Avast’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

Video Information

I was never book smart I’m money smart ah Mega Man drops some other time I can’t remember when I’ve seen that [ __ ] all over literally all I can’t get I can’t escape from it but it’s finally going away it’s finally going away the I was never book smart I’m money smart and the

Guy running through the guy running through the mall but I could not Escape it for a period of time I was being chased like you’re in a dream running slow that was me with that song with that that damn Tik Tok just rewatch 2020 toilet B Co stream

You think you’d done better if you played for either teams um yeah absolutely I think I could I think I’m one of the greatest to ever do it oh wait that might have echoed here wait let’s do a test oh yeah there it was okay Testing just rewatch do you think you’d done better if you played for even echo’s fix yeah I had it on I was when I was fiddling the I will say this is not having a pair of wired headphones and has there’s way more troubleshooting the

Audio I want to I than I want to do but I feel like P my also Au L thank you for the prime David Jones Thank you5 that’s a 75 thank you for the tier one the 75 I just read the number at the at the back

Of your name I was like 75 months thank you so much but that’s literally just in your name Doom B anything for the prime 39 ones I do you consider yourself more of a toilet bowl or a urinal I would say I would I I think a toilet bowl cuz you

Can attach like a bedet to a toilet bowl I feel like toilet balls are like you know if you they can be less gross than a urinal you know hello Solomon listen I was never book smart I am money smart more Intel more Intel agent call me Mr Rock I got hella band

Shoty cute her Circle to get a friend to get a friend oh oh the audio it’s so powerful three three Dev 42 thank you for the tier one thank you fall as well for the prime dude Cal 3 I remember when I was taking I to take my

Um my differential equations class in college that was a fun time can we get J easy on the I’m still quite upset with you for posting that couch video it made me sad well then we can you can uh we can even out because I was about to ratio you on

The Florida Mayhem Twitter account advice so you got really lucky so I think we’re even out because you posted during the grand finals of the OverWatch League can we geted okay they told B I think it was to Boston it was like beat them their fan base is so annoying them referring to

May and we were going to drop the we’re going to drop the ratio on you very quickly but you deleted that check 7tv I made a set where I think it’ be to the let’s go oh well I was actually about to start the Google

Doc soon but I mean if you already made that then maybe I’ll just use that maybe I’ll just use that but also thank you Vice for the tier one and the 491 Turtle icy turtle thank you for the prime Air truck with the your special

Here you go these are new these are new so I’m I’m allowed to do that we’re allowed to add these because we have a fresh fresh roles manager so let me find this 7tv emote kill list supposedly also dark hello thank you for the tier one by the way Minecraft

Esports let’s go eorts and kiky S for the prime so I’m going to 7tv let’s take a look let’s let’s find the supposed kill list that eagle has has made did we fire that guy over Zoom um no people got baited essentially here I’m going to go to full here you go

Welcome everybody I um people got baited because there I like they thought we did it unintentionally like we left the zoom or the the the uh Google meat code 1 quintilian 90 quadrillion 459 trillion 8 688 M 231 5441 last Time okay let me take a look so I really wanted I was going to change it where was like we had like less than 100 emotes to go um punch Tre stream also think give the tier one I’ll take it and vwap think give the tier one but this is looking

Like a good list so this is a list of 73 emotes that eagle has compiled that we can do The Purge on that we could run The Purge game on where is z parked is z parked in here Z Park should be in here because we literally never use Z

Park like that [ __ ] is literally never used like ever other way we mention it but so eagle has picked these 73 emotes some of these are ones that are definitely get used like all the time like I feel like I see sien R and pepe DS PS fairly

Frequently this list is extremely yeah I mean also that like this I feel like this list is kind of fraudulent a tad like I don’t also still don’t see any Olivia Rodrigo emotes or Taylor Swift emotes do we see any Taylor Swift or Olivia Rodrigo emotes in here how about

We don’t get rid of any emotes I don’t see any damn W the tier one and bacon 485 the tier one PB yeah PB crazy goes gets used fairly frequently as well that’s true I don’t know I think I might have to make my own list what a wonderful set

Of four years thank you for all the laughs Connor much Lov true I was never booked I’m money smarty no it was such a good no it was such a good message and then [ __ ] j e God damn it H how did I come with my name uh when I first started playing on Steam I it was like a pirate themed name of like a vast and then I slly just like it was like a vast the flying Demo Man or some [ __ ] and like a vast something a vast the

Whatever and then over time I just soly short into ass keep Z ping pong Z who who’s using Z pingpong who’s the [ __ ] is using that [ __ ] a vast D bomb yeah that was made yeah that was also a period of time where I had that one cuz that’s my YouTube channel Name ah the nice sparkling water well we have um so the great emote Purge I’ve decided I’m going to start the voting this week pre- BlizzCon cuz BlizzCon starts BlizzCon starts before on like the 208 29th right also big news I will not be going to

Bcon I will be co- streaming all of OverWatch World Cup from home so that will all will all be co- streaming all the world cup from home we’ll get the full co- stream experience unless someone comes to me and is like fly out to blon right now

For thousands of dollars then I won’t also solda Savage thank you for the prime and also citronaut thank you for the tier one and Toby thank you for the 48 months total and a nice message until you turn it to J easy and I appreciate

Your 4 years but aren’t you a manager no I have no official role in the committee I’ve just been helping Team USA for to help Albert because he’s my boy l e tfu doing it to help Albert I’ve actually have no official role so they

Don’t blizzard will not pay for me to go out there or anything so it’s so that’s why I’m like but I was fine cuz I just wanted to help Team USA cuz I wanted to help Team USA um so be doing the full Co stream be a good

Time did I eat with all the USA boys fatty what what what did he say did you eat with all the USA boys at aast fatty uh I did dewal 84 piece mechanic hand tool said kind I did for sure I did eat with all the Team USA

Boys BL you fleecing super out of a thousand okay I did not fleece super out of well I don’t know so are you referring to credit card roulette also sick thank you for the tier one and hot buttery rolls thank you for the tier one saw dude and just peep

Thank you for the tier one I’m going into the Minecraft by the way are you referring ,000 that we oh wait I muted this one second let me put on the we can’t hear the Minecraft noises are you referring to the, they lost in credit card roulette

Because we did credit card roulette when we were eating out with Team USA um a lot the players really want to do credit cards roulette where everyone you know obviously if you don’t know what that is you take all your credit cards and you throw it into a giant pile and

The server picks a a card and that pays for the whole meal for the whole table there we go okay so it is working so is that what Super’s referring to by being fleeced that what he’s referring to could it be that thank you for saying my name right

Of course some say I’ve say every name right forever since all of all time I’ve always said every I feel like I should put myself in a different corner by the way I feel like I should go oh [ __ ] I feel like I should put my when I’m

Playing Minecraft I feel like I should put my camera over here doesn’t this seem a little bit better bro has nothing dude I am busy they don’t work it’s the off seon I’m [ __ ] busy still so I have to do [ __ ] during the week also also wait I need milk P think give

For the 21 I need to I need to take a look at this video real quick it’s a Tik Tok video God damn it this better is this a j easy Tik Tok is this a j easy one we’re going to get him I just hear the Minecraft noises April 2

[ __ ] April second you’re dead [ __ ] that’s right run that’s right okay suuck my dick [ __ ] okay why is he so mad at the turkey what what did the turkey do to him did this turkey kill his family at third Thanksgiving dinner what the what did the turkey do

To this guy it feels like this guy’s family was murdered by the turkey Joker scratch up his window oh you know I haven’t really thought about what it would be like to live with the turkey it would probably be exceptionally annoying wait why is this game capturing not be captured again mod

Check it because I tabbed out you decided not to capture my game are you kidding me right now thank you they’re really attracted to Reflections I’m attracted to to Reflections as well my own all right why don’t I have [ __ ] in this server so realistically here’s our

Here’s our goals today chat we’re going to talk emote Purge we’re going to talk General happenings and I’m going to fix my [ __ ] base and I’m going to grow more melons okay I need to fix my melon farm too wait this one’s actually growing why is this one not growing

Okay all right I may have made a grievous error I made have made a grievous error I made I got to get out of here I got to get out of here oh my God Almighty okay okay let’s Le them away can I get into here oh my [ __ ] god get in

Here oh my [ __ ] you guys that’s right get out of here how are you not catching on fire I’m taking my girlfriend to Chili’s for dinner any advice on what to order who is that uh Chili’s get the Cajun Chicken Pasta get the Cajun Chicken Pasta Chili’s that’s the only good menu

Item maybe the shrimp if you like shrimp too I also enjoy the shrimp everything else at chilies there’s literally no point to get it everything else is uh is is doooo comparatively oh my God get away from me oh dude get the [ __ ] please go okay that’s fine I can

Live with that I can live with that I was never book smart I was money smart [ __ ] me okay that was a heinous start to our adventures don’t you think don’t you agree Broast using stone sword I haven’t had the chance to smelt more okay I need

To smell more and then we can look just give me a second man look at this look look at this look at this look look what we got here we got copper we have uh I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re saying look we can we can

Survive we can go further Beyond okay I took some damage that’s okay I need to like wall off this [ __ ] the goal was to wall it off with melons that was the goal I’ve realized now that I’ve uh I’ve pretty much 200 character limit feeling I will be G

Why are there so many people my Melons I’m about to RIS this bong tobacco only oh my God okay is this like my Mel [ __ ] I need to like clear okay here’s what we’re going to do we can fix this we can [ __ ] you [ __ ] you

Man get the get out of here I’m going to die I need to live no [ __ ] cajun chicken thank you for the $5 thank you feeling like I would be ghost bust what I don’t blow along about to FIP this bong tobacco only also Matty beans think give be tier

One okay that’s fine okay here’s what I’m going to do I’ve I’ve made my decision on how I fix this I realize I don’t have [ __ ] now is there anyone in the server to give me anything so I can make it back to my home also where is

My where I have my note I have my note of my coordinates okay I’m I’m I’m [ __ ] how do I look at the coordinates again chat okay I need I need to I need to steal some stuff I need to steal some stuff I guess I can just like punch some

Trees and [ __ ] make a boat again but you didn’t have a bed no I only played for a couple hours and Jack was like let’s go explore let’s go explore and honestly I hadn’t secured the home base yet so and I don’t want to take everyone’s charity for the server okay

Cuz I don’t like playing Minecraft where everyone’s like oh here take my full set of Enchanted armor that’s all diamond or whatever [ __ ] up like they have myth Ru or some [ __ ] in their mod pack okay like whatever they have there I don’t want

It I don’t want that [ __ ] okay I want to do it myself are you aware there’s a new town no I’m not aware I’ve not kept up with any of the fer happenings I’ve been busy because also this week on top of all sorts of other [ __ ] um I’ve

Survived my third round of layoffs in one year The Misfits can you believe it three rounds of layoffs in one year so that happened and then uh on top of that on top of that the uh one last round one last go round every day I’m walking to that office

Being like preparing I’m preparing for them to be like it’s time to go you were were you a good employee no you are one of the worst one of the one of these days I’m preparing for them to wait there’s a train is this train

Automated I got one more in me I think how the [ __ ] do I look at the the coordinates again chat I for Gore tab oh Mimi is here F3 ah thank you thank you thank you okay where the [ __ ] does this train go is this running around their whole did

They build this around the whole thing okay so I need to build a boat and go back I can do that let me build a boat please move your camera so it lines up with the edge match what do you mean what what do you mean

Move what what are we talking about like where which It lines up with the edge now what are you talking about oh Marlin thank you for the tier one my shoulder it was like what you want to move it even more so my shoulders off because the problem is the auto snapping

Feature the auto snapping feature won’t here here we go I’ll do it like that how about that how about that more no what are you talk this is [ __ ] I can’t this is why I don’t have anything done because I’m too busy aligning the camera in the in the

Three listen I promise three guaranteed stream days a week I’m doing tomorrow and today or tomorrow and today and then I did one on Monday so that’s my three if we’re going to be arguing about cam placement we’re not going to get anything done man we’re not going to get anything

Done okay so everyone we’re going to have to we’re going to have to come together and realize that we we need to be stronger we need to be better how are your big booty maids doing what are you talk big booty I don’t have any big booty Maids I got I

Have none of that that’s that’s I I currently don’t have any big booty Maids myself maybe others do where the [ __ ] is Jay easy he’s he’s learning how to to get book smart because he’s already money smart can I take this Waterway out I think I can oops I me I didn’t mean

To okay he’s just he’s he’s he’s learning right now okay I need to make myself a [ __ ] oh to remake a crafting table this is so [ __ ] up luckily I wrote down the coordinates I I know I need a bed I know I need a bed okay you’re

You’re preaching to the choir here the problem here is that wait how do I make a boat again the problem goodbye Mimi the problem is I did not have the chance to because Jack was like Oh Come adventuring with me I’m like fine I’ll Adventure I like

Adventuring don’t we all don’t we all love adventuring but the problem is Mimi had or not me me Jack it led me astray okay you put my boat down please go down you okay having trouble my calculus do homework you’re asking dude I am washed when it comes to remembering calculus

It’s been literally like 8 million years wait I’m not going the right way there’s got to be a different way out of here is there wait out here out here out here okay maybe this way may this way ah the Mimi Raiders hello Mimi Raiders I’m

Making it back to my melon Hideout uh by melon Hideout I mean I have no melon hide out but hello hello a evil cat viewers okay I probably have to go this way I don’t think I don’t think I can make it out there there what’s up

Mimi so yeah I got to I got to make a journey back cuz I didn’t have a bed because I refus to accept charity because as everyone knows a true American Patriot does not take charity okay we’re stronger than that if it requires me to labor for no money to do

Jobs for free then I’ll I’ll do it you know okay give me give me a both no get going in a circle no I just need to find water I just need to find water okay just give me a second I know it’s this way I’m going this

Way I need to go this way somewhere I need to find water where the [ __ ] the water where the [ __ ] is the ocean with which I was born does anyone know does anyone know from which where the ocean was from which I came hi please you can drag blocks in

The crafting grid instead of clicking it each individual times you’re pissed we don’t got all day you’re pissed huh listen we don’t have all day so you guys need to let me you guys need to let me run it my way okay you need to let me

Operate this in the manner that I’m accustomed to if we’re going to if we’re going to have if we’re going to have progress wa where the [ __ ] is the ocean God damn it I can’t find the ocean is this what it was like to be a [ __ ] Bronze Age

Civilization I can’t find the I’m running through the [ __ ] marches of the dead here I can’t find the ocean or your sub badge the highest badge um yeah I think so right now actually well no I thought we had a 5e wait I I have to go check it’s been a while since

I’ve looked at it even back seating doesn’t help this man I refuse wait is this me I can’t take it oh it’s barley wait the ocean five years being cooked up oh we’ve done it thank you thank you God okay okay let’s get the hell out of

Here what’s happening what is going on what what what is happening what is happening what the [ __ ] turbulence when did they add turbulence oh I didn’t mean to take a screenshot Jesus Christ okay you’re above bubble columns dude there is so much Tech in this that I am

Completely unaware of it’s actually it’s actually shocking how much Tech I need I need to go this way I think no no no wait no where do I need to go dude where am I okay I need to go this way here we

Go my e or is an empty room I am in an empty room essentially not fully empty but empty enough wait this is definitely not the right direction where the [ __ ] am I going I need to be going this way but isn’t this the way I

Came okay here we go here we go here we go I need to like go this way and then go south you know what we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out don’t worry this world Jin is [ __ ] uh yeah welcome to the plat chat server bu hope you enjoy your stay holy

[ __ ] this fish is flying get out of here please I just want to go back to my [ __ ] base man okay can I do that can I at least do that that’s all I want you have the worst navigation skills I’m trying to we’re trying to do a million

Things the same time okay if you guys want high quality Minecraft content you come to the right place because you’re going to be we’re going to be learning Minecraft together cuz I haven’t played anything other than vanilla Minecraft my whole life this is a [ __ ] cliff isn’t

It and they’re waiting for me look at them they’re waiting for me they’re waiting for me to land okay you know what these [ __ ] air bubbles I need to to find a way back holy [ __ ] these fish are coming out are just [ __ ] bouncing

Off me when are we going to a vast build trains when are we going to a vast build trains I don’t is a vast a verb now or is that like what what what he’s saying fast new career hits different now that OverWatch league is gone my new

Career what is my new career Minecraft Let’s player what are these what is this kelp oh when are we going to build the vast trains true when am I going to put a my faces on a bunch of public transit we’re going to like Zoom around oh you know what this seems

Right I just have to like go around this land mass holy [ __ ] the single zombie new career is internet beggar that is not my career also I have yet to see a single bit of sh by the way people are like it’s three wool bro has anyone seen a

Single bit bit of sheep for a bed have you guys seen sheep wait what the [ __ ] wait I I picked up a fish oh I guess he flew into my [ __ ] hand isn’t there a Farm is there listen I’m trying to be self-reliant I don’t want to survive off plat chat’s

Handouts okay they’ve been having more time to play the game myself I don’t want to play that way I’m self-sufficient my parents kick me out of the house at 18 did I have to live on the streets sure did I did I have to do

A lot of things and grow up very quickly out there on the main streets absolutely but you know what that’s the American dream is having no multi-generational households no public transportation W uh poorer quality of life than our fathers and being proud of it miles ever thank you for the

Prime thank you very much dude I am not even going close to the right way I’m not even going close to the that way I literally have no clue where the [ __ ] I am going I might just have to like give up I might just have to leave the melon house

For the time being and just like and just start somewhere new again cuz I I’m I’m trapped blood is [ __ ] trapped where have I gone where where have I even gone to I’m going to have to like I’m going to have to start a bre holy [ __ ] that’s a big

Fish how are you lost have no I’m not I’m lost because of the fact that I can’t find the ocean I have the coordinates but I wanted to use the boat to get a faster mode of transportation so I didn’t have to walk across all the [ __ ] land see cuz that’s annoying but

It seems like that’s what I’m going to have to do wait a minute wait a minute wait the promised land the promised land could this be it okay there’s a house up there I don’t think that’s one oh wait oh okay let’s take my boat watch peeky blinders I have watched

Peaky blinders I’ve tried to give it a try I didn’t love it necessarily well there’s there’s lots of pumpkins at least can I eat the pumpkins B viewers come back and find a horse what do you mean just find a horse don’t I need like a saddle don’t I need

Like don’t I need like a like like a saddle and [ __ ] just find a horse I feel like I need to make oh wait these are all sticks I feel like I need a little bit more than that okay we’re going to have to start from the ground up we’re going

To have to start over dig straight down for Diamond mhm yeah listen pal I wasn’t born yesterday okay I need to turn this into ah problem I turn it into planks I wasn’t born yesterday okay I know I know enough I know enough about Minecraft to where you’re not going to

Give me with that one has in before humankind can take horses for historical accuracy also K the tier one I’m taking some of this I think I can eat these right can’t I eat these stems I need I’m going to need food to survive in this land yes yes yes mushrooms

Mushrooms thank you so much this dude would eat stems you can turn into mushroom soup they see exactly see I know I can do that I know I can I I I need I think mushroom soup is how we’re going to live it’s how we’re going

To live for now until I can make my way back to the melon hold because the main thing is I want my melon seeds back I want to grow the melon wall it’s just going to going to take some time but here’s my other problem how would I

Build like I have to crisscross grow the melons what do I do can I can I just eat the pumpkin too oh [ __ ] pumpkin can I turn that into something at a v start crying what are you mean start crying you can wear it I can wear

It wait this [ __ ] turkey it’s the turkey from the Tik Tok how many gifted Subs to hit the gritty to do a back flip I think if I did a back flip in this room right now I would break my neck and you would see me die on

Camera I think if I did a back flip right now you would just hear the crunch of like a an empty water bottle like and then I would be dead on camera just slightly blow frame I think that’s what would happen here so you’re saying I can turn this

Into what what like armor or something I can’t wear this [ __ ] what are you talking about that’s just a lie that’s just that’s just a lie on your head like turn into the helmet carved pumpkin oh okay sure great that doesn’t sound good that doesn’t sound good [ __ ] get away from

Me turkey why did you not help why did you not help turkey you son of a [ __ ] with the regular one well I can do it with this one too it’s the same it doesn’t matter but here I’ll do it with I’ll do this one

God damn you I just want to put a pumpkin on My Head man for October this has gone so terribly wrong so far okay that doesn’t appear to be working what’s the what’s the I’m looking for the recipe I’m looking for the recipe

Here I don’t can I just put it on I just do this m have asked my attention that you are fan of slay the Spire when we can see this game on stream smiley face SP well I do like SL Spire I’m waiting for Mega crit new game um I don’t appear to

Be able to carb the pumpkin by the way or at least I don’t have the tools to do so I feel like I need a different tool having a witch kill a snow golem will drop the play wait this is I literally can’t even I can’t even make this I literally

Have to kill I need like a it’s it’s just impossible isn’t it shears well buddy where’s where’s the uh where are the shears in my inventory huh where are the shears anyone have any shears anyone have any shears available to themselves H I’m poor I’m poor as [ __ ] right

Now okay the other thing I’m going to need for the mushroom stew what do I need here how do I make this I need a bowl okay that’s pretty easy oh I need red mushroom wait I’m going to need I’m going to need to get some more some some red mushroom

Here simply mine and then craft well that’s the plan but everyone the the people aren’t letting me mine and then craft okay you guys are going to have to wait oh motherucker you guys are going to have to wait because I have uh I’ve died okay I [ __ ] died and I’ve lost

Everything I’ve lost it all I’m also going to need to get some Stone and [ __ ] at some point but that’s that’s tomorrow’s problem today’s problem is is surviving four four Loos into an empty pumpkin until it was full and chug it on stream I’m going to ask several

Questions one I’m pretty sure that would explode my heart due to both the alcohol and the caffeine cont because I do not drink caffeine uh secondly I do not have an empty pumpkin on hand I literally I I can’t even I wouldn’t even be able to to do

That because I I said I’m a I’m a lover of October I’m one of those people that likes holidays but I never do any work for the holidays do you understand what I’m saying some people they’re holiday doers I’m just holiday enjoyers you know I’m just someone that enjoys the holiday

I’m not I’m not going on my way to do stuff for it holy [ __ ] this snail is [ __ ] huge jeez look at the proportions of this this is like a dog siiz snail Zam yeah I’m a relaxer I’m like the I’m also like the person that when you go on

Vacation it’s like I want to do stuff because like that’s the point of going on vacation but I don’t want to have like an insane schedule because I feel like that is um you know kind of like it’s just like what you’re not even relaxing anymore how do

I make a bu again I for Gore so like I’m I I planned like okay here’s what I want to do but I don’t want to do like too much you know okay now mushroom two time watch it happen oh yeah we are so back four mushroom

Stews we can live a Hardy existence now comforting warm bow meals will keep you healthy steadily no matter how hungry you are what what does that mean comforting how do I see that status effect okay someone just died I’m the Grand Canyon dad I don’t

Even know what do you mean by the Grand Canyon dad as in like I would go to the Grand Canyon I would not go to the Grand Canyon necessarily I do have also by the way zws if you’re still here I do have a plan for a

Different card game that I have that I it’s one of the many games I have in the epic games library that I like never used um that I want to play but not necessarily saves fire this [ __ ] would experience the beauty of a national park damn him utilizing our natural resources to

Improve their lives and see some Splendor of hundreds of millions of hundreds of millions of years of of advancement and and Earth’s natural beauty the hell is this oh it’s the Minecraft it’s a the Minecraft stem the mushroom S you imagine being born into the world wait what is this what is going it’s a witch wait don’t I need this oh wait she poisoned herself she poisoned herself I’m probably dead here aren’t I I’m going to kill this witch oh I’m moing I’m

Moving I can get it I can get it oh do I have I can I live am I dead please please oh 10 seconds oh oh please I’m probably just going to die here oh you can’t die to poison oh poison is a kill oh well that was animatic for no reason

Okay well I’ve taken this witch’s home and I have a water cauldron and a cat I also have a brewing stand when a vast I felt that I will I will be taking this for now wait a minute we are so back oh we are so I plundering The Witch’s

Resources this is just Salem I just did snail them 2.0 there’s a lot of snail goo here gunpowder sure I’ll take it foul berries foul taste okay how do I feed wait is there a carb pumpkin here okay the cat can knock it down the stair what that cat is confused as

[ __ ] all right we’re so back wait this sucks ass I can’t see anything why would I ever want to wear this it’s spooky I can’t see [ __ ] F1 yeah but then I lose my [ __ ] HUD if I press F1 like I mean what is this look look at

