Ayuki Akiba’s Obsessive Addiction to Minecraft

Video Information

Hello can you hear me oh my God that fixed it well that fixed it everyone um so man I would make a great network engineer let me tell you um my title is closer towards it Specialists rather than um Network and network technician um but um man I have what a great handle

On network engineering um so yeah so I was right um it was it was some issue between a network node that’s has commonality with a YouTube server because I I know mic is streaming right now and was encountering the same uh package dropping um Network package dropping client package drop uh the

Client lag was non-existent locally so but I can see given that I was also having these Network packet issues um and you know we just did a modem reset uh which doesn’t really do much we were able to verify the Integrity of our Network by performing a speed test um to

Google’s Services right and that’s pretty much all you really need um on top of like everything the rest of the internet’s working just fine so uhoh spoke too soon 7% drops something’s happening out there in the internet but while I haven’t completely eliminated it it looks like the server I chose for this

One has improved it by 50% so we’ll take her you know we’ll take that dub and restart the stream shall we hi everyone I’m AI akuba your star from the future because I sure as hell am not one now today we’ll be playing Minecraft unfortunately I became addicted um having watched the Sho

Played Minecraft so much so I’ll be also playing their mod uh their same mod pack I do believe there are some differences uh which are not completely obvious to me yet but uh we’ll be able to you know have fun and basically do most of the same stuff that you might have been

Seeing them do on stream just an addicted star Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft so here we go all righty as you can see this is the visho mod pack um if you type exclamation mod pack for those on Twitch you’ll be able to get more information

On where to find the mod pack of in case you are interested yeah we’re going to play this on my local server um and you know just kind of FYI it’s this is just a server um between me and some friends such as Micah so we’re not meaning to have it

Publicly joinable though I may request uh y’all to jump in if we’re helping on some uh projects so oh God what was that all righty right now I was looking for kelp because we were looking to make uh conveyor bels um I I have been learning about engineering and gear ratios

And water wheels and powering it that way so all right um yeah no game sound oh I can fix that ohop it is outputting to the wrong thing there we are all right all righty that should fix it too much brain power you mind block you put it

Down um funny enough I think that was historically not engaging enough for me so I have wed to um do a lot more so you’ll you’ll see why we were on this Expedition let’s go oh God uhoh there we are I recently Min this up all right let’s get out of

Here Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft okay I was thinking about Minecraft all day at work my coworker was like oh I need help with this I’m like I’m bored at work they’re like oh you’re bored at work do you have something to do I was like yes but I could be playing Minecraft

So oh that’s that was me all day Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft I feel like henya so how was everyone’s day I know we had a a whirlwinds of events happen today recently especially kept me busy these past two hours but that’s okay cuz now it’s time for Minecraft my Minecraft got you like

Roblox got my younger cousin so yeah Roblox though what is it about Roblox that just makes it feel like malware like every time I had been servicing um people’s computers at my old job we always viewed Roblox as like a virus so we would always remove it and

It turns out you know um it cut what would happen was it forced it Roblox would automatically install you know Microsoft and Roblox cut out some deal or whatever for Roblox to automatically install and I would always be removing that because I’ll be like oh blo wear

Remove um so and that was kind of kind of the boutique experience I realized later that was like a violation of our vendor agreement but you know it was junk and it just all it did was all it did was provide us repeat service for people to come back oh my

Kid is playing this game and they’re talking to strangers online hi lover of the boner that’s quite the name you have there anyway oh God it got dark real fast holy [ __ ] there’s zombies all around us it’s not that bad MMOs it’s not that MMOs are bad I’m a former RuneScape

Addict but roox made a deal to install itself spread itself like a virus yeah pretty much RuneScape you can just log in and forget yeah okay Micah’s um requesting help I might help her out because um she’s unable to have stable stream right now because she

Doesn’t use oh you like my pixil else um she’s unable to have a stable stream right now cuz she’s streaming directly to YouTube and so after we drop over here we will provide some tech support over to Micah okay look at this Marvel that’s Innovation gear

Ratios big gear goes to this gear goes to little gear goes to Big gear big gear goes to little gear little gear goes to Big gear big gear goes to little gear little gear goes to Big gear big gear goes to little gear little gear goes to

Big gear big gear goes to Big gear um big gear rotates on this axis and then big gear go turns this little gear little gear makes this gr turn really fast science midle gear all right so engineering look at this we can have all this it Smashes nice right Innovation all right we’re gonna we’re going to provide tech support hello hello hello this is iuk Tech Support Services speaking how may I help you um do I have to end my stream entirely to do this I just made the account I’m like copying the stream key

To see if that if I can just do that yeah you might have to do something like that so let me go ahead and connect it’s okay okay but you know it’s that or a 60% yeah so right now bro I think I have to end the stream it won’t let me do

Anything yeah I switched servers and it is 2% so I think that’s worth the the tradeoff what what does 2% mean that sounds like trash 2% dropped frames you’re at 65 or you’re at 32 so that’s way worse holy cow all righty man um so what we’re

Going to do is I stream we’re going to have to end for a little bit sorry yeah guys I’m sorry I have to start another another waiting room going are you guys okay with with waiting for me to make a new waiting room I’ll I’ll post the link on Discord

And on the YouTube Community post oh God if that’s okay wait let me see let me see what you guys are saying I forgot where the freak I put chat here it is is hell no no please or else you guys will just keep getting buffering and buffering

Forever do you guys want forever buffering yeah I mean they’re they’re B basically not able to respond so all right Rob no I’m behind what we doing okay I’m going to wait let me see I’m ending stream and restarting with a new waiting room okay ready okay okay we’re going to just end

The stream okay and then we’re going to go to settings we’re going to stream R stream connect account and then continue with Google okay okay then do this thing just keep in mind my chat can hear you oh okay I shall not say what my password it is definitely not password 12 M

Please uh you’re not typing anything no I’m looking for the the password because I don’t remember what it is okay all right I’ll I’ll take over restream my first time using it yeah we’re going to select the Dallas oh we could select so many countries and stuff there’s that one now we’re not

Done yet you’ve already connected do you want to stream on Twitch might as well right I guess okay is literally the first time all right so now we’re done with that we’re going to just shove this on the sign oh let’s put chat in there too I want to see

Chat how I have a chat on this side cuz my eye automatically looks that way okay we don’t need this and then we’ll update the titles over everything go ahead and make it match your last stream title just Ty I’m look at what a heck I wrote

I’m just going to copy paste it here you go copy past description suul Lance um let’s let’s put uh sure why not oh my God gaming yeah right uh don’t worry about it it’s not going to find it this part yeah update all all right and then what you have to

Do on Twitch because this system doesn’t work out perfectly oh I go to the website oh you go to the twitch just do your own and then first time streaming and it’s literally half of of a Stream uh what the freak I have 100 followers in there where the freak where did they come from I literally never post anything well edit this temp is that what it’s called yeah that’s the one oh okay silly little Pokemon copycat uh I guess you can

Do so is this chat going to show like both chats from yep oh like in the same box yep okay cool okay so you have that set up and people are still chatting I can see the update all right you ready am I okay all right uh 3 two one start streaming oh

But I uh oh okay wait is this say oh uh with uh well didn’t we write stuff down already how do we use that one or do we have to redo it anyway go live with the YouTube dashboard settings uh like what we wrote previously

Or yeah I don’t know what this means I think so okay all right ask me again go live let me see my YouTu oh okay you have to check your live so you’re live on Twitch we already know that um oh let’s check wait I already have

YouTube open you have to do this it’s right here it’s right here right here there you go oh wait no this is our old stream wait wait let me see I’m curious is it doing a thing or is it a i e yeah have to end it because it’s not ended complely

So and you’re already live yep H uh hold on you’re this is not it you are let go of your mouse please oh it’s doing it it’s doing it yeah let go with your mouse yeah I let go then output we’re going to do 6,000 that’s just the limitation of the

Platform 6,000 hopefully it’s not buffering oh I see it buffering uh hold on oh really it’s still buffering okay we’re almost done everyone see we’ll use this we’ll use this as a test stream oh yeah you guys get to watch us do a test stream for this new

Application I’m doing right now the one that auki uses yeah they can hear you too okay um I just realized you have you’re using the wrong processing method so be right back everyone boom boom uh that you were never use you need to use this to use your GPU and then this hardware

And do that slower that’s quality that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine apply we’re looking good okay start streaming okay now we can monitor it wait let’s go to YouTube so I can see if chat’s saying anything and then watch this right here mic that will tell you about the

Quality so what percentage should I be seeing under under 3% oh okay before you had 30 before I H 30 okay and I was getting 65 so that’s even worse oh 2.5S uhoh yeah it may stabilize you’ll see it’ll go down so if it goes up okay I’ll I’ll continue

Monitoring but um okay yeah you yeah it should it should slope off all right everyone is going down yeah so we’ll take it small wins all righty everyone this is II signing off from mic’s stream bye okay Rich Sonic okay hi I’m back Tex support done unfortunately some drop frames but

Um a lot more stable on Micah’s be mic’s oh man it’s loading oh [ __ ] that’s right um loading so this mod pack takes a [ __ ] ton of ram um last I glanced at my Ram oh yeah Minecraft taking 6 GB of RAM so that’s insane I’m going to Remo

This it doesn’t like it when I uh connect and reconnect but yeah I’m back hi everyone how was your day oh I totally forgot um Midstream will be going into the huni toachi it’s her birthday tomorrow so she’ll be celebrating hi uni so she’ll be celebrating her birthday and I’ll be

Doing a Callin so keep on lookout for that I’ll drop the link when it’s my turn yeah and we’ll just do it live all righty Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft how’s that song Go Again Minecraft Minecraft I think it goes like this okay you guys can’t even hear It Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft all right here we are we’re back in game so gear ratios this giant water wheel goes into this small uh gear turning this big gear turns this small gear turns this big gear which turns this small gear which turns this big gear which turns this small gear turns

This big gear which turns this gear and connects this item right here which is our pounder and that also look at that that also connects to this small one and which is our mixer right here so Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft oh yeah um so yeah I’ve had um I’ve had succulant helping

Out with building all of this we got a little Blaze for the flame um yeah what do we need to do now oh my God it’s going so fast well how fast is it going oops um let’s find out okay oh I don’t need you speedometer what the [ __ ] okay oh that’s pretty

Fast oh God damn it nuclear energy load yeah so I don’t know what to do about this this is kind of ugly but whatever right so now um now for my understanding I should be able to let’s see oh God we’re going to put away to kill oh my God all these

Ingots iron ore or ingots Magan don’t need this and then oh God that here that’s I have no idea what this is brass I don’t even know why we started doing all this stuff all I remember is I need brass but I don’t remember

Why uh R 10 oh crap we need process that huh all that 1 2 3 four we’ll make uh four we’ll make four um oh God that I’ll make four for what uh ovens one oh if you guys want a back seat if you know this mod definitely say something okay and then

Uhhuh and then oh hey we get used to crap X there you are ah look at that easy and now we’ll have some charcoal I think that’s how this works nope um damn it found that [ __ ] Yeah I need more fuel oh mother Jesus that scared me oh take that yep it’s far away so I think this is how you make charcoal if I’m not mistaken that’s definitely not how you make charcoal okay so maybe we do Oh it’s a little dark now oh god oh [ __ ] okay oh that’s hotu is starting soon I got to be ready for that all right you know what let’s play our own background music W logs burn is charcoal oh okay okay hello hold on oh okay one more time how do you put

Chat on stream it says that I can make it look like Minecraft but like how do I do that like uh what do you mean it only gives me embed like look look at look at the chat setting wait wait a minute am I stupid wait no okay wait

Appearance compact mode uh but how do I no uh where was I I’m better in stream like it looks horrible right now what are you talking about the chat it gives me options for putting chat on stream and it looks it doesn’t look the same as it

Used to like how I how I always put it it gives me the the restream chat and it looks weird as hell I mean not weird it just looks ugly oh you have to it gives me options to like look at a certain like you have to copy the pop out from

YouTube No but like to have the twitch one as well cuz if I just do thebe one you can uh you have to you have to set it up both you have to set it up through streamlabs Oh I guess I’ll just leave it the way I have it right now then hold on do you want to set it up right now um okay I guess I we can just do that streams not no um hold on okay everyone pause on the stream again sorry

