Australian’s Terrifying Minecraft Adventure LIVE

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[Applause] [Applause] I’m To C Hello guys sorry welcome back again to another stream I know two streams yesterday one stream again today it’s pretty whack right during a week day to I’m going crazy anyway welcome back how are you guys doing um I we are back again with a scary Minecraft train um so couple big

News to share before I do anything else uh nightmares. just got a massive update it’s officially released uh sweely I’m guessing published the full version of it I haven’t seen it yet but I have played like like an early prototype version of it it’s pretty good pretty good but that’s come

Out um so we could check that out maybe uh I fixed Goatman finally so um you know like I’ve been noticing people having a hard time like trying to get him to spawn the surface and make him play random sound cues like sort of like

In sw’s video right you know in that one night doll video like I it was edited but it was not so I fixed that so now he spawns naturally on the surface without having to summon him um and also people were asking about a Discord server

Um look I was talking to some of my friends because they make Discord servers um and I was like what’s the plan do you think I could get one going like cuz people obviously want to make a Discord server for my YouTube right or what me to and they said it’s like they

Could but it’s I don’t know apparently it’s just a lot of messing around having to set everything up and moderation and which I get but yes uh Discord server will be coming eventually I don’t exactly know when but we will be getting one and the moment it’s ready I’ll instantly give

You guys a link to it you can come and join but uh hello elusive hello Luca good to see you both but um yeah so I guess I want to ask you anyone that’s watching right now what time is it for you guys because I’m streaming right now like 10:00 a.m. my

Time but it might be a bit late for you guys I’m not sure though cuz I’m trying to figure out like when’s a good time to like stream I don’t really know yet so I’m just trying to get an idea so I’m not like streaming at a really bad time or something

Um yeah so and also another thing as well um should we I mean not enough people are here yet but when we get more people in here 4:09 p.m. okay that’s not bad um 60x am American okay that’s not bad either all right I’ll probably stream around this time like normal then

Because it seems to be all right okay gotcha um so yeah do we what are we thinking should we play the Goatman that I fixed or should we do a bit of nightmare. Jar because I have to go on the caves again if I want to find nightmare but I

Did fix go man as well so what should we do what should we do Lads what should we do um all right let me quickly check something all right I’m using B right now uh all right so n seems interesting I haven’t seen it for release

Yet okay we could do nightmare if you guys want to do nightmare nightmare all right let’s do nightmare um got to quickly install the full file for it I don’t know if I need the caves or the reimagined um the cave what’s it called the cave Del imag

Mod I don’t know if I need it so I’m just not going to use it and go along with um what’s it called gecko lib cuz I think that’s what um the dwells run off of anyway but I may need K imagine actually nightmare all right let’s go to curse

Forge yes looks like we’ll be doing a lot of caving then that cave um yeah I don’t really know the plan is for the stream yet I might just like a variety of mods I suppose working nightmare why are these all that’s weird why are these all [ __ ] open with ch

Goo runs the dweller animations okay so I might need reimagine that as well if that’s the case why are the ja files [ __ ] zip piles that’s so weird oh well anyway let’s Let’s Do It um oh maybe I don’t need it do I we’ll see how it goes about it I think

It should be fine without it though should be fine um what else I was going to say oh yeah so I don’t know if any of you guys know or not I have a mod pack called all of the horrors um which I’m actually trying to update right now but the problem

Is I don’t really know to put in there because I can’t throw every single dweller mod in there it just won’t work so what I’m trying to do is like I’m trying to wait until all the dweller mods become compatible with each other and then I’m going to release version

Two of my all the horrors mod pack because I’d removed some stuff from my old version that I used in my Australian play series it’s just because I think it was unrealistic for what I was going for like we weeping angels are gone the parasite mods gone like just stuff like

That I don’t really like it that much so all right uh we should be back to my Minecraft screen here hopefully yep okay uh so I check my stream uh do I need this on no I don’t all right so I think the plan is for nightmare I’m just going to see what

He’s I’m not going to spawn him in I’m going to find him naturally see what he’s like and then yeah yeah I reckon just if I die then I die so uh single player night get rid of that create new worlds a nuisance yes uh nightmare. J relase do hardcore

Yeah hopefully I don’t die to [ __ ] creepers and [ __ ] again because that’d be really annoying not good um also as well I don’t know how long I’m going to be streaming for today I think should be able I should be able to at least hit 2 hours

Hopefully yeah I should be able to do 2 hours today oh jeez I’m tired um yeah let’s check out swy Dweller okay wait oh I thought I was playing 1.20 for a second I was like what the hell no the these are just um normal trees actually uh would you guys be interested if I did a cuz I haven’t done one yet but do a scary Minecraft live stream playthrough World thing in

1.20 that’ be interesting creepers make my brain go boom boom boom boom boom I feel that’s a reference to a song I feel like you’re referencing a song there okay let’s do that [Applause] pickaxe that’ll be cool yeah the only problem is though in doing that is I

Can’t have I think many dweller mods I can probably only run from the fog that’s about it so not many scary mods cuz they’re around 1.9 creep at by Dall never heard of that actually all right let’s get some cobblestone see I could make the nightmare SP on the surface but

N I think it’s best for leaving the caves um sword furnace it’s a one a okay got you morning ather uh yeah doing all right just woke up myself actually um yeah just started stream now you’re good you’re not late um currently play sorry if that sounds loud by the way currently playing

Uh the new nightmare that’s swirly published I’m wondering if it’s the new model one or if it’s the same but just like more polished this area is nice what the hell listen I love new update Minecraft terrain but I you can’t be beta I’m sorry beta is so much better in terrain

Generation anyway that’s my opinion but the hell is that wait hold up spooky I think the comments are delayed for yeah I’m pretty sure as well actually I think they’re delayed let me um let me do this yeah they are okay just had to refresh I saw that when I joined the

Discord yesterday oh okay sick all right let’s go down here wait oh that’s a cool screenshot let me take a screenshot of that oh that would be a good thumbnail actually I’m not going down there yeah I don’t know why my chat’s delayed it’s a little

Weird it’s a little weird but it’s all right is it good now yeah it should be where did inanity shaders go um I’m using sers right now cuz I just for something different cuz I use Insanity shaders like a lot so you got to tell SW to make his Discord

Invite more [ __ ] findable uh it’s should be in his um it oh [ __ ] it should be in his description of his videos cuz that’s how I found it but yeah he probably needs to I know I need to go up here though cuz like this is a very cool Forest I

Actually here’s a fun fact for you guys uh that Goatman video I released a while back it was actually one of these forests like it was one of these trees only like Forest sort of thing um and why the [ __ ] am I dying yeah it was originally one of

These Forest but I scrapped the video because he wasn’t spawning on the surface at the time so yeah it sucks but it would have been a cool video oh my God oh my God have you tried using rethinking voxal shaders okay so funny story about those shaders I really want to use them

But I’m pretty sure they’re considered like a heavy R tracing Shader so my PC can’t actually run them and it’s so so sad cuz I wish they could I need logs I tried the C almost had a heart attack yeah right let’s go over here n people watching damn

Uh oh I should made a no smoker put that in there put that in there they work pretty well what well I don’t know what your PC specs are so I can’t say you have a 1650 TI and they work what I have a 1660 super

And my PC can’t even run them unless oh wait I might have downloaded like a preset that’s probably why actually like off a YouTuber it’s it could explain why I was lagging I don’t know I could try him but I don’t want my PC to blow up so yeah

Out I know it’s so sad you got to change the settings myc so funny is that it’s almost vanill especially or model which is my favorite because of fits with the vanilla Graphics yes I feel like I said this before my last stream but I feel

Like people are trying too hard to make it scary when the original purpose of the mod was to like make cave noises scary what kind of mods are you using uh currently I’m playing The Nightmare Mods I’m also using OptiFine uh what else we got let me check

Actually yeah that’s all my mods right here all right let’s go see if we can find a cave nothing there 100% agreed like don’t like I said don’t get me wrong I love like the the concepts behind the new dwellers like um when to go nightmare stuff like that I

Actually think nightmare is pretty good because it sort of sticks it sort of still matches the theme of original cave dweller but it’s just impr improved upon but other doors like when they go go man they don’t make any sense like they’re F like they’re cool but they

Don’t make sense of the vanilla game so let’s make a bed cave noises are already scary well I made a resource pack uh well not made it but I adjusted the the cave sounds overhaul resource pack and replace the sounds that the caves makes with the Minecraft cave

Sounds like but like slowed down reverbed and distorted and dude it’s [ __ ] scary oh hello op I didn’t see you uh I didn’t see you say hello at first sorry about that but hello oh okay by the way I’m new here just playing OSU oh nice welcome Loro think your name is

Hita oh my God whatever that was that just scared me but yeah yeah I just I don’t know that’s just my opinion but thanks for the nightmare fuel you’re welcome let me wonder if I can go down even further cooking some mutton right now don’t you [ __ ] whistle at me man from the

Fog can I sleep it makes the all mod seem more possible in vanilla when you consider we almost SC for 1.20 I talked about another stream yeah we actually did yeah I think we did uh I think the man from the fogs in 1.20 now there’s I know one dollar mod is but

I don’t remember which one not sure is there anything down here or are we just going to like dead ends and [ __ ] cuz this is very claustrophobic ah you me to call a shade oh yeah I know what you’re talking about yeah seems a lot more vanill so remember

Me when I was tell you how to get the N I think so yeah the goatman’s is it main man yeah exactly x no well actually maybe I don’t know yet it’s complicated still figuring it out magic octopus there’s a creeper over there uh cobblestone bye-bye oh my

God is z is married to the goat man it’s so funny sorry about that that [ __ ] creeper scared me um yeah so with the Goatman right it’s funny cuz like s’s like oh you should check out this mod like this mod SI so scary blah blah like the monties made right

And I’m like dude they’re cool but the goatman’s still my favorite like Krampus was sick actually I I really did like Krampus I think he was on par with um Goatman him and Goatman really good but yeah goatman’s my favorite definitely still is I think I honestly think they might

Have to remodel him a little bit but other than that he’d be perfect creepers or something yeah they are I don’t really know where to go iron as as man one true pair yes exactly going to start making Phantoms and [ __ ] about that all right let’s go down here iron nightmare where are

You I want to say hello to you oh deep dark hello are this point should be a wedding you already got a shift oh no deep dark plus nightmare equals [ __ ] you oh my God that was the [ __ ] nightmare for a second oh my God can I

Walk it’s so dark down here what the [ __ ] I mean it is a deep dark me on my way to make an a your ex Goatman fan fiction okay in in all honesty please do not do that because you’re going to [ __ ] ruin the Dwellers completely like it’ll

Just be like sw’s going to [ __ ] kill me if there’s like a fanfiction NSFW [ __ ] dweller I don’t even know just you know what I mean he’s going to kill me for encouraging you guys to do that he would not like me very much after

That I’m not too I don’t know much about modding but I reckon it shouldn’t be two half make each other yeah I think they are working on that I did ask him about it and I think he said he is working on that so yeah my

God do dark make me go crazy iron I mean no diamonds [ __ ] hell get my [ __ ] mixed up 8 16 24 and then get a crafting table that Sonic Amir kiss you mean but is go man hey yo I’m way to like that fan art too oh yeah

How’s that fan art going elusive like what what’s your plans like I don’t know what like you’re making fan of like my skin or like what are you doing like what’s the plan or am I not supposed to know actually see IR pickaxe one diamond damn bro skulls [ __ ] trip me up I

Swear okay you want to go to pixel art fair enough yeah I used to do pixel out actually but it was like the the number ones color by number when you’re in the Deep SL like you actually like an out the screen make look darker wait really oh diamonds

Hello it’s kind of cool actually I’m subscribe thank you official Gamers I appreciate that I’m getting my references ready I’m going to use your Minecraft skin couple dwells that you play with some drawings might be separate ah okay that would be cool actually that’ be really

