Video Information

Foreign Foreign Uh uh uh uh uh okay am I Audible hello Chad hello hello hello the Bots are back cool uh Hey fire holder hehe I guess you’ll have to do a little something tonight hey chat um hello I actually just came back from uh I actually just came back to the to the

Apartment like five minutes ago I was going for snacks because I wasn’t going to make this stream without a couple snacks um oh wow that’s a lot of bots I just put the guy in timeout yeah how you doing I’m doing fine doing fine just ignore the bot just ignore the bot

Uh yeah so anyway good night everybody chat good night everybody I feel like I have to say then I feel like I have to say the announcement first before I actually talk about the recent drama um that’s been happening right now I don’t time out Bots they get heated oh

Cool I mean I don’t exactly know how to ban people on YouTube but uh yeah so anyway I actually I made that I made the description the way it is because I didn’t want to make everybody Panic literally but it’s it’s it’s it’s fine it’s fine

Yeah so anyway 9pm here yes sir it’s 9 p.m currently differently it’s just hide user oh really hold on there’s drama yeah there’s a lot of drama right now um one of them is like court case that just happened like three days ago or four days ago that they lost um

What else is there uh let me think I didn’t prepare a [ __ ] note for this um being uninclude uh being not I’m not sure not going to niji Fest this year and I think that’s pretty huge at least I think it is again yeah unfortunately it’s niji again I mean what what the

[ __ ] did you expect chat of course it is yeah and um uh uh what else I guess we’ll also talk about like good news like um Idol Corp like I don’t let’s we’re also we’re also going to be talking about idle Corp right now um because they just did a little

Interesting move by actually launching their third en gen and uh audition called I mean third en audition call and the fact that they’re expanding to the Spanish demographic like that’s interesting yeah yeah yeah um I think that’s very interesting because I’ve always said for a long time

Now that the big corpos are not are not exactly being you know smart about which demographic they want to push through but the the Spanish the Spanish speaking market right now is massive like absolutely massive and nobody’s taking advantage of it yet other than waktar but we all know what

Waktor is doing right now but yeah what is the announcement did they cancel the end again uh no uh okay um well yeah I have seen a lot of people like really really really really upset for my recent video and um relax I’m not gonna spark about that anymore but there

Are I’m just gonna say what the announcement is just in case you know that’s what a lot of people are waiting for and I don’t want to keep you guys in like in suspended yeah yeah yeah so anyway um what about tachibana so I post from a YouTuber what happened oh yeah okay

We’ll get right oh yeah that one we’ll get right into that one yeah yeah but anyway um you’re far from the mic um I don’t think I am uh hold on Boop boop boop um I should be fine now I think yeah there is fruit Vegeta is there

I mean I didn’t really see any of these Shojo food news aside from the fact that um aside from the fact that fruit I guess made a tweet earlier about her talking about her abuser but I don’t really I I I don’t really know what happened with that one I guess

It’s referring to her husband I yeah I don’t really know about that um nope not yet Auntie mate uh oh yeah I did actually make a stream about Auntie well not a stream but like yeah well I I I forgot to make a public version of that but I

Will soon just not right now because okay here’s going to be what I’m just going to say my announcement before I try to um like organize all the things that’s been happening right now so let’s the announcement is not really that big it’s literally just me

Taking well not taking a long break but taking making’s fewer content number a few a few like I’m not going to be that active right now like you see my upload schedule right now it’s basically like twice a week right basically twice a week and that is not going to be that that

Uploads consistency is going to slow down a little bit because I’m in the [ __ ] Philippines and unfortunately it’s School season unfortunately unfortunately it’s School season so um yeah you know it’s not that big of a deal I just wanted to like do it do the little graduation bait and you know have

A lot of people who worry about this I guess click bait a little bit but yeah I’m just I’m basically just going back to school again you’re not Chinese I know some I know a couple Chinese yeah wait you’re still in school yeah I’m like 21 bro yeah so I’m unfortunately

Going to have to go to school back again so again content schedule is going to be is going to be relatively slowed down I don’t exactly know by how much right now I’m already working on a video I already sent it to another editor maybe I’m thinking

Like maybe three times four times a month I I don’t know yet I really don’t know yet the only reason why I was able to upload as many videos as I did in the past three or four months was because uh it was like summer break Um you’re pregnant oh God I wish what’s the connection between schools in the Philippines everywhere starts in September except in Japan well in the Philippines there’s this thing where like the department the government I guess makes it so that schools go in this uh schools or you know depending on

Where you are if it’s uh high school or college kind of starts around a similar time frame but yeah in this case August is the month for a lot of college right a college Unis right now and I’m about to go mm-hmm good luck with your study stuff ugh God I kinda

Several places start in August yeah yeah God and the problem with me is that I’m something of a workaholic right like I can’t like these hands these hands has to be working on something otherwise it’s not it’s like it’s gonna shake and I’m not gonna be able to

Control it how about your stream still I do have a couple stream ideas in order one of them is just going to be me ranking like hentai like hentai tags one of them is me going to be talking about like um what like the most parasocial ranking the most parasocial fan basis or

Whatever yeah explains the alcoholism you and Cali both I got I’m right now I’m able to kind of manage my alcohol problem a little better I’m starting to get back into it but without the uh the rather dangerous way that I used to consume it foreign

Fan base very spicy yeah I was actually I actually intended to do that stream like two months ago but I kept like forgetting I I’m sorry okay I probably said to a lot of comments or responded to a lot of a lot of comments or tweets or something promising or saying that

I’m going to make a particular video but I uh sometimes I end up not doing it and I swear to you the reason is that I forget that I I forget that I was supposed to make a certain kind of video and I actually always feel bad anytime

Because when someone DMS me about it like maybe two months or a week later I don’t really want to do it anymore what’s your courses standards for passing I don’t know I I don’t know I feel like I’m not that interested in how in passing like school and [ __ ] I’m just not interested

Gonna have to rewrite the video now after the dawn of the novel it’s not going to be a video it’s supposed to be a stream I was just going to like make a stream uh ranking the most parasocial fan basis 100 up there is going to be like novel lights

Saplings [ __ ] kfb employees those kinds of people because I’m 100 bro those three those three are like the top top [ __ ] percentile Jesus you can just stream full time instead bro um I actually had the idea of just streaming some of my video ideas instead of recording it and editing it and

Everything because it would take it would take much less time but the problem with that is that when I stream my thoughts are a bit all over the place and I’m not able to articulate the points as well as well as I want to so the my structuring is kind of off my

Words are all over the place and like I get lost in my own sauce I repeat a lot of things not unnecessarily yeah those are kind of the things that happen whenever I stream maybe if I do that maybe I should like make an outline I guess I don’t want to

Script streams mm-hmm boxes fans I mean uh VOC advances are also up there yeah yeah 100 also up there no offense but I think you know you’re a bit a little bit stutter yeah I am when I’m whenever I stream or whenever I speak without a script or without an

Outline I’m always always stuttery because my I feel like you know a lot of people are able to think more deeply than they can speak right like when they’re put on a spot they can’t exactly articulate the kind of points they want to make and that’s that applies to a lot of

People and that includes me fortunately or unfortunately whatever fans kfp fans ain’t that bad bro kfb kfb employees are just as parasocial for Kiara as Kiara are for them and you know what that’s pretty wholesome I think because um I haven’t really seen kfp employees cause any trouble for Kiara

And I haven’t seen Kiara cause any trouble for kfp employees it’s unlike vox’s fans because kfp seems to know their boundaries but in vox’s case kindreds need a little bit of like ass spanking from Vox himself to able to like calm down and [ __ ] but yeah kfb employees are pretty

Wholesome still you’re quite eloquent for an ESL I’m going to take that as a very massive compliment yes sir doesn’t Kiara make a ton of money still like more so than most of Ian uh uh she gets the most Super Chat Revenue in back in 2021 I believe Cali had the

Most Super Chat Revenue but chiaro was the second in 2022 Kiara had the most Super Chat Revenue so yeah I think Super Chat revenue is some is correl is has a bit of a correlation when it comes to how parasocial a fan is because like imagine actively throwing out a [ __ ] ton

