I am on that game and I playing it for hours on end but like MMOs I don’t know they just they they they don’t hit the

Same for me one two three four I don’t know why I do want to try Black Desert online though because of the honies but they they also aren’t like the most um High te horses that you can get but they’re still good I mean how old is Black Desert is it is quite

Old isn’t it oh my God hi oh hi Sandy oh my gosh that’s so cute we love Sandy I never got the chance to ride but I want to be horse police and make my little make little me happy that’s so sweet I was thinking about being horse place obviously uh that did

Not happen I am not horse police um but yeah that is obviously um a route that you can kind of get into I wonder what like the qualifications are cuz obviously you can’t just become police and then be like oh I want to be in the

Horsey sector you do have to have some sort of like um like skills in that regard but you also have to be like a good police officer as well you can’t just be like I like horses and they’re like not know anything about the law one

Two three four yeah here we go nice what what are everybody else’s like job prospects looking like if you don’t already have one um and if you do are you considering changing from for any reason um when I was younger I wanted to be an actress and I actually went all

The way to college doing acting I would literally do after school activities with acting went to like two different clubs I always did acting in school GCC drama um I did my higher drama as well I went to a fany Dan College as well and then the pandemic broke out and as you

Can imagine not many people were going out to watch uh show and and whatnot and I wasn’t big into like movie and film which is kind of strange looking back but I think I was just like super insecure on camera that I couldn’t like control um so yeah I never is are these

Two connected oh they are oh it’s really low though oh it’s because I didn’t do it right can I remove this one yes so um I didn’t end up doing that and I do this now full time so you never know why life might take you and I’m not unhappy

Absolutely not I’m very very happy with my current job U maybe even more happy than I would have been uh pursuing acting because acting is brutal as anybody in the industry will tell you my aunt worked in the horse police so she’s going to help me smart very very smart

It’s always um a great uh benefit when you’re able to to get some uh insight and knowledge and just just have somebody there to help coach you cuz otherwise you’re kind of just you’re going in blind um but that’s interesting wow I really want to have a small horse

Rescue be horse trainer and riding instructor but we’ll see I have heard that um it is profitable but it’s hard like it’s very difficult because the pay directly to trainers isn’t that high like for the amount of time and work that sort of goes into it um but it is

Still like once you make it you properly make it you know you get to do like clinics and you get to do like horse training for people and it does end up being quite uh profitable in the end so that’s really interesting um Abby if you

Want light hot pink or dark rose pink if you want want you can choose two pink tints I think I can’t see them but if I was to I would I think I’d pick light pink and if I get to pick a sec second one I’d go with dark rose pink um stay

Away from like magentas I’m not a huge fan of like really bright pinks like Barby pink it’s beautiful but not for me I’d prefer like a Dusty kind of pasty pink that’s that’s that’s more for me I love any Castle color in pastel though I think

Pastel colors are just the best 1 2 3 4 I want to be a volcanologist I was afraid to say that fast because I was like I’m going to say that wrong volcano olist that is one of the coolest jobs I have ever heard tell

Me what do you do as a volcano olist I’m going to assume you uh take measurements from from volcanoes and you study volcanoes um just a guess but that is so cool obviously um I am currently talking to a more equestrian driven audience so

I know that a lot of people sort of want to be around horses and I absolutely support that but that’s awesome wow I have a friend who is a marine biologist and she is in South Africa and uh I have to admit like I’m not into marine life

At all I’m actually afraid of fish but uh the stuff she does is really really cool it’s like uh obviously you have to do a lot of studying for it um and a lot of uh uh you know schooling you have to go to uni that kind of thing but the the

Work that she’s doing now is really cool like postgraduate I’m working in Riot’s music department for shut up shut shut up Missy you are not shut up you didn’t tell me you’re working for Riot you didn’t tell me Missy oh my God shut up that’s amazing are you

Serious oh my God Missy that’s so cool congratulate you must be over the moon with that that is awesome you’re working with a riot riot games that’s so cool I mean I’m not a league fan um but I do like the the show the show is pretty

Cool surprise that’s so cool how have you kept this that quiet I would have I would have just not been able to shut up about it that’s awesome congratulations Missy you should be well proud of yourself and you definitely deserve it as well I’m so proud of you

Congratulations oh that’s awesome um I’m planning on doing Engineering in University oo fancy I’m going to try and get uh into Southampton University hopefully cuz it’s supposed to be good yeah it’s hard to get like a grasp on like what uni is is is like and what

Is good and how to like base what like is good or not generally going off with like student reviews is is is a great idea but uh best of luck to you Skittle that’s awesome um Abby do you have any tips for new YouTubers uh I’ve been doing YouTube

For a year and I’ve been doing rr2 for a few months and I don’t know how to grow my channel CU I spend hours and get hardly anyone on vid um so I’m going to be very annoying and I’m going to be the person that is like make what you want

To make you know I’m I am G to have to say that because I feel like we all need to hear it sometimes just make sure that you’re happy with what you’re making and then it’ll seem less like um you’re not going anywhere because you’re constantly evolving your skills and getting better

And stuff like this um it’s a great idea to sort of study uh trends that doesn’t necessarily mean like copy word for word what somebody is doing um but finding your groove is really important uh I would recommend uh you can get certain what they called I don’t know what

They’re called like YouTube analytic uh like not programs like browser extensions one the one I use is vid IQ uh I know people use tube Bud as well that those will like give you better insights into your analytics they’ll like you can compare your channel to somebody else’s you can compare like um

AI generated uh titles and see what percentage like uh view rate that they would most likely yeah that will help you get into more of like the nitty-gritty of um information and analytic wise um other than that just trying new things you’ll be surprised something that you think won’t stick

Might stick you know I’ve had that where I think that a video will do well and it doesn’t and I think a video won’t do well and it does so you never really for sure know so it’s more about just trying what you want to try is pretty much what

I what I’d say say um keep at it don’t give up it’s it’s a tough Market out here you know it was a tough Market when I entered it obviously just as a hobby um back in 2016 I’ve been here a while um but you know it’s just going to keep getting

Tougher because there’s going to be more people um able to dedicate more time to it and stuff like that so just keep at it you know make sure you’re doing it for yourself as well cuz that will help your longevity I think cuz if you’re doing it for like a monetary purpose

That is completely valid don’t get me wrong um but you’ll feel less motivated when you start to see those numbers decline or you don’t you don’t see those numbers at all um exactly like you might think that something will work and it doesn’t or you might think something

Won’t work or you’re not like super into and it really does work so just mostly do what you want to do you know you know what in November it’s going to be up like 3 years since I became mod why did I mod you in November

Skitt oh wait no that was why did I mod you in November that’s a strange timeline cuz um what’s their name pickle the purple is pickle I know I made them award for my um what’s it called ah well tours um so it made sense that I was

Doing like mod things why November I feel like that’s a strange time and I think I made you a mod with someone else but I can’t remember who it was now I don’t remember either way I appreciate you Skittle thanks for scking around um you’re you’re awesome thank

You so much it’s cuz there was like noral in the chat and pickle was like Skittle would be cool oh okay I mean they were right sple spickle spickle yeah uh Skittle I’ve lost my tongue today Skittle is cool so they were correct okay so we have had

Some collisions as you might have seen over here that’s fine that’s fine uh you think they should add dress to rival stars um now don’t be a don’t don’t be mad I disagree with you okay and I’ll explain why okay I will explain why I also missed did the person who said they

Were going to be a volcano that’s that’s probably not what they said um answer me because I saw like a paragraph and I like missed it here we go yes you’re right uh on that and you get to test samples and stuff uh I’ve Loved volcano

Since I was uh in year five now I’m in year 11 I’ve been studying a lot for it and then I’ll have to go to a levels in college Etc I’m so sorry I missed that I was actually waiting for your answer because I was very intrigued um I hope

You become a volcanologist because that is an awesome thing to do to be anyway back to my um thing uh I don’t think rival star should add dressage because um and I said this in one of my other videos I can’t remember which one but I said that rival stars do adrenaline very

Very very well their racing element Peak it’s so good you feel like you are in that race it is so good and then cross country came I’m sorry I despise the cross country okay maybe despise is kind of a strong word I just I don’t like the

Cross country um I think it’s boring I think it’s repetitive I think it’s um there’s just nothing to it there’s no nitty-gritty uh if like Tales of rain Ravine great example of you can get adrenaline in the jumping because there’s technique there’s timing you’ve got to be paying attention rival Stars I

