
  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Note Block Music Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Note Block Music Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the power of music and community in the Minecraft universe. Have you ever listened to a beautiful piece of music and felt a sense of peace and harmony wash over you? That’s the same feeling you can experience when you join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the music in this video, Minewind offers a unique and immersive experience that will leave you feeling inspired and connected. With a vibrant community of players from… Read More

  • Sugar Doughnuts OP Lyrics – Chiwa Ch.

    Sugar Doughnuts OP Lyrics - Chiwa Ch. Minecraft Note Block Music: Sugar Doughnuts Explore the enchanting world of Minecraft through the harmonious melodies of Note Block Music. In this musical journey, players can immerse themselves in the delightful tune of “Sugar Doughnuts,” a captivating composition that adds a touch of magic to the game. Discovering the Melody Created by the talented team behind the music, including 水樹奈々, 藤林聖子, 坂上庸介, 渡邊徹, and 日比野裕史, “Sugar Doughnuts” brings a unique blend of rhythm and harmony to the Minecraft universe. The uplifting notes resonate with players as they embark on their adventures, adding a layer of joy to their gameplay…. Read More

  • Spiral – Longman (Full) OP Lyrics

    Spiral - Longman (Full) OP Lyrics Minecraft Note Block Music: “spiral” by LONGMAN Minecraft, the popular sandbox game, is known for its creative and immersive gameplay. One of the unique features of the game is the ability to create music using note blocks. Players can compose their own tunes or recreate existing songs within the game world, adding another layer of creativity to the Minecraft experience. Creating Music with Note Blocks Note blocks are a type of block that can produce musical notes when activated. By placing and arranging note blocks in a specific pattern, players can create melodies and rhythms. Each note block can… Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: Charlotte’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Shizo Clickbait: Charlotte's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] どうもどうも皆様こシャルですどうもしむ シャルロットですということ で本日はエンドラ討伐のRTAをしていき たいと思いますよろしくお願いしますしし ししうん しし はいということ でタイマが1時間切りあこれ前回のね前回 のままですのではいでちょっとあの ちょっと急遽ね打ち合せとかが入っちゃっ てあのピグリン4さについて何に もわかんなかった 調べれてませんなのでちょっとピグリン 要塞のことを調べてからチャレンジして いきたいと思うのでお付き合いいただける と嬉しいなと思い ますうん でうんなんだっけこれが一応ピグリン要塞 ののあのワールドなんですねこちら がちょっと待ってマイク動かし [音楽] ます オッケー でちょっとわかんないんですけど 一旦 うんと ちょっとメモ取ろうか [音楽] なこしどうも 一旦物理目 も うんと [音楽] 旦 うんメモメモ ピグリン ピグリン [音楽] ピグリン うんこれどうやって戻れるん だちょっと1回死ぬ か練習っていうかどこに金ブロックがある かを確認したいって感じか な うんなんかね色々あるのよ 形 が形とみたい [音楽] な要塞の形の設 て [音楽] うーんこれどうすどうどこ がでこんなに種類あるってことこんなに あったっ [音楽] け [音楽] うーんこちゃんどう も設定項目こいね設定項目難しいものやっ ちゃってる から うーんうーんでもそんなに種類はないはず なんだ4種類しかないはずなんだよ ね [音楽] うん [音楽] うん むずい ね全部同じなの [音楽] かでも違うな毎回 違これとか 違うこんな形であるんだけど金ブロックの 場所を終えたい てここは橋があるここら辺ねよくわからん のよ ねちょこちょこあるんだよ [音楽] ね [音楽] これも感覚なのか ななんか模様ないんだよ ななんか一応模様があるところが多いとは 聞いてた [音楽] けど [音楽] うーんなるほど ねうんふふ [音楽] うんこことか多いよねムコとか [音楽] でもホームツコはあれかホムツコしかない… Read More

  • Love Song for You (Full + Video) OP Lyrics

    Love Song for You (Full + Video) OP Lyrics Minecraft Note Block Music: “大大大大大好きな君へ♡” Minecraft continues to captivate players with its innovative features, and one of the most unique aspects of the game is the ability to create music using note blocks. The latest addition to this creative outlet is the song “大大大大大好きな君へ♡” which has been recreated in Minecraft using note blocks. Recreating the Song in Minecraft The song “大大大大大好きな君へ♡” has been faithfully recreated in Minecraft using note blocks, allowing players to experience the catchy tune in a whole new way. The attention to detail in replicating the song using note blocks is truly impressive, and it showcases… Read More