Of money for someone like that right yeah um yeah like I feel like there’s a correlation there to parasocialism and giving money to someone hey odn what were you talking about oh I was just talking about like news and uh what’s like some updates for me in my

Channel and some and well we’re about to cover a lot of drama or and some news later and if you’re just here 600 people are here if you just came back don’t worry the news is just me putting out less content out there because I’m going back to school because

I’m forced to have well not forced but yeah I pretty much have to go through to school unfortunately well fortunately I guess I’m privileged to have to be able to go to school but I just find it a bit tiring I guess remember through shagachis yep checks out parasociality versus money yeah yeah

Did Magna and Vesper got fired uh no I don’t think they have but they have been missing for at least I think a month now well not almost a month I guess we nobody knows what the [ __ ] happened yeah you know since we know in Hughes watches your stuff contact them contacting them

About the vegetable model could be a possibility I’m not going to become a YouTuber chat I will not yeah I don’t think I’ll ever become a YouTuber unfortunately I pretty much would prefer to just be a regular old YouTuber I know people consider me a PNG tuber which is like YouTuber

Adjacent I guess but I really would not I really do not want to label myself a YouTuber for some reason I would actually think this is a contract negotiation from them put it um I I don’t know cover corpse announcement was vague enough uh too vague to really be able to like get

Anything from it and there were and as far as we know there were no like actions or things that Vesper or magni said that could have led to anywhere so and it was really that kind of announcement from cover Corp was the first of its kind and usually cover Corp

Is very transparent about their announcement when it comes to like terminations or suspensions or graduations and [ __ ] but this was the first time where they completely went like 100 vague posting um contractor negotiations is possible but yeah announcement too vague to include anything yeah yeah yeah I feel like if

It was a contract negotiation it would um it would be just be it that kind of announcement wouldn’t have happened what do you think about crazy early and some rates I’ve said this a long time ago thanks for the Super Chat by the way look Mac Russell but Ollie is

The heart of hollow ID gen 3. but um like okay here’s the thing Ali is literally the most one of the most wholesome people to ever exist in this industry she talks to everyone everybody likes her she’s like everywhere and she’s very hyper engaging and Hyper interactive with her chat she’s the

Heart of idgn3 I think the entire Hollow ID actually when I think about it Gen 2 oh sure sorry sorry Gen 2 gentle my bad but not just Gen 2 I think I think all of gen all of hello idea I think she’s the heart of olive whole ID

Because she’s just that wholesome I [ __ ] love her a lot it’s just that um there’s a reason why she’s got like that a million subscribers right but okay do we have zom rates in the chat here you have zombraids in the chat because I feel like if I have to critique Ali

It’s just that whenever I think of Ollie I’m going to think that I I’m going to go immediately to her character her personality as a YouTuber and as a person and she’s 100 the one of them again one of the most wholesome person in the world but I don’t remember any

Distinction that she has from other YouTubers like why do why would people watch Ali but not some other people that is also the heart of their gen I think that I think Ali’s failure is that she fails to kind of set herself apart and I don’t exactly know

How I’m gonna fix that if I were her it’s just that it’s just that other than the energy I don’t really find myself liking her that much as an Entertainer I like her I I love Ollie as a person but as an entity as an Entertainer I don’t think I can like

Find myself watching her content all the time yeah she seems to do fine hold on indeed you might be onto something here yeah it’s just that all the uh yeah um I would I would I would disagree I would say Ollie sets herself apart just in a different way than you’d expect

But how yeah even I got what you mean I love her personality but as a YouTuber uh I’d agree she is not standing out as a YouTuber I mean you know um you can’t like them all yeah true it’s just that again we I I again I

Don’t want any zom rates thinking that this is somewhat [ __ ] like you know uh what’s it called like me disparaging her good name or whatever again I love Ollie as a person it’s just that the reason her numbers are that low or that not many people hear from her that much

Is that she’s not really standing out she’s not really known for anything that’s memorable and I think if she figures out her I think if she figures out what she’s good at like why people like her or her stick once she finds a niche a stick I think

That’s when she’s absolutely gonna pop off no Ali’s not graduating wait who said Ollie was graduating she’s not is only graduating no no no no no she’s not gonna graduate she’s not gonna graduate holy [ __ ] Bro she’s not gonna graduate hmm she’s known for being outgoing and

Talking to everyone though yeah I know that’s why I’m saying she’s the heart of the entire ID Branch like everybody [ __ ] loves Ollie I don’t think I’ve heard of any person that hates Ali and I don’t think anyone should either literally one of the most wholesome people in the world Jesus

No one’s graduating yet yes sir you know who else graduated though well terminated I guess the 19 or was it 19 or 13 people I forgot now the many people from the virtual Talent Academy that got asked because of um contract breaches all done I want to start I I I I wanna

VTA contract breaches did I save it somewhere I don’t think I did 13 I think yeah yeah yeah yeah um yeah so I talked about this in my in my ninja Sanji uh iniji Sanji uh one hour video but VTA virtual Talent Academy is I

Think one of the more one of the good things like one of the better things that nijisanji put out in this world in the industry like an academy to train YouTubers is [ __ ] massive like an actual like actually [ __ ] good that’s a great force to have in the industry but um

I’ve heard there has been leaks about a lot of bad stuff coming out from there I’ll talk about later thanks Professor Keane with a new member of hollabird Team joining why do you think Kyla keeps refusing to join the hollow bird team even though she’s a bird too

Um it’s because she lacks any sort of concrete bird aesthetic like narissa obviously a raven but Kayla everybody even though everybody memes on Kayla being a penguin um we don’t really have penguin elements from like actual penguin elements from Kayla so that’s I like she’s not actually a penguin right you’re not verb

Enough yeah yeah exactly not verb enough she’s not bird enough hold on yes sir okay um YouTuber news drop and Jay agonoy made an entire uh write up about it let’s see I’m going to talk a little bit about the virtual Talent Academy termination thing now hold on hold on

Yes sir yes sir okay wait wait where is it okay um look at this so read with me chat wait what’s happening why can’t I see anything okay here we are um Any colors virtual Talent Academy released a statement today August 3 announcing the termination of the program for some of them every second third and fourth batches of students violating established rules related to the academy including the thorough information management so yeah these people are getting axed yeah

OMG it is true what the [ __ ] yeah what did it cost though um I’ve seen I don’t think I’ve saved it but I’ve seen a lot of leaks coming out okay take this uh disclaimer these are just leaks I got from like random places like well not random places like Fortune I guess

But some of the members have apparently joined Chinese companies and have exposed the fact that these people were basically put into something of a for not forced labor but like apparently these people were made to like had were made to clip other nijisanji members for free in exchange for them being trained

I guess you’re not a that data Miner are you nope I just work a lot that’s all um so that’s basically their route right now unpaid work in a way yeah I guess part of their training is that they’re supposed to identify the clippable moments and moments that they’re supposed to

Um take note of to to pop off in a stream and like learn from it but I guess maybe that’s ninji sanji’s intention and maybe I’m just giving them too much benefit of the doubt but I guess a lot of them have not taken it that way yeah

I guess how these talents um interpreted it is that it’s basically just free labor among other things again I just got this from 4chan so I don’t exactly know how accurate it is Like some members apparently leaked information out to Chinese fans and communities and [ __ ] yeah I read any colors announcement about the academy and it seems like a vegetable education Camp well not an education capitalism that has such a negative connotation to it but basically that yeah Um that training sounds a waste of time and barking the students I mean if they did not for okay let’s say that that’s uh for the following State for the following statements I’m going to say that this is just a rat just speculation I guess from a couple for our generats but

If we if we assume that that was real there I can actually see some sense of nidisanji May identifying or maybe ninja Sanji making the talents identify what parts what kind of streams they should be taking which they should be studying from to see what Mom what moments needed to be clipped because

Clips are what gives people coverage right the clips are giving are what gives vegetables exposure and having that kind of perception and them being and them studying that would make sense if they are training to be a YouTuber right I think as a whole the goal of VTA