Point and shoot I press A and D sometimes I press space sometimes there’s nothing to it I don’t dress would be the same thing it wouldn’t be you know open world dress it would be like press a or press W like I just feel like it wouldn’t be involved enough and

Rival dos need to be involved because they do adrenaline so well so so so so so well um the thing with dressage right is I think Star Stable dressage Community is a great example of this where they have taken a part of a game that just doesn’t exist stable does not have proper

Dressage um and the dressage they did have kind of sucked in my opinion obviously everybody’s allowed to have their own opinion and some people thought it was great I thought it was just boring I wasn’t into it um but they basically have created this whole Community uh and created dress that is

Fun and engaging um however it’s kind of difficult to do when you just have to like Button Mash if you get what I mean again it’s just my opinion um you might disagree with me but I personally think rival Stars should stick to I’m so glad they’ve added Ste Trace steeple Trace is

A yes for me I haven’t played it yet but I want to it looks really really cool I love cross country I prefer cross country in games but I wish I had more varied in courses and more technical elements because generally I prefer cross country uh to racing in games

That’s completely fair and I agree I think had they done it more involved I think the problem is is they were working with the mechanics that they already have which worked incredibly well for uh the racing which was you know you have your pulling in you’re pulling out your decreasing speed

Increasing speed it’s very like tactical because there are other races with you in Cross Country there isn’t you’re beating the clock and so you have to add a more technical aspect um you know as I said tell they I don’t know if they’ve done cross country but they’ve done jumping but

Let’s be real cross country is just like very intense jumping over like a long distance um but I I I just think that they haven’t really done a great job on it um and I’ve said that before and I will stand by what I said um unit I

Think he’s asleep he he’s a bit skinny at the minute because it’s really cold up here so he’s burning a lot of energy trying to stay warm uh cuz he hates clothes have I said that before he hates clothes he just hates I can’t even describe to you guys how much this dog

Hates clothing like it’s it’s just it’s irrational honestly but he hates clothes so he will not ever well he will I’ll put him in it but he’s not happy when it does so um he does spend a little bit of time cold especially when he’s outside

Peeing so he is a bit skinny at the minute so he’s kind of got to be fattened up uh his birthday is soon actually his birthday is sometime in November I think um um sometimes in November I think I want to say the 11th

Or the 9th it’s one of the those two but he’s going to be three years old my little baby’s growing up I have heard that chihuaha can live to a very old age and I’m really fingers crossed for that I am very very much fingers crossed that

I’ll be like 40 and I’ll still have little unit he’ll still be little actually I was about to say we wouldn’t be so little then no he’s still be tiny he’s just a tiny guy one two three four that’s three I can’t count there we

Go see I knew this was going to I mean I’ve made some decent progress I think the the biggest thing that sucks with the uh this type of fencing is it doesn’t load in far away so they do kind of just look like posts and it’s fine

Bye Sandy thanks thank you um oh you want to take a walk oh fancy um if you’re streaming later Sandy I’ll come I’ll come say hi um but have a wonderful walk thank you for joining us it’s been lovely I think cross country um could be

So engaging in a game like dri star since IRL is dangerous and you can get that adrenaline rush like in racing but they just didn’t do a great job with it I agree I totally agree um I think as I said I think that’s mostly down to them

Using the mechanics they already had which don’t translate well at all um you know what I’m thinking of actually pulling the fence up around here because over here is just so Stony I just don’t really want to put the horses over here that much yeah I think

I’ll pull it up here so I won’t go too much F farther I don’t think I’ll go a little bit further but not too much um yeah like I just kind of think that they needed to spend more time thinking about the mechanics um and as I said in my

Rival Stars ideas video I don’t know why they went from racing to to um cross country when you have steeple chase I mean like if you were going to add a jumping mechanic why would you not add it to Steeple Chase you know I don’t know I

Don’t get it but they did end up adding SE tra so I I can’t complain that much I can’t count um I was still wait waiting for a stunt riding video game that is a game that I have not seen any anyone try to attempt um I think

Unbridled were a bit more sort of out there with their uh archery but they sort of dropped that like I haven’t heard much about it which sucks cuz I felt like that was such a good selling point of the game you know um I just feel like horse games are trying to do

The same things as each other so it kind of makes everything so syy and you’re just like yeah this is another game where I run and jump and this is another game where I you know brush brush my horse with my mouse and it’s just like H

Give me give me something else I tell you what let me go onto a game development team I’ll be I’ll be your lead lead director yeah a I’m sure that’s a real position uh I’ll be your lead director and I will give you great ideas for a

Game because I um have said before I want to make a post-apocalypse game ew uh I want to make a post-apocalypse game um and I would totally make it but this is the thing like I couldn’t decide if I wanted zombies or not if not then it would be definitely

About like the world maybe has like quotequote ended and you like a horse trader and so you breed and sell horses to like the local community um yes I do Missy I do that honestly we had such good ideas for that absolutely we should have been allowed

To to make cuz did you hear that SAR are redoing the story did did you hear cuz I did hear this and I was like oh my gosh they’re going to they they’re going to ruin it this is the I don’t have any faith in Star Stable um if you still like star

Stable no disrespect to you at all I have just I’ve been here for a very long time and I have seen all of the shenanigans that Star Stable have pulled and it has gotten very tiresome so um I don’t have faith in this considering everything so uh

I you know I don’t have High Hopes yes they are redoing the story uh me and Ellena night walker actually talked about about this a little bit and um I mean she has more faith in them than I do she definitely has more faith

In them than I do but at the same time like you know it’s their story at the end of the day you know I can complain and I can say you know I wish they brought this element back or I wish they did this and they won’t because it’s

Their game but at the same time I I can still complain about it no one can stop me doing that um I mean I don’t know I feel like it’s been such a long time but they had such a good story going you know um yeah I think they they put it in

Their blog somewhere they I definitely saw o this is going to be a messy area to do I’m going to try and even this out a bit um so it is a shame you want to be a biologist oh that’s awesome lots of lots of studying though lots and lots and

Lots of studying I didn’t take biology for any of my classes after like from my gc’s cuz there is something oh I’ve lost hang on uh weather clear there’s something about learning about the body that you’re in is so freaky to me and I don’t mean just like general

Question like General things that you should know about your body because you’re living in it but I mean like learning the real up close details of like how Bones Work and blood and stuff like that I’m just like yeah cuz it makes it makes me like hyper aware of

Myself like you can’t feel blood in your your um your veins you can’t like properly feel your um heartbeating but like if I’m learning about it I’m like I can feel it I can’t really but you know it gets into your head and so I was like

I think I’ll skip out on that one thanks uh but all the more power to you all the more power to you for for wanting to do that I like learning about fungi oh yes um I actually think that natural like biology in terms of like plants and

Stuff that was where I was like I think actually that was the most boring but it was also more interesting than like like physical biology if that makes sense like fungi are cool the leaf system was kind of boring to learn about but you know guess it’s kind of relevant but

Yeah no it just made me too aware of myself and like and then having to sit down and study it while I’m also feeling like the tissue in my my arm so I’m like no no thank you going to skip out that one bye Missy have a lovely day at work

I don’t know if you’re going to RI it but um you’re so cool for that congratulations again uh and have a lovely rest of your day thanks for swinging by which mob do you want for 1.20.1 so knee-jerk reaction I was like I want the armadillo because I want dog armor

Cuz like people are arguing that you wouldn’t really use dog armor like you’d use it and then have your dog sit in your house cuz you don’t want it to die um but I want dog armor but at the same time I’ve been here hearing about a lot

Of backlash about the the mob vote and this is no disrespect to any YouTuber who’s done this and I am looking at dream um but it it is kind of known that YouTubers tend to kind of rig the vote cuz if you have a super popular YouTuber

Like dream and he says I want you to vote for XYZ a lot of people are going to vote for XYZ you know if he said go vote for the penguin the Penguin’s going to win um so it’s not really fair in that regard like you know it’s not super

Fair so I think as people have been pointing out like this is a multi multi-million dollar company and they’re only giving us one mob a year like and the mobs sometimes feel like they don’t have that much love in them like they’re not fully sort of fleshed

Um and as somebody pointed out the mob vote gave us Phantoms now genuinely does anybody like the Phantoms or is it that every time you create a world you make sure to turn Phantoms off because that’s what I do I I just I no I’m not playing

With Phantoms on sometimes I want to stay up all night building and I don’t want to be attacked for it I’m sorry Phantoms suck uh and I don’t want to spawn them either cuz they’re not even cute so I am not a fan of phantoms and the mob go vote gave us them

