ASMR Minecraft 100 Sub Special – Insane Relaxation!

Video Information

hello everybody and welcome to a very special episode of my Minecraft series um recently I hit 100 subscribers on the channel and um just to get this out of the way it it blows my mind I I I can’t believe so many people actually have come out subscribed watched the video do enjoy the videos um I love seeing you guys’ comments I just all of it I I can’t believe so many people are are tuning into this and I hope I can deliver the best ASMR content to you guys as I possibly can um with that out of the way I figured i’ i’ try and do something a little bit special for this episode and I did originally I made an entire episode episode and then I watched the recording back and uh I was having some bit rate issues uh with the recording had to tweak some things in OBS but uh hopefully this time it should be a lot clearer or a lot more clear on the visual side that’s just a test world I made uh but this is a world that I’ve been playing on uh off and on for a little while uh not too long but long enough ibe consistently for like three months and today I’m trying out something a little bit different as well I’ve got some gummy worms off to the side here I’m going to be eating a little bit and hopefully the um the noises there are a little bit soothing I haven’t eaten on camera before so I hope this goes well but when I first spawned into this world I was popped in right around here and I immediately started farming some sugar can for paper and all that um and I’m in this nice little Forest here very cute and as of right now I’m living in this little Stone Shack as I continue construction of my um more permanent residence over there this uh kind of castle Yeah and knew it there’s definitely something weird going on with the uh way I set up those Towers but it is what it is at this point um over here is my little mine goes all the way down uh to y12 getting some diamonds out of that but I’ll take in a quick little tour over here is my uh Farm I still haven’t put in like a a door or anything so if I need to get in there I just got to break the fence and pop in this right here is uh the entrance to my humble abode or it’s soon to be humble abode um I got to figure out why those windows are a little bit off on this one before I in there I’m going to do that right now actually looks like I just buil it wrong but very good but this space used to originally be completely empty i’ PL to put like a big Throne or something in here have this like big one open space but I kind of decided against that and I think um I’m going to try and touch up the inside of this place a little bit make it look a little bit more interesting but everything’s carpeted I’ve got these paintings down a lot of natural light some coaches and of course sir Graham the most essential painting in all of Minecraft these rooms in the back I’ve got skylights to provide a lot of light to leave anything in here no but I’m going to try and do a little bit of um decorative work on the inside of this place at some point and I’m not too sure what I’m like a plan for these two spaces of mining out here but I think the ceiling definitely needs a little bit of of love you [Music] know I’ve got 10 logs it’s not quite enough so I think I’m going to have to mine a lot more [Music] trees now I think my planet for this world is not have it become like a regular a regular series but to have it um coming at Channel Milestones like 500 subscribers 1,000 Subs 5,000 Subs that sort of thing and I’ll play it off and on in my H spare time and it’s going to be a reflection of how much the channel is growing since um you know just like the channel it’s going to grow and develop and and change over time but even then slowly to quote um the wonderful Dreamcast game cman the direct quote would be uh change happens over time and even then slowly and I think keeping this world as an a regular should have seen that one coming keeping this world as on a regular appearance I think will help reflect that now in the original video um that unfortunately I had to delete cuz the video was just so so poor um in terms of recording bit rate it it looked terrible and I was contemplating at the time to just release it because it you know it’s an audio Centric experience anyway uh 3 ASMR but I I just couldn’t do it it looked too bad um and it was a substantial step back from all the other stuff I put out in terms of visual quality so I decided against it so unfortunately I can’t exactly remember um everything I told in that video but a lot of it had had to deal with how I first got to play Minecraft and how much the game meant to me growing up and believe me this game had a very large presence in my early life like it did most kids my age originally uh the first time I’ve even originally um what is it going to say the first time I even saw Minecraft was on the um the a cast series shadow of israfel and as a kid I I I loved it I couldn’t get enough I thought it the best you know the best things since sliced bread you know what I mean and I watched almost every episode of that and to this day it kind of bothers me that there’s been no sound conclusion to the series but that’s neither here nor there you know meeting all these wacky characters and exploring the plot line of israfel world and seeing all these really cool early builds in Minecraft made me really want the game but um my mother wasn’t having it that $15 for Minecraft might as well have been 15,000 she was diametrically opposed to the idea of me playing Minecraft I guess and I never wound up getting it as a kid so I I wound up playing uh things like um the Minecraft demo Minecraft I spent a