
  • Unbelievable Note block Music! OP Lyrics: Hoshikuzu Telepath

    Unbelievable Note block Music! OP Lyrics: Hoshikuzu TelepathVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Note block Music】 点と線 (Full) OP 歌詞 星屑テレパス’, was uploaded by Chiwa Ch. 千羽. ちわ. on 2024-01-31 10:00:04. It has garnered 21 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:44 or 284 seconds. #Minecraft #Music #Points and Lines #Stardust Telepath Points and Lines Song: Miku Ito Lyrics: Sio Watanabe Composition: Tsuyoshi Sakabe Arrangement: Tsuyoshi SakabeJoin this channel to get access to perks: Official website ☆ Official website ☆ Official website Read More

  • Insane Minecraft temple build in progress! (Chat)

    Insane Minecraft temple build in progress! (Chat)Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】神殿建築したいのでちょっと整地【雑談】’, was uploaded by ちば on 2023-12-21 12:32:20. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:06 or 4806 seconds. It’s been a long time since Minecraft. Main playlist: Twitter: [Game played this time]Minecraft ver 1.12.2[Introduced MOD]・Millenaire → Village MOD. Generate villages with various cultures different from vanilla villages. You can trade with them for money and help develop the village.・Ice and Fire → A MOD that adds many Western legendary creatures. *Dragon’s detection distance is set to 64. I’m spoiled.・the Twilight Forest → commonly known as Twilight Forest… Read More

  • Chiwa Ch. 千羽. ちわ. – Full Note block Music video! Pharmacist’s OP Monologue

    Chiwa Ch. 千羽. ちわ. - Full Note block Music video! Pharmacist's OP MonologueVideo Information 靜靜的隱藏在陰影下不是很好嗎? 也有花朵看上去就只是花蕾不是嗎 保守秘密不說出去不也很好嗎 不受任何人打擾 華麗的綻放 不溺於甜蜜或苦澀當中 不懷疑自己這樣的決定 不會惴惴不安而垂下頭來 不慣於愛情 過度去裝扮自己 漂亮的花瓶殷勤地施肥這些都不需要 這樣的姿態本身就很美 化為一朵花 看吧 他似笑非笑著 面容使人心跳加速無法移開目光 淺嘗則止 你的毒就是我的藥 我會包容這點的 露出微笑吧 吶 好想見你好想見你 想要見到那張笑臉 若是我這麼說 你會笑嗎 從背後給予支持不也很好嗎? 若我能要求 希望能夠親手幫助你綻放 如病症般 吞噬心靈的花朵 不想讓其枯萎啊 即使光線無法到達 我也會繼續澆水 也差不多也該注意到了吧 你的美麗之處 更加自戀一點 珍視自己一點 在毫無自覺的狀況下 積累著愛情 漂亮的花瓶 殷勤地施肥 都不需要 以那樣的姿態盛開 化為一朵花 看吧她似笑非笑著 面容使人心跳加速無法移開目光 淺嘗則止 你的毒就是我的藥 我會包容這點的 放輕鬆 你的黑暗就是我的光芒 我會愛你的 露出微笑吧 This video, titled ‘【Note block Music】 花になって (Full + video) OP 歌詞 薬屋のひとりごと’, was uploaded by Chiwa Ch. 千羽. ちわ. on 2023-12-06 10:00:01. It has garnered 970 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. #Minecraft #Music #Apothecary’s Monologue… Read More

  • Insane Nether Temple Build – Must See!!

