Aust – I Survived 100 Days of Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

I survived 100 days of Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft a game mode in which I’m left stranded on this floating island of dirt surrounded by the void which for some reason I thought would be a relaxing break from my regular hardcore series over the next 100 days I’ll be expanding

This lump of dirt into a full-fledged base bit with Automatic Farms villagers and so much more and of course I’ll also be beating the Ender Dragon and the Wither if I don’t run out of time but like every rags to riches story it all stems from a humble beginning

So we have pretty much a classic Skyblock World here this is Skyblock infinite though which means we’ll not only have access to blocks from every biome in the game but also an infinite void filled with randomly generated structures like Ocean Monuments ancient cities and strongholds which will be very important later on

So without wasting any more time I began Day Zero by seeing if I’d be lucky enough to get any seeds from the grass on my Island and when that failed I started removing the top layer of dirt so I could do some expanding one of the most common ways to fail this

Challenge is to not get a sapling from your very first tree that and ruining your cobblestone generator like I did in my last attempt so I wanted to be extra careful not to lose any saplings to the void maybe I should expand this again but I was far too lazy for that and

Instead resorted to punching the leaves with my fists in Hope of catching the saplings if they fell but none did so to distract myself from the thought of needing to restart this challenge yet again I began preparing everything I’d need for a cobble generator and then gave the remaining leaves the

Most disgusted look a faceless man could give until they finally submitted with my first sapling secured and my will to live restored I began working on the cobblestone generator and upgraded my pickaxe my next objective was to continue farming Stone until I could craft slabs and begin the expansion with a shovel

And the slabs in hand I started removing the bottom layers of dirt trying my best not to lose any to the void in the end there was only one casualty and I even got the dirt collector advancement for having a full stack I spent the rest of the night mining

Cobblestone and placing more slabs until the sun rose on day one my goal for this day was to continue using Cobblestone to expand the base and to hopefully build a second platform for mobs to spawn on if I could get bones I’d be able to Bone Mill the ground and

Get the seeds I needed for my first food source so I started the day with a bit of Mining and then reorganized the base moving the cobblestone generator to a more permanent location and adding an extra layer of slabs around the edge for safety at this point I was starting to get

Hungry so I began mining more Cobblestone to build the mob platform starting to see a pattern yet with Knight quickly approaching I used all the Cobblestone I had left to build it and returned home to a fully grown tree Which put my firefighting skills to the test That night I got my second sapling which meant that the show could go on a little later my first zombie spawned on the new platform and I realized that it probably wasn’t a good idea to give him direct access to my base Sir I think you have something that is mine I’m going to ask you to kindly return it to me give me the slab I burned my slab with the zombie Shenanigans over I returned home to another sapling which pretty much guaranteed I’d have a lasting supply of wood

To wrap up the night I acquired my first charcoal which I used to light up my Island and then noticed that a few skeletons had spawned on the platform so not wanting them to despawn I put the baby down for a nap and AFK the rest of

The night within the 24 block range as all good days do day two began with the burning of my enemies and after carefully dealing with the creepers I finally had access to bones and some string as planned I used the bones to make bone Mill and get some seeds crafted up a

Stone hoe removed this tree and willed an apple into existence I think I’m actually Gonna Save it because we need two golden apples to eventually get villagers and I don’t want to just eat that right now if I don’t need to and so I shifted my focus to using a

Trick with seagrass to create a second water source giving me access to infinite water I spent most of the day mining cobblestone and chopping down trees then added a makeshift drawbridge between my Island and the mob platform for extra safety and continued expanding the platform so that I could hopefully get

More mobs than I did the previous night Then it was back to the old Cobble grind until I got bored and decided to test out my new drawbridge needing a place to plant my wheat I began working on a lower platform on one side of the base but by the time it was finished and I

Had planted the seeds I realized that I’d been too far away from the mob platform and that they’d all despawned which meant I was going to have to work with whatever bone meal I had left I ended up with three wheat just enough to craft my first piece of bread and

Refill my hunger and replenish my health which was a great sign and as a bonus I even got a second Apple meaning that any I got in the future would be fair game to eat for the rest of the day the only thing I had on my mind was expansion so on each

Side I started marking out where the future staircases would go and then worked on replicating the lower layer I had for my farm on each of the other sides of the circle a process that would end up taking me the entire day and part of the night due to my lack of cobblestone

Upon finishing the last side I was able to rebuild my drawbridge but then I got a little too greedy I wanted to trap the Enderman in a boat so I could kill him for pearls but my plan for dealing with the skeleton didn’t go so well oh did he cross Ed okay

So like a fortnight player caught with their pants down I began building completely sealing myself off and buying myself time to think not wanting to waste the rest of the night covering in a box I realized that if I could get to my chest I could heal

Myself using the apples I was saving and try to make a play so I ate a couple and ran to the tree for cover treating Minecraft like a medieval FPS game I made a play with my newfound braveness I decided to take on the spiders too in hopes of

Eventually getting enough strength for a bed but I was still a long way off on day four I began filling the new edges of the platform with planks moving my crafting station over to one of them and came to the conclusion that the main thing holding me back right now was not

Having access to a steady supply of bone meal the makeshift mob farm I’d been using so far had only given me enough bones for a single piece of bread and had almost led to my demise so it was time to start working towards constructing an actual mob farm

Starting with the removal of the old one due to my stone tools this took nearly a whole day and with the daylight I had left I filled in the rest of the Planks on the edges mined some more cobblestone shocker and replenished my Apple Supply knowing a full-scale mob farm would take

Stacks upon stacks of cobblestone I dedicated the entire night to mining but then my plans were interrupted I used my chest as cover blocking two of the Phantom’s attacks and then locked myself in a one by one so here I was again spending another night hiding but I knew that if I could

Just get a small roof over the cobble generator I’d be safe enough to continue the mining so slowly but surely I did just that with a roof above my head I was able to continue making progress but I still wasn’t entirely safe and when the sun rose on day five I was

At half Health hungry and morale was low but complaining about my situation wasn’t going to change anything so I began working on the staircase that would lead to the mob farm the platform where the killing area would be and then notice that my Island was on fire

Thankfully the only thing that ended up being damaged was me after spawn proofing the new areas I built the only thing I could really do was craft up a few more pickaxes and spend the rest of the night mining and to make my lowest point even lower

The game decided that now was a good time for a thunderstorm this is where I get struck by lightning and die but what I didn’t know was that day six would be the day that everything changed wait hold on and we fish I’m so dumb so yeah after days of struggling to

Manage my health and hunger it turned out that I had an unlimited food source right at my fingertips the entire time watching my health regenerate here was probably the most satisfying moment I’d had so far with this boost in morale I was ready to start working on the mob farm but was

Surprised to find out that day 6 was already coming to an end so I doubled down on fishing to further increase my stock of food and apparently lily pads and just when the sun was starting to rise it began to rain again so the next thing that I want to do is I

Want to take the center of our Island here and turn it into a pond for fishing I also want to move the edge of the grass blocks out so we’re going to take the dirt from the middle and we’re going to put it around the edge

And so for the rest of the day and into the night I reorganized my Island creating a pond that was big enough to get treasure drops and in the midst of being bullied by Phantoms I noticed a Wandering traitor had spawned but I couldn’t really do much about it with

All the Phantoms so I passed the Night by collecting Cobblestone and doing some fishing in the morning I could finally visit my new friends but to be honest I didn’t really like anything he had to offer not that I could have afforded it anyways but that didn’t mean that I was going to

Go home empty-handed and for the first time in days I was able to continue working on the mob farm again starting with the drop shoot building out each side of the plus sign adding a border around it and making sure that I made it home before the

Phantoms came out to play it wasn’t bad progress for a day of work but I needed to spend the night Gathering more Cobblestone if I was going to finish it anytime soon once the Phantoms were burning I harvested all the trees that had grown

And made my way up to the mob farm with the intention of hopefully finishing the first layer today but even though I was able to finish the outer edge and build it up to be two blocks high before I could make much progress on the spawning platforms it started thunderstorming yet again

The thing about thunderstorms is that they allow Phantoms to spawn so without any armor or proper weapons it’s not really a good idea to be out here building in one so you’ll never guess what I did next yep another night of fishing and Mining I did manage to catch a name tag that

Night but I am alone on an island in the middle of the Void so day 10 I continued working on the mob farm I was 10 of the way through this Challenge and I still felt like I was struggling to get by but I was able to

Complete the first layer of the spawning platform today then line the edge with another layer of Blocks place the trapdoors along the inner Edge to trick the mobs into walking off and add the water that would push them into the center it was great progress for a day’s work

