Archive Post Reset ! | Minecraft | Survival adventure rpg | Archive SMP | Multiplayer | talk , chill

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Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Hello everybody uh to all of you watching right now and coming from the VOD I hope you’re all doing wonderful today we’re back on archive I haven’t logged in since the reset so uh we’re in to discover A Whole New World and we’ll set up new adventures and maybe new stories who knows

Who knows what actually awaits us uh I haven’t seen the server like almost at all since the last time I logged in uh and I have a new skin for this by the way uh I have a new skin because I have a new lore uh and this is all actually quite wonderful

So uh I’m not alone in the VC no uh if I do remember yes I am not alone so uh let’s unmute hello and you are muted he might have uh I don’t know an average I I think I think I think oh dear friend of rage is a dead

Well anyway in until he gets it gets back um first let’s change that playlist let’s let’s actually go for for some Jazzy stuff let’s go for some drawers and uh well let’s get right into the Foreign you know I I think I’ve already started oh yeah there’s also that I’m gonna need to reset the uh the map uh you know what I’ll I’ll do that now I’ll do that now that will not take that much time well actually let’s just check something

I I know I uh completely uh so we’re doing that Follow them up if I do remember there was a way to actually make another one And this one I can delete all right so this did work marvelous so uh hello world and hello new me foreign so there’s a whole reason I I look that way and everything but I won’t get into it right now uh we’ll keep that for lore days and

National lore explication Day uh shall we right now let’s let’s get on with the surviving thought oh Bloody laid sure ain’t looking uh really good is that what I think it is nice I am just a few uh just a few days in and there’s already a Tavern being built and everything that’s nice it’s nice very nice very nice actually you you guys want to know what’s less nice uh it’s night and I don’t have anything on me the server

And now that I’m thinking about it uh the uh spoon is actually quite nice Oh okay that was a lock server [Laughter] um foreign [Applause] well this show wasn’t confusing at all okay well All right where shall we go from there on ah sadly I actually did a spoon uh uh at the verge of dawn which ain’t that good All right over there that’s actually a quite nice boat um it has been explored hmm well let’s at least get a few resources um since it’s actually quite nice lead spot foreign So a few things uh actually happened recently I’m I’m kind of taking advantage of the fact that I’m doing early game farming to actually talk about that so I received my midi keyboard and I might actually start producing music uh fairly soon actually which is actually quite nice um

And I have been working with my local school to actually make music for them for a Time so this is all quite nice a few things are evolving this also means that I might actually upload a few musics to my YouTube channel so yeah the vibe will be present I don’t know what it is with that said and geographical structures but it’s actually really nice hello I’m back hello back I’m Eliza Justin name though um I don’t know if I needed to know that yes sorry I had to kill me well I’ll wait oh that was that was marvelous

There we go I can City scored so uh yeah I was I was talking to uh to Chuck I was talking to uh to the two people watching hello mainly doing uh kind of a an announcement to the people also watching by the VOD I was saying that I finally received my

Midi keyboard and that I can actually do music now yay uh and yeah I was also saying that I’m I’m currently working with my local high school I guess you could say French school and American and English school are not the same when it comes to terminology so it’s kind of a weird

Yeah yeah and so yeah and I interrupted in the middle of that you you didn’t really interrupt it because uh I I literally at the very start of the stream uh that was kind of a flop because I was saying I’m with I’m with someone and then I just unmute

And I’m like hello and and no response oh sorry I’m sorry I think I’ll make one that was actually quite funny I’m not gonna lie this is what uh we would call in French total but it was funny it was a funny flop I am currently dying of uh of uh

Having skin and flesh and being sensitive to temperatures well I’m gonna put away my important stuff and I’m gonna come visit you I will keep my ax I will I will fist fight you but with my ox oh my God I don’t know what it is but sometimes I

Just have like huge rollbacks no I I do I do think it’s just um it’s just the server itself sometimes also uh there might be a bit of delay because I do need to remember that I’m I’m still in France uh so there’s a bit of delay due to the hosting diet

Oh that’s your first step yeah so how’s the server so far um damn laughs I just I just killed everybody I just like everybody’s just laughing at me I don’t I don’t think I have all of the context oh yeah it’s because in the uh in the

Other VC I was saying oh I’m not I’m probably not gonna die that much because uh I’m I’m a hardcore player at heard so I I am very careful when I play uh just five minutes after that just die hey in in my in my defense that I died

Of something I would never do in hardcore I I just threw myself and tried to do a uh how how is that called uh uh were you trying to do the water bucket bucket yeah no not even the water baguette because I I actually am quite

Good with the uh whatever good like the book is Emoji I’m actually quite good at that no it’s I that was like water Souls but way too fun and I tried to actually lunge into it and I just failed miserably emphasis on the miserably sorry for not talking

Chewing on food and I don’t think you want to hear it Oh no you’re 100 uh held accountable for not talking now you talk I am a terrible person oh my God started again I hate that new snow I want to see where you can die damn I just I I made a fool of myself really [ __ ] hard oh the damn I am a buffoon oh that was that was funny

Uh and note to self never walk in snow near a big hole ever again I swear the new powdered snow block uh and me are just like the worst enemies ever because like the thing that happened is basically there was a hanging powder snow and by Logic I thought oh it’s kind of

Like the grass block in which you know basically when it generates usually there’s like a block underneath well that was none so uh yeah very interesting and I’m lagging again yeah I don’t know what’s causing those Roblox I can’t really relate I’m not I don’t stream but I could still listen to the

Con complaining and give really bad advice I’ll be back in just a minute okay foreign Foreign Foreign Playlists Foreign Foreign I’m not playing Minecraft as much as I uh as I was before so I have a fair bit a fair bit of my reflexes kind of told on the game yeah I’ve spent a lot of time on um Ultra kill and uh Warzone recently

By the way I I could I could probably stream some old for kill at some point that could be very funny of course all right um if I die again uh uh I’m gonna be very sad hello I welcome to the to the hardcore let’s play

Oh God you’ve died twice yeah in my defense the first time was uh was it practice rounds no for the first time I would have never done that in uh in hardcore definitely like truly I was I just threw myself off a cliff to a to a water source which was

Like two two block by two block and it was way too far away the chance I could pull that off was very like finite so I would have never pulled that in hardcore uh the second one though I hate snow is it like wait there’s stuff underneath snow now no like powdered snow

Oh [ __ ] uh basically I thought that was a block under the uh powder snow I was looking at uh so I kind of like you know just moved toward it and that was known so I just slid through and fell to my death oh my gosh that’s unfortunate so I