This screen right now it feels like I’m piloting a jet like I’m piloting like a $200 million F1 or something like a like a some sort of jet that had like I can’t like I’m getting readouts I have goggles on like I’m [ __ ] Jarvis Jarvis pull up the carb

Pumpkin Jarvis get the snail goo yeah okay I’m done with this this this this has got to go this has got to go I will hold on to it though I will be taking this chest as well actually wait what time is it how

Do I tell get out okay I also need to remove these cobwebs this is [ __ ] tragic how do I get rid of cobwebs I have to mine them I’m mining how do you get rid of a cobweb sword ah why is it sword now that is that it was

It always like this I need to get rid of this [ __ ] okay so what’s the time what’s the time of the day I might it might make more sense just to sit here for a night just to sit in the witches here always Thorn okay fair enough I’m going to gather more

Mushrooms and then we’re going to be mushroom stewed out the [ __ ] gills can I make and I can use the pumpkins to make stuff too so I think we I think we we’re going to make it back we will go back and find the melons I just need to

Start from the witch’s Hut wait did my cat leave wait did the cat just run out the house a [ __ ] cat oh my the cat no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh yeah I see that now actually advice good idea no KY here kitty kitty anyone do the clicking thing does

Anyone do the clicking thing with cats or they’re like just a me thing oh my cat just responded to that my cat just responded to the clicking I do a tongue click I’m getting more mushrooms here we will be live we will be surviving off mushrooms for some

Time and honestly I’m okay with that ew they sound they’re like creaky The Sounds here are insane okay let’s get some Stone actually I can make I can advance the tech tree here a bit new cat let’s get some Stone let’s get some Stone we can we can make better Tools in

It how do I how do I tame a snail can I make the snail my friend but the problem is I don’t want to make this snail my friend because of the fact that I am leaving this place yes it’s time to actually move forward here a bit but yes I I I’ve

Fallen behind on the Minecraft server a bit because of the fact that I this week was very busy cuz we had work stuff we survive I survived the third round of layoffs and then I received my second eviction notice since moving to this apartment because I don’t know if I’ve

Told this story but essentially okay so and then I’m going to tell you the story so my first eviction notice is that I’m moving in here with my girlfriend and so my girlfriend we had set up an account and we autodraft the money out of there and

So we thought everything was good on for thank you for the for the tier one what do I know many things here’s what else I know and so we thought it was good then I got an eviction notice after like a week being like hey if you don’t pay

Your rent in 3 days you’re going eviction notice I’m like what the [ __ ] we both paid then there was like some we thought there was like an issue with the online portal where like the complex was like Hey like it’s on your end like it’s the bank or something like they’re like

Okay you know what like let’s do a manual payment the schedule payment and then it went through fine so we’re like okay I think we’re good and then oh there’s a cave here wait did you see that you guys see that he’s waiting he’s waiting for us he’s waiting for us down

There I’m gonna dude my cat it’s okay you know I’m just GNA stay in here for now we’ll um we’ll make some stew we got some good resources here you know we we’ll be okay I I’ll pick up this chest wait do you hear it wait Did you hear that was that the

Chest oh that’s a [ __ ] chest that’s not the cat God damn it Wait no that’s the cat kitty kitty kitty wait what do I do how do I feed it how do I how how do I how what do how do I feed the

Cat fish fish I got one fish for you I got a fish for you hey come here come here come here idiot come here I just want to give you come here come come here there fish fish fish not that one I’m crouching come here you need regular FISH [ __ ] me I

Have no regular fish well we’re going to have to leave it alone for now I’ll make I have to make some better tools let’s go make some better tools here I’m not I was not always cat smart I’m Minecraft smart as they say Okay first we need to advance up the

Tech tree a bit there we go sorry look I’m dragging you guys happy you guys happy that I’m dragging oh they’re here you guys happy now uh I will also need a new sword they’re outside um now to answer your questions related to the eviction notice we thought

Everything was cool but it seems like the payment Portal had messed up or something like that I do I have any Windows here wait can they if I look at them through the windows they’re not going to um and so then like okay we put a payment through it’s fine

Then a second eviction notice hits a sir a second eviction notice has hit the apartment I’m like what the [ __ ] happened turns out her the payment Port didn’t go through again I’m freaking the [ __ ] out I’m like what the hell’s going on it’s like the 18th of the month we

Haven’t paid rent fully we only paid half of it technically I’m like what the hell’s happening and then uh we like go and talk with them they’re like hey you know I can get the late Fe removed and everything but like what’s going on like they are like it’s the bank it’s the

Bank it’s the bank and I’m like what the like I’m like it’s not not my bank that’s the issue cuz I’ve already paid my half and then and so then like oh yeah by the way even though you’ve been paying yours on time you’ve been with us for a while

Before that you’ve lost access to paying all of your rent online so I’m like now I have to pay in cashier check so now I have to pay in cashier check for my rent for the rest of my [ __ ] time at this place and then we figured out what the

Issue was where she has a epic fail think the 2 one she has a i habit of putting in the exact amount of money she needs into an account to draft it out which I think is fair I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that but obviously if there’s any

Unexplained charges at all then issues could arise so essentially what had occurred was that there was an extra 20 cent charge that occurred both times so she did not have enough money in the account when it drafted out and so we got kicked back both times because she’s

Like I have enough money there’s no issue and that’s what caused the problem both times and so now I have to pay my rent and a check so lost lost to 20 cents AAS can’t use the computer what are you talking about what are you talking

About what do you mean I can’t use a computer I literally ju I I literally am using one right now I’m making more soup I’m making more soup oh I forgot this is a replenishable resource the bowl replenishes we’ve made we’ve made it a we’ve made essentially a

Perpetual motion machine of Stew this is incredible this is an incredible development okay what else can I make what can I do like what can I do with the potion thingy can I do anything with this the brewing stand it’s got snail goo in there what what what does snail goo do

For me potion it makes I mean this do anything pumpkin lanterns you say see I’m looking I can make some pumpkin milkshakes holy [ __ ] there’s no pumpkin Lins where are these pumpkin lanterns huh where are they do you see a pumpkin Lantern here I don’t Oh you mean a Jacko

Lantern ah a Jacko Lantern I was like that makes more sense I’m like I’m like what is they what are they talking about yes we could do that however the problem is I need coal dude there is so much [ __ ] outside I need coal I’m taking all these carb

Pumpkins this could be useful for or something I could make some charcoal out of wood to be fair but I still need to make a furnace but that’s doable that’s very doable that’s extremely doable but I don’t want to set up too many roots here

Okay I don’t want to set up too many roots because I have I need to leave this place I need to leave this place this is my witchy vacation home but I could oh wait it’s going it’s okay that’s fine I’m still going to make some coal real quick that’s not the right

Thing what is it it’s like that do it yeah that should do it okay probably like that’ll probably do it right okay so it has to be a log I for Gore I don’t need very much do like there for that okay time to go out

How do I make a fishing rod actually maybe I can save the cat maybe I can save this cat here I need string do I have any string I do okay fishing rod get fish wait a minute here we go fishing rod get fish get cat profit perhaps however I’m once again I’m

Running out space that’s fine should have enough to get fish profet okay leave my house alone okay fair enough you can I mean you didn’t leave the house alone but do not leave the house alone at all realistically HOA is going to like that one U let’s see so you’re telling me got

Just get a fish from here perhaps holy server what is this okay do I need bait on this I also I’m assuming you want to goes underneath the water I could catch CU that would imply that there’s a fish biting it owned owned all right now we have fish there’s

No fish here literally just got one buddy literally just got a fish someone’s not a fisherman like myself someone doesn’t know the the rules the rules of fishing like me okay having a little trouble a little trouble having a little trouble a bit where is the natural salmon where’s the natural salmon dude

I’m going to collect a bunch of fish and we’re going to save the cat where what’s the odds of the cat how many how many fish do I need to give a cat to to tame it how many fish we have to give one you need two stacks 20

Fish okay well we’re going to do it for the cat we’ll do it for the cat we’re going to do it for the cat then cuz I kind of let it out I do not need 70 [ __ ] fish what it’s not it’s not an army I’m not feeding an army of

Cats I’m feeding a singular cat five to six okay that’s doable that’s doable 70 if black cat well it is a black cat it is a black cat but I think so I need two more two more and I can go save that cat that’s going to be our mission we save

The cat then we stage out of here we’ve got some tools we then stage out of the Witch’s House we with our pumpkin harvest we take the cauldron we take the potion stand and we go find the melon we are so [ __ ] back all right let’s go find the cat

Holy look at the pretty leaves look at the pretty leaves guys I I think I’ve come to the conclusion as well that I think fall is the best season I’ve come to the conclusion that fall is the best season I’m I’m strictly on that train now okay where did the cat go

False I don’t know I just it’s what I believe it’s what I believe it can’t be false okay everyone knows if you have an opinion you can’t have a wrong opinion cuz all opinions are valid so you know you can’t have any wrong opinions okay where’s the where’s the

Cat Florida there’s no Seasons wrong there’s in South Florida there’s hot season and then there’s nice season which is uh fall/ witer so that’s partially the reason okay do you think there’s a chance the cat could have fallen into this giant pit what are the chances on

That but I don’t know where else it went I don’t know where else the cat could have gone cuz it was up here oh wait there’s coal down here wait I’m going to take some Co there it is there it is there it is crouching where are his friends they’re

On other parts of the server listen I want to advance myself as a collective also I don’t think anyone else is currently on all right so I need wait I need fish okay crouching with kitty kitty where’s the kitty Kitty hello dude bro come here yes yes come on what dude this cat hates me this cat does not want to come here bro this cat hates me is this a joke I know it’s not the N it knows it’s not the natural River salmon all fish

Are natural if they’re caught in the body of water man it’s just a fish when it starts moving stop moving I don’t know where it’s at okay here we go hey here we go here we go oh we’re so bad wait you can’t move your Crosshair fast either cat where’ the cat go

Cat hello snail where’s the cat where’ the cat go there it is kitty kitty kitty Okay jump scare jump scare holy jump scare there it is there it is [Applause] hoay hey bro we are not messing with you don’t worry wait how do I get it to move

Now how do I it follow me I don’t know what to do with it at this point will it will it follow me right Click way hello cat is wondering cat is staying cat is following okay here we go we’re so back we are so [ __ ] Back now put it back in the house this is where your previous owner was before I killed K her this is the house of your previous owner before I killed her and took her home um so you know you’re going to be really familiar with this one you’re

Going to be really get away from the hole please kitty kitty please stay away from the giant hole over thank you Kitty thank you thank you come on Kitty here we go there we go no a little bit deeper a little bit deeper in the house little bit deeper in the house maybe

Kitty kitty get yeah here we go here we go uh you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] I need you to come here come here get in the house p is stain Pat is following bro get in the house get in the house house house

House okay that’s good enough that’ll do that’ll do for now okay okay cat saved cat saved now we continue to advance up the Tory and then we go from there let’s check our coordinates again H okay so we are at these coordinates my coordinates are really far away comparatively I am

Literally on the other side of the [ __ ] continent it appears I have I’m I’m [ __ ] beyond belief in regards to that but that’s fine we can do a little bit of advancement we can do a little bit of advancement um there’s some coal I can get over where was

It time to forget about it starves locked in the house I’m not forgetting about the cat the cat’s coming with us don’t worry wait egg egg don’t don’t even worry about it the cat is coming with us where’s the coal here it is here it is here it is we are so back

Fine there we go okay nice little coal patch we’ll take it and now we can begin to maneuver we can begin to need to think about what it’s going to be like to live our life free you know yeah I need to get up need get up here

Use some uh I don’t want to use all my stone right away so I guess I’m [Applause] digging going to dig our way out oh I think we’re we’re back on track it started out started out a little rough I’m not going to lie I’m not going

To pretend to you guys and say that I it would didn’t start out rough but I think we’ve made the most of a bad situation I think we we’ve done we’ve done all we can you know um what do I want to get rid of can I get rid of like

A I don’t know might need dirt for something what will you name the cat the cat’s name will be cat’s name will Be BPA can you even how do you name the cat can you or is it just stay you can’t actually name the cat correct oh charcoal is different from coal that’s right um You need a name tag why is this here all right we’re going to be we’re

Going to be Co we’re going to be cozing up inside for some time in here um before we stage our way out out additionally what I need is isn’t there a way to like expand inventory space or something there’s like a backpack right holy [ __ ] I need something really

Nice okay I am [ __ ] I ravager hi okay perhaps I don’t need the backpack perhaps I don’t oh carpet is a block really interesting okay it doesn’t really matter cuz my goal is to essentially make enough stew and have enough pretty much to have everything where I don’t

Need um I don’t need all this extra [ __ ] like what stuff can I get rid of like what do I need help for make a bundle a bundle what is a bundle oh I need leather I need leather committing to Stew is insane Behavior what what else can I do I just

Have a little bit of wheat I I guess I could fish I guess I could just fish that’s an option I could get I could just fish that is an option too but I like stew what the hell is the point of fowl berries what do I do with a fowl Berry here

Like are these like I can make a foul soup I need a spider eye okay well I don’t have a spider’s eye bit to starvation no we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to cook the fish wait how do I can I cook the fish in the furnace that

Possible wait we’re so back press you on hovering while hovering on the item oh it does you’re right Ah that’s very helpful but I can make kippers wait ah [ __ ] I’ve already cooked them okay that’s fine that’s fine we’ll cook it good night Duran okay well this is

We’re back then we’re we’re on the right path all I need to do is get enough food just get enough food to where I can survive the journey dude you can make a a you can make black cod interesting you can make a barbecue on a stick Jesus

And I could turn this into cooked cod slice and bone meal if I have a cutting board and a knife can’t believe they named a fish after Call of Duty true true okay so where could I find leather around here do you think additionally I don’t know like a a potion of

Extension but I need other potions is that what I’m seeing here potion of EX extend what exactly what could you extend what was it what is it so everything is about potion of extension is this did I just discover Viagra is this just Viagra extension any effects gained

While the user have the effect gain additional 30 seconds oh so it’s just like if I gain effects it lasts last longer the blue true man I found that at a gas station it’s like that one image of like the dude being like tonight’s going to be a good

Night and it’s like him with like a Four Loco can and then like these like insane like dick pills that are like this big and it’s like that shit’s going to like make your heart pump 20 times as fast to keep your blood pressure up that’s going to be me with the snail

Goo I’m going to be I’m going be like tonight’s going to be a good night picture of snail goo and for Loco this is my first fboy tag stream be gentle what do I even need to make actually now that I think about it what is this called called a brewing

Stand is this like insanely valuable and I just like made this oh okay wait this is actually quite valuable so I can take this with me I can take this with me while we wait for the night okay I wait for the night here’s the question how do I move the

Cat can I fit the cat in a boat yes okay okay excellent excellent excellent to n you need a lead weed I need straw where do I get straw from where the hell does my ass get straw I need a knife okay knife knife okay that’s doable we can we can do

This flint and stick that’s it I have to get gravel for that or I could just find iron me when I’m at a liberal coffee shop where’s the straw dude I I’ll say it I don’t understand if we’re going for usability why don’t we just all go full iron like

Full full iron straws like I’m [ __ ] here gearing why don’t we just go full like metal straws like why get paper straws paper straws are like such a pain in the ass comparatively like literally just get I I like if we want to be you know reduce reuse recycle let’s just

[ __ ] get metal STS I like metal STS I don’t mind metal STS iron also has yeah it’s probably more expensive I guess cuz they’re shipping it this is a really inconvenient hole to be put right up my [ __ ] house I’m not going to lie wait did you hear that they’re back there’s

Multiple they’re pissed wait they’ve come back to claim their house oh no please please oh it’s I’m soad I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to run I got to run I got Johnny Bravo

Truck stop or ring of fire thank you yours Elite for the prime and the 4 months okay I’m out I’m out I’m out I need to oh my God they’re still chasing they’re still chasing they’re still chasing me they want me dead they’re so mad I killed their

Friend and took their house they’re so mad they’re so [ __ ] mad snails help me oh help me snails help me just killed him oh just killed him huh why didn’t I think of that why didn’t think about just killing them if I you know what you got a good

Point I should just killed them they stop chasing okay witches can’t kill you on their own wait really wait witches they just like poison your ass and they let you live wait was the cat radioing coordinates back to the other witches was that cat a [ __ ] sleeper

Agent after I did everything I could to [ __ ] save its life we will be killing this we will will be killing these witches it’s a battle for the [ __ ] witch Hollow right now it’s about sailing it’s it’s literally spooktober time you know it’s it’s Halloween The Witches they want to

[ __ ] with me come on where are they I’m in here where are you where are you [ __ ] where are they wait theyve left they’ve left they they tried to run me off and they’re gone okay we’re free okay we’re good we’re good we’re good okay next up then I need to get a

Knife but I need Flint for that or we go down here ladies and gentlemen yes I know cat I know know I’m just making full torches uh I’m going to eat myself another stew so I can get rid of these mushrooms okay we’re so [ __ ] back God damn you get over

Here okay I’m almost through these [ __ ] mushrooms wait no I’m not I have so many more okay fine we’re going down iron my beloved my beloved iron oh we’re so back I can make a a knife we got to keep going though to the spooky

Depth uh what is this zinc I can’t mind you and aite don’t get don’t care okay there’s nothing else down here [ __ ] I was hoping for a little bit more I’m not going to lie I was hoping for a little bit more from this how many what do I need for shears

Shears only two wait we are actually back wait I can get out of here okay that’s something two iron okay so now we can make it out we can make it out the hood for real I know I know cat I know shit’s going crazy okay now we make shears and then I

Just need to find um a sheep right oh wait I need to [ __ ] make the iron first that’s probably important probably that’s really an important part of this is actually making the iron why do you live in a [ __ ] hole because I stole it from a witch I stole

It from a witch and I’m recovering to go reclaim my melon Kingdom man okay I killed the Witch and this is what I need to do to survive and there’s nothing wrong with that okay cheers oh okay so to get so now to make a bed I just need like

The I just need wool right yes I need wool and some sort of wood okay but can I only get wool from sheep cuz that’s a problem that’s a significant problem if I can only get wool from sheep use string oh well I still need spider for that cuz

Where else can I even get string from also who is that bad patch Mario BP what up BP thank you for the 21 four string how much string do I got I us string to make fishing rod how are the Vibes The Vibes are good except for

The fact that I lost my melon Kingdom and I had then had to go kill a witch take her [ __ ] and you know kind of just moving from there you know kind of just recovering from that point I’m going to take this Granite I want to get down here

Perhaps see what’s going on why am I jumping on every block what’s going on with that okay this is scary looking probably have Auto jump on oh you’re probably right that that what is this oh oh what is this webbing wait this is good right webbing is good is it

Not is webbing does webbing get me is give me string uh okay this gave me nothing hanging Cobo trim perhaps that what is that holy [ __ ] there’s a really deep cave I’m going to be stuck down here aren’t I okay I’m [ __ ] I’m in the trenches currently um okay here’s what I’m going

To do let’s just make this a temporary spot just for the time being just time being quick temporary spot and let’s let’s cook let’s cook up some [ __ ] here I have no charcoal I have no hanging cobweb what does this do for me what does the hanging cobweb do for

Me pressing U doesn’t seem to do much for me hanging cobweb okay so it’s just nothing I can’t do anything with it we only had shears I don’t know if the shears do anything for stuff like that I could try I see I see I kind of needed that I kind

Of need this I kind of need this real bad holy [ __ ] we are back wait we’ve never been more back than we are in this moment right now ladies and gentlemen I have I feel a level of backness I don’t think I’ve ever felt in my my

Lifetime I feel a level of backness I didn’t think I would be be possible what is this a spider egg what do I do with that what what can I do with a spider egg is it going to grow into a spider I feel like this something’s going to come out of

Here I feel like something’s going to come out of there if I I [ __ ] with it you know take this ey oh hello hello okay wait calm Cal com it com it down com it calm it down Jesus Christ dude did not want to listen wait

I need that I need that for foul stew as well what can I get rid of here I’ll put a crafting table down here cuz no I want to keep be when I’m a Minecraft villager okay that’s fine okay I’m going have to go find the cat

In the house again but I know it’s somewhere over that direction okay now we’ll have iron we’ll have we’ll have wool we can make a bed we can make a bed in the witch’s house and then stage from there cuz to make a Bed actually I want to get rid of this one dark oak where is it wait I need wait webbing can I turn this into something wait this just webbing what does this does this do anything wait I don’t know if this does anything Oh I don’t think this does anything I don’t think webing does anything chat I think I might have been I think I think I spoke too soon it’s useless it’s a it’s just a decoration for my goon cave oh I don’t need that at

All I don’t need that at all well okay I think it’s night time so we’re going to keep going wait but real spider webs though real spider webs you guys hear that there seems to be creatures of foot real spider webs though there we go there we go there we

Go and some iron and some iron okay we can we can still recover this right this cave might be I think this cave might be our answer though give me some coal I need to damn you know what I kind of needed um kind of needed another chest here oh

Coal Co to run my furnace okay okay dude I’ve just realized how long does it does do we need to feed a cat repeatedly or would the animals just live this isn’t like neop pets is it or like [ __ ] or nintend dogs where they’re going to get really sad cuz I’m not feeding

Them they’re not I’m not going to come back to the house after like being in the mines for like 8 months and the that’s going to be emaciated got to feed them every 10 minutes got to feed them every 10 minutes 10 minutes what is this like a toddler is

This a toddler with low blood sugar and iron oh my God I got to get out of here did I forget to leave out food for the cat what are you talking about there’s cat bowls is there a cat Bowl they changed it to like 15 minutes

So it’s not too bad well I’m still [ __ ] buddy I’m still TI turbo [ __ ] I’m still rightly turbo [ __ ] still if that’s the case cuz I have not fed that cat in eons I also had to go run away from witches the cat the cat is

Starving this cat hasn’t had food in in years literal years oh and it’s just directly up man okay okay it’s going to make it easier if I dig like a if I dig like out like this it’ll make it my life easier a bit can’t see

[ __ ] br’s losing to Auto jump listen I’m going to turn off here here we go controls off thank you thank you there we go is our all now our quality of life should be greatly improved Auto is gone Auto is [ __ ] gone me when I get rid of the

Bismarks name like Auto van bizmark can’t see [ __ ] okay we must be near the surface we have to be near the surface there we go okay cat is going to die no it’s not no it’s not cat is not going to die it’s this way it’s this way just give me a

Second we will save this cat dude these snails why do they Creak like they’re a they Creak around like they’re a wooden cart don’t care don’t care there it is there’s a house there’s a house we’re safe we’re safe everything’s okay come here kitty wait will it eat cook

Cod yeah I hear you don’t worry will e cook it doesn’t seem to want to eat cooked Cod oh no okay well let me just eat some fish then we’ll have to fish it only wants raw this [ __ ] shashimi grade fish for the cat that’s all it wants it just wants shashimi

Grade fish is that it huh what did you do you do you love Juro Dreams of Sushi is that the issue here God damn it cat God damn it all right you will don’t worry you will get fed very soon okay here I’ll be right back I need a drink

It’s Saturday you know what that means oh yeah oh yeah talking about the witches back to their Hut to Smite a vast The Witches will not come back here they they fear me they won’t come back they would never dare there they fear me dude this night time that’s oh my

God where is my bed good idea should make a bed shouldn’t I question where’s where’s all the wool where’s all the string I didn’t get all the string I left all the string in the String’s still in the [ __ ] mine okay we’re just going to sit here and wait let’s look out here

Anything four string 2x two yeah I need I only have three string I need fish and I need string man I feel like I am a cat my myself I’m like a gigantic [ __ ] cat I’m going to start like grooming myself hooping in sand and things like

That okay let’s let me check out here not the cat lived the cat lived the cat lived cat get in get in get in get in come here get in get in what are you doing okay well let’s let’s get rid of some of this useless [ __ ] for the time being can

I what can I do with the pumpkins man can I turn them to something I can turn the pumpkin puree pumpkin bread if I had a syrup bottle like I need sugar I can turn into a pumpkin pie oh I need sugar though okay let’s P all these pumpkins up all

Pumpkins go in here eggs okay kitty I hear you man I hear you I promise but I can make a foul can’t I make myself like a little foul um foul little dude the cat is really not being cool who yeah I can I can watch this

Watch this watch this guys all right so I eat where the B should B be coming back I need another Bowl well I’ll wait I’ll wait I’ll make it later okay I need it to be daytime too don’t cats help keep creepers Away really is that a thing is that a

