AlfredGG – The Best Mob Farm in Modded Minecraft | All The Mods 8 EP7

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Buddy I’m getting so sick of having a mind for all of my resources man I think it’s about time what do you I think it’s about time we start setting up a mob farm I think we could do it infinite materials no need to mine anything just blades to kill all the mobs

How do you keep doing that body have you ever messed up before I don’t mean something simple like oops I put my shirt on backwards I mean like really messed up no oh that’s right you’re Canadian well I guess it’s probably a good time that I kind of tell you guys something

I recorded for five hours five straight hours and accidentally recorded on default settings some of you might be thinking oh Alfred that’s not too bad I’ll watch it I don’t want to do that to you I did a lot lots of stuff happened but unfortunately those files are actually really bad and

You know what I want to do y’all better than that I’m just gonna show y’all what I did all right buddy you sit right there while I talk to these good people okay you know you play with our new friend Herbert they’re sticky okay that’s our new

Friend we happened to uh get them along our adventures over the last recording but most importantly we really needed resources last episode so I decided to make a mob farm this bad boy is actually insane and I recorded myself setting up this whole thing even building this out

Making it look real pretty and nice and showing how everything works but those recordings are kind of kind of dead so I’m gonna have to do it all over again and explain to y’all exactly how to set this up and some of you might be wondering why should you set this up

Well first off let’s turn it on and uh make sure my magnets turned off so I don’t pick everything up here and as we see we’ve got a we’ve got a lot of stuff going into here which is a ton of stuff actually like that’s that’s that’s

A lot of mobs it’s beautiful isn’t it except for one thing while this does cause a lot of uh lag on Surface and stuff if you’re in a single player world this is probably the very first step that I would ever take in getting resources it’s cool to go and mine a

Bunch of resources out or even try and head for the chunk Destroyer which trust me I’ve done and we’re going to do actually today on this episode but this is in my opinion the most important step to getting resources and you might be wondering why well

This is why as you see here we have a ton and I mean we have a ton of resources like a lot of resources and Lady Jank had fish sill agrees and it’s actually a very easy setup let’s start with the inside so these are just regular spawners and they’re actually very easy

To get I mean I showed this before where you just take a cardboard box plop it over the spawner that you’re looking at or whatever pick it up and you can place it anywhere but you might be wondering how I’m getting some of these spawners because we have the blaze spawner right

There but we also have a slime a spider an Enderman and all these different things and it’s actually very easy to do so one of the things that apotheosis allows you to do is change the spawner of whatever mob it is into whatever mob

That you want to all you need is an egg of that mob to change it now I don’t know if I caught this in the last episode or not but those spawners that were all in our stuff like everywhere yeah all of those spawners all those

Little things that we got with the chest underneath we got some of these spawn eggs it was actually huge for us to get those eggs because these eggs allow allow us to change the spotters which is really really nice now I’ve already set all this up like I said before it’s like

Oh man this is a ton of stuff but how in the world are you getting these eggs I know we got the Enderman spawner we’ve got the cave spider spawner we’ve got a husk some of these were just the ones that I picked up like the cave spider

And the husk were just normal spawns that I got but like say for the Slime The Blaze spawner and the creep responder stuff like that maybe we didn’t get an egg for it’s actually very easy for us to get an egg using the mod mob crushing utilities so if we go in

Here and type in mob we go over here and look sorry mob grinding utilities so if we go over here and look in here you can actually make the spawn eggs very simply by taking and making chicken feed so you’re gonna need some buckets of experience you’re gonna need a mob swab

That is used and just any old seeds this is actually a very simple process and it doesn’t really take much to do the swabs just takes some wool and a stick and then you swab them up so all you gotta do is right click on a mob with the said

Mob swab and then you make the chicken feed out of it now getting a bucket of experience in the early game is not exactly the easiest thing to do you might be able to find it in certain ways and you might even upgrade your bag to

Have a tank filter but the easiest way to do that is to make something like this the XP drain Singularity tank so if I fly up here and show you guys this this is basically just something very simple to make it is from Mob grinding utilities just takes some Eyes of Ender

A hopper and a singularity take which again the tank just takes some iron and some glass so what this does is when you step on it and you stay on it it drains your experience at the bottom see how I’m level 158 that’s pretty cool

Right so the cool part about this is I have this already draining into an experience Crystal if I turn this off by hitting it right here and then stepping on it drain some more experience in here I can show you you can then take and take a bucket and just get yourself a

Fluid XP bucket which is really nice so I’m going to show y’all how exactly I would do this to say make a spawner out of these things um really quick just to show you and we’re going to do that by getting ourselves a wither skeleton spawner so

We have ourselves a mob swab again just Woolen sticks and uh we’re gonna go find us a wither skeleton now you could do this with any mob or I wouldn’t say any mob there are some mobs that are blacklisted but for the most part you just go find yourself a wither skeleton

I hear Wither Skeleton I just don’t see them and it’s relatively dark for me let’s see if we can find one in here a wither skeleton Wither Skeleton I know you’re out here somewhere I hear you are you in here there you are so you just right click with the mob and

That’s it you got it swamped Boop oh a chest your next step would be to find a chicken but you could actually use the same method to swab a chicken and make a chicken spawner so if you have a chicken and you have a spawner make yourself a mob swab swab the

