ASMR ☆ 100 Days in Minecraft [Part 4] ⛏️😴 | relax, whispering, keyboard, no mid roll ads

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Hello guys this is the ASMR medic I hope you’re all doing we’ll do very very well welcome back this player Minecraft Realm where I’m playing alongside the amazing creators ASMR CMB and let’s play ASMR now I think we’re like on day 30ish I’m probably wrong they will be up in the top

Left and corner hold on we’re doing 100 days a day I guess seeing how far we can get but we’ve already made a little progress with no small help from srcp himself who has defeated the enter dragon I have made quite a lot of progress since the last foreign

You might not even really know where don’t worry if you’ve been following along with the long reason we do so I’m gonna have to do the standard boring YouTuber think and ask you that if you do enjoy this kind of content and you leaving a like it is so so helpful

For the algorithm and one not anyway also one thing for you guys to get involved with in this series I like to name chickens after you guys so if you would like a chicken after you anything really within reason please leave a comment if you’d like with uh like hashtag chicken maybe next

To it so I can the the comments for it where the process of building a hotel for our chickens we’ll show you the progress on very very shortly so without further Ado let’s get into things the first day is passing a spider already aren’t you gonna kill

This cow because I need all of the leather and it is definitely night time let’s go to sleep as well so I left off the last dormant last episode I suppose with starting to get to get things going we were pretty much getting out it’s a full diamond

Because we’ve been gifted plenty of things by CMP it gave us an elytra and I went and made myself some fireworks and I was in the book of like to the end the end is actually very close to where we are right now we get to the entrance entrance which CMP gave

And I had a plan a Enderman form an Ender Ender is that very good for XP so I went to the end I got all of the things that I needed ready and whilst I was on the end Island right in the center an Enderman attacked me because I didn’t

Oh I did it but I must have looked here this is Story Time by the way s sit back and relax yeah back to me and as is always the case with me I completely panicked and I died I could have flown away but I just

Didn’t think in time and it killed me and I had all of my things on my butt I thought not to worry the bed that I had placed by the end portal which is down here it must have been obstructed or something because I spawned back of my

Original spawn which is like zero zero or whatever so I had to make all my way back here the bows and Jimmy ages and when I got back I thought it won’t be a problem because it takes five minutes for your items to despawn and they have to be loaded so even

Though about half an hour had passed my items should still have been there but as you can prove it out where this is going they were not bad it’s the brightness up it was a bit late so I lost all of my tools I lost my elytra

Which CMP had given me and I was thinking oh my God this is gonna take me ages because I had to fly to fly way back dip the base which is where me let’s play in CPR set up which is like 15 000 sorry 1500 1500 roughly

And I had to come back here regularly to build this ender portal to Enderman I was thinking so what I decided to do to do it was build what you’ve just seen in fact I’ve gone all the way downstairs so we’ll get back now actually I guess I could uh fly up there

Couldn’t I know because you can see I do have an alignment so whilst I uh whilst I initially lost it I did get one back in fact I got two very very lucky I did all this off camera by the way and I just wanted to play and I wasn’t able to

Request it was so grinding and I really just want to get the building with you guys so I set up this entire ly all of this is to build that times farming carrots in order to eventually breed them in because I thought this would be a nice area to

Have a Village Farm or a Village area CMP does have a village and thing himself but I think it would be good to have two of them I think it would make it make sense for it to be near mom as well which is um XP what else I’ve done I’ve got

I’ve got the XP for the mob grinder that CMP built was one level whilst getting it all set up is the most difficult it was a bit inefficient so I built four more layers of Bob grinder spawning stuff on top of it which has made it a bit

A bit or a bit more efficient should I say so let’s head into the end and try not to die that was a bit too loud and let’s head over to the mob grinder and I uh or Enderman form that I have built this was my attempt to make

To make I’ve discovered after building it that only ten Enderman you can spawn at any one time which is really annoying so it is pretty efficient but only 10 at a time then you need to kill them then you need to wait for another dance that’s three four five six seven

Nine ten so now no more will spawn in this immediate area which is kind of annoying because it reduces the inefficiency like an insane amount which I if I knew I probably wouldn’t have built it in the first place um but it is still technically more efficient than a standard mob grinder

So I’ve decided to end it was sort of worth the effort and the the resources that I’ve put into it to build a bunch of farms around it so you know around it I’m gonna gropes and maybe maybe bring in the Villages as well

So I can kind of do a bunch of like admin type stuff here like you know what I mean by admin like um things that would be helpful so I can collect some materials while I’m here and this will be where all of my Farms are gonna be

All of our Farms let’s play so if you want to level you come in here it will be slower than you would hope in the meantime tons of other things are happening your being very efficient with your time so that’s the plan anyway but anyway it is getting on so to the

Into the board I go um I still need to be um the what is it called enchantment area and I’m gonna build that over there as well we’ve got plenty plenty of two tridents um called dragon head sparalytra 26 which is just like brilliant iron from it from a trip that I