Is actually really cool like that’s decent VTA is basically an academy for YouTubers to be able to and and the part and the good part about that is that they don’t necessarily have to be under Niger Sanji exclusively they are they can go to hololive they can go to other

Agencies they can become Indies and they get to keep their model I’ve heard and that and I think that’s a good thing mm-hmm thank you razor razor gun for the for joining but I guess maybe them doing the kinds of things they did is pretty oopsie how

Many YouTubers does you have like 200 plus if we include virtual real that’s like 200 plus yeah I was looking forward to kogarashi failure her being trilingual made her looking very promising if you want me to be honest I don’t know any of these people I don’t particularly follow um the virtual Talent Academy that much so just need you niji’s way to find hidden gems without audition I I don’t

Know vda was established a long time ago if I recall correctly um you got to follow philia oh hey Jay agonoi basically [ __ ] free um free education not free education free advertisement here but yes philia huh I guess I’ll check her out I don’t I can’t promise that I’ll actually like

Follow her through and through the um there are people left not the ones that were terminated oh okay I mean I’m just following I’m just giving you the brass talks of it I haven’t actually if you want me to be honest I haven’t actually looked into it that deeply it’s just that

If it actually was a termination case another termination case a contract breaching case and that is probably be in the right for that but that depends on what those talents what conditions I mean what conditionsanji made them they put them in for them to actually be making those contract breaches um

Unpaid internship for everyone and their mother with no school or other background checks yeah that works out well also they pay for their model intro and lore video um yeah I guess in a way it is actually just unpaid internship right yeah correct the academy is not shut down

They just expelled a bunch of people yes they did no I mean like they just shut down a few people the academy is still up it’s still up like a few people that wants to be in there like mm-hmm oh wait never mind never mind these are

The people I haven’t actually watched uh I haven’t read this part these are the people that are still here right wait never mind never mind never mind were there big any big were there any big ninja Sanji members that came out of VTA Vault action what action well actually you’re not I’m

Just gonna let you show I believe what action was actually part of Neji Sanji of VTA Vault action who it’s this one it’s this one if I recall correctly they were from BTA right some can someone like uh can someone confirm that yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah

These guys were from from uh VTA so yeah actually you know what let’s check them out let’s check them out what how are they doing like what are their numbers boop boop boop Boop wait no not their Twitter accounts um their YouTube accounts um Boop Boop Boop Boop

Almost 200k Subs oh she’s actually he’s actually alive right now 1.4 k watching that’s not too bad 344k Subs interesting ah sorry interesting these are decent numbers I think look at these I think these are okay let’s ignore the uh Let’s ignore the baseball streams because those are a special case

Um baseball streams in the jisanji is special but these three these numbers don’t seem too bad yeah yeah Ronald kills was first oh yeah Renault kill this was also like around and kill this was also there hmm they seem to be doing well yeah yeah

A lot of people I’ve said this once and I’ve said again a lot of people get the impression that niri Sanji is doing bad right now because of the Holy ABS around them but that’s just ninja JP is actually like thriving right now I think mm-hmm we know baseball is special they fired

Gundo because of it yeah oh yeah the whole thing about um should not participating in the jisanji Fest and it’d be and it causing a lot of like rats um let me just pull out the Tweet real quick um this is a bad sign for obvious reasons well not for obvious

Reasons let’s um let’s review what we know so far so this is kind of half bad because if we’ve seen if the 4chan leagues are to be trusted shu is going to graduate apparently and her and him not being able to participate in Nigeria Fest which happens around one minute

December oh wait December wait am I getting that right yeah December I guess it’s December yeah um this is an indication that he might graduate yeah out of all the ninja boys she was the one I know the least um okay some well I mean shu is a great singer but he

Hasn’t actually that’s the that’s the thing that I found really odd about you because shoe and he’s a great singer but I don’t remember him uploading his own original song so far I think the only luxury member that produced their own original song was Mr I don’t remember if Vox made a religious

Song and um Ike but again Chu being the absolute [ __ ] Powerhouse singer that he is not making her own not making his own original song is weird to me hello did I skip an announcement um the announcement is basically just my content being slowed down because of

School coming in that’s basically it no need to worry about that [ __ ] but yeah um Shu has not made much songs and that honestly kind of baffles me meanwhile Ike has made a lot hey I’m sorry I missed I miss not mispronounced but I make a lot of like I’m ESL you’re

Gonna have to forgive me you have no choice is he the one who auditioned for hollow live was he oh wait if you’re you’re referring to the 2022 Discord lease right um I don’t know I forgot I I forgot that I forgot already I think he was he was right he did

Yeah I know Discord leagues okay yeah yeah it was him it was him wasn’t it mister no no Mr was the one that was having that was like not breaking down but he was the one sad boy posting in the Discord League um let’s check Ike

Yeah shoe is also the least popular in the group I don’t know why well maybe I can see why wait no actually no I don’t me personally my favorite is Mr a long time ago it was Vox but right now I kind of like mister see like look wait no that’s a cover

Also this is a banger cover you guys should watch it if you if you’re interested um yeah this one I think this is an original song but then that’s a lot of original songs wait no this is the cover but yeah whatever she barely streams I think does he

I don’t I haven’t been following him too much that now I mean his streaming schedule is a bit more consistent than gurus at least yeah still no 3D flow still no 3D for the luxium boys uh it’s because niji Sanji I think is forced to basically follow up

On every niji en member like they have to prioritize other people that did Bridge 100K subs for their 3D so I’m going to expect maybe a 3D by the end of the year but not anytime soon his long-term Hiatus probably probably stumbled his growth yeah yeah gur actually streams lately uh

I have heard she is but I don’t let’s see here one day ago three days ago five days ago six days ago oh she’s back is she she’s back she’s back okay cool also I love the fact that her Hollow cure streams are like the longest six hours seven hours follow

Cure is like a different kind of drug to a lot of people man [ __ ] she’s backish she said she’ll do what she can as she’s able uh that kind of just sounds like she has a lot of issues behind the scenes and you know what I will support that I will support that

You should play Hollow cure I do play Hollow cure well not as much as before but like yeah I have played halakir a lot the craziest part is that the game is free bro I think hollow life should actually just like not take Hollow cure but like like

Oh [ __ ] I I think what other life should do is that they should actually like boom get contact KU monetize it and then KU gets a certain cut and then hollow life just gets an IP cut or something licensing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I just think that

It’s a it’s it’s too good of a game I think a lot of people would buy it for just five dollars or something I would at least okay you don’t want that though I know I know KU did say that she he has no um he doesn’t want he doesn’t have any

Intent of monetizing it it’s just that Howard he has to be real yes they have the developers have to be rewarded somehow right at least I would like I I would if I was like cover Corp I was like a manager not a manager I hire up

There I would actually just reward them hmm money Marista Waters yeah but I okay maybe not okay reward him somehow else just not money if he doesn’t want it to be monetized he should just be rewarded all of them were you freak did amazing on the covers in

The music too yeah yeah uh you freaks um uh uh this is my this is personally this song uh this remix is personally my favorite um remix of like of like the holoca music and the actual song itself I actually listened to this a long time

For a long time I mean this was this was my gym music back then it still is hmm even without reward is great for their resume yeah I know it’s just that [ __ ] man okay and the development team needs to be rewarded if not via money somehow cloud is cool I guess but

I would give him more than cloud will not be in the game KO would ruin his relationship with cover if he included her um yeah I can see that happening maybe some references but not entirely you know but in all seriousness they are getting a lot more job offers in animations now

I mean even before KU made this he he was getting a lot of jobs for key anime I think okay I think he actually yeah yeah it’s worked on a lot of animes before Sword Art Online one piece moshoku [ __ ] tensei Castlevania like this guy does not need cover Corp

Is irrelevant because a lot of people want him you know he worked on Q didn’t he yeah yeah yeah so it’s a passion project it’s a total passion project I know but God he’s such a mega [ __ ] child he’s such a giga Chad [ __ ] like actual [ __ ] genius

Uh not just him everyone in the uh in the development of that game including you Frick this guy makes like Banger songs uh where’s his uh okay he’s getting his remixes are getting a lot of views which uh you know good content like this any kind of content I

