shorts food

  • Crafting a Toilet in Minecraft

    Crafting a Toilet in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ TOALETĘ W MINECRAFT Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players the freedom to build and create in a virtual world. One interesting aspect of the game is the ability to construct various structures, including a toilet. Let’s delve into the process of building a toilet in Minecraft. Materials Needed To build a toilet in Minecraft, players will need to gather the following materials: Quartz Blocks: These will serve as the main material for the toilet bowl. Iron Trapdoor: Used as the toilet seat. Water Bucket: To simulate the flushing mechanism. Any Decorative Blocks: Optional for customizing the… Read More

  • DIY Toilet Plunger in Minecraft

    DIY Toilet Plunger in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ PRZEPYCHACZKĘ DO TOALETY W Minecraft Minecraft, a game known for its endless possibilities and creativity, offers players the chance to build and explore to their heart’s content. One popular aspect of the game is creating unique gadgets and tools, such as the toilet plunger mentioned in the title. Building a Toilet Plunger in Minecraft To build a toilet plunger in Minecraft, players can use various materials such as sticks, iron ingots, and possibly other resources depending on the design. This gadget can be a fun addition to a player’s virtual world, adding a touch of realism and… Read More

  • Crafting a Lamp in Minecraft

    Crafting a Lamp in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ LAMPE W Minecraft Minecraft, a popular sandbox game, offers players endless opportunities for creativity and exploration. One of the many exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to build various structures, including lamps. Let’s delve into how you can construct a lamp in this virtual world! Materials Needed To build a lamp in Minecraft, you will need the following materials: Glowstone – a luminescent block found in the Nether. Redstone Dust – a crucial component for creating redstone circuits. Redstone Lamp – the main component that emits light when powered. Building Process Follow these steps to construct… Read More

  • Passah Minecraft: Can I Safely Build a House?