Wherever I got all of these from the foreign I thought it was going to take literally hours to find a density because I was going there by foot at intro so much easier to find one of them only about an hour of running I found an entity and it had a

Ship which is the electronic which is I’m not sure every NCD has a ship we had one so I was even luckier getting all of the shark shells then I went to the Viet ship got the elytra went on top to get the dragon head and I could see just in render distance

A second and chip which I thought was unbelievably lucky I don’t know if it was like one big there are two ships which I don’t even know if that’s possible or if it was two end cities that were just right next to each other So within about an hour I had

All of this loot to Elijah or this lovely loot the shock shots I mean they are the best and this spire Arbor trip which is pretty cool I think I’m going to use my I have no idea how I only took one of the dragon heads though I then got

So I decided to stop pushing my luck and I left I left beer there you go that is uh that’s the story until now so all these carrots are gonna be four for the uh Villages so they can breed so I’m just going to add a bit more length

This so we can plot even more that’s what I think we’re going to go back home because I’m going to do mending on this light trap in fact maybe I’ll just take a vending book from CMP because he has got quite a few I know we can use paper trade and book

Trading because I don’t want to use all of cmvs uh to trade with his uh his villagers I also know that’s why I’ve been collecting apples and gold they that you can really good trades from uh villagers if you cure them so if you get a zombie get it to uh done

One of your villages a zombies if you zombified them cure them pretty sure they give you really really good trades and you can get like unlimited Emerald exactly sure how you do it so I think I will I will leave that until maybe I’ll sort it out off camera because of this

Oh he’s got a he’s got one of those I’ll have that please oh my God oh he didn’t have one I thought they always dropped on bedrock my trousers broke are they diamond or iron I thought they were diamond that is a big shame oh maybe they were cold actually that explains things

So we have we have quite a lot we also have a lot of books because I think I can sell books for we’ll see how we get on um back to me maybe I will make some shockers Maybe five Jokers would do that okay so let’s make a bunch of those lovely jubbly

I’m pretty sure I can make Maybe oh you can’t make black diamond gold we can tie these shocker shells show the shulker boxes different colors we can have one as the original color be yellow oh corn flour flour so blue we’ve got roses red we’ve got this allium which will be like color

And kill these for their rabbit foots for various potions and whatnot sorry rabbits I know they’re very cute so that’s oh I can put them in my mouth and I know you can do that on Java but I didn’t realize you could do that on here as well so one two three

Five different colors nice wait how do I oh I can’t even use oh my God I’m gonna die I think this gives us like yeah light gray yellow blue red and or magenta very nice gender yellow light gray it’s a bit boring isn’t it but necessary I like the blue one

Cool cool cool cool um so we need them to have I guess the color will be a kind of color code at some point but I’ve not decided so this is uh red can be or my various tools oh we’ve got so much to do I am I am so busy what’s up

I really feel like I’ve got a lot to do though I’m just transporting these back home to be honest maybe this could be valuable so we’ll we’re gonna move we’re gonna move everything back now aren’t we I guess these are the valuables maybe I’ll leave half a stack of coal here in case

Oh to God I don’t lose this thing gray can actually be food I think that would be a good idea and like like so all of this you can go in I’ll leave I’ll leave some stuff I don’t need to bring everything with me the apples are very important a factor

Leave the apples here or try to remember I’ve left much chance of that that there is this is all like Jewel we can have one of these boxes will be like something that we are currently using and doing things with magenta one because these are things that I am physically

On the way to do things with if that makes sense okay are there any uh quid no no squid okay anyway I’ve got plenty of Life on that um okay oh okay maybe yellow could be like building blocks I’ll leave that I’ll leave that there for now I’m gonna kill that horse

Horses die with such a horrendous noise is absolutely horrible in fact I might just turn creatures off because that is not an ASMR sound I’m sorry I know people probably don’t want me to kill anything but I desperately need the leather and there is no ethical way of

Getting leather I’m afraid it’s okay it’s almost night time uh that’s gonna be building blocks wasn’t it we’ll put all of our shoulders like up here so doing things tools uh valuables and like food products and this could be miscellaneous or something okay we are very very organized and I think

As such it is for us number one thing that we need to do in fact I’m gonna write down what we need to do so don’t forget foreign then I want to well in general I want to start building Hotel it’s already been started but I

Want to continue it but I do think we need a storage area that’s really important now because we are getting into that what we’re past the end game aren’t we really and now we’re getting into a situation or we’re getting into a situation where why not the dropping leather

Um I’ll take that thank you just as we travel I think it is stuck by we’re getting into a situation now where we can have lots and lots of items so foreign to the area it is like this is not it this is another cherry Blossom by

Paper but it’s 1500 roughly roughly 50 see that goes down oh my God so quickly I need to keep an eye on that that is why we need to do um bending first you’ve got 1500 blocks to fly with it hopefully it will survive I’m going to keep a very close eye on