lot of time on that and the browser version of Minecraft on Mojang’s website if anybody remembers what that one was and um a family PC at the time on Windows XP eventually we upgraded to Windows 7 by the time was XP and it’s really underpowered for this sort of [Applause] stuff so even playing like the browser version of Minecraft I had to play with a fog all the way up and just you know really had to deal with a lot of stuttering even then um somehow I’m going to plant some of these trees uh I wound up playing a lot more violent games like my parents bought me like I still don’t understand why my mother wouldn’t like go for Minecraft but like she bought me Fallout 3 which the PC couldn’t handle if anybody saw that video um but she bought me Fallout 3 we had to return it because the PC couldn’t take it and um she bought me the Prima guide a Fallout 3 instead which is I still have that thing to this day i’ I’ve read the hell out of it but that’s beside the point I’m just saying she she was open to buying me Fallout 3 which at the time it’s like you know a full price release game cuz I wanted the thing like almost a year after it came out so it’s still like $40 in 09 or some maybe 2010 she wanted to go and get me that but Minecraft was off the table so I don’t know like I wound up playing Call of Duty Black Op oh yeah that’s another thing um when I was a kid like most kids were I was really um really into the Call of Duty Nazi zombies and my mother hated it like she she um she thought it was like I don’t know Borderland terroristic or something um but she hated me watching it you know tried to get my father to stop me watching like custom maps like old school custom maps in a world of war of of Nazi zombies and but ironically um they W up buying me I use a copy of Black Ops 1 but never Minecraft so I want to play one of the other many other things that my mother almost outright refused to ever let me um do or play which Nazi zombies before I wanted playing Minecraft legitimately so like any other kid who wasn’t able to play Minecraft I um my main source of Minecraft entertainment was the cracked version um or the demo version I played over and over and over like I would uhoh that’s not good like I would try to find ways around that one hour time limit but uh trust me Mojang locked that down bro um so like any other kid me and the Buddies uh found found ways around that by getting a cck version on the school libraries computers and we would uh have like after school and parties uh land parties playing like I think we started off like Minecraft 1.8 which kind of shows how old I am when Minecraft 1.8 was it version as playing in sophomore year of high school uh but we’d have like land parties and after school playing Minecraft on PCs and you know kids being kids we’ find ways to like cook the computers by playing like absolutely fry the fry the computers I mely um not always through the use of Minecraft once we figured out how to delete system 32 it was all over if I remember correctly we cost hundreds if not maybe thousands of dollars worth of property damage in that school library but um you know boys will be boys so I mean at least you know creative get together play on creative mode build like these crazy worlds and land and like that so Minecraft even though I never actually owned a legitimate copy of Minecraft orever got to play like a full version at home um it was still just like a big part of my of my childhood and you know my gaming life growing up or for my gaming experience cor y both them the YouTubers that I watched uh you know yog’s cast was such a big one I I I mean they it’s sad how they kind of fell off I don’t I don’t know kind of little man I used to watch almost all their stuff and it just kind of disappointed what happened to that channel used to be so cool like I thought y cast was like the like the biggest most immovable force on YouTube like ever and now they’re just kind of like doing what they’re doing I loved watching their uh sorcery series I mean I actually honestly I might play sorcery on this channel I think that’d be extremely relaxing but that’s neither here nor there and this game was such a big part of my life and this is one of the first versions that I actually got to play you know ever know beta 1.7.3 and I’ve been around not necessarily playing the game but around you know Minecraft adjacent since um beta 1.2 now I remember when Nether Portals were first added to the game like and I didn’t get to play until I moved out got my own place Ty my own got to suck my own dick live by my own rules you know what I mean it’s just crazy to think about that but now I’m finally here playing a game that I love grew up with and I’m able to share that with all you guys and honestly it means a lot it means a lot to me you know even if there’s only 10 people watching these videos man it still mean a lot to me that’s 10 whole people that love um you know love this game and have that same sort of connection I had with it I have with it and you don’t care enough to tune in every night to watch one of these videos even if it’s just one other person I’m at that like that’s incredible to me so of Le 100 people 140 people right now that have subscribed thank you so much truly at these thousands of people tuning in to watch these videos I I just thank you again I I can’t say it enough it’s your support and viewership means so much to me especially that we can all connect over this silly block game you know and just the fact that this little indie game was such a big part of so many people’s childhoods and even adulthoods now you know I I I can’t believe it this game was lightning in a bottle and I I I don’t mean to