All The Mods 8 Ep.1 A New 1.19 Modded Adventure

Video Information

Everybody and welcome to a new series on the mod pack all the mods eight in today’s episode we go around just looking exploring we find a base location where we want to build our Heavies in the future and we get ourselves some pretty cool armor as you

Can see and we go mining though I hope you enjoy Okay so here we are in a brand new mod pack all the mods eight and well this Modpack has a lot of stuff for us to explore over 300 mods in this pack and just by looking at the area around us you can see there is a lot of

Stuff going on we’ve got a village one two three four Villages and I think there’s another one if you look at the map over here there’s another Village so there’s like five Villages just around us but the main thing you might be seeing is that yes this is a gigantic airship

That looks amazing and I’m guessing it’s gonna be full of goodies for us to gather now the thing about it is We’re not gonna be an Explorer right now today so this pack over 300 mods and it doesn’t have a few quests so we’ll go over those quickly now so welcome to all

The mods Ace that was loud and so we have all the modiums so it’d be fun to start playing with all the modium stuff again but the only thing is there’s no more vibranium or unobtanium armor so yeah and I’m pretty sure this armor here has gotten heavily nerfed as

You can see it doesn’t have like the 200 armor points or whatever it’s just a better step up from netherrite so yeah I don’t no but I’m still guessing it’s gonna be better than that all right until we get maybe something with different armor but yeah then you’ve got your tips and

Tricks so kind of telling you about like magnets wands building gadgets compact machines we’ve also got like different org Generations so if you haven’t played MC since 1.16 it’s important to know that our generation has changed as well as Max build level so yeah a lot of stuff has changed there

Is now a structural Compass which is really cool so structure no structure has been set so we might be able to use that to find ourselves an ancient city later on but then again all the modium can only be found in the deep dark a deep dark is where the warden can spawn

So we have to be very careful if we’re going Gathering that tool belts which might be something we might look into and it’s actually really good for swapping between tools say if you have an entire inventory or a hot bar full of stuff you’ll be able to switch to tools

Really easily which is nice we got our sinks Comforts which is our sleeping bag and hammocks As Time in a Bottle so on so yeah that’s mainly down Bounty boards we’re killing all these different type of mobs and we just could so we need to kill five Overworld witches

I don’t know what they’re called oh Overworld bounties and then the rest is wherever you have to kill these guys in the Overworld first and then I think you can um kill the rest wherever so cool uh then we have getting started so basically welcome getting started so

We get ourselves some food which is good we need food to get started uh we need to chop down some trees make ourselves into crafting table some wooden tools get some stone tools and then we can work our way up to that Gathering building materials to build a house and

Making a home teleporting around using waste Stones which is definitely something we’re going to try and get our hands on Crafting a team and I won’t be able to do that but I can create the party to complete the quest but uh we also have Mystic agriculture so we can

Grow all our resources we have mechanisms so we can generate power process resources and so on mining and everything different type of foods and different types of storage so we have regular chests we have sophisticated backpacks and sophisticated storage which is really cool it’s like a backpack but it’s a

Chest so you can add upgrades and everything to it pretty cool getting started part two with mainly getting into Power resource generation uh processing and even a bit of enchanting going to the Twilight Forest because there’s a good few dimensions for us to explore in this

Pack as well we have the Twilight Forest we have two Dimensions from blue skies and we have deeper and darker which is like an area below the deep dark and we’ll have to go I think you have to kill the warden to get there but we also

Have to use an ancient city portal to get there and we have the Nether and we have the other and the mining Dimension and yeah there’s probably more but they’re all the ones I can see and think up atop my head we have silent gears in

Here which is what we’re going to be using for our tools and stuff so lucky enough by completing this to get herself a blueprint package so we can use that to start making ourselves some tools really easily there is armor in here so I’m kind of thinking

If we use silent gears to make armor we might be able to make unobtanium as silent gear armor so we’ll have to see if that would work but we need on titanium first and we have basic storage the sophisticated storage backpacks we got functional storage we have dimensional

Storage so we got ourselves Ender tanks and ender chests and these guys are quite small but if you right click on ender pearls they get bigger we have ourselves dimensional storage so it’s the exact same as Ender i o or not under IO Ender storage or Endo chest it’s just