That because I mean we have got one more but I need that for backup I go down and not another couple thousand blocks to go oh he’s getting so low I think we are going to make what of course we’re gonna make it if we don’t make it I’ll just run the rest

Uh yeah there we go okay so I’m actually gonna Nick mending book or should we say borrow I will replace it at some point I don’t think uh CMP needs quite as many as he’s got he’s got like 10 10 I think are they in there

Yeah this all is oh I might use that one because I’ve got a brilliant break on it as well thank you of a legend I could actually just pay him in diamonds or something oh find diamonds let’s let’s put this on there and then we need

To fix the damn thing as well which is annoying uh okay let’s do that I think that was a bit louder so I’ll turn that off um let’s pop that on and I might oops oh actually that reminds me maybe I will do difficult she puts a bit so I will

Say that I am taking the amount that I replaced I’m acting as if we’re counting what we have we’re this is a collaborative process so I’m sure I’m sure if not I will replace so we need to go about a nice 100 fireworks which we make just another set actually

Yeah let’s make let’s make one more set okay nice and I will put them in my mics like that cool why didn’t I put The Mending on the other Elantra that would have made Silly Billy okay whatever but as busy as any ink any ink sacks

Not many we went we won’t take them um I think we should probably go up here and are we gonna make it yeah yeah if I can make it there for God’s sake ouch and I might just AFK here or just a bit and also that I can fix

This up just a little bit now this should be a little bit faster than usual but I don’t know if it will be as quick as the end of before it needs a bit of time to get going but um from what I’m seeing it’s pretty good

It’s definitely quicker than it was I mean obviously but so I need full time into Diamond Helmet actually I do have a diamond helmet didn’t I could uh I can hear them like falling oh that is one thing though sometimes because I’ve built all of the levels up

And they will fall from the very top level through the center immediately punched it I can read yeah the end of the device is faster it quite dramatic um but not like crazy crazy amount I’ll go pick up my diamonds the other area and I will enchant those up for what we need

Nice this is definitely quick enough to uh fix things up so to be honest that is pretty good are things falling that I’m just not seeing I’m wondering if I put something in the way boxed oh my God quickly no need to panic no we’re fine oh my God if that creeper

Creeper if that creeper went off I’d have been so sad okay oh wow it’s got loads here in fact in fact what I might do I have not got very much I’m leaving for now that’s gonna we’ll leave it for now okay cool all right

This thing’s full up I think you I think we need to act like another layer to this so we can actually get all get all the stuff from it uh throw that away we need to get a zombie uh villager who will buy rotten flesh that would be very good

That is so annoying well actually if we quickly do it kill them very very very very quickly oh they’re falling but it’s like they’re falling on to something else things can I jump out there with the thing okay right I’m gonna go to my area which I think is over here

Oh my God the electric is literally the best thing so this is you gave me three bending books did he do that recently oh my God what a legend they weren’t there before he must have filled them up recently what absolutely I just stole one from it we’re gonna go do some

So we’ve done the bending bit I think I’d prefer to make a storage area so here are some of our named chickens by the way we’ve got a nugget Watford jeans so far oh no we have one more I’m pretty sure I don’t know if that is

Yeah that’s it so far we’ve had lots and lots of names so those in as soon as I can but kind of want the rooms for you guys where is all of my diamonds did I put them somewhere oh bollocks oh I did put them somewhere I just can’t remember where

They’re not in the Enderman Farm are they they actually might be there’s two shock boxes there they might be there yeah that actually might be where they are well oh we need to okay one thing at a time let’s go do some villager trading first we’re gonna

Set all of our books and stuff aren’t we so we will do that and see how far we get and we’ll just we need to take things one step at a time otherwise we’re disconnecting I know that CMP did have oh where’s he been reading them up a bit

He has been he has been so let’s see how far he’s got wand Nine episodes where you can’t trade with them at low level can you treat them when they are Masters so this guy is one of the master isn’t it yeah but whatever everything is gonna sell her

Ah see this is the one that I traded with so now he’s like a really high four books for an embroidered is pretty uh is 24 papers not very good to be honest if you get a a squidified going that would be really good there’s such a pain in the ass to make

Okay well let’s let’s get a oh we do okay let’s make a whole bunch ucks yeah let’s do that thanks that’d be one Emerald uh what would that work out do should I just sell them and see how many we get see now he’s not taking it uh oh yeah you get 10.