Made a note to myself never will look on snow near a big hole that doesn’t work no I don’t think it ever does oh my God and and right there I would have like made a real real I I would have I would have like ashamed myself a lot if I died there

Because I almost died with skeleton so I started what I almost died for skeleton uh I I almost died to the Bone Brigade needs uh I I would have made a fool of myself if I died but I I managed to actually preserve my role rare appearance from

Welcome back I have I have arise the Dead one I have a carnal hate they can burn in a pit and I still yeah same with creepers those are fine no I hate people well I hate people so much I hate skeleton because as long as I don’t have a shield they’re they’re

Actually an actual threat to me but yeah I have a skeleton right I just likes the skillet boys I am I’ve seen hate but I hate towards the bone Brigade oh [ __ ] me okay uh uh I am in great danger do you need help wait wait wait do you need help GPS

I can’t accept I can’t accept I can’t stop moving I literally can’t stop moving uh do it quickly okay now I’m good I’m good I I I I dig the hole I I didn’t know damn okay in my defense there there’s a light that was like a very finite uh trend for

This to happen I started swimming to get away from mobs and that was a freaking like drowned with a trident just waiting for me wait wait let me TP let me TP stop moving me go mine more of you another ride so I dig the Hole uh to wait for me to

Recover from this because uh me yeah I didn’t hit you it was annoying right then stop moving me then fine hello oh my God you’re poor I literally joined for the first time today you’re so poor I know but it doesn’t it doesn’t you know oh very full there’s a damage to my

Phone I want to poke you really [ __ ] nuts I just gave you weapons continue like take take some melons as well this is what I stole from a averages Farm oh [ __ ] yeah a villager tree so I can get a Breaking Free okay fair enough I mean that’s what they’re there for but

Still yeah I did deal so now I’m quite good at farming you know I feel like I’m a farming master I’m definitely better than you yeah me with my farming gun you definitely need the better farmer here I just haven’t showed you my true potential you know

Oh he’s just [ __ ] me it’s I stop on top of this left oh and another difference I can actually use uh in regard to the death um I I don’t play Minecraft as much as I used to anymore oh like before that was literally the

Only game I played now I actually do a lot of SP of FPS and Ultra kill yeah so uh my my in-game reflex is actually I’ve kind of dulled a bit oh no oh now I’m in okay I don’t even know actually if I could uh

Still hold a full PVP fight as much as I did before oh so I mean I might be able to win a fight with you uh uh possible because as I’ve said my reflex have told but ah no that’s still to actually verify I just broke up with this bomb uh

Don’t tell him please [ __ ] you broke who’s I broke averages Farm I stepped on the crops average oh please [Applause] yes what happened to my crops why would you do this who dares with a hole in my wheat field in my defense it was lag okay sure sure definitely lag and not you’re in the dark in my defense you called me poor oh [ __ ] yeah I did oh no a farm no

It’s my fault now [ __ ] no it isn’t it who’s the one who built the entire Farm not you me do you have soul speed I can’t catch up you’re safe I can jump whatever yo I’m literally having a [ __ ] heart attack oh why do we have the same idea oh no I’m

Literally having a hard time I could not see with this fop average why you want what are you what I don’t think my gears are working what well you located us what is your living space worry what is your natural so I can nuke it like every anime Americans

Did to the [ __ ] Amazon um Underground like very Underground a legacy called nuke that [ __ ] don’t tell them oh no I have a terrible looking house that you can do I need to build a new one anyway it’s terrible no no I built a shitty looking

House oh can I say please you can’t teleport to me yet hold on yes I can and you will accept yeah I’ll accept just a sec Authority very powerful looking house yeah I did and I don’t I don’t back down from that I did call you Paul the inside doesn’t look bad

Just awful also wow the inside doesn’t look bad dirt everywhere I haven’t finished it okay I gave up on this house I will don’t go around the outside it looks genuinely terrible what is this Abomination like I said it’s terrible it’s just awful I have excellent

Do you want me to expose the face stuck no I know exactly what blocks I’m sorry average I won’t do it again foreign dirt he doesn’t love that I’ll be back in like 10 minutes probably okay it’s just me he did for the third time third time yes

Agenda that I’ve driven two people away from the VC uh before the stream just because of my chaos oh my gosh just because of my Chaos two people fleed from the stream of the stream the VC before the Stream you find a skeleton right now yes

I am an official enemy of the bone Brigade what can I say I played undertale and the only great guy I found which I decided to kill was um a big skeleton so a big bone so the only thing I feel um bad about is um one more start um I’m I’m sad

I want I want I want to get my free Tripper back um I I want I want to get my starts back I I won’t I want to be able to cut trees in one swing do that yes oh my God uh I might have catched a bit too many trees

I might have been the Ember Demons of uh uh ecosystemical demise on the server but we do not speak about that we only speak about them very nice building I did and not the uh natural habitat of many squirrels pigs cow and any other animals yes yes

Also I am I am actually living a very bad trotted with food um this is actually quite terrible this is why I gave you melons when I was rejected but um I am not eating melons what do you want that I I am eating a VAR a diet uh main uh oh

My God me me speaking is very good yes me very good with words foreign yeah I can see that pepper and this is me like 99 of the time I I I I I can’t talk this is my biggest problem I can’t talk language hates me language [ __ ]

What’s on your soundboard I would like to ask uh a bit too many uh uh noises uh a bit too many uh uh I can hear it going I I I am about to die oh [ __ ] why food uh mobs uh being vegan is hard in that world we’re only meat actually prevails

You need meat okay I do not eat meat [ __ ] you for my character is uh strictly uh vegetarian well wait let me let me to be there hello oh hi hi how’s it going good right look at this it’s beautiful I don’t know if I want to accept this

Because then that would actually mean I do actually owe you something you don’t owe me any actually no you don’t owe me anything yes I don’t really care right now no no no no no no no no no no no no I’d rather die let me die

Oh I’ve got too many I don’t need to die of starvation it’s an awful way to go please I’m basically I’ve done I’ll try eating a pig and then die because my my my in-game body card actually digest this well technically technically I can I can technically digest this because being a

Red panda I I actually do have the uh oh my God oh oh hold on where is he where is he there he is I’m still comfortable what is going on if you took anything from my stuff I will actually punch you uh you can’t deal with knowledge I do not care

All right skeletons are killed and congratulations you get armor I will either push you or die frying foreign for me stop giving me senseless uh items and trying to prevent the situation to actually give me items which I will later owe you as a favor

