ambiguousamphibian VODs – Necesse, Surviving the First Night(s) (Terraria x Minecraft x Rimworld)

Video Information

Today we’re checking out necess this is a survival crafting game with some Colony management built in as you can probably see already I discovered this game through call me Kevin so shout out to him I had seen it on the steam store for quite a while but I hadn’t really

Given it a look until I saw him cover it uh it is indeed like combining the gameplay progression Loop of Terraria with Colony management rimworld but I got about one or two hours in uh it’s one of those games that’s most fun through Discovery so I wanted to try

Surviving the first few nights this is like a little Colony that I’ve just begun setting up I have about two or three NPCs living here I have like a hunter I have uh oh a miner is showing up and those are the places where I died

This is the farmer that I have hired and then here’s my guide so you’ve got a lot of gameplay elements similar with Terraria but also rimworld because people have needs so let me go walk over to my hunter friend um Scott the Hunter and are you rich or

Poor how are you feeling so he’ll tell me that he’s upset that he doesn’t have a bed and sometimes he’ll go on strike and refuse to do his work kind of like in world but there’s quite a lot to like here and I know that it’s a little bit

Like rough around the edges in some way but it is early access um yeah I also just like a quick note before I I’m Gonna Leave This World uh there’s quite a lot more to be seen like exploring dungeons but we’re just gonna go back to the beginning and create our

Own new character from the start um quick disclosure uh it is early access but it also recently got picked up by the publisher hooded horse I had already had in my eye on this game and like I was gonna go NAB it but they did send me

A key so just quick disclosure it’s only like 10 bucks though so it’s pretty affordable game um but yeah like it was already very high on my list and I was like oh awesome they just emailed me like this is great uh so weakness I guess I will

Start a new world let’s be bald or we could be like Goku oh maybe we’ll go for a Goku sort of theme here but yeah anyway this publisher does pick up projects that are very good uh and I do like the things that they’ve tended to pick up they’ve

Picked up like Manor Lords uh sons of Valhalla Against The Storm Clan folk a lot of solid titles that they’re picking up uh at hooded horse so yeah just like I’ll be keeping my eye on the studio because they seem to pick interesting projects all right I guess

Let’s just make ourselves Goku because why not like Saiyan mode uh I’m just going to call this one YouTube no not yet YouTube uh I can get a different hairstyle but I I enjoy my Goku appearance too much change it um I’m gonna leave everything on normal rate occasions free uh frequency

Occasionally player hunger I drop my materials on death yeah let’s create the world music was extremely loud right there for a second all right anyway so we begin with a really quick tutorial like not too much going on here but we have an ax a sword

And like a little guide in our inventory similar to Terraria probably will not surprise you too too much and a lot of the gameplay is a lot like Terraria I’m just gonna quick unpause and pause shoebox and also unorangeo thank you very much for the prime and the sub appreciate you guys

Hmm all right so anyway we’re going to go ahead and open up our inventory and we’re going to craft some torches uh these will come in handy in at night which we are approaching uh although I think I’m just going to put these around our base so as you can see probably already

Like the world has kind of changed uh randomly generated worlds every single time which is quite nice and there are like different biomes that we could go and explore too I’m gonna go ahead and just really quickly finish up the tutorial it’s like a three second tutorial but

Not before I’m already thrown off by this um you can take the boots here okay so this is nice because I walk very I have a tendency to walk like extremely slow in this game so now I can Sprint if I hold down uh space bar okay so underground you’ll find some of

The best oars in the world uh if you wanna that is a very bold statement if you place a settlement flag I will find some Quests for you okay cool goodbye um okay so basically we have to make a like a simple workstation to start here

Um yeah it’s sort of like that is a valid point like Terraria was 2D but like the other kind of 2D um but yeah the colony management stuff is more kind of what I’m interested in when it comes to this game and I I want to explore some of that stuff because it

Is kind of rewarding to have NPCs do your work for you and like they’ll collect materials and uh bring it back so that you don’t have to do it yourself and stuff like that and then they’ll even help you in Boss raids and stuff like that so it’s kind of like creating

Your own little team of uh Fighters and then you can I’m pretty sure you can go take them down and quest with you and the fact that there are miners too you know help you with work and stuff like that um I haven’t actually gotten that far

Yet so I’m gonna be exploring some of that stuff today buttercrafter workstation so we’ve now got plenty of wood and we can make a workstation I’m thinking this is our uh Vera Yar the Elder that’s a very unique name uh let’s see so the facing of the item that you’re

Placing is determined by your own facing that slightly throws me off but at least now that I understand it I won’t be as confused as I was before I was like what is governing this mechanic uh all right so cool I have a workstation now uh would pickaxe in the workstations so

We’re gonna go ahead back here and use it and I had a floor so we will go back to pickaxe and as you can probably imagine like as in Minecraft like wood pickaxe is basically garbage uh but yeah we’re just going to find better tools hopefully before too long we do have

Shovels as well we have bows that we could make but I think I’m just going to go straight underground and try to like get better materials right away because just like upgrading to ideally iron as fast as possible would be amazing so we’re gonna go ahead and build some torches and place those

Around our ladders so we can kind of see a little bit through walls ooh you can see through walls amazing um now what am I going to open myself up to it does look like there’s Stone nearby which could be like bigger spawns and there’s also ooh an underground river

It’s kind of cool um we’ve also got lava on the other side I didn’t go build towards the lava just because it can help me slightly see better although I may die immediately if there is anything dangerous in here oh no there’s actually a bed this is great

Because now I can like bring in more uh Goblin okay so my quest this time was to find ore uh it does seem that you get like interesting and new quests every time that you talk to the Elder because the last time he told me to slay a goblin

And get some coins uh although that was not my quest clearly this game looks pretty cool might check it out Archer okay my reflexes tend to be horrible on Twitch so just like I’m going to die a lot forgive me um oh hang on a second another Goblin I

Would like to build myself in because we got a really enemy heavy spawn right when we got down usually it’s not this bad or at least as I’ve played it also Nova Jean thank you very much for this hub haven’t really played enough to give it

Like the full recommend but I I do really like it what I’ve experienced so far although I am also keep in mind a person who has not played much like Terraria or Minecraft in a long time uh but if you like those experiences I think they’re like this is very much one

To look at um okay I’ve got a health potion here normally I would want to use these in more intense fights although I am recovering my health gradually because my Hunger is sated uh let me just go ahead and get something better so I did pick up some

Ninja throwing stars ooh cool and fire arrows um go ahead and just put this ore over here whatever that was okay I’ll take throwing stars over that throwing stars don’t really have very good knockback but you can obviously see some of this Terraria influence there with like the

Actual Weaponry itself but kind of works it’s it’s a little bit different and I honestly prefer playing at this angle like I enjoy Terraria but I don’t really enjoy platforming because I just feel like I don’t have the reflexes for it or it’s not like how my brain works

Um not like throwing shade at Terraria I think Terraria is like a genius game but it’s kind of cool to see such a simple concept like totally reinvented in some way at least in my opinion um no feel free like if you just have displayed so much Terraria and your

Terraria it out I get it all right more zombies here so the enemy varieties I’ve seen I’ve seen like vampires zombies uh there’s actually quite difficult boss fights in this and there’s actually a decent soundtrack as well like uh there was a giant well spider I’m Not Really Gonna spoil

It because we’ll get to it so fast but yeah there’s a giant spider that you have to fight for the first like boss battle summoning uh what was I going to say about that Giants better yeah so there’s actually a pretty decent enemy Variety in this there’s another Ooh Ah that’s very large

Even as a Florida man Vermin that large I am afraid of oh Jesus Christ I don’t know if I could shoot arranged attacks that’s actually rather scary I’m just going to leave you alone over there while I harvest this or there’s also things like uh traps a lot

Of it just feels like um like this is like basically the same kind of stuff that I would see in Terraria but I think it’s the rimworld stuff that makes me like okay this is a new and unique take um and it also just feels different somehow to me

Yeah maybe that’s the other thing or I just struggled to get into that I’m gonna stop comparing it like I feel like that the comparisons will be fairly in your face and obvious so just like yeah it combines a lot of that but I feel like the games like Minecraft Terraria rimworld uh

And so on and so forth like they’re just such Staples now that it’s like even games that add slightly one or two new elements I’m like oh this is a totally new wrinkle so maybe that’s my take but yeah I think we are coming upon like some of the more

Interesting Caverns over here uh I’m guessing that if I step into lava which I’ve not tried out yet I will probably die go to the surface start the settlement by placing a settlement flag oh uh find one on the starter chest okay I actually have to go back up to the surface whoops

I stand corrected I thought that my first Quest was getting worse but then I just realized that I have not talked to the quest man yet and it is now night at the surface um hmm all right let me just Place those down it just feels more like homie if I put

It down here ah that feels nice and homey now ah I’m at home home home home uh there are mobs at night that come out and try to kill you but like not as many when you’re at your house obviously because they’re like oh he’s at his house don’t disturb him obviously obviously

Got no what do we have over there a duck there are some Hunters that need you to just murder like whole hordes of sheep if you want them to join your settlement but oh look over there okay this is like one of the first interesting elements I

Think is that all of the NPCs that you bring in at least somewhat try to defend themselves like like we have the the Elder over here I’m pretty sure that he’s like oh no he is not invincible he’s Invincible you’re invincible uh I stand corrected he is not Invincible it seems

Uh I will put down another George there all right let’s go talk to this guy though because he will have a quest all right so he wants me to place down the settlement flag I now say for certain you look very breathable today amby hey thanks unique salad

I appreciate that thank you at last at last the validation I I desired uh ooh hang on a second uh for a settlement uh I forgot that I look like Goku I do not want to die actually fun fact it was not the original AA face reveal I used to use my

Face pretty extensively on the channel back since like back till like 2019 uh although I stopped doing it because it really had nothing to do with my content I was just like uh my job naturally I was like that would be kind of weird if people found me but then I

Was like uh I’ve actually gotten pretty good at this okay this is no longer like a weird thing to be doing yeah so that was and I was just like oh this looks like a fun event I’ll just do it although I didn’t really think that anything in my content still has

Anything there won’t be like any drastic pivots now that people know what my face looks like although you fun fact you could have seen what my face looked like uh a long time before that if you looked at uh my old profile picture which was just a cartoonified version of my face

It was like a picture of me and one of my roommates uh back when I was in college but yeah like uh I don’t know I feel like that enough people were surprisingly good at keeping a secret but I was just like yeah even so I’m happy that it like a face

Reveal or whatever it was whatever you’d call it I just find that they never really work you know it’s not like ooh my expectations have risen of this person like no it’s not really going to change anything although there were content I wanted to create