Chicken and oh wait we did this when did he get here we made a chicken spawner just got away from one to spot oh there’s one right there so what I’m gonna do is take our swab here and let’s mix it all together with the fluid XP

Buck in the weed seeds and we get chicken feed well what does this chicken feed do exactly and there we have it we got ourselves a wither skeleton spawn egg which is really nice this man is scared for his life he just saw his friend explode don’t worry I’ve got all the chickens

That I need All we have to have to fly in here and we find a spawner these are all my spawners that are set up and we just replace whatever spawner that we have when we don’t want so for me I actually like having the husk because the husk if we come over

Here and we look at let’s say zombie heart is one of the drops that husks drop you can actually check this out by hitting r on it and then going over to mob drops and you can see that the zombie heart is dropped by a husk which

Is pretty cool it’s also dropped by a normal zombie and all the different versions of zombies and it’s also dropped by a zombified piglet well the cool thing about the zombie heart is that it actually makes one rotten flesh which can be turned into leather but it

Also makes gold nuggets so we got ourselves with the huskier we got ourselves a gold Farm same thing down here we have something called a wild in stalker let’s type in Wild and Wing you’ve probably seen these before these right here they actually turn into leather as well so that’s a nice little

Leather Farm I don’t need this anymore because I’ve had this Farm running for a while so I’m just going to get rid of this by right clicking and now we have ourselves a wither skeleton spawner you see all those extra things at the top though the minimum spawn delay maximum

Spawn delay and all that each of these spawners can be upgraded to be faster you also see at the bottom we see Redstone control ignores light silent all that stuff those are modifiers that you can add to your spawners to make them faster do different things ignore certain things like all of these

Spawners right here ignore light every single one of them and it makes it where that I don’t have to worry about the light affecting the spawner whether they’re going to spawn or not you also see we have Redstone control this allows me to control each of these spawners

With a switch and how I’ve set this up is very simple so these are called Redstone links and you can actually set these things to a channel and everything which is pretty cool but this is basically Wireless Redstone unfortunately all the Mazda 8 doesn’t

Have the same mod that all the mod 7 did with the gauges and switches but as soon as it updates I’m probably going to tell everybody hey come add this to the pack because I love that mod that mod is amazing but for now we’re using Redstone

Links these are pretty cool they’re very easy to make too so all you need to make a redstone link is just a redstone torch and a brass casing brass casings are very easy to make all you have to do is take and put down any kind of log right

Click to strip it and then hit it with a piece of brass there you go brass casing these also look very nice you just combine that with a redstone torch and it gives you two Redstone links but there’s something very important about these things that you have to know first

Up you need to make yourself the wrench from create you can also get this very easily by going to the create quest line and just starting the very first quest which will give you the wrench for free which is pretty dope otherwise these things have two modes they have transmit

And they have received so as you see that little the little antenna there if it doesn’t have a circle around it it’s set to transmit if it does have a circle around it so all I got to do is right click it’s set to receive so essentially

What this one right here does is transmits any Redstone signal that it gets to anyone any of the Redstone links that have the receive mode on them and you can also filter these things too by taking and putting an item right here and it’ll set a frequency you can put

Two different frequencies if you want to but this is basically so that you don’t mix up with somebody else that’s around you if you’re playing in a multiplayer world so essentially the way this works is again this is set to transmit and it transmits the Redstone signal to all of

These and I just flick the switch and it turns them all on which is really dope it’s also really laggy on my screen so now that we know how to activate them these don’t come activatable so basically if we come over here and we type in spawner and then you hit r on

The spawner itself it’ll tell you all the things and all the ways that you can modify your spawners now there’s a ton there’s a lot the most important ones in my opinion I think is the nether Stars the soul lanterns to ignore light the spawn count is very important which is

The fermented spider eyes and then we have a lot more things that you can do like no way I is pretty nice you just need some chorus fruit silence really nice if you don’t want the making any noises the entities is pretty important so you need gas tears and just scroll

Through all these different things that you’ll need for me what I like to do is I like to start off especially in the beginning I like to give it Redstone control which takes a redstone comparator you just right click it with a redstone comparator and it gives it

Redstone control so you can control these but at the top we have minimum spawn delay Max spawn delay all that good stuff so just to show you guys kind of what this does I have an extra spawner right here see we have a stray spawner it’s just a random stray spawner

Now this one isn’t ignoring light so it doesn’t it shouldn’t actually spot anything so if I want Redstone mode I just right click it with a comparator and now we have control at the top this specific spawner has a minimum spawn delay of 180 a Max Bond delay of 240.

