Are YOU Ready for the Ultimate PixelMon Adventure?!

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1 point oh God Did It update again it’s 1.2.2 that’s the newest version it looks like no no it’s 1 point one 9.10 10 for the current release wait 9 current Rel release version 9.1.10 that one yeah cuz it says release not beta oh yeah cuz the you had to pick the

Newest mod like the newest uh server one because you know because there’s no servers for the other ones it looks like yeah no also time getting character L all right so this is this is more pix some okay so this is more poke well this is Pokemon but you know

Game I don’t I’m still going to make sure to try to keep my Pokemon safe I’m have that kind of caring soul for Pokemon I’m sorry just a just a nature with me I think I think Pixelmon crashed what I think my Pixelmon it’s not downloading it’s like oh never mind there it

Goes okay um why G working on the internet again God damn it God damn it I told G to stop working on it G I like it cut G I call him g g that motherfucker’s level 128 what are you battling nothing I just saw that [ __ ] and I’m like yeah hell

No what what was it what was it though oath warm I I should mention the level cap is 500 the level cap yeah what did you do to the level cap I changed it to 500 why it because I like to yeah but none of our Pokemon are

Going to be strong enough to take down a level over 100 Pokemon you underestimate our power well I guess your power then cuz your Pokemon is still haven’t fully evolved yet uh yeah no mine are really weak but I have my starter fully evolved I don’t because I think I’ve been mining a

Little too much yeah um I’m just trying to collect as much Iron as possible I’m high suited sorry for the impulse says I’m just having on hyper paranoia we Chang my anxiety Med soon yeah I know that like dead ass my my anxiety has been [ __ ] me over like yesterday my chest actually genuinely hurt would you believe

Me right I am back would you believe me if I said my chest was genuinely hurting yesterday yeah anxiety is a [ __ ] okay so let’s see you mean everything everything out here is not level like over 500 there’s like level 25 electric out I said at Max okay good good so there’s no

Dangerous Pokemon out here yet H okay so I’m going to head back up now pers hello I’m back I think I lost my Dynamax B what how I don’t do you still have yours um I’ll check in this hot second oh it’s disabled it just got mine

Just got disabled for some reason wait I have the mega ring as well what okay okay we need to organize chest holy crap um oh oh God oh God a mega Pokemon spawned outside oh my in the trees right now I I plant some trees outside don’t

Don’t don’t battle it then just simple but he’s in the middle of the apricorn farm over here am I supposed to get in there bro it’s it’s quite shrimp oh my I don’t like I don’t like how the apricorns are laid out I I feel like we should make a proper area for

Them I’m sorry just me nitpicking yeah but you can get all of those apricorns though in the process if we move them yeah yeah let’s let me just let me just put some crap away also I think we need more organization I’ll try to deal with our little thread over here as legendary

Threat bro I am I’m so weak compared to all of you guys not really you’re pretty strong really what level’s your poke Max Pokemon level 55 mine is only 42 I’m weak I’m slowly taking oh that just took down oh you go out there my friend um I’m getting destroyed by this

Thing also I’m going to be honest I’m I’ve been mining for quite some time oh I’m dead oh that’s not good man okay this OS is strong my God okay hold on I also got Glass Walls away that’s good also we got a PC hooked up as

Well I have a PC on me just for travel sake then it’s good to have one at the house as well yeah I know also hold on I’m going to I’m G to make some take care of this legendary boss so I can actually get some items out of it or

Grind up them up to level 50 then I’ll just gr him up level 50 um let’s see what do I want to name that um hold on what do we what do we need to organize um I’m going to I’m going to name this plates so we can at least get some

Hopefully we can find some Legends in the future we have some plates it just uh the organize with the valuables you have to understand I’m nitpicking again I’m going to Y those three and put it on great ape great ape get out here I’m so weak compared to you

Guys getting stronger though each day it’s just fun how I’ve fallen behind just because I was mining so much yeah I cannot take on this this amperos freaking strong I might have to pull up my Swamper some more before I actually battle that thing also I I do need to make more

Chest oh yeah look what I caught yesterday found this in the lava I’m weak I’m going to go look for some raids so I can get some experience for my fossil Pokemon don’t feel bad okay you you been you’ve been trying your best C Cal SE counters Cal

Okay um I don’t want to be organizing forever I I guess I do need to level up maybe the smart a smart play to do okay um get out of here pokey poke heal also if you find a ditto raid let me know I’ll tell you because if you can’t notice we

Do I want ditos um um let’s see do I have anything in my PC or do not that idiotic anyways um I’ll send out you you’re literally my strongest I want to don’t I don’t want to Li on my strongest Pokemon I do want to rely on my others but right now

There’s like nothing I can do this CH is almost dead I just need to level up um okay um I hate relying on my strongest Pokemon okay so I need to think think Mark think sorry it just bugs me how we don’t we did not organize our things properly

Yeah honestly I would make something special right now but I need to level up so desperately that these levels are so essential for me that I have to just literally just grind all right hate working out like I just want my Gengar to evolve not

My Gengar my Gastly yeah I could uh help you evolve it then my Gastly is like level 23 you need it to be level 27 to evolve I think I don’t remember fully but I can train myself I believe because I have Exp share if that if any of these eles drop

An El can I have it if you get one I have my own um heck okay that might be good X is a good move it’s as good as Shadow Ball uh just I’m turning off of anything I can find that’s uh look for the high level

Stuff is looking for the high level stuff you got to look in case for the higher stuff that they’re like level 100 and stuff I’m not that I’m not that strong yet a low 50 that’ll that’ll doid of water pulse for now don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die okay there we

Go okay level 65 Zig zigon I’m just fighting anything I can get my hands on right now right like come on it has to be something like everything such a low level on my end because there should be some boss Pokemon about you find and we could get

You the XP candies from them okay okay calm calm down you got the okay finally gar yay well Gastly but I think I should I think I should level up um Gastly a little just so I have all the Moves you could go to the move reminder he could learn Shadow Ball you you ball them suck a punch I just got dual Chop on my my champ honestly I’ve always been a fan of Gengar I’m more I like my champ um you gar is good too you realize back in like

My Pokemon Sanctuary gar has been with me for a while yeah look I don’t have a we’ll find you a luxr we got find the did you find oh you found a radicate I need luxury I need luxury I I will make it shiny just for my own sanity that seems pretty

Reasonable oh yeah by the way there’s a way to check spawns after op you all right but if you do check spawns I will be checking out the spawns and also you can check out legendary spawns as well I I found a ditto but some trainer

Has it you mother yeah we need to look for ditto raids we need to look for ditto raids raids are rare uh we still got to try yeah we will try to find some but is really hard to you know find I know they’re hard to find but who cares we got to

Try also there we go that’s something I’m I’m leveling up lovly but surely night slash okay I’m leveling up little bely okay come over here Z you’re level 65 what the [ __ ] okay what I know is this I need to make more pokeballs wait you need pokeballs you

Say yeah I really do okay hypnosis where are you I I’ll be back in the H hypnosis thank you God be right with you in a minute hang on I just had a kill well not knock out a Pokemon I to battle me I I’ll need pokeballs for later cuz

Oh my God yeah we really need to actually we need to craft um backpacks how do you got the backpack I oh know I’ll well oh yeah I gave you I gave you some some great balls that is going to be also I I found two structures and I looted them both and they had the Relic Crown I got like a I got I got 10K out

Of both of them like no I got 50k out of each of them remain yeah I just want to find like good Pokemon also that’s what we’re all looking for looking either for a aan for a king cuz it’s different I’m just trying to think of what Pokemon I really want

Oh this guy has Hyper Beam a move tutor here that spawned in stop putting me to sleep and let me hit my move okay I’m going to switch out for Hunter do not kill Hunter right off the bat you little [ __ ] 50 [ __ ] um hypnosis get [ __ ]