Which I’m now happy like I can do that uh just because it’s like it won’t be totally weird I I still don’t think it has much to do with like what I with what I create so yeah whatever anyway that is to say thank you I appreciate it

Oh is my Internet fixed now yeah after like the god-awful internet problem we were experiencing over the last few days I did actually call the internet company and I I feel like such a boomer right now because I did uh I admit that I had just unplugged the ethernet cable and like I

Didn’t realize my wireless connection was actually that bad it was just a local thing the person was like make sure that the computer is plugged in and I just like hung my head in shame and just was sad anyway what else have we got here okay hordes of golden doubloons uh this is

Amazing so we can use all of this treasure to recruit people to our base because they just want like uh treasure from us I stand correct it does seem that we get the same Quest from the Elder um like the thing that I was praising the game for now turns out to be

False uh although I do like it still and I haven’t really gotten very extensively into the quest unfortunately I already have slain all of the Goblins that were like there for the first Quest come on please send me some more goblins please please I need them I need their blood a

Pound of their flesh has been demanded by the sorcerer above uh all right goblins are fairly weak enemies though I mean the zombies seem somewhat orc-like to me though I must say they could just be enemy any enemy oh there we go another Goblin we Goblin

Hooray okay now we need to deliver the goblin ring so the next Quest that I’m going to get after this is to like summon a demon and the demon is way too powerful for how weak I am right now so I’m just gonna go ahead and collect a

Bunch of gold and try to get a bunch of meat shields uh to be hired alongside me so that I could use them for their bodies um uh as a meech yeah once again as a meat shield for me because a giant spider that shoots fire and demons is going to attack us

It’s a rather difficult first boss I regret to say one thing that is unclear to me is whether enemies spawn in the dark like you remember in Minecraft isn’t it that enemies spawn where there’s dark there’s actually a rather cool concept like as you light up the night

Then the evil remains quelled in its hole hang on a second can you shoot Arrow you can’t shoot arrows at me while I’m hitting you ah the temptation to just go deeper and deeper into the mine the mine is is great I think I should go back up to the

Surface though and craft some chests though other thing that happens is you do lose all of your items but you can play on a hardcore mode and drop everything upon death I don’t feel like doing it because this is my first time playing but yeah like that option is

Available so if you want to play it like super hardcore getting Minecraft vibes from it yeah I mean like I don’t know it is I think the fact that I can see so much area around me oh here we go iron ore this is what I was looking for

Like I don’t know what it is maybe I’ve played the formula a couple times before but just the genuine excitement that still lights up in me at rediscovering like uh who is it uh hang on a second get that bread um yeah I can’t put my finger on it I feel

Like something along with the audio visual just like they did this game right I believe hang on a second they done it right again they did it right this year I do believe it’s a solo Dev though if I’m not mistaken unless if any of that has changed with like it’s

Technically with like the publisher now there’s a team but still as the dev as far as devs go oh I don’t even know what that is just like a basically the guy from Earthbound with a leaf over his head ah all right I’m taking way too much damage I think

I’m gonna head back up to the surface I can press Q to get a quick potion uh that heals 50 really fast I’m gonna use that oh I could actually hide behind this to attract the zombie here with the bow the zombie bow master one wouldn’t really think that they

Would be that coordinated right Kepler oh Kepler I actually didn’t play Kepler was that also similar what was the other game that was like that wayward there’s such a good variety of good games out now I will also say that I saw hooded horse at Gamescom

Uh they actually have a lot of really good projects underneath uh in their studio now like I said anyway the one thing that kind of occurs to me is this is probably going to be a little bit slower like a little bit more uh

I feel like a lot of the games that we play on this channel have like a very goal they’re very goal objective centered games although it is kind of just an exploration based game let’s go ahead back up to the surface and see if we can get this Quest done

Maybe get a couple of those NPCs come join our base you know join the squad we should be able to find some iron maybe not quite so far in either ooh a hole in the wall and I might also just grab that bed because it’s kind of a pain to create a bed

Although it could be a huge time sink if I get really into it I just think it’d be neat to create a colony in this game you know actually get something going like maybe get the NPCs farming the land and somehow have them defending themselves that’d be pretty sweet

I’m going to have to go mine out this bed though here we go thank you bed uh maybe I’ll even mine out the walls because why not just create stone walls if they’re available down here just take those from down here and then repurpose them back

Up at the surface fill up the traveling Merchant is also arriving praise Phillip enter there we go take the chair too I have to like make the bedroom slightly better as well where is the man of the house here we go all right the Elder uh

Looking for a quest so we will complete the quest and he’s given me chicken costume okay Evil’s protector oh wait a minute I can accept a different Quest uh when you are done I will give your deliver zombie arm drop from zombies okay I will just accept that really

Quick this man just gave me a whole chicken suit dude I’m wearing a chicken suit chicken mask they say chicken shirt chicken boots and I’m still able to run like hell in the boots okay I’m a chicken man unexpected but acceptable all right I will go back down and slay a

Zombie dressed as a chicken I enjoy that random content that has absolutely nothing to do with the game honestly pretty good pretty good kind of fun for like Easter eggs oh Jesus hang on a second I did not mean to that was like the most obvious trap to die on

Oh no oh God why did I do that oh I lost only some of my equipment it’s gonna have to go back down there literally stopped uh stepped on the Trap twice although all my items should still be there and it’ll show a big X yeah see right there where I died

Oh you can clear out where your deaths were so that you can hide your shame hang on a second uh no there we go okay zombie arm drop from zombies I guess I need to kill more zombies in order to get the right arm Chicken Chaser

I may be a chicken but I’m not a coward I run directly into spike traps to test them out for other people I wanted to make sure that the rest of you guys were doing okay I guess that means that I could make traps in my own base though too that’ll

Be kind of sweet like imagine building up traps at your own base just to ward off Raiders um I haven’t experienced a raid yet but like just the idea of it Allah rimworld is pretty sweet also you kind of got to defend your villagers like they have their own

Health bars too and you don’t want to you don’t want them to die yeah it does it kind of feels like all of these different games combined and it feels very simplistic and basic but I almost like that because there’s so many projects like this that I see get put into my inbox

That just aren’t good because like they have the wrong artistic vision for the game that’s maybe like kind of a harsh thing to say oh you have the wrong artistic vision for your game but like there’s way too many bells and whistles on things that just don’t need to be added

But I think of sweet as I’m just gonna avoid conflict until I find iron please God okay I did get a zombie arm but I think I’m just going to keep collecting gold I’m going to be a very very rich man I have 2059 gold already people Demand only like 300 gold to

Enter your settlement oh and here is another thing actually so there are vampires beyond that wall I I think this is somewhat of like an ancient danger kind of deal though as in rimworld so I’m not going to open that yet because seeing as powerful as the spider was I’m

Going to need significantly more Weaponry I mean I died very easily back there you also control the other Villages you can give them priorities tell them to come with you and give them other tasks and stuff like that so as soon as I head back up I just need a lot more money

Um I get like a whole rating party going there is literally one iron though there I had way better luck with these iron nodes before I wonder if I could somehow run these guys through Lava let me just go ahead and like go to this side

Oh awesome oh my gosh that is so sweet I guess I can’t pick up any of their loot really but like that was kind of cool I don’t even know that you could do that okay cool so you could like use the terrain to your advantage they’re not

Just impervious to it that’s pretty sweet oh now like the temptation to just run everyone over a pit of lava is so high I can totally just Spam this although the goblin is oh Jesus yeah okay I gotta be careful with that because they have not back on me too

Ah okay I’m gonna use another health potion health potion map to Q is pretty useful though Tara do Craft World everyone’s just coming into chat is like oh is this like uh Terraria but also kind of stardew Valley yeah getting a little bit of that Vibe as well Um walking into your own tree yeah walking into your more own traps more than the enemies do whenever I could like bring up lava from underground oh the spider is like guarding the path now on my way back out uh let’s go ahead and equip 40 throwing stars to hopefully

Kill please come back so that we can kill you okay I’m just going to take out all of this uh ah yeah actually ironically I like spiders now because they keep away the other Florida Vermin which like there is much of it

And I I mean nor do I fear bugs but I I do like spiders that is ooh I don’t like this one though and I am dead again like you are an extremely fragile when you first start out although that was in a very horrible spot uh okay so it’s only a traveling

Merchant up here I guess I’m just gonna have to go back down again just dying repeatedly you will do a lot of dying as you do in Terraria okay but I died up there at least it Maps it for me so that I can see Sport nugget hey happy that you’ve discovered some good games from the Stream appreciate that honestly it means a lot like I oh I can place things through walls I feel like that’s a bit of an abuse but whatever I’m willing to live with it uh I feel like honestly just for myself

Like while I’m learning the game I guess it’s fine but like I would like the penalty for my own deaths to be higher I think one thing that would be really cool I haven’t seen it yet but if there’s some sort of like experience system or something like that okay here

We go plenty of iron now this is actually going to help us like level up way more do throwing stars ooh throwing stars do get through this there is one item I discovered before that was like a this like ranged hammer and it just shot out this pulse that

It can like mow the grass it’s kind of sweet actually like in the kind of Terraria Style okay vampires of 75 Health I’ve been tempted to just go in there and just kill them all because of like the fact that they will just give me a

Lot of uh stone walls I want their walls more than anything else oh it looks like that the spider webs regenerate over there as well it’s kind of sweet also like what about going down multiple levels going down by like more ladders I guess the one thing that would be kind

Of sweet would be if you could like carve a hole in the floor but even still I just thought it would be interesting if I I thought it would be more interesting to play the game at like discovery mode because one thing I find about these types of

Games is that they get kind of boring if you’ve been doing like nothing but playing with them like when you play with your friend who spoils the entire game for you it’s like ah then I kind of wanted to discover that myself that’s where the magic was

That’s why I probably won’t play this too extensively okay cool here we go primitive heavy ah yes that’s it okay so this is the thing that throws small stones let’s see if this is the same as the one that I had before yep okay so these are small stones I guess

See if we can kill this spider the spiders are pretty harmless but I mean like just for the sake of seeing what it does oh and we did get a mysterious portal from this okay so this will allow us to summon the boss um I’m gonna go ahead and quick Zephyr

Charm uh trinket slot oh I guess I could throw that in one of those oh that’s pretty sweet put in music player to play so you’ve got all of these like similar things to you know Minecraft in Terraria going on but I digress um here we go let me just put that away

Actually might want some logs hey let’s go back up to the surface and just kind of clear out our inventory now see if we can find somebody else to like give items to as well um I’m just gonna eat some bread and we should have no we have a lot of copper ore