That you can set up more configuration of numbers and num and whatever you got yourself trash cans which is cool and you got all your drawer upgrades and whatever applied energetics and so we could probably get into that but I probably won’t it might be if one or two things

We might need from this mod to progress in the pack but chances are we’re just going to be using refined storage and because there’s a lot more stuff added for refined storage in this one like there’s is this mod here called cable tiers and that adds a lot of stuff that we

Like created disk manipulators creative exporters importers this creative destructors and Constructors and we also have this thing here A Creative requester so we’ll have to see how that works I thought I saw a creative um crafter but that might have been something else and because we only have like all the

Way up to netherrite so yeah even though net array is pretty good like base speed 125 times way fast enough then after that we have different farming methods so we have food and farming so farming fast we need to make ourselves a whole to start processing up

All these type of things and we get leads so animal farming and we got ourselves cooking for Blockheads so we can actually like make up really complex foods and stuff which is nice agriculture self-explanatory we just need to grow all our resources set up infusing Alters we can also make all

This armor and there is a new tier in here that I am actually seeing and it’s not in the quest book but if we look up as a premium or just go to like a chess plate or something and there is this new stuff called awakened supremium which is going to be

Way better than our old modium because all the modium is only nine but this just plate here is 12. plus we can add a bunch of um augments onto it like we have this flight augment we can add Health boost damage everything and as well plans to

Grow faster in an AOE which is pretty cool once you have the full set um it does require a bit of stuff we need this Awakening altar uh which is pretty cheap it actually isn’t too bad you get Soul Stone in the Nether and so

What we will need to set up all the different Essences finally for once air Essence has a use which is funny and then the awakened ingots is going to require us to or you can even get it from uh Coleman stuff I don’t know how you get a weakened essence

Um oh colonized dust dropped by the Wither and Ender Dragon man killed an Essence weapon enchanted with Miss with an Essence weapon enchanted with mystical Enlightenment okay so we need a sword that has that on it right okay but that’s how you get that productive bees are in here so we can

Generate Resources with bees which is really cool and we just need to get ourselves on the honeycomb and all that uh different power sources so we have like power generation for like out of fuel we need to clean this first so we got Nicole generous heat generators we

Got power storage the basic cues energy batteries from integrated Dynamics RF tooled boundary storage different power generation true honey wind solar and advanced solar and then we have power transferring so we have even the Tesseract in here so we can transfer items fluids and power across Dimensions

Easy pipes for power and stuff which is cool or just pipe Z I think it’s called Network just pipes and I think it used to be called easy pipes or maybe that was something else anyway uh we have a Quantum entangler portal which works the exact same with the um Tesseract and

Then we have it um what’s this one called bigger reactors it always changes names so it’s like extreme reactors bigger reactors and whatever so yeah we got bigger reactors in here which is cool create as we can create a complex firms and automation we have mechanism like we said for power generation or

Processing and Mining just your foregoing for farming mob Farms power generation fluid and item storage ours Nouveau so we’ll probably be using this mod pretty early on and we can get ourselves like spell books and stuff create all these different glyphs and we can use this to

Mine move around light up areas attack mobs and farm which is really cool and then we also have elemental craft which we haven’t touched really since one uh all the mod six so this pack mod has had a lot of changes so can’t wait to get

Into that and yeah I know it’s changed a lot since we first used it exploration we got blue skies so we have to like set up all this now go to different dimensions there’s different armor type the mobs that we can probably fight uh looks like a boss or something here we

Got ourselves the guardian of the ever bright Tower Guardian of the ever Dawn Tower and we have the boss of the poison dungeon and the boss of the nature dungeon so yeah there’s a lot of different bosses and Mobsters to fight in this pack so that’s gonna be exciting

I don’t see the uh creative stuff in here but there is a creative tab because we have to make ourselves the ATM Star that’s made like everything else before so we need unobtainium we need awakened unobtaining vibranium alloy so that’s going to be another crazy recipe to get

Into it is nighttime but are up in a tree so we should be safe we’ll run all over the village now in a moment and sleep uh creative Athens and probability device philosopher fuel I call the basic stuff we’ve made to start before a few times