    Passah Minecraft: Can I Safely Build a House?Video Information 佐藤のみとオルカとマリノルとベイビー ニコと村とパですイエーイ あしょっぱからごめごめんごめんごめん セフたかったマインクラフト 企画うイイエイエえ何あめたということで ね今回からマクトをやっていこうと思うん ですが私以外全員初心者ことない初者です ねほぼほぼない感じかなまずは今日の目標 ね最終目標を伝えますはい最終はいはい 今日の目標はカハの拠点を作りますおお かっこいい拠点最終的にはエンドラって いうボスがいるんですけどはいはいはい それを倒しに行きますへそういうのあるん ですねボスとかいるんやそうなので頑張っ ていき ましょう はいでは早速いい土地を探しに行こうはい はいはいはい確から選ぶんだねそう選び大 えどういうところがいいみたいのあるん ですか村が近いと一番いいんだけど一旦 こっちおいではいはい確かに雪はダメそう だよねそうそう雪寒いから雪村しかすめ ないえなんか歩くの早くねみんななんで そんな歩くあこれね走ってるどうやって 走んのどうで走るんだっけあほんとだ ほんと だちょちょ置いてかないでちょっと望早い なかよなんだこれ豚だ殺せでもショコラ あるから殺してもいい肉だ殺してもいいの うん サバイバルなかこれが視線だねね豚さ一生 倒せないんだけど僕が下手くそ体力があっ てリズム一定のリズムに合わせてやると 殺せる豚うんで1番大事なの最初大事なの が木なので木を見つけたらもうちょっと ホリホリしてみてくださいはいはいオケー 豚よりも木が大事木どこだ木どこにある ここてないねこちょっと前進もうかで羊 いる羊を倒しますわ毛が3つあればベッド が1個できますあああれあなんかいるこれ は何うだ馬馬殺していい馬いるの馬はね別 に殺しても何の意味もないあそうなんだ 快楽のためになら別にあや別に快楽はいい だうんじゃあこの辺でも割と良さで砂漠も あれば森もあれば雪山もあるから割といい リッチなのではという感じでこの辺に住ん でみようかなと思うんですがどうですか いいと思いますいいと思いますじゃあまず はみんなで木を切って家を作るための材料 にしましょうはいここ集合できる最終的に このここすごい手慣れているはいはいはい なんで土掘ってのあなんか長ししたら掘れ ましたといてねくなってきたよそうえこれ 気を探したいいってことですよねあ牛肉 牛肉今時さマイクラフトをやったことない 人珍しいから2個あるけどね木を掘るん だってだから木どこどこ木見たら分かる でしょどう見てもきでしょこれね暗いから 怖いんだけど暗くてよく見えないえこれ海 って渡れるの泳げるけど息続かない方が わかんないあそうなんだまずいねちょっと 今操作方がってなんか結構時間かかる系な んだこれかもちょっとこんな初心者だらけ けるのかエンドラまで今日は家作るだけだ からねはい木掘れたらちょっと一旦集合し てくださいどこ行ったどこ行た暗くてよく 見えないねえ僕だけなんか変なとこあれ なんか余なってる入れたまってちょっとま ってはいはい待ちますよ1回やったら いいってことうん1回ちょっとノマクリア してもう1本やった方がいいってこと1本 やっうんやった方がいいよね考えて自分で ちゃん作業台置いてきちゃったあそうだ からその作業台の作り方をね今みんなでね 教え合いながらねうと思って ねいしい からなんか真ん中だけ掘っちゃおうだめ だめあの真ん中だけ掘ると重くなるから サーバーがあそうなのそうちゃんと1個 切ったら全部切るなんかでも1個だけの やついっぱいあるかもじゃごめんなさい 全部掘ってきてそれまで帰れないからね マリなるははいそしたらEを押して くださいEを今 雪村待ってどこ反どこいるあれ雪 さんえどこいなくねどこいるあいたあこち よあれ暗いから奥のやつ見ない方がいい からね見ちゃだめだよ敵奥のやつ合わせる と追いかけてくるから奥のやつてだめだよ 見ないでなでもないいないいないいない えっとそしたらしながらクリックする全部 それになりますおクラフトのとこに全マス に多くの板材を入れてみてえクラフトあ なるほどねそうえええ 何何何がいるこれ見ちゃいけないやつこれ はいいじゃない 黒あのさ右にいるさノッポ黒ノッポがダメ なんだよ仲間に手を出すな頑張れなんか… Read More

  • Sharkcicle SMP

    Sharkcicle SMPSharkcicle SMP is a 1.18 semi-vanilla whitelisted SMP server, like hermitcraft! In order to join, you must complete an application in the discord or on our reddit page! Please visit our subreddit r/sharkcicle to see the various builds and screenshots from the server! Read More

  • WarpedRealm SMP PvE 1.19-1.20.3 Rank-ups Resource Pack Custom Furniture Custom Mobs Skills Jobs Bosses Quests Playershops Custom Items GriefPrevention Custom Crafting A thrilling Minecraft survival server packed with exciting features to enhance your gameplay experience! Explore custom dimensions and battle challenging mobs and bosses, all while working your way up the in-game ranking system with over 32 ranks. Our server offers custom items, including powerful staffs, tomes, hammers and much more, as well as a unique crafting system that allows you to create and upgrade gear to suit your playstyle. Enjoy our new custom resource pack with emotes and furniture, and take advantage of our player-driven economy and player shops. With mini dungeons to discover, upgradable spawners, jobs and skills… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Thoughts? Hot or Not?