[ __ ] I do need at least one dark type move just to make sure I can attack normal types and ghost types I’m G to figure out what my team will be I do want I do want Mewtwo on my team because it’s Mewtwo you know yeah everyone wants a meww you you realize

When I was remember when I was crying back in the lab because I yeah oh my God another Cinder spawn Pokemon okay so uh who’s the most thinking great great ape do not die L wheel can I stop putting my Pokemon to sleep you [ __ ] wh what double I want that rematch you

Destroyed me the first and now I have a full also yes we all naturally goat scream used to that already let Char gabes just have a natural instinct to goat scream yeah used to it don’t worry okay I’m going to fight a pita with a water type Mo like a with Gyarados all

Right um Pon would Pita actually be a good addition to my team yeah I’m just hold level 40 for a rapid a I mean that might be VI still do I have any fire Ty oh wait no no correction I already have great ape oh for contacts great ape is um

My you’ll see hold on it’s a fire Ty a Pidgeot just spawn yeah which is a boss Pokemon yeah I was hoping for a weaker legendary boss you don’t okay do you not understand how um boss Pokemon work I killed one yesterday a legendary one let me explain something about boss

Pokemon the mega ones are the tougher ones if you can get the weaker ones you can get some easy stuff out of them um boss Pokemon work like this they will always be higher level than your than the highest level Pokemon in your party yeah um which is you might think that is

Unfair but in reality it is pretty fair because we have soon if we get level 100s soon oh yeah if the level cap was level 100 they would actually surpass that yeah I’ve seen it before and I was on my own okay okay than thanks that count I think what should I do

H oh wait I’m loing an electric even more reason to get a luxray unfortunately I do not have a flyer yet I could lend you a flyer wait who would be I don’t have a good flyer I can you I have two flyers on me one of them um yeah let’s just

Trade just to evolve my Haunter you yeah let you keep the flyer I’m gonna give you I already I’m working on another F okay can I just um catch a random ass Pokemon well there’s a bunch of flying Pokemon you could pick like py hold on I’m just GNA catch this [ __ ]

Ratata all right I’m GNA get the one of the fers ready what do you want a swellow or a uh knock owl um I think knock all right for this reason I know it can be a decent ccher Pokemon oh yeah until it ended level 49

So I did not even mean for it to be that high of a level kind from a terror raid so just that high of a level hold on let me let me just get this stupid thing out of my party okay so okay we’re going to let’s

Just trade the red um the gasly soon okay now now now trade now we’re GNA trade that so we can give you our Gengar Gengar will be good Shadow Ball um if you’re not aware I just missed my Gengar don’t wor this guy right here should do the also I know

These PE I know these aren’t as here we go I know these aren’t mine but hey I might as well treat them like mine Miss deaths are not that bad anyways hold on sorry I I was just you want your you want your Rattata back no I caught that out the

Whim this is your Rattata this listen I had my rata I had no other Pokemon my rata is higher level um I’m going to throw those two back in the box I did catch a Zora um we do need to add more okay so I know what we do need to

Do slightly um we need more chest yeah we do I’m me I’m going to be picky about everything if we can get one more uh fire Shard we can get a fire stone yeah also I know what I do want to do I want to add gems to this

One and then one for holding um items why is there a jiggly P out here that’s level 50 do you judge me for my organization I don’t judge you it’s a smart thing to do so you don’t lose everything yes is just my Bird’s evolving my my

Bird is evolving let’s go finally I grinded so long for you to evolve any it’s going yes the best bird of them all it may be a two stage Evolution but it’s honestly really good gems and yes I got it can I fly item oh

My God I can fly I believe I can fly I got my I’m above also um um I hope you know I have been grinding of some things I mean got was not even a bird that’s that’s amazing I mean well you got your fle left you still got to

Bring your fossil back to light fil wait no I gave that off to someone oh I think did he give it to Taco no I don’t remember who I gave it to all right my thing isn’t high enough level well knock down I guess I’ll fly with

You I’m not used to these controls there is there’s a key you can press on your key to descend I forgot what key that is okay I know I I I have mine it just feels so weird yeah I have to go through my settings I gotta figure out how to descend

Again also by the way I should tell you if we do um SL check spawns it’ll tell us what spawns I thought was about to crash into a mountain um okay and also we can check Legend oh Raza can spawn here remember I caught one here on on a

Serve okay I figure out how to desend I had to set up I had just had to set up some hold on hello hello fail hello can you okay you know what I’m not even going to be mad Ascend I need to I’m really trying my best with my Pokemon it’s all

Right it just I feel so underpowered it’s fine it’s fine oh I think I lost you no I I landed down because I noticed something look up there I did find some ruins up really far away from here um okay so I want you to do slash check spawns and legendary all right

Okay notice anything oh next is three minutes but according to it we have a 5% for no we have a 5% for a legendary spawning period that’s not a good sign yeah I don’t know if they lowered it way too much but hey it’ll work it’s better than yesterday how many Legends

We got hit yesterday yeah I think it’s just the more players that are online the better spawn um mudur hello I would like to just fight until like well get this graer I can evolve it into a Golem for later oh yeah I should tell you um um the time of day actually

Does matter ooh it’s 100% spawn chance if we do get a legendary spawn so is 100% know how hard it’s going to be to catch the thing because it’s going to be flying everywhere um I can genely track down oh yeah uh replace I don’t I don’t think it needs a mega

Stone to Mega Evolve um also [ __ ] I forgot to change their moves okay whatever also poke heal is so nice isn’t it yeah cuz I didn’t use it last time because I didn’t have yeah so that’s why I made a PO healer in um in the base um

Yeah but no it’ll be generally nice just I’m not giving out nearly willly wait wait wait is that a [ __ ] Raza it might be a boss it might be a boss one get your ass over here nocturnal I didn’t mean to do that I did not mean to

Do that I meant to do check the spawn right what I didn’t mean to do that get out um I spawned a Pokemon I meant to do the check this is an ultimate boss that’s aaz uh how do I delete a Pokemon that I spawned on accident okay

Just capture it and then release it okay hang on o a raid a raen okay that’s that’s um a sem allow me to get rid of this Pokemon because I could you could you teleport over to me let me just deal with this legendary

And get rid of it and make sure it never comes back I did not mean to spawn in a a zenta a Zama zenta that would be broke let me just go SL PC this is I’m do not own you go yeah there we go I got

Rid of it that achievement doesn’t count I don’t know how to get rid of achievements but okay all I’m heading I think I’m heading the right way just TP TP uh um your username to me okay I’m let me just get out of game mode let get back

To there we go okay let’s see oh pubit that’s that’s a good Pokemon you can evolve into a good better Pokemon yeah it’s this typing we got lucky we got lucky cuz we got two grass types I’m going to use Brian on the [ __ ] I’m going to use low kick

So we can lower speed even more OS got one one tapped don’t worry I should be able to take care of it yeah my Machamp is ripping it apart good job Machamp okay I should be able to Dynamax my friend uh oh we’re losing we’re losing

The C uh oh it’s raining by the way 10 Pokemon if four Pokemon faint we [ __ ] yeah we are [ __ ] this but this last ma is not should do the track and kill it there we go got it let’s [ __ ] go and Gyarados fainted hopefully we can

Catch the pubit pubit can give us a pseudo legendary I can only use the great ball as my best I got It I hate when it tricks you I I was on the last wiggle that hate it when that happens like remember trying to cat legendar like gets on the last oh yeah no wait wait wait wait hold on what was that I like I was feeding my Pokemon some candy

Like some wait hold on no no no I saw something aha hidden thing what um was it um see remember how there’s sometimes particles yeah oh it’s like is it like a random item it’s um a hidden Pokeball oh what did you get um I got um a set a battery

