Andis6666 – Minecraft Servers Anyone Can join Ps4/xbox/mob/nint/pc

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In another minecraft realm but um i’ll show you the code so if you do want to do it around i’ll put the code on screen when you do join you do you do get put on visitors straight away um so you have to wait for either me or

I think an operator um for a would you call it to get member and all that but yeah that’s the code make sure you type it correctly in order if there’s any permission that means you typed in correctly but um yeah without that let me just load into my own stream

Right hi what’s up hello mallory hello sfs park hello change that profile picture now little hamster i don’t like perhaps says hi anders can i join no jinx you cannot join sadly jinx um sorry jinx there we go bat and off we go i found another stronghold by the way um

By accident i went looking for a jungle and i found it uh underwater fully i look i got i’ve got some photos of it um how do oh yeah yeah i’m gonna play cubecross so you can target me yeah hashtag i am not a member day hmm and some freaking managed

We hope you enjoyed this and some freaking how i managed to run for miles in a dot dot dot hello xenix how are you doing my luck stream how’s your day happening today xenix and mona now hamstrings aren’t beautiful okay right i don’t know a way to go wait

What way this way right yeah oh why they’re doing the glitch again it’s because i have an electron i think it is sad and as i just got another ride injured no why look look look what the game is doing to me can you see that you got another

Ingot nice well done how’d you get that jinx i don’t get this game why is it okay okay just teleport me through blocks okay hamster called i don’t like any coats actually i just want to visit my small town called mallorca cat hamster college just to get some um fake

Followers on tick tock leave your little tick tock with your fake followers is just pretty much to get followers like they’re not even real like followers if you know me but just like enjoy the stream i know basically i know not brought them but like so yeah basically um sub for sub follow

For follow for follow i don’t like them that’s the only reason people do them hello astro extreme hello even literally the only reason people are in the stack out is to get like they always beg for likes like oh if you’re a real hamster give me likes now

Or if you really have to get me to 10k followers although my content is just fortnite videos i mean absolute no no no dweep yeah deep is rich i got my song stuck in my head it takes quite a while to load in because it’s so laggy apparently no no no

It’s the final brain sound but right can we actually clean up our base a little bit all right bro i am hamster called and i do none of them things you just said now but oh oh oh what happens to cult people in a small town called

All the people in the hamster colt on tick tock i see all of them all of them beg em for likes like like my video if you’re a true hamster right now i need 10k followers that’s what i see all the time i’ve never seen am saying like i don’t know

Not begging for likes or followers they’re not saying so i’m like if you’re a true hamster follow me or if you’re true hamster give me 99 notifications you don’t yeah but i did i didn’t see you right and uh not hatless i am getting rid of this storage it’s too is

You can’t store anything look you can only store one two three fifteen different blocks right which is basically nothing if you think about it do we join wait do we put left when how dare you leave do we put that’s it instant ban i want to see how this looks i think it

Will look good i had a dream it would look good you know i traveled for i traveled like probably 12 000 blocks to find jungle a jungle to get jungle jungle um logs and all that went next on nether games uh next uh i may go on never games today

As well actually one maybe maybe maybe remember that’s a maybe it’s not 100 sure that means i need it one more high up yeah i do hi hi or should i hello hello divya eight are you doing watching hope you enjoy ah messed up i did

Hi there um what do i not need here i need everything but like what’s the least thing i need hello there Okay cool don’t play fortnite then because it will solve all your problems bam she’s always complaining about fortnite would you like to come to the funeral side your dog died in the realm uh no i shall not attend the funeral you know what please note if you can’t

Hear your message being read out then youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out oh yeah i don’t need obsidian in my image at the moment i need everything for building a storage room a decent one it’s the final brain sound uh if you

Want to join a clipping message i had a crafting table here oh my god hundred iq by hand this oh my god that’s the wood that i’ll play other games with you if you want by the way bye yeah yeah i’ll play never games on

If i get if i come on to it today hello i was thinking of doing among us today actually so see how it goes because i i feel like a lot of people have been asking me to do that in the past past couple of weeks and i’ve like completely ignored that

So i’ll i’ll i’ll give it a go if it does or fall then i’m not going to do it again i mean oh shoot wait ah wait i messed up tonight oh i’m so good at parkour okay right um what do you mean hello glitch please i know extreme actually

But yeah yeah i’ll probably i’ll probably will um all right there we go i need to add an extra chest up here i need to mine this layer off and don’t know yeah how can i join uh if you want to join just a copy message

Wait i’m so confused what am i doing it’s going to be that hot tool but what am i doing really weird let me think great okay i know i’m doing right i just got lost for a second don’t know how i don’t know why i mean how can i join

If you want to join um uh can somebody tap out of a realm code and i pin it can somebody do it it’s all good if not if you do that’ll be awesome but you don’t have to your choice frick bam uh if you wanna join right i’ll type

Up around quote in a minute right after i finish doing this thing you may do what i’m doing um i’ll type up the wrong code bruh i thought if you sprint i don’t have enough momentum right i could have sworn if you do something like this you get onto the edge

Nope it does not work properly there we go oh my god right i’m building a massive storage room because i need it for like every single block i mean no block left behind today not even dirt i mean not even redstone red no redstone is actually um i’ve been using it more

So i actually need it i say hate redstone now i don’t actually mind it um there we go i don’t know how the weep had got so much um loot in legit a few days like holy wow he’s grinded a lot like a lot a lot there we go there we go

I don’t know why it’s phasing me through blocks oh no it’s like my head does not exist apparently he has three stacks of iron he has three sex one wow all right that’s not that much but um three stacks of wine isn’t a lot a lot but it’s a lot i guess yeah

I was talking about his never right armor and like enchanted apples wait that was like a stack of chests wow what’s the code um the code okay i’ll type out the code bam please note if you can’t hear you wait a minute wait a minute i’ll tell you okay okay

With it so you might have to fetching realm information i’ll type up our own code right not backups members share link there we go let me type it out wait wait wait wait a minute capital c capital l capital x then what underscore nf underscore and f

Hi hello bibu hello bibo how are you ring baby j w capital v v and then a capital e yeah there we go hello jess how you doing jess hello hello hello how you doing there we go that’s the code i need to pin it pin message there we go now the round

Code is the pin message right there we go should i buy mouse and keyboard for my phone oh yeah yeah if you have a mouse and kill for your phone it would definitely be a little easier for you i think don’t take i i feel like your schoolwork

Is that what you mean your schoolwork which you will use for us was like doing like 20 years ago but you didn’t complete it yet so you’re spending um sunday night you’re gonna spend sunday night um doing it all until like 2 a.m right now i don’t hopefully the teachers

Don’t ask for it because generally oh my god if they do then hmm well that would be a very interesting emoji cool smile emoji cool smile emoji cool smile so i can go to your base easy it’s wednesday i don’t think a mouse and keyboard would make you go to my base

Easily but um yeah sure would you like to come and see my town what’s your town what do you mean what do you mean by town yeah like you built a village like your own city sound like that is that what you mean i have made a town you made a town nice

Okay that is pretty cool you think it’s good your town there you go i mean please save enough jungle i have enough jungle right haha yt i would can i join him on ps4 uh yeah yeah you can join but if you’re on playstation you have to make sure you

Have a microsoft account on minecraft to join how should they not let pk below how’s your name enjoy all right okay wait gone too high okay that does not matter no i haven’t gone too high yeah i have he just need that spawn it’s good there we go um

Okay me minecraft loading can i place it like that if you’re gonna i knew it and that’s just not gonna come down okay perfect even better even better why the random signs right i’m going to be happy emoji big smile why are you going to be happy

He said uh that’s good if you’re going to be happy hi lord so if you got server i can i won’t lag on fire what do you mean you won’t lag when you fight well what did you buy after your four hours the person who said they’ve got a mouse and keyboard

Wait wait wait well how come you weren’t lagging that’s good that’s good what did you buy to not lag any torches oh yeah you can join just happened around corner and you’ll be able to join that’s all you need to do at the moment I can use my mouse and keyboard on my phone you can use it at night sick why you so mean guys you’re the best bedrock streamer that you streamed i think i appreciate that i tried streaming as um much as possible on minecraft bedrock and all that

But you know sometimes i don’t manage to um have enough time so oh wait when you join you get put on visitors straight away so you need to tell me and then um i’ll put your member all right there we go i nearly forgot all right

My storage room is going to be massive i haven’t got grief yet which is really good should i do that no no no one more thing i need to add before i do that um jinx are you here please say jinx is here please say he is actually let’s see how spruce looks

Please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d just you loading yet yes i need wood i need dark oak wood but how do i place it say it goes

Backwards i have to face this way and then like i forgot how to do it yes oh i won’t be able to place it like that i need i needed to do it before i play steve’s oh and i’m voon so there we go all right there we go

Does that even fit in you know i’ll leave it like that for now it looks better than nothing at the moment at the moment would it work if i do this as well damage now i died because of full damage because um the world lagged i mean but like game

Didn’t load in the game border you know what i mean but you know that’s what backups are for in it wait i’m gonna need to add something behind it as well okay it’s not looking too bad and i have i’m gonna have um chests on this sodas i’m gonna get rid

Of all this all right but i need more wood then don’t i yeah i definitely need more wood oh my god right trust me i never die i only die like maybe a couple of times you know only like seven times a day in minecraft day you know what i mean bam

I’m probably going to do the sorting out off off stream because it’s going to be extremely boring in it watching me sort out chests oh my god you know i’ll do this i’ll do all this off camera what i wanted to do it’s our sheep farm working

I think it’s not working get me member nobody do you remember okay yeah i’m making a server making a server nice i can’t make service i can only make realms at the moment because if i make a service literally 27 times the more i give him this

Yes it’s working but it’s not doing that well why is it so slow holy i’m better than nothing but but nothing i guess i need chickens but um i need eggs for that i’m not here let’s join back okay she sheep how you back hello back

