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[Musik] hari ini kita bakal lanjutin lagi bermain Minecraft guys dan kali ini kita bakalan buat gerakan mob-mob yang ada di Minecraft ini Jadi lebih bagus guys ya dengan tekstur pack better mops education dan kali ini udah update yang di versi 2.3.5 guys Jadi udah lumayan jauh banget

Improve dari tekstur pack ini guys ya ya BTW ini tuh tekstur pack jadi enggak perlu aktifin eksperimen dan kalau misalkan pakai di Survival achievement kalian bakalan aman gitu guys ya Jadi ya Survival label ya Nah di sini aku pengen sedikit klarifikasi itu kalian Mungkin lihat di judulnya ada tulisan Ai ya Aku

Mohon maaf guys sebenarnya ini tuh bukan gunain Ai Cuman karena bagusnya aja gitu loh jadi Saya memutuskan untuk di judul ada-ai-nya gitu karena Emang sebenarnya tekstur pack ini tuh bagus banget aku sendiri bahkan udah dua kali pernah ngebahas tekstur pack ini dari awal rilis Bahkan dia update dan kali ini

Bahas update-annya lagi gitu aku bahas guys karena Emang bagus banget gitu ya Jadi mohon maaf bulan puasa maaf-maafan lah ya tapi saya bulan puasa malah klik mohon maaf banget ya Oke Langsung aja pribadi kita mulai jadi di sini aku udah siapin Noh ada satu chest guys ya di

Dalam ini tuh lengkap nih semua dari mops-mobs-nya udah aku siapin Jadi kalau kalian pengen screenshot boleh aja atau tonton videonya sampai selesai biar tahu mob-mobs apa aja gitu guys ya so di sini aku bakalan Coba buktiin ke Kalian nih ini tuh Survival label Aku enggak ada aktifin eksperimen dan di bagian

Resource ini cuman ada better mops animation guys ya dan di bagian Pierre enggak ada sama sekali nah gitu guys ya Jadi langsung saja pribadi kita mulai nih dari layar yang pertama Dulu [Musik] Oke kita mulai dari box yang pertama di sini ada Villager let’s go kita lihat untuk villagersnya nih guys Nah untuk

Villagersnya aku masih inget banget dia tangannya Kayak gini cuman kalau dikejar itu animasinya bagus banget guys ntar kalau misalkan kita udah sampai ke bagian Zombie kita lihat tuh guys ya nah jadi kita lihat dia kalau di ideal aja kayak gini nih ini pilihnya pengangguran ini guys enggak ada kerjaan kayaknya ya

Oke untuk Villagers Ini kalau misalkan di tekstur pack ini tuh animasi meninggalnya Ada nggak sih Oh itu dia lari tuh guys tuh kayak gitu oke oh ada animasi minggu ini tuh kalian lihat tadi kan Nah ini kita coba guys sekali lagi oke tuh kayak ah gitulah pokoknya guys ya untuk animasi dari si

Villagers kita lanjut ke animasi yang berikutnya di sini ada Creeper gimana untuk Creeper untuk River teksturnya bagus banget dan lihat sumpah ini keren banget Sigit gua kemarin enggak kayak gini deh sekarang jadi bagus guys ya sumpah ini tekstur fake recommended banget guys jadi ya makanya saya bahas yang ketiga kalinya itu karena Emang

Bagus banget guys untuk teksturnya so kita lanjut ke yang berikutnya di sini ada khas Nah ini nih saatnya nih guys ya kita bakal lihat animasi khas lari dan Villager guys jadi respon di sini tuh nah itu dia kalau panik dikejar sama zombie guys tuh dia kayak ngangkat

Tangannya gitu guys ya tuh begitu cuy untuk animasi zombienya juga tuh kayak kaki sebelahnya tuh kayak TK gitu loh guys keren ngerti TK enggak sih kayak terluka lah pokoknya kaki di sebelahnya itu loh tuh jadi dia kayak jalannya agak seret gitu guys tuh begitu Jadi ya Kalau

Menurutku ini udah bagus banget sih guys jadi nggak boring animasi vanilla dari Minecraft tangannya yang diem bae gitu kayak ah Oke jadi kayak gitu guys ya untuk animasi khas dan Villagers kita lanjut ada zombie Oh untuk Zombie kita harus font di bawah ini biar aman guys ya Nah untuk Zombie juga itu harusnya