So um I do of course I remember Rocky of course I remember Rocky he will live on in my heart forever because very sad times honestly I voted for the armadillo yeah I was going to vote for the armadillo as well uh Skittle said something Skittle did you say something

Oh here we go personally this entire hate against dream I just do not like him but exactly again as I said that it’s not because I don’t like dream as an individual like he seems like a pretty decent guy but when you have that much like influencing power it is a bit

Unfair to be like okay when you know like you have a huge audience that is going to vote for something um I don’t know I do not know just just not the vibe I think they they need to I obviously the mob vote is like a

Tradition I think in Mojang but it’s a tradition that doesn’t need to be continued cuz it’s not working very well anymore and that’s okay sometimes things need to change and that doesn’t mean that the pass is invalid and it doesn’t mean that that tradition didn’t mean something to somebody but it just

Doesn’t work anymore let it go it’s fine fine we we’ll live without the more vote I think ah but they I don’t know if they’re going to get rid of it though I just I just heard that there’s back Clash that that’s all I know um why is there some with blue name

Tags oh um those are moderators I was like blue name tags like I was like like thinking in my game is there someone with a blue name tag no um those are moderators so essentially those are people that I trust uh with Community Management so if they see somebody who’s

Yelling a lot or just being um a bit of a nuisance they can help just calm things down uh they help me manage the chat so if you see someone’s name in blue it’s cuz they’re a very cool person why does it keep raining stop that okay

Now we have our outline it’s it’s O this is going to be very difficult to do an interior for it’s going to take me like twice as long okay are we still boom a mod you are uh are we still get happy with the idea of

A paddock Paradise or should I just like leave that as like a paddock is there anybody against the idea of a paddock Paradise oh that’s cool sh like Creations Minecraft needs new horses and better emotes and blocks for them yeah that’s just not going to happen though unfortunately there’s a lot of stuff

Minecraft could add and if horses are already in the game they’re not going to like EXP spand on it um which is a shame oh hello sorry Skittle um padic Paradise is um oh okay so sorry I’ve just assumed that people know what I mean when I say

That uh essentially I’ll show you actually uh let’s switch screens so essentially aaic Paradise is where there’s a good illustration there was one earlier I think here so essentially what you have is like a paddock that is like fenced off so you have these like walkways

Where the horses can walk up and down and you’ll put like one hay hayet over here and then put one hayet like over here and so instead of like just walking straight across the horse has to go all the way around and it just helps them to

Like move more um it’s better for the ground cuz they’re not like standing where they’re eating and it lets like these patches sort of grow back and then you don’t have to have like two paddocks to have like one for winter one for summer you can just like re redo like

The area that the horses are like standing in um it’s very popular in the Netherlands here’s like another example where the horses like walk around like sort of a green patch and then they can stick their heads through and like munch on the grass um without like standing on

Potential like growth areas so um yeah that’s pretty much a paddock paradise and I was thinking of doing one for this area that I’m building in uh let me pull my chat back up um as you can see like fence off this sort of section here so

That they sort of walk the perimeter if you will and then have like an interior place where they uh can’t go but I’m like it’s kind of going to take me a long time to do that it’s kind of going to take me a very long time to do that and to be

Honest this Bar Needs improving because it’s just lacking detail especially on like the outside I’m 22 years old thank you for asking um um so do you think I should stick to the PCT Paradise cuz if so I might be like a typical YouTuber and be like I’ll do it off camera I’ll

Just I’ll just like leave it for off camera because I do want to do some different decorating uh to give my brain a break but I was enjoying doing that because I got to kind of AFK brain and chat for a bit which was nice but um yes

Uh can you join swim so yes you can get your own swim mod This Server which actually if you’d like to you can have a look at the map uh there’s a it’s called the sparkle map it’s in the description below so it should be underneath me um

If you’re on mobile I don’t recommend going to look at it because you’re going to be taken away from the stream if you’re on PC though or uh iPad or something I think you can like open an extra Tab and just have a look through there it’s a live update map so you’ll

See me like moving around in it um so that the it pretty much the reason it’s called sporal Island is because it’s in the shape of Sparkle’s head so um we had like a custom map made and it’s ALS awesome and so I’m just putting in some

Extra stuff this will be like a premium server that you guys can join later on once we’ve got everything sorted out cuz it’s still sort of like yeah so instead we can do I think there’s sort of two options for us to do we could focus on

The courtyard so I’m going to need to maybe put like hedging maybe some fencing figure out what I’m doing with like this middle section um or option number two I think this is the feed room I can’t remember which one I decided was a feed room I think this is the feed room

We could either do the feed room or option number two the tack room yeah this must be the tack room I can’t remember I said it last time I said which one was which and I had a very specific reasoning for that but now I

Can’t remember what it was so um we can either do the T room or the feed room as well so um it’s up to you guys it is up to you guys what would you like what would you like me to do oh um yeah please don’t ask people where they live

Tack room feed room tack room I’m seeing more of the tack room you guys want me to do like interior design oh no this is going to be terrible I am decent at interior design but it takes me a while to get there you know it it it takes me a

Little while ah it keeps raining stop that stop goodness can we have cheese board on the tack and feed room do you mean like a board with cheese on it or do you mean like a board with the name cheese on it cuz those are two very different things okay so it’s definitely

Between the tackle the feed room I think I’m feeling feed room I’m going to I’m going to do the feed room I think I’ll put the feed room yeah I’ll put the feed room in here because I think I’ll need more space for the tack room than I do the feed room so

The first thing I want to do is see what shelving options we have uh I don’t think many of these are what we’re looking for so instead I’m going to look at slabs because those are pretty much usable shelves uh what color do we go with though I

Could change the flooring as well cuz I remember oh no wait oh I don’t know should I change the flooring it’s currently um bricks Cottage mahogany great name um I could change it but I guess it looks okay I guess is there time for both T and feedr

Yeah I guess so yeah actually kind of depends on how long this takes but I’m just going to say yes for now I mean like for real cheese not cheese the horse Okay cool so you want cheese yeah I really wanted Um wild farmcraft was it I think it was wild farmcraft it doesn’t work for some reason it’s not like getting along with the other mods which sucks do I speak Spanish you know that’s French oh how do you say sorry in Spanish I don’t know I do not

Speak Spanish though in case you couldn’t tell well uh I have all the animals in my house uh SL all my bed except for one they take up my whole bed honestly that is an awesome awesome time uh I only have one dog and he’s the best

To snuggle with although he does kick me in the face sometimes which what are you going to do uh so I guess I could do oak slabs would that I mean there’s kind of a lot of Textures in here I could what’s this Birch I could go with like Birch

Instead yeah I guess maybe that would be better yeah just to kind of maybe blend seamlessly with the room bro butchered I don’t speak English then started speaking French oh y noo I know I said y noo espanol right I don’t remember but I think you’re

Right your cat hid hid the pizza that he stole under your bed I think he was going to eat it o Um I think it’s game rule aha do weather cycle false I’ll set that off for now we can Abby is not hablo not yo hablo but is it not Yono hablo espanol like I don’t speak Spanish cuz your is I right I could be wrong I could genuinely

Be wrong so anyway uh we do have grain bins that we can put down I do quite like these cuz they look very oh they look very sleek and professional obviously that’s way too many of them I’m not going to be putting that many down so I feel like a lot of

Tack rooms are sort of mirrored so I’ll sort of do although most or at least the tack room that I worked in it had like you know the the round dust bins but instead they were obviously clean um and they put the feed in there so you

Had like a scoop that you’d scoop in and they were just sort of along here and then you just sort of had the buckets I definitely want a workbench I think so we’ll do table I spell table uh Butch table from decorations I’m looking for something kind of simple though maybe

This yeah so you have like a corner table where you can come and like put the buckets and put the feed um H do you do you guys have a sink like do you put a sink in I guess you’d put a sink in the feed room not the tack room right you

Would H thank you Maya that’s very sweet I was watching the video of 100 days in Minecraft oh thank you I hope you enjoyed it if you have not finished it make sure to go back and continue to enjoy it yes sinking is sink in the T

Attack room so I think I might change that table then into something else unless we do that’s not going to match at all I mean we have this does that look silly I don’t know I think a window definitely needs to be punched in here glass uh we’ll put

In what does the Stables have what did I put in the Stables ah whatever this is okay light blue stained glass wall is what I put in here okay okay uh I won’t punch anything out here just yet hi Jen how are you doing hope you’re doing well I just have