How are you making a server oh no don’t call me back seven no no no i didn’t work seven watching don’t call me back no no no no no that’s very very um weird that wouldn’t lie wait what that’s us go yeah is true

Wait i don’t know why i just want to see what happens like oh okay i actually thought it would work i don’t know why please note if you can’t hear your message me read out that very disappointing has deleted so you will have to type it out disappointing honestly honestly disappointing

Imagine if it pushes the never are insane what the hell is this okay right i really don’t have fallen to avoid right now but knowing my luck i will i’ve got my lights on no i need i need levels wow i need to repair all my armor holy literally all about to break

Oh no hmm why does that go so high up wow somebody tried building a never portal um i might actually go in service now now i mean there’s nothing to do which is um not all right like not extremely boring to watch making speed farm um oh yeah

Yes no not an ender xp found by an xp farm which you guys will help me with right who is an expert making that um kelp automatic kelp xp farm i know i know there’s people somebody has to know here how to do it like come on that’s all i need

That’s all i need yeah there we go me you okay and i also need to make a flash door on bedrock edition does anyone have to make a flush door i tried doing it but i failed like loads of times miserably and i was very very very very sad yeah i mean

Look i need redstone don’t i i need six of those um i need them and let’s say a lever yeah look let’s say i want the flush door to be here at least anyway yeah because i know it would be better if it was here but apparently i don’t know how

To do it like that okay so but i know i have to do something like this to make one of those potato xp farms oh yeah no no no i want to make a celtic speed farm because they um work fast i’m pretty sure

From the first of all i want to build a flash door it doesn’t work for me for some reason because look for for um some reason it works for everybody but me use a blast furnace lol there we go it’ll be faster then wait yeah but does anyone have to build

A flash store geography skills so how you make xp farm you dig out four up and four down and four left and right dig all that out then now that first i want to build a flash door this is what i know how to do from it

Right and for some reason it doesn’t work for me okay they did this this is exactly what they did right legit the exact same thing that they did my geography still not that bad which means they don’t work anymore wait but wait we can’t wait does it not how come

And do they patch it wow i mean it works then but for me i need to do something else for me it’s not that easy for them it just works when they do this right that’s all they do i think that’s because they’re in java it could be actually yeah

And then i found a video i built one yesterday but i can’t send linksuff i built one yesterday right i got an idea look you built one yesterday oh okay that explains it then yeah they removed it in one one six did they why are they removing everything oh my god

Well that doesn’t even work now okay i’ll go for a block please note if you can oh then it probably never happens i didn’t get bamboo from the um i’ll send you a link you send me a link to what i don’t know how it actually works

Wait what i swear down they’re not supposed to be pushing furnaces wait i thought they can’t move furnaces they what okay right i’m just going and i i don’t know i could have sworn they don’t move furnaces but apparently now they do hey what i’m so confused oh my god right

A tutorial on how to build a flush door i’ve tried those tutorials they don’t work they never work look i’ll check discord right you’ll see it won’t work i’ll do exact exact same but it won’t work watch watch wait um where do i go discord i can’t see it there

Is right watch i’ll build it the exact same and it won’t work just bibi you haven’t sent me anything yeah right you didn’t send me anything um wait i found it on my switch hello i’m on where was hello reeks of gaming we hope you enjoy the stream um

I can’t i can’t i can’t i know those tutorial videos don’t work and have a bit of flash store trust me look i’ll search up on youtube right all right how to build flush door bedrock i’m spawn i mean you can make a three by three flash storm in bedrock

Hello thanks for coming but i don’t need a three by three do i okay it’s only a five minute video right okay oh i can’t be asked to do that oh my god he’s got so much redstone in there it looks very complicated now ah how is what even

You love star wars i i don’t mind stars yeah i don’t mind it but i don’t really like it i don’t i know i’m neutral with it i mean there’s four people at my base so okay don’t okay why is it doing this to me look

Why type how to make a bedrock 1×2 flush door what what i want to build a three times two actually that would be pretty cool don’t you think i’m using what what i’m free by free would be cool because it would on on um what’s it called why are you so

Java it’s so easy to build one i like literally on java it will take two minutes to build it no i’m not massive fan of star wars if you want to know you’re gonna hate me for that but i know i’m not a massive fan of it i’m not a master fan

I don’t mind i don’t hate it i’m just not a massive fan of it i mean how dare i yeah how dare i is true i don’t know i don’t know why i don’t like it and there’s too unrealistic you know there’s like 500 robots and they can’t they can’t hit

A single shot like what nah come on there’s like one million of them and they shoot like 30 bullets each that’s like 30 million bullets and they can’t hit one then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out absolutely awful

Their aim is awful then right bedrock one times two flush door wait one mcp or better collection right here we go okay don’t know why okay yeah we don’t talk about her though my mallory yt hey stop that’s warning warning i don’t like sand it’s coarse rough and it gets everywhere

Yes it did the exact same thing as i did okay all right it’s the final brains now if you say atr your messages get deleted i really cannot be asked to move it and mine it with my pickaxe i forgot i need to i need to mine that no not

How does do we put out that as well do we put our jobs so much i think dupuis is hacking he’s been on this world realm for one or two days he’s got full never armor he’s given me two enchanted apples he gave jinx enchanted up he’s giving me a stack of

Instant damage arrows then he has a load of splash potions of xp right and he he’s acting like i don’t know he has more okay he does have more how do you have so much else look he he switched to his chest like so

He thinks i don’t i he does i don’t know yet anymore how many does he have holy hey it’s kind of dodgy oh yeah there is no room read there’s no room oh yeah sorry about that i am very sorry if there is no room at the moment yeah

Usually isn’t full when i’m not streaming it’s only when i’m streaming it’s full okay all right let me do the exact wait how do you do it let me just go back right um um okay he does i’ve got a bed mallory i don’t need a bed if you’re talking to me

I don’t need a bed i don’t even trust me please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d and then he does this way oh you’re talking okay okay all right okay bat

Bat i’m gonna mine all this away because apparently i don’t need it yet okay right and then what okay and he destroys that bam okay what does he do now he places a block above there okay okay okay and he places another block there okay okay okay then he goes behind them okay

He he drops down the hole yeah okay and he does this okay then what does he do okay then he gets his lever okay one level okay okay and then he puts it here is it here yeah okay okay he puts the redstone here redstone here yeah was that behind that’s behind i

Think that yeah okay okay yeah okay i’ve done that then one above here apparently oh he’s going too fast wait what should not work because i do something wrong watch watch hey okay and he does it to hello hello hello yes hello hello hello hello expensive right there we go hello hello

We hope you enjoy the stream no dislikes so far smile yeah i know just like so far that’s good wait there we go bam bam bam okay i can’t tell if he’s being serious or not he’s saying now just randomly look at it for a while that that’s literally what he said in

This tutorial now just randomly look at it for a while and he’s like flying around it now i feel like this is going to be a retro watch okay so i don’t if i got scammed i’ve been scammed i built a push door lol i’ve been scammed

It’s a scam it’s a 1×2 push door mean maybe i placed the redstone wrong let me check could be my bad okay okay all right miss guy okay maybe it has to be glass could that be the problemo probably watch if it actually has to be glass and um

Hmm can’t tell the difference between don’t see the difference what block would do what does like redstone go through glass or something oh let’s check we’re about to find out but i’m about to find out right bro it’s the final brain cell dun dun dun dun dun dun

Please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d did you say exactly in real life please maybe i shouldn’t have put these there i have a round code of the pin message

Do you know malachor yeah no most places are actually real places in real life like did you know um egypt is actually real life and did you know um the end city is also real life ah aims lever realm is the pin message hiding and aims you might have a little workshop enjoy

He does not java edition okay let me do the exact same he’s doing a legit block to block okay he puts that there what i thought it was fake really and did you know that england is actually real yeah this is not i yeah this is not java edition sadly and he does

That back okay but oh it has to be glass of course because blocks can travel through glass i’m so clumsy why do you need a secret room behind the books it did i live there lol shush it’s gonna be an xp farm here trust me it’s gonna be good i hope

Why is he telling me hello there hello there all right one two three this is freezing delay right let me check okay oh no you put it to max okay right please work do you know turkey is a real place build a 3×3 next no it’s not it’s an animal oh it’s

Working by slagging the realm is lagging a lot did you know there’s a country called congo no i did not know there’s a country called congo no way you’re joking why is it so laggy i’m gonna kick everyone to make i’m gonna kick everyone and nobody joined back because i need to

Get rid of the lag if i join if everyone leaves them and we join back it should hopefully get rid of a lag so i’m gonna kick everyone don’t join back okay it usually works if nobody joins back straight away no i accidentally left oh i was meant to kick everyone ben leave

Two actually yeah two actually nah did you know that um the moon is actually a real um a real thing i kicked them you kicked them okay now leave right silver i know why it’s so laggy it’s a 1×2 door though so one times two though yeah i need a one times two

Yeah i do i need a one times two hi hello cali junior hello extreme enjoy how today carly jr thanks for coming there we go yeah i’m going to play mcservice after i do a flash door and build an xp farm but i need loads of potatoes for it Cubecraft isn’t actually that bad All right it actually gets rid of a lag wow it’s not like anymore how do i this isn’t moving that means something isn’t correct vivo with 3×3 spiral doors much better i sent you a tutorial can we join now okay all right let me try this right hello

Where are you guys lag but no if i join ut no no no no no no all right that’s not so why is this one no this one’s not gonna activate so clearly it’s fake whatever he did wait i’m going to read the comments i want to see how it works

Wait wait wait can you let gamer boy in sure instill said you banned me shout out to disappointed face could you make it easy for a second stop hello james thank you hello anders we hope you enjoy the stream please subscribe and like if you like the content

And never sing if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to connect let me see all the redstone arch you Hello expensive307 we hope you enjoy the stream all right i’m gonna continue watching the tutorial without any problems okay right meditate on a regular basis oh no it’s an advert about meditating well what the hell is this i press on some other video I think it’s a scam honestly i want to join the smp later but i can’t because you banned me can you unban me i don’t know what i ban you for when i sent you because the one i sent you literally works no dweebs i didn’t wait i didn’t ban you