Y’all like look how it is right now you see that cuz I’m doing this thing down here in bed and so I can see both chats I want to do this thing why can’t I use that preview YouTube Supremacy twitch Supremacy so analytic likees switch more okay copy

This does that one let me see YouTube and twitch yes ma’am where’s your chat this one yeah that’s what I used to Use look at that Minecraft option it gives me but I it doesn’t give me like a oh wa wa why is that a dollar sign next to Peter’s name it’s cuz he’s a member oh it’s not going to show the logos and icons hold on okay what about emojis

Oh twitch was full of inappropriate stuff a couple months ago like why the beeter guy what the question is is my got to beer for twitch I’ve seen I’ve watched twitch before I’m not completely clueless about twitch I don’t see it that different it’s just the the the words people use

Like the the Omega L and all that you know like they have their own memes I guess Twi had a lot of questionable not sa for work really but wouldn’t they wouldn’t that wouldn’t those people get banned I just watch vtubers I don’t watch anybody else is it still full of those things

Oh it is so full of really I just I I only watch V I don’t Know oh is invisible oh okay we good um okay I thought I could use the Minecraft one though cuz it it gave me the I have no idea about that you on your own if you want to use that are you streams yeah all right

Then okie dokie have fun I’ll be um I’ll be on H’s totsu in like 15 so that’ll be fine oh okay yeah have fun with hyi bye byebye okay so I’m pretty sure chat has both YouTube okay that is her punishment for all righty so where were we we’re

Playing Minecraft right it’s actually almost tilsted time so I need to jump in that waiting room so okay I’m going to I’m going to have this thing like super fast and ready for us to switch to TSU mode so give me a second while I set that up y’all m

Man it’s tough being popular all right Oh sorry everyone I hate to make you wait we’re going to turn on streamer mode so that we don’t get all that settings and sounds all righty now we can probably play games all right we’re good no interruptions Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft yeah that’s true all righty Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft

Oh okay we can still leave behind the sprs oh I’m [ __ ] up um we can replant these Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft sorry I don’t have a very serious conversation for y’all what you got mining to do apparently in this mod if you hold shifts while mining a tree it’ll chop

Down the entire tree you have to hold shift though oh my God that’s the my set so I can make sure I don’t miss the TSU God all right I think we’ll be fine so how’s everyone’s day how was your um I think that was your Thursday right everything going well over

Everybody tomorrow’s Friday and if you’re working this week that means this the last day of the work week I know that’s what I’m looking forward to quite honestly though it’s not like I would play too much of well that’s a lie I played a lot last night off stream but

I wanted to have all this on stream because I was learning a lot about gear ratios and I’m sure all of you would have loved to have been part of that but um yeah it’s been it’s been wild I never knew I could like be so into this

All right so we’re going to put that’s wrong there we are logs you just finished making dinner Oh we’ll put that here you’re starting to feel better a I know you got um food poisoning on Christmas day right started here oh but speaking of birthdays a couple of y’all’s birthdays coming soon I um we got January 4th right suck you Lance in January 8th for Aries so that’s really

Exciting I hope you all have something planned and if not if you have a quiet birthday you know maybe I can help you enjoy that birthday I’ll be here at least I’ll try to be and yes charcoal here yeah what is that sound what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is

Happening here is this fish getting caught in the water wheel that’s hilarious all right okay you have to work to do on your birthday oh I’m sorry I know um all my all my co-workers always wondered why I always worked on my birthday and you

Know it was just out of mere fact that I had nothing else to do so um you know it’s not that bad to work on your birthday it’s not bad work I’m planning a stream oh okay okay we got to do the kelp nice we’re doing good doing good

Okay so we need two kelp and we’re going to neck these dried kelp um well rather we need to make a conveyor and then somehow that magically makes this contraption as you all can see you can have a conveyor belt look at that whoa that’s sick oh my God look at this

This could be us chat we could be making conveyor belts oh my God that is [ __ ] sick okay we’re going to get our kill yes oh uhhuh and then okay how do you do this right click and hold okay okay okay so okay all right all right uh look at this okay okay

Uh this and 10 right I remember copper and tin makes bronze but here we call it brass so I guess the I guess it’s the same thing 10 oh okay Dr Stone Minecraft yeah okay okay we’re gonna make another oven we don’t have enough ovens okay we’re going to I’m going to click

This we got a totto in 9 minutes so everyone remember this tot to time in 9 minutes um we don’t need that okay um there U God I hear this barking in the background it’s so distracting so we have the kelp we have this hell yeah hell yeah we’re making feel

All right and then the 10 that’s right there we go all right I didn’t see any tin in here okay let’s put more kelp on there okay okay we’ll put that in here let’s go let’s go make a blast furnace why do we need a blast furnace okay we’re doing it faster

Smelting oh is that why we needed brass Uh wait a minute hello hello hi succulent Lance uh you want to put on headphones I can hear you I can hear me through you wait can you hear me I can hear I can hear you I can hear sorry yeah all right um look at this no wow okay then 10 10

10 10 10 look at this copper and Tin right we’re going to swing this in here oh uh I mean charcoal okay Bo what is that smacking do I have this recipe wrong it’s tin and copper right what do you make a brass Ingot out of zinc [ __ ] uh

Zinc what is he talking about all right [ __ ] I have Cobblestone yes here you go okay I got a tilu in 5 minutes 5 minutes everybody 5 minutes our real speech and everything all right copper Ingot there lens Inc and then we did it look at this we did

It look it dropped out and now we can I don’t know now what what do we do with this um let’s um let’s put this into something right so now storage I think a it’s called a storage terminal storage terminal I need diamonds a crafting table oh no I need something

Simpler glowstone Redstone compactor and planks glowstone do I have glowstone oh [ __ ] glow stone oh [ __ ] GL Stone oh [ __ ] I think I need s touch right no I think it’s fine nice okay storage terminal crafting terminal storage terminal glow stone two redstone comparers uh nether quartz stone and redstone torch oh redstone

Torch Redstone Redstone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh this one there it is there and then Redstone compar t St redstone torch I need sticks I don’t have sticks there we are and then oh God they’re calling they’re starting um [ __ ] oh my God she’s talking about me okay here we go hello

Hello hello hi big hold on how are you I’m doing great hey how are you birthday girl I’m doing hot oh you’re doing hot yeah wait let me oh [ __ ] wait I’m already [ __ ] up oh okay let me oh no oh no wait are you streaming right now of

Course I am I said I was see you on his monitor awesome all right let me start the sure let me take out my my speech okay wait no first question okay uh what’s your craziest [ __ ] story my craziest [ __ ] story yeah do I are you going to make me tell this on

Stream yeah um okay oh so I there was one time I was feeling really comfortable in my apartment what do you make me tell I wasn’t expecting this first question everyone gets a question so you have to get one too fine okay I had a wholesome question but wait I think you

Should introduce yourself first right hi everyone I’m AI akuba your star from the future cuz I sure as hell am not one now uh yeah so uh my craziest [ __ ] story I I was feeling too comfortable in my apartment once and I I I sneezed and had a little an accident oh um

And I was super comfortable in my apartment so I I didn’t um cuz you know it was just me at the time and what what are you making me tell on stream um yeah uh let’s just say um yeah I had to uh well I think you all can do imagine the

Rest oh my God yeah so you know uh no shame as long as it’s in private I guess yeah yeah nothing to worry about God I just said that in front of a 100 people hi everyone yay yay okay so um yeah you’re turning older how do you

Feel old old does that make me a fossil may maybe God but he totally didn’t rehearse this last night by the way shut up but yeah yeah I wanted to wish you a happy birthday I’m glad you um had me on I was um you know I’m I’m

I’m feeling a lot more comfortable now but when I first offered to kind of join this toku we hadn’t really had much opportunities to kind of talk one-on-one um but I know um just give kind of give the audience some context uni and I met through vro

Moderation I was um a representative mod from Kon side and uh uni here as you all know is you know a head mod for kudle so we were say again no no you know we were put into the same space you kind of uh help support the

Vjo talents um both kurl and others alike and yeah U that’s where I really got to kind of see that oh you’re also a vtuber so um you know my first impression of you was actually when I I I think um I’ll go ahead and say the thing that

I I felt like okay yeah yeah yeah is that okay yeah I think fine yeah you um my first impression of you was when kurl the first two minutes of that debut when it started first 30 seconds first 10 seconds you went Ham on adding a [ __ ]

Ton of blocked terms that I was like oh man you know she she must have got a sick up her butt or something but no you know it’s just it’s just because you know we wanted to make sure that we’re cultivating a nice chat environment um

But yeah it was speed you guys should have seen that lot mod log check out how many slurs I know but yeah it was um it was crazy I was like man you know she must be really strict um but then I saw you were

Streaming uh one and I was like oh cool she’s a streamer and then I um I went to your YouTube um cuz I saw your connected account and I heard your covers and I was like oh my God she can um she [ __ ] rocks she can

Sing and then I went over to your stream and you were like playing Dave the diver or something but yeah you know you guys are super I’m super lucky to know you I feel like we met through a very you know normal circumstance like that um and I I

Didn’t I I feel like I got to see a side of you that your viewers don’t normally see um where you’re so hardworking you do so much to kind of build a community that’s cultivating a great environment that um on top of that you’re such a

Hard worker and that you work so hard in school to you know congrats by the way 4.0 GPA semester that’s the dean list right so all of that combined you were such a role model to me so I wanted to kind of you know definitely let you know you

Were such an incredible person and I look up to you so much happy birthday thank you for existing thank I’ve learned a lot from you as well yeah you think so yeah what like what my aunt oh my aunt I’ll take that like what though like I don’t know like I feel like

You’re right in saying I was very strict with stuff and then honestly I’ve learned a lot I’ve learned a lot mon for V show Joo because it’s very different from other stuff yeah but you know it’s different like when you talk about work stuff I’m just like

Yes oh time oh God we got to wrap this up oh we do a yeah yeah 5 minutes fast so fast yeah thank you for coming yeah thank you for for having me let’s do more collabs in the future yeah oh yeah promise yeah yeah thank you bye CH just

Went down what thank you goodbye bye all righty let’s see what she says okay [ __ ] is your foot oh she’s something people straighten right away okay holy [ __ ] wait what is happening like oh they have two different images for their was too long we can speedrun this I’m ready I’m

I’m so ready wait are you K are you still here wait am I here wait you’re here yeah but I forgot to ask a for a question to ask you oh oh the question asked all right waiting oh um what give someone a question to answer okay uh that’s a good

Question um what just ask someone oh my God you’re right all right someone what was your CRA sh story oh my God the same one I like I dodged the question oh my God okay um I think um that uh come to the top of my mind is like there was one

Time I was like with family and family o we went to like visit like our like oh I went to visit my great aunt and great uncle but they were like not home but I was like everyone [ __ ] story a small child and I was like I really got to go

And so like I’m like it’s it’s it’s going to happen like it’s going to happen whether we want to or not so I remember like I had to get on to like the porch or like the um kind of like the area like where they kind of like

Have their PLS so like kind just like hide behind there my mom pull out like this like plastic and I like squat it over the plastic bag and well you know I’m not sure your Boogie looking like this over my cakes while you’re talking about this sorry there just like double layered

Cake going on right now damn holy [ __ ] get it holy [ __ ] yo that’s crazy also for those who don’t know me uh what son everyone I’m Sun one I’m a be Video Edit I almost said V editor like video editor and vtuber sometimes yay yeah it’s it’s so nice to be here

Gosh I feel like it’s been like a gajillion years I haven’t talked to you in so long holy [ __ ] yeah actually I think like the last memory I have is when I had like all the snickles on like my God oh my God and then your [ __ ]

Like Reese’s in the in the pickle pickle brine was it yeah yeah because I ran out of snickles so I had to like I was like how do I how do I appease these subs and so like I legit half the time is being used up by

The’s cups into like the pickle jar and I’m like Oh They’ll like marinade or something and then I had that after that was um oh wow my stomach was really happy with me that day that bro it was like it was like right after my snickle

Stream too right yeah cuz I was like I need to know if this is like that bad cuz everybody everybody’s like looking at you like a heretic and I’m just like it can’t be that bad and like it was like man she has a stack schedule today