Cell battery cell isn’t really you know liable but you can use for electric pipes yeah I can bow I need I need levels remember this I’ll ble this team remember I’m trying to get levels as much as possible that’s why I’m fighting okay wait a minute I never Ren [ __ ] you’re

Saladin I’m sorry I had to rename one of my Pokemon to sell it in wait was what do you is it poke check or what was it for the um for what look to see uh Pokemon was it again check spawns oh and that’ll show you what can spawn then check spawns legendary

Gen know what that Pokemon is oh I Do by the way it’s steel so yeah by the way if you do check spawn like I do want to say this if you want to guarantee a certain Pokemon is in a biome you just do regular regular check spawn

Right yeah I’m doing that like that is a good way to do it damn where the hell is Snorlax at I swear he spawns up here um it might be in a different um one maybe he used to spawn in the mountains but they changed his spawn um it might

Be in a different spawn because there’s Mountains mountain plus there’s so many also I’m going to teleport back home because I forgot to do something all right and also [ __ ] I just realized I’ll look around if if any Legends is spawn in I just realized something uh yeah now this [ __ ]

Empty also I just got Roost on on uh you know my nocti Noti yeah that’s pretty good yeah yeah apparently okay there we go I’m feeling a little bit better with The move because it looks it feels better bunch of larvar are spawning so you could um yeah okay hold on let me TP back over to you okay I might as well throw this on the part I’m going to get rid of my Cinder for hold on hold on um Gengar you

Go on out and hypnosis it put that thing asleep good good eye yeah no I’m not naming I’m not naming any of my Pokemon that crap got this was level 55 again come on okay okay um shut up punch no no I just one shoted it

[ __ ] um mega AB a purple Absol spawn I try to battle it if you want to I’m not going to take that risk I have ACH oh Max knuckle did no damage remember that [ __ ] is above your max level um Pokemon I know wow Terminator is just

Taking the head can I get a paralysis body slam come on give me the paralysis okay um hypnosis can I hit that yes there we go hypnosis moonblast there we go I’m just trying to level up my Pokemon if I’m going to be on oh my God it’s it’s almost dead it’s actually

Almost dead if you beat it 2% HP come on you got it D wait it’s paralyzed it’s paralyzed I can kill with a Dark Pulse I think I got it okay okay that’s actually good [ __ ] good [ __ ] give me that got me I got Mega that’s good oh no Gyarados

Down and I got a uh a a oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um cross shop wait I’m Tech the first guy to put down a mega Pokemon on the server uh I am not doing good against this I thought this was going to be an easy battle what is it

Oh is that a Geo dude yeah but I’m getting [ __ ] you want me to take care of it no no no no no no no no I need there we go there we go there we go what did he give you did he give you an XL candy uh it

Gave me a rare candy that’s um good and give you a watery thingy yeah wait uh you can have this wait yeah you can have this I fell you got that M that I got from the boss I don’t need it who do I want to give it great a give it to

Great I think he’s evolving actually is he no he Didn’t poke oh Poké stop Yes hell yes I found this place when I was flying too so I can’t feather ball exit okay that’s fine hold I’m taking that [ __ ] Blast Furnace yeah we’ll come in handy for later bosses I like batt the bosses and

Also I hope you know we can upgrade our [ __ ] to netherite yes but the problem is we got to fight the tier five Pokemon and you know how hard you know how hard that is with level 46 that we have yeah but for now that’s just for

Now yes also I’m going to grab that bed just to make sure we have our spawn so also I’m going to go back to the homeand um no but we have um way points and we probably can teleport to our death spot as well yeah yeah that’s what

I that yeah no if yeah way points are really [ __ ] helpful also I do want to mention that I do really really want to do um like more [ __ ] with um um well how do I put it um right I want to do a lot of crazy crab like you know

Like our home I don’t see it as sufficient oh wait I have hang on I got a gift for you back at the house hang on I just CAU something nak you can have it will help you level up your Pokemon extremely quickly wait how do you

Actually it’s not Jay oh yeah it is Jay I changed my key bindes also I know I do we should create a farm sooner or later but also I noticed I know we need something I can’t teleport to those but that’s fine I can just fly them what do

You mean you can’t teleport you have op I can’t teleport for some reason it’s weird but I think that’s fine honestly CU I can I like flying because you can find legendaries while you’re uh flying I teleported back home only because well I got a good I got a good

Level Pokemon you can use that’s going to help you out with training like that ho hoo I not hoo that knock that will hang on let me catch another Pokemon no I’ll turn you back the other one no no no no like if I catch just a random ass Pokemon that that’ll be

Fine all right I’ll give you the Pokemon like I’m going to just capture another rata wait hang on let put some good moves on this thing before I uh give it to you CU this I can get good moves automatically anyways I I do want to remake our voltor I want

You generally I just want a voltor hopefully I can find myself in XP all because I really want one wait don’t didn’t I give you one no you didn’t give me one I not XP I meant a something else something else not an XP an electro electrolyzer or whatever it’s called I’m

Trying to one of my electric types scratch can I just use a scratch on you okay I can use a few scratches has decent stats but it will be very helpful with its HP being through the RO it’s not a Snorlax but something similar to a Snorlax it hits

Hard and it has HP which will be good it has 195 HP um oh yeah by the way the more you fill out your Pokedex the easier things will become to catch that’s why it it’s so easy to catch this thing but I will be TR I’ll be honest we

Just don’t have the pokeballs that’s a level 60 holy [ __ ] I caught that in a great ball like I think or an Ultra Ball okay okay okay I have an idea I did you did all the elemental things because you can now use that question do you do you want to expand

The house with me I’m going to I’m let me just get my my Archie Archer up extra no no that’s stupid not the house not the house first I want to make like a greenhouse for the or the appic corns yeah yeah sure but let me just level up my my

Archie Ops real quick so I can at least get up to level 40 um yeah I get it it just um with me I like doing these things um also the enchantment table might come in handy later okay like grapper was in Shadow mode down here give me that Chikorita give me Chikorita

Scratch I’m sorry just Chikorita is um kind of rare grass it’s also kind of rare um I don’t have any grass Types on my team I believe me neither I have an electric type to I don’t like sticking to one type I like to expand

Out also a purple zigon oh yeah we need to craft quick balls they’re going to we need blue and yellow then wait do we not have blue and yellow we do have blue and yellow okay let’s make that stupid thing like soon I got

Ste for a z move um hold on let me just switch out to I have I have a rare bone on me right now oh my God stop being a pain in my ass cheeks that exploded you do the trick I’m just using it to tank I found another Chikorita should I

See if I can try to catch one myself yeah also we’ll need to cut down the trees that we currently have after we Farm all right honestly I might I’m honestly thinking about a few no I didn’t mean to Fleet [ __ ] hey at least you didn’t kill it

Wait a minute I have an idea raid I see one up ahead maybe it’s a dit I don’t know it’s really hard to see the sh there’s no Shadow up ahead also I did give myself full bright and I just you just helping you

See in the dark yeah and also so I just thought of something if I hypnosis the [ __ ] that should help me hypnosis allows you to catch a Pokemon much easier when they’re asleep yeah not oh I forgot to heal up my uh my Machamp oh God it’s really low on HP

Come on come on come on just get got to trust in the process quick BS are going to be essential for me there we [ __ ] go bookie he call audel also I don’t want I don’t want get h o in my team Gyarados is a good a decently good Pokemon but he’s so

Overused what the garos was supposed to be for to be a bit of an overused Pokemon he’s good yeah but he’s just so used that I just don’t like him too much you going to try to find something that replaces him for a water type um yeah

But for now this is just my team is kind of a mess but hey my team’s all over the pl anyways I’m farming the yellow apricorns for now Dynamax Cy might as well give this some Machamp because ma champ has been doing phenomenal honestly I would say this we