like justest when I say this but there will truly be never be another game like Minecraft C to get back to the um the channel I’ve got another video that I had planned um I recorded it and I noticed the bit rate was off on it I didn’t really think too much of it I thought maybe the uh OBS didn’t agree with the game specifically uh to spoil it I was I was playing fate if anybody remembers what fate was it was a it’s a wild tangent game excuse me wild tangent game one of on that came like free repackaged with like a lot of Windows uh PCS they got like a 1 hour free trial of the game and I played the out of that as a kid I mean I played that every day to that one hour completion and then i’ restart or like reset the computer I mean I’d hard reset the PC piss off my entire family by doing it too and uh get another hour on the game like that’s how much I enjoyed it but um I have to re-record that too because the same a bit rate issues as this video originally did I’m trying to figure out how that skeleton spawned here I don’t know I’m pretty sure I put if I put fire below you know what okay I need more glass I got an idea should be enough a little bit extra some iron in there and please if anybody else has had you know just special experiences with Minecraft feel free to let me know in the comments in fact please do so um I’d love to hear about it just the way you know at the time even silly seemingly silly games can bring us together is um honestly kind of magical for example um in those Library PCS Minecraft was not the only game that we played we also found like a cracked version of the original Halo Combat Evolved PC port and me and the boys used to have like land parties you know after school to like playing this like Team Deathmatch land parties and all that have pizza delivered to the school all that crap like we just have some good times man like genuinely it was it’s really fun just something simple as that like a bootle version of Halo Combat Evolved you know can have such an impact on somebody’s life bringing friends together and all that it’s pretty incredible and if anybody else has similar experiences I’d love to hear about it I really would trying to think of something I can do with these to make them a little bit more visually appealing I’ve got all that Mossy Cobble but I don’t know exactly what I want to do I’m not the most creative person honestly so as of right now I’m a little bit at a loss as to what I kind of want to do with this like this is before you could make Corner stairs too so I’m I’m really racking my brain on interior decoration but as right now I think I’ll just uh put a lid on it come back to that later you know I want to do something else with this too although I’m not too sure yet I got to build a roof at some point as well but I don’t know I don’t know what to put up here like it’s it’s a castle does it really need like a roof portion not too sure so I’m want to come back to that later on think I might try and up my uh pathway game here but I’m not too sure how yet honestly I might take some time off this video and like go look at building techniques to try and figure out what I want to do with this place like I don’t exactly leave a Clear Vision yet if anybody has any suggestions for the build feel free to let me know in the comments I’m really appreciative I’d be really appreciative if anybody has any ideas on how to Spruce this thing up a little bit cuz I’m not it looks good don’t going to me wrong but I’m just not 100% what I want to do with it you know what I think I’m going to just take a hike literally in this case cuz I haven’t really explored much of this world at all this is the furthest I’ve really been and that’s only to F cactuses or cacti so you know what I haven’t seen the rest of this world the rest of this world yet I might get some ideas on what to do with it if I pop over here going to lay the land I really do love the uh old school terrain generation the old music is so much better too it perfectly encapsulates the mood of the game I like this think I could build like um like a mountain pass little wall gate thing right here here and then have like a little Inn by the lake or something along those lines and maybe a little Coastal Hut or little town maybe suits over by the forest over here in the Hills cuz I really do want this world to have a lot going on in it there’s the castle might have to build something um on the back of this too I think cuz I can go right through that mountain to like here and I can have it be like this big man house yeah I like the sound of that so I think coming up I’m going to kind of rough rough those plans out and then worry about gribling and textur work on the actual structures at some later date cuz that’s really not something I’m I’m too good at and I’m going to have to take a lot of time to practice and get good at that but I really don’t want to make like this little medieval style fantasy world and I mean look at that structure this is pretty wild oh yeah I like this a lot I’m just going to take a little walk back to my um Fortress here and I think I’ll cap off the video there I don’t really want these videos to be too too long you know um I don’t want somebody to fall asleep within the first 10 minutes and then miss an hour worth of like progress or something like that that’ be kind of silly that’s strange I thought dogs only spawn in like snowy biomes you can run free but without further Ado I’m going to end the video here have my last gummy worm and uh hope all of you have a great day or a great night or whenever you happen to be watching this video I hope it goes great for you whatever you got going on I’ll see you all in the next one