Um but yeah but then the star can be used to make creative backpacks uh creative sources or create a spell book I don’t think the block is used for anything apart from uh fertilization on a bee and then we can also use it in this guy here and we actually have use

Of the star I think it’s in the mixer yep you can make yourself create a blaze cakes uh you can have yourself a creative motor brush it into shards and you can use that to make infinity pipe upgrades and catalysts and which I’m guessing are things for tools or

Whatever to make them even better and nothing in there and I think the last but not least then is the pressure Chambers or second last one at least a creative compressor creative iron block and then in here we have our power the creative controller and we have a Creative Energy Cube

Cool that’s probably a lot of talking and I apologize for that bus I just wanted to go over that so let’s head to this village now and get ourselves a bed and so we don’t actually run into any mobs there’s a few zombies over there let’s run to this little village here uh

Sometimes this could be a pillar Dragon Outpost but I think we’re lucky this time it is just a regular villager Outpost and there’s a skeleton behind me I think there’s a bed in here yep we can use that Let’s Groove oh there’s an ad Rod over there to the right cool

So yeah this place I’ve explored one of these before and they have a lot of tools like lengthy iron pickaxe of quarrying this guy has an empty socket which will get over sockets now in a moment we have reach distance and has an extra 20 base mining speed which is cool

We’ll have ourselves some chain mail arm or chainmail boots which add 13 to our total swim speed so we’ll right click to equip those and we also have iron helmet which which is Windswept so it adds 15 extra speed to us so uh scroll to Regeneration don’t need

Any of that but there we go all oh my God that was loud grab the End Rod and yeah otherwise I’ll grab this guy here too so yeah about these sockets apotheosis has had a huge change since I’ve last used it because now all these new

Sockets and gems and stuff that you can get from killing mobs and losing Dungeons and stuff here’s one right now this guy is purity of 100 and he adds step Heist three percent step height meaning I think if we were to get that now and put it on those boots do we have

I think I’ve used a smithing table so we might look for a smithing table we might be able to do we get boots here oh we did and we might be able to do that and don’t have to jump over blocks we might be able to just use that to step up a

Block which will be very very nice for us because running around right now is not going to be fun if we have to keep jumping over stuff another Justin here more iron a different pickaxe uh you are slightly better and this iron tool is a Effectiveness against all blocks

Against all blocks does that mean we combine obsidian and diamonds with it or we can always mine diamonds but but like obsidian hmm it says effective against all blocks so we’ll have to try that best in here um yeah we’ll keep that helmet this guy would add uh extra like um health so

Hold on to it this guy here is adding extra mining speeds we can probably throw that in our pickaxe here then as well and we have another guy right here oh hello uh oh a trident oh that’s gonna be very good early on it doesn’t have any way to

Come back to us we don’t have loyalty but still I think we can just use it like up close with really really good because tridents are powerful uh we have two more tents over here so we’ll loot those um before I started recording I did notice an area which I think I’m going

To go and explore to live in uh it’s an area north of here it’s near another Village it’s all the way over there and it does look like a really nice location to live so I think we’re gonna go over there and have a look how fast is this extra swim

Speed I think I actually have to be swimming not just floating there’s a lot of other Villages around and I don’t think I’m going to explore those today uh because I do want to get over to my base or at least where I want

To build my base and get set up for the tiny house it’s not going to be a permanent house but I do want to get started with that and and go with start mining because it’ll be good to get resources soon uh okay there’s a good chest play wow we’re already incredibly

Fast look how fast we’re moving damn these hammers are incredible uh nothing in there and I think we’ve mainly looted everything here right let’s head over there because the area over here is an amaranth field and I think I want to live there because it

Kind of has a throwback all the way back to all about six it’s kind of like the location we built in the trees are at least the flowers are new well I think our original location used to be a Jacquard Forest which is kind of always around the jungle and if we look

Over here the same trees are there and it’s even a bit here but all these colorful flowers is beautiful let’s look at the mountain over there it looks so good it’s probably hard to see on video but we have the uh to carry the trees again and yeah all the flowers here are