We might not even have enough for a whole tool set here but I’m gonna go ahead and slay some sheep there we go and then I will use their mutton in order to cook us some dinner because we are like not doing too particularly well on hunger and although

We did a pretty good job down there like meeting enemies uh uh we still need food and they aren’t very good at providing us food I’m just gonna go ahead place a bunch of torches around our area summoning system first made from spider drops if you lack the reflex of the besties

To trigger misses oh like yeah reflexes yeah the one thing that I’ll say that made me like slightly oh I got a second uh this is a hunter okay we found our first NPC this is a guy that we could recruit so will you join my settlement oh he actually wants leather

That is kind of unusual not really rare I guess but all right I will go find him some leather I’m just going to like place a bunch of torches around this man don’t go anywhere or he will be set on fire uh all right now I need to go kill

A bunch of cows in order to please a man murder murder ten cows and I will be pleased and join you or you don’t love me okay let me just put away that uh the beef I think I also want to collect I don’t really need the cave spider to land I guess

Unfortunately I can run a little bit faster now okay pretend like I wasn’t just trying to kill you cow there we go okay good so now I can collect all of the meat and wool uh actually oh why did I even just take that potion uh never run okay but cool

See like the NPCs actually fight the enemies for you which is sweet really um how much leather did you want again because we’re currently on an island look at 24 leather and I have ten so it shouldn’t take us too too much longer to get the rest of that leather

Um let’s see if we can go find the rest of it now we should have like some Farmers maybe a miner will show up oh here we go maybe a miner will show up not that kind of minor um like uh actually I wonder if they

Could have like kids in the game now now that I mention it I mean it just kind of brings up all these things like you could incorporate all the systems of rimworld in the theory like what if the NPCs build the base out for you that would be kind of cool like

Imagine having an automatic base built like the Minecraft villagers just the thought of it is kind of sweet um I’m all done pieces yeah like at least they actually defend themselves and don’t just go out of mood break that does frustrate a lot of people about rimworld they’re a little bit like

Maybe too independent in some ways but I love it for other reasons um let’s see enchanting scroll uh loses attack speed but raises damage ah some of these could be useful I don’t think I want to go too crazy too Ham on these right now because I got 19

I need to find like a couple more cows and then I’ll have enough to hire this man and then we’re going to build this man a room let’s just see if we can find some more cows to murder out in the wild guess now you can have kids in Rim world

You didn’t always used to be able to have kids in room World though everyone was sterile stair aisle how do I say it that way I’m using this item because it’s just uh but it shoots out a range projectiles I think it does double damage when it hits

Them like you get the range projectile plus the hit although I’m trying to save a lot of my ranged weapons for the boss fight I’m not sure how useful those will be though the throwing stars are pretty fast uh it’s gonna be a little while though till

We can summon that boss like that boss is way strong so the other thing too that I didn’t mention is we’re basically on an island right now so we have like this much map rendered you might be thinking how do they render this much World in this game

Well this is how by rendering it in smaller chunks at a time that you have to load up individually one by one um okay cool now we have the 24 leather unfortunately this guy doesn’t appear on the mini map when he’s still just like a random NPC um

I think I found him over here before because it’s where I place all the Torches he will kind of hang out so if we don’t see him right now we’ll see him tomorrow morning but there should be like a couple of hunters around here looks like I didn’t

Have enough inventory space for that wool let’s go ahead and grab one of the wool so that I start to stack it um oh no our hunter friend has disappeared let me just look a little bit more around the island and in the meantime we might as well explore the island as well

There are other NPCs that come out so I could gather up some more wool for sheep from sheep uh no the map looks like a set it does look like kind of a sad smiley as it is right now um uh what else did I want to say about oh

Yeah we have like deserts Forest Villages snow villages there are other settlements that we can explore so basically your similar kind of rimworld like oh you can go to these other colonies type of mechanic um is the chickens no I think I’m just gonna stay in the chicken suit what do

You guys do you like the chicken suit chicken suit or no chicken soup I’m gonna leave it on thinking I’m gonna leave it on I think it’d be sweet if you could get a miner to come down with you and just gather oars from I mean I’m assuming that’s what we’re

About to get up to in the gameplay Loop next there was that Miner at my base leave it on all right chicken suit for the win I didn’t even realize that we were capable of wearing such a garment of grandiose of grandiosity and splendor such as splendiferous uh wardrobe

These Boots are sweet though I mean I can see you getting like super like very soup very super power in this game truly the suit of Kings yes gave Hurley all right let’s go turn in our zombie arm anyway complete the quest uh deliver a goblin ring okay so at

Least he’s going to give us smaller quests what did he give us for that one oh cool I got a like an actual shirt for my chest oh wait a minute no that was just my old shirt never mind I am a sad man in a regular shirt

So the one thing that does also occur to me is uh I love it in stardew Valley how you can like get um like different colored chests I think that is a very important mechanic I think though that I’m going to let’s take down our settlement flag just for a second

Oh here he is okay do not stop hang on a second join me join my settlement yes 218 coins oh whoops it Daisy I just grabbed my settlement flag up where did I put it uh oh it’s over there uh hang on a second fishing potion screw it uh settlement

Flag more important okay I will put that there a picture of me on the settlement flag okay join me join me and we will create great evil okay so now ooh he gets in his boat Isn’t that cool when he gets in his boat so he’s gonna go ahead and Hunt but now

He’s going on strike because he doesn’t have a bed and he’s unhappy okay so we’re gonna go ahead and let’s take our wood walls and place them down we’ll kind of go into construction mode I’m going to clear out some of my inventory right now so whatever I

Haven’t really figured out what they like in terms of room size but I’m just gonna keep building like the same room over and over again and I figure he’ll probably be okay with that we’ll just clear out this Stone over here they’re very excited about the prospects putting a minor to work

Not that kind of minor though I never said that I never said that or five six seven uh God jokes jokes guys actually I would never do that that would be cruel and unusual I would never hire interns for my YouTube channel yikes uh but now at the idea of it

Uh yeah yeah okay so get out from Strike actually I could use this opportunity to show you his great segue I could use this opportunity to show him his needs okay so I’m on Shrek because I am unhappy plus 10. I feel very unhappy oh wait a minute that’s like the total

Isn’t it um I guess positive is very unhappy tiny settlement so kind of like low expectations ate a simple meal diet has not been varied at all uh but mainly he just doesn’t have a bid so he’s pissed off about that so go ahead and finish off this other

Room let’s go ahead and create one two three four five six okay so we need three more so now we’re gonna go ah let’s go ahead and cook some meals too while we’re at it actually there’s just so much in my inventory uh where do I put this down I guess I

Could create like a storage room somewhere honestly yeah let’s have this crafting and storage area over here we’ll make like another room off of this guy’s house it won’t look very good but it’s gonna function for our purpose for now um wood door what is this also oh a spruce chest I

Have different varieties of chests wow actually this different chest variety that’s kind of nice workers of the World Unite Chad is like oh hey how dare you uh yes tell me that I am a tyrant all right I’m going to stop being weird now uh weirdness over definitely not

Going to do anything else weird for the rest of the stream no wouldn’t do that definitely not um let’s go ahead and see now we’ve got uh wood wall okay I need three wood walls for this all right and then I will start to create wood floors it just doesn’t look

Right if you have grass on the floor it upsets me as a human okay let’s go ahead and put this down door oh the door even gets darker because there’s a door ah I love that uh the bed fell okay I’m gonna create exactly the same

Room for you stonewalls it remains to be seen like do these actually hold up better if we get raided will people attack our walls that’d be kind of sweet wooden Arrow trap it’s kind of nice uh let’s go ahead and put like any type of um

What kind of stuff do we have to get rid of I think like any type of special item just takes up a lot of inventory space as well as battle potions and stuff like that so I’m going to put these in there except for my quick heal potions I’m

Gonna Leave in there I’m also going to go ahead and create probably an ammo chest just because we tend to have a lot of that um create another one I’ll make a little bit of space for this works work Works bench whatever it is

And we do have 40 iron ore now this is getting to kind of like a suspicious I could create a furnace place um we’ll put in our ammo though for now we aren’t using arrows as it stands uh no not seeds cabbages honestly a decent food

Okay but let’s go ahead and use this uh we will go in for some fuel and then we will create just a lot of food okay so now the fire is erosion and we could create some steak and some like lamb chops oh wait a minute why is he still

Protesting why are you still protesting how are you feeling my room’s Furniture selection is dull my room does not have a complete floor it’s always just acceptment why do you still feel unhappy there’s literally anything wrong oh no now he’s gone off of protesting he’s satisfied now my rage has been quelled momentarily

As I’m thinking that the next thing we should probably do would be to create well we need a furnace and an anvil believe it’s called a furnace nope it’s not called a furnace uh it is called a forge I knew that uh let’s just go ahead and create like a

Whole room for crafting time for bed then work at 7 pm to 5 a.m the next morning much love from Texas ah much love to Texas a pew pew ask you actually had a very fun name to say thank you very much for the sub

Hope you have a good day it sounds like you’re on a grind grinding grinding in Texas I thought people in Texas are like having a great time maybe they’re just grinding although that does sound oddly like me as a student ah an anvil an anvil iron pickaxe how do we actually even

Create an anvil oh we had so many iron bars left over from before oh darn I probably could have created more anyway let’s go ahead and put in a bunch of iron ore here and then we’re gonna have to just destroy more of the environment to get trees I don’t know

What it is I can’t put my finger on it because I could never really get deeply into Terraria but this game could be like as big as a Terraria and I’m just surprised that it’s not bigger I suppose although maybe it’s taken until now for

Like the amount of Polish to get out and there are just so many games out now there are other projects like this where I’m like Why didn’t it get a little bit more attention or traction I guess some of them had a good amount of traction and attention like games like wayward

But a lot of them too it’s like there’s just so many good indie games out now that all the games that came out around like 2009 to 2012 when it was harder to get tools for Game Dev and now they’re just so widely available like I could probably make a game in 24

Hours if I really put my mind to it it wouldn’t be a good game mind you but it would be a Dottie XC file and then you know over the next really like you could create a game start to finish in a month just as a guy with an internet connection

Ooh the Elder is fighting more people mind you again it would not be a good game uh sad boy oh look our furnace is working oh wait it’s not for some reason it’s on fire though I don’t know why that’s upsetting and confusing I guess let’s put these there see that’s

Nice being able to split up the inventory oh the arrow filling and then it creates a thing and that is satisfying to me I love that I do love that it is nice oh I’m getting hungry whoops let me go ahead and eat like a million lamb chops