Though but it wasn’t right we’ll get back to Minecraft no what that’s wasteful I thought you threw ree the the pickle no no I they’re still on the poop story I got I got let off easy yep yep we are we are snickle comrades respect I’m not sure feel about that all

Righty ow something hit me okay video games oh what just happened did I just throw a rock what the heck okay we’re good sounds good that was something well hopefully yall enjoy that little five minute segment it turned out to be a little bit longer but that’s

Okay all right oh what’s really fun about this um is that oh [ __ ] did my whoa my armor broke that’s how much we’ve been really at it okay so I guess we’ll make a new helmet that’s insane dang ow what the [ __ ] oh man okay so now we have

To we have to get this thing turning how do we do that [ __ ] you are in the way okay so we will turn this and then gears gears M oh blast furnaces thank you okay oh you’re making a smooth Stone it’s super fast yeah oh does it does it blow through it oh

Okay do we have any more Stone no not really H doesn’t give exp then I mean I guess it’s doesn’t matter that much um for this oh wait no I need diamonds now upgrade that okay so how do we connect this to this let’s Do gearbox um let’s do infinite Stone generator we need more alloy mes okay so that’s our alloy and then take some of these then what we have to do there it is excellent we got some alloy and now we’ll click here uh wait no we already have the shafts so

Now we need to do planks like this okay and then let’s lock this space so that we can keep it clear we could use it as storage but right now we’re in building mode and it’s being more of an inconvenience so now we can build our gear box oh [ __ ] gear box and

Then gear box okay and then this could probably turn slow just fine right so I think yeah we can just rotate this and oh you know what we don’t need both of these holy [ __ ] and then put this right here oh that’s how we can connect this okay I

Understand that’s how we’re going to turn the corner I did go right this fite the surprise question well you know that’s um I want it to be amusing um but I I didn’t want it to take so much time away um because I wrote that ahead a time um so I

Could uh make sure you know H knows I know how much how hard she works um I don’t want to take uh take away from that right because I that was the more important point to me and then we’ll have it turn the corner right here yeah uh let’s see we’ll do another

Okay but yeah I used to walk around naked over my apartment I guess that’s a secret you didn’t know we’ll do this oh [ __ ] hi Aries now I can’t with my roommate yeah you know it’s fine if we see each other you know like um in a towel or whatever what the [ __ ]

Is that fish do I have copper yeah I have copper here I’ll put it in the chest it’s going to be in there oh my god well you know we’re a little shy this here tyy what the [ __ ] I’m listening to the stream and he said no okay let’s H let’s put

This hi Sammy how are you um let’s see we got to put this here put a gear box but I’m out of I need this plank there it is and then I’ll put another there we are we’re playing Minecraft and I’m having a viewer slave away isn’t that right okay yes all right

Look at this it’s going to fall that’s awesome all right so we’re going to make a storage terminal now this thing doesn’t have to be fast but we could use gear ratios gear ratios to make it faster so I’m thinking oh man a weapon to beat Metal Gear um let’s make this a

Vertical vertical gear box oh it literally fell on there whatever um I’ll collect it later R GE box oh my God no no no no no okay Jesus Christ I me as long as you kill it I guess uh and then we’ll connect this I know what I’m doing okay

Can you actually expand the fence so I don’t have to have a heart attack just push the fence out a little bit more I think we just we put that treasure chest in the wrong spot I realize that now oh look how fast that goes that is beautiful isn’t this awesome oh my

God this is adorable what do you mean Aries you want to play some Minecraft a Okay so I’m nerding out all right so you know what we could probably oh wait no we need the okay I was thinking we could probably like oh maybe we can improve this no we have to have the gear ratios so that we can improve the speed of this

Yeah look at that look how fast that’s spinning okay so right now it’s mostly automated we just need to wait to look this is like a treadmill um we just need to figure out way to automate this part I’m sure we could figure it out um like here right this is a

Press so what we could do you know what we could do we could make this a conveyor okay so how do we do that um conveyor A to B okay easy right we can have an incline cannot connect in arbitrary directions they can connect horizontally diagonally vertically interesting okay connect shafts horizontally

Okay so we have this I want to do a horizontal bead we don’t really care about that hold on okay decorate mechanical belts oh okay that’s cute wrench can be used to a wrench I don’t have a wrench but how do you belt something onto another thing I guess I just need

To you know there’s no there’s no easy answer to that um I’m going to do this and then we’ll stick it Onto h a hopper pop off and Co into Hopper that makes sense um what I’m thinking right now though is we want this to move into here and then we’ll put a storage terminal right here right so oh [ __ ] we put a storage terminal in that and maybe I’ll put it right

Here and then for this this I’ll make uh another one of this nice okay and now okay let’s we’re thinking about this right we’ll put a gear box right here we’ll put a vertical gear boox I need more gears floor exactly one two three four we’ll make another

Okay oh right um I have to convert this into a vertical and we can do that just by putting it into crafting taking it up vertical G boxs there we are and I believe we can stick a shaft in this middle one okay just like

That and then we need can you shut up and then U we’ll put the this right here we’ll make some more you [ __ ] hurt me oh okay and then we’ll put this this here should you slaughter them no they shall live for I am kind okay and then okay let’s think

About this let’s put the four gears suring this one one here but I don’t oh I just made the the medals right that was my plan okay alloy okay then we’ll do this okay and then now I need planks right that’s one three and one more plank okay I think I have Birch

No and then four um one two three four got another gear box we wanted this one vertical as well and then we’ll plug it in with a shaft Oh wrong direction um this is the wrong way we can we can change that there’s a simple way of doing

This how do you make a wrench three four copper ingots okay give me copper copper I need copper okay we’re going to make a wrench okay I’ll I put the I put it back if you need it okay and then I think I just remove it huh what is this doing oh my

God oh my God okay okay okay let’s do this again [ __ ] how do I take this oh okay and then okay we have to think about this goes sound okay a straight line wow bro okay then I’ll do this one as a side I don’t think this changed anything

Did oh Tri trial and error right and then okay so we wanted to turn the opposite way how do we do that we should we have to add one more of these rotational okay we have to rotate it the other way how do we do that um oh God so

That’s not going to do anything that’s just going to rotate it clockwise I think a gear can fix this okay I think we can fix this with gear [ __ ] uh think that and then and then and then oh oh we are gen say I am a digital

Entity from the future and I am here to bring knowledge okay look at that okay so now Brain Blast okay when we do this we did it we did it we did it oh my God that was incredible okay we did it okay get out of here okay cute I noises

Um okay so now we have that I’ll figure it out okay so we have an automation we have an automation we have most likely the ability to put it all together oh okay let’s just sleep then okay okay let’s think about this are these villagers trapped in here whatever

Okay so we want to make a a storage terminal we need glowstone we got that we need planks we got that we need glass okay oh thank you okay Redstone compactor nether quartz I I have that somewhere Stone red I need to make some red

Torches 1 two 3 four five six all right so that’s all we need from that and then we need to make redstone comparator um I need a nether quartz which I have somewhere there it is I need the the stone we have stone don’t

We you turned it on to smoo Stone okay I have uh Cobblestone right here here I have it wait the blast furnace doesn’t work with this hold on I think I need ohome there it is then we’ll put that away one stone I need three stones okay two

Stone you took off my jacket it’s cold though okay that’s three we’ll add that that’s one two three that’s another storage terminal oops storage terminal missing a chest so now I need Birch planks I’m short one Birch plank for real okay we will chop down this tree squeze logs

Birch saplings all these Birch saplings okay okay next stone stone compare return I already have that um storage terminal right we’re making a chest okay here we are storage terminal that’s sick hydration check a um I’ll get water in a second okay so how does this work I don’t understand

Oh okay let’s assume this is how it works what the [ __ ] I didn’t know that’s how that works um we’re going to get brassing Goods right next to Copper next to the 10 it’s the zinc zinc what’s Zink look like again I don’t have any here bre copper and

Zinc I feel like oh my God it’s right there okay oh oh what the hell is this oh my God so we’ll throw this thing in there oh okay okay well it’s clearly not working the way we think it does all right move away I need to clear

This thing need to pick it up okay um let’s see how does this work okay how do you work I think we just use a hopper huh you should just use a hopper to feed it into a chest and then you use a storage terminal to interface of everything

I think that’s how this works grab the iron chest oh what the that’s big upgrade it even more I have go bars yeah I have gold bars and check the the other chest it’s over here eight gold bars you found it they’re over here what kind of Minecraft am I playing

This is the vjo mod vjo Minecraft vjo mod Minecraft so it’s their variant okay and then here here’s uh seven gold ingots there you go right there you’ll be back okay um okay so let’s think about this Okay you need the gold inot they right here okay and then this is the vjo modded Minecraft so if you ever seen henya matara or iron Mouse play uh Minecraft this is most likely the version they’re playing um okay what is happening here okay so let’s get a hopper

Hoer iron ingot and a chest a gold chest thank you um I think a hopper on top of this right holy [ __ ] this is big Hopper need a chest oh go for it it looks different yeah oh that makes a lot of sense so okay um we have zinc right yep and then we have iron then we have fuel did it take it went in okay we did it oh it’s a hoorde all right we’re good

Okay okay so we had to do that so that we can make brass brass was needed so that we can make something important um let’s remember why we needed that oh God Uh Um I don’t even know what what you just said bison um let’s see okay so we need the ability to make like special ingots furnace smells smithing no no so let’s work backwards what is our goal we want cool weapons like Star platinum and star Platinum let’s see long sword what do you

Require a star Platinum Ingot which requires alloy forging a star right and why does star right look familiar and platinum and G which we means alloy forging alloy foraging um forgery Forge controller I remember now we’re trying to make this thing and we need a blast furnace and Stone bricks stone

Stone f for stone brick forge controller we need a stone Forge running this sound stor Stone Forge controller oh man I don’t remember why we needed this crap though this disgusting all right Brass Door oh my God I’m watching C stream on the side with the both birthday to chees

I have a very low volume like the most recent one it’s like a tub of [ __ ] and that’s it’s like disgusting anyway poop humor yay okay okay so but we can make some cute doors look at this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] train door what is that train casing what’s that grass

Casing brass casing makes it kind of look trimmed oh that’s pretty cool okay what the hell is this look at this sick ass sword how do we get these sick ass swords bulk blasting whoa weather what are these weapons yo you guys seeing this how do we get this [ __ ] soul stealer The

Watcher stormbringer how do you make this thing oh my God uh all right chat we’re going to we’re going to figure this out cuz we want sick ass weapons like that sword in aist what the [ __ ] you can just put a sword on a stick anyway no no

No Harbinger what the hell is that if anyone has knowledge of these weapon mods definitely speak up okay I’m going to we’re going to figure out how to get these yes stuff W Lich blade wow runic tablet and slumbering L blade slumbering L blade seems to be seems to come from

Something runic tablet oh my God hello the true God of sandwiches thank you for the follow we are playing on modded version of Minecraft this is the vjo mod pack and I’m trying to figure out how to make a cool ass sword uh let’s Google this simply swords simply swords uh guide

You find him in the dungon chests oh okay we’re done with gears I feel like this was a fun distraction but I forgot why we were doing this so let us go and equip ourselves for battle let’s see Dura steel what is dura steel pillin brass Ingot oh gallium gallium is not that

Strong are any of these good ingots Magan okay um I have no idea what these are for osmium oh we can make him osmium sword doesn’t seem that strong okay drill I don’t know don’t really care let’s get a [ __ ] ton of diamonds however way that’s possible uh this one could use the

Enchant uh hopefully Vin mining [ __ ] is so such you have 30 levels I have 20 levels crap ve mining silk touch no that’s going to wa way expensive H time to try yeah that’s not going to work oh you need vein mining you just make random pickaxes until you get it I think

Let’s get some sticks vain mining is available at level 30 oh but it’s a second level upgrade I’ve seen it on the second level that’s how we got it before that’s how TI I got it this one doesn’t have it okay let’s do osum so touch no this is crap too that doesn’t

Work aquarium oh speaking of I was trying to upgrade my backpack into um a water breathing bag so let’s upgrade it to in squid or something water breathing in night effects yeah oh that’s kind of pointless Now isn’t it let’s just put armor on it for real okay

