AntVenom – Minecraft Mod Review: FUN WORLD GENERATION!

Video Information

Hey guys and from here and welcome back to another minecraft video and today I’m gonna be showing you guys the fun world generation mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and essentially what this adds into the game is it adds in fun world generation didn’t you hear the title of the video

God no actually I’m sure you all got it because you all are very smart people and yeah what this essentially adds into the game is it adds in customisable world generation and a sort of fun and easy to use manner so if I go ahead and

I hit the customize button here you can see as I said before there are four different types of world generation there’s the sky dimension there’s survival island which is probably the least fun there’s survival sky land and then there’s planetoids which is really fun and I’m gonna save

For the end of the video so be sure you guys are tuning in for the end of the video so you guys can catch that but anyways I are actually already had a sky dimension world generated so let’s go ahead and let’s generate that up here

Super quickly yeah this is where I wound up starting let’s go ahead and let’s open the land here and allow myself to fly around I was already on creative that actually works and yeah you can see this is what the sky dimension areas wind up looking like they wind up

Looking really lush and whatnot all of the original materials like you know like your coal your iron your gold your lapis your redstone your diamonds are all in the world I’m not exactly sure about emeralds but everything’s pretty much there and yeah you can see if we

Can fly around here this isn’t like the only island that there is if actually if I continue flying off in this direction it gets sort of like Mesa type biome II type things I need to be really careful for lag because actually when these worlds first generate oh yeah see what I

Mean these worlds can lag really badly and the reason why they do that is because gravel will spawn on the underside of these floating platforms and will fall so yeah you can see I meant I’m actually entering into a lag spike right now that doesn’t normally happen when I’m not recording but when

I’m recording the game just doesn’t like me at all so yeah you can see there’s plenty of lag that’s going on there but for play purposes I can assure you it actually works just fine which is why I pre generated this area because I was having

A lot of lag when I initially tried recording this but anyways you can see yeah there’s like a sand area over there man if like it didn’t lag to too much to punch that out I actually think there is like oh my god sandstone on the underside but if there wasn’t man

I’d punch up that entire island right here oh wait a minute is there actually oh okay yeah there is actually sandstone on the other side of this as you can see but yeah so that’s pretty much what the whole sky dimension is all about and you

Can see then it generates out for quite a while I do feel like something like this would uh you know it would favor from having something like gliders implements it Oh God let me hit escape here it would favor from having something like gliders implemented so

You could go from like the top of a mountain on one island and fly to another island completely that’d be kind of cool but anyways let me go ahead let me shut it down here and let’s go to creative and generate another world type so let’s see the fun world generation

Let’s go with survival island there are a couple of different themes and sizes that you can choose for your survival island so if I want to have like a paradise theme I can do that for the default and tropical themes you can actually set the size to either be large

Default or small so if I want like a really small island for whatever reason I can do that let me go and let me actually choose the paradise option and if you guys want to mess with the other ones yourselves you can let’s go ahead and let’s do it here and yeah building

Terrain this shouldn’t be laggy because it’s not like above you know the sky but I actually do think that when I was generating one of these out I was getting some lag because the gravel that is in cave systems also has the same problem that the gravel within the sky

Worlds has where it generates and then it falls so it’s bad yeah I really I kind of wish that it would act the same way as Santa so anyways okay yeah again because I’m recording here it is gonna be a bit laggy while I am you know

Getting started here this is also a brand new world so yeah there is that I like the the tree the giant trees that are just hanging like this that’s awesome alright anyways let’s go and let’s check out this paradise area here I’m pretty sure oh my god okay this is this is nuts

If I hit escape it’ll generate the main terrain but I don’t think that’ll actually help at all because when you could escape the reason why the game stops lagging is because anything physics pace stops so gravel falling sand falling all of that calculation stops so that’s why you’ll notice

