
  • Mystery Time in Minecraft with Vtuber Kairos Avari 🌙

    Mystery Time in Minecraft with Vtuber Kairos Avari 🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE TALK DAN APAKAH KALI INI??? – Minecraft【EterLuna / Vtuber Indonesia】’, was uploaded by Kairos Avari【EterLuna】 on 2024-02-20 18:27:57. It has garnered 110 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:03 or 17163 seconds. If not now, don’t know when? That’s basically it for Trakteer’s ‘Cat Rice’: You can play and annoy me via live chat use !commands to see the commands you can use 1 minute watching = 2 donuts 1 miaw rice = 50 donuts Rules for live chat: 1. Don’t make comments that make other people offended. 2…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft adventure with Airi Viridis Ch.

    Ultimate Minecraft adventure with Airi Viridis Ch.Video Information Yeah N Oh Oh E E I Um what okay so I did do the thing I did do the thing uh hate the very bad thing what do you mean go tech support she was tech support though H we didn’t get to fix it yet but I hope we can fix it after uh because uh ID accidentally deleted her C++ file for po world so now I can’t play po World um like even uh uninstalling and reinstalling it doesn’t help I can’t I can’t play power up cuz I acly deleted the C++ file… Read More

  • Alienated in Minecraft – KRIS Apocalypse LIVE

    Alienated in Minecraft - KRIS Apocalypse LIVEVideo Information [Musik] k [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] Hello h h kejap aku turn on Aku punya ya Dah Assalamualaikum waikumalam wel diveralamb kena [Musik] takm Ok full screen and then harapnya hari in tak lag Ma semalamlaham tu agak lagingumum semua G adanit [Tepuk tangan] lagi aduh kena [Tepuk tangan] lagi [Musik] [Musik] Turunlah kalau yang bukan streamer pun boleh join juga tu boleh boleh tapi kau orang kalau nak join kau orang kena 15 tahun ke atas first ke atas and then kau kena ada Java premium tu kau orang kena ikut dia punya syaratah and… Read More

  • EPIC LIVE: KRIS Apocalypse in Minecraft Malaysia

    EPIC LIVE: KRIS Apocalypse in Minecraft MalaysiaVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] stream kan ok hell and pada live kali ini aku nak bermain di apocalypse ya ha welcome percubaan du EMP dan en hairis community Welcome To The Stream so ya Macam kau orang tahu Kano dah tak ada and then Milo dah bertukar Ke ini boleh katakan macam first event untuk apocal untukunity k tak nak dengar aku cakap kan k nak tengok G aku dahama S tak lupa dah Good luck nanti n Thank you Thank you Nur First season Kris community First season unukis community sebab so dia macam t… Read More

  • NEW Minecraft Discovery! V-Dere’s Amazing Find

    NEW Minecraft Discovery! V-Dere's Amazing FindVideo Information N Oh O Okay M there we go I keep forgetting that I have to turn my microphone on demo demo I’m here I did it let me go in the um also going to the Discord Discord server on no live section now thank you wow it is Time as you can see we are C cat we are a cat the the meowing you hear in the background that’s me that is me you thought that was me meowing M you can’t think that unless I tell you to oh but yeah these are my Cats… Read More


    EPIC CASTLE BUILD for KEIDO'S MC LOBBY!Video Information [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] cek cek cek cek bentar guys tunggu ya Bentar ya [Musik] oke apa sih Halo semuanya Selamat malam dan selamat datang kembali di live streamnya diuke Gimana kabar kalian hari ini J dulu kali biar aku absenssen dulu gak sih kita ngobrol-ngobrol duluakh jangan-jangan didengk jangan jangan Janganjangan makas anaka yang paling cankasih absen ya kan Makasih ada Haris nih ya kan thank you banget ya kan moderator-moderator tampan ada badut juga nih ya kan Makasih sudah absen ya ngak sih gaj 50 like Aku bakal baca selengkap Aduh ya… Read More

  • Unlimited ○○ in a Minecraft World! Watch now! 🌍🔥

    Unlimited ○○ in a Minecraft World! Watch now! 🌍🔥Video Information こんばんは来 た今日もやるぞマイ クラあああ あれ声がでかい なんか つつつ よしかりさんこメぽよう こそ今日もやってまいります高 評価高評価の数だけまるまるできる世界 ということで今日も懲りずに高評価 いただきましたら作れるあ高評価で作れる もの 123456789戦上意して参りまし たいかがでしょう か是非皆さん高評価ポチっと押していって くれると大変嬉しく思いますよろしくお 願いいたしますということ で前回とちょっとだけ変えたんだよ ね若干変えまし た あのどこが変わったかって言うと本当 にちょっとなんだ けど本当にちょっとなんだ けどあそこですわ扉とかが作れるように なりまし たま扉40かど50なん でどうどうかのって感じなんだ けど大丈夫かいのって感じなんだ けど作っていこうと思いますので皆様ご 協力のほどよろしくおいし ます今早速高評価6個ついてて画面にね今 0なんだけど多分まあの後々反映されて 行くのかなって [音楽] 感じ多分 [音楽] ねあこれ前 の 前の悪い悪い考えが出てきちゃった前の やつ残ってると思っ てよしでこれ でコピーし て多分もうちょっとした反映されると思う んだなので早速始めていきたいと思います ふやけさんこめぽ よその方も新しく新規ワールドを作ること にしまし [音楽] たあ名前 は めっぽめっぽエポとかにしときましょうか ねゲームモードはサバイバル難度ノーマル チート許可オフオッケー あ今配されたグッド7 センキューどうだろう文字ちょっと見 やすくどうだろう見にくいかな見やすいか などうです かまちょっと自分の方でも見ていこうか なって思うんだ [音楽] けど うえま大丈夫 あ大丈夫か見える かで前回終わった後 にスマホ版で前からやっててもう めちゃめちゃはまっててもうずっとやって た大丈夫だよ ありがとう センキューはてさて今日はどうわめっちゃ 牛おるや んめっちゃ牛 おるこマイクはってないか大丈夫 かちょ牛の世界来ました けど何これ牛沼って ことあカエルとかいる じゃん前回はね雪山だったんだけど今日は カルだ一瞬マク切り [音楽] ます 戻ったかな よし牛の肉でやられる推はどんな気分だ いカルは何なの毒測れると かやっぱ生肉に殺傷能力を求めちゃいかよ な カエなかなか死なんけど死ん だいい ねいや皆さん高評価ぜひぜひよろしくお 願いいたし ます今日か作れるからねベッドも35ま その辺はまあ大体前と一緒 か10で作業台15でツルハ20で松25 でおのここ逆にしても良かったかなって 思うけどね 最初割と あのあれが必要じゃんあれが さえメポこんな湿地で暮らさないといけ ないのアマゾン じゃんさすがにワニは出てこないよ… Read More

  • Dido Keisuke IseicoID: 1 Jam Roblox vs Minecraft! Who will win??

    Dido Keisuke IseicoID: 1 Jam Roblox vs Minecraft! Who will win??Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] Iya makasih Sayang makasih Sayang akuahu udah Halo semuanya Selamat malam dan selamat datang kembali diuk Gimana kabar kalian hari ini ini bah bukan Mabar horor ini Ada nyali Bang cobauh absen dulu kali ya Biar aku absen absenin dulu ya guys ya Coba coba coba kita absenin dulu gimana Kabar kalian hari ini apakah seh sehat aja jadi kali ini kita bakalan main game Roblox dan juga Minecraft barengan tapi tapi kita bakalan melalui poiling siapa yang duluan ya kan Bang gua curang dikit gak ngaruh kan Bang gak ngaruh aman aman amans… Read More

  • Koyori Asks for Friendship Advice, Ends Up Soaking Wet!

    Koyori Asks for Friendship Advice, Ends Up Soaking Wet!Video Information 友達の作り方教えてもらっていいですか あ人生を最後まで楽しく過ごしたいから [音楽] です人さるのやめて もら人生を最後まであはいあのまなんか みんなどんどんねあの結婚したりとかい なくなっちゃう可能性があるじゃないです かでもさ1人でも楽しくない実際いやいや えあれもしかして友達作るのそんなに上手 じゃないいやいやいやいやいや友達作ろう と思って作るものじゃないですよああそう なんですかはいこちらは運命出会い絆が 結びついた時に友達っていうのがなれるん ですねあの今小さんは負のオーラをがって ます友達作らなきゃ友達作らなきゃって いうフのオーラがすごいですこれ嘘はい そのオーラペコーラ取ることはできます けどたいですかえどどうやって取るんです かダイヤ払っていただければ取りますけど いかがします本当に時以上だって言われ ました5値段以上てこちゃんと言われまし た取り払ったら多分すぐ次こよりちゃんて 誰かしら声かけてくると思いますけどあ じゃあこよりちゃんて誰か声かけてこ なかったらあの慰謝料として重ダイヤあの 慰謝料とかそれて人を信じれないのであれ ばもうずっと負のオをあなたはまとって なさい絶対声かけられるから安心して 分かりましたじゃまず5個をいただけます はいじゃあちょっと信じますからねうん こよりちゃんの負のオーラが消えるように えーい あや こあ死ぬかと思いましたあなたは今これで 清い心になり今あと1分後にはこより ちゃんと言われるでしょうさあ出てき なさいこの世界にはいあなんだか世界が すごく明るく見える気がします1回 ちょっとふらついてきな分かりました ありがとうございますはいじゃあね ありがとうございますは輝いてるぜせい あよしはいこれで オッケー [音楽] よし Y This video, titled ‘Koyori gets soaking wet after asking Pekora how to make friends【HololiveAnimatedClip/Pekora/Koyori】’, was uploaded by dashicya EN on 2023-12-29 08:00:09. It has garnered 1635 views and 194 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. ■Clip sources[Minecraft]I’m going to Nekoneko Airand. Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada] ■hololive member channel[Pekora… Read More

  • Shocking: Nirmala enters The End in Minecraft

    Shocking: Nirmala enters The End in MinecraftVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] sebentar sebentar sebentar di mainin dulu halya Selamat malam Magical Idol from proia here dan hari ini kita akan mencoba mencoba mencoba mencoba dalam arti mencoba banget untuk untuk ke dnya Minecraft tapi na sendiri juga gak pernah sih Jadi kayak cuma ngikutin orang aja halo ganti nama Selamat malam Tapi tunggu dulu ya Tunggu dulu ya Tunggu dulu ya sebentar n ini masih pada persiapan banget jadi na mau ini dulu mau siapin dulu okeentar n na ini dulu dehentar bentar ya Na e oke Sebentar setting dulu Kom putraama halo ini ni [Musik]… Read More

  • Minecraft copper golem

    Minecraft copper golemPosted by Longjumping-Grab5308 on 2023-10-15 21:02:35, and it has received a score of 10 points! I’m not one to say that Mojang is lazy, but if they don’t add these guys into the trial chambers/1.21 update…. ima EXPLODE Read More

  • ChuboCraft

    ChuboCraftHello, ChuboCraft is a PvP Faction server where the whole point is to raid, conquer, and survive. The best way to do this is to get more faction members, build up your kingdom, and take out your enemys. At the moment, the server can currently hold up to 40 people at a time, and is mostly up 24/7. We back-up the map often so if’s someone has hacked the server, it will be back up with not so much of a loss. Its currently cracked, free to come and play on, and as well has some friendly Mods and Admins…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s a dumpster fire

    Minecraft Memes - It's a dumpster fireIt’s a dumpster fire Examine this magnificent Minecraft comedy crystal which has been awarded evaluated at an enormous spice level of 91. Read More