Well we’ll figure that out later those are loing gots that that goodbye goodbye oh my God I’m so I’m done with this for now we did it everybody engineering done the squid might be a squid no yeah I have squid stuff I I was just

Um I don’t I don’t want it though I’m just going to armor up is that someone’s backpack and then there we go yay armor okay so I’m going to let’s do some Japanese steel oh matara hold on hold on I don’t know why I’m shaking right now

It’s okay you’re going to be okay it’s just me I’m sorry I’m Paras social pretend pretend I’m just talking to Chad and you’re here oh yeah that’s true how is Chad doing today huh have you been spoiling KY thank you what the freak clearly not enough if I’m the top gift

Oh my God called out question mark oh the person before you had a question um yeah he wanted to ask watch this real quick who was it by the way oh it was Taro he draws a lot of good good art tasty art okay when you say that do you

Mean like um can I show it to my mother oh um yeah yeah he has a separate not safe work account I think all right I got it he draws Hollywood art and stuff but he wanted to ask um what your happiest moment of this year was well what do you

Think do you want to guess um meeting me obviously yeah actually well probably in my top three was how you made my Discord and now there’s this really warm lovely place so Discord is definitely like a top top three so you’re you’re not wrong oh my God I I

Think I think my happiest moment is joining the show I think that’s yeah I’m so happy for you still thank you do you have an answer what’s been your happiest moment amazing uh I think probably working with you guys actually a I don’t know a lot of this happened this year oh

Also probably like getting into artist alley maybe yeah I saw that I I saw I know you didn’t have the best experience but you know it’s it sucks that that was your first experience and it was kind of soured yeah it was still like really fun though so yeah do you have any

Highlights from that uh I don’t know it was it was like it actually felt like such a fever dream that like I legit don’t remember most of the things that happened it it’s hard right because you’re basically there all day to sell your stuff and then after

That you still want to talk to people and you want to hang out and you want to go to maybe a party yeah and I definitely wanted to walk around more but like there wasn’t enough time to don’t you usually get in a few a bit early as Expo yeah but then

Like it’s still like everyone’s setting up so a lot of the time they aren selling either oh but there was also like um before the con started like this guy walked up to me and then he looked at the matara print and the crew print

And then he gave me a bjo business card and he was like who was it I forgot no was Noble I forgot yeah but um he was saying that like it’s so cool they do that yeah go on apparently they walk around um looking for vjo like fan

Artists to like Source out artists and stuff and send it I believe it because sometimes when I when it comes to my merch my managers will say if I have anybody in mind and sometimes I’m no and there’s been a few times I could you find and then they will usually find

Recommend me three or four people um and one of them for example for my panels that’s how I got recommended a person so to know that that’s how they find people by going through cons or going through ART I think that’s amazing yeah that’s really I love they found you C they

Found and you were just there like they don’t know they don’t know I’m already a moderator oh my God oh my God I still wish I was doing more so like mod you guys but it’s it’s hard I get it you’re doing a bunch and you’re a streamer now now you’re

Competition oh my God and you’re pink oh my god when you debuted I was like oh my God we share the same like pink Street I know oh my God twins twins I’m gonna eat you and I’m gonna have two pink streaks do you need me to also come up

For a question for the next person okay so the person after you is actually a really big fan of you it’s Kuro I already checked the schedule that’s it’s not Kuro what oh it’s not oh [ __ ] I thought it was the very end nah oh [ __ ]

Wait did I spoil was I not supposed to say that no no no it’s okay K’s never coming it was sorry Kur hates me he’s not coming to my friend stream I ruin everything fudge me no it wasn’t a secret cuz he was like in the thumbnail anyway but okay okay oh you

Already click baited it awesome okay who is it um Lily Lily Bo oh hello Lily okay a question okay I didn’t know I had to prepare a question so I’m sorry I’m going to stall for like a second um what is your favorite game you played last year

Is that appropriate yeah I think it’s appropriate okay okay what is give give us like a top three of your favorite games you played last year why you like them um and yeah if you recommend them to us I guess I just I love games

Yeah okay thank you so much I wish we could talk for longer but sorry my time my time is expensive my already ran out I’ll send you the bill okay hi everyone Hi Raiders thank you Mah yep yep yep no my Mee and greets are we um yeah based

We’re watching our friends on stream bye everybody thanks for having me make sure you spell YY and thank you for all you do for us it means a lot no thank you for being awesome bye bye by bye oops that was my join noise I need to

Make sure I’m on the right chat let me thank you for the gifted by the way you ask for our question yeah the thanks M for the raid we we were watching my friend hello uni hello our mutual friend uni yeah oh I can’t hear you through Discord I

Can only hear you through stream wait can you hear me now all right we’ll switch back can hear you okay hi uni happy birthday thank you wait could you introduce yourself perhaps oh yeah sorry um all righty we’re back to it okay so yeah sorry y’all I know we’re

Streaming but uh friend’s having her birthday stream and she’s been planning that for like months you want to press the green button what green button sure what’s this green button do green safety button oh that’s so cool it prevents accidental accidental button presses right that’s funny

Okay all right let’s um yeah okay I threw my armor on the ground on purpose cuz we have a [ __ ] ton of iron so what we’re going to do is we’re going to and Mah if you’re here you should jump on we should play Minecraft well U what we’re going to do oh

[ __ ] he escaped yeah you guys out to Voice Talk um he escaped somehow what the hell oh oh God damn it okay thank you you got got him yeah they’re supposed to spawn those Golems into that bin I think their behavior might have changed a little that explains why there’s so many

Golems we’ll take all this oh there it is yeah here get rid of these poppies I don’t need the poies justing hello hello I can hear you okay oh [ __ ] poppies I think I can delete them right yep um in your actual inventory at the bottom left hand corner there is a trash

Can just throw stuff in yeah I saw that that thing escaped and I was like wait no that’s not right okay also your sword should have some Bit Of Reach so you don’t have to like really just watch up to things yeah it does although I prefer the two-handed

Sword yeah my G jump on okay so we’re going to remake some armor I’m done how do you make this there we go and then and then this then all right let’s see all okay let’s go let’s see okay Oak fence and here we’ll make this two-handed sword oh here we are and

Claymore what’s the twin blade do iron I think it just swings faster that’s righty I’m so curious look at this what’s the reach like three attack range Ro is 2.9 it’s more attack speed is two okay I’m curious um I have many weapons so we’ll experiment okay um there’s also the iron hammer

Could make which might be interesting Hammer let do this uhhuh how does how do you make a shield again nope I’m done there it is okay nice what’s the one one-handed options cutless regular warl wow Reaper let’s see wait what are hammers for hammers are for

Mining they break in a 3X3 or 2 by3 okay oh I think the spear you can hold with a shield right it will say if weapons to are one-handed you might be able to yeah do you want my uh Diamond spear you have a diamond spear yeah sure if you’re not using it

Yeah I made a spear and a glaive and I prefer the glaive okay I need to be a little bit more defensive I I think me thinks oh look at that that’s cute cute okay let’s take off my scarf Micah where you atal Spartan you joining us okay nice all

Right let’s let’s go to the Overworld and let’s bring some nether I know um obsidian and then we’re going to open up another portal right next to the other world um portal because you um you can kind of see while we inherited this map from vanilla so everything is like instantiated with the

Old world blocks right vanilla blocks so we want to do over um underworld exploration we want to do underworld Exploration with that all these new blocks because it has all those um new stuff so or we can keep exploring this area and try to get uh diamonds what do you

Think what do you think Chad you’re a part of Chad I think it might be better to uh two underworld underworld okay yeah because it has all the new stuff right in the dungeon so that makes sense to me okay well you got food no um here I got

Chicken here you go that’s 20 all right um eat until you’re full and all of all do you have buckets yes okay well we’ll probably do shees is look for lava There’s a Zombie behind us oh wait no that’s you God damn it your your symbol I’m not that

Ugly okay let’s um let’s keep close to the gate just because it’s going to be hard to manage and then then there’s this dude oh I think I do remember finding lava somewhere you’ll follow me sure Micah hello oh wow sorry it took so long you made an axe

No I didn’t make it I found it in one of those abandoned portal things portals yeah and and also this thing oh wow [ __ ] dude yeah I found like some epic [ __ ] in there then I found another one and it didn’t it only had like one item are you fully armored

Up uh not cuz when I died I lost them yeah make um there’s a [ __ ] ton of here take this oh yeah I can just freaking make them yeah make a make the armor oh yeah I think we have to go to the um spawn

And then mm go to the lava the Green Gate that’s by Micah’s place okay let’s Go give me this chicken then it’s this gate over here okay or should I just grab um obsidian and meet you back some or no I don’t have a oh there’s obsidian right here I have it we uh I have 10 that’s exactly how much we

Need okay that works okay so we’ll just head back okay we got the obsidian we’re going to drop a nether portal right in the Underworld oh okay yeah and then we’re going to mine the [ __ ] out of that place my helmet is yeah mic is here wait what am

Iing I already had a helmet sto I need the body pants M looks like a like a tank top um oh wait no uh Armory I need make some um pots hey okay that’s how you do that then you do that buckets yeah yeah and the pants

No oh I did it yeah baby you got it P and you know you can press period and then period uh click on the green helmet at the top right it’ll toggle visibility that way we can be cute oh cool so I can make myself invisible like

My armor invisible but I’m still wearing it yeah do you have do you have all the pieces equipped yeah okay let’s go I’m using some shoes from another thing that I found yeah that’s fine just make sure you’re fully equipped that there bring a bring a stack of torches oh

Yeah let me a couple more torches feel like I have a lot of junk let me BR you took all the I’m throw the wood here SE okay you ready to bounce not yet not yet I’m I’m trying to make tches hey blue neural thanks for following oh I uh dropped a stack for you thank you okay I have a stack okay ready you want me to bring the sticks or no um yeah might as well okay

Okay ready you have food uh yes I have a whole stack of cooked chicken okay let’s go all right zoom in zoom in We’re going to make a obsidian portal cool Maple Forest oh [ __ ] I must have left it let me go grab it oh what oops where did I put it oh I didn’t take it whoops okay now we enter to the nether you have an axe do you want I got

One give me give me give me yeah ready oh you have a flint and steel oh no I didn’t bring one no we can make one I think no wait no wait I have steel but no Flint okay uh I don’t have Flint you go grab one while I go while I build

This sure where would it be uh it’s probably going to be in the chest where we left okay oh God damn it the Glade destroys the whole thing what are you making the gate ah okay one two one two three two two three there we go ne’s plunking yum look for

Dungeons I hear that why swinging maybe we can find some oh hello creeper Yeah go damn it so touch just make a brand new pickaxe it’s taking a while this is it oh Oh you mean hello you find one I found one excellent okay we found it nice just keep in mind that it’s entirely possible for us to get stuck if something blows up near it

So what the [ __ ] that’s not right how do you make a new portal from inside can you actually do that that’s not right I don’t think it works wait but you have dirt on this one does that make a difference no I think it’s because I think it’s because we’re in

The the underworld it do it’s not going to work oh okay well let me just take this down oh my God I don’t have enough patience for This why is she just do it that way from the beginning then because vein mining is vein mining yeah the the enchant it’s about to wear out it destroys everything that’s attached to it oh well I guess we just got to mine the [ __ ] out of this place

Um and if we want nether stuff we have to go to the ne real nether oh yeah okay let’s go can you light up the way as I come down I’m try to empty my pocket okay uh where’ you go down here follow the path made a path yeah up here

Hello keep up M over here over here turn around y yeah there’s a Grizzly a grizzly bear so you might want to hurry a bear there’s bears in here yeah the fastest spaly what’s that for I don’t know Barry whoa this is vein mining but it’s very

Costly why because my pickaxe is about to break a do you want to try using my hammer what is vein oh will you repair it mining uh no it’s a different it it’s right behind you if you pick it up you can it’s not as good as vein mining but it works

Oh yeah do that I don’t think it’s good for actual ore though it’s good for clearing but not ore okay well let’s go down here keep erecting uh torches more yep come on oh there it goes oh I think this will work if I use my shovel no it’ll take a while

Though whoa so it’s like a explosion no it just takes away everything that’s connected to it that’s the the same property is that what vein mining means mhm okay well it doesn’t matter now we only have a pickaxe did you try using the hammer what Hammer I don’t have a hammer I have