I don’t it’s a leather armor I got off of the skeleton that killed you I refuse can I kill you now I’m gonna laugh so much you’re like the opposite of me you don’t take anything even if there’s all right for this I just refused fools despite

The fact that I was dying of salvation all right can you stop murdering me and I will keep on refusing that food oh God I’m gonna sleep sleep I think I just kind of left it in the middle oh God oh God oh God yo I thought it was a skeleton if you

Didn’t it was it was a skeleton if it wasn’t it if you didn’t shoot that second bow shot I would have ignored it hey can’t believe you did that so yeah I think I still haven’t got to take anything oh stop shooting each other I’ll take it oh no I am okay

Where is everyone know that all of this actually is I shall become one of those super villains I’m gonna end up like uh average oh broken alone unable to be helped by anyone exiled herself due to the lack of help where are he lives in the wood

Secluded from the rest of the world when you’re reality it’s it’s more like Eliza just refused to [ __ ] take any help where’d you even go there you go like you just kind of disappear that I’ve been getting chased by a murderer um I I found a perfect spot to actually uh start

Um settling oh may I see this spot hold on uh do I have to show you my secret uh secret place yes oh you listening listen uh which will listen to you I hide did you not teleport to me oh no uh someone’s here I assumed I was

Just the only person at the base that was sad alone oh no I oh this spot is private anyone actually trampled upon this place I I will I will punch them into Oblivion and I won’t translate I’ll just walk normally come on you’re okay over there

I don’t like these fake doors they make me sad Ness on like a dirt statue no I shall actually it transform this place into Oblivion and found my uh my my nine my nine circles of hell in here just to remind me of home don’t remember I’m dead it’s really that bad

Could you guys can you bring people to sleep um hell is basically composed of horny people and and bars ah but when you let them actually before too long it it kind of becomes what it becomes how’s it going to sleep I don’t have any beds oh

Wait do we need four people now yeah hold on I’m coming back to base thank God why are you in my bed oh uh I guess I’ll just go and sleep with the Villagers then she’s sleeping with the villages I’m not gonna lie the um why are you in my bed

Was a bit sassy yeah slept in my bed stole it yeah because I don’t have my own because all duck does is steal I was just trying to really do I’m just trying to steal from stuff from Belgium why am I bleeding oh my God okay I need 16 levels

Get get in there I have to block that off no I’m gonna make our bedroom back there I got 18 Eagles right now no what are you doing oh okay okay okay fine oh you’re you’re doing a chance okay okay she’s actually doing it back up

You and the higher up it should help us uh get better armor I just need to get a frog villager so I’m still waiting to make more dirt uh yeah I found two pieces of that I found two diamonds in the dirt so I want to

Find a third one and make a perfect X do you mean just the regular pickaxe not the brightest I can tell holy [ __ ] yeah it’s not very hard when’s the end by that’s what I’m thinking yeah that would probably be a good idea why buy ender pearls buying the pills

Yeah that’s what I mean not for pearls I’m just stealing more villagers oh you’re right we got looting three yeah by the way yeah no I got it oh that’s a lot of creepers it’s actually look good I don’t actually really looked at this from the English

Oh watch yourself a power one bow planet Earth for refusing to sleep with me quiet what I can trade another word now yeah so this guy on the street she got on the streets he wants to buy my warts It’s a bit strange it is but you know it’s money so does anybody want to see my epic face no I made my own base Camp what it’s good it’s not I don’t even know what you’re like being mad about and I’m grateful that you don’t uh

I am now building the house of my dreams inside of a cavern fun oh excuse me yay okay end of it in 20 minutes nice okay we should really like find the stronghold so we can go oh I don’t think I don’t think it matters that we can

Find a stronghold because I think we’re just gonna all be teleported into the end okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we need potions that’s the end today oh I’m so [ __ ] which is that’s probably that’s probably the reason why we were all offering you stuff yeah I am so [ __ ]

Yeah this is going to be so funny 31 arrows I put a bunch of stuff away actually a lot of this is trash so I’m pretty lucky over here you didn’t notice what I did okay so chat um doing the end naked is a New Concept now uh that’s gonna be funny no

No I’m trying to think of what other ways you can hurt me mentally I could do so many things that eventually like what could I do so I do need to speed run actually it’s getting iron I have some iron armor which I will not accept why trying to help you

Help is only oh that’s what you did okay uh can I have my yeah thank you help is only a way to a sneakily hide uh favors yeah sure surprise we need we need potions just like I I’m getting strong Visions I don’t care yeah I was gonna get a spell

From this but then I had to get off for a little bit and also I don’t I don’t think I even put any melons oh I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got my sword I’ve got six pearls they can make us some questions we need pearls as well I’m gonna go buy some clothes

Oh my God oh I put them in here okay I’m gonna get two stacks of blocks there we go yeah I got two socks two socks so I got two stacks of blocks bunch of food a bunch of water torches pearls tools I got metallics getting ready for the

End event I’m just like building the base for my pet s and giggles shoots and goggles okay I want strong potions who’s got sand I think bubbles goes on yes I was correct Poppy yeah I’m ready I got oh my helmet boots aren’t looking too great I think I’m just gonna like the

Sidelines watch you guys here and as a bonus as a consolation prize you get three iron congratulations okay I can’t do that right after you have to use where did I put all my toning powder we really need a sewing system I’m sorry but it’s getting bad it’s a chest monster

All right there we go I used five diamonds to repair my armor my ACT is fine it has 400 durability left sword has 800 pickaxes 1275 I just end up breaking on my pick actually sorry I have the uh come here huh what what’s my dog

I got a big golden retriever your dog’s name is Toby big dog he likes to eat that’s actually a fairly good description of any dog yellow boy that shits on our floor I have a dog away chases and chases dog walkers actually same yeah that’s why he’s got he’s on the

Leaf right now oh no I’m not talking about the dog I’m talking about myself I chase Doug walkers well yeah it’s a little less threatening when a human being doesn’t it do you think it’s less but I think if I do it on a 200 pound dog

Running after you and your [ __ ] like Chihuahua it’s a little threatening wait no I don’t know what this is gonna make I I think seeing a person just run uh you’re saying bold style towards you uh with your dog uh I I think I think

You get you get to uh well because it’s a human being you probably you probably know what the intentions are humans are more uh unpredictable I am I am not aggressive just spooky so you’re an animal is what you’re saying no human being are unpredictable I am unpredictable I am chaos human beings