I’m personally in the belief that any kind of content regardless of its um especially if it’s good regardless if it’s fan animations regardless of it’s like if it’s like um basic as long if it’s good it should be rewarded somehow not just via money but yeah a truck is a banger

Oh candy his candy his remix of candy go around is actually also my [ __ ] favorite well not my favorite one of my favorites I mean mm-hmm add truck has power over me both versions it is wait hold on hold on I’m just gonna close the door real quick

Transitioning from animator to game devs May he may he feels back to you yes sir he has to be hold on do you think the idler Showdown team will be able to convert their work to real industry exposure bro 100 those people hold on um um they got they had a

Lot of exposure because of Evo right Evo um Idol Showdown I also really appreciate this game because this game was two years in the [ __ ] making well now for two three years I don’t remember anymore but yeah and I just retweeted this these people definitely got a lot of job offers now

They have they [ __ ] have and I think a hollow life fighting game an official holiday fighting game would have been the best sort of idea by a cover Corp if they made one I don’t know why cover crop decided to go with a [ __ ] uh metaverse [ __ ] whatever it

Is they planned with Halloween live alternative but they should have went with a with a basic fighting game first I’ve always had that idea hmm Mr nasaki have you heard of the cometa drama it’s pretty old at this point I have but we’ll not talk about that for now

I do a showdown looks so ugly though well I mean it’s stylized it’s me personally it’s okay but there her their art is definitely stylized they’re not going for the cute route they’re going for the um I don’t know what this is called I don’t

Know what kind of style this is but yeah then it goes to Evo they are not Evo imagine this popular but it goes to evil they are unevo on Evo though look yeah 100 oh yeah they’re already there JoJo style okay yeah let’s call it JoJo style like this is 100 JoJo Style

So I I it’s all you know everybody has different opinions on what they consider art to be but me personally I think this is really cool is really great it was an evil but not the main lineup not yet maybe not yet but whatever the case oh [ __ ] whatever the case the the

Developers Behind these people are 100 percent like yeah they’re getting they’re getting a lot of job offers let’s say have you ever realized how cover pushes more and more for talents to have that voice actor Quirk they might be planning something big in the future well think of it this way

V-tubing is basically voice acting isn’t it you play a character and you just talk so them becoming a voice actor or voice actors having that one advantage over literally everyone else naturally makes it so that they make great YouTubers and great YouTubers also make it so that

They’re also great actors you know so there’s a similar um overlap in skills when it comes to the two professions right so yeah I think being a voice actor definitely helps your chances at becoming a great YouTuber or getting into agencies thank you pathon for the Super Chat create

Dead or Alive then create extreme beach volleyball have you guys seen the uh live um what do you what do you guys think about the uh the whole life summer MV which where one was it this one was it this one the one with Marine the one with like a realistic Marine

Coming up is it this one doesn’t look like it’s this one oh oh my God literally the perfect [ __ ] uh horny [ __ ] horny cover again what they were doing there bro but no um oh it’s that one wait it’s this one where is it then oh yeah it’s this one

What do you think of this one this [ __ ] dead or alive looking ass character for marine what do you think a lot of people actually dislike this one for some reason what do you think of this one Chad creepy get it out no I think it’s okay sexy art attacks honoring horrifying

You guys not like this kind of cringe the [ __ ] hmm I actually kind of like it not in a way because not wait real women in my future Bridges not allowed not allowed no I’m just kidding whatever but yeah no it’s I’m just kidding but whatever but um yeah when this came up

I actually thought this was kind of funny not in a not in a creepy kind of way but like in a cute kind of way it’s obviously cover Corp just wanting to try out new things maybe surprise the fan base but I can actually I actually

Saw that there was a lot of not backlash but there was a lot of General pushback against this kind of [ __ ] from En at least it’s very sudden but yeah okay yeah okay yeah no it is kind of pretty creepy look at this yeah that’s so life that’s so lifeless looking

That kind of that’s very like uncanny yeah yo watch your own stream no we’re going to get like get into a rabbit hole effect or whatever it’s called but yeah it is kind of creepy honey select yeah yeah it’s so crazy compared to everyone else that’s better

Yeah I can see why a lot of people don’t like it just not me personally it’s it was it was funny mm-hmm looks like a sex doll oh [ __ ] you’re right actually it does kind of look like it isn’t it yeah but yeah that’s it for a whole life summer I guess

The end how old were you when you started drinking like 18. because back then I didn’t really want to drink because I hated drinking my dad was a massive alcoholic and um I think it’s okay to say this my action my diet my dad actually died because of a liver failure

And she was actually he I I guess it’s a history of some it’s maybe it’s genetic that we’re going to be like I’m his Drinker jeans or whatever or his habits gets passed on to me but yeah I’m fine no it’s okay yeah um you’re yo rocarin yeah I actually

Watched this is actually a [ __ ] Banger of course it is it’s [ __ ] Roca roca’s such a [ __ ] Rocka is the [ __ ] Powerhouse mm-hmm oh a genetic predisposition something like that yeah sorry to hear that no no no it’s okay I don’t want okay my God you’re fine no no

No you guys are fine you’re basically pH Ludwig then is am I kind of weird in it yeah but anyway yeah that’s pretty much it well not actually what else we’re seeing what else were we supposed to talk about again um we talked about niji Sanji wait no we

Talked about you shoe being unincluded we talked about gura not being um gura not being uh Guru being active again we talked about Idol ES anji court case lawsuit okay um okay okay okay uh the lawsuit um the lawsuit I don’t know where can I find Neji Sanji lost I don’t know if

Is there any article about it there’s a false ID video but I don’t know if I I I I’d rather show you guys an article so we can read it together um yeah I I I I don’t see it unfortunately never caught me one by doing nothing

Holy [ __ ] okay so um let me just I’m just going to explain it here without necessarily going too much in detail I might miss a few things but then again you guys are gonna have again there’s a false ID video about it around uh and if

You want to watch it then go watch it but basically um so are you guys aware of the Roa versus King yosakamero drama that’s what happened a while a while back did you yes no that’s a lot of news doesn’t false link links in the sources

In the chat uh he links channels but I don’t think he he doesn’t link sources at least I don’t think he does I don’t remember him thinking actual sources but that’s understandable in my opinion I don’t either but anyway um let me remind you guys what happened so

Back then this is just me going off of on memory okay so yeah remember that so back then there was there were two YouTubers wait I think I already talked about this once Mayo affect her accent yeah yeah yeah so there was this dude there was there were

Two ninjasanji YouTubers Roa and Mero remember that name remember those names I get I mean and yo Roa Hash a little verbals a verbal shtick a verbal tick that makes it so that it’s a bit thick that’s a bit unique to her right and then Mero started copying it now Mero

Doesn’t like Mero has said multiple times that he did she didn’t actually try to take out they didn’t actually fake it that it was just there it was you know but then all evidence kinda implies that actually you know what Mero is bullshitting Mero is not Miro was

Actually just copying her and [ __ ] like that and then she said the n-word wait who the [ __ ] said she said the N word no no no no like an accent yeah wait is it that red-haired Lolly yes sir yes sir um yeah [ __ ] I actually forgot a lot of the

[ __ ] details now but the gist of it is that Mero at the end of the day Mero got nuked by niji Sanji because of bad character and apparently I think it will start uh um like copyright or not copyright like contract violations and then Mero wanted to pursue legal action and decided to

Hide it from decided to hide uh decided to like stay under the radar for a bit Yeah Yeah And after that [ __ ] do you guys remember naroka misamaki there is this one YouTuber in Japan called narokami sabaki who basically you know what [ __ ] it I’m just gonna pull out false’s video because I kind of forgot a lot of the details now I wish I made a little overview on what happened

I should have prepared the stream a little bit better I’m sorry I feel really bad now I’m so sorry um hold on Japanese keemstar number one um yeah kind of like Japanese keemstar but here’s the thing about Japanese up but here’s the thing about um narokami no the thing about narokami

Sabaki is that sometimes he gets his conclusions and his rats and his sources and his narratives from tuchan but but Sometimes some YouTubers actually leak like actual information to him so taking his word is a bit of a coin flip like sometimes it’s right because actual people actually people actually told