Ah I am satisfied for now I’m thinking that the next good thing to get would probably be like we’ve got a decent number of weapons just based on the loot that we found uh is it an early access indeed it’s still in Early Access

How much is it on Steam uh 9.99 10 bucks guys 10 bucks I think that was what Terraria was originally it’s not even like that’s its full price it’s not even sale price it’s so like stupidly affordable I love it when a Dev makes a game affordable

Although there are some games like uh rimworld which basically as they did rimworld rimworld was like always 35 it’s very rare to see it on sale um and I think that’s also like okay I’m not gonna go into game marketing now but yeah I don’t know for some reason when I

Get a game for cheap I feel like I’m getting an extra good deal on that that just feels great about it a lot of times those are great games too I think I picked up Zomboy for like 15 bucks got a lot out of that game

Uh okay here we go copper ore okay so now we could afford some copper copper tools aren’t really that much better than the basic ones so I’m just gonna and then the basic wood ones have not really worth it yeah everyone actually it is it is rare

That people on the internet are happy with the price of something everyone’s like wow that’s actually pretty cheap come on guys it’s affordable affordable it’s not cheap oh do we have Carpenter there are certain things like you need a carpenter’s workshop for a bed look he’s happy now Tobias the Honda Tobias this

Is bringing me back to Arrested Development uh okay I’m going to create a lot of floors now I want him to be happy in these Iris of his own bedroom I wish for you to be desirous of your own bedroom and I’m going to create another chest too I think

Just because I need some place to store all of these useless items that I’m getting it’s so hard to tell them apart is there a way to color them sword inventory if there is I have not found it yet like paint Florida floor it uh

I will put in all of my flowers and seeds and seeds and seeds and uh uh honestly saplings yeah let’s just put all sorts of plant-based material in here herein uh another attack speed potion wait a second which chest was I putting those in okay here we go attack speed

Potions I’m actually managing to stay somewhat organized this is unlike my usual Behavior spreading my seed on the come on guys it’s in a chest like salad he didn’t even know that I floored his entire bedroom while he was asleep they look kind of nice though I I’m enjoying

The Simplicity of the pixel art here sometimes they bite off a little more than they can chew when they’re developed like and it just doesn’t look good but I think that the thick outlines just keep it easily readable and that works it just works just works let’s also put in like recall squirrels

Everything except for the help post health potion uh I’ll put that in oh we found like CDs I mean they’re vinyls they’re vinyls not CDs come on hey I’m a hipster Stone your mom’s a stone oh uh sorry I’m losing my attention span um okay let’s put in the health regen potion

I feel like I’m almost ready now I’m not gonna be able to fight this guy if I summon him I’m probably gonna go underground again if I want to really get much more done the floor floor all right I think that’s enough floor to finish flooring his room all right hey

Dude I want to make it look nice and put farming stuff on the ground farmers will probably demand a lot of gold when they come in it is somewhat useless though if the NPCs are just asleep when Raiders attack ooh Joseph the Villager will you join my settlement 219

Coins I don’t really know what you’ll do you’re just a villager so you seem somewhat useless so let’s have you encounter an enemy hey come over here I have a nice tasty man who just joined the won’t you like that a tasty man like not in a provocative manner just

You know you look hungry um what do I want to harness the power of I think an iron ax would be good we’re using our ax quite extensively oh he’s doing some farming and he has a sickle look at him go now one other thing you can do is just grab their

Items you can take the items from them or you can just leave them in their inventory oh he’s actually replanting although he’s now on strike again because I don’t have a bed for him he’s just realizing gradually that he’s not so happy about harvesting sunflowers but he desires a bed

I wonder if I could just um there’s going to be a lot of bed crafting here I suppose although I feel like that this where this game shines I mean just commanding a whole Army like an angry mob of villagers is just too funny like I could kill the spider person uh

I wonder if they’ll be able to actually feed themselves too I mean as with my first rimworld colonies they’ll all probably die of hunger and then go into a massive mood spiral uh all right I’ll give you a bid okay for this I need to go into the

Carpenters Workshop uh let’s just see bed I don’t think I have the wool I need for it oh I just need the oak logs again something about that just like the inventory just doesn’t feel like totally crisp I feel like I’m wrestling my keyboards slightly I can’t put my finger

On it what it is I feel like it’s something like if I could just press Escape or some other button maybe it’s e yeah maybe like I don’t want to be able to Type e but there’s also so many items I suppose the one reason why I didn’t

Call it Minecraft is because uh or like Minecraft is because the crafting system doesn’t involve that kind of geometric thing that you did in Minecraft like when you have to put materials in some formation in a grid of nine squares which I will say was ingenious of Notch and is like an

Immensely satisfying thing to do like even just crafting a pickaxe in Minecraft ah something about it that’s just like that feels perfect it’s like drawing one to life you know it has this sort of like Scribblenauts Vibe about it do people remember remember Scribblenauts or what was that game again the game

Where you could ride in like hammer it was for the Nintendo DS and you would draw in the right in the name of an item that you wanted to summon and it just had like everything it had a whole dictionary of items oh yeah spawning black holes Scribblenauts oh man Scribblenauts was a

Great game and then they added adjectives to the game what an amazing idea for a game and honestly surprising that the franchise didn’t go like you could just summon anything it was the fact that you could summon anything that made it like too overpowered like a puzzle game but it

Would be like cross the bridge and it would be like summon a black hole and just suck every NPC around you into a black hole like well we don’t need to cross the bridge anymore or you would just solve a problem in some bizarre way like

Okay let me just fill the Gap with 20 buses that really makes me want to play that game again it seems very fun for streaming as well now that I mention it I feel like I should do that normsky thank you very much for the prime an exploding accountant

Raging hungry oh yeah Cthulhu was also there were certain words that you started to use to just like solve everything though and it would just get kind of I guess dull in that way but I still liked it a lot it was a cool game very memorable very memorable all right

Let’s see if you are able to live in a Barracks with this other man just gonna put another bed in there and if not I guess I’m just going to have to create another bedroom I’ll probably go across from these ones uh let me see wall

Okay I will make more wood walls uh okay I still have plenty so I can create a lot more wood walls and it looks like he is still protesting so let’s just finish off his bedroom okay and then we will need another door uh we need I guess Palm lugs uh voila no

Uh there just needs to be a better button than escape to get out of that menu I feel like uh okay I guess we’re going to create like kind of a forum on the inside it’s hard to gauge how big your settlement will get three four five six seven

Eight nine I guess two three oh no that is way too long for the room one two three four five no these were only five wide okay I can take two off of this thing uh yeah this is where I I feel like it would be fun to do it with a friend

Um two three just so that you get up somebody else to like help you along with stuff four one two three and then we go up okay sweet either that or just get the villagers like be to be able to issue the mortars like hey construct a wood wall here like

Go build the materials take whatever you need to just kind of be able to zoom out in a similar way that kenshi does because I do kind of feel like this game has similar potential to what like a Ken she has kenshi was a bit dare I say it too ambitious though which

Is perhaps why they’re making a kenshi too because the game just has every possible feature in it it’s amazing and I love it but it is a huge game you can do multiple colonies there are other colonies we could go visit on the map so we could go like declare war on

People go out there fight us okay I’m going to need more of these uh let’s go ahead and plant down some more of these saplings too just because we’ve basically killed everything off okay just put these all down I don’t know if they’ll even grow but just type

A man into chicken suit running around in the wilderness planting trees what’s not to like about that come on I’m a good guy I’m I’m an honest person I just wouldn’t would never mean a harm on anyone I would think he was deranged if I encountered him in the wild though wouldn’t you

Terraria Rim world every game that just combines things from other games too Free Labor simulator uh so have we explored the entirety of the map I guess I could go out and explore more parts of the map it is nice the way that it gets like uh filled out there

Although I say that old tongue-in-cheek I do think it adds something or even just I feel like combining stuff like for example the game uh going medieval a lot of you guys remember like that that was a great game no there’s still that’s still in Early Access right

It’s been a little bit uh oh rain ah we’ll just finish off this guy’s room and then I’ll probably go out and explore a little bit more uh let’s see door okay got a door now we can at least room you we can put you in the room

And we will get another floor there we go uh we already have nine so I can now go to like that looks good oh Stacks can be placed at a maximum of I guess 25 right oh no that was a wall never mind I stand corrected

I am unable to identify walls and doors I just conflate them and think that they’re all the same thing I’m trying to change oh that’s nice though how the indoors like doesn’t show the rain anymore so people can’t share rooms that is rather difficult uh wait a second he was still on strike

Wasn’t he Where’s our other man has he just left our village I actually haven’t seen that though oh look I’m walking on the map as I speak yeah I don’t see our oh no he is over there please don’t leave us oh no he’s just going off into the unknown black territory

Right perhaps he isn’t leaving but yeah I so far I’ve not seen them like leave the village out of dissatisfaction I am upset I need to leave because we’ll do two torches there all right let’s just finish off the floor in there and then we will get this guy back

And then maybe I will start to consider summoning the demon uh although I need like a lot more Health items if I’m going to feel good about this um oh no he’s not upset anymore yeah we’re okay floor wood floor I’ve got nine I’ll do a little bit more

Cool okay so 15 floors should be plenty to finish off he’s no longer on strike maybe he will help defend us against the evil spider that’s going to attack us next now do you attack doors when I come over here at night like I’m over here

Now I go out of the door does the a star path finding algorithm cause you to attack this so you’ll stand outside the door I think it’d be kind of interesting if they attacked the doors you know hmm let’s see if the Villager tries to fight

Him when he gets back because I’m going to need to know this information oh no he doesn’t oh no you are completely useless to me you just farm at least the farmer attempted to defend himself uh no that is not good for what is going to happen next see if I’m going to

Summon the spider demon I still don’t feel ready for it I I will guaranteed death if I summon a spider demon we’ll have to go back down um for later although I will probably go in a boat and go off to like another aisle later

On where do I want to see I kind of want to check out a Forest Village or or a snow village yeah let’s go to a snow village biome right now actually um yeah maybe when it’s not naive anymore yeah let’s go down to the dungeon for a little bit longer

And then tomorrow morning maybe we’ll go visit another Village and then maybe tomorrow night if I’m feeling ready for it then I think we will go and uh uh summon the demon summon the demons uh Cabbage um although that is a consumable uh yeah I will leave it in there anyway I guess it might be worth it to craft a bow now right let’s go over here just because we have so much bow like material bow wood bow okay wood bow

And then we will put uh let’s go grab some of that ammo out iron air wait a minute can be shot with bow regular bow can shoot it right the regular bow isn’t really that good um leather I’m putting like crafting materials into one of these