Are very predictable no actually when is the last time you’ve done something predictable if everyone being would be would be predictable I don’t think uh Omen Frida would sue the person they interested the house of for getting injured and actually win a case there’s no don’t die okay I gotta go

Sleep but yes it did happen oh this is we need to sleep holy [ __ ] there’s so many people on for the end of five sweetie wait guys we go on then fight you want to go in a separate call oh wait you’re supposed to join okay

Hold on uh I want to make sure I don’t die first inventory space in how long do we do the uh and fight no no in how long oh how long like 10 minutes yeah yeah because I I don’t remember like when the message was posted about the time oh my [ __ ] god By itself no I I was I was [ __ ] annoyed that was like two Creepers I don’t know if you think you’re slick but I sure don’t know if you are because I can’t get up no I punched my cat if I wasn’t dying of [ __ ] anger Alex all the time

You broke it you broke the thing ah potatoes potatoes is what I need if you want potatoes I have a lot of potatoes I will just give you a potato but you won’t accept it because you’re a little wacky I could steal a potato I wouldn’t accept a potato

Do you see the difference guys you have this fermented spider eye or like a spider eye oh I do not that’s a problem anyways I’m hidden now you can’t see me at all the fact there’s like the fact that it’s night actually is very annoying yeah if only people would sleep no

No hold on We need to get fire aspects on my sword and I still don’t have it I’m just so annoyed like just like having that there that’s cool there’s like a little secret oh [ __ ] look at my funny uh animal his name is Pismo oh you can smell the Axolotl yes his mouth

Gizmo are we being teleported now is that what’s going on no we’re not I’ve made strength potions so I’m gonna make who has it right who has a spider and these spider eyes so bad oh do I have a spider I genuinely need one I do not have a spider eye

Okay I could probably get one actually wait I might have it um anyways cam do you have a spider eye no okay I don’t really kill things I’m just gonna do a little more farming yes it’s night it’s been night for a while I’ve been outside for ages

Jesus by doing something and none of them are being used hey I have six golden apples by the way I’m just gonna go buy some more food [ __ ] Adam or average if I die would you be willing to replace all my stuff okay regular iron that’s about it

Yeah it only has protection on there I don’t care I don’t even have full enchanted diamond I just have anything you should really get protection honestly because I think you died well I don’t wear where can I get protection right now oh my god do you understand how to get the uh hello

Okay projectile protection no I thought I missed the event yeah you know how you get gravel with the torch it’s basically like that right you just gotta have inventory space and actually pick it up okay oh yeah yeah you so you dig two blocks under it and then you break the block separating

Like you go directly below yeah no no you punch it and then you find it yeah we gotta kill everyone I mean I think we should all like take a different place and then one person punches it and whoever it’s closest to you no but me and me and everyone

Make sure everyone make sure you have a torch I generally do not think I should have this responsibility I can I can I can have a responsibility okay you take the responsibility it’s the last fight with me though you can also do things accomplishment all right I think they’re

I think we’re all driving considering almost considering 15 minutes ago it said it was in 20 minutes you don’t have to do anything all you have to do is kind of just show up okay okay perfect perfect then coverage all right I’ve got fire resistance as

Well all right uh you want to throw that to me unless you uh Okay how many how many wait take this take this oh I already had food but thank you I know I just have some spots it kind of sucks I don’t have any combat skills but no it’s good she’ll be fine wait who you’re the only person with the combat

Skill yeah so No One’s Gonna Stop The Thing dude I need to be prepared okay so we need yeah and nothing’s gonna break on me and I have 40 arrows melon um you can buy one from the farmer oh [ __ ] really for how much oh here I’ll go

Buy it I’ll go buy it wait no I thought I’ve got those as well I haven’t got any animals on me can you buy it okay yeah I’m making potion of human too okay then also buy some glowstone from the cleric uh there you go I got some glowstone

Yeah you need glowstone powder right yeah there you go is that cute uh don’t Don’t splash it right before we go together by the way yeah I’ll Splash it I’ll I’ll Splash it after yeah you have splash potions too right so let’s let’s gather and you just throw it

On both of us so I can save it yeah that’s fine 45 seconds of you know what is actually pretty good though okay I am so I’m so nervous okay oh sweet nothing else let me just check I’m just gonna okay I’m gonna go pop it to VC one now okay

I’ll meet you guys there all right I need to get a tiny bit of iron before this oh okay well I’ll be in bc1 goodbye goodbye all right uh that’s gonna be funny also uh that might be a bit of noise can we just wait for like two like hello everybody

This is a very important matter yeah wait give me give me yours Flash versions real quick oh you’re you’re making them better okay yo can someone let me kill them right quick uh maybe not right now maybe after the event no but I want to show a funny name on my weapon

What’s your question yeah you can kill him he doesn’t have money yeah foreign seriously need some food before this I’m gonna die of starvation before actually dying of the Dragon and I have no ammo I have nothing I just joined today yeah I have another child no nearly Irish yes I refuse again

I still do remember that first time you tried to make me a child oh it’s not you though it’s soul they’re a penguin like me penguin Bros no no I I definitely do remember you um trying to make me your child Oh No Doubt hey blue are you trying to adopt mixman

No I don’t trying to talk to me no I’m gonna jump and adopt you I’m adopting Soul okay there’s a bit of confusion in this VC I don’t know what’s going on anymore yeah Soul Mix is mixed Man Lee they’re already your kid and I didn’t know that

That’s what I was trying to explain I got so excited I was like man I adopted a kid it’s already been blue can’t do [ __ ] it’s already been set set stone mixman was already your kid well makes my dad couldn’t recognize you they were a penguin okay in my defense why

Wait I thought I was your favorite yeah well you won’t let me adopt anymore kid bro I forgot the fact that Lee was uh the the the old father and uh literally possess everybody in the server Lee I’m gonna start calling you Odin hey look funny funny name I’m never the favorite

You are for like a small amount of time well select correction blue you what what he Vine boomed you I find Boom everybody nice It has quite the flabbergasting effect on people hi Jay PC hello I’m gonna Lee said I wasn’t their favorite child I’m open what no I’m gonna I’m gonna I don’t know what I’m gonna do oh wait I didn’t realize something when you cook everything yeah well when you put everything in the

Food I was supposed to put in and say my inventory stuff oh hi hello your fun favorite child probably about the food in the front because I no longer have a Sprint well you actually have an idea wait no no no no oh everybody uh over here I can make some lights

Offender what okay yeah over there find the actual portal we haven’t done that yet I got four eyes in the main area of the tavern wait guys do you have any food you can spare before we go I’m on one heart and can’t spread everybody means the main area at a