Dave did i reapered you literally choked dweep it let me is this not you dweeper you’re in wait wait wait wait i’m getting scammed here you thought i was hacking i am lost on this world move in preach swing six i’m doing exactly right i’m just checking maybe i missed out a step

Which i didn’t see him do which could be very important right six oh i did that what is your what username wait wait wait wait i’m watching this tutorial you don’t need my username to jump um to join the open message for a realm code right okay many places

Okay yeah that’s what i did i set it to free yeah yes i did that as well if that one doesn’t work the insect the one on discord now just randomly look at it for i’m telling you there’s nothing okay it’s got scamming i swear down

So are you able to unban me hi bebo it’s just look at it for a while like why would i look at it for a while for no okay yeah then what how is the back one moving how is that one moving something ain’t right look how is that this one’s

How’s that one moving for him what why is it whenever alex joins us really lagging me hi i am actually lost please help hello please thanks for coming okay i think i see the problem yep i saw the problem right well let me see resume please note if you

Can’t hear your message i’m stuck now probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out and someone turn off um lever hey enter 666 so can you unban me hello and to 666 we hope you enjoy the stream please subscribe and everyday

Is it miss you dweebs you said you were dweeping and you were banned on your main account no you were hacking okay thank you right where’s that word bookshelf is missing and that’s not dory unless you have proof no i am preached swing six why is it so laggy holy cow is laggy

Yeah i’m going to play in the realm later i don’t want to play with this it’s so laggy um what server you want me to play never games or cubecraft um i’ll let you guys decide Um q craft oh you like you craft now i boy yeah i don’t mind cubecraft okay cubecraft okay okay cubecloth wins then right all right um can one of the moderators attempt to change the stream type name by doing exclamation mark title keep retired to exact same book to change

Nine to minecraft servers anyone can join uh james what’s the point of me adding you back because um on you i don’t need to have you added on do skyblock okay the only thing i needed to have you added for is when i’m doing servers or no when i’m doing

Targeting now well that’s the only tiny time you hide it right targeting oh of course it’ll be a real shame for accidentally miss click and don’t invite not hatless cake hates this cake hate lift cake yeah hateless yeah be a real shame if that happened

Envy me okay he will do it soon must be patient and don’t forget to like invite you what’s your name oh yeah i need to remove some friends oh shoot i have six online the people that aren’t online i’m gonna remove and define all count down me ice cream no clue who is

Oh no that’s my name when you go back in the realm can you unban me znx are you gonna join i’ll remove you because i i don’t know send me a friend request and not accept there can only be five people in my party sadly garth 45 all right i don’t think i’m

Going to receive any foreign check all right profile title minecraft servers anyone can join ps4 xbox nintendo pc i’m going by There we go the channel is live the channel is live you liar nightbot nightbot your scammer camera now it’s a bitch it’s a glitch tonight but it’s happened to a load of channels i’m pretty sure i wonder oh mallory i already my game my party’s full i think let me check

The title didn’t change the title didn’t change did it not yeah i know it didn’t yeah my pie is full sorry you know i’ll change the title uh i need to move no i hate moving i’m just shaking no it’s just you have to use the touch um screen all right

You can’t join outcome you can’t join jess ah i wish i could have um higher party limits and all that that would be so much better okay he will do it soon must be patient and don’t forget to like and sub minecraft servers anyone can join they get saved

There we go there we go please unban me from the realm thanks bye okay bye uh why did he have a dragon right what are we doing oh we haven’t tried everything out yet beta games i’ve not tried out that yet then it probably means that youtube has built

I want to try everything out on it if i can ffa what’s ffa why you always chasing me oh this is just like pvp why are you always chasing me bro instant damage potion don’t know don’t like this already ah bro what i don’t like this now what yeah what is this

I wanna join can i play after the theme oh no uh yeah you can play after this game i think anyone can join ffa i think if you go into ffa everyone will join why have you only got leather armor this guy i’m gonna kill him come on death

I’ll get help for kills right no no wait wait i’m and you get potions this is overpowered free instant damage what yeah okay and strength but it’s only leather armor in it watch and it’s enchanted what enchantments does it have sharpness on not too bad

Why does he not have any knockback is he lagging oh he’s stuck i’m helping him out i’m helping him out who’s stuck basically he was stuck he was yeah what is this okay it’s pretty cool i don’t mind this actually this is better than most um kit pvp this is really cool actually

You have to choose your kit and you have to buy kits half a heart damage half half but did you not have a sword why are we teaming oi he scammed me he scammed me come here come here no no no you scammer die what is this personal strength didn’t i drink mine

Splash potion of poison no effect hello personal swiftness no effect oh no you do get this okay right so every kill you get you get um a refill hello jackson how you doing sanders we hope you enjoy the stream i don’t mind that then if that is what you get

Yeah i should believe that scammer you actually believe him i didn’t get the kill my game lagged my game lagged my my game lag then it teleported me back actually let me use another kit what about um this one with no leggings what is this

Sharpness one not rk this is by far the worst kit then this is by far the worst kit only sharpness one and knock back as well who wants who actually likes knockback but you did that okay like sorry but instant damage takes no skill but okay i’ll still kill you mate

I got him i mean it would be good if you got a bit of health back every kill you got because like i legit need health holy hello yeah instant damage right i’m using that there we go all right hello hello emilia how you doing salt my ltd nice okay this

This isn’t actually too bad i accidentally used all my okay and shrimp you ready they all are gonna die dead end you need another map good you need to have a good map knowledge apparently as well okay see i know map knowledge um come on let me just kill you come on

If you get killed i want to check if you do get a refill like you get one item back maybe anders can you friend me and q crap nah nah come here how’s he getting health back oh personal regen come here oh he’s running away because he has speed as well

Yes killed him yes you do get an item back please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that this guy’s dead just thread pie and run away like a little wuss come on nah don’t be like that come on you wanted to fight

Why are you using an ax you’re doing no damage this is cubecraft it’s not this there’s no actual i don’t think oh holy potion of shrimp i’ll drink that and i’ll drink that there we go this is actually a good kit holy we found someone using killer hooray

Nah i hate this i hate how people just going to run and find a guy hitting me backwards did you know that’s good to see here you didn’t find anyone hitting you backwards oh imagine fed partying come on fight me now this guy’s dead there we go these people are not even

Good wow i don’t even have to use my instant damage potions don’t even try both spam i hate people both spam splash potion of poison let me try use this here oh holy that’s bits okay oh holy that’s good it’s good okay and this yes what yes what i

Know i looked at chad who said my name wrong potion of jack i missed i i didn’t aim high enough god damn it yeah and i’m dead this kid’s so bad i nearly killed him as well oh my god if i if i would have had all my effects and

All that on there now of course he’s killing me now ah come on yeah run away See i’ve got your back face i got you i got you i got you okay maybe i don’t because that guy came along yeah now i’m dead oh my god wait what oh wait wait poison actually does that okay i have four poison will not kill me okay okay

Okay okay please note if you can’t hear your message and it probably means the future oh he’s so jammy spawning in behind me just die oh my god i don’t know this map very well i don’t know where to go and as i killed them for you you killed

Them for me ah thank you right is there such thing as kd because if there’s no kd there’s no point in me actually trying what okay oh my god i got oh my god right that did not happen okay uh this is ffa oh my god i just got pooped on

Because there’s some pieces on pizza because it’s even more laggy when it’s on um non-pizza are they teaming what the hell i threw the potion and it went sideways eh i need inviting holy wait what come here i’ve got speed right no i don’t speed runs out so quick as well okay

Let’s go oh my god yeah wait i’m dead invite me anders yes yeah scuffed it up he’s only going for me yeah all right calm i’ve got an idea um i don’t know this map very well but um okay i thought the mine was over there right

Well i don’t know it’s in beta games this is in beta games if you’re going to beta games in the first one i know it’s that one invite me anders oh yeah there is there’s kill streaks and all right yeah yeah right there’s no point potion regen strength uh yes i killed him

Hey here’s a bow i just gonna both spam does it have infinity on it or something does he have infinity it has infinity doesn’t it if it does that’s just so gay i hate infinity bows because especially in gamers like this yeah as infinity does it does have infinity

Infinity i can’t do anything because he’s just gonna keep spraying me with little bow infinitely it has three two arrows 42 hours that is overpowered power free and 32 hour i’m dead okay i’m not dead i mean i like this because it’s actually going to improve my own pvp skills a bit

Isn’t it and i can’t invite my pies full you have to join and go into beta games on ffa or something like that it’s called something please note if you can’t hear your message oh that’s a lot of damage has deleted it so you will have to type it out

All right i’m going for not hateless if i see them because i was lower health when i first started the fight and i didn’t have any potions on oh of course you spawn like that come to me no fight now fight me now ah don’t just hit me and run away please

I hate people do that missed you the kid with normal diamond armor it has sharpness too where’s not hatless no teaming whoa holy that does a lot of damage what i am back to the stream yo and this dude the kid with normal diamond armor did you kill with no

Why it has sharpness too sharpness too uh okay all right there you go um i like how you get your stuff back you know i mean only three hearts of damage i did apparently with that i don’t have speed but still have sharpness ah stop running away come on come on come on

Shows the enchanted diamond sword in normal diamond armor i think it’s the strongest oh my god only sold i nearly sold oh my god i literally nearly sold and so normal diamond armor is like really overpowered apparently my best kill strike is nine wow can’t kill street

All right why are they teaming little eggs there perfect director as well thank you for boost what do you mean by the point message i can’t find your game oh my god oh i hate the boat okay let me do the normal one in normal diamond no normal normal diamond sharp two okay

Let’s see how i do this all right uh let me find some let’s see you can’t i don’t know i don’t know why gesturing is them a load of people in like the playlist wait can i play wu yeah you can’t play with me why are they teaming