  • Uncovering an Ancient City in Minecraft! 😱- VTuber Shizo Buddha -168 【Live Stream/ Game Commentary】

    Uncovering an Ancient City in Minecraft! 😱- VTuber Shizo Buddha -168 【Live Stream/ Game Commentary】Video Information [音楽] [音楽] N OG [音楽] [音楽] よいしょえ現世の皆様ご来場ありがとう ございますバーチャル菩薩奄美菩薩と申し [音楽] ますよいしょというわけでね今日はマクト ていきたいと思いますあれちょっとBGM 大きい かよいしょこんぐらいかなあというわけで オルブさんいらっしゃいませこさこさで ございます8番 出口8番出口りさんからなんか送られてき た ななんかサムネ作ってくれてました ね俺 ぶさ [音楽] いやああいいね取りついてしてなかった けど後でしとこうというわけでね今日は マイクラやっていくわけなんですが8番 出口どんなゲームか私は最近なんか流行っ てるけどどんなゲームか知らないんだよ な夜夜か これさあ音量バランスの方大きい小さい ございましたら教えてください ませ秒で作っ た そなんかそれっぽい感じのサムネになって た いやあすごいです な ねえ vtuberやってて何が面倒くさいかっ てねサムネ作るの結構ね大変だったりし ますから ねありがたく使わせていただきましょうか 使っていえいいのか などのゲームか相手は短いからあ短いのか ええあれかなあのなんだっけ夜勤事件とか ああいう系のあれなのか なしゃべる しゃべる待ってどっからやっていこうか な えっと飛ぶかほいおと天井えっとどこら辺 が入り口近いん だここかここら辺をちょっとだけやって あるのか な病で作ったおありがとうございます なんかありがたくていただきますいつやる かわかんないです けど ねえさっきもう豆田のバケルも最近始めた し竜がごとくやるタイミングがどんどん なくなっていくな えっと あいブロックとかこんな感じかなるほど なでここが行ってここがこうなってるから ここなんかいい感じ にそっか こここの下あやっぱシーランタンかシー ランタン持ってこないと [音楽] なでこことかも ちゃんとなんか作業場所欲しい なYouTubeの配信で使ってもフり素 しかかおすがそこまでちゃんと考えて あるさすがでございますどしとりあえず この上どうなってんだあこうなってるん [音楽] だとりあえずこの壁とっぱらっちゃう かいやあった方がいい かここの真ん中の壁取っ払うか迷うな この1列 はなしにする [音楽] か本当にクリアしようと思ったら1配信で 終るレベルかああなるほど突発とかそんな あれ かいやなんか1日2回行動する時とかに いいのかもしれ ない1日2回行動するかわからないです けど おちょっと待ってまずはどんな感じにする か考え ながらどっから手つけようか な最近すごい流行ってますけどなんだろう なんかそう流行るやっぱ理由があるのかな あれ はここは階段になっとるどえ掃除するか これ [音楽] サクサクサク サクサクサやよサクサク [音楽]… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Map Art Adventure! Sharkra #441

    Insane Minecraft Map Art Adventure! Sharkra #441Video Information [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] どうもどうも皆様こんにちですどうもしむ シャルロットですということ で本日もシャルクやっていきたいと思い ますよろしくお願いし ます どう もということで早速話とこもしていきたい ので超礼からやっていきたいと思います それで は手を前に出して [音楽] くださいよしよしよし [音楽] よしそれでは参り ます島村建今も安全安心建築を行い ましょう ファイト [音楽] あーということでやっていき [音楽] ましょう おいしちょっと待って [音楽] よ ちょっと待っ [音楽] [音楽] てよし引きます よあやらかした よということでマップから始めていきたい んです けど何し あのちょっと喋ることも積もるの積もっ てるので [音楽] 一旦 [音楽] 一旦 [音楽] えっと えっと聖地に移り ますマップもしたいんです けど よいしょ よいしょ でですねえ待ってどんぐらいぶりああまだ 動いてたの かと とちなみに残業してないんであの本日産業 成果を発表することがありませんのではい ご了承 ください ちょっと せゆっくりできたの うーんまあまあまあまあまあ あでも結構結構できたかな今回 はみんなからしたらけなんかそうは思わ ないかもしれない けど [音楽] まあまあまあ まままあまあ えっとまあ まずべ順番で話すかまあなんかなんだろう ねえちょっとさ日曜日のさ爆弾コボなん ですけどなんかね久々に恥ずかしかったん だけどあれどうしたらいいよなんかすごい 恥ずかしかったんだ けど めちゃめちゃ恥ずかしかったんだ けどあ誘ったのはシャル から恥ずかしかったいや恥ずかしく ないいやマジでいやめっちゃ恥ずかしいよ シルからしたらね本当 にいや本当にいやだってやだって さいやなんかさなんて言うんだろううん うんなんかね憧れとかはさうんあるよそれ はね なんかカカとりんちゃんとかはもう完全に 姉妹いってイメージがあるからさ で そうそうなのだからなんかああいいなとは 思ってるんだけどえなんかさいやなんか今 まで妹分はあったじゃん それこそさあのあんなちゃんとかクリスは さ姉文としてさ すごいしってくれ てるなんか自分で言っていいのかわかん ないけどなんか合ってるかわかんないけど なんかまあ知的にはまなんか仲良くして くれてるなみたいなりんちゃんはりん ちゃんは妹分ていうよりかはま友達っぽさ が強いんだけどそうそう そうそうそうだからまメイティはもう… Read More