Your frame rate on the top left jump whenever you wind up a pause in the game anyways it looks like we got like a volcano here or something oh yeah we got like the obsidian yeah that’s straight-up volcano status I highly doubt that thing will ever erupt but it

Is still funny to know that these paradise islands have some uniqueness to them so anyways let’s go ahead and let’s head off to the beach area just so we can see it here oh my yeah the lag is intense dude that the question with building computers anymore isn’t can it

Run Far Cry 3 yet 100 frames per second no it’s can it run minecraft at all that’s pretty much it like yeah it’s Optifine like Optifine needs to be bought out by Mojang so they can just develop the lighting system for the game that would be great but anyways

You can see this is what the island looks like from the side here it’ll actually looks pretty awesome and yeah I wouldn’t mind building a world on this though it would be nice if like there was other islands out in other places but anyways let’s go ahead and let’s

Save and quit here and let’s generate ourselves another world so let’s go and let’s go into creative here go to the fun world Jen and then do survival Skyland which again has a couple of different themes there’s the jungle theme the default theme and the snow theme so it’s pretty much like survival

Island except there art pretty much like the sky dimension except there’s only one island so there is that let’s go ahead and let’s generate snow theme because you guys kind of just saw a jungle so why not go into the snow territory so again it may be a bit laggy

As I stood oh maybe not too too much yeah let’s see if we can capture this gravel problem like you know on camera I think I actually did at the beginning of the video I’m not 100% sure but anyways you can see there’s plenty of custom world generation going on here

You can see the trees are all wacky and stuff and now one thing that I didn’t mention at the beginning Wow I like how they do ice here in place of water so that like you don’t have a ton of lag but one thing I didn’t actually

Mention with the sky dimension that I should have mentioned that I’m going to mention now is on the underside of the islands you have these sort of dungeon type things I guess supposedly to replace the use of regular dungeons but also to replace the use of things like

The end and maybe the nether portals but I’m not a hundred percent sure on that but anyways if you go in and you conquer these dungeons you can get different types of treasure like well this one is totally with cactus but let’s go and let’s check out another one here and another

Potential thing that you can actually get from these Oh God yeah I know the potential potential thing okay so you can get lava which means you can get the lava for another portal but another thing that you can possibly wind up encountering and I think there might be like one per one of

These I’m not I don’t know the ruling but I do know you can actually find an end portal just like that so there’s the end portal for you and I’m not sure if there’s any more than one of them throughout this thing my guess is they generate randomly or there might just be

Only one end portal I have no idea but anyway so let’s go and let’s check this out here you can see there’s another dungeon here just to give you a get out of the way spider okay get out of here yeah that gives you a pretty good idea

As to the loop that you can find within these oh god this one what oh it’s it’s it’s inside of the cloud I was like what what is going on with that chests oh yeah okay so these can dip through cloud levels let’s go and let’s check out this

Last one and yeah so you can see plenty of lava so you could probably get into the nether that way if you found some water and use the lava to make obsidian on your own so that’s the thing you can see there’s plenty of redstone plenty of

Lapis plenty of gold I have seen diamond on the bottom of these islands as well oh god what’s that that is a I knew it okay that’s a skeleton and wait does that lead into a cave right there oh man kind of kind of does so yeah anyways

Let’s go ahead and let’s check out the most fun one that I wanted to save for last the planetoids so if I go ahead and I go into creative here and I hit you know the options that we’re supposed to hit and then I select planetoids this one’s gonna be kind of interesting

The water on and off feature is pretty much just is there water on the bottom of the map or not I would recommend for survival reasons you actually keep that on if you plan on taking this mode seriously and it is a mode you can take seriously and it’s really unique

Actually how it does it so yeah you would expect like you go through different planetoids and like within them they’re essentially mini minecraft uh you know spheres but that’s really not how it works in this case so this is this one I think might be by far the