Thing yes they are creeper repelling really okay maybe the cat maybe that’s what the cat’s up to however I still need to feed the cat cat still needs to be fed yes all right we’ll just do this just like real life true need to I need to split that I

Want okay okay can I make a run for it Kitty oh oh my God okay oh run run run run oh Kitty please kitty get out of here the [ __ ] get out of my [ __ ] God damn it this sucks so hard okay it just blew up the door oh

You [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you get get the creeper out of there St get the creeper out of there we can do this Okay where’s the door where’s the DPA where’s the [ __ ] DPA oh my god I’ve lost so much in the house DPA I think it’s it’s it’s dead it’s dead the door is [ __ ] dead okay let’s just we can rebuild we can rebuild we can rebuild I need another

DPA jump attacks do more damage what the [ __ ] what did that okay kitty get in here get in here get in here get get in here get in here get in here come on come on please please kitty we need to make a new door your father has to make a new

Door okay I need oh I need six planks do I have enough I have enough okay we go I didn’t need three doors okay I definitely did not need that many doors but that’s fine that’ll do for now oh thank you thank you are you staying you just stay okay good okay we

We are back we’re good okay time to go get some fish for the cat so it doesn’t starve and then we go back to the mine Jesus Christ this is the most stressful thing of all time when did my did Minecraft modded Minecraft is so insanely stressful this [ __ ] is [ __ ] up cat

Will be obedient if you feed it well I need fish I need fish man there was another door I know but that door needs to stay closed that door needs to stay closed none of this stuff has anything to do with the mods well I’m going to

Pretend like it does because that way like an old person I can yell at the cloud and be like this new fangled thing is what’s really the issue the problem with youth today is they have Creepers with [ __ ] waist and and uh witches and [ __ ] pumpkins and [ __ ] in Minecraft

Back in my day we had coal we had iron and we had a zombie and that’s it that’s all we had it was so simple back then okay going go feed the cat after one more fish don’t tell the bass only tell me but do you actually have to feed the cat

Everyone’s tell me I have to feed the cat I hope no one was lying I hope no one was lying about that because I’d be very upset one could make one could argue that would make me very upset if people were lying about having to feed them cuz

This whole journey would for no reason feeding will restore its Health but so what if it’s Health L though what’s the point Jesus this this this house is has taken a beaten so far it has taken a bit of a beaten all right here we go there you go see it’s

Good there you go see we’re we’re so back I can’t access the chest kitty kitty you got to can you move real quick can you get off the chest kitty kitty can you get off the chest thank you thank you kitty thank you okay put the rock cod back in

There put the cauldron in there uh you know that the [ __ ] doors can go in there the add the ash the flower pots okay that should be enough to go okay now time to go mining the raw [ __ ] the raw [ __ ] back in there oh wait you know I should make a

You know else I should do was there something else I needed this iron for I need this for something don’t remember what was I planning to do with this knife that’s it quite it’s quite simple let’s [ __ ] go okay knife excellent I think I also wanted to

Make like a bundle at some point a boodle got an achievement I just need string and leather for that okay that’s fine I need cows for that [ __ ] so that’s fine fine fine okay I also need to go get so now I need to get shring make a

Bed and also this will give me give me something right like whaton this give me oh this will give me this give me that but isn’t it supposed to give me like oh there we go there we go there we go Harvest grass there we go I need grass I

Need straw I need straw straw straw oh there we go oh we’re straw up holy [ __ ] is there anyone else yeah we got uh two people in there they’re not streaming Mimi was here but then Mimi just left um I assumed more people were going

To be on today honestly which is why I started playing but that’s fine because realistically I need to catch up how much straw do I need or what did I need the straw for that even need the straw for what was it even for oh leash leash right or

Lead and the lead I need to get I have enough straw okay POG so then if I go okay okay we we are back we are back where is my mine entrance like over here somewhere there’s no way you’re catching up to the industrial corporate Overlord love Mimi I

Mean I think it’s not also just about like catching up per se it’s also I wanted to make a melon Kingdom essentially but the problem is my kingdom was overrun completely overran I lost it all I lost it all for your retirement fund thank you booo bear and

31 months so now I’m going to go back with this cat and reclaim it where the [ __ ] is the where did I where where is that M shaft where is that damn M shaft I dug it I had it somewhere this is crazy this is preposterous

I don’t think it’s that either where the [ __ ] I had it it down here okay it’s over here somewhere came out from oh my God where the [ __ ] there’s there was it was a Haven of string down there man are the huge pumpkins a mod uh I I think so I don’t

Know what took my melon Kingdom a bunch of Cy creepers and by cty this is not referring to them in their behavior they had snatch waste um bamboo creepers and then a bunch of [ __ ] skeleton archers they all fell in there cuz my melons had not grown cuz I didn’t understand how to

Grow melons so there was not an organic wall of rind yet built um which I had thought was going to Shield me dude I can’t find the entrance to the m shaft man I can’t find the entrance of the M shaft chat I literally I can’t find the

Entrance to the [ __ ] M shaft where I dug out where I was digging it out you know and there was that’s where all the string went bro got the kingdom take by said mobiles mobiles by some mobiles I’m pointing at my screen okay it has to be over here somewhere

Though wait maybe it’s further away oh you know what I did you know what I realized it’s further away cuz I was running from the witches was I not was I not running from the witches and then I was running from them and I remember I was running from a great for

A great distance I don’t think it was this great of a distance I think I would have found it by now okay I’m going back to the house reorient myself at the house I don’t think it was directly in front of the house it was further away than

That it was definitely further away than that pretty sure but you know what I’m going to take your word for it we’re going to go back that Way what’s everyone’s plans for uh dinner tonight huh anyone have any big plans for dinner I myself i’ I don’t have any I have ingredients in my house but nothing to really make anything well I guess I could I don’t have any caned openers it’s the problem I have stuff

That could make a meal cuz I keep like canned I keep like tomato sauce or not tomato sauce but rather fresh tomatoes and such to make curries I have chickpeas and things oh here it is you’re right it was right here um but I don’t have a can opener I’m buying a new

One pop eyes oh Pop Eyes wait this is not it this is not the shaft this is a different shaft I had jerk chicken wraps oh dude I had the other day I had like a not the other day a couple months ago I had like

A Patty like a Jamaican Patty with conch in it and let me just tell you that [ __ ] was straight fire i’ never had conch before but I obviously had meat pie so it had like a beautiful spicy sauce oh the Jamaicans know what they’re doing so this is not

The shaft by the way I don’t know where the [ __ ] I don’t know where it is cat sitting very Cal foraa around a campfire with its friends so true so true thank you relevant viewer for the 16 months lamb Jamaican Patty is the one oh that I’ve had I’ve had I

Don’t know if I’ve had a lamb one yet but I mean like considering I’ve had other beef patties definitely down I need to find I I mean I have to I have to find it I have to find it I need to keep going did this no this is the one that just

Came down I’m getting tricked where the [ __ ] is it I need to like build something in front of it too when I find it I need to like put a marker Down around here somewhere I know it Is I remember this oh my God remember this area okay wait no these flowers will guide me flowers will guide me flowers for for me for alron oh hell was that [ __ ] turkeys okay leave me Alone your ass literally passed it I don’t think I did 800 BL what the [ __ ] is this he going back this way I don’t think my ass did pass it I need a bed too but the only I can’t make a bed until I get the string till I go back

Down oh my God okay leave me Alone wow wow wow wowow okay okay okay let’s Uh wo oh my God okay good it’s around here it’s around here dude hey guys wa is this it ah I found it I found it all what shall I build I shall build something to let me myself know it took some time it took some time but I found it

Okay I put this back we will put ourselves a nice dirt Tower to let myself know you know what I just realized I’m going have to get off this fine okay okay and we’re back but I don’t know what I’m going to do tonight because I I don’t have a can

Because have you guys felt like can openers have been here the whole time has this been here the whole time this thing it’s like the light from the window um it’s right behind me part of my stream set up I just have like a I just have like a

Window just a giant like just just like bright just blindingly bright window I have like so it’s like staring into the the the living room of God God I have this thing here I thought it was an overlay to make you look more professional what this

This [ __ ] the the the just the light from the sun I this I I need to close the window let’s see there we go we did it we turned it off okay now we can keep going so first off leash how do I make this leash again I

Forgot I forgot how to make the lead one two three ah let’s go all right lead done now string time string time baby get some more iron here too a little bit of iron Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t Mind If I Do Don’t Mind if I do little something there okay we’re

We’re advancing now now we’re now life’s looking good take some of this oh yeah wait no the webbing is ass wait what am I doing R of the webbing I don’t need this that’s something here we go ah here we go here we go playing actually good games on stream

Like yandere AI girlfriend simulator um no but that does lead me to another rant of have you guys been paying attention to this like have you ever got them on like social media like their ads or something like their promoted post where it’s like quel cop or quel Bop or

Something is his name and he’s doing like AI girlfriends and constantly posting about it who I don’t know I I keep on seeing it in on my it keeps on crossing my feed don’t talk about my targeted ads yeah yeah I’m getting targeted ads for AI girlfriends for sure I agree that

Sounds that sounds right okay so I can make some wool I do it like what is it like let’s go I need more wool though I watched his vid when I was a kid oh so they are like a long time Creator I see I’m going to make a mine I’m going

To make a little iron pickaxe here but I keep on seeing that [ __ ] pass my feet I’m like I’m trying to figure out like what’s the point of it like is there like a point like what is the point of having of like creating the AI girlfriend like

Cuz like here here’s the thing I can understand like a sex bot like someone that buys like a sex robot I can sort of get that CU like okay you want to have sex with the robot but like what is the point of the AI girlfriend because like it’s not like

Talking to a person like like that’s the whole like what I don’t get it have you seen blade Runner 2049 I think it’s like that but the but none of the AI there’s no we don’t have there’s there’s no AI that are as like Advanced as any of the AI in Blade

Runner that is surely not happening I need sticks like the AI is like years away from that we’re not even close to getting that then I would sort of understand it cuz like okay you want to have like iron sword by the way [ __ ] iron sword by the way [ __ ] anyone else

Anyone want to talk to me don’t talk to me or my iron sword ever again don’t talk to about me or my iron sword ever again I’m [ __ ] armed and I’m dangerous don’t 5 hours that’s just not true that’s just not true the issue why it took long was because I was being

Hunted like some sort of dog okay what is that what I get glowen what do I what can I use that for glow lien what what is this doesn’t really it doesn’t do much does it does it glow it Glow does it bounce Do It Jiggle what is that this what is this

Gigantic the [ __ ] there a cobweb what is a cobweb interesting pronounced lyen oh my bad how about you lyan I don’t even know what to say I was just I was just saying it wrong you know I’m the problem I have is that I was

A child that read a lot and did not pronounce the words that I read so there’s a lot of [ __ ] that I still pronounce like incorrectly cuz I did not actually pronounce half the words I ever read okay holy like mischievous exactly like I would say mischievous cuz you are

Stupido that’s just not true that’s just not true I was reading at a very high above the grade level for my age now some people they don’t want to hear this but the thing is it it paid me it gave me no dividends other than having a vocab where half the words I

Pronounce are wrong even though I know what the word means and how to use it because they’re like for my school they were like oh here’s like theme park ride tickets but I don’t want to ride on a theme park ride because I’m a [ __ ] and I don’t enjoy riding

Rides both pronunciations work for mischievous mischievous mischievous works for mischievous so I’ve been gaslit where I was saying it right wait what the [ __ ] is aan the hell is this aan AUM Crum AUM okay it’s just a type of it’s just a new block new block just dropped wait it will give

Gold you can give gold if I crush it I only knew the non- gaslighted version the King James version and then the gaset version of mischievous you guys go by the King James version or the the gaset version seems to be the end you should play without looking at

The recipes like a real gamer no I don’t think I will what does drip Stone give me is it drippy listen there’s too much [ __ ] I will not know what the hell is happening will this also give me gold oh it won’t it won give me clay ball that one

Squirts me me when I me when you me me when I me winning wait more more this you thank you I will be taking this iron this is what we’ve been waiting for why you question mark why you question question marking dude there is Holy okay they’re

Not happy they are not happy to see me are they okay I’m going to leave them down there for now I’m going to leave them down there for now zinc I’ll take some zinc what the hell do I use zinc for what is the point of

This not so much as a kid not so much now yeah same I used to read a ton and then my brain was like wouldn’t it be better if we just sat on a couch and watched media instead and I said you know what that’s not bad that’s not a bad

Idea so it gives me zinc I can blast it or I can smelt it blast it bop it and then what does this do for me nugget of experience if I crush it bulk blasting this does nothing this gives me nothing so pretty much I can just give me a nugget of

Experience I have no no other purposes for zinc you do this when you get a sec a crossword game okay maybe when I go back to the house poopit extreme was the bane of my dad’s existence poop it extreme I’m just thinking I never had poop extreme poop

It Twist It smash it punch it set it on fire like it’s just like you just going increasingly convoluted [ __ ] guys let’s make a sketch comedy channel that does really well right people really want to see another sketch comedy channel from another white guy right they want to see like another SNL

Type sketch comedy blow it okay I think this is good for now I think I need to take this stuff back and by this stuff pretty much I need to take was there more zinc in there do I I mean [ __ ] this thing what do I care do I give

A [ __ ] about this care at all wait wheat seeds wait that’s actually quite useful I will save that for my kingdom um okay I still don’t have enough string this is like two don’t I need I need more string than this I need one more piece of wool [ __ ]

I need more wool okay there’s only one way to do this I need more bullets wait here’s what I can do I can make a fowl stew perhaps a fowl stew who makes wool from Individual string me cuz there’s no [ __ ] Sheep Man I have to I got no sheep got no [ __ ]

Sheep foul stew foul soup wait will this poison me this won’t poison me what is that what does that what does that do for me what is that how do I how do I look at it how do I look at my status effects how do I look at the status

Effects how do I see that I can’t see my status effects e I’m pressing e ah foul taste beneficial well it’s foul taste 2 don’t know what the that does for me but it’s beneficial supposedly okay so I need more string I think here’s the area to

Go this is the place to go for more foul string okay [ __ ] okay fine come on come on ouchie where are you come on die you know what I’m kind of in a bad spot here you know what I just realized I’m kind of [ __ ] dead here I’m

[ __ ] dead I’m [ __ ] dead I’m [ __ ] dead I’m I’m trapped oh no okay yeah it’s fine I didn’t make a bed I didn’t make a bed I don’t know where any of this is I have literally no clue where I actually have no [ __ ] idea where any of this is hit

F3 do you hear me that do you hear that do you hear me hitting F3 do you hear that do you hear me hitting F3 well it’s probably because my noise G is not letting you hear it but this is a problem oh [ __ ] me this is just minus two

Hours save some screenshots yeah I saw that that’s that was hitting the wrong button at the same time okay that’s fine dude I literally the cat is going to live in that house forever and I’m never going to come back but my tools my [ __ ] tools I thought you loved Rog lights just

Restart I do love Rog lights but the problem is I made a cat I got a cat you know I have a [ __ ] cat Cameron and now it’s stuck in a witch’s house that I stole from the Witch and now it’s never going to see me again it’s actually just going to be

Sitting in that house forever I’m never coming back that I’m never coming back for that cat because I don’t know where the [ __ ] it is you can find it there’s no chance I can find it I literally have no idea where the [ __ ] I went I actually have no [ __ ]

Clue like there’s just no way I think I’m just I’m treating this like a Rog like maybe I’m just wiping new a new run just dropped new run just dropped you showed the coordinates on stream um well here’s the thing I’m not going to go back and look through the

Stream to find that you guys can send me the coordinates if you want but I’m not going back and look do that I my ass is not going I was going to start just a new life this is like pre-1990s America okay pre-1990 you could just like pick up and

Go somewhere else and you could just be a new person that’s me in this Minecraft server and this server I’m just pre-1990s America I’m just going to a new town starting a new life you know that’s what I’m doing four little [ __ ] okay here and also while I have the

Chance where’s that um cross puzzle cross puzzle huh you start solving sure browser window tab no wrong way go this way want to go there we go tap um not be a hog not be a hog I don’t know what the [ __ ] that is purple root vegetable beat dude stop a whole bunch

Lots seven black ball what the [ __ ] I feel like this can’t be right then this can’t be right having a sharp acidic taste Henny no Henny maybe I think so like a knowing smile could it be could it be this could this be a Ry

Smile then what would this be it was a whole bunch do we give hints no no no no hints geological formation on a Utah state license plate what the [ __ ] geological formation on a Utah state license plate let’s TR five down Maybe six across jouster weapon okay Lance what the [ __ ] it’s a and C is in this A and C also I don’t think this is Ry because four down not be a hog I mean like what would it it’s it’s something l like what something l in like I don’t

Think it’s this but I think it’s tiny because having a sharp acidic taste with a T I think it is tinny I think that’s right cuz it has to start with the cuz it’s a browser window tab not be a hog a no I was like avarus but that’s being a

Hog that’s a greedy not to be a hog like watching super Down super play don’t don’t do that to me what is two down I don’t know what the geological information on Utah state icense plate like what the [ __ ] is that all it starts with an A and has a cing

It what is a black ball either oh eight oh eight eight ball eight ball perhaps what the hell okay I’m getting rid of this tinge if it’s an eight starts with a T oh Tangy Tangy Tangy duh duh okay what the [ __ ] is this one Al Ike

Like I literally have no idea what this letter is ouch like I I literally I could not you could not tell me what the [ __ ] that is four down not be a hog oh it’s a four across sorry what’s four down a whole bunch four down whole bunch with an l

E a lot bunches tons Min I mean cuz six across jouster weapon is definitely Lance it’s 100% Lance black ball I mean eight makes sense I don’t know I’m out of like I’m running out of ideas five down hope sure grows on you an AI pain pain paint Tain pain main rain [ __ ]

Pain pain what the [ __ ] is this I don’t know what this word is AP app H oops ouch atch or Arch Arch Arch Arch Arch okay that probably makes sense that’s probably the right one probably an arch and then four across not be a hog I think we’re in the company of a

Genius not be a hog or a cross listen it’s way easier to do this when your brain’s not working also trying to like entertain many online random people and think about your Minecraft strategies okay where you’re going to settle next not be a hog care TR May a e not to be a

Hog they they are Rare what the [ __ ] not be a hog what the hell not be a hog a bear what I what is what inss an AR is to not be a hog it’s not greedy like I I can’t I can’t think of one like a knowing my I think this is Ry

Sly maybe is it sly okay am I allowed to am I allowed to Google a word’s definition because I know the word sly and Ry my to Google word definition oh my [ __ ] god it’s share it’s share okay so what the hell is Four down whole bunch [ __ ] is this a whole

Bunch I know SLE is Right slet slay slep slim SL slet slev SLB what the [ __ ] what the hell could this be oh it is rye it is Ry CU it’s it’s slooh slooh ah hey hey okay there’s he there we go there we go 911

Mona a second cross word is hit theast stream Dumber super no chance I would say I would beat Super on Cross puzzles nine times out of 10 nine times out of 10 I beat Super I think I give super one I beat him nine times out of 10 though for

Sure for sure super was not getting that one I super was doing cross wordss to the Team USA te USA boot camp I was being I was like like doing all of that [ __ ] nine times out 11 okay I have to pee you think yeah you think Super knows the word Ry or

Slooh you knows that no chance no chance okay I’ll be right back I have to pee okay you know if you ever had this problem guys too where oh also has anyone found the coordinates has anyone found the coordinates for that past place cuz if not we’re starting a new life we’re

Starting a new life if no one found the coordinates now this is my kind of content critical hand for the tier one I think Shu did I’m checking the checking the logs 7 2278 837 okay we’re going back but the uh I was driving what was I

Saying I was it was like a problem about something I have a couple different things to say I can’t break this wait why can’t I break this m like a oh it’s cuz I’m in a spawn okay so first of all so fine we’re going

To go back and get the cat and I’m going to get that stuff back um so things I have to say first when team mus was still here we were like oh let’s go to a party at Albert’s new condo and I was like okay fine I’ll bring beers I’ll

Bring a couple beers for the people that are of legal age because we would never have underage people drink obviously we’re we’re mature adults um and so wait let me me click on these again 792 78 837 okay 792 so then what happened is someone stopped in the

Middle of the [ __ ] highway while I was driving down there and all the beers like it was like I was unleashing a cluster Munitions over Dresden like all the [ __ ] bombs then like all the beers just like hit the side of the [ __ ] thing and exploded out in

Cluster munition style like I was ready to [ __ ] firebomb access Germany and like luckily none of them because it was in the my back seat not my trunk because I’m dumb so luckily none of them like P like hit me but like and none of them

Really EXP exped too much but one did explode cuz I was like pulling over later to go pick up something and then I was like my whole car smells of beer and it did it did smell of beer and it was uh so now my car still because even

After cleaned it the beer like dried in there from the Sun so now my car just smells like an alcoholics car smells like I’m like I’m you’re going to find me at the pub many days a week which is not my ideal smell necessarily cuz I actually don’t mind the smell of beer

But it’s maybe not the ideal smell to have in your car to uh 78278 837 okay which way is way I need to go this way okay I need another like bit of wood just buy a new car I thought you like Rog lights what is this bit what is

This bit Cameron buy a new car I thought you like Rog lights oh you just died in Minecraft I thought you like Rog lights what is it what is this bit that’s happening here plus two can I get out of here thank you me out now I could pillage

These resources here to help my play through but I won’t but I won’t do that CU I’m better than that oh [ __ ] I probably just stomped over their flowers sorry about that I think that’s Jack’s house I need to like get around this uh I’m going to need wait I’m not

Going the right way 732 I need to go this way that’s the problem I need I need I need trees I need a tree can I like punch down a tree here perhaps there we go I they get some umbran log be on the plane the second thing is

That do command strips you know I love the Allure of command strips because I don’t want to have to hang cuz i’ I’ve been I have this paintings and and prints I need to hang since moving that I haven’t done I just did it started doing it today and I love the Allure

Like the sirens call of command strips but every time they’re like okay place it on the wall and then you can like put the the the back anchors and then you like take it off from the bottom and then let them adhere more that [ __ ] never stays every time the command strips of

The art are they’re still just they it just stays on the fcking [ __ ] wall with the [ __ ] paint or it stays on the painting you just rip the whole thing off and so I feel like command strips are I don’t need this many crafting tables command strips are kind of a scam that

Regard where like every time I try to take it off to let the the the thing adhere it’s that [ __ ] is not adhering that [ __ ] ain’t hearing at all it’s it’s just a scam okay can I put my Boat Boat Boat Boat thank you holy [ __ ] I’m going out of control I’m

Drunk don’t tell me there’s a [ __ ] oh they they walled it in huh we walled it in for the [ __ ] train did we of course we did of course we did of course we walled it in for the train can I hey hey why the [ __ ] are you sinking you’re a

Boat I just want to put you down thank you okay I need to go to 732 78 something l a bull china shop he’s going back to his village and destroyed like three things what did I destroy what did I destroy I I didn’t destroy anything okay while I’m here there like

A you went on the captain of Unsinkable Titanic 792 78 837 okay bro get get I mean like get out of here I think I I mean I definitely have to go this way I think I’m have to walk via I think I’m have to go be on foot

For the rest of it I think that’s the only play cuz I don’t know where the waterways are I don’t know where the rest of the waterways are so I’m I’m just taking I’m going on on on foot I think that’s just the only way to do it got to go this

Way so 87 is like this direction it’s fine I got to go this way wait no I don’t but he down here we go holy elephant holy elephant I’m in the marshlands okay this is looking familiar is it not is this not looking familiar this is looking like a place I’ve been before

Perhaps Perhaps me pick this up what’s the best place to eat in Florida well I have not really been to North Florida so I don’t really have the suggestions there in South Florida I mean just depends because there’s some good sushi there’s obviously very good like Latin American and Cuban

Food um there’s great Caribbean food lots of Caribbean people okay I’m dying [ __ ] dying I’m dying coming down coming down just keep it moving keep it moving bro is not making it bro is making it I would say for like sushi Oma I mean a lot of the places also are

Localized in Miami I’ve gotone to Miami a lot for a lot of this so like omai and Miami like it was a very reasonable [ __ ] it’s a raccoon very reasonably priced omaz um there’s like lucky something I for what his name it’s like 1800 lucky is

Like a nice like Asian market that has like a bunch of dolls that were good A lot of my stuff is localized around Miami cuz that’s like where I go to South Florida to get try new things why is the screen filled with text because I’m trying to navigate to the area