Tavern I’ll give it yeah if you know what I mean exactly all right it’s time for me to die I’m putting all all a bunch yeah English you know mm-hmm but I love speaking English we’re all meeting in the cover yeah okay not like the top area but like the

Main area it won’t let me sit down in the chair um all right yep eat this no but I still haven’t joined Casey you know wait did I almost just kill you yeah looking for me to half a heart oh delightful yeah right all right Cam’s on his way

Uh blue do you have any food we can steal I have a little bit who needs food um she had what’s on half her heart this is my main source of food which one would I hold in my hand is my main source of food that’s not good

People speaking very loud I can’t hear you I’m taking down their volume I’m on the second account it’s nice oh I’m not there yet hold on okay guys guys guys need ender pearls like desperately I I gave you horror enough uh wait well how many open up you need to probably need more

Um one second I’m very good at farming them actually fun you could say that okay okay we all need to skip curls wait guys did you put 47 blocks of bra okay I’m gonna put them in the corner because I didn’t know where to put them okay anyways

How many do you need yes over here blue so I do need to say chart I had no idea they were doing the Ender Dragon today so uh I’m I’m kind of being carried in the wind uh this is actually quite marvelous dark average yeah yeah

Yeah Pearl you have to use it with it at the end you just did you just waste a potion hey hey I have I have 10 eyes Okay is everybody at the tavern yes so I’m okay I’m coming right now stop murdering each other we need our

House they deserved it I have nothing on me they have a full set of armor thing don’t do that bye bye I’ll wait when I’m back wait what was that you need to what now I need to go AFK for a second can I just oh yeah it’ll work yeah I’m just going

To be you when I’m back then oh my God okay here I have some red Cam do you not have a shield thank you I do want to remind everybody that my main source of food as of now is actually right let’s go guys oh I need I need to go I

Need to grab thank you hold on I have to I have to TP I’m just gonna everybody get in the line uh specifically we need to go buy super super AFK oh my God stole amazing outfit okay everybody get in the line I’m I’m all right everybody

And look in the same direction and say cheese wait I’m not here yet we’re waiting everyone just pushed everyone else out of the way I’m gonna have to I can’t find all of you so I’m gonna hit all of you from here it’s fun go get one and

Look in the same direction is everybody here fighters let’s go and then soup isn’t in there but that’s fine thanks Jay anyway okay let’s go all right we’re gonna have to stop crawling oh my God you can throw it whoever gets it throws it I I got it I

Got it okay let’s try not to leave people behind though yeah I mean if we they do they left behind we’ll just keep here if you’d come back two seconds before I wouldn’t have to photoshop you in the selfie we also why do you want me to photoshop you or

Do you want to try and get us all in a picture yeah uh I’m good with whatever we can do we can do it when we get to the Fortress and it’s fine come on everybody okay oh I’m gonna accept you real quick that was terrifying

Myself in the back it’ll be fine oh [ __ ] we’re great on this it’s fine yeah oh okay yeah they’re just Among Us yeah if you get lost guys where did you guys go we went East we went East GPS oh my God I have Fortune three

I unfortunately let me kill it okay kill it kill it where is it where is it it’s over that way I’m here I’m lost there’s a lot of people there’s a lot of people and it’s very confusing right here I hit it I hear it

Oh I see it it’s coming for you watch out yeah I know that’s because I hit it I see them Miss mixers it’s something that I just [ __ ] found there is a lace somewhere here a what an L.A oh on the Travel pillar let’s go oh my God yes empty hand

S oh wait no they’re in someone’s house never mind come on have fun what the hell oh creeper oh man it takes a little to ruin all of this all right oh no wait the boat driver can run whoever’s driving the boat can run everyone else can just stand up top

Soap I sent you a trouble request yeah you need to right click as soon as you get here what okay I can’t hear that you’re the you’re the bottom all right come on it’s this way I caught sneak if I do everybody just everybody

Hop on me I want to be the bottom okay move everybody who’s continuing onwards just give us a minute we’re organizing I’m on top of blue okay I don’t know who’s on here at all stay oh I see somebody walked ahead who walked ahead yeah who went ahead all

Right wait I did all right I’m throwing the next Pearl hey wait it’s still the same way yeah we have a singular Pearl hello I gave you four oh no no we have I have more I just only thrown one of them all right Whoever has

The Pearl has to throw it okay oh my God guys everyone get in trouble I already threw it Doug up on me I want to be the bottom shut up yeah yeah yeah you blew it don’t worry I got this I promise you can trust me

I don’t I will never trust you oh uh guys we are leaving someone behind bye bye Alyssa hey come here come here if if it ruins itself and I fall I will die don’t remember that I have nothing all right come on Party People have fun never use glitter stack is important guys

We’re gonna jump off a cliff and the midfall you just kind of shift yeah hilarious everybody up let’s go everyone on the stack we gotta wait hold on are you just [ __ ] people who have little armor should have been put on the bottom it’s fine well people people with no

Armor should be on the top so they’re safe yeah [Applause] no because if they collapse if they collapse and for example I am all the way up I will die but also we can just teleport you guys back and also there’s flashback yes the person all ironed yeah another one oh okay there we go waiting

I got it again all right keep going I want who has that extra curl I saw somebody with an extra Pearl like the extra there’s several people we have a lot of eyes yeah I have eight eyes in my hand so I’ll need them I feel like I feel like

The leader should be the bottom of the pillar so no one gets lost that’s yeah I will nobody else is hopping on my phone oh God look at this 072 however uh takes damage in the forest whoa well no actually don’t suffocate you so all right the leaves

Don’t but they they would who all is being left behind I feel like somebody’s being left behind hold on pause oh yeah it’s me but I’m just Gathering stuff at least I’ll jump on no no little TPA guys don’t worry all right let’s wait here let’s wait

Here that’s right here yeah everybody oh my God all right I won’t jump on my head again right here I like how we’re prepared and then there’s just the pillar yeah come on dude that’s why you don’t get on the boat then it falls apart everybody help

On me I want to be on the I want to be I want to be stuck all right I’m jumping on blank all right let’s go everyone yeah Oreo Oreo moment damn where are we dropping boys y’all are continuously voting right now everyone on everyone on the stack Survivor dumb

Don’t have a pop on welcome welcome back hold on yeah all right can someone break the boat so we don’t have to shift yeah yeah oh how’d you get out without shifting all right whatever Let’s Go sir are you ready Nova yeah skill issue oh it’s probably in the