Amazing okay I definitely do feel a bit of extra swim speed which is nice oh a Way Stone yeah having way stones this early on is really good oh my God it’s another Airship loading in over there which is really good let’s go to this Village first and then we’ll head up

There and have a look around but having waste Stones early on will help us at least when we’re down deep underground and because pretty much oh another way Stone nice and we’re going to be well probably digging to try and find all the modern which is going to be in the deep

Dark and if we’re digging really deep down there’s a chance that we might accidentally summon the warden now with our gear at the moment it is not going to be good because he’d easily kill us so I would want to wait to teleport home really quickly and waystones is the way

To do that another thing I would use is a warp scroll from Iris nouveau so using this guy we could set a location right click on instantly teleport back to that location we set it from hello what’s going on here Engineers workbench I’m going to rob that it’s an immersive engineering building

That we have these guys here storage crates meaning we can put all these items that we’ve been gathering in there and we will just be able to pick up the actual crate itself and move it around which would be good it works like a shulker box and we have two of them in

This place see we even gotta sell the shovel plus we have in this Village uh oh there’s a blacksmith here so we’ll go loot that now as well there could be some good loot in this thing and what have we got in here an iron sword nice

Oh by hold oh holding the trade and gives us some extra speed we got ss3 obsidian condensed blood okay that’s from Evil craft some apples iron gold horse armor and the more bread uh this guy here on hit you inflict weakness six attack damage fire base damage you

Can do fire damage and oh 16 base lifesteal meaning if we are attacking something we take damage after we attack that Mob We Will regenerate our health which would be really nice uh holding a trident actually is a huge speed boost oh my god look how fast we’re moving

Uh but the frame rate is taking a hit right now because we are generating so many things in the distance because I maxed out we’re in the distance just so I could look around let’s turn it back down so we’re not as laggy anymore how did I feel so much

Better right uh what do we got in here anything in this house nope and were we just lucky with the immersive engineering building and the the blacksmith I think we were yeah okay anyway up here this is where I want to build my base I’m thinking at the top

Of this hill we’ll be able to like come down using a path and this entire flat area down here would be really nice for building like a couple of farms having um I don’t know what way I want to do my base building do I want to go like um

Futuristic do I want to do casual do I want to do like um I don’t know like modern do I want to do like old kind of style even like uh cottages and medieval kind of stuff I don’t know ooh the cave entrance here does this go down deep or anything

Oh it might Trident or my sword ah it doesn’t actually look like I already goes anywhere yeah we’ll go mining now in a moment wow this is really going usually tunnels like this yep and in the dead end right there’s no cold in here either so

We couldn’t even light it up we wanted to so we’re gonna have to find a bigger cave entrance and see if we can just drip Stone here okay that might be a drip Stone cave around here and it’s climb up the rest of this hill in any way

The Way Stone right there what three way stones that’s really good for us I mean we can set up multiple locations we can use one to escape one as our main mine entrance and one at our house so what Pier is where I’m thinking of building my base

So we’ll have to probably cut back some of those trees on a whoa hang on a second what’s going on over here I’m on top of this mushroom yo that looks cool oh no oops okay my jump I’m running so fast I didn’t miss timed my jump but look at this

Oh my God this looks beautiful uh that tree’s kind of blocking my view oh we can bumpy here now I’m going to attack us no but look at that that goes looks like it goes way down it’s full of water which is kind of annoying but it’s pretty good and the

Amaranth field got the whole way up around the top of the mountain okay this is looking nice okay I’m uh that ideas are starting to float into my head if we build up all the way around the edge of the mountain we might be able to like use some

Elevators from create to lower ourselves down to go mining that could be really cool and just Gathering a bit of the resources are just on the surface here and also I’ve just noticing there and I think in this version modded ores spawn in gigantic clumps

Um so mining is going to be a bit crazy I think so we’re gonna have to like make ourselves a couple backpacks to be able to carry everything because we’re going to have a lot of resources vanilla ores like iron gold diamonds and coal and they won’t snack in gigantic clumps but

You’ll see what I mean now because I have played this pack a little bit uh in my own other world so I kind of know how to get started but wait until you see um what the mining is going to be like let’s go back up here and let’s actually