Need to make sure it’s easier to harvest right yeah and also I want to create a green house that fire that in there GS I can do we count the the zoves as gems as well because I don’t know also oh God this is going to be a

They’re holding items you can just put them in there yeah you can see why I like organizing my [ __ ] why don’t we have any blue ones okay yeah no we need to fix a lot I’m sorry this is just going to bug me to the end of

Time yeah no okay now we chop down the trees here well the apricorns I’m sorry but th this is unacceptable oh yeah I’m really close to get getting another Pokemon like a normal type oh I wish we could uh we don’t have the auto I wish we had the auto

One like the auto um Auto crafter for pokeballs or something I don’t know doesn’t exist yet for this version of Minecraft but eventually will start existing wa I I’m going to double check the auto crafter isn’t out yet or maybe it is but it’s this demo I’m going

Pick up all these apricorns that are falling they’re de they’re not they aren’t I mean hold on I’m going to check things I don’t know how to really do things in this version Oh my God okay we just need to make these into pokeballs yeah look what I found minute um um wait

Craft smell I’m looking all right oh my God we have we have a lot of red apricorn so we could probably make a bunch of regular pokeballs yeah regular pokeballs won’t fit though they’re not good but they’re at least somewhat helpful at yeah I know what the [ __ ] I know we have

They have to have something oh must be down here Mr ground type are you down here oh there you are I’m looking at everything please have sturdy I did not have sturdy um what the [ __ ] it’s half the [ __ ] I’m sorry I am just confuzzled confused no no don’t say we actually

Have to make them manually that’s going to be painful these trees still growing oh he’s getting CH chop all the way through just for them to these yellow app not like fully getting chopped down at least at least we don’t have to hammer in the uh apricorns anymore they come pre uh you

Know don’t we have to smelll apricorns we still got to smelt them but bad painful oh that is a boss Pokemon I am not taking on I’ll take it on where is it it’s up in the air also I know this is it I don’t see it

Anywhere didn’t it it went out a r distance oh okay so I ran away Zig zagon just come over here fire thing yeah you’ll be able to take a lot of things out with that guy fire p and the other Mo don’t have great aim but Pokemon’s still pretty

Good this thing should be able to take help you out with ter raids I hope so just I just the ice type is pretty ice type is pretty good I’m just trying to level up some Pokemon I should have a Pokemon in my inventory still oh Chita is evolving let’s [ __ ] go

Wait you want to see the Pokemon’s in my inventory um I get hold on all right all right here he is oh my it’s Porygon any I need his body I got his leg let’s start creating uh the yeah oh my geez how much how much

Wood do we need for this we probably need more wood so how many I’m G to put these black apricorns away because we have uh two stacks of black apricorns and two stacks of yellow apricorns yeah we need a we need a bunch of platinum for uh it

Get out of the way no okay now oh yeah we do need to create slabs so they don’t spawn in the Pokemon yeah we’ll need to create slams so they don’t spawn in for the Hang yeah this oh boy this is going to be a little grueling but hey this is

Going to be that’s fine yes also I think we need to chop down more trees we should probably get some health this going to take a bit to get all these things done I know that but currently we don’t have anybody else online all right so we have to deal with what we

Can yeah how big do you want this Farm to be that’s the that’s the real question because I want to make sure we can farm apricorns with e a lot of a lot of appun are gonna have to farm I did grab glowstone for this because I thought maybe glowstone would

Be a nice thing for the floor yeah well the birds will still able to get into the apricorn like the uh area but that’s just the birds we can deal with the birds I mean look I thought maybe this would be a nice little project because of um our apricorn

Count yeah we have a bunch of a coins so how far do you want out do you want this to be I don’t know it’s just big enough just so we can fit all the app that we like we probably do want it to okay so let me start laying down some basic

Apricorns as soon as we get a oh my we need another chest for Just Junk don’t we wait why is is there like a bunch of crafting tables in a chest there’s W in the chest someone messed up with their C in the wrong spot I’m making sure I had it’s almost I

Was making sure I had no I prefer to cycle through I’m going tol some of the St on the ground because it’s not dirt anyways hold on I was getting some um okay okay so I’m going to get I’m going to get some apricorns of all the

Typing expand the platform by a little bit well some aorn of all the typing don’t worry I can mine out the that later okay I need to remember how big they grow by because otherwise we in the clear I’m sorry I’m just I’m trying to make sure

This is pretty good Okay one minute I’m going to move that over here I just need to remember your growth rate because that way we can make sure it looks good oh boy this is going to take a little bit we can might have a big enough area

For all this stuff we should be and also life sucks yes I know okay okay so okay hold on some iron oh wait wait wait see how I’m going to be doing this yes I do see that on one two three four I’m going to test if that’s too little or too

Much I’m going some this iron Iron’s always a nice block to help us out in the toughest of hours I’m sorry but we we do not need to talk about that okay see I wanted a good appic corn farm because appic corns are good yeah we don’t need that [ __ ] on my live

Stream right now I just got off of contr CH we don’t need I don’t I don’t want anymore right now I’m tired um really Chris you’re only stucking around for that long should I [ __ ] figured maybe this will do it I don’t know I just want to find a good way to

[ __ ] Farm oh there’s Pidge it’s back again it’s purple this time uh okay hold on I need chest to put dirt away all right because we’ve been um hi Ohio you going to say anything else or okay okay so that distance works one two three four that’s good one two three

Four I think if I’m doing the the math correctly um sorry I’m just trying to make sure I do this correctly because look at all the we also do need to expand the house but that’ll come into later date yes Jesus I need more wood actually we have someone thank

God that’s a good move I got draggon claw there we go new shovel acquired um I can I’m about you not okay so I do have to expand it to the degree of what you did it should be big enough how big we’re making it

Yeah I mean sure we do have to replace a little with dirt but who cares this area off we use something else honestly probably put something over here also I’ve already started planting some apricorns yeah that looks right like I want to make sure the app what corns I set

Correctly supposed to go the dir chest grapple where do I put you in here we have so many rubies what’s the point 43 rubies might as well up some coal while I’m at it all right cuz we both know Co will be coming in massive I think legendary spawn R got

Picked down we haven’t hit we haven’t heard or seen legary at all yet Bro Look at all this there’s no spawns here no legendary spot in this biome well that might kind of suck it just hey we got to roll with the flow all right or maybe we have to leave

The biome and one leg actually will in maybe I’m not fully sure this biome just doesn’t have any legendary spawn rates there’s a few Pokemon that should actually spawn here like like Shaman the grass legendary my no that’s um a different biome know if we need green

Apricorns I don’t know I’m just trying to place what I can guess green can be happy if we want to make uh oh wait dust balls DUS balls yeah I have a found a a pair of shears on a um anyways this pair of shears oh yeah you can um you can actually

Share um some Pokemon well mulu wait actually let’s test that out does it get like bald like a he it ain’t working what do you mean it ain’t working it trying to share a wulu it’s not working are you right clicking I am I think it works with wulu I don’t think

It works anymore maybe it did work it worked with sheep Pokemon maybe it doesn’t do work with wulu yet maybe it work for the other sheep maybe mie will work with Marie you can see where I’m going with this little project I mean it looks all right so far

But there are still little patches that I do need to fix but this is a well this might look massive it it’s needed I could buy a bunch of Pok balls right now because we don’t want to condense like condense everything just makes it so much harder to

Farm guess I’ll look around for if I can find a ditto oh my God that’s a good one okay I found a good I found a good R you might want to do um as in what it’s a Bulbasaur oh that might come in handy

Stop it has sleep powder as well and it catch CCH Pokemon with easier catch okay yeah hold on I’ll be over in a second I’m just oh that’s the problem I just got here click on it so it doesn’t despawn okay it’s in a ra Den right yes

So okay hold on Jesus I’ll it for you no no no no no I I can hold on let me just take a break from oh my gosh this is going to take a little while isn’t it it will but the storage will be it’ll be