Now that that takes a while that’s that’s too long for me and you can speed this up all you need is some sugar or some clocks so to speed the spawner up minimum spawn delay is adjusted by hitting it with sugar you can reduce it

All the way to 20. and and then that’s it and the max Bond delay is reduced by clocks now this gets very expensive fairly quickly because it takes a lot of clocks to be able to turn this all the way to the minimum which is 20. to

Increase the spawn count you have to hit this with a fermented spider eye and to increase the max amount of entities that this spawner can control or spawn you have to hit this with gas tears and that goes up to a Max of 32. so the max spawn

Count is actually 16 which is really nice so you can actually make gas tiers by getting these catalyzing glands which is why one of the mob spawns I suggest on you having is a creeper the creeper is really nice to have because it again makes you gunpowder and it makes you gas

Tears which is pretty important then you have activation range and spawn range and now activation range is kind of cool it’s nice but uh we’re gonna kind of ignore that because we’re a little bit far ahead now you can increase the max amount of activation range if you would

Like to basically that determines whether how far you have to be away for these to actually spawn so even if you chunk load this right here like I have it’s not actually going to matter because you have to be close enough to trigger a spawn to work so to trigger

The activation range but you can get bypass that by hitting every single one of these with a Nether Star which is something we are going to do spawn range is how far they Spawn from the spawner now if you look I have all of mine set

To a spawn range of two so that way they don’t spawn outside of my 7×7 that I’ve made now you can change or increase the amount of Spawn range you have by hitting it with a blaze rod I don’t want to do that I want to reduce it so to

Reduce or to remove anything all you have to do is take and put a nether quartz in your offhand and then right click and then you can control and lower whatever it is that you want to so blaze rods in this moment reduces the spawn range which is pretty nice for example

For whatever reason maybe I don’t like these minimum spot delay to be 20. again just hold the nether course in your offhand and then you can adjust how fast it spawns or the minimum spawn delay that it now like I said there are several that you can add here like ignores light is

Pretty nice so for now I’m just going to box this up and break it now if I ever wanted to turn any of these off the way I have this set up right now if I ever wanted to turn any of these off I would actually just take a cardboard box and

Stick it over whatever spawner that I don’t want I don’t like let’s say if I don’t want the husk spawning anymore I have too much stuff from them just stick a cardboard box over it and now it’s no longer a spawner it’s just a box let’s

Talk about how I built this and why I built this the way I did at the very top you don’t have to have this but it’s nice to have because it does blow all of the mobs down if any of them decide to float up say spider stuff like that

These two fans right here very easy to make I thought they had upgrades but I guess not oh yeah I ran out of feathers we need to kill some more chickens the mob fan is relatively cheap to make and most of the time people will actually build their spawner are their

Mob farm or whatever with these spawners instead of using the things that I use which are at the bottom and I’ll show you that in a minute but these just blow things in a direction and you can upgrade them with fan with fan height or with distance upgrades distance is how

Far it goes height and width obviously it’s it just depends on how it’s looking right so this is my area and I only have one height upgrade and I have three distance upgrades so it goes this it goes one wider and then it goes a lot

Farther down if we take a look at one that doesn’t have one you see it’s just a single straight down if I add some more upgrades in here it will indeed make it thicker so for right now just starting off the show whatever these are actually controlled by Redstone links as

Well I have a redstone Link at the top these don’t need power or anything like that just some kind of redstone so important factors to this mob farm is first off you need to make it where there’s nothing that they can stand on now they can get trapped right here on

This Redstone link so if that’s what these fans are for these will blow them off the top here if they serve like somehow get spawned and fall on top of it that’s why I have the fans here just in case and sometimes spiders like to crawl under the corners too so those

Those things are kind of nice to have just to have something to blow them down you don’t have to have it but uh yeah it’s kind of nice to have so just to reiterate make sure there’s nothing for it to stand on that’s why it’s a single

Pillar and I have all of these capped off if you leave this say open and it starts right there then they can just spawn the top and sit up there and then you can have a bunch of mobs and that’s not good I have a single pillar that

Goes all the way down and again nothing for them to get stuck on here I have this right here so that when they spawn they can just go around this pillar now I guess you don’t have to have this pillar right here like it because they

Can indeed get stuck on it like this is why you see these little these plates these are called entity conveyors again another thing from Mob grinding utilities these are probably the easiest and cheapest way to make things or to make some kind of mob control here because you just need some slime balls

Red Stone and iron ingots and the Slime balls are actually easy to get because if you find some of these slime pearls in the drops or just kill a bunch of slimes I mean you can go ahead and make yourself wet you get six slime balls out

Of it and it only takes two so you can make 18 conveyors just off of one of those slime pearls it’s pretty nice so these things are very simple they just whenever you land on it it makes you go a certain direction that’s all it is you

Can actually as the player hold shift and walk across them and they won’t push you anywhere if you do the pillars like I’m doing right here you need to make sure that there’s some way for them to be pushed around so if they spawn right here we go over and then we find

Ourselves into this which is the mob Masher the mob Masher is what I use to kill the mobs I have nine of them and underneath them is a redstone block because you actually have to have some kind of lever or Redstone power none of these use actual power which is really

Really nice cool thing about these is these all can be upgraded with sharpness upgrades or looting upgrades there’s plenty of other upgrades like setting them on higher beheading them stuff like that but I don’t really need all of that I guess it wouldn’t hurt for us to have

A beheading upgrade so that way we can get the heads from the wither skeletons but they drop them easily anyway before we talk about these two inside and how to make them let’s look at the mom Masher itself it is a special recipe you need some iron basically a lot of iron

Iron blocks iron swords and then a couple it’s more iron swords some diamonds Redstone you get the mob Masher it’s actually incredibly easy to make and these do count as player kills which means that you get experience and drops as if it was from a player so I suggest