  • Sugar Doughnuts: Chiwa Ch. Music Video

    Sugar Doughnuts: Chiwa Ch. Music Video Minecraft Note Block Music: Sugar Doughnuts Are you a fan of Minecraft and music? Then you’re in for a treat with the Note Block Music feature in Minecraft. One of the popular tracks you can enjoy is “Sugar Doughnuts,” a lively and upbeat song that adds a fun element to your Minecraft gameplay. What is Note Block Music? Note Block Music is a feature in Minecraft that allows players to create music using note blocks. These note blocks produce different pitches when activated, allowing players to compose their own tunes or recreate existing songs within the game. Sugar Doughnuts… Read More

  • 有栖川いをりAlicegawa Iwori – 【 Minecraft 】I’ll explore the new Nether!【 Vtuber 】

    有栖川いをりAlicegawa Iwori - 【 Minecraft 】I'll explore the new Nether!【 Vtuber 】Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】I’ll explore the new Nether!【 Vtuber 】’, was uploaded by 有栖川いをりAlicegawa Iwori on 2021-06-13 05:34:40. It has garnered 1045 views and 318 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:20 or 8060 seconds. The Resource World was recently renovated. Today I’ll be exploring the new nether. Thank you for watching my stream! Please subscribe my channel and thumbs up https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNuUNTqFmwFQuNVfic2xKmg/ [Chat rule] 1. Chat in English/Japanese. 2. Don’t say Caps. 3. No mentioning other streamers unless I mentions them. 4. No spamming/Trolling. 5. Keep on topic. 6.Don’t keep talking about irrelevant things. 7…. Read More

  • 【Minecraft】Let’s build an Russian House!【ManaMoona】

    【Minecraft】Let's build an Russian House!【ManaMoona】Video Information Foreign hello Oh Oh The chat is not working Okay just turn it off so um hello everybody hello guys hello my name is Hi everyone my voice they said my voice double huh my voice echoing why why how yeah yeah i hear it too Oh i can’t hear you my voice like achilles somehow i know oh is it is it right you’re you’re poisoningly big oh sorry that’s okay that’s okay can you can you fix my voice oh yeah okay that’s fine i did this one is it is it fix it now i… Read More

  • Minecraft 2014: Sneaky Offline Multiplayer Tutorial

    Minecraft 2014: Sneaky Offline Multiplayer Tutorial How to Play Offline Multiplayer on Minecraft 2014 – Minecraft Tutorial (100%) Working Are you looking to play Minecraft offline with your friends? Look no further! TheDhystroyer has got you covered with a step-by-step tutorial on how to play offline multiplayer on Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide will help you set up your own offline multiplayer experience. Setting Up Offline Multiplayer First things first, you’ll need to download Minecraft from the official website. You can find the download link here. Once you have the game installed, you’ll also need to download LogMeIn… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Harry Potter Adventure at Diagon Alley!!

    EPIC Minecraft Harry Potter Adventure at Diagon Alley!!Video Information Hello everybody I am Jonathan from funny Happy Studios and welcome to a brand new series which is Minecraft Harry Potter by the flu Network team and I’ve been so excited to play it I’m hearing creaking outside the hell oh my God hey hi Sarah we’re actually playing multiplier on PC For the first time technically a second time but this is the first time on YouTube this is so cool and this is also our first ever Minecraft map that we’ve downloaded yeah I know you need to purchase the requires uh the letter has been… Read More

  • Ultimate Enchanting in Minecraft

    Ultimate Enchanting in MinecraftVideo Information St whoa h a h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h for yeah he D thing a d e d come is for d [Applause] a [Applause] I he St d is oh d h [Applause] a h m h h [Applause] h h h is I H h h h Huh huh d is This video, titled ‘Day 11 in Minecraft enchanting my armor and weapons Episode 13 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Time1985 on 2023-11-11 21:15:00. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the… Read More

  • UNRESTRICTED Anarchy Server – Join Now!