Okay I feel like that’s an empty enough inventory that we could go back down again we just put away the fishing potion oh that’s kind of cool the fishing potion is shaped like a hook it’s pretty sweet let me also put the mysterious portal in there because that

Takes up a whole inventory space all right uh Sweet let’s go back down and we have a good good enough number of wood of uh of wood torches of course they’re made of wood what else would they be made of human flesh all right I guess mining stone is kind

Of useless here right um what are we really searching for down here oh more iron is always good uh but then I think kind of just testing out my weapons to see how good they’ll be against the spider demon see that fire arrow is really not as

Strong as I thought it would be or I was hoping it would be I mean I’m hoping that everything will be better than it actually is because I have unreasonable expectations but still at the same time Stone Arrow wouldn’t that be really difficult to fire you also have mine carts because

There are mine cards I don’t really know why although it does seem somewhat useful to be able to travel around here in mine cards again just like better with friends it makes me want to go in with a bunch of friends and just play all together you know everyone’s voices over each other

And then like the VOD would be extremely unconfusing and unpleasant to watch and then you turn it off and watch something else and you’re upset I love those those are some of my favorite thoughts uh spiders uh more of them uh okay throwing star time that’s pretty good at taking them out

Oh some of them even dropped that ah when my inventory doesn’t have a weapon ready it feels like the appropriate difficulty though it doesn’t feel like cheap when I die it feels like a valuable death and one downside here is that I can’t really use a um

I can’t really use a melee weapon against the spider boss because it’s just so good at killing people uh it is very good at killing people ooh corn will be useful though if we just get a ton of Health items and spam them that might be useful so that’s kind of

What I’m hoping to collect while I’m down here and maybe I will get an iron sword just to make clearing a little bit simpler and easier and let’s see do you spawn in light I mean they did appear to spawn here in the darkness this is potentially a little bit darker here

Okay now I’ve cleared it nah they’re still kind of coming into the light unless if they were coming out of the original Darkness didn’t the Elder want that oh yeah I do have a goblin ring so the Elder will be good with that at least he gives us fun things like chicken suits

Who knows what else he has cooked up in his weird cauldron of Secrets uh okay cool I can teleport home if I want to uh that will be way easier for this like General stuff for some reason my Google home my Google home that I thought that I was

Talking to it teleport me I haven’t learned that command yet uh let’s see what else there is okay so we’re still at night do I have another recall scroll though okay I’ll take one recall scroll we just divide these up just need one um good to have one of those in my inventory

More food okay I could give this to the Elder awaken Elder complete the quest okay give me a boxing glove gun oh there are also guns in this game I forgot to mention that I had like found guns at the end of the last playthrough boxing gloved gun

This is like a ridiculous item oh Jesus that’s actually kind of sweet like there’s all these ridiculous items in this game too that it’s just like insane oh it could actually pull the enemy to me if it goes the wrong way I love stuff like that though the fact that they’ve

Added in so much like bizarre just random other kinds of content is sweet okay I’m gonna go ahead and make a boat now um I’ll put that like there uh so now what I’m gonna go ahead and do because it is morning and I said I would do this

I believe it’s in the South let’s go ahead and explore the south side of the island and then we’ll make our way across in a boat down to the uh Southern Shores oh a Trader actually let me just go see what he has first Dale the traveling Merchant uh I want to

Buy something what’d you have brain on a stick summon damage ten focus a mob every other Summit is an Archer uh what is that recipe book binoculars look further into the distance that is kind of sweet imported cow used to spawn one cow imported cheap used to spawn one sheep

Cosmetic item you could get yourself some sunglasses honestly binoculars this seems really useful oh like you kind of have to have it equipped wait a second do you like wait a second can I put it in place of the punching boxing oh that’s kind of sweet yeah like you could use the binoculars

To look at in front of you that is kind of dizzying like but still useful I guess nonetheless uh do I still haven’t even yeah I still have a lot of money actually let me go see what that brain on a stick was I kind of want to try that thing out every

Other Summit is an Archer I could put down the boat I don’t really want to use it for this stream if we need like insane sleight of hand to do that uh I will buy give me your brain on a stick what is that I think that just changes summons right

I just want to see what this thing does somebody have a chin use that to focus a mob every other Summit is an Archer so let’s go ahead and try this on like I don’t know a cow or something like that will that work okay it gets a thing on it

Oh that’s kind of wild sweet oh I could definitely use that against the boss that’s actually crazy you could use a summon that’s so cool now I have a little buddy next to me oh that’s great awesome I have a friend at last I’ve wanted a friend for so long I feel so

Alone and sad I wonder when he’ll go away how do I get rid of him immediately rejects friend stay in there all right uh can I get more of these that’s insane um potion pouch crafting material potions are used from pouches first oh that’s actually great potion pouch

Um 1133 coins oh I don’t actually have enough okay so then let me go ahead and sell because that seems useful uh map fragment it’s gonna be 73 coins Hang on a second okay I think that’s enough uh buy something I now want that I thought it was a giant pile of crap like Boop in his inventory oh that’s great this thing oh awesome now I could carry around all my potions with me that’s so much more useful

Well I’m actually discovering things that I really like about this I got a second now I could ah I can carry all of the potions at once for no particular reason but look at all of the potions I can carry I can put things in my thing nice

Does this game have co-op hell yet as Co-op as multiplayer versus lay her or him whatever that sheep is whatever it is all right let’s see what happens when I run away from my summon in a boat this is such a useful item because just having one enemy or like one Summoner

Mob or friendly or Foe or whatever like persist oh look he swims alongside me in a loyal way ah the sea I wonder if he’ll come down with me here yes my in one of my interns that’s one of my interns so now we’ll travel South

And you can go to any of these unknown place but I think let’s just go to the snow village that way you get to see a village this will be my own first Village uh uh but not my first snow region this is the other one I visited I kind of like the soundtrack in this game uh let’s see I think I’m just going to mind this away because I’m going to want this later especially if things go horribly awry here okay so we have penguins here also just tons more stuff and the music has suddenly gotten way louder

Why does it the music makes me like oddly sad for some reason oh Tim the Villager will you join my settlement uh he needs coins and wheat I wonder if they’ll start to get upset if I like start to take away their people oh a mage

I want to stay here for now what can you do okay cool so some of them don’t want to leave I suppose 19 wool all right so everyone can be bought and sold away from your place oh cows so you could domesticate animals I mean these

People have done it right why would you leave this place what is this like some sort of Priest No Fidelity the guard nine health potions one battle potion and 343 so they kind of Desire whatever it is that they oh snow cave oh do not hit that I did that

Before when I was play testing it’s like I wonder how the traps work I confirmed oh cool it’s even like a slightly slidey ice thing that happens when you stand on this slippy slidy ice wow very exciting look everyone inertia or some sort of thing is happening

Actually what is what is the name of that Force oh Jesus Christ that looks pretty risky uh what is that over there I mean it looks like good loot but I also really don’t want to die so far from home I’m just going to leave uh I am a coward

This is a great settlement they have mushrooms tomatoes and sunflowers and they even have paths can you walk faster on the paths let me just see I’m not sure I may be walking slightly faster on the paths or not although the music is making me slightly depressed I don’t really like it

Never mind I know good loot or die but that thing was shooting ice at me I wouldn’t have lasted very long all right we’re leaving to pick up a boat again hit it with a weapon just remember everyone if you want to pick up a boat hit it with a

Weapon it works every time recent death that’s definitely where I live uh okay yeah and then all the discovered area just comes right back out so it’s kind of sweet you know we’ve got our own little uh settlement I guess you could grate this into like a massive aisle

Another cool thing you can like uh mine stuff while you’re on your boat isn’t that kind of cool and stone floats apparently I did not know that uh interesting okay it is getting very dark uh the spider God will definitely like nearly kill all of us so let’s go

Ahead before it gets too late and let’s summon the demon and how many health potions do we have also that would be important to know let’s go ahead and put down our binoculars we’ll just take out all of our items here that will help us in this fight

Aid us in our struggle against the spider demon increases damage dealt by 10 okay it’s time everyone get out of bed I’m going to summon a spider demon you don’t want to miss this you do not want to miss this I swear to God okay let’s just do it uh boxing

Glove I just got to make sure that my inventory is loaded up on the right items because again I will eat mutton before the fight okay chat wish me luck shoot a boat I worked in the game it just didn’t work in real life I don’t know why

All right I’m just going to load up my entire oh a bomb might also be useful here more useful than that I guess I’ll keep torches in there ah what else do I need for this fight okay I’ll keep the goofy boxing glove in my inventory just in case um

Okay YOLO I think we’re gonna do this let’s just light up the whole area a little bit more and now I summon the spider demon through a portal to the underworld oh there goes my summon right now okay do it while the village Elder is out because he actually Goes Ham on this

Thing okay and now I just oh I totally forgot to pop some potions before the fight so now I’m going to have to do this now oh dang hang on a second how do I consume these outside of combat I I need to consume a lot of like combat

Drugs just give me like three minutes okay cool now my speed is up and I’m going to take something called a battle potion which must be illegal and that’s my own familiar with me fortunately my familiar is actually doing a number on these guys okay I’m going to pop a health potion

Too okay now I’m ready to fight finally after that long long-winded break from combat I am ready to fight him uh whoops I didn’t mean to bomb you Jesus Christ that takes a long time to work okay I know it’s loud but it’s a really good soundtrack please believe me okay

If you don’t die to three bombs I would be surprised nope he didn’t die to it ah three bombs didn’t work okay goofy uh no I am almost dead please get out of bed there’s a demon attacking us please get out of bed you’ve been hit by a dark energy hang a

Second take items I should have asked him to join my combat party probably okay Elder please save me save me Elder I still still need nine more seconds before I can take another health potion uh okay one second all right I can take another one just those things are so

Persistent and chasing you they basically never give up yeah I cannot outrun them as it stands right now please zombie friend kill him ah Jesus okay I’m dead got halfway through his health part so like I said it is a difficult boss fight I actually felt like that was basically

Impossible for us still I was hoping that all of the other NPCs would get up but ironically you have to summon him at night can you not hit the dark energy I’m not sure if you can even so the thing is that your character just isn’t very fast

I wonder if we could craft better like speed items does the fact that I can’t outrun his like dark beams and he has a rather extensive health bar himself makes it rather difficult to do it whereas my zombie friend also my zombie friend basically did nothing he just

Kind of ran around like an idiot behind me and didn’t help which was upsetting and sad but I did die there but I’ve erased the record of it so no one no one will know that I died kinda sweet though but yeah I think we need to do a little bit more dungeon

Delving before we actually get that like before it’s possible for us although I use up so many of my potions in that uh maybe if we didn’t have the time duration like you can’t take two health potions in a row you have to wait like 20 seconds to take more of them