It’s not very pretty is it that’s a bit of isn’t it and with that what could I what could I buy I could buy one mending book based oh my God wait no I’m pretty sure we need to do the um uh what’s it called

The Thing by you oh we’ve got 33 we could buy bending but we don’t need it but there’s like looting here as well I think that might be it got this upstairs area which is not nothing I love this building by the way s awesome um

But you we do need to zombify them I think you zombified them so you keep them in their own areas they don’t die um other other villagers give them a golden apple and like an instant healing or something like that if anyone does not even do let me know

If they’ve got Fortune three that is what the 12 emeralds we could get almost three bending books from this guy that’s really good um to be honest I could do that okay here’s the plan then let’s go back and get this emeralds and we’ll set up a we’re going to the

Setup enchanting area in the end set up the enchanting area then we’re gonna do some enchanting there in the end so we’ll need one Diamond do we need a book which we have we have 10 don’t we um and we need to obsidian and Brilliant so

We can just get some obsidian from the things okay that makes why do we need to go to kind of that direction 800 minus 900 I think I think the method that I’ve discovered for fastest travel is to go pretty on that and then just lightly down down kind of very very quickly

Down without losing too much altitude I think that is taking him if you guys have any suggestions for builds or something like that please please comment section and ears get be good but it’s not it’s the perfect idea books with me that doesn’t matter we’ll come back and add them that is fine

That is fine I don’t need to worry too much too much I like to keep myself nicely organized okay okay we are almost there how much we used yeah barely anything there and that’s for a long journey here we are here we are in a

Minute let’s go all the way down to the end go to the Enderman thing hope the diamonds are there I’m pretty sure they are if they’re not there I don’t know what the hell is going on but uh I think I lost slept at the base so bloody hell make sure we

Don’t die now that would be really annoying say something I realized is that when we died but I died off I didn’t lose my levels if anything I gained level this is really weird also I found these three Lenny things I think that is uh those are yours CMP so

He lost your Lenny tags diamonds diamonds Okay so while I’m doing this I’m going to keep killing these guys so we can get some more levels I need to go up to the top of one of these oh look he killed the Ender Dragon without even just I could do with a

Grinder good night I want to use my my um my levels to uh days when chanting but hey we can just use the books but if you’ve got level two bears we’ll use them right in your technically take less time so that is very scary to do

Right we need a bit of space we need to do it all with the Cherry leaves so that we don’t get ourselves killed so let’s expand this out I love the effect of the pet they just like floating off into the end that literally looks amazing that is so cool

Uh one two three four five six seven that is one two three four five six oh it needs to be for my uh for my OCD I don’t have OCD okay and this should be it should be enough space actually let’s go out do more like that so we’ve got nine we’ve got

Loads of space to work with there and let’s go out right here one two please don’t tell me I’m gonna run out of pedals nope good good we’re not going to put a lid on this we don’t need it for now a lid a roof as they’re also known

I’m gonna take them actually add them at them that you will leave okay so let’s make a because we can also enjoy the books that’s a also something we can do understand all looks actually we may as well sorry I’m just organizing myself now again okay good we are officially I think

Oh we have we have iron in here very nice foreign why is that not working baby needs to go into the back of it rather than the side is that actually how it works I think this is going to go everywhere okay I got this is just what it’s like being me up

Try to save ourselves some hassle I am wasting so much time but I promise in the end it will actually it will actually huh foreign why are they not going yet oh okay whatever no I don’t care I don’t care no I know I think you need to put them in the

Top don’t you oh for crying out loud fine fine we’re sorting out uh so that needs to go uh okay could I technically yes I can reach that from there another two and that can be reached like that now okay right so they both go in this one

Is not automatic but I do not care okay there we go just to make our life apparently somewhat somewhat easier but no I’m not even sure if I believe that laughs look at that okay moving on back to what the priority initially was some torches around here so we can actually see gone

Of leaves that would be far too easy right again let’s make enchanting table yes we can make one great fantastic let’s be smart these so we’re gonna be gonna realize these am I ever not gonna okay they stay like that no they don’t they simply cannot we can we can have just enough

Okay we are good fine fine level 30 that that is what we want brilliant kill all the Enderman great that’s good that is good we only have 14 diamonds so so now the trick is this is gonna be up we’re gonna have a building block s iron either

Because we need diamonds we need the obsidian could be a what are those ones food is that one uh miscellaneous miscellaneous and building blocks that’s what we’ll call it okay right oh my God there is a bloody guy there is unbelievably creepy please leave I do not think they can please go away

I’m begging you to go away if I uh is he still there is Heidi by the thing I’m trying to learn okay uh God what do I do I don’t think they can spawn on slabs or um orange leaves as the whole point so if he teleports away at some point

Oh my God oh my God it’s okay pretend he’s not there not there I can stay there could be like a little just Shuffle no because that might count as a block I don’t know if it counts as a slab or not saying okay anyway what needs chanting this

This is basically bikes that just need to be better for book another one that’s efficiency for C4 tools box a red one we’ve got Unbreaking we’ve got efficiency for silk touch um that is basically a Banks we could put them actually um enchanting Vicodin chart and trident can I do that

You can I’m breaking three maybe we do that if we have excessive levels or something oh my God this guy he’s like really creeping me out I kind of want to kill him I just looked up for a second it quickly do something under this guy oh