I need to go too okay I think I’m in the right zone so I’m going to start walking this way and just see what happens being chased though I’m probably going to die I think I’m going to die I don’t think I’m going to make it I

Think it’s going to be like a oh they were hiding in the [ __ ] grass Why didn’t you get bread from the bread chest I don’t know where the bread chest is is there a bread chest around here I need the bread Chest it’s where the bread is Okay let’s find some [ __ ] let me find some bread I know there’s a bread chest here somewhere I do know that I need a bread rad chest because I my ass is not making it back otherwise why can’t you hop these walls you should be allowed to hop walls in

Minecraft that’s on that you should be able to hoist yourself above them Jesus Christ what happened was this a mine just made a rice Farm listen I don’t I don’t need I just need bread so I can make it back to get that cat holy boat wait a minute let me in

[ __ ] what is it what are there turtles in here what the [ __ ] is going on what is happening oh [ __ ] God damn it don’t hurt them I’m not trying to hurt them I just want the bread chest man where is the bread chest dude Mimi has put lines we have green

Line like we we have actual lines on the stations I I just need the [ __ ] bread chest man dude industry there is so much industry happening I mean look look at this [ __ ] this vorio stuff Mimi is insane cooking dude I am actually I really am like banging rocks against the wall

Mimi’s out here building fully automated tram systems and like building I mean like this is [ __ ] crazy wait I remember this I remember this I remember this I remember this wait this is this is is jogging my this this Castle the spooky Castle the spooky Castle I remember

This why is my screen doing this I need to go this way yes yes this is the crafting table this is the crafting table so now I need wood I need some wood oh these [ __ ] zombies though Mimi looks at you the way humans look at

ANS dude I I just feel like I’m stumbling through the dark like I I’ve just been reborn in a new life cycle but I don’t remember anything there’s skeleton here man I don’t know I I can’t make this I will die and maybe I follow

This I got to go for it I got to go for it maybe’s already like mastered Interstellar travel I just need wood so I can make a boat I need wood so I can make a boat man thing is everything’s very scary everything is extremely scary so no bread I don’t need their

Bread I don’t need their bread their bread are not is not for me myself I I I choose to go breadless rather than take handouts that’s what a true American would do god dude where am I going I think I’m kind of heading the right direction sort

Of no not really not at all actually I don’t think I’m heading the right direction at any capacity but I need to keep moving so I can get if I can get wood then I think everything will be okay okay here we go we are back yeah pretty much the point of those

Rants earlier though was that I mean the beer was just like unfortunate the command trips though I I would honestly I would rather so I after having to put hanging wire on a paint on a print myself which it’s the worst thing ever like of all time I never want have to

Deal with it can you just burn death can you burn death please um but it’s still all better than having to use command stre I think I think is there like a person I can hire that just puts hanging wire on print paintings is there someone that will do

That so I don’t have to do it myself cuz it’s really [ __ ] annoying me I don’t think that’s true okay goodbye train I’m going to build this they’re going to hate this but I need to what I want to there we go okay I thought I was way off the

Tracks are you kidding me I mean I was so far off the tracks okay where the [ __ ] am I 796 72 something okay I’m going into the tracks not play the play near the train tracks yes and I did not play near the train tracks typically well I’m definitely going this

Direction but I don’t think I’m going the right direction still wait I need this though I do need need sugar can I get some of this if I live here this could be big if and only if I live I I need to live is the problem I really need to

Wait this is near the melons am I going crazy is this near melonville this might be near melonville bro where am I going where the [ __ ] am I going okay it’s fine we’re going to the Open Seas I’ll take some more of this I’m starting new life I think I’m

Just starting a new life don’t plant this please stop planting that I think we going to start a new life cuz I I can’t navigate my way back I’m not going to be able to navigate my way back I’m sorry cat I just won’t be a able to

Happen like I need to make it out to sea at least if I can make it out to se okay here we go we made out to se now I can now I can make my way back here we go uh yes I might have died okay here we

Go I need to go this uh which way which way which way the proper way this way this way this way here we go now we’re going the right direction so I need 972 or 792 792 78 837 I mean this is [ __ ] I’m like going the complete opposite I’m

Going the right way but I’m like holy [ __ ] these things are humongous those dolphins are these whales Jesus Christ got jump scared the Predator is there like a dude they’re following me is there like an like some area I can cut in these mushrooms look familiar mushrooms are familiar State a

Familiar space for me but the thing is I won’t be able to make it back there’s just no way I mean this this seems like I’m in the right area but I feel like I’m have to cross many like a great journey I have to have a great journey to make it

Anywhere else to make it back I do need the sugar though if I can live with the sugar this would be really this would be very nice if I could live with it lazy ass mushrooms go bad though quickly I going if you keep them in the fridge and ventilated they should last

At least a couple days my experience okay this seems to be the right direction I can’t run cuz I don’t have any I don’t have enough stamina what am I looking for uh I have a house with a cat and a bunch of iron tools in a shaft

Well so I kind of need to get back over there there’s a canal canal wait a minute wait we’re we’re wait we’re smoing don’t tell me this gets too narrow for me to go through a [ __ ] worst of all most of the stuff would despawn by now nah stuff doesn’t despawn your stuff

Despawns I’m going to make it this time don’t worry I’ll make it this time right I’ll make it don’t even worry about it I don’t spawn for 5 minutes you’re not close to it oh okay well I’m [ __ ] wait I’m actually [ __ ] in if they despawn then I’m actually like I

Actually just minus two hours there’s really no reason for me to go over here oh villagers villagers I need I need your help villagers I need your help I need your help do you have anything for me oh none of this is like I need I need help I need help quite

Badly oh my God I just fell I’m going to die Villers please villagers the bed oh [ __ ] the bed you’re right I can’t a respawn Point set there we go okay I I hit the bed I hit the bed I need food oh we’re so back we have tomatoes we have

Potatoes and we have strawberry scones there we go now I need I mean the question is do I set my spawn point here and just take another bed I think I just take another bed yeah I think I do which one gives me better what do I

Got potato gives me it gives me oh actually should be should be the strawberries strawberries be more strawberries I’m on a strict fruit diet now I’m like that one woman that said that like that became a fruitarian and only ate fruit and then she like died

After a year cuz like her body shut down cuz she clearly had unfortunately some sort of like weird problem about eating what yeah that’s a thing or Steve Jobs no Steve Jobs he only drank carrot juice Steve Jobs just drank carrot juice okay different mental illness there a different mental

Illness hell is this I don’t know but I want this where am I going need go this way think but this taking me the wrong direction but I think I need to go here oh I need more of this coconuts the coconut tree someone was doing something here

But I don’t know what okay it doesn’t matter okay you go this way way is the proper way to I don’t know which so I need to go this way and then been down some it’s like cuz it’s like 887 or something to smoke weed and take LSD

While he was coding games at Atari good for him good for him okay okay bubbles calm it calm it down bubbles good for them I mean myself personally I don’t think I could do either of those things cuz I feel like my brain would be like hey like you’re going to die

But for people that can enjoy hallucinogenics I’m proud of you how can I like okay here we go the problem is I still need to find I don’t really understand how to navigate in Minecraft has anyone has everyone else has anyone noticed that so far because I’m like I need to go

Like I need to go like this way or something no okay here we go but the problem is that’s taking me the opposite direction I need to go um I need to go like I need to go less that direction this one takes me this

Way okay here we go here we go here we go I was expecting gaml the highest quality yet here we are dude I was making progress I was making progress and then what happened is it was all ripped from me everything I owned was ripped from me

Man wait I think this is right wait this is it this is it this is it this is it everyone this is it this is the area I need to just make it back around here somewhere wait question is this the cave coordinates or my house coordinates cuz this does not look that

Familiar I don’t know where the [ __ ] I’m going I mean cuz it says it should be here it says it should be here this can’t be right 792 78 we’re [ __ ] can I just sleep I don’t think I can oh my God I need to sleep again but I’m I’m

Surrounded on all sides by enemies by my Ops there’s [ __ ] Ops everywhere 837 oh [ __ ] oh my God I’m dead I’m dead it’s over it’s so it’s never been more over than it is right now it’s actually never been more over than it is right now

Dude I can’t run I have no I need to eat okay strawberries are saving me okay 792 I need to figure out the 78837 7278 837 Okay so I need to be going well I mean the problem is that there’s no I need going this way oh run

Through the marshes through the marshes through the marshes I’m not going to be able to need a bed I mean I do have a bed but I I think I can’t sleep oh oh it work no I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] this is not going to

End it I’m dead I mean what do I do what do I do here give me that give me that got to run I’m just going to have to keep going I have a boat I know but I don’t have time to get in it I don’t know where the hell I’m going

[ __ ] we’re so close I can feel it also the problem is I scrolled up in chat so now I can’t see anything stuck in the middle of a [ __ ] Marsh oh my god oh this is so [ __ ] up I just got to run got to run got to run got to run

Oh my God he’s on a spider come on come on got e got he you got to eat oh oh bo b boat down okay what if I just chill out here for a bit all right let’s go let’s go talk to chat now yeah I need the cat and the rest of

My stuff and I need a I need a lot of things but here I’m just going to chill out here in the water you lay in the bed and then don’t pick it up you’ll respawn there I get that but unfortunately I was going to die but I

Probably should have just left it here I can just put it down over here it’s fine oops get me out of here I’ll put it here for now may not rest now there are monsters nearby cool cool cool why don’t I dig down sleep in a hole all great options all great options

I was hoping I was going to make it back faster you know I was hoping I was going to make it back faster personally I thought I was going to make it back in one trip that is apparently not the case yeah I can still eat though okay get some

Sugar they’re shooting at me they’re shooting at me all good I’m going to take the sugar I need this I need this for things only sleep at night during that’s fine okay where the [ __ ] am I need to go this is really just valheim 2.0 the thing is in valheim I at least

Understood how to navigate sometimes in this game I literally have no clue how the [ __ ] I’m supposed to navigate if I need to go to something I forgot the coordinate name I don’t remember which coordinate I have to go to do not remember which coordinate honestly I’m not going to lie I think

It’s like 78 this is so [ __ ] up okay so I need to go this way no perhaps a perhaps a a boat do me good there we go I know sh is losing their mind in chat at but guess what this is part of the adventure I know sh is losing their [ __ ]

Mind okay okay wait a minute wait a minute we’re heading the right directions now we run we run we run to safety there’s a giant [ __ ] Marsh fine get in the boat here we go don’t you dare move your Crosshair you [ __ ] listen I’m not planning to I’m not planning to move the

Crosshair come on does does move Crosshair says they will not move Crosshair immediately does wait this is actually looking familiar this is actually looking very familiar these these fall colors these mushrooms okay I think we can finally get back on track we can finally get back on track

Here and I’ll finally be able to put down a bed in this [ __ ] house one death equals 1 hour to get back it’s an ADV you guys are treating Minecraft like it’s not supposed to be an adventure okay it’s supposed a modded Minecraft server is supposed to be an

Adventure you guys are being you guys are not living leaning into the RPG aspects of count blockula count blockula also has sort of been dead because I’ve had to venture out during the daytime but once I get settled C Blacula is coming back don’t you worry all right now where’s the

House got to be around here somewhere Ro doesn’t sound doesn’t understand north south east west first of all this is not this is working on XYZ coordinates it’s not working on North South E West okay okay these are XY Z coordinates all right where the [ __ ] my house my house my

House oh my God we’ve done it kitty where’s the cat forgot there was a hole in the house going to put a put put a bed down all right respawn Point set there it is oh my God time not wasted now time to go back into the mine shall

We how do I make what can I do with a potato I can make a potato crate make a seed pouch a tiny potato am I able to make food with it there’s no like foods with a potato that can’t be right why is it I guess cuz it’s

Modded I need to bake this potato I need to bake this potato for food must bake there are eight tabs of potato in make a potato farm uh do I need to turn into seeds or can I just plant the potato feel like I also need to till the

Soil something plant potato well I need like a hoe listen we all we all we’re all getting ahead of ourselves okay I need to get my [ __ ] back really hard what a potato seed is okay calm down I realized after I said it I didn’t the potato seed is

Irrelevant cuz you just need the potato I just need to find my dirt blocks I need to find my dirt blocks and then I can let’s get on top of this hill and I’ll find the dirt blocks and then we can get my [ __ ] back all right we’re

Back on track look there it is this oh God try not to die from Fall damage it’s been an hour your [ __ ] is gone no no no no no no way I just lost my full armor my full iron pickaxe and everything no way no way they would do that to

Me they wouldn’t do that to me they would not do that to me no way problem is I have no [ __ ] blocks to go get it can’t really I have no tools everyone’s paye laughing but don’t worry it’ll still be there right what is that huh what is that huh what is

That that’s power son that’s power time to go up how you go up I’m putting a stripe to make a log there that’s fine [ __ ] I need to get up more [ __ ] me I go up okay where’s my pickaxe here we go and we’re back and we’re back and and

We’re we’re back we we’re so back you guys doubted you guys doubted so hard I will not be defeated by doubt I will not be defeated by doubt not in this lifetime not in this lifetime will I ever be defeated by doubt I’m taking this uh what do I get rid

Of I don’t know I have too many boats it only took Shu yelling at you well calm down you make it so easy to be a doubter that’s not true that’s not true have you forgot about the indomitable human Spirit have you forgot about that any indominable human Spirit enjoyers anyone

Else okay okay okay we we’ve we’ve salvaged all the problems now I need to make potato farm potentially or I could just fish a bit where’s my fishing pole where’s my fishing pole I have everything but the fishing pole I need to put some [ __ ] up

Here did I put it in here nope no I did not I need uh a lot I need fishing pole I could eat the coconut slice I’m getting also rid of these foul berries get to a tropical stew okay T Point Prime wow coconut okay I’m just going to eat this coconut wow okay I need to get a fish my fishing rod back though

That is is of utmost importance because this will allow me to sustain myself out here this will allow me to sustain myself okay so we’ve sure did we lose some time did we lose some time yes but think about all the lessons we learned in between that

Time think about that think about all the all the great fun we had all the times we laughed I really need a fishing rod though I didn’t need that I’m I’m just taking [ __ ] tons of damage for no I need my fishing rod though where where is it it wasn’t it down

Here fishine Rod I think the fishing rod might have despawned the fishing rod is gone I think this is kind of [ __ ] up because that was a lot of wool invested into that too there was a lot of wool invested in that fishing rod I guess it

Doesn’t matter now cuz I have a bed realistically was there any reason for me to be down here at all over there ah [ __ ] oh oh what I just kill oh [ __ ] oh are you dead the [ __ ] the hell okay he’s a friend yo Goblin Trader hey hey buddy uh

Can you get out of the web you got the web man oh he’s eating uh I’m going to die so I need you to get out the web how do I what do I do with him oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] he’s got a lot of things so

He would trade wait he’ll trade raw iron for two iron ingots wait that’s an insane trade trade 32 Cobblestone for emeralds that’s a [ __ ] crazy trade I need iron though roll I mean the rest of this is not really helpful for me I mean the iron though

Is rotten flesh for coal yeah that’s true but I don’t have any rotten flesh and I’m also about to die so I think I have to get out of here are you going up bro’s coming up bro is coming up where where is he going to go

Put the Goblin in a box smart idea smart idea smart idea put him in a box going to put his ass in a box hey calm down hey [ __ ] no oh my God go go over here no no no no no come back come back over here okay we’ve trapped

Him we put him we put him in the Box this dude reminds me a Brit for some reason all right we put him in the Box okay that should be good so now I have him in the box now what so I can go and use him for later

Purposes this is good this is good news I need to get out of here though or I will die I need to get out of there and I need to make I need to make like a new fishing rod or something I have like I

Think I can dis I can get rid of the wool though do I need this wool for anything can I not turn this back into string or web cuz I kind of need another fishing rod ah [ __ ] okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine let’s get out of here that Mr

X okay that’s Fine we can go live our life now where’s my where’s my um there it is love to see sometimes oh my God this is scary I’m afraid to go out here honestly maybe I should just chill I can make it can I make it I think it’s this way we go R this

Way I’m very very Low the house the house the house the house the house the house oh not the spider the house Oh woo okay madeit it madeit it now we sleep through the night may not rest now there are monsters nearby even if I were put a stripe to make a log here okay why are you still living in the [ __ ] hole I died I died okay and I had

To make it back but now we’re set up okay I died I [ __ ] died you know what we’re going to take this chance while it’s night time I can’t sleep anyways we’re going to go feed my own cats everyone let’s go let’s take do a feeding cat break can we all get a

Feeding cat break going on all right come Here I’m G to go feed my cats for okay Spider-Man birthday here you go you can get a Spider-Man birthday too before we go how about you have a Spider-Man birthday just for you lier for everyone else has had a a birthday this month too happy birthday to you you happy

Birthday to you happy birthday to you happy bir oh lizard sorry I thought there was happy birthday to you happy birth to you birthday to it’s everyone it’s everyone that has a birthday happy Birthday happy birthday All right charge myday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to andore the children don’t look at those okay now I’m going to be my Where Wow Where C a f where where he Wow Okay all right who who sub during the Middle thatat eggan the one hello we fed the cats I have a kombucha I must say this cat is like this cat is not being quiet huh this cat is just going like crazy okay what flavor it is the trilogy flavor of like

Ginger lemon and something else okay I need to do a couple things here I do a couple things first of all you can get one raw Cod just to just for you to be happy I need to cook something I need [ __ ] I don’t what to do I don’t

Have could I cook the flying fish can right no I can’t you can’t cook the Flying Fish there kombucha sequels yeah there are okay so I need to figure out how am I going to plant this potato I need okay well that was that was

Scary let him in no no I don’t think I will you’re in the worst possible here come on come on come on come on come on come on well I’m dead oh I’m dead goodbye goodbye holy [ __ ] I can’t believe I live oh my God that’s [ __ ] crazy okay well well

I lived I lived [ __ ] can’t believe it I’m eating two apples right now living like a medieval King one in each hand you know that’s actually mad respectable am I you know we have to say it honey crisp apples during the fall those are a king’s banquet for sure

Those are definitely King’s banquet 100% um I’m going to let the cat Wonder thoughts on that will the Cat come back into the house if I let it wander or should I just let it stay but honey crisp apples during the fall that [ __ ] hits harder than anything

Else you could ever imagine okay and now how am I going to plant I need a hoe I need a hoe here because like fact you to make a gate for this very tilted no gate in this economy we we need a gate This Witch did not think about her

Her Decor plan second okay I need to make a gate got some Fuji from my tree I’m just you need a hole because you get no [ __ ] x Joy e thank you for the 19 months I Um I need a here we go W not F gate but I don’t know Fuji I mean personally I I don’t like Fuji apples as much as a honey crisp I would rather still take a honey crisp apple there we go that’ll make my life a little bit

Easier Jesus there’s so much so many pumpkins all right get out of here I need a hoe I’m going to plant this cuz I think to make pumpkin Ginger gold are good I don’t know too much about Ginger gold personally I don’t have any syrup I think the problem with all the pumpkin

Stuff is I need a lot more ingredients I need so many ingredients for the rest of the pumpkin stuff like chocolate like what is this what is this [ __ ] I mean I guess I could do I could take a knife but I need a cutting board how do make a cutting a cutting

Board could get me something okay maybe a cutting board thoughts on that thoughts on That and then this could turn into and then if I get my knife take a pumpkin no I just want to pick it up no pick it up pick it up uh it won’t let me pick it up we able to bet Channel points on world CL starts yeah I don’t know why

You wouldn’t this doesn’t seem cutable well I want to is this a joke my GF chat she will literally be here again later this month but the problem is cuz she”s been waiting on relocation money from misf from Misfits and they finally agreed so it should be soon

Dudee how do I get rid of this okay I just literally have to cut the whole thing apart that’s [ __ ] crazy can I put the pumpkin down there we go oh watch your fingers red blue zero thank you for the cheer one yeah okay dude listen you can die

What you want myself I’m going to be eating pumpkin okay you guys can be doubting I’ll be eating pumpkin and that’s fine me okay I need to let me make a hoe so I pumpkin to eat but that’s really not very good food personally I don’t think that pumpkin is

Amazing what I really dude where’s also what did I I guess I used all my iron to make tools didn’t I I have no more iron left that’s kind of annoying that’s fine I’ll do it like this I’ll make a wooden or a stone so to make the pumpkin

Grow or the potato am I going to need um Water there we go do potatoes need water probably right well I’m going to need a bucket and the thing about a bucket is I don’t have one so I need to find ask the Irish ask the Irish so in that case I need to go back down into the scary area don’t

I I need to be scared again that’s [ __ ] up okay you wouldn’t just make fun of the Irish would you also I had to tell you guys sometime some super story so super we had seen each other in a couple years came over to USA boot camp he looked the exact

Same as I remember just he had a beard and glasses his body composition not change in any capacity um well another big thing was that he I need armor at some point too which would be nice I also have no [ __ ] okay okay six real quick his other thing was that

He he has developed like he has developed like streamer ADHD I think like he’s unable to stand still for long periods of time he has to be like pcing constantly or moving or doing something with his hand he has to be stemming you know he he has to be

Constantly simming because he used to the stimulation of like 4,000 people in chat constantly yelling and berading him bro’s just unmedicated though the things that have stayed the same is that he will still he he’s still um way too invested in the National Football League and the Eagles so that has not

Changed I need that raw meat or that zombie leather thing because that will I can trade that for things yeah I need to find iron I need to find iron and then we can get out of here holy what is this Cavern what is this this is a weird looking space

There’s like a giant this is like a place in a cult meeting would happen like that stuff from all those like Big City Murders you know but yeah he would always do that and then he was like really AB he’s obsessed with Street Fighter right now

It appears he’s like yo you going to play Street Fighter Street Fighter wait it’s silver I don’t know what for um and I was like no I’m not going to play Street Fighter but he all he wanted to do was play Street Fighter and look

At like and W and play Cammy and Street Fighter and I’m assuming some of that had something to do with cammy’s ass which he said he Deni he denies that but I’m almost certain it was because of her ass um but I’m pretty but he denied that here why social continue balding

His Gates holy [ __ ] what is going down here what is happening down here there’s a lot happening down here I played some balers gate last night actually I will say I enjoy I enjoyed it immensely Bast I don’t know I’m going to take some copper too I

Guess ow ow ow what the [ __ ] kidding me you [ __ ] how can I strafe the arrows holy [ __ ] thank God the iron Pi iron sword the iron sword a character like it’s like a gith yane warlock the get Yankee War lot that would be my I still hearing shots echoing through the

Darkness right so here’s the Boss Arena what is this what is what’s this purple what’s the purple [ __ ] I don’t remember the Purple yeah I’m very low I know I see that I see that I’m quite low um but I don’t have any other Foods I need iron wait but I have iron now I think about it get rid the dripstone I think it’s time to get out

Of here playing alone no no no there’s a server um right now there’s who’s on it’s just me and one other person right now um generally we have more people that are playing but I think I guess today’s like the off day everyone else plays during the week but my ass is like

Really busy during the week and I don’t want to like come home from work every day in stream so I’m like okay I’m going to do it on the weekends oh that’s the other thing I have decided upon a stream schedule for the time being because I am making my return to Plat

Chat valerant again with OverWatch offseason and such so I’m going to be doing like a Wednesday Saturday Sunday stream schedule for the time being um with maybe bonus streams at some point during that week so but this is the first week running that what I I to do Wednesday I did Monday this

Week but I’m going to do Wednesday Saturday Sunday because that’s the days that I mean like weekends are still good for me because I don’t have to go to work obviously um and then like Wednesday I working home okay it’s very dark out trade the iron ore ah the

Iron ore the iron ore of course my Goblin let me go talk to Goblin these nuts I forgot I trapped I put him in a [ __ ] prison I put this Goblin in a prison so I can trade with him got Goblin Goblin come here good

Sir I am looking to trade I’m looking to trade with you hello did this [ __ ] Escape how the hell did he get out what the hell this is just like now you see this is like that one Jesse Eisenberg movie where everyone’s a magician he could have died

Maybe what is it like now you see it all I wanted to do was put him in like an an internment camp and make him do free labor for me forever is that really that bad didn’t leave any Goblin food what what is the goblin food what what food does a goblin

Need holy [ __ ] what a reference dude what is that movie what is the movie where Jesse Eisenberg is a magician and like Robs a vault like what is that movie name Now You See Me Okay Better Call Saul okay by the way I was talking to Wyatt last night it’s a