Oh Z for quick use some of these other ones you can actually do quick use oh you have Mana too I didn’t even know that got a sweep because we’re gonna have like magical powers all right let’s go get some Frost shards snow Stone we’ll put away all of our

Crafting materials get more iron out I have failed I will um corn seeds all right let’s do that I feel like I could win if I’ll say this it’s a little bit terraria-like in that way but I sometimes feel like I have so many tools at my disposal I’m just bad

At using them so I have to make myself super overpowered like in Terraria be a little bit nice if you could like with greater agility um fight off more mobs because it does kind of feel like clunky a little bit but even so I think it is a difficult

Boss and I think it just uh well the combat music makes up for everything it’s like difficult at a level where I would still wanna play it and I was playing it on my own sometimes with this type of game like where it’s basically an infinite sandbox and

There’s no real end goal it’s like I lie I lose motivation to play but no I was playing it last night it was actually oh sweet I want to do more like I actually do want to kill the boss there maybe it’s because there’s so many cool animations and stuff during the boss

Fight I just feel like it’s a more eventful moment in the game Loop but I don’t know that’s my two cents on it we seem to have found better combat tricks though that I’ve found before I’m hoping to go down down the stairs again though and maybe we’ll just find a gun

Like there are guns in this game you know right like there’s pistols and bullets and ammo that you could just get so I was like uh okay I’ll just do that yeah I was probably running away too far from that I was basically running away from the boss the whole time okay cool

Sweet we got more health potions um here we go let’s get some more e what is that duck breast either that or I’m just still uncoordinated on a keyboard and mouse this used to happen when I first played like computer games but although I can’t really use that as an excuse because I

Gotta admit like it’s a little tricky to get used to playing for example FPS games on a computer when you first get started but like before you know it you’ll never be able to go back to a controller like I remember playing an FPS game with a controller after years of playing

Computer games and it felt totally foreign to me again it was bizarre too because I used to love playing stuff with a controller but then it felt like so weird to play with controller just you feel like you have to wait so long for the aimer

I remember for your Crosshair to get to the Target your aimer that’s actually its scientific term I’m liking the knockback on this uh punching glove or uh what is it boxing glove that was this yes this Sports glove oh my God there’s so many of them hang

On a second I will bring them into the lava oh no they are intelligent and avoid the lava oh that’s kind of sweet so like some enemies avoid lava cool come on zombie friend oh god there are so many giant spiders what will happen if sorry when I run out

Of okay I will have to take out my goofy giant boxing gloves to kill you ah this is like my worst nightmare being backed into a corner by a giant spider who’s spitting Venom at me met zombie familiar is really not doing too particularly well over there it’s

Just oh wait no that’s that’s an enemy whoops never mind the spiders are oddly friendly but I like that they added an NPC that wasn’t just like out to kill you no that is nice okay they do hang they do hang out in the dark they do that ah you know

Now that I fight these ones it makes me realize that the zombies before ah damn it zombies have very bad pathfinding I just feel like you’re kind of low on health I’m bad at game so I’m just going to say that they’re too hard oh well where’s my health potion

I think I was back here right I want to check out this game so much glad to see you play it hey thanks everybody luck yeah a lot of people have been requesting this game so it’s just like ah why don’t I give it a try the one thing that I uh

I want to do a new when it comes out now with City skylines too but I was actually just overwhelmed by the number of like good games coming out I thought I was like ah let me just go back to my list I think I’ll be waiting for like release

To do any more for that after that initial wave of content you know a lot of people put out videos on the on the uh what was it the eighth a great wave I just sort of want to create like a normal City but it’s like whenever I play too many

City builders it makes me want to play an RPG and whenever I play Too Many RPGs it makes me want to go build a city again or like do something of that variety yeah I just feel like I’ve found a decent balance of the two

So kind of hard to do that actually I’m grateful that you guys will let me play like anything I want and people are still you know I mean like I can play anything I want pretty much but at the same time like if no one watches a video it’s kind

Of like uh all right let me go make the thing that people actually want to see too but no I get a good variety of stuff on this channel and like I can I know it’s just very nice I love what I do of course I do of course

Whoever thought this would be a job you know although I guess this is basically what happened to games journalism like games journalism used to be a a bigger thing like you would get Nintendo Power shipped to your house oh yeah ship all that Nintendo power to my house

I don’t like the boxing glove because the enemies oh no we actually have like unique attack speeds too this thing has better attack speed there we go now I can take one of those it’d be nice if I could consume an item from my inventory though like my hot bar

Is a little bit limited as it is if I want to there’s more items that I want to use like I want one of those factorio sized hot bars you know yes buying the magazines because they have the cheat codes don’t you miss when you couldn’t

Like look some like look up an answer to a game on the internet I loved that oh like when you had to go Discover it for yourself when you found the Easter eggs in the game it was actually exciting I miss those days honestly it’s kind of sad to me that was the

Thing that was lost like you could get stuck on a level and just not be able to play the game back when I was a kid like well you can’t look it up you got to figure it out or just uh I can’t figure out how to get past this part in

This game and that sucks like it had this odd charm about it although it was frustrating it made your games seem more I don’t know valuable hey DZ welcome it how you doing official room RuneScape map and quest guide yeah like some of those things are novelty items like Prima guides you know

Uh I was getting into like potentially collecting those or you remember those things that they would sell at school Book Fairs like or in a Barnes and Noble like a game cheat code manual like oh man this book has all the cheat codes to the last

All the games that came out in the last year and it was kind of cool because you could make yourself like Invincible in Tony Hawk or whatever you were playing yeah those are the good old days I missed those everyone magazines had included postcards to renew your subscription I do miss

Things you can grab on eBay but like some people are just price gouging them too you know if you had like one issue that was very precious to you yeah like go grab that I guess kind of a collector’s item really though there’s just something about like the

Pages and smelling smelling the pages yeah it feels good feels right something about it I’m feeling like I should be getting experience for all this killing though I deserve experience but how sweet would an experienced system be in this game come on wouldn’t that be cool I just like that idea of it

Maybe I just want everything to be an RPG maybe it’s not even necessary uh yeah like that could slightly increase your mining speed just when I looked at this game I was like wishing that this game had existed um yeah I don’t know what it was like I I

Was thinking it would be cool if there were a game like kenshi and rimworld combined kenshi is basically my dream game to be fair um it’s just well kenshi too will be because there’s so much like that kind of needs polishing in the original kenshi like it’s crazy how under

Polished the game is although I personally like the glitches in kenshi like they’re very funny like oh that man is just trapped flying up in the air and he is just there forever okay if you actually go through old game manuals like that like if you look at the manuals

In most old Productions of games you will find that they put less and less effort into printing the materials and that is kind of like a collector’s item I got really into game collecting last year but I kind of grabbed everything that I wanted and then I was like okay I

Don’t really need to do this anymore just most of the stuff that was precious to me as a kid I’ve ended the items that are like most precious are not there’s some things that are really expensive now like the Pokemon games but there’s certain games that just

Meant a lot to me as a kid that were like 10 bucks and I don’t know what it is yeah I love the value of those something about it yeah you know solve a copy of Ultima seven oh my God Ultima Ultima it’s occurring to me is I’m like what

Games are popular now I guess Battle Royale got popular but I remember when I was a kid MMOs were really popular like World of Warcraft and RuneScape were huge um like those games were massive and they still are but I just it’s wild like when you hear what kids are into nowadays

Or I mean I guess the bat the last big thing now I’m looking at it and kind of and I know a lot of people don’t like fortnite because like you can’t go back and play it like think about it if you want to go back and play fortnite

They’ll probably be on to the next thing in a few years from now but now I start to just sound like a crotchy old man too poor for a while couldn’t afford this yeah me too I was just like uh well really my mom just didn’t want us

Playing it on the computer so my friend had Brothers uh like he had older brothers so they kind of sealed the path for him to be able to play basically any video game we would go over his house and he would just have every Xbox game and it would be like dude

Your house is awesome yeah I don’t know something about that like going over friends with a big game collection although I think the one thing I like now is uh basically everything is free so it’s pretty accessible but yeah basically DRM means you don’t really like

Like you might not be able to play stuff but uh I mean what’s probably gonna happen in the future a lecture of the Villager is arriving at the first settlement I do like how you get a message down there for whatever’s going on sorry now I’m kind of getting away with

Myself anyway what I think is gonna happen because I saw it I’m just repeating what I saw in a video but I think it’s accurate because it used to be like this with music when I was a kid I used to pay for music I used to buy an album

Nobody who buys me I guess some people do if they collect it yep some people like collectors too but I’m guessing just all games are gonna ultimately end up on a subscription model eventually it’s kind of the way of the world it’s going now sorry I got like way way off topic there

Anyway uh a little bit dull mining all of this iron but yeah now we have tons of iron so we should probably be able to make a full set of iron tools now I think yeah basically Spotify for games but I mean pretty sweet well I mean they

Already have it with Nintendo don’t they like give you all of their old games for five bucks but you can play them for like a month it’s a pretty good deal honestly like if you don’t wanna show out like two thousand dollars for a copy of Earthbound or whatever it is

Don’t quote me on that I don’t I don’t know what it is okay bookshelf we could probably bring that back up and use it right ooh Spruce bookshelf nice more furniture it’s probably the next day now Elektra the Villager all right you can join my settlement 103 coins for another

Person I guess but you’re probably just gonna be unhappy because your other villager friend is basically useless all right let’s go ahead and see um Spruce bookshelf all right I will throw this into yeah your room because you’ve you’ve been pretty much useless so you can hold the books for us

Uh I’ll put a mine card in the bookshelf maybe these binoculars just items that I don’t use but are kind of interesting I will give you yep that’s what you’re getting a mine cart and a bookshelf uh let’s see all right what did I say there what am I doing next

Ah oh yeah iron okay let’s go back here because if I take all of my 100 Jesus Christ 124 iron We’re not gonna need it for a while all right so now I go to the forge and now I could probably make a whole thing of tools iron bow that seems kind of

Inconvenient sparkler does magic damage oh that’s kind of sweet I could even make iron chest ooh iron armor yeah let’s make some armor for ourselves so that we aren’t so fragile in the next boss fight that’d be good right tool damage 80 wait a second

Gold and iron do the same ish kind gold doesn’t really seem that useful though 2.1 attack speed yeah okay golden iron or roughly the same yeah golden iron actually do about the same oh no wait a minute gold does more damage as a pickaxe what about a golden sword melee damage 22.