But it didn’t come without a cost my supply of cobblestone was completely diminished and I’d used all the wood I had on the trap doors but that night the thought occurred to me that I could add a second stream of water to my cobble generator and this would go on to nearly

Double my Cobble production which had a major role in helping me finish the farm by the morning I had finished almost five stacks of cobblestone using that I was able to finish both layers on the Outer Edge before getting caught out in the rain yet again by now I was genuinely starting to

Wonder if there was something wrong with my world because it couldn’t seem to go a full day without raining to keep myself from losing my mind I put on a YouTube video and mined away the pain the next morning I didn’t waste any time harvesting my crops or trees because if

I’d learned anything this far it was that I probably wouldn’t have more than five minutes before another thunderstorm would strike and leave me with nothing to do but mine so I built as if my life depended on it completely finishing the second layer of spawning platforms and even the entire outer wall

From there I made as much progress as I could with the roof but I wasn’t quite able to finish it before the night fell and Phantoms were upon me foreign back to base I spent the night trying to gather as much wood and stone as possible I was determined to finish the

Mob farm by the next night day 13 I started the day by harvesting the wheat and then it was back to the mob farm where I finished up the roof added all the trapdoors and started building up the drop chute I wanted to leave a few gaps near the bottom that

Would hopefully allow me to block off the farm in the future in case I needed to with the final blocks in place all that was left to do was remove the Torches and ride my water slide down to the bottom of course it was already raining again by now but that wasn’t

Going to stop me the farm was operational aside from the fact that the creepers were able to see me after a little more farming I managed to get my first few pieces of armor killed my first Enderman and shortly after got some enchanted golden boots to replace the leather

Then I very nearly murdered my first zombie villager luckily I noticed just in time and was able to very carefully block off the farm then it was just a matter of picking off the remaining Mobs with my ax until the only thing left was my new friend in the

Process I noticed that I picked up some music discs that must have dropped from skeletons killing creepers while I was trying to block off the farm after isolating the zombie villager I expanded the platform a bit to make trapping him in a boat a little easier I got a little distracted while letting

Him out as this was the first time I’d seen a zombie villager with the fresh animations resource pack and he looked a little funny to me he didn’t seem to like that remark and made sure to let me know by backhanding my kneecap but after sliding his bow across the Cobblestone

Like it was on a patch of ice I was one step closer to obtaining villagers I decided to take this opportunity to redesign the Farm’s killing area and then began reopening the farm when I noticed another zombie villager but there was now an Enderman stopping

Me from closing off the farm again so I hit him and Chaos ensued I was able to make it back to my Island in time to remove the bottom of the staircase allowing me to safely dispatch all the zombies that followed me down using the string from the farm I crafted

Enough wool for a bed and used it to sleep in hopes that the sun would help me deal with some of the mobs of course with the giant roof overhead that was wishful thinking and I instead opted for crafting a bow which I used to pick off mob after mob

Before rushing back up to try to seal off the hole that the creeper blew up but every time I started gaining ground more mobs would rain down on top of me and after taking a few hits I had no choice but to fall back however the longer I waited the more

Mobs I’d have to deal with and I was running out of arrows so I had to make a move and by some miracle I was able to get enough blocks down to patch up all the holes and by some even bigger Miracle the zombie villager had survived being

Dropped from the top of the farm and being blown up by a creeper so I put him in a boat next to his friend and spent the rest of the night fixing up the mob farm adding a railing around the edge and redesigning the killing area to

Hopefully keep it from blowing up again the mobs had been stacking up the entire time I was building and I ended up getting a full set of armor from these guys and a power tubo my next order of business was to figure out a way to trap the Witch and so I

Began building an area on the other side of the platform once it was ready I pillared up to close off the farm and well the witch must have thrown a potion that damaged the rest of the mobs causing the creeper to blow up luckily she survived the encounter and

The damage to the farm itself was minimal this time I approached from a different angle that made closing the farm off much safer then it was just a matter of removing the leftover mobs and bringing the witch to her new ride which was a little awkward at first but

Nothing has slapped to the shin couldn’t fix she then proceeded to remove the entirety of my hit points with two potions and I’m lucky that this last one wasn’t a potion of harming because that probably would have killed me somehow I was again left fighting for

Control of my own mob farm but with a few punches to the boat I was able to get the witch to the far end of the chamber this was just an incredibly dumb move that nearly got me killed and with nothing but a couple apples left for

Food I needed to rethink things I grabbed some cooked fish from the furnace but decided to switch it out for some bread not knowing which one was more effective turns out they’re exactly the same although with my new supply of Bones red was the easier one to get

I finally mustered up the courage to give the witch another go and managed to actually block her off a little but she laughed in my face and demonstrated that she could still hit me through the bottom Gap I decided that I’d had more than enough abuse for the night and after thinking

About what my next major goal would be began mining cobblestone in preparation I didn’t stop mining until the evening of day 17 and with all the Cobblestone ready it was time to begin giving my base a makeover I started by making the first staircase three blocks wide and

Then it was time to complete the remaining three staircases my plan was to have the four staircases lead to an outer ring this outer ring would be where the mob farm and future iron farm would be located thanks to my bed I was able to trick the game into thinking I

Slept by laying down and getting up before the night is skipped the game still registers this is sleeping which means I was able to continue building all night without needing to worry about Phantoms allowing me to complete all four staircases The Next Step was to figure out exactly how much distance

There was between the top of the staircases and the middle of the island using this number and a website that generates pixel circles I’d be able to build a perfect circle for the rest of day 18 I continued building the Inner Circle only stopping when I realized

That the witch was trying to throw potions at me from the opposite side of the map So to avoid having potions raining down while I was trying to Bridge Over the void I fully boxed the witch in now at this point the fake sleeping trick was fairly new to me and I wasn’t

Fully convinced that it worked so rather than risk getting hit into the void by a phantom I decided to take the Knight to restock on Cobblestone something I was going to need to do sooner or later anyways but after a full night without Phantoms I’d be more comfortable relying on that

Trick in the future with the witch now trapped in her bunker I was able to safely complete the Inner Circle and then throughout the night the Outer Circle as well on day 20 I was trying to decide what I should use to fill in the middle and although Cobblestone had served me well

Up to this point I didn’t want my entire base to be built out of it so I bridged over to the Tiger Biome so I could get my hands on the best wood in the game from there I essentially relived Day Zero all over again placing down a

Cobblestone platform to catch all the blocks and destroying the entire Island this gave me access to extra dirt as well as snow a pumpkin but most importantly not one but two screw saplings and so I ran home eagerly thinking of all the new possibilities destroying an entire ecosystem had granted me after

Fake sleeping I began clearing out all of the oak trees to make room for the far superior spruce trees speaking of making room I wanted to start expanding the main island there was only so much space around the pond to grow trees and I wanted to start

Growing Giant Tiger trees as my main source of wood so I crafted as many Spruce Labs as I could and started filling in my new platform of course that wasn’t enough to fill in all of it but it gave me the space I needed to start growing them and

Breaking these massive trees down for blocks was such a nice change of scenery from the usual Cobblestone mining harvesting just one of these gave me enough slabs to fill in the entire platform something that probably would have taken me a whole night if I’d used cobblestone

With everything now filled in I was able to use the dirt I got from the Tiger Island to plant more saplings and then chop down another tree before dedicating the rest of my night to mining cobblestone because as much as I liked Spruce I still needed something different for the outlines

Using the Cobblestone from the night before I started outlining the other sides of the platform again the witch was proving to be a nuisance so I finally finished her cage for the rest of day 22 and into the night I finished the Cobblestone outlines I didn’t have a clear idea for

Exactly what I’d be putting in each quadrant yet but I knew I’d eventually need space for villagers another portal and extra storage I decided to add little Bridges between the quadrants underneath the staircases mostly because I was too lazy to walk around them every time for the entirety of day 23 my life

Consisted of chopping trees placing slabs chopping trees placing slabs until the morning of day 24 when they were finally complete the next thing on my agenda was to build a villager breeder and yes it would have been utterly useless until I cured the zombie villagers but I wanted to have it

Ready in advance so it was time to reactivate the mob farm or the village breeder I was going to need four beds and I only had enough string for five wool so I had some grinding to do about four minutes later I had enough for the bed but after a little Inventory

Management I realized that I also needed four more wool for the carpet so it was back to farming string and in the process I got an unexpected bonus okay oh we got our first iron ingot this time the string took a lot longer to farm because I didn’t already have a

Buildup of mobs waiting to be killed but I wasn’t too worried about it because in the end I walked away with a lot of useful loot I chose the quadrant closest to the mob farm to house the villagers this way I wouldn’t have to waste as much time transporting them