This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft 100 Sub Special! (Old School)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-02-20 16:50:02. It has garnered 2999 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds.

Thank you all for the support and views! Im so glad so many of you enjoy these videos and I hope to make more to come.

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    BOOST SIGNAL STRENGTH with COMPARATOR MATH! | PsiVolt Redstone #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMPARATOR MATH can easily check your SIGNAL STRENGTH! | Redstone with PsiVolt #minecraft #redstone’, was uploaded by PsiVolt on 2024-04-09 15:00:28. It has garnered 2849 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. @PsiVolt Comparator math makes looking for a specific signal strength easier than ever! Subscribe for more tips on how to use redstone for beginners to experts alike, from redstone dust to comparator math to flying machines! All sorts of simple redstone builds and other redstone tutorials! #shorts #gaming #minecraftshorts #shortsvideo #redstonewithpsivolt Check me out elsewhere! Twitch:… Read More

  • ZiddiBhaiGamer – Epic Minecraft Adventure! Start your quest now!

    ZiddiBhaiGamer - Epic Minecraft Adventure! Start your quest now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Embarking on a Minecraft Adventure Episode 2 Let the Journey Begin!’, was uploaded by ZiddiBhaiGamer on 2024-04-09 13:54:06. It has garnered 8 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:07 or 3307 seconds. “Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn! Join Ziddi Bhai Gamer as he embarks on his inaugural journey into the blocky realm. This first In the episode, get ready to witness the excitement of exploration, the thrill of crafting, and the wonder of discovery. Get ready for a series… Read More

  • Hidden Secrets: Hunt for Ancient Debris in Minecraft – Shizo!

    Hidden Secrets: Hunt for Ancient Debris in Minecraft - Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hunting for Ancient Debris with Blackie – Minecraft Ignitors SMP S3’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2024-05-18 05:14:20. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:35 or 9995 seconds. @blackshadowhrd4518 needs ancient debris, so we are going into the nether for a mining session. Let’s hope this time the hoglins will not attack us! REDEEMS: When you watch Dippy’s streams you earn Loyalty points. To see how many coins you have type !points in the chat. You can spend your coins on these redeems: !llama !duck !rain !umbrella… Read More

  • “Unlock Your Heart with These 10 Adorable Names ❤️🥰” #love #reels

    "Unlock Your Heart with These 10 Adorable Names ❤️🥰" #love #reelsVideo Information This video, titled ’10 cute name ❤️🥰❤️🥰 #reels #shorts #love #truelove #new’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-07 04:30:08. It has garnered 197772 views and 8931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o #games… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Skyblock Server Tour! Join Now on Hybrid Network!