Oh it actually does a little bit more I stand corrected then what’s the next tier up from that I’m guessing there are more materials that we just haven’t found yet oh we could milk the cows as well oh nice nice let’s go ahead and make an iron pickaxe

So like just get rid of these wooden tools um okay I will put useless items on your bookshelf things that I don’t really need or I’m not really using right now good ah CDs man chat I got everybody at like appanua an uproar about like the ownership of games and stuff like

Actually find that stuff really interesting I’ve always wanted to make like existential late stage capitalism slash video gaming trying to enjoy yourself at the end of the world like Doomer types of content on my channel and then that will just upset everyone and create resentment uh

Of course I’m kidding I I do not have any ambition of that sort I don’t know but I feel like it’s a brand of video I would be oddly good at making sitting in my room thinking about the end of the world hmm broken oh wait a minute we could go

Ahead back into our Forge and we could go ah good wait a minute I lecture the Villager you just was that you or was that the old man who just did that hey old man okay let’s go ahead and put in our copper tools and oh iron tools too actually that’s great

I’m getting that kind of minecrafty vibe though of like everything can be re-crafted and built into something new it’s a nice feeling and that just like no item is useless that’s a nice thing to have in games it’s nice because it’s nice what am I saying uh yes of course it is

Although I think I should probably get some iron armor now let’s get out of our chicken suit I know we’ve all liked the chicken suit I have as well but Five armor 7 armor 4 armor will it slow me down though oh you can also have you can have Dashers and boots on okay that’s good to know I guess we’re gonna be able to create we might be able to create a full set of iron armor it seems extremely like

Sweaty to carry around a whole full set of iron armor okay let’s take out two more of those aha now we can take a uh let’s create a helmet oh wait a minute we can keep on the chicken suit and the helmet I do kind of

Want to see what the iron armor looks like though I’ve been wearing a chicken suit long enough okay I’m going to put away my it’s like ridiculous I look like an enemy out of Resident Evil right now it’s a man in a chicken suit but with an

Iron helmet like some sort of dystopian horror game um okay I need more iron bars for that I think I will put away my chicken suit now it’s time to hang up my feathers oh can you just get naked look I’ve taken it all off uh

Uh yeah we need some place for just like random stuff I’m not even using I do want to see the iron armor on him now though I’m naked I have nothing equipped you can see my bare skin I guess I could put on the boots right beware of me fear me

Uh well I have enough for okay two more I should have enough for let’s see I guess that’ll go to 15 oh no 16 sweet all right so that gives me enough for iron armor for my chest so do I have an no I don’t really have

An armor bar now I guess it just takes away probably like a percentage of your damage or something if it doesn’t show where does it say your armor yeah a few of these things it would be nice to have on the UI total armor 12 okay it does say it there that’s nice

That’s good all right I guess I’m just gonna go down Barefoot though six oh I should be able to get yeah exactly eight so that’s exactly enough for a full set of armor equip those boots all right sweet so now I’ve got a full set of iron armor um what is that 18

Armor nice I know I’m gonna iron sword let’s go back down I’m actually kind of hyped to get uh get going on like more exploration and stuff now I feel like I could stand a chance against some of the mobs down here cool maybe I’ll even be able to fight this

Vital spinal boss yes the spider boss I’ll get helmet head if I keep wearing it unacceptable oh treasure uh honestly the bombs you know after that first fight I’m convinced that just you can’t really focus enough during combat with these low-level weapons I think I might just

Need a lot of bombs to win this let’s go ahead and run into a zombie see how much damage he does okay one heart’s worth of damage uh let’s compare that with let’s just take off all the armor for a second okay here I go running into danger in my birthday suit

Let’s get back up to 100 health okay that actually did save me about like half of the hits I was taking yeah I want to go to 90 before I didn’t track the actual number but just give me a second 87. uh yeah I think that saved us what like

40 of the damage or so nice is it possible to make the inventory bigger you know that’s a good question I haven’t checked that on the interface pixel font ooh you could change I don’t think I’d like that at all it is kinda cool uh I feel like it’s a little too detailed

Big tooltip uh interface style Legacy ghost ooh ghost is kind of cool although I like Primal oh yeah you can make it bigger took me a minute there okay let’s try that save back back resume uh it looks kind of horrible at that scaling though give me a second

What if we got up to like a nice even value like 150 percent um parts of the inventory smaller but yeah that does work not a bad idea hey Fury fighter thanks for coming out welcome to this trip they helped you discover some interesting stuff I actually think this

Is slightly too large for my liking I think I’m gonna go back down to 120 no I can’t really go back down into 125 percent 120. I feel like it’s kind of throwing me off let me just try 120 and if I don’t like that I will just stop it entirely

120 is somewhat acceptable okay I’m I’m willing to live with this yeah the inventory is a little small it does give you good view over the rest of the screen giant spider again that means though that I don’t just insta die if I like Touch One enemy

That’s nice there must be a lot of armor tiers too in the game uh think think think what else am I going to try to do let’s go back to where we last died because that was probably an area worth exploring um where else have I been down here I

Guess we go along this area we might find more iron right oh it actually tells you what you’re looking at if you Mouse over it that’s sweet like a lot this game’s actually got a really extensive set of features like I know some things look a little bit like it’s very complete

And the things that feel like they could use something it just feels like a little cosmetic thing or something like that I don’t know I like it and I generally don’t have an easy time enjoying games like this like I I can’t bring myself to enjoy them

Ah gold other the gold I feel like that the gold could be used for something more interesting here it’s gonna place down another torch while we mine ah I love the feeling of like I have I said just mirror these combined nodes nodes there comes that word again not sure um

What was I saying totally forgot setting what was I saying it was an important thing to me oh yeah I love the feeling that yeah there’s not really anything interesting it’s just an observation that I really like I like the feeling of accelerating at getting better in games you know like

When you get tools that could make you even better even faster there’s just something immensely satisfying about that although I guess you’re not really like fully efficient yet but I bet you that there are items like for example I’m just gonna go ahead and take one of these bombs I know we really

Need the bombs for the boss fight but look at this bomb meat wall ah just like this it’s the feeling like in Terraria when you go from mining to just bombing walls to get through mines it’s just so cool it feels great something about it you know something about it

I guess the question is what happens when you get to the edge of the mine is that the time yeah let’s go let’s go see what happens when we get to the edge of the mine if we can uh unless if I go am I gonna save these

For the boss let’s see if we can search around a little bit more and if it seems that we can’t then we’ll go and use these against the boss or vice versa ah you can just basically face plant into them and they die okay this is plenty of iron now here

Good ooh more iron over there too yeah like it’s genuine excitement I I don’t know what it is I really want to make a big Colony now and just get a bunch of villagers of course I don’t know if I would go about it on my own I

Feel like I would want to do it with a friend but I feel like I could honestly generate like an interesting challenge with this game it’s it’s rare to find games that I feel like I could do that with maybe because it doesn’t feel like everybody’s done it to death already

Like with Minecraft you know like how many Hardcore Minecraft 100 days have you seen nah this is like a new and unique game I feel like I think also the fact that Kevin did it like I said I think he did a good Justice needed that increasing growth yes it that that is

The phrase I was looking for thank you increasing growth rate stuff in your muffin your name your name stuff in your muffin it is an excellent Name let’s keep following the minecart paths because I feel like that’s going to lead us to Treasure uh all right okay some sort of dungeon

Here I guess I’m ready to fight the vampires aren’t I let’s go see what they have like otherwise we’ll just be wondering we’ll just be wondering for the rest of the time I just have to clear out goblins from behind me so that oh a crawler wow honestly kind of dangerous

Mice too this is so many like little Bourbon and things like that that have been added into it okay maybe these are the vampires I’ll fight first just because the other one had spiders near them okay uh okay the vampire bats are chasing me oh Jesus Christ these things are actually pretty tough

Okay I’m gonna pull up Papa health potion Jesus Christ those are actually very good enemies I’m glad that I waited this long to do that because they would have murdered me originally I mean fortunately though that gives us tons of building materials and ooh bat wings more health potions

And a bulky vampire’s gift what is that oh of course a vampire’s gift who could forget what that means we store my potions oh beautiful just what I wanted a vampire’s gift Jesus there’s so much variety though built into this Fire Resistance potion man there’s such a great variety of stuff

Oh lots of range stuff for our boss fight yeah nice cool all right wow these vampires were rich I don’t know why they tried to murder me they seemed like they should have been satisfied with their lives here trapped like uh Cask of Amontillado in here oh well okay

I’m going to take their walls bulking vampires gifted just 10 pounds of protein yeah what is a vampire’s gift I I mean I’ll go ahead and just say one other thing here I just feel like this game is pretty good with like World building you know like uh I’m kind of

Curious what else there is there’s just so much to explore here so much good variety and like the random generation I guess it all does kind of feel the same but I don’t know it feels right yeah it’s easy to get sometimes things feel soulless with random generation but I don’t get that

At all here like it feels good it feels like a world worth exploring There we go okay cool um man this is like a quite an extensive Cavern we’ve come upon here ah there we go okay zombie dead ninja stars um I feel like I’ll be dissatisfied if I don’t end up killing the boss in the end

So I really want to go back up to the surface and like actually manage to get a boss kill in otherwise I’m just gonna feel so useless like couldn’t even get in his uh although we have been playing for like two hours now and I still feel

I’ll say this usually when I stream for like two or three hours I feel pretty I don’t know bored and tired by the end of it I’m like or if I uh I don’t know like if I just thought that it was okay or something like that but

I haven’t felt like this energized at the end of a stream in a while generally speaking though the max I can go is about three and then I just start to like say nonsense I’m just tired ah another Treasure Trove very cool very cool okay here we go coins coins coins Babble

Potion next time I have to remember to take all of the potions right before combat I think that they ooh that’s a lot of loot that’s a lot of damage oh Jesus hang on a second don’t die yeah you gotta I wish that the health bar

Were at the bottom of the screen though that’s just one little thing I know that’s like a little bit like minecrafty but I just find that my field of vision doesn’t really drift toward the top of the screen that much so when I do die it

Kind of takes me off guard I don’t know what it is like I feel like that that was that just works you know it just works Todd quite a lot of boxes over there as well is that an actual vampire or is that just oh it is a vampire

Yep that is indeed a vampire did he Slow Me Down I’ll kill you in Bat form hmm unfortunately no more bombs like bombs are just the best in this so that is unfortunate oh iron bars like free iron bars there I will just throw down these tomato

Seeds I don’t really think I’m I mean they would be useful but whatever I don’t think I’m gonna get much out of them okay let’s go back up to the surface I think now that we have all this iron stuff maybe we’ll stand a better chance