Ocean so uh keep an eye out okay seems like a skill issue to me Guys I I can actually come now since it’s in the earth oh my God blue you need to go laugh because he is the oh okay well that works as well all right let’s go oh my [ __ ] god we’re swimming [Laughter] pools we all need to just go into the fight like this

How would it work if like the person of the bomb just jumped into the end portal but everyone just continuously just fall into it yeah I think so probably but imagine not test that I feel like that would break something yeah keep an eye on the ocean floor by the way I am

Someone just dropped the spider eye wait we should jump oh actually I’m gonna actually take a stomp through the spruce biome because I see sweet berries it’s still a source of food I’m willing to take waiting to find it it wasn’t me it wasn’t me who did it I’m still on someone

He’ll be fine okay so I’m going to wait until I run off the entire broke I have I have the under eye [ __ ] it I’m swimming oh it moves a bit to the right we’re in my direction where are you guys going it’s over here yeah what it’s it’s return I’m just following

The portal for when I have everybody here is the best idea oh my God yeah basically not because I forgot to find it first guys follow me follow me follow me and up we go okay everybody we need to refind each other we’re all lost all right

Oh oh it’s right here right here it’s right here oh this way okay it’s this island it’s on this island okay I have the perfect plan guys are you ready well jumped off me is it right here no it’s I’m I’m I’m oh I’m the pro

Broke oh hold on throw one let’s throw one like over there hello wait oh [ __ ] accidentally Crouch everyone everyone back to where we uh came from okay I’m going to Norway bye-bye I’m here guys it should be over here somewhere where’s the Pearl I do all right it’s it

Should be over here somewhere if you just want to uh throw another girl just yeah is it oh wait I just did oh my God right here wait whoa it’s right here okay okay are you ready guys no um I don’t have a shovel on me but I

Have I I have a I tried to throw away I have an idea I have a plan guys founded that’s yeah sure I’m just gonna dig it on land why didn’t we get rid of usernames no no one jumping no one jumping my hole Yeah I was wondering as well join me

What if I don’t no I’m joking oh oh okay I have the perfect thanks for the uh subscription uh the the follow um inscrutable uh wrapper y’all are making it confusing wait a minute you know what’s going on oh God what is everyone everyone knows

Everyone right click I did it I did it um I’m in somehow what the [ __ ] oh okay that I mean I defended meant to do that um there’s a couple of us that are lost in a cave I found a library and followed me haha

Hey we all got trapped in one in a one by one the whole blue what are you talking about how the [ __ ] did you get okay hey we weren’t trapped it just took us a second teleport to uh I found the portal guys found it yo all right we’re in baby

Where do we I don’t know where’s the portal that’s the big question I’m not gonna tell you [Laughter] know what the fun part is someone walks past the party we just placed a block I did I was trying to make a bridge you you dumped me in lava because of it

Well that’s not my fault you jump okay uh uh you need to calculated when you get there Crouch it’s not that way it’s not that way [Laughter] why is this so funny all right down we go nothing amazed we’re not near the portal sorry

Yeah sure hold on I can use my mini map it’ll be fine oh it’s not over here okay I’m gonna be real I was lying I’ve been here the entire time you’re gonna tell you okay they are rapidly approaching our location oh wait no they turned Alyssa is on the right track

S you are on yeah I found it please oh you didn’t find it I mean wait what are we saying blue a few of them what now I’m asking some of the bookshelves oh my God I see what you’re doing later okay okay I’m gonna teleport you oh there we go

Okay can I please can you please come with us wait did you yeah oh my God shelves but also I desperately I’m using the lava but I need you for the selfie stomping someone just mined through here where the [ __ ] took my water source What’s Happening Here

Okay I’m fine okay got it I don’t have a [ __ ] diamond pickaxe so please people stop taking the [ __ ] lava away oh yes I’m gonna help you with making the portal uh who has all the eyes I will punch somebody mates can you accept my my uh teleport request please okay oh see

Someone covered it up I will I will punch everybody that ruined that puzzle I will oh my God the port is ruined all right I will punch the person that ruined this and I know exactly who did and I want I want them to actually uh fixing foreign

Who’s who’s going through doors hey okay right here it was blocked off I have a [ __ ] stupid idea so don’t start fighting immediately a shelfie yeah I think we should take a selfie here yeah we should take up we should take a selfie here everyone else

In the portal and like this and look up yeah sure everybody in everybody people are going to die what if it teleports us because we’re not all gonna fit on this lap no only only one person goes in first and uh tells us whether or not

It’s safe we need more ender pearls and in their eyes anyway so somebody needs to get more girls uh how many how many more Pearls do we need two but first take a selfie everybody gets everyone in the hole everyone in the hole and look up y’all are making my life difficult

Because that’s gonna be a pain in the ass to photoshop okay everybody look at me where are you there you are okay hey get in thank you everyone in the hole okay is everybody here yeah oh I’m just gonna sit down so I’m not gonna be doing it but is

Anybody is anybody is it okay everybody if you’re in the front in the whole Crouch you can’t do that Kim yeah yeah all right everybody just come sit by me stare at me okay there’s someone in front of me and if you’re if you’re a front Crouch thank

You please come sit by me it would be where are you oh yeah well maybe she was perfect too bad thank you now look at me perfect wait Jay is not here God damn it no I’m sorry bro okay Jay um no no no no get back in the hole get

Back in the hole there you go this is literally all I want I promise just a photo I just wanted the photo okay look at me I hate you I don’t think Blue’s a saying all right I’ll be back but I know he’s good so it makes sense but still

All right I have the final eyes we need I am feeling incredibly confused by everything that is actually happening accepting I got one okay without the illeger head hello you we’re accepting you all right um yeah I turned your audio hello I I oh I said you’re the Oreo I okay

You’re welcome being sacrificed three two one all right is it safe yeah everybody go oh it is not safe oh you start nothing like that all right everyone everyone crouched single file line did you see what I did okay yeah I did yeah [Applause] sad for you

Thank you here let me make it safer by doing this all right let’s go let’s go kill ourselves a dragon let’s go it is a hella loud yes I got one I’m turning down my mind I’m an idiot does anybody have an extra water bucket I do I forgot to bring water what

Yes I got as I was getting okay no one destroyed it as I was getting up here please no one destroyed this while I’m here can I have a water bucket please who said they had an accident uh where are you blue Where Are You Blue Berry here have this

That’s right there he goes three you’re welcome homie photos of the thing under the dirt I’ll path uh someone make an infinite water source we need one more bucket all right uh where are they where are they I’m coming all right all right I’m on my way I’m on

