Automate Minecraft NOW with Cobblemon!

Video Information

He Hello hello hello hello that’s thing this we just go with That hello testing looks Better there we go can you hear me at least you can’t hear Minecraft there we go perfect we’re back that was rough what made one just one all right to the ne are you a fire type Master [Applause] look attack No One shot Me power friendship Delay double check real quick on YouTube at the stream if we’re delayed [Applause] Hello what the heck my audio is so delayed hey you can see my face moving but I’m so delayed what hello hello average hello Joe why is My my mic is like miles behind nice public lobbies public lobbies is that even am I even no why am I so delayed I am disgustingly so far behind on my stream why why game why why why why why why okay analog I just want

To what if we just unplug this and plug it back in that’s that’s always the good solution hello no it’s so far back again why why am I why is my voice so far behind what did I do to you hello uh I’m playing on 1.20 excuse me hello no I’m still

Delayed why am I still delayed I don’t want to be talking miles behind you guys that’s how fun let’s try gForce that one hello hello hello no I’m still delayed still so delayed hello okay oh hello Darla sorry I didn’t see you there um I doing good I am going a

Little crazy trying to fix my microphone I actually just came back from trying to fix my Wi-Fi cuz my Wi-Fi went down now my Wi-Fi is good but now my voice is like miles behind when I actually my mouth actually moves but besides that we’re doing good so thank you so much

For joining the stream I appreciate it sorry be a little patient with me I am definitely professional okay yeah that’s so far behind I know I know the stream is about Minecraft but apparently now it’s about me trying to fix my mic unless I’m not delayed and

I’m just going crazy because I I look delayed let me let me watch it again yeah but but so far F don’t want to refresh the stream again that would suck do I just do I just play looking delayed the whole time um we might have to do

That I’m oh my gosh thank you darl I appreciate I appreciate the words you know a lot of time does go into making this hair luscious yeah I have um before I had long hair I never knew how much time you had to put into keeping your hair

Looking nice and I think I’m just going to keep on going with the delay to audio and uh Just Go with It the gaming setup uh I have a 370 TI I have cor keyboard I don’t it’s like mx70 something I don’t keep track of all these things but I’ve got two

Ter terabyte two terab storage I don’t know if storage matters uh let’s see I got 32 gigs of RAM yeah I think so and I have three monitors so this is my gaming monitor right here I have a monitor here to my my right this is where I see streamlabs and I have

Another monitor up here it is showing the YouTube and twitch chat and I have space for a fourth one but I’ve been leaving that empty I don’t know maybe just out of procrastination yeah am I supposed to do that I see people on I see other twitch um people

Put like their setups and stuff I’m like am I supposed to do that too like is that like a thing people do cuz I can do that but it’s kind of weird I guess I think it’s kind of weird I guess it is kind of cool to see

What other people have running all right now we are looking for a another Fortress they not call just called a fortress Fortress oh Search 109 blocks oh that’s really close because we need Blaze burners come on keep on going this way this way isn’t it it is this

Way oh look at that it’s right here we need some Blaze burners because we need to make brass Alloys which we need to use how often do I stream uh you know what this is going to be my you know New Year you know new resolutions

And for me I was like I want to stream more so I I think I’m going to be streaming at least every weekday for this first month of the year a terrible Fortress Yeah in that time you’ll probably see me with nice hair and then without fancy hair so thank kind of

Toots your fancy that’s what I’m doing get got to get in and out Shield up Blaze burners 1 2 3 4 okay now we can go that’s all we need let’s go let’s go go go go go go go all right bye guys I am not heavily

Equipped for this at all oh what is that animal also there’s cobon Pixelmon Pokemon yeah but you know if you’re enjoying the stream so far stay around there’s going to be more of it I promise not to have such delay audio in the future but you know I can

Only make promises that I can I should only make promises that I can keep so where did I spawn here we go okay out of this creepy spawn please don’t kill me I have a shield I’m smarter than you oh he came with me okay snowballs can’t it oh I can

Okay you have some idea crazy ideas for my Channel that I can share oh what are you have what are you uh what are you thinking about is it Roblox related I’ve ever thought about making a Minecraft server for my Discord you know Joe that is crazy because I literally

Had that talk yesterday I threw it out as an idea and at least two people were like oh that sounds awesome and I’m like you know what two people that sounds pretty fun all right see to Discord okay could you like shoot me like a few

Ideas right now just in twitch chat why don’t you have in mind you want a Hermit craft like experience o hermitcraft that’s always yes hermitcraft is fun such an amazing group of people show you all that work let me get to a safe place and we can take a quick