And if not then I’ll just die valiantly or in it oh God Jesus hang on a second I just bit off really a lot of them here wait a second I’m taking dropping a health potion uh all right one more man there’s just such an extensive Cavern back here

Okay maybe we’ll go for like one more dangerous spider Den wish me luck this part is actually legitimately scary Oh I can totally game this ah there’s more oh no I just totally failed at everything oh God uh how far away am I from the entrance oh I’m so sad I gave up so much there oh actually I cut my bombs in my inventory though

Whatever let’s see if I have one more dark portal I’m just gonna go back down grab my stuff and we’ll see if I can summon the boss and maybe kill it this time no so far off oh Jesus at least I saw my pickaxe in my inventory though okay I’m just going to

Fight another spider Jesus I not never mind wait a second okay stones will take them out I should have always kept my distance I don’t even get an invulnerability saved for a couple seconds come on come on all right I can at least easily retrace my path through the vampire Menace

Let’s go back and pick up our items that might fear the spider Will Come Out of The Shadow it is it has come to fruition oh wait a minute you can’t even fit through there I’m fine totally safe oh this isn’t so hard does these destroy oh these do destroy

Their webs I don’t feel as endangered anymore I feel good about this now okay hang on I’ve finally learned to quell the spider demons hang on a second okay I still have 10 health potions that’s more than that’s more than I could actually consume during a boss fight probably it just

Wouldn’t last that long so I I’m willing to live with that although they regrow on these things now it’s just I wonder what I could do I guess I could put down like wood floors to prevent them from regrowing or something oh Jesus there’s another one there another health potion good

Okay maybe we’ll get some sort of like spider treasure here it’s kind of giving me a little bit of a streets of Rogue Vibe about it ah that took me a minute to realize what that was but yeah I’m getting a little bit of a streets of

Rogue vibe from the graphics somehow too I mean I guess I could say that for any game with pixel art but yeah I really get it here it’s about the size of the characters and the dimensions of their Sprites something that totally says streets of Rogue to me

All right let’s go pick up our items and then not die I will not die here definitely not gonna die okay but we do need that portal to the netherworld back more of them Whoever thought in a second okay this is going to be my only useful weapon here I didn’t find a

Gun like I wanted but I think we have enough and by that I mean I don’t think that we have enough but I will try again anyway oh you actually can’t get me in these little inlets another one Clockwork or aboros thank you very much for the prime and meet gorilla

Will I ever do a multi-part series again like with rimworld generally speaking I think I’m probably not going to do any more multi-part series on the main Channel but I still would do them on the VOD channel from time to time my thing is that whenever you do a multi-part

Series on YouTube it generally speaking just like recommends the first video like crazy and then like not really the other ones so I generally have started to just like condense things down into one big video like when we did kenshi on Twitch I did it in like

I think it took like seven to ten parts to do it but I just condensed it into one five hour stream just because it tends to like like people actually see it rather than like the whole thing just it just kind of gives like weird signals I don’t know I like basically I’ve

Committed myself to just never caring about anything that the algorithm does with this VOD Channel so I’m like yeah I’ll make a multi-part series if I want but generally speaking they won’t be over like three or four parts just because nobody really watches them after that like maybe a couple of

People and a few people who watch them really do enjoy them and I and I like that fact about it and I’m happy to do that but generally I just make them shorter and shorter um yeah it’s kind of the reality of it hey to say I do like multi-part series

And I think I was good at them and I miss doing them sometimes oh another four bombs nice okay this will be plenty now I think we could potentially like survive the final fight with the boss with this many bombs uh no more bonds oh wait a second don’t

Kill me don’t kill me now thank you okay we just got a lot of items here uh Jesus what am I I guess I’ll get rid of the clay and take on that I just leave a very valuable ring in that chest so be it whatever I’m getting out of here now

I think I have a recall scroll yep should have used that before phew sweet okay we have a little bit of time to prep for the boss and then I think we will uh yeah we’ll take it on again see if we can get that done

How long do I spend a video editing a video on average just the editing part maybe like 16 hours the whole production takes about 40 hours though in General on a video that’s why generally I’ve kind of standardized the length down to 10. plus I also just that’s about how long my own

Attention span lasts other than like watching a video I’m like yeah I think that’s enough some people get so angry about those things though people are like how dare you make a 10 minute video how dare you on your own channel that’s what I wanted to bake for a long

Time like I just wanted to make nice fun short videos I guess because I’ve changed a lot over the course of my channel though that’s valid I think that’s valid and I’ve just sort of like surrendered myself now at this time to just making what I really love to make so yeah

Everything that I make now is like what I really want to be making um yeah or like I don’t know I cleared out the next few months so I’m just like oh yeah I could just do tons of fun projects I’ve wanted to do for a long time

Yeah I don’t know I’m having fun 219. okay good there’s two Golds actually three gold Stacks got separated that’s odd oh an oak clock oh that actually shows the time that is somewhat useful yeah it’s it’s hard once you get to an audience as as large as the one I I now

Have to make content that will make everyone happy so just naturally like I don’t know some people will hate it and like yeah that’s it’s unfortunate but it’s the reality and I’m okay with it I can live with it oh we could Shear the Sheep without killing them

That’s actually kind of nice to not have to kill everything that we touch uh hmm I guess we could make a uh like a shield now right it’ll be kind of sweet yeah make a wooden Shield and then we bring that to the Anvil now we just need more leather so we will

I think we still on yeah you can’t really Shear the leather off of a cow that’s not really gonna happen oh well you’re dead Okay sorry so sorry okay now we make that into a better Shield do you have a slot for that all the space equipment hold the space to uh

Oh you actually have to equip it wait a second equip oh nice oh so we could use that instead of shoes no I think that the Dodge is more important prevents fifty percent of damage taken now I would rather just be running faster hey Clockwork or Boris thank you very

Much for the very generous five dollar donation check twitch for the live streams we’ll soon we’ll go up onto YouTube but it might just take a little while yeah anything over I mean you know you still have people saying that they want to see one thing

When you’re at like not even a million like when you have 80 000 subscribers or even just add any amount really I mean I even remember back when I had hundreds of subscribers and I made something different people were like oh we wanted to see this other thing and I’m like I

Don’t want to make it sorry it’s the worst thing I think the most the thing they’re most grateful for is the fact that I can basically make anything I want though molten metal okay this looks pretty sweet a sparkler all right let’s try setting down the portal now uh oh God

Just it’s like so needlessly difficult to take a lot of potions at once though I think it’s Z and Q all right I will summon the demon now oh God this thing is sweet it can just like spray pee on the enemy good the Elder is out to protect me again

Okay this is exactly the type of thing that I needed oh awesome I can’t believe this is even a weapon in the game okay now he’s going to rise up and try to kill us all from the sky I may actually win this fight now my hopes are up now oh God

Uh I am running low on Mana though as I fight him okay let me just take a health potion because it’s gonna be delayed before I can take the next one I don’t even think I’m using all my weapons I think this thing is just so much powerful than oh God the Elder

Please come back it was so much more useful to have you around okay I cannot destroy the black spheres of death I just don’t have any time to get out like another potion there’s just yeah I need more hotkeys like I desperately need more hotkeys so

That I can do more things during battle that in an invulnerable like a second of invulnerable save would be nice after you get hit although I guess if the enemies don’t get it I don’t really deserve it either okay let’s take another Mana potion please help why are you here you’re useless to

Me chibinu thank you very much for the very generous sub okay good villagers on him murder him with pitchforks and torches okay I’ll take it I’m just gonna tank some damage taking health potions okay we’ve got him down to 582 I think we’re actually gonna kill him except his

Attack patterns have become so insane now he’s definitely coming back please stay I need help desperately in defending our village don’t die just continue to Shield me with your body you’re useless to me oh yes we did it Jesus Christ that was difficult all right what do we get force of wind

And Demon heart can be consumed permanently increases Max Health to 200. okay awesome all right I will consume the Demon’s Heart amazing wow that’s actually a meaningful upgrade wow very cool summon foci demonic bar that sounds like a good name for a bar that have good drinks trinkets increases

The summon damage by 20 decrease non-7 damage by two uh so okay that’s basically like you’re putting all of your damage out into your summons seeing as I have only one tiny zombie that follows me around I don’t think that’s that useful drinking ability equip impressive face to push

Yourself forward can also be used from hand I wonder what that looks like hang on a second oh cool that is actually kind of sweet am I like did I miss something about those different hotkeys yeah the one thing okay I’ll say this the combat here is really good I like it

It’s a very good game it’s sweet I’m enjoying everything the only thing is that when I get into like really really high reflex High reaction moments like that like in that combat I just wish that there were more combat or more keys that I could do in the left hand

Like more hotkeys and stuff like that okay we just hired a fisherman we have no beds for anyone wow Tobias the hunter viry are the Elder Dustin the angler and Oak bed wait no Josh the Villager I should have a decent number of NPCs now this thing is sweet

Did the Mana recharge on its own yes it does I I mean I used a potion to help me I actually feel pretty sweet playing this sounds kind of cool looking for a quest complete the quest we got a lunch box oh does that let me put food away into it

Please tell me it does I really need that stores food picked up ah good so can I put this into my inventory whoa what did I just do oh I think I just took one of every potion when I clicked on it yeah I think the one thing I would really like here

And I just want to see in the settings is okay so there are there is a good number of hotkeys I just wish I could hot bar slot one I just wish that there were more I think I’m just uncoordinated because it is kind of an action game in that way too

But yeah like I don’t know it’s sweet and I feel like that’s the one thing that’s preventing me from fully enjoying it I really like this game though this is ridiculously good you guys should check out this game it’s sweet I don’t know what else to say yeah I like it a lot

Um seeing all the other abilities and stuff I could use too um it was actually kind of a crazy day in my life because I’m getting a a washing machine I’m finally going to own a washing machine I’m doing a lot of adulting now um but yeah I’m I’m getting a washing

Machine delivered so oh look we sheared a sheep so I’m actually gonna have to head out how to do that but I hope you guys have a good rest of the day

This video, titled ‘Necesse, Surviving the First Night(s) (Terraria x Minecraft x Rimworld)’, was uploaded by ambiguousamphibian VODs on 2023-10-05 19:00:06. It has garnered 59902 views and 1208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:24 or 7764 seconds.

Necesse, Surviving the First Night(s) (Terraria x Minecraft x Rimworld) (Streamed 9/13/2023)

ambiguousamphibian’s Main Channel: Twitch:

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

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  • Dungeon Time in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 – Insane Treasure Hunt

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  • Unlock the Secrets to Trymacs’ Success NOW

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  • Monarchia

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

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  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

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  • OniMc

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  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

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  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

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  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

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  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More