A hammer I tossed my hammer I don’t see anything my inventory was full too oh I have a hammer oh me try mes it in an area what I never brought a oh IIT no I did oh this is amazing it’s super cheap too it’s like

The same amount as a pickaxe oh we can make it waa we found a source land thing go ahead and drop down what water oh um watch out for the plants it will eat you are they bad yes the glowing one no this one oh that oh look this look like it has Tea it doesn’t do I I don’t know how to cut it oh you did it’s so beautiful in here wow wow so pretty yeah it’s right hey they’re melons melons you talking about me this oh melon slice go El mature what’s over here is this the outdoors no there’s

More I’m going to keep going wow there’s a huge huge space wait I think it reaches outside yeah there’s a huge space over here yeah I don’t think it’s outside whoa doesn’t oh there’s the eating plant yeah just careful I hear a skeleton my God it’s so Bri vast yeah what’s this

Kyber okay oh [ __ ] I didn’t see the freaking eating plant there does it actually eat you yeah apparently that’s what it hurts oh it hurts you yep it ate me oh it bit you you can pick them up so we can use them as traps or something oh uhoh

I need help what I’m I’m blind uh don’t move the melon yeah don’t move you’re fine you’re good for two seconds you’re G we’re next to you oh okay I ate the melon and it blinded me what do it do like the whole screen becomes black yes that startled Me oops oh there’s a hole down there we can light up the Area oh no spiders I got spiders that’s a whole hard Micah keep lighting up the area Okay creeper Jesus Christ we’re good yeah don’t step in front of me by the way okay bro is this are there spawners here or something oh God I need to eat I need to

Eat I need to Eat oh no no no no no hold on come to me there’s a spider keep eating I’m trying to eat Jesus Christ it just brings up my shield the spider got ate by the plants and slowed down that’s hilarious wow okay we’re good couldn’t handle the melons yeah I really couldn’t handle the

Melons no okay all right onward I guess it’s called we’re going to spunk where are they shooting from oh I think they’re crowding meu in the water ow ow me okay torch up the area yeah there’s an Enderman watch out okay there’s a ton of these plants oh hole giant hole caves

All right come down with me yeah oh glowberries okay we’re down here uh I need a pickaxe oh wait I want right here I forgot to stack up on pixes I have a ton of iron if you need we can you know create stuff on the Flag man this is quite the scene oh there’s a monster a glare all right it’s dead all right we’re good yeah caught up slash is noes come down how’s that spear working for you by the way it’s um it does a job what the [ __ ] is this aelia this a

Zombie wow this is a steeve drop off is that there water down there I think I see a creeper uh zinc if you can mine this that’s Redstone oh hi Ken thanks for the follow okay so let’s do can I we all down here oh wow look at

That creepy that’s weird yeah wait what’s weird the squid squid oh the squids are like three different colors in there what are they doing are they mating if we see B Sal by the way make sure you loot it cuz um look bath Sal you’ll you’ll recognize it it’ll say it

We need yeah we need the that to be able to just go back to Overworld okay yeah so that’ll be useful wa the see only way to get back to the over world oh yeah because you know reversing backtracking is going to be too much of a pain in the ass okay

Okay oh what’s this ailia flowers o flowers what’s this all about wow so many flowers hello Cur nerd thanks for the follow hi I’m AI Akiba to everybody joining I’m your St your star from the future I accidentally muted myself star from the future I’m here to spread Joy to the

Presents and by I will do that by playing Minecraft um there’s runite runite yeah runite like RuneScape Rune oh pick that up born just in time so are we getting run plate part trim uh what is Rune I I’m looking at it oh my God isn’t this from

RuneScape it is from RuneScape oh my gosh I love this what the [ __ ] yeah it’s looks like it’s as good as Diamond really oh my God this is a re night Ingot what the [ __ ] yeah that’s okay whatever is that rare full Mo no it’s just um it’s kind

Of silly because it’s directly from another game a a room is not a common word I nerd uh BBE okay let’s um let’s keep going down somebody dropped their bed it’s mine oh we got Redstone oh real light what the hell real light more real oh it looks like we’re really close to

Lava just look at the mini map oh you’re right how do you make um hold on um if you press M There’s an actual dungeon M Hammer is yeah M oh we swing left right yeah okay let’s go there then you mean where the skeletons

Are yeah oh wait how do I know where I am a hammer it’s three sticks in the middle okay one um on the side and then two on the other side oh thank you is there a different uh hammers uh yes and no you need to have

A uh netherite hammer in order to like do full upgrades on it oh Stone impact hammer oh wait you have to do upgrades right yeah impact score impact score requires the neite hammer oh okay makes sense this is as good as it gets Micah you know there’s a trash in

Your inventory right that delet stuff wait real oh I see it what I know yeah I just found out earlier know all right we’re uh we’re turning left right yes we’re turning left I think it’s elevation sensitive hold on it is okay we can’t go any deeper otherwise

We’ll miss it oh all right we’re going this straight well there’s more diamond diamond where oh hey right here wow okay do you have looting on anything there’s another oh there’s another there you go okay I need make more torches okay this makes strip mining so much

Better look all this diamond diamonds W that’s that much to me diamond oh my God okay we’re good how am I I’m doing great oh looks like y know each other yeah I’m doing better now that we found diamond oh [ __ ] lava no all right it just watch my six I

Guess I’m going to keep going straight are you all enjoying yourselves enjoying your Thursday happy Thursday happy Thursday it’s Friday oh [ __ ] me oh happy Friday happy Friday I’m kind of hungry yeah I’m on to Diet I think we have to go up a little yo zinc can you zinc that oh this is what you wanted right yeah I’ll go I’ll start going up little I need to make freaking torches wait a minute oh I have to use the thingy I mean sorry not torches a

Pickaxe can you can I borrow a pickaxe I my pickaxe is literally like 1% Health do you want a hammer make a make a hammer yeah uh okay sure here’s your Hammer M thank you it’s yeah if we’re both using a hammer but it might be a little bit too fast

Though let me just use up my entire oh nice entire uh black of the health of this pickaxe and then and then I’ll Hammer mode is not breaking yeah oh it’s working for you for the hammer at Le oh I think my d uh durability is all out oh TR this one

Make another one yeah yeah keep going keep advancing and then put up the Torches I hear them yeah it’s like right over here so we need to slow down a little oh the lava no the enemies no the uh oh the the the dungeon okay that was the last yeah for those

Who are wondering we’re playing the vjo mod pack found it right here there’s um they’re shooting at us yep let’s just um here uhoh all right weapons free there a there’s a there’s a uh uh cool [ __ ] yeah well let’s kill them first yeah what’s that yeah it’s glowing my torches

Uhoh oh you were able to okay the spawner oh there’s another there’s another thingy okay um top off for your health if you haven’t already let me have one more chicken yeah and cover the spawners ow where the oh oh you can really like swarm them there’s a chest in here

Too there’s so many things in here so many cool [ __ ] W upgrade gear the don’t forget to loot everything yep you all it’s all instance oh oh I haven’t been looting things I forgot about that well now you know rotten flesh I definitely don’t need

That okay wait I need to go back to the other item I didn’t I didn’t look them Limestone don’t need don’t need deep don’t need we make those planks skull oh wow I can I put on the skull and I can see everything oh uh you can see everything it turns

Everything dark that’s weird oh Rip Tide interesting the hell is a blue stone is blue stone something useful I don’t know okay never mind there’s a treasure chest in here is the skull worth it I don’t know it’s a nice cosmetic okay I think I anything okay we’re good

I have not looked at the the other DRS that we passed by o enchanted books if it’s if the chest is yellow you haven’t looked at it yet oh is that what it means yeah oh loyalty oh the that one’s a Triton one marble okay This oh there’s side oh dear oh they’re all raiding we missed them you missed one yeah I was wondering like where’s where they coming from were you able to wrap it around I got it okay yep the hell did I get raw Bass from I I threw it

Away oh I found a silk touch that’ll be useful a loot Barrel interesting loyalty feather falling that’s useful I see everything there where do we come Unbreaking interesting um came from like hell from holy [ __ ] Maple Leaf don’t need that find sapling don’t need that do either of you fine ladies like using

Bows I did I did collect some bow items I I’m not experiencing using them but to try I picked up a mending bow so well if you have space I I’ll practice using them or if you want if you want me to use it okay I think I’ve checked all the

Items here so I’m going upstairs Golden Apple do you have space for the bow I’m going to throw [ __ ] away give me a moment I’m going to figure out and Away what are yall doing in chat oh my God [ __ ] have space everything do you do you have space for

Sticks do you yeah I have space for sticks okay can you get over here and like grab these sticks I want to waste the stick okay is it pink and does it grip oil up and I’ll be there what the [ __ ] do you have do you have any like stack

Of jungle long or like um Jungle call it actually I’m going to turn no but I can take them yeah turn them with the sticks oh wait we might need the planks for something yeah exactly make planks for it or anything useful like that I have space for it

Okay okay I re this one is it useful to have multiple enchanted books they all have something different it depends on what the enchantment is sometimes the enchantment what is happening in chat guys what’s that Sher one what what’s happening in chat they’re talking about is it pink and does it

Grip oil up and I’ll be there in 10 what what I don’t know do you guys need Flint I have a whole a whole like 64 stack of it Infinity that one’s useful Infinity mhm that means you only need one Arrow yeah do you do you need

Lapis yes you need to hold on to lapis if you if you found lapis okay I found lapis pass me the lapis I’ve got some space yeah okay I’m throwing it on the ground what about Redstone you have space for Redstone yeah yeah yeah you want red

Stone is Flint necessary I think we can just make our own FL right okay what about yeah wait did I throw the Redstone already spell infinity holy [ __ ] that’s useful uh gold ingot do we really need it uh yeah I have 13 yeah okay go ahead and take it going trash

This m how full is your backpack by the way all right Mr Blue this is my official warning to you please behave real I completely forg my back all right so we’ll put this in here I have I found more redst in this you know what no I’m being too

Lenient give me a second God damn it Redstone go away you’re on LSD he’s on what now he’s on a time out all right I have so much bone what the freak you guys need bone uh just hold on to the bones yeah okay I can hold the bones I’ve got a

Stack okay there’s more bones on this one too so here’s 12 Bones and no that’s it you got um hold on oh wait I check all the oh there’s another chest over here there’s a [ __ ] ton of Bones di a dozen here have some bones there’s more chests over here what the

[ __ ] um spell you want golden apples you should eat those golden apples really what do they do yeah they overcharge your health oh should I eat them all at once just one at a time oh okay oh yeah I see gave me two more Hearts what if I eat another

One we give me two more Hearts no just one no oh okay what about the enchanted golden apple same thing okay it allows slingshot projectiles to ignore gravity wow oh oh my God I have no freaking wait I forgot I have to check my backpack I forgot about my backpack wait uh

Backpack was B oh yeah oh my God I have so much [ __ ] in here I completely forgot going to put all the apples in here I’m going to put this bone meal in there I’m going to put this in here uh I’m going to put this side

Far oh this is the stuff that sticks out of the backpack right holy [ __ ] so much crap and I’ll take this and this you guys still need Redstone there’s more Redstone in here good remember all the boxes are instantiated so you should always like take everything out yeah but don’t not SP more

Mhm these buff arrows so much stuff there’s 20 people in here what the heck hi everyone Hi my well we’re playing Minecraft do you like Minecraft y’all know what Minecraft Is yeah Minecraft is this new game that no one’s ever heard of it’s new to me I’ve only played because my friend recommended it to me and we played vanilla for a while and I’ve never played a mod pack before Oh my God it’s so much fun

Dude there’s like a whole skeleton do you see that look at the corner wait I don’t know press M press M you can see where I am if you press M uh and then zoom in what what is it look oh zoom in you see me right I don’t

Know which one’s you oh is it white my face oh your face is here yeah press m yeah I’m looking and then zoom in I’m zooming in I’m zoomed in yeah I only see the arrow of me your face is are you sure it’s not the white dots

Is that you guys oh I think you have to enable the which one is it how do you get that uh player menu maybe zoom out out and then look for what looks like a Yuki and then what looks like a zombie no I think she has to turn on the map

Icons oh um press the the little creeper icon on set mini map and any radar not you see it radar is display not rendering players I think I have to type your name trct player menu I didn’t anything uh click rendering players hold on let me just remote and yours