Worth it in the end we should make an elevator so we can bring the storage to downstairs so it doesn’t like clunk up all the space I don’t know U we can probably cheat in that [ __ ] anyways oh yeah you could you I gotta get out let me get out you click in

Um I’ll I can’t I can’t oh now I’m in I’m in all right let’s do it I’m ready um people can join the server as long as they have Pixelmon I’m to one tap this Bulbasaur with flamethrower I’m just going to try to use oh okay just knocked it out into

Okay let’s hope we can get this thing I’m going to throw an Ultra have great gos and I’m dead and it did not I got it I got it I can give you mine um I would wait wait come back come back you want to do another raid just

Come back come back hold on I’m gonna give great AP something there we go Jesus power bro a heal I just broke to heal oh this is this is another grass type we can another grass we can get there nothing nothing of value um okay grass starter here oh that might

Be good okay wait for those I got there I had to click it multiple times okay my cator is going to do the trick oh that Pikachu is gonna get one tap I can feel it not Pikachu wait uh Dynamax your Pokemon if you can I couldn’t because I forgot to

Reip it had static paralyzed now if you can’t I can wait Pikachu has sh oh no has that stupid Shield [ __ ] don’t wor I can take care of it hang on there we go get him Godzilla I’ll give you one of them if I can it’ll be

Fine it would be the nice option to do either you can get the oh I couldn’t catch it [ __ ] it broke you I was able to C I’ll give you the basa I don’t also did you you got the max candy I got I got two M candies um yeah

One of them was mine yeah here you go I just my inventory is just so clutter thanks to me you know working on the project wait a minute this on the team but had a good amount of Pokemon I guess for now I won’t I will thow Electabuzz off the team right now

Because I don’t have the thing to evolve it yet I love what I’m doing like the greenhouse will look pretty good yeah like look at this like I’m also adding glow stone to the floors get some light in there but we’re going to need something to prevent Pokemon to spawn on the glow

Stone um Pok it’ll be like one or two spawns this like my third starter Pokemon I’ve caught in this in this in server I could give you a another firefighting type starter that should be good I mean I don’t want to be greedy I’m I’m just doing of the

Kindness of my heart there’s nothing wrong with kindness yeah just real little greedy doing it also oh boy this is this is a large it’s just so big of a project but I like it I’m here look at it on the big boy look at the beauty I like

This yeah also by the way there’s something called an elevator block we can make one I don’t know how to I good thing I haven’t saved on the crafter I haven’t made one yet I mean we could try what what should it’s really simple it looks like what should we

Craft like where what should we do with this it’s it’s very simple to make an elevator block car um I’m I’m um not the smartest at times like do we make another floor of this well if you want to like I don’t know what we should do with an elevator

Block you want me to give you them then um no no no no it’ll be fine I’ll leave it I’ll leave it in a chest then if you want okay hold also I’m going to put so you pick it up oh my why do we have I question why are we this

Greenhouse is going to look amazing I swear look amazing okay now I’m almost level 30 so I can almost get level 30 enchant on my pickax one two three um hold on one two three four there we go I can now Place yellow apricorns [ __ ] off you [ __ ] centr I’m trying to

Build this kind of looks good over it it does look good oh my God okay yeah no way I can fit everything on one floor we’re going to take a second floor good thing I put the elevator blocks in the chest yeah but look at this beauty

It’s going be a massive we’re going have to move the house then or we’re going put the no no no no no no it’s fine like look at the look the house is none of our concern right now like the the elevator is just going to be a nice

Beauty that’s good and another BOS Pokemon just spawned in I’m out of wood God God this is such a big project that yeah I’ll need more wood before I can continue oh no wait a minute Venusaur is going to be super good for these type of battles oh no

Okay I’m saving the farm a little okay oh let’s go I did it got another boss Pokemon okay so if you’re not aware I am we we really do need to collect more wood I think my music’s glitched out hang on I got to re the server the battle music’s stuck on on

Mine on my t let me just I need to rejo real quick the music I was about a you know a boss and the music just glitched me out badly oh my Lord on my days look at this Farm it’s just so big it’s producing at least it will

Start producing a lot of apricorns and we can do a lot with this this magic that I’m going to produce oh my goodness oh an Espeon spawned in but look at what I’m doing I’m adding glowstone to the floor you want an Espeon Espeon which one is that uh the psych

Type version of Eevee oh I would I’ll try to catch it for you cuz you don’t have the best Pokéballs in the world yeah that’s kind of why I’m in this oh no don’t say we run out of Glowstone mid thing I try to make this look as good as

Possible it’s the top that counts we’re going out glowstone this is pain oh my goodness some days we’re gonna be here for a little while aren’t we I got you the Espeon okay cool hold on let me just it doesn’t have any psych when I

Got it so again I can I can deal with hold on a psych type would be very good at the time right now because we’re dealing with a lot of we don’t have any fighting types but we good a ra it has Psych hold on I’m just trying to deal with the

Trainer because I just want to level up my Pokemon okay this thing stats are not that good special attack and speed are going to be very helpful it wow just normal typ huh well we can fix it all right come on come on oh okay that one’s down okay that’s

Fine oh you got this come on just oh I hate SM SM screen ability that one bro we we need so much more what wait till night so I shet spawn so I can get a mega mega Pokemon another highle Pokemon you can use in the battle bro we need more

[ __ ] oh my God sets all around are actually not that bad just the defense and attack are bad but this thing’s meant for special power so hold on let me look at my Pokemon Rattata I Choose You to trade yeah here here is the level 50 I hate how I have Rattata that’s

Fine radicate a good Pokemon they’re really good they take down a Mewtwo I’m just saying they take down a meww uh I’m going to try to just level up Pokemon that oh I should probably teach my uh Venusaur some new move well the moves it has are pretty good

Being Leach seed but I’m looking for where there it is I’m about to do a with these Legend these epic Legend Pokemon oh wait let’s call in let’s call in the group chat oh my God uh we might be on right now hey um do you um what if I said most of

Us are here what if I said um we’ve been working on a project okay wants to on the server we’ve been grinding we’ve been doing our thing I need more wood yeah unlike me I’m still working on a few things already some the legendary spawn

Is about to go off because all of us are going to get on the server oh yeah right I was fing around and finding out withes and I’m now going to get rid of the um Do You See the project I’ve been working on I got a I got like three mega stones

When you here now I need more W by the way but we’re out of w one from an absu and one from a bayette Nei tacos what the [ __ ] stop destroying my farm this get much F wait wait what the the word is not this word is not compatible with the

Word I’ve been using now I’ll have to remember where everything goes because I’ve been trying to organize for color if you not haven’t noticed the color code in still the bottom then rather collect them manually and that’s why I spread them out like this czy

IDE do you see what I’ve been wait wait um yeah I’ve been doing the calculations and everything wait oh God that’s one uh see they’re spread by three cuz that way they grow properly that’s that way they don’t get [ __ ] by okay that that that’s the limit

That’s the limit because we just don’t have I just ran out of wood yeah genuinely the wood is the issue need more wood yeah we are creating an um see I thought it would be useful I make like also need to sh more W oh my God see how

I’ve been color coding it though I mean everything I mean jeez we need so much more word that it’s not funny AB but do you understand why I’m doing this um hold on you’re kind of muffled what don’t you get it it’s just idea what do you mean you got to have some

Non-combustible blocks you’re telling me every bit I’ve constructed is you you don’t have to tear it all down just put some Cobblestone with it or something cuz a lightning strike hits it all of it’s going to burn yeah lightning almost hit me once on the server you realize I was planning

To I’ve been work a wood as like our base is really not a smart idea yeah no we I’m we’re still working on everything it’s not easy I never said it was I’m just saying better to work on that sooner than later I mean I’m still working on so much like