Them sometimes he’s wrong because he’s just connecting things and making conclusions based from 4chan rats so yeah he’s the one who leads Coco’s graduation before Coco announced it it’s not not Russia’s Lakers it’s so it’s like trusting Fortune sometimes he trusts Fortune but again sometimes actual people come to him but

He has been in trouble with nijisanji and cover Corp before like multiple times right Russia sabaki said that Russia actually reached out to him like actually like you know there was a there was a clip about it that I played on stream not on stream like in a video once I think

All done this is false video on it um oh wait uh [ __ ] me oh that chat that was her mistake don’t mix up sabaki and correct are different people is more of General Japanese internet drama in general but sabaki is more or is more specified more niched on YouTubers yeah

Yeah don’t uh yeah IRC Russia went to Korea Russia also went to sabaki at least that’s what sabaki said I mentioned it in my I mentioned it in my Russia video was essentially JP keemstar yeah if there was a more accurate like if there that was that’s actually more accurate

Sabaki is JP keemstar not Japanese yeah that’s a more accurate thing modern fortune or 2001 4chan modern I guess hold on where is it where’s France video um [ __ ] I hope false doesn’t mind um poop s won’t mind will he yeah I don’t think so yeah no

Wait never mind hold on you guys can’t hear it um let me go that being the alleged outcome of a court case involving both niji Sanji and one of their talents yazuki rowa this particular niji Sanji liver having now been inactive for three years now but still employed with niji

Sanji who as recently as just one month ago we’re celebrating her birthday yeah okay so um this was actually the reason why they [ __ ] lost this was the reason why they [ __ ] lost it’s because the whole thing you know what I’ll just let files finish and then I’ll just

Summarize it with brand new merchandise yazukiroa herself last being heard from on December 30th 2021 sending out this notice on her Twitter account stating that in regards to slander made against her she had retained a lawyer and was currently seeking a judgment to identify the person spreading the slander the

Individual now fully self-identifying as narokami sabaki a Japanese commentator on vtubers who had his YouTube channel banned in 2021. three years ago yazukiroa was feuding with another Nichi Sanji talent that being King yosaka meru who eventually left nitishanji over this Feud regarding a similar speaking style that she shared with Roa behind the

Scenes Communications between the two were eventually leaked having been forward to notokami sabaki and now three years after all of this had begun narokami sabaki has broken his silence tweeting out regarding the dispute with yazuki Roa that has been going on for some time now I am pleased to announce

That we have reached a conclusion then taking two streaming on to explain more confirming there had been a criminal yes criminal case not civil case between himself Roa and along confirming that his personal information was released by the court leading to an interview by the police these interviews

Lasting over the period of multiple days and after a significant amount of time had passed origami then reached back out to the police himself who confirmed to him that the prosecution was stopped and that there would be no charges and no criminal trial narokami now waiting to

See if a Civil Trial will be initiated by niji Sanji or Roa this commentator further stating that his lawyer fees were very expensive and at this time is looking for Nichi Sanji to confirm whether they will continue or not afterwards narakami would also make a post confirming much of his

Silence over the last two years has been due to this ongoing case and further confirming that the Banning of his YouTube channel was not initiated from this particular trial but was instead initiated over copyright claims sent from cover Corporation the pairing company Apollo Live claiming that it was

A copyright violation that he used Paul Live talents and his thumbnails well that sounds familiar lastly narakami would apologize for not being more open about this information especially to those that were sending him private messages but that he does intend to share more about the case as soon as

Next week this all leading to many fans to wonder if they will see The Return of yazuki once again okay you know that’s basically the end of it um yeah that’s pretty much the extent of it so basically there were a lot of things going on behind the behind this land behind what

Happened to Roa right and there was apparently slander and misinformation spread around the circumstances around her and those came from sabaki himself I guess I think he admitted it and I guess from what I’ve heard that’s this is this is uh this is what I think

Is going to happen I think niji Sanji uh someone said it to me so I just read it somewhere I think because it’s a criminal case or there’s the this is a criminal case there has to be Criminal Intent and that Nichi Sanji has to prove has to prove to the court that

Narokami’s words is for one true and that it had to have caused a lot of that it has it had to cost business to fail like it had to it had to thank um Rover’s reputation and her income and her General business right but or her reputation in ijisanji let’s end and

What happened instead was that since ninja Sanji filed for a criminal case there were no criminal activities that were apparently being seen and that were still conducting business with Sanji especially with her with Ninja Sanji just releasing her merch and [ __ ] right business indeed did not fail yeah

Yeah I don’t know if I’m explaining this correctly I’m not a lawyer I’m just saying that this is probably this is I’m just regurgitating what I’ve heard from other people so take it with a [ __ ] ton of salt as much as salt as you want but that’s basically it this is basically it

I guess what should have happened is that niji Sanji should have filed for a um a civil suit not a Criminal suit at least that’s what a lot of people say again I’m just regurgitating what more smarter people than me have said In line with what I’ve heard so you good DN okay that’s cool as long as you guys understand the gist of it I guess yeah so that’s basically what happened correct no crime committed only something that the business got offended offended over yeah yeah yeah so sabaki is walking away free from that

So niji is lost already yep I guess well yeah it just seems like she they lost yeah which is sad kind of sad I guess well that depends on you because um sabaki has been cover Corp and any color has been on sabaki’s ass for a long time now

Like a long long time now and it’s going to set a bad precedent if not sabaki gets away with it but then technically in that specific instance he did not do anything quote unquote criminal so he got away with it so he got so he got he got away with it so yeah

What will happen to Rowan now I don’t know I guess best case scenario is that she has to come back I don’t I really don’t know why Roa hasn’t come back yet I imagine it’s because of lawyer reasons like like you know legal reasons but

The gamble did not pay off in my opinion like literally you wanted to Sue this [ __ ] right but in exchange you had to stop being a YouTuber for three years and then it ended up losing you ended up losing like that’s a gamble that has that must be [ __ ] her mind a lot

Yeah sabaki may be a piece of [ __ ] but companies can’t just bully individuals into submission yeah yeah 100 percent like [ __ ] man Jesus major energy it is a major in AGL I think um so I don’t know what they should have done for that case in my opinion

I feel like a civil case would have given them uh from what I’ve heard a civil case would have given them a lot more Avenue to actually win it at least win in a lot of charges but I don’t know now criminal is just too much but

Leaking can do business damage and he probably can’t get away if you want to pursue maybe niji will pursue him again for civil cases because at the end of the day they have to somewhat they have to somehow prove that sabaki actually did damage like did you sanji’s businesses right

They they have to it’s in cover Court not in cover crops it’s energy sanji’s burden to prove that and I don’t know how they’re supposed to prove that I don’t know the things going on behind the scenes obviously they have to cover a lot of these things but

From what we know it’s just that literally nothing hmm JP defamation law doesn’t even require the definition to be false yeah I’ve heard of that I’ve heard of that actually um but they still draw a merge which I think screwed their case yeah I think

I’ve I’ve seen I’ve heard a lot no I’ve read a lot that that fact that they sold Roa merch actually like [ __ ] up their case over because that just means nijisanji’s business with Roa did not actually tank Roa just went on a very long hiatus but businesses regarding robot did not

Actually have any negative consequences from what sabaki said merch and goods are still being sold business is still being conducted so Baki did not technically do anything criminal because of that right yeah it’s really weird it’s really weird and this has been of course a court case

That’s been going on for at least two years now sheesh um if their point is damaged their businesses yet their business is still flowing then that in itself disproves the case in a way maybe but I’m not a lawyer I don’t actually know I’m just uh

I’m just telling you guys to do your own thing I’m just telling you guys like a peek into what happened I guess yeah um but to be fair it’s like Roa has been inactive for three [ __ ] years right three [ __ ] years what the [ __ ] has she been doing told them

Like okay did niji Sanji tell robot to be inactive to make it so that it would appear as if their business their business with Roa [ __ ] Tanked was that there was that what the thing that they were going for what do you think hey I just joined but are you already