Okay oh yeah she had what I was having earlier okay so yeah it’s these white dots are us but I don’t know how is it a mod we all have the same mod oh wa didn’t have to install anything new nope oh oh go I see a [ __ ] ton of skeletons

Gathered up in a certain yeah that’s what I was getting at that’s what I was talking to you about I thought you were saying that the map was forming the shape of a skeleton and that it was like super or something I having a party down there um

Well I’m not sure what it is we’ll have to address it later let me make sure I’ve grabbed everything I got everything there okay anyway follow me we’re going to take out those skeletons I haven’t taken everything out I didn’t have space but now I have

Space Oh shoot I didn’t even look at this box W just get ready I guess I can hear the skeleton yeah there’s a [ __ ] ton of them uhoh my God there’s so many chests what the heck uh this one has fire oh my God to make space [ __ ]

Wait so do I shoot someone to apply a buff on them yes but it still hurts them you call that a buff you just lit me on fire oh my God that’s super effective I’m a plant a cactus man yeah that was a cactus man oh wait um I

Think that was the wrong one hold on there’s a bow my I haven’t seen this one either that’s flame that’s Unbreaking does anyone have space for gold Unbreaking I have space for gold okay can you come here here we go take some gold there you go M you’re buffed

Right no um I don’t know you do you I don’t have space for literally anything else do you want an enchanted bul with knockback too no knockback isn’t that great if anything it’s more of a detriment yeah really okay what about bow with infinity infinity is good Infinity is

Good do you want to grab it I have space sure um there’s also an arrow of poison do you want it uh sure I don’t have space and there’s oh and here’s another arrow of poison yep um do you have space for bone meal wait no I’m full on bone

Meal oh wait no I have space I have space Wait no I don’t have any more space I already have a whole stack so we don’t need anym okay okay I’ll take the iron do you do you have space for iron yes bars the iron I’m throwing it in the ground okay okay let me check the other boxes

Cuz I think some boxes I didn’t grab everything girl let’s hit the road wait just look for all the gold boxes yeah cuz I ignored certain it cuz I wasn’t sure to grab him or not yeah you have to grab everything yep bro who the [ __ ] are all of you what the

[ __ ] hi everyone there’s just like 18 people hanging out in here on Twitch wow going and five on YouTube Hello um Can someone grab this iron I’m downstairs I got it nice oh what the [ __ ] I didn’t realize these were chests what you didn’t grab them yeah

I’m grabbing them now okay smites there a bunch of [ __ ] I dropped and made this here I’m going to pick up all this stuff cuz I don’t have room for this but I’m throwing them on the floor maybe you have room for it let me

See I to stand there and see if can grabs any oh freck I can’t grab any oh these are arrows man I like a separate pocket just for arrows can’t grab them let me check on this side I gra everything on This okay I think I’m good now yeah do you see the geod to the um East G what’s that if you press M and then look at the map there’s a purple spot yeah is that the amethyst cave that is an amethyst geode oh yeah you there it’s

Worth it all amethyst we’re full dude we need to think about finding Bassel and getting back to overwhelm I think we should have found kept some Bassel on us yeah can I have advice on which enchanted books I should keep or throw out okay I’m going to tell

You the ones I have I have Sunfire one is that good or trash I actually don’t know about Sunfire what about Thorns 3 Thorns it’s okay Smite three um yeah you can get rid of that oh yeah you’re getting rid of it uh Smite all smites are bad then

Smite five is the only good one this one’s four okay I’m dumping it Smite three I’m dping it so much for three is acrobat 3 good what what does it say what does it do um reduces the cool down time between your rolls uh trash okay

Trash and fire aspect one uh I don’t know causes additional fire damage when used to attack a mob oh we can there’s an anvil right here if you want yall want to like literally use some of this oh is that how it works I mean I don’t know do you

Have a diamond pickaxe you have diamond right yeah I have a diamond pickaxe um I have vein I picked up a vein mining book what nice yes I did so would you like me enchant your diamond pickaxe yeah here I’m going to do I’m put like my sword with

Fire do we want to silk touch it I don’t think so cuz then we won’t be able to mine anything with it I don’t I mean we could mine stuff but we can’t get ore if you know what I mean oh yeah that’s annoying um yeah that’s an let’s just make a new

Pickaxe luckily we encounter diamonds you know so yes let me check if I have Fortune as well well toss out this oh stream’s buffering a oh it’s working for me sorry Minecraft we don’t need this uh that’s a memory this capacity one good I don’t know

No I don’t understand what it says I’ll just I’ll just keep it just in case torch leather reer this here A very shiny nose and if you ever saw it what even say it like a light bulb why what like a light bulb how do you

How does how does this this thing work I’ve never tried it does the does the book have to be the second item okay and then I’ll make a pickaxe or do you want me to give you the book and you can just make yourself sure I have experience yeah there you

Go man you picked up a rare one the fck what how do you how do you use the book does it have to be the second it you combine it with a um it’s not doing anything do I have to name it you combine it with a item on the uh

Anvil yeah I’m using the Anvil but like what do I do put the sword first and then the book yes but it has it has to be a relevant enchant oh is that why can’t just you can’t you can’t just put anything on it okay it also can’t conflict with the

Mods that are on there yeah oh this one worked oh what is it fire aspect one oh um someone had a Smite book right yeah there’s a over there Smite five yeah do you need Smite five um I mean might as well because we’re we got a [ __ ] ton of

Zombies I’m going to put something on this side take that and then do I have to keep these shafts no you can talk you can trash it man you really really shafted me there God all right all right here you are oh I forgot I had a bunch of other books

Here holy [ __ ] um oh [ __ ] I could have just made a diamonds whatever that’s okay yeah it’s a it is a throw away enchant anyway all right M let’s go let me oh [ __ ] this is I have the stamp to upgrade my backpack right now so should we pick up one of these

Smithing tables and take with us hold on let me [ __ ] do this right now hold on don’t take it yet I’ll take the other one uh you can upgrade some something with [ __ ] in it right probably probably okay um this one has my stamp on it take my red nose and then um

This and then the backpack right oh wait no that’s not how it works I’ve created space Oh damn it okay I think I think I I think I’m satisfied okay I have to oh damn it anyone have one Diamond no I don’t have any diamonds I

Have I have yeah if you can yep singular di thank you Diamond upgrade and then we’re going to upgrade this I’m want to try to like enchant this other sword I have see what happens Diamond to your backpack nice I need my backpack I have all this in

Here oh man I feel like that barely increases the storage app in here oh wait no here okay put my boat in the oh wait that actually helped a lot what the [ __ ] oh did you have more um blank upgrade templates yeah I did do you have

One or uh do you want one I don’t have any I uh I would love some I can at least go to Gold okay I have yeah I think Mah you already upgraded to gold right uh upgraded what to Gold your inventory how well I mean um here never

Mind we’ll go over it later I don’t think uh this one this there it is okay took me a moment SM should so here we go how do I un my backpack by the way um you press B and then you click on the the Minecraft Steve on the bottom left

You got it yep thank you and then you need the leather on the left side I incidentally had a leather I don’t have anymore oh Michel do you have a leather no okay ooh fire damage on what on a sword oh nice okay I’m going

To do my hammer let me see what I can do to my hammer hold on do I have to upgrade it from Iron to gold or can I just go straight to Gold you have to do it um in sequential order okay so I have to go iron and then gold mhm

Oh I don’t have leather yep I only had one incidentally on me that’s fine okay Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft oh this going fly we find something that drops leather later okay are we ready hold on this oh it doesn’t apply either I guess Hammer Can’t Be Enchanted the hammer is a mining tool

You can’t put Smite on that it’s also what about axes neither axes axes you should be able to yeah uh where’s this Smite for oh it worked nice all right just trying to make space I’m going to put the everything else back in my Backpack actually I think there might be B salt or some other stuff with the amethyst geode okay I could be wrong though I couldn’t have check it out yeah I want to wipe out those skeletons they kind of despawned what what we took too long okay damn I Was preparing myself for Battle I do hear a skeleton though no that was me oh okay out of the way I need light I can’t see I only have like four more torches I have eight I have 64 here what you took all the Torches Tor right there hold where are you okay I got him

Okay wait where are you guys we’re advancing uh we made a hole over here M oh there you are give me Tories T to stack with you yay this is deep sleigh make sure you’re putting one like every when it gets dark that way um R Knight what the

[ __ ] oo I want to take this out Minecraft got it ready for battle ready to M okay and this durability he wearing like crazy yeah we might as well just mine a straight line no distractions wow oh Rite that more runite yeah um you want to mine it so that I don’t have

To okay oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we’re going to I think we a full set of armor yeah let’s go we should put M it it’s blue she’s blue oh yeah oh [ __ ] this one’s a good vein yeah we need Unbreaking with this this is um this is a bad one to waste

I’m going to I’m going to save it now just consider it un done for now because I’m going to combine it with a pickaxe later do you want to pick up thank you do you want more hammers do you have space for hammers I got a hammer go hammer with

Me I’ll me the torch just um the one the the block right directly in front of me oh we missed it take it right hold on right here get ready weapons ready deep s gold oh oh [ __ ] oh it’s calite this is mostly good oh this is

Cute look at this it makes pretty sound pretty sound wow oh is this gold he has in M this gold there got it I mean I don’t have room oh we’re looking for a way out oh bass right here oh are you getting it wait I don’t have a pickaxe wait I

Forgot about the hammer I’m stupid I just saw it where’ it go you got it over here I see it okay oh there’s more okay I got I got the gold this is our ticket out so we need to get all the vassel how much do I need we

Need I only remember how to make it so just I’ll just get all of it and we’ll start from there I’ve got 10 that should be enough for a p no that’s not that’s not let me that’s not how it works you have to process it there’s more more grab all that

Vessel this one too that one too on the floor hi M oh I found more gold yep oh there’s ink here ow is this bir night oh it’s the green stuff okay more Bassel right here pick up you’re you’re looting all of it right yeah okay there Gallum

Wow there’s a I think vassel right here right here yep I’ve got 45 B okay um so it’s easy to mess up the recipe because it shares a recipe so I’ll just give it to you then and you can do yeah give it to me yeah sure I’ll give it to you um

Okay okay let’s so over here you have space yeah I don’t know if it fell in someone’s inventory oh what are you looking for Vass oh I got it 47 okay there it is okay okay that’s enough all right where do we want to exit or do we want to mine

The [ __ ] out of this um I would like to put like like put all our all our stuff like bring it back to the real world and then we can come back in M more starting from here or do you want a different stopping place um what what do you recommend like

What idea do you have um well if you have no ideas get to and then if you have no idea you feeling it now Mr Krabs yes I am um if you have no ideas then I propose we stay here it just makes it easier that way we can keep digging

We’ll set up a portal right here all right yeah all right and then oh [ __ ] there’s so much ore someone yall loot this okay I’m going to I’m going to set up the portal here oh what do you want the the the blue green things yeah I mean

The thec that let me me empty cuz I have a bunch of useless [ __ ] in here I can pick up the zinc I’ve got a stack okay it’s not letting me pick it up TR to dump the oh you already got I got it do you need a bucket of

Water why would I need that uh I don’t know do you have to light this how does this work whoops that’s not it hold on think that’s the wrong bricks how does this work again resource World polished bass salt wait how do you make polished bass salt this this it smooth bastel

Right any validation hello um let me see what was it smooth B wait the yeah these right the ones you just stacked are smooth smooth that’s all bricks that’s different from yeah that’s different oh uh maybe we have to smelt it that might help let me check polished vassel you get polished

Vassel from are you feeling I just saw hold on no I can’t smelt it yeah we can’t so let me we’re at smooth Bessel Sal so let’s see if we can work around with that mooth pass out bricks oh it turns out they’re still useful so we’ll hang on to this for the

Other craft that’s used for but that doesn’t help us Escape NOP I wonder nope all right um onward we’re stuck oh let’s keep going by the way do you do any of you need arrows no okay okay so wondering all right hi K me let’s Um let’s go ahead and make more Hammer so that’s dead where’s my sticks oh yeah and I keep hearing a bat getting burnt to death yep a bat problem let kill a shoe okay shoe for the back onward we go there is no Bassel probably find it real soon we’re at Deep slate