No i don’t like this it’s taking no i’m not teaming i’m not teaming no i don’t care no this this is bad it looks like it does no damage why you kill me i found a i hacker hit him well i’m low health so he’s one to fight

And if i run a straight line why is he going veg okay can i just wait wait i need how do i get my health back do i have to kill someone don’t i yeah i’m really low health but i’m still gonna go fight this kid

Of course he spawns in behind me what a jammy egg that’s so jammy i know i like this i like myself it actually has decent stuff spawning in behind this is a jamming thing that can happen oh they’re teaming are they i can’t tell i better not be

Teaming i hate people with team there’s no need there you go this kit is just so good why are you so mean guys okay this guy is so bad i don’t know what he’s doing he’s dead commands holy that’s all does a lot of damage this channel are available at url

God love hillary clinton’s appreciates night bit four five others also appreciate knight bit i miss my sorry but i’ll leave the stream now okay only two ounces of damage i did to move that invitee come on please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it

Probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out okay i killed b because okay kinda said that you have six seven eight k subs but only around two zero subs want you nah i wouldn’t say that that’s warning warning and if i got to go

How’s that sad i love cats nah there’s people i’ve seen people have um over maybe two hundred they barely get 10 so i’m fine with that yeah i mean wait you died and kill me lol i’m still alive chitchat a few hundred watch but only two zero are watching it live

Invite me headless cake okay i’m back right hatless cake now not hat left cake hates less cake hello who was that house i’m sorry if i got oh yeah now i’m dead uh no i want to kill the guy with a bow cause he’s probably garbage

Oh my god how do i win that no way half the damage my my thing does to him okay a bit more than half that’s good okay i’m i’m running away because i have speed and he doesn’t right yeah come right there we go yo that’s a lot of damage

Yo that’s a lot of damage yo that’s a lot of damage yo oh no what message all right oh no oh no i’m still dead i’ve never seen okay holy cow all right that’s a lot of damage that’s a lot of damage that was a lot of damage

Look that guy’s so dead lola someone’s gonna steal it thank you for a boost mate and now i’m getting third party from behind but i’ve got speed so that’s calm let’s not calm then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d

Alex guy is only going for me ah but alex alex knows always targeting me they’ve killed him like three times in a row but oh well oh well i dropped my potions too early okay no i have not brother’s birthday happy birthday to your brother then happy birthday to your brother

Please say no atlas is on a really big uh kill streak right now and i lost it for him i mean not alice hasn’t been talking to me so i’m happy with that he’s the worst kid i’m actually i’m accidentally using my fist there’s no way i nearly lost that there’s no way

Yeah i lost because i’m just standing still like a bot there’s no way i made that out alive wow holy cow okay that guy’s doing the lava camping thing you gotta go eat cake ah okay what cake are you gonna eat better not be chocolate i hate chocolate cake

Too plain no why is that just me i know i can’t eat just chocolate cake i know it’s not bad but um i don’t know chocolate cake on its own is uh okay tv one me okay worst kid is the one with the axe worst kid is the one with the axe is

That bb then i’m joking i don’t mind chocolate cable i don’t think that’s too plain i can’t fight in water i love chicken cake okay oh no you love chicken cake yeah who doesn’t yeah i love chicken cake holy cow holy cow with so many people

No way is that kid after me that jinx it shakes cake with chicken and gravy is amazing i like cheesecake it’s the one and only holy cow he is so holy um I oh that please is literally going for me i can tell okay all right yes run away thank you thanks for coming yes yes he’s over okay okay yeah both spammers on any game yeah i’m not hateless of course i’m dead now and i’m not dead yet but um i am going

To die because i’m going for the tunnel of death but i’ll be able to pick up both these kills here or one at least okay maybe not because alex is here yeah right all right how’s my kd going down bruh i’m getting more uh kill than i am death so surely

It should be going up i didn’t put i think it might um what was that guy doing is he sleeping imagine both spamming honestly you get you you sit into a corner and both spam like that yeah yeah you’re absolute garbage mate yeah i hear your shots you hit your

Shots mate honestly you’re so free oh my god you’re literally the most worst player i’ve seen you’re using a bow and you can’t hear your shots what enough is wrong with you perfect timing yes and you’re literally so free get literally killed yeah don’t use a bow i suggest

You go full diamond and run away you’re literally giving me free kills literally what are you doing and i’m dead no i’m not because this guy’s now gonna die he’s gonna regret everything he just did to me he’s literally got no armor i’ve got sharpness and health regeneration

Don’t run away mate put it on your tray i’m not trying to be okay there’s a guy here it’s jinx okay he’s actually getting combed by me there we go 2v1 here for the next game just camp until the end okay you’re literal dog water invite me literal dog water

All my hatred towards you has just disappeared hey gang you’re so bad kid oh my god you literally you literally had an advantage to me i was afk and you couldn’t kill me oh my god that is embarrassing kid honestly i’ll delete the game after that

Honestly what on earth are you doing oh my god what on earth is that kid doing he tried killing me well i was afk and he still failed oh my god that is disappointing honestly what on earth is wrong with him and i’m dead i’m definitely dead

Ah everyone was there everyone do you see that like the whole lobby was on me there no joke no joke no joke literally the whole lobby laughing literal dog water right um All right invite me no where is it Why you so mean guys i just realized i was watching the stream for seven seconds earlier okay i can play again but i need to keep going afghan all right why does everyone think my name is it’s headless yeah yeah i messed it up please note if you can’t hear your

Message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out yeah i messed up because i have to do something because oh my god hello people i need to keep looking at this because if not then all right oh well all right

Wow that guy’s seriously sitting there with a bow I messed it up because i need to keep messaging someone wait i’m i’m just gonna i’m just gonna wait until it’s done wait hocus pocus hey andes brb go eat hello andes we hope you enjoy the stream please subscribe and like if you like the content thanks hello

Hello it’s dad gamer it we hope you enjoy the stream is i love catchier map Do oh my god please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d okay right hopefully i’ll be able to play now normally right there we go instead of ruining my kd each game

Oh my god that guy oh and i accidentally held l2 and oh dammit third partied go in the cave where there is the lava pool lol why do you want me to go is there like somebody camping there probably isn’t there i know there was somebody camping in 100 yeah i messed up

Absolutely destroyed mate honestly what are you doing holy cow Invite me invite me come here okay wait wait wait wait i’ll invite you in a minute okay yes yes there are two both samus teaming i hate people team and eight people both spam as well two things i don’t like oh nice nice and this guy’s not that

Good but um i might lose to him yep he’s got a bow invite me see bows are so annoying tell me they’re not wait wait i’ll invite you after this okay when i die i can’t i don’t know how am i supposed to invite you wait just by partying not atlas because why

Not yes oh that’s closer that was close one and i’m dead 100 dead yeah i knew it ah i didn’t have my uh damn it very well booga boomer time wait that mist there’s no way that missed he’s one shot come on don’t be shy

Okay okay wait just let me let me finish let me finish right i’m not dead yet okay oh my gosh all right i can’t invite because i don’t know i don’t have this right now why jordan did you own an island i didn’t use my potions oh my god

How to be annoying as hell step one justin can you stop spamming boost man oh my god oh i didn’t use my potions no i’m not doing hub because my part is full just my part is full i’m not do i’m not doing that as my

Pipes for and i’m gonna waste my time if i do that because i i know my party’s full hey teaming no they’re not who are you my game frozen i switched my inventory but it didn’t do anything well i don’t know who actually am i that is a very good question

Just chuck that down imagine the end is teaming world domination yeah an old viewer did i miss yeah i missed yeah yeah he’s got a better sword actually let’s go oh my god how old is about them yeah better okay i’m back no way wait no way

I’m gonna kill this kid because why not right this guy’s lower so i’m gonna go for this kill how many months ago did you start watching russian russian yeah i am part russian yeah i’m dead ggs oh yeah i know i was dead i messed up all right

Yeah but not heartless you aren’t wait not atlas you told me you are on keyboard because when you were like oh yeah no wonder you typed when i said i’m on controller remember yeah i’m dead one year messed up again where is he oh he didn’t go for me okay thank god

Thank god he didn’t go for me right oh and i missed my potion yeah and i’m stuck in this really sticky position i am so good on ps2 that people think i am on keyboard yeah really yeah same i’m so good in um um my nokia brick let people think that

I am on playstation 4. yeah i’m dead oh actually now i’m not dead yet if i jump into here jump in the fair yes i’m getting better i’m getting better i think it could be just that these people are bad most likely these people are bad

I am so good on my smart bridge that people think i am on ps4 why you so mean guys ah you think does more damage than me oh god damn it and i ran out of just spam all my potions into that group i don’t have my um any of my potions equipped

Like used so i’m doing literally no damage him yeah see okay i did less than half a heart there my best killstreak is eleven now so i’ve got more than i beat mine one but i didn’t know when i beat it okay that’s interesting so you will have to type it out d

I can’t invite you jess please listen my party is full my party’s full i can’t invite i can’t invite when a party is full yeah you’re playing yeah i’m gonna go in something different in a minute the wizard kid is dead the best in this game mode now please shush

Ah my mouth fell off the book why does this guy have no armor wait why is he doing that Foreign the potions are up if we got the turtle potion that would make the kid go tire use the kit with the enchanted sword and diamond armor hi person that assumed i was jewish hello person thanks for coming potion kid week af i don’t know wtf you’re talking about also sorry

It’s hebrew not jewish you’re the person who assumed i was jewish i just came from a stream that allows swearing wow that kid actually killed half person seriously when am i dante remember around christmas that’s the crew okay right i’m back oh i keep having to do what i said

Somebody killed me i already told you all right who killed me i’m gonna get revenge how i only got 72 kills it feels like i’ve got more but okay sure thing four months ago drop it on ps4 controller in crack actually suck oh my god you’re arrogant

Dropped away what happened while i was at afk more arguing oh no fifa i hate fifa fifa is a dead game in my opinion how do i get there i’m not using my sword so i die i’m literally dead yeah i don’t like fifa you’re a bit boring for me i don’t know