Most intense to generate so you’ll see that like my y-axis on the top left-hand side they’re slowly falling there we go we have generated on top of a planetoid so I’m not sure if you always get generated on top this planetoid but this is in fact the most useful planetoid you’re gonna need

This is the leaf and wood planetoid so if I go ahead and I jump off here you can see BAM there we go and if you were to jump off of this thing without any blocks it would be game over like I don’t think you would be able to get

Back up unless you like got to a dirt planetoid that was really close to the ground anyways I digress let’s go ahead and let’s check out some of these so the reason why these are the most fun and the reason why they’re actually like you can actually you know

Do a world with these is for two reasons one because of these stone spheres that within them have different materials so if you want to travel around and look for different materials you can see there’s iron and that one there’s gravel in this one if I go ahead let me fly

Over to this one here they can have every different type of material I believe within them so let’s go and let’s check this out okay that one’s gravel again but I do know like you can get them with coal you can get them with gold oh this one has diamonds in them so

There you go that would be all the diamond tools you would ever need yeah I’m not sure what these do in terms of like being able to access the end I there probably isn’t an end fear unless there’s like one made out of n stone in

Which case I would imagine you could do it that way like I would imagine there’d be an end portal inside the sphere or something yeah you can see this is just a one big fat dirt grass sphere yeah alright let’s go and let’s check out one

More of these and then I will show you guys the real okay that’s another diamond one is it the same one no it’s actually not that’s just another diamond sphere alright let’s go let’s check out the inside of this lava here super quickly I don’t think there’s anything

Special going on here nope okay anyways let’s go ahead and let’s check out the most fun part about this thing and that is the sand spheres you guys may have seen this one coming but actually if you punch out like it’s all sand if you punch out the bottom you’re gonna get a

Laggy mess but it’s going to result in the you’re destroying a planetoid guys how awesome is that so yeah there we go that sand planetoid has fallen to the ground it’s pretty awesome let’s go and let’s punch out a few more of these because I want to show

You guys some funny things that you can actually do with these ooh actually let me check out the glowstone ones real quick let me see if this is just glowstone because I don’t know maybe there’s another type stuff inside of them or yes just close to and I have no idea

Let’s go let’s check this out okay here’s as if yeah it’s just closed down okay fair enough let’s go ahead and let’s punch our way all the way through all right now let’s go and let’s check out the sand one here so yeah well punch out another planet

Toy how awesome does it feel to know that you’re punching out planetoids guys like I don’t know I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty hilarious all right so let’s go and let’s try and find a semi bigger planetoid oh god what does

That one over there oh god no that’s a it’s only stone okay that one right there is gonna be a good target so yeah all right let me go ahead let me punch out this one and then we’ll punch out that one just for the fun of it okay Bam

Bam and what’s actually kind of funny too is I’ve gotten slimes to spawn before by punching out these planetoids and then all the way at the bottom the slimes just spawn on top of these things so it’s kind of funny alright so one funny thing you can do is if you punch

Out like on the second layer you punch out one of these two blocks you’ll actually punch out the island in such a way which will leave the center column within it okay so there we go it’s just it’s just a blank thing in the ground right there so then you when you punch

This one out it perfectly fills it in it’s so satisfying it’s so satisfying to watch that fill in just like that yeah that it actually wasn’t in it like some bad reference or anything like that that’s just like a legitimately satisfying thing to see I don’t know why

All right this one’s actually sent me close to the ground so it may interact in weird ways let’s go and let’s try this out oh god it’s it’s it’s lag city okay but I don’t care I don’t care we’re gonna deal with the twelve eleven ten nine eight seven eight nine okay the

Eight frames per second so yeah when you do ones like this that are really close to the ground what’s actually funny is when all the sand lands it will automatically collapse the middle tower and after the fact so yeah it’s like it’s like the the center you know

Cylinder goes in goes into the ground really like so let’s go let’s check that out oh wow that’s like that’s that’s one block away from as close as you can get okay BAM yeah fill in that hole alright so anyways guys this has been the fun world