Know about tachibanas NDA drama we’ll get into that later it’s ninja Sanji so yes uh yeah it’s really hard to tell at this point it’s it’s really hard to tell because I we don’t know the facts we can really only like go over the surface level thing of it I’m just telling you

Guys next topic okay what’s the next topic um I’ve already talked about I’ve already talked about um Idol Corp idle en igisanji court case should not being included from the GFS because of a possible hello Advent do we know okay we’ll talk about fruit is there fruit drama uh is that really

Actual food fruit drama I don’t think so wait she’s trending though okay it’s just add is this drama is this is this the fruit drama that you guys were talking about this one um because if this is the fruit drama that a lot of you are pointing out um

Is it’s okay it’s like I don’t really I don’t really give I’m so sorry I don’t I don’t I I really do not give a [ __ ] about this drama I really don’t sorry Daniel fruit but IDK how you’re abused when one your husband was in Afghanistan too there

Were no abuse Recollections from people who both knew you and your ex-husband abuse can happen indoors but considering she has a history of lying three let’s say she he was an abuser did the other four men deserve to get cheated on by apricot fruit of all people either way you’re still guilty hmm

40K views that’s uh let’s see that let’s see the code retweets this is a drama yeah um yeah that was my [ __ ] thing it’s like this is the drama it’s not even drama I don’t even think it’s drama but yeah um let’s talk about okay again we’re doing

We’re doing the tachibana drama along for last because I think that’s the biggest biggest drama that’s happening going on right now let’s talk about um the uh uh uh Holo X thing or not Hello X like uh what’s it called [ __ ] I I why am I banking on their names what the [ __ ]

Uh hello Advent okay Chad take your bets who do you think who the [ __ ] do you think is the member that got the most Super Chat Revenue not membership Revenue Super Chat Revenue say bow bow [ __ ] how do you want me to say it [ __ ] anyway anyway any [ __ ] way who do you

Think got the most super chat numbers for Moko Shirin dogs by far bow bow holy [ __ ] you know football Moco and mokoko has actually just Brainwashed the [ __ ] the entirety of like the hollow life fan base and you know what that’s good that’s pretty good we

Kind of needed someone like them in a way because it’s like I feel like for quite some time now a lot of people a lot of like the cafe and the role-playing aspect of the tubing has been lost on a lot of people nobody really role plays as the

Character that they’re supposed to role play anymore but football Moco actually goes on it very [ __ ] hard and I think we are I think I think we needed that you know remind us of what of the olden of the golden age where everybody actually like you

Know this is what the video being is supposed to be all about you know [ __ ] anime girls pretending to be dogs [ __ ] anime girls pretending to be demon horny demons and dragons and [ __ ] cat girls this is what it’s all about right and football Moco is the

Jesus of [ __ ] role play v-tubing they brought it back to life I feel like because I I don’t want to blame it is Angie but it it felt like this sanji’s popularity kind of took away the role play aspect of youtubing because in a way niji sanji’s talents made it so that

The norm is just be yourself but newsflash you can be yourself you can let out your preference your actual preference your how you want to behave on your stream and who you actually are as a person while role playing but people don’t want to role play anymore

Okay maybe Vox does that but like most of them I think ninja Sanji kind of does that speaking from the so yeah it’s because it’s for Moco [ __ ] revived V tubing bro they did that’s why I [ __ ] love them a lot I feel like a lot of people think that

Their streams are cringe but it’s cringe for people that are for people that got into v-tubing and expected something different but for two veterans like us the people that wanted this that has been thirsty for actual v-tubing for a long time this is needed we [ __ ] needed this

Holy [ __ ] they are the Messiah of actual role play v-tubing yes sir [ __ ] yes sir bubble pills yes sir [ __ ] me [ __ ] me in the ass we needed her I [ __ ] love them so much for that I do I [ __ ] do hmm I’m about to turn this into a clip this

Is just me praising uh [ __ ] I [ __ ] love for Moco bro I do I [ __ ] do aside from [ __ ] shiori which I’ll just say right here I think she’s I think shiori is going to be the one with the most Super Chat revenue for Moco is absolutely one of my favorite YouTubers

Right now thank you Rico yes sir yes I am stop spoiling your video ideas like that um it’s not going to be a video idea it’s more like I’ll just [ __ ] clip myself and just upload it into the main Channel which twin do you prefer so

Um right now I’m still at the stage where I am I’m struggling to [ __ ] like identify which person is which like I don’t know but to me I think it’s I think it’s wow that’s the more dominant speaker is it what do you think Chad

Was it for was it for the more dominant speaker the one that leads in the conversation it’s four hour right yes okay yeah yeah it’s yeah it’s it’s 100 for our I think I like four hour right now the best I mean but I left both of them equally because

They complement each other it’s just not my personal tastes uh are more fitting with fawawa also thanks for the Super Chat Nick clear with nuclear winter I bet their old agency is kicking themselves right now it’s cringe but we are cringe ourselves so it’s based yes

It is sir yes it is hmm she’s not the Chihuahua yeah mokoko is a Pro Gamer yeah yeah I actually did see like a lot of memes around that from their uh Left 4 Dead uh play through [ __ ] I love that [ __ ] twin so much bro like

I [ __ ] love them a lot we needed that we [ __ ] needed that so DN likes open no no no it’s just that the personality I like the personality as a whole better um it’s so [ __ ] cute those two they have such a bomb Dynamic I’m glad they’re not alive we needed this

Whole life needed this after two years of being like of depriving the en sphere from actual youtubing nobody should have doubted hollow life that they were the ones that were going to inject actual video being back to life right did anyone of you doubt that no uh none of

You should have doubted that because if it was anyone that was going to inject life and understood what but yeah anyway as I was supposed to say as someone that [ __ ] I lost my train of thought now [ __ ] [ __ ] 100 agreed the end I’ve been smiling all week and I

Cannot remember the last time feeling this happy watching streams okay like this is super refreshing yes it is I am actually like smiling ear to ear right now talking about it because I just passionately loved the twins that much don’t doubt Iago yes sir [ __ ] again if it’s anyone that understands

Why v-tubing is popular and still remembers how they got popular in the first place and still remembers and knows why v-tubing is appealing and who v-tubing is supposed to cater to it’s all alive [ __ ] hollow life understands it the most right now obviously the industry is Gonna Change

Like there are gonna be certain Trends that’s gonna like derail the traditional appeal of v-tubing but right now [ __ ] hollow life remembers and I appreciate them for that yeah [ __ ] bow boast yep I [ __ ] kneel bro [ __ ] man I chose the wrong horse hello life is like I’ve said this

Multiple times but although I’m like most of the agencies that we have like idle and face connect I still like a couple ninja Sanji members and Hollow live stuff like that although that I love them most of them Holland I will always be my home Community for that reason her life just

Understands it man they just do they just [ __ ] do and I hope they get [ __ ] like you know I hope they get bigger than it is we need more people okay I don’t know if we need more people like the twins but we need to be more people that

Understand what it is that makes v-tubing special because there’s a reason why v-tubing is an entire Niche different from normal streaming you’re not supposed to be just some random guy when you [ __ ] become a YouTuber you’re supposed to role play You’re supposed to be an extreme you’re

Supposed to get make the other people make your fans forget about their [ __ ] problems you know not involve politics into it just entertain people you know and we lost a lot of that spark a lot of that passion and it’s a wife again I I feel like I’m

Repeating myself now it’s why the twins are so [ __ ] we’re so needed we needed the twins chat we needed it we needed Advent I’m gonna take I’m gonna make a little water real quick because that was one of the more that was actually one of the more passionate

Speeches I made I think the recent one was when I talked about suicide yeah they will protect our Smiles 100 they will I have [ __ ] faith those twins are gonna protect our Smiles they deserve being here I think color life cited themselves they look for talents that are passionate

About v-tubing not just streaming in general you should be studying thanks for the Super Chat yes sir 100 and I think that’s what a lot of people are missing right now where the drama though oh come on we just talked about something positive for once and you guys immediately wanted

The draw you guys immediately you want drama but yeah believe in the bow bow believe in the twins we absolutely [ __ ] need them all Advent members really love the vegetable culture yes they do yes they do for Moko no drama Bob stop getting one guide I’m so sorry chat