A bucket of water that we fill up sometimes you just have like a hose outside of like a tap SN for cleaning Tac we could put another one in the tack room for sure uh but generally right most people most people have like a sink in

The in the tack room and if not they have like a tap outside so I think if we’re going to be bougie and have a sink inside I do need the sink to match though oh my goodness uh cabinet see there’s there’s these but these are so

Ugle I don’t want to H oh these are quite nice cabinets actually these are Birch ones those are kind of nice these are so butt ugly oh my gosh why would you want this texture why would you why would you want this T this is just awful that’s so

Bad why would you not want the like normal logs I don’t know but they’re terrible I don’t like um those look a bit plastic yeah I’m going to get rid of those okay so instead o I know what I’m going to do is there anything else that

Needs to be in attack room you wouldn’t you wouldn’t like want to you wouldn’t want like a stove in your in your feed room would you D attack room sorry I meant feed room let’s see what’s in the swim mod and see if there’s anything we can shove in

Here I was thinking like if you were to like install a unit right like my dog um you’d have obviously this is like Central so you’d have a sink I mean I could just do this that’s fine as well but now the sink kind of doesn’t match oh not in swim

Sink maybe instead we could have guess the is there a gray one cyan cyan’s close enough like does that look bad did you guys prefer the other one did you prefer this one I don’t know nothing’s nothing’s quite matching okay okay hit me out hit me out hit me out

Cabin what are they called they’re not called cabinets they’re called something else I’m looking for Mr crayfishes they had a kitchen section and I can’t find it oh here countertop so instead if we got cyan and we did this yeah is this better yes you was totally right with

The counter yeah is this is this better and then maybe put like that up there although that looks kind of weird with the Shelf being here maybe just put that back there so you can like put some stuff in the cabinets for the horse like if the horse has like medicines actually

Though we do actually have a glass cabinet that I kind of want cabin cabinet where did they go shelf here yeah there’s ones with like glass oh if there was a white one that’d be perfect if not we could put like the the red one here like like it’s it’s a

First a not first aid kit but like the first aid box maybe in this cupboard this there’s so much going on in this room but I guess it’s kind of real right like a lot of tack rooms are sort of like all over the place but they just

Work you know I mean we could even put that back here instead so that maybe oh I just punched out the wall so that maybe they’re like sort of out of the way maybe we could even do ah there’s no white one I wish there was white one I mean there’s a birch

Shelf but it’s like not close enough yeah cuz actually we could do that it’s kind of looking like I’ve gone to the thrift shop and like just gotten a bunch of like old cabinets which is good cuz you wouldn’t really want to buy like new furniture for like a feed

Room but I also kind of hate it yeah I kind of hate It I don’t know I don’t I don’t know I don’t know okay I’m definitely okay with the sink so first of all I am going to put water down there so that the sink can be uh shied there we go it’s very dark down here oh thank you schl creations for subscribing appreciate

That okay sink yay the sink works okay nice so the sink now does work which is great um and and I have to put down the furniture first before I start decorating cuz otherwise can you guys think of something to put here so my vision right

Is up here I’m going to line some buckets right so this is where you get like their grain feeds and whatnot um I don’t know okay scratch that and put this like here okay so you have like a countertop and then maybe the room looks so wonky because of

That sink should I just do a double SN yeah I’ll just I’ll just do a double SN cuz otherwise it’s it’s going to bother me how wonky the room looks so I will just go ahead and just create another bit of water UMO and then double sink is better

Yes yeah hi fers I was going to say the light isn’t bright and then I realized the lighter that doesn’t work very well it’s very accurate for the feed room yeah I think it’s more so my shaders but as you said like I’ve never been in a well-lit feed room like they’re always

Like kind of dim for some reason um I think yeah the double works better cuz it looks less less lopsided at the very least um is there any like crates of stuff I mean there’s like normal crates here hay bales so uh we’re going to be fancy here and

We’re going to stock only quality Bales yeah but you’d have like a hay pile somewhere right you wouldn’t just you wouldn’t have it in the feed room nobody has like their hay in their feed room do they cuz you like at least in the place

I worked in like there was a shed with it was just full of hay like that and you went over to fill up the Nets and stuff there you didn’t have it in the feed room the feed room was too small the tag rooms are dark so you don’t see

The stains on the saddle pads exactly that’s how they’re built um I don’t know what to put here I want like some kind of display but I don’t know what kind of display maybe if there’s an item that’s nice I can put up a shelf but I don’t

Know I mean there’s like hay maybe I could put some hay Nets down like I’m kind of feeling like for some reason like a yellow hay net like a yellow hayet and maybe a blue one like a cyan one here we go so like you have the hay Nets here and

Maybe like this so like pre-filled hay Nets so we do get the Bales but like let’s just say like somebody’s already filled them up for the evening or something so you have like a small square of hay bales there or hay Nets sorry cuz those are placeable blocks

Which works in my advantage at least um this is quite or is it this one I don’t remember this oh this this one floats this this kind of sucks cuz you have to like attach it to the ceiling I think whereas this one I think you can put on the floor that looks

Silly that looks so silly I guess but then we have like a wasted space back here I don’t know I don’t know hello lollipop I hope you’re doing well bye midnight and Bianca have a nice rest of your day wheelbarrows in a feed room would you have wheelbarrows in a

Feed room though I don’t know I feel like you’d have that I mean you wouldn’t have it in the attack room I guess maybe you would have wheelbarrows I think I’d want dark cream wheelbarrows so like ah I dropped It I guess you kind of have them parked though wouldn’t you like you’d more likely have one like out here and then like maybe one extra one here maybe wheelbarrows are everywhere that is a good point wheelbarrows are always everywhere that’s not working oh no oh

No okay undo SL undo um okay I’m not unhappy but it’s definitely it needs some work I think I’m going to start decorating to kind of help me get into the vibe of things uh so I feel like a lot of buckets are gray not many buckets

Are white I think maybe you’d have like the old pink maybe the old dark green yeah so like oh you’d have you have black ones as well half barrel let’s just try a couple ones so I want like some of them to be like normal ones and then you have like that one

Person who’s got like the green barrels cuz they’re a bit like they’re a bit extra you know like that how are we feeling about that does that look good my horses have blue and green buckets is it dark green like this or like lime green cuz those are cute um so that’s

Kind of it doesn’t add a pop of color but it does make it more realistic so um I can also put ooh maybe one of the grain feeders but like I don’t know but like why would you just have a like that doesn’t look okay no no you

Wouldn’t have a graen feeder um now that the buckets are down it’s looking better I’m going to just pop these open and get some feed now you have a choice of Rose feed or sweet feed I’m going to go with the rose feed cuz it actually gives you

More so we’re just going to pop this down just fill up all the buckets that’s okay SCH Creations that looks a little goofy it does a little bit a part of me is like all attack rooms look a bit goofy you know oh actually maybe instead of this this one would be the

Rose feed oh no no no the other one sweet feed yeah cuz there there’s two types of Feed in swim there’s sweet feed and Rose feed I think Rose feed gives you slightly more like maybe I’ll make all of these sweet actually actually cuz this is like

This will be like the normal grain bin cuz I don’t think you can actually put anything else in them yeah so this is like the normal grain and then you have like a bit more normal grain and then like the special grains over here uh so

We’ll put like one that’s been like left open yeah like a couple that have been sort of left open uh do we have like a bowl that I can place down I don’t think there is no that’s a shame I was hoping I could place down a

Maybe a we don’t even have like ah I guess there’s a flower pot yeah I also got the this pot mod but like I can’t like they’re glasses entities and they keep getting removed so um those yellow hay nuts are giving cheese to be honest like the horse cheese or like actual

Cheese that’s true but the wi rich ones though that’s true I mean I kind of see this as like this Barn is owned by people who are very well off but they’re not like super boot bougie like they’re bougie but like they also ride their own

Horses and they like they feed their own horses and stuff like that so like the attack room is nice but you can tell it’s kind of been lived in you know um I was thinking is there like a hay is it like a carpet that looks like hay cuz

That would be kind of cool guess this a straw like I don’t make it kind of look like people have sort of been dragging stuff in I’m not sold on that carpet I’m not sold on that carpet at all as soon as I Ste back I saw it and I was Like maybe not um I do want to sort of liven the place up a bit maybe we go with cornflour oh that’s lovely but then I don’t know is there like a book I can put down oh oh oh watch this watch this watch this wait wait wait watch