Oh my God where are you coming from wait there’s two here now why how is this happening oh my God we need to sort this out this is this is not on okay I got because this is gonna kill the efficiency of this thing the already limited efficiency of this thing okay

Where’s the other one gone where did it spawn or it’s there crying out loud why is it spawning on uh type like can I go like this maybe that might be the only way to do this yeah okay let’s do that should be enough I don’t think that oh my God

No oh my God I’m so stupid come here you idiot I don’t think this guy can like spawn out of there can you can eat God but I literally always make these things so much more difficult than they need to be right I’m gonna try this but I might have to like run

Uh is this guy able to spawn onto this oh God I feel like I’m gonna die is he is he not able to get to me or something oh he’s like trapped loser okay anyway hopefully work anymore unwanted business should that should not be supportable alrighty then

Okay we’re back up to level 41 as well which shows that this thing actually is pretty especially when you’re doing like a bunch of other as well um okay so we’re in the deciding what we want so I’d say our pickaxes are fine unless we see like a silk touch or something

Uh our sword let’s do it then um English beer which is the sharpness three I’m breaking three looting three I need to enchant I don’t know if I actually want leggings yeah because I don’t really have enough waste of them so let’s just see that’s a quick charge isn’t it yeah

The pain of other Bots today thank you and we had a efficiency three so new shuffles were fine we’ve got this time it could actually enchant if I if I’m breaking three is is not required I actually have that I’m going to put the eye of kg through the highway now

Actually we may as well keep it and we could uh can you enchant your Elijah like this you I was wondering if you could get I’m breaking on it or something fine okay I might make another ax because I feel like I’m gonna need one we can enchant two of them update ganks

But let’s see how we get on with that so touch with efficiency 4 but that is precisely what we wanted so we’ll put a bending on that as well as maybe combine these two and that’s absolutely perfect what tune we do not need that I might put that on a shovel

That allows us to oh you dick oh that is so lame but we have loads of Fortune a cheap that we can get via books breaking three maybe I’ll do that Thorns don’t care about that okay let’s do that with loyalty three I think that’s pretty

Good so I don’t really know how it works but amazing so when we want to get like clay that is that is the boy we just need to put bending on on him what levels we got we’ve got one more triple level to do sharpness the hell but

Sharpness four I might do that well yeah I could combine an efficiency four might do that that would combine that with one of these can I get my levels up to level 30 again how quick is that gonna go there’s only one level if I was at level 27 it could be

Quite laborious though me I oh I’ve got an anvil so I could actually combine that now with uh maybe this one this one would you do I want that thing that thing silk touch not sure I’m undecided yet how many diamonds we got seven I don’t have to use them all but

I kind of want to use them all Smite why do I keep getting these uh I do need to enchant the Diamondbacks though that is pretty essential I was hoping to get like efficiency or something but impaling is that this not sure what to what to do is that level 31 surely yeah

I could just put some Smite on one of them and just see if it gives me something else but almost inevitable Fortune tree vision efficiency look at that perfect we definitely okay let’s move them there we definitely X is that it I guess I could make some leggings

What would I like a backup of shuffles honestly I’m gonna put that in there because I don’t want it right now I guess I could enchant Johnson some iron bye I couldn’t join my other Trident at all that’s a good idea shot I don’t think that is pretty good

I know we could maybe come back who knows ah I remember what channeling is that is when you can strike lightning on something when it is raining I think or thundering I’m very sure let’s get to level 30 again it’s actually pretty quick to be fair for the dirt in there

What I think I’ll do I would do I’ll enchant up but some kind of way than whatever kind of Enchantment they get I guess we do it’s gonna be Smite but it’s so annoying seems like they always are gonna have some I don’t know why there’s like a bedroom thing combat in German

Hopefully they will come with something else but I’ll just put efficiency and I’m making and hopefully one of them will come with a breaking because that’s the annoying one to go we could always we can always just mend it was amending to CMP that should do with mending on this so

We’ll add all of those things let me go back okay four that is so good we’ll do the large one as well as well you actually will get some stop from this with me very much one tons of Ender Pearls as well let me guess it’s gonna be oh I’m breaking

That is actually perfect and then we’ll combine some of these up at The Mending at the Rock and rolling apart from diamond armor um to be honest I could just make them I don’t even need the other time at the time we will be fine what are these and charm with

But I don’t want fire protection I want protect protection I’m breaking that would be good okay I need to start having snacks in these uh in these Minecraft sessions because I am starting to go together okay there we go level 30. done and dusted whatever we’re not done Dustin just yet are we

Because I need to get that one silk touch don’t even do anything what could you self-touch I don’t know that is the perfect pickaxe though in fact I might just use this one for now and then we’re gonna combine it oh my dad we’ll figure it out we are getting there

The action four that is exactly what we want wow we are getting pretty lucky we are getting pretty pretty lucky actually we’re gonna need this we’re gonna need some uh what’s it called chests just probably see when you’re doing bits and pieces here time flies the levels that come rolling in