About this project we’re hoping to get started we’re supposed to get started this month but it just didn’t work out because of me traveling around a lot and like those kind of things but and he’s like potentially moving but like he was telling me like all the better Calla and

Like Breaking Bad cast is like really really short he’s like yeah Brian CR which is true Aaron Paul is like 5’8 was not like short per se that’s like you know average height pretty much but it’s like Aaron Paul’s like 5’8 like um I forgot his name but the guy that plays gun

Is relatively is not super tall and then he’s like yeah Brian Cranston is five like seven and I’m like Brian Cron’s 57 that can’t possibly and I believe that uncritically cuz Wyatt said that to me and I repeated to someone and someone was like Ryan Cranson is like

511 he’s not 57 and it’s true he is he is like [ __ ] 5 11 why it just misinformation me also hello kurn kurn thank you for the tier One I did everything right and yet I got the the height wrong of Brian Cranson wait what am going to do for food here this is a real conundrum don’t you guys think this is a real conundrum because I actually don’t know what the

[ __ ] I’m going to eat what the hell am I going to eat I need more string like a lot more string like what is my ass going to eat I guess I can just eat more pumpkin that’s something I also still need oh wait no I

Need the potato the potato the potato I can eat the potato because with this iron with this iron I can thus thusly I can thusly make a bucket and with said bucket I can put water yes and th grow the potato I haven’t caught any of my not a

Lot of plat chat people are running um well this is only my second time streaming on the server so realistically you don’t need that much of a rundown if I’m being real with you I’m being real with you you don’t need that much of a rundown because pretty much my goal is

I’m trying to establish a melon Kingdom trying to establish a melon Kingdom and so far it has not been going well cuz I got swarmed across every angle I guess I could get these mushrooms but um and now I’m trying to reclaim My Old Kingdom because I still have the

Coordinates but it’s an ongoing process that’s hardly done anything that’s literally not true I killed this witch’s coven took their house uh tamed the cat have gotten my iron tools my tools okay and don’t you seem silly I’m going I’m going get rid of this pumpkin so I can turn this to

Potato so yeah you really you work now does this work the same way where does this does the potato need to work the similar way where I need to put like the water like kind of like can I put the water like Here like I forget where I can put the water you know that makes sense I’m going to put water here will this work or is that or do I need more water I forget how the farming Works four blocks away yeah but if I put it just one block

There that won’t be enough though right I need like more water do I not that works oh well then why is it not growing what’s up with that takes time dude I don’t have time I’m going to starve to death I’m going to [ __ ] starve to death

I need bone meal well I have one bone make some bone meal holy [ __ ] why is this not one getting all Juiced up either by the way there we go okay okay we’re making a we’re making progress I think we keep planting pumpkins as well because it’s something at least where’s my pumpkin

Seeds they all grape seeds tomato seeds I could get wheat going here too actually I could get some wheat going wait a minute now that could be powerful I really wish I had an infinite source of water but I kind of don’t well before I put anything here see if I put the

Water here sort of I think that kind of if I make a two block I think that doesn’t that make it infinite if I’m if I’m correct two block is it two block or a three block that makes it infinite I for gore three I would not survive in aan economy

Dude this is not the same growing [ __ ] in Minecraft is not the same as growing it in real life okay I’ve grown plants in real life I’ve grown various herbs okay I’ve I I have a green thumb I treat them with care and respect it’s not the

Same okay so I need a three block I put it here maybe and it should be fine I think I’m going to do that I think I will do that and then when I get the wheat going then I’ll have an infinite source of food then I can expand from there and get

More where’s my bucket bucket where’s the bucket where’s the bucket did I leave it I was I was busy ranting at chat and I feel like I’ve lost the bucket now f it Hello why I put this here I also have a cauldron you know if I left the cauldron there I realized like wouldn’t that have had Infinite Source of water or is The Cauldron not work that way oh nearly died that’s fine I’m the server of surf listen you

Guys are all laughing now but once I’ve established the melon Kingdom you guys are going to be really eating your words okay it’s just going to take some time everyone starts from humble beginnings everyone steals a house from a witch it always starts that way it starts that

Way okay if you guys just give it a second life will be so different you couldn’t even begin to understand so both all these fa spaces could be farmland or wheat we go okay but will you be able to compete with Mimi we all start somewhere the goal isn’t necessarily compete with

Meimi the goal is to build a kingdom that will be able to survive smx’s uh whatever the [ __ ] smex is doing you know well there we go now we’ve got a bread we got Breads and potatoes going I really need some more string or something so I can fish

Again I think we’re we’re on the right track though we’re on the right track here wait I just realized I could just make more stew am I st is he stupid is he stupid why doesn’t he eat stew why does doesn’t he just eat stew is he Stupid I really didn’t need all these bowls though being honest I didn’t need all these bowls but look at that look at that the health is is flying on back we have one bowl of Stew we are we’re good we’re good man I need to make a a second chest

Honestly I got too much [ __ ] not enough chest um okay kitty you got to I mean like this is crazy this is crazy kitty I make a chest again remember is it is it four planks no it’s crafting table it’s right Curtis Curtis oh is FX here wait why am

I not hearing him wait why I’m hearing you through the wrong thing c one second let me change this ah you were coming through the other audio wait give a test give a test hello can you hear me do you guys hear them do you guys hear

Him yes the people are hearing you yeah the first time you talked it came through my like the speakers of my dis of my monitor and it sounded like you were just in my apartment like you were just like what’s up what is up YouTube YouTube what is up

What’s up what’s going on today Kurt huh you doing anything exciting not really not really uh but I’m here in Minecraft ready to game how about yourself I mean really not much exciting on my front either you know just a normal day playing Minecraft a couple hours I’ve

Been I’ve had a tough time of it Kurt I’m not going to lie all right I can help you do you the thing is I want to get a base level of like of Independence before I accept help from other more advanced Nations you know okay CU essentially I wanted to

Build so originally I was building a melon were you familiar with my melon um strategy wow you were building a melon farm but it I was I was building a giant melon farm to but I wanted to wall off my kingdom with melons oh I didn’t know about that part

Um that was my plan to survive smx’s death ray but then I got uh essentially the hords of visigoth and creepers and [ __ ] ran in they blew my ass up and my melons now I’m on a quest to go back and get take back the melon farm but it’s been an ongoing thing

Where eventually now I’ve kind of settled into I’ve stole a witch’s house and in their cat and I’m slowly building up from there oh okay so you’re building in a swamp uh I think I’m in a swamp yeah looks like a swamp assuming um I can uh where are

You well what what what do you are you going to come give me resources cuz I don’t want the resources okay I’m anything I just want to see your house I’m at uh 794 8 82855 and I’m going to you’ll see it a house a nice house I almost died from

Drowning so driving the coordinates in the chat what is the last it’s like 800 something 854 all right 854 794 85 so it’s been it’s been a time of it but luckily I have managed to claim this area I’ve only had to Flat off one more incursion of witches I’m growing food and

Such and like we’re kind of back back we’re kind of [ __ ] back honestly now the goal is to I’m going to save this now goal is like I just need more more resources and I’ll be I’m then I can go reclaim my melons it’s been it’s been a time of it

Time of it so far I think you should abandon the melon strategy oh wait are you um why is that they’re it’s just not a great item in the game but it’s it’s not about it being a great item it’s about um I would say it’s a

Bad I would say it’s bad on the scale but it’s not it’s not even about it’s not about the item being good it’s about being funny to have a a kingdom entirely enclosed by melons okay that’s that’s I respect that I mean I respect the novelty the whole

Point um other than that I have like I have no other larger goals other than to be to independent and to encase myself in melons that’s really the extent of my of my current operations you’re I wish you were close by no my well the thing is because I

Felt like people I feel like you know if I really wanted to you know be independent I had to get out of the house you know I had to get out from underneath everyone and make my own thing going on everybody in the original town is moving away it’s me

And who else is there oh brenon and Alice me Brennon and Alice and I think like that’s it I mean I was going to return one day triumphant with like adorned in trophies and and and glittering gold but no one’s going to be there except for I’ll find I’ll find

Someone I also tried to trap a goblin tra do goblin Traders despawn do you know this Kurt uh I think most things despawn but I’m not sure about multiplayer how it works in multiplayer yeah cuz I trapped one if you name if you name anything it won’t do respawn

Well I definitely could not name this thing because it’s a go it’s Cent so I don’t think I can name it well you could with name it with a name tag Zer you’re so handsome thank you thank you great first chat great let’s give it up for

The first chatter great first chat from them uh not paid by the way not paid dude you are in the middle of nowhere it’s not the middle of nowhere once you get once you get here you’ll realize that there’s really a lot happening it’s it’s very pretty this

This ride that I’m taking to get here yeah once you once you get here you realize that that this is all you could wish it to be in more [ __ ] there’s a lot of things here okay what do I do about this there’s huge pumpkins over here I’m

Assuming you pass these to get to where you are I’m going to [ __ ] die run where are you okay it’s okay I’m good dodgy dodging okay okay oh oh this is so bad got one got one got one got one got one no it’s okay I have a bed a vast toe I

Think I’m at your house now oh have you made have you found to The Witch’s House this is not a witch house this is this is this is a the witch well there was a witch here it looked more like a witch’s house but it got blown up it got blown

Up by creepers several times got it and then I have a cat in there and I’m growing some crops here in the garden but I probably should get a shield shouldn’t I but I need more iron for that to not die Shields are very good yeah I should probably get one of

Those can you stop can you build yourself some [ __ ] Armor already well first of all no I can’t because I don’t have enough iron to build myself some armor so I can’t do that I’m pretty sure that’s the best iron that’s the best early game armor so yes this is where my humble

Boat is I have a mine shaft where I’ve been venturing down into your house is cozy it is it is it’s a good it’s a good first start yeah it’s a good first start some wheat growing yeah got some wheat got some potatoes there was a bunch of pumpkin

Which I’ve since picked up because pumpkin is kind of like ass unless you have like an insane amount of other materials yeah I don’t know where your where’s your M shaft I don’t know where you went um there’s a big dirt Tower uh if you

Just walk kind of forward a bit I don’t know what the which coordinate Direction honestly but there’s a big dirt tower that um has it’ll Mark its position and then you can just head straight down I’m just falling some cuz like what other armor curd is even good other than iron armor like

Like I know I can build like some maybe like copper armor or something but you can do some of the early Twilight missions [ __ ] Twilight Mission it’s like uh you go to the Twilight Forest the [ __ ] is the Twilight the Twilight Forest it’s like a sep it’s like a mod that’s

On the server and you can do some of the missions and after each boss you get items and some and a lot of the items you can make armor with and that armor is usually better than like iron usually [ __ ] okay well dude I yeah cuz I don’t know I don’t know

Dick kind of just running we can go we can go we can go do the Twilight Forest if you want we can do the first boss there one around here you should get iron armor though to be honest or at least some sort of Shield yeah I mean

That’s the problem well I need a shield but the thing is how much iron do I need for a shield again like uh one I think oh okay well then I can I can make that actually yeah if you press the inventory button and yeah and you press U yeah I

Just I you know I was just like I just want to be lazy and just like have someone answer my question without me having to type any text all good I can uh I fot how to make a portal to the Twilight Forest I’m going to

Figure that out now yeah see I if you had not told me that I literally would have never known the Twilight thing existed because my ass does not know these mods yeah me neither I’ve been I’ve been learning every day oh I just need planks and one iron they’re all very intuitive

Though iron go what oh I don’t need to bomb too okay I have a shield we’re back oh that’s a strange thing I’m going to leave and come back and I can make a portal near your house I need a diamond how do I put my shield in my off hand

Again how does it work do I to swap between it I don’t know what the HCK key is but if you open your menu on the um like on the bottom right of your avatar there’s a slot now I see it now ah okay this will make my life a lot

Easier The Shield looking box on the bottom right you know what good context clues honestly very good context clues okay I have a shield I will now go hunt for more for more iron do you want me to just do you want me to just get you a bunch of iron

Armor no okay I figure I’d ask before I did it do it we are playing Minecraft the right way not the [ __ ] not the the Gin Z way where everyone gets participation trophies and we Aller each other with compliments and we treat each other with respect okay not like

That I do think it does kind of ruin it if you just start immediately getting good stuff like someone made the thing is like that’s why I was like I was fine in the beginning when I first started playing my first stream to be like take

Some bread you know just some food cuz food is kind of annoying to get in the beginning but other than that I’m like I don’t want to get a bunch of like materials and [ __ ] really early I feel like it’s kind of like yeah I mean you it’s fun to like

Progress rather than just have stuff exactly I do I do think having unlimited food is definitely something that I personally would take 100% time yes that improves the quality of life I [ __ ] hate getting food in this game I think well once as soon as

You’re able to set up a farm it’s it’s not too bad you know like as soon as you can set up like a single Farm then you’re like in a pretty decent spot It’s Too Late To Join This Server Jake has mmax enchanting and is Invincible dude Jake has grinded the

Crap out of this game like actually that’s not how he’s only been here for a week but he’s like so deep what the [ __ ] I found like a little thing and there’s a mimic here oh if you kill the mimic it will give you a special item I don’t want to spoil

It that’s a really good thing to kill I got him what I get I got a bunny Hoppers increase the wear of jump height and grants immunity to fall oh immunity to fall damage wait I can’t put it on it’s a little confusing to there’s

Like a little Target on the top left of your avatar you click that and then put your item oh so it’s like Terraria now where there’s like cosmetic like Relic things or is this a mod I’m assuming it’s a mod of course of course all the good things in this game are

Modded yeah I would say all the like really good [ __ ] is modded dude this [ __ ] horse is chasing me around all right take a campfire too got a cartography table sure okay I’m going to make a portal for you sapling I want this cartography table desire it Desire C photography

Up oh wait I’m I’m inv vulnerable fall damage now what am I thinking I tried to build up well it’s fine cuz I have to wait I have to go up anyways listen I have to still get up here anyway what did you have you had your

Dinner already today Kurt I did nice was it was it the yuge it was the usuge hey nothing wrong with that I’m trying to get jacked Connor yeah I mean got to eat Bing to get jacked I’ve been really uh doing a lot of chickpea Curry recently ooh chickpea

Curry good I’m kind of chickpea pilled I’m not going to lie yeah I think chickpeas I don’t know what they I don’t know what the Lord was cooking with that one but it’s kind of bang it’s just very they’re very plain and they can be manipulated to taste like whatever you want them

To well I think also chick they’re very good they’re good texture they got a great texture about them I think the texture of a chickpea is kind of is kind of insane it’s kind of goated it’s kind of insane I I don’t know if I agree I do I will say I will

Say I love toasted chickpeas like if you ever just want something simple like a healthy snack uh take a bunch of chickpeas throw it on a pan toss a bunch of paprika on that [ __ ] and then just just toast them for like 10 minutes okay and they taste like see

That’s why I generally put them into curries because curries just you just have the flavor the curry that does all the does all the heavy lifting you know yeah are you going to have Curry tonight um no well I could but I don’t have a can opener right now to open my tomatoes

My crushed tomatoes so because my can opener like something to I don’t know if it was just like a super I’ve had it for a while I think I don’t even know if I got it from myself or from like my mom or dad or something um but like I oh I

Got some magma let’s [ __ ] go don’t know what I need it for yet but I think I need it for something um and it was like rusted the [ __ ] and it wouldn’t open like I would sit there and try to twist it on the cans it’s

Like it just like would not open so I was like enough of this I’m buying I bought two two can openers today I bought a luxury can opener and one so but here’s here’s the reason why I bought two because hey it was like it was like 35 bucks for like two different

Can openers you know they’re not very expensive but like essentially the reason I did this is one is like my doomsday can opener so this one’s like it’s wait there’s a witch down here um wait they can’t now Kurt actually people were trying to tell me something can witches kill you or can

They just nearly kill you uh they can kill you but poison poison can’t kill you it’s by itself okay so people were actually trying to disinformation me they might be right I’ve never you definitely can die to a witch but poison can’t kill you $35 for take down to one Health two

Can openers so the point here is I have my Dooms Day can opener this is a Japanese one and it’s like just what kind of like a super like it’s got like a very sharp wedge and it’s just like meant to cut through like anything it’s very easy to operate and there’s another

One from Oxo where it like literally cuts the top of the the lid off entirely so it’s a very clean cut and you can like place the lid back on top so the reason I bought two is in case you know let’s say the world goes to [ __ ] that

Japanese wedge one is still going to be kicking you know no matter what if I’m in a doomsday scenario having to survive off like garbanzo beans the apocalypse that thing’s going to still be going yeah probably that’s my that’s my luxury can opener that’s my luxury can opener the other one

All right I’m making this portal Connor why is it so bright oh the sun I’m like what is hen I’m like why is this so wait but how did you make the uh apparent also I should apparently I’m supposed to mine this lapis but uh why

How did you make the portal I would like to know that knowledge I go I checked the Wikipedia you have to make a basically a pool of water can be like 2x two or a little bit bigger if you want surround it with flowers and then throw

Away a diamond inside the water okay well I definitely there’s no way I would have figured that out I definitely also could not have done that I did not have the materials on hand to make that like 110% well the portal is near your house didn’t put it really close in case you

Wanted to like expand okay but I’m ready to go when you are I found myself another transwood chest oh I see since we kicked out Notch we’re getting real we’re getting real Progressive what is it what why is there like a campsite underground though that’s where the mimics and stuff

Are okay well I’m going to clear out this little campsite I’m going to do like what La does to the homeless I’m going to clear this out this encampment real quick and then I’m going to be right back then I’ll be upstairs bet a soul campfire how do I get rid of how

Do I pick this up I don’t know I use an axe I think you could just destroy it with a axe yeah but will I get a soul I did not get a soul you might have to light it well it give me soul soil oh Soul

Soil I will take Soul soil don’t know what that does but oh this is from the Twilight Forest well we got a blast furnace got some cakes wait we’re kind of popping off here Kurt proud of you wait the cakes do not I can’t eat the can I

Eat I need more who up crafting they Minds got Books D I want those shoes they’re pretty great you the ones you have holy J thank you for the tier one holy [ __ ] we’re wealthy guys we are so [ __ ] wealthy oh my Lord okay I need to get rid of this [ __ ] I need to get rid of

[ __ ] we are wealthy as [ __ ] okay Cobblestone you can get out of there don’t care large pumpkin slice to many pumpkin seeds I have night vision goggles which is pretty good it’s probably my best item can condense these bowls oh that does sound kind of POG I’m currently figuring out how to um

Um I’m I’m I’m trying to Mid Max my inventory right now can I eat the cake uh where’s your location I probably can find you I’m underground too what is even the point of cake for food but you can’t eat it are you sure you can’t eat it no I

Unless I need to dis do I need to take my Shi you have full food no it’s a it’s not it’s just like a block you have to place it wait what what you have to place the cake oh I didn’t know that oh that’s news to

Me I see so it becomes a slice of cake how to eat cake dude I [ __ ] is crazy this game is so there’s so much [ __ ] in it it’s insane how much when I load into this server I felt like I was like it’s like I was beamed from the 1800s until

Like the 21st century nice do you feel like you’ve learned a lot uh I do I think I think so I think I’ve learned a lot that’s what this game’s all about yeah I feel like I’ve been list you should play the educational version of this game what is the educational

Version uh I don’t know but apparently there’s an educational version of the game that’s sold to like schools or at least in theory there’s probably no enemies and it’s probably just creative mode wow that sounds really good though that sounds like it’s really good that sounds like something like I would

Want to be a part of yeah you could be a become a teacher and that could be your curriculum that’s true could do that oh a goblin Traer wait he’s back wait I could give him okay here we go wait he came back Kurt he came back

Where are you okay let me tell you one second I am in 738 830 and 18 I’m like really close to you I can make an anvil if I give him some iron ingots but I don’t have any iron ings oh God I just I have rocker wait holy

POG oh my God the XP farm is going crazy oh wait that [ __ ] went hard uh I can get some emeralds why not do anyone else any Emerald enemy Emerald heads I’m rinsing his ass I need more I need more I need more I can rinse his ass for

Emeralds stay right there where’d you go where’d he go buddy buddy uh okay oh there he is come here I’m going to find you Conor I’m currently rinsing this [ __ ] Goblin trater for all he’s worth hell yeah I’ve tried talk I’ve tried wait who stop

Stop come here okay good I can give him look at this [ __ ] oh no I need I need iron ingots wait if I craft it wait wait wait a minute a place if I to do what what some had say that Minecraft’s all about and craft it then I could I could give

Him ew ew cockroach okay now come here but then that’s a full Anvil right there buddy is Anvil like really expensive or something is Anvil like a really expensive thing why like is that like a good trade I just made that make a good trade 32 iron 738 18

830 32 iron uh yes I’m like right next to there I don’t see it um okay uh wait let me see well I just made it the I just schas this Goblin Trader for for an anvil I just made it one of the best trade deals in the history of of trade

Deals uh so let’s see I’m at yeah 733 oh 733 18 8:35 all right I’m at 790 and the other coordinates are the same so I’m almost there I just some strip mining though do the place you’re in like open or is it like narrow uh

It’s like kind of like yeah it’s kind of like a big it’s a big [ __ ] Cave System essentially what was the your y again um y y was 19 entally 18 19 around there the whole inventory is full of cobblestone wello well if you have some you can get some emeralds from this

Guy really could use that yeah it’s 32 Cobble for one Emerald which I mean I already just scammed this guy out of an anvil gave him four ingots Pepe laugh four ingots for an anvil that’s it Roo needs to go back to the school okay I need this chest oh my God

I can’t believe I haven’t found you yet I’m just strip mining I’ve been strip mining for like 5 minutes now oh wait I needed this wait wait where’s where did the guy go I think I I found you oh you did I’m sorry I was pogging I control

Did you see the goblin Trader on your way in by the way he’s right here where okay good I need to trade some [ __ ] with him we are we are we need some I have a lot of [ __ ] I need to trade I’m getting rid of these pumpkins [ __ ] these

Pumpkins he has an Unbreaking three oh we got a chain mail chest plate here too okay buddy wait I’m actually so [ __ ] back I’m actually this is yeah I’ve tried boxing before it does not work he does not like to be boxed you can put him in a boat a boat really

Yeah not give me coal I had thought going back and getting all my Cobblestone that I dropped yeah if you get yeah the Cobblestone goes crazy you can find some I mean it’s everywhere no if you can find some if you could if you could perhaps

Find a chance dude this this camp site plus the goblin Trader has made me a wealthy man C this is what they say by being at the right place at the right time this is like just like when I bought like 20 Bitcoin and now I’m a tech billionaire you became a tech

Billionaire specifically yeah because I bought Bitcoin that makes me Tech how it works yeah yeah get some emeralds from this guy you also got to a little bit of XP too can you only find them underground as far as I know yeah okay oh there’s a big slimy over

Here oh that wol okay good I can that way um okay need this gold a lot of raw gold here which is kind of pog take another iron pickaxe are spider eyes useful outside of like actually let me check I can check in the crafting so I can get

Chocolate spider eye fermented fowl soup so really they’re not that Good can make I want this chest a nice chest where’ this guy go I hear him making weird noises where’ the goblin go I don’t know I I don’t see his ass oh there he is oh yeah he should be I need to get I got another free pickaxe so I need

To hi I wondered in here well buddy you’re at the right place you’re at the right place we’re trading with a goblin Trader right now we’re doing incredible things you got the chain mail on let’s go a vast toe yeah I found I found some chain mail let’s just say that life’s looking

Up for a guy like myself when I where I came from my side of the tracks they used to never they used to never you know give me the time of day also I wish I could just take this guy home you know what is this

Don’t worry about it I found it oh you found that just found a little some sometimes at those campsites if the uh if the chest doesn’t turn into a mimic a lot of the time there’s just a bomb underneath the chest all right well I

Think to get out of here we can go up from this area we need to go out cuz I’ve actually kind of claimed everything I need from this for right now wait did I get my blast furnace oh my blast furnace where’ I put it I want that cuz

Isn’t the blast furnace better than a regular furnace I’m not sure actually I think it is it’s faster but it’s more limited to specific things that’s fine that’s still that’s still value to me okay go I think if we go this way there’s just like an

Open area that just goes to the outside yeah but we can also go up and that will take me up that’ll take us back up to the um that’ll take us back up to the uh area that I dug to come out of here so

Yeah if we go this way I think oh no wait no no well maybe no if you go this way there it’s just you just go up yeah but how are we going to do that block oh no no no wait no this is good right here is fine because look