Put down a couple of chests to get started so I’m thinking of building around right here we’ll have to do a little bit of terraform to lower the ground but if we start around here I think we should be good right I just realized something I probably should have grabbed a bed while

I was down in that Village um but I never did so let’s put down these crates for now and let’s go however some wood actually I’m going to need some iron so I can chop down some trees oh it is turning night time right

Let me run down here grab a bed and chop them with these trees down while we’re down here all right I got myself a bed I’m just heading back up the mountain now an apotheosis is about to spawn over there you might have just copped at the

Beacon uh so it actually now indicates where they spawn which is actually kind of good because these they won’t have to be like running around trying to find out where he spawned and it won’t cause lightning strikes anymore and which could have I don’t know if it actually

Did set stuff on fire but at least now you you will actually know exactly what it is and just getting back up here and all right here’s our chest okay let’s take out these two here I did kill some cows on the way back up because I want to make myself a backpack

Before we go mining and so but you can kill some cows we’ll be able to make a backpack now oh yep there’s the beacons you can see there’s one spawn down over there uh right let’s get ourselves our bed down so let’s just quickly sleep because there’s too many mobs around here all

Right there is a zombie here so we’ll take him out and the good thing about this actual sword that does fire damage now is if we’re killing cows and whatever to like get leather and stuff we also get some extra food you have a shield oh and he actually dropped this

So that could at least help us and for running skeletons down in the mine the other thing we need is fourth string um is there any more spiders around let me have this there’s um maybe I should have got run around and killed some spiders first um

Emmett is there any other way of making string because I do have a little bit of wool if we can turn the wall that we have into string that would be good I think we might need like a grindstone or something to do that and let’s make ourselves a quick crafting table stick

On the corner here make ourselves a couple of chests because we have no storage and so chests and we’ll just put them like along here for now uh we’ll do it up here then as well right let’s dump all of this in here and now the uh since at the start we claimed

All of these quests let’s actually collect all the rewards now and then we get ourselves a lot of books some copper ore some extra seeds I think or were they just already on me they might have been already on me but this is the thing I’m after the blueprint package this

This will give us blueprints to start with so we got a little pickaxe shovels uh we got a spear instead of a sword uh we could do the shield and we got ourselves a knife and an ax and we also got a stick but a tool Rod but you can

Just use a stick it doesn’t really matter so uh we’re gonna make ourselves an ax and a shovel now because we’re not gonna be using this uh Stone shovel we’re rather something better and we’re also going to make ourselves a um repair kit now repair kit is made

Using a piece of flint and some of the uh some planks I will make a crude one later on when we get better resources we can upgrade to something better I think I might take these guys with me so I can fill them up and whatever

Um but string how can we make more string can I turn that wall into string is there any way of using it crushing Wheels would work a milling machine would work uh grinding okay it might we might need to oh wait wait it’s this thingy squeezer

Okay a squeezer could be good it’s just a piece of iron sticks and an iron block we have plenty of iron from our first exploration so if we make ourselves a quick squeezer we’ll be able to make ourselves our um thing here now so give me a second so

I just need some of those iron block and if we go here we should be able to make ourselves a squeezer we need more sticks a bit more planks there we go so we need ourselves a squeezer and perfect all we have to do now is just put this down

Here grab out our wool put the wool inside and then just jump on top there we go we’ve got two pieces we need one more so I need to make myself a button because this thing here needs a redstone signal to reset put another piece of wall in and jump on top

Perfect five string now we can make ourselves a backpack they’re gonna be out the leather we need to make ourselves a chest now uh so give me the wood make ourselves a chest and then if we look up backpack now we want a sophisticated one so which

Is this guy here boom and then we can upgrade it with iron uh I don’t think we got any gold at all so we don’t have to stick with iron they’ll stick down our back and for press B I’ve rebounded some other mods that are conflicting with the

B haybine so I’ve removed those so B is the default to open the backpack you just need to might remove some of the other mods but there we go so we have a backpack so we have this much storage to work with which is nice it’s pretty much

A double chest with us for the whole time and then we can take ourselves our wooden storage crates and then we can actually like carry a lot more resources with us right let’s grab ourselves out our ax and shovel blueprints with some iron and our sticks put these in here and it only