We’ll pop that in there and we’ll put all of the things that we need to enchant in there I also don’t actually want to carry all of this around with me so I’m gonna somewhere no it mended our lighter as well um which is what we need this storage

Area for I think okay I think we’ll we’ll do the storage area first before we start expanding the hotel because I want to make sure I know where everything is and I have I have very very important I mean Jay Society actually is very important there isn’t like Enderman anyway

Yeah there’s no intimate I’m gonna put this like this that’s the way considering they don’t go on the pedals I’m very very happy with the progress nice okay now I’m breaking I will keep an eye on it now I’m feeling better I’m feeling much much better we’ve got basically maxed out everything

That we could possibly want this is my four that would be so nice do we do we get another three levels so we can get this my four well there’s a weight though these run out of coal no that one has though okay we’ll get we’ll do one more we’ll do one more

I’m being a bit ridiculous now but we we will do one more kind of tempted to go exploring the end as well and get some more elytra but there is literally no point to that plus we have so many shock we could even just give some soccer boxes to uh CMP as

Well because they still has that many I’m not too sure not too sure okay we’ll put the Smite on that and we are pretty much ready to go I think I prefer that organization actually let me know guys as well if you want to see uh streams of this of this world I’m

Definitely planning on streaming um I’ve not even done the customary uh plug of a smart craft yeah so if you guys Minecraft with other like-minded small friends then check the description ‘s ASMR graph is a free to join server for ASMR fans so go take a look at that guys

It’s actually very very cool I won’t go into any detail because there’s plenty of videos where I’ve just talked about it endless rates okay Smite fine I knew that was just gonna be smart but it’s okay I might leave like some wood and stuff here okay what do we want the Unbreaking

Behind them am I is that what I’m doing I got Fortune that is going to combine with that we gonna get to get an efficiency five Fortune silk touch without breaking maybe I could combine all three Maybe yes it’s fine it just need to punch

This one is fine I guess I could combine it with in four I don’t think I really didn’t know something that’s fine as it is I will combine it with that that will give me a sharpness of four so that’s fine that’s fine that needs mending cursive Vanishing

Without oh I must have got them from an end City or something okay oh there they got protection on them oh that’s why I like them we’ll use those for now these will be our backup need depending on that type find them to get efficiency five but

I’ll do that if I particularly need to for now I think this is fine so uh I’m gonna put that there so I can use it we are basically completely kicked out it’ll kill these for the XP while we’re here Let’s uh let’s head out actually I can do it here can I

So I rename it or do I keep my levels now I have to rename it right should I call it something would like sub two medic very original I’ll put these two together what the hell why is that 20 we’ll do that way shall we and I don’t know which

I might put them to together honestly and leave that on its own as a silk touch which I can use if I particularly need spoon or something yeah let’s do it like that so and I put mending on that so this could be fast as boy because it’s very fast if you didn’t

Pick up the very very funny joke just in case you didn’t get the hilarious drink I was making okay and these silk touch can go uh back in our box here cool oh yes hell yeah oh yeah very very very very very very happy that’s basically everything right

Yes uh yes it is cool and we immediately died that would be and very soon and I would cry and we’ve spawned the way back at base which is just absolutely perfect I’m Gonna Leave for now sorry if it is like annoying annoying and we can actually play the game now

So let’s go Luke where we would like so this is going to be the hotel that’s gonna let’s roll out kind of crazily everywhere that’s the entrance and we’re going to come out make sure it’s still recording what might be a good ears if I chicken farm chicken out that bathing system

Let’s get all of these say that I don’t die and lose everything okay so the storage area I would quite like to be a massive Circle so I would need to go on to Google circles and shapes up again Minecraft circles Circle chart okay I love making circles and say we’re

Going to make it absolutely normal enormous it’s going to look like a silo that’s what I’d like it to look like something very industrial I think they look kind of cool oh yeah look how efficient this thing is never mind that’s so frustratingly close laughs is it desecrating I think

I think it look how quick we are look how fast we are I don’t think there’s anything else in there is a we might need to clear up quite a large area here so when it comes to storage area I like to build it big enough that I never need to

Expand it or mess around with it again which might seem like Overkill and it usually is we don’t mind Overkill Overkill is just good planning in my opinion I’d rather have more than less that’s always been my motto in life let’s get all these down we’re gonna need the cherry wood anyway so

Nothing like a little bit of deforestation I’d actually be tempted to just uh burn it all down but I do need the wood actually and I would quite like to get rid of all these battles as well so annoying I just realized that a silk touch is good for the uh

Black is what they’re for I think that might be the only thing therefore still very very very helpful so I’m certainly not gonna knock it I mean I assume you could use a silk touch ah expert you just take more to get it get it

But this is the area we can have the silo so it’s going to look like one of those industrial stylos if you know what I mean we could actually think about a beacon as well but I don’t have to mess around trying to kill the Wither I cannot to sort that out