    Insane Nether Temple Build - Must See!!Video Information ちょっと真面目な話なんですけどこの前の G20かなサミットでも話題になってたん ですけど貧乳派巨乳墓っていう議題があり ますよね僕これいっつも聞かれた時に1つ 答え持ってるんですよ日によ るっていうでまもちろんそうじゃないです か今日なんか巨乳の日だなて思ったらある 日はあ今日侵入かなって思っ てで過ごしてたですけどこの前僕フンザで この巨乳で検索して見てたんで巨乳のタグ で見てたんですけど巨乳巨乳巨乳って並ん でる中に1個だけ貧乳が紛れ込んでたん です よで俺その気づいたらその侵入のところ タップして購入してたんですよその購入の ボタンタップした瞬間にドンて雷が落ちて で一瞬電気がガンて暗くなってでまたつい てで俺その瞬間にはて気づかされたあ違う わと俺 はおっぱいが好き ですはいでも日によるとかいや俺巨乳派だ とか貧乳派とかじゃなくてただただ おっぱいが好きですこれを伝えたかったま だからあなたは入派貧乳派ですか巨乳派 ですかって聞かれた場合僕は おっぱいが好きですて答えますでもいつ からなんだろうなこういうR18的なこと をエロに関して興味を持ったのって小学校 とか小学校かな小学校定学年12年生 ぐらいの時よくこの机の下に潜り込んでま なんて言かこの秘密秘密基地的な感覚で よくテーブルの下にいたんですよリビング のダイニングかなのテーブルの下にいて よくそこに隠れてゲームとかその弟と一緒 になんか遊んだりとかしてたんですけど ある時ママ友が来てでうちの母親と ベラベラ話してたのよでもちろん俺その時 もこのテーブルの下にいてこうゲームとか してたんだけどふと横を見上げたらちらっ てこの薄ぐらい中にベージュがちらっと 見えたので俺その瞬間ははって同期してえ え何これええこって言ってテーブルの下 から逃げ出したのあれがきっかけかなエロ に目覚めたやっぱその当時はさまだこの フェチシズムっていうのこのエロを本拠地 としたフェチシズムのシみたいなのが展開 されてなくてフェチシズムが展開されて なくてまだえ何この感覚何なのってわかん ないままだったから恐怖だったけど今思え ばあれ がエロの始まりだったかもエロの期限その 後ちょ頬あめながらこう布団にくってほ 赤めながら何なんだろうあれってドキドキ してたの覚えてるもん今でもなんなら今で もちょっとテーブルの下怖いし避難訓練と か大変だった机の下にちょっと隠れる訓練 とかあるんだけどあれはその思い出を ドキドキとこのハラハラってのがいろんな 感情がこうぐっちゃぐちゃになってカオス だったねまさにカオス訓練と呼んで ます唯一じゃないかな避難訓練とエロスを 融合してた唯一の少年です僕幽霊ってさ 毎回このホラーとか見るたに思うんだけど 幽霊ってどの段階の姿してんのって思わ ないその例えばさこの白食白族来て冠こう 三角の三角頭巾みたい来てで出てくるやつ もいればめちゃくちゃ死士がもげたような 幽霊が出てきたりするじゃんあれどこの 段階で出ようとして出てきてんのたまたま 鼻毛がちょっと出て出ていた場合よ死んだ 時にね死んだ時に限って鼻毛が23も ちょろって右腹からこうこんにちはって出 てる出てた時これはもう一生その人は鼻毛 の幽霊としてい続けるのかっていう問題な んですねこいつがこの鼻毛の幽霊が出た時 俺絶対にわ出たあ鼻毛出てるってなるもん 100%100%鼻毛が気になる かわいそうじゃありませんか人を怖がら せることもできないこの鼻毛のゆれ ちょっとね俺今後これ訴えていこうかなっ て国会技自動の前で国会自動の前でデモ しようかなと思ってますなんかなこの死に 間際ってどういう死に方がいいんだろう なよく言うのは幸せの絶頂で死にたいとか あるけど例えば結婚してたら奥さんとか 子供とか彼女いたら彼女とかまはたまた 友達なのかその時の欲を欲を全面に叶えた 状態で死にたいのかそうだった場合じゃ俺 はもうあれだわこう病院のでこう裸の お姉ちゃんに4人ぐらいに囲まれながらこ 大将が目の前で寿司握っててその寿司を 張りながら ああ 幸せって言って死にたいわま正確にはあの 寿司張ってるんではあ ひはって死にたい わやっぱ欲なのかねまあのもっと言えば 死にたくないけど… Read More

  • EPIC Temple Build in Minecraft – Must See!