I’m going ahead and making yourself 10 of these sharpness upgrades for each one of your mob Mashers these take some gold nuggets iron swords and Redstone and the same thing for looting these two are absolutely must-haves you absolutely have to have the mob Masher looting upgrade this obviously applies looting

To the mod Masher to give you more materials I guess you don’t have to have it but I mean you better set it up the best way you can right blue dye is very easy you just need some lapis and that’s pretty much it so each one of these have

10 inside of them and they’re actually very dangerous don’t fall into them so this setup the way I have this set up again you can hold shift if you need to walk around in here if you don’t have a jet pack but again if you let go

That hurts even with my all the modium armor that I have on that actually took three hearts of my like of damage right there but again if I stand here for a second It’s Gonna Hurt it’s gonna kill me relatively quick so what I was doing

My all the mod 7 speed run the only death that I had was actually to that thing which is kind of funny so let’s talk about the collection system that I have here I guess we could talk about this right here this is called an Ender

Inhibitor you have to have one of these if you have an Enderman spawner if you don’t have this Enderman will just fall down and then teleport you gotta have one of these they’re very easy to make too again mob grinding utilities it’s very simple to make all you got to do is

Just place it on the wall it comes active if you want to turn it off you right click it but it just stops them from teleporting super easy to make so I have everything being collected by a backpack right here this is what my backpack looks like which it looks like

We have some skeleton and slime spawn eggs in here this must be the extra sponix that I have because that’s kind of weird my personal suggestion is to use a backpack because chess actually don’t get as many upgrades as backpacks do backpacks also can take the tank upgrade which allows them to collect

Experience which is really nice because if you don’t do this you’ll have to use something else to collect experience off the ground the way I have this set up is I have a magnet upgrade that pulls in all of the items and the experience from whatever is dropped I have an advanced

Void upgrade here but I have the advanced void upgrade set to void overflow the reason why I do this is because let’s say we get ourselves a chainmail helmet the chainmail helmet is cool and all to have or whatever maybe you don’t want it but if I go and do

Each individual one of these helmets or say each different type of armor what’s going to end up happening is I have to add a filter to each one of these and let’s say I don’t want arrows let’s say I don’t want inner tiers let’s say my collection system backs up and then now

It all goes into my backpack void overflow basically says I will hold one stack or I will hold a single spot but for whatever item that comes in here this basically deletes everything after that to show you an example here’s arrows if I come over here and drop it’s

Going to delete the next stack of arrows and this allows me to collect whatever it is into this without having a billion different void upgrades this is how I suggesting you setting it up so it’s set to block it’s set to work in GUI as well

And it’s also said to void overflow I have this set to ignore durability and ignore NBT so that way it just doesn’t care if it’s like it’s not going to give you two osmium leggings if say one is full health and the other one’s not it’s

Not going to do that it’s going to say is it osmium leggings okay we already have one delete the other one otherwise I have some stack upgrades I didn’t have enough materials at the time to make it the biggest ones are up to tier three

But we have a two tier twos a tier one and then we have a tank upgrade so the stack upgrades basically allow it to hold more of one slot so again because it’s only set in one slot if I didn’t have these stack upgrades let’s say we

Get an overflow of witches who drop Redstone and we get too much Redstone then it’s gonna only hold one stack the stack upgrades allow us to hold more so even though it’s going to void everything after the stacks are full like anything past 2000 here it gets

Voided uh at least I’ll have 2048 instead of just 64. see what I’m saying the tank upgrade is very simple you just have to have this to make it where it can pick up experience and push it out if you don’t have the tank upgrade it doesn’t allow you to push experience out

So I am pulling experience out of here on the left side here I have it pulling the experience out which is a liquid into something called an experienced Crystal I have 643 levels in here stored I can actually put all of my levels in here already that tells you how much

This sucker kills and how much experience it grabs so you’re never gonna have an experience problem again this is a really really nice addition from utilitex utility X utility utility X mud okay you’re gonna need some black concrete very simple to make three emeralds one bottle of enchanting and I

Know I know this recipe looks confusing because it’s only showing the glowing RGB viewer just get yourself some lime glass any kind of lime glass you see how it only showed for one second just get yourself two pieces of lime glass and just as a shortcut you can just smell

Some Cactus down for a green dye and then just take a piece of bone Mill and now you have light dye and that makes slime easy enough I have it pumping straight in here and in this one right here I have an improved pipe upgrade so that it pumps experience fast enough and

Then it stores all my levels this thing I can also pull out levels so now I’m level 659 I can also put it back so whenever I need them or whenever I have too many levels I can just come over here and grab it from this pretty dope

So on this side this is where all of my items are being pulled into I’m using functional storage functional storage is probably my favorite mod in terms of storage I just love the functionality that it has so if you’ve ever played with a mod storage drawers it’s essentially the same thing except for

You can’t have the controllers away from your drawers like if your controller is over here it won’t connect it has to touch somewhere on your doors well functional storage you don’t have to do that you can plop the sucker right here and then we can link these together so

This is my storage controller we’ve made this in earlier episodes but I’m just going to show you just for an example all you need is a linking tool you right click the storage controller here and with your linking tool you can right click to either swap to remove or swap