I went for a pretty standard design for the Villager breeder and added a platform to the top where I could push the villagers in being in the area for so long there were a ton of mobs waiting to be killed and I ended up getting a really good bow from

Them I decided to use my iron ingot to make a shield as I figured that this would be the best use for it for now I also used the bones to make bone meal and craft some more bread and this was all in preparation for going to the nether I had never lit

Another portal using lava before so I wasn’t sure what the best strategy was but whatever I did here seemed to work so into The Nether I went I’m not sure what another is like on other Skyblock Maps but with this one it’s also made up of floating islands

The center one being a ruined portal with two gold blocks on the top two gold blocks that I couldn’t mine because all I had was a stone pickaxe and so if I wanted to cure the zombie villagers I was going to need to build a gold Farm

Because it’s in the nether I figured it’d be best to build it with something that’s not flammable which left me with um eight minutes later I had what I hoped would be enough Cobblestone and back into the nether I went first things first I needed to spawn

Proof and expand the area around the portal because the last thing I would want is to bridge out into the void turn around and have an army of mobs waiting for me at my portal and then I began working on the actual gold Farm starting with the drop shoot

Which I built out of slabs in order to save resources once I got to the top I bridged out 20 blocks from the center and constructed the spawning platforms and while I’m sure there’s more efficient designs for a simple gold Farm I had to make two

With the blocks I had because what I didn’t have was the sanity to go back and mine more cobblestone once the farm was complete all I had to do was aggro the zombie piglens and once they pushed each other down the hole I could begin farming

But it seemed like the majority of the piglands were either getting pushed off the edge or stuck at the top so I redesigned it making it more of a straight line to hopefully make it run better and it definitely helped but the main thing holding the farm back was

That the freshly spawned piglands needed hit with an arrow before they’d aggro so after cleaning up the ones left over I tried to fix the problem zombie piglens have a mechanic that allows them to relay their anger to other nearby piglens and so my theory

Was that if I could trap one in a boat at the bottom the freshly spawned ones would already be angry at me so I was going to try pushing one down but then this happened um in hindsight all I had to do was block off the bridge and everything would have

Been fine but it took me a while to realize just how big of a problem this actually was luckily my theory was incorrect because the angry mob at the bottom of my pillar wasn’t causing the new piglets to aggro on me which meant all I had to do was clear

Them out and patch up the shoot so a potentially deadly mistake turned out to not be so bad after all or in other words yeah this was a dumb idea we’re not doing this so the temporary workaround I came up with was to stand on our platform at the

Top until a large amount of penguins had accumulated at the bottom this is when I noticed there was actually a regular piglet in the mix and if I could get him out I’d be able to barter with him using gold from the farm so I used my ax to kill everything else

Trapping him in a boat on the edge of the platform I tried bartering with him and got bricks after learning that I could be hit through the wall it was finally time to get what I’d came here for enough gold to make two golden apples so over the course of the next five

Minutes I farmed as many zombie pigments as I could after crafting up the ingots I went back to the Overworld to make the apples in order to actually cure the villagers I was going to need the witch to throw a weakness potion at them and based on how

My previous encounters with her went I wasn’t confident that my armor would be strong enough to tank her harming potions and so my plan was to farm more gold and barter with a big one for iron nuggets so that I could make iron armor this plan was stupid for a multitude of

Reasons number one there’s only a two percent chance to get iron nuggets when bartering number two I could have used the gold to make golden apples that would have been way better in helping me tank the potions and number three armor doesn’t reduce the damage harming potions do unless it has the protection

Enchantment so yeah after 10 minutes of farming and bartering this was the only iron I ended up getting and once the pigland had officially gone as insane as I was I put him and this operation out of its misery at least we got gravel Upon returning home and cleaning out my

Inventory i farmed a bunch more weed so I could make more bread I spent the night preparing the platform making enough space to slide both of the zombie villagers in position next to the witch cage before clearing out the mob farm so I could actually hear myself think

And then it was go time witches have quite a complicated attack pattern that depends on both your health and how far away you are from them if you’re within seven blocks and you have at least four Hearts the witch will always throw a poison potion which I clearly didn’t know at the time

If you fall below four hearts or if you’re already poisoned the witch opts for a harming potion once you step within the three block range there’s a 25 chance the witch will throw a weakness potion instead of the harming one I wasn’t quick enough to cure both

Zombies the first time it happened but shortly after I got the second one too while they were curing I worked on boxing in the witch again and readying the platform above the Villager breeder then it was just a matter of moving them over and thanks to the boats and preparation

I did it was very easy after removing the upper platform and the guardrails around it I silenced the angry mobs I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to wait until the Villager slept before I started feeding them so I chose to play it safe and spend the rest of the day chopping trees

When the night came I was able to fence off the entire quadrant where the villagers would live but the floating fences just didn’t look very good to me so the cobble generator claimed another one of my precious nights day 33 I finished placing all the slabs underneath the fences and finally fed

The villagers some bread but after creepily staring at them waiting for something to happen nothing did and this wasn’t the first time I had issues with this villager breeder design I tried both bread and potatoes but nothing was working so I tore it down and decided that my villagers were going to be

Raised free range or at least more free range than before with nothing else to do but wait I decided to fix my Enderman infestation you see when I built the mob farm I made the top layer one block Too Tall this meant that Enderman could spawn on the

Top and then teleport anywhere on my Island up until this point I was fine profiting off the free pearls but now that I had villagers I’d soon be able to trade for them making this an entirely unnecessary safety risk speaking of so began the 10-minute process of

Removing the entire roof just so I could place it all back down but I shouldn’t ever need to deal with Enderman here again for some reason when I got to the bottom the farm was filled with nothing but creepers so I’m thinking that they must have some sort of advantage over the

Rest of the mobs when it comes to entity cramming conspiracies aside my villagers were finally breeding and I’m not gonna lie I was obsessed with a new baby Villager Animations from the Fresh animations pack I’ll leave a link to it in the description in case you guys want to try it out

I used the gravel I got from bartering to get enough Flint for a few Fletching tables then I used the iron I had to create an iron ax as an investment for my new stick company of course it broke less than five minutes later but it allowed me to

Collect more logs logs equal sticks sticks equal emeralds and with enough emeralds the possibilities were endless after a bunch more trading I ended up with 56 of them next I placed a composter down so I could get a farmer and I did some more stick traits

With the new farmer I could now buy the bread I needed to breed more villagers while maxing out his trades I couldn’t help but try the soup just a few trades later I had access to the best food in the game while harvesting my sugar cane that night I

Could have sworn I heard a meow and sure enough it turned out to be a picky eater but that wasn’t going to stop me I finally had a chance to make a friend yay after bringing my cat home my next Focus was collecting string so I spent

The rest of the night at the mob farm in the morning I used the string to craft another bed for the villagers and showed this guy that there was only enough room for one protector of the villagers and these parts I used his remains to craft a smithing

Table giving me access to a toolsmith which when leveled up would be able to sell me diamond tools but for that I was going to need iron I wasn’t quite ready to build an iron farm yet because I wanted to wait until I had more villagers at my disposal

To speed up that process I crafted a loom and used it to get a shepard villager that I could buy beds from but to unlock those I needed to First Trade sticks for emeralds and then work my way through the trades now instead of grinding all night in the

Mob farm for a single bed I could buy them for an emerald a piece all these beds meant I could house way more villagers and breed them up faster which also meant that I was going to need a lot of sticks if I wanted to keep

Up with the new trades I was unlocking and so the night was spent chopping down trees day 37 began with Uninvited visitors but my friend made short work of them so I gave him the role of guarding my portal then it was business as usual buying bread to feed my villagers

Trading for emeralds and rinse and repeat then began plans for the construction of the iron farm I wanted to build the same design that I have in my main hardcore series the only problem with that is that the design is typically built underground but I couldn’t think of a

Reason why it wouldn’t work if it was built floating in the sky so that’s what I was going to do the middle of the iron farm is usually a hole in the ground with water pushing Golems to a central dropshoot I used fence posts in exchange for the walls the hole usually provides

When open the fence gates in the middle allow the Golems to pass through but not the water which I added next before moving on I expanded the lower platform a bit more then pillared up and constructed the first villager module leaving enough room inside for three villagers and the zombie

It was only now that I realized just how ugly this thing was but I’d fix it up eventually The Next Step was to get the villagers up here but instead of building a staircase out of planks that would take forever to clean up I used my gravel to craft coarse dirt which could

Then be turned into path blocks and broken to obtain regular dirt allowing me to build the staircase out of a block that was much easier to break and it was only at the top that I ran out and was forced to use the planks then it was just a matter of luring