Oh my god look listen to that such classic ASMR let you guys enjoy it oh my oh my God the amount of pedals although I watched one of the cmp’s shorts and uh he said they are actually quite helpful because you can turn them into bone meal I think oh

I’ve got a full inventory if that is absolutely insane collect these up they dropped so many saplings as well this has got to be the most like like biome if that makes sense thanks Michael in none what the hell guys can you please lay them where you’re meant to be late without

These for this oh my God advance okay okay okay so I’m gonna make them this is gonna be a and I’m being huge this is gonna take up a massive massive area go grab all these not that we’ll probably ever need all these saplings but I suppose it’s PP

Let’s go fill these in okay okay so I’m gonna go what do you want diameter medical no we’ll go with a 30 a 35 so it’s 35 in diameter yes no yes yes 35 in time so it’s gonna be a bit of a and with what am I gonna build it with

I have no idea I would need to do it do a baby Source Gathering he’s down uh I’m actually gonna take one more layer out I was considering whether I could be bothered to and I can be because I’m gonna need the space so it is out of my hands

I can’t tell if this is instant mine or if it’s just slightly slower because if it is just slightly slower again my perfectionistness needs it to be efficiency five I think I’m Gonna Leave beacons for now I really not be bothered at dealing with the weather actually you can kill them very very

Easily under like where the dragon spawns so I could just do that I think you can just like instantly kill it there because I’m so bad at BVM on every game also including this very easy game so yes yeah forget that like how you’re probably meant to kill them with that

This will give us the build using dirt let’s make a bit easier as well I don’t think we want to go one low there clear all this out we can just actually add the edges if I still need space do I this morning could leave I can only zombies are spawning can say

Okay not sure how far we’re gonna get through this oh there’s rabbits over there can you breed roots because I do want the drop but if I could just breathe that would be better wouldn’t it I think we put that on the back burner rabbit feet is not really something that

We need as a priority so I think I’ll leave that if that if you guys if you have Netflix have you watched a Heart Stopper TV show that I’m absolutely obsessed with at the moment I need so we’re gonna need them anyway so let’s make them why can you not

With other things very very annoying and Java I meant I’m gonna keep these because they are a great source of bone meal if you’re in a pinch waste not what not it’s better to have it than to uh and to have wasted it especially when you get into like making those Automatic Farms

Which will be been helpful because I do want to start using things like concrete okey-doke this is a nice big area I do not think we are gonna need a big air in this let’s push this back a bit if you’ve not watched an art stopper like kind of robots coming of age

I would highly recommend it don’t be very good shows I’ve watched in a long best noise okie dokie right nice big area let’s push it back a bit over here by adding in we’ll have to get rid of of course we do pick these up

I wish it was that you could just put them down on top of them and it would like give it with grass all of them and then place down what you want to place down it’s a tad annoying just for the sake of being particularly perfect about it oh lovely bring this back

Foreign I’ve been using this silent Mouse for so long that now it’s lost it’s like silent properties this mouse has bought for me by a fan like when I only had like 200 subscribers which is crazy things it’s like it’s quite nice 30 pound Logitech mouses I know it’s not about

The money or whatever but whatever the time thinking oh my God somebody’s enjoys my my content enough to spend on like improving the setup because they wanted to not have to hear my mouse clicking all the time which I thought was really cool that was probably the

That would be one of those big moments in my in my YouTube Journey where I thought wow yeah this is this is like an actual thing okay okay that’s fine we will leave it like that this is plenty of space to work with now go yeah that’s fine that’s not a care about

Things there for petals okay I will we will use that I think Louie does that make sense no no yes it does make sense just get this get this circle back up we’re gonna do 35 we’re gonna do 35 or so there’s a call center will be here that’s

That’s give me a minute I’m counting count on this thing one two four five six seven eight nine 11. 17. obviously 17 because it’s half minus one isn’t it that’s not wow I’m stupid okay anyway one two twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixty seventeen okay one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve 34 .50 16 17. you know one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Thirty forty fifty sixteen Seventeen just about one two three four five six seven eight to nine ten nine eleven thirteen forty fifty sixteen Seventeen wow we placed that pretty accurately in produces so myself

Okay so on the first Edge there are one two three four five six seven eight nine so there’s nine on each Edge put us back a bit more Just a Touch just so it doesn’t get in the way it’s also bedtime wow I barely saved any time there and

Just created a huge mess but we’re getting there we are absolutely getting there I like them the other way around I think you’re laying eggs in this thing I could just make the whole floor eggs I oh no one free chicken that’s fine the chickens and mess and I like okie dokie so

That was nine and then it goes one two three one two three one two three one two one one two one two three one two three four nice one two three four one two three one two three one two one one one two one two three one two three one two

Three four yes we actually remembered it one world four we have to push all of this back a little bit let’s find it we need water anyway I’m not even mad I wanted to push it back I wanted to push it back okay uh one two three four one two three