This is it this one look at that look at that that’s so cool that is so cool I it’s the supplementaries mod I think that does that so so cool oh I could get a jar as well but what would I put in the jar that’s that’s the real

Question I think I can put like I can put potions or honey and so if I made it a potion maybe you like I don’t know what what would you what does this look like kind of looks like milk I don’t like that I was thinking like if you had something that

You were going to like put extra on top of your oh no I don’t want that um if you were to put like like drizzle something in um on on your horse’s food like I don’t know like some kind of like um supplement what what would that be and

What color would it be to make it look like something that you’d add extra like like medicine maybe something like medicine or like I know that there are like some supplements that you can kind of add would it be green okay this is I’ll put in the potion of Luck instead of the

Potion of poison because I feel like that’s just asking for trouble so like there’s a bit of like green maybe that’s like I antibiotics yeah exactly maybe maybe that’s a bit of like antibiotics um and we do currently have a stack of books that’s fine still looks great uh am I missing

Anything I don’t know what else do you guys have in a attack room hi me lose oh my gosh it has been a while how have you been hope you’re doing well candles would you really have candles in attack room though I feel like that’s asking for trouble with like

Flammable straw and like wooden wooden like panels and stuff I don’t know photos of your horse there are there are paintings but they’re not very good because I think they were added from like swim Patron patrons so they’re just sort of like random different quality photos of like

People’s horses which I love a good photo of a horse but they’re just not consistent at all oops let’s do that uh see that was the those that you’ll see wait hang on let me so this is meant to be a mirror and it’s it’s

It’s it’s not good I I think it’s like this like that has I don’t know it has a specific look about it but then like a different like that has a different look I don’t know they’re just not great photos I’m going to have to like overwrite them sorry do I keep saying

Tac room I do apologize it is a feed room name a pose for Sparkle um uh uh hair flowing in the wind there you go oh my God you’re so right thank you for for noticing that must have been in my extreme aggression oh thank you me like toast

Yes I this is this is my full time in case I don’t remember the last time like when exactly you were here but yeah this is my full time now so that’s lovely I’ve been having so much fun um it’s grindy don’t get me wrong but it’s 100%

Worth it but thank you for reminding me candles would be funny because Susan could then cover the candles with her copper instead of the saddles who’s Susan I feel like I should know but I don’t I don’t know who Susan is um putting pictures make a hole in a wall

Yeah I know whoa wow it’s been a very long time then cuz I hit 100K last year I think it was around this time last year like I want to say like late August September is um so yeah it’s it’s been a couple years goodness I hope you’ve I

Hope you’ve um been good though I know life can be up and down but I still I hope the best for you Susan is your imaginary friend you have forgotten oh okay that’s terrifying um so I’d say that the the tack room is like 99% done

I’ll find something to put in it that’s for sure also if you guys have any mod recommendations uh I am open to it because the thing is is we can add mods before we go live but adding them afterwards has the runs the risk of like things breaking and it’s not fair if

People are like if they have horses or they have like builds and stuff the last thing we want is for like stuff to break so if you have any mod suggestions that you’d like to see on the server please let me know now um before we go live cuz at that

Point there’s not really much I can change pits and chips is that a mod or are you just is that just something you’ve decided to say special ability punching walls heck yes that is me a feed room looks beautiful thank you I really do like like it it’s not 100% I

Think I need to get some pictures up in here I think you guys are right some pictures up here for sure but this is mostly like the vibe I’m going through right like you come in you can get like the Scoops that you need you can like

Um I’m like maybe I should put like a bucket here but I feel like the bucket’s going to be like huge so maybe not um yeah so you can like mix up your feed for your horses you know um we do actually have the hole above the wall

Yeah I just I don’t like it when it’s like straight across I just feel like it lacks detail but yeah you’re right realistically that would just be asking for mold in everything even though that looks a bit weird I have suddenly I don’t know I’m going to leave

It for now um but we do also have the tack room to do so for this one we can be a bit more sort of um experimental oh that’s a lovely window we can be a bit more experimental cuz we’ve got saddle racks we’ve got Bridal

Racks uh it’s a shame cuz the armor racks don’t allow you to um they don’t allow you to put blankets on which is really sad but Abby what do you use for streaming um I use OBS OBS is the best Abby do it straight across then do

Stairs coming out the front Okay I’ll take your advice so do like this yeah and then like this like upside down or the right way oh sorry or the right way up I kind of dig the upside down I don’t know yeah I think I dig up upside down

More I don’t know why but I do there we go oops that’s not right at all let’s flip that there we go back scratch racks exactly fantasy’s Furniture ooh hang on give me a sec I’m going to write that down cuz um I could go look it up now

But then I run the risk of like missing it um so actually now now that I’ve said it if you guys have um any suggestions for mods pop them in now by the time you’re seeing this it’ll be like 15 seconds in the future but uh fantasies

Furniture thank you ever so much rout for the suggestion um upside down yes okay cool nice awesome um I actually have somewhere in the town that I do want to show you guys cuz I I’ve really I’ve done it up and I do want to stream

Do a stream of me working on on it because it’s a lot of fun to just do like some decorating um so pits and chips it’s a mod pits and chips okay thank you ever so much lunar horses um oh there wonderful schite Creations that’s so

Sweet I’m glad I’m glad you you like it you picked some amazing colors for it so I’m thinking sadle is that too high I feel like there kind kind of like a high okay maybe instead we do slab slab and put a shelf oh we don’t have

Space for a shelf cuz we can’t actually put anything there poop okay your invite uh in the description for Discord is invalid for which one pinecraft equestrian or for um the other one pinecraft S&P oh you’re right that one is valid hang on I’ll just grab that for you uno uno

Momento let me just grab a new one okay yeah uh so I have just updated it so if you would like to go um grab that just refresh your game uh not your game Sorry your stream if you refresh your stream then that should be much better guys guys I got strawberry milk

Congratulations I know you’ve been you’ve been um jonesing for one so that’s lovely um I am going to have to figure out what I’m doing with this tack room though cuz there’s so much space do I put the bridal racks in between like this or does that look kind of weird do

You guys like in your tack rooms do you have your like saddles on one wall or like Saddles here and then bridles here or do you have like saddle Bridal saddle Bridal saddle Bridal like I’ve got here cuz I want wanted to be realistic if I remember correctly the the place I

Worked at had saddle saddle saddle saddle bridal brid brid bridal to like put it all together so I don’t know I don’t know what I want to do there isn’t too much in the way of like swim decoration for the yeah cuz you can’t really put like

There’s nowhere to put the breast color there’s nowhere to put like the girth strap um nowhere to put the blankets either that’s that’s a shame I do remember though there is actually tack boxes so if we were to do tack boxes would we do them in

Black I guess so we could put maybe like a couple here and then do this yeah and then do like a couple here does that look silly I don’t know but most heck rooms I’ve been to have a saddle and a bridal rack on the same rack oh right so it’s like a

Combo one saddle one side Bridle other side same wall oh that’s awesome Kyra that’s really that’s really exciting I keep my tack each part for each horse right put the bridles together okay okay I’ll I’ll follow that then I’ll do like all of the Saddles together and then so

We’ll have like two lines and then put the bridles here and then for the Saddles this is more of an English facility so I’m thinking we’ll just go with the English saddles to kind of keep things sort of on brand I’m just going to like oh wait

Do this yeah gosh you can’t even really tell the the color difference because of the lighting the lighting in here is so poor you can’t you can barely see anything um same for the bridles actually we’re going to need a halter rack as well so we’ll just sort of grab

These um in real life obviously you’d have more like options like one would be a Snapple one would have like D- rings don’t really know much about bits to be honest uh we also do need a bridal rack again in order to where would you guys keep your

Halters do you keep them like just outside the stall like would you keep them here or they attack boxes here as well I forgot H yeah you guys would keep them outside the stall right yeah you would so I’ll Um put them here and put them here okay there we go yeah outside the stall yeah oh hi Nora nice to see you um somebody said something about something I don’t know did somebody say I missed something I don’t think I did okay yeah so that’s right okay so for

The halters I haven’t really decided what horses I’m going to have here but I’m just going to grab like a bunch of sort of different colors um oh I do still need the brighter cuz forgot the other side I think there’s four Stables here uh and then we’ll probably have one

Black one so there is actually a stable here I guess the yeah the halter would be here so we’ll put the pink one here put the yellow one here the dark blue oh yeah the dark blue one here and the black one here oh that looks nice oh