Villagers using leftover composters and this process ended up being way simpler than I anticipated just five composters later and I had my first villager in the farm I pushed him into the zombie side for now so that he wouldn’t Escape while I was bringing up the other two soon

Enough villager number two had found his way up into the Trap villager number three followed shortly after then I built an exit for short people only and bought the villagers beds completely on the house I thought it was interesting that I wasn’t able to enter my door by jumping

But as soon as I have a block under me I can magically fit and I’m not sure if you caught that so I’ll show it again turns out the third villager was actually parkour Legend Michael Scott and had left me completely confused thinking one of the villagers had died wait a minute

Where did this guy go so I built the staircase higher so I could drop another one in tomorrow and for the rest of the night worked on adding a spawning platform for the zombie I couldn’t get one to spawn yet but that was okay because the drop shoot

Wasn’t ready yet anyways so that’s what I worked on the morning of day 40. again using slabs to conserve resources I built layer after layer making sure the gaps in between weren’t big enough for a Golem to fit through once I was nearing the top I decided to skip a few

Layers and finish the top ones so that I could use the remaining daylight to get the final villager but I ran out of time so I had to use beds instead of composters making sure there were less beds and villagers I continued luring him until he finally

Linked to the extra bed in the farm once he was in I started expanding the zombie platform in hopes that it would work better than the night before after some time I actually got one and it walked straight into the boat trap I quickly placed a roof above his room

And a boat in the middle and then I was ready for him I totally almost fell to my death here because of the slab on the top but after removing the blocks the zombie made his way into the farm and in the boat meaning the iron farm should be working

And sure enough there was already an iron golem at the top I had some cleaning up to do before I could open it up for business like removing the zombie platform the pillar I built the Villager module on and the giant staircase then I opened up all the fence gates

Allowing the Golems to fall and finish building the rings that I’d skipped that might be the ugliest iron farm ever the last step was to grab the lava for my cobble generator place it in the farm and that was it I now had access to probably the most

Crucial resource in my progression the Stone Age had officially ended I gave the villagers their beds back and was finally able to start making progress with my toolsmith unlocking an enchanted iron pickaxe and more importantly an ax which I happen to have the perfect amount of emeralds for

This was probably the most exciting thing that had happened in a while because having nothing more than stone tools for 40 days made Iron ones with efficiency feel illegal so I chopped trees until my new ax was about to break and then came to the genius realization that Hoppers were

Something I could actually craft now so I did just that and now the iron farm had an actual collection system I woke my Fletchers up in the middle of the night to sell them sticks and used the profits to buy two more axes and a pickaxe

With my old tools disposed of I chopped down another tree to restock my stick Supply and place two grindstones to get weaponsmiths unlike toolsmiths weaponsmiths are guaranteed to have a diamond ax trade and I wanted to unlock that as soon as possible but I leveled up the toolsmith anyway

Because the other tools would still be helpful checking the iron farm I got enough ingots to level up both my new weaponsmiths but their new trades were complete garbage and I was going to need more iron to level them up for now I did stick traits bought some

Golden carrots and some bread to breed more villagers the rest I invested in more beds and then it was back to the old grind it seemed like no matter how many trees I chopped down I was always out of emeralds again the next night in the morning I crafted a blast furnace

So I could finally begin working towards better armor and so the trading for the day began I started with the tool Smith unlocking a really nice diamond pick trade and then moved on to the armor grabbing more iron and finally after one more level up I could now trade for a

Very good Diamond ax after buying out both my Fletchers for the day I had a perfect stack of emeralds and bought myself my first diamond ax however this is where I started to hit a wall because all of the villagers I wanted to level up required iron and

Having just one module on the iron farm wasn’t enough to keep up with the demand and so I took advantage of my now insanely fast tools and started farming the wood I would need to build additional modules realistically I didn’t actually need to upgrade the farm

Over time one module would be enough to produce all the iron I needed but waiting that long would use up precious time and limit my progress over the 100 days plus having built the first module the design was still fresh in my mind and I was able to finish the entire second

Module and build the zombie platform before the night was over like the first time I didn’t have any luck spawning one so the next day I removed it and bridged out even further away from my mob farm hoping that would help solve the issue and then it was

Time to build modules three and four linking both of them to module 2 so I could use the same staircase and zombie platform when it was time to populate them and once night arrived it was time to bring in the zombies I didn’t have much luck at first only

Getting a lonely spider so I brurged out even further and built another platform this finally did the trick getting me a zombie in less than a minute later I lured him into the boat just like last time rebuilt the stairs and waited for the next one which turned out to be two

And upon luring them back I realized that I didn’t really have a way to handle two at once so I had to settle for one helping him into the boat and realizing I was too late to get the third in the meantime I started working on the villagers this time pre-placing the

Composters and breaking them from the ground up so the villagers would automatically link to the next one with this new and improved method I was able to bring up three villagers by Nightfall completing module 2. unfortunately it took me four minutes that night to get a zombie to spawn but

Once it did I lured it over to the other modules and into the fourth meaning all I needed now was six more villagers I bought the remaining beds for my shepherd and placed them down leaving me fully prepared for some bright and early villager napping and this ended up being

A full day of transporting villagers from sunrise to sunset all I did was deal with these baboons these sad Squidward wannabes and as much as I wanted nothing more than to give them a little shove off the iron farm at times at the end of the day I tucked them in good night

And that was the entire iron farm complete from there I started removing all the bridges I’d built between the modules then took down the zombie platforms and as the sun was Rising signaling the approach of day 47 the iron farm was not only now symmetrical but roughly four times as productive

As an added bonus the farm was running the entire time it was building and had produced around eight stacks of iron allowing me to finally start maxing out all of my iron hungry villagers and unlock trades for lots of cool stuff like diamond swords diamond armor which

I bought right away in a clipped and after a few throwaway trades the rest of the set all of a sudden all of my villagers were maxed out and so I got more to try my luck at getting better enchantments the armorer gave me feather falling boots

Which I think are pretty much a must-have for the dragon fight I used the leather I got from bartering and some paper to craft a lectern but the villagers were already closing up shop for the night of course that didn’t stop me from waking them up in the middle of

The night to sell them my sticks after a fake sleep I proceeded to chop down every tree on my Island this pattern of trading and the day and farming resources for emeralds at night would become a common theme over the next in-game week as I was about to go all in

Trying to max out my gear in preparation for the dragon fight day 48 the first thing on my mind was to lock in a bookshelf librarian so I could craft more lecterns and cycle through the enchanted book trades faster I’m going to try my best to summarize this

Part and just show the moments that were critical to my progress because there’s a reason Mojang is currently experimenting with reworking the trading system and I think there’s more to it than it just being too easy it’s also extremely repetitive the first useful book I got was mending

Which I locked in straight away an unlimited supply of the most sought after enchantment in the game in under a minute of refreshing so you really can’t blame people for complaining about this stuff because as long as these mechanics are present methods like fishing and chest looting will always remain left at

And I don’t mean to turn this into a video essay but this was just what was going through my mind at the time of recording this the next usable enchant I got was power 5 for 20 emeralds so I put that as well as mending onto my bow and

Bought myself a diamond sword so I could mend it faster at the mob farm then like deja vu it was back to chopping trees in the dark just like yesterday I emptied out the iron farm in the morning crafted up the sticks traded for emeralds and focused on the Librarians again

This time luck was not on my side leaving me refreshing all day until I finally got something good The rest of the refreshing that day was unsuccessful but I used the extra emeralds I had left over to buy a diamond shovel as well as a diamond chest plate then I built a square of dirt with a single grass block that I got using my

Soap touch pick my goal here was to get some passive mobs to spawn once it all turned to grass I upgraded my diamond ax that night but it was right about now that this was starting to feel like that movie Groundhog Day chop wood all night empty the iron farm

In the morning craft sticks get on breaking three okay that one was new can you tell I’ve been practicing my stick trades yet trade my extra iron for more emeralds cycle through dozens of villager trades until I get mending on two villagers back to back and do a little bit of this

Until I get a sharpness 5 book 44 emeralds was a little steep but I still couldn’t pass it up I also got aqua affinity Looting 3 and respiration 3 that day all of which I decided to keep I combined a lot of the enchantments

Onto my sword and made a stop at the mob farm to try it out before returning to my overnight shift as a lumberjack and I bet you guys could probably see the lines with me now empty the iron farm in the Morning Craft the sticks trade them for emeralds get more

Fletchers because I have so many sticks the two isn’t enough anymore okay we didn’t rehearse that one but Jokes Aside the only other enchant that I genuinely needed at this point was protection I mean really once I got power five I was already fine in the weapons Department

Since I had a lot of extra emeralds now I went ahead and bought three Unbreaking books a pair of feather falling boots and a fire prot helmet in case things got toasty my iron Supply was also beginning to pile up and I was probably getting half