Apricorn Farm is essential at this point I got a lot of money so we can buy Poke Balls think about it if you think about it um the this will be essential for just everything um I was going to add some cobblestone on top actually no I was going to add

Glass there’s ative one did you say ative one like negative level one tacos your mic is a little muffled hold on show me where this is what are you talking about I want to see it too get out of my way mil tank get out

Of the way I need to see what this is do you not see it uh no I don’t that’s a that’s aent you see [ __ ] ghost right send a screenshot so we can see it look I’m working I don’t think Bulbasaur spawn around here um Um send a screenshot let’s see it yeah

No that is not what we see we see a s yeah we do we try to catch it maybe maybe you’ll get a free Bulbasaur hey what the [ __ ] it it actually crash the game I don’t know yeah don’t catch it might like die you might be man I’m dead About a Bulbasaur because I got myself a Venusaur you have a ven what we’ve been grinding I I haveen you’re give it I’m not to you I thought that I iol my bird when you’re gone too so my bird my my Arch offs I spent like five

Minutes trying to kill it with my with my damn hun look I’ve been I’ve been organizing chest I’ve I’ve been I’ve been organizing chest I’ve been doing everything in power like the first couple rounds of the fight I’ve been working so hard on this project even do anything to kill it

Oh yeah I got I got I got a very strong Pokemon as well and trust me I’m going to I’m going to I got this thing oh that’s my nric I think I can battle that honestly okay you fight it first I’ll fight oh my Lord Oh my days this this

Thing is oh my God why you are you destroying it no it’s destroying you okay good to know dude my T got [ __ ] I might that we okay stop the battle level 90 oh no you’re get no no no no wait wait wait why is there black apricorns on the

Ground oh God oh God oh God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] turtle and got sh I’m just gonna run no I can’t your last oh what is that anth gonna do to that it’s not going to do that’s why I lined it up bro and it’s dead man

I let me give it let me give it a roll you watch me I’ll give it a wh all right hold I got to go my poemon all right all right all right I’m going to wait for you all right I won’t attack again until I wait for you uh let’s

See what other the apricorns are we missing here you have any electric type attacks well this thing I don’t know yes it does it has a couple okay I should oh that did no damage to my swamp bird it has like shock wave and [ __ ] you

Can only do bite to me I just resist bites oh that’s not enough damage your Swamper is gonna die it’s almost dead too see it has shock wave Oh I thought I could oh crap okay okay I got an idea I got an idea no I

Want to do I was going to go for poison powder oh this thing is just not need this is how I can counter it oh crap I need I need a uhoh oh no oh no um yeah I got white I got I got closer though I got closer though I got closer

Than you I I could have been Smarter with my my I’ll be right back I I need to go use a shell trap I just if I if I can get my P up up a few more levels 11 more levels it does evolve into a Tyranitar I’ll

Give you we we’ll just continue fighting this thing until we can actually get some some a win off of that thing wait your turnator can evolve no it can’t but turnator has flamethrower at its disposal I was going for Shell trap yeah try again you you had you had a really good

Go around last time yeah this thing missing loers it’s special defense can I get a crit please oh your swamp just h on to finish off it dynx okay it’s at yator and I’m gonna start firing off flamethrowers please get the burn no no wait wait wait I have one

Last Pokemon I can possibly kill it oh no puar did not I thought puar could live this time I need quick attack or something I can’t do enough I cannot have me I need quick attack we were gring out pixelon I think if if I can one of my

Pokemon quick attack I think it out um okay Coco has quick attack okay oh my God wait my Arch Ops can learn quick attack my Arch Ops can learn quick attack okay come on what mych leled up one what are we missing what are we missing yeah all right here we go again

Here we go again come at me manri come at me my friend what other things are we missing for aorn the what how do we get the I I we’re missing red [ __ ] oh my God we [ __ ] up [ __ ] up I know okay so we need to make

Another floor got it are you serious I got I got hit the Flinch I got I got a red I have another I have elevators on me that does not do enough damage no you were so close um you got to try again you were right there

Okay C Gabe come you got I mean you’ll get another uh mega stone and some candy hopefully that can probably level up more my bonds oh this is not doing this is not a good run either get it down at least at least 24 okay this might be the

Run this might be the run it’s down to 24 oh I did not mean to send out pubit oh my God 3% then send this guy out and then do this oh my God you did it this is all M oh that’s a steel right there that’s steel I guess go put I

Guess go put the mega stone in the chest and we’ll figure out when one of us gets a Pokemon that the Pokemon that can we just got to get the uh we got to get that little dog that has like the Thunderbolt on it I’ll around I want to

Look say I want a Lu right I want a Lu I wish but it can’t I don’t okay I just want a luxr oh I got an L candy I can give that to my pubit puar get up at least one level level 47 I’m trying to find it but of course

When you go and look for it it doesn’t never spawn one of the one of the PO I can get that can become a mega mega I found one I found a mega onega Evol what a Shuppet Shuppet can become bayet and I have a

Bayet I I can use or to get a Mega Ghost type okay okay by the way Bay is not that good of a Pokemon in general I don’t I don’t need a bayet honestly I just find a mega gar I need a gengarite I could probably help you find

The Gengar I have a dark type that’s cuz just imagine how broken my Gengar would be with Gengar right be good my little your mic is so weird dude if you guys ever if you guys ever see that electric dog just let me know we’ll give you a heads

Up I’m going to need to catch upy right there I can barely understand your pal when you left yesterday things uh an um an ultra Wormhole open but I couldn’t get into it of course a Ultra Wormhole open um we really do need to um focus on making more Pokeball

Balls all right you know I’m going to go out and look for it on adventure I’m going on adventure just to find some [ __ ] he’s gonna try to find a Pokemon that spawns in in this area okay come on I’m gonna I have a PC on me so I’ll be

Good better be able to pick it up we can pick up PCS but we just cannot pick up the freaking Med things that we can get Al I’m in the I to travel um so we have a 5% chance of a Pokemon spawning a legendary yeah yeah I told you I turned it

Down yeah but I thought more I found a raid on a dodo bird oh we did a raid a couple like yesterday if you guys just want to remember that raid when I absolutely destroyed it with my D yes I think I found the RA are you up

Oh this is a crion RAID where did where are you I’m just I’m I’m looking for you I really don’t want to kill this CU it’s the Pokemon I need so please get the Pokeball and I won’t have to obliterate you with a legendary oh I see where you

Are okay I’m on the way on my on my bird or my dinosaur all right he asked for it I’m I’m going to switch to a weaker Pokemon kill it you need fall swipe I’m just going have to do something like lick yeah that’s enough to that’s enough

To all right I’m here I’m here oh okay I can’t hit it again oh I this Pokemon from yesterday what’s really good about this Pokemon is it has a got it good pick for this what’s really good about this Pokemon has a has a paralyzing move Thunder

Wave okay is everybody um I’m I can I can probably this thing out in one hit honestly yeah probably same but I’m just making sure we can all get the rewards quit breaking free I don’t want to kill you I might kill everyone if I if I hit earthquake

So for now I’m just going to hit with a with a hammer arm cuz I don’t want to kill anyone here Jesus oh what what Pokemon did you get what it’s a different color Pokemon you got what was it I did not I didn’t I don’t know how I got the evolution

Achievement I caught an electroly wait is it a different color what color is it it didn’t look like a different color when I got it what what color is it not in my party right now I got to go back to the base and look the P it’s

Usually like yellow right it’s normally green what color is it I don’t know I want to see it then head on the way over there on my bird I’ll just put my uh Teddy ear back in my PC start leling that up what did you just

Say I swear to God if you go after me I will obliterate your entire party why is Barry there you really want to fight me right now I swear I swear to God floey had the same issue yesterday it’s like egg Pokemon are just cursed for me in those locks uh which