Look what kind of ideas you talking like ideas are you talking about artwork cuz you have to understand from my perspective this is a little Weird you set a server up but you can’t even get on it yeah that’s that is a VI that is can relate to that for Sure I come on Discord I’ll get it that sounds kind of susman okay blaz burners okay so now we need mixer mixer yes mechanical mixer we need a whisk that is some sheets and Alloys I have more sheets oh she I don’t found two spider spawners near

Each other as well made much St selling right next to found appreciating for you to do right now you know what sure okay let’s see all right Darla what you got hello okay so I need a mixer see the sheets for all right let’s see it work Dar I’m

Excited I always love seeing other people’s art you know the C actually started out as an an animation Channel not go far ooh okay my username oh Mr yes sorry the music of animals I’m going to get them I’m going to move them eventually maybe maybe not oh I do like the

Designs but I don’t know I kind of like You have a second account called sirat that’s awesome wheel I needs and is like facing Bam Bam whisk so now we have a mechanical mixer and now I need a basin a bassine need a bassine okay oh it’s going to take out all the inside I have and now I need to make

Grass ingots which I can do by mixing zinc and copper which I have plenty of a light I don’t have plenty of it I have just enough of it watch out buddy that thing hurts and then put this one over I see on Discord I do like your work

I I do it’s just it’s a little flashy for me but I do see the appeal but I think I’ll look over it after the stream so I can have time to analyze each and every photo and see what I like and what little Parts I could pick at and maybe convention you

For that but as of right now I will do my best to look over it but I want to appreciate it in its full ass in its full not ask that’s sorry I didn’t get to finish my word there that sounded very weird uh I want to appreciate it in all its

Wholeness so yes I will get back to you after the stream is done because I want to focus on the stream as of right now that work yes then again again though thank you do appreciate it I should add a hold on now I now I want to see Mr

Rat’s full profile image how does this how does this look like okay it’s just a rat a fancy R that sounds fun I need you to mix so I need to throw in zinc copper you’re not working oh it’s a cog wheel whoops Cog wheel uh that’s going to suck a little bit

Okay I you like that okay okay I’m time to do some braining Bam Bam Bam Cog wheel here we can turn this to ah need a large Cog wheel I need a large Cog wheel for that one saying the word Cog a lot I don’t know how I feel about

That large Cog whe just here we go one more okay I need it to oh this is going to suck okay I always get this part wrong no my audio is off sync right now I have no idea I just got done Mr Right or sorry sir rat my my apologies oh you

Did change this s rat okay I was a little confused um I just hopped off of I just fixed a Wi-Fi problem and now I have an audio problem so it’s not you it’s it’s me definitely all me and I don’t want to restart the stream so we’re just going with fit

Feeling really dumb right now how am I supposed to connect these go through there goes through here do I need a big one another large one okay let’s try it more to connect them no it connects in the corner hello Naomi how’s it going my voice is delayed and at this

Point I don’t know how to fix it I have done everything that I can possibly think of and by that mean I uh I have unplugged my microphone and plugged it back in and that has not worked and I don’t know what else can possibly prove

The problem cuz I haven’t even tried to I haven’t even done anything else to it but yes hello welcome how am I supposed to get these confusing gear box let’s try gear box so many CS you unplug your microphone in advert sorry about that YouTube should

Do it intelligently but it does not most times so okay okay so let’s see I want to D wheel hold up one that competition uh what competition you asking me I I don’t know who else you would ask but yeah more competition Aha and now I just need to light

You but and still right ow ow no what I feed you with coal I don’t remember what I do to put you on turn you on ah now make me stuff right is that oh no did I do this the wrong way how do I make this again

Mixing oh it needs to be twisting the other way oops uh no the other way fre I didn’t do anything okay one more gear box gear box I can do it shafts how do you how I make you again okay Bam make one more gear BLX that’ll rechange the direction spins and now you should work you’re on you’re not mixing so the mixer is actually in the bowl yes oh no I was searching something up don’t kill me zombie that’d be the worst way to die get away okay let’s sleep let’s too

Dangerous oh my armor is breaking okay you changed your profile picture what are you now Surat Surat you are a I see the same profile Son not doing this way H supposed to be turning this way what do you need to shoot hold sh mixer oh I Basin Basin the a Ponder so there’s the Basin okay you put stuff in it okay after pausing up triy to Output below to the side of them okay so I do

Need I do need something okay aha I’m learning bam now mix oh that’s not on is it now mix please no hold up I’ll ponder again okay so it comes out present the basement will show an output facet AET outputs can be caught yeah I know that is it it’s burning a

Mixer not a shoot I need more speed I guess that would make sense okay let’s do the let’s do the wheelie trick thingy need large wheels and small wheels that means Wood what am I doing with this one look like more water sources uh I think I’m good on stress units is that no that spins Works whoops so now I that’s like another one and then I do a smaller one again right up out the

Side I was going to say that would break it wouldn’t it okay break that we put a small one here a large one and then a small one here no here and then it’s so complicated for no reason so now that’s super fast here uh

All I need to do is get rid of that well not get rid of it but okay let’s see vertical gear box and I need it to to spinning the wrong way I can go above it one more a large one no it’s too high right is that a

Block it’s only a block above it isn’t it ah no come back oh go am here like this and then we get a small Cog wheel mix it got to feel you’re out of Fu I’m never going to get this right I feel I’m missing something oh there we go

Yay hello is it polish man or polish man polish yeah polish we have breasts we’ve entered the Bronze Age you going to mix some more be shy what come on keep on going I need take it all okay yes yes yes come on come on poish like from Poland ah okay yes

Yes I was right okay we’re doing it we’re no longer cavemen yay this is the best soon I’m going to conquer the world with capitalism and SM yes okay we have breast yay okay now now we can make deployers I need Super Glue oh no I didn’t even think about that Rass sheets

So now we’re going to take back this oops we’re going to take back this deployer put it back put it back here it’s going to be kind of slow I don’t want to rebuild it right there proba right here it’s really fast right here right here that

Work and we just put put like I don’t need that many is it just one brass and 1 2 3 four I only need two deployers I think oh look how fast that is compared to earlier imagine if this was how Society came to how it was that’d be

Wild 12 brass sheets okay okay now we can make ourselves brass hands oh please tell me I still have an I’m out what’s up andesite I do oh my gosh you has PL thank you pass Josh you are amazing comes in clutch every time half the time that makes sense that’s how MA

Checks out okay so deployers okay okay okay oop oop three oh that’s more than enough Bam Bam Wham spam grass hands deployers I need anite casings And electron tubes I put those there I have three deployers okay uh I’m going to put this back but was so I don’t lose everything I have 11 drills I have okay I need glue cuz I need to keep the machine together it keeps the machine

Together so that when it moves as like an entity it isn’t all like ah panicking hit a collateral on find people I was PR do me super glue I need iron iron nugget iron nugget for super glue that seems like a waste okay one there I have slime balls oh my

Gosh you are amazing no super glow okay now I need there’s so much more to this I completely forgot about now I need a minecart Contraption I need a minecart deployer need a mine cart this all for memory I hope I’m doing it right mine cart and

Then deployer no it’s what is it called rail no myart Contraption yes but there’s something something hold up I I’m going to search this up I cannot remember all this right now come trashing and then I need what do I need that’s what it’s called I need a cart assembler there we

Go oh I have like a little bit of redstone left okay this going to be my All or Nothing um move hopefully the next stream I don’t sound like I’m freaking miles away and you just hear my echo Uh uhoh okay let the game crashed for a second that wouldn’t up again uh then now we need some sticks maybe actually on of sticks And Welcome to Josh talking himself episode Two whals okay okay okay okay let’s see if I remember how to do this okay so for example it’s just like a few rails mine cart assembler mineart furnace I will also need a lever perfect employers okay I don’t know this works all help work Play Brick battle or

Huh okay two three four I have 11 drills sure I be like this tall it’s down here it’s like right there I think it looked like this um and then something right here so I can push the cart through there to always B to lock rotation I think

That was lock rotation the mechanical drills over here this is going to be a really weird looking cave uh that is a really good title you know what I’m going to go look at a quick tutorial I missing like a few things that are essential it’s how to use these

Deployers 247 fighting only gets like 1,000 players okay you build it like that okay okay I was I was pretty close like this to put a stair there it’s like one deployer here one here one here oops Yeah okay this one this one will put down Cobblestone how I get

Cobblestone no that’s not how you do it Stone there there you go mot are you on use no you should be on to play mode I think so I just give Cobblestone to you no hold up zombie I’m busy there we go Cobblestone for it to

Use or do I need a lot of glue uh I need glue for every block that’s going to be here so I need like a half decent amount and then okay okay okay we’re gonna going to pause finish the rest of the tutorial let’s see there’s there’s one last thing I’m missing um

I need it’s like something in the back that catches items forgot what it’s called it’s right there okay Ah that’s what it’s called it’s called a plow What put put rails there not Cobblestone I thought this one is the one that looks for Cobblestone and this one deploys rails let

See which way this of this you use use rails I need to use Cobblestone doesn’t matter what way those are facing I hope not this is going to be it’s going to be a Franken sign of a machine Cobblestone actually no we don’t need Cobblestone right here that would mess

It up and so I need a plow next is depressing me trying to figure it out is depressing sheats andite oh zombie just got drowned no you’re good I’m just I’m just making fun I wouldn’t take offense either way don’t need to take life too seriously most

Times it’s a gerder that’s cool and there mechanical clout uh so no this will I want this to put cobblestone in front of the rail so like if we go across a place that has nothing in front of it then the machine won’t just fall

To its death and that means I have to go catch it because that would suck um but you know we’ll try it out right here see how it works I need I have any stairs I don’t have any stairs of course I don’t Cobblestone stairs we going need some

Chests arrows will work too but let’s do chests six chests okay and then these deployers will actually draw from these chests hopefully this is such bad story only no space for fun um and then I want to glue all this together now so I would glue this to

This I would do it in Parts just to be safe so those are all connected now connect this to this this to that this to that that to this this to up here that to I do that again don’t remember I don’t think I do hold up I need

To ah I get rid of it I want to get rid of the glue oh there we go do I attach it I don’t think I glue it I was going to go if not having to glue it ah perfect so these are all glued together want it all to be

Shining together as one like that there so these are all connected want these to connect so those are all connected these to connect so that all looks connected or at least I can hope it’s all connected I think that’s good we’ll go with that now what I do I just double

Check like rotation and once I do this how the whole machine comes up all right I think that’s right and then now all I do is I take a hole in it and it should go I will place lovers and now since we come across yes it works okay let’s take that

Out okay now it’s all stuck in this little mine cart Contraption and now I can go mining but I don’t have to mine it’s awesome now I can do everything Las it’s everything I ever wanted in Minecraft but I’ll just always need to bring this around with me a Minecraft

Contraption wow I’m so good at this game okay I bring only the things I need to bring so this is so exciting I only got to do this like super far into my playr last time some buddies didn’t even get that Far really need more inventory too it’s definitely becomeing a problem it’s tossing everything anywhere dilly d come back and find me I like organization you’re not doing it for me so the deployers work that’s awesome everything works I’m going to probably get some mending on that super

Glue I bring a lot more coal with me because that’s the fuel I’m using yes let’s go I’m just I’m looking to the right I am so delayed my place uh hopefully tonight’s stream is much better okay die time to be cramming please thank You oh excuse me that was a burp all right that’s enough for one bookshelf perfect 40 and some books should have enough for a full fully maxed out bookshelf right I would love to get Fortune so that I can just get all the little things that it doesn’t

Get yeah right you can jump I don’t even know how that H the mod pack has that I thought it was blasphemy too cuz I even sheared the Sheep so I can make my sh my shelf I can make myself some carpets and then I jumped on the fence when I went

To harvest the sheep and I was like you can’t do this normal Minecraft can you no way so yeah I’m a witch now I guess okay should definitely be more than enough sugar cane didn’t know I was a carpenter carpenter yes oh your shelf yes my shelf it is a good shelf it’s

Mine this bucket is mine there’s nothing else like it there’s many like it but this one is mine is that what soldier says I’m a soldier Okay bookshelves also like the ways you can make books in this game are so weird I always make it like this but then I

Found out that you can make it like this or like like this so weird so cursed I love it there’s more there’s more what oh that’s what they say that’s right oh oh no that was not what I want no can I break that please tell me I can break that

For oh my god oh okay increases the power of enchant okay I was going to say I am so mad right now okay sorry sorry God I me say it like that uh where should we put you put you in like the weirdest let’s put you right here I stack him I cannot

Okay level 30 level 16 what it says you increase the power like change the model it’s not changing the model you li this this God that you spawn throwing water what the heck I don’t think these are I think these are working can I craft these into something oh my

Gosh I really just screwed myself over these aren’t working for the enchantment table I have to kill More Cows guess I’ll just sell these how do I make a selling is it just a cell crate wooden selling bin yes please give me that I am selling these coins for a daily

Something I need more paper well guess we can go find some need a Boat I’ll get past shot she left two bookshelves what a legend okay what was it was this here it Go Dam I’m selling these book Stacks I’m as sad as you guys are I know I know I know your cousins and siblings died full right that is just how life [Applause]

Is okay I think that’s enough purging that was kind of kind of scary okay that’s a lot of meat this is so weird I’ve always never had enough leather but now I have not enough paper this has never happened to me before it’s always the opposite so that’s a total of six

Bookshelves to sleep fool just crit them oh I know but here here’s what happens when I try to crit cuz there’s a there’s a melee mod if I try to crit that’s what happens I’ve tried it don’t worry I I know I it sucks too I don’t

Want to use my pickaxe or I can’t use my axe either cuz my axe also swings in an arc it’s got sweeping Edge on it just by default which sucks can you ask me a question yeah go ahead go ahead um if you’re going to ask

Me why my my audio is delayed compared to when you see my mouth Move versus when you actually hear me I have no clue but anything else I can try to answer yeah sure if I try to crit my sword breaks uh no my sword was on low durability

But I think it’s cuz I H so many objects at the same time and it just has that natural sweep because of the combat mod it took durability off for each for each one I hit is Cuba Christian um I’m just an Entertainer I don’t deal with political

Questions or religious questions so I don’t really know if I can answer that question nor am I qualified to but if you want to go find out somewhere else I’m sure there’s plenty of channels that can answer that question for you level 28 I need one more push 1 2 3 4 5

11 14 wow I just need one more bookshelf okay I guess we’ll sacrifice few sugar canes ow oh you knew you were just joking yes sorry I took that a little bit too literally four I need one two three bookshelves seven eight nine SL three it’s enough for one

Bookshelf but I only need that don’t give me six paper I just need to bring it all anyways okay also look at that horse swimming isn’t that awesome its little legs are moving make a sugarcane farm no I refuse to it’s not it it’s not in my I don’t believe in sugarcane Farms

I will eventually I just want to get this mining thing down first come here that was awkward can you get off my property not there please oh my gosh no the axe is so slow to recover I might need to take combat mod it’s not I don’t not a big fan

There go all my plushies rude they’re my friends yeah we’ve got Super Meat Boy which one kind of [Laughter] change I like that one the most yeah I like I like the puff puffer yes it’s Henry Sigman h that puffer fish is amazing I love that

Oh wait I have two more noobs got them Okay bookshelf go walk over here I’m I getting my coins yet bam level 30 enchant level 30 enchant okay let’s go just got ourselves some lapis lazuli version on my own uh I’m on 1.20.1 so I definitely have access to Mud efficiency that’s not bad I guess that’s

Not bad I’ll do another I’ll enchant another one actually in fact I’ll enchant mythal mythol is actually better than diamond in this mod pack mythal mine’s at 14.3 okay that’s at 25 digging speed but that’s cuz I just upgraded it 14.3 digging speed for mythal Diamond is at

Eight digging speed level three Harvest let’s check on more time Harvest level is mythol at level four Harvest oh perfect okay myth’s amazing of course it is it’s from Lord of the Rings nothing can be Lord of the Rings not even rings of power that’s that’s not even part of the

Same universe I we dis own that we all efficiency and Unbreaking well enchant one more pickaxe there more Fortune that’s all I want it’s it’s the only thing I want in this game it’s the only thing everyone ever wants oh okay let’s see back you guys okay perfect the bread

Here just got a grindstone oh no I have a grindstone I have a grindstone but I want to combine the enchants no I don’t have a grindstone but I want to combine the enchants so in case I got like Fortune just by itself I could combine

Them and I know it’s kind of inefficient but that’s just the way I’m going to do it so I am doing it the way I want to that pains you uh that sucks I guess actually hold up I have some quests I can accept for [Applause]

XP look at that see doing stuff does give you progress that’s awesome I’m rewarded instant gratification don’t we all love that it’s amazing I’m level 35 now one more level Perfect all right Charmed what does that do increases loot that was such a waste I I think I picked up a grindstone

Eventually somewhere right no yeah sounds about right okay I guess we’ll make one stone slab slab slab slab slab who has a stone slab nobody does that’s I have stone slabs on here where is it where are they right here thank you generation sticks and wood sticks and

Wood bam Wham a blam R Stone efficiency four what well forun I any more books to add Fortune three yes okay perfect now we can just get an anvil and we have a god tier pickaxe efficiency four Unbreaking three yeah okay perfect and Fortune perfect that is all the enchants I want

27 probably could this split that in half no I need a full three don’t I yeah oh shoot I IR no I do 1 two three wait 27 was oh my gosh bra okay a long day actually let’s get you out of the way huh

Bam cost six that cost 17 we’ll go for six you know it’s a little bit cheaper and we’ll call it subscribe subscribe perfect now we can pick up any little things that our machine won’t pick up like if it’s on the side for example and we’ll be solid

Yeah that everything I need I don’t need explore his Compass anymore that to find the nether fortress I have enough food yes I have enough fuel 34 coal bring a little bit more okay should be solid and let’s go mining I’ll show you what mining with the crate mod is like

It’s super easy barely any convenience a natural stone slab yeah it’s awesome yeah definitely got lucky with that one just going to go into our mine we’ll mine a lot of andesite first ow before we mine anything else cuz andesite is the lifeblood oh hi wait you’re not bed what

Are you bi is that what you involv into you look you honestly look kind of the same let’s fight you huh go crack spell no crack spell don’t go down the water okay you’re fine perfect work up and pound it attack Rose yeah on your side I can see one of your

Messages like down below me cuz I I actually I’m actually looking at messages on this side you can’t see one of the messages oh you can’t see yeah it’s delayed it be like that freak I wasn’t paying attention to my HP uh go Psyduck you recommend a YouTube channel what channel we talking

About goodbye Psyduck go grow life yeah you got it attack harshly fell that’s fine just bite it no I’m a great trainer throw my Pokemon at it until someone works ah it’s paralyzed now bite it this is how you do it nope okay all my Pokemon Pokemon are going to be dead all

Their happiness is going to be low they’re not going to like me they’re all going to run away that’s be predicting the future by the way bug bite ah String Shot aha your speed fell I don’t think that’s going to do anything against you because there’s no other

Pokemon you mean like St before you said very cool stuff pixel Rifts oh yeah sir rat this is cobon so it’s not like Pixelmon it’s open source um and based off my understanding that means it’s easier for people to mod collectively but that’s kind of all I know besides

That okay fine jtic you can live I’m not going to get everyone un killed watch pixel Rifts okay you know what I’ll listen to it right now you guys won’t be able to hear it because it’s probably copyright but I’ll listen to it pixel Rifts gameplay commentator oh

Okay o I see ah so he’s not actually about music okay kind of kind of got me there let’s you know I’m going to listen to some notb music not block Lord of the Rings that’s what I’m feeling right now and you guys can’t hear it right yeah you guys can okay

Perfect I will watch pixel my free time okay That is not enough okay it’s everything I need okay so Bam Bam this to always loock rotation so it only goes straight that way oops and then push it and then feel it oh shoot go that way please yes go Automation and and because we’re down a drill it looks so

Ugly but it’s a my drill and I love my drill wasn’t my life for a while and the fortune the copper everything is mine besides over here I don’t know what’s going to be past this little ledge could be anything and I’m missing it all the battle was fled

All right you’re back welcome back Joe and actually let me double check to make sure it’s stacking right the inventory what H what’s happening um oh my machine is dying no no no come back come back what the heck was there just like a okay why’d you go downwards what

It’s cuz of you jel tick wait that’s my jel tick never mind that is definitely my fault um the machine is setting is not setting it’s set up and it’s working greatly I could actually go deeper but I want to make it bigger first why there so much silverfish why

Why do you guys exist like why why just why I went pass the spawner I think this might just be the uh decoration we’ll find out though could go deeper anything I think I actually want to go a level down see the machine is 1 2 three blocks tall

So I’m go down four blocks make just enough space so I can deploy it again cuz I want to mine all this andesites my last Watcher well thank you Joe for being in here if you are interested there will be a uh what is it called a Roblox stream later that’s what it’s

Called 7:30 perfect okay get ourselves up another one we set up bam make have contraption actually what have we gotten so far what goodies ah a lot of cobblestone I like it and nothing else yeah let’s go perfect let SK in in the morning he oh

What oh what the heck why are you not deploying rails anymore okay weird okay take a look at this again you need to deploy rails for my friend oh there we go oh what it’s doing that no no no no stop that no you you deploy the Cobblestone you deploy rails yeah there

You go there we go and that equals top tier block yes it is school in the morning yeah that is a shame then the amount that you use too it’s still significant perfect okay all that’s just soon you stop why are you putting down an aite down again

What you have a filter for an what are you doing buddy come on we got to look good for the viewers we got to look good for Joe what the heck no don’t ever use antide why are you doing that we’ll just put one in your hand so

You recycle it so you don’t act all weird okay let’s go Dam what it’s been two seconds I’m missing cuz I’m missing something use that way okay I’m just going to assume that this works L of assuming when I’m around please work yeah okay let’s go no okay

Huh all right well we’ll see you Joe thanks for going thanks for joining the stream thanks for just chilling appreciate it a lot good luck at school stay safe cool oh tomorrow well good luck tomorrow never hurts to not say it why you use only use rails actually I’m going to

That filter yeah only rails come on that helps do I like to record my streams um or do I like do I record my streams I don’t because it just takes so much space space but I do have a keybind where I can click it and it’ll record

The last 60 seconds and that’s typically enough to cover like a funny moment so I have some I do have some actually that I need to go back and look through yeah so don’t worry if anything shorts I don’t know about videos that’d be a good idea though

I’m just a little burn to for making videos I guess but yes I do have uh s to making progress you know that would be smart instead of just doing it all two streams we’ll find out in the future hopefully that filter up there helps oh all right bet sounds good

Yes editing just takes so much time you you definitely already know just how much time editing can take like a 10-second High energetic clip can all right see you Joe stay safe huh didn’t know we just been facing to the wall there think this has been safe

Enough oh actually it’s not safe anymore it’s light really see can you guys see all right uh goodbye shovel I don’t need you oh can buy that too okay let’s go let’s go so dark scary oh hello go quack swell water gun oh oh do I capture it I’m going to

Capture it catch it yes let’s catch it got to turn my hat around 2% come on no way you can put up a fight yes Let’s Go full of house let’s go that right there gyro gyro cter hello bye-bye hello this my family going to get ready to eat my family

Soon okay that was a dark hello M tank okay inventory inventory System I can get away with just a few more barrels again right no yeah yes Yeah that’s good this sounds so much SM okay that’s cool that’s cool sounds all right he choing tree so easy I’m easy all right Place seven pings inside Casings we Go ow my face I only have seven I don’t know why I thought I had some I have to yeah I can perect yeah wless Dam Sure he hit me b Auto Harvest we want to make one of those yeah I guess we can cuz we fancy like that oh what am I doing there sure Cobblestone actually I have a cobblestone too short for that Break bam here we go there perfect perfecto whole thing Falls up okay nice perfect not perfect put it back okay okay okay let make a farm onions potatoes and beef seeds oh sounds nasty all right can we turn into cage [Applause] nice grow them all I guess okay sorry sorry that I’ll need well perfect Let’s see we want Power this wind powered sounds good all right set up steak again St back in there do I have a hoe yes I do yay and it’s raining yay double yay okay so I want

Windmills let’s do that I’ll need a windmill bearing shaft this it’s St shaft okay how you work Buddy tached to the Block in front of them okay so I can put you on the ground nothing controlling inational Force okay okay easy enough I can do that hopefully sh I got a St St

Stone take Smo Stone sight I used all of it no no touch and then okay F I’ll do that it’s all for the future Josh that’s yes that’s prob the worst time to build this yeah definitely the worst time to build this okay it’s a sign just a little wind meal be

Cute yeah yeah I get it okay you agree I get it I get it I get it chill right yeah I’ll get down to it getting down to business I got it other the way please okay how do windels look like wind bring this out by one yeah yeah sounds good

Yeah bet me in the morning you’ll be struggling to get out yeah that is always how it is beds are the most uncomfortable thing at night but in the morning when you need to go somewhere they will have your back at the worst time H where you at zombie spider at 7:30

Yep 7:30 CST so I don’t know what time that will be for you actually you know what go get him quack well yeah cuz it’ll be your D time okay take 1 two three wait no I did this wrong hold up what so it’s going this way I did this wrong there we

Go that’s wrong it’s so boring nothing to do during during dinner time during dinner time oh English Bam Bam space okay there we go that was so hard to do it I don’t know why run away go go go go go frell you deserve a raise not going

To give it to you but you deserve one so you know can’t afford to give you one that’s why prob like this place up 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a qu Ball’s heavy oh my gosh if you exploded in front of all the [Applause] okay my grapes my cabbages ow ow skeletons are bullies two three four n two three four n okay ow everything hurts d jeez that sucks welcome back pen Flex 1 a.m.

Wild I just put down torches how are you guys Spawning this way zomb with you do you have an appointment you don’t oh that sucks oh there’s a lot of you hold up call The Avengers Defender me yeah there monsters near oh my gosh down here hi guys defend me attack okay no no more defending me okay ow ow wow

Oh I can’t sleep I guess I’ll just uh build the rest of this h all right sounds good Joe see get away get away oh now you protect me okay I see how they are selective out of an is no he got to have some there we go o Okay okay hopefully this works hey I’m too short I hook the bearing is not assembl unable to assemble not include enough SE like blocks oh do I need to okay that work that sucked how do I what oh I have to glue them that makes sense yeah it makes sense Okay that sound means that I ate something nutritious for my body which R flesh is definitely not good for you but te thr Bam going to get a farm ready soon so close there we go oh oh it works yay I have a windmill now yeah perfect there we go okay see Harvester here all right let’s go progress coins yes please Don’t Mind If I Do you can have those coins I don’t need them