Of my emeralds from Iron trades at this point I bought a second helmet as when I could put protection on in the future and finally a second pair of feather falling boots so I could eventually combine them for feather falling 4. but for now I just put Unbreaking on them for some reason

I’ll just skip right into the next day this time because the night had nothing new to offer just like all but two of the villagers I traded with today the first being a sweeping Edge trade and while I didn’t really need it there’s no point in passing up trades

When you’ve got plenty of emeralds and spare villagers to work with the next was selling blast protection which I kept just in case I ended up fighting the Wither I put sweeping Edge on my sword that night bid my Lumberjack shift and stared menacingly at the villagers that night

A Wandering traitor spawned Just Before Sunrise but he didn’t really have much to offer I bought some flowers and die anyway claimed my complimentary leads and placed the mini Lorax trees around my pond I’d love to talk about all the cool stuff that happened on day 53 but it

Appears I wrote my notes with invisible ink by accident what a shame day 54 was the day of Champions whatever that means it started off like every other day the past week did little did I know this batch would give me a prop 3 trade but I knew that if I kept going

I’d eventually get prop 4 and the price wasn’t I took it instantly then I traded a ton of iron for emeralds as well as sticks leaving me with just over three stacks of emeralds allowing me to buy enough prop 3 books to make four prop four books I upgraded my boots

First but was too poor to combine them for feather falling for so I hit the mob farm for a bit and completed the upgrade and this is how I spent my night upgrading my armor one piece at a time getting the inferior standard edition carrot from a zombie and because I was

Tired of emptying garbage out of my inventory I finally gave the farm a proper collection system from there I upgraded my pants and after a little more grinding my chest plate as well completing the set of course I didn’t just stop there buying a mending book for each piece of

Armor as well as everything I’d need for a maxed out silk touch pick I put mending on the helmet chest boots and legs and because the pickaxe was going to be so expensive I had the bright idea to use the gold Farm instead which was so much better for levels than the mob

Farm won a regular piglet fell into the farm I decided that I’d capture him since all the levels I was farming were giving me a lot of gold as a byproduct so into the boat he went but because he didn’t approve of my fashion choices I had to

Get some new shoes before he would tolerate my existence the problem was he seemed to think my chest belonged to him and since he had a crossbow there was a constant worry that he’d knock me off the platform at some point so I had no choice but to put him in a cage

It was a real shame we couldn’t just get along but at least I had something to do with all my gold now you can’t blame me though for not trusting the water he gave me yeah I didn’t like that but I just continued to farm up levels in Gold the

Latter of which I traded with my adversary until I had accumulated a variety of items and was no longer willing to tell her his abuse but no I just couldn’t take the risk of him knocking me into the void if I decided to bridge away from the platform

After returning home I added the enchants to my pickaxe and then I was ready to move on to the next stage after some more stuck trading of course but only so I could buy more food because this next step was about to get heated I needed to make my way over to The

Fortress in most cases building out of wood in another isn’t a good idea but since it was Skyblock I had control over where the mobs could spawn I did take the time to make the bridge two blocks wide just in case that also gave me the confidence to Sprint jump around freely

Now those of you who have played this map before know that there’s normally an end portal in this Gap here but because I wanted more of a challenge I decided to remove it before I started the playthrough so what that means is that in order to beat the Ender Dragon I’m actually going

To need to find a stronghold the normal way by using Eyes of Ender and to actually get to it I’ll need to bridge the entire way there through the void that leads the next step here which is collecting blaze rods to do that I needed to give the mobs a place to spawn

While also keeping them in a controlled environment and with these trap doors in place I can remove the glowstone from the inside allowing mobs to spawn there and then I can just stand on the bridge and use the F3 menu to see how many mobs are in there when the number is above

Zero I can run over and hope for blazes in this case we already got one along with three blaze rods so all I had to do was repeat those steps and by the second batch I already had enough rods for all the eyes back at home I was trying to decide

Where to put another wart Farm but I couldn’t make up my mind I was even going to give it its own dedicated area before deciding that this spot next to the fail of a passive mob farm would do just fine and just when you thought the Knights of harvesting trees were over I

Was back at it this was the last time I was doing it for Emerald so as I only needed enough sticks and iron to level up a cleric and unlock the ender pearl trade the first guy decided that he wasn’t going to cooperate but since I was feeling

Generous I made a new brewing stand and let him live I used rotten flesh from the gold Farm to level up the new guy and unlike his ungrateful Heathen of a brother this guy actually gave me what I needed in combination with what I bought

And the pearls I’d been saving up I got myself a full stack and crafted them all into ice but this got me thinking that I should probably get myself a few more since they were so easy to get that way I could use the obsidian I got from

Bartering to make an ender chest and have a few extra eyes in case some broke the main reason for the ender chest is that the stronghold is going to be at least 1280 blocks away from my platform so between all the gear I’d be bringing for the dragonfly and all the spruce

Slabs I’d need to bridge there my inventory alone wasn’t going to cut it the next morning I was greeted by our third wandering Trader and this guy must have been reading my Yelp reviews because he knew exactly what I wanted so I busted out my wallet rescued him from

The tree and bought everything from Coral blocks to sand both of the dyes my favorite flower and even some buckets of tropical fish that I could put in my pond next was to begin collecting logs for thousands of slabs that I would need by my estimates eight stacks of logs would

Be enough to make it even if it was much further away than the 1280 block minimum and by the end of the day I had six Stacks already plus two from my trading chest to get me close enough to the eight then I moved on to more pressing

Matters like dyeing my bed blue the last thing to do was gather up the rest of the supplies I needed enough food and arrows to get me to the stronghold through the dragon fight and also an end City because I wasn’t coming home without an elytra once I was sure

That I had everything I needed I crafted up the slabs and threw an eye to figure out where I was going then I was ready off I went bridging into the unknown in the dark of the night when I reached the Mushroom Island I thought about looting it but it didn’t

Make sense to waste inventory slots when I could easily fly out here with a lighter when I returned so I bridged on making a quick stop at the snowy Rock Island to craft more slabs and then continued only stopping when I noticed something new in ancient city

After some more bridging I was able to get a closer look and it made me curious if the area would still be mob proof like normal ancient cities but that was irrelevant I still had a lot of ground to cover or void I guess just one miss click and I’d be cast into

The abyss never to return it took me an entire night of bridging to catch a glimpse of my destination but there it was nothing but some specks of gray along the horizon it took another 10 minutes to arrive and by the time I did night had fallen

I used my water bucket as a way down firing my bow until it was safe to descend lighting up the area so I could safely retrieve my water and return using it again to make my way into the portal room I broke the spawner and found

Myself face to face with the end portal I placed the eyes in 61 days of preparation leading up to this moment I wasted no time bridging to the island and digging out a staircase to my enemy the Ender Dragon the only thing standing between me and the next chapter of the story

The first end Crystal was popped and the second and the battle had begun I ran to the center of the island making short work of another three crystals never remaining in the same spot long enough to be hit by the dragon’s breath then a fifth Crystal and a sixth

Leaving just three standing two armored one knot the armored ones were slightly more complicated requiring a specific angle to take out and the last one standing was no match for my no match for my aim from there out the dragon was fair game and the moments where the dragon perched

I stayed back not seeing a reason to engage when I had plenty of arrows and all the time in the world of course that left me vulnerable to the Dragon’s charge attack so I needed to remain ready to dodge the next time the dragon perched I was

Ready bringing it down to two-thirds of itself but what I wasn’t ready for was its charge attack getting clipped on the first pass and tossed on the second but I recovered quickly Landing a series of shots and dropping it under half of its health now that the dragon was actually staying

Within range I was Landing shot after shot once it was down to 20 it had the audacity to start taunting me just flying in circles directly above me foreign but by the next time the dragon perched I had lowered it down to one shot foreign

And so I took a step back just waiting knowing that the fight was over and as soon as the perch was over I would deal the final blow I used the XP to mend all my tools made sure to grab the egg and then restock my arrows I built a

Little Shack that I could use to fight Enderman this way I had some pearls ready for the end City looting ahead of me from there I staircased up to the Gateway building a platform around the edge before using a trapdoor to crawl through to my surprise I turned around and

Witnessed an end City load in right in front of me and it even had an end ship too on my way over to it I stopped for a minute to grab some chorus fruit or as flowers and some End Stone too just to get the boring stuff out of the way

Making my way over I noticed a second density this one also having a ship but I only had one thing in mind my Elijah the first shocker I ran into realized he’d made a mistake and understandably ran away the second one wasn’t so lucky and once