Here’s the um exit this this takes me back right here holy [ __ ] this song is going crazy are we do we get the same songs at the same time damn this song is they are piano timing where is it it’s right around here where I dug this exit I just got to follow

The got to follow the the Torches I think if you hold space bar with your your boots on you like bounce around and you don’t take uh oh you’re right how fast you go holy [ __ ] you don’t take fall damage so it doesn’t really matter it’s around here

Somewhere there one of these is the exit where we’re at [ __ ] okay we lost as [ __ ] we literally can see outside if we just go over here yeah I know but then we’re going have to build up you know versus like we would have been done already

Nah okay fine okay let’s go outside let’s go outside I don’t know where outside is disoriented I’m also disoriented this is how people die caving yeah get lost that’s why I would never go caving personally were you ever asked to go caving um um yeah people ask new stuff all the time

New stuff like that yeah I have adventurous friends as well yeah people are like hey you want to do I don’t have enough I don’t have enough like raw materials dude here I just threw a huge amount of oh I hit you with it I’m no it’s fine that’s fine that’s

Good you have to change your trajectory a little bit you think so I mean I can see Iron here wait but I need this but I need this okay you’re right I probably do have to change my trajectory a little bit I have to change my [Applause]

Life [ __ ] oh wait oh wait I don’t take fall damage oh my God I forgot I was like holy [ __ ] this is it huh dude this is the greatest thing ever these bunny hoppers they are they seem amazing yeah it’s kind of changed my life for the better it’s like it seems

Like some of the artifacts some of the artifacts are way better than others like I have three artifacts and only one of them is like really good the other two are cool but all right here we go the night vision is just overpowered fortunately I still don’t have that

Much I think I can do this though if I do this yeah oh thank God cuz I don’t have to dig as many blocks I can just like kind of peee hop up I hope slideshow never gets those boots I don’t think Josh’s played since

He got like all of his stuff stolen from him wait what happened to him uh they’re on like uh they’re in the Twilight Forest doing like missions and stuff and killing bosses and for some reason it was like seven of them like if you’re doing that you probably want to

Do it with three people at most just cuz like there’s not enough loot for seven people people but they’re doing with like seven people and one of the missions you have to like go up a tower and for some reason somehow he ended up outside of the Tower and decided to try

To jump down and obviously he died he lost his items swing chip took all of his items didn’t say anything and then someone in a stream chat took a the clip from her stream and posted it in his chat and she just denied it so we had like a c a city

Council what do you mean a city council yeah brenon called like a a meeting a server meeting we all had a town meeting and Josh misbehaved and we we killed him again and then he just left the server okay then he left and he has never come

Back he doesn’t have any items honestly that’s unreal respect from him to just be like you know what I quit unre respect see this is why it’s best to get your adventure in out early when you own nothing inventory is always fun in this game in my opinion you can uh whatever you

Want all right let’s see how we looking oh these wheat crops are mature are they they mature now you might be able to make one piece of bread with that make way more bread these potatoes are mature too I can’t pick them up I think I

Should go back to my house and then come back yes yeah yeah let’s let’s go put some [ __ ] up put some [ __ ] up here we can uh we can regroup a second tlight portal and the Twilight portal is around here you say yeah if you just see like a

Bunch of flowers like in a like a circle it’s somewhat it’s a few blocks away from your house okay I will um go take a look at that let put some stuff up here oh I’ve ured self- sustainability Kurt it’s incredible this is truly this is truly something magical for a man like

Myself i’ I’ve i’ I’m growing potatoes I have wheat this is everything I could have dreamed of a more dude sometimes life is just amazing like that it’s true it’s a Bountiful Harvest Life Is Life comes at you fast one day oh my God I almost [ __ ] put down lava in the

House I should probably just put the lava bucket away or just dump it somewhere safe and then get water you don’t really need lava for too much stuff really at least not right away you won’t need the lava you’re not going to miss it well am I just going to

Keep it in a there’s an anaconda like right next to your house oh should I get rid of it I don’t know do you want it it’ll wrap you up and kill you oh well that’s that’s not nice I’m going to just tell you that there is one and not tell you

Where it is so when you find it you’ll freak out all right so where is this where is this Nintendo’s Twilight portal oh you you’re ready to go yeah I mean I’m feeling as ready as I can be I feel I don’t know what else I could do realistically

Um hold on let me come back take like I should probably offload some [ __ ] though to be honest offload all this stuff probably also get some more food eventually I have some extra food yeah my Food Supplies are not like the greatest brge where’s my brdge o

Wait can you not just make bread okay I was about to say like what what is this wheat dough [ __ ] what is all This D this is not a lot of wheat yeah you need to make a much bigger Farm yeah your humble Farm is a little too humble my humble Farm but it’s okay cuz I I can make a fishing rod and I get some fish too so we can we can progress slowly but

Surely we can progress it just takes a little bit of time why am I hearing why what what is all this water why am I hear why am I hearing all this water in my house am I going to get water damage my house I God it’s fine you’re ruining the

Carpet oh yeah the carpet will come up I W to do that true see we don’t want to we don’t want to [ __ ] up the carpet you got a cat I do have a I stole this cat from the witch oh nice this cat was here and I

Killed the Witch and I took the cat took her hat and took her cat and her house and I said it’s mine now okay I think I have enough food I’ve got two bread a mushroom stew and some slices of cake I feel like that’s not bad here take this

That tomato pasta that’s a good amount Golden Apple oh okay that’s pretty good yeah all right where is it golden apple is good for bosses it’s here oh oh so so this is like a a mini nether portal it’s like nether but it’s it’s like you can’t like fast travel or

Anything cuz nether you can go like really far really quick Miss [ __ ] so we’re going to try finding a ument that looks exactly like this one in front of us here I think this one has already been looted and done so it’s not going to does everyone

Share the Twilight yeah okay so this is we need to find let me look where am I yeah we need to find one of these buildings this one I think has already been looks like something they put a bunch of like ohas here this yeah this

Is where the bosses okay it seems like something they put like Josh huderson in for a young adult dystopian film have no idea what the reference is looks like they like a Maze Runner oh okay you ready to fight plus two plus two get my shield it’s right behind you holy

[ __ ] oh my God what is this [ __ ] how do we hit this [ __ ] I’m coming oh oh Shield hopping a BP hopping that oh oh my God got got a peee hop where is it I hear it rattling around there it is beating the [ __ ] out

Of it I’m I’m hitting it I’m hitting it oh give it a little smack on the ass bro it’s it’s maneuvering it’s maneuvering smacking it ass oh is that like it’s it’s it’s like back tail bits are exploding like I’m playing snake yeah it get smaller oh come here dude it’s trying to

[ __ ] God oh ow ow ow what the hell get hit by holy [ __ ] we it out there we go Victory soon get it yeah congrats on thees all right yeah we killed something cuz it was different and scary to us there’s a chest here you can take the stuff

Okay oh you know you’ve shown me a whole new world literally you you can put that hat on the hat on okay you I have to go into the trophy menu and put that oh Jesus Christ you look scary Wicked and you can with the like the

Boots on I have like the [ __ ] Kanye West like Moon shoes the Kanye West Moon shoes with the the Naga face um with those scals you can craft like armor as if you were crafting armor oh [ __ ] how many do I need though question I mean let’s see I need okay so

It costs like a lot to make some good on so is this is the like the is so I see there’s like the armor what is the the blue is that magic protection the blue like armor rating I see like I see like there’s the gray

Armor like the gray armor vest six and then blue armor vest .5 is that like magic protection or is that like fire protection like what is I’m not sure what that is huh that’s toughness that’s toughness huh tough you should make uh leggings uh yeah I need a crafting table

Here make one I have one I think let’s see oh I have a cartography table don’t I need that to like map uh you can give it to a v train if you there’s a villager that doesn’t have a job you can give it a job by putting

That near them oh wait job wait wait I’m a job Creator yeah that’s what those blocks are for the cartography I think the cartography block you might be able to do something else with but those are considered job blocks so what does it do what is it what’s its job exactly does

It do anything or is my job literally just to give jobs to the villagers like I’m [ __ ] like I’m like a rail Baron I mean you don’t have to do you can do whatever you want it’s not your job no but I’m trying to but that’s what

I’m trying to figure out like when it gets the job like what the hell is it doing like is it doing anything or like or am I L just a benevolent employer you can trade at emeralds for cartography related stuff oh okay all right well we did that do you

Want to do the next one yeah why not I got I got some’s looking good next one is this big Tower I love a big tower I need to go here it’s good to farm the books in this Tower too cuz books are really good is that for magic yeah you can make

Um enchantment tables and stuff with them well I got like five books down in the caves wait oh okay yeah we got to take all these books huh you don’t have to take them all but it’s good to have books you know that’s what I respect about Minecraft is I want you

To be well read other games they’ve been shying away from that they’ve been saying watch the TV look at this Tik Tok not Minecraft though yeah there are uh games that make you watch Tik toks f is this what’s going on here a death to oh oh sorry that was

Me oh wait we can hit each other oh yeah I forgot we can hit each other do we need to like that’s [ __ ] okay that was crazy it’s like a flaming skull troll face I need some art for my home I need the Italian flag for my home yeah

That’s what I put in my house to I need multiple Italian flags actually any any uh painting you take you can turn it into any other painting oh there that here oh I’m getting killed holy [ __ ] yeah I know there’s some something’s doing some mad damage

Here hi death home The Silence of the forest so this seems like it’s a [ __ ] mad house I’m not going to lie yeah this area is a little bit harder than the last one okay for a man like myself I’ve stared death in the face going

Up I think we have to go up the spiral staircase okay there’s nothing here yeah you’re right I just SE if there was like taking us anywhere but it’s not oh chat we’re kind of making progress aren’t we are we chat need Kurt to help Focus

Me a bit cuz my ass would still be out on the mines see this is this is power okay I’m ascending the stair oh my God the [ __ ] skeleton just kamakazi dived looking for looking to get some damage done coming up oh we’re taking two different squ staircases wa holy [ __ ] there’s creepers

In here there’s creep they’re hiding in the staircases C no way wait we need to kill this yeah yeah yeah can’t hit his his ass okay there’s combat skills yeah the bunny Hopper you know my ancient form of fighting come here can’t get I think the boss is up

Here okay I’m coming up I’m taking every Italian flag I can see okay luckily there was is uh luckily I do not take fall damage think you need a shield for this guy I got I got a shield you need a block you need a block

His thing back into him I think oh my God he just do [ __ ] of damage to me uh he’s not even shooting me dude he is freaking he’s just hard focusing you I can’t do anything to him it’s okay I Died um oh my god oh we have to like oh oh I reflected it we’re back oh that didn’t hit didn’t Hit oh what the hell was that okay there’s like a lot of things up here I’m hit it oh we’ll get him next time I need to get my stuff back though okay I thought there was like a bit of timing to it I also have to get

My stuff back yeah I’m not sure what to do I think you reflected well like I was definitely I reflected two of his shots back I was doing damage I definitely did damage to him but I don’t know exactly what the timing for it were

Say if I think if we were on land I would have hit those yeah yeah if we were on land we both would hit those we were at fragadelphia if we were at I 52 what I series do you think it is on right now like I have no clue it’s like

I think it’s like 60s or 70s good for them man see look I you see it’s health bar I did like two bits of damage to it where the [ __ ] is the where’s that dungeon walk directly from the dungeon yeah I didn’t see the I don’t know where

You are I like spawned there’s the big Monument big dirt Monument oh here it is I can follow that directly and then we just like walk directly to good way for me so I can get the EXP I just lost like 22 levels yeah so did I

Lost like a [ __ ] ton wait are you are you already in the tower no I spawned way back at the Old Tower oh okay so you want me to chill for you at the portal yeah I think I’m almost there does the map pack have a has the

Mod pack have a map yeah it does it’s just we didn’t buy that we haven’t made that [ __ ] I have the map see C has the map there you go I don’t know how I got I think Jake just gave it to me Jake just running around with like

All the best pieces of equipment possible he’s walking around like wmds and [ __ ] yeah I did two bars of Health to it so we did some damage now if we just continue at this rate we’ll be able to beat it in like 30 minutes I think it will get all of its

Health back when we come back oh really yeah yeah maybe no Min what we can do is put a bed down near the tower and then if we die we can just immediately run back up well while I do that I’m going to finish my kuch a nice have you become a kombucha

Head yet no I’m not I’m not a big fan of them to be honest really yeah too fizzy for me I don’t know I i’ I’ve come really enamored with eating fermented foods because I feel like there’s something powerful about consuming like billions of creatures at

Once oh did you know fermented foods are the only type of food that have existed like every society independently one from one another um I didn’t know that but I assume that because there’s so many types of fermented foods so many different cultures I’m about to die

Right in front of your house this sucks man should I come out and distract I just need to lay in your bed so if I die I can just what the hell this guy just spawn camped me and shot me with an air okay [ __ ] you dude I’m going through the

I’m going through the [ __ ] portal again SP I got the respawn point I’m going to die real quick so you my help back I’ll wait for you here I always forget to the tier one I always forget to put a bed down to sleep yeah I had that problem uh early

On but the problem is like so I came here there was no sheep or anything so I was having to farm uh string in the mines to build a bed cuz there’s no sheep in this area um and luckily I ended up just finding a bed while venturing my way back so we

Are uh no we got to go this way CT don’t we or did we walk into that I thought we Tower yeah oh is it this Tower I thought there was I thought we went into like oh I guess we came back this way that’s

Right uh and then I don’t know if you’ve gotten your stuff before in this mod but you oh yeah you just got to you got to hit the body and just like yeah okay there’s a [ __ ] tring to find a better entrance cuz that one has

A bunch of SK oh this one yeah this one is [ __ ] um it doesn’t seem like there is an entrance well they’ve hit my ass many multiple times you know what I’m going to do something crazy here I’m just gunning it okay I thought I could eat the mush

Glooms the mush glooms but I can’t I’m already kind of damaged oh oh run oh oh dude I’m so dead I’m so dead if they have one more shot I’m [ __ ] dead I think this is [ __ ] no it’s not because I have very little HP wait you you broke open all my items

Oh my God I mean it definitely did was it me or was definitely did because I don’t have like little Avatar oh [ __ ] me dude uh we’re kind of you must have accidentally broke up my items when you uh cuz I like sto I was left clicking at

All so maybe like the reflex did it like or does it have to be left clicked I’m I got most of my items back but I need to go back cuz they’re going to despawn oh I just died again if you die twice the first body explodes wait does

That just mean I lost all my stuff Maybe but I really hope I didn’t lose myself stuff cuz Okay well people are apparently saying that you definitely lose all your stuff if you die twice well I picked up some of it well then the stuff you just picked up will be there but my stuff is probably all

Gone you don’t lose it it’s just everywhere oh okay okay so it’s it’s it’s still there you just you just can’t okay that that’s fine that’s fine I can work with that I can work if it’s as long as it’s still there then we’re going to be okay dude what the

[ __ ] this is really annoying I think I just lost like a lot of good stuff that I had dude these [ __ ] creepers are sitting outside the door they’re just sitting outside the door waiting like what is this [ __ ] on the bright side it’s does seem like the L is remaining

Hurt that is good um but I just clicked my items and got nothing even though I picked up a bunch of [ __ ] before I died the first time all right well I’m going to go try it too I don’t know how there people were like we

Should gear up but like bro I have no gear I got I ain’t got no gear I had pretty decent gear for how little I play I had like a bunch of diamond stuff I don’t have any diamond anything the the Naga scale is the best gear I have and that’s on my

Corpse I mean I guess I could I mean I could make some iron stuff I think at this okay I’m doing a door only speedrun so get ready all right Connor I got you get your stuff some of my stuff but it is all scattered on the ground okay and

I just died again but I I’m almost out okay okay good good good I see your I see your corpse I see your corpse oh you lowered him down it’s okay oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m dead I did not break your stuff but I’m going to die I’m going to die

I’m going to I’m going to get my stuff back take the Bare Essentials grab your stuff and then give you everything oh I got my I got some of my stuff I don’t know what I don’t know what I don’t know what I got but I’m I’m dropping it I’m going down

Okay we’re making progress we’re making we’re going to have to just this is going to be this is [ __ ] you know what this G me it’s giving me flashbacks to valheim this is giving me valim flash I don’t remember this boss being that hard I’m going back in again getting

Ready to go die again this I feel like Tom Cruise in [ __ ] edge of infinity or Edge of Tomorrow or whatever I’m just dying and respawning 20 times yeah I didn’t give my shield back which is unfortunate I think I got it but I don’t know I I was too busy trying to

Run all right here we go in in again into the breach once more here it is the perfect line up stairs Dodge the arrows this oh perfect seed perfect seed there we go oh [ __ ] I need to get rid of this [ __ ] okay perfect seed again there we go oh perfect seed Dodge

That think so perfect oh hit that quit equip equip okay armor on my corpse is down there Kur can you come clear this corpse this zombie so I can get my [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that corpse has some of my stuff okay I’m going to try to grab it

Then oh [ __ ] I’m in I’m out all right we okay we’re good we have The High Ground they gave up The High Ground yeah they did they did actually give us The High Ground here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where’s my shield I don’t see my shield I have a

Shield [ __ ] I don’t see my shield either I probably have it dude yeah I don’t have a shield but that’s fine that’s fine we can make this Work I should probably be helping you fight shouldn’t I there’s so many [ __ ] enemies going take a tomato pasta the best thing wait I have the shield I’m stupid it’s equip reflect reflect reflect come on nice oh that didn’t reflect it unfortunately there’s so many zombies oh oh holy [ __ ] what’s

Happening there’s actually so many enemies dude I can’t cannot believe how many enemies there are dude I mean this is so [ __ ] I need to reflect I think you have to hit it perfectly on the reflect there it is no okay that did not do it spam

Click yeah you can spam click spam cck Shield or should you just like be using youram oh my God spam left like okay well we’re doing this Conor we’re beating this [ __ ] the only reason this is so hard is that there’s so many enemies yeah the mobs quite difficult because we don’t have torches I’m going to light up this area so they stop spawning that’s not the real one there’s spoofs yeah okay well that’s kind of

[ __ ] up like that I’m here on [ __ ] Facebook Marketplace and I’m getting disinformation by the boss I think the one with the blue over its head is real want make you do I seriously I don’t know what to do it’s okay we can do this we can do this I gained seven

Levels just by killing [ __ ] enemies in that area all good all good here we go now I’m making the perfect line again here the seed s good seed generation son of a [ __ ] get away from me get away from me get away from me oh oh oh that’s yours [ __ ] that’s yours I

Took yours I think oh we are so [ __ ] yeah I took yours C I took I took die soon yep I’m Dead uh maybe there’s like this we there might be spawners but we have to get sh there’s no spawners it’s just super dark and there’s enemies just spawning from the darkness so I’m going to [ __ ] show did it easily we’re call him [ __ ] show I’m getting uh [ __ ] [ __ ] show I’m getting

Torches from one of the bodies if I survive this I’m ready to make an exit everyone are you ready to death run for the next hour you want the knowledge of this boss this [ __ ] torches on this body we do this don’t worry I’m going to death run for the

Next hour if this is what it takes how did I do two damage to this guy I don’t understand how I did two bars of damage to this guy I don’t know what I did differently I thought I was just reflecting oh my [ __ ] God they’re

Meeting us at the doors give me out of here oh okay fluke not a fluke okay I’m about to make it up putting down everywhere smart smart I’m going up for the second for round Two oh oh my God okay all right it’s way better lit so if we kill the enemies they will stop running for love of God God damn it okay I got it down the stairs I got down the stairs a little bit it’s just a matter of killing these

Stupid enemies like this boss will not be a problem if you’re not need to regroup [ __ ] on by everything I like I am like Gob smacked by how many enemies are spawning like it’s so many like it’s like a like a farm someone intentionally made this many enemies

Spawn I’m coming back in for I’m coming for the my next death run get ready death run incoming wow you actually made it out you kind of made it out kind of I really want to get my items back all right don’t worry you take care of that I’ll keep going dude

There’s like five skeletons chasing you out of there okay you have you have you have items at the base of the stairs I’m going up top oh my [ __ ] Jesus Christ just fell through the stairs AMA I think most the enemies are dead I’m killing the spawner and it’s all lit

Now I’m killing this can you I’m killing the spawner please can I kill the spawn I think I need a I think I need a pickaxe wait [ __ ] me man okay where is anything where is anything just go to the top wait no no

Oh oh wait to the top to the top top top oh my [ __ ] dying are you killing the Lich no I’m not I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on for it’s just losing eventually it’s just going to

Die oh my god get off me oh oh [ __ ] okay okay I got to kill some of these [ __ ] mobs okay they were fighting each other or something dude they’re shooting my ass they shooting that’s hilarious these books are [ __ ] me up Connor it’s okay it’s okay I’m killing

Books I’m killing books I hate the literate oh my God I can’t get my but there’s so much over here oh Jesus Christ it’s a never ending way the books keep spawning or something okay I think I think we did it no they keep spawning where are they coming

From they’re just I think they just all spawn in a dark room and we just passed the room Jesus Christ d i don’t don’t have my shield yeah there’s two more skeletons here I still don’t have my shield back man okay okay okay I just want this I want I want my I

Want this there we go suit up okay that’s something all right I’m looking I’m looking through this mess this godforsaken mess for my shield or anything I have a pickaxe that’s yours and I got the money Hoppers that are yours dude all my artifacts are oh I have your I have your

Diamond axe your diamond ax my artifacts maybe yeah I wait do I have the steadfast spikes do you have the night vision goggles um yes I have the night vision goggles sweet you can just keep it and then we can give it here I’m trying to trying to dude there’s so much

[ __ ] dumb [ __ ] in my inventory is there like a trash button yeah if you press control and then Q it will just it’ll drop everything like a full stack of whatever I don’t have any food well I have carrots here do you I have some carrots

And apples here I’ll give you I’m going to golden carrots are mine okay I’m dropping carrots carrots there you go thank you oh my God I’m helping I’m helping there’s more golden carrots on the ground I’m about to board this place up not going to lie I’m about to board this

Place up we should what if we just boarded up we could and then just heal up just just heal up let’s let’s do that okay I’m blocking them on the stairs okay hold on wait I was using my pants Oh I have your pants Oh do you

Have my pants here you have my chain M or I I have your chain you have my uh do I oh wait I have an iron chest plate is that yours yeah okay here you go iron chest plate perfect oh my God we got all of

Our stuff back did I I mean I’m missing my pickaxe 100% no you’re ping your pickaxe and here’s your bunny Hoppers as well and the bunny Hoppers yeah I’m missing that oh they’re both there okay cool and your knife I’m missing like all of my torches

But I don’t really care about that I have some uh do I have torches wait do you have a shield I have a sh I don’t have a shield yeah I don’t know where my I don’t know where my shield I only have one Shield

But yeah so we’re do is board up these doorways that these stupid enemies are coming through yeah that might be a play well I think we I mean we’re kind of good holy [ __ ] where are these guys coming from oh there’s spawners that’s what it is there’s spawners down there

We need to get rid of these spawners yeah I’m seeing the spawners I’ve seen them with my own with my my own eyes Cur I believe you I was fighting Wards here shall we start cluing down this stairwell yeah I’m boarding up every doorway in the stairwell okay I’m going to start

Looking for spawners I’m looking for spawners what the [ __ ] is this this witch I’m like pretty sure there’s no spawners oh maybe not I thought I saw one cuz I I I mean there was one and I there’s two and I destroyed them oh here’s one I found one right here oh

Really yeah I’m killing it dead nice there we moves maybe that’s the source of all of our problems that definitely one of the sources yeah where the hell the BOS go I don’t know oh there he is oh is he down here oh I see a spawner can you close up this

Door close up this door I was going to kill it well close up the door so they just can’t get through I just killed it close up the door too cuz there might still be enemies in there it’s I just don’t have any blocks I mean I’ll close

It up but yeah there’s nothing else there all right oh wait I need to put on my NGA trophy too careful I found your map I found my cartography table yeah pretty much the only thing I’m missing is a shield I’m not sure where that went it’s got to be around here

Somewhere the [ __ ] zombie fell through the hole and died I’m going to need a carrot I can come help so we got to reflect this [ __ ] back at it huh I think that’s the fake one though cuz I just reflected it back at him nothing happened I think we need to

Kill the one that with the blue head okay oh wait is which one’s the blue head that the one that’s a green head yeah that one’s the right one they all have the same heads no two like the sparkly above their head that one’s the right one oh I