To add if you shift-click you can do multiple at a time or you can do single at a time so I always set this to multiple and I’m just going to show you so I’m going to remove these by right clicking dragging into the corner turning it off so these are now no

Longer connected to this if I turn this on it’s just going to fill the backpack up and I don’t want that well I guess it’d be good for demonstration purposes so we’re looking at oh we gotta turn my magnet off if we’re looking in here this fills up relatively quickly so we’re

Going to turn this off because I don’t want this overflow when items to be on the ground if we didn’t have the void overflow it’s it’s going to stack up whatever items are in here but it does prevent us from having an issue where there’s items floating on

The ground and it makes it where the server doesn’t like too which is nice but let’s go ahead and remove or let’s go ahead and add these back in here so we’re going to switch to oh switch over to add right click right click now these

Are all added and now this will pull all the items that I have in my drawers over from here into my drawers pretty cool so all I did was I took and placed these two by two drawers over here I gave them all void upgrades which are very easy to

Make you just need a drawer and eight pieces of obsidian very easy and this essentially makes it where it says okay if this is full what do I do with the extra stuff well I don’t want it backing up into that backpack so I would rather

This right here take care of the voiding so if it goes over any of these slots it’s going to just start deleting the items and I do believe I’ve had this happen and I don’t remember what it was like this one has four copper upgrades it can hold 2.1 million of a standard

Item which is I mean this is a very easy recipe to make so what I’ve done is just place the item inside of here and then I took my configuration tool and locked the chest now what I would do is I would place all of them down lock the chest

First right all of them down lock the chest then I would turn this sucker on let the items come into here first so I can see what items are going to come into here first and then pull the items out and put them in the storage drawer

Over here just so that way it I don’t have it a bunch of items just fill into these drawers randomly the process would be place all the drawers down first lock them all with the configuration tool make sure they have that little locking symbol at the top and then place your

Items in there slowly so one at a time you can turn it back on link it or whatever in between here but just place your items here slowly so like for example I’m going to place the Wither Skeleton skulls in here because I do want to collect them and then again I’m

Going to take I don’t think the withered stuff I don’t think I can turn Wither Skeleton skulls with skeleton no that’s not even worth it but they do drop Wither Skull fragments and I actually want those as well so I’m going to stick this over here since this is locked if

There’s nothing in there you can still right click to play something in there but the system won’t push something into a locked drawer so now it’ll start collecting skulls and fragments of skulls so now I just turn this on and now if it gets it it just shoves it

Over there I don’t really care to collect the withered ribs so I’m just going to leave it here but I do care to collect the coal that they drop that’s one of the most important things and I’m just going to stick this in the corner so now it’ll start filling this up over

Here so now the only thing is is once it hits 32 000 uh almost 33 it’ll start deleting it the reason why I did this like this is because if you don’t have the controller you have to pump all the items into all of these chests the controller essentially just says okay

This inventory right here is connected to all of these items all of them if I come over here and grab Redstone out and let’s say I have Redstone all in my inventory here all I have to do is come up over here and double right click and

It’ll empty out all the items that are inside of this right here from my inventory into here which is pretty nice like the imperium’s gone all the things that have a spot over here are now out of my inventory which is dope and that is kind of the base like the base way

That I set this up it’s really nice to have and uh if you’re wondering what type of glass this is this is called ethereal glass it allows you to move through it but nothing else can move through it no Hostile Mobs can move through that just players which is nice

Yeah this is my Bob farm so now you’re wondering what mobs should I use as a mob farm like why what are the best come on Alfred you speed ran all the mod 7 in 55 hours well this is probably the most important part of my speed run was

Making this right here if you don’t make something like this you’re gonna have a really hard time making any kind of materials in general so we’re gonna go through the recommended ones you want Enderman obviously you need ender pearls you want spiders it doesn’t matter if it’s cave spiders or not because spiders

Drop string string is very important for refined storage A2 all these different mods that require you to use string to make things like processor binding stuff like that cave spiders are important husks actually don’t matter you don’t have to have husk you don’t have to have

Husks you don’t have to have zombies but if you’re doing it for iron there is one tip that I can give you if you want a lot of iron like a ton of iron you can go out to the Twilight Forest find yourself a carmenite Golem and swab

These guys because they do drop zero to two iron ingots per kill which is actually really nice I have a slime spotter slime balls are really hard to come by since we don’t have Tinkers in eight so I suggest I’m getting that Blaze powders blaze rods are very

Important so you will want a blaze spotter Blaze Spawners are like the first step of all this because well you need Eyes of Ender to be able to make any of these things creepers are really nice to have because you need gunpowder gunpowder is really nice for a bunch of

Different things but most importantly you can get the catalyzing glands from them to make the gas tears this is really only needed to upgrade all the spawners to be faster so you don’t necessarily have to have that once your spawner system is set up but once Tinkers gets added back I’m going back

To my bombs I miss my bombs the skeleton spawner is another one that you don’t really have to have but I am doing this because when we start doing inferium farming the best inferium farm is actually made through create and using lily pads of fertility if you guys are interested in that I’m

Actually going to make a video about that and show that soon keep an eye out so we went and grabbed a wither skeleton spawner because a wither skeleton drops Wither Skeleton skulls obviously very nice to have and it also drops coal which is obviously needed for a billion