I was allowed to use my legs again I claimed my first shulker shell and elytra from one chest I got an armor trim my first diamonds and a saddle for my non-existent horse from the second chest a fire pot chestplate on the roof of the unchip I used the

Stuff I brought to add the enchantments to the elytra I stored what I could inside my under chests and then it was time to go shelter hunting the way I like to handle my end looting is by completely clearing out a few end cities in one go this way

I have enough shocker shells that I don’t have to come back anytime soon because I don’t know about you but I happen to quite like the control of my own movement that gravity gives me this shocker hunting part lasted about 40 minutes as I cleared out four end cities before Calling it Quits

Three of those end cities had ships allowing me to get a couple spare lightris when all was said and done I ended up with 56 shulker shells I returned to the main island through a Gateway and Ben jumped into the portal to return home I arrived with a splash into my pond

Only to realize that two of my fish were missing I guess that’s what happens when you don’t feed them for three days anyway this was the main loot I returned with I tried out the armor trim just to see what it looked like out of all the types

I like the look of the iron the most but not more than the regular old diamond so I put my pants back on and went on with my day with my new elytra I could finally begin exploring what the rest of the Void had to offer on my way to the

Stronghold I flew over the ancient city and noticed that there was actually an ocean Monument not too far away but my goal right now was to loot the stronghold since I didn’t get the chance to earlier I got some ice cubes from the Frozen water fountains and from the first Library more armor

Trims an enchanted book regular books paper an empty map and then I checked out a few more books and looted the second Library which didn’t really have much disappointed with the stronghold dude I flew over to this little blob of sand which is actually buried treasure from this i got water breathing potions

Gold diamonds and a heart of the sea but then my looting run was interrupted by Phantoms so I decided to loot the ancient city instead where the Phantoms couldn’t get to me I quickly learned that unlike normal ancient cities mobs could actually spawn here which made this a lot more dangerous

The main thing I wanted from this place was the quick sneak 3 book but with my inventory a complete mess I had to stop to craft some shulker boxes so I could keep going the cool thing about this type of generation is that I didn’t have to worry about all the

Sensors and shriekers that would normally spawn in between all the buildings because there were no blocks there so I was able to loot a lot of this place without needing wool from my third chest I actually got Swift sneak 3 and put it on my pants right away

I’m always Blown Away by how much different it feels having this enchantment again despite already having what I came for I couldn’t stop myself from exploring more that’s when I realized the entire center of the city was surrounded by slime chunks and so I took the time to farm

Some slime not actually having a need for it yet but it’s always nice to have and this got me thinking that I could actually steal the Redstone components in the city’s hidden rooms but these rooms were actually teeming with Mobs so I ended up deciding that

I’d try to take a different angle of approach carving a new entrance and using the peekaboo tactics to take out their ankles from safety this allowed me to get a foothold and begin lighting up the room after making sure the coast was clear I began looting all of the Redstone I

Could from Redstone Dust to repeaters torches and even comparators if you’re wondering why I actually need all this Redstone stuff just know it’ll go on to solve a key problem that I have later on I stumbled across a room that had a grass floor and I’m sorry if this

Bothers you but I’m also not because I didn’t have a silk touch shovel and I needed this grass on my way out I found a flaw in the baby zombies pathfinding standing there in a spot where they should have easily been able to jump up and hit me but they did nothing

Then I was out of there I did continue to loot chests throughout the night but to be fair there wasn’t really anything I got that was worth talking about so I bid my farewells and flew to the ocean Monument out of curiosity noticing one of the new Trail Rune structures in the distance

As far as the ocean Monument goes I decided that I didn’t want to mess with that being that the entire mob cap would be filled with guardians on the way back though I made a stop at the dripstone island to grab some drip Stone just in

Case I wanted to make a lava farm at some point and as the sun set on day 67 I had made it back home dumping off my new loot but it struck me that night I had no plans what I was going to do with the

Next 33 days so I came to the conclusion that I’d work on finishing the base more specifically the outer ring that was still completely Hollow and the coolest thing that I could think to put there was mini versions of some of my favorite biomes as that would allow me to make

Use of all the surrounding islands and bring a much needed Touch of color to my base in preparation I used to map out my plans for the biomes once it was finished I was ready to begin working on the first biome which was the desert but the problem was that

I only had 64 sand which meant I was going to need to build a sanduper this is where those Redstone components I stole earlier would come into play so I got a shell curve materials ready grabbed a red mushroom and mycelium block and traveled to the stronghold

I removed the staircase leading up to the portal and used the red mushroom to destroy the portal frames making room for the duper I used a very cheap design by raceworks for this one and as always there will be a link to the original tutorial

The only thing left to do now was turn it on what I forgot was that my end platform wasn’t boxed in so all the sand ended up falling into the void save this bit here and that wasn’t going to be enough so I mined some obsidian for another portal

Because I was not going to keep flying 2 000 blocks to the stronghold over and over I flew to the Warped forest biome and began bridging to where I’d need to build the portal I created a platform so I wouldn’t fall off and lit it up

Then it was time to test my math I ran the sanduper again for a little while but it turns out adding another row of slabs wasn’t enough so I again lost my sand I went back home and returned with the materials to build an actual collection

System because I was not about to mess this up again traveling back through the nether I wanted to check out this island here which is actually designed to be a second starter Island if you want to start in another from it I got lava and blue ice not

Anything important really I just didn’t want anyone to be confused when these items popped up later on I fired up the sand duper for the final time this time duping gravel too because I was going to need to use the coarse dirt Trick again to get dirt for some of the biomes going

Through to collect my spoils I found the unsurprisingly a single Hopper was not enough to keep up with the rates but what was important was that my blocks didn’t end up in the void which meant I could finally begin the biomes yeah that was a problem one way I could

Solve it was by placing string Under the sand but there was no way I’d have enough another way was to use Sandstone slabs but again I didn’t have enough so the next best thing was to use Birch slabs I used my fortune Hoe from the ancient city to collect as many saplings

As I could then took them home to farm up the wood and the slabs after some thought I decided that the witch had served her purpose and relieved her from her duties allowing me to remove the mess of a cage to make room for the biome and start placing the sand

Once it was finished it was still looking a little bit too empty I mean it was literally just a sand floor so I went to the desert island to steal the cactus and dead Bush which would help a little but with the rest of the space I wanted

To build a desert well I used my sand to craft up some sandstone and got to work playing around with a few designs and killing the mobs for some peace and quiet until I eventually settled on one that looked like the real thing then I just sort of scattered a few

Sandstone slabs around the biome to give it some more variation for the next biome we had the Warped forest and to get the Netherrack for it I was going to need to hunt down ruined portals can we just take a second to appreciate how beautiful these complementary shaders are

My strategy for these was to build a platform underneath the portal this way I could mine all of the Netherrack without losing any to the void from the first one I got three and a half stacks but I was also planning to build the Crimson Forest so I was

Definitely going to need some more flying around through the nothingness gave me a weird feeling the only thing that I had for a point of reference was the occasional structure as day 73 began I collected the Netherrack from a second ruined portal and then found a shipwreck which gave me

A couple new armor trims some more Buried Treasure and then a second portal which gave me another four stacks of Netherrack after flying home and dropping off the loot I began placing it down and after filling it in completely it was looking like I’d actually have enough for both

Biomes The Next Step was to grab a warped nylium from the Nether and to save myself some time later I got the Crimson one as well then it was just a matter of bonemailing the entire section until every block was warped in Ilium I used more bone meal to grow some

Plants and some warped fungi and some Twisted Vines completing the biome next up on the list was the Cherry Grove biome but because I would need to fill the entire thing with dirt I realized that I wasn’t going to have enough gravel for the coarse dirt Trick

So I took a field trip back to the stronghold to dupe some more five minutes later I had a shelter worth at home I began converting it into dirt but my shovel was too slow to instamine it so I had to upgrade it with efficiency and mending before the real party could start

And I guess party isn’t really the right word for it because it took 20 minutes to convert all the gravel to dirt an entire day of placing blocks and breaking them over and over but in the end it was definitely worth it because I now had half a shell crew

Of dirt which would not only be enough to fill in the floor of the Cherry Grove biome but also the other two biomes that needed dirt too I placed some grass blocks around the biome so it could spread and if letting dirt blocks plummet into the void isn’t a sign of

How much progress I’ve made I don’t know how to end this statement as fun as watching grow grass wow I took a trip to the Cherry Grove Island checking my elytra durability as always it being full as always to grab some pink petals and a sapling so I could

Start farming more saplings so I chopped one down and I think these might be the best trees as far as sapling profits go because I was able to plant an entire forest from just one chop down tree well it wasn’t so easy however was getting them to grow in a direction that