Hit it oh [ __ ] come on come shoot one more one more oh wait wait is it dead it’s no he’s there’s a phase is there a phase two there’s phase two now there’s a phase two oh he’s spawning a bunch of zombies oh this is this is tragic he

Doesn’t have um I don’t think he has the armor around him anymore though oh you’re right I’m going in beat the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] where is he I’m going up I want this guy to fight these stairs are so I’m beating his ass I’m beating his [ __ ] ass right

Now I literally just Bunny Hop the [ __ ] out of them I take no fall damage I I drop in like Commandos where is he where is he he’s like he can’t hide to me is he okay oh I see his ass God damn I’m beating his ass yeah he’s

Looking at me just keep beating him up I’m beating his ass where’d he go he’s behind you dude what what the [ __ ] I’m going to kill him I’m going kill him I got his ass oh good [ __ ] good [ __ ] that was so easy honestly that yeah that was really easy

For sure I mean if there wasn’t like 8,000 mobs I think that would have been fine yeah I I think that it was just very abnormal like the last time we did this it’s at the very top the last time we did this there was like no enemies it was just me

And two other people and it was so so easy there was it was literally just us and the boss and just not 800 enemies I think this Tower just had a bunch of spawners in those doorways and we just didn’t kill any of the spawners ah here

It is okay yeah I wish I would knew where my shield was though I can get you a new Shield I mean I’m not that worried about it it’s just literally one Ingot so yeah I just gave you an Ingot I’m dropping all the stuff I don’t

Need dude I have so much [ __ ] on me no please can I have all my carrots back please yes those are relatively expensive to make it’s my only source of food mhm there you go here we’ll drop some thank you Connor here do you want a golden apple

No those are yours those are a gift I’m not taking any gifts back okay so we have golden boots some bones zombie scepter what ises that do that spawn zombies not sure but possibly um I’m trying to think of what I had before I died do you

Have I’m not sure what’s in your inventory uh pretty much everything I have I’m pretty much I’m just missing some food but I have like I pretty much have everything except minus my shield I think oh do I have your scarf oh I have your scarf invisibility perhaps oh okay

There you go that might be that got there thank you what is like is a is this better than it’s the same [ __ ] gold is bad yeah gold gold armor breaks so fast can I is it even bother to like take it should I even bother to take this [ __ ] uh it’s

Useful in the sense that if you wear it in the nether certain enemies won’t attack you cuz that’s like the only use gold has oh um I think you can also smelt it into like ingots Maybe taking it’s ah yeah okay cuz I use gold to make the golden

Carrots which is a pretty decent food source okay well I think I’ve taken pretty much everything I can the door is a shield oh how’s the wait the door is a shield what are you saying saying I can put this in a shield slot wait I can put this in the wait no

I can’t I could put it in that slot but it wouldn’t work that should you have an extra bed I do I have a green bed is that yours yeah okay there you go that’s my travel bed that I didn’t use the entire time we can take this water

Down if you just press Crouch while on the water you’ll just go down I’m going to go back and oh it does have protection three and four does have protection four is that like a good thing yeah the durability just crap that’s only like that’s only caveat is that it’s it will

Protect you pretty good most likely with those but it’s gold so it’s going to break in like two minutes I see I went back in to farm some more books cuz I lost all the books I had oh I have like still like three full stacks

A which I feel like is pretty good you have all of the money that we had too money I have uh I have eight emeralds yes did you have any before we uh yes I had some cuz I traded with a goblin I think I traded with some but maybe I

Didn’t maybe I left it at home I don’t know I have to go back and check should we go regroup th those might be mine maybe we go regroup at the casa do you want to regroup at the casa I think that’s a good idea we’ll figure we had some scarring

Experiences just then yeah this was like this reminded me heavily of valheim for a second I was getting extremely heavy valheim death run Vibes where we’ have to run halfway across the [ __ ] fantasy Norse world to die for like hours at a time yes I need to find the

Entrance it’s like I think it’s like 800 800ish oh yeah I found it I found it I just looked for the entrance that we came in and then I can just go St from there oh yeah I don’t even need to use the water what am I saying I have the

Bunny hop ERS I don’t take fall damage oh yeah dude that’s so [ __ ] overpowered yeah it’s really good having strong like like this is actually might be the best item in the game because you can jump higher and not take fall damage that [ __ ] is busted beyond belief well

There I’m not going to SPO it there are some items that are I’m sure there are some that are better but like for me right now I know they’re better but they’re just really good like I would consider the item very very good I don’t

Know where the uh it’s next to the big block tower if you walk straight from the entrance we came in and then go to your left a bit I just don’t know the entrance we came in well if you circle around the whole building it’s the one

It’s the only one that’s not boarded up it’s the one that actually has an entrance with some books bookcases it may or may not have broken through the others oh okay well I me there’s only one other there’s only one other entrance okay I found it I found

It yeah yeah you go straight and then it’s on your left and you’ll find you’ll find me in the block tower what a successful Venture even though that kind of sucked ass for a second yeah we uh I netted negative 14 level yeah I also lost a bunch of levels

Oh I just went back through the portal there we go let’s get into but we did get most of our stuff back which is pretty we did I only lost like a shield and I don’t know what else I would have lost but I defin I know I lost the shield that’s really

About it what that these are bottles of enchanting if you just break them on the ground they give you exp oh do you not need them to enchant no they’re just called bottles of enchanting oh interesting okay wheat seeds sure that’s a impressive chest you got

There thank you do you like do you like all these chests I have that you have your emeralds in here so I think those I have eight emeralds on me let’s see do I have emeralds in here I do I have four emeralds though so I think I think some

Of these are your probably or think all of them are yeah yeah okay I want my emeralds there you go there you go there actually think I only need one but I also have your map ooh your magic map I would love that there you go I

Don’t think we do any more until we both get stronger cuz I’m not very strong either no I’m currently quite weak comparatively but we did we did stuff we did you got some stuff we did wait there dude look at come out come outside this is

Crazy oh my God the pumpkin head he has a pumpkin on his head I’ve never seen that before I think I’ve seen that before maybe it’s specific to this biome should put the trophy in the chest the trophy in the chest huh yeah cuz I do have the Lich King head trophy as

Well oh yeah you could switch to that one if you want I mean it is kind of wicked but people were saying I might need it later SoBe maybe I’ll just leave it I don’t know I’m going to make myself a new Shield I’m tell you what that’s

That’s what we need yeah and that’s the only thing that actually was like collateral damage was one Shield we we could have lost it all but we Salvage most of it and we won and really that’s what it’s all about yeah it’s all about not it’s all about not

Losing because if you lose then your life has no purpose even in Minecraft so everyone knows what it’s all about for winning we won yeah we won so thus we can we can that’s why we don’t see Josh in the server anymore lost true he lost

He lost so that’s why you can’t show his face he had a shot at Redemption and just decided to throw it all away it’s [ __ ] up even though we did nothing wrong that’s [ __ ] up okay I’m going to keep the cartography table in there I know there’s like a

There’s some villagers of foot somewhere I want to build like a nether portal near your base and have a fast travel to your base yeah that would be that would be good though I still don’t understand why you’re building over there uh well I did it well the reason I

Did it is cuz I was wanted to be away from people you know on a multiplayer server I wanted to I wanted to well the thing is I wanted to like come back in and like like you know I disappear out into the world and then

I come back and I’m like holy [ __ ] he’s so like cool now he’s so cool now like he’s like he’s like geared and stuff you know mhm obviously that hasn’t happened yet but it’s a working progress it’ll happen trust the process exactly I’ll take a good sleep

Too success is the best revenge exactly one second I always have that reaction see exactly well wait I don’t know if that’s a good thing my 10year high school reunion is coming up if you could believe it my 10y year high school reunion people have been like are you

Going to that are you going to the 10 to the 10e high school reunion and I’m like no I’m not going to the 10e high school reunion my ass is not going to the 10 the 10e high school Reunion I need to put up the Italian flag somewhere I don’t know which one’s the Italian flag I have 24 paintings how do I know it’s just 24 different paintings don’t need like a big wall I I don’t think I can like put this up anywhere like I don’t have the Italian Flag bottom block oh [ __ ] oh there it is wait let me pull it up it mutes VOD [ __ ] okay um about this about we’ve done it finally for Italy we have it up I charge it to the tower ma the Lich King the Lich King ma it shoots the orbs

At me I’m jumping down I’m like whoa what’s up what’s up wa he shooting the orbs at me man and I say the or something that you would like Conor don’t shoot the orbs in me ass I’m sorry I’m sorry what was that CT I was doing a bet what was your bet

I uh I interrupt it no no it’s done done now I uh I I I put the Italian flag down and then I played Italian copyright free music and then talked about the fight in the tower I was like ma the Lich King is shoot the orbs at me I’m like whoa whoa

I’m just like you know having a good bit yeah sh say tell her heritage month it is October Legend man thank you Legend I got myself a treat thank you you should treat yourself sometimes Conor wait is that not for you’re really hard on yourself noat

Yourself I’m sorry what was that sorry I was I was having humiliation for you got me a treat for October you should give yourself a treat sometimes uh I do have a treat um I had myself I had myself two beers earlier oh wow nice my treat well I have

Some other treats as well I have some like there’s a I have a frozen banana pudding that I need to thaw out at some point but I’m waiting to do that but I also have some uh I also have some I found it in the

Store I found a uh do you like uh Little Debbie do you ever like the Little Debbie like oatmeal cream pies uh not really really I loved those when I was a kid I love those I still like enjoy them I don’t think they’re very good now but like I found one that

Puts it into the ice cream they put like the they put they like mix in the oatmeal cream pie into the ice cream like a vanilla and it’s like actually SL that sounds good yeah ice cream ice creamied treats like that are really good like the Snickers ice cream bar is God too

Yeah so I was I was very impressed with that particular ice cream okay what the hell am I even going to do now I need to like smell melt I need to like I need to expand my farm that’s probably a that’s probably something worthwhile yeah the goal was to go back

To my old kingdom and get the melons back but honestly is it even worth it at this point even worth it to maybe the real goal is I should just make like a fast travel portal um that’s kind of you need obsidian yeah but don’t I just need to do water and

Lava I mean if you want to try doing that and I have Flint actually where did my shears go I think some of the stuff got lost in the sauce oh I definitely lost shears banana pudding is so good dude banana pudding is so good I slept on

Banana pudding until I had it from this place called Magnolia Bakery nice what is this B what is this Comet I have I got I feel like this is a real person but someone responded to my going live tweet saying lamu watching you live right now pretty nice stream bro and

They’re like a verified Twitter account that I don’t know do they follow you yeah they do but I think I think this guy messaged me to like it says there a video editor helping content creators grow their audiences so I think he’s like trying to interact with me so I give him a

Job yeah you need a video editor don’t you no I have one no you could argue his efficacy argue his efficacy but we have one do they work for Misfit no they work for technically they’re for me they’re my personal one no I can’t I can’t use I can’t

Dude you got to come back to this town why why is that Mimi has a train I know TR station Mimi literally has she has like lines she’s made like it looks like New York out here she’s got like the green line and the [ __ ] like red

Line and Sh like she’s like it’s it’s a fully it’s a metropolis the thing about the trains in Minecraft is that it’s just like 99% more fun to just get a fast horse and just go through the map that way yeah that’s the next thing I

Kind of need a horse too at some point it’s also faster can I tame a snail you can tame any animal I well his ass did not want to be Tamed Roxy live tweet the hell is Roxy ego oh the [ __ ] pornbot God damn it I was like so confused someone was like you’re ego Roxy and I’m like who’s ego Roxy like and I was like oh it’s the pornbot that’s been replying to all of my tweets for the past for the past year okay I need to figure out what the

Hell I’m going to do what’s my why aren’t you replying because if you reply to the porn bot they keep coming back but the worst part is that the viewers reply to the pornbot oh and so then harass is coming back still so you’re saying you don’t want it

To come back no I prefer not to have the porn bot come back Okay I wish I had a porn bot following me well you know the crazy part is you could if you wanted to you could that is Crazy uh I need some you get my you know my next step I’m going to I’m going to get really I’m going to cultivate for a sec I’m going to be cultiva just going to make a farm for a second here problem is I have no [ __ ] materials I guess I have materials

Actually I can make a iron that lie to her no okay see what’s your usual treat kurd huh what do you have what’s your nice treat you give yourself uh I have an Isa eable right now it’s a nice treat I have a you know I’m not it’s not that I

Dislike Isa as evils like I I enjoy them but they’re just they don’t hit for me necessarily they’re kind of sweetness overload but I enjoy them time to time I think it depends on the bowl too some of the bowls I feel like the textures don’t work very well

Yeah but so bowls I’m like okay I can see what’s happening what’s your favorite like texture like I think it’s texture yeah I would say like a crispy like crispy crispy like a crispy texture yeah I’m a noodle guy noodle texture is nice for sure I think to me my two favorites

Are probably like the texture of something that’s like crisp ified or something that’s like you know like I have like these pea snacks that like they like kind of like yeah um they’re like crunchy yeah they’re like yeah I don’t know I think they just like coat

Them in like some sort of like flour like rice flour or something and crunchy them um I think something like that or like a know like paa and then or I also really like the taste or the texture of like a very soft like fish over sushi

Like sushi rice so I feel like a sushi is the most overrated food on the planet I like it I don’t know I’m just saying I’m just telling you my favorite texture man but the texture Crispies is number one and then a very soft like shashimi

You know sushi grade fish over some rice okay those are respectable opinions what’s your favorite fruit uh it is pro legitimately it probably is a honey crisp apple but that’s so that’s just the ultimate like okay fruit it’s okay I love the honey it’s the best of the apples the best of

I think it’s amazing I also think but I think after that I would have now I used to have like bananas up really high I still do I bananas really high but I think bananas are too easy I think like for me it’s still my my top is still

Honey crisp but then I have like right below that I have like mango and blueberry those are those are great are both up there yeah blueberries are s tier Mango’s s tier blackberries are s tier I’m a berry guy I like berries a lot yeah I think the blueberry is my

Favorite Berry for sure yeah raspberries are pretty okay the worst M3 your first message after four years of following was P after I said PE snack how does it feel to be a celebrity how does it feel to be a celebrity to be waiting for that one for that long

What’s it like to be better need to move back I don’t worry I’ll be moving back you’re gonna you’re going to regret being so far away I’m going to I’m going to move back I’m going to I’m going to make a nether portal and I’m going to link the two of

Us don’t you worry what if I move out by then you’ll have to find well if you move out then why would you have then at that point why would I have moved back what was the point of me coming back if you were moving out that soon I don’t know moving to

Philadelphia moving to Philadelphia huh yep wow so soon I’m going to check out the the flyers or whatever you love the Flyers don’t we folks we love the Flyers did you speaking of sports did you see Cristiano Ronaldo play his first game for that his uh whatever the hell

Team I did not I did not see that was it bad I I didn’t watch it so you know you scored a game-winning goal he’s Cristiano Ronaldo good good for him 800th best player in the world ever really proud of him yeah I think not many people could have done

That I need my magma I did watch Messi play for his new the new Mii to the game right I saw the game it was ass it was so ass not worth going to at all disastrously terrible game why was it so bad because essentially it’s they’re they don’t they’re Miami

Team they don’t play in Miami they play in Fort Lauderdale which is like worth Miami essentially but I mean I don’t NE mind for L but then like so it’s like on top of that the stadium like they essentially did this thing where they signed a huge star without investing in any infrastructure

First um where like they have a stadium but it’s like the screens like all the screen like pretty much they have like the smallest like all the screens in the and the displays in the stadium are like they’re like two by two wide you have to

Be like pulling out binoculars to she to see what the [ __ ] happening like score-wise and like they don’t have very good like possession indicators um the stadium itself is not that bad other than the fact that like the actual information gathering is pretty terrible uh the location is like

Kind of I don’t really like the location very much additionally uh the gameplay itself was like very uninspiring and messy I I didn’t because it’s been so long since I’ve I’ve I’ve done the play of I’ve watched any football um yeah I didn’t realize the rules are that like if you get subbed

Out you’re done so Messi played 20 minutes then he got subbed out and then the rest of the game was without him and they spent the whole rest of the game just absolutely creaming this Toronto team um so the game was not very inspiring didn’t really see much a messy

Play uh the you’re in a shitty Stadium Stadium wasn’t very good I didn’t like the location very much um so yeah it was kind of just like combin it was just a disastrous time okay cat I but you’re near home though right um I mean I’m 30 minutes

Away 4 40 30ish 40 cuz it’s like a 30 minute drive where that but yeah it’s not like super oh I got more iron are you liking uh Florida more um it’s grown on me more but I wouldn’t necessarily put it as a forever home but it’s grown

On no what’s what parts have grown on you uh the weather during uh yeah this is the plat chat pack winter the weather during the winter and fall is really nice like it’s like you know mid 70s to like low 70s for like 6 months straight plus yeah um and generally pretty

Summer um is this is it mui HUD mode dude I feel like there are Minecraft people coming in here and just saying words to me like there are people that know Minecraft and I’m like I don’t like you’re talking to the wrong guy but dude there’s Minecraft viewers come out of

Nowhere and I would say like 98% of the random Minecraft viewers are great and then you just have people that are just like I mean I’ve never had a bad experience with them I’m just like I would actually I would say 99 but sometimes they they tunnel vision

Pretty hard they a bad experience but I’ve definitely like people are like saying words to me about Minecraft knowledge I’m like bro you are speaking an ancient tongue I do not know what the [ __ ] you are talking about yeah that’s a good way to describe it though to be fair you are playing

Modded Minecraft they probably just assume that they assume I know what I’m doing but no someone else just picked the pack and my ass just dropped in um but yeah it was uh what the hell was I saying oh yeah Florida six six to seven months maybe even eight depending but

Definitely six to seven months of the year the weather’s really nice um there if you like beaches lots of good beaches in South this specifically South Florida not Florida in general I have not North Florida I would not you’re saying you haven’t headed up to like Jacksonville and just hung out I

Mean do you know how long that drive would be idea it’s like a five six hour drive yeah go for it have a fun time no [ __ ] no I’m not going to drive 6 hours wouldve every everybody is obsessed with Jacksonville I would go to Orlando

Before I would go not even for Disney stuff but like Orlando is an actually decent City but like Jacksonville I don’t know why the [ __ ] I would go to Jacksonville I have no who doesn’t want to go to Jacksonville who’s Brin someone the people are looking at the plat chat

Minecraft pack like who is Brit and hook who is this what does he do I’m making another bucket I’m making another bucket I’ve decided just here for Minecraft hey there’s nothing wrong being here for Minecraft I need another bucket though there we go there we go

But now this you know this this Farm is way too we’re going have to do a quick an entire overhaul but yeah I I think those I think also the food in South Florida in particular there’s like the one thing I’ll say is that there does not seem to

Be a lot of Indian or Chinese food which are both Cuisine types I enjoy greatly um but there’s a decent amount of like you know Japanese Korean Latin American Caribbean stuff like that obviously so I like that um I don’t like gas prices I don’t enjoy the insurance rates I don’t enjoy probably

60% of the people that’s fine but you got the other percent people congrats on being the 11th biggest Minecraft streamer holy [ __ ] that’s awesome can someone screenshot that wow this is a big day for this channel this is a very big day for this channel we [ __ ] made it

Guys okay I’m going to have to just redo this whole thing you know potatoes are not growing but I feel like I should just redo this let’s uh let’s think about this a second here I need to make a an infinite source of water I remember when he was the biggest

Streamer how would the mighty have fallen how would the mighty have fallen remember when he was the biggest Pikman streamer now he’s some [ __ ] nerd PL Minecraft and he’s not even the biggest SMH can you redo potato tomato I can I’m in fact going to be redoing the entire Farm simp

1414 I’m going to be changing it all up I just want to I want to even it out of it I can in fact I can in fact so idium I don’t know what this is am I going to die is this where that big dude spawn

Uh which big dude are you talking about I forgot his name he’s some guy that’s like super far down into the caves and he kill you okay gollem oh it’s the wrong No Bren and I killed him the other day okay it was mostly Bren but he was vicious

No I think this is just like a resource that’s relatively rare or a block it’s not even a resource I think I can like I do like this this work I’m infinite I forgot how how how how what’s the optimal farming I think this seems right this seems right copy whatever

Mimi had with her automatic bread that I definitely should have done that but dude people are going to want to move into your town if you have an automatic bread Farm because meim BR I don’t have I don’t have an automatic bread farm so there’s nothing there’s

Nothing for anyone to go get okay no one’s coming to this darn Town damn anything but this okay people are hating it people are hating it people are not liking the farm listen I this is better I just in general is not great I do have a cake

Slice yes I have a cake slice I have some cake I also have some Tomatoes be planting wait what’s up I think I’m in an area where I’m not supposed to be breaking blocks really that’s that’s problematic don’t you think yeah that’s could be problematic potentially I see I’ve made just the

Worst possible setup here it’s okay we can fix this I can uh I’m trying to think about where should I put this is this infinite okay good it is H okay let’s see something like like this there we go don’t need that much water okay that’s fair

Enough that’s fair enough you know what you got me there where’s my rest of my potatoes potato here there this [ __ ] is just growing all right we’re going to we’re going to reoptimize this later you know what everyone’s going to freak out I know the minecrafter they’re looking at

My they’re looking at my setup right now Kurt and the the people are freaking the [ __ ] out over there the setup I know they are are they oh yeah 100% out 100% they are freaking the [ __ ] out right now they’re like whoa where’s it you didn’t optimize the you didn’t optimize the

[ __ ] doohickey to the the the Dr doitt and [ __ ] like that like we’re like okay well we only need actually like two blocks away from this from this thing and then if you put it four blocks this way and then you have to realize that as

Soon as you get the [ __ ] eye of visigoth I’m like okay well I’m going to make I’m going to make a farm okay you know what make a farm how live your Minecraft life man there’s no wrong way to play Minecraft except for maybe what we were doing earlier the

Only person that’s that’s truly living life in this chat is someone asking where is ketchup and I’m like I don’t know I don’t know where the ketchup is a man where is ketchup I don’t know where the ketchup is yet still to be determined hopefully you can find it it

Seems like something that you’d really want if you don’t have any yeah I got some more fencing here this is good have you ever lived in an Airbnb for over a month Connor um no um because I am not similar but I yeah I have not done that what about a

Hotel uh no I’ve never to do that I mean Max I’ve been in a hotel or an airb is like two plus weeks not even then like yeah maybe barely two weeks why have you I’m assum well actually you have because last year I lived in hotels like all year it was or

This year I wouldn’t say it actually was very fun to live in hotels yeah I’m not I I don’t necessarily oppose that per I actually didn’t like it at all it wasn’t it wasn’t my so I’m thinking about doing the Airbnb lifestyle this year I mean at

Least with airbnbs you can cook you know that’s the big thing I want to be able to cook yeah if you can’t like cuz then you can eat healthy and yeah yeah I think that’s the biggest like lifestyle of motel’s Rock I don’t know if motel’s a rock a

Motel yeah I don’t know if a motel rocks I’m not sure about that I mean everybody likes different things man there’s got to be someone out there that just can’t stop going to motels all right I’m going to see just for you s CCH there’s no catch just they just want

To go to the motel there’s no catchup if we were playing bug snacks there would be ketchup but there’s no ketchup where is tomato the Tomato’s growing as you can see right here on the farm you see this this is the budding tomato Vine oh potato well here’s potato potatoes are growing right

Here oh yeah sweet sweet oh sweet okay I’ll be right back I have to use the bathroom get damn we’ve been going for close to four hours actually we’ve been going for five and a half wait five I can’t be right we been streaming for 5 and a half hours Really What OU Okay my Big Goal before I in today is potentially to make the nether portal to the Village so I can go there and see everybody that’s a pretty big goal well I mean it can’t be that hard right I just need obsidian right because like

Yeah yeah and I I have you need a diamond you need a diamond pickaxe do I cuz can I just make is like a tech is it like a tech to make a portal you could look up like YouTube on how to do it yeah I’m going to look up a YouTube

Guide on how to make a portal with just the water and the thing and just pretty sure I can do that you can’t do the tech I can totally do the tech man just you wait just you wait I’m going to be able to do the tech I thought you were going

To try doing it without a YouTube video that would no I’m definitely going to do it with the YouTube video I also need to get like the Flint like an steel thing which is just it’s one steel one Flint yeah okay cuz I I can do

That found a second pair of these um steadfast spikes shoes if any you guys want it cool for right now what do they do was up um what’s up guys what’s UPG what’s up guys here Minecraft let’s play all right let’s see I need to find