That really looks nice I love how the halters look they look they just look so good give me more places for me to like place down horsey items cuz it’s so so good so so good um no I lost Rocky I don’t know where he is either um outside each stall

Or on a rack in the stable right okay got it okay so you wouldn’t really have it in the tack room that’s like a separate like you wouldn’t really put it in here I’m kind of running out of things to put in the tack room because like there’s only so much I

Could do Harper thank you for the $5 you should put a sad rack on the bottom and the Bridal on top for each individual horse with a tack box ooh I kind of like that idea cuz I was just saying I’m running out of space that’s a that’s a great idea thank

You for that idea Harper um and thank you for the $5 I really appreciate it I will now enact your plan and we’ll see so you suggested saddle rack at the bottom okay saddle rack at the bottom um okay with a okay so I’m going to do

It like this right I’m going to I’m going to do the Saddles here like a space I’ll put the tack box here right so they have a tack box underneath and then a bridal rack here okay let’s flush this out and see how it looks I

Have faith I have very much Faith where is the brown saddle um this one here Boop I don’t I don’t hate it I don’t hate it at all I think that looks pretty good actually yeah so if we did like um these two and then put this one here and then

Do oh wait hang on yeah okay that one’s fine and then put the English Bridal here boop boop obviously you you really can’t tell the colors apart too much cuz it is really dark in here but the these are the brown ones here are two black ones

And here’s a brown one again um that looks good I’m happy with that the head icon looks concerned it does this Bridal’s got dis is he oh what were they like moving around yeah it’s not the attack room more around the fields or stall he said if people have

Their own and put them in the groom box or lockers ooh we should do we should do a locker thank you for the um suggestion was it Harper uh that’s a lovely name uh I’m really happy with that I think that looks exactly what I was going for tack

Lockers who like what type of tack lockers are we talking like would it be okay so my typical tack Locker that I’ve always kind of made has a door so we we make it like this we do Boop and we boop boop boop you see so like you open the

Okay that that one’s the wrong way around hang on there we go so you like open the doors they look like school lockers so are they like one are they like more like this so you have like a tiny bit and then have you could even put some of those inside there

Oh yeah but then I guess you’d have to have a have to have a quite a gap between them oops and then one like this and then one like this how do those look I’m not mad about them so on the top I usually put like a

Trapo which one fits guess this one it looks a bit modern and I’m not a huge fan of the textures but like then we put a saddle rack uh and a bridal rack what about that or attack box what about attack box on the bottom so technically you can’t like properly store your

Bridal in here but for tack box maybe we could put something like a little more like with a bit more personality so we’ve got like uh yeah what was the other color so we had pink and black so we have one I think it this one this one okay so we

Didn’t get to do the black one that’s fine fine so you have a bit more personality in them and then maybe in here we could even do you do you guys think I should put Weston saddle in here or should I stick to the English theme Should I stick to the English

Theme CU obviously we can get like colors on uh the tack it looks quite tight in there uh or we could go with the English saddle to make it fit a bit better I think what do you guys think you still ooh West Saddle can’t hurt add Weston to

Have a mix of both okay so I’ll put that in there we’ll put like the pink one here cuz that’s cute um we’ll put maybe the adventure saddle on the yellow what is the emerald saddle look like hold on I’ll grab this I want to see what some of these look

Like uh copper saddle yeah so I’ll just use this as like a that’s a that’s a very boring looking saddle it’s a netherite saddle okay um USA Adventure saddle USA USA okay that is also an interesting looking saddle um copper oh the oh goodness that copper

Saddle is lovely I’ve got to put this one in there oh that one’s so pretty and the emerald saddle it looks a bit fancy I’m not a huge fan of that one I think I’m going to put that one away uh so instead for the blue we could leave it in the

English saddle you should make a tack cleaning station place what do those look like are they are they mostly just like a seat with like a bucket of like cleaner or is it like a desk should I put like a desk on one of these oops the saddle holder does look like a

Toilet you are correct um oh lead rope colors uh go with like light like a pastel blue if you’ve got one of those or maybe yeah do like a pastel blue and white if possible uh a desk so your stuff doesn’t go on the ground okay Roger

That oh God these desks are going to be the death death of me maybe a table I just they have such horrible textures um so I think in the TAC room things are a bit more fancy we could do the dark o table like this yeah and we’ll put I wish they had

Stools but they don’t and it’s silly I want stools instead I have to put a chair down and the chairs don’t look that good yeah I guess I’ll go with this one um yeah so I guess could even do this then instead so you have a nice window

View for when you’re cleaning your tack uh let me pop this in so that the room is actually technically complete yeah oh that’s nice you have like a nice window view okay and I’m thinking I learned this trick hang on Barrel so we’ll put down like a black

Half barrel we’ll put it here put water in it bear with me it’s going to look a bit crazy right now um frame yeah put this and then a sponge okay so we have the barrel with water in it there and then we put down an invisible item frame and put a sponge

Down oh you can see it through the okay you can’t see it through the desk but that’s okay so I’m thinking like you can grab the sponge and then clean the tack with it right yeah I think that looks pretty cool I’m pretty happy with that Abby how

Do I turn of peeing on my swim horses you have to go into the config files I can’t remember how to do it right now but if you go into their Discord they’ll have an explanation yes it absolutely works I’m pretty chuffed at that this

Wall is looking a bit oh no I know how to fix it hold on I know definitely how to fix this so there’s a black board so we’ll put like here and oops and then I’m thinking we do rosettes on here what are they called hold on two three tailed

Ribbon oh these don’t look that good though yeah the the swim rosettes don’t look that great this one does the champion R ribbon and the re Reserve ribbon you just don’t look that good um I guess I’ll grab like the yellow one the yellow one looks okay uh pink one yeah

And the blue one okay so we’ll just sort of put this here oh they’re 3D oh oh they’re 3D that’s so cool oh that one isn’t oh that one that’s very sad oh wait is this one just placeable oh that’s why it’s 3D can this one be

Placed can they all be placed oh I’m discovering things okay that’s really cool um it does suck that oh actually they look so much better in person I’m so sorry I take that back okay I I retracted my previous statement uh they look bad in the icon but in like as a

Placeable item they look great I I apologize I retracted my previous statement um so here instead we’re going to put like some rosettes down that’s cute I really like that so this is the Blackboard where maybe you write down like plants o good idea so I think we do

Have um do pot I think they have like the big pots maybe you could do Like and then maybe pick oh the in this texture pack the flower like the tall flowers are really lovely maybe put a lilac in here so maybe put one like here O pop of flow uh pop of color pop of flower uh pop of color in the room

And I kind of want to put oh no I can’t can’t put any on that wall that might have to do it’s not oh hang on I’ll also do hold on a pot I’ll do a mini pot and then do and maybe a lily of the valley because those are

Really gorgeous uh put one here and put one here oh that’s so nice that so nice it’s a shame I can’t if I could I would squeeze one in here but um it doesn’t work should I put a carpet down I feel like maybe I should but like a nice

Carpet uh maybe a red carpet maybe that would look nice ooh fancy this is like one of those carpets that you’re like you would never tread Barefoot on because cuz you know it’s like absolutely disgusting cuzz like people are coming in from like outside or you should put a bridal next

To the tack cleaning station okay I’ll try that um Bridal and then let’s just put the black one so like maybe one here oh that’s cute but now I feel like it looks a bit cluttered in that corner yeah I really like this plant but

I think I’m going to take it away cuz it does look just ever so slightly too cluttered that looks better I do miss the plant m maybe is there a hanging plant we could do I mean there’s one of these guess we could oh my gosh we can’t even put the

Hanging plants down cuz the ceiling’s too high oh that sucks okay never mind it’s fine it’s all right um oh a dog bed we’ll do what color should we do maybe this one this one looks kind of fancy I just I don’t really have anywhere to maybe

H here it’s kind of in the way of someone yeah I mean it’s kind of tucked away I really wish I could use this space in between here but I can’t hi Catherine um yeah that’s that’s a shame really I can’t I can’t put too much in there

But that’s a pretty good tack room yeah it’s always the yellow light I’ve had I’ve had people say that that it’s always like super dim and it’s always yellow um you do deserve a barn cat considering the last one I had I lost so should probably have a barn cat

At some point um so what else I need to do I need to I’ll finish the paddock Paradise off camera cuz that way if it goes terribly wrong you guys won’t have to see it um I need to work on this Courtyard for sure I need somewhere to