Different things and the most important spawners that you need the two most important spawners that you need is a cave creeper and a witch spawner now witches you can easily just go and find if you’d like to there’s random witch Huts places I don’t know why they’re

Spiders here so witches can be in a lot of different places uh but they’re pretty easy to get mob swab one of these get a mob egg from them you need this which is drop a lot of things most importantly they drop Redstone Redstone is very very important so they drop a

Lot of stuff as you see glowstone sugar Redstone spider eyes they’re incredibly important and the reason why they’re so important is because the spider eyes and the sugar is used to upgrade your other spawners so the witches is probably having a witch is probably the first

Thing that I suggest you get because the sugar and the spider eyes are used to upgrade it very nice to have you’re gonna need it they also drop witch hats which are really nice because you can stack these up and then turn them into even more stuff which is really nice

Because you can make more Redstone out of them or glowstone however that you want to so I suggest setting up a drawer for specifically this and now to talk about the most OP mob in this pack and in all the mod 7 the cave creeper the cave creeper drops your standard

Gunpowder but it also drops Stone and iron and gold and emeralds and diamonds now the diamonds and the emeralds are relatively low five percent is actually not bad but it’s still relatively low if you’re trying to farm emeralds make yourself an evoke respond but those two

Are much faster the raw gold and the raw iron is incredible because you can actually run these through your mechanism setups if you have them you can run them through different kind of or doubling or tripling and we’re going to be getting into or sextap link I

Believe it’s what it is time six we’re gonna do time six stuff and I’m gonna show you guys how to do that in a later episode but right now I just have these pouring out into my system just to stack up if you want to find a cave creeper

Just go to a cave believe it or not they’re just in caves you won’t believe how easy it took me a while to find what I’m gonna lie but fly around in some caves make sure that it’s an actual cave system not just like some random tunnels

That you dug and uh yeah you’ll mob swab them and you’ll get yourself a cape creeper and those are the spawners that I have right now these are all really nice to have I may have missed something when I’ve explained this but this is basically my setup so if you guys have

Any questions make sure to let me know in the comments and uh if you’re interested in doing a full setup video from scratch and everything let me know as well and I’ll probably make a video of that anyway but I if you’re interested just do a step by step let me

Know yeah this is my mob spawner see that spider running up bro come back there is a way to fix that without having fans because as you see those fans don’t work and that is by getting chorus fruit so you know what let’s go and see if we can find some unobtainium

Today y’all want to do that I really need to design this a little bit better but yeah that’s kind of pro tip you can put stairs like this and it looks kind of like a little stream and it even sounds like one too which is pretty cool

I meant to mention we were at our adventures and we got this wild goat we also got a B I know this is gonna sound really weird but can you put a lead on a b can you do that foreign I didn’t know that well apparently you

Can but this is Carlton the marbles winner he won marbles apparently but he has 600 Max Health it’s kind of difficult but you know now he’s our friend these are our friends that we’ve collected isn’t that right body might be a little jealous I’m not gonna lie buddy

Listen I’m gonna go find some unobtanium so I’m gonna need you to stay right here stay right here don’t go anywhere oh man it’s so beautiful out here with these shaders what is that all right so what we’re going to do is we’re gonna do slash RTP and hopefully

We don’t die God this place is so beautiful what what are you mad about the void here what the hell now we’re gonna go and right click here and we’re gonna find ourselves the end Highlands we’re just gonna figure out where the closest one’s at which it is 1500 blocks this way

That’s gonna take a while to fly to at least it’s beautiful out here Jesus Christ those are beautiful apparently we’re here oh this is it this is corestry right there cool go ahead and grab some of these because you’re going to want it for your mob farm I

Promise now there’s a lot of ore out here too let a b what is a bee doing out here is that an Ender B they’re so cute oh it’s an End Stone Nest right there wow he is incredibly slow he’s gonna do it he’s gonna do it hey wait wait wait when did

You get so fast that’s kind of exciting I’m not gonna lie all right so unobtanium is probably believe it or not the hardest thing to find because well it’s not obtainium and every speed run that I’ve done unobtainium was the thing that took me the longest to find and

It’s because you have to be in an end Highlands biome to find it so Pro tip if you’re in in Highlands biome and it looks like this professor clown has spawned what is Professor clown is he easy to kill nah he’s got 20 no I’m not fighting that guy he’s got 20.

You just don’t ever find anybody who’s got 20 armor because you got to have some kind of like Max health and armor ignoring stuff just don’t just don’t do it anyway back to what I was saying if you ever spawn in one of these like here

And this is what it looks like and it’s just a little corner piece fly around away from this because uh chances are you’re going to find a really beautiful biome no but seriously though you should be able to find yourself a completely different biome that uh

Well here we go this is where the in Highlands biome actually like connects to and apparently I pissed off more into me go ahead come on fight me then I suck at this game this is a terribly in Highlands biome I’m gonna go ahead and let you guys know this is absolutely

Garbage like if you see it in high loans biome like this you’re gonna have a really hard time finding unobtanium because it is it’s already hard to find and with their only being like one little area here no way no way are you okay what

No way do you know how long it took me to find it on the first few that I went through like legitimately I’m not even joking I cannot believe I just found this cool thing is I have luck our Fortune 5 on this so just easily be able