Is slowing chat is moving relatively slow right now so I get you know it’s not you know that kind of thing where a streamer immediately thinks that one person in chat represents everyone else yeah I think it happens a lot it happens to critical a lot so yeah thanks Queen

Twilight for the Super Chat you want to know something hololive W because they remember members despite graduating idle en I am sure they will become big someday like Hollow face connect production Kawaii V referee a few more examples yes they are yeah and I feel like more YouTuber

Agencies are going to be bigger in the future at least they will be big in the future as long as certain niches are being fulfilled certain markets are being catered to and new Innovations especially in the technological side gets like oof that’s pumped out there boom this industry is gonna thrive

Will protect your smile rates Sheeran yeah I remember that um we’ll protect your smile and then immediately read Sheeran who was talking about [ __ ] cannibalism and so I don’t know if she was actually talking about suicide but yeah [Laughter] though I think in the past couple [ __ ] weeks I’ve been tweeting about cheering

Non-Stop of course I I appreciate everyone in the um in the hollow Advent girls but I uh 100 my Oshi is [ __ ] cheering [ __ ] obviously what do you want from me yeah what [ __ ] what do you want from me yeah sure he’s such a [ __ ] goofball I love

Her a lot she’s like the passion talker mm-hmm we can’t fix her she’s the one fixing us yes sir is that role play or you actually like her I actually like her like um I actually like her personality there’s there’s a charm to girls that just immediately immediately Sparks

Shamelessly about the things that they like and when she starts nerding out it’s cute I like girls like that like it’s that’s very cute don’t you think I feel like if you’d had a girlfriend before I mean if you had a girlfriend before I’m going to jokingly assume that you

Guys are [ __ ] lonely virgins and that you don’t know what it’s like to have a girlfriend shiorin the way shiori actually likes talks about her passions like that kind of gives off that Vibe you know yeah because she’s she just she’s just weird in a good way yeah

I hate how shield she is though um what do you mean how shield she is you had a girlfriend no not really I just hear it from my other from like my other friends accurate GFE I feel like I feel like this is just me me thanks

Canada what’s with hollow life and third gen being Godly holy [ __ ] that’s actually a pattern isn’t it think about the chat actually you know what I’m a screenshot but real quick I’m gonna remember that think about the chat the third JP Branch was what actually saved the hololive JP

The third ID Branch was actually what kick-started mainstream in Indonesia for like Indonesia and the third hollow life and the wave was what injected new life into EnV tubing there’s a pattern there holy you’re on to [ __ ] something bro holy [ __ ] 333 [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ]

The Holy Trinity oh my God and you know what copper corps logo has three sides a triangle three points oh my God it’s the Illuminati cover Corp is working with a [ __ ] Illuminati and they struck a deal with the devil to make it so that every [ __ ] third wave they debut is going

To be massively successful and globally influential God [ __ ] damn it I’m awakened I’m awakened I’m enlightened I’m glad you are all here with me right now oh my God this not [ __ ] Forbidden Knowledge like this is such a curse the whole chat I’m glad someone shared that

With me and I’m glad I’m enlightening it nobody nobody [ __ ] normies will never be able to appreciate this knowledge but us everyone in the chat right now we get it we understand we’re different we’re special oh my God we’re gods [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Yago is God oh my [ __ ] god holy [ __ ] [ __ ]

Hey oh God DM no you know too much [ __ ] cover Corps is gonna stick their [ __ ] assassins after me bro [ __ ] me [ __ ] I’m gonna have to start like [ __ ] changing my name changing moving out of the [ __ ] city is gonna be dangerous for me they’re gonna stick their [ __ ]

Cover Corp Illuminati assassins after me [ __ ] [ __ ] me it’s it’s nusagio it’s new server it’s new over oh cool also thanks for the Super Chat by the way I’m um Marco harorato thanks for the super chat um for us oh [ __ ] I can’t I can’t scroll through scroll back

Anywhere um I think I’ll make uh I mean I think I’ll make a super chat reading stream shortly after this one um yeah [ __ ] me dude but that’s a theory a game theory yes sir Diane is secretly hoping they’d send suicide honestly being murdered by Suicide would be like the best like like

You know the best site to wake up to before being killed um who said Nostradamus [ __ ] I’ve been making that joke for a long time now Nostradamus yes for a Marco stream inbound [ __ ] I don’t wanna and I don’t wanna like overlap with the girls but we still have one

More drama we need to talk about because some multiple people brought it up or would you rather I make another stream for it what do you think Chad now that’s content for a new video thank you yeah I’m gonna clip myself said there hold on let me let me read

That I haven’t actually seen formoko’s monetization said during their monetization stream that in the past they were told they were not good enough and that they should give up I’m glad they got in hollab [ __ ] those people [ __ ] those people well then again I did mention it in that

Video and I did mention it in my foramoko video that you know the more likely reasons that they were getting booted was that they were not good enough but I’m glad that they’re giving out confirmation like this but [ __ ] me dude holy [ __ ] thanks for joining and the super chats

The last thing nosagi hears is uh unfortunately pecora does not laugh like that anymore I lost her we lost pakora boys thanks [ __ ] nagamanga by the way I was almost I was always amazed how Yago had caught like popularity within the vtubing community it all makes sense now holy right Yago is God

But anyway anyway um um so do you want me to talk about the tachibana Stream as a Dutch Ibana drama in in a separate stream because I felt like there’s a lot of stuff that happened in that drama but there’s also a lot of things that I want to talk about around

There a lot of things what do you think Chad separate stream or this or in here because it’s a four mocha stream is doing is happening right now and I don’t wanna you know yeah is there enough for another stream I feel like the tachibana drama is um worth another stream because

Apparently there’s a lot of things going on around there 30 minutes is enough or not wait when is fomoco stream going I don’t want to overlap with theirs because four Moco has earned my respect to a point that I actually just want to [ __ ] direct you over there instead of watching me watch

Them instead of me they deserve their success more than I do mine at least that’s what I feel 30 minutes oh they’re they’re full of mocha morning episode starts in 30 minutes okay I think we still have time thanks for the Super Chat by the way um

You know what else is amazing aside from the drama Holo Stars got their third generation they got success and what is it ironic Tempest got two waves once it gets the third wave I bet Tempest will blow up soon anyway um um um let’s talk about the tachibana drama for a bit and

Um I’m going to get my water real quick and so stay here okay I’m gonna get my I’m gonna get I’m gonna get a refill real quick okay I’ll be back I’m back up holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of [ __ ] super chats um I’m gonna I think I’m gonna

Have to make another Super Chat reading stream soon okay I don’t think I’ll be able to read all of you guys read all of this okay yeah yeah so um hold on let me just pull the um the [ __ ] tweets real quick um because wait what wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what’s happening what’s happening um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m still looking for it why I could have sworn that was here somewhere

Just here somewhere come the [ __ ] on oh my God wait the tweets are are the tweets deleted does anybody have the link hello I’m still here am I still here no um so cool wait let me just oh wait I forgot to hold on hold on

Let me just show you guys hold on hold on um yeah the tweets are deleted what happened so this guy were like was like posting receipts about what happened from the whole tachibana thing and it’s deleted but a tweet author what happened a composer yeah yeah I’ll explain about

That I’ll explain to you guys I’ll give you guys some disclaimer about that before but I want to know what the [ __ ] happened why is everything getting deleted now refresh wait no what happened is it archived I didn’t archive it [ __ ] no he deactivated both X and YT and socials

Way back machine okay let me just [ __ ] um let me just find an archive real quick okay it shouldn’t take me more than a moment um way back okay all done hold on chat hold on it was just here like an hour ago no Wayback machine has not archived that

Year you know what [ __ ] it I’m just gonna there’s one Post in VT I don’t wanna wait post this hold on all right um where is it which thread is it oh thanks for the um Super Chat KK you forgot to Archive your animal disappointed and you know

I don’t want to [ __ ] dumpster dive in VT while streaming sheesh but you know what I think this context okay you know what Chad I’m going to just explain it to y’all okay okay is that fine I think that’s fine so um uh hold on uh okay so um