Cool I’d love to see it when it’s done also if I don’t hear the nightmare start making sounds soon I’m going to have to install the C while reimagine mod cuz I don’t think it’s going to work without it cuz I haven’t heard him yet please nightmare can you at least say

Something no way no [ __ ] way bro I swear the Dwellers have a connection to me or something or I’m a [ __ ] psychic what the hell that’s the second time do you guys remember last stream that happened I said oh like [ __ ] where are you nightmare or something

Bro I promise you that was not staged I promise you that was not like [ __ ] timed or anything that was just like a random guess what [ __ ] that [ __ ] everything about that someone clip that [ __ ] oh my god oh don’t clip that I’m about to [ __ ] die to Lava no [ __ ]

Way bro that [ __ ] [ __ ] gave me the chills oh my God I’m working on another fan post so if we use Community post it be useful the Dwellers are literally in sync with you’re absolutely insane oh bro it’s [ __ ] weird I swear I’m like the dweller con no like what’s the word

Dweller like what’s the word when like like I’m spiritually a dweller like I don’t [ __ ] know I don’t know what the the term or the phras is something on the lines of that though oh nightmare please come and say hello I want to greet you with open arms clipped it

Nice DW man yeah literally all right let’s get furnace down bro wait 8 16 24 32 40 48 no that was [ __ ] funny though what the so I got a question for you night man if I go down if I if if you want me to go

Down this hole here um make a noise please um there’s no [ __ ] way what the [ __ ] I’m lost for [ __ ] words what the I’m not even scared anymore it’s like f oh my God that’s [ __ ] funny oh my God I swear the dwells

[ __ ] love me I got tell s this I I I got to tell him like these dwellers have a [ __ ] crushing me or something oh that is the funny [ __ ] okay I actually tried to run but it was wait look at the corners of your screen just you know

Like oh yeah I sort of see it actually I tried to run but was a space place and he do me oh damn I sounded like a warden now I trying to Cheo on you with Goatman nah he won’t he reckons he he thinks he will but he

Won’t I got to be careful actually could be a [ __ ] summon down [Applause] here all right well under the goatman’s request I’m going to go down there in a second I have to go now going to get some lunch and finish up some artworks have a nice

Day see you later lucive thanks for coming in again all right let’s make some iron oh don’t do that yo so nightmare um uh do you like sely more or do you like me more like just a genuine question all right so like what do you think do you do you

Approve of my existence do you think I would be better for you than sely I mean because I’m open to talking about certain things and you know like I’m not saying I want to be with you or anything cuz obviously I’ve got a thing with Goatman but you know I’m just

Wondering if would you prefer me over sweely you know like no hard feelings but would you a genuine question I’m just I’m curious I just want to know what your take is you know like get some honesty between us you know is he going to listen I don’t know

If he’s going to listen or not I had a pure ghost and disc discovered something we’re the exact same person it’s crazy no way it’s easy to tell that [ __ ] is not that I’m telling you to turn them off but you get my point ah okay gotcha so like a vanilla thing

Yeah love your content oh thank you fedy I appre wait I’m so sorry if that’s how you pronounce your name fine but if it’s not I’m so sorry I did not mean it like that night over here thinking real hard yeah he is what do you think uh sweely on me Nightmare

Me yeah I think he’s still thinking about that one I love how this is supposed to be a horror live stream but so far no Spooks I know every [ __ ] time want something to happen it doesn’t happen well actually that’s a lie the [ __ ] the boy the

Man the what’s his name dweller night nightmare he’s been a bit sus towards me but we are going to hunt him down and we are going to keep persisting until we get him I don’t think bro wants to answer no I think he’s made up his mind about

That he doesn’t love me well he doesn’t like me enough I guess a spider cave very big spider cave what the [ __ ] is that a this is [ __ ] nightmare dwell territory right here surely it’s going be here somewhere I feel like I’m a horrible represent oh my God you look terrifying and you

Scared the hell out of me too that’s not cool bro that ain’t cool come on no no I promise we can come to an agreement I will cheat no no no no no I I will cheat on Goatman all right I I promise I didn’t mean to talk [ __ ]

About you I didn’t mean to start anything bad I just I I just want some you know honest I I want you to oh my God holy hell no no no no no no no where is he where is He this is like the [ __ ] 1600th time I haven’t died to not a dweller but fall damage itself gravity has compelled me to Die the dweller’s just [ __ ] like the nightmare’s probably [ __ ] laughing you’re like look at this dude like [ __ ] falling off into the void and

Like he must think I’m stupid or something oh [ __ ] I need a minute to [ __ ] process that holy [ __ ] okay that was good that actually got me oh my god wow okay sarly if you’re watching this or Puff flame Galaxy whoever good [ __ ] job holy [ __ ] you actually got me okay

I have to do a [ __ ] dweller tier list I need to get all of the Dwellers and make a [ __ ] tier list because holy [ __ ] I’m about to get critical as [ __ ] oh my god oh Jesus that’s crazy crazy I was no I’m kidding oh my

God all right you know what we should do actually Lads uh let’s do a dweller tier list cuz I actually want to now so what I’m going to do is we going to go on tier list maker I’m about to get really critical here and I’m probably going to be

[ __ ] hated because of it so let’s make a template uh single use you must be logged in to use this feature so no I don’t do I oh fine I will let’s do yeah my second account light work no reaction 88 is relatable here we go template make your own sing Le

Use okay so let’s here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to take a screenshot of all of the Dwellers that currently exist and I’m going to rate them so let’s take a screen let’s get this one right here the nightmare throw him there next we’re going to get the that’s nightmare when

Go images oh there none okay save when go okay I’m just going to have to do this then all right nightmare when to go who else we got we got um I haven’t played krampen yet so I’m not going to write him uh let’s see let’s see let’s

See Goatman of course can’t forget Goatman uh How am I get the Goatman do I have a screenshot of Goatman somewhere I wonder if I do or Not Sorry Lads I’m just uh getting all the screenshots I don’t have a screenshot I go man that is unfortunate uh I’m not going to want to swear these videos

Then just take a screenshot of it goat man goat man goat man where did be goat man I should have [ __ ] saved it may go sleep now all right see you later Jesus have a good night uh midnight lurker oh yeah thanks for reminding me save image goat

Man let me grab the L real quick Go man someone says [ __ ] screenshots of him oh yes perfect midnight ler okay who else we got guys who else we got oh Krampus right Krampus anyone else Lads that you can think of any other dweller I wonder know who the DS are there what those walls are they guys

Krampus no wait go back a it’s not that big of a deal uh When To Go goat man Krampus midnight ler oh nightmare [ __ ] the one who watches oh yeah the one who watches the one who watches corpse stalker sta stalker there’s so many [ __ ] dweller mods now holy

[ __ ] one who watches uh corpse Stalker mod I don’t even remember Corps stalker honestly corpse stalker the one who watches I already do that one never mind uh corpse stalker star stalker uh man from the fog yep man from the fog sorry it’s taking a while and from the fog

Chris well we looking say when to go I think I have when to go already yeah that’s all I can think of right now that we have all right I may even upload this as a tier list I’m not sure yet but Lads here we go time to very judgy critique these dwellers

All right so here we are get rid of all these all right so first things first midnight lurker actually listen to this horf uh you will get no nightmare nightmare no horrifying terrifying don’t know why it did that actually whatever uh really scary oh no scary not that

Scary not scary all right here we go first things first the midnight lurker not that scary um there were there is times where I’ve shapped myself playing him but he’s not that scary um yes it is well by the way Krampus okay so here’s the thing I

Recently played Krampus with SW and puff um he’s not horrifying but he’s good yes he’s definitely definitely terrifying the goat man look if I was biased I’d say horrifying but to be completely honest with be he’s the exact same so I’m going to put him as terrifying probably above crampus when to go

Uh not that scary no nightmare nightmare is [ __ ] horrifying I I think honestly and that’s so sad because I love goat man and he’s still my favorite but if we’re being real here nightmares already is the scariest he is he’s the scariest out of all of them that is the sound he

Makes [ __ ] oh my God the sound he makes it sent shivers down my spine oh my God the one who watches he yeah he can be scary yeah I’d say scary um the corpse stalker uh not scary no oh not that scary no um the star stalker okay if the Creator is watching

This I’m really sorry but he’s not scary I have the F the first time I played him I have not shut myself at all yeah it’s just not that scary I’m sorry and the man from the fog uh H that’s tough because he’s got an update to where he

Is scar but he’s not like the most horrifying thing there is yeah I put him in scary he can’t be scary he sometimes he isn’t yeah that’s my tier list uh did you want me actually guys did you want me to upload this as a

Public tier list so you guys can go and make your own uh rankings so I definitely can I probably could actually yeah um let’s I am missing one uh dweller actually I got grab it real quick I’m going it’s the kamping uh cramping cramping crap crap where’s krampen krampen

[ __ ] [ __ ] cramping my ass where’s krampen bro he goofy as hell what the heck cramping the star stalk is actually not scary but I love his soundtrack no he’s not he’s the probably the least scary uh crampin oh yeah I’ll rate crampin real quick as well I guess I haven’t seen

Much of him though so I can’t really say at least like maybe one clip of him but I write him anyway krampen uh uh trying to remember I’ll put him in scary I think he’s got potential yeah yeah let me upload this real quick so let me just quickly go back to

Here oh yeah the OG cave dweller hang on cave dweller thanks for reminding me cave2 mod oh yeah I rate cave too hang on cave dweller is the original OG that started at all I have to put him in horrifying because let’s be honest when we first

Saw him he was pretty scary so I’m putting in horrifying because he is he was the one that started it all so yeah that’s my tier list um which by the way actually let me uh save that all right let me quickly do this uh and publish it I think so how do

I do that make a template template name uh Minecraft dweller tier list public template uh Minecraft cave dweller tier list do not just Minecraft cave Dell list you must up play at least five images oh okay hang on then yeah K is my favorite I sent you some settings for

Rethinking voxal okay I’ll check it out uh bang bang I wanted to time [ __ ] okay the one who watches our cover photo let’s do do k um actually no no no no no no no no no no let’s do what should we do what should we do what should we do do not

Man um Minecraft cave D cave hello Gtech how’s it going uh Minecraft cave dweller here list of all dwellers and set of images let’s go with that that that that should be all of them yep uh horrifying terrifying scary not scary all right uh not that [ __ ] let me change it

Howo do how do I edit the template oh there we go sorry guys I will I will catch up and read but um they should work the version like more do you have picture of all the Dwellers how is your Christmas uh yes I do by the way and my Christmas was all

Right yeah wasn’t too bad not scary and and what should we do wait no scary kind of scary not scary done okay hopefully that should be now public if you guys want to go check out the list for yourself I will link it right now let me just switch to a different account

Uh did I sign out wait did I sign on accident oh [ __ ] I did [ __ ] okay hang on one second your phone was being weird welcome back can I sign out of this account yeah there we go YouTube am I not sign in again oh [ __ ]

Hell I know it’s summer in your country yeah summer in Australia right now New Zealand all right where’s my stream where’s my stream where’s my stream right here all right here you guys go there is the tier list if you want to go and make your own and send me a

Screenshot of it where is who’s sent me friend request hey it’s ather all right what we got here pixelated Shadows looks pretty nice no pixel Shadows okay thank you ather I’ll definitely check it out actually let me all right so I’ve just posted the list I

Want to see your guys’ um tier lists so actually here’s what you can do Lads if you go to the dwell website and submit your uh tier list like your tier list opinions I’ll go back and I’ll go and review it and see what I think of it but

Let me just do my submission real quick actually all right horrifying uh horrifying kind of scary terrifying terrifying kind of scary kind of scary not scary scary actually put that up there and then kind of scary there’s my list there is my list but yeah so basically if you just

Make a ranking and then you should be able to submit it and like on this website here and you should be able to I should be able to eventually see it but yeah there you go if anyone wants to check it out but uh I think do you guys want me to play

Goatman or do you guys want me to do nightmare cuz like I don’t because uh earlier I actually went ahead and fixed um goat man like his sounds and his spawn rate so what do you guys think keep playing nightmare or do goat man you lucky we’re in Winter I wish it

Was Winter for us what do you mean I hate the hate what’s the difference to him when he go on corpse stalker uh wendigo is based off of the wendigo like the urban legend and corpse stalker is basically a reskin wendigo in the caves go man go find your

Husband H actually wait wait wait I have an idea I have an idea what if I make a world and I make the nightmare spawn on the surface that’d be cool actually yeah yeah let’s do that let’s do that I’m going to make a world and make the nightmare spawn on the

Surface let’s do that uh nightmare I need to get the in control mods though do nightmare yeah let’s do nightmare because I want make spawn the surface that’d be scary as yes definitely definitely uh let me um let me what am I doing again oh

Yeah I do leave been about a few minutes though oh okay wait did you send me the rethinking foxal one you did okay let me quit out of this grab the [ __ ] what am I doing again keep forgetting oh yeah in control modern thing so let’s do this mods go

Back go man open folder mods FX control in control copy paste all right so now I got to click play on this you’ll be back all right see you in a bit then ather nadw is terrifying with his sounds bro he’s e the scariest dweller and I [ __ ] hate to say that because

Goatman’s my favorite still but I’m hoping to make Gman even better cuz he’s amazing also wait wait why don’t I did I put wait hang on oh was this one my bad 11 people watching hell yes uh to anyone that’s just joining well welcome uh sorry if it says looking for a game

To catch it I’m trying to do a bit of configurations with the nightmare if I play nightmare J I would [ __ ] my pants put it this way if I [ __ ] my pants earlier playing nightmare you’re going to shoot your pants as well wait he’s officially out isn’t he

Yeah oh I should get my [ __ ] friends to play it with me that’d be [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] they would genuinely [ __ ] themselves oh that’d be so cool all right just got to open mcraft actually Qui let me check quick I’m working on a mod for nightmares. job

But for beta I’ll send it to you it’s if you want oh yeah what’s the mod about or what what’s does the mod do uh config in control was it spawner or spawn I think it was spawner okay let me go back to this goat man the mod isw for beta

1.6.1 oh I was going to say if you did it for 1.6.3 or 1.7.3 beta that’d be [ __ ] perfect wait I wonder if spawn. Jason does the nightmare run under the same thingo I wonder I can try 1.7.3 if you want yes cuz that is arguably the best beta Version but yeah give it a go all right so let’s do that and then let’s do this do that all right launching out Minecraft again boys and girls and women and dudes do thats we should be good to go now oh I need to get uh reinking boxes as well uh let’s

Do so with pixels boxes oh I got to actually get the shad pack first whoops it’s all right I’ll start Minecraft then I’m female oh okay I I’ve always been curious like um like how many female viewers I have but I don’t know I think it’s when male viewers

Though so I just ran it in 1.7.3 and will run but the mod says that the midnight dweller won’t run wait what do you mean by that what is the name of that game where you both Minecraft I can’t remember I don’t know bro I think it’s called like Minecraft or

Something not sure apparently it’s like really lame or something uh shaders reinking voxels Shader packs ah [ __ ] hope my computer can run this [ __ ] done done done on single player delete [Applause] create the midnight dweller won’t low but the rest will that’s fine um nightmare. jar police to we’ll do not hardcore ah no cheats hard but the rest will so it still find scary wait how did you get them to work with beta

1.7.3 cuz holy [ __ ] if that’s even possible that is scary as [ __ ] cuz beta is already scary enough as it is well not really it’s more of eerie actually but but yeah oh no I don’t think I can run it no not really what’s my distance at

Eight it does look nice but I can’t run it so we go sers again I had to do like six weeks worth of java code and get it to run with 6.1 73 is just a minor change all right gotcha all right so now do I have cheats

On I do okay so let me just check okay it still does all right it still runs under the cave look man so hopefully he should now spawn on the surface the dweller boy the nightmare boy so pretty yeah it is pretty I I like I I love rethinking voxels but I

Just I’m struggling out here like the settings that ather gave me even then I’m not even getting like 60 FPS in like 30 so s as it is all right let’s get a dick axe lavender although I have to open Minecraft through the coding to get it

To run it’s [ __ ] pain wait Gtech do you think you could make your own dweller or make a or make a spin-off dweller or like a dweller of some sort oh hell no [ __ ] that that that actually scared me for a second holy hell uh let’s make a

Pickaxe I like can send Chase for a horor let’s play yeah s are good it’s just mixing it up a little bit today yeah could but it might take a hot minute why do you want what do you want for a dweller uh I mean you don’t have to oh my god

Um what was going to say what do you uh what what I want for a dweller uh I mean you don’t have to make it but like I guess okay here’s my biggest I feel like every time I start speaking this guy just starts interrupting me anyway my biggest

Complaint with the current dwellers we have is like don’t get me wrong they’re cool ideas cool Concepts they’re great right it’s just bro this guy is [ __ ] bouncing off the walls of these noises holy [ __ ] um yeah do the shade or not the shade but um do like a dweller where it’s vanilla

Friendly it uses the vanilla cave sounds but like I don’t know cuz I feel like with the Dos we currently have like they’re scary don’t get me wrong but I feel like if you want to make Minecraft scary have a monster that stalks you in a creepy and Silent sort of way maybe

Make an occasional sound or two that’s scary to me that’s scary just the way it follows you around stares at you like you know gives you the chills let him talk I Know uh let me where’s the cave oh my God thank you found a cave finally Jesus Is it normal to hear him while he’s being out of the bro is it normal to him while he’s being out of the caves uh no I just did some configuring to make him more on the

Surface uh let me do this and then yeah you could do that that’d be kind of cool actually um GTE I don’t know just take your time obviously take your time don’t um rush it or anything and Jesus Christ he’s awfully active welcome back ether we’re currently talking about dwellers and we

Managed to make one SP on the surface I did try using um what’s it called I did try using rethinking foxs with your settings and I still can’t run it I’m getting like 30 FPS it’s not that great I don’t know how you can run it I can’t run for some

Reason well I can barely run it I guess I don’t know oh there’s IR right there bro this guy is waffling his Dax right now dang yeah it sucks that would be scary plus some jump scares yeah if you can pull it off yeah that’d be cool i’ definitely uh I can

Definitely help you out give you critique hard to criticize him but please make him like vanilla like though like because I feel like the the dwells we currently have are not very vanilla like like make him like scare like the warden but in a different way I use IR and much performance mods

Ah that could be why actually yeah wait from the fog Works in [ __ ] beta bro how you getting these mods to work in beta you you got to let me try them somehow or let me cuz i’ love to do like a beta horror thing I’m going to get me some hot CH

Coco all right you do that cooking some food right now I don’t know where this Celler is though not cave D why I you saying F Celler okay so list of mods you currently got I can put together got experience packs wait for rethinking boxes to work or what oh my God I want to what the [ __ ] are these bushes like these whatever these are they’re so annoying now like really good performance uh ather I use um Forge for these mods not uh fabric let him talk well you talking to me you talking to the um yeah everyone’s been telling me to

Get the [ __ ] create mod what is that like oh bro PES are from the mod yeah they are yeah oh you want me to sh up okay’s better performance mods also I heard where is the nightmare actually I haven’t like [ __ ] seen him spawn yet wait let me do something real quick

Uh kill at a type equals caves well kills a nightmare okay so he has spawned somewhere or he did spawn but oh you met nightmare oh okay my bad what are the differences between Forge and fabric uh Forge has been around for longer it’s generally used for making it’s more optimized for mods

Fabric is better for perform is better for performance but has less good mods that’s I that bad but um you know it’s for fabric would be better if you like playing on smps and stuff for is easy to code on yeah oh hell yeah Forest oh [ __ ] off

Skeleton no oh he’s after me he’s after me he’s after me oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh ow ow you hurt oh that well now I know he

Spawns ah [ __ ] L damn oh [ __ ] let take a moment of silence no I had to mute and go do something sticks pickaxe he’s there where oh is this chat delayed wait are we delayed again hang on no we’re not delayed wait where is he wait were you guys talking about the

Um the [ __ ] were you guys talking about like earlier when I was like just came back it’s delayed [ __ ] oh it’s annoying oh my [ __ ] god chill ax they were talking about you the sounds oh right yeah okay makes sense okay delays are fun oh it’s like if I started

Saying crazy I was crazy once like it would take 10 SEC 10 or 15 seconds for you guys to start saying it for me anyway I think yeah drown don’t [ __ ] do that you are making me [ __ ] my DXs they locked me in a room a r room a

R room of rats rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once it locked me in a room a r room a r room of rats let’s do a test start counting all right so let’s do this all right so the next person to send a message the next person to send a

Message I’m going to count how long it takes for the next person respond 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay it took 7 seconds for o op to respond oh wait no no no so the next person to send a message um start counting how long it takes for me

To read it so the next person to send a message I will read it out [ __ ] was that I’ll read it out and um then yeah you fry my brain with that wait FR r with what sand the funny thing is I’m not even playing with go man I’m playing with

Nightmare it took 20 seconds oh that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] shut up nightmare [ __ ] hell oh my God man [ __ ] waffles man’s like beat his ass I will the rubber room 25 seconds oh ew that is disgusting not very cool M do Waffle yeah I know D mods only have four sounds and

Never add any more than that I think you can add more than that I don’t know though pretty sure you extra cing maybe like add new instances and stuff okay I’m going to cook up some food like this scary but it get sounds get repetitive yeah they do all right let’s make

That [ __ ] hell they still get me sometimes though swigg swiy I’m coming for the booty uh [Applause] no oh my God no no no no no no no no no no titties tit oh run forest run [ __ ] hell a no no no no no no titties T Famous Last Words Z says titties you didn’t run fast enough well in my defense there’s [ __ ] bushes everywhere the seed kind of

Sucks bro started yapping uh speaking of yapping w w that I died what are you waffling about we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] we’re completely [ __ ] you guys know that so NE it wouldn’t be funny if like I um was running from like the dweller and then some guy put like a meme caption

Over that saying like no no no no no no no no no no we’re completely [ __ ] yeah we’re definitely completely [ __ ] but yeah can you just imagine like someone putting a m over me running away from like the nightmare or something and it’s like no no no no no

No no we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] we’re completely F actually to be fair I could probably do that myself put on my Clips Channel or something is your moments of all time wouldn’t it be funny if like someone put together like a a zi funny moments compilation like I don’t know if you

Guys can edit or not but um there’s a mod that turns off collisions for leafl I don’t remember what the name of it is though oh okay so I’ll keep inventory oh yeah good point go maybe I’m way to do that for real I can’t really edit N I could probably do

It one day go back on my past streams and then record like some funny moments or you guys could like time stamp the funny moments and then I could like go back and record them those moments and edit them out like a compilation you can make a funny moments compilation that’d be cool

All right let’s go over here it’s a good idea actually oh wait guys I have a question to ask if I played any other games like aside Minecraft would you watch like cuz I’ve got a horror game called Slender the Arrival that I could play for a stream

One day just let me know though what do you think what do you guys think would you watch me play horror game maybe or not today but another day let’s go frockling through laender f with a nightmare Fring I know it’s ironic what 100% watch that yeah of

Course I just feel like people wouldn’t like watch it because obviously most of my viewers are from for well are here because of me playing Minecraft dos maybe but yeah I don’t know bro can this lavender feel okay locate biome ples I’m sick of this [ __ ] lavender field set all Right I watch bushwack 18 wait are you just join as well AP or is just like a person you watch no no no no no no no no no no ah pish posh [ __ ] that’s what you [ __ ] sound like sheap aie gang surely he there’s some of sh

Here yes shut the [ __ ] up oh my God you are waffling we get you exist just chill ax he’s a horor twitch streamer oh okay also uh actually not never mind she’s oh they’re not here I’ve been pinged four times oh it’s okay the nightmare waffler literally yeah man

Waffles can you shut your mouth theare really want some attention literally like the the nightmare is more attention seeking than the [ __ ] Goatman is that’s why bad don’t wor bro sorry I’m just tired it’s all good bro oh my God piss off with this Leaf Bome I [ __ ] hate

It if I see the [ __ ] nightmare dwet again I’m going to [ __ ] my bricks speak of the devil to be fair at least you’re with the Goatman yeah waffle fries this man wants more attention than my six-year-old sister bro that’s sad oh you from Australian M you from Australia go down to

Vanderberg put some chicken salt on your chippies shrimp on the barbie put some shrimp on the barbie mate I’ll [ __ ] I’ll smash you for your shoes them oh yes we know you exist this oh my God completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] uh not to sound like weird or anything

Like personal here you guys don’t have to answer this question but how are you guys in this chat like just curious um I’m just curious like how old you guys are cuz I don’t know what my um like I don’t know how old my viewers are I’m

Guessing since you can take my really bad jokes and dark humor I’m guessing at least above the age of 15 16 maybe BR in Frankenstein whoa that’s cool 19 18 15 Oh damn got a de pass voice so I’m 19 as well I’m 19 16 oh yeah that’s not

Bad we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] we’re complet it’s a suck in my head now God damn it where’s the dweller at let’s have a look no dweller I don’t know why I keep calling them a dweller like it’s his name’s nightmare like duh we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] we’re completely

[ __ ] you 17 y to finish the roster like the middle ground guy the middle child donkey let’s go home donkey what are you doing in my swamp I’m going to get my buddy to make a remix of every time you say we’re completely [ __ ] bro yes [ __ ] do it I want to hear

It I would [ __ ] pay to hear that don’t care he is a DW doesn’t got D his name yeah that is true why is there Iron right here witch which is a [ __ ] oh my God can this dweller shut his mouth you have a better Scottish accent

Than Australian oh you [ __ ] G I’m going to [ __ ] smash your head in I’m going to oh my gosh you think cuz I’m Scottish I’m going to [ __ ] rank you [ __ ] dumbass are you [ __ ] rank mate I’m going to Fu there’s a [ __ ] dick out some my I don’t

Know try being Scottish but I couldn’t you’re the guy that got bullied by the Christmas on s’s VI yes I am that’s me well on my vid actually but yeah oh my God this Cav do not start waffling like shut up just be Shrek oh don’t care why do you keep

[ __ ] sucking on my ass I got to Southern tto on my back just very very it’s it’s it makes me look like a [ __ ] a there [ __ ] skeletons tring to kidding me I’m going to get absolutely [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no but completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ]

Where completely [ __ ] the one that has look it’s like my deck oh my gosh is a [ __ ] skeleton [ __ ] off [ __ ] off mate or [ __ ] smash you oh [ __ ] oh my God where’s the [ __ ] nightmare I’m telling you I need to find the nightmare so I can [ __ ] shove the

Dick up his ass not my dick someone else’s dick do the raw what do you mean do the raw what raw here I’m going to do a quote from um your wizard Harry like the video If you ever watched it you know what I mean but

If you don’t it’s fine but I’m just going to say a quote Prof on you linkly [ __ ] I’m trying to emphasize the danger of this situation you’re [ __ ] penis baboon look this your chub that [ __ ] is wrong with you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why are you in the cage you’re

[ __ ] animal you only one po coming out your bottom you’re the [ __ ] cat you’re a [ __ ] minky cat that [ __ ] [ __ ] wrong I don’t know why keep being Scottish like should I be Scottish for the rest of the video not video stream no I’m not doing that [ __ ]

That does anyone know an Al horor mod no I don’t aren’t sh is visual yeah they are a man from the fol speaking to me too ow stop touching my bottom [ __ ] off suck my pixie dick you chubby [ __ ] I’ll up you your [ __ ] in a messy BC oh lip

Your Johnny and dick off and Bash it across the jwy let’s go right now bring it on you little wank shut up [ __ ] hell [ __ ] speaking over me yeah out of your Bed I think those skeletons need a new pin cushion yeah probably so you guys have bought this upon yourself you wanted me to you wanted me to be a [ __ ] Scottish person you wanted me to be Scottish but then it turned out to be a [ __ ] joke Ying in fake

Scottish I know who’s yapping in fake Scottish is [ __ ] cave d That’s just [ __ ] yapping what am I doing again I need oh shut up [ __ ] it’s becoming a [ __ ] nuisance more than anything sh OFA I don’t know what that is but um yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yes

For the [ __ ] gring in of the Vikings if this can’t does not [ __ ] shut up I’m going to rearrange his his voice box and do many bad things with it I’ve not seen b boy in a while though V let see we find the correct one what down

Here oh my God like I want to find the nightmare but he’s not even here it’s even harder when you’re in a forest oh my God [ __ ] dark oak forest my ass snow biome V is like a heaven for the Norse oh right let’s go over here hey water just magically

Appeared your boy the Goatman is just fed up with the other guy so he’s just been quiet yeah that’s fair okay let’s over here if there’s powdered snow I’m going to [ __ ] myself profess linkly [ __ ] oh now I’m trying to be a f oh hello what the [ __ ] secret cave

Entrance nipples not we’re getting out of Here no pwed snow please don’t drown me please I’m going to die oh my nipples are cold all right we’re good my nip nips are cold ow hello sheep my God that cave is massive nightmare where are you I beg for your presence hello

My nip nips are C oh my God I’m getting [ __ ] quoted H is out of context part [ __ ] 69 Jesus Clow roomrooms in that cave yeah I saw that my God this area is [ __ ] insane this man keeps making noises but he’s not [ __ ] here like come on

Dude come on bro oh my God hello smudgy all right let’s go here shot your [ __ ] mouth I’m honestly about to [ __ ] spawn this [ __ ] are you guys okay let for Me what on Earth what was that oh oh my God no I’m going to die again no no no no no no no no no no no no you [ __ ] why did I spawn back here you spin be right round baby right round man just [ __ ] appeared out of

Nowhere that was quite possibly the funniest thing I witnessed a leave me alone Jesus do you know what’s [ __ ] funny about me dying to that dweller or just any dweller it’s that I died of fall damage first before the actual thing that’s the funny part about all

This it’s not me it’s not the fact I’m being chased by the dweller it’s the fact I’m dying to fall damage before I’m even Dy to the actual thing that’s the funny part about it when it’s intention is to kill you you spin B right round well yeah that’s what I’m saying

He doesn’t want to kill me he just wants to [ __ ] kill me to fall damage he doesn’t want to physically kill me but kill me to [ __ ] yeah it’s very sad if I search the nightmare dwell on for should be should appear right uh yeah

If not you can get it from sw’s Discord anyway so no we hate powdered snow it’s very cringe no no no no no no no no no no we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] we’re completely [ __ ] I make a bit yes we are completely [ __ ] cuz this guy’s about to [ __ ] ruin it

Everything okay bad I’m about to do something very uh dangerous guys I’m going to go back to that Forest that I found before I went down that cave and I’m going to explore it that Forest is massive and I guarantee if I see the nightmare dwell in that forest in the dark

I’m going to genuinely crap my Dax like it’s not fun it like well I mean it is probably fun to you guys but like it’s it ain’t going to be funny for me it’s going to suck just like I I know about it unless he somehow stops me from getting

There oh thanks ather oh hello I knew you were going to stop me from going to where I wanted to go didn’t I oh get away from me get away from me you [ __ ] lanky thing oh my God you got blood smeared all over you that is disgusting have you

Thought about cleaning yourself recently mate I think you personally should you know cuz you don’t want blood to be all over you constantly oh man it’s going to suck just like a my God on yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing get inside and now we’re quitting everyone

No Z makes now I feel like I’d be a really scary dwell honestly I feel like I’m scared than the actual dweller you just foundy a bully the dweller not really I’m it’s cool being horrified horrific not that’s not a word but it is now the AI dweller yes someone make

That let’s grab some clips of him screaming true actually yeah we’re completely [ __ ] completely [ __ ] iron the as mod if he comes after me again while I’m trying to get to my certain destination of travel I’m going to do the same thing I did before

I’ve been TR I’m going to get to that Forest what the okay that was the man from the fog that time I got to go to bed because I got a 17-hour drive tomorrow [ __ ] Jesus all right um cat later Gtech uh thanks for jumping in yeah see you

Later as you being chased by a human or monster that’s mocking you for being covered in blood after half mold you I was about to make a um joke about a woman’s part blood but we’re not going to worry about that I I refrained from saying it oh no where is he oh

Hello oh my God holy Jesus oh my God you can swim oh of course you can swim why wouldn’t you be able to swim oh my God Jesus Christ that scared me that actually was Horrifying oh my heart’s racing hello monkey oh my god swy did you [ __ ] say that your dweller made me dribble [ __ ] and did a burn out in my [ __ ] underwear the [ __ ] nightmare just made me [ __ ] myself violently with extreme Brute Force High velocities by the way oh [ __ ]

Hell oh my God my heart is racing bro you seen this [ __ ] no he’s no he’s easily scarier than the [ __ ] Goatman I changed my [ __ ] mind the goat man couldn’t even do that [ __ ] hell oh that’s the SK that’s the that’s the highlight of the stream that is the

Highlight of the [ __ ] stream did you figure out the config H yeah a person sent it to me DMS uh I just used um in control and FX to fix he spawning oh no not again that was [ __ ] horrible oh my God okay I’ll give you props there that was [ __ ] scary holy

[ __ ] my head is dizzy as [ __ ] right now holy [ __ ] my [ __ ] god lad someone has to clip that someone has to [ __ ] clip that hello I just joined welcome uh CLE you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled yes you’ve you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled yes you’ve probably

Been told don’t reply to the sky he’s just trying to get a rise out of you yes it’s true you respond and that’s his CU to start trouble on the D these jokes is man stuttle you’ve been trolled you’ve been troll you should th SW what the [ __ ] have you done no

Sw’s no sw’s cursing me y sw’s cursing me he wants me to get [ __ ] terrified nah this [ __ ] didn’t start happening until swelly join oh my God stop no this ain’t funny the the real shit’s about to go down no this is no this is where the real ship

Begins hopefully nightmare blows away all the other dwellers I think you will very easily like that [ __ ] made me fly out of my [ __ ] chair also yes we are in the forest we are going to perfect environment for such creature to no no no no no no no where are

You [ __ ] heard you where are you come on I command nightmare to attack no no I’m going to find him where is he I’m going to hunt him down the hunter becomes the hunted and so the hunter becomes The Hunted n this shit’s [ __ ] creepy like you are pulling my tits for

This you are you are yanking onto my balls to think that I’m n [ __ ] everything about this where is he I haven’t seen him yet any torches okay we’re good where is this guy hope you’re enjoying this one more the the alpha I saw in the other stream bro

This guy is the [ __ ] real deal this like I I don’t know how like I’ve got no words like this is easy the best o you’ve put out I’m so sorry goat man I’m sorry for betraying you but nightmare is easily the better one where is

He a come out and [ __ ] fight me you wuss you did it before I know you can do it again where are you I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to put your [ __ ] claws in between your legs and make you run I’m going to do

It oh yeah it is the biome you’re right [ __ ] it’s the Redwood biome I think pretty sure that’s what it’s called reminds me of like the arc survival biome okay where is this well at I’m going to make him spawn in here I’m going to do

It like I’m going to make him spawn here because this [ __ ] Forest is cool as [ __ ] and creepy as [ __ ] okay he’s around here but I don’t know where surely oh my God holy [ __ ] [ __ ] off villager oh my God oh my heart right now it cannot take

This if I’m in the [ __ ] hospital and I’m having a [ __ ] seizure you know why you can blame swy [ __ ] sake oh no not again we are not [ __ ] doing this again oh my God I I’m literally [ __ ] lost for words this [ __ ] goes hard goes scary and

Goes crazy at the same time I’m going to be having [ __ ] nightmares tonight from this [ __ ] as like literally nightmares I’m going to be like twitching in my bed I’m mean oh my God like I’m going to be freaking barricading my entire house at this point my God oopsy daisies I

Know bro I just got destroyed like bro this guy is literally not this guy is not a [ __ ] joke like this guy is not holding back any remorse nightmare is like the mod nightmare crazy I know it’s totally not what it’s meant to do no it’s totally

Not what the name is oh who would have thought I know who would have thought baffles me it absolutely baffles me you can swim what is blood waffling about this man can swim my head is so dizzy right now oh my God no get me out of here get me out of

Here stop stop oh I think I just like peed and [ __ ] myself at the same time oh my god well guys if you want an honest review on the [ __ ] nightmare you’re going to [ __ ] yourself it’s undoubtedly you are going to [ __ ] yourself you’re going to be on the

Toilet you’re going to be dropping off [ __ ] nuclear bombs you’re going to be oh my God like I’m telling you you’re going to be [ __ ] yourself at least more than 10 times I actually escaping that time though so I’ll give myself RS for that oh my

God I’m paying too much attention to the comments to be scary a not again [ __ ] sake no I was saying how he wasn’t showing up now he [ __ ] is he’s not playing around anymore he’s actually had enough with me he’s like all right I’m sick of this man

Getting away with it I’m sick of this man cheating on me with Goatman I’m going to [ __ ] teach him a lesson you know that’s what he’s thinking right now like this guy’s lost it he has lost his bananas he’s lost he’s angry at the fact that we’re bullying him like he wants

Redemption he wants to [ __ ] whoop my ass and tell you what he’s doing a good job at it so yeah good times second are you using particle rain uh not sure this was part of um sw’s pack that he gave me so don’t know night procedure taunt show up throw off cliff

Dip throw off cliff dip yeah he’s literally like throw me off a cliff more than anything like all he’s done is [ __ ] ye me off a cliff then actually kill me I mean yeah he’s killed me a few times but like mainly it’s been me getting off a cliff that’s what it

Is I predict you going to get [ __ ] on the next two minutes Gabe shut your mouth I think I’m going to survive and I think you’re dribbling a load of [ __ ] guys don’t encourage him don’t encourage s or [ __ ] monkey because they’re the reason why this [ __ ] is after me no shut your

Mouth oh my God Jesus Christ the funny part is right I’m not even noticing him right I’m always looking at my chat and then I hear and he [ __ ] comes after me so then I’ve got no time to react and then I die that’s what sucks about this okay

Now that was a jump scare I know cuz I was literally looking what the [ __ ] now literally bro like I was looking like well to be fair I was looking at the chat right and then I [ __ ] look back my screen [ __ ] starts doing that then I

Start [ __ ] running for the hills for Jack and Jill and then I realized that he killed me before I even could do anything this [ __ ] ain’t funny dog now make him better I dare you give me your kidney I’m not giving you your kidney oh we should make monkey a cave

Dweller hell yes let’s make monkey a cave do we so should do that no get away from me you heic creature I’m going to send you back to where you belong in the [ __ ] caves is that where you make you is that where you make the blue

Stuff wait guys rate my nightmare rate my nightmare impression run run never mind that sucks now it [ __ ] you should make a Cav that looks like temper on gorilla swy he’s got a [ __ ] point take notes Right Now take notes swy Temple R gorilla dweller yes yes

Please that [ __ ] would be the funniest and scariest thing no s’s got to take notes he’s got to take notes that is a great idea stop quoting me a damn it getting qu now [ __ ] ain’t funny bro getting quoted you know here’s the thing right

If you ever want me to test like to anyone here that’s watching right like seriously if you ever want me to test out your dweller your mod anything scary I’m your guy because I guarantee you I’m a I’m a horor piss baby right I suck with horror stuff so if you want me

To if if you want me to scream and [ __ ] myself I’m your guy right I I’m the guy that I should be testing you like for your mods literally grab a bunch of clips of AO screaming into his lungs if turn it into a dweller the azero

Dweller no it wouldn’t be that scary it be just goofy you should try to make a dweller I can’t Code Monkey Java’s [ __ ] annoying to code I would if I knew how to but I need some teachings first of how to do it and I definitely would imagine if someone makes a song

Out of like my screaming like of like my uh what’s it called like imagine if someone makes like a song or like a video of like me screaming but it’s like a remix that’d be [ __ ] funny that’d be hilarious all right where is the nightmare boy at I want

To to see what he’s up to oh nightmare I am prepared for your scaring yo that Moonlight is [ __ ] pretty blood doesn’t know about M Creator wait what’s m Creator get some lessons off S bro he needs to teach me but he hasn’t yet so be nice though if you

Could what what that’s a baby zombie holding an iron sword no [ __ ] the nightmare that’s the scariest thing him holding an iron sword what screw that oh no I’m sorry we can talk about this we can talk about this I’m sorry I’m sorry we can talking about this bro Relax oh all right I need to quit I think I’ve hit my limit oh my God and CR is a Minecraft Ming thing for people who don’t know to code wait seriously maybe I could make a d actually oh you know what if you guys

Are if any of you here are really smart with M Creator or like just coding in general if I make a dweller one day you have to teach me you guys have to teach me how to do it because i’ I’d be so down to make my own dweller and release

It he died do you know what that means oh Discord real quick all right what are you sh me oh I got a call all right I’ll Jo your call hang on hello hello hello hello smudge how’s it going ready to are you ready ready for what because

Remember our deal yesterday our deal yesterday what am I doing again remember no what what the oh oh my goodness I forgot my oh my goodness hold on hold on hold on my the stream is delayed for me so it sounds real weird right now oh just mute

My stream yeah okay I I’m doing that I’m doing that my goodness yeah you remember the deal we made yesterday right H maybe I don’t know I feel you’re going to have to check the other mods now my other mods cuz you’ve only checked the starved stalker which compared to

Bardus is not as scary wait so what’s blizzardes then um so you have the V2 beta that I sent you right I think so yeah that mod pack all right um can you send me that mod pack the the blizzard is the thing where you put my blizzard the mod pack where

You put my blizzard this mod into yeah uh I can check one sec yeah one sec I’ll check real quick oh my Discord hold on Angelic uh I’m wait so I’m in swy server okay wait did you model um your St so did someone else did uh I model the stared stalker

There’s going to be another new model in the Future made by another other than pixel coder creator of the one who watches oh okay yeah and uh but every single model from all the other mods that I make I’ve made myself all right so what about the animation you did

For animations also made myself well I I couldn’t animate for the life of me where did I put that mod actually didn’t you like copy your nightmare mod pack and like put it my stuff into it did you put it into the starved Stalker mod pack that you made trying to remember hang

On why is everyone why is everyone commenting loading circles because my [ __ ] scream’s screen’s Frozen so they’re trying to trick me to thinking like my stream’s [ __ ] uh let me just is it in this Angelic inuy server you should see me in the hold on got to close that

Thing I’m like in the side thing you should see uh oh wait what the heck it I’m not in the mod Creator thing anymore what hold up a second SW swy what did you do where is my mod Creator rolling uh St Stalker mod pack all right I think

I found the mod pack uh smudge nice nice so what do you want me to do again uh blizz this isn’t there right yeah y okay send it to me export oh hang on let just make sure that way that way we could like let’s go Che together so I could show you

Everything we could I could show you all the stuff like we go through everything together in the in like a world actually I’m this just to be safe because some of um sw’s files on here it’s got to make sure not to leak him oh he I I’ve already I’ve already

Had like some of sw’s mods before like Nightmare and all that what do you think of those mods actually yeah they’re scary all right like but then again uh I I’m an absolute coward at with like thousands of things yeah uh let’s go to St stalker uh

V1 oh [ __ ] wrong version no no no no no no no wrong version uh 1.9.2 right yeah ah V1 all right I’ll see you it now hang on uh there you go Mission B I know the plan I’m going to say until the end of stream for real hell yeah everyone subscribe to

Easier yes trying to hit 2K And subscribe to me hey go um there we go so what do you need that for again remember uh is the essential mod in it yeah it should be okay cuz remember we I was thinking like we could

Go over it to get to get in like a world and all that yeah you could just invite me to the world are you Meg I thought you were going to be the one hosting the world oh you host it I’ll just join you okay um I’m going to be in Creative but

You’re going to be in survival damn it yeah I’m going to make sure you [ __ ] yourself I hope I do cuz your star stalker man it it star stalk is a little baby yeah star stalker me the other Twisted horror stuff scarier but blizzard so what is Blizzard like is

Myself I [ __ ] myself with testing blizzardes is blizzardes like a dweller or is it a mod pack blizzardes is a dweller it it plus a few tiny extra things but the main focus of it is the dweller itself in inside of the dimension oh it’s in a dimension like

There’s a fullon custom Dimension dedicated to this stuff but the dweller isn’t just found in this snowy icy themed Dimension it’s also found in snow biomes in the Overworld that’s what like why else do you think the mod is called blizzardes that’s fair yeah that’s fair should try and get Forge lab supp

Play mods I would try he’s he’s definitely not going to try the star of stalker cuz that shit’s that shit’s ass however my mod I don’t know it’s just if I was to make a dweller it would be trying i’ try and base off of the vanilla cave sounds like sort of what

Gaggan did but even better yeah it’s just I don’t know how to use M Creator and M Creator looks [ __ ] confusing so you could create like each cave noise has its o own custom mob like a dweller assigned to each vanilla cave noise I don’t know is um is

M crator hard to learn like for someone that’s not like done any of the stuff before do you know about scratch yes I used to use you’re basically just working with block coding just like in scratch yeah but even block coding I don’t understand sometimes like sometimes just over my head

How how do you know because it’s still coding like you still have to figure out like what instances are what they all mean and like their properties and stuff no [ __ ] way you don’t understand simple block coding well it’d be harder than scratch wouldn’t It yeah it’s a little bit harder than scratch so you’ve you’ve got a point there and credit is confusing I tried to fuse gun couldn’t figure it out also if you going to use shaders I recommend using the insanity Shader with this stuff sure hang on wait actually let let

Me check through shaders to see which one like my top three best shaders see which one works best with the dimension because shaders some there are some shaders that break inside of the dimension yeah I gotcha so uh let’s see so just before I send you in into absolute

Hell does Insanity Shader work here it does but it’s me oh my goodness I forgot I got to mess with I got to swap Sprint and sneak shift I like to use shift to Sprint I’m just wondering who should teach me I’m Creator though like whether

Swelly or smudge I don’t know I can teach you I can teach you because I I’m I’m I’ve messed with m crator a lot I don’t know if swy has Insanity Works awesome in this Dimension like it looks amazing yeah let’s check the other two shaders the other two shaders I have are

Spook lementary and super duper vanilla spook lary H oh my God spook lary sucks do not use spook lementary I’m using Insanity right now okay yeah use Insanity please do and super duper vanilla uh let’s I also want to see what it looks like at midnight oh my God it’s

Beautiful guys genuine question if I got either swy or smudge or anyone that knows M Creator to teach me how to use it should I make my own dweller and release it cuz I’m willing to make a dweller that’s scary yeah should make your own but like that fits the vanilla theme you

Know like I want it to be feel like it’s part of vanilla Minecraft but it also is its own character as well I don’t know how I’m going to make him yet I don’t know what his design is it’s just an idea in my head I don’t

Actually know how I do it I recommend using super duper vanilla because holy cow it makes it it makes nighttime look exactly how I wanted to look inside of this Dimension send me the zip fall for the shaders you have curse Forge right yeah it’s it

Just go to the shaders thing and look for it on there just it’s easy okay and you don’t need to restart the mod pack it just automatically adds it kind of like with how resource packs do it I’ve been W someone to make that ogk W yeah I can I can probably do

It what’s it called super vanilla shaders super duper vanilla shaders oh is that that one [ __ ] resource pack that was it’s who was it by what oh hang on I can just look up on [ __ ] Google ah it was meant to be like the cic Graphics Pack oh I remember that that was cool oh my goodness gracious wait oh my gosh please say there’s Aurora Boreal in this mod pack I mean in this Shader please say no the Shader doesn’t have Aurora Borealis

Damn well it’s fine aora balis in this would be cool though because well it’s a a snowy like icy themed Dimension yeah um Lads if I was to make this dweller I’m thinking of what should I name the dweller cuz I don’t have any idea yet but just throw an idea right there uhoh I found neosis and a what the Yeah neosis is the name of the dweller oh okay that’s kind of

Cool I guess see no one has really any ideas either but that’s all right all right let’s see I’m going teleport back to the Overworld have you seen the um modifications I did with the vanilla cave sound smudge like the sounds cuz I made a res or i’ messed

Around with a resource pack for the cave door sound overhaul and made the cave door or the cave sounds actually scary so nice yeah all right uh you can have me on Essential by the way unless I have to put more mods in or whatever it should be

Good all right then uh let me restart the game because apparently we need to why what what do you add oh justen needs updating The Wraith uh The Wraith before you before you reopen the thing before you reopen the mod pack I guess you could add the Twisted horse

Because I noticed it’s not in here why didn’t you add it how dare you can you send me the jaw file for it it’s just on curse Forge like you can look it up on curse Forge perfectly fine twisted and uh you got that yeah all right um the heck who just

Messaged hello Luka uh we are currently about to play test smudges or yeah dwell dwellers mod greetings um the guy that made the S stalker by the way um smudge I might have to head off in a little bit to go have lunch cuz I’m getting kind of

Hungry oh well you could just grab the food and then come back yeah but I recently got a new desk and chair and everything so I don’t want to like ruin it or mess it up like put stuff oh yeah I mean I’ll end stream but like not now but in a little

Bit so I’ll play the I’ll play the mod with you and then go eat and then come Back I guess I can wait yeah I mean no we can um just host the World and then I’ll join and then we can mess around hopefully I can actually get scared this time the faasm uh oh you know what guys hear me up a ghost type dweller so you can barely see

Him but the more he makes cave sounds the more more his visibility or his transparency like I guess the more he appears like the more he shows himself that’s a cool idea actually like a ghostlike person that mocks the cave sounds of bro I’m I’m on to something here I’m on to something

Here all right let me add you what’s your username um your name is smudgy it’s smudgy it’s smudgy like like this boom there we go yeah sick all right you can send me an invite oh my God I swear to God Essentials getting an update like every millisecond oh know my

God yo SM what if I is it possible in M Creator to make a function where after a certain event like a cave noise or something that plays the model of that said dwell appears like its transparency goes down instead of [Applause] up does that make

Sense I have no idea like so say it’s kind of like a ghost D thing right like a ghost dweller so you can barely see at first but as more of the events happen of cave noises he starts to show himself more like his apparation apparation

That’s the word then oh that that sounds f very interesting it it’s it it’d be very difficult to work in M Creator though ah okay maybe it is possible though so don’t worry it’s probably just a [ __ ] around though we’ll see we’ll see if not it’s

Fine I can figure out another way to make it Creepy cuz I want to make him as creepy as Herobrine like you know the the back in the day when we feeded Herobrine but also make it to be like like I said his own dweller like his own living Thing nice that is I Lear this stuff just to make it creepier set the brightness to Moody I don’t know if that it will affect anything with the shaders on but if it does then boom it’ll be creepier it’ll be spookier oo Jesus see you later

AA um you can invite me now by the way I’m ready yeah I know shut up essential I know what I’m doing shut up music okay invite isor there we go hold settings I didn’t get to play smud’s mods well get see the SMUD mods ah maybe next time bro okay

A where you at I have no idea where you are hold on SL TP oh I’m falling for the world oh yeah sometimes stuff does that but what the heck you’re like oh there we go your body is slightly transparent for me I think it’s just cuz I’m Lo in or I’m

Bugs I’m pretty sure it’s just I’m pretty sure it’s just the shaders oh damn this has a nice don’t like this is also so these clouds might look familiar like the these specific clouds Minecraft Trail Minecraft story mode oh I missed that game yeah these are the exact types of clouds that Minecraft

Story mode had which is awesome that is sick yeah all right so um TW mod i f yeah you’re in survival right now right no creative oh that’s not supposed to happen there we go now go ahead get down from the trees and start getting ready just get yourself prepared while I set

Something up all right bet a [ __ ] all the jump yeah yeah all right boys we’re going to test out uh smudge smudges uh well I guess new mods new to us mods Birch is I a pain in the ass to to put on the like was I a pain in the ass for

You or no like when you’re making the S ster uh making the starved stalker was actually pretty easy it was the blizzard this thing that was super hard to get done and perfect how I wanted it all right because well you’ll see why it was so

Cool why I’m why I love it so much and like why it’s also so scary to me once it’s like time yeah better hurry before you better hurry pal yeah let’s get stone tools and then we can do it I’ll also give you some leather boots so you don’t accidentally fall into

Powdered snow when it happens because powdered snow worst thing in existence I swear to God very annoying also my ping is [ __ ] horrible right now all right there we go all right I am ready when you are all right go ahead just do whatever or while I get this set

Up if you don’t in the first 10 minutes I will what will you do okay where are you where are you oh you are oh I see I see you here’s the boots I’m going go get this set up uh I’m going to give you a the Frozen

Mirror do not use it yet I’ll tell you when it’s time to use it all right UHS me of Terraria a little bit like Terraria stuff yeah I got a little bit inspired by Terraria nice I mean Terraria it’s Terraria no it’s Terraria y I say Terraria now I don’t really know fair

Enough DM was in there yeah he was no weather weather why weather clear come on clear weather clear yourself weather there we go uh uhoh wait where did I H where are you exactly uh running around oh okay I see you all right I’m just going to time set night but holy

Hell yeah night is a bit pretty as you can tell I just fell in a hole and yes it is got no food either damn it okay come come over here where’d you go uh hold on welcome over here now uh just be careful for actually wait go back into the

Forest I oh wait wait uh oh I see him no no I see something oh he’s off me oh God wait wait what that thing that thing is from yeah it keeps you from moving and you have to try and make your way over to it and hit it to make it go

Away oh Ah that’s sort of cool there’s also a this F who can appear he hits hard but all you have to do is Whack Him interesting you’re like a ghost sort of thing ah uh we got um see what other things do we have everything else is only found in the

Nether we’ve got this thing oh God it’s related to The Strider it’s called the strambler and he’s a very aggressive fella he’s they’re all killable don’t worry if just like okay yeah next we got the horid soul I act you might want to back up because this guy’s kind of big

Holy hell basically what I made the lore with it be is uh it’s basically just like a culmination of hundreds of very angry Souls forming one giant Soul it’s like a slime but like you can yeah careful what the heck it is laggy this thing is lagging my okay it’s

Not lagging anymore for me I’m oh Yik slash kill uhoh I can’t kill there we go I’m just going to get myself a nether netherite sword and just whack this thing out of existence now where’d you go I’m over here somewhere in the trees I’m also

Going to give you some food since you’re obviously going to need it obvious reasons yeah there you go two stacks of steak thank you next we have a the Warped whis just he it’s basically just an Enderman don’t look straight in its eyes don’t look at its head don’t look at its head

Okay kind of cool he’s like a corrupt Enderman yeah supposed to kind of be like that just like corrupted by the Warped Forest it’s pretty cool oh oh I guess he picked up a grass block at some point but that’s that’s funny that’s uh next we got the Crimson crypted slow but hard-

Hitting ah nether mob yep Crimson Forest jeez the Warped West was from the Warped Forest oh iide The piglin Brute and then finally we got the dweller of the nether hush run run run run oh my God I summoned him and he was too close to him

When I summoned him so now he’s aggro oh my God weather clear weather clear oh he’s going okay finally um now it’s time to head into the use the mirror now all right whoa I can’t see [ __ ] whoa what the what the heck are these guys doing here no why they

Here the hell is going on the game hold on hold on twist station’s broken okay okay okay hold on remove Twisted horse because it appears that it’s it appears it’s a bit broken right now aen move twisted hores and then boom all right see that and also remove

The starved stalker since we’re probably never going to see him I feel like I feel like I’d suck at modeling to be honest like I don’t know maybe even add like add some sort of Christmas themed mod or something just some sort of okay what what would be a good

Christmas mod to add so get rid of Twisted yeah get rid of Twisted hores get rid of the stuff stalker as well since we’re never going to see him inside of the blizzard this Dimension all right and uh should we add a Christmas mod just like think of see you

Cast um if you want what’s a good one that we should that we should add Primal Winter’s one Primal winter yeah um yeah but it it probably with Primal winter is it makes it snowy in every Dimension all the time oh well then I I got nothing then I guess we could add

A no not that one that one work I’m just going to look up Christmas and uh there’s Christmas festivity there’s a oh wait ooh I like that one oh but that one won’t work actually that one won’t work H ooh Okay add wait where it

Go where did I I’ve lost it there it is uh crap is this the right one is it I don’t think this is the right one it’s not the right one okay add Christmas festivity is that a raceless pack or a mod mod isn’t this going to make the hobo Christmasy

Anyway Christmas festivity just like yeah yeah right that way it’s just dare because why not if we’re going to have lizard this a wintry looking place and why not have a Christmas thing instead of all that wait so did you use blockbench to model your dweller is there yeah I’ve used block

Gunch for every single model that I ever make I don’t know it’s just I feel like I I won’t be able to model or Texture anything I feel like I would suck at it that’s why don’t know about the whole world thing I definitely want to make a Dall I

Just don’t really know how to go about it all right tell me once the mod pack is open for you uh yeah I have the m p open okay I am getting into the world am I supposed to add any mods or no no mods all right see you Luka all right invite

You where’s you okay invite I said I sent you an invite go ahead and get your butt in here stinker yep man I feel like the first thing I’m going to see when I open m crator is just laun of [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m not going to understand it’s actually pretty easy to understand

With like some simple stuff but the more complicated you want something to be the more complicated the coding is going to be yeah that’s fair I guess doesn’t the guy that made the one who watches um Muse um M Creator yeah yeah he’s made some cool

Stuff with that invite me again by the way huh invite inv me again by the way okay I reinvites you oh I need the mod Christmas festivity yeah you forgot to put it in there I don’t know hang on uh files I do this all right

Wait so then I wonder if from the fog was made with M creat then I don’t know do you know what the from the fog mod is yeah yeah wonder if that with him crat or not it wasn’t oh right in fact it was originally a data

Pack wasn’t it a mod first in a data pack data pack yeah I think so no no it was the data pack first denim mod oh okay all right you can invite me now okay well actually if you go to the multiplayer button it and then go to the Friends

Tab oh there we go my goodness I do believe it is snowing quite a bit all right you’re in yep welcome can barely say [ __ ] though it’s like really really blurry uhoh flinx is behind you flinx is behind you a flank the the Terraria mobs sick I don’t know what you’re talking

About yeah they can they can be annoying at times I got you here hold on hold on hold on um I’m going to not that not that okay I opt you for a second if you press F3 and F4 at the same time but stay in the survival thing

Go back to the survival thing once you do that there we go ooh I love this snow I must say what happened to the FL what the heck okay now I’m so now you’re survival still I can deop you there we go um hold on I

Will so you just keep exploring like you explore this place I’m a going back to the Overworld real quick because it an e weather it’s swing there we go should be yep there we go it’s supposed to be snowing again H now where did you

Go uh back in the dimension a just had a bit of troubleshooting and then yeah ow uhoh Flink flinx is yeah fles are a bit mean rly poy all right eat some food um so you’re going to want these sweet berries not for you to eat but for something else

You’ll he’ll come across it later also have this little guy uh-oh you hear that yeah did you hear that noise that means neosis is near he spawned somewhere dweller yeah he’s the dweller if you if you randomly get Darkness that’s that means he’s coming for you oh

God oh that means he spawned again which means that he despawned later oh is that neosis yep that’s him and that means he see and he’s looking right at you so he’s set his I set his tracking distance to like the highest thing possible oh no

You get dark you have Darkness yep that means oh now I I got the darkness too I’m blurry again he’s coming he’s coming you’re blurry again wait come back come back come back come back look at the look at these little guys they’re following you for the berries what are they they’re called

Fluffs everything’s blurry again right yeah okay do the little trick again that I showed you to fix that done okay now look at them should see them better oh cool sick they’re probably the cutest thing I’ve ever made yeah they definitely are okay yeah these are these

Are sick I give give them the berries give get keep trying to give them the berries oh you can tame them yeah and you can’t make them sit but you can kind of just pet them oh that’s pretty cool that flick Lantern okay this is cool yeah that that those guys are

Cool flicks you can randomly find sometimes here let me get the flick spawn egg here’s a flick spawn egg right that’s the flick oh wa that’s pretty cool actually there’s a chance that you can and you can actually capture them in bottles too yeah this gives me like Terraria SL Eden

Vibes I see there’s a very rare chance for you to find these things in trees oh no you don’t get it oh haha ha like get it what was that oh what are these oh the blocks those are some blocks yeah so Frost stone is what replaces Stone in

This place so that’s Frost Stone right ah gotcha and uh we have the frost stone bricks and chiseled Frost Stone and uh we have this um oh you can pick that up with an axe actually oh hang on oh you better hurry I don’t know where

Oh he’s over there I see him yeah better hurry grab the stone stuff grab the chiseled Stone and the stone bricks it takes a bit to mine them because they’re frozen I don’t gotcha this is awesome yeah this pretty cool welcome back L okay that’s it just take it

Boom now you might want to run okay be right back all right um let see what what else is around here this the Shad is fit nice to this biome here actually I really like these shaders yeah I I it would have been even cooler if the Aurora Borealis thing was there where’d

You go oh it stopped snowing nice yeah I’m wanding around right now oh I see you I see you I see you look he’s he’s following you he’s still following you look at him that’s cool I love the them they’re probably my favorite thing that I’ve ever made that’s

Sick you know n uh you know what your reminds me of actually reminds me of like Slender Man a little bit gives me slend man Vibes flinks behind you there’s fles oh yeah fles can spawn in groups of one to two send me a list of mod SL shaders

You’re using I’ll try to make mod pack wait what I already have mod packs what do you mean like I’ve made mod packs look at how beautiful it is with a bunch of flicks flying around reminds you have like fireflies like the canceled firef fles yeah I was kind of going off of

That idea it’s cool some of them have their animations but some of them don’t like my advice for the for these uh guys here make him spawn as like just Ambience they do but very rarely making a bit more common cuz I reckon this make this Dimension More Alive

Yeah make spawn like not during the rain but like during the the night like this and then yeah they spawn ambiently during the night just to yeah with good performance mods and stuff all right okay okay let’s see uh okay so what I recommend is uh here I’m just going to give you

A a better pickaxe because of of how much mining sucks I’m going to need to fix that remember this is still the beta here you go efficiency 5 netherite pickaxe sick hello go go mining okay get back to work oh God this is still taking ages even with the S what the

Heck that’s stupid I really got to fix that holy cow damn sucks yeah never mind yeah we’ll go down there at some other time yeah uh oh flinks got it um here hold on so some ores that you might find down down there are uh let me find them like all of

Them so you’ll find nickel ore which instead of copper it’s nickel instead of iron there’s Cobalt instead of gold there’s titanium lapis diamond and uh Sapphire oh well so what do these do exactly like these right here they still take forever to mine dang that sucks let me grab all of them real

Quick there’s nickel there’s Cobalt there’s titanium there’s Sapphire they all can be made into like tools and swords and all that like oh right oh [ __ ] for them though I killed off all the flicks because they were kind of a just everywhere getting in the

Way sorry about that um by the way ather was just saying you got to fix the subtitles and and the sounds because it says AAL chips in subtitles oh yikes for the um for the fling definit that’s definitely weird you can probably fix I think that’s that how to fix yeah oh my

Goodness so how did you figure out M Creator though like were you taught by someone selftaught selftaught oh wow that’s that’s cool actually uh we have this wood over here you can go ahead and mine the wood I’ll deal with the stupid flinks I hate

Flines I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them ah no Frost long my goodness I do believe you are being attacked once more yeah I had no idea okay there we go nice first for frost for planks oh yeah what the

Hell what oh no something something happened but yeah the biome is really cool I like the biome um these guys are really cool we have uh combine uh hold on let me figure out what it was again so uh surround the the frost bulb with those right with

Wait with the bricks with the bricks okay oh D oh hello yeah you look like he looks like slend man place the place the new block that I made place that block there we go oh W these are cool yeah so are these like what so

What’s your aim with this mod like is it just like a vanilla friendly like mod that makes sense like a vanilla enhanced mod or is it just like your own different vanilla enhanced plus a dweller mod oh right I was going to say cuz a lot of these are retextured from like

Actual items but that makes sense though actually if it’s like a vanilla enhanced mod yeah uh the some of the things are just retextures for obvious reasons because uh logs literally every single log in Minecraft is basically just a retexture of the same thing yeah that

Also uh let me uh you can strip these all right interesting then uh we have uh the leaves which are just a retexture of spruce yeah the sapling does not yet work the sapling it’s that sucks doesn’t work yet I have no idea how to make saplings work with M Creator yeah

Well wait wait wait was going to say there’s some things as well that uh what hold on come on summon summon already dang it we’re to the frost first stuff oh what the heck uh I don’t know if this is normal or not but if I stand

On top of the frost fur planks just happens oh that is definitely not normal what the yo I just found a speed hack let’s go no I’m kidding I guess we figured out how to make asphalt like in Terraria yeah Terraria as oh my God look

At this is it like that with the leaves no is it like that with the logs yep it’s with like the logs as well what the heck no no no you don’t get any more planks you’re grounded boom damn but yeah I think the bom I think

This is probably your best mod I’d say just needs a bit of work obviously but yeah definitely best mod what else is there oh yeah I was about to show show you there’s a if you come exactly right here stand exactly here look up there we blurry again oh uh

Oh I don’t think it likes it when you not make it blurry so I want you to look over here right I’m about to no no no no no no no no no no no you’re getting too close stand right there again yep now look over there you see

It get a little closer if you need to just did you see it no oh my God I’m going to turn up your entity distance oh oh yep you could definitely see the hallucinations if you turn up your entity render distance thing if you turn up entity distance you can see the

Hallucinations uh let me see 250 still don’t see him still do not see him your entity distance needs to be turned up to 500 uh cuz it’s a little weird like that who what the heck yeah I see him now what the hell they all around me yeah I definitely see him

Now yeah the the great the Steve looking ones aren’t supposed to be spawning as much it’s supposed to be the eyes that spawn more oh right but uh if you get a bit too close to them they uh poof poof poof gone poof gone poof disappear wow

Oo that’s fine o e o ah oh this is giving me very Unholy ideas for my for this m crat stuff oh they’re back W there’s more as well there’s like a slash where is it come on no ah it’s a cult see over there what the heck yeah that’s another one

That’s another hallucination then we got the uh the eyes which you’ve seen yeah oh you should make it make a sound when they disappear no it’s supposed to just be creepy like that like not even a sound H you can also maybe uh instead of having to get close for

Them to disappear maybe like if oh my God yep I guess it got close I guess it appeared that is Jesus okay that got me that time holy heck oh and um here hold on I’m going to show you a little example of something it can do yeah so I can get everything

Down all right I want you to hold on slash give s barrier a it’s spawn hello oh I got hit with the darkness oh he’s like the one who watches yeah except uh a lot more to it yeah kind of remind the one who watches a little bit but all like Slender Man

All right now stay here for a second I’mma make the stairs more visible for you uh there you go no no no no no no no no no no get back get back in there oh oops dang it okay no no no no no don’t leave it don’t

Leave it yet stay right there and look over here so I’m about to summon him yeah now you get a nice close look at him now I’m going to aggo him come on uh-oh it’s not working why isn’t it working he’s supposed to be breaking the fence

Gate he’s not breaking the stuff what the heck he’s supposed to be like able to break everything in his path oh damn well that’s another boat I need a fix that Sucks sort of Imagine byebye ah ah no there’s a lot of oh you have fallen wow and now you can’t get up probably yeah oh Jesus welome back oh this time it’s going the shaders the blurriness Shader is going to stay on I’m not letting you turn it back off

Now in fact I’m turning it on for me as well I how to turn it off you just take toet like four oh nice that’s cool that’s perfect in case someone wants to turn it off oh also I turned on motion blur on my Shader so uh on

My like my actual optify shaders not like the blurriness Shader motion blur is on and uh holy moly if you look around super fast while there’s like those eyes oh my goodness if you look around super fast while anything really oh my God that’s funny um Jesus

Christ yeah I think this is cool it’s probably better than your other two mods um that’s just me that’s my opinion if you fix if you squash the bugs at this has are going to be a pretty good mod now come here come to me come to me good

One to me good sir for we are to decorate the Christmas tree not not not this one we’re come to me where where are you oh there you are okay what is this Christmas tree made out of frost fur oh hell yeah here are some Christmas lights and some

Ornaments I’ll put the star on top there we go I’m not going to decorate any but we’re going to try our best oh my goodness what the okay there we go I tried um yeah well I don’t know I guess just squash the bugs you currently you have then be

A pretty solid mod I definitely will yeah it’s definitely got potential just need squ and one more thing I’m going to summon neosis one more time and this time I’m I’m going to actually give you a chance to run and uh hello man or hello mag Masa I have freed him

Prepare just going to actually give you a chance to try and Escape him just like yeah mate you barely took two steps stream recommended again oh sick come on get me oh God you’re looking at me where is he oh if he disappears and there’s no Darkness effect that means he just

Completely despawned I need to fix that part ah gotcha um yeah I was going to say I’m going to have to give this whole M creative mod block bench thing to go cuz I’m going to suck at it but I want to try and make my own dwell as well

There I brought him back all right he’s over there I I I did not mean to summon him way over there went to summon him a bit closer guys if oh God is he already gone no it’s Darkness Darkness okay okay Lads if I was to make this

Dweller that I’m talking about um should I make him spawn the surface as well make a bit more rare Maybe oh run run oh oh my god that actually made me jump and I’m in Creative Jesus Christ that made me jump yeah that made me jump as well holy hell I’m in

Creative too holy SC yeah maybe I don’t know if I will yet but maybe one time I’ll do a M CR stream and I’ll make my own dweller oh I’ve got it such a cool idea for my own dweller though I reckon it could probably be a

Really good dwell if I incorporate it right just got to make depends what do you mean is it a good idea well I want it to like I said I want it to be based off of vanilla cave sounds have um oh yeah it’s like make make him have like Herobrine sort of

Behavior but also give him his own sort of uniqueness to it like a spirit kind of like a ghost cuz Minecraft doesn’t have any ghost mods right so what have made it like Paranormal almost that’d be pretty cool right yeah that actually be really cool yeah if you can figure out make it

Configurable sell small and service and caves I don’t think that’s that hard to do is it like make a Entity spawn on the surface or underground I think you just have to determ like block he I thing yeah like make it so a random bull value between a certain

Block wait Subterranean Spa caves right yes but have a rare Trans on the surface oh only in caves I have not figured out how to do that uh when you have to like can you set a certain like block height for it spawning you can’t set a certain block

Height for where it spawns oh okay they haven’t done something like that yet man the way the shaders like makes the the shaders like make the snow and like weather be like wavy it makes it kind of actually seem like a snowstorm or something I don’t

Know it’s kind of crazy that’d be real good yeah would you guys be down if I did a stream one time I’m making the SW oh uhoh this time I’m not going to interfere I’m just going to watch from above eagle eyes Eagle eye view light level oh he’s got a point

What about light level can you like adjust the light level it spawns at yeah but then if that was the case it would end up spawning on the surface as well oh flanks you do anyway Turn Down The Entity distance to like some anything thing really so that way the hallucinations aren’t Every

Which Way You Look until like you’re close enough so wait yeah they’re only visible turn it down to like 250 yeah I did that asum if you figure out M CR will be fun to watch yeah could do your your floof is your Flo is still following you it’s so cute

The fluff oh no small um small indeed here’s a I’m about to send you like on Discord a little I’m going to send you a a gift of it walking that’s its walking little thing oh that’s so cool yeah that’s tiny little fell well uh tell you what Lads I think I

Might end stream here I’ve been streaming for 3 hours now and I was supposed to well I wasn’t supposed to end stream an hour ago but I was originally going to but decided to Che out this which is cool but yeah I think I might end stream

I I was going to say something before I ended stream yeah oh I see that I see NIS oh where hang on hold that thought oh hello uh-oh did you get the darkness effect nope that means he’s gone oh dang damn oh he’s back where right

There oh dang I’m going to ago him no no what are you doing no oh no God Darkness I see you the flakes are more of are supposed to be kind of like a distraction to basically just like distract you from um when neosis is hunting you down oh my god

Wow okay he’s gone um holy [ __ ] was going say I still jumped I’m in like way up in the air my goodness I do believe it is quite a scary mod also I see more I see another fluff Follow Me Oh follow over here I see him uh oh where’d he

Go where’d he go n that’s yours uh no where’d he go there you go I found it you found it tame them T tame them did you tame him yeah yeah yeah now you got two of them H yeah now breed them together why is only one oh

Two did you already okay yeah yay hey I need to bug fix it because it kind of like makes them look like an adult but they’re they’re still considered a baby according to the thing oh did you tame it yeah okay but yeah I’m going to end stream here Lads I

Think one time I don’t know yet if I even want to go for the pain of learning M Creator I could and then make my own bro um he’s already back my goodness oh my goodness oh my God he’s getting pushed around by the flines also

I made it so like the fls are actually scared of neosis like they’ll run away from neosis oh that’s cool um but yeah I was going to say uh oh he’s looking at me God damn it yeah I think I might do a stream one day I

Don’t know when or maybe like tomorrow or something of me uh making the dweller that I the unknown dweller will call it for now cuz I don’t know what to call it yet um work on it yeah I guess maybe uh maybe SM could teach me thing or

Two um there’s a one there’s two of them there’s two of them my goodness there’s two yeah there’s one over there oh you’re going right towards it oh [ __ ] hello but yeah uh I’m going to end stream here Lads but um thanks for watching thanks for tuning

In uh I enjoy getting scared not really um but yeah I’m going to try and oh God it’s I got the darkness run run run run run I got it as well um I’m going to try and yeah do that and hopefully maybe who knows one day I can release a dweller

For you guys to play that’ be pretty cool I’ve got some very good ideas for it so hopefully I can learn all the stuff of M creating I should be able to pull it off but yeah thank you guys for watching um I might stream tomorrow cutting

Out yeah I think it’s a good time to end stream I’m going to end stream guys thank you guys for watching uh yeah catch us later oh Jes got too close to him I got too close to him let him kill me oh never mind all

Right yeah already gone um yeah see you guys later

This video, titled ‘AN AUSTRALIAN PLAYS SCARY MINECRAFT PART 2 | LIVE’, was uploaded by Ezure on 2023-12-28 20:15:46. It has garnered 150 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:29 or 13229 seconds.

Playing Scary Minecraft again!

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    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More

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    Fluffy Hololive-EN Thief Behind Bars - Fuwawa POVVideo Information [音楽] [音楽] L [音楽] [音楽] OG あN [音楽] [音楽] H [音楽] [音楽] あ お [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] T [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OG [音楽] OGDET [音楽] N [音楽] [音楽] に 入りました入って [音楽] おこんばんはでござる こんばんは ロド です大変お忙しい中ちょっとたくさんの方 がなんかやりたいって言って集まってくれ てありがとうございます集まんなかったら 小ない予定だったんで本にありがとう ございますありがとうござい ありがとう面白かったからさややり た 日はえはさんに泥棒だけやってもらったん ですけど今日はみ警察もやって もらっますのしお [音楽] 願いいらっみで本当に自由な感じなんでは ありますがじゃああの本番に参加せず今日 は来てくれるっていう感じになった ありがとうございました本当にすいません お忙しいいや行きたかったロ驚けほ行き たかったんですが今日高野菜があると 聞きつけてえやってまいりました月やき ですよろしくお願いします おずやりたいって言ってくれてたやり たかったいやごめん本当にごめんね スケジュールごめんねえとんでもないすい ませんちょっと本番参加してないです小加 き [音楽] [音楽] ますでいいみたい感じなんだ [笑い] [音楽] ねっアキルタルですアローナアロナ アアロナナナじゃよろしくお願いします願 し楽しみ楽しみやったそしてえなんか すごいなんかすごいなんか隠れてる隠れて ますかいそんなことないですそんなこと ない自己紹介しときますかあブンブンブン ゴスの 番長始めですよろしくお願いしますよしお パチ こちお願いしますね今日はきっと逃げ切り そして警察もやってくれるのかなと思い つつ期待してますポリやりたいやりたい 頑張ってください捕まえられないけどな ポリいや無理 リそ挟んでる挟んでるふわもこさん サンドずるいずるいずるいずるい [音楽] どうもワもこのこの グやめ てああ喧嘩はダメだ よえじゃあいつものやってもらっていい ですかふわもこさんたちあじゃあもこ ちゃんやりますかあふわはこっちですね こっちちはさないよふわわだ よよだよ2人合わせてふわもこです パ今日よろしくお願いし ます 可愛いい可愛いな今日はきっと2人で一緒 に警察やってくれるんだろうなええそれ あい警察ってこと大丈夫ですか ねないです大丈夫ですよ一緒にぜひやって もらいたらと思いますよろしくお願いし ますはいよろしくお願いします頑張りて りり… Read More


    🔥 DOMINATING FENIX FACTIONS SERVER! 🔥 [Carioca]Video Information como ao vivo cal aí calma [Música] Rapaziada Só Bora calão se inscrev já entv Alô test só Bora cal se inscr tá ligado Eita bot Alô T alô só Bora raz at assimo que tá piorando com você likezão se inscrev no tá tá ligado Eita bot Bora calma aí rapaziada vai rapaziada aqui bora bora bora bora bora bora bora ai [ __ ] não sei nem o que tá aco entrar naqu calma aí rapaz voltei rapaziada tô tão T vivo T vivo voltei pão só Bora mano tá acontecendo o que só só voltei… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Parkour & Pixel Art in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:50:13. It has garnered 400 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,630 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Compass Craft

    Compass CraftCompassCraft; a server with a heavy focus on player driven world-building, our vision is to create a truly dynamic and ever evolving RPG experience on Minecraft. As a result, we’ve built a server where players have control over every facet of both themselves and the world at large. Whether it be through your race, class and skills, or the alliances you make and gear you’re equipped with; you, the player, have the ability to guide the progression of your character and influence the world at large, in any way you see fit. History is waiting to be scribed, how will… Read More

  • Spuds SMP – GriefPrevention, McMMO – Germany – 1.20.4

    Edit: It’s version 1.20.6! Hello there adventurer! Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO? Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you. At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims and markets. We also allow bugs and duping, so there’s nothing stopping you from making that big farm! The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure a lag-free experience. I hope to see you there, Fred with staff IP: Read More

  • KravatBOX

    KravatBOXTRTieBOX, the ultimate Player vs. It is a Minecraft server designed for Player (PVP) experience. With custom maps, the best add-ons and a friendly community, every battle is unique and exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a new player, TieBOX is the perfect place to sharpen your skills and dominate the competition.Features:Special Arenas: Fight in carefully designed arenas that cater to every play style, from intense melee combat to strategic large-scale battles.Balanced Gameplay: Enjoy fair combat with balanced kits and classes that make sure no one has an unfair advantage.Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and tournaments with special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers vs Pillagers: The Beef Battle!I guess you could say the villagers are really “steaking” their claim against the pillagers! Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems Read More

  • Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unlock Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and connect with fellow players. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, the possibilities are endless. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure. Don’t miss out on the fun -… Read More

  • Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft!

    Sneaky Animal Farm Build in Minecraft! The Ultimate Minecraft Animal Farm Build Welcome to the world of Minecraft Survival, where creativity and efficiency collide! In this episode, get ready to witness the most epic animal farm build ever seen in the game. 🐄🐔 Efficiency at Its Best Step into a realm where every block placed serves a purpose. This animal farm is not just for show—it’s a powerhouse of productivity. Learn how to optimize your farm for maximum efficiency and output. Key Features: Step-by-step guide for building the ultimate animal farm Tips and tricks to boost efficiency and productivity Detailed walkthrough of the farm’s layout… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 – GPU Dying?! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Day 6 - GPU Dying?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Returns (Day 6) | GPU !goal (its dying) !tip | Wolv21 | 2024.06.10’, was uploaded by Wolv21 on 2024-06-10 17:40:56. It has garnered 90 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:57:20 or 17840 seconds. ▲ Remember to leave a LIKE/SUBSCRIBE if you enjoy the Video m/ Helps the Pack Grow! ● Best Support on Patreon – ● TIP: YOUTUBE ● MAIN: ● CLIPS: ● STREAM: SOCIAL ● KICK: ● TWITTER: ● INSTAGRAM: ● SNAPCHAT – ● FACEBOOK: ● STEAM:… Read More

  • Sharkmuse Minecraft Livestream

    Sharkmuse Minecraft LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stream | SHARKMUSE Livestream’, was uploaded by Sakura Meg. Cheryll Ch. ♡ [SHARKMUSE] on 2024-03-18 07:15:07. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:05 or 9245 seconds. ꒰Livestream Rules And Infos!꒱ Disclaimer: My content is not for kids, Vtubing is actually not even for kids to begin with, even if you see me streaming random shit in kid games, my content is aimed for slightly more mature audience or people who can stomach my things, though I am mostly a Seiso Vtuber, that doesn’t mean that Vtubing… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD Clan

    Insane Shizo Meltdown: Jalisco Destroys SLD ClanVideo Information This video, titled ‘sld clan get owned by Jalisco’, was uploaded by Egesfxd on 2024-06-17 22:12:47. It has garnered 101 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. tags; minecraft, minecraft bedrock, 2b2tpe, 2b2tmcpe, hack, hacking, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, pvp crystal, 9b9t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, illegal items, 9b9t incursion, 2b2t escaping spawn, 2b2t backdoor, 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft end crystal pvp, 2b2t pvp, 2b2t spawn, 2b2t pvp montage, 2b2t crystalpvp, 9b9t crystal, 9b9t – spawn pvp, 9b9t, 9b9t 00 pvp, pvp montage, crystalpvp, 0b0t pvp,,anarchy pvp,9b9t… Read More