My way infinite water source make yay infinite water there’s no take from it too fast or else I won’t update yeah no water yeah at least one Tower I think that’s old is that all of them or is there one left I think I just killed it oh my God

And I picked up your stuff by the way the brain uh I’m gonna save you from this Enderman real quick you’re welcome holy [ __ ] thank you look what I have yeah why what you guys why’d you break it hey it wasn’t me yeah there’s one left on

The tallest tower I want to do it can I do it yeah sure all right did you die it’s it’s the tallest tower I think this is nowhere okay did you die uh okay I don’t know who is who blueberry to your left to the left of the tower over here over here

This Tower the star yeah okay I see it yeah okay I’m gonna go do it I am the Dragon thank you wait hang on I got it get it yeah I got it let’s go Bond it I was hoping to get it oh my god did you see that

Holy [ __ ] I’m a [ __ ] God good job maze thank you Dragon has never been so much lag that the dragon is just like super slow holy [ __ ] also why the [ __ ] are you crouching I mean you’re okay never mind you know I’m not gonna question it who’s front jumping watch out hey

Oh wait does anyone have does anyone have any idea why are you messing me up oh that was a six knife stick the [ __ ] down after me help I’m coming uh take the left turn now left okay yeah oh [ __ ] you didn’t take a left turn

Enough oh [ __ ] all right uh I’m gonna just pick up your stuff and then I’m gonna wait for you to come back thanks to me you’re welcome okay I’m back hi I was trying to get you into this box destroy the Dragon okay there you are I’m gonna give you your stuff

Oh yeah that’s that’s actually did you have this as well uh yeah um here grab this if you get chased place this on the floor and run over it sounds good yeah always carry one with me yeah it’s still going up wait what are we saying blue uh

It was decided no and they’re still fighting wait oh I’m not putting it kidding me oh is it not come it’s not coming down oh there we go it’s coming down hold on let me show you guys how it’s done big boy I sacrificed myself okay no I’m not

Okay I managed to make it calm down at least baby girl hit it oh oh no that was geeked into this oh my God yay oh I got the achievement let’s go I’m sad myself where’d he go okay well this is your stuff okay all right all right all right all right

Oh no the the portal my stuff I think this is myself all right yeah what the [ __ ] would you do that yes I got it you’ll kill yourself I accidentally left hey no death threat okay that wasn’t exactly death threat that was just tell me to tell him to do

That but sure I’m not sure why the [ __ ] he had to kill me on purpose why the [ __ ] would you just do that what the [ __ ] is wrong with you because he wanted the egg it’s Common Sense isn’t it yeah I would like you to remind yourself that

There’s a stream going on please oh what I have my boots you still had some of yourself yeah my pork chop my lava bucket I do not have either of those things I have two diamonds a crossbow a stone ax and like uh I found another person’s

[ __ ] oh my arrows that’s all I have can you give me my hours back uh I have the zero arrows well then someone else has my [ __ ] out okay I found a stack of arrows on the ground that’s that’s someone’s stuff I don’t know who’s that

Okay let’s just make a pile of stuff that people had when they died I just threw in my torches oh okay who’s this who is that okay yeah it’s me that looks like it would be least probably I didn’t die though the only reason I die is because someone

[ __ ] killed me it’s not hilarious I don’t listen man [ __ ] happens oh well it’s fine you’re not too late nice idea all right let’s go um oh anybody has my bread I’m missing my bread unfriendly forward split up okay I don’t know okay mace do you want to go to VC too

Yeah sure okay I will see you there then average the crown would you want to go into a different receipt oh no they are never mind oh well that got a bit squirrely at the end but what did that kind of been squirrely at the end of my bread and I’m a little

That was a lot of bread that I lost I had like a check then who knows every French person ever I lost my baguette I’m sad I am allowed to do that I am French and I can say to you all it is very true sorry there’s this iron sword in there

Mine was a new one I’ll be fine I don’t care that much so you want to go near the right mining door I love the fact that I I I have chorus before even finding a diamond uh usually that doesn’t really go that way this is a this is quite marvelous like I

I just you know first time I log in after they reset and and Dragon I wasn’t aware of any of this foreign and that’s the most protection I had that’s actually kind of funny my my foot source for the entire battle was dried kelp this is how

How rich uh of a person I am so heads up if you ever go by my house there’s just a couple of loose frogs because I didn’t take into account that they jump really high oh okay I’ve got two I got two of them locked up but the others are uh

Let me kind of just you ready yeah sorry I’m a little out of it let’s go Actually do you want to take a quick break so I can get something to eat and then okay I’ll be I’ll be right back then I’m only going to be a moment okay I love you Um hello people hi hello who is it how are you all doing fine okay just remember something other than that all good oh I grabbed pretty much all the blocks except for the things I accidentally threw out from the pile there’s like three blocks that there were so it’s not worth it

Another reason my mind Paul I’m I I have only one answer to this based um do you have any pearls actually another this one probably put a drop door up there by now I know this is my most efficient uh source of food is fruit at this point can you hear something funny

What a fullness right user decided to come isn’t that kind of [ __ ] weak yeah also I need to turn uh Alyssa down 15s okay hi whoa this is endangered at all be very careful I almost just got pushed off blue okay so there is because they wanted something I have do

You think I could just say oh he had the Redstone I can kill him talking about Redstone they took it from my [ __ ] inventory when I died of course oh you son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] I had six register online victory well I’m I’m I’m gonna go in the visitor down yeah

Um screaming yeah yeah okay what direction do we want to go do we want to go that way do we want Bridge coming I have like a coming live on Twitch of a Celestial being what was that how many blocks do you have maze I don’t have that mind at the moment we

Probably anyway see you later man uh who’s this it is uh I oh hey um I’ll go with duck cam you go with average all right that’s a little sketchy just oh no I don’t mean in a way but um why would you say that I feel

Guilty I cannot I kind of hope I don’t die here because that would mean the egg is just gone you need more blood uh no I can always find more what’s up Melissa that’s sorry that’s not your name what if I did a little bit of indirect tubing

Huh I think not it we kind of ruined the value of having the Ender egg in your inventory I have so no you will not be getting an egg today oh beef videos I don’t have an Andrew test Chuck [ __ ] wait I have a do you want me to go make one

Um yeah how many do you have I have I have what do you mean how many do I have obsidian oh six pearls all right I don’t have a do you need to make a you need eight and you need it no you need one introduction to do the wrong thing