Requires one stick each which is nice so tree iron will make us an iron ax and then swap with a shovel and one piece of iron it’s actually cheaper to use the blueprints which is nice and also making out of iron it gives it a trait magnetic pull nearby items

Which is cool so for mining under something like Out Of Reach we can like walk close and boom it’ll pull to us which is really nice and since oh there’s a creeper over there um yeah I need to go get cold because I need to light up this Forest because

Mobs are going to be spawning in this place like crazy um yeah the gunpowder is kind of nice to have as well right um so I saw a cave entrance down over there somewhere it’s not the one that was there there’s a big like cut in the

Ground I’m gonna save that for later until we have like better armor and stuff and maybe some other resources and but we’re just gonna go down here and see if we can go mining I do have the crates on me I have my backpack I probably should grab some wood while I’m

Down there so we can make torches when we’re on the ground and let’s head down over here and go mining right you can see this is like where I’m looking at um I don’t know how we’re going to get down there safely there is like one pocket of water down there

I’m not gonna risk anything let’s jump into it and see if we can make it there and the only thing I just realized maybe I should have grabbed a bucket while I was still at my house um yeah oh it doesn’t oh okay so there is a

Amethyst right there which is good I’m gonna go back up and grab a bucket because I really should have grabbed one before I left something else I just remembered I should have done before I left was set up the way Stone how else am I supposed

To get back up and down and it never took the waist down with me and it was a good thing we actually decided to come back here and so I’m gonna hold on to that turn those into sticks give me out three iron for a bucket and give me

These way stones so I’m gonna make myself a bucket so we can have some water and I’m just gonna put a Way Stone uh just a clear bit of space here just put away Stone just call it home for now eventually it Iran will have a better

Um setup so put those away hold on to these I’m just gonna put them in my backpack here them in there and I’m just gonna put on the no sort bottom row and then we’ll just turn these into wood all right there we go probably don’t need

That many sticks but two stacks should be more than enough for all the coal that we will find right back over here now and we’ll also have to grab some water on the way all right water in hand okay do I try and make the jump I’d say

If we land there we won’t die oh I placed it a second too late um but damn okay this actually goes quite deep it’s cold up there but I think I just saw coal on the edge right here or something oh wow okay that’s actually a huge open area down here oh

Yeah okay there’s a lot of mobs and good thing our sword is actually got vampiric on it so we can oh there’s a mob spawner might be looking at something out of that just grab up oh this isn’t coal what is this it’s like aquariums like Crow corium

Okay I want this though because this is cool this is a spawner it’s a cave spider okay not in spawns which is nice whoa oh let’s start dripping okay we got tons of obsidian emeralds we got zombie and spider spawn eggs we have magic siphon iron and Diamond horse armor which is

Really nice and we’ll put all that in our bag for the moment and it’s pretty cool right let’s make ourselves some torches out of that coat I keep pressing n that brings up to a journey map waystones uh or the waypoints I don’t want that um do I want my Shields

I’ll hold yeah I’m gonna wear my shield because it’s probably better to wear the shoe like there’s a creeper right here which is a cave creeper and oh will you drop oh that’s weakness because my sword inflicts weakness okay yeah creeper is like the only thing that will do that

My God this place is huge that’s the thing about the new one point like cave update or whatever it is 1.17 I think the cave update was in caves are huge and we’re just going to run around and light up as much as we can because

Yeah I don’t want to get a surprise next time I come down here grab all this iron not that we really need much iron make sure no creepers are going to jump from my head I did see one or two drip Stone creepers because there is the creeper overhaul mod in here so

It adds new different type of creepers based on the biome you’re in which I think is really cool because then those creepers drop specific resources so if we get like spawn eggs on them set up spawners we could pretty much just set up like resource Firearms

With them run over here now and light up this little bit of an area make sure skeleton there we go continue lighting up we need to get more coal now just cold up here okay perfect and then we’re out of torches uh oh my God it just keeps going

How much space is here what is all this stuff TV Ivy TV in case the TV and never seen that before so we’ll have to try and explore that mod grab out some more coal stick this down here or torches please perfect and put all that away