    “Looks like this meme’s popularity is a solid 6 out of 10 – just like my chances of surviving a creeper explosion in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Hide & Seek

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Hide & Seek Playing Hide & Seek in Minecraft PE Not_Protim Gamer recently uploaded a video where he played Hide & Seek in Minecraft with @HinduBunny and @Custum. The game involves players hiding and seeking each other within the Minecraft world. The video is filled with fun and excitement, making it an enjoyable watch for Minecraft enthusiasts. Gameplay Highlights The players join forces to play Hide & Seek, with each taking turns to be the seeker. The game features a variety of strategies and tactics, including hiding in different structures, using mods, and exploring the vast Minecraft world. The video showcases the… Read More

  • Insane Training Day 2 for Ghastly Games – HIVE LIVE

    Insane Training Day 2 for Ghastly Games - HIVE LIVEVideo Information For e all right can you guys hear me now hello all right can you guys hear me now oh okay it’s working all right uh so let me skip forward in the Stream uh yeah my mic was not on I fixed it hello cloudy uh yes you can hear me all Right nice hello BS hello cloudy welcome to the stream uh yeah so I am very much behind CU I couldn’t get my Minecraft to work for two days so my practicing is not going well I am still terrible I hear you six and… Read More

  • Year-Old World Tour with Karmzilla

    Year-Old World Tour with KarmzillaVideo Information Well hello gals and Gamers and welcome back to another flippity D well I don’t know why I’m saying welcome back I’ve I don’t think I’ve really recorded too much Minecraft just in the past and I’ve streamed it and this isn’t really a series or anything this is just a One-off video and uh I thought I’d show off my year old world today we got some stuff I’d like to show you if you’d like to come along I didn’t really know where to um start so I just started where my spawn was or kind… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: 6908 IQ vs 6969 IQ 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Battle: 6908 IQ vs 6969 IQ 😱 #shortsVideo Information My grandpa fought in World War II he was such a noble dude C I can’t even finish school miss my mom and left too soon his dad was a fireman who fought fire so violent I think I B my therapist while playing him C Me oh my God that’s so insane oh my God that’s such a shame next to them my don’t feel so we need treat me like This video, titled ‘6908 IQ vs 6969 IQ Minecraft 🤔 World’s Smallest Violin #shorts’, was uploaded by Green Creeper on 2023-12-09 15:06:21. It has garnered 7… Read More

  • Create Minecraft in Scratch with Jackson

    Create Minecraft in Scratch with JacksonVideo Information This is Minecraft and this is also Minecraft and this is what we’ll be making today hello young scratchers welcome to another scratch tutorial today we’ll be making Minecraft now obviously this won’t be as good as the real m inecraft but this is scratch so let’s get straight into It first let’s start by renaming the cat to blocks now this Sprite is not actually a block it’s a cat so let’s replace it with our Minecraft block let’s go into the costume editor and delete the second costume I’ll also delete the contents inside of the… Read More

  • Insane Speedrun: Hardest Parkour Map Ever?! 😱

    Insane Speedrun: Hardest Parkour Map Ever?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Speedrunning this Hard Parkour Map *Worst*’, was uploaded by Lot Gamerz on 2023-12-02 09:15:36. It has garnered 174 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Speedrunning this Hard Parkour Map *Worst* minecraft hindi live minecraft pvp live minecraft pvp minecraft live minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft horror minecraft smp in hindi minecraft hypixel skyblock ep 1 minecraft house minecraft video minecraft minecraft minecraft house tutorial minecraft game #minecraftcustomcontrols #minecraftcustomcontrolsaddon #minecraftcustomcontrolsinmobile #minecraftcustomcontrolsmcpe #minecraftcustomcontrolsdownload #minecraftcustomcontrolsmod #minecraftpecustomcontrols #minecraftpecustomcontrolsmod #minecraftcustomtouchcontrols #playminecraftwithcustomcontrols #customcontrolsminecraftpocketeditionmod #minecraft1.20.30customizecontrols #minecraftbedrockcustomcontrol #minecraftpojavlaunchercustomcontrol #minecraftcustomsplitcontrol #minecraft1.20.30customcontrol #minecraftcustomcontrolsand #minecraftnewcustomcontrol #liveinsaan #live… Read More