When doing the ancient hunts it might feel nice to sacrifice so many items that you get multiple ancients to spawn but that is not a good thing you want to narrow the number of engines that spawn just as few as possible that’s where you have a higher chance to Get the item you want so for example if you want the fighters bindings then you should move everything that’s not necessary and put in the runes that give the buttons bindings it’s these four then you see the mushroom ancient which is the one that can drop the gauntlet weapon pipe And therefore the waters bindings now you could sacrifice enchantment points if you wanted to but i highly recommend not to do this if you’re alone if you want the sacrifice enchantment points you could invite three friends that way you only use one fourth of the enchantment points that you would Use if you play alone because you can cycle you start the first one then your first friend start the next one and so on let me use way less enchantment points to get the items you want now i can only sacrifice six enchantment points but if i wanted to get the maximum chance I have to put something in the last spot i’ll put a snowball that way i don’t get any new ancients now i can space 9 enchantment points to get the highest chance the artifact slot doesn’t matter for how many enchantments you can sacrifice it’s the only matters for each of the melee Armor and the bow so if i take your melee away i can only sacrifice six but actually go away that’s three if i take armor away and only have the artifact it’s a zero you want to spend as few items as possible that way you can play the ancient hunts multiple times Without having to grind four items in between but you also might want to put in all the items so that you can sacrifice all the enchantment points making the chance higher although from six enchantment points to nine doesn’t make a huge difference so it’s up to you if you want to or not But there is a way you can play ancient hunts without having to sacrifice anything at all what you want to do is you want to create a clone of your main character then on the clone you can join your friend once you’ve joined your friend you can Look up the items you need to spawn the ancient you want for example if you wanted to get the ancient that drops the winter armor you could play the soviet swamp which drops all the necessary items for it then you just play through you should collect as many items as possible so Once you’ve finished the mission you can see if you have your items necessary to spawn the ancient or if one of your friends has to give give you something for example here i didn’t get the fishing rod neither to summon the ancient so my friend gifted it to me Here i check which runes i needed for the dream guardian which drops the armor i’ll put some helpful links in the description to help getting the right runes if you play the ancient ones on the highest difficulty you’ll have a higher chance to get the tier 3 built in Till that effect the lower difficulty you play the smaller chance that you’ll get a tier 3 gilded effect now i can start the ancient hunt once we load it in i return to main menu then i switch back to my main character and join Back to my friend that way i get all the items on the initial front but i don’t have to sacrifice anything on my main character so once i’m playing through everything i check the uh linkedin merchant and see if he sells anything good i restock him twice i recommend to restock him At least once since it’s so cheap but it can get really expensive big so i don’t recommend to restock too many times Video Information
This video, titled ‘Ancient Hunts guide for Minecraft Dungeons’, was uploaded by Lord Force on 2021-02-27 14:02:48. It has garnered 6130 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:33 or 513 seconds.
Ancient Hunts in Minecraft Dungeons are designed in a way that they will take all your resources if you are not careful. So here are some things that can help you play ancient hunts in a more resource efficient way.
The cloned character can be used to start infinite ancient hunts without any more work after the first one.
MCD Community Ancient Hunt Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sFeQM-ixkESssRbAXxpE6dQQAayZmjv_8BmlwU41Nvo/edit#gid=310743269 You need to make a copy of it to interact with the spreadsheet
The quick help list I made: https://imgur.com/gallery/tUXjrq8
Dungeons guild https://discord.gg/RyHXGS7m