So I need lights oh yes I was still organizing your points were redeemed properly Cody me no worries I saw the redeem so okay next thing you know will be a better Rock these are all like oh we’re in Bedrock we are at Bedrock what straight forward I guess right you

Can’t mind your Bedrock so we got to go up exactly so oh okay how’s your stream Mah it was fun you were playing um Sam right poemon yeah it’s basically just Pokemon yep but they don’t have the same names obviously yeah just um taking advantage of the

Same formula yep I mean Pokemon copies off itself anyway oh man where are we going anywhere all right we’ll go straight until you find the right bass all right yep I guess we’ll go slightly up is bass sounds really deep or I I’m pretty sure it sounds

Higher oh don’t quote me on that what about you chat come on any guides in chat where do we find bath salt if they have the be show them how that is no just regular B will be should be that’s that’s not in Minecraft it is vel’s in Minecraft oh but the portal

Is not it’s not known but the material which where it’s found the elevation that’s normal okay okay let’s do more hammer everybody’s lurking feeling shy I just want to chill watching us M what’s this it’s so green hold on I’ll make space I’m trying to make

Space oh you got it yeah it’s a I someone’s Hammer it’s a feel for like a drill it’s junk you can toss it it probably has no durability a I might as well use it until the end it doesn’t work it’s not working anymore yeah when it has not enough

Yeah it does oh okay use it until it dies I guess wasn’t working for me what was it the hammer I gave you mAh um it’s just one that I randomly picked up water water we W thirst death there’s Diamond over here in the water Oh um well let’s look for air uhoh yeah I don’t want to die yeah I’m running out of air come back I’ll hammer away at the ceiling oh God this is hard keep bouncing I got it the diamond no I can get to it okay there’s a

Door there’s a door oh no it doesn’t do the door thing a door oh the door used to make air pockets yeah I guess it doesn’t oh is that Emerald Oh that’s orcom oh really holy [ __ ] behind you that’s really good yeah let me withraw some of this that is

Trash Oh we need um diamond pickaxe otherwise it’ll explode don’t you have diamond yeah I do give me a second oh that found oh [ __ ] that’s careful guys oh there’s a there’s a gra graphite wait no what this thing that crushes you like gravel gravel nice got nine from that that’s

Good I found there here let me mine this with my fortune I didn’t realize I had this it popped up behind you yep yeah it’s behind there’s oh that’s zinc God damn it in the yes Aries okay it’s [ __ ] water dude wow oh diamonds more diamonds I got it wow oh it’s the

Vein oh okay this water is annoying as [ __ ] okay up we go la is LLY lights please oh my god I think I’m addicted to Minecraft you think no I can grab some lapis do we need lapis if you have space right now we’re just trying to escape yeah I can make

Space okay I grabbed it I can’t see sorry I’m coming I want to grab the other lapis there a cavern o there’s um there’s enemies in here okay let’s be ready I heard I think there’s a m sha there’s a mine shaft well take it let’s go to it lead the

Way I don’t actually nowhere okay lights lights come on I’m lighting over as much things as I can you got to put it down there’s gold here we don’t care Oh not anymore we’re just trying to get the [ __ ] out of here okay uh if we turn the other way that’s

Where the M shaft is okay more gold I think it’s dig this way well this way yep straight straight okay well Hammer Hammer here what is that noise oh [ __ ] I don’t have any more torches this my last torch okay well you’re just going to hold it then

Okay I think I have I have to throw this away okay what was that noise I don’t know it was spooky I didn’t hear it some echoing metal hitting sound oh God diamonds diamonds okay chill I got my pickaxe you what me de yeah it it does it like uh Fortune so

Oh what does that make it deal um there’s a high chance for duplicate oh okay Dam it is this morite oh that’s like fuel for like a drill a drill yeah looks like there’s another amethyst vein over there in the corner dungeon you see it uh at this elevation on the uh

Southeast we’re going to go there wait no we need to focus on M shaft oh it’s a m shaft okay yeah not dungeons M shaft okay we’re we need to focus on getting the [ __ ] out of here anyway if you see Bassel say something yeah I don’t know what it

Looks like it looks gray but just you will identify it by my housing over it and looking at the top middle oh you see where it says stone or whatever yeah yeah so I have a whole stack of lapis so we don’t need anymore what the [ __ ] is that marble what I heard Like well I did hear word too one time yeah okay anyway I’m making another Hammer oh I have one of those too your eyes are awfully right now they what your eyes are very orange M oh thank you I was born with it maybe it’s Maybelline oh my God you are very

Green yes I know okay onward it’s all the sunlight I got yeah you’re sort of a vtuber yourself right PNG tuber I am a vtuber oh PNG I’m actually working on my 3D model right now oh what are you going to use blender you’re going full blender

Yeah I mean if you’ve seen my channel I am a cute chubby teddy bear like Cactus and it’s only fair that I make myself out of like seven different circles oh Platinum more is this good uh yeah yes then I’ll make space cuz I have much useless [ __ ] in my inventory anyway

We’re getting close I got space okay I Pi I picked up uh raw platinum right did you pick up M yeah oh there’s another one okay I’ll give it to you then cuz I’d rather pick up the marble okay okay we’ll focus on no it just looks pretty we’ll focus

On getting the [ __ ] out of here because we don’t uh cuz the M shaft is like if we take a right we’ll get there but it’s it definitely is on the bottom of the priority list okay found the cave more Platinum zombies want to pop it oh creeper y I’ll get it creeper

Uhoh I don’t have a weapon out um I’m the torch person okay done wow that’s a big story oh I heard the noise okay oh gold let’s keep going up I don’t care ow just just I’ll bloody block just just go okay this is precarious holy [ __ ] yeah I

Almost fell well we’re going to go up from here okay I Coy T how are You oh [ __ ] I wonder if this is how it feels when people who are cave divers they get trapped and they’re like [ __ ] bro this C’s too large I don’t remember what we came from yeah they’re stuck there for days [ __ ] we’re just zigzagging trying to go

Up we went so deep what the [ __ ] is this silver we went crazy what’s silver good for I’ve never seen Silver you want pick it up I can pick it up yeah pick it up that’s valuable we’ve never had that I got it I have a stack one already

Oh silver do you want the yeah you have full stack no I have part of a stack going oh and I I have more grab this thank you Maganese pick this up pick it up yeah silver ore pick it up wait do someone already pick up the pink yes I did okay let’s go directly in the way of the sound what sound mystery sounds [ __ ] me so much [ __ ] marble don’t lose your marbles die right oh this oh don’t get

Crushed okay I have this where’s my other W we’re really close to a sha uh no to getting back up top oh now the only problem is we’ll have to try and find where the portal is again it’s okay once one problem at a time Bangalore bang boom oh it works without

Exploding want me to pick it up yeah please do okay I picked up two ra ra it’s cuz we used a hammer and it oh God damn it okay making another Hammer it’s cuz we used a hammer it didn’t actually blow up oh so that’s a difference yeah bangam more explodes yeah hold on Expos with a pickaxe yeah cling up the Earth theedom [ __ ] out of here Freedom oh we were right next to the lake o that’s why the water wow wow

Rush I can see um The Village that has the thing oh yeah where we yeah let’s head back there if you zoom out press M and zoom out you can see the village where has the portal so we won’t have to worry about finding bass Sal oh

Oh it’s behind us right yeah so let’s just make a bolt I have a bolt put it down we need two bolets though okay why is my back can I ride with someone yeah I need to here it is and here and then I got a boat okay about to have a boat

Right with Micah I’ll um drive as well okay all righty let’s go let Zoom man that was a journey okay oh it’s going to stop you’re going to have to pick up your boat oh this is dead ends is it no you can put it on ice

But it goes really really fast on Ice we’ll be fine true oh God I’m going to do you want to you want to ride the the ice I’m going get it we’ll be fine frozen tundra ready if you can put it on the ice I can drive us oh there’s another

Village oh well we should uh get on the get on the boat let’s go drifting dri you want do you want to do you want to the b m come on you you’ll be fine you’ll be fine M I got it I got it okay okay let’s go let’s go I

Don’t trust myself yeah let’s go over here I see a house ohow oh I overshot it there’s a house here oh my Lord oh you trapped the zombie that’s funny might was useful it’s really killing them really fast there’s a bundle in here what’s a bundle I don’t

Know oh I see it pick up your boat Micah okay it’s over here let me get some some stuff we we found a a a a just placed it oh I can put stuff in the bundle really it doesn’t fit a lot though oh that’s useful yeah treasure chest and a

Bed might as well use this as a respawn point no don’t hold on don’t already did I could have oh what the freak oh god oh okay all right we’re good yeah Yep this bounce oh whoops I’m not even using my weapon get on boat I accidentally broke

Them let me throw [ __ ] out place the boat okay I got I got a boat both of them oh my God Place both of them please hurry I’m trying I’m trying okay boat one and then where’s the other boat right here um there we go okay ready and then boat

Number two all right get on let’s go let’s go let’s go okay we ready yeah yep okay how you put stuff in the M now why this is fast what he stop you okay I’m I’m lagging pretty bad oh it’s fine though if I lose you guys I

Know where to go though okay okay I’m directionally challenged so I I I I would be we lost what’s that that’s a polar bear Don’t Go Near it it will kill us uhoh no this is a tangerine seashell what is this a stray no fles okay never

That it was just a seashell let’s go get on right Lance where’s your boat it’s in my inventory Okay oh that’s a polar bear okay we have to head north it’s like roughly over here oh my God [ __ ] flesh okay get on are you on okay yeah you’re going to have to get on and off that thing a lot sadly it’s okay right get on yeah okay get on

Whoa zooming zoom in Zoomies Zoomies all right no get eaten by the polar bear not King yeah angry boy okay oh what the freak it sink yeah I got it they’re watching us yep let’s go trying to head north God damn it ah all right um this is annoying okay are you through

Yeah get on at least there’s light again yeah the whole internet’s lagging yeah hi Dragon trial or cage I should say my God Okay that was some Titanic L shinanigans there yeah shinanigans shinanigans what’s that it’s at the top that’s a zombie all right Hey that’s that’s Flex what’s that we can smoke that okay Let’s oh man all right get on w wow speed okay oh water time tiger we at the tiger go go go go Oh man all right we’re almost there let’s go W finally [ __ ] a all right we’re good almost there why are we sinking we’re not oh I’m I’m drowning it’s probably lag you’re still on the boat so you’re fine hello you’re underwater to me come here get in but you’re literally

Underwater I’m me I was literally drowning okay get on okay yeah the whole internet’s acting funny oh oh we’re starting to reach warmer lands yeah okay here we are the North oh those those are Raiders oh I think we live here is that an Ango it’s an Ang Glo where look it’s right there in front of you in front of the bat wa I’m get it off look here here this oh no kidding press hold

C oh wow see yeah yeah there’s a there’s a door right here hey look at that hey that’s cute oh no treasure nothing just a home yeah all right let’s go that’s cute yeah it’s adorable the B to steal I guess my neck all right oh we’re getting so close to home

Yay oh we’re going to swing right oh yeah just right up this mountain oh we get off yeah Frozen Pine Tigers a lot of tigers okay um what’s the easiest way to transverse this um uh I took a b end up at a fortress maybe it’s the one that we

Passed by oh I know where that Fortress was it is down south oh well there’s a couple of them but yeah got to dump our [ __ ] um so here let’s make a ladder I think you need just a bunch of sticks I have sticks what is this do that okay I’m maxed on

Sticks now I’m going to select a bunch of ladders 8 8 8 9 n 9 N N 27 okay M you ready yeah we’ll pick up right here not to fall okay okay we’ll do another another climb climbing right here yeah I’ll all right that’s it

Yay I dropped a ladder here oh hey can you see it can you hear me hello hey there’s a ladder right here we dropped it so over here I I see okay I see I can’t get out of the boat yeah yeah all right let’s go oh my God look at this

Giant Cliff oh wait I think I destroyed that myself I did that with the vein mining that were you IC see heights yeah the heights isn’t that a musical yeah I haven’t seen it just making oh meow you got a it’s AO cat what’s in Here o a treasure chest come here well there’s we this is the this is the gate m the way oh what oh my god there cool [ __ ] here wait a minute I need I need to collect this stuff finally made it back I know God let’s go dump our [ __ ] we’ll see you