Put like a large amount of hay like um I don’t know some kind of shed I don’t know if maybe I’ll make another storage building I don’t know I need somewhere to put a lot of hay um is there anything else we really need because we’ve got like this wash

Station I don’t remember if I made this on stream I don’t think I did but uh I I made this sort of um by myself and I’m pretty happy with it it looks pretty good but other than that I think we’ve just got to mainly focus on this on this

Cour Courtyard thank you um Brook Shady that’s very nice um I do have one one horse is chilling over here they’re my test horse they’re just for me to see if everything’s working as it should as you can see I put down like one jump so I

Still have some details I think next time I’ll definitely focus on this area here and then we might be done other than like some little bits and Bobs before we go though I’ll show you a bit of the work that I’ve been doing in the town so this town is accessible by

Everybody as in like everybody who has access to the server so you can come here and role play essentially if you haven’t heard the server is not open yet and it’s purely a roleplay server there’s no economy you don’t have to like like purchase X extra coins like

Nothing like that pretty much as soon as you um like purchase your membership to come onto the server you can do literally whatever you want um there will be a few rules like obviously behave and don’t spawn too many things don’t crash the server uh but essentially you can role play into

Whatever you want and um like build stuff you know whatever you into really this is a pub that I made I am pretty happy with it can you imagine coming here and sitting with your friends and um I could even be a waiter if I wanted

To come in be be a bartender what would I I’m not your typical bartender um but it’s it’s fine I’m still here another thing that I was working on this whole building needs to be done on the inside I did this um sort of it’s it’s like a

Public jump course it’s called no offense training course I thought it was funny because it says like fence you know no offense see is this the original Town Center for pinecraft it is you are correct you are correct um and so in this like parking lot area we’ve got

Some uh trailers you can hit your horses on the side of the trailer his Sparkle uh who has uh loyally been testing out these jumps and then obviously you take your horse inside for like some grass training um oh that’s lovely schlik thank you uh you do yeah this this was

Like the beta of pinecraft um and although we didn’t bring the map over it’s fine because we got it now we’re using it now and one final thing that I’ve been working on and this was like my favorite favorite thing ever is uh this is the market so in here each stall

Is a different like theme so of course this is Halloween stall uh again you won’t technically be able to purchase stuff but you might be able to come here and like see blocks that you like um and you can then just like middle click and

Grab them uh so this is the wine kind of stall over here we’ve got fresh baked bread here we’ve got a fish stall for your for all your sushi needs this is the obligatory Crystal shop uh they also sell candles and whatnot oh there’s a bit of the floor missing there uh this

Is eggs this is just it’s just eggs this is all they do it’s chicken here just eggs uh this is your record shop this is like your hip place to go um this is the candle shop this is the dedicated candle shop this I don’t know what it is it’s

Just oh wait I have to show you this though hang on hang on hang on hang on give me this look at this guys there’s bubbles there it’s bubbles in my in my I’m blowing bubbles that’s so fun it’s a witchcraft shop exactly um so you have Bubble blowers here didn’t really know

What else to make of this shop maybe like a candy shop as well I don’t know uh here we have kebabs this is my favorite shop to make these are actually from the swim mod their treats on a string but when I put that like when I

Stacked them I was like they look like kebabs so I was like okay I have to set a kebab uh Kebab shop um so you have like some other meat options as well and you have like your grills this is my favorite shop to make by far um this is

Like oh goodness this is the farm kind of shop so you got your natural produce um this this this store felt a little bit cruel uh we have some exotic pets and cages uh like oh yeah actually I should probably say trigger warning for uh phobia this is a tarantula uh they’re

Really scary in the way that they move but um he’s in a cage so he’s fine he’s also a massive rabbit that I caught uh here’s your books so this is like your secondhand books your flower shop uh and this is your treat stand so you’ve got

Like your cakes and your sweets and stuff like that so we’re going to ignore the cages that’s fine yeah by far my favorite was the cab Kebab shop they’re awesome um so are you going to traffic exotic animals on your server no I swear I was just trying to

Fill up like stalls I swear I’m not doing that I swear um actually I also forgot I have oh my God wait should I show you I don’t know if there’s any about there’s oh wait oh no that’s not one of them I they’re probably about

Somewhere but I’ll just spawn one in for you to see cuz this is very important here is a bee they’re so small this is oh God where’ they go this is the size that bees should have been in Minecraft they’re so tiny and I love them they’re

Just they’re literally just bized so the these guys just get to hang out and that’s so cool thank you Red Dead Clips I appreciate that I’ve had fun just like bimbling around uh making some stuff and we got some like fairy lights and a picnic spot I’ve still got loads to sort

Of fill in um I’m not going to be doing the interior of a lot of these buildings cuz there’s so many buildings um but I’m just kind of having fun bimbling around to make some more like you know um immersive places for for people people

To kind of come and visit and record and obviously we we encourage people to record if they want to roleplay series more than welcome um so yeah that that’s pretty much all I have to show you for today uh but I’ve been having a lot of fun so a big thank you to

Um midnight and bianc for uh the membership gifting and to Harper for the $5 I really appreciate that um so we might be streaming next week I’m not sure though cuz it is my sister’s birthday next week so um I don’t want to push myself too much we’re going to be

Doing a lot of stuff next week uh but it’ll be fun so I hope you guys enjoyed stay positive and I’ll see you in the next video Bye-bye Oh N Oh

This video, titled ‘Stables, Barn + Decoration! – Minecraft Roleplay Server’, was uploaded by Abigail Pinehaven on 2023-10-14 17:19:42. It has garnered 8236 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:26 or 7646 seconds.

Welcome to a brand new LIVE series where I will be streaming building my new Equestrian Roleplay World! This is a multiplayer server that is not available to the public (yet)

Sporkle Island Map LIVE: https://sporklemap.pinecraftequestrian.com/

Come visit my survival server – IP: PinecraftEquestrian.com Discord: https://discord.gg/6EQBam5AHp

If you wish to donate, you can do so via the Superchat Function or via Paypal! https://streamelements.com/abigailpinehaven/tip

▬▬▬▬▬▬▼FAQ▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ Version: 1.18.2 World: Multiplayer IP: Not Yet Available Shaders: Kappa Shaders (Free) Texture Pack: Stratum (Paid)

This video is family friendly.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▼Info▼▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌎Website: https://www.abigailpinehaven.com

💭Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pinehaven

💎Join the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfyR7T6ITzutVxM2TMGkzsg/join}

🖥️Specs: STORMFORCE ICUE I9 13900K https://tidd.ly/3tcPvkl

💸Ad: https://nordvpn.com/special/?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_term&utm_content&utm_campaign=off288&utm_source=aff22971 🎵Ad: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ba3uaw

Stay Positive♥

#minecraft #minecrafthorse #minecraftbarn #minecrafthorsestable #smp #mmorpg #horsegame #abigailpinehaven #stormforce

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    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Madness #22Looks like this meme has mined itself a solid score of 303! Clearly, it’s a diamond in the rough. Read More

  • Minecraft note block jam! #blockparty

    Minecraft note block jam! #blockparty Why did the Minecraft note block go to therapy? Because it had too many issues with its blocks! #blocktherapy #minecraftproblems #noteblockstruggles Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we have an exciting new video to share with you all. In this video, SAND and KAYDNN compete in a build competition in Minecraft. But, there’s a twist – KAYDNN is secretly cheating with hacks and a remote! Will SAND find out KAYDNN’s secret? Watch the video to find out! Today, we are exploring the world of Minecraft in a whole new way. While we usually focus on Roblox, we wanted to try something different and dive into the creative world of Minecraft. We hope you enjoy this new video style as much as you… Read More

  • Master the Mace: Insane Minecraft Speedrun!

    Master the Mace: Insane Minecraft Speedrun!Video Information this is the m which is located in the trail Chambers which is the new Minecraft 1.21 update and we’re going to be trying to speed run the maze in in a new Minecraft world so to obtain the breeze Rod you need to kill a breeze to get a breeze rod and then you need to open one of these WS the ominous W using an ominous key you can open if it this key you can open the vault and you you have a chance of getting to have heavy Gore is one of the rarest… Read More

  • Exclusive Vault 67 Depot Fallout Merch Drop!