    UNRESTRICTED Anarchy Server - Join Now!Video Information [Applause] Hello everybody and welcome back to another minecraft video and in today’s video I’m actually gonna be showing you guys this Anarchy server that I own now and I don’t want to go to the title screen because I just got a new skin and I don’t really want to spoil it because That’s for tomorrow’s episode so as you can see we’ve got this is the store meal and survival realm right here you got all realms other members of bunch of people who are off you know playing on the realms and then down here… Read More

  • EPIC MGC Let’s Play: Eep’s Adventure in the Clouds

    EPIC MGC Let's Play: Eep's Adventure in the CloudsVideo Information Hey everybody i’m eat the mouse from the mother goose club today i’m on old mcdonald’s farm but something weird is going on as you can see there’s some giant weird thing in the sky i don’t know what it is it’s kind of spooky but i need to go and investigate Maybe it’s like a ufo or or i don’t know maybe it’s a giant monster but i gotta check it out so what i’m gonna do is because i can’t fly and i can’t jump that high i’m going to uh build a really tall dirt… Read More

  • New Minecraft Copper Update is Insane!?

    New Minecraft Copper Update is Insane!?Video Information The latest snapshot is here and with it comes a bunch of new copper and tough blocks to build with the standout being the new copper bulb which gets dimmer the more it rust fortunately if you have an axe you can scrape the rust off making it just as bright as before also There was a bat redesign This video, titled ‘Minecraft Copper Is Good NOW???’, was uploaded by RDG on 2023-10-27 21:00:22. It has garnered 9843 views and 350 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. The latest Minecraft snapshot is out… Read More

  • INSANE EXPLOSIVES+ Mod Review – Plasma Beams, Lasers, and more!

    INSANE EXPLOSIVES+ Mod Review - Plasma Beams, Lasers, and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mod Review: EXPLOSIVES+ – Pt. 4 (Plasma Beams, Lasers, Hell / BOOM STICK)’, was uploaded by AntVenom on 2012-05-06 17:19:51. It has garnered 671165 views and 4353 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:03 or 423 seconds. Mod Review Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3E5DE2965FEE6087 Explosives+ Mod: http://bit.ly/IutdtD Peaceful Map Download: http://bit.ly/pYqJY0 Faithful Texture Pack: http://bit.ly/JYRUlX General Mod Installation Guide: http://bit.ly/Ve4ixX Merchandise Store: http://antvenom.spreadshirt.com Secondary Channel: http://youtube.com/AntVenom2 Twitter: http://twitter.com/AntVenom Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/AntVenomFB Twitch.TV: http://twitch.tv/AntVenom The music comes from the in-game Minecraft soundtrack. If you would like to listen without having Minecraft playing, you can download it here: http://c418.bandcamp.com/album/minecraft-volume-alpha Read More

  • EPIC! Adopting Baby Dragons in Minecraft

    EPIC! Adopting Baby Dragons in MinecraftVideo Information Me and my friends is off of baby dragons in Minecraft now we get to raise them from babies to big dragons and when they’re big they have amazing powers we can play with we even take them to fight the biggest baddest dragon in Minecraft Oh will raising these baby dragons be a An high duel with fishing nothing I’m so glad you’re having such a good day whatever a cooler if you could just like.how knows right a dragon and just like fire the lake and make the lake screaming is it it’s a charge wait… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Spawner Glitch

    Insane Minecraft Mob Spawner GlitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Overpowered Minecraft Mob Spawner’, was uploaded by GleekTurkey on 2013-02-15 00:01:28. It has garnered 79 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. On a server I play on , I built this- and after about an hour of afk-ness I realised how op this can get :3 Read More

  • Get Ready for the Epic Godsky Server! #minecraft

    Get Ready for the Epic Godsky Server! #minecraftVideo Information But it’s too late now I remember you and me how we all day and all night we stay up it felt so right we were so young we were so dumb we would get drunk and then hook up we were okay we were all right Till the sun we rain above couldn’t stop us like a good dve never we hook up in my car driving so far play your guitar you show me your Roar let down our guards think with our hearts stare at the stars we would never aart drinking Too young way… Read More