    INSANE Minecraft Skyblock Server Tour! Join Now on Hybrid Network!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Op Skyblock Sunucusu | Server Tanıtımı | melez network’, was uploaded by RoudRain on 2024-07-03 07:27:51. It has garnered 1386 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. Hello everyone, today we introduced an op skyblock server called Melez Network! I hope you like it, enjoy watching! 🎮 » IGN: RoudRain • Server IP Address: • Server Discord: • Server Site: • Server Version: 1.16.5-1.21 (Java/Bedrock) • Bedrock Login: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 👍 If you like the video, don’t forget to like it. 👍 🔔 You… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TNT Mod w/ Rejay, Edriel & Reynald

    Insane Minecraft TNT Mod w/ Rejay, Edriel & ReynaldVideo Information This video, titled ‘mod APK TNT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rejay and edriel and reynald on 2024-03-27 02:22:59. It has garnered 195 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BrennynSabar | Semi-Vanilla SMP | Whitelist | Datapack | Simple Voice Chat | Java 1.20.6 | 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking to join a tight-knit community, you’ve come to the right place. Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation that enhances gameplay with new items, biomes, and dimensions. Server Details: Server hosted in New Jersey for great performance Running Minecraft version 1.21 Using Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Join Us: Apply on our website at and if accepted, join our discord server to start playing with us. Read More


    This is a simple server that hosts the mod Wildfire’s female gender mod. I was looking for a public server that has this mod and after no luck, I made my own.The rules as of yet:1. Don’t be a dick to other players or staff. (i.e No personal insults, threats, discrimination, etc.) 2. Don’t cause harm to the server. (i.e. No lag machines, generating chunks too fast, etc.) 3. Don’t use cheats that give an unfair combat advantage. (i.e. No killaura, reach, flight whilst in combat, etc.)This is an ffa server. I wanted as much freedom for players as possible… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Something fishy going on..

    Well, clearly something isn’t up… and it’s not just the score of this meme! Read More

  • Map to Mace: Minecraft 1.21 Survival Saga

    Map to Mace: Minecraft 1.21 Survival Saga In Minecraft’s world, I roam and explore, Facing challenges, seeking more. Tricky Trials, a new update to see, Will I conquer them, will I be free? From the top of the world, I descend with glee, To buy a map and set out to see. Trial Chambers await, filled with mobs, Will I survive, or will I sob? With blocks to find and challenges to face, I navigate with skill and grace. In this adventure, I’ll make my mark, In Minecraft’s world, I’ll leave a spark. So join me on this journey, don’t delay, As I conquer Tricky Trials… Read More

  • “Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire! 🔥” #minecraft #shorts

    "Villager Spittin' Hot Fire! 🔥" #minecraft #shorts When the villager sees the rail hack, he’s like “Oi Oi Oi, I didn’t sign up for this fast travel nonsense!” #minecraftwoes Read More

  • Minecraft Golden Helmet vs. Füze Saldırısı

    Minecraft Golden Helmet vs. Füze Saldırısı KÖTÜ ADAMLAR FÜZELERLE KÖYE SALDIRDI MİNECRAFT GOLDEN VS MINECRAFT#1 1000$ Füze saldırısı In the world of Minecraft, unexpected dangers can lurk around every corner. In the first episode of “Minecraft Golden vs Minecraft,” players witness a village under attack by evil mafias armed with missiles. The thrilling adventure unfolds as players explore ways to defend their village in the face of this new threat. Defending the Village With the village under siege, players must quickly devise strategies to protect their homes and inhabitants. Utilizing Minecraft mods, players can implement various defense mechanisms to safeguard against the missile attacks. From… Read More

  • The Ultimate Flower Power in Minecraft!

    The Ultimate Flower Power in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Flower Drop Op Items…’, was uploaded by MC Cake on 2024-03-08 04:53:14. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:36 or 396 seconds. Minecraft But Flower Drop Op Items… #minecraft minecraft but minecraft challenge minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft op items beating minecraft minecraft but challenge minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft manhunt minecraft but drop op items minecraft 100 days cash and nico minecraft but flowers give op items nico minecraft funny cash minecraft gameplay gabethemc twitch mcpe 100 days flowers drop op items minecraft… Read More