One is the one that you got from the boss battle is it manite manite hang let me just give this my Dynamax Pokemon it’s uh it’s yeah it’s manite that’s it take it all right let’s see this colorful you’re different colored metric then metric but you’re electri no that’s that’s his default

Color why did give you that achievement I don’t know he’s not supposed to be different the only thing I’ve seen is pink weedles I think a pink Weedle is actually really rare oh no they’re pretty common I found a of them your mic is so muffled pal dude okay like it’s really really

[ __ ] mled time switch my damax band my mega yes cuz I actually have a reason for it now I’m going keep the Dynamax B just for the BOS be the only good use here for them this Wu was not smart decision it’s just an alternate texture guys it’s fight LEL

40 I think like a vault at like level like 30 or something I don’t remember nothing oh he’s got to give it one level then then it will evolve hopefully should I’ve been looking for a Snorlax everywhere on the server I could not find a single Snorlax I’ll check what

Biomes they spawn in for you yeah I’ve been looking for one I I know Snorlax is really good Pokemon to have on a team because I don’t want your garage just you don’t want the wool I’m just looking around for anything my AR they spawn in mountainous forests but they’re ultra

Rare damn that’s why I couldn’t find any any of them so find them between the hours of afternoon and dusk during the night time I had picked one of the hard Pokemon to find what about Munchlax I may munch me look ex let’s see so evolves in the stone ax when it

Has high happiness I think you can only get it by breeding oh hey what’s this a ruined nether portal like we could give a [ __ ] yeah Munchlax does not spawn naturally and it’s only attainable by breeding a storla so I got to wait and try to find

One of those forces that have the rare spawn of a snor or possibly get one from a terror I breeding you can you can uh I think you can breed both AEL and a dreadn together to get itel and a dread yeah take too long to find both of those

I guess my best luck is to find it you just have to look for actual Snorlax yeah in the wild that is ultra rare yeah you’re not gonna have a good day trying to find it how do I keep getting these achievements you saw nothing oh it’s

Just defeat a certain amount of Pokemon yes you defeated 50 I’m really just trying my hardest to get uh my uh electri evolve if we get to alra space we could probably level 100 the level cap is level like 500 oh I found I found a structure so we

Can just sit there and we can absolutely just die trying to get it to 500 okay I found a structure I found like a pumpkin table why am I tempted to go torture myself there’s no way none of us there’s no way any of us will get to level

500 it’s impossible to get level 500 no it isn’t in the server the level is 5 I’m good your mic sucks it is not doing good it was D I’m your your mic absolutely sucks man it is bad D what did you that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you

Pal I can’t hear anything you’re saying I can’t understand you neither can I at least we’re having fun at least that’s a good thing it’s funny because just making fun of his bad M okay come on hello speak up I can’t hear you Gabe C master ball lo you just

Randomly found a master ball lo I got a lucky egg are you kidding me do you want me to try my L and see what I get no you can only get one of them cuz if someone finds it you can’t open I already opened mine Aang I just got I just

Got lucky egg even though car already gave us lucky eggs I hate I hate slow grinding well that’s what pixel yeah that’s why I gave ourselves lucky eggs I just hate how slow it will be I I might live in the laboratory I’m going to be honest smart move maybe

I’ll be our I’ll be the professor te I gu got a honey bottle what’s nice is I built it big enough that we can put the Mewtwo cloning machine in there somewhere but of course we’re not going to get that for a while yeah and I’m we got a citrus Berry

I don’t know how py that’s going to be oh there we go he’s evolving it was your starter or thec electric oh electric is evolving let’s go now I finally have a Pokemon that’s capable of mega evolving no technically I gave you that stone can you technically give me the Venusaur Stone

Then H yeah that’s fair cuz I gave you that Mega I I took me a long time to get the combination right to had kill that thing how did it from a raid and I caught it with an Ultra Ball I went back to the village and it had a

Bunch of Ultra Ball loot Ultra Balls and like you know what I’ll just see if I can catch a I was I was about to get a Snivy to or the evolved form for but I couldn’t catch it it out my Ultra Ball but yeah we got to find a way to

Get into Ultra space I found a way to get in there it was fun I so how I got in there I just built up to a portal and clicked on it and I just teleported in I know but we got to find a way to open portals on our own

Well we need to get a cast form not Castform cosmog that’s the only way we can get in we need a cosmog and evolve it to a either to one of its forms but to evolve it we need a lot of experience like we need get that thing up to level

50 I know it’s going to be painful it’s going to be a painfully long process probably it’s going to be long enough of a process that I’ll be able to we’ll be able to expand our base into town yeah and uh because we can only get cosmog in Ultra

Space wait we can only get cosm in Ultra space yep we can’t get it in the Overworld we have to get it in Ultra space or we could get another Pokemon that spawns in the desert but know if it can do the same thing as Cosmo like that being a

Hoopa is it actually can Hoopa open wormholes uh it has the rings from the anime so yeah I think so I’m just basing it off the anime I don’t know if it actually can in pixel M probably not they probably nerfed it no probably can but I’m just guessing

I’m running back to the base actually hey uh hey D do you have any more of that glow St left that I gave you it’s in a chest it’s in the valuable chest okay good if there’s anything left though cuz I’m putting my bed in fuing

Anxiety is a [ __ ] we’re here now sorry I switched to my ALT just to calm out just anxiety’s a [ __ ] there was something else those dogs no it’s my dogs I know I was making a joke someone that is from a certain part of the world that joke wouldn’t be

Appreciated I know that joke I’m try to get my PSR to evolve hopefully I can evolve thing I broke my food oh so I did hold on so I screwed up my hand today I I know I I’m I’m fixing I’m fixing playing basketball right and the basketball comes flying in

I try to grab it slams into my hand into my finger oh that oh I can I can feel the pain already hold on hold on I’m going to disconnect and reconnect I still can’t move it all that well abely shattered your hand it felt like it

Shattered for like a good hour I was just like have you ever had a basketball land on your head the back of the head I know no on top of your head oh yeah no that sucks and I got hit twice when I was in Middle

School I just I get spoked by Rubber dodgeballs I’m surprised I’m not dead yet basketballs have landed on my head we go so wait um D are me and you the only ones right now that have Mega Evolution everyone El everyone else has Mega Evolution we just got the bands early

No yeah I think we’re the only on that because we you have to kill a mega Pokemon to get the ban you can’t give it to yourn can you give me the Venusaur right I’m in the house oh I’m at the I’m at the LA oh okay I’ll be right I’ll be right

Thereo Bird dude I’m sorry I cannot hear youing your mic in your mic quality is so bad how do you uh do it again with the how do you make a me I think I about make him in battle hang on yeah reted

Get out okay I did not mean to set up my pubit God damn it pubit get the [ __ ] out of the way let’s see it here it go wait a [ __ ] I I I I forgot to switch it to uh the other one it’s on Dynamax yeah your band still on

Dynamax I’m gonna give myself the necklace because necklace is the best one in general oh [ __ ] wait a minute I don’t see it it’s underneath my armor no I’m taking off my armor right now I can test out this Mega please yes finally Mega Evolution even though both Venusaur Mega

Isn’t that good but who cares it’s still a mega whoops that was my bad I didn’t mean to do that it’s fine I didn’t lose any health what in the what is that oh it’s belly that’s belly bolt it’s from the from scarlet and violet new from the new game it’s I

Think it’s it’s like electric it’s electric something type I think it’s electric water I don’t remember I don’t think it’s that useful though it’s it has an ability that makes it really good I don’t remember what the ability the ability is I mean I’ll catch

It I wish you luck on the catch I mean it’s not 1.9% health so I doubt it’s if I can find myself a a Swamper a mega Swamper I’m going to be happy all right there you go I got belly bolt what what started you pick me yeah Squirtle

Classic because Mega blasto is kind of broken but he’s like P he’s only pure water type though that’s the problem with him I know but if if anyone has a he should have got an additional typing he should have gotone an additional typing if if I if I’m going against a

Fire type like car starter yeah you’re G to be against me soon and I have a water starter as well oh I think the server is on its last stand right now chunks are not loading in this is also an Ado server what do you expect I’m uh gonna go all right

This video, titled ‘UT!CharaGalix Play’s Minecraft PixelMon (Sub goal:1200) Join in:’, was uploaded by UT!Chara Galix YT on 2024-01-04 22:48:57. It has garnered 57 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:18 or 7218 seconds.