    EPIC Temple Build in Minecraft - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘ちょっとだけ神殿を建てます【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by ちば on 2023-12-07 16:38:38. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:03:39 or 18219 seconds. It’s been a long time since Minecraft. Main playlist: Twitter: [Game played this time]Minecraft ver 1.12.2[Introduced MOD]・Millenaire → Village MOD. Generate villages with various cultures different from vanilla villages. You can trade with them for money and help develop the village.・Ice and Fire → A MOD that adds many Western legendary creatures. *Dragon’s detection distance is set to 64. I’m spoiled.・the Twilight Forest → commonly known as Twilight Forest… Read More

  • Minecraft – Magic World – Ch1ba and Farost – #9 Harsh pvp everyday life

    Minecraft - Magic World - Ch1ba and Farost - #9 Harsh pvp everyday lifeVideo Information Всем привет друзья это снова учебой far east и у нас крутые мечи мой меч мы нашли а этот сначала вам по его просто капнул но потом все-таки человеком и подарил меч да спасибо несложно призвал также не надо так что я не совсем капнул но тоже ничего так так итак у нас есть Узкий котором уже кататься это отлично еще собьюсь и я укажу тебе ну все to run down the town все я побегу по кругу это ведь очень увлекательно действие это наверно меч по 1 покруче чем этот берсерк ну клеймор берсерка так что наверное… Read More

  • Are You a Psychopath? Solwaith’ Reveals All

    Are You a Psychopath? Solwaith' Reveals AllVideo Information [Müzik] [Alkış] gerçekleri yazmamı istiyorsun tamam bazı şeyler var ki tuak olsam anlatamam sattığım albümün parası doktorlara gitti Ben savaştayım savaştım ve onlar yenildi bak insanları çözemedim Ama sizi çözdüm özlemeyin ölünce ben Çünkü zaten öldüm İçimde hiç sıkıntı yok Her yerimi sarmış Masallarda yetmiyormuş uyuşturucu almış tutmasa da kuponlarım da oynamadım zaten Diye sevinmek mi komik yoksa kazanmak mı çarem mutlu şeyler anlatmayı istiyorum artık ve çiçekleri sulasam da sevmiyorum anla seni en son gördüğümde hala bir çocuktum bilmiyorum saymıyorum Ben kaç ilah tuttum içkiyi bıraktım bunu bir Viskiyle kutladım sanma değişmek için biraz cesaret topladım kuşların… Read More

  • Soul King Exposes Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic! #Shorts

    Soul King Exposes Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic Be Like ? || scatman || #Shorts’, was uploaded by Soul King on 2023-12-24 13:30:27. It has garnered 3466 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. @Soul_King.. sry I kind of failed its my first animation i used VMComix rig and rymdnisses rig father of herobrine #minecraft #viral #subscribe #like #gaming #support #trending #shorts Nostalgia in Minecraft… Enjoy the Minecraft Shorts! #shorts #minecraft #soul_king TikTok – Gaming soul short minecraft minecraft photo minecraft photo time minecraftshort minecraftbuild minecraft timelapse builds minecraft timelapse how to build minecraft build… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Railroading!

    INSANE Minecraft Railroading!Video Information So und damit herzlich willkommen zu einem neuen Stream auf meinem Kanal und heute sind wir wieder auf meinem minecrafting Projekt unterwegs und heute geht das weiter mit dem u-wandbau in vorbel heute werden wir die Station anfangen zu bauen letztes Mal die den Tunnel dafür sag mal schon Gebaut haben und ja genau also Design ininrichtungen die Ausgänge hoffentlich beomen wir das alles fertig bin mir nicht sicher ich war früher relativ schnell drin oder schnell leer weil ich es auch öfters mal gemacht habe jetzt we ich so ganz genau wie es funktioniert und aus diesem… Read More