I actually wanted so it took a few tries chopping them down and regrowing them to get a look that I liked I added pink petals while waiting for the leaves from the failed attempts to Decay and then tried getting a bee nest to spawn so I could add it to the Cherry

Grove but after 15 minutes straight of growing trees I gave up it just wasn’t meant to be so the Cherry Grove was officially complete and it was time to move on to the Crimson Forest after a quick tool repair that is this process was essentially identical to the Warped forests just instead of

All the blue stuff it was red this time I added all the Crimson plants using bone meal as well as the fungi and after finishing the biome I saw something new not just one but three sheep and a chicken so after having that square for dozens

Of days and not getting a single passive mob to spawn I got four from the Cherry Grove biome in mere minutes for our next biome we have the and biome and stone seemed like a safe bet what my two stacks weren’t going to get it done

So I vandalized my end Island for more mining out a room until I had seven Stacks I then used those seven Stacks to outline an area that was twice the size I intended and proceeded to fill it in because I was FaceTiming my girlfriend and not paying attention

When I inevitably ran out of endstone I realized my mistake I’m dumb luckily the side that was more filled in was the one that I was supposed to do so the cleanup wasn’t too bad for the rest of the end I planted a bunch of chorus flowers and then used

The underage to light the place up then I added these little pedestals for the dragon head and egg I’d also need to remove the massive Bridge leading to where the Tiger Island once was you know in hindsight it probably would have made a little bit more sense to go the opposite direction

That was pretty much it for the end biome the chorus plants would be trimmed later but for now I could move on to the next biome this next one was going to be the deep dark biome and unfortunately I didn’t have much in the form of skulk so

It was time to return to the ancient city after using my shears to steal a bunch of wool I was able to explore the areas that I couldn’t last time I was here so the goal was to collect everything I would need to make a mini deep dark

Biome with a few ancient city-like structures from Deep slate to skulk veins shriekers and skulk blocks catalysts candles and skulls I collected it all returning to my base on day 82 I started placing down the floor first using deep slate to create patches that I would later surround with skulk

When that was done I used Soul torches to light it all up and then tried my best to make a few structures that resembled the ones you find in ancient cities then all that was left was the finishing touches like the shriekers skulk veins the Skelly skull and candles

After lighting them up this biome was complete but then I noticed that the end had become a complete mess so here I am landscaper AUST At Your Service with the end looking a lot more clean I tried burning my bridges but Minecraft Fire doesn’t really work like that so I

Tried a better method procrastination the next biome was the snow biome I used a snow golem to create an infinite snowball Farm then I turned them into snow blocks so I could create the floor at this moment I realized I could have been using snow blocks for temporary

Blocks this entire time that would have made it way easier to remove the bridges I no longer needed but there was no going back now on the left side of the biome I built an igloo using an image off the wiki to make sure the dimensions were correct

And move the snow golem in thinking that the igloo would make for a much better home than the shade of a random tree next I needed to get a shovel with silk touch on it so that I could Farm snow layers instead of snowballs then I could turn the Taiga trees into

Snowy tiger trees finishing the snow biome last up is the Mushroom Island for that I had to steal some mycelium to go with all the dirt and then remove the rest of the Cobblestone under the mob farm to make room for what was probably the most simple biome yet because there was

Nothing I could do to speed up the mycelium’s growth I shifted my focus to figuring out how to fix the ugly stairs I built when I was poor and while I was collecting Cobblestone to fix them I began wondering why I was also using the same cobble generator as I was when I

Was poor the next morning I used the Cobblestone to start renovating the first staircase I wanted to turn the bridges between the platforms into a tunnel through the staircase and then began filling in the sides to make it seem more solid it was at this point where I needed to

Make a decision of whether I was going to let the villagers Room free or figure out a replacement for the fence and so I let them be free after a little more placing the staircase was complete I was happy with the way it turned out but it got me thinking that filling in

The walls where the outer ring was could make it look even better but there was no way I was going to gather enough Cobblestone for that with this old Generator before I forgot though I wanted to add the mushrooms to the mushroom biome first cutting two down to

Collect some and then giving the biome a nice mix of each type and that was all of them not a bad transformation from the hunk of dirt I started on but there was still work to be done starting with a new and improved cobble generator I decided to build it in the

End since the base was mostly made out of wood and I didn’t really like the idea of burning it down I kind of built this thing from memory so I wasn’t sure if it was actually going to work but it did very much so going from mining two

Blocks of time to four and having Hoppers to keep the drops from burning was a whole new game the only problem was that it wasn’t cobblestone so I needed to go back to the Overworld for a new pick I had a decent pickaxe from the end City Loot and traded for mending and

Efficiency so I could upgrade it then I was ready to go again this time actually farming the block that I needed so I remained here for the next 10 minutes mining away ending up with more Cobblestone than I could carry then it was time to take what I did with

The first staircase and apply it to the other three so day 88 was declared National staircase day I didn’t finish them until most of the way through the night but I was kind of tired of these giant trees blocking all my showcases so the rest of the night

Was spent reliving my Lumberjack days day 89 the trees were no more and I wanted to test out the idea of filling in the walls just to see if I would actually like the look of it and I know it’s a lot of cobblestone but I think it

Actually makes the build look more solid if that makes any sense it makes me feel like I’m actually inside the build rather than just hanging out on the edge of a platform now unfortunately I didn’t include the cost of the walls in my last Cobblestone budget so hopefully that’ll do it

And I again found myself placing Cobble for most of the night I’d say that’s a huge improvement from what we had here before the new ugliest part of the space is actually the center now with all the chests and plants everywhere so what I did next was start converting the old

Tree growing section into my new living area I first moved the crafting station over there and then made some chests so I could finally organize the chess monster I’d been building for 89 days I put blocks like dirt and sand in the first chests the second one became my wood chest

Another for all the different types of stone deep slate and deep dark blocks nether blocks one for Redstone stuff and related blocks all of my riches plants which I probably should have broken down into smaller categories but I made it fit mob drops this one’s like decorative blocks I guess

A chest for all my armor another for tools weapons and other equipment and the last one was for my treasure items also I finally used that empty map I got so here’s what my base looked like pretty cool other than the fact that it’s not centered that’s not cool at all

White dot also served as a reminder that I forgot to move the cleric with the rest of his friends so I had to fix that and I figured now was as good a time as any to finally remove this 2000 block Bridge I didn’t actually remove the entire

Thing just enough so that it wouldn’t be visible from the outermost Island at night I moved my bed and my cat into the new area day 92 I experimented with an idea I had for upgrading the middle of the base first I had to get rid of the garden I no longer needed

And fill in the space with slabs then the old cobble generator needed to go so what actually was my plan for the spot well I thought it would be cool to build a perfect replica of my original SkyBlock island in the center of the pond

To do that I needed to remove all the dirt and lower the water level by a block then of course I needed to farm more Cobblestone to expand the pond so that the island could actually fit in it once the outer walls were pushed out I began removing the inside to let the

Water free and then added more water so the edges would be filled in the villagers seemed to think that I was building them a swimming pool so I didn’t really have a choice but to make the outer edge a little lower it didn’t exactly look better than the previous

Design but if it meant not having villagers trapped in there 24 7 I could deal with it for some reason while all the other villagers were working this guy felt the need to stalk me so I’m now convinced that he’s a psychopath next I began working on the island

Itself wanting it to be a perfect replica to the point of actually checking my old recordings to see what direction it was facing the layer on top was just used as a template so I could fill in the bottom easier and then I removed it after leaving us with three layers of dirt

Just like the original the last thing I did was replace the top layer of dirt with the grass blocks I got from the ancient city because I didn’t feel like waiting for it to grow using this screenshot as a reference I planted the tree in the correct place

And kept growing them until I got one that was the right height once I did I removed the corner leaves to make it more accurate and then tried to make the grass as perfect as possible adding the poppy and dandelion too and for the chest I wanted to fill it

With the exact items that were in it when we started so I went to the end to farm 10 obsidian and placed every item in the exact spot it was in when we started so there it was an exact replica of the original Island serving as a constant

Reminder of how far this place had come but there were still six days left which meant I had enough time to fight the Wither so I crafted up a blast protection chest plate bought some food and arrows grabbed the Smite sword I got from an end City made a few more trades and

Entered the nether now just like the Overworld the nether is also in infinite Dimension with a bunch of structures meaning I could find a real Fortress to form the Wither skulls in and turns out it’s a lot easier to find them when the rest of the world doesn’t exist

I realized pretty quickly that it was not going to be fun dealing with a bunch of places in an open area like this but as long as I had my fire pot chest equipped they were really more of an annoyance than an actual threat so I began the hunt for three skulls