Masih sama aja guys ya kayak ini Yah malah keluar dia ada yang saya nge-skon Anda di dalam pohon loh biar enggak kebakar Malah keluar guys Emang enggak ada otak ya Nah kayaknya kayaknya sih kalau untuk animasi dari si zombie Mirip aja kayak khas tadi guys Ya karena ya

Mereka memang Zombie gitu basic-nya kita lanjut di sini ada zombie Villager kalau untuk Zombie Villager agak beda karena dia zombie tapi dari si Villager guys ya tuh begitu Coy ini kita spon nah tuh lihat Oh mirip cuy masih sama dengan animasinya kayak zombie yang lain gitu guys

Tuh tapi dia kebakar guys ya karena Iya ini matahari coy gak bisa mereka kena matahari guys malah diam di bawah pohon kocak Oke kayak gitu guys untuk si zombie Villager kita lanjut ada Ko Jadi untuk si sapi itu dia sekarang bisa berkedip gitu tuh ada kedipan manjanya

Ya dan animasi jalannya kayak gitu tuh nah bagus ya kan kita lanjut di sini ada mushroom untuk mushroom sih Harusnya sama kayak si sapi yang ada di depan guys ya so kita lanjut aja di sini ada chicken ya belum diskon dia udah muncul guys Oke ini untuk chicken dia kadang

Berkedip juga karena saya pernah melihat ayam jadi saya tahu sebenarnya enggak perlu memelihara ayam juga sih kalian harusnya tahu guys ya kalau Ayam itu kadang Emang berkedip cuy tuh animasi jalannya begitu Oke kita lanjut ke babi di Minecraft guys ya let’s go untuk ke babi bagaimana Oh gitu

Nah tuh animasi jalannya tuh guys dan di bagian ininya agak kayak ada patahannya gitu loh Ya jadi kayak ada sikutnya gitu lah oke begitu guys Kalau menurut saya ini udah lebih bagus daripada vanilla Minecraft jadi kita lanjut Wow Oke untuk emang kayak ini guys emang kayak animasi

Anjing gitu gak sih Oke aku coba pengen jinakin dia kalau dijinakin gimana guys harusnya Ah gitu tuh sit down nah guys lihat tuh ekornya tuh keren banget oke so far sih untuk Creeper sama wolfnya bagus banget Guys kita lanjut everybody ada squid Oh untuk squidma berarti harus di area water nih

Guys ah di sini aja lah nih biar kelihatan ya Jadi yang agak dangkal aja tuh untuk Animasi si squid guys tuh ya kalau kalian pernah lihat squid di dunia nyata harusnya kalian ngeh banget sih ini udah mirip guys ya lalu untuk yang glows quit juga sama harusnya guys sama

Kayak si squid itu guys ya tuh animasinya dia kayak muter gitu dan di bagian ininya Apa itu tentakel-tentakelnya udah kita lanjut di sini ada Enderman let’s go untuk Enderman di akhir juga marah dan dia kalau di air guys ya Nah untuk si Enderman kayak gini guys dan

Dia ini tuh harus kita lihat ini tuh jalannya tuh harus lihat di marah juga sih Harusnya guys ya kalau kita di mode Survival gitu atau kita cobain Ya nggak papa lah kita coba Guys kita tatap mata Enderman Mana enderman-nya malah kabur Oke Enderman yang ini aja hihihi marah

Dia guys tuh tuh animasi dia marah tuh tuh dia lari kayak gitu guys ya gua ada Enderman lain juga yang pengen mengejar saya saya saatnya berubah kreatif nah nggak marah lagi masih marah Oke kayak gitu guys Ya intinya kalau Enderman lebih sangar lah kalau saya ingat-inget

Mirip Mutant juga guys ya kita lanjut di sini ada si shift Oke untuk shift gimana guys respon di sebelah sini oh tuh untuk jalannya sip eh jalannya sip kita udah lihat kayaknya tadi guys ya dan di bagian matanya dia kedip juga Guys oke kita lanjut ada si Skeleton Oke untuk

Skeleton kita Spawn dulu di sini dan kalian bisa lihat ini tuh animasi dia jalan mungkin animasi dia mana juga bagus nih kayaknya guys Oke kita coba lagi saatnya kamu di Survival tuh tuh kalian lihat animasi diamanah guys tuh emang kayak mana beneran gitu loh tuh begitu guys untuk si Skeleton dari

Dekat banget bisa nggak sih Oh kena deh uh dia jalan Oke kayak gitulah intinya ya untuk si Skeleton ya ini agak sedikit berbahaya nih guys Oh iya ada Enderman lagi wes kita lanjut everybody di sini ada stray Waduh kebakaran lupa saya lupa lupa oke untuk stray harusnya Mirip sama

Kayak si Skeleton guys ya tuh untuk dari postur badannya juga udah bagus banget guys jadi kayak Emang human noid gitulah ya ya memang mereka ini tuh kan tulang manusia guys ya Oke kita lanjut di sini ada wandering trader gimana untuk when during trade dah kayaknya dia mirip-mirip sama kayak Villager sih guys

Ya tuh dari jalannya udah mirip banget cuman bedanya dia bawa Allah mah guys ya Oh iya BTW untuk lama juga dapat animasi tuh tuh lihat di jalannya guys tuh begitu guys ya Dan ini kalau akan dia di mode panik gimana deh aku pengen coba lihat guys ya kalau ada Villager ya

Malah mendekat guys menawarkan scam kah kamu nih Kita coba guys tuh nah oh paniknya sama guys dan dia bakalan ngeluarin Invisible potion guys ya oh Villager juga dapat update nih tuh beda gerakannya guys ya untuk si Villager sehingga lihat loh di list eee add on-nya loh ternyata ada guys ya untuk

Villager ya tuh kayak gitu tuh keren menarik crossbow-nya animasinya Wah dia Battle lama-lamanya guys Oke kayak gitu ya untuk si Villager kita lanjut everybody untuk si Spider Nah untuk Spider Nih keren banget guys tapi inget banget di versi sebelumnya tuh emang kayak udah lama-lama beneran Anjay tuh

Oke untuk cash Spider juga sama guys lanjut everybody ada Iron Golem woah ini saya bakalan coba membiasakan diri iron golem di sport guys ya Keren banget jadi dia kayak Emang pengawal banget lah gaya jalannya aja tuh pengawal banget guys dan ide animasi videonya gitu ya gagah banget buset

Oke kayak gitu untuk si iron golem kita lanjut keit oke kita lihat kucing miaw miaw Wow di bagian telinganya Wah ini rasa ingin memberi makan guys ya rasa ingin menafkahi cuy keluar Jadinya kalau si comel ini mana fish malah cat lagi deh Saya pengen kasih dia mamam Ayo sini

Sini sini tuh lihat animasi jalannya guys comel Anjay eh bukan fishion ini kocak nah ini rokot kita kasih guys nah ini eee lihat ekornya sama telinganya Oke jadi kayak gitu lah Ya intinya everybody kita lanjut di sini ada horse Oke untuk kuda gimana Wah ini kuda nih harus ditunggangi nih

Guys baru kelihatan ya Oke berarti kita harus ambil sendok Wah animasi dia jalan liar aja kayak gitu guys Tuh lihat tuh kalian lihat enggak dia lari guys tuh bagus Anjay ini mesinnya so far sih sudah termasuk yang bagus guys ya tuh dapat banget loh kita kayak lagi naik kuda guys sumpah

Tekstur ini sih kalau emang kalian doyan di Survival guys ya bagus banget guys ini kalau dipakaiin Armor Kayaknya lebih bagus lagi deh Wah ini ngikut dia guys Si Kumis eh Kumis kamu tunggu di sini aja kumis Saya pengen ambil Diamond yang ini Nah kita pasang guys ya ayo kita lihat nih

Seberapa Keren ya guys Tuh lihat tuh dipakaiin Armor juga enggak nge-bug guys jadi oke banget lah ya guys ya oke bagus bagus bagus guys ya Jadi kita lanjut ke ocelot mirip-mirip cap guys cuman dia lebih gede ya dan ya animasinya yang saya maksud tuh mirip-mirip aja guys Oke kita