  • Minecraft Combat Mods: Epic Forge Battles & Monky

    Minecraft Combat Mods: Epic Forge Battles & MonkyVideo Information Welcome everyone to my YouTube channel in today’s video I’ll be showcasing the top 10 combat mods that can be paired with epic fight even though it’s a combination each mod stands out with its own unique set of skills animations and fighting styles before we begin please like And subscribe to my channel let’s Get started in the beginning of the video I will be introducing the epic fight mod currently the most popular combat mod available for Minecraft this mod comes packed with a wide variety of weapons combat skills and animations for each weapon making… Read More

  • Ultimate Vulture Evolution Guide – RealMine Anarchy!

    Ultimate Vulture Evolution Guide - RealMine Anarchy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Как РАЗВИВАТСЯ На Грифах – RealMine Гриф – Minecraft Анархия’, was uploaded by Eik – Games on 2024-01-09 17:15:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. RealMine❖ MINECRAFT SERVER PC COME IN! IP ADDRESS⦂ VERSION⦂ 1.16.5 ✓ SERVER PUBLIC … Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Combo on Hylex! MUST SEE!! #Minecraft

    Insane Bedwars Combo on Hylex! MUST SEE!! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMBO LINDO NO BEDWARS DO HYLEX! #hylex #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by PetterRealRocket on 2024-01-05 21:00:28. It has garnered 485 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Top 3 Skywars and Bedwars on the Lifeboat server ✅ Top 15 1v1 Skywars on the CubeCraft server ✅ One of the best Capture The Flag players on The Hive server ✅ Discord – (= Read More

  • Sad Song Guessing Challenge in Minecraft! 😢 #Shorts

    Sad Song Guessing Challenge in Minecraft! 😢 #ShortsVideo Information A t This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can You Guess The Sad Song?🤔 #Shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts | BoosterX’, was uploaded by BoosterX on 2024-01-04 10:00:02. It has garnered 1583 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hi Guys👋, I am BoosterX 😃 Creating Some Awesome Gameplay Videos For Everyone’s Fun And Entertainment Minecraft: Can You Guess The Sad Song?🤔 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #Shorts | BoosterX CONFIGURACIÓN PERFECTA para SAMSUNG A3,A5,A6,A7,J2,J5,J7,S5,S6,S7,S9,A10,A20,A30,A50,A70 ///Minecraft Follow me on👇:- 🔰Booyah!: 🔰Instagram: So Guys, If You Have Followed Me On All My Social Media Handles Then, Thank… Read More


    0pl.org0PL.ORG a world consist of pure void and beyond the borders. your goal is to take damage to obtain resources you to travel further away from spawn and build a base. crafting is very random. the world no reset Read More

  • Forge of Factions – Modded PvP Server

    Join Our Modded Factions Server Experience an enhanced Vanilla+ adventure with over 150 carefully chosen mods for Fabric 1.19.2. Here’s what you can expect: Enhanced Vanilla+ Experience Dive into a world customized to enhance the vanilla experience with mods like Create and Better Combat. The pack has been optimized for QOL and performance, so no need to worry about owning a high-end PC. Full-Fledged Economy Engage in a dynamic economy with Lightman’s Currency and build your empire server-wide! Enhanced Multiplayer Features Team up, compete, and thrive in a community of passionate players with the ultimate multiplayer experience. Community Discord Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Games with Mister X

    Minecraft Mayhem: Games with Mister X Minecraft Gameplay! #2 Welcome to the world of Minecraft! In this article, we’ll explore the exciting gameplay and features of Minecraft, a popular sandbox game that allows players to unleash their creativity and build amazing virtual worlds. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Minecraft offers a vast and open world for players to explore. From lush forests to expansive deserts, the game’s universe is filled with diverse landscapes and biomes. Players can embark on adventures, mine resources, and encounter various creatures as they navigate through this virtual world. Building and Crafting One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the… Read More