Why i don’t really like fifa yet is that not helpless yeah not not how this only came back because he saw my stream and so i was low that’s the only reason he came back that is the only reason he came back there yeah now i’m dead because i didn’t use

Any more map actually your opinion old finger mate i didn’t use any of my potions and you’re still dead honestly i’ll use my regen potion but not my sharpness which is the most important and now 100 dead to this kid oh no i’m not he has a bad positioning

Hi yeah it is my opinion how much time should i do half a hour thanks for coming hello dmv why is he not wait wait what wait tell me why he’s not flying your opinion oh seriously a bow okay all right i really hate people use the bow

Tell me imma kill this kid yeah don’t use a bow again oh you people just stole my kill now i’m not teaming i mean i can’t dislike people and whatever yeah fifa is pretty boring my opinion i can’t dislike minecraft i am only killing those spammers that’s it holy

That’s a lot of damage llc how much hearts is this guy i can’t see because i haven’t him and as i haven’t got in your games see and i get mod can you get more i don’t know to be more you have to be quite active one channel man

I am only killing people brew no one cares about opinions just keep it ah damn it oh yeah i’m just saying fifa i don’t know fifa i’m not hateless yeah i don’t go this life’s so bad oh my god oh my god all right that’s okay i just

Need to use my what is that gonna fix the texture it’s now gonna be java and bedrock dnc what has your name on your main account what the happened there lagged i’m killing this guy then anders can i have my just asking because you missed my last chat this is my main

I know i said i can’t no i have enough mods at the moment to be and to have more you have to be quite active you know i mean whoever said that i know yeah sorry godfinger and his wife lobby ah just gonna fight somebody but everyone’s running away

Please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means i’m dead now who deleted that yes i’m totally active ah why is there three people chasing after me like little eggs yeah but what am i supposed to do when i’m getting chased by three people at once

Yeah you’re a both family aren’t you use a boat if you use a boat honestly get out of there yes now you’re underwater yes all right both farmers are just so bad they literally literally so free yep don’t use a bow you too come here yep absolute bad honestly imagine playing fortnite

Yeah this guy’s going to kill me no he’s not me i have won one click okay i can’t even get nine cps with butterfly okay i don’t know how much i think i get an average of seven or eight yeah i’m low series one yeah ggs

Yeah just hit yeah please say okay okay okay all right i was low health and i was going to kill shook up six anyway so good one you get 11 with jitter click wow that’s good fast that’s my kill he nearly stole it he’s stealing my kill wow wow that guy’s so

Oh my god he wasn’t even going for me he was going for the kick for my kill to steal it wow wow imagine being that guy i should have really killed him by now i need to somehow i i am using direct butterfly clip but i sometimes do double

Butter clicking which boosts my cps to 1 1. use the wizard kit r2 i want to play with you but i can’t sack emoji disappointed face emoji disappointed face emoji disappointed face oh this guy just stole my kill he’s so garbage look butterfly clicking doesn’t give you one

Cps oh and that kill got stolen on top of that totally that guy’s good it lets you combo better that’s it uh i’m just trying to play without cxk09 you want to dance warning i’m getting 2v1 the right team how long have you been playing this i’ve

Been playing this i only started today okay i don’t know what this guy’s doing yeah i’ve lost this fight that’s for sure i can still check poison down i’ve lost that because there are two of them with that overpowered sword thing yeah those two are teammates

Yeah i got a really bad start here i spawned on top of a mountain where i can’t even get my potion um since literally everyone boasts fans and hits with their bow instead of their swords i thought speed was actually meant to give me speed

This guy’s so bad oh my god oh he stole my kill that’s quite annoying not gonna lie but when i get to premium once i get clapping so i quite need to do high pixel deals and clicking cross what okay don’t know what he was doing he’s innocent you’re innocent yeah you

Are anything i’m getting followed yep i’ve never actually go up here i don’t know why let’s check what happens when i do will i die straight away i don’t i don’t play high pixel because um this is bedrock i’m better off player because i don’t have a pc they’re teaming wow imagine teaming

I’m still going to kill them they rule people yeah they are i can’t emoji disappointed face emoji disappointed face emoji disappointed face emoji disappointed face emojis okay oh stop running Let’s die in the game in the game and his wp spamming boosts will not back aka w tap huh who are you talking to popper and confused yes what do you mean imagine teaming oh my god why is everyone teaming so pathetic honestly teaming should be bannable honestly

Bruh i’m not going up there there’s too much teams up there there’s only like two people um next to each other like this guy’s high cps i think i’m just gonna kill him all right he was fk that was a freak i don’t care that guy’s teaming in

I only play java and i know it works there in back i’ve got no sharpness anymore unless i kill this student get it ah please please mess up yeah this guy’s one no way oh i’ve got speed of course goddammit what processor and who do you have i

Don’t i don’t i don’t play pc i play on playstation 4 if you’re talking to me holy whoa that’s a lot of damage get lost in here please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it

Out d in meeting chips with my friends emoji happy tears actually why i currently have celeron j series and intelhd graphics four zero zero i couldn’t do anything there right i don’t care i picked off two kills at the end all right so that’s not too bad wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait it already starts so my kd and everything will be reset in an hour zero five zero t ing four six five zero seriously game please let me drink my potions thank you very much this guy’s so bad look exactly now this this is a free kill

Yeah this guy’s definitely also clicking oh that’s so close only put down pressure as you definitely have 10 hey what i’m eating chip with my friends oh okay and she definitely have eight cps do i i don’t think i’ve eight cps what if i do that’s good

I say eight cps is still good eight eight think yes good good good actually yeah i don’t think i have eight cps i think i have less why i both found the thing look look i both bummer can’t do anything at close range to both spammers actually now

One oh they’re rev all they can do is run you knock back players more than me even in sumo’s w tapping weight actually it’s your internet thing is it yeah it could be oh yeah i messed up i didn’t know i thought out i shouldn’t edit myself i’ve got two

Portions of healing i only need one turn around strafe behind him phase wenge over here oh wow they stole the kill doesn’t matter i still kill both of them ah do i don’t know i don’t think i knock back play that much but we’ll see

This guy’s so bad you know you yeah yeah jax do you do eat water yeah i know i know i don’t i don’t really care and if before i told you to play kevin math you were still trash wow still still oh it’s got that straight to the left

Bow spammer you can’t hit shots because it’s so bad what are you gonna do at close range nothing absolute garbage honestly mate this guy full diamond what do i do i poison him nope i missed i hate the other guy vote and he’s dead please invite you please

He’s so dead oh my god she can’t even hit me he’s back to full health i’m gonna try strafe him yes oh my god let’s go uh i don’t have sharpness anymore and just do this by the way i’m dealing with a one four-year-old that thinks he can make me leave the internet

Are you oh yeah those little 14 year olds thinking they’re so hard okay come on he’s definitely life he’s running yes he is low yes thank you for the boost mate oh my god how can i thank you if i did i didn’t get strength this guy’s gonna win

Because i don’t have shrimp straight straight no please he’s gonna end my kill streak here he ended it oh can we play never games oh yeah sure maybe um what’s the time oh yeah sure oh my god right 15 kill streak i didn’t do too bad 126 kills 32 deaths

It’s basically a 4.0 kd i didn’t do two i didn’t do too bad what should we do bad on never games watch watch if i do battle never games i’m leaving forever now watch i actually i’m gonna do bad like really bad because most of these players are like not very good on

Um what’s this code and as i actually hacked a lot on queuecraft before it had better anti-cheat craft of winning so no chance of winning would you mean no chance of winning what do you mean no chance of winning what do you mean oh shoot in it all right let me um

Get my phone get me fun i’m gonna do all four never games because it’s so laggy on it watch wait better together for is i think i remember off by heart 104 run is so boring everyone teams yeah no i don’t mind ffa but yeah it’s annoying when people team

I’m going to get right through the pc and you watch the tutorial on how to make a server and poor tpowered you could play java mineplex and other java servers on pc ps4 yeah that’d be cool yes whoa really oh no but your job serves on pso be hard three zero nine

Zero is one seven thousand currency but in shopping apps it’s three zero thousand plus yeah yeah same same no it’s basically right listen right the rtx there used to be 200 where 200 300 where we used to be now it’s gone up to like 2k one one no like so like

I’m not even joking like to 1 300 i’m not even joking like it got so expensive why is it not showing up play java servers on ps4 xbox mobile and pc let me close the app again it doesn’t work for some reason right it did this um the other day

Exactly it became so extensive it’s people crypto mine do you uh right and you’re good what do you mean i need to enter the ipa again and i’m good now i’m i’m trusting i’m not good i just got lucky there most of the time 238.130.180

Run i mean you can install windows 1 0 on a ps5 oh there we go i hope you can install windows 10 on the ps5 uh i don’t think you can why are you so mean guys um close ad crypto mining should be banned yeah crypto mining should be illegal why

Is it not showing up with hacks you probably could install windows 1 0 on a ps5 it’s not oh it’s doing the thing it did yesterday if the server is running and will transfer to um and then those two dots one nine one three two keep the app opened i have

It’s not no it’s not coming oh no i don’t want to reset my game no no i can’t add servers on my services sadly pcsnt has on ps4 i can’t yeah no hmm please note if you can’t hear your message being read out any problem why does it do that that’s a favorites

You need for me it did this two days ago as well now it’s too late for you it’s sheena no no no um i don’t know i’m kind of tired of doing ffa hunger games uh yeah sure i’m gonna find what username mark says what rtx 2070 prices and i’m gonna find

What its price is in my shopping app actually let’s do egg rolls on this whatever you call i haven’t actually done them yet i’ve done it before but i’ve not not haven’t done it on math and keyboard yes yes it’s the final brain cell notifications if not for them

Something not good will happen right it’s the final brains it’s the final brain so you mean cubecraft do you oh i don’t mean cubecraft i only started playing cubecraft yesterday i played it before but i never actually like liked it skyblock oh all right let me invite how am i i can