Lanjut untuk Skeleton horse Oke gini untuk Skeleton horse dia malah Moon World Anjay kita lanjut ke Donkey guys ya let’s go kita lihat untuk danki bagaimana oh begitu kalau dinaikin gimana nih dan Ki ayo sini Oh begitu Ih enggak mau guys jadi naikin guys sidangnya ya nolak-nolak bae dia guys kayaknya

Mirip-mirip deh cuman Oh agak sedikit lambat oke oke Saya pengen ambil Shadow ternyata Shadow saya ketinggalan di kuda guys jadi kita ambil aja nah udah naik tuh animasinya guys ya agak sedikit lambat sih karena memang oke kita lanjut aja ke mopse yang berikutnya di sini ada bule untuk ke

Bule harusnya sama-sama baik kayak si dangkey guys ya kita lanjut ada Fox hmm untuk oh bagus nih Fox nih sumpah bagus guys so far sih kalau aku ngelihatnya itu Creeper Fox sama horse tadi itu bagus banget guys ya Oke kita lanjut gold Oke si kambing Anjay kamu juga

Bagus guys kambing juga oke Guys ya oke apa yang berbeda guys dari elay Oh kepakan sayapnya kah Iya kali guys [Musik] tuh lihat Eh sumpah Dia pengen nyerang si Skeleton nih dia mencium sesuatu guys seperti Roy kiyoshi ya saya mencium aroma-aroma katanya marah dia marah dia diserang Anjay Oke

Kayak gitu guys ya untuk si warden ya kita lanjut everybody ke evoker gimana infoker animasi jalannya sama kayak Villager cuman kalau misalkan ini di mode Survival ya kita coba game mode guys game mode S Ayo coba Serang saya Foker eh coba lagi coba lagi yang tadi ganteng enggak kena

Anjas bisa menghindar saya guys ya oke begitu guys untuk si evoker jadi uh Oh dianya dering Anjay kita lanjut ya ada vidicator Harusnya mirip-mirip aja sih guys ya Oh dia bawa kapak Anjay marah-marah gitu gitu marahnya oh aduh geplak saya Anjay langsung tiga setengah cuy help saya sumpah mana kenceng banget lagi

Ngejarnya Ayo dengan kekuatan secepat kilat nah Oke jadi itu tadi untuk semua yang ada di sini mungkin beberapa mob lain itu juga ada kayak Villager tadi itu kan saya sempat gak siapin tuh ternyata ada guys ya Jadi kalian bisa explore sendiri juga dengan tekstur pack ini siapa tahu

Ada mouse lain gitu guys ya Jadi ya mungkin segitu dulu aja untuk video kali ini Thank you buat kalian yang udah nonton sampai selesai jadi jangan lupa buat di-like video ini dan buat kalian belum subscribe let’s go di-subscribe biar enggak ketinggalan video-video seru lainnya dan See you next video dadah [Musik]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi ANIMASI MOB LEBIH REALISTIS Karena AI’, was uploaded by Ahoy on 2023-04-02 08:23:11. It has garnered 41278 views and 2075 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:22 or 982 seconds.

Better Mobs Animation ✨ Subscribe! 🔔 Press the bell button too, so you don’t miss my video Oy! ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 📌 Social Media : Instagram: yudhafir TikTok : yudhafirr BUSINESS: ahoychannelbiz@gmail. com SEND (ADDON, MAP, ETC) : [email protected] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Download : https://mcpedl.com/better-mob-animations-addon/ ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 🎵 Credit : PewDiePie Congratulations Minecraft Note Block / Grande1899

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    Modern VanillaHello, welcome to Modern Vanilla! This is a Semi-Vanilla SMP server, hosted by two passionate owners, Shinkaii_Rin and RivsLive. Modern Vanilla has multiple QOL features that aims to provide all players that enjoy multiplayer Minecraft the best experience possible! The server uses diamonds as the primary currency, so NO pay to win happens on the server! Hope you enjoy your time here 🙂 modern-vanilla.com Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware, 3 Years Old, No map resets, 21+, RPG-inspired, Claims, Dynmap, Discord-MC chat

    Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that’s been public for over two years, and we’re excited to welcome you to your new home! Where to Find us: IP: HomesteadCraft.mcserver.us Live Map Discord As an RPG-based server, we’ve got a unique game-play experience that’s tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Our community is made up of players from all over the world, and we’ve got a large number of regular players who enjoy playing together. Our main goal is to provide a fun environment with an old-school feel,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sonic’s Minecraft Spicy Blend

    Why does Sonic look like he’s about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2021 in Minecraft? Read More

  • Crafty Sphere: Minecraft’s Epic Adventure

    Crafty Sphere: Minecraft's Epic Adventure In the Minecraft world, events are a blast, Minigames galore, each one a contrast. From parkour to PvP, the fun never ends, With friends by your side, you’ll make amends. The Event Sphere, a hub of delight, Where players unite, ready to fight. Compete for rewards, in challenges grand, In this virtual world, where creativity stands. So hop on in, and join the fun, In Minecraft events, victory can be won. With skills and strategy, you’ll rise to the top, And in the end, you’ll never want to stop. So gather your friends, and gear up for the game,… Read More

  • Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure! “Why do Minecraft players make terrible archaeologists? Because they can never resist digging straight down!” #minecraftdigging #watchoutforlava Read More

  • Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island

    Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island Surviving 100 Days on a Mysterious Island in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft as you find yourself stranded on a mysterious and challenging island. In this thrilling video, you will test your survival skills to endure 100 days of adventure. Accompanied by helpful villagers offering advice, you must explore the terrain for resources, build secure shelters, and confront dangerous enemies. Get ready for an action-packed challenge that will push your Minecraft prowess to the limit! Exploration and Resource Gathering As you navigate the island, be on the lookout for valuable resources such as wood, stone, and… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing Teleportation Trick Tri-Dimensional Teleportation Unveiled in Minecraft (Java Snapshot) Exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts! A groundbreaking development has emerged in the Minecraft community, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Sam and other talented individuals. The latest Java snapshot, 24w37a, has introduced the possibility of tri-dimensional teleportation in both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. Revolutionary Designs and Mechanisms The innovation of tri-dimensional teleportation opens up a realm of possibilities for players to explore and experiment with. Through intricate redstone mechanisms and clever engineering, players can now seamlessly transport themselves across different dimensions within the Minecraft universe. Impressive Creations Several notable designs have surfaced… Read More

  • INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in Minecraft

    INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Castle in Minecraft and asked my Friends to Break In’, was uploaded by Grian on 2024-09-22 17:00:08. It has garnered 846576 views and 63837 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:11 or 2111 seconds. MINECRAFT: CASTLE CRASHERS! Today we have a special video where we all make a castle or fort full of defences then invite our friends to break in within a time limit to win. Check out the other participants to see what castle they made! Read More

  • Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!

    Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Tech with Games on 2024-04-07 11:30:24. It has garnered 489 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending Read More

  • INSANE – Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! 😱

    INSANE - Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore 6/117 | TAG 1 [YT&TTV]’, was uploaded by IstDasGeisteskrank on 2024-07-17 02:28:55. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:13 or 3133 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMP

    Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GMR SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-04-15 21:49:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEdition

    Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering Ancient Debris: New Tricks in Minecraft Potato Edition! #PotatoEdition #ancientdebris’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-04 02:38:20. It has garnered 363 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Unearth the secrets of ancient debris with our latest tricks and tips tailored for Minecraft Potato Edition! Join us as we delve into innovative methods to uncover this elusive resource, essential for crafting powerful Netherite gear. From strategic mining techniques to utilizing specialized tools, we’ll guide you through the process of locating ancient debris efficiently and maximizing… Read More

  • EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹

    EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ⭐ GT New Horizons 🕹 S2.1.054 🎮Massenverarbeitung’, was uploaded by DragScorpion on 2024-05-10 09:00:17. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:15 or 3795 seconds. #Minecraft A complete world made of blocks that can be designed however you like. Whether you’re creative and build buildings, cities or whatever takes your fancy. As an adventurer you roam the world, dungeons or caves or as a survivor you craft your way through Minecraft life. There are no limits here. #GTNewHorizons If the Minecraft technology packs aren’t too demanding for… Read More

  • ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OP

    ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Bedwars Solo as Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #bedwars #minecraft #cubecraft #itachiuchiha’, was uploaded by FT BROTHERS on 2024-09-07 17:04:32. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Watch as I take on Bedwars solo in Cubecraft, channeling the power of Itachi Uchiha! From epic plays to intense battles, I dominate the game with strategy and skill, showing off my prowess with every move. Whether it’s clutch moments or outsmarting opponents, this match is a showcase of true ninja mastery. Don’t miss out on the… Read More

  • EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with Celestee

    EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with CelesteeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stardew Valley into some Minecraft Co-op’, was uploaded by Celestee on 2024-08-06 02:13:48. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:53 or 18293 seconds. Welcome, welcome. It’s Monday. Time to get the Wizard to love me! Pray for me. These mobs are gonna kill me XD Be sure to check my channel description to find the Discord! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/celestee_the_kitsune/tip Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥” #minecraftmemes

    "EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥" #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t mess with me & my dog ☠️😡 #minecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Minecraft moments on 2024-08-12 00:00:00. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft story mode, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft ambience, minecraft addons, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft player… Read More

  • LifeBound SMP

    LifeBound SMPLifeBound SMP is a brand new Lifesteal server that combines elements of RPG and Survival to offer a unique experience. Players can level up various skills to enhance their abilities, whether in combat, resource gathering, or exploration. With an amazing Quest System, there are always exciting challenges to complete and rewards to earn. The server also features a Playtime Rank System, where players are rewarded with ranks and perks based on their dedication and time spent in-game. Crafting is taken to the next level with Custom Recipe Items that allow for the creation of powerful and useful tools. For those… Read More

  • Phoenix Semi-Vanilla Server

    Phoenix Phoenix is a technical server with experimental features where we aim to create the biggest perimeter in Minecraft. Join us for original designs and a fun technical experience! Server Features: 1k2 spawn perimeter Chronos V3 raid farm New main storage in progress Complete demibolt + pearl cannon + pearl stasis network 150k iron farm 600k shulker farm Current Goal: We are aiming for a massive perimeter size of 5,000 x 1,000! Join us in our quest to beat the current records! Join Us! We welcome players of all skill levels who are interested in learning and building. No cracked… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The true meme story

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: The true meme storyI guess it’s safe to say that the real Minecraft Movie is a blockbuster hit! Read More

  • Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes “When you and your Minecraft friends spend more time building a house together than actually playing the game.” #minecraftproblems #friendshipgoals” Read More

  • Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?!

    Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?! The Life of a Minecraft Hare: A Day in the World of Minecraft Have you ever wondered what a hare does all day in the vast world of Minecraft? In this Minecraft Short, our player embarks on a quest to follow a hare for an entire Minecraft day to uncover the secrets of its daily routine. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Minecraft mobs! Exploring the World of Minecraft Hares As our player sets out to observe the hare, they discover that these adorable creatures spend their days hopping around the lush landscapes of Minecraft, nibbling on grass… Read More

  • Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE

    Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE The Legendary Tale of Boba and the Shiny Harp of Bard In the bustling village of Rhythmwood, Boba, a young boy from a family of musicians, harbored a deep desire to become the greatest musician in the world. Despite his dreams, Boba was constantly belittled and oppressed by those around him, including his own father who doubted his abilities. A Tragic Misunderstanding Tragedy struck when Boba’s home was set ablaze by angry villagers who mistakenly believed false rumors about him and his mother. Despite the devastation, Boba’s father remained silent, fueling Boba’s desire for revenge. The Quest for the… Read More

  • 10 Hours in Enderman World – Insane Mob Battles!

    10 Hours in Enderman World - Insane Mob Battles!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as an ENDERMAN – Strongest Elemental Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-08-29 01:15:02. It has garnered 35657 views and 371 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:54 or 12534 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN in Hardcore Minecraft! It will be up to me to master the elements, and save the overworld! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN https://youtu.be/tcV86JI4EMQ 0:34:48 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL LAND SHARK https://youtu.be/v82S7jfo8tQ 1:09:07 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL SPIDER https://youtu.be/I-ZHxgWqD0o 1:43:18 100… Read More