In Maude in a nutshell this is like one of my favourite mods in a while mainly because of this planetoid thing because of stuff like this okay uh uh die yes yes yes lag my computer but create an awesome ground sphere thingy that’s coud I’m collapsing a world right now you

Guys can’t stop this okay there we go alright it has collapsed once again so anyways guys feel free to leave a comment in the comment section down below as to how you wound up enjoying this mod review and how you guys you know enjoy me doing mod reviews in

General if you guys like the mod review feel free to leave it a like if you guys hated it feel free to leave a dislike and again feel free to leave a comment let me let me know how did you guys enjoy this mod alright you know what are

Your thoughts about this mod in general but yeah before I go and before I do my final outro we have to collapse this one it’s huge look at that oh yes collapse that baby get to the ground oh my god this is awesome and I do want to note

Too with these sand island you can dig them out from the top and they won’t collapse it’s only when you dig out one of the bottom blocks like that is when they collapse and fall to the ground like this so yeah alright anyways guys I hope you all have enjoyed my name is

Anthon i’m as always and i bid you all farewell oh wait wait wait i have to say thanks so much for watching after this okay and thanks so much for watching

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mod Review: FUN WORLD GENERATION!’, was uploaded by AntVenom on 2015-01-30 19:20:24. It has garnered 121846 views and 3138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:15 or 915 seconds.

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DESCRIPTION Today’s mod is another one of Ted’s “World Generation” mods. This time, we take a look at “Fun World Gen Mod”, which has 4 different styles of fun world generation!

My favorite has to be planetoids XD


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    INSANE - Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore 6/117 | TAG 1 [YT&TTV]’, was uploaded by IstDasGeisteskrank on 2024-07-17 02:28:55. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:13 or 3133 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMP

    Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GMR SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-04-15 21:49:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEdition

    Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering Ancient Debris: New Tricks in Minecraft Potato Edition! #PotatoEdition #ancientdebris’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-04 02:38:20. It has garnered 363 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Unearth the secrets of ancient debris with our latest tricks and tips tailored for Minecraft Potato Edition! Join us as we delve into innovative methods to uncover this elusive resource, essential for crafting powerful Netherite gear. From strategic mining techniques to utilizing specialized tools, we’ll guide you through the process of locating ancient debris efficiently and maximizing… Read More

  • EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹

    EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ⭐ GT New Horizons 🕹 S2.1.054 🎮Massenverarbeitung’, was uploaded by DragScorpion on 2024-05-10 09:00:17. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:15 or 3795 seconds. #Minecraft A complete world made of blocks that can be designed however you like. Whether you’re creative and build buildings, cities or whatever takes your fancy. As an adventurer you roam the world, dungeons or caves or as a survivor you craft your way through Minecraft life. There are no limits here. #GTNewHorizons If the Minecraft technology packs aren’t too demanding for… Read More

  • ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OP

    ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Bedwars Solo as Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #bedwars #minecraft #cubecraft #itachiuchiha’, was uploaded by FT BROTHERS on 2024-09-07 17:04:32. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Watch as I take on Bedwars solo in Cubecraft, channeling the power of Itachi Uchiha! From epic plays to intense battles, I dominate the game with strategy and skill, showing off my prowess with every move. Whether it’s clutch moments or outsmarting opponents, this match is a showcase of true ninja mastery. Don’t miss out on the… Read More

  • EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with Celestee

    EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with CelesteeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stardew Valley into some Minecraft Co-op’, was uploaded by Celestee on 2024-08-06 02:13:48. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:53 or 18293 seconds. Welcome, welcome. It’s Monday. Time to get the Wizard to love me! Pray for me. These mobs are gonna kill me XD Be sure to check my channel description to find the Discord! Support the stream: Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥” #minecraftmemes

    "EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥" #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t mess with me & my dog ☠️😡 #minecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Minecraft moments on 2024-08-12 00:00:00. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft story mode, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft ambience, minecraft addons, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft player… Read More