Are you since a lot of people brought it up I will have to be transparent or not transparent but like this was actually something of a what’s it called what’s that thing called where you get like massively surprised of or shocked because um I actually know uh tachibana

Because uh he was the one that actually helped me with my audio stuff back then wait wait he helped me with his audio and yeah help me with his audio and yeah stuff like that blindsided yeah blindsided he helped me with his audio back then and I actually

Like we got to know each other not that deeply but in a relatively like not close way but like you know friendly kind of way I wouldn’t call him like um I wouldn’t call him the same way that I wouldn’t call him the same kind of

Friends that we were that I was with lopi right now but yeah I kind of know him that’s what I think but I haven’t talked to him for some time after the whole thing with me [ __ ] up so this kind of drama surprised me and um basically what happened was that some of

His skeletons or his dirty laundry got aired out um that he did for a long while so futakimana I’m gonna be honest with you guys I don’t I’ve heard a photo kashimana before I wasn’t exactly that interested in her the last thing I’ve the only thing I’ve heard of her is that

Apparently Fortune hates her because of political reasons but that’s basically it other than that I don’t really know her that much aside from the fact that um yeah Fortune hates her basically so yeah apparently a lot of laundry from tachibana has been coming out including the her mistreatment of Mana which included kind

Of want of tachibana one thing her to be doxed and then another person corroborated with all with his mistreatment and his attitude named KU which is an artist um basically leaking out revealing to the public that he broke ndas and shared a lot of a lot of like projects with other people now

If you don’t know tachibana he’s something of a not a massive guy but he’s very well known in hollow life in the distanji circles because um he worked under magni he worked for um I think who did he work for Stalin yeah and he was sharing a lot of info about their projects

Uh with other people which including his friends which is I guess NDA and I don’t know if they actually signed NDA but I guess a lot of people are calling it him bridging NDA but it is NDA and a lot of yeah this actually deleted and

Yeah it got really big it picked up a lot of traction he also just did Houston song Yesterday oh yeah yeah yeah and speaking of you son yusan kind of made a little tweet talking about that well I don’t know if he actually talked about it but

Sorry not he they they said this leave me alone I just want to enjoy music with no hatred drama leave me alone I guess a lot of people were like child were like eating him alive of it because of his association with because tachibana has been working with usan for

A long time and do you guys remember the Capo it’s the it’s the uh the YouTuber artist that got like meme done because of his [ __ ] concert thing and um yeah I’m tired of people seriously this is internet this is the internet and here is escape from real life struggle why

People still don’t get that I can’t trust anyone that I can’t trust anyone kind of makes me think that he’s also kind of upset at tachibana thank you Queen Twilight by the way for joining so um yeah right now that’s all we have I do intend to

I do intend to investigate it a bit deeper I don’t know if I want to make a video about it because Um I don’t know if enough people are interested well it’s a hololive kind of thing I guess we’ll see it it’ll it’ll depend I’ll bring it I’ll bring it up to my members in a future poll but yes I mean I am curious why uh why they deleted the original expose tweet though

The Tweet was deleted by the author I don’t know why that is if you guys want to look at if you guys want to look at it yourself you’re more than welcome to you know form your own conclusions because I didn’t know it I didn’t know that

I okay I have heard that Mana had a bit of a Fallout with his ex manager before because Mana has been complaining about it a lot for a long time now but I didn’t know it went to this extent basically like this shocked me and apparently is an abuser but my

Personal experience with tachibana was not the kid was not like that personally I’ve been happy with his help but you know unfortunate I don’t know what to make of it honestly because on one hand I was really good to this guy and he was really good to me but

The things that I’m seeing here is like very damning damning damning damning sorry uh yeah what was the announcement am I late uh announcement is basically just me going back to school and that my content is going to be slowed down significantly not basically the announcement yeah damning whatever whatever but yeah

You guys can watch all of this if you want um it is what it is I don’t know what’s happening here uh yeah this is definitely something false ID or of Kyo is going to cover though because the last time I checked this tweet the tweet that just got deleted it had like

100k views and a [ __ ] ton of in their engagement interaction didn’t realize you were that yeah yes I am has tachibana released any replying nope I don’t think he has oh he knocked it he knocked his account okay hope someone archived it 100 someone has archived it and I will find it

I just don’t know if I’m going to cover it yet look at this [ __ ] 300 [ __ ] k views so a lot of anions or a lot of people definitely looked at this definitely saw this I think we need to hear from tachibana’s side for this but for now this is indeed

Damning for him yeah unfortunately I kind of do want to hear the full extent of his side because like I said tachibana was really good to me so I you know it’s I kind of want to give him the benefit of the doubt but yeah is your main account on sitter blocked

By Mana nope I just use uh my altar account for like browsing this is my out term this is my second Channel you guys can find it on YouTube I just bought you I post usual like clips of myself that I don’t want to upload on my main Channel there if you

Want but yeah but yeah sorry I’m missing out what’s the what’s this about politics wait what do you mean politics um politics wait what do you mean wait we’re not discussing like politics what do you mean wait I’m actually okay I’m [ __ ] never mind I’m being one guy again stop being

One gun you dumbass [ __ ] sorry sorry ignore chat I’m sorry I got one guide for some reason I always get one guide for some reason but yeah um yeah at the end of the day I don’t know what to make of this I’m just going to wait to see what happens

Because right now it’s a developing story it’s a getting your oh man I just uploaded six months ago it’s a developing story um we don’t know how it included yet and I don’t like to cover things that are still developing I’d very much just like to uh cover things when it’s already

Over so if I will cover this may I if I will cover this or if you guys want me to cover this just wait okay guys okay guys just so we don’t like get anything you know yeah some dude thought you were transphobic I think wait why I just say anything

Okay [ __ ] stop it I’m getting one guide again I’m so sorry hmm are you going to stay with us yeah oh yeah I just said my my video not my video my announcement is just basically me going back to school again and that basically means that I’m going to

Um have my schedule upload be a bit a bit slower like lots a lot slower um well hold on DM me on Twitter about it carry on mate okay thank you but yeah um we’ll see what happens Chad what do you mean don’t you mean uni uh yeah like college uni yeah whatever

Wait both Hollow and niji yeah he has worked on hololive and niji Sanji projects so I don’t know what’s gonna happen I really don’t bow about time uh [ __ ] okay uh uh uh uh again guys actually you know what I’m just gonna [ __ ] direct you all to their [ __ ] stream

I wish well no I’m gonna pin it in the chat I’m gonna pin it in the [ __ ] chat wait wait wait wait wait wait stop it stop it stop it okay here we go but yes support the dogs I’m going to be ending streaming a bit because that’s

Really only what I wanted to talk about wait wrong link what do you mean it’s the right link yeah it’s the right link okay so uh yeah um support the dogs support the [ __ ] dogs and I love them a lot you all should too rative aloud I don’t think I’m allowed

For YouTube rating and twitch rating is like different for YouTube rating they have to allow you to [ __ ] rate them so it has to be consensual I guess it’s not real reason or YouTube did that which is kind of cool but anyway Chad uh bye-bye watch the [ __ ] dogs support

Them please [ __ ] support them give them money give them all your money well not all your money but yes bye bye chat bye-bye that’s really all about it bye-bye

This video, titled ‘AN ANNOUNCEMENT + TALK STREAM ABOUT VTUBER NEWS AND DRAMA AGAIN’, was uploaded by Depressed Nousagi on 2023-08-07 15:13:32. It has garnered 15051 views and 809 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:32 or 6812 seconds.

Sorry im too lazy to make the announcement in graduation format. I wish I could have given you all heart attacks (no i dont ily all)


VIEWER RULES: 1. Be nice to me and other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2. No politics and bringing up of “past lives”. 3. No tribalism. We’re unity chads ’round these parts. 4. Don’t mention this stream or me to other streamers. 5. Read the room. I’m a sarcastic person. If it seems like I’m being sarcastic, I probably am. If I sound serious, then I probably am. React accordingly.

LINKS: Twitter: Twitch:

#debut #vtuber #hololive

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    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

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    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More