Only invite four people to my party by the way who’s still here wait tell me who to invite tell me who to invite i can only invite um three of you because we’re doing fours on thingie because i don’t want to do that big game mode i only want to do four’s

Max and if you just never gained it in me i’ll invite jinx yeah yeah jinx you’re not on please jinx you’re not on me jinx you’re offline invite me maybe you’re appearing offline but um please tell me your name who okay all right jinx then who hide me then z next

Okay i’m loading iran and one more person one more person please one more person okay he will do it soon must be patient and don’t forget to like and subscribe jinx is the first one to see me one why i wish i wish you could do like solos or more than oh

Me um how wait oh shit i wish i could do that i’ll invite whoever it lands on yeah me ready me are we completely random ready jinx oh jinx you’re invited again oh you get jinx you’re getting removed um you’re already in the party just to make it fair i’m just shaking

Right again and just to make it fair well me i don’t know about everyone else me there we go oh no no no no no no then there’s gonna be five people in the party no no no no no no And this one the pvp user on first snake forces no i’m gonna have to kick somebody but who ah why can’t there be why can’t you do solos and like you know i mean i left it as fine pick people the banana please notifications check i don’t think i can where is it

Here it’ll say party limit tubing smart website the rtx 2070 is 2 1000 currency but on my shopping app it’s 5 00 000 currency i don’t want to do mega vip level one oh i don’t want to do this let me do it right oh well i’ll do i’ll

Do egg or something like next time that’s why never game is actually good yeah i mean not even in the party you know anything party oh so i’ll kick you and it’ll be all okay yeah chico that troll guy oh i’m gonna do one game of um right so

No he’s not even in can you add me jack zero two zero one i wish i could have a higher party limit wait not hatler not hatless cake do you have a higher party limit since of your rank or something like that so would you be able to invite more

People and we do like what can what can we do mine will whatever or not yes yes okay parties how much people can join your play when you’re a leader promote parties eight people okay three more people can join just invite free people wait can i invite

The shopping apps boost the rtx price higher than what the actual price is right i can’t invite only only not hatless has to invite so add not atlas if you need to be invited not hatless cake invite people yeah you can jump but i’m not quite a leader anymore because um

Tag us on our instagram oh wait what invite people did i just get rid of the tech wait can they see the text or not wait oh selfie area tweet us a selfie why would i tweet you a selfie oh what the hell why henson craft texture pack hmm content packs

Why is everything you have to buy what would the vip points do again and maybe it may oh i know i want to play never games but it won’t let me and google why don’t i yes google why um Down down i’ve got an idea if i do that maybe this will fix it and then let me like fully reset my phone turn it on and off fully it could be my phone you never know uh older minecraft Data troll guy is need weepid uh I don’t know why they just delete people messages randomly please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out deep all right there we go there we go turning my phone back on

Let’s turn back on bedrock together scroll down here i speak russian japanese australian i speak korean i speak instagram i speak television i speak german i speak shelf i speak youtube yeah i speak quite a lot of languages 104.238 130 run they delete the messages i think

That have the channels called 100k subs with no videos brew there’s a message i think that i have with 10k subs of no video i have videos i do have videos i do have videos now i think what i don’t know why i don’t know why it does that to my channel

It’s the final brains i think it’s to like prevent oh no wait yes it worked let’s go i’m gonna go get a drink because i’m very very very very very very not thirsty okay i’ll be back in a minute See true so i speak english arabic swedish norwegian danish german greek french spanish and portugal language while is an smc user and is only played one day on the lost city server lol the crossplay one and it’s dead what is mcuser I don’t know so right i’m back right lobby nine oh no is there even that string is a lobby nine however it is oh no it’s not lobby nine doesn’t exist that well okay go into lobby one if you want to be invited yeah lovely one and i’ll invite you to a

Party yeah okay i should know before i do that i need to quickly go into here all right yes it’s sold or some of it sold at least i still have a lot to sell yes yes wait wait wait let me use the controller okay yeah if you guys

Couldn’t hear i was eating an apple okay i’m just joking right dash a h slash a h two six hundred one two three no my tv is going to turn off in a minute ah and the remote blends in so well with the carpet and i can never find it in the dark

Deleted it so you will have to type it out i need to tap everywhere around and see if i can find it why is my controller so black it literally blends in with my carpet can you play the realm now i generally okay i found it i am new to your stream

Can i join your album right there you go uh yes you can join my realm yeah jinx yeah you can thanks for coming so hello jinx are you completely new to the channel right oh yeah let’s press the button on my remote i’m going to put it on my chair bronzer

There we go prawns yeah bronzer yeah yeah and let me just sell everything in my hand Ah so how long have you been new here you seem like a nice guy no i’m not a nice guy jinx honestly get out of there who are you who named himself jinx fake oh nah nah nah honestly don’t anyone named jinx in my stream nana sorry did you play rocket league

Rocket league oh no i don’t really play rocket league don’t know i find that kind of boring you know what i mean No it sound like a minute and who knows still plays rocket league like oh one two three now i’m gonna play what’s this called never games and i never gave skyblocks boring i’m only getting money too and pay somebody back and then once i pay them back i’m

Probably just going to give my stuff away because i don’t really need it i find skype look boring now it’s really boring like it’s really really boy okay is that just me it was fun at the beginning and that just got really boring but thanks for the welcome to your stream

Yeah one two one two three i speak english spanish arabic norwegian swedish portuguese french in nepali bam give a yeah yeah i don’t know i’ll see rcrc let me see your island baby yeah i need to put some more stuff in the ah please i play a lot of skyblock

Yeah but bb but i would have given given it to you but i’m you um you just keep hacking generally i would i’m not even joking i know i’m not using boom because look i’ll show you how much i have evening from triple seven gaming i have

Loads and i generally would have given you some stuff but you just hack for no reason when i say well i give it i gave you so many chances and just continue to do it i don’t even know why like i understand if i did something

But i did not wait what there’s good anti-cheat and how would i hack on skyblock when it would have been deleted lol okay i thought i duplicate for a second for a second it looks like it did but it’s because of a lag right um all right i’m gonna sort all oh the

Boots the boots sell very well for like four million four point five mil they sell so well bam if you can’t hear yourself wow i got perfect amount okay i’ve got i’ve got too much swords okay and i’ve got bows in there as well don’t i in the hopper

Both to us about us whatever that clan name is oh i’ve got more swords in it oh my god so let me just count 7.5 10. 13. who’s the hacker tell me the name of a hacker 13 13 million 13 13 oh my god hacker i lost my cassette in

Like two stacks of he got so i just sort of quit lol i lost my t-shirt and two stacks of ah wow is that who’s on the server tell me who’s online tell me who who’s online in the server how can i join oh yeah you can if you

Wanna join just look up your message it’s a final turn but let me let me quickly go on two friends right back up five minutes yeah yeah who’s on the server i need to know you send the pic okay good right back i’m going to go into name tag hide rank submit

Needs backup yes okay wait txk09 is that’s me i i give up i didn’t type oh no that means presto Oh yes i’m getting a message right like two people okay um 8 35 so two minutes ago everyone said okay i don’t have you added the time everyone on the smp’s inventory got cleared fresh boy hacker fresh boy okay all right let me just do something yeah wait wait wait anders can

Have some stuff right goldfinger shush okay don’t have much can some goldfinger shit can somebody pay me 30k please i wanna buy spawner All right where do i check my messages the next i’ll say backup server please yes i will wait chats are going to yeah we all got clear envy by the way fresh boy is hacker okay yeah as soon as he joined everything disappeared in kind of scared to go on the server now

No no i’ll just sort of back up there’s no need to be scared no goldfinger don’t you don’t pay me i wouldn’t see for somebody else who’s not on stream would pay me for it okay by accident can you how did you find it by accident can anyone please pay me all right

Then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out okay he doesn’t look okay right ah yes he actually did he actually did he actually did i was just scrolling very happy all right well i just need to reply to someone here

And as i thought it was just me that got my inventory cleared and i though it was you because you thought i was happy okay look now i do dash slash pay oh yeah i need to withdraw money don’t i yeah with draw uh some money so i need to i need to

Make sure i have it all i’ve got 20 here 25 45 55 yeah i’ll have enough i’ll have enough soon right what’s the person’s name manner one two three there we go that’s why you don’t have to type out the whole name how does it how does what work how does

That work oh no i’ll load up a backup oh i don’t want to leave it no let me just get building blocks do i have any i do okay wait wait wait someone disliked said i wish the backup work some hackers can’t stop even backups

Yeah i just have to reply to some people aren’t you yet i understand i’m watching you but i can’t chat on stream and i made a game like oh no what do you mean chunks chunks of mgr okay like should i do bed without yeah should i do bed with something like that

Now because i said i’d do that didn’t i ah chunks charlie when i tried it just loads oh back up first okay i have to ban him bro what was his name a fresh boy okay fresh boy and the person who left as well that’s kind of dodgy

I think i think i think it was glitchy litten as well i’m gonna ban them both safe and sorry fresh boy and wait for me to join glitch i know i’ve never seen glitch litten no no i’m gonna ban both because as the second glitch litter left it says

Everyone started typing brought my inventory what the hell might im saying not again not bruh my inventory got cleared i swear wtf no and as i enchanted a lot of books be right back who enchanted a lot of books don’t say that was um jinx said

Okay wait did you are they good books of a like level one books for level one books and um hmm if they’re level like 30 and all that then that’s actually very good why are you so mean guys it what client they’re using you know what client they’re using here mm-hmm

There’s a pro 4 book yeah probably um oh now my image is not cleared so that youtube has deleted so you will have to type it out d and infinity also in lost in the nether we have a librarian that will sell us mending and protection for

Wait when was it like 30 minutes ago right there we go because apparently there’s a hacker oh you know i’ll play i’ll play um i’ll play underground why not i’ll play another games tomorrow if it lets me if it doesn’t let me i’ll do the same thing i did today to fix it

No it was like five minutes ago sr hacker has returned lol andes do you have school tmrw because i don’t would you hate sr has returned no no what do you mean and as could you make the realm when you leave so i can get villagers

Can you eat vandas can you make the realm could you make the realm what do you mean could i make my own are you what do you mean could i make your own sr hacker the guy that kept kicking you and promoting his top back when your base was at the old stronghold

They are oh yes tick tock tick tock tickly tock tick tock um who is he when did i give him remember um oh yeah i need to ban ban uh what was her name again what do i type in fresh boy oh i think i’m going to show up

It’s not going to show up that wasn’t his actual name was it i swear i saw in chat something about creative oh my god oh no right i you swear you saw something chat about creative now there’s nothing about creative this guy’s like i got all my diamonds back even before i died

Ah okay i knew he didn’t remember i laid out this guy’s gonna have basing on his gamer points and all that why can’t i um what were the other people’s names i never more than one no there was more than on one people wanted to ban

More than one person please note if you can’t hear your message laid out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d glitch litten right let me just when did you change your skin glitch litten um type fresh boy not freshly boy

Oh i can only long time to see who said that fresh boy ah hello jokey jokey yeah how’s your day yeah you know what i thought i wanted to do along with today but i don’t know i was like yeah no yes no but i don’t know i decided not to Mm-hmm i remember when you had five zero zero subs fresh boy oh shoot i’ve about i put freya i put freya fresh boy did i block you now i’ve not blocked anyone at the moment usually it would show up if he’s just here i changed my skin quite a while

Back and i’m gonna keep changing i’m gonna i’m gonna find a good one but i don’t know i can’t find any uh why can’t i join the realm dude i don’t know why i’ll give up right i give up right uh all right that’s me what the what

Yeah blog glitch kitten yeah because um you left the second the second everyone’s inventories got cleared you left that’s kind of dodgy or was it not you oh no we have a conduit but we don’t have what i need for the conduit to be activated oopsie can you put me on number

Can i put your member uh no i cannot i’m joking what’s your name but you know what i don’t know usa um i don’t know i know you left the set i don’t know this is their way you can’t beat me in lost in the nether please note if you can’t hear your

Message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d thanks no i can’t tp i legit can’t keep it like legit survival uh i can well at the end of after this stream i’m going to end it

In a minute then i can tell you the coordinates of the never port one all that um what was the name of a band glitch litten i don’t know by the way what are the rules and also why aren’t co-words on i’m blockbot i can’t unblock

Oh chords aren’t on because i don’t know i’m coming to my base at the moment all right i’m gonna end my stream here i’m probably gonna go on like rocket league or something like that could you turn it on too easy once you end the stream

Uh i’m gonna do that and do that that’s at the end of the stream you’ve paused this i don’t know i don’t want any new people joining when i end the dish streaming all that all right but um baby no i can’t do what i wanted to do

In the net in the end that’s so sad i had such a good idea what to do in the end i wanted to like i wanted to build something cool have you like seen those like insane builds of like how they do like i don’t know how to explain it’s like

Insane builds in the end i want to do something like that i’ve never done that before and i feel like it was sick if i do that in it well i’m from europe so i’m i’m on a night play bedwars um i wanted to i wanted to actually but now

I’m probably gonna head out me too hello there we go we hope you enjoy the stream there you go what i do need to finish doing is building the storage room so i need to continue putting all the stairs this is a stair block and you continue i need to do because i

Need to just show all of that and do the exact same this as on that nobody use this jungle wood okay this jungle is very very precious okay um it’s some peaceful isn’t it yeah let’s see if this works it does well oh yeah it does i want to put a pearl

Stasis in our baseball i need honey there we go you want to put a water in our base a pole status oh yeah like where you get teleported back home yeah yeah yeah yeah oh you know what i got an idea then ah that is looking good you’re better

Oh good oh good old good man good man good man oh good oh good all right brother sheep farm is going so slow it gives barely wool yeah we need it for emergencies so within that base i can just press a button and you get the feet back

Yeah i’ll try i’ll try to get a treat to spawning with a beehive the fortune the fortune works on leaves i’m pretty sure i think it’s only an axe which works no it does fortune doesn’t fortune does work on leaves there’s a higher chance of it dropping something when you mine it with

Fortune and it works with a pickaxe so let’s go bro i only got one sapling for real only one sapling oh two two two okay i’m going to try and make one spawn in with a beehive hopefully because apparently there’s a what what chances of it spawning with a

Beehive can you tell me again um it fades here is it 20 or 10. japanese symbol for beginner japanese symbol for beginner japanese symbol for beginner japanese definitely japanese japanese yeah see what two saplings already because they’re mining with fortune can i join your realm you think it’s 10 okay

5 apparently somebody said so seven saplings see fortune works and trees for beginners japanese symbol for beginner mod japanese symbol for beginners no no japanese symbols symbol for beginners symbol for beginner mot japanese symbol for beginners japanese symbols in japanese we’re gonna i’m in japanese we’re gonna jump in

We’re gonna jump in before we’re gonna emoji symbol for beginner energy japanese guard emoji japanese symbol for beginner mod japanese symbol for beginner mot japanese symbol for beginner mod japanese symbol for beginner mot japanese symbol for beginner emoji japanese symbol for beginner mod japanese symbol for beginners symbol for beginner emoji japanese

Symbol for beginner txk09 you want to dance warning download minecraft java clowns please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type hmm oh i’m back all right and i’m gonna continue mining with fortune

Can i join your realm oh shoot yes you can join yes you can join can i i i’ll oh no i’m using fortune i’m using silk touch i need a beehive does it i don’t think you can build that thing what you’re planning to build um

On bedrock uh do it or can you there we go it’s full oh yeah it probably is full yeah all right make sure now because i need leaves for okay no beehive no beehive are you sure it can spawn with a beehive no beehive no beehive no beehive no beehive

Well i’m very unlucky if it can spawn with a beehive no beehive no beehive surprise surprise no beehive mega surprise no way we didn’t get beehive oh wait only there we go i can’t tell you when somebody leaves now i can’t please uh being read out then it

Probably means that youtube has still come on i need a bee i need a bee’s nest to finger my jig in it download minecraft java launcher hi how do i download minecraft java launcher hi hello kenza i didn’t cancel extremely come we need to get a beehive

There’s not gonna be a beehive is there come on all right i’m gonna mine this and then i’m gonna place down the sapling because it’s gonna give me a beehive can you add i don’t really need to add for a realm to join realm you just have to um

Type in realm code i’m pretty sure nope nope beehive no beehive wow no beehive no beehive no beehive i’m just unlucky are you sure they can spawn in with a beehive guys oh yeah i’ll try be live friday i try to be live pretty much every single day i can

Come on last tree no depressed noises oh why tell me why game nah i can’t go to these chords now because i didn’t get a beehive the game scanned me i got scammed can’t you make your own beehive i can’t make my in the yeah but where will i get the beef from

Zero where will i get the bees from bees don’t just spawn in um if you make a beehive and for a beehive you need be a beehive to make a beehive you need to use a beehive to get honeycomb look look look look i may be wrong

But i’ll put n instead of b reason why and again today is bc i can only play friends can you uh damn hey i could be wrong i could be wrong yeah see you need a honeycomb mm-hmm i’ll probably end this stream here turn coordinates on and then um yeah head out

Because i think a beehive a beehive is all i ever wanted in my life and the game doesn’t give me a beehive oh my god easy yeah easy all i need is a sapling actually yeah i’ve got a sapling what am i on last bone meal nope nope that’s peaceful yeah i know

At the moment that is very very slow farm zero diamonds 15 for a hive would you aim 15 for a hive you love that song yeah it’s not a bad song i mean 30 diamonds for a beehive nah i shall test my luck to get another beehive

15 diamonds for 10 honey blocks yeah let’s um enchanted apple what do i need what am i looking for again are bones right bone oh no what are we going to do no beehives all right please um from google minecraft launcher from google ad from google minecraft

I can’t download it on playstation day you kind of know java touch or whatever you call it yeah i don’t think you can shavon something connected to it plus it’s going to be extremely laggy because um when i played on a cross-platform java bedrock server it was like really laggy

So that’s gonna be impossible okay all right that’s not silk touch two saplings okay no i play on playstation i play on ps4 that means you can join it we’re doing that means you can join now yeah even if i you can join if you’re mobile even if you’re mobile you

Can join this is the realm if you’re mobile you can join you can join if you’re mobile even if on playstation can join now i’ll play battles um tomorrow i wanted to do it but i don’t know i’m just going to try and get a beehive and go Jinx mine leaves and give me all the saplings yeah mind the leaves bro are you gonna be minecraft friday we’re doing minecraft friday hello bro we hope you enjoy the stream i don’t think i am what you mean thanks anderson village you may check a village okay gotta go

Check what in the village words yeah bad words no i’ll do battles tomorrow where’s my pickaxe then hey hey don’t go to the village i need my pickaxe where is it i got messy night but not cool have i got um no i don’t i need um looting four and five percent now

Jinx i need my pickaxe back do you have it okay yeah okay and give me the saplings you use my pick and you got none says it says you got none i know i walk in i clearly see you get one come what the hell what there was that tree what the hell

That’s so weird why is it so square okay why is it so square hope you enjoy the stream no cube like if you like the content it’s like a cube what the hell that’s the first time i’ve seen one like that naturally spawning or like naturally grow that’s so weird

That is so weird huh emerging faces emoji face a medical mask drop off once you get that and regrow i thought you ended the stream no i didn’t end the stream yes i got one i got two no now i’ve grown i grew over more than 20 trees

I’ve only had a five percent chance according to you guys are you sure you can get um a beehive to spawn one isn’t that out of them we got 15 likes though you know come on any more oh yes he’s got five perfect what are you playing i am playing fortnite right now

Yeah this is fortnite you know oh come on don’t be greedy game come on come on what are you playing i’m playing minecraft i’m trying to get beehive nah nah i think you guys are i don’t think you guys actually know for beehive spawns i’m checking on my phone