  • Threefold – Minecraft FTB Inferno – Ep07: Productive Bees & Occultism

    Threefold - Minecraft FTB Inferno - Ep07: Productive Bees & OccultismVideo Information Hello everyone and welcome back to Inferno I’m actually really looking forward to this episode we’re going to be getting into some bees previously we got our University up to tier 2 which means we now have access to all of the tier 2 Technologies we also got ourselves some villagers for Trade-in to help us gear up for the boss fight and we made a little expansion onto our storage room here in order to stock several items in the warehouse I have since added things like ancient saplings icre balls and also slime saplands here so… Read More


    Terroriser - WE WENT TO SPACE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information All right listen up space kets I just want to thank everybody for volunteering for NOA no leave him leave him leave him leave leave oh yeah get off me get off oh yeah Jesus is watching continue continue continue okay there have been there have been some changes to Homer if you guys Will follow me and follow instructions there will be questions throughout the tour I will be explain those to you everybody single single file line follow me everybody have a seat have a seat have a seat have a seat all right listen up… Read More

  • PotatoPie25 – Are Minecraft Bedrock’s NEW Controls actually… Good?

    PotatoPie25 - Are Minecraft Bedrock's NEW Controls actually... Good?Video Information One thing that i’ve always complained about with minecraft pocket edition is the touchscreen controls suck you can’t bridge quickly pvp is just a game of who can do more circles around the other and you literally get six buttons in a prayer that maybe someday you’ll be able To get a controller or a keyboard in my recent experiences playing on mobile i’ve genuinely ragequit after about 10 minutes of playing it just because of how bad the controls are currently but just recently microsoft’s given us a little bit of hope in a preview version of… Read More

  • Zueljin Gaming – Minecraft 1.7.10 Mods – Hermitcraft ModSauce – Ep40 – Hardcore Ender Exploration

    Zueljin Gaming - Minecraft 1.7.10 Mods - Hermitcraft ModSauce - Ep40 - Hardcore Ender ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.7.10 Mods – Hermitcraft ModSauce – Ep40 – Hardcore Ender Exploration’, was uploaded by Zueljin Gaming on 2014-10-31 21:38:13. It has garnered 7749 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today on HermitCraft ModSauce, I’m headed to the end to explore the hardcore ender expansion! Subscribe: Patreon: Twitter: Twitch: Google+: Proud Partner of Curse: Union for gamers If your interested in a great partnership opportunity, click the following link to apply: HermitCraft Server Members: Biffa: FalseSymmetry: Hypno: iJev’s:… Read More

  • Apex Hosting – How to Enable Skins on a Minecraft Server

    Apex Hosting - How to Enable Skins on a Minecraft ServerVideo Information What’s going on gamers today we’re going to go over how to enable skins on your apex server Before we get into this tutorial don’t forget to give this video a like subscribe and click the notifications bell so you can get notified of every new tutorial we upload just like this one when playing on minecraft servers one of the most common ways for players to express themselves Is with the use of skins skins are the perfect way to add customization to minecraft characters and while these are great when running an offline server or a… Read More

  • Taelyo – The lava bucket is about to be on demon time (Minecraft) #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft

    Taelyo - The lava bucket is about to be on demon time (Minecraft) #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The lava bucket is about to be on demon time (Minecraft) #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Taelyo on 2022-11-19 15:53:46. It has garnered 2525 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. The lava bucket is about to be on demon time (Minecraft) #minecraftshorts #shorts #minecraft Minecraft meme Read More

  • Sapphire Prime – Part 1 WE AT THE UR-GHAZT TOWER!!! Minecraft Hervonnia Boss Fight

    Sapphire Prime - Part 1 WE AT THE UR-GHAZT TOWER!!! Minecraft Hervonnia Boss FightVideo Information He Yeah Oh [Applause] A W N Yo how’s it going folks how’s it going chat welcome to another one boys hold on I know my camera’s off but do not worry we are right here but CH take this out look at him he’s sleeping in my chair bro is sleeping in my chair sleeping in my Chair so I’m going to have to move him unfortunately no I’m just going to scoop my butt forward so he can say where he’s at you know they say uh cats replicate what their owners do well I’m not… Read More