#minecraft #roleplay

Chat Rules: No NSFW. Dont Vent In My Stream Chat Please. Dont Be Rude to others. Dont Guilt Trip. No Car Accident Jokes. Dont Spam. Dont ask to Join Unless It Says Join in. WARNING: IF IV LOST IT I WONT HOLD BACK AS MUCH! NO FUCKING FREE CAM Rules:No Hacking No Being Rasist Counters Jurnal Art work Ask Chara Gabe’s Tumbler Classic’s Past Comic ASK CREATERS WRATH Undertale “Sans. Theme” NITRO (Lo-Fi) Mini-Remix: By @NickNitro

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft content like the one in the video above? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Join players from around the world on Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of survival mode, creative mode, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – dive into the world of Minewind today and… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Sneaky Start: The Boyz SMP

    Sneaky Start: The Boyz SMP The Start To Our SMP (The Boyz SMP) Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends Welcome back, everyone! Today, our journey begins as we delve into the world of Minecraft with friends. The excitement is palpable as we embark on this new adventure together. Join us as we navigate through the game, encountering various challenges and surprises along the way. Discovering New Territories As we set foot in the vast Minecraft world, the possibilities seem endless. From lush forests to mysterious caves, every corner holds a new discovery. The thrill of exploration drives us forward, eager to uncover hidden… Read More

  • Ninja RPG Mod: New Jutsu & Attribute System!

    Ninja RPG Mod: New Jutsu & Attribute System! Welcome to the Naruto Mod Update 0.2.0! Enhanced Ninjutsu and Genjutsu The latest update of the Naruto Mod brings exciting changes to the gameplay. Jiraiya’s ninjutsu now includes a backswing, enhancing his accuracy and impact. Additionally, under genjutsu, players and NPCs are unable to use substitution jutsu, adding a new layer of challenge to battles. Improved Projectile Trajectories The flight trajectories of various projectiles, including the giant fireball and rasenshurikens, have been corrected for better control and precision. The powerful fireball no longer causes self-harm, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. New Sound Effects and Food Items Minato now features… Read More

  • Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge

    Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft: A High-End Adventure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join the fun as players dive into a virtual realm filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Let’s explore some of the exciting elements that make Minecraft a truly unique gaming experience. Unleash Your Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox-style gameplay, allowing players to build and create to their heart’s content. From crafting intricate structures to designing elaborate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and items… Read More

  • Steve’s Meme Prank

    Steve's Meme Prank A Mischievous Prank from Steve in Minecraft Steve, the iconic character in Minecraft, is known for his adventurous spirit and mischievous antics. In a recent gameplay session, Steve pulled off a hilarious prank that left players in stitches. The Setup Steve decided to prank his fellow players by setting up a fake treasure chest filled with random items. The chest was placed in a hidden location, tempting unsuspecting players to discover its contents. The Prank Unfolds As players stumbled upon the treasure chest, excitement filled the air. Expecting valuable loot, they eagerly opened the chest only to find a… Read More

  • EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE – Minecraft Modpack EP18

    EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE - Minecraft Modpack EP18Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 18’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-23 02:20:35. It has garnered 32 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:51 or 7311 seconds. Adventure Time – Immersive Aircraft airship adventure! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Build hack for your minecraft world #gaming’, was uploaded by MINE BOSS on 2024-01-05 11:46:58. It has garnered 2547 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s 200 IQ Test…’, was uploaded by mini on 2024-02-24 12:15:06. It has garnered 10198 views and 822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. recently my friend ClownPierce posted a video where he called me the worst player in Minecraft, well it’s time to prove him wrong! ● JOIN MY DISCORD: ● SUBSCRIBE TO @ClownPierce Read More

  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

    Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Illegal build troll face 💀 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Casyrant on 2024-01-07 07:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Gear up for thrilling survival challenges as we face off against menacing mobs and conquer the perilous landscapes of the Nether … Read More

  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! Join my discord Server Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba ( BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges, adventures, and opportunities to connect with other players. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an epic journey unlike any other. Who knows what adventures await you in this thrilling Minecraft server? The possibilities are endless! To join Minewind,… Read More

  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

    Touching Grass Ends Video?! The World of Minecraft: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, where every block holds endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, players are immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or peaceful gardens, the only limit is your creativity. With a wide range of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival mode in Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥

    🔥EPIC SHIZO ADVENTURE: Was Drehmal the BEST Adventure Map?🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Was Drehmal Minecraft’s Greatest Adventure Map? FINAL STREAM’, was uploaded by AvidMc on 2024-04-30 05:43:26. It has garnered 885 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:47 or 13247 seconds. Today where we are going to beat the HIGHLY anticipated Drehmal 2.2 Map. ►I’M ON TWITCH TOO ► Get Drehmal ► JOIN THIS CHANNEL FOR PERKS ►SUPPORT ME ON PATREON ►JOIN MY COMMUNITY DISCORD ►FOLLOW ME Reddit: Twitter: Instagram: #minecraft #adventuremap #boss Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary Sounds

    Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave sounds with scary images’, was uploaded by HomesickBoy on 2024-04-23 04:29:36. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. . Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to Thrive

    Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to ThriveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraf helping villager !’, was uploaded by Broji Sensei on 2024-01-10 18:57:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #help Subscribe for more guys ! LOVE you all. Read More

  • EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥

    EPIC Mountain Side House Tour: MINECRAFT & ROBLOX Madness! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #aesthetic #mountain side #house #tour #shorts ~ #funny #edit #roblox #dance #l #gaming’, was uploaded by Foo Tzi Wei Gaming on 2023-12-23 13:28:38. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

    EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival’, was uploaded by X GAMERZ on 2024-03-18 11:25:58. It has garnered 412 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:17 or 7577 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴 PUBLIC SMP | java + pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | survival DISCORD LINK Minecraft Live 24/7 Minecraft Smp Java+Pe || Minecraft Live Hindi 🌐 [ Survival ]▫️ Season 2 ▫️[ End war ] __ ▶️ Java [ 1.14 – 1.20.4 ] ▶️ Bedrock/pocket Edition[… Read More

  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

    OMG! Watch Igneo220's insane entity overload!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev stream #20 entities, entities everywhere’, was uploaded by Igneo220 on 2024-05-28 11:13:52. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:16 or 4876 seconds. dev stream of a mod for my Minecraft server music by C418, Lena Raine, Christopher Larkin, and PvZ jazz covers by ImRuscellOfficial discord in there Read More


    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

    Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1Video Information This video, titled ‘The begining of my new Minecraft Hardcore series #day1’, was uploaded by Unknown303x on 2024-03-24 02:03:43. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:00 or 600 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore series Ep-1 || The begining *gone wrong _________________________ do the above using VidIQ (I use both)(Affiliate Link): How I build awesome 🔥”HOUSE”🏠 in my “Survival world” MINECRAFT💥 #minecraft #survivalseries _____________________________ Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ I request you 🥺 : – HIT… Read More

  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

    SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘هغه هندوه جینی مې مسلمان مې کړه #memes #minecraft #music #mobilelegends #mobilelegends #aforapple’, was uploaded by تــرنــم ټال on 2024-04-22 13:28:13. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More