Back Micah okay you do you know where the gate is uh yeah I think I just saw it okay byebye okay oh my God that was hell guys holy [ __ ] oh man I think I have to like reconnect no problem BR all right okay wow PLS and wooden slabs okay yeah

We did holy [ __ ] Maple God my God the chicken farm okay So Barrel here we are I don’t I didn’t realize what’s up my my great Axe has looting too mobs will drop more loot when killed oh nice I didn’t realize that I’ve been using it this whole time well that’s good then okay well I’m going to what the [ __ ] oh no what are

You trying to there it is Barrel oh a barrel yeah why do you want to make a barrel oh my God because it looks cool I here uh just to put Wall Storage oh gold Barrel iron Barrel copper Barrel okay so copper Barrel we need to make more barrels oh hello God hi

Hello oh Minecraft yeah Minecraft like was eating six G of ram it’s pretty bad I had to exit my client completely and now I have full bars of connectivity yeah if you if you reconnect disconnect and reconnect next it’s going to do bad for the round oh my God

Ah does everyone have a bed with them uh there’s a bed in the houses there’s two beds here I’m going to I’m going to sleep on one there’s a second one next to me I’m joining you find your own bed I’ll sleep outside there you are all right ready okay

Okay are these chickens even dying I have no idea what they’re doing oh I think they have should we um store stuff on either mic’s island or May’s place oh yeah yeah we should definitely do that yeah there’s some weird items here Arcane Rune are you going to take these with

You uh sure you can yeah actually I’m going to make some torches Oh wait I need more wood for this W oh wait I got sticks though did I make Barrel I wish I can click the barrel multiple times why does it seem like it’s so hard to oh wait you just hold control oh my God if you hold control it’ll make it out of all the stuff in your inventory okay now I understand oh really yeah I

Always I remember someone told me but I couldn’t remember the next time I was going to try it okay copper I will be at the base copper copper copper I accidentally R out here pure accident oh my God h h h h [ __ ] man where’s the

Gold oh I got a bunch of gold bars yeah give me give me thank you I was making the gold barrels okay oh yeah that’s a lot of storage okay goodbye books just going to start brush take all the weapons all the equip all the ores

Do you have any leather on you uh I do not but you should be able to find one in the other chest failing that you can go to that portal and kill some cows that’s true yeah I give I’m going to put a lot of your [ __ ] in here so oh

My God you’re already full here over here M I set up some chests they’re bigger than yours wait what no not this one the gold ones oh you see it they’re gold plated oh you see they’re huge yeah stand up here it’s easier to access wait I think I actually

Wait let me I left one of them in the other chest okay one was it I was this one yeah it was this one I guess I’ll smell some Rune multi-disciplines oh my God I guess we’re playing RuneScape boys and girls you need level 65 smithing or just

SM room though um why do you remember that nerd uh because I remember grinding explicitely to get to level 99 smithing and Mining Jesus dude oh M come over here come over here come over here wait wait wait let me dump all the bows this is super fun [ __ ] ton of bows

Okay oh there you are was that this button it’s a button Le open and close you got a empty hand hit the button oh empty hand [ __ ] I don’t have any empty hand here punch the button it’s just I guess not um don’t Crouch hit the button oh

Emergency czy what does that do are they running nothing it’s just silly it’s an alarm it’s the end of the world everyone hide whoa a gold chest wait I’ll put all the gold in there then I put some gold in here I’ll put the gold apples in there

We’ll put the the gold inot and gold bra okay or Calum I love or Calum what nothing all right okay what is kyber oh kyber is his own equipment not that strong it’s purple you like purple stuff kyber Claymore it looks very different yeah the Hyer Claymore looks very

Different from the long sword the Claymore iron Claymore rather it’s got some stylistic a little bit more damage oric Cal uh she said ory ory oregano okay so one two three four five that’s not going to be a lot chest plate leggings yeah that’s not a lot but I don’t know okay

Um I guess what do we want to do with run KN did you just do a flip yeah press R you yeah you just did it oh I sank myself into the water hitting R yep am I flipping just up wait do it do it I want to see oh my

God oh my God oh wait for everyone to see Michael you want upes okay yay sleeping on your bed though oh I’m just hitting you exuse me oh hi M have a nice view hi right here no I don’t wear underw oh wa be better of

You I think you can get off pressing shift right yeah there you no more oh whoops I did not mean to do the flip again I was going to look at my backpack oh right weren’t we trying to make a Crusher oh now it’s so can make the

Waist Stone because there’s already a was Stone at mik land yeah God we were so s attacked okay um I know how to make one electron tube and a crushing wheel what’s a crushing wheel oh [ __ ] that looks crazy mechanical crafting uh okay you needed it to the

Amethyst but we have amethyst crafter I need the brass casing now I know why I need brass oh my God brass casing okay and shaved wood brass casing no brass uh I need nether quartz I need so it’s one nether quartz and a [ __ ] ton of red sand uh one nether quartz

There it is that’ll make me a rose quartz and then someone has become harmed someone have sand uh there’s sand in the box at the very close to the portal okay I got it sand ouch and paper can you give me logs what the [ __ ] logs there’s some logs in here

Okay brass and good Lo what was I doing again sandpaper I already have sand paper so check this out uh-huh and then what the hell are you eating I’m not eating anything I’m grinding oh rose quartz a oh um did you pick up any runic tablets taets

No I don’t have ruin oh aren’t they useful oh my God you planted the evil Tre the evil plant man eating yes I did plans you got to use them as the fence put them in tablet okay um what’s happening now what am I doing again God our brain oh you’re organizing

It yay yeah um runic oh we can make like a lich blade well we need three of them though and Soul Sand okay there’s a lot of potential weapons we can make we just need to get to the end game okay there’s no rush Uh something’s throwing a trident

At me it’s from the sea from the water yeah I wouldn’t worry about it l what was I doing mechanical crafter electron tube Iron Sheet okay Iron Sheet there we are canical crafter brass casing crafting table electron tube brass casing electron 2 crafting table okay wait there we are just steampunked that tree

Yeah I just made a tree steampunk wow right clicking it and then adding brass to it there it is it changes color yeah I got it all right and then wait so someone else pick it up no I got it uh Cal Crafter we got it hold W to ponder Ponder

Yeah what the [ __ ] okay so uses a gear now it’s up to me to find out how to utilize it gears we’re back in it uh gear Gear okay okay now this thing requires that kind of gear okay interesting okay now we’ll get this wrench and then

What does this do it only rotates it so we will in the way um grab this Gear okay what slow down oh high stress um Then so that’s too much power so let’s do it down slowed it down no okay let’s think about this if I want to slow it down I have to attach it to this oh wait no that makes it faster sure it’s the opposite way okay um that’s not going to make a

Difference it has to be a big gear turning a small gear or nor no small gear turning a big gear right and then that’s attached to a small gear small gear dude go to bed oh are you talking to me uh gear uh innocent alloy and then um this

Nice then we can attach this to SM here 3:00 a.m. refuse to sleep even though you have work I have work too I have to bring my DVD player okay we’ll be good put this on top of my phone that’s a weird request but apparently we have architectural

Data that they want to retrieve from a CD and apparently um nobody has a a DVD drive cool except me um what am I doing small gear there we go has to be slower okay so the alternative is to make it with two planks uh I need more wood wood

Wood oh my God I’m making myself laugh um that and then one of these yo where my sticks at there we are okay we’re bringing it down speed and now we’re bringing it Down Speed over stress add more sources or slow down the components with a high stress impact where’s

That maybe we should work on this on the other side right cuz I’m trying to wait no we want everything nearby though oh [ __ ] me Um high stress impacts h oh that’s where it’s happening and then [ __ ] what add more sources or okay you know what water wheel um how do you make one again I think I remember it was this what PL around it okay how about B GE little gear no what was it water

Wheel shaft with okay and then once more look how pretty these are it’s so pretty you’re pretty thank you okay look see we’re doing it water maybe that’s enough hold on and then uh more water oh cute the thing stopped yeah you got to pour

Water on it I think oh my God you tripled it oh you did it yeah it just needed Force okay try to restrict the flow a little bit okay the [ __ ] is a mechanical crafter for wait how does this work huh okay oh my God my brain can’t take this what is

Happening what matter it’s we have to how do you make a mechanical crafter I’m trying to make a crushing wheel but is not easy I can’t make sense of sense of it mechanical ruler what the [ __ ] you can make a train oh my God engineering if you watch my stream

You’ll see what I mean oh God wait there’s a drill okay um mythro drill mythro pickaxe mythro where the [ __ ] you get mythal oh man okay let’s try this again like what the [ __ ] is a mechanical crafter I can’t interact with it help sleep helps time go down bypasser

What they’re telling me to sleep chat’s telling me to sleep qu back seaing chat back seeding my life uh wait I don’t understand I probably really sleep yeah no problem yeah we only to sleep right now but like this doesn’t make any sense see you guys next time yeah I’ll see you night

Byebye hold on I think what is happening okay mechanical crafting good night succul Lance I think I understand I have to make 21 of these and then put them all together what the hell is that wait All you ceas oh you can’t reach huh okay so we mean we need to make a bunch of mechanical Crafters which means I’m far from done so what’s 27 ID 3 9 right no 21 21 by 3 is 7 7 of these things uh I made three already so one

One wait I can just do this R quarts nice s uh six seven right okay now I stand favor brother you’re right in the way uh where my sandpaper at oh you know what it’s probably in my other hand oh man um I have sand I need paper girl’s sand

Yeah girl’s going to get some paper then your girls can combine sand and paper look at that sandpaper Jesus a cat’s tongue all right then we did it okay now um now we have six rose quartz we need six orange okay so I’m going dump these Gallum inot there I only need six

More one two wait no it’s four five six and of course we shall dump them here that’s awesome that’s annoying there it is give me those vacuum tubes four five six okay what’s the other thing I needed uh why am I still awake what do you mean it’s only to th

20 I’m trying to I’m trying to catch um to be honest I’m trying to catch um unise Kudo feature but yeah I mean she’s gonna have something yeah yeah and kudo’s G to pop on so it’s a very special one she gave a sneak peek so I’m really excited to see

It well besides that um we need an axe to then chop off this Thing nice all right we shall make this gun we can have go CF oh I need lots of crafting tables what the heck there we go one crafting your brain’s dead too yeah two three four choo Choo all right one one two okay that’s the amount that I need how do you cocoa beans one two three there we go 20 21 I made 21 okay and now let’s okay mhm okay I understand holy [ __ ] this is crazy all right um uh okay crushing

Wheel um it’s a that’s it’s a sera healing grid okay

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] uggggg im addicted’, was uploaded by Ayuki Akiba / アキバ・鮎χ on 2023-12-29 08:52:45. It has garnered 38 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:01 or 18661 seconds.

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Music: InVerSe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFaxBGG_dUWokH135yTtZuQ) Rigger: https://twitter.com/RamuneLive Illustrator: https://twitter.com/_tanyan__

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    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► https://www.twitch.tv/thestorypainter 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JoshoChannel 📹 VODS ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHkJpz_cgLtj5I9lvsAtWKw 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► https://discord.gg/thestorypainter ⏰ TIKTOK ► https://www.tiktok.com/@thestorypainter?lang=en 🐦TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/TheStoryPainter… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

    Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SURVIVAL :- Building A Best Morden Castle 😱🤩 With Tutorial .#1 ||’, was uploaded by Khyat Caper on 2024-04-08 17:22:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello My Lovely Brothers And Respected Sisters And All Of My Viewers . This Is FlashK here. I Created This Channel For … Read More

  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

    Join Matt's EPIC new Minecraft world now!Video Information This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-28 00:13:10. It has garnered 212 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:27:00 or 23220 seconds. HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version ) My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join! For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the… Read More

  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

    INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Hide and Seek with Mini Devil Fruit in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-02-29 12:00:47. It has garnered 225274 views and 5447 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:59 or 1859 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

    Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - Don't Miss Out! 🤫Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #technogamerz #minecraftpe #funny #ytshorts #shortvideo #funnyshorts’, was uploaded by Kanha Agarwal Gaming on 2024-02-19 13:53:01. It has garnered 8304 views and 427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More


    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More