    Exclusive Vault 67 Depot Fallout Merch Drop!Video Information welcome I am your overseer sth Lord Miguel and it is Sunday 1:46 p.m. Pacific Standard Time in Southern California the weather is nice it’s about 74 degrees out it’s clear but it may rain later [Music] on and uh bo there nothing to do on the real world so we came back to our our vault 33 to continue building now most of this had been done from memory and my own crew drawings based on the very limited amounts of both leak pictures teaser trailers and videos of what the VA possibly looks like we know… Read More

  • Riker x Fusurt Shocks with Black Watermelon!

    Riker x Fusurt Shocks with Black Watermelon!Video Information один Чёрный русский мальчик заработал капиталь и пустил арбузы в оборот ой прикупил себе Нальчик разбивается корчик смелым пацанам всегда везёт на а недовольны дди босы курят жадно арбузы думают нас за крышевать а приглашаю на доброс Мусора бля кровососы вам наших бабок не видать А мы всё дальше живём арбузы пьём делок полум бриллиантом а эх заживём эх заживём Ну ки зар перемоги не буде пи Это на моей груди поне этол сни туй Н 5 часов на моих руках костях дворов последний раз туда летал на жете И ты бы смог но ты не смог ведь… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft stream with INSANE Discord interactions!!

    EPIC Minecraft stream with INSANE Discord interactions!!Video Information Ok sì Adesso siamo in live faccio 21:15 Ah che poi io per questo momento star un attimo a FK Semmai leggiamo la chat insieme sì Eh io intanto vi faccio vedere il mondo che adesso È strafigo Oh Ciao agostine ciao Fizi Come state c’è la chatbox però m la chatbox magari Mister Gamer Ciao mister Gamer che mi dice vai a piangere Chissà chi sarà eh puoi un attimo iscriverti per per vedere se va il cosa G Alert Eh no perché io ero già iscritto intendo Mister Gamer No no cioè non va più c’è… Read More

  • What’s INSIDE the Mystery Box?! 😱 #Minecraft

    What's INSIDE the Mystery Box?! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘whats in the box #minecraft @AN_editz_47.’, was uploaded by AN_editz_47 on 2024-02-28 06:23:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft @shorts @attitude @game @gaming @animation Cave #viral #trending #minecraft #edit #gaming #Imillion #shorts … Read More

  • INSANE! Finding GIANT SKELET in Minecraft Challenge!

    INSANE! Finding GIANT SKELET in Minecraft Challenge!Video Information [Applause] [Music] yeah I bought a new car now I’m the coolest in the village all the villagers will only look at me which is super cool what could be cooler than my superar it’s a real race car and no one can take it away I didn’t have a cool garage built yesterday for nothing I wonder what Mikey’s doing hey Mikey what are you doing good she opened a new shop in our Village today and they sell treasure maps let’s go quickly let’s see what’s interesting and what we can buy Follow Me come on… Read More

  • Watame Levels Ground for Lamb Vegas Race! 🐑🎲

    Watame Levels Ground for Lamb Vegas Race! 🐑🎲Video Information 眠れない夜は私を思い出し て楽しい夢にみんなをまとめて連れてくよ マ ささあいつまでもたたこの地で歌を胸を 打ちふわせる感動をならすようにくを探し 食べてみたり魔法を使て空を飛んだり誰か を救う広になったりなれもできそうな気が するね暗暗てやっちゃいそうな前にいれ フらフらてよってちゃわよもうハべた負け じゃなくてこれくらいがちょうどいわなて も君の前じゃ 絶対心ただ踊ったってまま心そういなっ たって捨てステでスれがてっちゃって ちょちょじゃんけんポンで勝っちゃって ケケケけけパ進んじゃって止まって可能性 感じちゃって [音楽] からしてあげ [音楽] ましょういつかは 大きなソルになるかな僕と いうを 強く強く描くの夢を見つけていくつも 抱き抱えて君と話した未来を掴みに言と 言葉にしたときっとそうじゃないテレ ちゃんが今日ちゃらけちゃうじゃないほの ほは隠したいじゃないのもうそうじゃない のに な1回10回回000回挑戦は 続けまだ足りないせを持ってる読まない雨 の中ずっと考えて考えて考えて見つけなせ 僕だけのカを証明したいんだよなそう だろうそうだろう T JAOG [音楽] こんばんどどどはは忙しあ忙しい こんばんはよいしょ はしコラス フルーツ取ってましたこんばんは音は 大丈夫でしょうかあ忙しい忙しいああ マルチタスク [音楽] 忙しい こんばんはマルチタスクをこなしてまし たメダルがたくさん必要だからな ふうこんなもん かこっちはまだ成長するな音大丈夫 ありがとうございますえ今日は昨日の 続きマルチタスクをしながら 正置を行いたいと思い ますやる か設置するか よいしょマルチタスクマルチ勧誘じゃない マルチ勧誘じゃないよあメンバーシップ いらっしゃいませウカムto メンバーシップいらっしゃいませ ん今日はマルチタスクで船長していきたい と思います おいしょ おいしょやコーラスフルーツ自動化した方 がいいかなちょっと早めに作った方がいい のかもしれないと思いつつ今日は成長して いきたいと思い ます ここあの ねドドドレースを作るんだけどその隣に ブラックジャックの機械もるのであれば まとめてここをごそとくり抜いてしまった 方があ こんばんはくり抜いてしまった方が楽なの で はというのを見かけまし てまとめてくり抜いちゃおうか な一気にやっちまおうか なって思っていたり やる か劇的ビフォーアフターする かええかなちょ削り取っていくかまめ ブレイクうまい工業やるかちょっとこれ 焼くか焼い て ゴミ箱ゴミ箱シルカ持ってくる か匠連れてくるや今来てほしい ね今は来てほしい匠でもな絶対余計なとこ まで潰すやんあギフトありがとうござい ます絶対いらんとこまでブレイクするやん そこまで目に見えてるぞ たたみは 危険そうよ気を許したら最後 よよしこれ焼いて これいらないんだよなこんなに取れなくて いいんだよなわがまま いやく か綿めもブレイクされちゃう本当だ よホラゲだから なこれ入れ て… Read More

  • 🔥Epic Disco Light in Minecraft! #viralshorts

    🔥Epic Disco Light in Minecraft! #viralshortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] am am [Musik] for This video, titled ‘Disco Light In Minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #vralshorts #viraltoday #minecraft #mcpe #builds’, was uploaded by Burning Gamerz on 2024-03-10 14:31:49. It has garnered 440 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to our channel where we explore Minecraft TikTok hacks to help you level up your gameplay! In this video, we will be sharing some of the best tips and tricks discovered on TikTok that will enhance your Minecraft experience. From secret shortcuts to resourceful building techniques, we’ve got you covered. Prepare… Read More

  • Don’t dare play this terrifying Minecraft seed!

    Don't dare play this terrifying Minecraft seed!Video Information in this scary video a couple of kids are playing and having fun until this shocking event happens watch [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft popular horror seed [don’t try]’, was uploaded by lucktuber on 2024-01-07 19:10:29. It has garnered 2520 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft popular horror seed [don’t try] #Minecraft #minecraftmobile #minecrafthoror #minecraftviralshorts #minecraftanimation #trending #short #shorts #Minecrafthorrorseed Read More

  • FunnyGuy

    FunnyGuyThe FunnyGuy Server is a server for all aged. Things you might find interesting on the server: – ProximityChat, Giants, IllusionerRaids, ZombieHorses, KillerRabbits Envoys, Claim, ClaimFlyAddon, CrateKeys, Economy, PVP, Survival, Voting, XP/MoneyWithdraw, PhantomDecreaseTargetting, StackingMobs, MobKBModifier, AnvancedArmorStands, InvisibleItemFrameToggle. AND MUCH MORE TO EXPLORE! Make sure to read the rules upon joining the server! Disrespecting the rules will result in a permanent ban. funnyguy.mcserver.io Read More

  • Infection ZCraft – PVP & Modded – Custom Guns & Zombie Apocalypse

    Server Information Discord Link: Join Here ModPack: Infection ZCraft – Download Here Java Server IP: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Unique Gameplay Features Custom Guns, Armor, and Attachments Custom Infected Zombies NPCs and Bosses Custom Loot Chests and AirDrops SafeZones, KeyCard Rooms, and Black Market Daily Kits and Player Trading VoiceChat Read More

  • BrainrotSMP

    Welcome to the Brainrot SMP!We are a survival multiplayer which focuses on detailed building and fun player interactions! We have a cool growing community and are always welcoming to others! If you wish to gather more information please join the discord (listed below) We have an economy that is centered around fish so players are encouraged to farm and interact.Discord: discord.gg/rF6vKGe5f8 Read More