How what this what is that Mechanical bearing ah there we go hello m more no more no okay where’s my there we go and one more get box okay I no I have an extra chest six I just s let’s go that’s Josh is Awesome it’s okay was one two three four six okay one one what okay uhoh no not the dirt for there we go yes I have a farm up running let’s go all right oh hello B yes super concentrated didn’t even notice you oh no hello ho PG

Kind and what else what am I missing I have another mechanical C iron okay let’s go how’s it going bigie you still here it has been going oh nice always the best way for it to go ins saying hate oh yes it’s been good it’s been fantastic in fact it’s so fantastic my

Voice is delaying behind how fantastic I am okay that’s how far it goes one two three four five six seven four five six s perfect maybe maybe what like this okay sure yeah I can you know in fact I can just I can call at the end of

The stream right here in fact I think it has been actually no let me get some plants croped and then we can see see what to do okay let’s see how long has it been it’s been it’s been 2 hours and 4 minutes including the first 40 minutes that’s like 3 hours that’s

Math 10: a.m. for you oo well welcome to the stream one two three I just realized that doesn’t go far enough it’s a bit awkward you know whenever you’re ready buddy hop damn okay okay okay okay gu some glue in here didn’t go through did you no you did not okay perfect by

Oh there’s one more one more okay goes right there okay so it doesn’t okay you go like that cool like that I don’t know how I want to do a water source you didn’t reach this far okay perfect one two three four one two three that doesn’t

Work okay we can just do it like in the middle then let’s see right there one two yeah that works one two for each I’m M you want to be a part of my farm that’s all right it’s we’re full works no don’t break ho well I guess good morning then huh

Last latron is that your full name yes no oh it’s not right there okay that’s actually out of border come on come on we go four five so 1 two three four four five MH can I get away with these ones too maybe MH MH mhm

Mhm I can get away with the ones on these sides no way I can let’s try five that’s so weird okay yeah okay okay that’s good that’s good good good good I would not think it’ be this complicated good good good good I think that’s good got some bone meal up in

Here bones we need some chests oh was going to break everything okay look it’s even a windmill isn’t that so cool it’s like part of the it’s it’s so cool ke are connected I don’t think I’ll ever Harvest more than that c that many crops get you going up

Again probably close you never going to have to use it okay onions you just get planted like you do it’s not how you use bone meal Josh Harvest Harvest Harvest yes and you should go in one of these chest chests yes I’m a farmer yes I am let’s got to check the

Sides oh my gosh yes it works is beautiful yeah we’ll get a whole row of wheat in here cuz wheat is like the slowest to grow pumpkin seeds uh nah oh what the heck okay cool I guess ah no don’t Harvest me that’s not possible and there and we get some

Potatoes up and going oh I’m so excited I would have to feed myself okay that’s enough potatoes for me some Tomatoes then yeah we get some tomatoes in here sounds so weird Tomatoes pumpkins I got cabbage seeds yes please one little row I all I got huh Tomatoes

Cabbage radishes what are these black onions that’s oh gosh scared me seeds here get some more potatoes in here okay there we go Farm’s done yeah no there’s two more slots left uh Flats Uh we go aha yay first Farm is done one two three four five six seven eight N9 1 2 there we go yep okay I heard a zombie just wait did you file a uh no you did not schedule an appointment did you okay I got you eight nine perfect

Perfect so safe here now that zombie you guys just saw he he doesn’t count okay okay I think this is a good spot to end it off for today got plenty of progress done let’s see we made a mining machine we made an automated Farm kind of it’s

Got like everything I kind of do need for now that’s a good spot to end it So yeah let me just organize my stuff I like being organized a little bit OC about that okay go away please there you go yes okay we made it this far I want to say thank you so much for watching and have a great sa day and night in morning and

Evening let me restart I need to be looking at you if you made it this far thank you so much for watching and have a great sa day and night in morning and evening and or midnight yes bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Bringing Automation To Minecraft! – Minecraft CREATE, Cobblemon and more! (Part 3 (and a half))’, was uploaded by JoshJonya on 2024-01-09 23:38:16. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:24 or 8364 seconds.

Join me as we explore the Minecraft Create mod, Cobblemon, and a plethora of other Minecraft mods!

Link to the modpack if you want to play as well!

Enjoying the pre/end stream music? Check out the artist!

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    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pet Hoarder: Minecraft Edition"That friend is basically running a petting zoo in their Minecraft world while the rest of us struggle to keep just one dog alive. Read More