Hold on to that and hold on to this hold on to the water you know I’m probably not getting myself this much so I’ll put that away in my bag I put this in the entrance here right um I guess what I’m gonna do then is run

Around here for a bit and just start mining because there’s a lot of stuff to dig up around here and I think he’s another creeper and so I think what I’m gonna do is go around dig for a while and if anything of importance or anything cool appears

Or I find I’ll start recording again so I’ll be back okay I just dropped down from above and yeah there’s like these little urns from supplementaries and these guys if we’re lucky might have some emeralds in it oh there we go cobwebs and I think we’re a very rare

Chance there might be a diamond and I think more over here no they’re usually scattered everywhere down here that is a mimic you can tell because the way the chest is moved so we’ll take out the mimic and by killing a mimic he will drop an artifact and the artifact will

Give us like a bonus effect right here fast spikes Grant immunity to knock back and we can wear those on our feet there now any mob cannot knock us back which is actually kind of good but some mobs will knock us back oh there’s a drip Stone creeper wow he

Actually really Blended in what have we got in here another Trident under the vampiric one too wow um okay uh there’s another chest stuff over here there is this little welding stalker here so we’ll just ignore him for a second light up a bit of the area now we’ll take them out

There we go something back here okay I think we’re good what’s in the chest over here we do need to eat that’s a lot of sugar and oh yeah sometimes you need to be careful there could be TNT underneath these chests so just be aware a diamond ax glass bottles

Tons of iron a golden shovel helmet already that great I’m gonna leave my ax down here because I don’t need it but this guy here has base current HP damage foreign let’s see what it does wow okay that did a lot of damage and you have a

Okay you had a stone pickaxe of quarrying which I do not want great back to mining I don’t think there’s anything else around here and also yeah you can see here now um modded oars like lead silver tin and all that uh vinc here they spawn in massive clumps

Um so you saw there I just got like a massive like block of raw lead and nearly every one of the massive clumps here will have that as you can see this entire thing here was full of uh tin and I just broke my pickaxe

So yeah I’m going to go back and make another pickaxe and it’s really easy to do that so all I have to do is wave Stone put the wavestone down here don’t need to name it just teleport home oh it’s nighttime we quickly sleep there we

Go and what I can do then is grab out my pickaxe pattern and while I’m up here I might as well empty out my inventory and we could make ourselves an emerald pickaxe I don’t think we have any actual diamonds no we just have Diamond horse

Armor so yeah I think what we’ll do is we’ll make ourselves a set of a dime or a emerald pickaxe so we just need that plus a stick and our blueprint those in here and boom we got ourselves an emerald pickaxe which is really cool and also later on you couldn’t exchange

The heads to whatever you want so you if I don’t want an emerald pickaxe head I can make upgraded to Diamond because this guy will not break obsidian so yeah uh put this away as well and I think that’s everything right back down to mining all right I’m down in the Deep

Slate layer now I accidentally fell by by accident but because we have the um vampiric thing I was able to recharge my health really quickly I almost landed on top of a drip stone that would have insta killed me and but I don’t want a spawner Here regular spider spawner and two three

Diamonds and some slime spawn eggs that’s actually really really good so we can actually go back now and upgrade our diamond pickaxe um because diamond is gonna be better than um Emerald of course Emerald I think has the limit to what it can mine I don’t think it combines if that requires

Um a diamond pickaxe so I think like silver and platinum require a diamond level pickaxe some diamonds right here we got ourselves 13. that was a huge vein and I can hear a zombie I don’t know where he is and but if we just keep making our way down this way keep

Lighting up as we go oh that was a bit stupid up in here a glow squid that our stupid bat flying into lava uh yeah I’m just speeding through here trying to light up as much as I can um that’s Prosperity no diamonds no spawners okay uh oh actually no diamonds right here

Wow okay we already have 16 diamonds we could probably even make ourselves an idiot Diamond set of armor uh can I see any more not really but if you’re looking at the walls like look at the oars look how much of this there is what is this this is osmium

There is a massive amount of osmium here and we start a mechanism now great what’s over here creeper keep lighting everything up oh skeleton spawner cool and what do we have in here all right let’s empty our inventory quickly now and I think we’ll teleport back up make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and