By the way if it wasn’t obvious I’m making this out of dirt uh so uh so I can just get rid of it easily and replace it with what I actually want to build this out okay there you go let’s see okay all right yeah that’s that’s gonna be big enough I think

I don’t even mean that’s a joke that is that is about right not too big and certainly enough space for all of the storage we’re gonna need good okay oops okay I think I actually might leave it there we did a lot of stuff today we actually

Were very very successful I know it seems like we didn’t do very much but we did I put the next one we’re gonna keep building this I might do a bit of building off camera bro I fancy playing a bit of Minecraft and relaxing or whatever um

So maybe there’ll be progress in between but maybe not who knows oh actually I almost forgot the night yeah stuff so let’s quickly do that let’s have a have this one uh I’m actually going to mute my system so that it doesn’t uh loads of noise let’s have this one as bending

Should I call it something about chopping get to the chopper insert name here the one of you guys can name this if you come to the very end of the video and you’re still awake first of all well done thirdly secondly thirdly whatever give me a name you can have whatever

Name you like it as long as it isn’t rude make it put it in the comment section below cool the first one we’ll get that that’s mending already and maybe I could put mending on these they can just be just big climate leggings whatever okay cool wow I’m so happy with this

This is perfect I want commenting on that as well at some point but we are probably all right for that thank you guys for watching I hope you’ve enjoyed it’s been I love this series it’s so much fun honestly I’m really really enjoying it and I I hope you are too

So until the next one bye

This video, titled ‘ASMR ☆ 100 Days in Minecraft [Part 4] ⛏️😴 | relax, whispering, keyboard, no mid roll ads’, was uploaded by TheASMRMedic on 2023-08-19 20:00:10. It has garnered 423 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:16 or 6796 seconds.

#minecraft #asmr #100days #relaxing #gaming

This huge video takes place on a Minecraft Realm that I am playing on with fellow ASMR gaming creators ASMR Collect n Play and Let’s Play ASMR. Look below for their YouTube channels if you haven’t checked them out already. I had a blast making this video – there is something so fun about making these 100 days videos. I intended to do 10 days in this one, but ended up running a fair bit over that (which is why I have called in Part One rather than 1-10 days as I usually do). The previous 100 days I started on my single player 1.20 world is probably going to be stopped. I want to really focus on this world for now and see where it goes.

When this comes out I will likely already be on my 2 week trip to Japan. I get back 18th July – so there won’t be another minecraft video until gone that day! I am sure you can find plenty of minecraft content on this world at the below youtube channels:

ASMR Collect ‘n’ Play: @ASMRCollectNPlay Let’s Play ASMR: @LetsPlayASMR Go check these awesome guys out.

—- CHECK OUT OUR FAN ASMR MINECRAFT SERVER: IP address: Available on both java and bedrock.

Credit to the wonderfully talented Hariboz for their incredible artwork for this thumbnail!

This video is part of a series of ASMR 100 days videos. I absolutely love making these types of videos, so if you do enjoy it, please consider dropping a like and subscription. This was a real labour of love, so I hope you all enjoy!

Please do leave a like & consider subscribing if you enjoyed this video. It really helps out the channel. I had an absolute ball playing, editing and overall making this passion-project of a video. I really hope you do too. The more likes it gets tells me that you’ve enjoyed it, which in turn makes me more motivated to continue with the series (perhaps even 200 days in minecraft ASMR?!)

Either way, thank you for checking out the video… ENJOY!

——- :

Join our survival Minecraft server! We are open to everyone to join, founded from the awesome ASMR Minecraft and gaming community.

If you want to join and find out more – join the discord via the link below! IP address: Available on both java and bedrock.

See the bottom of the description for further information and detailed tutorials for using these plugins.


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  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link : Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

    Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!Video Information pai o que que é seru homem da casa o homem da casa é quem manda é quem resolve tudo e é quem tem a última palavra eu quero seu nome da casa igual This video, titled ‘#naoflopa #roblox #lulucagames #games #robloxmemes #memeblox #pkxd #memesroblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by ♡JuhEpicGaming♡ on 2024-02-19 19:07:28. It has garnered 7685 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

    "Bimasakti's Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥" #freefire #gamingVideo Information SA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Bimasakti New Trick😎😈 #freefire #battleroyale #trending #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-04-05 14:48:30. It has garnered 10180 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

    SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)Video Information hey wait he didn’t ask them for anything they just specifically blame her so kick them out what is this note see you after school looks like it was left by Hooligans what have you done stupid Hooligans you will definitely feel bad after we leave here Mikey I really like studying this is really cool I hope I get a good grade today sorry for being late we have a very important reason we were really busy so sorry can I sit down Mikey it’s good that we weren’t late I wouldn’t want to be scolded like… Read More

  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

ASMR ☆ 100 Days in Minecraft [Part 4] ⛏️😴 | relax, whispering, keyboard, no mid roll ads