  • LifeBound SMP

    LifeBound SMPLifeBound SMP is a brand new Lifesteal server that combines elements of RPG and Survival to offer a unique experience. Players can level up various skills to enhance their abilities, whether in combat, resource gathering, or exploration. With an amazing Quest System, there are always exciting challenges to complete and rewards to earn. The server also features a Playtime Rank System, where players are rewarded with ranks and perks based on their dedication and time spent in-game. Crafting is taken to the next level with Custom Recipe Items that allow for the creation of powerful and useful tools. For those… Read More

  • Phoenix Semi-Vanilla Server

    Phoenix Phoenix is a technical server with experimental features where we aim to create the biggest perimeter in Minecraft. Join us for original designs and a fun technical experience! Server Features: 1k2 spawn perimeter Chronos V3 raid farm New main storage in progress Complete demibolt + pearl cannon + pearl stasis network 150k iron farm 600k shulker farm Current Goal: We are aiming for a massive perimeter size of 5,000 x 1,000! Join us in our quest to beat the current records! Join Us! We welcome players of all skill levels who are interested in learning and building. No cracked… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The true meme story

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: The true meme storyI guess it’s safe to say that the real Minecraft Movie is a blockbuster hit! Read More

  • Rhyming Withered Animatronics in Gmod: A Memeworthy FNAF Short!

    Rhyming Withered Animatronics in Gmod: A Memeworthy FNAF Short! In Garry’s Mod, withered animatronics come alive, In memes and FNAF, they strive to survive. Rafael’s channel, filled with Minecraft and more, Soccer and gaming, a fun galore. Subscribe and like, to support his craft, With every video, a new laugh. TikTok link shared, for more fun to find, In the world of gaming, let’s all unwind. Read More

  • Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes “When you and your Minecraft friends spend more time building a house together than actually playing the game.” #minecraftproblems #friendshipgoals” Read More

  • Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?!

    Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?! The Life of a Minecraft Hare: A Day in the World of Minecraft Have you ever wondered what a hare does all day in the vast world of Minecraft? In this Minecraft Short, our player embarks on a quest to follow a hare for an entire Minecraft day to uncover the secrets of its daily routine. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Minecraft mobs! Exploring the World of Minecraft Hares As our player sets out to observe the hare, they discover that these adorable creatures spend their days hopping around the lush landscapes of Minecraft, nibbling on grass… Read More

  • Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE

    Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE The Legendary Tale of Boba and the Shiny Harp of Bard In the bustling village of Rhythmwood, Boba, a young boy from a family of musicians, harbored a deep desire to become the greatest musician in the world. Despite his dreams, Boba was constantly belittled and oppressed by those around him, including his own father who doubted his abilities. A Tragic Misunderstanding Tragedy struck when Boba’s home was set ablaze by angry villagers who mistakenly believed false rumors about him and his mother. Despite the devastation, Boba’s father remained silent, fueling Boba’s desire for revenge. The Quest for the… Read More

  • 10 Hours in Enderman World – Insane Mob Battles!

    10 Hours in Enderman World - Insane Mob Battles!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as an ENDERMAN – Strongest Elemental Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-08-29 01:15:02. It has garnered 35657 views and 371 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:54 or 12534 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN in Hardcore Minecraft! It will be up to me to master the elements, and save the overworld! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN 0:34:48 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL LAND SHARK 1:09:07 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL SPIDER 1:43:18 100… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey Discover SCARY ADULT POU in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey Discover SCARY ADULT POU in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY ADULT POU Inside This BIGGEST DOOR in Minecraft? – Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-08-02 23:00:27. It has garnered 12001 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:31 or 3811 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY ADULT POU Inside This BIGGEST DOOR in Minecraft? – Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

AntVenom – Minecraft Mod Review: FUN WORLD GENERATION!