Then we might call it at that because I think we’re starting to run out of time I didn’t notice a book in here Shadows temporary tunnel hmm that will allow us to kind of teleport true walls almost think we could walk all the way through

Here oh look there is some of this here uh but you all seem to be careful it doesn’t last that long so you need to be kind of quick with your um spell but yeah grab all that and just make your way back out perfect now it’s

Pretty dark around here so I need to light everything up and yeah I think what we’ll do is we’ll pause mining for here and we’ll head back up make ourselves a couple diamond tools and armor and then we’ll call it there um right why wasn’t I regening my health

Did I not have a vampiric sword oh we’re looking we got ourselves a teleportation key but did I not have a vampiric sword 16 base lifesteal they just like took me out instantly wasn’t recording when it happened but still like what there was only two spiders and I wasn’t

Regening my health do I have to have full hunger for the life deal to work that can’t be right I don’t get it um so I guess yeah that is the first death of the series God damn it I have 16 base lifesteals so why didn’t it work

That they were just speed spiders they had a speed effect on them but I have no clue maybe I need to take a break from mining this is just not working out I’m guessing there’s so many resources though it’s crazy of that oh and what’s the stuff called

Lichens wait you’re a fire resistance meaning there is another one of those big spawner thingies over here yeah there it is take out the spider there’s a mimic here too right we’ll take him out and then what we’ll do is we’ll head home make our diamond tools and armor and we’ll

Call it there all right what are you dropping did you oh running shoe increase movement speed and we get step up while sprinting which is actually kind of nice I think that’s better than that and okay we got another one of these guys just a regular loot chest no TNT so blue

Told us we’ll lose the cookies okay and maybe not stand on the fire the theater sells the mushroom stew run over here and move that chest wow okay even more diamonds uh can I store some of this stuff I can okay good we got ourselves a angriest Bounty and

Insight what we got in here some wheat that’s a skeleton a lot of skeletons that means there’s another spawner yeah you can see the lifesteal is working now you can see I’m regening my health by attacking them but I guess it’s not enough to actually justify taking a lot of damage while

Fighting all right let’s get in here and break the spawner because I do not want it God damn it whoa you move fast because you have a backpack on apparently okay let’s dump all that stuff away uh if I got room in the other one of these things

I do okay perfect put all this away what have we got in here another book glow trap touch Rune snare extend the time conjure Mage Light efficiency five okay that’s good all right let’s grab our stuff and let’s head home uh oh inventory is full uh I can do it

At the arrow on the rib right I guess if we’re going to continue mining we might as well set up our Waypoint I guess around in here then it’ll be fine Stone drop that let’s call this mine looks like a type can’t see the keyboard a microphones in the way drop that down

And teleport home there we are we’re home now so let’s dump all the stuff we have and we’ll put down our wooden crates then like here for now there we go it is turning night time so we will have to sleep but let’s take out all the diamonds we have

Now so how many do we get in total 20 I think I have a few more in here today is that all I have okay I think that’s all I have so if I grab out the pickaxe head put this in here and then do this we’re

Gonna sell the diamond pickaxe put that in here with this boom diamond pickaxe and then we’re left with an emerald pickaxe head which we can uh destroy because we do not need it cool let me quickly sleep and then we’ll do the outro actually before you know

Let’s make ourselves what kind of armor should we make this guy gives us extra speed you give us extra speed you give us extra speed and you give a swim speed um maybe we shouldn’t bother with Diamond Armor we actually weren’t taking as bad of a damage fighting all those skeletons

Usually we do so maybe we’ll hold off on the diamond armor and just use it for tools at the moment so yeah you know what I think we’ll do with that so I hope you all enjoyed and if you did don’t forget to hit the like button

Subscribe if you’re new and hit that notification Bell while you’re at it then as well so without any further Ado goodbye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 8 Ep.1 A New 1.19 Modded Adventure’, was uploaded by Shadow_wolf1900 on 2022-12-16 18:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today we run around and explore and loot nearby villages then we find a location where we will build our base in the future after …

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  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

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  • MLG Minecraft Race

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    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

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  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

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  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

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  • Ahrne MC

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  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

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All The Mods 8 Ep.1 A New 1.19 Modded Adventure