How to make I might they gra immunity knock portal oh knock back easy way I’m going to Google that yeah that’s what Connor got today got the ones that Jake has I die so much so start by finding a lava ideally one on the surface once you

Find a lava source make yourself an infinite water and smack then make a small wall at least five in the you then need to grab a bucket full of lava and one full of water place the lava against the wall and then place the water right above it

This will create a block of obsidian you need to repeat this process a total of 10 times create the frame of your NE portal once you’ve made a full frame we okay I have figured out how to make I figured out how to make the Nether Portal Kurt I’m not doing anything what

Are you talking about we’re not that cool cam oh that’s we’re not that cool Sor you’re not that cool I’m not that cool not that cool it’s it’s just it it takes us to be not cool to have the cool people be cool you know what I mean we’re like doing God’s

Work we are really yin and yang huh instead of evil and good it’s cool and not cool Beyond good and evil one could say yeah that’s a good game I think I don’t know I’ve never actually game never played it I just know it I think I played it I don’t remember

Though why is your house made of dirt my house is not not made out of dirt okay so I’m going to try I’m going to attempt this oh wait let me get my lava I’m going to attempt something and it’s going to be kind of crazy I love

Crazy I’m a little crazy myself yeah I go a little crazy she was crazier than him what and he was she was his Queen we really do in a society you know I’m sick no you’re simp simp one poor one poor okay can I make an infinite pool of lava myself

Kind of good am I able to make an infinite pool of lava myself does anyone know I’m not a big Cheeto puff kind of guy you know Kurt do you know cam do you know can I make an was distracted by the Cheeto puff what happened can I make an

Infinite pool of lava by myself or is that not a you can’t make infinite lava okay need a lava pool said you could but maybe you can I don’t know yes it didn’t work when I did it it only works with water I’m G finish that freeb I’m doing and then I’ll okay

Because otherwise then I’m actually going to need to find diamond to do this I have to go back into the caves I think I have to go back into the caves gentlemen rude Mar say go try for three hours okay hello Maria she said she’ll join us in a

Little bit she has to finish an art commission oh [ __ ] I’m going to not do that I need 10 lava buckets then or I can find one this whole game you can ask him let’s see I’m writing this down 794 watching Mimi stream earlier this just reminded me and I’m like sorry

M I’m going to have to backseat game you cuz I I saw her just like going through chests and just taking individual stuff that could be stacked by a double click like me I’m I’m sorry I got to back to I’m bad about that too I’m bad about

Double click you get all the items just like oh yeah sorry I already know that wait double click like you like shift click clicking or like if you double click an item that’s in a box it will take all the items in that box and stack

Them there’s also a button on the uh if you go like you open up a chest it’ll be like a yeah extract an insert button oh yeah the sort container and then the extract insert if you hold down shift it will only take the like if you want to

Extract from a container and you let’s say you have like nothing but dirt blocks in that container yeah and you have dirt block in your inventory you can press extract and so it’ll be like hey you have dirt blocks you want dirt blocks here’s dirt blocks if you don’t

Have anything in your inventory you have to like at least have one item of it sh shift click that Arrow oh shift block means it’s always it’s always holding shift even if I find the lava I find something on the surface you go into your normal it’s going to be so far away

From Myas off from there you had to turn it off so realistically the better option is to just highly don’t recommend really I’m option is probably just get a diamond pickaxe because like like I can go to the cave a neat feature but the thing is like I have to still Ferry all

The lava out life up would I like I could make 10 buckets or I could search for that but crazy they added more stuff to the B could make the portal in the cave yeah they had like one thing a year wait a minute they’re adding an armadillo wait a minute

Finally that could do it yep you do one bucket at a time that would take so [ __ ] long portal in the cave I think might be that’s that’s probably the option I think it’s the one okay I’ve done it I figured it out I’m making the portal in

The cave that way I don’t have to fery all this [ __ ] I think that’s the play WoW true caveman yeah I think I think this is how we do it in Philadelphia this is how we do it in Philly I think this is it my problem is my [ __ ] iron sword’s

About to die that’s an issue okay actually I can make something El don’t worry I’m not worried I’ve have full faith in you Connor oh Cam we didn’t uh tell you that we oh yeah we would k we went in the T Forest we killed the first boss really easily and the second

Boss that was a nightmare the second boss was night hard oh was a nightmarish situation yeah it took us like a lot of tries we kept string and dying do you know do you know how Bren Josh and I did it no no so we had no idea how to beat

It at this time at this point like up to now people have like figured out how to do it like they figured out like the cheese way of doing it I guess but at the time when we did it we were completely new to it and fresh and so we

Had no idea what we were doing what was the che’s way hold on I don’t know someone I think Josh found a way but like out like seconds but like at this point we didn’t know so we were going in and literally I would just run in just

Hit him as many times as possible die respawn do the same thing over and over again I just put a bed outside the tower and honestly that was the only way I don’t know how to we figured out how to beat him but we did not do that but my

Bed was right next to the portal so we were just running in and dying over and over again and going through the portal and then doing a death run through the tower hey great mines you know and it was uh I would say it wasn’t quite as

Successful but it was still nice that was a great time it reminded me of my old valheim experience very much okay this is a good area to do this okay this this this seam this seam is the answer this is the answer to all my problems Conor do you

Do you want a tip on lava uh I don’t know what what you got for me geologist what do you got for me well no I’m just saying do you know about it has to be a source block yes well I know well isn’t it all

Source blocks no so you see how the lav flowing next to you it has to be the the original block I believe otherwise it turns into Cobblestone wait can I pick up this I pick up this water because it’s flowing that’s not the source you have to pick it to take

The source block for that okay yeah but that’s fine so I can go take the oh wait I see what you’re saying about the lava now I see I see where the difficulties arising now that’s not the case for everything but I think it’s the case for

Obsidian I don’t know for sure that’s my understanding also enjoy that water well that’s fine I don’t take any damage from it but like okay so I need to figure out I need to figure out then so I have an infinite source of water

Now now I need to get the LA okay the lava is going to be an issue well can’t I like box it in and make it a source no really you box it in but you can’t you can block flow but you can’t resource it you

Know I mean try it try pouring bucket of water on that or get to I mean you know how to do the infinite water thing right yes like make an infinite water pool next to you and then yeah I’ve already done that I’ve already done that yeah yeah okay I just need to

Okay yeah you know what it’s not working it’s not it’s not going up any higher but I don’t think this is going to work yeah that’s definitely not going to work there are two ways to create unlimited lava in Minecraft you can either craft an infinite lava source

Ingame materials or use mods generate lava as desired Google thank you simp thank you very much for that one that does not help me how is this [ __ ] not I didn’t are you just being mean no that’s their name okay like just it’s like man I never just heard so

Connor insult an internet person before so so the answers are I could generate the lava in game or use cheat thank you Google that’s very helpful I forget that half of this [ __ ] is for like children who they’re like so here’s how you going to do you’re going to go

To the command prompt I need to they’ll block this off this okay I don’t think this going to work this is definitely not going to work level’s also like really slow so it might take some time to update no this this [ __ ] is definitely not filling up

More oh you’re trying to like fill up yeah yeah I was trying to see if I like cut off the source if it would like but yeah it’s it’s not going to work I don’t think they added Bern’s principle into this game which is crazy because like there’s other infinite

Pools so I’m like why does this like why why do I have to find it where it’s not flowing off the [ __ ] sides of the the goddamn I mean I have to just go find more lava um pain in the ass the nether is full of lava you can go to the nether

Well how do I get to the nether without a a portal go to go to the portal in town well I don’t want to do that so simple well you could what you could do is triangulate your coordinates from the nether to your town From the town if that makes sense so you go into the ne how does that help me oh you need obsidian to do this never mind yes I still need obsidian I will find find some obsidian with like a stone pick don’t worry don’t worry I will find

Something don’t you worry I don’t think you can I mean I think it lets you break it but you just don’t get to pick it up or it doesn’t SP anything we shouldn’t have told him we should have just got be I’m pretty sure I’ve done it before what

Is it between deep slate iron ore and regular iron is there a difference um I think you need a certain kind of pickaxe to do deep slate like iron I just broke it with iron an iron pickaxe yes but not a you can’t do like a stone pickaxe oh yeah

Yeah that’s not a big deal that’s not a big deal dude these cobwebs go [ __ ] crazy yeah They’re Kurt and I found like a spider’s Nest when we first spawned down and it was a nightmare I think you ended up getting an AR from it though I might have I don’t remember I have no torches either this is a problem I have literally zero torches

[ __ ] sne the night vision goggles man trade you splitter cell goggles it’s actually so fun I’ve been just exploring caves this whole time ever since getting them just think how much you hated them I just remember you talking so much [ __ ] when you got them I’m like these are useless turns out

I will not die to fall damage because I have uh boots that make sure I don’t die to fall damage but I do need lava I’m like some building this Castle right and then Jake walks up and he makes this like suggestion that’s like really cool

And now I want to do it but like I don’t know how to implement that so it’s like just do it forehead yeah just it’s so easy just have Jake do it for you dude where is the damn lava in this game I’m finding lava everywhere except the infinite pools of lava

Just go to the if you get a horse you can just ride it around well I need a everyone’s like hey if you had this like really cool helpful what the [ __ ] is this what the hell is this what is this find Anaconda outside oh my God what is happening I’m blinded I’m

Blinded what is going on where are oh I was just shot by like there was like some sort of like thing with purple weapons oh it was the top hat gamer the top hat gamer the top hat gamer it’s the guy with the little Top Hat okay you

Know what I’m going to cut my losses and just get the [ __ ] out of here before I die let make like a tree and split espe CU my sword’s almost dead oh my God they’re all dying to the gravel all right we need to get out

Here this this this is a really cool Cave System but it’s [ __ ] nightmarish there’s like cobwebs everywhere the pain in the ass a gigantic pain in the ass here wait there he is again wait it’s on him I was about to jump in lava okay we’re good we’re good really

Cous who’s here only here because Minecraft people who know have asked uh this whole stream does not watch me it’s only here for Minecraft actually there he is again who is this guy this whole stream doesn’t watch me who the [ __ ] is this dude he’s like he’s like all he’s

Like charcoal black and he’s got like a purple bow and he shoots me with it and I go blind I kind of I want to fight him do it give it give it give him the one two punch the problem is I don’t have my sword’s about to break the

Problem but you know what I’m going to go for it hands on oh there’s a spawner shoot my ass can to shoot my ass okay he still blinds me even if I block it it blinds me can’t see [ __ ] oh it’s a top gamer yeah it’s the top hat gamer okay

He’s going to kill me there’s no way wait maybe kill him oh I can kill his wait I’m using the hoe I’m dead I’m so dead use your Shield he’s he’s fine oh I got him oh good sh I’m dead though I’m dead

Though I need to oh oh need to get out I need to get out I need to get get out oh they’re fighting they’re fighting each other oh highlight moment love it when shoot the zombies holy [ __ ] I lived I lived [ __ ] oh we got to

Get out of here what I get oh I got a forgotten hat what does that give me you’re the top hat gamer now holy [ __ ] it gives me qu what the [ __ ] is Quark is it quirked up a quirked up white quk is the mod that yeah the

Purple is just what mod it came from oh okay I need to [ __ ] get out of here really I need to get out of this [ __ ] up have you been in the same cave as me this I have I mean I killed this forgotten guy I got rid of his ass

But wowow um what if I just take this no it’s not going to work Tempest [ __ ] it what does that mean when I wake up uh Josh said it means something in Latin something about a new day time is pass it’s actually Italian tempus forget about it forget about it Pizza

Forget okay I’m a top hat gamer now I need to get the [ __ ] out of here though really is just like a [ __ ] YouTube channel name for Minecraft tutorials I swear every Gaming Community needs a top hat gamer true so true every crew has one top hat gamer fingers

Fingerless gloves guy guy that doesn’t shower um fingerless Club Sky dude dude that makes everyone really uncomfortable with how mad they get at video games I don’t really think we have any of those I think we’re too old we’ve been around too long I used to

Get really mad at games but no I’ve matured I’ve matured into a Minecraft Top Hat gamer it’s true true you know what they say life’s like a video game yeah I put a video game poem in my twitch bio and it has a uh it has a line like

Like that in there I am lost in the caves I don’t know where I’m at [ __ ] there’s got to be one these these areas all these walls look the same this is like I’m I’m panicking you can mine straight up I could do that but I know I already have an area

Made I mean that’s a lost cause no no no no no it’s not a lost cause it’s not a lost cause what some people do when they mine Connor is they always put their torches on the right so when they’re trying to get that would be a smart idea

Oh I found it I found it I found it I found it I told this to Maria and she said that like I was crazy she was like that’s like a lot of work and no one does that and I was like this can’t just

Be me like putting on the right side to like track where you’ve been that’s got to be like a thing yeah it’s okay I found the area I found I would do it if I needed torches for anything yeah you just get lost I don’t

Know where I’ve been had I had grass in my house that wasn’t growing and I’m like hey Brian can you come look at this uh why isn’t the grass growing over here he’s like it’s cuz it’s pitch black I’m like oh who whoa what the who the

[ __ ] why is there a dude in his horse stuck in my [ __ ] cave tunnel the wondering Trader wait this is useful potentially it’s not a horse what is this it’s a is this llama oh [ __ ] it’s a llama okay he does does not have anything useful for me actually is

Is there like something good for a path is Pathfinders cool or nautilus shell good or any of this is any of this good I’ve never what the [ __ ] is I can’t I can’t also move the bar the bar his bar is bro this dude is going deep into the [ __ ]

Caves he’s walking into the mines of Moria downstairs he’s got to go meet his new best friend the Forgotten guy I can’t I killed him I know that you just murdered his best friend am I is this is this bar not supposed to be able to meet moved

Where is he going he’s moving so many llamas down here no I actually think that little bar isn’t isn’t like is it bugged I think it worked on the goblin Trader if you um if you don’t want anything of his it’s worth killing him in the Llama uh the camels to get the

Leads that he has oh I already have a lead though okay so I think I’ll let him be you can make a lead pretty easily I’m just too lazy yeah I have a lead me when I’m a journal wow I’m G to kill him for his leads oh it’s not even

Funny I think it’s you know what’s crazy to think about like back in the day you could just be a wondering Trader like what happened to that what happened to the dudes that just walk around and just like trade stuff on the roads like look what they stole from you look what they

Stole from us actually like I can’t just like walk out travel City to City anymore yeah I want to go back to you can do that just be homeless I mean I could but like it’s not quite the same cuz I need permits you know you know what time era Imes is like

The 1960s in like Hollywood where you could just go put your name on an office that you don’t even have any permission to be in and then people just start thinking that like you work there now you just literally just lie your way into an industry H is that what happened

That I think that’s literally what happened to like Steven Spielberg is he like he said that like apparently he just put his name tag on an office store one time and then like they’re just like okay that’s fine you can write for us now that’s awesome I believe it la la

Has a lot of people that are surprising that they’re have made it to adulthood I’m going to go fish okay so I have a butterfly net and a fishing rod finally but I don’t know what the hell to use the butterfly net for I found a CD if

You guys want to come jam out just look for butterflies oh if I find one if I find one you’re prepped he’s ready ah well I don’t think I’m making this nether portal before I’m done for today I don’t think that’s happening why not um because I’m reach six hours of

The stream I’m I’m going to go eat I’m probably done soon fine when when when the going gets rough quit that’s what Connor always says no the going no you didn’t you didn’t see the going was rough in the Twilight Zone okay the gro was the going was rough

There then and also it was rough before that when I was [ __ ] I was going like I was trying to find my previous melon Kingdom okay it was and then I was fighting witches in a blood Feud for their house and their cat it was rough

Then oh did you ever find your uh your old place no well I still have it written down but essentially I’ve established a new home because I killed a bunch of of witches and took their cat in their home and then they fought me for it in like a generational blood War

And then I kind of just took it overal blood War what does that even mean I mean we fought multiple generations of witches and they fought the same generation of me okay I’ve been trying to find J every time I looked I couldn’t find no I’m trying to is

Dungeon oh wait there’s the Anaconda I found the Anaconda card good is this your first timeing it I’ve not seen it before Oh if you go up and right click it it’ll give you an achievement actually yeah just go do it right now no you can literally you can literally hear

The you you can ride it I hear you can ride the Anaconda yeah you got to put a lead on it though or not a lead a saddle well I do not have a I have no leather that’s the only thing I’ve been lacking I had literally no leather

There’s no creatures that give leather is no cows no there no cows in this area I don’t know what’s going on there’s just wies and pumpkins and [ __ ] I’m like in [ __ ] I’m like in Halloween Town that’s sick the Disney Channel original this the month of October I could make Trader leather yeah

I could go find the wondering Trader turn him into leather in Orlando I don’t think or well I guess pumpkins do grow in Orlando actually didn’t we have the discussion pumpkins grow in Florida very well Conor are you the type of person that gets a pumpkin spice latte every morning

When when it is in uh uh no I’m not really a huge pumpkin spice oh I mean it’s not I dislike pumpkin spice I enjoy it I just don’t think I just don’t love it you know yeah a huge pumpkin spice guy I don’t know if I’ve ever had it

Before I mean it’s good if you like if you like it you know it’s it’s nice it’s just not for it’s just not for me that much I had one autumn themed coffee and I I hated it I thought it was so bad isn’t it just like a lot of cinnamon and

Pumpkin stuff this one was like a caramel apple flavored drink and I was like this just doesn’t taste good damn this was not meant to be an a mocha flavored drink okay well listen I have fish for you C here you go fish Oo where the [ __ ] did my fish go I’ve lost my fish that’s fine you may have despawned oh maybe well whatever I’m just going to fish in here this looks like it’s teaming with life I cannot see [ __ ] there’s too too much grass oh my God my

Ears anybody know what NS do I keep finding them in the caves uh to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever seen them maybe they’re just I don’t think I’ve seen n either hello hey oh Brenan hello Mr hook do you know what erns do it’s just decoration you can break

Them brenon I did a lot of things today what did you do well Kurt and I went to the Twilight beat two bosses we uh had death run like a valheim situation that wasn’t very fun that was rough I have lost my melon hold and I’ve had to then start a blood Feud

With witch for their land and their cat I see and I took it and then I’ve kind of you know been been Advanced up the it’s been nice and then the goal was to make another portal to connect to the main village but then Kurt was like everyone’s leaving you know the town’s

Ding downtown’s dying because you know everyone’s work from home now yeah yeah it’s a shame what they’re doing this the economy now our local businesses can’t survive I can’t go in and pay $12 for a coffee and then give them 30% tip all I’m saying is that it’s

Just got a little dangerous the suburbs are a little SI yeah it’s kind a little dangerous antifa’s coming to to get us you know got to get true true you know that’s true that’s why I’ve been buying the Cyber truck because it’s bulletproof did you see there is some

Guy on Twitter going off that like he was like the cartels are going to buy this and invade and we can’t stop them now because this Hy truck Invasion it’s like ah yes you want to get in from by like Adam Jensen from deos X mm or whatever what was that game

It was like MCM I can’t remember the [ __ ] the name of the game was it’s DX okay you just cut off the last part what a shame they didn’t convert to the global charging standard that Tesla wanted to do what a shame holy [ __ ] I just watched this

[ __ ] fish eat another fish pretty sure no wait he ate no he ate the straw never mind yeah the uh catfish just eat a bunch of crap on the ground they’re pretty great good for them good for them but it’s not ball prooof I’m going to invade your Yankee what are you this

Comet my I didn’t want to I didn’t want a lily pad I wanted another catch him he’s you know he doesn’t appear to want to be CAU dud creeper if you blow this mimic up I’m be so mad he doesn’t he doesn’t appear to want to be caught not the

Creeper there’s someone in the Twilight right now oh my god oh I got something at all I want one more fish to feed the cat and also for my it’s good it’s green there’s like 800 enemies I have to defeat kill was it an epic skin some tokens a new emote maybe got

Him it increases your attack speed interesting he did not give me I’m assuming it resets quicker yeah probably resets faster it’s actually kind of op oh my God it does reset I’m just going to feed the cat and you know what I’m done with it holy

[ __ ] some fish feed the cat well that’s good wait uh dude Jake has been farming like efficiency or I don’t remember what it was like the speed for like a pickaxe he has like the sixth level of it and he can literally out an entire like section in less than a

Mill like he’ll look at a block and before like before it even renders it’s already gone he’s clicking like he doesn’t even need to click it’s just like instant kill of blocks I don’t have any more it’s nuts if you could just stack that uh that attack I thought I

Had more you probably even kill like oh can you like second 12 hour stream I’m assuming so uh you should be able to enchant we just hit the 6 hour we hit 6 hour Mar actually so yeah cuzz what I got was an artifact we’re going to be done I think

I’m going to go eat dinner cuz we’re at 10 p.m. a very successful Mining Adventure tomorrow we’re going to stream again be back around a similar time 5:00 p.m. Eastern um I don’t know if I’m going to play Minecraft tomorrow or if I’m going to play like I don’t know go back to

Super Mario Sunshine on the server no something like that I don’t know can we play the horror game tomorrow could play Outlast let me mute them sorry all right Gamers I’ve hit the the 6 hour 10 minute Mark time for me to go eat but I will see everyone maybe

Tomorrow I’m not sure enjoy your grub Conor two days in a row great job with I’m guaranteeing three streams a week now it’s part of my my Initiative for my content initiative I want to be like FDR for Content I’m going to have myself out working shoveling content putting

Content up for dams building content it’s going to be like that M we got four terms let’s go he’ll never finish Minecraft I didn’t think can you finish Minecraft yeah there’s an end okay oh there’s an endur Dragon if you kill the Ender does the credits play for

Everybody I just said I’m a food unfortunately I have to go get food I have to go get food chat but so tomorrow we have a couple options I could play a different single player game I could go back to Minecraft server or I could play the horror game

Maybe I don’t know I could also but I have a couple options I also want to do the emote Purge but I don’t like your list Eagle by the way if you’re still here I don’t I think your list is biased it’s nitpicky and bias like I don’t see a single Taylor

Swift or Olivia Rodrigo emote on that list I haven’t seen I don’t see a single one of those I will give you two Taylor emotes yes also I don’t think like that or or rol or anything like that should be on the list R gets used fairly frequently

And like that gets used fairly frequently you hate R yeah but it gets used a lot I don’t think anything that’s being used a lot should go but yeah so I don’t know tomorrow it will be either Minecraft or single player game I’m not sure which I’m not sure I mean

Tomorrow could be the horror game because we’re towards the end of the month could be the horror game tomorrow could play Outlast we play Outlast should I play it in the dark but the problems I played in the dark you won’t be able to see my

Face at all and also like I’ll have to like turn off the green screen good okay yeah I could play Outlast tomorrow um but yeah good stream it was awesome being the top 11 Minecraft streamers on the platform oh welcome te literally just ended after it’s been 6 hours it’s been

Like 6 hours or so but yeah we’re going to be back to we have to go eat dinner but uh yeah I’m going to be back tomorrow though we’re doing the hor I guess we’ll do the horror stream why not I was at a work punch I’m sorry we’re

Going to do the look we’re rolling them he’s getting rolled right now we’re going to do the horror stream tomorrow I guess why not why not so get ready for Outlast tomorrow chat we will we’ll see you there now where the super TF Refugee supposed to do I don’t know I don’t

Know but yeah we’ll be back tomorrow gotta go eat bye-bye everyone Thanks for tuning in I am such a good Minecrafter

This video, titled ‘Avast plays Minecraft with Plat Chat | Part 2’, was uploaded by Avast VODs on 2024-01-08 17:00:36. It has garnered 357 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:11:41 or 22301 seconds.

Originally streamed October 21, 2023 – I was never booksmart. I’m Minecraft smart.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/avast

Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AvastDaBomb Twitter: https://twitter.com/Avast_o Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avast_0/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/puyjEgV5pF

Managed by: TheEagleFanboy https://twitter.com/TheEagleFanboy

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    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 607 In Minecraft Land, Episode 607, We build and explore, a gamer’s heaven. Flying high, crafting diamonds and fire, Furnaces and zombies, a gamer’s desire. Chickens to feed, sheep to shear, With fireworks and wings, we have no fear. Building our world, block by block, Creating a place, where dreams unlock. So join me in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. Thank you for watching, until the end, In Minecraft Land, we’ll always ascend. Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon https://www.9minecraft.net/earth-magic-addon-mcpe/ #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): million-overhead.gl.joinmc.link Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More