To break this oh my God five blocks as well did they make it easier to find or something in eight how much did we get out of that 11. we got 11 raw unobtainium War that is actually insane in no way they made this easier to like easier spawn

Because that’s kind of crazy that I found it within like 10 seconds like this is this is not even mean like I I just I don’t even know how to feel like we’re gonna test this now now I have a personal Vendetta to figure this

Out why that was so easy to find maybe they actually changed this to make it easier I don’t know if we see some more over here in an easier spot then we know we know it’s uh easier to get it’s not gonna spawn here because we’re in the

Bubbles Gardens lady Uma the super I don’t even want to fight them because they take too long let’s see if it’s easy to find unobtainium here I mean it’s kind of cheating if it is there’s no way that I was it was that simple I kind of want to look in this

I cannot believe I found it that that quickly that just has to be the luckiest I’ve ever been I’m not gonna lie like that was all of my luck I’m actually kind of upset all right maybe that was just a lucky find because I am not

Seeing any anywhere else this is also a very terrible in Highlands biome if you get lucky like me and you get hold on a second so if you get lucky like me and you end up running yourself into 11 of these raw unobtainium ore go make

Yourself the charm just like we did with the diamond site now the right side all the other stuff if you’re like super early game which I don’t know why you’re hunting for an obtainium in the early game but you know whatever if that situation were to exist what I would

Normally do especially my speed runs is I would go and find I would go ahead and make myself the charm site and then from there you know find more unobtanium that are just and they definitely made this easier to get look at this there’s two right here and there’s two right here

They one thousand percent made this easier to find like there’s no way they didn’t this has to be just easier that was two right there and there was four right there and now we have a total of 26. there’s no way they didn’t make this easier like that was that was that’s

Insane that it’s just right there on the side right there maybe all the mods eight will be a whole lot easier to speedrun because of this maybe I speed run all the mods I’m gonna spend all my time looking for more just because that we got lucky finding them anyway that’s

Really cool and all but you know what I don’t actually want to spend all my time looking for this stuff so I’m going to show you guys how to find it the easiest way and also take our next step into getting infinite materials in like literally five seconds okay so what

We’re gonna do is uh first step is we’re going to find ourselves we’re going to find ourselves in in city and hopefully an end um what are they called The Little Ships the airships hopefully we can find one of those what is going on with that blog

Right there see now I’m just looking for some more unobtanium y’all I’m just like got my eyes peeled for it I think on average it took me like an hour to find one piece of an unobtainium like my start I’m supposed to be looking for

That chip it’s like a hunt it’s like a scavenger hunt y’all ever shiny hundred before and like Pokemon oh okay so if you have the netherrite you can actually make this with some all the modium it’s very easy it’s just a structure’s compass I don’t have that I don’t have

The netherite actually I think I do have the netherite I do not have the netherrite I am going to save this raw unemptonium ore because we’re going to use that for a times six later down the road and that’ll be probably next episode so now

All right no damn way well I don’t think there’s a balloon here but there ain’t no damn way that we ah what are you kid okay I’m I’m not even joking I’m serious I’m like dead serious this is actually really incredibly lucky like I don’t understand this is where we did the in

Highland stuff um just started flying out here because I was going to show you this this biome right here is actually one of my favorites in the end because you get to see these like little Lava Pits underneath and I was like man this is really cool but Jesus how lucky are we

To find one of these this is crazy actually this is I don’t even know how to feel so the reason why we need to find this aside from just hitting guys and I don’t know why I hit that intermittent I’m just so excited so aside from just fighting everything here

There’s a reason why we oh God it scared me there’s a reason why we’re here and uh two things one the elytra and whatever’s in here grants immunity to knock back we’re getting that diamond back we’re gonna take the diamond backpack with us gold gold we’re gonna

Take all these backpacks with us an Ender staff uses ender pearls to let the player teleport around I don’t really care for that I’m gonna be honest with you but we are gonna get the elytra that’s important but even more important because I mean we literally can fly is

At the very front of these ships the most important item that you’re going to need for infinite resources is a dragon head because the dragon head is used to make ourselves something amazing and that is the chunk Destroyer which will be the focus of our next episode in all

The mods eight guys thank you so much for watching and I appreciate you if you like these videos make sure you hit like subscribe let me know what you’re interested in and what you’re doing in your all the mods eight playthrough if you want me to show you a certain mod do

A certain thing all that good stuff just let me know and hopefully I can cover it and teach y’all guys something maybe even even potentially speedrun all the money do you want me to speed around all the money well we run all the mods just let me know I’m also doing a playthrough

Over on my twitch channel of Vault Hunters 3 the latest edition and it’s been a ton of fun we have a community server I’ve made a community post about this head over to my Discord if you want to check it out or my twitch streams I stream on Friday Saturday Sunday if you

Guys want to come hang out with me on the next episode we’re going to conquer the world as always thank you guys for watching and bye

This video, titled ‘The Best Mob Farm in Modded Minecraft | All The Mods 8 EP7’, was uploaded by AlfredGG on 2023-01-13 16:00:07. It has garnered 83351 views and 1420 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:33 or 2613 seconds.