One then dry them up eight obsidian like like eight of sitting in a chest form and then an end right in the middle um I’m not sure I’m just gonna bridge out to the slash TBA cotton into your save or slash deep yeah I guess that would be best

ATP while moving downwards oh I don’t oh yeah you’d be moving yeah so if you fall you’re just kind of dead [ __ ] right I’m much more confident in making that throw you’re done that very worked oh I’m about to die that’s not good that’s not good yeah okay come on die quickly

Average stop running away no I did I was eating um let me know when you let me know when you’re low on pearls all right oh I pressed the wrong button I just threw all my pearls they they’re gone oh wait no man they just fell down there

Up I got him oh God I almost look one in the eye I just I just did it again I keep I keep pressing cubes what cam look where you are I’m coming I do have chorus okay dinosaurs that’s probably what happened no I got punched I got lost two parts and then I was here you threw a pearl

Oh yeah I did Cam I’m coming to get you hold on why are these on Twitch average tech support I was trying to use the course route to get out and didn’t yeah apparently just accidentally threw it or uh ender pearl so your Pearl up so you can get out of there

Uh over here over here nope I think that might go into the void you won’t die here just stupid to me just DP to me yeah so I have no more uh pearls There’s a massive Island over there All right I would try and help you look for them but I can’t really I mean apparently I have the same render distance as you but no we’re close I think we should make connects people All right cam back off I don’t have any pearls yeah I know I’m trying I’m trying to get a good throw okay okay uh teleport chem here I’ll do all the I’ll do all the curl throws and you just teleport to me after each one all right

I do need more pearls though so I am gonna I do need more pause as well all right no Kim surrender surround yourself in a hole I’ll do this okay not not right there okay whatever that’s fine go in the hole there and just block yourself off

I’ll let you know when I’m done I can see you okay okay well that was my son that I gotta go Thank you well I think I’m gonna I’m gonna stop here for uh for today on the server it was actually a pretty chaotic day for me like really really chaotic when it got the organization I don’t think I can I’m just gonna do anyway see ya people all right well stream Um uh this would Mark the end of the stream uh though I am noticing something um we need to wait 10 more minutes uh we do need to wait uh 10 more minutes so uh we’ll do that we will wait uh 10 more minutes okay

I do Wonder though what I could do for those uh 10 minutes I absolutely have no idea what we could do for those 10 minutes foreign Well while we wait let’s go play a tiny bit of a Ultra kill uh I’m gonna quickly uh switch so this is all for kill if the game do decide to actually and I’m gonna just uh switch the game I’ll forget there we go there we go

So I already do have a safe so I will we’ll we’ll just we’ll we’ll just go and uh let’s yeah actually let’s just let’s do that foreign so for those who never played Ultra kill it’s a very fun game about um uh love uh peace and and kindness

Uh it’s also a game about uh what it is to be a part of the IRS so as I have said um I do uh I do have a safe so I have like all of my all of my weapons unlocked I’m I am not playing well foreign reflexes foreign thank you

I would okay I didn’t say that let’s just finish Prelude and uh end the stream when we when we’re done foreign foreign how am I having trouble against that foreign explosion but still foreign poop no it’s still not the last one I’m not I’m not trying to do them perfectly to be honest

I’m just as I’ve said it’s mainly a placeholder because we have to wait like 10 minutes foreign foreign dogs I tried to party like most of the freaking head and I just couldn’t there we go foreign thank you and that’s the last level no actually it’s still not the last level foreign how

I killed him before that was funny all right I am not being like careful at all about my health foreign there we go foreign how am I dying so easily foreign Okay foreign this close to the end thank you foreign I waited a bit more than 10 minutes but it was fun it was actually fun anyway uh so this actually do Mark the end of the Stream um I would ask of you if you did like the content to actually uh

Hit that follow button on Twitter and if you want to actually get more of this or everything you can join the Discord uh follow the Twitter and sub to the YouTube channel which are all accessible the Via Maya about me page on Twitch or via the bot using the uh exclamation mark social

Command uh on this I bid you all farewell and uh a good night or a good day to all of you and on this good night or good day

This video, titled ‘Archive Post Reset ! | Minecraft | Survival adventure rpg | Archive SMP | Multiplayer | talk , chill’, was uploaded by AlisaPuff Clips & VODs on 2023-01-15 12:31:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:38 or 9158 seconds.

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  • Briokart’s Villager News Special

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  • Muslim Wolf’s Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6

    Muslim Wolf's Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muslim Wolf roams, living out his dream. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, Each episode a new adventure to see. From mining to farming, his skills are top-notch, Facing challenges head-on, never a botch. With each new chapter, the story unfolds, In the vast world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join Muslim Wolf on his journey so grand, In the land of blocks, where creativity stands. Watch as he builds, fights, and explores, In the world of Minecraft, where excitement soars. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown Minecraft vs Roblox: A Battle of Virtual Worlds Are you a fan of virtual worlds and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minecraft and Roblox, two of the most popular sandbox games on the market today. Minecraft: Limitless Creativity Minecraft, with its iconic blocky graphics and limitless creativity, allows players to build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world. From building towering structures to battling dangerous mobs, the possibilities in Minecraft are truly endless. Roblox: User-Generated Content On the other hand, Roblox offers a unique experience with its user-generated content and diverse range of games. Players can… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update – Exploring the New Features It has finally happened, the full release of the version of Minecraft 1.21 called “Tricky Trials” has taken place. The update turned out to be very large and interesting – and today we will explore all the new features in this update. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the exciting additions and changes that come with this update. Additions: Blocks Chiseled Copper is a decorative variant of the copper block, generated in a new structure called the Trial Chamber. It can be created in the workbench… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow Showdown

    Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow ShowdownVideo Information e e e thank you Jeff hi everyone I am so excited to be here at Summer gamefest I’m here with you today to share some even more Super for fun trailers so let’s get straight to okay are we back up I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened my Roblox crash no sorry I just want to turn it back on for a second guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened guys can you hear me hear me again it’s working on my computer guys I don’t know what happened I’m so sorry what… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!

    Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!Video Information hello premium this is my channel forite and in this video I’m going to be showing you the planets in Minecraft sizes I’m playing in Minecraft um no not I and yeah this is so much I thought so here’s the sun obviously needed 64 blocks to make four manga KN box to make the sun and the Sun is kind of burning but fire and this is four BLX toe if come his orbit it’s going to get roses going to okay because yeah the on okay you need one iron bar button to make World Korean… Read More

  • Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD Shaders

    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

Archive Post Reset ! | Minecraft | Survival adventure rpg | Archive SMP | Multiplayer | talk , chill