Please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d no but like can a b hive spawn on on planted trees Oh yeah it can apparently look what wwe have it said in game chat you know you’re ready apparently got patched what did he say apparently you can’t grow it what flea roadway company oh i don’t have it downloaded no you can’t i’ve been scammed i’ve been scammed you can’t

You can’t it was a bug in the game because apparently when be the first added uh like the buying where bees spawn in it would make it spawn in because like that’s how it would work you know yeah oh my god so now i’m gonna have to look naturally for a beehive

It’s gonna get scammed scammer gets scammed yeah free road company oh my god come on i’m not going to find a bee’s nest uh uh i want a business i wanted a business all right i’ll find the business don’t worry and this okay all right Hello my thanks for coming wtf you’ll try to find one too um if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out omg and oh about four different colors of flowers

I swear down it only gives me it always gives me like red and yellow only i’ll find a bee’s nest i want to be ease nest i i want a bee’s nest i want one i want to be easiness i want a bee’s nest come on it’s i’m not gonna find one

Oh no a beehive is actually oh another square tree uh this is bedrock sadly sadly it is bedrock um i’m not gonna find one it has to be lots of flowers or beers i’m pretty sure um pillager tower pillager come on no if they they can only spawn

On oak trees right or can they spawn on birch they can’t spawn an oak maybe we can’t swim in butch ah nah i don’t have roo company downloaded so i can’t play it watch it’s gonna be a rat tree right in the middle yeah yeah i need to find a flower forest

Sunflower forest don’t count do they oh flat there’s only like one in each flower forest in it a flower falls they’re actually so hard to find i need permission to join your realm but when you find it looks thick there’s loads of flowers would that kind of that no it wouldn’t mm-hmm

Oh thank you holy gods oh thank you oh thank you oh thank you thank you thank you oh holy holy holy let’s go right get back in i need the beads to go in because i don’t want to break it with no bees inside so i’m gonna have to wait to it tonight

But let’s go we found the bee’s nest you know you’d say i need permission to join your realm good good good it says you need permissions it says you need permission to jump around let me type the code in incorrectly oh there’s a new code there’s a new code look

Type in this code yes extract call the stream here and type in this code the uav okay pull the stream now okay yeah right yes extra theme yeah come on i’m gonna have to wait i’m gonna i’m gonna come back here at night i haven’t found a wooden mansion in ages

You know i mean back on uh old minecraft i used to find them all the time when there was a what is that called whatever that brian was called yeah why are there so many square trees like cube trees have you yeah oh my god why are we not coming in there

Get in what did he say maybe tomorrow play my uh on on on verse maybe tomorrow yeah maybe tomorrow i’ll see pepe Yes this is bedrock federal conditional minecraft i don’t have any building blocks to chop the chick oh yeah i do glass the second i’m gonna yeah it i need to wait for the chicken to full on stand still make it easy yes i now wait for it to lay an egg is

It java or bedrock is it a realm uh it’s bedrock at the moment why am i going to get copyrighted b get in please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type it out d

R m m why can’t it be night i need to mine it but i need to mine it with bees inside is it a realm yes it is a realm um Oh okay stop minecraft you can’t sleep till day but not sleep till night spamming oh yeah why can’t i sleep till night come on who uses discord on pc i got a good thing you can do i’ll go on what’s the good thing i can do oh it’s lagging that’s why me

I need permission that the server is popular oh wait oh yeah that means the service oh usually it’s not full of shrimp six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine if you use discord on pc you can click the discord home button on the top left

And it’ll say discord r r r r r r yes see why can’t it be night oh my god oh my god why can’t it be night already jockey is stupid okay yes you’re full you need to go in oh my god they’re all gonna come in

Wait if that one goes in then i’m gonna mine it oh that’s full jokey is stupid i’ve got two iron on me i need two pieces of iron like if you like the content thanks Down now i have to go very very slowly because this beer is so clumsy oh this bee doesn’t i’ll give up where do i go i remember i went this way the server is popular yeah it is popular that means this moment yeah sorry you don’t have to wait until some of

These usually people leave every you know where’s anders i know where is Um chocolate rain some stay dry and others feel the pain mm-hmm um why you so mean guys six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine six nine i’m just trying to find a base because i

Think i’m lost i’ve been looking for a business then i lost my home i don’t even remember this what mountains all of a mountain secret tunnel now how does it graphical i just make up half a lyric sign now right no no i’m lost ah i am lost

I am lost aren’t i wow please note if you can’t hear your message being read out then it probably means that youtube has deleted it so you will have to type in the overworld in the netherlands wow i’mma end the stream here and i’ll turn cords on and eat a pig for breakfast

Make it easy wait wait wait wait wait okay wait right there we’ll wait and rig’s overweight before i leave i’ll make it away and turn cords on imagine hardcore in the realm that would not work out oh yeah i think i’m ending a stream i’m lost i’ll continue playing tomorrow

Oh why am i so tired I appreciate everyone coming along hope you guys have a wonderful day okay um i’ll see you again tomorrow i’m in stream here you’re all all amazing honestly have a wonderful wonderful rest of the day thanks so much for being here um you’re all amazing once more see you

Again in another stream tomorrow thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers Anyone Can join Ps4/xbox/mob/nint/pc’, was uploaded by Andis6666 on 2021-03-03 21:50:20. It has garnered 336 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:06 or 12906 seconds.

A small content creator who loves streaming and trys stream everyday possible for you guys to enjoy 🙂

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    Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command How To Use Clone Command In Minecraft Building structures in Minecraft can be time-consuming, but with the /clone command, you can easily duplicate your creations. Follow these steps to master the clone command: Step 1: Enable Operator Mode Before using the clone command, make sure you have operator mode enabled in your Minecraft game. Step 2: Note Coordinates Press F3 on your keyboard to display the coordinates. Note the coordinates of the lower corner of the structure you want to clone and the upper corner of the structure. Also, note the coordinates of the desired space where you want… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real or Photoshopped?

    It looks like Dan and Stampy need to switch worlds and see how they cope with each other’s adventures! Read More

  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

    MC's 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight! In the world of Minecraft, the challenge is real, 100 days of survival, a true gamer’s ordeal. Day 8 has arrived, with tasks to complete, Building a horse’s home, a cozy retreat. Join the adventure, feel the thrill, Exploring new lands, with skills to fulfill. If you want to join, the server is here,, have no fear. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Tech and gaming, a perfect sight. Minecraft survival, views galore, Join the journey, let’s explore more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. In every… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!

    Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD MY SUPER COMPUTER in Minecraft All The Mods 8’, was uploaded by SpellitOut on 2024-05-30 14:00:28. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Today at the Spellcorp Industrial Complex we upgrade our Applied Energistics 2 setup a lot! With more storage space than I’ll ever need and a new super computer controller, we have all the room to automate everything we could ever want! Follow me on the other big sites! #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #episode28 #createmod #create #letsplay #megabase… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: sociabuz: discord: #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: Fakepixel money trick: IP to play this server: Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!Video Information This video, titled ‘ | GODY0LAS | #5’, was uploaded by NoHacksBro on 2024-03-21 21:58:00. It has garnered 679 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. #ez #nohacks #1v1 #minecraft Serveris – Mano discord serveris: TAGS ( IGNORE ): Minecraft PvP, Lietuviskai, Minecraft, Lietuva, McSlime,, combos,, mcprison, kaimux, minecraft lietuva, mc pvp, mckaimux, autoclicker, jitterclick, butterfly click, montage, sony vegas 18, fortis, mckoridorius, koridorius, mckoridoriuslt, mcslime community, 1×1, turnyras, lithuania pvp, csgo, miss the rage, 420, 69, nohacksbro, slime, shitpvp, pvpeditai, davinci18, editor, fortnite, omg, mc,… Read More

  • Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥

    Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Some Player Who Thinks He Is Lt5 @Oryxi0n 🤡 In Apple Mc.’, was uploaded by UNSTOPABLE MUSA on 2024-03-16 10:05:23. It has garnered 905 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:39 or 519 seconds. Beating Some Trash Players in Apple mc. #applemc #minecraft #lifestealsmp I DON’T OWN ANY MUSIC THAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO!! JOIN MY DC FOR JOINING MY TEAM! :- TAGS(IGNORE) #lifestealsmp #minecraft #applemc #livinglegend #cpvp #herobrinesmp #lapatasmp #pojavalauncher #lapatasmpapplication #lapatasmpseason5 #senpaispider #pvp Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Battle - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-03-05 07:30:17. It has garnered 9420 views and 555 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Voice Credit @CommerceGamerz subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge… Read More

  • G-Block Survival

    G-Block SurvivalG-Block Survival | Casual Survival Reimagined | 1.20! Welcome to one of the most casual enhanced survival servers for Minecraft Java edition ever synthesized! Our mission: What originally began as a private multiplayer server amongst a group of friends evolved into what we now know as G-Block Survival. Our server’s goal is to improve on what Minecraft already has to offer by including versatile, innovative features into the game that upgrade the vanilla SMP experience while also staying true to the true style of Minecraft survival. Grab your pickaxe, gear up with your friends, and let the adventure unfold! Join… Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and friendly community of players who come together to build trains, sell items, collaborate on projects, and more. Join us for: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organized community area A sprinkle of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • CivEarth v5

    CivEarth v5CivEarth is a 1:500 Earth map Minecraft server that is on its 5th version! Join a diverse community and a mature and helpful staff. We have many unique plugins for you to enjoy with a range of Towny based plugins such as Towny Resources and Siegewar with other fun plugins including , MCMMO, a digital economy, auctions, PvP Duels, fishing, quests, vehicles, realms and dungeons and much more!We are available on Java at: You can now join with bedrock!, port:19132. We hope to see you around! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? ⚙️ Idol online shop ⚙️ My Twitta: ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

Andis6666 – Minecraft Servers Anyone Can join Ps4/xbox/mob/nint/pc