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Tired of mining for materials? All The Mods 8 has a mob that you can farm to get yourself TONS of materials. It also has several mods that makes it a lot easier to automate it as well! In this episode, we make up for my bad recording mistakes and happen to find Unobtainium in record time.

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Egg-citing Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Beating Minecraft using ONLY chickens while speed painting Pomni from TADC as a Vtuber – Ep 13.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server like Minewind to experience unique and exciting gameplay like never before? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast world filled with endless possibilities, encountering challenges, and meeting new friends along the way. Minewind offers… Read More

  • Minecraft 2.0 Secrets Exposed!

    Minecraft 2.0 Secrets Exposed! The Exciting World of Minecraft 2.0 Are you ready to dive into the fascinating realm of Minecraft 2.0? This latest version of the beloved game brings a host of new features and updates that are sure to delight both new and seasoned players alike. Let’s explore some of the highlights of Minecraft 2.0 and what sets it apart from its predecessors. Enhanced Gameplay Experience One of the most notable aspects of Minecraft 2.0 is the enhanced gameplay experience it offers. With improved graphics, smoother performance, and new mechanics, players can immerse themselves even further in the blocky world of… Read More

  • Unbelievable! NEW PLAYER & UPDATE in Solo Leveling Mod!

    Unbelievable! NEW PLAYER & UPDATE in Solo Leveling Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘A NEW UPDATE & A NEW PLAYER! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-23 20:00:10. It has garnered 4059 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A NEW UPDATE & A NEW PLAYER! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 13 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel… Read More

  • Unlocking Network Mysteries in Minecraft

    Unlocking Network Mysteries in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘El Poder de la Red: Misterios Descifrados #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Morotex on 2024-03-02 22:36:21. It has garnered 708 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Every day on stream at 8.10 pm Colombian time on our favorite platforms: Twitch: Twitter: Kick: Youtube: minecraft, my girlfriend, minecraft girlfriend, my minecraft girlfriend, girlfriend, minecraft girlfriend, we play minecraft with my girlfriend, carloscastle minecraft, my minecraft girlfriend, in minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft with my girlfriend and my brother, minecraft, how to do in minecraft,… Read More

  • TURTLZ GONE WILD! Ultimate Minecraft Server Code!

    TURTLZ GONE WILD! Ultimate Minecraft Server Code!Video Information This video, titled ‘Yak anarchy! no hack minecraft server! join code’, was uploaded by Kool Turtlz on 2024-02-14 12:11:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. server join code: discord join code: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Challenges of Minecraft’s Survival Mode’, was uploaded by Mr Pro on 2024-02-06 04:18:22. It has garnered 94001 views and 2403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Embark on an epic adventure with me as we brave the wilderness of Minecraft’s survival mode! In this thrilling video, join me as I navigate the unforgiving terrain, gather resources, and fend off dangerous foes to stay alive. Witness the excitement and tension as I face the ultimate test of skill, strategy, and perseverance in this immersive gaming experience. Whether you’re a… Read More

  • “Unlocking the Secrets of SNebulas in WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Tomorrow!” #minecraft #modded #mystery

    "Unlocking the Secrets of SNebulas in WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Tomorrow!" #minecraft #modded #mysteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Gift? WillowsTale SMP S2 Ep4 Coming Tomorrow! #minecraft #gaming #youtubeshorts #modded #youtube’, was uploaded by SNebulas on 2024-01-10 21:13:33. It has garnered 201 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Walking for Chickens!

    Insane Adventure: Walking for Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Walking to find Chickens’, was uploaded by Eqqo on 2024-03-24 03:40:21. It has garnered 3193 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. ➤ ➤ ➤ #minecraft Read More

  • Join Dracula Broo’s Public SMP Now! 🧛‍♂️🔥 #shorts

    Join Dracula Broo's Public SMP Now! 🧛‍♂️🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Free Public Smp 😀 | Join Now!!! Anime Smp Season 5 #shorts’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-23 17:52:08. It has garnered 34 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build… Read More

  • INSANE UPDATE! Is this NCS song in Phigros?! 🎶

    INSANE UPDATE! Is this NCS song in Phigros?! 🎶Video Information This video, titled ‘[Phigros New Update] is this song from ncs or smth (v3.5.1 / First Look + Phi Gameplay)’, was uploaded by 578uit on 2024-03-15 17:00:45. It has garnered 1300 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:32 or 392 seconds. The title is because this song reminds me of the types of music that YouTuber used for videos like Minecraft PvP montage or something (NCS-type beat) and it was a good time. I was having fun creating some of my first contents, even when it’s completely directionless lol Chill chart to compensate for… Read More

  • Unleash your creativity with this Minecraft roleplay server tutorial!

    Unleash your creativity with this Minecraft roleplay server tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Create a Minecraft Roleplay Server’, was uploaded by TurboTrendTrove on 2024-03-29 20:03:12. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Like = MORE Subscribe = MORE MORE! Looking to make money as a freelancer? Join Fiverr today and start earning for free! Whether you’re a writer, designer, developer, or have any other skill, Fiverr offers a platform where you can showcase your talents to a global audience. With no upfront costs and the flexibility to work on your own terms. Don’t miss out… Read More

AlfredGG – The Best Mob Farm in Modded Minecraft | All The Mods 8 EP7