Since this part took half an hour and I wanted to show it off still all I could do was one of these with the three skulls I got out of there in preparation for the weather fight I smelted some glass for bottles grid some swiftness potions and some strength

Potions crafted some golden apples and then I was ready I normally fight the Wither on the nether roof but are another doesn’t even have one so the next best thing would be the end this way there’s actual Solid Ground beneath my feet the only thing I was worried about was

The Wither chasing Enderman or getting attacked by them myself but this was still my best option the fight was instantly off to a bad start I was late with my potions and I didn’t even have my chest plate on forcing me to eat a golden apple

It didn’t take much to turn the fight around though and once you get the Wither down to melee mode and you have a Smite sword it’s already over I collected my wither star and went home traded with a librarian for glass and crafted up the beacon

Of course the best block to build it out of was going to be Iron obviously I did want it in the center of the base so I had no choice but to damage the replica a bit but I’ll take a missing grass block over an off-centered Beacon any day

Once it was powered I selected speed and regen as my Buffs and placed a block of glass so I wouldn’t fall in and there we go all of my major goals were complete but I still had another three days left so I decided to repurpose the grass from

The failed animal farm and build a sugar cane Farm there instead I still had a lot left from the farm that I had before but there would eventually come a point where I’d run out if I continued playing on this world then I flew down to the Cobblestone

Pillar that my generator had created by accident I wanted to take the rest of the dirt and grass I had to make a proper Animal Farm down near void level so I britched out from under the shadow of the base and started building the reason it’s so low in the world is

Because they’re supposed to spawn more frequently down here at least that’s what the research told me after finishing the platform and making sure it was lit up I pillared up with some snow to make an AFK platform realizing that I’d built it in a slime chunk

I decided to swap out the spruce labs for glass so I could see what was going on and I’m gonna be honest I don’t know why this wasn’t working I afk’d here for a day and a half and didn’t get a single animal I don’t know if the slimes Were

Somehow affecting the passive mob spawns or maybe the cats and sheep at my base were slowing the rates but whatever it was all this time just ended up going to waste so not wanting the 100 days to end like this I set a new goal to get a

Totem it was already day 100 so I had to be quick I began power leveling a cartographer so I could buy a woodland Mansion map I grabbed my spare elytres not knowing how far away the Mansion would be and at midday I noticed how small my DOT was

So yeah it wasn’t looking good but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying not 20 seconds later I had already matched the y coordinate and began making my way towards the X after a few more Rockets my DOT was getting much bigger and just a few seconds later I could see it

I landed on the roof and instantly noticed the evoker through the window on my left so I put my chest plate on and went for it thank you I killed two evokers before making my way back onto the roof I was surrounded by vexes and had evokers targeting me through the walls

And already having what I came for I bailed the totems were mine I made it home right at Sunset cleaned up my inventory and did one last lap around the base to take in all the cool stuff I’d built foreign and then that was it I ended it in the

Same exact place everything began 100 days ago right on top of this old lump of dirt final well-deserved rest get out of my bed get out

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days of Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Aust on 2023-08-20 13:47:45. It has garnered 1554672 views and 31575 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:34 or 5374 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days of Skyblock Hardcore in Minecraft. This is a movie style video of my journey surviving 100 days of skyblock. Innit, I trade with villagers for diamond gear, transform my tiny starter island into a full-scale base, and take on the ender dragon and the wither. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 🍿 My full HARDCORE PLAYLIST:–UId2O88s7CXah8hDAdql

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    -+- ⭐ TMF Country SMP⭐ [1.20.4] -+-WELCOME TO TMF!This server is literally a country. With a government, police departments, laws, criminals, and even more.Try becoming a criminal yourself, or apply to join a department.FUN STARTS HERE.TMF.MC.GGEvery player counts. Every story counts. Join today. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Latest Cape is Lit, Fam!

    Minecraft Memes - The Latest Cape is Lit, Fam!Why did the Enderman wear a cape? Because it wanted to be super… blocky! Read More

  • Cow’s Gift: Minecraft’s OP Surprise!

    Cow's Gift: Minecraft's OP Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, where cows roam free, There’s a new challenge, just wait and see. Milking these bovines, you’ll find a surprise, OP items dropping, right before your eyes. The cowpocalypse is here, a moo-mageddon tale, Where cows are the bosses, their power prevails. Minecraft madness, a game-changer indeed, With bovine bosses, it’s a whole new breed. Join us in this epic adventure, so grand, As we explore a world, crafted by hand. Minecraft mods, with a twist so divine, Cows dropping OP items, it’s quite a find. So dive in, embrace the challenge, don’t be shy,… Read More

  • Stealth mode engaged: Creeper edition

    Stealth mode engaged: Creeper edition When you’re playing Minecraft and you’re about to pull off an epic move, just remember: don’t let the creepers know your next move or they’ll blow it up before you even get a chance! #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror

    Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror Transforming Minecraft into a Terrifying Game with Intelligent Beings Are you ready to turn your Minecraft world into a place of horror and thrills? With the right mods and texture packs, you can create a spine-chilling experience for you and your friends. Dive into the darkness and see who among you is brave enough to face the terror that awaits. Mods Used in the Video: Optifine: Enhance your graphics and performance with Optifine. Xaero’s Minimap: Navigate through the horrors with a detailed minimap. Inventory HUD+: Keep track of your items with an improved HUD. Nyf’s Spiders: Encounter terrifying spiders… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft BUT, You Control the Circle🔴”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to control your own destiny within the Minecraft world, shaping the environment around you and creating your own unique experience. This level of control and freedom is exactly what you can expect when you join the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide Building Your FREE Vault Hunters 3rd Edition Minecraft Server with Oracle Cloud Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with your very own Vault Hunters 3rd Edition server? Look no further! Today, we delve into the step-by-step process of setting up your server using Oracle’s Virtual Cloud platform. Let’s get started! Creating Your Oracle Account Before diving into the server setup, you’ll need to create an Oracle account. Head over to Oracle Sign In to get started. Once you have your account set up, you’re ready to move on to the next step. Setting Up Your… Read More

  • Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:08. It has garnered 404 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:56 or 3236 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • The Ultimate Little Nightmares Finale

    The Ultimate Little Nightmares FinaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘part 8 end of Little Nightmares #gaming #gameplay #rubygames #hunterassassin’, was uploaded by Bidhan The Gamer on 2024-02-25 07:50:26. It has garnered 428 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I MADE STONE 🪦 HOUSE 🏤 IN MINECRAFT #gaming #gameplay #minecraft “#Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide #1: Building Your First Shelter””#Epic Minecraft Redstone Creations #2: Automated Farms & Contraptions””#Exploring Minecraft Biomes #3: Finding Rare Structures & Treasures””#Minecraft Building Tips #4: Designing the Perfect Castle””#Best Minecraft Mods #5: Enhancing Gameplay with Mods””#Minecraft Adventure Maps #6: Solving Puzzles and Defeating Bosses””#Minecraft Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Duplication Glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDI

    Ultimate Duplication Glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dupe Your Items In One Click | Duplication glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDI’, was uploaded by Bot X-D on 2024-03-03 13:54:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dupe Your In One Click | Duplication glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDI … Read More

  • INSANE Masked Cowboy SNOW SLED BUILD!! 😱🔥 #viral

    INSANE Masked Cowboy SNOW SLED BUILD!! 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘SNOW SLED BUILD TUTORIAL | #shorts #minecraft #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Masked Cowboy on 2023-12-22 12:00:22. It has garnered 6079 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. SNOW SLED BUILD TUTORIAL Like 👍🏻 Share 📤 Subscribe 🔔 #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildhacks #minecrafthacks #minecraftshorts #minecrafter #minecraftjava #minecrafthack #buildhacks #minecraftchristmas #snowsledding #viral #shorts #ytshorts #viralshorts #youtubeshorts ( Snow Sled, Minecrafter, Minecraft, Christmas, Ideas, Build, Tutorial ) Thanks For Watching… 🙏🏻 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modding Hacks in 2024!

    Insane Minecraft Modding Hacks in 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Mod Minecraft In 2024’, was uploaded by KoPlexis on 2024-04-10 11:00:47. It has garnered 711 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #minecraft #modrinth #ad ⭐️⭐️Welcome To The Retro Squad ⭐️⭐️ // SUPPORT THE CHANNEL (& get something back) 👇❤️ Member here: 👉–lg/join Get a server and start playing with your friends for as low as $2.99 USE CODE KoPlexis 25%off a server #AD Thank You For Watching I Hope you like today’s video. ✨Discord✨ ✨Twitter✨ ✨Reddit✨ ✨Roblox✨ ✨Channel… Read More

Aust – I Survived 100 Days of Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft